namespace contextmenu { export interface MenuEntry { callback?: () => void; type: MenuEntryType; name: (() => string) | string; icon_class?: string; icon_path?: string; disabled?: boolean; visible?: boolean; checkbox_checked?: boolean; invalidPermission?: boolean; sub_menu?: MenuEntry[]; } export enum MenuEntryType { CLOSE, ENTRY, CHECKBOX, HR, SUB_MENU } export class Entry { static HR() { return { callback: () => {}, type: MenuEntryType.HR, name: "", icon: "" }; }; static CLOSE(callback: () => void) { return { callback: callback, type: MenuEntryType.CLOSE, name: "", icon: "" }; } } export interface ContextMenuProvider { despawn_context_menu(); spawn_context_menu(x: number, y: number, ...entries: MenuEntry[]); initialize(); finalize(); html_format_enabled() : boolean; } let provider: ContextMenuProvider; export function spawn_context_menu(x: number, y: number, ...entries: MenuEntry[]) { if(!provider) { console.error(tr("Failed to spawn context menu! Missing provider!")); return; } provider.spawn_context_menu(x, y, ...entries); } export function despawn_context_menu() { if(!provider) return; provider.despawn_context_menu(); } export function get_provider() : ContextMenuProvider { return provider; } export function set_provider(_provider: ContextMenuProvider) { provider = _provider; provider.initialize(); } } class HTMLContextMenuProvider implements contextmenu.ContextMenuProvider { private _global_click_listener: (event) => any; private _context_menu: JQuery; private _close_callbacks: (() => any)[] = []; private _visible = false; despawn_context_menu() { if(!this._visible) return; let menu = this._context_menu || (this._context_menu = $(".context-menu")); menu.animate({opacity: 0}, 100, () => menu.css("display", "none")); this._visible = false; for(const callback of this._close_callbacks) { if(typeof(callback) !== "function") { console.error(tr("Given close callback is not a function!. Callback: %o"), callback); continue; } callback(); } this._close_callbacks = []; } finalize() { $(document).unbind('click', this._global_click_listener); } initialize() { this._global_click_listener = this.on_global_click.bind(this); $(document).bind('click', this._global_click_listener); } private on_global_click(event) { //let menu = this._context_menu || (this._context_menu = $(".context-menu")); if(!this._visible) return; if ($(".context-menu").length == 0) { this.despawn_context_menu(); event.preventDefault(); } } private generate_tag(entry: contextmenu.MenuEntry) : JQuery { if(entry.type == contextmenu.MenuEntryType.HR) { return $.spawn("hr"); } else if(entry.type == contextmenu.MenuEntryType.ENTRY) { let icon = entry.icon_class; if(!icon || icon.length == 0) icon = "icon_empty"; else icon = "icon " + icon; let tag = $.spawn("div").addClass("entry"); tag.append($.spawn("div").addClass(icon)); tag.append($.spawn("div").html($.isFunction( ? :; if(entry.disabled || entry.invalidPermission) tag.addClass("disabled"); else { () => { if($.isFunction(entry.callback)) entry.callback(); this.despawn_context_menu(); }); } return tag; } else if(entry.type == contextmenu.MenuEntryType.CHECKBOX) { let checkbox = $.spawn("label").addClass("ccheckbox"); $.spawn("input").attr("type", "checkbox").prop("checked", !!entry.checkbox_checked).appendTo(checkbox); $.spawn("span").addClass("checkmark").appendTo(checkbox); let tag = $.spawn("div").addClass("entry"); tag.append(checkbox); tag.append($.spawn("div").html($.isFunction( ? :; if(entry.disabled || entry.invalidPermission) tag.addClass("disabled"); else { () => { if($.isFunction(entry.callback)) entry.callback(); this.despawn_context_menu(); }); } return tag; } else if(entry.type == contextmenu.MenuEntryType.SUB_MENU) { let icon = entry.icon_class; if(!icon || icon.length == 0) icon = "icon_empty"; else icon = "icon " + icon; let tag = $.spawn("div").addClass("entry").addClass("sub-container"); tag.append($.spawn("div").addClass(icon)); tag.append($.spawn("div").html($.isFunction( ? :; tag.append($.spawn("div").addClass("arrow right")); if(entry.disabled || entry.invalidPermission) tag.addClass("disabled"); else { let menu = $.spawn("div").addClass("sub-menu").addClass("context-menu-container"); for(const e of entry.sub_menu) { if(typeof(entry.visible) === 'boolean' && !entry.visible) continue; menu.append(this.generate_tag(e)); } menu.appendTo(tag); } return tag; } return $.spawn("div").text("undefined"); } spawn_context_menu(x: number, y: number, ...entries: contextmenu.MenuEntry[]) { this._visible = true; let menu_tag = this._context_menu || (this._context_menu = $(".context-menu")); menu_tag.finish().empty().css("opacity", "0"); const menu_container = $.spawn("div").addClass("context-menu-container"); this._close_callbacks = []; for(const entry of entries){ if(typeof(entry.visible) === 'boolean' && !entry.visible) continue; if(entry.type == contextmenu.MenuEntryType.CLOSE) { if(entry.callback) this._close_callbacks.push(entry.callback); } else menu_container.append(this.generate_tag(entry)); } menu_tag.append(menu_container); menu_tag.animate({opacity: 1}, 100).css("display", "block"); const width = menu_container.visible_width(); if(x + width + 5 > window.innerWidth) menu_container.addClass("left"); // In the right position (the mouse) menu_tag.css({ "top": y + "px", "left": x + "px" }); } html_format_enabled(): boolean { return true; } } contextmenu.set_provider(new HTMLContextMenuProvider());