namespace app { export enum Type { UNDEFINED, RELEASE, DEBUG } let moduleInitialized: boolean; let applicationLoaded: boolean; export let type: Type = Type.UNDEFINED; export let loadedListener: (() => any)[]; export const appLoaded =; export function initialized() : boolean { return moduleInitialized && applicationLoaded; } export function callbackApp(errorMessage?: string) { if(errorMessage) { console.error("Could not load application!"); } else { applicationLoaded = true; testInitialisation(); } } export function initialize() { moduleInitialized = false; applicationLoaded = false; loadedListener = []; Module['onRuntimeInitialized'] = function() { console.log("Runtime init!"); moduleInitialized = true; testInitialisation(); }; Module['onAbort'] = message => { Module['onAbort'] = undefined; displayCriticalError("Could not load webassembly files!
Message: " + message + "", false); }; Module['locateFile'] = file => { console.log(file + "|" + type); switch (type) { case Type.RELEASE: return "js/assembly/" + file; case Type.DEBUG: return "asm/generated/" + file; } }; } function testInitialisation() { if(moduleInitialized && applicationLoaded) for(let l of loadedListener) l(); } } if(typeof Module === "undefined") this["Module"] = {}; app.initialize(); app.loadedListener.push(fadeoutLoader); function loadScripts(paths: (string | string[])[]) : {path: string, promise: Promise}[] { let result = []; for(let path of paths) result.push({path: path, promise: loadScript(path)}); return result; } function loadScript(path: string | string[]) : Promise { if(Array.isArray(path)) { //Having fallbacks return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { loadScript(path[0]).then(resolve).catch(error => { if(path.length >= 2) { loadScript(path.slice(1)).then(resolve).catch(() => reject("could not load file " + formatPath(path))); } else { reject("could not load file (event fallback's)"); } }); }); } else { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const tag = document.createElement("script"); tag.type = "text\/javascript"; tag.onerror = error => { console.log(error); tag.remove(); reject(error); }; tag.onload = () => resolve(); document.getElementById("scripts").appendChild(tag); tag.src = path; }); } } function formatPath(path: string | string[]) { if(Array.isArray(path)) { let buffer = ""; let _or = " or "; for(let entry of path) buffer += _or + formatPath(entry); return buffer.slice(_or.length); } else return "" + path + ""; } function loadRelease() { app.type = app.Type.RELEASE; console.log("Load for release!"); awaitLoad(loadScripts([ //Load general API's ["js/assembly/TeaWeb-Identity.js"], ["js/client.min.js", "js/client.js", "generated/js/client.min.js", "generated/js/client.js"] ])).then(() => { console.log("Loaded successfully all scripts!"); app.callbackApp(); }).catch((error) => { console.error("Could not load " + error.path); }); } /** Only possible for developers! **/ function loadDebug() { app.type = app.Type.DEBUG; console.log("Load for debug!"); awaitLoad(loadScripts([ ["asm/generated/TeaWeb-Identity.js"], //Load general API's "js/log.js", "js/utils/modal.js", "js/utils/tab.js", "js/utils/helpers.js", "js/crypto/sha.js", "js/crypto/hex.js", //Load UI "js/ui/modal/ModalConnect.js", "js/ui/modal/ModalSettings.js", "js/ui/modal/ModalCreateChannel.js", "js/ui/modal/ModalServerEdit.js", "js/ui/modal/ModalConnect.js", "js/ui/modal/ModalChangeVolume.js", "js/ui/modal/ModalBanClient.js", "js/ui/modal/ModalYesNo.js", "js/ui/channel.js", "js/ui/client.js", "js/ui/server.js", "js/ui/view.js", "js/ui/frames/SelectedItemInfo.js", "js/ui/frames/ControlBar.js", //Load permissions "js/permission/PermissionManager.js", "js/permission/GroupManager.js", //Load audio "js/voice/VoiceHandler.js", "js/voice/VoiceRecorder.js", "js/voice/AudioResampler.js", "js/voice/AudioController.js", //Load codec "js/codec/Codec.js", "js/codec/BasicCodec.js", "js/codec/CodecWrapper.js", //Load general stuff "js/settings.js", "js/contextMenu.js", "js/connection.js", "js/FileManager.js", "js/client.js", "js/chat.js", "js/Identity.js" ])).then(() => { awaitLoad(loadScripts(["js/main.js"])).then(() => { console.log("Loaded successfully all scripts!"); app.callbackApp(); }); }); } function awaitLoad(promises: {path: string, promise: Promise}[]) : Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let awaiting = promises.length; let success = true; for(let entry of promises) { entry.promise.then(() => { awaiting--; if(awaiting == 0) resolve(); }).catch(error => { success = false; if(error instanceof TypeError) { console.error(error); let name = (error as any).fileName + "@" + (error as any).lineNumber + ":" + (error as any).columnNumber; displayCriticalError("Failed to execute script " + name + ".
