enum LogCategory { CHANNEL, CHANNEL_PROPERTIES, /* separating channel and channel properties because on channel init logging is a big bottleneck */ CLIENT, SERVER, PERMISSIONS, GENERAL, NETWORKING, VOICE, I18N } namespace log { export enum LogType { TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR } let category_mapping = new Map([ [LogCategory.CHANNEL, "Channel "], [LogCategory.CLIENT, "Channel "], [LogCategory.CHANNEL_PROPERTIES, "Client "], [LogCategory.SERVER, "Server "], [LogCategory.PERMISSIONS, "Permission "], [LogCategory.GENERAL, "General "], [LogCategory.NETWORKING, "Network "], [LogCategory.VOICE, "Voice "], [LogCategory.I18N, "I18N "] ]); export let enabled_mapping = new Map([ [LogCategory.CHANNEL, true], [LogCategory.CHANNEL_PROPERTIES, false], [LogCategory.CLIENT, true], [LogCategory.SERVER, true], [LogCategory.PERMISSIONS, true], [LogCategory.GENERAL, true], [LogCategory.NETWORKING, true], [LogCategory.VOICE, true], [LogCategory.I18N, true] ]); loader.register_task(loader.Stage.LOADED, { name: "log enabled initialisation", function: async () => initialize(), priority: 10 }); //Example: ?log.i18n.enabled=0 export function initialize() { for(const category of Object.keys(LogCategory).map(e => parseInt(e))) { if(isNaN(category)) continue; const category_name = LogCategory[category]; enabled_mapping[category] = settings.static_global("log." + category_name.toLowerCase() + ".enabled", enabled_mapping.get(category)); } } function logDirect(type: LogType, message: string, ...optionalParams: any[]) { switch (type) { case LogType.TRACE: case LogType.DEBUG: console.debug(message, ...optionalParams); break; case LogType.INFO: console.log(message, ...optionalParams); break; case LogType.WARNING: console.warn(message, ...optionalParams); break; case LogType.ERROR: console.error(message, ...optionalParams); break; } //console.log("This is %cMy stylish message", "color: yellow; font-style: italic; background-color: blue;padding: 2px"); } export function log(type: LogType, category: LogCategory, message: string, ...optionalParams: any[]) { if(!enabled_mapping[category]) return; optionalParams.unshift(category_mapping.get(category)); message = "[%s] " + message; logDirect(type, message, ...optionalParams); } export function trace(category: LogCategory, message: string, ...optionalParams: any[]) { log(LogType.TRACE, category, message, ...optionalParams); } export function debug(category: LogCategory, message: string, ...optionalParams: any[]) { log(LogType.DEBUG, category, message, ...optionalParams); } export function info(category: LogCategory, message: string, ...optionalParams: any[]) { log(LogType.INFO, category, message, ...optionalParams); } export function warn(category: LogCategory, message: string, ...optionalParams: any[]) { log(LogType.WARNING, category, message, ...optionalParams); } export function error(category: LogCategory, message: string, ...optionalParams: any[]) { log(LogType.ERROR, category, message, ...optionalParams); } export function group(level: LogType, category: LogCategory, name: string, ...optionalParams: any[]) : Group { name = "[%s] " + name; optionalParams.unshift(category_mapping.get(category)); return new Group(level, category, name, optionalParams); } export class Group { readonly level: LogType; readonly category: LogCategory; readonly enabled: boolean; owner: Group = undefined; private readonly name: string; private readonly optionalParams: any[][]; private _collapsed: boolean = true; private initialized = false; constructor(level: LogType, category: LogCategory, name: string, optionalParams: any[][], owner: Group = undefined) { this.level = level; this.category = category; this.name = name; this.optionalParams = optionalParams; this.enabled = enabled_mapping[category]; } group(level: LogType, name: string, ...optionalParams: any[]) : Group { return new Group(level, this.category, name, optionalParams, this); } collapsed(flag: boolean = true) : this { this._collapsed = flag; return this; } log(message: string, ...optionalParams: any[]) : this { if(!this.enabled) return this; if(!this.initialized) { if(this._collapsed && console.groupCollapsed) console.groupCollapsed(this.name, ...this.optionalParams); else console.group(this.name, ...this.optionalParams); this.initialized = true; } logDirect(this.level, message, ...optionalParams); return this; } end() { if(this.initialized) console.groupEnd(); } } }