import * as path from "path"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as util from "util"; import * as crypto from "crypto"; import * as http from "http"; import * as url_utils from "url"; import * as cp from "child_process"; import * as mt from "mime-types"; import * as os from "os"; /* All project files */ type ProjectResourceType = "html" | "js" | "css" | "wasm" | "wav" | "json" | "img" | "i18n" | "pem"; type ProjectResource = { "type": ProjectResourceType; "build-target": "dev" | "rel" | "dev|rel"; "web-only"?: boolean; "client-only"?: boolean; "search-pattern": RegExp; "search-exclude"?: RegExp; "req-parm"?: string[]; "path": string; "local-path": string; } const APP_FILE_LIST_SHARED_SOURCE: ProjectResource[] = [ { /* shared html and php files */ "type": "html", "search-pattern": /^([a-zA-Z]+)\.(html|php|json)$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "./", "local-path": "./shared/html/" }, { /* javascript loader */ "type": "js", "search-pattern": /.*\.js$/, "build-target": "dev", "path": "loader/", "local-path": "./shared/loader/" }, { /* javascript loader for releases */ "type": "js", "search-pattern": /.*loader_[\S]+.min.js$/, "build-target": "rel", "path": "loader/", "local-path": "./shared/generated/" }, { /* shared javascript files (WebRTC adapter) */ "type": "js", "search-pattern": /.*\.js$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "adapter/", "local-path": "./shared/adapter/" }, { /* shared javascript files (development mode only) */ "type": "js", "search-pattern": /.*\.js$/, "search-exclude": /(.*\/)?workers\/.*/, "build-target": "dev", "path": "js/", "local-path": "./shared/js/" }, { /* shared javascript mapping files (development mode only) */ "type": "js", "search-pattern": /.*\.(|ts)$/, "search-exclude": /(.*\/)?workers\/.*/, "build-target": "dev", "path": "js/", "local-path": "./shared/js/", "req-parm": ["--mappings"] }, { /* shared generated worker codec */ "type": "js", "search-pattern": /(WorkerPOW.js)$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "js/workers/", "local-path": "./shared/js/workers/" }, { /* shared developer single css files */ "type": "css", "search-pattern": /.*\.css$/, "build-target": "dev", "path": "css/", "local-path": "./shared/css/" }, { /* shared css mapping files (development mode only) */ "type": "css", "search-pattern": /.*\.(|scss)$/, "build-target": "dev", "path": "css/", "local-path": "./shared/css/", "req-parm": ["--mappings"] }, { /* shared release css files */ "type": "css", "search-pattern": /.*\.css$/, "build-target": "rel", "path": "css/", "local-path": "./shared/generated/" }, { /* shared release css files */ "type": "css", "search-pattern": /.*\.css$/, "build-target": "rel", "path": "css/loader/", "local-path": "./shared/css/loader/" }, { /* shared release css files */ "type": "css", "search-pattern": /.*\.css$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "css/theme/", "local-path": "./shared/css/theme/" }, { /* shared sound files */ "type": "wav", "search-pattern": /.*\.wav$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "audio/", "local-path": "./shared/audio/" }, { /* shared data sound files */ "type": "json", "search-pattern": /.*\.json/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "audio/", "local-path": "./shared/audio/" }, { /* shared image files */ "type": "img", "search-pattern": /.*\.(svg|png)/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "img/", "local-path": "./shared/img/" }, { /* own webassembly files */ "type": "wasm", "search-pattern": /.*\.(wasm)/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "wat/", "local-path": "./shared/wat/" } ]; const APP_FILE_LIST_SHARED_VENDORS: ProjectResource[] = [ { "type": "js", "search-pattern": /.*(\.min)?\.js$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "vendor/", "local-path": "./vendor/" }, { "type": "css", "search-pattern": /.*\.css$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "vendor/", "local-path": "./vendor/" } ]; const APP_FILE_LIST_CLIENT_SOURCE: ProjectResource[] = [ { /* client css files */ "client-only": true, "type": "css", "search-pattern": /.*\.css$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "css/", "local-path": "./client/css/" }, { /* client js files */ "client-only": true, "type": "js", "search-pattern": /.