namespace connection { export interface HandshakeIdentityHandler { connection: AbstractServerConnection; start_handshake(); register_callback(callback: (success: boolean, message?: string) => any); } export class HandshakeHandler { private connection: ServerConnection; private handshake_handler: HandshakeIdentityHandler; private failed = false; readonly profile: profiles.ConnectionProfile; readonly name: string; readonly server_password: string; constructor(profile: profiles.ConnectionProfile, name: string, password: string) { this.profile = profile; this.server_password = password; = name; } setConnection(con: ServerConnection) { this.connection = con; } startHandshake() { this.handshake_handler = this.profile.spawn_identity_handshake_handler(this.connection); if(!this.handshake_handler) { this.handshake_failed("failed to create identity handler"); return; } this.handshake_handler.register_callback((flag, message) => { if(flag) this.handshake_finished(); else this.handshake_failed(message); }); this.handshake_handler.start_handshake(); } private handshake_failed(message: string) { if(this.failed) return; this.failed = true; this.connection.client.handleDisconnect(DisconnectReason.HANDSHAKE_FAILED, message); } private handshake_finished(version?: string) { if(native_client && window["native"] && native.client_version && !version) { native.client_version() .then( this.handshake_finished.bind(this)) .catch(error => { console.error(tr("Failed to get version:")); console.error(error); this.handshake_finished("?.?.?"); }); return; } const git_version = settings.static_global("version", "unknown"); const browser_name = (navigator.browserSpecs || {})["name"] || " "; let data = { //TODO variables! client_nickname:, client_platform: (browser_name ? browser_name + " " : "") + navigator.platform, client_version: "TeaWeb " + git_version + " (" + navigator.userAgent + ")", client_server_password: this.server_password, client_browser_engine: navigator.product }; if(version) { data.client_version = "TeaClient "; data.client_version += " " + version; const os = require("os"); const arch_mapping = { "x32": "32bit", "x64": "64bit" }; data.client_version += " " + (arch_mapping[os.arch()] || os.arch()); const os_mapping = { "win32": "Windows", "linux": "Linux" }; data.client_platform = (os_mapping[os.platform()] || os.platform()); } this.connection.send_command("clientinit", data).catch(error => { this.connection.disconnect(); if(error instanceof CommandResult) { if( == 1028) { this.connection.client.handleDisconnect(DisconnectReason.SERVER_REQUIRES_PASSWORD); } else { this.connection.client.handleDisconnect(DisconnectReason.CLIENT_KICKED, error); } } }); } } }