import {createModal, Modal} from "tc-shared/ui/elements/Modal"; import {tra} from "tc-shared/i18n/localize"; import {Registry} from "tc-shared/events"; import {modal_settings, SettingProfileEvents} from "tc-shared/ui/modal/ModalSettings"; import {spawnYesNo} from "tc-shared/ui/modal/ModalYesNo"; import {initialize_audio_microphone_controller, MicrophoneSettingsEvents} from "tc-shared/ui/modal/settings/Microphone"; import {MicrophoneSettings} from "tc-shared/ui/modal/settings/MicrophoneRenderer"; import * as React from "react"; import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom"; export interface EventModalNewcomer { "show_step": { "step": "welcome" | "microphone" | "identity" | "finish" }, "exit_guide": { ask_yesno: boolean }, "modal-shown": {}, "action-next-help": {}, "step-status": { allowNextStep: boolean, allowPreviousStep: boolean } } const next_step: { [key: string]: string } = { "welcome": "microphone", //"microphone": app.is_web() ? "identity" : "speaker", /* speaker setup only for the native client! */ "microphone": "identity", "speaker": "identity", "identity": "finish" }; const last_step: { [key: string]: string } = (() => { const result = {}; for (const key of Object.keys(next_step)) if (!result[next_step[key]]) result[next_step[key]] = key; return result; })(); export function openModalNewcomer(): Modal { let modal = createModal({ header: tra("Welcome to the {}", __build.version === "web" ? "TeaSpeak - Web client" : "TeaSpeak - Client"), body: () => $("#tmpl_newcomer").renderTag({ is_web: __build.version === "web" }).children(), footer: null, width: "", closeable: false }); const event_registry = new Registry(); event_registry.enableDebug("newcomer"); modal.htmlTag.find(".modal-body").addClass("modal-newcomer"); initializeBasicFunctionality(modal.htmlTag, event_registry); initializeStepWelcome(modal.htmlTag.find(".container-body .step.step-welcome"), event_registry); initializeStepIdentity(modal.htmlTag.find(".container-body .step.step-identity"), event_registry); initializeStepMicrophone(modal.htmlTag.find(".container-body .step.step-microphone"), event_registry, modal); initializeStepFinish(modal.htmlTag.find(".container-body .step.step-finish"), event_registry); event_registry.on("exit_guide", event => { if (event.ask_yesno) { spawnYesNo(tr("Are you sure?"), tr("Do you really want to skip the basic setup guide?"), result => { if (result)"exit_guide", {ask_yesno: false}); }); } else { modal.close(); } });"show_step", {step: "welcome"});; event_registry.fire_react("modal-shown"); return modal; } function initializeBasicFunctionality(tag: JQuery, event_registry: Registry) { const container_header = tag.find(".container-header"); const tag_body = tag.find(".container-body .body"); /* step navigation */ event_registry.on("show_step", event => { tag_body.find(".step").addClass("hidden"); container_header.find(".step").addClass("hidden"); tag_body.find(".step.step-" + event.step).removeClass("hidden"); container_header.find(".step.step-" + event.step).removeClass("hidden"); }); /* button controller */ { const buttons = tag.find(".buttons"); const button_last_step = buttons.find(".button-last-step"); const button_next_step = buttons.find(".button-next-step"); let allowNextStep = true; button_last_step.on('click', () => { if (last_step[current_step])"show_step", {step: last_step[current_step] as any}); else"exit_guide", {ask_yesno: true}); }); let current_step; button_next_step.on('click', event => { if (!allowNextStep) {"action-next-help"); return; } if (next_step[current_step]) {"show_step", {step: next_step[current_step] as any}); } else {"exit_guide", {ask_yesno: false}); } }); event_registry.on("show_step", event => { current_step = event.step; button_next_step.text(next_step[current_step] ? tr("Next step") : tr("Finish guide")); button_last_step.text(last_step[current_step] ? tr("Last step") : tr("Skip guide")); }); event_registry.on("show_step", () => button_next_step.prop("disabled", false)); event_registry.on("show_step", () => button_last_step.prop("disabled", true)); event_registry.on("step-status", event => allowNextStep = event.allowNextStep); event_registry.on("step-status", event => button_last_step.prop("disabled", !event.allowPreviousStep)); } } function initializeStepWelcome(tag: JQuery, event_registry: Registry) { event_registry.on("show_step", e => { if (e.step !== "welcome") return; event_registry.fire_react("step-status", {allowNextStep: true, allowPreviousStep: true}); }); } function initializeStepFinish(tag: JQuery, event_registry: Registry) { event_registry.on("show_step", e => { if (e.step !== "finish") return; event_registry.fire_react("step-status", {allowNextStep: true, allowPreviousStep: true}); }); } function initializeStepIdentity(tag: JQuery, event_registry: Registry) { const profile_events = new Registry(); profile_events.enableDebug("settings-identity"); modal_settings.initialize_identity_profiles_controller(profile_events); modal_settings.initialize_identity_profiles_view(tag, profile_events, {forum_setuppable: false}); let stepShown = false; let help_animation_done = false; const update_step_status = () => { event_registry.fire_react("step-status", { allowNextStep: help_animation_done, allowPreviousStep: help_animation_done }); }; profile_events.on("query-profile-validity-result", event => stepShown && event.status === "success" && event.valid && update_step_status()); event_registry.on("show_step", e => { stepShown = e.step === "identity"; if (!stepShown) return; update_step_status(); }); /* the help sequence */ { const container = tag.find(".container-settings-identity-profile"); const container_help_text = tag.find(".container-help-text"); const container_profile_list = tag.find(".highlight-profile-list"); const container_profile_settings = tag.find(".highlight-profile-settings"); const container_identity_settings = tag.find(".highlight-identity-settings"); let helpStep = 0; const set_help_text = text => { container_help_text.empty(); text.split("\n").forEach(e => container_help_text.append(e == "" ? $.spawn("br") : $.spawn("a").text(e))); }; event_registry.on("show_step", event => { if (helpStep > 0 || event.step !