*\.js/, "build-target": "dev", "path": "js/", "local-path": "./client/js/" }, /* release specific */ { /* web merged javascript files (shared inclusive) */ "client-only": true, "type": "js", "search-pattern": /.*\.js$/, "build-target": "rel", "path": "js/", "local-path": "./client/generated/" }, { /* Add the shared generated files. Exclude the shared file because we're including it already */ "client-only": true, "type": "js", "search-pattern": /.*\.js$/, "search-exclude": /shared\.js(.map)?$/, "build-target": "rel", "path": "js/", "local-path": "./shared/generated/" } ]; const APP_FILE_LIST_WEB_SOURCE: ProjectResource[] = [ { /* generated assembly files */ "web-only": true, "type": "wasm", "search-pattern": /.*\.(wasm)/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "wasm/", "local-path": "./asm/generated/" }, { /* generated assembly javascript files */ "web-only": true, "type": "js", "search-pattern": /.*\.(js)/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "wasm/", "local-path": "./asm/generated/" }, { /* web generated worker codec */ "web-only": true, "type": "js", "search-pattern": /(WorkerCodec.js)$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "js/workers/", "local-path": "./web/js/workers/" }, { /* web javascript files (development mode only) */ "web-only": true, "type": "js", "search-pattern": /.*\.js$/, "build-target": "dev", "path": "js/", "local-path": "./web/js/" }, { /* web merged javascript files (shared inclusive) */ "web-only": true, "type": "js", "search-pattern": /client(\.min)?\.js$/, "build-target": "rel", "path": "js/", "local-path": "./web/generated/" }, { /* web css files */ "web-only": true, "type": "css", "search-pattern": /.*\.css$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "css/", "local-path": "./web/css/" }, { /* web html files */ "web-only": true, "type": "html", "search-pattern": /.*\.(php|html)/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "./", "local-path": "./web/html/" }, { /* translations */ "web-only": true, /* Only required for the web client */ "type": "i18n", "search-pattern": /.*\.(translation|json)/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "i18n/", "local-path": "./shared/i18n/" } ]; const APP_FILE_LIST_WEB_TEASPEAK: ProjectResource[] = [ /* special only auth files */ { /* login page and api */ "web-only": true, "type": "html", "search-pattern": /[a-zA-Z_0-9]+\.(php|html)$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "./", "local-path": "./auth/", "req-parm": ["-xf"] }, { /* javascript */ "web-only": true, "type": "js", "search-pattern": /.*\.js$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "js/", "local-path": "./auth/js/", "req-parm": ["-xf"] }, { /* web css files */ "web-only": true, "type": "css", "search-pattern": /.*\.css$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "css/", "local-path": "./auth/css/", "req-parm": ["-xf"] }, { /* certificates */ "web-only": true, "type": "pem", "search-pattern": /.*\.pem$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "certs/", "local-path": "./auth/certs/", "req-parm": ["-xf"] } ]; const CERTACCEPT_FILE_LIST: ProjectResource[] = [ { /* html files */ "type": "html", "search-pattern": /^([a-zA-Z]+)\.(html|php|json)$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "./popup/certaccept/", "local-path": "./shared/popup/certaccept/html/" }, { /* javascript loader (debug) */ "type": "js", "search-pattern": /(loader|certaccept)\.js$/, "build-target": "dev", "path": "./popup/certaccept/loader/", "local-path": "./shared/loader/" }, { /* javascript loader (releases) */ "type": "js", "search-pattern": /.*loader_certaccept.min.js$/, "build-target": "rel", "path": "./popup/certaccept/loader/", "local-path": "./shared/generated/" }, { /* javascript imported from shared for debug */ "type": "js", "search-pattern": /^(BrowserIPC|log|proto|settings)\.js$/, "build-target": "dev", "path": "./popup/certaccept/js/", "local-path": "./shared/js/" }, { /* javascript for debug */ "type": "js", "search-pattern": /^certaccept\.min\.js$/, "build-target": "rel", "path": "./popup/certaccept/js/", "local-path": "./shared/generated/" }, { /* javascript for release */ "type": "js", "search-pattern": /^.