// The Module object: Our interface to the outside world. We import // and export values on it. There are various ways Module can be used: // 1. Not defined. We create it here // 2. A function parameter, function(Module) { ..generated code.. } // 3. pre-run appended it, var Module = {}; ..generated code.. // 4. External script tag defines var Module. // We need to check if Module already exists (e.g. case 3 above). // Substitution will be replaced with actual code on later stage of the build, // this way Closure Compiler will not mangle it (e.g. case 4. above). // Note that if you want to run closure, and also to use Module // after the generated code, you will need to define var Module = {}; // before the code. Then that object will be used in the code, and you // can continue to use Module afterwards as well. var Module = typeof Module !== 'undefined' ? Module : {}; // --pre-jses are emitted after the Module integration code, so that they can // refer to Module (if they choose; they can also define Module) // {{PRE_JSES}} // Sometimes an existing Module object exists with properties // meant to overwrite the default module functionality. Here // we collect those properties and reapply _after_ we configure // the current environment's defaults to avoid having to be so // defensive during initialization. var moduleOverrides = {}; var key; for (key in Module) { if (Module.hasOwnProperty(key)) { moduleOverrides[key] = Module[key]; } } Module['arguments'] = []; Module['thisProgram'] = './this.program'; Module['quit'] = function(status, toThrow) { throw toThrow; }; Module['preRun'] = []; Module['postRun'] = []; // The environment setup code below is customized to use Module. // *** Environment setup code *** var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = false; var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = false; var ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE = false; var ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL = false; // Three configurations we can be running in: // 1) We could be the application main() thread running in the main JS UI thread. (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER == false and ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD == false) // 2) We could be the application main() thread proxied to worker. (with Emscripten -s PROXY_TO_WORKER=1) (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER == true, ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD == false) // 3) We could be an application pthread running in a worker. (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER == true and ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD == true) if (Module['ENVIRONMENT']) { if (Module['ENVIRONMENT'] === 'WEB') { ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = true; } else if (Module['ENVIRONMENT'] === 'WORKER') { ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = true; } else if (Module['ENVIRONMENT'] === 'NODE') { ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE = true; } else if (Module['ENVIRONMENT'] === 'SHELL') { ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL = true; } else { throw new Error('Module[\'ENVIRONMENT\'] value is not valid. must be one of: WEB|WORKER|NODE|SHELL.'); } } else { ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = typeof window === 'object'; ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = typeof importScripts === 'function'; ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE = typeof process === 'object' && typeof require === 'function' && !ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB && !ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER; ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL = !ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB && !ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE && !ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER; } if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) { // Expose functionality in the same simple way that the shells work // Note that we pollute the global namespace here, otherwise we break in node var nodeFS; var nodePath; Module['read'] = function shell_read(filename, binary) { var ret; ret = tryParseAsDataURI(filename); if (!ret) { if (!nodeFS) nodeFS = require('fs'); if (!nodePath) nodePath = require('path'); filename = nodePath['normalize'](filename); ret = nodeFS['readFileSync'](filename); } return binary ? ret : ret.toString(); }; Module['readBinary'] = function readBinary(filename) { var ret = Module['read'](filename, true); if (!ret.buffer) { ret = new Uint8Array(ret); } assert(ret.buffer); return ret; }; if (process['argv'].length > 1) { Module['thisProgram'] = process['argv'][1].replace(/\\/g, '/'); } Module['arguments'] = process['argv'].slice(2); if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module['exports'] = Module; } process['on']('uncaughtException', function(ex) { // suppress ExitStatus exceptions from showing an error if (!(ex instanceof ExitStatus)) { throw ex; } }); // Currently node will swallow unhandled rejections, but this behavior is // deprecated, and in the future it will exit with error status. process['on']('unhandledRejection', function(reason, p) { Module['printErr']('node.js exiting due to unhandled promise rejection'); process['exit'](1); }); Module['inspect'] = function () { return '[Emscripten Module object]'; }; } else if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL) { if (typeof read != 'undefined') { Module['read'] = function shell_read(f) { var data = tryParseAsDataURI(f); if (data) { return intArrayToString(data); } return read(f); }; } Module['readBinary'] = function readBinary(f) { var data; data = tryParseAsDataURI(f); if (data) { return data; } if (typeof readbuffer === 'function') { return new Uint8Array(readbuffer(f)); } data = read(f, 'binary'); assert(typeof data === 'object'); return data; }; if (typeof scriptArgs != 'undefined') { Module['arguments'] = scriptArgs; } else if (typeof arguments != 'undefined') { Module['arguments'] = arguments; } if (typeof quit === 'function') { Module['quit'] = function(status, toThrow) { quit(status); } } } else if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB || ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) { Module['read'] = function shell_read(url) { try { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', url, false); xhr.send(null); return xhr.responseText; } catch (err) { var data = tryParseAsDataURI(url); if (data) { return intArrayToString(data); } throw err; } }; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) { Module['readBinary'] = function readBinary(url) { try { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', url, false); xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; xhr.send(null); return new Uint8Array(xhr.response); } catch (err) { var data = tryParseAsDataURI(url); if (data) { return data; } throw err; } }; } Module['readAsync'] = function readAsync(url, onload, onerror) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', url, true); xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; xhr.onload = function xhr_onload() { if (xhr.status == 200 || (xhr.status == 0 && xhr.response)) { // file URLs can return 0 onload(xhr.response); return; } var data = tryParseAsDataURI(url); if (data) { onload(data.buffer); return; } onerror(); }; xhr.onerror = onerror; xhr.send(null); }; if (typeof arguments != 'undefined') { Module['arguments'] = arguments; } Module['setWindowTitle'] = function(title) { document.title = title }; } else { // Unreachable because SHELL is dependent on the others throw new Error('unknown runtime environment'); } // console.log is checked first, as 'print' on the web will open a print dialogue // printErr is preferable to console.warn (works better in shells) // bind(console) is necessary to fix IE/Edge closed dev tools panel behavior. Module['print'] = typeof console !== 'undefined' ? console.log.bind(console) : (typeof print !== 'undefined' ? print : null); Module['printErr'] = typeof printErr !== 'undefined' ? printErr : ((typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.warn.bind(console)) || Module['print']); // *** Environment setup code *** // Closure helpers Module.print = Module['print']; Module.printErr = Module['printErr']; // Merge back in the overrides for (key in moduleOverrides) { if (moduleOverrides.hasOwnProperty(key)) { Module[key] = moduleOverrides[key]; } } // Free the object hierarchy contained in the overrides, this lets the GC // reclaim data used e.g. in memoryInitializerRequest, which is a large typed array. moduleOverrides = undefined; // {{PREAMBLE_ADDITIONS}} var STACK_ALIGN = 16; // stack management, and other functionality that is provided by the compiled code, // should not be used before it is ready stackSave = stackRestore = stackAlloc = setTempRet0 = getTempRet0 = function() { abort('cannot use the stack before compiled code is ready to run, and has provided stack access'); }; function staticAlloc(size) { assert(!staticSealed); var ret = STATICTOP; STATICTOP = (STATICTOP + size + 15) & -16; return ret; } function dynamicAlloc(size) { assert(DYNAMICTOP_PTR); var ret = HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2]; var end = (ret + size + 15) & -16; HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2] = end; if (end >= TOTAL_MEMORY) { var success = enlargeMemory(); if (!success) { HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2] = ret; return 0; } } return ret; } function alignMemory(size, factor) { if (!factor) factor = STACK_ALIGN; // stack alignment (16-byte) by default var ret = size = Math.ceil(size / factor) * factor; return ret; } function getNativeTypeSize(type) { switch (type) { case 'i1': case 'i8': return 1; case 'i16': return 2; case 'i32': return 4; case 'i64': return 8; case 'float': return 4; case 'double': return 8; default: { if (type[type.length-1] === '*') { return 4; // A pointer } else if (type[0] === 'i') { var bits = parseInt(type.substr(1)); assert(bits % 8 === 0); return bits / 8; } else { return 0; } } } } function warnOnce(text) { if (!warnOnce.shown) warnOnce.shown = {}; if (!warnOnce.shown[text]) { warnOnce.shown[text] = 1; Module.printErr(text); } } var jsCallStartIndex = 1; var functionPointers = new Array(0); // 'sig' parameter is only used on LLVM wasm backend function addFunction(func, sig) { if (typeof sig === 'undefined') { Module.printErr('Warning: addFunction: Provide a wasm function signature ' + 'string as a second argument'); } var base = 0; for (var i = base; i < base + 0; i++) { if (!functionPointers[i]) { functionPointers[i] = func; return jsCallStartIndex + i; } } throw 'Finished up all reserved function pointers. Use a higher value for RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS.'; } function removeFunction(index) { functionPointers[index-jsCallStartIndex] = null; } var funcWrappers = {}; function getFuncWrapper(func, sig) { if (!func) return; // on null pointer, return undefined assert(sig); if (!funcWrappers[sig]) { funcWrappers[sig] = {}; } var sigCache = funcWrappers[sig]; if (!sigCache[func]) { // optimize away arguments usage in common cases if (sig.length === 1) { sigCache[func] = function dynCall_wrapper() { return dynCall(sig, func); }; } else if (sig.length === 2) { sigCache[func] = function dynCall_wrapper(arg) { return dynCall(sig, func, [arg]); }; } else { // general case sigCache[func] = function dynCall_wrapper() { return dynCall(sig, func, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); }; } } return sigCache[func]; } function makeBigInt(low, high, unsigned) { return unsigned ? ((+((low>>>0)))+((+((high>>>0)))*4294967296.0)) : ((+((low>>>0)))+((+((high|0)))*4294967296.0)); } function dynCall(sig, ptr, args) { if (args && args.length) { assert(args.length == sig.length-1); assert(('dynCall_' + sig) in Module, 'bad function pointer type - no table for sig \'' + sig + '\''); return Module['dynCall_' + sig].apply(null, [ptr].concat(args)); } else { assert(sig.length == 1); assert(('dynCall_' + sig) in Module, 'bad function pointer type - no table for sig \'' + sig + '\''); return Module['dynCall_' + sig].call(null, ptr); } } function getCompilerSetting(name) { throw 'You must build with -s RETAIN_COMPILER_SETTINGS=1 for getCompilerSetting or emscripten_get_compiler_setting to work'; } var Runtime = { // FIXME backwards compatibility layer for ports. Support some Runtime.* // for now, fix it there, then remove it from here. That way we // can minimize any period of breakage. dynCall: dynCall, // for SDL2 port // helpful errors getTempRet0: function() { abort('getTempRet0() is now a top-level function, after removing the Runtime object. Remove "Runtime."') }, staticAlloc: function() { abort('staticAlloc() is now a top-level function, after removing the Runtime object. Remove "Runtime."') }, stackAlloc: function() { abort('stackAlloc() is now a top-level function, after removing the Runtime object. Remove "Runtime."') }, }; // The address globals begin at. Very low in memory, for code size and optimization opportunities. // Above 0 is static memory, starting with globals. // Then the stack. // Then 'dynamic' memory for sbrk. var GLOBAL_BASE = 8; // === Preamble library stuff === // Documentation for the public APIs defined in this file must be updated in: // site/source/docs/api_reference/preamble.js.rst // A prebuilt local version of the documentation is available at: // site/build/text/docs/api_reference/preamble.js.txt // You can also build docs locally as HTML or other formats in site/ // An online HTML version (which may be of a different version of Emscripten) // is up at http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/api_reference/preamble.js.html //======================================== // Runtime essentials //======================================== var ABORT = 0; // whether we are quitting the application. no code should run after this. set in exit() and abort() var EXITSTATUS = 0; /** @type {function(*, string=)} */ function assert(condition, text) { if (!condition) { abort('Assertion failed: ' + text); } } var globalScope = this; // Returns the C function with a specified identifier (for C++, you need to do manual name mangling) function getCFunc(ident) { var func = Module['_' + ident]; // closure exported function assert(func, 'Cannot call unknown function ' + ident + ', make sure it is exported'); return func; } var JSfuncs = { // Helpers for cwrap -- it can't refer to Runtime directly because it might // be renamed by closure, instead it calls JSfuncs['stackSave'].body to find // out what the minified function name is. 'stackSave': function() { stackSave() }, 'stackRestore': function() { stackRestore() }, // type conversion from js to c 'arrayToC' : function(arr) { var ret = stackAlloc(arr.length); writeArrayToMemory(arr, ret); return ret; }, 'stringToC' : function(str) { var ret = 0; if (str !== null && str !== undefined && str !== 0) { // null string // at most 4 bytes per UTF-8 code point, +1 for the trailing '\0' var len = (str.length << 2) + 1; ret = stackAlloc(len); stringToUTF8(str, ret, len); } return ret; } }; // For fast lookup of conversion functions var toC = {'string' : JSfuncs['stringToC'], 'array' : JSfuncs['arrayToC']}; // C calling interface. function ccall (ident, returnType, argTypes, args, opts) { var func = getCFunc(ident); var cArgs = []; var stack = 0; assert(returnType !== 'array', 'Return type should not be "array".'); if (args) { for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { var converter = toC[argTypes[i]]; if (converter) { if (stack === 0) stack = stackSave(); cArgs[i] = converter(args[i]); } else { cArgs[i] = args[i]; } } } var ret = func.apply(null, cArgs); if (returnType === 'string') ret = Pointer_stringify(ret); if (stack !== 0) { stackRestore(stack); } return ret; } function cwrap (ident, returnType, argTypes) { argTypes = argTypes || []; var cfunc = getCFunc(ident); // When the function takes numbers and returns a number, we can just return // the original function var numericArgs = argTypes.every(function(type){ return type === 'number'}); var numericRet = returnType !== 'string'; if (numericRet && numericArgs) { return cfunc; } return function() { return ccall(ident, returnType, argTypes, arguments); } } /** @type {function(number, number, string, boolean=)} */ function setValue(ptr, value, type, noSafe) { type = type || 'i8'; if (type.charAt(type.length-1) === '*') type = 'i32'; // pointers are 32-bit switch(type) { case 'i1': HEAP8[((ptr)>>0)]=value; break; case 'i8': HEAP8[((ptr)>>0)]=value; break; case 'i16': HEAP16[((ptr)>>1)]=value; break; case 'i32': HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)]=value; break; case 'i64': (tempI64 = [value>>>0,(tempDouble=value,(+(Math_abs(tempDouble))) >= 1.0 ? (tempDouble > 0.0 ? ((Math_min((+(Math_floor((tempDouble)/4294967296.0))), 4294967295.0))|0)>>>0 : (~~((+(Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(((~~(tempDouble)))>>>0))/4294967296.0)))))>>>0) : 0)],HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)]=tempI64[0],HEAP32[(((ptr)+(4))>>2)]=tempI64[1]); break; case 'float': HEAPF32[((ptr)>>2)]=value; break; case 'double': HEAPF64[((ptr)>>3)]=value; break; default: abort('invalid type for setValue: ' + type); } } /** @type {function(number, string, boolean=)} */ function getValue(ptr, type, noSafe) { type = type || 'i8'; if (type.charAt(type.length-1) === '*') type = 'i32'; // pointers are 32-bit switch(type) { case 'i1': return HEAP8[((ptr)>>0)]; case 'i8': return HEAP8[((ptr)>>0)]; case 'i16': return HEAP16[((ptr)>>1)]; case 'i32': return HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)]; case 'i64': return HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)]; case 'float': return HEAPF32[((ptr)>>2)]; case 'double': return HEAPF64[((ptr)>>3)]; default: abort('invalid type for getValue: ' + type); } return null; } var ALLOC_NORMAL = 0; // Tries to use _malloc() var ALLOC_STACK = 1; // Lives for the duration of the current function call var ALLOC_STATIC = 2; // Cannot be freed var ALLOC_DYNAMIC = 3; // Cannot be freed except through sbrk var ALLOC_NONE = 4; // Do not allocate // allocate(): This is for internal use. You can use it yourself as well, but the interface // is a little tricky (see docs right below). The reason is that it is optimized // for multiple syntaxes to save space in generated code. So you should // normally not use allocate(), and instead allocate memory using _malloc(), // initialize it with setValue(), and so forth. // @slab: An array of data, or a number. If a number, then the size of the block to allocate, // in *bytes* (note that this is sometimes confusing: the next parameter does not // affect this!) // @types: Either an array of types, one for each byte (or 0 if no type at that position), // or a single type which is used for the entire block. This only matters if there // is initial data - if @slab is a number, then this does not matter at all and is // ignored. // @allocator: How to allocate memory, see ALLOC_* /** @type {function((TypedArray|Array|number), string, number, number=)} */ function allocate(slab, types, allocator, ptr) { var zeroinit, size; if (typeof slab === 'number') { zeroinit = true; size = slab; } else { zeroinit = false; size = slab.length; } var singleType = typeof types === 'string' ? types : null; var ret; if (allocator == ALLOC_NONE) { ret = ptr; } else { ret = [typeof _malloc === 'function' ? _malloc : staticAlloc, stackAlloc, staticAlloc, dynamicAlloc][allocator === undefined ? ALLOC_STATIC : allocator](Math.max(size, singleType ? 1 : types.length)); } if (zeroinit) { var stop; ptr = ret; assert((ret & 3) == 0); stop = ret + (size & ~3); for (; ptr < stop; ptr += 4) { HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)]=0; } stop = ret + size; while (ptr < stop) { HEAP8[((ptr++)>>0)]=0; } return ret; } if (singleType === 'i8') { if (slab.subarray || slab.slice) { HEAPU8.set(/** @type {!Uint8Array} */ (slab), ret); } else { HEAPU8.set(new Uint8Array(slab), ret); } return ret; } var i = 0, type, typeSize, previousType; while (i < size) { var curr = slab[i]; type = singleType || types[i]; if (type === 0) { i++; continue; } assert(type, 'Must know what type to store in allocate!'); if (type == 'i64') type = 'i32'; // special case: we have one i32 here, and one i32 later setValue(ret+i, curr, type); // no need to look up size unless type changes, so cache it if (previousType !== type) { typeSize = getNativeTypeSize(type); previousType = type; } i += typeSize; } return ret; } // Allocate memory during any stage of startup - static memory early on, dynamic memory later, malloc when ready function getMemory(size) { if (!staticSealed) return staticAlloc(size); if (!runtimeInitialized) return dynamicAlloc(size); return _malloc(size); } /** @type {function(number, number=)} */ function Pointer_stringify(ptr, length) { if (length === 0 || !ptr) return ''; // TODO: use TextDecoder // Find the length, and check for UTF while doing so var hasUtf = 0; var t; var i = 0; while (1) { assert(ptr + i < TOTAL_MEMORY); t = HEAPU8[(((ptr)+(i))>>0)]; hasUtf |= t; if (t == 0 && !length) break; i++; if (length && i == length) break; } if (!length) length = i; var ret = ''; if (hasUtf < 128) { var MAX_CHUNK = 1024; // split up into chunks, because .apply on a huge string can overflow the stack var curr; while (length > 0) { curr = String.fromCharCode.apply(String, HEAPU8.subarray(ptr, ptr + Math.min(length, MAX_CHUNK))); ret = ret ? ret + curr : curr; ptr += MAX_CHUNK; length -= MAX_CHUNK; } return ret; } return UTF8ToString(ptr); } // Given a pointer 'ptr' to a null-terminated ASCII-encoded string in the emscripten HEAP, returns // a copy of that string as a Javascript String object. function AsciiToString(ptr) { var str = ''; while (1) { var ch = HEAP8[((ptr++)>>0)]; if (!ch) return str; str += String.fromCharCode(ch); } } // Copies the given Javascript String object 'str' to the emscripten HEAP at address 'outPtr', // null-terminated and encoded in ASCII form. The copy will require at most str.length+1 bytes of space in the HEAP. function stringToAscii(str, outPtr) { return writeAsciiToMemory(str, outPtr, false); } // Given a pointer 'ptr' to a null-terminated UTF8-encoded string in the given array that contains uint8 values, returns // a copy of that string as a Javascript String object. var UTF8Decoder = typeof TextDecoder !== 'undefined' ? new TextDecoder('utf8') : undefined; function UTF8ArrayToString(u8Array, idx) { var endPtr = idx; // TextDecoder needs to know the byte length in advance, it doesn't stop on null terminator by itself. // Also, use the length info to avoid running tiny strings through TextDecoder, since .subarray() allocates garbage. while (u8Array[endPtr]) ++endPtr; if (endPtr - idx > 16 && u8Array.subarray && UTF8Decoder) { return UTF8Decoder.decode(u8Array.subarray(idx, endPtr)); } else { var u0, u1, u2, u3, u4, u5; var str = ''; while (1) { // For UTF8 byte structure, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Description and https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2279.txt and https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629 u0 = u8Array[idx++]; if (!u0) return str; if (!(u0 & 0x80)) { str += String.fromCharCode(u0); continue; } u1 = u8Array[idx++] & 63; if ((u0 & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { str += String.fromCharCode(((u0 & 31) << 6) | u1); continue; } u2 = u8Array[idx++] & 63; if ((u0 & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { u0 = ((u0 & 15) << 12) | (u1 << 6) | u2; } else { u3 = u8Array[idx++] & 63; if ((u0 & 0xF8) == 0xF0) { u0 = ((u0 & 7) << 18) | (u1 << 12) | (u2 << 6) | u3; } else { u4 = u8Array[idx++] & 63; if ((u0 & 0xFC) == 0xF8) { u0 = ((u0 & 3) << 24) | (u1 << 18) | (u2 << 12) | (u3 << 6) | u4; } else { u5 = u8Array[idx++] & 63; u0 = ((u0 & 1) << 30) | (u1 << 24) | (u2 << 18) | (u3 << 12) | (u4 << 6) | u5; } } } if (u0 < 0x10000) { str += String.fromCharCode(u0); } else { var ch = u0 - 0x10000; str += String.fromCharCode(0xD800 | (ch >> 10), 0xDC00 | (ch & 0x3FF)); } } } } // Given a pointer 'ptr' to a null-terminated UTF8-encoded string in the emscripten HEAP, returns // a copy of that string as a Javascript String object. function UTF8ToString(ptr) { return UTF8ArrayToString(HEAPU8,ptr); } // Copies the given Javascript String object 'str' to the given byte array at address 'outIdx', // encoded in UTF8 form and null-terminated. The copy will require at most str.length*4+1 bytes of space in the HEAP. // Use the function lengthBytesUTF8 to compute the exact number of bytes (excluding null terminator) that this function will write. // Parameters: // str: the Javascript string to copy. // outU8Array: the array to copy to. Each index in this array is assumed to be one 8-byte element. // outIdx: The starting offset in the array to begin the copying. // maxBytesToWrite: The maximum number of bytes this function can write to the array. This count should include the null // terminator, i.e. if maxBytesToWrite=1, only the null terminator will be written and nothing else. // maxBytesToWrite=0 does not write any bytes to the output, not even the null terminator. // Returns the number of bytes written, EXCLUDING the null terminator. function stringToUTF8Array(str, outU8Array, outIdx, maxBytesToWrite) { if (!(maxBytesToWrite > 0)) // Parameter maxBytesToWrite is not optional. Negative values, 0, null, undefined and false each don't write out any bytes. return 0; var startIdx = outIdx; var endIdx = outIdx + maxBytesToWrite - 1; // -1 for string null terminator. for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { // Gotcha: charCodeAt returns a 16-bit word that is a UTF-16 encoded code unit, not a Unicode code point of the character! So decode UTF16->UTF32->UTF8. // See http://unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#utf16-3 // For UTF8 byte structure, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Description and https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2279.txt and https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629 var u = str.charCodeAt(i); // possibly a lead surrogate if (u >= 0xD800 && u <= 0xDFFF) u = 0x10000 + ((u & 0x3FF) << 10) | (str.charCodeAt(++i) & 0x3FF); if (u <= 0x7F) { if (outIdx >= endIdx) break; outU8Array[outIdx++] = u; } else if (u <= 0x7FF) { if (outIdx + 1 >= endIdx) break; outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0xC0 | (u >> 6); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | (u & 63); } else if (u <= 0xFFFF) { if (outIdx + 2 >= endIdx) break; outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0xE0 | (u >> 12); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 6) & 63); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | (u & 63); } else if (u <= 0x1FFFFF) { if (outIdx + 3 >= endIdx) break; outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0xF0 | (u >> 18); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 12) & 63); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 6) & 63); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | (u & 63); } else if (u <= 0x3FFFFFF) { if (outIdx + 4 >= endIdx) break; outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0xF8 | (u >> 24); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 18) & 63); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 12) & 63); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 6) & 63); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | (u & 63); } else { if (outIdx + 5 >= endIdx) break; outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0xFC | (u >> 30); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 24) & 63); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 18) & 63); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 12) & 63); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 6) & 63); outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | (u & 63); } } // Null-terminate the pointer to the buffer. outU8Array[outIdx] = 0; return outIdx - startIdx; } // Copies the given Javascript String object 'str' to the emscripten HEAP at address 'outPtr', // null-terminated and encoded in UTF8 form. The copy will require at most str.length*4+1 bytes of space in the HEAP. // Use the function lengthBytesUTF8 to compute the exact number of bytes (excluding null terminator) that this function will write. // Returns the number of bytes written, EXCLUDING the null terminator. function stringToUTF8(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) { assert(typeof maxBytesToWrite == 'number', 'stringToUTF8(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) is missing the third parameter that specifies the length of the output buffer!'); return stringToUTF8Array(str, HEAPU8,outPtr, maxBytesToWrite); } // Returns the number of bytes the given Javascript string takes if encoded as a UTF8 byte array, EXCLUDING the null terminator byte. function lengthBytesUTF8(str) { var len = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { // Gotcha: charCodeAt returns a 16-bit word that is a UTF-16 encoded code unit, not a Unicode code point of the character! So decode UTF16->UTF32->UTF8. // See http://unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#utf16-3 var u = str.charCodeAt(i); // possibly a lead surrogate if (u >= 0xD800 && u <= 0xDFFF) u = 0x10000 + ((u & 0x3FF) << 10) | (str.charCodeAt(++i) & 0x3FF); if (u <= 0x7F) { ++len; } else if (u <= 0x7FF) { len += 2; } else if (u <= 0xFFFF) { len += 3; } else if (u <= 0x1FFFFF) { len += 4; } else if (u <= 0x3FFFFFF) { len += 5; } else { len += 6; } } return len; } // Given a pointer 'ptr' to a null-terminated UTF16LE-encoded string in the emscripten HEAP, returns // a copy of that string as a Javascript String object. var UTF16Decoder = typeof TextDecoder !== 'undefined' ? new TextDecoder('utf-16le') : undefined; function UTF16ToString(ptr) { assert(ptr % 2 == 0, 'Pointer passed to UTF16ToString must be aligned to two bytes!'); var endPtr = ptr; // TextDecoder needs to know the byte length in advance, it doesn't stop on null terminator by itself. // Also, use the length info to avoid running tiny strings through TextDecoder, since .subarray() allocates garbage. var idx = endPtr >> 1; while (HEAP16[idx]) ++idx; endPtr = idx << 1; if (endPtr - ptr > 32 && UTF16Decoder) { return UTF16Decoder.decode(HEAPU8.subarray(ptr, endPtr)); } else { var i = 0; var str = ''; while (1) { var codeUnit = HEAP16[(((ptr)+(i*2))>>1)]; if (codeUnit == 0) return str; ++i; // fromCharCode constructs a character from a UTF-16 code unit, so we can pass the UTF16 string right through. str += String.fromCharCode(codeUnit); } } } // Copies the given Javascript String object 'str' to the emscripten HEAP at address 'outPtr', // null-terminated and encoded in UTF16 form. The copy will require at most str.length*4+2 bytes of space in the HEAP. // Use the function lengthBytesUTF16() to compute the exact number of bytes (excluding null terminator) that this function will write. // Parameters: // str: the Javascript string to copy. // outPtr: Byte address in Emscripten HEAP where to write the string to. // maxBytesToWrite: The maximum number of bytes this function can write to the array. This count should include the null // terminator, i.e. if maxBytesToWrite=2, only the null terminator will be written and nothing else. // maxBytesToWrite<2 does not write any bytes to the output, not even the null terminator. // Returns the number of bytes written, EXCLUDING the null terminator. function stringToUTF16(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) { assert(outPtr % 2 == 0, 'Pointer passed to stringToUTF16 must be aligned to two bytes!'); assert(typeof maxBytesToWrite == 'number', 'stringToUTF16(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) is missing the third parameter that specifies the length of the output buffer!'); // Backwards compatibility: if max bytes is not specified, assume unsafe unbounded write is allowed. if (maxBytesToWrite === undefined) { maxBytesToWrite = 0x7FFFFFFF; } if (maxBytesToWrite < 2) return 0; maxBytesToWrite -= 2; // Null terminator. var startPtr = outPtr; var numCharsToWrite = (maxBytesToWrite < str.length*2) ? (maxBytesToWrite / 2) : str.length; for (var i = 0; i < numCharsToWrite; ++i) { // charCodeAt returns a UTF-16 encoded code unit, so it can be directly written to the HEAP. var codeUnit = str.charCodeAt(i); // possibly a lead surrogate HEAP16[((outPtr)>>1)]=codeUnit; outPtr += 2; } // Null-terminate the pointer to the HEAP. HEAP16[((outPtr)>>1)]=0; return outPtr - startPtr; } // Returns the number of bytes the given Javascript string takes if encoded as a UTF16 byte array, EXCLUDING the null terminator byte. function lengthBytesUTF16(str) { return str.length*2; } function UTF32ToString(ptr) { assert(ptr % 4 == 0, 'Pointer passed to UTF32ToString must be aligned to four bytes!'); var i = 0; var str = ''; while (1) { var utf32 = HEAP32[(((ptr)+(i*4))>>2)]; if (utf32 == 0) return str; ++i; // Gotcha: fromCharCode constructs a character from a UTF-16 encoded code (pair), not from a Unicode code point! So encode the code point to UTF-16 for constructing. // See http://unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#utf16-3 if (utf32 >= 0x10000) { var ch = utf32 - 0x10000; str += String.fromCharCode(0xD800 | (ch >> 10), 0xDC00 | (ch & 0x3FF)); } else { str += String.fromCharCode(utf32); } } } // Copies the given Javascript String object 'str' to the emscripten HEAP at address 'outPtr', // null-terminated and encoded in UTF32 form. The copy will require at most str.length*4+4 bytes of space in the HEAP. // Use the function lengthBytesUTF32() to compute the exact number of bytes (excluding null terminator) that this function will write. // Parameters: // str: the Javascript string to copy. // outPtr: Byte address in Emscripten HEAP where to write the string to. // maxBytesToWrite: The maximum number of bytes this function can write to the array. This count should include the null // terminator, i.e. if maxBytesToWrite=4, only the null terminator will be written and nothing else. // maxBytesToWrite<4 does not write any bytes to the output, not even the null terminator. // Returns the number of bytes written, EXCLUDING the null terminator. function stringToUTF32(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) { assert(outPtr % 4 == 0, 'Pointer passed to stringToUTF32 must be aligned to four bytes!'); assert(typeof maxBytesToWrite == 'number', 'stringToUTF32(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) is missing the third parameter that specifies the length of the output buffer!'); // Backwards compatibility: if max bytes is not specified, assume unsafe unbounded write is allowed. if (maxBytesToWrite === undefined) { maxBytesToWrite = 0x7FFFFFFF; } if (maxBytesToWrite < 4) return 0; var startPtr = outPtr; var endPtr = startPtr + maxBytesToWrite - 4; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { // Gotcha: charCodeAt returns a 16-bit word that is a UTF-16 encoded code unit, not a Unicode code point of the character! We must decode the string to UTF-32 to the heap. // See http://unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#utf16-3 var codeUnit = str.charCodeAt(i); // possibly a lead surrogate if (codeUnit >= 0xD800 && codeUnit <= 0xDFFF) { var trailSurrogate = str.charCodeAt(++i); codeUnit = 0x10000 + ((codeUnit & 0x3FF) << 10) | (trailSurrogate & 0x3FF); } HEAP32[((outPtr)>>2)]=codeUnit; outPtr += 4; if (outPtr + 4 > endPtr) break; } // Null-terminate the pointer to the HEAP. HEAP32[((outPtr)>>2)]=0; return outPtr - startPtr; } // Returns the number of bytes the given Javascript string takes if encoded as a UTF16 byte array, EXCLUDING the null terminator byte. function lengthBytesUTF32(str) { var len = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { // Gotcha: charCodeAt returns a 16-bit word that is a UTF-16 encoded code unit, not a Unicode code point of the character! We must decode the string to UTF-32 to the heap. // See http://unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#utf16-3 var codeUnit = str.charCodeAt(i); if (codeUnit >= 0xD800 && codeUnit <= 0xDFFF) ++i; // possibly a lead surrogate, so skip over the tail surrogate. len += 4; } return len; } // Allocate heap space for a JS string, and write it there. // It is the responsibility of the caller to free() that memory. function allocateUTF8(str) { var size = lengthBytesUTF8(str) + 1; var ret = _malloc(size); if (ret) stringToUTF8Array(str, HEAP8, ret, size); return ret; } // Allocate stack space for a JS string, and write it there. function allocateUTF8OnStack(str) { var size = lengthBytesUTF8(str) + 1; var ret = stackAlloc(size); stringToUTF8Array(str, HEAP8, ret, size); return ret; } function demangle(func) { warnOnce('warning: build with -s DEMANGLE_SUPPORT=1 to link in libcxxabi demangling'); return func; } function demangleAll(text) { var regex = /__Z[\w\d_]+/g; return text.replace(regex, function(x) { var y = demangle(x); return x === y ? x : (x + ' [' + y + ']'); }); } function jsStackTrace() { var err = new Error(); if (!err.stack) { // IE10+ special cases: It does have callstack info, but it is only populated if an Error object is thrown, // so try that as a special-case. try { throw new Error(0); } catch(e) { err = e; } if (!err.stack) { return '(no stack trace available)'; } } return err.stack.toString(); } function stackTrace() { var js = jsStackTrace(); if (Module['extraStackTrace']) js += '\n' + Module['extraStackTrace'](); return demangleAll(js); } // Memory management var PAGE_SIZE = 16384; var WASM_PAGE_SIZE = 65536; var ASMJS_PAGE_SIZE = 16777216; var MIN_TOTAL_MEMORY = 16777216; function alignUp(x, multiple) { if (x % multiple > 0) { x += multiple - (x % multiple); } return x; } var HEAP, /** @type {ArrayBuffer} */ buffer, /** @type {Int8Array} */ HEAP8, /** @type {Uint8Array} */ HEAPU8, /** @type {Int16Array} */ HEAP16, /** @type {Uint16Array} */ HEAPU16, /** @type {Int32Array} */ HEAP32, /** @type {Uint32Array} */ HEAPU32, /** @type {Float32Array} */ HEAPF32, /** @type {Float64Array} */ HEAPF64; function updateGlobalBuffer(buf) { Module['buffer'] = buffer = buf; } function updateGlobalBufferViews() { Module['HEAP8'] = HEAP8 = new Int8Array(buffer); Module['HEAP16'] = HEAP16 = new Int16Array(buffer); Module['HEAP32'] = HEAP32 = new Int32Array(buffer); Module['HEAPU8'] = HEAPU8 = new Uint8Array(buffer); Module['HEAPU16'] = HEAPU16 = new Uint16Array(buffer); Module['HEAPU32'] = HEAPU32 = new Uint32Array(buffer); Module['HEAPF32'] = HEAPF32 = new Float32Array(buffer); Module['HEAPF64'] = HEAPF64 = new Float64Array(buffer); } var STATIC_BASE, STATICTOP, staticSealed; // static area var STACK_BASE, STACKTOP, STACK_MAX; // stack area var DYNAMIC_BASE, DYNAMICTOP_PTR; // dynamic area handled by sbrk STATIC_BASE = STATICTOP = STACK_BASE = STACKTOP = STACK_MAX = DYNAMIC_BASE = DYNAMICTOP_PTR = 0; staticSealed = false; // Initializes the stack cookie. Called at the startup of main and at the startup of each thread in pthreads mode. function writeStackCookie() { assert((STACK_MAX & 3) == 0); HEAPU32[(STACK_MAX >> 2)-1] = 0x02135467; HEAPU32[(STACK_MAX >> 2)-2] = 0x89BACDFE; } function checkStackCookie() { if (HEAPU32[(STACK_MAX >> 2)-1] != 0x02135467 || HEAPU32[(STACK_MAX >> 2)-2] != 0x89BACDFE) { abort('Stack overflow! Stack cookie has been overwritten, expected hex dwords 0x89BACDFE and 0x02135467, but received 0x' + HEAPU32[(STACK_MAX >> 2)-2].toString(16) + ' ' + HEAPU32[(STACK_MAX >> 2)-1].toString(16)); } // Also test the global address 0 for integrity. This check is not compatible with SAFE_SPLIT_MEMORY though, since that mode already tests all address 0 accesses on its own. if (HEAP32[0] !== 0x63736d65 /* 'emsc' */) throw 'Runtime error: The application has corrupted its heap memory area (address zero)!'; } function abortStackOverflow(allocSize) { abort('Stack overflow! Attempted to allocate ' + allocSize + ' bytes on the stack, but stack has only ' + (STACK_MAX - stackSave() + allocSize) + ' bytes available!'); } function abortOnCannotGrowMemory() { abort('Cannot enlarge memory arrays. Either (1) compile with -s TOTAL_MEMORY=X with X higher than the current value ' + TOTAL_MEMORY + ', (2) compile with -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 which allows increasing the size at runtime but prevents some optimizations, (3) set Module.TOTAL_MEMORY to a higher value before the program runs, or (4) if you want malloc to return NULL (0) instead of this abort, compile with -s ABORTING_MALLOC=0 '); } function enlargeMemory() { abortOnCannotGrowMemory(); } var TOTAL_STACK = Module['TOTAL_STACK'] || 5242880; var TOTAL_MEMORY = Module['TOTAL_MEMORY'] || 16777216; if (TOTAL_MEMORY < TOTAL_STACK) Module.printErr('TOTAL_MEMORY should be larger than TOTAL_STACK, was ' + TOTAL_MEMORY + '! (TOTAL_STACK=' + TOTAL_STACK + ')'); // Initialize the runtime's memory // check for full engine support (use string 'subarray' to avoid closure compiler confusion) assert(typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' && typeof Float64Array !== 'undefined' && Int32Array.prototype.subarray !== undefined && Int32Array.prototype.set !== undefined, 'JS engine does not provide full typed array support'); // Use a provided buffer, if there is one, or else allocate a new one if (Module['buffer']) { buffer = Module['buffer']; assert(buffer.byteLength === TOTAL_MEMORY, 'provided buffer should be ' + TOTAL_MEMORY + ' bytes, but it is ' + buffer.byteLength); } else { // Use a WebAssembly memory where available { buffer = new ArrayBuffer(TOTAL_MEMORY); } assert(buffer.byteLength === TOTAL_MEMORY); Module['buffer'] = buffer; } updateGlobalBufferViews(); function getTotalMemory() { return TOTAL_MEMORY; } // Endianness check (note: assumes compiler arch was little-endian) HEAP32[0] = 0x63736d65; /* 'emsc' */ HEAP16[1] = 0x6373; if (HEAPU8[2] !== 0x73 || HEAPU8[3] !== 0x63) throw 'Runtime error: expected the system to be little-endian!'; function callRuntimeCallbacks(callbacks) { while(callbacks.length > 0) { var callback = callbacks.shift(); if (typeof callback == 'function') { callback(); continue; } var func = callback.func; if (typeof func === 'number') { if (callback.arg === undefined) { Module['dynCall_v'](func); } else { Module['dynCall_vi'](func, callback.arg); } } else { func(callback.arg === undefined ? null : callback.arg); } } } var __ATPRERUN__ = []; // functions called before the runtime is initialized var __ATINIT__ = []; // functions called during startup var __ATMAIN__ = []; // functions called when main() is to be run var __ATEXIT__ = []; // functions called during shutdown var __ATPOSTRUN__ = []; // functions called after the runtime has exited var runtimeInitialized = false; var runtimeExited = false; function preRun() { // compatibility - merge in anything from Module['preRun'] at this time if (Module['preRun']) { if (typeof Module['preRun'] == 'function') Module['preRun'] = [Module['preRun']]; while (Module['preRun'].length) { addOnPreRun(Module['preRun'].shift()); } } callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATPRERUN__); } function ensureInitRuntime() { checkStackCookie(); if (runtimeInitialized) return; runtimeInitialized = true; callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATINIT__); } function preMain() { checkStackCookie(); callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATMAIN__); } function exitRuntime() { checkStackCookie(); callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATEXIT__); runtimeExited = true; } function postRun() { checkStackCookie(); // compatibility - merge in anything from Module['postRun'] at this time if (Module['postRun']) { if (typeof Module['postRun'] == 'function') Module['postRun'] = [Module['postRun']]; while (Module['postRun'].length) { addOnPostRun(Module['postRun'].shift()); } } callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATPOSTRUN__); } function addOnPreRun(cb) { __ATPRERUN__.unshift(cb); } function addOnInit(cb) { __ATINIT__.unshift(cb); } function addOnPreMain(cb) { __ATMAIN__.unshift(cb); } function addOnExit(cb) { __ATEXIT__.unshift(cb); } function addOnPostRun(cb) { __ATPOSTRUN__.unshift(cb); } // Deprecated: This function should not be called because it is unsafe and does not provide // a maximum length limit of how many bytes it is allowed to write. Prefer calling the // function stringToUTF8Array() instead, which takes in a maximum length that can be used // to be secure from out of bounds writes. /** @deprecated */ function writeStringToMemory(string, buffer, dontAddNull) { warnOnce('writeStringToMemory is deprecated and should not be called! Use stringToUTF8() instead!'); var /** @type {number} */ lastChar, /** @type {number} */ end; if (dontAddNull) { // stringToUTF8Array always appends null. If we don't want to do that, remember the // character that existed at the location where the null will be placed, and restore // that after the write (below). end = buffer + lengthBytesUTF8(string); lastChar = HEAP8[end]; } stringToUTF8(string, buffer, Infinity); if (dontAddNull) HEAP8[end] = lastChar; // Restore the value under the null character. } function writeArrayToMemory(array, buffer) { assert(array.length >= 0, 'writeArrayToMemory array must have a length (should be an array or typed array)') HEAP8.set(array, buffer); } function writeAsciiToMemory(str, buffer, dontAddNull) { for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { assert(str.charCodeAt(i) === str.charCodeAt(i)&0xff); HEAP8[((buffer++)>>0)]=str.charCodeAt(i); } // Null-terminate the pointer to the HEAP. if (!dontAddNull) HEAP8[((buffer)>>0)]=0; } function unSign(value, bits, ignore) { if (value >= 0) { return value; } return bits <= 32 ? 2*Math.abs(1 << (bits-1)) + value // Need some trickery, since if bits == 32, we are right at the limit of the bits JS uses in bitshifts : Math.pow(2, bits) + value; } function reSign(value, bits, ignore) { if (value <= 0) { return value; } var half = bits <= 32 ? Math.abs(1 << (bits-1)) // abs is needed if bits == 32 : Math.pow(2, bits-1); if (value >= half && (bits <= 32 || value > half)) { // for huge values, we can hit the precision limit and always get true here. so don't do that // but, in general there is no perfect solution here. With 64-bit ints, we get rounding and errors // TODO: In i64 mode 1, resign the two parts separately and safely value = -2*half + value; // Cannot bitshift half, as it may be at the limit of the bits JS uses in bitshifts } return value; } assert(Math['imul'] && Math['fround'] && Math['clz32'] && Math['trunc'], 'this is a legacy browser, build with LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT'); var Math_abs = Math.abs; var Math_cos = Math.cos; var Math_sin = Math.sin; var Math_tan = Math.tan; var Math_acos = Math.acos; var Math_asin = Math.asin; var Math_atan = Math.atan; var Math_atan2 = Math.atan2; var Math_exp = Math.exp; var Math_log = Math.log; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_floor = Math.floor; var Math_pow = Math.pow; var Math_imul = Math.imul; var Math_fround = Math.fround; var Math_round = Math.round; var Math_min = Math.min; var Math_max = Math.max; var Math_clz32 = Math.clz32; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; // A counter of dependencies for calling run(). If we need to // do asynchronous work before running, increment this and // decrement it. Incrementing must happen in a place like // PRE_RUN_ADDITIONS (used by emcc to add file preloading). // Note that you can add dependencies in preRun, even though // it happens right before run - run will be postponed until // the dependencies are met. var runDependencies = 0; var runDependencyWatcher = null; var dependenciesFulfilled = null; // overridden to take different actions when all run dependencies are fulfilled var runDependencyTracking = {}; function getUniqueRunDependency(id) { var orig = id; while (1) { if (!runDependencyTracking[id]) return id; id = orig + Math.random(); } return id; } function addRunDependency(id) { runDependencies++; if (Module['monitorRunDependencies']) { Module['monitorRunDependencies'](runDependencies); } if (id) { assert(!runDependencyTracking[id]); runDependencyTracking[id] = 1; if (runDependencyWatcher === null && typeof setInterval !== 'undefined') { // Check for missing dependencies every few seconds runDependencyWatcher = setInterval(function() { if (ABORT) { clearInterval(runDependencyWatcher); runDependencyWatcher = null; return; } var shown = false; for (var dep in runDependencyTracking) { if (!shown) { shown = true; Module.printErr('still waiting on run dependencies:'); } Module.printErr('dependency: ' + dep); } if (shown) { Module.printErr('(end of list)'); } }, 10000); } } else { Module.printErr('warning: run dependency added without ID'); } } function removeRunDependency(id) { runDependencies--; if (Module['monitorRunDependencies']) { Module['monitorRunDependencies'](runDependencies); } if (id) { assert(runDependencyTracking[id]); delete runDependencyTracking[id]; } else { Module.printErr('warning: run dependency removed without ID'); } if (runDependencies == 0) { if (runDependencyWatcher !== null) { clearInterval(runDependencyWatcher); runDependencyWatcher = null; } if (dependenciesFulfilled) { var callback = dependenciesFulfilled; dependenciesFulfilled = null; callback(); // can add another dependenciesFulfilled } } } Module["preloadedImages"] = {}; // maps url to image data Module["preloadedAudios"] = {}; // maps url to audio data var memoryInitializer = null; var /* show errors on likely calls to FS when it was not included */ FS = { error: function() { abort('Filesystem support (FS) was not included. The problem is that you are using files from JS, but files were not used from C/C++, so filesystem support was not auto-included. You can force-include filesystem support with -s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1'); }, init: function() { FS.error() }, createDataFile: function() { FS.error() }, createPreloadedFile: function() { FS.error() }, createLazyFile: function() { FS.error() }, open: function() { FS.error() }, mkdev: function() { FS.error() }, registerDevice: function() { FS.error() }, analyzePath: function() { FS.error() }, loadFilesFromDB: function() { FS.error() }, ErrnoError: function ErrnoError() { FS.error() }, }; Module['FS_createDataFile'] = FS.createDataFile; Module['FS_createPreloadedFile'] = FS.createPreloadedFile; // Prefix of data URIs emitted by SINGLE_FILE and related options. var dataURIPrefix = 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,'; // Indicates whether filename is a base64 data URI. function isDataURI(filename) { return String.prototype.startsWith ? filename.startsWith(dataURIPrefix) : filename.indexOf(dataURIPrefix) === 0; } // === Body === var ASM_CONSTS = []; STATIC_BASE = GLOBAL_BASE; STATICTOP = STATIC_BASE + 35152; /* global initializers */ __ATINIT__.push(); memoryInitializer = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,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/* no memory initializer */ var tempDoublePtr = STATICTOP; STATICTOP += 16; assert(tempDoublePtr % 8 == 0); function copyTempFloat(ptr) { // functions, because inlining this code increases code size too much HEAP8[tempDoublePtr] = HEAP8[ptr]; HEAP8[tempDoublePtr+1] = HEAP8[ptr+1]; HEAP8[tempDoublePtr+2] = HEAP8[ptr+2]; HEAP8[tempDoublePtr+3] = HEAP8[ptr+3]; } function copyTempDouble(ptr) { HEAP8[tempDoublePtr] = HEAP8[ptr]; HEAP8[tempDoublePtr+1] = HEAP8[ptr+1]; HEAP8[tempDoublePtr+2] = HEAP8[ptr+2]; HEAP8[tempDoublePtr+3] = HEAP8[ptr+3]; HEAP8[tempDoublePtr+4] = HEAP8[ptr+4]; HEAP8[tempDoublePtr+5] = HEAP8[ptr+5]; HEAP8[tempDoublePtr+6] = HEAP8[ptr+6]; HEAP8[tempDoublePtr+7] = HEAP8[ptr+7]; } // {{PRE_LIBRARY}} function ___cxa_allocate_exception(size) { return _malloc(size); } function __ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv() { // std::uncaught_exception() return !!__ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv.uncaught_exception; } var EXCEPTIONS={last:0,caught:[],infos:{},deAdjust:function (adjusted) { if (!adjusted || EXCEPTIONS.infos[adjusted]) return adjusted; for (var ptr in EXCEPTIONS.infos) { var info = EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr]; if (info.adjusted === adjusted) { return ptr; } } return adjusted; },addRef:function (ptr) { if (!ptr) return; var info = EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr]; info.refcount++; },decRef:function (ptr) { if (!ptr) return; var info = EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr]; assert(info.refcount > 0); info.refcount--; // A rethrown exception can reach refcount 0; it must not be discarded // Its next handler will clear the rethrown flag and addRef it, prior to // final decRef and destruction here if (info.refcount === 0 && !info.rethrown) { if (info.destructor) { Module['dynCall_vi'](info.destructor, ptr); } delete EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr]; ___cxa_free_exception(ptr); } },clearRef:function (ptr) { if (!ptr) return; var info = EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr]; info.refcount = 0; }}; function ___resumeException(ptr) { if (!EXCEPTIONS.last) { EXCEPTIONS.last = ptr; } throw ptr; }function ___cxa_find_matching_catch() { var thrown = EXCEPTIONS.last; if (!thrown) { // just pass through the null ptr return ((setTempRet0(0),0)|0); } var info = EXCEPTIONS.infos[thrown]; var throwntype = info.type; if (!throwntype) { // just pass through the thrown ptr return ((setTempRet0(0),thrown)|0); } var typeArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var pointer = Module['___cxa_is_pointer_type'](throwntype); // can_catch receives a **, add indirection if (!___cxa_find_matching_catch.buffer) ___cxa_find_matching_catch.buffer = _malloc(4); HEAP32[((___cxa_find_matching_catch.buffer)>>2)]=thrown; thrown = ___cxa_find_matching_catch.buffer; // The different catch blocks are denoted by different types. // Due to inheritance, those types may not precisely match the // type of the thrown object. Find one which matches, and // return the type of the catch block which should be called. for (var i = 0; i < typeArray.length; i++) { if (typeArray[i] && Module['___cxa_can_catch'](typeArray[i], throwntype, thrown)) { thrown = HEAP32[((thrown)>>2)]; // undo indirection info.adjusted = thrown; return ((setTempRet0(typeArray[i]),thrown)|0); } } // Shouldn't happen unless we have bogus data in typeArray // or encounter a type for which emscripten doesn't have suitable // typeinfo defined. Best-efforts match just in case. thrown = HEAP32[((thrown)>>2)]; // undo indirection return ((setTempRet0(throwntype),thrown)|0); }function ___cxa_throw(ptr, type, destructor) { EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr] = { ptr: ptr, adjusted: ptr, type: type, destructor: destructor, refcount: 0, caught: false, rethrown: false }; EXCEPTIONS.last = ptr; if (!("uncaught_exception" in __ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv)) { __ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv.uncaught_exception = 1; } else { __ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv.uncaught_exception++; } throw ptr; } function ___gxx_personality_v0() { } function ___lock() {} var SYSCALLS={varargs:0,get:function (varargs) { SYSCALLS.varargs += 4; var ret = HEAP32[(((SYSCALLS.varargs)-(4))>>2)]; return ret; },getStr:function () { var ret = Pointer_stringify(SYSCALLS.get()); return ret; },get64:function () { var low = SYSCALLS.get(), high = SYSCALLS.get(); if (low >= 0) assert(high === 0); else assert(high === -1); return low; },getZero:function () { assert(SYSCALLS.get() === 0); }};function ___syscall140(which, varargs) {SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { // llseek var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), offset_high = SYSCALLS.get(), offset_low = SYSCALLS.get(), result = SYSCALLS.get(), whence = SYSCALLS.get(); // NOTE: offset_high is unused - Emscripten's off_t is 32-bit var offset = offset_low; FS.llseek(stream, offset, whence); HEAP32[((result)>>2)]=stream.position; if (stream.getdents && offset === 0 && whence === 0) stream.getdents = null; // reset readdir state return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e); return -e.errno; } } function flush_NO_FILESYSTEM() { // flush anything remaining in the buffers during shutdown var fflush = Module["_fflush"]; if (fflush) fflush(0); var printChar = ___syscall146.printChar; if (!printChar) return; var buffers = ___syscall146.buffers; if (buffers[1].length) printChar(1, 10); if (buffers[2].length) printChar(2, 10); }function ___syscall146(which, varargs) {SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { // writev // hack to support printf in NO_FILESYSTEM var stream = SYSCALLS.get(), iov = SYSCALLS.get(), iovcnt = SYSCALLS.get(); var ret = 0; if (!___syscall146.buffers) { ___syscall146.buffers = [null, [], []]; // 1 => stdout, 2 => stderr ___syscall146.printChar = function(stream, curr) { var buffer = ___syscall146.buffers[stream]; assert(buffer); if (curr === 0 || curr === 10) { (stream === 1 ? Module['print'] : Module['printErr'])(UTF8ArrayToString(buffer, 0)); buffer.length = 0; } else { buffer.push(curr); } }; } for (var i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) { var ptr = HEAP32[(((iov)+(i*8))>>2)]; var len = HEAP32[(((iov)+(i*8 + 4))>>2)]; for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) { ___syscall146.printChar(stream, HEAPU8[ptr+j]); } ret += len; } return ret; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e); return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall54(which, varargs) {SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { // ioctl return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e); return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall6(which, varargs) {SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { // close var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(); FS.close(stream); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e); return -e.errno; } } var cttz_i8 = allocate([8,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,6,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,7,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,6,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0], "i8", ALLOC_STATIC); function ___unlock() {} function _abort() { Module['abort'](); } var _llvm_ctlz_i32=true; var _llvm_pow_f64=Math_pow; function _llvm_stackrestore(p) { var self = _llvm_stacksave; var ret = self.LLVM_SAVEDSTACKS[p]; self.LLVM_SAVEDSTACKS.splice(p, 1); stackRestore(ret); } function _llvm_stacksave() { var self = _llvm_stacksave; if (!self.LLVM_SAVEDSTACKS) { self.LLVM_SAVEDSTACKS = []; } self.LLVM_SAVEDSTACKS.push(stackSave()); return self.LLVM_SAVEDSTACKS.length-1; } function _emscripten_memcpy_big(dest, src, num) { HEAPU8.set(HEAPU8.subarray(src, src+num), dest); return dest; } function ___setErrNo(value) { if (Module['___errno_location']) HEAP32[((Module['___errno_location']())>>2)]=value; else Module.printErr('failed to set errno from JS'); return value; } DYNAMICTOP_PTR = staticAlloc(4); STACK_BASE = STACKTOP = alignMemory(STATICTOP); STACK_MAX = STACK_BASE + TOTAL_STACK; DYNAMIC_BASE = alignMemory(STACK_MAX); HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2] = DYNAMIC_BASE; staticSealed = true; // seal the static portion of memory assert(DYNAMIC_BASE < TOTAL_MEMORY, "TOTAL_MEMORY not big enough for stack"); var ASSERTIONS = true; /** @type {function(string, boolean=, number=)} */ function intArrayFromString(stringy, dontAddNull, length) { var len = length > 0 ? length : lengthBytesUTF8(stringy)+1; var u8array = new Array(len); var numBytesWritten = stringToUTF8Array(stringy, u8array, 0, u8array.length); if (dontAddNull) u8array.length = numBytesWritten; return u8array; } function intArrayToString(array) { var ret = []; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { var chr = array[i]; if (chr > 0xFF) { if (ASSERTIONS) { assert(false, 'Character code ' + chr + ' (' + String.fromCharCode(chr) + ') at offset ' + i + ' not in 0x00-0xFF.'); } chr &= 0xFF; } ret.push(String.fromCharCode(chr)); } return ret.join(''); } // Copied from https://github.com/strophe/strophejs/blob/e06d027/src/polyfills.js#L149 // This code was written by Tyler Akins and has been placed in the // public domain. It would be nice if you left this header intact. // Base64 code from Tyler Akins -- http://rumkin.com /** * Decodes a base64 string. * @param {String} input The string to decode. */ var decodeBase64 = typeof atob === 'function' ? atob : function (input) { var keyStr = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; var output = ''; var chr1, chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; // remove all characters that are not A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /, or = input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ''); do { enc1 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 !== 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 !== 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } while (i < input.length); return output; }; // Converts a string of base64 into a byte array. // Throws error on invalid input. function intArrayFromBase64(s) { if (typeof ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE === 'boolean' && ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) { var buf; try { buf = Buffer.from(s, 'base64'); } catch (_) { buf = new Buffer(s, 'base64'); } return new Uint8Array(buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset, buf.byteLength); } try { var decoded = decodeBase64(s); var bytes = new Uint8Array(decoded.length); for (var i = 0 ; i < decoded.length ; ++i) { bytes[i] = decoded.charCodeAt(i); } return bytes; } catch (_) { throw new Error('Converting base64 string to bytes failed.'); } } // If filename is a base64 data URI, parses and returns data (Buffer on node, // Uint8Array otherwise). If filename is not a base64 data URI, returns undefined. function tryParseAsDataURI(filename) { if (!isDataURI(filename)) { return; } return intArrayFromBase64(filename.slice(dataURIPrefix.length)); } var debug_table_ii = ["0", "___stdio_close", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "__ZNKSt9bad_alloc4whatEv", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"]; var debug_table_iiii = ["0", "0", "___stdout_write", "___stdio_seek", "0", "0", "0", "0", "__ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info9can_catchEPKNS_16__shim_type_infoERPv", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "___stdio_write", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"]; var debug_table_v = ["0"]; var debug_table_vi = ["0", "0", "0", "0", "__ZN10__cxxabiv116__shim_type_infoD2Ev", "__ZN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoD0Ev", "__ZNK10__cxxabiv116__shim_type_info5noop1Ev", "__ZNK10__cxxabiv116__shim_type_info5noop2Ev", "0", "0", "0", "0", "__ZN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoD0Ev", "0", "0", "0", "__ZNSt9bad_allocD2Ev", "__ZNSt9bad_allocD0Ev", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"]; var debug_table_viiii = ["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "__ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info27has_unambiguous_public_baseEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPvi", "0", "0", "0", "__ZNK10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_info27has_unambiguous_public_baseEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPvi"]; var debug_table_viiiii = ["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "__ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info16search_below_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvib", "0", "0", "0", "__ZNK10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_info16search_below_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvib", "0"]; var debug_table_viiiiii = ["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "__ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info16search_above_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvS4_ib", "0", "0", "0", "__ZNK10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_info16search_above_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvS4_ib", "0", "0"]; var debug_table_viiiiiii = ["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "_downmix_float", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"]; function nullFunc_ii(x) { Module["printErr"]("Invalid function pointer '" + x + "' called with signature 'ii'. Perhaps this is an invalid value (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? Or calling a function with an incorrect type, which will fail? (it is worth building your source files with -Werror (warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this)"); Module["printErr"]("This pointer might make sense in another type signature: iiii: " + debug_table_iiii[x] + " vi: " + debug_table_vi[x] + " v: " + debug_table_v[x] + " viiii: " + debug_table_viiii[x] + " viiiii: " + debug_table_viiiii[x] + " viiiiii: " + debug_table_viiiiii[x] + " viiiiiii: " + debug_table_viiiiiii[x] + " "); abort(x) } function nullFunc_iiii(x) { Module["printErr"]("Invalid function pointer '" + x + "' called with signature 'iiii'. Perhaps this is an invalid value (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? Or calling a function with an incorrect type, which will fail? (it is worth building your source files with -Werror (warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this)"); Module["printErr"]("This pointer might make sense in another type signature: ii: " + debug_table_ii[x] + " viiii: " + debug_table_viiii[x] + " vi: " + debug_table_vi[x] + " viiiii: " + debug_table_viiiii[x] + " viiiiii: " + debug_table_viiiiii[x] + " v: " + debug_table_v[x] + " viiiiiii: " + debug_table_viiiiiii[x] + " "); abort(x) } function nullFunc_v(x) { Module["printErr"]("Invalid function pointer '" + x + "' called with signature 'v'. Perhaps this is an invalid value (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? Or calling a function with an incorrect type, which will fail? (it is worth building your source files with -Werror (warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this)"); Module["printErr"]("This pointer might make sense in another type signature: vi: " + debug_table_vi[x] + " viiii: " + debug_table_viiii[x] + " viiiii: " + debug_table_viiiii[x] + " viiiiii: " + debug_table_viiiiii[x] + " viiiiiii: " + debug_table_viiiiiii[x] + " ii: " + debug_table_ii[x] + " iiii: " + debug_table_iiii[x] + " "); abort(x) } function nullFunc_vi(x) { Module["printErr"]("Invalid function pointer '" + x + "' called with signature 'vi'. Perhaps this is an invalid value (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? Or calling a function with an incorrect type, which will fail? (it is worth building your source files with -Werror (warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this)"); Module["printErr"]("This pointer might make sense in another type signature: v: " + debug_table_v[x] + " viiii: " + debug_table_viiii[x] + " viiiii: " + debug_table_viiiii[x] + " viiiiii: " + debug_table_viiiiii[x] + " viiiiiii: " + debug_table_viiiiiii[x] + " ii: " + debug_table_ii[x] + " iiii: " + debug_table_iiii[x] + " "); abort(x) } function nullFunc_viiii(x) { Module["printErr"]("Invalid function pointer '" + x + "' called with signature 'viiii'. Perhaps this is an invalid value (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? Or calling a function with an incorrect type, which will fail? (it is worth building your source files with -Werror (warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this)"); Module["printErr"]("This pointer might make sense in another type signature: vi: " + debug_table_vi[x] + " viiiii: " + debug_table_viiiii[x] + " viiiiii: " + debug_table_viiiiii[x] + " v: " + debug_table_v[x] + " viiiiiii: " + debug_table_viiiiiii[x] + " iiii: " + debug_table_iiii[x] + " ii: " + debug_table_ii[x] + " "); abort(x) } function nullFunc_viiiii(x) { Module["printErr"]("Invalid function pointer '" + x + "' called with signature 'viiiii'. Perhaps this is an invalid value (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? Or calling a function with an incorrect type, which will fail? (it is worth building your source files with -Werror (warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this)"); Module["printErr"]("This pointer might make sense in another type signature: viiii: " + debug_table_viiii[x] + " vi: " + debug_table_vi[x] + " viiiiii: " + debug_table_viiiiii[x] + " viiiiiii: " + debug_table_viiiiiii[x] + " v: " + debug_table_v[x] + " iiii: " + debug_table_iiii[x] + " ii: " + debug_table_ii[x] + " "); abort(x) } function nullFunc_viiiiii(x) { Module["printErr"]("Invalid function pointer '" + x + "' called with signature 'viiiiii'. Perhaps this is an invalid value (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? Or calling a function with an incorrect type, which will fail? (it is worth building your source files with -Werror (warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this)"); Module["printErr"]("This pointer might make sense in another type signature: viiii: " + debug_table_viiii[x] + " viiiii: " + debug_table_viiiii[x] + " vi: " + debug_table_vi[x] + " viiiiiii: " + debug_table_viiiiiii[x] + " v: " + debug_table_v[x] + " iiii: " + debug_table_iiii[x] + " ii: " + debug_table_ii[x] + " "); abort(x) } function nullFunc_viiiiiii(x) { Module["printErr"]("Invalid function pointer '" + x + "' called with signature 'viiiiiii'. Perhaps this is an invalid value (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? Or calling a function with an incorrect type, which will fail? (it is worth building your source files with -Werror (warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this)"); Module["printErr"]("This pointer might make sense in another type signature: viiii: " + debug_table_viiii[x] + " viiiii: " + debug_table_viiiii[x] + " viiiiii: " + debug_table_viiiiii[x] + " vi: " + debug_table_vi[x] + " v: " + debug_table_v[x] + " iiii: " + debug_table_iiii[x] + " ii: " + debug_table_ii[x] + " "); abort(x) } function invoke_ii(index,a1) { try { return Module["dynCall_ii"](index,a1); } catch(e) { if (typeof e !== 'number' && e !== 'longjmp') throw e; Module["setThrew"](1, 0); } } function invoke_iiii(index,a1,a2,a3) { try { return Module["dynCall_iiii"](index,a1,a2,a3); } catch(e) { if (typeof e !== 'number' && e !== 'longjmp') throw e; Module["setThrew"](1, 0); } } function invoke_v(index) { try { Module["dynCall_v"](index); } catch(e) { if (typeof e !== 'number' && e !== 'longjmp') throw e; Module["setThrew"](1, 0); } } function invoke_vi(index,a1) { try { Module["dynCall_vi"](index,a1); } catch(e) { if (typeof e !== 'number' && e !== 'longjmp') throw e; Module["setThrew"](1, 0); } } function invoke_viiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4) { try { Module["dynCall_viiii"](index,a1,a2,a3,a4); } catch(e) { if (typeof e !== 'number' && e !== 'longjmp') throw e; Module["setThrew"](1, 0); } } function invoke_viiiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) { try { Module["dynCall_viiiii"](index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5); } catch(e) { if (typeof e !== 'number' && e !== 'longjmp') throw e; Module["setThrew"](1, 0); } } function invoke_viiiiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) { try { Module["dynCall_viiiiii"](index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6); } catch(e) { if (typeof e !== 'number' && e !== 'longjmp') throw e; Module["setThrew"](1, 0); } } function invoke_viiiiiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7) { try { Module["dynCall_viiiiiii"](index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7); } catch(e) { if (typeof e !== 'number' && e !== 'longjmp') throw e; Module["setThrew"](1, 0); } } Module.asmGlobalArg = { "Math": Math, "Int8Array": Int8Array, "Int16Array": Int16Array, "Int32Array": Int32Array, "Uint8Array": Uint8Array, "Uint16Array": Uint16Array, "Uint32Array": Uint32Array, "Float32Array": Float32Array, "Float64Array": Float64Array, "NaN": NaN, "Infinity": Infinity }; Module.asmLibraryArg = { "abort": abort, "assert": assert, "enlargeMemory": enlargeMemory, "getTotalMemory": getTotalMemory, "abortOnCannotGrowMemory": abortOnCannotGrowMemory, "abortStackOverflow": abortStackOverflow, "nullFunc_ii": nullFunc_ii, "nullFunc_iiii": nullFunc_iiii, "nullFunc_v": nullFunc_v, "nullFunc_vi": nullFunc_vi, "nullFunc_viiii": nullFunc_viiii, "nullFunc_viiiii": nullFunc_viiiii, "nullFunc_viiiiii": nullFunc_viiiiii, "nullFunc_viiiiiii": nullFunc_viiiiiii, "invoke_ii": invoke_ii, "invoke_iiii": invoke_iiii, "invoke_v": invoke_v, "invoke_vi": invoke_vi, "invoke_viiii": invoke_viiii, "invoke_viiiii": invoke_viiiii, "invoke_viiiiii": invoke_viiiiii, "invoke_viiiiiii": invoke_viiiiiii, "__ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv": __ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv, "___cxa_allocate_exception": ___cxa_allocate_exception, "___cxa_find_matching_catch": ___cxa_find_matching_catch, "___cxa_throw": ___cxa_throw, "___gxx_personality_v0": ___gxx_personality_v0, "___lock": ___lock, "___resumeException": ___resumeException, "___setErrNo": ___setErrNo, "___syscall140": ___syscall140, "___syscall146": ___syscall146, "___syscall54": ___syscall54, "___syscall6": ___syscall6, "___unlock": ___unlock, "_abort": _abort, "_emscripten_memcpy_big": _emscripten_memcpy_big, "_llvm_pow_f64": _llvm_pow_f64, "_llvm_stackrestore": _llvm_stackrestore, "_llvm_stacksave": _llvm_stacksave, "flush_NO_FILESYSTEM": flush_NO_FILESYSTEM, "DYNAMICTOP_PTR": DYNAMICTOP_PTR, "tempDoublePtr": tempDoublePtr, "ABORT": ABORT, "STACKTOP": STACKTOP, "STACK_MAX": STACK_MAX, "cttz_i8": cttz_i8 }; // EMSCRIPTEN_START_ASM var asm = (/** @suppress {uselessCode} */ function(global, env, buffer) { 'almost asm'; var HEAP8 = new global.Int8Array(buffer); var HEAP16 = new global.Int16Array(buffer); var HEAP32 = new global.Int32Array(buffer); var HEAPU8 = new global.Uint8Array(buffer); var HEAPU16 = new global.Uint16Array(buffer); var HEAPU32 = new global.Uint32Array(buffer); var HEAPF32 = new global.Float32Array(buffer); var HEAPF64 = new global.Float64Array(buffer); var DYNAMICTOP_PTR=env.DYNAMICTOP_PTR|0; var tempDoublePtr=env.tempDoublePtr|0; var ABORT=env.ABORT|0; var STACKTOP=env.STACKTOP|0; var STACK_MAX=env.STACK_MAX|0; var cttz_i8=env.cttz_i8|0; var __THREW__ = 0; var threwValue = 0; var setjmpId = 0; var undef = 0; var nan = global.NaN, inf = global.Infinity; var tempInt = 0, tempBigInt = 0, tempBigIntS = 0, tempValue = 0, tempDouble = 0.0; var tempRet0 = 0; var Math_floor=global.Math.floor; var Math_abs=global.Math.abs; var Math_sqrt=global.Math.sqrt; var Math_pow=global.Math.pow; var Math_cos=global.Math.cos; var Math_sin=global.Math.sin; var Math_tan=global.Math.tan; var Math_acos=global.Math.acos; var Math_asin=global.Math.asin; var Math_atan=global.Math.atan; var Math_atan2=global.Math.atan2; var Math_exp=global.Math.exp; var Math_log=global.Math.log; var Math_ceil=global.Math.ceil; var Math_imul=global.Math.imul; var Math_min=global.Math.min; var Math_max=global.Math.max; var Math_clz32=global.Math.clz32; var abort=env.abort; var assert=env.assert; var enlargeMemory=env.enlargeMemory; var getTotalMemory=env.getTotalMemory; var abortOnCannotGrowMemory=env.abortOnCannotGrowMemory; var abortStackOverflow=env.abortStackOverflow; var nullFunc_ii=env.nullFunc_ii; var nullFunc_iiii=env.nullFunc_iiii; var nullFunc_v=env.nullFunc_v; var nullFunc_vi=env.nullFunc_vi; var nullFunc_viiii=env.nullFunc_viiii; var nullFunc_viiiii=env.nullFunc_viiiii; var nullFunc_viiiiii=env.nullFunc_viiiiii; var nullFunc_viiiiiii=env.nullFunc_viiiiiii; var invoke_ii=env.invoke_ii; var invoke_iiii=env.invoke_iiii; var invoke_v=env.invoke_v; var invoke_vi=env.invoke_vi; var invoke_viiii=env.invoke_viiii; var invoke_viiiii=env.invoke_viiiii; var invoke_viiiiii=env.invoke_viiiiii; var invoke_viiiiiii=env.invoke_viiiiiii; var __ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv=env.__ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv; var ___cxa_allocate_exception=env.___cxa_allocate_exception; var ___cxa_find_matching_catch=env.___cxa_find_matching_catch; var ___cxa_throw=env.___cxa_throw; var ___gxx_personality_v0=env.___gxx_personality_v0; var ___lock=env.___lock; var ___resumeException=env.___resumeException; var ___setErrNo=env.___setErrNo; var ___syscall140=env.___syscall140; var ___syscall146=env.___syscall146; var ___syscall54=env.___syscall54; var ___syscall6=env.___syscall6; var ___unlock=env.___unlock; var _abort=env._abort; var _emscripten_memcpy_big=env._emscripten_memcpy_big; var _llvm_pow_f64=env._llvm_pow_f64; var _llvm_stackrestore=env._llvm_stackrestore; var _llvm_stacksave=env._llvm_stacksave; var flush_NO_FILESYSTEM=env.flush_NO_FILESYSTEM; var tempFloat = 0.0; // EMSCRIPTEN_START_FUNCS function stackAlloc(size) { size = size|0; var ret = 0; ret = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = (STACKTOP + size)|0; STACKTOP = (STACKTOP + 15)&-16; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(size|0); return ret|0; } function stackSave() { return STACKTOP|0; } function stackRestore(top) { top = top|0; STACKTOP = top; } function establishStackSpace(stackBase, stackMax) { stackBase = stackBase|0; stackMax = stackMax|0; STACKTOP = stackBase; STACK_MAX = stackMax; } function setThrew(threw, value) { threw = threw|0; value = value|0; if ((__THREW__|0) == 0) { __THREW__ = threw; threwValue = value; } } function setTempRet0(value) { value = value|0; tempRet0 = value; } function getTempRet0() { return tempRet0|0; } function _codec_opus_createNativeHandle($channelCount) { $channelCount = $channelCount|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $call1 = 0, $call2 = 0, $call4 = 0, $channelCount$addr = 0, $codec = 0, $decoder = 0, $error = 0, $vararg_buffer = 0, $vararg_buffer1 = 0, $vararg_buffer4 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $vararg_buffer4 = sp + 16|0; $vararg_buffer1 = sp + 8|0; $vararg_buffer = sp; $error = sp + 20|0; $channelCount$addr = $channelCount; $0 = $channelCount$addr; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer>>2] = $0; (_printf(25720,$vararg_buffer)|0); $call1 = (__Znwj(12)|0); __ZN10OpusHandleC2Ev($call1); $codec = $call1; HEAP32[$error>>2] = 0; $1 = $channelCount$addr; $call2 = (_opus_decoder_create(48000,$1,$error)|0); $2 = $codec; $decoder = ((($2)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$decoder>>2] = $call2; $3 = HEAP32[$error>>2]|0; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer1>>2] = $3; (_printf(25740,$vararg_buffer1)|0); $4 = $channelCount$addr; $call4 = (_opus_encoder_create(48000,$4,2049,$error)|0); $5 = $codec; HEAP32[$5>>2] = $call4; $6 = HEAP32[$error>>2]|0; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer4>>2] = $6; (_printf(25740,$vararg_buffer4)|0); $7 = $codec; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } function __ZN10OpusHandleC2Ev($this) { $this = $this|0; var $channelCount = 0, $decoder = 0, $this$addr = 0, $this1 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $this$addr = $this; $this1 = $this$addr; HEAP32[$this1>>2] = 0; $decoder = ((($this1)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$decoder>>2] = 0; $channelCount = ((($this1)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$channelCount>>2] = 1; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _codec_opus_deleteNativeHandle($codec) { $codec = $codec|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $codec$addr = 0, $decoder = 0, $decoder3 = 0, $decoder5 = 0, $isnull = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool1 = 0, $tobool6 = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $codec$addr = $codec; $0 = $codec$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0|0); if (!($tobool)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $1 = $codec$addr; $decoder = ((($1)) + 4|0); $2 = HEAP32[$decoder>>2]|0; $tobool1 = ($2|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool1) { $3 = $codec$addr; $decoder3 = ((($3)) + 4|0); $4 = HEAP32[$decoder3>>2]|0; _opus_decoder_destroy($4); } $5 = $codec$addr; $decoder5 = ((($5)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$decoder5>>2] = 0; $6 = $codec$addr; $7 = HEAP32[$6>>2]|0; $tobool6 = ($7|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool6) { $8 = $codec$addr; $9 = HEAP32[$8>>2]|0; _opus_encoder_destroy($9); } $10 = $codec$addr; HEAP32[$10>>2] = 0; $11 = $codec$addr; $isnull = ($11|0)==(0|0); if ($isnull) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } __ZdlPv($11); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _codec_opus_encode($handle,$buffer,$length,$maxLength) { $handle = $handle|0; $buffer = $buffer|0; $length = $length|0; $maxLength = $maxLength|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $buffer$addr = 0, $call2 = 0, $channelCount = 0, $div = 0, $handle$addr = 0; var $length$addr = 0, $maxLength$addr = 0, $result = 0, $retval = 0, $vararg_buffer = 0, $vararg_ptr1 = 0, $vararg_ptr2 = 0, $vararg_ptr3 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $vararg_buffer = sp; $handle$addr = $handle; $buffer$addr = $buffer; $length$addr = $length; $maxLength$addr = $maxLength; $0 = $handle$addr; $1 = HEAP32[$0>>2]|0; $2 = $buffer$addr; $3 = $length$addr; $4 = $maxLength$addr; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer>>2] = $1; $vararg_ptr1 = ((($vararg_buffer)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$vararg_ptr1>>2] = $2; $vararg_ptr2 = ((($vararg_buffer)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$vararg_ptr2>>2] = $3; $vararg_ptr3 = ((($vararg_buffer)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$vararg_ptr3>>2] = $4; (_printf(25751,$vararg_buffer)|0); $5 = $handle$addr; $6 = HEAP32[$5>>2]|0; $7 = $buffer$addr; $8 = $length$addr; $9 = $handle$addr; $channelCount = ((($9)) + 8|0); $10 = HEAP32[$channelCount>>2]|0; $div = (($8>>>0) / ($10>>>0))&-1; $11 = $buffer$addr; $12 = $maxLength$addr; $call2 = (_opus_encode_float($6,$7,$div,$11,$12)|0); $result = $call2; $13 = $result; $retval = $13; $14 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($14|0); } function _codec_opus_decode($handle,$buffer,$length,$maxLength) { $handle = $handle|0; $buffer = $buffer|0; $length = $length|0; $maxLength = $maxLength|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $buffer$addr = 0, $call = 0, $channelCount = 0, $decoder = 0, $div = 0, $div1 = 0, $handle$addr = 0, $length$addr = 0, $maxLength$addr = 0, $result = 0; var $retval = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $handle$addr = $handle; $buffer$addr = $buffer; $length$addr = $length; $maxLength$addr = $maxLength; $0 = $handle$addr; $decoder = ((($0)) + 4|0); $1 = HEAP32[$decoder>>2]|0; $2 = $buffer$addr; $3 = $length$addr; $4 = $buffer$addr; $5 = $maxLength$addr; $div = (($5>>>0) / 4)&-1; $6 = $handle$addr; $channelCount = ((($6)) + 8|0); $7 = HEAP32[$channelCount>>2]|0; $div1 = (($div>>>0) / ($7>>>0))&-1; $call = (_opus_decode_float($1,$2,$3,$4,$div1,0)|0); $result = $call; $8 = $result; $retval = $8; $9 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($9|0); } function _codec_opus_changeApplication($handle,$type) { $handle = $handle|0; $type = $type|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $handle$addr = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $retval = 0, $type$addr = 0, $vararg_buffer = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $vararg_buffer = sp; $handle$addr = $handle; $type$addr = $type; $0 = $type$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)!=(2048); $1 = $type$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)!=(2049); $or$cond = $cmp & $cmp1; $2 = $type$addr; $cmp3 = ($2|0)!=(2051); $or$cond1 = $or$cond & $cmp3; if ($or$cond1) { $retval = 1; $6 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($6|0); } else { $3 = $handle$addr; $4 = HEAP32[$3>>2]|0; $5 = $type$addr; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer>>2] = $5; $call = (_opus_encoder_ctl($4,4000,$vararg_buffer)|0); $retval = $call; $6 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($6|0); } return (0)|0; } function _opus_decoder_get_size($channels) { $channels = $channels|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $add = 0, $add7 = 0, $call = 0, $call4 = 0, $call5 = 0, $call6 = 0, $celtDecSizeBytes = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $ret = 0; var $retval = 0, $silkDecSizeBytes = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $silkDecSizeBytes = sp + 8|0; $channels$addr = $channels; $0 = $channels$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(1); $1 = $channels$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)>(2); $or$cond = $cmp | $cmp1; if ($or$cond) { $retval = 0; $7 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } $call = (_silk_Get_Decoder_Size($silkDecSizeBytes)|0); $ret = $call; $2 = $ret; $tobool = ($2|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $retval = 0; $7 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } else { $3 = HEAP32[$silkDecSizeBytes>>2]|0; $call4 = (_align($3)|0); HEAP32[$silkDecSizeBytes>>2] = $call4; $4 = $channels$addr; $call5 = (_celt_decoder_get_size($4)|0); $celtDecSizeBytes = $call5; $call6 = (_align(88)|0); $5 = HEAP32[$silkDecSizeBytes>>2]|0; $add = (($call6) + ($5))|0; $6 = $celtDecSizeBytes; $add7 = (($add) + ($6))|0; $retval = $add7; $7 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } return (0)|0; } function _align($i) { $i = $i|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $add = 0, $alignment = 0, $div = 0, $i$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $i$addr = $i; $alignment = 4; $0 = $i$addr; $1 = $alignment; $add = (($0) + ($1))|0; $sub = (($add) - 1)|0; $2 = $alignment; $div = (($sub>>>0) / ($2>>>0))&-1; $3 = $alignment; $mul = Math_imul($div, $3)|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($mul|0); } function _opus_decoder_init($st,$Fs,$channels) { $st = $st|0; $Fs = $Fs|0; $channels = $channels|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $API_sampleRate = 0, $DecControl = 0, $DecControl24 = 0, $Fs$addr = 0, $Fs21 = 0, $Fs22 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr19 = 0, $arch = 0, $call = 0, $call11 = 0, $call14 = 0, $call15 = 0, $call25 = 0; var $call29 = 0, $call34 = 0, $celt_dec = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $channels20 = 0, $channels23 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp30 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $div = 0, $frame_size = 0, $mul = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0; var $or$cond3 = 0, $or$cond4 = 0, $prev_mode = 0, $ret = 0, $retval = 0, $silkDecSizeBytes = 0, $silk_dec = 0, $silk_dec_offset = 0, $silk_dec_offset16 = 0, $silk_dec_offset17 = 0, $st$addr = 0, $stream_channels = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool26 = 0, $vararg_buffer = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $vararg_buffer = sp; $silkDecSizeBytes = sp + 4|0; $st$addr = $st; $Fs$addr = $Fs; $channels$addr = $channels; $0 = $Fs$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)!=(48000); $1 = $Fs$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)!=(24000); $or$cond = $cmp & $cmp1; $2 = $Fs$addr; $cmp3 = ($2|0)!=(16000); $or$cond1 = $or$cond & $cmp3; $3 = $Fs$addr; $cmp5 = ($3|0)!=(12000); $or$cond2 = $or$cond1 & $cmp5; $4 = $Fs$addr; $cmp7 = ($4|0)!=(8000); $or$cond3 = $or$cond2 & $cmp7; if (!($or$cond3)) { $5 = $channels$addr; $cmp8 = ($5|0)!=(1); $6 = $channels$addr; $cmp10 = ($6|0)!=(2); $or$cond4 = $cmp8 & $cmp10; if (!($or$cond4)) { $7 = $st$addr; $8 = $channels$addr; $call = (_opus_decoder_get_size($8)|0); $mul = $call; _memset(($7|0),0,($mul|0))|0; $call11 = (_silk_Get_Decoder_Size($silkDecSizeBytes)|0); $ret = $call11; $9 = $ret; $tobool = ($9|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $retval = -3; $44 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($44|0); } $10 = HEAP32[$silkDecSizeBytes>>2]|0; $call14 = (_align($10)|0); HEAP32[$silkDecSizeBytes>>2] = $call14; $call15 = (_align(88)|0); $11 = $st$addr; $silk_dec_offset = ((($11)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$silk_dec_offset>>2] = $call15; $12 = $st$addr; $silk_dec_offset16 = ((($12)) + 4|0); $13 = HEAP32[$silk_dec_offset16>>2]|0; $14 = HEAP32[$silkDecSizeBytes>>2]|0; $add = (($13) + ($14))|0; $15 = $st$addr; HEAP32[$15>>2] = $add; $16 = $st$addr; $17 = $st$addr; $silk_dec_offset17 = ((($17)) + 4|0); $18 = HEAP32[$silk_dec_offset17>>2]|0; $add$ptr = (($16) + ($18)|0); $silk_dec = $add$ptr; $19 = $st$addr; $20 = $st$addr; $21 = HEAP32[$20>>2]|0; $add$ptr19 = (($19) + ($21)|0); $celt_dec = $add$ptr19; $22 = $channels$addr; $23 = $st$addr; $channels20 = ((($23)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$channels20>>2] = $22; $24 = $st$addr; $stream_channels = ((($24)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$stream_channels>>2] = $22; $25 = $Fs$addr; $26 = $st$addr; $Fs21 = ((($26)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$Fs21>>2] = $25; $27 = $st$addr; $Fs22 = ((($27)) + 12|0); $28 = HEAP32[$Fs22>>2]|0; $29 = $st$addr; $DecControl = ((($29)) + 16|0); $API_sampleRate = ((($DecControl)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$API_sampleRate>>2] = $28; $30 = $st$addr; $channels23 = ((($30)) + 8|0); $31 = HEAP32[$channels23>>2]|0; $32 = $st$addr; $DecControl24 = ((($32)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$DecControl24>>2] = $31; $33 = $silk_dec; $call25 = (_silk_InitDecoder($33)|0); $ret = $call25; $34 = $ret; $tobool26 = ($34|0)!=(0); if ($tobool26) { $retval = -3; $44 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($44|0); } $35 = $celt_dec; $36 = $Fs$addr; $37 = $channels$addr; $call29 = (_celt_decoder_init($35,$36,$37)|0); $ret = $call29; $38 = $ret; $cmp30 = ($38|0)!=(0); if ($cmp30) { $retval = -3; $44 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($44|0); } else { $39 = $celt_dec; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer>>2] = 0; (_opus_custom_decoder_ctl($39,10016,$vararg_buffer)|0); $40 = $st$addr; $prev_mode = ((($40)) + 60|0); HEAP32[$prev_mode>>2] = 0; $41 = $Fs$addr; $div = (($41|0) / 400)&-1; $42 = $st$addr; $frame_size = ((($42)) + 64|0); HEAP32[$frame_size>>2] = $div; $call34 = (_opus_select_arch()|0); $43 = $st$addr; $arch = ((($43)) + 44|0); HEAP32[$arch>>2] = $call34; $retval = 0; $44 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($44|0); } } } $retval = -1; $44 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($44|0); } function _opus_select_arch() { var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return 0; } function _opus_decoder_create($Fs,$channels,$error) { $Fs = $Fs|0; $channels = $channels|0; $error = $error|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0; var $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Fs$addr = 0, $call = 0, $call13 = 0, $call20 = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $error$addr = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0; var $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond3 = 0, $or$cond4 = 0, $ret = 0, $retval = 0, $st = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool16 = 0, $tobool21 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $Fs$addr = $Fs; $channels$addr = $channels; $error$addr = $error; $0 = $Fs$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)!=(48000); $1 = $Fs$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)!=(24000); $or$cond = $cmp & $cmp1; $2 = $Fs$addr; $cmp3 = ($2|0)!=(16000); $or$cond1 = $or$cond & $cmp3; $3 = $Fs$addr; $cmp5 = ($3|0)!=(12000); $or$cond2 = $or$cond1 & $cmp5; $4 = $Fs$addr; $cmp7 = ($4|0)!=(8000); $or$cond3 = $or$cond2 & $cmp7; if (!($or$cond3)) { $5 = $channels$addr; $cmp8 = ($5|0)!=(1); $6 = $channels$addr; $cmp10 = ($6|0)!=(2); $or$cond4 = $cmp8 & $cmp10; if (!($or$cond4)) { $9 = $channels$addr; $call = (_opus_decoder_get_size($9)|0); $call13 = (_opus_alloc($call)|0); $st = $call13; $10 = $st; $cmp14 = ($10|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp14) { $11 = $error$addr; $tobool16 = ($11|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool16) { $12 = $error$addr; HEAP32[$12>>2] = -7; } $retval = 0; $22 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($22|0); } $13 = $st; $14 = $Fs$addr; $15 = $channels$addr; $call20 = (_opus_decoder_init($13,$14,$15)|0); $ret = $call20; $16 = $error$addr; $tobool21 = ($16|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool21) { $17 = $ret; $18 = $error$addr; HEAP32[$18>>2] = $17; } $19 = $ret; $cmp24 = ($19|0)!=(0); if ($cmp24) { $20 = $st; _opus_free($20); $st = 0; } $21 = $st; $retval = $21; $22 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($22|0); } } $7 = $error$addr; $tobool = ($7|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool) { $8 = $error$addr; HEAP32[$8>>2] = -1; } $retval = 0; $22 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($22|0); } function _opus_alloc($size) { $size = $size|0; var $0 = 0, $call = 0, $size$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $size$addr = $size; $0 = $size$addr; $call = (_malloc($0)|0); STACKTOP = sp;return ($call|0); } function _opus_free($ptr) { $ptr = $ptr|0; var $0 = 0, $ptr$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $ptr$addr = $ptr; $0 = $ptr$addr; _free($0); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _opus_decode_native($st,$data,$len,$pcm,$frame_size,$decode_fec,$self_delimited,$packet_offset,$soft_clip) { $st = $st|0; $data = $data|0; $len = $len|0; $pcm = $pcm|0; $frame_size = $frame_size|0; $decode_fec = $decode_fec|0; $self_delimited = $self_delimited|0; $packet_offset = $packet_offset|0; $soft_clip = $soft_clip|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0; var $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0; var $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0; var $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0; var $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0; var $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $Fs = 0, $Fs30 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr105 = 0, $add$ptr37 = 0, $add$ptr65 = 0, $add$ptr96 = 0, $add106 = 0, $arrayidx103 = 0, $arrayidx121 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0; var $bandwidth = 0, $bandwidth86 = 0, $call = 0, $call28 = 0, $call29 = 0, $call31 = 0, $call32 = 0, $call33 = 0, $call47 = 0, $call54 = 0, $call66 = 0, $call98 = 0, $channels = 0, $channels117 = 0, $channels62 = 0, $channels94 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp13 = 0; var $cmp16 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp34 = 0, $cmp41 = 0, $cmp43 = 0, $cmp45 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp51 = 0, $cmp55 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp81 = 0, $cmp89 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cmp99 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv104 = 0, $conv93 = 0, $count = 0; var $data$addr = 0, $decode_fec$addr = 0, $div = 0, $duration_copy = 0, $frame_size$addr = 0, $frame_size61 = 0, $frame_size87 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $last_packet_duration = 0, $last_packet_duration107 = 0, $last_packet_duration49 = 0, $last_packet_duration57 = 0, $last_packet_duration78 = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mode = 0, $mode60 = 0, $mode85 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul64 = 0; var $mul80 = 0, $mul95 = 0, $nb_samples = 0, $offset = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond3 = 0, $or$cond4 = 0, $packet_bandwidth = 0, $packet_frame_size = 0, $packet_mode = 0, $packet_offset$addr = 0, $packet_stream_channels = 0, $pcm$addr = 0, $pcm_count = 0, $rem = 0, $ret = 0, $ret40 = 0, $ret91 = 0; var $retval = 0, $self_delimited$addr = 0, $size = 0, $soft_clip$addr = 0, $softclip_mem = 0, $softclip_mem120 = 0, $softclip_mem122 = 0, $st$addr = 0, $stream_channels = 0, $stream_channels88 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub50 = 0, $sub53 = 0, $sub63 = 0, $sub97 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool115 = 0, $tobool38 = 0, $toc = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 208|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(208|0); $offset = sp + 36|0; $toc = sp + 192|0; $size = sp + 96|0; $st$addr = $st; $data$addr = $data; $len$addr = $len; $pcm$addr = $pcm; $frame_size$addr = $frame_size; $decode_fec$addr = $decode_fec; $self_delimited$addr = $self_delimited; $packet_offset$addr = $packet_offset; $soft_clip$addr = $soft_clip; $0 = $decode_fec$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(0); $1 = $decode_fec$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)>(1); $or$cond = $cmp | $cmp1; if ($or$cond) { $retval = -1; $127 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($127|0); } $2 = $decode_fec$addr; $tobool = ($2|0)!=(0); $3 = $len$addr; $cmp3 = ($3|0)==(0); $or$cond1 = $tobool | $cmp3; $4 = $data$addr; $cmp5 = ($4|0)==(0|0); $or$cond2 = $or$cond1 | $cmp5; if ($or$cond2) { $5 = $frame_size$addr; $6 = $st$addr; $Fs = ((($6)) + 12|0); $7 = HEAP32[$Fs>>2]|0; $div = (($7|0) / 400)&-1; $rem = (($5|0) % ($div|0))&-1; $cmp6 = ($rem|0)!=(0); if ($cmp6) { $retval = -1; $127 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($127|0); } } $8 = $len$addr; $cmp9 = ($8|0)==(0); $9 = $data$addr; $cmp11 = ($9|0)==(0|0); $or$cond3 = $cmp9 | $cmp11; if ($or$cond3) { $pcm_count = 0; while(1) { $10 = $st$addr; $11 = $pcm$addr; $12 = $pcm_count; $13 = $st$addr; $channels = ((($13)) + 8|0); $14 = HEAP32[$channels>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($12, $14)|0; $add$ptr = (($11) + ($mul<<2)|0); $15 = $frame_size$addr; $16 = $pcm_count; $sub = (($15) - ($16))|0; $call = (_opus_decode_frame($10,0,0,$add$ptr,$sub,0)|0); $ret = $call; $17 = $ret; $cmp13 = ($17|0)<(0); $18 = $ret; if ($cmp13) { label = 9; break; } $19 = $pcm_count; $add = (($19) + ($18))|0; $pcm_count = $add; $20 = $pcm_count; $21 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp16 = ($20|0)<($21|0); if (!($cmp16)) { label = 11; break; } } if ((label|0) == 9) { $retval = $18; $127 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($127|0); } else if ((label|0) == 11) { (__opus_false()|0); $22 = $pcm_count; $23 = $st$addr; $last_packet_duration = ((($23)) + 72|0); HEAP32[$last_packet_duration>>2] = $22; $24 = $pcm_count; $retval = $24; $127 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($127|0); } } $25 = $len$addr; $cmp24 = ($25|0)<(0); if ($cmp24) { $retval = -1; $127 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($127|0); } $26 = $data$addr; $call28 = (_opus_packet_get_mode($26)|0); $packet_mode = $call28; $27 = $data$addr; $call29 = (_opus_packet_get_bandwidth($27)|0); $packet_bandwidth = $call29; $28 = $data$addr; $29 = $st$addr; $Fs30 = ((($29)) + 12|0); $30 = HEAP32[$Fs30>>2]|0; $call31 = (_opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame($28,$30)|0); $packet_frame_size = $call31; $31 = $data$addr; $call32 = (_opus_packet_get_nb_channels($31)|0); $packet_stream_channels = $call32; $32 = $data$addr; $33 = $len$addr; $34 = $self_delimited$addr; $35 = $packet_offset$addr; $call33 = (_opus_packet_parse_impl($32,$33,$34,$toc,0,$size,$offset,$35)|0); $count = $call33; $36 = $count; $cmp34 = ($36|0)<(0); if ($cmp34) { $37 = $count; $retval = $37; $127 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($127|0); } $38 = HEAP32[$offset>>2]|0; $39 = $data$addr; $add$ptr37 = (($39) + ($38)|0); $data$addr = $add$ptr37; $40 = $decode_fec$addr; $tobool38 = ($40|0)!=(0); if ($tobool38) { $41 = $frame_size$addr; $42 = $packet_frame_size; $cmp41 = ($41|0)<($42|0); $43 = $packet_mode; $cmp43 = ($43|0)==(1002); $or$cond4 = $cmp41 | $cmp43; if (!($or$cond4)) { $44 = $st$addr; $mode = ((($44)) + 56|0); $45 = HEAP32[$mode>>2]|0; $cmp45 = ($45|0)==(1002); if (!($cmp45)) { $50 = $st$addr; $last_packet_duration49 = ((($50)) + 72|0); $51 = HEAP32[$last_packet_duration49>>2]|0; $duration_copy = $51; $52 = $frame_size$addr; $53 = $packet_frame_size; $sub50 = (($52) - ($53))|0; $cmp51 = ($sub50|0)!=(0); if ($cmp51) { $54 = $st$addr; $55 = $pcm$addr; $56 = $frame_size$addr; $57 = $packet_frame_size; $sub53 = (($56) - ($57))|0; $58 = $soft_clip$addr; $call54 = (_opus_decode_native($54,0,0,$55,$sub53,0,0,0,$58)|0); $ret40 = $call54; $59 = $ret40; $cmp55 = ($59|0)<(0); if ($cmp55) { $60 = $duration_copy; $61 = $st$addr; $last_packet_duration57 = ((($61)) + 72|0); HEAP32[$last_packet_duration57>>2] = $60; $62 = $ret40; $retval = $62; $127 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($127|0); } } $63 = $packet_mode; $64 = $st$addr; $mode60 = ((($64)) + 56|0); HEAP32[$mode60>>2] = $63; $65 = $packet_bandwidth; $66 = $st$addr; $bandwidth = ((($66)) + 52|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth>>2] = $65; $67 = $packet_frame_size; $68 = $st$addr; $frame_size61 = ((($68)) + 64|0); HEAP32[$frame_size61>>2] = $67; $69 = $packet_stream_channels; $70 = $st$addr; $stream_channels = ((($70)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$stream_channels>>2] = $69; $71 = $st$addr; $72 = $data$addr; $73 = HEAP16[$size>>1]|0; $conv = $73 << 16 >> 16; $74 = $pcm$addr; $75 = $st$addr; $channels62 = ((($75)) + 8|0); $76 = HEAP32[$channels62>>2]|0; $77 = $frame_size$addr; $78 = $packet_frame_size; $sub63 = (($77) - ($78))|0; $mul64 = Math_imul($76, $sub63)|0; $add$ptr65 = (($74) + ($mul64<<2)|0); $79 = $packet_frame_size; $call66 = (_opus_decode_frame($71,$72,$conv,$add$ptr65,$79,1)|0); $ret40 = $call66; $80 = $ret40; $cmp67 = ($80|0)<(0); if ($cmp67) { $81 = $ret40; $retval = $81; $127 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($127|0); } else { (__opus_false()|0); $82 = $frame_size$addr; $83 = $st$addr; $last_packet_duration78 = ((($83)) + 72|0); HEAP32[$last_packet_duration78>>2] = $82; $84 = $frame_size$addr; $retval = $84; $127 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($127|0); } } } $46 = $st$addr; $47 = $pcm$addr; $48 = $frame_size$addr; $49 = $soft_clip$addr; $call47 = (_opus_decode_native($46,0,0,$47,$48,0,0,0,$49)|0); $retval = $call47; $127 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($127|0); } $85 = $count; $86 = $packet_frame_size; $mul80 = Math_imul($85, $86)|0; $87 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp81 = ($mul80|0)>($87|0); if ($cmp81) { $retval = -2; $127 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($127|0); } $88 = $packet_mode; $89 = $st$addr; $mode85 = ((($89)) + 56|0); HEAP32[$mode85>>2] = $88; $90 = $packet_bandwidth; $91 = $st$addr; $bandwidth86 = ((($91)) + 52|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth86>>2] = $90; $92 = $packet_frame_size; $93 = $st$addr; $frame_size87 = ((($93)) + 64|0); HEAP32[$frame_size87>>2] = $92; $94 = $packet_stream_channels; $95 = $st$addr; $stream_channels88 = ((($95)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$stream_channels88>>2] = $94; $nb_samples = 0; $i = 0; while(1) { $96 = $i; $97 = $count; $cmp89 = ($96|0)<($97|0); if (!($cmp89)) { break; } $98 = $st$addr; $99 = $data$addr; $100 = $i; $arrayidx92 = (($size) + ($100<<1)|0); $101 = HEAP16[$arrayidx92>>1]|0; $conv93 = $101 << 16 >> 16; $102 = $pcm$addr; $103 = $nb_samples; $104 = $st$addr; $channels94 = ((($104)) + 8|0); $105 = HEAP32[$channels94>>2]|0; $mul95 = Math_imul($103, $105)|0; $add$ptr96 = (($102) + ($mul95<<2)|0); $106 = $frame_size$addr; $107 = $nb_samples; $sub97 = (($106) - ($107))|0; $call98 = (_opus_decode_frame($98,$99,$conv93,$add$ptr96,$sub97,0)|0); $ret91 = $call98; $108 = $ret91; $cmp99 = ($108|0)<(0); if ($cmp99) { label = 31; break; } $110 = $i; $arrayidx103 = (($size) + ($110<<1)|0); $111 = HEAP16[$arrayidx103>>1]|0; $conv104 = $111 << 16 >> 16; $112 = $data$addr; $add$ptr105 = (($112) + ($conv104)|0); $data$addr = $add$ptr105; $113 = $ret91; $114 = $nb_samples; $add106 = (($114) + ($113))|0; $nb_samples = $add106; $115 = $i; $inc = (($115) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } if ((label|0) == 31) { $109 = $ret91; $retval = $109; $127 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($127|0); } $116 = $nb_samples; $117 = $st$addr; $last_packet_duration107 = ((($117)) + 72|0); HEAP32[$last_packet_duration107>>2] = $116; (__opus_false()|0); $118 = $soft_clip$addr; $tobool115 = ($118|0)!=(0); if ($tobool115) { $119 = $pcm$addr; $120 = $nb_samples; $121 = $st$addr; $channels117 = ((($121)) + 8|0); $122 = HEAP32[$channels117>>2]|0; $123 = $st$addr; $softclip_mem = ((($123)) + 76|0); _opus_pcm_soft_clip($119,$120,$122,$softclip_mem); } else { $124 = $st$addr; $softclip_mem120 = ((($124)) + 76|0); $arrayidx121 = ((($softclip_mem120)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx121>>2] = 0.0; $125 = $st$addr; $softclip_mem122 = ((($125)) + 76|0); HEAPF32[$softclip_mem122>>2] = 0.0; } $126 = $nb_samples; $retval = $126; $127 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($127|0); } function _opus_decode_frame($st,$data,$len,$pcm,$frame_size,$decode_fec) { $st = $st|0; $data = $data|0; $len = $len|0; $pcm = $pcm|0; $frame_size = $frame_size|0; $decode_fec = $decode_fec|0; var $$ = 0, $$12 = 0, $$sink = 0, $$sink11 = 0, $$sink2 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0; var $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0; var $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0; var $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0; var $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0; var $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0; var $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0, $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0; var $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0, $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0; var $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0, $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0; var $256 = 0.0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0, $26 = 0, $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0; var $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0, $278 = 0, $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0; var $292 = 0, $293 = 0, $294 = 0, $295 = 0, $296 = 0, $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0, $304 = 0, $305 = 0.0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0; var $31 = 0, $310 = 0, $311 = 0, $312 = 0, $313 = 0, $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0, $322 = 0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0, $325 = 0, $326 = 0, $327 = 0; var $328 = 0, $329 = 0, $33 = 0, $330 = 0, $331 = 0, $332 = 0, $333 = 0, $334 = 0, $335 = 0, $336 = 0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0, $339 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $340 = 0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0; var $346 = 0, $347 = 0, $348 = 0, $349 = 0, $35 = 0, $350 = 0, $351 = 0, $352 = 0, $353 = 0, $354 = 0, $355 = 0, $356 = 0, $357 = 0, $358 = 0, $359 = 0, $36 = 0, $360 = 0, $361 = 0, $362 = 0, $363 = 0; var $364 = 0, $365 = 0, $366 = 0, $367 = 0, $368 = 0, $369 = 0, $37 = 0, $370 = 0, $371 = 0, $372 = 0, $373 = 0, $374 = 0, $375 = 0, $376 = 0, $377 = 0, $378 = 0, $379 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $380 = 0.0, $381 = 0.0; var $382 = 0, $383 = 0, $384 = 0, $385 = 0, $386 = 0, $387 = 0, $388 = 0, $389 = 0, $39 = 0, $390 = 0, $391 = 0, $392 = 0, $393 = 0, $394 = 0, $395 = 0, $396 = 0, $397 = 0, $398 = 0, $399 = 0, $4 = 0; var $40 = 0, $400 = 0, $401 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0; var $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0; var $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0; var $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $DecControl = 0, $DecControl133 = 0, $DecControl138 = 0, $DecControl170 = 0, $F10 = 0, $F20 = 0, $F2_5 = 0, $F5 = 0, $Fs = 0, $Fs121 = 0, $Fs127 = 0, $Fs4 = 0, $Fs413 = 0; var $Fs452 = 0, $Fs480 = 0, $Fs483 = 0, $Fs7 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr1 = 0, $add$ptr191 = 0, $add$ptr293 = 0, $add$ptr295 = 0, $add$ptr384 = 0, $add$ptr393 = 0, $add$ptr399 = 0, $add$ptr404 = 0, $add$ptr407 = 0, $add$ptr41 = 0, $add$ptr411 = 0, $add$ptr444 = 0, $add$ptr447 = 0, $add$ptr450 = 0; var $add$ptr472 = 0, $add$ptr475 = 0, $add$ptr478 = 0, $add206 = 0, $add211 = 0, $add229 = 0, $add232 = 0, $add374 = 0.0, $add430 = 0, $add434 = 0, $arch = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx182 = 0, $arrayidx338 = 0, $arrayidx369 = 0, $arrayidx370 = 0, $arrayidx375 = 0, $arrayidx431 = 0, $arrayidx435 = 0, $arrayidx465 = 0; var $arrayidx466 = 0, $arrayidx501 = 0, $arrayidx503 = 0, $audiosize = 0, $bandwidth = 0, $bandwidth140 = 0, $bandwidth251 = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0, $call171 = 0, $call205 = 0, $call219 = 0, $call224 = 0, $call228 = 0, $call231 = 0, $call239 = 0, $call328 = 0, $call493 = 0.0, $celt_accum = 0, $celt_dec = 0; var $celt_frame_size = 0, $celt_mode = 0, $celt_ret = 0, $celt_to_silk = 0, $channels = 0, $channels107 = 0, $channels177 = 0, $channels189 = 0, $channels282 = 0, $channels333 = 0, $channels364 = 0, $channels39 = 0, $channels401 = 0, $channels405 = 0, $channels408 = 0, $channels412 = 0, $channels420 = 0, $channels428 = 0, $channels432 = 0, $channels442 = 0; var $channels445 = 0, $channels448 = 0, $channels451 = 0, $channels460 = 0, $channels470 = 0, $channels473 = 0, $channels476 = 0, $channels479 = 0, $channels482 = 0, $channels496 = 0, $channels76 = 0, $cleanup$dest$slot = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp102 = 0, $cmp113 = 0, $cmp116 = 0, $cmp123 = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp131 = 0; var $cmp134 = 0, $cmp136 = 0, $cmp141 = 0, $cmp162 = 0, $cmp169 = 0, $cmp179 = 0, $cmp193 = 0, $cmp199 = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp202 = 0, $cmp208 = 0, $cmp213 = 0, $cmp216 = 0, $cmp225 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp240 = 0, $cmp247 = 0, $cmp269 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp272 = 0; var $cmp29 = 0, $cmp301 = 0, $cmp304 = 0, $cmp31 = 0, $cmp311 = 0, $cmp315 = 0, $cmp335 = 0, $cmp344 = 0, $cmp358 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp366 = 0, $cmp42 = 0, $cmp421 = 0, $cmp425 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp456 = 0, $cmp46 = 0, $cmp462 = 0, $cmp49 = 0, $cmp498 = 0; var $cmp50 = 0, $cmp508 = 0, $cmp518 = 0, $cmp52 = 0, $cmp529 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cmp62 = 0, $cmp64 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp69 = 0, $cmp72 = 0, $cmp74 = 0, $cmp85 = 0, $cmp87 = 0, $cmp94 = 0, $cmp98 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond106 = 0, $cond111 = 0; var $cond130 = 0, $cond167 = 0, $cond18 = 0, $cond236 = 0, $cond277 = 0, $cond286 = 0, $cond309 = 0, $cond327 = 0, $cond35 = 0, $cond534 = 0, $cond91 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv209 = 0, $conv371 = 0, $conv372 = 0.0, $conv489 = 0.0, $conv491 = 0.0, $conv494 = 0.0, $data$addr = 0, $dec = 0; var $decode_fec$addr = 0, $decode_gain = 0, $decode_gain488 = 0, $decoded_samples = 0, $div = 0, $div122 = 0, $div128 = 0, $div5 = 0, $div8 = 0, $endband = 0, $first_frame = 0, $frame_size$addr = 0, $frame_size12 = 0, $frame_size16 = 0, $frame_size22 = 0, $gain = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc184 = 0, $inc340 = 0; var $inc377 = 0, $inc437 = 0, $inc440 = 0, $inc468 = 0, $inc505 = 0, $internalSampleRate = 0, $land$ext = 0, $len$addr = 0, $lnot = 0, $lost_flag = 0, $mode = 0, $mode207 = 0, $mode23 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul108 = 0, $mul120 = 0, $mul126 = 0, $mul165 = 0, $mul178 = 0, $mul190 = 0; var $mul210 = 0, $mul212 = 0, $mul238 = 0, $mul26 = 0, $mul283 = 0, $mul334 = 0, $mul365 = 0, $mul373 = 0.0, $mul40 = 0, $mul403 = 0, $mul406 = 0, $mul410 = 0, $mul429 = 0, $mul433 = 0, $mul443 = 0, $mul446 = 0, $mul449 = 0, $mul461 = 0, $mul471 = 0, $mul474 = 0; var $mul477 = 0, $mul490 = 0.0, $mul492 = 0.0, $mul497 = 0, $mul502 = 0.0, $mul77 = 0, $mul9 = 0, $nChannelsInternal = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond10 = 0, $or$cond3 = 0, $or$cond4 = 0, $or$cond5 = 0, $or$cond6 = 0, $or$cond7 = 0, $or$cond8 = 0, $or$cond9 = 0, $payloadSize_ms = 0, $pcm$addr = 0; var $pcm_ptr = 0, $pcm_silk_size = 0, $pcm_transition = 0, $pcm_transition_celt_size = 0, $pcm_transition_silk_size = 0, $prev_mode = 0, $prev_mode115 = 0, $prev_mode310 = 0, $prev_mode314 = 0, $prev_mode343 = 0, $prev_mode514 = 0, $prev_mode61 = 0, $prev_mode66 = 0, $prev_mode71 = 0, $prev_redundancy = 0, $prev_redundancy318 = 0, $prev_redundancy351 = 0, $prev_redundancy517 = 0, $rangeFinal512 = 0, $redundancy = 0; var $redundancy_bytes = 0, $redundant_audio_size = 0, $redundant_rng = 0, $ret = 0, $retval = 0, $rng = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shr = 0, $shr2 = 0, $shr233 = 0, $shr3 = 0, $silence = 0, $silk_dec = 0, $silk_dec_offset = 0, $silk_frame_size = 0, $silk_ret = 0, $st$addr = 0, $start_band = 0, $storage = 0, $stream_channels = 0; var $stream_channels261 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$div383 = 0, $sub$ptr$div398 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast380 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast395 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast381 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast396 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub382 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub397 = 0, $sub234 = 0, $sub237 = 0, $sub244 = 0, $sub402 = 0, $sub409 = 0, $tobool = 0; var $tobool100 = 0, $tobool172 = 0, $tobool174 = 0, $tobool197 = 0, $tobool222 = 0, $tobool263 = 0, $tobool267 = 0, $tobool280 = 0, $tobool288 = 0, $tobool290 = 0, $tobool319 = 0, $tobool323 = 0, $tobool330 = 0, $tobool347 = 0, $tobool349 = 0, $tobool352 = 0, $tobool361 = 0, $tobool387 = 0, $tobool389 = 0, $tobool415 = 0; var $tobool417 = 0, $tobool454 = 0, $tobool486 = 0, $tobool515 = 0, $tobool516 = 0, $tobool83 = 0, $transition = 0, $vararg_buffer = 0, $vararg_buffer13 = 0, $vararg_buffer16 = 0, $vararg_buffer19 = 0, $vararg_buffer22 = 0, $vararg_buffer25 = 0, $vararg_buffer27 = 0, $vararg_buffer30 = 0, $vararg_buffer33 = 0, $vararg_buffer35 = 0, $vararg_buffer38 = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0; var $vla112 = 0, $vla112$alloca_mul = 0, $vla266 = 0, $vla266$alloca_mul = 0, $vla287 = 0, $vla287$alloca_mul = 0, $window = 0, $window386 = 0, $x = 0.0, $xor = 0, $xor$sink = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 320|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(320|0); $vararg_buffer38 = sp + 80|0; $vararg_buffer35 = sp + 72|0; $vararg_buffer33 = sp + 64|0; $vararg_buffer30 = sp + 56|0; $vararg_buffer27 = sp + 48|0; $vararg_buffer25 = sp + 40|0; $vararg_buffer22 = sp + 32|0; $vararg_buffer19 = sp + 24|0; $vararg_buffer16 = sp + 16|0; $vararg_buffer13 = sp + 8|0; $vararg_buffer = sp; $dec = sp + 216|0; $silk_frame_size = sp + 212|0; $redundant_rng = sp + 136|0; $silence = sp + 312|0; $celt_mode = sp + 92|0; $st$addr = $st; $data$addr = $data; $len$addr = $len; $pcm$addr = $pcm; $frame_size$addr = $frame_size; $decode_fec$addr = $decode_fec; $silk_ret = 0; $celt_ret = 0; $pcm_transition = 0; $transition = 0; $redundancy = 0; $redundancy_bytes = 0; $celt_to_silk = 0; HEAP32[$redundant_rng>>2] = 0; $0 = $st$addr; $1 = $st$addr; $silk_dec_offset = ((($1)) + 4|0); $2 = HEAP32[$silk_dec_offset>>2]|0; $add$ptr = (($0) + ($2)|0); $silk_dec = $add$ptr; $3 = $st$addr; $4 = $st$addr; $5 = HEAP32[$4>>2]|0; $add$ptr1 = (($3) + ($5)|0); $celt_dec = $add$ptr1; $6 = $st$addr; $Fs = ((($6)) + 12|0); $7 = HEAP32[$Fs>>2]|0; $div = (($7|0) / 50)&-1; $F20 = $div; $8 = $F20; $shr = $8 >> 1; $F10 = $shr; $9 = $F10; $shr2 = $9 >> 1; $F5 = $shr2; $10 = $F5; $shr3 = $10 >> 1; $F2_5 = $shr3; $11 = $frame_size$addr; $12 = $F2_5; $cmp = ($11|0)<($12|0); if ($cmp) { $retval = -2; $401 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($401|0); } $13 = $frame_size$addr; $14 = $st$addr; $Fs4 = ((($14)) + 12|0); $15 = HEAP32[$Fs4>>2]|0; $div5 = (($15|0) / 25)&-1; $mul = ($div5*3)|0; $cmp6 = ($13|0)<($mul|0); if ($cmp6) { $16 = $frame_size$addr; $cond = $16; } else { $17 = $st$addr; $Fs7 = ((($17)) + 12|0); $18 = HEAP32[$Fs7>>2]|0; $div8 = (($18|0) / 25)&-1; $mul9 = ($div8*3)|0; $cond = $mul9; } $frame_size$addr = $cond; $19 = $len$addr; $cmp10 = ($19|0)<=(1); if ($cmp10) { $data$addr = 0; $20 = $frame_size$addr; $21 = $st$addr; $frame_size12 = ((($21)) + 64|0); $22 = HEAP32[$frame_size12>>2]|0; $cmp13 = ($20|0)<($22|0); if ($cmp13) { $23 = $frame_size$addr; $cond18 = $23; } else { $24 = $st$addr; $frame_size16 = ((($24)) + 64|0); $25 = HEAP32[$frame_size16>>2]|0; $cond18 = $25; } $frame_size$addr = $cond18; } $26 = $data$addr; $cmp20 = ($26|0)!=(0|0); do { if ($cmp20) { $27 = $st$addr; $frame_size22 = ((($27)) + 64|0); $28 = HEAP32[$frame_size22>>2]|0; $audiosize = $28; $29 = $st$addr; $mode23 = ((($29)) + 56|0); $30 = HEAP32[$mode23>>2]|0; $mode = $30; $31 = $data$addr; $32 = $len$addr; _ec_dec_init($dec,$31,$32); } else { $33 = $frame_size$addr; $audiosize = $33; $34 = $st$addr; $prev_mode = ((($34)) + 60|0); $35 = HEAP32[$prev_mode>>2]|0; $mode = $35; $36 = $mode; $cmp24 = ($36|0)==(0); if ($cmp24) { $i = 0; while(1) { $37 = $i; $38 = $audiosize; $39 = $st$addr; $channels = ((($39)) + 8|0); $40 = HEAP32[$channels>>2]|0; $mul26 = Math_imul($38, $40)|0; $cmp27 = ($37|0)<($mul26|0); if (!($cmp27)) { break; } $41 = $pcm$addr; $42 = $i; $arrayidx = (($41) + ($42<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2] = 0.0; $43 = $i; $inc = (($43) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $44 = $audiosize; $retval = $44; $401 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($401|0); } $45 = $audiosize; $46 = $F20; $cmp29 = ($45|0)>($46|0); if ($cmp29) { while(1) { $47 = $st$addr; $48 = $pcm$addr; $49 = $audiosize; $50 = $F20; $cmp31 = ($49|0)<($50|0); $51 = $audiosize; $52 = $F20; $cond35 = $cmp31 ? $51 : $52; $call = (_opus_decode_frame($47,0,0,$48,$cond35,0)|0); $ret = $call; $53 = $ret; $cmp36 = ($53|0)<(0); $54 = $ret; if ($cmp36) { label = 20; break; } $55 = $st$addr; $channels39 = ((($55)) + 8|0); $56 = HEAP32[$channels39>>2]|0; $mul40 = Math_imul($54, $56)|0; $57 = $pcm$addr; $add$ptr41 = (($57) + ($mul40<<2)|0); $pcm$addr = $add$ptr41; $58 = $ret; $59 = $audiosize; $sub = (($59) - ($58))|0; $audiosize = $sub; $60 = $audiosize; $cmp42 = ($60|0)>(0); if (!($cmp42)) { label = 22; break; } } if ((label|0) == 20) { $retval = $54; $401 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($401|0); } else if ((label|0) == 22) { $61 = $frame_size$addr; $retval = $61; $401 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($401|0); } } $62 = $audiosize; $63 = $F20; $cmp44 = ($62|0)<($63|0); if ($cmp44) { $64 = $audiosize; $65 = $F10; $cmp46 = ($64|0)>($65|0); if ($cmp46) { $66 = $F10; $audiosize = $66; break; } $67 = $mode; $cmp49 = ($67|0)!=(1000); if ($cmp49) { $68 = $audiosize; $69 = $F5; $cmp50 = ($68|0)>($69|0); if ($cmp50) { $70 = $audiosize; $71 = $F10; $cmp52 = ($70|0)<($71|0); if ($cmp52) { $72 = $F5; $audiosize = $72; } } } } } } while(0); $celt_accum = 0; $pcm_transition_silk_size = 1; $pcm_transition_celt_size = 1; $73 = $data$addr; $cmp59 = ($73|0)!=(0|0); do { if ($cmp59) { $74 = $st$addr; $prev_mode61 = ((($74)) + 60|0); $75 = HEAP32[$prev_mode61>>2]|0; $cmp62 = ($75|0)>(0); if ($cmp62) { $76 = $mode; $cmp64 = ($76|0)==(1002); if ($cmp64) { $77 = $st$addr; $prev_mode66 = ((($77)) + 60|0); $78 = HEAP32[$prev_mode66>>2]|0; $cmp67 = ($78|0)!=(1002); if ($cmp67) { $79 = $st$addr; $prev_redundancy = ((($79)) + 68|0); $80 = HEAP32[$prev_redundancy>>2]|0; $tobool = ($80|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { label = 35; } } else { label = 35; } } else { label = 35; } if ((label|0) == 35) { $81 = $mode; $cmp69 = ($81|0)!=(1002); if (!($cmp69)) { break; } $82 = $st$addr; $prev_mode71 = ((($82)) + 60|0); $83 = HEAP32[$prev_mode71>>2]|0; $cmp72 = ($83|0)==(1002); if (!($cmp72)) { break; } } $transition = 1; $84 = $mode; $cmp74 = ($84|0)==(1002); $85 = $F5; $86 = $st$addr; $channels76 = ((($86)) + 8|0); $87 = HEAP32[$channels76>>2]|0; $mul77 = Math_imul($85, $87)|0; if ($cmp74) { $pcm_transition_celt_size = $mul77; break; } else { $pcm_transition_silk_size = $mul77; break; } } } } while(0); $88 = $pcm_transition_celt_size; $89 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $89; $vla$alloca_mul = $88<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $90 = $transition; $tobool83 = ($90|0)!=(0); $91 = $mode; $cmp85 = ($91|0)==(1002); $or$cond = $tobool83 & $cmp85; if ($or$cond) { $pcm_transition = $vla; $92 = $st$addr; $93 = $pcm_transition; $94 = $F5; $95 = $audiosize; $cmp87 = ($94|0)<($95|0); $96 = $F5; $97 = $audiosize; $cond91 = $cmp87 ? $96 : $97; (_opus_decode_frame($92,0,0,$93,$cond91,0)|0); } $98 = $audiosize; $99 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp94 = ($98|0)>($99|0); L62: do { if ($cmp94) { $retval = -1; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; } else { $100 = $audiosize; $frame_size$addr = $100; $101 = $mode; $cmp98 = ($101|0)==(1002); $102 = $celt_accum; $tobool100 = ($102|0)!=(0); $or$cond1 = $cmp98 | $tobool100; if ($or$cond1) { $cond111 = 1; } else { $103 = $F10; $104 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp102 = ($103|0)>($104|0); $105 = $F10; $106 = $frame_size$addr; $cond106 = $cmp102 ? $105 : $106; $107 = $st$addr; $channels107 = ((($107)) + 8|0); $108 = HEAP32[$channels107>>2]|0; $mul108 = Math_imul($cond106, $108)|0; $cond111 = $mul108; } $pcm_silk_size = $cond111; $109 = $pcm_silk_size; $vla112$alloca_mul = $109<<1; $vla112 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla112$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla112$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $110 = $mode; $cmp113 = ($110|0)!=(1002); L68: do { if ($cmp113) { $pcm_ptr = $vla112; $111 = $st$addr; $prev_mode115 = ((($111)) + 60|0); $112 = HEAP32[$prev_mode115>>2]|0; $cmp116 = ($112|0)==(1002); if ($cmp116) { $113 = $silk_dec; (_silk_InitDecoder($113)|0); } $114 = $audiosize; $mul120 = ($114*1000)|0; $115 = $st$addr; $Fs121 = ((($115)) + 12|0); $116 = HEAP32[$Fs121>>2]|0; $div122 = (($mul120|0) / ($116|0))&-1; $cmp123 = (10)>($div122|0); if ($cmp123) { $cond130 = 10; } else { $117 = $audiosize; $mul126 = ($117*1000)|0; $118 = $st$addr; $Fs127 = ((($118)) + 12|0); $119 = HEAP32[$Fs127>>2]|0; $div128 = (($mul126|0) / ($119|0))&-1; $cond130 = $div128; } $120 = $st$addr; $DecControl = ((($120)) + 16|0); $payloadSize_ms = ((($DecControl)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms>>2] = $cond130; $121 = $data$addr; $cmp131 = ($121|0)!=(0|0); if ($cmp131) { $122 = $st$addr; $stream_channels = ((($122)) + 48|0); $123 = HEAP32[$stream_channels>>2]|0; $124 = $st$addr; $DecControl133 = ((($124)) + 16|0); $nChannelsInternal = ((($DecControl133)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal>>2] = $123; $125 = $mode; $cmp134 = ($125|0)==(1000); $126 = $st$addr; if ($cmp134) { $bandwidth = ((($126)) + 52|0); $127 = HEAP32[$bandwidth>>2]|0; $cmp136 = ($127|0)==(1101); $128 = $st$addr; if ($cmp136) { $$sink = 8000;$$sink2 = $128; } else { $bandwidth140 = ((($128)) + 52|0); $129 = HEAP32[$bandwidth140>>2]|0; $cmp141 = ($129|0)==(1102); $130 = $st$addr; $131 = $st$addr; $$ = $cmp141 ? $130 : $131; $$12 = $cmp141 ? 12000 : 16000; $$sink = $$12;$$sink2 = $$; } } else { $$sink = 16000;$$sink2 = $126; } $DecControl138 = ((($$sink2)) + 16|0); $internalSampleRate = ((($DecControl138)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$internalSampleRate>>2] = $$sink; } $132 = $data$addr; $cmp162 = ($132|0)==(0|0); $133 = $decode_fec$addr; $mul165 = $133<<1; $cond167 = $cmp162 ? 1 : $mul165; $lost_flag = $cond167; $decoded_samples = 0; L83: while(1) { $134 = $decoded_samples; $cmp169 = ($134|0)==(0); $conv = $cmp169&1; $first_frame = $conv; $135 = $silk_dec; $136 = $st$addr; $DecControl170 = ((($136)) + 16|0); $137 = $lost_flag; $138 = $first_frame; $139 = $pcm_ptr; $140 = $st$addr; $arch = ((($140)) + 44|0); $141 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; $call171 = (_silk_Decode($135,$DecControl170,$137,$138,$dec,$139,$silk_frame_size,$141)|0); $silk_ret = $call171; $142 = $silk_ret; $tobool172 = ($142|0)!=(0); L85: do { if ($tobool172) { $143 = $lost_flag; $tobool174 = ($143|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool174)) { break L83; } $144 = $frame_size$addr; HEAP32[$silk_frame_size>>2] = $144; $i = 0; while(1) { $145 = $i; $146 = $frame_size$addr; $147 = $st$addr; $channels177 = ((($147)) + 8|0); $148 = HEAP32[$channels177>>2]|0; $mul178 = Math_imul($146, $148)|0; $cmp179 = ($145|0)<($mul178|0); if (!($cmp179)) { break L85; } $149 = $pcm_ptr; $150 = $i; $arrayidx182 = (($149) + ($150<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx182>>1] = 0; $151 = $i; $inc184 = (($151) + 1)|0; $i = $inc184; } } } while(0); $152 = HEAP32[$silk_frame_size>>2]|0; $153 = $st$addr; $channels189 = ((($153)) + 8|0); $154 = HEAP32[$channels189>>2]|0; $mul190 = Math_imul($152, $154)|0; $155 = $pcm_ptr; $add$ptr191 = (($155) + ($mul190<<1)|0); $pcm_ptr = $add$ptr191; $156 = HEAP32[$silk_frame_size>>2]|0; $157 = $decoded_samples; $add = (($157) + ($156))|0; $decoded_samples = $add; $158 = $decoded_samples; $159 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp193 = ($158|0)<($159|0); if (!($cmp193)) { break L68; } } $retval = -3; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; break L62; } } while(0); $start_band = 0; $160 = $decode_fec$addr; $tobool197 = ($160|0)==(0); $161 = $mode; $cmp199 = ($161|0)!=(1002); $or$cond3 = $tobool197 & $cmp199; $162 = $data$addr; $cmp202 = ($162|0)!=(0|0); $or$cond4 = $or$cond3 & $cmp202; if ($or$cond4) { $call205 = (_ec_tell($dec)|0); $add206 = (($call205) + 17)|0; $163 = $st$addr; $mode207 = ((($163)) + 56|0); $164 = HEAP32[$mode207>>2]|0; $cmp208 = ($164|0)==(1001); $conv209 = $cmp208&1; $mul210 = ($conv209*20)|0; $add211 = (($add206) + ($mul210))|0; $165 = $len$addr; $mul212 = $165<<3; $cmp213 = ($add211|0)<=($mul212|0); if ($cmp213) { $166 = $mode; $cmp216 = ($166|0)==(1001); if ($cmp216) { $call219 = (_ec_dec_bit_logp($dec,12)|0); $redundancy = $call219; } else { $redundancy = 1; } $167 = $redundancy; $tobool222 = ($167|0)!=(0); if ($tobool222) { $call224 = (_ec_dec_bit_logp($dec,1)|0); $celt_to_silk = $call224; $168 = $mode; $cmp225 = ($168|0)==(1001); if ($cmp225) { $call228 = (_ec_dec_uint($dec,256)|0); $add229 = (($call228) + 2)|0; $cond236 = $add229; } else { $169 = $len$addr; $call231 = (_ec_tell($dec)|0); $add232 = (($call231) + 7)|0; $shr233 = $add232 >> 3; $sub234 = (($169) - ($shr233))|0; $cond236 = $sub234; } $redundancy_bytes = $cond236; $170 = $redundancy_bytes; $171 = $len$addr; $sub237 = (($171) - ($170))|0; $len$addr = $sub237; $172 = $len$addr; $mul238 = $172<<3; $call239 = (_ec_tell($dec)|0); $cmp240 = ($mul238|0)<($call239|0); if ($cmp240) { $len$addr = 0; $redundancy_bytes = 0; $redundancy = 0; } $173 = $redundancy_bytes; $storage = ((($dec)) + 4|0); $174 = HEAP32[$storage>>2]|0; $sub244 = (($174) - ($173))|0; HEAP32[$storage>>2] = $sub244; } } } $175 = $mode; $cmp247 = ($175|0)!=(1002); if ($cmp247) { $start_band = 17; } $endband = 21; $176 = $st$addr; $bandwidth251 = ((($176)) + 52|0); $177 = HEAP32[$bandwidth251>>2]|0; switch ($177|0) { case 1101: { $endband = 13; break; } case 1103: case 1102: { $endband = 17; break; } case 1104: { $endband = 19; break; } case 1105: { $endband = 21; break; } default: { } } $178 = $celt_dec; $179 = $endband; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer>>2] = $179; (_opus_custom_decoder_ctl($178,10012,$vararg_buffer)|0); $180 = $celt_dec; $181 = $st$addr; $stream_channels261 = ((($181)) + 48|0); $182 = HEAP32[$stream_channels261>>2]|0; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer13>>2] = $182; (_opus_custom_decoder_ctl($180,10008,$vararg_buffer13)|0); $183 = $redundancy; $tobool263 = ($183|0)!=(0); if ($tobool263) { $transition = 0; $pcm_transition_silk_size = 1; } $184 = $pcm_transition_silk_size; $vla266$alloca_mul = $184<<2; $vla266 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla266$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla266$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $185 = $transition; $tobool267 = ($185|0)!=(0); $186 = $mode; $cmp269 = ($186|0)!=(1002); $or$cond5 = $tobool267 & $cmp269; if ($or$cond5) { $pcm_transition = $vla266; $187 = $st$addr; $188 = $pcm_transition; $189 = $F5; $190 = $audiosize; $cmp272 = ($189|0)<($190|0); $191 = $F5; $192 = $audiosize; $cond277 = $cmp272 ? $191 : $192; (_opus_decode_frame($187,0,0,$188,$cond277,0)|0); } $193 = $redundancy; $tobool280 = ($193|0)!=(0); if ($tobool280) { $194 = $F5; $195 = $st$addr; $channels282 = ((($195)) + 8|0); $196 = HEAP32[$channels282>>2]|0; $mul283 = Math_imul($194, $196)|0; $cond286 = $mul283; } else { $cond286 = 1; } $redundant_audio_size = $cond286; $197 = $redundant_audio_size; $vla287$alloca_mul = $197<<2; $vla287 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla287$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla287$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $198 = $redundancy; $tobool288 = ($198|0)!=(0); $199 = $celt_to_silk; $tobool290 = ($199|0)!=(0); $or$cond6 = $tobool288 & $tobool290; if ($or$cond6) { $200 = $celt_dec; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer16>>2] = 0; (_opus_custom_decoder_ctl($200,10010,$vararg_buffer16)|0); $201 = $celt_dec; $202 = $data$addr; $203 = $len$addr; $add$ptr293 = (($202) + ($203)|0); $204 = $redundancy_bytes; $205 = $F5; (_celt_decode_with_ec($201,$add$ptr293,$204,$vla287,$205,0,0)|0); $206 = $celt_dec; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $redundant_rng; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $redundant_rng; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $add$ptr295 = (($redundant_rng) + ($sub$ptr$div<<2)|0); HEAP32[$vararg_buffer19>>2] = $add$ptr295; (_opus_custom_decoder_ctl($206,4031,$vararg_buffer19)|0); } $207 = $celt_dec; $208 = $start_band; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer22>>2] = $208; (_opus_custom_decoder_ctl($207,10010,$vararg_buffer22)|0); $209 = $mode; $cmp301 = ($209|0)!=(1000); do { if ($cmp301) { $210 = $F20; $211 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp304 = ($210|0)<($211|0); $212 = $F20; $213 = $frame_size$addr; $cond309 = $cmp304 ? $212 : $213; $celt_frame_size = $cond309; $214 = $mode; $215 = $st$addr; $prev_mode310 = ((($215)) + 60|0); $216 = HEAP32[$prev_mode310>>2]|0; $cmp311 = ($214|0)!=($216|0); do { if ($cmp311) { $217 = $st$addr; $prev_mode314 = ((($217)) + 60|0); $218 = HEAP32[$prev_mode314>>2]|0; $cmp315 = ($218|0)>(0); if (!($cmp315)) { break; } $219 = $st$addr; $prev_redundancy318 = ((($219)) + 68|0); $220 = HEAP32[$prev_redundancy318>>2]|0; $tobool319 = ($220|0)!=(0); if ($tobool319) { break; } $221 = $celt_dec; (_opus_custom_decoder_ctl($221,4028,$vararg_buffer25)|0); } } while(0); $222 = $celt_dec; $223 = $decode_fec$addr; $tobool323 = ($223|0)!=(0); $224 = $data$addr; $cond327 = $tobool323 ? 0 : $224; $225 = $len$addr; $226 = $pcm$addr; $227 = $celt_frame_size; $228 = $celt_accum; $call328 = (_celt_decode_with_ec($222,$cond327,$225,$226,$227,$dec,$228)|0); $celt_ret = $call328; } else { ;HEAP8[$silence>>0]=HEAP8[25784>>0]|0;HEAP8[$silence+1>>0]=HEAP8[25784+1>>0]|0; $229 = $celt_accum; $tobool330 = ($229|0)!=(0); L139: do { if (!($tobool330)) { $i = 0; while(1) { $230 = $i; $231 = $frame_size$addr; $232 = $st$addr; $channels333 = ((($232)) + 8|0); $233 = HEAP32[$channels333>>2]|0; $mul334 = Math_imul($231, $233)|0; $cmp335 = ($230|0)<($mul334|0); if (!($cmp335)) { break L139; } $234 = $pcm$addr; $235 = $i; $arrayidx338 = (($234) + ($235<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx338>>2] = 0.0; $236 = $i; $inc340 = (($236) + 1)|0; $i = $inc340; } } } while(0); $237 = $st$addr; $prev_mode343 = ((($237)) + 60|0); $238 = HEAP32[$prev_mode343>>2]|0; $cmp344 = ($238|0)==(1001); if ($cmp344) { $239 = $redundancy; $tobool347 = ($239|0)!=(0); $240 = $celt_to_silk; $tobool349 = ($240|0)!=(0); $or$cond7 = $tobool347 & $tobool349; if ($or$cond7) { $241 = $st$addr; $prev_redundancy351 = ((($241)) + 68|0); $242 = HEAP32[$prev_redundancy351>>2]|0; $tobool352 = ($242|0)!=(0); if ($tobool352) { break; } } $243 = $celt_dec; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer27>>2] = 0; (_opus_custom_decoder_ctl($243,10010,$vararg_buffer27)|0); $244 = $celt_dec; $245 = $pcm$addr; $246 = $F2_5; $247 = $celt_accum; (_celt_decode_with_ec($244,$silence,2,$245,$246,0,$247)|0); } } } while(0); $248 = $mode; $cmp358 = ($248|0)==(1002); $249 = $celt_accum; $tobool361 = ($249|0)!=(0); $or$cond8 = $cmp358 | $tobool361; L150: do { if (!($or$cond8)) { $i = 0; while(1) { $250 = $i; $251 = $frame_size$addr; $252 = $st$addr; $channels364 = ((($252)) + 8|0); $253 = HEAP32[$channels364>>2]|0; $mul365 = Math_imul($251, $253)|0; $cmp366 = ($250|0)<($mul365|0); if (!($cmp366)) { break L150; } $254 = $pcm$addr; $255 = $i; $arrayidx369 = (($254) + ($255<<2)|0); $256 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx369>>2]; $257 = $i; $arrayidx370 = (($vla112) + ($257<<1)|0); $258 = HEAP16[$arrayidx370>>1]|0; $conv371 = $258 << 16 >> 16; $conv372 = (+($conv371|0)); $mul373 = 3.0517578125E-5 * $conv372; $add374 = $256 + $mul373; $259 = $pcm$addr; $260 = $i; $arrayidx375 = (($259) + ($260<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx375>>2] = $add374; $261 = $i; $inc377 = (($261) + 1)|0; $i = $inc377; } } } while(0); $262 = $celt_dec; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast380 = $celt_mode; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast381 = $celt_mode; $sub$ptr$sub382 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast380) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast381))|0; $sub$ptr$div383 = (($sub$ptr$sub382|0) / 4)&-1; $add$ptr384 = (($celt_mode) + ($sub$ptr$div383<<2)|0); HEAP32[$vararg_buffer30>>2] = $add$ptr384; (_opus_custom_decoder_ctl($262,10015,$vararg_buffer30)|0); $263 = HEAP32[$celt_mode>>2]|0; $window386 = ((($263)) + 60|0); $264 = HEAP32[$window386>>2]|0; $window = $264; $265 = $redundancy; $tobool387 = ($265|0)==(0); $266 = $celt_to_silk; $tobool389 = ($266|0)!=(0); $or$cond9 = $tobool387 | $tobool389; if (!($or$cond9)) { $267 = $celt_dec; (_opus_custom_decoder_ctl($267,4028,$vararg_buffer33)|0); $268 = $celt_dec; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer35>>2] = 0; (_opus_custom_decoder_ctl($268,10010,$vararg_buffer35)|0); $269 = $celt_dec; $270 = $data$addr; $271 = $len$addr; $add$ptr393 = (($270) + ($271)|0); $272 = $redundancy_bytes; $273 = $F5; (_celt_decode_with_ec($269,$add$ptr393,$272,$vla287,$273,0,0)|0); $274 = $celt_dec; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast395 = $redundant_rng; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast396 = $redundant_rng; $sub$ptr$sub397 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast395) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast396))|0; $sub$ptr$div398 = (($sub$ptr$sub397|0) / 4)&-1; $add$ptr399 = (($redundant_rng) + ($sub$ptr$div398<<2)|0); HEAP32[$vararg_buffer38>>2] = $add$ptr399; (_opus_custom_decoder_ctl($274,4031,$vararg_buffer38)|0); $275 = $pcm$addr; $276 = $st$addr; $channels401 = ((($276)) + 8|0); $277 = HEAP32[$channels401>>2]|0; $278 = $frame_size$addr; $279 = $F2_5; $sub402 = (($278) - ($279))|0; $mul403 = Math_imul($277, $sub402)|0; $add$ptr404 = (($275) + ($mul403<<2)|0); $280 = $st$addr; $channels405 = ((($280)) + 8|0); $281 = HEAP32[$channels405>>2]|0; $282 = $F2_5; $mul406 = Math_imul($281, $282)|0; $add$ptr407 = (($vla287) + ($mul406<<2)|0); $283 = $pcm$addr; $284 = $st$addr; $channels408 = ((($284)) + 8|0); $285 = HEAP32[$channels408>>2]|0; $286 = $frame_size$addr; $287 = $F2_5; $sub409 = (($286) - ($287))|0; $mul410 = Math_imul($285, $sub409)|0; $add$ptr411 = (($283) + ($mul410<<2)|0); $288 = $F2_5; $289 = $st$addr; $channels412 = ((($289)) + 8|0); $290 = HEAP32[$channels412>>2]|0; $291 = $window; $292 = $st$addr; $Fs413 = ((($292)) + 12|0); $293 = HEAP32[$Fs413>>2]|0; _smooth_fade($add$ptr404,$add$ptr407,$add$ptr411,$288,$290,$291,$293); } $294 = $redundancy; $tobool415 = ($294|0)!=(0); $295 = $celt_to_silk; $tobool417 = ($295|0)!=(0); $or$cond10 = $tobool415 & $tobool417; if ($or$cond10) { $c = 0; while(1) { $296 = $c; $297 = $st$addr; $channels420 = ((($297)) + 8|0); $298 = HEAP32[$channels420>>2]|0; $cmp421 = ($296|0)<($298|0); if (!($cmp421)) { break; } $i = 0; while(1) { $299 = $i; $300 = $F2_5; $cmp425 = ($299|0)<($300|0); if (!($cmp425)) { break; } $301 = $st$addr; $channels428 = ((($301)) + 8|0); $302 = HEAP32[$channels428>>2]|0; $303 = $i; $mul429 = Math_imul($302, $303)|0; $304 = $c; $add430 = (($mul429) + ($304))|0; $arrayidx431 = (($vla287) + ($add430<<2)|0); $305 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx431>>2]; $306 = $pcm$addr; $307 = $st$addr; $channels432 = ((($307)) + 8|0); $308 = HEAP32[$channels432>>2]|0; $309 = $i; $mul433 = Math_imul($308, $309)|0; $310 = $c; $add434 = (($mul433) + ($310))|0; $arrayidx435 = (($306) + ($add434<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx435>>2] = $305; $311 = $i; $inc437 = (($311) + 1)|0; $i = $inc437; } $312 = $c; $inc440 = (($312) + 1)|0; $c = $inc440; } $313 = $st$addr; $channels442 = ((($313)) + 8|0); $314 = HEAP32[$channels442>>2]|0; $315 = $F2_5; $mul443 = Math_imul($314, $315)|0; $add$ptr444 = (($vla287) + ($mul443<<2)|0); $316 = $pcm$addr; $317 = $st$addr; $channels445 = ((($317)) + 8|0); $318 = HEAP32[$channels445>>2]|0; $319 = $F2_5; $mul446 = Math_imul($318, $319)|0; $add$ptr447 = (($316) + ($mul446<<2)|0); $320 = $pcm$addr; $321 = $st$addr; $channels448 = ((($321)) + 8|0); $322 = HEAP32[$channels448>>2]|0; $323 = $F2_5; $mul449 = Math_imul($322, $323)|0; $add$ptr450 = (($320) + ($mul449<<2)|0); $324 = $F2_5; $325 = $st$addr; $channels451 = ((($325)) + 8|0); $326 = HEAP32[$channels451>>2]|0; $327 = $window; $328 = $st$addr; $Fs452 = ((($328)) + 12|0); $329 = HEAP32[$Fs452>>2]|0; _smooth_fade($add$ptr444,$add$ptr447,$add$ptr450,$324,$326,$327,$329); } $330 = $transition; $tobool454 = ($330|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool454) { $331 = $audiosize; $332 = $F5; $cmp456 = ($331|0)>=($332|0); if (!($cmp456)) { $360 = $pcm_transition; $361 = $pcm$addr; $362 = $pcm$addr; $363 = $F2_5; $364 = $st$addr; $channels482 = ((($364)) + 8|0); $365 = HEAP32[$channels482>>2]|0; $366 = $window; $367 = $st$addr; $Fs483 = ((($367)) + 12|0); $368 = HEAP32[$Fs483>>2]|0; _smooth_fade($360,$361,$362,$363,$365,$366,$368); break; } $i = 0; while(1) { $333 = $i; $334 = $st$addr; $channels460 = ((($334)) + 8|0); $335 = HEAP32[$channels460>>2]|0; $336 = $F2_5; $mul461 = Math_imul($335, $336)|0; $cmp462 = ($333|0)<($mul461|0); $337 = $pcm_transition; if (!($cmp462)) { break; } $338 = $i; $arrayidx465 = (($337) + ($338<<2)|0); $339 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx465>>2]; $340 = $pcm$addr; $341 = $i; $arrayidx466 = (($340) + ($341<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx466>>2] = $339; $342 = $i; $inc468 = (($342) + 1)|0; $i = $inc468; } $343 = $st$addr; $channels470 = ((($343)) + 8|0); $344 = HEAP32[$channels470>>2]|0; $345 = $F2_5; $mul471 = Math_imul($344, $345)|0; $add$ptr472 = (($337) + ($mul471<<2)|0); $346 = $pcm$addr; $347 = $st$addr; $channels473 = ((($347)) + 8|0); $348 = HEAP32[$channels473>>2]|0; $349 = $F2_5; $mul474 = Math_imul($348, $349)|0; $add$ptr475 = (($346) + ($mul474<<2)|0); $350 = $pcm$addr; $351 = $st$addr; $channels476 = ((($351)) + 8|0); $352 = HEAP32[$channels476>>2]|0; $353 = $F2_5; $mul477 = Math_imul($352, $353)|0; $add$ptr478 = (($350) + ($mul477<<2)|0); $354 = $F2_5; $355 = $st$addr; $channels479 = ((($355)) + 8|0); $356 = HEAP32[$channels479>>2]|0; $357 = $window; $358 = $st$addr; $Fs480 = ((($358)) + 12|0); $359 = HEAP32[$Fs480>>2]|0; _smooth_fade($add$ptr472,$add$ptr475,$add$ptr478,$354,$356,$357,$359); } } while(0); $369 = $st$addr; $decode_gain = ((($369)) + 40|0); $370 = HEAP32[$decode_gain>>2]|0; $tobool486 = ($370|0)!=(0); L180: do { if ($tobool486) { $371 = $st$addr; $decode_gain488 = ((($371)) + 40|0); $372 = HEAP32[$decode_gain488>>2]|0; $conv489 = (+($372|0)); $mul490 = 6.4881407888606191E-4 * $conv489; $conv491 = $mul490; $mul492 = 0.69314718055994529 * $conv491; $call493 = (+Math_exp((+$mul492))); $conv494 = $call493; $gain = $conv494; $i = 0; while(1) { $373 = $i; $374 = $frame_size$addr; $375 = $st$addr; $channels496 = ((($375)) + 8|0); $376 = HEAP32[$channels496>>2]|0; $mul497 = Math_imul($374, $376)|0; $cmp498 = ($373|0)<($mul497|0); if (!($cmp498)) { break L180; } $377 = $pcm$addr; $378 = $i; $arrayidx501 = (($377) + ($378<<2)|0); $379 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx501>>2]; $380 = $gain; $mul502 = $379 * $380; $x = $mul502; $381 = $x; $382 = $pcm$addr; $383 = $i; $arrayidx503 = (($382) + ($383<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx503>>2] = $381; $384 = $i; $inc505 = (($384) + 1)|0; $i = $inc505; } } } while(0); $385 = $len$addr; $cmp508 = ($385|0)<=(1); if ($cmp508) { $386 = $st$addr; $$sink11 = $386;$xor$sink = 0; } else { $rng = ((($dec)) + 28|0); $387 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $388 = HEAP32[$redundant_rng>>2]|0; $xor = $387 ^ $388; $389 = $st$addr; $$sink11 = $389;$xor$sink = $xor; } $rangeFinal512 = ((($$sink11)) + 84|0); HEAP32[$rangeFinal512>>2] = $xor$sink; $390 = $mode; $391 = $st$addr; $prev_mode514 = ((($391)) + 60|0); HEAP32[$prev_mode514>>2] = $390; $392 = $redundancy; $tobool515 = ($392|0)!=(0); if ($tobool515) { $393 = $celt_to_silk; $tobool516 = ($393|0)!=(0); $lnot = $tobool516 ^ 1; $394 = $lnot; } else { $394 = 0; } $land$ext = $394&1; $395 = $st$addr; $prev_redundancy517 = ((($395)) + 68|0); HEAP32[$prev_redundancy517>>2] = $land$ext; $396 = $celt_ret; $cmp518 = ($396|0)>=(0); if ($cmp518) { (__opus_false()|0); } $397 = $celt_ret; $cmp529 = ($397|0)<(0); $398 = $celt_ret; $399 = $audiosize; $cond534 = $cmp529 ? $398 : $399; $retval = $cond534; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; } } while(0); $400 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($400|0)); $401 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($401|0); } function __opus_false() { var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return 0; } function _opus_packet_get_mode($data) { $data = $data|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $and = 0, $and3 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv2 = 0, $data$addr = 0, $mode = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $data$addr = $data; $0 = $data$addr; $1 = HEAP8[$0>>0]|0; $conv = $1&255; $and = $conv & 128; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool) { $mode = 1002; } else { $2 = $data$addr; $3 = HEAP8[$2>>0]|0; $conv2 = $3&255; $and3 = $conv2 & 96; $cmp = ($and3|0)==(96); if ($cmp) { $mode = 1001; break; } else { $mode = 1000; break; } } } while(0); $4 = $mode; STACKTOP = sp;return ($4|0); } function _opus_packet_get_bandwidth($data) { $data = $data|0; var $$add = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $add = 0, $add21 = 0, $and = 0, $and14 = 0, $and20 = 0, $and3 = 0, $and8 = 0, $bandwidth = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cond = 0; var $conv = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv2 = 0, $data$addr = 0, $shr = 0, $shr19 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool15 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $data$addr = $data; $0 = $data$addr; $1 = HEAP8[$0>>0]|0; $conv = $1&255; $and = $conv & 128; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); $2 = $data$addr; $3 = HEAP8[$2>>0]|0; $conv2 = $3&255; if ($tobool) { $shr = $conv2 >> 5; $and3 = $shr & 3; $add = (1102 + ($and3))|0; $bandwidth = $add; $4 = $bandwidth; $cmp = ($4|0)==(1102); $$add = $cmp ? 1101 : $add; $bandwidth = $$add; $7 = $bandwidth; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } $and8 = $conv2 & 96; $cmp9 = ($and8|0)==(96); $5 = $data$addr; $6 = HEAP8[$5>>0]|0; $conv13 = $6&255; if ($cmp9) { $and14 = $conv13 & 16; $tobool15 = ($and14|0)!=(0); $cond = $tobool15 ? 1105 : 1104; $bandwidth = $cond; $7 = $bandwidth; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } else { $shr19 = $conv13 >> 5; $and20 = $shr19 & 3; $add21 = (1101 + ($and20))|0; $bandwidth = $add21; $7 = $bandwidth; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } return (0)|0; } function _opus_packet_get_nb_channels($data) { $data = $data|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $and = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $data$addr = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $data$addr = $data; $0 = $data$addr; $1 = HEAP8[$0>>0]|0; $conv = $1&255; $and = $conv & 4; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); $cond = $tobool ? 2 : 1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _ec_tell($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $rng = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $nbits_total = ((($0)) + 20|0); $1 = HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2]|0; $2 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($2)) + 28|0); $3 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $4 = (Math_clz32(($3|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($4))|0; $sub1 = (($1) - ($sub))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($sub1|0); } function _smooth_fade($in1,$in2,$out,$overlap,$channels,$window,$Fs) { $in1 = $in1|0; $in2 = $in2|0; $out = $out|0; $overlap = $overlap|0; $channels = $channels|0; $window = $window|0; $Fs = $Fs|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $Fs$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add11 = 0, $add14 = 0.0, $add16 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0; var $arrayidx8 = 0, $c = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $div = 0, $i = 0, $in1$addr = 0, $in2$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc18 = 0, $inc20 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul10 = 0, $mul13 = 0.0, $mul15 = 0, $mul4 = 0, $mul6 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0, $mul9 = 0.0; var $out$addr = 0, $overlap$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $w = 0.0, $window$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $in1$addr = $in1; $in2$addr = $in2; $out$addr = $out; $overlap$addr = $overlap; $channels$addr = $channels; $window$addr = $window; $Fs$addr = $Fs; $0 = $Fs$addr; $div = (48000 / ($0|0))&-1; $inc = $div; $c = 0; while(1) { $1 = $c; $2 = $channels$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $i = 0; while(1) { $3 = $i; $4 = $overlap$addr; $cmp2 = ($3|0)<($4|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $5 = $window$addr; $6 = $i; $7 = $inc; $mul = Math_imul($6, $7)|0; $arrayidx = (($5) + ($mul<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $9 = $window$addr; $10 = $i; $11 = $inc; $mul4 = Math_imul($10, $11)|0; $arrayidx5 = (($9) + ($mul4<<2)|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $mul6 = $8 * $12; $w = $mul6; $13 = $w; $14 = $in2$addr; $15 = $i; $16 = $channels$addr; $mul7 = Math_imul($15, $16)|0; $17 = $c; $add = (($mul7) + ($17))|0; $arrayidx8 = (($14) + ($add<<2)|0); $18 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2]; $mul9 = $13 * $18; $19 = $w; $sub = 1.0 - $19; $20 = $in1$addr; $21 = $i; $22 = $channels$addr; $mul10 = Math_imul($21, $22)|0; $23 = $c; $add11 = (($mul10) + ($23))|0; $arrayidx12 = (($20) + ($add11<<2)|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2]; $mul13 = $sub * $24; $add14 = $mul9 + $mul13; $25 = $out$addr; $26 = $i; $27 = $channels$addr; $mul15 = Math_imul($26, $27)|0; $28 = $c; $add16 = (($mul15) + ($28))|0; $arrayidx17 = (($25) + ($add16<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2] = $add14; $29 = $i; $inc18 = (($29) + 1)|0; $i = $inc18; } $30 = $c; $inc20 = (($30) + 1)|0; $c = $inc20; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _opus_packet_get_nb_frames($packet,$len) { $packet = $packet|0; $len = $len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $and = 0, $and14 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv13 = 0, $count = 0, $len$addr = 0; var $packet$addr = 0, $retval = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $packet$addr = $packet; $len$addr = $len; $0 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(1); do { if ($cmp) { $retval = -1; } else { $1 = $packet$addr; $2 = HEAP8[$1>>0]|0; $conv = $2&255; $and = $conv & 3; $count = $and; $3 = $count; $cmp1 = ($3|0)==(0); if ($cmp1) { $retval = 1; break; } $4 = $count; $cmp4 = ($4|0)!=(3); if ($cmp4) { $retval = 2; break; } $5 = $len$addr; $cmp8 = ($5|0)<(2); if ($cmp8) { $retval = -4; break; } else { $6 = $packet$addr; $arrayidx12 = ((($6)) + 1|0); $7 = HEAP8[$arrayidx12>>0]|0; $conv13 = $7&255; $and14 = $conv13 & 63; $retval = $and14; break; } } } while(0); $8 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($8|0); } function _opus_decode_float($st,$data,$len,$pcm,$frame_size,$decode_fec) { $st = $st|0; $data = $data|0; $len = $len|0; $pcm = $pcm|0; $frame_size = $frame_size|0; $decode_fec = $decode_fec|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $data$addr = 0, $decode_fec$addr = 0, $frame_size$addr = 0, $len$addr = 0, $pcm$addr = 0, $retval = 0, $st$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $st$addr = $st; $data$addr = $data; $len$addr = $len; $pcm$addr = $pcm; $frame_size$addr = $frame_size; $decode_fec$addr = $decode_fec; $0 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<=(0); if ($cmp) { $retval = -1; $7 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } else { $1 = $st$addr; $2 = $data$addr; $3 = $len$addr; $4 = $pcm$addr; $5 = $frame_size$addr; $6 = $decode_fec$addr; $call = (_opus_decode_native($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,0,0,0)|0); $retval = $call; $7 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } return (0)|0; } function _opus_decoder_destroy($st) { $st = $st|0; var $0 = 0, $st$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $st$addr = $st; $0 = $st$addr; _opus_free($0); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _opus_encoder_get_size($channels) { $channels = $channels|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $add = 0, $add7 = 0, $call = 0, $call4 = 0, $call5 = 0, $call6 = 0, $celtEncSizeBytes = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $ret = 0; var $retval = 0, $silkEncSizeBytes = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $silkEncSizeBytes = sp + 8|0; $channels$addr = $channels; $0 = $channels$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(1); $1 = $channels$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)>(2); $or$cond = $cmp | $cmp1; if ($or$cond) { $retval = 0; $7 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } $call = (_silk_Get_Encoder_Size($silkEncSizeBytes)|0); $ret = $call; $2 = $ret; $tobool = ($2|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $retval = 0; $7 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } else { $3 = HEAP32[$silkEncSizeBytes>>2]|0; $call4 = (_align_7($3)|0); HEAP32[$silkEncSizeBytes>>2] = $call4; $4 = $channels$addr; $call5 = (_celt_encoder_get_size($4)|0); $celtEncSizeBytes = $call5; $call6 = (_align_7(18220)|0); $5 = HEAP32[$silkEncSizeBytes>>2]|0; $add = (($call6) + ($5))|0; $6 = $celtEncSizeBytes; $add7 = (($add) + ($6))|0; $retval = $add7; $7 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } return (0)|0; } function _align_7($i) { $i = $i|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $add = 0, $alignment = 0, $div = 0, $i$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $i$addr = $i; $alignment = 4; $0 = $i$addr; $1 = $alignment; $add = (($0) + ($1))|0; $sub = (($add) - 1)|0; $2 = $alignment; $div = (($sub>>>0) / ($2>>>0))&-1; $3 = $alignment; $mul = Math_imul($div, $3)|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($mul|0); } function _opus_encoder_init($st,$Fs,$channels,$application) { $st = $st|0; $Fs = $Fs|0; $channels = $channels|0; $application = $application|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $API_sampleRate = 0, $Fs$addr = 0, $Fs27 = 0, $Fs36 = 0, $Fs64 = 0, $Fs65 = 0; var $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr25 = 0, $add62 = 0, $analysis = 0, $application$addr = 0, $application63 = 0, $arch = 0, $arch29 = 0, $arch49 = 0, $bandwidth = 0, $bitRate = 0, $bitrate_bps = 0, $call = 0, $call17 = 0, $call20 = 0, $call21 = 0, $call28 = 0, $call30 = 0, $call50 = 0; var $call67 = 0, $celt_enc = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $channels26 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp51 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $complexity = 0, $complexity59 = 0, $delay_compensation = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate = 0, $div = 0; var $div66 = 0, $encoder_buffer = 0, $err = 0, $first = 0, $force_channels = 0, $hybrid_stereo_width_Q14 = 0, $lsb_depth = 0, $maxInternalSampleRate = 0, $max_bandwidth = 0, $minInternalSampleRate = 0, $mode = 0, $mul = 0, $mul61 = 0, $nChannelsInternal = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond3 = 0, $or$cond4 = 0, $or$cond5 = 0; var $or$cond6 = 0, $packetLossPercentage = 0, $payloadSize_ms = 0, $prev_HB_gain = 0, $reducedDependency = 0, $ret = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0, $signal_type = 0, $silkEncSizeBytes = 0, $silk_enc = 0, $silk_enc_offset = 0, $silk_enc_offset22 = 0, $silk_enc_offset23 = 0, $silk_mode = 0, $silk_mode34 = 0, $silk_mode35 = 0, $silk_mode37 = 0, $silk_mode38 = 0, $silk_mode39 = 0; var $silk_mode40 = 0, $silk_mode41 = 0, $silk_mode42 = 0, $silk_mode43 = 0, $silk_mode44 = 0, $silk_mode45 = 0, $silk_mode46 = 0, $silk_mode47 = 0, $silk_mode48 = 0, $silk_mode58 = 0, $st$addr = 0, $stream_channels = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool31 = 0, $useCBR = 0, $useDTX = 0, $useInBandFEC = 0, $use_vbr = 0, $user_bandwidth = 0, $user_bitrate_bps = 0; var $user_forced_mode = 0, $vararg_buffer = 0, $vararg_buffer7 = 0, $variable_HP_smth2_Q15 = 0, $variable_duration = 0, $vbr_constraint = 0, $voice_ratio = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $vararg_buffer7 = sp + 8|0; $vararg_buffer = sp; $silkEncSizeBytes = sp + 12|0; $st$addr = $st; $Fs$addr = $Fs; $channels$addr = $channels; $application$addr = $application; $0 = $Fs$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)!=(48000); $1 = $Fs$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)!=(24000); $or$cond = $cmp & $cmp1; $2 = $Fs$addr; $cmp3 = ($2|0)!=(16000); $or$cond1 = $or$cond & $cmp3; $3 = $Fs$addr; $cmp5 = ($3|0)!=(12000); $or$cond2 = $or$cond1 & $cmp5; $4 = $Fs$addr; $cmp7 = ($4|0)!=(8000); $or$cond3 = $or$cond2 & $cmp7; if (!($or$cond3)) { $5 = $channels$addr; $cmp8 = ($5|0)!=(1); $6 = $channels$addr; $cmp10 = ($6|0)!=(2); $or$cond4 = $cmp8 & $cmp10; if (!($or$cond4)) { $7 = $application$addr; $cmp12 = ($7|0)!=(2048); $8 = $application$addr; $cmp14 = ($8|0)!=(2049); $or$cond5 = $cmp12 & $cmp14; $9 = $application$addr; $cmp16 = ($9|0)!=(2051); $or$cond6 = $or$cond5 & $cmp16; if (!($or$cond6)) { $10 = $st$addr; $11 = $channels$addr; $call = (_opus_encoder_get_size($11)|0); $mul = $call; _memset(($10|0),0,($mul|0))|0; $call17 = (_silk_Get_Encoder_Size($silkEncSizeBytes)|0); $ret = $call17; $12 = $ret; $tobool = ($12|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $retval = -1; $93 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($93|0); } $13 = HEAP32[$silkEncSizeBytes>>2]|0; $call20 = (_align_7($13)|0); HEAP32[$silkEncSizeBytes>>2] = $call20; $call21 = (_align_7(18220)|0); $14 = $st$addr; $silk_enc_offset = ((($14)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$silk_enc_offset>>2] = $call21; $15 = $st$addr; $silk_enc_offset22 = ((($15)) + 4|0); $16 = HEAP32[$silk_enc_offset22>>2]|0; $17 = HEAP32[$silkEncSizeBytes>>2]|0; $add = (($16) + ($17))|0; $18 = $st$addr; HEAP32[$18>>2] = $add; $19 = $st$addr; $20 = $st$addr; $silk_enc_offset23 = ((($20)) + 4|0); $21 = HEAP32[$silk_enc_offset23>>2]|0; $add$ptr = (($19) + ($21)|0); $silk_enc = $add$ptr; $22 = $st$addr; $23 = $st$addr; $24 = HEAP32[$23>>2]|0; $add$ptr25 = (($22) + ($24)|0); $celt_enc = $add$ptr25; $25 = $channels$addr; $26 = $st$addr; $channels26 = ((($26)) + 100|0); HEAP32[$channels26>>2] = $25; $27 = $st$addr; $stream_channels = ((($27)) + 14288|0); HEAP32[$stream_channels>>2] = $25; $28 = $Fs$addr; $29 = $st$addr; $Fs27 = ((($29)) + 132|0); HEAP32[$Fs27>>2] = $28; $call28 = (_opus_select_arch_8()|0); $30 = $st$addr; $arch = ((($30)) + 168|0); HEAP32[$arch>>2] = $call28; $31 = $silk_enc; $32 = $st$addr; $arch29 = ((($32)) + 168|0); $33 = HEAP32[$arch29>>2]|0; $34 = $st$addr; $silk_mode = ((($34)) + 8|0); $call30 = (_silk_InitEncoder($31,$33,$silk_mode)|0); $ret = $call30; $35 = $ret; $tobool31 = ($35|0)!=(0); if ($tobool31) { $retval = -3; $93 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($93|0); } $36 = $channels$addr; $37 = $st$addr; $silk_mode34 = ((($37)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$silk_mode34>>2] = $36; $38 = $channels$addr; $39 = $st$addr; $silk_mode35 = ((($39)) + 8|0); $nChannelsInternal = ((($silk_mode35)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal>>2] = $38; $40 = $st$addr; $Fs36 = ((($40)) + 132|0); $41 = HEAP32[$Fs36>>2]|0; $42 = $st$addr; $silk_mode37 = ((($42)) + 8|0); $API_sampleRate = ((($silk_mode37)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$API_sampleRate>>2] = $41; $43 = $st$addr; $silk_mode38 = ((($43)) + 8|0); $maxInternalSampleRate = ((($silk_mode38)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate>>2] = 16000; $44 = $st$addr; $silk_mode39 = ((($44)) + 8|0); $minInternalSampleRate = ((($silk_mode39)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$minInternalSampleRate>>2] = 8000; $45 = $st$addr; $silk_mode40 = ((($45)) + 8|0); $desiredInternalSampleRate = ((($silk_mode40)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate>>2] = 16000; $46 = $st$addr; $silk_mode41 = ((($46)) + 8|0); $payloadSize_ms = ((($silk_mode41)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms>>2] = 20; $47 = $st$addr; $silk_mode42 = ((($47)) + 8|0); $bitRate = ((($silk_mode42)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$bitRate>>2] = 25000; $48 = $st$addr; $silk_mode43 = ((($48)) + 8|0); $packetLossPercentage = ((($silk_mode43)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$packetLossPercentage>>2] = 0; $49 = $st$addr; $silk_mode44 = ((($49)) + 8|0); $complexity = ((($silk_mode44)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$complexity>>2] = 9; $50 = $st$addr; $silk_mode45 = ((($50)) + 8|0); $useInBandFEC = ((($silk_mode45)) + 40|0); HEAP32[$useInBandFEC>>2] = 0; $51 = $st$addr; $silk_mode46 = ((($51)) + 8|0); $useDTX = ((($silk_mode46)) + 44|0); HEAP32[$useDTX>>2] = 0; $52 = $st$addr; $silk_mode47 = ((($52)) + 8|0); $useCBR = ((($silk_mode47)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$useCBR>>2] = 0; $53 = $st$addr; $silk_mode48 = ((($53)) + 8|0); $reducedDependency = ((($silk_mode48)) + 64|0); HEAP32[$reducedDependency>>2] = 0; $54 = $celt_enc; $55 = $Fs$addr; $56 = $channels$addr; $57 = $st$addr; $arch49 = ((($57)) + 168|0); $58 = HEAP32[$arch49>>2]|0; $call50 = (_celt_encoder_init($54,$55,$56,$58)|0); $err = $call50; $59 = $err; $cmp51 = ($59|0)!=(0); if ($cmp51) { $retval = -3; $93 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($93|0); } else { $60 = $celt_enc; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer>>2] = 0; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($60,10016,$vararg_buffer)|0); $61 = $celt_enc; $62 = $st$addr; $silk_mode58 = ((($62)) + 8|0); $complexity59 = ((($silk_mode58)) + 36|0); $63 = HEAP32[$complexity59>>2]|0; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer7>>2] = $63; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($61,4010,$vararg_buffer7)|0); $64 = $st$addr; $use_vbr = ((($64)) + 136|0); HEAP32[$use_vbr>>2] = 1; $65 = $st$addr; $vbr_constraint = ((($65)) + 140|0); HEAP32[$vbr_constraint>>2] = 1; $66 = $st$addr; $user_bitrate_bps = ((($66)) + 152|0); HEAP32[$user_bitrate_bps>>2] = -1000; $67 = $Fs$addr; $68 = $channels$addr; $mul61 = Math_imul($67, $68)|0; $add62 = (3000 + ($mul61))|0; $69 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps = ((($69)) + 148|0); HEAP32[$bitrate_bps>>2] = $add62; $70 = $application$addr; $71 = $st$addr; $application63 = ((($71)) + 96|0); HEAP32[$application63>>2] = $70; $72 = $st$addr; $signal_type = ((($72)) + 112|0); HEAP32[$signal_type>>2] = -1000; $73 = $st$addr; $user_bandwidth = ((($73)) + 116|0); HEAP32[$user_bandwidth>>2] = -1000; $74 = $st$addr; $max_bandwidth = ((($74)) + 120|0); HEAP32[$max_bandwidth>>2] = 1105; $75 = $st$addr; $force_channels = ((($75)) + 108|0); HEAP32[$force_channels>>2] = -1000; $76 = $st$addr; $user_forced_mode = ((($76)) + 124|0); HEAP32[$user_forced_mode>>2] = -1000; $77 = $st$addr; $voice_ratio = ((($77)) + 128|0); HEAP32[$voice_ratio>>2] = -1; $78 = $st$addr; $Fs64 = ((($78)) + 132|0); $79 = HEAP32[$Fs64>>2]|0; $div = (($79|0) / 100)&-1; $80 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer = ((($80)) + 160|0); HEAP32[$encoder_buffer>>2] = $div; $81 = $st$addr; $lsb_depth = ((($81)) + 156|0); HEAP32[$lsb_depth>>2] = 24; $82 = $st$addr; $variable_duration = ((($82)) + 144|0); HEAP32[$variable_duration>>2] = 5000; $83 = $st$addr; $Fs65 = ((($83)) + 132|0); $84 = HEAP32[$Fs65>>2]|0; $div66 = (($84|0) / 250)&-1; $85 = $st$addr; $delay_compensation = ((($85)) + 104|0); HEAP32[$delay_compensation>>2] = $div66; $86 = $st$addr; $hybrid_stereo_width_Q14 = ((($86)) + 14292|0); HEAP16[$hybrid_stereo_width_Q14>>1] = 16384; $87 = $st$addr; $prev_HB_gain = ((($87)) + 14300|0); HEAPF32[$prev_HB_gain>>2] = 1.0; $call67 = (_silk_lin2log(60)|0); $shl = $call67 << 8; $88 = $st$addr; $variable_HP_smth2_Q15 = ((($88)) + 14296|0); HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth2_Q15>>2] = $shl; $89 = $st$addr; $first = ((($89)) + 14344|0); HEAP32[$first>>2] = 1; $90 = $st$addr; $mode = ((($90)) + 14320|0); HEAP32[$mode>>2] = 1001; $91 = $st$addr; $bandwidth = ((($91)) + 14336|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth>>2] = 1105; $92 = $st$addr; $analysis = ((($92)) + 172|0); _tonality_analysis_init($analysis); $retval = 0; $93 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($93|0); } } } } $retval = -1; $93 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($93|0); } function _opus_select_arch_8() { var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return 0; } function _opus_encoder_create($Fs,$channels,$application,$error) { $Fs = $Fs|0; $channels = $channels|0; $application = $application|0; $error = $error|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Fs$addr = 0, $application$addr = 0, $call = 0, $call19 = 0, $call26 = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp20 = 0; var $cmp3 = 0, $cmp30 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $error$addr = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond3 = 0, $or$cond4 = 0, $or$cond5 = 0, $or$cond6 = 0, $ret = 0, $retval = 0, $st = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool22 = 0, $tobool27 = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $Fs$addr = $Fs; $channels$addr = $channels; $application$addr = $application; $error$addr = $error; $0 = $Fs$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)!=(48000); $1 = $Fs$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)!=(24000); $or$cond = $cmp & $cmp1; $2 = $Fs$addr; $cmp3 = ($2|0)!=(16000); $or$cond1 = $or$cond & $cmp3; $3 = $Fs$addr; $cmp5 = ($3|0)!=(12000); $or$cond2 = $or$cond1 & $cmp5; $4 = $Fs$addr; $cmp7 = ($4|0)!=(8000); $or$cond3 = $or$cond2 & $cmp7; if (!($or$cond3)) { $5 = $channels$addr; $cmp8 = ($5|0)!=(1); $6 = $channels$addr; $cmp10 = ($6|0)!=(2); $or$cond4 = $cmp8 & $cmp10; if (!($or$cond4)) { $7 = $application$addr; $cmp12 = ($7|0)!=(2048); $8 = $application$addr; $cmp14 = ($8|0)!=(2049); $or$cond5 = $cmp12 & $cmp14; $9 = $application$addr; $cmp16 = ($9|0)!=(2051); $or$cond6 = $or$cond5 & $cmp16; if (!($or$cond6)) { $12 = $channels$addr; $call = (_opus_encoder_get_size($12)|0); $call19 = (_opus_alloc_11($call)|0); $st = $call19; $13 = $st; $cmp20 = ($13|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp20) { $14 = $error$addr; $tobool22 = ($14|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool22) { $15 = $error$addr; HEAP32[$15>>2] = -7; } $retval = 0; $26 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($26|0); } $16 = $st; $17 = $Fs$addr; $18 = $channels$addr; $19 = $application$addr; $call26 = (_opus_encoder_init($16,$17,$18,$19)|0); $ret = $call26; $20 = $error$addr; $tobool27 = ($20|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool27) { $21 = $ret; $22 = $error$addr; HEAP32[$22>>2] = $21; } $23 = $ret; $cmp30 = ($23|0)!=(0); if ($cmp30) { $24 = $st; _opus_free_12($24); $st = 0; } $25 = $st; $retval = $25; $26 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($26|0); } } } $10 = $error$addr; $tobool = ($10|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool) { $11 = $error$addr; HEAP32[$11>>2] = -1; } $retval = 0; $26 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($26|0); } function _opus_alloc_11($size) { $size = $size|0; var $0 = 0, $call = 0, $size$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $size$addr = $size; $0 = $size$addr; $call = (_malloc($0)|0); STACKTOP = sp;return ($call|0); } function _opus_free_12($ptr) { $ptr = $ptr|0; var $0 = 0, $ptr$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $ptr$addr = $ptr; $0 = $ptr$addr; _free($0); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _downmix_float($_x,$sub,$subframe,$offset,$c1,$c2,$C) { $_x = $_x|0; $sub = $sub|0; $subframe = $subframe|0; $offset = $offset|0; $c1 = $c1|0; $c2 = $c2|0; $C = $C|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0.0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $_x$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add1 = 0, $add10 = 0, $add14 = 0.0, $add26 = 0, $add28 = 0; var $add32 = 0.0, $add8 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $c = 0, $c1$addr = 0, $c2$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp46 = 0, $cmp6 = 0; var $conv = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $div43 = 0.0, $inc = 0, $inc16 = 0, $inc34 = 0, $inc37 = 0, $inc52 = 0, $j = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0.0, $mul2 = 0.0, $mul27 = 0, $mul30 = 0.0, $mul50 = 0.0, $mul9 = 0, $offset$addr = 0, $scale = 0.0, $sub$addr = 0, $subframe$addr = 0; var $x = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $_x$addr = $_x; $sub$addr = $sub; $subframe$addr = $subframe; $offset$addr = $offset; $c1$addr = $c1; $c2$addr = $c2; $C$addr = $C; $0 = $_x$addr; $x = $0; $j = 0; while(1) { $1 = $j; $2 = $subframe$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $x; $4 = $j; $5 = $offset$addr; $add = (($4) + ($5))|0; $6 = $C$addr; $mul = Math_imul($add, $6)|0; $7 = $c1$addr; $add1 = (($mul) + ($7))|0; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($add1<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $mul2 = $8 * 32768.0; $9 = $sub$addr; $10 = $j; $arrayidx3 = (($9) + ($10<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2] = $mul2; $11 = $j; $inc = (($11) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $12 = $c2$addr; $cmp4 = ($12|0)>(-1); L5: do { if ($cmp4) { $j = 0; while(1) { $13 = $j; $14 = $subframe$addr; $cmp6 = ($13|0)<($14|0); if (!($cmp6)) { break L5; } $15 = $x; $16 = $j; $17 = $offset$addr; $add8 = (($16) + ($17))|0; $18 = $C$addr; $mul9 = Math_imul($add8, $18)|0; $19 = $c2$addr; $add10 = (($mul9) + ($19))|0; $arrayidx11 = (($15) + ($add10<<2)|0); $20 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $mul12 = $20 * 32768.0; $21 = $sub$addr; $22 = $j; $arrayidx13 = (($21) + ($22<<2)|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2]; $add14 = $23 + $mul12; HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2] = $add14; $24 = $j; $inc16 = (($24) + 1)|0; $j = $inc16; } } else { $25 = $c2$addr; $cmp18 = ($25|0)==(-2); if ($cmp18) { $c = 1; while(1) { $26 = $c; $27 = $C$addr; $cmp21 = ($26|0)<($27|0); if (!($cmp21)) { break L5; } $j = 0; while(1) { $28 = $j; $29 = $subframe$addr; $cmp24 = ($28|0)<($29|0); if (!($cmp24)) { break; } $30 = $x; $31 = $j; $32 = $offset$addr; $add26 = (($31) + ($32))|0; $33 = $C$addr; $mul27 = Math_imul($add26, $33)|0; $34 = $c; $add28 = (($mul27) + ($34))|0; $arrayidx29 = (($30) + ($add28<<2)|0); $35 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2]; $mul30 = $35 * 32768.0; $36 = $sub$addr; $37 = $j; $arrayidx31 = (($36) + ($37<<2)|0); $38 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx31>>2]; $add32 = $38 + $mul30; HEAPF32[$arrayidx31>>2] = $add32; $39 = $j; $inc34 = (($39) + 1)|0; $j = $inc34; } $40 = $c; $inc37 = (($40) + 1)|0; $c = $inc37; } } } } while(0); $scale = 1.0; $41 = $C$addr; $cmp40 = ($41|0)==(-2); if ($cmp40) { $42 = $C$addr; $conv = (+($42|0)); $43 = $scale; $div = $43 / $conv; $scale = $div; } else { $44 = $scale; $div43 = $44 / 2.0; $scale = $div43; } $j = 0; while(1) { $45 = $j; $46 = $subframe$addr; $cmp46 = ($45|0)<($46|0); if (!($cmp46)) { break; } $47 = $scale; $48 = $sub$addr; $49 = $j; $arrayidx49 = (($48) + ($49<<2)|0); $50 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2]; $mul50 = $50 * $47; HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2] = $mul50; $51 = $j; $inc52 = (($51) + 1)|0; $j = $inc52; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _frame_size_select($frame_size,$variable_duration,$Fs) { $frame_size = $frame_size|0; $variable_duration = $variable_duration|0; $Fs = $Fs|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Fs$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp32 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp38 = 0; var $cmp42 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cond = 0, $div = 0, $div10 = 0, $div11 = 0, $div14 = 0, $div15 = 0, $div5 = 0, $frame_size$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul13 = 0, $mul25 = 0, $mul28 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul34 = 0, $mul37 = 0, $mul40 = 0, $mul41 = 0; var $new_size = 0, $or$cond = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0, $shl17 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub16 = 0, $variable_duration$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $frame_size$addr = $frame_size; $variable_duration$addr = $variable_duration; $Fs$addr = $Fs; $0 = $frame_size$addr; $1 = $Fs$addr; $div = (($1|0) / 400)&-1; $cmp = ($0|0)<($div|0); if ($cmp) { $retval = -1; $28 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($28|0); } $2 = $variable_duration$addr; $cmp1 = ($2|0)==(5000); do { if ($cmp1) { $3 = $frame_size$addr; $new_size = $3; } else { $4 = $variable_duration$addr; $cmp3 = ($4|0)==(5010); if ($cmp3) { $5 = $Fs$addr; $div5 = (($5|0) / 50)&-1; $new_size = $div5; break; } $6 = $variable_duration$addr; $cmp7 = ($6|0)>=(5001); $7 = $variable_duration$addr; $cmp8 = ($7|0)<=(5006); $or$cond = $cmp7 & $cmp8; if (!($or$cond)) { $retval = -1; $28 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($28|0); } $8 = $Fs$addr; $mul = ($8*3)|0; $div10 = (($mul|0) / 50)&-1; $9 = $Fs$addr; $div11 = (($9|0) / 400)&-1; $10 = $variable_duration$addr; $sub = (($10) - 5001)|0; $shl = $div11 << $sub; $cmp12 = ($div10|0)<($shl|0); $11 = $Fs$addr; if ($cmp12) { $mul13 = ($11*3)|0; $div14 = (($mul13|0) / 50)&-1; $cond = $div14; } else { $div15 = (($11|0) / 400)&-1; $12 = $variable_duration$addr; $sub16 = (($12) - 5001)|0; $shl17 = $div15 << $sub16; $cond = $shl17; } $new_size = $cond; } } while(0); $13 = $new_size; $14 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp22 = ($13|0)>($14|0); if ($cmp22) { $retval = -1; $28 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($28|0); } $15 = $new_size; $mul25 = ($15*400)|0; $16 = $Fs$addr; $cmp26 = ($mul25|0)!=($16|0); if ($cmp26) { $17 = $new_size; $mul28 = ($17*200)|0; $18 = $Fs$addr; $cmp29 = ($mul28|0)!=($18|0); if ($cmp29) { $19 = $new_size; $mul31 = ($19*100)|0; $20 = $Fs$addr; $cmp32 = ($mul31|0)!=($20|0); if ($cmp32) { $21 = $new_size; $mul34 = ($21*50)|0; $22 = $Fs$addr; $cmp35 = ($mul34|0)!=($22|0); if ($cmp35) { $23 = $new_size; $mul37 = ($23*25)|0; $24 = $Fs$addr; $cmp38 = ($mul37|0)!=($24|0); if ($cmp38) { $25 = $new_size; $mul40 = ($25*50)|0; $26 = $Fs$addr; $mul41 = ($26*3)|0; $cmp42 = ($mul40|0)!=($mul41|0); if ($cmp42) { $retval = -1; $28 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($28|0); } } } } } } $27 = $new_size; $retval = $27; $28 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($28|0); } function _compute_frame_size($analysis_pcm,$frame_size,$variable_duration,$C,$Fs,$bitrate_bps,$delay_compensation,$downmix,$subframe_mem) { $analysis_pcm = $analysis_pcm|0; $frame_size = $frame_size|0; $variable_duration = $variable_duration|0; $C = $C|0; $Fs = $Fs|0; $bitrate_bps = $bitrate_bps|0; $delay_compensation = $delay_compensation|0; $downmix = $downmix|0; $subframe_mem = $subframe_mem|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0; var $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $Fs$addr = 0, $LM = 0, $analysis_pcm$addr = 0, $bitrate_bps$addr = 0, $call = 0, $call6 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $dec = 0, $delay_compensation$addr = 0, $div = 0, $div2 = 0, $div4 = 0, $downmix$addr = 0; var $frame_size$addr = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0, $shl5 = 0, $subframe_mem$addr = 0, $variable_duration$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $analysis_pcm$addr = $analysis_pcm; $frame_size$addr = $frame_size; $variable_duration$addr = $variable_duration; $C$addr = $C; $Fs$addr = $Fs; $bitrate_bps$addr = $bitrate_bps; $delay_compensation$addr = $delay_compensation; $downmix$addr = $downmix; $subframe_mem$addr = $subframe_mem; $0 = $variable_duration$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)==(5010); if ($cmp) { $1 = $frame_size$addr; $2 = $Fs$addr; $div = (($2|0) / 200)&-1; $cmp1 = ($1|0)>=($div|0); if ($cmp1) { $LM = 3; $3 = $analysis_pcm$addr; $4 = $frame_size$addr; $5 = $C$addr; $6 = $Fs$addr; $7 = $bitrate_bps$addr; $8 = $subframe_mem$addr; $9 = $delay_compensation$addr; $10 = $downmix$addr; $call = (_optimize_framesize($3,$4,$5,$6,$7,0.0,$8,$9,$10)|0); $LM = $call; while(1) { $11 = $Fs$addr; $div2 = (($11|0) / 400)&-1; $12 = $LM; $shl = $div2 << $12; $13 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp3 = ($shl|0)>($13|0); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $14 = $LM; $dec = (($14) + -1)|0; $LM = $dec; } $15 = $Fs$addr; $div4 = (($15|0) / 400)&-1; $16 = $LM; $shl5 = $div4 << $16; $frame_size$addr = $shl5; } else { label = 7; } } else { label = 7; } if ((label|0) == 7) { $17 = $frame_size$addr; $18 = $variable_duration$addr; $19 = $Fs$addr; $call6 = (_frame_size_select($17,$18,$19)|0); $frame_size$addr = $call6; } $20 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp7 = ($20|0)<(0); if ($cmp7) { $retval = -1; $22 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($22|0); } else { $21 = $frame_size$addr; $retval = $21; $22 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($22|0); } return (0)|0; } function _optimize_framesize($x,$len,$C,$Fs,$bitrate,$tonality,$mem,$buffering,$downmix) { $x = $x|0; $len = $len|0; $C = $C|0; $Fs = $Fs|0; $bitrate = $bitrate|0; $tonality = +$tonality; $mem = $mem|0; $buffering = $buffering|0; $downmix = $downmix|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0.0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0.0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0.0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0.0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $Fs$addr = 0, $N = 0; var $add = 0.0, $add15 = 0.0, $add22 = 0, $add34 = 0.0, $add35 = 0, $add38 = 0, $add43 = 0, $add46 = 0, $add50 = 0, $add54 = 0, $add60 = 0.0, $add62 = 0, $add71 = 0, $add75 = 0, $add9 = 0.0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0; var $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx66 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx72 = 0, $arrayidx73 = 0, $arrayidx76 = 0, $arrayidx77 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $bestLM = 0, $bitrate$addr = 0, $buffering$addr = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp23 = 0; var $cmp28 = 0, $cmp51 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond56 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv64 = 0, $div = 0, $div10 = 0.0, $div16 = 0.0, $div18 = 0, $div19 = 0, $div3 = 0.0, $div37 = 0.0, $div65 = 0, $downmix$addr = 0, $e = 0, $e_1 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc41 = 0; var $j = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mem$addr = 0, $memx = 0.0, $mul = 0, $mul21 = 0, $mul33 = 0.0, $mul59 = 0.0, $mul61 = 0, $mul63 = 0.0, $offset = 0, $pos = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shl = 0, $shl70 = 0, $shl74 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub31 = 0.0, $sub32 = 0.0, $sub44 = 0; var $sub5 = 0, $subframe = 0, $tmp = 0.0, $tmpx = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $tobool48 = 0, $tobool68 = 0, $tonality$addr = 0.0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $x$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 304|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(304|0); $e = sp + 144|0; $e_1 = sp + 36|0; $x$addr = $x; $len$addr = $len; $C$addr = $C; $Fs$addr = $Fs; $bitrate$addr = $bitrate; $tonality$addr = $tonality; $mem$addr = $mem; $buffering$addr = $buffering; $downmix$addr = $downmix; $bestLM = 0; $0 = $Fs$addr; $div = (($0|0) / 400)&-1; $subframe = $div; $1 = $subframe; $2 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $2; $vla$alloca_mul = $1<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $3 = $mem$addr; $4 = +HEAPF32[$3>>2]; HEAPF32[$e>>2] = $4; $5 = $mem$addr; $6 = +HEAPF32[$5>>2]; $add = 1.0000000036274937E-15 + $6; $div3 = 1.0 / $add; HEAPF32[$e_1>>2] = $div3; $7 = $buffering$addr; $tobool = ($7|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $8 = $subframe; $mul = $8<<1; $9 = $buffering$addr; $sub = (($mul) - ($9))|0; $offset = $sub; $10 = $offset; $11 = $len$addr; $sub5 = (($11) - ($10))|0; $len$addr = $sub5; $12 = $mem$addr; $arrayidx6 = ((($12)) + 4|0); $13 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $arrayidx7 = ((($e)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2] = $13; $14 = $mem$addr; $arrayidx8 = ((($14)) + 4|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2]; $add9 = 1.0000000036274937E-15 + $15; $div10 = 1.0 / $add9; $arrayidx11 = ((($e_1)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2] = $div10; $16 = $mem$addr; $arrayidx12 = ((($16)) + 8|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2]; $arrayidx13 = ((($e)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2] = $17; $18 = $mem$addr; $arrayidx14 = ((($18)) + 8|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $add15 = 1.0000000036274937E-15 + $19; $div16 = 1.0 / $add15; $arrayidx17 = ((($e_1)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2] = $div16; $pos = 3; } else { $pos = 1; $offset = 0; } $20 = $len$addr; $21 = $subframe; $div18 = (($20|0) / ($21|0))&-1; $cmp = ($div18|0)<(24); if ($cmp) { $22 = $len$addr; $23 = $subframe; $div19 = (($22|0) / ($23|0))&-1; $cond = $div19; } else { $cond = 24; } $N = $cond; $memx = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $24 = $i; $25 = $N; $cmp20 = ($24|0)<($25|0); if (!($cmp20)) { break; } $tmp = 1.0000000036274937E-15; $26 = $downmix$addr; $27 = $x$addr; $28 = $subframe; $29 = $i; $30 = $subframe; $mul21 = Math_imul($29, $30)|0; $31 = $offset; $add22 = (($mul21) + ($31))|0; $32 = $C$addr; FUNCTION_TABLE_viiiiiii[$26 & 31]($27,$vla,$28,$add22,0,-2,$32); $33 = $i; $cmp23 = ($33|0)==(0); if ($cmp23) { $34 = +HEAPF32[$vla>>2]; $memx = $34; } $j = 0; while(1) { $35 = $j; $36 = $subframe; $cmp28 = ($35|0)<($36|0); if (!($cmp28)) { break; } $37 = $j; $arrayidx30 = (($vla) + ($37<<2)|0); $38 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2]; $tmpx = $38; $39 = $tmpx; $40 = $memx; $sub31 = $39 - $40; $41 = $tmpx; $42 = $memx; $sub32 = $41 - $42; $mul33 = $sub31 * $sub32; $43 = $tmp; $add34 = $43 + $mul33; $tmp = $add34; $44 = $tmpx; $memx = $44; $45 = $j; $inc = (($45) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $46 = $tmp; $47 = $i; $48 = $pos; $add35 = (($47) + ($48))|0; $arrayidx36 = (($e) + ($add35<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx36>>2] = $46; $49 = $tmp; $div37 = 1.0 / $49; $50 = $i; $51 = $pos; $add38 = (($50) + ($51))|0; $arrayidx39 = (($e_1) + ($add38<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx39>>2] = $div37; $52 = $i; $inc41 = (($52) + 1)|0; $i = $inc41; } $53 = $i; $54 = $pos; $add43 = (($53) + ($54))|0; $sub44 = (($add43) - 1)|0; $arrayidx45 = (($e) + ($sub44<<2)|0); $55 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx45>>2]; $56 = $i; $57 = $pos; $add46 = (($56) + ($57))|0; $arrayidx47 = (($e) + ($add46<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx47>>2] = $55; $58 = $buffering$addr; $tobool48 = ($58|0)!=(0); if ($tobool48) { $59 = $N; $add50 = (($59) + 2)|0; $cmp51 = (24)<($add50|0); $60 = $N; $add54 = (($60) + 2)|0; $cond56 = $cmp51 ? 