== "identity") { document.body.removeEventListener("mousedown", listenerClick); return; } document.body.addEventListener("mousedown", listenerClick); steps[helpStep++](); }); const show_initial_help = () => { const text = tr( /* @tr-ignore */ "After you've successfully set upped your microphone,\n" + "lets setup some profiles and identities!\n" + "\n" + "Connect profiles determine, how your're authenticating yourself with the server.\n" + "So basically they're your identity.\n" + "In the following I'll guid you thru the options and GUI elements.\n" + "\n" + "To continue click anywhere on the screen." ); set_help_text(text); container.addClass("help-shown"); }; const show_profile_list_help = () => { container.find(".highlighted").removeClass("highlighted"); container_profile_list.addClass("highlighted"); const update_position = () => { const font_size = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(container_help_text[0]).fontSize); const offset = container_profile_list.offset(); const abs = container.offset(); container_help_text.css({ top: -, left: ((offset.left - abs.left) + container_profile_list.outerWidth() + font_size) + "px", right: "1em", bottom: "1em" }); }; update_position();'resize').on('resize', update_position); const text = tr( /* @tr-ignore */ "You could have as many connect profiles as you want.\n" + "All created profiles will be listed here.\n" + "\n" + "To create a new profile just simply click the blue button \"Create profile\" and enter a profile name.\n" + "If you want to delete a profile you've to select that profile and click the delete button.\n" + "\n" + "By default we're using the \"default\" profile\n" + "to connect to any server. o change the default profile\n" + "just select the new profile and press the \"select as default\" button.\n" + "\n" + "To continue click anywhere on the screen." ); set_help_text(text); }; const show_profile_settings_help = () => { container.find(".highlighted").removeClass("highlighted"); container_profile_settings.addClass("highlighted"); const update_position = () => { const font_size = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(container_help_text[0]).fontSize); const container_settings_offset = container_profile_settings.offset(); const right = container_profile_settings.outerWidth() + font_size * 2; container_help_text.css({ top: - container.offset().top, left: "1em", right: right + "px", bottom: "1em" }); }; set_help_text(tr( /* @tr-ignore */ "In the upper left, you'll find the profile settings for the selected profile.\n" + "You could give each profile an individual name. You could also specify the default connect nickname here.\n" + "\n" + "The last option \"Identity Type\" determines on what your identity is based on.\n" + "TeaSpeak has two possibilities to identify yourself:\n" + "1. Identify yourself by your TeaSpeak forum account\n" + "2. Identify by an own generated cryptographic identity\n" + "The second methods is also known as a TeamSpeak 3 identity.\n" + "\n" + "To continue click anywhere on the screen." )); update_position();'resize').on('resize', update_position); }; const show_identity_settings_help = () => { container.find(".highlighted").removeClass("highlighted"); container_identity_settings.addClass("highlighted"); const update_position = () => { const font_size = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(container_help_text[0]).fontSize); const container_identity_offset = container_identity_settings.offset(); const right = container_profile_settings.outerWidth() + font_size * 2; container_help_text.css({ top: - container.offset().top, left: "1em", right: right + "px", bottom: "1em" }); }; set_help_text(tr( /* @tr-ignore */ "When selecting an identify type, some corresponding will pop up in the highlighted area.\n" + "\n" + "But don't worry, we've already generated\n" + "a cryptographic identity for you!\n" + "So you don't have to change anything before you start." )); update_position();'resize').on('resize', update_position); }; const hide_help = () => { container.find(".highlighted").removeClass("highlighted"); container.addClass("hide-help"); setTimeout(() => container.removeClass("help-shown"), 1000);'resize'); help_animation_done = true; }; const steps = [ show_initial_help, show_profile_list_help, show_profile_settings_help, show_identity_settings_help, hide_help ]; const listenerClick = () =>"action-next-help"); event_registry.on("action-next-help", () => { if (!stepShown) { return; } const fn = steps[helpStep++]; if (typeof fn === "function") { fn(); } update_step_status(); document.body.addEventListener("mousedown", listenerClick); }); } } function initializeStepMicrophone(tag: JQuery, event_registry: Registry, modal: Modal) { let helpStep = 0; let stepShown = false; const settingEvents = new Registry(); settingEvents.on("query_help", () => settingEvents.fire_react("notify_highlight", {field: helpStep <= 2 ? ("hs-" + helpStep) as any : undefined})); settingEvents.on("action_help_click", () => { if (!stepShown) { return; } helpStep++;"query_help"); event_registry.fire_react("step-status", {allowNextStep: helpStep > 2, allowPreviousStep: helpStep > 2}) }); event_registry.on("action-next-help", () =>"action_help_click")); initialize_audio_microphone_controller(settingEvents); ReactDOM.render(, tag[0]); modal.close_listener.push(() => {"notify_destroy"); ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(tag[0]); }); event_registry.on("show_step", event => { stepShown = event.step === "microphone"; if (!stepShown) { return; } event_registry.fire_react("step-status", {allowNextStep: helpStep > 2, allowPreviousStep: helpStep > 2}); }); }