*\.js$/, "build-target": "dev", "path": "./popup/certaccept/js/", "local-path": "./shared/popup/certaccept/js/" }, { /* shared css files */ "type": "css", "search-pattern": /.*\.css$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "./popup/certaccept/css/loader/", "local-path": "./shared/css/loader/" }, { /* shared css files */ "type": "css", "search-pattern": /.*\.css$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "./popup/certaccept/css/static/", "local-path": "./shared/popup/certaccept/css/static/" }, { /* img files */ "type": "img", "search-pattern": /^(loading_error.*)\.(svg)$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "./popup/certaccept/img/", "local-path": "./shared/img/" }, { /* jquery vendor */ "type": "js", "search-pattern": /^jquery\/.*\.js$/, "build-target": "dev|rel", "path": "./popup/certaccept/vendor/", "local-path": "./vendor/" }, ]; const APP_FILE_LIST = [ ...APP_FILE_LIST_SHARED_SOURCE, ...APP_FILE_LIST_SHARED_VENDORS, ...APP_FILE_LIST_CLIENT_SOURCE, ...APP_FILE_LIST_WEB_SOURCE, ...APP_FILE_LIST_WEB_TEASPEAK, ...CERTACCEPT_FILE_LIST, ]; /* the generator */ namespace generator { export type SearchOptions = { target: "client" | "web"; mode: "rel" | "dev"; source_path: string; parameter: string[]; }; export type Entry = { target_path: string; /* relative */ local_path: string; /* absolute */ name: string; type: ProjectResourceType; hash: string; } async function sha(type: "sha1" | "sha256", file: string) : Promise { const result = crypto.createHash(type); const fis = fs.createReadStream(file); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fis.on("error", reject); fis.on("end", resolve); fis.on("data", chunk => result.update(chunk)); }); return result.digest("hex"); } export async function search_files(files: ProjectResource[], options: SearchOptions) : Promise { const result: Entry[] = []; const readdir = util.promisify(fs.readdir); const stat = util.promisify(fs.stat); const rreaddir = async p => { const result = []; try { const files = await readdir(p); for(const file of files) { const file_path = path.join(p, file); const info = await stat(file_path); if(info.isDirectory()) { result.push(...await rreaddir(file_path)); } else { result.push(file_path); } } } catch(error) { if(error.code === "ENOENT") return []; throw error; } return result; }; for(const file of files) { if(typeof file["web-only"] === "boolean" && file["web-only"] && !== "web") continue; if(typeof file["client-only"] === "boolean" && file["client-only"] && !== "client") continue; if(!file["build-target"].split("|").find(e => e === options.mode)) continue; if(Array.isArray(file["req-parm"]) && file["req-parm"].find(e => !options.parameter.find(p => p.toLowerCase() === e.toLowerCase()))) continue; const normal_local = path.normalize(path.join(options.source_path, file["local-path"])); const files: string[] = await rreaddir(normal_local); for(const f of files) { const local_name = f.substr(normal_local.length); if(!local_name.match(file["search-pattern"]) && !local_name.replace("\\\\", "/").match(file["search-pattern"])) continue; if(typeof(file["search-exclude"]) !== "undefined" && f.match(file["search-exclude"])) continue; const data = { hash: await sha("sha1", f), local_path: f, target_path: path.join(file.path, local_name), name: path.basename(f), type: file.type }; if(result.find(e => e.target_path === data.target_path)) continue; result.push(data); } } return result; } } namespace server { export type Options = { port: number; php: string; } const exists = util.promisify(fs.exists); const stat = util.promisify(fs.stat); const exec: (command: string) => Promise<{ stdout: string, stderr: string }> = util.promisify(cp.exec); let files: (generator.Entry & { http_path: string; })[] = []; let server: http.Server; let php: string; export async function launch(_files: generator.Entry[], options: Options) { if(!await exists(options.php) || !