24 : $add54; $N = $cond56; } $61 = $N; $62 = $tonality$addr; $mul59 = 0.5 * $62; $add60 = 1.0 + $mul59; $63 = $C$addr; $mul61 = ($63*60)|0; $add62 = (($mul61) + 40)|0; $conv = (+($add62|0)); $mul63 = $add60 * $conv; $conv64 = (~~(($mul63))); $64 = $bitrate$addr; $div65 = (($64|0) / 400)&-1; $call = (_transient_viterbi($e,$e_1,$61,$conv64,$div65)|0); $bestLM = $call; $65 = $bestLM; $shl = 1 << $65; $arrayidx66 = (($e) + ($shl<<2)|0); $66 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx66>>2]; $67 = $mem$addr; HEAPF32[$67>>2] = $66; $68 = $buffering$addr; $tobool68 = ($68|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool68)) { $75 = $bestLM; $76 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($76|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return ($75|0); } $69 = $bestLM; $shl70 = 1 << $69; $add71 = (($shl70) + 1)|0; $arrayidx72 = (($e) + ($add71<<2)|0); $70 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx72>>2]; $71 = $mem$addr; $arrayidx73 = ((($71)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx73>>2] = $70; $72 = $bestLM; $shl74 = 1 << $72; $add75 = (($shl74) + 2)|0; $arrayidx76 = (($e) + ($add75<<2)|0); $73 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx76>>2]; $74 = $mem$addr; $arrayidx77 = ((($74)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx77>>2] = $73; $75 = $bestLM; $76 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($76|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return ($75|0); } function _transient_viterbi($E,$E_1,$N,$frame_cost,$rate) { $E = $E|0; $E_1 = $E_1|0; $N = $N|0; $frame_cost = $frame_cost|0; $rate = $rate|0; var $$sink = 0, $$sink1 = 0.0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0; var $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0.0; var $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0; var $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0; var $8 = 0, $80 = 0.0, $81 = 0.0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0.0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $E$addr = 0, $E_1$addr = 0, $N$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0; var $add$ptr85 = 0, $add114 = 0.0, $add15 = 0, $add17 = 0.0, $add64 = 0, $add71 = 0, $add83 = 0, $add87 = 0, $add90 = 0.0, $arrayidx106 = 0, $arrayidx111 = 0, $arrayidx111$sink = 0, $arrayidx113 = 0, $arrayidx123 = 0, $arrayidx124 = 0, $arrayidx130 = 0, $arrayidx131 = 0, $arrayidx136 = 0, $arrayidx137 = 0, $arrayidx147 = 0; var $arrayidx148 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx56 = 0, $arrayidx57 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $arrayidx67 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx76 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0; var $arrayidx94 = 0, $best_cost = 0.0, $best_state = 0, $call = 0.0, $call88 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp126 = 0, $cmp132 = 0, $cmp144 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp49 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp68 = 0, $cmp97 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv101 = 0.0; var $conv104 = 0.0, $conv14 = 0.0, $conv84 = 0.0, $cost = 0, $curr_cost = 0.0, $dec = 0, $div = 0.0, $div105 = 0.0, $factor = 0.0, $frame_cost$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc117 = 0, $inc120 = 0, $inc140 = 0, $inc26 = 0, $inc46 = 0, $inc79 = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0; var $min_cost = 0.0, $mul = 0, $mul102 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul18 = 0.0, $mul82 = 0, $mul89 = 0.0, $mul91 = 0.0, $rate$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl103 = 0, $shl112 = 0, $shl20 = 0, $shl23 = 0, $shl53 = 0, $shl65 = 0, $shl72 = 0, $shl75 = 0, $shl81 = 0, $shl93 = 0; var $shl96 = 0, $states = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub100 = 0, $sub122 = 0, $sub129 = 0, $sub135 = 0, $sub36 = 0, $sub38 = 0, $sub42 = 0, $sub55 = 0, $sub62 = 0, $sub66 = 0, $sub73 = 0, $sub86 = 0, $sub95 = 0, $tmp = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 3136|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(3136|0); $cost = sp + 1568|0; $states = sp + 32|0; $E$addr = $E; $E_1$addr = $E_1; $N$addr = $N; $frame_cost$addr = $frame_cost; $rate$addr = $rate; $0 = $rate$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(80); do { if ($cmp) { $factor = 0.0; } else { $1 = $rate$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)>(160); if ($cmp1) { $factor = 1.0; break; } else { $2 = $rate$addr; $conv = (+($2|0)); $sub = $conv - 80.0; $div = $sub / 80.0; $factor = $div; break; } } } while(0); $i = 0; while(1) { $3 = $i; $cmp5 = ($3|0)<(16); if (!($cmp5)) { break; } $4 = $i; $arrayidx7 = (($states) + ($4<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx7>>2] = -1; $5 = $i; $arrayidx9 = (($cost) + ($5<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2] = 1.0E+10; $6 = $i; $inc = (($6) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $i = 0; while(1) { $7 = $i; $cmp11 = ($7|0)<(4); if (!($cmp11)) { break; } $8 = $frame_cost$addr; $9 = $rate$addr; $10 = $i; $shl = 1 << $10; $mul = Math_imul($9, $shl)|0; $add = (($8) + ($mul))|0; $conv14 = (+($add|0)); $11 = $factor; $12 = $E$addr; $13 = $E_1$addr; $14 = $i; $15 = $N$addr; $add15 = (($15) + 1)|0; $call = (+_transient_boost($12,$13,$14,$add15)); $mul16 = $11 * $call; $add17 = 1.0 + $mul16; $mul18 = $conv14 * $add17; $16 = $i; $shl20 = 1 << $16; $arrayidx21 = (($cost) + ($shl20<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2] = $mul18; $17 = $i; $18 = $i; $shl23 = 1 << $18; $arrayidx24 = (($states) + ($shl23<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx24>>2] = $17; $19 = $i; $inc26 = (($19) + 1)|0; $i = $inc26; } $i = 1; while(1) { $20 = $i; $21 = $N$addr; $cmp29 = ($20|0)<($21|0); if (!($cmp29)) { break; } $j = 2; while(1) { $22 = $j; $cmp33 = ($22|0)<(16); if (!($cmp33)) { break; } $23 = $i; $sub36 = (($23) - 1)|0; $arrayidx37 = (($cost) + ($sub36<<6)|0); $24 = $j; $sub38 = (($24) - 1)|0; $arrayidx39 = (($arrayidx37) + ($sub38<<2)|0); $25 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx39>>2]; $26 = $i; $arrayidx40 = (($cost) + ($26<<6)|0); $27 = $j; $arrayidx41 = (($arrayidx40) + ($27<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx41>>2] = $25; $28 = $j; $sub42 = (($28) - 1)|0; $29 = $i; $arrayidx43 = (($states) + ($29<<6)|0); $30 = $j; $arrayidx44 = (($arrayidx43) + ($30<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx44>>2] = $sub42; $31 = $j; $inc46 = (($31) + 1)|0; $j = $inc46; } $j = 0; while(1) { $32 = $j; $cmp49 = ($32|0)<(4); $33 = $i; if (!($cmp49)) { break; } $arrayidx52 = (($states) + ($33<<6)|0); $34 = $j; $shl53 = 1 << $34; $arrayidx54 = (($arrayidx52) + ($shl53<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx54>>2] = 1; $35 = $i; $sub55 = (($35) - 1)|0; $arrayidx56 = (($cost) + ($sub55<<6)|0); $arrayidx57 = ((($arrayidx56)) + 4|0); $36 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx57>>2]; $min_cost = $36; $k = 1; while(1) { $37 = $k; $cmp59 = ($37|0)<(4); if (!($cmp59)) { break; } $38 = $i; $sub62 = (($38) - 1)|0; $arrayidx63 = (($cost) + ($sub62<<6)|0); $39 = $k; $add64 = (($39) + 1)|0; $shl65 = 1 << $add64; $sub66 = (($shl65) - 1)|0; $arrayidx67 = (($arrayidx63) + ($sub66<<2)|0); $40 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx67>>2]; $tmp = $40; $41 = $tmp; $42 = $min_cost; $cmp68 = $41 < $42; if ($cmp68) { $43 = $k; $add71 = (($43) + 1)|0; $shl72 = 1 << $add71; $sub73 = (($shl72) - 1)|0; $44 = $i; $arrayidx74 = (($states) + ($44<<6)|0); $45 = $j; $shl75 = 1 << $45; $arrayidx76 = (($arrayidx74) + ($shl75<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx76>>2] = $sub73; $46 = $tmp; $min_cost = $46; } $47 = $k; $inc79 = (($47) + 1)|0; $k = $inc79; } $48 = $frame_cost$addr; $49 = $rate$addr; $50 = $j; $shl81 = 1 << $50; $mul82 = Math_imul($49, $shl81)|0; $add83 = (($48) + ($mul82))|0; $conv84 = (+($add83|0)); $51 = $factor; $52 = $E$addr; $53 = $i; $add$ptr = (($52) + ($53<<2)|0); $54 = $E_1$addr; $55 = $i; $add$ptr85 = (($54) + ($55<<2)|0); $56 = $j; $57 = $N$addr; $58 = $i; $sub86 = (($57) - ($58))|0; $add87 = (($sub86) + 1)|0; $call88 = (+_transient_boost($add$ptr,$add$ptr85,$56,$add87)); $mul89 = $51 * $call88; $add90 = 1.0 + $mul89; $mul91 = $conv84 * $add90; $curr_cost = $mul91; $59 = $min_cost; $60 = $i; $arrayidx92 = (($cost) + ($60<<6)|0); $61 = $j; $shl93 = 1 << $61; $arrayidx94 = (($arrayidx92) + ($shl93<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx94>>2] = $59; $62 = $N$addr; $63 = $i; $sub95 = (($62) - ($63))|0; $64 = $j; $shl96 = 1 << $64; $cmp97 = ($sub95|0)<($shl96|0); $65 = $curr_cost; if ($cmp97) { $66 = $N$addr; $67 = $i; $sub100 = (($66) - ($67))|0; $conv101 = (+($sub100|0)); $mul102 = $65 * $conv101; $68 = $j; $shl103 = 1 << $68; $conv104 = (+($shl103|0)); $div105 = $mul102 / $conv104; $69 = $i; $arrayidx106 = (($cost) + ($69<<6)|0); $70 = $j; $$sink = $70;$$sink1 = $div105;$arrayidx111$sink = $arrayidx106; } else { $71 = $i; $arrayidx111 = (($cost) + ($71<<6)|0); $72 = $j; $$sink = $72;$$sink1 = $65;$arrayidx111$sink = $arrayidx111; } $shl112 = 1 << $$sink; $arrayidx113 = (($arrayidx111$sink) + ($shl112<<2)|0); $73 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx113>>2]; $add114 = $73 + $$sink1; HEAPF32[$arrayidx113>>2] = $add114; $74 = $j; $inc117 = (($74) + 1)|0; $j = $inc117; } $inc120 = (($33) + 1)|0; $i = $inc120; } $best_state = 1; $75 = $N$addr; $sub122 = (($75) - 1)|0; $arrayidx123 = (($cost) + ($sub122<<6)|0); $arrayidx124 = ((($arrayidx123)) + 4|0); $76 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx124>>2]; $best_cost = $76; $i = 2; while(1) { $77 = $i; $cmp126 = ($77|0)<(16); $78 = $N$addr; $sub129 = (($78) - 1)|0; if (!($cmp126)) { break; } $arrayidx130 = (($cost) + ($sub129<<6)|0); $79 = $i; $arrayidx131 = (($arrayidx130) + ($79<<2)|0); $80 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx131>>2]; $81 = $best_cost; $cmp132 = $80 < $81; if ($cmp132) { $82 = $N$addr; $sub135 = (($82) - 1)|0; $arrayidx136 = (($cost) + ($sub135<<6)|0); $83 = $i; $arrayidx137 = (($arrayidx136) + ($83<<2)|0); $84 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx137>>2]; $best_cost = $84; $85 = $i; $best_state = $85; } $86 = $i; $inc140 = (($86) + 1)|0; $i = $inc140; } $i = $sub129; while(1) { $87 = $i; $cmp144 = ($87|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp144)) { break; } $88 = $i; $arrayidx147 = (($states) + ($88<<6)|0); $89 = $best_state; $arrayidx148 = (($arrayidx147) + ($89<<2)|0); $90 = HEAP32[$arrayidx148>>2]|0; $best_state = $90; $91 = $i; $dec = (($91) + -1)|0; $i = $dec; } $92 = $best_state; STACKTOP = sp;return ($92|0); } function _transient_boost($E,$E_1,$LM,$maxM) { $E = $E|0; $E_1 = $E_1|0; $LM = $LM|0; $maxM = $maxM|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0; var $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0.0, $E$addr = 0, $E_1$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $M = 0, $add = 0, $add2 = 0, $add4 = 0.0, $add6 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $call = 0.0, $call34 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp9 = 0; var $cond = 0, $cond16 = 0.0, $cond32 = 0.0, $cond37 = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $conv17 = 0.0, $conv18 = 0.0, $conv33 = 0.0, $conv35 = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $maxM$addr = 0, $metric = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $mul14 = 0.0, $mul24 = 0.0, $mul30 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0, $mul8 = 0.0; var $shl = 0, $shl1 = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub13 = 0.0, $sub23 = 0.0, $sub29 = 0.0, $sumE = 0.0, $sumE_1 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $E$addr = $E; $E_1$addr = $E_1; $LM$addr = $LM; $maxM$addr = $maxM; $sumE = 0.0; $sumE_1 = 0.0; $0 = $maxM$addr; $1 = $LM$addr; $shl = 1 << $1; $add = (($shl) + 1)|0; $cmp = ($0|0)<($add|0); if ($cmp) { $2 = $maxM$addr; $cond = $2; } else { $3 = $LM$addr; $shl1 = 1 << $3; $add2 = (($shl1) + 1)|0; $cond = $add2; } $M = $cond; $i = 0; while(1) { $4 = $i; $5 = $M; $cmp3 = ($4|0)<($5|0); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $6 = $E$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $9 = $sumE; $add4 = $9 + $8; $sumE = $add4; $10 = $E_1$addr; $11 = $i; $arrayidx5 = (($10) + ($11<<2)|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $13 = $sumE_1; $add6 = $13 + $12; $sumE_1 = $add6; $14 = $i; $inc = (($14) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $15 = $sumE; $16 = $sumE_1; $mul = $15 * $16; $17 = $M; $18 = $M; $mul7 = Math_imul($17, $18)|0; $conv = (+($mul7|0)); $div = $mul / $conv; $metric = $div; $19 = $metric; $sub = $19 - 2.0; $mul8 = 0.05000000074505806 * $sub; $cmp9 = 0.0 > $mul8; if ($cmp9) { $cond16 = 0.0; } else { $20 = $metric; $sub13 = $20 - 2.0; $mul14 = 0.05000000074505806 * $sub13; $cond16 = $mul14; } $conv17 = $cond16; $call = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv17))); $conv18 = $call; $cmp19 = 1.0 < $conv18; if ($cmp19) { $cond37 = 1.0; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$cond37); } $21 = $metric; $sub23 = $21 - 2.0; $mul24 = 0.05000000074505806 * $sub23; $cmp25 = 0.0 > $mul24; if ($cmp25) { $cond32 = 0.0; } else { $22 = $metric; $sub29 = $22 - 2.0; $mul30 = 0.05000000074505806 * $sub29; $cond32 = $mul30; } $conv33 = $cond32; $call34 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv33))); $conv35 = $call34; $cond37 = $conv35; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$cond37); } function _compute_stereo_width($pcm,$frame_size,$Fs,$mem) { $pcm = $pcm|0; $frame_size = $frame_size|0; $Fs = $Fs|0; $mem = $mem|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0.0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0.0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0.0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0.0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $110 = 0.0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0.0, $113 = 0.0, $114 = 0.0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0.0, $117 = 0.0, $118 = 0.0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $120 = 0.0, $121 = 0.0, $122 = 0.0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0.0, $126 = 0.0, $127 = 0.0, $128 = 0.0, $129 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $130 = 0.0, $131 = 0.0, $132 = 0.0, $133 = 0.0; var $134 = 0.0, $135 = 0.0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0.0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $140 = 0.0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0.0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0.0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0.0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0.0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0.0, $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0; var $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0.0, $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0; var $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0.0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0.0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0.0, $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0.0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0.0; var $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0.0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0.0, $82 = 0.0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0.0; var $86 = 0, $87 = 0.0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0.0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0.0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0.0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0.0, $Fs$addr = 0, $XY = 0, $XY113 = 0, $XY118 = 0, $XY123 = 0; var $XY124 = 0, $XY55 = 0, $XY70 = 0, $XY75 = 0, $XY78 = 0, $YY = 0, $YY103 = 0, $YY59 = 0, $YY79 = 0, $YY84 = 0, $YY87 = 0, $YY89 = 0, $YY95 = 0, $YY95$sink = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $add126 = 0.0, $add13 = 0, $add133 = 0.0, $add134 = 0.0; var $add146 = 0.0, $add16 = 0.0, $add18 = 0.0, $add20 = 0.0, $add22 = 0, $add25 = 0, $add28 = 0.0, $add30 = 0.0, $add32 = 0.0, $add34 = 0, $add37 = 0, $add40 = 0.0, $add42 = 0.0, $add44 = 0.0, $add45 = 0.0, $add46 = 0.0, $add47 = 0.0, $add48 = 0, $add52 = 0.0, $add56 = 0.0; var $add60 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $call = 0.0, $call105 = 0.0, $call108 = 0.0, $call111 = 0.0, $call130 = 0.0, $call139 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp115 = 0, $cmp151 = 0, $cmp165 = 0, $cmp2 = 0; var $cmp62 = 0, $cmp71 = 0, $cmp80 = 0, $cmp90 = 0, $cmp98 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond122 = 0.0, $cond161 = 0.0, $cond172 = 0.0, $cond68 = 0.0, $cond77 = 0.0, $cond86 = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $conv101 = 0.0, $conv102 = 0.0, $conv104 = 0.0, $conv106 = 0.0, $conv107 = 0.0, $conv109 = 0.0, $conv110 = 0.0; var $conv112 = 0.0, $conv129 = 0.0, $conv131 = 0.0, $conv138 = 0.0, $conv140 = 0.0, $conv143 = 0.0, $conv147 = 0.0, $conv155 = 0.0, $corr = 0.0, $div = 0, $div1 = 0.0, $div127 = 0.0, $div135 = 0.0, $div144 = 0.0, $div148 = 0.0, $div156 = 0.0, $frame_rate = 0, $frame_size$addr = 0, $i = 0, $ldiff = 0.0; var $max_follower = 0, $max_follower154 = 0, $max_follower162 = 0, $max_follower163 = 0, $max_follower169 = 0, $mem$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul114 = 0.0, $mul12 = 0, $mul120 = 0.0, $mul125 = 0.0, $mul132 = 0.0, $mul136 = 0.0, $mul141 = 0.0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul164 = 0.0, $mul17 = 0.0, $mul170 = 0.0, $mul19 = 0.0, $mul21 = 0; var $mul24 = 0, $mul27 = 0.0, $mul29 = 0.0, $mul31 = 0.0, $mul33 = 0, $mul36 = 0, $mul39 = 0.0, $mul4 = 0, $mul41 = 0.0, $mul43 = 0.0, $mul50 = 0.0, $mul54 = 0.0, $mul58 = 0.0, $mul6 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0.0, $mul9 = 0, $pcm$addr = 0, $pxx = 0.0, $pxy = 0.0; var $pyy = 0.0, $qrrt_xx = 0.0, $qrrt_yy = 0.0, $short_alpha = 0.0, $smoothed_width = 0, $smoothed_width145 = 0, $smoothed_width150 = 0, $smoothed_width159 = 0, $sqrt_xx = 0.0, $sqrt_yy = 0.0, $sub = 0.0, $sub128 = 0.0, $sub137 = 0.0, $sub142 = 0.0, $sub149 = 0.0, $sub157 = 0.0, $sub49 = 0.0, $sub53 = 0.0, $sub57 = 0.0, $width = 0.0; var $x = 0.0, $xx = 0.0, $xy = 0.0, $y = 0.0, $yy = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 96|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(96|0); $pcm$addr = $pcm; $frame_size$addr = $frame_size; $Fs$addr = $Fs; $mem$addr = $mem; $0 = $Fs$addr; $1 = $frame_size$addr; $div = (($0|0) / ($1|0))&-1; $frame_rate = $div; $2 = $frame_rate; $cmp = (50)>($2|0); $3 = $frame_rate; $cond = $cmp ? 50 : $3; $conv = (+($cond|0)); $div1 = 25.0 / $conv; $sub = 1.0 - $div1; $short_alpha = $sub; $yy = 0.0; $xy = 0.0; $xx = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $4 = $i; $5 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp2 = ($4|0)<($5|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $pxx = 0.0; $pxy = 0.0; $pyy = 0.0; $6 = $pcm$addr; $7 = $i; $mul = $7<<1; $arrayidx = (($6) + ($mul<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $x = $8; $9 = $pcm$addr; $10 = $i; $mul4 = $10<<1; $add = (($mul4) + 1)|0; $arrayidx5 = (($9) + ($add<<2)|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $y = $11; $12 = $x; $13 = $x; $mul6 = $12 * $13; $pxx = $mul6; $14 = $x; $15 = $y; $mul7 = $14 * $15; $pxy = $mul7; $16 = $y; $17 = $y; $mul8 = $16 * $17; $pyy = $mul8; $18 = $pcm$addr; $19 = $i; $mul9 = $19<<1; $add10 = (($mul9) + 2)|0; $arrayidx11 = (($18) + ($add10<<2)|0); $20 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $x = $20; $21 = $pcm$addr; $22 = $i; $mul12 = $22<<1; $add13 = (($mul12) + 3)|0; $arrayidx14 = (($21) + ($add13<<2)|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $y = $23; $24 = $x; $25 = $x; $mul15 = $24 * $25; $26 = $pxx; $add16 = $26 + $mul15; $pxx = $add16; $27 = $x; $28 = $y; $mul17 = $27 * $28; $29 = $pxy; $add18 = $29 + $mul17; $pxy = $add18; $30 = $y; $31 = $y; $mul19 = $30 * $31; $32 = $pyy; $add20 = $32 + $mul19; $pyy = $add20; $33 = $pcm$addr; $34 = $i; $mul21 = $34<<1; $add22 = (($mul21) + 4)|0; $arrayidx23 = (($33) + ($add22<<2)|0); $35 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2]; $x = $35; $36 = $pcm$addr; $37 = $i; $mul24 = $37<<1; $add25 = (($mul24) + 5)|0; $arrayidx26 = (($36) + ($add25<<2)|0); $38 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx26>>2]; $y = $38; $39 = $x; $40 = $x; $mul27 = $39 * $40; $41 = $pxx; $add28 = $41 + $mul27; $pxx = $add28; $42 = $x; $43 = $y; $mul29 = $42 * $43; $44 = $pxy; $add30 = $44 + $mul29; $pxy = $add30; $45 = $y; $46 = $y; $mul31 = $45 * $46; $47 = $pyy; $add32 = $47 + $mul31; $pyy = $add32; $48 = $pcm$addr; $49 = $i; $mul33 = $49<<1; $add34 = (($mul33) + 6)|0; $arrayidx35 = (($48) + ($add34<<2)|0); $50 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2]; $x = $50; $51 = $pcm$addr; $52 = $i; $mul36 = $52<<1; $add37 = (($mul36) + 7)|0; $arrayidx38 = (($51) + ($add37<<2)|0); $53 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2]; $y = $53; $54 = $x; $55 = $x; $mul39 = $54 * $55; $56 = $pxx; $add40 = $56 + $mul39; $pxx = $add40; $57 = $x; $58 = $y; $mul41 = $57 * $58; $59 = $pxy; $add42 = $59 + $mul41; $pxy = $add42; $60 = $y; $61 = $y; $mul43 = $60 * $61; $62 = $pyy; $add44 = $62 + $mul43; $pyy = $add44; $63 = $pxx; $64 = $xx; $add45 = $64 + $63; $xx = $add45; $65 = $pxy; $66 = $xy; $add46 = $66 + $65; $xy = $add46; $67 = $pyy; $68 = $yy; $add47 = $68 + $67; $yy = $add47; $69 = $i; $add48 = (($69) + 4)|0; $i = $add48; } $70 = $short_alpha; $71 = $xx; $72 = $mem$addr; $73 = +HEAPF32[$72>>2]; $sub49 = $71 - $73; $mul50 = $70 * $sub49; $74 = $mem$addr; $75 = +HEAPF32[$74>>2]; $add52 = $75 + $mul50; HEAPF32[$74>>2] = $add52; $76 = $short_alpha; $77 = $xy; $78 = $mem$addr; $XY = ((($78)) + 4|0); $79 = +HEAPF32[$XY>>2]; $sub53 = $77 - $79; $mul54 = $76 * $sub53; $80 = $mem$addr; $XY55 = ((($80)) + 4|0); $81 = +HEAPF32[$XY55>>2]; $add56 = $81 + $mul54; HEAPF32[$XY55>>2] = $add56; $82 = $short_alpha; $83 = $yy; $84 = $mem$addr; $YY = ((($84)) + 8|0); $85 = +HEAPF32[$YY>>2]; $sub57 = $83 - $85; $mul58 = $82 * $sub57; $86 = $mem$addr; $YY59 = ((($86)) + 8|0); $87 = +HEAPF32[$YY59>>2]; $add60 = $87 + $mul58; HEAPF32[$YY59>>2] = $add60; $88 = $mem$addr; $89 = +HEAPF32[$88>>2]; $cmp62 = 0.0 > $89; if ($cmp62) { $cond68 = 0.0; } else { $90 = $mem$addr; $91 = +HEAPF32[$90>>2]; $cond68 = $91; } $92 = $mem$addr; HEAPF32[$92>>2] = $cond68; $93 = $mem$addr; $XY70 = ((($93)) + 4|0); $94 = +HEAPF32[$XY70>>2]; $cmp71 = 0.0 > $94; if ($cmp71) { $cond77 = 0.0; } else { $95 = $mem$addr; $XY75 = ((($95)) + 4|0); $96 = +HEAPF32[$XY75>>2]; $cond77 = $96; } $97 = $mem$addr; $XY78 = ((($97)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$XY78>>2] = $cond77; $98 = $mem$addr; $YY79 = ((($98)) + 8|0); $99 = +HEAPF32[$YY79>>2]; $cmp80 = 0.0 > $99; if ($cmp80) { $cond86 = 0.0; } else { $100 = $mem$addr; $YY84 = ((($100)) + 8|0); $101 = +HEAPF32[$YY84>>2]; $cond86 = $101; } $102 = $mem$addr; $YY87 = ((($102)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$YY87>>2] = $cond86; $103 = $mem$addr; $104 = +HEAPF32[$103>>2]; $105 = $mem$addr; $YY89 = ((($105)) + 8|0); $106 = +HEAPF32[$YY89>>2]; $cmp90 = $104 > $106; $107 = $mem$addr; $YY95 = ((($107)) + 8|0); $YY95$sink = $cmp90 ? $107 : $YY95; $108 = +HEAPF32[$YY95$sink>>2]; $cmp98 = $108 > 7.9999997979030013E-4; if ($cmp98) { $109 = $mem$addr; $110 = +HEAPF32[$109>>2]; $conv101 = $110; $call = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv101))); $conv102 = $call; $sqrt_xx = $conv102; $111 = $mem$addr; $YY103 = ((($111)) + 8|0); $112 = +HEAPF32[$YY103>>2]; $conv104 = $112; $call105 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv104))); $conv106 = $call105; $sqrt_yy = $conv106; $113 = $sqrt_xx; $conv107 = $113; $call108 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv107))); $conv109 = $call108; $qrrt_xx = $conv109; $114 = $sqrt_yy; $conv110 = $114; $call111 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv110))); $conv112 = $call111; $qrrt_yy = $conv112; $115 = $mem$addr; $XY113 = ((($115)) + 4|0); $116 = +HEAPF32[$XY113>>2]; $117 = $sqrt_xx; $118 = $sqrt_yy; $mul114 = $117 * $118; $cmp115 = $116 < $mul114; if ($cmp115) { $119 = $mem$addr; $XY118 = ((($119)) + 4|0); $120 = +HEAPF32[$XY118>>2]; $cond122 = $120; } else { $121 = $sqrt_xx; $122 = $sqrt_yy; $mul120 = $121 * $122; $cond122 = $mul120; } $123 = $mem$addr; $XY123 = ((($123)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$XY123>>2] = $cond122; $124 = $mem$addr; $XY124 = ((($124)) + 4|0); $125 = +HEAPF32[$XY124>>2]; $126 = $sqrt_xx; $127 = $sqrt_yy; $mul125 = $126 * $127; $add126 = 1.0000000036274937E-15 + $mul125; $div127 = $125 / $add126; $corr = $div127; $128 = $qrrt_xx; $129 = $qrrt_yy; $sub128 = $128 - $129; $conv129 = $sub128; $call130 = (+Math_abs((+$conv129))); $conv131 = $call130; $mul132 = 1.0 * $conv131; $130 = $qrrt_xx; $add133 = 1.0000000036274937E-15 + $130; $131 = $qrrt_yy; $add134 = $add133 + $131; $div135 = $mul132 / $add134; $ldiff = $div135; $132 = $corr; $133 = $corr; $mul136 = $132 * $133; $sub137 = 1.0 - $mul136; $conv138 = $sub137; $call139 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv138))); $conv140 = $call139; $134 = $ldiff; $mul141 = $conv140 * $134; $width = $mul141; $135 = $width; $136 = $mem$addr; $smoothed_width = ((($136)) + 12|0); $137 = +HEAPF32[$smoothed_width>>2]; $sub142 = $135 - $137; $138 = $frame_rate; $conv143 = (+($138|0)); $div144 = $sub142 / $conv143; $139 = $mem$addr; $smoothed_width145 = ((($139)) + 12|0); $140 = +HEAPF32[$smoothed_width145>>2]; $add146 = $140 + $div144; HEAPF32[$smoothed_width145>>2] = $add146; $141 = $mem$addr; $max_follower = ((($141)) + 16|0); $142 = +HEAPF32[$max_follower>>2]; $143 = $frame_rate; $conv147 = (+($143|0)); $div148 = 0.019999999552965164 / $conv147; $sub149 = $142 - $div148; $144 = $mem$addr; $smoothed_width150 = ((($144)) + 12|0); $145 = +HEAPF32[$smoothed_width150>>2]; $cmp151 = $sub149 > $145; $146 = $mem$addr; if ($cmp151) { $max_follower154 = ((($146)) + 16|0); $147 = +HEAPF32[$max_follower154>>2]; $148 = $frame_rate; $conv155 = (+($148|0)); $div156 = 0.019999999552965164 / $conv155; $sub157 = $147 - $div156; $cond161 = $sub157; } else { $smoothed_width159 = ((($146)) + 12|0); $149 = +HEAPF32[$smoothed_width159>>2]; $cond161 = $149; } $150 = $mem$addr; $max_follower162 = ((($150)) + 16|0); HEAPF32[$max_follower162>>2] = $cond161; } else { $width = 0.0; $corr = 1.0; $ldiff = 0.0; } $151 = $mem$addr; $max_follower163 = ((($151)) + 16|0); $152 = +HEAPF32[$max_follower163>>2]; $mul164 = 20.0 * $152; $cmp165 = 1.0 < $mul164; if ($cmp165) { $cond172 = 1.0; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$cond172); } $153 = $mem$addr; $max_follower169 = ((($153)) + 16|0); $154 = +HEAPF32[$max_follower169>>2]; $mul170 = 20.0 * $154; $cond172 = $mul170; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$cond172); } function _opus_encode_native($st,$pcm,$frame_size,$data,$out_data_bytes,$lsb_depth,$analysis_pcm,$analysis_size,$c1,$c2,$analysis_channels,$downmix,$float_api) { $st = $st|0; $pcm = $pcm|0; $frame_size = $frame_size|0; $data = $data|0; $out_data_bytes = $out_data_bytes|0; $lsb_depth = $lsb_depth|0; $analysis_pcm = $analysis_pcm|0; $analysis_size = $analysis_size|0; $c1 = $c1|0; $c2 = $c2|0; $analysis_channels = $analysis_channels|0; $downmix = $downmix|0; $float_api = $float_api|0; var $$old = 0, $$sink = 0, $$sink15 = 0, $$sink17 = 0, $$sink18 = 0, $$sink22 = 0, $$sink23 = 0, $$sink25 = 0, $$sink26 = 0, $$sink4$sink = 0, $$sink5$sink = 0, $$sink7$sink = 0, $$sink8$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $1000 = 0, $1001 = 0, $1002 = 0; var $1003 = 0, $1004 = 0, $1005 = 0, $1006 = 0, $1007 = 0, $1008 = 0, $1009 = 0, $101 = 0, $1010 = 0, $1011 = 0, $1012 = 0, $1013 = 0, $1014 = 0, $1015 = 0, $1016 = 0, $1017 = 0, $1018 = 0, $1019 = 0, $102 = 0, $1020 = 0; var $1021 = 0, $1022 = 0, $1023 = 0, $1024 = 0, $1025 = 0, $1026 = 0, $1027 = 0, $1028 = 0, $1029 = 0, $103 = 0, $1030 = 0, $1031 = 0, $1032 = 0, $1033 = 0, $1034 = 0, $1035 = 0, $1036 = 0, $1037 = 0, $1038 = 0, $1039 = 0; var $104 = 0, $1040 = 0, $1041 = 0, $1042 = 0, $1043 = 0, $1044 = 0, $1045 = 0, $1046 = 0, $1047 = 0, $1048 = 0, $1049 = 0, $105 = 0, $1050 = 0, $1051 = 0, $1052 = 0, $1053 = 0, $1054 = 0, $1055 = 0, $1056 = 0, $1057 = 0; var $1058 = 0, $1059 = 0, $106 = 0, $1060 = 0, $1061 = 0, $1062 = 0.0, $1063 = 0.0, $1064 = 0, $1065 = 0.0, $1066 = 0.0, $1067 = 0, $1068 = 0, $1069 = 0, $107 = 0, $1070 = 0, $1071 = 0, $1072 = 0, $1073 = 0, $1074 = 0, $1075 = 0; var $1076 = 0.0, $1077 = 0, $1078 = 0, $1079 = 0, $108 = 0, $1080 = 0, $1081 = 0, $1082 = 0, $1083 = 0, $1084 = 0, $1085 = 0, $1086 = 0, $1087 = 0, $1088 = 0, $1089 = 0, $109 = 0, $1090 = 0, $1091 = 0, $1092 = 0, $1093 = 0; var $1094 = 0, $1095 = 0, $1096 = 0, $1097 = 0, $1098 = 0, $1099 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $1100 = 0.0, $1101 = 0.0, $1102 = 0.0, $1103 = 0, $1104 = 0, $1105 = 0, $1106 = 0, $1107 = 0, $1108 = 0, $1109 = 0, $111 = 0, $1110 = 0; var $1111 = 0, $1112 = 0, $1113 = 0, $1114 = 0, $1115 = 0, $1116 = 0, $1117 = 0, $1118 = 0, $1119 = 0, $112 = 0, $1120 = 0, $1121 = 0, $1122 = 0, $1123 = 0, $1124 = 0, $1125 = 0, $1126 = 0, $1127 = 0, $1128 = 0, $1129 = 0; var $113 = 0, $1130 = 0, $1131 = 0, $1132 = 0, $1133 = 0, $1134 = 0, $1135 = 0, $1136 = 0, $1137 = 0, $1138 = 0, $1139 = 0, $114 = 0, $1140 = 0, $1141 = 0, $1142 = 0, $1143 = 0, $1144 = 0, $1145 = 0, $1146 = 0, $1147 = 0; var $1148 = 0, $1149 = 0, $115 = 0, $1150 = 0, $1151 = 0, $1152 = 0, $1153 = 0, $1154 = 0, $1155 = 0, $1156 = 0, $1157 = 0, $1158 = 0, $1159 = 0, $116 = 0, $1160 = 0, $1161 = 0, $1162 = 0, $1163 = 0, $1164 = 0, $1165 = 0; var $1166 = 0, $1167 = 0, $1168 = 0, $1169 = 0, $117 = 0, $1170 = 0, $1171 = 0, $1172 = 0, $1173 = 0, $1174 = 0, $1175 = 0, $1176 = 0, $1177 = 0, $1178 = 0, $1179 = 0, $118 = 0, $1180 = 0, $1181 = 0, $1182 = 0, $1183 = 0; var $1184 = 0, $1185 = 0, $1186 = 0, $1187 = 0, $1188 = 0, $1189 = 0, $119 = 0, $1190 = 0, $1191 = 0, $1192 = 0, $1193 = 0, $1194 = 0, $1195 = 0, $1196 = 0, $1197 = 0, $1198 = 0, $1199 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $1200 = 0; var $1201 = 0, $1202 = 0, $1203 = 0, $1204 = 0, $1205 = 0, $1206 = 0, $1207 = 0, $1208 = 0, $1209 = 0, $121 = 0, $1210 = 0, $1211 = 0, $1212 = 0, $1213 = 0, $1214 = 0, $1215 = 0, $1216 = 0, $1217 = 0, $1218 = 0, $1219 = 0; var $122 = 0, $1220 = 0, $1221 = 0, $1222 = 0, $1223 = 0, $1224 = 0, $1225 = 0, $1226 = 0, $1227 = 0, $1228 = 0, $1229 = 0, $123 = 0, $1230 = 0, $1231 = 0, $1232 = 0, $1233 = 0, $1234 = 0, $1235 = 0, $1236 = 0, $1237 = 0; var $1238 = 0, $1239 = 0, $124 = 0, $1240 = 0, $1241 = 0, $1242 = 0, $1243 = 0, $1244 = 0, $1245 = 0, $1246 = 0, $1247 = 0, $1248 = 0, $1249 = 0, $125 = 0, $1250 = 0, $1251 = 0, $1252 = 0, $1253 = 0, $1254 = 0, $1255 = 0; var $1256 = 0, $1257 = 0, $1258 = 0, $1259 = 0, $126 = 0, $1260 = 0, $1261 = 0, $1262 = 0, $1263 = 0, $1264 = 0, $1265 = 0, $1266 = 0, $1267 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0; var $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0; var $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0; var $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0; var $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0.0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0.0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0.0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0; var $205 = 0, $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0; 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var $494 = 0, $495 = 0, $496 = 0, $497 = 0, $498 = 0, $499 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $500 = 0, $501 = 0, $502 = 0, $503 = 0, $504 = 0, $505 = 0, $506 = 0, $507 = 0, $508 = 0, $509 = 0, $51 = 0, $510 = 0; var $511 = 0, $512 = 0, $513 = 0, $514 = 0, $515 = 0, $516 = 0, $517 = 0, $518 = 0, $519 = 0, $52 = 0, $520 = 0, $521 = 0, $522 = 0, $523 = 0, $524 = 0, $525 = 0, $526 = 0, $527 = 0, $528 = 0, $529 = 0; var $53 = 0, $530 = 0, $531 = 0, $532 = 0, $533 = 0, $534 = 0, $535 = 0, $536 = 0, $537 = 0, $538 = 0, $539 = 0, $54 = 0, $540 = 0, $541 = 0, $542 = 0, $543 = 0, $544 = 0, $545 = 0, $546 = 0, $547 = 0; var $548 = 0, $549 = 0, $55 = 0, $550 = 0, $551 = 0, $552 = 0, $553 = 0, $554 = 0, $555 = 0, $556 = 0, $557 = 0, $558 = 0, $559 = 0, $56 = 0, $560 = 0, $561 = 0, $562 = 0, $563 = 0, $564 = 0, $565 = 0; var $566 = 0, $567 = 0, $568 = 0, $569 = 0, $57 = 0, $570 = 0, $571 = 0, $572 = 0, $573 = 0, $574 = 0, $575 = 0, $576 = 0, $577 = 0, $578 = 0, $579 = 0, $58 = 0, $580 = 0, $581 = 0, $582 = 0, $583 = 0; 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var $674 = 0, $675 = 0, $676 = 0, $677 = 0, $678 = 0, $679 = 0, $68 = 0, $680 = 0, $681 = 0, $682 = 0, $683 = 0, $684 = 0, $685 = 0, $686 = 0, $687 = 0, $688 = 0, $689 = 0, $69 = 0.0, $690 = 0, $691 = 0; var $692 = 0, $693 = 0, $694 = 0, $695 = 0, $696 = 0, $697 = 0, $698 = 0, $699 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $700 = 0.0, $701 = 0, $702 = 0, $703 = 0, $704 = 0, $705 = 0, $706 = 0, $707 = 0, $708 = 0, $709 = 0; var $71 = 0, $710 = 0, $711 = 0, $712 = 0, $713 = 0, $714 = 0, $715 = 0, $716 = 0, $717 = 0, $718 = 0, $719 = 0, $72 = 0, $720 = 0, $721 = 0, $722 = 0.0, $723 = 0, $724 = 0, $725 = 0, $726 = 0, $727 = 0.0; var $728 = 0, $729 = 0, $73 = 0, $730 = 0, $731 = 0, $732 = 0.0, $733 = 0, $734 = 0, $735 = 0, $736 = 0, $737 = 0.0, $738 = 0.0, $739 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $740 = 0.0, $741 = 0.0, $742 = 0, $743 = 0, $744 = 0.0, $745 = 0; var $746 = 0, $747 = 0, $748 = 0.0, $749 = 0, $75 = 0, $750 = 0.0, $751 = 0, $752 = 0, $753 = 0, $754 = 0, $755 = 0, $756 = 0, $757 = 0, $758 = 0, $759 = 0, $76 = 0, $760 = 0, $761 = 0, $762 = 0, $763 = 0; 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var $854 = 0, $855 = 0, $856 = 0, $857 = 0, $858 = 0, $859 = 0, $86 = 0, $860 = 0, $861 = 0, $862 = 0, $863 = 0, $864 = 0, $865 = 0, $866 = 0, $867 = 0, $868 = 0.0, $869 = 0, $87 = 0, $870 = 0, $871 = 0; var $872 = 0, $873 = 0, $874 = 0, $875 = 0, $876 = 0, $877 = 0, $878 = 0, $879 = 0, $88 = 0, $880 = 0, $881 = 0, $882 = 0, $883 = 0.0, $884 = 0, $885 = 0, $886 = 0, $887 = 0, $888 = 0, $889 = 0, $89 = 0; var $890 = 0, $891 = 0, $892 = 0, $893 = 0, $894 = 0, $895 = 0, $896 = 0, $897 = 0, $898 = 0, $899 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $900 = 0, $901 = 0, $902 = 0, $903 = 0, $904 = 0, $905 = 0, $906 = 0, $907 = 0; var $908 = 0, $909 = 0, $91 = 0, $910 = 0, $911 = 0, $912 = 0, $913 = 0, $914 = 0, $915 = 0, $916 = 0, $917 = 0, $918 = 0, $919 = 0, $92 = 0, $920 = 0, $921 = 0, $922 = 0, $923 = 0, $924 = 0, $925 = 0; var $926 = 0, $927 = 0, $928 = 0.0, $929 = 0, $93 = 0, $930 = 0, $931 = 0, $932 = 0, $933 = 0, $934 = 0, $935 = 0, $936 = 0, $937 = 0, $938 = 0, $939 = 0, $94 = 0, $940 = 0, $941 = 0, $942 = 0, $943 = 0; var $944 = 0, $945 = 0, $946 = 0, $947 = 0, $948 = 0, $949 = 0, $95 = 0, $950 = 0, $951 = 0, $952 = 0, $953 = 0, $954 = 0, $955 = 0, $956 = 0, $957 = 0, $958 = 0, $959 = 0, $96 = 0, $960 = 0.0, $961 = 0; var $962 = 0, $963 = 0, $964 = 0, $965 = 0, $966 = 0, $967 = 0, $968 = 0, $969 = 0, $97 = 0, $970 = 0, $971 = 0, $972 = 0, $973 = 0, $974 = 0, $975 = 0, $976 = 0, $977 = 0, $978 = 0, $979 = 0, $98 = 0; var $980 = 0, $981 = 0, $982 = 0, $983 = 0, $984 = 0, $985 = 0, $986 = 0, $987 = 0, $988 = 0, $989 = 0, $99 = 0, $990 = 0, $991 = 0, $992 = 0, $993 = 0, $994 = 0, $995 = 0, $996 = 0, $997 = 0, $998 = 0; var $999 = 0, $Fs = 0, $Fs1014 = 0, $Fs1199 = 0, $Fs12 = 0, $Fs1205 = 0, $Fs1322 = 0, $Fs1349 = 0, $Fs1359 = 0, $Fs1362 = 0, $Fs1409 = 0, $Fs1497 = 0, $Fs1517 = 0, $Fs1525 = 0, $Fs1559 = 0, $Fs1579 = 0, $Fs1586 = 0, $Fs1593 = 0, $Fs16 = 0, $Fs1702 = 0; var $Fs1765 = 0, $Fs188 = 0, $Fs1900 = 0, $Fs1934 = 0, $Fs1958 = 0, $Fs1960 = 0, $Fs1990 = 0, $Fs20 = 0, $Fs24 = 0, $Fs270 = 0, $Fs353 = 0, $Fs368 = 0, $Fs4 = 0, $Fs427 = 0, $Fs43 = 0, $Fs444 = 0, $Fs447 = 0, $Fs455 = 0, $Fs458 = 0, $Fs48 = 0; var $Fs609 = 0, $Fs619 = 0, $Fs629 = 0, $Fs639 = 0, $Fs731 = 0, $Fs752 = 0, $Fs8 = 0, $Fs802 = 0, $Fs807 = 0, $Fs882 = 0, $Fs892 = 0, $Fs92 = 0, $Fs955 = 0, $Fs963 = 0, $Fs97 = 0, $HB_gain = 0.0, $HB_gain_ref = 0, $N2 = 0, $N4 = 0, $add = 0.0; var $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr1355 = 0, $add$ptr1358 = 0, $add$ptr1891 = 0, $add$ptr1902 = 0, $add$ptr1912 = 0, $add$ptr1969 = 0, $add$ptr1975 = 0, $add$ptr1976 = 0, $add$ptr1986 = 0, $add$ptr28 = 0, $add$ptr40 = 0, $add$ptr806 = 0, $add$ptr810 = 0, $add$ptr818 = 0, $add$ptr898 = 0, $add1019 = 0, $add1041 = 0, $add1068 = 0.0, $add1073 = 0.0; var $add1113 = 0, $add1120 = 0, $add1130 = 0, $add1137 = 0, $add1150 = 0.0, $add1162 = 0.0, $add1196 = 0, $add1202 = 0, $add1392 = 0, $add1480 = 0, $add1488 = 0, $add1493 = 0, $add1524 = 0, $add1534 = 0.0, $add1549 = 0, $add1604 = 0, $add1608 = 0, $add1637 = 0, $add164 = 0, $add1646 = 0; var $add1663 = 0, $add1667 = 0, $add1679 = 0, $add1690 = 0, $add172 = 0, $add1777 = 0, $add1782 = 0, $add1795 = 0, $add1812 = 0, $add1867 = 0, $add187 = 0, $add2034 = 0, $add2035 = 0, $add248 = 0, $add255 = 0, $add269 = 0, $add289 = 0.0, $add296 = 0.0, $add302 = 0, $add307 = 0; var $add318 = 0, $add449 = 0, $add460 = 0, $add505 = 0, $add533 = 0, $add541 = 0, $add552 = 0, $add900 = 0, $add923 = 0, $add940 = 0, $add941 = 0, $allowBandwidthSwitch = 0, $analysis = 0, $analysis46 = 0, $analysis47 = 0, $analysis747 = 0, $analysis749 = 0, $analysis_bandwidth = 0, $analysis_channels$addr = 0, $analysis_info = 0; var $analysis_pcm$addr = 0, $analysis_read_pos_bak = 0, $analysis_read_subframe_bak = 0, $analysis_size$addr = 0, $and = 0, $application = 0, $application209 = 0, $application221 = 0, $application275 = 0, $application303 = 0, $application946 = 0, $arch = 0, $arrayidx1114 = 0, $arrayidx1121 = 0, $arrayidx1131 = 0, $arrayidx1138 = 0, $arrayidx1374 = 0, $arrayidx1376 = 0, $arrayidx1393 = 0, $arrayidx1395 = 0; var $arrayidx1413 = 0, $arrayidx1584 = 0, $arrayidx1598 = 0, $arrayidx1619 = 0, $arrayidx1631 = 0, $arrayidx1644 = 0, $arrayidx1656 = 0, $arrayidx1672 = 0, $arrayidx1684 = 0, $arrayidx2016 = 0, $arrayidx2027 = 0, $arrayidx526 = 0, $arrayidx528 = 0, $arrayidx529 = 0, $arrayidx534 = 0, $arrayidx538 = 0, $arrayidx542 = 0, $arrayidx908 = 0, $arrayidx917 = 0, $arrayidx952 = 0; var $arrayidx959 = 0, $arrayidx970 = 0, $arrayidx973 = 0, $arrayidx985 = 0, $arrayidx990 = 0, $arrayidx992 = 0, $arrayidx994 = 0, $bak_bandwidth = 0, $bak_channels = 0, $bak_mode = 0, $bak_to_mono = 0, $bandwidth = 0, $bandwidth1091 = 0, $bandwidth1096 = 0, $bandwidth118 = 0, $bandwidth1180 = 0, $bandwidth1184 = 0, $bandwidth123 = 0, $bandwidth498 = 0, $bandwidth546 = 0; var $bandwidth561 = 0, $bandwidth572 = 0, $bandwidth576 = 0, $bandwidth579 = 0, $bandwidth584 = 0, $bandwidth590 = 0, $bandwidth599 = 0, $bandwidth603 = 0, $bandwidth607 = 0, $bandwidth613 = 0, $bandwidth617 = 0, $bandwidth623 = 0, $bandwidth627 = 0, $bandwidth633 = 0, $bandwidth637 = 0, $bandwidth643 = 0, $bandwidth647 = 0, $bandwidth701 = 0, $bandwidth706 = 0, $bandwidth711 = 0; var $bandwidth720 = 0, $bandwidth724 = 0, $bandwidth729 = 0, $bandwidth740 = 0, $bandwidth774 = 0, $bandwidth860 = 0, $bandwidth_thresholds = 0, $bitRate = 0, $bitRate1026 = 0, $bitRate1040 = 0, $bitRate1044 = 0, $bitRate1053 = 0, $bitRate1058 = 0, $bitRate1080 = 0, $bitRate1167 = 0, $bitRate1175 = 0, $bitRate1195 = 0, $bitRate1320 = 0, $bitRate1329 = 0, $bitRate1336 = 0; var $bitRate1341 = 0, $bitRate1495 = 0, $bitrate_bps = 0, $bitrate_bps101 = 0, $bitrate_bps114 = 0, $bitrate_bps1548 = 0, $bitrate_bps162 = 0, $bitrate_bps170 = 0, $bitrate_bps180 = 0, $bitrate_bps1816 = 0, $bitrate_bps1822 = 0, $bitrate_bps184 = 0, $bitrate_bps266 = 0, $bitrate_bps467 = 0, $bitrate_bps473 = 0, $bitrate_bps831 = 0, $bitrate_bps838 = 0, $bitrate_bps880 = 0, $bitrate_bps890 = 0, $bonus = 0; var $bw = 0, $bytes_per_frame = 0, $bytes_target = 0, $c = 0, $c1$addr = 0, $c2$addr = 0, $call1375 = 0, $call1394 = 0, $call1400 = 0, $call1412 = 0, $call1479 = 0, $call158 = 0, $call1776 = 0, $call1794 = 0, $call1811 = 0, $call1866 = 0, $call1903 = 0, $call1940 = 0, $call1945 = 0, $call1977 = 0; var $call1993 = 0, $call2006 = 0, $call2039 = 0, $call56 = 0.0, $call811 = 0, $call819 = 0, $call849 = 0, $call928 = 0, $call93 = 0.0, $call945 = 0, $call96 = 0, $call976 = 0.0, $cbrBytes = 0, $celt_enc = 0, $celt_mode = 0, $celt_pred = 0.0, $celt_rate = 0, $celt_to_silk = 0, $channels = 0, $channels1003 = 0; var $channels1103 = 0, $channels1159 = 0, $channels1208 = 0, $channels1345 = 0, $channels1361 = 0, $channels1368 = 0, $channels1385 = 0, $channels1390 = 0, $channels1558 = 0, $channels1582 = 0, $channels1585 = 0, $channels1596 = 0, $channels1606 = 0, $channels1617 = 0, $channels1620 = 0, $channels1629 = 0, $channels1639 = 0, $channels1647 = 0, $channels1651 = 0, $channels1670 = 0; var $channels1674 = 0, $channels1682 = 0, $channels1700 = 0, $channels1742 = 0, $channels1763 = 0, $channels185 = 0, $channels1965 = 0, $channels1972 = 0, $channels234 = 0, $channels241 = 0, $channels262 = 0, $channels514 = 0, $channels801 = 0, $channels901 = 0, $channels906 = 0, $channels909 = 0, $channels915 = 0, $channels950 = 0, $channels954 = 0, $channels957 = 0; var $channels962 = 0, $channels968 = 0, $channels971 = 0, $channels974 = 0, $channels983 = 0, $channels986 = 0, $cleanup$dest = 0, $cleanup$dest$slot = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp1000 = 0, $cmp1010 = 0, $cmp1016 = 0, $cmp1022 = 0, $cmp104 = 0, $cmp1047 = 0, $cmp1060 = 0, $cmp107 = 0, $cmp1070 = 0, $cmp1092 = 0; var $cmp1097 = 0, $cmp1104 = 0, $cmp1108 = 0, $cmp111 = 0, $cmp1115 = 0, $cmp1125 = 0, $cmp1132 = 0, $cmp1145 = 0, $cmp115 = 0, $cmp1170 = 0, $cmp1181 = 0, $cmp1185 = 0, $cmp119 = 0, $cmp1212 = 0, $cmp1217 = 0, $cmp1228 = 0, $cmp1237 = 0, $cmp1241 = 0, $cmp1247 = 0, $cmp1254 = 0; var $cmp126 = 0, $cmp1265 = 0, $cmp1272 = 0, $cmp1294 = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp130 = 0, $cmp1305 = 0, $cmp1331 = 0, $cmp134 = 0, $cmp1370 = 0, $cmp138 = 0, $cmp1387 = 0, $cmp1404 = 0, $cmp141 = 0, $cmp1416 = 0, $cmp1420 = 0, $cmp1426 = 0, $cmp1432 = 0, $cmp145 = 0, $cmp1463 = 0; var $cmp1476 = 0, $cmp148 = 0, $cmp1485 = 0, $cmp1502 = 0, $cmp1514 = 0, $cmp1519 = 0, $cmp152 = 0, $cmp1564 = 0, $cmp1569 = 0, $cmp1573 = 0, $cmp1611 = 0, $cmp167 = 0, $cmp1692 = 0, $cmp1695 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp1706 = 0, $cmp1710 = 0, $cmp1714 = 0, $cmp1722 = 0, $cmp1727 = 0; var $cmp1743 = 0, $cmp1747 = 0, $cmp1752 = 0, $cmp1773 = 0, $cmp1779 = 0, $cmp1785 = 0, $cmp1789 = 0, $cmp1797 = 0, $cmp1804 = 0, $cmp1818 = 0, $cmp1826 = 0, $cmp1832 = 0, $cmp1836 = 0, $cmp1845 = 0, $cmp1858 = 0, $cmp1863 = 0, $cmp1872 = 0, $cmp1884 = 0, $cmp1904 = 0, $cmp1920 = 0; var $cmp1925 = 0, $cmp1929 = 0, $cmp194 = 0, $cmp1942 = 0, $cmp1946 = 0, $cmp1978 = 0, $cmp199 = 0, $cmp2009 = 0, $cmp2012 = 0, $cmp2020 = 0, $cmp2025 = 0, $cmp2025$old = 0, $cmp2029 = 0, $cmp204 = 0, $cmp2040 = 0, $cmp210 = 0, $cmp213 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp222 = 0, $cmp231 = 0; var $cmp235 = 0, $cmp242 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp250 = 0, $cmp257 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp276 = 0, $cmp281 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp304 = 0, $cmp309 = 0, $cmp315 = 0, $cmp321 = 0, $cmp331 = 0, $cmp339 = 0, $cmp34 = 0, $cmp350 = 0, $cmp355 = 0, $cmp364 = 0, $cmp371 = 0; var $cmp377 = 0, $cmp380 = 0, $cmp384 = 0, $cmp388 = 0, $cmp392 = 0, $cmp403 = 0, $cmp407 = 0, $cmp41 = 0, $cmp411 = 0, $cmp415 = 0, $cmp419 = 0, $cmp423 = 0, $cmp429 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp451 = 0, $cmp469 = 0, $cmp480 = 0, $cmp484 = 0, $cmp490 = 0, $cmp5 = 0; var $cmp500 = 0, $cmp515 = 0, $cmp519 = 0, $cmp524 = 0, $cmp53 = 0, $cmp547 = 0, $cmp555 = 0, $cmp559 = 0, $cmp566 = 0, $cmp573 = 0, $cmp580 = 0, $cmp586 = 0, $cmp593 = 0, $cmp596 = 0, $cmp60 = 0, $cmp600 = 0, $cmp610 = 0, $cmp614 = 0, $cmp620 = 0, $cmp624 = 0; var $cmp630 = 0, $cmp634 = 0, $cmp640 = 0, $cmp644 = 0, $cmp65 = 0, $cmp653 = 0, $cmp658 = 0, $cmp662 = 0, $cmp668 = 0, $cmp672 = 0, $cmp678 = 0, $cmp684 = 0, $cmp693 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp703 = 0, $cmp717 = 0, $cmp721 = 0, $cmp733 = 0, $cmp737 = 0, $cmp741 = 0; var $cmp744 = 0, $cmp75 = 0, $cmp754 = 0, $cmp759 = 0, $cmp788 = 0, $cmp796 = 0, $cmp812 = 0, $cmp820 = 0, $cmp835 = 0, $cmp850 = 0, $cmp86 = 0, $cmp862 = 0, $cmp865 = 0, $cmp871 = 0, $cmp874 = 0, $cmp885 = 0, $cmp89 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cmp925 = 0, $cmp947 = 0; var $cmp977 = 0, $cmp98 = 0, $cmp980 = 0, $complexity = 0, $complexity504 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond1 = 0, $cond1062 = 0, $cond1076 = 0.0, $cond1124 = 0.0, $cond1144 = 0.0, $cond1179 = 0, $cond125 = 0, $cond1261 = 0, $cond1279 = 0, $cond1301 = 0, $cond1339 = 0, $cond1487 = 0, $cond1507 = 0, $cond1720 = 0; var $cond1733 = 0, $cond1736 = 0, $cond177 = 0, $cond1825 = 0, $cond1831 = 0, $cond1841 = 0, $cond1843 = 0, $cond1879 = 0, $cond218 = 0, $cond259 = 0, $cond323 = 0, $cond366 = 0, $cond39 = 0, $cond463 = 0, $cond476 = 0, $cond606 = 0, $cond699 = 0, $cond756 = 0, $cond766 = 0, $cond844 = 0; var $cond896 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv1017 = 0, $conv1063 = 0.0, $conv1064 = 0.0, $conv1067 = 0.0, $conv1157 = 0.0, $conv1160 = 0.0, $conv1163 = 0.0, $conv1165 = 0, $conv1473 = 0, $conv1532 = 0.0, $conv1536 = 0, $conv1746 = 0, $conv1756 = 0.0, $conv1759 = 0.0, $conv1768 = 0, $conv1780 = 0, $conv2028 = 0, $conv285 = 0.0; var $conv287 = 0.0, $conv290 = 0, $conv292 = 0.0, $conv294 = 0.0, $conv297 = 0, $conv424 = 0, $conv57 = 0, $curr_bandwidth = 0, $cutoff_Hz = 0, $data$addr = 0, $dec = 0, $dec2031 = 0, $delay_buffer = 0, $delay_buffer1353 = 0, $delay_buffer1356 = 0, $delay_buffer1363 = 0, $delay_buffer1373 = 0, $delay_buffer1576 = 0, $delay_buffer1590 = 0, $delay_buffer1614 = 0; var $delay_buffer1616 = 0, $delay_buffer1626 = 0, $delay_buffer1628 = 0, $delay_buffer1638 = 0, $delay_buffer1650 = 0, $delay_buffer1677 = 0, $delay_buffer912 = 0, $delay_compensation = 0, $delay_compensation1347 = 0, $delay_compensation31 = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate1221 = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate1253 = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate1259 = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate1263 = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate1271 = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate1277 = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate1281 = 0, $detected_bandwidth = 0, $detected_bandwidth63 = 0; var $detected_bandwidth649 = 0, $detected_bandwidth68 = 0, $detected_bandwidth692 = 0, $detected_bandwidth696 = 0, $detected_bandwidth700 = 0, $detected_bandwidth702 = 0, $detected_bandwidth708 = 0, $detected_bandwidth708$sink = 0, $detected_bandwidth73 = 0, $detected_bandwidth78 = 0, $div = 0, $div1029 = 0, $div1038 = 0, $div1038$sink = 0, $div1046 = 0, $div1051 = 0, $div1069 = 0.0, $div1158 = 0.0, $div1169 = 0, $div1177 = 0; var $div1189 = 0, $div1201 = 0, $div1206 = 0, $div1245 = 0, $div1311 = 0, $div1324 = 0, $div1350 = 0, $div1360 = 0, $div1410 = 0, $div1499 = 0, $div1518 = 0, $div1526 = 0, $div1561 = 0, $div1580 = 0, $div1588 = 0, $div1594 = 0, $div166 = 0, $div174 = 0, $div1817 = 0, $div1823 = 0; var $div189 = 0, $div1901 = 0, $div1935 = 0, $div1959 = 0, $div1961 = 0, $div1991 = 0, $div271 = 0, $div354 = 0, $div370 = 0, $div428 = 0, $div445 = 0, $div448 = 0, $div450 = 0, $div456 = 0, $div459 = 0, $div461 = 0, $div468 = 0, $div474 = 0, $div507 = 0, $div732 = 0; var $div753 = 0, $div758 = 0, $div764 = 0, $div804 = 0, $div808 = 0, $div833 = 0, $div834 = 0, $div840 = 0, $div841 = 0, $div884 = 0, $div894 = 0, $downmix$addr = 0, $dummy = 0, $dummy1932 = 0, $dummy1957 = 0, $effective_max_rate = 0, $enc = 0, $encoder_buffer = 0, $encoder_buffer1346 = 0, $encoder_buffer1367 = 0; var $encoder_buffer1381 = 0, $encoder_buffer1577 = 0, $encoder_buffer1591 = 0, $encoder_buffer1607 = 0, $encoder_buffer1621 = 0, $encoder_buffer1640 = 0, $encoder_buffer1652 = 0, $encoder_buffer1668 = 0, $encoder_buffer1673 = 0, $encoder_buffer1680 = 0, $encoder_buffer913 = 0, $end = 0, $endband = 0, $energy_masking = 0, $energy_masking1082 = 0, $energy_masking1111 = 0, $energy_masking1118 = 0, $energy_masking1128 = 0, $energy_masking1135 = 0, $energy_masking1739 = 0; var $equiv_rate = 0, $equiv_rate2 = 0, $err = 0, $err1956 = 0, $first = 0, $first2005 = 0, $first543 = 0, $first562 = 0, $float_api$addr = 0, $force_channels = 0, $force_channels230 = 0, $force_channels238 = 0, $force_channels518 = 0, $force_channels771 = 0, $force_channels777 = 0, $force_channels782 = 0, $force_channels856 = 0, $frame_rate = 0, $frame_size$addr = 0, $g1 = 0.0; var $g2 = 0.0, $hp_freq_smth1 = 0, $hp_mem = 0, $hp_mem960 = 0, $hp_mem989 = 0, $hp_mem991 = 0, $hp_mem993 = 0, $hp_mem995 = 0, $hybrid_stereo_width_Q14 = 0, $hybrid_stereo_width_Q141755 = 0, $hybrid_stereo_width_Q141769 = 0, $hysteresis = 0, $i = 0, $inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP = 0, $inc = 0, $inc1152 = 0, $inc1155 = 0, $inc1378 = 0, $inc1397 = 0, $inc825 = 0; var $incdec$ptr = 0, $internalSampleRate = 0, $internalSampleRate1425 = 0, $internalSampleRate1431 = 0, $len = 0, $lfe = 0, $lfe1088 = 0, $lfe726 = 0, $lnot = 0, $lnot$ext = 0, $lnot$ext1290 = 0, $lnot1289 = 0, $lsb_depth$addr = 0, $lsb_depth33 = 0, $lsb_depth37 = 0, $mask = 0.0, $mask_sum = 0.0, $masking_depth = 0.0, $maxBits = 0, $maxBits1309 = 0; var $maxBits1313 = 0, $maxBits1327 = 0, $maxInternalSampleRate = 0, $maxInternalSampleRate1251 = 0, $maxInternalSampleRate1269 = 0, $maxInternalSampleRate1285 = 0, $max_bandwidth = 0, $max_bandwidth583 = 0, $max_data_bytes = 0, $max_rate = 0, $max_redundancy = 0, $minInternalSampleRate = 0, $min_detected_bandwidth = 0, $mode = 0, $mode1009 = 0, $mode1227 = 0, $mode1236 = 0, $mode1304 = 0, $mode1408 = 0, $mode1415 = 0; var $mode1462 = 0, $mode1475 = 0, $mode1484 = 0, $mode1563 = 0, $mode1567 = 0, $mode1705 = 0, $mode1772 = 0, $mode1778 = 0, $mode1788 = 0, $mode1803 = 0, $mode1844 = 0, $mode1857 = 0, $mode1862 = 0, $mode1883 = 0, $mode1919 = 0, $mode1923 = 0, $mode1989 = 0, $mode2000 = 0, $mode2019 = 0, $mode324 = 0; var $mode334 = 0, $mode342 = 0, $mode349 = 0, $mode358 = 0, $mode362 = 0, $mode374 = 0, $mode387 = 0, $mode406 = 0, $mode414 = 0, $mode422 = 0, $mode433 = 0, $mode479 = 0, $mode489 = 0, $mode499 = 0, $mode565 = 0, $mode592 = 0, $mode661 = 0, $mode671 = 0, $mode716 = 0, $mode736 = 0; var $mode772 = 0, $mode861 = 0, $mode868 = 0, $mode870 = 0, $mode877 = 0, $mode924 = 0, $mode999 = 0, $mode_music = 0, $mode_voice = 0, $mul = 0, $mul1004 = 0, $mul1007 = 0, $mul1008 = 0, $mul1015 = 0, $mul1018 = 0, $mul102 = 0, $mul1020 = 0, $mul1028 = 0, $mul103 = 0, $mul1037 = 0; var $mul1045 = 0, $mul1050 = 0, $mul1066 = 0, $mul11 = 0, $mul110 = 0, $mul1112 = 0, $mul1119 = 0, $mul1129 = 0, $mul1136 = 0, $mul1148 = 0.0, $mul1161 = 0.0, $mul1164 = 0.0, $mul1168 = 0, $mul1176 = 0, $mul1188 = 0, $mul1198 = 0, $mul1200 = 0, $mul1204 = 0, $mul1244 = 0, $mul1302 = 0; var $mul1310 = 0, $mul1321 = 0, $mul1323 = 0, $mul1325 = 0, $mul1352 = 0, $mul1365 = 0, $mul1369 = 0, $mul1386 = 0, $mul1391 = 0, $mul1496 = 0, $mul1498 = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul1523 = 0, $mul1528 = 0, $mul1533 = 0.0, $mul1535 = 0.0, $mul1560 = 0, $mul1583 = 0, $mul1587 = 0, $mul1589 = 0; var $mul1597 = 0, $mul1603 = 0, $mul1610 = 0, $mul1618 = 0, $mul1624 = 0, $mul1625 = 0, $mul163 = 0, $mul1630 = 0, $mul1636 = 0, $mul1643 = 0, $mul1648 = 0, $mul1649 = 0, $mul165 = 0, $mul1655 = 0, $mul1662 = 0, $mul1671 = 0, $mul1675 = 0, $mul1676 = 0, $mul1683 = 0, $mul1689 = 0; var $mul171 = 0, $mul1721 = 0, $mul173 = 0, $mul1734 = 0, $mul1760 = 0.0, $mul1761 = 0.0, $mul178 = 0, $mul1781 = 0, $mul1784 = 0, $mul179 = 0, $mul1796 = 0, $mul182 = 0, $mul183 = 0, $mul186 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul191 = 0, $mul1941 = 0, $mul1968 = 0, $mul1974 = 0, $mul2008 = 0; var $mul208 = 0, $mul21 = 0, $mul23 = 0, $mul245 = 0, $mul246 = 0, $mul268 = 0, $mul273 = 0, $mul286 = 0.0, $mul288 = 0.0, $mul293 = 0.0, $mul295 = 0.0, $mul298 = 0, $mul3 = 0, $mul300 = 0, $mul367 = 0, $mul369 = 0, $mul446 = 0, $mul457 = 0, $mul506 = 0, $mul527 = 0; var $mul531 = 0, $mul537 = 0, $mul540 = 0, $mul55 = 0.0, $mul657 = 0, $mul667 = 0, $mul677 = 0, $mul683 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $mul767 = 0, $mul803 = 0, $mul805 = 0, $mul809 = 0, $mul817 = 0, $mul832 = 0, $mul839 = 0, $mul881 = 0, $mul883 = 0, $mul891 = 0, $mul893 = 0; var $mul902 = 0, $mul907 = 0, $mul910 = 0, $mul911 = 0, $mul916 = 0, $mul922 = 0, $mul935 = 0, $mul938 = 0, $mul951 = 0, $mul958 = 0, $mul969 = 0, $mul972 = 0, $mul975 = 0, $mul984 = 0, $mul987 = 0, $mul988 = 0, $music_bandwidth_thresholds = 0, $music_prob = 0, $nBytes = 0, $nChannelsInternal = 0; var $nb_compr_bytes = 0, $nb_frames = 0, $opusCanSwitch = 0, $opusCanSwitch1443 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond10 = 0, $or$cond11 = 0, $or$cond19 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond20 = 0, $or$cond21 = 0, $or$cond24 = 0, $or$cond24$not = 0, $or$cond27 = 0, $or$cond3 = 0, $or$cond6 = 0, $or$cond9 = 0, $out_data_bytes$addr = 0, $overlap = 0, $overlap1699 = 0; var $overlap1762 = 0, $packetLossPercentage = 0, $payloadSize_ms = 0, $pcm$addr = 0, $prefill = 0, $prefill_offset = 0, $prev_HB_gain = 0, $prev_HB_gain1698 = 0, $prev_HB_gain1704 = 0, $prev_channels = 0, $prev_channels2004 = 0, $prev_channels785 = 0, $prev_framesize = 0, $prev_mode = 0, $prev_mode1568 = 0, $prev_mode1572 = 0, $prev_mode1924 = 0, $prev_mode1928 = 0, $prev_mode2001 = 0, $prev_mode314 = 0; var $prev_mode391 = 0, $prev_mode402 = 0, $prev_mode410 = 0, $prev_mode418 = 0, $prev_mode432 = 0, $prev_mode483 = 0, $rangeFinal = 0, $rangeFinal1407 = 0, $rangeFinal1995 = 0, $rangeFinal2017 = 0, $rate_offset = 0, $read_pos = 0, $read_pos748 = 0, $read_subframe = 0, $read_subframe750 = 0, $reducedDependency = 0, $redundancy = 0, $redundancy_bytes = 0, $redundant_rng = 0, $repacketize_len = 0; var $ret = 0, $retval = 0, $rng = 0, $rp = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $saved_stack1005 = 0, $saved_stack903 = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr1481 = 0, $shr1813 = 0, $shr1868 = 0, $shr247 = 0, $shr301 = 0, $shr330 = 0, $shr532 = 0, $shr934 = 0, $shr939 = 0, $shr944 = 0, $signal_type = 0; var $signal_type193 = 0, $signal_type198 = 0, $silk_bw_switch = 0, $silk_bw_switch1446 = 0, $silk_bw_switch1855 = 0, $silk_bw_switch440 = 0, $silk_enc = 0, $silk_enc_offset = 0, $silk_mode = 0, $silk_mode1021 = 0, $silk_mode1025 = 0, $silk_mode1039 = 0, $silk_mode1043 = 0, $silk_mode1052 = 0, $silk_mode1057 = 0, $silk_mode1079 = 0, $silk_mode1166 = 0, $silk_mode1174 = 0, $silk_mode1194 = 0, $silk_mode1207 = 0; var $silk_mode1209 = 0, $silk_mode1211 = 0, $silk_mode1215 = 0, $silk_mode1220 = 0, $silk_mode1231 = 0, $silk_mode1240 = 0, $silk_mode1250 = 0, $silk_mode1252 = 0, $silk_mode1258 = 0, $silk_mode1262 = 0, $silk_mode1268 = 0, $silk_mode1270 = 0, $silk_mode1276 = 0, $silk_mode1280 = 0, $silk_mode1284 = 0, $silk_mode1291 = 0, $silk_mode1303 = 0, $silk_mode1308 = 0, $silk_mode1312 = 0, $silk_mode1315 = 0; var $silk_mode1319 = 0, $silk_mode1326 = 0, $silk_mode1328 = 0, $silk_mode1335 = 0, $silk_mode1340 = 0, $silk_mode1380 = 0, $silk_mode1399 = 0, $silk_mode1419 = 0, $silk_mode1424 = 0, $silk_mode1430 = 0, $silk_mode1440 = 0, $silk_mode1441 = 0, $silk_mode1442 = 0, $silk_mode1467 = 0, $silk_mode1494 = 0, $silk_mode1737 = 0, $silk_mode1750 = 0, $silk_mode1757 = 0, $silk_mode1766 = 0, $silk_mode325 = 0; var $silk_mode328 = 0, $silk_mode336 = 0, $silk_mode383 = 0, $silk_mode395 = 0, $silk_mode399 = 0, $silk_mode495 = 0, $silk_mode503 = 0, $silk_mode569 = 0, $silk_mode778 = 0, $silk_mode791 = 0, $silk_mode857 = 0, $srate = 0, $st$addr = 0, $start_band = 0, $stereoWidth_Q14 = 0, $stereoWidth_Q141751 = 0, $stereoWidth_Q141758 = 0, $stereoWidth_Q141767 = 0, $stereo_threshold = 0, $stereo_width = 0.0; var $stream_channels = 0, $stream_channels1013 = 0, $stream_channels1065 = 0, $stream_channels1210 = 0, $stream_channels1411 = 0, $stream_channels1459 = 0, $stream_channels1522 = 0, $stream_channels1709 = 0, $stream_channels1992 = 0, $stream_channels2003 = 0, $stream_channels249 = 0, $stream_channels263 = 0, $stream_channels267 = 0, $stream_channels376 = 0, $stream_channels397 = 0, $stream_channels656 = 0, $stream_channels666 = 0, $stream_channels676 = 0, $stream_channels682 = 0, $stream_channels776 = 0; var $stream_channels784 = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$div1602 = 0, $sub$ptr$div1635 = 0, $sub$ptr$div1661 = 0, $sub$ptr$div1688 = 0, $sub$ptr$div1890 = 0, $sub$ptr$div1911 = 0, $sub$ptr$div1985 = 0, $sub$ptr$div921 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1599 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1632 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1658 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1685 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1887 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1908 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1982 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast918 = 0; var $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1600 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1633 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1659 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1686 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1888 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1909 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1983 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast919 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub1601 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub1634 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub1660 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub1687 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub1889 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub1910 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub1984 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub920 = 0, $sub1027 = 0, $sub1059 = 0; var $sub1292 = 0, $sub1293 = 0, $sub1298 = 0, $sub1299 = 0, $sub1330 = 0, $sub1337 = 0, $sub1348 = 0, $sub1351 = 0, $sub1500 = 0, $sub1527 = 0, $sub1551 = 0, $sub1552 = 0, $sub1578 = 0, $sub1581 = 0, $sub1592 = 0, $sub1595 = 0, $sub1609 = 0, $sub1622 = 0, $sub1623 = 0, $sub1641 = 0; var $sub1642 = 0, $sub1653 = 0, $sub1654 = 0, $sub1669 = 0, $sub1681 = 0, $sub1713 = 0, $sub1718 = 0, $sub1726 = 0, $sub1731 = 0, $sub1783 = 0, $sub1807 = 0, $sub1808 = 0, $sub1814 = 0, $sub1848 = 0, $sub1870 = 0, $sub1871 = 0, $sub1875 = 0, $sub1876 = 0, $sub190 = 0, $sub192 = 0; var $sub1966 = 0, $sub1967 = 0, $sub1973 = 0, $sub2007 = 0, $sub253 = 0, $sub272 = 0, $sub274 = 0, $sub284 = 0.0, $sub291 = 0.0, $sub299 = 0, $sub312 = 0, $sub329 = 0, $sub511 = 0, $sub530 = 0, $sub536 = 0, $sub539 = 0, $sub550 = 0, $sub757 = 0, $sub763 = 0, $sub795 = 0; var $sub879 = 0, $sub888 = 0, $sub897 = 0, $sub899 = 0, $sub905 = 0, $sub914 = 0, $sub933 = 0, $sub937 = 0, $sum = 0.0, $switchReady = 0, $threshold = 0, $threshold535 = 0, $tmp_len = 0, $toMono = 0, $toMono396 = 0, $toMono400 = 0, $toMono779 = 0, $toMono792 = 0, $toMono858 = 0, $to_celt = 0; var $tobool = 0, $tobool1055 = 0, $tobool1083 = 0, $tobool1086 = 0, $tobool1089 = 0, $tobool1288 = 0, $tobool1317 = 0, $tobool1343 = 0, $tobool1401 = 0, $tobool1444 = 0, $tobool1468 = 0, $tobool1482 = 0, $tobool1491 = 0, $tobool1511 = 0, $tobool1530 = 0, $tobool160 = 0, $tobool1740 = 0, $tobool1792 = 0, $tobool1801 = 0, $tobool1853 = 0; var $tobool1881 = 0, $tobool1894 = 0, $tobool1896 = 0, $tobool1952 = 0, $tobool1954 = 0, $tobool1996 = 0, $tobool2023 = 0, $tobool2037 = 0, $tobool326 = 0, $tobool337 = 0, $tobool360 = 0, $tobool425 = 0, $tobool438 = 0, $tobool442 = 0, $tobool465 = 0, $tobool493 = 0, $tobool496 = 0, $tobool509 = 0, $tobool51 = 0, $tobool544 = 0; var $tobool563 = 0, $tobool570 = 0, $tobool650 = 0, $tobool727 = 0, $tobool780 = 0, $tobool793 = 0, $tobool828 = 0, $tobool848 = 0, $tobool965 = 0, $tocmode = 0, $tonality = 0, $total_bitRate = 0, $total_buffer = 0, $useCBR = 0, $useCBR1316 = 0, $useDTX = 0, $useInBandFEC = 0, $use_vbr = 0, $use_vbr1085 = 0, $use_vbr1287 = 0; var $use_vbr1490 = 0, $use_vbr1510 = 0, $use_vbr2036 = 0, $use_vbr464 = 0, $use_vbr508 = 0, $use_vbr827 = 0, $use_vbr847 = 0, $user_bandwidth = 0, $user_bandwidth589 = 0, $user_bandwidth652 = 0, $user_bandwidth770 = 0, $user_bandwidth775 = 0, $user_bandwidth855 = 0, $user_forced_mode = 0, $user_forced_mode345 = 0, $user_forced_mode769 = 0, $user_forced_mode773 = 0, $user_forced_mode799 = 0, $user_forced_mode854 = 0, $vararg_buffer = 0; var $vararg_buffer28 = 0, $vararg_buffer31 = 0, $vararg_buffer34 = 0, $vararg_buffer37 = 0, $vararg_buffer40 = 0, $vararg_buffer43 = 0, $vararg_buffer46 = 0, $vararg_buffer49 = 0, $vararg_buffer52 = 0, $vararg_buffer55 = 0, $vararg_buffer58 = 0, $vararg_buffer61 = 0, $vararg_buffer64 = 0, $vararg_buffer67 = 0, $vararg_buffer69 = 0, $vararg_buffer72 = 0, $vararg_buffer74 = 0, $vararg_buffer77 = 0, $vararg_buffer79 = 0, $vararg_buffer82 = 0; var $vararg_buffer85 = 0, $variable_HP_smth1_Q15 = 0, $variable_HP_smth2_Q15 = 0, $variable_HP_smth2_Q15932 = 0, $variable_HP_smth2_Q15936 = 0, $variable_HP_smth2_Q15942 = 0, $variable_HP_smth2_Q15943 = 0, $variable_duration = 0, $variable_duration1513 = 0, $vbr_constraint1542 = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla1006 = 0, $vla1006$alloca_mul = 0, $vla1562 = 0, $vla1562$alloca_mul = 0, $vla904 = 0, $vla904$alloca_mul = 0, $voice_bandwidth_thresholds = 0, $voice_est = 0; var $voice_ratio = 0, $voice_ratio203 = 0, $voice_ratio207 = 0, $voice_ratio58 = 0, $width_mem = 0, $window = 0, $window1701 = 0, $window1764 = 0, $xor = 0, $zero = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 1072|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(1072|0); $vararg_buffer85 = sp + 168|0; $vararg_buffer82 = sp + 160|0; $vararg_buffer79 = sp + 152|0; $vararg_buffer77 = sp + 144|0; $vararg_buffer74 = sp + 136|0; $vararg_buffer72 = sp + 128|0; $vararg_buffer69 = sp + 120|0; $vararg_buffer67 = sp + 112|0; $vararg_buffer64 = sp + 104|0; $vararg_buffer61 = sp + 96|0; $vararg_buffer58 = sp + 88|0; $vararg_buffer55 = sp + 80|0; $vararg_buffer52 = sp + 72|0; $vararg_buffer49 = sp + 64|0; $vararg_buffer46 = sp + 56|0; $vararg_buffer43 = sp + 48|0; $vararg_buffer40 = sp + 40|0; $vararg_buffer37 = sp + 32|0; $vararg_buffer34 = sp + 24|0; $vararg_buffer31 = sp + 16|0; $vararg_buffer28 = sp + 8|0; $vararg_buffer = sp; $nBytes = sp + 976|0; $enc = sp + 928|0; $redundant_rng = sp + 888|0; $celt_mode = sp + 836|0; $analysis_info = sp + 808|0; $dummy = sp + 680|0; $bandwidth_thresholds = sp + 640|0; $rp = sp + 284|0; $zero = sp + 220|0; $dummy1932 = sp + 1056|0; $dummy1957 = sp + 1054|0; $st$addr = $st; $pcm$addr = $pcm; $frame_size$addr = $frame_size; $data$addr = $data; $out_data_bytes$addr = $out_data_bytes; $lsb_depth$addr = $lsb_depth; $analysis_pcm$addr = $analysis_pcm; $analysis_size$addr = $analysis_size; $c1$addr = $c1; $c2$addr = $c2; $analysis_channels$addr = $analysis_channels; $downmix$addr = $downmix; $float_api$addr = $float_api; $ret = 0; $prefill = 0; $start_band = 0; $redundancy = 0; $redundancy_bytes = 0; $celt_to_silk = 0; $to_celt = 0; HEAP32[$redundant_rng>>2] = 0; $analysis_read_pos_bak = -1; $analysis_read_subframe_bak = -1; $0 = $out_data_bytes$addr; $cmp = (1276)<($0|0); $1 = $out_data_bytes$addr; $cond = $cmp ? 1276 : $1; $max_data_bytes = $cond; $2 = $st$addr; $rangeFinal = ((($2)) + 18216|0); HEAP32[$rangeFinal>>2] = 0; $3 = $st$addr; $variable_duration = ((($3)) + 144|0); $4 = HEAP32[$variable_duration>>2]|0; $tobool = ($4|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { label = 8; } else { $5 = $frame_size$addr; $mul = ($5*400)|0; $6 = $st$addr; $Fs = ((($6)) + 132|0); $7 = HEAP32[$Fs>>2]|0; $cmp1 = ($mul|0)!=($7|0); if ($cmp1) { $8 = $frame_size$addr; $mul3 = ($8*200)|0; $9 = $st$addr; $Fs4 = ((($9)) + 132|0); $10 = HEAP32[$Fs4>>2]|0; $cmp5 = ($mul3|0)!=($10|0); if ($cmp5) { $11 = $frame_size$addr; $mul7 = ($11*100)|0; $12 = $st$addr; $Fs8 = ((($12)) + 132|0); $13 = HEAP32[$Fs8>>2]|0; $cmp9 = ($mul7|0)!=($13|0); if ($cmp9) { $14 = $frame_size$addr; $mul11 = ($14*50)|0; $15 = $st$addr; $Fs12 = ((($15)) + 132|0); $16 = HEAP32[$Fs12>>2]|0; $cmp13 = ($mul11|0)!=($16|0); if ($cmp13) { $17 = $frame_size$addr; $mul15 = ($17*25)|0; $18 = $st$addr; $Fs16 = ((($18)) + 132|0); $19 = HEAP32[$Fs16>>2]|0; $cmp17 = ($mul15|0)!=($19|0); if ($cmp17) { $20 = $frame_size$addr; $mul19 = ($20*50)|0; $21 = $st$addr; $Fs20 = ((($21)) + 132|0); $22 = HEAP32[$Fs20>>2]|0; $mul21 = ($22*3)|0; $cmp22 = ($mul19|0)!=($mul21|0); if (!($cmp22)) { label = 8; } } else { label = 8; } } else { label = 8; } } else { label = 8; } } else { label = 8; } } else { label = 8; } } if ((label|0) == 8) { $23 = $frame_size$addr; $mul23 = ($23*400)|0; $24 = $st$addr; $Fs24 = ((($24)) + 132|0); $25 = HEAP32[$Fs24>>2]|0; $cmp25 = ($mul23|0)<($25|0); $26 = $max_data_bytes; $cmp27 = ($26|0)<=(0); $or$cond = $cmp25 | $cmp27; if (!($or$cond)) { $27 = $st$addr; $28 = $st$addr; $silk_enc_offset = ((($28)) + 4|0); $29 = HEAP32[$silk_enc_offset>>2]|0; $add$ptr = (($27) + ($29)|0); $silk_enc = $add$ptr; $30 = $st$addr; $31 = $st$addr; $32 = HEAP32[$31>>2]|0; $add$ptr28 = (($30) + ($32)|0); $celt_enc = $add$ptr28; $33 = $st$addr; $application = ((($33)) + 96|0); $34 = HEAP32[$application>>2]|0; $cmp29 = ($34|0)==(2051); if ($cmp29) { $delay_compensation = 0; } else { $35 = $st$addr; $delay_compensation31 = ((($35)) + 104|0); $36 = HEAP32[$delay_compensation31>>2]|0; $delay_compensation = $36; } $37 = $lsb_depth$addr; $38 = $st$addr; $lsb_depth33 = ((($38)) + 156|0); $39 = HEAP32[$lsb_depth33>>2]|0; $cmp34 = ($37|0)<($39|0); if ($cmp34) { $40 = $lsb_depth$addr; $cond39 = $40; } else { $41 = $st$addr; $lsb_depth37 = ((($41)) + 156|0); $42 = HEAP32[$lsb_depth37>>2]|0; $cond39 = $42; } $lsb_depth$addr = $cond39; $43 = $celt_enc; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $celt_mode; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $celt_mode; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $add$ptr40 = (($celt_mode) + ($sub$ptr$div<<2)|0); HEAP32[$vararg_buffer>>2] = $add$ptr40; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($43,10015,$vararg_buffer)|0); HEAP32[$analysis_info>>2] = 0; $44 = $st$addr; $silk_mode = ((($44)) + 8|0); $complexity = ((($silk_mode)) + 36|0); $45 = HEAP32[$complexity>>2]|0; $cmp41 = ($45|0)>=(7); if ($cmp41) { $46 = $st$addr; $Fs43 = ((($46)) + 132|0); $47 = HEAP32[$Fs43>>2]|0; $cmp44 = ($47|0)==(48000); if ($cmp44) { $48 = $st$addr; $analysis = ((($48)) + 172|0); $read_pos = ((($analysis)) + 8508|0); $49 = HEAP32[$read_pos>>2]|0; $analysis_read_pos_bak = $49; $50 = $st$addr; $analysis46 = ((($50)) + 172|0); $read_subframe = ((($analysis46)) + 8512|0); $51 = HEAP32[$read_subframe>>2]|0; $analysis_read_subframe_bak = $51; $52 = $st$addr; $analysis47 = ((($52)) + 172|0); $53 = HEAP32[$celt_mode>>2]|0; $54 = $analysis_pcm$addr; $55 = $analysis_size$addr; $56 = $frame_size$addr; $57 = $c1$addr; $58 = $c2$addr; $59 = $analysis_channels$addr; $60 = $st$addr; $Fs48 = ((($60)) + 132|0); $61 = HEAP32[$Fs48>>2]|0; $62 = $lsb_depth$addr; $63 = $downmix$addr; _run_analysis($analysis47,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$61,$62,$63,$analysis_info); } } $64 = $st$addr; $voice_ratio = ((($64)) + 128|0); HEAP32[$voice_ratio>>2] = -1; $65 = $st$addr; $detected_bandwidth = ((($65)) + 18212|0); HEAP32[$detected_bandwidth>>2] = 0; $66 = HEAP32[$analysis_info>>2]|0; $tobool51 = ($66|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool51) { $67 = $st$addr; $signal_type = ((($67)) + 112|0); $68 = HEAP32[$signal_type>>2]|0; $cmp53 = ($68|0)==(-1000); if ($cmp53) { $music_prob = ((($analysis_info)) + 20|0); $69 = +HEAPF32[$music_prob>>2]; $sub = 1.0 - $69; $mul55 = 100.0 * $sub; $conv = $mul55; $add = 0.5 + $conv; $call56 = (+Math_floor((+$add))); $conv57 = (~~(($call56))); $70 = $st$addr; $voice_ratio58 = ((($70)) + 128|0); HEAP32[$voice_ratio58>>2] = $conv57; } $bandwidth = ((($analysis_info)) + 24|0); $71 = HEAP32[$bandwidth>>2]|0; $analysis_bandwidth = $71; $72 = $analysis_bandwidth; $cmp60 = ($72|0)<=(12); if ($cmp60) { $73 = $st$addr; $detected_bandwidth63 = ((($73)) + 18212|0); HEAP32[$detected_bandwidth63>>2] = 1101; break; } $74 = $analysis_bandwidth; $cmp65 = ($74|0)<=(14); if ($cmp65) { $75 = $st$addr; $detected_bandwidth68 = ((($75)) + 18212|0); HEAP32[$detected_bandwidth68>>2] = 1102; break; } $76 = $analysis_bandwidth; $cmp70 = ($76|0)<=(16); if ($cmp70) { $77 = $st$addr; $detected_bandwidth73 = ((($77)) + 18212|0); HEAP32[$detected_bandwidth73>>2] = 1103; break; } else { $78 = $analysis_bandwidth; $cmp75 = ($78|0)<=(18); $79 = $st$addr; $detected_bandwidth78 = ((($79)) + 18212|0); $$sink = $cmp75 ? 1104 : 1105; HEAP32[$detected_bandwidth78>>2] = $$sink; break; } } } while(0); $80 = $st$addr; $channels = ((($80)) + 100|0); $81 = HEAP32[$channels>>2]|0; $cmp86 = ($81|0)==(2); if ($cmp86) { $82 = $st$addr; $force_channels = ((($82)) + 108|0); $83 = HEAP32[$force_channels>>2]|0; $cmp89 = ($83|0)!=(1); if ($cmp89) { $84 = $pcm$addr; $85 = $frame_size$addr; $86 = $st$addr; $Fs92 = ((($86)) + 132|0); $87 = HEAP32[$Fs92>>2]|0; $88 = $st$addr; $width_mem = ((($88)) + 14352|0); $call93 = (+_compute_stereo_width($84,$85,$87,$width_mem)); $stereo_width = $call93; } else { label = 32; } } else { label = 32; } if ((label|0) == 32) { $stereo_width = 0.0; } $89 = $delay_compensation; $total_buffer = $89; $90 = $st$addr; $91 = $frame_size$addr; $92 = $max_data_bytes; $call96 = (_user_bitrate_to_bitrate($90,$91,$92)|0); $93 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps = ((($93)) + 148|0); HEAP32[$bitrate_bps>>2] = $call96; $94 = $st$addr; $Fs97 = ((($94)) + 132|0); $95 = HEAP32[$Fs97>>2]|0; $96 = $frame_size$addr; $div = (($95|0) / ($96|0))&-1; $frame_rate = $div; $97 = $max_data_bytes; $cmp98 = ($97|0)<(3); do { if (!($cmp98)) { $98 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps101 = ((($98)) + 148|0); $99 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps101>>2]|0; $100 = $frame_rate; $mul102 = ($100*3)|0; $mul103 = $mul102<<3; $cmp104 = ($99|0)<($mul103|0); if (!($cmp104)) { $101 = $frame_rate; $cmp107 = ($101|0)<(50); if ($cmp107) { $102 = $max_data_bytes; $103 = $frame_rate; $mul110 = Math_imul($102, $103)|0; $cmp111 = ($mul110|0)<(300); if ($cmp111) { break; } $104 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps114 = ((($104)) + 148|0); $105 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps114>>2]|0; $cmp115 = ($105|0)<(2400); if ($cmp115) { break; } } $126 = $st$addr; $use_vbr = ((($126)) + 136|0); $127 = HEAP32[$use_vbr>>2]|0; $tobool160 = ($127|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool160)) { $128 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps162 = ((($128)) + 148|0); $129 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps162>>2]|0; $130 = $frame_rate; $mul163 = $130<<2; $add164 = (($129) + ($mul163))|0; $131 = $frame_rate; $mul165 = $131<<3; $div166 = (($add164|0) / ($mul165|0))&-1; $132 = $max_data_bytes; $cmp167 = ($div166|0)<($132|0); if ($cmp167) { $133 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps170 = ((($133)) + 148|0); $134 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps170>>2]|0; $135 = $frame_rate; $mul171 = $135<<2; $add172 = (($134) + ($mul171))|0; $136 = $frame_rate; $mul173 = $136<<3; $div174 = (($add172|0) / ($mul173|0))&-1; $cond177 = $div174; } else { $137 = $max_data_bytes; $cond177 = $137; } $cbrBytes = $cond177; $138 = $cbrBytes; $139 = $frame_rate; $mul178 = $139<<3; $mul179 = Math_imul($138, $mul178)|0; $140 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps180 = ((($140)) + 148|0); HEAP32[$bitrate_bps180>>2] = $mul179; $141 = $cbrBytes; $max_data_bytes = $141; } $142 = $frame_rate; $143 = $max_data_bytes; $mul182 = Math_imul($142, $143)|0; $mul183 = $mul182<<3; $max_rate = $mul183; $144 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps184 = ((($144)) + 148|0); $145 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps184>>2]|0; $146 = $st$addr; $channels185 = ((($146)) + 100|0); $147 = HEAP32[$channels185>>2]|0; $mul186 = ($147*40)|0; $add187 = (($mul186) + 20)|0; $148 = $st$addr; $Fs188 = ((($148)) + 132|0); $149 = HEAP32[$Fs188>>2]|0; $150 = $frame_size$addr; $div189 = (($149|0) / ($150|0))&-1; $sub190 = (($div189) - 50)|0; $mul191 = Math_imul($add187, $sub190)|0; $sub192 = (($145) - ($mul191))|0; $equiv_rate = $sub192; $151 = $st$addr; $signal_type193 = ((($151)) + 112|0); $152 = HEAP32[$signal_type193>>2]|0; $cmp194 = ($152|0)==(3001); do { if ($cmp194) { $voice_est = 127; } else { $153 = $st$addr; $signal_type198 = ((($153)) + 112|0); $154 = HEAP32[$signal_type198>>2]|0; $cmp199 = ($154|0)==(3002); if ($cmp199) { $voice_est = 0; break; } $155 = $st$addr; $voice_ratio203 = ((($155)) + 128|0); $156 = HEAP32[$voice_ratio203>>2]|0; $cmp204 = ($156|0)>=(0); $157 = $st$addr; if ($cmp204) { $voice_ratio207 = ((($157)) + 128|0); $158 = HEAP32[$voice_ratio207>>2]|0; $mul208 = ($158*327)|0; $shr = $mul208 >> 8; $voice_est = $shr; $159 = $st$addr; $application209 = ((($159)) + 96|0); $160 = HEAP32[$application209>>2]|0; $cmp210 = ($160|0)==(2049); if (!($cmp210)) { break; } $161 = $voice_est; $cmp213 = ($161|0)<(115); $162 = $voice_est; $cond218 = $cmp213 ? $162 : 115; $voice_est = $cond218; break; } $application221 = ((($157)) + 96|0); $163 = HEAP32[$application221>>2]|0; $cmp222 = ($163|0)==(2048); if ($cmp222) { $voice_est = 115; break; } else { $voice_est = 48; break; } } } while(0); $164 = $st$addr; $force_channels230 = ((($164)) + 108|0); $165 = HEAP32[$force_channels230>>2]|0; $cmp231 = ($165|0)!=(-1000); if ($cmp231) { $166 = $st$addr; $channels234 = ((($166)) + 100|0); $167 = HEAP32[$channels234>>2]|0; $cmp235 = ($167|0)==(2); if ($cmp235) { $168 = $st$addr; $force_channels238 = ((($168)) + 108|0); $169 = HEAP32[$force_channels238>>2]|0; $170 = $st$addr; $$sink4$sink = $169;$$sink5$sink = $170; } else { label = 71; } } else { label = 71; } do { if ((label|0) == 71) { $171 = $st$addr; $channels241 = ((($171)) + 100|0); $172 = HEAP32[$channels241>>2]|0; $cmp242 = ($172|0)==(2); if (!($cmp242)) { $181 = $st$addr; $channels262 = ((($181)) + 100|0); $182 = HEAP32[$channels262>>2]|0; $183 = $st$addr; $$sink4$sink = $182;$$sink5$sink = $183; break; } $173 = $voice_est; $174 = $voice_est; $mul245 = Math_imul($173, $174)|0; $mul246 = 0; $shr247 = $mul246 >> 14; $add248 = (30000 + ($shr247))|0; $stereo_threshold = $add248; $175 = $st$addr; $stream_channels249 = ((($175)) + 14288|0); $176 = HEAP32[$stream_channels249>>2]|0; $cmp250 = ($176|0)==(2); $177 = $stereo_threshold; if ($cmp250) { $sub253 = (($177) - 1000)|0; $stereo_threshold = $sub253; } else { $add255 = (($177) + 1000)|0; $stereo_threshold = $add255; } $178 = $equiv_rate; $179 = $stereo_threshold; $cmp257 = ($178|0)>($179|0); $cond259 = $cmp257 ? 2 : 1; $180 = $st$addr; $$sink4$sink = $cond259;$$sink5$sink = $180; } } while(0); $stream_channels263 = ((($$sink5$sink)) + 14288|0); HEAP32[$stream_channels263>>2] = $$sink4$sink; $184 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps266 = ((($184)) + 148|0); $185 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps266>>2]|0; $186 = $st$addr; $stream_channels267 = ((($186)) + 14288|0); $187 = HEAP32[$stream_channels267>>2]|0; $mul268 = ($187*40)|0; $add269 = (($mul268) + 20)|0; $188 = $st$addr; $Fs270 = ((($188)) + 132|0); $189 = HEAP32[$Fs270>>2]|0; $190 = $frame_size$addr; $div271 = (($189|0) / ($190|0))&-1; $sub272 = (($div271) - 50)|0; $mul273 = Math_imul($add269, $sub272)|0; $sub274 = (($185) - ($mul273))|0; $equiv_rate = $sub274; $191 = $st$addr; $application275 = ((($191)) + 96|0); $192 = HEAP32[$application275>>2]|0; $cmp276 = ($192|0)==(2051); $193 = $st$addr; do { if ($cmp276) { $$sink7$sink = 1002;$$sink8$sink = $193; label = 91; } else { $user_forced_mode = ((($193)) + 124|0); $194 = HEAP32[$user_forced_mode>>2]|0; $cmp281 = ($194|0)==(-1000); if (!($cmp281)) { $230 = $st$addr; $user_forced_mode345 = ((($230)) + 124|0); $231 = HEAP32[$user_forced_mode345>>2]|0; $232 = $st$addr; $$sink7$sink = $231;$$sink8$sink = $232; label = 91; break; } $195 = $stereo_width; $sub284 = 1.0 - $195; $196 = HEAP32[22]|0; $conv285 = (+($196|0)); $mul286 = $sub284 * $conv285; $197 = $stereo_width; $198 = HEAP32[(96)>>2]|0; $conv287 = (+($198|0)); $mul288 = $197 * $conv287; $add289 = $mul286 + $mul288; $conv290 = (~~(($add289))); $mode_voice = $conv290; $199 = $stereo_width; $sub291 = 1.0 - $199; $200 = HEAP32[(100)>>2]|0; $conv292 = (+($200|0)); $mul293 = $sub291 * $conv292; $201 = $stereo_width; $202 = HEAP32[(100)>>2]|0; $conv294 = (+($202|0)); $mul295 = $201 * $conv294; $add296 = $mul293 + $mul295; $conv297 = (~~(($add296))); $mode_music = $conv297; $203 = $mode_music; $204 = $voice_est; $205 = $voice_est; $mul298 = Math_imul($204, $205)|0; $206 = $mode_voice; $207 = $mode_music; $sub299 = (($206) - ($207))|0; $mul300 = Math_imul($mul298, $sub299)|0; $shr301 = $mul300 >> 14; $add302 = (($203) + ($shr301))|0; $threshold = $add302; $208 = $st$addr; $application303 = ((($208)) + 96|0); $209 = HEAP32[$application303>>2]|0; $cmp304 = ($209|0)==(2048); if ($cmp304) { $210 = $threshold; $add307 = (($210) + 8000)|0; $threshold = $add307; } $211 = $st$addr; $prev_mode = ((($211)) + 14324|0); $212 = HEAP32[$prev_mode>>2]|0; $cmp309 = ($212|0)==(1002); do { if ($cmp309) { $213 = $threshold; $sub312 = (($213) - 4000)|0; $threshold = $sub312; } else { $214 = $st$addr; $prev_mode314 = ((($214)) + 14324|0); $215 = HEAP32[$prev_mode314>>2]|0; $cmp315 = ($215|0)>(0); if (!($cmp315)) { break; } $216 = $threshold; $add318 = (($216) + 4000)|0; $threshold = $add318; } } while(0); $217 = $equiv_rate; $218 = $threshold; $cmp321 = ($217|0)>=($218|0); $cond323 = $cmp321 ? 1002 : 1000; $219 = $st$addr; $mode324 = ((($219)) + 14320|0); HEAP32[$mode324>>2] = $cond323; $220 = $st$addr; $silk_mode325 = ((($220)) + 8|0); $useInBandFEC = ((($silk_mode325)) + 40|0); $221 = HEAP32[$useInBandFEC>>2]|0; $tobool326 = ($221|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool326) { $222 = $st$addr; $silk_mode328 = ((($222)) + 8|0); $packetLossPercentage = ((($silk_mode328)) + 32|0); $223 = HEAP32[$packetLossPercentage>>2]|0; $224 = $voice_est; $sub329 = (128 - ($224))|0; $shr330 = $sub329 >> 4; $cmp331 = ($223|0)>($shr330|0); if (!($cmp331)) { break; } $225 = $st$addr; $mode334 = ((($225)) + 14320|0); HEAP32[$mode334>>2] = 1000; } } while(0); $226 = $st$addr; $silk_mode336 = ((($226)) + 8|0); $useDTX = ((($silk_mode336)) + 44|0); $227 = HEAP32[$useDTX>>2]|0; $tobool337 = ($227|0)!=(0); $228 = $voice_est; $cmp339 = ($228|0)>(100); $or$cond6 = $tobool337 & $cmp339; if (!($or$cond6)) { break; } $229 = $st$addr; $$sink7$sink = 1000;$$sink8$sink = $229; label = 91; } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 91) { $mode342 = ((($$sink8$sink)) + 14320|0); HEAP32[$mode342>>2] = $$sink7$sink; } $233 = $st$addr; $mode349 = ((($233)) + 14320|0); $234 = HEAP32[$mode349>>2]|0; $cmp350 = ($234|0)!=(1002); if ($cmp350) { $235 = $frame_size$addr; $236 = $st$addr; $Fs353 = ((($236)) + 132|0); $237 = HEAP32[$Fs353>>2]|0; $div354 = (($237|0) / 100)&-1; $cmp355 = ($235|0)<($div354|0); if ($cmp355) { $238 = $st$addr; $mode358 = ((($238)) + 14320|0); HEAP32[$mode358>>2] = 1002; } } $239 = $st$addr; $lfe = ((($239)) + 164|0); $240 = HEAP32[$lfe>>2]|0; $tobool360 = ($240|0)!=(0); if ($tobool360) { $241 = $st$addr; $mode362 = ((($241)) + 14320|0); HEAP32[$mode362>>2] = 1002; } $242 = $max_data_bytes; $243 = $frame_rate; $cmp364 = ($243|0)>(50); $cond366 = $cmp364 ? 12000 : 8000; $244 = $frame_size$addr; $mul367 = Math_imul($cond366, $244)|0; $245 = $st$addr; $Fs368 = ((($245)) + 132|0); $246 = HEAP32[$Fs368>>2]|0; $mul369 = $246<<3; $div370 = (($mul367|0) / ($mul369|0))&-1; $cmp371 = ($242|0)<($div370|0); if ($cmp371) { $247 = $st$addr; $mode374 = ((($247)) + 14320|0); HEAP32[$mode374>>2] = 1002; } $248 = $st$addr; $stream_channels376 = ((($248)) + 14288|0); $249 = HEAP32[$stream_channels376>>2]|0; $cmp377 = ($249|0)==(1); do { if ($cmp377) { $250 = $st$addr; $prev_channels = ((($250)) + 14328|0); $251 = HEAP32[$prev_channels>>2]|0; $cmp380 = ($251|0)==(2); if (!($cmp380)) { label = 105; break; } $252 = $st$addr; $silk_mode383 = ((($252)) + 8|0); $toMono = ((($silk_mode383)) + 56|0); $253 = HEAP32[$toMono>>2]|0; $cmp384 = ($253|0)==(0); if (!($cmp384)) { label = 105; break; } $254 = $st$addr; $mode387 = ((($254)) + 14320|0); $255 = HEAP32[$mode387>>2]|0; $cmp388 = ($255|0)!=(1002); if (!($cmp388)) { label = 105; break; } $256 = $st$addr; $prev_mode391 = ((($256)) + 14324|0); $257 = HEAP32[$prev_mode391>>2]|0; $cmp392 = ($257|0)!=(1002); if (!($cmp392)) { label = 105; break; } $258 = $st$addr; $silk_mode395 = ((($258)) + 8|0); $toMono396 = ((($silk_mode395)) + 56|0); HEAP32[$toMono396>>2] = 1; $259 = $st$addr; $stream_channels397 = ((($259)) + 14288|0); HEAP32[$stream_channels397>>2] = 2; } else { label = 105; } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 105) { $260 = $st$addr; $silk_mode399 = ((($260)) + 8|0); $toMono400 = ((($silk_mode399)) + 56|0); HEAP32[$toMono400>>2] = 0; } $261 = $st$addr; $prev_mode402 = ((($261)) + 14324|0); $262 = HEAP32[$prev_mode402>>2]|0; $cmp403 = ($262|0)>(0); do { if ($cmp403) { $263 = $st$addr; $mode406 = ((($263)) + 14320|0); $264 = HEAP32[$mode406>>2]|0; $cmp407 = ($264|0)!=(1002); if ($cmp407) { $265 = $st$addr; $prev_mode410 = ((($265)) + 14324|0); $266 = HEAP32[$prev_mode410>>2]|0; $cmp411 = ($266|0)==(1002); if (!($cmp411)) { label = 109; } } else { label = 109; } if ((label|0) == 109) { $267 = $st$addr; $mode414 = ((($267)) + 14320|0); $268 = HEAP32[$mode414>>2]|0; $cmp415 = ($268|0)==(1002); if (!($cmp415)) { break; } $269 = $st$addr; $prev_mode418 = ((($269)) + 14324|0); $270 = HEAP32[$prev_mode418>>2]|0; $cmp419 = ($270|0)!=(1002); if (!($cmp419)) { break; } } $redundancy = 1; $271 = $st$addr; $mode422 = ((($271)) + 14320|0); $272 = HEAP32[$mode422>>2]|0; $cmp423 = ($272|0)!=(1002); $conv424 = $cmp423&1; $celt_to_silk = $conv424; $273 = $celt_to_silk; $tobool425 = ($273|0)!=(0); if ($tobool425) { break; } $274 = $frame_size$addr; $275 = $st$addr; $Fs427 = ((($275)) + 132|0); $276 = HEAP32[$Fs427>>2]|0; $div428 = (($276|0) / 100)&-1; $cmp429 = ($274|0)>=($div428|0); if ($cmp429) { $277 = $st$addr; $prev_mode432 = ((($277)) + 14324|0); $278 = HEAP32[$prev_mode432>>2]|0; $279 = $st$addr; $mode433 = ((($279)) + 14320|0); HEAP32[$mode433>>2] = $278; $to_celt = 1; break; } else { $redundancy = 0; break; } } } while(0); $280 = $st$addr; $silk_bw_switch = ((($280)) + 14340|0); $281 = HEAP32[$silk_bw_switch>>2]|0; $tobool438 = ($281|0)!=(0); if ($tobool438) { $redundancy = 1; $celt_to_silk = 1; $282 = $st$addr; $silk_bw_switch440 = ((($282)) + 14340|0); HEAP32[$silk_bw_switch440>>2] = 0; $prefill = 1; } $283 = $redundancy; $tobool442 = ($283|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool442) { $284 = $max_data_bytes; $285 = $st$addr; $Fs444 = ((($285)) + 132|0); $286 = HEAP32[$Fs444>>2]|0; $div445 = (($286|0) / 200)&-1; $mul446 = Math_imul($284, $div445)|0; $287 = $frame_size$addr; $288 = $st$addr; $Fs447 = ((($288)) + 132|0); $289 = HEAP32[$Fs447>>2]|0; $div448 = (($289|0) / 200)&-1; $add449 = (($287) + ($div448))|0; $div450 = (($mul446|0) / ($add449|0))&-1; $cmp451 = (257)<($div450|0); if ($cmp451) { $cond463 = 257; } else { $290 = $max_data_bytes; $291 = $st$addr; $Fs455 = ((($291)) + 132|0); $292 = HEAP32[$Fs455>>2]|0; $div456 = (($292|0) / 200)&-1; $mul457 = Math_imul($290, $div456)|0; $293 = $frame_size$addr; $294 = $st$addr; $Fs458 = ((($294)) + 132|0); $295 = HEAP32[$Fs458>>2]|0; $div459 = (($295|0) / 200)&-1; $add460 = (($293) + ($div459))|0; $div461 = (($mul457|0) / ($add460|0))&-1; $cond463 = $div461; } $redundancy_bytes = $cond463; $296 = $st$addr; $use_vbr464 = ((($296)) + 136|0); $297 = HEAP32[$use_vbr464>>2]|0; $tobool465 = ($297|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool465)) { break; } $298 = $redundancy_bytes; $299 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps467 = ((($299)) + 148|0); $300 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps467>>2]|0; $div468 = (($300|0) / 1600)&-1; $cmp469 = ($298|0)<($div468|0); if ($cmp469) { $301 = $redundancy_bytes; $cond476 = $301; } else { $302 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps473 = ((($302)) + 148|0); $303 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps473>>2]|0; $div474 = (($303|0) / 1600)&-1; $cond476 = $div474; } $redundancy_bytes = $cond476; } } while(0); $304 = $st$addr; $mode479 = ((($304)) + 14320|0); $305 = HEAP32[$mode479>>2]|0; $cmp480 = ($305|0)!=(1002); do { if ($cmp480) { $306 = $st$addr; $prev_mode483 = ((($306)) + 14324|0); $307 = HEAP32[$prev_mode483>>2]|0; $cmp484 = ($307|0)==(1002); if (!($cmp484)) { break; } $308 = $silk_enc; $309 = $st$addr; $arch = ((($309)) + 168|0); $310 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; (_silk_InitEncoder($308,$310,$dummy)|0); $prefill = 1; } } while(0); $311 = $st$addr; $mode489 = ((($311)) + 14320|0); $312 = HEAP32[$mode489>>2]|0; $cmp490 = ($312|0)==(1002); do { if ($cmp490) { label = 131; } else { $313 = $st$addr; $first = ((($313)) + 14344|0); $314 = HEAP32[$first>>2]|0; $tobool493 = ($314|0)!=(0); if ($tobool493) { label = 131; break; } $315 = $st$addr; $silk_mode495 = ((($315)) + 8|0); $allowBandwidthSwitch = ((($silk_mode495)) + 72|0); $316 = HEAP32[$allowBandwidthSwitch>>2]|0; $tobool496 = ($316|0)!=(0); if ($tobool496) { label = 131; } } } while(0); do { if ((label|0) == 131) { $bandwidth498 = 1105; $317 = $equiv_rate; $equiv_rate2 = $317; $318 = $st$addr; $mode499 = ((($318)) + 14320|0); $319 = HEAP32[$mode499>>2]|0; $cmp500 = ($319|0)!=(1002); do { if ($cmp500) { $320 = $equiv_rate2; $321 = $st$addr; $silk_mode503 = ((($321)) + 8|0); $complexity504 = ((($silk_mode503)) + 36|0); $322 = HEAP32[$complexity504>>2]|0; $add505 = (45 + ($322))|0; $mul506 = Math_imul($320, $add505)|0; $div507 = (($mul506|0) / 50)&-1; $equiv_rate2 = $div507; $323 = $st$addr; $use_vbr508 = ((($323)) + 136|0); $324 = HEAP32[$use_vbr508>>2]|0; $tobool509 = ($324|0)!=(0); if ($tobool509) { break; } $325 = $equiv_rate2; $sub511 = (($325) - 1000)|0; $equiv_rate2 = $sub511; } } while(0); $326 = $st$addr; $channels514 = ((($326)) + 100|0); $327 = HEAP32[$channels514>>2]|0; $cmp515 = ($327|0)==(2); do { if ($cmp515) { $328 = $st$addr; $force_channels518 = ((($328)) + 108|0); $329 = HEAP32[$force_channels518>>2]|0; $cmp519 = ($329|0)!=(1); if (!($cmp519)) { label = 137; break; } $voice_bandwidth_thresholds = 104; $music_bandwidth_thresholds = 136; } else { label = 137; } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 137) { $voice_bandwidth_thresholds = 168; $music_bandwidth_thresholds = 200; } $i = 0; while(1) { $330 = $i; $cmp524 = ($330|0)<(8); if (!($cmp524)) { break; } $331 = $music_bandwidth_thresholds; $332 = $i; $arrayidx526 = (($331) + ($332<<2)|0); $333 = HEAP32[$arrayidx526>>2]|0; $334 = $voice_est; $335 = $voice_est; $mul527 = Math_imul($334, $335)|0; $336 = $voice_bandwidth_thresholds; $337 = $i; $arrayidx528 = (($336) + ($337<<2)|0); $338 = HEAP32[$arrayidx528>>2]|0; $339 = $music_bandwidth_thresholds; $340 = $i; $arrayidx529 = (($339) + ($340<<2)|0); $341 = HEAP32[$arrayidx529>>2]|0; $sub530 = (($338) - ($341))|0; $mul531 = Math_imul($mul527, $sub530)|0; $shr532 = $mul531 >> 14; $add533 = (($333) + ($shr532))|0; $342 = $i; $arrayidx534 = (($bandwidth_thresholds) + ($342<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx534>>2] = $add533; $343 = $i; $inc = (($343) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } while(1) { $344 = $bandwidth498; $sub536 = (($344) - 1102)|0; $mul537 = $sub536<<1; $arrayidx538 = (($bandwidth_thresholds) + ($mul537<<2)|0); $345 = HEAP32[$arrayidx538>>2]|0; $threshold535 = $345; $346 = $bandwidth498; $sub539 = (($346) - 1102)|0; $mul540 = $sub539<<1; $add541 = (($mul540) + 1)|0; $arrayidx542 = (($bandwidth_thresholds) + ($add541<<2)|0); $347 = HEAP32[$arrayidx542>>2]|0; $hysteresis = $347; $348 = $st$addr; $first543 = ((($348)) + 14344|0); $349 = HEAP32[$first543>>2]|0; $tobool544 = ($349|0)!=(0); do { if (!($tobool544)) { $350 = $st$addr; $bandwidth546 = ((($350)) + 14336|0); $351 = HEAP32[$bandwidth546>>2]|0; $352 = $bandwidth498; $cmp547 = ($351|0)>=($352|0); $353 = $hysteresis; $354 = $threshold535; if ($cmp547) { $sub550 = (($354) - ($353))|0; $threshold535 = $sub550; break; } else { $add552 = (($354) + ($353))|0; $threshold535 = $add552; break; } } } while(0); $355 = $equiv_rate2; $356 = $threshold535; $cmp555 = ($355|0)>=($356|0); if ($cmp555) { break; } $357 = $bandwidth498; $dec = (($357) + -1)|0; $bandwidth498 = $dec; $cmp559 = ($dec|0)>(1101); if (!($cmp559)) { break; } } $358 = $bandwidth498; $359 = $st$addr; $bandwidth561 = ((($359)) + 14336|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth561>>2] = $358; $360 = $st$addr; $first562 = ((($360)) + 14344|0); $361 = HEAP32[$first562>>2]|0; $tobool563 = ($361|0)!=(0); if ($tobool563) { break; } $362 = $st$addr; $mode565 = ((($362)) + 14320|0); $363 = HEAP32[$mode565>>2]|0; $cmp566 = ($363|0)!=(1002); if (!($cmp566)) { break; } $364 = $st$addr; $silk_mode569 = ((($364)) + 8|0); $inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP = ((($silk_mode569)) + 76|0); $365 = HEAP32[$inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP>>2]|0; $tobool570 = ($365|0)!=(0); if ($tobool570) { break; } $366 = $st$addr; $bandwidth572 = ((($366)) + 14336|0); $367 = HEAP32[$bandwidth572>>2]|0; $cmp573 = ($367|0)>(1103); if (!($cmp573)) { break; } $368 = $st$addr; $bandwidth576 = ((($368)) + 14336|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth576>>2] = 1103; } } while(0); $369 = $st$addr; $bandwidth579 = ((($369)) + 14336|0); $370 = HEAP32[$bandwidth579>>2]|0; $371 = $st$addr; $max_bandwidth = ((($371)) + 120|0); $372 = HEAP32[$max_bandwidth>>2]|0; $cmp580 = ($370|0)>($372|0); if ($cmp580) { $373 = $st$addr; $max_bandwidth583 = ((($373)) + 120|0); $374 = HEAP32[$max_bandwidth583>>2]|0; $375 = $st$addr; $bandwidth584 = ((($375)) + 14336|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth584>>2] = $374; } $376 = $st$addr; $user_bandwidth = ((($376)) + 116|0); $377 = HEAP32[$user_bandwidth>>2]|0; $cmp586 = ($377|0)!=(-1000); if ($cmp586) { $378 = $st$addr; $user_bandwidth589 = ((($378)) + 116|0); $379 = HEAP32[$user_bandwidth589>>2]|0; $380 = $st$addr; $bandwidth590 = ((($380)) + 14336|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth590>>2] = $379; } $381 = $st$addr; $mode592 = ((($381)) + 14320|0); $382 = HEAP32[$mode592>>2]|0; $cmp593 = ($382|0)!=(1002); $383 = $max_rate; $cmp596 = ($383|0)<(15000); $or$cond9 = $cmp593 & $cmp596; if ($or$cond9) { $384 = $st$addr; $bandwidth599 = ((($384)) + 14336|0); $385 = HEAP32[$bandwidth599>>2]|0; $cmp600 = ($385|0)<(1103); if ($cmp600) { $386 = $st$addr; $bandwidth603 = ((($386)) + 14336|0); $387 = HEAP32[$bandwidth603>>2]|0; $cond606 = $387; } else { $cond606 = 1103; } $388 = $st$addr; $bandwidth607 = ((($388)) + 14336|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth607>>2] = $cond606; } $389 = $st$addr; $Fs609 = ((($389)) + 132|0); $390 = HEAP32[$Fs609>>2]|0; $cmp610 = ($390|0)<=(24000); do { if ($cmp610) { $391 = $st$addr; $bandwidth613 = ((($391)) + 14336|0); $392 = HEAP32[$bandwidth613>>2]|0; $cmp614 = ($392|0)>(1104); if (!($cmp614)) { break; } $393 = $st$addr; $bandwidth617 = ((($393)) + 14336|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth617>>2] = 1104; } } while(0); $394 = $st$addr; $Fs619 = ((($394)) + 132|0); $395 = HEAP32[$Fs619>>2]|0; $cmp620 = ($395|0)<=(16000); do { if ($cmp620) { $396 = $st$addr; $bandwidth623 = ((($396)) + 14336|0); $397 = HEAP32[$bandwidth623>>2]|0; $cmp624 = ($397|0)>(1103); if (!($cmp624)) { break; } $398 = $st$addr; $bandwidth627 = ((($398)) + 14336|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth627>>2] = 1103; } } while(0); $399 = $st$addr; $Fs629 = ((($399)) + 132|0); $400 = HEAP32[$Fs629>>2]|0; $cmp630 = ($400|0)<=(12000); do { if ($cmp630) { $401 = $st$addr; $bandwidth633 = ((($401)) + 14336|0); $402 = HEAP32[$bandwidth633>>2]|0; $cmp634 = ($402|0)>(1102); if (!($cmp634)) { break; } $403 = $st$addr; $bandwidth637 = ((($403)) + 14336|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth637>>2] = 1102; } } while(0); $404 = $st$addr; $Fs639 = ((($404)) + 132|0); $405 = HEAP32[$Fs639>>2]|0; $cmp640 = ($405|0)<=(8000); do { if ($cmp640) { $406 = $st$addr; $bandwidth643 = ((($406)) + 14336|0); $407 = HEAP32[$bandwidth643>>2]|0; $cmp644 = ($407|0)>(1101); if (!($cmp644)) { break; } $408 = $st$addr; $bandwidth647 = ((($408)) + 14336|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth647>>2] = 1101; } } while(0); $409 = $st$addr; $detected_bandwidth649 = ((($409)) + 18212|0); $410 = HEAP32[$detected_bandwidth649>>2]|0; $tobool650 = ($410|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool650) { $411 = $st$addr; $user_bandwidth652 = ((($411)) + 116|0); $412 = HEAP32[$user_bandwidth652>>2]|0; $cmp653 = ($412|0)==(-1000); if (!($cmp653)) { break; } $413 = $equiv_rate; $414 = $st$addr; $stream_channels656 = ((($414)) + 14288|0); $415 = HEAP32[$stream_channels656>>2]|0; $mul657 = ($415*18000)|0; $cmp658 = ($413|0)<=($mul657|0); do { if ($cmp658) { $416 = $st$addr; $mode661 = ((($416)) + 14320|0); $417 = HEAP32[$mode661>>2]|0; $cmp662 = ($417|0)==(1002); if (!($cmp662)) { label = 177; break; } $min_detected_bandwidth = 1101; } else { label = 177; } } while(0); L223: do { if ((label|0) == 177) { $418 = $equiv_rate; $419 = $st$addr; $stream_channels666 = ((($419)) + 14288|0); $420 = HEAP32[$stream_channels666>>2]|0; $mul667 = ($420*24000)|0; $cmp668 = ($418|0)<=($mul667|0); do { if ($cmp668) { $421 = $st$addr; $mode671 = ((($421)) + 14320|0); $422 = HEAP32[$mode671>>2]|0; $cmp672 = ($422|0)==(1002); if (!($cmp672)) { break; } $min_detected_bandwidth = 1102; break L223; } } while(0); $423 = $equiv_rate; $424 = $st$addr; $stream_channels676 = ((($424)) + 14288|0); $425 = HEAP32[$stream_channels676>>2]|0; $mul677 = ($425*30000)|0; $cmp678 = ($423|0)<=($mul677|0); if ($cmp678) { $min_detected_bandwidth = 1103; break; } $426 = $equiv_rate; $427 = $st$addr; $stream_channels682 = ((($427)) + 14288|0); $428 = HEAP32[$stream_channels682>>2]|0; $mul683 = ($428*44000)|0; $cmp684 = ($426|0)<=($mul683|0); if ($cmp684) { $min_detected_bandwidth = 1104; break; } else { $min_detected_bandwidth = 1105; break; } } } while(0); $429 = $st$addr; $detected_bandwidth692 = ((($429)) + 18212|0); $430 = HEAP32[$detected_bandwidth692>>2]|0; $431 = $min_detected_bandwidth; $cmp693 = ($430|0)>($431|0); if ($cmp693) { $432 = $st$addr; $detected_bandwidth696 = ((($432)) + 18212|0); $433 = HEAP32[$detected_bandwidth696>>2]|0; $cond699 = $433; } else { $434 = $min_detected_bandwidth; $cond699 = $434; } $435 = $st$addr; $detected_bandwidth700 = ((($435)) + 18212|0); HEAP32[$detected_bandwidth700>>2] = $cond699; $436 = $st$addr; $bandwidth701 = ((($436)) + 14336|0); $437 = HEAP32[$bandwidth701>>2]|0; $438 = $st$addr; $detected_bandwidth702 = ((($438)) + 18212|0); $439 = HEAP32[$detected_bandwidth702>>2]|0; $cmp703 = ($437|0)<($439|0); $440 = $st$addr; $detected_bandwidth708 = ((($440)) + 18212|0); $bandwidth706 = ((($440)) + 14336|0); $detected_bandwidth708$sink = $cmp703 ? $bandwidth706 : $detected_bandwidth708; $441 = HEAP32[$detected_bandwidth708$sink>>2]|0; $442 = $st$addr; $bandwidth711 = ((($442)) + 14336|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth711>>2] = $441; } } while(0); $443 = $celt_enc; $444 = $lsb_depth$addr; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer28>>2] = $444; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($443,4036,$vararg_buffer28)|0); $445 = $st$addr; $mode716 = ((($445)) + 14320|0); $446 = HEAP32[$mode716>>2]|0; $cmp717 = ($446|0)==(1002); do { if ($cmp717) { $447 = $st$addr; $bandwidth720 = ((($447)) + 14336|0); $448 = HEAP32[$bandwidth720>>2]|0; $cmp721 = ($448|0)==(1102); if (!($cmp721)) { break; } $449 = $st$addr; $bandwidth724 = ((($449)) + 14336|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth724>>2] = 1103; } } while(0); $450 = $st$addr; $lfe726 = ((($450)) + 164|0); $451 = HEAP32[$lfe726>>2]|0; $tobool727 = ($451|0)!=(0); if ($tobool727) { $452 = $st$addr; $bandwidth729 = ((($452)) + 14336|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth729>>2] = 1101; } $453 = $frame_size$addr; $454 = $st$addr; $Fs731 = ((($454)) + 132|0); $455 = HEAP32[$Fs731>>2]|0; $div732 = (($455|0) / 50)&-1; $cmp733 = ($453|0)>($div732|0); do { if ($cmp733) { $456 = $st$addr; $mode736 = ((($456)) + 14320|0); $457 = HEAP32[$mode736>>2]|0; $cmp737 = ($457|0)==(1002); if (!($cmp737)) { $458 = $st$addr; $bandwidth740 = ((($458)) + 14336|0); $459 = HEAP32[$bandwidth740>>2]|0; $cmp741 = ($459|0)>(1103); if (!($cmp741)) { break; } } $460 = $analysis_read_pos_bak; $cmp744 = ($460|0)!=(-1); if ($cmp744) { $461 = $analysis_read_pos_bak; $462 = $st$addr; $analysis747 = ((($462)) + 172|0); $read_pos748 = ((($analysis747)) + 8508|0); HEAP32[$read_pos748>>2] = $461; $463 = $analysis_read_subframe_bak; $464 = $st$addr; $analysis749 = ((($464)) + 172|0); $read_subframe750 = ((($analysis749)) + 8512|0); HEAP32[$read_subframe750>>2] = $463; } $465 = $frame_size$addr; $466 = $st$addr; $Fs752 = ((($466)) + 132|0); $467 = HEAP32[$Fs752>>2]|0; $div753 = (($467|0) / 25)&-1; $cmp754 = ($465|0)>($div753|0); $cond756 = $cmp754 ? 3 : 2; $nb_frames = $cond756; $468 = $out_data_bytes$addr; $sub757 = (($468) - 3)|0; $469 = $nb_frames; $div758 = (($sub757|0) / ($469|0))&-1; $cmp759 = (1276)<($div758|0); if ($cmp759) { $cond766 = 1276; } else { $470 = $out_data_bytes$addr; $sub763 = (($470) - 3)|0; $471 = $nb_frames; $div764 = (($sub763|0) / ($471|0))&-1; $cond766 = $div764; } $bytes_per_frame = $cond766; $472 = $nb_frames; $473 = $bytes_per_frame; $mul767 = Math_imul($472, $473)|0; $474 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $474; $vla$alloca_mul = $mul767; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; (_opus_repacketizer_init($rp)|0); $475 = $st$addr; $user_forced_mode769 = ((($475)) + 124|0); $476 = HEAP32[$user_forced_mode769>>2]|0; $bak_mode = $476; $477 = $st$addr; $user_bandwidth770 = ((($477)) + 116|0); $478 = HEAP32[$user_bandwidth770>>2]|0; $bak_bandwidth = $478; $479 = $st$addr; $force_channels771 = ((($479)) + 108|0); $480 = HEAP32[$force_channels771>>2]|0; $bak_channels = $480; $481 = $st$addr; $mode772 = ((($481)) + 14320|0); $482 = HEAP32[$mode772>>2]|0; $483 = $st$addr; $user_forced_mode773 = ((($483)) + 124|0); HEAP32[$user_forced_mode773>>2] = $482; $484 = $st$addr; $bandwidth774 = ((($484)) + 14336|0); $485 = HEAP32[$bandwidth774>>2]|0; $486 = $st$addr; $user_bandwidth775 = ((($486)) + 116|0); HEAP32[$user_bandwidth775>>2] = $485; $487 = $st$addr; $stream_channels776 = ((($487)) + 14288|0); $488 = HEAP32[$stream_channels776>>2]|0; $489 = $st$addr; $force_channels777 = ((($489)) + 108|0); HEAP32[$force_channels777>>2] = $488; $490 = $st$addr; $silk_mode778 = ((($490)) + 8|0); $toMono779 = ((($silk_mode778)) + 56|0); $491 = HEAP32[$toMono779>>2]|0; $bak_to_mono = $491; $492 = $bak_to_mono; $tobool780 = ($492|0)!=(0); $493 = $st$addr; if ($tobool780) { $force_channels782 = ((($493)) + 108|0); HEAP32[$force_channels782>>2] = 1; } else { $stream_channels784 = ((($493)) + 14288|0); $494 = HEAP32[$stream_channels784>>2]|0; $495 = $st$addr; $prev_channels785 = ((($495)) + 14328|0); HEAP32[$prev_channels785>>2] = $494; } $i = 0; while(1) { $496 = $i; $497 = $nb_frames; $cmp788 = ($496|0)<($497|0); $498 = $st$addr; if (!($cmp788)) { label = 214; break; } $silk_mode791 = ((($498)) + 8|0); $toMono792 = ((($silk_mode791)) + 56|0); HEAP32[$toMono792>>2] = 0; $499 = $to_celt; $tobool793 = ($499|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool793) { $500 = $i; $501 = $nb_frames; $sub795 = (($501) - 1)|0; $cmp796 = ($500|0)==($sub795|0); if (!($cmp796)) { break; } $502 = $st$addr; $user_forced_mode799 = ((($502)) + 124|0); HEAP32[$user_forced_mode799>>2] = 1002; } } while(0); $503 = $st$addr; $504 = $pcm$addr; $505 = $i; $506 = $st$addr; $channels801 = ((($506)) + 100|0); $507 = HEAP32[$channels801>>2]|0; $508 = $st$addr; $Fs802 = ((($508)) + 132|0); $509 = HEAP32[$Fs802>>2]|0; $mul803 = Math_imul($507, $509)|0; $div804 = (($mul803|0) / 50)&-1; $mul805 = Math_imul($505, $div804)|0; $add$ptr806 = (($504) + ($mul805<<2)|0); $510 = $st$addr; $Fs807 = ((($510)) + 132|0); $511 = HEAP32[$Fs807>>2]|0; $div808 = (($511|0) / 50)&-1; $512 = $i; $513 = $bytes_per_frame; $mul809 = Math_imul($512, $513)|0; $add$ptr810 = (($vla) + ($mul809)|0); $514 = $bytes_per_frame; $515 = $lsb_depth$addr; $516 = $c1$addr; $517 = $c2$addr; $518 = $analysis_channels$addr; $519 = $downmix$addr; $520 = $float_api$addr; $call811 = (_opus_encode_native($503,$add$ptr806,$div808,$add$ptr810,$514,$515,0,0,$516,$517,$518,$519,$520)|0); $tmp_len = $call811; $521 = $tmp_len; $cmp812 = ($521|0)<(0); if ($cmp812) { label = 210; break; } $522 = $i; $523 = $bytes_per_frame; $mul817 = Math_imul($522, $523)|0; $add$ptr818 = (($vla) + ($mul817)|0); $524 = $tmp_len; $call819 = (_opus_repacketizer_cat($rp,$add$ptr818,$524)|0); $ret = $call819; $525 = $ret; $cmp820 = ($525|0)<(0); if ($cmp820) { label = 212; break; } $526 = $i; $inc825 = (($526) + 1)|0; $i = $inc825; } do { if ((label|0) == 210) { $retval = -3; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; } else if ((label|0) == 212) { $retval = -3; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; } else if ((label|0) == 214) { $use_vbr827 = ((($498)) + 136|0); $527 = HEAP32[$use_vbr827>>2]|0; $tobool828 = ($527|0)!=(0); if ($tobool828) { $528 = $out_data_bytes$addr; $repacketize_len = $528; } else { $529 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps831 = ((($529)) + 148|0); $530 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps831>>2]|0; $mul832 = ($530*3)|0; $531 = $nb_frames; $div833 = (1200 / ($531|0))&-1; $div834 = (($mul832|0) / ($div833|0))&-1; $532 = $out_data_bytes$addr; $cmp835 = ($div834|0)<($532|0); if ($cmp835) { $533 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps838 = ((($533)) + 148|0); $534 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps838>>2]|0; $mul839 = ($534*3)|0; $535 = $nb_frames; $div840 = (1200 / ($535|0))&-1; $div841 = (($mul839|0) / ($div840|0))&-1; $cond844 = $div841; } else { $536 = $out_data_bytes$addr; $cond844 = $536; } $repacketize_len = $cond844; } $537 = $nb_frames; $538 = $data$addr; $539 = $repacketize_len; $540 = $st$addr; $use_vbr847 = ((($540)) + 136|0); $541 = HEAP32[$use_vbr847>>2]|0; $tobool848 = ($541|0)!=(0); $lnot = $tobool848 ^ 1; $lnot$ext = $lnot&1; $call849 = (_opus_repacketizer_out_range_impl($rp,0,$537,$538,$539,0,$lnot$ext)|0); $ret = $call849; $542 = $ret; $cmp850 = ($542|0)<(0); if ($cmp850) { $retval = -3; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; break; } else { $543 = $bak_mode; $544 = $st$addr; $user_forced_mode854 = ((($544)) + 124|0); HEAP32[$user_forced_mode854>>2] = $543; $545 = $bak_bandwidth; $546 = $st$addr; $user_bandwidth855 = ((($546)) + 116|0); HEAP32[$user_bandwidth855>>2] = $545; $547 = $bak_channels; $548 = $st$addr; $force_channels856 = ((($548)) + 108|0); HEAP32[$force_channels856>>2] = $547; $549 = $bak_to_mono; $550 = $st$addr; $silk_mode857 = ((($550)) + 8|0); $toMono858 = ((($silk_mode857)) + 56|0); HEAP32[$toMono858>>2] = $549; $551 = $ret; $retval = $551; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; break; } } } while(0); $552 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($552|0)); $1267 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1267|0); } } while(0); $553 = $st$addr; $bandwidth860 = ((($553)) + 14336|0); $554 = HEAP32[$bandwidth860>>2]|0; $curr_bandwidth = $554; $555 = $st$addr; $mode861 = ((($555)) + 14320|0); $556 = HEAP32[$mode861>>2]|0; $cmp862 = ($556|0)==(1000); $557 = $curr_bandwidth; $cmp865 = ($557|0)>(1103); $or$cond10 = $cmp862 & $cmp865; if ($or$cond10) { $558 = $st$addr; $mode868 = ((($558)) + 14320|0); HEAP32[$mode868>>2] = 1001; } $559 = $st$addr; $mode870 = ((($559)) + 14320|0); $560 = HEAP32[$mode870>>2]|0; $cmp871 = ($560|0)==(1001); $561 = $curr_bandwidth; $cmp874 = ($561|0)<=(1103); $or$cond11 = $cmp871 & $cmp874; if ($or$cond11) { $562 = $st$addr; $mode877 = ((($562)) + 14320|0); HEAP32[$mode877>>2] = 1000; } $563 = $max_data_bytes; $564 = $redundancy_bytes; $sub879 = (($563) - ($564))|0; $565 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps880 = ((($565)) + 148|0); $566 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps880>>2]|0; $567 = $frame_size$addr; $mul881 = Math_imul($566, $567)|0; $568 = $st$addr; $Fs882 = ((($568)) + 132|0); $569 = HEAP32[$Fs882>>2]|0; $mul883 = $569<<3; $div884 = (($mul881|0) / ($mul883|0))&-1; $cmp885 = ($sub879|0)<($div884|0); if ($cmp885) { $570 = $max_data_bytes; $571 = $redundancy_bytes; $sub888 = (($570) - ($571))|0; $cond896 = $sub888; } else { $572 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps890 = ((($572)) + 148|0); $573 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps890>>2]|0; $574 = $frame_size$addr; $mul891 = Math_imul($573, $574)|0; $575 = $st$addr; $Fs892 = ((($575)) + 132|0); $576 = HEAP32[$Fs892>>2]|0; $mul893 = $576<<3; $div894 = (($mul891|0) / ($mul893|0))&-1; $cond896 = $div894; } $sub897 = (($cond896) - 1)|0; $bytes_target = $sub897; $577 = $data$addr; $add$ptr898 = ((($577)) + 1|0); $data$addr = $add$ptr898; $578 = $data$addr; $579 = $max_data_bytes; $sub899 = (($579) - 1)|0; _ec_enc_init($enc,$578,$sub899); $580 = $total_buffer; $581 = $frame_size$addr; $add900 = (($580) + ($581))|0; $582 = $st$addr; $channels901 = ((($582)) + 100|0); $583 = HEAP32[$channels901>>2]|0; $mul902 = Math_imul($add900, $583)|0; $584 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack903 = $584; $vla904$alloca_mul = $mul902<<2; $vla904 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla904$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla904$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $585 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer = ((($585)) + 14372|0); $586 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer = ((($586)) + 160|0); $587 = HEAP32[$encoder_buffer>>2]|0; $588 = $total_buffer; $sub905 = (($587) - ($588))|0; $589 = $st$addr; $channels906 = ((($589)) + 100|0); $590 = HEAP32[$channels906>>2]|0; $mul907 = Math_imul($sub905, $590)|0; $arrayidx908 = (($delay_buffer) + ($mul907<<2)|0); $591 = $total_buffer; $592 = $st$addr; $channels909 = ((($592)) + 100|0); $593 = HEAP32[$channels909>>2]|0; $mul910 = Math_imul($591, $593)|0; $mul911 = $mul910<<2; $594 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer912 = ((($594)) + 14372|0); $595 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer913 = ((($595)) + 160|0); $596 = HEAP32[$encoder_buffer913>>2]|0; $597 = $total_buffer; $sub914 = (($596) - ($597))|0; $598 = $st$addr; $channels915 = ((($598)) + 100|0); $599 = HEAP32[$channels915>>2]|0; $mul916 = Math_imul($sub914, $599)|0; $arrayidx917 = (($delay_buffer912) + ($mul916<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast918 = $vla904; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast919 = $arrayidx917; $sub$ptr$sub920 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast918) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast919))|0; $sub$ptr$div921 = (($sub$ptr$sub920|0) / 4)&-1; $mul922 = 0; $add923 = (($mul911) + ($mul922))|0; _memcpy(($vla904|0),($arrayidx908|0),($add923|0))|0; $600 = $st$addr; $mode924 = ((($600)) + 14320|0); $601 = HEAP32[$mode924>>2]|0; $cmp925 = ($601|0)==(1002); if ($cmp925) { $call928 = (_silk_lin2log(60)|0); $shl = $call928 << 8; $hp_freq_smth1 = $shl; } else { $602 = $silk_enc; $variable_HP_smth1_Q15 = ((($602)) + 8|0); $603 = HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth1_Q15>>2]|0; $hp_freq_smth1 = $603; } $604 = $st$addr; $variable_HP_smth2_Q15 = ((($604)) + 14296|0); $605 = HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth2_Q15>>2]|0; $606 = $hp_freq_smth1; $607 = $st$addr; $variable_HP_smth2_Q15932 = ((($607)) + 14296|0); $608 = HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth2_Q15932>>2]|0; $sub933 = (($606) - ($608))|0; $shr934 = $sub933 >> 16; $mul935 = ($shr934*983)|0; $609 = $hp_freq_smth1; $610 = $st$addr; $variable_HP_smth2_Q15936 = ((($610)) + 14296|0); $611 = HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth2_Q15936>>2]|0; $sub937 = (($609) - ($611))|0; $and = $sub937 & 65535; $mul938 = ($and*983)|0; $shr939 = $mul938 >> 16; $add940 = (($mul935) + ($shr939))|0; $add941 = (($605) + ($add940))|0; $612 = $st$addr; $variable_HP_smth2_Q15942 = ((($612)) + 14296|0); HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth2_Q15942>>2] = $add941; $613 = $st$addr; $variable_HP_smth2_Q15943 = ((($613)) + 14296|0); $614 = HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth2_Q15943>>2]|0; $shr944 = $614 >> 8; $call945 = (_silk_log2lin($shr944)|0); $cutoff_Hz = $call945; $615 = $st$addr; $application946 = ((($615)) + 96|0); $616 = HEAP32[$application946>>2]|0; $cmp947 = ($616|0)==(2048); $617 = $pcm$addr; if ($cmp947) { $618 = $cutoff_Hz; $619 = $total_buffer; $620 = $st$addr; $channels950 = ((($620)) + 100|0); $621 = HEAP32[$channels950>>2]|0; $mul951 = Math_imul($619, $621)|0; $arrayidx952 = (($vla904) + ($mul951<<2)|0); $622 = $st$addr; $hp_mem = ((($622)) + 14304|0); $623 = $frame_size$addr; $624 = $st$addr; $channels954 = ((($624)) + 100|0); $625 = HEAP32[$channels954>>2]|0; $626 = $st$addr; $Fs955 = ((($626)) + 132|0); $627 = HEAP32[$Fs955>>2]|0; _hp_cutoff($617,$618,$arrayidx952,$hp_mem,$623,$625,$627); } else { $628 = $total_buffer; $629 = $st$addr; $channels957 = ((($629)) + 100|0); $630 = HEAP32[$channels957>>2]|0; $mul958 = Math_imul($628, $630)|0; $arrayidx959 = (($vla904) + ($mul958<<2)|0); $631 = $st$addr; $hp_mem960 = ((($631)) + 14304|0); $632 = $frame_size$addr; $633 = $st$addr; $channels962 = ((($633)) + 100|0); $634 = HEAP32[$channels962>>2]|0; $635 = $st$addr; $Fs963 = ((($635)) + 132|0); $636 = HEAP32[$Fs963>>2]|0; _dc_reject($617,3,$arrayidx959,$hp_mem960,$632,$634,$636); } $637 = $float_api$addr; $tobool965 = ($637|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool965) { $638 = $total_buffer; $639 = $st$addr; $channels968 = ((($639)) + 100|0); $640 = HEAP32[$channels968>>2]|0; $mul969 = Math_imul($638, $640)|0; $arrayidx970 = (($vla904) + ($mul969<<2)|0); $641 = $total_buffer; $642 = $st$addr; $channels971 = ((($642)) + 100|0); $643 = HEAP32[$channels971>>2]|0; $mul972 = Math_imul($641, $643)|0; $arrayidx973 = (($vla904) + ($mul972<<2)|0); $644 = $frame_size$addr; $645 = $st$addr; $channels974 = ((($645)) + 100|0); $646 = HEAP32[$channels974>>2]|0; $mul975 = Math_imul($644, $646)|0; $call976 = (+_celt_inner_prod_c($arrayidx970,$arrayidx973,$mul975)); $sum = $call976; $647 = $sum; $cmp977 = $647 < 1.0E+9; if ($cmp977) { $648 = $sum; $649 = $sum; $cmp980 = $648 != $649; if (!($cmp980)) { break; } } $650 = $total_buffer; $651 = $st$addr; $channels983 = ((($651)) + 100|0); $652 = HEAP32[$channels983>>2]|0; $mul984 = Math_imul($650, $652)|0; $arrayidx985 = (($vla904) + ($mul984<<2)|0); $653 = $frame_size$addr; $654 = $st$addr; $channels986 = ((($654)) + 100|0); $655 = HEAP32[$channels986>>2]|0; $mul987 = Math_imul($653, $655)|0; $mul988 = $mul987<<2; _memset(($arrayidx985|0),0,($mul988|0))|0; $656 = $st$addr; $hp_mem989 = ((($656)) + 14304|0); $arrayidx990 = ((($hp_mem989)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx990>>2] = 0.0; $657 = $st$addr; $hp_mem991 = ((($657)) + 14304|0); $arrayidx992 = ((($hp_mem991)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx992>>2] = 0.0; $658 = $st$addr; $hp_mem993 = ((($658)) + 14304|0); $arrayidx994 = ((($hp_mem993)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx994>>2] = 0.0; $659 = $st$addr; $hp_mem995 = ((($659)) + 14304|0); HEAPF32[$hp_mem995>>2] = 0.0; } } while(0); $HB_gain = 1.0; $660 = $st$addr; $mode999 = ((($660)) + 14320|0); $661 = HEAP32[$mode999>>2]|0; $cmp1000 = ($661|0)!=(1002); if ($cmp1000) { $662 = $st$addr; $channels1003 = ((($662)) + 100|0); $663 = HEAP32[$channels1003>>2]|0; $664 = $frame_size$addr; $mul1004 = Math_imul($663, $664)|0; $665 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack1005 = $665; $vla1006$alloca_mul = $mul1004<<1; $vla1006 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla1006$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla1006$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $666 = $bytes_target; $mul1007 = $666<<3; $667 = $frame_rate; $mul1008 = Math_imul($mul1007, $667)|0; $total_bitRate = $mul1008; $668 = $st$addr; $mode1009 = ((($668)) + 14320|0); $669 = HEAP32[$mode1009>>2]|0; $cmp1010 = ($669|0)==(1001); do { if ($cmp1010) { $670 = $st$addr; $stream_channels1013 = ((($670)) + 14288|0); $671 = HEAP32[$stream_channels1013>>2]|0; $672 = $st$addr; $Fs1014 = ((($672)) + 132|0); $673 = HEAP32[$Fs1014>>2]|0; $674 = $frame_size$addr; $mul1015 = ($674*100)|0; $cmp1016 = ($673|0)==($mul1015|0); $conv1017 = $cmp1016&1; $mul1018 = ($conv1017*1000)|0; $add1019 = (5000 + ($mul1018))|0; $mul1020 = Math_imul($671, $add1019)|0; $675 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1021 = ((($675)) + 8|0); $bitRate = ((($silk_mode1021)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$bitRate>>2] = $mul1020; $676 = $curr_bandwidth; $cmp1022 = ($676|0)==(1104); $677 = $total_bitRate; $678 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1025 = ((($678)) + 8|0); $bitRate1026 = ((($silk_mode1025)) + 28|0); $679 = HEAP32[$bitRate1026>>2]|0; $sub1027 = (($677) - ($679))|0; if ($cmp1022) { $mul1028 = $sub1027<<1; $div1029 = (($mul1028|0) / 3)&-1; $680 = $st$addr; $$sink25 = $680;$div1038$sink = $div1029; } else { $mul1037 = ($sub1027*3)|0; $div1038 = (($mul1037|0) / 5)&-1; $681 = $st$addr; $$sink25 = $681;$div1038$sink = $div1038; } $silk_mode1039 = ((($$sink25)) + 8|0); $bitRate1040 = ((($silk_mode1039)) + 28|0); $682 = HEAP32[$bitRate1040>>2]|0; $add1041 = (($682) + ($div1038$sink))|0; HEAP32[$bitRate1040>>2] = $add1041; $683 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1043 = ((($683)) + 8|0); $bitRate1044 = ((($silk_mode1043)) + 28|0); $684 = HEAP32[$bitRate1044>>2]|0; $685 = $total_bitRate; $mul1045 = $685<<2; $div1046 = (($mul1045|0) / 5)&-1; $cmp1047 = ($684|0)>($div1046|0); if ($cmp1047) { $686 = $total_bitRate; $mul1050 = $686<<2; $div1051 = (($mul1050|0) / 5)&-1; $687 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1052 = ((($687)) + 8|0); $bitRate1053 = ((($silk_mode1052)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$bitRate1053>>2] = $div1051; } $688 = $st$addr; $energy_masking = ((($688)) + 14348|0); $689 = HEAP32[$energy_masking>>2]|0; $tobool1055 = ($689|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool1055) { break; } $690 = $total_bitRate; $691 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1057 = ((($691)) + 8|0); $bitRate1058 = ((($silk_mode1057)) + 28|0); $692 = HEAP32[$bitRate1058>>2]|0; $sub1059 = (($690) - ($692))|0; $celt_rate = $sub1059; $693 = $curr_bandwidth; $cmp1060 = ($693|0)==(1104); $cond1062 = $cmp1060 ? 3000 : 3600; $HB_gain_ref = $cond1062; $694 = $celt_rate; $conv1063 = (+($694|0)); $695 = $celt_rate; $conv1064 = (+($695|0)); $696 = $st$addr; $stream_channels1065 = ((($696)) + 14288|0); $697 = HEAP32[$stream_channels1065>>2]|0; $698 = $HB_gain_ref; $mul1066 = Math_imul($697, $698)|0; $conv1067 = (+($mul1066|0)); $add1068 = $conv1064 + $conv1067; $div1069 = $conv1063 / $add1068; $HB_gain = $div1069; $699 = $HB_gain; $cmp1070 = $699 < 0.8571428656578064; $700 = $HB_gain; $add1073 = $700 + 0.1428571492433548; $cond1076 = $cmp1070 ? $add1073 : 1.0; $HB_gain = $cond1076; } else { $701 = $total_bitRate; $702 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1079 = ((($702)) + 8|0); $bitRate1080 = ((($silk_mode1079)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$bitRate1080>>2] = $701; } } while(0); $703 = $st$addr; $energy_masking1082 = ((($703)) + 14348|0); $704 = HEAP32[$energy_masking1082>>2]|0; $tobool1083 = ($704|0)!=(0|0); do { if ($tobool1083) { $705 = $st$addr; $use_vbr1085 = ((($705)) + 136|0); $706 = HEAP32[$use_vbr1085>>2]|0; $tobool1086 = ($706|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool1086)) { break; } $707 = $st$addr; $lfe1088 = ((($707)) + 164|0); $708 = HEAP32[$lfe1088>>2]|0; $tobool1089 = ($708|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1089) { break; } $mask_sum = 0.0; $end = 17; $srate = 16000; $709 = $st$addr; $bandwidth1091 = ((($709)) + 14336|0); $710 = HEAP32[$bandwidth1091>>2]|0; $cmp1092 = ($710|0)==(1101); do { if ($cmp1092) { $end = 13; $srate = 8000; } else { $711 = $st$addr; $bandwidth1096 = ((($711)) + 14336|0); $712 = HEAP32[$bandwidth1096>>2]|0; $cmp1097 = ($712|0)==(1102); if (!($cmp1097)) { break; } $end = 15; $srate = 12000; } } while(0); $c = 0; while(1) { $713 = $c; $714 = $st$addr; $channels1103 = ((($714)) + 100|0); $715 = HEAP32[$channels1103>>2]|0; $cmp1104 = ($713|0)<($715|0); if (!($cmp1104)) { break; } $i = 0; while(1) { $716 = $i; $717 = $end; $cmp1108 = ($716|0)<($717|0); if (!($cmp1108)) { break; } $718 = $st$addr; $energy_masking1111 = ((($718)) + 14348|0); $719 = HEAP32[$energy_masking1111>>2]|0; $720 = $c; $mul1112 = ($720*21)|0; $721 = $i; $add1113 = (($mul1112) + ($721))|0; $arrayidx1114 = (($719) + ($add1113<<2)|0); $722 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1114>>2]; $cmp1115 = $722 < 0.5; if ($cmp1115) { $723 = $st$addr; $energy_masking1118 = ((($723)) + 14348|0); $724 = HEAP32[$energy_masking1118>>2]|0; $725 = $c; $mul1119 = ($725*21)|0; $726 = $i; $add1120 = (($mul1119) + ($726))|0; $arrayidx1121 = (($724) + ($add1120<<2)|0); $727 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1121>>2]; $cond1124 = $727; } else { $cond1124 = 0.5; } $cmp1125 = $cond1124 > -2.0; do { if ($cmp1125) { $728 = $st$addr; $energy_masking1128 = ((($728)) + 14348|0); $729 = HEAP32[$energy_masking1128>>2]|0; $730 = $c; $mul1129 = ($730*21)|0; $731 = $i; $add1130 = (($mul1129) + ($731))|0; $arrayidx1131 = (($729) + ($add1130<<2)|0); $732 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1131>>2]; $cmp1132 = $732 < 0.5; if (!($cmp1132)) { $cond1144 = 0.5; break; } $733 = $st$addr; $energy_masking1135 = ((($733)) + 14348|0); $734 = HEAP32[$energy_masking1135>>2]|0; $735 = $c; $mul1136 = ($735*21)|0; $736 = $i; $add1137 = (($mul1136) + ($736))|0; $arrayidx1138 = (($734) + ($add1137<<2)|0); $737 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1138>>2]; $cond1144 = $737; } else { $cond1144 = -2.0; } } while(0); $mask = $cond1144; $738 = $mask; $cmp1145 = $738 > 0.0; if ($cmp1145) { $739 = $mask; $mul1148 = 0.5 * $739; $mask = $mul1148; } $740 = $mask; $741 = $mask_sum; $add1150 = $741 + $740; $mask_sum = $add1150; $742 = $i; $inc1152 = (($742) + 1)|0; $i = $inc1152; } $743 = $c; $inc1155 = (($743) + 1)|0; $c = $inc1155; } $744 = $mask_sum; $745 = $end; $conv1157 = (+($745|0)); $div1158 = $744 / $conv1157; $746 = $st$addr; $channels1159 = ((($746)) + 100|0); $747 = HEAP32[$channels1159>>2]|0; $conv1160 = (+($747|0)); $mul1161 = $div1158 * $conv1160; $masking_depth = $mul1161; $748 = $masking_depth; $add1162 = $748 + 0.20000000298023224; $masking_depth = $add1162; $749 = $srate; $conv1163 = (+($749<<16>>16)); $750 = $masking_depth; $mul1164 = $conv1163 * $750; $conv1165 = (~~(($mul1164))); $rate_offset = $conv1165; $751 = $rate_offset; $752 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1166 = ((($752)) + 8|0); $bitRate1167 = ((($silk_mode1166)) + 28|0); $753 = HEAP32[$bitRate1167>>2]|0; $mul1168 = Math_imul(-2, $753)|0; $div1169 = (($mul1168|0) / 3)&-1; $cmp1170 = ($751|0)>($div1169|0); if ($cmp1170) { $754 = $rate_offset; $cond1179 = $754; } else { $755 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1174 = ((($755)) + 8|0); $bitRate1175 = ((($silk_mode1174)) + 28|0); $756 = HEAP32[$bitRate1175>>2]|0; $mul1176 = Math_imul(-2, $756)|0; $div1177 = (($mul1176|0) / 3)&-1; $cond1179 = $div1177; } $rate_offset = $cond1179; $757 = $st$addr; $bandwidth1180 = ((($757)) + 14336|0); $758 = HEAP32[$bandwidth1180>>2]|0; $cmp1181 = ($758|0)==(1104); do { if ($cmp1181) { label = 276; } else { $759 = $st$addr; $bandwidth1184 = ((($759)) + 14336|0); $760 = HEAP32[$bandwidth1184>>2]|0; $cmp1185 = ($760|0)==(1105); if ($cmp1185) { label = 276; break; } $763 = $rate_offset; $764 = $st$addr; $$sink15 = $763;$$sink26 = $764; } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 276) { $761 = $rate_offset; $mul1188 = ($761*3)|0; $div1189 = (($mul1188|0) / 5)&-1; $762 = $st$addr; $$sink15 = $div1189;$$sink26 = $762; } $silk_mode1194 = ((($$sink26)) + 8|0); $bitRate1195 = ((($silk_mode1194)) + 28|0); $765 = HEAP32[$bitRate1195>>2]|0; $add1196 = (($765) + ($$sink15))|0; HEAP32[$bitRate1195>>2] = $add1196; $766 = $rate_offset; $767 = $frame_size$addr; $mul1198 = Math_imul($766, $767)|0; $768 = $st$addr; $Fs1199 = ((($768)) + 132|0); $769 = HEAP32[$Fs1199>>2]|0; $mul1200 = $769<<3; $div1201 = (($mul1198|0) / ($mul1200|0))&-1; $770 = $bytes_target; $add1202 = (($770) + ($div1201))|0; $bytes_target = $add1202; } } while(0); $771 = $frame_size$addr; $mul1204 = ($771*1000)|0; $772 = $st$addr; $Fs1205 = ((($772)) + 132|0); $773 = HEAP32[$Fs1205>>2]|0; $div1206 = (($mul1204|0) / ($773|0))&-1; $774 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1207 = ((($774)) + 8|0); $payloadSize_ms = ((($silk_mode1207)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms>>2] = $div1206; $775 = $st$addr; $channels1208 = ((($775)) + 100|0); $776 = HEAP32[$channels1208>>2]|0; $777 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1209 = ((($777)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$silk_mode1209>>2] = $776; $778 = $st$addr; $stream_channels1210 = ((($778)) + 14288|0); $779 = HEAP32[$stream_channels1210>>2]|0; $780 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1211 = ((($780)) + 8|0); $nChannelsInternal = ((($silk_mode1211)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal>>2] = $779; $781 = $curr_bandwidth; $cmp1212 = ($781|0)==(1101); if ($cmp1212) { $782 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1215 = ((($782)) + 8|0); $desiredInternalSampleRate = ((($silk_mode1215)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate>>2] = 8000; } else { $783 = $curr_bandwidth; $cmp1217 = ($783|0)==(1102); $784 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1220 = ((($784)) + 8|0); $desiredInternalSampleRate1221 = ((($silk_mode1220)) + 20|0); $$sink17 = $cmp1217 ? 12000 : 16000; HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate1221>>2] = $$sink17; } $785 = $st$addr; $mode1227 = ((($785)) + 14320|0); $786 = HEAP32[$mode1227>>2]|0; $cmp1228 = ($786|0)==(1001); $787 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1231 = ((($787)) + 8|0); $minInternalSampleRate = ((($silk_mode1231)) + 16|0); $$sink18 = $cmp1228 ? 16000 : 8000; HEAP32[$minInternalSampleRate>>2] = $$sink18; $788 = $st$addr; $mode1236 = ((($788)) + 14320|0); $789 = HEAP32[$mode1236>>2]|0; $cmp1237 = ($789|0)==(1000); do { if ($cmp1237) { $790 = $max_rate; $effective_max_rate = $790; $791 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1240 = ((($791)) + 8|0); $maxInternalSampleRate = ((($silk_mode1240)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate>>2] = 16000; $792 = $frame_rate; $cmp1241 = ($792|0)>(50); if ($cmp1241) { $793 = $effective_max_rate; $mul1244 = $793<<1; $div1245 = (($mul1244|0) / 3)&-1; $effective_max_rate = $div1245; } $794 = $effective_max_rate; $cmp1247 = ($794|0)<(13000); if ($cmp1247) { $795 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1250 = ((($795)) + 8|0); $maxInternalSampleRate1251 = ((($silk_mode1250)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate1251>>2] = 12000; $796 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1252 = ((($796)) + 8|0); $desiredInternalSampleRate1253 = ((($silk_mode1252)) + 20|0); $797 = HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate1253>>2]|0; $cmp1254 = (12000)<($797|0); if ($cmp1254) { $cond1261 = 12000; } else { $798 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1258 = ((($798)) + 8|0); $desiredInternalSampleRate1259 = ((($silk_mode1258)) + 20|0); $799 = HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate1259>>2]|0; $cond1261 = $799; } $800 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1262 = ((($800)) + 8|0); $desiredInternalSampleRate1263 = ((($silk_mode1262)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate1263>>2] = $cond1261; } $801 = $effective_max_rate; $cmp1265 = ($801|0)<(9600); if (!($cmp1265)) { break; } $802 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1268 = ((($802)) + 8|0); $maxInternalSampleRate1269 = ((($silk_mode1268)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate1269>>2] = 8000; $803 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1270 = ((($803)) + 8|0); $desiredInternalSampleRate1271 = ((($silk_mode1270)) + 20|0); $804 = HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate1271>>2]|0; $cmp1272 = (8000)<($804|0); if ($cmp1272) { $cond1279 = 8000; } else { $805 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1276 = ((($805)) + 8|0); $desiredInternalSampleRate1277 = ((($silk_mode1276)) + 20|0); $806 = HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate1277>>2]|0; $cond1279 = $806; } $807 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1280 = ((($807)) + 8|0); $desiredInternalSampleRate1281 = ((($silk_mode1280)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate1281>>2] = $cond1279; } else { $808 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1284 = ((($808)) + 8|0); $maxInternalSampleRate1285 = ((($silk_mode1284)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate1285>>2] = 16000; } } while(0); $809 = $st$addr; $use_vbr1287 = ((($809)) + 136|0); $810 = HEAP32[$use_vbr1287>>2]|0; $tobool1288 = ($810|0)!=(0); $lnot1289 = $tobool1288 ^ 1; $lnot$ext1290 = $lnot1289&1; $811 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1291 = ((($811)) + 8|0); $useCBR = ((($silk_mode1291)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$useCBR>>2] = $lnot$ext1290; $812 = $max_data_bytes; $sub1292 = (($812) - 1)|0; $813 = $redundancy_bytes; $sub1293 = (($sub1292) - ($813))|0; $cmp1294 = (1275)<($sub1293|0); if ($cmp1294) { $cond1301 = 1275; } else { $814 = $max_data_bytes; $sub1298 = (($814) - 1)|0; $815 = $redundancy_bytes; $sub1299 = (($sub1298) - ($815))|0; $cond1301 = $sub1299; } HEAP32[$nBytes>>2] = $cond1301; $816 = HEAP32[$nBytes>>2]|0; $mul1302 = $816<<3; $817 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1303 = ((($817)) + 8|0); $maxBits = ((($silk_mode1303)) + 52|0); HEAP32[$maxBits>>2] = $mul1302; $818 = $st$addr; $mode1304 = ((($818)) + 14320|0); $819 = HEAP32[$mode1304>>2]|0; $cmp1305 = ($819|0)==(1001); if ($cmp1305) { $820 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1308 = ((($820)) + 8|0); $maxBits1309 = ((($silk_mode1308)) + 52|0); $821 = HEAP32[$maxBits1309>>2]|0; $mul1310 = ($821*9)|0; $div1311 = (($mul1310|0) / 10)&-1; $822 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1312 = ((($822)) + 8|0); $maxBits1313 = ((($silk_mode1312)) + 52|0); HEAP32[$maxBits1313>>2] = $div1311; } $823 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1315 = ((($823)) + 8|0); $useCBR1316 = ((($silk_mode1315)) + 48|0); $824 = HEAP32[$useCBR1316>>2]|0; $tobool1317 = ($824|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1317) { $825 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1319 = ((($825)) + 8|0); $bitRate1320 = ((($silk_mode1319)) + 28|0); $826 = HEAP32[$bitRate1320>>2]|0; $827 = $frame_size$addr; $mul1321 = Math_imul($826, $827)|0; $828 = $st$addr; $Fs1322 = ((($828)) + 132|0); $829 = HEAP32[$Fs1322>>2]|0; $mul1323 = $829<<3; $div1324 = (($mul1321|0) / ($mul1323|0))&-1; $mul1325 = $div1324<<3; $830 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1326 = ((($830)) + 8|0); $maxBits1327 = ((($silk_mode1326)) + 52|0); HEAP32[$maxBits1327>>2] = $mul1325; $831 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1328 = ((($831)) + 8|0); $bitRate1329 = ((($silk_mode1328)) + 28|0); $832 = HEAP32[$bitRate1329>>2]|0; $sub1330 = (($832) - 2000)|0; $cmp1331 = (1)>($sub1330|0); if ($cmp1331) { $cond1339 = 1; } else { $833 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1335 = ((($833)) + 8|0); $bitRate1336 = ((($silk_mode1335)) + 28|0); $834 = HEAP32[$bitRate1336>>2]|0; $sub1337 = (($834) - 2000)|0; $cond1339 = $sub1337; } $835 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1340 = ((($835)) + 8|0); $bitRate1341 = ((($silk_mode1340)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$bitRate1341>>2] = $cond1339; } $836 = $prefill; $tobool1343 = ($836|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1343) { HEAP32[$zero>>2] = 0; $837 = $st$addr; $channels1345 = ((($837)) + 100|0); $838 = HEAP32[$channels1345>>2]|0; $839 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer1346 = ((($839)) + 160|0); $840 = HEAP32[$encoder_buffer1346>>2]|0; $841 = $st$addr; $delay_compensation1347 = ((($841)) + 104|0); $842 = HEAP32[$delay_compensation1347>>2]|0; $sub1348 = (($840) - ($842))|0; $843 = $st$addr; $Fs1349 = ((($843)) + 132|0); $844 = HEAP32[$Fs1349>>2]|0; $div1350 = (($844|0) / 400)&-1; $sub1351 = (($sub1348) - ($div1350))|0; $mul1352 = Math_imul($838, $sub1351)|0; $prefill_offset = $mul1352; $845 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer1353 = ((($845)) + 14372|0); $846 = $prefill_offset; $add$ptr1355 = (($delay_buffer1353) + ($846<<2)|0); $847 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer1356 = ((($847)) + 14372|0); $848 = $prefill_offset; $add$ptr1358 = (($delay_buffer1356) + ($848<<2)|0); $849 = HEAP32[$celt_mode>>2]|0; $overlap = ((($849)) + 4|0); $850 = HEAP32[$overlap>>2]|0; $851 = $st$addr; $Fs1359 = ((($851)) + 132|0); $852 = HEAP32[$Fs1359>>2]|0; $div1360 = (($852|0) / 400)&-1; $853 = $st$addr; $channels1361 = ((($853)) + 100|0); $854 = HEAP32[$channels1361>>2]|0; $855 = HEAP32[$celt_mode>>2]|0; $window = ((($855)) + 60|0); $856 = HEAP32[$window>>2]|0; $857 = $st$addr; $Fs1362 = ((($857)) + 132|0); $858 = HEAP32[$Fs1362>>2]|0; _gain_fade($add$ptr1355,$add$ptr1358,0.0,1.0,$850,$div1360,$854,$856,$858); $859 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer1363 = ((($859)) + 14372|0); $860 = $prefill_offset; $mul1365 = $860<<2; _memset(($delay_buffer1363|0),0,($mul1365|0))|0; $i = 0; while(1) { $861 = $i; $862 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer1367 = ((($862)) + 160|0); $863 = HEAP32[$encoder_buffer1367>>2]|0; $864 = $st$addr; $channels1368 = ((($864)) + 100|0); $865 = HEAP32[$channels1368>>2]|0; $mul1369 = Math_imul($863, $865)|0; $cmp1370 = ($861|0)<($mul1369|0); if (!($cmp1370)) { break; } $866 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer1373 = ((($866)) + 14372|0); $867 = $i; $arrayidx1374 = (($delay_buffer1373) + ($867<<2)|0); $868 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1374>>2]; $call1375 = (_FLOAT2INT16_13($868)|0); $869 = $i; $arrayidx1376 = (($vla1006) + ($869<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx1376>>1] = $call1375; $870 = $i; $inc1378 = (($870) + 1)|0; $i = $inc1378; } $871 = $silk_enc; $872 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1380 = ((($872)) + 8|0); $873 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer1381 = ((($873)) + 160|0); $874 = HEAP32[$encoder_buffer1381>>2]|0; (_silk_Encode($871,$silk_mode1380,$vla1006,$874,0,$zero,1)|0); } $i = 0; while(1) { $875 = $i; $876 = $frame_size$addr; $877 = $st$addr; $channels1385 = ((($877)) + 100|0); $878 = HEAP32[$channels1385>>2]|0; $mul1386 = Math_imul($876, $878)|0; $cmp1387 = ($875|0)<($mul1386|0); if (!($cmp1387)) { break; } $879 = $total_buffer; $880 = $st$addr; $channels1390 = ((($880)) + 100|0); $881 = HEAP32[$channels1390>>2]|0; $mul1391 = Math_imul($879, $881)|0; $882 = $i; $add1392 = (($mul1391) + ($882))|0; $arrayidx1393 = (($vla904) + ($add1392<<2)|0); $883 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1393>>2]; $call1394 = (_FLOAT2INT16_13($883)|0); $884 = $i; $arrayidx1395 = (($vla1006) + ($884<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx1395>>1] = $call1394; $885 = $i; $inc1397 = (($885) + 1)|0; $i = $inc1397; } $886 = $silk_enc; $887 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1399 = ((($887)) + 8|0); $888 = $frame_size$addr; $call1400 = (_silk_Encode($886,$silk_mode1399,$vla1006,$888,$enc,$nBytes,0)|0); $ret = $call1400; $889 = $ret; $tobool1401 = ($889|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool1401) { $retval = -3; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; } else { $890 = HEAP32[$nBytes>>2]|0; $cmp1404 = ($890|0)==(0); $891 = $st$addr; if ($cmp1404) { $rangeFinal1407 = ((($891)) + 18216|0); HEAP32[$rangeFinal1407>>2] = 0; $892 = $st$addr; $mode1408 = ((($892)) + 14320|0); $893 = HEAP32[$mode1408>>2]|0; $894 = $st$addr; $Fs1409 = ((($894)) + 132|0); $895 = HEAP32[$Fs1409>>2]|0; $896 = $frame_size$addr; $div1410 = (($895|0) / ($896|0))&-1; $897 = $curr_bandwidth; $898 = $st$addr; $stream_channels1411 = ((($898)) + 14288|0); $899 = HEAP32[$stream_channels1411>>2]|0; $call1412 = (_gen_toc($893,$div1410,$897,$899)|0); $900 = $data$addr; $arrayidx1413 = ((($900)) + -1|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx1413>>0] = $call1412; $retval = 1; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; break; } $mode1415 = ((($891)) + 14320|0); $901 = HEAP32[$mode1415>>2]|0; $cmp1416 = ($901|0)==(1000); do { if ($cmp1416) { $902 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1419 = ((($902)) + 8|0); $internalSampleRate = ((($silk_mode1419)) + 68|0); $903 = HEAP32[$internalSampleRate>>2]|0; $cmp1420 = ($903|0)==(8000); if ($cmp1420) { $curr_bandwidth = 1101; break; } $904 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1424 = ((($904)) + 8|0); $internalSampleRate1425 = ((($silk_mode1424)) + 68|0); $905 = HEAP32[$internalSampleRate1425>>2]|0; $cmp1426 = ($905|0)==(12000); if ($cmp1426) { $curr_bandwidth = 1102; break; } $906 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1430 = ((($906)) + 8|0); $internalSampleRate1431 = ((($silk_mode1430)) + 68|0); $907 = HEAP32[$internalSampleRate1431>>2]|0; $cmp1432 = ($907|0)==(16000); if (!($cmp1432)) { break; } $curr_bandwidth = 1103; } } while(0); $908 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1440 = ((($908)) + 8|0); $switchReady = ((($silk_mode1440)) + 84|0); $909 = HEAP32[$switchReady>>2]|0; $910 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1441 = ((($910)) + 8|0); $opusCanSwitch = ((($silk_mode1441)) + 60|0); HEAP32[$opusCanSwitch>>2] = $909; $911 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1442 = ((($911)) + 8|0); $opusCanSwitch1443 = ((($silk_mode1442)) + 60|0); $912 = HEAP32[$opusCanSwitch1443>>2]|0; $tobool1444 = ($912|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1444) { $redundancy = 1; $celt_to_silk = 0; $913 = $st$addr; $silk_bw_switch1446 = ((($913)) + 14340|0); HEAP32[$silk_bw_switch1446>>2] = 1; } $cleanup$dest$slot = 0; } } while(0); $914 = $saved_stack1005; _llvm_stackrestore(($914|0)); $cleanup$dest = $cleanup$dest$slot; $cond1 = ($cleanup$dest|0)==(0); if ($cond1) { label = 325; } } else { label = 325; } L430: do { if ((label|0) == 325) { $endband = 21; $915 = $curr_bandwidth; switch ($915|0) { case 1101: { $endband = 13; break; } case 1103: case 1102: { $endband = 17; break; } case 1104: { $endband = 19; break; } case 1105: { $endband = 21; break; } default: { } } $916 = $celt_enc; $917 = $endband; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer31>>2] = $917; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($916,10012,$vararg_buffer31)|0); $918 = $celt_enc; $919 = $st$addr; $stream_channels1459 = ((($919)) + 14288|0); $920 = HEAP32[$stream_channels1459>>2]|0; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer34>>2] = $920; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($918,10008,$vararg_buffer34)|0); $921 = $celt_enc; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer37>>2] = -1; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($921,4002,$vararg_buffer37)|0); $922 = $st$addr; $mode1462 = ((($922)) + 14320|0); $923 = HEAP32[$mode1462>>2]|0; $cmp1463 = ($923|0)!=(1000); do { if ($cmp1463) { $celt_pred = 2.0; $924 = $celt_enc; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer40>>2] = 0; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($924,4006,$vararg_buffer40)|0); $925 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1467 = ((($925)) + 8|0); $reducedDependency = ((($silk_mode1467)) + 64|0); $926 = HEAP32[$reducedDependency>>2]|0; $tobool1468 = ($926|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1468) { $celt_pred = 0.0; } $927 = $celt_enc; $928 = $celt_pred; $conv1473 = (~~(($928))); HEAP32[$vararg_buffer43>>2] = $conv1473; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($927,10002,$vararg_buffer43)|0); $929 = $st$addr; $mode1475 = ((($929)) + 14320|0); $930 = HEAP32[$mode1475>>2]|0; $cmp1476 = ($930|0)==(1001); if ($cmp1476) { $call1479 = (_ec_tell_14($enc)|0); $add1480 = (($call1479) + 7)|0; $shr1481 = $add1480 >> 3; $len = $shr1481; $931 = $redundancy; $tobool1482 = ($931|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1482) { $932 = $st$addr; $mode1484 = ((($932)) + 14320|0); $933 = HEAP32[$mode1484>>2]|0; $cmp1485 = ($933|0)==(1001); $cond1487 = $cmp1485 ? 3 : 1; $934 = $len; $add1488 = (($934) + ($cond1487))|0; $len = $add1488; } $935 = $st$addr; $use_vbr1490 = ((($935)) + 136|0); $936 = HEAP32[$use_vbr1490>>2]|0; $tobool1491 = ($936|0)!=(0); $937 = $len; $938 = $bytes_target; if ($tobool1491) { $add1493 = (($937) + ($938))|0; $939 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1494 = ((($939)) + 8|0); $bitRate1495 = ((($silk_mode1494)) + 28|0); $940 = HEAP32[$bitRate1495>>2]|0; $941 = $frame_size$addr; $mul1496 = Math_imul($940, $941)|0; $942 = $st$addr; $Fs1497 = ((($942)) + 132|0); $943 = HEAP32[$Fs1497>>2]|0; $mul1498 = $943<<3; $div1499 = (($mul1496|0) / ($mul1498|0))&-1; $sub1500 = (($add1493) - ($div1499))|0; $nb_compr_bytes = $sub1500; break; } else { $cmp1502 = ($937|0)>($938|0); $944 = $len; $945 = $bytes_target; $cond1507 = $cmp1502 ? $944 : $945; $nb_compr_bytes = $cond1507; break; } } $946 = $st$addr; $use_vbr1510 = ((($946)) + 136|0); $947 = HEAP32[$use_vbr1510>>2]|0; $tobool1511 = ($947|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool1511)) { $971 = $bytes_target; $nb_compr_bytes = $971; break; } $bonus = 0; $948 = $st$addr; $variable_duration1513 = ((($948)) + 144|0); $949 = HEAP32[$variable_duration1513>>2]|0; $cmp1514 = ($949|0)==(5010); do { if ($cmp1514) { $950 = $frame_size$addr; $951 = $st$addr; $Fs1517 = ((($951)) + 132|0); $952 = HEAP32[$Fs1517>>2]|0; $div1518 = (($952|0) / 50)&-1; $cmp1519 = ($950|0)!=($div1518|0); if (!($cmp1519)) { break; } $953 = $st$addr; $stream_channels1522 = ((($953)) + 14288|0); $954 = HEAP32[$stream_channels1522>>2]|0; $mul1523 = ($954*60)|0; $add1524 = (($mul1523) + 40)|0; $955 = $st$addr; $Fs1525 = ((($955)) + 132|0); $956 = HEAP32[$Fs1525>>2]|0; $957 = $frame_size$addr; $div1526 = (($956|0) / ($957|0))&-1; $sub1527 = (($div1526) - 50)|0; $mul1528 = Math_imul($add1524, $sub1527)|0; $bonus = $mul1528; $958 = HEAP32[$analysis_info>>2]|0; $tobool1530 = ($958|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool1530)) { break; } $959 = $bonus; $conv1532 = (+($959|0)); $tonality = ((($analysis_info)) + 4|0); $960 = +HEAPF32[$tonality>>2]; $mul1533 = 0.5 * $960; $add1534 = 1.0 + $mul1533; $mul1535 = $conv1532 * $add1534; $conv1536 = (~~(($mul1535))); $bonus = $conv1536; } } while(0); $961 = $celt_enc; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer46>>2] = 1; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($961,4006,$vararg_buffer46)|0); $962 = $celt_enc; $963 = $st$addr; $vbr_constraint1542 = ((($963)) + 140|0); $964 = HEAP32[$vbr_constraint1542>>2]|0; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer49>>2] = $964; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($962,4020,$vararg_buffer49)|0); $965 = $celt_enc; $966 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps1548 = ((($966)) + 148|0); $967 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps1548>>2]|0; $968 = $bonus; $add1549 = (($967) + ($968))|0; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer52>>2] = $add1549; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($965,4002,$vararg_buffer52)|0); $969 = $max_data_bytes; $sub1551 = (($969) - 1)|0; $970 = $redundancy_bytes; $sub1552 = (($sub1551) - ($970))|0; $nb_compr_bytes = $sub1552; } else { $nb_compr_bytes = 0; } } while(0); $972 = $st$addr; $channels1558 = ((($972)) + 100|0); $973 = HEAP32[$channels1558>>2]|0; $974 = $st$addr; $Fs1559 = ((($974)) + 132|0); $975 = HEAP32[$Fs1559>>2]|0; $mul1560 = Math_imul($973, $975)|0; $div1561 = (($mul1560|0) / 400)&-1; $vla1562$alloca_mul = $div1561<<2; $vla1562 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla1562$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla1562$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $976 = $st$addr; $mode1563 = ((($976)) + 14320|0); $977 = HEAP32[$mode1563>>2]|0; $cmp1564 = ($977|0)!=(1000); do { if ($cmp1564) { $978 = $st$addr; $mode1567 = ((($978)) + 14320|0); $979 = HEAP32[$mode1567>>2]|0; $980 = $st$addr; $prev_mode1568 = ((($980)) + 14324|0); $981 = HEAP32[$prev_mode1568>>2]|0; $cmp1569 = ($979|0)!=($981|0); if (!($cmp1569)) { break; } $982 = $st$addr; $prev_mode1572 = ((($982)) + 14324|0); $983 = HEAP32[$prev_mode1572>>2]|0; $cmp1573 = ($983|0)>(0); if (!($cmp1573)) { break; } $984 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer1576 = ((($984)) + 14372|0); $985 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer1577 = ((($985)) + 160|0); $986 = HEAP32[$encoder_buffer1577>>2]|0; $987 = $total_buffer; $sub1578 = (($986) - ($987))|0; $988 = $st$addr; $Fs1579 = ((($988)) + 132|0); $989 = HEAP32[$Fs1579>>2]|0; $div1580 = (($989|0) / 400)&-1; $sub1581 = (($sub1578) - ($div1580))|0; $990 = $st$addr; $channels1582 = ((($990)) + 100|0); $991 = HEAP32[$channels1582>>2]|0; $mul1583 = Math_imul($sub1581, $991)|0; $arrayidx1584 = (($delay_buffer1576) + ($mul1583<<2)|0); $992 = $st$addr; $channels1585 = ((($992)) + 100|0); $993 = HEAP32[$channels1585>>2]|0; $994 = $st$addr; $Fs1586 = ((($994)) + 132|0); $995 = HEAP32[$Fs1586>>2]|0; $mul1587 = Math_imul($993, $995)|0; $div1588 = (($mul1587|0) / 400)&-1; $mul1589 = $div1588<<2; $996 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer1590 = ((($996)) + 14372|0); $997 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer1591 = ((($997)) + 160|0); $998 = HEAP32[$encoder_buffer1591>>2]|0; $999 = $total_buffer; $sub1592 = (($998) - ($999))|0; $1000 = $st$addr; $Fs1593 = ((($1000)) + 132|0); $1001 = HEAP32[$Fs1593>>2]|0; $div1594 = (($1001|0) / 400)&-1; $sub1595 = (($sub1592) - ($div1594))|0; $1002 = $st$addr; $channels1596 = ((($1002)) + 100|0); $1003 = HEAP32[$channels1596>>2]|0; $mul1597 = Math_imul($sub1595, $1003)|0; $arrayidx1598 = (($delay_buffer1590) + ($mul1597<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1599 = $vla1562; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1600 = $arrayidx1598; $sub$ptr$sub1601 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast1599) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast1600))|0; $sub$ptr$div1602 = (($sub$ptr$sub1601|0) / 4)&-1; $mul1603 = 0; $add1604 = (($mul1589) + ($mul1603))|0; _memcpy(($vla1562|0),($arrayidx1584|0),($add1604|0))|0; } } while(0); $1004 = $st$addr; $channels1606 = ((($1004)) + 100|0); $1005 = HEAP32[$channels1606>>2]|0; $1006 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer1607 = ((($1006)) + 160|0); $1007 = HEAP32[$encoder_buffer1607>>2]|0; $1008 = $frame_size$addr; $1009 = $total_buffer; $add1608 = (($1008) + ($1009))|0; $sub1609 = (($1007) - ($add1608))|0; $mul1610 = Math_imul($1005, $sub1609)|0; $cmp1611 = ($mul1610|0)>(0); $1010 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer1614 = ((($1010)) + 14372|0); if ($cmp1611) { $1011 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer1616 = ((($1011)) + 14372|0); $1012 = $st$addr; $channels1617 = ((($1012)) + 100|0); $1013 = HEAP32[$channels1617>>2]|0; $1014 = $frame_size$addr; $mul1618 = Math_imul($1013, $1014)|0; $arrayidx1619 = (($delay_buffer1616) + ($mul1618<<2)|0); $1015 = $st$addr; $channels1620 = ((($1015)) + 100|0); $1016 = HEAP32[$channels1620>>2]|0; $1017 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer1621 = ((($1017)) + 160|0); $1018 = HEAP32[$encoder_buffer1621>>2]|0; $1019 = $frame_size$addr; $sub1622 = (($1018) - ($1019))|0; $1020 = $total_buffer; $sub1623 = (($sub1622) - ($1020))|0; $mul1624 = Math_imul($1016, $sub1623)|0; $mul1625 = $mul1624<<2; $1021 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer1626 = ((($1021)) + 14372|0); $1022 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer1628 = ((($1022)) + 14372|0); $1023 = $st$addr; $channels1629 = ((($1023)) + 100|0); $1024 = HEAP32[$channels1629>>2]|0; $1025 = $frame_size$addr; $mul1630 = Math_imul($1024, $1025)|0; $arrayidx1631 = (($delay_buffer1628) + ($mul1630<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1632 = $delay_buffer1626; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1633 = $arrayidx1631; $sub$ptr$sub1634 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast1632) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast1633))|0; $sub$ptr$div1635 = (($sub$ptr$sub1634|0) / 4)&-1; $mul1636 = 0; $add1637 = (($mul1625) + ($mul1636))|0; _memmove(($delay_buffer1614|0),($arrayidx1619|0),($add1637|0))|0; $1026 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer1638 = ((($1026)) + 14372|0); $1027 = $st$addr; $channels1639 = ((($1027)) + 100|0); $1028 = HEAP32[$channels1639>>2]|0; $1029 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer1640 = ((($1029)) + 160|0); $1030 = HEAP32[$encoder_buffer1640>>2]|0; $1031 = $frame_size$addr; $sub1641 = (($1030) - ($1031))|0; $1032 = $total_buffer; $sub1642 = (($sub1641) - ($1032))|0; $mul1643 = Math_imul($1028, $sub1642)|0; $arrayidx1644 = (($delay_buffer1638) + ($mul1643<<2)|0); $1033 = $frame_size$addr; $1034 = $total_buffer; $add1646 = (($1033) + ($1034))|0; $1035 = $st$addr; $channels1647 = ((($1035)) + 100|0); $1036 = HEAP32[$channels1647>>2]|0; $mul1648 = Math_imul($add1646, $1036)|0; $mul1649 = $mul1648<<2; $1037 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer1650 = ((($1037)) + 14372|0); $1038 = $st$addr; $channels1651 = ((($1038)) + 100|0); $1039 = HEAP32[$channels1651>>2]|0; $1040 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer1652 = ((($1040)) + 160|0); $1041 = HEAP32[$encoder_buffer1652>>2]|0; $1042 = $frame_size$addr; $sub1653 = (($1041) - ($1042))|0; $1043 = $total_buffer; $sub1654 = (($sub1653) - ($1043))|0; $mul1655 = Math_imul($1039, $sub1654)|0; $arrayidx1656 = (($delay_buffer1650) + ($mul1655<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1658 = $arrayidx1656; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1659 = $vla904; $sub$ptr$sub1660 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast1658) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast1659))|0; $sub$ptr$div1661 = (($sub$ptr$sub1660|0) / 4)&-1; $mul1662 = 0; $add1663 = (($mul1649) + ($mul1662))|0; _memcpy(($arrayidx1644|0),($vla904|0),($add1663|0))|0; } else { $1044 = $frame_size$addr; $1045 = $total_buffer; $add1667 = (($1044) + ($1045))|0; $1046 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer1668 = ((($1046)) + 160|0); $1047 = HEAP32[$encoder_buffer1668>>2]|0; $sub1669 = (($add1667) - ($1047))|0; $1048 = $st$addr; $channels1670 = ((($1048)) + 100|0); $1049 = HEAP32[$channels1670>>2]|0; $mul1671 = Math_imul($sub1669, $1049)|0; $arrayidx1672 = (($vla904) + ($mul1671<<2)|0); $1050 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer1673 = ((($1050)) + 160|0); $1051 = HEAP32[$encoder_buffer1673>>2]|0; $1052 = $st$addr; $channels1674 = ((($1052)) + 100|0); $1053 = HEAP32[$channels1674>>2]|0; $mul1675 = Math_imul($1051, $1053)|0; $mul1676 = $mul1675<<2; $1054 = $st$addr; $delay_buffer1677 = ((($1054)) + 14372|0); $1055 = $frame_size$addr; $1056 = $total_buffer; $add1679 = (($1055) + ($1056))|0; $1057 = $st$addr; $encoder_buffer1680 = ((($1057)) + 160|0); $1058 = HEAP32[$encoder_buffer1680>>2]|0; $sub1681 = (($add1679) - ($1058))|0; $1059 = $st$addr; $channels1682 = ((($1059)) + 100|0); $1060 = HEAP32[$channels1682>>2]|0; $mul1683 = Math_imul($sub1681, $1060)|0; $arrayidx1684 = (($vla904) + ($mul1683<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1685 = $delay_buffer1677; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1686 = $arrayidx1684; $sub$ptr$sub1687 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast1685) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast1686))|0; $sub$ptr$div1688 = (($sub$ptr$sub1687|0) / 4)&-1; $mul1689 = 0; $add1690 = (($mul1676) + ($mul1689))|0; _memcpy(($delay_buffer1614|0),($arrayidx1672|0),($add1690|0))|0; } $1061 = $st$addr; $prev_HB_gain = ((($1061)) + 14300|0); $1062 = +HEAPF32[$prev_HB_gain>>2]; $cmp1692 = $1062 < 1.0; $1063 = $HB_gain; $cmp1695 = $1063 < 1.0; $or$cond19 = $cmp1692 | $cmp1695; if ($or$cond19) { $1064 = $st$addr; $prev_HB_gain1698 = ((($1064)) + 14300|0); $1065 = +HEAPF32[$prev_HB_gain1698>>2]; $1066 = $HB_gain; $1067 = HEAP32[$celt_mode>>2]|0; $overlap1699 = ((($1067)) + 4|0); $1068 = HEAP32[$overlap1699>>2]|0; $1069 = $frame_size$addr; $1070 = $st$addr; $channels1700 = ((($1070)) + 100|0); $1071 = HEAP32[$channels1700>>2]|0; $1072 = HEAP32[$celt_mode>>2]|0; $window1701 = ((($1072)) + 60|0); $1073 = HEAP32[$window1701>>2]|0; $1074 = $st$addr; $Fs1702 = ((($1074)) + 132|0); $1075 = HEAP32[$Fs1702>>2]|0; _gain_fade($vla904,$vla904,$1065,$1066,$1068,$1069,$1071,$1073,$1075); } $1076 = $HB_gain; $1077 = $st$addr; $prev_HB_gain1704 = ((($1077)) + 14300|0); HEAPF32[$prev_HB_gain1704>>2] = $1076; $1078 = $st$addr; $mode1705 = ((($1078)) + 14320|0); $1079 = HEAP32[$mode1705>>2]|0; $cmp1706 = ($1079|0)!=(1001); if ($cmp1706) { label = 358; } else { $1080 = $st$addr; $stream_channels1709 = ((($1080)) + 14288|0); $1081 = HEAP32[$stream_channels1709>>2]|0; $cmp1710 = ($1081|0)==(1); if ($cmp1710) { label = 358; } } if ((label|0) == 358) { $1082 = $equiv_rate; $sub1713 = (($1082) - 30000)|0; $cmp1714 = (0)>($sub1713|0); $1083 = $equiv_rate; $sub1718 = (($1083) - 30000)|0; $cond1720 = $cmp1714 ? 0 : $sub1718; $mul1721 = $cond1720<<1; $cmp1722 = (16384)<($mul1721|0); if ($cmp1722) { $cond1736 = 16384; } else { $1084 = $equiv_rate; $sub1726 = (($1084) - 30000)|0; $cmp1727 = (0)>($sub1726|0); $1085 = $equiv_rate; $sub1731 = (($1085) - 30000)|0; $cond1733 = $cmp1727 ? 0 : $sub1731; $mul1734 = $cond1733<<1; $cond1736 = $mul1734; } $1086 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1737 = ((($1086)) + 8|0); $stereoWidth_Q14 = ((($silk_mode1737)) + 80|0); HEAP32[$stereoWidth_Q14>>2] = $cond1736; } $1087 = $st$addr; $energy_masking1739 = ((($1087)) + 14348|0); $1088 = HEAP32[$energy_masking1739>>2]|0; $tobool1740 = ($1088|0)!=(0|0); do { if (!($tobool1740)) { $1089 = $st$addr; $channels1742 = ((($1089)) + 100|0); $1090 = HEAP32[$channels1742>>2]|0; $cmp1743 = ($1090|0)==(2); if (!($cmp1743)) { break; } $1091 = $st$addr; $hybrid_stereo_width_Q14 = ((($1091)) + 14292|0); $1092 = HEAP16[$hybrid_stereo_width_Q14>>1]|0; $conv1746 = $1092 << 16 >> 16; $cmp1747 = ($conv1746|0)<(16384); if (!($cmp1747)) { $1093 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1750 = ((($1093)) + 8|0); $stereoWidth_Q141751 = ((($silk_mode1750)) + 80|0); $1094 = HEAP32[$stereoWidth_Q141751>>2]|0; $cmp1752 = ($1094|0)<(16384); if (!($cmp1752)) { break; } } $1095 = $st$addr; $hybrid_stereo_width_Q141755 = ((($1095)) + 14292|0); $1096 = HEAP16[$hybrid_stereo_width_Q141755>>1]|0; $conv1756 = (+($1096<<16>>16)); $g1 = $conv1756; $1097 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1757 = ((($1097)) + 8|0); $stereoWidth_Q141758 = ((($silk_mode1757)) + 80|0); $1098 = HEAP32[$stereoWidth_Q141758>>2]|0; $conv1759 = (+($1098|0)); $g2 = $conv1759; $1099 = $g1; $mul1760 = $1099 * 6.103515625E-5; $g1 = $mul1760; $1100 = $g2; $mul1761 = $1100 * 6.103515625E-5; $g2 = $mul1761; $1101 = $g1; $1102 = $g2; $1103 = HEAP32[$celt_mode>>2]|0; $overlap1762 = ((($1103)) + 4|0); $1104 = HEAP32[$overlap1762>>2]|0; $1105 = $frame_size$addr; $1106 = $st$addr; $channels1763 = ((($1106)) + 100|0); $1107 = HEAP32[$channels1763>>2]|0; $1108 = HEAP32[$celt_mode>>2]|0; $window1764 = ((($1108)) + 60|0); $1109 = HEAP32[$window1764>>2]|0; $1110 = $st$addr; $Fs1765 = ((($1110)) + 132|0); $1111 = HEAP32[$Fs1765>>2]|0; _stereo_fade($vla904,$vla904,$1101,$1102,$1104,$1105,$1107,$1109,$1111); $1112 = $st$addr; $silk_mode1766 = ((($1112)) + 8|0); $stereoWidth_Q141767 = ((($silk_mode1766)) + 80|0); $1113 = HEAP32[$stereoWidth_Q141767>>2]|0; $conv1768 = $1113&65535; $1114 = $st$addr; $hybrid_stereo_width_Q141769 = ((($1114)) + 14292|0); HEAP16[$hybrid_stereo_width_Q141769>>1] = $conv1768; } } while(0); $1115 = $st$addr; $mode1772 = ((($1115)) + 14320|0); $1116 = HEAP32[$mode1772>>2]|0; $cmp1773 = ($1116|0)!=(1002); do { if ($cmp1773) { $call1776 = (_ec_tell_14($enc)|0); $add1777 = (($call1776) + 17)|0; $1117 = $st$addr; $mode1778 = ((($1117)) + 14320|0); $1118 = HEAP32[$mode1778>>2]|0; $cmp1779 = ($1118|0)==(1001); $conv1780 = $cmp1779&1; $mul1781 = ($conv1780*20)|0; $add1782 = (($add1777) + ($mul1781))|0; $1119 = $max_data_bytes; $sub1783 = (($1119) - 1)|0; $mul1784 = $sub1783<<3; $cmp1785 = ($add1782|0)<=($mul1784|0); if (!($cmp1785)) { label = 383; break; } $1120 = $st$addr; $mode1788 = ((($1120)) + 14320|0); $1121 = HEAP32[$mode1788>>2]|0; $cmp1789 = ($1121|0)==(1001); do { if ($cmp1789) { $1122 = $redundancy; $tobool1792 = ($1122|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool1792)) { $call1794 = (_ec_tell_14($enc)|0); $add1795 = (($call1794) + 37)|0; $1123 = $nb_compr_bytes; $mul1796 = $1123<<3; $cmp1797 = ($add1795|0)<=($mul1796|0); if (!($cmp1797)) { break; } } $1124 = $redundancy; _ec_enc_bit_logp($enc,$1124,12); } } while(0); $1125 = $redundancy; $tobool1801 = ($1125|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool1801)) { break; } $1126 = $celt_to_silk; _ec_enc_bit_logp($enc,$1126,1); $1127 = $st$addr; $mode1803 = ((($1127)) + 14320|0); $1128 = HEAP32[$mode1803>>2]|0; $cmp1804 = ($1128|0)==(1001); $1129 = $max_data_bytes; $sub1807 = (($1129) - 1)|0; if ($cmp1804) { $1130 = $nb_compr_bytes; $sub1808 = (($sub1807) - ($1130))|0; $max_redundancy = $sub1808; } else { $call1811 = (_ec_tell_14($enc)|0); $add1812 = (($call1811) + 7)|0; $shr1813 = $add1812 >> 3; $sub1814 = (($sub1807) - ($shr1813))|0; $max_redundancy = $sub1814; } $1131 = $max_redundancy; $1132 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps1816 = ((($1132)) + 148|0); $1133 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps1816>>2]|0; $div1817 = (($1133|0) / 1600)&-1; $cmp1818 = ($1131|0)<($div1817|0); if ($cmp1818) { $1134 = $max_redundancy; $cond1825 = $1134; } else { $1135 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps1822 = ((($1135)) + 148|0); $1136 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps1822>>2]|0; $div1823 = (($1136|0) / 1600)&-1; $cond1825 = $div1823; } $redundancy_bytes = $cond1825; $1137 = $redundancy_bytes; $cmp1826 = (2)>($1137|0); $1138 = $redundancy_bytes; $cond1831 = $cmp1826 ? 2 : $1138; $cmp1832 = (257)<($cond1831|0); if ($cmp1832) { $cond1843 = 257; } else { $1139 = $redundancy_bytes; $cmp1836 = (2)>($1139|0); $1140 = $redundancy_bytes; $cond1841 = $cmp1836 ? 2 : $1140; $cond1843 = $cond1841; } $redundancy_bytes = $cond1843; $1141 = $st$addr; $mode1844 = ((($1141)) + 14320|0); $1142 = HEAP32[$mode1844>>2]|0; $cmp1845 = ($1142|0)==(1001); if (!($cmp1845)) { break; } $1143 = $redundancy_bytes; $sub1848 = (($1143) - 2)|0; _ec_enc_uint($enc,$sub1848,256); } else { label = 383; } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 383) { $redundancy = 0; } $1144 = $redundancy; $tobool1853 = ($1144|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool1853)) { $1145 = $st$addr; $silk_bw_switch1855 = ((($1145)) + 14340|0); HEAP32[$silk_bw_switch1855>>2] = 0; $redundancy_bytes = 0; } $1146 = $st$addr; $mode1857 = ((($1146)) + 14320|0); $1147 = HEAP32[$mode1857>>2]|0; $cmp1858 = ($1147|0)!=(1002); if ($cmp1858) { $start_band = 17; } $1148 = $st$addr; $mode1862 = ((($1148)) + 14320|0); $1149 = HEAP32[$mode1862>>2]|0; $cmp1863 = ($1149|0)==(1000); if ($cmp1863) { $call1866 = (_ec_tell_14($enc)|0); $add1867 = (($call1866) + 7)|0; $shr1868 = $add1867 >> 3; $ret = $shr1868; _ec_enc_done($enc); $1150 = $ret; $nb_compr_bytes = $1150; } else { $1151 = $max_data_bytes; $sub1870 = (($1151) - 1)|0; $1152 = $redundancy_bytes; $sub1871 = (($sub1870) - ($1152))|0; $1153 = $nb_compr_bytes; $cmp1872 = ($sub1871|0)<($1153|0); if ($cmp1872) { $1154 = $max_data_bytes; $sub1875 = (($1154) - 1)|0; $1155 = $redundancy_bytes; $sub1876 = (($sub1875) - ($1155))|0; $cond1879 = $sub1876; } else { $1156 = $nb_compr_bytes; $cond1879 = $1156; } $nb_compr_bytes = $cond1879; $1157 = $nb_compr_bytes; _ec_enc_shrink($enc,$1157); } $1158 = $redundancy; $tobool1881 = ($1158|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1881) { label = 396; } else { $1159 = $st$addr; $mode1883 = ((($1159)) + 14320|0); $1160 = HEAP32[$mode1883>>2]|0; $cmp1884 = ($1160|0)!=(1000); if ($cmp1884) { label = 396; } } if ((label|0) == 396) { $1161 = $celt_enc; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1887 = $analysis_info; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1888 = $analysis_info; $sub$ptr$sub1889 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast1887) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast1888))|0; $sub$ptr$div1890 = (($sub$ptr$sub1889|0) / 28)&-1; $add$ptr1891 = (($analysis_info) + (($sub$ptr$div1890*28)|0)|0); HEAP32[$vararg_buffer55>>2] = $add$ptr1891; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($1161,10022,$vararg_buffer55)|0); } $1162 = $redundancy; $tobool1894 = ($1162|0)!=(0); $1163 = $celt_to_silk; $tobool1896 = ($1163|0)!=(0); $or$cond20 = $tobool1894 & $tobool1896; do { if ($or$cond20) { $1164 = $celt_enc; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer58>>2] = 0; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($1164,10010,$vararg_buffer58)|0); $1165 = $celt_enc; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer61>>2] = 0; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($1165,4006,$vararg_buffer61)|0); $1166 = $celt_enc; $1167 = $st$addr; $Fs1900 = ((($1167)) + 132|0); $1168 = HEAP32[$Fs1900>>2]|0; $div1901 = (($1168|0) / 200)&-1; $1169 = $data$addr; $1170 = $nb_compr_bytes; $add$ptr1902 = (($1169) + ($1170)|0); $1171 = $redundancy_bytes; $call1903 = (_celt_encode_with_ec($1166,$vla904,$div1901,$add$ptr1902,$1171,0)|0); $err = $call1903; $1172 = $err; $cmp1904 = ($1172|0)<(0); if ($cmp1904) { $retval = -3; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; break L430; } else { $1173 = $celt_enc; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1908 = $redundant_rng; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1909 = $redundant_rng; $sub$ptr$sub1910 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast1908) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast1909))|0; $sub$ptr$div1911 = (($sub$ptr$sub1910|0) / 4)&-1; $add$ptr1912 = (($redundant_rng) + ($sub$ptr$div1911<<2)|0); HEAP32[$vararg_buffer64>>2] = $add$ptr1912; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($1173,4031,$vararg_buffer64)|0); $1174 = $celt_enc; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($1174,4028,$vararg_buffer67)|0); break; } } } while(0); $1175 = $celt_enc; $1176 = $start_band; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer69>>2] = $1176; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($1175,10010,$vararg_buffer69)|0); $1177 = $st$addr; $mode1919 = ((($1177)) + 14320|0); $1178 = HEAP32[$mode1919>>2]|0; $cmp1920 = ($1178|0)!=(1000); do { if ($cmp1920) { $1179 = $st$addr; $mode1923 = ((($1179)) + 14320|0); $1180 = HEAP32[$mode1923>>2]|0; $1181 = $st$addr; $prev_mode1924 = ((($1181)) + 14324|0); $1182 = HEAP32[$prev_mode1924>>2]|0; $cmp1925 = ($1180|0)!=($1182|0); do { if ($cmp1925) { $1183 = $st$addr; $prev_mode1928 = ((($1183)) + 14324|0); $1184 = HEAP32[$prev_mode1928>>2]|0; $cmp1929 = ($1184|0)>(0); if (!($cmp1929)) { break; } $1185 = $celt_enc; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($1185,4028,$vararg_buffer72)|0); $1186 = $celt_enc; $1187 = $st$addr; $Fs1934 = ((($1187)) + 132|0); $1188 = HEAP32[$Fs1934>>2]|0; $div1935 = (($1188|0) / 400)&-1; (_celt_encode_with_ec($1186,$vla1562,$div1935,$dummy1932,2,0)|0); $1189 = $celt_enc; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer74>>2] = 0; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($1189,10002,$vararg_buffer74)|0); } } while(0); $call1940 = (_ec_tell_14($enc)|0); $1190 = $nb_compr_bytes; $mul1941 = $1190<<3; $cmp1942 = ($call1940|0)<=($mul1941|0); if (!($cmp1942)) { break; } $1191 = $celt_enc; $1192 = $frame_size$addr; $1193 = $nb_compr_bytes; $call1945 = (_celt_encode_with_ec($1191,$vla904,$1192,0,$1193,$enc)|0); $ret = $call1945; $1194 = $ret; $cmp1946 = ($1194|0)<(0); if (!($cmp1946)) { break; } $retval = -3; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; break L430; } } while(0); $1195 = $redundancy; $tobool1952 = ($1195|0)==(0); $1196 = $celt_to_silk; $tobool1954 = ($1196|0)!=(0); $or$cond21 = $tobool1952 | $tobool1954; do { if (!($or$cond21)) { $1197 = $st$addr; $Fs1958 = ((($1197)) + 132|0); $1198 = HEAP32[$Fs1958>>2]|0; $div1959 = (($1198|0) / 200)&-1; $N2 = $div1959; $1199 = $st$addr; $Fs1960 = ((($1199)) + 132|0); $1200 = HEAP32[$Fs1960>>2]|0; $div1961 = (($1200|0) / 400)&-1; $N4 = $div1961; $1201 = $celt_enc; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($1201,4028,$vararg_buffer77)|0); $1202 = $celt_enc; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer79>>2] = 0; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($1202,10010,$vararg_buffer79)|0); $1203 = $celt_enc; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer82>>2] = 0; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($1203,10002,$vararg_buffer82)|0); $1204 = $celt_enc; $1205 = $st$addr; $channels1965 = ((($1205)) + 100|0); $1206 = HEAP32[$channels1965>>2]|0; $1207 = $frame_size$addr; $1208 = $N2; $sub1966 = (($1207) - ($1208))|0; $1209 = $N4; $sub1967 = (($sub1966) - ($1209))|0; $mul1968 = Math_imul($1206, $sub1967)|0; $add$ptr1969 = (($vla904) + ($mul1968<<2)|0); $1210 = $N4; (_celt_encode_with_ec($1204,$add$ptr1969,$1210,$dummy1957,2,0)|0); $1211 = $celt_enc; $1212 = $st$addr; $channels1972 = ((($1212)) + 100|0); $1213 = HEAP32[$channels1972>>2]|0; $1214 = $frame_size$addr; $1215 = $N2; $sub1973 = (($1214) - ($1215))|0; $mul1974 = Math_imul($1213, $sub1973)|0; $add$ptr1975 = (($vla904) + ($mul1974<<2)|0); $1216 = $N2; $1217 = $data$addr; $1218 = $nb_compr_bytes; $add$ptr1976 = (($1217) + ($1218)|0); $1219 = $redundancy_bytes; $call1977 = (_celt_encode_with_ec($1211,$add$ptr1975,$1216,$add$ptr1976,$1219,0)|0); $err1956 = $call1977; $1220 = $err1956; $cmp1978 = ($1220|0)<(0); if ($cmp1978) { $retval = -3; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; break L430; } else { $1221 = $celt_enc; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1982 = $redundant_rng; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1983 = $redundant_rng; $sub$ptr$sub1984 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast1982) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast1983))|0; $sub$ptr$div1985 = (($sub$ptr$sub1984|0) / 4)&-1; $add$ptr1986 = (($redundant_rng) + ($sub$ptr$div1985<<2)|0); HEAP32[$vararg_buffer85>>2] = $add$ptr1986; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($1221,4031,$vararg_buffer85)|0); break; } } } while(0); $1222 = $data$addr; $incdec$ptr = ((($1222)) + -1|0); $data$addr = $incdec$ptr; $1223 = $st$addr; $mode1989 = ((($1223)) + 14320|0); $1224 = HEAP32[$mode1989>>2]|0; $1225 = $st$addr; $Fs1990 = ((($1225)) + 132|0); $1226 = HEAP32[$Fs1990>>2]|0; $1227 = $frame_size$addr; $div1991 = (($1226|0) / ($1227|0))&-1; $1228 = $curr_bandwidth; $1229 = $st$addr; $stream_channels1992 = ((($1229)) + 14288|0); $1230 = HEAP32[$stream_channels1992>>2]|0; $call1993 = (_gen_toc($1224,$div1991,$1228,$1230)|0); $1231 = $data$addr; HEAP8[$1231>>0] = $call1993; $rng = ((($enc)) + 28|0); $1232 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $1233 = HEAP32[$redundant_rng>>2]|0; $xor = $1232 ^ $1233; $1234 = $st$addr; $rangeFinal1995 = ((($1234)) + 18216|0); HEAP32[$rangeFinal1995>>2] = $xor; $1235 = $to_celt; $tobool1996 = ($1235|0)!=(0); $1236 = $st$addr; if ($tobool1996) { $$sink22 = 1002;$$sink23 = $1236; } else { $mode2000 = ((($1236)) + 14320|0); $1237 = HEAP32[$mode2000>>2]|0; $1238 = $st$addr; $$sink22 = $1237;$$sink23 = $1238; } $prev_mode2001 = ((($$sink23)) + 14324|0); HEAP32[$prev_mode2001>>2] = $$sink22; $1239 = $st$addr; $stream_channels2003 = ((($1239)) + 14288|0); $1240 = HEAP32[$stream_channels2003>>2]|0; $1241 = $st$addr; $prev_channels2004 = ((($1241)) + 14328|0); HEAP32[$prev_channels2004>>2] = $1240; $1242 = $frame_size$addr; $1243 = $st$addr; $prev_framesize = ((($1243)) + 14332|0); HEAP32[$prev_framesize>>2] = $1242; $1244 = $st$addr; $first2005 = ((($1244)) + 14344|0); HEAP32[$first2005>>2] = 0; $call2006 = (_ec_tell_14($enc)|0); $1245 = $max_data_bytes; $sub2007 = (($1245) - 1)|0; $mul2008 = $sub2007<<3; $cmp2009 = ($call2006|0)>($mul2008|0); L557: do { if ($cmp2009) { $1246 = $max_data_bytes; $cmp2012 = ($1246|0)<(2); if ($cmp2012) { $retval = -2; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; break L430; } else { $1247 = $data$addr; $arrayidx2016 = ((($1247)) + 1|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx2016>>0] = 0; $ret = 1; $1248 = $st$addr; $rangeFinal2017 = ((($1248)) + 18216|0); HEAP32[$rangeFinal2017>>2] = 0; break; } } else { $1249 = $st$addr; $mode2019 = ((($1249)) + 14320|0); $1250 = HEAP32[$mode2019>>2]|0; $cmp2020 = ($1250|0)!=(1000); $1251 = $redundancy; $tobool2023 = ($1251|0)!=(0); $or$cond24 = $cmp2020 | $tobool2023; $or$cond24$not = $or$cond24 ^ 1; $1252 = $ret; $cmp2025 = ($1252|0)>(2); $or$cond27 = $or$cond24$not & $cmp2025; if (!($or$cond27)) { break; } while(1) { $1253 = $data$addr; $1254 = $ret; $arrayidx2027 = (($1253) + ($1254)|0); $1255 = HEAP8[$arrayidx2027>>0]|0; $conv2028 = $1255&255; $cmp2029 = ($conv2028|0)==(0); if (!($cmp2029)) { break L557; } $1256 = $ret; $dec2031 = (($1256) + -1)|0; $ret = $dec2031; $$old = $ret; $cmp2025$old = ($$old|0)>(2); if (!($cmp2025$old)) { break; } } } } while(0); $1257 = $redundancy_bytes; $add2034 = (1 + ($1257))|0; $1258 = $ret; $add2035 = (($1258) + ($add2034))|0; $ret = $add2035; $1259 = $st$addr; $use_vbr2036 = ((($1259)) + 136|0); $1260 = HEAP32[$use_vbr2036>>2]|0; $tobool2037 = ($1260|0)!=(0); do { if (!($tobool2037)) { $1261 = $data$addr; $1262 = $ret; $1263 = $max_data_bytes; $call2039 = (_opus_packet_pad($1261,$1262,$1263)|0); $cmp2040 = ($call2039|0)!=(0); if ($cmp2040) { $retval = -3; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; break L430; } else { $1264 = $max_data_bytes; $ret = $1264; break; } } } while(0); $1265 = $ret; $retval = $1265; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; } } while(0); $1266 = $saved_stack903; _llvm_stackrestore(($1266|0)); $1267 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1267|0); } } } while(0); $106 = $st$addr; $mode = ((($106)) + 14320|0); $107 = HEAP32[$mode>>2]|0; $tocmode = $107; $108 = $st$addr; $bandwidth118 = ((($108)) + 14336|0); $109 = HEAP32[$bandwidth118>>2]|0; $cmp119 = ($109|0)==(0); if ($cmp119) { $cond125 = 1101; } else { $110 = $st$addr; $bandwidth123 = ((($110)) + 14336|0); $111 = HEAP32[$bandwidth123>>2]|0; $cond125 = $111; } $bw = $cond125; $112 = $tocmode; $cmp126 = ($112|0)==(0); if ($cmp126) { $tocmode = 1000; } $113 = $frame_rate; $cmp130 = ($113|0)>(100); if ($cmp130) { $tocmode = 1002; } $114 = $frame_rate; $cmp134 = ($114|0)<(50); if ($cmp134) { $tocmode = 1000; } $115 = $tocmode; $cmp138 = ($115|0)==(1000); $116 = $bw; $cmp141 = ($116|0)>(1103); $or$cond2 = $cmp138 & $cmp141; do { if ($or$cond2) { $bw = 1103; } else { $117 = $tocmode; $cmp145 = ($117|0)==(1002); $118 = $bw; $cmp148 = ($118|0)==(1102); $or$cond3 = $cmp145 & $cmp148; if ($or$cond3) { $bw = 1101; break; } $119 = $bw; $cmp152 = ($119|0)<=(1104); if ($cmp152) { $bw = 1104; } } } while(0); $120 = $tocmode; $121 = $frame_rate; $122 = $bw; $123 = $st$addr; $stream_channels = ((($123)) + 14288|0); $124 = HEAP32[$stream_channels>>2]|0; $call158 = (_gen_toc($120,$121,$122,$124)|0); $125 = $data$addr; HEAP8[$125>>0] = $call158; $retval = 1; $1267 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1267|0); } } $retval = -1; $1267 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1267|0); } function _user_bitrate_to_bitrate($st,$frame_size,$max_data_bytes) { $st = $st|0; $frame_size = $frame_size|0; $max_data_bytes = $max_data_bytes|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0; var $Fs = 0, $Fs10 = 0, $Fs2 = 0, $Fs4 = 0, $add = 0, $channels = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $div = 0, $div12 = 0, $div3 = 0, $frame_size$addr = 0, $max_data_bytes$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul11 = 0, $mul5 = 0, $mul9 = 0, $retval = 0, $st$addr = 0, $tobool = 0; var $user_bitrate_bps = 0, $user_bitrate_bps14 = 0, $user_bitrate_bps6 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $st$addr = $st; $frame_size$addr = $frame_size; $max_data_bytes$addr = $max_data_bytes; $0 = $frame_size$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $1 = $st$addr; $Fs = ((($1)) + 132|0); $2 = HEAP32[$Fs>>2]|0; $div = (($2|0) / 400)&-1; $frame_size$addr = $div; } $3 = $st$addr; $user_bitrate_bps = ((($3)) + 152|0); $4 = HEAP32[$user_bitrate_bps>>2]|0; $cmp = ($4|0)==(-1000); $5 = $st$addr; if ($cmp) { $Fs2 = ((($5)) + 132|0); $6 = HEAP32[$Fs2>>2]|0; $mul = ($6*60)|0; $7 = $frame_size$addr; $div3 = (($mul|0) / ($7|0))&-1; $8 = $st$addr; $Fs4 = ((($8)) + 132|0); $9 = HEAP32[$Fs4>>2]|0; $10 = $st$addr; $channels = ((($10)) + 100|0); $11 = HEAP32[$channels>>2]|0; $mul5 = Math_imul($9, $11)|0; $add = (($div3) + ($mul5))|0; $retval = $add; $19 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($19|0); } $user_bitrate_bps6 = ((($5)) + 152|0); $12 = HEAP32[$user_bitrate_bps6>>2]|0; $cmp7 = ($12|0)==(-1); if ($cmp7) { $13 = $max_data_bytes$addr; $mul9 = $13<<3; $14 = $st$addr; $Fs10 = ((($14)) + 132|0); $15 = HEAP32[$Fs10>>2]|0; $mul11 = Math_imul($mul9, $15)|0; $16 = $frame_size$addr; $div12 = (($mul11|0) / ($16|0))&-1; $retval = $div12; $19 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($19|0); } else { $17 = $st$addr; $user_bitrate_bps14 = ((($17)) + 152|0); $18 = HEAP32[$user_bitrate_bps14>>2]|0; $retval = $18; $19 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($19|0); } return (0)|0; } function _gen_toc($mode,$framerate,$bandwidth,$channels) { $mode = $mode|0; $framerate = $framerate|0; $bandwidth = $bandwidth|0; $channels = $channels|0; var $$sub10 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0; var $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $bandwidth$addr = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv21 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv27 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $conv32 = 0, $conv36 = 0, $conv38 = 0; var $conv40 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $framerate$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $mode$addr = 0, $or = 0, $or16 = 0, $or20 = 0, $or26 = 0, $or31 = 0, $or39 = 0, $period = 0, $shl = 0, $shl14 = 0, $shl18 = 0, $shl2 = 0, $shl24 = 0, $shl29 = 0, $shl37 = 0; var $shl4 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub10 = 0, $sub23 = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub3 = 0, $tmp = 0, $toc = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $mode$addr = $mode; $framerate$addr = $framerate; $bandwidth$addr = $bandwidth; $channels$addr = $channels; $period = 0; while(1) { $0 = $framerate$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(400); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $1 = $framerate$addr; $shl = $1 << 1; $framerate$addr = $shl; $2 = $period; $inc = (($2) + 1)|0; $period = $inc; } $3 = $mode$addr; $cmp1 = ($3|0)==(1000); do { if ($cmp1) { $4 = $bandwidth$addr; $sub = (($4) - 1101)|0; $shl2 = $sub << 5; $conv = $shl2&255; $toc = $conv; $5 = $period; $sub3 = (($5) - 2)|0; $shl4 = $sub3 << 3; $6 = $toc; $conv5 = $6&255; $or = $conv5 | $shl4; $conv6 = $or&255; $toc = $conv6; } else { $7 = $mode$addr; $cmp7 = ($7|0)==(1002); if ($cmp7) { $8 = $bandwidth$addr; $sub10 = (($8) - 1102)|0; $tmp = $sub10; $9 = $tmp; $cmp11 = ($9|0)<(0); $$sub10 = $cmp11 ? 0 : $sub10; $tmp = $$sub10; $toc = -128; $10 = $tmp; $shl14 = $10 << 5; $11 = $toc; $conv15 = $11&255; $or16 = $conv15 | $shl14; $conv17 = $or16&255; $toc = $conv17; $12 = $period; $shl18 = $12 << 3; $13 = $toc; $conv19 = $13&255; $or20 = $conv19 | $shl18; $conv21 = $or20&255; $toc = $conv21; break; } else { $toc = 96; $14 = $bandwidth$addr; $sub23 = (($14) - 1104)|0; $shl24 = $sub23 << 4; $15 = $toc; $conv25 = $15&255; $or26 = $conv25 | $shl24; $conv27 = $or26&255; $toc = $conv27; $16 = $period; $sub28 = (($16) - 2)|0; $shl29 = $sub28 << 3; $17 = $toc; $conv30 = $17&255; $or31 = $conv30 | $shl29; $conv32 = $or31&255; $toc = $conv32; break; } } } while(0); $18 = $channels$addr; $cmp35 = ($18|0)==(2); $conv36 = $cmp35&1; $shl37 = $conv36 << 2; $19 = $toc; $conv38 = $19&255; $or39 = $conv38 | $shl37; $conv40 = $or39&255; $toc = $conv40; $20 = $toc; STACKTOP = sp;return ($20|0); } function _hp_cutoff($in,$cutoff_Hz,$out,$hp_mem,$len,$channels,$Fs) { $in = $in|0; $cutoff_Hz = $cutoff_Hz|0; $out = $out|0; $hp_mem = $hp_mem|0; $len = $len|0; $channels = $channels|0; $Fs = $Fs|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $A_Q28 = 0, $B_Q28 = 0, $Fc_Q19 = 0, $Fs$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr89 = 0, $add$ptr90 = 0, $add17 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add35 = 0, $add37 = 0, $add40 = 0, $add46 = 0, $add56 = 0; var $add58 = 0, $add61 = 0, $add64 = 0, $add67 = 0, $add78 = 0, $add80 = 0, $add83 = 0, $and = 0, $and25 = 0, $and30 = 0, $and51 = 0, $and73 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx84 = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv1 = 0, $conv10 = 0; var $conv12 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv22 = 0, $conv23 = 0, $conv27 = 0, $conv28 = 0, $conv31 = 0, $conv32 = 0, $conv42 = 0, $conv43 = 0, $conv48 = 0, $conv49 = 0, $conv52 = 0, $conv53 = 0, $conv70 = 0, $conv71 = 0, $conv74 = 0, $conv75 = 0, $conv9 = 0, $cutoff_Hz$addr = 0; var $div = 0, $div2 = 0, $hp_mem$addr = 0, $in$addr = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul11 = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul24 = 0, $mul29 = 0, $mul3 = 0, $mul33 = 0, $mul39 = 0, $mul44 = 0, $mul50 = 0, $mul54 = 0, $mul60 = 0, $mul66 = 0, $mul72 = 0; var $mul76 = 0, $mul82 = 0, $out$addr = 0, $r_Q22 = 0, $r_Q28 = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr15 = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr18 = 0, $shr26 = 0, $shr34 = 0, $shr36 = 0, $shr38 = 0, $shr45 = 0, $shr47 = 0, $shr55 = 0, $shr57 = 0, $shr59 = 0, $shr63 = 0; var $shr65 = 0, $shr69 = 0, $shr7 = 0, $shr77 = 0, $shr79 = 0, $shr8 = 0, $shr81 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub21 = 0, $sub4 = 0, $sub41 = 0, $sub62 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $B_Q28 = sp + 24|0; $A_Q28 = sp + 16|0; $in$addr = $in; $cutoff_Hz$addr = $cutoff_Hz; $out$addr = $out; $hp_mem$addr = $hp_mem; $len$addr = $len; $channels$addr = $channels; $Fs$addr = $Fs; $0 = $cutoff_Hz$addr; $conv = $0&65535; $conv1 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = ($conv1*2471)|0; $1 = $Fs$addr; $div = (($1|0) / 1000)&-1; $div2 = (($mul|0) / ($div|0))&-1; $Fc_Q19 = $div2; $2 = $Fc_Q19; $mul3 = ($2*471)|0; $sub = (268435456 - ($mul3))|0; $r_Q28 = $sub; $3 = $r_Q28; HEAP32[$B_Q28>>2] = $3; $4 = $r_Q28; $sub4 = (0 - ($4))|0; $shl = $sub4 << 1; $arrayidx5 = ((($B_Q28)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2] = $shl; $5 = $r_Q28; $arrayidx6 = ((($B_Q28)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2] = $5; $6 = $r_Q28; $shr = $6 >> 6; $r_Q22 = $shr; $7 = $r_Q22; $shr7 = $7 >> 16; $8 = $Fc_Q19; $shr8 = $8 >> 16; $9 = $Fc_Q19; $conv9 = $9&65535; $conv10 = $conv9 << 16 >> 16; $mul11 = Math_imul($shr8, $conv10)|0; $10 = $Fc_Q19; $and = $10 & 65535; $11 = $Fc_Q19; $conv12 = $11&65535; $conv13 = $conv12 << 16 >> 16; $mul14 = Math_imul($and, $conv13)|0; $shr15 = $mul14 >> 16; $add = (($mul11) + ($shr15))|0; $12 = $Fc_Q19; $13 = $Fc_Q19; $shr16 = $13 >> 15; $add17 = (($shr16) + 1)|0; $shr18 = $add17 >> 1; $mul19 = Math_imul($12, $shr18)|0; $add20 = (($add) + ($mul19))|0; $sub21 = (($add20) - 8388608)|0; $conv22 = $sub21&65535; $conv23 = $conv22 << 16 >> 16; $mul24 = Math_imul($shr7, $conv23)|0; $14 = $r_Q22; $and25 = $14 & 65535; $15 = $Fc_Q19; $shr26 = $15 >> 16; $16 = $Fc_Q19; $conv27 = $16&65535; $conv28 = $conv27 << 16 >> 16; $mul29 = Math_imul($shr26, $conv28)|0; $17 = $Fc_Q19; $and30 = $17 & 65535; $18 = $Fc_Q19; $conv31 = $18&65535; $conv32 = $conv31 << 16 >> 16; $mul33 = Math_imul($and30, $conv32)|0; $shr34 = $mul33 >> 16; $add35 = (($mul29) + ($shr34))|0; $19 = $Fc_Q19; $20 = $Fc_Q19; $shr36 = $20 >> 15; $add37 = (($shr36) + 1)|0; $shr38 = $add37 >> 1; $mul39 = Math_imul($19, $shr38)|0; $add40 = (($add35) + ($mul39))|0; $sub41 = (($add40) - 8388608)|0; $conv42 = $sub41&65535; $conv43 = $conv42 << 16 >> 16; $mul44 = Math_imul($and25, $conv43)|0; $shr45 = $mul44 >> 16; $add46 = (($mul24) + ($shr45))|0; $21 = $r_Q22; $22 = $Fc_Q19; $shr47 = $22 >> 16; $23 = $Fc_Q19; $conv48 = $23&65535; $conv49 = $conv48 << 16 >> 16; $mul50 = Math_imul($shr47, $conv49)|0; $24 = $Fc_Q19; $and51 = $24 & 65535; $25 = $Fc_Q19; $conv52 = $25&65535; $conv53 = $conv52 << 16 >> 16; $mul54 = Math_imul($and51, $conv53)|0; $shr55 = $mul54 >> 16; $add56 = (($mul50) + ($shr55))|0; $26 = $Fc_Q19; $27 = $Fc_Q19; $shr57 = $27 >> 15; $add58 = (($shr57) + 1)|0; $shr59 = $add58 >> 1; $mul60 = Math_imul($26, $shr59)|0; $add61 = (($add56) + ($mul60))|0; $sub62 = (($add61) - 8388608)|0; $shr63 = $sub62 >> 15; $add64 = (($shr63) + 1)|0; $shr65 = $add64 >> 1; $mul66 = Math_imul($21, $shr65)|0; $add67 = (($add46) + ($mul66))|0; HEAP32[$A_Q28>>2] = $add67; $28 = $r_Q22; $shr69 = $28 >> 16; $29 = $r_Q22; $conv70 = $29&65535; $conv71 = $conv70 << 16 >> 16; $mul72 = Math_imul($shr69, $conv71)|0; $30 = $r_Q22; $and73 = $30 & 65535; $31 = $r_Q22; $conv74 = $31&65535; $conv75 = $conv74 << 16 >> 16; $mul76 = Math_imul($and73, $conv75)|0; $shr77 = $mul76 >> 16; $add78 = (($mul72) + ($shr77))|0; $32 = $r_Q22; $33 = $r_Q22; $shr79 = $33 >> 15; $add80 = (($shr79) + 1)|0; $shr81 = $add80 >> 1; $mul82 = Math_imul($32, $shr81)|0; $add83 = (($add78) + ($mul82))|0; $arrayidx84 = ((($A_Q28)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx84>>2] = $add83; $34 = $in$addr; $35 = $hp_mem$addr; $36 = $out$addr; $37 = $len$addr; $38 = $channels$addr; _silk_biquad_float($34,$B_Q28,$A_Q28,$35,$36,$37,$38); $39 = $channels$addr; $cmp = ($39|0)==(2); if (!($cmp)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $40 = $in$addr; $add$ptr = ((($40)) + 4|0); $41 = $hp_mem$addr; $add$ptr89 = ((($41)) + 8|0); $42 = $out$addr; $add$ptr90 = ((($42)) + 4|0); $43 = $len$addr; $44 = $channels$addr; _silk_biquad_float($add$ptr,$B_Q28,$A_Q28,$add$ptr89,$add$ptr90,$43,$44); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _dc_reject($in,$cutoff_Hz,$out,$hp_mem,$len,$channels,$Fs) { $in = $in|0; $cutoff_Hz = $cutoff_Hz|0; $out = $out|0; $hp_mem = $hp_mem|0; $len = $len|0; $channels = $channels|0; $Fs = $Fs|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Fs$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add16 = 0.0, $add17 = 0.0, $add21 = 0, $add25 = 0, $add28 = 0, $add32 = 0.0, $add33 = 0.0, $add35 = 0, $add38 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0; var $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $c = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $coef = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $conv1 = 0.0, $cutoff_Hz$addr = 0, $div = 0.0, $hp_mem$addr = 0, $i = 0, $in$addr = 0, $inc = 0; var $inc41 = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul10 = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul18 = 0, $mul20 = 0, $mul24 = 0, $mul27 = 0, $mul31 = 0.0, $mul34 = 0, $mul37 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $out$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub14 = 0.0, $sub23 = 0.0, $sub30 = 0.0; var $tmp = 0.0, $x = 0.0, $y = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $in$addr = $in; $cutoff_Hz$addr = $cutoff_Hz; $out$addr = $out; $hp_mem$addr = $hp_mem; $len$addr = $len; $channels$addr = $channels; $Fs$addr = $Fs; $0 = $cutoff_Hz$addr; $conv = (+($0|0)); $mul = 4.0 * $conv; $1 = $Fs$addr; $conv1 = (+($1|0)); $div = $mul / $conv1; $coef = $div; $c = 0; while(1) { $2 = $c; $3 = $channels$addr; $cmp = ($2|0)<($3|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $i = 0; while(1) { $4 = $i; $5 = $len$addr; $cmp4 = ($4|0)<($5|0); if (!($cmp4)) { break; } $6 = $in$addr; $7 = $channels$addr; $8 = $i; $mul7 = Math_imul($7, $8)|0; $9 = $c; $add = (($mul7) + ($9))|0; $arrayidx = (($6) + ($add<<2)|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $x = $10; $11 = $x; $12 = $hp_mem$addr; $13 = $c; $mul8 = $13<<1; $arrayidx9 = (($12) + ($mul8<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $sub = $11 - $14; $tmp = $sub; $15 = $hp_mem$addr; $16 = $c; $mul10 = $16<<1; $arrayidx11 = (($15) + ($mul10<<2)|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $18 = $coef; $19 = $x; $20 = $hp_mem$addr; $21 = $c; $mul12 = $21<<1; $arrayidx13 = (($20) + ($mul12<<2)|0); $22 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2]; $sub14 = $19 - $22; $mul15 = $18 * $sub14; $add16 = $17 + $mul15; $add17 = $add16 + 1.0000000031710769E-30; $23 = $hp_mem$addr; $24 = $c; $mul18 = $24<<1; $arrayidx19 = (($23) + ($mul18<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2] = $add17; $25 = $tmp; $26 = $hp_mem$addr; $27 = $c; $mul20 = $27<<1; $add21 = (($mul20) + 1)|0; $arrayidx22 = (($26) + ($add21<<2)|0); $28 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2]; $sub23 = $25 - $28; $y = $sub23; $29 = $hp_mem$addr; $30 = $c; $mul24 = $30<<1; $add25 = (($mul24) + 1)|0; $arrayidx26 = (($29) + ($add25<<2)|0); $31 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx26>>2]; $32 = $coef; $33 = $tmp; $34 = $hp_mem$addr; $35 = $c; $mul27 = $35<<1; $add28 = (($mul27) + 1)|0; $arrayidx29 = (($34) + ($add28<<2)|0); $36 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2]; $sub30 = $33 - $36; $mul31 = $32 * $sub30; $add32 = $31 + $mul31; $add33 = $add32 + 1.0000000031710769E-30; $37 = $hp_mem$addr; $38 = $c; $mul34 = $38<<1; $add35 = (($mul34) + 1)|0; $arrayidx36 = (($37) + ($add35<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx36>>2] = $add33; $39 = $y; $40 = $out$addr; $41 = $channels$addr; $42 = $i; $mul37 = Math_imul($41, $42)|0; $43 = $c; $add38 = (($mul37) + ($43))|0; $arrayidx39 = (($40) + ($add38<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx39>>2] = $39; $44 = $i; $inc = (($44) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $45 = $c; $inc41 = (($45) + 1)|0; $c = $inc41; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _celt_inner_prod_c($x,$y,$N) { $x = $x|0; $y = $y|0; $N = $N|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $N$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $cmp = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, $xy = 0.0; var $y$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $x$addr = $x; $y$addr = $y; $N$addr = $N; $xy = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $xy; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $x$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $6 = $y$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $mul = $5 * $8; $add = $2 + $mul; $xy = $add; $9 = $i; $inc = (($9) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return (+$2); } function _gain_fade($in,$out,$g1,$g2,$overlap48,$frame_size,$channels,$window,$Fs) { $in = $in|0; $out = $out|0; $g1 = +$g1; $g2 = +$g2; $overlap48 = $overlap48|0; $frame_size = $frame_size|0; $channels = $channels|0; $window = $window|0; $Fs = $Fs|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0.0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $Fs$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add25 = 0.0, $add32 = 0, $add36 = 0, $add45 = 0, $add49 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0; var $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $c = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp42 = 0, $cmp55 = 0, $div = 0, $div1 = 0, $frame_size$addr = 0, $g = 0.0, $g1$addr = 0.0, $g15 = 0.0; var $g2$addr = 0.0, $i = 0, $in$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc11 = 0, $inc39 = 0, $inc52 = 0, $inc54 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul17 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul21 = 0.0, $mul22 = 0.0, $mul24 = 0.0, $mul26 = 0, $mul28 = 0.0, $mul29 = 0, $mul3 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul34 = 0.0; var $mul35 = 0, $mul44 = 0, $mul47 = 0.0, $mul48 = 0, $mul5 = 0.0, $mul6 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0.0, $mul9 = 0.0, $out$addr = 0, $overlap = 0, $overlap48$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub23 = 0.0, $w = 0.0, $w16 = 0.0, $window$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $in$addr = $in; $out$addr = $out; $g1$addr = $g1; $g2$addr = $g2; $overlap48$addr = $overlap48; $frame_size$addr = $frame_size; $channels$addr = $channels; $window$addr = $window; $Fs$addr = $Fs; $0 = $Fs$addr; $div = (48000 / ($0|0))&-1; $inc = $div; $1 = $overlap48$addr; $2 = $inc; $div1 = (($1|0) / ($2|0))&-1; $overlap = $div1; $3 = $channels$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)==(1); $i = 0; L1: do { if ($cmp) { while(1) { $4 = $i; $5 = $overlap; $cmp2 = ($4|0)<($5|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break L1; } $6 = $window$addr; $7 = $i; $8 = $inc; $mul = Math_imul($7, $8)|0; $arrayidx = (($6) + ($mul<<2)|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $10 = $window$addr; $11 = $i; $12 = $inc; $mul3 = Math_imul($11, $12)|0; $arrayidx4 = (($10) + ($mul3<<2)|0); $13 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $mul5 = $9 * $13; $w = $mul5; $14 = $w; $15 = $g2$addr; $mul6 = $14 * $15; $16 = $w; $sub = 1.0 - $16; $17 = $g1$addr; $mul7 = $sub * $17; $add = $mul6 + $mul7; $g = $add; $18 = $g; $19 = $in$addr; $20 = $i; $arrayidx8 = (($19) + ($20<<2)|0); $21 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2]; $mul9 = $18 * $21; $22 = $out$addr; $23 = $i; $arrayidx10 = (($22) + ($23<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2] = $mul9; $24 = $i; $inc11 = (($24) + 1)|0; $i = $inc11; } } else { while(1) { $25 = $i; $26 = $overlap; $cmp13 = ($25|0)<($26|0); if (!