If you believe that it isn't you're mistake
then please contact an administrator!", false); return; } else { console.error("Failed to load script " + entry.path); } displayCriticalError("Failed to load script " + formatPath(entry.path) + ".
If you believe that it isn't you're mistake
then please contact an administrator!", false); }) } }); } function displayCriticalError(message: string, closeable: boolean = true) { if(typeof(createErrorModal) !== 'undefined') { createErrorModal("A critical error occurred while loading the page!", message, {closeable: closeable}).open(); } else { let tag = document.getElementById("critical-load"); let detail = tag.getElementsByClassName("detail")[0]; detail.innerHTML = message; = "block"; } fadeoutLoader(); } function loadTemplates() { //Load the templates $.ajax("templates.html", { cache: false, //Change this when in release mode }).then((element, status) => { let node = document.createElement("html"); node.innerHTML = element; let tags: HTMLCollection; if(node.getElementsByTagName("body").length > 0) tags = node.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].children; else tags = node.children; let root = document.getElementById("templates"); while(tags.length > 0) root.appendChild(tags.item(0)); root = document.getElementById("script"); while(tags.length > 0) root.appendChild(tags.item(0)); }).catch(error => { console.error("Could not load templates!"); console.log(error); displayCriticalError("Could not load HTML templates!", false); }); } //TODO release config! function loadSide() { if(typeof (WebAssembly) === "undefined" || typeof (WebAssembly.compile) === "undefined") { displayCriticalError("You require WebAssembly for TeaSpeak-Web!"); return; } //Load the general scripts and required scripts awaitLoad(loadScripts([ ["vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js", /*""*/], ["vendor/bbcode/xbbcode.js"], [""] ])).then(() => awaitLoad(loadScripts([ //[""] ["vendor/jsrender/jsrender.min.js"] ]))).then(() => { //Load the teaweb scripts loadScript("js/proto.js").then(loadDebug).catch(loadRelease); //Load the teaweb templates loadTemplates(); }); } loadSide(); //FUN: loader_ignore_age=0&loader_default_duration=1500&loader_default_age=5000 function fadeoutLoader(duration = undefined, minAge = undefined, ignoreAge = undefined) { let settingsDefined = typeof(StaticSettings) !== "undefined"; if(!duration) { if(settingsDefined) duration = StaticSettings.instance.static("loader_default_duration", 750); else duration = 750; } if(!minAge) { if(settingsDefined) minAge = StaticSettings.instance.static("loader_default_age", 1750); else minAge = 750; } if(!ignoreAge) { if(settingsDefined) ignoreAge = StaticSettings.instance.static("loader_ignore_age", false); else ignoreAge = false; } let age = - app.appLoaded; if(age < minAge && !ignoreAge) { setTimeout(() => fadeoutLoader(duration, 0, true), minAge - age); return; } $(".loader .bookshelf_wrapper").animate({top: 0, opacity: 0}, duration); $(".loader .half").animate({width: 0}, duration, () => { $(".loader").detach(); }); }