(await stat(options.php)).isFile()) throw "invalid php interpreter (not found)"; try { const info = await exec(options.php + " --version"); if(info.stderr) throw info.stderr; if(!info.stdout.startsWith("PHP 7.")) throw "invalid php interpreter version (Require at least 7)"; console.debug("Found PHP interpreter at %s:\n%s", options.php, info.stdout); php = options.php; } catch(error) { console.error("failed to validate php interpreter: %o", error); throw "invalid php interpreter"; } server = http.createServer(handle_request); server.listen(options.port); files = =>{ return { type: e.type, name:, hash: e.hash, local_path: e.local_path, target_path: e.target_path, http_path: "/" + e.target_path.replace(/\\/g, "/") } }); } export async function shutdown() { if(server) { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => server.close(error => error ? reject(error) : resolve())); server = undefined; } } function handle_request(request: http.IncomingMessage, response: http.ServerResponse) { let url: url_utils.UrlWithParsedQuery; try { url = url_utils.parse(request.url, true); } catch(error) { response.writeHead(500); response.write("invalid url:\n"); response.write(error.toString()); response.end(); return; } const file = files.find(e => e.http_path === url.pathname); if(!file) { console.log("[SERVER] Client requested unknown file %s (%s)", url.pathname, request.url); response.writeHead(404); response.write("Missing file: " + url.path); response.end(); return; } let type = mt.lookup(path.extname(file.local_path)) || "text/html"; console.log("[SERVER] Serving file %s (%s) (%s)", file.target_path, type, file.local_path); if(path.extname(file.local_path) === ".php") { exec(php + " -d WEB_CLIENT=1 " + file.local_path).then(result => { if(result.stderr) { response.writeHead(500); response.write("Encountered error while interpreting PHP script:\n"); response.write(result.stderr); response.end(); return; } response.writeHead(200, "success", { "Content-Type": "text/html; charset=utf-8" }); response.write(result.stdout); response.end(); }).catch(error => { response.writeHead(500); response.write("Received an exception while interpreting PHP script:\n"); response.write(error.toString()); response.end(); }); return; } const fis = fs.createReadStream(file.local_path); response.writeHead(200, "success", { "Content-Type": type + "; charset=utf-8" }); fis.on("end", () => response.end()); fis.on("error", () => { response.write("Ah error happend!"); }); fis.on("data", data => response.write(data)); } } function php_exe() : string { if(process.env["PHP_EXE"]) return process.env["PHP_EXE"]; if(os.platform() === "win32") return "C:\\php\\php.exe"; return "/bin/php"; } async function main_serve(mode: "rel" | "dev", port: number) { const files = await generator.search_files(APP_FILE_LIST, { source_path: __dirname, parameter: [], target: "web", mode: mode }); await server.launch(files, { port: port, php: php_exe(), }); console.log("Server started on %d", port); console.log("To stop the server press ^K^C."); await new Promise(resolve => {}); } async function main(args: string[]) { if(args.length >= 2) { if(args[0].toLowerCase() === "serve") { let mode; switch (args[1].toLowerCase()) { case "dev": case "devel": case "development": mode = "dev"; break; case "rel": case "release": mode = "rel"; break; default: console.error("Unknown serve mode %s.", args[1]); return; } let port = 8081; if(args.length >= 3) { port = parseInt(args[2]); if(Number.isNaN(port) || port <= 0 || port > 65665) { console.log("Invalid HTTP server port: %s", args[2]); return; } } await main_serve(mode, port); return; } } if(args.length >= 3) { if(args[0].toLowerCase() === "generate" || args[0].toLowerCase() === "gen") { console.error("Currently not yet supported"); return; } else if(args[0].toLowerCase() === "list") { console.error("Currently not yet supported"); return; } } console.log("Invalid arguments!"); console.log("Usage: node files.js [args...]"); console.log(" node files.js serve [port] | Start a HTTP server which serves the web client"); console.log(" node files.js generate [flags...] | Generate the final environment ready to be packed and deployed"); console.log(" node files.js list | List all project files"); console.log(""); console.log("Influential environment variables:") console.log(" PHP_EXE | Path to the PHP CLI interpreter"); console.log(" | Default:"); console.log(" | Windows: C:\\php\\php.exe"); console.log(" | Linux: /bin/php"); } main(process.argv.slice(2)).then(ignore_exit => { if(typeof(ignore_exit) === "boolean" && !ignore_exit) return; process.exit(); }).catch(error => { console.error("Failed to execute application. Exception reached execution root!"); console.error(error); });