($cmp13)) { break L1; } $27 = $window$addr; $28 = $i; $29 = $inc; $mul17 = Math_imul($28, $29)|0; $arrayidx18 = (($27) + ($mul17<<2)|0); $30 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx18>>2]; $31 = $window$addr; $32 = $i; $33 = $inc; $mul19 = Math_imul($32, $33)|0; $arrayidx20 = (($31) + ($mul19<<2)|0); $34 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2]; $mul21 = $30 * $34; $w16 = $mul21; $35 = $w16; $36 = $g2$addr; $mul22 = $35 * $36; $37 = $w16; $sub23 = 1.0 - $37; $38 = $g1$addr; $mul24 = $sub23 * $38; $add25 = $mul22 + $mul24; $g15 = $add25; $39 = $g15; $40 = $in$addr; $41 = $i; $mul26 = $41<<1; $arrayidx27 = (($40) + ($mul26<<2)|0); $42 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $mul28 = $39 * $42; $43 = $out$addr; $44 = $i; $mul29 = $44<<1; $arrayidx30 = (($43) + ($mul29<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2] = $mul28; $45 = $g15; $46 = $in$addr; $47 = $i; $mul31 = $47<<1; $add32 = (($mul31) + 1)|0; $arrayidx33 = (($46) + ($add32<<2)|0); $48 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx33>>2]; $mul34 = $45 * $48; $49 = $out$addr; $50 = $i; $mul35 = $50<<1; $add36 = (($mul35) + 1)|0; $arrayidx37 = (($49) + ($add36<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx37>>2] = $mul34; $51 = $i; $inc39 = (($51) + 1)|0; $i = $inc39; } } } while(0); $c = 0; while(1) { $52 = $overlap; $i = $52; while(1) { $53 = $i; $54 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp42 = ($53|0)<($54|0); if (!($cmp42)) { break; } $55 = $g2$addr; $56 = $in$addr; $57 = $i; $58 = $channels$addr; $mul44 = Math_imul($57, $58)|0; $59 = $c; $add45 = (($mul44) + ($59))|0; $arrayidx46 = (($56) + ($add45<<2)|0); $60 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx46>>2]; $mul47 = $55 * $60; $61 = $out$addr; $62 = $i; $63 = $channels$addr; $mul48 = Math_imul($62, $63)|0; $64 = $c; $add49 = (($mul48) + ($64))|0; $arrayidx50 = (($61) + ($add49<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx50>>2] = $mul47; $65 = $i; $inc52 = (($65) + 1)|0; $i = $inc52; } $66 = $c; $inc54 = (($66) + 1)|0; $c = $inc54; $67 = $channels$addr; $cmp55 = ($inc54|0)<($67|0); if (!($cmp55)) { break; } } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _FLOAT2INT16_13($x) { $x = +$x; var $0 = 0.0, $1 = 0.0, $2 = 0.0, $3 = 0.0, $4 = 0.0, $5 = 0.0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $cond5 = 0.0, $conv = 0, $mul = 0.0, $x$addr = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $mul = $0 * 32768.0; $x$addr = $mul; $1 = $x$addr; $cmp = $1 > -32768.0; $2 = $x$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : -32768.0; $x$addr = $cond; $3 = $x$addr; $cmp1 = $3 < 32767.0; $4 = $x$addr; $cond5 = $cmp1 ? $4 : 32767.0; $x$addr = $cond5; $5 = $x$addr; $call = (_lrintf($5)|0); $conv = $call&65535; STACKTOP = sp;return ($conv|0); } function _ec_tell_14($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $rng = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $nbits_total = ((($0)) + 20|0); $1 = HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2]|0; $2 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($2)) + 28|0); $3 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $4 = (Math_clz32(($3|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($4))|0; $sub1 = (($1) - ($sub))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($sub1|0); } function _stereo_fade($in,$out,$g1,$g2,$overlap48,$frame_size,$channels,$window,$Fs) { $in = $in|0; $out = $out|0; $g1 = +$g1; $g2 = +$g2; $overlap48 = $overlap48|0; $frame_size = $frame_size|0; $channels = $channels|0; $window = $window|0; $Fs = $Fs|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0.0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0.0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Fs$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add12 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add25 = 0.0; var $add27 = 0, $add37 = 0, $add48 = 0, $add50 = 0.0, $add52 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $channels$addr = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cmp31 = 0, $diff = 0.0, $diff33 = 0.0, $div = 0, $div1 = 0, $frame_size$addr = 0, $g = 0.0, $g1$addr = 0.0, $g2$addr = 0.0, $i = 0, $in$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc29 = 0, $inc55 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul11 = 0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul17 = 0; var $mul20 = 0, $mul22 = 0, $mul26 = 0, $mul3 = 0, $mul34 = 0, $mul36 = 0, $mul40 = 0.0, $mul41 = 0.0, $mul42 = 0, $mul45 = 0, $mul47 = 0, $mul5 = 0.0, $mul51 = 0, $mul6 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0.0, $mul9 = 0, $out$addr = 0, $overlap = 0, $overlap48$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0; var $sub14 = 0.0, $sub19 = 0.0, $sub2 = 0.0, $sub39 = 0.0, $sub44 = 0.0, $sub7 = 0.0, $w = 0.0, $window$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $in$addr = $in; $out$addr = $out; $g1$addr = $g1; $g2$addr = $g2; $overlap48$addr = $overlap48; $frame_size$addr = $frame_size; $channels$addr = $channels; $window$addr = $window; $Fs$addr = $Fs; $0 = $Fs$addr; $div = (48000 / ($0|0))&-1; $inc = $div; $1 = $overlap48$addr; $2 = $inc; $div1 = (($1|0) / ($2|0))&-1; $overlap = $div1; $3 = $g1$addr; $sub = 1.0 - $3; $g1$addr = $sub; $4 = $g2$addr; $sub2 = 1.0 - $4; $g2$addr = $sub2; $i = 0; while(1) { $5 = $i; $6 = $overlap; $cmp = ($5|0)<($6|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $7 = $window$addr; $8 = $i; $9 = $inc; $mul = Math_imul($8, $9)|0; $arrayidx = (($7) + ($mul<<2)|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $11 = $window$addr; $12 = $i; $13 = $inc; $mul3 = Math_imul($12, $13)|0; $arrayidx4 = (($11) + ($mul3<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $mul5 = $10 * $14; $w = $mul5; $15 = $w; $16 = $g2$addr; $mul6 = $15 * $16; $17 = $w; $sub7 = 1.0 - $17; $18 = $g1$addr; $mul8 = $sub7 * $18; $add = $mul6 + $mul8; $g = $add; $19 = $in$addr; $20 = $i; $21 = $channels$addr; $mul9 = Math_imul($20, $21)|0; $arrayidx10 = (($19) + ($mul9<<2)|0); $22 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $23 = $in$addr; $24 = $i; $25 = $channels$addr; $mul11 = Math_imul($24, $25)|0; $add12 = (($mul11) + 1)|0; $arrayidx13 = (($23) + ($add12<<2)|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2]; $sub14 = $22 - $26; $mul15 = 0.5 * $sub14; $diff = $mul15; $27 = $g; $28 = $diff; $mul16 = $27 * $28; $diff = $mul16; $29 = $out$addr; $30 = $i; $31 = $channels$addr; $mul17 = Math_imul($30, $31)|0; $arrayidx18 = (($29) + ($mul17<<2)|0); $32 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx18>>2]; $33 = $diff; $sub19 = $32 - $33; $34 = $out$addr; $35 = $i; $36 = $channels$addr; $mul20 = Math_imul($35, $36)|0; $arrayidx21 = (($34) + ($mul20<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2] = $sub19; $37 = $out$addr; $38 = $i; $39 = $channels$addr; $mul22 = Math_imul($38, $39)|0; $add23 = (($mul22) + 1)|0; $arrayidx24 = (($37) + ($add23<<2)|0); $40 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2]; $41 = $diff; $add25 = $40 + $41; $42 = $out$addr; $43 = $i; $44 = $channels$addr; $mul26 = Math_imul($43, $44)|0; $add27 = (($mul26) + 1)|0; $arrayidx28 = (($42) + ($add27<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx28>>2] = $add25; $45 = $i; $inc29 = (($45) + 1)|0; $i = $inc29; } while(1) { $46 = $i; $47 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp31 = ($46|0)<($47|0); if (!($cmp31)) { break; } $48 = $in$addr; $49 = $i; $50 = $channels$addr; $mul34 = Math_imul($49, $50)|0; $arrayidx35 = (($48) + ($mul34<<2)|0); $51 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2]; $52 = $in$addr; $53 = $i; $54 = $channels$addr; $mul36 = Math_imul($53, $54)|0; $add37 = (($mul36) + 1)|0; $arrayidx38 = (($52) + ($add37<<2)|0); $55 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2]; $sub39 = $51 - $55; $mul40 = 0.5 * $sub39; $diff33 = $mul40; $56 = $g2$addr; $57 = $diff33; $mul41 = $56 * $57; $diff33 = $mul41; $58 = $out$addr; $59 = $i; $60 = $channels$addr; $mul42 = Math_imul($59, $60)|0; $arrayidx43 = (($58) + ($mul42<<2)|0); $61 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2]; $62 = $diff33; $sub44 = $61 - $62; $63 = $out$addr; $64 = $i; $65 = $channels$addr; $mul45 = Math_imul($64, $65)|0; $arrayidx46 = (($63) + ($mul45<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx46>>2] = $sub44; $66 = $out$addr; $67 = $i; $68 = $channels$addr; $mul47 = Math_imul($67, $68)|0; $add48 = (($mul47) + 1)|0; $arrayidx49 = (($66) + ($add48<<2)|0); $69 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2]; $70 = $diff33; $add50 = $69 + $70; $71 = $out$addr; $72 = $i; $73 = $channels$addr; $mul51 = Math_imul($72, $73)|0; $add52 = (($mul51) + 1)|0; $arrayidx53 = (($71) + ($add52<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx53>>2] = $add50; $74 = $i; $inc55 = (($74) + 1)|0; $i = $inc55; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_biquad_float($in,$B_Q28,$A_Q28,$S,$out,$len,$stride) { $in = $in|0; $B_Q28 = $B_Q28|0; $A_Q28 = $A_Q28|0; $S = $S|0; $out = $out|0; $len = $len|0; $stride = $stride|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $A = 0, $A_Q28$addr = 0, $B = 0; var $B_Q28$addr = 0, $S$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add29 = 0.0, $add36 = 0.0, $add37 = 0.0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $cmp = 0; var $conv = 0.0, $conv11 = 0.0, $conv15 = 0.0, $conv3 = 0.0, $conv7 = 0.0, $in$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inval = 0.0, $k = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul12 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul19 = 0, $mul23 = 0.0, $mul26 = 0.0, $mul28 = 0.0, $mul33 = 0.0, $mul35 = 0.0, $mul39 = 0; var $mul4 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0.0, $out$addr = 0, $stride$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub31 = 0.0, $vout = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $A = sp + 16|0; $B = sp; $in$addr = $in; $B_Q28$addr = $B_Q28; $A_Q28$addr = $A_Q28; $S$addr = $S; $out$addr = $out; $len$addr = $len; $stride$addr = $stride; $0 = $A_Q28$addr; $1 = HEAP32[$0>>2]|0; $conv = (+($1|0)); $mul = $conv * 3.7252902984619141E-9; HEAPF32[$A>>2] = $mul; $2 = $A_Q28$addr; $arrayidx2 = ((($2)) + 4|0); $3 = HEAP32[$arrayidx2>>2]|0; $conv3 = (+($3|0)); $mul4 = $conv3 * 3.7252902984619141E-9; $arrayidx5 = ((($A)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2] = $mul4; $4 = $B_Q28$addr; $5 = HEAP32[$4>>2]|0; $conv7 = (+($5|0)); $mul8 = $conv7 * 3.7252902984619141E-9; HEAPF32[$B>>2] = $mul8; $6 = $B_Q28$addr; $arrayidx10 = ((($6)) + 4|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx10>>2]|0; $conv11 = (+($7|0)); $mul12 = $conv11 * 3.7252902984619141E-9; $arrayidx13 = ((($B)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2] = $mul12; $8 = $B_Q28$addr; $arrayidx14 = ((($8)) + 8|0); $9 = HEAP32[$arrayidx14>>2]|0; $conv15 = (+($9|0)); $mul16 = $conv15 * 3.7252902984619141E-9; $arrayidx17 = ((($B)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2] = $mul16; $k = 0; while(1) { $10 = $k; $11 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($10|0)<($11|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $12 = $in$addr; $13 = $k; $14 = $stride$addr; $mul19 = Math_imul($13, $14)|0; $arrayidx20 = (($12) + ($mul19<<2)|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2]; $inval = $15; $16 = $S$addr; $17 = +HEAPF32[$16>>2]; $18 = +HEAPF32[$B>>2]; $19 = $inval; $mul23 = $18 * $19; $add = $17 + $mul23; $vout = $add; $20 = $S$addr; $arrayidx24 = ((($20)) + 4|0); $21 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2]; $22 = $vout; $23 = +HEAPF32[$A>>2]; $mul26 = $22 * $23; $sub = $21 - $mul26; $arrayidx27 = ((($B)) + 4|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $25 = $inval; $mul28 = $24 * $25; $add29 = $sub + $mul28; $26 = $S$addr; HEAPF32[$26>>2] = $add29; $27 = $vout; $sub31 = - $27; $arrayidx32 = ((($A)) + 4|0); $28 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx32>>2]; $mul33 = $sub31 * $28; $arrayidx34 = ((($B)) + 8|0); $29 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2]; $30 = $inval; $mul35 = $29 * $30; $add36 = $mul33 + $mul35; $add37 = $add36 + 1.0000000031710769E-30; $31 = $S$addr; $arrayidx38 = ((($31)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2] = $add37; $32 = $vout; $33 = $out$addr; $34 = $k; $35 = $stride$addr; $mul39 = Math_imul($34, $35)|0; $arrayidx40 = (($33) + ($mul39<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx40>>2] = $32; $36 = $k; $inc = (($36) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _opus_encode_float($st,$pcm,$analysis_frame_size,$data,$out_data_bytes) { $st = $st|0; $pcm = $pcm|0; $analysis_frame_size = $analysis_frame_size|0; $data = $data|0; $out_data_bytes = $out_data_bytes|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0; var $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Fs = 0, $analysis = 0, $analysis_frame_size$addr = 0, $application = 0, $bitrate_bps = 0, $call = 0, $call3 = 0, $channels = 0, $channels2 = 0, $cmp = 0, $data$addr = 0, $delay_compensation = 0, $delay_compensation1 = 0, $frame_size = 0, $out_data_bytes$addr = 0; var $pcm$addr = 0, $st$addr = 0, $subframe_mem = 0, $variable_duration = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $st$addr = $st; $pcm$addr = $pcm; $analysis_frame_size$addr = $analysis_frame_size; $data$addr = $data; $out_data_bytes$addr = $out_data_bytes; $0 = $st$addr; $application = ((($0)) + 96|0); $1 = HEAP32[$application>>2]|0; $cmp = ($1|0)==(2051); if ($cmp) { $delay_compensation = 0; } else { $2 = $st$addr; $delay_compensation1 = ((($2)) + 104|0); $3 = HEAP32[$delay_compensation1>>2]|0; $delay_compensation = $3; } $4 = $pcm$addr; $5 = $analysis_frame_size$addr; $6 = $st$addr; $variable_duration = ((($6)) + 144|0); $7 = HEAP32[$variable_duration>>2]|0; $8 = $st$addr; $channels = ((($8)) + 100|0); $9 = HEAP32[$channels>>2]|0; $10 = $st$addr; $Fs = ((($10)) + 132|0); $11 = HEAP32[$Fs>>2]|0; $12 = $st$addr; $bitrate_bps = ((($12)) + 148|0); $13 = HEAP32[$bitrate_bps>>2]|0; $14 = $delay_compensation; $15 = $st$addr; $analysis = ((($15)) + 172|0); $subframe_mem = ((($analysis)) + 6872|0); $call = (_compute_frame_size($4,$5,$7,$9,$11,$13,$14,19,$subframe_mem)|0); $frame_size = $call; $16 = $st$addr; $17 = $pcm$addr; $18 = $frame_size; $19 = $data$addr; $20 = $out_data_bytes$addr; $21 = $pcm$addr; $22 = $analysis_frame_size$addr; $23 = $st$addr; $channels2 = ((($23)) + 100|0); $24 = HEAP32[$channels2>>2]|0; $call3 = (_opus_encode_native($16,$17,$18,$19,$20,24,$21,$22,0,-2,$24,19,1)|0); STACKTOP = sp;return ($call3|0); } function _opus_encoder_ctl($st,$request,$varargs) { $st = $st|0; $request = $request|0; $varargs = $varargs|0; var $$old = 0, $$sink = 0, $$sink10 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0; var $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0; var $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0; var $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0; var $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0; var $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0; var $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0, $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0; var $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0, $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0; var $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0, $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0; var $258 = 0, $259 = 0, $26 = 0, $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0; var $276 = 0, $277 = 0, $278 = 0, $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0; var $294 = 0, $295 = 0, $296 = 0, $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0, $304 = 0, $305 = 0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0, $31 = 0, $310 = 0; var $311 = 0, $312 = 0, $313 = 0, $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0, $322 = 0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0, $325 = 0, $326 = 0, $327 = 0, $328 = 0, $329 = 0; var $33 = 0, $330 = 0, $331 = 0, $332 = 0, $333 = 0, $334 = 0, $335 = 0, $336 = 0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0, $339 = 0, $34 = 0, $340 = 0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0, $346 = 0, $347 = 0; var $348 = 0, $349 = 0, $35 = 0, $350 = 0, $351 = 0, $352 = 0, $353 = 0, $354 = 0, $355 = 0, $356 = 0, $357 = 0, $358 = 0, $359 = 0, $36 = 0, $360 = 0, $361 = 0, $362 = 0, $363 = 0, $364 = 0, $365 = 0; var $366 = 0, $367 = 0, $368 = 0, $369 = 0, $37 = 0, $370 = 0, $371 = 0, $372 = 0, $373 = 0, $374 = 0, $375 = 0, $376 = 0, $377 = 0, $378 = 0, $379 = 0, $38 = 0, $380 = 0, $381 = 0, $382 = 0, $383 = 0; var $384 = 0, $385 = 0, $386 = 0, $387 = 0, $388 = 0, $389 = 0, $39 = 0, $390 = 0, $391 = 0, $392 = 0, $393 = 0, $394 = 0, $395 = 0, $396 = 0, $397 = 0, $398 = 0, $399 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $400 = 0; var $401 = 0, $402 = 0, $403 = 0, $404 = 0, $405 = 0, $406 = 0, $407 = 0, $408 = 0, $409 = 0, $41 = 0, $410 = 0, $411 = 0, $412 = 0, $413 = 0, $414 = 0, $415 = 0, $416 = 0, $417 = 0, $418 = 0, $419 = 0; var $42 = 0, $420 = 0, $421 = 0, $422 = 0, $423 = 0, $424 = 0, $425 = 0, $426 = 0, $427 = 0, $428 = 0, $429 = 0, $43 = 0, $430 = 0, $431 = 0, $432 = 0, $433 = 0, $434 = 0, $435 = 0, $436 = 0, $437 = 0; var $438 = 0, $439 = 0, $44 = 0, $440 = 0, $441 = 0, $442 = 0, $443 = 0, $444 = 0, $445 = 0, $446 = 0, $447 = 0, $448 = 0, $449 = 0, $45 = 0, $450 = 0, $451 = 0, $452 = 0, $453 = 0, $454 = 0, $455 = 0; var $456 = 0, $457 = 0, $458 = 0, $459 = 0, $46 = 0, $460 = 0, $461 = 0, $462 = 0, $463 = 0, $464 = 0, $465 = 0, $466 = 0, $467 = 0, $468 = 0, $469 = 0, $47 = 0, $470 = 0, $471 = 0, $472 = 0, $473 = 0; var $474 = 0, $475 = 0, $476 = 0, $477 = 0, $478 = 0, $479 = 0, $48 = 0, $480 = 0, $481 = 0, $482 = 0, $483 = 0, $484 = 0, $485 = 0, $486 = 0, $487 = 0, $488 = 0, $489 = 0, $49 = 0, $490 = 0, $491 = 0; var $492 = 0, $493 = 0, $494 = 0, $495 = 0, $496 = 0, $497 = 0, $498 = 0, $499 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $500 = 0, $501 = 0, $502 = 0, $503 = 0, $504 = 0, $505 = 0, $506 = 0, $507 = 0, $508 = 0, $509 = 0; var $51 = 0, $510 = 0, $511 = 0, $512 = 0, $513 = 0, $514 = 0, $515 = 0, $516 = 0, $517 = 0, $518 = 0, $519 = 0, $52 = 0, $520 = 0, $521 = 0, $522 = 0, $523 = 0, $524 = 0, $525 = 0, $526 = 0, $527 = 0; var $528 = 0, $529 = 0, $53 = 0, $530 = 0, $531 = 0, $532 = 0, $533 = 0, $534 = 0, $535 = 0, $536 = 0, $537 = 0, $538 = 0, $539 = 0, $54 = 0, $540 = 0, $541 = 0, $542 = 0, $543 = 0, $544 = 0, $545 = 0; var $546 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0; var $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0; var $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $Fs = 0, $Fs314 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr403 = 0, $add$ptr441 = 0, $add$ptr454 = 0, $analysis = 0, $ap = 0, $application = 0; var $application16 = 0, $application302 = 0, $application8 = 0, $arch = 0, $arglist_current = 0, $arglist_current103 = 0, $arglist_current106 = 0, $arglist_current109 = 0, $arglist_current112 = 0, $arglist_current115 = 0, $arglist_current118 = 0, $arglist_current121 = 0, $arglist_current124 = 0, $arglist_current127 = 0, $arglist_current130 = 0, $arglist_current133 = 0, $arglist_current136 = 0, $arglist_current139 = 0, $arglist_current142 = 0, $arglist_current145 = 0; var $arglist_current151 = 0, $arglist_current154 = 0, $arglist_current157 = 0, $arglist_current162 = 0, $arglist_current165 = 0, $arglist_current171 = 0, $arglist_current177 = 0, $arglist_current52 = 0, $arglist_current55 = 0, $arglist_current58 = 0, $arglist_current61 = 0, $arglist_current64 = 0, $arglist_current67 = 0, $arglist_current70 = 0, $arglist_current73 = 0, $arglist_current76 = 0, $arglist_current79 = 0, $arglist_current82 = 0, $arglist_current85 = 0, $arglist_current88 = 0; var $arglist_current91 = 0, $arglist_current94 = 0, $arglist_current97 = 0, $arglist_next = 0, $arglist_next104 = 0, $arglist_next107 = 0, $arglist_next110 = 0, $arglist_next113 = 0, $arglist_next116 = 0, $arglist_next119 = 0, $arglist_next122 = 0, $arglist_next125 = 0, $arglist_next128 = 0, $arglist_next131 = 0, $arglist_next134 = 0, $arglist_next137 = 0, $arglist_next140 = 0, $arglist_next143 = 0, $arglist_next146 = 0, $arglist_next152 = 0; var $arglist_next155 = 0, $arglist_next158 = 0, $arglist_next163 = 0, $arglist_next166 = 0, $arglist_next172 = 0, $arglist_next178 = 0, $arglist_next53 = 0, $arglist_next56 = 0, $arglist_next59 = 0, $arglist_next62 = 0, $arglist_next65 = 0, $arglist_next68 = 0, $arglist_next71 = 0, $arglist_next74 = 0, $arglist_next77 = 0, $arglist_next80 = 0, $arglist_next83 = 0, $arglist_next86 = 0, $arglist_next89 = 0, $arglist_next92 = 0; var $arglist_next95 = 0, $arglist_next98 = 0, $bandwidth = 0, $bandwidth411 = 0, $call = 0, $call412 = 0, $call433 = 0, $call442 = 0, $call455 = 0, $celt_enc = 0, $channels = 0, $channels32 = 0, $channels408 = 0, $channels51 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp100 = 0, $cmp102 = 0, $cmp104 = 0, $cmp108 = 0, $cmp114 = 0; var $cmp134 = 0, $cmp136 = 0, $cmp153 = 0, $cmp155 = 0, $cmp174 = 0, $cmp177 = 0, $cmp195 = 0, $cmp198 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp219 = 0, $cmp222 = 0, $cmp23 = 0, $cmp239 = 0, $cmp242 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp258 = 0, $cmp261 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp277 = 0, $cmp280 = 0; var $cmp283 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp30 = 0, $cmp303 = 0, $cmp326 = 0, $cmp329 = 0, $cmp345 = 0, $cmp348 = 0, $cmp351 = 0, $cmp354 = 0, $cmp357 = 0, $cmp360 = 0, $cmp363 = 0, $cmp366 = 0, $cmp385 = 0, $cmp388 = 0, $cmp417 = 0, $cmp420 = 0, $cmp423 = 0, $cmp49 = 0; var $cmp5 = 0, $cmp52 = 0, $cmp54 = 0, $cmp54$old = 0, $cmp69 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp71 = 0, $cmp75 = 0, $cmp79 = 0, $complexity = 0, $complexity169 = 0, $delay_compensation = 0, $div = 0, $dummy = 0, $energy_masking = 0, $expanded = 0, $expanded100 = 0, $expanded102 = 0, $expanded103 = 0, $expanded104 = 0; var $expanded106 = 0, $expanded107 = 0, $expanded109 = 0, $expanded11 = 0, $expanded110 = 0, $expanded111 = 0, $expanded113 = 0, $expanded114 = 0, $expanded116 = 0, $expanded117 = 0, $expanded118 = 0, $expanded12 = 0, $expanded120 = 0, $expanded121 = 0, $expanded123 = 0, $expanded124 = 0, $expanded125 = 0, $expanded127 = 0, $expanded128 = 0, $expanded13 = 0; var $expanded130 = 0, $expanded131 = 0, $expanded132 = 0, $expanded134 = 0, $expanded135 = 0, $expanded137 = 0, $expanded138 = 0, $expanded139 = 0, $expanded141 = 0, $expanded142 = 0, $expanded144 = 0, $expanded145 = 0, $expanded146 = 0, $expanded148 = 0, $expanded149 = 0, $expanded15 = 0, $expanded151 = 0, $expanded152 = 0, $expanded153 = 0, $expanded155 = 0; var $expanded156 = 0, $expanded158 = 0, $expanded159 = 0, $expanded16 = 0, $expanded160 = 0, $expanded162 = 0, $expanded163 = 0, $expanded165 = 0, $expanded166 = 0, $expanded167 = 0, $expanded169 = 0, $expanded170 = 0, $expanded172 = 0, $expanded173 = 0, $expanded174 = 0, $expanded176 = 0, $expanded177 = 0, $expanded179 = 0, $expanded18 = 0, $expanded180 = 0; var $expanded181 = 0, $expanded183 = 0, $expanded184 = 0, $expanded186 = 0, $expanded187 = 0, $expanded188 = 0, $expanded19 = 0, $expanded190 = 0, $expanded191 = 0, $expanded193 = 0, $expanded194 = 0, $expanded195 = 0, $expanded197 = 0, $expanded198 = 0, $expanded2 = 0, $expanded20 = 0, $expanded200 = 0, $expanded201 = 0, $expanded202 = 0, $expanded204 = 0; var $expanded205 = 0, $expanded207 = 0, $expanded208 = 0, $expanded209 = 0, $expanded211 = 0, $expanded212 = 0, $expanded214 = 0, $expanded215 = 0, $expanded216 = 0, $expanded218 = 0, $expanded219 = 0, $expanded22 = 0, $expanded221 = 0, $expanded222 = 0, $expanded223 = 0, $expanded225 = 0, $expanded226 = 0, $expanded228 = 0, $expanded229 = 0, $expanded23 = 0; var $expanded230 = 0, $expanded232 = 0, $expanded233 = 0, $expanded235 = 0, $expanded236 = 0, $expanded237 = 0, $expanded239 = 0, $expanded240 = 0, $expanded242 = 0, $expanded243 = 0, $expanded244 = 0, $expanded246 = 0, $expanded247 = 0, $expanded249 = 0, $expanded25 = 0, $expanded250 = 0, $expanded251 = 0, $expanded253 = 0, $expanded254 = 0, $expanded256 = 0; var $expanded257 = 0, $expanded258 = 0, $expanded26 = 0, $expanded260 = 0, $expanded261 = 0, $expanded263 = 0, $expanded264 = 0, $expanded265 = 0, $expanded267 = 0, $expanded268 = 0, $expanded27 = 0, $expanded270 = 0, $expanded271 = 0, $expanded272 = 0, $expanded29 = 0, $expanded30 = 0, $expanded32 = 0, $expanded33 = 0, $expanded34 = 0, $expanded36 = 0; var $expanded37 = 0, $expanded39 = 0, $expanded4 = 0, $expanded40 = 0, $expanded41 = 0, $expanded43 = 0, $expanded44 = 0, $expanded46 = 0, $expanded47 = 0, $expanded48 = 0, $expanded5 = 0, $expanded50 = 0, $expanded51 = 0, $expanded53 = 0, $expanded54 = 0, $expanded55 = 0, $expanded57 = 0, $expanded58 = 0, $expanded6 = 0, $expanded60 = 0; var $expanded61 = 0, $expanded62 = 0, $expanded64 = 0, $expanded65 = 0, $expanded67 = 0, $expanded68 = 0, $expanded69 = 0, $expanded71 = 0, $expanded72 = 0, $expanded74 = 0, $expanded75 = 0, $expanded76 = 0, $expanded78 = 0, $expanded79 = 0, $expanded8 = 0, $expanded81 = 0, $expanded82 = 0, $expanded83 = 0, $expanded85 = 0, $expanded86 = 0; var $expanded88 = 0, $expanded89 = 0, $expanded9 = 0, $expanded90 = 0, $expanded92 = 0, $expanded93 = 0, $expanded95 = 0, $expanded96 = 0, $expanded97 = 0, $expanded99 = 0, $first = 0, $first410 = 0, $force_channels = 0, $force_channels64 = 0, $hybrid_stereo_width_Q14 = 0, $lfe = 0, $lsb_depth = 0, $lsb_depth340 = 0, $maxInternalSampleRate = 0, $maxInternalSampleRate111 = 0; var $maxInternalSampleRate117 = 0, $maxInternalSampleRate82 = 0, $max_bandwidth = 0, $max_bandwidth74 = 0, $max_bandwidth78 = 0, $max_bandwidth95 = 0, $mode = 0, $mul = 0, $mul33 = 0, $mul405 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond12 = 0, $or$cond14 = 0, $or$cond16 = 0, $or$cond18 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond20 = 0, $or$cond22 = 0, $or$cond24 = 0; var $or$cond26 = 0, $or$cond28 = 0, $or$cond3 = 0, $or$cond30 = 0, $or$cond32 = 0, $or$cond34 = 0, $or$cond36 = 0, $or$cond38 = 0, $or$cond40 = 0, $or$cond42 = 0, $or$cond44 = 0, $or$cond46 = 0, $or$cond48 = 0, $or$cond5 = 0, $or$cond50 = 0, $or$cond7 = 0, $or$cond9 = 0, $packetLossPercentage = 0, $packetLossPercentage214 = 0, $prev_HB_gain = 0; var $prev_framesize = 0, $rangeFinal = 0, $reducedDependency = 0, $reducedDependency401 = 0, $request$addr = 0, $ret = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0, $signal_type = 0, $signal_type294 = 0, $silk_enc = 0, $silk_enc_offset = 0, $silk_mode = 0, $silk_mode110 = 0, $silk_mode116 = 0, $silk_mode139 = 0, $silk_mode147 = 0, $silk_mode158 = 0, $silk_mode168 = 0, $silk_mode181 = 0; var $silk_mode189 = 0, $silk_mode202 = 0, $silk_mode213 = 0, $silk_mode226 = 0, $silk_mode392 = 0, $silk_mode400 = 0, $silk_mode81 = 0, $st$addr = 0, $start = 0, $stream_channels = 0, $stream_channels409 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$div453 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast438 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast450 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast439 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast451 = 0; var $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub440 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub452 = 0, $sub404 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool127 = 0, $tobool13 = 0, $tobool144 = 0, $tobool165 = 0, $tobool186 = 0, $tobool210 = 0, $tobool231 = 0, $tobool250 = 0, $tobool269 = 0, $tobool291 = 0, $tobool299 = 0, $tobool311 = 0, $tobool319 = 0, $tobool337 = 0, $tobool377 = 0; var $tobool397 = 0, $tobool42 = 0, $tobool447 = 0, $tobool61 = 0, $tobool92 = 0, $useCBR = 0, $useDTX = 0, $useDTX148 = 0, $useInBandFEC = 0, $useInBandFEC190 = 0, $use_vbr = 0, $use_vbr234 = 0, $user_bandwidth = 0, $user_bandwidth107 = 0, $user_bandwidth113 = 0, $user_bitrate_bps = 0, $user_forced_mode = 0, $value = 0, $value10 = 0, $value124 = 0; var $value131 = 0, $value141 = 0, $value150 = 0, $value162 = 0, $value171 = 0, $value18 = 0, $value183 = 0, $value192 = 0, $value207 = 0, $value216 = 0, $value228 = 0, $value236 = 0, $value247 = 0, $value255 = 0, $value266 = 0, $value274 = 0, $value288 = 0, $value296 = 0, $value308 = 0, $value316 = 0; var $value323 = 0, $value334 = 0, $value342 = 0, $value374 = 0, $value382 = 0, $value39 = 0, $value394 = 0, $value414 = 0, $value428 = 0, $value435 = 0, $value444 = 0, $value46 = 0, $value58 = 0, $value66 = 0, $value89 = 0, $value97 = 0, $vararg_buffer = 0, $vararg_buffer147 = 0, $vararg_buffer159 = 0, $vararg_buffer167 = 0; var $vararg_buffer173 = 0, $vararg_buffer179 = 0, $vararg_buffer99 = 0, $varet = 0, $varet12 = 0, $varet126 = 0, $varet133 = 0, $varet143 = 0, $varet152 = 0, $varet164 = 0, $varet173 = 0, $varet185 = 0, $varet194 = 0, $varet20 = 0, $varet209 = 0, $varet218 = 0, $varet230 = 0, $varet238 = 0, $varet249 = 0, $varet257 = 0; var $varet268 = 0, $varet276 = 0, $varet290 = 0, $varet298 = 0, $varet310 = 0, $varet318 = 0, $varet325 = 0, $varet336 = 0, $varet344 = 0, $varet376 = 0, $varet384 = 0, $varet396 = 0, $varet41 = 0, $varet416 = 0, $varet430 = 0, $varet437 = 0, $varet446 = 0, $varet48 = 0, $varet60 = 0, $varet68 = 0; var $varet91 = 0, $varet99 = 0, $variable_HP_smth2_Q15 = 0, $variable_duration = 0, $variable_duration380 = 0, $vbr_constraint = 0, $vbr_constraint272 = 0, $voice_ratio = 0, $voice_ratio253 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 512|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(512|0); $vararg_buffer179 = sp + 48|0; $vararg_buffer173 = sp + 40|0; $vararg_buffer167 = sp + 32|0; $vararg_buffer159 = sp + 24|0; $vararg_buffer147 = sp + 16|0; $vararg_buffer99 = sp + 8|0; $vararg_buffer = sp; $ap = sp + 464|0; $dummy = sp + 88|0; $st$addr = $st; $request$addr = $request; $ret = 0; HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $varargs; $0 = $st$addr; $1 = $st$addr; $2 = HEAP32[$1>>2]|0; $add$ptr = (($0) + ($2)|0); $celt_enc = $add$ptr; $3 = $request$addr; L1: do { switch ($3|0) { case 4000: { $arglist_current = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $4 = $arglist_current; $5 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded2 = $5; $expanded = (($expanded2) - 1)|0; $6 = (($4) + ($expanded))|0; $7 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded6 = $7; $expanded5 = (($expanded6) - 1)|0; $expanded4 = $expanded5 ^ -1; $8 = $6 & $expanded4; $9 = $8; $10 = HEAP32[$9>>2]|0; $arglist_next = ((($9)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next; $varet = $10; $11 = $varet; $value = $11; $12 = $value; $cmp = ($12|0)!=(2048); $13 = $value; $cmp3 = ($13|0)!=(2049); $or$cond = $cmp & $cmp3; $14 = $value; $cmp5 = ($14|0)!=(2051); $or$cond1 = $or$cond & $cmp5; do { if (!($or$cond1)) { $15 = $st$addr; $first = ((($15)) + 14344|0); $16 = HEAP32[$first>>2]|0; $tobool = ($16|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $17 = $st$addr; $application = ((($17)) + 96|0); $18 = HEAP32[$application>>2]|0; $19 = $value; $cmp7 = ($18|0)!=($19|0); if ($cmp7) { break; } } $20 = $value; $21 = $st$addr; $application8 = ((($21)) + 96|0); HEAP32[$application8>>2] = $20; label = 95; break L1; } } while(0); $ret = -1; label = 95; break; } case 4001: { $arglist_current52 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $22 = $arglist_current52; $23 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded9 = $23; $expanded8 = (($expanded9) - 1)|0; $24 = (($22) + ($expanded8))|0; $25 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded13 = $25; $expanded12 = (($expanded13) - 1)|0; $expanded11 = $expanded12 ^ -1; $26 = $24 & $expanded11; $27 = $26; $28 = HEAP32[$27>>2]|0; $arglist_next53 = ((($27)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next53; $varet12 = $28; $29 = $varet12; $value10 = $29; $30 = $value10; $tobool13 = ($30|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool13) { $31 = $st$addr; $application16 = ((($31)) + 96|0); $32 = HEAP32[$application16>>2]|0; $33 = $value10; HEAP32[$33>>2] = $32; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4002: { $arglist_current55 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $34 = $arglist_current55; $35 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded16 = $35; $expanded15 = (($expanded16) - 1)|0; $36 = (($34) + ($expanded15))|0; $37 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded20 = $37; $expanded19 = (($expanded20) - 1)|0; $expanded18 = $expanded19 ^ -1; $38 = $36 & $expanded18; $39 = $38; $40 = HEAP32[$39>>2]|0; $arglist_next56 = ((($39)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next56; $varet20 = $40; $41 = $varet20; $value18 = $41; $42 = $value18; $cmp21 = ($42|0)!=(-1000); $43 = $value18; $cmp23 = ($43|0)!=(-1); $or$cond2 = $cmp21 & $cmp23; do { if ($or$cond2) { $44 = $value18; $cmp25 = ($44|0)<=(0); if ($cmp25) { label = 96; break L1; } $45 = $value18; $cmp27 = ($45|0)<=(500); if ($cmp27) { $value18 = 500; break; } $46 = $value18; $47 = $st$addr; $channels = ((($47)) + 100|0); $48 = HEAP32[$channels>>2]|0; $mul = ($48*300000)|0; $cmp30 = ($46|0)>($mul|0); if ($cmp30) { $49 = $st$addr; $channels32 = ((($49)) + 100|0); $50 = HEAP32[$channels32>>2]|0; $mul33 = ($50*300000)|0; $value18 = $mul33; } } } while(0); $51 = $value18; $52 = $st$addr; $user_bitrate_bps = ((($52)) + 152|0); HEAP32[$user_bitrate_bps>>2] = $51; label = 95; break; } case 4003: { $arglist_current58 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $53 = $arglist_current58; $54 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded23 = $54; $expanded22 = (($expanded23) - 1)|0; $55 = (($53) + ($expanded22))|0; $56 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded27 = $56; $expanded26 = (($expanded27) - 1)|0; $expanded25 = $expanded26 ^ -1; $57 = $55 & $expanded25; $58 = $57; $59 = HEAP32[$58>>2]|0; $arglist_next59 = ((($58)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next59; $varet41 = $59; $60 = $varet41; $value39 = $60; $61 = $value39; $tobool42 = ($61|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool42) { $62 = $st$addr; $63 = $st$addr; $prev_framesize = ((($63)) + 14332|0); $64 = HEAP32[$prev_framesize>>2]|0; $call = (_user_bitrate_to_bitrate($62,$64,1276)|0); $65 = $value39; HEAP32[$65>>2] = $call; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4022: { $arglist_current61 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $66 = $arglist_current61; $67 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded30 = $67; $expanded29 = (($expanded30) - 1)|0; $68 = (($66) + ($expanded29))|0; $69 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded34 = $69; $expanded33 = (($expanded34) - 1)|0; $expanded32 = $expanded33 ^ -1; $70 = $68 & $expanded32; $71 = $70; $72 = HEAP32[$71>>2]|0; $arglist_next62 = ((($71)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next62; $varet48 = $72; $73 = $varet48; $value46 = $73; $74 = $value46; $cmp49 = ($74|0)<(1); $$old = $value46; if ($cmp49) { $cmp54$old = ($$old|0)!=(-1000); if ($cmp54$old) { label = 96; break L1; } } else { $75 = $st$addr; $channels51 = ((($75)) + 100|0); $76 = HEAP32[$channels51>>2]|0; $cmp52 = ($$old|0)>($76|0); $77 = $value46; $cmp54 = ($77|0)!=(-1000); $or$cond3 = $cmp52 & $cmp54; if ($or$cond3) { label = 96; break L1; } } $78 = $value46; $79 = $st$addr; $force_channels = ((($79)) + 108|0); HEAP32[$force_channels>>2] = $78; label = 95; break; } case 4023: { $arglist_current64 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $80 = $arglist_current64; $81 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded37 = $81; $expanded36 = (($expanded37) - 1)|0; $82 = (($80) + ($expanded36))|0; $83 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded41 = $83; $expanded40 = (($expanded41) - 1)|0; $expanded39 = $expanded40 ^ -1; $84 = $82 & $expanded39; $85 = $84; $86 = HEAP32[$85>>2]|0; $arglist_next65 = ((($85)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next65; $varet60 = $86; $87 = $varet60; $value58 = $87; $88 = $value58; $tobool61 = ($88|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool61) { $89 = $st$addr; $force_channels64 = ((($89)) + 108|0); $90 = HEAP32[$force_channels64>>2]|0; $91 = $value58; HEAP32[$91>>2] = $90; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4004: { $arglist_current67 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $92 = $arglist_current67; $93 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded44 = $93; $expanded43 = (($expanded44) - 1)|0; $94 = (($92) + ($expanded43))|0; $95 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded48 = $95; $expanded47 = (($expanded48) - 1)|0; $expanded46 = $expanded47 ^ -1; $96 = $94 & $expanded46; $97 = $96; $98 = HEAP32[$97>>2]|0; $arglist_next68 = ((($97)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next68; $varet68 = $98; $99 = $varet68; $value66 = $99; $100 = $value66; $cmp69 = ($100|0)<(1101); $101 = $value66; $cmp71 = ($101|0)>(1105); $or$cond5 = $cmp69 | $cmp71; if ($or$cond5) { label = 96; } else { $102 = $value66; $103 = $st$addr; $max_bandwidth = ((($103)) + 120|0); HEAP32[$max_bandwidth>>2] = $102; $104 = $st$addr; $max_bandwidth74 = ((($104)) + 120|0); $105 = HEAP32[$max_bandwidth74>>2]|0; $cmp75 = ($105|0)==(1101); $106 = $st$addr; if ($cmp75) { $silk_mode = ((($106)) + 8|0); $maxInternalSampleRate = ((($silk_mode)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate>>2] = 8000; label = 95; break L1; } else { $max_bandwidth78 = ((($106)) + 120|0); $107 = HEAP32[$max_bandwidth78>>2]|0; $cmp79 = ($107|0)==(1102); $108 = $st$addr; $silk_mode81 = ((($108)) + 8|0); $maxInternalSampleRate82 = ((($silk_mode81)) + 12|0); $$sink = $cmp79 ? 12000 : 16000; HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate82>>2] = $$sink; label = 95; break L1; } } break; } case 4005: { $arglist_current70 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $109 = $arglist_current70; $110 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded51 = $110; $expanded50 = (($expanded51) - 1)|0; $111 = (($109) + ($expanded50))|0; $112 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded55 = $112; $expanded54 = (($expanded55) - 1)|0; $expanded53 = $expanded54 ^ -1; $113 = $111 & $expanded53; $114 = $113; $115 = HEAP32[$114>>2]|0; $arglist_next71 = ((($114)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next71; $varet91 = $115; $116 = $varet91; $value89 = $116; $117 = $value89; $tobool92 = ($117|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool92) { $118 = $st$addr; $max_bandwidth95 = ((($118)) + 120|0); $119 = HEAP32[$max_bandwidth95>>2]|0; $120 = $value89; HEAP32[$120>>2] = $119; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4008: { $arglist_current73 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $121 = $arglist_current73; $122 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded58 = $122; $expanded57 = (($expanded58) - 1)|0; $123 = (($121) + ($expanded57))|0; $124 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded62 = $124; $expanded61 = (($expanded62) - 1)|0; $expanded60 = $expanded61 ^ -1; $125 = $123 & $expanded60; $126 = $125; $127 = HEAP32[$126>>2]|0; $arglist_next74 = ((($126)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next74; $varet99 = $127; $128 = $varet99; $value97 = $128; $129 = $value97; $cmp100 = ($129|0)<(1101); $130 = $value97; $cmp102 = ($130|0)>(1105); $or$cond7 = $cmp100 | $cmp102; $131 = $value97; $cmp104 = ($131|0)!=(-1000); $or$cond9 = $or$cond7 & $cmp104; if ($or$cond9) { label = 96; } else { $132 = $value97; $133 = $st$addr; $user_bandwidth = ((($133)) + 116|0); HEAP32[$user_bandwidth>>2] = $132; $134 = $st$addr; $user_bandwidth107 = ((($134)) + 116|0); $135 = HEAP32[$user_bandwidth107>>2]|0; $cmp108 = ($135|0)==(1101); $136 = $st$addr; if ($cmp108) { $silk_mode110 = ((($136)) + 8|0); $maxInternalSampleRate111 = ((($silk_mode110)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate111>>2] = 8000; label = 95; break L1; } else { $user_bandwidth113 = ((($136)) + 116|0); $137 = HEAP32[$user_bandwidth113>>2]|0; $cmp114 = ($137|0)==(1102); $138 = $st$addr; $silk_mode116 = ((($138)) + 8|0); $maxInternalSampleRate117 = ((($silk_mode116)) + 12|0); $$sink10 = $cmp114 ? 12000 : 16000; HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate117>>2] = $$sink10; label = 95; break L1; } } break; } case 4009: { $arglist_current76 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $139 = $arglist_current76; $140 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded65 = $140; $expanded64 = (($expanded65) - 1)|0; $141 = (($139) + ($expanded64))|0; $142 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded69 = $142; $expanded68 = (($expanded69) - 1)|0; $expanded67 = $expanded68 ^ -1; $143 = $141 & $expanded67; $144 = $143; $145 = HEAP32[$144>>2]|0; $arglist_next77 = ((($144)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next77; $varet126 = $145; $146 = $varet126; $value124 = $146; $147 = $value124; $tobool127 = ($147|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool127) { $148 = $st$addr; $bandwidth = ((($148)) + 14336|0); $149 = HEAP32[$bandwidth>>2]|0; $150 = $value124; HEAP32[$150>>2] = $149; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4016: { $arglist_current79 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $151 = $arglist_current79; $152 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded72 = $152; $expanded71 = (($expanded72) - 1)|0; $153 = (($151) + ($expanded71))|0; $154 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded76 = $154; $expanded75 = (($expanded76) - 1)|0; $expanded74 = $expanded75 ^ -1; $155 = $153 & $expanded74; $156 = $155; $157 = HEAP32[$156>>2]|0; $arglist_next80 = ((($156)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next80; $varet133 = $157; $158 = $varet133; $value131 = $158; $159 = $value131; $cmp134 = ($159|0)<(0); $160 = $value131; $cmp136 = ($160|0)>(1); $or$cond12 = $cmp134 | $cmp136; if ($or$cond12) { label = 96; } else { $161 = $value131; $162 = $st$addr; $silk_mode139 = ((($162)) + 8|0); $useDTX = ((($silk_mode139)) + 44|0); HEAP32[$useDTX>>2] = $161; label = 95; } break; } case 4017: { $arglist_current82 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $163 = $arglist_current82; $164 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded79 = $164; $expanded78 = (($expanded79) - 1)|0; $165 = (($163) + ($expanded78))|0; $166 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded83 = $166; $expanded82 = (($expanded83) - 1)|0; $expanded81 = $expanded82 ^ -1; $167 = $165 & $expanded81; $168 = $167; $169 = HEAP32[$168>>2]|0; $arglist_next83 = ((($168)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next83; $varet143 = $169; $170 = $varet143; $value141 = $170; $171 = $value141; $tobool144 = ($171|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool144) { $172 = $st$addr; $silk_mode147 = ((($172)) + 8|0); $useDTX148 = ((($silk_mode147)) + 44|0); $173 = HEAP32[$useDTX148>>2]|0; $174 = $value141; HEAP32[$174>>2] = $173; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4010: { $arglist_current85 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $175 = $arglist_current85; $176 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded86 = $176; $expanded85 = (($expanded86) - 1)|0; $177 = (($175) + ($expanded85))|0; $178 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded90 = $178; $expanded89 = (($expanded90) - 1)|0; $expanded88 = $expanded89 ^ -1; $179 = $177 & $expanded88; $180 = $179; $181 = HEAP32[$180>>2]|0; $arglist_next86 = ((($180)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next86; $varet152 = $181; $182 = $varet152; $value150 = $182; $183 = $value150; $cmp153 = ($183|0)<(0); $184 = $value150; $cmp155 = ($184|0)>(10); $or$cond14 = $cmp153 | $cmp155; if ($or$cond14) { label = 96; } else { $185 = $value150; $186 = $st$addr; $silk_mode158 = ((($186)) + 8|0); $complexity = ((($silk_mode158)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$complexity>>2] = $185; $187 = $celt_enc; $188 = $value150; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer>>2] = $188; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($187,4010,$vararg_buffer)|0); label = 95; } break; } case 4011: { $arglist_current88 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $189 = $arglist_current88; $190 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded93 = $190; $expanded92 = (($expanded93) - 1)|0; $191 = (($189) + ($expanded92))|0; $192 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded97 = $192; $expanded96 = (($expanded97) - 1)|0; $expanded95 = $expanded96 ^ -1; $193 = $191 & $expanded95; $194 = $193; $195 = HEAP32[$194>>2]|0; $arglist_next89 = ((($194)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next89; $varet164 = $195; $196 = $varet164; $value162 = $196; $197 = $value162; $tobool165 = ($197|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool165) { $198 = $st$addr; $silk_mode168 = ((($198)) + 8|0); $complexity169 = ((($silk_mode168)) + 36|0); $199 = HEAP32[$complexity169>>2]|0; $200 = $value162; HEAP32[$200>>2] = $199; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4012: { $arglist_current91 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $201 = $arglist_current91; $202 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded100 = $202; $expanded99 = (($expanded100) - 1)|0; $203 = (($201) + ($expanded99))|0; $204 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded104 = $204; $expanded103 = (($expanded104) - 1)|0; $expanded102 = $expanded103 ^ -1; $205 = $203 & $expanded102; $206 = $205; $207 = HEAP32[$206>>2]|0; $arglist_next92 = ((($206)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next92; $varet173 = $207; $208 = $varet173; $value171 = $208; $209 = $value171; $cmp174 = ($209|0)<(0); $210 = $value171; $cmp177 = ($210|0)>(1); $or$cond16 = $cmp174 | $cmp177; if ($or$cond16) { label = 96; } else { $211 = $value171; $212 = $st$addr; $silk_mode181 = ((($212)) + 8|0); $useInBandFEC = ((($silk_mode181)) + 40|0); HEAP32[$useInBandFEC>>2] = $211; label = 95; } break; } case 4013: { $arglist_current94 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $213 = $arglist_current94; $214 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded107 = $214; $expanded106 = (($expanded107) - 1)|0; $215 = (($213) + ($expanded106))|0; $216 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded111 = $216; $expanded110 = (($expanded111) - 1)|0; $expanded109 = $expanded110 ^ -1; $217 = $215 & $expanded109; $218 = $217; $219 = HEAP32[$218>>2]|0; $arglist_next95 = ((($218)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next95; $varet185 = $219; $220 = $varet185; $value183 = $220; $221 = $value183; $tobool186 = ($221|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool186) { $222 = $st$addr; $silk_mode189 = ((($222)) + 8|0); $useInBandFEC190 = ((($silk_mode189)) + 40|0); $223 = HEAP32[$useInBandFEC190>>2]|0; $224 = $value183; HEAP32[$224>>2] = $223; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4014: { $arglist_current97 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $225 = $arglist_current97; $226 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded114 = $226; $expanded113 = (($expanded114) - 1)|0; $227 = (($225) + ($expanded113))|0; $228 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded118 = $228; $expanded117 = (($expanded118) - 1)|0; $expanded116 = $expanded117 ^ -1; $229 = $227 & $expanded116; $230 = $229; $231 = HEAP32[$230>>2]|0; $arglist_next98 = ((($230)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next98; $varet194 = $231; $232 = $varet194; $value192 = $232; $233 = $value192; $cmp195 = ($233|0)<(0); $234 = $value192; $cmp198 = ($234|0)>(100); $or$cond18 = $cmp195 | $cmp198; if ($or$cond18) { label = 96; } else { $235 = $value192; $236 = $st$addr; $silk_mode202 = ((($236)) + 8|0); $packetLossPercentage = ((($silk_mode202)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$packetLossPercentage>>2] = $235; $237 = $celt_enc; $238 = $value192; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer99>>2] = $238; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($237,4014,$vararg_buffer99)|0); label = 95; } break; } case 4015: { $arglist_current103 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $239 = $arglist_current103; $240 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded121 = $240; $expanded120 = (($expanded121) - 1)|0; $241 = (($239) + ($expanded120))|0; $242 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded125 = $242; $expanded124 = (($expanded125) - 1)|0; $expanded123 = $expanded124 ^ -1; $243 = $241 & $expanded123; $244 = $243; $245 = HEAP32[$244>>2]|0; $arglist_next104 = ((($244)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next104; $varet209 = $245; $246 = $varet209; $value207 = $246; $247 = $value207; $tobool210 = ($247|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool210) { $248 = $st$addr; $silk_mode213 = ((($248)) + 8|0); $packetLossPercentage214 = ((($silk_mode213)) + 32|0); $249 = HEAP32[$packetLossPercentage214>>2]|0; $250 = $value207; HEAP32[$250>>2] = $249; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4006: { $arglist_current106 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $251 = $arglist_current106; $252 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded128 = $252; $expanded127 = (($expanded128) - 1)|0; $253 = (($251) + ($expanded127))|0; $254 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded132 = $254; $expanded131 = (($expanded132) - 1)|0; $expanded130 = $expanded131 ^ -1; $255 = $253 & $expanded130; $256 = $255; $257 = HEAP32[$256>>2]|0; $arglist_next107 = ((($256)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next107; $varet218 = $257; $258 = $varet218; $value216 = $258; $259 = $value216; $cmp219 = ($259|0)<(0); $260 = $value216; $cmp222 = ($260|0)>(1); $or$cond20 = $cmp219 | $cmp222; if ($or$cond20) { label = 96; } else { $261 = $value216; $262 = $st$addr; $use_vbr = ((($262)) + 136|0); HEAP32[$use_vbr>>2] = $261; $263 = $value216; $sub = (1 - ($263))|0; $264 = $st$addr; $silk_mode226 = ((($264)) + 8|0); $useCBR = ((($silk_mode226)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$useCBR>>2] = $sub; label = 95; } break; } case 4007: { $arglist_current109 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $265 = $arglist_current109; $266 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded135 = $266; $expanded134 = (($expanded135) - 1)|0; $267 = (($265) + ($expanded134))|0; $268 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded139 = $268; $expanded138 = (($expanded139) - 1)|0; $expanded137 = $expanded138 ^ -1; $269 = $267 & $expanded137; $270 = $269; $271 = HEAP32[$270>>2]|0; $arglist_next110 = ((($270)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next110; $varet230 = $271; $272 = $varet230; $value228 = $272; $273 = $value228; $tobool231 = ($273|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool231) { $274 = $st$addr; $use_vbr234 = ((($274)) + 136|0); $275 = HEAP32[$use_vbr234>>2]|0; $276 = $value228; HEAP32[$276>>2] = $275; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 11018: { $arglist_current112 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $277 = $arglist_current112; $278 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded142 = $278; $expanded141 = (($expanded142) - 1)|0; $279 = (($277) + ($expanded141))|0; $280 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded146 = $280; $expanded145 = (($expanded146) - 1)|0; $expanded144 = $expanded145 ^ -1; $281 = $279 & $expanded144; $282 = $281; $283 = HEAP32[$282>>2]|0; $arglist_next113 = ((($282)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next113; $varet238 = $283; $284 = $varet238; $value236 = $284; $285 = $value236; $cmp239 = ($285|0)<(-1); $286 = $value236; $cmp242 = ($286|0)>(100); $or$cond22 = $cmp239 | $cmp242; if ($or$cond22) { label = 96; } else { $287 = $value236; $288 = $st$addr; $voice_ratio = ((($288)) + 128|0); HEAP32[$voice_ratio>>2] = $287; label = 95; } break; } case 11019: { $arglist_current115 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $289 = $arglist_current115; $290 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded149 = $290; $expanded148 = (($expanded149) - 1)|0; $291 = (($289) + ($expanded148))|0; $292 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded153 = $292; $expanded152 = (($expanded153) - 1)|0; $expanded151 = $expanded152 ^ -1; $293 = $291 & $expanded151; $294 = $293; $295 = HEAP32[$294>>2]|0; $arglist_next116 = ((($294)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next116; $varet249 = $295; $296 = $varet249; $value247 = $296; $297 = $value247; $tobool250 = ($297|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool250) { $298 = $st$addr; $voice_ratio253 = ((($298)) + 128|0); $299 = HEAP32[$voice_ratio253>>2]|0; $300 = $value247; HEAP32[$300>>2] = $299; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4020: { $arglist_current118 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $301 = $arglist_current118; $302 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded156 = $302; $expanded155 = (($expanded156) - 1)|0; $303 = (($301) + ($expanded155))|0; $304 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded160 = $304; $expanded159 = (($expanded160) - 1)|0; $expanded158 = $expanded159 ^ -1; $305 = $303 & $expanded158; $306 = $305; $307 = HEAP32[$306>>2]|0; $arglist_next119 = ((($306)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next119; $varet257 = $307; $308 = $varet257; $value255 = $308; $309 = $value255; $cmp258 = ($309|0)<(0); $310 = $value255; $cmp261 = ($310|0)>(1); $or$cond24 = $cmp258 | $cmp261; if ($or$cond24) { label = 96; } else { $311 = $value255; $312 = $st$addr; $vbr_constraint = ((($312)) + 140|0); HEAP32[$vbr_constraint>>2] = $311; label = 95; } break; } case 4021: { $arglist_current121 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $313 = $arglist_current121; $314 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded163 = $314; $expanded162 = (($expanded163) - 1)|0; $315 = (($313) + ($expanded162))|0; $316 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded167 = $316; $expanded166 = (($expanded167) - 1)|0; $expanded165 = $expanded166 ^ -1; $317 = $315 & $expanded165; $318 = $317; $319 = HEAP32[$318>>2]|0; $arglist_next122 = ((($318)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next122; $varet268 = $319; $320 = $varet268; $value266 = $320; $321 = $value266; $tobool269 = ($321|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool269) { $322 = $st$addr; $vbr_constraint272 = ((($322)) + 140|0); $323 = HEAP32[$vbr_constraint272>>2]|0; $324 = $value266; HEAP32[$324>>2] = $323; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4024: { $arglist_current124 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $325 = $arglist_current124; $326 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded170 = $326; $expanded169 = (($expanded170) - 1)|0; $327 = (($325) + ($expanded169))|0; $328 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded174 = $328; $expanded173 = (($expanded174) - 1)|0; $expanded172 = $expanded173 ^ -1; $329 = $327 & $expanded172; $330 = $329; $331 = HEAP32[$330>>2]|0; $arglist_next125 = ((($330)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next125; $varet276 = $331; $332 = $varet276; $value274 = $332; $333 = $value274; $cmp277 = ($333|0)!=(-1000); $334 = $value274; $cmp280 = ($334|0)!=(3001); $or$cond26 = $cmp277 & $cmp280; $335 = $value274; $cmp283 = ($335|0)!=(3002); $or$cond28 = $or$cond26 & $cmp283; if ($or$cond28) { label = 96; } else { $336 = $value274; $337 = $st$addr; $signal_type = ((($337)) + 112|0); HEAP32[$signal_type>>2] = $336; label = 95; } break; } case 4025: { $arglist_current127 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $338 = $arglist_current127; $339 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded177 = $339; $expanded176 = (($expanded177) - 1)|0; $340 = (($338) + ($expanded176))|0; $341 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded181 = $341; $expanded180 = (($expanded181) - 1)|0; $expanded179 = $expanded180 ^ -1; $342 = $340 & $expanded179; $343 = $342; $344 = HEAP32[$343>>2]|0; $arglist_next128 = ((($343)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next128; $varet290 = $344; $345 = $varet290; $value288 = $345; $346 = $value288; $tobool291 = ($346|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool291) { $347 = $st$addr; $signal_type294 = ((($347)) + 112|0); $348 = HEAP32[$signal_type294>>2]|0; $349 = $value288; HEAP32[$349>>2] = $348; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4027: { $arglist_current130 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $350 = $arglist_current130; $351 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded184 = $351; $expanded183 = (($expanded184) - 1)|0; $352 = (($350) + ($expanded183))|0; $353 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded188 = $353; $expanded187 = (($expanded188) - 1)|0; $expanded186 = $expanded187 ^ -1; $354 = $352 & $expanded186; $355 = $354; $356 = HEAP32[$355>>2]|0; $arglist_next131 = ((($355)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next131; $varet298 = $356; $357 = $varet298; $value296 = $357; $358 = $value296; $tobool299 = ($358|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool299) { $359 = $st$addr; $Fs = ((($359)) + 132|0); $360 = HEAP32[$Fs>>2]|0; $div = (($360|0) / 400)&-1; $361 = $value296; HEAP32[$361>>2] = $div; $362 = $st$addr; $application302 = ((($362)) + 96|0); $363 = HEAP32[$application302>>2]|0; $cmp303 = ($363|0)!=(2051); if ($cmp303) { $364 = $st$addr; $delay_compensation = ((($364)) + 104|0); $365 = HEAP32[$delay_compensation>>2]|0; $366 = $value296; $367 = HEAP32[$366>>2]|0; $add = (($367) + ($365))|0; HEAP32[$366>>2] = $add; label = 95; } else { label = 95; } } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4029: { $arglist_current133 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $368 = $arglist_current133; $369 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded191 = $369; $expanded190 = (($expanded191) - 1)|0; $370 = (($368) + ($expanded190))|0; $371 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded195 = $371; $expanded194 = (($expanded195) - 1)|0; $expanded193 = $expanded194 ^ -1; $372 = $370 & $expanded193; $373 = $372; $374 = HEAP32[$373>>2]|0; $arglist_next134 = ((($373)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next134; $varet310 = $374; $375 = $varet310; $value308 = $375; $376 = $value308; $tobool311 = ($376|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool311) { $377 = $st$addr; $Fs314 = ((($377)) + 132|0); $378 = HEAP32[$Fs314>>2]|0; $379 = $value308; HEAP32[$379>>2] = $378; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4031: { $arglist_current136 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $380 = $arglist_current136; $381 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded198 = $381; $expanded197 = (($expanded198) - 1)|0; $382 = (($380) + ($expanded197))|0; $383 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded202 = $383; $expanded201 = (($expanded202) - 1)|0; $expanded200 = $expanded201 ^ -1; $384 = $382 & $expanded200; $385 = $384; $386 = HEAP32[$385>>2]|0; $arglist_next137 = ((($385)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next137; $varet318 = $386; $387 = $varet318; $value316 = $387; $388 = $value316; $tobool319 = ($388|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool319) { $389 = $st$addr; $rangeFinal = ((($389)) + 18216|0); $390 = HEAP32[$rangeFinal>>2]|0; $391 = $value316; HEAP32[$391>>2] = $390; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4036: { $arglist_current139 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $392 = $arglist_current139; $393 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded205 = $393; $expanded204 = (($expanded205) - 1)|0; $394 = (($392) + ($expanded204))|0; $395 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded209 = $395; $expanded208 = (($expanded209) - 1)|0; $expanded207 = $expanded208 ^ -1; $396 = $394 & $expanded207; $397 = $396; $398 = HEAP32[$397>>2]|0; $arglist_next140 = ((($397)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next140; $varet325 = $398; $399 = $varet325; $value323 = $399; $400 = $value323; $cmp326 = ($400|0)<(8); $401 = $value323; $cmp329 = ($401|0)>(24); $or$cond30 = $cmp326 | $cmp329; if ($or$cond30) { label = 96; } else { $402 = $value323; $403 = $st$addr; $lsb_depth = ((($403)) + 156|0); HEAP32[$lsb_depth>>2] = $402; label = 95; } break; } case 4037: { $arglist_current142 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $404 = $arglist_current142; $405 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded212 = $405; $expanded211 = (($expanded212) - 1)|0; $406 = (($404) + ($expanded211))|0; $407 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded216 = $407; $expanded215 = (($expanded216) - 1)|0; $expanded214 = $expanded215 ^ -1; $408 = $406 & $expanded214; $409 = $408; $410 = HEAP32[$409>>2]|0; $arglist_next143 = ((($409)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next143; $varet336 = $410; $411 = $varet336; $value334 = $411; $412 = $value334; $tobool337 = ($412|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool337) { $413 = $st$addr; $lsb_depth340 = ((($413)) + 156|0); $414 = HEAP32[$lsb_depth340>>2]|0; $415 = $value334; HEAP32[$415>>2] = $414; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4040: { $arglist_current145 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $416 = $arglist_current145; $417 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded219 = $417; $expanded218 = (($expanded219) - 1)|0; $418 = (($416) + ($expanded218))|0; $419 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded223 = $419; $expanded222 = (($expanded223) - 1)|0; $expanded221 = $expanded222 ^ -1; $420 = $418 & $expanded221; $421 = $420; $422 = HEAP32[$421>>2]|0; $arglist_next146 = ((($421)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next146; $varet344 = $422; $423 = $varet344; $value342 = $423; $424 = $value342; $cmp345 = ($424|0)!=(5000); $425 = $value342; $cmp348 = ($425|0)!=(5001); $or$cond32 = $cmp345 & $cmp348; $426 = $value342; $cmp351 = ($426|0)!=(5002); $or$cond34 = $or$cond32 & $cmp351; $427 = $value342; $cmp354 = ($427|0)!=(5003); $or$cond36 = $or$cond34 & $cmp354; $428 = $value342; $cmp357 = ($428|0)!=(5004); $or$cond38 = $or$cond36 & $cmp357; $429 = $value342; $cmp360 = ($429|0)!=(5005); $or$cond40 = $or$cond38 & $cmp360; $430 = $value342; $cmp363 = ($430|0)!=(5006); $or$cond42 = $or$cond40 & $cmp363; $431 = $value342; $cmp366 = ($431|0)!=(5010); $or$cond44 = $or$cond42 & $cmp366; if ($or$cond44) { label = 96; } else { $432 = $value342; $433 = $st$addr; $variable_duration = ((($433)) + 144|0); HEAP32[$variable_duration>>2] = $432; $434 = $celt_enc; $435 = $value342; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer147>>2] = $435; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($434,4040,$vararg_buffer147)|0); label = 95; } break; } case 4041: { $arglist_current151 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $436 = $arglist_current151; $437 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded226 = $437; $expanded225 = (($expanded226) - 1)|0; $438 = (($436) + ($expanded225))|0; $439 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded230 = $439; $expanded229 = (($expanded230) - 1)|0; $expanded228 = $expanded229 ^ -1; $440 = $438 & $expanded228; $441 = $440; $442 = HEAP32[$441>>2]|0; $arglist_next152 = ((($441)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next152; $varet376 = $442; $443 = $varet376; $value374 = $443; $444 = $value374; $tobool377 = ($444|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool377) { $445 = $st$addr; $variable_duration380 = ((($445)) + 144|0); $446 = HEAP32[$variable_duration380>>2]|0; $447 = $value374; HEAP32[$447>>2] = $446; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4042: { $arglist_current154 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $448 = $arglist_current154; $449 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded233 = $449; $expanded232 = (($expanded233) - 1)|0; $450 = (($448) + ($expanded232))|0; $451 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded237 = $451; $expanded236 = (($expanded237) - 1)|0; $expanded235 = $expanded236 ^ -1; $452 = $450 & $expanded235; $453 = $452; $454 = HEAP32[$453>>2]|0; $arglist_next155 = ((($453)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next155; $varet384 = $454; $455 = $varet384; $value382 = $455; $456 = $value382; $cmp385 = ($456|0)>(1); $457 = $value382; $cmp388 = ($457|0)<(0); $or$cond46 = $cmp385 | $cmp388; if ($or$cond46) { label = 96; } else { $458 = $value382; $459 = $st$addr; $silk_mode392 = ((($459)) + 8|0); $reducedDependency = ((($silk_mode392)) + 64|0); HEAP32[$reducedDependency>>2] = $458; label = 95; } break; } case 4043: { $arglist_current157 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $460 = $arglist_current157; $461 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded240 = $461; $expanded239 = (($expanded240) - 1)|0; $462 = (($460) + ($expanded239))|0; $463 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded244 = $463; $expanded243 = (($expanded244) - 1)|0; $expanded242 = $expanded243 ^ -1; $464 = $462 & $expanded242; $465 = $464; $466 = HEAP32[$465>>2]|0; $arglist_next158 = ((($465)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next158; $varet396 = $466; $467 = $varet396; $value394 = $467; $468 = $value394; $tobool397 = ($468|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool397) { $469 = $st$addr; $silk_mode400 = ((($469)) + 8|0); $reducedDependency401 = ((($silk_mode400)) + 64|0); $470 = HEAP32[$reducedDependency401>>2]|0; $471 = $value394; HEAP32[$471>>2] = $470; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } case 4028: { $472 = $st$addr; $473 = $st$addr; $silk_enc_offset = ((($473)) + 4|0); $474 = HEAP32[$silk_enc_offset>>2]|0; $add$ptr403 = (($472) + ($474)|0); $silk_enc = $add$ptr403; $475 = $st$addr; $analysis = ((($475)) + 172|0); _tonality_analysis_reset($analysis); $476 = $st$addr; $stream_channels = ((($476)) + 14288|0); $start = $stream_channels; $477 = $start; $478 = $start; $479 = $st$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $478; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $479; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub404 = (18220 - ($sub$ptr$sub))|0; $mul405 = $sub404; _memset(($477|0),0,($mul405|0))|0; $480 = $celt_enc; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($480,4028,$vararg_buffer159)|0); $481 = $silk_enc; $482 = $st$addr; $arch = ((($482)) + 168|0); $483 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; (_silk_InitEncoder($481,$483,$dummy)|0); $484 = $st$addr; $channels408 = ((($484)) + 100|0); $485 = HEAP32[$channels408>>2]|0; $486 = $st$addr; $stream_channels409 = ((($486)) + 14288|0); HEAP32[$stream_channels409>>2] = $485; $487 = $st$addr; $hybrid_stereo_width_Q14 = ((($487)) + 14292|0); HEAP16[$hybrid_stereo_width_Q14>>1] = 16384; $488 = $st$addr; $prev_HB_gain = ((($488)) + 14300|0); HEAPF32[$prev_HB_gain>>2] = 1.0; $489 = $st$addr; $first410 = ((($489)) + 14344|0); HEAP32[$first410>>2] = 1; $490 = $st$addr; $mode = ((($490)) + 14320|0); HEAP32[$mode>>2] = 1001; $491 = $st$addr; $bandwidth411 = ((($491)) + 14336|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth411>>2] = 1105; $call412 = (_silk_lin2log(60)|0); $shl = $call412 << 8; $492 = $st$addr; $variable_HP_smth2_Q15 = ((($492)) + 14296|0); HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth2_Q15>>2] = $shl; label = 95; break; } case 11002: { $arglist_current162 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $493 = $arglist_current162; $494 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded247 = $494; $expanded246 = (($expanded247) - 1)|0; $495 = (($493) + ($expanded246))|0; $496 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded251 = $496; $expanded250 = (($expanded251) - 1)|0; $expanded249 = $expanded250 ^ -1; $497 = $495 & $expanded249; $498 = $497; $499 = HEAP32[$498>>2]|0; $arglist_next163 = ((($498)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next163; $varet416 = $499; $500 = $varet416; $value414 = $500; $501 = $value414; $cmp417 = ($501|0)<(1000); $502 = $value414; $cmp420 = ($502|0)>(1002); $or$cond48 = $cmp417 | $cmp420; $503 = $value414; $cmp423 = ($503|0)!=(-1000); $or$cond50 = $or$cond48 & $cmp423; if ($or$cond50) { label = 96; } else { $504 = $value414; $505 = $st$addr; $user_forced_mode = ((($505)) + 124|0); HEAP32[$user_forced_mode>>2] = $504; label = 95; } break; } case 10024: { $arglist_current165 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $506 = $arglist_current165; $507 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded254 = $507; $expanded253 = (($expanded254) - 1)|0; $508 = (($506) + ($expanded253))|0; $509 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded258 = $509; $expanded257 = (($expanded258) - 1)|0; $expanded256 = $expanded257 ^ -1; $510 = $508 & $expanded256; $511 = $510; $512 = HEAP32[$511>>2]|0; $arglist_next166 = ((($511)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next166; $varet430 = $512; $513 = $varet430; $value428 = $513; $514 = $value428; $515 = $st$addr; $lfe = ((($515)) + 164|0); HEAP32[$lfe>>2] = $514; $516 = $celt_enc; $517 = $value428; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer167>>2] = $517; $call433 = (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($516,10024,$vararg_buffer167)|0); $ret = $call433; label = 95; break; } case 10026: { $arglist_current171 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $518 = $arglist_current171; $519 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded261 = $519; $expanded260 = (($expanded261) - 1)|0; $520 = (($518) + ($expanded260))|0; $521 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded265 = $521; $expanded264 = (($expanded265) - 1)|0; $expanded263 = $expanded264 ^ -1; $522 = $520 & $expanded263; $523 = $522; $524 = HEAP32[$523>>2]|0; $arglist_next172 = ((($523)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next172; $varet437 = $524; $525 = $varet437; $value435 = $525; $526 = $value435; $527 = $st$addr; $energy_masking = ((($527)) + 14348|0); HEAP32[$energy_masking>>2] = $526; $528 = $celt_enc; $529 = $value435; $530 = $value435; $531 = $value435; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast438 = $530; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast439 = $531; $sub$ptr$sub440 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast438) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast439))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub440|0) / 4)&-1; $add$ptr441 = (($529) + ($sub$ptr$div<<2)|0); HEAP32[$vararg_buffer173>>2] = $add$ptr441; $call442 = (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($528,10026,$vararg_buffer173)|0); $ret = $call442; label = 95; break; } case 10015: { $arglist_current177 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $532 = $arglist_current177; $533 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded268 = $533; $expanded267 = (($expanded268) - 1)|0; $534 = (($532) + ($expanded267))|0; $535 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded272 = $535; $expanded271 = (($expanded272) - 1)|0; $expanded270 = $expanded271 ^ -1; $536 = $534 & $expanded270; $537 = $536; $538 = HEAP32[$537>>2]|0; $arglist_next178 = ((($537)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next178; $varet446 = $538; $539 = $varet446; $value444 = $539; $540 = $value444; $tobool447 = ($540|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool447) { $541 = $celt_enc; $542 = $value444; $543 = $value444; $544 = $value444; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast450 = $543; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast451 = $544; $sub$ptr$sub452 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast450) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast451))|0; $sub$ptr$div453 = (($sub$ptr$sub452|0) / 4)&-1; $add$ptr454 = (($542) + ($sub$ptr$div453<<2)|0); HEAP32[$vararg_buffer179>>2] = $add$ptr454; $call455 = (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($541,10015,$vararg_buffer179)|0); $ret = $call455; label = 95; } else { label = 96; } break; } default: { $ret = -5; label = 95; } } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 95) { $545 = $ret; $retval = $545; $546 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($546|0); } else if ((label|0) == 96) { $retval = -1; $546 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($546|0); } return (0)|0; } function _opus_encoder_destroy($st) { $st = $st|0; var $0 = 0, $st$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $st$addr = $st; $0 = $st$addr; _opus_free_12($0); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _opus_repacketizer_init($rp) { $rp = $rp|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $nb_frames = 0, $rp$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $rp$addr = $rp; $0 = $rp$addr; $nb_frames = ((($0)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$nb_frames>>2] = 0; $1 = $rp$addr; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1|0); } function _opus_repacketizer_cat($rp,$data,$len) { $rp = $rp|0; $data = $data|0; $len = $len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $call = 0, $data$addr = 0, $len$addr = 0, $rp$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $rp$addr = $rp; $data$addr = $data; $len$addr = $len; $0 = $rp$addr; $1 = $data$addr; $2 = $len$addr; $call = (_opus_repacketizer_cat_impl($0,$1,$2,0)|0); STACKTOP = sp;return ($call|0); } function _opus_repacketizer_cat_impl($rp,$data,$len,$self_delimited) { $rp = $rp|0; $data = $data|0; $len = $len|0; $self_delimited = $self_delimited|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add34 = 0, $and = 0, $and6 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0; var $arrayidx27 = 0, $call = 0, $call12 = 0, $call28 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv5 = 0, $curr_nb_frames = 0, $data$addr = 0, $frames = 0, $framesize = 0, $framesize18 = 0, $len$addr = 0, $len25 = 0, $mul = 0; var $nb_frames = 0, $nb_frames17 = 0, $nb_frames23 = 0, $nb_frames26 = 0, $nb_frames33 = 0, $ret = 0, $retval = 0, $rp$addr = 0, $self_delimited$addr = 0, $tmp_toc = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $tmp_toc = sp + 28|0; $rp$addr = $rp; $data$addr = $data; $len$addr = $len; $self_delimited$addr = $self_delimited; $0 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(1); if ($cmp) { $retval = -4; $34 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($34|0); } $1 = $rp$addr; $nb_frames = ((($1)) + 4|0); $2 = HEAP32[$nb_frames>>2]|0; $cmp1 = ($2|0)==(0); if ($cmp1) { $3 = $data$addr; $4 = HEAP8[$3>>0]|0; $5 = $rp$addr; HEAP8[$5>>0] = $4; $6 = $data$addr; $call = (_opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame($6,8000)|0); $7 = $rp$addr; $framesize = ((($7)) + 296|0); HEAP32[$framesize>>2] = $call; } else { $8 = $rp$addr; $9 = HEAP8[$8>>0]|0; $conv = $9&255; $and = $conv & 252; $10 = $data$addr; $11 = HEAP8[$10>>0]|0; $conv5 = $11&255; $and6 = $conv5 & 252; $cmp7 = ($and|0)!=($and6|0); if ($cmp7) { $retval = -4; $34 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($34|0); } } $12 = $data$addr; $13 = $len$addr; $call12 = (_opus_packet_get_nb_frames($12,$13)|0); $curr_nb_frames = $call12; $14 = $curr_nb_frames; $cmp13 = ($14|0)<(1); if ($cmp13) { $retval = -4; $34 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($34|0); } $15 = $curr_nb_frames; $16 = $rp$addr; $nb_frames17 = ((($16)) + 4|0); $17 = HEAP32[$nb_frames17>>2]|0; $add = (($15) + ($17))|0; $18 = $rp$addr; $framesize18 = ((($18)) + 296|0); $19 = HEAP32[$framesize18>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($add, $19)|0; $cmp19 = ($mul|0)>(960); if ($cmp19) { $retval = -4; $34 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($34|0); } $20 = $data$addr; $21 = $len$addr; $22 = $self_delimited$addr; $23 = $rp$addr; $frames = ((($23)) + 8|0); $24 = $rp$addr; $nb_frames23 = ((($24)) + 4|0); $25 = HEAP32[$nb_frames23>>2]|0; $arrayidx24 = (($frames) + ($25<<2)|0); $26 = $rp$addr; $len25 = ((($26)) + 200|0); $27 = $rp$addr; $nb_frames26 = ((($27)) + 4|0); $28 = HEAP32[$nb_frames26>>2]|0; $arrayidx27 = (($len25) + ($28<<1)|0); $call28 = (_opus_packet_parse_impl($20,$21,$22,$tmp_toc,$arrayidx24,$arrayidx27,0,0)|0); $ret = $call28; $29 = $ret; $cmp29 = ($29|0)<(1); if ($cmp29) { $30 = $ret; $retval = $30; $34 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($34|0); } else { $31 = $curr_nb_frames; $32 = $rp$addr; $nb_frames33 = ((($32)) + 4|0); $33 = HEAP32[$nb_frames33>>2]|0; $add34 = (($33) + ($31))|0; HEAP32[$nb_frames33>>2] = $add34; $retval = 0; $34 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($34|0); } return (0)|0; } function _opus_repacketizer_out_range_impl($rp,$begin,$end,$data,$maxlen,$self_delimited,$pad) { $rp = $rp|0; $begin = $begin|0; $end = $end|0; $data = $data|0; $maxlen = $maxlen|0; $self_delimited = $self_delimited|0; $pad = $pad|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0; var $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr197 = 0, $add$ptr209 = 0, $add$ptr224 = 0, $add$ptr230 = 0, $add$ptr7 = 0, $add$ptr75 = 0, $add108 = 0, $add118 = 0, $add121 = 0, $add122 = 0, $add129 = 0, $add147 = 0, $add148 = 0, $add18 = 0, $add185 = 0, $add19 = 0, $add221 = 0, $add39 = 0; var $add40 = 0, $add55 = 0, $add56 = 0, $add61 = 0, $add62 = 0, $add93 = 0, $and = 0, $and136 = 0, $and155 = 0, $and47 = 0, $and69 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx114 = 0, $arrayidx119 = 0, $arrayidx127 = 0, $arrayidx167 = 0, $arrayidx194 = 0, $arrayidx206 = 0, $arrayidx215 = 0, $arrayidx216 = 0; var $arrayidx219 = 0, $arrayidx222 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $arrayidx89 = 0, $arrayidx98 = 0, $begin$addr = 0, $call = 0, $call196 = 0, $call208 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp102 = 0, $cmp111 = 0, $cmp116 = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp130 = 0, $cmp149 = 0, $cmp164 = 0; var $cmp173 = 0, $cmp191 = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp212 = 0, $cmp231 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp34 = 0, $cmp41 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp63 = 0, $cmp79 = 0, $cmp83 = 0, $cmp91 = 0, $cmp96 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv101 = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv115 = 0; var $conv117 = 0, $conv120 = 0, $conv128 = 0, $conv135 = 0, $conv138 = 0, $conv141 = 0, $conv145 = 0, $conv154 = 0, $conv157 = 0, $conv159 = 0, $conv168 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv170 = 0, $conv183 = 0, $conv195 = 0, $conv207 = 0, $conv217 = 0, $conv223 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv25 = 0; var $conv31 = 0, $conv33 = 0, $conv38 = 0, $conv46 = 0, $conv48 = 0, $conv54 = 0, $conv58 = 0, $conv60 = 0, $conv68 = 0, $conv71 = 0, $conv74 = 0, $conv90 = 0, $conv92 = 0, $conv99 = 0, $count = 0, $data$addr = 0, $div = 0, $end$addr = 0, $frames = 0, $frames5 = 0; var $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc124 = 0, $inc178 = 0, $inc199 = 0, $inc226 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr139 = 0, $incdec$ptr142 = 0, $incdec$ptr158 = 0, $incdec$ptr160 = 0, $incdec$ptr176 = 0, $incdec$ptr184 = 0, $incdec$ptr233 = 0, $incdec$ptr49 = 0, $incdec$ptr72 = 0, $len = 0, $len4 = 0, $maxlen$addr = 0, $mul = 0; var $mul146 = 0, $mul180 = 0, $mul218 = 0, $mul220 = 0, $nb_255s = 0, $nb_frames = 0, $or = 0, $or137 = 0, $or140 = 0, $or156 = 0, $or169 = 0, $or70 = 0, $pad$addr = 0, $pad_amount = 0, $ptr = 0, $retval = 0, $rp$addr = 0, $sdlen = 0, $self_delimited$addr = 0, $sub = 0; var $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub110 = 0, $sub126 = 0, $sub163 = 0, $sub171 = 0, $sub181 = 0, $sub182 = 0, $sub190 = 0, $sub205 = 0, $sub88 = 0, $sub9 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool106 = 0, $tobool162 = 0, $tobool187 = 0, $tobool203 = 0, $tobool228 = 0, $tobool82 = 0; var $tobool86 = 0, $tot_size = 0, $vbr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $rp$addr = $rp; $begin$addr = $begin; $end$addr = $end; $data$addr = $data; $maxlen$addr = $maxlen; $self_delimited$addr = $self_delimited; $pad$addr = $pad; $0 = $begin$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(0); if (!($cmp)) { $1 = $begin$addr; $2 = $end$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)>=($2|0); if (!($cmp1)) { $3 = $end$addr; $4 = $rp$addr; $nb_frames = ((($4)) + 4|0); $5 = HEAP32[$nb_frames>>2]|0; $cmp3 = ($3|0)>($5|0); if (!($cmp3)) { $6 = $end$addr; $7 = $begin$addr; $sub = (($6) - ($7))|0; $count = $sub; $8 = $rp$addr; $len4 = ((($8)) + 200|0); $9 = $begin$addr; $add$ptr = (($len4) + ($9<<1)|0); $len = $add$ptr; $10 = $rp$addr; $frames5 = ((($10)) + 8|0); $11 = $begin$addr; $add$ptr7 = (($frames5) + ($11<<2)|0); $frames = $add$ptr7; $12 = $self_delimited$addr; $tobool = ($12|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $13 = $len; $14 = $count; $sub9 = (($14) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($13) + ($sub9<<1)|0); $15 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $15 << 16 >> 16; $cmp10 = ($conv|0)>=(252); $conv11 = $cmp10&1; $add = (1 + ($conv11))|0; $tot_size = $add; } else { $tot_size = 0; } $16 = $data$addr; $ptr = $16; $17 = $count; $cmp13 = ($17|0)==(1); do { if ($cmp13) { $18 = $len; $19 = HEAP16[$18>>1]|0; $conv17 = $19 << 16 >> 16; $add18 = (($conv17) + 1)|0; $20 = $tot_size; $add19 = (($20) + ($add18))|0; $tot_size = $add19; $21 = $tot_size; $22 = $maxlen$addr; $cmp20 = ($21|0)>($22|0); if (!($cmp20)) { $23 = $rp$addr; $24 = HEAP8[$23>>0]|0; $conv24 = $24&255; $and = $conv24 & 252; $conv25 = $and&255; $25 = $ptr; $incdec$ptr = ((($25)) + 1|0); $ptr = $incdec$ptr; HEAP8[$25>>0] = $conv25; break; } $retval = -2; $159 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($159|0); } else { $26 = $count; $cmp27 = ($26|0)==(2); if ($cmp27) { $27 = $len; $arrayidx30 = ((($27)) + 2|0); $28 = HEAP16[$arrayidx30>>1]|0; $conv31 = $28 << 16 >> 16; $29 = $len; $30 = HEAP16[$29>>1]|0; $conv33 = $30 << 16 >> 16; $cmp34 = ($conv31|0)==($conv33|0); $31 = $len; $32 = HEAP16[$31>>1]|0; $conv38 = $32 << 16 >> 16; if ($cmp34) { $mul = $conv38<<1; $add39 = (($mul) + 1)|0; $33 = $tot_size; $add40 = (($33) + ($add39))|0; $tot_size = $add40; $34 = $tot_size; $35 = $maxlen$addr; $cmp41 = ($34|0)>($35|0); if (!($cmp41)) { $36 = $rp$addr; $37 = HEAP8[$36>>0]|0; $conv46 = $37&255; $and47 = $conv46 & 252; $or = $and47 | 1; $conv48 = $or&255; $38 = $ptr; $incdec$ptr49 = ((($38)) + 1|0); $ptr = $incdec$ptr49; HEAP8[$38>>0] = $conv48; break; } $retval = -2; $159 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($159|0); } else { $39 = $len; $arrayidx53 = ((($39)) + 2|0); $40 = HEAP16[$arrayidx53>>1]|0; $conv54 = $40 << 16 >> 16; $add55 = (($conv38) + ($conv54))|0; $add56 = (($add55) + 2)|0; $41 = $len; $42 = HEAP16[$41>>1]|0; $conv58 = $42 << 16 >> 16; $cmp59 = ($conv58|0)>=(252); $conv60 = $cmp59&1; $add61 = (($add56) + ($conv60))|0; $43 = $tot_size; $add62 = (($43) + ($add61))|0; $tot_size = $add62; $44 = $tot_size; $45 = $maxlen$addr; $cmp63 = ($44|0)>($45|0); if (!($cmp63)) { $46 = $rp$addr; $47 = HEAP8[$46>>0]|0; $conv68 = $47&255; $and69 = $conv68 & 252; $or70 = $and69 | 2; $conv71 = $or70&255; $48 = $ptr; $incdec$ptr72 = ((($48)) + 1|0); $ptr = $incdec$ptr72; HEAP8[$48>>0] = $conv71; $49 = $len; $50 = HEAP16[$49>>1]|0; $conv74 = $50 << 16 >> 16; $51 = $ptr; $call = (_encode_size($conv74,$51)|0); $52 = $ptr; $add$ptr75 = (($52) + ($call)|0); $ptr = $add$ptr75; break; } $retval = -2; $159 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($159|0); } } } } while(0); $53 = $count; $cmp79 = ($53|0)>(2); if ($cmp79) { label = 23; } else { $54 = $pad$addr; $tobool82 = ($54|0)!=(0); if ($tobool82) { $55 = $tot_size; $56 = $maxlen$addr; $cmp83 = ($55|0)<($56|0); if ($cmp83) { label = 23; } } } L32: do { if ((label|0) == 23) { $pad_amount = 0; $57 = $data$addr; $ptr = $57; $58 = $self_delimited$addr; $tobool86 = ($58|0)!=(0); if ($tobool86) { $59 = $len; $60 = $count; $sub88 = (($60) - 1)|0; $arrayidx89 = (($59) + ($sub88<<1)|0); $61 = HEAP16[$arrayidx89>>1]|0; $conv90 = $61 << 16 >> 16; $cmp91 = ($conv90|0)>=(252); $conv92 = $cmp91&1; $add93 = (1 + ($conv92))|0; $tot_size = $add93; } else { $tot_size = 0; } $vbr = 0; $i = 1; while(1) { $62 = $i; $63 = $count; $cmp96 = ($62|0)<($63|0); if (!($cmp96)) { break; } $64 = $len; $65 = $i; $arrayidx98 = (($64) + ($65<<1)|0); $66 = HEAP16[$arrayidx98>>1]|0; $conv99 = $66 << 16 >> 16; $67 = $len; $68 = HEAP16[$67>>1]|0; $conv101 = $68 << 16 >> 16; $cmp102 = ($conv99|0)!=($conv101|0); if ($cmp102) { label = 29; break; } $69 = $i; $inc = (($69) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } if ((label|0) == 29) { $vbr = 1; } $70 = $vbr; $tobool106 = ($70|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool106) { $71 = $tot_size; $add108 = (($71) + 2)|0; $tot_size = $add108; $i = 0; while(1) { $72 = $i; $73 = $count; $sub110 = (($73) - 1)|0; $cmp111 = ($72|0)<($sub110|0); $74 = $len; if (!($cmp111)) { break; } $75 = $i; $arrayidx114 = (($74) + ($75<<1)|0); $76 = HEAP16[$arrayidx114>>1]|0; $conv115 = $76 << 16 >> 16; $cmp116 = ($conv115|0)>=(252); $conv117 = $cmp116&1; $add118 = (1 + ($conv117))|0; $77 = $len; $78 = $i; $arrayidx119 = (($77) + ($78<<1)|0); $79 = HEAP16[$arrayidx119>>1]|0; $conv120 = $79 << 16 >> 16; $add121 = (($add118) + ($conv120))|0; $80 = $tot_size; $add122 = (($80) + ($add121))|0; $tot_size = $add122; $81 = $i; $inc124 = (($81) + 1)|0; $i = $inc124; } $82 = $count; $sub126 = (($82) - 1)|0; $arrayidx127 = (($74) + ($sub126<<1)|0); $83 = HEAP16[$arrayidx127>>1]|0; $conv128 = $83 << 16 >> 16; $84 = $tot_size; $add129 = (($84) + ($conv128))|0; $tot_size = $add129; $85 = $tot_size; $86 = $maxlen$addr; $cmp130 = ($85|0)>($86|0); if (!($cmp130)) { $87 = $rp$addr; $88 = HEAP8[$87>>0]|0; $conv135 = $88&255; $and136 = $conv135 & 252; $or137 = $and136 | 3; $conv138 = $or137&255; $89 = $ptr; $incdec$ptr139 = ((($89)) + 1|0); $ptr = $incdec$ptr139; HEAP8[$89>>0] = $conv138; $90 = $count; $or140 = $90 | 128; $conv141 = $or140&255; $91 = $ptr; $incdec$ptr142 = ((($91)) + 1|0); $ptr = $incdec$ptr142; HEAP8[$91>>0] = $conv141; break; } $retval = -2; $159 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($159|0); } else { $92 = $count; $93 = $len; $94 = HEAP16[$93>>1]|0; $conv145 = $94 << 16 >> 16; $mul146 = Math_imul($92, $conv145)|0; $add147 = (($mul146) + 2)|0; $95 = $tot_size; $add148 = (($95) + ($add147))|0; $tot_size = $add148; $96 = $tot_size; $97 = $maxlen$addr; $cmp149 = ($96|0)>($97|0); if (!($cmp149)) { $98 = $rp$addr; $99 = HEAP8[$98>>0]|0; $conv154 = $99&255; $and155 = $conv154 & 252; $or156 = $and155 | 3; $conv157 = $or156&255; $100 = $ptr; $incdec$ptr158 = ((($100)) + 1|0); $ptr = $incdec$ptr158; HEAP8[$100>>0] = $conv157; $101 = $count; $conv159 = $101&255; $102 = $ptr; $incdec$ptr160 = ((($102)) + 1|0); $ptr = $incdec$ptr160; HEAP8[$102>>0] = $conv159; break; } $retval = -2; $159 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($159|0); } } while(0); $103 = $pad$addr; $tobool162 = ($103|0)!=(0); if ($tobool162) { $104 = $maxlen$addr; $105 = $tot_size; $sub163 = (($104) - ($105))|0; $cond = $sub163; } else { $cond = 0; } $pad_amount = $cond; $106 = $pad_amount; $cmp164 = ($106|0)!=(0); if ($cmp164) { $107 = $data$addr; $arrayidx167 = ((($107)) + 1|0); $108 = HEAP8[$arrayidx167>>0]|0; $conv168 = $108&255; $or169 = $conv168 | 64; $conv170 = $or169&255; HEAP8[$arrayidx167>>0] = $conv170; $109 = $pad_amount; $sub171 = (($109) - 1)|0; $div = (($sub171|0) / 255)&-1; $nb_255s = $div; $i = 0; while(1) { $110 = $i; $111 = $nb_255s; $cmp173 = ($110|0)<($111|0); if (!($cmp173)) { break; } $112 = $ptr; $incdec$ptr176 = ((($112)) + 1|0); $ptr = $incdec$ptr176; HEAP8[$112>>0] = -1; $113 = $i; $inc178 = (($113) + 1)|0; $i = $inc178; } $114 = $pad_amount; $115 = $nb_255s; $mul180 = ($115*255)|0; $sub181 = (($114) - ($mul180))|0; $sub182 = (($sub181) - 1)|0; $conv183 = $sub182&255; $116 = $ptr; $incdec$ptr184 = ((($116)) + 1|0); $ptr = $incdec$ptr184; HEAP8[$116>>0] = $conv183; $117 = $pad_amount; $118 = $tot_size; $add185 = (($118) + ($117))|0; $tot_size = $add185; } $119 = $vbr; $tobool187 = ($119|0)!=(0); if ($tobool187) { $i = 0; while(1) { $120 = $i; $121 = $count; $sub190 = (($121) - 1)|0; $cmp191 = ($120|0)<($sub190|0); if (!($cmp191)) { break L32; } $122 = $len; $123 = $i; $arrayidx194 = (($122) + ($123<<1)|0); $124 = HEAP16[$arrayidx194>>1]|0; $conv195 = $124 << 16 >> 16; $125 = $ptr; $call196 = (_encode_size($conv195,$125)|0); $126 = $ptr; $add$ptr197 = (($126) + ($call196)|0); $ptr = $add$ptr197; $127 = $i; $inc199 = (($127) + 1)|0; $i = $inc199; } } } } while(0); $128 = $self_delimited$addr; $tobool203 = ($128|0)!=(0); if ($tobool203) { $129 = $len; $130 = $count; $sub205 = (($130) - 1)|0; $arrayidx206 = (($129) + ($sub205<<1)|0); $131 = HEAP16[$arrayidx206>>1]|0; $conv207 = $131 << 16 >> 16; $132 = $ptr; $call208 = (_encode_size($conv207,$132)|0); $sdlen = $call208; $133 = $sdlen; $134 = $ptr; $add$ptr209 = (($134) + ($133)|0); $ptr = $add$ptr209; } $i = 0; while(1) { $135 = $i; $136 = $count; $cmp212 = ($135|0)<($136|0); if (!($cmp212)) { break; } $137 = $ptr; $138 = $frames; $139 = $i; $arrayidx215 = (($138) + ($139<<2)|0); $140 = HEAP32[$arrayidx215>>2]|0; $141 = $len; $142 = $i; $arrayidx216 = (($141) + ($142<<1)|0); $143 = HEAP16[$arrayidx216>>1]|0; $conv217 = $143 << 16 >> 16; $mul218 = $conv217; $144 = $ptr; $145 = $frames; $146 = $i; $arrayidx219 = (($145) + ($146<<2)|0); $147 = HEAP32[$arrayidx219>>2]|0; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $144; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $147; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $mul220 = 0; $add221 = (($mul218) + ($mul220))|0; _memmove(($137|0),($140|0),($add221|0))|0; $148 = $len; $149 = $i; $arrayidx222 = (($148) + ($149<<1)|0); $150 = HEAP16[$arrayidx222>>1]|0; $conv223 = $150 << 16 >> 16; $151 = $ptr; $add$ptr224 = (($151) + ($conv223)|0); $ptr = $add$ptr224; $152 = $i; $inc226 = (($152) + 1)|0; $i = $inc226; } $153 = $pad$addr; $tobool228 = ($153|0)!=(0); L83: do { if ($tobool228) { while(1) { $154 = $ptr; $155 = $data$addr; $156 = $maxlen$addr; $add$ptr230 = (($155) + ($156)|0); $cmp231 = ($154>>>0)<($add$ptr230>>>0); if (!($cmp231)) { break L83; } $157 = $ptr; $incdec$ptr233 = ((($157)) + 1|0); $ptr = $incdec$ptr233; HEAP8[$157>>0] = 0; } } } while(0); $158 = $tot_size; $retval = $158; $159 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($159|0); } } } $retval = -1; $159 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($159|0); } function _opus_packet_pad($data,$len,$new_len) { $data = $data|0; $len = $len|0; $new_len = $new_len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0; var $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr10 = 0, $add$ptr12 = 0, $add$ptr14 = 0, $add$ptr7 = 0, $add$ptr8 = 0, $call16 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $data$addr = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $idx$neg13 = 0, $idx$neg9 = 0; var $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul11 = 0, $nb_frames = 0, $new_len$addr = 0, $ret = 0, $retval = 0, $rp = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 320|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(320|0); $rp = sp + 4|0; $data$addr = $data; $len$addr = $len; $new_len$addr = $new_len; $0 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(1); if ($cmp) { $retval = -1; $23 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($23|0); } $1 = $len$addr; $2 = $new_len$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)==($2|0); if ($cmp1) { $retval = 0; $23 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($23|0); } $3 = $len$addr; $4 = $new_len$addr; $cmp3 = ($3|0)>($4|0); if ($cmp3) { $retval = -1; $23 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($23|0); } (_opus_repacketizer_init($rp)|0); $5 = $data$addr; $6 = $new_len$addr; $add$ptr = (($5) + ($6)|0); $7 = $len$addr; $idx$neg = (0 - ($7))|0; $add$ptr7 = (($add$ptr) + ($idx$neg)|0); $8 = $data$addr; $9 = $len$addr; $mul = $9; $10 = $data$addr; $11 = $new_len$addr; $add$ptr8 = (($10) + ($11)|0); $12 = $len$addr; $idx$neg9 = (0 - ($12))|0; $add$ptr10 = (($add$ptr8) + ($idx$neg9)|0); $13 = $data$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $add$ptr10; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $13; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $mul11 = 0; $add = (($mul) + ($mul11))|0; _memmove(($add$ptr7|0),($8|0),($add|0))|0; $14 = $data$addr; $15 = $new_len$addr; $add$ptr12 = (($14) + ($15)|0); $16 = $len$addr; $idx$neg13 = (0 - ($16))|0; $add$ptr14 = (($add$ptr12) + ($idx$neg13)|0); $17 = $len$addr; (_opus_repacketizer_cat($rp,$add$ptr14,$17)|0); $nb_frames = ((($rp)) + 4|0); $18 = HEAP32[$nb_frames>>2]|0; $19 = $data$addr; $20 = $new_len$addr; $call16 = (_opus_repacketizer_out_range_impl($rp,0,$18,$19,$20,0,1)|0); $ret = $call16; $21 = $ret; $cmp17 = ($21|0)>(0); if ($cmp17) { $retval = 0; $23 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($23|0); } else { $22 = $ret; $retval = $22; $23 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($23|0); } return (0)|0; } function _tonality_analysis_init($tonal) { $tonal = $tonal|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $call = 0, $tonal$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $tonal$addr = $tonal; $call = (_opus_select_arch_33()|0); $0 = $tonal$addr; HEAP32[$0>>2] = $call; $1 = $tonal$addr; _tonality_analysis_reset($1); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _opus_select_arch_33() { var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return 0; } function _tonality_analysis_reset($tonal) { $tonal = $tonal|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $angle = 0, $mul = 0, $start = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $tonal$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $tonal$addr = $tonal; $0 = $tonal$addr; $angle = ((($0)) + 4|0); $start = $angle; $1 = $start; $2 = $start; $3 = $tonal$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $2; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $3; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub = (14116 - ($sub$ptr$sub))|0; $mul = $sub; _memset(($1|0),0,($mul|0))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _tonality_get_info($tonal,$info_out,$len) { $tonal = $tonal|0; $info_out = $info_out|0; $len = $len|0; var $$inc = 0, $$sink1 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0; var $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0.0; var $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; var $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add19 = 0, $add39 = 0.0, $add45 = 0.0, $add52 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp28 = 0, $cmp34 = 0, $cmp37 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp42 = 0; var $cmp6 = 0, $cond = 0, $curr_lookahead = 0, $dec = 0, $div = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc26 = 0, $inc40 = 0, $inc47 = 0, $info = 0, $info17 = 0, $info_out$addr = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul49 = 0.0, $mul51 = 0.0, $music_confidence = 0, $music_prob = 0, $pmusic = 0; var $pos = 0, $pspeech = 0, $psum = 0.0, $read_pos = 0, $read_pos1 = 0, $read_pos25 = 0, $read_pos25$sink2 = 0, $read_pos27 = 0, $read_pos30 = 0, $read_subframe = 0, $read_subframe21 = 0, $read_subframe23 = 0, $speech_confidence = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub24 = 0, $sub31 = 0; var $sub33 = 0, $sub35 = 0, $sub36 = 0, $sub50 = 0.0, $tonal$addr = 0, $write_pos = 0, $write_pos10 = 0, $write_pos3 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $tonal$addr = $tonal; $info_out$addr = $info_out; $len$addr = $len; $0 = $tonal$addr; $read_pos = ((($0)) + 8508|0); $1 = HEAP32[$read_pos>>2]|0; $pos = $1; $2 = $tonal$addr; $write_pos = ((($2)) + 8504|0); $3 = HEAP32[$write_pos>>2]|0; $4 = $tonal$addr; $read_pos1 = ((($4)) + 8508|0); $5 = HEAP32[$read_pos1>>2]|0; $sub = (($3) - ($5))|0; $curr_lookahead = $sub; $6 = $curr_lookahead; $cmp = ($6|0)<(0); if ($cmp) { $7 = $curr_lookahead; $add = (($7) + 200)|0; $curr_lookahead = $add; } $8 = $len$addr; $cmp2 = ($8|0)>(480); if ($cmp2) { $9 = $pos; $10 = $tonal$addr; $write_pos3 = ((($10)) + 8504|0); $11 = HEAP32[$write_pos3>>2]|0; $cmp4 = ($9|0)!=($11|0); if ($cmp4) { $12 = $pos; $inc = (($12) + 1)|0; $pos = $inc; $13 = $pos; $cmp6 = ($13|0)==(200); $$inc = $cmp6 ? 0 : $inc; $pos = $$inc; } } $14 = $pos; $15 = $tonal$addr; $write_pos10 = ((($15)) + 8504|0); $16 = HEAP32[$write_pos10>>2]|0; $cmp11 = ($14|0)==($16|0); if ($cmp11) { $17 = $pos; $dec = (($17) + -1)|0; $pos = $dec; } $18 = $pos; $cmp14 = ($18|0)<(0); if ($cmp14) { $pos = 199; } $19 = $info_out$addr; $20 = $tonal$addr; $info = ((($20)) + 8516|0); $21 = $pos; $arrayidx = (($info) + (($21*28)|0)|0); $22 = $info_out$addr; $23 = $tonal$addr; $info17 = ((($23)) + 8516|0); $24 = $pos; $arrayidx18 = (($info17) + (($24*28)|0)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $22; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $arrayidx18; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 28)&-1; $mul = 0; $add19 = (28 + ($mul))|0; _memcpy(($19|0),($arrayidx|0),($add19|0))|0; $25 = $len$addr; $div = (($25|0) / 120)&-1; $26 = $tonal$addr; $read_subframe = ((($26)) + 8512|0); $$sink1 = $div;$read_pos25$sink2 = $read_subframe; while(1) { $27 = HEAP32[$read_pos25$sink2>>2]|0; $inc26 = (($27) + ($$sink1))|0; HEAP32[$read_pos25$sink2>>2] = $inc26; $28 = $tonal$addr; $read_subframe21 = ((($28)) + 8512|0); $29 = HEAP32[$read_subframe21>>2]|0; $cmp22 = ($29|0)>=(4); $30 = $tonal$addr; if (!($cmp22)) { break; } $read_subframe23 = ((($30)) + 8512|0); $31 = HEAP32[$read_subframe23>>2]|0; $sub24 = (($31) - 4)|0; HEAP32[$read_subframe23>>2] = $sub24; $32 = $tonal$addr; $read_pos25 = ((($32)) + 8508|0); $$sink1 = 1;$read_pos25$sink2 = $read_pos25; } $read_pos27 = ((($30)) + 8508|0); $33 = HEAP32[$read_pos27>>2]|0; $cmp28 = ($33|0)>=(200); if ($cmp28) { $34 = $tonal$addr; $read_pos30 = ((($34)) + 8508|0); $35 = HEAP32[$read_pos30>>2]|0; $sub31 = (($35) - 200)|0; HEAP32[$read_pos30>>2] = $sub31; } $36 = $curr_lookahead; $sub33 = (($36) - 10)|0; $cmp34 = ($sub33|0)>(0); $37 = $curr_lookahead; $sub35 = (($37) - 10)|0; $cond = $cmp34 ? $sub35 : 0; $curr_lookahead = $cond; $psum = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $38 = $i; $39 = $curr_lookahead; $sub36 = (200 - ($39))|0; $cmp37 = ($38|0)<($sub36|0); if (!($cmp37)) { break; } $40 = $tonal$addr; $pmusic = ((($40)) + 7688|0); $41 = $i; $arrayidx38 = (($pmusic) + ($41<<2)|0); $42 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2]; $43 = $psum; $add39 = $43 + $42; $psum = $add39; $44 = $i; $inc40 = (($44) + 1)|0; $i = $inc40; } while(1) { $45 = $i; $cmp42 = ($45|0)<(200); if (!($cmp42)) { break; } $46 = $tonal$addr; $pspeech = ((($46)) + 6888|0); $47 = $i; $arrayidx44 = (($pspeech) + ($47<<2)|0); $48 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx44>>2]; $49 = $psum; $add45 = $49 + $48; $psum = $add45; $50 = $i; $inc47 = (($50) + 1)|0; $i = $inc47; } $51 = $psum; $52 = $tonal$addr; $music_confidence = ((($52)) + 8492|0); $53 = +HEAPF32[$music_confidence>>2]; $mul49 = $51 * $53; $54 = $psum; $sub50 = 1.0 - $54; $55 = $tonal$addr; $speech_confidence = ((($55)) + 8488|0); $56 = +HEAPF32[$speech_confidence>>2]; $mul51 = $sub50 * $56; $add52 = $mul49 + $mul51; $psum = $add52; $57 = $psum; $58 = $info_out$addr; $music_prob = ((($58)) + 20|0); HEAPF32[$music_prob>>2] = $57; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _run_analysis($analysis,$celt_mode,$analysis_pcm,$analysis_frame_size,$frame_size,$c1,$c2,$C,$Fs,$lsb_depth,$downmix,$analysis_info) { $analysis = $analysis|0; $celt_mode = $celt_mode|0; $analysis_pcm = $analysis_pcm|0; $analysis_frame_size = $analysis_frame_size|0; $frame_size = $frame_size|0; $c1 = $c1|0; $c2 = $c2|0; $C = $C|0; $Fs = $Fs|0; $lsb_depth = $lsb_depth|0; $downmix = $downmix|0; $analysis_info = $analysis_info|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $Fs$addr = 0, $add = 0, $analysis$addr = 0, $analysis_frame_size$addr = 0, $analysis_info$addr = 0, $analysis_offset = 0; var $analysis_offset12 = 0, $analysis_offset13 = 0, $analysis_offset4 = 0, $analysis_pcm$addr = 0, $c1$addr = 0, $c2$addr = 0, $celt_mode$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond9 = 0, $div = 0, $div3 = 0, $downmix$addr = 0, $frame_size$addr = 0, $lsb_depth$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul2 = 0; var $offset = 0, $pcm_len = 0, $sub = 0, $sub10 = 0, $sub14 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $analysis$addr = $analysis; $celt_mode$addr = $celt_mode; $analysis_pcm$addr = $analysis_pcm; $analysis_frame_size$addr = $analysis_frame_size; $frame_size$addr = $frame_size; $c1$addr = $c1; $c2$addr = $c2; $C$addr = $C; $Fs$addr = $Fs; $lsb_depth$addr = $lsb_depth; $downmix$addr = $downmix; $analysis_info$addr = $analysis_info; $0 = $analysis_pcm$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)!=(0|0); if (!($cmp)) { $29 = $analysis_info$addr; HEAP32[$29>>2] = 0; $30 = $analysis$addr; $31 = $analysis_info$addr; $32 = $frame_size$addr; _tonality_get_info($30,$31,$32); STACKTOP = sp;return; } $1 = $Fs$addr; $mul = ($1*195)|0; $div = (($mul|0) / 100)&-1; $2 = $analysis_frame_size$addr; $cmp1 = ($div|0)<($2|0); if ($cmp1) { $3 = $Fs$addr; $mul2 = ($3*195)|0; $div3 = (($mul2|0) / 100)&-1; $cond = $div3; } else { $4 = $analysis_frame_size$addr; $cond = $4; } $analysis_frame_size$addr = $cond; $5 = $analysis_frame_size$addr; $6 = $analysis$addr; $analysis_offset = ((($6)) + 6884|0); $7 = HEAP32[$analysis_offset>>2]|0; $sub = (($5) - ($7))|0; $pcm_len = $sub; $8 = $analysis$addr; $analysis_offset4 = ((($8)) + 6884|0); $9 = HEAP32[$analysis_offset4>>2]|0; $offset = $9; while(1) { $10 = $analysis$addr; $11 = $celt_mode$addr; $12 = $analysis_pcm$addr; $13 = $pcm_len; $cmp5 = (480)<($13|0); $14 = $pcm_len; $cond9 = $cmp5 ? 480 : $14; $15 = $offset; $16 = $c1$addr; $17 = $c2$addr; $18 = $C$addr; $19 = $lsb_depth$addr; $20 = $downmix$addr; _tonality_analysis($10,$11,$12,$cond9,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20); $21 = $offset; $add = (($21) + 480)|0; $offset = $add; $22 = $pcm_len; $sub10 = (($22) - 480)|0; $pcm_len = $sub10; $23 = $pcm_len; $cmp11 = ($23|0)>(0); if (!($cmp11)) { break; } } $24 = $analysis_frame_size$addr; $25 = $analysis$addr; $analysis_offset12 = ((($25)) + 6884|0); HEAP32[$analysis_offset12>>2] = $24; $26 = $frame_size$addr; $27 = $analysis$addr; $analysis_offset13 = ((($27)) + 6884|0); $28 = HEAP32[$analysis_offset13>>2]|0; $sub14 = (($28) - ($26))|0; HEAP32[$analysis_offset13>>2] = $sub14; $29 = $analysis_info$addr; HEAP32[$29>>2] = 0; $30 = $analysis$addr; $31 = $analysis_info$addr; $32 = $frame_size$addr; _tonality_get_info($30,$31,$32); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _tonality_analysis($tonal,$celt_mode,$x,$len,$offset,$c1,$c2,$C,$lsb_depth,$downmix) { $tonal = $tonal|0; $celt_mode = $celt_mode|0; $x = $x|0; $len = $len|0; $offset = $offset|0; $c1 = $c1|0; $c2 = $c2|0; $C = $C|0; $lsb_depth = $lsb_depth|0; $downmix = $downmix|0; var $$div611 = 0.0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0.0, $105 = 0.0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0.0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0.0, $114 = 0; var $115 = 0.0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0.0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0.0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0.0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0.0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0.0, $129 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0.0, $131 = 0.0, $132 = 0; var $133 = 0, $134 = 0.0, $135 = 0.0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0.0, $139 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0.0, $141 = 0.0, $142 = 0.0, $143 = 0.0, $144 = 0.0, $145 = 0.0, $146 = 0.0, $147 = 0.0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0.0; var $151 = 0.0, $152 = 0.0, $153 = 0.0, $154 = 0.0, $155 = 0.0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0.0, $158 = 0.0, $159 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0.0, $161 = 0.0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0.0, $165 = 0.0, $166 = 0.0, $167 = 0.0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0.0; var $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0.0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0.0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0; var $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0.0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0.0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0.0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0.0, $204 = 0; var $205 = 0.0, $206 = 0, $207 = 0.0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0.0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0.0, $214 = 0.0, $215 = 0.0, $216 = 0.0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0.0, $219 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0.0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0.0; var $223 = 0.0, $224 = 0, $225 = 0.0, $226 = 0.0, $227 = 0.0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0.0, $235 = 0.0, $236 = 0.0, $237 = 0.0, $238 = 0.0, $239 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0; var $241 = 0, $242 = 0.0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0.0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0.0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0.0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0.0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0.0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0.0; var $26 = 0, $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0.0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0.0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0.0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0.0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0.0, $277 = 0; var $278 = 0.0, $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0.0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0.0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0.0, $288 = 0.0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0.0, $294 = 0.0, $295 = 0; var $296 = 0, $297 = 0, $298 = 0.0, $299 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0.0, $302 = 0.0, $303 = 0.0, $304 = 0.0, $305 = 0.0, $306 = 0.0, $307 = 0.0, $308 = 0.0, $309 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $310 = 0.0, $311 = 0.0, $312 = 0.0; var $313 = 0.0, $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0.0, $317 = 0.0, $318 = 0.0, $319 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0, $322 = 0.0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0, $325 = 0.0, $326 = 0.0, $327 = 0, $328 = 0, $329 = 0.0, $33 = 0, $330 = 0.0; var $331 = 0.0, $332 = 0, $333 = 0.0, $334 = 0.0, $335 = 0, $336 = 0.0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0.0, $339 = 0, $34 = 0, $340 = 0.0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0.0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0, $346 = 0, $347 = 0, $348 = 0.0, $349 = 0.0; var $35 = 0, $350 = 0, $351 = 0, $352 = 0, $353 = 0, $354 = 0, $355 = 0, $356 = 0, $357 = 0, $358 = 0, $359 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $360 = 0, $361 = 0.0, $362 = 0, $363 = 0, $364 = 0.0, $365 = 0, $366 = 0, $367 = 0.0; var $368 = 0, $369 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $370 = 0, $371 = 0.0, $372 = 0, $373 = 0, $374 = 0.0, $375 = 0, $376 = 0, $377 = 0.0, $378 = 0.0, $379 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $380 = 0, $381 = 0.0, $382 = 0.0, $383 = 0.0, $384 = 0.0, $385 = 0.0; var $386 = 0, $387 = 0, $388 = 0.0, $389 = 0.0, $39 = 0, $390 = 0.0, $391 = 0, $392 = 0, $393 = 0.0, $394 = 0.0, $395 = 0, $396 = 0, $397 = 0.0, $398 = 0, $399 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $400 = 0.0, $401 = 0.0, $402 = 0; var $403 = 0, $404 = 0.0, $405 = 0.0, $406 = 0.0, $407 = 0.0, $408 = 0.0, $409 = 0.0, $41 = 0, $410 = 0.0, $411 = 0.0, $412 = 0.0, $413 = 0.0, $414 = 0.0, $415 = 0, $416 = 0, $417 = 0, $418 = 0, $419 = 0, $42 = 0, $420 = 0; var $421 = 0.0, $422 = 0, $423 = 0.0, $424 = 0.0, $425 = 0, $426 = 0.0, $427 = 0.0, $428 = 0, $429 = 0.0, $43 = 0, $430 = 0, $431 = 0.0, $432 = 0.0, $433 = 0, $434 = 0.0, $435 = 0.0, $436 = 0, $437 = 0.0, $438 = 0, $439 = 0; var $44 = 0, $440 = 0, $441 = 0, $442 = 0.0, $443 = 0, $444 = 0.0, $445 = 0.0, $446 = 0, $447 = 0.0, $448 = 0, $449 = 0, $45 = 0, $450 = 0.0, $451 = 0.0, $452 = 0, $453 = 0, $454 = 0.0, $455 = 0.0, $456 = 0.0, $457 = 0.0; var $458 = 0, $459 = 0.0, $46 = 0, $460 = 0.0, $461 = 0, $462 = 0.0, $463 = 0.0, $464 = 0, $465 = 0.0, $466 = 0.0, $467 = 0, $468 = 0.0, $469 = 0.0, $47 = 0, $470 = 0, $471 = 0, $472 = 0, $473 = 0, $474 = 0, $475 = 0; var $476 = 0.0, $477 = 0, $478 = 0, $479 = 0, $48 = 0, $480 = 0.0, $481 = 0, $482 = 0, $483 = 0.0, $484 = 0, $485 = 0, $486 = 0.0, $487 = 0, $488 = 0, $489 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $490 = 0, $491 = 0, $492 = 0.0, $493 = 0; var $494 = 0, $495 = 0.0, $496 = 0, $497 = 0, $498 = 0, $499 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $500 = 0, $501 = 0, $502 = 0.0, $503 = 0.0, $504 = 0, $505 = 0.0, $506 = 0, $507 = 0, $508 = 0, $509 = 0, $51 = 0, $510 = 0; var $511 = 0.0, $512 = 0, $513 = 0, $514 = 0.0, $515 = 0, $516 = 0, $517 = 0.0, $518 = 0, $519 = 0, $52 = 0, $520 = 0.0, $521 = 0, $522 = 0, $523 = 0, $524 = 0, $525 = 0.0, $526 = 0, $527 = 0, $528 = 0.0, $529 = 0; var $53 = 0, $530 = 0, $531 = 0.0, $532 = 0, $533 = 0, $534 = 0.0, $535 = 0, $536 = 0, $537 = 0.0, $538 = 0, $539 = 0, $54 = 0, $540 = 0, $541 = 0, $542 = 0, $543 = 0.0, $544 = 0, $545 = 0, $546 = 0.0, $547 = 0.0; var $548 = 0, $549 = 0.0, $55 = 0, $550 = 0, $551 = 0.0, $552 = 0, $553 = 0, $554 = 0, $555 = 0, $556 = 0, $557 = 0, $558 = 0.0, $559 = 0, $56 = 0.0, $560 = 0, $561 = 0, $562 = 0, $563 = 0.0, $564 = 0, $565 = 0; var $566 = 0, $567 = 0, $568 = 0.0, $569 = 0, $57 = 0.0, $570 = 0, $571 = 0, $572 = 0.0, $573 = 0, $574 = 0, $575 = 0, $576 = 0, $577 = 0, $578 = 0, $579 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $580 = 0, $581 = 0, $582 = 0, $583 = 0.0; var $584 = 0, $585 = 0.0, $586 = 0.0, $587 = 0, $588 = 0.0, $589 = 0, $59 = 0, $590 = 0.0, $591 = 0.0, $592 = 0.0, $593 = 0.0, $594 = 0.0, $595 = 0.0, $596 = 0.0, $597 = 0.0, $598 = 0.0, $599 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0.0, $600 = 0.0; var $601 = 0.0, $602 = 0.0, $603 = 0.0, $604 = 0.0, $605 = 0, $606 = 0.0, $607 = 0, $608 = 0.0, $609 = 0, $61 = 0, $610 = 0.0, $611 = 0, $612 = 0.0, $613 = 0.0, $614 = 0.0, $615 = 0.0, $616 = 0.0, $617 = 0.0, $618 = 0.0, $619 = 0; var $62 = 0.0, $620 = 0.0, $621 = 0.0, $622 = 0, $623 = 0.0, $624 = 0.0, $625 = 0, $626 = 0.0, $627 = 0.0, $628 = 0, $629 = 0.0, $63 = 0, $630 = 0.0, $631 = 0.0, $632 = 0.0, $633 = 0.0, $634 = 0.0, $635 = 0.0, $636 = 0.0, $637 = 0.0; var $638 = 0.0, $639 = 0.0, $64 = 0, $640 = 0.0, $641 = 0.0, $642 = 0, $643 = 0, $644 = 0.0, $645 = 0, $646 = 0.0, $647 = 0.0, $648 = 0.0, $649 = 0.0, $65 = 0, $650 = 0.0, $651 = 0.0, $652 = 0, $653 = 0, $654 = 0, $655 = 0; var $656 = 0, $657 = 0.0, $658 = 0, $659 = 0.0, $66 = 0.0, $660 = 0, $661 = 0.0, $662 = 0, $663 = 0.0, $664 = 0.0, $665 = 0.0, $666 = 0.0, $667 = 0, $668 = 0.0, $669 = 0.0, $67 = 0, $670 = 0.0, $671 = 0, $672 = 0, $673 = 0; var $674 = 0, $675 = 0.0, $676 = 0.0, $677 = 0, $678 = 0, $679 = 0, $68 = 0.0, $680 = 0, $681 = 0.0, $682 = 0.0, $683 = 0, $684 = 0, $685 = 0, $686 = 0.0, $687 = 0.0, $688 = 0.0, $689 = 0, $69 = 0, $690 = 0.0, $691 = 0.0; var $692 = 0.0, $693 = 0, $694 = 0, $695 = 0, $696 = 0, $697 = 0.0, $698 = 0, $699 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $700 = 0.0, $701 = 0.0, $702 = 0, $703 = 0.0, $704 = 0, $705 = 0.0, $706 = 0, $707 = 0, $708 = 0.0, $709 = 0.0; var $71 = 0, $710 = 0, $711 = 0, $712 = 0.0, $713 = 0, $714 = 0, $715 = 0.0, $716 = 0, $717 = 0, $718 = 0, $719 = 0.0, $72 = 0.0, $720 = 0.0, $721 = 0, $722 = 0.0, $723 = 0, $724 = 0.0, $725 = 0, $726 = 0, $727 = 0; var $728 = 0, $729 = 0, $73 = 0, $730 = 0, $731 = 0, $732 = 0.0, $733 = 0.0, $734 = 0, $735 = 0.0, $736 = 0.0, $737 = 0, $738 = 0.0, $739 = 0, $74 = 0, $740 = 0.0, $741 = 0, $742 = 0.0, $743 = 0, $744 = 0, $745 = 0; var $746 = 0, $747 = 0, $748 = 0, $749 = 0, $75 = 0.0, $750 = 0.0, $751 = 0.0, $752 = 0, $753 = 0.0, $754 = 0.0, $755 = 0, $756 = 0.0, $757 = 0, $758 = 0.0, $759 = 0, $76 = 0, $760 = 0, $761 = 0, $762 = 0, $763 = 0; var $764 = 0, $765 = 0, $766 = 0, $767 = 0.0, $768 = 0, $769 = 0, $77 = 0, $770 = 0.0, $771 = 0, $772 = 0, $773 = 0, $774 = 0.0, $775 = 0, $776 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0.0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0; var $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $A = 0, $BFCC = 0; var $C$addr = 0, $E = 0.0, $E280 = 0, $E359 = 0, $E366 = 0, $E462 = 0.0, $E_count = 0, $E_count634 = 0, $E_count636 = 0, $Etracker = 0, $Etracker573 = 0, $Etracker578 = 0, $Etracker581 = 0, $L1 = 0.0, $L2 = 0.0, $N = 0, $N2 = 0, $X1i = 0.0, $X1r = 0.0, $X2i = 0.0; var $X2r = 0.0, $activity = 0, $activity621 = 0, $activity801 = 0, $adapt = 0.0, $adapt1069 = 0.0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr103 = 0, $add$ptr108 = 0, $add$ptr109 = 0, $add1023 = 0.0, $add1062 = 0.0, $add1095 = 0.0, $add111 = 0, $add117 = 0, $add12 = 0, $add120 = 0, $add144 = 0.0, $add156 = 0.0; var $add173 = 0.0, $add18 = 0, $add184 = 0.0, $add192 = 0.0, $add197 = 0.0, $add198 = 0.0, $add201 = 0.0, $add229 = 0, $add24 = 0, $add246 = 0.0, $add252 = 0.0, $add260 = 0.0, $add261 = 0.0, $add264 = 0.0, $add269 = 0.0, $add283 = 0.0, $add285 = 0.0, $add286 = 0.0, $add290 = 0.0, $add291 = 0.0; var $add299 = 0.0, $add307 = 0.0, $add332 = 0.0, $add338 = 0.0, $add349 = 0.0, $add354 = 0.0, $add365 = 0.0, $add369 = 0.0, $add375 = 0.0, $add385 = 0.0, $add393 = 0.0, $add394 = 0.0, $add4 = 0, $add401 = 0.0, $add411 = 0.0, $add416 = 0, $add423 = 0.0, $add432 = 0.0, $add440 = 0.0, $add464 = 0; var $add483 = 0.0, $add489 = 0.0, $add497 = 0.0, $add498 = 0.0, $add50 = 0, $add55 = 0, $add587 = 0.0, $add598 = 0, $add6 = 0, $add602 = 0.0, $add620 = 0.0, $add635 = 0, $add645 = 0, $add647 = 0.0, $add652 = 0, $add654 = 0.0, $add656 = 0.0, $add658 = 0, $add661 = 0.0, $add679 = 0.0; var $add691 = 0, $add698 = 0, $add702 = 0.0, $add703 = 0, $add714 = 0, $add716 = 0.0, $add721 = 0, $add723 = 0.0, $add727 = 0, $add731 = 0, $add74 = 0, $add751 = 0.0, $add763 = 0, $add766 = 0, $add769 = 0, $add772 = 0, $add777 = 0, $add794 = 0, $add811 = 0.0, $add818 = 0.0; var $add827 = 0.0, $add835 = 0.0, $add89 = 0, $add892 = 0.0, $add894 = 0.0, $add901 = 0.0, $add908 = 0.0, $add920 = 0.0, $add945 = 0.0, $add950 = 0.0, $add966 = 0, $add972 = 0, $add996 = 0.0, $add997 = 0.0, $alpha = 0.0, $alphaE = 0.0, $alphaE2 = 0.0, $angle = 0, $angle136 = 0.0, $angle2 = 0.0; var $arrayidx1007 = 0, $arrayidx1010 = 0, $arrayidx1022 = 0, $arrayidx1027 = 0, $arrayidx116 = 0, $arrayidx139 = 0, $arrayidx142 = 0, $arrayidx145 = 0, $arrayidx148 = 0, $arrayidx151 = 0, $arrayidx154 = 0, $arrayidx158 = 0, $arrayidx160 = 0, $arrayidx164 = 0, $arrayidx166 = 0, $arrayidx180 = 0, $arrayidx191 = 0, $arrayidx195 = 0, $arrayidx204 = 0, $arrayidx205 = 0; var $arrayidx206 = 0, $arrayidx207 = 0, $arrayidx217 = 0, $arrayidx218 = 0, $arrayidx227 = 0, $arrayidx230 = 0, $arrayidx234 = 0, $arrayidx236 = 0, $arrayidx240 = 0, $arrayidx243 = 0, $arrayidx247 = 0, $arrayidx249 = 0, $arrayidx254 = 0, $arrayidx257 = 0, $arrayidx262 = 0, $arrayidx266 = 0, $arrayidx281 = 0, $arrayidx282 = 0, $arrayidx295 = 0, $arrayidx296 = 0; var $arrayidx298 = 0, $arrayidx303 = 0, $arrayidx306 = 0, $arrayidx311 = 0, $arrayidx312 = 0, $arrayidx314 = 0, $arrayidx319 = 0, $arrayidx322 = 0, $arrayidx327 = 0, $arrayidx329 = 0, $arrayidx331 = 0, $arrayidx337 = 0, $arrayidx340 = 0, $arrayidx343 = 0, $arrayidx345 = 0, $arrayidx348 = 0, $arrayidx351 = 0, $arrayidx360 = 0, $arrayidx361 = 0, $arrayidx367 = 0; var $arrayidx368 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx396 = 0, $arrayidx405 = 0, $arrayidx409 = 0, $arrayidx410 = 0, $arrayidx417 = 0, $arrayidx436 = 0, $arrayidx441 = 0, $arrayidx443 = 0, $arrayidx463 = 0, $arrayidx465 = 0, $arrayidx471 = 0, $arrayidx473 = 0, $arrayidx477 = 0, $arrayidx480 = 0, $arrayidx484 = 0, $arrayidx486 = 0, $arrayidx491 = 0, $arrayidx494 = 0; var $arrayidx509 = 0, $arrayidx516 = 0, $arrayidx522 = 0, $arrayidx524 = 0, $arrayidx530 = 0, $arrayidx59 = 0, $arrayidx599 = 0, $arrayidx600 = 0, $arrayidx606 = 0, $arrayidx644 = 0, $arrayidx646 = 0, $arrayidx650 = 0, $arrayidx653 = 0, $arrayidx659 = 0, $arrayidx662 = 0, $arrayidx665 = 0, $arrayidx675 = 0, $arrayidx677 = 0, $arrayidx681 = 0, $arrayidx689 = 0; var $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx692 = 0, $arrayidx696 = 0, $arrayidx699 = 0, $arrayidx704 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx712 = 0, $arrayidx715 = 0, $arrayidx719 = 0, $arrayidx72 = 0, $arrayidx722 = 0, $arrayidx728 = 0, $arrayidx732 = 0, $arrayidx745 = 0, $arrayidx747 = 0, $arrayidx749 = 0, $arrayidx75 = 0, $arrayidx753 = 0, $arrayidx764 = 0, $arrayidx767 = 0; var $arrayidx77 = 0, $arrayidx770 = 0, $arrayidx773 = 0, $arrayidx775 = 0, $arrayidx778 = 0, $arrayidx779 = 0, $arrayidx781 = 0, $arrayidx790 = 0, $arrayidx795 = 0, $arrayidx800 = 0, $arrayidx802 = 0, $arrayidx803 = 0, $arrayidx805 = 0, $arrayidx807 = 0, $arrayidx82 = 0, $arrayidx825 = 0, $arrayidx828 = 0, $arrayidx829 = 0, $arrayidx832 = 0, $arrayidx837 = 0; var $arrayidx86 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $arrayidx944 = 0, $arrayidx949 = 0, $arrayidx96 = 0, $arrayidx967 = 0, $arrayidx970 = 0, $arrayidx973 = 0, $arrayidx976 = 0, $arrayidx983 = 0, $arrayidx987 = 0, $arrayidx993 = 0, $arrayidx995 = 0, $avg_mod = 0.0, $b = 0, $band_end = 0, $band_start = 0, $band_tonality = 0, $bandwidth = 0, $bandwidth1122 = 0; var $bandwidth_mask = 0.0, $beta = 0.0, $binE = 0.0, $binE470 = 0.0, $c1$addr = 0, $c2$addr = 0, $call = 0.0, $call168 = 0.0, $call174 = 0.0, $call178 = 0.0, $call185 = 0.0, $call189 = 0.0, $call288 = 0.0, $call293 = 0.0, $call363 = 0.0, $call376 = 0.0, $call386 = 0.0, $call566 = 0.0, $call792 = 0.0, $call885 = 0.0; var $celt_mode$addr = 0, $cmean = 0, $cmean674 = 0, $cmean680 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1003 = 0, $cmp1018 = 0, $cmp1029 = 0, $cmp1034 = 0, $cmp1041 = 0, $cmp1051 = 0, $cmp1066 = 0, $cmp1074 = 0, $cmp1084 = 0, $cmp1098 = 0, $cmp1104 = 0, $cmp1111 = 0, $cmp1113 = 0, $cmp1119 = 0, $cmp128 = 0; var $cmp133 = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp214 = 0, $cmp224 = 0, $cmp231 = 0, $cmp273 = 0, $cmp275 = 0, $cmp30 = 0, $cmp300 = 0, $cmp316 = 0, $cmp333 = 0, $cmp34 = 0, $cmp356 = 0, $cmp379 = 0, $cmp398 = 0, $cmp41 = 0, $cmp412 = 0, $cmp425 = 0, $cmp448 = 0, $cmp459 = 0; var $cmp467 = 0, $cmp502 = 0, $cmp51 = 0, $cmp511 = 0, $cmp525 = 0, $cmp534 = 0, $cmp544 = 0, $cmp547 = 0, $cmp553 = 0, $cmp561 = 0, $cmp570 = 0, $cmp583 = 0, $cmp590 = 0, $cmp594 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cmp613 = 0, $cmp624 = 0, $cmp641 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp670 = 0; var $cmp686 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp709 = 0, $cmp737 = 0, $cmp741 = 0, $cmp759 = 0, $cmp786 = 0, $cmp840 = 0, $cmp847 = 0, $cmp852 = 0, $cmp862 = 0, $cmp869 = 0, $cmp874 = 0, $cmp935 = 0, $cmp962 = 0, $cmp989 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond1047 = 0, $cond1059 = 0.0, $cond1080 = 0; var $cond1092 = 0.0, $cond14 = 0, $cond26 = 0, $cond309 = 0.0, $cond325 = 0.0, $cond390 = 0.0, $cond408 = 0.0, $cond435 = 0.0, $cond454 = 0, $cond48 = 0, $cond507 = 0.0, $cond520 = 0.0, $cond532 = 0.0, $cond540 = 0.0, $cond577 = 0.0, $cond631 = 0.0, $cond846 = 0.0, $cond858 = 0.0, $cond860 = 0.0, $cond868 = 0.0; var $cond882 = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $conv1028 = 0.0, $conv1033 = 0.0, $conv1038 = 0.0, $conv1065 = 0.0, $conv1071 = 0.0, $conv1112 = 0, $conv1120 = 0, $conv15 = 0.0, $conv172 = 0.0, $conv175 = 0.0, $conv177 = 0.0, $conv179 = 0.0, $conv183 = 0.0, $conv186 = 0.0, $conv188 = 0.0, $conv190 = 0.0, $conv27 = 0.0, $conv287 = 0.0; var $conv289 = 0.0, $conv292 = 0.0, $conv294 = 0.0, $conv362 = 0.0, $conv364 = 0.0, $conv374 = 0.0, $conv377 = 0.0, $conv384 = 0.0, $conv387 = 0.0, $conv421 = 0.0, $conv430 = 0.0, $conv438 = 0.0, $conv455 = 0.0, $conv541 = 0.0, $conv542 = 0.0, $conv551 = 0.0, $conv565 = 0.0, $conv567 = 0.0, $conv791 = 0.0, $conv793 = 0.0; var $conv820 = 0.0, $conv821 = 0.0, $conv884 = 0.0, $conv886 = 0.0, $conv911 = 0.0, $conv912 = 0.0, $conv913 = 0.0, $conv916 = 0.0, $conv917 = 0.0, $conv918 = 0.0, $conv927 = 0.0, $conv928 = 0.0, $conv929 = 0.0, $conv931 = 0.0, $conv932 = 0.0, $conv933 = 0.0, $count = 0, $count11 = 0, $count17 = 0, $count211 = 0; var $count23 = 0, $count29 = 0, $count3 = 0, $count33 = 0, $count5 = 0, $count560 = 0, $count612 = 0, $count637 = 0, $count736 = 0, $count934 = 0, $d2A = 0, $d2_angle = 0, $d2_angle138 = 0.0, $d2_angle2 = 0.0, $dA = 0, $d_angle = 0, $d_angle137 = 0.0, $d_angle2 = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $div1001 = 0.0; var $div1039 = 0.0, $div1072 = 0.0, $div16 = 0.0, $div202 = 0.0, $div28 = 0.0, $div284 = 0.0, $div353 = 0.0, $div378 = 0.0, $div388 = 0.0, $div395 = 0.0, $div402 = 0.0, $div456 = 0.0, $div610 = 0.0, $div611 = 0.0, $div617 = 0.0, $div622 = 0.0, $div633 = 0.0, $div893 = 0.0, $div921 = 0.0, $downmix$addr = 0; var $features = 0, $frame_loudness = 0.0, $frame_noisiness = 0.0, $frame_probs = 0, $frame_stationarity = 0.0, $frame_tonality = 0.0, $highE = 0, $highE313 = 0, $highE321 = 0, $highE326 = 0, $highE328 = 0, $highE336 = 0, $highE347 = 0, $i = 0, $i146 = 0, $i149 = 0, $i152 = 0, $i155 = 0, $i248 = 0, $i250 = 0; var $i255 = 0, $i258 = 0, $i485 = 0, $i487 = 0, $i492 = 0, $i495 = 0, $i78 = 0, $i97 = 0, $in = 0, $inc = 0, $inc1013 = 0, $inc1025 = 0, $inc1037 = 0, $inc1070 = 0, $inc209 = 0, $inc220 = 0, $inc271 = 0, $inc371 = 0, $inc445 = 0, $inc500 = 0; var $inc558 = 0, $inc58 = 0, $inc604 = 0, $inc608 = 0, $inc638 = 0, $inc667 = 0, $inc683 = 0, $inc706 = 0, $inc734 = 0, $inc755 = 0, $inc783 = 0, $inc797 = 0, $inc978 = 0, $inc98 = 0, $inc999 = 0, $info = 0, $info57 = 0, $inmem = 0, $inmem101 = 0, $inmem104 = 0; var $inmem106 = 0, $inmem115 = 0, $inmem70 = 0, $inmem73 = 0, $inmem79 = 0, $inmem88 = 0, $inmem99 = 0, $kfft = 0, $kfft32 = 0, $last_music = 0, $last_music1121 = 0, $last_transition = 0, $last_transition1116 = 0, $len$addr = 0, $logE = 0, $lowE = 0, $lowE297 = 0, $lowE305 = 0, $lowE310 = 0, $lowE330 = 0; var $lowE339 = 0, $lowE344 = 0, $lowE350 = 0, $lowECount = 0, $lowECount586 = 0, $lowECount806 = 0, $lsb_depth$addr = 0, $m0 = 0.0, $maxE = 0.0, $max_frame_tonality = 0.0, $mdct = 0, $meanE = 0, $meanE515 = 0, $meanE521 = 0, $meanE523 = 0, $meanE529 = 0, $mem = 0, $mem649 = 0, $mem651 = 0, $mem657 = 0; var $mem690 = 0, $mem695 = 0, $mem697 = 0, $mem713 = 0, $mem718 = 0, $mem720 = 0, $mem726 = 0, $mem762 = 0, $mem765 = 0, $mem768 = 0, $mem771 = 0, $mem774 = 0, $mem776 = 0, $mem780 = 0, $mem_fill = 0, $mem_fill112 = 0, $mem_fill118 = 0, $mem_fill121 = 0, $mem_fill38 = 0, $mem_fill40 = 0; var $mem_fill45 = 0, $mem_fill49 = 0, $mem_fill54 = 0, $mod1 = 0.0, $mod2 = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $mul1008 = 0.0, $mul1011 = 0.0, $mul1060 = 0.0, $mul1093 = 0.0, $mul110 = 0, $mul163 = 0.0, $mul169 = 0.0, $mul181 = 0.0, $mul182 = 0.0, $mul193 = 0.0, $mul194 = 0.0, $mul196 = 0.0, $mul199 = 0.0, $mul200 = 0.0; var $mul238 = 0.0, $mul245 = 0.0, $mul251 = 0.0, $mul259 = 0.0, $mul263 = 0.0, $mul265 = 0.0, $mul268 = 0.0, $mul373 = 0.0, $mul383 = 0.0, $mul391 = 0.0, $mul392 = 0.0, $mul397 = 0.0, $mul406 = 0.0, $mul422 = 0.0, $mul424 = 0.0, $mul431 = 0.0, $mul433 = 0.0, $mul439 = 0.0, $mul457 = 0.0, $mul475 = 0.0; var $mul482 = 0.0, $mul488 = 0.0, $mul496 = 0.0, $mul510 = 0.0, $mul517 = 0.0, $mul533 = 0.0, $mul537 = 0.0, $mul543 = 0.0, $mul546 = 0.0, $mul552 = 0.0, $mul568 = 0.0, $mul580 = 0.0, $mul597 = 0, $mul601 = 0.0, $mul619 = 0.0, $mul623 = 0.0, $mul629 = 0.0, $mul648 = 0.0, $mul655 = 0.0, $mul660 = 0.0; var $mul663 = 0.0, $mul676 = 0.0, $mul678 = 0.0, $mul694 = 0.0, $mul701 = 0.0, $mul717 = 0.0, $mul724 = 0.0, $mul729 = 0.0, $mul746 = 0.0, $mul748 = 0.0, $mul750 = 0.0, $mul76 = 0.0, $mul812 = 0.0, $mul815 = 0.0, $mul817 = 0.0, $mul822 = 0.0, $mul826 = 0.0, $mul83 = 0.0, $mul831 = 0.0, $mul834 = 0.0; var $mul838 = 0.0, $mul887 = 0.0, $mul889 = 0.0, $mul891 = 0.0, $mul898 = 0.0, $mul900 = 0.0, $mul904 = 0.0, $mul907 = 0.0, $mul914 = 0.0, $mul919 = 0.0, $mul93 = 0.0, $mul952 = 0.0, $mul953 = 0.0, $mul957 = 0.0, $mul958 = 0.0, $mul968 = 0.0, $mul974 = 0.0, $mul980 = 0.0, $mul981 = 0.0, $mul984 = 0.0; var $mul985 = 0.0, $music0 = 0.0, $music_confidence = 0, $music_confidence1056 = 0, $music_confidence1061 = 0, $music_confidence1101 = 0, $music_confidence_count = 0, $music_confidence_count1040 = 0, $music_confidence_count1044 = 0, $music_confidence_count1048 = 0, $music_confidence_count1097 = 0, $music_prob = 0, $music_prob1032 = 0, $music_prob1064 = 0, $music_prob1110 = 0, $music_prob1118 = 0, $music_prob861 = 0, $music_prob866 = 0, $music_prob873 = 0, $music_prob878 = 0; var $music_prob895 = 0, $music_prob899 = 0, $music_prob902 = 0, $music_prob905 = 0, $music_prob922 = 0, $music_prob923 = 0, $music_prob924 = 0, $nE = 0.0, $noise_floor = 0.0, $noisiness = 0, $noisiness1123 = 0, $offset$addr = 0, $out = 0, $p = 0.0, $p0 = 0.0, $p1 = 0.0, $pi4 = 0.0, $pmusic = 0, $pmusic1009 = 0, $pmusic1015 = 0; var $pmusic946 = 0, $pmusic948 = 0, $pmusic959 = 0, $pmusic971 = 0, $pmusic975 = 0, $pmusic986 = 0, $pmusic994 = 0, $prev_band_tonality = 0, $prev_band_tonality404 = 0, $prev_band_tonality442 = 0, $prev_tonality = 0, $prev_tonality628 = 0, $prev_tonality632 = 0, $pspeech = 0, $pspeech1006 = 0, $pspeech1021 = 0, $pspeech941 = 0, $pspeech943 = 0, $pspeech954 = 0, $pspeech965 = 0; var $pspeech969 = 0, $pspeech982 = 0, $pspeech992 = 0, $psum = 0.0, $q = 0.0, $relativeE = 0.0, $rem = 0, $remaining = 0, $s0 = 0.0, $shl = 0, $slope = 0.0, $speech0 = 0.0, $speech_confidence = 0, $speech_confidence1089 = 0, $speech_confidence1094 = 0, $speech_confidence1107 = 0, $speech_confidence_count = 0, $speech_confidence_count1073 = 0, $speech_confidence_count1077 = 0, $speech_confidence_count1081 = 0; var $speech_confidence_count1103 = 0, $stationarity = 0.0, $std = 0, $std752 = 0, $std789 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub1050 = 0.0, $sub1057 = 0.0, $sub1083 = 0.0, $sub1090 = 0.0, $sub113 = 0, $sub114 = 0, $sub119 = 0, $sub141 = 0, $sub147 = 0, $sub150 = 0.0; var $sub153 = 0, $sub157 = 0, $sub162 = 0.0, $sub165 = 0.0, $sub167 = 0.0, $sub170 = 0.0, $sub171 = 0.0, $sub176 = 0.0, $sub187 = 0.0, $sub203 = 0.0, $sub239 = 0, $sub242 = 0, $sub253 = 0, $sub256 = 0, $sub267 = 0.0, $sub315 = 0.0, $sub323 = 0.0, $sub341 = 0.0, $sub346 = 0.0, $sub352 = 0.0; var $sub415 = 0, $sub418 = 0.0, $sub420 = 0, $sub429 = 0, $sub437 = 0, $sub447 = 0, $sub452 = 0, $sub46 = 0, $sub476 = 0, $sub479 = 0, $sub490 = 0, $sub493 = 0, $sub508 = 0.0, $sub514 = 0.0, $sub550 = 0, $sub569 = 0.0, $sub574 = 0.0, $sub579 = 0.0, $sub582 = 0.0, $sub618 = 0.0; var $sub65 = 0, $sub664 = 0.0, $sub673 = 0.0, $sub693 = 0.0, $sub700 = 0.0, $sub725 = 0.0, $sub730 = 0.0, $sub744 = 0.0, $sub80 = 0, $sub81 = 0, $sub823 = 0.0, $sub833 = 0.0, $sub84 = 0, $sub85 = 0, $sub883 = 0.0, $sub888 = 0.0, $sub890 = 0.0, $sub896 = 0.0, $sub897 = 0.0, $sub90 = 0; var $sub903 = 0.0, $sub906 = 0.0, $sub91 = 0, $sub910 = 0.0, $sub926 = 0.0, $sub94 = 0, $sub95 = 0, $sub951 = 0.0, $sub956 = 0.0, $sum = 0.0, $tE = 0.0, $tau = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $tonal$addr = 0, $tonality = 0, $tonality639 = 0, $tonality799 = 0, $tonality_slope = 0, $tonality_slope804 = 0, $w = 0.0; var $write_pos = 0, $write_pos60 = 0, $write_pos64 = 0, $x$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 10192|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(10192|0); $band_tonality = sp + 10040|0; $logE = sp + 9968|0; $BFCC = sp + 9936|0; $features = sp + 9836|0; $frame_probs = sp + 9800|0; $in = sp + 5920|0; $out = sp + 2080|0; $tonality = sp + 1120|0; $noisiness = sp + 160|0; $tonal$addr = $tonal; $celt_mode$addr = $celt_mode; $x$addr = $x; $len$addr = $len; $offset$addr = $offset; $c1$addr = $c1; $c2$addr = $c2; $C$addr = $C; $lsb_depth$addr = $lsb_depth; $downmix$addr = $downmix; $N = 480; $N2 = 240; $0 = $tonal$addr; $angle = ((($0)) + 4|0); $A = $angle; $1 = $tonal$addr; $d_angle = ((($1)) + 964|0); $dA = $d_angle; $2 = $tonal$addr; $d2_angle = ((($2)) + 1924|0); $d2A = $d2_angle; $pi4 = 97.409088134765625; $slope = 0.0; $bandwidth = 0; $maxE = 0.0; $3 = $tonal$addr; $last_transition = ((($3)) + 6864|0); $4 = HEAP32[$last_transition>>2]|0; $inc = (($4) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$last_transition>>2] = $inc; $5 = $tonal$addr; $count = ((($5)) + 6868|0); $6 = HEAP32[$count>>2]|0; $add = (1 + ($6))|0; $cmp = (20)<($add|0); if ($cmp) { $cond = 20; } else { $7 = $tonal$addr; $count3 = ((($7)) + 6868|0); $8 = HEAP32[$count3>>2]|0; $add4 = (1 + ($8))|0; $cond = $add4; } $conv = (+($cond|0)); $div = 1.0 / $conv; $alpha = $div; $9 = $tonal$addr; $count5 = ((($9)) + 6868|0); $10 = HEAP32[$count5>>2]|0; $add6 = (1 + ($10))|0; $cmp7 = (50)<($add6|0); if ($cmp7) { $cond14 = 50; } else { $11 = $tonal$addr; $count11 = ((($11)) + 6868|0); $12 = HEAP32[$count11>>2]|0; $add12 = (1 + ($12))|0; $cond14 = $add12; } $conv15 = (+($cond14|0)); $div16 = 1.0 / $conv15; $alphaE = $div16; $13 = $tonal$addr; $count17 = ((($13)) + 6868|0); $14 = HEAP32[$count17>>2]|0; $add18 = (1 + ($14))|0; $cmp19 = (1000)<($add18|0); if ($cmp19) { $cond26 = 1000; } else { $15 = $tonal$addr; $count23 = ((($15)) + 6868|0); $16 = HEAP32[$count23>>2]|0; $add24 = (1 + ($16))|0; $cond26 = $add24; } $conv27 = (+($cond26|0)); $div28 = 1.0 / $conv27; $alphaE2 = $div28; $17 = $tonal$addr; $count29 = ((($17)) + 6868|0); $18 = HEAP32[$count29>>2]|0; $cmp30 = ($18|0)<(4); if ($cmp30) { $19 = $tonal$addr; $music_prob = ((($19)) + 6844|0); HEAPF32[$music_prob>>2] = 0.5; } $20 = $celt_mode$addr; $mdct = ((($20)) + 64|0); $kfft32 = ((($mdct)) + 8|0); $21 = HEAP32[$kfft32>>2]|0; $kfft = $21; $22 = $tonal$addr; $count33 = ((($22)) + 6868|0); $23 = HEAP32[$count33>>2]|0; $cmp34 = ($23|0)==(0); if ($cmp34) { $24 = $tonal$addr; $mem_fill = ((($24)) + 5764|0); HEAP32[$mem_fill>>2] = 240; } $25 = $downmix$addr; $26 = $x$addr; $27 = $tonal$addr; $inmem = ((($27)) + 2884|0); $28 = $tonal$addr; $mem_fill38 = ((($28)) + 5764|0); $29 = HEAP32[$mem_fill38>>2]|0; $arrayidx39 = (($inmem) + ($29<<2)|0); $30 = $len$addr; $31 = $tonal$addr; $mem_fill40 = ((($31)) + 5764|0); $32 = HEAP32[$mem_fill40>>2]|0; $sub = (720 - ($32))|0; $cmp41 = ($30|0)<($sub|0); if ($cmp41) { $33 = $len$addr; $cond48 = $33; } else { $34 = $tonal$addr; $mem_fill45 = ((($34)) + 5764|0); $35 = HEAP32[$mem_fill45>>2]|0; $sub46 = (720 - ($35))|0; $cond48 = $sub46; } $36 = $offset$addr; $37 = $c1$addr; $38 = $c2$addr; $39 = $C$addr; FUNCTION_TABLE_viiiiiii[$25 & 31]($26,$arrayidx39,$cond48,$36,$37,$38,$39); $40 = $tonal$addr; $mem_fill49 = ((($40)) + 5764|0); $41 = HEAP32[$mem_fill49>>2]|0; $42 = $len$addr; $add50 = (($41) + ($42))|0; $cmp51 = ($add50|0)<(720); if ($cmp51) { $43 = $len$addr; $44 = $tonal$addr; $mem_fill54 = ((($44)) + 5764|0); $45 = HEAP32[$mem_fill54>>2]|0; $add55 = (($45) + ($43))|0; HEAP32[$mem_fill54>>2] = $add55; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $46 = $tonal$addr; $info57 = ((($46)) + 8516|0); $47 = $tonal$addr; $write_pos = ((($47)) + 8504|0); $48 = HEAP32[$write_pos>>2]|0; $inc58 = (($48) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$write_pos>>2] = $inc58; $arrayidx59 = (($info57) + (($48*28)|0)|0); $info = $arrayidx59; $49 = $tonal$addr; $write_pos60 = ((($49)) + 8504|0); $50 = HEAP32[$write_pos60>>2]|0; $cmp61 = ($50|0)>=(200); if ($cmp61) { $51 = $tonal$addr; $write_pos64 = ((($51)) + 8504|0); $52 = HEAP32[$write_pos64>>2]|0; $sub65 = (($52) - 200)|0; HEAP32[$write_pos64>>2] = $sub65; } $i = 0; while(1) { $53 = $i; $54 = $N2; $cmp67 = ($53|0)<($54|0); if (!($cmp67)) { break; } $55 = $i; $arrayidx69 = (232 + ($55<<2)|0); $56 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx69>>2]; $w = $56; $57 = $w; $58 = $tonal$addr; $inmem70 = ((($58)) + 2884|0); $59 = $i; $arrayidx71 = (($inmem70) + ($59<<2)|0); $60 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx71>>2]; $mul = $57 * $60; $61 = $i; $arrayidx72 = (($in) + ($61<<3)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx72>>2] = $mul; $62 = $w; $63 = $tonal$addr; $inmem73 = ((($63)) + 2884|0); $64 = $N2; $65 = $i; $add74 = (($64) + ($65))|0; $arrayidx75 = (($inmem73) + ($add74<<2)|0); $66 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx75>>2]; $mul76 = $62 * $66; $67 = $i; $arrayidx77 = (($in) + ($67<<3)|0); $i78 = ((($arrayidx77)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i78>>2] = $mul76; $68 = $w; $69 = $tonal$addr; $inmem79 = ((($69)) + 2884|0); $70 = $N; $71 = $i; $sub80 = (($70) - ($71))|0; $sub81 = (($sub80) - 1)|0; $arrayidx82 = (($inmem79) + ($sub81<<2)|0); $72 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx82>>2]; $mul83 = $68 * $72; $73 = $N; $74 = $i; $sub84 = (($73) - ($74))|0; $sub85 = (($sub84) - 1)|0; $arrayidx86 = (($in) + ($sub85<<3)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx86>>2] = $mul83; $75 = $w; $76 = $tonal$addr; $inmem88 = ((($76)) + 2884|0); $77 = $N; $78 = $N2; $add89 = (($77) + ($78))|0; $79 = $i; $sub90 = (($add89) - ($79))|0; $sub91 = (($sub90) - 1)|0; $arrayidx92 = (($inmem88) + ($sub91<<2)|0); $80 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx92>>2]; $mul93 = $75 * $80; $81 = $N; $82 = $i; $sub94 = (($81) - ($82))|0; $sub95 = (($sub94) - 1)|0; $arrayidx96 = (($in) + ($sub95<<3)|0); $i97 = ((($arrayidx96)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i97>>2] = $mul93; $83 = $i; $inc98 = (($83) + 1)|0; $i = $inc98; } $84 = $tonal$addr; $inmem99 = ((($84)) + 2884|0); $85 = $tonal$addr; $inmem101 = ((($85)) + 2884|0); $add$ptr = ((($inmem101)) + 2880|0); $add$ptr103 = ((($add$ptr)) + -960|0); $86 = $tonal$addr; $inmem104 = ((($86)) + 2884|0); $87 = $tonal$addr; $inmem106 = ((($87)) + 2884|0); $add$ptr108 = ((($inmem106)) + 2880|0); $add$ptr109 = ((($add$ptr108)) + -960|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $inmem104; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $add$ptr109; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul110 = 0; $add111 = (960 + ($mul110))|0; _memmove(($inmem99|0),($add$ptr103|0),($add111|0))|0; $88 = $len$addr; $89 = $tonal$addr; $mem_fill112 = ((($89)) + 5764|0); $90 = HEAP32[$mem_fill112>>2]|0; $sub113 = (720 - ($90))|0; $sub114 = (($88) - ($sub113))|0; $remaining = $sub114; $91 = $downmix$addr; $92 = $x$addr; $93 = $tonal$addr; $inmem115 = ((($93)) + 2884|0); $arrayidx116 = ((($inmem115)) + 960|0); $94 = $remaining; $95 = $offset$addr; $add117 = (($95) + 720)|0; $96 = $tonal$addr; $mem_fill118 = ((($96)) + 5764|0); $97 = HEAP32[$mem_fill118>>2]|0; $sub119 = (($add117) - ($97))|0; $98 = $c1$addr; $99 = $c2$addr; $100 = $C$addr; FUNCTION_TABLE_viiiiiii[$91 & 31]($92,$arrayidx116,$94,$sub119,$98,$99,$100); $101 = $remaining; $add120 = (240 + ($101))|0; $102 = $tonal$addr; $mem_fill121 = ((($102)) + 5764|0); HEAP32[$mem_fill121>>2] = $add120; $103 = $kfft; _opus_fft_c($103,$in,$out); $104 = +HEAPF32[$out>>2]; $105 = +HEAPF32[$out>>2]; $cmp128 = $104 != $105; if ($cmp128) { $106 = $info; HEAP32[$106>>2] = 0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $i = 1; while(1) { $107 = $i; $108 = $N2; $cmp133 = ($107|0)<($108|0); if (!($cmp133)) { break; } $109 = $i; $arrayidx139 = (($out) + ($109<<3)|0); $110 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx139>>2]; $111 = $N; $112 = $i; $sub141 = (($111) - ($112))|0; $arrayidx142 = (($out) + ($sub141<<3)|0); $113 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx142>>2]; $add144 = $110 + $113; $X1r = $add144; $114 = $i; $arrayidx145 = (($out) + ($114<<3)|0); $i146 = ((($arrayidx145)) + 4|0); $115 = +HEAPF32[$i146>>2]; $116 = $N; $117 = $i; $sub147 = (($116) - ($117))|0; $arrayidx148 = (($out) + ($sub147<<3)|0); $i149 = ((($arrayidx148)) + 4|0); $118 = +HEAPF32[$i149>>2]; $sub150 = $115 - $118; $X1i = $sub150; $119 = $i; $arrayidx151 = (($out) + ($119<<3)|0); $i152 = ((($arrayidx151)) + 4|0); $120 = +HEAPF32[$i152>>2]; $121 = $N; $122 = $i; $sub153 = (($121) - ($122))|0; $arrayidx154 = (($out) + ($sub153<<3)|0); $i155 = ((($arrayidx154)) + 4|0); $123 = +HEAPF32[$i155>>2]; $add156 = $120 + $123; $X2r = $add156; $124 = $N; $125 = $i; $sub157 = (($124) - ($125))|0; $arrayidx158 = (($out) + ($sub157<<3)|0); $126 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx158>>2]; $127 = $i; $arrayidx160 = (($out) + ($127<<3)|0); $128 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx160>>2]; $sub162 = $126 - $128; $X2i = $sub162; $129 = $X1i; $130 = $X1r; $call = (+_fast_atan2f($129,$130)); $mul163 = 0.15915493667125702 * $call; $angle136 = $mul163; $131 = $angle136; $132 = $A; $133 = $i; $arrayidx164 = (($132) + ($133<<2)|0); $134 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx164>>2]; $sub165 = $131 - $134; $d_angle137 = $sub165; $135 = $d_angle137; $136 = $dA; $137 = $i; $arrayidx166 = (($136) + ($137<<2)|0); $138 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx166>>2]; $sub167 = $135 - $138; $d2_angle138 = $sub167; $139 = $X2i; $140 = $X2r; $call168 = (+_fast_atan2f($139,$140)); $mul169 = 0.15915493667125702 * $call168; $angle2 = $mul169; $141 = $angle2; $142 = $angle136; $sub170 = $141 - $142; $d_angle2 = $sub170; $143 = $d_angle2; $144 = $d_angle137; $sub171 = $143 - $144; $d2_angle2 = $sub171; $145 = $d2_angle138; $146 = $d2_angle138; $conv172 = $146; $add173 = 0.5 + $conv172; $call174 = (+Math_floor((+$add173))); $conv175 = $call174; $sub176 = $145 - $conv175; $mod1 = $sub176; $147 = $mod1; $conv177 = $147; $call178 = (+Math_abs((+$conv177))); $conv179 = $call178; $148 = $i; $arrayidx180 = (($noisiness) + ($148<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx180>>2] = $conv179; $149 = $mod1; $150 = $mod1; $mul181 = $150 * $149; $mod1 = $mul181; $151 = $mod1; $152 = $mod1; $mul182 = $152 * $151; $mod1 = $mul182; $153 = $d2_angle2; $154 = $d2_angle2; $conv183 = $154; $add184 = 0.5 + $conv183; $call185 = (+Math_floor((+$add184))); $conv186 = $call185; $sub187 = $153 - $conv186; $mod2 = $sub187; $155 = $mod2; $conv188 = $155; $call189 = (+Math_abs((+$conv188))); $conv190 = $call189; $156 = $i; $arrayidx191 = (($noisiness) + ($156<<2)|0); $157 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx191>>2]; $add192 = $157 + $conv190; HEAPF32[$arrayidx191>>2] = $add192; $158 = $mod2; $159 = $mod2; $mul193 = $159 * $158; $mod2 = $mul193; $160 = $mod2; $161 = $mod2; $mul194 = $161 * $160; $mod2 = $mul194; $162 = $d2A; $163 = $i; $arrayidx195 = (($162) + ($163<<2)|0); $164 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx195>>2]; $165 = $mod1; $mul196 = 2.0 * $165; $add197 = $164 + $mul196; $166 = $mod2; $add198 = $add197 + $166; $mul199 = 0.25 * $add198; $avg_mod = $mul199; $167 = $avg_mod; $mul200 = 62341.81640625 * $167; $add201 = 1.0 + $mul200; $div202 = 1.0 / $add201; $sub203 = $div202 - 0.014999999664723873; $168 = $i; $arrayidx204 = (($tonality) + ($168<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx204>>2] = $sub203; $169 = $angle2; $170 = $A; $171 = $i; $arrayidx205 = (($170) + ($171<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx205>>2] = $169; $172 = $d_angle2; $173 = $dA; $174 = $i; $arrayidx206 = (($173) + ($174<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx206>>2] = $172; $175 = $mod2; $176 = $d2A; $177 = $i; $arrayidx207 = (($176) + ($177<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx207>>2] = $175; $178 = $i; $inc209 = (($178) + 1)|0; $i = $inc209; } $frame_tonality = 0.0; $max_frame_tonality = 0.0; $179 = $info; $activity = ((($179)) + 16|0); HEAPF32[$activity>>2] = 0.0; $frame_noisiness = 0.0; $frame_stationarity = 0.0; $180 = $tonal$addr; $count211 = ((($180)) + 6868|0); $181 = HEAP32[$count211>>2]|0; $tobool = ($181|0)!=(0); L39: do { if (!($tobool)) { $b = 0; while(1) { $182 = $b; $cmp214 = ($182|0)<(18); if (!($cmp214)) { break L39; } $183 = $tonal$addr; $lowE = ((($183)) + 6420|0); $184 = $b; $arrayidx217 = (($lowE) + ($184<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx217>>2] = 1.0E+10; $185 = $tonal$addr; $highE = ((($185)) + 6492|0); $186 = $b; $arrayidx218 = (($highE) + ($186<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx218>>2] = -1.0E+10; $187 = $b; $inc220 = (($187) + 1)|0; $b = $inc220; } } } while(0); $relativeE = 0.0; $frame_loudness = 0.0; $b = 0; while(1) { $188 = $b; $cmp224 = ($188|0)<(18); if (!($cmp224)) { break; } $E = 0.0; $tE = 0.0; $nE = 0.0; $189 = $b; $arrayidx227 = (1192 + ($189<<2)|0); $190 = HEAP32[$arrayidx227>>2]|0; $i = $190; while(1) { $191 = $i; $192 = $b; $add229 = (($192) + 1)|0; $arrayidx230 = (1192 + ($add229<<2)|0); $193 = HEAP32[$arrayidx230>>2]|0; $cmp231 = ($191|0)<($193|0); if (!($cmp231)) { break; } $194 = $i; $arrayidx234 = (($out) + ($194<<3)|0); $195 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx234>>2]; $196 = $i; $arrayidx236 = (($out) + ($196<<3)|0); $197 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx236>>2]; $mul238 = $195 * $197; $198 = $N; $199 = $i; $sub239 = (($198) - ($199))|0; $arrayidx240 = (($out) + ($sub239<<3)|0); $200 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx240>>2]; $201 = $N; $202 = $i; $sub242 = (($201) - ($202))|0; $arrayidx243 = (($out) + ($sub242<<3)|0); $203 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx243>>2]; $mul245 = $200 * $203; $add246 = $mul238 + $mul245; $204 = $i; $arrayidx247 = (($out) + ($204<<3)|0); $i248 = ((($arrayidx247)) + 4|0); $205 = +HEAPF32[$i248>>2]; $206 = $i; $arrayidx249 = (($out) + ($206<<3)|0); $i250 = ((($arrayidx249)) + 4|0); $207 = +HEAPF32[$i250>>2]; $mul251 = $205 * $207; $add252 = $add246 + $mul251; $208 = $N; $209 = $i; $sub253 = (($208) - ($209))|0; $arrayidx254 = (($out) + ($sub253<<3)|0); $i255 = ((($arrayidx254)) + 4|0); $210 = +HEAPF32[$i255>>2]; $211 = $N; $212 = $i; $sub256 = (($211) - ($212))|0; $arrayidx257 = (($out) + ($sub256<<3)|0); $i258 = ((($arrayidx257)) + 4|0); $213 = +HEAPF32[$i258>>2]; $mul259 = $210 * $213; $add260 = $add252 + $mul259; $binE = $add260; $214 = $binE; $215 = $E; $add261 = $215 + $214; $E = $add261; $216 = $binE; $217 = $i; $arrayidx262 = (($tonality) + ($217<<2)|0); $218 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx262>>2]; $mul263 = $216 * $218; $219 = $tE; $add264 = $219 + $mul263; $tE = $add264; $220 = $binE; $mul265 = $220 * 2.0; $221 = $i; $arrayidx266 = (($noisiness) + ($221<<2)|0); $222 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx266>>2]; $sub267 = 0.5 - $222; $mul268 = $mul265 * $sub267; $223 = $nE; $add269 = $223 + $mul268; $nE = $add269; $224 = $i; $inc271 = (($224) + 1)|0; $i = $inc271; } $225 = $E; $cmp273 = $225 < 1.0E+9; if (!($cmp273)) { label = 37; break; } $226 = $E; $227 = $E; $cmp275 = $226 != $227; if ($cmp275) { label = 37; break; } $229 = $E; $230 = $tonal$addr; $E280 = ((($230)) + 5844|0); $231 = $tonal$addr; $E_count = ((($231)) + 6856|0); $232 = HEAP32[$E_count>>2]|0; $arrayidx281 = (($E280) + (($232*72)|0)|0); $233 = $b; $arrayidx282 = (($arrayidx281) + ($233<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx282>>2] = $229; $234 = $nE; $235 = $E; $add283 = 1.0000000036274937E-15 + $235; $div284 = $234 / $add283; $236 = $frame_noisiness; $add285 = $236 + $div284; $frame_noisiness = $add285; $237 = $E; $add286 = $237 + 1.000000013351432E-10; $conv287 = $add286; $call288 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv287))); $conv289 = $call288; $238 = $frame_loudness; $add290 = $238 + $conv289; $frame_loudness = $add290; $239 = $E; $add291 = $239 + 1.000000013351432E-10; $conv292 = $add291; $call293 = (+Math_log((+$conv292))); $conv294 = $call293; $240 = $b; $arrayidx295 = (($logE) + ($240<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx295>>2] = $conv294; $241 = $b; $arrayidx296 = (($logE) + ($241<<2)|0); $242 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx296>>2]; $243 = $tonal$addr; $lowE297 = ((($243)) + 6420|0); $244 = $b; $arrayidx298 = (($lowE297) + ($244<<2)|0); $245 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx298>>2]; $add299 = $245 + 0.0099999997764825821; $cmp300 = $242 < $add299; if ($cmp300) { $246 = $b; $arrayidx303 = (($logE) + ($246<<2)|0); $247 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx303>>2]; $cond309 = $247; } else { $248 = $tonal$addr; $lowE305 = ((($248)) + 6420|0); $249 = $b; $arrayidx306 = (($lowE305) + ($249<<2)|0); $250 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx306>>2]; $add307 = $250 + 0.0099999997764825821; $cond309 = $add307; } $251 = $tonal$addr; $lowE310 = ((($251)) + 6420|0); $252 = $b; $arrayidx311 = (($lowE310) + ($252<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx311>>2] = $cond309; $253 = $b; $arrayidx312 = (($logE) + ($253<<2)|0); $254 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx312>>2]; $255 = $tonal$addr; $highE313 = ((($255)) + 6492|0); $256 = $b; $arrayidx314 = (($highE313) + ($256<<2)|0); $257 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx314>>2]; $sub315 = $257 - 0.10000000149011612; $cmp316 = $254 > $sub315; if ($cmp316) { $258 = $b; $arrayidx319 = (($logE) + ($258<<2)|0); $259 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx319>>2]; $cond325 = $259; } else { $260 = $tonal$addr; $highE321 = ((($260)) + 6492|0); $261 = $b; $arrayidx322 = (($highE321) + ($261<<2)|0); $262 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx322>>2]; $sub323 = $262 - 0.10000000149011612; $cond325 = $sub323; } $263 = $tonal$addr; $highE326 = ((($263)) + 6492|0); $264 = $b; $arrayidx327 = (($highE326) + ($264<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx327>>2] = $cond325; $265 = $tonal$addr; $highE328 = ((($265)) + 6492|0); $266 = $b; $arrayidx329 = (($highE328) + ($266<<2)|0); $267 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx329>>2]; $268 = $tonal$addr; $lowE330 = ((($268)) + 6420|0); $269 = $b; $arrayidx331 = (($lowE330) + ($269<<2)|0); $270 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx331>>2]; $add332 = $270 + 1.0; $cmp333 = $267 < $add332; if ($cmp333) { $271 = $tonal$addr; $highE336 = ((($271)) + 6492|0); $272 = $b; $arrayidx337 = (($highE336) + ($272<<2)|0); $273 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx337>>2]; $add338 = $273 + 0.5; HEAPF32[$arrayidx337>>2] = $add338; $274 = $tonal$addr; $lowE339 = ((($274)) + 6420|0); $275 = $b; $arrayidx340 = (($lowE339) + ($275<<2)|0); $276 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx340>>2]; $sub341 = $276 - 0.5; HEAPF32[$arrayidx340>>2] = $sub341; } $277 = $b; $arrayidx343 = (($logE) + ($277<<2)|0); $278 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx343>>2]; $279 = $tonal$addr; $lowE344 = ((($279)) + 6420|0); $280 = $b; $arrayidx345 = (($lowE344) + ($280<<2)|0); $281 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx345>>2]; $sub346 = $278 - $281; $282 = $tonal$addr; $highE347 = ((($282)) + 6492|0); $283 = $b; $arrayidx348 = (($highE347) + ($283<<2)|0); $284 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx348>>2]; $add349 = 1.0000000036274937E-15 + $284; $285 = $tonal$addr; $lowE350 = ((($285)) + 6420|0); $286 = $b; $arrayidx351 = (($lowE350) + ($286<<2)|0); $287 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx351>>2]; $sub352 = $add349 - $287; $div353 = $sub346 / $sub352; $288 = $relativeE; $add354 = $288 + $div353; $relativeE = $add354; $L2 = 0.0; $L1 = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $289 = $i; $cmp356 = ($289|0)<(8); if (!($cmp356)) { break; } $290 = $tonal$addr; $E359 = ((($290)) + 5844|0); $291 = $i; $arrayidx360 = (($E359) + (($291*72)|0)|0); $292 = $b; $arrayidx361 = (($arrayidx360) + ($292<<2)|0); $293 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx361>>2]; $conv362 = $293; $call363 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv362))); $conv364 = $call363; $294 = $L1; $add365 = $294 + $conv364; $L1 = $add365; $295 = $tonal$addr; $E366 = ((($295)) + 5844|0); $296 = $i; $arrayidx367 = (($E366) + (($296*72)|0)|0); $297 = $b; $arrayidx368 = (($arrayidx367) + ($297<<2)|0); $298 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx368>>2]; $299 = $L2; $add369 = $299 + $298; $L2 = $add369; $300 = $i; $inc371 = (($300) + 1)|0; $i = $inc371; } $301 = $L1; $302 = $L2; $mul373 = 8.0 * $302; $conv374 = $mul373; $add375 = 1.0000000000000001E-15 + $conv374; $call376 = (+Math_sqrt((+$add375))); $conv377 = $call376; $div378 = $301 / $conv377; $cmp379 = 0.99000000953674316 < $div378; if ($cmp379) { $cond390 = 0.99000000953674316; } else { $303 = $L1; $304 = $L2; $mul383 = 8.0 * $304; $conv384 = $mul383; $add385 = 1.0000000000000001E-15 + $conv384; $call386 = (+Math_sqrt((+$add385))); $conv387 = $call386; $div388 = $303 / $conv387; $cond390 = $div388; } $stationarity = $cond390; $305 = $stationarity; $306 = $stationarity; $mul391 = $306 * $305; $stationarity = $mul391; $307 = $stationarity; $308 = $stationarity; $mul392 = $308 * $307; $stationarity = $mul392; $309 = $stationarity; $310 = $frame_stationarity; $add393 = $310 + $309; $frame_stationarity = $add393; $311 = $tE; $312 = $E; $add394 = 1.0000000036274937E-15 + $312; $div395 = $311 / $add394; $313 = $stationarity; $314 = $tonal$addr; $prev_band_tonality = ((($314)) + 5768|0); $315 = $b; $arrayidx396 = (($prev_band_tonality) + ($315<<2)|0); $316 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx396>>2]; $mul397 = $313 * $316; $cmp398 = $div395 > $mul397; if ($cmp398) { $317 = $tE; $318 = $E; $add401 = 1.0000000036274937E-15 + $318; $div402 = $317 / $add401; $cond408 = $div402; } else { $319 = $stationarity; $320 = $tonal$addr; $prev_band_tonality404 = ((($320)) + 5768|0); $321 = $b; $arrayidx405 = (($prev_band_tonality404) + ($321<<2)|0); $322 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx405>>2]; $mul406 = $319 * $322; $cond408 = $mul406; } $323 = $b; $arrayidx409 = (($band_tonality) + ($323<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx409>>2] = $cond408; $324 = $b; $arrayidx410 = (($band_tonality) + ($324<<2)|0); $325 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx410>>2]; $326 = $frame_tonality; $add411 = $326 + $325; $frame_tonality = $add411; $327 = $b; $cmp412 = ($327|0)>=(9); if ($cmp412) { $328 = $b; $sub415 = (($328) - 18)|0; $add416 = (($sub415) + 9)|0; $arrayidx417 = (($band_tonality) + ($add416<<2)|0); $329 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx417>>2]; $330 = $frame_tonality; $sub418 = $330 - $329; $frame_tonality = $sub418; } $331 = $max_frame_tonality; $332 = $b; $sub420 = (($332) - 18)|0; $conv421 = (+($sub420|0)); $mul422 = 0.029999999329447746 * $conv421; $add423 = 1.0 + $mul422; $333 = $frame_tonality; $mul424 = $add423 * $333; $cmp425 = $331 > $mul424; if ($cmp425) { $334 = $max_frame_tonality; $cond435 = $334; } else { $335 = $b; $sub429 = (($335) - 18)|0; $conv430 = (+($sub429|0)); $mul431 = 0.029999999329447746 * $conv430; $add432 = 1.0 + $mul431; $336 = $frame_tonality; $mul433 = $add432 * $336; $cond435 = $mul433; } $max_frame_tonality = $cond435; $337 = $b; $arrayidx436 = (($band_tonality) + ($337<<2)|0); $338 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx436>>2]; $339 = $b; $sub437 = (($339) - 8)|0; $conv438 = (+($sub437|0)); $mul439 = $338 * $conv438; $340 = $slope; $add440 = $340 + $mul439; $slope = $add440; $341 = $b; $arrayidx441 = (($band_tonality) + ($341<<2)|0); $342 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx441>>2]; $343 = $tonal$addr; $prev_band_tonality442 = ((($343)) + 5768|0); $344 = $b; $arrayidx443 = (($prev_band_tonality442) + ($344<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx443>>2] = $342; $345 = $b; $inc445 = (($345) + 1)|0; $b = $inc445; } if ((label|0) == 37) { $228 = $info; HEAP32[$228>>2] = 0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $bandwidth_mask = 0.0; $bandwidth = 0; $maxE = 0.0; $346 = $lsb_depth$addr; $sub447 = (($346) - 8)|0; $cmp448 = (0)>($sub447|0); $347 = $lsb_depth$addr; $sub452 = (($347) - 8)|0; $cond454 = $cmp448 ? 0 : $sub452; $shl = 1 << $cond454; $conv455 = (+($shl|0)); $div456 = 5.6999997468665242E-4 / $conv455; $noise_floor = $div456; $348 = $noise_floor; $349 = $noise_floor; $mul457 = $349 * $348; $noise_floor = $mul457; $b = 0; while(1) { $350 = $b; $cmp459 = ($350|0)<(21); if (!($cmp459)) { break; } $E462 = 0.0; $351 = $b; $arrayidx463 = (1268 + ($351<<2)|0); $352 = HEAP32[$arrayidx463>>2]|0; $band_start = $352; $353 = $b; $add464 = (($353) + 1)|0; $arrayidx465 = (1268 + ($add464<<2)|0); $354 = HEAP32[$arrayidx465>>2]|0; $band_end = $354; $355 = $band_start; $i = $355; while(1) { $356 = $i; $357 = $band_end; $cmp467 = ($356|0)<($357|0); if (!($cmp467)) { break; } $358 = $i; $arrayidx471 = (($out) + ($358<<3)|0); $359 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx471>>2]; $360 = $i; $arrayidx473 = (($out) + ($360<<3)|0); $361 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx473>>2]; $mul475 = $359 * $361; $362 = $N; $363 = $i; $sub476 = (($362) - ($363))|0; $arrayidx477 = (($out) + ($sub476<<3)|0); $364 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx477>>2]; $365 = $N; $366 = $i; $sub479 = (($365) - ($366))|0; $arrayidx480 = (($out) + ($sub479<<3)|0); $367 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx480>>2]; $mul482 = $364 * $367; $add483 = $mul475 + $mul482; $368 = $i; $arrayidx484 = (($out) + ($368<<3)|0); $i485 = ((($arrayidx484)) + 4|0); $369 = +HEAPF32[$i485>>2]; $370 = $i; $arrayidx486 = (($out) + ($370<<3)|0); $i487 = ((($arrayidx486)) + 4|0); $371 = +HEAPF32[$i487>>2]; $mul488 = $369 * $371; $add489 = $add483 + $mul488; $372 = $N; $373 = $i; $sub490 = (($372) - ($373))|0; $arrayidx491 = (($out) + ($sub490<<3)|0); $i492 = ((($arrayidx491)) + 4|0); $374 = +HEAPF32[$i492>>2]; $375 = $N; $376 = $i; $sub493 = (($375) - ($376))|0; $arrayidx494 = (($out) + ($sub493<<3)|0); $i495 = ((($arrayidx494)) + 4|0); $377 = +HEAPF32[$i495>>2]; $mul496 = $374 * $377; $add497 = $add489 + $mul496; $binE470 = $add497; $378 = $binE470; $379 = $E462; $add498 = $379 + $378; $E462 = $add498; $380 = $i; $inc500 = (($380) + 1)|0; $i = $inc500; } $381 = $maxE; $382 = $E462; $cmp502 = $381 > $382; $383 = $maxE; $384 = $E462; $cond507 = $cmp502 ? $383 : $384; $maxE = $cond507; $385 = $alphaE2; $sub508 = 1.0 - $385; $386 = $tonal$addr; $meanE = ((($386)) + 6564|0); $387 = $b; $arrayidx509 = (($meanE) + ($387<<2)|0); $388 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx509>>2]; $mul510 = $sub508 * $388; $389 = $E462; $cmp511 = $mul510 > $389; if ($cmp511) { $390 = $alphaE2; $sub514 = 1.0 - $390; $391 = $tonal$addr; $meanE515 = ((($391)) + 6564|0); $392 = $b; $arrayidx516 = (($meanE515) + ($392<<2)|0); $393 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx516>>2]; $mul517 = $sub514 * $393; $cond520 = $mul517; } else { $394 = $E462; $cond520 = $394; } $395 = $tonal$addr; $meanE521 = ((($395)) + 6564|0); $396 = $b; $arrayidx522 = (($meanE521) + ($396<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx522>>2] = $cond520; $397 = $E462; $398 = $tonal$addr; $meanE523 = ((($398)) + 6564|0); $399 = $b; $arrayidx524 = (($meanE523) + ($399<<2)|0); $400 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx524>>2]; $cmp525 = $397 > $400; if ($cmp525) { $401 = $E462; $cond532 = $401; } else { $402 = $tonal$addr; $meanE529 = ((($402)) + 6564|0); $403 = $b; $arrayidx530 = (($meanE529) + ($403<<2)|0); $404 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx530>>2]; $cond532 = $404; } $E462 = $cond532; $405 = $bandwidth_mask; $mul533 = 0.05000000074505806 * $405; $406 = $E462; $cmp534 = $mul533 > $406; $407 = $bandwidth_mask; $mul537 = 0.05000000074505806 * $407; $408 = $E462; $cond540 = $cmp534 ? $mul537 : $408; $bandwidth_mask = $cond540; $409 = $E462; $conv541 = $409; $410 = $bandwidth_mask; $conv542 = $410; $mul543 = 0.10000000000000001 * $conv542; $cmp544 = $conv541 > $mul543; if ($cmp544) { $411 = $E462; $mul546 = $411 * 1.0E+9; $412 = $maxE; $cmp547 = $mul546 > $412; if ($cmp547) { $413 = $E462; $414 = $noise_floor; $415 = $band_end; $416 = $band_start; $sub550 = (($415) - ($416))|0; $conv551 = (+($sub550|0)); $mul552 = $414 * $conv551; $cmp553 = $413 > $mul552; if ($cmp553) { $417 = $b; $bandwidth = $417; } } } $418 = $b; $inc558 = (($418) + 1)|0; $b = $inc558; } $419 = $tonal$addr; $count560 = ((($419)) + 6868|0); $420 = HEAP32[$count560>>2]|0; $cmp561 = ($420|0)<=(2); if ($cmp561) { $bandwidth = 20; } $421 = $frame_loudness; $conv565 = $421; $call566 = (+_log10($conv565)); $conv567 = $call566; $mul568 = 20.0 * $conv567; $frame_loudness = $mul568; $422 = $tonal$addr; $Etracker = ((($422)) + 6848|0); $423 = +HEAPF32[$Etracker>>2]; $sub569 = $423 - 0.029999999329447746; $424 = $frame_loudness; $cmp570 = $sub569 > $424; if ($cmp570) { $425 = $tonal$addr; $Etracker573 = ((($425)) + 6848|0); $426 = +HEAPF32[$Etracker573>>2]; $sub574 = $426 - 0.029999999329447746; $cond577 = $sub574; } else { $427 = $frame_loudness; $cond577 = $427; } $428 = $tonal$addr; $Etracker578 = ((($428)) + 6848|0); HEAPF32[$Etracker578>>2] = $cond577; $429 = $alphaE; $sub579 = 1.0 - $429; $430 = $tonal$addr; $lowECount = ((($430)) + 6852|0); $431 = +HEAPF32[$lowECount>>2]; $mul580 = $431 * $sub579; HEAPF32[$lowECount>>2] = $mul580; $432 = $frame_loudness; $433 = $tonal$addr; $Etracker581 = ((($433)) + 6848|0); $434 = +HEAPF32[$Etracker581>>2]; $sub582 = $434 - 30.0; $cmp583 = $432 < $sub582; if ($cmp583) { $435 = $alphaE; $436 = $tonal$addr; $lowECount586 = ((($436)) + 6852|0); $437 = +HEAPF32[$lowECount586>>2]; $add587 = $437 + $435; HEAPF32[$lowECount586>>2] = $add587; } $i = 0; while(1) { $438 = $i; $cmp590 = ($438|0)<(8); if (!($cmp590)) { break; } $sum = 0.0; $b = 0; while(1) { $439 = $b; $cmp594 = ($439|0)<(16); if (!($cmp594)) { break; } $440 = $i; $mul597 = $440<<4; $441 = $b; $add598 = (($mul597) + ($441))|0; $arrayidx599 = (1356 + ($add598<<2)|0); $442 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx599>>2]; $443 = $b; $arrayidx600 = (($logE) + ($443<<2)|0); $444 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx600>>2]; $mul601 = $442 * $444; $445 = $sum; $add602 = $445 + $mul601; $sum = $add602; $446 = $b; $inc604 = (($446) + 1)|0; $b = $inc604; } $447 = $sum; $448 = $i; $arrayidx606 = (($BFCC) + ($448<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx606>>2] = $447; $449 = $i; $inc608 = (($449) + 1)|0; $i = $inc608; } $450 = $frame_stationarity; $div610 = $450 / 18.0; $frame_stationarity = $div610; $451 = $relativeE; $div611 = $451 / 18.0; $relativeE = $div611; $452 = $tonal$addr; $count612 = ((($452)) + 6868|0); $453 = HEAP32[$count612>>2]|0; $cmp613 = ($453|0)<(10); $$div611 = $cmp613 ? 0.5 : $div611; $relativeE = $$div611; $454 = $frame_noisiness; $div617 = $454 / 18.0; $frame_noisiness = $div617; $455 = $frame_noisiness; $456 = $frame_noisiness; $sub618 = 1.0 - $456; $457 = $relativeE; $mul619 = $sub618 * $457; $add620 = $455 + $mul619; $458 = $info; $activity621 = ((($458)) + 16|0); HEAPF32[$activity621>>2] = $add620; $459 = $max_frame_tonality; $div622 = $459 / 9.0; $frame_tonality = $div622; $460 = $frame_tonality; $461 = $tonal$addr; $prev_tonality = ((($461)) + 5840|0); $462 = +HEAPF32[$prev_tonality>>2]; $mul623 = $462 * 0.80000001192092896; $cmp624 = $460 > $mul623; if ($cmp624) { $463 = $frame_tonality; $cond631 = $463; } else { $464 = $tonal$addr; $prev_tonality628 = ((($464)) + 5840|0); $465 = +HEAPF32[$prev_tonality628>>2]; $mul629 = $465 * 0.80000001192092896; $cond631 = $mul629; } $frame_tonality = $cond631; $466 = $frame_tonality; $467 = $tonal$addr; $prev_tonality632 = ((($467)) + 5840|0); HEAPF32[$prev_tonality632>>2] = $466; $468 = $slope; $div633 = $468 / 64.0; $slope = $div633; $469 = $slope; $470 = $info; $tonality_slope = ((($470)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$tonality_slope>>2] = $469; $471 = $tonal$addr; $E_count634 = ((($471)) + 6856|0); $472 = HEAP32[$E_count634>>2]|0; $add635 = (($472) + 1)|0; $rem = (($add635|0) % 8)&-1; $473 = $tonal$addr; $E_count636 = ((($473)) + 6856|0); HEAP32[$E_count636>>2] = $rem; $474 = $tonal$addr; $count637 = ((($474)) + 6868|0); $475 = HEAP32[$count637>>2]|0; $inc638 = (($475) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$count637>>2] = $inc638; $476 = $frame_tonality; $477 = $info; $tonality639 = ((($477)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$tonality639>>2] = $476; $i = 0; while(1) { $478 = $i; $cmp641 = ($478|0)<(4); if (!($cmp641)) { break; } $479 = $i; $arrayidx644 = (($BFCC) + ($479<<2)|0); $480 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx644>>2]; $481 = $tonal$addr; $mem = ((($481)) + 6648|0); $482 = $i; $add645 = (($482) + 24)|0; $arrayidx646 = (($mem) + ($add645<<2)|0); $483 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx646>>2]; $add647 = $480 + $483; $mul648 = -0.12298999726772308 * $add647; $484 = $tonal$addr; $mem649 = ((($484)) + 6648|0); $485 = $i; $arrayidx650 = (($mem649) + ($485<<2)|0); $486 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx650>>2]; $487 = $tonal$addr; $mem651 = ((($487)) + 6648|0); $488 = $i; $add652 = (($488) + 16)|0; $arrayidx653 = (($mem651) + ($add652<<2)|0); $489 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx653>>2]; $add654 = $486 + $489; $mul655 = 0.49195000529289246 * $add654; $add656 = $mul648 + $mul655; $490 = $tonal$addr; $mem657 = ((($490)) + 6648|0); $491 = $i; $add658 = (($491) + 8)|0; $arrayidx659 = (($mem657) + ($add658<<2)|0); $492 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx659>>2]; $mul660 = 0.69692999124526978 * $492; $add661 = $add656 + $mul660; $493 = $tonal$addr; $cmean = ((($493)) + 6776|0); $494 = $i; $arrayidx662 = (($cmean) + ($494<<2)|0); $495 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx662>>2]; $mul663 = 1.4349000453948975 * $495; $sub664 = $add661 - $mul663; $496 = $i; $arrayidx665 = (($features) + ($496<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx665>>2] = $sub664; $497 = $i; $inc667 = (($497) + 1)|0; $i = $inc667; } $i = 0; while(1) { $498 = $i; $cmp670 = ($498|0)<(4); if (!($cmp670)) { break; } $499 = $alpha; $sub673 = 1.0 - $499; $500 = $tonal$addr; $cmean674 = ((($500)) + 6776|0); $501 = $i; $arrayidx675 = (($cmean674) + ($501<<2)|0); $502 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx675>>2]; $mul676 = $sub673 * $502; $503 = $alpha; $504 = $i; $arrayidx677 = (($BFCC) + ($504<<2)|0); $505 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx677>>2]; $mul678 = $503 * $505; $add679 = $mul676 + $mul678; $506 = $tonal$addr; $cmean680 = ((($506)) + 6776|0); $507 = $i; $arrayidx681 = (($cmean680) + ($507<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx681>>2] = $add679; $508 = $i; $inc683 = (($508) + 1)|0; $i = $inc683; } $i = 0; while(1) { $509 = $i; $cmp686 = ($509|0)<(4); if (!($cmp686)) { break; } $510 = $i; $arrayidx689 = (($BFCC) + ($510<<2)|0); $511 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx689>>2]; $512 = $tonal$addr; $mem690 = ((($512)) + 6648|0); $513 = $i; $add691 = (($513) + 24)|0; $arrayidx692 = (($mem690) + ($add691<<2)|0); $514 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx692>>2]; $sub693 = $511 - $514; $mul694 = 0.63245999813079834 * $sub693; $515 = $tonal$addr; $mem695 = ((($515)) + 6648|0); $516 = $i; $arrayidx696 = (($mem695) + ($516<<2)|0); $517 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx696>>2]; $518 = $tonal$addr; $mem697 = ((($518)) + 6648|0); $519 = $i; $add698 = (($519) + 16)|0; $arrayidx699 = (($mem697) + ($add698<<2)|0); $520 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx699>>2]; $sub700 = $517 - $520; $mul701 = 0.31622999906539917 * $sub700; $add702 = $mul694 + $mul701; $521 = $i; $add703 = (4 + ($521))|0; $arrayidx704 = (($features) + ($add703<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx704>>2] = $add702; $522 = $i; $inc706 = (($522) + 1)|0; $i = $inc706; } $i = 0; while(1) { $523 = $i; $cmp709 = ($523|0)<(3); if (!($cmp709)) { break; } $524 = $i; $arrayidx712 = (($BFCC) + ($524<<2)|0); $525 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx712>>2]; $526 = $tonal$addr; $mem713 = ((($526)) + 6648|0); $527 = $i; $add714 = (($527) + 24)|0; $arrayidx715 = (($mem713) + ($add714<<2)|0); $528 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx715>>2]; $add716 = $525 + $528; $mul717 = 0.53451997041702271 * $add716; $529 = $tonal$addr; $mem718 = ((($529)) + 6648|0); $530 = $i; $arrayidx719 = (($mem718) + ($530<<2)|0); $531 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx719>>2]; $532 = $tonal$addr; $mem720 = ((($532)) + 6648|0); $533 = $i; $add721 = (($533) + 16)|0; $arrayidx722 = (($mem720) + ($add721<<2)|0); $534 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx722>>2]; $add723 = $531 + $534; $mul724 = 0.26725998520851135 * $add723; $sub725 = $mul717 - $mul724; $535 = $tonal$addr; $mem726 = ((($535)) + 6648|0); $536 = $i; $add727 = (($536) + 8)|0; $arrayidx728 = (($mem726) + ($add727<<2)|0); $537 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx728>>2]; $mul729 = 0.53451997041702271 * $537; $sub730 = $sub725 - $mul729; $538 = $i; $add731 = (8 + ($538))|0; $arrayidx732 = (($features) + ($add731<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx732>>2] = $sub730; $539 = $i; $inc734 = (($539) + 1)|0; $i = $inc734; } $540 = $tonal$addr; $count736 = ((($540)) + 6868|0); $541 = HEAP32[$count736>>2]|0; $cmp737 = ($541|0)>(5); L146: do { if ($cmp737) { $i = 0; while(1) { $542 = $i; $cmp741 = ($542|0)<(9); if (!($cmp741)) { break L146; } $543 = $alpha; $sub744 = 1.0 - $543; $544 = $tonal$addr; $std = ((($544)) + 6808|0); $545 = $i; $arrayidx745 = (($std) + ($545<<2)|0); $546 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx745>>2]; $mul746 = $sub744 * $546; $547 = $alpha; $548 = $i; $arrayidx747 = (($features) + ($548<<2)|0); $549 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx747>>2]; $mul748 = $547 * $549; $550 = $i; $arrayidx749 = (($features) + ($550<<2)|0); $551 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx749>>2]; $mul750 = $mul748 * $551; $add751 = $mul746 + $mul750; $552 = $tonal$addr; $std752 = ((($552)) + 6808|0); $553 = $i; $arrayidx753 = (($std752) + ($553<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx753>>2] = $add751; $554 = $i; $inc755 = (($554) + 1)|0; $i = $inc755; } } } while(0); $i = 0; while(1) { $555 = $i; $cmp759 = ($555|0)<(8); if (!($cmp759)) { break; } $556 = $tonal$addr; $mem762 = ((($556)) + 6648|0); $557 = $i; $add763 = (($557) + 16)|0; $arrayidx764 = (($mem762) + ($add763<<2)|0); $558 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx764>>2]; $559 = $tonal$addr; $mem765 = ((($559)) + 6648|0); $560 = $i; $add766 = (($560) + 24)|0; $arrayidx767 = (($mem765) + ($add766<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx767>>2] = $558; $561 = $tonal$addr; $mem768 = ((($561)) + 6648|0); $562 = $i; $add769 = (($562) + 8)|0; $arrayidx770 = (($mem768) + ($add769<<2)|0); $563 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx770>>2]; $564 = $tonal$addr; $mem771 = ((($564)) + 6648|0); $565 = $i; $add772 = (($565) + 16)|0; $arrayidx773 = (($mem771) + ($add772<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx773>>2] = $563; $566 = $tonal$addr; $mem774 = ((($566)) + 6648|0); $567 = $i; $arrayidx775 = (($mem774) + ($567<<2)|0); $568 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx775>>2]; $569 = $tonal$addr; $mem776 = ((($569)) + 6648|0); $570 = $i; $add777 = (($570) + 8)|0; $arrayidx778 = (($mem776) + ($add777<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx778>>2] = $568; $571 = $i; $arrayidx779 = (($BFCC) + ($571<<2)|0); $572 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx779>>2]; $573 = $tonal$addr; $mem780 = ((($573)) + 6648|0); $574 = $i; $arrayidx781 = (($mem780) + ($574<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx781>>2] = $572; $575 = $i; $inc783 = (($575) + 1)|0; $i = $inc783; } $i = 0; while(1) { $576 = $i; $cmp786 = ($576|0)<(9); if (!($cmp786)) { break; } $577 = $tonal$addr; $std789 = ((($577)) + 6808|0); $578 = $i; $arrayidx790 = (($std789) + ($578<<2)|0); $579 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx790>>2]; $conv791 = $579; $call792 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv791))); $conv793 = $call792; $580 = $i; $add794 = (11 + ($580))|0; $arrayidx795 = (($features) + ($add794<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx795>>2] = $conv793; $581 = $i; $inc797 = (($581) + 1)|0; $i = $inc797; } $582 = $info; $tonality799 = ((($582)) + 4|0); $583 = +HEAPF32[$tonality799>>2]; $arrayidx800 = ((($features)) + 80|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx800>>2] = $583; $584 = $info; $activity801 = ((($584)) + 16|0); $585 = +HEAPF32[$activity801>>2]; $arrayidx802 = ((($features)) + 84|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx802>>2] = $585; $586 = $frame_stationarity; $arrayidx803 = ((($features)) + 88|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx803>>2] = $586; $587 = $info; $tonality_slope804 = ((($587)) + 8|0); $588 = +HEAPF32[$tonality_slope804>>2]; $arrayidx805 = ((($features)) + 92|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx805>>2] = $588; $589 = $tonal$addr; $lowECount806 = ((($589)) + 6852|0); $590 = +HEAPF32[$lowECount806>>2]; $arrayidx807 = ((($features)) + 96|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx807>>2] = $590; _mlp_process(2672,$features,$frame_probs); $591 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $add811 = $591 + 1.0; $mul812 = 0.5 * $add811; HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2] = $mul812; $592 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $mul815 = 1.2100000381469727 * $592; $593 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $mul817 = $mul815 * $593; $add818 = 0.0099999997764825821 + $mul817; $594 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $conv820 = $594; $595 = (+Math_pow((+$conv820),10.0)); $conv821 = $595; $mul822 = 0.23000000417232513 * $conv821; $sub823 = $add818 - $mul822; HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2] = $sub823; $arrayidx825 = ((($frame_probs)) + 4|0); $596 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx825>>2]; $mul826 = 0.5 * $596; $add827 = $mul826 + 0.5; $arrayidx828 = ((($frame_probs)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx828>>2] = $add827; $arrayidx829 = ((($frame_probs)) + 4|0); $597 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx829>>2]; $598 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $mul831 = $597 * $598; $arrayidx832 = ((($frame_probs)) + 4|0); $599 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx832>>2]; $sub833 = 1.0 - $599; $mul834 = $sub833 * 0.5; $add835 = $mul831 + $mul834; HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2] = $add835; $arrayidx837 = ((($frame_probs)) + 4|0); $600 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx837>>2]; $mul838 = 4.9999998736893758E-5 * $600; $tau = $mul838; $beta = 0.05000000074505806; $601 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $cmp840 = 0.94999998807907104 < $601; $602 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $cond846 = $cmp840 ? 0.94999998807907104 : $602; $cmp847 = 0.05000000074505806 > $cond846; if ($cmp847) { $cond860 = 0.05000000074505806; } else { $603 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $cmp852 = 0.94999998807907104 < $603; $604 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $cond858 = $cmp852 ? 0.94999998807907104 : $604; $cond860 = $cond858; } $p = $cond860; $605 = $tonal$addr; $music_prob861 = ((($605)) + 6844|0); $606 = +HEAPF32[$music_prob861>>2]; $cmp862 = 0.94999998807907104 < $606; if ($cmp862) { $cond868 = 0.94999998807907104; } else { $607 = $tonal$addr; $music_prob866 = ((($607)) + 6844|0); $608 = +HEAPF32[$music_prob866>>2]; $cond868 = $608; } $cmp869 = 0.05000000074505806 > $cond868; if ($cmp869) { $cond882 = 0.05000000074505806; } else { $609 = $tonal$addr; $music_prob873 = ((($609)) + 6844|0); $610 = +HEAPF32[$music_prob873>>2]; $cmp874 = 0.94999998807907104 < $610; if ($cmp874) { $cond882 = 0.94999998807907104; } else { $611 = $tonal$addr; $music_prob878 = ((($611)) + 6844|0); $612 = +HEAPF32[$music_prob878>>2]; $cond882 = $612; } } $q = $cond882; $613 = $p; $614 = $q; $sub883 = $613 - $614; $conv884 = $sub883; $call885 = (+Math_abs((+$conv884))); $conv886 = $call885; $mul887 = 0.05000000074505806 * $conv886; $615 = $p; $616 = $q; $sub888 = 1.0 - $616; $mul889 = $615 * $sub888; $617 = $q; $618 = $p; $sub890 = 1.0 - $618; $mul891 = $617 * $sub890; $add892 = $mul889 + $mul891; $div893 = $mul887 / $add892; $add894 = 0.0099999997764825821 + $div893; $beta = $add894; $619 = $tonal$addr; $music_prob895 = ((($619)) + 6844|0); $620 = +HEAPF32[$music_prob895>>2]; $sub896 = 1.0 - $620; $621 = $tau; $sub897 = 1.0 - $621; $mul898 = $sub896 * $sub897; $622 = $tonal$addr; $music_prob899 = ((($622)) + 6844|0); $623 = +HEAPF32[$music_prob899>>2]; $624 = $tau; $mul900 = $623 * $624; $add901 = $mul898 + $mul900; $p0 = $add901; $625 = $tonal$addr; $music_prob902 = ((($625)) + 6844|0); $626 = +HEAPF32[$music_prob902>>2]; $627 = $tau; $sub903 = 1.0 - $627; $mul904 = $626 * $sub903; $628 = $tonal$addr; $music_prob905 = ((($628)) + 6844|0); $629 = +HEAPF32[$music_prob905>>2]; $sub906 = 1.0 - $629; $630 = $tau; $mul907 = $sub906 * $630; $add908 = $mul904 + $mul907; $p1 = $add908; $631 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $sub910 = 1.0 - $631; $conv911 = $sub910; $632 = $beta; $conv912 = $632; $633 = (+Math_pow((+$conv911),(+$conv912))); $conv913 = $633; $634 = $p0; $mul914 = $634 * $conv913; $p0 = $mul914; $635 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $conv916 = $635; $636 = $beta; $conv917 = $636; $637 = (+Math_pow((+$conv916),(+$conv917))); $conv918 = $637; $638 = $p1; $mul919 = $638 * $conv918; $p1 = $mul919; $639 = $p1; $640 = $p0; $641 = $p1; $add920 = $640 + $641; $div921 = $639 / $add920; $642 = $tonal$addr; $music_prob922 = ((($642)) + 6844|0); HEAPF32[$music_prob922>>2] = $div921; $643 = $tonal$addr; $music_prob923 = ((($643)) + 6844|0); $644 = +HEAPF32[$music_prob923>>2]; $645 = $info; $music_prob924 = ((($645)) + 20|0); HEAPF32[$music_prob924>>2] = $644; $psum = 9.9999996826552254E-21; $646 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $sub926 = 1.0 - $646; $conv927 = $sub926; $647 = $beta; $conv928 = $647; $648 = (+Math_pow((+$conv927),(+$conv928))); $conv929 = $648; $speech0 = $conv929; $649 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $conv931 = $649; $650 = $beta; $conv932 = $650; $651 = (+Math_pow((+$conv931),(+$conv932))); $conv933 = $651; $music0 = $conv933; $652 = $tonal$addr; $count934 = ((($652)) + 6868|0); $653 = HEAP32[$count934>>2]|0; $cmp935 = ($653|0)==(1); if ($cmp935) { $654 = $tonal$addr; $pspeech = ((($654)) + 6888|0); HEAPF32[$pspeech>>2] = 0.5; $655 = $tonal$addr; $pmusic = ((($655)) + 7688|0); HEAPF32[$pmusic>>2] = 0.5; } $656 = $tonal$addr; $pspeech941 = ((($656)) + 6888|0); $657 = +HEAPF32[$pspeech941>>2]; $658 = $tonal$addr; $pspeech943 = ((($658)) + 6888|0); $arrayidx944 = ((($pspeech943)) + 4|0); $659 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx944>>2]; $add945 = $657 + $659; $s0 = $add945; $660 = $tonal$addr; $pmusic946 = ((($660)) + 7688|0); $661 = +HEAPF32[$pmusic946>>2]; $662 = $tonal$addr; $pmusic948 = ((($662)) + 7688|0); $arrayidx949 = ((($pmusic948)) + 4|0); $663 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx949>>2]; $add950 = $661 + $663; $m0 = $add950; $664 = $s0; $665 = $tau; $sub951 = 1.0 - $665; $mul952 = $664 * $sub951; $666 = $speech0; $mul953 = $mul952 * $666; $667 = $tonal$addr; $pspeech954 = ((($667)) + 6888|0); HEAPF32[$pspeech954>>2] = $mul953; $668 = $m0; $669 = $tau; $sub956 = 1.0 - $669; $mul957 = $668 * $sub956; $670 = $music0; $mul958 = $mul957 * $670; $671 = $tonal$addr; $pmusic959 = ((($671)) + 7688|0); HEAPF32[$pmusic959>>2] = $mul958; $i = 1; while(1) { $672 = $i; $cmp962 = ($672|0)<(199); if (!($cmp962)) { break; } $673 = $tonal$addr; $pspeech965 = ((($673)) + 6888|0); $674 = $i; $add966 = (($674) + 1)|0; $arrayidx967 = (($pspeech965) + ($add966<<2)|0); $675 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx967>>2]; $676 = $speech0; $mul968 = $675 * $676; $677 = $tonal$addr; $pspeech969 = ((($677)) + 6888|0); $678 = $i; $arrayidx970 = (($pspeech969) + ($678<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx970>>2] = $mul968; $679 = $tonal$addr; $pmusic971 = ((($679)) + 7688|0); $680 = $i; $add972 = (($680) + 1)|0; $arrayidx973 = (($pmusic971) + ($add972<<2)|0); $681 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx973>>2]; $682 = $music0; $mul974 = $681 * $682; $683 = $tonal$addr; $pmusic975 = ((($683)) + 7688|0); $684 = $i; $arrayidx976 = (($pmusic975) + ($684<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx976>>2] = $mul974; $685 = $i; $inc978 = (($685) + 1)|0; $i = $inc978; } $686 = $m0; $687 = $tau; $mul980 = $686 * $687; $688 = $speech0; $mul981 = $mul980 * $688; $689 = $tonal$addr; $pspeech982 = ((($689)) + 6888|0); $arrayidx983 = ((($pspeech982)) + 796|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx983>>2] = $mul981; $690 = $s0; $691 = $tau; $mul984 = $690 * $691; $692 = $music0; $mul985 = $mul984 * $692; $693 = $tonal$addr; $pmusic986 = ((($693)) + 7688|0); $arrayidx987 = ((($pmusic986)) + 796|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx987>>2] = $mul985; $i = 0; while(1) { $694 = $i; $cmp989 = ($694|0)<(200); if (!($cmp989)) { break; } $695 = $tonal$addr; $pspeech992 = ((($695)) + 6888|0); $696 = $i; $arrayidx993 = (($pspeech992) + ($696<<2)|0); $697 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx993>>2]; $698 = $tonal$addr; $pmusic994 = ((($698)) + 7688|0); $699 = $i; $arrayidx995 = (($pmusic994) + ($699<<2)|0); $700 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx995>>2]; $add996 = $697 + $700; $701 = $psum; $add997 = $701 + $add996; $psum = $add997; $702 = $i; $inc999 = (($702) + 1)|0; $i = $inc999; } $703 = $psum; $div1001 = 1.0 / $703; $psum = $div1001; $i = 0; while(1) { $704 = $i; $cmp1003 = ($704|0)<(200); if (!($cmp1003)) { break; } $705 = $psum; $706 = $tonal$addr; $pspeech1006 = ((($706)) + 6888|0); $707 = $i; $arrayidx1007 = (($pspeech1006) + ($707<<2)|0); $708 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1007>>2]; $mul1008 = $708 * $705; HEAPF32[$arrayidx1007>>2] = $mul1008; $709 = $psum; $710 = $tonal$addr; $pmusic1009 = ((($710)) + 7688|0); $711 = $i; $arrayidx1010 = (($pmusic1009) + ($711<<2)|0); $712 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1010>>2]; $mul1011 = $712 * $709; HEAPF32[$arrayidx1010>>2] = $mul1011; $713 = $i; $inc1013 = (($713) + 1)|0; $i = $inc1013; } $714 = $tonal$addr; $pmusic1015 = ((($714)) + 7688|0); $715 = +HEAPF32[$pmusic1015>>2]; $psum = $715; $i = 1; while(1) { $716 = $i; $cmp1018 = ($716|0)<(200); if (!($cmp1018)) { break; } $717 = $tonal$addr; $pspeech1021 = ((($717)) + 6888|0); $718 = $i; $arrayidx1022 = (($pspeech1021) + ($718<<2)|0); $719 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1022>>2]; $720 = $psum; $add1023 = $720 + $719; $psum = $add1023; $721 = $i; $inc1025 = (($721) + 1)|0; $i = $inc1025; } $arrayidx1027 = ((($frame_probs)) + 4|0); $722 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1027>>2]; $conv1028 = $722; $cmp1029 = $conv1028 > 0.75; $723 = $tonal$addr; do { if ($cmp1029) { $music_prob1032 = ((($723)) + 6844|0); $724 = +HEAPF32[$music_prob1032>>2]; $conv1033 = $724; $cmp1034 = $conv1033 > 0.90000000000000002; if ($cmp1034) { $725 = $tonal$addr; $music_confidence_count = ((($725)) + 8500|0); $726 = HEAP32[$music_confidence_count>>2]|0; $inc1037 = (($726) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$music_confidence_count>>2] = $inc1037; $conv1038 = (+($inc1037|0)); $div1039 = 1.0 / $conv1038; $adapt = $div1039; $727 = $tonal$addr; $music_confidence_count1040 = ((($727)) + 8500|0); $728 = HEAP32[$music_confidence_count1040>>2]|0; $cmp1041 = ($728|0)<(500); if ($cmp1041) { $729 = $tonal$addr; $music_confidence_count1044 = ((($729)) + 8500|0); $730 = HEAP32[$music_confidence_count1044>>2]|0; $cond1047 = $730; } else { $cond1047 = 500; } $731 = $tonal$addr; $music_confidence_count1048 = ((($731)) + 8500|0); HEAP32[$music_confidence_count1048>>2] = $cond1047; $732 = $adapt; $733 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $734 = $tonal$addr; $music_confidence = ((($734)) + 8492|0); $735 = +HEAPF32[$music_confidence>>2]; $sub1050 = $733 - $735; $cmp1051 = -0.20000000298023224 > $sub1050; if ($cmp1051) { $cond1059 = -0.20000000298023224; } else { $736 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $737 = $tonal$addr; $music_confidence1056 = ((($737)) + 8492|0); $738 = +HEAPF32[$music_confidence1056>>2]; $sub1057 = $736 - $738; $cond1059 = $sub1057; } $mul1060 = $732 * $cond1059; $739 = $tonal$addr; $music_confidence1061 = ((($739)) + 8492|0); $740 = +HEAPF32[$music_confidence1061>>2]; $add1062 = $740 + $mul1060; HEAPF32[$music_confidence1061>>2] = $add1062; } $741 = $tonal$addr; $music_prob1064 = ((($741)) + 6844|0); $742 = +HEAPF32[$music_prob1064>>2]; $conv1065 = $742; $cmp1066 = $conv1065 < 0.10000000000000001; if (!($cmp1066)) { break; } $743 = $tonal$addr; $speech_confidence_count = ((($743)) + 8496|0); $744 = HEAP32[$speech_confidence_count>>2]|0; $inc1070 = (($744) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$speech_confidence_count>>2] = $inc1070; $conv1071 = (+($inc1070|0)); $div1072 = 1.0 / $conv1071; $adapt1069 = $div1072; $745 = $tonal$addr; $speech_confidence_count1073 = ((($745)) + 8496|0); $746 = HEAP32[$speech_confidence_count1073>>2]|0; $cmp1074 = ($746|0)<(500); if ($cmp1074) { $747 = $tonal$addr; $speech_confidence_count1077 = ((($747)) + 8496|0); $748 = HEAP32[$speech_confidence_count1077>>2]|0; $cond1080 = $748; } else { $cond1080 = 500; } $749 = $tonal$addr; $speech_confidence_count1081 = ((($749)) + 8496|0); HEAP32[$speech_confidence_count1081>>2] = $cond1080; $750 = $adapt1069; $751 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $752 = $tonal$addr; $speech_confidence = ((($752)) + 8488|0); $753 = +HEAPF32[$speech_confidence>>2]; $sub1083 = $751 - $753; $cmp1084 = 0.20000000298023224 < $sub1083; if ($cmp1084) { $cond1092 = 0.20000000298023224; } else { $754 = +HEAPF32[$frame_probs>>2]; $755 = $tonal$addr; $speech_confidence1089 = ((($755)) + 8488|0); $756 = +HEAPF32[$speech_confidence1089>>2]; $sub1090 = $754 - $756; $cond1092 = $sub1090; } $mul1093 = $750 * $cond1092; $757 = $tonal$addr; $speech_confidence1094 = ((($757)) + 8488|0); $758 = +HEAPF32[$speech_confidence1094>>2]; $add1095 = $758 + $mul1093; HEAPF32[$speech_confidence1094>>2] = $add1095; } else { $music_confidence_count1097 = ((($723)) + 8500|0); $759 = HEAP32[$music_confidence_count1097>>2]|0; $cmp1098 = ($759|0)==(0); if ($cmp1098) { $760 = $tonal$addr; $music_confidence1101 = ((($760)) + 8492|0); HEAPF32[$music_confidence1101>>2] = 0.89999997615814208; } $761 = $tonal$addr; $speech_confidence_count1103 = ((($761)) + 8496|0); $762 = HEAP32[$speech_confidence_count1103>>2]|0; $cmp1104 = ($762|0)==(0); if (!($cmp1104)) { break; } $763 = $tonal$addr; $speech_confidence1107 = ((($763)) + 8488|0); HEAPF32[$speech_confidence1107>>2] = 0.10000000149011612; } } while(0); $764 = $tonal$addr; $last_music = ((($764)) + 6860|0); $765 = HEAP32[$last_music>>2]|0; $766 = $tonal$addr; $music_prob1110 = ((($766)) + 6844|0); $767 = +HEAPF32[$music_prob1110>>2]; $cmp1111 = $767 > 0.5; $conv1112 = $cmp1111&1; $cmp1113 = ($765|0)!=($conv1112|0); if ($cmp1113) { $768 = $tonal$addr; $last_transition1116 = ((($768)) + 6864|0); HEAP32[$last_transition1116>>2] = 0; } $769 = $tonal$addr; $music_prob1118 = ((($769)) + 6844|0); $770 = +HEAPF32[$music_prob1118>>2]; $cmp1119 = $770 > 0.5; $conv1120 = $cmp1119&1; $771 = $tonal$addr; $last_music1121 = ((($771)) + 6860|0); HEAP32[$last_music1121>>2] = $conv1120; $772 = $bandwidth; $773 = $info; $bandwidth1122 = ((($773)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$bandwidth1122>>2] = $772; $774 = $frame_noisiness; $775 = $info; $noisiness1123 = ((($775)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$noisiness1123>>2] = $774; $776 = $info; HEAP32[$776>>2] = 1; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _fast_atan2f($y,$x) { $y = +$y; $x = +$x; var $0 = 0.0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0.0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0.0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0.0, $4 = 0.0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0.0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0.0, $add = 0.0; var $add13 = 0.0, $add15 = 0.0, $add22 = 0.0, $add26 = 0.0, $add33 = 0.0, $add35 = 0.0, $add42 = 0.0, $add48 = 0.0, $call = 0.0, $call3 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp37 = 0, $cmp45 = 0, $cmp50 = 0, $cmp55 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp9 = 0; var $cond = 0.0, $cond29 = 0.0, $cond47 = 0.0, $cond52 = 0.0, $cond57 = 0.0, $cond61 = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $conv1 = 0.0, $conv2 = 0.0, $conv4 = 0.0, $den = 0.0, $den31 = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $div44 = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $mul12 = 0.0, $mul14 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul20 = 0.0, $mul21 = 0.0; var $mul23 = 0.0, $mul32 = 0.0, $mul34 = 0.0, $mul36 = 0.0, $mul40 = 0.0, $mul41 = 0.0, $mul43 = 0.0, $mul49 = 0.0, $mul58 = 0.0, $mul6 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0.0, $retval = 0.0, $sub = 0.0, $sub53 = 0.0, $sub62 = 0.0, $x$addr = 0.0, $x2 = 0.0, $y$addr = 0.0, $y2 = 0.0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $y$addr = $y; $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $conv = $0; $call = (+Math_abs((+$conv))); $conv1 = $call; $1 = $y$addr; $conv2 = $1; $call3 = (+Math_abs((+$conv2))); $conv4 = $call3; $add = $conv1 + $conv4; $cmp = $add < 9.9999997171806853E-10; if ($cmp) { $2 = $x$addr; $mul = $2 * 999999995904.0; $x$addr = $mul; $3 = $y$addr; $mul6 = $3 * 999999995904.0; $y$addr = $mul6; } $4 = $x$addr; $5 = $x$addr; $mul7 = $4 * $5; $x2 = $mul7; $6 = $y$addr; $7 = $y$addr; $mul8 = $6 * $7; $y2 = $mul8; $8 = $x2; $9 = $y2; $cmp9 = $8 < $9; if ($cmp9) { $10 = $y2; $11 = $x2; $mul12 = 0.67848402261734009 * $11; $add13 = $10 + $mul12; $12 = $y2; $13 = $x2; $mul14 = 0.085955418646335601 * $13; $add15 = $12 + $mul14; $mul16 = $add13 * $add15; $den = $mul16; $14 = $den; $cmp17 = $14 != 0.0; if ($cmp17) { $15 = $x$addr; $sub = - $15; $16 = $y$addr; $mul20 = $sub * $16; $17 = $y2; $18 = $x2; $mul21 = 0.43157973885536194 * $18; $add22 = $17 + $mul21; $mul23 = $mul20 * $add22; $19 = $den; $div = $mul23 / $19; $20 = $y$addr; $cmp24 = $20 < 0.0; $cond = $cmp24 ? -1.5707963705062866 : 1.5707963705062866; $add26 = $div + $cond; $retval = $add26; $38 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$38); } else { $21 = $y$addr; $cmp27 = $21 < 0.0; $cond29 = $cmp27 ? -1.5707963705062866 : 1.5707963705062866; $retval = $cond29; $38 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$38); } } else { $22 = $x2; $23 = $y2; $mul32 = 0.67848402261734009 * $23; $add33 = $22 + $mul32; $24 = $x2; $25 = $y2; $mul34 = 0.085955418646335601 * $25; $add35 = $24 + $mul34; $mul36 = $add33 * $add35; $den31 = $mul36; $26 = $den31; $cmp37 = $26 != 0.0; if ($cmp37) { $27 = $x$addr; $28 = $y$addr; $mul40 = $27 * $28; $29 = $x2; $30 = $y2; $mul41 = 0.43157973885536194 * $30; $add42 = $29 + $mul41; $mul43 = $mul40 * $add42; $31 = $den31; $div44 = $mul43 / $31; $32 = $y$addr; $cmp45 = $32 < 0.0; $cond47 = $cmp45 ? -1.5707963705062866 : 1.5707963705062866; $add48 = $div44 + $cond47; $33 = $x$addr; $34 = $y$addr; $mul49 = $33 * $34; $cmp50 = $mul49 < 0.0; $cond52 = $cmp50 ? -1.5707963705062866 : 1.5707963705062866; $sub53 = $add48 - $cond52; $retval = $sub53; $38 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$38); } else { $35 = $y$addr; $cmp55 = $35 < 0.0; $cond57 = $cmp55 ? -1.5707963705062866 : 1.5707963705062866; $36 = $x$addr; $37 = $y$addr; $mul58 = $36 * $37; $cmp59 = $mul58 < 0.0; $cond61 = $cmp59 ? -1.5707963705062866 : 1.5707963705062866; $sub62 = $cond57 - $cond61; $retval = $sub62; $38 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$38); } } return +(0.0); } function _mlp_process($m,$in,$out) { $m = $m|0; $in = $in|0; $out = $out|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0; var $W = 0, $add = 0.0, $add28 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $call = 0.0, $call32 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp23 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $hidden = 0, $in$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc10 = 0; var $inc30 = 0, $inc35 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr19 = 0, $incdec$ptr26 = 0, $incdec$ptr7 = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $k17 = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul27 = 0.0, $out$addr = 0, $sum = 0.0, $sum18 = 0.0, $topo = 0, $topo13 = 0, $topo2 = 0, $topo21 = 0, $weights = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 448|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(448|0); $hidden = sp + 24|0; $m$addr = $m; $in$addr = $in; $out$addr = $out; $0 = $m$addr; $weights = ((($0)) + 8|0); $1 = HEAP32[$weights>>2]|0; $W = $1; $j = 0; while(1) { $2 = $j; $3 = $m$addr; $topo = ((($3)) + 4|0); $4 = HEAP32[$topo>>2]|0; $arrayidx = ((($4)) + 4|0); $5 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $cmp = ($2|0)<($5|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $6 = $W; $incdec$ptr = ((($6)) + 4|0); $W = $incdec$ptr; $7 = +HEAPF32[$6>>2]; $sum = $7; $k = 0; while(1) { $8 = $k; $9 = $m$addr; $topo2 = ((($9)) + 4|0); $10 = HEAP32[$topo2>>2]|0; $11 = HEAP32[$10>>2]|0; $cmp4 = ($8|0)<($11|0); $12 = $sum; if (!($cmp4)) { break; } $13 = $in$addr; $14 = $k; $arrayidx6 = (($13) + ($14<<2)|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $16 = $W; $incdec$ptr7 = ((($16)) + 4|0); $W = $incdec$ptr7; $17 = +HEAPF32[$16>>2]; $mul = $15 * $17; $add = $12 + $mul; $sum = $add; $18 = $k; $inc = (($18) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $call = (+_tansig_approx($12)); $19 = $j; $arrayidx8 = (($hidden) + ($19<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2] = $call; $20 = $j; $inc10 = (($20) + 1)|0; $j = $inc10; } $j = 0; while(1) { $21 = $j; $22 = $m$addr; $topo13 = ((($22)) + 4|0); $23 = HEAP32[$topo13>>2]|0; $arrayidx14 = ((($23)) + 8|0); $24 = HEAP32[$arrayidx14>>2]|0; $cmp15 = ($21|0)<($24|0); if (!($cmp15)) { break; } $25 = $W; $incdec$ptr19 = ((($25)) + 4|0); $W = $incdec$ptr19; $26 = +HEAPF32[$25>>2]; $sum18 = $26; $k17 = 0; while(1) { $27 = $k17; $28 = $m$addr; $topo21 = ((($28)) + 4|0); $29 = HEAP32[$topo21>>2]|0; $arrayidx22 = ((($29)) + 4|0); $30 = HEAP32[$arrayidx22>>2]|0; $cmp23 = ($27|0)<($30|0); $31 = $sum18; if (!($cmp23)) { break; } $32 = $k17; $arrayidx25 = (($hidden) + ($32<<2)|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx25>>2]; $34 = $W; $incdec$ptr26 = ((($34)) + 4|0); $W = $incdec$ptr26; $35 = +HEAPF32[$34>>2]; $mul27 = $33 * $35; $add28 = $31 + $mul27; $sum18 = $add28; $36 = $k17; $inc30 = (($36) + 1)|0; $k17 = $inc30; } $call32 = (+_tansig_approx($31)); $37 = $out$addr; $38 = $j; $arrayidx33 = (($37) + ($38<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx33>>2] = $call32; $39 = $j; $inc35 = (($39) + 1)|0; $j = $inc35; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _tansig_approx($x) { $x = +$x; var $0 = 0.0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0.0, $20 = 0.0, $3 = 0.0, $4 = 0.0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0; var $9 = 0, $add = 0.0, $add20 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $call = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv10 = 0, $conv11 = 0.0, $dy = 0.0, $i = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul12 = 0.0, $mul14 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul17 = 0.0, $mul19 = 0.0; var $mul21 = 0.0, $retval = 0.0, $sign = 0.0, $sub = 0.0, $sub13 = 0.0, $sub15 = 0.0, $sub18 = 0.0, $x$addr = 0.0, $y = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $x$addr = $x; $sign = 1.0; $0 = $x$addr; $cmp = $0 < 8.0; if (!($cmp)) { $retval = 1.0; $20 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$20); } $1 = $x$addr; $cmp1 = $1 > -8.0; if (!($cmp1)) { $retval = -1.0; $20 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$20); } $2 = $x$addr; $3 = $x$addr; $cmp4 = $2 != $3; if ($cmp4) { $retval = 0.0; $20 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$20); } $4 = $x$addr; $cmp7 = $4 < 0.0; if ($cmp7) { $5 = $x$addr; $sub = - $5; $x$addr = $sub; $sign = -1.0; } $6 = $x$addr; $mul = 25.0 * $6; $add = 0.5 + $mul; $conv = $add; $call = (+Math_floor((+$conv))); $conv10 = (~~(($call))); $i = $conv10; $7 = $i; $conv11 = (+($7|0)); $mul12 = 0.039999999105930328 * $conv11; $8 = $x$addr; $sub13 = $8 - $mul12; $x$addr = $sub13; $9 = $i; $arrayidx = (1868 + ($9<<2)|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $y = $10; $11 = $y; $12 = $y; $mul14 = $11 * $12; $sub15 = 1.0 - $mul14; $dy = $sub15; $13 = $y; $14 = $x$addr; $15 = $dy; $mul16 = $14 * $15; $16 = $y; $17 = $x$addr; $mul17 = $16 * $17; $sub18 = 1.0 - $mul17; $mul19 = $mul16 * $sub18; $add20 = $13 + $mul19; $y = $add20; $18 = $sign; $19 = $y; $mul21 = $18 * $19; $retval = $mul21; $20 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$20); } function _celt_encoder_get_size($channels) { $channels = $channels|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $mode = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $channels$addr = $channels; $call = (_opus_custom_mode_create(48000,960,0)|0); $mode = $call; $0 = $mode; $1 = $channels$addr; $call1 = (_opus_custom_encoder_get_size($0,$1)|0); STACKTOP = sp;return ($call1|0); } function _opus_custom_encoder_get_size($mode,$channels) { $mode = $mode|0; $channels = $channels|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $add = 0, $add4 = 0, $add8 = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $mode$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul1 = 0, $mul2 = 0, $mul3 = 0, $mul5 = 0, $mul6 = 0, $mul7 = 0; var $nbEBands = 0, $overlap = 0, $size = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $mode$addr = $mode; $channels$addr = $channels; $0 = $channels$addr; $1 = $mode$addr; $overlap = ((($1)) + 4|0); $2 = HEAP32[$overlap>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($0, $2)|0; $sub = (($mul) - 1)|0; $mul1 = $sub<<2; $add = (204 + ($mul1))|0; $3 = $channels$addr; $mul2 = $3<<10; $mul3 = $mul2<<2; $add4 = (($add) + ($mul3))|0; $4 = $channels$addr; $mul5 = ($4*3)|0; $5 = $mode$addr; $nbEBands = ((($5)) + 8|0); $6 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul6 = Math_imul($mul5, $6)|0; $mul7 = $mul6<<2; $add8 = (($add4) + ($mul7))|0; $size = $add8; $7 = $size; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } function _celt_encoder_init($st,$sampling_rate,$channels,$arch) { $st = $st|0; $sampling_rate = $sampling_rate|0; $channels = $channels|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $call2 = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $ret = 0, $retval = 0, $sampling_rate$addr = 0, $st$addr = 0, $upsample = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $st$addr = $st; $sampling_rate$addr = $sampling_rate; $channels$addr = $channels; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $st$addr; $call = (_opus_custom_mode_create(48000,960,0)|0); $1 = $channels$addr; $2 = $arch$addr; $call1 = (_opus_custom_encoder_init_arch($0,$call,$1,$2)|0); $ret = $call1; $3 = $ret; $cmp = ($3|0)!=(0); if ($cmp) { $4 = $ret; $retval = $4; $7 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } else { $5 = $sampling_rate$addr; $call2 = (_resampling_factor($5)|0); $6 = $st$addr; $upsample = ((($6)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$upsample>>2] = $call2; $retval = 0; $7 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } return (0)|0; } function _opus_custom_encoder_init_arch($st,$mode,$channels,$arch) { $st = $st|0; $mode = $mode|0; $channels = $channels|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arch10 = 0, $bitrate = 0, $call = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $channels8 = 0, $clip = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp2 = 0; var $cmp4 = 0, $complexity = 0, $constrained_vbr = 0, $effEBands = 0, $end = 0, $force_intra = 0, $lsb_depth = 0, $mode$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $retval = 0, $signalling = 0, $st$addr = 0, $start = 0, $stream_channels = 0, $upsample = 0, $vararg_buffer = 0, $vbr = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $vararg_buffer = sp; $st$addr = $st; $mode$addr = $mode; $channels$addr = $channels; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $channels$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(0); $1 = $channels$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)>(2); $or$cond = $cmp | $cmp1; if ($or$cond) { $retval = -1; $29 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($29|0); } $2 = $st$addr; $cmp2 = ($2|0)==(0|0); $3 = $mode$addr; $cmp4 = ($3|0)==(0|0); $or$cond1 = $cmp2 | $cmp4; if ($or$cond1) { $retval = -7; $29 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($29|0); } else { $4 = $st$addr; $5 = $mode$addr; $6 = $channels$addr; $call = (_opus_custom_encoder_get_size($5,$6)|0); $mul = $call; _memset(($4|0),0,($mul|0))|0; $7 = $mode$addr; $8 = $st$addr; HEAP32[$8>>2] = $7; $9 = $channels$addr; $10 = $st$addr; $channels8 = ((($10)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$channels8>>2] = $9; $11 = $st$addr; $stream_channels = ((($11)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$stream_channels>>2] = $9; $12 = $st$addr; $upsample = ((($12)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$upsample>>2] = 1; $13 = $st$addr; $start = ((($13)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$start>>2] = 0; $14 = $st$addr; $15 = HEAP32[$14>>2]|0; $effEBands = ((($15)) + 12|0); $16 = HEAP32[$effEBands>>2]|0; $17 = $st$addr; $end = ((($17)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$end>>2] = $16; $18 = $st$addr; $signalling = ((($18)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$signalling>>2] = 1; $19 = $arch$addr; $20 = $st$addr; $arch10 = ((($20)) + 72|0); HEAP32[$arch10>>2] = $19; $21 = $st$addr; $constrained_vbr = ((($21)) + 52|0); HEAP32[$constrained_vbr>>2] = 1; $22 = $st$addr; $clip = ((($22)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$clip>>2] = 1; $23 = $st$addr; $bitrate = ((($23)) + 40|0); HEAP32[$bitrate>>2] = -1; $24 = $st$addr; $vbr = ((($24)) + 44|0); HEAP32[$vbr>>2] = 0; $25 = $st$addr; $force_intra = ((($25)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$force_intra>>2] = 0; $26 = $st$addr; $complexity = ((($26)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$complexity>>2] = 5; $27 = $st$addr; $lsb_depth = ((($27)) + 60|0); HEAP32[$lsb_depth>>2] = 24; $28 = $st$addr; (_opus_custom_encoder_ctl($28,4028,$vararg_buffer)|0); $retval = 0; $29 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($29|0); } return (0)|0; } function _opus_custom_encoder_ctl($st,$request,$varargs) { $st = $st|0; $request = $request|0; $varargs = $varargs|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0; var $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0; var $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0, $26 = 0; var $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0; var $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0; var $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0; var $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0; var $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr109 = 0, $add$ptr114 = 0, $add139 = 0, $analysis = 0, $analysis134 = 0, $ap = 0, $arglist_current = 0, $arglist_current10 = 0, $arglist_current13 = 0, $arglist_current16 = 0, $arglist_current19 = 0, $arglist_current22 = 0, $arglist_current25 = 0, $arglist_current28 = 0, $arglist_current31 = 0, $arglist_current34 = 0; var $arglist_current37 = 0, $arglist_current40 = 0, $arglist_current43 = 0, $arglist_current46 = 0, $arglist_current49 = 0, $arglist_current52 = 0, $arglist_current55 = 0, $arglist_current7 = 0, $arglist_next = 0, $arglist_next11 = 0, $arglist_next14 = 0, $arglist_next17 = 0, $arglist_next20 = 0, $arglist_next23 = 0, $arglist_next26 = 0, $arglist_next29 = 0, $arglist_next32 = 0, $arglist_next35 = 0, $arglist_next38 = 0, $arglist_next41 = 0; var $arglist_next44 = 0, $arglist_next47 = 0, $arglist_next50 = 0, $arglist_next53 = 0, $arglist_next56 = 0, $arglist_next8 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx125 = 0, $bitrate = 0, $call = 0, $channels = 0, $channels102 = 0, $channels105 = 0, $channels110 = 0, $channels116 = 0, $channels119 = 0, $channels67 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp123 = 0; var $cmp145 = 0, $cmp154 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp28 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp30 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp34 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp43 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cmp65 = 0, $cmp73 = 0, $cmp76 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cmp84 = 0, $cmp87 = 0, $complexity = 0; var $cond = 0, $constrained_vbr = 0, $conv = 0, $conv35 = 0, $delayedIntra = 0, $disable_pf = 0, $end = 0, $energy_mask = 0, $expanded = 0, $expanded100 = 0, $expanded102 = 0, $expanded103 = 0, $expanded104 = 0, $expanded106 = 0, $expanded107 = 0, $expanded109 = 0, $expanded11 = 0, $expanded110 = 0, $expanded111 = 0, $expanded113 = 0; var $expanded114 = 0, $expanded116 = 0, $expanded117 = 0, $expanded118 = 0, $expanded12 = 0, $expanded120 = 0, $expanded121 = 0, $expanded123 = 0, $expanded124 = 0, $expanded125 = 0, $expanded13 = 0, $expanded15 = 0, $expanded16 = 0, $expanded18 = 0, $expanded19 = 0, $expanded2 = 0, $expanded20 = 0, $expanded22 = 0, $expanded23 = 0, $expanded25 = 0; var $expanded26 = 0, $expanded27 = 0, $expanded29 = 0, $expanded30 = 0, $expanded32 = 0, $expanded33 = 0, $expanded34 = 0, $expanded36 = 0, $expanded37 = 0, $expanded39 = 0, $expanded4 = 0, $expanded40 = 0, $expanded41 = 0, $expanded43 = 0, $expanded44 = 0, $expanded46 = 0, $expanded47 = 0, $expanded48 = 0, $expanded5 = 0, $expanded50 = 0; var $expanded51 = 0, $expanded53 = 0, $expanded54 = 0, $expanded55 = 0, $expanded57 = 0, $expanded58 = 0, $expanded6 = 0, $expanded60 = 0, $expanded61 = 0, $expanded62 = 0, $expanded64 = 0, $expanded65 = 0, $expanded67 = 0, $expanded68 = 0, $expanded69 = 0, $expanded71 = 0, $expanded72 = 0, $expanded74 = 0, $expanded75 = 0, $expanded76 = 0; var $expanded78 = 0, $expanded79 = 0, $expanded8 = 0, $expanded81 = 0, $expanded82 = 0, $expanded83 = 0, $expanded85 = 0, $expanded86 = 0, $expanded88 = 0, $expanded89 = 0, $expanded9 = 0, $expanded90 = 0, $expanded92 = 0, $expanded93 = 0, $expanded95 = 0, $expanded96 = 0, $expanded97 = 0, $expanded99 = 0, $force_intra = 0, $hf_average = 0; var $i = 0, $in_mem = 0, $inc = 0, $info = 0, $lfe = 0, $loss_rate = 0, $lsb_depth = 0, $lsb_depth95 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul104 = 0, $mul108 = 0, $mul113 = 0, $mul118 = 0, $mul122 = 0, $mul138 = 0, $mul68 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands107 = 0, $nbEBands112 = 0, $nbEBands121 = 0; var $nbEBands20 = 0, $oldBandE = 0, $oldLogE = 0, $oldLogE2 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond3 = 0, $or$cond4 = 0, $or$cond5 = 0, $overlap = 0, $request$addr = 0, $retval = 0, $rng = 0, $rng117 = 0, $rng158 = 0, $signalling = 0, $spread_decision = 0, $st$addr = 0, $start = 0; var $stream_channels = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast135 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast136 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub137 = 0, $tapset_decision = 0, $tobool = 0, $tonal_average = 0, $value = 0, $value127 = 0, $value14 = 0, $value142 = 0, $value151 = 0, $value160 = 0, $value164 = 0, $value25 = 0; var $value37 = 0, $value48 = 0, $value5 = 0, $value52 = 0, $value56 = 0, $value70 = 0, $value81 = 0, $value92 = 0, $value97 = 0, $varet = 0, $varet129 = 0, $varet132 = 0, $varet144 = 0, $varet153 = 0, $varet16 = 0, $varet162 = 0, $varet166 = 0, $varet27 = 0, $varet39 = 0, $varet50 = 0; var $varet54 = 0, $varet58 = 0, $varet7 = 0, $varet72 = 0, $varet83 = 0, $varet94 = 0, $varet99 = 0, $variable_duration = 0, $vbr = 0, $vbr_offset = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 192|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(192|0); $ap = sp + 160|0; $st$addr = $st; $request$addr = $request; HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $varargs; $0 = $request$addr; do { switch ($0|0) { case 4010: { $arglist_current = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $1 = $arglist_current; $2 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded2 = $2; $expanded = (($expanded2) - 1)|0; $3 = (($1) + ($expanded))|0; $4 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded6 = $4; $expanded5 = (($expanded6) - 1)|0; $expanded4 = $expanded5 ^ -1; $5 = $3 & $expanded4; $6 = $5; $7 = HEAP32[$6>>2]|0; $arglist_next = ((($6)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next; $varet = $7; $8 = $varet; $value = $8; $9 = $value; $cmp = ($9|0)<(0); $10 = $value; $cmp3 = ($10|0)>(10); $or$cond = $cmp | $cmp3; if ($or$cond) { label = 41; } else { $11 = $value; $12 = $st$addr; $complexity = ((($12)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$complexity>>2] = $11; label = 40; } break; } case 10010: { $arglist_current7 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $13 = $arglist_current7; $14 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded9 = $14; $expanded8 = (($expanded9) - 1)|0; $15 = (($13) + ($expanded8))|0; $16 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded13 = $16; $expanded12 = (($expanded13) - 1)|0; $expanded11 = $expanded12 ^ -1; $17 = $15 & $expanded11; $18 = $17; $19 = HEAP32[$18>>2]|0; $arglist_next8 = ((($18)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next8; $varet7 = $19; $20 = $varet7; $value5 = $20; $21 = $value5; $cmp8 = ($21|0)<(0); if ($cmp8) { label = 41; } else { $22 = $value5; $23 = $st$addr; $24 = HEAP32[$23>>2]|0; $nbEBands = ((($24)) + 8|0); $25 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $cmp10 = ($22|0)>=($25|0); if ($cmp10) { label = 41; } else { $26 = $value5; $27 = $st$addr; $start = ((($27)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$start>>2] = $26; label = 40; } } break; } case 10012: { $arglist_current10 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $28 = $arglist_current10; $29 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded16 = $29; $expanded15 = (($expanded16) - 1)|0; $30 = (($28) + ($expanded15))|0; $31 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded20 = $31; $expanded19 = (($expanded20) - 1)|0; $expanded18 = $expanded19 ^ -1; $32 = $30 & $expanded18; $33 = $32; $34 = HEAP32[$33>>2]|0; $arglist_next11 = ((($33)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next11; $varet16 = $34; $35 = $varet16; $value14 = $35; $36 = $value14; $cmp17 = ($36|0)<(1); if ($cmp17) { label = 41; } else { $37 = $value14; $38 = $st$addr; $39 = HEAP32[$38>>2]|0; $nbEBands20 = ((($39)) + 8|0); $40 = HEAP32[$nbEBands20>>2]|0; $cmp21 = ($37|0)>($40|0); if ($cmp21) { label = 41; } else { $41 = $value14; $42 = $st$addr; $end = ((($42)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$end>>2] = $41; label = 40; } } break; } case 10002: { $arglist_current13 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $43 = $arglist_current13; $44 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded23 = $44; $expanded22 = (($expanded23) - 1)|0; $45 = (($43) + ($expanded22))|0; $46 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded27 = $46; $expanded26 = (($expanded27) - 1)|0; $expanded25 = $expanded26 ^ -1; $47 = $45 & $expanded25; $48 = $47; $49 = HEAP32[$48>>2]|0; $arglist_next14 = ((($48)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next14; $varet27 = $49; $50 = $varet27; $value25 = $50; $51 = $value25; $cmp28 = ($51|0)<(0); $52 = $value25; $cmp30 = ($52|0)>(2); $or$cond1 = $cmp28 | $cmp30; if ($or$cond1) { label = 41; } else { $53 = $value25; $cmp33 = ($53|0)<=(1); $conv = $cmp33&1; $54 = $st$addr; $disable_pf = ((($54)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$disable_pf>>2] = $conv; $55 = $value25; $cmp34 = ($55|0)==(0); $conv35 = $cmp34&1; $56 = $st$addr; $force_intra = ((($56)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$force_intra>>2] = $conv35; label = 40; } break; } case 4014: { $arglist_current16 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $57 = $arglist_current16; $58 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded30 = $58; $expanded29 = (($expanded30) - 1)|0; $59 = (($57) + ($expanded29))|0; $60 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded34 = $60; $expanded33 = (($expanded34) - 1)|0; $expanded32 = $expanded33 ^ -1; $61 = $59 & $expanded32; $62 = $61; $63 = HEAP32[$62>>2]|0; $arglist_next17 = ((($62)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next17; $varet39 = $63; $64 = $varet39; $value37 = $64; $65 = $value37; $cmp40 = ($65|0)<(0); $66 = $value37; $cmp43 = ($66|0)>(100); $or$cond2 = $cmp40 | $cmp43; if ($or$cond2) { label = 41; } else { $67 = $value37; $68 = $st$addr; $loss_rate = ((($68)) + 56|0); HEAP32[$loss_rate>>2] = $67; label = 40; } break; } case 4020: { $arglist_current19 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $69 = $arglist_current19; $70 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded37 = $70; $expanded36 = (($expanded37) - 1)|0; $71 = (($69) + ($expanded36))|0; $72 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded41 = $72; $expanded40 = (($expanded41) - 1)|0; $expanded39 = $expanded40 ^ -1; $73 = $71 & $expanded39; $74 = $73; $75 = HEAP32[$74>>2]|0; $arglist_next20 = ((($74)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next20; $varet50 = $75; $76 = $varet50; $value48 = $76; $77 = $value48; $78 = $st$addr; $constrained_vbr = ((($78)) + 52|0); HEAP32[$constrained_vbr>>2] = $77; label = 40; break; } case 4006: { $arglist_current22 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $79 = $arglist_current22; $80 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded44 = $80; $expanded43 = (($expanded44) - 1)|0; $81 = (($79) + ($expanded43))|0; $82 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded48 = $82; $expanded47 = (($expanded48) - 1)|0; $expanded46 = $expanded47 ^ -1; $83 = $81 & $expanded46; $84 = $83; $85 = HEAP32[$84>>2]|0; $arglist_next23 = ((($84)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next23; $varet54 = $85; $86 = $varet54; $value52 = $86; $87 = $value52; $88 = $st$addr; $vbr = ((($88)) + 44|0); HEAP32[$vbr>>2] = $87; label = 40; break; } case 4002: { $arglist_current25 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $89 = $arglist_current25; $90 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded51 = $90; $expanded50 = (($expanded51) - 1)|0; $91 = (($89) + ($expanded50))|0; $92 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded55 = $92; $expanded54 = (($expanded55) - 1)|0; $expanded53 = $expanded54 ^ -1; $93 = $91 & $expanded53; $94 = $93; $95 = HEAP32[$94>>2]|0; $arglist_next26 = ((($94)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next26; $varet58 = $95; $96 = $varet58; $value56 = $96; $97 = $value56; $cmp59 = ($97|0)<=(500); $98 = $value56; $cmp61 = ($98|0)!=(-1); $or$cond3 = $cmp59 & $cmp61; if ($or$cond3) { label = 41; } else { $99 = $value56; $100 = $st$addr; $channels = ((($100)) + 4|0); $101 = HEAP32[$channels>>2]|0; $mul = ($101*260000)|0; $cmp65 = ($99|0)<($mul|0); if ($cmp65) { $102 = $value56; $cond = $102; } else { $103 = $st$addr; $channels67 = ((($103)) + 4|0); $104 = HEAP32[$channels67>>2]|0; $mul68 = ($104*260000)|0; $cond = $mul68; } $value56 = $cond; $105 = $value56; $106 = $st$addr; $bitrate = ((($106)) + 40|0); HEAP32[$bitrate>>2] = $105; label = 40; } break; } case 10008: { $arglist_current28 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $107 = $arglist_current28; $108 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded58 = $108; $expanded57 = (($expanded58) - 1)|0; $109 = (($107) + ($expanded57))|0; $110 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded62 = $110; $expanded61 = (($expanded62) - 1)|0; $expanded60 = $expanded61 ^ -1; $111 = $109 & $expanded60; $112 = $111; $113 = HEAP32[$112>>2]|0; $arglist_next29 = ((($112)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next29; $varet72 = $113; $114 = $varet72; $value70 = $114; $115 = $value70; $cmp73 = ($115|0)<(1); $116 = $value70; $cmp76 = ($116|0)>(2); $or$cond4 = $cmp73 | $cmp76; if ($or$cond4) { label = 41; } else { $117 = $value70; $118 = $st$addr; $stream_channels = ((($118)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$stream_channels>>2] = $117; label = 40; } break; } case 4036: { $arglist_current31 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $119 = $arglist_current31; $120 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded65 = $120; $expanded64 = (($expanded65) - 1)|0; $121 = (($119) + ($expanded64))|0; $122 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded69 = $122; $expanded68 = (($expanded69) - 1)|0; $expanded67 = $expanded68 ^ -1; $123 = $121 & $expanded67; $124 = $123; $125 = HEAP32[$124>>2]|0; $arglist_next32 = ((($124)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next32; $varet83 = $125; $126 = $varet83; $value81 = $126; $127 = $value81; $cmp84 = ($127|0)<(8); $128 = $value81; $cmp87 = ($128|0)>(24); $or$cond5 = $cmp84 | $cmp87; if ($or$cond5) { label = 41; } else { $129 = $value81; $130 = $st$addr; $lsb_depth = ((($130)) + 60|0); HEAP32[$lsb_depth>>2] = $129; label = 40; } break; } case 4037: { $arglist_current34 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $131 = $arglist_current34; $132 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded72 = $132; $expanded71 = (($expanded72) - 1)|0; $133 = (($131) + ($expanded71))|0; $134 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded76 = $134; $expanded75 = (($expanded76) - 1)|0; $expanded74 = $expanded75 ^ -1; $135 = $133 & $expanded74; $136 = $135; $137 = HEAP32[$136>>2]|0; $arglist_next35 = ((($136)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next35; $varet94 = $137; $138 = $varet94; $value92 = $138; $139 = $st$addr; $lsb_depth95 = ((($139)) + 60|0); $140 = HEAP32[$lsb_depth95>>2]|0; $141 = $value92; HEAP32[$141>>2] = $140; label = 40; break; } case 4040: { $arglist_current37 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $142 = $arglist_current37; $143 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded79 = $143; $expanded78 = (($expanded79) - 1)|0; $144 = (($142) + ($expanded78))|0; $145 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded83 = $145; $expanded82 = (($expanded83) - 1)|0; $expanded81 = $expanded82 ^ -1; $146 = $144 & $expanded81; $147 = $146; $148 = HEAP32[$147>>2]|0; $arglist_next38 = ((($147)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next38; $varet99 = $148; $149 = $varet99; $value97 = $149; $150 = $value97; $151 = $st$addr; $variable_duration = ((($151)) + 64|0); HEAP32[$variable_duration>>2] = $150; label = 40; break; } case 4028: { $152 = $st$addr; $in_mem = ((($152)) + 200|0); $153 = $st$addr; $channels102 = ((($153)) + 4|0); $154 = HEAP32[$channels102>>2]|0; $155 = $st$addr; $156 = HEAP32[$155>>2]|0; $overlap = ((($156)) + 4|0); $157 = HEAP32[$overlap>>2]|0; $add = (($157) + 1024)|0; $mul104 = Math_imul($154, $add)|0; $add$ptr = (($in_mem) + ($mul104<<2)|0); $oldBandE = $add$ptr; $158 = $oldBandE; $159 = $st$addr; $channels105 = ((($159)) + 4|0); $160 = HEAP32[$channels105>>2]|0; $161 = $st$addr; $162 = HEAP32[$161>>2]|0; $nbEBands107 = ((($162)) + 8|0); $163 = HEAP32[$nbEBands107>>2]|0; $mul108 = Math_imul($160, $163)|0; $add$ptr109 = (($158) + ($mul108<<2)|0); $oldLogE = $add$ptr109; $164 = $oldLogE; $165 = $st$addr; $channels110 = ((($165)) + 4|0); $166 = HEAP32[$channels110>>2]|0; $167 = $st$addr; $168 = HEAP32[$167>>2]|0; $nbEBands112 = ((($168)) + 8|0); $169 = HEAP32[$nbEBands112>>2]|0; $mul113 = Math_imul($166, $169)|0; $add$ptr114 = (($164) + ($mul113<<2)|0); $oldLogE2 = $add$ptr114; $170 = $st$addr; $rng = ((($170)) + 76|0); $171 = $st$addr; $172 = HEAP32[$171>>2]|0; $173 = $st$addr; $channels116 = ((($173)) + 4|0); $174 = HEAP32[$channels116>>2]|0; $call = (_opus_custom_encoder_get_size($172,$174)|0); $175 = $st$addr; $rng117 = ((($175)) + 76|0); $176 = $st$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $rng117; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $176; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub = (($call) - ($sub$ptr$sub))|0; $mul118 = $sub; _memset(($rng|0),0,($mul118|0))|0; $i = 0; while(1) { $177 = $i; $178 = $st$addr; $channels119 = ((($178)) + 4|0); $179 = HEAP32[$channels119>>2]|0; $180 = $st$addr; $181 = HEAP32[$180>>2]|0; $nbEBands121 = ((($181)) + 8|0); $182 = HEAP32[$nbEBands121>>2]|0; $mul122 = Math_imul($179, $182)|0; $cmp123 = ($177|0)<($mul122|0); if (!($cmp123)) { break; } $183 = $oldLogE2; $184 = $i; $arrayidx = (($183) + ($184<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2] = -28.0; $185 = $oldLogE; $186 = $i; $arrayidx125 = (($185) + ($186<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx125>>2] = -28.0; $187 = $i; $inc = (($187) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $188 = $st$addr; $vbr_offset = ((($188)) + 172|0); HEAP32[$vbr_offset>>2] = 0; $189 = $st$addr; $delayedIntra = ((($189)) + 84|0); HEAPF32[$delayedIntra>>2] = 1.0; $190 = $st$addr; $spread_decision = ((($190)) + 80|0); HEAP32[$spread_decision>>2] = 2; $191 = $st$addr; $tonal_average = ((($191)) + 88|0); HEAP32[$tonal_average>>2] = 256; $192 = $st$addr; $hf_average = ((($192)) + 96|0); HEAP32[$hf_average>>2] = 0; $193 = $st$addr; $tapset_decision = ((($193)) + 100|0); HEAP32[$tapset_decision>>2] = 0; label = 40; break; } case 10016: { $arglist_current40 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $194 = $arglist_current40; $195 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded86 = $195; $expanded85 = (($expanded86) - 1)|0; $196 = (($194) + ($expanded85))|0; $197 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded90 = $197; $expanded89 = (($expanded90) - 1)|0; $expanded88 = $expanded89 ^ -1; $198 = $196 & $expanded88; $199 = $198; $200 = HEAP32[$199>>2]|0; $arglist_next41 = ((($199)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next41; $varet129 = $200; $201 = $varet129; $value127 = $201; $202 = $value127; $203 = $st$addr; $signalling = ((($203)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$signalling>>2] = $202; label = 40; break; } case 10022: { $arglist_current43 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $204 = $arglist_current43; $205 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded93 = $205; $expanded92 = (($expanded93) - 1)|0; $206 = (($204) + ($expanded92))|0; $207 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded97 = $207; $expanded96 = (($expanded97) - 1)|0; $expanded95 = $expanded96 ^ -1; $208 = $206 & $expanded95; $209 = $208; $210 = HEAP32[$209>>2]|0; $arglist_next44 = ((($209)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next44; $varet132 = $210; $211 = $varet132; $info = $211; $212 = $info; $tobool = ($212|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool) { $213 = $st$addr; $analysis = ((($213)) + 120|0); $214 = $info; $215 = $st$addr; $analysis134 = ((($215)) + 120|0); $216 = $info; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast135 = $analysis134; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast136 = $216; $sub$ptr$sub137 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast135) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast136))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub137|0) / 28)&-1; $mul138 = 0; $add139 = (28 + ($mul138))|0; _memcpy(($analysis|0),($214|0),($add139|0))|0; label = 40; } else { label = 40; } break; } case 10015: { $arglist_current46 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $217 = $arglist_current46; $218 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded100 = $218; $expanded99 = (($expanded100) - 1)|0; $219 = (($217) + ($expanded99))|0; $220 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded104 = $220; $expanded103 = (($expanded104) - 1)|0; $expanded102 = $expanded103 ^ -1; $221 = $219 & $expanded102; $222 = $221; $223 = HEAP32[$222>>2]|0; $arglist_next47 = ((($222)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next47; $varet144 = $223; $224 = $varet144; $value142 = $224; $225 = $value142; $cmp145 = ($225|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp145) { label = 41; } else { $226 = $st$addr; $227 = HEAP32[$226>>2]|0; $228 = $value142; HEAP32[$228>>2] = $227; label = 40; } break; } case 4031: { $arglist_current49 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $229 = $arglist_current49; $230 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded107 = $230; $expanded106 = (($expanded107) - 1)|0; $231 = (($229) + ($expanded106))|0; $232 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded111 = $232; $expanded110 = (($expanded111) - 1)|0; $expanded109 = $expanded110 ^ -1; $233 = $231 & $expanded109; $234 = $233; $235 = HEAP32[$234>>2]|0; $arglist_next50 = ((($234)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next50; $varet153 = $235; $236 = $varet153; $value151 = $236; $237 = $value151; $cmp154 = ($237|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp154) { label = 41; } else { $238 = $st$addr; $rng158 = ((($238)) + 76|0); $239 = HEAP32[$rng158>>2]|0; $240 = $value151; HEAP32[$240>>2] = $239; label = 40; } break; } case 10024: { $arglist_current52 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $241 = $arglist_current52; $242 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded114 = $242; $expanded113 = (($expanded114) - 1)|0; $243 = (($241) + ($expanded113))|0; $244 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded118 = $244; $expanded117 = (($expanded118) - 1)|0; $expanded116 = $expanded117 ^ -1; $245 = $243 & $expanded116; $246 = $245; $247 = HEAP32[$246>>2]|0; $arglist_next53 = ((($246)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next53; $varet162 = $247; $248 = $varet162; $value160 = $248; $249 = $value160; $250 = $st$addr; $lfe = ((($250)) + 68|0); HEAP32[$lfe>>2] = $249; label = 40; break; } case 10026: { $arglist_current55 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $251 = $arglist_current55; $252 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded121 = $252; $expanded120 = (($expanded121) - 1)|0; $253 = (($251) + ($expanded120))|0; $254 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded125 = $254; $expanded124 = (($expanded125) - 1)|0; $expanded123 = $expanded124 ^ -1; $255 = $253 & $expanded123; $256 = $255; $257 = HEAP32[$256>>2]|0; $arglist_next56 = ((($256)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next56; $varet166 = $257; $258 = $varet166; $value164 = $258; $259 = $value164; $260 = $st$addr; $energy_mask = ((($260)) + 192|0); HEAP32[$energy_mask>>2] = $259; label = 40; break; } default: { $retval = -5; $261 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($261|0); } } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 40) { $retval = 0; $261 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($261|0); } else if ((label|0) == 41) { $retval = -1; $261 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($261|0); } return (0)|0; } function _celt_preemphasis($pcmp,$inp,$N,$CC,$upsample,$coef,$mem,$clip) { $pcmp = $pcmp|0; $inp = $inp|0; $N = $N|0; $CC = $CC|0; $upsample = $upsample|0; $coef = $coef|0; $mem = $mem|0; $clip = $clip|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0.0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0.0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0.0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $CC$addr = 0, $N$addr = 0, $Nu = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0; var $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx60 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $clip$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp31 = 0, $cmp34 = 0, $cmp39 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp55 = 0; var $cmp9 = 0, $coef$addr = 0, $coef0 = 0.0, $cond = 0.0, $cond47 = 0.0, $div = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc22 = 0, $inc51 = 0, $inc63 = 0, $inp$addr = 0, $m = 0.0, $mem$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul11 = 0, $mul16 = 0, $mul18 = 0.0, $mul19 = 0, $mul29 = 0; var $mul32 = 0, $mul37 = 0, $mul42 = 0, $mul48 = 0, $mul6 = 0.0, $mul61 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0.0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond$not = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $pcmp$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub59 = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $tobool24 = 0, $upsample$addr = 0, $x = 0.0, $x57 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $pcmp$addr = $pcmp; $inp$addr = $inp; $N$addr = $N; $CC$addr = $CC; $upsample$addr = $upsample; $coef$addr = $coef; $mem$addr = $mem; $clip$addr = $clip; $0 = $coef$addr; $1 = +HEAPF32[$0>>2]; $coef0 = $1; $2 = $mem$addr; $3 = +HEAPF32[$2>>2]; $m = $3; $4 = $coef$addr; $arrayidx1 = ((($4)) + 4|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $cmp = $5 == 0.0; $6 = $upsample$addr; $cmp2 = ($6|0)==(1); $or$cond = $cmp & $cmp2; $or$cond$not = $or$cond ^ 1; $7 = $clip$addr; $tobool = ($7|0)!=(0); $or$cond1 = $or$cond$not | $tobool; if (!($or$cond1)) { $i = 0; while(1) { $8 = $i; $9 = $N$addr; $cmp4 = ($8|0)<($9|0); if (!($cmp4)) { break; } $10 = $pcmp$addr; $11 = $CC$addr; $12 = $i; $mul = Math_imul($11, $12)|0; $arrayidx5 = (($10) + ($mul<<2)|0); $13 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $mul6 = $13 * 32768.0; $x = $mul6; $14 = $x; $15 = $m; $sub = $14 - $15; $16 = $inp$addr; $17 = $i; $arrayidx7 = (($16) + ($17<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2] = $sub; $18 = $coef0; $19 = $x; $mul8 = $18 * $19; $m = $mul8; $20 = $i; $inc = (($20) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $21 = $m; $22 = $mem$addr; HEAPF32[$22>>2] = $21; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $23 = $N$addr; $24 = $upsample$addr; $div = (($23|0) / ($24|0))&-1; $Nu = $div; $25 = $upsample$addr; $cmp9 = ($25|0)!=(1); if ($cmp9) { $26 = $inp$addr; $27 = $N$addr; $mul11 = $27<<2; _memset(($26|0),0,($mul11|0))|0; } $i = 0; while(1) { $28 = $i; $29 = $Nu; $cmp14 = ($28|0)<($29|0); if (!($cmp14)) { break; } $30 = $pcmp$addr; $31 = $CC$addr; $32 = $i; $mul16 = Math_imul($31, $32)|0; $arrayidx17 = (($30) + ($mul16<<2)|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2]; $mul18 = $33 * 32768.0; $34 = $inp$addr; $35 = $i; $36 = $upsample$addr; $mul19 = Math_imul($35, $36)|0; $arrayidx20 = (($34) + ($mul19<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2] = $mul18; $37 = $i; $inc22 = (($37) + 1)|0; $i = $inc22; } $38 = $clip$addr; $tobool24 = ($38|0)!=(0); L16: do { if ($tobool24) { $i = 0; while(1) { $39 = $i; $40 = $Nu; $cmp27 = ($39|0)<($40|0); if (!($cmp27)) { break L16; } $41 = $inp$addr; $42 = $i; $43 = $upsample$addr; $mul29 = Math_imul($42, $43)|0; $arrayidx30 = (($41) + ($mul29<<2)|0); $44 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2]; $cmp31 = 65536.0 < $44; if ($cmp31) { $cond = 65536.0; } else { $45 = $inp$addr; $46 = $i; $47 = $upsample$addr; $mul32 = Math_imul($46, $47)|0; $arrayidx33 = (($45) + ($mul32<<2)|0); $48 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx33>>2]; $cond = $48; } $cmp34 = -65536.0 > $cond; if ($cmp34) { $cond47 = -65536.0; } else { $49 = $inp$addr; $50 = $i; $51 = $upsample$addr; $mul37 = Math_imul($50, $51)|0; $arrayidx38 = (($49) + ($mul37<<2)|0); $52 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2]; $cmp39 = 65536.0 < $52; if ($cmp39) { $cond47 = 65536.0; } else { $53 = $inp$addr; $54 = $i; $55 = $upsample$addr; $mul42 = Math_imul($54, $55)|0; $arrayidx43 = (($53) + ($mul42<<2)|0); $56 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2]; $cond47 = $56; } } $57 = $inp$addr; $58 = $i; $59 = $upsample$addr; $mul48 = Math_imul($58, $59)|0; $arrayidx49 = (($57) + ($mul48<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2] = $cond47; $60 = $i; $inc51 = (($60) + 1)|0; $i = $inc51; } } } while(0); $i = 0; while(1) { $61 = $i; $62 = $N$addr; $cmp55 = ($61|0)<($62|0); if (!($cmp55)) { break; } $63 = $inp$addr; $64 = $i; $arrayidx58 = (($63) + ($64<<2)|0); $65 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx58>>2]; $x57 = $65; $66 = $x57; $67 = $m; $sub59 = $66 - $67; $68 = $inp$addr; $69 = $i; $arrayidx60 = (($68) + ($69<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx60>>2] = $sub59; $70 = $coef0; $71 = $x57; $mul61 = $70 * $71; $m = $mul61; $72 = $i; $inc63 = (($72) + 1)|0; $i = $inc63; } $73 = $m; $74 = $mem$addr; HEAPF32[$74>>2] = $73; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _celt_encode_with_ec($st,$pcm,$frame_size,$compressed,$nbCompressedBytes,$enc) { $st = $st|0; $pcm = $pcm|0; $frame_size = $frame_size|0; $compressed = $compressed|0; $nbCompressedBytes = $nbCompressedBytes|0; $enc = $enc|0; var $$old = 0, $$old3 = 0, $$sink = 0, $$sink19 = 0, $$sink20 = 0, $$sink25 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $1000 = 0, $1001 = 0, $1002 = 0, $1003 = 0, $1004 = 0, $1005 = 0, $1006 = 0, $1007 = 0, $1008 = 0, $1009 = 0; var $101 = 0, $1010 = 0, $1011 = 0, $1012 = 0, $1013 = 0, $1014 = 0, $1015 = 0, $1016 = 0, $1017 = 0, $1018 = 0, $1019 = 0, $102 = 0, $1020 = 0, $1021 = 0, $1022 = 0, $1023 = 0, $1024 = 0, $1025 = 0, $1026 = 0.0, $1027 = 0; var $1028 = 0, $1029 = 0, $103 = 0, $1030 = 0, $1031 = 0, $1032 = 0, $1033 = 0, $1034 = 0, $1035 = 0, $1036 = 0, $1037 = 0, $1038 = 0, $1039 = 0, $104 = 0, $1040 = 0, $1041 = 0, $1042 = 0, $1043 = 0, $1044 = 0, $1045 = 0; var $1046 = 0, $1047 = 0, $1048 = 0, $1049 = 0, $105 = 0, $1050 = 0, $1051 = 0, $1052 = 0, $1053 = 0, $1054 = 0, $1055 = 0, $1056 = 0, $1057 = 0.0, $1058 = 0, $1059 = 0, $106 = 0, $1060 = 0.0, $1061 = 0, $1062 = 0, $1063 = 0; var $1064 = 0, $1065 = 0.0, $1066 = 0, $1067 = 0, $1068 = 0, $1069 = 0, $107 = 0, $1070 = 0, $1071 = 0, $1072 = 0, $1073 = 0, $1074 = 0, $1075 = 0, $1076 = 0, $1077 = 0, $1078 = 0, $1079 = 0, $108 = 0, $1080 = 0, $1081 = 0; var $1082 = 0, $1083 = 0, $1084 = 0, $1085 = 0, $1086 = 0, $1087 = 0, $1088 = 0, $1089 = 0, $109 = 0, $1090 = 0, $1091 = 0, $1092 = 0, $1093 = 0, $1094 = 0, $1095 = 0, $1096 = 0, $1097 = 0, $1098 = 0, $1099 = 0, $11 = 0; var $110 = 0, $1100 = 0, $1101 = 0, $1102 = 0, $1103 = 0, $1104 = 0, $1105 = 0, $1106 = 0, $1107 = 0, $1108 = 0, $1109 = 0, $111 = 0, $1110 = 0, $1111 = 0, $1112 = 0, $1113 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; 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var $404 = 0, $405 = 0.0, $406 = 0, $407 = 0, $408 = 0, $409 = 0, $41 = 0, $410 = 0, $411 = 0.0, $412 = 0, $413 = 0, $414 = 0, $415 = 0, $416 = 0, $417 = 0.0, $418 = 0.0, $419 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $420 = 0.0, $421 = 0; var $422 = 0, $423 = 0, $424 = 0, $425 = 0, $426 = 0, $427 = 0.0, $428 = 0, $429 = 0, $43 = 0, $430 = 0, $431 = 0, $432 = 0, $433 = 0, $434 = 0, $435 = 0.0, $436 = 0, $437 = 0, $438 = 0.0, $439 = 0, $44 = 0; var $440 = 0, $441 = 0.0, $442 = 0, $443 = 0.0, $444 = 0.0, $445 = 0, $446 = 0, $447 = 0, $448 = 0, $449 = 0.0, $45 = 0, $450 = 0.0, $451 = 0.0, $452 = 0.0, $453 = 0.0, $454 = 0, $455 = 0, $456 = 0, $457 = 0, $458 = 0; var $459 = 0, $46 = 0, $460 = 0, $461 = 0, $462 = 0, $463 = 0.0, $464 = 0.0, $465 = 0, $466 = 0, $467 = 0, $468 = 0, $469 = 0, $47 = 0, $470 = 0, $471 = 0.0, $472 = 0, $473 = 0, $474 = 0, $475 = 0, $476 = 0.0; var $477 = 0, $478 = 0, $479 = 0, $48 = 0, $480 = 0, $481 = 0, $482 = 0.0, $483 = 0.0, $484 = 0.0, $485 = 0.0, $486 = 0.0, $487 = 0.0, $488 = 0.0, $489 = 0, $49 = 0, $490 = 0, $491 = 0, $492 = 0, $493 = 0.0, $494 = 0.0; var $495 = 0, $496 = 0, $497 = 0, $498 = 0, $499 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $500 = 0, $501 = 0.0, $502 = 0, $503 = 0, $504 = 0.0, $505 = 0.0, $506 = 0.0, $507 = 0, $508 = 0, $509 = 0, $51 = 0, $510 = 0, $511 = 0; var $512 = 0, $513 = 0, $514 = 0.0, $515 = 0, $516 = 0.0, $517 = 0.0, $518 = 0.0, $519 = 0, $52 = 0, $520 = 0.0, $521 = 0.0, $522 = 0, $523 = 0.0, $524 = 0, $525 = 0, $526 = 0.0, $527 = 0.0, $528 = 0.0, $529 = 0, $53 = 0; var $530 = 0, $531 = 0.0, $532 = 0.0, $533 = 0.0, $534 = 0.0, $535 = 0, $536 = 0, $537 = 0, $538 = 0.0, $539 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $540 = 0, $541 = 0.0, $542 = 0.0, $543 = 0.0, $544 = 0.0, $545 = 0.0, $546 = 0.0, $547 = 0, $548 = 0.0; var $549 = 0, $55 = 0, $550 = 0, $551 = 0, $552 = 0, $553 = 0, $554 = 0, $555 = 0, $556 = 0, $557 = 0, $558 = 0, $559 = 0, $56 = 0, $560 = 0, $561 = 0, $562 = 0, $563 = 0, $564 = 0, $565 = 0, $566 = 0; var $567 = 0, $568 = 0, $569 = 0, $57 = 0, $570 = 0, $571 = 0, $572 = 0, $573 = 0, $574 = 0, $575 = 0, $576 = 0, $577 = 0, $578 = 0, $579 = 0, $58 = 0, $580 = 0, $581 = 0, $582 = 0, $583 = 0, $584 = 0; var $585 = 0, $586 = 0, $587 = 0, $588 = 0.0, $589 = 0, $59 = 0, $590 = 0, $591 = 0, $592 = 0, $593 = 0, $594 = 0, $595 = 0, $596 = 0, $597 = 0, $598 = 0, $599 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $600 = 0, $601 = 0; var $602 = 0, $603 = 0, $604 = 0, $605 = 0, $606 = 0, $607 = 0, $608 = 0, $609 = 0, $61 = 0, $610 = 0, $611 = 0, $612 = 0, $613 = 0, $614 = 0, $615 = 0, $616 = 0, $617 = 0, $618 = 0, $619 = 0.0, $62 = 0; var $620 = 0, $621 = 0, $622 = 0, $623 = 0, $624 = 0, $625 = 0, $626 = 0, $627 = 0, $628 = 0, $629 = 0, $63 = 0, $630 = 0, $631 = 0, $632 = 0, $633 = 0, $634 = 0, $635 = 0, $636 = 0, $637 = 0, $638 = 0; var $639 = 0, $64 = 0, $640 = 0, $641 = 0, $642 = 0, $643 = 0, $644 = 0, $645 = 0, $646 = 0, $647 = 0, $648 = 0, $649 = 0, $65 = 0, $650 = 0, $651 = 0, $652 = 0, $653 = 0, $654 = 0, $655 = 0, $656 = 0; var $657 = 0, $658 = 0, $659 = 0, $66 = 0, $660 = 0, $661 = 0, $662 = 0, $663 = 0, $664 = 0, $665 = 0, $666 = 0, $667 = 0, $668 = 0, $669 = 0, $67 = 0, $670 = 0, $671 = 0, $672 = 0, $673 = 0, $674 = 0; var $675 = 0, $676 = 0, $677 = 0, $678 = 0, $679 = 0, $68 = 0, $680 = 0, $681 = 0, $682 = 0, $683 = 0, $684 = 0, $685 = 0, $686 = 0, $687 = 0, $688 = 0, $689 = 0, $69 = 0, $690 = 0, $691 = 0, $692 = 0; var $693 = 0, $694 = 0, $695 = 0, $696 = 0, $697 = 0, $698 = 0, $699 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $700 = 0, $701 = 0, $702 = 0, $703 = 0, $704 = 0, $705 = 0, $706 = 0, $707 = 0, $708 = 0, $709 = 0, $71 = 0; var $710 = 0, $711 = 0, $712 = 0, $713 = 0, $714 = 0, $715 = 0, $716 = 0, $717 = 0, $718 = 0, $719 = 0, $72 = 0, $720 = 0, $721 = 0, $722 = 0, $723 = 0, $724 = 0, $725 = 0, $726 = 0, $727 = 0, $728 = 0; var $729 = 0, $73 = 0, $730 = 0, $731 = 0, $732 = 0, $733 = 0, $734 = 0, $735 = 0, $736 = 0, $737 = 0, $738 = 0, $739 = 0, $74 = 0, $740 = 0, $741 = 0, $742 = 0, $743 = 0, $744 = 0, $745 = 0, $746 = 0; var $747 = 0, $748 = 0, $749 = 0, $75 = 0, $750 = 0, $751 = 0, $752 = 0, $753 = 0, $754 = 0, $755 = 0, $756 = 0, $757 = 0, $758 = 0, $759 = 0, $76 = 0, $760 = 0, $761 = 0, $762 = 0, $763 = 0, $764 = 0; var $765 = 0, $766 = 0, $767 = 0, $768 = 0, $769 = 0, $77 = 0, $770 = 0, $771 = 0, $772 = 0, $773 = 0, $774 = 0, $775 = 0, $776 = 0, $777 = 0, $778 = 0, $779 = 0, $78 = 0, $780 = 0, $781 = 0, $782 = 0; var $783 = 0, $784 = 0, $785 = 0, $786 = 0, $787 = 0, $788 = 0, $789 = 0, $79 = 0, $790 = 0, $791 = 0, $792 = 0, $793 = 0, $794 = 0, $795 = 0, $796 = 0, $797 = 0, $798 = 0.0, $799 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $800 = 0, $801 = 0.0, $802 = 0, $803 = 0, $804 = 0, $805 = 0, $806 = 0, $807 = 0, $808 = 0, $809 = 0, $81 = 0, $810 = 0, $811 = 0, $812 = 0, $813 = 0, $814 = 0, $815 = 0, $816 = 0, $817 = 0, $818 = 0; var $819 = 0, $82 = 0, $820 = 0, $821 = 0, $822 = 0, $823 = 0, $824 = 0, $825 = 0, $826 = 0, $827 = 0, $828 = 0, $829 = 0, $83 = 0, $830 = 0, $831 = 0, $832 = 0, $833 = 0, $834 = 0, $835 = 0, $836 = 0.0; var $837 = 0, $838 = 0.0, $839 = 0, $84 = 0, $840 = 0.0, $841 = 0, $842 = 0, $843 = 0, $844 = 0, $845 = 0, $846 = 0, $847 = 0.0, $848 = 0.0, $849 = 0, $85 = 0, $850 = 0, $851 = 0, $852 = 0, $853 = 0, $854 = 0; var $855 = 0, $856 = 0, $857 = 0, $858 = 0, $859 = 0, $86 = 0, $860 = 0, $861 = 0, $862 = 0, $863 = 0, $864 = 0, $865 = 0, $866 = 0, $867 = 0, $868 = 0, $869 = 0, $87 = 0, $870 = 0, $871 = 0, $872 = 0; var $873 = 0, $874 = 0, $875 = 0, $876 = 0, $877 = 0, $878 = 0, $879 = 0, $88 = 0, $880 = 0, $881 = 0, $882 = 0, $883 = 0, $884 = 0.0, $885 = 0, $886 = 0, $887 = 0, $888 = 0, $889 = 0, $89 = 0, $890 = 0; var $891 = 0, $892 = 0, $893 = 0, $894 = 0, $895 = 0, $896 = 0, $897 = 0, $898 = 0, $899 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $900 = 0, $901 = 0, $902 = 0, $903 = 0, $904 = 0, $905 = 0, $906 = 0, $907 = 0, $908 = 0; var $909 = 0, $91 = 0, $910 = 0, $911 = 0, $912 = 0, $913 = 0, $914 = 0, $915 = 0, $916 = 0, $917 = 0, $918 = 0, $919 = 0, $92 = 0, $920 = 0, $921 = 0, $922 = 0, $923 = 0, $924 = 0, $925 = 0, $926 = 0; var $927 = 0, $928 = 0, $929 = 0, $93 = 0, $930 = 0, $931 = 0, $932 = 0, $933 = 0, $934 = 0, $935 = 0, $936 = 0, $937 = 0, $938 = 0, $939 = 0, $94 = 0, $940 = 0, $941 = 0, $942 = 0, $943 = 0, $944 = 0; var $945 = 0, $946 = 0, $947 = 0, $948 = 0, $949 = 0, $95 = 0, $950 = 0, $951 = 0, $952 = 0, $953 = 0, $954 = 0, $955 = 0, $956 = 0, $957 = 0, $958 = 0, $959 = 0, $96 = 0, $960 = 0, $961 = 0, $962 = 0; var $963 = 0, $964 = 0, $965 = 0, $966 = 0, $967 = 0, $968 = 0, $969 = 0, $97 = 0, $970 = 0, $971 = 0, $972 = 0, $973 = 0, $974 = 0, $975 = 0, $976 = 0, $977 = 0, $978 = 0, $979 = 0, $98 = 0, $980 = 0; var $981 = 0, $982 = 0, $983 = 0, $984 = 0, $985 = 0, $986 = 0, $987 = 0, $988 = 0, $989 = 0, $99 = 0, $990 = 0, $991 = 0, $992 = 0, $993 = 0, $994 = 0, $995 = 0, $996 = 0, $997 = 0, $998 = 0, $999 = 0; var $C = 0, $CC = 0, $LM = 0, $M = 0, $N = 0, $_enc = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr1266 = 0, $add$ptr205 = 0, $add$ptr23 = 0, $add$ptr25 = 0, $add$ptr250 = 0, $add$ptr253 = 0, $add$ptr254 = 0, $add$ptr258 = 0, $add$ptr27 = 0, $add1014 = 0, $add1046 = 0, $add1053 = 0; var $add1066 = 0, $add1067 = 0, $add1068 = 0, $add1071 = 0, $add1073 = 0, $add1081 = 0, $add1086 = 0, $add1101 = 0, $add1111 = 0, $add1125 = 0, $add1145 = 0, $add1148 = 0, $add1153 = 0, $add1170 = 0, $add121 = 0, $add1228 = 0, $add1243 = 0, $add1314 = 0, $add1325 = 0, $add1333 = 0; var $add136 = 0, $add1361 = 0, $add1364 = 0, $add1367 = 0, $add1377 = 0, $add1380 = 0, $add1383 = 0, $add144 = 0, $add154 = 0, $add163 = 0, $add174 = 0, $add183 = 0, $add232 = 0, $add237 = 0, $add245 = 0, $add251 = 0, $add30 = 0, $add328 = 0, $add334 = 0, $add339 = 0; var $add349 = 0, $add356 = 0, $add39 = 0, $add390 = 0.0, $add46 = 0, $add465 = 0, $add472 = 0, $add482 = 0, $add489 = 0, $add502 = 0, $add510 = 0.0, $add511 = 0, $add517 = 0, $add519 = 0, $add523 = 0.0, $add53 = 0, $add532 = 0.0, $add536 = 0, $add561 = 0, $add580 = 0.0; var $add587 = 0, $add596 = 0, $add596$sink = 0, $add624 = 0.0, $add65 = 0, $add650 = 0.0, $add682 = 0, $add689 = 0, $add695 = 0.0, $add723 = 0.0, $add730 = 0, $add736 = 0, $add762 = 0.0, $add772 = 0, $add83 = 0, $add838 = 0, $add910 = 0, $add940 = 0, $add958 = 0, $add959 = 0; var $add99 = 0, $adjust = 0, $alloc_trim = 0, $alpha = 0.0, $analysis = 0, $analysis1023 = 0, $analysis1055 = 0, $analysis1179 = 0, $analysis1207 = 0, $analysis1211 = 0, $analysis303 = 0, $anti_collapse_on = 0, $anti_collapse_rsv = 0, $arch = 0, $arch1025 = 0, $arch1274 = 0, $arch396 = 0, $arch753 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1292 = 0; var $arrayidx1306 = 0, $arrayidx1308 = 0, $arrayidx1340 = 0, $arrayidx1341 = 0, $arrayidx1345 = 0, $arrayidx1347 = 0, $arrayidx1347$sink = 0, $arrayidx1350 = 0, $arrayidx1362 = 0, $arrayidx1365 = 0, $arrayidx1368 = 0, $arrayidx1378 = 0, $arrayidx1381 = 0, $arrayidx1384 = 0, $arrayidx411 = 0, $arrayidx417 = 0, $arrayidx423 = 0, $arrayidx424 = 0, $arrayidx428 = 0, $arrayidx432 = 0; var $arrayidx466 = 0, $arrayidx473 = 0, $arrayidx483 = 0, $arrayidx490 = 0, $arrayidx503 = 0, $arrayidx505 = 0, $arrayidx512 = 0, $arrayidx514 = 0, $arrayidx562 = 0, $arrayidx564 = 0, $arrayidx585 = 0, $arrayidx588 = 0, $arrayidx597 = 0, $arrayidx615 = 0, $arrayidx634 = 0, $arrayidx640 = 0, $arrayidx644 = 0, $arrayidx668 = 0, $arrayidx675 = 0, $arrayidx683 = 0; var $arrayidx690 = 0, $arrayidx761 = 0, $arrayidx816 = 0, $arrayidx817 = 0, $arrayidx826 = 0, $arrayidx911 = 0, $arrayidx913 = 0, $arrayidx945 = 0, $arrayidx951 = 0, $arrayidx974 = 0, $balance = 0, $bandwidth = 0, $bandwidth1212 = 0, $base_target = 0, $bitrate = 0, $bitrate116 = 0, $bitrate119 = 0, $bitrate36 = 0, $bitrate42 = 0, $bitrate48 = 0; var $bits = 0, $boost = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0, $call1026 = 0, $call1028 = 0, $call1065 = 0, $call1162 = 0, $call1223 = 0, $call1283 = 0, $call1404 = 0, $call189 = 0.0, $call198 = 0.0, $call209 = 0.0, $call243 = 0, $call294 = 0, $call350 = 0, $call355 = 0, $call735 = 0, $call749 = 0; var $call771 = 0, $call810 = 0, $call837 = 0, $call878 = 0, $call889 = 0.0, $call905 = 0, $call954 = 0, $call984 = 0, $call988 = 0, $channels = 0, $cleanup$dest$slot = 0, $clip = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1003 = 0, $cmp1016 = 0, $cmp1030 = 0, $cmp1037 = 0, $cmp1063 = 0, $cmp1075 = 0, $cmp1082 = 0; var $cmp1095 = 0, $cmp1134 = 0, $cmp1149 = 0, $cmp1167 = 0, $cmp117 = 0, $cmp1172 = 0, $cmp1184 = 0, $cmp1189 = 0, $cmp1194 = 0, $cmp1199 = 0, $cmp1208 = 0, $cmp1231 = 0, $cmp1239 = 0, $cmp1247 = 0, $cmp1263 = 0, $cmp127 = 0, $cmp1275 = 0, $cmp1279 = 0, $cmp1289 = 0, $cmp13 = 0; var $cmp130 = 0, $cmp1300 = 0, $cmp1303 = 0, $cmp1337 = 0, $cmp134 = 0, $cmp1342 = 0, $cmp1357 = 0, $cmp1373 = 0, $cmp139 = 0, $cmp1390 = 0, $cmp141 = 0, $cmp150 = 0, $cmp152 = 0, $cmp158 = 0, $cmp160 = 0, $cmp172 = 0, $cmp179 = 0, $cmp190 = 0, $cmp212 = 0, $cmp220 = 0; var $cmp222 = 0, $cmp229 = 0, $cmp233 = 0, $cmp248 = 0, $cmp260 = 0, $cmp264 = 0, $cmp268 = 0, $cmp271 = 0, $cmp271$old = 0, $cmp278 = 0, $cmp28 = 0, $cmp283 = 0, $cmp286 = 0, $cmp295 = 0, $cmp298 = 0, $cmp305 = 0, $cmp311 = 0, $cmp318 = 0, $cmp32 = 0, $cmp322 = 0; var $cmp325 = 0, $cmp329 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp343 = 0, $cmp352 = 0, $cmp357 = 0, $cmp374 = 0, $cmp385 = 0, $cmp397 = 0, $cmp400 = 0, $cmp408 = 0, $cmp414 = 0, $cmp425 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp440 = 0, $cmp448 = 0, $cmp456 = 0, $cmp460 = 0, $cmp467 = 0, $cmp477 = 0; var $cmp484 = 0, $cmp49 = 0, $cmp497 = 0, $cmp542 = 0, $cmp548 = 0, $cmp551 = 0, $cmp567 = 0, $cmp574 = 0, $cmp581 = 0, $cmp589 = 0, $cmp60 = 0, $cmp604 = 0, $cmp611 = 0, $cmp621 = 0, $cmp625 = 0, $cmp631 = 0, $cmp636 = 0, $cmp664 = 0, $cmp670 = 0, $cmp679 = 0; var $cmp685 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp703 = 0, $cmp709 = 0, $cmp713 = 0, $cmp732 = 0, $cmp737 = 0, $cmp743 = 0, $cmp756 = 0, $cmp768 = 0, $cmp773 = 0, $cmp78 = 0, $cmp781 = 0, $cmp784 = 0, $cmp788 = 0, $cmp794 = 0, $cmp798 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cmp802 = 0, $cmp812 = 0; var $cmp823 = 0, $cmp834 = 0, $cmp839 = 0, $cmp850 = 0, $cmp854 = 0, $cmp857 = 0, $cmp861 = 0, $cmp894 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cmp907 = 0, $cmp919 = 0, $cmp925 = 0, $cmp930 = 0, $cmp94 = 0, $cmp942 = 0, $cmp946 = 0, $cmp952 = 0, $cmp966 = 0, $cmp978 = 0, $cmp981 = 0; var $cmp991 = 0, $cmp998 = 0, $codedBands = 0, $complexity = 0, $complexity342 = 0, $complexity373 = 0, $complexity742 = 0, $complexity787 = 0, $complexity833 = 0, $complexity849 = 0, $complexity860 = 0, $compressed$addr = 0, $cond = 0, $cond1011 = 0, $cond1044 = 0, $cond1080 = 0, $cond1088 = 0, $cond113 = 0, $cond1144 = 0, $cond1155 = 0; var $cond1176 = 0, $cond1215 = 0, $cond1238 = 0, $cond1256 = 0, $cond1269 = 0, $cond135 = 0, $cond142 = 0, $cond149 = 0, $cond153 = 0, $cond161 = 0, $cond171 = 0, $cond200 = 0.0, $cond217 = 0.0, $cond239 = 0, $cond422 = 0.0, $cond431 = 0.0, $cond454 = 0, $cond476 = 0.0, $cond496 = 0.0, $cond547 = 0.0; var $cond556 = 0.0, $cond559 = 0.0, $cond609 = 0.0, $cond643 = 0.0, $cond662 = 0.0, $cond678 = 0.0, $cond693 = 0.0, $cond708 = 0.0, $cond718 = 0.0, $cond720 = 0.0, $cond77 = 0, $cond900 = 0, $cond924 = 0, $cond935 = 0, $cond937 = 0, $cond972 = 0, $cond997 = 0, $consec_transient = 0, $consec_transient1278 = 0, $consec_transient1397 = 0; var $constrained_vbr = 0, $constrained_vbr1049 = 0, $constrained_vbr1058 = 0, $constrained_vbr1106 = 0, $constrained_vbr1113 = 0, $constrained_vbr1130 = 0, $constrained_vbr887 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv1064 = 0, $conv1102 = 0.0, $conv1121 = 0.0, $conv1123 = 0, $conv1280 = 0, $conv221 = 0, $conv304 = 0.0, $conv308 = 0.0, $conv309 = 0.0, $conv314 = 0.0, $conv316 = 0.0, $conv388 = 0.0; var $conv504 = 0, $conv506 = 0, $conv508 = 0.0, $conv513 = 0, $conv515 = 0, $conv521 = 0.0, $conv530 = 0.0, $conv539 = 0.0, $conv563 = 0, $conv565 = 0, $conv578 = 0.0, $conv658 = 0.0, $conv700 = 0.0, $conv759 = 0.0, $conv835 = 0, $conv912 = 0, $conv914 = 0, $conv953 = 0, $conv987 = 0.0, $count = 0; var $count_dynalloc = 0, $delayedIntra = 0, $delta = 0, $den = 0, $diff = 0.0, $disable_pf = 0, $div = 0, $div102 = 0, $div1103 = 0.0, $div1139 = 0, $div188 = 0, $div197 = 0, $div204 = 0, $div208 = 0, $div219 = 0.0, $div531 = 0.0, $div540 = 0.0, $div56 = 0, $div566 = 0, $div68 = 0; var $div701 = 0.0, $div86 = 0, $div893 = 0, $div898 = 0, $div986 = 0, $dual_stereo = 0, $dynalloc_logp = 0, $dynalloc_loop_logp = 0, $eBands = 0, $eBands4 = 0, $effEBands = 0, $effEBands181 = 0, $effEnd = 0, $effectiveBytes = 0, $enabled = 0, $enc$addr = 0, $end = 0, $end6 = 0, $energy_mask = 0, $energy_mask1062 = 0; var $energy_mask463 = 0, $energy_mask470 = 0, $energy_mask480 = 0, $energy_mask487 = 0, $energy_mask584 = 0, $energy_mask586 = 0, $energy_mask592 = 0, $equiv_rate = 0, $flag = 0, $follow = 0.0, $force_intra = 0, $frame_avg = 0.0, $frame_size$addr = 0, $gain1 = 0, $hf_average = 0, $i = 0, $in_mem = 0, $in_mem20 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc1099 = 0; var $inc1294 = 0, $inc1352 = 0, $inc1370 = 0, $inc1386 = 0, $inc1389 = 0, $inc1398 = 0, $inc259 = 0, $inc392 = 0, $inc434 = 0, $inc525 = 0, $inc528 = 0, $inc571 = 0, $inc616 = 0, $inc619 = 0, $inc646 = 0, $inc697 = 0, $inc764 = 0, $inc819 = 0, $inc828 = 0, $inc961 = 0; var $inc976 = 0, $intensity = 0, $intensity1002 = 0, $intensity1007 = 0, $intensity1012 = 0, $intensity1024 = 0, $intensity1057 = 0, $intensity1221 = 0, $intensity1271 = 0, $intensity989 = 0, $intensity990 = 0, $intensity995 = 0, $isTransient = 0, $j = 0, $lambda = 0, $land$ext = 0, $land$ext293 = 0, $land$ext377 = 0, $land$ext877 = 0, $lastCodedBands = 0; var $lastCodedBands1056 = 0, $lastCodedBands1222 = 0, $lastCodedBands1224 = 0, $lastCodedBands1227 = 0, $lastCodedBands1229 = 0, $lastCodedBands1234 = 0, $lastCodedBands1242 = 0, $lastCodedBands1250 = 0, $lastCodedBands1259 = 0, $lastCodedBands452 = 0, $lfe = 0, $lfe1019 = 0, $lfe1061 = 0, $lfe1217 = 0, $lfe346 = 0, $lfe404 = 0, $lfe445 = 0, $lfe653 = 0, $lfe746 = 0, $lfe791 = 0; var $lfe836 = 0, $lfe842 = 0, $lfe888 = 0, $lfe890 = 0, $lin = 0.0, $lm_diff = 0, $lnot = 0, $lnot$ext = 0, $lnot$ext108 = 0, $lnot$ext74 = 0, $lnot$ext92 = 0, $lnot105 = 0, $lnot107 = 0, $lnot290 = 0, $lnot58 = 0, $lnot71 = 0, $lnot73 = 0, $lnot874 = 0, $lnot89 = 0, $lnot91 = 0; var $logN = 0, $loss_rate = 0, $lsb_depth = 0, $lsb_depth885 = 0, $mask = 0.0, $mask_avg = 0.0, $mask_end = 0, $maxDepth = 0.0, $maxLM = 0, $maxLM1033 = 0, $maxLM12 = 0, $max_allowed = 0, $midband = 0, $min_allowed = 0, $min_bandwidth = 0, $mode = 0, $mul = 0, $mul101 = 0, $mul1045 = 0, $mul1117 = 0; var $mul1122 = 0.0, $mul1160 = 0, $mul1183 = 0, $mul1188 = 0, $mul1193 = 0, $mul1198 = 0, $mul120 = 0, $mul124 = 0, $mul1261 = 0, $mul1272 = 0, $mul1282 = 0, $mul1288 = 0, $mul1307 = 0, $mul1313 = 0, $mul1318 = 0, $mul1319 = 0, $mul1324 = 0, $mul1326 = 0, $mul1327 = 0, $mul1332 = 0; var $mul1336 = 0, $mul1360 = 0, $mul1363 = 0, $mul1366 = 0, $mul1376 = 0, $mul1379 = 0, $mul1382 = 0, $mul178 = 0, $mul18 = 0, $mul184 = 0, $mul186 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul195 = 0, $mul202 = 0, $mul206 = 0, $mul22 = 0, $mul24 = 0, $mul240 = 0, $mul242 = 0, $mul252 = 0; var $mul26 = 0, $mul267 = 0, $mul310 = 0.0, $mul317 = 0.0, $mul365 = 0, $mul367 = 0, $mul369 = 0, $mul37 = 0, $mul378 = 0, $mul384 = 0, $mul389 = 0.0, $mul413 = 0.0, $mul420 = 0.0, $mul43 = 0, $mul437 = 0, $mul439 = 0, $mul464 = 0, $mul471 = 0, $mul481 = 0, $mul488 = 0; var $mul500 = 0.0, $mul509 = 0.0, $mul518 = 0, $mul52 = 0, $mul522 = 0.0, $mul533 = 0.0, $mul535 = 0, $mul537 = 0, $mul538 = 0, $mul541 = 0.0, $mul55 = 0, $mul579 = 0.0, $mul628 = 0, $mul64 = 0, $mul651 = 0.0, $mul659 = 0.0, $mul67 = 0, $mul721 = 0.0, $mul727 = 0, $mul728 = 0; var $mul729 = 0, $mul755 = 0, $mul760 = 0.0, $mul777 = 0, $mul780 = 0, $mul809 = 0, $mul82 = 0, $mul831 = 0, $mul85 = 0, $mul853 = 0, $mul916 = 0, $mul98 = 0, $nbAvailableBytes = 0, $nbCompressedBytes$addr = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands2 = 0, $nbFilledBytes = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $need_clip = 0, $octave = 0; var $offset = 0.0, $oldBandE = 0, $oldLogE = 0, $oldLogE2 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond10 = 0, $or$cond12 = 0, $or$cond14 = 0, $or$cond16 = 0, $or$cond18 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond2$not = 0, $or$cond22 = 0, $or$cond24 = 0, $or$cond4 = 0, $or$cond6 = 0, $or$cond8 = 0, $overlap = 0, $overlap3 = 0; var $overlap_max = 0, $overlap_max192 = 0, $overlap_max210 = 0, $overlap_max211 = 0, $overlap_max215 = 0, $pcm$addr = 0, $pf_on = 0, $pitch_change = 0, $pitch_index = 0, $preemph = 0, $preemph_memE = 0, $prefilter_gain = 0, $prefilter_gain1298 = 0, $prefilter_mem = 0, $prefilter_period = 0, $prefilter_period1297 = 0, $prefilter_period315 = 0, $prefilter_tapset = 0, $prefilter_tapset1299 = 0, $qg = 0; var $quanta = 0, $retval = 0, $rng = 0, $rng1402 = 0, $rng1403 = 0, $sample_max = 0.0, $saved_stack = 0, $secondMdct = 0, $shl = 0, $shl1047 = 0, $shl1091 = 0, $shl1116 = 0, $shl1161 = 0, $shl1171 = 0, $shl16 = 0, $shl218 = 0, $shl337 = 0, $shl904 = 0, $shl917 = 0, $shl918 = 0; var $shl928 = 0, $shl939 = 0, $shortBlocks = 0, $shortMdctSize = 0, $shortMdctSize17 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr1036 = 0, $shr1042 = 0, $shr1052 = 0, $shr1070 = 0, $shr1074 = 0, $shr122 = 0, $shr138 = 0, $shr147 = 0, $shr157 = 0, $shr166 = 0, $shr35 = 0, $shr38 = 0, $shr40 = 0, $signalBandwidth = 0; var $signalling = 0, $signalling103 = 0, $signalling69 = 0, $signalling87 = 0, $silence = 0, $spec_avg = 0, $spec_avg722 = 0, $spread_decision = 0, $spread_decision1270 = 0, $spread_decision864 = 0, $spread_decision869 = 0, $spread_decision879 = 0, $spread_decision882 = 0, $st$addr = 0, $start = 0, $start5 = 0, $stereo_saving = 0, $stereo_saving1059 = 0, $stream_channels = 0, $sub = 0; var $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$div1312 = 0, $sub$ptr$div1323 = 0, $sub$ptr$div1331 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1309 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1320 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1328 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1310 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1321 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1329 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub1311 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub1322 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub1330 = 0, $sub1015 = 0, $sub1034 = 0, $sub1035 = 0, $sub1041 = 0; var $sub1048 = 0, $sub1069 = 0, $sub1072 = 0, $sub1089 = 0, $sub109 = 0, $sub1090 = 0, $sub1109 = 0, $sub1119 = 0, $sub1120 = 0, $sub1127 = 0, $sub1138 = 0, $sub1163 = 0, $sub1164 = 0, $sub1177 = 0, $sub1178 = 0, $sub123 = 0, $sub1230 = 0, $sub1235 = 0, $sub1246 = 0, $sub125 = 0; var $sub1251 = 0, $sub1273 = 0, $sub1284 = 0, $sub137 = 0, $sub146 = 0, $sub156 = 0, $sub165 = 0, $sub185 = 0, $sub194 = 0, $sub201 = 0, $sub244 = 0, $sub335 = 0, $sub336 = 0, $sub338 = 0, $sub340 = 0, $sub507 = 0, $sub516 = 0, $sub520 = 0, $sub534 = 0, $sub577 = 0; var $sub59 = 0, $sub610 = 0.0, $sub614 = 0.0, $sub635 = 0.0, $sub641 = 0.0, $sub667 = 0.0, $sub669 = 0.0, $sub673 = 0.0, $sub676 = 0.0, $sub684 = 0.0, $sub691 = 0.0, $sub699 = 0, $sub702 = 0.0, $sub75 = 0, $sub815 = 0, $sub915 = 0, $sub93 = 0, $sub941 = 0, $sub965 = 0, $sub970 = 0; var $surround_masking = 0.0, $surround_trim = 0.0, $tapset_decision = 0, $tapset_decision845 = 0, $tapset_decision870 = 0, $target = 0, $tell = 0, $temporal_vbr = 0.0, $tf_chan = 0, $tf_estimate = 0, $tf_select = 0, $tf_sum = 0, $tmp = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool1020 = 0, $tobool104 = 0, $tobool1050 = 0, $tobool1092 = 0, $tobool1107 = 0, $tobool1114 = 0; var $tobool1131 = 0, $tobool1140 = 0, $tobool1165 = 0, $tobool1181 = 0, $tobool1218 = 0, $tobool1225 = 0, $tobool1285 = 0, $tobool1316 = 0, $tobool132 = 0, $tobool1393 = 0, $tobool1395 = 0, $tobool1405 = 0, $tobool227 = 0, $tobool247 = 0, $tobool262 = 0, $tobool274 = 0, $tobool274$old = 0, $tobool276 = 0, $tobool281 = 0, $tobool301 = 0; var $tobool347 = 0, $tobool360 = 0, $tobool371 = 0, $tobool380 = 0, $tobool405 = 0, $tobool443 = 0, $tobool446 = 0, $tobool57 = 0, $tobool654 = 0, $tobool656 = 0, $tobool70 = 0, $tobool725 = 0, $tobool740 = 0, $tobool747 = 0, $tobool750 = 0, $tobool792 = 0, $tobool843 = 0, $tobool847 = 0, $tobool871 = 0, $tobool873 = 0; var $tobool88 = 0, $tobool891 = 0, $tobool955 = 0, $tobool963 = 0, $tonal_average = 0, $tonality = 0, $tot_boost = 0, $total_bits = 0, $total_boost = 0, $transient_got_disabled = 0, $unmask = 0.0, $upsample = 0, $upsample187 = 0, $upsample196 = 0, $upsample203 = 0, $upsample207 = 0, $upsample255 = 0, $upsample382 = 0, $upsample395 = 0, $upsample752 = 0; var $variable_duration = 0, $variable_duration1060 = 0, $vbr = 0, $vbr886 = 0, $vbr_bound = 0, $vbr_count = 0, $vbr_count1098 = 0, $vbr_count1100 = 0, $vbr_drift = 0, $vbr_drift1124 = 0, $vbr_drift1126 = 0, $vbr_offset = 0, $vbr_offset1118 = 0, $vbr_offset1128 = 0, $vbr_rate = 0, $vbr_reservoir = 0, $vbr_reservoir1110 = 0, $vbr_reservoir1133 = 0, $vbr_reservoir1137 = 0, $vbr_reservoir1146 = 0; var $vbr_reservoir145 = 0, $vbr_reservoir155 = 0, $vbr_reservoir164 = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla1157 = 0, $vla1157$alloca_mul = 0, $vla1158 = 0, $vla1158$alloca_mul = 0, $vla1159 = 0, $vla1159$alloca_mul = 0, $vla1262 = 0, $vla1262$alloca_mul = 0, $vla366 = 0, $vla366$alloca_mul = 0, $vla368 = 0, $vla368$alloca_mul = 0, $vla370 = 0, $vla370$alloca_mul = 0, $vla379 = 0; var $vla379$alloca_mul = 0, $vla438 = 0, $vla438$alloca_mul = 0, $vla778 = 0, $vla778$alloca_mul = 0, $vla779 = 0, $vla779$alloca_mul = 0, $vla832 = 0, $vla832$alloca_mul = 0, $vla884 = 0, $vla884$alloca_mul = 0, $vla903 = 0, $vla903$alloca_mul = 0, $width = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 448|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(448|0); $_enc = sp + 352|0; $tf_sum = sp + 280|0; $pitch_index = sp + 272|0; $gain1 = sp + 268|0; $dual_stereo = sp + 264|0; $balance = sp + 240|0; $tf_chan = sp + 212|0; $tf_estimate = sp + 208|0; $tot_boost = sp + 200|0; $qg = sp + 116|0; $st$addr = $st; $pcm$addr = $pcm; $frame_size$addr = $frame_size; $compressed$addr = $compressed; $nbCompressedBytes$addr = $nbCompressedBytes; $enc$addr = $enc; $shortBlocks = 0; $isTransient = 0; $0 = $st$addr; $channels = ((($0)) + 4|0); $1 = HEAP32[$channels>>2]|0; $CC = $1; $2 = $st$addr; $stream_channels = ((($2)) + 8|0); $3 = HEAP32[$stream_channels>>2]|0; $C = $3; HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2] = 15; HEAPF32[$gain1>>2] = 0.0; HEAP32[$dual_stereo>>2] = 0; $prefilter_tapset = 0; $anti_collapse_on = 0; $silence = 0; HEAP32[$tf_chan>>2] = 0; $pitch_change = 0; $transient_got_disabled = 0; $surround_masking = 0.0; $temporal_vbr = 0.0; $surround_trim = 0.0; $equiv_rate = 510000; $4 = $st$addr; $5 = HEAP32[$4>>2]|0; $mode = $5; $6 = $mode; $nbEBands2 = ((($6)) + 8|0); $7 = HEAP32[$nbEBands2>>2]|0; $nbEBands = $7; $8 = $mode; $overlap3 = ((($8)) + 4|0); $9 = HEAP32[$overlap3>>2]|0; $overlap = $9; $10 = $mode; $eBands4 = ((($10)) + 32|0); $11 = HEAP32[$eBands4>>2]|0; $eBands = $11; $12 = $st$addr; $start5 = ((($12)) + 32|0); $13 = HEAP32[$start5>>2]|0; $start = $13; $14 = $st$addr; $end6 = ((($14)) + 36|0); $15 = HEAP32[$end6>>2]|0; $end = $15; HEAPF32[$tf_estimate>>2] = 0.0; $16 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $cmp = ($16|0)<(2); $17 = $pcm$addr; $cmp7 = ($17|0)==(0|0); $or$cond = $cmp | $cmp7; if ($or$cond) { $retval = -1; $1113 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1113|0); } $18 = $st$addr; $upsample = ((($18)) + 28|0); $19 = HEAP32[$upsample>>2]|0; $20 = $frame_size$addr; $mul = Math_imul($20, $19)|0; $frame_size$addr = $mul; $LM = 0; while(1) { $21 = $LM; $22 = $mode; $maxLM = ((($22)) + 36|0); $23 = HEAP32[$maxLM>>2]|0; $cmp8 = ($21|0)<=($23|0); if (!($cmp8)) { break; } $24 = $mode; $shortMdctSize = ((($24)) + 44|0); $25 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize>>2]|0; $26 = $LM; $shl = $25 << $26; $27 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp9 = ($shl|0)==($27|0); if ($cmp9) { break; } $28 = $LM; $inc = (($28) + 1)|0; $LM = $inc; } $29 = $LM; $30 = $mode; $maxLM12 = ((($30)) + 36|0); $31 = HEAP32[$maxLM12>>2]|0; $cmp13 = ($29|0)>($31|0); if ($cmp13) { $retval = -1; $1113 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1113|0); } $32 = $LM; $shl16 = 1 << $32; $M = $shl16; $33 = $M; $34 = $mode; $shortMdctSize17 = ((($34)) + 44|0); $35 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize17>>2]|0; $mul18 = Math_imul($33, $35)|0; $N = $mul18; $36 = $st$addr; $in_mem = ((($36)) + 200|0); $37 = $CC; $38 = $overlap; $mul19 = Math_imul($37, $38)|0; $add$ptr = (($in_mem) + ($mul19<<2)|0); $prefilter_mem = $add$ptr; $39 = $st$addr; $in_mem20 = ((($39)) + 200|0); $40 = $CC; $41 = $overlap; $add = (($41) + 1024)|0; $mul22 = Math_imul($40, $add)|0; $add$ptr23 = (($in_mem20) + ($mul22<<2)|0); $oldBandE = $add$ptr23; $42 = $oldBandE; $43 = $CC; $44 = $nbEBands; $mul24 = Math_imul($43, $44)|0; $add$ptr25 = (($42) + ($mul24<<2)|0); $oldLogE = $add$ptr25; $45 = $oldLogE; $46 = $CC; $47 = $nbEBands; $mul26 = Math_imul($46, $47)|0; $add$ptr27 = (($45) + ($mul26<<2)|0); $oldLogE2 = $add$ptr27; $48 = $enc$addr; $cmp28 = ($48|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp28) { $tell = 1; $nbFilledBytes = 0; } else { $49 = $enc$addr; $call = (_ec_tell_50($49)|0); $tell = $call; $50 = $tell; $add30 = (($50) + 4)|0; $shr = $add30 >> 3; $nbFilledBytes = $shr; } $51 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $cmp32 = ($51|0)<(1275); $52 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $cond = $cmp32 ? $52 : 1275; $nbCompressedBytes$addr = $cond; $53 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $54 = $nbFilledBytes; $sub = (($53) - ($54))|0; $nbAvailableBytes = $sub; $55 = $st$addr; $vbr = ((($55)) + 44|0); $56 = HEAP32[$vbr>>2]|0; $tobool = ($56|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $57 = $st$addr; $bitrate = ((($57)) + 40|0); $58 = HEAP32[$bitrate>>2]|0; $cmp33 = ($58|0)!=(-1); if ($cmp33) { $59 = $mode; $60 = HEAP32[$59>>2]|0; $shr35 = $60 >> 3; $den = $shr35; $61 = $st$addr; $bitrate36 = ((($61)) + 40|0); $62 = HEAP32[$bitrate36>>2]|0; $63 = $frame_size$addr; $mul37 = Math_imul($62, $63)|0; $64 = $den; $shr38 = $64 >> 1; $add39 = (($mul37) + ($shr38))|0; $65 = $den; $div = (($add39|0) / ($65|0))&-1; $vbr_rate = $div; $66 = $vbr_rate; $shr40 = $66 >> 6; $effectiveBytes = $shr40; } else { label = 15; } } else { label = 15; } if ((label|0) == 15) { $vbr_rate = 0; $67 = $st$addr; $bitrate42 = ((($67)) + 40|0); $68 = HEAP32[$bitrate42>>2]|0; $69 = $frame_size$addr; $mul43 = Math_imul($68, $69)|0; $tmp = $mul43; $70 = $tell; $cmp44 = ($70|0)>(1); if ($cmp44) { $71 = $tell; $72 = $tmp; $add46 = (($72) + ($71))|0; $tmp = $add46; } $73 = $st$addr; $bitrate48 = ((($73)) + 40|0); $74 = HEAP32[$bitrate48>>2]|0; $cmp49 = ($74|0)!=(-1); if ($cmp49) { $75 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $76 = $tmp; $77 = $mode; $78 = HEAP32[$77>>2]|0; $mul52 = $78<<2; $add53 = (($76) + ($mul52))|0; $79 = $mode; $80 = HEAP32[$79>>2]|0; $mul55 = $80<<3; $div56 = (($add53|0) / ($mul55|0))&-1; $81 = $st$addr; $signalling = ((($81)) + 48|0); $82 = HEAP32[$signalling>>2]|0; $tobool57 = ($82|0)!=(0); $lnot = $tobool57 ^ 1; $lnot58 = $lnot ^ 1; $lnot$ext = $lnot58&1; $sub59 = (($div56) - ($lnot$ext))|0; $cmp60 = ($75|0)<($sub59|0); if ($cmp60) { $83 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $cond77 = $83; } else { $84 = $tmp; $85 = $mode; $86 = HEAP32[$85>>2]|0; $mul64 = $86<<2; $add65 = (($84) + ($mul64))|0; $87 = $mode; $88 = HEAP32[$87>>2]|0; $mul67 = $88<<3; $div68 = (($add65|0) / ($mul67|0))&-1; $89 = $st$addr; $signalling69 = ((($89)) + 48|0); $90 = HEAP32[$signalling69>>2]|0; $tobool70 = ($90|0)!=(0); $lnot71 = $tobool70 ^ 1; $lnot73 = $lnot71 ^ 1; $lnot$ext74 = $lnot73&1; $sub75 = (($div68) - ($lnot$ext74))|0; $cond77 = $sub75; } $cmp78 = (2)>($cond77|0); do { if ($cmp78) { $cond113 = 2; } else { $91 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $92 = $tmp; $93 = $mode; $94 = HEAP32[$93>>2]|0; $mul82 = $94<<2; $add83 = (($92) + ($mul82))|0; $95 = $mode; $96 = HEAP32[$95>>2]|0; $mul85 = $96<<3; $div86 = (($add83|0) / ($mul85|0))&-1; $97 = $st$addr; $signalling87 = ((($97)) + 48|0); $98 = HEAP32[$signalling87>>2]|0; $tobool88 = ($98|0)!=(0); $lnot89 = $tobool88 ^ 1; $lnot91 = $lnot89 ^ 1; $lnot$ext92 = $lnot91&1; $sub93 = (($div86) - ($lnot$ext92))|0; $cmp94 = ($91|0)<($sub93|0); if ($cmp94) { $99 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $cond113 = $99; break; } else { $100 = $tmp; $101 = $mode; $102 = HEAP32[$101>>2]|0; $mul98 = $102<<2; $add99 = (($100) + ($mul98))|0; $103 = $mode; $104 = HEAP32[$103>>2]|0; $mul101 = $104<<3; $div102 = (($add99|0) / ($mul101|0))&-1; $105 = $st$addr; $signalling103 = ((($105)) + 48|0); $106 = HEAP32[$signalling103>>2]|0; $tobool104 = ($106|0)!=(0); $lnot105 = $tobool104 ^ 1; $lnot107 = $lnot105 ^ 1; $lnot$ext108 = $lnot107&1; $sub109 = (($div102) - ($lnot$ext108))|0; $cond113 = $sub109; break; } } } while(0); $nbCompressedBytes$addr = $cond113; } $107 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $effectiveBytes = $107; } $108 = $st$addr; $bitrate116 = ((($108)) + 40|0); $109 = HEAP32[$bitrate116>>2]|0; $cmp117 = ($109|0)!=(-1); if ($cmp117) { $110 = $st$addr; $bitrate119 = ((($110)) + 40|0); $111 = HEAP32[$bitrate119>>2]|0; $112 = $C; $mul120 = ($112*40)|0; $add121 = (($mul120) + 20)|0; $113 = $LM; $shr122 = 400 >> $113; $sub123 = (($shr122) - 50)|0; $mul124 = Math_imul($add121, $sub123)|0; $sub125 = (($111) - ($mul124))|0; $equiv_rate = $sub125; } $114 = $enc$addr; $cmp127 = ($114|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp127) { $115 = $compressed$addr; $116 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; _ec_enc_init($_enc,$115,$116); $enc$addr = $_enc; } $117 = $vbr_rate; $cmp130 = ($117|0)>(0); if ($cmp130) { $118 = $st$addr; $constrained_vbr = ((($118)) + 52|0); $119 = HEAP32[$constrained_vbr>>2]|0; $tobool132 = ($119|0)!=(0); if ($tobool132) { $120 = $vbr_rate; $vbr_bound = $120; $121 = $tell; $cmp134 = ($121|0)==(1); $cond135 = $cmp134 ? 2 : 0; $122 = $vbr_rate; $123 = $vbr_bound; $add136 = (($122) + ($123))|0; $124 = $st$addr; $vbr_reservoir = ((($124)) + 164|0); $125 = HEAP32[$vbr_reservoir>>2]|0; $sub137 = (($add136) - ($125))|0; $shr138 = $sub137 >> 6; $cmp139 = ($cond135|0)>($shr138|0); if ($cmp139) { $126 = $tell; $cmp141 = ($126|0)==(1); $cond142 = $cmp141 ? 2 : 0; $cond149 = $cond142; } else { $127 = $vbr_rate; $128 = $vbr_bound; $add144 = (($127) + ($128))|0; $129 = $st$addr; $vbr_reservoir145 = ((($129)) + 164|0); $130 = HEAP32[$vbr_reservoir145>>2]|0; $sub146 = (($add144) - ($130))|0; $shr147 = $sub146 >> 6; $cond149 = $shr147; } $131 = $nbAvailableBytes; $cmp150 = ($cond149|0)<($131|0); do { if ($cmp150) { $132 = $tell; $cmp152 = ($132|0)==(1); $cond153 = $cmp152 ? 2 : 0; $133 = $vbr_rate; $134 = $vbr_bound; $add154 = (($133) + ($134))|0; $135 = $st$addr; $vbr_reservoir155 = ((($135)) + 164|0); $136 = HEAP32[$vbr_reservoir155>>2]|0; $sub156 = (($add154) - ($136))|0; $shr157 = $sub156 >> 6; $cmp158 = ($cond153|0)>($shr157|0); if ($cmp158) { $137 = $tell; $cmp160 = ($137|0)==(1); $cond161 = $cmp160 ? 2 : 0; $cond171 = $cond161; break; } else { $138 = $vbr_rate; $139 = $vbr_bound; $add163 = (($138) + ($139))|0; $140 = $st$addr; $vbr_reservoir164 = ((($140)) + 164|0); $141 = HEAP32[$vbr_reservoir164>>2]|0; $sub165 = (($add163) - ($141))|0; $shr166 = $sub165 >> 6; $cond171 = $shr166; break; } } else { $142 = $nbAvailableBytes; $cond171 = $142; } } while(0); $max_allowed = $cond171; $143 = $max_allowed; $144 = $nbAvailableBytes; $cmp172 = ($143|0)<($144|0); if ($cmp172) { $145 = $nbFilledBytes; $146 = $max_allowed; $add174 = (($145) + ($146))|0; $nbCompressedBytes$addr = $add174; $147 = $max_allowed; $nbAvailableBytes = $147; $148 = $enc$addr; $149 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; _ec_enc_shrink($148,$149); } } } $150 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $mul178 = $150<<3; $total_bits = $mul178; $151 = $end; $effEnd = $151; $152 = $effEnd; $153 = $mode; $effEBands = ((($153)) + 12|0); $154 = HEAP32[$effEBands>>2]|0; $cmp179 = ($152|0)>($154|0); if ($cmp179) { $155 = $mode; $effEBands181 = ((($155)) + 12|0); $156 = HEAP32[$effEBands181>>2]|0; $effEnd = $156; } $157 = $CC; $158 = $N; $159 = $overlap; $add183 = (($158) + ($159))|0; $mul184 = Math_imul($157, $add183)|0; $160 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $160; $vla$alloca_mul = $mul184<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $161 = $st$addr; $overlap_max = ((($161)) + 180|0); $162 = +HEAPF32[$overlap_max>>2]; $163 = $pcm$addr; $164 = $C; $165 = $N; $166 = $overlap; $sub185 = (($165) - ($166))|0; $mul186 = Math_imul($164, $sub185)|0; $167 = $st$addr; $upsample187 = ((($167)) + 28|0); $168 = HEAP32[$upsample187>>2]|0; $div188 = (($mul186|0) / ($168|0))&-1; $call189 = (+_celt_maxabs16($163,$div188)); $cmp190 = $162 > $call189; if ($cmp190) { $169 = $st$addr; $overlap_max192 = ((($169)) + 180|0); $170 = +HEAPF32[$overlap_max192>>2]; $cond200 = $170; } else { $171 = $pcm$addr; $172 = $C; $173 = $N; $174 = $overlap; $sub194 = (($173) - ($174))|0; $mul195 = Math_imul($172, $sub194)|0; $175 = $st$addr; $upsample196 = ((($175)) + 28|0); $176 = HEAP32[$upsample196>>2]|0; $div197 = (($mul195|0) / ($176|0))&-1; $call198 = (+_celt_maxabs16($171,$div197)); $cond200 = $call198; } $sample_max = $cond200; $177 = $pcm$addr; $178 = $C; $179 = $N; $180 = $overlap; $sub201 = (($179) - ($180))|0; $mul202 = Math_imul($178, $sub201)|0; $181 = $st$addr; $upsample203 = ((($181)) + 28|0); $182 = HEAP32[$upsample203>>2]|0; $div204 = (($mul202|0) / ($182|0))&-1; $add$ptr205 = (($177) + ($div204<<2)|0); $183 = $C; $184 = $overlap; $mul206 = Math_imul($183, $184)|0; $185 = $st$addr; $upsample207 = ((($185)) + 28|0); $186 = HEAP32[$upsample207>>2]|0; $div208 = (($mul206|0) / ($186|0))&-1; $call209 = (+_celt_maxabs16($add$ptr205,$div208)); $187 = $st$addr; $overlap_max210 = ((($187)) + 180|0); HEAPF32[$overlap_max210>>2] = $call209; $188 = $sample_max; $189 = $st$addr; $overlap_max211 = ((($189)) + 180|0); $190 = +HEAPF32[$overlap_max211>>2]; $cmp212 = $188 > $190; if ($cmp212) { $191 = $sample_max; $cond217 = $191; } else { $192 = $st$addr; $overlap_max215 = ((($192)) + 180|0); $193 = +HEAPF32[$overlap_max215>>2]; $cond217 = $193; } $sample_max = $cond217; $194 = $sample_max; $195 = $st$addr; $lsb_depth = ((($195)) + 60|0); $196 = HEAP32[$lsb_depth>>2]|0; $shl218 = 1 << $196; $conv = (+($shl218|0)); $div219 = 1.0 / $conv; $cmp220 = $194 <= $div219; $conv221 = $cmp220&1; $silence = $conv221; $197 = $tell; $cmp222 = ($197|0)==(1); if ($cmp222) { $198 = $enc$addr; $199 = $silence; _ec_enc_bit_logp($198,$199,15); } else { $silence = 0; } $200 = $silence; $tobool227 = ($200|0)!=(0); if ($tobool227) { $201 = $vbr_rate; $cmp229 = ($201|0)>(0); if ($cmp229) { $202 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $203 = $nbFilledBytes; $add232 = (($203) + 2)|0; $cmp233 = ($202|0)<($add232|0); $204 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $205 = $nbFilledBytes; $add237 = (($205) + 2)|0; $cond239 = $cmp233 ? $204 : $add237; $nbCompressedBytes$addr = $cond239; $effectiveBytes = $cond239; $206 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $mul240 = $206<<3; $total_bits = $mul240; $nbAvailableBytes = 2; $207 = $enc$addr; $208 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; _ec_enc_shrink($207,$208); } $209 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $mul242 = $209<<3; $tell = $mul242; $210 = $tell; $211 = $enc$addr; $call243 = (_ec_tell_50($211)|0); $sub244 = (($210) - ($call243))|0; $212 = $enc$addr; $nbits_total = ((($212)) + 20|0); $213 = HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2]|0; $add245 = (($213) + ($sub244))|0; HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2] = $add245; } $c = 0; while(1) { $need_clip = 0; $214 = $st$addr; $clip = ((($214)) + 16|0); $215 = HEAP32[$clip>>2]|0; $tobool247 = ($215|0)!=(0); $216 = $sample_max; $cmp248 = $216 > 65536.0; $217 = $tobool247 ? $cmp248 : 0; $land$ext = $217&1; $need_clip = $land$ext; $218 = $pcm$addr; $219 = $c; $add$ptr250 = (($218) + ($219<<2)|0); $220 = $c; $221 = $N; $222 = $overlap; $add251 = (($221) + ($222))|0; $mul252 = Math_imul($220, $add251)|0; $add$ptr253 = (($vla) + ($mul252<<2)|0); $223 = $overlap; $add$ptr254 = (($add$ptr253) + ($223<<2)|0); $224 = $N; $225 = $CC; $226 = $st$addr; $upsample255 = ((($226)) + 28|0); $227 = HEAP32[$upsample255>>2]|0; $228 = $mode; $preemph = ((($228)) + 16|0); $229 = $st$addr; $preemph_memE = ((($229)) + 148|0); $230 = $c; $add$ptr258 = (($preemph_memE) + ($230<<2)|0); $231 = $need_clip; _celt_preemphasis($add$ptr250,$add$ptr254,$224,$225,$227,$preemph,$add$ptr258,$231); $232 = $c; $inc259 = (($232) + 1)|0; $c = $inc259; $233 = $CC; $cmp260 = ($inc259|0)<($233|0); if (!($cmp260)) { break; } } $234 = $st$addr; $lfe = ((($234)) + 68|0); $235 = HEAP32[$lfe>>2]|0; $tobool262 = ($235|0)!=(0); $236 = $nbAvailableBytes; $cmp264 = ($236|0)>(3); $or$cond1 = $tobool262 & $cmp264; if ($or$cond1) { $$old = $start; $cmp271$old = ($$old|0)!=(0); $$old3 = $silence; $tobool274$old = ($$old3|0)!=(0); $or$cond6 = $cmp271$old | $tobool274$old; if ($or$cond6) { $251 = 0; } else { label = 63; } } else { $237 = $nbAvailableBytes; $238 = $C; $mul267 = ($238*12)|0; $cmp268 = ($237|0)>($mul267|0); $239 = $start; $cmp271 = ($239|0)==(0); $or$cond2 = $cmp268 & $cmp271; $or$cond2$not = $or$cond2 ^ 1; $240 = $silence; $tobool274 = ($240|0)!=(0); $or$cond4 = $or$cond2$not | $tobool274; if ($or$cond4) { $251 = 0; } else { label = 63; } } if ((label|0) == 63) { $241 = $st$addr; $disable_pf = ((($241)) + 20|0); $242 = HEAP32[$disable_pf>>2]|0; $tobool276 = ($242|0)!=(0); if ($tobool276) { $251 = 0; } else { $243 = $st$addr; $complexity = ((($243)) + 24|0); $244 = HEAP32[$complexity>>2]|0; $cmp278 = ($244|0)>=(5); if ($cmp278) { $245 = $st$addr; $consec_transient = ((($245)) + 116|0); $246 = HEAP32[$consec_transient>>2]|0; $tobool281 = ($246|0)!=(0); $247 = $LM; $cmp283 = ($247|0)!=(3); $or$cond8 = $tobool281 & $cmp283; if ($or$cond8) { $248 = $st$addr; $variable_duration = ((($248)) + 64|0); $249 = HEAP32[$variable_duration>>2]|0; $cmp286 = ($249|0)==(5010); $250 = $cmp286; } else { $250 = 0; } $lnot290 = $250 ^ 1; $251 = $lnot290; } else { $251 = 0; } } } $land$ext293 = $251&1; $enabled = $land$ext293; $252 = $st$addr; $tapset_decision = ((($252)) + 100|0); $253 = HEAP32[$tapset_decision>>2]|0; $prefilter_tapset = $253; $254 = $st$addr; $255 = $prefilter_mem; $256 = $CC; $257 = $N; $258 = $prefilter_tapset; $259 = $enabled; $260 = $nbAvailableBytes; $call294 = (_run_prefilter($254,$vla,$255,$256,$257,$258,$pitch_index,$gain1,$qg,$259,$260)|0); $pf_on = $call294; $261 = +HEAPF32[$gain1>>2]; $cmp295 = $261 > 0.40000000596046448; if ($cmp295) { label = 70; } else { $262 = $st$addr; $prefilter_gain = ((($262)) + 108|0); $263 = +HEAPF32[$prefilter_gain>>2]; $cmp298 = $263 > 0.40000000596046448; if ($cmp298) { label = 70; } } do { if ((label|0) == 70) { $264 = $st$addr; $analysis = ((($264)) + 120|0); $265 = HEAP32[$analysis>>2]|0; $tobool301 = ($265|0)!=(0); if ($tobool301) { $266 = $st$addr; $analysis303 = ((($266)) + 120|0); $tonality = ((($analysis303)) + 4|0); $267 = +HEAPF32[$tonality>>2]; $conv304 = $267; $cmp305 = $conv304 > 0.29999999999999999; if (!($cmp305)) { break; } } $268 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; $conv308 = (+($268|0)); $269 = $st$addr; $prefilter_period = ((($269)) + 104|0); $270 = HEAP32[$prefilter_period>>2]|0; $conv309 = (+($270|0)); $mul310 = 1.26 * $conv309; $cmp311 = $conv308 > $mul310; if (!($cmp311)) { $271 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; $conv314 = (+($271|0)); $272 = $st$addr; $prefilter_period315 = ((($272)) + 104|0); $273 = HEAP32[$prefilter_period315>>2]|0; $conv316 = (+($273|0)); $mul317 = 0.79000000000000004 * $conv316; $cmp318 = $conv314 < $mul317; if (!($cmp318)) { break; } } $pitch_change = 1; } } while(0); $274 = $pf_on; $cmp322 = ($274|0)==(0); if ($cmp322) { $275 = $start; $cmp325 = ($275|0)==(0); if ($cmp325) { $276 = $tell; $add328 = (($276) + 16)|0; $277 = $total_bits; $cmp329 = ($add328|0)<=($277|0); if ($cmp329) { $278 = $enc$addr; _ec_enc_bit_logp($278,0,1); } } } else { $279 = $enc$addr; _ec_enc_bit_logp($279,1,1); $280 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; $add334 = (($280) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2] = $add334; $281 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; $282 = (Math_clz32(($281|0))|0); $sub335 = (32 - ($282))|0; $sub336 = (($sub335) - 5)|0; $octave = $sub336; $283 = $enc$addr; $284 = $octave; _ec_enc_uint($283,$284,6); $285 = $enc$addr; $286 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; $287 = $octave; $shl337 = 16 << $287; $sub338 = (($286) - ($shl337))|0; $288 = $octave; $add339 = (4 + ($288))|0; _ec_enc_bits($285,$sub338,$add339); $289 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; $sub340 = (($289) - 1)|0; HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2] = $sub340; $290 = $enc$addr; $291 = HEAP32[$qg>>2]|0; _ec_enc_bits($290,$291,3); $292 = $enc$addr; $293 = $prefilter_tapset; _ec_enc_icdf($292,$293,25786,2); } $isTransient = 0; $shortBlocks = 0; $294 = $st$addr; $complexity342 = ((($294)) + 24|0); $295 = HEAP32[$complexity342>>2]|0; $cmp343 = ($295|0)>=(1); if ($cmp343) { $296 = $st$addr; $lfe346 = ((($296)) + 68|0); $297 = HEAP32[$lfe346>>2]|0; $tobool347 = ($297|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool347)) { $298 = $N; $299 = $overlap; $add349 = (($298) + ($299))|0; $300 = $CC; $call350 = (_transient_analysis($vla,$add349,$300,$tf_estimate,$tf_chan)|0); $isTransient = $call350; } } $301 = $LM; $cmp352 = ($301|0)>(0); if ($cmp352) { $302 = $enc$addr; $call355 = (_ec_tell_50($302)|0); $add356 = (($call355) + 3)|0; $303 = $total_bits; $cmp357 = ($add356|0)<=($303|0); if ($cmp357) { $304 = $isTransient; $tobool360 = ($304|0)!=(0); if ($tobool360) { $305 = $M; $shortBlocks = $305; } } else { label = 87; } } else { label = 87; } if ((label|0) == 87) { $isTransient = 0; $transient_got_disabled = 1; } $306 = $CC; $307 = $N; $mul365 = Math_imul($306, $307)|0; $vla366$alloca_mul = $mul365<<2; $vla366 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla366$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla366$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $308 = $nbEBands; $309 = $CC; $mul367 = Math_imul($308, $309)|0; $vla368$alloca_mul = $mul367<<2; $vla368 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla368$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla368$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $310 = $nbEBands; $311 = $CC; $mul369 = Math_imul($310, $311)|0; $vla370$alloca_mul = $mul369<<2; $vla370 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla370$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla370$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $312 = $shortBlocks; $tobool371 = ($312|0)!=(0); if ($tobool371) { $313 = $st$addr; $complexity373 = ((($313)) + 24|0); $314 = HEAP32[$complexity373>>2]|0; $cmp374 = ($314|0)>=(8); $315 = $cmp374; } else { $315 = 0; } $land$ext377 = $315&1; $secondMdct = $land$ext377; $316 = $C; $317 = $nbEBands; $mul378 = Math_imul($316, $317)|0; $vla379$alloca_mul = $mul378<<2; $vla379 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla379$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla379$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $318 = $secondMdct; $tobool380 = ($318|0)!=(0); L128: do { if ($tobool380) { $319 = $mode; $320 = $C; $321 = $CC; $322 = $LM; $323 = $st$addr; $upsample382 = ((($323)) + 28|0); $324 = HEAP32[$upsample382>>2]|0; $325 = $st$addr; $arch = ((($325)) + 72|0); $326 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; _compute_mdcts($319,0,$vla,$vla366,$320,$321,$322,$324,$326); $327 = $mode; $328 = $effEnd; $329 = $C; $330 = $LM; _compute_band_energies($327,$vla366,$vla368,$328,$329,$330); $331 = $mode; $332 = $effEnd; $333 = $end; $334 = $C; _amp2Log2($331,$332,$333,$vla368,$vla379,$334); $i = 0; while(1) { $335 = $i; $336 = $C; $337 = $nbEBands; $mul384 = Math_imul($336, $337)|0; $cmp385 = ($335|0)<($mul384|0); if (!($cmp385)) { break L128; } $338 = $LM; $conv388 = (+($338|0)); $mul389 = 0.5 * $conv388; $339 = $i; $arrayidx = (($vla379) + ($339<<2)|0); $340 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $add390 = $340 + $mul389; HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2] = $add390; $341 = $i; $inc392 = (($341) + 1)|0; $i = $inc392; } } } while(0); $342 = $mode; $343 = $shortBlocks; $344 = $C; $345 = $CC; $346 = $LM; $347 = $st$addr; $upsample395 = ((($347)) + 28|0); $348 = HEAP32[$upsample395>>2]|0; $349 = $st$addr; $arch396 = ((($349)) + 72|0); $350 = HEAP32[$arch396>>2]|0; _compute_mdcts($342,$343,$vla,$vla366,$344,$345,$346,$348,$350); $351 = $CC; $cmp397 = ($351|0)==(2); $352 = $C; $cmp400 = ($352|0)==(1); $or$cond10 = $cmp397 & $cmp400; if ($or$cond10) { HEAP32[$tf_chan>>2] = 0; } $353 = $mode; $354 = $effEnd; $355 = $C; $356 = $LM; _compute_band_energies($353,$vla366,$vla368,$354,$355,$356); $357 = $st$addr; $lfe404 = ((($357)) + 68|0); $358 = HEAP32[$lfe404>>2]|0; $tobool405 = ($358|0)!=(0); L137: do { if ($tobool405) { $i = 2; while(1) { $359 = $i; $360 = $end; $cmp408 = ($359|0)<($360|0); if (!($cmp408)) { break L137; } $361 = $i; $arrayidx411 = (($vla368) + ($361<<2)|0); $362 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx411>>2]; $363 = +HEAPF32[$vla368>>2]; $mul413 = 9.9999997473787516E-5 * $363; $cmp414 = $362 < $mul413; if ($cmp414) { $364 = $i; $arrayidx417 = (($vla368) + ($364<<2)|0); $365 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx417>>2]; $cond422 = $365; } else { $366 = +HEAPF32[$vla368>>2]; $mul420 = 9.9999997473787516E-5 * $366; $cond422 = $mul420; } $367 = $i; $arrayidx423 = (($vla368) + ($367<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx423>>2] = $cond422; $368 = $i; $arrayidx424 = (($vla368) + ($368<<2)|0); $369 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx424>>2]; $cmp425 = $369 > 1.0000000036274937E-15; if ($cmp425) { $370 = $i; $arrayidx428 = (($vla368) + ($370<<2)|0); $371 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx428>>2]; $cond431 = $371; } else { $cond431 = 1.0000000036274937E-15; } $372 = $i; $arrayidx432 = (($vla368) + ($372<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx432>>2] = $cond431; $373 = $i; $inc434 = (($373) + 1)|0; $i = $inc434; } } } while(0); $374 = $mode; $375 = $effEnd; $376 = $end; $377 = $C; _amp2Log2($374,$375,$376,$vla368,$vla370,$377); $378 = $C; $379 = $nbEBands; $mul437 = Math_imul($378, $379)|0; $vla438$alloca_mul = $mul437<<2; $vla438 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla438$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla438$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $380 = $end; $mul439 = $380<<2; _memset(($vla438|0),0,($mul439|0))|0; $381 = $start; $cmp440 = ($381|0)==(0); do { if ($cmp440) { $382 = $st$addr; $energy_mask = ((($382)) + 192|0); $383 = HEAP32[$energy_mask>>2]|0; $tobool443 = ($383|0)!=(0|0); if (!($tobool443)) { break; } $384 = $st$addr; $lfe445 = ((($384)) + 68|0); $385 = HEAP32[$lfe445>>2]|0; $tobool446 = ($385|0)!=(0); if ($tobool446) { break; } $mask_avg = 0.0; $diff = 0.0; $count = 0; $386 = $st$addr; $lastCodedBands = ((($386)) + 92|0); $387 = HEAP32[$lastCodedBands>>2]|0; $cmp448 = (2)>($387|0); if ($cmp448) { $cond454 = 2; } else { $388 = $st$addr; $lastCodedBands452 = ((($388)) + 92|0); $389 = HEAP32[$lastCodedBands452>>2]|0; $cond454 = $389; } $mask_end = $cond454; $c = 0; while(1) { $390 = $c; $391 = $C; $cmp456 = ($390|0)<($391|0); if (!($cmp456)) { break; } $i = 0; while(1) { $392 = $i; $393 = $mask_end; $cmp460 = ($392|0)<($393|0); if (!($cmp460)) { break; } $394 = $st$addr; $energy_mask463 = ((($394)) + 192|0); $395 = HEAP32[$energy_mask463>>2]|0; $396 = $nbEBands; $397 = $c; $mul464 = Math_imul($396, $397)|0; $398 = $i; $add465 = (($mul464) + ($398))|0; $arrayidx466 = (($395) + ($add465<<2)|0); $399 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx466>>2]; $cmp467 = $399 < 0.25; if ($cmp467) { $400 = $st$addr; $energy_mask470 = ((($400)) + 192|0); $401 = HEAP32[$energy_mask470>>2]|0; $402 = $nbEBands; $403 = $c; $mul471 = Math_imul($402, $403)|0; $404 = $i; $add472 = (($mul471) + ($404))|0; $arrayidx473 = (($401) + ($add472<<2)|0); $405 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx473>>2]; $cond476 = $405; } else { $cond476 = 0.25; } $cmp477 = $cond476 > -2.0; do { if ($cmp477) { $406 = $st$addr; $energy_mask480 = ((($406)) + 192|0); $407 = HEAP32[$energy_mask480>>2]|0; $408 = $nbEBands; $409 = $c; $mul481 = Math_imul($408, $409)|0; $410 = $i; $add482 = (($mul481) + ($410))|0; $arrayidx483 = (($407) + ($add482<<2)|0); $411 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx483>>2]; $cmp484 = $411 < 0.25; if (!($cmp484)) { $cond496 = 0.25; break; } $412 = $st$addr; $energy_mask487 = ((($412)) + 192|0); $413 = HEAP32[$energy_mask487>>2]|0; $414 = $nbEBands; $415 = $c; $mul488 = Math_imul($414, $415)|0; $416 = $i; $add489 = (($mul488) + ($416))|0; $arrayidx490 = (($413) + ($add489<<2)|0); $417 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx490>>2]; $cond496 = $417; } else { $cond496 = -2.0; } } while(0); $mask = $cond496; $418 = $mask; $cmp497 = $418 > 0.0; if ($cmp497) { $419 = $mask; $mul500 = 0.5 * $419; $mask = $mul500; } $420 = $mask; $421 = $eBands; $422 = $i; $add502 = (($422) + 1)|0; $arrayidx503 = (($421) + ($add502<<1)|0); $423 = HEAP16[$arrayidx503>>1]|0; $conv504 = $423 << 16 >> 16; $424 = $eBands; $425 = $i; $arrayidx505 = (($424) + ($425<<1)|0); $426 = HEAP16[$arrayidx505>>1]|0; $conv506 = $426 << 16 >> 16; $sub507 = (($conv504) - ($conv506))|0; $conv508 = (+($sub507|0)); $mul509 = $420 * $conv508; $427 = $mask_avg; $add510 = $427 + $mul509; $mask_avg = $add510; $428 = $eBands; $429 = $i; $add511 = (($429) + 1)|0; $arrayidx512 = (($428) + ($add511<<1)|0); $430 = HEAP16[$arrayidx512>>1]|0; $conv513 = $430 << 16 >> 16; $431 = $eBands; $432 = $i; $arrayidx514 = (($431) + ($432<<1)|0); $433 = HEAP16[$arrayidx514>>1]|0; $conv515 = $433 << 16 >> 16; $sub516 = (($conv513) - ($conv515))|0; $434 = $count; $add517 = (($434) + ($sub516))|0; $count = $add517; $435 = $mask; $436 = $i; $mul518 = $436<<1; $add519 = (1 + ($mul518))|0; $437 = $mask_end; $sub520 = (($add519) - ($437))|0; $conv521 = (+($sub520|0)); $mul522 = $435 * $conv521; $438 = $diff; $add523 = $438 + $mul522; $diff = $add523; $439 = $i; $inc525 = (($439) + 1)|0; $i = $inc525; } $440 = $c; $inc528 = (($440) + 1)|0; $c = $inc528; } $441 = $mask_avg; $442 = $count; $conv530 = (+($442|0)); $div531 = $441 / $conv530; $mask_avg = $div531; $443 = $mask_avg; $add532 = $443 + 0.20000000298023224; $mask_avg = $add532; $444 = $diff; $mul533 = $444 * 6.0; $445 = $C; $446 = $mask_end; $sub534 = (($446) - 1)|0; $mul535 = Math_imul($445, $sub534)|0; $447 = $mask_end; $add536 = (($447) + 1)|0; $mul537 = Math_imul($mul535, $add536)|0; $448 = $mask_end; $mul538 = Math_imul($mul537, $448)|0; $conv539 = (+($mul538|0)); $div540 = $mul533 / $conv539; $diff = $div540; $449 = $diff; $mul541 = 0.5 * $449; $diff = $mul541; $450 = $diff; $cmp542 = $450 < 0.030999999493360519; $451 = $diff; $cond547 = $cmp542 ? $451 : 0.030999999493360519; $cmp548 = $cond547 > -0.030999999493360519; if ($cmp548) { $452 = $diff; $cmp551 = $452 < 0.030999999493360519; $453 = $diff; $cond556 = $cmp551 ? $453 : 0.030999999493360519; $cond559 = $cond556; } else { $cond559 = -0.030999999493360519; } $diff = $cond559; $midband = 0; while(1) { $454 = $eBands; $455 = $midband; $add561 = (($455) + 1)|0; $arrayidx562 = (($454) + ($add561<<1)|0); $456 = HEAP16[$arrayidx562>>1]|0; $conv563 = $456 << 16 >> 16; $457 = $eBands; $458 = $mask_end; $arrayidx564 = (($457) + ($458<<1)|0); $459 = HEAP16[$arrayidx564>>1]|0; $conv565 = $459 << 16 >> 16; $div566 = (($conv565|0) / 2)&-1; $cmp567 = ($conv563|0)<($div566|0); if (!($cmp567)) { break; } $460 = $midband; $inc571 = (($460) + 1)|0; $midband = $inc571; } $count_dynalloc = 0; $i = 0; while(1) { $461 = $i; $462 = $mask_end; $cmp574 = ($461|0)<($462|0); if (!($cmp574)) { break; } $463 = $mask_avg; $464 = $diff; $465 = $i; $466 = $midband; $sub577 = (($465) - ($466))|0; $conv578 = (+($sub577|0)); $mul579 = $464 * $conv578; $add580 = $463 + $mul579; $lin = $add580; $467 = $C; $cmp581 = ($467|0)==(2); $468 = $st$addr; $energy_mask584 = ((($468)) + 192|0); $469 = HEAP32[$energy_mask584>>2]|0; $470 = $i; $arrayidx585 = (($469) + ($470<<2)|0); $471 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx585>>2]; if ($cmp581) { $472 = $st$addr; $energy_mask586 = ((($472)) + 192|0); $473 = HEAP32[$energy_mask586>>2]|0; $474 = $nbEBands; $475 = $i; $add587 = (($474) + ($475))|0; $arrayidx588 = (($473) + ($add587<<2)|0); $476 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx588>>2]; $cmp589 = $471 > $476; $477 = $st$addr; $energy_mask592 = ((($477)) + 192|0); $478 = HEAP32[$energy_mask592>>2]|0; if ($cmp589) { $479 = $i; $add596$sink = $479; } else { $480 = $nbEBands; $481 = $i; $add596 = (($480) + ($481))|0; $add596$sink = $add596; } $arrayidx597 = (($478) + ($add596$sink<<2)|0); $482 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx597>>2]; $unmask = $482; } else { $unmask = $471; } $483 = $unmask; $cmp604 = $483 < 0.0; $484 = $unmask; $cond609 = $cmp604 ? $484 : 0.0; $unmask = $cond609; $485 = $lin; $486 = $unmask; $sub610 = $486 - $485; $unmask = $sub610; $487 = $unmask; $cmp611 = $487 > 0.25; if ($cmp611) { $488 = $unmask; $sub614 = $488 - 0.25; $489 = $i; $arrayidx615 = (($vla438) + ($489<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx615>>2] = $sub614; $490 = $count_dynalloc; $inc616 = (($490) + 1)|0; $count_dynalloc = $inc616; } $491 = $i; $inc619 = (($491) + 1)|0; $i = $inc619; } $492 = $count_dynalloc; $cmp621 = ($492|0)>=(3); L197: do { if ($cmp621) { $493 = $mask_avg; $add624 = $493 + 0.25; $mask_avg = $add624; $494 = $mask_avg; $cmp625 = $494 > 0.0; if ($cmp625) { $mask_avg = 0.0; $diff = 0.0; $495 = $mask_end; $mul628 = $495<<2; _memset(($vla438|0),0,($mul628|0))|0; break; } $i = 0; while(1) { $496 = $i; $497 = $mask_end; $cmp631 = ($496|0)<($497|0); if (!($cmp631)) { break L197; } $498 = $i; $arrayidx634 = (($vla438) + ($498<<2)|0); $499 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx634>>2]; $sub635 = $499 - 0.25; $cmp636 = 0.0 > $sub635; if ($cmp636) { $cond643 = 0.0; } else { $500 = $i; $arrayidx640 = (($vla438) + ($500<<2)|0); $501 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx640>>2]; $sub641 = $501 - 0.25; $cond643 = $sub641; } $502 = $i; $arrayidx644 = (($vla438) + ($502<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx644>>2] = $cond643; $503 = $i; $inc646 = (($503) + 1)|0; $i = $inc646; } } } while(0); $504 = $mask_avg; $add650 = $504 + 0.20000000298023224; $mask_avg = $add650; $505 = $diff; $mul651 = 64.0 * $505; $surround_trim = $mul651; $506 = $mask_avg; $surround_masking = $506; } } while(0); $507 = $st$addr; $lfe653 = ((($507)) + 68|0); $508 = HEAP32[$lfe653>>2]|0; $tobool654 = ($508|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool654)) { $follow = -10.0; $frame_avg = 0.0; $509 = $shortBlocks; $tobool656 = ($509|0)!=(0); if ($tobool656) { $510 = $LM; $conv658 = (+($510|0)); $mul659 = 0.5 * $conv658; $cond662 = $mul659; } else { $cond662 = 0.0; } $offset = $cond662; $511 = $start; $i = $511; while(1) { $512 = $i; $513 = $end; $cmp664 = ($512|0)<($513|0); if (!($cmp664)) { break; } $514 = $follow; $sub667 = $514 - 1.0; $515 = $i; $arrayidx668 = (($vla370) + ($515<<2)|0); $516 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx668>>2]; $517 = $offset; $sub669 = $516 - $517; $cmp670 = $sub667 > $sub669; if ($cmp670) { $518 = $follow; $sub673 = $518 - 1.0; $cond678 = $sub673; } else { $519 = $i; $arrayidx675 = (($vla370) + ($519<<2)|0); $520 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx675>>2]; $521 = $offset; $sub676 = $520 - $521; $cond678 = $sub676; } $follow = $cond678; $522 = $C; $cmp679 = ($522|0)==(2); if ($cmp679) { $523 = $follow; $524 = $i; $525 = $nbEBands; $add682 = (($524) + ($525))|0; $arrayidx683 = (($vla370) + ($add682<<2)|0); $526 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx683>>2]; $527 = $offset; $sub684 = $526 - $527; $cmp685 = $523 > $sub684; if ($cmp685) { $528 = $follow; $cond693 = $528; } else { $529 = $i; $530 = $nbEBands; $add689 = (($529) + ($530))|0; $arrayidx690 = (($vla370) + ($add689<<2)|0); $531 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx690>>2]; $532 = $offset; $sub691 = $531 - $532; $cond693 = $sub691; } $follow = $cond693; } $533 = $follow; $534 = $frame_avg; $add695 = $534 + $533; $frame_avg = $add695; $535 = $i; $inc697 = (($535) + 1)|0; $i = $inc697; } $536 = $end; $537 = $start; $sub699 = (($536) - ($537))|0; $conv700 = (+($sub699|0)); $538 = $frame_avg; $div701 = $538 / $conv700; $frame_avg = $div701; $539 = $frame_avg; $540 = $st$addr; $spec_avg = ((($540)) + 196|0); $541 = +HEAPF32[$spec_avg>>2]; $sub702 = $539 - $541; $temporal_vbr = $sub702; $542 = $temporal_vbr; $cmp703 = -1.5 > $542; $543 = $temporal_vbr; $cond708 = $cmp703 ? -1.5 : $543; $cmp709 = 3.0 < $cond708; if ($cmp709) { $cond720 = 3.0; } else { $544 = $temporal_vbr; $cmp713 = -1.5 > $544; $545 = $temporal_vbr; $cond718 = $cmp713 ? -1.5 : $545; $cond720 = $cond718; } $temporal_vbr = $cond720; $546 = $temporal_vbr; $mul721 = 0.019999999552965164 * $546; $547 = $st$addr; $spec_avg722 = ((($547)) + 196|0); $548 = +HEAPF32[$spec_avg722>>2]; $add723 = $548 + $mul721; HEAPF32[$spec_avg722>>2] = $add723; } $549 = $secondMdct; $tobool725 = ($549|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool725)) { $550 = $C; $551 = $nbEBands; $mul727 = Math_imul($550, $551)|0; $mul728 = $mul727<<2; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $vla379; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $vla370; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul729 = 0; $add730 = (($mul728) + ($mul729))|0; _memcpy(($vla379|0),($vla370|0),($add730|0))|0; } $552 = $LM; $cmp732 = ($552|0)>(0); do { if ($cmp732) { $553 = $enc$addr; $call735 = (_ec_tell_50($553)|0); $add736 = (($call735) + 3)|0; $554 = $total_bits; $cmp737 = ($add736|0)>($554|0); $555 = $isTransient; $tobool740 = ($555|0)!=(0); $or$cond12 = $cmp737 | $tobool740; if ($or$cond12) { break; } $556 = $st$addr; $complexity742 = ((($556)) + 24|0); $557 = HEAP32[$complexity742>>2]|0; $cmp743 = ($557|0)>=(5); if (!($cmp743)) { break; } $558 = $st$addr; $lfe746 = ((($558)) + 68|0); $559 = HEAP32[$lfe746>>2]|0; $tobool747 = ($559|0)!=(0); if ($tobool747) { break; } $560 = $oldBandE; $561 = $nbEBands; $562 = $start; $563 = $end; $564 = $C; $call749 = (_patch_transient_decision($vla370,$560,$561,$562,$563,$564)|0); $tobool750 = ($call749|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool750)) { break; } $isTransient = 1; $565 = $M; $shortBlocks = $565; $566 = $mode; $567 = $shortBlocks; $568 = $C; $569 = $CC; $570 = $LM; $571 = $st$addr; $upsample752 = ((($571)) + 28|0); $572 = HEAP32[$upsample752>>2]|0; $573 = $st$addr; $arch753 = ((($573)) + 72|0); $574 = HEAP32[$arch753>>2]|0; _compute_mdcts($566,$567,$vla,$vla366,$568,$569,$570,$572,$574); $575 = $mode; $576 = $effEnd; $577 = $C; $578 = $LM; _compute_band_energies($575,$vla366,$vla368,$576,$577,$578); $579 = $mode; $580 = $effEnd; $581 = $end; $582 = $C; _amp2Log2($579,$580,$581,$vla368,$vla370,$582); $i = 0; while(1) { $583 = $i; $584 = $C; $585 = $nbEBands; $mul755 = Math_imul($584, $585)|0; $cmp756 = ($583|0)<($mul755|0); if (!($cmp756)) { break; } $586 = $LM; $conv759 = (+($586|0)); $mul760 = 0.5 * $conv759; $587 = $i; $arrayidx761 = (($vla379) + ($587<<2)|0); $588 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx761>>2]; $add762 = $588 + $mul760; HEAPF32[$arrayidx761>>2] = $add762; $589 = $i; $inc764 = (($589) + 1)|0; $i = $inc764; } HEAPF32[$tf_estimate>>2] = 0.20000000298023224; } } while(0); $590 = $LM; $cmp768 = ($590|0)>(0); do { if ($cmp768) { $591 = $enc$addr; $call771 = (_ec_tell_50($591)|0); $add772 = (($call771) + 3)|0; $592 = $total_bits; $cmp773 = ($add772|0)<=($592|0); if (!($cmp773)) { break; } $593 = $enc$addr; $594 = $isTransient; _ec_enc_bit_logp($593,$594,3); } } while(0); $595 = $C; $596 = $N; $mul777 = Math_imul($595, $596)|0; $vla778$alloca_mul = $mul777<<2; $vla778 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla778$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla778$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $597 = $mode; $598 = $effEnd; $599 = $C; $600 = $M; _normalise_bands($597,$vla366,$vla778,$vla368,$598,$599,$600); $601 = $nbEBands; $vla779$alloca_mul = $601<<2; $vla779 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla779$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla779$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $602 = $effectiveBytes; $603 = $C; $mul780 = ($603*15)|0; $cmp781 = ($602|0)>=($mul780|0); $604 = $start; $cmp784 = ($604|0)==(0); $or$cond14 = $cmp781 & $cmp784; L252: do { if ($or$cond14) { $605 = $st$addr; $complexity787 = ((($605)) + 24|0); $606 = HEAP32[$complexity787>>2]|0; $cmp788 = ($606|0)>=(2); if (!($cmp788)) { label = 192; break; } $607 = $st$addr; $lfe791 = ((($607)) + 68|0); $608 = HEAP32[$lfe791>>2]|0; $tobool792 = ($608|0)!=(0); if ($tobool792) { label = 192; break; } $609 = $effectiveBytes; $cmp794 = ($609|0)<(40); do { if ($cmp794) { $lambda = 12; } else { $610 = $effectiveBytes; $cmp798 = ($610|0)<(60); if ($cmp798) { $lambda = 6; break; } $611 = $effectiveBytes; $cmp802 = ($611|0)<(100); if ($cmp802) { $lambda = 4; break; } else { $lambda = 3; break; } } } while(0); $612 = $lambda; $mul809 = $612<<1; $lambda = $mul809; $613 = $mode; $614 = $effEnd; $615 = $isTransient; $616 = $lambda; $617 = $N; $618 = $LM; $619 = +HEAPF32[$tf_estimate>>2]; $620 = HEAP32[$tf_chan>>2]|0; $call810 = (_tf_analysis($613,$614,$615,$vla779,$616,$vla778,$617,$618,$tf_sum,$619,$620)|0); $tf_select = $call810; $621 = $effEnd; $i = $621; while(1) { $622 = $i; $623 = $end; $cmp812 = ($622|0)<($623|0); if (!($cmp812)) { break L252; } $624 = $effEnd; $sub815 = (($624) - 1)|0; $arrayidx816 = (($vla779) + ($sub815<<2)|0); $625 = HEAP32[$arrayidx816>>2]|0; $626 = $i; $arrayidx817 = (($vla779) + ($626<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx817>>2] = $625; $627 = $i; $inc819 = (($627) + 1)|0; $i = $inc819; } } else { label = 192; } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 192) { HEAP32[$tf_sum>>2] = 0; $i = 0; while(1) { $628 = $i; $629 = $end; $cmp823 = ($628|0)<($629|0); if (!($cmp823)) { break; } $630 = $isTransient; $631 = $i; $arrayidx826 = (($vla779) + ($631<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx826>>2] = $630; $632 = $i; $inc828 = (($632) + 1)|0; $i = $inc828; } $tf_select = 0; } $633 = $C; $634 = $nbEBands; $mul831 = Math_imul($633, $634)|0; $vla832$alloca_mul = $mul831<<2; $vla832 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla832$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla832$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $635 = $mode; $636 = $start; $637 = $end; $638 = $effEnd; $639 = $oldBandE; $640 = $total_bits; $641 = $enc$addr; $642 = $C; $643 = $LM; $644 = $nbAvailableBytes; $645 = $st$addr; $force_intra = ((($645)) + 12|0); $646 = HEAP32[$force_intra>>2]|0; $647 = $st$addr; $delayedIntra = ((($647)) + 84|0); $648 = $st$addr; $complexity833 = ((($648)) + 24|0); $649 = HEAP32[$complexity833>>2]|0; $cmp834 = ($649|0)>=(4); $conv835 = $cmp834&1; $650 = $st$addr; $loss_rate = ((($650)) + 56|0); $651 = HEAP32[$loss_rate>>2]|0; $652 = $st$addr; $lfe836 = ((($652)) + 68|0); $653 = HEAP32[$lfe836>>2]|0; _quant_coarse_energy($635,$636,$637,$638,$vla370,$639,$640,$vla832,$641,$642,$643,$644,$646,$delayedIntra,$conv835,$651,$653); $654 = $start; $655 = $end; $656 = $isTransient; $657 = $LM; $658 = $tf_select; $659 = $enc$addr; _tf_encode($654,$655,$656,$vla779,$657,$658,$659); $660 = $enc$addr; $call837 = (_ec_tell_50($660)|0); $add838 = (($call837) + 4)|0; $661 = $total_bits; $cmp839 = ($add838|0)<=($661|0); if ($cmp839) { $662 = $st$addr; $lfe842 = ((($662)) + 68|0); $663 = HEAP32[$lfe842>>2]|0; $tobool843 = ($663|0)!=(0); L278: do { if ($tobool843) { $664 = $st$addr; $tapset_decision845 = ((($664)) + 100|0); HEAP32[$tapset_decision845>>2] = 0; $665 = $st$addr; $spread_decision = ((($665)) + 80|0); HEAP32[$spread_decision>>2] = 2; } else { $666 = $shortBlocks; $tobool847 = ($666|0)!=(0); do { if (!($tobool847)) { $667 = $st$addr; $complexity849 = ((($667)) + 24|0); $668 = HEAP32[$complexity849>>2]|0; $cmp850 = ($668|0)<(3); if ($cmp850) { break; } $669 = $nbAvailableBytes; $670 = $C; $mul853 = ($670*10)|0; $cmp854 = ($669|0)<($mul853|0); $671 = $start; $cmp857 = ($671|0)!=(0); $or$cond16 = $cmp854 | $cmp857; if ($or$cond16) { break; } $675 = $mode; $676 = $st$addr; $tonal_average = ((($676)) + 88|0); $677 = $st$addr; $spread_decision869 = ((($677)) + 80|0); $678 = HEAP32[$spread_decision869>>2]|0; $679 = $st$addr; $hf_average = ((($679)) + 96|0); $680 = $st$addr; $tapset_decision870 = ((($680)) + 100|0); $681 = $pf_on; $tobool871 = ($681|0)!=(0); if ($tobool871) { $682 = $shortBlocks; $tobool873 = ($682|0)!=(0); $lnot874 = $tobool873 ^ 1; $683 = $lnot874; } else { $683 = 0; } $land$ext877 = $683&1; $684 = $effEnd; $685 = $C; $686 = $M; $call878 = (_spreading_decision($675,$vla778,$tonal_average,$678,$hf_average,$tapset_decision870,$land$ext877,$684,$685,$686)|0); $687 = $st$addr; $spread_decision879 = ((($687)) + 80|0); HEAP32[$spread_decision879>>2] = $call878; break L278; } } while(0); $672 = $st$addr; $complexity860 = ((($672)) + 24|0); $673 = HEAP32[$complexity860>>2]|0; $cmp861 = ($673|0)==(0); $674 = $st$addr; $spread_decision864 = ((($674)) + 80|0); $$sink = $cmp861 ? 0 : 2; HEAP32[$spread_decision864>>2] = $$sink; } } while(0); $688 = $enc$addr; $689 = $st$addr; $spread_decision882 = ((($689)) + 80|0); $690 = HEAP32[$spread_decision882>>2]|0; _ec_enc_icdf($688,$690,25789,5); } $691 = $nbEBands; $vla884$alloca_mul = $691<<2; $vla884 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla884$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla884$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $692 = $nbEBands; $693 = $start; $694 = $end; $695 = $C; $696 = $st$addr; $lsb_depth885 = ((($696)) + 60|0); $697 = HEAP32[$lsb_depth885>>2]|0; $698 = $mode; $logN = ((($698)) + 56|0); $699 = HEAP32[$logN>>2]|0; $700 = $isTransient; $701 = $st$addr; $vbr886 = ((($701)) + 44|0); $702 = HEAP32[$vbr886>>2]|0; $703 = $st$addr; $constrained_vbr887 = ((($703)) + 52|0); $704 = HEAP32[$constrained_vbr887>>2]|0; $705 = $eBands; $706 = $LM; $707 = $effectiveBytes; $708 = $st$addr; $lfe888 = ((($708)) + 68|0); $709 = HEAP32[$lfe888>>2]|0; $call889 = (+_dynalloc_analysis($vla370,$vla379,$692,$693,$694,$695,$vla884,$697,$699,$700,$702,$704,$705,$706,$707,$tot_boost,$709,$vla438)); $maxDepth = $call889; $710 = $st$addr; $lfe890 = ((($710)) + 68|0); $711 = HEAP32[$lfe890>>2]|0; $tobool891 = ($711|0)!=(0); if ($tobool891) { $712 = $effectiveBytes; $div893 = (($712|0) / 3)&-1; $cmp894 = (8)<($div893|0); if ($cmp894) { $cond900 = 8; } else { $713 = $effectiveBytes; $div898 = (($713|0) / 3)&-1; $cond900 = $div898; } HEAP32[$vla884>>2] = $cond900; } $714 = $nbEBands; $vla903$alloca_mul = $714<<2; $vla903 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla903$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla903$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $715 = $mode; $716 = $LM; $717 = $C; _init_caps($715,$vla903,$716,$717); $dynalloc_logp = 6; $718 = $total_bits; $shl904 = $718 << 3; $total_bits = $shl904; $total_boost = 0; $719 = $enc$addr; $call905 = (_ec_tell_frac($719)|0); $tell = $call905; $720 = $start; $i = $720; while(1) { $721 = $i; $722 = $end; $cmp907 = ($721|0)<($722|0); $723 = $C; if (!($cmp907)) { break; } $724 = $eBands; $725 = $i; $add910 = (($725) + 1)|0; $arrayidx911 = (($724) + ($add910<<1)|0); $726 = HEAP16[$arrayidx911>>1]|0; $conv912 = $726 << 16 >> 16; $727 = $eBands; $728 = $i; $arrayidx913 = (($727) + ($728<<1)|0); $729 = HEAP16[$arrayidx913>>1]|0; $conv914 = $729 << 16 >> 16; $sub915 = (($conv912) - ($conv914))|0; $mul916 = Math_imul($723, $sub915)|0; $730 = $LM; $shl917 = $mul916 << $730; $width = $shl917; $731 = $width; $shl918 = $731 << 3; $732 = $width; $cmp919 = (48)>($732|0); $733 = $width; $cond924 = $cmp919 ? 48 : $733; $cmp925 = ($shl918|0)<($cond924|0); $734 = $width; if ($cmp925) { $shl928 = $734 << 3; $cond937 = $shl928; } else { $cmp930 = (48)>($734|0); $735 = $width; $cond935 = $cmp930 ? 48 : $735; $cond937 = $cond935; } $quanta = $cond937; $736 = $dynalloc_logp; $dynalloc_loop_logp = $736; $boost = 0; $j = 0; while(1) { $737 = $tell; $738 = $dynalloc_loop_logp; $shl939 = $738 << 3; $add940 = (($737) + ($shl939))|0; $739 = $total_bits; $740 = $total_boost; $sub941 = (($739) - ($740))|0; $cmp942 = ($add940|0)<($sub941|0); if (!($cmp942)) { break; } $741 = $boost; $742 = $i; $arrayidx945 = (($vla903) + ($742<<2)|0); $743 = HEAP32[$arrayidx945>>2]|0; $cmp946 = ($741|0)<($743|0); if (!($cmp946)) { break; } $744 = $j; $745 = $i; $arrayidx951 = (($vla884) + ($745<<2)|0); $746 = HEAP32[$arrayidx951>>2]|0; $cmp952 = ($744|0)<($746|0); $conv953 = $cmp952&1; $flag = $conv953; $747 = $enc$addr; $748 = $flag; $749 = $dynalloc_loop_logp; _ec_enc_bit_logp($747,$748,$749); $750 = $enc$addr; $call954 = (_ec_tell_frac($750)|0); $tell = $call954; $751 = $flag; $tobool955 = ($751|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool955)) { break; } $752 = $quanta; $753 = $boost; $add958 = (($753) + ($752))|0; $boost = $add958; $754 = $quanta; $755 = $total_boost; $add959 = (($755) + ($754))|0; $total_boost = $add959; $dynalloc_loop_logp = 1; $756 = $j; $inc961 = (($756) + 1)|0; $j = $inc961; } $757 = $j; $tobool963 = ($757|0)!=(0); if ($tobool963) { $758 = $dynalloc_logp; $sub965 = (($758) - 1)|0; $cmp966 = (2)>($sub965|0); $759 = $dynalloc_logp; $sub970 = (($759) - 1)|0; $cond972 = $cmp966 ? 2 : $sub970; $dynalloc_logp = $cond972; } $760 = $boost; $761 = $i; $arrayidx974 = (($vla884) + ($761<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx974>>2] = $760; $762 = $i; $inc976 = (($762) + 1)|0; $i = $inc976; } $cmp978 = ($723|0)==(2); if ($cmp978) { $763 = $LM; $cmp981 = ($763|0)!=(0); if ($cmp981) { $764 = $mode; $765 = $LM; $766 = $N; $call984 = (_stereo_analysis($764,$vla778,$765,$766)|0); HEAP32[$dual_stereo>>2] = $call984; } $767 = $equiv_rate; $div986 = (($767|0) / 1000)&-1; $conv987 = (+($div986|0)); $768 = $st$addr; $intensity = ((($768)) + 188|0); $769 = HEAP32[$intensity>>2]|0; $call988 = (_hysteresis_decision($conv987,4384,4468,21,$769)|0); $770 = $st$addr; $intensity989 = ((($770)) + 188|0); HEAP32[$intensity989>>2] = $call988; $771 = $end; $772 = $start; $773 = $st$addr; $intensity990 = ((($773)) + 188|0); $774 = HEAP32[$intensity990>>2]|0; $cmp991 = ($772|0)>($774|0); if ($cmp991) { $775 = $start; $cond997 = $775; } else { $776 = $st$addr; $intensity995 = ((($776)) + 188|0); $777 = HEAP32[$intensity995>>2]|0; $cond997 = $777; } $cmp998 = ($771|0)<($cond997|0); do { if ($cmp998) { $778 = $end; $cond1011 = $778; } else { $779 = $start; $780 = $st$addr; $intensity1002 = ((($780)) + 188|0); $781 = HEAP32[$intensity1002>>2]|0; $cmp1003 = ($779|0)>($781|0); if ($cmp1003) { $782 = $start; $cond1011 = $782; break; } else { $783 = $st$addr; $intensity1007 = ((($783)) + 188|0); $784 = HEAP32[$intensity1007>>2]|0; $cond1011 = $784; break; } } } while(0); $785 = $st$addr; $intensity1012 = ((($785)) + 188|0); HEAP32[$intensity1012>>2] = $cond1011; } $alloc_trim = 5; $786 = $tell; $add1014 = (($786) + 48)|0; $787 = $total_bits; $788 = $total_boost; $sub1015 = (($787) - ($788))|0; $cmp1016 = ($add1014|0)<=($sub1015|0); if ($cmp1016) { $789 = $st$addr; $lfe1019 = ((($789)) + 68|0); $790 = HEAP32[$lfe1019>>2]|0; $tobool1020 = ($790|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1020) { $alloc_trim = 5; } else { $791 = $mode; $792 = $end; $793 = $LM; $794 = $C; $795 = $N; $796 = $st$addr; $analysis1023 = ((($796)) + 120|0); $797 = $st$addr; $stereo_saving = ((($797)) + 184|0); $798 = +HEAPF32[$tf_estimate>>2]; $799 = $st$addr; $intensity1024 = ((($799)) + 188|0); $800 = HEAP32[$intensity1024>>2]|0; $801 = $surround_trim; $802 = $st$addr; $arch1025 = ((($802)) + 72|0); $803 = HEAP32[$arch1025>>2]|0; $call1026 = (_alloc_trim_analysis($791,$vla778,$vla370,$792,$793,$794,$795,$analysis1023,$stereo_saving,$798,$800,$801,$803)|0); $alloc_trim = $call1026; } $804 = $enc$addr; $805 = $alloc_trim; _ec_enc_icdf($804,$805,25793,7); $806 = $enc$addr; $call1028 = (_ec_tell_frac($806)|0); $tell = $call1028; } $807 = $vbr_rate; $cmp1030 = ($807|0)>(0); if ($cmp1030) { $808 = $mode; $maxLM1033 = ((($808)) + 36|0); $809 = HEAP32[$maxLM1033>>2]|0; $810 = $LM; $sub1034 = (($809) - ($810))|0; $lm_diff = $sub1034; $811 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $812 = $LM; $sub1035 = (3 - ($812))|0; $shr1036 = 1275 >> $sub1035; $cmp1037 = ($811|0)<($shr1036|0); if ($cmp1037) { $813 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $cond1044 = $813; } else { $814 = $LM; $sub1041 = (3 - ($814))|0; $shr1042 = 1275 >> $sub1041; $cond1044 = $shr1042; } $nbCompressedBytes$addr = $cond1044; $815 = $vbr_rate; $816 = $C; $mul1045 = ($816*40)|0; $add1046 = (($mul1045) + 20)|0; $shl1047 = $add1046 << 3; $sub1048 = (($815) - ($shl1047))|0; $base_target = $sub1048; $817 = $st$addr; $constrained_vbr1049 = ((($817)) + 52|0); $818 = HEAP32[$constrained_vbr1049>>2]|0; $tobool1050 = ($818|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1050) { $819 = $st$addr; $vbr_offset = ((($819)) + 172|0); $820 = HEAP32[$vbr_offset>>2]|0; $821 = $lm_diff; $shr1052 = $820 >> $821; $822 = $base_target; $add1053 = (($822) + ($shr1052))|0; $base_target = $add1053; } $823 = $mode; $824 = $st$addr; $analysis1055 = ((($824)) + 120|0); $825 = $base_target; $826 = $LM; $827 = $equiv_rate; $828 = $st$addr; $lastCodedBands1056 = ((($828)) + 92|0); $829 = HEAP32[$lastCodedBands1056>>2]|0; $830 = $C; $831 = $st$addr; $intensity1057 = ((($831)) + 188|0); $832 = HEAP32[$intensity1057>>2]|0; $833 = $st$addr; $constrained_vbr1058 = ((($833)) + 52|0); $834 = HEAP32[$constrained_vbr1058>>2]|0; $835 = $st$addr; $stereo_saving1059 = ((($835)) + 184|0); $836 = +HEAPF32[$stereo_saving1059>>2]; $837 = HEAP32[$tot_boost>>2]|0; $838 = +HEAPF32[$tf_estimate>>2]; $839 = $pitch_change; $840 = $maxDepth; $841 = $st$addr; $variable_duration1060 = ((($841)) + 64|0); $842 = HEAP32[$variable_duration1060>>2]|0; $843 = $st$addr; $lfe1061 = ((($843)) + 68|0); $844 = HEAP32[$lfe1061>>2]|0; $845 = $st$addr; $energy_mask1062 = ((($845)) + 192|0); $846 = HEAP32[$energy_mask1062>>2]|0; $cmp1063 = ($846|0)!=(0|0); $conv1064 = $cmp1063&1; $847 = $surround_masking; $848 = $temporal_vbr; $call1065 = (_compute_vbr($823,$analysis1055,$825,$826,$827,$829,$830,$832,$834,$836,$837,$838,$839,$840,$842,$844,$conv1064,$847,$848)|0); $target = $call1065; $849 = $target; $850 = $tell; $add1066 = (($849) + ($850))|0; $target = $add1066; $851 = $tell; $852 = $total_boost; $add1067 = (($851) + ($852))|0; $add1068 = (($add1067) + 64)|0; $sub1069 = (($add1068) - 1)|0; $shr1070 = $sub1069 >> 6; $add1071 = (($shr1070) + 2)|0; $853 = $nbFilledBytes; $sub1072 = (($add1071) - ($853))|0; $min_allowed = $sub1072; $854 = $target; $add1073 = (($854) + 32)|0; $shr1074 = $add1073 >> 6; $nbAvailableBytes = $shr1074; $855 = $min_allowed; $856 = $nbAvailableBytes; $cmp1075 = ($855|0)>($856|0); $857 = $min_allowed; $858 = $nbAvailableBytes; $cond1080 = $cmp1075 ? $857 : $858; $nbAvailableBytes = $cond1080; $859 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $860 = $nbAvailableBytes; $861 = $nbFilledBytes; $add1081 = (($860) + ($861))|0; $cmp1082 = ($859|0)<($add1081|0); if ($cmp1082) { $862 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $cond1088 = $862; } else { $863 = $nbAvailableBytes; $864 = $nbFilledBytes; $add1086 = (($863) + ($864))|0; $cond1088 = $add1086; } $865 = $nbFilledBytes; $sub1089 = (($cond1088) - ($865))|0; $nbAvailableBytes = $sub1089; $866 = $target; $867 = $vbr_rate; $sub1090 = (($866) - ($867))|0; $delta = $sub1090; $868 = $nbAvailableBytes; $shl1091 = $868 << 6; $target = $shl1091; $869 = $silence; $tobool1092 = ($869|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1092) { $nbAvailableBytes = 2; $target = 128; $delta = 0; } $870 = $st$addr; $vbr_count = ((($870)) + 176|0); $871 = HEAP32[$vbr_count>>2]|0; $cmp1095 = ($871|0)<(970); if ($cmp1095) { $872 = $st$addr; $vbr_count1098 = ((($872)) + 176|0); $873 = HEAP32[$vbr_count1098>>2]|0; $inc1099 = (($873) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$vbr_count1098>>2] = $inc1099; $874 = $st$addr; $vbr_count1100 = ((($874)) + 176|0); $875 = HEAP32[$vbr_count1100>>2]|0; $add1101 = (($875) + 20)|0; $conv1102 = (+($add1101|0)); $div1103 = 1.0 / $conv1102; $alpha = $div1103; } else { $alpha = 0.0010000000474974513; } $876 = $st$addr; $constrained_vbr1106 = ((($876)) + 52|0); $877 = HEAP32[$constrained_vbr1106>>2]|0; $tobool1107 = ($877|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1107) { $878 = $target; $879 = $vbr_rate; $sub1109 = (($878) - ($879))|0; $880 = $st$addr; $vbr_reservoir1110 = ((($880)) + 164|0); $881 = HEAP32[$vbr_reservoir1110>>2]|0; $add1111 = (($881) + ($sub1109))|0; HEAP32[$vbr_reservoir1110>>2] = $add1111; } $882 = $st$addr; $constrained_vbr1113 = ((($882)) + 52|0); $883 = HEAP32[$constrained_vbr1113>>2]|0; $tobool1114 = ($883|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1114) { $884 = $alpha; $885 = $delta; $886 = $lm_diff; $shl1116 = 1 << $886; $mul1117 = Math_imul($885, $shl1116)|0; $887 = $st$addr; $vbr_offset1118 = ((($887)) + 172|0); $888 = HEAP32[$vbr_offset1118>>2]|0; $sub1119 = (($mul1117) - ($888))|0; $889 = $st$addr; $vbr_drift = ((($889)) + 168|0); $890 = HEAP32[$vbr_drift>>2]|0; $sub1120 = (($sub1119) - ($890))|0; $conv1121 = (+($sub1120|0)); $mul1122 = $884 * $conv1121; $conv1123 = (~~(($mul1122))); $891 = $st$addr; $vbr_drift1124 = ((($891)) + 168|0); $892 = HEAP32[$vbr_drift1124>>2]|0; $add1125 = (($892) + ($conv1123))|0; HEAP32[$vbr_drift1124>>2] = $add1125; $893 = $st$addr; $vbr_drift1126 = ((($893)) + 168|0); $894 = HEAP32[$vbr_drift1126>>2]|0; $sub1127 = (0 - ($894))|0; $895 = $st$addr; $vbr_offset1128 = ((($895)) + 172|0); HEAP32[$vbr_offset1128>>2] = $sub1127; } $896 = $st$addr; $constrained_vbr1130 = ((($896)) + 52|0); $897 = HEAP32[$constrained_vbr1130>>2]|0; $tobool1131 = ($897|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool1131) { $898 = $st$addr; $vbr_reservoir1133 = ((($898)) + 164|0); $899 = HEAP32[$vbr_reservoir1133>>2]|0; $cmp1134 = ($899|0)<(0); if (!($cmp1134)) { break; } $900 = $st$addr; $vbr_reservoir1137 = ((($900)) + 164|0); $901 = HEAP32[$vbr_reservoir1137>>2]|0; $sub1138 = (0 - ($901))|0; $div1139 = (($sub1138|0) / 64)&-1; $adjust = $div1139; $902 = $silence; $tobool1140 = ($902|0)!=(0); $903 = $adjust; $cond1144 = $tobool1140 ? 0 : $903; $904 = $nbAvailableBytes; $add1145 = (($904) + ($cond1144))|0; $nbAvailableBytes = $add1145; $905 = $st$addr; $vbr_reservoir1146 = ((($905)) + 164|0); HEAP32[$vbr_reservoir1146>>2] = 0; } } while(0); $906 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $907 = $nbAvailableBytes; $908 = $nbFilledBytes; $add1148 = (($907) + ($908))|0; $cmp1149 = ($906|0)<($add1148|0); if ($cmp1149) { $909 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $cond1155 = $909; } else { $910 = $nbAvailableBytes; $911 = $nbFilledBytes; $add1153 = (($910) + ($911))|0; $cond1155 = $add1153; } $nbCompressedBytes$addr = $cond1155; $912 = $enc$addr; $913 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; _ec_enc_shrink($912,$913); } $914 = $nbEBands; $vla1157$alloca_mul = $914<<2; $vla1157 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla1157$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla1157$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $915 = $nbEBands; $vla1158$alloca_mul = $915<<2; $vla1158 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla1158$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla1158$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $916 = $nbEBands; $vla1159$alloca_mul = $916<<2; $vla1159 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla1159$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla1159$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $917 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $mul1160 = $917<<3; $shl1161 = $mul1160 << 3; $918 = $enc$addr; $call1162 = (_ec_tell_frac($918)|0); $sub1163 = (($shl1161) - ($call1162))|0; $sub1164 = (($sub1163) - 1)|0; $bits = $sub1164; $919 = $isTransient; $tobool1165 = ($919|0)!=(0); $920 = $LM; $cmp1167 = ($920|0)>=(2); $or$cond18 = $tobool1165 & $cmp1167; if ($or$cond18) { $921 = $bits; $922 = $LM; $add1170 = (($922) + 2)|0; $shl1171 = $add1170 << 3; $cmp1172 = ($921|0)>=($shl1171|0); $923 = $cmp1172; } else { $923 = 0; } $cond1176 = $923 ? 8 : 0; $anti_collapse_rsv = $cond1176; $924 = $anti_collapse_rsv; $925 = $bits; $sub1177 = (($925) - ($924))|0; $bits = $sub1177; $926 = $end; $sub1178 = (($926) - 1)|0; $signalBandwidth = $sub1178; $927 = $st$addr; $analysis1179 = ((($927)) + 120|0); $928 = HEAP32[$analysis1179>>2]|0; $tobool1181 = ($928|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1181) { $929 = $equiv_rate; $930 = $C; $mul1183 = ($930*32000)|0; $cmp1184 = ($929|0)<($mul1183|0); do { if ($cmp1184) { $min_bandwidth = 13; } else { $931 = $equiv_rate; $932 = $C; $mul1188 = ($932*48000)|0; $cmp1189 = ($931|0)<($mul1188|0); if ($cmp1189) { $min_bandwidth = 16; break; } $933 = $equiv_rate; $934 = $C; $mul1193 = ($934*60000)|0; $cmp1194 = ($933|0)<($mul1193|0); if ($cmp1194) { $min_bandwidth = 18; break; } $935 = $equiv_rate; $936 = $C; $mul1198 = ($936*80000)|0; $cmp1199 = ($935|0)<($mul1198|0); if ($cmp1199) { $min_bandwidth = 19; break; } else { $min_bandwidth = 20; break; } } } while(0); $937 = $st$addr; $analysis1207 = ((($937)) + 120|0); $bandwidth = ((($analysis1207)) + 24|0); $938 = HEAP32[$bandwidth>>2]|0; $939 = $min_bandwidth; $cmp1208 = ($938|0)>($939|0); if ($cmp1208) { $940 = $st$addr; $analysis1211 = ((($940)) + 120|0); $bandwidth1212 = ((($analysis1211)) + 24|0); $941 = HEAP32[$bandwidth1212>>2]|0; $cond1215 = $941; } else { $942 = $min_bandwidth; $cond1215 = $942; } $signalBandwidth = $cond1215; } $943 = $st$addr; $lfe1217 = ((($943)) + 68|0); $944 = HEAP32[$lfe1217>>2]|0; $tobool1218 = ($944|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1218) { $signalBandwidth = 1; } $945 = $mode; $946 = $start; $947 = $end; $948 = $alloc_trim; $949 = $st$addr; $intensity1221 = ((($949)) + 188|0); $950 = $bits; $951 = $C; $952 = $LM; $953 = $enc$addr; $954 = $st$addr; $lastCodedBands1222 = ((($954)) + 92|0); $955 = HEAP32[$lastCodedBands1222>>2]|0; $956 = $signalBandwidth; $call1223 = (_compute_allocation($945,$946,$947,$vla884,$vla903,$948,$intensity1221,$dual_stereo,$950,$balance,$vla1158,$vla1157,$vla1159,$951,$952,$953,1,$955,$956)|0); $codedBands = $call1223; $957 = $st$addr; $lastCodedBands1224 = ((($957)) + 92|0); $958 = HEAP32[$lastCodedBands1224>>2]|0; $tobool1225 = ($958|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1225) { $959 = $st$addr; $lastCodedBands1227 = ((($959)) + 92|0); $960 = HEAP32[$lastCodedBands1227>>2]|0; $add1228 = (($960) + 1)|0; $961 = $st$addr; $lastCodedBands1229 = ((($961)) + 92|0); $962 = HEAP32[$lastCodedBands1229>>2]|0; $sub1230 = (($962) - 1)|0; $963 = $codedBands; $cmp1231 = ($sub1230|0)>($963|0); if ($cmp1231) { $964 = $st$addr; $lastCodedBands1234 = ((($964)) + 92|0); $965 = HEAP32[$lastCodedBands1234>>2]|0; $sub1235 = (($965) - 1)|0; $cond1238 = $sub1235; } else { $966 = $codedBands; $cond1238 = $966; } $cmp1239 = ($add1228|0)<($cond1238|0); $967 = $st$addr; $lastCodedBands1242 = ((($967)) + 92|0); $968 = HEAP32[$lastCodedBands1242>>2]|0; do { if ($cmp1239) { $add1243 = (($968) + 1)|0; $cond1256 = $add1243; } else { $sub1246 = (($968) - 1)|0; $969 = $codedBands; $cmp1247 = ($sub1246|0)>($969|0); if ($cmp1247) { $970 = $st$addr; $lastCodedBands1250 = ((($970)) + 92|0); $971 = HEAP32[$lastCodedBands1250>>2]|0; $sub1251 = (($971) - 1)|0; $cond1256 = $sub1251; break; } else { $972 = $codedBands; $cond1256 = $972; break; } } } while(0); $973 = $st$addr; $$sink19 = $cond1256;$$sink20 = $973; } else { $974 = $codedBands; $975 = $st$addr; $$sink19 = $974;$$sink20 = $975; } $lastCodedBands1259 = ((($$sink20)) + 92|0); HEAP32[$lastCodedBands1259>>2] = $$sink19; $976 = $mode; $977 = $start; $978 = $end; $979 = $oldBandE; $980 = $enc$addr; $981 = $C; _quant_fine_energy($976,$977,$978,$979,$vla832,$vla1157,$980,$981); $982 = $C; $983 = $nbEBands; $mul1261 = Math_imul($982, $983)|0; $vla1262$alloca_mul = $mul1261; $vla1262 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla1262$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla1262$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $984 = $mode; $985 = $start; $986 = $end; $987 = $C; $cmp1263 = ($987|0)==(2); $988 = $N; $add$ptr1266 = (($vla778) + ($988<<2)|0); $cond1269 = $cmp1263 ? $add$ptr1266 : 0; $989 = $shortBlocks; $990 = $st$addr; $spread_decision1270 = ((($990)) + 80|0); $991 = HEAP32[$spread_decision1270>>2]|0; $992 = HEAP32[$dual_stereo>>2]|0; $993 = $st$addr; $intensity1271 = ((($993)) + 188|0); $994 = HEAP32[$intensity1271>>2]|0; $995 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $mul1272 = $995<<6; $996 = $anti_collapse_rsv; $sub1273 = (($mul1272) - ($996))|0; $997 = HEAP32[$balance>>2]|0; $998 = $enc$addr; $999 = $LM; $1000 = $codedBands; $1001 = $st$addr; $rng = ((($1001)) + 76|0); $1002 = $st$addr; $arch1274 = ((($1002)) + 72|0); $1003 = HEAP32[$arch1274>>2]|0; _quant_all_bands(1,$984,$985,$986,$vla778,$cond1269,$vla1262,$vla368,$vla1158,$989,$991,$992,$994,$vla779,$sub1273,$997,$998,$999,$1000,$rng,$1003); $1004 = $anti_collapse_rsv; $cmp1275 = ($1004|0)>(0); if ($cmp1275) { $1005 = $st$addr; $consec_transient1278 = ((($1005)) + 116|0); $1006 = HEAP32[$consec_transient1278>>2]|0; $cmp1279 = ($1006|0)<(2); $conv1280 = $cmp1279&1; $anti_collapse_on = $conv1280; $1007 = $enc$addr; $1008 = $anti_collapse_on; _ec_enc_bits($1007,$1008,1); } $1009 = $mode; $1010 = $start; $1011 = $end; $1012 = $oldBandE; $1013 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $mul1282 = $1013<<3; $1014 = $enc$addr; $call1283 = (_ec_tell_50($1014)|0); $sub1284 = (($mul1282) - ($call1283))|0; $1015 = $enc$addr; $1016 = $C; _quant_energy_finalise($1009,$1010,$1011,$1012,$vla832,$vla1157,$vla1159,$sub1284,$1015,$1016); $1017 = $silence; $tobool1285 = ($1017|0)!=(0); L417: do { if ($tobool1285) { $i = 0; while(1) { $1018 = $i; $1019 = $C; $1020 = $nbEBands; $mul1288 = Math_imul($1019, $1020)|0; $cmp1289 = ($1018|0)<($mul1288|0); if (!($cmp1289)) { break L417; } $1021 = $oldBandE; $1022 = $i; $arrayidx1292 = (($1021) + ($1022<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1292>>2] = -28.0; $1023 = $i; $inc1294 = (($1023) + 1)|0; $i = $inc1294; } } } while(0); $1024 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; $1025 = $st$addr; $prefilter_period1297 = ((($1025)) + 104|0); HEAP32[$prefilter_period1297>>2] = $1024; $1026 = +HEAPF32[$gain1>>2]; $1027 = $st$addr; $prefilter_gain1298 = ((($1027)) + 108|0); HEAPF32[$prefilter_gain1298>>2] = $1026; $1028 = $prefilter_tapset; $1029 = $st$addr; $prefilter_tapset1299 = ((($1029)) + 112|0); HEAP32[$prefilter_tapset1299>>2] = $1028; $1030 = $CC; $cmp1300 = ($1030|0)==(2); $1031 = $C; $cmp1303 = ($1031|0)==(1); $or$cond22 = $cmp1300 & $cmp1303; if ($or$cond22) { $1032 = $oldBandE; $1033 = $nbEBands; $arrayidx1306 = (($1032) + ($1033<<2)|0); $1034 = $oldBandE; $1035 = $nbEBands; $mul1307 = $1035<<2; $1036 = $oldBandE; $1037 = $nbEBands; $arrayidx1308 = (($1036) + ($1037<<2)|0); $1038 = $oldBandE; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1309 = $arrayidx1308; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1310 = $1038; $sub$ptr$sub1311 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast1309) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast1310))|0; $sub$ptr$div1312 = (($sub$ptr$sub1311|0) / 4)&-1; $mul1313 = 0; $add1314 = (($mul1307) + ($mul1313))|0; _memcpy(($arrayidx1306|0),($1034|0),($add1314|0))|0; } $1039 = $isTransient; $tobool1316 = ($1039|0)!=(0); L426: do { if ($tobool1316) { $i = 0; while(1) { $1052 = $i; $1053 = $CC; $1054 = $nbEBands; $mul1336 = Math_imul($1053, $1054)|0; $cmp1337 = ($1052|0)<($mul1336|0); if (!($cmp1337)) { break L426; } $1055 = $oldLogE; $1056 = $i; $arrayidx1340 = (($1055) + ($1056<<2)|0); $1057 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1340>>2]; $1058 = $oldBandE; $1059 = $i; $arrayidx1341 = (($1058) + ($1059<<2)|0); $1060 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1341>>2]; $cmp1342 = $1057 < $1060; if ($cmp1342) { $1061 = $oldLogE; $1062 = $i; $arrayidx1345 = (($1061) + ($1062<<2)|0); $arrayidx1347$sink = $arrayidx1345; } else { $1063 = $oldBandE; $1064 = $i; $arrayidx1347 = (($1063) + ($1064<<2)|0); $arrayidx1347$sink = $arrayidx1347; } $1065 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1347$sink>>2]; $1066 = $oldLogE; $1067 = $i; $arrayidx1350 = (($1066) + ($1067<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1350>>2] = $1065; $1068 = $i; $inc1352 = (($1068) + 1)|0; $i = $inc1352; } } else { $1040 = $oldLogE2; $1041 = $oldLogE; $1042 = $CC; $1043 = $nbEBands; $mul1318 = Math_imul($1042, $1043)|0; $mul1319 = $mul1318<<2; $1044 = $oldLogE2; $1045 = $oldLogE; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1320 = $1044; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1321 = $1045; $sub$ptr$sub1322 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast1320) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast1321))|0; $sub$ptr$div1323 = (($sub$ptr$sub1322|0) / 4)&-1; $mul1324 = 0; $add1325 = (($mul1319) + ($mul1324))|0; _memcpy(($1040|0),($1041|0),($add1325|0))|0; $1046 = $oldLogE; $1047 = $oldBandE; $1048 = $CC; $1049 = $nbEBands; $mul1326 = Math_imul($1048, $1049)|0; $mul1327 = $mul1326<<2; $1050 = $oldLogE; $1051 = $oldBandE; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast1328 = $1050; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast1329 = $1051; $sub$ptr$sub1330 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast1328) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast1329))|0; $sub$ptr$div1331 = (($sub$ptr$sub1330|0) / 4)&-1; $mul1332 = 0; $add1333 = (($mul1327) + ($mul1332))|0; _memcpy(($1046|0),($1047|0),($add1333|0))|0; } } while(0); $c = 0; while(1) { $i = 0; while(1) { $1069 = $i; $1070 = $start; $cmp1357 = ($1069|0)<($1070|0); if (!($cmp1357)) { break; } $1071 = $oldBandE; $1072 = $c; $1073 = $nbEBands; $mul1360 = Math_imul($1072, $1073)|0; $1074 = $i; $add1361 = (($mul1360) + ($1074))|0; $arrayidx1362 = (($1071) + ($add1361<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1362>>2] = 0.0; $1075 = $oldLogE2; $1076 = $c; $1077 = $nbEBands; $mul1363 = Math_imul($1076, $1077)|0; $1078 = $i; $add1364 = (($mul1363) + ($1078))|0; $arrayidx1365 = (($1075) + ($add1364<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1365>>2] = -28.0; $1079 = $oldLogE; $1080 = $c; $1081 = $nbEBands; $mul1366 = Math_imul($1080, $1081)|0; $1082 = $i; $add1367 = (($mul1366) + ($1082))|0; $arrayidx1368 = (($1079) + ($add1367<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1368>>2] = -28.0; $1083 = $i; $inc1370 = (($1083) + 1)|0; $i = $inc1370; } $1084 = $end; $i = $1084; while(1) { $1085 = $i; $1086 = $nbEBands; $cmp1373 = ($1085|0)<($1086|0); if (!($cmp1373)) { break; } $1087 = $oldBandE; $1088 = $c; $1089 = $nbEBands; $mul1376 = Math_imul($1088, $1089)|0; $1090 = $i; $add1377 = (($mul1376) + ($1090))|0; $arrayidx1378 = (($1087) + ($add1377<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1378>>2] = 0.0; $1091 = $oldLogE2; $1092 = $c; $1093 = $nbEBands; $mul1379 = Math_imul($1092, $1093)|0; $1094 = $i; $add1380 = (($mul1379) + ($1094))|0; $arrayidx1381 = (($1091) + ($add1380<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1381>>2] = -28.0; $1095 = $oldLogE; $1096 = $c; $1097 = $nbEBands; $mul1382 = Math_imul($1096, $1097)|0; $1098 = $i; $add1383 = (($mul1382) + ($1098))|0; $arrayidx1384 = (($1095) + ($add1383<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1384>>2] = -28.0; $1099 = $i; $inc1386 = (($1099) + 1)|0; $i = $inc1386; } $1100 = $c; $inc1389 = (($1100) + 1)|0; $c = $inc1389; $1101 = $CC; $cmp1390 = ($inc1389|0)<($1101|0); if (!($cmp1390)) { break; } } $1102 = $isTransient; $tobool1393 = ($1102|0)!=(0); $1103 = $transient_got_disabled; $tobool1395 = ($1103|0)!=(0); $or$cond24 = $tobool1393 | $tobool1395; $1104 = $st$addr; $consec_transient1397 = ((($1104)) + 116|0); if ($or$cond24) { $1105 = HEAP32[$consec_transient1397>>2]|0; $inc1398 = (($1105) + 1)|0; $$sink25 = $inc1398; } else { $$sink25 = 0; } HEAP32[$consec_transient1397>>2] = $$sink25; $1106 = $enc$addr; $rng1402 = ((($1106)) + 28|0); $1107 = HEAP32[$rng1402>>2]|0; $1108 = $st$addr; $rng1403 = ((($1108)) + 76|0); HEAP32[$rng1403>>2] = $1107; $1109 = $enc$addr; _ec_enc_done($1109); $1110 = $enc$addr; $call1404 = (_ec_get_error($1110)|0); $tobool1405 = ($call1404|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1405) { $retval = -3; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; } else { $1111 = $nbCompressedBytes$addr; $retval = $1111; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; } $1112 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($1112|0)); $1113 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1113|0); } function _ec_tell_50($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $rng = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $nbits_total = ((($0)) + 20|0); $1 = HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2]|0; $2 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($2)) + 28|0); $3 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $4 = (Math_clz32(($3|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($4))|0; $sub1 = (($1) - ($sub))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($sub1|0); } function _celt_maxabs16($x,$len) { $x = $x|0; $len = $len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0.0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0.0, $7 = 0; var $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $cond15 = 0.0, $cond9 = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $len$addr = 0, $maxval = 0.0, $minval = 0.0, $sub = 0.0, $sub13 = 0.0; var $x$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $x$addr = $x; $len$addr = $len; $maxval = 0.0; $minval = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $maxval; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $x$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $cmp1 = $2 > $5; if ($cmp1) { $6 = $maxval; $cond = $6; } else { $7 = $x$addr; $8 = $i; $arrayidx2 = (($7) + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $cond = $9; } $maxval = $cond; $10 = $minval; $11 = $x$addr; $12 = $i; $arrayidx3 = (($11) + ($12<<2)|0); $13 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $cmp4 = $10 < $13; if ($cmp4) { $14 = $minval; $cond9 = $14; } else { $15 = $x$addr; $16 = $i; $arrayidx7 = (($15) + ($16<<2)|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $cond9 = $17; } $minval = $cond9; $18 = $i; $inc = (($18) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $19 = $minval; $sub = - $19; $cmp10 = $2 > $sub; $20 = $maxval; $21 = $minval; $sub13 = - $21; $cond15 = $cmp10 ? $20 : $sub13; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$cond15); } function _run_prefilter($st,$in,$prefilter_mem,$CC,$N,$prefilter_tapset,$pitch,$gain,$qgain,$enabled,$nbAvailableBytes) { $st = $st|0; $in = $in|0; $prefilter_mem = $prefilter_mem|0; $CC = $CC|0; $N = $N|0; $prefilter_tapset = $prefilter_tapset|0; $pitch = $pitch|0; $gain = $gain|0; $qgain = $qgain|0; $enabled = $enabled|0; $nbAvailableBytes = $nbAvailableBytes|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0.0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0.0, $154 = 0.0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0.0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0; var $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0; var $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0.0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0; var $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0.0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0.0, $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0; var $80 = 0.0, $81 = 0.0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0.0, $86 = 0.0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0; var $99 = 0, $CC$addr = 0, $N$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr10 = 0, $add$ptr136 = 0, $add$ptr139 = 0, $add$ptr14 = 0, $add$ptr143 = 0, $add$ptr147 = 0, $add$ptr158 = 0, $add$ptr159 = 0, $add$ptr161 = 0, $add$ptr17 = 0, $add$ptr174 = 0, $add$ptr175 = 0, $add$ptr176 = 0, $add$ptr178 = 0, $add$ptr179 = 0; var $add$ptr18 = 0, $add$ptr190 = 0, $add$ptr193 = 0, $add$ptr194 = 0, $add$ptr199 = 0, $add$ptr202 = 0, $add$ptr203 = 0, $add$ptr21 = 0, $add$ptr214 = 0, $add$ptr216 = 0, $add$ptr218 = 0, $add$ptr220 = 0, $add$ptr231 = 0, $add$ptr232 = 0, $add$ptr236 = 0, $add$ptr238 = 0, $add$ptr239 = 0, $add$ptr24 = 0, $add$ptr247 = 0, $add$ptr248 = 0; var $add$ptr249 = 0, $add$ptr25 = 0, $add$ptr251 = 0, $add$ptr254 = 0, $add$ptr255 = 0, $add$ptr257 = 0, $add$ptr259 = 0, $add$ptr36 = 0, $add$ptr7 = 0, $add119 = 0, $add12 = 0, $add134 = 0, $add141 = 0, $add15 = 0, $add153 = 0, $add156 = 0, $add172 = 0, $add191 = 0, $add200 = 0, $add209 = 0; var $add22 = 0, $add226 = 0, $add245 = 0, $add265 = 0, $add3 = 0, $add31 = 0, $add32 = 0, $add35 = 0, $add62 = 0.0, $add66 = 0.0, $add70 = 0.0, $add96 = 0.0, $arch = 0, $arch170 = 0, $arch186 = 0, $arch37 = 0, $arch38 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx160 = 0, $arrayidx177 = 0; var $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx215 = 0, $arrayidx219 = 0, $arrayidx250 = 0, $arrayidx258 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0.0, $call58 = 0, $call88 = 0.0, $call98 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp101 = 0, $cmp107 = 0, $cmp111 = 0, $cmp126 = 0, $cmp210 = 0, $cmp269 = 0; var $cmp39 = 0, $cmp42 = 0, $cmp47 = 0, $cmp52 = 0, $cmp60 = 0, $cmp64 = 0, $cmp68 = 0, $cmp73 = 0, $cmp78 = 0, $cmp82 = 0, $cmp83 = 0, $cmp90 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $cond106 = 0, $cond116 = 0, $cond118 = 0, $cond132 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv120 = 0.0, $conv89 = 0.0; var $conv97 = 0.0, $conv99 = 0, $div = 0.0, $enabled$addr = 0, $gain$addr = 0, $gain1 = 0.0, $idx$neg = 0, $idx$neg256 = 0, $in$addr = 0, $in_mem = 0, $in_mem144 = 0, $in_mem187 = 0, $in_mem196 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc268 = 0, $loss_rate = 0, $loss_rate46 = 0, $loss_rate51 = 0, $mode = 0, $mul = 0; var $mul11 = 0, $mul121 = 0.0, $mul135 = 0, $mul138 = 0, $mul140 = 0, $mul142 = 0, $mul146 = 0, $mul152 = 0, $mul157 = 0, $mul16 = 0, $mul173 = 0, $mul189 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul192 = 0, $mul195 = 0, $mul198 = 0, $mul201 = 0, $mul208 = 0, $mul213 = 0, $mul217 = 0; var $mul225 = 0, $mul23 = 0, $mul230 = 0, $mul234 = 0, $mul235 = 0, $mul237 = 0, $mul244 = 0, $mul246 = 0, $mul252 = 0, $mul253 = 0, $mul264 = 0, $mul30 = 0, $mul41 = 0.0, $mul44 = 0.0, $mul49 = 0.0, $mul59 = 0, $mul6 = 0, $mul9 = 0, $mul95 = 0.0, $nbAvailableBytes$addr = 0; var $offset = 0, $overlap = 0, $overlap2 = 0, $pf_on = 0, $pf_threshold = 0.0, $pitch$addr = 0, $pitch_index = 0, $pre = 0, $prefilter_gain = 0, $prefilter_gain164 = 0, $prefilter_gain166 = 0, $prefilter_gain182 = 0, $prefilter_gain72 = 0, $prefilter_gain77 = 0, $prefilter_gain86 = 0, $prefilter_gain93 = 0, $prefilter_mem$addr = 0, $prefilter_period = 0, $prefilter_period125 = 0, $prefilter_period129 = 0; var $prefilter_period133 = 0, $prefilter_period162 = 0, $prefilter_period163 = 0, $prefilter_period180 = 0, $prefilter_period56 = 0, $prefilter_tapset$addr = 0, $prefilter_tapset168 = 0, $prefilter_tapset169 = 0, $prefilter_tapset185 = 0, $qg = 0, $qgain$addr = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $saved_stack33 = 0, $shortMdctSize = 0, $shr = 0, $st$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$div151 = 0, $sub$ptr$div207 = 0; var $sub$ptr$div224 = 0, $sub$ptr$div243 = 0, $sub$ptr$div263 = 0, $sub$ptr$div29 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast148 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast204 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast221 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast240 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast26 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast260 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast149 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast205 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast222 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast241 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast261 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast27 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub150 = 0; var $sub$ptr$sub206 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub223 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub242 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub262 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub28 = 0, $sub100 = 0, $sub124 = 0, $sub165 = 0.0, $sub167 = 0.0, $sub181 = 0, $sub183 = 0.0, $sub184 = 0.0, $sub233 = 0, $sub57 = 0, $sub75 = 0.0, $sub80 = 0.0, $sub87 = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $tobool154 = 0, $vla = 0; var $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla34 = 0, $vla34$alloca_mul = 0, $window = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 96|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(96|0); $pre = sp + 40|0; $pitch_index = sp + 32|0; $st$addr = $st; $in$addr = $in; $prefilter_mem$addr = $prefilter_mem; $CC$addr = $CC; $N$addr = $N; $prefilter_tapset$addr = $prefilter_tapset; $pitch$addr = $pitch; $gain$addr = $gain; $qgain$addr = $qgain; $enabled$addr = $enabled; $nbAvailableBytes$addr = $nbAvailableBytes; $0 = $st$addr; $1 = HEAP32[$0>>2]|0; $mode = $1; $2 = $mode; $overlap2 = ((($2)) + 4|0); $3 = HEAP32[$overlap2>>2]|0; $overlap = $3; $4 = $CC$addr; $5 = $N$addr; $add = (($5) + 1024)|0; $mul = Math_imul($4, $add)|0; $6 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $6; $vla$alloca_mul = $mul<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; HEAP32[$pre>>2] = $vla; $7 = $N$addr; $add3 = (($7) + 1024)|0; $add$ptr = (($vla) + ($add3<<2)|0); $arrayidx4 = ((($pre)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx4>>2] = $add$ptr; $c = 0; while(1) { $8 = $c; $arrayidx5 = (($pre) + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2]|0; $10 = $prefilter_mem$addr; $11 = $c; $mul6 = $11<<10; $add$ptr7 = (($10) + ($mul6<<2)|0); $12 = $c; $arrayidx8 = (($pre) + ($12<<2)|0); $13 = HEAP32[$arrayidx8>>2]|0; $14 = $prefilter_mem$addr; $15 = $c; $mul9 = $15<<10; $add$ptr10 = (($14) + ($mul9<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $13; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $add$ptr10; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul11 = 0; $add12 = (4096 + ($mul11))|0; _memcpy(($9|0),($add$ptr7|0),($add12|0))|0; $16 = $c; $arrayidx13 = (($pre) + ($16<<2)|0); $17 = HEAP32[$arrayidx13>>2]|0; $add$ptr14 = ((($17)) + 4096|0); $18 = $in$addr; $19 = $c; $20 = $N$addr; $21 = $overlap; $add15 = (($20) + ($21))|0; $mul16 = Math_imul($19, $add15)|0; $add$ptr17 = (($18) + ($mul16<<2)|0); $22 = $overlap; $add$ptr18 = (($add$ptr17) + ($22<<2)|0); $23 = $N$addr; $mul19 = $23<<2; $24 = $c; $arrayidx20 = (($pre) + ($24<<2)|0); $25 = HEAP32[$arrayidx20>>2]|0; $add$ptr21 = ((($25)) + 4096|0); $26 = $in$addr; $27 = $c; $28 = $N$addr; $29 = $overlap; $add22 = (($28) + ($29))|0; $mul23 = Math_imul($27, $add22)|0; $add$ptr24 = (($26) + ($mul23<<2)|0); $30 = $overlap; $add$ptr25 = (($add$ptr24) + ($30<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast26 = $add$ptr21; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast27 = $add$ptr25; $sub$ptr$sub28 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast26) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast27))|0; $sub$ptr$div29 = (($sub$ptr$sub28|0) / 4)&-1; $mul30 = 0; $add31 = (($mul19) + ($mul30))|0; _memcpy(($add$ptr14|0),($add$ptr18|0),($add31|0))|0; $31 = $c; $inc = (($31) + 1)|0; $c = $inc; $32 = $CC$addr; $cmp = ($inc|0)<($32|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } } $33 = $enabled$addr; $tobool = ($33|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $34 = $N$addr; $add32 = (1024 + ($34))|0; $shr = $add32 >> 1; $35 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack33 = $35; $vla34$alloca_mul = $shr<<2; $vla34 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla34$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla34$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $36 = $N$addr; $add35 = (1024 + ($36))|0; $37 = $CC$addr; $38 = $st$addr; $arch = ((($38)) + 72|0); $39 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; _pitch_downsample($pre,$vla34,$add35,$37,$39); $add$ptr36 = ((($vla34)) + 2048|0); $40 = $N$addr; $41 = $st$addr; $arch37 = ((($41)) + 72|0); $42 = HEAP32[$arch37>>2]|0; _pitch_search($add$ptr36,$vla34,$40,979,$pitch_index,$42); $43 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; $sub = (1024 - ($43))|0; HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2] = $sub; $44 = $N$addr; $45 = $st$addr; $prefilter_period = ((($45)) + 104|0); $46 = HEAP32[$prefilter_period>>2]|0; $47 = $st$addr; $prefilter_gain = ((($47)) + 108|0); $48 = +HEAPF32[$prefilter_gain>>2]; $49 = $st$addr; $arch38 = ((($49)) + 72|0); $50 = HEAP32[$arch38>>2]|0; $call = (+_remove_doubling($vla34,1024,15,$44,$pitch_index,$46,$48,$50)); $gain1 = $call; $51 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; $cmp39 = ($51|0)>(1022); if ($cmp39) { HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2] = 1022; } $52 = $gain1; $mul41 = 0.69999998807907104 * $52; $gain1 = $mul41; $53 = $st$addr; $loss_rate = ((($53)) + 56|0); $54 = HEAP32[$loss_rate>>2]|0; $cmp42 = ($54|0)>(2); if ($cmp42) { $55 = $gain1; $mul44 = 0.5 * $55; $gain1 = $mul44; } $56 = $st$addr; $loss_rate46 = ((($56)) + 56|0); $57 = HEAP32[$loss_rate46>>2]|0; $cmp47 = ($57|0)>(4); if ($cmp47) { $58 = $gain1; $mul49 = 0.5 * $58; $gain1 = $mul49; } $59 = $st$addr; $loss_rate51 = ((($59)) + 56|0); $60 = HEAP32[$loss_rate51>>2]|0; $cmp52 = ($60|0)>(8); if ($cmp52) { $gain1 = 0.0; } $61 = $saved_stack33; _llvm_stackrestore(($61|0)); } else { $gain1 = 0.0; HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2] = 15; } $pf_threshold = 0.20000000298023224; $62 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; $63 = $st$addr; $prefilter_period56 = ((($63)) + 104|0); $64 = HEAP32[$prefilter_period56>>2]|0; $sub57 = (($62) - ($64))|0; $call58 = (Math_abs(($sub57|0))|0); $mul59 = ($call58*10)|0; $65 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; $cmp60 = ($mul59|0)>($65|0); if ($cmp60) { $66 = $pf_threshold; $add62 = $66 + 0.20000000298023224; $pf_threshold = $add62; } $67 = $nbAvailableBytes$addr; $cmp64 = ($67|0)<(25); if ($cmp64) { $68 = $pf_threshold; $add66 = $68 + 0.10000000149011612; $pf_threshold = $add66; } $69 = $nbAvailableBytes$addr; $cmp68 = ($69|0)<(35); if ($cmp68) { $70 = $pf_threshold; $add70 = $70 + 0.10000000149011612; $pf_threshold = $add70; } $71 = $st$addr; $prefilter_gain72 = ((($71)) + 108|0); $72 = +HEAPF32[$prefilter_gain72>>2]; $cmp73 = $72 > 0.40000000596046448; if ($cmp73) { $73 = $pf_threshold; $sub75 = $73 - 0.10000000149011612; $pf_threshold = $sub75; } $74 = $st$addr; $prefilter_gain77 = ((($74)) + 108|0); $75 = +HEAPF32[$prefilter_gain77>>2]; $cmp78 = $75 > 0.55000001192092896; if ($cmp78) { $76 = $pf_threshold; $sub80 = $76 - 0.10000000149011612; $pf_threshold = $sub80; } $77 = $pf_threshold; $cmp82 = $77 > 0.20000000298023224; $78 = $pf_threshold; $cond = $cmp82 ? $78 : 0.20000000298023224; $pf_threshold = $cond; $79 = $gain1; $80 = $pf_threshold; $cmp83 = $79 < $80; if ($cmp83) { $gain1 = 0.0; $pf_on = 0; $qg = 0; } else { $81 = $gain1; $82 = $st$addr; $prefilter_gain86 = ((($82)) + 108|0); $83 = +HEAPF32[$prefilter_gain86>>2]; $sub87 = $81 - $83; $conv = $sub87; $call88 = (+Math_abs((+$conv))); $conv89 = $call88; $cmp90 = $conv89 < 0.10000000149011612; if ($cmp90) { $84 = $st$addr; $prefilter_gain93 = ((($84)) + 108|0); $85 = +HEAPF32[$prefilter_gain93>>2]; $gain1 = $85; } $86 = $gain1; $mul95 = $86 * 32.0; $div = $mul95 / 3.0; $add96 = 0.5 + $div; $conv97 = $add96; $call98 = (+Math_floor((+$conv97))); $conv99 = (~~(($call98))); $sub100 = (($conv99) - 1)|0; $qg = $sub100; $87 = $qg; $cmp101 = (7)<($87|0); $88 = $qg; $cond106 = $cmp101 ? 7 : $88; $cmp107 = (0)>($cond106|0); if ($cmp107) { $cond118 = 0; } else { $89 = $qg; $cmp111 = (7)<($89|0); $90 = $qg; $cond116 = $cmp111 ? 7 : $90; $cond118 = $cond116; } $qg = $cond118; $91 = $qg; $add119 = (($91) + 1)|0; $conv120 = (+($add119|0)); $mul121 = 0.09375 * $conv120; $gain1 = $mul121; $pf_on = 1; } $c = 0; while(1) { $92 = $mode; $shortMdctSize = ((($92)) + 44|0); $93 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize>>2]|0; $94 = $overlap; $sub124 = (($93) - ($94))|0; $offset = $sub124; $95 = $st$addr; $prefilter_period125 = ((($95)) + 104|0); $96 = HEAP32[$prefilter_period125>>2]|0; $cmp126 = ($96|0)>(15); if ($cmp126) { $97 = $st$addr; $prefilter_period129 = ((($97)) + 104|0); $98 = HEAP32[$prefilter_period129>>2]|0; $cond132 = $98; } else { $cond132 = 15; } $99 = $st$addr; $prefilter_period133 = ((($99)) + 104|0); HEAP32[$prefilter_period133>>2] = $cond132; $100 = $in$addr; $101 = $c; $102 = $N$addr; $103 = $overlap; $add134 = (($102) + ($103))|0; $mul135 = Math_imul($101, $add134)|0; $add$ptr136 = (($100) + ($mul135<<2)|0); $104 = $st$addr; $in_mem = ((($104)) + 200|0); $105 = $c; $106 = $overlap; $mul138 = Math_imul($105, $106)|0; $add$ptr139 = (($in_mem) + ($mul138<<2)|0); $107 = $overlap; $mul140 = $107<<2; $108 = $in$addr; $109 = $c; $110 = $N$addr; $111 = $overlap; $add141 = (($110) + ($111))|0; $mul142 = Math_imul($109, $add141)|0; $add$ptr143 = (($108) + ($mul142<<2)|0); $112 = $st$addr; $in_mem144 = ((($112)) + 200|0); $113 = $c; $114 = $overlap; $mul146 = Math_imul($113, $114)|0; $add$ptr147 = (($in_mem144) + ($mul146<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast148 = $add$ptr143; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast149 = $add$ptr147; $sub$ptr$sub150 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast148) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast149))|0; $sub$ptr$div151 = (($sub$ptr$sub150|0) / 4)&-1; $mul152 = 0; $add153 = (($mul140) + ($mul152))|0; _memcpy(($add$ptr136|0),($add$ptr139|0),($add153|0))|0; $115 = $offset; $tobool154 = ($115|0)!=(0); if ($tobool154) { $116 = $in$addr; $117 = $c; $118 = $N$addr; $119 = $overlap; $add156 = (($118) + ($119))|0; $mul157 = Math_imul($117, $add156)|0; $add$ptr158 = (($116) + ($mul157<<2)|0); $120 = $overlap; $add$ptr159 = (($add$ptr158) + ($120<<2)|0); $121 = $c; $arrayidx160 = (($pre) + ($121<<2)|0); $122 = HEAP32[$arrayidx160>>2]|0; $add$ptr161 = ((($122)) + 4096|0); $123 = $st$addr; $prefilter_period162 = ((($123)) + 104|0); $124 = HEAP32[$prefilter_period162>>2]|0; $125 = $st$addr; $prefilter_period163 = ((($125)) + 104|0); $126 = HEAP32[$prefilter_period163>>2]|0; $127 = $offset; $128 = $st$addr; $prefilter_gain164 = ((($128)) + 108|0); $129 = +HEAPF32[$prefilter_gain164>>2]; $sub165 = - $129; $130 = $st$addr; $prefilter_gain166 = ((($130)) + 108|0); $131 = +HEAPF32[$prefilter_gain166>>2]; $sub167 = - $131; $132 = $st$addr; $prefilter_tapset168 = ((($132)) + 112|0); $133 = HEAP32[$prefilter_tapset168>>2]|0; $134 = $st$addr; $prefilter_tapset169 = ((($134)) + 112|0); $135 = HEAP32[$prefilter_tapset169>>2]|0; $136 = $st$addr; $arch170 = ((($136)) + 72|0); $137 = HEAP32[$arch170>>2]|0; _comb_filter($add$ptr159,$add$ptr161,$124,$126,$127,$sub165,$sub167,$133,$135,0,0,$137); } $138 = $in$addr; $139 = $c; $140 = $N$addr; $141 = $overlap; $add172 = (($140) + ($141))|0; $mul173 = Math_imul($139, $add172)|0; $add$ptr174 = (($138) + ($mul173<<2)|0); $142 = $overlap; $add$ptr175 = (($add$ptr174) + ($142<<2)|0); $143 = $offset; $add$ptr176 = (($add$ptr175) + ($143<<2)|0); $144 = $c; $arrayidx177 = (($pre) + ($144<<2)|0); $145 = HEAP32[$arrayidx177>>2]|0; $add$ptr178 = ((($145)) + 4096|0); $146 = $offset; $add$ptr179 = (($add$ptr178) + ($146<<2)|0); $147 = $st$addr; $prefilter_period180 = ((($147)) + 104|0); $148 = HEAP32[$prefilter_period180>>2]|0; $149 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; $150 = $N$addr; $151 = $offset; $sub181 = (($150) - ($151))|0; $152 = $st$addr; $prefilter_gain182 = ((($152)) + 108|0); $153 = +HEAPF32[$prefilter_gain182>>2]; $sub183 = - $153; $154 = $gain1; $sub184 = - $154; $155 = $st$addr; $prefilter_tapset185 = ((($155)) + 112|0); $156 = HEAP32[$prefilter_tapset185>>2]|0; $157 = $prefilter_tapset$addr; $158 = $mode; $window = ((($158)) + 60|0); $159 = HEAP32[$window>>2]|0; $160 = $overlap; $161 = $st$addr; $arch186 = ((($161)) + 72|0); $162 = HEAP32[$arch186>>2]|0; _comb_filter($add$ptr176,$add$ptr179,$148,$149,$sub181,$sub183,$sub184,$156,$157,$159,$160,$162); $163 = $st$addr; $in_mem187 = ((($163)) + 200|0); $164 = $c; $165 = $overlap; $mul189 = Math_imul($164, $165)|0; $add$ptr190 = (($in_mem187) + ($mul189<<2)|0); $166 = $in$addr; $167 = $c; $168 = $N$addr; $169 = $overlap; $add191 = (($168) + ($169))|0; $mul192 = Math_imul($167, $add191)|0; $add$ptr193 = (($166) + ($mul192<<2)|0); $170 = $N$addr; $add$ptr194 = (($add$ptr193) + ($170<<2)|0); $171 = $overlap; $mul195 = $171<<2; $172 = $st$addr; $in_mem196 = ((($172)) + 200|0); $173 = $c; $174 = $overlap; $mul198 = Math_imul($173, $174)|0; $add$ptr199 = (($in_mem196) + ($mul198<<2)|0); $175 = $in$addr; $176 = $c; $177 = $N$addr; $178 = $overlap; $add200 = (($177) + ($178))|0; $mul201 = Math_imul($176, $add200)|0; $add$ptr202 = (($175) + ($mul201<<2)|0); $179 = $N$addr; $add$ptr203 = (($add$ptr202) + ($179<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast204 = $add$ptr199; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast205 = $add$ptr203; $sub$ptr$sub206 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast204) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast205))|0; $sub$ptr$div207 = (($sub$ptr$sub206|0) / 4)&-1; $mul208 = 0; $add209 = (($mul195) + ($mul208))|0; _memcpy(($add$ptr190|0),($add$ptr194|0),($add209|0))|0; $180 = $N$addr; $cmp210 = ($180|0)>(1024); $181 = $prefilter_mem$addr; $182 = $c; $mul213 = $182<<10; $add$ptr214 = (($181) + ($mul213<<2)|0); if ($cmp210) { $183 = $c; $arrayidx215 = (($pre) + ($183<<2)|0); $184 = HEAP32[$arrayidx215>>2]|0; $185 = $N$addr; $add$ptr216 = (($184) + ($185<<2)|0); $186 = $prefilter_mem$addr; $187 = $c; $mul217 = $187<<10; $add$ptr218 = (($186) + ($mul217<<2)|0); $188 = $c; $arrayidx219 = (($pre) + ($188<<2)|0); $189 = HEAP32[$arrayidx219>>2]|0; $190 = $N$addr; $add$ptr220 = (($189) + ($190<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast221 = $add$ptr218; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast222 = $add$ptr220; $sub$ptr$sub223 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast221) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast222))|0; $sub$ptr$div224 = (($sub$ptr$sub223|0) / 4)&-1; $mul225 = 0; $add226 = (4096 + ($mul225))|0; _memmove(($add$ptr214|0),($add$ptr216|0),($add226|0))|0; } else { $191 = $prefilter_mem$addr; $192 = $c; $mul230 = $192<<10; $add$ptr231 = (($191) + ($mul230<<2)|0); $193 = $N$addr; $add$ptr232 = (($add$ptr231) + ($193<<2)|0); $194 = $N$addr; $sub233 = (1024 - ($194))|0; $mul234 = $sub233<<2; $195 = $prefilter_mem$addr; $196 = $c; $mul235 = $196<<10; $add$ptr236 = (($195) + ($mul235<<2)|0); $197 = $prefilter_mem$addr; $198 = $c; $mul237 = $198<<10; $add$ptr238 = (($197) + ($mul237<<2)|0); $199 = $N$addr; $add$ptr239 = (($add$ptr238) + ($199<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast240 = $add$ptr236; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast241 = $add$ptr239; $sub$ptr$sub242 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast240) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast241))|0; $sub$ptr$div243 = (($sub$ptr$sub242|0) / 4)&-1; $mul244 = 0; $add245 = (($mul234) + ($mul244))|0; _memmove(($add$ptr214|0),($add$ptr232|0),($add245|0))|0; $200 = $prefilter_mem$addr; $201 = $c; $mul246 = $201<<10; $add$ptr247 = (($200) + ($mul246<<2)|0); $add$ptr248 = ((($add$ptr247)) + 4096|0); $202 = $N$addr; $idx$neg = (0 - ($202))|0; $add$ptr249 = (($add$ptr248) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $203 = $c; $arrayidx250 = (($pre) + ($203<<2)|0); $204 = HEAP32[$arrayidx250>>2]|0; $add$ptr251 = ((($204)) + 4096|0); $205 = $N$addr; $mul252 = $205<<2; $206 = $prefilter_mem$addr; $207 = $c; $mul253 = $207<<10; $add$ptr254 = (($206) + ($mul253<<2)|0); $add$ptr255 = ((($add$ptr254)) + 4096|0); $208 = $N$addr; $idx$neg256 = (0 - ($208))|0; $add$ptr257 = (($add$ptr255) + ($idx$neg256<<2)|0); $209 = $c; $arrayidx258 = (($pre) + ($209<<2)|0); $210 = HEAP32[$arrayidx258>>2]|0; $add$ptr259 = ((($210)) + 4096|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast260 = $add$ptr257; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast261 = $add$ptr259; $sub$ptr$sub262 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast260) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast261))|0; $sub$ptr$div263 = (($sub$ptr$sub262|0) / 4)&-1; $mul264 = 0; $add265 = (($mul252) + ($mul264))|0; _memmove(($add$ptr249|0),($add$ptr251|0),($add265|0))|0; } $211 = $c; $inc268 = (($211) + 1)|0; $c = $inc268; $212 = $CC$addr; $cmp269 = ($inc268|0)<($212|0); if (!($cmp269)) { break; } } $213 = $gain1; $214 = $gain$addr; HEAPF32[$214>>2] = $213; $215 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; $216 = $pitch$addr; HEAP32[$216>>2] = $215; $217 = $qg; $218 = $qgain$addr; HEAP32[$218>>2] = $217; $219 = $pf_on; $220 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($220|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return ($219|0); } function _transient_analysis($in,$len,$C,$tf_estimate,$tf_chan) { $in = $in|0; $len = $len|0; $C = $C|0; $tf_estimate = $tf_estimate|0; $tf_chan = $tf_chan|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0.0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0.0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0.0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0.0, $91 = 0.0, $92 = 0.0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add106 = 0, $add108 = 0; var $add19 = 0, $add22 = 0, $add25 = 0.0, $add26 = 0.0, $add29 = 0.0, $add4 = 0.0, $add42 = 0.0, $add5 = 0.0, $add54 = 0.0, $add63 = 0.0, $add73 = 0.0, $add85 = 0.0, $add95 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx104 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0; var $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $arrayidx62 = 0, $arrayidx72 = 0, $arrayidx84 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $arrayidx94 = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0.0, $call124 = 0.0, $call133 = 0.0, $call162 = 0.0, $call66 = 0.0, $call76 = 0.0, $call88 = 0.0, $call98 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp11 = 0; var $cmp115 = 0, $cmp120 = 0, $cmp127 = 0, $cmp138 = 0, $cmp147 = 0, $cmp151 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp37 = 0, $cmp45 = 0, $cmp58 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp79 = 0, $cmp89 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $cond102 = 0.0, $cond137 = 0.0, $cond143 = 0.0, $cond156 = 0.0, $cond161 = 0.0, $cond78 = 0.0; var $conv = 0.0, $conv103 = 0, $conv105 = 0, $conv121 = 0, $conv123 = 0.0, $conv125 = 0.0, $conv132 = 0.0, $conv134 = 0.0, $conv145 = 0.0, $conv158 = 0.0, $conv163 = 0.0, $conv50 = 0.0, $conv52 = 0.0, $conv53 = 0.0, $conv65 = 0.0, $conv75 = 0.0, $conv87 = 0.0, $conv97 = 0.0, $dec = 0, $div = 0; var $div114 = 0, $div55 = 0.0, $i = 0, $id = 0, $in$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc118 = 0, $inc33 = 0, $is_transient = 0, $len$addr = 0, $len2 = 0, $mask_metric = 0, $maxE = 0.0, $mean = 0.0, $mem0 = 0.0, $mem1 = 0.0, $mul = 0, $mul110 = 0, $mul111 = 0, $mul113 = 0; var $mul122 = 0, $mul13 = 0, $mul131 = 0, $mul144 = 0.0, $mul15 = 0, $mul157 = 0.0, $mul17 = 0.0, $mul18 = 0, $mul21 = 0, $mul24 = 0.0, $mul28 = 0.0, $mul41 = 0.0, $mul48 = 0.0, $mul49 = 0.0, $mul51 = 0.0, $mul6 = 0.0, $mul61 = 0.0, $mul64 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0.0, $mul71 = 0.0; var $mul74 = 0.0, $mul83 = 0.0, $mul86 = 0.0, $mul93 = 0.0, $mul96 = 0.0, $norm = 0.0, $saved_stack = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub112 = 0, $sub126 = 0.0, $sub135 = 0.0, $sub146 = 0.0, $sub159 = 0.0, $sub27 = 0.0, $sub35 = 0, $sub40 = 0.0, $sub57 = 0, $sub8 = 0.0, $tf_chan$addr = 0, $tf_estimate$addr = 0; var $tf_max = 0.0, $unmask = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $x = 0.0, $x2 = 0.0, $y = 0.0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 96|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(96|0); $in$addr = $in; $len$addr = $len; $C$addr = $C; $tf_estimate$addr = $tf_estimate; $tf_chan$addr = $tf_chan; $is_transient = 0; $mask_metric = 0; $0 = $len$addr; $1 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $1; $vla$alloca_mul = $0<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $2 = $len$addr; $div = (($2|0) / 2)&-1; $len2 = $div; $c = 0; while(1) { $3 = $c; $4 = $C$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)<($4|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $unmask = 0; $mem0 = 0.0; $mem1 = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $5 = $i; $6 = $len$addr; $cmp2 = ($5|0)<($6|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $7 = $in$addr; $8 = $i; $9 = $c; $10 = $len$addr; $mul = Math_imul($9, $10)|0; $add = (($8) + ($mul))|0; $arrayidx = (($7) + ($add<<2)|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $x = $11; $12 = $mem0; $13 = $x; $add4 = $12 + $13; $y = $add4; $14 = $mem1; $15 = $y; $add5 = $14 + $15; $16 = $x; $mul6 = 2.0 * $16; $sub = $add5 - $mul6; $mem0 = $sub; $17 = $x; $18 = $y; $mul7 = 0.5 * $18; $sub8 = $17 - $mul7; $mem1 = $sub8; $19 = $y; $20 = $i; $arrayidx9 = (($vla) + ($20<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2] = $19; $21 = $i; $inc = (($21) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } dest=$vla; stop=dest+48|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=0|0; dest=dest+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $mean = 0.0; $mem0 = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $22 = $i; $23 = $len2; $cmp11 = ($22|0)<($23|0); if (!($cmp11)) { break; } $24 = $i; $mul13 = $24<<1; $arrayidx14 = (($vla) + ($mul13<<2)|0); $25 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $26 = $i; $mul15 = $26<<1; $arrayidx16 = (($vla) + ($mul15<<2)|0); $27 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2]; $mul17 = $25 * $27; $28 = $i; $mul18 = $28<<1; $add19 = (($mul18) + 1)|0; $arrayidx20 = (($vla) + ($add19<<2)|0); $29 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2]; $30 = $i; $mul21 = $30<<1; $add22 = (($mul21) + 1)|0; $arrayidx23 = (($vla) + ($add22<<2)|0); $31 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2]; $mul24 = $29 * $31; $add25 = $mul17 + $mul24; $x2 = $add25; $32 = $x2; $33 = $mean; $add26 = $33 + $32; $mean = $add26; $34 = $mem0; $35 = $x2; $36 = $mem0; $sub27 = $35 - $36; $mul28 = 0.0625 * $sub27; $add29 = $34 + $mul28; $37 = $i; $arrayidx30 = (($vla) + ($37<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2] = $add29; $38 = $i; $arrayidx31 = (($vla) + ($38<<2)|0); $39 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx31>>2]; $mem0 = $39; $40 = $i; $inc33 = (($40) + 1)|0; $i = $inc33; } $mem0 = 0.0; $maxE = 0.0; $41 = $len2; $sub35 = (($41) - 1)|0; $i = $sub35; while(1) { $42 = $i; $cmp37 = ($42|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp37)) { break; } $43 = $mem0; $44 = $i; $arrayidx39 = (($vla) + ($44<<2)|0); $45 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx39>>2]; $46 = $mem0; $sub40 = $45 - $46; $mul41 = 0.125 * $sub40; $add42 = $43 + $mul41; $47 = $i; $arrayidx43 = (($vla) + ($47<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2] = $add42; $48 = $i; $arrayidx44 = (($vla) + ($48<<2)|0); $49 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx44>>2]; $mem0 = $49; $50 = $maxE; $51 = $mem0; $cmp45 = $50 > $51; $52 = $maxE; $53 = $mem0; $cond = $cmp45 ? $52 : $53; $maxE = $cond; $54 = $i; $dec = (($54) + -1)|0; $i = $dec; } $55 = $mean; $56 = $maxE; $mul48 = $55 * $56; $conv = $mul48; $mul49 = $conv * 0.5; $57 = $len2; $conv50 = (+($57|0)); $mul51 = $mul49 * $conv50; $call = (+Math_sqrt((+$mul51))); $conv52 = $call; $mean = $conv52; $58 = $len2; $conv53 = (+($58|0)); $59 = $mean; $add54 = 1.0000000036274937E-15 + $59; $div55 = $conv53 / $add54; $norm = $div55; $unmask = 0; $i = 12; while(1) { $60 = $i; $61 = $len2; $sub57 = (($61) - 5)|0; $cmp58 = ($60|0)<($sub57|0); if (!($cmp58)) { break; } $62 = $norm; $mul61 = 64.0 * $62; $63 = $i; $arrayidx62 = (($vla) + ($63<<2)|0); $64 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx62>>2]; $add63 = $64 + 1.0000000036274937E-15; $mul64 = $mul61 * $add63; $conv65 = $mul64; $call66 = (+Math_floor((+$conv65))); $cmp67 = 127.0 < $call66; if ($cmp67) { $cond78 = 127.0; } else { $65 = $norm; $mul71 = 64.0 * $65; $66 = $i; $arrayidx72 = (($vla) + ($66<<2)|0); $67 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx72>>2]; $add73 = $67 + 1.0000000036274937E-15; $mul74 = $mul71 * $add73; $conv75 = $mul74; $call76 = (+Math_floor((+$conv75))); $cond78 = $call76; } $cmp79 = 0.0 > $cond78; if ($cmp79) { $cond102 = 0.0; } else { $68 = $norm; $mul83 = 64.0 * $68; $69 = $i; $arrayidx84 = (($vla) + ($69<<2)|0); $70 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx84>>2]; $add85 = $70 + 1.0000000036274937E-15; $mul86 = $mul83 * $add85; $conv87 = $mul86; $call88 = (+Math_floor((+$conv87))); $cmp89 = 127.0 < $call88; if ($cmp89) { $cond102 = 127.0; } else { $71 = $norm; $mul93 = 64.0 * $71; $72 = $i; $arrayidx94 = (($vla) + ($72<<2)|0); $73 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx94>>2]; $add95 = $73 + 1.0000000036274937E-15; $mul96 = $mul93 * $add95; $conv97 = $mul96; $call98 = (+Math_floor((+$conv97))); $cond102 = $call98; } } $conv103 = (~~(($cond102))); $id = $conv103; $74 = $id; $arrayidx104 = (25804 + ($74)|0); $75 = HEAP8[$arrayidx104>>0]|0; $conv105 = $75&255; $76 = $unmask; $add106 = (($76) + ($conv105))|0; $unmask = $add106; $77 = $i; $add108 = (($77) + 4)|0; $i = $add108; } $78 = $unmask; $mul110 = $78<<6; $mul111 = $mul110<<2; $79 = $len2; $sub112 = (($79) - 17)|0; $mul113 = ($sub112*6)|0; $div114 = (($mul111|0) / ($mul113|0))&-1; $unmask = $div114; $80 = $unmask; $81 = $mask_metric; $cmp115 = ($80|0)>($81|0); if ($cmp115) { $82 = $c; $83 = $tf_chan$addr; HEAP32[$83>>2] = $82; $84 = $unmask; $mask_metric = $84; } $85 = $c; $inc118 = (($85) + 1)|0; $c = $inc118; } $86 = $mask_metric; $cmp120 = ($86|0)>(200); $conv121 = $cmp120&1; $is_transient = $conv121; $87 = $mask_metric; $mul122 = ($87*27)|0; $conv123 = (+($mul122|0)); $call124 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv123))); $conv125 = $call124; $sub126 = $conv125 - 42.0; $cmp127 = 0.0 > $sub126; if ($cmp127) { $cond137 = 0.0; } else { $88 = $mask_metric; $mul131 = ($88*27)|0; $conv132 = (+($mul131|0)); $call133 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv132))); $conv134 = $call133; $sub135 = $conv134 - 42.0; $cond137 = $sub135; } $tf_max = $cond137; $89 = $tf_max; $cmp138 = 163.0 < $89; $90 = $tf_max; $cond143 = $cmp138 ? 163.0 : $90; $mul144 = 0.0068999999202787876 * $cond143; $conv145 = $mul144; $sub146 = $conv145 - 0.13900000000000001; $cmp147 = 0.0 > $sub146; if ($cmp147) { $cond161 = 0.0; $call162 = (+Math_sqrt((+$cond161))); $conv163 = $call162; $93 = $tf_estimate$addr; HEAPF32[$93>>2] = $conv163; $94 = $is_transient; $95 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($95|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return ($94|0); } $91 = $tf_max; $cmp151 = 163.0 < $91; $92 = $tf_max; $cond156 = $cmp151 ? 163.0 : $92; $mul157 = 0.0068999999202787876 * $cond156; $conv158 = $mul157; $sub159 = $conv158 - 0.13900000000000001; $cond161 = $sub159; $call162 = (+Math_sqrt((+$cond161))); $conv163 = $call162; $93 = $tf_estimate$addr; HEAPF32[$93>>2] = $conv163; $94 = $is_transient; $95 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($95|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return ($94|0); } function _compute_mdcts($mode,$shortBlocks,$in,$out,$C,$CC,$LM,$upsample,$arch) { $mode = $mode|0; $shortBlocks = $shortBlocks|0; $in = $in|0; $out = $out|0; $C = $C|0; $CC = $CC|0; $LM = $LM|0; $upsample = $upsample|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $B = 0, $C$addr = 0; var $CC$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $N = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr6 = 0, $add22 = 0, $add25 = 0.0, $add40 = 0, $add48 = 0, $add9 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $b = 0, $bound = 0; var $c = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp31 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp55 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $div = 0, $i = 0, $in$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc10 = 0, $inc28 = 0, $inc44 = 0, $inc54 = 0, $maxLM = 0, $maxLM3 = 0; var $mdct = 0, $mode$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul16 = 0, $mul20 = 0.0, $mul21 = 0, $mul24 = 0.0, $mul34 = 0, $mul38 = 0, $mul39 = 0, $mul4 = 0, $mul42 = 0.0, $mul46 = 0, $mul47 = 0, $mul5 = 0, $mul50 = 0, $mul52 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $or$cond = 0; var $out$addr = 0, $overlap = 0, $overlap1 = 0, $shift = 0, $shl = 0, $shortBlocks$addr = 0, $shortMdctSize = 0, $shortMdctSize2 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub51 = 0, $tobool = 0, $upsample$addr = 0, $window = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $mode$addr = $mode; $shortBlocks$addr = $shortBlocks; $in$addr = $in; $out$addr = $out; $C$addr = $C; $CC$addr = $CC; $LM$addr = $LM; $upsample$addr = $upsample; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $mode$addr; $overlap1 = ((($0)) + 4|0); $1 = HEAP32[$overlap1>>2]|0; $overlap = $1; $2 = $shortBlocks$addr; $tobool = ($2|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $3 = $shortBlocks$addr; $B = $3; $4 = $mode$addr; $shortMdctSize = ((($4)) + 44|0); $5 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize>>2]|0; $N = $5; $6 = $mode$addr; $maxLM = ((($6)) + 36|0); $7 = HEAP32[$maxLM>>2]|0; $shift = $7; } else { $B = 1; $8 = $mode$addr; $shortMdctSize2 = ((($8)) + 44|0); $9 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize2>>2]|0; $10 = $LM$addr; $shl = $9 << $10; $N = $shl; $11 = $mode$addr; $maxLM3 = ((($11)) + 36|0); $12 = HEAP32[$maxLM3>>2]|0; $13 = $LM$addr; $sub = (($12) - ($13))|0; $shift = $sub; } $c = 0; while(1) { $b = 0; while(1) { $14 = $b; $15 = $B; $cmp = ($14|0)<($15|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $16 = $mode$addr; $mdct = ((($16)) + 64|0); $17 = $in$addr; $18 = $c; $19 = $B; $20 = $N; $mul = Math_imul($19, $20)|0; $21 = $overlap; $add = (($mul) + ($21))|0; $mul4 = Math_imul($18, $add)|0; $add$ptr = (($17) + ($mul4<<2)|0); $22 = $b; $23 = $N; $mul5 = Math_imul($22, $23)|0; $add$ptr6 = (($add$ptr) + ($mul5<<2)|0); $24 = $out$addr; $25 = $b; $26 = $c; $27 = $N; $mul7 = Math_imul($26, $27)|0; $28 = $B; $mul8 = Math_imul($mul7, $28)|0; $add9 = (($25) + ($mul8))|0; $arrayidx = (($24) + ($add9<<2)|0); $29 = $mode$addr; $window = ((($29)) + 60|0); $30 = HEAP32[$window>>2]|0; $31 = $overlap; $32 = $shift; $33 = $B; $34 = $arch$addr; _clt_mdct_forward_c($mdct,$add$ptr6,$arrayidx,$30,$31,$32,$33,$34); $35 = $b; $inc = (($35) + 1)|0; $b = $inc; } $36 = $c; $inc10 = (($36) + 1)|0; $c = $inc10; $37 = $CC$addr; $cmp11 = ($inc10|0)<($37|0); if (!($cmp11)) { break; } } $38 = $CC$addr; $cmp12 = ($38|0)==(2); $39 = $C$addr; $cmp13 = ($39|0)==(1); $or$cond = $cmp12 & $cmp13; L12: do { if ($or$cond) { $i = 0; while(1) { $40 = $i; $41 = $B; $42 = $N; $mul16 = Math_imul($41, $42)|0; $cmp17 = ($40|0)<($mul16|0); if (!($cmp17)) { break L12; } $43 = $out$addr; $44 = $i; $arrayidx19 = (($43) + ($44<<2)|0); $45 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2]; $mul20 = 0.5 * $45; $46 = $out$addr; $47 = $B; $48 = $N; $mul21 = Math_imul($47, $48)|0; $49 = $i; $add22 = (($mul21) + ($49))|0; $arrayidx23 = (($46) + ($add22<<2)|0); $50 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2]; $mul24 = 0.5 * $50; $add25 = $mul20 + $mul24; $51 = $out$addr; $52 = $i; $arrayidx26 = (($51) + ($52<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx26>>2] = $add25; $53 = $i; $inc28 = (($53) + 1)|0; $i = $inc28; } } } while(0); $54 = $upsample$addr; $cmp31 = ($54|0)!=(1); if (!($cmp31)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $c = 0; while(1) { $55 = $B; $56 = $N; $mul34 = Math_imul($55, $56)|0; $57 = $upsample$addr; $div = (($mul34|0) / ($57|0))&-1; $bound = $div; $i = 0; while(1) { $58 = $i; $59 = $bound; $cmp36 = ($58|0)<($59|0); if (!($cmp36)) { break; } $60 = $upsample$addr; $conv = (+($60|0)); $61 = $out$addr; $62 = $c; $63 = $B; $mul38 = Math_imul($62, $63)|0; $64 = $N; $mul39 = Math_imul($mul38, $64)|0; $65 = $i; $add40 = (($mul39) + ($65))|0; $arrayidx41 = (($61) + ($add40<<2)|0); $66 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx41>>2]; $mul42 = $66 * $conv; HEAPF32[$arrayidx41>>2] = $mul42; $67 = $i; $inc44 = (($67) + 1)|0; $i = $inc44; } $68 = $out$addr; $69 = $c; $70 = $B; $mul46 = Math_imul($69, $70)|0; $71 = $N; $mul47 = Math_imul($mul46, $71)|0; $72 = $bound; $add48 = (($mul47) + ($72))|0; $arrayidx49 = (($68) + ($add48<<2)|0); $73 = $B; $74 = $N; $mul50 = Math_imul($73, $74)|0; $75 = $bound; $sub51 = (($mul50) - ($75))|0; $mul52 = $sub51<<2; _memset(($arrayidx49|0),0,($mul52|0))|0; $76 = $c; $inc54 = (($76) + 1)|0; $c = $inc54; $77 = $C$addr; $cmp55 = ($inc54|0)<($77|0); if (!($cmp55)) { break; } } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _patch_transient_decision($newE,$oldE,$nbEBands,$start,$end,$C) { $newE = $newE|0; $oldE = $oldE|0; $nbEBands = $nbEBands|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $C = $C|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0; var $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0.0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0; var $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0.0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0; var $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0.0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0; var $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0.0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0.0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0.0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0.0, $9 = 0.0, $90 = 0.0, $91 = 0.0, $92 = 0.0, $93 = 0.0, $94 = 0.0, $95 = 0; var $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0.0, $99 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add100 = 0, $add118 = 0.0, $add13 = 0, $add19 = 0, $add19$sink = 0, $add24 = 0, $add32 = 0, $add38 = 0, $add38$sink = 0, $add49 = 0, $add55 = 0, $add55$sink = 0, $add70 = 0, $add77 = 0; var $add94 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx101 = 0, $arrayidx104 = 0, $arrayidx108 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0; var $arrayidx56 = 0, $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx75 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx82 = 0, $arrayidx95 = 0, $c = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp105 = 0, $cmp112 = 0, $cmp123 = 0, $cmp125 = 0, $cmp132 = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp34 = 0; var $cmp42 = 0, $cmp51 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp73 = 0, $cmp85 = 0, $cmp92 = 0, $cmp96 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $cond103 = 0.0, $cond110 = 0.0, $cond117 = 0.0, $cond129 = 0, $cond60 = 0.0, $cond81 = 0.0, $cond89 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv133 = 0, $dec = 0, $div = 0.0; var $end$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc120 = 0, $inc122 = 0, $inc63 = 0, $mean_diff = 0.0, $mul = 0, $mul131 = 0, $mul99 = 0, $nbEBands$addr = 0, $newE$addr = 0, $oldE$addr = 0, $spread_old = 0, $start$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub111 = 0.0, $sub115 = 0.0, $sub124 = 0, $sub130 = 0; var $sub28 = 0, $sub30 = 0.0, $sub4 = 0.0, $sub44 = 0, $sub46 = 0.0, $sub65 = 0, $sub7 = 0, $sub72 = 0.0, $sub79 = 0.0, $sub9 = 0.0, $sub91 = 0, $x1 = 0.0, $x2 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 160|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(160|0); $spread_old = sp + 8|0; $newE$addr = $newE; $oldE$addr = $oldE; $nbEBands$addr = $nbEBands; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $C$addr = $C; $mean_diff = 0.0; $0 = $C$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)==(1); $1 = $oldE$addr; $2 = $start$addr; $arrayidx = (($1) + ($2<<2)|0); $3 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; L1: do { if ($cmp) { $4 = $start$addr; $arrayidx1 = (($spread_old) + ($4<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2] = $3; $5 = $start$addr; $add = (($5) + 1)|0; $i = $add; while(1) { $6 = $i; $7 = $end$addr; $cmp2 = ($6|0)<($7|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break L1; } $8 = $i; $sub = (($8) - 1)|0; $arrayidx3 = (($spread_old) + ($sub<<2)|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $sub4 = $9 - 1.0; $10 = $oldE$addr; $11 = $i; $arrayidx5 = (($10) + ($11<<2)|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $cmp6 = $sub4 > $12; if ($cmp6) { $13 = $i; $sub7 = (($13) - 1)|0; $arrayidx8 = (($spread_old) + ($sub7<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2]; $sub9 = $14 - 1.0; $cond = $sub9; } else { $15 = $oldE$addr; $16 = $i; $arrayidx10 = (($15) + ($16<<2)|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $cond = $17; } $18 = $i; $arrayidx11 = (($spread_old) + ($18<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2] = $cond; $19 = $i; $inc = (($19) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } } else { $20 = $oldE$addr; $21 = $start$addr; $22 = $nbEBands$addr; $add13 = (($21) + ($22))|0; $arrayidx14 = (($20) + ($add13<<2)|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $cmp15 = $3 > $23; $24 = $oldE$addr; $25 = $start$addr; $26 = $nbEBands$addr; $add19 = (($25) + ($26))|0; $add19$sink = $cmp15 ? $25 : $add19; $arrayidx20 = (($24) + ($add19$sink<<2)|0); $27 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2]; $28 = $start$addr; $arrayidx23 = (($spread_old) + ($28<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2] = $27; $29 = $start$addr; $add24 = (($29) + 1)|0; $i = $add24; while(1) { $30 = $i; $31 = $end$addr; $cmp26 = ($30|0)<($31|0); if (!($cmp26)) { break L1; } $32 = $i; $sub28 = (($32) - 1)|0; $arrayidx29 = (($spread_old) + ($sub28<<2)|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2]; $sub30 = $33 - 1.0; $34 = $oldE$addr; $35 = $i; $arrayidx31 = (($34) + ($35<<2)|0); $36 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx31>>2]; $37 = $oldE$addr; $38 = $i; $39 = $nbEBands$addr; $add32 = (($38) + ($39))|0; $arrayidx33 = (($37) + ($add32<<2)|0); $40 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx33>>2]; $cmp34 = $36 > $40; $41 = $oldE$addr; $42 = $i; $43 = $nbEBands$addr; $add38 = (($42) + ($43))|0; $add38$sink = $cmp34 ? $42 : $add38; $arrayidx39 = (($41) + ($add38$sink<<2)|0); $44 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx39>>2]; $cmp42 = $sub30 > $44; if ($cmp42) { $45 = $i; $sub44 = (($45) - 1)|0; $arrayidx45 = (($spread_old) + ($sub44<<2)|0); $46 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx45>>2]; $sub46 = $46 - 1.0; $cond60 = $sub46; } else { $47 = $oldE$addr; $48 = $i; $arrayidx48 = (($47) + ($48<<2)|0); $49 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx48>>2]; $50 = $oldE$addr; $51 = $i; $52 = $nbEBands$addr; $add49 = (($51) + ($52))|0; $arrayidx50 = (($50) + ($add49<<2)|0); $53 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx50>>2]; $cmp51 = $49 > $53; $54 = $oldE$addr; $55 = $i; $56 = $nbEBands$addr; $add55 = (($55) + ($56))|0; $add55$sink = $cmp51 ? $55 : $add55; $arrayidx56 = (($54) + ($add55$sink<<2)|0); $57 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx56>>2]; $cond60 = $57; } $58 = $i; $arrayidx61 = (($spread_old) + ($58<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx61>>2] = $cond60; $59 = $i; $inc63 = (($59) + 1)|0; $i = $inc63; } } } while(0); $60 = $end$addr; $sub65 = (($60) - 2)|0; $i = $sub65; while(1) { $61 = $i; $62 = $start$addr; $cmp67 = ($61|0)>=($62|0); if (!($cmp67)) { break; } $63 = $i; $arrayidx69 = (($spread_old) + ($63<<2)|0); $64 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx69>>2]; $65 = $i; $add70 = (($65) + 1)|0; $arrayidx71 = (($spread_old) + ($add70<<2)|0); $66 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx71>>2]; $sub72 = $66 - 1.0; $cmp73 = $64 > $sub72; $67 = $i; if ($cmp73) { $arrayidx75 = (($spread_old) + ($67<<2)|0); $68 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx75>>2]; $cond81 = $68; } else { $add77 = (($67) + 1)|0; $arrayidx78 = (($spread_old) + ($add77<<2)|0); $69 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx78>>2]; $sub79 = $69 - 1.0; $cond81 = $sub79; } $70 = $i; $arrayidx82 = (($spread_old) + ($70<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx82>>2] = $cond81; $71 = $i; $dec = (($71) + -1)|0; $i = $dec; } $c = 0; while(1) { $72 = $start$addr; $cmp85 = (2)>($72|0); $73 = $start$addr; $cond89 = $cmp85 ? 2 : $73; $i = $cond89; while(1) { $74 = $i; $75 = $end$addr; $sub91 = (($75) - 1)|0; $cmp92 = ($74|0)<($sub91|0); if (!($cmp92)) { break; } $76 = $newE$addr; $77 = $i; $78 = $c; $79 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul = Math_imul($78, $79)|0; $add94 = (($77) + ($mul))|0; $arrayidx95 = (($76) + ($add94<<2)|0); $80 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx95>>2]; $cmp96 = 0.0 > $80; if ($cmp96) { $cond103 = 0.0; } else { $81 = $newE$addr; $82 = $i; $83 = $c; $84 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul99 = Math_imul($83, $84)|0; $add100 = (($82) + ($mul99))|0; $arrayidx101 = (($81) + ($add100<<2)|0); $85 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx101>>2]; $cond103 = $85; } $x1 = $cond103; $86 = $i; $arrayidx104 = (($spread_old) + ($86<<2)|0); $87 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx104>>2]; $cmp105 = 0.0 > $87; if ($cmp105) { $cond110 = 0.0; } else { $88 = $i; $arrayidx108 = (($spread_old) + ($88<<2)|0); $89 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx108>>2]; $cond110 = $89; } $x2 = $cond110; $90 = $mean_diff; $91 = $x1; $92 = $x2; $sub111 = $91 - $92; $cmp112 = 0.0 > $sub111; if ($cmp112) { $cond117 = 0.0; } else { $93 = $x1; $94 = $x2; $sub115 = $93 - $94; $cond117 = $sub115; } $add118 = $90 + $cond117; $mean_diff = $add118; $95 = $i; $inc120 = (($95) + 1)|0; $i = $inc120; } $96 = $c; $inc122 = (($96) + 1)|0; $c = $inc122; $97 = $C$addr; $cmp123 = ($inc122|0)<($97|0); if (!($cmp123)) { break; } } $98 = $mean_diff; $99 = $C$addr; $100 = $end$addr; $sub124 = (($100) - 1)|0; $101 = $start$addr; $cmp125 = (2)>($101|0); $102 = $start$addr; $cond129 = $cmp125 ? 2 : $102; $sub130 = (($sub124) - ($cond129))|0; $mul131 = Math_imul($99, $sub130)|0; $conv = (+($mul131|0)); $div = $98 / $conv; $mean_diff = $div; $103 = $mean_diff; $cmp132 = $103 > 1.0; $conv133 = $cmp132&1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($conv133|0); } function _tf_analysis($m,$len,$isTransient,$tf_res,$lambda,$X,$N0,$LM,$tf_sum,$tf_estimate,$tf_chan) { $m = $m|0; $len = $len|0; $isTransient = $isTransient|0; $tf_res = $tf_res|0; $lambda = $lambda|0; $X = $X|0; $N0 = $N0|0; $LM = $LM|0; $tf_sum = $tf_sum|0; $tf_estimate = +$tf_estimate; $tf_chan = $tf_chan|0; var $$sink = 0, $$sink2 = 0, $$sink3 = 0, $$sink4 = 0, $$sink5 = 0, $$sink6 = 0, $0 = 0.0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0; var $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0; var $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0; var $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0; var $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0; var $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0; var $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0, $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0; var $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0; var $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0.0, $65 = 0.0; var $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0.0, $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0; var $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0.0, $93 = 0.0, $94 = 0.0, $95 = 0.0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $B = 0, $L1 = 0.0, $LM$addr = 0; var $N = 0, $N0$addr = 0, $X$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add113 = 0, $add143 = 0, $add148 = 0, $add151 = 0, $add155 = 0, $add163 = 0, $add164 = 0, $add170 = 0, $add175 = 0, $add176 = 0, $add182 = 0, $add215 = 0, $add223 = 0, $add235 = 0, $add236 = 0, $add242 = 0; var $add247 = 0, $add248 = 0, $add254 = 0, $add268 = 0, $add273 = 0, $add31 = 0, $add45 = 0, $add53 = 0, $add56 = 0, $add69 = 0, $add71 = 0, $add80 = 0, $add88 = 0, $add96 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx104 = 0, $arrayidx111 = 0, $arrayidx116 = 0, $arrayidx119 = 0, $arrayidx124 = 0; var $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx159 = 0, $arrayidx160 = 0, $arrayidx165 = 0, $arrayidx171 = 0, $arrayidx172 = 0, $arrayidx177 = 0, $arrayidx192 = 0, $arrayidx196 = 0, $arrayidx221 = 0, $arrayidx229 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx231 = 0, $arrayidx232 = 0, $arrayidx237 = 0, $arrayidx243 = 0, $arrayidx244 = 0, $arrayidx249 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx262 = 0; var $arrayidx269 = 0, $arrayidx274 = 0, $arrayidx275 = 0, $arrayidx278 = 0, $arrayidx279 = 0, $arrayidx279$sink = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $best_L1 = 0.0, $best_level = 0, $bias = 0.0, $call = 0.0, $call169 = 0, $call181 = 0; var $call241 = 0, $call253 = 0, $call72 = 0.0, $call92 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp117 = 0, $cmp121 = 0, $cmp131 = 0, $cmp140 = 0, $cmp144 = 0, $cmp152 = 0, $cmp186 = 0, $cmp198 = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp210 = 0, $cmp216 = 0, $cmp224 = 0, $cmp258 = 0, $cmp265 = 0, $cmp270 = 0; var $cmp38 = 0, $cmp73 = 0, $cmp81 = 0, $cmp93 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $cond110 = 0, $cond138 = 0, $cond150 = 0, $cond158 = 0, $cond191 = 0, $cond208 = 0, $cond260 = 0, $cond60 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv166 = 0, $conv178 = 0, $conv238 = 0, $conv24 = 0; var $conv250 = 0, $conv27 = 0, $conv33 = 0, $conv36 = 0, $conv39 = 0, $conv43 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv51 = 0, $cost0 = 0, $cost1 = 0, $curr0 = 0, $curr0213 = 0, $curr1 = 0, $curr1214 = 0, $dec = 0, $div = 0, $eBands = 0, $eBands11 = 0, $eBands2 = 0, $eBands22 = 0; var $eBands25 = 0, $eBands30 = 0, $eBands34 = 0, $eBands41 = 0, $eBands49 = 0, $eBands8 = 0, $from0 = 0, $from1 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc128 = 0, $inc184 = 0, $inc194 = 0, $inc256 = 0, $isTransient$addr = 0, $k = 0, $lambda$addr = 0, $len$addr = 0, $lnot = 0, $lnot$ext = 0; var $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul100 = 0, $mul103 = 0, $mul103$sink = 0, $mul120 = 0, $mul161 = 0, $mul162 = 0, $mul167 = 0, $mul173 = 0, $mul174 = 0, $mul179 = 0, $mul233 = 0, $mul234 = 0, $mul239 = 0, $mul245 = 0, $mul246 = 0, $mul251 = 0, $mul40 = 0, $mul47 = 0; var $mul48 = 0, $mul55 = 0, $mul63 = 0, $mul68 = 0, $narrow = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $sel = 0, $selcost = 0, $shl = 0, $shl16 = 0, $shl29 = 0, $shl44 = 0, $shl52 = 0, $shl70 = 0, $shl91 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr90 = 0, $sub = 0.0; var $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$div67 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast64 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast65 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub66 = 0, $sub1 = 0.0, $sub112 = 0, $sub12 = 0, $sub125 = 0, $sub15 = 0, $sub168 = 0, $sub180 = 0, $sub240 = 0, $sub252 = 0, $sub261 = 0, $sub263 = 0, $sub28 = 0; var $sub3 = 0, $sub37 = 0, $sub6 = 0, $sub86 = 0, $sub87 = 0, $tf_chan$addr = 0, $tf_estimate$addr = 0.0, $tf_res$addr = 0, $tf_select = 0, $tf_sum$addr = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool106 = 0, $tobool114 = 0, $tobool134 = 0, $tobool201 = 0, $tobool204 = 0, $tobool61 = 0, $tobool62 = 0, $tobool78 = 0, $tobool79 = 0; var $tobool84 = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla17 = 0, $vla17$alloca_mul = 0, $vla18 = 0, $vla18$alloca_mul = 0, $vla19 = 0, $vla19$alloca_mul = 0, $vla7 = 0, $vla7$alloca_mul = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 144|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(144|0); $selcost = sp + 64|0; $m$addr = $m; $len$addr = $len; $isTransient$addr = $isTransient; $tf_res$addr = $tf_res; $lambda$addr = $lambda; $X$addr = $X; $N0$addr = $N0; $LM$addr = $LM; $tf_sum$addr = $tf_sum; $tf_estimate$addr = $tf_estimate; $tf_chan$addr = $tf_chan; $tf_select = 0; $0 = $tf_estimate$addr; $sub = 0.5 - $0; $cmp = -0.25 > $sub; $1 = $tf_estimate$addr; $sub1 = 0.5 - $1; $cond = $cmp ? -0.25 : $sub1; $mul = 0.039999999105930328 * $cond; $bias = $mul; $2 = $len$addr; $3 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $3; $vla$alloca_mul = $2<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $4 = $m$addr; $eBands = ((($4)) + 32|0); $5 = HEAP32[$eBands>>2]|0; $6 = $len$addr; $arrayidx = (($5) + ($6<<1)|0); $7 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $7 << 16 >> 16; $8 = $m$addr; $eBands2 = ((($8)) + 32|0); $9 = HEAP32[$eBands2>>2]|0; $10 = $len$addr; $sub3 = (($10) - 1)|0; $arrayidx4 = (($9) + ($sub3<<1)|0); $11 = HEAP16[$arrayidx4>>1]|0; $conv5 = $11 << 16 >> 16; $sub6 = (($conv) - ($conv5))|0; $12 = $LM$addr; $shl = $sub6 << $12; $vla7$alloca_mul = $shl<<2; $vla7 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla7$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla7$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $13 = $m$addr; $eBands8 = ((($13)) + 32|0); $14 = HEAP32[$eBands8>>2]|0; $15 = $len$addr; $arrayidx9 = (($14) + ($15<<1)|0); $16 = HEAP16[$arrayidx9>>1]|0; $conv10 = $16 << 16 >> 16; $17 = $m$addr; $eBands11 = ((($17)) + 32|0); $18 = HEAP32[$eBands11>>2]|0; $19 = $len$addr; $sub12 = (($19) - 1)|0; $arrayidx13 = (($18) + ($sub12<<1)|0); $20 = HEAP16[$arrayidx13>>1]|0; $conv14 = $20 << 16 >> 16; $sub15 = (($conv10) - ($conv14))|0; $21 = $LM$addr; $shl16 = $sub15 << $21; $vla17$alloca_mul = $shl16<<2; $vla17 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla17$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla17$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $22 = $len$addr; $vla18$alloca_mul = $22<<2; $vla18 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla18$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla18$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $23 = $len$addr; $vla19$alloca_mul = $23<<2; $vla19 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla19$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla19$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $24 = $tf_sum$addr; HEAP32[$24>>2] = 0; $i = 0; while(1) { $25 = $i; $26 = $len$addr; $cmp20 = ($25|0)<($26|0); if (!($cmp20)) { break; } $best_level = 0; $27 = $m$addr; $eBands22 = ((($27)) + 32|0); $28 = HEAP32[$eBands22>>2]|0; $29 = $i; $add = (($29) + 1)|0; $arrayidx23 = (($28) + ($add<<1)|0); $30 = HEAP16[$arrayidx23>>1]|0; $conv24 = $30 << 16 >> 16; $31 = $m$addr; $eBands25 = ((($31)) + 32|0); $32 = HEAP32[$eBands25>>2]|0; $33 = $i; $arrayidx26 = (($32) + ($33<<1)|0); $34 = HEAP16[$arrayidx26>>1]|0; $conv27 = $34 << 16 >> 16; $sub28 = (($conv24) - ($conv27))|0; $35 = $LM$addr; $shl29 = $sub28 << $35; $N = $shl29; $36 = $m$addr; $eBands30 = ((($36)) + 32|0); $37 = HEAP32[$eBands30>>2]|0; $38 = $i; $add31 = (($38) + 1)|0; $arrayidx32 = (($37) + ($add31<<1)|0); $39 = HEAP16[$arrayidx32>>1]|0; $conv33 = $39 << 16 >> 16; $40 = $m$addr; $eBands34 = ((($40)) + 32|0); $41 = HEAP32[$eBands34>>2]|0; $42 = $i; $arrayidx35 = (($41) + ($42<<1)|0); $43 = HEAP16[$arrayidx35>>1]|0; $conv36 = $43 << 16 >> 16; $sub37 = (($conv33) - ($conv36))|0; $cmp38 = ($sub37|0)==(1); $conv39 = $cmp38&1; $narrow = $conv39; $44 = $X$addr; $45 = $tf_chan$addr; $46 = $N0$addr; $mul40 = Math_imul($45, $46)|0; $47 = $m$addr; $eBands41 = ((($47)) + 32|0); $48 = HEAP32[$eBands41>>2]|0; $49 = $i; $arrayidx42 = (($48) + ($49<<1)|0); $50 = HEAP16[$arrayidx42>>1]|0; $conv43 = $50 << 16 >> 16; $51 = $LM$addr; $shl44 = $conv43 << $51; $add45 = (($mul40) + ($shl44))|0; $arrayidx46 = (($44) + ($add45<<2)|0); $52 = $N; $mul47 = $52<<2; $53 = $X$addr; $54 = $tf_chan$addr; $55 = $N0$addr; $mul48 = Math_imul($54, $55)|0; $56 = $m$addr; $eBands49 = ((($56)) + 32|0); $57 = HEAP32[$eBands49>>2]|0; $58 = $i; $arrayidx50 = (($57) + ($58<<1)|0); $59 = HEAP16[$arrayidx50>>1]|0; $conv51 = $59 << 16 >> 16; $60 = $LM$addr; $shl52 = $conv51 << $60; $add53 = (($mul48) + ($shl52))|0; $arrayidx54 = (($53) + ($add53<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $vla7; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $arrayidx54; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul55 = 0; $add56 = (($mul47) + ($mul55))|0; _memcpy(($vla7|0),($arrayidx46|0),($add56|0))|0; $61 = $N; $62 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool = ($62|0)!=(0); $63 = $LM$addr; $cond60 = $tobool ? $63 : 0; $64 = $bias; $call = (+_l1_metric($vla7,$61,$cond60,$64)); $L1 = $call; $65 = $L1; $best_L1 = $65; $66 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool61 = ($66|0)==(0); $67 = $narrow; $tobool62 = ($67|0)!=(0); $or$cond = $tobool61 | $tobool62; if (!($or$cond)) { $68 = $N; $mul63 = $68<<2; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast64 = $vla17; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast65 = $vla7; $sub$ptr$sub66 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast64) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast65))|0; $sub$ptr$div67 = (($sub$ptr$sub66|0) / 4)&-1; $mul68 = 0; $add69 = (($mul63) + ($mul68))|0; _memcpy(($vla17|0),($vla7|0),($add69|0))|0; $69 = $N; $70 = $LM$addr; $shr = $69 >> $70; $71 = $LM$addr; $shl70 = 1 << $71; _haar1($vla17,$shr,$shl70); $72 = $N; $73 = $LM$addr; $add71 = (($73) + 1)|0; $74 = $bias; $call72 = (+_l1_metric($vla17,$72,$add71,$74)); $L1 = $call72; $75 = $L1; $76 = $best_L1; $cmp73 = $75 < $76; if ($cmp73) { $77 = $L1; $best_L1 = $77; $best_level = -1; } } $k = 0; while(1) { $78 = $k; $79 = $LM$addr; $80 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool78 = ($80|0)!=(0); $81 = $narrow; $tobool79 = ($81|0)!=(0); $82 = $tobool78 ? 1 : $tobool79; $lnot = $82 ^ 1; $lnot$ext = $lnot&1; $add80 = (($79) + ($lnot$ext))|0; $cmp81 = ($78|0)<($add80|0); $83 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool84 = ($83|0)!=(0); if (!($cmp81)) { break; } if ($tobool84) { $84 = $LM$addr; $85 = $k; $sub86 = (($84) - ($85))|0; $sub87 = (($sub86) - 1)|0; $B = $sub87; } else { $86 = $k; $add88 = (($86) + 1)|0; $B = $add88; } $87 = $N; $88 = $k; $shr90 = $87 >> $88; $89 = $k; $shl91 = 1 << $89; _haar1($vla7,$shr90,$shl91); $90 = $N; $91 = $B; $92 = $bias; $call92 = (+_l1_metric($vla7,$90,$91,$92)); $L1 = $call92; $93 = $L1; $94 = $best_L1; $cmp93 = $93 < $94; if ($cmp93) { $95 = $L1; $best_L1 = $95; $96 = $k; $add96 = (($96) + 1)|0; $best_level = $add96; } $97 = $k; $inc = (($97) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $98 = $best_level; $mul103 = Math_imul(-2, $98)|0; $99 = $i; $mul100 = $98<<1; $100 = $i; $$sink = $tobool84 ? $100 : $99; $mul103$sink = $tobool84 ? $mul100 : $mul103; $arrayidx104 = (($vla) + ($$sink<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx104>>2] = $mul103$sink; $101 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool106 = ($101|0)!=(0); $102 = $LM$addr; $cond110 = $tobool106 ? $102 : 0; $103 = $i; $arrayidx111 = (($vla) + ($103<<2)|0); $104 = HEAP32[$arrayidx111>>2]|0; $div = (($104|0) / 2)&-1; $sub112 = (($cond110) - ($div))|0; $105 = $tf_sum$addr; $106 = HEAP32[$105>>2]|0; $add113 = (($106) + ($sub112))|0; HEAP32[$105>>2] = $add113; $107 = $narrow; $tobool114 = ($107|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool114) { $108 = $i; $arrayidx116 = (($vla) + ($108<<2)|0); $109 = HEAP32[$arrayidx116>>2]|0; $cmp117 = ($109|0)==(0); if (!($cmp117)) { $110 = $i; $arrayidx119 = (($vla) + ($110<<2)|0); $111 = HEAP32[$arrayidx119>>2]|0; $112 = $LM$addr; $mul120 = Math_imul(-2, $112)|0; $cmp121 = ($111|0)==($mul120|0); if (!($cmp121)) { break; } } $113 = $i; $arrayidx124 = (($vla) + ($113<<2)|0); $114 = HEAP32[$arrayidx124>>2]|0; $sub125 = (($114) - 1)|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx124>>2] = $sub125; } } while(0); $115 = $i; $inc128 = (($115) + 1)|0; $i = $inc128; } $tf_select = 0; $sel = 0; while(1) { $116 = $sel; $cmp131 = ($116|0)<(2); if (!($cmp131)) { break; } $cost0 = 0; $117 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool134 = ($117|0)!=(0); $118 = $lambda$addr; $cond138 = $tobool134 ? 0 : $118; $cost1 = $cond138; $i = 1; while(1) { $119 = $i; $120 = $len$addr; $cmp140 = ($119|0)<($120|0); $121 = $cost0; $122 = $cost1; if (!($cmp140)) { break; } $123 = $lambda$addr; $add143 = (($122) + ($123))|0; $cmp144 = ($121|0)<($add143|0); if ($cmp144) { $124 = $cost0; $cond150 = $124; } else { $125 = $cost1; $126 = $lambda$addr; $add148 = (($125) + ($126))|0; $cond150 = $add148; } $curr0 = $cond150; $127 = $cost0; $128 = $lambda$addr; $add151 = (($127) + ($128))|0; $129 = $cost1; $cmp152 = ($add151|0)<($129|0); if ($cmp152) { $130 = $cost0; $131 = $lambda$addr; $add155 = (($130) + ($131))|0; $cond158 = $add155; } else { $132 = $cost1; $cond158 = $132; } $curr1 = $cond158; $133 = $curr0; $134 = $i; $arrayidx159 = (($vla) + ($134<<2)|0); $135 = HEAP32[$arrayidx159>>2]|0; $136 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx160 = (28933 + ($136<<3)|0); $137 = $isTransient$addr; $mul161 = $137<<2; $138 = $sel; $mul162 = $138<<1; $add163 = (($mul161) + ($mul162))|0; $add164 = (($add163) + 0)|0; $arrayidx165 = (($arrayidx160) + ($add164)|0); $139 = HEAP8[$arrayidx165>>0]|0; $conv166 = $139 << 24 >> 24; $mul167 = $conv166<<1; $sub168 = (($135) - ($mul167))|0; $call169 = (Math_abs(($sub168|0))|0); $add170 = (($133) + ($call169))|0; $cost0 = $add170; $140 = $curr1; $141 = $i; $arrayidx171 = (($vla) + ($141<<2)|0); $142 = HEAP32[$arrayidx171>>2]|0; $143 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx172 = (28933 + ($143<<3)|0); $144 = $isTransient$addr; $mul173 = $144<<2; $145 = $sel; $mul174 = $145<<1; $add175 = (($mul173) + ($mul174))|0; $add176 = (($add175) + 1)|0; $arrayidx177 = (($arrayidx172) + ($add176)|0); $146 = HEAP8[$arrayidx177>>0]|0; $conv178 = $146 << 24 >> 24; $mul179 = $conv178<<1; $sub180 = (($142) - ($mul179))|0; $call181 = (Math_abs(($sub180|0))|0); $add182 = (($140) + ($call181))|0; $cost1 = $add182; $147 = $i; $inc184 = (($147) + 1)|0; $i = $inc184; } $cmp186 = ($121|0)<($122|0); $148 = $cost0; $149 = $cost1; $cond191 = $cmp186 ? $148 : $149; $cost0 = $cond191; $150 = $cost0; $151 = $sel; $arrayidx192 = (($selcost) + ($151<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx192>>2] = $150; $152 = $sel; $inc194 = (($152) + 1)|0; $sel = $inc194; } $arrayidx196 = ((($selcost)) + 4|0); $153 = HEAP32[$arrayidx196>>2]|0; $154 = HEAP32[$selcost>>2]|0; $cmp198 = ($153|0)<($154|0); $155 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool201 = ($155|0)!=(0); $or$cond1 = $cmp198 & $tobool201; if ($or$cond1) { $tf_select = 1; } $cost0 = 0; $156 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool204 = ($156|0)!=(0); $157 = $lambda$addr; $cond208 = $tobool204 ? 0 : $157; $cost1 = $cond208; $i = 1; while(1) { $158 = $i; $159 = $len$addr; $cmp210 = ($158|0)<($159|0); $160 = $cost0; if (!($cmp210)) { break; } $from0 = $160; $161 = $cost1; $162 = $lambda$addr; $add215 = (($161) + ($162))|0; $from1 = $add215; $163 = $from0; $164 = $from1; $cmp216 = ($163|0)<($164|0); if ($cmp216) { $165 = $from0; $curr0213 = $165; $166 = $i; $$sink2 = 0;$$sink3 = $166; } else { $167 = $from1; $curr0213 = $167; $168 = $i; $$sink2 = 1;$$sink3 = $168; } $arrayidx221 = (($vla18) + ($$sink3<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx221>>2] = $$sink2; $169 = $cost0; $170 = $lambda$addr; $add223 = (($169) + ($170))|0; $from0 = $add223; $171 = $cost1; $from1 = $171; $172 = $from0; $173 = $from1; $cmp224 = ($172|0)<($173|0); if ($cmp224) { $174 = $from0; $curr1214 = $174; $175 = $i; $$sink4 = 0;$$sink5 = $175; } else { $176 = $from1; $curr1214 = $176; $177 = $i; $$sink4 = 1;$$sink5 = $177; } $arrayidx229 = (($vla19) + ($$sink5<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx229>>2] = $$sink4; $178 = $curr0213; $179 = $i; $arrayidx231 = (($vla) + ($179<<2)|0); $180 = HEAP32[$arrayidx231>>2]|0; $181 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx232 = (28933 + ($181<<3)|0); $182 = $isTransient$addr; $mul233 = $182<<2; $183 = $tf_select; $mul234 = $183<<1; $add235 = (($mul233) + ($mul234))|0; $add236 = (($add235) + 0)|0; $arrayidx237 = (($arrayidx232) + ($add236)|0); $184 = HEAP8[$arrayidx237>>0]|0; $conv238 = $184 << 24 >> 24; $mul239 = $conv238<<1; $sub240 = (($180) - ($mul239))|0; $call241 = (Math_abs(($sub240|0))|0); $add242 = (($178) + ($call241))|0; $cost0 = $add242; $185 = $curr1214; $186 = $i; $arrayidx243 = (($vla) + ($186<<2)|0); $187 = HEAP32[$arrayidx243>>2]|0; $188 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx244 = (28933 + ($188<<3)|0); $189 = $isTransient$addr; $mul245 = $189<<2; $190 = $tf_select; $mul246 = $190<<1; $add247 = (($mul245) + ($mul246))|0; $add248 = (($add247) + 1)|0; $arrayidx249 = (($arrayidx244) + ($add248)|0); $191 = HEAP8[$arrayidx249>>0]|0; $conv250 = $191 << 24 >> 24; $mul251 = $conv250<<1; $sub252 = (($187) - ($mul251))|0; $call253 = (Math_abs(($sub252|0))|0); $add254 = (($185) + ($call253))|0; $cost1 = $add254; $192 = $i; $inc256 = (($192) + 1)|0; $i = $inc256; } $193 = $cost1; $cmp258 = ($160|0)<($193|0); $cond260 = $cmp258 ? 0 : 1; $194 = $tf_res$addr; $195 = $len$addr; $sub261 = (($195) - 1)|0; $arrayidx262 = (($194) + ($sub261<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx262>>2] = $cond260; $196 = $len$addr; $sub263 = (($196) - 2)|0; $i = $sub263; while(1) { $197 = $i; $cmp265 = ($197|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp265)) { break; } $198 = $tf_res$addr; $199 = $i; $add268 = (($199) + 1)|0; $arrayidx269 = (($198) + ($add268<<2)|0); $200 = HEAP32[$arrayidx269>>2]|0; $cmp270 = ($200|0)==(1); $201 = $i; $add273 = (($201) + 1)|0; if ($cmp270) { $arrayidx274 = (($vla19) + ($add273<<2)|0); $202 = HEAP32[$arrayidx274>>2]|0; $203 = $tf_res$addr; $204 = $i; $arrayidx275 = (($203) + ($204<<2)|0); $$sink6 = $202;$arrayidx279$sink = $arrayidx275; } else { $arrayidx278 = (($vla18) + ($add273<<2)|0); $205 = HEAP32[$arrayidx278>>2]|0; $206 = $tf_res$addr; $207 = $i; $arrayidx279 = (($206) + ($207<<2)|0); $$sink6 = $205;$arrayidx279$sink = $arrayidx279; } HEAP32[$arrayidx279$sink>>2] = $$sink6; $208 = $i; $dec = (($208) + -1)|0; $i = $dec; } $209 = $tf_select; $210 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($210|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return ($209|0); } function _tf_encode($start,$end,$isTransient,$tf_res,$LM,$tf_select,$enc) { $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $isTransient = $isTransient|0; $tf_res = $tf_res|0; $LM = $LM|0; $tf_select = $tf_select|0; $enc = $enc|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $add = 0; var $add1 = 0, $add14 = 0, $add15 = 0, $add19 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add35 = 0, $add37 = 0, $add4 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $budget = 0; var $call = 0, $call6 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp23 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond10 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv22 = 0, $conv39 = 0, $curr = 0, $enc$addr = 0, $end$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc42 = 0, $isTransient$addr = 0; var $land$ext = 0, $logp = 0, $mul = 0, $mul13 = 0, $mul18 = 0, $mul33 = 0, $mul34 = 0, $or = 0, $start$addr = 0, $storage = 0, $sub = 0, $tell = 0, $tf_changed = 0, $tf_res$addr = 0, $tf_select$addr = 0, $tf_select_rsv = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool11 = 0, $tobool9 = 0, $xor = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $isTransient$addr = $isTransient; $tf_res$addr = $tf_res; $LM$addr = $LM; $tf_select$addr = $tf_select; $enc$addr = $enc; $0 = $enc$addr; $storage = ((($0)) + 4|0); $1 = HEAP32[$storage>>2]|0; $mul = $1<<3; $budget = $mul; $2 = $enc$addr; $call = (_ec_tell_50($2)|0); $tell = $call; $3 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool = ($3|0)!=(0); $cond = $tobool ? 2 : 4; $logp = $cond; $4 = $LM$addr; $cmp = ($4|0)>(0); if ($cmp) { $5 = $tell; $6 = $logp; $add = (($5) + ($6))|0; $add1 = (($add) + 1)|0; $7 = $budget; $cmp2 = ($add1>>>0)<=($7>>>0); $8 = $cmp2; } else { $8 = 0; } $land$ext = $8&1; $tf_select_rsv = $land$ext; $9 = $tf_select_rsv; $10 = $budget; $sub = (($10) - ($9))|0; $budget = $sub; $tf_changed = 0; $curr = 0; $11 = $start$addr; $i = $11; while(1) { $12 = $i; $13 = $end$addr; $cmp3 = ($12|0)<($13|0); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $14 = $tell; $15 = $logp; $add4 = (($14) + ($15))|0; $16 = $budget; $cmp5 = ($add4>>>0)<=($16>>>0); if ($cmp5) { $17 = $enc$addr; $18 = $tf_res$addr; $19 = $i; $arrayidx = (($18) + ($19<<2)|0); $20 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $21 = $curr; $xor = $20 ^ $21; $22 = $logp; _ec_enc_bit_logp($17,$xor,$22); $23 = $enc$addr; $call6 = (_ec_tell_50($23)|0); $tell = $call6; $24 = $tf_res$addr; $25 = $i; $arrayidx7 = (($24) + ($25<<2)|0); $26 = HEAP32[$arrayidx7>>2]|0; $curr = $26; $27 = $curr; $28 = $tf_changed; $or = $28 | $27; $tf_changed = $or; } else { $29 = $curr; $30 = $tf_res$addr; $31 = $i; $arrayidx8 = (($30) + ($31<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx8>>2] = $29; } $32 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool9 = ($32|0)!=(0); $cond10 = $tobool9 ? 4 : 5; $logp = $cond10; $33 = $i; $inc = (($33) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $34 = $tf_select_rsv; $tobool11 = ($34|0)!=(0); if ($tobool11) { $35 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx12 = (28933 + ($35<<3)|0); $36 = $isTransient$addr; $mul13 = $36<<2; $add14 = (($mul13) + 0)|0; $37 = $tf_changed; $add15 = (($add14) + ($37))|0; $arrayidx16 = (($arrayidx12) + ($add15)|0); $38 = HEAP8[$arrayidx16>>0]|0; $conv = $38 << 24 >> 24; $39 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx17 = (28933 + ($39<<3)|0); $40 = $isTransient$addr; $mul18 = $40<<2; $add19 = (($mul18) + 2)|0; $41 = $tf_changed; $add20 = (($add19) + ($41))|0; $arrayidx21 = (($arrayidx17) + ($add20)|0); $42 = HEAP8[$arrayidx21>>0]|0; $conv22 = $42 << 24 >> 24; $cmp23 = ($conv|0)!=($conv22|0); if ($cmp23) { $43 = $enc$addr; $44 = $tf_select$addr; _ec_enc_bit_logp($43,$44,1); } else { label = 12; } } else { label = 12; } if ((label|0) == 12) { $tf_select$addr = 0; } $45 = $start$addr; $i = $45; while(1) { $46 = $i; $47 = $end$addr; $cmp29 = ($46|0)<($47|0); if (!($cmp29)) { break; } $48 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx32 = (28933 + ($48<<3)|0); $49 = $isTransient$addr; $mul33 = $49<<2; $50 = $tf_select$addr; $mul34 = $50<<1; $add35 = (($mul33) + ($mul34))|0; $51 = $tf_res$addr; $52 = $i; $arrayidx36 = (($51) + ($52<<2)|0); $53 = HEAP32[$arrayidx36>>2]|0; $add37 = (($add35) + ($53))|0; $arrayidx38 = (($arrayidx32) + ($add37)|0); $54 = HEAP8[$arrayidx38>>0]|0; $conv39 = $54 << 24 >> 24; $55 = $tf_res$addr; $56 = $i; $arrayidx40 = (($55) + ($56<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx40>>2] = $conv39; $57 = $i; $inc42 = (($57) + 1)|0; $i = $inc42; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _dynalloc_analysis($bandLogE,$bandLogE2,$nbEBands,$start,$end,$C,$offsets,$lsb_depth,$logN,$isTransient,$vbr,$constrained_vbr,$eBands,$LM,$effectiveBytes,$tot_boost_,$lfe,$surround_dynalloc) { $bandLogE = $bandLogE|0; $bandLogE2 = $bandLogE2|0; $nbEBands = $nbEBands|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $C = $C|0; $offsets = $offsets|0; $lsb_depth = $lsb_depth|0; $logN = $logN|0; $isTransient = $isTransient|0; $vbr = $vbr|0; $constrained_vbr = $constrained_vbr|0; $eBands = $eBands|0; $LM = $LM|0; $effectiveBytes = $effectiveBytes|0; $tot_boost_ = $tot_boost_|0; $lfe = $lfe|0; $surround_dynalloc = $surround_dynalloc|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0.0, $106 = 0.0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0.0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0.0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0.0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0.0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0.0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $140 = 0.0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0.0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0.0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0.0, $153 = 0.0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0.0, $157 = 0.0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0.0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0.0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0.0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0.0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0.0, $174 = 0.0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0.0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0.0, $184 = 0.0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0.0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0.0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0.0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0.0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0.0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0.0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0.0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0.0; var $224 = 0, $225 = 0.0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0.0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0.0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0.0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0.0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0; var $242 = 0, $243 = 0.0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0.0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0.0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0.0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0, $26 = 0.0; var $260 = 0.0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0.0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0.0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0.0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0.0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0.0, $278 = 0; var $279 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0.0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0.0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0, $294 = 0, $295 = 0, $296 = 0; var $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0.0, $303 = 0, $304 = 0, $305 = 0.0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0.0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0, $31 = 0, $310 = 0, $311 = 0, $312 = 0, $313 = 0; var $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0, $322 = 0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0.0, $325 = 0, $326 = 0, $327 = 0, $328 = 0, $329 = 0, $33 = 0, $330 = 0, $331 = 0; var $332 = 0, $333 = 0, $334 = 0, $335 = 0, $336 = 0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0, $339 = 0, $34 = 0.0, $340 = 0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0, $346 = 0, $347 = 0, $348 = 0, $349 = 0.0, $35 = 0; var $350 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0; var $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0; var $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0.0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0.0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0.0; var $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0.0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0.0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add10 = 0, $add101 = 0, $add103 = 0.0, $add106 = 0, $add115 = 0, $add117 = 0.0; var $add119 = 0, $add124 = 0, $add126 = 0.0, $add129 = 0, $add14 = 0.0, $add145 = 0, $add155 = 0, $add189 = 0, $add21 = 0, $add248 = 0, $add255 = 0, $add262 = 0, $add265 = 0, $add273 = 0, $add28 = 0, $add291 = 0, $add293 = 0, $add300 = 0, $add302 = 0, $add307 = 0.0; var $add394 = 0, $add433 = 0, $add446 = 0, $add54 = 0, $add57 = 0, $add6 = 0.0, $add60 = 0.0, $add66 = 0.0, $add68 = 0, $add75 = 0.0, $add78 = 0, $add9 = 0, $add92 = 0, $add94 = 0.0, $add96 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx102 = 0, $arrayidx107 = 0, $arrayidx113 = 0, $arrayidx116 = 0; var $arrayidx120 = 0, $arrayidx125 = 0, $arrayidx130 = 0, $arrayidx135 = 0, $arrayidx143 = 0, $arrayidx147 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx152 = 0, $arrayidx157 = 0, $arrayidx162 = 0, $arrayidx167 = 0, $arrayidx179 = 0, $arrayidx183 = 0, $arrayidx187 = 0, $arrayidx191 = 0, $arrayidx195 = 0, $arrayidx200 = 0, $arrayidx205 = 0, $arrayidx207 = 0, $arrayidx212 = 0; var $arrayidx217 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx222 = 0, $arrayidx223 = 0, $arrayidx227 = 0, $arrayidx229 = 0, $arrayidx229$sink = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx232 = 0, $arrayidx249 = 0, $arrayidx250 = 0, $arrayidx256 = 0, $arrayidx258 = 0, $arrayidx263 = 0, $arrayidx264 = 0, $arrayidx266 = 0, $arrayidx271 = 0, $arrayidx274 = 0, $arrayidx278 = 0, $arrayidx279 = 0; var $arrayidx280 = 0, $arrayidx286 = 0, $arrayidx287 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx292 = 0, $arrayidx294 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx301 = 0, $arrayidx303 = 0, $arrayidx309 = 0, $arrayidx317 = 0, $arrayidx318 = 0, $arrayidx324 = 0, $arrayidx325 = 0, $arrayidx329 = 0, $arrayidx338 = 0, $arrayidx339 = 0, $arrayidx343 = 0, $arrayidx345 = 0, $arrayidx345$sink = 0; var $arrayidx348 = 0, $arrayidx361 = 0, $arrayidx363 = 0, $arrayidx375 = 0, $arrayidx381 = 0, $arrayidx383 = 0, $arrayidx385 = 0, $arrayidx389 = 0, $arrayidx393 = 0, $arrayidx395 = 0, $arrayidx397 = 0, $arrayidx404 = 0, $arrayidx412 = 0, $arrayidx443 = 0, $arrayidx445 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx59 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0; var $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx79 = 0, $arrayidx82 = 0, $arrayidx91 = 0, $arrayidx93 = 0, $arrayidx97 = 0, $bandLogE$addr = 0, $bandLogE2$addr = 0, $boost = 0, $boost_bits = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0.0, $call158 = 0.0, $call168 = 0.0, $call192 = 0.0, $cap = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp110 = 0; var $cmp121 = 0, $cmp140 = 0, $cmp149 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp171 = 0, $cmp180 = 0, $cmp196 = 0, $cmp208 = 0, $cmp219 = 0, $cmp224 = 0, $cmp238 = 0, $cmp241 = 0, $cmp245 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp252 = 0, $cmp268 = 0, $cmp282 = 0, $cmp296 = 0, $cmp314 = 0, $cmp320 = 0; var $cmp335 = 0, $cmp340 = 0, $cmp358 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp369 = 0, $cmp372 = 0, $cmp378 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cmp386 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp401 = 0, $cmp409 = 0, $cmp436 = 0, $cmp50 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp88 = 0, $cmp98 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $cond109 = 0.0; var $cond134 = 0.0, $cond161 = 0.0, $cond177 = 0.0, $cond186 = 0.0, $cond203 = 0.0, $cond215 = 0.0, $cond261 = 0.0, $cond277 = 0.0, $cond290 = 0.0, $cond306 = 0.0, $cond328 = 0.0, $cond392 = 0.0, $cond81 = 0.0, $constrained_vbr$addr = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv12 = 0.0, $conv396 = 0, $conv398 = 0, $conv405 = 0, $conv414 = 0; var $conv419 = 0.0, $conv422 = 0, $conv5 = 0.0, $dec = 0, $div = 0, $div421 = 0.0, $div435 = 0, $div439 = 0, $eBands$addr = 0, $effectiveBytes$addr = 0, $end$addr = 0, $f = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc164 = 0, $inc234 = 0, $inc237 = 0, $inc311 = 0, $inc33 = 0, $inc331 = 0; var $inc35 = 0, $inc350 = 0, $inc365 = 0, $inc449 = 0, $inc84 = 0, $isTransient$addr = 0, $last = 0, $lfe$addr = 0, $logN$addr = 0, $lsb_depth$addr = 0, $maxDepth = 0.0, $mul = 0, $mul1 = 0, $mul105 = 0, $mul11 = 0, $mul118 = 0, $mul128 = 0, $mul13 = 0.0, $mul144 = 0, $mul154 = 0; var $mul166 = 0, $mul188 = 0, $mul20 = 0, $mul27 = 0, $mul3 = 0, $mul308 = 0.0, $mul362 = 0.0, $mul376 = 0.0, $mul382 = 0.0, $mul4 = 0.0, $mul400 = 0, $mul406 = 0, $mul413 = 0.0, $mul415 = 0, $mul420 = 0.0, $mul423 = 0, $mul44 = 0, $mul46 = 0, $mul53 = 0, $mul56 = 0; var $mul67 = 0, $mul77 = 0, $mul95 = 0, $nbEBands$addr = 0, $offset = 0.0, $offsets$addr = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond$not = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond2$not = 0, $or$cond3 = 0, $or$cond4 = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shl = 0, $shl407 = 0, $shl416 = 0, $shl424 = 0, $shl440 = 0, $shl441 = 0; var $shr = 0, $shr434 = 0, $start$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub139 = 0, $sub146 = 0, $sub148 = 0.0, $sub156 = 0, $sub159 = 0.0, $sub169 = 0.0, $sub190 = 0, $sub193 = 0.0, $sub194 = 0, $sub199 = 0, $sub204 = 0, $sub206 = 0, $sub211 = 0, $sub216 = 0, $sub24 = 0.0, $sub251 = 0.0; var $sub259 = 0.0, $sub267 = 0.0, $sub275 = 0.0, $sub281 = 0.0, $sub288 = 0.0, $sub295 = 0.0, $sub304 = 0.0, $sub31 = 0.0, $sub319 = 0.0, $sub326 = 0.0, $sub399 = 0, $sub442 = 0, $sub58 = 0, $sub64 = 0, $sub73 = 0, $sub8 = 0.0, $sub86 = 0, $surround_dynalloc$addr = 0, $tmp = 0.0, $tobool = 0; var $tobool352 = 0, $tobool353 = 0, $tobool355 = 0, $tobool427 = 0, $tobool429 = 0, $tobool431 = 0, $tot_boost = 0, $tot_boost_$addr = 0, $vbr$addr = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla2 = 0, $vla2$alloca_mul = 0, $width = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 128|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(128|0); $bandLogE$addr = $bandLogE; $bandLogE2$addr = $bandLogE2; $nbEBands$addr = $nbEBands; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $C$addr = $C; $offsets$addr = $offsets; $lsb_depth$addr = $lsb_depth; $logN$addr = $logN; $isTransient$addr = $isTransient; $vbr$addr = $vbr; $constrained_vbr$addr = $constrained_vbr; $eBands$addr = $eBands; $LM$addr = $LM; $effectiveBytes$addr = $effectiveBytes; $tot_boost_$addr = $tot_boost_; $lfe$addr = $lfe; $surround_dynalloc$addr = $surround_dynalloc; $tot_boost = 0; $0 = $C$addr; $1 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul = Math_imul($0, $1)|0; $2 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $2; $vla$alloca_mul = $mul<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $3 = $C$addr; $4 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul1 = Math_imul($3, $4)|0; $vla2$alloca_mul = $mul1<<2; $vla2 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla2$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla2$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $5 = $offsets$addr; $6 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul3 = $6<<2; _memset(($5|0),0,($mul3|0))|0; $maxDepth = -31.899999618530273; $i = 0; while(1) { $7 = $i; $8 = $end$addr; $cmp = ($7|0)<($8|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $9 = $logN$addr; $10 = $i; $arrayidx = (($9) + ($10<<1)|0); $11 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = (+($11<<16>>16)); $mul4 = 0.0625 * $conv; $add = $mul4 + 0.5; $12 = $lsb_depth$addr; $sub = (9 - ($12))|0; $conv5 = (+($sub|0)); $add6 = $add + $conv5; $13 = $i; $arrayidx7 = (16504 + ($13<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $sub8 = $add6 - $14; $15 = $i; $add9 = (($15) + 5)|0; $16 = $i; $add10 = (($16) + 5)|0; $mul11 = Math_imul($add9, $add10)|0; $conv12 = (+($mul11|0)); $mul13 = 0.0062000001780688763 * $conv12; $add14 = $sub8 + $mul13; $17 = $i; $arrayidx15 = (($vla2) + ($17<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2] = $add14; $18 = $i; $inc = (($18) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $c = 0; while(1) { $i = 0; while(1) { $19 = $i; $20 = $end$addr; $cmp17 = ($19|0)<($20|0); if (!($cmp17)) { break; } $21 = $maxDepth; $22 = $bandLogE$addr; $23 = $c; $24 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul20 = Math_imul($23, $24)|0; $25 = $i; $add21 = (($mul20) + ($25))|0; $arrayidx22 = (($22) + ($add21<<2)|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2]; $27 = $i; $arrayidx23 = (($vla2) + ($27<<2)|0); $28 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2]; $sub24 = $26 - $28; $cmp25 = $21 > $sub24; if ($cmp25) { $29 = $maxDepth; $cond = $29; } else { $30 = $bandLogE$addr; $31 = $c; $32 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul27 = Math_imul($31, $32)|0; $33 = $i; $add28 = (($mul27) + ($33))|0; $arrayidx29 = (($30) + ($add28<<2)|0); $34 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2]; $35 = $i; $arrayidx30 = (($vla2) + ($35<<2)|0); $36 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2]; $sub31 = $34 - $36; $cond = $sub31; } $maxDepth = $cond; $37 = $i; $inc33 = (($37) + 1)|0; $i = $inc33; } $38 = $c; $inc35 = (($38) + 1)|0; $c = $inc35; $39 = $C$addr; $cmp36 = ($inc35|0)<($39|0); if (!($cmp36)) { break; } } $40 = $effectiveBytes$addr; $cmp38 = ($40|0)>(50); $41 = $LM$addr; $cmp40 = ($41|0)>=(1); $or$cond = $cmp38 & $cmp40; $or$cond$not = $or$cond ^ 1; $42 = $lfe$addr; $tobool = ($42|0)!=(0); $or$cond1 = $or$cond$not | $tobool; if ($or$cond1) { $347 = $tot_boost; $348 = $tot_boost_$addr; HEAP32[$348>>2] = $347; $349 = $maxDepth; $350 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($350|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return (+$349); } $last = 0; $c = 0; while(1) { $43 = $c; $44 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul44 = Math_imul($43, $44)|0; $arrayidx45 = (($vla) + ($mul44<<2)|0); $f = $arrayidx45; $45 = $bandLogE2$addr; $46 = $c; $47 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul46 = Math_imul($46, $47)|0; $arrayidx47 = (($45) + ($mul46<<2)|0); $48 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx47>>2]; $49 = $f; HEAPF32[$49>>2] = $48; $i = 1; while(1) { $50 = $i; $51 = $end$addr; $cmp50 = ($50|0)<($51|0); if (!($cmp50)) { break; } $52 = $bandLogE2$addr; $53 = $c; $54 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul53 = Math_imul($53, $54)|0; $55 = $i; $add54 = (($mul53) + ($55))|0; $arrayidx55 = (($52) + ($add54<<2)|0); $56 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx55>>2]; $57 = $bandLogE2$addr; $58 = $c; $59 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul56 = Math_imul($58, $59)|0; $60 = $i; $add57 = (($mul56) + ($60))|0; $sub58 = (($add57) - 1)|0; $arrayidx59 = (($57) + ($sub58<<2)|0); $61 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx59>>2]; $add60 = $61 + 0.5; $cmp61 = $56 > $add60; if ($cmp61) { $62 = $i; $last = $62; } $63 = $f; $64 = $i; $sub64 = (($64) - 1)|0; $arrayidx65 = (($63) + ($sub64<<2)|0); $65 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx65>>2]; $add66 = $65 + 1.5; $66 = $bandLogE2$addr; $67 = $c; $68 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul67 = Math_imul($67, $68)|0; $69 = $i; $add68 = (($mul67) + ($69))|0; $arrayidx69 = (($66) + ($add68<<2)|0); $70 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx69>>2]; $cmp70 = $add66 < $70; if ($cmp70) { $71 = $f; $72 = $i; $sub73 = (($72) - 1)|0; $arrayidx74 = (($71) + ($sub73<<2)|0); $73 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx74>>2]; $add75 = $73 + 1.5; $cond81 = $add75; } else { $74 = $bandLogE2$addr; $75 = $c; $76 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul77 = Math_imul($75, $76)|0; $77 = $i; $add78 = (($mul77) + ($77))|0; $arrayidx79 = (($74) + ($add78<<2)|0); $78 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx79>>2]; $cond81 = $78; } $79 = $f; $80 = $i; $arrayidx82 = (($79) + ($80<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx82>>2] = $cond81; $81 = $i; $inc84 = (($81) + 1)|0; $i = $inc84; } $82 = $last; $sub86 = (($82) - 1)|0; $i = $sub86; while(1) { $83 = $i; $cmp88 = ($83|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp88)) { break; } $84 = $f; $85 = $i; $arrayidx91 = (($84) + ($85<<2)|0); $86 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx91>>2]; $87 = $f; $88 = $i; $add92 = (($88) + 1)|0; $arrayidx93 = (($87) + ($add92<<2)|0); $89 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx93>>2]; $add94 = $89 + 2.0; $90 = $bandLogE2$addr; $91 = $c; $92 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul95 = Math_imul($91, $92)|0; $93 = $i; $add96 = (($mul95) + ($93))|0; $arrayidx97 = (($90) + ($add96<<2)|0); $94 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx97>>2]; $cmp98 = $add94 < $94; if ($cmp98) { $95 = $f; $96 = $i; $add101 = (($96) + 1)|0; $arrayidx102 = (($95) + ($add101<<2)|0); $97 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx102>>2]; $add103 = $97 + 2.0; $cond109 = $add103; } else { $98 = $bandLogE2$addr; $99 = $c; $100 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul105 = Math_imul($99, $100)|0; $101 = $i; $add106 = (($mul105) + ($101))|0; $arrayidx107 = (($98) + ($add106<<2)|0); $102 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx107>>2]; $cond109 = $102; } $cmp110 = $86 < $cond109; $103 = $f; $104 = $i; do { if ($cmp110) { $arrayidx113 = (($103) + ($104<<2)|0); $105 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx113>>2]; $cond134 = $105; } else { $add115 = (($104) + 1)|0; $arrayidx116 = (($103) + ($add115<<2)|0); $106 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx116>>2]; $add117 = $106 + 2.0; $107 = $bandLogE2$addr; $108 = $c; $109 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul118 = Math_imul($108, $109)|0; $110 = $i; $add119 = (($mul118) + ($110))|0; $arrayidx120 = (($107) + ($add119<<2)|0); $111 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx120>>2]; $cmp121 = $add117 < $111; if ($cmp121) { $112 = $f; $113 = $i; $add124 = (($113) + 1)|0; $arrayidx125 = (($112) + ($add124<<2)|0); $114 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx125>>2]; $add126 = $114 + 2.0; $cond134 = $add126; break; } else { $115 = $bandLogE2$addr; $116 = $c; $117 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul128 = Math_imul($116, $117)|0; $118 = $i; $add129 = (($mul128) + ($118))|0; $arrayidx130 = (($115) + ($add129<<2)|0); $119 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx130>>2]; $cond134 = $119; break; } } } while(0); $120 = $f; $121 = $i; $arrayidx135 = (($120) + ($121<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx135>>2] = $cond134; $122 = $i; $dec = (($122) + -1)|0; $i = $dec; } $offset = 1.0; $i = 2; while(1) { $123 = $i; $124 = $end$addr; $sub139 = (($124) - 2)|0; $cmp140 = ($123|0)<($sub139|0); if (!($cmp140)) { break; } $125 = $f; $126 = $i; $arrayidx143 = (($125) + ($126<<2)|0); $127 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx143>>2]; $128 = $bandLogE2$addr; $129 = $c; $130 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul144 = Math_imul($129, $130)|0; $131 = $i; $add145 = (($mul144) + ($131))|0; $sub146 = (($add145) - 2)|0; $arrayidx147 = (($128) + ($sub146<<2)|0); $call = (+_median_of_5($arrayidx147)); $132 = $offset; $sub148 = $call - $132; $cmp149 = $127 > $sub148; if ($cmp149) { $133 = $f; $134 = $i; $arrayidx152 = (($133) + ($134<<2)|0); $135 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx152>>2]; $cond161 = $135; } else { $136 = $bandLogE2$addr; $137 = $c; $138 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul154 = Math_imul($137, $138)|0; $139 = $i; $add155 = (($mul154) + ($139))|0; $sub156 = (($add155) - 2)|0; $arrayidx157 = (($136) + ($sub156<<2)|0); $call158 = (+_median_of_5($arrayidx157)); $140 = $offset; $sub159 = $call158 - $140; $cond161 = $sub159; } $141 = $f; $142 = $i; $arrayidx162 = (($141) + ($142<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx162>>2] = $cond161; $143 = $i; $inc164 = (($143) + 1)|0; $i = $inc164; } $144 = $bandLogE2$addr; $145 = $c; $146 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul166 = Math_imul($145, $146)|0; $arrayidx167 = (($144) + ($mul166<<2)|0); $call168 = (+_median_of_3($arrayidx167)); $147 = $offset; $sub169 = $call168 - $147; $tmp = $sub169; $148 = $f; $149 = +HEAPF32[$148>>2]; $150 = $tmp; $cmp171 = $149 > $150; if ($cmp171) { $151 = $f; $152 = +HEAPF32[$151>>2]; $cond177 = $152; } else { $153 = $tmp; $cond177 = $153; } $154 = $f; HEAPF32[$154>>2] = $cond177; $155 = $f; $arrayidx179 = ((($155)) + 4|0); $156 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx179>>2]; $157 = $tmp; $cmp180 = $156 > $157; if ($cmp180) { $158 = $f; $arrayidx183 = ((($158)) + 4|0); $159 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx183>>2]; $cond186 = $159; } else { $160 = $tmp; $cond186 = $160; } $161 = $f; $arrayidx187 = ((($161)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx187>>2] = $cond186; $162 = $bandLogE2$addr; $163 = $c; $164 = $nbEBands$addr; $mul188 = Math_imul($163, $164)|0; $165 = $end$addr; $add189 = (($mul188) + ($165))|0; $sub190 = (($add189) - 3)|0; $arrayidx191 = (($162) + ($sub190<<2)|0); $call192 = (+_median_of_3($arrayidx191)); $166 = $offset; $sub193 = $call192 - $166; $tmp = $sub193; $167 = $f; $168 = $end$addr; $sub194 = (($168) - 2)|0; $arrayidx195 = (($167) + ($sub194<<2)|0); $169 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx195>>2]; $170 = $tmp; $cmp196 = $169 > $170; if ($cmp196) { $171 = $f; $172 = $end$addr; $sub199 = (($172) - 2)|0; $arrayidx200 = (($171) + ($sub199<<2)|0); $173 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx200>>2]; $cond203 = $173; } else { $174 = $tmp; $cond203 = $174; } $175 = $f; $176 = $end$addr; $sub204 = (($176) - 2)|0; $arrayidx205 = (($175) + ($sub204<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx205>>2] = $cond203; $177 = $f; $178 = $end$addr; $sub206 = (($178) - 1)|0; $arrayidx207 = (($177) + ($sub206<<2)|0); $179 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx207>>2]; $180 = $tmp; $cmp208 = $179 > $180; if ($cmp208) { $181 = $f; $182 = $end$addr; $sub211 = (($182) - 1)|0; $arrayidx212 = (($181) + ($sub211<<2)|0); $183 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx212>>2]; $cond215 = $183; } else { $184 = $tmp; $cond215 = $184; } $185 = $f; $186 = $end$addr; $sub216 = (($186) - 1)|0; $arrayidx217 = (($185) + ($sub216<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx217>>2] = $cond215; $i = 0; while(1) { $187 = $i; $188 = $end$addr; $cmp219 = ($187|0)<($188|0); if (!($cmp219)) { break; } $189 = $f; $190 = $i; $arrayidx222 = (($189) + ($190<<2)|0); $191 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx222>>2]; $192 = $i; $arrayidx223 = (($vla2) + ($192<<2)|0); $193 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx223>>2]; $cmp224 = $191 > $193; if ($cmp224) { $194 = $f; $195 = $i; $arrayidx227 = (($194) + ($195<<2)|0); $arrayidx229$sink = $arrayidx227; } else { $196 = $i; $arrayidx229 = (($vla2) + ($196<<2)|0); $arrayidx229$sink = $arrayidx229; } $197 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx229$sink>>2]; $198 = $f; $199 = $i; $arrayidx232 = (($198) + ($199<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx232>>2] = $197; $200 = $i; $inc234 = (($200) + 1)|0; $i = $inc234; } $201 = $c; $inc237 = (($201) + 1)|0; $c = $inc237; $202 = $C$addr; $cmp238 = ($inc237|0)<($202|0); if (!($cmp238)) { break; } } $203 = $C$addr; $cmp241 = ($203|0)==(2); $204 = $start$addr; $i = $204; L80: do { if ($cmp241) { while(1) { $205 = $i; $206 = $end$addr; $cmp245 = ($205|0)<($206|0); if (!($cmp245)) { break L80; } $207 = $nbEBands$addr; $208 = $i; $add248 = (($207) + ($208))|0; $arrayidx249 = (($vla) + ($add248<<2)|0); $209 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx249>>2]; $210 = $i; $arrayidx250 = (($vla) + ($210<<2)|0); $211 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx250>>2]; $sub251 = $211 - 4.0; $cmp252 = $209 > $sub251; if ($cmp252) { $212 = $nbEBands$addr; $213 = $i; $add255 = (($212) + ($213))|0; $arrayidx256 = (($vla) + ($add255<<2)|0); $214 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx256>>2]; $cond261 = $214; } else { $215 = $i; $arrayidx258 = (($vla) + ($215<<2)|0); $216 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx258>>2]; $sub259 = $216 - 4.0; $cond261 = $sub259; } $217 = $nbEBands$addr; $218 = $i; $add262 = (($217) + ($218))|0; $arrayidx263 = (($vla) + ($add262<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx263>>2] = $cond261; $219 = $i; $arrayidx264 = (($vla) + ($219<<2)|0); $220 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx264>>2]; $221 = $nbEBands$addr; $222 = $i; $add265 = (($221) + ($222))|0; $arrayidx266 = (($vla) + ($add265<<2)|0); $223 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx266>>2]; $sub267 = $223 - 4.0; $cmp268 = $220 > $sub267; if ($cmp268) { $224 = $i; $arrayidx271 = (($vla) + ($224<<2)|0); $225 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx271>>2]; $cond277 = $225; } else { $226 = $nbEBands$addr; $227 = $i; $add273 = (($226) + ($227))|0; $arrayidx274 = (($vla) + ($add273<<2)|0); $228 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx274>>2]; $sub275 = $228 - 4.0; $cond277 = $sub275; } $229 = $i; $arrayidx278 = (($vla) + ($229<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx278>>2] = $cond277; $230 = $bandLogE$addr; $231 = $i; $arrayidx279 = (($230) + ($231<<2)|0); $232 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx279>>2]; $233 = $i; $arrayidx280 = (($vla) + ($233<<2)|0); $234 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx280>>2]; $sub281 = $232 - $234; $cmp282 = 0.0 > $sub281; if ($cmp282) { $cond290 = 0.0; } else { $235 = $bandLogE$addr; $236 = $i; $arrayidx286 = (($235) + ($236<<2)|0); $237 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx286>>2]; $238 = $i; $arrayidx287 = (($vla) + ($238<<2)|0); $239 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx287>>2]; $sub288 = $237 - $239; $cond290 = $sub288; } $240 = $bandLogE$addr; $241 = $nbEBands$addr; $242 = $i; $add291 = (($241) + ($242))|0; $arrayidx292 = (($240) + ($add291<<2)|0); $243 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx292>>2]; $244 = $nbEBands$addr; $245 = $i; $add293 = (($244) + ($245))|0; $arrayidx294 = (($vla) + ($add293<<2)|0); $246 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx294>>2]; $sub295 = $243 - $246; $cmp296 = 0.0 > $sub295; if ($cmp296) { $cond306 = 0.0; } else { $247 = $bandLogE$addr; $248 = $nbEBands$addr; $249 = $i; $add300 = (($248) + ($249))|0; $arrayidx301 = (($247) + ($add300<<2)|0); $250 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx301>>2]; $251 = $nbEBands$addr; $252 = $i; $add302 = (($251) + ($252))|0; $arrayidx303 = (($vla) + ($add302<<2)|0); $253 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx303>>2]; $sub304 = $250 - $253; $cond306 = $sub304; } $add307 = $cond290 + $cond306; $mul308 = 0.5 * $add307; $254 = $i; $arrayidx309 = (($vla) + ($254<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx309>>2] = $mul308; $255 = $i; $inc311 = (($255) + 1)|0; $i = $inc311; } } else { while(1) { $256 = $i; $257 = $end$addr; $cmp314 = ($256|0)<($257|0); if (!($cmp314)) { break L80; } $258 = $bandLogE$addr; $259 = $i; $arrayidx317 = (($258) + ($259<<2)|0); $260 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx317>>2]; $261 = $i; $arrayidx318 = (($vla) + ($261<<2)|0); $262 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx318>>2]; $sub319 = $260 - $262; $cmp320 = 0.0 > $sub319; if ($cmp320) { $cond328 = 0.0; } else { $263 = $bandLogE$addr; $264 = $i; $arrayidx324 = (($263) + ($264<<2)|0); $265 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx324>>2]; $266 = $i; $arrayidx325 = (($vla) + ($266<<2)|0); $267 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx325>>2]; $sub326 = $265 - $267; $cond328 = $sub326; } $268 = $i; $arrayidx329 = (($vla) + ($268<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx329>>2] = $cond328; $269 = $i; $inc331 = (($269) + 1)|0; $i = $inc331; } } } while(0); $270 = $start$addr; $i = $270; while(1) { $271 = $i; $272 = $end$addr; $cmp335 = ($271|0)<($272|0); if (!($cmp335)) { break; } $273 = $i; $arrayidx338 = (($vla) + ($273<<2)|0); $274 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx338>>2]; $275 = $surround_dynalloc$addr; $276 = $i; $arrayidx339 = (($275) + ($276<<2)|0); $277 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx339>>2]; $cmp340 = $274 > $277; if ($cmp340) { $278 = $i; $arrayidx343 = (($vla) + ($278<<2)|0); $arrayidx345$sink = $arrayidx343; } else { $279 = $surround_dynalloc$addr; $280 = $i; $arrayidx345 = (($279) + ($280<<2)|0); $arrayidx345$sink = $arrayidx345; } $281 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx345$sink>>2]; $282 = $i; $arrayidx348 = (($vla) + ($282<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx348>>2] = $281; $283 = $i; $inc350 = (($283) + 1)|0; $i = $inc350; } $284 = $vbr$addr; $tobool352 = ($284|0)==(0); $285 = $constrained_vbr$addr; $tobool353 = ($285|0)!=(0); $or$cond2 = $tobool352 | $tobool353; $or$cond2$not = $or$cond2 ^ 1; $286 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool355 = ($286|0)!=(0); $or$cond3 = $or$cond2$not | $tobool355; L113: do { if (!($or$cond3)) { $287 = $start$addr; $i = $287; while(1) { $288 = $i; $289 = $end$addr; $cmp358 = ($288|0)<($289|0); if (!($cmp358)) { break L113; } $290 = $i; $arrayidx361 = (($vla) + ($290<<2)|0); $291 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx361>>2]; $mul362 = 0.5 * $291; $292 = $i; $arrayidx363 = (($vla) + ($292<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx363>>2] = $mul362; $293 = $i; $inc365 = (($293) + 1)|0; $i = $inc365; } } } while(0); $294 = $start$addr; $i = $294; while(1) { $295 = $i; $296 = $end$addr; $cmp369 = ($295|0)<($296|0); if (!($cmp369)) { label = 103; break; } $297 = $i; $cmp372 = ($297|0)<(8); if ($cmp372) { $298 = $i; $arrayidx375 = (($vla) + ($298<<2)|0); $299 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx375>>2]; $mul376 = $299 * 2.0; HEAPF32[$arrayidx375>>2] = $mul376; } $300 = $i; $cmp378 = ($300|0)>=(12); if ($cmp378) { $301 = $i; $arrayidx381 = (($vla) + ($301<<2)|0); $302 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx381>>2]; $mul382 = 0.5 * $302; $303 = $i; $arrayidx383 = (($vla) + ($303<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx383>>2] = $mul382; } $304 = $i; $arrayidx385 = (($vla) + ($304<<2)|0); $305 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx385>>2]; $cmp386 = $305 < 4.0; if ($cmp386) { $306 = $i; $arrayidx389 = (($vla) + ($306<<2)|0); $307 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx389>>2]; $cond392 = $307; } else { $cond392 = 4.0; } $308 = $i; $arrayidx393 = (($vla) + ($308<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx393>>2] = $cond392; $309 = $C$addr; $310 = $eBands$addr; $311 = $i; $add394 = (($311) + 1)|0; $arrayidx395 = (($310) + ($add394<<1)|0); $312 = HEAP16[$arrayidx395>>1]|0; $conv396 = $312 << 16 >> 16; $313 = $eBands$addr; $314 = $i; $arrayidx397 = (($313) + ($314<<1)|0); $315 = HEAP16[$arrayidx397>>1]|0; $conv398 = $315 << 16 >> 16; $sub399 = (($conv396) - ($conv398))|0; $mul400 = Math_imul($309, $sub399)|0; $316 = $LM$addr; $shl = $mul400 << $316; $width = $shl; $317 = $width; $cmp401 = ($317|0)<(6); do { if ($cmp401) { $318 = $i; $arrayidx404 = (($vla) + ($318<<2)|0); $319 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx404>>2]; $conv405 = (~~(($319))); $boost = $conv405; $320 = $boost; $321 = $width; $mul406 = Math_imul($320, $321)|0; $shl407 = $mul406 << 3; $boost_bits = $shl407; } else { $322 = $width; $cmp409 = ($322|0)>(48); $323 = $i; $arrayidx412 = (($vla) + ($323<<2)|0); $324 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx412>>2]; if ($cmp409) { $mul413 = $324 * 8.0; $conv414 = (~~(($mul413))); $boost = $conv414; $325 = $boost; $326 = $width; $mul415 = Math_imul($325, $326)|0; $shl416 = $mul415 << 3; $div = (($shl416|0) / 8)&-1; $boost_bits = $div; break; } else { $327 = $width; $conv419 = (+($327|0)); $mul420 = $324 * $conv419; $div421 = $mul420 / 6.0; $conv422 = (~~(($div421))); $boost = $conv422; $328 = $boost; $mul423 = ($328*6)|0; $shl424 = $mul423 << 3; $boost_bits = $shl424; break; } } } while(0); $329 = $vbr$addr; $tobool427 = ($329|0)!=(0); if ($tobool427) { $330 = $constrained_vbr$addr; $tobool429 = ($330|0)==(0); $331 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool431 = ($331|0)!=(0); $or$cond4 = $tobool429 | $tobool431; if (!($or$cond4)) { label = 100; } } else { label = 100; } if ((label|0) == 100) { label = 0; $332 = $tot_boost; $333 = $boost_bits; $add433 = (($332) + ($333))|0; $shr = $add433 >> 3; $shr434 = $shr >> 3; $334 = $effectiveBytes$addr; $div435 = (($334|0) / 4)&-1; $cmp436 = ($shr434|0)>($div435|0); if ($cmp436) { break; } } $341 = $boost; $342 = $offsets$addr; $343 = $i; $arrayidx445 = (($342) + ($343<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx445>>2] = $341; $344 = $boost_bits; $345 = $tot_boost; $add446 = (($345) + ($344))|0; $tot_boost = $add446; $346 = $i; $inc449 = (($346) + 1)|0; $i = $inc449; } if ((label|0) == 103) { $347 = $tot_boost; $348 = $tot_boost_$addr; HEAP32[$348>>2] = $347; $349 = $maxDepth; $350 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($350|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return (+$349); } $335 = $effectiveBytes$addr; $div439 = (($335|0) / 4)&-1; $shl440 = $div439 << 3; $shl441 = $shl440 << 3; $cap = $shl441; $336 = $cap; $337 = $tot_boost; $sub442 = (($336) - ($337))|0; $338 = $offsets$addr; $339 = $i; $arrayidx443 = (($338) + ($339<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx443>>2] = $sub442; $340 = $cap; $tot_boost = $340; $347 = $tot_boost; $348 = $tot_boost_$addr; HEAP32[$348>>2] = $347; $349 = $maxDepth; $350 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($350|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return (+$349); } function _stereo_analysis($m,$X,$LM,$N0) { $m = $m|0; $X = $X|0; $LM = $LM|0; $N0 = $N0|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0.0; var $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $L = 0.0, $LM$addr = 0, $M = 0.0, $N0$addr = 0, $R = 0.0, $S = 0.0, $X$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $add12 = 0.0, $add18 = 0.0, $add19 = 0.0, $add26 = 0.0, $add27 = 0.0, $add37 = 0; var $add39 = 0, $add45 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $call = 0.0, $call16 = 0.0, $call21 = 0.0, $call24 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp31 = 0, $cmp49 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv13 = 0.0, $conv14 = 0.0, $conv15 = 0.0; var $conv17 = 0.0, $conv20 = 0.0, $conv22 = 0.0, $conv23 = 0.0, $conv25 = 0.0, $conv36 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv40 = 0.0, $conv44 = 0, $conv47 = 0.0, $conv50 = 0, $eBands = 0, $eBands2 = 0, $eBands34 = 0, $eBands42 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc29 = 0, $j = 0, $m$addr = 0; var $mul = 0.0, $mul41 = 0.0, $mul48 = 0.0, $shl = 0, $shl38 = 0, $shl46 = 0, $shl5 = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub33 = 0, $sumLR = 0.0, $sumMS = 0.0, $thetas = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $m$addr = $m; $X$addr = $X; $LM$addr = $LM; $N0$addr = $N0; $sumLR = 1.0000000036274937E-15; $sumMS = 1.0000000036274937E-15; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $cmp = ($0|0)<(13); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $1 = $m$addr; $eBands = ((($1)) + 32|0); $2 = HEAP32[$eBands>>2]|0; $3 = $i; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<1)|0); $4 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $4 << 16 >> 16; $5 = $LM$addr; $shl = $conv << $5; $j = $shl; while(1) { $6 = $j; $7 = $m$addr; $eBands2 = ((($7)) + 32|0); $8 = HEAP32[$eBands2>>2]|0; $9 = $i; $add = (($9) + 1)|0; $arrayidx3 = (($8) + ($add<<1)|0); $10 = HEAP16[$arrayidx3>>1]|0; $conv4 = $10 << 16 >> 16; $11 = $LM$addr; $shl5 = $conv4 << $11; $cmp6 = ($6|0)<($shl5|0); if (!($cmp6)) { break; } $12 = $X$addr; $13 = $j; $arrayidx9 = (($12) + ($13<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $L = $14; $15 = $X$addr; $16 = $N0$addr; $17 = $j; $add10 = (($16) + ($17))|0; $arrayidx11 = (($15) + ($add10<<2)|0); $18 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $R = $18; $19 = $L; $20 = $R; $add12 = $19 + $20; $M = $add12; $21 = $L; $22 = $R; $sub = $21 - $22; $S = $sub; $23 = $sumLR; $24 = $L; $conv13 = $24; $call = (+Math_abs((+$conv13))); $conv14 = $call; $25 = $R; $conv15 = $25; $call16 = (+Math_abs((+$conv15))); $conv17 = $call16; $add18 = $conv14 + $conv17; $add19 = $23 + $add18; $sumLR = $add19; $26 = $sumMS; $27 = $M; $conv20 = $27; $call21 = (+Math_abs((+$conv20))); $conv22 = $call21; $28 = $S; $conv23 = $28; $call24 = (+Math_abs((+$conv23))); $conv25 = $call24; $add26 = $conv22 + $conv25; $add27 = $26 + $add26; $sumMS = $add27; $29 = $j; $inc = (($29) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $30 = $i; $inc29 = (($30) + 1)|0; $i = $inc29; } $31 = $sumMS; $mul = 0.70710700750350952 * $31; $sumMS = $mul; $thetas = 13; $32 = $LM$addr; $cmp31 = ($32|0)<=(1); if ($cmp31) { $33 = $thetas; $sub33 = (($33) - 8)|0; $thetas = $sub33; } $34 = $m$addr; $eBands34 = ((($34)) + 32|0); $35 = HEAP32[$eBands34>>2]|0; $arrayidx35 = ((($35)) + 26|0); $36 = HEAP16[$arrayidx35>>1]|0; $conv36 = $36 << 16 >> 16; $37 = $LM$addr; $add37 = (($37) + 1)|0; $shl38 = $conv36 << $add37; $38 = $thetas; $add39 = (($shl38) + ($38))|0; $conv40 = (+($add39|0)); $39 = $sumMS; $mul41 = $conv40 * $39; $40 = $m$addr; $eBands42 = ((($40)) + 32|0); $41 = HEAP32[$eBands42>>2]|0; $arrayidx43 = ((($41)) + 26|0); $42 = HEAP16[$arrayidx43>>1]|0; $conv44 = $42 << 16 >> 16; $43 = $LM$addr; $add45 = (($43) + 1)|0; $shl46 = $conv44 << $add45; $conv47 = (+($shl46|0)); $44 = $sumLR; $mul48 = $conv47 * $44; $cmp49 = $mul41 > $mul48; $conv50 = $cmp49&1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($conv50|0); } function _alloc_trim_analysis($m,$X,$bandLogE,$end,$LM,$C,$N0,$analysis,$stereo_saving,$tf_estimate,$intensity,$surround_trim,$arch) { $m = $m|0; $X = $X|0; $bandLogE = $bandLogE|0; $end = $end|0; $LM = $LM|0; $C = $C|0; $N0 = $N0|0; $analysis = $analysis|0; $stereo_saving = $stereo_saving|0; $tf_estimate = +$tf_estimate; $intensity = $intensity|0; $surround_trim = +$surround_trim; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0.0, $101 = 0.0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0.0, $104 = 0.0, $105 = 0.0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0.0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0.0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0.0; var $116 = 0.0, $117 = 0.0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0; var $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0; var $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0.0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0; var $60 = 0.0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0.0, $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0.0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0.0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0.0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0.0, $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0.0; var $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0.0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0.0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0.0; var $97 = 0.0, $98 = 0.0, $99 = 0.0, $C$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $N0$addr = 0, $X$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add112 = 0.0, $add113 = 0.0, $add119 = 0.0, $add131 = 0, $add134 = 0, $add138 = 0.0, $add148 = 0.0, $add154 = 0.0, $add16 = 0.0, $add162 = 0.0, $add168 = 0.0, $add179 = 0.0; var $add186 = 0.0, $add195 = 0.0, $add202 = 0.0, $add210 = 0.0, $add39 = 0, $add42 = 0, $add9 = 0, $analysis$addr = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx132 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0; var $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $bandLogE$addr = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0.0, $call18 = 0.0, $call212 = 0.0, $call23 = 0.0, $call50 = 0.0, $call52 = 0.0, $call59 = 0.0, $call67 = 0.0, $call74 = 0.0, $call81 = 0.0, $call88 = 0.0, $call99 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp105 = 0, $cmp116 = 0; var $cmp127 = 0, $cmp143 = 0, $cmp150 = 0, $cmp158 = 0, $cmp164 = 0, $cmp181 = 0, $cmp190 = 0, $cmp197 = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp214 = 0, $cmp220 = 0, $cmp224 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp54 = 0, $cmp69 = 0, $cmp91 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $cond103 = 0.0, $cond111 = 0.0, $cond124 = 0.0; var $cond157 = 0.0, $cond173 = 0.0, $cond189 = 0.0, $cond207 = 0.0, $cond219 = 0, $cond229 = 0, $cond231 = 0, $cond62 = 0.0, $cond77 = 0.0, $conv = 0, $conv101 = 0.0, $conv11 = 0, $conv136 = 0.0, $conv14 = 0, $conv147 = 0.0, $conv17 = 0.0, $conv19 = 0.0, $conv211 = 0.0, $conv213 = 0, $conv22 = 0.0; var $conv24 = 0.0, $conv32 = 0, $conv37 = 0, $conv44 = 0, $conv47 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv51 = 0.0, $conv53 = 0.0, $conv58 = 0.0, $conv60 = 0.0, $conv66 = 0.0, $conv68 = 0.0, $conv73 = 0.0, $conv75 = 0.0, $conv80 = 0.0, $conv83 = 0.0, $conv87 = 0.0, $conv90 = 0.0, $conv98 = 0.0, $diff = 0.0; var $div = 0.0, $div149 = 0.0, $div155 = 0.0, $div163 = 0.0, $div169 = 0.0, $eBands = 0, $eBands12 = 0, $eBands3 = 0, $eBands30 = 0, $eBands35 = 0, $eBands41 = 0, $eBands45 = 0, $eBands8 = 0, $end$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc140 = 0, $inc142 = 0, $inc64 = 0, $intensity$addr = 0; var $logXC = 0.0, $logXC2 = 0.0, $m$addr = 0, $minXC = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $mul100 = 0.0, $mul104 = 0.0, $mul109 = 0.0, $mul114 = 0.0, $mul121 = 0.0, $mul130 = 0, $mul133 = 0, $mul137 = 0.0, $mul146 = 0, $mul176 = 0.0, $mul180 = 0.0, $mul187 = 0.0, $mul196 = 0.0, $mul203 = 0.0, $mul78 = 0.0; var $mul82 = 0.0, $mul84 = 0.0, $mul85 = 0.0, $mul89 = 0.0, $mul94 = 0.0, $mul96 = 0.0, $nbEBands = 0, $partial = 0.0, $partial29 = 0.0, $shl = 0, $shl15 = 0, $shl33 = 0, $shl38 = 0, $shl49 = 0, $shl6 = 0, $stereo_saving$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub115 = 0.0, $sub122 = 0.0, $sub126 = 0; var $sub135 = 0, $sub145 = 0, $sub174 = 0.0, $sub175 = 0.0, $sub177 = 0.0, $sub208 = 0.0, $sub48 = 0, $sub79 = 0.0, $sub86 = 0.0, $sub97 = 0.0, $sum = 0.0, $surround_trim$addr = 0.0, $tf_estimate$addr = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $tonality_slope = 0, $tonality_slope185 = 0, $tonality_slope194 = 0, $tonality_slope201 = 0, $trim = 0.0, $trim_index = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 96|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(96|0); $m$addr = $m; $X$addr = $X; $bandLogE$addr = $bandLogE; $end$addr = $end; $LM$addr = $LM; $C$addr = $C; $N0$addr = $N0; $analysis$addr = $analysis; $stereo_saving$addr = $stereo_saving; $tf_estimate$addr = $tf_estimate; $intensity$addr = $intensity; $surround_trim$addr = $surround_trim; $arch$addr = $arch; $diff = 0.0; $trim = 5.0; $0 = $C$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)==(2); if ($cmp) { $sum = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $cmp1 = ($1|0)<(8); if (!($cmp1)) { break; } $2 = $X$addr; $3 = $m$addr; $eBands = ((($3)) + 32|0); $4 = HEAP32[$eBands>>2]|0; $5 = $i; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($5<<1)|0); $6 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $6 << 16 >> 16; $7 = $LM$addr; $shl = $conv << $7; $arrayidx2 = (($2) + ($shl<<2)|0); $8 = $X$addr; $9 = $N0$addr; $10 = $m$addr; $eBands3 = ((($10)) + 32|0); $11 = HEAP32[$eBands3>>2]|0; $12 = $i; $arrayidx4 = (($11) + ($12<<1)|0); $13 = HEAP16[$arrayidx4>>1]|0; $conv5 = $13 << 16 >> 16; $14 = $LM$addr; $shl6 = $conv5 << $14; $add = (($9) + ($shl6))|0; $arrayidx7 = (($8) + ($add<<2)|0); $15 = $m$addr; $eBands8 = ((($15)) + 32|0); $16 = HEAP32[$eBands8>>2]|0; $17 = $i; $add9 = (($17) + 1)|0; $arrayidx10 = (($16) + ($add9<<1)|0); $18 = HEAP16[$arrayidx10>>1]|0; $conv11 = $18 << 16 >> 16; $19 = $m$addr; $eBands12 = ((($19)) + 32|0); $20 = HEAP32[$eBands12>>2]|0; $21 = $i; $arrayidx13 = (($20) + ($21<<1)|0); $22 = HEAP16[$arrayidx13>>1]|0; $conv14 = $22 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($conv11) - ($conv14))|0; $23 = $LM$addr; $shl15 = $sub << $23; $call = (+_celt_inner_prod_c_51($arrayidx2,$arrayidx7,$shl15)); $partial = $call; $24 = $sum; $25 = $partial; $add16 = $24 + $25; $sum = $add16; $26 = $i; $inc = (($26) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $27 = $sum; $mul = 0.125 * $27; $sum = $mul; $28 = $sum; $conv17 = $28; $call18 = (+Math_abs((+$conv17))); $conv19 = $call18; $cmp20 = 1.0 < $conv19; if ($cmp20) { $cond = 1.0; } else { $29 = $sum; $conv22 = $29; $call23 = (+Math_abs((+$conv22))); $conv24 = $call23; $cond = $conv24; } $sum = $cond; $30 = $sum; $minXC = $30; $i = 8; while(1) { $31 = $i; $32 = $intensity$addr; $cmp26 = ($31|0)<($32|0); if (!($cmp26)) { break; } $33 = $X$addr; $34 = $m$addr; $eBands30 = ((($34)) + 32|0); $35 = HEAP32[$eBands30>>2]|0; $36 = $i; $arrayidx31 = (($35) + ($36<<1)|0); $37 = HEAP16[$arrayidx31>>1]|0; $conv32 = $37 << 16 >> 16; $38 = $LM$addr; $shl33 = $conv32 << $38; $arrayidx34 = (($33) + ($shl33<<2)|0); $39 = $X$addr; $40 = $N0$addr; $41 = $m$addr; $eBands35 = ((($41)) + 32|0); $42 = HEAP32[$eBands35>>2]|0; $43 = $i; $arrayidx36 = (($42) + ($43<<1)|0); $44 = HEAP16[$arrayidx36>>1]|0; $conv37 = $44 << 16 >> 16; $45 = $LM$addr; $shl38 = $conv37 << $45; $add39 = (($40) + ($shl38))|0; $arrayidx40 = (($39) + ($add39<<2)|0); $46 = $m$addr; $eBands41 = ((($46)) + 32|0); $47 = HEAP32[$eBands41>>2]|0; $48 = $i; $add42 = (($48) + 1)|0; $arrayidx43 = (($47) + ($add42<<1)|0); $49 = HEAP16[$arrayidx43>>1]|0; $conv44 = $49 << 16 >> 16; $50 = $m$addr; $eBands45 = ((($50)) + 32|0); $51 = HEAP32[$eBands45>>2]|0; $52 = $i; $arrayidx46 = (($51) + ($52<<1)|0); $53 = HEAP16[$arrayidx46>>1]|0; $conv47 = $53 << 16 >> 16; $sub48 = (($conv44) - ($conv47))|0; $54 = $LM$addr; $shl49 = $sub48 << $54; $call50 = (+_celt_inner_prod_c_51($arrayidx34,$arrayidx40,$shl49)); $partial29 = $call50; $55 = $minXC; $56 = $partial29; $conv51 = $56; $call52 = (+Math_abs((+$conv51))); $conv53 = $call52; $cmp54 = $55 < $conv53; if ($cmp54) { $57 = $minXC; $cond62 = $57; } else { $58 = $partial29; $conv58 = $58; $call59 = (+Math_abs((+$conv58))); $conv60 = $call59; $cond62 = $conv60; } $minXC = $cond62; $59 = $i; $inc64 = (($59) + 1)|0; $i = $inc64; } $60 = $minXC; $conv66 = $60; $call67 = (+Math_abs((+$conv66))); $conv68 = $call67; $cmp69 = 1.0 < $conv68; if ($cmp69) { $cond77 = 1.0; } else { $61 = $minXC; $conv73 = $61; $call74 = (+Math_abs((+$conv73))); $conv75 = $call74; $cond77 = $conv75; } $minXC = $cond77; $62 = $sum; $63 = $sum; $mul78 = $62 * $63; $sub79 = 1.0010000467300415 - $mul78; $conv80 = $sub79; $call81 = (+Math_log((+$conv80))); $mul82 = 1.4426950408889634 * $call81; $conv83 = $mul82; $logXC = $conv83; $64 = $logXC; $mul84 = 0.5 * $64; $65 = $minXC; $66 = $minXC; $mul85 = $65 * $66; $sub86 = 1.0010000467300415 - $mul85; $conv87 = $sub86; $call88 = (+Math_log((+$conv87))); $mul89 = 1.4426950408889634 * $call88; $conv90 = $mul89; $cmp91 = $mul84 > $conv90; if ($cmp91) { $67 = $logXC; $mul94 = 0.5 * $67; $cond103 = $mul94; } else { $68 = $minXC; $69 = $minXC; $mul96 = $68 * $69; $sub97 = 1.0010000467300415 - $mul96; $conv98 = $sub97; $call99 = (+Math_log((+$conv98))); $mul100 = 1.4426950408889634 * $call99; $conv101 = $mul100; $cond103 = $conv101; } $logXC2 = $cond103; $70 = $logXC; $mul104 = 0.75 * $70; $cmp105 = -4.0 > $mul104; $71 = $logXC; $mul109 = 0.75 * $71; $cond111 = $cmp105 ? -4.0 : $mul109; $72 = $trim; $add112 = $72 + $cond111; $trim = $add112; $73 = $stereo_saving$addr; $74 = +HEAPF32[$73>>2]; $add113 = $74 + 0.25; $75 = $logXC2; $mul114 = 0.5 * $75; $sub115 = - $mul114; $cmp116 = $add113 < $sub115; if ($cmp116) { $76 = $stereo_saving$addr; $77 = +HEAPF32[$76>>2]; $add119 = $77 + 0.25; $cond124 = $add119; } else { $78 = $logXC2; $mul121 = 0.5 * $78; $sub122 = - $mul121; $cond124 = $sub122; } $79 = $stereo_saving$addr; HEAPF32[$79>>2] = $cond124; } $c = 0; while(1) { $i = 0; while(1) { $80 = $i; $81 = $end$addr; $sub126 = (($81) - 1)|0; $cmp127 = ($80|0)<($sub126|0); if (!($cmp127)) { break; } $82 = $bandLogE$addr; $83 = $i; $84 = $c; $85 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($85)) + 8|0); $86 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul130 = Math_imul($84, $86)|0; $add131 = (($83) + ($mul130))|0; $arrayidx132 = (($82) + ($add131<<2)|0); $87 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx132>>2]; $88 = $i; $mul133 = $88<<1; $add134 = (2 + ($mul133))|0; $89 = $end$addr; $sub135 = (($add134) - ($89))|0; $conv136 = (+($sub135|0)); $mul137 = $87 * $conv136; $90 = $diff; $add138 = $90 + $mul137; $diff = $add138; $91 = $i; $inc140 = (($91) + 1)|0; $i = $inc140; } $92 = $c; $inc142 = (($92) + 1)|0; $c = $inc142; $93 = $C$addr; $cmp143 = ($inc142|0)<($93|0); if (!($cmp143)) { break; } } $94 = $C$addr; $95 = $end$addr; $sub145 = (($95) - 1)|0; $mul146 = Math_imul($94, $sub145)|0; $conv147 = (+($mul146|0)); $96 = $diff; $div = $96 / $conv147; $diff = $div; $97 = $diff; $add148 = $97 + 1.0; $div149 = $add148 / 6.0; $cmp150 = 2.0 < $div149; if ($cmp150) { $cond157 = 2.0; } else { $98 = $diff; $add154 = $98 + 1.0; $div155 = $add154 / 6.0; $cond157 = $div155; } $cmp158 = -2.0 > $cond157; if ($cmp158) { $cond173 = -2.0; } else { $99 = $diff; $add162 = $99 + 1.0; $div163 = $add162 / 6.0; $cmp164 = 2.0 < $div163; if ($cmp164) { $cond173 = 2.0; } else { $100 = $diff; $add168 = $100 + 1.0; $div169 = $add168 / 6.0; $cond173 = $div169; } } $101 = $trim; $sub174 = $101 - $cond173; $trim = $sub174; $102 = $surround_trim$addr; $103 = $trim; $sub175 = $103 - $102; $trim = $sub175; $104 = $tf_estimate$addr; $mul176 = 2.0 * $104; $105 = $trim; $sub177 = $105 - $mul176; $trim = $sub177; $106 = $analysis$addr; $107 = HEAP32[$106>>2]|0; $tobool = ($107|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $108 = $analysis$addr; $tonality_slope = ((($108)) + 8|0); $109 = +HEAPF32[$tonality_slope>>2]; $add179 = $109 + 0.05000000074505806; $mul180 = 2.0 * $add179; $cmp181 = 2.0 < $mul180; if ($cmp181) { $cond189 = 2.0; } else { $110 = $analysis$addr; $tonality_slope185 = ((($110)) + 8|0); $111 = +HEAPF32[$tonality_slope185>>2]; $add186 = $111 + 0.05000000074505806; $mul187 = 2.0 * $add186; $cond189 = $mul187; } $cmp190 = -2.0 > $cond189; if ($cmp190) { $cond207 = -2.0; } else { $112 = $analysis$addr; $tonality_slope194 = ((($112)) + 8|0); $113 = +HEAPF32[$tonality_slope194>>2]; $add195 = $113 + 0.05000000074505806; $mul196 = 2.0 * $add195; $cmp197 = 2.0 < $mul196; if ($cmp197) { $cond207 = 2.0; } else { $114 = $analysis$addr; $tonality_slope201 = ((($114)) + 8|0); $115 = +HEAPF32[$tonality_slope201>>2]; $add202 = $115 + 0.05000000074505806; $mul203 = 2.0 * $add202; $cond207 = $mul203; } } $116 = $trim; $sub208 = $116 - $cond207; $trim = $sub208; } $117 = $trim; $add210 = 0.5 + $117; $conv211 = $add210; $call212 = (+Math_floor((+$conv211))); $conv213 = (~~(($call212))); $trim_index = $conv213; $118 = $trim_index; $cmp214 = (10)<($118|0); $119 = $trim_index; $cond219 = $cmp214 ? 10 : $119; $cmp220 = (0)>($cond219|0); if ($cmp220) { $cond231 = 0; $trim_index = $cond231; $122 = $trim_index; STACKTOP = sp;return ($122|0); } $120 = $trim_index; $cmp224 = (10)<($120|0); $121 = $trim_index; $cond229 = $cmp224 ? 10 : $121; $cond231 = $cond229; $trim_index = $cond231; $122 = $trim_index; STACKTOP = sp;return ($122|0); } function _compute_vbr($mode,$analysis,$base_target,$LM,$bitrate,$lastCodedBands,$C,$intensity,$constrained_vbr,$stereo_saving,$tot_boost,$tf_estimate,$pitch_change,$maxDepth,$variable_duration,$lfe,$has_surround_mask,$surround_masking,$temporal_vbr) { $mode = $mode|0; $analysis = $analysis|0; $base_target = $base_target|0; $LM = $LM|0; $bitrate = $bitrate|0; $lastCodedBands = $lastCodedBands|0; $C = $C|0; $intensity = $intensity|0; $constrained_vbr = $constrained_vbr|0; $stereo_saving = +$stereo_saving; $tot_boost = $tot_boost|0; $tf_estimate = +$tf_estimate; $pitch_change = $pitch_change|0; $maxDepth = +$maxDepth; $variable_duration = $variable_duration|0; $lfe = $lfe|0; $has_surround_mask = $has_surround_mask|0; $surround_masking = +$surround_masking; $temporal_vbr = +$temporal_vbr; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0.0, $106 = 0.0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0.0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0.0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0.0, $118 = 0.0, $119 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0; var $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0; var $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0.0; var $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0.0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0; var $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0; var $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $activity = 0, $activity20 = 0, $add = 0, $add105 = 0, $add116 = 0, $add181 = 0, $add216 = 0, $add69 = 0, $add77 = 0, $add98 = 0, $amount = 0.0; var $analysis$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx127 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $base_target$addr = 0, $bins = 0, $bitrate$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp118 = 0, $cmp135 = 0, $cmp142 = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp153 = 0, $cmp159 = 0, $cmp170 = 0, $cmp185 = 0, $cmp189 = 0, $cmp196 = 0, $cmp201 = 0; var $cmp219 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp52 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp84 = 0, $coded_bands = 0, $coded_bins = 0, $coded_stereo_bands = 0, $coded_stereo_dof = 0, $cond = 0, $cond124 = 0, $cond141 = 0, $cond147 = 0, $cond167 = 0.0, $cond175 = 0.0, $cond195 = 0, $cond207 = 0; var $cond209 = 0, $cond225 = 0, $cond32 = 0, $cond45 = 0.0, $cond72 = 0.0, $cond9 = 0, $cond91 = 0.0, $constrained_vbr$addr = 0, $conv = 0, $conv102 = 0.0, $conv104 = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv113 = 0.0, $conv115 = 0, $conv128 = 0, $conv132 = 0.0, $conv134 = 0, $conv14 = 0.0, $conv157 = 0.0, $conv164 = 0.0; var $conv178 = 0.0, $conv180 = 0, $conv19 = 0.0, $conv21 = 0, $conv210 = 0.0, $conv213 = 0.0, $conv215 = 0, $conv34 = 0, $conv37 = 0.0, $conv39 = 0.0, $conv46 = 0.0, $conv50 = 0.0, $conv60 = 0.0, $conv64 = 0, $conv74 = 0.0, $conv76 = 0, $conv94 = 0.0, $conv97 = 0, $div = 0.0, $div117 = 0; var $div121 = 0, $eBands = 0, $eBands2 = 0, $floor_depth = 0, $has_surround_mask$addr = 0, $intensity$addr = 0, $lastCodedBands$addr = 0, $lfe$addr = 0, $maxDepth$addr = 0.0, $max_frac = 0.0, $mode$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul103 = 0.0, $mul114 = 0.0, $mul130 = 0, $mul133 = 0.0, $mul158 = 0.0, $mul165 = 0.0, $mul179 = 0.0, $mul211 = 0.0; var $mul212 = 0.0, $mul214 = 0.0, $mul218 = 0, $mul222 = 0, $mul38 = 0.0, $mul47 = 0.0, $mul51 = 0.0, $mul61 = 0.0, $mul75 = 0.0, $mul95 = 0.0, $mul96 = 0.0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands1 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond3 = 0, $or$cond4 = 0, $pitch_change$addr = 0, $rate_factor = 0.0; var $shl = 0, $shl101 = 0, $shl112 = 0, $shl12 = 0, $shl129 = 0, $shl131 = 0, $shl18 = 0, $shl35 = 0, $shl49 = 0, $shl59 = 0, $shl59$sink = 0, $shl67 = 0, $shl93 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr139 = 0, $stereo_saving$addr = 0.0, $sub = 0.0, $sub126 = 0, $sub156 = 0, $sub163 = 0; var $sub177 = 0, $sub188 = 0, $sub193 = 0, $sub200 = 0, $sub205 = 0, $sub22 = 0, $sub36 = 0, $sub48 = 0.0, $sub58 = 0.0, $sub58$sink = 0.0, $sub65 = 0, $sub68 = 0, $sub73 = 0.0, $sub83 = 0.0, $sub89 = 0.0, $sub92 = 0.0, $surround_masking$addr = 0.0, $surround_target = 0, $target = 0, $temporal_vbr$addr = 0.0; var $tf_calibration = 0.0, $tf_estimate$addr = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $tobool108 = 0, $tobool110 = 0, $tobool13 = 0, $tobool148 = 0, $tobool149 = 0, $tobool151 = 0, $tobool168 = 0, $tobool183 = 0, $tobool79 = 0, $tobool81 = 0, $tobool99 = 0, $tonal = 0.0, $tonal_target = 0, $tonality = 0, $tonality88 = 0, $tot_boost$addr = 0, $tvbr_factor = 0.0; var $variable_duration$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 144|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(144|0); $mode$addr = $mode; $analysis$addr = $analysis; $base_target$addr = $base_target; $LM$addr = $LM; $bitrate$addr = $bitrate; $lastCodedBands$addr = $lastCodedBands; $C$addr = $C; $intensity$addr = $intensity; $constrained_vbr$addr = $constrained_vbr; $stereo_saving$addr = $stereo_saving; $tot_boost$addr = $tot_boost; $tf_estimate$addr = $tf_estimate; $pitch_change$addr = $pitch_change; $maxDepth$addr = $maxDepth; $variable_duration$addr = $variable_duration; $lfe$addr = $lfe; $has_surround_mask$addr = $has_surround_mask; $surround_masking$addr = $surround_masking; $temporal_vbr$addr = $temporal_vbr; $0 = $mode$addr; $nbEBands1 = ((($0)) + 8|0); $1 = HEAP32[$nbEBands1>>2]|0; $nbEBands = $1; $2 = $mode$addr; $eBands2 = ((($2)) + 32|0); $3 = HEAP32[$eBands2>>2]|0; $eBands = $3; $4 = $lastCodedBands$addr; $tobool = ($4|0)!=(0); $5 = $lastCodedBands$addr; $6 = $nbEBands; $cond = $tobool ? $5 : $6; $coded_bands = $cond; $7 = $eBands; $8 = $coded_bands; $arrayidx = (($7) + ($8<<1)|0); $9 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $9 << 16 >> 16; $10 = $LM$addr; $shl = $conv << $10; $coded_bins = $shl; $11 = $C$addr; $cmp = ($11|0)==(2); if ($cmp) { $12 = $eBands; $13 = $intensity$addr; $14 = $coded_bands; $cmp4 = ($13|0)<($14|0); $15 = $intensity$addr; $16 = $coded_bands; $cond9 = $cmp4 ? $15 : $16; $arrayidx10 = (($12) + ($cond9<<1)|0); $17 = HEAP16[$arrayidx10>>1]|0; $conv11 = $17 << 16 >> 16; $18 = $LM$addr; $shl12 = $conv11 << $18; $19 = $coded_bins; $add = (($19) + ($shl12))|0; $coded_bins = $add; } $20 = $base_target$addr; $target = $20; $21 = $analysis$addr; $22 = HEAP32[$21>>2]|0; $tobool13 = ($22|0)!=(0); if ($tobool13) { $23 = $analysis$addr; $activity = ((($23)) + 16|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$activity>>2]; $conv14 = $24; $cmp15 = $conv14 < 0.40000000000000002; if ($cmp15) { $25 = $coded_bins; $shl18 = $25 << 3; $conv19 = (+($shl18|0)); $26 = $analysis$addr; $activity20 = ((($26)) + 16|0); $27 = +HEAPF32[$activity20>>2]; $sub = 0.40000000596046448 - $27; $mul = $conv19 * $sub; $conv21 = (~~(($mul))); $28 = $target; $sub22 = (($28) - ($conv21))|0; $target = $sub22; } } $29 = $C$addr; $cmp24 = ($29|0)==(2); if ($cmp24) { $30 = $intensity$addr; $31 = $coded_bands; $cmp27 = ($30|0)<($31|0); $32 = $intensity$addr; $33 = $coded_bands; $cond32 = $cmp27 ? $32 : $33; $coded_stereo_bands = $cond32; $34 = $eBands; $35 = $coded_stereo_bands; $arrayidx33 = (($34) + ($35<<1)|0); $36 = HEAP16[$arrayidx33>>1]|0; $conv34 = $36 << 16 >> 16; $37 = $LM$addr; $shl35 = $conv34 << $37; $38 = $coded_stereo_bands; $sub36 = (($shl35) - ($38))|0; $coded_stereo_dof = $sub36; $39 = $coded_stereo_dof; $conv37 = (+($39|0)); $mul38 = 0.80000001192092896 * $conv37; $40 = $coded_bins; $conv39 = (+($40|0)); $div = $mul38 / $conv39; $max_frac = $div; $41 = $stereo_saving$addr; $cmp40 = $41 < 1.0; $42 = $stereo_saving$addr; $cond45 = $cmp40 ? $42 : 1.0; $stereo_saving$addr = $cond45; $43 = $max_frac; $44 = $target; $conv46 = (+($44|0)); $mul47 = $43 * $conv46; $45 = $stereo_saving$addr; $sub48 = $45 - 0.10000000149011612; $46 = $coded_stereo_dof; $shl49 = $46 << 3; $conv50 = (+($shl49|0)); $mul51 = $sub48 * $conv50; $cmp52 = $mul47 < $mul51; if ($cmp52) { $47 = $max_frac; $48 = $target; $shl59$sink = $48;$sub58$sink = $47; } else { $49 = $stereo_saving$addr; $sub58 = $49 - 0.10000000149011612; $50 = $coded_stereo_dof; $shl59 = $50 << 3; $shl59$sink = $shl59;$sub58$sink = $sub58; } $conv60 = (+($shl59$sink|0)); $mul61 = $sub58$sink * $conv60; $conv64 = (~~(($mul61))); $51 = $target; $sub65 = (($51) - ($conv64))|0; $target = $sub65; } $52 = $tot_boost$addr; $53 = $LM$addr; $shl67 = 16 << $53; $sub68 = (($52) - ($shl67))|0; $54 = $target; $add69 = (($54) + ($sub68))|0; $target = $add69; $55 = $variable_duration$addr; $cmp70 = ($55|0)==(5010); $cond72 = $cmp70 ? 0.019999999552965164 : 0.039999999105930328; $tf_calibration = $cond72; $56 = $tf_estimate$addr; $57 = $tf_calibration; $sub73 = $56 - $57; $58 = $target; $conv74 = (+($58|0)); $mul75 = $sub73 * $conv74; $conv76 = (~~(($mul75))); $59 = $target; $add77 = (($59) + ($conv76))|0; $target = $add77; $60 = $analysis$addr; $61 = HEAP32[$60>>2]|0; $tobool79 = ($61|0)==(0); $62 = $lfe$addr; $tobool81 = ($62|0)!=(0); $or$cond = $tobool79 | $tobool81; if (!($or$cond)) { $63 = $analysis$addr; $tonality = ((($63)) + 4|0); $64 = +HEAPF32[$tonality>>2]; $sub83 = $64 - 0.15000000596046448; $cmp84 = 0.0 > $sub83; if ($cmp84) { $cond91 = 0.0; } else { $65 = $analysis$addr; $tonality88 = ((($65)) + 4|0); $66 = +HEAPF32[$tonality88>>2]; $sub89 = $66 - 0.15000000596046448; $cond91 = $sub89; } $sub92 = $cond91 - 0.090000003576278687; $tonal = $sub92; $67 = $target; $68 = $coded_bins; $shl93 = $68 << 3; $conv94 = (+($shl93|0)); $mul95 = $conv94 * 1.2000000476837158; $69 = $tonal; $mul96 = $mul95 * $69; $conv97 = (~~(($mul96))); $add98 = (($67) + ($conv97))|0; $tonal_target = $add98; $70 = $pitch_change$addr; $tobool99 = ($70|0)!=(0); if ($tobool99) { $71 = $coded_bins; $shl101 = $71 << 3; $conv102 = (+($shl101|0)); $mul103 = $conv102 * 0.80000001192092896; $conv104 = (~~(($mul103))); $72 = $tonal_target; $add105 = (($72) + ($conv104))|0; $tonal_target = $add105; } $73 = $tonal_target; $target = $73; } $74 = $has_surround_mask$addr; $tobool108 = ($74|0)==(0); $75 = $lfe$addr; $tobool110 = ($75|0)!=(0); $or$cond1 = $tobool108 | $tobool110; if (!($or$cond1)) { $76 = $target; $77 = $surround_masking$addr; $78 = $coded_bins; $shl112 = $78 << 3; $conv113 = (+($shl112|0)); $mul114 = $77 * $conv113; $conv115 = (~~(($mul114))); $add116 = (($76) + ($conv115))|0; $surround_target = $add116; $79 = $target; $div117 = (($79|0) / 4)&-1; $80 = $surround_target; $cmp118 = ($div117|0)>($80|0); if ($cmp118) { $81 = $target; $div121 = (($81|0) / 4)&-1; $cond124 = $div121; } else { $82 = $surround_target; $cond124 = $82; } $target = $cond124; } $83 = $eBands; $84 = $nbEBands; $sub126 = (($84) - 2)|0; $arrayidx127 = (($83) + ($sub126<<1)|0); $85 = HEAP16[$arrayidx127>>1]|0; $conv128 = $85 << 16 >> 16; $86 = $LM$addr; $shl129 = $conv128 << $86; $bins = $shl129; $87 = $C$addr; $88 = $bins; $mul130 = Math_imul($87, $88)|0; $shl131 = $mul130 << 3; $conv132 = (+($shl131|0)); $89 = $maxDepth$addr; $mul133 = $conv132 * $89; $conv134 = (~~(($mul133))); $floor_depth = $conv134; $90 = $floor_depth; $91 = $target; $shr = $91 >> 2; $cmp135 = ($90|0)>($shr|0); $92 = $floor_depth; $93 = $target; $shr139 = $93 >> 2; $cond141 = $cmp135 ? $92 : $shr139; $floor_depth = $cond141; $94 = $target; $95 = $floor_depth; $cmp142 = ($94|0)<($95|0); $96 = $target; $97 = $floor_depth; $cond147 = $cmp142 ? $96 : $97; $target = $cond147; $98 = $has_surround_mask$addr; $tobool148 = ($98|0)==(0); $99 = $lfe$addr; $tobool149 = ($99|0)!=(0); $or$cond2 = $tobool148 | $tobool149; if ($or$cond2) { $100 = $constrained_vbr$addr; $tobool151 = ($100|0)!=(0); $101 = $bitrate$addr; $cmp153 = ($101|0)<(64000); $or$cond3 = $tobool151 | $cmp153; if ($or$cond3) { $102 = $bitrate$addr; $sub156 = (($102) - 32000)|0; $conv157 = (+($sub156|0)); $mul158 = 3.0517578125E-5 * $conv157; $cmp159 = 0.0 > $mul158; if ($cmp159) { $cond167 = 0.0; } else { $103 = $bitrate$addr; $sub163 = (($103) - 32000)|0; $conv164 = (+($sub163|0)); $mul165 = 3.0517578125E-5 * $conv164; $cond167 = $mul165; } $rate_factor = $cond167; $104 = $constrained_vbr$addr; $tobool168 = ($104|0)!=(0); if ($tobool168) { $105 = $rate_factor; $cmp170 = $105 < 0.67000001668930054; $106 = $rate_factor; $cond175 = $cmp170 ? $106 : 0.67000001668930054; $rate_factor = $cond175; } $107 = $base_target$addr; $108 = $rate_factor; $109 = $target; $110 = $base_target$addr; $sub177 = (($109) - ($110))|0; $conv178 = (+($sub177|0)); $mul179 = $108 * $conv178; $conv180 = (~~(($mul179))); $add181 = (($107) + ($conv180))|0; $target = $add181; } } $111 = $has_surround_mask$addr; $tobool183 = ($111|0)==(0); $112 = $tf_estimate$addr; $cmp185 = $112 < 0.20000000298023224; $or$cond4 = $tobool183 & $cmp185; if (!($or$cond4)) { $122 = $base_target$addr; $mul218 = $122<<1; $123 = $target; $cmp219 = ($mul218|0)<($123|0); $124 = $base_target$addr; $mul222 = $124<<1; $125 = $target; $cond225 = $cmp219 ? $mul222 : $125; $target = $cond225; $126 = $target; STACKTOP = sp;return ($126|0); } $113 = $bitrate$addr; $sub188 = (96000 - ($113))|0; $cmp189 = (32000)<($sub188|0); $114 = $bitrate$addr; $sub193 = (96000 - ($114))|0; $cond195 = $cmp189 ? 32000 : $sub193; $cmp196 = (0)>($cond195|0); if ($cmp196) { $cond209 = 0; } else { $115 = $bitrate$addr; $sub200 = (96000 - ($115))|0; $cmp201 = (32000)<($sub200|0); $116 = $bitrate$addr; $sub205 = (96000 - ($116))|0; $cond207 = $cmp201 ? 32000 : $sub205; $cond209 = $cond207; } $conv210 = (+($cond209|0)); $mul211 = 3.0999999580672011E-6 * $conv210; $amount = $mul211; $117 = $temporal_vbr$addr; $118 = $amount; $mul212 = $117 * $118; $tvbr_factor = $mul212; $119 = $tvbr_factor; $120 = $target; $conv213 = (+($120|0)); $mul214 = $119 * $conv213; $conv215 = (~~(($mul214))); $121 = $target; $add216 = (($121) + ($conv215))|0; $target = $add216; $122 = $base_target$addr; $mul218 = $122<<1; $123 = $target; $cmp219 = ($mul218|0)<($123|0); $124 = $base_target$addr; $mul222 = $124<<1; $125 = $target; $cond225 = $cmp219 ? $mul222 : $125; $target = $cond225; $126 = $target; STACKTOP = sp;return ($126|0); } function _ec_get_error($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $error = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $error = ((($0)) + 44|0); $1 = HEAP32[$error>>2]|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1|0); } function _celt_inner_prod_c_51($x,$y,$N) { $x = $x|0; $y = $y|0; $N = $N|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $N$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $cmp = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, $xy = 0.0; var $y$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $x$addr = $x; $y$addr = $y; $N$addr = $N; $xy = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $xy; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $x$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $6 = $y$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $mul = $5 * $8; $add = $2 + $mul; $xy = $add; $9 = $i; $inc = (($9) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return (+$2); } function _median_of_5($x) { $x = $x|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0.0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0.0; var $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0.0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0; var $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp23 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp37 = 0, $cmp43 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $cond33 = 0.0, $cond41 = 0.0, $cond47 = 0.0, $retval = 0.0; var $t0 = 0.0, $t1 = 0.0, $t2 = 0.0, $t3 = 0.0, $t4 = 0.0, $tmp = 0.0, $tmp20 = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $arrayidx = ((($0)) + 8|0); $1 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $t2 = $1; $2 = $x$addr; $3 = +HEAPF32[$2>>2]; $4 = $x$addr; $arrayidx2 = ((($4)) + 4|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $cmp = $3 > $5; $6 = $x$addr; if ($cmp) { $arrayidx3 = ((($6)) + 4|0); $7 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $t0 = $7; $8 = $x$addr; $9 = +HEAPF32[$8>>2]; $t1 = $9; } else { $10 = +HEAPF32[$6>>2]; $t0 = $10; $11 = $x$addr; $arrayidx6 = ((($11)) + 4|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $t1 = $12; } $13 = $x$addr; $arrayidx7 = ((($13)) + 12|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $15 = $x$addr; $arrayidx8 = ((($15)) + 16|0); $16 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2]; $cmp9 = $14 > $16; $17 = $x$addr; if ($cmp9) { $arrayidx11 = ((($17)) + 16|0); $18 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $t3 = $18; $19 = $x$addr; $arrayidx12 = ((($19)) + 12|0); $20 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2]; $t4 = $20; } else { $arrayidx14 = ((($17)) + 12|0); $21 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $t3 = $21; $22 = $x$addr; $arrayidx15 = ((($22)) + 16|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2]; $t4 = $23; } $24 = $t0; $25 = $t3; $cmp17 = $24 > $25; if ($cmp17) { $26 = $t0; $tmp = $26; $27 = $t3; $t0 = $27; $28 = $tmp; $t3 = $28; $29 = $t1; $tmp20 = $29; $30 = $t4; $t1 = $30; $31 = $tmp20; $t4 = $31; } $32 = $t2; $33 = $t1; $cmp23 = $32 > $33; if ($cmp23) { $34 = $t1; $35 = $t3; $cmp25 = $34 < $35; if ($cmp25) { $36 = $t2; $37 = $t3; $cmp27 = $36 < $37; $38 = $t2; $39 = $t3; $cond = $cmp27 ? $38 : $39; $retval = $cond; $54 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$54); } else { $40 = $t4; $41 = $t1; $cmp29 = $40 < $41; $42 = $t4; $43 = $t1; $cond33 = $cmp29 ? $42 : $43; $retval = $cond33; $54 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$54); } } else { $44 = $t2; $45 = $t3; $cmp35 = $44 < $45; if ($cmp35) { $46 = $t1; $47 = $t3; $cmp37 = $46 < $47; $48 = $t1; $49 = $t3; $cond41 = $cmp37 ? $48 : $49; $retval = $cond41; $54 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$54); } else { $50 = $t2; $51 = $t4; $cmp43 = $50 < $51; $52 = $t2; $53 = $t4; $cond47 = $cmp43 ? $52 : $53; $retval = $cond47; $54 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$54); } } return +(0.0); } function _median_of_3($x) { $x = $x|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $3 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0.0; var $9 = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $retval = 0.0, $t0 = 0.0, $t1 = 0.0, $t2 = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $1 = +HEAPF32[$0>>2]; $2 = $x$addr; $arrayidx1 = ((($2)) + 4|0); $3 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $cmp = $1 > $3; $4 = $x$addr; if ($cmp) { $arrayidx2 = ((($4)) + 4|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $t0 = $5; $6 = $x$addr; $7 = +HEAPF32[$6>>2]; $t1 = $7; } else { $8 = +HEAPF32[$4>>2]; $t0 = $8; $9 = $x$addr; $arrayidx5 = ((($9)) + 4|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $t1 = $10; } $11 = $x$addr; $arrayidx6 = ((($11)) + 8|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $t2 = $12; $13 = $t1; $14 = $t2; $cmp7 = $13 < $14; if ($cmp7) { $15 = $t1; $retval = $15; $20 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$20); } $16 = $t0; $17 = $t2; $cmp10 = $16 < $17; if ($cmp10) { $18 = $t2; $retval = $18; $20 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$20); } else { $19 = $t0; $retval = $19; $20 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$20); } return +(0.0); } function _l1_metric($tmp,$N,$LM,$bias) { $tmp = $tmp|0; $N = $N|0; $LM = $LM|0; $bias = +$bias; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $L1 = 0.0, $LM$addr = 0, $N$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add4 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $bias$addr = 0.0, $call = 0.0; var $cmp = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv1 = 0.0, $conv2 = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul3 = 0.0, $tmp$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $tmp$addr = $tmp; $N$addr = $N; $LM$addr = $LM; $bias$addr = $bias; $L1 = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $tmp$addr; $3 = $i; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<2)|0); $4 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $conv = $4; $call = (+Math_abs((+$conv))); $conv1 = $call; $5 = $L1; $add = $5 + $conv1; $L1 = $add; $6 = $i; $inc = (($6) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $7 = $L1; $8 = $LM$addr; $conv2 = (+($8|0)); $9 = $bias$addr; $mul = $conv2 * $9; $10 = $L1; $mul3 = $mul * $10; $add4 = $7 + $mul3; $L1 = $add4; $11 = $L1; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$11); } function _celt_decoder_get_size($channels) { $channels = $channels|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $mode = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $channels$addr = $channels; $call = (_opus_custom_mode_create(48000,960,0)|0); $mode = $call; $0 = $mode; $1 = $channels$addr; $call1 = (_opus_custom_decoder_get_size($0,$1)|0); STACKTOP = sp;return ($call1|0); } function _opus_custom_decoder_get_size($mode,$channels) { $mode = $mode|0; $channels = $channels|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $add = 0, $add2 = 0, $add5 = 0, $add8 = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $mode$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul1 = 0, $mul3 = 0, $mul4 = 0, $mul6 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $nbEBands = 0; var $overlap = 0, $size = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $mode$addr = $mode; $channels$addr = $channels; $0 = $channels$addr; $1 = $mode$addr; $overlap = ((($1)) + 4|0); $2 = HEAP32[$overlap>>2]|0; $add = (2048 + ($2))|0; $mul = Math_imul($0, $add)|0; $sub = (($mul) - 1)|0; $mul1 = $sub<<2; $add2 = (88 + ($mul1))|0; $3 = $channels$addr; $mul3 = ($3*24)|0; $mul4 = $mul3<<2; $add5 = (($add2) + ($mul4))|0; $4 = $mode$addr; $nbEBands = ((($4)) + 8|0); $5 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul6 = $5<<3; $mul7 = $mul6<<2; $add8 = (($add5) + ($mul7))|0; $size = $add8; $6 = $size; STACKTOP = sp;return ($6|0); } function _celt_decoder_init($st,$sampling_rate,$channels) { $st = $st|0; $sampling_rate = $sampling_rate|0; $channels = $channels|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $call2 = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $downsample = 0, $downsample3 = 0, $ret = 0, $retval = 0, $sampling_rate$addr = 0; var $st$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $st$addr = $st; $sampling_rate$addr = $sampling_rate; $channels$addr = $channels; $0 = $st$addr; $call = (_opus_custom_mode_create(48000,960,0)|0); $1 = $channels$addr; $call1 = (_opus_custom_decoder_init($0,$call,$1)|0); $ret = $call1; $2 = $ret; $cmp = ($2|0)!=(0); if ($cmp) { $3 = $ret; $retval = $3; $8 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($8|0); } $4 = $sampling_rate$addr; $call2 = (_resampling_factor($4)|0); $5 = $st$addr; $downsample = ((($5)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$downsample>>2] = $call2; $6 = $st$addr; $downsample3 = ((($6)) + 16|0); $7 = HEAP32[$downsample3>>2]|0; $cmp4 = ($7|0)==(0); if ($cmp4) { $retval = -1; $8 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($8|0); } else { $retval = 0; $8 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($8|0); } return (0)|0; } function _opus_custom_decoder_init($st,$mode,$channels) { $st = $st|0; $mode = $mode|0; $channels = $channels|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0; var $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $arch = 0, $call = 0, $call9 = 0, $channels$addr = 0, $channels7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $downsample = 0, $effEBands = 0, $end = 0, $loss_count = 0, $mode$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $or$cond = 0; var $overlap = 0, $overlap6 = 0, $retval = 0, $signalling = 0, $st$addr = 0, $start = 0, $stream_channels = 0, $vararg_buffer = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $vararg_buffer = sp; $st$addr = $st; $mode$addr = $mode; $channels$addr = $channels; $0 = $channels$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(0); $1 = $channels$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)>(2); $or$cond = $cmp | $cmp1; if ($or$cond) { $retval = -1; $24 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($24|0); } $2 = $st$addr; $cmp2 = ($2|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp2) { $retval = -7; $24 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($24|0); } else { $3 = $st$addr; $4 = $mode$addr; $5 = $channels$addr; $call = (_opus_custom_decoder_get_size($4,$5)|0); $mul = $call; _memset(($3|0),0,($mul|0))|0; $6 = $mode$addr; $7 = $st$addr; HEAP32[$7>>2] = $6; $8 = $mode$addr; $overlap = ((($8)) + 4|0); $9 = HEAP32[$overlap>>2]|0; $10 = $st$addr; $overlap6 = ((($10)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$overlap6>>2] = $9; $11 = $channels$addr; $12 = $st$addr; $channels7 = ((($12)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$channels7>>2] = $11; $13 = $st$addr; $stream_channels = ((($13)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$stream_channels>>2] = $11; $14 = $st$addr; $downsample = ((($14)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$downsample>>2] = 1; $15 = $st$addr; $start = ((($15)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$start>>2] = 0; $16 = $st$addr; $17 = HEAP32[$16>>2]|0; $effEBands = ((($17)) + 12|0); $18 = HEAP32[$effEBands>>2]|0; $19 = $st$addr; $end = ((($19)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$end>>2] = $18; $20 = $st$addr; $signalling = ((($20)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$signalling>>2] = 1; $call9 = (_opus_select_arch_56()|0); $21 = $st$addr; $arch = ((($21)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$arch>>2] = $call9; $22 = $st$addr; $loss_count = ((($22)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$loss_count>>2] = 0; $23 = $st$addr; (_opus_custom_decoder_ctl($23,4028,$vararg_buffer)|0); $retval = 0; $24 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($24|0); } return (0)|0; } function _opus_select_arch_56() { var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return 0; } function _opus_custom_decoder_ctl($st,$request,$varargs) { $st = $st|0; $request = $request|0; $varargs = $varargs|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0; var $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0; var $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0; var $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0; var $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0; var $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $_decode_mem = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr44 = 0, $add$ptr48 = 0, $add$ptr52 = 0, $ap = 0, $arglist_current = 0, $arglist_current11 = 0, $arglist_current14 = 0, $arglist_current17 = 0; var $arglist_current2 = 0, $arglist_current20 = 0, $arglist_current23 = 0, $arglist_current5 = 0, $arglist_current8 = 0, $arglist_next = 0, $arglist_next12 = 0, $arglist_next15 = 0, $arglist_next18 = 0, $arglist_next21 = 0, $arglist_next24 = 0, $arglist_next3 = 0, $arglist_next6 = 0, $arglist_next9 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx61 = 0, $call = 0, $channels = 0, $channels42 = 0, $channels54 = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp28 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp60 = 0, $cmp66 = 0, $cmp73 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cmp85 = 0, $div = 0, $downsample = 0, $end = 0, $error = 0, $error31 = 0, $expanded = 0, $expanded10 = 0, $expanded12 = 0; var $expanded13 = 0, $expanded14 = 0, $expanded16 = 0, $expanded17 = 0, $expanded19 = 0, $expanded20 = 0, $expanded21 = 0, $expanded23 = 0, $expanded24 = 0, $expanded26 = 0, $expanded27 = 0, $expanded28 = 0, $expanded3 = 0, $expanded30 = 0, $expanded31 = 0, $expanded33 = 0, $expanded34 = 0, $expanded35 = 0, $expanded37 = 0, $expanded38 = 0; var $expanded40 = 0, $expanded41 = 0, $expanded42 = 0, $expanded44 = 0, $expanded45 = 0, $expanded47 = 0, $expanded48 = 0, $expanded49 = 0, $expanded5 = 0, $expanded51 = 0, $expanded52 = 0, $expanded54 = 0, $expanded55 = 0, $expanded56 = 0, $expanded58 = 0, $expanded59 = 0, $expanded6 = 0, $expanded61 = 0, $expanded62 = 0, $expanded63 = 0; var $expanded7 = 0, $expanded9 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $lpc = 0, $mul = 0, $mul43 = 0, $mul47 = 0, $mul51 = 0, $mul56 = 0, $mul59 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands11 = 0, $nbEBands46 = 0, $nbEBands50 = 0, $nbEBands58 = 0, $oldBandE = 0, $oldLogE = 0, $oldLogE2 = 0, $or$cond = 0; var $overlap = 0, $overlap41 = 0, $postfilter_period = 0, $request$addr = 0, $retval = 0, $rng = 0, $rng55 = 0, $rng88 = 0, $signalling = 0, $st$addr = 0, $start = 0, $stream_channels = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $value = 0, $value16 = 0, $value25 = 0, $value33 = 0; var $value5 = 0, $value63 = 0, $value70 = 0, $value78 = 0, $value82 = 0, $varet = 0, $varet18 = 0, $varet27 = 0, $varet35 = 0, $varet65 = 0, $varet7 = 0, $varet72 = 0, $varet80 = 0, $varet84 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 128|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(128|0); $ap = sp + 96|0; $st$addr = $st; $request$addr = $request; HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $varargs; $0 = $request$addr; L1: do { switch ($0|0) { case 10010: { $arglist_current = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $1 = $arglist_current; $2 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded3 = $2; $expanded = (($expanded3) - 1)|0; $3 = (($1) + ($expanded))|0; $4 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded7 = $4; $expanded6 = (($expanded7) - 1)|0; $expanded5 = $expanded6 ^ -1; $5 = $3 & $expanded5; $6 = $5; $7 = HEAP32[$6>>2]|0; $arglist_next = ((($6)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next; $varet = $7; $8 = $varet; $value = $8; $9 = $value; $cmp = ($9|0)<(0); if ($cmp) { label = 25; } else { $10 = $value; $11 = $st$addr; $12 = HEAP32[$11>>2]|0; $nbEBands = ((($12)) + 8|0); $13 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $cmp3 = ($10|0)>=($13|0); if ($cmp3) { label = 25; } else { $14 = $value; $15 = $st$addr; $start = ((($15)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$start>>2] = $14; label = 24; } } break; } case 10012: { $arglist_current2 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $16 = $arglist_current2; $17 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded10 = $17; $expanded9 = (($expanded10) - 1)|0; $18 = (($16) + ($expanded9))|0; $19 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded14 = $19; $expanded13 = (($expanded14) - 1)|0; $expanded12 = $expanded13 ^ -1; $20 = $18 & $expanded12; $21 = $20; $22 = HEAP32[$21>>2]|0; $arglist_next3 = ((($21)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next3; $varet7 = $22; $23 = $varet7; $value5 = $23; $24 = $value5; $cmp8 = ($24|0)<(1); if ($cmp8) { label = 25; } else { $25 = $value5; $26 = $st$addr; $27 = HEAP32[$26>>2]|0; $nbEBands11 = ((($27)) + 8|0); $28 = HEAP32[$nbEBands11>>2]|0; $cmp12 = ($25|0)>($28|0); if ($cmp12) { label = 25; } else { $29 = $value5; $30 = $st$addr; $end = ((($30)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$end>>2] = $29; label = 24; } } break; } case 10008: { $arglist_current5 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $31 = $arglist_current5; $32 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded17 = $32; $expanded16 = (($expanded17) - 1)|0; $33 = (($31) + ($expanded16))|0; $34 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded21 = $34; $expanded20 = (($expanded21) - 1)|0; $expanded19 = $expanded20 ^ -1; $35 = $33 & $expanded19; $36 = $35; $37 = HEAP32[$36>>2]|0; $arglist_next6 = ((($36)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next6; $varet18 = $37; $38 = $varet18; $value16 = $38; $39 = $value16; $cmp19 = ($39|0)<(1); $40 = $value16; $cmp21 = ($40|0)>(2); $or$cond = $cmp19 | $cmp21; if ($or$cond) { label = 25; } else { $41 = $value16; $42 = $st$addr; $stream_channels = ((($42)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$stream_channels>>2] = $41; label = 24; } break; } case 10007: { $arglist_current8 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $43 = $arglist_current8; $44 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded24 = $44; $expanded23 = (($expanded24) - 1)|0; $45 = (($43) + ($expanded23))|0; $46 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded28 = $46; $expanded27 = (($expanded28) - 1)|0; $expanded26 = $expanded27 ^ -1; $47 = $45 & $expanded26; $48 = $47; $49 = HEAP32[$48>>2]|0; $arglist_next9 = ((($48)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next9; $varet27 = $49; $50 = $varet27; $value25 = $50; $51 = $value25; $cmp28 = ($51|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp28) { label = 25; } else { $52 = $st$addr; $error = ((($52)) + 40|0); $53 = HEAP32[$error>>2]|0; $54 = $value25; HEAP32[$54>>2] = $53; $55 = $st$addr; $error31 = ((($55)) + 40|0); HEAP32[$error31>>2] = 0; label = 24; } break; } case 4027: { $arglist_current11 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $56 = $arglist_current11; $57 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded31 = $57; $expanded30 = (($expanded31) - 1)|0; $58 = (($56) + ($expanded30))|0; $59 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded35 = $59; $expanded34 = (($expanded35) - 1)|0; $expanded33 = $expanded34 ^ -1; $60 = $58 & $expanded33; $61 = $60; $62 = HEAP32[$61>>2]|0; $arglist_next12 = ((($61)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next12; $varet35 = $62; $63 = $varet35; $value33 = $63; $64 = $value33; $cmp36 = ($64|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp36) { label = 25; } else { $65 = $st$addr; $overlap = ((($65)) + 4|0); $66 = HEAP32[$overlap>>2]|0; $67 = $st$addr; $downsample = ((($67)) + 16|0); $68 = HEAP32[$downsample>>2]|0; $div = (($66|0) / ($68|0))&-1; $69 = $value33; HEAP32[$69>>2] = $div; label = 24; } break; } case 4028: { $70 = $st$addr; $_decode_mem = ((($70)) + 84|0); $71 = $st$addr; $overlap41 = ((($71)) + 4|0); $72 = HEAP32[$overlap41>>2]|0; $add = (2048 + ($72))|0; $73 = $st$addr; $channels = ((($73)) + 8|0); $74 = HEAP32[$channels>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($add, $74)|0; $add$ptr = (($_decode_mem) + ($mul<<2)|0); $lpc = $add$ptr; $75 = $lpc; $76 = $st$addr; $channels42 = ((($76)) + 8|0); $77 = HEAP32[$channels42>>2]|0; $mul43 = ($77*24)|0; $add$ptr44 = (($75) + ($mul43<<2)|0); $oldBandE = $add$ptr44; $78 = $oldBandE; $79 = $st$addr; $80 = HEAP32[$79>>2]|0; $nbEBands46 = ((($80)) + 8|0); $81 = HEAP32[$nbEBands46>>2]|0; $mul47 = $81<<1; $add$ptr48 = (($78) + ($mul47<<2)|0); $oldLogE = $add$ptr48; $82 = $oldLogE; $83 = $st$addr; $84 = HEAP32[$83>>2]|0; $nbEBands50 = ((($84)) + 8|0); $85 = HEAP32[$nbEBands50>>2]|0; $mul51 = $85<<1; $add$ptr52 = (($82) + ($mul51<<2)|0); $oldLogE2 = $add$ptr52; $86 = $st$addr; $rng = ((($86)) + 36|0); $87 = $st$addr; $88 = HEAP32[$87>>2]|0; $89 = $st$addr; $channels54 = ((($89)) + 8|0); $90 = HEAP32[$channels54>>2]|0; $call = (_opus_custom_decoder_get_size($88,$90)|0); $91 = $st$addr; $rng55 = ((($91)) + 36|0); $92 = $st$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $rng55; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $92; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub = (($call) - ($sub$ptr$sub))|0; $mul56 = $sub; _memset(($rng|0),0,($mul56|0))|0; $i = 0; while(1) { $93 = $i; $94 = $st$addr; $95 = HEAP32[$94>>2]|0; $nbEBands58 = ((($95)) + 8|0); $96 = HEAP32[$nbEBands58>>2]|0; $mul59 = $96<<1; $cmp60 = ($93|0)<($mul59|0); if (!($cmp60)) { label = 24; break L1; } $97 = $oldLogE2; $98 = $i; $arrayidx = (($97) + ($98<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2] = -28.0; $99 = $oldLogE; $100 = $i; $arrayidx61 = (($99) + ($100<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx61>>2] = -28.0; $101 = $i; $inc = (($101) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } break; } case 4033: { $arglist_current14 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $102 = $arglist_current14; $103 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded38 = $103; $expanded37 = (($expanded38) - 1)|0; $104 = (($102) + ($expanded37))|0; $105 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded42 = $105; $expanded41 = (($expanded42) - 1)|0; $expanded40 = $expanded41 ^ -1; $106 = $104 & $expanded40; $107 = $106; $108 = HEAP32[$107>>2]|0; $arglist_next15 = ((($107)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next15; $varet65 = $108; $109 = $varet65; $value63 = $109; $110 = $value63; $cmp66 = ($110|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp66) { label = 25; } else { $111 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period = ((($111)) + 52|0); $112 = HEAP32[$postfilter_period>>2]|0; $113 = $value63; HEAP32[$113>>2] = $112; label = 24; } break; } case 10015: { $arglist_current17 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $114 = $arglist_current17; $115 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded45 = $115; $expanded44 = (($expanded45) - 1)|0; $116 = (($114) + ($expanded44))|0; $117 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded49 = $117; $expanded48 = (($expanded49) - 1)|0; $expanded47 = $expanded48 ^ -1; $118 = $116 & $expanded47; $119 = $118; $120 = HEAP32[$119>>2]|0; $arglist_next18 = ((($119)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next18; $varet72 = $120; $121 = $varet72; $value70 = $121; $122 = $value70; $cmp73 = ($122|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp73) { label = 25; } else { $123 = $st$addr; $124 = HEAP32[$123>>2]|0; $125 = $value70; HEAP32[$125>>2] = $124; label = 24; } break; } case 10016: { $arglist_current20 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $126 = $arglist_current20; $127 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded52 = $127; $expanded51 = (($expanded52) - 1)|0; $128 = (($126) + ($expanded51))|0; $129 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded56 = $129; $expanded55 = (($expanded56) - 1)|0; $expanded54 = $expanded55 ^ -1; $130 = $128 & $expanded54; $131 = $130; $132 = HEAP32[$131>>2]|0; $arglist_next21 = ((($131)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next21; $varet80 = $132; $133 = $varet80; $value78 = $133; $134 = $value78; $135 = $st$addr; $signalling = ((($135)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$signalling>>2] = $134; label = 24; break; } case 4031: { $arglist_current23 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $136 = $arglist_current23; $137 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded59 = $137; $expanded58 = (($expanded59) - 1)|0; $138 = (($136) + ($expanded58))|0; $139 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded63 = $139; $expanded62 = (($expanded63) - 1)|0; $expanded61 = $expanded62 ^ -1; $140 = $138 & $expanded61; $141 = $140; $142 = HEAP32[$141>>2]|0; $arglist_next24 = ((($141)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next24; $varet84 = $142; $143 = $varet84; $value82 = $143; $144 = $value82; $cmp85 = ($144|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp85) { label = 25; } else { $145 = $st$addr; $rng88 = ((($145)) + 36|0); $146 = HEAP32[$rng88>>2]|0; $147 = $value82; HEAP32[$147>>2] = $146; label = 24; } break; } default: { $retval = -5; $148 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($148|0); } } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 24) { $retval = 0; $148 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($148|0); } else if ((label|0) == 25) { $retval = -1; $148 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($148|0); } return (0)|0; } function _celt_decode_with_ec($st,$data,$len,$pcm,$frame_size,$dec,$accum) { $st = $st|0; $data = $data|0; $len = $len|0; $pcm = $pcm|0; $frame_size = $frame_size|0; $dec = $dec|0; $accum = $accum|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0; var $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0; var $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0, $26 = 0; var $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0, $278 = 0; var $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0, $294 = 0, $295 = 0, $296 = 0; var $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0, $304 = 0, $305 = 0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0, $31 = 0, $310 = 0, $311 = 0, $312 = 0, $313 = 0; var $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0, $322 = 0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0, $325 = 0, $326 = 0, $327 = 0, $328 = 0, $329 = 0, $33 = 0, $330 = 0.0, $331 = 0; var $332 = 0.0, $333 = 0, $334 = 0, $335 = 0, $336 = 0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0, $339 = 0, $34 = 0, $340 = 0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0, $346 = 0, $347 = 0, $348 = 0, $349 = 0, $35 = 0; var $350 = 0, $351 = 0, $352 = 0, $353 = 0, $354 = 0, $355 = 0, $356 = 0, $357 = 0, $358 = 0.0, $359 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $360 = 0, $361 = 0, $362 = 0, $363 = 0, $364 = 0, $365 = 0, $366 = 0, $367 = 0, $368 = 0; var $369 = 0, $37 = 0, $370 = 0, $371 = 0, $372 = 0, $373 = 0, $374 = 0.0, $375 = 0, $376 = 0, $377 = 0, $378 = 0, $379 = 0, $38 = 0, $380 = 0, $381 = 0.0, $382 = 0, $383 = 0, $384 = 0, $385 = 0, $386 = 0; var $387 = 0, $388 = 0, $389 = 0, $39 = 0, $390 = 0.0, $391 = 0, $392 = 0, $393 = 0, $394 = 0, $395 = 0, $396 = 0, $397 = 0, $398 = 0, $399 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $400 = 0, $401 = 0, $402 = 0, $403 = 0; var $404 = 0, $405 = 0, $406 = 0, $407 = 0, $408 = 0, $409 = 0, $41 = 0, $410 = 0, $411 = 0, $412 = 0, $413 = 0, $414 = 0, $415 = 0, $416 = 0, $417 = 0, $418 = 0, $419 = 0, $42 = 0, $420 = 0, $421 = 0.0; var $422 = 0.0, $423 = 0, $424 = 0, $425 = 0.0, $426 = 0, $427 = 0, $428 = 0.0, $429 = 0.0, $43 = 0, $430 = 0, $431 = 0, $432 = 0.0, $433 = 0, $434 = 0, $435 = 0, $436 = 0, $437 = 0, $438 = 0, $439 = 0, $44 = 0; var $440 = 0.0, $441 = 0, $442 = 0, $443 = 0.0, $444 = 0, $445 = 0, $446 = 0, $447 = 0, $448 = 0.0, $449 = 0, $45 = 0, $450 = 0, $451 = 0, $452 = 0, $453 = 0, $454 = 0, $455 = 0, $456 = 0, $457 = 0, $458 = 0; var $459 = 0, $46 = 0, $460 = 0, $461 = 0, $462 = 0, $463 = 0, $464 = 0, $465 = 0, $466 = 0, $467 = 0, $468 = 0, $469 = 0, $47 = 0, $470 = 0, $471 = 0, $472 = 0, $473 = 0, $474 = 0, $475 = 0, $476 = 0; var $477 = 0, $478 = 0, $479 = 0, $48 = 0, $480 = 0, $481 = 0, $482 = 0, $483 = 0, $484 = 0, $485 = 0, $486 = 0, $487 = 0, $488 = 0, $489 = 0, $49 = 0, $490 = 0, $491 = 0, $492 = 0, $493 = 0, $494 = 0; var $495 = 0, $496 = 0, $497 = 0, $498 = 0, $499 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $500 = 0, $501 = 0, $502 = 0, $503 = 0, $504 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0; var $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0; var $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0.0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0.0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0; var $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0.0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $C = 0, $CC = 0, $LM = 0, $M = 0, $N = 0, $_dec = 0, $_decode_mem = 0, $_decode_mem30 = 0, $accum$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr11 = 0, $add$ptr13 = 0, $add$ptr15 = 0, $add$ptr242 = 0; var $add$ptr249 = 0, $add$ptr264 = 0, $add$ptr328 = 0, $add$ptr331 = 0, $add$ptr34 = 0, $add$ptr36 = 0, $add$ptr37 = 0, $add$ptr9 = 0, $add100 = 0, $add104 = 0, $add109 = 0, $add117 = 0, $add129 = 0, $add138 = 0, $add152 = 0, $add181 = 0, $add192 = 0, $add211 = 0, $add229 = 0, $add245 = 0; var $add251 = 0, $add32 = 0, $add375 = 0, $add386 = 0, $add394 = 0, $add408 = 0.0, $add414 = 0.0, $add450 = 0, $add453 = 0, $add456 = 0, $add466 = 0, $add469 = 0, $add472 = 0, $add64 = 0, $add68 = 0, $add68$sink = 0, $add87 = 0, $add90 = 0, $add98 = 0, $alloc_trim = 0; var $anti_collapse_on = 0, $anti_collapse_rsv = 0, $arch = 0, $arch281 = 0, $arch297 = 0, $arch322 = 0, $arch338 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx153 = 0, $arrayidx155 = 0, $arrayidx184 = 0, $arrayidx194 = 0, $arrayidx240 = 0, $arrayidx241 = 0, $arrayidx247 = 0, $arrayidx248 = 0, $arrayidx290 = 0, $arrayidx315 = 0, $arrayidx316 = 0, $arrayidx326 = 0; var $arrayidx329 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx367 = 0, $arrayidx369 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx407 = 0, $arrayidx409 = 0, $arrayidx413 = 0, $arrayidx416 = 0, $arrayidx419 = 0, $arrayidx429 = 0, $arrayidx430 = 0, $arrayidx434 = 0, $arrayidx436 = 0, $arrayidx436$sink = 0, $arrayidx439 = 0, $arrayidx451 = 0, $arrayidx454 = 0, $arrayidx457 = 0, $arrayidx467 = 0; var $arrayidx470 = 0, $arrayidx473 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx70 = 0, $backgroundLogE = 0, $balance = 0, $bits = 0, $boost = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0, $call102 = 0, $call103 = 0, $call107 = 0, $call112 = 0, $call121 = 0, $call122 = 0, $call133 = 0, $call137 = 0; var $call142 = 0, $call147 = 0, $call187 = 0, $call188 = 0, $call215 = 0, $call221 = 0, $call238 = 0, $call273 = 0, $call276 = 0, $call491 = 0, $call497 = 0, $call80 = 0, $call86 = 0, $call93 = 0, $call96 = 0, $call99 = 0, $channels = 0, $cleanup$dest$slot = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp105 = 0; var $cmp114 = 0, $cmp118 = 0, $cmp130 = 0, $cmp139 = 0, $cmp149 = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp161 = 0, $cmp167 = 0, $cmp172 = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp182 = 0, $cmp185 = 0, $cmp195 = 0, $cmp199 = 0, $cmp212 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp226 = 0, $cmp23 = 0, $cmp231 = 0, $cmp25 = 0; var $cmp254 = 0, $cmp261 = 0, $cmp270 = 0, $cmp287 = 0, $cmp299 = 0, $cmp307 = 0, $cmp323 = 0, $cmp342 = 0, $cmp354 = 0, $cmp364 = 0, $cmp395 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp404 = 0, $cmp41 = 0, $cmp410 = 0, $cmp426 = 0, $cmp431 = 0, $cmp446 = 0, $cmp45 = 0, $cmp462 = 0; var $cmp47 = 0, $cmp479 = 0, $cmp493 = 0, $cmp55 = 0, $cmp58 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cmp66 = 0, $cmp76 = 0, $cmp78 = 0, $cmp89 = 0, $cmp91 = 0, $codedBands = 0, $cond136 = 0, $cond166 = 0, $cond177 = 0, $cond179 = 0, $cond205 = 0, $cond218 = 0, $cond234 = 0, $cond267 = 0; var $cond305 = 0, $cond313 = 0, $cond418 = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $conv154 = 0, $conv156 = 0, $conv398 = 0.0, $data$addr = 0, $dec$addr = 0, $decode_mem = 0, $div = 0, $div244 = 0, $div502 = 0, $downsample = 0, $downsample296 = 0, $downsample485 = 0, $downsample50 = 0, $downsample501 = 0, $downsample53 = 0, $dual_stereo = 0; var $dynalloc_logp = 0, $dynalloc_loop_logp = 0, $eBands = 0, $eBands4 = 0, $effEBands = 0, $effEBands43 = 0, $effEnd = 0, $end = 0, $end6 = 0, $error = 0, $flag = 0, $frame_size$addr = 0, $i = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $inc = 0, $inc208 = 0, $inc253 = 0, $inc292 = 0, $inc341 = 0, $inc39 = 0; var $inc421 = 0, $inc441 = 0, $inc459 = 0, $inc475 = 0, $inc478 = 0, $inc72 = 0, $intensity = 0, $intra_ener = 0, $isTransient = 0, $len$addr = 0, $loss_count = 0, $loss_count490 = 0, $lpc = 0, $maxLM = 0, $maxLM17 = 0, $max_background_increase = 0.0, $mode = 0, $mul = 0, $mul10 = 0, $mul110 = 0.0; var $mul12 = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul158 = 0, $mul219 = 0, $mul246 = 0, $mul250 = 0, $mul257 = 0, $mul259 = 0, $mul268 = 0, $mul275 = 0, $mul286 = 0, $mul29 = 0, $mul33 = 0, $mul368 = 0, $mul374 = 0, $mul379 = 0, $mul380 = 0, $mul385 = 0, $mul387 = 0, $mul388 = 0; var $mul393 = 0, $mul399 = 0.0, $mul403 = 0, $mul425 = 0, $mul449 = 0, $mul452 = 0, $mul455 = 0, $mul465 = 0, $mul468 = 0, $mul471 = 0, $mul492 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $mul75 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $mul85 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands2 = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $octave = 0, $oldBandE = 0; var $oldLogE = 0, $oldLogE2 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond3 = 0, $out_syn = 0, $overlap = 0, $overlap3 = 0, $pcm$addr = 0, $postfilter_gain = 0.0, $postfilter_gain320 = 0, $postfilter_gain335 = 0, $postfilter_gain347 = 0, $postfilter_gain352 = 0, $postfilter_gain359 = 0, $postfilter_gain_old = 0, $postfilter_gain_old348 = 0, $postfilter_gain_old360 = 0, $postfilter_period = 0; var $postfilter_period302 = 0, $postfilter_period306 = 0, $postfilter_period318 = 0, $postfilter_period332 = 0, $postfilter_period345 = 0, $postfilter_period351 = 0, $postfilter_period357 = 0, $postfilter_period_old = 0, $postfilter_period_old310 = 0, $postfilter_period_old314 = 0, $postfilter_period_old317 = 0, $postfilter_period_old346 = 0, $postfilter_period_old358 = 0, $postfilter_pitch = 0, $postfilter_tapset = 0, $postfilter_tapset321 = 0, $postfilter_tapset336 = 0, $postfilter_tapset349 = 0, $postfilter_tapset353 = 0, $postfilter_tapset361 = 0; var $postfilter_tapset_old = 0, $postfilter_tapset_old350 = 0, $postfilter_tapset_old362 = 0, $preemph = 0, $preemph486 = 0, $preemph_memD = 0, $preemph_memD488 = 0, $qg = 0, $quanta = 0, $retval = 0, $rng = 0, $rng280 = 0, $rng482 = 0, $rng483 = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shl = 0, $shl146 = 0, $shl159 = 0, $shl160 = 0, $shl170 = 0; var $shl180 = 0, $shl21 = 0, $shl220 = 0, $shl230 = 0, $shl97 = 0, $shortBlocks = 0, $shortMdctSize = 0, $shortMdctSize28 = 0, $shortMdctSize319 = 0, $shortMdctSize327 = 0, $shortMdctSize330 = 0, $shortMdctSize333 = 0, $silence = 0, $spread_decision = 0, $st$addr = 0, $start = 0, $start5 = 0, $stream_channels = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$div = 0; var $sub$ptr$div373 = 0, $sub$ptr$div384 = 0, $sub$ptr$div392 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast370 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast381 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast389 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast371 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast382 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast390 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub372 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub383 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub391 = 0, $sub101 = 0, $sub157 = 0, $sub193 = 0, $sub198 = 0, $sub203 = 0; var $sub222 = 0, $sub223 = 0, $sub235 = 0, $sub243 = 0, $sub269 = 0, $sub277 = 0, $sub334 = 0, $tell = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool125 = 0, $tobool189 = 0, $tobool224 = 0, $tobool278 = 0, $tobool283 = 0, $tobool377 = 0, $tobool498 = 0, $tobool94 = 0, $total_bits = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0; var $vla144 = 0, $vla144$alloca_mul = 0, $vla145 = 0, $vla145$alloca_mul = 0, $vla210 = 0, $vla210$alloca_mul = 0, $vla236 = 0, $vla236$alloca_mul = 0, $vla237 = 0, $vla237$alloca_mul = 0, $vla258 = 0, $vla258$alloca_mul = 0, $vla260 = 0, $vla260$alloca_mul = 0, $width = 0, $window = 0, $window337 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 304|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(304|0); $_dec = sp + 192|0; $decode_mem = sp + 184|0; $out_syn = sp + 176|0; $intensity = sp + 96|0; $dual_stereo = sp + 92|0; $balance = sp + 84|0; $st$addr = $st; $data$addr = $data; $len$addr = $len; $pcm$addr = $pcm; $frame_size$addr = $frame_size; $dec$addr = $dec; $accum$addr = $accum; $0 = $st$addr; $channels = ((($0)) + 8|0); $1 = HEAP32[$channels>>2]|0; $CC = $1; HEAP32[$intensity>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$dual_stereo>>2] = 0; $anti_collapse_on = 0; $2 = $st$addr; $stream_channels = ((($2)) + 12|0); $3 = HEAP32[$stream_channels>>2]|0; $C = $3; $4 = $st$addr; $5 = HEAP32[$4>>2]|0; $mode = $5; $6 = $mode; $nbEBands2 = ((($6)) + 8|0); $7 = HEAP32[$nbEBands2>>2]|0; $nbEBands = $7; $8 = $mode; $overlap3 = ((($8)) + 4|0); $9 = HEAP32[$overlap3>>2]|0; $overlap = $9; $10 = $mode; $eBands4 = ((($10)) + 32|0); $11 = HEAP32[$eBands4>>2]|0; $eBands = $11; $12 = $st$addr; $start5 = ((($12)) + 20|0); $13 = HEAP32[$start5>>2]|0; $start = $13; $14 = $st$addr; $end6 = ((($14)) + 24|0); $15 = HEAP32[$end6>>2]|0; $end = $15; $16 = $st$addr; $downsample = ((($16)) + 16|0); $17 = HEAP32[$downsample>>2]|0; $18 = $frame_size$addr; $mul = Math_imul($18, $17)|0; $frame_size$addr = $mul; $19 = $st$addr; $_decode_mem = ((($19)) + 84|0); $20 = $overlap; $add = (2048 + ($20))|0; $21 = $CC; $mul7 = Math_imul($add, $21)|0; $add$ptr = (($_decode_mem) + ($mul7<<2)|0); $lpc = $add$ptr; $22 = $lpc; $23 = $CC; $mul8 = ($23*24)|0; $add$ptr9 = (($22) + ($mul8<<2)|0); $oldBandE = $add$ptr9; $24 = $oldBandE; $25 = $nbEBands; $mul10 = $25<<1; $add$ptr11 = (($24) + ($mul10<<2)|0); $oldLogE = $add$ptr11; $26 = $oldLogE; $27 = $nbEBands; $mul12 = $27<<1; $add$ptr13 = (($26) + ($mul12<<2)|0); $oldLogE2 = $add$ptr13; $28 = $oldLogE2; $29 = $nbEBands; $mul14 = $29<<1; $add$ptr15 = (($28) + ($mul14<<2)|0); $backgroundLogE = $add$ptr15; $LM = 0; while(1) { $30 = $LM; $31 = $mode; $maxLM = ((($31)) + 36|0); $32 = HEAP32[$maxLM>>2]|0; $cmp = ($30|0)<=($32|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $33 = $mode; $shortMdctSize = ((($33)) + 44|0); $34 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize>>2]|0; $35 = $LM; $shl = $34 << $35; $36 = $frame_size$addr; $cmp16 = ($shl|0)==($36|0); if ($cmp16) { break; } $37 = $LM; $inc = (($37) + 1)|0; $LM = $inc; } $38 = $LM; $39 = $mode; $maxLM17 = ((($39)) + 36|0); $40 = HEAP32[$maxLM17>>2]|0; $cmp18 = ($38|0)>($40|0); if ($cmp18) { $retval = -1; $504 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($504|0); } $41 = $LM; $shl21 = 1 << $41; $M = $shl21; $42 = $len$addr; $cmp22 = ($42|0)<(0); $43 = $len$addr; $cmp23 = ($43|0)>(1275); $or$cond = $cmp22 | $cmp23; $44 = $pcm$addr; $cmp25 = ($44|0)==(0|0); $or$cond1 = $or$cond | $cmp25; if ($or$cond1) { $retval = -1; $504 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($504|0); } $45 = $M; $46 = $mode; $shortMdctSize28 = ((($46)) + 44|0); $47 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize28>>2]|0; $mul29 = Math_imul($45, $47)|0; $N = $mul29; $c = 0; while(1) { $48 = $st$addr; $_decode_mem30 = ((($48)) + 84|0); $49 = $c; $50 = $overlap; $add32 = (2048 + ($50))|0; $mul33 = Math_imul($49, $add32)|0; $add$ptr34 = (($_decode_mem30) + ($mul33<<2)|0); $51 = $c; $arrayidx = (($decode_mem) + ($51<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2] = $add$ptr34; $52 = $c; $arrayidx35 = (($decode_mem) + ($52<<2)|0); $53 = HEAP32[$arrayidx35>>2]|0; $add$ptr36 = ((($53)) + 8192|0); $54 = $N; $idx$neg = (0 - ($54))|0; $add$ptr37 = (($add$ptr36) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $55 = $c; $arrayidx38 = (($out_syn) + ($55<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx38>>2] = $add$ptr37; $56 = $c; $inc39 = (($56) + 1)|0; $c = $inc39; $57 = $CC; $cmp40 = ($inc39|0)<($57|0); if (!($cmp40)) { break; } } $58 = $end; $effEnd = $58; $59 = $effEnd; $60 = $mode; $effEBands = ((($60)) + 12|0); $61 = HEAP32[$effEBands>>2]|0; $cmp41 = ($59|0)>($61|0); if ($cmp41) { $62 = $mode; $effEBands43 = ((($62)) + 12|0); $63 = HEAP32[$effEBands43>>2]|0; $effEnd = $63; } $64 = $data$addr; $cmp45 = ($64|0)==(0|0); $65 = $len$addr; $cmp47 = ($65|0)<=(1); $or$cond2 = $cmp45 | $cmp47; if ($or$cond2) { $66 = $st$addr; $67 = $N; $68 = $LM; _celt_decode_lost($66,$67,$68); $69 = $pcm$addr; $70 = $N; $71 = $CC; $72 = $st$addr; $downsample50 = ((($72)) + 16|0); $73 = HEAP32[$downsample50>>2]|0; $74 = $mode; $preemph = ((($74)) + 16|0); $75 = $st$addr; $preemph_memD = ((($75)) + 76|0); $76 = $accum$addr; _deemphasis($out_syn,$69,$70,$71,$73,$preemph,$preemph_memD,$76); $77 = $frame_size$addr; $78 = $st$addr; $downsample53 = ((($78)) + 16|0); $79 = HEAP32[$downsample53>>2]|0; $div = (($77|0) / ($79|0))&-1; $retval = $div; $504 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($504|0); } $80 = $dec$addr; $cmp55 = ($80|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp55) { $81 = $data$addr; $82 = $len$addr; _ec_dec_init($_dec,$81,$82); $dec$addr = $_dec; } $83 = $C; $cmp58 = ($83|0)==(1); L27: do { if ($cmp58) { $i = 0; while(1) { $84 = $i; $85 = $nbEBands; $cmp61 = ($84|0)<($85|0); if (!($cmp61)) { break L27; } $86 = $oldBandE; $87 = $i; $arrayidx63 = (($86) + ($87<<2)|0); $88 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx63>>2]; $89 = $oldBandE; $90 = $nbEBands; $91 = $i; $add64 = (($90) + ($91))|0; $arrayidx65 = (($89) + ($add64<<2)|0); $92 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx65>>2]; $cmp66 = $88 > $92; $93 = $oldBandE; if ($cmp66) { $94 = $i; $add68$sink = $94; } else { $95 = $nbEBands; $96 = $i; $add68 = (($95) + ($96))|0; $add68$sink = $add68; } $arrayidx69 = (($93) + ($add68$sink<<2)|0); $97 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx69>>2]; $98 = $oldBandE; $99 = $i; $arrayidx70 = (($98) + ($99<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx70>>2] = $97; $100 = $i; $inc72 = (($100) + 1)|0; $i = $inc72; } } } while(0); $101 = $len$addr; $mul75 = $101<<3; $total_bits = $mul75; $102 = $dec$addr; $call = (_ec_tell_61($102)|0); $tell = $call; $103 = $tell; $104 = $total_bits; $cmp76 = ($103|0)>=($104|0); do { if ($cmp76) { $silence = 1; } else { $105 = $tell; $cmp78 = ($105|0)==(1); if ($cmp78) { $106 = $dec$addr; $call80 = (_ec_dec_bit_logp($106,15)|0); $silence = $call80; break; } else { $silence = 0; break; } } } while(0); $107 = $silence; $tobool = ($107|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $108 = $len$addr; $mul85 = $108<<3; $tell = $mul85; $109 = $tell; $110 = $dec$addr; $call86 = (_ec_tell_61($110)|0); $sub = (($109) - ($call86))|0; $111 = $dec$addr; $nbits_total = ((($111)) + 20|0); $112 = HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2]|0; $add87 = (($112) + ($sub))|0; HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2] = $add87; } $postfilter_gain = 0.0; $postfilter_pitch = 0; $postfilter_tapset = 0; $113 = $start; $cmp89 = ($113|0)==(0); if ($cmp89) { $114 = $tell; $add90 = (($114) + 16)|0; $115 = $total_bits; $cmp91 = ($add90|0)<=($115|0); if ($cmp91) { $116 = $dec$addr; $call93 = (_ec_dec_bit_logp($116,1)|0); $tobool94 = ($call93|0)!=(0); if ($tobool94) { $117 = $dec$addr; $call96 = (_ec_dec_uint($117,6)|0); $octave = $call96; $118 = $octave; $shl97 = 16 << $118; $119 = $dec$addr; $120 = $octave; $add98 = (4 + ($120))|0; $call99 = (_ec_dec_bits($119,$add98)|0); $add100 = (($shl97) + ($call99))|0; $sub101 = (($add100) - 1)|0; $postfilter_pitch = $sub101; $121 = $dec$addr; $call102 = (_ec_dec_bits($121,3)|0); $qg = $call102; $122 = $dec$addr; $call103 = (_ec_tell_61($122)|0); $add104 = (($call103) + 2)|0; $123 = $total_bits; $cmp105 = ($add104|0)<=($123|0); if ($cmp105) { $124 = $dec$addr; $call107 = (_ec_dec_icdf($124,25932,2)|0); $postfilter_tapset = $call107; } $125 = $qg; $add109 = (($125) + 1)|0; $conv = (+($add109|0)); $mul110 = 0.09375 * $conv; $postfilter_gain = $mul110; } $126 = $dec$addr; $call112 = (_ec_tell_61($126)|0); $tell = $call112; } } $127 = $LM; $cmp114 = ($127|0)>(0); if ($cmp114) { $128 = $tell; $add117 = (($128) + 3)|0; $129 = $total_bits; $cmp118 = ($add117|0)<=($129|0); if ($cmp118) { $130 = $dec$addr; $call121 = (_ec_dec_bit_logp($130,3)|0); $isTransient = $call121; $131 = $dec$addr; $call122 = (_ec_tell_61($131)|0); $tell = $call122; } else { label = 41; } } else { label = 41; } if ((label|0) == 41) { $isTransient = 0; } $132 = $isTransient; $tobool125 = ($132|0)!=(0); if ($tobool125) { $133 = $M; $shortBlocks = $133; } else { $shortBlocks = 0; } $134 = $tell; $add129 = (($134) + 3)|0; $135 = $total_bits; $cmp130 = ($add129|0)<=($135|0); if ($cmp130) { $136 = $dec$addr; $call133 = (_ec_dec_bit_logp($136,3)|0); $cond136 = $call133; } else { $cond136 = 0; } $intra_ener = $cond136; $137 = $mode; $138 = $start; $139 = $end; $140 = $oldBandE; $141 = $intra_ener; $142 = $dec$addr; $143 = $C; $144 = $LM; _unquant_coarse_energy($137,$138,$139,$140,$141,$142,$143,$144); $145 = $nbEBands; $146 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $146; $vla$alloca_mul = $145<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $147 = $start; $148 = $end; $149 = $isTransient; $150 = $LM; $151 = $dec$addr; _tf_decode($147,$148,$149,$vla,$150,$151); $152 = $dec$addr; $call137 = (_ec_tell_61($152)|0); $tell = $call137; $spread_decision = 2; $153 = $tell; $add138 = (($153) + 4)|0; $154 = $total_bits; $cmp139 = ($add138|0)<=($154|0); if ($cmp139) { $155 = $dec$addr; $call142 = (_ec_dec_icdf($155,25935,5)|0); $spread_decision = $call142; } $156 = $nbEBands; $vla144$alloca_mul = $156<<2; $vla144 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla144$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla144$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $157 = $mode; $158 = $LM; $159 = $C; _init_caps($157,$vla144,$158,$159); $160 = $nbEBands; $vla145$alloca_mul = $160<<2; $vla145 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla145$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla145$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $dynalloc_logp = 6; $161 = $total_bits; $shl146 = $161 << 3; $total_bits = $shl146; $162 = $dec$addr; $call147 = (_ec_tell_frac($162)|0); $tell = $call147; $163 = $start; $i = $163; while(1) { $164 = $i; $165 = $end; $cmp149 = ($164|0)<($165|0); if (!($cmp149)) { break; } $166 = $C; $167 = $eBands; $168 = $i; $add152 = (($168) + 1)|0; $arrayidx153 = (($167) + ($add152<<1)|0); $169 = HEAP16[$arrayidx153>>1]|0; $conv154 = $169 << 16 >> 16; $170 = $eBands; $171 = $i; $arrayidx155 = (($170) + ($171<<1)|0); $172 = HEAP16[$arrayidx155>>1]|0; $conv156 = $172 << 16 >> 16; $sub157 = (($conv154) - ($conv156))|0; $mul158 = Math_imul($166, $sub157)|0; $173 = $LM; $shl159 = $mul158 << $173; $width = $shl159; $174 = $width; $shl160 = $174 << 3; $175 = $width; $cmp161 = (48)>($175|0); $176 = $width; $cond166 = $cmp161 ? 48 : $176; $cmp167 = ($shl160|0)<($cond166|0); $177 = $width; if ($cmp167) { $shl170 = $177 << 3; $cond179 = $shl170; } else { $cmp172 = (48)>($177|0); $178 = $width; $cond177 = $cmp172 ? 48 : $178; $cond179 = $cond177; } $quanta = $cond179; $179 = $dynalloc_logp; $dynalloc_loop_logp = $179; $boost = 0; while(1) { $180 = $tell; $181 = $dynalloc_loop_logp; $shl180 = $181 << 3; $add181 = (($180) + ($shl180))|0; $182 = $total_bits; $cmp182 = ($add181|0)<($182|0); if (!($cmp182)) { break; } $183 = $boost; $184 = $i; $arrayidx184 = (($vla144) + ($184<<2)|0); $185 = HEAP32[$arrayidx184>>2]|0; $cmp185 = ($183|0)<($185|0); if (!($cmp185)) { break; } $186 = $dec$addr; $187 = $dynalloc_loop_logp; $call187 = (_ec_dec_bit_logp($186,$187)|0); $flag = $call187; $188 = $dec$addr; $call188 = (_ec_tell_frac($188)|0); $tell = $call188; $189 = $flag; $tobool189 = ($189|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool189)) { break; } $190 = $quanta; $191 = $boost; $add192 = (($191) + ($190))|0; $boost = $add192; $192 = $quanta; $193 = $total_bits; $sub193 = (($193) - ($192))|0; $total_bits = $sub193; $dynalloc_loop_logp = 1; } $194 = $boost; $195 = $i; $arrayidx194 = (($vla145) + ($195<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx194>>2] = $194; $196 = $boost; $cmp195 = ($196|0)>(0); if ($cmp195) { $197 = $dynalloc_logp; $sub198 = (($197) - 1)|0; $cmp199 = (2)>($sub198|0); $198 = $dynalloc_logp; $sub203 = (($198) - 1)|0; $cond205 = $cmp199 ? 2 : $sub203; $dynalloc_logp = $cond205; } $199 = $i; $inc208 = (($199) + 1)|0; $i = $inc208; } $200 = $nbEBands; $vla210$alloca_mul = $200<<2; $vla210 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla210$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla210$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $201 = $tell; $add211 = (($201) + 48)|0; $202 = $total_bits; $cmp212 = ($add211|0)<=($202|0); if ($cmp212) { $203 = $dec$addr; $call215 = (_ec_dec_icdf($203,25939,7)|0); $cond218 = $call215; } else { $cond218 = 5; } $alloc_trim = $cond218; $204 = $len$addr; $mul219 = $204<<3; $shl220 = $mul219 << 3; $205 = $dec$addr; $call221 = (_ec_tell_frac($205)|0); $sub222 = (($shl220) - ($call221))|0; $sub223 = (($sub222) - 1)|0; $bits = $sub223; $206 = $isTransient; $tobool224 = ($206|0)!=(0); $207 = $LM; $cmp226 = ($207|0)>=(2); $or$cond3 = $tobool224 & $cmp226; if ($or$cond3) { $208 = $bits; $209 = $LM; $add229 = (($209) + 2)|0; $shl230 = $add229 << 3; $cmp231 = ($208|0)>=($shl230|0); $210 = $cmp231; } else { $210 = 0; } $cond234 = $210 ? 8 : 0; $anti_collapse_rsv = $cond234; $211 = $anti_collapse_rsv; $212 = $bits; $sub235 = (($212) - ($211))|0; $bits = $sub235; $213 = $nbEBands; $vla236$alloca_mul = $213<<2; $vla236 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla236$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla236$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $214 = $nbEBands; $vla237$alloca_mul = $214<<2; $vla237 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla237$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla237$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $215 = $mode; $216 = $start; $217 = $end; $218 = $alloc_trim; $219 = $bits; $220 = $C; $221 = $LM; $222 = $dec$addr; $call238 = (_compute_allocation($215,$216,$217,$vla145,$vla144,$218,$intensity,$dual_stereo,$219,$balance,$vla236,$vla210,$vla237,$220,$221,$222,0,0,0)|0); $codedBands = $call238; $223 = $mode; $224 = $start; $225 = $end; $226 = $oldBandE; $227 = $dec$addr; $228 = $C; _unquant_fine_energy($223,$224,$225,$226,$vla210,$227,$228); $c = 0; while(1) { $229 = $c; $arrayidx240 = (($decode_mem) + ($229<<2)|0); $230 = HEAP32[$arrayidx240>>2]|0; $231 = $c; $arrayidx241 = (($decode_mem) + ($231<<2)|0); $232 = HEAP32[$arrayidx241>>2]|0; $233 = $N; $add$ptr242 = (($232) + ($233<<2)|0); $234 = $N; $sub243 = (2048 - ($234))|0; $235 = $overlap; $div244 = (($235|0) / 2)&-1; $add245 = (($sub243) + ($div244))|0; $mul246 = $add245<<2; $236 = $c; $arrayidx247 = (($decode_mem) + ($236<<2)|0); $237 = HEAP32[$arrayidx247>>2]|0; $238 = $c; $arrayidx248 = (($decode_mem) + ($238<<2)|0); $239 = HEAP32[$arrayidx248>>2]|0; $240 = $N; $add$ptr249 = (($239) + ($240<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $237; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $add$ptr249; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul250 = 0; $add251 = (($mul246) + ($mul250))|0; _memmove(($230|0),($add$ptr242|0),($add251|0))|0; $241 = $c; $inc253 = (($241) + 1)|0; $c = $inc253; $242 = $CC; $cmp254 = ($inc253|0)<($242|0); if (!($cmp254)) { break; } } $243 = $C; $244 = $nbEBands; $mul257 = Math_imul($243, $244)|0; $vla258$alloca_mul = $mul257; $vla258 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla258$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla258$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $245 = $C; $246 = $N; $mul259 = Math_imul($245, $246)|0; $vla260$alloca_mul = $mul259<<2; $vla260 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla260$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla260$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $247 = $mode; $248 = $start; $249 = $end; $250 = $C; $cmp261 = ($250|0)==(2); $251 = $N; $add$ptr264 = (($vla260) + ($251<<2)|0); $cond267 = $cmp261 ? $add$ptr264 : 0; $252 = $shortBlocks; $253 = $spread_decision; $254 = HEAP32[$dual_stereo>>2]|0; $255 = HEAP32[$intensity>>2]|0; $256 = $len$addr; $mul268 = $256<<6; $257 = $anti_collapse_rsv; $sub269 = (($mul268) - ($257))|0; $258 = HEAP32[$balance>>2]|0; $259 = $dec$addr; $260 = $LM; $261 = $codedBands; $262 = $st$addr; $rng = ((($262)) + 36|0); $263 = $st$addr; $arch = ((($263)) + 32|0); $264 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; _quant_all_bands(0,$247,$248,$249,$vla260,$cond267,$vla258,0,$vla236,$252,$253,$254,$255,$vla,$sub269,$258,$259,$260,$261,$rng,$264); $265 = $anti_collapse_rsv; $cmp270 = ($265|0)>(0); if ($cmp270) { $266 = $dec$addr; $call273 = (_ec_dec_bits($266,1)|0); $anti_collapse_on = $call273; } $267 = $mode; $268 = $start; $269 = $end; $270 = $oldBandE; $271 = $len$addr; $mul275 = $271<<3; $272 = $dec$addr; $call276 = (_ec_tell_61($272)|0); $sub277 = (($mul275) - ($call276))|0; $273 = $dec$addr; $274 = $C; _unquant_energy_finalise($267,$268,$269,$270,$vla210,$vla237,$sub277,$273,$274); $275 = $anti_collapse_on; $tobool278 = ($275|0)!=(0); if ($tobool278) { $276 = $mode; $277 = $LM; $278 = $C; $279 = $N; $280 = $start; $281 = $end; $282 = $oldBandE; $283 = $oldLogE; $284 = $oldLogE2; $285 = $st$addr; $rng280 = ((($285)) + 36|0); $286 = HEAP32[$rng280>>2]|0; $287 = $st$addr; $arch281 = ((($287)) + 32|0); $288 = HEAP32[$arch281>>2]|0; _anti_collapse($276,$vla260,$vla258,$277,$278,$279,$280,$281,$282,$283,$284,$vla236,$286,$288); } $289 = $silence; $tobool283 = ($289|0)!=(0); L105: do { if ($tobool283) { $i = 0; while(1) { $290 = $i; $291 = $C; $292 = $nbEBands; $mul286 = Math_imul($291, $292)|0; $cmp287 = ($290|0)<($mul286|0); if (!($cmp287)) { break L105; } $293 = $oldBandE; $294 = $i; $arrayidx290 = (($293) + ($294<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx290>>2] = -28.0; $295 = $i; $inc292 = (($295) + 1)|0; $i = $inc292; } } } while(0); $296 = $mode; $297 = $oldBandE; $298 = $start; $299 = $effEnd; $300 = $C; $301 = $CC; $302 = $isTransient; $303 = $LM; $304 = $st$addr; $downsample296 = ((($304)) + 16|0); $305 = HEAP32[$downsample296>>2]|0; $306 = $silence; $307 = $st$addr; $arch297 = ((($307)) + 32|0); $308 = HEAP32[$arch297>>2]|0; _celt_synthesis($296,$vla260,$out_syn,$297,$298,$299,$300,$301,$302,$303,$305,$306,$308); $c = 0; while(1) { $309 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period = ((($309)) + 52|0); $310 = HEAP32[$postfilter_period>>2]|0; $cmp299 = ($310|0)>(15); if ($cmp299) { $311 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period302 = ((($311)) + 52|0); $312 = HEAP32[$postfilter_period302>>2]|0; $cond305 = $312; } else { $cond305 = 15; } $313 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period306 = ((($313)) + 52|0); HEAP32[$postfilter_period306>>2] = $cond305; $314 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period_old = ((($314)) + 56|0); $315 = HEAP32[$postfilter_period_old>>2]|0; $cmp307 = ($315|0)>(15); if ($cmp307) { $316 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period_old310 = ((($316)) + 56|0); $317 = HEAP32[$postfilter_period_old310>>2]|0; $cond313 = $317; } else { $cond313 = 15; } $318 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period_old314 = ((($318)) + 56|0); HEAP32[$postfilter_period_old314>>2] = $cond313; $319 = $c; $arrayidx315 = (($out_syn) + ($319<<2)|0); $320 = HEAP32[$arrayidx315>>2]|0; $321 = $c; $arrayidx316 = (($out_syn) + ($321<<2)|0); $322 = HEAP32[$arrayidx316>>2]|0; $323 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period_old317 = ((($323)) + 56|0); $324 = HEAP32[$postfilter_period_old317>>2]|0; $325 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period318 = ((($325)) + 52|0); $326 = HEAP32[$postfilter_period318>>2]|0; $327 = $mode; $shortMdctSize319 = ((($327)) + 44|0); $328 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize319>>2]|0; $329 = $st$addr; $postfilter_gain_old = ((($329)) + 64|0); $330 = +HEAPF32[$postfilter_gain_old>>2]; $331 = $st$addr; $postfilter_gain320 = ((($331)) + 60|0); $332 = +HEAPF32[$postfilter_gain320>>2]; $333 = $st$addr; $postfilter_tapset_old = ((($333)) + 72|0); $334 = HEAP32[$postfilter_tapset_old>>2]|0; $335 = $st$addr; $postfilter_tapset321 = ((($335)) + 68|0); $336 = HEAP32[$postfilter_tapset321>>2]|0; $337 = $mode; $window = ((($337)) + 60|0); $338 = HEAP32[$window>>2]|0; $339 = $overlap; $340 = $st$addr; $arch322 = ((($340)) + 32|0); $341 = HEAP32[$arch322>>2]|0; _comb_filter($320,$322,$324,$326,$328,$330,$332,$334,$336,$338,$339,$341); $342 = $LM; $cmp323 = ($342|0)!=(0); if ($cmp323) { $343 = $c; $arrayidx326 = (($out_syn) + ($343<<2)|0); $344 = HEAP32[$arrayidx326>>2]|0; $345 = $mode; $shortMdctSize327 = ((($345)) + 44|0); $346 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize327>>2]|0; $add$ptr328 = (($344) + ($346<<2)|0); $347 = $c; $arrayidx329 = (($out_syn) + ($347<<2)|0); $348 = HEAP32[$arrayidx329>>2]|0; $349 = $mode; $shortMdctSize330 = ((($349)) + 44|0); $350 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize330>>2]|0; $add$ptr331 = (($348) + ($350<<2)|0); $351 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period332 = ((($351)) + 52|0); $352 = HEAP32[$postfilter_period332>>2]|0; $353 = $postfilter_pitch; $354 = $N; $355 = $mode; $shortMdctSize333 = ((($355)) + 44|0); $356 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize333>>2]|0; $sub334 = (($354) - ($356))|0; $357 = $st$addr; $postfilter_gain335 = ((($357)) + 60|0); $358 = +HEAPF32[$postfilter_gain335>>2]; $359 = $postfilter_gain; $360 = $st$addr; $postfilter_tapset336 = ((($360)) + 68|0); $361 = HEAP32[$postfilter_tapset336>>2]|0; $362 = $postfilter_tapset; $363 = $mode; $window337 = ((($363)) + 60|0); $364 = HEAP32[$window337>>2]|0; $365 = $overlap; $366 = $st$addr; $arch338 = ((($366)) + 32|0); $367 = HEAP32[$arch338>>2]|0; _comb_filter($add$ptr328,$add$ptr331,$352,$353,$sub334,$358,$359,$361,$362,$364,$365,$367); } $368 = $c; $inc341 = (($368) + 1)|0; $c = $inc341; $369 = $CC; $cmp342 = ($inc341|0)<($369|0); if (!($cmp342)) { break; } } $370 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period345 = ((($370)) + 52|0); $371 = HEAP32[$postfilter_period345>>2]|0; $372 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period_old346 = ((($372)) + 56|0); HEAP32[$postfilter_period_old346>>2] = $371; $373 = $st$addr; $postfilter_gain347 = ((($373)) + 60|0); $374 = +HEAPF32[$postfilter_gain347>>2]; $375 = $st$addr; $postfilter_gain_old348 = ((($375)) + 64|0); HEAPF32[$postfilter_gain_old348>>2] = $374; $376 = $st$addr; $postfilter_tapset349 = ((($376)) + 68|0); $377 = HEAP32[$postfilter_tapset349>>2]|0; $378 = $st$addr; $postfilter_tapset_old350 = ((($378)) + 72|0); HEAP32[$postfilter_tapset_old350>>2] = $377; $379 = $postfilter_pitch; $380 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period351 = ((($380)) + 52|0); HEAP32[$postfilter_period351>>2] = $379; $381 = $postfilter_gain; $382 = $st$addr; $postfilter_gain352 = ((($382)) + 60|0); HEAPF32[$postfilter_gain352>>2] = $381; $383 = $postfilter_tapset; $384 = $st$addr; $postfilter_tapset353 = ((($384)) + 68|0); HEAP32[$postfilter_tapset353>>2] = $383; $385 = $LM; $cmp354 = ($385|0)!=(0); if ($cmp354) { $386 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period357 = ((($386)) + 52|0); $387 = HEAP32[$postfilter_period357>>2]|0; $388 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period_old358 = ((($388)) + 56|0); HEAP32[$postfilter_period_old358>>2] = $387; $389 = $st$addr; $postfilter_gain359 = ((($389)) + 60|0); $390 = +HEAPF32[$postfilter_gain359>>2]; $391 = $st$addr; $postfilter_gain_old360 = ((($391)) + 64|0); HEAPF32[$postfilter_gain_old360>>2] = $390; $392 = $st$addr; $postfilter_tapset361 = ((($392)) + 68|0); $393 = HEAP32[$postfilter_tapset361>>2]|0; $394 = $st$addr; $postfilter_tapset_old362 = ((($394)) + 72|0); HEAP32[$postfilter_tapset_old362>>2] = $393; } $395 = $C; $cmp364 = ($395|0)==(1); if ($cmp364) { $396 = $oldBandE; $397 = $nbEBands; $arrayidx367 = (($396) + ($397<<2)|0); $398 = $oldBandE; $399 = $nbEBands; $mul368 = $399<<2; $400 = $oldBandE; $401 = $nbEBands; $arrayidx369 = (($400) + ($401<<2)|0); $402 = $oldBandE; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast370 = $arrayidx369; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast371 = $402; $sub$ptr$sub372 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast370) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast371))|0; $sub$ptr$div373 = (($sub$ptr$sub372|0) / 4)&-1; $mul374 = 0; $add375 = (($mul368) + ($mul374))|0; _memcpy(($arrayidx367|0),($398|0),($add375|0))|0; } $403 = $isTransient; $tobool377 = ($403|0)!=(0); L129: do { if ($tobool377) { $i = 0; while(1) { $436 = $i; $437 = $nbEBands; $mul425 = $437<<1; $cmp426 = ($436|0)<($mul425|0); if (!($cmp426)) { break L129; } $438 = $oldLogE; $439 = $i; $arrayidx429 = (($438) + ($439<<2)|0); $440 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx429>>2]; $441 = $oldBandE; $442 = $i; $arrayidx430 = (($441) + ($442<<2)|0); $443 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx430>>2]; $cmp431 = $440 < $443; if ($cmp431) { $444 = $oldLogE; $445 = $i; $arrayidx434 = (($444) + ($445<<2)|0); $arrayidx436$sink = $arrayidx434; } else { $446 = $oldBandE; $447 = $i; $arrayidx436 = (($446) + ($447<<2)|0); $arrayidx436$sink = $arrayidx436; } $448 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx436$sink>>2]; $449 = $oldLogE; $450 = $i; $arrayidx439 = (($449) + ($450<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx439>>2] = $448; $451 = $i; $inc441 = (($451) + 1)|0; $i = $inc441; } } else { $404 = $oldLogE2; $405 = $oldLogE; $406 = $nbEBands; $mul379 = $406<<1; $mul380 = $mul379<<2; $407 = $oldLogE2; $408 = $oldLogE; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast381 = $407; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast382 = $408; $sub$ptr$sub383 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast381) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast382))|0; $sub$ptr$div384 = (($sub$ptr$sub383|0) / 4)&-1; $mul385 = 0; $add386 = (($mul380) + ($mul385))|0; _memcpy(($404|0),($405|0),($add386|0))|0; $409 = $oldLogE; $410 = $oldBandE; $411 = $nbEBands; $mul387 = $411<<1; $mul388 = $mul387<<2; $412 = $oldLogE; $413 = $oldBandE; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast389 = $412; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast390 = $413; $sub$ptr$sub391 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast389) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast390))|0; $sub$ptr$div392 = (($sub$ptr$sub391|0) / 4)&-1; $mul393 = 0; $add394 = (($mul388) + ($mul393))|0; _memcpy(($409|0),($410|0),($add394|0))|0; $414 = $st$addr; $loss_count = ((($414)) + 48|0); $415 = HEAP32[$loss_count>>2]|0; $cmp395 = ($415|0)<(10); if ($cmp395) { $416 = $M; $conv398 = (+($416|0)); $mul399 = $conv398 * 0.0010000000474974513; $max_background_increase = $mul399; } else { $max_background_increase = 1.0; } $i = 0; while(1) { $417 = $i; $418 = $nbEBands; $mul403 = $418<<1; $cmp404 = ($417|0)<($mul403|0); if (!($cmp404)) { break L129; } $419 = $backgroundLogE; $420 = $i; $arrayidx407 = (($419) + ($420<<2)|0); $421 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx407>>2]; $422 = $max_background_increase; $add408 = $421 + $422; $423 = $oldBandE; $424 = $i; $arrayidx409 = (($423) + ($424<<2)|0); $425 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx409>>2]; $cmp410 = $add408 < $425; if ($cmp410) { $426 = $backgroundLogE; $427 = $i; $arrayidx413 = (($426) + ($427<<2)|0); $428 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx413>>2]; $429 = $max_background_increase; $add414 = $428 + $429; $cond418 = $add414; } else { $430 = $oldBandE; $431 = $i; $arrayidx416 = (($430) + ($431<<2)|0); $432 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx416>>2]; $cond418 = $432; } $433 = $backgroundLogE; $434 = $i; $arrayidx419 = (($433) + ($434<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx419>>2] = $cond418; $435 = $i; $inc421 = (($435) + 1)|0; $i = $inc421; } } } while(0); $c = 0; while(1) { $i = 0; while(1) { $452 = $i; $453 = $start; $cmp446 = ($452|0)<($453|0); if (!($cmp446)) { break; } $454 = $oldBandE; $455 = $c; $456 = $nbEBands; $mul449 = Math_imul($455, $456)|0; $457 = $i; $add450 = (($mul449) + ($457))|0; $arrayidx451 = (($454) + ($add450<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx451>>2] = 0.0; $458 = $oldLogE2; $459 = $c; $460 = $nbEBands; $mul452 = Math_imul($459, $460)|0; $461 = $i; $add453 = (($mul452) + ($461))|0; $arrayidx454 = (($458) + ($add453<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx454>>2] = -28.0; $462 = $oldLogE; $463 = $c; $464 = $nbEBands; $mul455 = Math_imul($463, $464)|0; $465 = $i; $add456 = (($mul455) + ($465))|0; $arrayidx457 = (($462) + ($add456<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx457>>2] = -28.0; $466 = $i; $inc459 = (($466) + 1)|0; $i = $inc459; } $467 = $end; $i = $467; while(1) { $468 = $i; $469 = $nbEBands; $cmp462 = ($468|0)<($469|0); if (!($cmp462)) { break; } $470 = $oldBandE; $471 = $c; $472 = $nbEBands; $mul465 = Math_imul($471, $472)|0; $473 = $i; $add466 = (($mul465) + ($473))|0; $arrayidx467 = (($470) + ($add466<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx467>>2] = 0.0; $474 = $oldLogE2; $475 = $c; $476 = $nbEBands; $mul468 = Math_imul($475, $476)|0; $477 = $i; $add469 = (($mul468) + ($477))|0; $arrayidx470 = (($474) + ($add469<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx470>>2] = -28.0; $478 = $oldLogE; $479 = $c; $480 = $nbEBands; $mul471 = Math_imul($479, $480)|0; $481 = $i; $add472 = (($mul471) + ($481))|0; $arrayidx473 = (($478) + ($add472<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx473>>2] = -28.0; $482 = $i; $inc475 = (($482) + 1)|0; $i = $inc475; } $483 = $c; $inc478 = (($483) + 1)|0; $c = $inc478; $cmp479 = ($inc478|0)<(2); if (!($cmp479)) { break; } } $484 = $dec$addr; $rng482 = ((($484)) + 28|0); $485 = HEAP32[$rng482>>2]|0; $486 = $st$addr; $rng483 = ((($486)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$rng483>>2] = $485; $487 = $pcm$addr; $488 = $N; $489 = $CC; $490 = $st$addr; $downsample485 = ((($490)) + 16|0); $491 = HEAP32[$downsample485>>2]|0; $492 = $mode; $preemph486 = ((($492)) + 16|0); $493 = $st$addr; $preemph_memD488 = ((($493)) + 76|0); $494 = $accum$addr; _deemphasis($out_syn,$487,$488,$489,$491,$preemph486,$preemph_memD488,$494); $495 = $st$addr; $loss_count490 = ((($495)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$loss_count490>>2] = 0; $496 = $dec$addr; $call491 = (_ec_tell_61($496)|0); $497 = $len$addr; $mul492 = $497<<3; $cmp493 = ($call491|0)>($mul492|0); if ($cmp493) { $retval = -3; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; } else { $498 = $dec$addr; $call497 = (_ec_get_error_65($498)|0); $tobool498 = ($call497|0)!=(0); if ($tobool498) { $499 = $st$addr; $error = ((($499)) + 40|0); HEAP32[$error>>2] = 1; } $500 = $frame_size$addr; $501 = $st$addr; $downsample501 = ((($501)) + 16|0); $502 = HEAP32[$downsample501>>2]|0; $div502 = (($500|0) / ($502|0))&-1; $retval = $div502; $cleanup$dest$slot = 1; } $503 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($503|0)); $504 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($504|0); } function _celt_decode_lost($st,$N,$LM) { $st = $st|0; $N = $N|0; $LM = $LM|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0.0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0.0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0.0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0.0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0.0, $209 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0.0, $211 = 0.0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0.0, $215 = 0.0, $216 = 0.0, $217 = 0.0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0.0, $221 = 0.0, $222 = 0.0, $223 = 0.0; var $224 = 0.0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0.0, $236 = 0.0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0; var $242 = 0, $243 = 0.0, $244 = 0.0, $245 = 0.0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0.0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0.0, $257 = 0.0, $258 = 0.0, $259 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0.0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0, $278 = 0; var $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0.0, $283 = 0.0, $284 = 0.0, $285 = 0.0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0.0, $288 = 0.0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0, $294 = 0, $295 = 0.0, $296 = 0.0; var $297 = 0.0, $298 = 0.0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0.0, $304 = 0.0, $305 = 0.0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $310 = 0, $311 = 0, $312 = 0, $313 = 0; var $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0.0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0.0, $322 = 0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0, $325 = 0, $326 = 0, $327 = 0, $328 = 0, $329 = 0, $33 = 0, $330 = 0, $331 = 0; var $332 = 0, $333 = 0.0, $334 = 0, $335 = 0.0, $336 = 0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0, $339 = 0, $34 = 0, $340 = 0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0, $346 = 0.0, $347 = 0, $348 = 0, $349 = 0.0, $35 = 0; var $350 = 0, $351 = 0, $352 = 0, $353 = 0.0, $354 = 0, $355 = 0.0, $356 = 0, $357 = 0, $358 = 0, $359 = 0, $36 = 0, $360 = 0, $361 = 0, $362 = 0, $363 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0; var $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0; var $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0.0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0.0; var $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0.0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0; var $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $C = 0, $E1 = 0.0, $E2 = 0.0, $LM$addr = 0, $N$addr = 0, $S1 = 0.0, $S2 = 0.0, $_decode_mem = 0, $_decode_mem9 = 0, $ac = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr109 = 0, $add$ptr116 = 0, $add$ptr13 = 0, $add$ptr15 = 0; var $add$ptr17 = 0, $add$ptr176 = 0, $add$ptr19 = 0, $add$ptr200 = 0, $add$ptr202 = 0, $add$ptr204 = 0, $add$ptr206 = 0, $add$ptr208 = 0, $add$ptr21 = 0, $add$ptr239 = 0, $add$ptr242 = 0, $add$ptr291 = 0, $add$ptr293 = 0, $add$ptr295 = 0, $add$ptr296 = 0, $add$ptr298 = 0, $add$ptr372 = 0, $add$ptr6 = 0, $add$ptr7 = 0, $add$ptr98 = 0; var $add11 = 0, $add112 = 0, $add118 = 0, $add145 = 0, $add217 = 0, $add220 = 0.0, $add223 = 0, $add226 = 0.0, $add248 = 0, $add250 = 0, $add262 = 0, $add266 = 0, $add269 = 0, $add270 = 0, $add273 = 0.0, $add307 = 0, $add310 = 0.0, $add323 = 0, $add332 = 0.0, $add333 = 0.0; var $add347 = 0, $add351 = 0, $add361 = 0, $add365 = 0, $add394 = 0.0, $add395 = 0, $add406 = 0, $add47 = 0, $add50 = 0, $add55 = 0, $add59 = 0, $add65 = 0, $add80 = 0, $add81 = 0, $add93 = 0, $arch = 0, $arch125 = 0, $arch130 = 0, $arch156 = 0, $arch210 = 0; var $arch300 = 0, $arch378 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx107 = 0, $arrayidx108 = 0, $arrayidx114 = 0, $arrayidx115 = 0, $arrayidx140 = 0, $arrayidx146 = 0, $arrayidx147 = 0, $arrayidx164 = 0, $arrayidx170 = 0, $arrayidx194 = 0, $arrayidx195 = 0, $arrayidx218 = 0, $arrayidx224 = 0, $arrayidx263 = 0, $arrayidx267 = 0, $arrayidx271 = 0, $arrayidx286 = 0; var $arrayidx287 = 0, $arrayidx308 = 0, $arrayidx324 = 0, $arrayidx342 = 0, $arrayidx348 = 0, $arrayidx352 = 0, $arrayidx362 = 0, $arrayidx366 = 0, $arrayidx384 = 0, $arrayidx387 = 0, $arrayidx391 = 0, $arrayidx392 = 0, $arrayidx396 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx51 = 0, $arrayidx56 = 0, $arrayidx60 = 0, $arrayidx66 = 0, $arrayidx79 = 0; var $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx82 = 0, $arrayidx84 = 0, $arrayidx94 = 0, $attenuation = 0.0, $backgroundLogE = 0, $blen = 0, $boffs = 0, $buf = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0, $call131 = 0, $call237 = 0.0, $call336 = 0.0, $channels = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp121 = 0, $cmp126 = 0, $cmp142 = 0, $cmp151 = 0; var $cmp161 = 0, $cmp180 = 0, $cmp188 = 0, $cmp213 = 0, $cmp230 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp253 = 0, $cmp256 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp280 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp302 = 0, $cmp315 = 0, $cmp319 = 0, $cmp329 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp339 = 0, $cmp357 = 0, $cmp381 = 0; var $cmp402 = 0, $cmp42 = 0, $cmp45 = 0, $cmp52 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp73 = 0, $cmp76 = 0, $cmp89 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond186 = 0, $cond235 = 0.0, $cond40 = 0, $cond43 = 0.0, $cond63 = 0.0, $conv = 0, $conv166 = 0.0, $conv168 = 0.0, $conv236 = 0.0, $conv238 = 0.0, $conv335 = 0.0; var $conv337 = 0.0, $conv83 = 0, $conv85 = 0, $conv92 = 0.0, $decay = 0.0, $decay138 = 0.0, $decay_length = 0, $decode_mem = 0, $div = 0.0, $div334 = 0.0, $div380 = 0, $downsample = 0, $e = 0.0, $eBands = 0, $eBands4 = 0, $effEBands = 0, $effEBands28 = 0, $effEBands32 = 0, $effEBands36 = 0, $effEnd = 0; var $end = 0, $end26 = 0, $exc = 0, $exc_length = 0, $extrapolation_len = 0, $extrapolation_offset = 0, $fade = 0.0, $i = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $idx$neg201 = 0, $idx$neg207 = 0, $idx$neg292 = 0, $idx$neg297 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc100 = 0, $inc103 = 0, $inc120 = 0, $inc149 = 0, $inc173 = 0, $inc197 = 0; var $inc228 = 0, $inc275 = 0, $inc276 = 0, $inc289 = 0, $inc312 = 0, $inc326 = 0, $inc354 = 0, $inc368 = 0, $inc398 = 0, $inc401 = 0, $inc67 = 0, $inc69 = 0, $inc96 = 0, $j = 0, $j139 = 0, $last_pitch_index = 0, $last_pitch_index133 = 0, $lor$ext = 0, $loss_count = 0, $loss_count22 = 0; var $loss_count407 = 0, $lpc = 0, $lpc_mem = 0, $lpc_mem278 = 0, $mode = 0, $mul = 0, $mul113 = 0, $mul117 = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul159 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0, $mul165 = 0.0, $mul167 = 0.0, $mul169 = 0.0, $mul175 = 0, $mul179 = 0, $mul18 = 0, $mul183 = 0, $mul20 = 0; var $mul203 = 0, $mul219 = 0.0, $mul221 = 0, $mul225 = 0.0, $mul241 = 0, $mul247 = 0, $mul251 = 0.0, $mul260 = 0.0, $mul264 = 0.0, $mul272 = 0.0, $mul294 = 0, $mul309 = 0.0, $mul314 = 0.0, $mul344 = 0.0, $mul349 = 0.0, $mul363 = 0.0, $mul388 = 0.0, $mul393 = 0.0, $mul41 = 0, $mul46 = 0; var $mul49 = 0, $mul54 = 0, $mul58 = 0, $mul64 = 0, $mul78 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands2 = 0, $noise_based = 0, $oldBandE = 0, $oldLogE = 0, $oldLogE2 = 0, $out_syn = 0, $overlap = 0, $overlap3 = 0, $pitch_index = 0, $postfilter_gain = 0, $postfilter_gain375 = 0, $postfilter_period = 0, $postfilter_period373 = 0, $postfilter_tapset = 0; var $postfilter_tapset377 = 0, $ratio = 0.0, $rng = 0, $rng105 = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $saved_stack134 = 0, $seed = 0, $shl = 0, $shl87 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr111 = 0, $shr211 = 0, $st$addr = 0, $start = 0, $start23 = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$div246 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast243 = 0; var $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast244 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub245 = 0, $sub110 = 0, $sub171 = 0.0, $sub191 = 0, $sub192 = 0, $sub193 = 0, $sub216 = 0, $sub222 = 0, $sub240 = 0, $sub249 = 0, $sub259 = 0, $sub265 = 0, $sub268 = 0, $sub283 = 0, $sub284 = 0, $sub285 = 0, $sub306 = 0; var $sub322 = 0, $sub343 = 0.0, $sub345 = 0.0, $sub346 = 0, $sub350 = 0, $sub360 = 0, $sub364 = 0, $sub374 = 0.0, $sub376 = 0.0, $sub385 = 0, $sub386 = 0, $sub389 = 0, $sub390 = 0, $sub61 = 0.0, $sub86 = 0, $tmp = 0.0, $tmp305 = 0.0, $tmp_g = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $vla = 0; var $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla135 = 0, $vla135$alloca_mul = 0, $window = 0, $window136 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 4608|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(4608|0); $decode_mem = sp + 4568|0; $out_syn = sp + 4560|0; $exc = sp + 368|0; $ac = sp + 232|0; $lpc_mem = sp + 136|0; $lpc_mem278 = sp + 16|0; $st$addr = $st; $N$addr = $N; $LM$addr = $LM; $0 = $st$addr; $channels = ((($0)) + 8|0); $1 = HEAP32[$channels>>2]|0; $C = $1; $2 = $st$addr; $3 = HEAP32[$2>>2]|0; $mode = $3; $4 = $mode; $nbEBands2 = ((($4)) + 8|0); $5 = HEAP32[$nbEBands2>>2]|0; $nbEBands = $5; $6 = $mode; $overlap3 = ((($6)) + 4|0); $7 = HEAP32[$overlap3>>2]|0; $overlap = $7; $8 = $mode; $eBands4 = ((($8)) + 32|0); $9 = HEAP32[$eBands4>>2]|0; $eBands = $9; $c = 0; while(1) { $10 = $st$addr; $_decode_mem = ((($10)) + 84|0); $11 = $c; $12 = $overlap; $add = (2048 + ($12))|0; $mul = Math_imul($11, $add)|0; $add$ptr = (($_decode_mem) + ($mul<<2)|0); $13 = $c; $arrayidx = (($decode_mem) + ($13<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2] = $add$ptr; $14 = $c; $arrayidx5 = (($decode_mem) + ($14<<2)|0); $15 = HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2]|0; $add$ptr6 = ((($15)) + 8192|0); $16 = $N$addr; $idx$neg = (0 - ($16))|0; $add$ptr7 = (($add$ptr6) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $17 = $c; $arrayidx8 = (($out_syn) + ($17<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx8>>2] = $add$ptr7; $18 = $c; $inc = (($18) + 1)|0; $c = $inc; $19 = $C; $cmp = ($inc|0)<($19|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } } $20 = $st$addr; $_decode_mem9 = ((($20)) + 84|0); $21 = $overlap; $add11 = (2048 + ($21))|0; $22 = $C; $mul12 = Math_imul($add11, $22)|0; $add$ptr13 = (($_decode_mem9) + ($mul12<<2)|0); $lpc = $add$ptr13; $23 = $lpc; $24 = $C; $mul14 = ($24*24)|0; $add$ptr15 = (($23) + ($mul14<<2)|0); $oldBandE = $add$ptr15; $25 = $oldBandE; $26 = $nbEBands; $mul16 = $26<<1; $add$ptr17 = (($25) + ($mul16<<2)|0); $oldLogE = $add$ptr17; $27 = $oldLogE; $28 = $nbEBands; $mul18 = $28<<1; $add$ptr19 = (($27) + ($mul18<<2)|0); $oldLogE2 = $add$ptr19; $29 = $oldLogE2; $30 = $nbEBands; $mul20 = $30<<1; $add$ptr21 = (($29) + ($mul20<<2)|0); $backgroundLogE = $add$ptr21; $31 = $st$addr; $loss_count22 = ((($31)) + 48|0); $32 = HEAP32[$loss_count22>>2]|0; $loss_count = $32; $33 = $st$addr; $start23 = ((($33)) + 20|0); $34 = HEAP32[$start23>>2]|0; $start = $34; $35 = $loss_count; $cmp24 = ($35|0)>=(5); $36 = $start; $cmp25 = ($36|0)!=(0); $37 = $cmp24 ? 1 : $cmp25; $lor$ext = $37&1; $noise_based = $lor$ext; $38 = $noise_based; $tobool = ($38|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $39 = $st$addr; $end26 = ((($39)) + 24|0); $40 = HEAP32[$end26>>2]|0; $end = $40; $41 = $start; $42 = $end; $43 = $mode; $effEBands = ((($43)) + 12|0); $44 = HEAP32[$effEBands>>2]|0; $cmp27 = ($42|0)<($44|0); if ($cmp27) { $45 = $end; $cond = $45; } else { $46 = $mode; $effEBands28 = ((($46)) + 12|0); $47 = HEAP32[$effEBands28>>2]|0; $cond = $47; } $cmp29 = ($41|0)>($cond|0); do { if ($cmp29) { $48 = $start; $cond40 = $48; } else { $49 = $end; $50 = $mode; $effEBands32 = ((($50)) + 12|0); $51 = HEAP32[$effEBands32>>2]|0; $cmp33 = ($49|0)<($51|0); if ($cmp33) { $52 = $end; $cond40 = $52; break; } else { $53 = $mode; $effEBands36 = ((($53)) + 12|0); $54 = HEAP32[$effEBands36>>2]|0; $cond40 = $54; break; } } } while(0); $effEnd = $cond40; $55 = $C; $56 = $N$addr; $mul41 = Math_imul($55, $56)|0; $57 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $57; $vla$alloca_mul = $mul41<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $58 = $loss_count; $cmp42 = ($58|0)==(0); $cond43 = $cmp42 ? 1.5 : 0.5; $decay = $cond43; $c = 0; while(1) { $59 = $start; $i = $59; while(1) { $60 = $i; $61 = $end; $cmp45 = ($60|0)<($61|0); if (!($cmp45)) { break; } $62 = $backgroundLogE; $63 = $c; $64 = $nbEBands; $mul46 = Math_imul($63, $64)|0; $65 = $i; $add47 = (($mul46) + ($65))|0; $arrayidx48 = (($62) + ($add47<<2)|0); $66 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx48>>2]; $67 = $oldBandE; $68 = $c; $69 = $nbEBands; $mul49 = Math_imul($68, $69)|0; $70 = $i; $add50 = (($mul49) + ($70))|0; $arrayidx51 = (($67) + ($add50<<2)|0); $71 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx51>>2]; $72 = $decay; $sub = $71 - $72; $cmp52 = $66 > $sub; if ($cmp52) { $73 = $backgroundLogE; $74 = $c; $75 = $nbEBands; $mul54 = Math_imul($74, $75)|0; $76 = $i; $add55 = (($mul54) + ($76))|0; $arrayidx56 = (($73) + ($add55<<2)|0); $77 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx56>>2]; $cond63 = $77; } else { $78 = $oldBandE; $79 = $c; $80 = $nbEBands; $mul58 = Math_imul($79, $80)|0; $81 = $i; $add59 = (($mul58) + ($81))|0; $arrayidx60 = (($78) + ($add59<<2)|0); $82 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx60>>2]; $83 = $decay; $sub61 = $82 - $83; $cond63 = $sub61; } $84 = $oldBandE; $85 = $c; $86 = $nbEBands; $mul64 = Math_imul($85, $86)|0; $87 = $i; $add65 = (($mul64) + ($87))|0; $arrayidx66 = (($84) + ($add65<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx66>>2] = $cond63; $88 = $i; $inc67 = (($88) + 1)|0; $i = $inc67; } $89 = $c; $inc69 = (($89) + 1)|0; $c = $inc69; $90 = $C; $cmp70 = ($inc69|0)<($90|0); if (!($cmp70)) { break; } } $91 = $st$addr; $rng = ((($91)) + 36|0); $92 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $seed = $92; $c = 0; while(1) { $93 = $c; $94 = $C; $cmp73 = ($93|0)<($94|0); if (!($cmp73)) { break; } $95 = $start; $i = $95; while(1) { $96 = $i; $97 = $effEnd; $cmp76 = ($96|0)<($97|0); if (!($cmp76)) { break; } $98 = $N$addr; $99 = $c; $mul78 = Math_imul($98, $99)|0; $100 = $eBands; $101 = $i; $arrayidx79 = (($100) + ($101<<1)|0); $102 = HEAP16[$arrayidx79>>1]|0; $conv = $102 << 16 >> 16; $103 = $LM$addr; $shl = $conv << $103; $add80 = (($mul78) + ($shl))|0; $boffs = $add80; $104 = $eBands; $105 = $i; $add81 = (($105) + 1)|0; $arrayidx82 = (($104) + ($add81<<1)|0); $106 = HEAP16[$arrayidx82>>1]|0; $conv83 = $106 << 16 >> 16; $107 = $eBands; $108 = $i; $arrayidx84 = (($107) + ($108<<1)|0); $109 = HEAP16[$arrayidx84>>1]|0; $conv85 = $109 << 16 >> 16; $sub86 = (($conv83) - ($conv85))|0; $110 = $LM$addr; $shl87 = $sub86 << $110; $blen = $shl87; $j = 0; while(1) { $111 = $j; $112 = $blen; $cmp89 = ($111|0)<($112|0); if (!($cmp89)) { break; } $113 = $seed; $call = (_celt_lcg_rand($113)|0); $seed = $call; $114 = $seed; $shr = $114 >> 20; $conv92 = (+($shr|0)); $115 = $boffs; $116 = $j; $add93 = (($115) + ($116))|0; $arrayidx94 = (($vla) + ($add93<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx94>>2] = $conv92; $117 = $j; $inc96 = (($117) + 1)|0; $j = $inc96; } $118 = $boffs; $add$ptr98 = (($vla) + ($118<<2)|0); $119 = $blen; $120 = $st$addr; $arch = ((($120)) + 32|0); $121 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; _renormalise_vector($add$ptr98,$119,1.0,$121); $122 = $i; $inc100 = (($122) + 1)|0; $i = $inc100; } $123 = $c; $inc103 = (($123) + 1)|0; $c = $inc103; } $124 = $seed; $125 = $st$addr; $rng105 = ((($125)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$rng105>>2] = $124; $c = 0; while(1) { $126 = $c; $arrayidx107 = (($decode_mem) + ($126<<2)|0); $127 = HEAP32[$arrayidx107>>2]|0; $128 = $c; $arrayidx108 = (($decode_mem) + ($128<<2)|0); $129 = HEAP32[$arrayidx108>>2]|0; $130 = $N$addr; $add$ptr109 = (($129) + ($130<<2)|0); $131 = $N$addr; $sub110 = (2048 - ($131))|0; $132 = $overlap; $shr111 = $132 >> 1; $add112 = (($sub110) + ($shr111))|0; $mul113 = $add112<<2; $133 = $c; $arrayidx114 = (($decode_mem) + ($133<<2)|0); $134 = HEAP32[$arrayidx114>>2]|0; $135 = $c; $arrayidx115 = (($decode_mem) + ($135<<2)|0); $136 = HEAP32[$arrayidx115>>2]|0; $137 = $N$addr; $add$ptr116 = (($136) + ($137<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $134; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $add$ptr116; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul117 = 0; $add118 = (($mul113) + ($mul117))|0; _memmove(($127|0),($add$ptr109|0),($add118|0))|0; $138 = $c; $inc120 = (($138) + 1)|0; $c = $inc120; $139 = $C; $cmp121 = ($inc120|0)<($139|0); if (!($cmp121)) { break; } } $140 = $mode; $141 = $oldBandE; $142 = $start; $143 = $effEnd; $144 = $C; $145 = $C; $146 = $LM$addr; $147 = $st$addr; $downsample = ((($147)) + 16|0); $148 = HEAP32[$downsample>>2]|0; $149 = $st$addr; $arch125 = ((($149)) + 32|0); $150 = HEAP32[$arch125>>2]|0; _celt_synthesis($140,$vla,$out_syn,$141,$142,$143,$144,$145,0,$146,$148,0,$150); $151 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($151|0)); $362 = $loss_count; $add406 = (($362) + 1)|0; $363 = $st$addr; $loss_count407 = ((($363)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$loss_count407>>2] = $add406; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $fade = 1.0; $152 = $loss_count; $cmp126 = ($152|0)==(0); if ($cmp126) { $153 = $C; $154 = $st$addr; $arch130 = ((($154)) + 32|0); $155 = HEAP32[$arch130>>2]|0; $call131 = (_celt_plc_pitch_search($decode_mem,$153,$155)|0); $pitch_index = $call131; $156 = $st$addr; $last_pitch_index = ((($156)) + 44|0); HEAP32[$last_pitch_index>>2] = $call131; } else { $157 = $st$addr; $last_pitch_index133 = ((($157)) + 44|0); $158 = HEAP32[$last_pitch_index133>>2]|0; $pitch_index = $158; $fade = 0.80000001192092896; } $159 = $overlap; $160 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack134 = $160; $vla135$alloca_mul = $159<<2; $vla135 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla135$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla135$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $161 = $mode; $window136 = ((($161)) + 60|0); $162 = HEAP32[$window136>>2]|0; $window = $162; $c = 0; while(1) { $S1 = 0.0; $163 = $c; $arrayidx140 = (($decode_mem) + ($163<<2)|0); $164 = HEAP32[$arrayidx140>>2]|0; $buf = $164; $i = 0; while(1) { $165 = $i; $cmp142 = ($165|0)<(1024); if (!($cmp142)) { break; } $166 = $buf; $167 = $i; $add145 = (1024 + ($167))|0; $arrayidx146 = (($166) + ($add145<<2)|0); $168 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx146>>2]; $169 = $i; $arrayidx147 = (($exc) + ($169<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx147>>2] = $168; $170 = $i; $inc149 = (($170) + 1)|0; $i = $inc149; } $171 = $loss_count; $cmp151 = ($171|0)==(0); if ($cmp151) { $172 = $window; $173 = $overlap; $174 = $st$addr; $arch156 = ((($174)) + 32|0); $175 = HEAP32[$arch156>>2]|0; (__celt_autocorr($exc,$ac,$172,$173,24,1024,$175)|0); $176 = +HEAPF32[$ac>>2]; $mul159 = $176 * 1.0001000165939331; HEAPF32[$ac>>2] = $mul159; $i = 1; while(1) { $177 = $i; $cmp161 = ($177|0)<=(24); if (!($cmp161)) { break; } $178 = $i; $arrayidx164 = (($ac) + ($178<<2)|0); $179 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx164>>2]; $mul165 = $179 * 6.4000007114373147E-5; $180 = $i; $conv166 = (+($180|0)); $mul167 = $mul165 * $conv166; $181 = $i; $conv168 = (+($181|0)); $mul169 = $mul167 * $conv168; $182 = $i; $arrayidx170 = (($ac) + ($182<<2)|0); $183 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx170>>2]; $sub171 = $183 - $mul169; HEAPF32[$arrayidx170>>2] = $sub171; $184 = $i; $inc173 = (($184) + 1)|0; $i = $inc173; } $185 = $lpc; $186 = $c; $mul175 = ($186*24)|0; $add$ptr176 = (($185) + ($mul175<<2)|0); __celt_lpc($add$ptr176,$ac,24); } $187 = $pitch_index; $mul179 = $187<<1; $cmp180 = ($mul179|0)<(1024); $188 = $pitch_index; $mul183 = $188<<1; $cond186 = $cmp180 ? $mul183 : 1024; $exc_length = $cond186; $i = 0; while(1) { $189 = $i; $cmp188 = ($189|0)<(24); if (!($cmp188)) { break; } $190 = $buf; $191 = $exc_length; $sub191 = (2048 - ($191))|0; $sub192 = (($sub191) - 1)|0; $192 = $i; $sub193 = (($sub192) - ($192))|0; $arrayidx194 = (($190) + ($sub193<<2)|0); $193 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx194>>2]; $194 = $i; $arrayidx195 = (($lpc_mem) + ($194<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx195>>2] = $193; $195 = $i; $inc197 = (($195) + 1)|0; $i = $inc197; } $add$ptr200 = ((($exc)) + 4096|0); $196 = $exc_length; $idx$neg201 = (0 - ($196))|0; $add$ptr202 = (($add$ptr200) + ($idx$neg201<<2)|0); $197 = $lpc; $198 = $c; $mul203 = ($198*24)|0; $add$ptr204 = (($197) + ($mul203<<2)|0); $add$ptr206 = ((($exc)) + 4096|0); $199 = $exc_length; $idx$neg207 = (0 - ($199))|0; $add$ptr208 = (($add$ptr206) + ($idx$neg207<<2)|0); $200 = $exc_length; $201 = $st$addr; $arch210 = ((($201)) + 32|0); $202 = HEAP32[$arch210>>2]|0; _celt_fir_c($add$ptr202,$add$ptr204,$add$ptr208,$200,24,$lpc_mem,$202); $E1 = 1.0; $E2 = 1.0; $203 = $exc_length; $shr211 = $203 >> 1; $decay_length = $shr211; $i = 0; while(1) { $204 = $i; $205 = $decay_length; $cmp213 = ($204|0)<($205|0); if (!($cmp213)) { break; } $206 = $decay_length; $sub216 = (1024 - ($206))|0; $207 = $i; $add217 = (($sub216) + ($207))|0; $arrayidx218 = (($exc) + ($add217<<2)|0); $208 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx218>>2]; $e = $208; $209 = $e; $210 = $e; $mul219 = $209 * $210; $211 = $E1; $add220 = $211 + $mul219; $E1 = $add220; $212 = $decay_length; $mul221 = $212<<1; $sub222 = (1024 - ($mul221))|0; $213 = $i; $add223 = (($sub222) + ($213))|0; $arrayidx224 = (($exc) + ($add223<<2)|0); $214 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx224>>2]; $e = $214; $215 = $e; $216 = $e; $mul225 = $215 * $216; $217 = $E2; $add226 = $217 + $mul225; $E2 = $add226; $218 = $i; $inc228 = (($218) + 1)|0; $i = $inc228; } $219 = $E1; $220 = $E2; $cmp230 = $219 < $220; $221 = $E1; $222 = $E2; $cond235 = $cmp230 ? $221 : $222; $E1 = $cond235; $223 = $E1; $224 = $E2; $div = $223 / $224; $conv236 = $div; $call237 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv236))); $conv238 = $call237; $decay138 = $conv238; $225 = $buf; $226 = $buf; $227 = $N$addr; $add$ptr239 = (($226) + ($227<<2)|0); $228 = $N$addr; $sub240 = (2048 - ($228))|0; $mul241 = $sub240<<2; $229 = $buf; $230 = $buf; $231 = $N$addr; $add$ptr242 = (($230) + ($231<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast243 = $229; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast244 = $add$ptr242; $sub$ptr$sub245 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast243) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast244))|0; $sub$ptr$div246 = (($sub$ptr$sub245|0) / 4)&-1; $mul247 = 0; $add248 = (($mul241) + ($mul247))|0; _memmove(($225|0),($add$ptr239|0),($add248|0))|0; $232 = $pitch_index; $sub249 = (1024 - ($232))|0; $extrapolation_offset = $sub249; $233 = $N$addr; $234 = $overlap; $add250 = (($233) + ($234))|0; $extrapolation_len = $add250; $235 = $fade; $236 = $decay138; $mul251 = $235 * $236; $attenuation = $mul251; $j139 = 0; $i = 0; while(1) { $237 = $i; $238 = $extrapolation_len; $cmp253 = ($237|0)<($238|0); if (!($cmp253)) { break; } $239 = $j139; $240 = $pitch_index; $cmp256 = ($239|0)>=($240|0); if ($cmp256) { $241 = $pitch_index; $242 = $j139; $sub259 = (($242) - ($241))|0; $j139 = $sub259; $243 = $attenuation; $244 = $decay138; $mul260 = $243 * $244; $attenuation = $mul260; } $245 = $attenuation; $246 = $extrapolation_offset; $247 = $j139; $add262 = (($246) + ($247))|0; $arrayidx263 = (($exc) + ($add262<<2)|0); $248 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx263>>2]; $mul264 = $245 * $248; $249 = $buf; $250 = $N$addr; $sub265 = (2048 - ($250))|0; $251 = $i; $add266 = (($sub265) + ($251))|0; $arrayidx267 = (($249) + ($add266<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx267>>2] = $mul264; $252 = $buf; $253 = $N$addr; $sub268 = (1024 - ($253))|0; $254 = $extrapolation_offset; $add269 = (($sub268) + ($254))|0; $255 = $j139; $add270 = (($add269) + ($255))|0; $arrayidx271 = (($252) + ($add270<<2)|0); $256 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx271>>2]; $tmp = $256; $257 = $tmp; $258 = $tmp; $mul272 = $257 * $258; $259 = $S1; $add273 = $259 + $mul272; $S1 = $add273; $260 = $i; $inc275 = (($260) + 1)|0; $i = $inc275; $261 = $j139; $inc276 = (($261) + 1)|0; $j139 = $inc276; } $i = 0; while(1) { $262 = $i; $cmp280 = ($262|0)<(24); $263 = $buf; if (!($cmp280)) { break; } $264 = $N$addr; $sub283 = (2048 - ($264))|0; $sub284 = (($sub283) - 1)|0; $265 = $i; $sub285 = (($sub284) - ($265))|0; $arrayidx286 = (($263) + ($sub285<<2)|0); $266 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx286>>2]; $267 = $i; $arrayidx287 = (($lpc_mem278) + ($267<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx287>>2] = $266; $268 = $i; $inc289 = (($268) + 1)|0; $i = $inc289; } $add$ptr291 = ((($263)) + 8192|0); $269 = $N$addr; $idx$neg292 = (0 - ($269))|0; $add$ptr293 = (($add$ptr291) + ($idx$neg292<<2)|0); $270 = $lpc; $271 = $c; $mul294 = ($271*24)|0; $add$ptr295 = (($270) + ($mul294<<2)|0); $272 = $buf; $add$ptr296 = ((($272)) + 8192|0); $273 = $N$addr; $idx$neg297 = (0 - ($273))|0; $add$ptr298 = (($add$ptr296) + ($idx$neg297<<2)|0); $274 = $extrapolation_len; $275 = $st$addr; $arch300 = ((($275)) + 32|0); $276 = HEAP32[$arch300>>2]|0; _celt_iir($add$ptr293,$add$ptr295,$add$ptr298,$274,24,$lpc_mem278,$276); $S2 = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $277 = $i; $278 = $extrapolation_len; $cmp302 = ($277|0)<($278|0); if (!($cmp302)) { break; } $279 = $buf; $280 = $N$addr; $sub306 = (2048 - ($280))|0; $281 = $i; $add307 = (($sub306) + ($281))|0; $arrayidx308 = (($279) + ($add307<<2)|0); $282 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx308>>2]; $tmp305 = $282; $283 = $tmp305; $284 = $tmp305; $mul309 = $283 * $284; $285 = $S2; $add310 = $285 + $mul309; $S2 = $add310; $286 = $i; $inc312 = (($286) + 1)|0; $i = $inc312; } $287 = $S1; $288 = $S2; $mul314 = 0.20000000298023224 * $288; $cmp315 = $287 > $mul314; L85: do { if ($cmp315) { $295 = $S1; $296 = $S2; $cmp329 = $295 < $296; if ($cmp329) { $297 = $S1; $add332 = $297 + 1.0; $298 = $S2; $add333 = $298 + 1.0; $div334 = $add332 / $add333; $conv335 = $div334; $call336 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv335))); $conv337 = $call336; $ratio = $conv337; $i = 0; while(1) { $299 = $i; $300 = $overlap; $cmp339 = ($299|0)<($300|0); if (!($cmp339)) { break; } $301 = $window; $302 = $i; $arrayidx342 = (($301) + ($302<<2)|0); $303 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx342>>2]; $304 = $ratio; $sub343 = 1.0 - $304; $mul344 = $303 * $sub343; $sub345 = 1.0 - $mul344; $tmp_g = $sub345; $305 = $tmp_g; $306 = $buf; $307 = $N$addr; $sub346 = (2048 - ($307))|0; $308 = $i; $add347 = (($sub346) + ($308))|0; $arrayidx348 = (($306) + ($add347<<2)|0); $309 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx348>>2]; $mul349 = $305 * $309; $310 = $buf; $311 = $N$addr; $sub350 = (2048 - ($311))|0; $312 = $i; $add351 = (($sub350) + ($312))|0; $arrayidx352 = (($310) + ($add351<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx352>>2] = $mul349; $313 = $i; $inc354 = (($313) + 1)|0; $i = $inc354; } $314 = $overlap; $i = $314; while(1) { $315 = $i; $316 = $extrapolation_len; $cmp357 = ($315|0)<($316|0); if (!($cmp357)) { break L85; } $317 = $ratio; $318 = $buf; $319 = $N$addr; $sub360 = (2048 - ($319))|0; $320 = $i; $add361 = (($sub360) + ($320))|0; $arrayidx362 = (($318) + ($add361<<2)|0); $321 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx362>>2]; $mul363 = $317 * $321; $322 = $buf; $323 = $N$addr; $sub364 = (2048 - ($323))|0; $324 = $i; $add365 = (($sub364) + ($324))|0; $arrayidx366 = (($322) + ($add365<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx366>>2] = $mul363; $325 = $i; $inc368 = (($325) + 1)|0; $i = $inc368; } } } else { $i = 0; while(1) { $289 = $i; $290 = $extrapolation_len; $cmp319 = ($289|0)<($290|0); if (!($cmp319)) { break L85; } $291 = $buf; $292 = $N$addr; $sub322 = (2048 - ($292))|0; $293 = $i; $add323 = (($sub322) + ($293))|0; $arrayidx324 = (($291) + ($add323<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx324>>2] = 0.0; $294 = $i; $inc326 = (($294) + 1)|0; $i = $inc326; } } } while(0); $326 = $buf; $add$ptr372 = ((($326)) + 8192|0); $327 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period = ((($327)) + 52|0); $328 = HEAP32[$postfilter_period>>2]|0; $329 = $st$addr; $postfilter_period373 = ((($329)) + 52|0); $330 = HEAP32[$postfilter_period373>>2]|0; $331 = $overlap; $332 = $st$addr; $postfilter_gain = ((($332)) + 60|0); $333 = +HEAPF32[$postfilter_gain>>2]; $sub374 = - $333; $334 = $st$addr; $postfilter_gain375 = ((($334)) + 60|0); $335 = +HEAPF32[$postfilter_gain375>>2]; $sub376 = - $335; $336 = $st$addr; $postfilter_tapset = ((($336)) + 68|0); $337 = HEAP32[$postfilter_tapset>>2]|0; $338 = $st$addr; $postfilter_tapset377 = ((($338)) + 68|0); $339 = HEAP32[$postfilter_tapset377>>2]|0; $340 = $st$addr; $arch378 = ((($340)) + 32|0); $341 = HEAP32[$arch378>>2]|0; _comb_filter($vla135,$add$ptr372,$328,$330,$331,$sub374,$sub376,$337,$339,0,0,$341); $i = 0; while(1) { $342 = $i; $343 = $overlap; $div380 = (($343|0) / 2)&-1; $cmp381 = ($342|0)<($div380|0); if (!($cmp381)) { break; } $344 = $window; $345 = $i; $arrayidx384 = (($344) + ($345<<2)|0); $346 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx384>>2]; $347 = $overlap; $sub385 = (($347) - 1)|0; $348 = $i; $sub386 = (($sub385) - ($348))|0; $arrayidx387 = (($vla135) + ($sub386<<2)|0); $349 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx387>>2]; $mul388 = $346 * $349; $350 = $window; $351 = $overlap; $352 = $i; $sub389 = (($351) - ($352))|0; $sub390 = (($sub389) - 1)|0; $arrayidx391 = (($350) + ($sub390<<2)|0); $353 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx391>>2]; $354 = $i; $arrayidx392 = (($vla135) + ($354<<2)|0); $355 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx392>>2]; $mul393 = $353 * $355; $add394 = $mul388 + $mul393; $356 = $buf; $357 = $i; $add395 = (2048 + ($357))|0; $arrayidx396 = (($356) + ($add395<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx396>>2] = $add394; $358 = $i; $inc398 = (($358) + 1)|0; $i = $inc398; } $359 = $c; $inc401 = (($359) + 1)|0; $c = $inc401; $360 = $C; $cmp402 = ($inc401|0)<($360|0); if (!($cmp402)) { break; } } $361 = $saved_stack134; _llvm_stackrestore(($361|0)); $362 = $loss_count; $add406 = (($362) + 1)|0; $363 = $st$addr; $loss_count407 = ((($363)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$loss_count407>>2] = $add406; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _deemphasis($in,$pcm,$N,$C,$downsample,$coef,$mem,$accum) { $in = $in|0; $pcm = $pcm|0; $N = $N|0; $C = $C|0; $downsample = $downsample|0; $coef = $coef|0; $mem = $mem|0; $accum = $accum|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0.0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $N$addr = 0, $Nd = 0, $accum$addr = 0, $add = 0.0; var $add$ptr = 0, $add12 = 0.0, $add13 = 0.0, $add5 = 0.0, $apply_downsampling = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $c = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp8 = 0; var $coef$addr = 0, $coef0 = 0.0, $div = 0, $downsample$addr = 0, $in$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc19 = 0, $inc32 = 0, $inc35 = 0, $j = 0, $m = 0.0, $mem$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul14 = 0.0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0, $mul26 = 0, $mul28 = 0.0, $mul29 = 0, $pcm$addr = 0; var $saved_stack = 0, $tmp = 0.0, $tmp10 = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $x = 0, $y = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $in$addr = $in; $pcm$addr = $pcm; $N$addr = $N; $C$addr = $C; $downsample$addr = $downsample; $coef$addr = $coef; $mem$addr = $mem; $accum$addr = $accum; $apply_downsampling = 0; $0 = $N$addr; $1 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $1; $vla$alloca_mul = $0<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $2 = $coef$addr; $3 = +HEAPF32[$2>>2]; $coef0 = $3; $4 = $N$addr; $5 = $downsample$addr; $div = (($4|0) / ($5|0))&-1; $Nd = $div; $c = 0; while(1) { $6 = $mem$addr; $7 = $c; $arrayidx1 = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $m = $8; $9 = $in$addr; $10 = $c; $arrayidx2 = (($9) + ($10<<2)|0); $11 = HEAP32[$arrayidx2>>2]|0; $x = $11; $12 = $pcm$addr; $13 = $c; $add$ptr = (($12) + ($13<<2)|0); $y = $add$ptr; $14 = $downsample$addr; $cmp = ($14|0)>(1); $j = 0; L3: do { if ($cmp) { while(1) { $15 = $j; $16 = $N$addr; $cmp3 = ($15|0)<($16|0); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $17 = $x; $18 = $j; $arrayidx4 = (($17) + ($18<<2)|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $20 = $m; $add = $19 + $20; $add5 = $add + 1.0000000031710769E-30; $tmp = $add5; $21 = $coef0; $22 = $tmp; $mul = $21 * $22; $m = $mul; $23 = $tmp; $24 = $j; $arrayidx6 = (($vla) + ($24<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2] = $23; $25 = $j; $inc = (($25) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $apply_downsampling = 1; } else { while(1) { $26 = $j; $27 = $N$addr; $cmp8 = ($26|0)<($27|0); if (!($cmp8)) { break L3; } $28 = $x; $29 = $j; $arrayidx11 = (($28) + ($29<<2)|0); $30 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $31 = $m; $add12 = $30 + $31; $add13 = $add12 + 1.0000000031710769E-30; $tmp10 = $add13; $32 = $coef0; $33 = $tmp10; $mul14 = $32 * $33; $m = $mul14; $34 = $tmp10; $mul15 = $34 * 3.0517578125E-5; $35 = $y; $36 = $j; $37 = $C$addr; $mul16 = Math_imul($36, $37)|0; $arrayidx17 = (($35) + ($mul16<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2] = $mul15; $38 = $j; $inc19 = (($38) + 1)|0; $j = $inc19; } } } while(0); $39 = $m; $40 = $mem$addr; $41 = $c; $arrayidx21 = (($40) + ($41<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2] = $39; $42 = $apply_downsampling; $tobool = ($42|0)!=(0); L12: do { if ($tobool) { $j = 0; while(1) { $43 = $j; $44 = $Nd; $cmp24 = ($43|0)<($44|0); if (!($cmp24)) { break L12; } $45 = $j; $46 = $downsample$addr; $mul26 = Math_imul($45, $46)|0; $arrayidx27 = (($vla) + ($mul26<<2)|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $mul28 = $47 * 3.0517578125E-5; $48 = $y; $49 = $j; $50 = $C$addr; $mul29 = Math_imul($49, $50)|0; $arrayidx30 = (($48) + ($mul29<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2] = $mul28; $51 = $j; $inc32 = (($51) + 1)|0; $j = $inc32; } } } while(0); $52 = $c; $inc35 = (($52) + 1)|0; $c = $inc35; $53 = $C$addr; $cmp36 = ($inc35|0)<($53|0); if (!($cmp36)) { break; } } $54 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($54|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _ec_tell_61($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $rng = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $nbits_total = ((($0)) + 20|0); $1 = HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2]|0; $2 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($2)) + 28|0); $3 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $4 = (Math_clz32(($3|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($4))|0; $sub1 = (($1) - ($sub))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($sub1|0); } function _tf_decode($start,$end,$isTransient,$tf_res,$LM,$dec) { $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $isTransient = $isTransient|0; $tf_res = $tf_res|0; $LM = $LM|0; $dec = $dec|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add1 = 0, $add13 = 0, $add14 = 0, $add18 = 0, $add19 = 0, $add34 = 0, $add36 = 0; var $add4 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $budget = 0, $call = 0, $call25 = 0, $call6 = 0, $call7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp28 = 0, $cmp3 = 0; var $cmp5 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond9 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv21 = 0, $conv38 = 0, $curr = 0, $dec$addr = 0, $end$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc41 = 0, $isTransient$addr = 0, $land$ext = 0, $logp = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul17 = 0, $mul32 = 0, $mul33 = 0; var $or = 0, $start$addr = 0, $storage = 0, $sub = 0, $tell = 0, $tf_changed = 0, $tf_res$addr = 0, $tf_select = 0, $tf_select_rsv = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool10 = 0, $tobool8 = 0, $xor = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $isTransient$addr = $isTransient; $tf_res$addr = $tf_res; $LM$addr = $LM; $dec$addr = $dec; $0 = $dec$addr; $storage = ((($0)) + 4|0); $1 = HEAP32[$storage>>2]|0; $mul = $1<<3; $budget = $mul; $2 = $dec$addr; $call = (_ec_tell_61($2)|0); $tell = $call; $3 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool = ($3|0)!=(0); $cond = $tobool ? 2 : 4; $logp = $cond; $4 = $LM$addr; $cmp = ($4|0)>(0); if ($cmp) { $5 = $tell; $6 = $logp; $add = (($5) + ($6))|0; $add1 = (($add) + 1)|0; $7 = $budget; $cmp2 = ($add1>>>0)<=($7>>>0); $8 = $cmp2; } else { $8 = 0; } $land$ext = $8&1; $tf_select_rsv = $land$ext; $9 = $tf_select_rsv; $10 = $budget; $sub = (($10) - ($9))|0; $budget = $sub; $curr = 0; $tf_changed = 0; $11 = $start$addr; $i = $11; while(1) { $12 = $i; $13 = $end$addr; $cmp3 = ($12|0)<($13|0); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $14 = $tell; $15 = $logp; $add4 = (($14) + ($15))|0; $16 = $budget; $cmp5 = ($add4>>>0)<=($16>>>0); if ($cmp5) { $17 = $dec$addr; $18 = $logp; $call6 = (_ec_dec_bit_logp($17,$18)|0); $19 = $curr; $xor = $19 ^ $call6; $curr = $xor; $20 = $dec$addr; $call7 = (_ec_tell_61($20)|0); $tell = $call7; $21 = $curr; $22 = $tf_changed; $or = $22 | $21; $tf_changed = $or; } $23 = $curr; $24 = $tf_res$addr; $25 = $i; $arrayidx = (($24) + ($25<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2] = $23; $26 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool8 = ($26|0)!=(0); $cond9 = $tobool8 ? 4 : 5; $logp = $cond9; $27 = $i; $inc = (($27) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $tf_select = 0; $28 = $tf_select_rsv; $tobool10 = ($28|0)!=(0); if ($tobool10) { $29 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx11 = (28933 + ($29<<3)|0); $30 = $isTransient$addr; $mul12 = $30<<2; $add13 = (($mul12) + 0)|0; $31 = $tf_changed; $add14 = (($add13) + ($31))|0; $arrayidx15 = (($arrayidx11) + ($add14)|0); $32 = HEAP8[$arrayidx15>>0]|0; $conv = $32 << 24 >> 24; $33 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx16 = (28933 + ($33<<3)|0); $34 = $isTransient$addr; $mul17 = $34<<2; $add18 = (($mul17) + 2)|0; $35 = $tf_changed; $add19 = (($add18) + ($35))|0; $arrayidx20 = (($arrayidx16) + ($add19)|0); $36 = HEAP8[$arrayidx20>>0]|0; $conv21 = $36 << 24 >> 24; $cmp22 = ($conv|0)!=($conv21|0); if ($cmp22) { $37 = $dec$addr; $call25 = (_ec_dec_bit_logp($37,1)|0); $tf_select = $call25; } } $38 = $start$addr; $i = $38; while(1) { $39 = $i; $40 = $end$addr; $cmp28 = ($39|0)<($40|0); if (!($cmp28)) { break; } $41 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx31 = (28933 + ($41<<3)|0); $42 = $isTransient$addr; $mul32 = $42<<2; $43 = $tf_select; $mul33 = $43<<1; $add34 = (($mul32) + ($mul33))|0; $44 = $tf_res$addr; $45 = $i; $arrayidx35 = (($44) + ($45<<2)|0); $46 = HEAP32[$arrayidx35>>2]|0; $add36 = (($add34) + ($46))|0; $arrayidx37 = (($arrayidx31) + ($add36)|0); $47 = HEAP8[$arrayidx37>>0]|0; $conv38 = $47 << 24 >> 24; $48 = $tf_res$addr; $49 = $i; $arrayidx39 = (($48) + ($49<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx39>>2] = $conv38; $50 = $i; $inc41 = (($50) + 1)|0; $i = $inc41; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _celt_synthesis($mode,$X,$out_syn,$oldBandE,$start,$effEnd,$C,$CC,$isTransient,$LM,$downsample,$silence,$arch) { $mode = $mode|0; $X = $X|0; $out_syn = $out_syn|0; $oldBandE = $oldBandE|0; $start = $start|0; $effEnd = $effEnd|0; $C = $C|0; $CC = $CC|0; $isTransient = $isTransient|0; $LM = $LM|0; $downsample = $downsample|0; $silence = $silence|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0; var $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0; var $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0; var $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0; var $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0; var $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0.0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0.0, $B = 0, $C$addr = 0, $CC$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $M = 0, $N = 0, $NB = 0, $X$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr15 = 0, $add$ptr23 = 0; var $add$ptr36 = 0, $add$ptr37 = 0, $add$ptr38 = 0, $add$ptr57 = 0, $add$ptr64 = 0, $add$ptr66 = 0, $add$ptr74 = 0, $add44 = 0.0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx72 = 0, $b = 0; var $c = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp31 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp51 = 0, $cmp68 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cmp80 = 0, $div = 0, $div35 = 0, $downsample$addr = 0, $effEnd$addr = 0, $freq2 = 0, $freq233 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc26 = 0; var $inc48 = 0, $inc60 = 0, $inc77 = 0, $inc79 = 0, $isTransient$addr = 0, $maxLM = 0, $maxLM7 = 0, $mdct = 0, $mdct19 = 0, $mdct53 = 0, $mdct70 = 0, $mode$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul10 = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul22 = 0, $mul45 = 0.0, $mul56 = 0, $mul63 = 0, $mul65 = 0; var $mul73 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands2 = 0, $oldBandE$addr = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $out_syn$addr = 0, $overlap = 0, $overlap1 = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shift = 0, $shl = 0, $shl3 = 0, $shl6 = 0, $shortMdctSize = 0, $shortMdctSize4 = 0, $shortMdctSize5 = 0, $silence$addr = 0, $start$addr = 0, $sub = 0; var $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $tobool = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $window = 0, $window24 = 0, $window58 = 0, $window75 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 112|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(112|0); $mode$addr = $mode; $X$addr = $X; $out_syn$addr = $out_syn; $oldBandE$addr = $oldBandE; $start$addr = $start; $effEnd$addr = $effEnd; $C$addr = $C; $CC$addr = $CC; $isTransient$addr = $isTransient; $LM$addr = $LM; $downsample$addr = $downsample; $silence$addr = $silence; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $mode$addr; $overlap1 = ((($0)) + 4|0); $1 = HEAP32[$overlap1>>2]|0; $overlap = $1; $2 = $mode$addr; $nbEBands2 = ((($2)) + 8|0); $3 = HEAP32[$nbEBands2>>2]|0; $nbEBands = $3; $4 = $mode$addr; $shortMdctSize = ((($4)) + 44|0); $5 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize>>2]|0; $6 = $LM$addr; $shl = $5 << $6; $N = $shl; $7 = $N; $8 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $8; $vla$alloca_mul = $7<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $9 = $LM$addr; $shl3 = 1 << $9; $M = $shl3; $10 = $isTransient$addr; $tobool = ($10|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $11 = $M; $B = $11; $12 = $mode$addr; $shortMdctSize4 = ((($12)) + 44|0); $13 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize4>>2]|0; $NB = $13; $14 = $mode$addr; $maxLM = ((($14)) + 36|0); $15 = HEAP32[$maxLM>>2]|0; $shift = $15; } else { $B = 1; $16 = $mode$addr; $shortMdctSize5 = ((($16)) + 44|0); $17 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize5>>2]|0; $18 = $LM$addr; $shl6 = $17 << $18; $NB = $shl6; $19 = $mode$addr; $maxLM7 = ((($19)) + 36|0); $20 = HEAP32[$maxLM7>>2]|0; $21 = $LM$addr; $sub = (($20) - ($21))|0; $shift = $sub; } $22 = $CC$addr; $cmp = ($22|0)==(2); $23 = $C$addr; $cmp8 = ($23|0)==(1); $or$cond = $cmp & $cmp8; if ($or$cond) { $24 = $mode$addr; $25 = $X$addr; $26 = $oldBandE$addr; $27 = $start$addr; $28 = $effEnd$addr; $29 = $M; $30 = $downsample$addr; $31 = $silence$addr; _denormalise_bands($24,$25,$vla,$26,$27,$28,$29,$30,$31); $32 = $out_syn$addr; $arrayidx = ((($32)) + 4|0); $33 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $34 = $overlap; $div = (($34|0) / 2)&-1; $add$ptr = (($33) + ($div<<2)|0); $freq2 = $add$ptr; $35 = $freq2; $36 = $N; $mul = $36<<2; $37 = $freq2; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $37; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $vla; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul10 = 0; $add = (($mul) + ($mul10))|0; _memcpy(($35|0),($vla|0),($add|0))|0; $b = 0; while(1) { $38 = $b; $39 = $B; $cmp11 = ($38|0)<($39|0); if (!($cmp11)) { break; } $40 = $mode$addr; $mdct = ((($40)) + 64|0); $41 = $freq2; $42 = $b; $arrayidx12 = (($41) + ($42<<2)|0); $43 = $out_syn$addr; $44 = HEAP32[$43>>2]|0; $45 = $NB; $46 = $b; $mul14 = Math_imul($45, $46)|0; $add$ptr15 = (($44) + ($mul14<<2)|0); $47 = $mode$addr; $window = ((($47)) + 60|0); $48 = HEAP32[$window>>2]|0; $49 = $overlap; $50 = $shift; $51 = $B; $52 = $arch$addr; _clt_mdct_backward_c($mdct,$arrayidx12,$add$ptr15,$48,$49,$50,$51,$52); $53 = $b; $inc = (($53) + 1)|0; $b = $inc; } $b = 0; while(1) { $54 = $b; $55 = $B; $cmp17 = ($54|0)<($55|0); if (!($cmp17)) { break; } $56 = $mode$addr; $mdct19 = ((($56)) + 64|0); $57 = $b; $arrayidx20 = (($vla) + ($57<<2)|0); $58 = $out_syn$addr; $arrayidx21 = ((($58)) + 4|0); $59 = HEAP32[$arrayidx21>>2]|0; $60 = $NB; $61 = $b; $mul22 = Math_imul($60, $61)|0; $add$ptr23 = (($59) + ($mul22<<2)|0); $62 = $mode$addr; $window24 = ((($62)) + 60|0); $63 = HEAP32[$window24>>2]|0; $64 = $overlap; $65 = $shift; $66 = $B; $67 = $arch$addr; _clt_mdct_backward_c($mdct19,$arrayidx20,$add$ptr23,$63,$64,$65,$66,$67); $68 = $b; $inc26 = (($68) + 1)|0; $b = $inc26; } $147 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($147|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } $69 = $CC$addr; $cmp29 = ($69|0)==(1); $70 = $C$addr; $cmp31 = ($70|0)==(2); $or$cond1 = $cmp29 & $cmp31; if (!($or$cond1)) { $c = 0; while(1) { $117 = $mode$addr; $118 = $X$addr; $119 = $c; $120 = $N; $mul63 = Math_imul($119, $120)|0; $add$ptr64 = (($118) + ($mul63<<2)|0); $121 = $oldBandE$addr; $122 = $c; $123 = $nbEBands; $mul65 = Math_imul($122, $123)|0; $add$ptr66 = (($121) + ($mul65<<2)|0); $124 = $start$addr; $125 = $effEnd$addr; $126 = $M; $127 = $downsample$addr; $128 = $silence$addr; _denormalise_bands($117,$add$ptr64,$vla,$add$ptr66,$124,$125,$126,$127,$128); $b = 0; while(1) { $129 = $b; $130 = $B; $cmp68 = ($129|0)<($130|0); if (!($cmp68)) { break; } $131 = $mode$addr; $mdct70 = ((($131)) + 64|0); $132 = $b; $arrayidx71 = (($vla) + ($132<<2)|0); $133 = $out_syn$addr; $134 = $c; $arrayidx72 = (($133) + ($134<<2)|0); $135 = HEAP32[$arrayidx72>>2]|0; $136 = $NB; $137 = $b; $mul73 = Math_imul($136, $137)|0; $add$ptr74 = (($135) + ($mul73<<2)|0); $138 = $mode$addr; $window75 = ((($138)) + 60|0); $139 = HEAP32[$window75>>2]|0; $140 = $overlap; $141 = $shift; $142 = $B; $143 = $arch$addr; _clt_mdct_backward_c($mdct70,$arrayidx71,$add$ptr74,$139,$140,$141,$142,$143); $144 = $b; $inc77 = (($144) + 1)|0; $b = $inc77; } $145 = $c; $inc79 = (($145) + 1)|0; $c = $inc79; $146 = $CC$addr; $cmp80 = ($inc79|0)<($146|0); if (!($cmp80)) { break; } } $147 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($147|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } $71 = $out_syn$addr; $72 = HEAP32[$71>>2]|0; $73 = $overlap; $div35 = (($73|0) / 2)&-1; $add$ptr36 = (($72) + ($div35<<2)|0); $freq233 = $add$ptr36; $74 = $mode$addr; $75 = $X$addr; $76 = $oldBandE$addr; $77 = $start$addr; $78 = $effEnd$addr; $79 = $M; $80 = $downsample$addr; $81 = $silence$addr; _denormalise_bands($74,$75,$vla,$76,$77,$78,$79,$80,$81); $82 = $mode$addr; $83 = $X$addr; $84 = $N; $add$ptr37 = (($83) + ($84<<2)|0); $85 = $freq233; $86 = $oldBandE$addr; $87 = $nbEBands; $add$ptr38 = (($86) + ($87<<2)|0); $88 = $start$addr; $89 = $effEnd$addr; $90 = $M; $91 = $downsample$addr; $92 = $silence$addr; _denormalise_bands($82,$add$ptr37,$85,$add$ptr38,$88,$89,$90,$91,$92); $i = 0; while(1) { $93 = $i; $94 = $N; $cmp40 = ($93|0)<($94|0); if (!($cmp40)) { break; } $95 = $i; $arrayidx42 = (($vla) + ($95<<2)|0); $96 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx42>>2]; $97 = $freq233; $98 = $i; $arrayidx43 = (($97) + ($98<<2)|0); $99 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2]; $add44 = $96 + $99; $mul45 = 0.5 * $add44; $100 = $i; $arrayidx46 = (($vla) + ($100<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx46>>2] = $mul45; $101 = $i; $inc48 = (($101) + 1)|0; $i = $inc48; } $b = 0; while(1) { $102 = $b; $103 = $B; $cmp51 = ($102|0)<($103|0); if (!($cmp51)) { break; } $104 = $mode$addr; $mdct53 = ((($104)) + 64|0); $105 = $b; $arrayidx54 = (($vla) + ($105<<2)|0); $106 = $out_syn$addr; $107 = HEAP32[$106>>2]|0; $108 = $NB; $109 = $b; $mul56 = Math_imul($108, $109)|0; $add$ptr57 = (($107) + ($mul56<<2)|0); $110 = $mode$addr; $window58 = ((($110)) + 60|0); $111 = HEAP32[$window58>>2]|0; $112 = $overlap; $113 = $shift; $114 = $B; $115 = $arch$addr; _clt_mdct_backward_c($mdct53,$arrayidx54,$add$ptr57,$111,$112,$113,$114,$115); $116 = $b; $inc60 = (($116) + 1)|0; $b = $inc60; } $147 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($147|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _ec_get_error_65($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $error = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $error = ((($0)) + 44|0); $1 = HEAP32[$error>>2]|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1|0); } function _celt_plc_pitch_search($decode_mem,$C,$arch) { $decode_mem = $decode_mem|0; $C = $C|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $decode_mem$addr = 0, $lp_pitch_buf = 0, $pitch_index = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 4112|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(4112|0); $pitch_index = sp + 4096|0; $lp_pitch_buf = sp; $decode_mem$addr = $decode_mem; $C$addr = $C; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $decode_mem$addr; $1 = $C$addr; $2 = $arch$addr; _pitch_downsample($0,$lp_pitch_buf,2048,$1,$2); $add$ptr = ((($lp_pitch_buf)) + 1440|0); $3 = $arch$addr; _pitch_search($add$ptr,$lp_pitch_buf,1328,620,$pitch_index,$3); $4 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; $sub = (720 - ($4))|0; HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2] = $sub; $5 = HEAP32[$pitch_index>>2]|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($5|0); } function _ec_tell_frac($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add6 = 0; var $arrayidx = 0, $b = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $l = 0, $nbits = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $r = 0, $rng = 0, $rng1 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl5 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr3 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub2 = 0, $sub4 = 0, $sub7 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $nbits_total = ((($0)) + 20|0); $1 = HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2]|0; $shl = $1 << 3; $nbits = $shl; $2 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($2)) + 28|0); $3 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $4 = (Math_clz32(($3|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($4))|0; $l = $sub; $5 = $_this$addr; $rng1 = ((($5)) + 28|0); $6 = HEAP32[$rng1>>2]|0; $7 = $l; $sub2 = (($7) - 16)|0; $shr = $6 >>> $sub2; $r = $shr; $8 = $r; $shr3 = $8 >>> 12; $sub4 = (($shr3) - 8)|0; $b = $sub4; $9 = $r; $10 = $b; $arrayidx = (4552 + ($10<<2)|0); $11 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $cmp = ($9>>>0)>($11>>>0); $conv = $cmp&1; $12 = $b; $add = (($12) + ($conv))|0; $b = $add; $13 = $l; $shl5 = $13 << 3; $14 = $b; $add6 = (($shl5) + ($14))|0; $l = $add6; $15 = $nbits; $16 = $l; $sub7 = (($15) - ($16))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($sub7|0); } function _ec_dec_init($_this,$_buf,$_storage) { $_this = $_this|0; $_buf = $_buf|0; $_storage = $_storage|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_buf$addr = 0; var $_storage$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $call = 0, $end_offs = 0, $end_window = 0, $error = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $nend_bits = 0, $offs = 0, $rem = 0, $rem2 = 0, $rng = 0, $rng1 = 0, $shr = 0, $storage = 0, $sub = 0, $sub3 = 0, $val = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_buf$addr = $_buf; $_storage$addr = $_storage; $0 = $_buf$addr; $1 = $_this$addr; HEAP32[$1>>2] = $0; $2 = $_storage$addr; $3 = $_this$addr; $storage = ((($3)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$storage>>2] = $2; $4 = $_this$addr; $end_offs = ((($4)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$end_offs>>2] = 0; $5 = $_this$addr; $end_window = ((($5)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$end_window>>2] = 0; $6 = $_this$addr; $nend_bits = ((($6)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$nend_bits>>2] = 0; $7 = $_this$addr; $nbits_total = ((($7)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2] = 9; $8 = $_this$addr; $offs = ((($8)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$offs>>2] = 0; $9 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($9)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$rng>>2] = 128; $10 = $_this$addr; $call = (_ec_read_byte($10)|0); $11 = $_this$addr; $rem = ((($11)) + 40|0); HEAP32[$rem>>2] = $call; $12 = $_this$addr; $rng1 = ((($12)) + 28|0); $13 = HEAP32[$rng1>>2]|0; $sub = (($13) - 1)|0; $14 = $_this$addr; $rem2 = ((($14)) + 40|0); $15 = HEAP32[$rem2>>2]|0; $shr = $15 >> 1; $sub3 = (($sub) - ($shr))|0; $16 = $_this$addr; $val = ((($16)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$val>>2] = $sub3; $17 = $_this$addr; $error = ((($17)) + 44|0); HEAP32[$error>>2] = 0; $18 = $_this$addr; _ec_dec_normalize($18); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _ec_read_byte($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $inc = 0, $offs = 0, $offs1 = 0, $storage = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $offs = ((($0)) + 24|0); $1 = HEAP32[$offs>>2]|0; $2 = $_this$addr; $storage = ((($2)) + 4|0); $3 = HEAP32[$storage>>2]|0; $cmp = ($1>>>0)<($3>>>0); if (!($cmp)) { $cond = 0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $4 = $_this$addr; $5 = HEAP32[$4>>2]|0; $6 = $_this$addr; $offs1 = ((($6)) + 24|0); $7 = HEAP32[$offs1>>2]|0; $inc = (($7) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$offs1>>2] = $inc; $arrayidx = (($5) + ($7)|0); $8 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $conv = $8&255; $cond = $conv; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _ec_dec_normalize($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add6 = 0; var $and = 0, $and7 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $neg = 0, $or = 0, $rem = 0, $rem2 = 0, $rem4 = 0, $rng = 0, $rng1 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl3 = 0, $shl5 = 0, $shr = 0, $sym = 0, $val = 0, $val8 = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; while(1) { $0 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($0)) + 28|0); $1 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $cmp = ($1>>>0)<=(8388608); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $_this$addr; $nbits_total = ((($2)) + 20|0); $3 = HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2]|0; $add = (($3) + 8)|0; HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2] = $add; $4 = $_this$addr; $rng1 = ((($4)) + 28|0); $5 = HEAP32[$rng1>>2]|0; $shl = $5 << 8; HEAP32[$rng1>>2] = $shl; $6 = $_this$addr; $rem = ((($6)) + 40|0); $7 = HEAP32[$rem>>2]|0; $sym = $7; $8 = $_this$addr; $call = (_ec_read_byte($8)|0); $9 = $_this$addr; $rem2 = ((($9)) + 40|0); HEAP32[$rem2>>2] = $call; $10 = $sym; $shl3 = $10 << 8; $11 = $_this$addr; $rem4 = ((($11)) + 40|0); $12 = HEAP32[$rem4>>2]|0; $or = $shl3 | $12; $shr = $or >> 1; $sym = $shr; $13 = $_this$addr; $val = ((($13)) + 32|0); $14 = HEAP32[$val>>2]|0; $shl5 = $14 << 8; $15 = $sym; $neg = $15 ^ -1; $and = 255 & $neg; $add6 = (($shl5) + ($and))|0; $and7 = $add6 & 2147483647; $16 = $_this$addr; $val8 = ((($16)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$val8>>2] = $and7; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _ec_decode($_this,$_ft) { $_this = $_this|0; $_ft = $_ft|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_ft$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add2 = 0, $add3 = 0, $add5 = 0; var $and = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $div = 0, $ext = 0, $ext1 = 0, $rng = 0, $s = 0, $sub = 0, $sub4 = 0, $sub6 = 0, $val = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_ft$addr = $_ft; $0 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($0)) + 28|0); $1 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $2 = $_ft$addr; $call = (_celt_udiv($1,$2)|0); $3 = $_this$addr; $ext = ((($3)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$ext>>2] = $call; $4 = $_this$addr; $val = ((($4)) + 32|0); $5 = HEAP32[$val>>2]|0; $6 = $_this$addr; $ext1 = ((($6)) + 36|0); $7 = HEAP32[$ext1>>2]|0; $div = (($5>>>0) / ($7>>>0))&-1; $s = $div; $8 = $_ft$addr; $9 = $s; $add = (($9) + 1)|0; $10 = $_ft$addr; $11 = $s; $add2 = (($11) + 1)|0; $sub = (($10) - ($add2))|0; $12 = $_ft$addr; $13 = $s; $add3 = (($13) + 1)|0; $cmp = ($12>>>0)<($add3>>>0); $conv = $cmp&1; $sub4 = (0 - ($conv))|0; $and = $sub & $sub4; $add5 = (($add) + ($and))|0; $sub6 = (($8) - ($add5))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($sub6|0); } function _celt_udiv($n,$d) { $n = $n|0; $d = $d|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $d$addr = 0, $div = 0, $n$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $n$addr = $n; $d$addr = $d; $0 = $n$addr; $1 = $d$addr; $div = (($0>>>0) / ($1>>>0))&-1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($div|0); } function _ec_decode_bin($_this,$_bits) { $_this = $_this|0; $_bits = $_bits|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_bits$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add3 = 0, $add5 = 0, $add7 = 0; var $and = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $div = 0, $ext = 0, $ext1 = 0, $rng = 0, $s = 0, $shl = 0, $shl2 = 0, $shl4 = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub6 = 0, $sub8 = 0, $val = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_bits$addr = $_bits; $0 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($0)) + 28|0); $1 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $2 = $_bits$addr; $shr = $1 >>> $2; $3 = $_this$addr; $ext = ((($3)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$ext>>2] = $shr; $4 = $_this$addr; $val = ((($4)) + 32|0); $5 = HEAP32[$val>>2]|0; $6 = $_this$addr; $ext1 = ((($6)) + 36|0); $7 = HEAP32[$ext1>>2]|0; $div = (($5>>>0) / ($7>>>0))&-1; $s = $div; $8 = $_bits$addr; $shl = 1 << $8; $9 = $s; $add = (($9) + 1)|0; $10 = $_bits$addr; $shl2 = 1 << $10; $11 = $s; $add3 = (($11) + 1)|0; $sub = (($shl2) - ($add3))|0; $12 = $_bits$addr; $shl4 = 1 << $12; $13 = $s; $add5 = (($13) + 1)|0; $cmp = ($shl4>>>0)<($add5>>>0); $conv = $cmp&1; $sub6 = (0 - ($conv))|0; $and = $sub & $sub6; $add7 = (($add) + ($and))|0; $sub8 = (($shl) - ($add7))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($sub8|0); } function _ec_dec_update($_this,$_fl,$_fh,$_ft) { $_this = $_this|0; $_fl = $_fl|0; $_fh = $_fh|0; $_ft = $_ft|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_fh$addr = 0, $_fl$addr = 0, $_ft$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, $ext = 0, $ext2 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul4 = 0, $rng = 0, $rng6 = 0, $s = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $val = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_fl$addr = $_fl; $_fh$addr = $_fh; $_ft$addr = $_ft; $0 = $_this$addr; $ext = ((($0)) + 36|0); $1 = HEAP32[$ext>>2]|0; $2 = $_ft$addr; $3 = $_fh$addr; $sub = (($2) - ($3))|0; $mul = Math_imul($1, $sub)|0; $s = $mul; $4 = $s; $5 = $_this$addr; $val = ((($5)) + 32|0); $6 = HEAP32[$val>>2]|0; $sub1 = (($6) - ($4))|0; HEAP32[$val>>2] = $sub1; $7 = $_fl$addr; $cmp = ($7>>>0)>(0); $8 = $_this$addr; if ($cmp) { $ext2 = ((($8)) + 36|0); $9 = HEAP32[$ext2>>2]|0; $10 = $_fh$addr; $11 = $_fl$addr; $sub3 = (($10) - ($11))|0; $mul4 = Math_imul($9, $sub3)|0; $cond = $mul4; $14 = $_this$addr; $rng6 = ((($14)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$rng6>>2] = $cond; $15 = $_this$addr; _ec_dec_normalize($15); STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { $rng = ((($8)) + 28|0); $12 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $13 = $s; $sub5 = (($12) - ($13))|0; $cond = $sub5; $14 = $_this$addr; $rng6 = ((($14)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$rng6>>2] = $cond; $15 = $_this$addr; _ec_dec_normalize($15); STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _ec_dec_bit_logp($_this,$_logp) { $_this = $_this|0; $_logp = $_logp|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_logp$addr = 0; var $_this$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $d = 0, $r = 0, $ret = 0, $rng = 0, $rng4 = 0, $s = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub3 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool2 = 0, $val = 0, $val1 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_logp$addr = $_logp; $0 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($0)) + 28|0); $1 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $r = $1; $2 = $_this$addr; $val = ((($2)) + 32|0); $3 = HEAP32[$val>>2]|0; $d = $3; $4 = $r; $5 = $_logp$addr; $shr = $4 >>> $5; $s = $shr; $6 = $d; $7 = $s; $cmp = ($6>>>0)<($7>>>0); $conv = $cmp&1; $ret = $conv; $8 = $ret; $tobool = ($8|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $9 = $d; $10 = $s; $sub = (($9) - ($10))|0; $11 = $_this$addr; $val1 = ((($11)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$val1>>2] = $sub; } $12 = $ret; $tobool2 = ($12|0)!=(0); if ($tobool2) { $13 = $s; $cond = $13; } else { $14 = $r; $15 = $s; $sub3 = (($14) - ($15))|0; $cond = $sub3; } $16 = $_this$addr; $rng4 = ((($16)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$rng4>>2] = $cond; $17 = $_this$addr; _ec_dec_normalize($17); $18 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($18|0); } function _ec_dec_icdf($_this,$_icdf,$_ftb) { $_this = $_this|0; $_icdf = $_icdf|0; $_ftb = $_ftb|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; var $9 = 0, $_ftb$addr = 0, $_icdf$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $d = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0, $r = 0, $ret = 0, $rng = 0, $rng4 = 0, $s = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub3 = 0, $t = 0, $val = 0; var $val2 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_icdf$addr = $_icdf; $_ftb$addr = $_ftb; $0 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($0)) + 28|0); $1 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $s = $1; $2 = $_this$addr; $val = ((($2)) + 32|0); $3 = HEAP32[$val>>2]|0; $d = $3; $4 = $s; $5 = $_ftb$addr; $shr = $4 >>> $5; $r = $shr; $ret = -1; while(1) { $6 = $s; $t = $6; $7 = $r; $8 = $_icdf$addr; $9 = $ret; $inc = (($9) + 1)|0; $ret = $inc; $arrayidx = (($8) + ($inc)|0); $10 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $conv = $10&255; $mul = Math_imul($7, $conv)|0; $s = $mul; $11 = $d; $12 = $s; $cmp = ($11>>>0)<($12>>>0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } } $13 = $d; $14 = $s; $sub = (($13) - ($14))|0; $15 = $_this$addr; $val2 = ((($15)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$val2>>2] = $sub; $16 = $t; $17 = $s; $sub3 = (($16) - ($17))|0; $18 = $_this$addr; $rng4 = ((($18)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$rng4>>2] = $sub3; $19 = $_this$addr; _ec_dec_normalize($19); $20 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($20|0); } function _ec_dec_uint($_this,$_ft) { $_this = $_this|0; $_ft = $_ft|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_ft$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add2 = 0, $add7 = 0, $call = 0, $call3 = 0, $call6 = 0, $cmp = 0; var $cmp4 = 0, $dec = 0, $error = 0, $ft = 0, $ftb = 0, $inc = 0, $or = 0, $retval = 0, $s = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $t = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_ft$addr = $_ft; $0 = $_ft$addr; $dec = (($0) + -1)|0; $_ft$addr = $dec; $1 = $_ft$addr; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $ftb = $sub; $3 = $ftb; $cmp = ($3|0)>(8); if (!($cmp)) { $22 = $_ft$addr; $inc = (($22) + 1)|0; $_ft$addr = $inc; $23 = $_this$addr; $24 = $_ft$addr; $call6 = (_ec_decode($23,$24)|0); $s = $call6; $25 = $_this$addr; $26 = $s; $27 = $s; $add7 = (($27) + 1)|0; $28 = $_ft$addr; _ec_dec_update($25,$26,$add7,$28); $29 = $s; $retval = $29; $30 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($30|0); } $4 = $ftb; $sub1 = (($4) - 8)|0; $ftb = $sub1; $5 = $_ft$addr; $6 = $ftb; $shr = $5 >>> $6; $add = (($shr) + 1)|0; $ft = $add; $7 = $_this$addr; $8 = $ft; $call = (_ec_decode($7,$8)|0); $s = $call; $9 = $_this$addr; $10 = $s; $11 = $s; $add2 = (($11) + 1)|0; $12 = $ft; _ec_dec_update($9,$10,$add2,$12); $13 = $s; $14 = $ftb; $shl = $13 << $14; $15 = $_this$addr; $16 = $ftb; $call3 = (_ec_dec_bits($15,$16)|0); $or = $shl | $call3; $t = $or; $17 = $t; $18 = $_ft$addr; $cmp4 = ($17>>>0)<=($18>>>0); if ($cmp4) { $19 = $t; $retval = $19; $30 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($30|0); } else { $20 = $_this$addr; $error = ((($20)) + 44|0); HEAP32[$error>>2] = 1; $21 = $_ft$addr; $retval = $21; $30 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($30|0); } return (0)|0; } function _ec_dec_bits($_this,$_bits) { $_this = $_this|0; $_bits = $_bits|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0; var $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_bits$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add6 = 0, $and = 0, $available = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $end_window = 0, $end_window4 = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $nend_bits = 0, $nend_bits5 = 0, $or = 0; var $ret = 0, $shl = 0, $shl2 = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub3 = 0, $window = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_bits$addr = $_bits; $0 = $_this$addr; $end_window = ((($0)) + 12|0); $1 = HEAP32[$end_window>>2]|0; $window = $1; $2 = $_this$addr; $nend_bits = ((($2)) + 16|0); $3 = HEAP32[$nend_bits>>2]|0; $available = $3; $4 = $available; $5 = $_bits$addr; $cmp = ($4>>>0)<($5>>>0); if ($cmp) { while(1) { $6 = $_this$addr; $call = (_ec_read_byte_from_end($6)|0); $7 = $available; $shl = $call << $7; $8 = $window; $or = $8 | $shl; $window = $or; $9 = $available; $add = (($9) + 8)|0; $available = $add; $10 = $available; $cmp1 = ($10|0)<=(24); if (!($cmp1)) { break; } } } $11 = $window; $12 = $_bits$addr; $shl2 = 1 << $12; $sub = (($shl2) - 1)|0; $and = $11 & $sub; $ret = $and; $13 = $_bits$addr; $14 = $window; $shr = $14 >>> $13; $window = $shr; $15 = $_bits$addr; $16 = $available; $sub3 = (($16) - ($15))|0; $available = $sub3; $17 = $window; $18 = $_this$addr; $end_window4 = ((($18)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$end_window4>>2] = $17; $19 = $available; $20 = $_this$addr; $nend_bits5 = ((($20)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$nend_bits5>>2] = $19; $21 = $_bits$addr; $22 = $_this$addr; $nbits_total = ((($22)) + 20|0); $23 = HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2]|0; $add6 = (($23) + ($21))|0; HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2] = $add6; $24 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($24|0); } function _ec_read_byte_from_end($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $end_offs = 0, $end_offs2 = 0, $inc = 0, $storage = 0; var $storage1 = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $end_offs = ((($0)) + 8|0); $1 = HEAP32[$end_offs>>2]|0; $2 = $_this$addr; $storage = ((($2)) + 4|0); $3 = HEAP32[$storage>>2]|0; $cmp = ($1>>>0)<($3>>>0); if (!($cmp)) { $cond = 0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $4 = $_this$addr; $5 = HEAP32[$4>>2]|0; $6 = $_this$addr; $storage1 = ((($6)) + 4|0); $7 = HEAP32[$storage1>>2]|0; $8 = $_this$addr; $end_offs2 = ((($8)) + 8|0); $9 = HEAP32[$end_offs2>>2]|0; $inc = (($9) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$end_offs2>>2] = $inc; $sub = (($7) - ($inc))|0; $arrayidx = (($5) + ($sub)|0); $10 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $conv = $10&255; $cond = $conv; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _ec_enc_init($_this,$_buf,$_size) { $_this = $_this|0; $_buf = $_buf|0; $_size = $_size|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_buf$addr = 0, $_size$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $end_offs = 0, $end_window = 0, $error = 0; var $ext = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $nend_bits = 0, $offs = 0, $rem = 0, $rng = 0, $storage = 0, $val = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_buf$addr = $_buf; $_size$addr = $_size; $0 = $_buf$addr; $1 = $_this$addr; HEAP32[$1>>2] = $0; $2 = $_this$addr; $end_offs = ((($2)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$end_offs>>2] = 0; $3 = $_this$addr; $end_window = ((($3)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$end_window>>2] = 0; $4 = $_this$addr; $nend_bits = ((($4)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$nend_bits>>2] = 0; $5 = $_this$addr; $nbits_total = ((($5)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2] = 33; $6 = $_this$addr; $offs = ((($6)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$offs>>2] = 0; $7 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($7)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$rng>>2] = -2147483648; $8 = $_this$addr; $rem = ((($8)) + 40|0); HEAP32[$rem>>2] = -1; $9 = $_this$addr; $val = ((($9)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$val>>2] = 0; $10 = $_this$addr; $ext = ((($10)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$ext>>2] = 0; $11 = $_size$addr; $12 = $_this$addr; $storage = ((($12)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$storage>>2] = $11; $13 = $_this$addr; $error = ((($13)) + 44|0); HEAP32[$error>>2] = 0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _ec_encode($_this,$_fl,$_fh,$_ft) { $_this = $_this|0; $_fl = $_fl|0; $_fh = $_fh|0; $_ft = $_ft|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; var $9 = 0, $_fh$addr = 0, $_fl$addr = 0, $_ft$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $mul = 0, $mul4 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $r = 0, $rng = 0, $rng1 = 0, $rng5 = 0, $rng8 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub2 = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub6 = 0; var $sub9 = 0, $val = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_fl$addr = $_fl; $_fh$addr = $_fh; $_ft$addr = $_ft; $0 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($0)) + 28|0); $1 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $2 = $_ft$addr; $call = (_celt_udiv_80($1,$2)|0); $r = $call; $3 = $_fl$addr; $cmp = ($3>>>0)>(0); if ($cmp) { $4 = $_this$addr; $rng1 = ((($4)) + 28|0); $5 = HEAP32[$rng1>>2]|0; $6 = $r; $7 = $_ft$addr; $8 = $_fl$addr; $sub = (($7) - ($8))|0; $mul = Math_imul($6, $sub)|0; $sub2 = (($5) - ($mul))|0; $9 = $_this$addr; $val = ((($9)) + 32|0); $10 = HEAP32[$val>>2]|0; $add = (($10) + ($sub2))|0; HEAP32[$val>>2] = $add; $11 = $r; $12 = $_fh$addr; $13 = $_fl$addr; $sub3 = (($12) - ($13))|0; $mul4 = Math_imul($11, $sub3)|0; $14 = $_this$addr; $rng5 = ((($14)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$rng5>>2] = $mul4; $20 = $_this$addr; _ec_enc_normalize($20); STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { $15 = $r; $16 = $_ft$addr; $17 = $_fh$addr; $sub6 = (($16) - ($17))|0; $mul7 = Math_imul($15, $sub6)|0; $18 = $_this$addr; $rng8 = ((($18)) + 28|0); $19 = HEAP32[$rng8>>2]|0; $sub9 = (($19) - ($mul7))|0; HEAP32[$rng8>>2] = $sub9; $20 = $_this$addr; _ec_enc_normalize($20); STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _celt_udiv_80($n,$d) { $n = $n|0; $d = $d|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $d$addr = 0, $div = 0, $n$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $n$addr = $n; $d$addr = $d; $0 = $n$addr; $1 = $d$addr; $div = (($0>>>0) / ($1>>>0))&-1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($div|0); } function _ec_enc_normalize($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $and = 0, $cmp = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $rng = 0, $rng3 = 0, $shl = 0; var $shl4 = 0, $shr = 0, $val = 0, $val1 = 0, $val2 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; while(1) { $0 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($0)) + 28|0); $1 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $cmp = ($1>>>0)<=(8388608); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $_this$addr; $3 = $_this$addr; $val = ((($3)) + 32|0); $4 = HEAP32[$val>>2]|0; $shr = $4 >>> 23; _ec_enc_carry_out($2,$shr); $5 = $_this$addr; $val1 = ((($5)) + 32|0); $6 = HEAP32[$val1>>2]|0; $shl = $6 << 8; $and = $shl & 2147483647; $7 = $_this$addr; $val2 = ((($7)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$val2>>2] = $and; $8 = $_this$addr; $rng3 = ((($8)) + 28|0); $9 = HEAP32[$rng3>>2]|0; $shl4 = $9 << 8; HEAP32[$rng3>>2] = $shl4; $10 = $_this$addr; $nbits_total = ((($10)) + 20|0); $11 = HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2]|0; $add = (($11) + 8)|0; HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2] = $add; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _ec_enc_carry_out($_this,$_c) { $_this = $_this|0; $_c = $_c|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0; var $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_c$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add6 = 0, $and = 0, $and13 = 0, $call = 0, $call7 = 0, $carry = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $dec = 0, $error = 0, $error8 = 0, $ext = 0; var $ext10 = 0, $ext15 = 0, $inc = 0, $or = 0, $or9 = 0, $rem = 0, $rem14 = 0, $rem3 = 0, $shr = 0, $sym = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_c$addr = $_c; $0 = $_c$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)!=(255); if (!($cmp)) { $21 = $_this$addr; $ext15 = ((($21)) + 36|0); $22 = HEAP32[$ext15>>2]|0; $inc = (($22) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$ext15>>2] = $inc; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $1 = $_c$addr; $shr = $1 >> 8; $carry = $shr; $2 = $_this$addr; $rem = ((($2)) + 40|0); $3 = HEAP32[$rem>>2]|0; $cmp1 = ($3|0)>=(0); if ($cmp1) { $4 = $_this$addr; $5 = $_this$addr; $rem3 = ((($5)) + 40|0); $6 = HEAP32[$rem3>>2]|0; $7 = $carry; $add = (($6) + ($7))|0; $call = (_ec_write_byte($4,$add)|0); $8 = $_this$addr; $error = ((($8)) + 44|0); $9 = HEAP32[$error>>2]|0; $or = $9 | $call; HEAP32[$error>>2] = $or; } $10 = $_this$addr; $ext = ((($10)) + 36|0); $11 = HEAP32[$ext>>2]|0; $cmp4 = ($11>>>0)>(0); if ($cmp4) { $12 = $carry; $add6 = (255 + ($12))|0; $and = $add6 & 255; $sym = $and; while(1) { $13 = $_this$addr; $14 = $sym; $call7 = (_ec_write_byte($13,$14)|0); $15 = $_this$addr; $error8 = ((($15)) + 44|0); $16 = HEAP32[$error8>>2]|0; $or9 = $16 | $call7; HEAP32[$error8>>2] = $or9; $17 = $_this$addr; $ext10 = ((($17)) + 36|0); $18 = HEAP32[$ext10>>2]|0; $dec = (($18) + -1)|0; HEAP32[$ext10>>2] = $dec; $cmp11 = ($dec>>>0)>(0); if (!($cmp11)) { break; } } } $19 = $_c$addr; $and13 = $19 & 255; $20 = $_this$addr; $rem14 = ((($20)) + 40|0); HEAP32[$rem14>>2] = $and13; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _ec_write_byte($_this,$_value) { $_this = $_this|0; $_value = $_value|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $_value$addr = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $end_offs = 0, $inc = 0; var $offs = 0, $offs1 = 0, $retval = 0, $storage = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_value$addr = $_value; $0 = $_this$addr; $offs = ((($0)) + 24|0); $1 = HEAP32[$offs>>2]|0; $2 = $_this$addr; $end_offs = ((($2)) + 8|0); $3 = HEAP32[$end_offs>>2]|0; $add = (($1) + ($3))|0; $4 = $_this$addr; $storage = ((($4)) + 4|0); $5 = HEAP32[$storage>>2]|0; $cmp = ($add>>>0)>=($5>>>0); if ($cmp) { $retval = -1; $11 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($11|0); } else { $6 = $_value$addr; $conv = $6&255; $7 = $_this$addr; $8 = HEAP32[$7>>2]|0; $9 = $_this$addr; $offs1 = ((($9)) + 24|0); $10 = HEAP32[$offs1>>2]|0; $inc = (($10) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$offs1>>2] = $inc; $arrayidx = (($8) + ($10)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0] = $conv; $retval = 0; $11 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($11|0); } return (0)|0; } function _ec_encode_bin($_this,$_fl,$_fh,$_bits) { $_this = $_this|0; $_fl = $_fl|0; $_fh = $_fh|0; $_bits = $_bits|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; var $9 = 0, $_bits$addr = 0, $_fh$addr = 0, $_fl$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $cmp = 0, $mul = 0, $mul4 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $r = 0, $rng = 0, $rng1 = 0, $rng5 = 0, $rng9 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl6 = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub10 = 0; var $sub2 = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub7 = 0, $val = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_fl$addr = $_fl; $_fh$addr = $_fh; $_bits$addr = $_bits; $0 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($0)) + 28|0); $1 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $2 = $_bits$addr; $shr = $1 >>> $2; $r = $shr; $3 = $_fl$addr; $cmp = ($3>>>0)>(0); if ($cmp) { $4 = $_this$addr; $rng1 = ((($4)) + 28|0); $5 = HEAP32[$rng1>>2]|0; $6 = $r; $7 = $_bits$addr; $shl = 1 << $7; $8 = $_fl$addr; $sub = (($shl) - ($8))|0; $mul = Math_imul($6, $sub)|0; $sub2 = (($5) - ($mul))|0; $9 = $_this$addr; $val = ((($9)) + 32|0); $10 = HEAP32[$val>>2]|0; $add = (($10) + ($sub2))|0; HEAP32[$val>>2] = $add; $11 = $r; $12 = $_fh$addr; $13 = $_fl$addr; $sub3 = (($12) - ($13))|0; $mul4 = Math_imul($11, $sub3)|0; $14 = $_this$addr; $rng5 = ((($14)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$rng5>>2] = $mul4; $20 = $_this$addr; _ec_enc_normalize($20); STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { $15 = $r; $16 = $_bits$addr; $shl6 = 1 << $16; $17 = $_fh$addr; $sub7 = (($shl6) - ($17))|0; $mul8 = Math_imul($15, $sub7)|0; $18 = $_this$addr; $rng9 = ((($18)) + 28|0); $19 = HEAP32[$rng9>>2]|0; $sub10 = (($19) - ($mul8))|0; HEAP32[$rng9>>2] = $sub10; $20 = $_this$addr; _ec_enc_normalize($20); STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _ec_enc_bit_logp($_this,$_val,$_logp) { $_this = $_this|0; $_val = $_val|0; $_logp = $_logp|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_logp$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $_val$addr = 0; var $add = 0, $cond = 0, $l = 0, $r = 0, $rng = 0, $rng3 = 0, $s = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool2 = 0, $val = 0, $val1 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_val$addr = $_val; $_logp$addr = $_logp; $0 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($0)) + 28|0); $1 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $r = $1; $2 = $_this$addr; $val = ((($2)) + 32|0); $3 = HEAP32[$val>>2]|0; $l = $3; $4 = $r; $5 = $_logp$addr; $shr = $4 >>> $5; $s = $shr; $6 = $s; $7 = $r; $sub = (($7) - ($6))|0; $r = $sub; $8 = $_val$addr; $tobool = ($8|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $9 = $l; $10 = $r; $add = (($9) + ($10))|0; $11 = $_this$addr; $val1 = ((($11)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$val1>>2] = $add; } $12 = $_val$addr; $tobool2 = ($12|0)!=(0); $13 = $s; $14 = $r; $cond = $tobool2 ? $13 : $14; $15 = $_this$addr; $rng3 = ((($15)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$rng3>>2] = $cond; $16 = $_this$addr; _ec_enc_normalize($16); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _ec_enc_icdf($_this,$_s,$_icdf,$_ftb) { $_this = $_this|0; $_s = $_s|0; $_icdf = $_icdf|0; $_ftb = $_ftb|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_ftb$addr = 0, $_icdf$addr = 0, $_s$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv5 = 0; var $conv7 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul13 = 0, $mul9 = 0, $r = 0, $rng = 0, $rng1 = 0, $rng10 = 0, $rng14 = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub15 = 0, $sub2 = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub8 = 0, $val = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_s$addr = $_s; $_icdf$addr = $_icdf; $_ftb$addr = $_ftb; $0 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($0)) + 28|0); $1 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $2 = $_ftb$addr; $shr = $1 >>> $2; $r = $shr; $3 = $_s$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)>(0); if ($cmp) { $4 = $_this$addr; $rng1 = ((($4)) + 28|0); $5 = HEAP32[$rng1>>2]|0; $6 = $r; $7 = $_icdf$addr; $8 = $_s$addr; $sub = (($8) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($7) + ($sub)|0); $9 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $conv = $9&255; $mul = Math_imul($6, $conv)|0; $sub2 = (($5) - ($mul))|0; $10 = $_this$addr; $val = ((($10)) + 32|0); $11 = HEAP32[$val>>2]|0; $add = (($11) + ($sub2))|0; HEAP32[$val>>2] = $add; $12 = $r; $13 = $_icdf$addr; $14 = $_s$addr; $sub3 = (($14) - 1)|0; $arrayidx4 = (($13) + ($sub3)|0); $15 = HEAP8[$arrayidx4>>0]|0; $conv5 = $15&255; $16 = $_icdf$addr; $17 = $_s$addr; $arrayidx6 = (($16) + ($17)|0); $18 = HEAP8[$arrayidx6>>0]|0; $conv7 = $18&255; $sub8 = (($conv5) - ($conv7))|0; $mul9 = Math_imul($12, $sub8)|0; $19 = $_this$addr; $rng10 = ((($19)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$rng10>>2] = $mul9; $26 = $_this$addr; _ec_enc_normalize($26); STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { $20 = $r; $21 = $_icdf$addr; $22 = $_s$addr; $arrayidx11 = (($21) + ($22)|0); $23 = HEAP8[$arrayidx11>>0]|0; $conv12 = $23&255; $mul13 = Math_imul($20, $conv12)|0; $24 = $_this$addr; $rng14 = ((($24)) + 28|0); $25 = HEAP32[$rng14>>2]|0; $sub15 = (($25) - ($mul13))|0; HEAP32[$rng14>>2] = $sub15; $26 = $_this$addr; _ec_enc_normalize($26); STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _ec_enc_uint($_this,$_fl,$_ft) { $_this = $_this|0; $_fl = $_fl|0; $_ft = $_ft|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; var $9 = 0, $_fl$addr = 0, $_ft$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add3 = 0, $add5 = 0, $add6 = 0, $and = 0, $cmp = 0, $dec = 0, $fl = 0, $ft = 0, $ftb = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr2 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub4 = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_fl$addr = $_fl; $_ft$addr = $_ft; $0 = $_ft$addr; $dec = (($0) + -1)|0; $_ft$addr = $dec; $1 = $_ft$addr; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $ftb = $sub; $3 = $ftb; $cmp = ($3|0)>(8); if ($cmp) { $4 = $ftb; $sub1 = (($4) - 8)|0; $ftb = $sub1; $5 = $_ft$addr; $6 = $ftb; $shr = $5 >>> $6; $add = (($shr) + 1)|0; $ft = $add; $7 = $_fl$addr; $8 = $ftb; $shr2 = $7 >>> $8; $fl = $shr2; $9 = $_this$addr; $10 = $fl; $11 = $fl; $add3 = (($11) + 1)|0; $12 = $ft; _ec_encode($9,$10,$add3,$12); $13 = $_this$addr; $14 = $_fl$addr; $15 = $ftb; $shl = 1 << $15; $sub4 = (($shl) - 1)|0; $and = $14 & $sub4; $16 = $ftb; _ec_enc_bits($13,$and,$16); STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { $17 = $_this$addr; $18 = $_fl$addr; $19 = $_fl$addr; $add5 = (($19) + 1)|0; $20 = $_ft$addr; $add6 = (($20) + 1)|0; _ec_encode($17,$18,$add5,$add6); STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _ec_enc_bits($_this,$_fl,$_bits) { $_this = $_this|0; $_fl = $_fl|0; $_bits = $_bits|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0; var $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_bits$addr = 0, $_fl$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add3 = 0, $add6 = 0, $and = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $end_window = 0, $end_window4 = 0, $error = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $nend_bits = 0; var $nend_bits5 = 0, $or = 0, $or2 = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $used = 0, $window = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_fl$addr = $_fl; $_bits$addr = $_bits; $0 = $_this$addr; $end_window = ((($0)) + 12|0); $1 = HEAP32[$end_window>>2]|0; $window = $1; $2 = $_this$addr; $nend_bits = ((($2)) + 16|0); $3 = HEAP32[$nend_bits>>2]|0; $used = $3; $4 = $used; $5 = $_bits$addr; $add = (($4) + ($5))|0; $cmp = ($add>>>0)>(32); if ($cmp) { while(1) { $6 = $_this$addr; $7 = $window; $and = $7 & 255; $call = (_ec_write_byte_at_end($6,$and)|0); $8 = $_this$addr; $error = ((($8)) + 44|0); $9 = HEAP32[$error>>2]|0; $or = $9 | $call; HEAP32[$error>>2] = $or; $10 = $window; $shr = $10 >>> 8; $window = $shr; $11 = $used; $sub = (($11) - 8)|0; $used = $sub; $12 = $used; $cmp1 = ($12|0)>=(8); if (!($cmp1)) { break; } } } $13 = $_fl$addr; $14 = $used; $shl = $13 << $14; $15 = $window; $or2 = $15 | $shl; $window = $or2; $16 = $_bits$addr; $17 = $used; $add3 = (($17) + ($16))|0; $used = $add3; $18 = $window; $19 = $_this$addr; $end_window4 = ((($19)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$end_window4>>2] = $18; $20 = $used; $21 = $_this$addr; $nend_bits5 = ((($21)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$nend_bits5>>2] = $20; $22 = $_bits$addr; $23 = $_this$addr; $nbits_total = ((($23)) + 20|0); $24 = HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2]|0; $add6 = (($24) + ($22))|0; HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2] = $add6; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _ec_write_byte_at_end($_this,$_value) { $_this = $_this|0; $_value = $_value|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $_value$addr = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0; var $end_offs = 0, $end_offs2 = 0, $inc = 0, $offs = 0, $retval = 0, $storage = 0, $storage1 = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_value$addr = $_value; $0 = $_this$addr; $offs = ((($0)) + 24|0); $1 = HEAP32[$offs>>2]|0; $2 = $_this$addr; $end_offs = ((($2)) + 8|0); $3 = HEAP32[$end_offs>>2]|0; $add = (($1) + ($3))|0; $4 = $_this$addr; $storage = ((($4)) + 4|0); $5 = HEAP32[$storage>>2]|0; $cmp = ($add>>>0)>=($5>>>0); if ($cmp) { $retval = -1; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } else { $6 = $_value$addr; $conv = $6&255; $7 = $_this$addr; $8 = HEAP32[$7>>2]|0; $9 = $_this$addr; $storage1 = ((($9)) + 4|0); $10 = HEAP32[$storage1>>2]|0; $11 = $_this$addr; $end_offs2 = ((($11)) + 8|0); $12 = HEAP32[$end_offs2>>2]|0; $inc = (($12) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$end_offs2>>2] = $inc; $sub = (($10) - ($inc))|0; $arrayidx = (($8) + ($sub)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0] = $conv; $retval = 0; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } return (0)|0; } function _ec_enc_patch_initial_bits($_this,$_val,$_nbits) { $_this = $_this|0; $_val = $_val|0; $_nbits = $_nbits|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_nbits$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $_val$addr = 0, $add = 0, $and = 0, $and12 = 0, $and22 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv4 = 0; var $error = 0, $mask = 0, $neg = 0, $neg11 = 0, $neg21 = 0, $offs = 0, $or = 0, $or14 = 0, $or24 = 0, $rem = 0, $rem10 = 0, $rem15 = 0, $rng = 0, $shift = 0, $shl = 0, $shl13 = 0, $shl2 = 0, $shl20 = 0, $shl23 = 0, $shl3 = 0; var $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $val = 0, $val25 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_val$addr = $_val; $_nbits$addr = $_nbits; $0 = $_nbits$addr; $sub = (8 - ($0))|0; $shift = $sub; $1 = $_nbits$addr; $shl = 1 << $1; $sub1 = (($shl) - 1)|0; $2 = $shift; $shl2 = $sub1 << $2; $mask = $shl2; $3 = $_this$addr; $offs = ((($3)) + 24|0); $4 = HEAP32[$offs>>2]|0; $cmp = ($4>>>0)>(0); $5 = $_this$addr; if ($cmp) { $6 = HEAP32[$5>>2]|0; $7 = HEAP8[$6>>0]|0; $conv = $7&255; $8 = $mask; $neg = $8 ^ -1; $and = $conv & $neg; $9 = $_val$addr; $10 = $shift; $shl3 = $9 << $10; $or = $and | $shl3; $conv4 = $or&255; $11 = $_this$addr; $12 = HEAP32[$11>>2]|0; HEAP8[$12>>0] = $conv4; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $rem = ((($5)) + 40|0); $13 = HEAP32[$rem>>2]|0; $cmp7 = ($13|0)>=(0); $14 = $_this$addr; if ($cmp7) { $rem10 = ((($14)) + 40|0); $15 = HEAP32[$rem10>>2]|0; $16 = $mask; $neg11 = $16 ^ -1; $and12 = $15 & $neg11; $17 = $_val$addr; $18 = $shift; $shl13 = $17 << $18; $or14 = $and12 | $shl13; $19 = $_this$addr; $rem15 = ((($19)) + 40|0); HEAP32[$rem15>>2] = $or14; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $rng = ((($14)) + 28|0); $20 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $21 = $_nbits$addr; $shr = -2147483648 >>> $21; $cmp17 = ($20>>>0)<=($shr>>>0); $22 = $_this$addr; if ($cmp17) { $val = ((($22)) + 32|0); $23 = HEAP32[$val>>2]|0; $24 = $mask; $shl20 = $24 << 23; $neg21 = $shl20 ^ -1; $and22 = $23 & $neg21; $25 = $_val$addr; $26 = $shift; $add = (23 + ($26))|0; $shl23 = $25 << $add; $or24 = $and22 | $shl23; $27 = $_this$addr; $val25 = ((($27)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$val25>>2] = $or24; STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { $error = ((($22)) + 44|0); HEAP32[$error>>2] = -1; STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _ec_enc_shrink($_this,$_size) { $_this = $_this|0; $_size = $_size|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $3 = 0; var $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_size$addr = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr1 = 0, $add$ptr12 = 0, $add$ptr15 = 0, $add$ptr18 = 0, $add$ptr3 = 0, $add$ptr6 = 0, $add$ptr9 = 0, $end_offs = 0, $end_offs10 = 0, $end_offs16 = 0; var $end_offs4 = 0, $end_offs7 = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $idx$neg11 = 0, $idx$neg17 = 0, $idx$neg5 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul19 = 0, $storage = 0, $storage14 = 0, $storage20 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $_size$addr = $_size; $0 = $_this$addr; $1 = HEAP32[$0>>2]|0; $2 = $_size$addr; $add$ptr = (($1) + ($2)|0); $3 = $_this$addr; $end_offs = ((($3)) + 8|0); $4 = HEAP32[$end_offs>>2]|0; $idx$neg = (0 - ($4))|0; $add$ptr1 = (($add$ptr) + ($idx$neg)|0); $5 = $_this$addr; $6 = HEAP32[$5>>2]|0; $7 = $_this$addr; $storage = ((($7)) + 4|0); $8 = HEAP32[$storage>>2]|0; $add$ptr3 = (($6) + ($8)|0); $9 = $_this$addr; $end_offs4 = ((($9)) + 8|0); $10 = HEAP32[$end_offs4>>2]|0; $idx$neg5 = (0 - ($10))|0; $add$ptr6 = (($add$ptr3) + ($idx$neg5)|0); $11 = $_this$addr; $end_offs7 = ((($11)) + 8|0); $12 = HEAP32[$end_offs7>>2]|0; $mul = $12; $13 = $_this$addr; $14 = HEAP32[$13>>2]|0; $15 = $_size$addr; $add$ptr9 = (($14) + ($15)|0); $16 = $_this$addr; $end_offs10 = ((($16)) + 8|0); $17 = HEAP32[$end_offs10>>2]|0; $idx$neg11 = (0 - ($17))|0; $add$ptr12 = (($add$ptr9) + ($idx$neg11)|0); $18 = $_this$addr; $19 = HEAP32[$18>>2]|0; $20 = $_this$addr; $storage14 = ((($20)) + 4|0); $21 = HEAP32[$storage14>>2]|0; $add$ptr15 = (($19) + ($21)|0); $22 = $_this$addr; $end_offs16 = ((($22)) + 8|0); $23 = HEAP32[$end_offs16>>2]|0; $idx$neg17 = (0 - ($23))|0; $add$ptr18 = (($add$ptr15) + ($idx$neg17)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $add$ptr12; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $add$ptr18; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $mul19 = 0; $add = (($mul) + ($mul19))|0; _memmove(($add$ptr1|0),($add$ptr6|0),($add|0))|0; $24 = $_size$addr; $25 = $_this$addr; $storage20 = ((($25)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$storage20>>2] = $24; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _ec_enc_done($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0; var $add4 = 0, $add41 = 0, $add7 = 0, $and = 0, $and12 = 0, $and21 = 0, $and48 = 0, $and9 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp31 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp43 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $conv = 0; var $conv51 = 0, $conv57 = 0, $conv59 = 0, $end = 0, $end_offs = 0, $end_offs33 = 0, $end_offs40 = 0, $end_offs54 = 0, $end_window = 0, $error = 0, $error26 = 0, $error37 = 0, $error49 = 0, $ext = 0, $inc = 0, $l = 0, $msk = 0, $mul = 0, $neg = 0, $neg8 = 0; var $nend_bits = 0, $offs = 0, $offs28 = 0, $offs39 = 0, $or = 0, $or22 = 0, $or58 = 0, $rem = 0, $rng = 0, $rng3 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl46 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr11 = 0, $shr23 = 0, $shr5 = 0, $storage = 0, $storage34 = 0, $storage42 = 0, $storage53 = 0; var $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub13 = 0, $sub24 = 0, $sub29 = 0, $sub30 = 0, $sub38 = 0, $sub47 = 0, $sub55 = 0, $sub56 = 0, $tobool = 0, $used = 0, $val = 0, $val2 = 0, $val6 = 0, $window = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($0)) + 28|0); $1 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $sub1 = (32 - ($sub))|0; $l = $sub1; $3 = $l; $shr = 2147483647 >>> $3; $msk = $shr; $4 = $_this$addr; $val = ((($4)) + 32|0); $5 = HEAP32[$val>>2]|0; $6 = $msk; $add = (($5) + ($6))|0; $7 = $msk; $neg = $7 ^ -1; $and = $add & $neg; $end = $and; $8 = $end; $9 = $msk; $or = $8 | $9; $10 = $_this$addr; $val2 = ((($10)) + 32|0); $11 = HEAP32[$val2>>2]|0; $12 = $_this$addr; $rng3 = ((($12)) + 28|0); $13 = HEAP32[$rng3>>2]|0; $add4 = (($11) + ($13))|0; $cmp = ($or>>>0)>=($add4>>>0); if ($cmp) { $14 = $l; $inc = (($14) + 1)|0; $l = $inc; $15 = $msk; $shr5 = $15 >>> 1; $msk = $shr5; $16 = $_this$addr; $val6 = ((($16)) + 32|0); $17 = HEAP32[$val6>>2]|0; $18 = $msk; $add7 = (($17) + ($18))|0; $19 = $msk; $neg8 = $19 ^ -1; $and9 = $add7 & $neg8; $end = $and9; } while(1) { $20 = $l; $cmp10 = ($20|0)>(0); $21 = $_this$addr; if (!($cmp10)) { break; } $22 = $end; $shr11 = $22 >>> 23; _ec_enc_carry_out($21,$shr11); $23 = $end; $shl = $23 << 8; $and12 = $shl & 2147483647; $end = $and12; $24 = $l; $sub13 = (($24) - 8)|0; $l = $sub13; } $rem = ((($21)) + 40|0); $25 = HEAP32[$rem>>2]|0; $cmp14 = ($25|0)>=(0); if ($cmp14) { label = 7; } else { $26 = $_this$addr; $ext = ((($26)) + 36|0); $27 = HEAP32[$ext>>2]|0; $cmp15 = ($27>>>0)>(0); if ($cmp15) { label = 7; } } if ((label|0) == 7) { $28 = $_this$addr; _ec_enc_carry_out($28,0); } $29 = $_this$addr; $end_window = ((($29)) + 12|0); $30 = HEAP32[$end_window>>2]|0; $window = $30; $31 = $_this$addr; $nend_bits = ((($31)) + 16|0); $32 = HEAP32[$nend_bits>>2]|0; $used = $32; while(1) { $33 = $used; $cmp19 = ($33|0)>=(8); $34 = $_this$addr; if (!($cmp19)) { break; } $35 = $window; $and21 = $35 & 255; $call = (_ec_write_byte_at_end($34,$and21)|0); $36 = $_this$addr; $error = ((($36)) + 44|0); $37 = HEAP32[$error>>2]|0; $or22 = $37 | $call; HEAP32[$error>>2] = $or22; $38 = $window; $shr23 = $38 >>> 8; $window = $shr23; $39 = $used; $sub24 = (($39) - 8)|0; $used = $sub24; } $error26 = ((($34)) + 44|0); $40 = HEAP32[$error26>>2]|0; $tobool = ($40|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $41 = $_this$addr; $42 = HEAP32[$41>>2]|0; $43 = $_this$addr; $offs = ((($43)) + 24|0); $44 = HEAP32[$offs>>2]|0; $add$ptr = (($42) + ($44)|0); $45 = $_this$addr; $storage = ((($45)) + 4|0); $46 = HEAP32[$storage>>2]|0; $47 = $_this$addr; $offs28 = ((($47)) + 24|0); $48 = HEAP32[$offs28>>2]|0; $sub29 = (($46) - ($48))|0; $49 = $_this$addr; $end_offs = ((($49)) + 8|0); $50 = HEAP32[$end_offs>>2]|0; $sub30 = (($sub29) - ($50))|0; $mul = $sub30; _memset(($add$ptr|0),0,($mul|0))|0; $51 = $used; $cmp31 = ($51|0)>(0); if (!($cmp31)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $52 = $_this$addr; $end_offs33 = ((($52)) + 8|0); $53 = HEAP32[$end_offs33>>2]|0; $54 = $_this$addr; $storage34 = ((($54)) + 4|0); $55 = HEAP32[$storage34>>2]|0; $cmp35 = ($53>>>0)>=($55>>>0); if ($cmp35) { $56 = $_this$addr; $error37 = ((($56)) + 44|0); HEAP32[$error37>>2] = -1; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $57 = $l; $sub38 = (0 - ($57))|0; $l = $sub38; $58 = $_this$addr; $offs39 = ((($58)) + 24|0); $59 = HEAP32[$offs39>>2]|0; $60 = $_this$addr; $end_offs40 = ((($60)) + 8|0); $61 = HEAP32[$end_offs40>>2]|0; $add41 = (($59) + ($61))|0; $62 = $_this$addr; $storage42 = ((($62)) + 4|0); $63 = HEAP32[$storage42>>2]|0; $cmp43 = ($add41>>>0)>=($63>>>0); if ($cmp43) { $64 = $l; $65 = $used; $cmp44 = ($64|0)<($65|0); if ($cmp44) { $66 = $l; $shl46 = 1 << $66; $sub47 = (($shl46) - 1)|0; $67 = $window; $and48 = $67 & $sub47; $window = $and48; $68 = $_this$addr; $error49 = ((($68)) + 44|0); HEAP32[$error49>>2] = -1; } } $69 = $window; $conv = $69&255; $conv51 = $conv&255; $70 = $_this$addr; $71 = HEAP32[$70>>2]|0; $72 = $_this$addr; $storage53 = ((($72)) + 4|0); $73 = HEAP32[$storage53>>2]|0; $74 = $_this$addr; $end_offs54 = ((($74)) + 8|0); $75 = HEAP32[$end_offs54>>2]|0; $sub55 = (($73) - ($75))|0; $sub56 = (($sub55) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($71) + ($sub56)|0); $76 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $conv57 = $76&255; $or58 = $conv57 | $conv51; $conv59 = $or58&255; HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0] = $conv59; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _opus_fft_impl($st,$fout) { $st = $st|0; $fout = $fout|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; var $9 = 0, $L = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp12 = 0; var $cmp19 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv27 = 0, $conv31 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $dec = 0, $factors = 0, $factors14 = 0, $factors23 = 0, $factors28 = 0, $factors4 = 0, $fout$addr = 0, $fstride = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $m = 0, $m2 = 0; var $mul = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul24 = 0, $mul29 = 0, $mul5 = 0, $mul9 = 0, $p = 0, $shift = 0, $shift1 = 0, $shift2 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl38 = 0, $shl42 = 0, $st$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub18 = 0, $sub25 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $fstride = sp + 8|0; $st$addr = $st; $fout$addr = $fout; $0 = $st$addr; $shift1 = ((($0)) + 8|0); $1 = HEAP32[$shift1>>2]|0; $cmp = ($1|0)>(0); if ($cmp) { $2 = $st$addr; $shift2 = ((($2)) + 8|0); $3 = HEAP32[$shift2>>2]|0; $cond = $3; } else { $cond = 0; } $shift = $cond; HEAP32[$fstride>>2] = 1; $L = 0; while(1) { $4 = $st$addr; $factors = ((($4)) + 12|0); $5 = $L; $mul = $5<<1; $arrayidx3 = (($factors) + ($mul<<1)|0); $6 = HEAP16[$arrayidx3>>1]|0; $conv = $6 << 16 >> 16; $p = $conv; $7 = $st$addr; $factors4 = ((($7)) + 12|0); $8 = $L; $mul5 = $8<<1; $add = (($mul5) + 1)|0; $arrayidx6 = (($factors4) + ($add<<1)|0); $9 = HEAP16[$arrayidx6>>1]|0; $conv7 = $9 << 16 >> 16; $m = $conv7; $10 = $L; $arrayidx8 = (($fstride) + ($10<<2)|0); $11 = HEAP32[$arrayidx8>>2]|0; $12 = $p; $mul9 = Math_imul($11, $12)|0; $13 = $L; $add10 = (($13) + 1)|0; $arrayidx11 = (($fstride) + ($add10<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx11>>2] = $mul9; $14 = $L; $inc = (($14) + 1)|0; $L = $inc; $15 = $m; $cmp12 = ($15|0)!=(1); if (!($cmp12)) { break; } } $16 = $st$addr; $factors14 = ((($16)) + 12|0); $17 = $L; $mul15 = $17<<1; $sub = (($mul15) - 1)|0; $arrayidx16 = (($factors14) + ($sub<<1)|0); $18 = HEAP16[$arrayidx16>>1]|0; $conv17 = $18 << 16 >> 16; $m = $conv17; $19 = $L; $sub18 = (($19) - 1)|0; $i = $sub18; while(1) { $20 = $i; $cmp19 = ($20|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp19)) { break; } $21 = $i; $cmp21 = ($21|0)!=(0); if ($cmp21) { $22 = $st$addr; $factors23 = ((($22)) + 12|0); $23 = $i; $mul24 = $23<<1; $sub25 = (($mul24) - 1)|0; $arrayidx26 = (($factors23) + ($sub25<<1)|0); $24 = HEAP16[$arrayidx26>>1]|0; $conv27 = $24 << 16 >> 16; $m2 = $conv27; } else { $m2 = 1; } $25 = $st$addr; $factors28 = ((($25)) + 12|0); $26 = $i; $mul29 = $26<<1; $arrayidx30 = (($factors28) + ($mul29<<1)|0); $27 = HEAP16[$arrayidx30>>1]|0; $conv31 = $27 << 16 >> 16; switch ($conv31|0) { case 2: { $28 = $fout$addr; $29 = $m; $30 = $i; $arrayidx32 = (($fstride) + ($30<<2)|0); $31 = HEAP32[$arrayidx32>>2]|0; _kf_bfly2($28,$29,$31); break; } case 4: { $32 = $fout$addr; $33 = $i; $arrayidx34 = (($fstride) + ($33<<2)|0); $34 = HEAP32[$arrayidx34>>2]|0; $35 = $shift; $shl = $34 << $35; $36 = $st$addr; $37 = $m; $38 = $i; $arrayidx35 = (($fstride) + ($38<<2)|0); $39 = HEAP32[$arrayidx35>>2]|0; $40 = $m2; _kf_bfly4($32,$shl,$36,$37,$39,$40); break; } case 3: { $41 = $fout$addr; $42 = $i; $arrayidx37 = (($fstride) + ($42<<2)|0); $43 = HEAP32[$arrayidx37>>2]|0; $44 = $shift; $shl38 = $43 << $44; $45 = $st$addr; $46 = $m; $47 = $i; $arrayidx39 = (($fstride) + ($47<<2)|0); $48 = HEAP32[$arrayidx39>>2]|0; $49 = $m2; _kf_bfly3($41,$shl38,$45,$46,$48,$49); break; } case 5: { $50 = $fout$addr; $51 = $i; $arrayidx41 = (($fstride) + ($51<<2)|0); $52 = HEAP32[$arrayidx41>>2]|0; $53 = $shift; $shl42 = $52 << $53; $54 = $st$addr; $55 = $m; $56 = $i; $arrayidx43 = (($fstride) + ($56<<2)|0); $57 = HEAP32[$arrayidx43>>2]|0; $58 = $m2; _kf_bfly5($50,$shl42,$54,$55,$57,$58); break; } default: { } } $59 = $m2; $m = $59; $60 = $i; $dec = (($60) + -1)|0; $i = $dec; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _kf_bfly2($Fout,$m,$N) { $Fout = $Fout|0; $m = $m|0; $N = $N|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0.0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0.0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0.0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0.0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0.0; var $81 = 0.0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $Fout$addr = 0, $Fout2 = 0, $N$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr127 = 0, $add121 = 0.0, $add125 = 0.0, $add18 = 0.0, $add24 = 0.0, $add51 = 0.0, $add55 = 0.0, $add82 = 0.0, $add86 = 0.0; var $arrayidx104 = 0, $arrayidx108 = 0, $arrayidx110 = 0, $arrayidx114 = 0, $arrayidx119 = 0, $arrayidx123 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $arrayidx57 = 0, $arrayidx60 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0; var $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx75 = 0, $arrayidx80 = 0, $arrayidx84 = 0, $arrayidx88 = 0, $arrayidx90 = 0, $arrayidx95 = 0, $arrayidx98 = 0, $cmp = 0, $i = 0, $i10 = 0, $i102 = 0, $i111 = 0, $i112 = 0, $i115 = 0, $i122 = 0, $i124 = 0, $i15 = 0, $i17 = 0, $i23 = 0; var $i27 = 0, $i32 = 0, $i41 = 0, $i42 = 0, $i45 = 0, $i52 = 0, $i54 = 0, $i58 = 0, $i6 = 0, $i63 = 0, $i7 = 0, $i72 = 0, $i73 = 0, $i76 = 0, $i83 = 0, $i85 = 0, $i89 = 0, $i96 = 0, $inc = 0, $m$addr = 0; var $mul = 0.0, $mul101 = 0.0, $mul31 = 0.0, $mul93 = 0.0, $sub = 0.0, $sub100 = 0.0, $sub107 = 0.0, $sub113 = 0.0, $sub30 = 0.0, $sub37 = 0.0, $sub43 = 0.0, $sub62 = 0.0, $sub68 = 0.0, $sub74 = 0.0, $sub8 = 0.0, $sub92 = 0.0, $sub97 = 0.0, $t = 0, $tw = 0.0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $t = sp; $Fout$addr = $Fout; $m$addr = $m; $N$addr = $N; $tw = 0.70710676908493042; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $Fout$addr; $add$ptr = ((($2)) + 32|0); $Fout2 = $add$ptr; $3 = $Fout2; ;HEAP32[$t>>2]=HEAP32[$3>>2]|0;HEAP32[$t+4>>2]=HEAP32[$3+4>>2]|0; $4 = $Fout$addr; $5 = +HEAPF32[$4>>2]; $6 = +HEAPF32[$t>>2]; $sub = $5 - $6; $7 = $Fout2; HEAPF32[$7>>2] = $sub; $8 = $Fout$addr; $i6 = ((($8)) + 4|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$i6>>2]; $i7 = ((($t)) + 4|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$i7>>2]; $sub8 = $9 - $10; $11 = $Fout2; $i10 = ((($11)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i10>>2] = $sub8; $12 = +HEAPF32[$t>>2]; $13 = $Fout$addr; $14 = +HEAPF32[$13>>2]; $add = $14 + $12; HEAPF32[$13>>2] = $add; $i15 = ((($t)) + 4|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$i15>>2]; $16 = $Fout$addr; $i17 = ((($16)) + 4|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$i17>>2]; $add18 = $17 + $15; HEAPF32[$i17>>2] = $add18; $18 = $Fout2; $arrayidx20 = ((($18)) + 8|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2]; $20 = $Fout2; $arrayidx22 = ((($20)) + 8|0); $i23 = ((($arrayidx22)) + 4|0); $21 = +HEAPF32[$i23>>2]; $add24 = $19 + $21; $22 = $tw; $mul = $add24 * $22; HEAPF32[$t>>2] = $mul; $23 = $Fout2; $arrayidx26 = ((($23)) + 8|0); $i27 = ((($arrayidx26)) + 4|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$i27>>2]; $25 = $Fout2; $arrayidx28 = ((($25)) + 8|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx28>>2]; $sub30 = $24 - $26; $27 = $tw; $mul31 = $sub30 * $27; $i32 = ((($t)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i32>>2] = $mul31; $28 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx34 = ((($28)) + 8|0); $29 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2]; $30 = +HEAPF32[$t>>2]; $sub37 = $29 - $30; $31 = $Fout2; $arrayidx38 = ((($31)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2] = $sub37; $32 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx40 = ((($32)) + 8|0); $i41 = ((($arrayidx40)) + 4|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$i41>>2]; $i42 = ((($t)) + 4|0); $34 = +HEAPF32[$i42>>2]; $sub43 = $33 - $34; $35 = $Fout2; $arrayidx44 = ((($35)) + 8|0); $i45 = ((($arrayidx44)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i45>>2] = $sub43; $36 = +HEAPF32[$t>>2]; $37 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx49 = ((($37)) + 8|0); $38 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2]; $add51 = $38 + $36; HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2] = $add51; $i52 = ((($t)) + 4|0); $39 = +HEAPF32[$i52>>2]; $40 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx53 = ((($40)) + 8|0); $i54 = ((($arrayidx53)) + 4|0); $41 = +HEAPF32[$i54>>2]; $add55 = $41 + $39; HEAPF32[$i54>>2] = $add55; $42 = $Fout2; $arrayidx57 = ((($42)) + 16|0); $i58 = ((($arrayidx57)) + 4|0); $43 = +HEAPF32[$i58>>2]; HEAPF32[$t>>2] = $43; $44 = $Fout2; $arrayidx60 = ((($44)) + 16|0); $45 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx60>>2]; $sub62 = - $45; $i63 = ((($t)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i63>>2] = $sub62; $46 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx65 = ((($46)) + 16|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx65>>2]; $48 = +HEAPF32[$t>>2]; $sub68 = $47 - $48; $49 = $Fout2; $arrayidx69 = ((($49)) + 16|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx69>>2] = $sub68; $50 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx71 = ((($50)) + 16|0); $i72 = ((($arrayidx71)) + 4|0); $51 = +HEAPF32[$i72>>2]; $i73 = ((($t)) + 4|0); $52 = +HEAPF32[$i73>>2]; $sub74 = $51 - $52; $53 = $Fout2; $arrayidx75 = ((($53)) + 16|0); $i76 = ((($arrayidx75)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i76>>2] = $sub74; $54 = +HEAPF32[$t>>2]; $55 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx80 = ((($55)) + 16|0); $56 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx80>>2]; $add82 = $56 + $54; HEAPF32[$arrayidx80>>2] = $add82; $i83 = ((($t)) + 4|0); $57 = +HEAPF32[$i83>>2]; $58 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx84 = ((($58)) + 16|0); $i85 = ((($arrayidx84)) + 4|0); $59 = +HEAPF32[$i85>>2]; $add86 = $59 + $57; HEAPF32[$i85>>2] = $add86; $60 = $Fout2; $arrayidx88 = ((($60)) + 24|0); $i89 = ((($arrayidx88)) + 4|0); $61 = +HEAPF32[$i89>>2]; $62 = $Fout2; $arrayidx90 = ((($62)) + 24|0); $63 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx90>>2]; $sub92 = $61 - $63; $64 = $tw; $mul93 = $sub92 * $64; HEAPF32[$t>>2] = $mul93; $65 = $Fout2; $arrayidx95 = ((($65)) + 24|0); $i96 = ((($arrayidx95)) + 4|0); $66 = +HEAPF32[$i96>>2]; $sub97 = - $66; $67 = $Fout2; $arrayidx98 = ((($67)) + 24|0); $68 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx98>>2]; $sub100 = $sub97 - $68; $69 = $tw; $mul101 = $sub100 * $69; $i102 = ((($t)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i102>>2] = $mul101; $70 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx104 = ((($70)) + 24|0); $71 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx104>>2]; $72 = +HEAPF32[$t>>2]; $sub107 = $71 - $72; $73 = $Fout2; $arrayidx108 = ((($73)) + 24|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx108>>2] = $sub107; $74 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx110 = ((($74)) + 24|0); $i111 = ((($arrayidx110)) + 4|0); $75 = +HEAPF32[$i111>>2]; $i112 = ((($t)) + 4|0); $76 = +HEAPF32[$i112>>2]; $sub113 = $75 - $76; $77 = $Fout2; $arrayidx114 = ((($77)) + 24|0); $i115 = ((($arrayidx114)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i115>>2] = $sub113; $78 = +HEAPF32[$t>>2]; $79 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx119 = ((($79)) + 24|0); $80 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx119>>2]; $add121 = $80 + $78; HEAPF32[$arrayidx119>>2] = $add121; $i122 = ((($t)) + 4|0); $81 = +HEAPF32[$i122>>2]; $82 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx123 = ((($82)) + 24|0); $i124 = ((($arrayidx123)) + 4|0); $83 = +HEAPF32[$i124>>2]; $add125 = $83 + $81; HEAPF32[$i124>>2] = $add125; $84 = $Fout$addr; $add$ptr127 = ((($84)) + 64|0); $Fout$addr = $add$ptr127; $85 = $i; $inc = (($85) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _kf_bfly4($Fout,$fstride,$st,$m,$N,$mm) { $Fout = $Fout|0; $fstride = $fstride|0; $st = $st|0; $m = $m|0; $N = $N|0; $mm = $mm|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0.0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0.0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0.0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0.0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0.0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0.0, $12 = 0.0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0.0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0.0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0.0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0.0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0.0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0.0, $137 = 0.0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $140 = 0.0, $141 = 0.0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0.0, $144 = 0.0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0.0, $147 = 0.0, $148 = 0.0, $149 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0.0, $151 = 0.0; var $152 = 0.0, $153 = 0.0, $154 = 0.0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0.0, $157 = 0.0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0.0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0.0, $162 = 0.0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0.0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0.0, $174 = 0.0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0.0, $177 = 0.0, $178 = 0.0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0.0, $182 = 0.0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0.0, $186 = 0.0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0.0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0; var $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0.0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0.0; var $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0.0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0.0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0; var $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0.0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0.0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0.0; var $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0.0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0.0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0.0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0.0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0.0, $Fout$addr = 0, $Fout_beg = 0, $N$addr = 0, $add = 0.0; var $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr237 = 0, $add$ptr239 = 0, $add$ptr241 = 0, $add$ptr91 = 0, $add115 = 0.0, $add139 = 0.0, $add16 = 0.0, $add163 = 0.0, $add185 = 0.0, $add189 = 0.0, $add196 = 0.0, $add203 = 0.0, $add23 = 0.0, $add246 = 0.0, $add250 = 0.0, $add256 = 0.0, $add277 = 0.0, $add29 = 0.0, $add47 = 0.0; var $add50 = 0.0, $add68 = 0.0, $add83 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx100 = 0, $arrayidx107 = 0, $arrayidx111 = 0, $arrayidx120 = 0, $arrayidx124 = 0, $arrayidx129 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx131 = 0, $arrayidx135 = 0, $arrayidx140 = 0, $arrayidx144 = 0, $arrayidx148 = 0, $arrayidx153 = 0, $arrayidx155 = 0, $arrayidx159 = 0; var $arrayidx164 = 0, $arrayidx169 = 0, $arrayidx172 = 0, $arrayidx175 = 0, $arrayidx178 = 0, $arrayidx182 = 0, $arrayidx186 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx194 = 0, $arrayidx197 = 0, $arrayidx201 = 0, $arrayidx204 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx210 = 0, $arrayidx213 = 0, $arrayidx217 = 0, $arrayidx220 = 0, $arrayidx225 = 0, $arrayidx228 = 0, $arrayidx231 = 0; var $arrayidx234 = 0, $arrayidx243 = 0, $arrayidx247 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx252 = 0, $arrayidx254 = 0, $arrayidx257 = 0, $arrayidx259 = 0, $arrayidx261 = 0, $arrayidx264 = 0, $arrayidx266 = 0, $arrayidx268 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx271 = 0, $arrayidx273 = 0, $arrayidx275 = 0, $arrayidx278 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0; var $arrayidx53 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx59 = 0, $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx79 = 0, $arrayidx84 = 0, $arrayidx96 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp88 = 0, $cmp93 = 0, $fstride$addr = 0, $i = 0, $i101 = 0, $i102 = 0, $i109 = 0, $i112 = 0, $i117 = 0; var $i125 = 0, $i126 = 0, $i133 = 0, $i136 = 0, $i14 = 0, $i141 = 0, $i149 = 0, $i15 = 0, $i150 = 0, $i157 = 0, $i160 = 0, $i165 = 0, $i174 = 0, $i176 = 0, $i179 = 0, $i187 = 0, $i188 = 0, $i200 = 0, $i202 = 0, $i205 = 0; var $i216 = 0, $i218 = 0, $i221 = 0, $i230 = 0, $i232 = 0, $i235 = 0, $i248 = 0, $i249 = 0, $i255 = 0, $i26 = 0, $i260 = 0, $i265 = 0, $i269 = 0, $i274 = 0, $i279 = 0, $i28 = 0, $i30 = 0, $i38 = 0, $i39 = 0, $i4 = 0; var $i42 = 0, $i48 = 0, $i49 = 0, $i6 = 0, $i60 = 0, $i62 = 0, $i64 = 0, $i67 = 0, $i71 = 0, $i75 = 0, $i77 = 0, $i8 = 0, $i81 = 0, $i85 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc281 = 0, $inc284 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $j = 0, $m$addr = 0; var $m2 = 0, $m3 = 0, $mm$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul103 = 0.0, $mul110 = 0.0, $mul114 = 0.0, $mul123 = 0.0, $mul127 = 0.0, $mul134 = 0.0, $mul138 = 0.0, $mul147 = 0.0, $mul151 = 0.0, $mul158 = 0.0, $mul162 = 0.0, $mul238 = 0, $mul240 = 0, $mul86 = 0, $mul90 = 0, $mul99 = 0.0; var $scratch = 0, $scratch0 = 0, $scratch1 = 0, $st$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub104 = 0.0, $sub128 = 0.0, $sub152 = 0.0, $sub171 = 0.0, $sub177 = 0.0, $sub212 = 0.0, $sub219 = 0.0, $sub227 = 0.0, $sub233 = 0.0, $sub263 = 0.0, $sub270 = 0.0, $sub35 = 0.0, $sub40 = 0.0, $sub57 = 0.0, $sub63 = 0.0; var $sub7 = 0.0, $sub73 = 0.0, $sub78 = 0.0, $tw1 = 0, $tw2 = 0, $tw3 = 0, $twiddles = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 128|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(128|0); $scratch0 = sp + 88|0; $scratch1 = sp + 80|0; $scratch = sp + 24|0; $Fout$addr = $Fout; $fstride$addr = $fstride; $st$addr = $st; $m$addr = $m; $N$addr = $N; $mm$addr = $mm; $0 = $m$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)==(1); if ($cmp) { $i = 0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $N$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp1)) { break; } $3 = $Fout$addr; $4 = +HEAPF32[$3>>2]; $5 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx = ((($5)) + 16|0); $6 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $sub = $4 - $6; HEAPF32[$scratch0>>2] = $sub; $7 = $Fout$addr; $i4 = ((($7)) + 4|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$i4>>2]; $9 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx5 = ((($9)) + 16|0); $i6 = ((($arrayidx5)) + 4|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$i6>>2]; $sub7 = $8 - $10; $i8 = ((($scratch0)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i8>>2] = $sub7; $11 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx10 = ((($11)) + 16|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $13 = $Fout$addr; $14 = +HEAPF32[$13>>2]; $add = $14 + $12; HEAPF32[$13>>2] = $add; $15 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx13 = ((($15)) + 16|0); $i14 = ((($arrayidx13)) + 4|0); $16 = +HEAPF32[$i14>>2]; $17 = $Fout$addr; $i15 = ((($17)) + 4|0); $18 = +HEAPF32[$i15>>2]; $add16 = $18 + $16; HEAPF32[$i15>>2] = $add16; $19 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx19 = ((($19)) + 8|0); $20 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2]; $21 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx21 = ((($21)) + 24|0); $22 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2]; $add23 = $20 + $22; HEAPF32[$scratch1>>2] = $add23; $23 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx25 = ((($23)) + 8|0); $i26 = ((($arrayidx25)) + 4|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$i26>>2]; $25 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx27 = ((($25)) + 24|0); $i28 = ((($arrayidx27)) + 4|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$i28>>2]; $add29 = $24 + $26; $i30 = ((($scratch1)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i30>>2] = $add29; $27 = $Fout$addr; $28 = +HEAPF32[$27>>2]; $29 = +HEAPF32[$scratch1>>2]; $sub35 = $28 - $29; $30 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx36 = ((($30)) + 16|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx36>>2] = $sub35; $31 = $Fout$addr; $i38 = ((($31)) + 4|0); $32 = +HEAPF32[$i38>>2]; $i39 = ((($scratch1)) + 4|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$i39>>2]; $sub40 = $32 - $33; $34 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx41 = ((($34)) + 16|0); $i42 = ((($arrayidx41)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i42>>2] = $sub40; $35 = +HEAPF32[$scratch1>>2]; $36 = $Fout$addr; $37 = +HEAPF32[$36>>2]; $add47 = $37 + $35; HEAPF32[$36>>2] = $add47; $i48 = ((($scratch1)) + 4|0); $38 = +HEAPF32[$i48>>2]; $39 = $Fout$addr; $i49 = ((($39)) + 4|0); $40 = +HEAPF32[$i49>>2]; $add50 = $40 + $38; HEAPF32[$i49>>2] = $add50; $41 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx53 = ((($41)) + 8|0); $42 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx53>>2]; $43 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx55 = ((($43)) + 24|0); $44 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx55>>2]; $sub57 = $42 - $44; HEAPF32[$scratch1>>2] = $sub57; $45 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx59 = ((($45)) + 8|0); $i60 = ((($arrayidx59)) + 4|0); $46 = +HEAPF32[$i60>>2]; $47 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx61 = ((($47)) + 24|0); $i62 = ((($arrayidx61)) + 4|0); $48 = +HEAPF32[$i62>>2]; $sub63 = $46 - $48; $i64 = ((($scratch1)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i64>>2] = $sub63; $49 = +HEAPF32[$scratch0>>2]; $i67 = ((($scratch1)) + 4|0); $50 = +HEAPF32[$i67>>2]; $add68 = $49 + $50; $51 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx69 = ((($51)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx69>>2] = $add68; $i71 = ((($scratch0)) + 4|0); $52 = +HEAPF32[$i71>>2]; $53 = +HEAPF32[$scratch1>>2]; $sub73 = $52 - $53; $54 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx74 = ((($54)) + 8|0); $i75 = ((($arrayidx74)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i75>>2] = $sub73; $55 = +HEAPF32[$scratch0>>2]; $i77 = ((($scratch1)) + 4|0); $56 = +HEAPF32[$i77>>2]; $sub78 = $55 - $56; $57 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx79 = ((($57)) + 24|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx79>>2] = $sub78; $i81 = ((($scratch0)) + 4|0); $58 = +HEAPF32[$i81>>2]; $59 = +HEAPF32[$scratch1>>2]; $add83 = $58 + $59; $60 = $Fout$addr; $arrayidx84 = ((($60)) + 24|0); $i85 = ((($arrayidx84)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i85>>2] = $add83; $61 = $Fout$addr; $add$ptr = ((($61)) + 32|0); $Fout$addr = $add$ptr; $62 = $i; $inc = (($62) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } $63 = $m$addr; $mul = $63<<1; $m2 = $mul; $64 = $m$addr; $mul86 = ($64*3)|0; $m3 = $mul86; $65 = $Fout$addr; $Fout_beg = $65; $i = 0; while(1) { $66 = $i; $67 = $N$addr; $cmp88 = ($66|0)<($67|0); if (!($cmp88)) { break; } $68 = $Fout_beg; $69 = $i; $70 = $mm$addr; $mul90 = Math_imul($69, $70)|0; $add$ptr91 = (($68) + ($mul90<<3)|0); $Fout$addr = $add$ptr91; $71 = $st$addr; $twiddles = ((($71)) + 48|0); $72 = HEAP32[$twiddles>>2]|0; $tw1 = $72; $tw2 = $72; $tw3 = $72; $j = 0; while(1) { $73 = $j; $74 = $m$addr; $cmp93 = ($73|0)<($74|0); if (!($cmp93)) { break; } $75 = $Fout$addr; $76 = $m$addr; $arrayidx96 = (($75) + ($76<<3)|0); $77 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx96>>2]; $78 = $tw1; $79 = +HEAPF32[$78>>2]; $mul99 = $77 * $79; $80 = $Fout$addr; $81 = $m$addr; $arrayidx100 = (($80) + ($81<<3)|0); $i101 = ((($arrayidx100)) + 4|0); $82 = +HEAPF32[$i101>>2]; $83 = $tw1; $i102 = ((($83)) + 4|0); $84 = +HEAPF32[$i102>>2]; $mul103 = $82 * $84; $sub104 = $mul99 - $mul103; HEAPF32[$scratch>>2] = $sub104; $85 = $Fout$addr; $86 = $m$addr; $arrayidx107 = (($85) + ($86<<3)|0); $87 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx107>>2]; $88 = $tw1; $i109 = ((($88)) + 4|0); $89 = +HEAPF32[$i109>>2]; $mul110 = $87 * $89; $90 = $Fout$addr; $91 = $m$addr; $arrayidx111 = (($90) + ($91<<3)|0); $i112 = ((($arrayidx111)) + 4|0); $92 = +HEAPF32[$i112>>2]; $93 = $tw1; $94 = +HEAPF32[$93>>2]; $mul114 = $92 * $94; $add115 = $mul110 + $mul114; $i117 = ((($scratch)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i117>>2] = $add115; $95 = $Fout$addr; $96 = $m2; $arrayidx120 = (($95) + ($96<<3)|0); $97 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx120>>2]; $98 = $tw2; $99 = +HEAPF32[$98>>2]; $mul123 = $97 * $99; $100 = $Fout$addr; $101 = $m2; $arrayidx124 = (($100) + ($101<<3)|0); $i125 = ((($arrayidx124)) + 4|0); $102 = +HEAPF32[$i125>>2]; $103 = $tw2; $i126 = ((($103)) + 4|0); $104 = +HEAPF32[$i126>>2]; $mul127 = $102 * $104; $sub128 = $mul123 - $mul127; $arrayidx129 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx129>>2] = $sub128; $105 = $Fout$addr; $106 = $m2; $arrayidx131 = (($105) + ($106<<3)|0); $107 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx131>>2]; $108 = $tw2; $i133 = ((($108)) + 4|0); $109 = +HEAPF32[$i133>>2]; $mul134 = $107 * $109; $110 = $Fout$addr; $111 = $m2; $arrayidx135 = (($110) + ($111<<3)|0); $i136 = ((($arrayidx135)) + 4|0); $112 = +HEAPF32[$i136>>2]; $113 = $tw2; $114 = +HEAPF32[$113>>2]; $mul138 = $112 * $114; $add139 = $mul134 + $mul138; $arrayidx140 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $i141 = ((($arrayidx140)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i141>>2] = $add139; $115 = $Fout$addr; $116 = $m3; $arrayidx144 = (($115) + ($116<<3)|0); $117 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx144>>2]; $118 = $tw3; $119 = +HEAPF32[$118>>2]; $mul147 = $117 * $119; $120 = $Fout$addr; $121 = $m3; $arrayidx148 = (($120) + ($121<<3)|0); $i149 = ((($arrayidx148)) + 4|0); $122 = +HEAPF32[$i149>>2]; $123 = $tw3; $i150 = ((($123)) + 4|0); $124 = +HEAPF32[$i150>>2]; $mul151 = $122 * $124; $sub152 = $mul147 - $mul151; $arrayidx153 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx153>>2] = $sub152; $125 = $Fout$addr; $126 = $m3; $arrayidx155 = (($125) + ($126<<3)|0); $127 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx155>>2]; $128 = $tw3; $i157 = ((($128)) + 4|0); $129 = +HEAPF32[$i157>>2]; $mul158 = $127 * $129; $130 = $Fout$addr; $131 = $m3; $arrayidx159 = (($130) + ($131<<3)|0); $i160 = ((($arrayidx159)) + 4|0); $132 = +HEAPF32[$i160>>2]; $133 = $tw3; $134 = +HEAPF32[$133>>2]; $mul162 = $132 * $134; $add163 = $mul158 + $mul162; $arrayidx164 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $i165 = ((($arrayidx164)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i165>>2] = $add163; $135 = $Fout$addr; $136 = +HEAPF32[$135>>2]; $arrayidx169 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $137 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx169>>2]; $sub171 = $136 - $137; $arrayidx172 = ((($scratch)) + 40|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx172>>2] = $sub171; $138 = $Fout$addr; $i174 = ((($138)) + 4|0); $139 = +HEAPF32[$i174>>2]; $arrayidx175 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $i176 = ((($arrayidx175)) + 4|0); $140 = +HEAPF32[$i176>>2]; $sub177 = $139 - $140; $arrayidx178 = ((($scratch)) + 40|0); $i179 = ((($arrayidx178)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i179>>2] = $sub177; $arrayidx182 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $141 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx182>>2]; $142 = $Fout$addr; $143 = +HEAPF32[$142>>2]; $add185 = $143 + $141; HEAPF32[$142>>2] = $add185; $arrayidx186 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $i187 = ((($arrayidx186)) + 4|0); $144 = +HEAPF32[$i187>>2]; $145 = $Fout$addr; $i188 = ((($145)) + 4|0); $146 = +HEAPF32[$i188>>2]; $add189 = $146 + $144; HEAPF32[$i188>>2] = $add189; $147 = +HEAPF32[$scratch>>2]; $arrayidx194 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $148 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx194>>2]; $add196 = $147 + $148; $arrayidx197 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx197>>2] = $add196; $i200 = ((($scratch)) + 4|0); $149 = +HEAPF32[$i200>>2]; $arrayidx201 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $i202 = ((($arrayidx201)) + 4|0); $150 = +HEAPF32[$i202>>2]; $add203 = $149 + $150; $arrayidx204 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $i205 = ((($arrayidx204)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i205>>2] = $add203; $151 = +HEAPF32[$scratch>>2]; $arrayidx210 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $152 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx210>>2]; $sub212 = $151 - $152; $arrayidx213 = ((($scratch)) + 32|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx213>>2] = $sub212; $i216 = ((($scratch)) + 4|0); $153 = +HEAPF32[$i216>>2]; $arrayidx217 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $i218 = ((($arrayidx217)) + 4|0); $154 = +HEAPF32[$i218>>2]; $sub219 = $153 - $154; $arrayidx220 = ((($scratch)) + 32|0); $i221 = ((($arrayidx220)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i221>>2] = $sub219; $155 = $Fout$addr; $156 = +HEAPF32[$155>>2]; $arrayidx225 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $157 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx225>>2]; $sub227 = $156 - $157; $158 = $Fout$addr; $159 = $m2; $arrayidx228 = (($158) + ($159<<3)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx228>>2] = $sub227; $160 = $Fout$addr; $i230 = ((($160)) + 4|0); $161 = +HEAPF32[$i230>>2]; $arrayidx231 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $i232 = ((($arrayidx231)) + 4|0); $162 = +HEAPF32[$i232>>2]; $sub233 = $161 - $162; $163 = $Fout$addr; $164 = $m2; $arrayidx234 = (($163) + ($164<<3)|0); $i235 = ((($arrayidx234)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i235>>2] = $sub233; $165 = $fstride$addr; $166 = $tw1; $add$ptr237 = (($166) + ($165<<3)|0); $tw1 = $add$ptr237; $167 = $fstride$addr; $mul238 = $167<<1; $168 = $tw2; $add$ptr239 = (($168) + ($mul238<<3)|0); $tw2 = $add$ptr239; $169 = $fstride$addr; $mul240 = ($169*3)|0; $170 = $tw3; $add$ptr241 = (($170) + ($mul240<<3)|0); $tw3 = $add$ptr241; $arrayidx243 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $171 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx243>>2]; $172 = $Fout$addr; $173 = +HEAPF32[$172>>2]; $add246 = $173 + $171; HEAPF32[$172>>2] = $add246; $arrayidx247 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $i248 = ((($arrayidx247)) + 4|0); $174 = +HEAPF32[$i248>>2]; $175 = $Fout$addr; $i249 = ((($175)) + 4|0); $176 = +HEAPF32[$i249>>2]; $add250 = $176 + $174; HEAPF32[$i249>>2] = $add250; $arrayidx252 = ((($scratch)) + 40|0); $177 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx252>>2]; $arrayidx254 = ((($scratch)) + 32|0); $i255 = ((($arrayidx254)) + 4|0); $178 = +HEAPF32[$i255>>2]; $add256 = $177 + $178; $179 = $Fout$addr; $180 = $m$addr; $arrayidx257 = (($179) + ($180<<3)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx257>>2] = $add256; $arrayidx259 = ((($scratch)) + 40|0); $i260 = ((($arrayidx259)) + 4|0); $181 = +HEAPF32[$i260>>2]; $arrayidx261 = ((($scratch)) + 32|0); $182 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx261>>2]; $sub263 = $181 - $182; $183 = $Fout$addr; $184 = $m$addr; $arrayidx264 = (($183) + ($184<<3)|0); $i265 = ((($arrayidx264)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i265>>2] = $sub263; $arrayidx266 = ((($scratch)) + 40|0); $185 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx266>>2]; $arrayidx268 = ((($scratch)) + 32|0); $i269 = ((($arrayidx268)) + 4|0); $186 = +HEAPF32[$i269>>2]; $sub270 = $185 - $186; $187 = $Fout$addr; $188 = $m3; $arrayidx271 = (($187) + ($188<<3)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx271>>2] = $sub270; $arrayidx273 = ((($scratch)) + 40|0); $i274 = ((($arrayidx273)) + 4|0); $189 = +HEAPF32[$i274>>2]; $arrayidx275 = ((($scratch)) + 32|0); $190 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx275>>2]; $add277 = $189 + $190; $191 = $Fout$addr; $192 = $m3; $arrayidx278 = (($191) + ($192<<3)|0); $i279 = ((($arrayidx278)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i279>>2] = $add277; $193 = $Fout$addr; $incdec$ptr = ((($193)) + 8|0); $Fout$addr = $incdec$ptr; $194 = $j; $inc281 = (($194) + 1)|0; $j = $inc281; } $195 = $i; $inc284 = (($195) + 1)|0; $i = $inc284; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _kf_bfly3($Fout,$fstride,$st,$m,$N,$mm) { $Fout = $Fout|0; $fstride = $fstride|0; $st = $st|0; $m = $m|0; $N = $N|0; $mm = $mm|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0.0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0.0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0; var $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0; var $37 = 0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0.0; var $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0.0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0.0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0.0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0.0; var $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0.0, $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0.0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0.0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0.0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0.0, $89 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0; var $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0.0, $95 = 0.0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0.0, $99 = 0, $Fout$addr = 0, $Fout_beg = 0, $N$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr80 = 0, $add$ptr82 = 0, $add111 = 0.0, $add115 = 0.0, $add121 = 0.0, $add140 = 0.0; var $add44 = 0.0, $add53 = 0.0, $add60 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx108 = 0, $arrayidx112 = 0, $arrayidx117 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx122 = 0, $arrayidx124 = 0, $arrayidx129 = 0, $arrayidx133 = 0, $arrayidx138 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0; var $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx51 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx56 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0, $arrayidx67 = 0, $arrayidx72 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx84 = 0, $arrayidx88 = 0, $arrayidx91 = 0, $arrayidx95 = 0, $cmp = 0, $dec = 0; var $epi3 = 0, $fstride$addr = 0, $i = 0, $i10 = 0, $i102 = 0, $i104 = 0, $i113 = 0, $i114 = 0, $i120 = 0, $i125 = 0, $i130 = 0, $i132 = 0, $i139 = 0, $i16 = 0, $i19 = 0, $i23 = 0, $i30 = 0, $i31 = 0, $i38 = 0, $i41 = 0; var $i46 = 0, $i57 = 0, $i59 = 0, $i62 = 0, $i73 = 0, $i75 = 0, $i78 = 0, $i9 = 0, $i90 = 0, $i92 = 0, $i96 = 0, $i98 = 0, $inc = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $k = 0, $m$addr = 0, $m2 = 0, $mm$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul1 = 0; var $mul101 = 0.0, $mul105 = 0.0, $mul11 = 0.0, $mul17 = 0.0, $mul2 = 0, $mul21 = 0.0, $mul28 = 0.0, $mul32 = 0.0, $mul39 = 0.0, $mul43 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0.0, $mul81 = 0, $mul86 = 0.0, $mul93 = 0.0, $scratch = 0, $st$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub128 = 0.0, $sub135 = 0.0, $sub33 = 0.0; var $sub69 = 0.0, $sub76 = 0.0, $sub87 = 0.0, $sub94 = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $tw1 = 0, $tw2 = 0, $twiddles = 0, $twiddles3 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 112|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(112|0); $scratch = sp + 16|0; $epi3 = sp + 8|0; $Fout$addr = $Fout; $fstride$addr = $fstride; $st$addr = $st; $m$addr = $m; $N$addr = $N; $mm$addr = $mm; $0 = $m$addr; $mul = $0<<1; $m2 = $mul; $1 = $Fout$addr; $Fout_beg = $1; $2 = $st$addr; $twiddles = ((($2)) + 48|0); $3 = HEAP32[$twiddles>>2]|0; $4 = $fstride$addr; $5 = $m$addr; $mul1 = Math_imul($4, $5)|0; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($mul1<<3)|0); ;HEAP32[$epi3>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0;HEAP32[$epi3+4>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx+4>>2]|0; $i = 0; while(1) { $6 = $i; $7 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($6|0)<($7|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $8 = $Fout_beg; $9 = $i; $10 = $mm$addr; $mul2 = Math_imul($9, $10)|0; $add$ptr = (($8) + ($mul2<<3)|0); $Fout$addr = $add$ptr; $11 = $st$addr; $twiddles3 = ((($11)) + 48|0); $12 = HEAP32[$twiddles3>>2]|0; $tw2 = $12; $tw1 = $12; $13 = $m$addr; $k = $13; while(1) { $14 = $Fout$addr; $15 = $m$addr; $arrayidx5 = (($14) + ($15<<3)|0); $16 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $17 = $tw1; $18 = +HEAPF32[$17>>2]; $mul7 = $16 * $18; $19 = $Fout$addr; $20 = $m$addr; $arrayidx8 = (($19) + ($20<<3)|0); $i9 = ((($arrayidx8)) + 4|0); $21 = +HEAPF32[$i9>>2]; $22 = $tw1; $i10 = ((($22)) + 4|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$i10>>2]; $mul11 = $21 * $23; $sub = $mul7 - $mul11; $arrayidx12 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2] = $sub; $24 = $Fout$addr; $25 = $m$addr; $arrayidx14 = (($24) + ($25<<3)|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $27 = $tw1; $i16 = ((($27)) + 4|0); $28 = +HEAPF32[$i16>>2]; $mul17 = $26 * $28; $29 = $Fout$addr; $30 = $m$addr; $arrayidx18 = (($29) + ($30<<3)|0); $i19 = ((($arrayidx18)) + 4|0); $31 = +HEAPF32[$i19>>2]; $32 = $tw1; $33 = +HEAPF32[$32>>2]; $mul21 = $31 * $33; $add = $mul17 + $mul21; $arrayidx22 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $i23 = ((($arrayidx22)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i23>>2] = $add; $34 = $Fout$addr; $35 = $m2; $arrayidx25 = (($34) + ($35<<3)|0); $36 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx25>>2]; $37 = $tw2; $38 = +HEAPF32[$37>>2]; $mul28 = $36 * $38; $39 = $Fout$addr; $40 = $m2; $arrayidx29 = (($39) + ($40<<3)|0); $i30 = ((($arrayidx29)) + 4|0); $41 = +HEAPF32[$i30>>2]; $42 = $tw2; $i31 = ((($42)) + 4|0); $43 = +HEAPF32[$i31>>2]; $mul32 = $41 * $43; $sub33 = $mul28 - $mul32; $arrayidx34 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2] = $sub33; $44 = $Fout$addr; $45 = $m2; $arrayidx36 = (($44) + ($45<<3)|0); $46 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx36>>2]; $47 = $tw2; $i38 = ((($47)) + 4|0); $48 = +HEAPF32[$i38>>2]; $mul39 = $46 * $48; $49 = $Fout$addr; $50 = $m2; $arrayidx40 = (($49) + ($50<<3)|0); $i41 = ((($arrayidx40)) + 4|0); $51 = +HEAPF32[$i41>>2]; $52 = $tw2; $53 = +HEAPF32[$52>>2]; $mul43 = $51 * $53; $add44 = $mul39 + $mul43; $arrayidx45 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $i46 = ((($arrayidx45)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i46>>2] = $add44; $arrayidx49 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $54 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2]; $arrayidx51 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $55 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx51>>2]; $add53 = $54 + $55; $arrayidx54 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx54>>2] = $add53; $arrayidx56 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $i57 = ((($arrayidx56)) + 4|0); $56 = +HEAPF32[$i57>>2]; $arrayidx58 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $i59 = ((($arrayidx58)) + 4|0); $57 = +HEAPF32[$i59>>2]; $add60 = $56 + $57; $arrayidx61 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $i62 = ((($arrayidx61)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i62>>2] = $add60; $arrayidx65 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $58 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx65>>2]; $arrayidx67 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $59 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx67>>2]; $sub69 = $58 - $59; HEAPF32[$scratch>>2] = $sub69; $arrayidx72 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $i73 = ((($arrayidx72)) + 4|0); $60 = +HEAPF32[$i73>>2]; $arrayidx74 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $i75 = ((($arrayidx74)) + 4|0); $61 = +HEAPF32[$i75>>2]; $sub76 = $60 - $61; $i78 = ((($scratch)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i78>>2] = $sub76; $62 = $fstride$addr; $63 = $tw1; $add$ptr80 = (($63) + ($62<<3)|0); $tw1 = $add$ptr80; $64 = $fstride$addr; $mul81 = $64<<1; $65 = $tw2; $add$ptr82 = (($65) + ($mul81<<3)|0); $tw2 = $add$ptr82; $66 = $Fout$addr; $67 = +HEAPF32[$66>>2]; $arrayidx84 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $68 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx84>>2]; $mul86 = $68 * 0.5; $sub87 = $67 - $mul86; $69 = $Fout$addr; $70 = $m$addr; $arrayidx88 = (($69) + ($70<<3)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx88>>2] = $sub87; $71 = $Fout$addr; $i90 = ((($71)) + 4|0); $72 = +HEAPF32[$i90>>2]; $arrayidx91 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $i92 = ((($arrayidx91)) + 4|0); $73 = +HEAPF32[$i92>>2]; $mul93 = $73 * 0.5; $sub94 = $72 - $mul93; $74 = $Fout$addr; $75 = $m$addr; $arrayidx95 = (($74) + ($75<<3)|0); $i96 = ((($arrayidx95)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i96>>2] = $sub94; $i98 = ((($epi3)) + 4|0); $76 = +HEAPF32[$i98>>2]; $77 = +HEAPF32[$scratch>>2]; $mul101 = $77 * $76; HEAPF32[$scratch>>2] = $mul101; $i102 = ((($epi3)) + 4|0); $78 = +HEAPF32[$i102>>2]; $i104 = ((($scratch)) + 4|0); $79 = +HEAPF32[$i104>>2]; $mul105 = $79 * $78; HEAPF32[$i104>>2] = $mul105; $arrayidx108 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $80 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx108>>2]; $81 = $Fout$addr; $82 = +HEAPF32[$81>>2]; $add111 = $82 + $80; HEAPF32[$81>>2] = $add111; $arrayidx112 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $i113 = ((($arrayidx112)) + 4|0); $83 = +HEAPF32[$i113>>2]; $84 = $Fout$addr; $i114 = ((($84)) + 4|0); $85 = +HEAPF32[$i114>>2]; $add115 = $85 + $83; HEAPF32[$i114>>2] = $add115; $86 = $Fout$addr; $87 = $m$addr; $arrayidx117 = (($86) + ($87<<3)|0); $88 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx117>>2]; $i120 = ((($scratch)) + 4|0); $89 = +HEAPF32[$i120>>2]; $add121 = $88 + $89; $90 = $Fout$addr; $91 = $m2; $arrayidx122 = (($90) + ($91<<3)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx122>>2] = $add121; $92 = $Fout$addr; $93 = $m$addr; $arrayidx124 = (($92) + ($93<<3)|0); $i125 = ((($arrayidx124)) + 4|0); $94 = +HEAPF32[$i125>>2]; $95 = +HEAPF32[$scratch>>2]; $sub128 = $94 - $95; $96 = $Fout$addr; $97 = $m2; $arrayidx129 = (($96) + ($97<<3)|0); $i130 = ((($arrayidx129)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i130>>2] = $sub128; $i132 = ((($scratch)) + 4|0); $98 = +HEAPF32[$i132>>2]; $99 = $Fout$addr; $100 = $m$addr; $arrayidx133 = (($99) + ($100<<3)|0); $101 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx133>>2]; $sub135 = $101 - $98; HEAPF32[$arrayidx133>>2] = $sub135; $102 = +HEAPF32[$scratch>>2]; $103 = $Fout$addr; $104 = $m$addr; $arrayidx138 = (($103) + ($104<<3)|0); $i139 = ((($arrayidx138)) + 4|0); $105 = +HEAPF32[$i139>>2]; $add140 = $105 + $102; HEAPF32[$i139>>2] = $add140; $106 = $Fout$addr; $incdec$ptr = ((($106)) + 8|0); $Fout$addr = $incdec$ptr; $107 = $k; $dec = (($107) + -1)|0; $k = $dec; $tobool = ($dec|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { break; } } $108 = $i; $inc = (($108) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _kf_bfly5($Fout,$fstride,$st,$m,$N,$mm) { $Fout = $Fout|0; $fstride = $fstride|0; $st = $st|0; $m = $m|0; $N = $N|0; $mm = $mm|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0.0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0.0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0.0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0.0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0.0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0.0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0.0, $124 = 0.0, $125 = 0.0, $126 = 0.0, $127 = 0.0, $128 = 0.0, $129 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0.0, $131 = 0.0, $132 = 0.0, $133 = 0.0; var $134 = 0.0, $135 = 0.0, $136 = 0.0, $137 = 0.0, $138 = 0.0, $139 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0.0, $141 = 0.0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0.0, $144 = 0.0, $145 = 0.0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0.0, $148 = 0.0, $149 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0.0, $151 = 0.0; var $152 = 0.0, $153 = 0.0, $154 = 0.0, $155 = 0.0, $156 = 0.0, $157 = 0.0, $158 = 0.0, $159 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0.0, $161 = 0.0, $162 = 0.0, $163 = 0.0, $164 = 0.0, $165 = 0.0, $166 = 0.0, $167 = 0.0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0.0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0.0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0.0, $173 = 0.0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0.0, $176 = 0.0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0.0, $179 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0.0, $181 = 0.0, $182 = 0.0, $183 = 0.0, $184 = 0.0, $185 = 0.0, $186 = 0.0, $187 = 0.0, $188 = 0.0; var $189 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0.0, $191 = 0.0, $192 = 0.0, $193 = 0.0, $194 = 0.0, $195 = 0.0, $196 = 0.0, $197 = 0.0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0.0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0.0, $203 = 0.0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0.0; var $206 = 0.0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0; var $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0; var $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0; var $68 = 0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0.0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0; var $86 = 0, $87 = 0.0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0.0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0.0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0.0, $Fout$addr = 0, $Fout0 = 0, $Fout1 = 0, $Fout2 = 0, $Fout3 = 0; var $Fout4 = 0, $Fout_beg = 0, $N$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr11 = 0, $add$ptr13 = 0, $add$ptr7 = 0, $add$ptr9 = 0, $add101 = 0.0, $add133 = 0.0, $add142 = 0.0, $add149 = 0.0, $add174 = 0.0, $add181 = 0.0, $add205 = 0.0, $add207 = 0.0, $add212 = 0.0, $add214 = 0.0, $add221 = 0.0; var $add226 = 0.0, $add235 = 0.0, $add240 = 0.0, $add251 = 0.0, $add285 = 0.0, $add291 = 0.0, $add300 = 0.0, $add305 = 0.0, $add314 = 0.0, $add319 = 0.0, $add331 = 0.0, $add350 = 0.0, $add356 = 0.0, $add69 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx102 = 0, $arrayidx109 = 0, $arrayidx115 = 0, $arrayidx119 = 0, $arrayidx124 = 0; var $arrayidx130 = 0, $arrayidx134 = 0, $arrayidx138 = 0, $arrayidx140 = 0, $arrayidx143 = 0, $arrayidx145 = 0, $arrayidx147 = 0, $arrayidx150 = 0, $arrayidx154 = 0, $arrayidx156 = 0, $arrayidx159 = 0, $arrayidx161 = 0, $arrayidx163 = 0, $arrayidx166 = 0, $arrayidx170 = 0, $arrayidx172 = 0, $arrayidx175 = 0, $arrayidx177 = 0, $arrayidx179 = 0, $arrayidx182 = 0; var $arrayidx186 = 0, $arrayidx188 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx191 = 0, $arrayidx193 = 0, $arrayidx195 = 0, $arrayidx198 = 0, $arrayidx201 = 0, $arrayidx203 = 0, $arrayidx208 = 0, $arrayidx210 = 0, $arrayidx217 = 0, $arrayidx222 = 0, $arrayidx227 = 0, $arrayidx231 = 0, $arrayidx236 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx241 = 0, $arrayidx243 = 0, $arrayidx247 = 0; var $arrayidx252 = 0, $arrayidx254 = 0, $arrayidx259 = 0, $arrayidx264 = 0, $arrayidx267 = 0, $arrayidx269 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx273 = 0, $arrayidx275 = 0, $arrayidx281 = 0, $arrayidx283 = 0, $arrayidx287 = 0, $arrayidx289 = 0, $arrayidx296 = 0, $arrayidx301 = 0, $arrayidx306 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx310 = 0, $arrayidx315 = 0, $arrayidx320 = 0; var $arrayidx322 = 0, $arrayidx327 = 0, $arrayidx332 = 0, $arrayidx334 = 0, $arrayidx338 = 0, $arrayidx343 = 0, $arrayidx346 = 0, $arrayidx348 = 0, $arrayidx352 = 0, $arrayidx354 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx360 = 0, $arrayidx362 = 0, $arrayidx366 = 0, $arrayidx368 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx51 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0; var $arrayidx60 = 0, $arrayidx66 = 0, $arrayidx70 = 0, $arrayidx77 = 0, $arrayidx83 = 0, $arrayidx87 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $arrayidx98 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $fstride$addr = 0, $i = 0, $i103 = 0, $i112 = 0, $i116 = 0, $i125 = 0, $i127 = 0, $i135 = 0, $i146 = 0, $i148 = 0; var $i151 = 0, $i162 = 0, $i164 = 0, $i167 = 0, $i178 = 0, $i180 = 0, $i183 = 0, $i194 = 0, $i196 = 0, $i199 = 0, $i209 = 0, $i211 = 0, $i213 = 0, $i22 = 0, $i230 = 0, $i232 = 0, $i237 = 0, $i242 = 0, $i244 = 0, $i245 = 0; var $i248 = 0, $i249 = 0, $i25 = 0, $i256 = 0, $i261 = 0, $i265 = 0, $i274 = 0, $i276 = 0, $i278 = 0, $i288 = 0, $i290 = 0, $i292 = 0, $i309 = 0, $i311 = 0, $i316 = 0, $i32 = 0, $i321 = 0, $i323 = 0, $i324 = 0, $i328 = 0; var $i329 = 0, $i336 = 0, $i34 = 0, $i340 = 0, $i344 = 0, $i353 = 0, $i355 = 0, $i357 = 0, $i367 = 0, $i369 = 0, $i371 = 0, $i40 = 0, $i48 = 0, $i52 = 0, $i61 = 0, $i63 = 0, $i71 = 0, $i80 = 0, $i84 = 0, $i93 = 0; var $i95 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc378 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr373 = 0, $incdec$ptr374 = 0, $incdec$ptr375 = 0, $incdec$ptr376 = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mm$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul10 = 0, $mul100 = 0.0, $mul107 = 0, $mul108 = 0, $mul111 = 0.0, $mul113 = 0, $mul114 = 0, $mul117 = 0.0, $mul12 = 0; var $mul122 = 0, $mul123 = 0, $mul126 = 0.0, $mul128 = 0, $mul129 = 0, $mul132 = 0.0, $mul18 = 0, $mul2 = 0, $mul21 = 0.0, $mul220 = 0.0, $mul225 = 0.0, $mul23 = 0, $mul234 = 0.0, $mul239 = 0.0, $mul246 = 0.0, $mul250 = 0.0, $mul257 = 0.0, $mul26 = 0.0, $mul262 = 0.0, $mul299 = 0.0; var $mul3 = 0, $mul30 = 0, $mul304 = 0.0, $mul313 = 0.0, $mul318 = 0.0, $mul325 = 0.0, $mul33 = 0.0, $mul330 = 0.0, $mul337 = 0.0, $mul341 = 0.0, $mul35 = 0, $mul38 = 0.0, $mul43 = 0, $mul44 = 0, $mul47 = 0.0, $mul49 = 0, $mul50 = 0, $mul53 = 0.0, $mul58 = 0, $mul59 = 0; var $mul6 = 0, $mul62 = 0.0, $mul64 = 0, $mul65 = 0, $mul68 = 0.0, $mul75 = 0, $mul76 = 0, $mul79 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0, $mul81 = 0, $mul82 = 0, $mul85 = 0.0, $mul90 = 0, $mul91 = 0, $mul94 = 0.0, $mul96 = 0, $mul97 = 0, $scratch = 0, $st$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0; var $sub118 = 0.0, $sub158 = 0.0, $sub165 = 0.0, $sub190 = 0.0, $sub197 = 0.0, $sub258 = 0.0, $sub263 = 0.0, $sub271 = 0.0, $sub277 = 0.0, $sub326 = 0.0, $sub342 = 0.0, $sub364 = 0.0, $sub370 = 0.0, $sub54 = 0.0, $sub86 = 0.0, $tw = 0, $twiddles = 0, $twiddles1 = 0, $twiddles5 = 0, $u = 0; var $ya = 0, $yb = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 192|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(192|0); $scratch = sp + 32|0; $ya = sp + 16|0; $yb = sp + 8|0; $Fout$addr = $Fout; $fstride$addr = $fstride; $st$addr = $st; $m$addr = $m; $N$addr = $N; $mm$addr = $mm; $0 = $Fout$addr; $Fout_beg = $0; $1 = $st$addr; $twiddles = ((($1)) + 48|0); $2 = HEAP32[$twiddles>>2]|0; $3 = $fstride$addr; $4 = $m$addr; $mul = Math_imul($3, $4)|0; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($mul<<3)|0); ;HEAP32[$ya>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0;HEAP32[$ya+4>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx+4>>2]|0; $5 = $st$addr; $twiddles1 = ((($5)) + 48|0); $6 = HEAP32[$twiddles1>>2]|0; $7 = $fstride$addr; $mul2 = $7<<1; $8 = $m$addr; $mul3 = Math_imul($mul2, $8)|0; $arrayidx4 = (($6) + ($mul3<<3)|0); ;HEAP32[$yb>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx4>>2]|0;HEAP32[$yb+4>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx4+4>>2]|0; $9 = $st$addr; $twiddles5 = ((($9)) + 48|0); $10 = HEAP32[$twiddles5>>2]|0; $tw = $10; $i = 0; while(1) { $11 = $i; $12 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($11|0)<($12|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $13 = $Fout_beg; $14 = $i; $15 = $mm$addr; $mul6 = Math_imul($14, $15)|0; $add$ptr = (($13) + ($mul6<<3)|0); $Fout$addr = $add$ptr; $16 = $Fout$addr; $Fout0 = $16; $17 = $Fout0; $18 = $m$addr; $add$ptr7 = (($17) + ($18<<3)|0); $Fout1 = $add$ptr7; $19 = $Fout0; $20 = $m$addr; $mul8 = $20<<1; $add$ptr9 = (($19) + ($mul8<<3)|0); $Fout2 = $add$ptr9; $21 = $Fout0; $22 = $m$addr; $mul10 = ($22*3)|0; $add$ptr11 = (($21) + ($mul10<<3)|0); $Fout3 = $add$ptr11; $23 = $Fout0; $24 = $m$addr; $mul12 = $24<<2; $add$ptr13 = (($23) + ($mul12<<3)|0); $Fout4 = $add$ptr13; $u = 0; while(1) { $25 = $u; $26 = $m$addr; $cmp15 = ($25|0)<($26|0); if (!($cmp15)) { break; } $27 = $Fout0; ;HEAP32[$scratch>>2]=HEAP32[$27>>2]|0;HEAP32[$scratch+4>>2]=HEAP32[$27+4>>2]|0; $28 = $Fout1; $29 = +HEAPF32[$28>>2]; $30 = $tw; $31 = $u; $32 = $fstride$addr; $mul18 = Math_imul($31, $32)|0; $arrayidx19 = (($30) + ($mul18<<3)|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2]; $mul21 = $29 * $33; $34 = $Fout1; $i22 = ((($34)) + 4|0); $35 = +HEAPF32[$i22>>2]; $36 = $tw; $37 = $u; $38 = $fstride$addr; $mul23 = Math_imul($37, $38)|0; $arrayidx24 = (($36) + ($mul23<<3)|0); $i25 = ((($arrayidx24)) + 4|0); $39 = +HEAPF32[$i25>>2]; $mul26 = $35 * $39; $sub = $mul21 - $mul26; $arrayidx27 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2] = $sub; $40 = $Fout1; $41 = +HEAPF32[$40>>2]; $42 = $tw; $43 = $u; $44 = $fstride$addr; $mul30 = Math_imul($43, $44)|0; $arrayidx31 = (($42) + ($mul30<<3)|0); $i32 = ((($arrayidx31)) + 4|0); $45 = +HEAPF32[$i32>>2]; $mul33 = $41 * $45; $46 = $Fout1; $i34 = ((($46)) + 4|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$i34>>2]; $48 = $tw; $49 = $u; $50 = $fstride$addr; $mul35 = Math_imul($49, $50)|0; $arrayidx36 = (($48) + ($mul35<<3)|0); $51 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx36>>2]; $mul38 = $47 * $51; $add = $mul33 + $mul38; $arrayidx39 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $i40 = ((($arrayidx39)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i40>>2] = $add; $52 = $Fout2; $53 = +HEAPF32[$52>>2]; $54 = $tw; $55 = $u; $mul43 = $55<<1; $56 = $fstride$addr; $mul44 = Math_imul($mul43, $56)|0; $arrayidx45 = (($54) + ($mul44<<3)|0); $57 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx45>>2]; $mul47 = $53 * $57; $58 = $Fout2; $i48 = ((($58)) + 4|0); $59 = +HEAPF32[$i48>>2]; $60 = $tw; $61 = $u; $mul49 = $61<<1; $62 = $fstride$addr; $mul50 = Math_imul($mul49, $62)|0; $arrayidx51 = (($60) + ($mul50<<3)|0); $i52 = ((($arrayidx51)) + 4|0); $63 = +HEAPF32[$i52>>2]; $mul53 = $59 * $63; $sub54 = $mul47 - $mul53; $arrayidx55 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx55>>2] = $sub54; $64 = $Fout2; $65 = +HEAPF32[$64>>2]; $66 = $tw; $67 = $u; $mul58 = $67<<1; $68 = $fstride$addr; $mul59 = Math_imul($mul58, $68)|0; $arrayidx60 = (($66) + ($mul59<<3)|0); $i61 = ((($arrayidx60)) + 4|0); $69 = +HEAPF32[$i61>>2]; $mul62 = $65 * $69; $70 = $Fout2; $i63 = ((($70)) + 4|0); $71 = +HEAPF32[$i63>>2]; $72 = $tw; $73 = $u; $mul64 = $73<<1; $74 = $fstride$addr; $mul65 = Math_imul($mul64, $74)|0; $arrayidx66 = (($72) + ($mul65<<3)|0); $75 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx66>>2]; $mul68 = $71 * $75; $add69 = $mul62 + $mul68; $arrayidx70 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $i71 = ((($arrayidx70)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i71>>2] = $add69; $76 = $Fout3; $77 = +HEAPF32[$76>>2]; $78 = $tw; $79 = $u; $mul75 = ($79*3)|0; $80 = $fstride$addr; $mul76 = Math_imul($mul75, $80)|0; $arrayidx77 = (($78) + ($mul76<<3)|0); $81 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx77>>2]; $mul79 = $77 * $81; $82 = $Fout3; $i80 = ((($82)) + 4|0); $83 = +HEAPF32[$i80>>2]; $84 = $tw; $85 = $u; $mul81 = ($85*3)|0; $86 = $fstride$addr; $mul82 = Math_imul($mul81, $86)|0; $arrayidx83 = (($84) + ($mul82<<3)|0); $i84 = ((($arrayidx83)) + 4|0); $87 = +HEAPF32[$i84>>2]; $mul85 = $83 * $87; $sub86 = $mul79 - $mul85; $arrayidx87 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx87>>2] = $sub86; $88 = $Fout3; $89 = +HEAPF32[$88>>2]; $90 = $tw; $91 = $u; $mul90 = ($91*3)|0; $92 = $fstride$addr; $mul91 = Math_imul($mul90, $92)|0; $arrayidx92 = (($90) + ($mul91<<3)|0); $i93 = ((($arrayidx92)) + 4|0); $93 = +HEAPF32[$i93>>2]; $mul94 = $89 * $93; $94 = $Fout3; $i95 = ((($94)) + 4|0); $95 = +HEAPF32[$i95>>2]; $96 = $tw; $97 = $u; $mul96 = ($97*3)|0; $98 = $fstride$addr; $mul97 = Math_imul($mul96, $98)|0; $arrayidx98 = (($96) + ($mul97<<3)|0); $99 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx98>>2]; $mul100 = $95 * $99; $add101 = $mul94 + $mul100; $arrayidx102 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $i103 = ((($arrayidx102)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i103>>2] = $add101; $100 = $Fout4; $101 = +HEAPF32[$100>>2]; $102 = $tw; $103 = $u; $mul107 = $103<<2; $104 = $fstride$addr; $mul108 = Math_imul($mul107, $104)|0; $arrayidx109 = (($102) + ($mul108<<3)|0); $105 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx109>>2]; $mul111 = $101 * $105; $106 = $Fout4; $i112 = ((($106)) + 4|0); $107 = +HEAPF32[$i112>>2]; $108 = $tw; $109 = $u; $mul113 = $109<<2; $110 = $fstride$addr; $mul114 = Math_imul($mul113, $110)|0; $arrayidx115 = (($108) + ($mul114<<3)|0); $i116 = ((($arrayidx115)) + 4|0); $111 = +HEAPF32[$i116>>2]; $mul117 = $107 * $111; $sub118 = $mul111 - $mul117; $arrayidx119 = ((($scratch)) + 32|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx119>>2] = $sub118; $112 = $Fout4; $113 = +HEAPF32[$112>>2]; $114 = $tw; $115 = $u; $mul122 = $115<<2; $116 = $fstride$addr; $mul123 = Math_imul($mul122, $116)|0; $arrayidx124 = (($114) + ($mul123<<3)|0); $i125 = ((($arrayidx124)) + 4|0); $117 = +HEAPF32[$i125>>2]; $mul126 = $113 * $117; $118 = $Fout4; $i127 = ((($118)) + 4|0); $119 = +HEAPF32[$i127>>2]; $120 = $tw; $121 = $u; $mul128 = $121<<2; $122 = $fstride$addr; $mul129 = Math_imul($mul128, $122)|0; $arrayidx130 = (($120) + ($mul129<<3)|0); $123 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx130>>2]; $mul132 = $119 * $123; $add133 = $mul126 + $mul132; $arrayidx134 = ((($scratch)) + 32|0); $i135 = ((($arrayidx134)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i135>>2] = $add133; $arrayidx138 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $124 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx138>>2]; $arrayidx140 = ((($scratch)) + 32|0); $125 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx140>>2]; $add142 = $124 + $125; $arrayidx143 = ((($scratch)) + 56|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx143>>2] = $add142; $arrayidx145 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $i146 = ((($arrayidx145)) + 4|0); $126 = +HEAPF32[$i146>>2]; $arrayidx147 = ((($scratch)) + 32|0); $i148 = ((($arrayidx147)) + 4|0); $127 = +HEAPF32[$i148>>2]; $add149 = $126 + $127; $arrayidx150 = ((($scratch)) + 56|0); $i151 = ((($arrayidx150)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i151>>2] = $add149; $arrayidx154 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $128 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx154>>2]; $arrayidx156 = ((($scratch)) + 32|0); $129 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx156>>2]; $sub158 = $128 - $129; $arrayidx159 = ((($scratch)) + 80|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx159>>2] = $sub158; $arrayidx161 = ((($scratch)) + 8|0); $i162 = ((($arrayidx161)) + 4|0); $130 = +HEAPF32[$i162>>2]; $arrayidx163 = ((($scratch)) + 32|0); $i164 = ((($arrayidx163)) + 4|0); $131 = +HEAPF32[$i164>>2]; $sub165 = $130 - $131; $arrayidx166 = ((($scratch)) + 80|0); $i167 = ((($arrayidx166)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i167>>2] = $sub165; $arrayidx170 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $132 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx170>>2]; $arrayidx172 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $133 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx172>>2]; $add174 = $132 + $133; $arrayidx175 = ((($scratch)) + 64|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx175>>2] = $add174; $arrayidx177 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $i178 = ((($arrayidx177)) + 4|0); $134 = +HEAPF32[$i178>>2]; $arrayidx179 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $i180 = ((($arrayidx179)) + 4|0); $135 = +HEAPF32[$i180>>2]; $add181 = $134 + $135; $arrayidx182 = ((($scratch)) + 64|0); $i183 = ((($arrayidx182)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i183>>2] = $add181; $arrayidx186 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $136 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx186>>2]; $arrayidx188 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $137 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx188>>2]; $sub190 = $136 - $137; $arrayidx191 = ((($scratch)) + 72|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx191>>2] = $sub190; $arrayidx193 = ((($scratch)) + 16|0); $i194 = ((($arrayidx193)) + 4|0); $138 = +HEAPF32[$i194>>2]; $arrayidx195 = ((($scratch)) + 24|0); $i196 = ((($arrayidx195)) + 4|0); $139 = +HEAPF32[$i196>>2]; $sub197 = $138 - $139; $arrayidx198 = ((($scratch)) + 72|0); $i199 = ((($arrayidx198)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i199>>2] = $sub197; $arrayidx201 = ((($scratch)) + 56|0); $140 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx201>>2]; $arrayidx203 = ((($scratch)) + 64|0); $141 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx203>>2]; $add205 = $140 + $141; $142 = $Fout0; $143 = +HEAPF32[$142>>2]; $add207 = $143 + $add205; HEAPF32[$142>>2] = $add207; $arrayidx208 = ((($scratch)) + 56|0); $i209 = ((($arrayidx208)) + 4|0); $144 = +HEAPF32[$i209>>2]; $arrayidx210 = ((($scratch)) + 64|0); $i211 = ((($arrayidx210)) + 4|0); $145 = +HEAPF32[$i211>>2]; $add212 = $144 + $145; $146 = $Fout0; $i213 = ((($146)) + 4|0); $147 = +HEAPF32[$i213>>2]; $add214 = $147 + $add212; HEAPF32[$i213>>2] = $add214; $148 = +HEAPF32[$scratch>>2]; $arrayidx217 = ((($scratch)) + 56|0); $149 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx217>>2]; $150 = +HEAPF32[$ya>>2]; $mul220 = $149 * $150; $add221 = $148 + $mul220; $arrayidx222 = ((($scratch)) + 64|0); $151 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx222>>2]; $152 = +HEAPF32[$yb>>2]; $mul225 = $151 * $152; $add226 = $add221 + $mul225; $arrayidx227 = ((($scratch)) + 40|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx227>>2] = $add226; $i230 = ((($scratch)) + 4|0); $153 = +HEAPF32[$i230>>2]; $arrayidx231 = ((($scratch)) + 56|0); $i232 = ((($arrayidx231)) + 4|0); $154 = +HEAPF32[$i232>>2]; $155 = +HEAPF32[$ya>>2]; $mul234 = $154 * $155; $add235 = $153 + $mul234; $arrayidx236 = ((($scratch)) + 64|0); $i237 = ((($arrayidx236)) + 4|0); $156 = +HEAPF32[$i237>>2]; $157 = +HEAPF32[$yb>>2]; $mul239 = $156 * $157; $add240 = $add235 + $mul239; $arrayidx241 = ((($scratch)) + 40|0); $i242 = ((($arrayidx241)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i242>>2] = $add240; $arrayidx243 = ((($scratch)) + 80|0); $i244 = ((($arrayidx243)) + 4|0); $158 = +HEAPF32[$i244>>2]; $i245 = ((($ya)) + 4|0); $159 = +HEAPF32[$i245>>2]; $mul246 = $158 * $159; $arrayidx247 = ((($scratch)) + 72|0); $i248 = ((($arrayidx247)) + 4|0); $160 = +HEAPF32[$i248>>2]; $i249 = ((($yb)) + 4|0); $161 = +HEAPF32[$i249>>2]; $mul250 = $160 * $161; $add251 = $mul246 + $mul250; $arrayidx252 = ((($scratch)) + 48|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx252>>2] = $add251; $arrayidx254 = ((($scratch)) + 80|0); $162 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx254>>2]; $i256 = ((($ya)) + 4|0); $163 = +HEAPF32[$i256>>2]; $mul257 = $162 * $163; $sub258 = - $mul257; $arrayidx259 = ((($scratch)) + 72|0); $164 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx259>>2]; $i261 = ((($yb)) + 4|0); $165 = +HEAPF32[$i261>>2]; $mul262 = $164 * $165; $sub263 = $sub258 - $mul262; $arrayidx264 = ((($scratch)) + 48|0); $i265 = ((($arrayidx264)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i265>>2] = $sub263; $arrayidx267 = ((($scratch)) + 40|0); $166 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx267>>2]; $arrayidx269 = ((($scratch)) + 48|0); $167 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx269>>2]; $sub271 = $166 - $167; $168 = $Fout1; HEAPF32[$168>>2] = $sub271; $arrayidx273 = ((($scratch)) + 40|0); $i274 = ((($arrayidx273)) + 4|0); $169 = +HEAPF32[$i274>>2]; $arrayidx275 = ((($scratch)) + 48|0); $i276 = ((($arrayidx275)) + 4|0); $170 = +HEAPF32[$i276>>2]; $sub277 = $169 - $170; $171 = $Fout1; $i278 = ((($171)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i278>>2] = $sub277; $arrayidx281 = ((($scratch)) + 40|0); $172 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx281>>2]; $arrayidx283 = ((($scratch)) + 48|0); $173 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx283>>2]; $add285 = $172 + $173; $174 = $Fout4; HEAPF32[$174>>2] = $add285; $arrayidx287 = ((($scratch)) + 40|0); $i288 = ((($arrayidx287)) + 4|0); $175 = +HEAPF32[$i288>>2]; $arrayidx289 = ((($scratch)) + 48|0); $i290 = ((($arrayidx289)) + 4|0); $176 = +HEAPF32[$i290>>2]; $add291 = $175 + $176; $177 = $Fout4; $i292 = ((($177)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i292>>2] = $add291; $178 = +HEAPF32[$scratch>>2]; $arrayidx296 = ((($scratch)) + 56|0); $179 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx296>>2]; $180 = +HEAPF32[$yb>>2]; $mul299 = $179 * $180; $add300 = $178 + $mul299; $arrayidx301 = ((($scratch)) + 64|0); $181 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx301>>2]; $182 = +HEAPF32[$ya>>2]; $mul304 = $181 * $182; $add305 = $add300 + $mul304; $arrayidx306 = ((($scratch)) + 88|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx306>>2] = $add305; $i309 = ((($scratch)) + 4|0); $183 = +HEAPF32[$i309>>2]; $arrayidx310 = ((($scratch)) + 56|0); $i311 = ((($arrayidx310)) + 4|0); $184 = +HEAPF32[$i311>>2]; $185 = +HEAPF32[$yb>>2]; $mul313 = $184 * $185; $add314 = $183 + $mul313; $arrayidx315 = ((($scratch)) + 64|0); $i316 = ((($arrayidx315)) + 4|0); $186 = +HEAPF32[$i316>>2]; $187 = +HEAPF32[$ya>>2]; $mul318 = $186 * $187; $add319 = $add314 + $mul318; $arrayidx320 = ((($scratch)) + 88|0); $i321 = ((($arrayidx320)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i321>>2] = $add319; $arrayidx322 = ((($scratch)) + 80|0); $i323 = ((($arrayidx322)) + 4|0); $188 = +HEAPF32[$i323>>2]; $i324 = ((($yb)) + 4|0); $189 = +HEAPF32[$i324>>2]; $mul325 = $188 * $189; $sub326 = - $mul325; $arrayidx327 = ((($scratch)) + 72|0); $i328 = ((($arrayidx327)) + 4|0); $190 = +HEAPF32[$i328>>2]; $i329 = ((($ya)) + 4|0); $191 = +HEAPF32[$i329>>2]; $mul330 = $190 * $191; $add331 = $sub326 + $mul330; $arrayidx332 = ((($scratch)) + 96|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx332>>2] = $add331; $arrayidx334 = ((($scratch)) + 80|0); $192 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx334>>2]; $i336 = ((($yb)) + 4|0); $193 = +HEAPF32[$i336>>2]; $mul337 = $192 * $193; $arrayidx338 = ((($scratch)) + 72|0); $194 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx338>>2]; $i340 = ((($ya)) + 4|0); $195 = +HEAPF32[$i340>>2]; $mul341 = $194 * $195; $sub342 = $mul337 - $mul341; $arrayidx343 = ((($scratch)) + 96|0); $i344 = ((($arrayidx343)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i344>>2] = $sub342; $arrayidx346 = ((($scratch)) + 88|0); $196 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx346>>2]; $arrayidx348 = ((($scratch)) + 96|0); $197 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx348>>2]; $add350 = $196 + $197; $198 = $Fout2; HEAPF32[$198>>2] = $add350; $arrayidx352 = ((($scratch)) + 88|0); $i353 = ((($arrayidx352)) + 4|0); $199 = +HEAPF32[$i353>>2]; $arrayidx354 = ((($scratch)) + 96|0); $i355 = ((($arrayidx354)) + 4|0); $200 = +HEAPF32[$i355>>2]; $add356 = $199 + $200; $201 = $Fout2; $i357 = ((($201)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i357>>2] = $add356; $arrayidx360 = ((($scratch)) + 88|0); $202 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx360>>2]; $arrayidx362 = ((($scratch)) + 96|0); $203 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx362>>2]; $sub364 = $202 - $203; $204 = $Fout3; HEAPF32[$204>>2] = $sub364; $arrayidx366 = ((($scratch)) + 88|0); $i367 = ((($arrayidx366)) + 4|0); $205 = +HEAPF32[$i367>>2]; $arrayidx368 = ((($scratch)) + 96|0); $i369 = ((($arrayidx368)) + 4|0); $206 = +HEAPF32[$i369>>2]; $sub370 = $205 - $206; $207 = $Fout3; $i371 = ((($207)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i371>>2] = $sub370; $208 = $Fout0; $incdec$ptr = ((($208)) + 8|0); $Fout0 = $incdec$ptr; $209 = $Fout1; $incdec$ptr373 = ((($209)) + 8|0); $Fout1 = $incdec$ptr373; $210 = $Fout2; $incdec$ptr374 = ((($210)) + 8|0); $Fout2 = $incdec$ptr374; $211 = $Fout3; $incdec$ptr375 = ((($211)) + 8|0); $Fout3 = $incdec$ptr375; $212 = $Fout4; $incdec$ptr376 = ((($212)) + 8|0); $Fout4 = $incdec$ptr376; $213 = $u; $inc = (($213) + 1)|0; $u = $inc; } $214 = $i; $inc378 = (($214) + 1)|0; $i = $inc378; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _opus_fft_c($st,$fin,$fout) { $st = $st|0; $fin = $fin|0; $fout = $fout|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0; var $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $bitrev = 0, $bitrev7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $fin$addr = 0, $fout$addr = 0, $i = 0, $i11 = 0, $i5 = 0, $idxprom = 0, $idxprom9 = 0, $inc = 0; var $mul = 0.0, $mul6 = 0.0, $scale = 0.0, $scale1 = 0, $st$addr = 0, $x = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $x = sp; $st$addr = $st; $fin$addr = $fin; $fout$addr = $fout; $0 = $st$addr; $scale1 = ((($0)) + 4|0); $1 = +HEAPF32[$scale1>>2]; $scale = $1; $i = 0; while(1) { $2 = $i; $3 = $st$addr; $4 = HEAP32[$3>>2]|0; $cmp = ($2|0)<($4|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $5 = $fin$addr; $6 = $i; $arrayidx = (($5) + ($6<<3)|0); ;HEAP32[$x>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0;HEAP32[$x+4>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx+4>>2]|0; $7 = $scale; $8 = +HEAPF32[$x>>2]; $mul = $7 * $8; $9 = $fout$addr; $10 = $st$addr; $bitrev = ((($10)) + 44|0); $11 = HEAP32[$bitrev>>2]|0; $12 = $i; $arrayidx2 = (($11) + ($12<<1)|0); $13 = HEAP16[$arrayidx2>>1]|0; $idxprom = $13 << 16 >> 16; $arrayidx3 = (($9) + ($idxprom<<3)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2] = $mul; $14 = $scale; $i5 = ((($x)) + 4|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$i5>>2]; $mul6 = $14 * $15; $16 = $fout$addr; $17 = $st$addr; $bitrev7 = ((($17)) + 44|0); $18 = HEAP32[$bitrev7>>2]|0; $19 = $i; $arrayidx8 = (($18) + ($19<<1)|0); $20 = HEAP16[$arrayidx8>>1]|0; $idxprom9 = $20 << 16 >> 16; $arrayidx10 = (($16) + ($idxprom9<<3)|0); $i11 = ((($arrayidx10)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i11>>2] = $mul6; $21 = $i; $inc = (($21) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $22 = $st$addr; $23 = $fout$addr; _opus_fft_impl($22,$23); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _clt_mdct_forward_c($l,$in,$out,$window,$overlap,$shift,$stride,$arch) { $l = $l|0; $in = $in|0; $out = $out|0; $window = $window|0; $overlap = $overlap|0; $shift = $shift|0; $stride = $stride|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0.0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0.0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0.0, $111 = 0.0, $112 = 0.0, $113 = 0.0, $114 = 0.0, $115 = 0.0; var $116 = 0.0, $117 = 0.0, $118 = 0.0, $119 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0.0, $121 = 0.0, $122 = 0.0, $123 = 0.0, $124 = 0.0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0.0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0.0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0.0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0.0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0.0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0.0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0.0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0.0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0.0; var $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0; var $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0.0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0; var $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0.0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0.0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0.0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0.0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0; var $9 = 0, $90 = 0.0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $N = 0, $N2 = 0, $N4 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr103 = 0, $add$ptr11 = 0, $add$ptr129 = 0, $add$ptr13 = 0; var $add$ptr131 = 0, $add$ptr15 = 0, $add$ptr16 = 0, $add$ptr29 = 0, $add$ptr30 = 0, $add$ptr31 = 0, $add$ptr32 = 0, $add$ptr36 = 0, $add$ptr37 = 0, $add$ptr46 = 0, $add$ptr47 = 0, $add$ptr66 = 0, $add$ptr67 = 0, $add$ptr68 = 0, $add$ptr69 = 0, $add$ptr7 = 0, $add$ptr8 = 0, $add$ptr9 = 0, $add112 = 0, $add120 = 0; var $add126 = 0.0, $add23 = 0.0, $add39 = 0, $add59 = 0.0, $add64 = 0.0, $add79 = 0, $add88 = 0.0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx113 = 0, $arrayidx116 = 0, $arrayidx121 = 0, $arrayidx124 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx62 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx80 = 0, $arrayidx96 = 0; var $arrayidx97 = 0, $bitrev = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp107 = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp42 = 0, $cmp52 = 0, $cmp76 = 0, $fp = 0, $i = 0, $i111 = 0, $i123 = 0, $i89 = 0, $i93 = 0, $i95 = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $idxprom = 0, $im = 0.0, $in$addr = 0, $inc = 0; var $inc133 = 0, $inc34 = 0, $inc49 = 0, $inc71 = 0, $inc99 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr127 = 0, $incdec$ptr28 = 0, $incdec$ptr44 = 0, $incdec$ptr45 = 0, $incdec$ptr60 = 0, $incdec$ptr65 = 0, $incdec$ptr81 = 0, $incdec$ptr82 = 0, $kfft = 0, $l$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul102 = 0, $mul114 = 0.0, $mul117 = 0.0; var $mul122 = 0.0, $mul125 = 0.0, $mul128 = 0, $mul130 = 0, $mul22 = 0.0, $mul24 = 0.0, $mul26 = 0.0, $mul56 = 0.0, $mul58 = 0.0, $mul61 = 0.0, $mul63 = 0.0, $mul83 = 0.0, $mul84 = 0.0, $mul86 = 0.0, $mul87 = 0.0, $mul91 = 0.0, $mul94 = 0.0, $out$addr = 0, $overlap$addr = 0, $re = 0.0; var $saved_stack = 0, $scale = 0.0, $scale1 = 0, $shift$addr = 0, $shr = 0, $shr10 = 0, $shr12 = 0, $shr14 = 0, $shr18 = 0, $shr4 = 0, $shr40 = 0, $shr6 = 0, $st = 0, $stride$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub101 = 0, $sub118 = 0.0, $sub27 = 0.0, $sub41 = 0, $sub54 = 0; var $sub57 = 0.0, $sub85 = 0.0, $t = 0, $t0 = 0.0, $t1 = 0.0, $t104 = 0, $trig = 0, $trig2 = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla5 = 0, $vla5$alloca_mul = 0, $window$addr = 0, $wp1 = 0, $wp2 = 0, $xp1 = 0, $xp2 = 0, $yc = 0, $yi = 0.0, $yi110 = 0.0; var $yp = 0, $yp1 = 0, $yp2 = 0, $yp73 = 0, $yr = 0.0, $yr109 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 160|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(160|0); $yc = sp + 48|0; $l$addr = $l; $in$addr = $in; $out$addr = $out; $window$addr = $window; $overlap$addr = $overlap; $shift$addr = $shift; $stride$addr = $stride; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $l$addr; $kfft = ((($0)) + 8|0); $1 = $shift$addr; $arrayidx = (($kfft) + ($1<<2)|0); $2 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $st = $2; $3 = $st; $scale1 = ((($3)) + 4|0); $4 = +HEAPF32[$scale1>>2]; $scale = $4; $5 = $l$addr; $6 = HEAP32[$5>>2]|0; $N = $6; $7 = $l$addr; $trig2 = ((($7)) + 24|0); $8 = HEAP32[$trig2>>2]|0; $trig = $8; $i = 0; while(1) { $9 = $i; $10 = $shift$addr; $cmp = ($9|0)<($10|0); $11 = $N; $shr = $11 >> 1; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $N = $shr; $12 = $N; $13 = $trig; $add$ptr = (($13) + ($12<<2)|0); $trig = $add$ptr; $14 = $i; $inc = (($14) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $N2 = $shr; $15 = $N; $shr4 = $15 >> 2; $N4 = $shr4; $16 = $N2; $17 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $17; $vla$alloca_mul = $16<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $18 = $N4; $vla5$alloca_mul = $18<<3; $vla5 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla5$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla5$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $19 = $in$addr; $20 = $overlap$addr; $shr6 = $20 >> 1; $add$ptr7 = (($19) + ($shr6<<2)|0); $xp1 = $add$ptr7; $21 = $in$addr; $22 = $N2; $add$ptr8 = (($21) + ($22<<2)|0); $add$ptr9 = ((($add$ptr8)) + -4|0); $23 = $overlap$addr; $shr10 = $23 >> 1; $add$ptr11 = (($add$ptr9) + ($shr10<<2)|0); $xp2 = $add$ptr11; $yp = $vla; $24 = $window$addr; $25 = $overlap$addr; $shr12 = $25 >> 1; $add$ptr13 = (($24) + ($shr12<<2)|0); $wp1 = $add$ptr13; $26 = $window$addr; $27 = $overlap$addr; $shr14 = $27 >> 1; $add$ptr15 = (($26) + ($shr14<<2)|0); $add$ptr16 = ((($add$ptr15)) + -4|0); $wp2 = $add$ptr16; $i = 0; while(1) { $28 = $i; $29 = $overlap$addr; $add = (($29) + 3)|0; $shr18 = $add >> 2; $cmp19 = ($28|0)<($shr18|0); if (!($cmp19)) { break; } $30 = $wp2; $31 = +HEAPF32[$30>>2]; $32 = $xp1; $33 = $N2; $arrayidx21 = (($32) + ($33<<2)|0); $34 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2]; $mul = $31 * $34; $35 = $wp1; $36 = +HEAPF32[$35>>2]; $37 = $xp2; $38 = +HEAPF32[$37>>2]; $mul22 = $36 * $38; $add23 = $mul + $mul22; $39 = $yp; $incdec$ptr = ((($39)) + 4|0); $yp = $incdec$ptr; HEAPF32[$39>>2] = $add23; $40 = $wp1; $41 = +HEAPF32[$40>>2]; $42 = $xp1; $43 = +HEAPF32[$42>>2]; $mul24 = $41 * $43; $44 = $wp2; $45 = +HEAPF32[$44>>2]; $46 = $xp2; $47 = $N2; $sub = (0 - ($47))|0; $arrayidx25 = (($46) + ($sub<<2)|0); $48 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx25>>2]; $mul26 = $45 * $48; $sub27 = $mul24 - $mul26; $49 = $yp; $incdec$ptr28 = ((($49)) + 4|0); $yp = $incdec$ptr28; HEAPF32[$49>>2] = $sub27; $50 = $xp1; $add$ptr29 = ((($50)) + 8|0); $xp1 = $add$ptr29; $51 = $xp2; $add$ptr30 = ((($51)) + -8|0); $xp2 = $add$ptr30; $52 = $wp1; $add$ptr31 = ((($52)) + 8|0); $wp1 = $add$ptr31; $53 = $wp2; $add$ptr32 = ((($53)) + -8|0); $wp2 = $add$ptr32; $54 = $i; $inc34 = (($54) + 1)|0; $i = $inc34; } $55 = $window$addr; $wp1 = $55; $56 = $window$addr; $57 = $overlap$addr; $add$ptr36 = (($56) + ($57<<2)|0); $add$ptr37 = ((($add$ptr36)) + -4|0); $wp2 = $add$ptr37; while(1) { $58 = $i; $59 = $N4; $60 = $overlap$addr; $add39 = (($60) + 3)|0; $shr40 = $add39 >> 2; $sub41 = (($59) - ($shr40))|0; $cmp42 = ($58|0)<($sub41|0); if (!($cmp42)) { break; } $61 = $xp2; $62 = +HEAPF32[$61>>2]; $63 = $yp; $incdec$ptr44 = ((($63)) + 4|0); $yp = $incdec$ptr44; HEAPF32[$63>>2] = $62; $64 = $xp1; $65 = +HEAPF32[$64>>2]; $66 = $yp; $incdec$ptr45 = ((($66)) + 4|0); $yp = $incdec$ptr45; HEAPF32[$66>>2] = $65; $67 = $xp1; $add$ptr46 = ((($67)) + 8|0); $xp1 = $add$ptr46; $68 = $xp2; $add$ptr47 = ((($68)) + -8|0); $xp2 = $add$ptr47; $69 = $i; $inc49 = (($69) + 1)|0; $i = $inc49; } while(1) { $70 = $i; $71 = $N4; $cmp52 = ($70|0)<($71|0); if (!($cmp52)) { break; } $72 = $wp1; $73 = +HEAPF32[$72>>2]; $74 = $xp1; $75 = $N2; $sub54 = (0 - ($75))|0; $arrayidx55 = (($74) + ($sub54<<2)|0); $76 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx55>>2]; $mul56 = $73 * $76; $sub57 = - $mul56; $77 = $wp2; $78 = +HEAPF32[$77>>2]; $79 = $xp2; $80 = +HEAPF32[$79>>2]; $mul58 = $78 * $80; $add59 = $sub57 + $mul58; $81 = $yp; $incdec$ptr60 = ((($81)) + 4|0); $yp = $incdec$ptr60; HEAPF32[$81>>2] = $add59; $82 = $wp2; $83 = +HEAPF32[$82>>2]; $84 = $xp1; $85 = +HEAPF32[$84>>2]; $mul61 = $83 * $85; $86 = $wp1; $87 = +HEAPF32[$86>>2]; $88 = $xp2; $89 = $N2; $arrayidx62 = (($88) + ($89<<2)|0); $90 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx62>>2]; $mul63 = $87 * $90; $add64 = $mul61 + $mul63; $91 = $yp; $incdec$ptr65 = ((($91)) + 4|0); $yp = $incdec$ptr65; HEAPF32[$91>>2] = $add64; $92 = $xp1; $add$ptr66 = ((($92)) + 8|0); $xp1 = $add$ptr66; $93 = $xp2; $add$ptr67 = ((($93)) + -8|0); $xp2 = $add$ptr67; $94 = $wp1; $add$ptr68 = ((($94)) + 8|0); $wp1 = $add$ptr68; $95 = $wp2; $add$ptr69 = ((($95)) + -8|0); $wp2 = $add$ptr69; $96 = $i; $inc71 = (($96) + 1)|0; $i = $inc71; } $yp73 = $vla; $97 = $trig; $t = $97; $i = 0; while(1) { $98 = $i; $99 = $N4; $cmp76 = ($98|0)<($99|0); if (!($cmp76)) { break; } $100 = $t; $101 = $i; $arrayidx78 = (($100) + ($101<<2)|0); $102 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx78>>2]; $t0 = $102; $103 = $t; $104 = $N4; $105 = $i; $add79 = (($104) + ($105))|0; $arrayidx80 = (($103) + ($add79<<2)|0); $106 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx80>>2]; $t1 = $106; $107 = $yp73; $incdec$ptr81 = ((($107)) + 4|0); $yp73 = $incdec$ptr81; $108 = +HEAPF32[$107>>2]; $re = $108; $109 = $yp73; $incdec$ptr82 = ((($109)) + 4|0); $yp73 = $incdec$ptr82; $110 = +HEAPF32[$109>>2]; $im = $110; $111 = $re; $112 = $t0; $mul83 = $111 * $112; $113 = $im; $114 = $t1; $mul84 = $113 * $114; $sub85 = $mul83 - $mul84; $yr = $sub85; $115 = $im; $116 = $t0; $mul86 = $115 * $116; $117 = $re; $118 = $t1; $mul87 = $117 * $118; $add88 = $mul86 + $mul87; $yi = $add88; $119 = $yr; HEAPF32[$yc>>2] = $119; $120 = $yi; $i89 = ((($yc)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i89>>2] = $120; $121 = $scale; $122 = +HEAPF32[$yc>>2]; $mul91 = $121 * $122; HEAPF32[$yc>>2] = $mul91; $123 = $scale; $i93 = ((($yc)) + 4|0); $124 = +HEAPF32[$i93>>2]; $mul94 = $123 * $124; $i95 = ((($yc)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$i95>>2] = $mul94; $125 = $st; $bitrev = ((($125)) + 44|0); $126 = HEAP32[$bitrev>>2]|0; $127 = $i; $arrayidx96 = (($126) + ($127<<1)|0); $128 = HEAP16[$arrayidx96>>1]|0; $idxprom = $128 << 16 >> 16; $arrayidx97 = (($vla5) + ($idxprom<<3)|0); ;HEAP32[$arrayidx97>>2]=HEAP32[$yc>>2]|0;HEAP32[$arrayidx97+4>>2]=HEAP32[$yc+4>>2]|0; $129 = $i; $inc99 = (($129) + 1)|0; $i = $inc99; } $130 = $st; _opus_fft_impl($130,$vla5); $fp = $vla5; $131 = $out$addr; $yp1 = $131; $132 = $out$addr; $133 = $stride$addr; $134 = $N2; $sub101 = (($134) - 1)|0; $mul102 = Math_imul($133, $sub101)|0; $add$ptr103 = (($132) + ($mul102<<2)|0); $yp2 = $add$ptr103; $135 = $trig; $t104 = $135; $i = 0; while(1) { $136 = $i; $137 = $N4; $cmp107 = ($136|0)<($137|0); if (!($cmp107)) { break; } $138 = $fp; $i111 = ((($138)) + 4|0); $139 = +HEAPF32[$i111>>2]; $140 = $t104; $141 = $N4; $142 = $i; $add112 = (($141) + ($142))|0; $arrayidx113 = (($140) + ($add112<<2)|0); $143 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx113>>2]; $mul114 = $139 * $143; $144 = $fp; $145 = +HEAPF32[$144>>2]; $146 = $t104; $147 = $i; $arrayidx116 = (($146) + ($147<<2)|0); $148 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx116>>2]; $mul117 = $145 * $148; $sub118 = $mul114 - $mul117; $yr109 = $sub118; $149 = $fp; $150 = +HEAPF32[$149>>2]; $151 = $t104; $152 = $N4; $153 = $i; $add120 = (($152) + ($153))|0; $arrayidx121 = (($151) + ($add120<<2)|0); $154 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx121>>2]; $mul122 = $150 * $154; $155 = $fp; $i123 = ((($155)) + 4|0); $156 = +HEAPF32[$i123>>2]; $157 = $t104; $158 = $i; $arrayidx124 = (($157) + ($158<<2)|0); $159 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx124>>2]; $mul125 = $156 * $159; $add126 = $mul122 + $mul125; $yi110 = $add126; $160 = $yr109; $161 = $yp1; HEAPF32[$161>>2] = $160; $162 = $yi110; $163 = $yp2; HEAPF32[$163>>2] = $162; $164 = $fp; $incdec$ptr127 = ((($164)) + 8|0); $fp = $incdec$ptr127; $165 = $stride$addr; $mul128 = $165<<1; $166 = $yp1; $add$ptr129 = (($166) + ($mul128<<2)|0); $yp1 = $add$ptr129; $167 = $stride$addr; $mul130 = $167<<1; $168 = $yp2; $idx$neg = (0 - ($mul130))|0; $add$ptr131 = (($168) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $yp2 = $add$ptr131; $169 = $i; $inc133 = (($169) + 1)|0; $i = $inc133; } $170 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($170|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _clt_mdct_backward_c($l,$in,$out,$window,$overlap,$shift,$stride,$arch) { $l = $l|0; $in = $in|0; $out = $out|0; $window = $window|0; $overlap = $overlap|0; $shift = $shift|0; $stride = $stride|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0.0, $107 = 0.0, $108 = 0.0, $109 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0.0, $111 = 0.0, $112 = 0.0, $113 = 0.0, $114 = 0.0, $115 = 0.0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0.0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0.0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0.0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0.0, $136 = 0.0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0.0, $139 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0.0, $143 = 0.0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0.0, $146 = 0.0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $16 = 0; var $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0; var $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0; var $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0; var $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0.0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0.0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0.0, $85 = 0.0, $86 = 0.0, $87 = 0.0, $88 = 0.0, $89 = 0.0; var $9 = 0, $90 = 0.0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0.0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0.0, $95 = 0.0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0.0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $N = 0, $N2 = 0, $N4 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr29 = 0, $add$ptr31 = 0, $add$ptr38 = 0, $add$ptr4 = 0; var $add$ptr40 = 0, $add$ptr42 = 0, $add$ptr43 = 0, $add$ptr44 = 0, $add$ptr6 = 0, $add$ptr84 = 0, $add$ptr85 = 0, $add$ptr90 = 0, $add$ptr91 = 0, $add$ptr93 = 0, $add$ptr94 = 0, $add105 = 0.0, $add16 = 0.0, $add19 = 0, $add24 = 0, $add48 = 0, $add58 = 0, $add62 = 0.0, $add78 = 0.0, $arch$addr = 0; var $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx57 = 0, $arrayidx59 = 0, $arrayidx66 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx72 = 0, $arrayidx75 = 0, $arrayidx83 = 0, $bitrev = 0, $bitrev8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp10 = 0; var $cmp50 = 0, $cmp96 = 0, $conv = 0, $div = 0, $i = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $im = 0.0, $in$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc110 = 0, $inc33 = 0, $inc87 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr102 = 0, $incdec$ptr106 = 0, $incdec$ptr107 = 0, $incdec$ptr108 = 0, $kfft = 0, $kfft35 = 0, $l$addr = 0; var $mul = 0, $mul100 = 0.0, $mul103 = 0.0, $mul104 = 0.0, $mul13 = 0.0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul18 = 0.0, $mul21 = 0.0, $mul23 = 0, $mul26 = 0, $mul28 = 0, $mul30 = 0, $mul60 = 0.0, $mul61 = 0.0, $mul63 = 0.0, $mul64 = 0.0, $mul76 = 0.0, $mul77 = 0.0, $mul79 = 0.0, $mul80 = 0.0; var $mul99 = 0.0, $out$addr = 0, $overlap$addr = 0, $re = 0.0, $rev = 0, $shift$addr = 0, $shr = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr37 = 0, $shr39 = 0, $shr41 = 0, $shr49 = 0, $shr5 = 0, $stride$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub101 = 0.0, $sub22 = 0.0, $sub65 = 0.0, $sub70 = 0, $sub71 = 0; var $sub73 = 0, $sub74 = 0, $sub81 = 0.0, $t = 0, $t0 = 0.0, $t1 = 0.0, $t45 = 0, $trig = 0, $trig1 = 0, $window$addr = 0, $wp1 = 0, $wp2 = 0, $x1 = 0.0, $x2 = 0.0, $xp1 = 0, $xp189 = 0, $xp2 = 0, $yi = 0.0, $yi54 = 0.0, $yp = 0; var $yp0 = 0, $yp1 = 0, $yp192 = 0, $yr = 0.0, $yr53 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 144|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(144|0); $l$addr = $l; $in$addr = $in; $out$addr = $out; $window$addr = $window; $overlap$addr = $overlap; $shift$addr = $shift; $stride$addr = $stride; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $l$addr; $1 = HEAP32[$0>>2]|0; $N = $1; $2 = $l$addr; $trig1 = ((($2)) + 24|0); $3 = HEAP32[$trig1>>2]|0; $trig = $3; $i = 0; while(1) { $4 = $i; $5 = $shift$addr; $cmp = ($4|0)<($5|0); $6 = $N; $shr = $6 >> 1; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $N = $shr; $7 = $N; $8 = $trig; $add$ptr = (($8) + ($7<<2)|0); $trig = $add$ptr; $9 = $i; $inc = (($9) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $N2 = $shr; $10 = $N; $shr3 = $10 >> 2; $N4 = $shr3; $11 = $in$addr; $xp1 = $11; $12 = $in$addr; $13 = $stride$addr; $14 = $N2; $sub = (($14) - 1)|0; $mul = Math_imul($13, $sub)|0; $add$ptr4 = (($12) + ($mul<<2)|0); $xp2 = $add$ptr4; $15 = $out$addr; $16 = $overlap$addr; $shr5 = $16 >> 1; $add$ptr6 = (($15) + ($shr5<<2)|0); $yp = $add$ptr6; $17 = $trig; $t = $17; $18 = $l$addr; $kfft = ((($18)) + 8|0); $19 = $shift$addr; $arrayidx7 = (($kfft) + ($19<<2)|0); $20 = HEAP32[$arrayidx7>>2]|0; $bitrev8 = ((($20)) + 44|0); $21 = HEAP32[$bitrev8>>2]|0; $bitrev = $21; $i = 0; while(1) { $22 = $i; $23 = $N4; $cmp10 = ($22|0)<($23|0); if (!($cmp10)) { break; } $24 = $bitrev; $incdec$ptr = ((($24)) + 2|0); $bitrev = $incdec$ptr; $25 = HEAP16[$24>>1]|0; $conv = $25 << 16 >> 16; $rev = $conv; $26 = $xp2; $27 = +HEAPF32[$26>>2]; $28 = $t; $29 = $i; $arrayidx12 = (($28) + ($29<<2)|0); $30 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2]; $mul13 = $27 * $30; $31 = $xp1; $32 = +HEAPF32[$31>>2]; $33 = $t; $34 = $N4; $35 = $i; $add = (($34) + ($35))|0; $arrayidx14 = (($33) + ($add<<2)|0); $36 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $mul15 = $32 * $36; $add16 = $mul13 + $mul15; $yr = $add16; $37 = $xp1; $38 = +HEAPF32[$37>>2]; $39 = $t; $40 = $i; $arrayidx17 = (($39) + ($40<<2)|0); $41 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2]; $mul18 = $38 * $41; $42 = $xp2; $43 = +HEAPF32[$42>>2]; $44 = $t; $45 = $N4; $46 = $i; $add19 = (($45) + ($46))|0; $arrayidx20 = (($44) + ($add19<<2)|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2]; $mul21 = $43 * $47; $sub22 = $mul18 - $mul21; $yi = $sub22; $48 = $yr; $49 = $yp; $50 = $rev; $mul23 = $50<<1; $add24 = (($mul23) + 1)|0; $arrayidx25 = (($49) + ($add24<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx25>>2] = $48; $51 = $yi; $52 = $yp; $53 = $rev; $mul26 = $53<<1; $arrayidx27 = (($52) + ($mul26<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2] = $51; $54 = $stride$addr; $mul28 = $54<<1; $55 = $xp1; $add$ptr29 = (($55) + ($mul28<<2)|0); $xp1 = $add$ptr29; $56 = $stride$addr; $mul30 = $56<<1; $57 = $xp2; $idx$neg = (0 - ($mul30))|0; $add$ptr31 = (($57) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $xp2 = $add$ptr31; $58 = $i; $inc33 = (($58) + 1)|0; $i = $inc33; } $59 = $l$addr; $kfft35 = ((($59)) + 8|0); $60 = $shift$addr; $arrayidx36 = (($kfft35) + ($60<<2)|0); $61 = HEAP32[$arrayidx36>>2]|0; $62 = $out$addr; $63 = $overlap$addr; $shr37 = $63 >> 1; $add$ptr38 = (($62) + ($shr37<<2)|0); _opus_fft_impl($61,$add$ptr38); $64 = $out$addr; $65 = $overlap$addr; $shr39 = $65 >> 1; $add$ptr40 = (($64) + ($shr39<<2)|0); $yp0 = $add$ptr40; $66 = $out$addr; $67 = $overlap$addr; $shr41 = $67 >> 1; $add$ptr42 = (($66) + ($shr41<<2)|0); $68 = $N2; $add$ptr43 = (($add$ptr42) + ($68<<2)|0); $add$ptr44 = ((($add$ptr43)) + -8|0); $yp1 = $add$ptr44; $69 = $trig; $t45 = $69; $i = 0; while(1) { $70 = $i; $71 = $N4; $add48 = (($71) + 1)|0; $shr49 = $add48 >> 1; $cmp50 = ($70|0)<($shr49|0); if (!($cmp50)) { break; } $72 = $yp0; $arrayidx55 = ((($72)) + 4|0); $73 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx55>>2]; $re = $73; $74 = $yp0; $75 = +HEAPF32[$74>>2]; $im = $75; $76 = $t45; $77 = $i; $arrayidx57 = (($76) + ($77<<2)|0); $78 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx57>>2]; $t0 = $78; $79 = $t45; $80 = $N4; $81 = $i; $add58 = (($80) + ($81))|0; $arrayidx59 = (($79) + ($add58<<2)|0); $82 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx59>>2]; $t1 = $82; $83 = $re; $84 = $t0; $mul60 = $83 * $84; $85 = $im; $86 = $t1; $mul61 = $85 * $86; $add62 = $mul60 + $mul61; $yr53 = $add62; $87 = $re; $88 = $t1; $mul63 = $87 * $88; $89 = $im; $90 = $t0; $mul64 = $89 * $90; $sub65 = $mul63 - $mul64; $yi54 = $sub65; $91 = $yp1; $arrayidx66 = ((($91)) + 4|0); $92 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx66>>2]; $re = $92; $93 = $yp1; $94 = +HEAPF32[$93>>2]; $im = $94; $95 = $yr53; $96 = $yp0; HEAPF32[$96>>2] = $95; $97 = $yi54; $98 = $yp1; $arrayidx69 = ((($98)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx69>>2] = $97; $99 = $t45; $100 = $N4; $101 = $i; $sub70 = (($100) - ($101))|0; $sub71 = (($sub70) - 1)|0; $arrayidx72 = (($99) + ($sub71<<2)|0); $102 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx72>>2]; $t0 = $102; $103 = $t45; $104 = $N2; $105 = $i; $sub73 = (($104) - ($105))|0; $sub74 = (($sub73) - 1)|0; $arrayidx75 = (($103) + ($sub74<<2)|0); $106 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx75>>2]; $t1 = $106; $107 = $re; $108 = $t0; $mul76 = $107 * $108; $109 = $im; $110 = $t1; $mul77 = $109 * $110; $add78 = $mul76 + $mul77; $yr53 = $add78; $111 = $re; $112 = $t1; $mul79 = $111 * $112; $113 = $im; $114 = $t0; $mul80 = $113 * $114; $sub81 = $mul79 - $mul80; $yi54 = $sub81; $115 = $yr53; $116 = $yp1; HEAPF32[$116>>2] = $115; $117 = $yi54; $118 = $yp0; $arrayidx83 = ((($118)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx83>>2] = $117; $119 = $yp0; $add$ptr84 = ((($119)) + 8|0); $yp0 = $add$ptr84; $120 = $yp1; $add$ptr85 = ((($120)) + -8|0); $yp1 = $add$ptr85; $121 = $i; $inc87 = (($121) + 1)|0; $i = $inc87; } $122 = $out$addr; $123 = $overlap$addr; $add$ptr90 = (($122) + ($123<<2)|0); $add$ptr91 = ((($add$ptr90)) + -4|0); $xp189 = $add$ptr91; $124 = $out$addr; $yp192 = $124; $125 = $window$addr; $wp1 = $125; $126 = $window$addr; $127 = $overlap$addr; $add$ptr93 = (($126) + ($127<<2)|0); $add$ptr94 = ((($add$ptr93)) + -4|0); $wp2 = $add$ptr94; $i = 0; while(1) { $128 = $i; $129 = $overlap$addr; $div = (($129|0) / 2)&-1; $cmp96 = ($128|0)<($div|0); if (!($cmp96)) { break; } $130 = $xp189; $131 = +HEAPF32[$130>>2]; $x1 = $131; $132 = $yp192; $133 = +HEAPF32[$132>>2]; $x2 = $133; $134 = $wp2; $135 = +HEAPF32[$134>>2]; $136 = $x2; $mul99 = $135 * $136; $137 = $wp1; $138 = +HEAPF32[$137>>2]; $139 = $x1; $mul100 = $138 * $139; $sub101 = $mul99 - $mul100; $140 = $yp192; $incdec$ptr102 = ((($140)) + 4|0); $yp192 = $incdec$ptr102; HEAPF32[$140>>2] = $sub101; $141 = $wp1; $142 = +HEAPF32[$141>>2]; $143 = $x2; $mul103 = $142 * $143; $144 = $wp2; $145 = +HEAPF32[$144>>2]; $146 = $x1; $mul104 = $145 * $146; $add105 = $mul103 + $mul104; $147 = $xp189; $incdec$ptr106 = ((($147)) + -4|0); $xp189 = $incdec$ptr106; HEAPF32[$147>>2] = $add105; $148 = $wp1; $incdec$ptr107 = ((($148)) + 4|0); $wp1 = $incdec$ptr107; $149 = $wp2; $incdec$ptr108 = ((($149)) + -4|0); $wp2 = $incdec$ptr108; $150 = $i; $inc110 = (($150) + 1)|0; $i = $inc110; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _opus_custom_mode_create($Fs,$frame_size,$error) { $Fs = $Fs|0; $frame_size = $frame_size|0; $error = $error|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0; var $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Fs$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $error$addr = 0, $frame_size$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc13 = 0, $j = 0, $mul = 0, $nbShortMdcts = 0; var $retval = 0, $shl = 0, $shortMdctSize = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool15 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $Fs$addr = $Fs; $frame_size$addr = $frame_size; $error$addr = $error; $i = 0; L1: while(1) { $0 = $i; $cmp = ($0|0)<(1); if (!($cmp)) { label = 12; break; } $j = 0; while(1) { $1 = $j; $cmp2 = ($1|0)<(4); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $2 = $Fs$addr; $3 = $i; $arrayidx = (4584 + ($3<<2)|0); $4 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $5 = HEAP32[$4>>2]|0; $cmp5 = ($2|0)==($5|0); if ($cmp5) { $6 = $frame_size$addr; $7 = $j; $shl = $6 << $7; $8 = $i; $arrayidx6 = (4584 + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $shortMdctSize = ((($9)) + 44|0); $10 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize>>2]|0; $11 = $i; $arrayidx7 = (4584 + ($11<<2)|0); $12 = HEAP32[$arrayidx7>>2]|0; $nbShortMdcts = ((($12)) + 40|0); $13 = HEAP32[$nbShortMdcts>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($10, $13)|0; $cmp8 = ($shl|0)==($mul|0); if ($cmp8) { label = 7; break L1; } } $18 = $j; $inc = (($18) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $19 = $i; $inc13 = (($19) + 1)|0; $i = $inc13; } if ((label|0) == 7) { $14 = $error$addr; $tobool = ($14|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool) { $15 = $error$addr; HEAP32[$15>>2] = 0; } $16 = $i; $arrayidx10 = (4584 + ($16<<2)|0); $17 = HEAP32[$arrayidx10>>2]|0; $retval = $17; $22 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($22|0); } else if ((label|0) == 12) { $20 = $error$addr; $tobool15 = ($20|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool15) { $21 = $error$addr; HEAP32[$21>>2] = -1; } $retval = 0; $22 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($22|0); } return (0)|0; } function _pitch_downsample($x,$x_lp,$len,$C,$arch) { $x = $x|0; $x_lp = $x_lp|0; $len = $len|0; $C = $C|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0.0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0.0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0.0; var $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0.0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0.0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0.0, $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $9 = 0.0, $C$addr = 0, $ac = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0.0, $add101 = 0.0, $add18 = 0.0, $add32 = 0, $add34 = 0.0, $add39 = 0.0, $add42 = 0.0, $add5 = 0.0, $add51 = 0.0, $add54 = 0.0, $add86 = 0.0, $add91 = 0.0, $add96 = 0.0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx102 = 0; var $arrayidx103 = 0, $arrayidx105 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx67 = 0, $arrayidx79 = 0, $arrayidx81 = 0, $arrayidx88 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0; var $arrayidx92 = 0, $arrayidx93 = 0, $arrayidx94 = 0, $arrayidx97 = 0, $arrayidx98 = 0, $arrayidx99 = 0, $c1 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp75 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv64 = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc44 = 0, $inc70 = 0, $inc83 = 0, $len$addr = 0; var $lpc = 0, $lpc2 = 0, $mem = 0, $mul = 0, $mul100 = 0.0, $mul104 = 0.0, $mul11 = 0.0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul19 = 0.0, $mul27 = 0, $mul3 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul35 = 0.0, $mul37 = 0, $mul40 = 0.0, $mul48 = 0.0, $mul52 = 0.0, $mul57 = 0.0, $mul6 = 0.0, $mul62 = 0.0; var $mul63 = 0.0, $mul65 = 0.0, $mul66 = 0.0, $mul78 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0, $mul80 = 0.0, $mul90 = 0.0, $mul95 = 0.0, $shr = 0, $shr107 = 0, $shr23 = 0, $shr55 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub68 = 0.0, $tmp = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, $x_lp$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 112|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(112|0); $ac = sp + 68|0; $lpc = sp + 48|0; $mem = sp + 24|0; $lpc2 = sp + 4|0; $x$addr = $x; $x_lp$addr = $x_lp; $len$addr = $len; $C$addr = $C; $arch$addr = $arch; $tmp = 1.0; ;HEAP32[$mem>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$mem+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$mem+8>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$mem+12>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$mem+16>>2]=0|0; $c1 = 0.80000001192092896; $i = 1; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $len$addr; $shr = $1 >> 1; $cmp = ($0|0)<($shr|0); $2 = $x$addr; $3 = HEAP32[$2>>2]|0; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $4 = $i; $mul = $4<<1; $sub = (($mul) - 1)|0; $arrayidx1 = (($3) + ($sub<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $6 = $x$addr; $7 = HEAP32[$6>>2]|0; $8 = $i; $mul3 = $8<<1; $add = (($mul3) + 1)|0; $arrayidx4 = (($7) + ($add<<2)|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $add5 = $5 + $9; $mul6 = 0.5 * $add5; $10 = $x$addr; $11 = HEAP32[$10>>2]|0; $12 = $i; $mul8 = $12<<1; $arrayidx9 = (($11) + ($mul8<<2)|0); $13 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $add10 = $mul6 + $13; $mul11 = 0.5 * $add10; $14 = $x_lp$addr; $15 = $i; $arrayidx12 = (($14) + ($15<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2] = $mul11; $16 = $i; $inc = (($16) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $arrayidx14 = ((($3)) + 4|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $mul15 = 0.5 * $17; $18 = $x$addr; $19 = HEAP32[$18>>2]|0; $20 = +HEAPF32[$19>>2]; $add18 = $mul15 + $20; $mul19 = 0.5 * $add18; $21 = $x_lp$addr; HEAPF32[$21>>2] = $mul19; $22 = $C$addr; $cmp21 = ($22|0)==(2); if ($cmp21) { $i = 1; while(1) { $23 = $i; $24 = $len$addr; $shr23 = $24 >> 1; $cmp24 = ($23|0)<($shr23|0); $25 = $x$addr; $arrayidx26 = ((($25)) + 4|0); $26 = HEAP32[$arrayidx26>>2]|0; if (!($cmp24)) { break; } $27 = $i; $mul27 = $27<<1; $sub28 = (($mul27) - 1)|0; $arrayidx29 = (($26) + ($sub28<<2)|0); $28 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2]; $29 = $x$addr; $arrayidx30 = ((($29)) + 4|0); $30 = HEAP32[$arrayidx30>>2]|0; $31 = $i; $mul31 = $31<<1; $add32 = (($mul31) + 1)|0; $arrayidx33 = (($30) + ($add32<<2)|0); $32 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx33>>2]; $add34 = $28 + $32; $mul35 = 0.5 * $add34; $33 = $x$addr; $arrayidx36 = ((($33)) + 4|0); $34 = HEAP32[$arrayidx36>>2]|0; $35 = $i; $mul37 = $35<<1; $arrayidx38 = (($34) + ($mul37<<2)|0); $36 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2]; $add39 = $mul35 + $36; $mul40 = 0.5 * $add39; $37 = $x_lp$addr; $38 = $i; $arrayidx41 = (($37) + ($38<<2)|0); $39 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx41>>2]; $add42 = $39 + $mul40; HEAPF32[$arrayidx41>>2] = $add42; $40 = $i; $inc44 = (($40) + 1)|0; $i = $inc44; } $arrayidx47 = ((($26)) + 4|0); $41 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx47>>2]; $mul48 = 0.5 * $41; $42 = $x$addr; $arrayidx49 = ((($42)) + 4|0); $43 = HEAP32[$arrayidx49>>2]|0; $44 = +HEAPF32[$43>>2]; $add51 = $mul48 + $44; $mul52 = 0.5 * $add51; $45 = $x_lp$addr; $46 = +HEAPF32[$45>>2]; $add54 = $46 + $mul52; HEAPF32[$45>>2] = $add54; } $47 = $x_lp$addr; $48 = $len$addr; $shr55 = $48 >> 1; $49 = $arch$addr; (__celt_autocorr($47,$ac,0,0,4,$shr55,$49)|0); $50 = +HEAPF32[$ac>>2]; $mul57 = $50 * 1.0001000165939331; HEAPF32[$ac>>2] = $mul57; $i = 1; while(1) { $51 = $i; $cmp59 = ($51|0)<=(4); if (!($cmp59)) { break; } $52 = $i; $arrayidx61 = (($ac) + ($52<<2)|0); $53 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx61>>2]; $54 = $i; $conv = (+($54|0)); $mul62 = 0.0080000003799796104 * $conv; $mul63 = $53 * $mul62; $55 = $i; $conv64 = (+($55|0)); $mul65 = 0.0080000003799796104 * $conv64; $mul66 = $mul63 * $mul65; $56 = $i; $arrayidx67 = (($ac) + ($56<<2)|0); $57 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx67>>2]; $sub68 = $57 - $mul66; HEAPF32[$arrayidx67>>2] = $sub68; $58 = $i; $inc70 = (($58) + 1)|0; $i = $inc70; } __celt_lpc($lpc,$ac,4); $i = 0; while(1) { $59 = $i; $cmp75 = ($59|0)<(4); if (!($cmp75)) { break; } $60 = $tmp; $mul78 = 0.89999997615814208 * $60; $tmp = $mul78; $61 = $i; $arrayidx79 = (($lpc) + ($61<<2)|0); $62 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx79>>2]; $63 = $tmp; $mul80 = $62 * $63; $64 = $i; $arrayidx81 = (($lpc) + ($64<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx81>>2] = $mul80; $65 = $i; $inc83 = (($65) + 1)|0; $i = $inc83; } $66 = +HEAPF32[$lpc>>2]; $add86 = $66 + 0.80000001192092896; HEAPF32[$lpc2>>2] = $add86; $arrayidx88 = ((($lpc)) + 4|0); $67 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx88>>2]; $68 = $c1; $69 = +HEAPF32[$lpc>>2]; $mul90 = $68 * $69; $add91 = $67 + $mul90; $arrayidx92 = ((($lpc2)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx92>>2] = $add91; $arrayidx93 = ((($lpc)) + 8|0); $70 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx93>>2]; $71 = $c1; $arrayidx94 = ((($lpc)) + 4|0); $72 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx94>>2]; $mul95 = $71 * $72; $add96 = $70 + $mul95; $arrayidx97 = ((($lpc2)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx97>>2] = $add96; $arrayidx98 = ((($lpc)) + 12|0); $73 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx98>>2]; $74 = $c1; $arrayidx99 = ((($lpc)) + 8|0); $75 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx99>>2]; $mul100 = $74 * $75; $add101 = $73 + $mul100; $arrayidx102 = ((($lpc2)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx102>>2] = $add101; $76 = $c1; $arrayidx103 = ((($lpc)) + 12|0); $77 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx103>>2]; $mul104 = $76 * $77; $arrayidx105 = ((($lpc2)) + 16|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx105>>2] = $mul104; $78 = $x_lp$addr; $79 = $x_lp$addr; $80 = $len$addr; $shr107 = $80 >> 1; _celt_fir5($78,$lpc2,$79,$shr107,$mem); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _celt_fir5($x,$num,$y,$N,$mem) { $x = $x|0; $num = $num|0; $y = $y|0; $N = $N|0; $mem = $mem|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0.0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0; var $9 = 0.0, $N$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add12 = 0.0, $add14 = 0.0, $add16 = 0.0, $add18 = 0.0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0; var $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mem$addr = 0, $mem0 = 0.0, $mem1 = 0.0, $mem2 = 0.0, $mem3 = 0.0, $mem4 = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $mul11 = 0.0, $mul13 = 0.0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul17 = 0.0, $num$addr = 0, $num0 = 0.0, $num1 = 0.0, $num2 = 0.0; var $num3 = 0.0, $num4 = 0.0, $sum = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, $y$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $x$addr = $x; $num$addr = $num; $y$addr = $y; $N$addr = $N; $mem$addr = $mem; $0 = $num$addr; $1 = +HEAPF32[$0>>2]; $num0 = $1; $2 = $num$addr; $arrayidx1 = ((($2)) + 4|0); $3 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $num1 = $3; $4 = $num$addr; $arrayidx2 = ((($4)) + 8|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $num2 = $5; $6 = $num$addr; $arrayidx3 = ((($6)) + 12|0); $7 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $num3 = $7; $8 = $num$addr; $arrayidx4 = ((($8)) + 16|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $num4 = $9; $10 = $mem$addr; $11 = +HEAPF32[$10>>2]; $mem0 = $11; $12 = $mem$addr; $arrayidx6 = ((($12)) + 4|0); $13 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $mem1 = $13; $14 = $mem$addr; $arrayidx7 = ((($14)) + 8|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $mem2 = $15; $16 = $mem$addr; $arrayidx8 = ((($16)) + 12|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2]; $mem3 = $17; $18 = $mem$addr; $arrayidx9 = ((($18)) + 16|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $mem4 = $19; $i = 0; while(1) { $20 = $i; $21 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($20|0)<($21|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $22 = $x$addr; $23 = $i; $arrayidx10 = (($22) + ($23<<2)|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $sum = $24; $25 = $sum; $26 = $num0; $27 = $mem0; $mul = $26 * $27; $add = $25 + $mul; $sum = $add; $28 = $sum; $29 = $num1; $30 = $mem1; $mul11 = $29 * $30; $add12 = $28 + $mul11; $sum = $add12; $31 = $sum; $32 = $num2; $33 = $mem2; $mul13 = $32 * $33; $add14 = $31 + $mul13; $sum = $add14; $34 = $sum; $35 = $num3; $36 = $mem3; $mul15 = $35 * $36; $add16 = $34 + $mul15; $sum = $add16; $37 = $sum; $38 = $num4; $39 = $mem4; $mul17 = $38 * $39; $add18 = $37 + $mul17; $sum = $add18; $40 = $mem3; $mem4 = $40; $41 = $mem2; $mem3 = $41; $42 = $mem1; $mem2 = $42; $43 = $mem0; $mem1 = $43; $44 = $x$addr; $45 = $i; $arrayidx19 = (($44) + ($45<<2)|0); $46 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2]; $mem0 = $46; $47 = $sum; $48 = $y$addr; $49 = $i; $arrayidx20 = (($48) + ($49<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2] = $47; $50 = $i; $inc = (($50) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $51 = $mem0; $52 = $mem$addr; HEAPF32[$52>>2] = $51; $53 = $mem1; $54 = $mem$addr; $arrayidx22 = ((($54)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2] = $53; $55 = $mem2; $56 = $mem$addr; $arrayidx23 = ((($56)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2] = $55; $57 = $mem3; $58 = $mem$addr; $arrayidx24 = ((($58)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2] = $57; $59 = $mem4; $60 = $mem$addr; $arrayidx25 = ((($60)) + 16|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx25>>2] = $59; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _celt_pitch_xcorr($_x,$_y,$xcorr,$len,$max_pitch,$arch) { $_x = $_x|0; $_y = $_y|0; $xcorr = $xcorr|0; $len = $len|0; $max_pitch = $max_pitch|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $_x$addr = 0, $_y$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr15 = 0, $add10 = 0, $add5 = 0, $add8 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0; var $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $call = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $len$addr = 0, $max_pitch$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sum = 0, $sum14 = 0.0, $xcorr$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $sum = sp + 8|0; $_x$addr = $_x; $_y$addr = $_y; $xcorr$addr = $xcorr; $len$addr = $len; $max_pitch$addr = $max_pitch; $arch$addr = $arch; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $max_pitch$addr; $sub = (($1) - 3)|0; $cmp = ($0|0)<($sub|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } ;HEAP32[$sum>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sum+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sum+8>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sum+12>>2]=0|0; $2 = $_x$addr; $3 = $_y$addr; $4 = $i; $add$ptr = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = $len$addr; _xcorr_kernel_c($2,$add$ptr,$sum,$5); $6 = +HEAPF32[$sum>>2]; $7 = $xcorr$addr; $8 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($7) + ($8<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2] = $6; $arrayidx2 = ((($sum)) + 4|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $10 = $xcorr$addr; $11 = $i; $add = (($11) + 1)|0; $arrayidx3 = (($10) + ($add<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2] = $9; $arrayidx4 = ((($sum)) + 8|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $13 = $xcorr$addr; $14 = $i; $add5 = (($14) + 2)|0; $arrayidx6 = (($13) + ($add5<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2] = $12; $arrayidx7 = ((($sum)) + 12|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $16 = $xcorr$addr; $17 = $i; $add8 = (($17) + 3)|0; $arrayidx9 = (($16) + ($add8<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2] = $15; $18 = $i; $add10 = (($18) + 4)|0; $i = $add10; } while(1) { $19 = $i; $20 = $max_pitch$addr; $cmp12 = ($19|0)<($20|0); if (!($cmp12)) { break; } $21 = $_x$addr; $22 = $_y$addr; $23 = $i; $add$ptr15 = (($22) + ($23<<2)|0); $24 = $len$addr; $call = (+_celt_inner_prod_c_103($21,$add$ptr15,$24)); $sum14 = $call; $25 = $sum14; $26 = $xcorr$addr; $27 = $i; $arrayidx16 = (($26) + ($27<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2] = $25; $28 = $i; $inc = (($28) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _xcorr_kernel_c($x,$y,$sum,$len) { $x = $x|0; $y = $y|0; $sum = $sum|0; $len = $len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0.0, $101 = 0.0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0.0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $110 = 0.0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0.0, $113 = 0.0, $114 = 0.0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0.0, $118 = 0.0, $119 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0.0, $123 = 0.0, $124 = 0.0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0.0, $128 = 0.0, $129 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0.0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0.0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0.0, $139 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $140 = 0.0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0.0, $144 = 0.0, $145 = 0.0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0.0, $149 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $150 = 0.0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0.0, $154 = 0.0, $155 = 0.0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0.0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0.0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0.0, $165 = 0.0, $166 = 0.0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0.0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0.0, $171 = 0.0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0.0, $175 = 0.0, $176 = 0.0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $180 = 0.0, $181 = 0.0, $182 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0; var $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0.0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0; var $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0.0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0.0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0; var $60 = 0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0.0, $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0.0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0.0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0.0; var $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0.0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0.0, $86 = 0.0, $87 = 0.0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $90 = 0.0, $91 = 0.0, $92 = 0.0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0.0, $96 = 0.0; var $97 = 0.0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $add = 0.0, $add101 = 0.0, $add105 = 0.0, $add109 = 0.0, $add113 = 0.0, $add12 = 0.0, $add123 = 0.0, $add127 = 0.0, $add131 = 0.0, $add135 = 0.0, $add16 = 0.0, $add22 = 0.0, $add26 = 0.0, $add30 = 0.0, $add34 = 0.0, $add40 = 0.0, $add44 = 0.0; var $add48 = 0.0, $add52 = 0.0, $add58 = 0.0, $add62 = 0.0, $add66 = 0.0, $add70 = 0.0, $add72 = 0, $add79 = 0.0, $add8 = 0.0, $add83 = 0.0, $add87 = 0.0, $add91 = 0.0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx103 = 0, $arrayidx106 = 0, $arrayidx107 = 0, $arrayidx110 = 0, $arrayidx111 = 0, $arrayidx114 = 0, $arrayidx125 = 0; var $arrayidx128 = 0, $arrayidx129 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx132 = 0, $arrayidx133 = 0, $arrayidx136 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0; var $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx60 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $arrayidx64 = 0, $arrayidx67 = 0, $arrayidx68 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx81 = 0, $arrayidx84 = 0, $arrayidx85 = 0, $arrayidx88 = 0, $arrayidx89 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp116 = 0, $cmp73 = 0, $cmp94 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc93 = 0; var $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr1 = 0, $incdec$ptr119 = 0, $incdec$ptr120 = 0, $incdec$ptr18 = 0, $incdec$ptr19 = 0, $incdec$ptr2 = 0, $incdec$ptr3 = 0, $incdec$ptr36 = 0, $incdec$ptr37 = 0, $incdec$ptr4 = 0, $incdec$ptr54 = 0, $incdec$ptr55 = 0, $incdec$ptr75 = 0, $incdec$ptr76 = 0, $incdec$ptr97 = 0, $incdec$ptr98 = 0, $j = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0; var $mul100 = 0.0, $mul104 = 0.0, $mul108 = 0.0, $mul11 = 0.0, $mul112 = 0.0, $mul122 = 0.0, $mul126 = 0.0, $mul130 = 0.0, $mul134 = 0.0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul21 = 0.0, $mul25 = 0.0, $mul29 = 0.0, $mul33 = 0.0, $mul39 = 0.0, $mul43 = 0.0, $mul47 = 0.0, $mul51 = 0.0, $mul57 = 0.0, $mul61 = 0.0; var $mul65 = 0.0, $mul69 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0.0, $mul78 = 0.0, $mul82 = 0.0, $mul86 = 0.0, $mul90 = 0.0, $sub = 0, $sum$addr = 0, $tmp = 0.0, $tmp118 = 0.0, $tmp74 = 0.0, $tmp96 = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, $y$addr = 0, $y_0 = 0.0, $y_1 = 0.0, $y_2 = 0.0, $y_3 = 0.0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $x$addr = $x; $y$addr = $y; $sum$addr = $sum; $len$addr = $len; $y_3 = 0.0; $0 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr = ((($0)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr; $1 = +HEAPF32[$0>>2]; $y_0 = $1; $2 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr1 = ((($2)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr1; $3 = +HEAPF32[$2>>2]; $y_1 = $3; $4 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr2 = ((($4)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr2; $5 = +HEAPF32[$4>>2]; $y_2 = $5; $j = 0; while(1) { $6 = $j; $7 = $len$addr; $sub = (($7) - 3)|0; $cmp = ($6|0)<($sub|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $8 = $x$addr; $incdec$ptr3 = ((($8)) + 4|0); $x$addr = $incdec$ptr3; $9 = +HEAPF32[$8>>2]; $tmp = $9; $10 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr4 = ((($10)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr4; $11 = +HEAPF32[$10>>2]; $y_3 = $11; $12 = $sum$addr; $13 = +HEAPF32[$12>>2]; $14 = $tmp; $15 = $y_0; $mul = $14 * $15; $add = $13 + $mul; $16 = $sum$addr; HEAPF32[$16>>2] = $add; $17 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx6 = ((($17)) + 4|0); $18 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $19 = $tmp; $20 = $y_1; $mul7 = $19 * $20; $add8 = $18 + $mul7; $21 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx9 = ((($21)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2] = $add8; $22 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx10 = ((($22)) + 8|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $24 = $tmp; $25 = $y_2; $mul11 = $24 * $25; $add12 = $23 + $mul11; $26 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx13 = ((($26)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2] = $add12; $27 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx14 = ((($27)) + 12|0); $28 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $29 = $tmp; $30 = $y_3; $mul15 = $29 * $30; $add16 = $28 + $mul15; $31 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx17 = ((($31)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2] = $add16; $32 = $x$addr; $incdec$ptr18 = ((($32)) + 4|0); $x$addr = $incdec$ptr18; $33 = +HEAPF32[$32>>2]; $tmp = $33; $34 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr19 = ((($34)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr19; $35 = +HEAPF32[$34>>2]; $y_0 = $35; $36 = $sum$addr; $37 = +HEAPF32[$36>>2]; $38 = $tmp; $39 = $y_1; $mul21 = $38 * $39; $add22 = $37 + $mul21; $40 = $sum$addr; HEAPF32[$40>>2] = $add22; $41 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx24 = ((($41)) + 4|0); $42 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2]; $43 = $tmp; $44 = $y_2; $mul25 = $43 * $44; $add26 = $42 + $mul25; $45 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx27 = ((($45)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2] = $add26; $46 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx28 = ((($46)) + 8|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx28>>2]; $48 = $tmp; $49 = $y_3; $mul29 = $48 * $49; $add30 = $47 + $mul29; $50 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx31 = ((($50)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx31>>2] = $add30; $51 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx32 = ((($51)) + 12|0); $52 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx32>>2]; $53 = $tmp; $54 = $y_0; $mul33 = $53 * $54; $add34 = $52 + $mul33; $55 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx35 = ((($55)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2] = $add34; $56 = $x$addr; $incdec$ptr36 = ((($56)) + 4|0); $x$addr = $incdec$ptr36; $57 = +HEAPF32[$56>>2]; $tmp = $57; $58 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr37 = ((($58)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr37; $59 = +HEAPF32[$58>>2]; $y_1 = $59; $60 = $sum$addr; $61 = +HEAPF32[$60>>2]; $62 = $tmp; $63 = $y_2; $mul39 = $62 * $63; $add40 = $61 + $mul39; $64 = $sum$addr; HEAPF32[$64>>2] = $add40; $65 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx42 = ((($65)) + 4|0); $66 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx42>>2]; $67 = $tmp; $68 = $y_3; $mul43 = $67 * $68; $add44 = $66 + $mul43; $69 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx45 = ((($69)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx45>>2] = $add44; $70 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx46 = ((($70)) + 8|0); $71 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx46>>2]; $72 = $tmp; $73 = $y_0; $mul47 = $72 * $73; $add48 = $71 + $mul47; $74 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx49 = ((($74)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2] = $add48; $75 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx50 = ((($75)) + 12|0); $76 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx50>>2]; $77 = $tmp; $78 = $y_1; $mul51 = $77 * $78; $add52 = $76 + $mul51; $79 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx53 = ((($79)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx53>>2] = $add52; $80 = $x$addr; $incdec$ptr54 = ((($80)) + 4|0); $x$addr = $incdec$ptr54; $81 = +HEAPF32[$80>>2]; $tmp = $81; $82 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr55 = ((($82)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr55; $83 = +HEAPF32[$82>>2]; $y_2 = $83; $84 = $sum$addr; $85 = +HEAPF32[$84>>2]; $86 = $tmp; $87 = $y_3; $mul57 = $86 * $87; $add58 = $85 + $mul57; $88 = $sum$addr; HEAPF32[$88>>2] = $add58; $89 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx60 = ((($89)) + 4|0); $90 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx60>>2]; $91 = $tmp; $92 = $y_0; $mul61 = $91 * $92; $add62 = $90 + $mul61; $93 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx63 = ((($93)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx63>>2] = $add62; $94 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx64 = ((($94)) + 8|0); $95 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx64>>2]; $96 = $tmp; $97 = $y_1; $mul65 = $96 * $97; $add66 = $95 + $mul65; $98 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx67 = ((($98)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx67>>2] = $add66; $99 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx68 = ((($99)) + 12|0); $100 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx68>>2]; $101 = $tmp; $102 = $y_2; $mul69 = $101 * $102; $add70 = $100 + $mul69; $103 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx71 = ((($103)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx71>>2] = $add70; $104 = $j; $add72 = (($104) + 4)|0; $j = $add72; } $105 = $j; $inc = (($105) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; $106 = $len$addr; $cmp73 = ($105|0)<($106|0); if ($cmp73) { $107 = $x$addr; $incdec$ptr75 = ((($107)) + 4|0); $x$addr = $incdec$ptr75; $108 = +HEAPF32[$107>>2]; $tmp74 = $108; $109 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr76 = ((($109)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr76; $110 = +HEAPF32[$109>>2]; $y_3 = $110; $111 = $sum$addr; $112 = +HEAPF32[$111>>2]; $113 = $tmp74; $114 = $y_0; $mul78 = $113 * $114; $add79 = $112 + $mul78; $115 = $sum$addr; HEAPF32[$115>>2] = $add79; $116 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx81 = ((($116)) + 4|0); $117 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx81>>2]; $118 = $tmp74; $119 = $y_1; $mul82 = $118 * $119; $add83 = $117 + $mul82; $120 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx84 = ((($120)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx84>>2] = $add83; $121 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx85 = ((($121)) + 8|0); $122 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx85>>2]; $123 = $tmp74; $124 = $y_2; $mul86 = $123 * $124; $add87 = $122 + $mul86; $125 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx88 = ((($125)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx88>>2] = $add87; $126 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx89 = ((($126)) + 12|0); $127 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx89>>2]; $128 = $tmp74; $129 = $y_3; $mul90 = $128 * $129; $add91 = $127 + $mul90; $130 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx92 = ((($130)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx92>>2] = $add91; } $131 = $j; $inc93 = (($131) + 1)|0; $j = $inc93; $132 = $len$addr; $cmp94 = ($131|0)<($132|0); if ($cmp94) { $133 = $x$addr; $incdec$ptr97 = ((($133)) + 4|0); $x$addr = $incdec$ptr97; $134 = +HEAPF32[$133>>2]; $tmp96 = $134; $135 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr98 = ((($135)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr98; $136 = +HEAPF32[$135>>2]; $y_0 = $136; $137 = $sum$addr; $138 = +HEAPF32[$137>>2]; $139 = $tmp96; $140 = $y_1; $mul100 = $139 * $140; $add101 = $138 + $mul100; $141 = $sum$addr; HEAPF32[$141>>2] = $add101; $142 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx103 = ((($142)) + 4|0); $143 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx103>>2]; $144 = $tmp96; $145 = $y_2; $mul104 = $144 * $145; $add105 = $143 + $mul104; $146 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx106 = ((($146)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx106>>2] = $add105; $147 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx107 = ((($147)) + 8|0); $148 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx107>>2]; $149 = $tmp96; $150 = $y_3; $mul108 = $149 * $150; $add109 = $148 + $mul108; $151 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx110 = ((($151)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx110>>2] = $add109; $152 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx111 = ((($152)) + 12|0); $153 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx111>>2]; $154 = $tmp96; $155 = $y_0; $mul112 = $154 * $155; $add113 = $153 + $mul112; $156 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx114 = ((($156)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx114>>2] = $add113; } $157 = $j; $158 = $len$addr; $cmp116 = ($157|0)<($158|0); if (!($cmp116)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $159 = $x$addr; $incdec$ptr119 = ((($159)) + 4|0); $x$addr = $incdec$ptr119; $160 = +HEAPF32[$159>>2]; $tmp118 = $160; $161 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr120 = ((($161)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr120; $162 = +HEAPF32[$161>>2]; $y_1 = $162; $163 = $sum$addr; $164 = +HEAPF32[$163>>2]; $165 = $tmp118; $166 = $y_2; $mul122 = $165 * $166; $add123 = $164 + $mul122; $167 = $sum$addr; HEAPF32[$167>>2] = $add123; $168 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx125 = ((($168)) + 4|0); $169 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx125>>2]; $170 = $tmp118; $171 = $y_3; $mul126 = $170 * $171; $add127 = $169 + $mul126; $172 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx128 = ((($172)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx128>>2] = $add127; $173 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx129 = ((($173)) + 8|0); $174 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx129>>2]; $175 = $tmp118; $176 = $y_0; $mul130 = $175 * $176; $add131 = $174 + $mul130; $177 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx132 = ((($177)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx132>>2] = $add131; $178 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx133 = ((($178)) + 12|0); $179 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx133>>2]; $180 = $tmp118; $181 = $y_1; $mul134 = $180 * $181; $add135 = $179 + $mul134; $182 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx136 = ((($182)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx136>>2] = $add135; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _celt_inner_prod_c_103($x,$y,$N) { $x = $x|0; $y = $y|0; $N = $N|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $N$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $cmp = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, $xy = 0.0; var $y$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $x$addr = $x; $y$addr = $y; $N$addr = $N; $xy = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $xy; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $x$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $6 = $y$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $mul = $5 * $8; $add = $2 + $mul; $xy = $add; $9 = $i; $inc = (($9) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return (+$2); } function _pitch_search($x_lp,$y,$len,$max_pitch,$pitch,$arch) { $x_lp = $x_lp|0; $y = $y|0; $len = $len|0; $max_pitch = $max_pitch|0; $pitch = $pitch|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0.0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $a = 0.0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add58 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx56 = 0, $arrayidx59 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $b = 0.0; var $best_pitch = 0, $c = 0.0, $call = 0, $call32 = 0, $call35 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp23 = 0, $cmp28 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp45 = 0, $cmp50 = 0, $cmp63 = 0, $cmp68 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc15 = 0, $inc39 = 0; var $j = 0, $lag = 0, $len$addr = 0, $max_pitch$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul11 = 0, $mul27 = 0, $mul30 = 0, $mul62 = 0.0, $mul67 = 0.0, $mul76 = 0, $offset = 0, $pitch$addr = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shr = 0, $shr1 = 0, $shr17 = 0, $shr18 = 0, $shr19 = 0, $shr20 = 0; var $shr22 = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr34 = 0, $shr41 = 0, $shr42 = 0, $shr48 = 0, $shr5 = 0, $shr8 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub31 = 0, $sub49 = 0, $sub53 = 0, $sub60 = 0.0, $sub61 = 0.0, $sub65 = 0.0, $sub66 = 0.0, $sub77 = 0, $sum = 0.0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0; var $vla2 = 0, $vla2$alloca_mul = 0, $vla4 = 0, $vla4$alloca_mul = 0, $x_lp$addr = 0, $y$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $best_pitch = sp + 24|0; $x_lp$addr = $x_lp; $y$addr = $y; $len$addr = $len; $max_pitch$addr = $max_pitch; $pitch$addr = $pitch; $arch$addr = $arch; ;HEAP32[$best_pitch>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$best_pitch+4>>2]=0|0; $0 = $len$addr; $1 = $max_pitch$addr; $add = (($0) + ($1))|0; $lag = $add; $2 = $len$addr; $shr = $2 >> 2; $3 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $3; $vla$alloca_mul = $shr<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $4 = $lag; $shr1 = $4 >> 2; $vla2$alloca_mul = $shr1<<2; $vla2 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla2$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla2$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $5 = $max_pitch$addr; $shr3 = $5 >> 1; $vla4$alloca_mul = $shr3<<2; $vla4 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla4$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla4$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $j = 0; while(1) { $6 = $j; $7 = $len$addr; $shr5 = $7 >> 2; $cmp = ($6|0)<($shr5|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $8 = $x_lp$addr; $9 = $j; $mul = $9<<1; $arrayidx = (($8) + ($mul<<2)|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $11 = $j; $arrayidx6 = (($vla) + ($11<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2] = $10; $12 = $j; $inc = (($12) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $j = 0; while(1) { $13 = $j; $14 = $lag; $shr8 = $14 >> 2; $cmp9 = ($13|0)<($shr8|0); if (!($cmp9)) { break; } $15 = $y$addr; $16 = $j; $mul11 = $16<<1; $arrayidx12 = (($15) + ($mul11<<2)|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2]; $18 = $j; $arrayidx13 = (($vla2) + ($18<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2] = $17; $19 = $j; $inc15 = (($19) + 1)|0; $j = $inc15; } $20 = $len$addr; $shr17 = $20 >> 2; $21 = $max_pitch$addr; $shr18 = $21 >> 2; $22 = $arch$addr; _celt_pitch_xcorr($vla,$vla2,$vla4,$shr17,$shr18,$22); $23 = $len$addr; $shr19 = $23 >> 2; $24 = $max_pitch$addr; $shr20 = $24 >> 2; _find_best_pitch($vla4,$vla2,$shr19,$shr20,$best_pitch); $i = 0; while(1) { $25 = $i; $26 = $max_pitch$addr; $shr22 = $26 >> 1; $cmp23 = ($25|0)<($shr22|0); if (!($cmp23)) { break; } $27 = $i; $arrayidx25 = (($vla4) + ($27<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx25>>2] = 0.0; $28 = $i; $29 = HEAP32[$best_pitch>>2]|0; $mul27 = $29<<1; $sub = (($28) - ($mul27))|0; $call = (Math_abs(($sub|0))|0); $cmp28 = ($call|0)>(2); if ($cmp28) { $30 = $i; $arrayidx29 = ((($best_pitch)) + 4|0); $31 = HEAP32[$arrayidx29>>2]|0; $mul30 = $31<<1; $sub31 = (($30) - ($mul30))|0; $call32 = (Math_abs(($sub31|0))|0); $cmp33 = ($call32|0)>(2); if (!($cmp33)) { label = 11; } } else { label = 11; } if ((label|0) == 11) { label = 0; $32 = $x_lp$addr; $33 = $y$addr; $34 = $i; $add$ptr = (($33) + ($34<<2)|0); $35 = $len$addr; $shr34 = $35 >> 1; $call35 = (+_celt_inner_prod_c_103($32,$add$ptr,$shr34)); $sum = $call35; $36 = $sum; $cmp36 = -1.0 > $36; $37 = $sum; $cond = $cmp36 ? -1.0 : $37; $38 = $i; $arrayidx37 = (($vla4) + ($38<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx37>>2] = $cond; } $39 = $i; $inc39 = (($39) + 1)|0; $i = $inc39; } $40 = $y$addr; $41 = $len$addr; $shr41 = $41 >> 1; $42 = $max_pitch$addr; $shr42 = $42 >> 1; _find_best_pitch($vla4,$40,$shr41,$shr42,$best_pitch); $43 = HEAP32[$best_pitch>>2]|0; $cmp45 = ($43|0)>(0); if ($cmp45) { $44 = HEAP32[$best_pitch>>2]|0; $45 = $max_pitch$addr; $shr48 = $45 >> 1; $sub49 = (($shr48) - 1)|0; $cmp50 = ($44|0)<($sub49|0); if ($cmp50) { $46 = HEAP32[$best_pitch>>2]|0; $sub53 = (($46) - 1)|0; $arrayidx54 = (($vla4) + ($sub53<<2)|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx54>>2]; $a = $47; $48 = HEAP32[$best_pitch>>2]|0; $arrayidx56 = (($vla4) + ($48<<2)|0); $49 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx56>>2]; $b = $49; $50 = HEAP32[$best_pitch>>2]|0; $add58 = (($50) + 1)|0; $arrayidx59 = (($vla4) + ($add58<<2)|0); $51 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx59>>2]; $c = $51; $52 = $c; $53 = $a; $sub60 = $52 - $53; $54 = $b; $55 = $a; $sub61 = $54 - $55; $mul62 = 0.69999998807907104 * $sub61; $cmp63 = $sub60 > $mul62; if ($cmp63) { $offset = 1; $60 = HEAP32[$best_pitch>>2]|0; $mul76 = $60<<1; $61 = $offset; $sub77 = (($mul76) - ($61))|0; $62 = $pitch$addr; HEAP32[$62>>2] = $sub77; $63 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($63|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } $56 = $a; $57 = $c; $sub65 = $56 - $57; $58 = $b; $59 = $c; $sub66 = $58 - $59; $mul67 = 0.69999998807907104 * $sub66; $cmp68 = $sub65 > $mul67; if ($cmp68) { $offset = -1; $60 = HEAP32[$best_pitch>>2]|0; $mul76 = $60<<1; $61 = $offset; $sub77 = (($mul76) - ($61))|0; $62 = $pitch$addr; HEAP32[$62>>2] = $sub77; $63 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($63|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { $offset = 0; $60 = HEAP32[$best_pitch>>2]|0; $mul76 = $60<<1; $61 = $offset; $sub77 = (($mul76) - ($61))|0; $62 = $pitch$addr; HEAP32[$62>>2] = $sub77; $63 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($63|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } } } $offset = 0; $60 = HEAP32[$best_pitch>>2]|0; $mul76 = $60<<1; $61 = $offset; $sub77 = (($mul76) - ($61))|0; $62 = $pitch$addr; HEAP32[$62>>2] = $sub77; $63 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($63|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _find_best_pitch($xcorr,$y,$len,$max_pitch,$best_pitch) { $xcorr = $xcorr|0; $y = $y|0; $len = $len|0; $max_pitch = $max_pitch|0; $best_pitch = $best_pitch|0; var $$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0; var $26 = 0.0, $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0; var $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0.0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0.0, $61 = 0; var $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Syy = 0.0, $add = 0.0, $add42 = 0, $add44 = 0, $add50 = 0.0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0; var $arrayidx39$sink = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $best_den = 0, $best_num = 0, $best_pitch$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp51 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0; var $inc53 = 0, $j = 0, $len$addr = 0, $max_pitch$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul14 = 0.0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul17 = 0.0, $mul19 = 0.0, $mul23 = 0.0, $mul25 = 0.0, $mul46 = 0.0, $mul49 = 0.0, $num = 0.0, $sub = 0.0, $xcorr$addr = 0, $xcorr16 = 0.0, $y$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $best_num = sp + 16|0; $best_den = sp + 8|0; $xcorr$addr = $xcorr; $y$addr = $y; $len$addr = $len; $max_pitch$addr = $max_pitch; $best_pitch$addr = $best_pitch; $Syy = 1.0; HEAPF32[$best_num>>2] = -1.0; $arrayidx1 = ((($best_num)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2] = -1.0; HEAPF32[$best_den>>2] = 0.0; $arrayidx3 = ((($best_den)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2] = 0.0; $0 = $best_pitch$addr; HEAP32[$0>>2] = 0; $1 = $best_pitch$addr; $arrayidx5 = ((($1)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2] = 1; $j = 0; while(1) { $2 = $j; $3 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($2|0)<($3|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $4 = $Syy; $5 = $y$addr; $6 = $j; $arrayidx6 = (($5) + ($6<<2)|0); $7 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $8 = $y$addr; $9 = $j; $arrayidx7 = (($8) + ($9<<2)|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $mul = $7 * $10; $add = $4 + $mul; $Syy = $add; $11 = $j; $inc = (($11) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $i = 0; while(1) { $12 = $i; $13 = $max_pitch$addr; $cmp9 = ($12|0)<($13|0); if (!($cmp9)) { break; } $14 = $xcorr$addr; $15 = $i; $arrayidx11 = (($14) + ($15<<2)|0); $16 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $cmp12 = $16 > 0.0; if ($cmp12) { $17 = $xcorr$addr; $18 = $i; $arrayidx13 = (($17) + ($18<<2)|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2]; $xcorr16 = $19; $20 = $xcorr16; $mul14 = $20 * 9.999999960041972E-13; $xcorr16 = $mul14; $21 = $xcorr16; $22 = $xcorr16; $mul15 = $21 * $22; $num = $mul15; $23 = $num; $arrayidx16 = ((($best_den)) + 4|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2]; $mul17 = $23 * $24; $arrayidx18 = ((($best_num)) + 4|0); $25 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx18>>2]; $26 = $Syy; $mul19 = $25 * $26; $cmp20 = $mul17 > $mul19; if ($cmp20) { $27 = $num; $28 = +HEAPF32[$best_den>>2]; $mul23 = $27 * $28; $29 = +HEAPF32[$best_num>>2]; $30 = $Syy; $mul25 = $29 * $30; $cmp26 = $mul23 > $mul25; if ($cmp26) { $31 = +HEAPF32[$best_num>>2]; $arrayidx29 = ((($best_num)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2] = $31; $32 = +HEAPF32[$best_den>>2]; $arrayidx31 = ((($best_den)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx31>>2] = $32; $33 = $best_pitch$addr; $34 = HEAP32[$33>>2]|0; $35 = $best_pitch$addr; $arrayidx33 = ((($35)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx33>>2] = $34; $36 = $num; HEAPF32[$best_num>>2] = $36; $37 = $Syy; HEAPF32[$best_den>>2] = $37; $38 = $i; $39 = $best_pitch$addr; $$sink = $38;$arrayidx39$sink = $39; } else { $40 = $num; $arrayidx37 = ((($best_num)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx37>>2] = $40; $41 = $Syy; $arrayidx38 = ((($best_den)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2] = $41; $42 = $i; $43 = $best_pitch$addr; $arrayidx39 = ((($43)) + 4|0); $$sink = $42;$arrayidx39$sink = $arrayidx39; } HEAP32[$arrayidx39$sink>>2] = $$sink; } } $44 = $y$addr; $45 = $i; $46 = $len$addr; $add42 = (($45) + ($46))|0; $arrayidx43 = (($44) + ($add42<<2)|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2]; $48 = $y$addr; $49 = $i; $50 = $len$addr; $add44 = (($49) + ($50))|0; $arrayidx45 = (($48) + ($add44<<2)|0); $51 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx45>>2]; $mul46 = $47 * $51; $52 = $y$addr; $53 = $i; $arrayidx47 = (($52) + ($53<<2)|0); $54 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx47>>2]; $55 = $y$addr; $56 = $i; $arrayidx48 = (($55) + ($56<<2)|0); $57 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx48>>2]; $mul49 = $54 * $57; $sub = $mul46 - $mul49; $58 = $Syy; $add50 = $58 + $sub; $Syy = $add50; $59 = $Syy; $cmp51 = 1.0 > $59; $60 = $Syy; $cond = $cmp51 ? 1.0 : $60; $Syy = $cond; $61 = $i; $inc53 = (($61) + 1)|0; $i = $inc53; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _remove_doubling($x,$maxperiod,$minperiod,$N,$T0_,$prev_period,$prev_gain,$arch) { $x = $x|0; $maxperiod = $maxperiod|0; $minperiod = $minperiod|0; $N = $N|0; $T0_ = $T0_|0; $prev_period = $prev_period|0; $prev_gain = +$prev_gain; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0.0, $101 = 0.0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0.0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0.0, $107 = 0.0, $108 = 0.0, $109 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0.0, $111 = 0.0, $112 = 0.0, $113 = 0.0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0.0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0.0, $118 = 0.0, $119 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0.0, $121 = 0.0, $122 = 0.0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0.0, $132 = 0.0, $133 = 0.0; var $134 = 0.0, $135 = 0.0, $136 = 0.0, $137 = 0.0, $138 = 0.0, $139 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0.0, $141 = 0.0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0.0, $151 = 0; var $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0; var $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0.0; var $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0; var $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0.0, $82 = 0.0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0.0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0.0, $88 = 0; var $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0.0, $94 = 0.0, $95 = 0.0, $96 = 0.0, $97 = 0.0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $N$addr = 0, $T = 0, $T0 = 0, $T0_$addr = 0, $T1 = 0, $T1b = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0; var $add$ptr157 = 0, $add$ptr5 = 0, $add11 = 0.0, $add147 = 0.0, $add154 = 0, $add192 = 0, $add22 = 0.0, $add30 = 0, $add40 = 0, $add44 = 0, $add50 = 0, $add58 = 0.0, $add61 = 0.0, $add65 = 0.0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx159 = 0, $arrayidx163 = 0; var $arrayidx166 = 0, $arrayidx175 = 0, $arrayidx177 = 0, $arrayidx178 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx57 = 0, $arrayidx59 = 0, $arrayidx60 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $best_xy = 0.0, $best_yy = 0.0, $call = 0.0, $call158 = 0.0, $call32 = 0, $call52 = 0, $call67 = 0.0, $call71 = 0; var $call77 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp100 = 0, $cmp105 = 0, $cmp115 = 0, $cmp120 = 0, $cmp130 = 0, $cmp137 = 0, $cmp143 = 0, $cmp151 = 0, $cmp170 = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp181 = 0, $cmp187 = 0, $cmp193 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp37 = 0, $cmp41 = 0, $cmp6 = 0; var $cmp72 = 0, $cmp78 = 0, $cmp82 = 0, $cmp91 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $cond112 = 0.0, $cond127 = 0.0, $cond142 = 0.0, $cond98 = 0.0, $cont = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $conv23 = 0.0, $conv66 = 0.0, $conv68 = 0.0, $div = 0, $div1 = 0, $div148 = 0.0, $div2 = 0, $div24 = 0.0, $div3 = 0; var $div4 = 0, $div69 = 0.0, $g = 0.0, $g0 = 0.0, $g1 = 0.0, $i = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $idx$neg156 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc135 = 0, $inc161 = 0, $k = 0, $maxperiod$addr = 0, $minperiod$addr = 0, $minperiod0 = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul103 = 0.0, $mul109 = 0.0, $mul114 = 0, $mul118 = 0.0; var $mul124 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul169 = 0.0, $mul180 = 0.0, $mul191 = 0, $mul21 = 0.0, $mul29 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul48 = 0, $mul49 = 0, $mul51 = 0, $mul62 = 0.0, $mul63 = 0.0, $mul64 = 0.0, $mul80 = 0, $mul81 = 0, $mul85 = 0.0, $mul89 = 0.0, $mul95 = 0.0, $mul99 = 0; var $offset = 0, $pg = 0.0, $prev_gain$addr = 0.0, $prev_period$addr = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $sub = 0, $sub104 = 0.0, $sub110 = 0.0, $sub119 = 0.0, $sub12 = 0, $sub125 = 0.0, $sub14 = 0, $sub155 = 0, $sub165 = 0.0, $sub168 = 0.0, $sub17 = 0.0, $sub176 = 0.0, $sub179 = 0.0, $sub54 = 0, $sub56 = 0; var $sub7 = 0, $sub70 = 0, $sub76 = 0, $sub9 = 0, $sub90 = 0.0, $sub96 = 0.0, $thresh = 0.0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $x$addr = 0, $xcorr = 0, $xx = 0, $xy = 0, $xy2 = 0, $yy = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 128|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(128|0); $xy = sp + 64|0; $xx = sp + 60|0; $xy2 = sp + 52|0; $xcorr = sp + 40|0; $x$addr = $x; $maxperiod$addr = $maxperiod; $minperiod$addr = $minperiod; $N$addr = $N; $T0_$addr = $T0_; $prev_period$addr = $prev_period; $prev_gain$addr = $prev_gain; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $minperiod$addr; $minperiod0 = $0; $1 = $maxperiod$addr; $div = (($1|0) / 2)&-1; $maxperiod$addr = $div; $2 = $minperiod$addr; $div1 = (($2|0) / 2)&-1; $minperiod$addr = $div1; $3 = $T0_$addr; $4 = HEAP32[$3>>2]|0; $div2 = (($4|0) / 2)&-1; HEAP32[$3>>2] = $div2; $5 = $prev_period$addr; $div3 = (($5|0) / 2)&-1; $prev_period$addr = $div3; $6 = $N$addr; $div4 = (($6|0) / 2)&-1; $N$addr = $div4; $7 = $maxperiod$addr; $8 = $x$addr; $add$ptr = (($8) + ($7<<2)|0); $x$addr = $add$ptr; $9 = $T0_$addr; $10 = HEAP32[$9>>2]|0; $11 = $maxperiod$addr; $cmp = ($10|0)>=($11|0); if ($cmp) { $12 = $maxperiod$addr; $sub = (($12) - 1)|0; $13 = $T0_$addr; HEAP32[$13>>2] = $sub; } $14 = $T0_$addr; $15 = HEAP32[$14>>2]|0; $T0 = $15; $T = $15; $16 = $maxperiod$addr; $add = (($16) + 1)|0; $17 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $17; $vla$alloca_mul = $add<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $18 = $x$addr; $19 = $x$addr; $20 = $x$addr; $21 = $T0; $idx$neg = (0 - ($21))|0; $add$ptr5 = (($20) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $22 = $N$addr; _dual_inner_prod_c($18,$19,$add$ptr5,$22,$xx,$xy); $23 = +HEAPF32[$xx>>2]; HEAPF32[$vla>>2] = $23; $24 = +HEAPF32[$xx>>2]; $yy = $24; $i = 1; while(1) { $25 = $i; $26 = $maxperiod$addr; $cmp6 = ($25|0)<=($26|0); if (!($cmp6)) { break; } $27 = $yy; $28 = $x$addr; $29 = $i; $sub7 = (0 - ($29))|0; $arrayidx8 = (($28) + ($sub7<<2)|0); $30 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2]; $31 = $x$addr; $32 = $i; $sub9 = (0 - ($32))|0; $arrayidx10 = (($31) + ($sub9<<2)|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $mul = $30 * $33; $add11 = $27 + $mul; $34 = $x$addr; $35 = $N$addr; $36 = $i; $sub12 = (($35) - ($36))|0; $arrayidx13 = (($34) + ($sub12<<2)|0); $37 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2]; $38 = $x$addr; $39 = $N$addr; $40 = $i; $sub14 = (($39) - ($40))|0; $arrayidx15 = (($38) + ($sub14<<2)|0); $41 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2]; $mul16 = $37 * $41; $sub17 = $add11 - $mul16; $yy = $sub17; $42 = $yy; $cmp18 = 0.0 > $42; $43 = $yy; $cond = $cmp18 ? 0.0 : $43; $44 = $i; $arrayidx19 = (($vla) + ($44<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2] = $cond; $45 = $i; $inc = (($45) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $46 = $T0; $arrayidx20 = (($vla) + ($46<<2)|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2]; $yy = $47; $48 = +HEAPF32[$xy>>2]; $best_xy = $48; $49 = $yy; $best_yy = $49; $50 = +HEAPF32[$xy>>2]; $51 = +HEAPF32[$xx>>2]; $52 = $yy; $mul21 = $51 * $52; $add22 = 1.0 + $mul21; $conv = $add22; $call = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv))); $conv23 = $call; $div24 = $50 / $conv23; $g0 = $div24; $g = $div24; $k = 2; while(1) { $53 = $k; $cmp26 = ($53|0)<=(15); if (!($cmp26)) { break; } $cont = 0.0; $54 = $T0; $mul29 = $54<<1; $55 = $k; $add30 = (($mul29) + ($55))|0; $56 = $k; $mul31 = $56<<1; $call32 = (_celt_udiv_108($add30,$mul31)|0); $T1 = $call32; $57 = $T1; $58 = $minperiod$addr; $cmp33 = ($57|0)<($58|0); if ($cmp33) { break; } $59 = $k; $cmp37 = ($59|0)==(2); do { if ($cmp37) { $60 = $T1; $61 = $T0; $add40 = (($60) + ($61))|0; $62 = $maxperiod$addr; $cmp41 = ($add40|0)>($62|0); $63 = $T0; if ($cmp41) { $T1b = $63; break; } else { $64 = $T1; $add44 = (($63) + ($64))|0; $T1b = $add44; break; } } else { $65 = $k; $arrayidx47 = (16440 + ($65<<2)|0); $66 = HEAP32[$arrayidx47>>2]|0; $mul48 = $66<<1; $67 = $T0; $mul49 = Math_imul($mul48, $67)|0; $68 = $k; $add50 = (($mul49) + ($68))|0; $69 = $k; $mul51 = $69<<1; $call52 = (_celt_udiv_108($add50,$mul51)|0); $T1b = $call52; } } while(0); $70 = $x$addr; $71 = $x$addr; $72 = $T1; $sub54 = (0 - ($72))|0; $arrayidx55 = (($71) + ($sub54<<2)|0); $73 = $x$addr; $74 = $T1b; $sub56 = (0 - ($74))|0; $arrayidx57 = (($73) + ($sub56<<2)|0); $75 = $N$addr; _dual_inner_prod_c($70,$arrayidx55,$arrayidx57,$75,$xy,$xy2); $76 = +HEAPF32[$xy2>>2]; $77 = +HEAPF32[$xy>>2]; $add58 = $77 + $76; HEAPF32[$xy>>2] = $add58; $78 = $T1; $arrayidx59 = (($vla) + ($78<<2)|0); $79 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx59>>2]; $80 = $T1b; $arrayidx60 = (($vla) + ($80<<2)|0); $81 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx60>>2]; $add61 = $79 + $81; $yy = $add61; $82 = +HEAPF32[$xy>>2]; $83 = +HEAPF32[$xx>>2]; $mul62 = 2.0 * $83; $mul63 = $mul62 * 1.0; $84 = $yy; $mul64 = $mul63 * $84; $add65 = 1.0 + $mul64; $conv66 = $add65; $call67 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv66))); $conv68 = $call67; $div69 = $82 / $conv68; $g1 = $div69; $85 = $T1; $86 = $prev_period$addr; $sub70 = (($85) - ($86))|0; $call71 = (Math_abs(($sub70|0))|0); $cmp72 = ($call71|0)<=(1); do { if ($cmp72) { $87 = $prev_gain$addr; $cont = $87; } else { $88 = $T1; $89 = $prev_period$addr; $sub76 = (($88) - ($89))|0; $call77 = (Math_abs(($sub76|0))|0); $cmp78 = ($call77|0)<=(2); if ($cmp78) { $90 = $k; $mul80 = ($90*5)|0; $91 = $k; $mul81 = Math_imul($mul80, $91)|0; $92 = $T0; $cmp82 = ($mul81|0)<($92|0); if ($cmp82) { $93 = $prev_gain$addr; $mul85 = 0.5 * $93; $cont = $mul85; break; } } $cont = 0.0; } } while(0); $94 = $g0; $mul89 = 0.69999998807907104 * $94; $95 = $cont; $sub90 = $mul89 - $95; $cmp91 = 0.30000001192092896 > $sub90; if ($cmp91) { $cond98 = 0.30000001192092896; } else { $96 = $g0; $mul95 = 0.69999998807907104 * $96; $97 = $cont; $sub96 = $mul95 - $97; $cond98 = $sub96; } $thresh = $cond98; $98 = $T1; $99 = $minperiod$addr; $mul99 = ($99*3)|0; $cmp100 = ($98|0)<($mul99|0); if ($cmp100) { $100 = $g0; $mul103 = 0.85000002384185791 * $100; $101 = $cont; $sub104 = $mul103 - $101; $cmp105 = 0.40000000596046448 > $sub104; if ($cmp105) { $cond112 = 0.40000000596046448; } else { $102 = $g0; $mul109 = 0.85000002384185791 * $102; $103 = $cont; $sub110 = $mul109 - $103; $cond112 = $sub110; } $thresh = $cond112; } else { $104 = $T1; $105 = $minperiod$addr; $mul114 = $105<<1; $cmp115 = ($104|0)<($mul114|0); if ($cmp115) { $106 = $g0; $mul118 = 0.89999997615814208 * $106; $107 = $cont; $sub119 = $mul118 - $107; $cmp120 = 0.5 > $sub119; if ($cmp120) { $cond127 = 0.5; } else { $108 = $g0; $mul124 = 0.89999997615814208 * $108; $109 = $cont; $sub125 = $mul124 - $109; $cond127 = $sub125; } $thresh = $cond127; } } $110 = $g1; $111 = $thresh; $cmp130 = $110 > $111; if ($cmp130) { $112 = +HEAPF32[$xy>>2]; $best_xy = $112; $113 = $yy; $best_yy = $113; $114 = $T1; $T = $114; $115 = $g1; $g = $115; } $116 = $k; $inc135 = (($116) + 1)|0; $k = $inc135; } $117 = $best_xy; $cmp137 = 0.0 > $117; $118 = $best_xy; $cond142 = $cmp137 ? 0.0 : $118; $best_xy = $cond142; $119 = $best_yy; $120 = $best_xy; $cmp143 = $119 <= $120; if ($cmp143) { $pg = 1.0; } else { $121 = $best_xy; $122 = $best_yy; $add147 = $122 + 1.0; $div148 = $121 / $add147; $pg = $div148; } $k = 0; while(1) { $123 = $k; $cmp151 = ($123|0)<(3); if (!($cmp151)) { break; } $124 = $x$addr; $125 = $x$addr; $126 = $T; $127 = $k; $add154 = (($126) + ($127))|0; $sub155 = (($add154) - 1)|0; $idx$neg156 = (0 - ($sub155))|0; $add$ptr157 = (($125) + ($idx$neg156<<2)|0); $128 = $N$addr; $call158 = (+_celt_inner_prod_c_103($124,$add$ptr157,$128)); $129 = $k; $arrayidx159 = (($xcorr) + ($129<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx159>>2] = $call158; $130 = $k; $inc161 = (($130) + 1)|0; $k = $inc161; } $arrayidx163 = ((($xcorr)) + 8|0); $131 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx163>>2]; $132 = +HEAPF32[$xcorr>>2]; $sub165 = $131 - $132; $arrayidx166 = ((($xcorr)) + 4|0); $133 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx166>>2]; $134 = +HEAPF32[$xcorr>>2]; $sub168 = $133 - $134; $mul169 = 0.69999998807907104 * $sub168; $cmp170 = $sub165 > $mul169; do { if ($cmp170) { $offset = 1; } else { $135 = +HEAPF32[$xcorr>>2]; $arrayidx175 = ((($xcorr)) + 8|0); $136 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx175>>2]; $sub176 = $135 - $136; $arrayidx177 = ((($xcorr)) + 4|0); $137 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx177>>2]; $arrayidx178 = ((($xcorr)) + 8|0); $138 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx178>>2]; $sub179 = $137 - $138; $mul180 = 0.69999998807907104 * $sub179; $cmp181 = $sub176 > $mul180; if ($cmp181) { $offset = -1; break; } else { $offset = 0; break; } } } while(0); $139 = $pg; $140 = $g; $cmp187 = $139 > $140; if ($cmp187) { $141 = $g; $pg = $141; } $142 = $T; $mul191 = $142<<1; $143 = $offset; $add192 = (($mul191) + ($143))|0; $144 = $T0_$addr; HEAP32[$144>>2] = $add192; $145 = $T0_$addr; $146 = HEAP32[$145>>2]|0; $147 = $minperiod0; $cmp193 = ($146|0)<($147|0); if (!($cmp193)) { $150 = $pg; $151 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($151|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return (+$150); } $148 = $minperiod0; $149 = $T0_$addr; HEAP32[$149>>2] = $148; $150 = $pg; $151 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($151|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return (+$150); } function _dual_inner_prod_c($x,$y01,$y02,$N,$xy1,$xy2) { $x = $x|0; $y01 = $y01|0; $y02 = $y02|0; $N = $N|0; $xy1 = $xy1|0; $xy2 = $xy2|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0.0; var $N$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add5 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $cmp = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul4 = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, $xy01 = 0.0, $xy02 = 0.0, $xy1$addr = 0, $xy2$addr = 0, $y01$addr = 0, $y02$addr = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $x$addr = $x; $y01$addr = $y01; $y02$addr = $y02; $N$addr = $N; $xy1$addr = $xy1; $xy2$addr = $xy2; $xy01 = 0.0; $xy02 = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $xy01; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $x$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $6 = $y01$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $mul = $5 * $8; $add = $2 + $mul; $xy01 = $add; $9 = $xy02; $10 = $x$addr; $11 = $i; $arrayidx2 = (($10) + ($11<<2)|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $13 = $y02$addr; $14 = $i; $arrayidx3 = (($13) + ($14<<2)|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $mul4 = $12 * $15; $add5 = $9 + $mul4; $xy02 = $add5; $16 = $i; $inc = (($16) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $17 = $xy1$addr; HEAPF32[$17>>2] = $2; $18 = $xy02; $19 = $xy2$addr; HEAPF32[$19>>2] = $18; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _celt_udiv_108($n,$d) { $n = $n|0; $d = $d|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $d$addr = 0, $div = 0, $n$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $n$addr = $n; $d$addr = $d; $0 = $n$addr; $1 = $d$addr; $div = (($0>>>0) / ($1>>>0))&-1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($div|0); } function __celt_lpc($_lpc,$ac,$p) { $_lpc = $_lpc|0; $ac = $ac|0; $p = $p|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; var $9 = 0.0, $_lpc$addr = 0, $ac$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add15 = 0, $add17 = 0.0, $add21 = 0, $add29 = 0.0, $add32 = 0.0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp22 = 0; var $cmp3 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $div = 0.0, $error = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc13 = 0, $inc37 = 0, $inc47 = 0, $j = 0, $lpc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul28 = 0.0, $mul31 = 0.0, $mul39 = 0.0, $mul40 = 0.0, $mul43 = 0.0, $p$addr = 0; var $r = 0.0, $rr = 0.0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub18 = 0.0, $sub25 = 0, $sub26 = 0, $sub33 = 0, $sub34 = 0, $sub41 = 0.0, $tmp1 = 0.0, $tmp2 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $_lpc$addr = $_lpc; $ac$addr = $ac; $p$addr = $p; $0 = $ac$addr; $1 = +HEAPF32[$0>>2]; $error = $1; $2 = $_lpc$addr; $lpc = $2; $i = 0; while(1) { $3 = $i; $4 = $p$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)<($4|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $5 = $lpc; $6 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($5) + ($6<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2] = 0.0; $7 = $i; $inc = (($7) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $8 = $ac$addr; $9 = +HEAPF32[$8>>2]; $cmp3 = $9 != 0.0; if (!($cmp3)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $i = 0; while(1) { $10 = $i; $11 = $p$addr; $cmp5 = ($10|0)<($11|0); if (!($cmp5)) { label = 15; break; } $rr = 0.0; $j = 0; while(1) { $12 = $j; $13 = $i; $cmp8 = ($12|0)<($13|0); if (!($cmp8)) { break; } $14 = $lpc; $15 = $j; $arrayidx10 = (($14) + ($15<<2)|0); $16 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $17 = $ac$addr; $18 = $i; $19 = $j; $sub = (($18) - ($19))|0; $arrayidx11 = (($17) + ($sub<<2)|0); $20 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $mul = $16 * $20; $21 = $rr; $add = $21 + $mul; $rr = $add; $22 = $j; $inc13 = (($22) + 1)|0; $j = $inc13; } $23 = $ac$addr; $24 = $i; $add15 = (($24) + 1)|0; $arrayidx16 = (($23) + ($add15<<2)|0); $25 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2]; $26 = $rr; $add17 = $26 + $25; $rr = $add17; $27 = $rr; $28 = $error; $div = $27 / $28; $sub18 = - $div; $r = $sub18; $29 = $r; $30 = $lpc; $31 = $i; $arrayidx19 = (($30) + ($31<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2] = $29; $j = 0; while(1) { $32 = $j; $33 = $i; $add21 = (($33) + 1)|0; $shr = $add21 >> 1; $cmp22 = ($32|0)<($shr|0); if (!($cmp22)) { break; } $34 = $lpc; $35 = $j; $arrayidx24 = (($34) + ($35<<2)|0); $36 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2]; $tmp1 = $36; $37 = $lpc; $38 = $i; $sub25 = (($38) - 1)|0; $39 = $j; $sub26 = (($sub25) - ($39))|0; $arrayidx27 = (($37) + ($sub26<<2)|0); $40 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $tmp2 = $40; $41 = $tmp1; $42 = $r; $43 = $tmp2; $mul28 = $42 * $43; $add29 = $41 + $mul28; $44 = $lpc; $45 = $j; $arrayidx30 = (($44) + ($45<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2] = $add29; $46 = $tmp2; $47 = $r; $48 = $tmp1; $mul31 = $47 * $48; $add32 = $46 + $mul31; $49 = $lpc; $50 = $i; $sub33 = (($50) - 1)|0; $51 = $j; $sub34 = (($sub33) - ($51))|0; $arrayidx35 = (($49) + ($sub34<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2] = $add32; $52 = $j; $inc37 = (($52) + 1)|0; $j = $inc37; } $53 = $error; $54 = $r; $55 = $r; $mul39 = $54 * $55; $56 = $error; $mul40 = $mul39 * $56; $sub41 = $53 - $mul40; $error = $sub41; $57 = $error; $58 = $ac$addr; $59 = +HEAPF32[$58>>2]; $mul43 = 0.0010000000474974513 * $59; $cmp44 = $57 < $mul43; if ($cmp44) { label = 15; break; } $60 = $i; $inc47 = (($60) + 1)|0; $i = $inc47; } if ((label|0) == 15) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _celt_fir_c($_x,$num,$_y,$N,$ord,$mem,$arch) { $_x = $_x|0; $num = $num|0; $_y = $_y|0; $N = $N|0; $ord = $ord|0; $mem = $mem|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0.0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0.0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0.0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0.0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $N$addr = 0, $_x$addr = 0, $_y$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add18 = 0, $add39 = 0.0, $add41 = 0, $add44 = 0.0, $add45 = 0, $add47 = 0, $add50 = 0.0, $add51 = 0, $add53 = 0, $add56 = 0.0; var $add57 = 0, $add60 = 0, $add70 = 0, $add72 = 0.0, $add77 = 0.0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0; var $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx76 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp63 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc12 = 0, $inc21 = 0; var $inc31 = 0, $inc74 = 0, $inc80 = 0, $j = 0, $mem$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $num$addr = 0, $ord$addr = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $sub = 0, $sub2 = 0, $sub26 = 0, $sub27 = 0, $sub34 = 0, $sub7 = 0, $sub8 = 0, $sum = 0, $sum65 = 0.0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0; var $vla1 = 0, $vla1$alloca_mul = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $sum = sp + 8|0; $_x$addr = $_x; $num$addr = $num; $_y$addr = $_y; $N$addr = $N; $ord$addr = $ord; $mem$addr = $mem; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $ord$addr; $1 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $1; $vla$alloca_mul = $0<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $2 = $N$addr; $3 = $ord$addr; $add = (($2) + ($3))|0; $vla1$alloca_mul = $add<<2; $vla1 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla1$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla1$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $i = 0; while(1) { $4 = $i; $5 = $ord$addr; $cmp = ($4|0)<($5|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $6 = $num$addr; $7 = $ord$addr; $8 = $i; $sub = (($7) - ($8))|0; $sub2 = (($sub) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($6) + ($sub2<<2)|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $10 = $i; $arrayidx3 = (($vla) + ($10<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2] = $9; $11 = $i; $inc = (($11) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $i = 0; while(1) { $12 = $i; $13 = $ord$addr; $cmp5 = ($12|0)<($13|0); if (!($cmp5)) { break; } $14 = $mem$addr; $15 = $ord$addr; $16 = $i; $sub7 = (($15) - ($16))|0; $sub8 = (($sub7) - 1)|0; $arrayidx9 = (($14) + ($sub8<<2)|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $18 = $i; $arrayidx10 = (($vla1) + ($18<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2] = $17; $19 = $i; $inc12 = (($19) + 1)|0; $i = $inc12; } $i = 0; while(1) { $20 = $i; $21 = $N$addr; $cmp15 = ($20|0)<($21|0); if (!($cmp15)) { break; } $22 = $_x$addr; $23 = $i; $arrayidx17 = (($22) + ($23<<2)|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2]; $25 = $i; $26 = $ord$addr; $add18 = (($25) + ($26))|0; $arrayidx19 = (($vla1) + ($add18<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2] = $24; $27 = $i; $inc21 = (($27) + 1)|0; $i = $inc21; } $i = 0; while(1) { $28 = $i; $29 = $ord$addr; $cmp24 = ($28|0)<($29|0); if (!($cmp24)) { break; } $30 = $_x$addr; $31 = $N$addr; $32 = $i; $sub26 = (($31) - ($32))|0; $sub27 = (($sub26) - 1)|0; $arrayidx28 = (($30) + ($sub27<<2)|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx28>>2]; $34 = $mem$addr; $35 = $i; $arrayidx29 = (($34) + ($35<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2] = $33; $36 = $i; $inc31 = (($36) + 1)|0; $i = $inc31; } $i = 0; while(1) { $37 = $i; $38 = $N$addr; $sub34 = (($38) - 3)|0; $cmp35 = ($37|0)<($sub34|0); if (!($cmp35)) { break; } ;HEAP32[$sum>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sum+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sum+8>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sum+12>>2]=0|0; $39 = $i; $add$ptr = (($vla1) + ($39<<2)|0); $40 = $ord$addr; _xcorr_kernel_c_113($vla,$add$ptr,$sum,$40); $41 = $_x$addr; $42 = $i; $arrayidx37 = (($41) + ($42<<2)|0); $43 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx37>>2]; $44 = +HEAPF32[$sum>>2]; $add39 = $43 + $44; $45 = $_y$addr; $46 = $i; $arrayidx40 = (($45) + ($46<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx40>>2] = $add39; $47 = $_x$addr; $48 = $i; $add41 = (($48) + 1)|0; $arrayidx42 = (($47) + ($add41<<2)|0); $49 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx42>>2]; $arrayidx43 = ((($sum)) + 4|0); $50 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2]; $add44 = $49 + $50; $51 = $_y$addr; $52 = $i; $add45 = (($52) + 1)|0; $arrayidx46 = (($51) + ($add45<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx46>>2] = $add44; $53 = $_x$addr; $54 = $i; $add47 = (($54) + 2)|0; $arrayidx48 = (($53) + ($add47<<2)|0); $55 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx48>>2]; $arrayidx49 = ((($sum)) + 8|0); $56 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2]; $add50 = $55 + $56; $57 = $_y$addr; $58 = $i; $add51 = (($58) + 2)|0; $arrayidx52 = (($57) + ($add51<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx52>>2] = $add50; $59 = $_x$addr; $60 = $i; $add53 = (($60) + 3)|0; $arrayidx54 = (($59) + ($add53<<2)|0); $61 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx54>>2]; $arrayidx55 = ((($sum)) + 12|0); $62 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx55>>2]; $add56 = $61 + $62; $63 = $_y$addr; $64 = $i; $add57 = (($64) + 3)|0; $arrayidx58 = (($63) + ($add57<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx58>>2] = $add56; $65 = $i; $add60 = (($65) + 4)|0; $i = $add60; } while(1) { $66 = $i; $67 = $N$addr; $cmp63 = ($66|0)<($67|0); if (!($cmp63)) { break; } $sum65 = 0.0; $j = 0; while(1) { $68 = $j; $69 = $ord$addr; $cmp67 = ($68|0)<($69|0); if (!($cmp67)) { break; } $70 = $sum65; $71 = $j; $arrayidx69 = (($vla) + ($71<<2)|0); $72 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx69>>2]; $73 = $i; $74 = $j; $add70 = (($73) + ($74))|0; $arrayidx71 = (($vla1) + ($add70<<2)|0); $75 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx71>>2]; $mul = $72 * $75; $add72 = $70 + $mul; $sum65 = $add72; $76 = $j; $inc74 = (($76) + 1)|0; $j = $inc74; } $77 = $_x$addr; $78 = $i; $arrayidx76 = (($77) + ($78<<2)|0); $79 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx76>>2]; $80 = $sum65; $add77 = $79 + $80; $81 = $_y$addr; $82 = $i; $arrayidx78 = (($81) + ($82<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx78>>2] = $add77; $83 = $i; $inc80 = (($83) + 1)|0; $i = $inc80; } $84 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($84|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _xcorr_kernel_c_113($x,$y,$sum,$len) { $x = $x|0; $y = $y|0; $sum = $sum|0; $len = $len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0.0, $101 = 0.0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0.0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $110 = 0.0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0.0, $113 = 0.0, $114 = 0.0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0.0, $118 = 0.0, $119 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0.0, $123 = 0.0, $124 = 0.0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0.0, $128 = 0.0, $129 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0.0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0.0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0.0, $139 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $140 = 0.0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0.0, $144 = 0.0, $145 = 0.0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0.0, $149 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $150 = 0.0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0.0, $154 = 0.0, $155 = 0.0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0.0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0.0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0.0, $165 = 0.0, $166 = 0.0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0.0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0.0, $171 = 0.0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0.0, $175 = 0.0, $176 = 0.0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $180 = 0.0, $181 = 0.0, $182 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0; var $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0.0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0; var $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0.0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0.0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0; var $60 = 0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0.0, $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0.0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0.0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0.0; var $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0.0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0.0, $86 = 0.0, $87 = 0.0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $90 = 0.0, $91 = 0.0, $92 = 0.0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0.0, $96 = 0.0; var $97 = 0.0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $add = 0.0, $add101 = 0.0, $add105 = 0.0, $add109 = 0.0, $add113 = 0.0, $add12 = 0.0, $add123 = 0.0, $add127 = 0.0, $add131 = 0.0, $add135 = 0.0, $add16 = 0.0, $add22 = 0.0, $add26 = 0.0, $add30 = 0.0, $add34 = 0.0, $add40 = 0.0, $add44 = 0.0; var $add48 = 0.0, $add52 = 0.0, $add58 = 0.0, $add62 = 0.0, $add66 = 0.0, $add70 = 0.0, $add72 = 0, $add79 = 0.0, $add8 = 0.0, $add83 = 0.0, $add87 = 0.0, $add91 = 0.0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx103 = 0, $arrayidx106 = 0, $arrayidx107 = 0, $arrayidx110 = 0, $arrayidx111 = 0, $arrayidx114 = 0, $arrayidx125 = 0; var $arrayidx128 = 0, $arrayidx129 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx132 = 0, $arrayidx133 = 0, $arrayidx136 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0; var $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx60 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $arrayidx64 = 0, $arrayidx67 = 0, $arrayidx68 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx81 = 0, $arrayidx84 = 0, $arrayidx85 = 0, $arrayidx88 = 0, $arrayidx89 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp116 = 0, $cmp73 = 0, $cmp94 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc93 = 0; var $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr1 = 0, $incdec$ptr119 = 0, $incdec$ptr120 = 0, $incdec$ptr18 = 0, $incdec$ptr19 = 0, $incdec$ptr2 = 0, $incdec$ptr3 = 0, $incdec$ptr36 = 0, $incdec$ptr37 = 0, $incdec$ptr4 = 0, $incdec$ptr54 = 0, $incdec$ptr55 = 0, $incdec$ptr75 = 0, $incdec$ptr76 = 0, $incdec$ptr97 = 0, $incdec$ptr98 = 0, $j = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0; var $mul100 = 0.0, $mul104 = 0.0, $mul108 = 0.0, $mul11 = 0.0, $mul112 = 0.0, $mul122 = 0.0, $mul126 = 0.0, $mul130 = 0.0, $mul134 = 0.0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul21 = 0.0, $mul25 = 0.0, $mul29 = 0.0, $mul33 = 0.0, $mul39 = 0.0, $mul43 = 0.0, $mul47 = 0.0, $mul51 = 0.0, $mul57 = 0.0, $mul61 = 0.0; var $mul65 = 0.0, $mul69 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0.0, $mul78 = 0.0, $mul82 = 0.0, $mul86 = 0.0, $mul90 = 0.0, $sub = 0, $sum$addr = 0, $tmp = 0.0, $tmp118 = 0.0, $tmp74 = 0.0, $tmp96 = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, $y$addr = 0, $y_0 = 0.0, $y_1 = 0.0, $y_2 = 0.0, $y_3 = 0.0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $x$addr = $x; $y$addr = $y; $sum$addr = $sum; $len$addr = $len; $y_3 = 0.0; $0 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr = ((($0)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr; $1 = +HEAPF32[$0>>2]; $y_0 = $1; $2 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr1 = ((($2)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr1; $3 = +HEAPF32[$2>>2]; $y_1 = $3; $4 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr2 = ((($4)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr2; $5 = +HEAPF32[$4>>2]; $y_2 = $5; $j = 0; while(1) { $6 = $j; $7 = $len$addr; $sub = (($7) - 3)|0; $cmp = ($6|0)<($sub|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $8 = $x$addr; $incdec$ptr3 = ((($8)) + 4|0); $x$addr = $incdec$ptr3; $9 = +HEAPF32[$8>>2]; $tmp = $9; $10 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr4 = ((($10)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr4; $11 = +HEAPF32[$10>>2]; $y_3 = $11; $12 = $sum$addr; $13 = +HEAPF32[$12>>2]; $14 = $tmp; $15 = $y_0; $mul = $14 * $15; $add = $13 + $mul; $16 = $sum$addr; HEAPF32[$16>>2] = $add; $17 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx6 = ((($17)) + 4|0); $18 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $19 = $tmp; $20 = $y_1; $mul7 = $19 * $20; $add8 = $18 + $mul7; $21 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx9 = ((($21)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2] = $add8; $22 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx10 = ((($22)) + 8|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $24 = $tmp; $25 = $y_2; $mul11 = $24 * $25; $add12 = $23 + $mul11; $26 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx13 = ((($26)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2] = $add12; $27 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx14 = ((($27)) + 12|0); $28 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $29 = $tmp; $30 = $y_3; $mul15 = $29 * $30; $add16 = $28 + $mul15; $31 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx17 = ((($31)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2] = $add16; $32 = $x$addr; $incdec$ptr18 = ((($32)) + 4|0); $x$addr = $incdec$ptr18; $33 = +HEAPF32[$32>>2]; $tmp = $33; $34 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr19 = ((($34)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr19; $35 = +HEAPF32[$34>>2]; $y_0 = $35; $36 = $sum$addr; $37 = +HEAPF32[$36>>2]; $38 = $tmp; $39 = $y_1; $mul21 = $38 * $39; $add22 = $37 + $mul21; $40 = $sum$addr; HEAPF32[$40>>2] = $add22; $41 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx24 = ((($41)) + 4|0); $42 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2]; $43 = $tmp; $44 = $y_2; $mul25 = $43 * $44; $add26 = $42 + $mul25; $45 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx27 = ((($45)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2] = $add26; $46 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx28 = ((($46)) + 8|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx28>>2]; $48 = $tmp; $49 = $y_3; $mul29 = $48 * $49; $add30 = $47 + $mul29; $50 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx31 = ((($50)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx31>>2] = $add30; $51 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx32 = ((($51)) + 12|0); $52 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx32>>2]; $53 = $tmp; $54 = $y_0; $mul33 = $53 * $54; $add34 = $52 + $mul33; $55 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx35 = ((($55)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2] = $add34; $56 = $x$addr; $incdec$ptr36 = ((($56)) + 4|0); $x$addr = $incdec$ptr36; $57 = +HEAPF32[$56>>2]; $tmp = $57; $58 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr37 = ((($58)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr37; $59 = +HEAPF32[$58>>2]; $y_1 = $59; $60 = $sum$addr; $61 = +HEAPF32[$60>>2]; $62 = $tmp; $63 = $y_2; $mul39 = $62 * $63; $add40 = $61 + $mul39; $64 = $sum$addr; HEAPF32[$64>>2] = $add40; $65 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx42 = ((($65)) + 4|0); $66 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx42>>2]; $67 = $tmp; $68 = $y_3; $mul43 = $67 * $68; $add44 = $66 + $mul43; $69 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx45 = ((($69)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx45>>2] = $add44; $70 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx46 = ((($70)) + 8|0); $71 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx46>>2]; $72 = $tmp; $73 = $y_0; $mul47 = $72 * $73; $add48 = $71 + $mul47; $74 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx49 = ((($74)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2] = $add48; $75 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx50 = ((($75)) + 12|0); $76 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx50>>2]; $77 = $tmp; $78 = $y_1; $mul51 = $77 * $78; $add52 = $76 + $mul51; $79 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx53 = ((($79)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx53>>2] = $add52; $80 = $x$addr; $incdec$ptr54 = ((($80)) + 4|0); $x$addr = $incdec$ptr54; $81 = +HEAPF32[$80>>2]; $tmp = $81; $82 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr55 = ((($82)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr55; $83 = +HEAPF32[$82>>2]; $y_2 = $83; $84 = $sum$addr; $85 = +HEAPF32[$84>>2]; $86 = $tmp; $87 = $y_3; $mul57 = $86 * $87; $add58 = $85 + $mul57; $88 = $sum$addr; HEAPF32[$88>>2] = $add58; $89 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx60 = ((($89)) + 4|0); $90 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx60>>2]; $91 = $tmp; $92 = $y_0; $mul61 = $91 * $92; $add62 = $90 + $mul61; $93 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx63 = ((($93)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx63>>2] = $add62; $94 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx64 = ((($94)) + 8|0); $95 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx64>>2]; $96 = $tmp; $97 = $y_1; $mul65 = $96 * $97; $add66 = $95 + $mul65; $98 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx67 = ((($98)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx67>>2] = $add66; $99 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx68 = ((($99)) + 12|0); $100 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx68>>2]; $101 = $tmp; $102 = $y_2; $mul69 = $101 * $102; $add70 = $100 + $mul69; $103 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx71 = ((($103)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx71>>2] = $add70; $104 = $j; $add72 = (($104) + 4)|0; $j = $add72; } $105 = $j; $inc = (($105) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; $106 = $len$addr; $cmp73 = ($105|0)<($106|0); if ($cmp73) { $107 = $x$addr; $incdec$ptr75 = ((($107)) + 4|0); $x$addr = $incdec$ptr75; $108 = +HEAPF32[$107>>2]; $tmp74 = $108; $109 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr76 = ((($109)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr76; $110 = +HEAPF32[$109>>2]; $y_3 = $110; $111 = $sum$addr; $112 = +HEAPF32[$111>>2]; $113 = $tmp74; $114 = $y_0; $mul78 = $113 * $114; $add79 = $112 + $mul78; $115 = $sum$addr; HEAPF32[$115>>2] = $add79; $116 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx81 = ((($116)) + 4|0); $117 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx81>>2]; $118 = $tmp74; $119 = $y_1; $mul82 = $118 * $119; $add83 = $117 + $mul82; $120 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx84 = ((($120)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx84>>2] = $add83; $121 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx85 = ((($121)) + 8|0); $122 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx85>>2]; $123 = $tmp74; $124 = $y_2; $mul86 = $123 * $124; $add87 = $122 + $mul86; $125 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx88 = ((($125)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx88>>2] = $add87; $126 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx89 = ((($126)) + 12|0); $127 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx89>>2]; $128 = $tmp74; $129 = $y_3; $mul90 = $128 * $129; $add91 = $127 + $mul90; $130 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx92 = ((($130)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx92>>2] = $add91; } $131 = $j; $inc93 = (($131) + 1)|0; $j = $inc93; $132 = $len$addr; $cmp94 = ($131|0)<($132|0); if ($cmp94) { $133 = $x$addr; $incdec$ptr97 = ((($133)) + 4|0); $x$addr = $incdec$ptr97; $134 = +HEAPF32[$133>>2]; $tmp96 = $134; $135 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr98 = ((($135)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr98; $136 = +HEAPF32[$135>>2]; $y_0 = $136; $137 = $sum$addr; $138 = +HEAPF32[$137>>2]; $139 = $tmp96; $140 = $y_1; $mul100 = $139 * $140; $add101 = $138 + $mul100; $141 = $sum$addr; HEAPF32[$141>>2] = $add101; $142 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx103 = ((($142)) + 4|0); $143 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx103>>2]; $144 = $tmp96; $145 = $y_2; $mul104 = $144 * $145; $add105 = $143 + $mul104; $146 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx106 = ((($146)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx106>>2] = $add105; $147 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx107 = ((($147)) + 8|0); $148 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx107>>2]; $149 = $tmp96; $150 = $y_3; $mul108 = $149 * $150; $add109 = $148 + $mul108; $151 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx110 = ((($151)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx110>>2] = $add109; $152 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx111 = ((($152)) + 12|0); $153 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx111>>2]; $154 = $tmp96; $155 = $y_0; $mul112 = $154 * $155; $add113 = $153 + $mul112; $156 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx114 = ((($156)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx114>>2] = $add113; } $157 = $j; $158 = $len$addr; $cmp116 = ($157|0)<($158|0); if (!($cmp116)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $159 = $x$addr; $incdec$ptr119 = ((($159)) + 4|0); $x$addr = $incdec$ptr119; $160 = +HEAPF32[$159>>2]; $tmp118 = $160; $161 = $y$addr; $incdec$ptr120 = ((($161)) + 4|0); $y$addr = $incdec$ptr120; $162 = +HEAPF32[$161>>2]; $y_1 = $162; $163 = $sum$addr; $164 = +HEAPF32[$163>>2]; $165 = $tmp118; $166 = $y_2; $mul122 = $165 * $166; $add123 = $164 + $mul122; $167 = $sum$addr; HEAPF32[$167>>2] = $add123; $168 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx125 = ((($168)) + 4|0); $169 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx125>>2]; $170 = $tmp118; $171 = $y_3; $mul126 = $170 * $171; $add127 = $169 + $mul126; $172 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx128 = ((($172)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx128>>2] = $add127; $173 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx129 = ((($173)) + 8|0); $174 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx129>>2]; $175 = $tmp118; $176 = $y_0; $mul130 = $175 * $176; $add131 = $174 + $mul130; $177 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx132 = ((($177)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx132>>2] = $add131; $178 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx133 = ((($178)) + 12|0); $179 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx133>>2]; $180 = $tmp118; $181 = $y_1; $mul134 = $180 * $181; $add135 = $179 + $mul134; $182 = $sum$addr; $arrayidx136 = ((($182)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx136>>2] = $add135; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _celt_iir($_x,$den,$_y,$N,$ord,$mem,$arch) { $_x = $_x|0; $den = $den|0; $_y = $_y|0; $N = $N|0; $ord = $ord|0; $mem = $mem|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0.0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0.0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0.0, $114 = 0.0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0.0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0.0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $14 = 0; var $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0.0; var $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0.0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0; var $51 = 0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0.0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0.0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0; var $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0.0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0.0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0.0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0.0, $87 = 0; var $88 = 0.0, $89 = 0.0, $9 = 0.0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0.0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0.0, $95 = 0.0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0.0, $99 = 0, $N$addr = 0, $_x$addr = 0, $_y$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add102 = 0.0, $add106 = 0; var $add107 = 0, $add110 = 0, $add113 = 0, $add124 = 0, $add131 = 0, $add16 = 0, $add29 = 0, $add32 = 0, $add35 = 0, $add40 = 0, $add45 = 0, $add48 = 0.0, $add52 = 0, $add53 = 0, $add56 = 0, $add59 = 0, $add60 = 0, $add64 = 0.0, $add67 = 0, $add71 = 0.0; var $add75 = 0, $add76 = 0, $add79 = 0, $add82 = 0, $add83 = 0, $add87 = 0.0, $add90 = 0, $add91 = 0, $add95 = 0.0, $add98 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx100 = 0, $arrayidx103 = 0, $arrayidx104 = 0, $arrayidx108 = 0, $arrayidx109 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx111 = 0, $arrayidx119 = 0; var $arrayidx123 = 0, $arrayidx125 = 0, $arrayidx132 = 0, $arrayidx133 = 0, $arrayidx142 = 0, $arrayidx143 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0; var $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx57 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0, $arrayidx66 = 0, $arrayidx68 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx72 = 0, $arrayidx73 = 0, $arrayidx77 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx80 = 0, $arrayidx81 = 0, $arrayidx84 = 0, $arrayidx88 = 0, $arrayidx89 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0; var $arrayidx92 = 0, $arrayidx93 = 0, $arrayidx96 = 0, $arrayidx97 = 0, $arrayidx99 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp116 = 0, $cmp121 = 0, $cmp138 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $den$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc129 = 0, $inc13 = 0, $inc135 = 0, $inc145 = 0, $inc21 = 0; var $j = 0, $mem$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul101 = 0.0, $mul126 = 0.0, $mul63 = 0.0, $mul70 = 0.0, $mul86 = 0.0, $mul94 = 0.0, $ord$addr = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $sub = 0, $sub10 = 0.0, $sub105 = 0.0, $sub127 = 0.0, $sub140 = 0, $sub141 = 0, $sub2 = 0, $sub24 = 0, $sub39 = 0.0; var $sub51 = 0.0, $sub7 = 0, $sub74 = 0.0, $sub8 = 0, $sum = 0, $sum118 = 0.0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla1 = 0, $vla1$alloca_mul = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $sum = sp + 8|0; $_x$addr = $_x; $den$addr = $den; $_y$addr = $_y; $N$addr = $N; $ord$addr = $ord; $mem$addr = $mem; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $ord$addr; $1 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $1; $vla$alloca_mul = $0<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $2 = $N$addr; $3 = $ord$addr; $add = (($2) + ($3))|0; $vla1$alloca_mul = $add<<2; $vla1 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla1$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla1$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $i = 0; while(1) { $4 = $i; $5 = $ord$addr; $cmp = ($4|0)<($5|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $6 = $den$addr; $7 = $ord$addr; $8 = $i; $sub = (($7) - ($8))|0; $sub2 = (($sub) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($6) + ($sub2<<2)|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $10 = $i; $arrayidx3 = (($vla) + ($10<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2] = $9; $11 = $i; $inc = (($11) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $i = 0; while(1) { $12 = $i; $13 = $ord$addr; $cmp5 = ($12|0)<($13|0); if (!($cmp5)) { break; } $14 = $mem$addr; $15 = $ord$addr; $16 = $i; $sub7 = (($15) - ($16))|0; $sub8 = (($sub7) - 1)|0; $arrayidx9 = (($14) + ($sub8<<2)|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $sub10 = - $17; $18 = $i; $arrayidx11 = (($vla1) + ($18<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2] = $sub10; $19 = $i; $inc13 = (($19) + 1)|0; $i = $inc13; } while(1) { $20 = $i; $21 = $N$addr; $22 = $ord$addr; $add16 = (($21) + ($22))|0; $cmp17 = ($20|0)<($add16|0); if (!($cmp17)) { break; } $23 = $i; $arrayidx19 = (($vla1) + ($23<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2] = 0.0; $24 = $i; $inc21 = (($24) + 1)|0; $i = $inc21; } $i = 0; while(1) { $25 = $i; $26 = $N$addr; $sub24 = (($26) - 3)|0; $cmp25 = ($25|0)<($sub24|0); if (!($cmp25)) { break; } $27 = $_x$addr; $28 = $i; $arrayidx27 = (($27) + ($28<<2)|0); $29 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; HEAPF32[$sum>>2] = $29; $30 = $_x$addr; $31 = $i; $add29 = (($31) + 1)|0; $arrayidx30 = (($30) + ($add29<<2)|0); $32 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2]; $arrayidx31 = ((($sum)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx31>>2] = $32; $33 = $_x$addr; $34 = $i; $add32 = (($34) + 2)|0; $arrayidx33 = (($33) + ($add32<<2)|0); $35 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx33>>2]; $arrayidx34 = ((($sum)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2] = $35; $36 = $_x$addr; $37 = $i; $add35 = (($37) + 3)|0; $arrayidx36 = (($36) + ($add35<<2)|0); $38 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx36>>2]; $arrayidx37 = ((($sum)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx37>>2] = $38; $39 = $i; $add$ptr = (($vla1) + ($39<<2)|0); $40 = $ord$addr; _xcorr_kernel_c_113($vla,$add$ptr,$sum,$40); $41 = +HEAPF32[$sum>>2]; $sub39 = - $41; $42 = $i; $43 = $ord$addr; $add40 = (($42) + ($43))|0; $arrayidx41 = (($vla1) + ($add40<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx41>>2] = $sub39; $44 = +HEAPF32[$sum>>2]; $45 = $_y$addr; $46 = $i; $arrayidx43 = (($45) + ($46<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2] = $44; $arrayidx44 = ((($sum)) + 4|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx44>>2]; $48 = $i; $49 = $ord$addr; $add45 = (($48) + ($49))|0; $arrayidx46 = (($vla1) + ($add45<<2)|0); $50 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx46>>2]; $51 = $den$addr; $52 = +HEAPF32[$51>>2]; $mul = $50 * $52; $add48 = $47 + $mul; $arrayidx49 = ((($sum)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2] = $add48; $arrayidx50 = ((($sum)) + 4|0); $53 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx50>>2]; $sub51 = - $53; $54 = $i; $55 = $ord$addr; $add52 = (($54) + ($55))|0; $add53 = (($add52) + 1)|0; $arrayidx54 = (($vla1) + ($add53<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx54>>2] = $sub51; $arrayidx55 = ((($sum)) + 4|0); $56 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx55>>2]; $57 = $_y$addr; $58 = $i; $add56 = (($58) + 1)|0; $arrayidx57 = (($57) + ($add56<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx57>>2] = $56; $arrayidx58 = ((($sum)) + 8|0); $59 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx58>>2]; $60 = $i; $61 = $ord$addr; $add59 = (($60) + ($61))|0; $add60 = (($add59) + 1)|0; $arrayidx61 = (($vla1) + ($add60<<2)|0); $62 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx61>>2]; $63 = $den$addr; $64 = +HEAPF32[$63>>2]; $mul63 = $62 * $64; $add64 = $59 + $mul63; $arrayidx65 = ((($sum)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx65>>2] = $add64; $arrayidx66 = ((($sum)) + 8|0); $65 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx66>>2]; $66 = $i; $67 = $ord$addr; $add67 = (($66) + ($67))|0; $arrayidx68 = (($vla1) + ($add67<<2)|0); $68 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx68>>2]; $69 = $den$addr; $arrayidx69 = ((($69)) + 4|0); $70 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx69>>2]; $mul70 = $68 * $70; $add71 = $65 + $mul70; $arrayidx72 = ((($sum)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx72>>2] = $add71; $arrayidx73 = ((($sum)) + 8|0); $71 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx73>>2]; $sub74 = - $71; $72 = $i; $73 = $ord$addr; $add75 = (($72) + ($73))|0; $add76 = (($add75) + 2)|0; $arrayidx77 = (($vla1) + ($add76<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx77>>2] = $sub74; $arrayidx78 = ((($sum)) + 8|0); $74 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx78>>2]; $75 = $_y$addr; $76 = $i; $add79 = (($76) + 2)|0; $arrayidx80 = (($75) + ($add79<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx80>>2] = $74; $arrayidx81 = ((($sum)) + 12|0); $77 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx81>>2]; $78 = $i; $79 = $ord$addr; $add82 = (($78) + ($79))|0; $add83 = (($add82) + 2)|0; $arrayidx84 = (($vla1) + ($add83<<2)|0); $80 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx84>>2]; $81 = $den$addr; $82 = +HEAPF32[$81>>2]; $mul86 = $80 * $82; $add87 = $77 + $mul86; $arrayidx88 = ((($sum)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx88>>2] = $add87; $arrayidx89 = ((($sum)) + 12|0); $83 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx89>>2]; $84 = $i; $85 = $ord$addr; $add90 = (($84) + ($85))|0; $add91 = (($add90) + 1)|0; $arrayidx92 = (($vla1) + ($add91<<2)|0); $86 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx92>>2]; $87 = $den$addr; $arrayidx93 = ((($87)) + 4|0); $88 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx93>>2]; $mul94 = $86 * $88; $add95 = $83 + $mul94; $arrayidx96 = ((($sum)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx96>>2] = $add95; $arrayidx97 = ((($sum)) + 12|0); $89 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx97>>2]; $90 = $i; $91 = $ord$addr; $add98 = (($90) + ($91))|0; $arrayidx99 = (($vla1) + ($add98<<2)|0); $92 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx99>>2]; $93 = $den$addr; $arrayidx100 = ((($93)) + 8|0); $94 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx100>>2]; $mul101 = $92 * $94; $add102 = $89 + $mul101; $arrayidx103 = ((($sum)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx103>>2] = $add102; $arrayidx104 = ((($sum)) + 12|0); $95 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx104>>2]; $sub105 = - $95; $96 = $i; $97 = $ord$addr; $add106 = (($96) + ($97))|0; $add107 = (($add106) + 3)|0; $arrayidx108 = (($vla1) + ($add107<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx108>>2] = $sub105; $arrayidx109 = ((($sum)) + 12|0); $98 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx109>>2]; $99 = $_y$addr; $100 = $i; $add110 = (($100) + 3)|0; $arrayidx111 = (($99) + ($add110<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx111>>2] = $98; $101 = $i; $add113 = (($101) + 4)|0; $i = $add113; } while(1) { $102 = $i; $103 = $N$addr; $cmp116 = ($102|0)<($103|0); if (!($cmp116)) { break; } $104 = $_x$addr; $105 = $i; $arrayidx119 = (($104) + ($105<<2)|0); $106 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx119>>2]; $sum118 = $106; $j = 0; while(1) { $107 = $j; $108 = $ord$addr; $cmp121 = ($107|0)<($108|0); if (!($cmp121)) { break; } $109 = $j; $arrayidx123 = (($vla) + ($109<<2)|0); $110 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx123>>2]; $111 = $i; $112 = $j; $add124 = (($111) + ($112))|0; $arrayidx125 = (($vla1) + ($add124<<2)|0); $113 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx125>>2]; $mul126 = $110 * $113; $114 = $sum118; $sub127 = $114 - $mul126; $sum118 = $sub127; $115 = $j; $inc129 = (($115) + 1)|0; $j = $inc129; } $116 = $sum118; $117 = $i; $118 = $ord$addr; $add131 = (($117) + ($118))|0; $arrayidx132 = (($vla1) + ($add131<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx132>>2] = $116; $119 = $sum118; $120 = $_y$addr; $121 = $i; $arrayidx133 = (($120) + ($121<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx133>>2] = $119; $122 = $i; $inc135 = (($122) + 1)|0; $i = $inc135; } $i = 0; while(1) { $123 = $i; $124 = $ord$addr; $cmp138 = ($123|0)<($124|0); if (!($cmp138)) { break; } $125 = $_y$addr; $126 = $N$addr; $127 = $i; $sub140 = (($126) - ($127))|0; $sub141 = (($sub140) - 1)|0; $arrayidx142 = (($125) + ($sub141<<2)|0); $128 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx142>>2]; $129 = $mem$addr; $130 = $i; $arrayidx143 = (($129) + ($130<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx143>>2] = $128; $131 = $i; $inc145 = (($131) + 1)|0; $i = $inc145; } $132 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($132|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function __celt_autocorr($x,$ac,$window,$overlap,$lag,$n,$arch) { $x = $x|0; $ac = $ac|0; $window = $window|0; $overlap = $overlap|0; $lag = $lag|0; $n = $n|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0.0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $ac$addr = 0; var $add = 0, $add23 = 0, $add31 = 0.0, $add36 = 0.0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp25 = 0; var $cmp4 = 0, $d = 0.0, $fastN = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc18 = 0, $inc33 = 0, $inc38 = 0, $k = 0, $lag$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul13 = 0.0, $mul30 = 0.0, $n$addr = 0, $overlap$addr = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shift = 0, $sub = 0, $sub10 = 0, $sub14 = 0; var $sub15 = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub9 = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $window$addr = 0, $x$addr = 0, $xptr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $x$addr = $x; $ac$addr = $ac; $window$addr = $window; $overlap$addr = $overlap; $lag$addr = $lag; $n$addr = $n; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $n$addr; $1 = $lag$addr; $sub = (($0) - ($1))|0; $fastN = $sub; $2 = $n$addr; $3 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $3; $vla$alloca_mul = $2<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $4 = $overlap$addr; $cmp = ($4|0)==(0); if ($cmp) { $5 = $x$addr; $xptr = $5; } else { $i = 0; while(1) { $6 = $i; $7 = $n$addr; $cmp1 = ($6|0)<($7|0); if (!($cmp1)) { break; } $8 = $x$addr; $9 = $i; $arrayidx = (($8) + ($9<<2)|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $11 = $i; $arrayidx2 = (($vla) + ($11<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2] = $10; $12 = $i; $inc = (($12) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $i = 0; while(1) { $13 = $i; $14 = $overlap$addr; $cmp4 = ($13|0)<($14|0); if (!($cmp4)) { break; } $15 = $x$addr; $16 = $i; $arrayidx6 = (($15) + ($16<<2)|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $18 = $window$addr; $19 = $i; $arrayidx7 = (($18) + ($19<<2)|0); $20 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $mul = $17 * $20; $21 = $i; $arrayidx8 = (($vla) + ($21<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2] = $mul; $22 = $x$addr; $23 = $n$addr; $24 = $i; $sub9 = (($23) - ($24))|0; $sub10 = (($sub9) - 1)|0; $arrayidx11 = (($22) + ($sub10<<2)|0); $25 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $26 = $window$addr; $27 = $i; $arrayidx12 = (($26) + ($27<<2)|0); $28 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2]; $mul13 = $25 * $28; $29 = $n$addr; $30 = $i; $sub14 = (($29) - ($30))|0; $sub15 = (($sub14) - 1)|0; $arrayidx16 = (($vla) + ($sub15<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2] = $mul13; $31 = $i; $inc18 = (($31) + 1)|0; $i = $inc18; } $xptr = $vla; } $shift = 0; $32 = $xptr; $33 = $xptr; $34 = $ac$addr; $35 = $fastN; $36 = $lag$addr; $add = (($36) + 1)|0; $37 = $arch$addr; _celt_pitch_xcorr($32,$33,$34,$35,$add,$37); $k = 0; while(1) { $38 = $k; $39 = $lag$addr; $cmp21 = ($38|0)<=($39|0); if (!($cmp21)) { break; } $40 = $k; $41 = $fastN; $add23 = (($40) + ($41))|0; $i = $add23; $d = 0.0; while(1) { $42 = $i; $43 = $n$addr; $cmp25 = ($42|0)<($43|0); $44 = $d; if (!($cmp25)) { break; } $45 = $xptr; $46 = $i; $arrayidx27 = (($45) + ($46<<2)|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $48 = $xptr; $49 = $i; $50 = $k; $sub28 = (($49) - ($50))|0; $arrayidx29 = (($48) + ($sub28<<2)|0); $51 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2]; $mul30 = $47 * $51; $add31 = $44 + $mul30; $d = $add31; $52 = $i; $inc33 = (($52) + 1)|0; $i = $inc33; } $53 = $ac$addr; $54 = $k; $arrayidx35 = (($53) + ($54<<2)|0); $55 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2]; $add36 = $55 + $44; HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2] = $add36; $56 = $k; $inc38 = (($56) + 1)|0; $k = $inc38; } $57 = $shift; $58 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($58|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return ($57|0); } function _quant_coarse_energy($m,$start,$end,$effEnd,$eBands,$oldEBands,$budget,$error,$enc,$C,$LM,$nbAvailableBytes,$force_intra,$delayedIntra,$two_pass,$loss_rate,$lfe) { $m = $m|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $effEnd = $effEnd|0; $eBands = $eBands|0; $oldEBands = $oldEBands|0; $budget = $budget|0; $error = $error|0; $enc = $enc|0; $C = $C|0; $LM = $LM|0; $nbAvailableBytes = $nbAvailableBytes|0; $force_intra = $force_intra|0; $delayedIntra = $delayedIntra|0; $two_pass = $two_pass|0; $loss_rate = $loss_rate|0; $lfe = $lfe|0; var $$sub54 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0; var $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0.0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0.0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0.0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0.0; var $133 = 0.0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0; var $3 = 0.0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0; var $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0; var $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0; var $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0.0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $add = 0; var $add$ptr = 0, $add100 = 0, $add109 = 0, $add119 = 0, $add128 = 0, $add137 = 0.0, $add41 = 0, $add67 = 0, $add81 = 0, $add91 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx133 = 0, $arrayidx134 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx68 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0, $badness1 = 0, $badness2 = 0, $budget$addr = 0, $call = 0.0; var $call15 = 0, $call46 = 0, $call50 = 0, $call51 = 0, $call52 = 0, $call53 = 0, $call71 = 0, $call80 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp55 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cmp74 = 0, $cmp77 = 0, $cmp82 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $conv10 = 0.0; var $conv13 = 0.0, $conv14 = 0, $conv22 = 0.0, $conv26 = 0.0, $conv8 = 0.0, $delayedIntra$addr = 0, $div = 0.0, $eBands$addr = 0, $effEnd$addr = 0, $enc$addr = 0, $enc_intra_state = 0, $enc_start_state = 0, $end$addr = 0, $error$addr = 0, $force_intra$addr = 0, $intra = 0, $intra_bias = 0, $intra_buf = 0, $lfe$addr = 0, $lor$ext = 0; var $loss_rate$addr = 0, $m$addr = 0, $max_decay = 0.0, $mul = 0, $mul102 = 0, $mul103 = 0, $mul108 = 0, $mul11 = 0.0, $mul112 = 0, $mul113 = 0, $mul118 = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul121 = 0, $mul122 = 0, $mul127 = 0, $mul135 = 0.0, $mul136 = 0.0, $mul2 = 0, $mul23 = 0.0, $mul27 = 0.0; var $mul33 = 0, $mul35 = 0, $mul38 = 0, $mul39 = 0, $mul40 = 0, $mul5 = 0, $mul62 = 0, $mul66 = 0, $mul86 = 0, $mul9 = 0.0, $mul90 = 0, $mul93 = 0, $mul94 = 0, $mul99 = 0, $nbAvailableBytes$addr = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands101 = 0, $nbEBands111 = 0, $nbEBands120 = 0, $nbEBands32 = 0; var $nbEBands34 = 0, $nbEBands37 = 0, $nbEBands92 = 0, $new_distortion = 0.0, $nintra_bytes = 0, $nstart_bytes = 0, $oldEBands$addr = 0, $or$cond = 0, $save_bytes = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $saved_stack59 = 0, $start$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$div107 = 0, $sub$ptr$div117 = 0, $sub$ptr$div126 = 0, $sub$ptr$div98 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast104 = 0; var $sub$ptr$lhs$cast114 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast123 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast63 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast87 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast95 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast105 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast115 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast124 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast64 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast88 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast96 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub106 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub116 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub125 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub65 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub89 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub97 = 0, $sub18 = 0; var $sub4 = 0, $sub54 = 0, $sub61 = 0, $sub85 = 0, $tell = 0, $tell_intra = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool1 = 0, $tobool130 = 0, $tobool29 = 0, $tobool42 = 0, $tobool43 = 0, $tobool48 = 0, $tobool72 = 0, $two_pass$addr = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla36 = 0, $vla36$alloca_mul = 0, $vla60 = 0; var $vla60$alloca_mul = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, src = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 224|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(224|0); $enc_start_state = sp + 96|0; $enc_intra_state = sp + 24|0; $m$addr = $m; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $effEnd$addr = $effEnd; $eBands$addr = $eBands; $oldEBands$addr = $oldEBands; $budget$addr = $budget; $error$addr = $error; $enc$addr = $enc; $C$addr = $C; $LM$addr = $LM; $nbAvailableBytes$addr = $nbAvailableBytes; $force_intra$addr = $force_intra; $delayedIntra$addr = $delayedIntra; $two_pass$addr = $two_pass; $loss_rate$addr = $loss_rate; $lfe$addr = $lfe; $badness1 = 0; $0 = $force_intra$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $11 = 1; } else { $1 = $two_pass$addr; $tobool1 = ($1|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1) { $11 = 0; } else { $2 = $delayedIntra$addr; $3 = +HEAPF32[$2>>2]; $4 = $C$addr; $mul = $4<<1; $5 = $end$addr; $6 = $start$addr; $sub = (($5) - ($6))|0; $mul2 = Math_imul($mul, $sub)|0; $conv = (+($mul2|0)); $cmp = $3 > $conv; if ($cmp) { $7 = $nbAvailableBytes$addr; $8 = $end$addr; $9 = $start$addr; $sub4 = (($8) - ($9))|0; $10 = $C$addr; $mul5 = Math_imul($sub4, $10)|0; $cmp6 = ($7|0)>($mul5|0); $11 = $cmp6; } else { $11 = 0; } } } $lor$ext = $11&1; $intra = $lor$ext; $12 = $budget$addr; $conv8 = (+($12>>>0)); $13 = $delayedIntra$addr; $14 = +HEAPF32[$13>>2]; $mul9 = $conv8 * $14; $15 = $loss_rate$addr; $conv10 = (+($15|0)); $mul11 = $mul9 * $conv10; $16 = $C$addr; $mul12 = $16<<9; $conv13 = (+($mul12|0)); $div = $mul11 / $conv13; $conv14 = (~~(($div))); $intra_bias = $conv14; $17 = $eBands$addr; $18 = $oldEBands$addr; $19 = $start$addr; $20 = $effEnd$addr; $21 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($21)) + 8|0); $22 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $23 = $C$addr; $call = (+_loss_distortion($17,$18,$19,$20,$22,$23)); $new_distortion = $call; $24 = $enc$addr; $call15 = (_ec_tell_122($24)|0); $tell = $call15; $25 = $tell; $add = (($25) + 3)|0; $26 = $budget$addr; $cmp16 = ($add>>>0)>($26>>>0); if ($cmp16) { $intra = 0; $two_pass$addr = 0; } $max_decay = 16.0; $27 = $end$addr; $28 = $start$addr; $sub18 = (($27) - ($28))|0; $cmp19 = ($sub18|0)>(10); if ($cmp19) { $29 = $max_decay; $30 = $nbAvailableBytes$addr; $conv22 = (+($30|0)); $mul23 = 0.125 * $conv22; $cmp24 = $29 < $mul23; if ($cmp24) { $31 = $max_decay; $cond = $31; } else { $32 = $nbAvailableBytes$addr; $conv26 = (+($32|0)); $mul27 = 0.125 * $conv26; $cond = $mul27; } $max_decay = $cond; } $33 = $lfe$addr; $tobool29 = ($33|0)!=(0); if ($tobool29) { $max_decay = 3.0; } $34 = $enc$addr; dest=$enc_start_state; src=$34; stop=dest+48|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $35 = $C$addr; $36 = $m$addr; $nbEBands32 = ((($36)) + 8|0); $37 = HEAP32[$nbEBands32>>2]|0; $mul33 = Math_imul($35, $37)|0; $38 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $38; $vla$alloca_mul = $mul33<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $39 = $C$addr; $40 = $m$addr; $nbEBands34 = ((($40)) + 8|0); $41 = HEAP32[$nbEBands34>>2]|0; $mul35 = Math_imul($39, $41)|0; $vla36$alloca_mul = $mul35<<2; $vla36 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla36$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla36$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $42 = $oldEBands$addr; $43 = $C$addr; $44 = $m$addr; $nbEBands37 = ((($44)) + 8|0); $45 = HEAP32[$nbEBands37>>2]|0; $mul38 = Math_imul($43, $45)|0; $mul39 = $mul38<<2; $46 = $oldEBands$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $vla; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $46; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul40 = 0; $add41 = (($mul39) + ($mul40))|0; _memcpy(($vla|0),($42|0),($add41|0))|0; $47 = $two_pass$addr; $tobool42 = ($47|0)!=(0); $48 = $intra; $tobool43 = ($48|0)!=(0); $or$cond = $tobool42 | $tobool43; if ($or$cond) { $49 = $m$addr; $50 = $start$addr; $51 = $end$addr; $52 = $eBands$addr; $53 = $budget$addr; $54 = $tell; $55 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx = (26741 + (($55*84)|0)|0); $arrayidx45 = ((($arrayidx)) + 42|0); $56 = $enc$addr; $57 = $C$addr; $58 = $LM$addr; $59 = $max_decay; $60 = $lfe$addr; $call46 = (_quant_coarse_energy_impl($49,$50,$51,$52,$vla,$53,$54,$arrayidx45,$vla36,$56,$57,$58,1,$59,$60)|0); $badness1 = $call46; } $61 = $intra; $tobool48 = ($61|0)!=(0); if ($tobool48) { $114 = $oldEBands$addr; $115 = $C$addr; $116 = $m$addr; $nbEBands111 = ((($116)) + 8|0); $117 = HEAP32[$nbEBands111>>2]|0; $mul112 = Math_imul($115, $117)|0; $mul113 = $mul112<<2; $118 = $oldEBands$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast114 = $118; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast115 = $vla; $sub$ptr$sub116 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast114) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast115))|0; $sub$ptr$div117 = (($sub$ptr$sub116|0) / 4)&-1; $mul118 = 0; $add119 = (($mul113) + ($mul118))|0; _memcpy(($114|0),($vla|0),($add119|0))|0; $119 = $error$addr; $120 = $C$addr; $121 = $m$addr; $nbEBands120 = ((($121)) + 8|0); $122 = HEAP32[$nbEBands120>>2]|0; $mul121 = Math_imul($120, $122)|0; $mul122 = $mul121<<2; $123 = $error$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast123 = $123; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast124 = $vla36; $sub$ptr$sub125 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast123) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast124))|0; $sub$ptr$div126 = (($sub$ptr$sub125|0) / 4)&-1; $mul127 = 0; $add128 = (($mul122) + ($mul127))|0; _memcpy(($119|0),($vla36|0),($add128|0))|0; } else { $62 = $enc$addr; $call50 = (_ec_tell_frac($62)|0); $tell_intra = $call50; $63 = $enc$addr; dest=$enc_intra_state; src=$63; stop=dest+48|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $call51 = (_ec_range_bytes($enc_start_state)|0); $nstart_bytes = $call51; $call52 = (_ec_range_bytes($enc_intra_state)|0); $nintra_bytes = $call52; $call53 = (_ec_get_buffer($enc_intra_state)|0); $64 = $nstart_bytes; $add$ptr = (($call53) + ($64)|0); $intra_buf = $add$ptr; $65 = $nintra_bytes; $66 = $nstart_bytes; $sub54 = (($65) - ($66))|0; $save_bytes = $sub54; $67 = $save_bytes; $cmp55 = ($67|0)==(0); $$sub54 = $cmp55 ? 1 : $sub54; $save_bytes = $$sub54; $68 = $save_bytes; $69 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack59 = $69; $vla60$alloca_mul = $68; $vla60 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla60$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla60$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $70 = $intra_buf; $71 = $nintra_bytes; $72 = $nstart_bytes; $sub61 = (($71) - ($72))|0; $mul62 = $sub61; $73 = $intra_buf; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast63 = $vla60; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast64 = $73; $sub$ptr$sub65 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast63) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast64))|0; $mul66 = 0; $add67 = (($mul62) + ($mul66))|0; _memcpy(($vla60|0),($70|0),($add67|0))|0; $74 = $enc$addr; dest=$74; src=$enc_start_state; stop=dest+48|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $75 = $m$addr; $76 = $start$addr; $77 = $end$addr; $78 = $eBands$addr; $79 = $oldEBands$addr; $80 = $budget$addr; $81 = $tell; $82 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx68 = (26741 + (($82*84)|0)|0); $83 = $intra; $arrayidx69 = (($arrayidx68) + (($83*42)|0)|0); $84 = $error$addr; $85 = $enc$addr; $86 = $C$addr; $87 = $LM$addr; $88 = $max_decay; $89 = $lfe$addr; $call71 = (_quant_coarse_energy_impl($75,$76,$77,$78,$79,$80,$81,$arrayidx69,$84,$85,$86,$87,0,$88,$89)|0); $badness2 = $call71; $90 = $two_pass$addr; $tobool72 = ($90|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool72) { $91 = $badness1; $92 = $badness2; $cmp74 = ($91|0)<($92|0); if (!($cmp74)) { $93 = $badness1; $94 = $badness2; $cmp77 = ($93|0)==($94|0); if (!($cmp77)) { break; } $95 = $enc$addr; $call80 = (_ec_tell_frac($95)|0); $96 = $intra_bias; $add81 = (($call80) + ($96))|0; $97 = $tell_intra; $cmp82 = ($add81|0)>($97|0); if (!($cmp82)) { break; } } $98 = $enc$addr; dest=$98; src=$enc_intra_state; stop=dest+48|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $99 = $intra_buf; $100 = $nintra_bytes; $101 = $nstart_bytes; $sub85 = (($100) - ($101))|0; $mul86 = $sub85; $102 = $intra_buf; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast87 = $102; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast88 = $vla60; $sub$ptr$sub89 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast87) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast88))|0; $mul90 = 0; $add91 = (($mul86) + ($mul90))|0; _memcpy(($99|0),($vla60|0),($add91|0))|0; $103 = $oldEBands$addr; $104 = $C$addr; $105 = $m$addr; $nbEBands92 = ((($105)) + 8|0); $106 = HEAP32[$nbEBands92>>2]|0; $mul93 = Math_imul($104, $106)|0; $mul94 = $mul93<<2; $107 = $oldEBands$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast95 = $107; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast96 = $vla; $sub$ptr$sub97 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast95) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast96))|0; $sub$ptr$div98 = (($sub$ptr$sub97|0) / 4)&-1; $mul99 = 0; $add100 = (($mul94) + ($mul99))|0; _memcpy(($103|0),($vla|0),($add100|0))|0; $108 = $error$addr; $109 = $C$addr; $110 = $m$addr; $nbEBands101 = ((($110)) + 8|0); $111 = HEAP32[$nbEBands101>>2]|0; $mul102 = Math_imul($109, $111)|0; $mul103 = $mul102<<2; $112 = $error$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast104 = $112; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast105 = $vla36; $sub$ptr$sub106 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast104) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast105))|0; $sub$ptr$div107 = (($sub$ptr$sub106|0) / 4)&-1; $mul108 = 0; $add109 = (($mul103) + ($mul108))|0; _memcpy(($108|0),($vla36|0),($add109|0))|0; $intra = 1; } } while(0); $113 = $saved_stack59; _llvm_stackrestore(($113|0)); } $124 = $intra; $tobool130 = ($124|0)!=(0); if ($tobool130) { $125 = $new_distortion; $126 = $delayedIntra$addr; HEAPF32[$126>>2] = $125; $135 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($135|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { $127 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx133 = (16604 + ($127<<2)|0); $128 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx133>>2]; $129 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx134 = (16604 + ($129<<2)|0); $130 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx134>>2]; $mul135 = $128 * $130; $131 = $delayedIntra$addr; $132 = +HEAPF32[$131>>2]; $mul136 = $mul135 * $132; $133 = $new_distortion; $add137 = $mul136 + $133; $134 = $delayedIntra$addr; HEAPF32[$134>>2] = $add137; $135 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($135|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _loss_distortion($eBands,$oldEBands,$start,$end,$len,$C) { $eBands = $eBands|0; $oldEBands = $oldEBands|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $len = $len|0; $C = $C|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0; var $9 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add2 = 0, $add5 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $c = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $d = 0.0, $dist = 0.0, $eBands$addr = 0, $end$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc6 = 0, $len$addr = 0; var $mul = 0, $mul1 = 0, $mul4 = 0.0, $oldEBands$addr = 0, $start$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $eBands$addr = $eBands; $oldEBands$addr = $oldEBands; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $len$addr = $len; $C$addr = $C; $dist = 0.0; $c = 0; while(1) { $0 = $start$addr; $i = $0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $end$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $eBands$addr; $4 = $i; $5 = $c; $6 = $len$addr; $mul = Math_imul($5, $6)|0; $add = (($4) + ($mul))|0; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($add<<2)|0); $7 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $8 = $oldEBands$addr; $9 = $i; $10 = $c; $11 = $len$addr; $mul1 = Math_imul($10, $11)|0; $add2 = (($9) + ($mul1))|0; $arrayidx3 = (($8) + ($add2<<2)|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $sub = $7 - $12; $d = $sub; $13 = $dist; $14 = $d; $15 = $d; $mul4 = $14 * $15; $add5 = $13 + $mul4; $dist = $add5; $16 = $i; $inc = (($16) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $17 = $c; $inc6 = (($17) + 1)|0; $c = $inc6; $18 = $C$addr; $cmp7 = ($inc6|0)<($18|0); if (!($cmp7)) { break; } } $19 = $dist; $cmp8 = 200.0 < $19; $20 = $dist; $cond = $cmp8 ? 200.0 : $20; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$cond); } function _ec_tell_122($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $rng = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $nbits_total = ((($0)) + 20|0); $1 = HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2]|0; $2 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($2)) + 28|0); $3 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $4 = (Math_clz32(($3|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($4))|0; $sub1 = (($1) - ($sub))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($sub1|0); } function _quant_coarse_energy_impl($m,$start,$end,$eBands,$oldEBands,$budget,$tell,$prob_model,$error,$enc,$C,$LM,$intra,$max_decay,$lfe) { $m = $m|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $eBands = $eBands|0; $oldEBands = $oldEBands|0; $budget = $budget|0; $tell = $tell|0; $prob_model = $prob_model|0; $error = $error|0; $enc = $enc|0; $C = $C|0; $LM = $LM|0; $intra = $intra|0; $max_decay = +$max_decay; $lfe = $lfe|0; var $$add43 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0.0, $114 = 0.0; var $115 = 0, $116 = 0.0, $117 = 0.0, $118 = 0.0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0.0, $126 = 0.0, $127 = 0.0, $128 = 0.0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0; var $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0; var $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0.0; var $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0.0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0; var $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0; var $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add107 = 0; var $add14 = 0, $add158 = 0, $add162 = 0, $add166 = 0.0, $add167 = 0.0, $add170 = 0, $add173 = 0.0, $add19 = 0.0, $add23 = 0, $add31 = 0, $add43 = 0, $add5 = 0, $add9 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx105 = 0, $arrayidx108 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx159 = 0, $arrayidx165 = 0; var $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx171 = 0, $arrayidx172 = 0, $arrayidx176 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $badness = 0, $beta = 0.0, $bits_left = 0, $budget$addr = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0.0, $call161 = 0, $call49 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp113 = 0, $cmp116 = 0; var $cmp122 = 0, $cmp126 = 0, $cmp135 = 0, $cmp140 = 0, $cmp143 = 0, $cmp177 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp55 = 0, $cmp58 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cmp64 = 0, $cmp71 = 0, $cmp74 = 0, $cmp84 = 0, $cmp87 = 0, $cmp95 = 0; var $cmp98 = 0, $coef = 0.0, $cond = 0.0, $cond103 = 0, $cond121 = 0, $cond131 = 0, $cond133 = 0, $cond148 = 0, $cond184 = 0, $cond34 = 0.0, $cond69 = 0, $cond79 = 0, $cond92 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv106 = 0, $conv109 = 0, $conv136 = 0, $conv154 = 0.0, $conv163 = 0.0, $conv20 = 0; var $conv42 = 0, $decay_bound = 0.0, $eBands$addr = 0, $enc$addr = 0, $end$addr = 0, $error$addr = 0, $f = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc179 = 0, $intra$addr = 0, $lfe$addr = 0, $m$addr = 0, $max_decay$addr = 0.0, $mul = 0, $mul104 = 0, $mul13 = 0, $mul134 = 0, $mul157 = 0, $mul16 = 0.0; var $mul164 = 0.0, $mul169 = 0, $mul174 = 0.0, $mul22 = 0, $mul30 = 0, $mul51 = 0, $mul53 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands12 = 0, $nbEBands156 = 0, $nbEBands168 = 0, $nbEBands21 = 0, $nbEBands29 = 0, $nbEBands7 = 0, $oldE = 0.0, $oldEBands$addr = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $pi = 0; var $prev = 0, $prob_model$addr = 0, $q = 0.0, $qi = 0, $qi0 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl110 = 0, $start$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub112 = 0, $sub137 = 0, $sub139 = 0, $sub149 = 0, $sub155 = 0.0, $sub160 = 0, $sub175 = 0.0, $sub18 = 0.0, $sub35 = 0.0, $sub41 = 0.0, $sub50 = 0; var $sub52 = 0, $sub54 = 0, $sub94 = 0, $tell$addr = 0, $tmp = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $tobool180 = 0, $tobool82 = 0, $x = 0.0, $xor = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 128|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(128|0); $prev = sp + 48|0; $qi = sp + 32|0; $m$addr = $m; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $eBands$addr = $eBands; $oldEBands$addr = $oldEBands; $budget$addr = $budget; $tell$addr = $tell; $prob_model$addr = $prob_model; $error$addr = $error; $enc$addr = $enc; $C$addr = $C; $LM$addr = $LM; $intra$addr = $intra; $max_decay$addr = $max_decay; $lfe$addr = $lfe; $badness = 0; ;HEAP32[$prev>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev+4>>2]=0|0; $0 = $tell$addr; $add = (($0) + 3)|0; $1 = $budget$addr; $cmp = ($add|0)<=($1|0); if ($cmp) { $2 = $enc$addr; $3 = $intra$addr; _ec_enc_bit_logp($2,$3,3); } $4 = $intra$addr; $tobool = ($4|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $coef = 0.0; $beta = 0.149993896484375; } else { $5 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx = (16620 + ($5<<2)|0); $6 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $beta = $6; $7 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx2 = (16604 + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $coef = $8; } $9 = $start$addr; $i = $9; while(1) { $10 = $i; $11 = $end$addr; $cmp4 = ($10|0)<($11|0); if (!($cmp4)) { break; } $c = 0; while(1) { $12 = $eBands$addr; $13 = $i; $14 = $c; $15 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($15)) + 8|0); $16 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($14, $16)|0; $add5 = (($13) + ($mul))|0; $arrayidx6 = (($12) + ($add5<<2)|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $x = $17; $18 = $oldEBands$addr; $19 = $i; $20 = $c; $21 = $m$addr; $nbEBands7 = ((($21)) + 8|0); $22 = HEAP32[$nbEBands7>>2]|0; $mul8 = Math_imul($20, $22)|0; $add9 = (($19) + ($mul8))|0; $arrayidx10 = (($18) + ($add9<<2)|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $cmp11 = -9.0 > $23; if ($cmp11) { $cond = -9.0; } else { $24 = $oldEBands$addr; $25 = $i; $26 = $c; $27 = $m$addr; $nbEBands12 = ((($27)) + 8|0); $28 = HEAP32[$nbEBands12>>2]|0; $mul13 = Math_imul($26, $28)|0; $add14 = (($25) + ($mul13))|0; $arrayidx15 = (($24) + ($add14<<2)|0); $29 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2]; $cond = $29; } $oldE = $cond; $30 = $x; $31 = $coef; $32 = $oldE; $mul16 = $31 * $32; $sub = $30 - $mul16; $33 = $c; $arrayidx17 = (($prev) + ($33<<2)|0); $34 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2]; $sub18 = $sub - $34; $f = $sub18; $35 = $f; $add19 = 0.5 + $35; $conv = $add19; $call = (+Math_floor((+$conv))); $conv20 = (~~(($call))); HEAP32[$qi>>2] = $conv20; $36 = $oldEBands$addr; $37 = $i; $38 = $c; $39 = $m$addr; $nbEBands21 = ((($39)) + 8|0); $40 = HEAP32[$nbEBands21>>2]|0; $mul22 = Math_imul($38, $40)|0; $add23 = (($37) + ($mul22))|0; $arrayidx24 = (($36) + ($add23<<2)|0); $41 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2]; $cmp25 = -28.0 > $41; if ($cmp25) { $cond34 = -28.0; } else { $42 = $oldEBands$addr; $43 = $i; $44 = $c; $45 = $m$addr; $nbEBands29 = ((($45)) + 8|0); $46 = HEAP32[$nbEBands29>>2]|0; $mul30 = Math_imul($44, $46)|0; $add31 = (($43) + ($mul30))|0; $arrayidx32 = (($42) + ($add31<<2)|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx32>>2]; $cond34 = $47; } $48 = $max_decay$addr; $sub35 = $cond34 - $48; $decay_bound = $sub35; $49 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cmp36 = ($49|0)<(0); if ($cmp36) { $50 = $x; $51 = $decay_bound; $cmp38 = $50 < $51; if ($cmp38) { $52 = $decay_bound; $53 = $x; $sub41 = $52 - $53; $conv42 = (~~(($sub41))); $54 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $add43 = (($54) + ($conv42))|0; HEAP32[$qi>>2] = $add43; $55 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cmp44 = ($55|0)>(0); $$add43 = $cmp44 ? 0 : $add43; HEAP32[$qi>>2] = $$add43; } } $56 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $qi0 = $56; $57 = $enc$addr; $call49 = (_ec_tell_122($57)|0); $tell$addr = $call49; $58 = $budget$addr; $59 = $tell$addr; $sub50 = (($58) - ($59))|0; $60 = $C$addr; $mul51 = ($60*3)|0; $61 = $end$addr; $62 = $i; $sub52 = (($61) - ($62))|0; $mul53 = Math_imul($mul51, $sub52)|0; $sub54 = (($sub50) - ($mul53))|0; $bits_left = $sub54; $63 = $i; $64 = $start$addr; $cmp55 = ($63|0)!=($64|0); $65 = $bits_left; $cmp58 = ($65|0)<(30); $or$cond = $cmp55 & $cmp58; if ($or$cond) { $66 = $bits_left; $cmp61 = ($66|0)<(24); if ($cmp61) { $67 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cmp64 = (1)<($67|0); $68 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cond69 = $cmp64 ? 1 : $68; HEAP32[$qi>>2] = $cond69; } $69 = $bits_left; $cmp71 = ($69|0)<(16); if ($cmp71) { $70 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cmp74 = (-1)>($70|0); $71 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cond79 = $cmp74 ? -1 : $71; HEAP32[$qi>>2] = $cond79; } } $72 = $lfe$addr; $tobool82 = ($72|0)!=(0); $73 = $i; $cmp84 = ($73|0)>=(2); $or$cond1 = $tobool82 & $cmp84; if ($or$cond1) { $74 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cmp87 = ($74|0)<(0); $75 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cond92 = $cmp87 ? $75 : 0; HEAP32[$qi>>2] = $cond92; } $76 = $budget$addr; $77 = $tell$addr; $sub94 = (($76) - ($77))|0; $cmp95 = ($sub94|0)>=(15); do { if ($cmp95) { $78 = $i; $cmp98 = ($78|0)<(20); $79 = $i; $cond103 = $cmp98 ? $79 : 20; $mul104 = $cond103<<1; $pi = $mul104; $80 = $enc$addr; $81 = $prob_model$addr; $82 = $pi; $arrayidx105 = (($81) + ($82)|0); $83 = HEAP8[$arrayidx105>>0]|0; $conv106 = $83&255; $shl = $conv106 << 7; $84 = $prob_model$addr; $85 = $pi; $add107 = (($85) + 1)|0; $arrayidx108 = (($84) + ($add107)|0); $86 = HEAP8[$arrayidx108>>0]|0; $conv109 = $86&255; $shl110 = $conv109 << 6; _ec_laplace_encode($80,$qi,$shl,$shl110); } else { $87 = $budget$addr; $88 = $tell$addr; $sub112 = (($87) - ($88))|0; $cmp113 = ($sub112|0)>=(2); if ($cmp113) { $89 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cmp116 = ($89|0)<(1); $90 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cond121 = $cmp116 ? $90 : 1; $cmp122 = (-1)>($cond121|0); if ($cmp122) { $cond133 = -1; } else { $91 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cmp126 = ($91|0)<(1); $92 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cond131 = $cmp126 ? $92 : 1; $cond133 = $cond131; } HEAP32[$qi>>2] = $cond133; $93 = $enc$addr; $94 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $mul134 = $94<<1; $95 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cmp135 = ($95|0)<(0); $conv136 = $cmp135&1; $sub137 = (0 - ($conv136))|0; $xor = $mul134 ^ $sub137; _ec_enc_icdf($93,$xor,27077,2); break; } else { $96 = $budget$addr; $97 = $tell$addr; $sub139 = (($96) - ($97))|0; $cmp140 = ($sub139|0)>=(1); if ($cmp140) { $98 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cmp143 = (0)<($98|0); $99 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $cond148 = $cmp143 ? 0 : $99; HEAP32[$qi>>2] = $cond148; $100 = $enc$addr; $101 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $sub149 = (0 - ($101))|0; _ec_enc_bit_logp($100,$sub149,1); break; } else { HEAP32[$qi>>2] = -1; break; } } } } while(0); $102 = $f; $103 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $conv154 = (+($103|0)); $sub155 = $102 - $conv154; $104 = $error$addr; $105 = $i; $106 = $c; $107 = $m$addr; $nbEBands156 = ((($107)) + 8|0); $108 = HEAP32[$nbEBands156>>2]|0; $mul157 = Math_imul($106, $108)|0; $add158 = (($105) + ($mul157))|0; $arrayidx159 = (($104) + ($add158<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx159>>2] = $sub155; $109 = $qi0; $110 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $sub160 = (($109) - ($110))|0; $call161 = (Math_abs(($sub160|0))|0); $111 = $badness; $add162 = (($111) + ($call161))|0; $badness = $add162; $112 = HEAP32[$qi>>2]|0; $conv163 = (+($112|0)); $q = $conv163; $113 = $coef; $114 = $oldE; $mul164 = $113 * $114; $115 = $c; $arrayidx165 = (($prev) + ($115<<2)|0); $116 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx165>>2]; $add166 = $mul164 + $116; $117 = $q; $add167 = $add166 + $117; $tmp = $add167; $118 = $tmp; $119 = $oldEBands$addr; $120 = $i; $121 = $c; $122 = $m$addr; $nbEBands168 = ((($122)) + 8|0); $123 = HEAP32[$nbEBands168>>2]|0; $mul169 = Math_imul($121, $123)|0; $add170 = (($120) + ($mul169))|0; $arrayidx171 = (($119) + ($add170<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx171>>2] = $118; $124 = $c; $arrayidx172 = (($prev) + ($124<<2)|0); $125 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx172>>2]; $126 = $q; $add173 = $125 + $126; $127 = $beta; $128 = $q; $mul174 = $127 * $128; $sub175 = $add173 - $mul174; $129 = $c; $arrayidx176 = (($prev) + ($129<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx176>>2] = $sub175; $130 = $c; $inc = (($130) + 1)|0; $c = $inc; $131 = $C$addr; $cmp177 = ($inc|0)<($131|0); if (!($cmp177)) { break; } } $132 = $i; $inc179 = (($132) + 1)|0; $i = $inc179; } $133 = $lfe$addr; $tobool180 = ($133|0)!=(0); $134 = $badness; $cond184 = $tobool180 ? 0 : $134; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond184|0); } function _ec_range_bytes($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $offs = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $offs = ((($0)) + 24|0); $1 = HEAP32[$offs>>2]|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1|0); } function _ec_get_buffer($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $1 = HEAP32[$0>>2]|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1|0); } function _quant_fine_energy($m,$start,$end,$oldEBands,$error,$fine_quant,$enc,$C) { $m = $m|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $oldEBands = $oldEBands|0; $error = $error|0; $fine_quant = $fine_quant|0; $enc = $enc|0; $C = $C|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add24 = 0.0, $add34 = 0, $add36 = 0.0, $add39 = 0, $add5 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0; var $c = 0, $call = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp42 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv23 = 0.0, $conv28 = 0.0, $conv6 = 0, $conv7 = 0.0, $conv9 = 0.0, $enc$addr = 0, $end$addr = 0, $error$addr = 0, $fine_quant$addr = 0; var $frac = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc44 = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul29 = 0.0, $mul30 = 0.0, $mul33 = 0, $mul38 = 0, $mul8 = 0.0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands32 = 0, $nbEBands37 = 0, $offset = 0.0, $oldEBands$addr = 0, $q2 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl27 = 0, $start$addr = 0; var $sub = 0, $sub16 = 0, $sub26 = 0, $sub31 = 0.0, $sub41 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $m$addr = $m; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $oldEBands$addr = $oldEBands; $error$addr = $error; $fine_quant$addr = $fine_quant; $enc$addr = $enc; $C$addr = $C; $0 = $start$addr; $i = $0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $end$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $fine_quant$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $shl = 1 << $5; $conv = $shl&65535; $frac = $conv; $6 = $fine_quant$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = HEAP32[$arrayidx1>>2]|0; $cmp2 = ($8|0)<=(0); if (!($cmp2)) { $c = 0; while(1) { $9 = $error$addr; $10 = $i; $11 = $c; $12 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($12)) + 8|0); $13 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($11, $13)|0; $add = (($10) + ($mul))|0; $arrayidx4 = (($9) + ($add<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $add5 = $14 + 0.5; $15 = $frac; $conv6 = $15 << 16 >> 16; $conv7 = (+($conv6|0)); $mul8 = $add5 * $conv7; $conv9 = $mul8; $call = (+Math_floor((+$conv9))); $conv10 = (~~(($call))); $q2 = $conv10; $16 = $q2; $17 = $frac; $conv11 = $17 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($conv11) - 1)|0; $cmp12 = ($16|0)>($sub|0); if ($cmp12) { $18 = $frac; $conv15 = $18 << 16 >> 16; $sub16 = (($conv15) - 1)|0; $q2 = $sub16; } $19 = $q2; $cmp18 = ($19|0)<(0); if ($cmp18) { $q2 = 0; } $20 = $enc$addr; $21 = $q2; $22 = $fine_quant$addr; $23 = $i; $arrayidx22 = (($22) + ($23<<2)|0); $24 = HEAP32[$arrayidx22>>2]|0; _ec_enc_bits($20,$21,$24); $25 = $q2; $conv23 = (+($25|0)); $add24 = $conv23 + 0.5; $26 = $fine_quant$addr; $27 = $i; $arrayidx25 = (($26) + ($27<<2)|0); $28 = HEAP32[$arrayidx25>>2]|0; $sub26 = (14 - ($28))|0; $shl27 = 1 << $sub26; $conv28 = (+($shl27|0)); $mul29 = $add24 * $conv28; $mul30 = $mul29 * 6.103515625E-5; $sub31 = $mul30 - 0.5; $offset = $sub31; $29 = $offset; $30 = $oldEBands$addr; $31 = $i; $32 = $c; $33 = $m$addr; $nbEBands32 = ((($33)) + 8|0); $34 = HEAP32[$nbEBands32>>2]|0; $mul33 = Math_imul($32, $34)|0; $add34 = (($31) + ($mul33))|0; $arrayidx35 = (($30) + ($add34<<2)|0); $35 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2]; $add36 = $35 + $29; HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2] = $add36; $36 = $offset; $37 = $error$addr; $38 = $i; $39 = $c; $40 = $m$addr; $nbEBands37 = ((($40)) + 8|0); $41 = HEAP32[$nbEBands37>>2]|0; $mul38 = Math_imul($39, $41)|0; $add39 = (($38) + ($mul38))|0; $arrayidx40 = (($37) + ($add39<<2)|0); $42 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx40>>2]; $sub41 = $42 - $36; HEAPF32[$arrayidx40>>2] = $sub41; $43 = $c; $inc = (($43) + 1)|0; $c = $inc; $44 = $C$addr; $cmp42 = ($inc|0)<($44|0); if (!($cmp42)) { break; } } } $45 = $i; $inc44 = (($45) + 1)|0; $i = $inc44; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _quant_energy_finalise($m,$start,$end,$oldEBands,$error,$fine_quant,$fine_priority,$bits_left,$enc,$C) { $m = $m|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $oldEBands = $oldEBands|0; $error = $error|0; $fine_quant = $fine_quant|0; $fine_priority = $fine_priority|0; $bits_left = $bits_left|0; $enc = $enc|0; $C = $C|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add18 = 0; var $add20 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $bits_left$addr = 0, $c = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv13 = 0.0, $dec = 0, $enc$addr = 0; var $end$addr = 0, $error$addr = 0, $fine_priority$addr = 0, $fine_quant$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc23 = 0, $inc25 = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul14 = 0.0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul17 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands16 = 0, $offset = 0.0, $oldEBands$addr = 0, $prio = 0, $q2 = 0, $shl = 0; var $start$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub11 = 0, $sub12 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $m$addr = $m; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $oldEBands$addr = $oldEBands; $error$addr = $error; $fine_quant$addr = $fine_quant; $fine_priority$addr = $fine_priority; $bits_left$addr = $bits_left; $enc$addr = $enc; $C$addr = $C; $prio = 0; while(1) { $0 = $prio; $cmp = ($0|0)<(2); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $1 = $start$addr; $i = $1; while(1) { $2 = $i; $3 = $end$addr; $cmp2 = ($2|0)<($3|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $4 = $bits_left$addr; $5 = $C$addr; $cmp3 = ($4|0)>=($5|0); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $6 = $fine_quant$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $cmp5 = ($8|0)>=(8); if (!($cmp5)) { $9 = $fine_priority$addr; $10 = $i; $arrayidx6 = (($9) + ($10<<2)|0); $11 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $12 = $prio; $cmp7 = ($11|0)!=($12|0); if (!($cmp7)) { $c = 0; while(1) { $13 = $error$addr; $14 = $i; $15 = $c; $16 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($16)) + 8|0); $17 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($15, $17)|0; $add = (($14) + ($mul))|0; $arrayidx8 = (($13) + ($add<<2)|0); $18 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2]; $cmp9 = $18 < 0.0; $cond = $cmp9 ? 0 : 1; $q2 = $cond; $19 = $enc$addr; $20 = $q2; _ec_enc_bits($19,$20,1); $21 = $q2; $conv = (+($21|0)); $sub = $conv - 0.5; $22 = $fine_quant$addr; $23 = $i; $arrayidx10 = (($22) + ($23<<2)|0); $24 = HEAP32[$arrayidx10>>2]|0; $sub11 = (14 - ($24))|0; $sub12 = (($sub11) - 1)|0; $shl = 1 << $sub12; $conv13 = (+($shl|0)); $mul14 = $sub * $conv13; $mul15 = $mul14 * 6.103515625E-5; $offset = $mul15; $25 = $offset; $26 = $oldEBands$addr; $27 = $i; $28 = $c; $29 = $m$addr; $nbEBands16 = ((($29)) + 8|0); $30 = HEAP32[$nbEBands16>>2]|0; $mul17 = Math_imul($28, $30)|0; $add18 = (($27) + ($mul17))|0; $arrayidx19 = (($26) + ($add18<<2)|0); $31 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2]; $add20 = $31 + $25; HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2] = $add20; $32 = $bits_left$addr; $dec = (($32) + -1)|0; $bits_left$addr = $dec; $33 = $c; $inc = (($33) + 1)|0; $c = $inc; $34 = $C$addr; $cmp21 = ($inc|0)<($34|0); if (!($cmp21)) { break; } } } } $35 = $i; $inc23 = (($35) + 1)|0; $i = $inc23; } $36 = $prio; $inc25 = (($36) + 1)|0; $prio = $inc25; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _unquant_coarse_energy($m,$start,$end,$oldEBands,$intra,$dec,$C,$LM) { $m = $m|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $oldEBands = $oldEBands|0; $intra = $intra|0; $dec = $dec|0; $C = $C|0; $LM = $LM|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0.0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0.0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0.0, $60 = 0.0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0.0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add33 = 0, $add41 = 0; var $add47 = 0, $add51 = 0, $add55 = 0.0, $add56 = 0.0, $add59 = 0, $add62 = 0.0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx60 = 0, $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0; var $arrayidx9 = 0, $beta = 0.0, $budget = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0, $call12 = 0, $call18 = 0, $call25 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cmp66 = 0, $coef = 0.0, $cond = 0, $cond44 = 0.0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0; var $conv31 = 0.0, $dec$addr = 0, $end$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc68 = 0, $intra$addr = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul32 = 0, $mul40 = 0, $mul46 = 0, $mul50 = 0, $mul53 = 0.0, $mul58 = 0, $mul63 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands39 = 0, $nbEBands45 = 0; var $nbEBands49 = 0, $nbEBands57 = 0, $oldEBands$addr = 0, $pi = 0, $prev = 0, $prob_model = 0, $q = 0.0, $qi = 0, $shl = 0, $shl11 = 0, $shr = 0, $start$addr = 0, $storage = 0, $sub = 0, $sub14 = 0, $sub19 = 0, $sub21 = 0, $sub26 = 0, $sub64 = 0.0, $tell = 0; var $tmp = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $xor = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 96|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(96|0); $prev = sp + 32|0; $m$addr = $m; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $oldEBands$addr = $oldEBands; $intra$addr = $intra; $dec$addr = $dec; $C$addr = $C; $LM$addr = $LM; $0 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx = (26741 + (($0*84)|0)|0); $1 = $intra$addr; $arrayidx1 = (($arrayidx) + (($1*42)|0)|0); $prob_model = $arrayidx1; ;HEAP32[$prev>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev+4>>2]=0|0; $2 = $intra$addr; $tobool = ($2|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $coef = 0.0; $beta = 0.149993896484375; } else { $3 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx2 = (16620 + ($3<<2)|0); $4 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $beta = $4; $5 = $LM$addr; $arrayidx3 = (16604 + ($5<<2)|0); $6 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $coef = $6; } $7 = $dec$addr; $storage = ((($7)) + 4|0); $8 = HEAP32[$storage>>2]|0; $mul = $8<<3; $budget = $mul; $9 = $start$addr; $i = $9; while(1) { $10 = $i; $11 = $end$addr; $cmp = ($10|0)<($11|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $c = 0; while(1) { $12 = $dec$addr; $call = (_ec_tell_122($12)|0); $tell = $call; $13 = $budget; $14 = $tell; $sub = (($13) - ($14))|0; $cmp4 = ($sub|0)>=(15); do { if ($cmp4) { $15 = $i; $cmp6 = ($15|0)<(20); $16 = $i; $cond = $cmp6 ? $16 : 20; $mul7 = $cond<<1; $pi = $mul7; $17 = $dec$addr; $18 = $prob_model; $19 = $pi; $arrayidx8 = (($18) + ($19)|0); $20 = HEAP8[$arrayidx8>>0]|0; $conv = $20&255; $shl = $conv << 7; $21 = $prob_model; $22 = $pi; $add = (($22) + 1)|0; $arrayidx9 = (($21) + ($add)|0); $23 = HEAP8[$arrayidx9>>0]|0; $conv10 = $23&255; $shl11 = $conv10 << 6; $call12 = (_ec_laplace_decode($17,$shl,$shl11)|0); $qi = $call12; } else { $24 = $budget; $25 = $tell; $sub14 = (($24) - ($25))|0; $cmp15 = ($sub14|0)>=(2); if ($cmp15) { $26 = $dec$addr; $call18 = (_ec_dec_icdf($26,27077,2)|0); $qi = $call18; $27 = $qi; $shr = $27 >> 1; $28 = $qi; $and = $28 & 1; $sub19 = (0 - ($and))|0; $xor = $shr ^ $sub19; $qi = $xor; break; } $29 = $budget; $30 = $tell; $sub21 = (($29) - ($30))|0; $cmp22 = ($sub21|0)>=(1); if ($cmp22) { $31 = $dec$addr; $call25 = (_ec_dec_bit_logp($31,1)|0); $sub26 = (0 - ($call25))|0; $qi = $sub26; break; } else { $qi = -1; break; } } } while(0); $32 = $qi; $conv31 = (+($32|0)); $q = $conv31; $33 = $oldEBands$addr; $34 = $i; $35 = $c; $36 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($36)) + 8|0); $37 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul32 = Math_imul($35, $37)|0; $add33 = (($34) + ($mul32))|0; $arrayidx34 = (($33) + ($add33<<2)|0); $38 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2]; $cmp35 = -9.0 > $38; if ($cmp35) { $cond44 = -9.0; } else { $39 = $oldEBands$addr; $40 = $i; $41 = $c; $42 = $m$addr; $nbEBands39 = ((($42)) + 8|0); $43 = HEAP32[$nbEBands39>>2]|0; $mul40 = Math_imul($41, $43)|0; $add41 = (($40) + ($mul40))|0; $arrayidx42 = (($39) + ($add41<<2)|0); $44 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx42>>2]; $cond44 = $44; } $45 = $oldEBands$addr; $46 = $i; $47 = $c; $48 = $m$addr; $nbEBands45 = ((($48)) + 8|0); $49 = HEAP32[$nbEBands45>>2]|0; $mul46 = Math_imul($47, $49)|0; $add47 = (($46) + ($mul46))|0; $arrayidx48 = (($45) + ($add47<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx48>>2] = $cond44; $50 = $coef; $51 = $oldEBands$addr; $52 = $i; $53 = $c; $54 = $m$addr; $nbEBands49 = ((($54)) + 8|0); $55 = HEAP32[$nbEBands49>>2]|0; $mul50 = Math_imul($53, $55)|0; $add51 = (($52) + ($mul50))|0; $arrayidx52 = (($51) + ($add51<<2)|0); $56 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx52>>2]; $mul53 = $50 * $56; $57 = $c; $arrayidx54 = (($prev) + ($57<<2)|0); $58 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx54>>2]; $add55 = $mul53 + $58; $59 = $q; $add56 = $add55 + $59; $tmp = $add56; $60 = $tmp; $61 = $oldEBands$addr; $62 = $i; $63 = $c; $64 = $m$addr; $nbEBands57 = ((($64)) + 8|0); $65 = HEAP32[$nbEBands57>>2]|0; $mul58 = Math_imul($63, $65)|0; $add59 = (($62) + ($mul58))|0; $arrayidx60 = (($61) + ($add59<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx60>>2] = $60; $66 = $c; $arrayidx61 = (($prev) + ($66<<2)|0); $67 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx61>>2]; $68 = $q; $add62 = $67 + $68; $69 = $beta; $70 = $q; $mul63 = $69 * $70; $sub64 = $add62 - $mul63; $71 = $c; $arrayidx65 = (($prev) + ($71<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx65>>2] = $sub64; $72 = $c; $inc = (($72) + 1)|0; $c = $inc; $73 = $C$addr; $cmp66 = ($inc|0)<($73|0); if (!($cmp66)) { break; } } $74 = $i; $inc68 = (($74) + 1)|0; $i = $inc68; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _unquant_fine_energy($m,$start,$end,$oldEBands,$fine_quant,$dec,$C) { $m = $m|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $oldEBands = $oldEBands|0; $fine_quant = $fine_quant|0; $dec = $dec|0; $C = $C|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0; var $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add10 = 0.0, $add8 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv4 = 0.0, $dec$addr = 0; var $end$addr = 0, $fine_quant$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc13 = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul5 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $offset = 0.0, $oldEBands$addr = 0, $q2 = 0, $shl = 0, $start$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub6 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $m$addr = $m; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $oldEBands$addr = $oldEBands; $fine_quant$addr = $fine_quant; $dec$addr = $dec; $C$addr = $C; $0 = $start$addr; $i = $0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $end$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $fine_quant$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $cmp1 = ($5|0)<=(0); if (!($cmp1)) { $c = 0; while(1) { $6 = $dec$addr; $7 = $fine_quant$addr; $8 = $i; $arrayidx2 = (($7) + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = HEAP32[$arrayidx2>>2]|0; $call = (_ec_dec_bits($6,$9)|0); $q2 = $call; $10 = $q2; $conv = (+($10|0)); $add = $conv + 0.5; $11 = $fine_quant$addr; $12 = $i; $arrayidx3 = (($11) + ($12<<2)|0); $13 = HEAP32[$arrayidx3>>2]|0; $sub = (14 - ($13))|0; $shl = 1 << $sub; $conv4 = (+($shl|0)); $mul = $add * $conv4; $mul5 = $mul * 6.103515625E-5; $sub6 = $mul5 - 0.5; $offset = $sub6; $14 = $offset; $15 = $oldEBands$addr; $16 = $i; $17 = $c; $18 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($18)) + 8|0); $19 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul7 = Math_imul($17, $19)|0; $add8 = (($16) + ($mul7))|0; $arrayidx9 = (($15) + ($add8<<2)|0); $20 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $add10 = $20 + $14; HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2] = $add10; $21 = $c; $inc = (($21) + 1)|0; $c = $inc; $22 = $C$addr; $cmp11 = ($inc|0)<($22|0); if (!($cmp11)) { break; } } } $23 = $i; $inc13 = (($23) + 1)|0; $i = $inc13; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _unquant_energy_finalise($m,$start,$end,$oldEBands,$fine_quant,$fine_priority,$bits_left,$dec,$C) { $m = $m|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $oldEBands = $oldEBands|0; $fine_quant = $fine_quant|0; $fine_priority = $fine_priority|0; $bits_left = $bits_left|0; $dec = $dec|0; $C = $C|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add15 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $bits_left$addr = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv11 = 0.0, $dec$addr = 0, $dec16 = 0, $end$addr = 0, $fine_priority$addr = 0, $fine_quant$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc19 = 0, $inc21 = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul12 = 0.0; var $mul13 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $offset = 0.0, $oldEBands$addr = 0, $prio = 0, $q2 = 0, $shl = 0, $start$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub10 = 0, $sub9 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $m$addr = $m; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $oldEBands$addr = $oldEBands; $fine_quant$addr = $fine_quant; $fine_priority$addr = $fine_priority; $bits_left$addr = $bits_left; $dec$addr = $dec; $C$addr = $C; $prio = 0; while(1) { $0 = $prio; $cmp = ($0|0)<(2); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $1 = $start$addr; $i = $1; while(1) { $2 = $i; $3 = $end$addr; $cmp2 = ($2|0)<($3|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $4 = $bits_left$addr; $5 = $C$addr; $cmp3 = ($4|0)>=($5|0); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $6 = $fine_quant$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $cmp5 = ($8|0)>=(8); if (!($cmp5)) { $9 = $fine_priority$addr; $10 = $i; $arrayidx6 = (($9) + ($10<<2)|0); $11 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $12 = $prio; $cmp7 = ($11|0)!=($12|0); if (!($cmp7)) { $c = 0; while(1) { $13 = $dec$addr; $call = (_ec_dec_bits($13,1)|0); $q2 = $call; $14 = $q2; $conv = (+($14|0)); $sub = $conv - 0.5; $15 = $fine_quant$addr; $16 = $i; $arrayidx8 = (($15) + ($16<<2)|0); $17 = HEAP32[$arrayidx8>>2]|0; $sub9 = (14 - ($17))|0; $sub10 = (($sub9) - 1)|0; $shl = 1 << $sub10; $conv11 = (+($shl|0)); $mul = $sub * $conv11; $mul12 = $mul * 6.103515625E-5; $offset = $mul12; $18 = $offset; $19 = $oldEBands$addr; $20 = $i; $21 = $c; $22 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($22)) + 8|0); $23 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul13 = Math_imul($21, $23)|0; $add = (($20) + ($mul13))|0; $arrayidx14 = (($19) + ($add<<2)|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $add15 = $24 + $18; HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2] = $add15; $25 = $bits_left$addr; $dec16 = (($25) + -1)|0; $bits_left$addr = $dec16; $26 = $c; $inc = (($26) + 1)|0; $c = $inc; $27 = $C$addr; $cmp17 = ($inc|0)<($27|0); if (!($cmp17)) { break; } } } } $28 = $i; $inc19 = (($28) + 1)|0; $i = $inc19; } $29 = $prio; $inc21 = (($29) + 1)|0; $prio = $inc21; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _amp2Log2($m,$effEnd,$end,$bandE,$bandLogE,$C) { $m = $m|0; $effEnd = $effEnd|0; $end = $end|0; $bandE = $bandE|0; $bandLogE = $bandLogE|0; $C = $C|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $C$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add14 = 0, $add6 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $bandE$addr = 0, $bandLogE$addr = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0.0, $cmp = 0; var $cmp20 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv2 = 0.0, $effEnd$addr = 0, $end$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc17 = 0, $inc19 = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul1 = 0.0, $mul13 = 0, $mul5 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands12 = 0, $nbEBands4 = 0, $sub = 0.0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $m$addr = $m; $effEnd$addr = $effEnd; $end$addr = $end; $bandE$addr = $bandE; $bandLogE$addr = $bandLogE; $C$addr = $C; $c = 0; while(1) { $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $effEnd$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $bandE$addr; $3 = $i; $4 = $c; $5 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($5)) + 8|0); $6 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($4, $6)|0; $add = (($3) + ($mul))|0; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($add<<2)|0); $7 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $conv = $7; $call = (+Math_log((+$conv))); $mul1 = 1.4426950408889634 * $call; $conv2 = $mul1; $8 = $i; $arrayidx3 = (16504 + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $sub = $conv2 - $9; $10 = $bandLogE$addr; $11 = $i; $12 = $c; $13 = $m$addr; $nbEBands4 = ((($13)) + 8|0); $14 = HEAP32[$nbEBands4>>2]|0; $mul5 = Math_imul($12, $14)|0; $add6 = (($11) + ($mul5))|0; $arrayidx7 = (($10) + ($add6<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2] = $sub; $15 = $i; $inc = (($15) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $16 = $effEnd$addr; $i = $16; while(1) { $17 = $i; $18 = $end$addr; $cmp9 = ($17|0)<($18|0); if (!($cmp9)) { break; } $19 = $bandLogE$addr; $20 = $c; $21 = $m$addr; $nbEBands12 = ((($21)) + 8|0); $22 = HEAP32[$nbEBands12>>2]|0; $mul13 = Math_imul($20, $22)|0; $23 = $i; $add14 = (($mul13) + ($23))|0; $arrayidx15 = (($19) + ($add14<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2] = -14.0; $24 = $i; $inc17 = (($24) + 1)|0; $i = $inc17; } $25 = $c; $inc19 = (($25) + 1)|0; $c = $inc19; $26 = $C$addr; $cmp20 = ($inc19|0)<($26|0); if (!($cmp20)) { break; } } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _compute_allocation($m,$start,$end,$offsets,$cap,$alloc_trim,$intensity,$dual_stereo,$total,$balance,$pulses,$ebits,$fine_priority,$C,$LM,$ec,$encode,$prev,$signalBandwidth) { $m = $m|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $offsets = $offsets|0; $cap = $cap|0; $alloc_trim = $alloc_trim|0; $intensity = $intensity|0; $dual_stereo = $dual_stereo|0; $total = $total|0; $balance = $balance|0; $pulses = $pulses|0; $ebits = $ebits|0; $fine_priority = $fine_priority|0; $C = $C|0; $LM = $LM|0; $ec = $ec|0; $encode = $encode|0; $prev = $prev|0; $signalBandwidth = $signalBandwidth|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0; var $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0; var $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0; var $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0; var $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0; var $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $N = 0, $N159 = 0, $add = 0, $add100 = 0, $add110 = 0, $add116 = 0, $add121 = 0, $add134 = 0, $add141 = 0, $add150 = 0, $add161 = 0; var $add171 = 0, $add186 = 0, $add198 = 0, $add204 = 0, $add212 = 0, $add218 = 0, $add226 = 0, $add229 = 0, $add33 = 0, $add48 = 0, $add62 = 0, $add68 = 0, $add84 = 0, $add91 = 0, $allocVectors = 0, $allocVectors169 = 0, $allocVectors184 = 0, $alloc_trim$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx101 = 0; var $arrayidx109 = 0, $arrayidx115 = 0, $arrayidx120 = 0, $arrayidx122 = 0, $arrayidx126 = 0, $arrayidx131 = 0, $arrayidx162 = 0, $arrayidx165 = 0, $arrayidx172 = 0, $arrayidx181 = 0, $arrayidx187 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx197 = 0, $arrayidx203 = 0, $arrayidx211 = 0, $arrayidx217 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx225 = 0, $arrayidx228 = 0, $arrayidx230 = 0; var $arrayidx243 = 0, $arrayidx244 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx66 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx72 = 0, $arrayidx80 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $arrayidx95 = 0, $balance$addr = 0, $bits1j = 0, $bits2j = 0, $bitsj = 0, $call = 0, $cap$addr = 0, $cmp = 0; var $cmp1 = 0, $cmp106 = 0, $cmp111 = 0, $cmp123 = 0, $cmp127 = 0, $cmp137 = 0, $cmp145 = 0, $cmp152 = 0, $cmp156 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp178 = 0, $cmp194 = 0, $cmp199 = 0, $cmp208 = 0, $cmp213 = 0, $cmp222 = 0, $cmp231 = 0, $cmp236 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp3 = 0; var $cmp5 = 0, $cmp76 = 0, $cmp87 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $codedBands = 0, $cond = 0, $cond11 = 0, $cond118 = 0, $cond133 = 0, $cond193 = 0, $cond2 = 0, $cond206 = 0, $cond220 = 0, $cond242 = 0, $cond45 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv102 = 0, $conv163 = 0, $conv166 = 0, $conv173 = 0; var $conv188 = 0, $conv20 = 0, $conv23 = 0, $conv35 = 0, $conv38 = 0, $conv50 = 0, $conv53 = 0, $conv70 = 0, $conv73 = 0, $conv93 = 0, $conv96 = 0, $dec = 0, $dec154 = 0, $done = 0, $dual_stereo$addr = 0, $dual_stereo_rsv = 0, $eBands = 0, $eBands160 = 0, $eBands164 = 0, $eBands21 = 0; var $eBands32 = 0, $eBands36 = 0, $eBands47 = 0, $eBands51 = 0, $eBands67 = 0, $eBands71 = 0, $eBands90 = 0, $eBands94 = 0, $ebits$addr = 0, $ec$addr = 0, $encode$addr = 0, $end$addr = 0, $fine_priority$addr = 0, $hi = 0, $inc = 0, $inc246 = 0, $intensity$addr = 0, $intensity_rsv = 0, $j = 0, $len = 0; var $lo = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mid = 0, $mul = 0, $mul103 = 0, $mul168 = 0, $mul170 = 0, $mul174 = 0, $mul183 = 0, $mul185 = 0, $mul189 = 0, $mul40 = 0, $mul55 = 0, $mul58 = 0, $mul61 = 0, $mul64 = 0, $mul98 = 0, $mul99 = 0, $nbAllocVectors = 0, $nbAllocVectors177 = 0; var $nbEBands = 0, $offsets$addr = 0, $or$cond = 0, $prev$addr = 0, $psum = 0, $pulses$addr = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shl = 0, $shl104 = 0, $shl136 = 0, $shl140 = 0, $shl175 = 0, $shl190 = 0, $shl25 = 0, $shl26 = 0, $shl30 = 0, $shl41 = 0, $shl42 = 0, $shl63 = 0, $shl75 = 0; var $shl79 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr105 = 0, $shr176 = 0, $shr191 = 0, $shr43 = 0, $shr65 = 0, $shr85 = 0, $signalBandwidth$addr = 0, $skip_rsv = 0, $skip_start = 0, $start$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub12 = 0, $sub148 = 0, $sub167 = 0, $sub235 = 0, $sub24 = 0, $sub240 = 0, $sub39 = 0; var $sub4 = 0, $sub54 = 0, $sub56 = 0, $sub57 = 0, $sub59 = 0, $sub60 = 0, $sub74 = 0, $sub8 = 0, $sub81 = 0, $sub83 = 0, $sub97 = 0, $tobool = 0, $total$addr = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla14 = 0, $vla14$alloca_mul = 0, $vla15 = 0, $vla15$alloca_mul = 0, $vla16 = 0; var $vla16$alloca_mul = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 160|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(160|0); $m$addr = $m; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $offsets$addr = $offsets; $cap$addr = $cap; $alloc_trim$addr = $alloc_trim; $intensity$addr = $intensity; $dual_stereo$addr = $dual_stereo; $total$addr = $total; $balance$addr = $balance; $pulses$addr = $pulses; $ebits$addr = $ebits; $fine_priority$addr = $fine_priority; $C$addr = $C; $LM$addr = $LM; $ec$addr = $ec; $encode$addr = $encode; $prev$addr = $prev; $signalBandwidth$addr = $signalBandwidth; $0 = $total$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(0); $1 = $total$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $1 : 0; $total$addr = $cond; $2 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($2)) + 8|0); $3 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $len = $3; $4 = $start$addr; $skip_start = $4; $5 = $total$addr; $cmp1 = ($5|0)>=(8); $cond2 = $cmp1 ? 8 : 0; $skip_rsv = $cond2; $6 = $skip_rsv; $7 = $total$addr; $sub = (($7) - ($6))|0; $total$addr = $sub; $dual_stereo_rsv = 0; $intensity_rsv = 0; $8 = $C$addr; $cmp3 = ($8|0)==(2); do { if ($cmp3) { $9 = $end$addr; $10 = $start$addr; $sub4 = (($9) - ($10))|0; $arrayidx = (27080 + ($sub4)|0); $11 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $conv = $11&255; $intensity_rsv = $conv; $12 = $intensity_rsv; $13 = $total$addr; $cmp5 = ($12|0)>($13|0); if ($cmp5) { $intensity_rsv = 0; break; } else { $14 = $intensity_rsv; $15 = $total$addr; $sub8 = (($15) - ($14))|0; $total$addr = $sub8; $16 = $total$addr; $cmp9 = ($16|0)>=(8); $cond11 = $cmp9 ? 8 : 0; $dual_stereo_rsv = $cond11; $17 = $dual_stereo_rsv; $18 = $total$addr; $sub12 = (($18) - ($17))|0; $total$addr = $sub12; break; } } } while(0); $19 = $len; $20 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $20; $vla$alloca_mul = $19<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $21 = $len; $vla14$alloca_mul = $21<<2; $vla14 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla14$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla14$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $22 = $len; $vla15$alloca_mul = $22<<2; $vla15 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla15$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla15$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $23 = $len; $vla16$alloca_mul = $23<<2; $vla16 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla16$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla16$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $24 = $start$addr; $j = $24; while(1) { $25 = $j; $26 = $end$addr; $cmp17 = ($25|0)<($26|0); if (!($cmp17)) { break; } $27 = $C$addr; $shl = $27 << 3; $28 = $m$addr; $eBands = ((($28)) + 32|0); $29 = HEAP32[$eBands>>2]|0; $30 = $j; $add = (($30) + 1)|0; $arrayidx19 = (($29) + ($add<<1)|0); $31 = HEAP16[$arrayidx19>>1]|0; $conv20 = $31 << 16 >> 16; $32 = $m$addr; $eBands21 = ((($32)) + 32|0); $33 = HEAP32[$eBands21>>2]|0; $34 = $j; $arrayidx22 = (($33) + ($34<<1)|0); $35 = HEAP16[$arrayidx22>>1]|0; $conv23 = $35 << 16 >> 16; $sub24 = (($conv20) - ($conv23))|0; $mul = ($sub24*3)|0; $36 = $LM$addr; $shl25 = $mul << $36; $shl26 = $shl25 << 3; $shr = $shl26 >> 4; $cmp27 = ($shl|0)>($shr|0); if ($cmp27) { $37 = $C$addr; $shl30 = $37 << 3; $cond45 = $shl30; } else { $38 = $m$addr; $eBands32 = ((($38)) + 32|0); $39 = HEAP32[$eBands32>>2]|0; $40 = $j; $add33 = (($40) + 1)|0; $arrayidx34 = (($39) + ($add33<<1)|0); $41 = HEAP16[$arrayidx34>>1]|0; $conv35 = $41 << 16 >> 16; $42 = $m$addr; $eBands36 = ((($42)) + 32|0); $43 = HEAP32[$eBands36>>2]|0; $44 = $j; $arrayidx37 = (($43) + ($44<<1)|0); $45 = HEAP16[$arrayidx37>>1]|0; $conv38 = $45 << 16 >> 16; $sub39 = (($conv35) - ($conv38))|0; $mul40 = ($sub39*3)|0; $46 = $LM$addr; $shl41 = $mul40 << $46; $shl42 = $shl41 << 3; $shr43 = $shl42 >> 4; $cond45 = $shr43; } $47 = $j; $arrayidx46 = (($vla15) + ($47<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx46>>2] = $cond45; $48 = $C$addr; $49 = $m$addr; $eBands47 = ((($49)) + 32|0); $50 = HEAP32[$eBands47>>2]|0; $51 = $j; $add48 = (($51) + 1)|0; $arrayidx49 = (($50) + ($add48<<1)|0); $52 = HEAP16[$arrayidx49>>1]|0; $conv50 = $52 << 16 >> 16; $53 = $m$addr; $eBands51 = ((($53)) + 32|0); $54 = HEAP32[$eBands51>>2]|0; $55 = $j; $arrayidx52 = (($54) + ($55<<1)|0); $56 = HEAP16[$arrayidx52>>1]|0; $conv53 = $56 << 16 >> 16; $sub54 = (($conv50) - ($conv53))|0; $mul55 = Math_imul($48, $sub54)|0; $57 = $alloc_trim$addr; $sub56 = (($57) - 5)|0; $58 = $LM$addr; $sub57 = (($sub56) - ($58))|0; $mul58 = Math_imul($mul55, $sub57)|0; $59 = $end$addr; $60 = $j; $sub59 = (($59) - ($60))|0; $sub60 = (($sub59) - 1)|0; $mul61 = Math_imul($mul58, $sub60)|0; $61 = $LM$addr; $add62 = (($61) + 3)|0; $shl63 = 1 << $add62; $mul64 = Math_imul($mul61, $shl63)|0; $shr65 = $mul64 >> 6; $62 = $j; $arrayidx66 = (($vla16) + ($62<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx66>>2] = $shr65; $63 = $m$addr; $eBands67 = ((($63)) + 32|0); $64 = HEAP32[$eBands67>>2]|0; $65 = $j; $add68 = (($65) + 1)|0; $arrayidx69 = (($64) + ($add68<<1)|0); $66 = HEAP16[$arrayidx69>>1]|0; $conv70 = $66 << 16 >> 16; $67 = $m$addr; $eBands71 = ((($67)) + 32|0); $68 = HEAP32[$eBands71>>2]|0; $69 = $j; $arrayidx72 = (($68) + ($69<<1)|0); $70 = HEAP16[$arrayidx72>>1]|0; $conv73 = $70 << 16 >> 16; $sub74 = (($conv70) - ($conv73))|0; $71 = $LM$addr; $shl75 = $sub74 << $71; $cmp76 = ($shl75|0)==(1); if ($cmp76) { $72 = $C$addr; $shl79 = $72 << 3; $73 = $j; $arrayidx80 = (($vla16) + ($73<<2)|0); $74 = HEAP32[$arrayidx80>>2]|0; $sub81 = (($74) - ($shl79))|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx80>>2] = $sub81; } $75 = $j; $inc = (($75) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $lo = 1; $76 = $m$addr; $nbAllocVectors = ((($76)) + 48|0); $77 = HEAP32[$nbAllocVectors>>2]|0; $sub83 = (($77) - 1)|0; $hi = $sub83; while(1) { $done = 0; $psum = 0; $78 = $lo; $79 = $hi; $add84 = (($78) + ($79))|0; $shr85 = $add84 >> 1; $mid = $shr85; $80 = $end$addr; $j = $80; while(1) { $81 = $j; $dec = (($81) + -1)|0; $j = $dec; $82 = $start$addr; $cmp87 = ($81|0)>($82|0); if (!($cmp87)) { break; } $83 = $m$addr; $eBands90 = ((($83)) + 32|0); $84 = HEAP32[$eBands90>>2]|0; $85 = $j; $add91 = (($85) + 1)|0; $arrayidx92 = (($84) + ($add91<<1)|0); $86 = HEAP16[$arrayidx92>>1]|0; $conv93 = $86 << 16 >> 16; $87 = $m$addr; $eBands94 = ((($87)) + 32|0); $88 = HEAP32[$eBands94>>2]|0; $89 = $j; $arrayidx95 = (($88) + ($89<<1)|0); $90 = HEAP16[$arrayidx95>>1]|0; $conv96 = $90 << 16 >> 16; $sub97 = (($conv93) - ($conv96))|0; $N = $sub97; $91 = $C$addr; $92 = $N; $mul98 = Math_imul($91, $92)|0; $93 = $m$addr; $allocVectors = ((($93)) + 52|0); $94 = HEAP32[$allocVectors>>2]|0; $95 = $mid; $96 = $len; $mul99 = Math_imul($95, $96)|0; $97 = $j; $add100 = (($mul99) + ($97))|0; $arrayidx101 = (($94) + ($add100)|0); $98 = HEAP8[$arrayidx101>>0]|0; $conv102 = $98&255; $mul103 = Math_imul($mul98, $conv102)|0; $99 = $LM$addr; $shl104 = $mul103 << $99; $shr105 = $shl104 >> 2; $bitsj = $shr105; $100 = $bitsj; $cmp106 = ($100|0)>(0); if ($cmp106) { $101 = $bitsj; $102 = $j; $arrayidx109 = (($vla16) + ($102<<2)|0); $103 = HEAP32[$arrayidx109>>2]|0; $add110 = (($101) + ($103))|0; $cmp111 = (0)>($add110|0); if ($cmp111) { $cond118 = 0; } else { $104 = $bitsj; $105 = $j; $arrayidx115 = (($vla16) + ($105<<2)|0); $106 = HEAP32[$arrayidx115>>2]|0; $add116 = (($104) + ($106))|0; $cond118 = $add116; } $bitsj = $cond118; } $107 = $offsets$addr; $108 = $j; $arrayidx120 = (($107) + ($108<<2)|0); $109 = HEAP32[$arrayidx120>>2]|0; $110 = $bitsj; $add121 = (($110) + ($109))|0; $bitsj = $add121; $111 = $bitsj; $112 = $j; $arrayidx122 = (($vla15) + ($112<<2)|0); $113 = HEAP32[$arrayidx122>>2]|0; $cmp123 = ($111|0)>=($113|0); $114 = $done; $tobool = ($114|0)!=(0); $or$cond = $cmp123 | $tobool; if (!($or$cond)) { $124 = $bitsj; $125 = $C$addr; $shl136 = $125 << 3; $cmp137 = ($124|0)>=($shl136|0); if (!($cmp137)) { continue; } $126 = $C$addr; $shl140 = $126 << 3; $127 = $psum; $add141 = (($127) + ($shl140))|0; $psum = $add141; continue; } $done = 1; $115 = $bitsj; $116 = $cap$addr; $117 = $j; $arrayidx126 = (($116) + ($117<<2)|0); $118 = HEAP32[$arrayidx126>>2]|0; $cmp127 = ($115|0)<($118|0); if ($cmp127) { $119 = $bitsj; $cond133 = $119; } else { $120 = $cap$addr; $121 = $j; $arrayidx131 = (($120) + ($121<<2)|0); $122 = HEAP32[$arrayidx131>>2]|0; $cond133 = $122; } $123 = $psum; $add134 = (($123) + ($cond133))|0; $psum = $add134; } $128 = $psum; $129 = $total$addr; $cmp145 = ($128|0)>($129|0); $130 = $mid; if ($cmp145) { $sub148 = (($130) - 1)|0; $hi = $sub148; } else { $add150 = (($130) + 1)|0; $lo = $add150; } $131 = $lo; $132 = $hi; $cmp152 = ($131|0)<=($132|0); if (!($cmp152)) { break; } } $133 = $lo; $dec154 = (($133) + -1)|0; $lo = $dec154; $hi = $133; $134 = $start$addr; $j = $134; while(1) { $135 = $j; $136 = $end$addr; $cmp156 = ($135|0)<($136|0); $137 = $m$addr; if (!($cmp156)) { break; } $eBands160 = ((($137)) + 32|0); $138 = HEAP32[$eBands160>>2]|0; $139 = $j; $add161 = (($139) + 1)|0; $arrayidx162 = (($138) + ($add161<<1)|0); $140 = HEAP16[$arrayidx162>>1]|0; $conv163 = $140 << 16 >> 16; $141 = $m$addr; $eBands164 = ((($141)) + 32|0); $142 = HEAP32[$eBands164>>2]|0; $143 = $j; $arrayidx165 = (($142) + ($143<<1)|0); $144 = HEAP16[$arrayidx165>>1]|0; $conv166 = $144 << 16 >> 16; $sub167 = (($conv163) - ($conv166))|0; $N159 = $sub167; $145 = $C$addr; $146 = $N159; $mul168 = Math_imul($145, $146)|0; $147 = $m$addr; $allocVectors169 = ((($147)) + 52|0); $148 = HEAP32[$allocVectors169>>2]|0; $149 = $lo; $150 = $len; $mul170 = Math_imul($149, $150)|0; $151 = $j; $add171 = (($mul170) + ($151))|0; $arrayidx172 = (($148) + ($add171)|0); $152 = HEAP8[$arrayidx172>>0]|0; $conv173 = $152&255; $mul174 = Math_imul($mul168, $conv173)|0; $153 = $LM$addr; $shl175 = $mul174 << $153; $shr176 = $shl175 >> 2; $bits1j = $shr176; $154 = $hi; $155 = $m$addr; $nbAllocVectors177 = ((($155)) + 48|0); $156 = HEAP32[$nbAllocVectors177>>2]|0; $cmp178 = ($154|0)>=($156|0); if ($cmp178) { $157 = $cap$addr; $158 = $j; $arrayidx181 = (($157) + ($158<<2)|0); $159 = HEAP32[$arrayidx181>>2]|0; $cond193 = $159; } else { $160 = $C$addr; $161 = $N159; $mul183 = Math_imul($160, $161)|0; $162 = $m$addr; $allocVectors184 = ((($162)) + 52|0); $163 = HEAP32[$allocVectors184>>2]|0; $164 = $hi; $165 = $len; $mul185 = Math_imul($164, $165)|0; $166 = $j; $add186 = (($mul185) + ($166))|0; $arrayidx187 = (($163) + ($add186)|0); $167 = HEAP8[$arrayidx187>>0]|0; $conv188 = $167&255; $mul189 = Math_imul($mul183, $conv188)|0; $168 = $LM$addr; $shl190 = $mul189 << $168; $shr191 = $shl190 >> 2; $cond193 = $shr191; } $bits2j = $cond193; $169 = $bits1j; $cmp194 = ($169|0)>(0); if ($cmp194) { $170 = $bits1j; $171 = $j; $arrayidx197 = (($vla16) + ($171<<2)|0); $172 = HEAP32[$arrayidx197>>2]|0; $add198 = (($170) + ($172))|0; $cmp199 = (0)>($add198|0); if ($cmp199) { $cond206 = 0; } else { $173 = $bits1j; $174 = $j; $arrayidx203 = (($vla16) + ($174<<2)|0); $175 = HEAP32[$arrayidx203>>2]|0; $add204 = (($173) + ($175))|0; $cond206 = $add204; } $bits1j = $cond206; } $176 = $bits2j; $cmp208 = ($176|0)>(0); if ($cmp208) { $177 = $bits2j; $178 = $j; $arrayidx211 = (($vla16) + ($178<<2)|0); $179 = HEAP32[$arrayidx211>>2]|0; $add212 = (($177) + ($179))|0; $cmp213 = (0)>($add212|0); if ($cmp213) { $cond220 = 0; } else { $180 = $bits2j; $181 = $j; $arrayidx217 = (($vla16) + ($181<<2)|0); $182 = HEAP32[$arrayidx217>>2]|0; $add218 = (($180) + ($182))|0; $cond220 = $add218; } $bits2j = $cond220; } $183 = $lo; $cmp222 = ($183|0)>(0); if ($cmp222) { $184 = $offsets$addr; $185 = $j; $arrayidx225 = (($184) + ($185<<2)|0); $186 = HEAP32[$arrayidx225>>2]|0; $187 = $bits1j; $add226 = (($187) + ($186))|0; $bits1j = $add226; } $188 = $offsets$addr; $189 = $j; $arrayidx228 = (($188) + ($189<<2)|0); $190 = HEAP32[$arrayidx228>>2]|0; $191 = $bits2j; $add229 = (($191) + ($190))|0; $bits2j = $add229; $192 = $offsets$addr; $193 = $j; $arrayidx230 = (($192) + ($193<<2)|0); $194 = HEAP32[$arrayidx230>>2]|0; $cmp231 = ($194|0)>(0); if ($cmp231) { $195 = $j; $skip_start = $195; } $196 = $bits2j; $197 = $bits1j; $sub235 = (($196) - ($197))|0; $cmp236 = (0)>($sub235|0); if ($cmp236) { $cond242 = 0; } else { $198 = $bits2j; $199 = $bits1j; $sub240 = (($198) - ($199))|0; $cond242 = $sub240; } $bits2j = $cond242; $200 = $bits1j; $201 = $j; $arrayidx243 = (($vla) + ($201<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx243>>2] = $200; $202 = $bits2j; $203 = $j; $arrayidx244 = (($vla14) + ($203<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx244>>2] = $202; $204 = $j; $inc246 = (($204) + 1)|0; $j = $inc246; } $205 = $start$addr; $206 = $end$addr; $207 = $skip_start; $208 = $cap$addr; $209 = $total$addr; $210 = $balance$addr; $211 = $skip_rsv; $212 = $intensity$addr; $213 = $intensity_rsv; $214 = $dual_stereo$addr; $215 = $dual_stereo_rsv; $216 = $pulses$addr; $217 = $ebits$addr; $218 = $fine_priority$addr; $219 = $C$addr; $220 = $LM$addr; $221 = $ec$addr; $222 = $encode$addr; $223 = $prev$addr; $224 = $signalBandwidth$addr; $call = (_interp_bits2pulses($137,$205,$206,$207,$vla,$vla14,$vla15,$208,$209,$210,$211,$212,$213,$214,$215,$216,$217,$218,$219,$220,$221,$222,$223,$224)|0); $codedBands = $call; $225 = $codedBands; $226 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($226|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return ($225|0); } function _interp_bits2pulses($m,$start,$end,$skip_start,$bits1,$bits2,$thresh,$cap,$total,$_balance,$skip_rsv,$intensity,$intensity_rsv,$dual_stereo,$dual_stereo_rsv,$bits,$ebits,$fine_priority,$C,$LM,$ec,$encode,$prev,$signalBandwidth) { $m = $m|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $skip_start = $skip_start|0; $bits1 = $bits1|0; $bits2 = $bits2|0; $thresh = $thresh|0; $cap = $cap|0; $total = $total|0; $_balance = $_balance|0; $skip_rsv = $skip_rsv|0; $intensity = $intensity|0; $intensity_rsv = $intensity_rsv|0; $dual_stereo = $dual_stereo|0; $dual_stereo_rsv = $dual_stereo_rsv|0; $bits = $bits|0; $ebits = $ebits|0; $fine_priority = $fine_priority|0; $C = $C|0; $LM = $LM|0; $ec = $ec|0; $encode = $encode|0; $prev = $prev|0; $signalBandwidth = $signalBandwidth|0; var $$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0; var $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0; var $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0; var $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0; var $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0; var $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0; var $205 = 0, $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0; var $223 = 0, $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0; var $241 = 0, $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0; var $26 = 0, $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0; var $278 = 0, $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0, $294 = 0, $295 = 0; var $296 = 0, $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0, $304 = 0, $305 = 0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0, $31 = 0, $310 = 0, $311 = 0, $312 = 0; var $313 = 0, $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0, $322 = 0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0, $325 = 0, $326 = 0, $327 = 0, $328 = 0, $329 = 0, $33 = 0, $330 = 0; var $331 = 0, $332 = 0, $333 = 0, $334 = 0, $335 = 0, $336 = 0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0, $339 = 0, $34 = 0, $340 = 0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0, $346 = 0, $347 = 0, $348 = 0, $349 = 0; var $35 = 0, $350 = 0, $351 = 0, $352 = 0, $353 = 0, $354 = 0, $355 = 0, $356 = 0, $357 = 0, $358 = 0, $359 = 0, $36 = 0, $360 = 0, $361 = 0, $362 = 0, $363 = 0, $364 = 0, $365 = 0, $366 = 0, $367 = 0; var $368 = 0, $369 = 0, $37 = 0, $370 = 0, $371 = 0, $372 = 0, $373 = 0, $374 = 0, $375 = 0, $376 = 0, $377 = 0, $378 = 0, $379 = 0, $38 = 0, $380 = 0, $381 = 0, $382 = 0, $383 = 0, $384 = 0, $385 = 0; var $386 = 0, $387 = 0, $388 = 0, $389 = 0, $39 = 0, $390 = 0, $391 = 0, $392 = 0, $393 = 0, $394 = 0, $395 = 0, $396 = 0, $397 = 0, $398 = 0, $399 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $400 = 0, $401 = 0, $402 = 0; var $403 = 0, $404 = 0, $405 = 0, $406 = 0, $407 = 0, $408 = 0, $409 = 0, $41 = 0, $410 = 0, $411 = 0, $412 = 0, $413 = 0, $414 = 0, $415 = 0, $416 = 0, $417 = 0, $418 = 0, $419 = 0, $42 = 0, $420 = 0; var $421 = 0, $422 = 0, $423 = 0, $424 = 0, $425 = 0, $426 = 0, $427 = 0, $428 = 0, $429 = 0, $43 = 0, $430 = 0, $431 = 0, $432 = 0, $433 = 0, $434 = 0, $435 = 0, $436 = 0, $437 = 0, $438 = 0, $439 = 0; var $44 = 0, $440 = 0, $441 = 0, $442 = 0, $443 = 0, $444 = 0, $445 = 0, $446 = 0, $447 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0; var $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0; var $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0; var $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $N = 0, $N0 = 0, $NClogN = 0, $_balance$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $add117 = 0, $add118 = 0, $add120 = 0; var $add126 = 0, $add134 = 0, $add158 = 0, $add162 = 0, $add171 = 0, $add175 = 0, $add18 = 0, $add195 = 0, $add198 = 0, $add201 = 0, $add208 = 0, $add22 = 0, $add243 = 0, $add252 = 0, $add262 = 0, $add274 = 0, $add284 = 0, $add294 = 0, $add303 = 0, $add330 = 0; var $add333 = 0, $add343 = 0, $add346 = 0, $add353 = 0, $add356 = 0, $add363 = 0, $add367 = 0, $add369 = 0, $add375 = 0, $add377 = 0, $add40 = 0, $add410 = 0, $add438 = 0, $add445 = 0, $add453 = 0, $add62 = 0, $add68 = 0, $alloc_floor = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx101 = 0; var $arrayidx109 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx112 = 0, $arrayidx115 = 0, $arrayidx119 = 0, $arrayidx124 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx161 = 0, $arrayidx168 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx176 = 0, $arrayidx178 = 0, $arrayidx178$sink = 0, $arrayidx222 = 0, $arrayidx225 = 0, $arrayidx230 = 0, $arrayidx233 = 0, $arrayidx244 = 0, $arrayidx247 = 0, $arrayidx251 = 0; var $arrayidx263 = 0, $arrayidx266 = 0, $arrayidx275 = 0, $arrayidx278 = 0, $arrayidx283 = 0, $arrayidx295 = 0, $arrayidx298 = 0, $arrayidx302 = 0, $arrayidx307 = 0, $arrayidx312 = 0, $arrayidx318 = 0, $arrayidx331 = 0, $arrayidx345 = 0, $arrayidx355 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx366 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx374 = 0, $arrayidx380 = 0, $arrayidx381 = 0; var $arrayidx384 = 0, $arrayidx385 = 0, $arrayidx387 = 0, $arrayidx392 = 0, $arrayidx395 = 0, $arrayidx397 = 0, $arrayidx401 = 0, $arrayidx405 = 0, $arrayidx406 = 0, $arrayidx409 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx413 = 0, $arrayidx414 = 0, $arrayidx417 = 0, $arrayidx431 = 0, $arrayidx432 = 0, $arrayidx433 = 0, $arrayidx440 = 0, $arrayidx448 = 0, $arrayidx452 = 0; var $arrayidx459 = 0, $arrayidx469 = 0, $arrayidx472 = 0, $arrayidx473 = 0, $arrayidx474 = 0, $arrayidx477 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx81 = 0, $arrayidx87 = 0, $arrayidx90 = 0, $arrayidx98 = 0, $balance = 0, $band_bits = 0, $band_width = 0; var $bit = 0, $bits$addr = 0, $bits1$addr = 0, $bits2$addr = 0, $call = 0, $call153 = 0, $call200 = 0, $call216 = 0, $call228 = 0, $call382 = 0, $cap$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp121 = 0, $cmp129 = 0, $cmp135 = 0, $cmp138 = 0, $cmp145 = 0, $cmp148 = 0, $cmp15 = 0; var $cmp164 = 0, $cmp172 = 0, $cmp183 = 0, $cmp188 = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp205 = 0, $cmp210 = 0, $cmp239 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp257 = 0, $cmp269 = 0, $cmp290 = 0, $cmp304 = 0, $cmp309 = 0, $cmp32 = 0, $cmp320 = 0, $cmp323 = 0, $cmp327 = 0, $cmp338 = 0; var $cmp349 = 0, $cmp359 = 0, $cmp370 = 0, $cmp389 = 0, $cmp398 = 0, $cmp411 = 0, $cmp42 = 0, $cmp422 = 0, $cmp435 = 0, $cmp442 = 0, $cmp457 = 0, $cmp46 = 0, $cmp466 = 0, $cmp475 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp54 = 0, $cmp65 = 0, $cmp94 = 0, $codedBands = 0, $cond = 0; var $cond107 = 0, $cond128 = 0, $cond140 = 0, $cond193 = 0, $cond282 = 0, $cond316 = 0, $cond329 = 0, $cond379 = 0, $cond404 = 0, $cond429 = 0, $cond451 = 0, $cond60 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv102 = 0, $conv110 = 0, $conv113 = 0, $conv169 = 0, $conv223 = 0, $conv226 = 0, $conv231 = 0; var $conv234 = 0, $conv245 = 0, $conv248 = 0, $conv264 = 0, $conv267 = 0, $conv276 = 0, $conv279 = 0, $conv296 = 0, $conv299 = 0, $conv332 = 0, $conv412 = 0, $conv458 = 0, $conv476 = 0, $conv72 = 0, $conv75 = 0, $conv79 = 0, $conv82 = 0, $conv88 = 0, $conv91 = 0, $conv99 = 0; var $dec = 0, $dec181 = 0, $dec31 = 0, $den = 0, $done = 0, $dual_stereo$addr = 0, $dual_stereo_rsv$addr = 0, $eBands = 0, $eBands100 = 0, $eBands108 = 0, $eBands111 = 0, $eBands221 = 0, $eBands224 = 0, $eBands229 = 0, $eBands232 = 0, $eBands242 = 0, $eBands246 = 0, $eBands261 = 0, $eBands265 = 0, $eBands273 = 0; var $eBands277 = 0, $eBands293 = 0, $eBands297 = 0, $eBands73 = 0, $eBands77 = 0, $eBands80 = 0, $eBands86 = 0, $eBands89 = 0, $eBands97 = 0, $ebits$addr = 0, $ec$addr = 0, $encode$addr = 0, $end$addr = 0, $excess = 0, $extra_bits = 0, $extra_fine = 0, $fine_priority$addr = 0, $hi = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0; var $inc254 = 0, $inc287 = 0, $inc463 = 0, $inc479 = 0, $intensity$addr = 0, $intensity_rsv$addr = 0, $j = 0, $left = 0, $lo = 0, $logM = 0, $logN = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mid = 0, $mul = 0, $mul116 = 0, $mul141 = 0, $mul236 = 0, $mul250 = 0, $mul319 = 0, $mul334 = 0; var $mul336 = 0, $mul347 = 0, $mul357 = 0, $mul38 = 0, $mul386 = 0, $mul408 = 0, $mul415 = 0, $mul454 = 0, $mul84 = 0, $offset = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $percoeff = 0, $prev$addr = 0, $psum = 0, $rem = 0, $shl = 0, $shl1 = 0, $shl142 = 0; var $shl143 = 0, $shl301 = 0, $shl341 = 0, $shl348 = 0, $shl358 = 0, $shl368 = 0, $shl376 = 0, $shl407 = 0, $shl416 = 0, $shl420 = 0, $shl426 = 0, $shl455 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr144 = 0, $shr335 = 0, $shr342 = 0, $shr352 = 0, $shr362 = 0, $shr383 = 0, $shr388 = 0; var $shr39 = 0, $shr393 = 0, $shr394 = 0, $shr439 = 0, $shr446 = 0, $shr470 = 0, $shr471 = 0, $shr9 = 0, $signalBandwidth$addr = 0, $skip_rsv$addr = 0, $skip_start$addr = 0, $start$addr = 0, $stereo = 0, $sub = 0, $sub103 = 0, $sub104 = 0, $sub114 = 0, $sub159 = 0, $sub163 = 0, $sub167 = 0; var $sub194 = 0, $sub196 = 0, $sub199 = 0, $sub220 = 0, $sub227 = 0, $sub235 = 0, $sub237 = 0, $sub249 = 0, $sub268 = 0, $sub280 = 0, $sub285 = 0, $sub300 = 0, $sub308 = 0, $sub313 = 0, $sub317 = 0, $sub337 = 0, $sub418 = 0, $sub421 = 0, $sub427 = 0, $sub430 = 0; var $sub441 = 0, $sub449 = 0, $sub456 = 0, $sub460 = 0, $sub70 = 0, $sub76 = 0, $sub83 = 0, $sub85 = 0, $sub92 = 0, $sub93 = 0, $thresh$addr = 0, $tmp = 0, $tmp260 = 0, $tmp35 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool132 = 0, $tobool154 = 0, $tobool186 = 0, $tobool213 = 0, $tobool326 = 0; var $tobool44 = 0, $total$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 224|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(224|0); $m$addr = $m; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $skip_start$addr = $skip_start; $bits1$addr = $bits1; $bits2$addr = $bits2; $thresh$addr = $thresh; $cap$addr = $cap; $total$addr = $total; $_balance$addr = $_balance; $skip_rsv$addr = $skip_rsv; $intensity$addr = $intensity; $intensity_rsv$addr = $intensity_rsv; $dual_stereo$addr = $dual_stereo; $dual_stereo_rsv$addr = $dual_stereo_rsv; $bits$addr = $bits; $ebits$addr = $ebits; $fine_priority$addr = $fine_priority; $C$addr = $C; $LM$addr = $LM; $ec$addr = $ec; $encode$addr = $encode; $prev$addr = $prev; $signalBandwidth$addr = $signalBandwidth; $codedBands = -1; $0 = $C$addr; $shl = $0 << 3; $alloc_floor = $shl; $1 = $C$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)>(1); $conv = $cmp&1; $stereo = $conv; $2 = $LM$addr; $shl1 = $2 << 3; $logM = $shl1; $lo = 0; $hi = 64; $i = 0; while(1) { $3 = $i; $cmp2 = ($3|0)<(6); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $4 = $lo; $5 = $hi; $add = (($4) + ($5))|0; $shr = $add >> 1; $mid = $shr; $psum = 0; $done = 0; $6 = $end$addr; $j = $6; while(1) { $7 = $j; $dec = (($7) + -1)|0; $j = $dec; $8 = $start$addr; $cmp5 = ($7|0)>($8|0); if (!($cmp5)) { break; } $9 = $bits1$addr; $10 = $j; $arrayidx = (($9) + ($10<<2)|0); $11 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $12 = $mid; $13 = $bits2$addr; $14 = $j; $arrayidx8 = (($13) + ($14<<2)|0); $15 = HEAP32[$arrayidx8>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($12, $15)|0; $shr9 = $mul >> 6; $add10 = (($11) + ($shr9))|0; $tmp = $add10; $16 = $tmp; $17 = $thresh$addr; $18 = $j; $arrayidx11 = (($17) + ($18<<2)|0); $19 = HEAP32[$arrayidx11>>2]|0; $cmp12 = ($16|0)>=($19|0); $20 = $done; $tobool = ($20|0)!=(0); $or$cond = $cmp12 | $tobool; if (!($or$cond)) { $30 = $tmp; $31 = $alloc_floor; $cmp19 = ($30|0)>=($31|0); if (!($cmp19)) { continue; } $32 = $alloc_floor; $33 = $psum; $add22 = (($33) + ($32))|0; $psum = $add22; continue; } $done = 1; $21 = $tmp; $22 = $cap$addr; $23 = $j; $arrayidx14 = (($22) + ($23<<2)|0); $24 = HEAP32[$arrayidx14>>2]|0; $cmp15 = ($21|0)<($24|0); if ($cmp15) { $25 = $tmp; $cond = $25; } else { $26 = $cap$addr; $27 = $j; $arrayidx17 = (($26) + ($27<<2)|0); $28 = HEAP32[$arrayidx17>>2]|0; $cond = $28; } $29 = $psum; $add18 = (($29) + ($cond))|0; $psum = $add18; } $34 = $psum; $35 = $total$addr; $cmp24 = ($34|0)>($35|0); $36 = $mid; if ($cmp24) { $hi = $36; } else { $lo = $36; } $37 = $i; $inc = (($37) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $psum = 0; $done = 0; $38 = $end$addr; $j = $38; while(1) { $39 = $j; $dec31 = (($39) + -1)|0; $j = $dec31; $40 = $start$addr; $cmp32 = ($39|0)>($40|0); if (!($cmp32)) { break; } $41 = $bits1$addr; $42 = $j; $arrayidx36 = (($41) + ($42<<2)|0); $43 = HEAP32[$arrayidx36>>2]|0; $44 = $lo; $45 = $bits2$addr; $46 = $j; $arrayidx37 = (($45) + ($46<<2)|0); $47 = HEAP32[$arrayidx37>>2]|0; $mul38 = Math_imul($44, $47)|0; $shr39 = $mul38 >> 6; $add40 = (($43) + ($shr39))|0; $tmp35 = $add40; $48 = $tmp35; $49 = $thresh$addr; $50 = $j; $arrayidx41 = (($49) + ($50<<2)|0); $51 = HEAP32[$arrayidx41>>2]|0; $cmp42 = ($48|0)>=($51|0); $52 = $done; $tobool44 = ($52|0)!=(0); $or$cond1 = $cmp42 | $tobool44; do { if ($or$cond1) { $done = 1; } else { $53 = $tmp35; $54 = $alloc_floor; $cmp46 = ($53|0)>=($54|0); if ($cmp46) { $55 = $alloc_floor; $tmp35 = $55; break; } else { $tmp35 = 0; break; } } } while(0); $56 = $tmp35; $57 = $cap$addr; $58 = $j; $arrayidx53 = (($57) + ($58<<2)|0); $59 = HEAP32[$arrayidx53>>2]|0; $cmp54 = ($56|0)<($59|0); if ($cmp54) { $60 = $tmp35; $cond60 = $60; } else { $61 = $cap$addr; $62 = $j; $arrayidx58 = (($61) + ($62<<2)|0); $63 = HEAP32[$arrayidx58>>2]|0; $cond60 = $63; } $tmp35 = $cond60; $64 = $tmp35; $65 = $bits$addr; $66 = $j; $arrayidx61 = (($65) + ($66<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx61>>2] = $64; $67 = $tmp35; $68 = $psum; $add62 = (($68) + ($67))|0; $psum = $add62; } $69 = $end$addr; $codedBands = $69; while(1) { $70 = $codedBands; $sub = (($70) - 1)|0; $j = $sub; $71 = $j; $72 = $skip_start$addr; $cmp65 = ($71|0)<=($72|0); if ($cmp65) { label = 29; break; } $75 = $total$addr; $76 = $psum; $sub70 = (($75) - ($76))|0; $left = $sub70; $77 = $left; $78 = $m$addr; $eBands = ((($78)) + 32|0); $79 = HEAP32[$eBands>>2]|0; $80 = $codedBands; $arrayidx71 = (($79) + ($80<<1)|0); $81 = HEAP16[$arrayidx71>>1]|0; $conv72 = $81 << 16 >> 16; $82 = $m$addr; $eBands73 = ((($82)) + 32|0); $83 = HEAP32[$eBands73>>2]|0; $84 = $start$addr; $arrayidx74 = (($83) + ($84<<1)|0); $85 = HEAP16[$arrayidx74>>1]|0; $conv75 = $85 << 16 >> 16; $sub76 = (($conv72) - ($conv75))|0; $call = (_celt_udiv_137($77,$sub76)|0); $percoeff = $call; $86 = $m$addr; $eBands77 = ((($86)) + 32|0); $87 = HEAP32[$eBands77>>2]|0; $88 = $codedBands; $arrayidx78 = (($87) + ($88<<1)|0); $89 = HEAP16[$arrayidx78>>1]|0; $conv79 = $89 << 16 >> 16; $90 = $m$addr; $eBands80 = ((($90)) + 32|0); $91 = HEAP32[$eBands80>>2]|0; $92 = $start$addr; $arrayidx81 = (($91) + ($92<<1)|0); $93 = HEAP16[$arrayidx81>>1]|0; $conv82 = $93 << 16 >> 16; $sub83 = (($conv79) - ($conv82))|0; $94 = $percoeff; $mul84 = Math_imul($sub83, $94)|0; $95 = $left; $sub85 = (($95) - ($mul84))|0; $left = $sub85; $96 = $left; $97 = $m$addr; $eBands86 = ((($97)) + 32|0); $98 = HEAP32[$eBands86>>2]|0; $99 = $j; $arrayidx87 = (($98) + ($99<<1)|0); $100 = HEAP16[$arrayidx87>>1]|0; $conv88 = $100 << 16 >> 16; $101 = $m$addr; $eBands89 = ((($101)) + 32|0); $102 = HEAP32[$eBands89>>2]|0; $103 = $start$addr; $arrayidx90 = (($102) + ($103<<1)|0); $104 = HEAP16[$arrayidx90>>1]|0; $conv91 = $104 << 16 >> 16; $sub92 = (($conv88) - ($conv91))|0; $sub93 = (($96) - ($sub92))|0; $cmp94 = ($sub93|0)>(0); if ($cmp94) { $105 = $left; $106 = $m$addr; $eBands97 = ((($106)) + 32|0); $107 = HEAP32[$eBands97>>2]|0; $108 = $j; $arrayidx98 = (($107) + ($108<<1)|0); $109 = HEAP16[$arrayidx98>>1]|0; $conv99 = $109 << 16 >> 16; $110 = $m$addr; $eBands100 = ((($110)) + 32|0); $111 = HEAP32[$eBands100>>2]|0; $112 = $start$addr; $arrayidx101 = (($111) + ($112<<1)|0); $113 = HEAP16[$arrayidx101>>1]|0; $conv102 = $113 << 16 >> 16; $sub103 = (($conv99) - ($conv102))|0; $sub104 = (($105) - ($sub103))|0; $cond107 = $sub104; } else { $cond107 = 0; } $rem = $cond107; $114 = $m$addr; $eBands108 = ((($114)) + 32|0); $115 = HEAP32[$eBands108>>2]|0; $116 = $codedBands; $arrayidx109 = (($115) + ($116<<1)|0); $117 = HEAP16[$arrayidx109>>1]|0; $conv110 = $117 << 16 >> 16; $118 = $m$addr; $eBands111 = ((($118)) + 32|0); $119 = HEAP32[$eBands111>>2]|0; $120 = $j; $arrayidx112 = (($119) + ($120<<1)|0); $121 = HEAP16[$arrayidx112>>1]|0; $conv113 = $121 << 16 >> 16; $sub114 = (($conv110) - ($conv113))|0; $band_width = $sub114; $122 = $bits$addr; $123 = $j; $arrayidx115 = (($122) + ($123<<2)|0); $124 = HEAP32[$arrayidx115>>2]|0; $125 = $percoeff; $126 = $band_width; $mul116 = Math_imul($125, $126)|0; $add117 = (($124) + ($mul116))|0; $127 = $rem; $add118 = (($add117) + ($127))|0; $band_bits = $add118; $128 = $band_bits; $129 = $thresh$addr; $130 = $j; $arrayidx119 = (($129) + ($130<<2)|0); $131 = HEAP32[$arrayidx119>>2]|0; $132 = $alloc_floor; $add120 = (($132) + 8)|0; $cmp121 = ($131|0)>($add120|0); if ($cmp121) { $133 = $thresh$addr; $134 = $j; $arrayidx124 = (($133) + ($134<<2)|0); $135 = HEAP32[$arrayidx124>>2]|0; $cond128 = $135; } else { $136 = $alloc_floor; $add126 = (($136) + 8)|0; $cond128 = $add126; } $cmp129 = ($128|0)>=($cond128|0); if ($cmp129) { $137 = $encode$addr; $tobool132 = ($137|0)!=(0); if ($tobool132) { $138 = $codedBands; $139 = $start$addr; $add134 = (($139) + 2)|0; $cmp135 = ($138|0)<=($add134|0); if ($cmp135) { label = 40; break; } $140 = $band_bits; $141 = $j; $142 = $prev$addr; $cmp138 = ($141|0)<($142|0); $cond140 = $cmp138 ? 7 : 9; $143 = $band_width; $mul141 = Math_imul($cond140, $143)|0; $144 = $LM$addr; $shl142 = $mul141 << $144; $shl143 = $shl142 << 3; $shr144 = $shl143 >> 4; $cmp145 = ($140|0)>($shr144|0); if ($cmp145) { $145 = $j; $146 = $signalBandwidth$addr; $cmp148 = ($145|0)<=($146|0); if ($cmp148) { label = 40; break; } } $148 = $ec$addr; _ec_enc_bit_logp($148,0,1); } else { $149 = $ec$addr; $call153 = (_ec_dec_bit_logp($149,1)|0); $tobool154 = ($call153|0)!=(0); if ($tobool154) { break; } } $150 = $psum; $add158 = (($150) + 8)|0; $psum = $add158; $151 = $band_bits; $sub159 = (($151) - 8)|0; $band_bits = $sub159; } $152 = $bits$addr; $153 = $j; $arrayidx161 = (($152) + ($153<<2)|0); $154 = HEAP32[$arrayidx161>>2]|0; $155 = $intensity_rsv$addr; $add162 = (($154) + ($155))|0; $156 = $psum; $sub163 = (($156) - ($add162))|0; $psum = $sub163; $157 = $intensity_rsv$addr; $cmp164 = ($157|0)>(0); if ($cmp164) { $158 = $j; $159 = $start$addr; $sub167 = (($158) - ($159))|0; $arrayidx168 = (27080 + ($sub167)|0); $160 = HEAP8[$arrayidx168>>0]|0; $conv169 = $160&255; $intensity_rsv$addr = $conv169; } $161 = $intensity_rsv$addr; $162 = $psum; $add171 = (($162) + ($161))|0; $psum = $add171; $163 = $band_bits; $164 = $alloc_floor; $cmp172 = ($163|0)>=($164|0); if ($cmp172) { $165 = $alloc_floor; $166 = $psum; $add175 = (($166) + ($165))|0; $psum = $add175; $167 = $alloc_floor; $168 = $bits$addr; $169 = $j; $arrayidx176 = (($168) + ($169<<2)|0); $$sink = $167;$arrayidx178$sink = $arrayidx176; } else { $170 = $bits$addr; $171 = $j; $arrayidx178 = (($170) + ($171<<2)|0); $$sink = 0;$arrayidx178$sink = $arrayidx178; } HEAP32[$arrayidx178$sink>>2] = $$sink; $172 = $codedBands; $dec181 = (($172) + -1)|0; $codedBands = $dec181; } if ((label|0) == 29) { $73 = $skip_rsv$addr; $74 = $total$addr; $add68 = (($74) + ($73))|0; $total$addr = $add68; } else if ((label|0) == 40) { $147 = $ec$addr; _ec_enc_bit_logp($147,1,1); } $173 = $intensity_rsv$addr; $cmp183 = ($173|0)>(0); do { if ($cmp183) { $174 = $encode$addr; $tobool186 = ($174|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool186)) { $188 = $start$addr; $189 = $ec$addr; $190 = $codedBands; $add198 = (($190) + 1)|0; $191 = $start$addr; $sub199 = (($add198) - ($191))|0; $call200 = (_ec_dec_uint($189,$sub199)|0); $add201 = (($188) + ($call200))|0; $192 = $intensity$addr; HEAP32[$192>>2] = $add201; break; } $175 = $intensity$addr; $176 = HEAP32[$175>>2]|0; $177 = $codedBands; $cmp188 = ($176|0)<($177|0); if ($cmp188) { $178 = $intensity$addr; $179 = HEAP32[$178>>2]|0; $cond193 = $179; } else { $180 = $codedBands; $cond193 = $180; } $181 = $intensity$addr; HEAP32[$181>>2] = $cond193; $182 = $ec$addr; $183 = $intensity$addr; $184 = HEAP32[$183>>2]|0; $185 = $start$addr; $sub194 = (($184) - ($185))|0; $186 = $codedBands; $add195 = (($186) + 1)|0; $187 = $start$addr; $sub196 = (($add195) - ($187))|0; _ec_enc_uint($182,$sub194,$sub196); } else { $193 = $intensity$addr; HEAP32[$193>>2] = 0; } } while(0); $194 = $intensity$addr; $195 = HEAP32[$194>>2]|0; $196 = $start$addr; $cmp205 = ($195|0)<=($196|0); if ($cmp205) { $197 = $dual_stereo_rsv$addr; $198 = $total$addr; $add208 = (($198) + ($197))|0; $total$addr = $add208; $dual_stereo_rsv$addr = 0; } $199 = $dual_stereo_rsv$addr; $cmp210 = ($199|0)>(0); do { if ($cmp210) { $200 = $encode$addr; $tobool213 = ($200|0)!=(0); $201 = $ec$addr; if ($tobool213) { $202 = $dual_stereo$addr; $203 = HEAP32[$202>>2]|0; _ec_enc_bit_logp($201,$203,1); break; } else { $call216 = (_ec_dec_bit_logp($201,1)|0); $204 = $dual_stereo$addr; HEAP32[$204>>2] = $call216; break; } } else { $205 = $dual_stereo$addr; HEAP32[$205>>2] = 0; } } while(0); $206 = $total$addr; $207 = $psum; $sub220 = (($206) - ($207))|0; $left = $sub220; $208 = $left; $209 = $m$addr; $eBands221 = ((($209)) + 32|0); $210 = HEAP32[$eBands221>>2]|0; $211 = $codedBands; $arrayidx222 = (($210) + ($211<<1)|0); $212 = HEAP16[$arrayidx222>>1]|0; $conv223 = $212 << 16 >> 16; $213 = $m$addr; $eBands224 = ((($213)) + 32|0); $214 = HEAP32[$eBands224>>2]|0; $215 = $start$addr; $arrayidx225 = (($214) + ($215<<1)|0); $216 = HEAP16[$arrayidx225>>1]|0; $conv226 = $216 << 16 >> 16; $sub227 = (($conv223) - ($conv226))|0; $call228 = (_celt_udiv_137($208,$sub227)|0); $percoeff = $call228; $217 = $m$addr; $eBands229 = ((($217)) + 32|0); $218 = HEAP32[$eBands229>>2]|0; $219 = $codedBands; $arrayidx230 = (($218) + ($219<<1)|0); $220 = HEAP16[$arrayidx230>>1]|0; $conv231 = $220 << 16 >> 16; $221 = $m$addr; $eBands232 = ((($221)) + 32|0); $222 = HEAP32[$eBands232>>2]|0; $223 = $start$addr; $arrayidx233 = (($222) + ($223<<1)|0); $224 = HEAP16[$arrayidx233>>1]|0; $conv234 = $224 << 16 >> 16; $sub235 = (($conv231) - ($conv234))|0; $225 = $percoeff; $mul236 = Math_imul($sub235, $225)|0; $226 = $left; $sub237 = (($226) - ($mul236))|0; $left = $sub237; $227 = $start$addr; $j = $227; while(1) { $228 = $j; $229 = $codedBands; $cmp239 = ($228|0)<($229|0); if (!($cmp239)) { break; } $230 = $percoeff; $231 = $m$addr; $eBands242 = ((($231)) + 32|0); $232 = HEAP32[$eBands242>>2]|0; $233 = $j; $add243 = (($233) + 1)|0; $arrayidx244 = (($232) + ($add243<<1)|0); $234 = HEAP16[$arrayidx244>>1]|0; $conv245 = $234 << 16 >> 16; $235 = $m$addr; $eBands246 = ((($235)) + 32|0); $236 = HEAP32[$eBands246>>2]|0; $237 = $j; $arrayidx247 = (($236) + ($237<<1)|0); $238 = HEAP16[$arrayidx247>>1]|0; $conv248 = $238 << 16 >> 16; $sub249 = (($conv245) - ($conv248))|0; $mul250 = Math_imul($230, $sub249)|0; $239 = $bits$addr; $240 = $j; $arrayidx251 = (($239) + ($240<<2)|0); $241 = HEAP32[$arrayidx251>>2]|0; $add252 = (($241) + ($mul250))|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx251>>2] = $add252; $242 = $j; $inc254 = (($242) + 1)|0; $j = $inc254; } $243 = $start$addr; $j = $243; while(1) { $244 = $j; $245 = $codedBands; $cmp257 = ($244|0)<($245|0); if (!($cmp257)) { break; } $246 = $left; $247 = $m$addr; $eBands261 = ((($247)) + 32|0); $248 = HEAP32[$eBands261>>2]|0; $249 = $j; $add262 = (($249) + 1)|0; $arrayidx263 = (($248) + ($add262<<1)|0); $250 = HEAP16[$arrayidx263>>1]|0; $conv264 = $250 << 16 >> 16; $251 = $m$addr; $eBands265 = ((($251)) + 32|0); $252 = HEAP32[$eBands265>>2]|0; $253 = $j; $arrayidx266 = (($252) + ($253<<1)|0); $254 = HEAP16[$arrayidx266>>1]|0; $conv267 = $254 << 16 >> 16; $sub268 = (($conv264) - ($conv267))|0; $cmp269 = ($246|0)<($sub268|0); if ($cmp269) { $255 = $left; $cond282 = $255; } else { $256 = $m$addr; $eBands273 = ((($256)) + 32|0); $257 = HEAP32[$eBands273>>2]|0; $258 = $j; $add274 = (($258) + 1)|0; $arrayidx275 = (($257) + ($add274<<1)|0); $259 = HEAP16[$arrayidx275>>1]|0; $conv276 = $259 << 16 >> 16; $260 = $m$addr; $eBands277 = ((($260)) + 32|0); $261 = HEAP32[$eBands277>>2]|0; $262 = $j; $arrayidx278 = (($261) + ($262<<1)|0); $263 = HEAP16[$arrayidx278>>1]|0; $conv279 = $263 << 16 >> 16; $sub280 = (($conv276) - ($conv279))|0; $cond282 = $sub280; } $tmp260 = $cond282; $264 = $tmp260; $265 = $bits$addr; $266 = $j; $arrayidx283 = (($265) + ($266<<2)|0); $267 = HEAP32[$arrayidx283>>2]|0; $add284 = (($267) + ($264))|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx283>>2] = $add284; $268 = $tmp260; $269 = $left; $sub285 = (($269) - ($268))|0; $left = $sub285; $270 = $j; $inc287 = (($270) + 1)|0; $j = $inc287; } $balance = 0; $271 = $start$addr; $j = $271; while(1) { $272 = $j; $273 = $codedBands; $cmp290 = ($272|0)<($273|0); if (!($cmp290)) { break; } $274 = $m$addr; $eBands293 = ((($274)) + 32|0); $275 = HEAP32[$eBands293>>2]|0; $276 = $j; $add294 = (($276) + 1)|0; $arrayidx295 = (($275) + ($add294<<1)|0); $277 = HEAP16[$arrayidx295>>1]|0; $conv296 = $277 << 16 >> 16; $278 = $m$addr; $eBands297 = ((($278)) + 32|0); $279 = HEAP32[$eBands297>>2]|0; $280 = $j; $arrayidx298 = (($279) + ($280<<1)|0); $281 = HEAP16[$arrayidx298>>1]|0; $conv299 = $281 << 16 >> 16; $sub300 = (($conv296) - ($conv299))|0; $N0 = $sub300; $282 = $N0; $283 = $LM$addr; $shl301 = $282 << $283; $N = $shl301; $284 = $bits$addr; $285 = $j; $arrayidx302 = (($284) + ($285<<2)|0); $286 = HEAP32[$arrayidx302>>2]|0; $287 = $balance; $add303 = (($286) + ($287))|0; $bit = $add303; $288 = $N; $cmp304 = ($288|0)>(1); $289 = $bit; if ($cmp304) { $290 = $cap$addr; $291 = $j; $arrayidx307 = (($290) + ($291<<2)|0); $292 = HEAP32[$arrayidx307>>2]|0; $sub308 = (($289) - ($292))|0; $cmp309 = ($sub308|0)>(0); if ($cmp309) { $293 = $bit; $294 = $cap$addr; $295 = $j; $arrayidx312 = (($294) + ($295<<2)|0); $296 = HEAP32[$arrayidx312>>2]|0; $sub313 = (($293) - ($296))|0; $cond316 = $sub313; } else { $cond316 = 0; } $excess = $cond316; $297 = $bit; $298 = $excess; $sub317 = (($297) - ($298))|0; $299 = $bits$addr; $300 = $j; $arrayidx318 = (($299) + ($300<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx318>>2] = $sub317; $301 = $C$addr; $302 = $N; $mul319 = Math_imul($301, $302)|0; $303 = $C$addr; $cmp320 = ($303|0)==(2); $304 = $N; $cmp323 = ($304|0)>(2); $or$cond2 = $cmp320 & $cmp323; if ($or$cond2) { $305 = $dual_stereo$addr; $306 = HEAP32[$305>>2]|0; $tobool326 = ($306|0)!=(0); if ($tobool326) { $310 = 0; } else { $307 = $j; $308 = $intensity$addr; $309 = HEAP32[$308>>2]|0; $cmp327 = ($307|0)<($309|0); $310 = $cmp327; } } else { $310 = 0; } $cond329 = $310 ? 1 : 0; $add330 = (($mul319) + ($cond329))|0; $den = $add330; $311 = $den; $312 = $m$addr; $logN = ((($312)) + 56|0); $313 = HEAP32[$logN>>2]|0; $314 = $j; $arrayidx331 = (($313) + ($314<<1)|0); $315 = HEAP16[$arrayidx331>>1]|0; $conv332 = $315 << 16 >> 16; $316 = $logM; $add333 = (($conv332) + ($316))|0; $mul334 = Math_imul($311, $add333)|0; $NClogN = $mul334; $317 = $NClogN; $shr335 = $317 >> 1; $318 = $den; $mul336 = ($318*21)|0; $sub337 = (($shr335) - ($mul336))|0; $offset = $sub337; $319 = $N; $cmp338 = ($319|0)==(2); if ($cmp338) { $320 = $den; $shl341 = $320 << 3; $shr342 = $shl341 >> 2; $321 = $offset; $add343 = (($321) + ($shr342))|0; $offset = $add343; } $322 = $bits$addr; $323 = $j; $arrayidx345 = (($322) + ($323<<2)|0); $324 = HEAP32[$arrayidx345>>2]|0; $325 = $offset; $add346 = (($324) + ($325))|0; $326 = $den; $mul347 = $326<<1; $shl348 = $mul347 << 3; $cmp349 = ($add346|0)<($shl348|0); if ($cmp349) { $327 = $NClogN; $shr352 = $327 >> 2; $328 = $offset; $add353 = (($328) + ($shr352))|0; $offset = $add353; } else { $329 = $bits$addr; $330 = $j; $arrayidx355 = (($329) + ($330<<2)|0); $331 = HEAP32[$arrayidx355>>2]|0; $332 = $offset; $add356 = (($331) + ($332))|0; $333 = $den; $mul357 = ($333*3)|0; $shl358 = $mul357 << 3; $cmp359 = ($add356|0)<($shl358|0); if ($cmp359) { $334 = $NClogN; $shr362 = $334 >> 3; $335 = $offset; $add363 = (($335) + ($shr362))|0; $offset = $add363; } } $336 = $bits$addr; $337 = $j; $arrayidx366 = (($336) + ($337<<2)|0); $338 = HEAP32[$arrayidx366>>2]|0; $339 = $offset; $add367 = (($338) + ($339))|0; $340 = $den; $shl368 = $340 << 2; $add369 = (($add367) + ($shl368))|0; $cmp370 = (0)>($add369|0); if ($cmp370) { $cond379 = 0; } else { $341 = $bits$addr; $342 = $j; $arrayidx374 = (($341) + ($342<<2)|0); $343 = HEAP32[$arrayidx374>>2]|0; $344 = $offset; $add375 = (($343) + ($344))|0; $345 = $den; $shl376 = $345 << 2; $add377 = (($add375) + ($shl376))|0; $cond379 = $add377; } $346 = $ebits$addr; $347 = $j; $arrayidx380 = (($346) + ($347<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx380>>2] = $cond379; $348 = $ebits$addr; $349 = $j; $arrayidx381 = (($348) + ($349<<2)|0); $350 = HEAP32[$arrayidx381>>2]|0; $351 = $den; $call382 = (_celt_udiv_137($350,$351)|0); $shr383 = $call382 >>> 3; $352 = $ebits$addr; $353 = $j; $arrayidx384 = (($352) + ($353<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx384>>2] = $shr383; $354 = $C$addr; $355 = $ebits$addr; $356 = $j; $arrayidx385 = (($355) + ($356<<2)|0); $357 = HEAP32[$arrayidx385>>2]|0; $mul386 = Math_imul($354, $357)|0; $358 = $bits$addr; $359 = $j; $arrayidx387 = (($358) + ($359<<2)|0); $360 = HEAP32[$arrayidx387>>2]|0; $shr388 = $360 >> 3; $cmp389 = ($mul386|0)>($shr388|0); if ($cmp389) { $361 = $bits$addr; $362 = $j; $arrayidx392 = (($361) + ($362<<2)|0); $363 = HEAP32[$arrayidx392>>2]|0; $364 = $stereo; $shr393 = $363 >> $364; $shr394 = $shr393 >> 3; $365 = $ebits$addr; $366 = $j; $arrayidx395 = (($365) + ($366<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx395>>2] = $shr394; } $367 = $ebits$addr; $368 = $j; $arrayidx397 = (($367) + ($368<<2)|0); $369 = HEAP32[$arrayidx397>>2]|0; $cmp398 = ($369|0)<(8); if ($cmp398) { $370 = $ebits$addr; $371 = $j; $arrayidx401 = (($370) + ($371<<2)|0); $372 = HEAP32[$arrayidx401>>2]|0; $cond404 = $372; } else { $cond404 = 8; } $373 = $ebits$addr; $374 = $j; $arrayidx405 = (($373) + ($374<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx405>>2] = $cond404; $375 = $ebits$addr; $376 = $j; $arrayidx406 = (($375) + ($376<<2)|0); $377 = HEAP32[$arrayidx406>>2]|0; $378 = $den; $shl407 = $378 << 3; $mul408 = Math_imul($377, $shl407)|0; $379 = $bits$addr; $380 = $j; $arrayidx409 = (($379) + ($380<<2)|0); $381 = HEAP32[$arrayidx409>>2]|0; $382 = $offset; $add410 = (($381) + ($382))|0; $cmp411 = ($mul408|0)>=($add410|0); $conv412 = $cmp411&1; $383 = $fine_priority$addr; $384 = $j; $arrayidx413 = (($383) + ($384<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx413>>2] = $conv412; $385 = $C$addr; $386 = $ebits$addr; $387 = $j; $arrayidx414 = (($386) + ($387<<2)|0); $388 = HEAP32[$arrayidx414>>2]|0; $mul415 = Math_imul($385, $388)|0; $shl416 = $mul415 << 3; $389 = $bits$addr; $390 = $j; $arrayidx417 = (($389) + ($390<<2)|0); $391 = HEAP32[$arrayidx417>>2]|0; $sub418 = (($391) - ($shl416))|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx417>>2] = $sub418; } else { $392 = $C$addr; $shl420 = $392 << 3; $sub421 = (($289) - ($shl420))|0; $cmp422 = (0)>($sub421|0); if ($cmp422) { $cond429 = 0; } else { $393 = $bit; $394 = $C$addr; $shl426 = $394 << 3; $sub427 = (($393) - ($shl426))|0; $cond429 = $sub427; } $excess = $cond429; $395 = $bit; $396 = $excess; $sub430 = (($395) - ($396))|0; $397 = $bits$addr; $398 = $j; $arrayidx431 = (($397) + ($398<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx431>>2] = $sub430; $399 = $ebits$addr; $400 = $j; $arrayidx432 = (($399) + ($400<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx432>>2] = 0; $401 = $fine_priority$addr; $402 = $j; $arrayidx433 = (($401) + ($402<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx433>>2] = 1; } $403 = $excess; $cmp435 = ($403|0)>(0); if ($cmp435) { $404 = $excess; $405 = $stereo; $add438 = (($405) + 3)|0; $shr439 = $404 >> $add438; $406 = $ebits$addr; $407 = $j; $arrayidx440 = (($406) + ($407<<2)|0); $408 = HEAP32[$arrayidx440>>2]|0; $sub441 = (8 - ($408))|0; $cmp442 = ($shr439|0)<($sub441|0); if ($cmp442) { $409 = $excess; $410 = $stereo; $add445 = (($410) + 3)|0; $shr446 = $409 >> $add445; $cond451 = $shr446; } else { $411 = $ebits$addr; $412 = $j; $arrayidx448 = (($411) + ($412<<2)|0); $413 = HEAP32[$arrayidx448>>2]|0; $sub449 = (8 - ($413))|0; $cond451 = $sub449; } $extra_fine = $cond451; $414 = $extra_fine; $415 = $ebits$addr; $416 = $j; $arrayidx452 = (($415) + ($416<<2)|0); $417 = HEAP32[$arrayidx452>>2]|0; $add453 = (($417) + ($414))|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx452>>2] = $add453; $418 = $extra_fine; $419 = $C$addr; $mul454 = Math_imul($418, $419)|0; $shl455 = $mul454 << 3; $extra_bits = $shl455; $420 = $extra_bits; $421 = $excess; $422 = $balance; $sub456 = (($421) - ($422))|0; $cmp457 = ($420|0)>=($sub456|0); $conv458 = $cmp457&1; $423 = $fine_priority$addr; $424 = $j; $arrayidx459 = (($423) + ($424<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx459>>2] = $conv458; $425 = $extra_bits; $426 = $excess; $sub460 = (($426) - ($425))|0; $excess = $sub460; } $427 = $excess; $balance = $427; $428 = $j; $inc463 = (($428) + 1)|0; $j = $inc463; } $429 = $balance; $430 = $_balance$addr; HEAP32[$430>>2] = $429; while(1) { $431 = $j; $432 = $end$addr; $cmp466 = ($431|0)<($432|0); if (!($cmp466)) { break; } $433 = $bits$addr; $434 = $j; $arrayidx469 = (($433) + ($434<<2)|0); $435 = HEAP32[$arrayidx469>>2]|0; $436 = $stereo; $shr470 = $435 >> $436; $shr471 = $shr470 >> 3; $437 = $ebits$addr; $438 = $j; $arrayidx472 = (($437) + ($438<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx472>>2] = $shr471; $439 = $bits$addr; $440 = $j; $arrayidx473 = (($439) + ($440<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx473>>2] = 0; $441 = $ebits$addr; $442 = $j; $arrayidx474 = (($441) + ($442<<2)|0); $443 = HEAP32[$arrayidx474>>2]|0; $cmp475 = ($443|0)<(1); $conv476 = $cmp475&1; $444 = $fine_priority$addr; $445 = $j; $arrayidx477 = (($444) + ($445<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx477>>2] = $conv476; $446 = $j; $inc479 = (($446) + 1)|0; $j = $inc479; } $447 = $codedBands; STACKTOP = sp;return ($447|0); } function _celt_udiv_137($n,$d) { $n = $n|0; $d = $d|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $d$addr = 0, $div = 0, $n$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $n$addr = $n; $d$addr = $d; $0 = $n$addr; $1 = $d$addr; $div = (($0>>>0) / ($1>>>0))&-1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($div|0); } function _alg_quant($X,$N,$K,$spread,$B,$enc) { $X = $X|0; $N = $N|0; $K = $K|0; $spread = $spread|0; $B = $B|0; $enc = $enc|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0.0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0.0, $105 = 0.0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0.0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0.0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0.0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0; var $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0; var $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0; var $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0.0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0.0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0; var $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0.0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0.0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0.0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0.0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0.0, $87 = 0.0, $88 = 0.0; var $89 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0.0, $91 = 0.0, $92 = 0.0, $93 = 0.0, $94 = 0.0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0.0, $99 = 0, $B$addr = 0, $K$addr = 0, $N$addr = 0, $Rxy = 0.0, $Ryy = 0.0, $X$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add42 = 0.0; var $add46 = 0.0, $add57 = 0, $add63 = 0.0, $add66 = 0.0, $add68 = 0, $add72 = 0.0, $add75 = 0.0, $add77 = 0.0, $add91 = 0.0, $add93 = 0.0, $add96 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx101 = 0, $arrayidx102 = 0, $arrayidx104 = 0, $arrayidx105 = 0, $arrayidx109 = 0, $arrayidx111 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0; var $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx76 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx90 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $arrayidx95 = 0; var $arrayidx97 = 0, $best_den = 0.0, $best_id = 0, $best_num = 0.0, $call = 0.0, $call118 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp106 = 0, $cmp115 = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp53 = 0, $cmp58 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp81 = 0, $cmp87 = 0, $cmp9 = 0; var $collapse_mask = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv33 = 0.0, $conv34 = 0, $conv37 = 0.0, $conv61 = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $enc$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc114 = 0, $inc15 = 0, $inc25 = 0, $inc52 = 0, $inc86 = 0, $inc98 = 0, $inc99 = 0, $j = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul103 = 0.0; var $mul32 = 0.0, $mul41 = 0.0, $mul45 = 0.0, $mul48 = 0.0, $mul62 = 0.0, $mul65 = 0.0, $mul78 = 0.0, $mul79 = 0.0, $mul80 = 0.0, $mul94 = 0.0, $or$cond = 0, $pulsesLeft = 0, $rcp = 0.0, $s = 0.0, $saved_stack = 0, $shr = 0, $spread$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub110 = 0, $sub29 = 0; var $sub50 = 0, $sum = 0.0, $tmp = 0.0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla1 = 0, $vla1$alloca_mul = 0, $vla2 = 0, $vla2$alloca_mul = 0, $xy = 0.0, $yy = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 96|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(96|0); $X$addr = $X; $N$addr = $N; $K$addr = $K; $spread$addr = $spread; $B$addr = $B; $enc$addr = $enc; $0 = $N$addr; $1 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $1; $vla$alloca_mul = $0<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $2 = $N$addr; $vla1$alloca_mul = $2<<2; $vla1 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla1$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla1$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $3 = $N$addr; $vla2$alloca_mul = $3<<2; $vla2 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla2$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla2$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $4 = $X$addr; $5 = $N$addr; $6 = $B$addr; $7 = $K$addr; $8 = $spread$addr; _exp_rotation($4,$5,1,$6,$7,$8); $sum = 0.0; $j = 0; while(1) { $9 = $X$addr; $10 = $j; $arrayidx = (($9) + ($10<<2)|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $cmp = $11 > 0.0; $12 = $j; $arrayidx3 = (($vla2) + ($12<<2)|0); if ($cmp) { HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2] = 1.0; } else { HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2] = -1.0; $13 = $X$addr; $14 = $j; $arrayidx5 = (($13) + ($14<<2)|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $sub = - $15; $16 = $X$addr; $17 = $j; $arrayidx6 = (($16) + ($17<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2] = $sub; } $18 = $j; $arrayidx7 = (($vla1) + ($18<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx7>>2] = 0; $19 = $j; $arrayidx8 = (($vla) + ($19<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2] = 0.0; $20 = $j; $inc = (($20) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; $21 = $N$addr; $cmp9 = ($inc|0)<($21|0); if (!($cmp9)) { break; } } $yy = 0.0; $xy = 0.0; $22 = $K$addr; $pulsesLeft = $22; $23 = $K$addr; $24 = $N$addr; $shr = $24 >> 1; $cmp10 = ($23|0)>($shr|0); if ($cmp10) { $j = 0; while(1) { $25 = $X$addr; $26 = $j; $arrayidx13 = (($25) + ($26<<2)|0); $27 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2]; $28 = $sum; $add = $28 + $27; $sum = $add; $29 = $j; $inc15 = (($29) + 1)|0; $j = $inc15; $30 = $N$addr; $cmp16 = ($inc15|0)<($30|0); if (!($cmp16)) { break; } } $31 = $sum; $cmp18 = $31 > 1.0000000036274937E-15; $32 = $sum; $cmp19 = $32 < 64.0; $or$cond = $cmp18 & $cmp19; if (!($or$cond)) { $33 = $X$addr; HEAPF32[$33>>2] = 1.0; $j = 1; while(1) { $34 = $X$addr; $35 = $j; $arrayidx23 = (($34) + ($35<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2] = 0.0; $36 = $j; $inc25 = (($36) + 1)|0; $j = $inc25; $37 = $N$addr; $cmp26 = ($inc25|0)<($37|0); if (!($cmp26)) { break; } } $sum = 1.0; } $38 = $K$addr; $sub29 = (($38) - 1)|0; $conv = (+($sub29|0)); $39 = $sum; $div = 1.0 / $39; $mul = $conv * $div; $rcp = $mul; $j = 0; while(1) { $40 = $rcp; $41 = $X$addr; $42 = $j; $arrayidx31 = (($41) + ($42<<2)|0); $43 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx31>>2]; $mul32 = $40 * $43; $conv33 = $mul32; $call = (+Math_floor((+$conv33))); $conv34 = (~~(($call))); $44 = $j; $arrayidx35 = (($vla1) + ($44<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx35>>2] = $conv34; $45 = $j; $arrayidx36 = (($vla1) + ($45<<2)|0); $46 = HEAP32[$arrayidx36>>2]|0; $conv37 = (+($46|0)); $47 = $j; $arrayidx38 = (($vla) + ($47<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2] = $conv37; $48 = $yy; $49 = $j; $arrayidx39 = (($vla) + ($49<<2)|0); $50 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx39>>2]; $51 = $j; $arrayidx40 = (($vla) + ($51<<2)|0); $52 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx40>>2]; $mul41 = $50 * $52; $add42 = $48 + $mul41; $yy = $add42; $53 = $xy; $54 = $X$addr; $55 = $j; $arrayidx43 = (($54) + ($55<<2)|0); $56 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2]; $57 = $j; $arrayidx44 = (($vla) + ($57<<2)|0); $58 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx44>>2]; $mul45 = $56 * $58; $add46 = $53 + $mul45; $xy = $add46; $59 = $j; $arrayidx47 = (($vla) + ($59<<2)|0); $60 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx47>>2]; $mul48 = $60 * 2.0; HEAPF32[$arrayidx47>>2] = $mul48; $61 = $j; $arrayidx49 = (($vla1) + ($61<<2)|0); $62 = HEAP32[$arrayidx49>>2]|0; $63 = $pulsesLeft; $sub50 = (($63) - ($62))|0; $pulsesLeft = $sub50; $64 = $j; $inc52 = (($64) + 1)|0; $j = $inc52; $65 = $N$addr; $cmp53 = ($inc52|0)<($65|0); if (!($cmp53)) { break; } } } $66 = $pulsesLeft; $67 = $N$addr; $add57 = (($67) + 3)|0; $cmp58 = ($66|0)>($add57|0); if ($cmp58) { $68 = $pulsesLeft; $conv61 = (+($68|0)); $tmp = $conv61; $69 = $yy; $70 = $tmp; $71 = $tmp; $mul62 = $70 * $71; $add63 = $69 + $mul62; $yy = $add63; $72 = $yy; $73 = $tmp; $74 = +HEAPF32[$vla>>2]; $mul65 = $73 * $74; $add66 = $72 + $mul65; $yy = $add66; $75 = $pulsesLeft; $76 = HEAP32[$vla1>>2]|0; $add68 = (($76) + ($75))|0; HEAP32[$vla1>>2] = $add68; $pulsesLeft = 0; } $s = 1.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $77 = $i; $78 = $pulsesLeft; $cmp70 = ($77|0)<($78|0); if (!($cmp70)) { break; } $best_num = -999999986991104.0; $best_den = 0.0; $best_id = 0; $79 = $yy; $add72 = $79 + 1.0; $yy = $add72; $j = 0; while(1) { $80 = $xy; $81 = $X$addr; $82 = $j; $arrayidx74 = (($81) + ($82<<2)|0); $83 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx74>>2]; $add75 = $80 + $83; $Rxy = $add75; $84 = $yy; $85 = $j; $arrayidx76 = (($vla) + ($85<<2)|0); $86 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx76>>2]; $add77 = $84 + $86; $Ryy = $add77; $87 = $Rxy; $88 = $Rxy; $mul78 = $87 * $88; $Rxy = $mul78; $89 = $best_den; $90 = $Rxy; $mul79 = $89 * $90; $91 = $Ryy; $92 = $best_num; $mul80 = $91 * $92; $cmp81 = $mul79 > $mul80; if ($cmp81) { $93 = $Ryy; $best_den = $93; $94 = $Rxy; $best_num = $94; $95 = $j; $best_id = $95; } $96 = $j; $inc86 = (($96) + 1)|0; $j = $inc86; $97 = $N$addr; $cmp87 = ($inc86|0)<($97|0); if (!($cmp87)) { break; } } $98 = $xy; $99 = $X$addr; $100 = $best_id; $arrayidx90 = (($99) + ($100<<2)|0); $101 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx90>>2]; $add91 = $98 + $101; $xy = $add91; $102 = $yy; $103 = $best_id; $arrayidx92 = (($vla) + ($103<<2)|0); $104 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx92>>2]; $add93 = $102 + $104; $yy = $add93; $105 = $s; $mul94 = 2.0 * $105; $106 = $best_id; $arrayidx95 = (($vla) + ($106<<2)|0); $107 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx95>>2]; $add96 = $107 + $mul94; HEAPF32[$arrayidx95>>2] = $add96; $108 = $best_id; $arrayidx97 = (($vla1) + ($108<<2)|0); $109 = HEAP32[$arrayidx97>>2]|0; $inc98 = (($109) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx97>>2] = $inc98; $110 = $i; $inc99 = (($110) + 1)|0; $i = $inc99; } $j = 0; while(1) { $111 = $j; $arrayidx101 = (($vla2) + ($111<<2)|0); $112 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx101>>2]; $113 = $X$addr; $114 = $j; $arrayidx102 = (($113) + ($114<<2)|0); $115 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx102>>2]; $mul103 = $112 * $115; $116 = $X$addr; $117 = $j; $arrayidx104 = (($116) + ($117<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx104>>2] = $mul103; $118 = $j; $arrayidx105 = (($vla2) + ($118<<2)|0); $119 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx105>>2]; $cmp106 = $119 < 0.0; if ($cmp106) { $120 = $j; $arrayidx109 = (($vla1) + ($120<<2)|0); $121 = HEAP32[$arrayidx109>>2]|0; $sub110 = (0 - ($121))|0; $122 = $j; $arrayidx111 = (($vla1) + ($122<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx111>>2] = $sub110; } $123 = $j; $inc114 = (($123) + 1)|0; $j = $inc114; $124 = $N$addr; $cmp115 = ($inc114|0)<($124|0); if (!($cmp115)) { break; } } $125 = $N$addr; $126 = $K$addr; $127 = $enc$addr; _encode_pulses($vla1,$125,$126,$127); $128 = $N$addr; $129 = $B$addr; $call118 = (_extract_collapse_mask($vla1,$128,$129)|0); $collapse_mask = $call118; $130 = $collapse_mask; $131 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($131|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return ($130|0); } function _exp_rotation($X,$len,$dir,$stride,$K,$spread) { $X = $X|0; $len = $len|0; $dir = $dir|0; $stride = $stride|0; $K = $K|0; $spread = $spread|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $K$addr = 0, $X$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0; var $add$ptr36 = 0, $add$ptr38 = 0, $add$ptr43 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add22 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $c = 0.0, $call = 0.0, $call13 = 0.0, $call26 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp23 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv12 = 0.0, $conv14 = 0.0, $conv4 = 0.0; var $conv8 = 0.0, $conv9 = 0.0, $dir$addr = 0, $div = 0.0, $factor = 0, $gain = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc47 = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul11 = 0.0, $mul15 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul2 = 0.0, $mul21 = 0, $mul3 = 0, $mul33 = 0, $mul35 = 0, $mul37 = 0; var $mul42 = 0, $mul5 = 0.0, $mul6 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0.0, $or$cond = 0, $s = 0.0, $shr = 0, $spread$addr = 0, $stride$addr = 0, $stride2 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub10 = 0.0, $sub39 = 0.0, $sub44 = 0.0, $theta = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $tobool40 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $X$addr = $X; $len$addr = $len; $dir$addr = $dir; $stride$addr = $stride; $K$addr = $K; $spread$addr = $spread; $stride2 = 0; $0 = $K$addr; $mul = $0<<1; $1 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($mul|0)>=($1|0); $2 = $spread$addr; $cmp1 = ($2|0)==(0); $or$cond = $cmp | $cmp1; if ($or$cond) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $3 = $spread$addr; $sub = (($3) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (16636 + ($sub<<2)|0); $4 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $factor = $4; $5 = $len$addr; $conv = (+($5|0)); $mul2 = 1.0 * $conv; $6 = $len$addr; $7 = $factor; $8 = $K$addr; $mul3 = Math_imul($7, $8)|0; $add = (($6) + ($mul3))|0; $conv4 = (+($add|0)); $div = $mul2 / $conv4; $gain = $div; $9 = $gain; $10 = $gain; $mul5 = $9 * $10; $mul6 = 0.5 * $mul5; $theta = $mul6; $11 = $theta; $mul7 = 1.5707963705062866 * $11; $conv8 = $mul7; $call = (+Math_cos((+$conv8))); $conv9 = $call; $c = $conv9; $12 = $theta; $sub10 = 1.0 - $12; $mul11 = 1.5707963705062866 * $sub10; $conv12 = $mul11; $call13 = (+Math_cos((+$conv12))); $conv14 = $call13; $s = $conv14; $13 = $len$addr; $14 = $stride$addr; $mul15 = $14<<3; $cmp16 = ($13|0)>=($mul15|0); L4: do { if ($cmp16) { $stride2 = 1; while(1) { $15 = $stride2; $16 = $stride2; $mul19 = Math_imul($15, $16)|0; $17 = $stride2; $add20 = (($mul19) + ($17))|0; $18 = $stride$addr; $mul21 = Math_imul($add20, $18)|0; $19 = $stride$addr; $shr = $19 >> 2; $add22 = (($mul21) + ($shr))|0; $20 = $len$addr; $cmp23 = ($add22|0)<($20|0); if (!($cmp23)) { break L4; } $21 = $stride2; $inc = (($21) + 1)|0; $stride2 = $inc; } } } while(0); $22 = $len$addr; $23 = $stride$addr; $call26 = (_celt_udiv_138($22,$23)|0); $len$addr = $call26; $i = 0; while(1) { $24 = $i; $25 = $stride$addr; $cmp27 = ($24|0)<($25|0); if (!($cmp27)) { break; } $26 = $dir$addr; $cmp29 = ($26|0)<(0); if ($cmp29) { $27 = $stride2; $tobool = ($27|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $28 = $X$addr; $29 = $i; $30 = $len$addr; $mul33 = Math_imul($29, $30)|0; $add$ptr = (($28) + ($mul33<<2)|0); $31 = $len$addr; $32 = $stride2; $33 = $s; $34 = $c; _exp_rotation1($add$ptr,$31,$32,$33,$34); } $35 = $X$addr; $36 = $i; $37 = $len$addr; $mul35 = Math_imul($36, $37)|0; $add$ptr36 = (($35) + ($mul35<<2)|0); $38 = $len$addr; $39 = $c; $40 = $s; _exp_rotation1($add$ptr36,$38,1,$39,$40); } else { $41 = $X$addr; $42 = $i; $43 = $len$addr; $mul37 = Math_imul($42, $43)|0; $add$ptr38 = (($41) + ($mul37<<2)|0); $44 = $len$addr; $45 = $c; $46 = $s; $sub39 = - $46; _exp_rotation1($add$ptr38,$44,1,$45,$sub39); $47 = $stride2; $tobool40 = ($47|0)!=(0); if ($tobool40) { $48 = $X$addr; $49 = $i; $50 = $len$addr; $mul42 = Math_imul($49, $50)|0; $add$ptr43 = (($48) + ($mul42<<2)|0); $51 = $len$addr; $52 = $stride2; $53 = $s; $54 = $c; $sub44 = - $54; _exp_rotation1($add$ptr43,$51,$52,$53,$sub44); } } $55 = $i; $inc47 = (($55) + 1)|0; $i = $inc47; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _extract_collapse_mask($iy,$N,$B) { $iy = $iy|0; $N = $N|0; $B = $B|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $B$addr = 0, $N$addr = 0; var $N0 = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $collapse_mask = 0, $conv = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc6 = 0, $iy$addr = 0, $j = 0, $mul = 0, $or = 0, $or4 = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0; var $tmp = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $iy$addr = $iy; $N$addr = $N; $B$addr = $B; $0 = $B$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<=(1); if ($cmp) { $retval = 1; $17 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($17|0); } $1 = $N$addr; $2 = $B$addr; $call = (_celt_udiv_138($1,$2)|0); $N0 = $call; $collapse_mask = 0; $i = 0; while(1) { $tmp = 0; $j = 0; while(1) { $3 = $iy$addr; $4 = $i; $5 = $N0; $mul = Math_imul($4, $5)|0; $6 = $j; $add = (($mul) + ($6))|0; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($add<<2)|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $8 = $tmp; $or = $8 | $7; $tmp = $or; $9 = $j; $inc = (($9) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; $10 = $N0; $cmp2 = ($inc|0)<($10|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } } $11 = $tmp; $cmp3 = ($11|0)!=(0); $conv = $cmp3&1; $12 = $i; $shl = $conv << $12; $13 = $collapse_mask; $or4 = $13 | $shl; $collapse_mask = $or4; $14 = $i; $inc6 = (($14) + 1)|0; $i = $inc6; $15 = $B$addr; $cmp7 = ($inc6|0)<($15|0); if (!($cmp7)) { break; } } $16 = $collapse_mask; $retval = $16; $17 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($17|0); } function _celt_udiv_138($n,$d) { $n = $n|0; $d = $d|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $d$addr = 0, $div = 0, $n$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $n$addr = $n; $d$addr = $d; $0 = $n$addr; $1 = $d$addr; $div = (($0>>>0) / ($1>>>0))&-1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($div|0); } function _exp_rotation1($X,$len,$stride,$c,$s) { $X = $X|0; $len = $len|0; $stride = $stride|0; $c = +$c; $s = +$s; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $5 = 0, $6 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $X$addr = 0, $Xptr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add24 = 0.0, $add28 = 0.0, $add7 = 0.0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $c$addr = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $dec = 0; var $i = 0, $inc = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr29 = 0, $len$addr = 0, $ms = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $mul12 = 0, $mul22 = 0.0, $mul23 = 0.0, $mul26 = 0.0, $mul27 = 0.0, $mul3 = 0.0, $mul5 = 0.0, $mul6 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0, $s$addr = 0.0, $stride$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub1 = 0; var $sub10 = 0, $sub13 = 0, $sub14 = 0, $sub9 = 0, $x1 = 0.0, $x118 = 0.0, $x2 = 0.0, $x219 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $X$addr = $X; $len$addr = $len; $stride$addr = $stride; $c$addr = $c; $s$addr = $s; $0 = $X$addr; $Xptr = $0; $1 = $s$addr; $sub = - $1; $ms = $sub; $i = 0; while(1) { $2 = $i; $3 = $len$addr; $4 = $stride$addr; $sub1 = (($3) - ($4))|0; $cmp = ($2|0)<($sub1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $5 = $Xptr; $6 = +HEAPF32[$5>>2]; $x1 = $6; $7 = $Xptr; $8 = $stride$addr; $arrayidx2 = (($7) + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $x2 = $9; $10 = $c$addr; $11 = $x2; $mul = $10 * $11; $12 = $s$addr; $13 = $x1; $mul3 = $12 * $13; $add = $mul + $mul3; $14 = $Xptr; $15 = $stride$addr; $arrayidx4 = (($14) + ($15<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2] = $add; $16 = $c$addr; $17 = $x1; $mul5 = $16 * $17; $18 = $ms; $19 = $x2; $mul6 = $18 * $19; $add7 = $mul5 + $mul6; $20 = $Xptr; $incdec$ptr = ((($20)) + 4|0); $Xptr = $incdec$ptr; HEAPF32[$20>>2] = $add7; $21 = $i; $inc = (($21) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $22 = $X$addr; $23 = $len$addr; $24 = $stride$addr; $mul8 = $24<<1; $sub9 = (($23) - ($mul8))|0; $sub10 = (($sub9) - 1)|0; $arrayidx11 = (($22) + ($sub10<<2)|0); $Xptr = $arrayidx11; $25 = $len$addr; $26 = $stride$addr; $mul12 = $26<<1; $sub13 = (($25) - ($mul12))|0; $sub14 = (($sub13) - 1)|0; $i = $sub14; while(1) { $27 = $i; $cmp16 = ($27|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp16)) { break; } $28 = $Xptr; $29 = +HEAPF32[$28>>2]; $x118 = $29; $30 = $Xptr; $31 = $stride$addr; $arrayidx21 = (($30) + ($31<<2)|0); $32 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2]; $x219 = $32; $33 = $c$addr; $34 = $x219; $mul22 = $33 * $34; $35 = $s$addr; $36 = $x118; $mul23 = $35 * $36; $add24 = $mul22 + $mul23; $37 = $Xptr; $38 = $stride$addr; $arrayidx25 = (($37) + ($38<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx25>>2] = $add24; $39 = $c$addr; $40 = $x118; $mul26 = $39 * $40; $41 = $ms; $42 = $x219; $mul27 = $41 * $42; $add28 = $mul26 + $mul27; $43 = $Xptr; $incdec$ptr29 = ((($43)) + -4|0); $Xptr = $incdec$ptr29; HEAPF32[$43>>2] = $add28; $44 = $i; $dec = (($44) + -1)|0; $i = $dec; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _alg_unquant($X,$N,$K,$spread,$B,$dec,$gain) { $X = $X|0; $N = $N|0; $K = $K|0; $spread = $spread|0; $B = $B|0; $dec = $dec|0; $gain = +$gain; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $B$addr = 0, $K$addr = 0; var $N$addr = 0, $Ryy = 0.0, $X$addr = 0, $call = 0.0, $call1 = 0, $collapse_mask = 0, $dec$addr = 0, $gain$addr = 0.0, $saved_stack = 0, $spread$addr = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $X$addr = $X; $N$addr = $N; $K$addr = $K; $spread$addr = $spread; $B$addr = $B; $dec$addr = $dec; $gain$addr = $gain; $0 = $N$addr; $1 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $1; $vla$alloca_mul = $0<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $2 = $N$addr; $3 = $K$addr; $4 = $dec$addr; $call = (+_decode_pulses($vla,$2,$3,$4)); $Ryy = $call; $5 = $X$addr; $6 = $N$addr; $7 = $Ryy; $8 = $gain$addr; _normalise_residual($vla,$5,$6,$7,$8); $9 = $X$addr; $10 = $N$addr; $11 = $B$addr; $12 = $K$addr; $13 = $spread$addr; _exp_rotation($9,$10,-1,$11,$12,$13); $14 = $N$addr; $15 = $B$addr; $call1 = (_extract_collapse_mask($vla,$14,$15)|0); $collapse_mask = $call1; $16 = $collapse_mask; $17 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($17|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return ($16|0); } function _normalise_residual($iy,$X,$N,$Ryy,$gain) { $iy = $iy|0; $X = $X|0; $N = $N|0; $Ryy = +$Ryy; $gain = +$gain; var $0 = 0.0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0, $2 = 0.0, $3 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $N$addr = 0, $Ryy$addr = 0.0, $X$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $call = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv1 = 0.0; var $conv2 = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $g = 0.0, $gain$addr = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $iy$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul3 = 0.0, $t = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $iy$addr = $iy; $X$addr = $X; $N$addr = $N; $Ryy$addr = $Ryy; $gain$addr = $gain; $0 = $Ryy$addr; $t = $0; $1 = $t; $conv = $1; $call = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv))); $conv1 = $call; $div = 1.0 / $conv1; $2 = $gain$addr; $mul = $div * $2; $g = $mul; $i = 0; while(1) { $3 = $g; $4 = $iy$addr; $5 = $i; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($5<<2)|0); $6 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $conv2 = (+($6|0)); $mul3 = $3 * $conv2; $7 = $X$addr; $8 = $i; $arrayidx4 = (($7) + ($8<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2] = $mul3; $9 = $i; $inc = (($9) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; $10 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($inc|0)<($10|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _renormalise_vector($X,$N,$gain,$arch) { $X = $X|0; $N = $N|0; $gain = +$gain; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0.0, $4 = 0.0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $E = 0.0, $N$addr = 0, $X$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $arch$addr = 0; var $call = 0.0, $call1 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv2 = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $g = 0.0, $gain$addr = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul4 = 0.0, $t = 0.0, $xptr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $X$addr = $X; $N$addr = $N; $gain$addr = $gain; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $X$addr; $1 = $X$addr; $2 = $N$addr; $call = (+_celt_inner_prod_c_141($0,$1,$2)); $add = 1.0000000036274937E-15 + $call; $E = $add; $3 = $E; $t = $3; $4 = $t; $conv = $4; $call1 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv))); $conv2 = $call1; $div = 1.0 / $conv2; $5 = $gain$addr; $mul = $div * $5; $g = $mul; $6 = $X$addr; $xptr = $6; $i = 0; while(1) { $7 = $i; $8 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($7|0)<($8|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $9 = $g; $10 = $xptr; $11 = +HEAPF32[$10>>2]; $mul4 = $9 * $11; $12 = $xptr; HEAPF32[$12>>2] = $mul4; $13 = $xptr; $incdec$ptr = ((($13)) + 4|0); $xptr = $incdec$ptr; $14 = $i; $inc = (($14) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _celt_inner_prod_c_141($x,$y,$N) { $x = $x|0; $y = $y|0; $N = $N|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $N$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $cmp = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, $xy = 0.0; var $y$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $x$addr = $x; $y$addr = $y; $N$addr = $N; $xy = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $xy; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $x$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $6 = $y$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $mul = $5 * $8; $add = $2 + $mul; $xy = $add; $9 = $i; $inc = (($9) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return (+$2); } function _stereo_itheta($X,$Y,$stereo,$N,$arch) { $X = $X|0; $Y = $Y|0; $stereo = $stereo|0; $N = $N|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $Emid = 0.0, $Eside = 0.0, $N$addr = 0, $X$addr = 0, $Y$addr = 0; var $add = 0.0, $add19 = 0.0, $add4 = 0.0, $add6 = 0.0, $add7 = 0.0, $add9 = 0.0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $call = 0.0, $call10 = 0.0, $call13 = 0.0, $call17 = 0.0, $call20 = 0.0, $call8 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv11 = 0.0; var $conv12 = 0.0, $conv14 = 0.0, $conv15 = 0.0, $conv16 = 0.0, $conv21 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $itheta = 0, $m = 0.0, $mid = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $mul18 = 0.0, $mul5 = 0.0, $s = 0.0, $side = 0.0, $stereo$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $X$addr = $X; $Y$addr = $Y; $stereo$addr = $stereo; $N$addr = $N; $arch$addr = $arch; $Eside = 1.0000000036274937E-15; $Emid = 1.0000000036274937E-15; $0 = $stereo$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); L1: do { if ($tobool) { $i = 0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break L1; } $3 = $X$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $6 = $Y$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $add = $5 + $8; $m = $add; $9 = $X$addr; $10 = $i; $arrayidx2 = (($9) + ($10<<2)|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $12 = $Y$addr; $13 = $i; $arrayidx3 = (($12) + ($13<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $sub = $11 - $14; $s = $sub; $15 = $Emid; $16 = $m; $17 = $m; $mul = $16 * $17; $add4 = $15 + $mul; $Emid = $add4; $18 = $Eside; $19 = $s; $20 = $s; $mul5 = $19 * $20; $add6 = $18 + $mul5; $Eside = $add6; $21 = $i; $inc = (($21) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } } else { $22 = $X$addr; $23 = $X$addr; $24 = $N$addr; $call = (+_celt_inner_prod_c_141($22,$23,$24)); $25 = $Emid; $add7 = $25 + $call; $Emid = $add7; $26 = $Y$addr; $27 = $Y$addr; $28 = $N$addr; $call8 = (+_celt_inner_prod_c_141($26,$27,$28)); $29 = $Eside; $add9 = $29 + $call8; $Eside = $add9; } } while(0); $30 = $Emid; $conv = $30; $call10 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv))); $conv11 = $call10; $mid = $conv11; $31 = $Eside; $conv12 = $31; $call13 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv12))); $conv14 = $call13; $side = $conv14; $32 = $side; $conv15 = $32; $33 = $mid; $conv16 = $33; $call17 = (+Math_atan2((+$conv15),(+$conv16))); $mul18 = 10430.3818359375 * $call17; $add19 = 0.5 + $mul18; $call20 = (+Math_floor((+$add19))); $conv21 = (~~(($call20))); $itheta = $conv21; $34 = $itheta; STACKTOP = sp;return ($34|0); } function _silk_Get_Decoder_Size($decSizeBytes) { $decSizeBytes = $decSizeBytes|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $decSizeBytes$addr = 0, $ret = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $decSizeBytes$addr = $decSizeBytes; $ret = 0; $0 = $decSizeBytes$addr; HEAP32[$0>>2] = 8544; $1 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1|0); } function _silk_InitDecoder($decState) { $decState = $decState|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $call = 0, $channel_state = 0, $cmp = 0, $decState$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $n = 0, $prev_decode_only_middle = 0, $ret = 0, $sStereo = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $decState$addr = $decState; $ret = 0; $0 = $decState$addr; $channel_state = $0; $n = 0; while(1) { $1 = $n; $cmp = ($1|0)<(2); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $channel_state; $3 = $n; $arrayidx = (($2) + (($3*4260)|0)|0); $call = (_silk_init_decoder($arrayidx)|0); $ret = $call; $4 = $n; $inc = (($4) + 1)|0; $n = $inc; } $5 = $decState$addr; $sStereo = ((($5)) + 8520|0); ;HEAP32[$sStereo>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sStereo+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sStereo+8>>2]=0|0; $6 = $decState$addr; $prev_decode_only_middle = ((($6)) + 8540|0); HEAP32[$prev_decode_only_middle>>2] = 0; $7 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } function _silk_Decode($decState,$decControl,$lostFlag,$newPacketFlag,$psRangeDec,$samplesOut,$nSamplesOut,$arch) { $decState = $decState|0; $decControl = $decControl|0; $lostFlag = $lostFlag|0; $newPacketFlag = $newPacketFlag|0; $psRangeDec = $psRangeDec|0; $samplesOut = $samplesOut|0; $nSamplesOut = $nSamplesOut|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $$sink = 0, $$sink6 = 0, $$sink7 = 0, $$sink8 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0; var $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0; var $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0; var $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0; var $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0; var $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0; var $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0, $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0; var $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0, $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0; var $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0, $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0; var $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0, $26 = 0, $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0; var $275 = 0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0, $278 = 0, $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0; var $293 = 0, $294 = 0, $295 = 0, $296 = 0, $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0, $304 = 0, $305 = 0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0, $31 = 0; var $310 = 0, $311 = 0, $312 = 0, $313 = 0, $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0, $322 = 0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0, $325 = 0, $326 = 0, $327 = 0, $328 = 0; var $329 = 0, $33 = 0, $330 = 0, $331 = 0, $332 = 0, $333 = 0, $334 = 0, $335 = 0, $336 = 0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0, $339 = 0, $34 = 0, $340 = 0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0, $346 = 0; var $347 = 0, $348 = 0, $349 = 0, $35 = 0, $350 = 0, $351 = 0, $352 = 0, $353 = 0, $354 = 0, $355 = 0, $356 = 0, $357 = 0, $358 = 0, $359 = 0, $36 = 0, $360 = 0, $361 = 0, $362 = 0, $363 = 0, $364 = 0; var $365 = 0, $366 = 0, $367 = 0, $368 = 0, $369 = 0, $37 = 0, $370 = 0, $371 = 0, $372 = 0, $373 = 0, $374 = 0, $375 = 0, $376 = 0, $377 = 0, $378 = 0, $379 = 0, $38 = 0, $380 = 0, $381 = 0, $382 = 0; var $383 = 0, $384 = 0, $385 = 0, $386 = 0, $387 = 0, $388 = 0, $389 = 0, $39 = 0, $390 = 0, $391 = 0, $392 = 0, $393 = 0, $394 = 0, $395 = 0, $396 = 0, $397 = 0, $398 = 0, $399 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0; var $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0; var $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0; var $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0; var $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $API_sampleRate = 0, $API_sampleRate100 = 0, $API_sampleRate103 = 0, $API_sampleRate314 = 0, $API_sampleRate442 = 0, $FrameIndex = 0, $LBRR_flag = 0, $LBRR_flag140 = 0, $LBRR_flags = 0, $LBRR_flags148 = 0, $LBRR_flags163 = 0, $LBRR_flags185 = 0, $LBRR_flags196 = 0, $LBRR_flags205 = 0, $LBRR_flags239 = 0, $LBRR_flags262 = 0; var $LBRR_flags355 = 0, $LBRR_flags386 = 0, $LBRR_symbol = 0, $LastGainIndex = 0, $LastGainIndex599 = 0, $MS_pred_Q13 = 0, $VAD_flags = 0, $VAD_flags251 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr336 = 0, $add$ptr337 = 0, $add$ptr487 = 0, $add$ptr488 = 0, $add155 = 0, $add323 = 0, $add406 = 0, $add468 = 0, $add479 = 0, $add483 = 0, $add510 = 0; var $add521 = 0, $add545 = 0, $add552 = 0, $add563 = 0, $add566 = 0, $add64 = 0, $add74 = 0, $and = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx118 = 0, $arrayidx123 = 0, $arrayidx124 = 0, $arrayidx137 = 0, $arrayidx139 = 0, $arrayidx143 = 0, $arrayidx147 = 0, $arrayidx151 = 0, $arrayidx153 = 0, $arrayidx157 = 0; var $arrayidx162 = 0, $arrayidx164 = 0, $arrayidx184 = 0, $arrayidx186 = 0, $arrayidx195 = 0, $arrayidx197 = 0, $arrayidx204 = 0, $arrayidx207 = 0, $arrayidx212 = 0, $arrayidx214 = 0, $arrayidx215 = 0, $arrayidx218 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx242 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx250 = 0, $arrayidx254 = 0, $arrayidx261 = 0, $arrayidx265 = 0, $arrayidx278 = 0; var $arrayidx280 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx297 = 0, $arrayidx300 = 0, $arrayidx303 = 0, $arrayidx305 = 0, $arrayidx307 = 0, $arrayidx309 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx31$sink = 0, $arrayidx338 = 0, $arrayidx354 = 0, $arrayidx356 = 0, $arrayidx358 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx385 = 0, $arrayidx388 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx402 = 0, $arrayidx403 = 0; var $arrayidx404 = 0, $arrayidx408 = 0, $arrayidx409 = 0, $arrayidx412 = 0, $arrayidx428 = 0, $arrayidx440 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx489 = 0, $arrayidx505 = 0, $arrayidx507 = 0, $arrayidx508 = 0, $arrayidx519 = 0, $arrayidx522 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $arrayidx540 = 0, $arrayidx543 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx550 = 0, $arrayidx553 = 0; var $arrayidx564 = 0, $arrayidx567 = 0, $arrayidx584 = 0, $arrayidx598 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx72 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $call = 0, $call122 = 0, $call154 = 0, $call405 = 0, $call509 = 0, $call544 = 0, $call73 = 0, $channel_state = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp101 = 0, $cmp104 = 0, $cmp107 = 0, $cmp11 = 0; var $cmp111 = 0, $cmp115 = 0, $cmp120 = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp135 = 0, $cmp145 = 0, $cmp159 = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp173 = 0, $cmp178 = 0, $cmp182 = 0, $cmp190 = 0, $cmp192 = 0, $cmp198 = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp202 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp229 = 0, $cmp232 = 0, $cmp235 = 0; var $cmp243 = 0, $cmp247 = 0, $cmp255 = 0, $cmp258 = 0, $cmp266 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp273 = 0, $cmp287 = 0, $cmp290 = 0, $cmp293 = 0, $cmp317 = 0, $cmp340 = 0, $cmp348 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp351 = 0, $cmp359 = 0, $cmp366 = 0, $cmp369 = 0, $cmp378 = 0, $cmp382 = 0; var $cmp392 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp419 = 0, $cmp423 = 0, $cmp43 = 0, $cmp450 = 0, $cmp458 = 0, $cmp494 = 0, $cmp502 = 0, $cmp51 = 0, $cmp512 = 0, $cmp516 = 0, $cmp531 = 0, $cmp535 = 0, $cmp547 = 0, $cmp559 = 0, $cmp575 = 0, $cmp589 = 0, $cmp594 = 0, $cmp65 = 0; var $cmp67 = 0, $cmp69 = 0, $cmp79 = 0, $cmp82 = 0, $cmp85 = 0, $cmp87 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond390 = 0, $cond455 = 0, $cond472 = 0, $condCoding = 0, $condCoding374 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv217 = 0, $conv279 = 0, $conv318 = 0, $conv446 = 0, $conv447 = 0, $decControl$addr = 0; var $decState$addr = 0, $decode_only_middle = 0, $delay_stack_alloc = 0, $div = 0, $first_frame_after_reset = 0, $frame_length = 0, $frame_length322 = 0, $frame_length335 = 0, $frame_length467 = 0, $frame_length478 = 0, $frame_length486 = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $fs_kHz431 = 0, $fs_kHz445 = 0, $fs_kHz581 = 0, $fs_kHz_dec = 0, $has_side = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc126 = 0; var $inc131 = 0, $inc166 = 0, $inc171 = 0, $inc221 = 0, $inc224 = 0, $inc282 = 0, $inc414 = 0, $inc416 = 0, $inc524 = 0, $inc528 = 0, $inc555 = 0, $inc569 = 0, $inc601 = 0, $inc76 = 0, $indices = 0, $indices216 = 0, $internalSampleRate = 0, $internalSampleRate311 = 0, $internalSampleRate63 = 0, $lagPrev = 0; var $lagPrev579 = 0, $land$ext = 0, $lnot = 0, $lnot$ext = 0, $lor$ext = 0, $lostFlag$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul313 = 0, $mul316 = 0, $mul324 = 0, $mul410 = 0, $mul443 = 0, $mul448 = 0, $mul469 = 0, $mul480 = 0, $mul481 = 0, $mul482 = 0, $mul520 = 0, $mul551 = 0, $mul562 = 0; var $mul565 = 0, $mul585 = 0, $mult_tab = 0, $n = 0, $nChannelsAPI84 = 0, $nChannelsAPI97 = 0, $nChannelsInternal = 0, $nChannelsInternal10 = 0, $nChannelsInternal114 = 0, $nChannelsInternal134 = 0, $nChannelsInternal181 = 0, $nChannelsInternal189 = 0, $nChannelsInternal19 = 0, $nChannelsInternal2 = 0, $nChannelsInternal228 = 0, $nChannelsInternal286 = 0, $nChannelsInternal3 = 0, $nChannelsInternal312 = 0, $nChannelsInternal320 = 0, $nChannelsInternal347 = 0; var $nChannelsInternal365 = 0, $nChannelsInternal422 = 0, $nChannelsInternal465 = 0, $nChannelsInternal476 = 0, $nChannelsInternal493 = 0, $nChannelsInternal499 = 0, $nChannelsInternal499$sink = 0, $nChannelsInternal534 = 0, $nChannelsInternal593 = 0, $nChannelsInternal8 = 0, $nChannelsInternal81 = 0, $nChannelsInternal86 = 0, $nChannelsInternal98 = 0, $nChannelsInternal99 = 0, $nFramesDecoded = 0, $nFramesDecoded110 = 0, $nFramesDecoded15 = 0, $nFramesDecoded241 = 0, $nFramesDecoded253 = 0, $nFramesDecoded264 = 0; var $nFramesDecoded357 = 0, $nFramesDecoded376 = 0, $nFramesDecoded413 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket = 0, $nFramesPerPacket119 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket144 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket152 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket158 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket177 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket30 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket38 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket46 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket54 = 0, $nSamplesOut$addr = 0, $nSamplesOutDec = 0, $nb_subfr32 = 0, $newPacketFlag$addr = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0; var $or$cond3 = 0, $or$cond4 = 0, $or$cond5 = 0, $outBuf = 0, $payloadSize_ms = 0, $payloadSize_ms26 = 0, $payloadSize_ms34 = 0, $payloadSize_ms42 = 0, $payloadSize_ms50 = 0, $prevPitchLag587 = 0, $prevSignalType = 0, $prevSignalType574 = 0, $prev_decode_only_middle = 0, $prev_decode_only_middle345 = 0, $prev_decode_only_middle395 = 0, $prev_decode_only_middle604 = 0, $psDec = 0, $psRangeDec$addr = 0, $pulses = 0, $quantOffsetType = 0; var $resample_out_ptr = 0, $resampler_state = 0, $resampler_state506 = 0, $resampler_state541 = 0, $resampler_state94 = 0, $ret = 0, $retval = 0, $sLPC_Q14_buf = 0, $sMid = 0, $sMid437 = 0, $sSide = 0, $sStereo = 0, $sStereo276 = 0, $sStereo426 = 0, $sStereo434 = 0, $sStereo436 = 0, $sStereo90 = 0, $samplesOut$addr = 0, $samplesOut1_tmp = 0, $saved_stack = 0; var $shr = 0, $shr161 = 0, $shr583 = 0, $signalType = 0, $stereo_to_mono = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub206 = 0, $sub377 = 0, $sub387 = 0, $sub582 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool141 = 0, $tobool187 = 0, $tobool208 = 0, $tobool319 = 0, $tobool325 = 0; var $tobool343 = 0, $tobool346 = 0, $tobool372 = 0, $tobool389 = 0, $tobool396 = 0, $tobool463 = 0, $tobool474 = 0, $tobool538 = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla$sink = 0, $vla456 = 0, $vla456$alloca_mul = 0, $vla473 = 0, $vla473$alloca_mul = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 784|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(784|0); $decode_only_middle = sp + 84|0; $nSamplesOutDec = sp + 76|0; $samplesOut1_tmp = sp + 64|0; $MS_pred_Q13 = sp + 56|0; $pulses = sp + 136|0; $mult_tab = sp; $decState$addr = $decState; $decControl$addr = $decControl; $lostFlag$addr = $lostFlag; $newPacketFlag$addr = $newPacketFlag; $psRangeDec$addr = $psRangeDec; $samplesOut$addr = $samplesOut; $nSamplesOut$addr = $nSamplesOut; $arch$addr = $arch; HEAP32[$decode_only_middle>>2] = 0; $ret = 0; ;HEAP32[$MS_pred_Q13>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$MS_pred_Q13+4>>2]=0|0; $0 = $decState$addr; $psDec = $0; $1 = $psDec; $channel_state = $1; $2 = $newPacketFlag$addr; $tobool = ($2|0)!=(0); L1: do { if ($tobool) { $n = 0; while(1) { $3 = $n; $4 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal = ((($4)) + 4|0); $5 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal>>2]|0; $cmp = ($3|0)<($5|0); if (!($cmp)) { break L1; } $6 = $channel_state; $7 = $n; $arrayidx = (($6) + (($7*4260)|0)|0); $nFramesDecoded = ((($arrayidx)) + 2388|0); HEAP32[$nFramesDecoded>>2] = 0; $8 = $n; $inc = (($8) + 1)|0; $n = $inc; } } } while(0); $9 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal2 = ((($9)) + 4|0); $10 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal2>>2]|0; $11 = $psDec; $nChannelsInternal3 = ((($11)) + 8536|0); $12 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal3>>2]|0; $cmp4 = ($10|0)>($12|0); if ($cmp4) { $13 = $channel_state; $arrayidx6 = ((($13)) + 4260|0); $call = (_silk_init_decoder($arrayidx6)|0); $14 = $ret; $add = (($14) + ($call))|0; $ret = $add; } $15 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal8 = ((($15)) + 4|0); $16 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal8>>2]|0; $cmp9 = ($16|0)==(1); if ($cmp9) { $17 = $psDec; $nChannelsInternal10 = ((($17)) + 8536|0); $18 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal10>>2]|0; $cmp11 = ($18|0)==(2); if ($cmp11) { $19 = $decControl$addr; $internalSampleRate = ((($19)) + 12|0); $20 = HEAP32[$internalSampleRate>>2]|0; $21 = $channel_state; $fs_kHz = ((($21)) + 2316|0); $22 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $mul = ($22*1000)|0; $cmp13 = ($20|0)==($mul|0); $23 = $cmp13; } else { $23 = 0; } } else { $23 = 0; } $land$ext = $23&1; $stereo_to_mono = $land$ext; $24 = $channel_state; $nFramesDecoded15 = ((($24)) + 2388|0); $25 = HEAP32[$nFramesDecoded15>>2]|0; $cmp16 = ($25|0)==(0); L14: do { if ($cmp16) { $n = 0; L16: while(1) { $26 = $n; $27 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal19 = ((($27)) + 4|0); $28 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal19>>2]|0; $cmp20 = ($26|0)<($28|0); if (!($cmp20)) { break L14; } $29 = $decControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms = ((($29)) + 16|0); $30 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms>>2]|0; $cmp22 = ($30|0)==(0); do { if ($cmp22) { $31 = $channel_state; $32 = $n; $arrayidx24 = (($31) + (($32*4260)|0)|0); $nFramesPerPacket = ((($arrayidx24)) + 2392|0); HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket>>2] = 1; $33 = $channel_state; $34 = $n; $arrayidx25 = (($33) + (($34*4260)|0)|0); $$sink8 = 2;$arrayidx31$sink = $arrayidx25; } else { $35 = $decControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms26 = ((($35)) + 16|0); $36 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms26>>2]|0; $cmp27 = ($36|0)==(10); if ($cmp27) { $37 = $channel_state; $38 = $n; $arrayidx29 = (($37) + (($38*4260)|0)|0); $nFramesPerPacket30 = ((($arrayidx29)) + 2392|0); HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket30>>2] = 1; $39 = $channel_state; $40 = $n; $arrayidx31 = (($39) + (($40*4260)|0)|0); $$sink8 = 2;$arrayidx31$sink = $arrayidx31; break; } $41 = $decControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms34 = ((($41)) + 16|0); $42 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms34>>2]|0; $cmp35 = ($42|0)==(20); if ($cmp35) { $43 = $channel_state; $44 = $n; $arrayidx37 = (($43) + (($44*4260)|0)|0); $nFramesPerPacket38 = ((($arrayidx37)) + 2392|0); HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket38>>2] = 1; $45 = $channel_state; $46 = $n; $arrayidx39 = (($45) + (($46*4260)|0)|0); $$sink8 = 4;$arrayidx31$sink = $arrayidx39; break; } $47 = $decControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms42 = ((($47)) + 16|0); $48 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms42>>2]|0; $cmp43 = ($48|0)==(40); if ($cmp43) { $49 = $channel_state; $50 = $n; $arrayidx45 = (($49) + (($50*4260)|0)|0); $nFramesPerPacket46 = ((($arrayidx45)) + 2392|0); HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket46>>2] = 2; $51 = $channel_state; $52 = $n; $arrayidx47 = (($51) + (($52*4260)|0)|0); $$sink8 = 4;$arrayidx31$sink = $arrayidx47; break; } $53 = $decControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms50 = ((($53)) + 16|0); $54 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms50>>2]|0; $cmp51 = ($54|0)==(60); if (!($cmp51)) { label = 23; break L16; } $55 = $channel_state; $56 = $n; $arrayidx53 = (($55) + (($56*4260)|0)|0); $nFramesPerPacket54 = ((($arrayidx53)) + 2392|0); HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket54>>2] = 3; $57 = $channel_state; $58 = $n; $arrayidx55 = (($57) + (($58*4260)|0)|0); $$sink8 = 4;$arrayidx31$sink = $arrayidx55; } } while(0); $nb_subfr32 = ((($arrayidx31$sink)) + 2324|0); HEAP32[$nb_subfr32>>2] = $$sink8; $59 = $decControl$addr; $internalSampleRate63 = ((($59)) + 12|0); $60 = HEAP32[$internalSampleRate63>>2]|0; $shr = $60 >> 10; $add64 = (($shr) + 1)|0; $fs_kHz_dec = $add64; $61 = $fs_kHz_dec; $cmp65 = ($61|0)!=(8); $62 = $fs_kHz_dec; $cmp67 = ($62|0)!=(12); $or$cond = $cmp65 & $cmp67; $63 = $fs_kHz_dec; $cmp69 = ($63|0)!=(16); $or$cond1 = $or$cond & $cmp69; if ($or$cond1) { label = 25; break; } $64 = $channel_state; $65 = $n; $arrayidx72 = (($64) + (($65*4260)|0)|0); $66 = $fs_kHz_dec; $67 = $decControl$addr; $API_sampleRate = ((($67)) + 8|0); $68 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate>>2]|0; $call73 = (_silk_decoder_set_fs($arrayidx72,$66,$68)|0); $69 = $ret; $add74 = (($69) + ($call73))|0; $ret = $add74; $70 = $n; $inc76 = (($70) + 1)|0; $n = $inc76; } if ((label|0) == 23) { $retval = -203; $399 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($399|0); } else if ((label|0) == 25) { $retval = -200; $399 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($399|0); } } } while(0); $71 = $decControl$addr; $72 = HEAP32[$71>>2]|0; $cmp79 = ($72|0)==(2); do { if ($cmp79) { $73 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal81 = ((($73)) + 4|0); $74 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal81>>2]|0; $cmp82 = ($74|0)==(2); if ($cmp82) { $75 = $psDec; $nChannelsAPI84 = ((($75)) + 8532|0); $76 = HEAP32[$nChannelsAPI84>>2]|0; $cmp85 = ($76|0)==(1); if (!($cmp85)) { $77 = $psDec; $nChannelsInternal86 = ((($77)) + 8536|0); $78 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal86>>2]|0; $cmp87 = ($78|0)==(1); if (!($cmp87)) { break; } } $79 = $psDec; $sStereo = ((($79)) + 8520|0); ;HEAP32[$sStereo>>2]=0|0; $80 = $psDec; $sStereo90 = ((($80)) + 8520|0); $sSide = ((($sStereo90)) + 8|0); ;HEAP32[$sSide>>2]=0|0; $81 = $channel_state; $arrayidx92 = ((($81)) + 4260|0); $resampler_state = ((($arrayidx92)) + 2432|0); $82 = $channel_state; $resampler_state94 = ((($82)) + 2432|0); _memcpy(($resampler_state|0),($resampler_state94|0),300)|0; } } } while(0); $83 = $decControl$addr; $84 = HEAP32[$83>>2]|0; $85 = $psDec; $nChannelsAPI97 = ((($85)) + 8532|0); HEAP32[$nChannelsAPI97>>2] = $84; $86 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal98 = ((($86)) + 4|0); $87 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal98>>2]|0; $88 = $psDec; $nChannelsInternal99 = ((($88)) + 8536|0); HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal99>>2] = $87; $89 = $decControl$addr; $API_sampleRate100 = ((($89)) + 8|0); $90 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate100>>2]|0; $cmp101 = ($90|0)>(48000); if (!($cmp101)) { $91 = $decControl$addr; $API_sampleRate103 = ((($91)) + 8|0); $92 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate103>>2]|0; $cmp104 = ($92|0)<(8000); if (!($cmp104)) { $94 = $lostFlag$addr; $cmp107 = ($94|0)!=(1); L50: do { if ($cmp107) { $95 = $channel_state; $nFramesDecoded110 = ((($95)) + 2388|0); $96 = HEAP32[$nFramesDecoded110>>2]|0; $cmp111 = ($96|0)==(0); if ($cmp111) { $n = 0; while(1) { $97 = $n; $98 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal114 = ((($98)) + 4|0); $99 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal114>>2]|0; $cmp115 = ($97|0)<($99|0); if (!($cmp115)) { break; } $i = 0; while(1) { $100 = $i; $101 = $channel_state; $102 = $n; $arrayidx118 = (($101) + (($102*4260)|0)|0); $nFramesPerPacket119 = ((($arrayidx118)) + 2392|0); $103 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket119>>2]|0; $cmp120 = ($100|0)<($103|0); $104 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call122 = (_ec_dec_bit_logp($104,1)|0); $105 = $channel_state; $106 = $n; $arrayidx123 = (($105) + (($106*4260)|0)|0); if (!($cmp120)) { break; } $VAD_flags = ((($arrayidx123)) + 2404|0); $107 = $i; $arrayidx124 = (($VAD_flags) + ($107<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx124>>2] = $call122; $108 = $i; $inc126 = (($108) + 1)|0; $i = $inc126; } $LBRR_flag = ((($arrayidx123)) + 2416|0); HEAP32[$LBRR_flag>>2] = $call122; $109 = $n; $inc131 = (($109) + 1)|0; $n = $inc131; } $n = 0; while(1) { $110 = $n; $111 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal134 = ((($111)) + 4|0); $112 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal134>>2]|0; $cmp135 = ($110|0)<($112|0); if (!($cmp135)) { break; } $113 = $channel_state; $114 = $n; $arrayidx137 = (($113) + (($114*4260)|0)|0); $LBRR_flags = ((($arrayidx137)) + 2420|0); ;HEAP32[$LBRR_flags>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$LBRR_flags+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$LBRR_flags+8>>2]=0|0; $115 = $channel_state; $116 = $n; $arrayidx139 = (($115) + (($116*4260)|0)|0); $LBRR_flag140 = ((($arrayidx139)) + 2416|0); $117 = HEAP32[$LBRR_flag140>>2]|0; $tobool141 = ($117|0)!=(0); L64: do { if ($tobool141) { $118 = $channel_state; $119 = $n; $arrayidx143 = (($118) + (($119*4260)|0)|0); $nFramesPerPacket144 = ((($arrayidx143)) + 2392|0); $120 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket144>>2]|0; $cmp145 = ($120|0)==(1); if ($cmp145) { $121 = $channel_state; $122 = $n; $arrayidx147 = (($121) + (($122*4260)|0)|0); $LBRR_flags148 = ((($arrayidx147)) + 2420|0); HEAP32[$LBRR_flags148>>2] = 1; break; } $123 = $psRangeDec$addr; $124 = $channel_state; $125 = $n; $arrayidx151 = (($124) + (($125*4260)|0)|0); $nFramesPerPacket152 = ((($arrayidx151)) + 2392|0); $126 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket152>>2]|0; $sub = (($126) - 2)|0; $arrayidx153 = (16804 + ($sub<<2)|0); $127 = HEAP32[$arrayidx153>>2]|0; $call154 = (_ec_dec_icdf($123,$127,8)|0); $add155 = (($call154) + 1)|0; $LBRR_symbol = $add155; $i = 0; while(1) { $128 = $i; $129 = $channel_state; $130 = $n; $arrayidx157 = (($129) + (($130*4260)|0)|0); $nFramesPerPacket158 = ((($arrayidx157)) + 2392|0); $131 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket158>>2]|0; $cmp159 = ($128|0)<($131|0); if (!($cmp159)) { break L64; } $132 = $LBRR_symbol; $133 = $i; $shr161 = $132 >> $133; $and = $shr161 & 1; $134 = $channel_state; $135 = $n; $arrayidx162 = (($134) + (($135*4260)|0)|0); $LBRR_flags163 = ((($arrayidx162)) + 2420|0); $136 = $i; $arrayidx164 = (($LBRR_flags163) + ($136<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx164>>2] = $and; $137 = $i; $inc166 = (($137) + 1)|0; $i = $inc166; } } } while(0); $138 = $n; $inc171 = (($138) + 1)|0; $n = $inc171; } $139 = $lostFlag$addr; $cmp173 = ($139|0)==(0); if ($cmp173) { $i = 0; while(1) { $140 = $i; $141 = $channel_state; $nFramesPerPacket177 = ((($141)) + 2392|0); $142 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket177>>2]|0; $cmp178 = ($140|0)<($142|0); if (!($cmp178)) { break L50; } $n = 0; while(1) { $143 = $n; $144 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal181 = ((($144)) + 4|0); $145 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal181>>2]|0; $cmp182 = ($143|0)<($145|0); if (!($cmp182)) { break; } $146 = $channel_state; $147 = $n; $arrayidx184 = (($146) + (($147*4260)|0)|0); $LBRR_flags185 = ((($arrayidx184)) + 2420|0); $148 = $i; $arrayidx186 = (($LBRR_flags185) + ($148<<2)|0); $149 = HEAP32[$arrayidx186>>2]|0; $tobool187 = ($149|0)!=(0); if ($tobool187) { $150 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal189 = ((($150)) + 4|0); $151 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal189>>2]|0; $cmp190 = ($151|0)==(2); $152 = $n; $cmp192 = ($152|0)==(0); $or$cond2 = $cmp190 & $cmp192; do { if ($or$cond2) { $153 = $psRangeDec$addr; _silk_stereo_decode_pred($153,$MS_pred_Q13); $154 = $channel_state; $arrayidx195 = ((($154)) + 4260|0); $LBRR_flags196 = ((($arrayidx195)) + 2420|0); $155 = $i; $arrayidx197 = (($LBRR_flags196) + ($155<<2)|0); $156 = HEAP32[$arrayidx197>>2]|0; $cmp198 = ($156|0)==(0); if (!($cmp198)) { break; } $157 = $psRangeDec$addr; _silk_stereo_decode_mid_only($157,$decode_only_middle); } } while(0); $158 = $i; $cmp202 = ($158|0)>(0); do { if ($cmp202) { $159 = $channel_state; $160 = $n; $arrayidx204 = (($159) + (($160*4260)|0)|0); $LBRR_flags205 = ((($arrayidx204)) + 2420|0); $161 = $i; $sub206 = (($161) - 1)|0; $arrayidx207 = (($LBRR_flags205) + ($sub206<<2)|0); $162 = HEAP32[$arrayidx207>>2]|0; $tobool208 = ($162|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool208)) { label = 64; break; } $condCoding = 2; } else { label = 64; } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 64) { label = 0; $condCoding = 0; } $163 = $channel_state; $164 = $n; $arrayidx212 = (($163) + (($164*4260)|0)|0); $165 = $psRangeDec$addr; $166 = $i; $167 = $condCoding; _silk_decode_indices($arrayidx212,$165,$166,1,$167); $168 = $psRangeDec$addr; $169 = $channel_state; $170 = $n; $arrayidx214 = (($169) + (($170*4260)|0)|0); $indices = ((($arrayidx214)) + 2736|0); $signalType = ((($indices)) + 29|0); $171 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv = $171 << 24 >> 24; $172 = $channel_state; $173 = $n; $arrayidx215 = (($172) + (($173*4260)|0)|0); $indices216 = ((($arrayidx215)) + 2736|0); $quantOffsetType = ((($indices216)) + 30|0); $174 = HEAP8[$quantOffsetType>>0]|0; $conv217 = $174 << 24 >> 24; $175 = $channel_state; $176 = $n; $arrayidx218 = (($175) + (($176*4260)|0)|0); $frame_length = ((($arrayidx218)) + 2328|0); $177 = HEAP32[$frame_length>>2]|0; _silk_decode_pulses($168,$pulses,$conv,$conv217,$177); } $178 = $n; $inc221 = (($178) + 1)|0; $n = $inc221; } $179 = $i; $inc224 = (($179) + 1)|0; $i = $inc224; } } } } } while(0); $180 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal228 = ((($180)) + 4|0); $181 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal228>>2]|0; $cmp229 = ($181|0)==(2); L96: do { if ($cmp229) { $182 = $lostFlag$addr; $cmp232 = ($182|0)==(0); do { if (!($cmp232)) { $183 = $lostFlag$addr; $cmp235 = ($183|0)==(2); if ($cmp235) { $184 = $channel_state; $LBRR_flags239 = ((($184)) + 2420|0); $185 = $channel_state; $nFramesDecoded241 = ((($185)) + 2388|0); $186 = HEAP32[$nFramesDecoded241>>2]|0; $arrayidx242 = (($LBRR_flags239) + ($186<<2)|0); $187 = HEAP32[$arrayidx242>>2]|0; $cmp243 = ($187|0)==(1); if ($cmp243) { break; } } $n = 0; while(1) { $200 = $n; $cmp273 = ($200|0)<(2); if (!($cmp273)) { break L96; } $201 = $psDec; $sStereo276 = ((($201)) + 8520|0); $202 = $n; $arrayidx278 = (($sStereo276) + ($202<<1)|0); $203 = HEAP16[$arrayidx278>>1]|0; $conv279 = $203 << 16 >> 16; $204 = $n; $arrayidx280 = (($MS_pred_Q13) + ($204<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx280>>2] = $conv279; $205 = $n; $inc282 = (($205) + 1)|0; $n = $inc282; } } } while(0); $188 = $psRangeDec$addr; _silk_stereo_decode_pred($188,$MS_pred_Q13); $189 = $lostFlag$addr; $cmp247 = ($189|0)==(0); if ($cmp247) { $190 = $channel_state; $arrayidx250 = ((($190)) + 4260|0); $VAD_flags251 = ((($arrayidx250)) + 2404|0); $191 = $channel_state; $nFramesDecoded253 = ((($191)) + 2388|0); $192 = HEAP32[$nFramesDecoded253>>2]|0; $arrayidx254 = (($VAD_flags251) + ($192<<2)|0); $193 = HEAP32[$arrayidx254>>2]|0; $cmp255 = ($193|0)==(0); if (!($cmp255)) { label = 74; } } else { label = 74; } do { if ((label|0) == 74) { $194 = $lostFlag$addr; $cmp258 = ($194|0)==(2); if ($cmp258) { $195 = $channel_state; $arrayidx261 = ((($195)) + 4260|0); $LBRR_flags262 = ((($arrayidx261)) + 2420|0); $196 = $channel_state; $nFramesDecoded264 = ((($196)) + 2388|0); $197 = HEAP32[$nFramesDecoded264>>2]|0; $arrayidx265 = (($LBRR_flags262) + ($197<<2)|0); $198 = HEAP32[$arrayidx265>>2]|0; $cmp266 = ($198|0)==(0); if ($cmp266) { break; } } HEAP32[$decode_only_middle>>2] = 0; break L96; } } while(0); $199 = $psRangeDec$addr; _silk_stereo_decode_mid_only($199,$decode_only_middle); } } while(0); $206 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal286 = ((($206)) + 4|0); $207 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal286>>2]|0; $cmp287 = ($207|0)==(2); $208 = HEAP32[$decode_only_middle>>2]|0; $cmp290 = ($208|0)==(0); $or$cond3 = $cmp287 & $cmp290; if ($or$cond3) { $209 = $psDec; $prev_decode_only_middle = ((($209)) + 8540|0); $210 = HEAP32[$prev_decode_only_middle>>2]|0; $cmp293 = ($210|0)==(1); if ($cmp293) { $211 = $psDec; $arrayidx297 = ((($211)) + 4260|0); $outBuf = ((($arrayidx297)) + 1348|0); _memset(($outBuf|0),0,960)|0; $212 = $psDec; $arrayidx300 = ((($212)) + 4260|0); $sLPC_Q14_buf = ((($arrayidx300)) + 1284|0); dest=$sLPC_Q14_buf; stop=dest+64|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=0|0; dest=dest+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $213 = $psDec; $arrayidx303 = ((($213)) + 4260|0); $lagPrev = ((($arrayidx303)) + 2308|0); HEAP32[$lagPrev>>2] = 100; $214 = $psDec; $arrayidx305 = ((($214)) + 4260|0); $LastGainIndex = ((($arrayidx305)) + 2312|0); HEAP8[$LastGainIndex>>0] = 10; $215 = $psDec; $arrayidx307 = ((($215)) + 4260|0); $prevSignalType = ((($arrayidx307)) + 4164|0); HEAP32[$prevSignalType>>2] = 0; $216 = $psDec; $arrayidx309 = ((($216)) + 4260|0); $first_frame_after_reset = ((($arrayidx309)) + 2376|0); HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset>>2] = 1; } } $217 = $decControl$addr; $internalSampleRate311 = ((($217)) + 12|0); $218 = HEAP32[$internalSampleRate311>>2]|0; $219 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal312 = ((($219)) + 4|0); $220 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal312>>2]|0; $mul313 = Math_imul($218, $220)|0; $221 = $decControl$addr; $API_sampleRate314 = ((($221)) + 8|0); $222 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate314>>2]|0; $223 = $decControl$addr; $224 = HEAP32[$223>>2]|0; $mul316 = Math_imul($222, $224)|0; $cmp317 = ($mul313|0)<($mul316|0); $conv318 = $cmp317&1; $delay_stack_alloc = $conv318; $225 = $delay_stack_alloc; $tobool319 = ($225|0)!=(0); if ($tobool319) { $cond = 1; } else { $226 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal320 = ((($226)) + 4|0); $227 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal320>>2]|0; $228 = $channel_state; $frame_length322 = ((($228)) + 2328|0); $229 = HEAP32[$frame_length322>>2]|0; $add323 = (($229) + 2)|0; $mul324 = Math_imul($227, $add323)|0; $cond = $mul324; } $230 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $230; $vla$alloca_mul = $cond<<1; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $231 = $delay_stack_alloc; $tobool325 = ($231|0)!=(0); if ($tobool325) { $232 = $samplesOut$addr; HEAP32[$samplesOut1_tmp>>2] = $232; $233 = $samplesOut$addr; $234 = $channel_state; $$sink = $234;$vla$sink = $233; } else { HEAP32[$samplesOut1_tmp>>2] = $vla; $235 = $channel_state; $$sink = $235;$vla$sink = $vla; } $frame_length335 = ((($$sink)) + 2328|0); $236 = HEAP32[$frame_length335>>2]|0; $add$ptr336 = (($vla$sink) + ($236<<1)|0); $add$ptr337 = ((($add$ptr336)) + 4|0); $arrayidx338 = ((($samplesOut1_tmp)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx338>>2] = $add$ptr337; $237 = $lostFlag$addr; $cmp340 = ($237|0)==(0); if ($cmp340) { $238 = HEAP32[$decode_only_middle>>2]|0; $tobool343 = ($238|0)!=(0); $lnot = $tobool343 ^ 1; $lnot$ext = $lnot&1; $has_side = $lnot$ext; } else { $239 = $psDec; $prev_decode_only_middle345 = ((($239)) + 8540|0); $240 = HEAP32[$prev_decode_only_middle345>>2]|0; $tobool346 = ($240|0)!=(0); if ($tobool346) { $241 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal347 = ((($241)) + 4|0); $242 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal347>>2]|0; $cmp348 = ($242|0)==(2); $243 = $lostFlag$addr; $cmp351 = ($243|0)==(2); $or$cond4 = $cmp348 & $cmp351; if ($or$cond4) { $244 = $channel_state; $arrayidx354 = ((($244)) + 4260|0); $LBRR_flags355 = ((($arrayidx354)) + 2420|0); $245 = $channel_state; $arrayidx356 = ((($245)) + 4260|0); $nFramesDecoded357 = ((($arrayidx356)) + 2388|0); $246 = HEAP32[$nFramesDecoded357>>2]|0; $arrayidx358 = (($LBRR_flags355) + ($246<<2)|0); $247 = HEAP32[$arrayidx358>>2]|0; $cmp359 = ($247|0)==(1); $248 = $cmp359; } else { $248 = 0; } } else { $248 = 1; } $lor$ext = $248&1; $has_side = $lor$ext; } $n = 0; while(1) { $249 = $n; $250 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal365 = ((($250)) + 4|0); $251 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal365>>2]|0; $cmp366 = ($249|0)<($251|0); if (!($cmp366)) { break; } $252 = $n; $cmp369 = ($252|0)==(0); $253 = $has_side; $tobool372 = ($253|0)!=(0); $or$cond5 = $cmp369 | $tobool372; if ($or$cond5) { $254 = $channel_state; $nFramesDecoded376 = ((($254)) + 2388|0); $255 = HEAP32[$nFramesDecoded376>>2]|0; $256 = $n; $sub377 = (($255) - ($256))|0; $FrameIndex = $sub377; $257 = $FrameIndex; $cmp378 = ($257|0)<=(0); L140: do { if ($cmp378) { $condCoding374 = 0; } else { $258 = $lostFlag$addr; $cmp382 = ($258|0)==(2); if ($cmp382) { $259 = $channel_state; $260 = $n; $arrayidx385 = (($259) + (($260*4260)|0)|0); $LBRR_flags386 = ((($arrayidx385)) + 2420|0); $261 = $FrameIndex; $sub387 = (($261) - 1)|0; $arrayidx388 = (($LBRR_flags386) + ($sub387<<2)|0); $262 = HEAP32[$arrayidx388>>2]|0; $tobool389 = ($262|0)!=(0); $cond390 = $tobool389 ? 2 : 0; $condCoding374 = $cond390; break; } $263 = $n; $cmp392 = ($263|0)>(0); do { if ($cmp392) { $264 = $psDec; $prev_decode_only_middle395 = ((($264)) + 8540|0); $265 = HEAP32[$prev_decode_only_middle395>>2]|0; $tobool396 = ($265|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool396)) { break; } $condCoding374 = 1; break L140; } } while(0); $condCoding374 = 2; } } while(0); $266 = $channel_state; $267 = $n; $arrayidx402 = (($266) + (($267*4260)|0)|0); $268 = $psRangeDec$addr; $269 = $n; $arrayidx403 = (($samplesOut1_tmp) + ($269<<2)|0); $270 = HEAP32[$arrayidx403>>2]|0; $arrayidx404 = ((($270)) + 4|0); $271 = $lostFlag$addr; $272 = $condCoding374; $273 = $arch$addr; $call405 = (_silk_decode_frame($arrayidx402,$268,$arrayidx404,$nSamplesOutDec,$271,$272,$273)|0); $274 = $ret; $add406 = (($274) + ($call405))|0; $ret = $add406; } else { $275 = $n; $arrayidx408 = (($samplesOut1_tmp) + ($275<<2)|0); $276 = HEAP32[$arrayidx408>>2]|0; $arrayidx409 = ((($276)) + 4|0); $277 = HEAP32[$nSamplesOutDec>>2]|0; $mul410 = $277<<1; _memset(($arrayidx409|0),0,($mul410|0))|0; } $278 = $channel_state; $279 = $n; $arrayidx412 = (($278) + (($279*4260)|0)|0); $nFramesDecoded413 = ((($arrayidx412)) + 2388|0); $280 = HEAP32[$nFramesDecoded413>>2]|0; $inc414 = (($280) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$nFramesDecoded413>>2] = $inc414; $281 = $n; $inc416 = (($281) + 1)|0; $n = $inc416; } $282 = $decControl$addr; $283 = HEAP32[$282>>2]|0; $cmp419 = ($283|0)==(2); if ($cmp419) { $284 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal422 = ((($284)) + 4|0); $285 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal422>>2]|0; $cmp423 = ($285|0)==(2); if ($cmp423) { $286 = $psDec; $sStereo426 = ((($286)) + 8520|0); $287 = HEAP32[$samplesOut1_tmp>>2]|0; $arrayidx428 = ((($samplesOut1_tmp)) + 4|0); $288 = HEAP32[$arrayidx428>>2]|0; $289 = $channel_state; $fs_kHz431 = ((($289)) + 2316|0); $290 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz431>>2]|0; $291 = HEAP32[$nSamplesOutDec>>2]|0; _silk_stereo_MS_to_LR($sStereo426,$287,$288,$MS_pred_Q13,$290,$291); } else { label = 112; } } else { label = 112; } if ((label|0) == 112) { $292 = HEAP32[$samplesOut1_tmp>>2]|0; $293 = $psDec; $sStereo434 = ((($293)) + 8520|0); $sMid = ((($sStereo434)) + 4|0); ;HEAP16[$292>>1]=HEAP16[$sMid>>1]|0;HEAP16[$292+2>>1]=HEAP16[$sMid+2>>1]|0; $294 = $psDec; $sStereo436 = ((($294)) + 8520|0); $sMid437 = ((($sStereo436)) + 4|0); $295 = HEAP32[$samplesOut1_tmp>>2]|0; $296 = HEAP32[$nSamplesOutDec>>2]|0; $arrayidx440 = (($295) + ($296<<1)|0); ;HEAP16[$sMid437>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx440>>1]|0;HEAP16[$sMid437+2>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx440+2>>1]|0; } $297 = HEAP32[$nSamplesOutDec>>2]|0; $298 = $decControl$addr; $API_sampleRate442 = ((($298)) + 8|0); $299 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate442>>2]|0; $mul443 = Math_imul($297, $299)|0; $300 = $channel_state; $fs_kHz445 = ((($300)) + 2316|0); $301 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz445>>2]|0; $conv446 = $301&65535; $conv447 = $conv446 << 16 >> 16; $mul448 = ($conv447*1000)|0; $div = (($mul443|0) / ($mul448|0))&-1; $302 = $nSamplesOut$addr; HEAP32[$302>>2] = $div; $303 = $decControl$addr; $304 = HEAP32[$303>>2]|0; $cmp450 = ($304|0)==(2); if ($cmp450) { $305 = $nSamplesOut$addr; $306 = HEAP32[$305>>2]|0; $cond455 = $306; } else { $cond455 = 1; } $vla456$alloca_mul = $cond455<<1; $vla456 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla456$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla456$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $307 = $decControl$addr; $308 = HEAP32[$307>>2]|0; $cmp458 = ($308|0)==(2); if ($cmp458) { $resample_out_ptr = $vla456; } else { $309 = $samplesOut$addr; $resample_out_ptr = $309; } $310 = $delay_stack_alloc; $tobool463 = ($310|0)!=(0); if ($tobool463) { $311 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal465 = ((($311)) + 4|0); $312 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal465>>2]|0; $313 = $channel_state; $frame_length467 = ((($313)) + 2328|0); $314 = HEAP32[$frame_length467>>2]|0; $add468 = (($314) + 2)|0; $mul469 = Math_imul($312, $add468)|0; $cond472 = $mul469; } else { $cond472 = 1; } $vla473$alloca_mul = $cond472<<1; $vla473 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla473$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla473$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $315 = $delay_stack_alloc; $tobool474 = ($315|0)!=(0); if ($tobool474) { $316 = $samplesOut$addr; $317 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal476 = ((($317)) + 4|0); $318 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal476>>2]|0; $319 = $channel_state; $frame_length478 = ((($319)) + 2328|0); $320 = HEAP32[$frame_length478>>2]|0; $add479 = (($320) + 2)|0; $mul480 = Math_imul($318, $add479)|0; $mul481 = $mul480<<1; $321 = $samplesOut$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $vla473; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $321; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 2)&-1; $mul482 = 0; $add483 = (($mul481) + ($mul482))|0; _memcpy(($vla473|0),($316|0),($add483|0))|0; HEAP32[$samplesOut1_tmp>>2] = $vla473; $322 = $channel_state; $frame_length486 = ((($322)) + 2328|0); $323 = HEAP32[$frame_length486>>2]|0; $add$ptr487 = (($vla473) + ($323<<1)|0); $add$ptr488 = ((($add$ptr487)) + 4|0); $arrayidx489 = ((($samplesOut1_tmp)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx489>>2] = $add$ptr488; } $n = 0; while(1) { $324 = $n; $325 = $decControl$addr; $326 = HEAP32[$325>>2]|0; $327 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal493 = ((($327)) + 4|0); $328 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal493>>2]|0; $cmp494 = ($326|0)<($328|0); $329 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal499 = ((($329)) + 4|0); $nChannelsInternal499$sink = $cmp494 ? $329 : $nChannelsInternal499; $330 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal499$sink>>2]|0; $cmp502 = ($324|0)<($330|0); if (!($cmp502)) { break; } $331 = $channel_state; $332 = $n; $arrayidx505 = (($331) + (($332*4260)|0)|0); $resampler_state506 = ((($arrayidx505)) + 2432|0); $333 = $resample_out_ptr; $334 = $n; $arrayidx507 = (($samplesOut1_tmp) + ($334<<2)|0); $335 = HEAP32[$arrayidx507>>2]|0; $arrayidx508 = ((($335)) + 2|0); $336 = HEAP32[$nSamplesOutDec>>2]|0; $call509 = (_silk_resampler($resampler_state506,$333,$arrayidx508,$336)|0); $337 = $ret; $add510 = (($337) + ($call509))|0; $ret = $add510; $338 = $decControl$addr; $339 = HEAP32[$338>>2]|0; $cmp512 = ($339|0)==(2); L176: do { if ($cmp512) { $i = 0; while(1) { $340 = $i; $341 = $nSamplesOut$addr; $342 = HEAP32[$341>>2]|0; $cmp516 = ($340|0)<($342|0); if (!($cmp516)) { break L176; } $343 = $resample_out_ptr; $344 = $i; $arrayidx519 = (($343) + ($344<<1)|0); $345 = HEAP16[$arrayidx519>>1]|0; $346 = $samplesOut$addr; $347 = $n; $348 = $i; $mul520 = $348<<1; $add521 = (($347) + ($mul520))|0; $arrayidx522 = (($346) + ($add521<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx522>>1] = $345; $349 = $i; $inc524 = (($349) + 1)|0; $i = $inc524; } } } while(0); $350 = $n; $inc528 = (($350) + 1)|0; $n = $inc528; } $351 = $decControl$addr; $352 = HEAP32[$351>>2]|0; $cmp531 = ($352|0)==(2); L183: do { if ($cmp531) { $353 = $decControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal534 = ((($353)) + 4|0); $354 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal534>>2]|0; $cmp535 = ($354|0)==(1); if (!($cmp535)) { break; } $355 = $stereo_to_mono; $tobool538 = ($355|0)!=(0); if ($tobool538) { $356 = $channel_state; $arrayidx540 = ((($356)) + 4260|0); $resampler_state541 = ((($arrayidx540)) + 2432|0); $357 = $resample_out_ptr; $358 = HEAP32[$samplesOut1_tmp>>2]|0; $arrayidx543 = ((($358)) + 2|0); $359 = HEAP32[$nSamplesOutDec>>2]|0; $call544 = (_silk_resampler($resampler_state541,$357,$arrayidx543,$359)|0); $360 = $ret; $add545 = (($360) + ($call544))|0; $ret = $add545; $i = 0; while(1) { $361 = $i; $362 = $nSamplesOut$addr; $363 = HEAP32[$362>>2]|0; $cmp547 = ($361|0)<($363|0); if (!($cmp547)) { break L183; } $364 = $resample_out_ptr; $365 = $i; $arrayidx550 = (($364) + ($365<<1)|0); $366 = HEAP16[$arrayidx550>>1]|0; $367 = $samplesOut$addr; $368 = $i; $mul551 = $368<<1; $add552 = (1 + ($mul551))|0; $arrayidx553 = (($367) + ($add552<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx553>>1] = $366; $369 = $i; $inc555 = (($369) + 1)|0; $i = $inc555; } } else { $i = 0; while(1) { $370 = $i; $371 = $nSamplesOut$addr; $372 = HEAP32[$371>>2]|0; $cmp559 = ($370|0)<($372|0); if (!($cmp559)) { break L183; } $373 = $samplesOut$addr; $374 = $i; $mul562 = $374<<1; $add563 = (0 + ($mul562))|0; $arrayidx564 = (($373) + ($add563<<1)|0); $375 = HEAP16[$arrayidx564>>1]|0; $376 = $samplesOut$addr; $377 = $i; $mul565 = $377<<1; $add566 = (1 + ($mul565))|0; $arrayidx567 = (($376) + ($add566<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx567>>1] = $375; $378 = $i; $inc569 = (($378) + 1)|0; $i = $inc569; } } } } while(0); $379 = $channel_state; $prevSignalType574 = ((($379)) + 4164|0); $380 = HEAP32[$prevSignalType574>>2]|0; $cmp575 = ($380|0)==(2); if ($cmp575) { ;HEAP32[$mult_tab>>2]=HEAP32[16648>>2]|0;HEAP32[$mult_tab+4>>2]=HEAP32[16648+4>>2]|0;HEAP32[$mult_tab+8>>2]=HEAP32[16648+8>>2]|0; $381 = $channel_state; $lagPrev579 = ((($381)) + 2308|0); $382 = HEAP32[$lagPrev579>>2]|0; $383 = $channel_state; $fs_kHz581 = ((($383)) + 2316|0); $384 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz581>>2]|0; $sub582 = (($384) - 8)|0; $shr583 = $sub582 >> 2; $arrayidx584 = (($mult_tab) + ($shr583<<2)|0); $385 = HEAP32[$arrayidx584>>2]|0; $mul585 = Math_imul($382, $385)|0; $386 = $decControl$addr; $$sink6 = $mul585;$$sink7 = $386; } else { $387 = $decControl$addr; $$sink6 = 0;$$sink7 = $387; } $prevPitchLag587 = ((($$sink7)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$prevPitchLag587>>2] = $$sink6; $388 = $lostFlag$addr; $cmp589 = ($388|0)==(1); L200: do { if ($cmp589) { $i = 0; while(1) { $389 = $i; $390 = $psDec; $nChannelsInternal593 = ((($390)) + 8536|0); $391 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal593>>2]|0; $cmp594 = ($389|0)<($391|0); if (!($cmp594)) { break L200; } $392 = $psDec; $393 = $i; $arrayidx598 = (($392) + (($393*4260)|0)|0); $LastGainIndex599 = ((($arrayidx598)) + 2312|0); HEAP8[$LastGainIndex599>>0] = 10; $394 = $i; $inc601 = (($394) + 1)|0; $i = $inc601; } } else { $395 = HEAP32[$decode_only_middle>>2]|0; $396 = $psDec; $prev_decode_only_middle604 = ((($396)) + 8540|0); HEAP32[$prev_decode_only_middle604>>2] = $395; } } while(0); $397 = $ret; $retval = $397; $398 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($398|0)); $399 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($399|0); } } $ret = -200; $93 = $ret; $retval = $93; $399 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($399|0); } function _silk_Get_Encoder_Size($encSizeBytes) { $encSizeBytes = $encSizeBytes|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $encSizeBytes$addr = 0, $ret = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $encSizeBytes$addr = $encSizeBytes; $ret = 0; $0 = $encSizeBytes$addr; HEAP32[$0>>2] = 24568; $1 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1|0); } function _silk_InitEncoder($encState,$arch,$encStatus) { $encState = $encState|0; $arch = $arch|0; $encStatus = $encStatus|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add2 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $cmp = 0; var $encState$addr = 0, $encStatus$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $n = 0, $nChannelsAPI = 0, $nChannelsInternal = 0, $psEnc = 0, $ret = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $encState$addr = $encState; $arch$addr = $arch; $encStatus$addr = $encStatus; $ret = 0; $0 = $encState$addr; $psEnc = $0; $1 = $psEnc; _memset(($1|0),0,24568)|0; $n = 0; while(1) { $2 = $n; $cmp = ($2|0)<(2); $3 = $psEnc; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $4 = $n; $arrayidx = (($3) + (($4*12240)|0)|0); $5 = $arch$addr; $call = (_silk_init_encoder($arrayidx,$5)|0); $6 = $ret; $add = (($6) + ($call))|0; $ret = $add; $7 = $n; $inc = (($7) + 1)|0; $n = $inc; } $nChannelsAPI = ((($3)) + 24544|0); HEAP32[$nChannelsAPI>>2] = 1; $8 = $psEnc; $nChannelsInternal = ((($8)) + 24548|0); HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal>>2] = 1; $9 = $encState$addr; $10 = $encStatus$addr; $call1 = (_silk_QueryEncoder($9,$10)|0); $11 = $ret; $add2 = (($11) + ($call1))|0; $ret = $add2; $12 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($12|0); } function _silk_QueryEncoder($encState,$encStatus) { $encState = $encState|0; $encStatus = $encStatus|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $API_fs_Hz = 0, $API_sampleRate = 0, $Complexity = 0, $PacketLoss_perc = 0, $PacketSize_ms = 0, $TargetRate_bps = 0; var $allowBandwidthSwitch = 0, $allow_bandwidth_switch = 0, $bitRate = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $complexity = 0, $conv = 0, $conv29 = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate = 0, $desiredInternal_fs_Hz = 0, $encState$addr = 0, $encStatus$addr = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $fs_kHz34 = 0, $inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP = 0, $internalSampleRate = 0, $land$ext = 0, $maxInternalSampleRate = 0, $maxInternal_fs_Hz = 0, $minInternalSampleRate = 0; var $minInternal_fs_Hz = 0, $mode = 0, $mul = 0, $nChannelsAPI = 0, $nChannelsInternal = 0, $nChannelsInternal3 = 0, $packetLossPercentage = 0, $payloadSize_ms = 0, $psEnc = 0, $ret = 0, $sLP = 0, $state_Fxx = 0, $useCBR = 0, $useCBR26 = 0, $useDTX = 0, $useDTX23 = 0, $useInBandFEC = 0, $useInBandFEC20 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $encState$addr = $encState; $encStatus$addr = $encStatus; $ret = 0; $0 = $encState$addr; $psEnc = $0; $1 = $psEnc; $state_Fxx = $1; $2 = $psEnc; $nChannelsAPI = ((($2)) + 24544|0); $3 = HEAP32[$nChannelsAPI>>2]|0; $4 = $encStatus$addr; HEAP32[$4>>2] = $3; $5 = $psEnc; $nChannelsInternal = ((($5)) + 24548|0); $6 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal>>2]|0; $7 = $encStatus$addr; $nChannelsInternal3 = ((($7)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal3>>2] = $6; $8 = $state_Fxx; $API_fs_Hz = ((($8)) + 4580|0); $9 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz>>2]|0; $10 = $encStatus$addr; $API_sampleRate = ((($10)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$API_sampleRate>>2] = $9; $11 = $state_Fxx; $maxInternal_fs_Hz = ((($11)) + 4588|0); $12 = HEAP32[$maxInternal_fs_Hz>>2]|0; $13 = $encStatus$addr; $maxInternalSampleRate = ((($13)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate>>2] = $12; $14 = $state_Fxx; $minInternal_fs_Hz = ((($14)) + 4592|0); $15 = HEAP32[$minInternal_fs_Hz>>2]|0; $16 = $encStatus$addr; $minInternalSampleRate = ((($16)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$minInternalSampleRate>>2] = $15; $17 = $state_Fxx; $desiredInternal_fs_Hz = ((($17)) + 4596|0); $18 = HEAP32[$desiredInternal_fs_Hz>>2]|0; $19 = $encStatus$addr; $desiredInternalSampleRate = ((($19)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate>>2] = $18; $20 = $state_Fxx; $PacketSize_ms = ((($20)) + 4636|0); $21 = HEAP32[$PacketSize_ms>>2]|0; $22 = $encStatus$addr; $payloadSize_ms = ((($22)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms>>2] = $21; $23 = $state_Fxx; $TargetRate_bps = ((($23)) + 4632|0); $24 = HEAP32[$TargetRate_bps>>2]|0; $25 = $encStatus$addr; $bitRate = ((($25)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$bitRate>>2] = $24; $26 = $state_Fxx; $PacketLoss_perc = ((($26)) + 4640|0); $27 = HEAP32[$PacketLoss_perc>>2]|0; $28 = $encStatus$addr; $packetLossPercentage = ((($28)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$packetLossPercentage>>2] = $27; $29 = $state_Fxx; $Complexity = ((($29)) + 4648|0); $30 = HEAP32[$Complexity>>2]|0; $31 = $encStatus$addr; $complexity = ((($31)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$complexity>>2] = $30; $32 = $state_Fxx; $useInBandFEC = ((($32)) + 6120|0); $33 = HEAP32[$useInBandFEC>>2]|0; $34 = $encStatus$addr; $useInBandFEC20 = ((($34)) + 40|0); HEAP32[$useInBandFEC20>>2] = $33; $35 = $state_Fxx; $useDTX = ((($35)) + 6108|0); $36 = HEAP32[$useDTX>>2]|0; $37 = $encStatus$addr; $useDTX23 = ((($37)) + 44|0); HEAP32[$useDTX23>>2] = $36; $38 = $state_Fxx; $useCBR = ((($38)) + 4708|0); $39 = HEAP32[$useCBR>>2]|0; $40 = $encStatus$addr; $useCBR26 = ((($40)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$useCBR26>>2] = $39; $41 = $state_Fxx; $fs_kHz = ((($41)) + 4600|0); $42 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $conv = $42&65535; $conv29 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = ($conv29*1000)|0; $43 = $encStatus$addr; $internalSampleRate = ((($43)) + 68|0); HEAP32[$internalSampleRate>>2] = $mul; $44 = $state_Fxx; $allow_bandwidth_switch = ((($44)) + 4560|0); $45 = HEAP32[$allow_bandwidth_switch>>2]|0; $46 = $encStatus$addr; $allowBandwidthSwitch = ((($46)) + 72|0); HEAP32[$allowBandwidthSwitch>>2] = $45; $47 = $state_Fxx; $fs_kHz34 = ((($47)) + 4600|0); $48 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz34>>2]|0; $cmp = ($48|0)==(16); if (!($cmp)) { $51 = 0; $land$ext = $51&1; $52 = $encStatus$addr; $inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP = ((($52)) + 76|0); HEAP32[$inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP>>2] = $land$ext; $53 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($53|0); } $49 = $state_Fxx; $sLP = ((($49)) + 16|0); $mode = ((($sLP)) + 12|0); $50 = HEAP32[$mode>>2]|0; $cmp38 = ($50|0)==(0); $51 = $cmp38; $land$ext = $51&1; $52 = $encStatus$addr; $inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP = ((($52)) + 76|0); HEAP32[$inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP>>2] = $land$ext; $53 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($53|0); } function _silk_Encode($encState,$encControl,$samplesIn,$nSamplesIn,$psRangeEnc,$nBytesOut,$prefillFlag) { $encState = $encState|0; $encControl = $encControl|0; $samplesIn = $samplesIn|0; $nSamplesIn = $nSamplesIn|0; $psRangeEnc = $psRangeEnc|0; $nBytesOut = $nBytesOut|0; $prefillFlag = $prefillFlag|0; var $$sink$sink = 0, $$sink3$sink = 0, $$sink9 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0; var $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0; var $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0; var $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0; var $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0; var $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0; var $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0, $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0; var $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0, $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0; var $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0, $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0; var $258 = 0, $259 = 0, $26 = 0, $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0; var $276 = 0, $277 = 0, $278 = 0, $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0; 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var $API_sampleRate = 0, $API_sampleRate108 = 0, $API_sampleRate99 = 0, $LBRR_flag = 0, $LBRR_flag1049 = 0, $LBRR_flags = 0, $LBRR_flags511 = 0, $LBRR_flags559 = 0, $LBRR_flags576 = 0, $LBRR_flags591 = 0, $LBRR_flags636 = 0, $LBRR_symbol = 0, $MStargetRates_bps = 0, $PacketSize_ms = 0, $TargetRate_bps = 0, $VAD_flags = 0, $VAD_flags1038 = 0, $VAD_flags848 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0; var $add1061 = 0, $add1084 = 0, $add1115 = 0, $add1116 = 0, $add1130 = 0, $add246 = 0, $add249 = 0, $add254 = 0, $add285 = 0, $add303 = 0, $add306 = 0, $add325 = 0, $add328 = 0, $add330 = 0, $add348 = 0, $add351 = 0, $add375 = 0, $add378 = 0, $add395 = 0, $add396 = 0; var $add407 = 0, $add408 = 0, $add411 = 0, $add422 = 0, $add423 = 0, $add448 = 0, $add451 = 0, $add456 = 0, $add487 = 0, $allowBandwidthSwitch = 0, $allowBandwidthSwitch1124 = 0, $allowBandwidthSwitch1142 = 0, $allowBandwidthSwitch1143 = 0, $allowBandwidthSwitch462 = 0, $and = 0, $arch = 0, $arch80 = 0, $arrayidx1004 = 0, $arrayidx1028 = 0, $arrayidx1036 = 0; var $arrayidx1039 = 0, $arrayidx1076 = 0, $arrayidx1185 = 0, $arrayidx1189 = 0, $arrayidx129 = 0, $arrayidx135 = 0, $arrayidx149 = 0, $arrayidx151 = 0, $arrayidx157 = 0, $arrayidx160 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx217 = 0, $arrayidx218 = 0, $arrayidx227 = 0, $arrayidx247 = 0, $arrayidx256 = 0, $arrayidx260 = 0, $arrayidx266 = 0, $arrayidx275 = 0; var $arrayidx286 = 0, $arrayidx287 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx292 = 0, $arrayidx296 = 0, $arrayidx300 = 0, $arrayidx304 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx323 = 0, $arrayidx326 = 0, $arrayidx332 = 0, $arrayidx349 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx364 = 0, $arrayidx368 = 0, $arrayidx372 = 0, $arrayidx376 = 0, $arrayidx397 = 0, $arrayidx400 = 0, $arrayidx404 = 0; var $arrayidx409 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx424 = 0, $arrayidx449 = 0, $arrayidx453 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx502 = 0, $arrayidx509 = 0, $arrayidx512 = 0, $arrayidx521 = 0, $arrayidx526 = 0, $arrayidx534 = 0, $arrayidx538 = 0, $arrayidx557 = 0, $arrayidx560 = 0, $arrayidx571 = 0, $arrayidx574 = 0, $arrayidx577 = 0, $arrayidx582 = 0, $arrayidx589 = 0; var $arrayidx593 = 0, $arrayidx599 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx602 = 0, $arrayidx604 = 0, $arrayidx607 = 0, $arrayidx610 = 0, $arrayidx613 = 0, $arrayidx615 = 0, $arrayidx618 = 0, $arrayidx634 = 0, $arrayidx740 = 0, $arrayidx742 = 0, $arrayidx745 = 0, $arrayidx752 = 0, $arrayidx76 = 0, $arrayidx760 = 0, $arrayidx779 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx788 = 0; var $arrayidx790 = 0, $arrayidx792 = 0, $arrayidx795 = 0, $arrayidx799 = 0, $arrayidx802 = 0, $arrayidx805 = 0, $arrayidx809 = 0, $arrayidx812 = 0, $arrayidx815 = 0, $arrayidx819 = 0, $arrayidx824 = 0, $arrayidx827 = 0, $arrayidx833 = 0, $arrayidx843 = 0, $arrayidx846 = 0, $arrayidx853 = 0, $arrayidx864 = 0, $arrayidx886 = 0, $arrayidx90 = 0, $arrayidx93 = 0; var $arrayidx933 = 0, $arrayidx937 = 0, $arrayidx952 = 0, $arrayidx974 = 0, $arrayidx982 = 0, $arrayidx986 = 0, $arrayidx990 = 0, $bitRate = 0, $bitRate1085 = 0, $bitRate645 = 0, $bitRate696 = 0, $bitRate700 = 0, $bitRate704 = 0, $bitRate719 = 0, $bitRate723 = 0, $bitsBalance = 0, $call = 0, $call130 = 0, $call22 = 0, $call248 = 0; var $call305 = 0, $call350 = 0, $call377 = 0, $call450 = 0, $call641 = 0, $call683 = 0, $call81 = 0, $call975 = 0, $channelRate_bps = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1007 = 0, $cmp1018 = 0, $cmp102 = 0, $cmp1023 = 0, $cmp103 = 0, $cmp1031 = 0, $cmp1072 = 0, $cmp1092 = 0, $cmp1097 = 0, $cmp110 = 0; var $cmp1121 = 0, $cmp1133 = 0, $cmp1148 = 0, $cmp1155 = 0, $cmp118 = 0, $cmp1181 = 0, $cmp120 = 0, $cmp131 = 0, $cmp146 = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp188 = 0, $cmp205 = 0, $cmp207 = 0, $cmp214 = 0, $cmp222 = 0, $cmp224 = 0, $cmp270 = 0, $cmp282 = 0, $cmp314 = 0, $cmp317 = 0; var $cmp320 = 0, $cmp353 = 0, $cmp360 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cmp384 = 0, $cmp471 = 0, $cmp478 = 0, $cmp497 = 0, $cmp505 = 0, $cmp516 = 0, $cmp529 = 0, $cmp548 = 0, $cmp553 = 0, $cmp564 = 0, $cmp567 = 0, $cmp578 = 0, $cmp585 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp62 = 0, $cmp630 = 0; var $cmp660 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp680 = 0, $cmp697 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp701 = 0, $cmp706 = 0, $cmp715 = 0, $cmp720 = 0, $cmp732 = 0, $cmp74 = 0, $cmp781 = 0, $cmp784 = 0, $cmp855 = 0, $cmp87 = 0, $cmp892 = 0, $cmp896 = 0, $cmp899 = 0, $cmp905 = 0, $cmp908 = 0; var $cmp914 = 0, $cmp926 = 0, $cmp929 = 0, $cmp934 = 0, $cmp938 = 0, $cmp947 = 0, $cmp960 = 0, $cmp964 = 0, $complexity = 0, $complexity1178 = 0, $complexity84 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond1105 = 0, $cond1174 = 0, $cond127 = 0, $cond192 = 0, $cond280 = 0, $cond518 = 0, $cond711 = 0, $cond730 = 0; var $condCoding = 0, $condCoding950 = 0, $controlled_since_last_payload = 0, $controlled_since_last_payload1187 = 0, $controlled_since_last_payload984 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv1005 = 0, $conv1040 = 0, $conv1050 = 0, $conv1107 = 0, $conv1108 = 0, $conv1111 = 0, $conv1112 = 0, $conv1163 = 0, $conv1164 = 0, $conv1172 = 0, $conv327 = 0, $conv331 = 0, $conv398 = 0, $conv410 = 0; var $conv413 = 0, $conv492 = 0, $conv519 = 0, $conv605 = 0, $conv611 = 0, $conv663 = 0, $conv664 = 0, $conv780 = 0, $conv854 = 0, $curr_block = 0, $div = 0, $div1088 = 0, $div180 = 0, $div203 = 0, $div648 = 0, $div658 = 0, $div672 = 0, $div693 = 0, $div903 = 0, $div912 = 0; var $div918 = 0, $div943 = 0, $encControl$addr = 0, $encState$addr = 0, $first_frame_after_reset = 0, $first_frame_after_reset137 = 0, $first_frame_after_reset4 = 0, $first_frame_after_reset821 = 0, $flags = 0, $force_fs_kHz = 0, $frame_length = 0, $frame_length258 = 0, $frame_length383 = 0, $frame_length470 = 0, $frame_length620 = 0, $frame_length772 = 0, $frame_length885 = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $fs_kHz1147 = 0, $fs_kHz1162 = 0; var $fs_kHz169 = 0, $fs_kHz178 = 0, $fs_kHz201 = 0, $fs_kHz268 = 0, $fs_kHz277 = 0, $fs_kHz768 = 0, $i = 0, $iCDF = 0, $id = 0, $inDTX = 0, $inDTX1068 = 0, $inDTX1078 = 0, $inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP = 0, $inc = 0, $inc1043 = 0, $inc1053 = 0, $inc1139 = 0, $inc1193 = 0, $inc153 = 0, $inc163 = 0; var $inc220 = 0, $inc289 = 0, $inc334 = 0, $inc426 = 0, $inc514 = 0, $inc541 = 0, $inc623 = 0, $inc626 = 0, $inc639 = 0, $inc97 = 0, $inc993 = 0, $inc995 = 0, $indices_LBRR = 0, $indices_LBRR609 = 0, $inputBuf = 0, $inputBuf298 = 0, $inputBuf343 = 0, $inputBuf370 = 0, $inputBuf390 = 0, $inputBuf402 = 0; var $inputBuf417 = 0, $inputBuf443 = 0, $inputBuf739 = 0, $inputBuf744 = 0, $inputBuf871 = 0, $inputBuf881 = 0, $inputBufIx = 0, $inputBufIx245 = 0, $inputBufIx253 = 0, $inputBufIx262 = 0, $inputBufIx302 = 0, $inputBufIx347 = 0, $inputBufIx374 = 0, $inputBufIx394 = 0, $inputBufIx406 = 0, $inputBufIx421 = 0, $inputBufIx447 = 0, $inputBufIx455 = 0, $inputBufIx466 = 0, $inputBufIx988 = 0; var $internalSampleRate = 0, $lagPrev = 0, $land$ext = 0, $land$ext1158 = 0, $lor$ext = 0, $maxBits = 0, $maxBits895 = 0, $maxBits941 = 0, $mid_only_flags = 0, $mid_only_flags755 = 0, $mid_only_flags774 = 0, $mid_only_flags859 = 0, $mid_only_flags998 = 0, $mid_side_amp_Q0 = 0, $mid_side_amp_Q028 = 0, $mid_side_amp_Q031 = 0, $mid_side_amp_Q034 = 0, $mode = 0, $mul = 0, $mul100 = 0; var $mul101 = 0, $mul106 = 0, $mul1063 = 0, $mul1082 = 0, $mul1087 = 0, $mul109 = 0, $mul1109 = 0, $mul1113 = 0, $mul1165 = 0, $mul165 = 0, $mul170 = 0, $mul174 = 0, $mul179 = 0, $mul197 = 0, $mul202 = 0, $mul216 = 0, $mul264 = 0, $mul269 = 0, $mul273 = 0, $mul278 = 0; var $mul284 = 0, $mul322 = 0, $mul324 = 0, $mul435 = 0, $mul460 = 0, $mul489 = 0, $mul647 = 0, $mul665 = 0, $mul669 = 0, $mul671 = 0, $mul690 = 0, $mul692 = 0, $mul902 = 0, $mul911 = 0, $mul917 = 0, $mul942 = 0, $n = 0, $nBits = 0, $nBitsExceeded = 0, $nBitsExceeded1083 = 0; var $nBitsExceeded1089 = 0, $nBitsExceeded1091 = 0, $nBitsExceeded1096 = 0, $nBitsExceeded1101 = 0, $nBitsExceeded1106 = 0, $nBitsUsedLBRR = 0, $nBitsUsedLBRR651 = 0, $nBitsUsedLBRR684 = 0, $nBlocksOf10ms = 0, $nBytesOut$addr = 0, $nChannelsAPI = 0, $nChannelsAPI64 = 0, $nChannelsInternal = 0, $nChannelsInternal1022 = 0, $nChannelsInternal1062 = 0, $nChannelsInternal1071 = 0, $nChannelsInternal114 = 0, $nChannelsInternal1140 = 0, $nChannelsInternal117 = 0, $nChannelsInternal1180 = 0; var $nChannelsInternal14 = 0, $nChannelsInternal206 = 0, $nChannelsInternal316 = 0, $nChannelsInternal488 = 0, $nChannelsInternal496 = 0, $nChannelsInternal552 = 0, $nChannelsInternal563 = 0, $nChannelsInternal60 = 0, $nChannelsInternal61 = 0, $nChannelsInternal629 = 0, $nChannelsInternal65 = 0, $nChannelsInternal66 = 0, $nChannelsInternal73 = 0, $nChannelsInternal731 = 0, $nChannelsInternal86 = 0, $nChannelsInternal891 = 0, $nChannelsInternal928 = 0, $nFramesEncoded = 0, $nFramesEncoded1002 = 0, $nFramesEncoded1013 = 0; var $nFramesEncoded11 = 0, $nFramesEncoded212 = 0, $nFramesEncoded359 = 0, $nFramesEncoded477 = 0, $nFramesEncoded679 = 0, $nFramesEncoded689 = 0, $nFramesEncoded751 = 0, $nFramesEncoded759 = 0, $nFramesEncoded778 = 0, $nFramesEncoded832 = 0, $nFramesEncoded842 = 0, $nFramesEncoded852 = 0, $nFramesEncoded863 = 0, $nFramesEncoded958 = 0, $nFramesEncoded992 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket = 0, $nFramesPerPacket1017 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket1030 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket1060 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket486 = 0; var $nFramesPerPacket504 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket528 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket536 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket547 = 0, $nFramesPerPacket657 = 0, $nPrevChannelsInternal = 0, $nPrevChannelsInternal1141 = 0, $nPrevChannelsInternal352 = 0, $nSamplesFromInput = 0, $nSamplesFromInputMax = 0, $nSamplesIn$addr = 0, $nSamplesToBuffer = 0, $nSamplesToBufferMax = 0, $or = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond6 = 0, $or$cond7 = 0, $or$cond8 = 0; var $or1041 = 0, $or1051 = 0, $payloadSize_ms = 0, $payloadSize_ms107 = 0, $payloadSize_ms1086 = 0, $payloadSize_ms1128 = 0, $payloadSize_ms1177 = 0, $payloadSize_ms646 = 0, $payloadSize_ms659 = 0, $payloadSize_ms82 = 0, $payloadSize_ms83 = 0, $predIx = 0, $predIx747 = 0, $predIx838 = 0, $prefillFlag$addr = 0, $prefillFlag1191 = 0, $prefillFlag95 = 0, $prevLag = 0, $prevSignalType = 0, $prev_NLSFq_Q15 = 0; var $prev_decode_only_middle = 0, $prev_decode_only_middle1006 = 0, $prev_decode_only_middle967 = 0, $prev_gain_Q16 = 0, $psEnc = 0, $psRangeEnc$addr = 0, $pulses_LBRR = 0, $quantOffsetType = 0, $reducedDependency = 0, $resampler_state = 0, $resampler_state229 = 0, $resampler_state233 = 0, $resampler_state238 = 0, $resampler_state294 = 0, $resampler_state339 = 0, $resampler_state366 = 0, $resampler_state439 = 0, $resampler_state46 = 0, $ret = 0, $retval = 0; var $sLP = 0, $sLP1154 = 0, $sMid = 0, $sMid876 = 0, $sNSQ = 0, $sNSQ807 = 0, $sNSQ817 = 0, $sPrefilt = 0, $sShape = 0, $sShape810 = 0, $sSide = 0, $sStereo = 0, $sStereo1170 = 0, $sStereo23 = 0, $sStereo25 = 0, $sStereo27 = 0, $sStereo30 = 0, $sStereo33 = 0, $sStereo36 = 0, $sStereo37 = 0; var $sStereo570 = 0, $sStereo581 = 0, $sStereo735 = 0, $sStereo746 = 0, $sStereo754 = 0, $sStereo773 = 0, $sStereo837 = 0, $sStereo858 = 0, $sStereo873 = 0, $sStereo875 = 0, $sStereo997 = 0, $samplesIn$addr = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shl = 0, $shl1034 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr1114 = 0, $shr115 = 0, $shr329 = 0, $shr412 = 0; var $shr490 = 0, $signalType = 0, $smth_width_Q14 = 0, $smth_width_Q141171 = 0, $speech_act_thr_for_switch_Q8 = 0, $speech_activity_Q8 = 0, $speech_activity_Q81120 = 0, $stereoWidth_Q14 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1003 = 0, $sub1090 = 0, $sub187 = 0, $sub263 = 0, $sub461 = 0, $sub491 = 0, $sub532 = 0, $sub537 = 0, $sub592 = 0, $sub652 = 0, $sub673 = 0; var $sub685 = 0, $sub691 = 0, $sub694 = 0, $sub925 = 0, $sub944 = 0, $sub959 = 0, $sum = 0, $switchReady = 0, $timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms = 0, $timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms1110 = 0, $timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms1125 = 0, $timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms1129 = 0, $tmp_complexity = 0, $tmp_payloadSize_ms = 0, $toMono = 0, $toMono1166 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool1055 = 0, $tobool1069 = 0, $tobool1079 = 0; var $tobool1167 = 0, $tobool1175 = 0, $tobool138 = 0, $tobool140 = 0, $tobool481 = 0, $tobool523 = 0, $tobool561 = 0, $tobool594 = 0, $tobool649 = 0, $tobool674 = 0, $tobool68 = 0, $tobool835 = 0, $tobool924 = 0, $tobool968 = 0, $tot_blocks = 0, $transition = 0, $useCBR = 0, $useCBR923 = 0, $useDTX = 0, $vla = 0; var $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $width_prev_Q14 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 176|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(176|0); $MStargetRates_bps = sp + 64|0; $iCDF = sp + 160|0; $encState$addr = $encState; $encControl$addr = $encControl; $samplesIn$addr = $samplesIn; $nSamplesIn$addr = $nSamplesIn; $psRangeEnc$addr = $psRangeEnc; $nBytesOut$addr = $nBytesOut; $prefillFlag$addr = $prefillFlag; $tmp_payloadSize_ms = 0; $tmp_complexity = 0; $ret = 0; $nSamplesFromInput = 0; $0 = $encState$addr; $psEnc = $0; $1 = $encControl$addr; $reducedDependency = ((($1)) + 64|0); $2 = HEAP32[$reducedDependency>>2]|0; $tobool = ($2|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $3 = $psEnc; $first_frame_after_reset = ((($3)) + 4696|0); HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset>>2] = 1; $4 = $psEnc; $arrayidx2 = ((($4)) + 12240|0); $first_frame_after_reset4 = ((($arrayidx2)) + 4696|0); HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset4>>2] = 1; } $5 = $psEnc; $arrayidx6 = ((($5)) + 12240|0); $nFramesEncoded = ((($arrayidx6)) + 5780|0); HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded>>2] = 0; $6 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded11 = ((($6)) + 5780|0); HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded11>>2] = 0; $7 = $encControl$addr; $call = (_check_control_input($7)|0); $ret = $call; $cmp = ($call|0)!=(0); if ($cmp) { $8 = $ret; $retval = $8; $634 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($634|0); } $9 = $encControl$addr; $switchReady = ((($9)) + 84|0); HEAP32[$switchReady>>2] = 0; $10 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal = ((($10)) + 4|0); $11 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal>>2]|0; $12 = $psEnc; $nChannelsInternal14 = ((($12)) + 24548|0); $13 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal14>>2]|0; $cmp15 = ($11|0)>($13|0); if ($cmp15) { $14 = $psEnc; $arrayidx18 = ((($14)) + 12240|0); $15 = $psEnc; $arch = ((($15)) + 5124|0); $16 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; $call22 = (_silk_init_encoder($arrayidx18,$16)|0); $17 = $ret; $add = (($17) + ($call22))|0; $ret = $add; $18 = $psEnc; $sStereo = ((($18)) + 24480|0); ;HEAP32[$sStereo>>2]=0|0; $19 = $psEnc; $sStereo23 = ((($19)) + 24480|0); $sSide = ((($sStereo23)) + 8|0); ;HEAP32[$sSide>>2]=0|0; $20 = $psEnc; $sStereo25 = ((($20)) + 24480|0); $mid_side_amp_Q0 = ((($sStereo25)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$mid_side_amp_Q0>>2] = 0; $21 = $psEnc; $sStereo27 = ((($21)) + 24480|0); $mid_side_amp_Q028 = ((($sStereo27)) + 12|0); $arrayidx29 = ((($mid_side_amp_Q028)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx29>>2] = 1; $22 = $psEnc; $sStereo30 = ((($22)) + 24480|0); $mid_side_amp_Q031 = ((($sStereo30)) + 12|0); $arrayidx32 = ((($mid_side_amp_Q031)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx32>>2] = 0; $23 = $psEnc; $sStereo33 = ((($23)) + 24480|0); $mid_side_amp_Q034 = ((($sStereo33)) + 12|0); $arrayidx35 = ((($mid_side_amp_Q034)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx35>>2] = 1; $24 = $psEnc; $sStereo36 = ((($24)) + 24480|0); $width_prev_Q14 = ((($sStereo36)) + 30|0); HEAP16[$width_prev_Q14>>1] = 0; $25 = $psEnc; $sStereo37 = ((($25)) + 24480|0); $smth_width_Q14 = ((($sStereo37)) + 28|0); HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14>>1] = 16384; $26 = $psEnc; $nChannelsAPI = ((($26)) + 24544|0); $27 = HEAP32[$nChannelsAPI>>2]|0; $cmp38 = ($27|0)==(2); if ($cmp38) { $28 = $psEnc; $arrayidx41 = ((($28)) + 12240|0); $resampler_state = ((($arrayidx41)) + 5808|0); $29 = $psEnc; $resampler_state46 = ((($29)) + 5808|0); _memcpy(($resampler_state|0),($resampler_state46|0),300)|0; $30 = $psEnc; $arrayidx48 = ((($30)) + 12240|0); $31 = $psEnc; ;HEAP32[$arrayidx48>>2]=HEAP32[$31>>2]|0;HEAP32[$arrayidx48+4>>2]=HEAP32[$31+4>>2]|0; } } $32 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms = ((($32)) + 24|0); $33 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms>>2]|0; $34 = $psEnc; $PacketSize_ms = ((($34)) + 4636|0); $35 = HEAP32[$PacketSize_ms>>2]|0; $cmp59 = ($33|0)!=($35|0); if ($cmp59) { $40 = 1; } else { $36 = $psEnc; $nChannelsInternal60 = ((($36)) + 24548|0); $37 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal60>>2]|0; $38 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal61 = ((($38)) + 4|0); $39 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal61>>2]|0; $cmp62 = ($37|0)!=($39|0); $40 = $cmp62; } $lor$ext = $40&1; $transition = $lor$ext; $41 = $encControl$addr; $42 = HEAP32[$41>>2]|0; $43 = $psEnc; $nChannelsAPI64 = ((($43)) + 24544|0); HEAP32[$nChannelsAPI64>>2] = $42; $44 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal65 = ((($44)) + 4|0); $45 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal65>>2]|0; $46 = $psEnc; $nChannelsInternal66 = ((($46)) + 24548|0); HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal66>>2] = $45; $47 = $nSamplesIn$addr; $mul = ($47*100)|0; $48 = $encControl$addr; $API_sampleRate = ((($48)) + 8|0); $49 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate>>2]|0; $div = (($mul|0) / ($49|0))&-1; $nBlocksOf10ms = $div; $50 = $nBlocksOf10ms; $cmp67 = ($50|0)>(1); $51 = $nBlocksOf10ms; $shr = $51 >> 1; $cond = $cmp67 ? $shr : 1; $tot_blocks = $cond; $curr_block = 0; $52 = $prefillFlag$addr; $tobool68 = ($52|0)!=(0); $53 = $nBlocksOf10ms; L15: do { if ($tobool68) { $cmp70 = ($53|0)!=(1); if ($cmp70) { $retval = -101; $634 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($634|0); } $n = 0; while(1) { $54 = $n; $55 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal73 = ((($55)) + 4|0); $56 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal73>>2]|0; $cmp74 = ($54|0)<($56|0); if (!($cmp74)) { break; } $57 = $psEnc; $58 = $n; $arrayidx76 = (($57) + (($58*12240)|0)|0); $59 = $psEnc; $60 = $n; $arrayidx78 = (($59) + (($60*12240)|0)|0); $arch80 = ((($arrayidx78)) + 5124|0); $61 = HEAP32[$arch80>>2]|0; $call81 = (_silk_init_encoder($arrayidx76,$61)|0); $ret = $call81; $62 = $n; $inc = (($62) + 1)|0; $n = $inc; } $63 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms82 = ((($63)) + 24|0); $64 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms82>>2]|0; $tmp_payloadSize_ms = $64; $65 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms83 = ((($65)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms83>>2] = 10; $66 = $encControl$addr; $complexity = ((($66)) + 36|0); $67 = HEAP32[$complexity>>2]|0; $tmp_complexity = $67; $68 = $encControl$addr; $complexity84 = ((($68)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$complexity84>>2] = 0; $n = 0; while(1) { $69 = $n; $70 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal86 = ((($70)) + 4|0); $71 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal86>>2]|0; $cmp87 = ($69|0)<($71|0); if (!($cmp87)) { break L15; } $72 = $psEnc; $73 = $n; $arrayidx90 = (($72) + (($73*12240)|0)|0); $controlled_since_last_payload = ((($arrayidx90)) + 4700|0); HEAP32[$controlled_since_last_payload>>2] = 0; $74 = $psEnc; $75 = $n; $arrayidx93 = (($74) + (($75*12240)|0)|0); $prefillFlag95 = ((($arrayidx93)) + 4712|0); HEAP32[$prefillFlag95>>2] = 1; $76 = $n; $inc97 = (($76) + 1)|0; $n = $inc97; } } else { $77 = $encControl$addr; $API_sampleRate99 = ((($77)) + 8|0); $78 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate99>>2]|0; $mul100 = Math_imul($53, $78)|0; $79 = $nSamplesIn$addr; $mul101 = ($79*100)|0; $cmp102 = ($mul100|0)!=($mul101|0); $80 = $nSamplesIn$addr; $cmp103 = ($80|0)<(0); $or$cond = $cmp102 | $cmp103; if ($or$cond) { $retval = -101; $634 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($634|0); } $81 = $nSamplesIn$addr; $mul106 = ($81*1000)|0; $82 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms107 = ((($82)) + 24|0); $83 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms107>>2]|0; $84 = $encControl$addr; $API_sampleRate108 = ((($84)) + 8|0); $85 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate108>>2]|0; $mul109 = Math_imul($83, $85)|0; $cmp110 = ($mul106|0)>($mul109|0); if ($cmp110) { $retval = -101; $634 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($634|0); } } } while(0); $86 = $encControl$addr; $bitRate = ((($86)) + 28|0); $87 = HEAP32[$bitRate>>2]|0; $88 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal114 = ((($88)) + 4|0); $89 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal114>>2]|0; $sub = (($89) - 1)|0; $shr115 = $87 >> $sub; $TargetRate_bps = $shr115; $n = 0; while(1) { $90 = $n; $91 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal117 = ((($91)) + 4|0); $92 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal117>>2]|0; $cmp118 = ($90|0)<($92|0); if (!($cmp118)) { break; } $93 = $n; $cmp120 = ($93|0)==(1); if ($cmp120) { $94 = $psEnc; $fs_kHz = ((($94)) + 4600|0); $95 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $cond127 = $95; } else { $cond127 = 0; } $force_fs_kHz = $cond127; $96 = $psEnc; $97 = $n; $arrayidx129 = (($96) + (($97*12240)|0)|0); $98 = $encControl$addr; $99 = $TargetRate_bps; $100 = $psEnc; $allowBandwidthSwitch = ((($100)) + 24560|0); $101 = HEAP32[$allowBandwidthSwitch>>2]|0; $102 = $n; $103 = $force_fs_kHz; $call130 = (_silk_control_encoder($arrayidx129,$98,$99,$101,$102,$103)|0); $ret = $call130; $cmp131 = ($call130|0)!=(0); if ($cmp131) { label = 28; break; } $105 = $psEnc; $106 = $n; $arrayidx135 = (($105) + (($106*12240)|0)|0); $first_frame_after_reset137 = ((($arrayidx135)) + 4696|0); $107 = HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset137>>2]|0; $tobool138 = ($107|0)!=(0); $108 = $transition; $tobool140 = ($108|0)!=(0); $or$cond1 = $tobool138 | $tobool140; L43: do { if ($or$cond1) { $i = 0; while(1) { $109 = $i; $110 = $psEnc; $nFramesPerPacket = ((($110)) + 5776|0); $111 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket>>2]|0; $cmp146 = ($109|0)<($111|0); if (!($cmp146)) { break L43; } $112 = $psEnc; $113 = $n; $arrayidx149 = (($112) + (($113*12240)|0)|0); $LBRR_flags = ((($arrayidx149)) + 4756|0); $114 = $i; $arrayidx151 = (($LBRR_flags) + ($114<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx151>>2] = 0; $115 = $i; $inc153 = (($115) + 1)|0; $i = $inc153; } } } while(0); $116 = $psEnc; $117 = $n; $arrayidx157 = (($116) + (($117*12240)|0)|0); $useDTX = ((($arrayidx157)) + 6108|0); $118 = HEAP32[$useDTX>>2]|0; $119 = $psEnc; $120 = $n; $arrayidx160 = (($119) + (($120*12240)|0)|0); $inDTX = ((($arrayidx160)) + 6112|0); HEAP32[$inDTX>>2] = $118; $121 = $n; $inc163 = (($121) + 1)|0; $n = $inc163; } if ((label|0) == 28) { $104 = $ret; $retval = $104; $634 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($634|0); } $122 = $nBlocksOf10ms; $mul165 = ($122*10)|0; $123 = $psEnc; $fs_kHz169 = ((($123)) + 4600|0); $124 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz169>>2]|0; $mul170 = Math_imul($mul165, $124)|0; $nSamplesToBufferMax = $mul170; $125 = $nSamplesToBufferMax; $126 = $psEnc; $API_fs_Hz = ((($126)) + 4580|0); $127 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz>>2]|0; $mul174 = Math_imul($125, $127)|0; $128 = $psEnc; $fs_kHz178 = ((($128)) + 4600|0); $129 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz178>>2]|0; $mul179 = ($129*1000)|0; $div180 = (($mul174|0) / ($mul179|0))&-1; $nSamplesFromInputMax = $div180; $130 = $nSamplesFromInputMax; $131 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $131; $vla$alloca_mul = $130<<1; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; while(1) { $132 = $psEnc; $frame_length = ((($132)) + 4608|0); $133 = HEAP32[$frame_length>>2]|0; $134 = $psEnc; $inputBufIx = ((($134)) + 5772|0); $135 = HEAP32[$inputBufIx>>2]|0; $sub187 = (($133) - ($135))|0; $nSamplesToBuffer = $sub187; $136 = $nSamplesToBuffer; $137 = $nSamplesToBufferMax; $cmp188 = ($136|0)<($137|0); $138 = $nSamplesToBuffer; $139 = $nSamplesToBufferMax; $cond192 = $cmp188 ? $138 : $139; $nSamplesToBuffer = $cond192; $140 = $nSamplesToBuffer; $141 = $psEnc; $API_fs_Hz196 = ((($141)) + 4580|0); $142 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz196>>2]|0; $mul197 = Math_imul($140, $142)|0; $143 = $psEnc; $fs_kHz201 = ((($143)) + 4600|0); $144 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz201>>2]|0; $mul202 = ($144*1000)|0; $div203 = (($mul197|0) / ($mul202|0))&-1; $nSamplesFromInput = $div203; $145 = $encControl$addr; $146 = HEAP32[$145>>2]|0; $cmp205 = ($146|0)==(2); if ($cmp205) { $147 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal206 = ((($147)) + 4|0); $148 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal206>>2]|0; $cmp207 = ($148|0)==(2); if ($cmp207) { $149 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded212 = ((($149)) + 5780|0); $150 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded212>>2]|0; $id = $150; $n = 0; while(1) { $151 = $n; $152 = $nSamplesFromInput; $cmp214 = ($151|0)<($152|0); if (!($cmp214)) { break; } $153 = $samplesIn$addr; $154 = $n; $mul216 = $154<<1; $arrayidx217 = (($153) + ($mul216<<1)|0); $155 = HEAP16[$arrayidx217>>1]|0; $156 = $n; $arrayidx218 = (($vla) + ($156<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx218>>1] = $155; $157 = $n; $inc220 = (($157) + 1)|0; $n = $inc220; } $158 = $psEnc; $nPrevChannelsInternal = ((($158)) + 24552|0); $159 = HEAP32[$nPrevChannelsInternal>>2]|0; $cmp222 = ($159|0)==(1); $160 = $id; $cmp224 = ($160|0)==(0); $or$cond2 = $cmp222 & $cmp224; if ($or$cond2) { $161 = $psEnc; $arrayidx227 = ((($161)) + 12240|0); $resampler_state229 = ((($arrayidx227)) + 5808|0); $162 = $psEnc; $resampler_state233 = ((($162)) + 5808|0); _memcpy(($resampler_state229|0),($resampler_state233|0),300)|0; } $163 = $psEnc; $resampler_state238 = ((($163)) + 5808|0); $164 = $psEnc; $inputBuf = ((($164)) + 5128|0); $165 = $psEnc; $inputBufIx245 = ((($165)) + 5772|0); $166 = HEAP32[$inputBufIx245>>2]|0; $add246 = (($166) + 2)|0; $arrayidx247 = (($inputBuf) + ($add246<<1)|0); $167 = $nSamplesFromInput; $call248 = (_silk_resampler($resampler_state238,$arrayidx247,$vla,$167)|0); $168 = $ret; $add249 = (($168) + ($call248))|0; $ret = $add249; $169 = $nSamplesToBuffer; $170 = $psEnc; $inputBufIx253 = ((($170)) + 5772|0); $171 = HEAP32[$inputBufIx253>>2]|0; $add254 = (($171) + ($169))|0; HEAP32[$inputBufIx253>>2] = $add254; $172 = $psEnc; $arrayidx256 = ((($172)) + 12240|0); $frame_length258 = ((($arrayidx256)) + 4608|0); $173 = HEAP32[$frame_length258>>2]|0; $174 = $psEnc; $arrayidx260 = ((($174)) + 12240|0); $inputBufIx262 = ((($arrayidx260)) + 5772|0); $175 = HEAP32[$inputBufIx262>>2]|0; $sub263 = (($173) - ($175))|0; $nSamplesToBuffer = $sub263; $176 = $nSamplesToBuffer; $177 = $nBlocksOf10ms; $mul264 = ($177*10)|0; $178 = $psEnc; $arrayidx266 = ((($178)) + 12240|0); $fs_kHz268 = ((($arrayidx266)) + 4600|0); $179 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz268>>2]|0; $mul269 = Math_imul($mul264, $179)|0; $cmp270 = ($176|0)<($mul269|0); if ($cmp270) { $180 = $nSamplesToBuffer; $cond280 = $180; } else { $181 = $nBlocksOf10ms; $mul273 = ($181*10)|0; $182 = $psEnc; $arrayidx275 = ((($182)) + 12240|0); $fs_kHz277 = ((($arrayidx275)) + 4600|0); $183 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz277>>2]|0; $mul278 = Math_imul($mul273, $183)|0; $cond280 = $mul278; } $nSamplesToBuffer = $cond280; $n = 0; while(1) { $184 = $n; $185 = $nSamplesFromInput; $cmp282 = ($184|0)<($185|0); if (!($cmp282)) { break; } $186 = $samplesIn$addr; $187 = $n; $mul284 = $187<<1; $add285 = (($mul284) + 1)|0; $arrayidx286 = (($186) + ($add285<<1)|0); $188 = HEAP16[$arrayidx286>>1]|0; $189 = $n; $arrayidx287 = (($vla) + ($189<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx287>>1] = $188; $190 = $n; $inc289 = (($190) + 1)|0; $n = $inc289; } $191 = $psEnc; $arrayidx292 = ((($191)) + 12240|0); $resampler_state294 = ((($arrayidx292)) + 5808|0); $192 = $psEnc; $arrayidx296 = ((($192)) + 12240|0); $inputBuf298 = ((($arrayidx296)) + 5128|0); $193 = $psEnc; $arrayidx300 = ((($193)) + 12240|0); $inputBufIx302 = ((($arrayidx300)) + 5772|0); $194 = HEAP32[$inputBufIx302>>2]|0; $add303 = (($194) + 2)|0; $arrayidx304 = (($inputBuf298) + ($add303<<1)|0); $195 = $nSamplesFromInput; $call305 = (_silk_resampler($resampler_state294,$arrayidx304,$vla,$195)|0); $196 = $ret; $add306 = (($196) + ($call305))|0; $ret = $add306; $197 = $nSamplesToBuffer; $198 = $psEnc; $$sink$sink = $198;$$sink3$sink = $197;$$sink9 = 1; } else { label = 49; } } else { label = 49; } do { if ((label|0) == 49) { label = 0; $199 = $encControl$addr; $200 = HEAP32[$199>>2]|0; $cmp314 = ($200|0)==(2); if ($cmp314) { $201 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal316 = ((($201)) + 4|0); $202 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal316>>2]|0; $cmp317 = ($202|0)==(1); if ($cmp317) { $n = 0; while(1) { $203 = $n; $204 = $nSamplesFromInput; $cmp320 = ($203|0)<($204|0); if (!($cmp320)) { break; } $205 = $samplesIn$addr; $206 = $n; $mul322 = $206<<1; $arrayidx323 = (($205) + ($mul322<<1)|0); $207 = HEAP16[$arrayidx323>>1]|0; $conv = $207 << 16 >> 16; $208 = $samplesIn$addr; $209 = $n; $mul324 = $209<<1; $add325 = (($mul324) + 1)|0; $arrayidx326 = (($208) + ($add325<<1)|0); $210 = HEAP16[$arrayidx326>>1]|0; $conv327 = $210 << 16 >> 16; $add328 = (($conv) + ($conv327))|0; $sum = $add328; $211 = $sum; $shr329 = $211 >> 1; $212 = $sum; $and = $212 & 1; $add330 = (($shr329) + ($and))|0; $conv331 = $add330&65535; $213 = $n; $arrayidx332 = (($vla) + ($213<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx332>>1] = $conv331; $214 = $n; $inc334 = (($214) + 1)|0; $n = $inc334; } $215 = $psEnc; $resampler_state339 = ((($215)) + 5808|0); $216 = $psEnc; $inputBuf343 = ((($216)) + 5128|0); $217 = $psEnc; $inputBufIx347 = ((($217)) + 5772|0); $218 = HEAP32[$inputBufIx347>>2]|0; $add348 = (($218) + 2)|0; $arrayidx349 = (($inputBuf343) + ($add348<<1)|0); $219 = $nSamplesFromInput; $call350 = (_silk_resampler($resampler_state339,$arrayidx349,$vla,$219)|0); $220 = $ret; $add351 = (($220) + ($call350))|0; $ret = $add351; $221 = $psEnc; $nPrevChannelsInternal352 = ((($221)) + 24552|0); $222 = HEAP32[$nPrevChannelsInternal352>>2]|0; $cmp353 = ($222|0)==(2); L82: do { if ($cmp353) { $223 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded359 = ((($223)) + 5780|0); $224 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded359>>2]|0; $cmp360 = ($224|0)==(0); if ($cmp360) { $225 = $psEnc; $arrayidx364 = ((($225)) + 12240|0); $resampler_state366 = ((($arrayidx364)) + 5808|0); $226 = $psEnc; $arrayidx368 = ((($226)) + 12240|0); $inputBuf370 = ((($arrayidx368)) + 5128|0); $227 = $psEnc; $arrayidx372 = ((($227)) + 12240|0); $inputBufIx374 = ((($arrayidx372)) + 5772|0); $228 = HEAP32[$inputBufIx374>>2]|0; $add375 = (($228) + 2)|0; $arrayidx376 = (($inputBuf370) + ($add375<<1)|0); $229 = $nSamplesFromInput; $call377 = (_silk_resampler($resampler_state366,$arrayidx376,$vla,$229)|0); $230 = $ret; $add378 = (($230) + ($call377))|0; $ret = $add378; $n = 0; while(1) { $231 = $n; $232 = $psEnc; $frame_length383 = ((($232)) + 4608|0); $233 = HEAP32[$frame_length383>>2]|0; $cmp384 = ($231|0)<($233|0); if (!($cmp384)) { break L82; } $234 = $psEnc; $inputBuf390 = ((($234)) + 5128|0); $235 = $psEnc; $inputBufIx394 = ((($235)) + 5772|0); $236 = HEAP32[$inputBufIx394>>2]|0; $237 = $n; $add395 = (($236) + ($237))|0; $add396 = (($add395) + 2)|0; $arrayidx397 = (($inputBuf390) + ($add396<<1)|0); $238 = HEAP16[$arrayidx397>>1]|0; $conv398 = $238 << 16 >> 16; $239 = $psEnc; $arrayidx400 = ((($239)) + 12240|0); $inputBuf402 = ((($arrayidx400)) + 5128|0); $240 = $psEnc; $arrayidx404 = ((($240)) + 12240|0); $inputBufIx406 = ((($arrayidx404)) + 5772|0); $241 = HEAP32[$inputBufIx406>>2]|0; $242 = $n; $add407 = (($241) + ($242))|0; $add408 = (($add407) + 2)|0; $arrayidx409 = (($inputBuf402) + ($add408<<1)|0); $243 = HEAP16[$arrayidx409>>1]|0; $conv410 = $243 << 16 >> 16; $add411 = (($conv398) + ($conv410))|0; $shr412 = $add411 >> 1; $conv413 = $shr412&65535; $244 = $psEnc; $inputBuf417 = ((($244)) + 5128|0); $245 = $psEnc; $inputBufIx421 = ((($245)) + 5772|0); $246 = HEAP32[$inputBufIx421>>2]|0; $247 = $n; $add422 = (($246) + ($247))|0; $add423 = (($add422) + 2)|0; $arrayidx424 = (($inputBuf417) + ($add423<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx424>>1] = $conv413; $248 = $n; $inc426 = (($248) + 1)|0; $n = $inc426; } } } } while(0); $249 = $nSamplesToBuffer; $250 = $psEnc; $$sink$sink = $250;$$sink3$sink = $249;$$sink9 = 0; break; } } $251 = $samplesIn$addr; $252 = $nSamplesFromInput; $mul435 = $252<<1; _memcpy(($vla|0),($251|0),($mul435|0))|0; $253 = $psEnc; $resampler_state439 = ((($253)) + 5808|0); $254 = $psEnc; $inputBuf443 = ((($254)) + 5128|0); $255 = $psEnc; $inputBufIx447 = ((($255)) + 5772|0); $256 = HEAP32[$inputBufIx447>>2]|0; $add448 = (($256) + 2)|0; $arrayidx449 = (($inputBuf443) + ($add448<<1)|0); $257 = $nSamplesFromInput; $call450 = (_silk_resampler($resampler_state439,$arrayidx449,$vla,$257)|0); $258 = $ret; $add451 = (($258) + ($call450))|0; $ret = $add451; $259 = $nSamplesToBuffer; $260 = $psEnc; $$sink$sink = $260;$$sink3$sink = $259;$$sink9 = 0; } } while(0); $arrayidx453 = (($$sink$sink) + (($$sink9*12240)|0)|0); $inputBufIx455 = ((($arrayidx453)) + 5772|0); $261 = HEAP32[$inputBufIx455>>2]|0; $add456 = (($261) + ($$sink3$sink))|0; HEAP32[$inputBufIx455>>2] = $add456; $262 = $nSamplesFromInput; $263 = $encControl$addr; $264 = HEAP32[$263>>2]|0; $mul460 = Math_imul($262, $264)|0; $265 = $samplesIn$addr; $add$ptr = (($265) + ($mul460<<1)|0); $samplesIn$addr = $add$ptr; $266 = $nSamplesFromInput; $267 = $nSamplesIn$addr; $sub461 = (($267) - ($266))|0; $nSamplesIn$addr = $sub461; $268 = $psEnc; $allowBandwidthSwitch462 = ((($268)) + 24560|0); HEAP32[$allowBandwidthSwitch462>>2] = 0; $269 = $psEnc; $inputBufIx466 = ((($269)) + 5772|0); $270 = HEAP32[$inputBufIx466>>2]|0; $271 = $psEnc; $frame_length470 = ((($271)) + 4608|0); $272 = HEAP32[$frame_length470>>2]|0; $cmp471 = ($270|0)>=($272|0); if (!($cmp471)) { break; } $273 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded477 = ((($273)) + 5780|0); $274 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded477>>2]|0; $cmp478 = ($274|0)!=(0); $275 = $prefillFlag$addr; $tobool481 = ($275|0)!=(0); $or$cond6 = $cmp478 | $tobool481; if (!($or$cond6)) { ;HEAP8[$iCDF>>0]=0|0;HEAP8[$iCDF+1>>0]=0|0; $276 = $psEnc; $nFramesPerPacket486 = ((($276)) + 5776|0); $277 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket486>>2]|0; $add487 = (($277) + 1)|0; $278 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal488 = ((($278)) + 4|0); $279 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal488>>2]|0; $mul489 = Math_imul($add487, $279)|0; $shr490 = 256 >> $mul489; $sub491 = (256 - ($shr490))|0; $conv492 = $sub491&255; HEAP8[$iCDF>>0] = $conv492; $280 = $psRangeEnc$addr; _ec_enc_icdf($280,0,$iCDF,8); $n = 0; while(1) { $281 = $n; $282 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal496 = ((($282)) + 4|0); $283 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal496>>2]|0; $cmp497 = ($281|0)<($283|0); if (!($cmp497)) { break; } $LBRR_symbol = 0; $i = 0; while(1) { $284 = $i; $285 = $psEnc; $286 = $n; $arrayidx502 = (($285) + (($286*12240)|0)|0); $nFramesPerPacket504 = ((($arrayidx502)) + 5776|0); $287 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket504>>2]|0; $cmp505 = ($284|0)<($287|0); if (!($cmp505)) { break; } $288 = $psEnc; $289 = $n; $arrayidx509 = (($288) + (($289*12240)|0)|0); $LBRR_flags511 = ((($arrayidx509)) + 4756|0); $290 = $i; $arrayidx512 = (($LBRR_flags511) + ($290<<2)|0); $291 = HEAP32[$arrayidx512>>2]|0; $292 = $i; $shl = $291 << $292; $293 = $LBRR_symbol; $or = $293 | $shl; $LBRR_symbol = $or; $294 = $i; $inc514 = (($294) + 1)|0; $i = $inc514; } $295 = $LBRR_symbol; $cmp516 = ($295|0)>(0); $cond518 = $cmp516 ? 1 : 0; $conv519 = $cond518&255; $296 = $psEnc; $297 = $n; $arrayidx521 = (($296) + (($297*12240)|0)|0); $LBRR_flag = ((($arrayidx521)) + 4755|0); HEAP8[$LBRR_flag>>0] = $conv519; $298 = $LBRR_symbol; $tobool523 = ($298|0)!=(0); if ($tobool523) { $299 = $psEnc; $300 = $n; $arrayidx526 = (($299) + (($300*12240)|0)|0); $nFramesPerPacket528 = ((($arrayidx526)) + 5776|0); $301 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket528>>2]|0; $cmp529 = ($301|0)>(1); if ($cmp529) { $302 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $303 = $LBRR_symbol; $sub532 = (($303) - 1)|0; $304 = $psEnc; $305 = $n; $arrayidx534 = (($304) + (($305*12240)|0)|0); $nFramesPerPacket536 = ((($arrayidx534)) + 5776|0); $306 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket536>>2]|0; $sub537 = (($306) - 2)|0; $arrayidx538 = (16804 + ($sub537<<2)|0); $307 = HEAP32[$arrayidx538>>2]|0; _ec_enc_icdf($302,$sub532,$307,8); } } $308 = $n; $inc541 = (($308) + 1)|0; $n = $inc541; } $i = 0; while(1) { $309 = $i; $310 = $psEnc; $nFramesPerPacket547 = ((($310)) + 5776|0); $311 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket547>>2]|0; $cmp548 = ($309|0)<($311|0); $n = 0; if (!($cmp548)) { break; } while(1) { $312 = $n; $313 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal552 = ((($313)) + 4|0); $314 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal552>>2]|0; $cmp553 = ($312|0)<($314|0); if (!($cmp553)) { break; } $315 = $psEnc; $316 = $n; $arrayidx557 = (($315) + (($316*12240)|0)|0); $LBRR_flags559 = ((($arrayidx557)) + 4756|0); $317 = $i; $arrayidx560 = (($LBRR_flags559) + ($317<<2)|0); $318 = HEAP32[$arrayidx560>>2]|0; $tobool561 = ($318|0)!=(0); if ($tobool561) { $319 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal563 = ((($319)) + 4|0); $320 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal563>>2]|0; $cmp564 = ($320|0)==(2); $321 = $n; $cmp567 = ($321|0)==(0); $or$cond7 = $cmp564 & $cmp567; if ($or$cond7) { $322 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $323 = $psEnc; $sStereo570 = ((($323)) + 24480|0); $predIx = ((($sStereo570)) + 34|0); $324 = $i; $arrayidx571 = (($predIx) + (($324*6)|0)|0); _silk_stereo_encode_pred($322,$arrayidx571); $325 = $psEnc; $arrayidx574 = ((($325)) + 12240|0); $LBRR_flags576 = ((($arrayidx574)) + 4756|0); $326 = $i; $arrayidx577 = (($LBRR_flags576) + ($326<<2)|0); $327 = HEAP32[$arrayidx577>>2]|0; $cmp578 = ($327|0)==(0); if ($cmp578) { $328 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $329 = $psEnc; $sStereo581 = ((($329)) + 24480|0); $mid_only_flags = ((($sStereo581)) + 52|0); $330 = $i; $arrayidx582 = (($mid_only_flags) + ($330)|0); $331 = HEAP8[$arrayidx582>>0]|0; _silk_stereo_encode_mid_only($328,$331); } } $332 = $i; $cmp585 = ($332|0)>(0); if ($cmp585) { $333 = $psEnc; $334 = $n; $arrayidx589 = (($333) + (($334*12240)|0)|0); $LBRR_flags591 = ((($arrayidx589)) + 4756|0); $335 = $i; $sub592 = (($335) - 1)|0; $arrayidx593 = (($LBRR_flags591) + ($sub592<<2)|0); $336 = HEAP32[$arrayidx593>>2]|0; $tobool594 = ($336|0)!=(0); if ($tobool594) { $condCoding = 2; } else { label = 82; } } else { label = 82; } if ((label|0) == 82) { label = 0; $condCoding = 0; } $337 = $psEnc; $338 = $n; $arrayidx599 = (($337) + (($338*12240)|0)|0); $339 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $340 = $i; $341 = $condCoding; _silk_encode_indices($arrayidx599,$339,$340,1,$341); $342 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $343 = $psEnc; $344 = $n; $arrayidx602 = (($343) + (($344*12240)|0)|0); $indices_LBRR = ((($arrayidx602)) + 6132|0); $345 = $i; $arrayidx604 = (($indices_LBRR) + (($345*36)|0)|0); $signalType = ((($arrayidx604)) + 29|0); $346 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv605 = $346 << 24 >> 24; $347 = $psEnc; $348 = $n; $arrayidx607 = (($347) + (($348*12240)|0)|0); $indices_LBRR609 = ((($arrayidx607)) + 6132|0); $349 = $i; $arrayidx610 = (($indices_LBRR609) + (($349*36)|0)|0); $quantOffsetType = ((($arrayidx610)) + 30|0); $350 = HEAP8[$quantOffsetType>>0]|0; $conv611 = $350 << 24 >> 24; $351 = $psEnc; $352 = $n; $arrayidx613 = (($351) + (($352*12240)|0)|0); $pulses_LBRR = ((($arrayidx613)) + 6240|0); $353 = $i; $arrayidx615 = (($pulses_LBRR) + (($353*320)|0)|0); $354 = $psEnc; $355 = $n; $arrayidx618 = (($354) + (($355*12240)|0)|0); $frame_length620 = ((($arrayidx618)) + 4608|0); $356 = HEAP32[$frame_length620>>2]|0; _silk_encode_pulses($342,$conv605,$conv611,$arrayidx615,$356); } $357 = $n; $inc623 = (($357) + 1)|0; $n = $inc623; } $358 = $i; $inc626 = (($358) + 1)|0; $i = $inc626; } while(1) { $359 = $n; $360 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal629 = ((($360)) + 4|0); $361 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal629>>2]|0; $cmp630 = ($359|0)<($361|0); if (!($cmp630)) { break; } $362 = $psEnc; $363 = $n; $arrayidx634 = (($362) + (($363*12240)|0)|0); $LBRR_flags636 = ((($arrayidx634)) + 4756|0); ;HEAP32[$LBRR_flags636>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$LBRR_flags636+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$LBRR_flags636+8>>2]=0|0; $364 = $n; $inc639 = (($364) + 1)|0; $n = $inc639; } $365 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $call641 = (_ec_tell_154($365)|0); $366 = $psEnc; $nBitsUsedLBRR = ((($366)) + 24536|0); HEAP32[$nBitsUsedLBRR>>2] = $call641; } $367 = $psEnc; _silk_HP_variable_cutoff($367); $368 = $encControl$addr; $bitRate645 = ((($368)) + 28|0); $369 = HEAP32[$bitRate645>>2]|0; $370 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms646 = ((($370)) + 24|0); $371 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms646>>2]|0; $mul647 = Math_imul($369, $371)|0; $div648 = (($mul647|0) / 1000)&-1; $nBits = $div648; $372 = $prefillFlag$addr; $tobool649 = ($372|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool649)) { $373 = $psEnc; $nBitsUsedLBRR651 = ((($373)) + 24536|0); $374 = HEAP32[$nBitsUsedLBRR651>>2]|0; $375 = $nBits; $sub652 = (($375) - ($374))|0; $nBits = $sub652; } $376 = $nBits; $377 = $psEnc; $nFramesPerPacket657 = ((($377)) + 5776|0); $378 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket657>>2]|0; $div658 = (($376|0) / ($378|0))&-1; $nBits = $div658; $379 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms659 = ((($379)) + 24|0); $380 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms659>>2]|0; $cmp660 = ($380|0)==(10); $381 = $nBits; $conv663 = $381&65535; $conv664 = $conv663 << 16 >> 16; if ($cmp660) { $mul665 = ($conv664*100)|0; $TargetRate_bps = $mul665; } else { $mul669 = ($conv664*50)|0; $TargetRate_bps = $mul669; } $382 = $psEnc; $nBitsExceeded = ((($382)) + 24540|0); $383 = HEAP32[$nBitsExceeded>>2]|0; $mul671 = ($383*1000)|0; $div672 = (($mul671|0) / 500)&-1; $384 = $TargetRate_bps; $sub673 = (($384) - ($div672))|0; $TargetRate_bps = $sub673; $385 = $prefillFlag$addr; $tobool674 = ($385|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool674)) { $386 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded679 = ((($386)) + 5780|0); $387 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded679>>2]|0; $cmp680 = ($387|0)>(0); if ($cmp680) { $388 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $call683 = (_ec_tell_154($388)|0); $389 = $psEnc; $nBitsUsedLBRR684 = ((($389)) + 24536|0); $390 = HEAP32[$nBitsUsedLBRR684>>2]|0; $sub685 = (($call683) - ($390))|0; $391 = $nBits; $392 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded689 = ((($392)) + 5780|0); $393 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded689>>2]|0; $mul690 = Math_imul($391, $393)|0; $sub691 = (($sub685) - ($mul690))|0; $bitsBalance = $sub691; $394 = $bitsBalance; $mul692 = ($394*1000)|0; $div693 = (($mul692|0) / 500)&-1; $395 = $TargetRate_bps; $sub694 = (($395) - ($div693))|0; $TargetRate_bps = $sub694; } } $396 = $encControl$addr; $bitRate696 = ((($396)) + 28|0); $397 = HEAP32[$bitRate696>>2]|0; $cmp697 = ($397|0)>(5000); $398 = $TargetRate_bps; do { if ($cmp697) { $399 = $encControl$addr; $bitRate700 = ((($399)) + 28|0); $400 = HEAP32[$bitRate700>>2]|0; $cmp701 = ($398|0)>($400|0); if ($cmp701) { $401 = $encControl$addr; $bitRate704 = ((($401)) + 28|0); $402 = HEAP32[$bitRate704>>2]|0; $cond730 = $402; break; } else { $403 = $TargetRate_bps; $cmp706 = ($403|0)<(5000); $404 = $TargetRate_bps; $cond711 = $cmp706 ? 5000 : $404; $cond730 = $cond711; break; } } else { $cmp715 = ($398|0)>(5000); if ($cmp715) { $cond730 = 5000; } else { $405 = $TargetRate_bps; $406 = $encControl$addr; $bitRate719 = ((($406)) + 28|0); $407 = HEAP32[$bitRate719>>2]|0; $cmp720 = ($405|0)<($407|0); if ($cmp720) { $408 = $encControl$addr; $bitRate723 = ((($408)) + 28|0); $409 = HEAP32[$bitRate723>>2]|0; $cond730 = $409; break; } else { $410 = $TargetRate_bps; $cond730 = $410; break; } } } } while(0); $TargetRate_bps = $cond730; $411 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal731 = ((($411)) + 4|0); $412 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal731>>2]|0; $cmp732 = ($412|0)==(2); $413 = $psEnc; if ($cmp732) { $sStereo735 = ((($413)) + 24480|0); $414 = $psEnc; $inputBuf739 = ((($414)) + 5128|0); $arrayidx740 = ((($inputBuf739)) + 4|0); $415 = $psEnc; $arrayidx742 = ((($415)) + 12240|0); $inputBuf744 = ((($arrayidx742)) + 5128|0); $arrayidx745 = ((($inputBuf744)) + 4|0); $416 = $psEnc; $sStereo746 = ((($416)) + 24480|0); $predIx747 = ((($sStereo746)) + 34|0); $417 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded751 = ((($417)) + 5780|0); $418 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded751>>2]|0; $arrayidx752 = (($predIx747) + (($418*6)|0)|0); $419 = $psEnc; $sStereo754 = ((($419)) + 24480|0); $mid_only_flags755 = ((($sStereo754)) + 52|0); $420 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded759 = ((($420)) + 5780|0); $421 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded759>>2]|0; $arrayidx760 = (($mid_only_flags755) + ($421)|0); $422 = $TargetRate_bps; $423 = $psEnc; $speech_activity_Q8 = ((($423)) + 4556|0); $424 = HEAP32[$speech_activity_Q8>>2]|0; $425 = $encControl$addr; $toMono = ((($425)) + 56|0); $426 = HEAP32[$toMono>>2]|0; $427 = $psEnc; $fs_kHz768 = ((($427)) + 4600|0); $428 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz768>>2]|0; $429 = $psEnc; $frame_length772 = ((($429)) + 4608|0); $430 = HEAP32[$frame_length772>>2]|0; _silk_stereo_LR_to_MS($sStereo735,$arrayidx740,$arrayidx745,$arrayidx752,$arrayidx760,$MStargetRates_bps,$422,$424,$426,$428,$430); $431 = $psEnc; $sStereo773 = ((($431)) + 24480|0); $mid_only_flags774 = ((($sStereo773)) + 52|0); $432 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded778 = ((($432)) + 5780|0); $433 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded778>>2]|0; $arrayidx779 = (($mid_only_flags774) + ($433)|0); $434 = HEAP8[$arrayidx779>>0]|0; $conv780 = $434 << 24 >> 24; $cmp781 = ($conv780|0)==(0); $435 = $psEnc; if ($cmp781) { $prev_decode_only_middle = ((($435)) + 24564|0); $436 = HEAP32[$prev_decode_only_middle>>2]|0; $cmp784 = ($436|0)==(1); if ($cmp784) { $437 = $psEnc; $arrayidx788 = ((($437)) + 12240|0); $sShape = ((($arrayidx788)) + 7200|0); ;HEAP32[$sShape>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sShape+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sShape+8>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sShape+12>>2]=0|0; $438 = $psEnc; $arrayidx790 = ((($438)) + 12240|0); $sPrefilt = ((($arrayidx790)) + 7216|0); _memset(($sPrefilt|0),0,2140)|0; $439 = $psEnc; $arrayidx792 = ((($439)) + 12240|0); $sNSQ = ((($arrayidx792)) + 144|0); _memset(($sNSQ|0),0,4380)|0; $440 = $psEnc; $arrayidx795 = ((($440)) + 12240|0); $prev_NLSFq_Q15 = ((($arrayidx795)) + 4524|0); ;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15+8>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15+12>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15+16>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15+20>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15+24>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15+28>>2]=0|0; $441 = $psEnc; $arrayidx799 = ((($441)) + 12240|0); $sLP = ((($arrayidx799)) + 16|0); ;HEAP32[$sLP>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sLP+4>>2]=0|0; $442 = $psEnc; $arrayidx802 = ((($442)) + 12240|0); $prevLag = ((($arrayidx802)) + 4568|0); HEAP32[$prevLag>>2] = 100; $443 = $psEnc; $arrayidx805 = ((($443)) + 12240|0); $sNSQ807 = ((($arrayidx805)) + 144|0); $lagPrev = ((($sNSQ807)) + 4356|0); HEAP32[$lagPrev>>2] = 100; $444 = $psEnc; $arrayidx809 = ((($444)) + 12240|0); $sShape810 = ((($arrayidx809)) + 7200|0); HEAP8[$sShape810>>0] = 10; $445 = $psEnc; $arrayidx812 = ((($445)) + 12240|0); $prevSignalType = ((($arrayidx812)) + 4565|0); HEAP8[$prevSignalType>>0] = 0; $446 = $psEnc; $arrayidx815 = ((($446)) + 12240|0); $sNSQ817 = ((($arrayidx815)) + 144|0); $prev_gain_Q16 = ((($sNSQ817)) + 4372|0); HEAP32[$prev_gain_Q16>>2] = 65536; $447 = $psEnc; $arrayidx819 = ((($447)) + 12240|0); $first_frame_after_reset821 = ((($arrayidx819)) + 4696|0); HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset821>>2] = 1; } $448 = $psEnc; $arrayidx824 = ((($448)) + 12240|0); _silk_encode_do_VAD_FLP($arrayidx824); } else { $arrayidx827 = ((($435)) + 12240|0); $VAD_flags = ((($arrayidx827)) + 4752|0); $449 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded832 = ((($449)) + 5780|0); $450 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded832>>2]|0; $arrayidx833 = (($VAD_flags) + ($450)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx833>>0] = 0; } $451 = $prefillFlag$addr; $tobool835 = ($451|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool835)) { $452 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $453 = $psEnc; $sStereo837 = ((($453)) + 24480|0); $predIx838 = ((($sStereo837)) + 34|0); $454 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded842 = ((($454)) + 5780|0); $455 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded842>>2]|0; $arrayidx843 = (($predIx838) + (($455*6)|0)|0); _silk_stereo_encode_pred($452,$arrayidx843); $456 = $psEnc; $arrayidx846 = ((($456)) + 12240|0); $VAD_flags848 = ((($arrayidx846)) + 4752|0); $457 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded852 = ((($457)) + 5780|0); $458 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded852>>2]|0; $arrayidx853 = (($VAD_flags848) + ($458)|0); $459 = HEAP8[$arrayidx853>>0]|0; $conv854 = $459 << 24 >> 24; $cmp855 = ($conv854|0)==(0); if ($cmp855) { $460 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $461 = $psEnc; $sStereo858 = ((($461)) + 24480|0); $mid_only_flags859 = ((($sStereo858)) + 52|0); $462 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded863 = ((($462)) + 5780|0); $463 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded863>>2]|0; $arrayidx864 = (($mid_only_flags859) + ($463)|0); $464 = HEAP8[$arrayidx864>>0]|0; _silk_stereo_encode_mid_only($460,$464); } } } else { $inputBuf871 = ((($413)) + 5128|0); $465 = $psEnc; $sStereo873 = ((($465)) + 24480|0); $sMid = ((($sStereo873)) + 4|0); ;HEAP32[$inputBuf871>>2]=HEAP32[$sMid>>2]|0; $466 = $psEnc; $sStereo875 = ((($466)) + 24480|0); $sMid876 = ((($sStereo875)) + 4|0); $467 = $psEnc; $inputBuf881 = ((($467)) + 5128|0); $468 = $psEnc; $frame_length885 = ((($468)) + 4608|0); $469 = HEAP32[$frame_length885>>2]|0; $arrayidx886 = (($inputBuf881) + ($469<<1)|0); ;HEAP16[$sMid876>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx886>>1]|0;HEAP16[$sMid876+2>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx886+2>>1]|0; } $470 = $psEnc; _silk_encode_do_VAD_FLP($470); $n = 0; while(1) { $471 = $n; $472 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal891 = ((($472)) + 4|0); $473 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal891>>2]|0; $cmp892 = ($471|0)<($473|0); if (!($cmp892)) { break; } $474 = $encControl$addr; $maxBits895 = ((($474)) + 52|0); $475 = HEAP32[$maxBits895>>2]|0; $maxBits = $475; $476 = $tot_blocks; $cmp896 = ($476|0)==(2); $477 = $curr_block; $cmp899 = ($477|0)==(0); $or$cond8 = $cmp896 & $cmp899; do { if ($or$cond8) { $478 = $maxBits; $mul902 = ($478*3)|0; $div903 = (($mul902|0) / 5)&-1; $maxBits = $div903; } else { $479 = $tot_blocks; $cmp905 = ($479|0)==(3); if ($cmp905) { $480 = $curr_block; $cmp908 = ($480|0)==(0); if ($cmp908) { $481 = $maxBits; $mul911 = $481<<1; $div912 = (($mul911|0) / 5)&-1; $maxBits = $div912; break; } $482 = $curr_block; $cmp914 = ($482|0)==(1); if (!($cmp914)) { break; } $483 = $maxBits; $mul917 = ($483*3)|0; $div918 = (($mul917|0) / 4)&-1; $maxBits = $div918; } } } while(0); $484 = $encControl$addr; $useCBR923 = ((($484)) + 48|0); $485 = HEAP32[$useCBR923>>2]|0; $tobool924 = ($485|0)!=(0); if ($tobool924) { $486 = $curr_block; $487 = $tot_blocks; $sub925 = (($487) - 1)|0; $cmp926 = ($486|0)==($sub925|0); $488 = $cmp926; } else { $488 = 0; } $land$ext = $488&1; $useCBR = $land$ext; $489 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal928 = ((($489)) + 4|0); $490 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal928>>2]|0; $cmp929 = ($490|0)==(1); do { if ($cmp929) { $491 = $TargetRate_bps; $channelRate_bps = $491; } else { $492 = $n; $arrayidx933 = (($MStargetRates_bps) + ($492<<2)|0); $493 = HEAP32[$arrayidx933>>2]|0; $channelRate_bps = $493; $494 = $n; $cmp934 = ($494|0)==(0); if (!($cmp934)) { break; } $arrayidx937 = ((($MStargetRates_bps)) + 4|0); $495 = HEAP32[$arrayidx937>>2]|0; $cmp938 = ($495|0)>(0); if (!($cmp938)) { break; } $useCBR = 0; $496 = $encControl$addr; $maxBits941 = ((($496)) + 52|0); $497 = HEAP32[$maxBits941>>2]|0; $498 = $tot_blocks; $mul942 = $498<<1; $div943 = (($497|0) / ($mul942|0))&-1; $499 = $maxBits; $sub944 = (($499) - ($div943))|0; $maxBits = $sub944; } } while(0); $500 = $channelRate_bps; $cmp947 = ($500|0)>(0); if ($cmp947) { $501 = $psEnc; $502 = $n; $arrayidx952 = (($501) + (($502*12240)|0)|0); $503 = $channelRate_bps; (_silk_control_SNR($arrayidx952,$503)|0); $504 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded958 = ((($504)) + 5780|0); $505 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded958>>2]|0; $506 = $n; $sub959 = (($505) - ($506))|0; $cmp960 = ($sub959|0)<=(0); L188: do { if ($cmp960) { $condCoding950 = 0; } else { $507 = $n; $cmp964 = ($507|0)>(0); do { if ($cmp964) { $508 = $psEnc; $prev_decode_only_middle967 = ((($508)) + 24564|0); $509 = HEAP32[$prev_decode_only_middle967>>2]|0; $tobool968 = ($509|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool968)) { break; } $condCoding950 = 1; break L188; } } while(0); $condCoding950 = 2; } } while(0); $510 = $psEnc; $511 = $n; $arrayidx974 = (($510) + (($511*12240)|0)|0); $512 = $nBytesOut$addr; $513 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $514 = $condCoding950; $515 = $maxBits; $516 = $useCBR; $call975 = (_silk_encode_frame_FLP($arrayidx974,$512,$513,$514,$515,$516)|0); $ret = $call975; } $517 = $psEnc; $518 = $n; $arrayidx982 = (($517) + (($518*12240)|0)|0); $controlled_since_last_payload984 = ((($arrayidx982)) + 4700|0); HEAP32[$controlled_since_last_payload984>>2] = 0; $519 = $psEnc; $520 = $n; $arrayidx986 = (($519) + (($520*12240)|0)|0); $inputBufIx988 = ((($arrayidx986)) + 5772|0); HEAP32[$inputBufIx988>>2] = 0; $521 = $psEnc; $522 = $n; $arrayidx990 = (($521) + (($522*12240)|0)|0); $nFramesEncoded992 = ((($arrayidx990)) + 5780|0); $523 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded992>>2]|0; $inc993 = (($523) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded992>>2] = $inc993; $524 = $n; $inc995 = (($524) + 1)|0; $n = $inc995; } $525 = $psEnc; $sStereo997 = ((($525)) + 24480|0); $mid_only_flags998 = ((($sStereo997)) + 52|0); $526 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded1002 = ((($526)) + 5780|0); $527 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded1002>>2]|0; $sub1003 = (($527) - 1)|0; $arrayidx1004 = (($mid_only_flags998) + ($sub1003)|0); $528 = HEAP8[$arrayidx1004>>0]|0; $conv1005 = $528 << 24 >> 24; $529 = $psEnc; $prev_decode_only_middle1006 = ((($529)) + 24564|0); HEAP32[$prev_decode_only_middle1006>>2] = $conv1005; $530 = $nBytesOut$addr; $531 = HEAP32[$530>>2]|0; $cmp1007 = ($531|0)>(0); do { if ($cmp1007) { $532 = $psEnc; $nFramesEncoded1013 = ((($532)) + 5780|0); $533 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded1013>>2]|0; $534 = $psEnc; $nFramesPerPacket1017 = ((($534)) + 5776|0); $535 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket1017>>2]|0; $cmp1018 = ($533|0)==($535|0); if ($cmp1018) { $flags = 0; $n = 0; while(1) { $536 = $n; $537 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal1022 = ((($537)) + 4|0); $538 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal1022>>2]|0; $cmp1023 = ($536|0)<($538|0); if (!($cmp1023)) { break; } $i = 0; while(1) { $539 = $i; $540 = $psEnc; $541 = $n; $arrayidx1028 = (($540) + (($541*12240)|0)|0); $nFramesPerPacket1030 = ((($arrayidx1028)) + 5776|0); $542 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket1030>>2]|0; $cmp1031 = ($539|0)<($542|0); $543 = $flags; $shl1034 = $543 << 1; $flags = $shl1034; $544 = $psEnc; $545 = $n; $arrayidx1036 = (($544) + (($545*12240)|0)|0); if (!($cmp1031)) { break; } $VAD_flags1038 = ((($arrayidx1036)) + 4752|0); $546 = $i; $arrayidx1039 = (($VAD_flags1038) + ($546)|0); $547 = HEAP8[$arrayidx1039>>0]|0; $conv1040 = $547 << 24 >> 24; $548 = $flags; $or1041 = $548 | $conv1040; $flags = $or1041; $549 = $i; $inc1043 = (($549) + 1)|0; $i = $inc1043; } $LBRR_flag1049 = ((($arrayidx1036)) + 4755|0); $550 = HEAP8[$LBRR_flag1049>>0]|0; $conv1050 = $550 << 24 >> 24; $551 = $flags; $or1051 = $551 | $conv1050; $flags = $or1051; $552 = $n; $inc1053 = (($552) + 1)|0; $n = $inc1053; } $553 = $prefillFlag$addr; $tobool1055 = ($553|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool1055)) { $554 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $555 = $flags; $556 = $psEnc; $nFramesPerPacket1060 = ((($556)) + 5776|0); $557 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket1060>>2]|0; $add1061 = (($557) + 1)|0; $558 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal1062 = ((($558)) + 4|0); $559 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal1062>>2]|0; $mul1063 = Math_imul($add1061, $559)|0; _ec_enc_patch_initial_bits($554,$555,$mul1063); } $560 = $psEnc; $inDTX1068 = ((($560)) + 6112|0); $561 = HEAP32[$inDTX1068>>2]|0; $tobool1069 = ($561|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool1069) { $562 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal1071 = ((($562)) + 4|0); $563 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal1071>>2]|0; $cmp1072 = ($563|0)==(1); if (!($cmp1072)) { $564 = $psEnc; $arrayidx1076 = ((($564)) + 12240|0); $inDTX1078 = ((($arrayidx1076)) + 6112|0); $565 = HEAP32[$inDTX1078>>2]|0; $tobool1079 = ($565|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool1079)) { break; } } $566 = $nBytesOut$addr; HEAP32[$566>>2] = 0; } } while(0); $567 = $nBytesOut$addr; $568 = HEAP32[$567>>2]|0; $mul1082 = $568<<3; $569 = $psEnc; $nBitsExceeded1083 = ((($569)) + 24540|0); $570 = HEAP32[$nBitsExceeded1083>>2]|0; $add1084 = (($570) + ($mul1082))|0; HEAP32[$nBitsExceeded1083>>2] = $add1084; $571 = $encControl$addr; $bitRate1085 = ((($571)) + 28|0); $572 = HEAP32[$bitRate1085>>2]|0; $573 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms1086 = ((($573)) + 24|0); $574 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms1086>>2]|0; $mul1087 = Math_imul($572, $574)|0; $div1088 = (($mul1087|0) / 1000)&-1; $575 = $psEnc; $nBitsExceeded1089 = ((($575)) + 24540|0); $576 = HEAP32[$nBitsExceeded1089>>2]|0; $sub1090 = (($576) - ($div1088))|0; HEAP32[$nBitsExceeded1089>>2] = $sub1090; $577 = $psEnc; $nBitsExceeded1091 = ((($577)) + 24540|0); $578 = HEAP32[$nBitsExceeded1091>>2]|0; $cmp1092 = ($578|0)>(10000); do { if ($cmp1092) { $cond1105 = 10000; } else { $579 = $psEnc; $nBitsExceeded1096 = ((($579)) + 24540|0); $580 = HEAP32[$nBitsExceeded1096>>2]|0; $cmp1097 = ($580|0)<(0); if ($cmp1097) { $cond1105 = 0; break; } $581 = $psEnc; $nBitsExceeded1101 = ((($581)) + 24540|0); $582 = HEAP32[$nBitsExceeded1101>>2]|0; $cond1105 = $582; } } while(0); $583 = $psEnc; $nBitsExceeded1106 = ((($583)) + 24540|0); HEAP32[$nBitsExceeded1106>>2] = $cond1105; $584 = $psEnc; $timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms = ((($584)) + 24556|0); $585 = HEAP32[$timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms>>2]|0; $conv1107 = $585&65535; $conv1108 = $conv1107 << 16 >> 16; $mul1109 = 0; $586 = $psEnc; $timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms1110 = ((($586)) + 24556|0); $587 = HEAP32[$timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms1110>>2]|0; $conv1111 = $587&65535; $conv1112 = $conv1111 << 16 >> 16; $mul1113 = ($conv1112*3188)|0; $shr1114 = $mul1113 >> 16; $add1115 = (($mul1109) + ($shr1114))|0; $add1116 = (13 + ($add1115))|0; $speech_act_thr_for_switch_Q8 = $add1116; $588 = $psEnc; $speech_activity_Q81120 = ((($588)) + 4556|0); $589 = HEAP32[$speech_activity_Q81120>>2]|0; $590 = $speech_act_thr_for_switch_Q8; $cmp1121 = ($589|0)<($590|0); $591 = $psEnc; $allowBandwidthSwitch1124 = ((($591)) + 24560|0); if ($cmp1121) { HEAP32[$allowBandwidthSwitch1124>>2] = 1; $592 = $psEnc; $timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms1125 = ((($592)) + 24556|0); HEAP32[$timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms1125>>2] = 0; break; } else { HEAP32[$allowBandwidthSwitch1124>>2] = 0; $593 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms1128 = ((($593)) + 24|0); $594 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms1128>>2]|0; $595 = $psEnc; $timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms1129 = ((($595)) + 24556|0); $596 = HEAP32[$timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms1129>>2]|0; $add1130 = (($596) + ($594))|0; HEAP32[$timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms1129>>2] = $add1130; break; } } } } while(0); $597 = $nSamplesIn$addr; $cmp1133 = ($597|0)==(0); if ($cmp1133) { break; } $598 = $curr_block; $inc1139 = (($598) + 1)|0; $curr_block = $inc1139; } $599 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal1140 = ((($599)) + 4|0); $600 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal1140>>2]|0; $601 = $psEnc; $nPrevChannelsInternal1141 = ((($601)) + 24552|0); HEAP32[$nPrevChannelsInternal1141>>2] = $600; $602 = $psEnc; $allowBandwidthSwitch1142 = ((($602)) + 24560|0); $603 = HEAP32[$allowBandwidthSwitch1142>>2]|0; $604 = $encControl$addr; $allowBandwidthSwitch1143 = ((($604)) + 72|0); HEAP32[$allowBandwidthSwitch1143>>2] = $603; $605 = $psEnc; $fs_kHz1147 = ((($605)) + 4600|0); $606 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz1147>>2]|0; $cmp1148 = ($606|0)==(16); if ($cmp1148) { $607 = $psEnc; $sLP1154 = ((($607)) + 16|0); $mode = ((($sLP1154)) + 12|0); $608 = HEAP32[$mode>>2]|0; $cmp1155 = ($608|0)==(0); $609 = $cmp1155; } else { $609 = 0; } $land$ext1158 = $609&1; $610 = $encControl$addr; $inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP = ((($610)) + 76|0); HEAP32[$inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP>>2] = $land$ext1158; $611 = $psEnc; $fs_kHz1162 = ((($611)) + 4600|0); $612 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz1162>>2]|0; $conv1163 = $612&65535; $conv1164 = $conv1163 << 16 >> 16; $mul1165 = ($conv1164*1000)|0; $613 = $encControl$addr; $internalSampleRate = ((($613)) + 68|0); HEAP32[$internalSampleRate>>2] = $mul1165; $614 = $encControl$addr; $toMono1166 = ((($614)) + 56|0); $615 = HEAP32[$toMono1166>>2]|0; $tobool1167 = ($615|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1167) { $cond1174 = 0; } else { $616 = $psEnc; $sStereo1170 = ((($616)) + 24480|0); $smth_width_Q141171 = ((($sStereo1170)) + 28|0); $617 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q141171>>1]|0; $conv1172 = $617 << 16 >> 16; $cond1174 = $conv1172; } $618 = $encControl$addr; $stereoWidth_Q14 = ((($618)) + 80|0); HEAP32[$stereoWidth_Q14>>2] = $cond1174; $619 = $prefillFlag$addr; $tobool1175 = ($619|0)!=(0); L234: do { if ($tobool1175) { $620 = $tmp_payloadSize_ms; $621 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms1177 = ((($621)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms1177>>2] = $620; $622 = $tmp_complexity; $623 = $encControl$addr; $complexity1178 = ((($623)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$complexity1178>>2] = $622; $n = 0; while(1) { $624 = $n; $625 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal1180 = ((($625)) + 4|0); $626 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal1180>>2]|0; $cmp1181 = ($624|0)<($626|0); if (!($cmp1181)) { break L234; } $627 = $psEnc; $628 = $n; $arrayidx1185 = (($627) + (($628*12240)|0)|0); $controlled_since_last_payload1187 = ((($arrayidx1185)) + 4700|0); HEAP32[$controlled_since_last_payload1187>>2] = 0; $629 = $psEnc; $630 = $n; $arrayidx1189 = (($629) + (($630*12240)|0)|0); $prefillFlag1191 = ((($arrayidx1189)) + 4712|0); HEAP32[$prefillFlag1191>>2] = 0; $631 = $n; $inc1193 = (($631) + 1)|0; $n = $inc1193; } } } while(0); $632 = $ret; $retval = $632; $633 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($633|0)); $634 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($634|0); } function _ec_tell_154($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $rng = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $nbits_total = ((($0)) + 20|0); $1 = HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2]|0; $2 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($2)) + 28|0); $3 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $4 = (Math_clz32(($3|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($4))|0; $sub1 = (($1) - ($sub))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($sub1|0); } function _silk_encode_indices($psEncC,$psRangeEnc,$FrameIndex,$encode_LBRR,$condCoding) { $psEncC = $psEncC|0; $psRangeEnc = $psRangeEnc|0; $FrameIndex = $FrameIndex|0; $encode_LBRR = $encode_LBRR|0; $condCoding = $condCoding|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0; var $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0; var $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0; var $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0; var $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0; var $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $CB1_iCDF = 0, $FrameIndex$addr = 0, $LTPIndex = 0, $LTP_scaleIndex = 0, $NLSFIndices = 0, $NLSFIndices39 = 0, $NLSFIndices48 = 0, $NLSFIndices59 = 0, $NLSFIndices65 = 0, $NLSFIndices77 = 0, $NLSFIndices84 = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = 0, $PERIndex = 0; var $PERIndex155 = 0, $Seed = 0, $add = 0, $add125 = 0, $add49 = 0, $add60 = 0, $add66 = 0, $add78 = 0, $add85 = 0, $add88 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx153 = 0, $arrayidx157 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx56 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0; var $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx67 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx76 = 0, $arrayidx79 = 0, $arrayidx86 = 0, $arrayidx91 = 0, $arrayidx93 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp100 = 0, $cmp107 = 0, $cmp110 = 0, $cmp112 = 0, $cmp118 = 0, $cmp121 = 0, $cmp150 = 0, $cmp161 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp45 = 0, $cmp52 = 0; var $cmp69 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $condCoding$addr = 0, $contourIndex = 0, $conv = 0, $conv1 = 0, $conv103 = 0, $conv106 = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv115 = 0, $conv116 = 0, $conv131 = 0, $conv134 = 0, $conv135 = 0, $conv136 = 0, $conv139 = 0, $conv140 = 0, $conv146 = 0, $conv147 = 0, $conv154 = 0; var $conv164 = 0, $conv168 = 0, $conv170 = 0, $conv20 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv28 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $conv33 = 0, $conv41 = 0, $conv44 = 0, $conv51 = 0, $conv62 = 0, $conv68 = 0, $conv80 = 0, $conv87 = 0, $delta_lagIndex = 0, $div = 0, $ec_iCDF = 0, $ec_iCDF73 = 0, $ec_iCDF90 = 0; var $ec_ix = 0, $ec_prevLagIndex = 0, $ec_prevLagIndex145 = 0, $ec_prevSignalType = 0, $ec_prevSignalType169 = 0, $encode_LBRR$addr = 0, $encode_absolute_lagIndex = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $fs_kHz137 = 0, $i = 0, $idxprom = 0, $idxprom156 = 0, $idxprom57 = 0, $idxprom75 = 0, $idxprom92 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc159 = 0, $inc97 = 0, $indices = 0, $indices_LBRR = 0; var $k = 0, $lagIndex = 0, $lagIndex130 = 0, $lagIndex133 = 0, $lagIndex144 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul141 = 0, $mul34 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr149 = 0, $nb_subfr99 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $order = 0, $pitch_contour_iCDF = 0, $pitch_high_bits = 0, $pitch_lag_low_bits_iCDF = 0, $pitch_low_bits = 0, $pred_Q8 = 0, $psEncC$addr = 0; var $psIndices = 0, $psNLSF_CB = 0, $psNLSF_CB32 = 0, $psNLSF_CB38 = 0, $psNLSF_CB43 = 0, $psNLSF_CB55 = 0, $psNLSF_CB72 = 0, $psNLSF_CB89 = 0, $psRangeEnc$addr = 0, $quantOffsetType = 0, $shr = 0, $shr132 = 0, $shr138 = 0, $shr31 = 0, $signalType = 0, $signalType105 = 0, $signalType16 = 0, $signalType167 = 0, $signalType29 = 0, $sub = 0; var $sub117 = 0, $sub142 = 0, $sub63 = 0, $sub81 = 0, $sub82 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool128 = 0, $tobool2 = 0, $typeOffset = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 112|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(112|0); $ec_ix = sp + 56|0; $pred_Q8 = sp + 88|0; $psEncC$addr = $psEncC; $psRangeEnc$addr = $psRangeEnc; $FrameIndex$addr = $FrameIndex; $encode_LBRR$addr = $encode_LBRR; $condCoding$addr = $condCoding; $0 = $encode_LBRR$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); $1 = $psEncC$addr; if ($tobool) { $indices_LBRR = ((($1)) + 6132|0); $2 = $FrameIndex$addr; $arrayidx = (($indices_LBRR) + (($2*36)|0)|0); $psIndices = $arrayidx; } else { $indices = ((($1)) + 4768|0); $psIndices = $indices; } $3 = $psIndices; $signalType = ((($3)) + 29|0); $4 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv = $4 << 24 >> 24; $mul = $conv<<1; $5 = $psIndices; $quantOffsetType = ((($5)) + 30|0); $6 = HEAP8[$quantOffsetType>>0]|0; $conv1 = $6 << 24 >> 24; $add = (($mul) + ($conv1))|0; $typeOffset = $add; $7 = $encode_LBRR$addr; $tobool2 = ($7|0)!=(0); $8 = $typeOffset; $cmp = ($8|0)>=(2); $or$cond = $tobool2 | $cmp; $9 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $10 = $typeOffset; if ($or$cond) { $sub = (($10) - 2)|0; _ec_enc_icdf($9,$sub,27665,8); } else { _ec_enc_icdf($9,$10,27669,8); } $11 = $condCoding$addr; $cmp7 = ($11|0)==(2); $12 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $13 = $psIndices; $14 = HEAP8[$13>>0]|0; $conv11 = $14 << 24 >> 24; if ($cmp7) { _ec_enc_icdf($12,$conv11,27128,8); } else { $shr = $conv11 >> 3; $15 = $psIndices; $signalType16 = ((($15)) + 29|0); $16 = HEAP8[$signalType16>>0]|0; $idxprom = $16 << 24 >> 24; $arrayidx17 = (27104 + ($idxprom<<3)|0); _ec_enc_icdf($12,$shr,$arrayidx17,8); $17 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $18 = $psIndices; $19 = HEAP8[$18>>0]|0; $conv20 = $19 << 24 >> 24; $and = $conv20 & 7; _ec_enc_icdf($17,$and,27694,8); } $i = 1; while(1) { $20 = $i; $21 = $psEncC$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($21)) + 4604|0); $22 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $cmp22 = ($20|0)<($22|0); $23 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $24 = $psIndices; if (!($cmp22)) { break; } $25 = $i; $arrayidx25 = (($24) + ($25)|0); $26 = HEAP8[$arrayidx25>>0]|0; $conv26 = $26 << 24 >> 24; _ec_enc_icdf($23,$conv26,27128,8); $27 = $i; $inc = (($27) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $NLSFIndices = ((($24)) + 8|0); $28 = HEAP8[$NLSFIndices>>0]|0; $conv28 = $28 << 24 >> 24; $29 = $psEncC$addr; $psNLSF_CB = ((($29)) + 4724|0); $30 = HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB>>2]|0; $CB1_iCDF = ((($30)) + 12|0); $31 = HEAP32[$CB1_iCDF>>2]|0; $32 = $psIndices; $signalType29 = ((($32)) + 29|0); $33 = HEAP8[$signalType29>>0]|0; $conv30 = $33 << 24 >> 24; $shr31 = $conv30 >> 1; $34 = $psEncC$addr; $psNLSF_CB32 = ((($34)) + 4724|0); $35 = HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB32>>2]|0; $36 = HEAP16[$35>>1]|0; $conv33 = $36 << 16 >> 16; $mul34 = Math_imul($shr31, $conv33)|0; $arrayidx35 = (($31) + ($mul34)|0); _ec_enc_icdf($23,$conv28,$arrayidx35,8); $37 = $psEncC$addr; $psNLSF_CB38 = ((($37)) + 4724|0); $38 = HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB38>>2]|0; $39 = $psIndices; $NLSFIndices39 = ((($39)) + 8|0); $40 = HEAP8[$NLSFIndices39>>0]|0; $conv41 = $40 << 24 >> 24; _silk_NLSF_unpack($ec_ix,$pred_Q8,$38,$conv41); $i = 0; while(1) { $41 = $i; $42 = $psEncC$addr; $psNLSF_CB43 = ((($42)) + 4724|0); $43 = HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB43>>2]|0; $order = ((($43)) + 2|0); $44 = HEAP16[$order>>1]|0; $conv44 = $44 << 16 >> 16; $cmp45 = ($41|0)<($conv44|0); if (!($cmp45)) { break; } $45 = $psIndices; $NLSFIndices48 = ((($45)) + 8|0); $46 = $i; $add49 = (($46) + 1)|0; $arrayidx50 = (($NLSFIndices48) + ($add49)|0); $47 = HEAP8[$arrayidx50>>0]|0; $conv51 = $47 << 24 >> 24; $cmp52 = ($conv51|0)>=(4); do { if ($cmp52) { $48 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $49 = $psEncC$addr; $psNLSF_CB55 = ((($49)) + 4724|0); $50 = HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB55>>2]|0; $ec_iCDF = ((($50)) + 24|0); $51 = HEAP32[$ec_iCDF>>2]|0; $52 = $i; $arrayidx56 = (($ec_ix) + ($52<<1)|0); $53 = HEAP16[$arrayidx56>>1]|0; $idxprom57 = $53 << 16 >> 16; $arrayidx58 = (($51) + ($idxprom57)|0); _ec_enc_icdf($48,8,$arrayidx58,8); $54 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $55 = $psIndices; $NLSFIndices59 = ((($55)) + 8|0); $56 = $i; $add60 = (($56) + 1)|0; $arrayidx61 = (($NLSFIndices59) + ($add60)|0); $57 = HEAP8[$arrayidx61>>0]|0; $conv62 = $57 << 24 >> 24; $sub63 = (($conv62) - 4)|0; _ec_enc_icdf($54,$sub63,27702,8); } else { $58 = $psIndices; $NLSFIndices65 = ((($58)) + 8|0); $59 = $i; $add66 = (($59) + 1)|0; $arrayidx67 = (($NLSFIndices65) + ($add66)|0); $60 = HEAP8[$arrayidx67>>0]|0; $conv68 = $60 << 24 >> 24; $cmp69 = ($conv68|0)<=(-4); $61 = $psRangeEnc$addr; if ($cmp69) { $62 = $psEncC$addr; $psNLSF_CB72 = ((($62)) + 4724|0); $63 = HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB72>>2]|0; $ec_iCDF73 = ((($63)) + 24|0); $64 = HEAP32[$ec_iCDF73>>2]|0; $65 = $i; $arrayidx74 = (($ec_ix) + ($65<<1)|0); $66 = HEAP16[$arrayidx74>>1]|0; $idxprom75 = $66 << 16 >> 16; $arrayidx76 = (($64) + ($idxprom75)|0); _ec_enc_icdf($61,0,$arrayidx76,8); $67 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $68 = $psIndices; $NLSFIndices77 = ((($68)) + 8|0); $69 = $i; $add78 = (($69) + 1)|0; $arrayidx79 = (($NLSFIndices77) + ($add78)|0); $70 = HEAP8[$arrayidx79>>0]|0; $conv80 = $70 << 24 >> 24; $sub81 = (0 - ($conv80))|0; $sub82 = (($sub81) - 4)|0; _ec_enc_icdf($67,$sub82,27702,8); break; } else { $71 = $psIndices; $NLSFIndices84 = ((($71)) + 8|0); $72 = $i; $add85 = (($72) + 1)|0; $arrayidx86 = (($NLSFIndices84) + ($add85)|0); $73 = HEAP8[$arrayidx86>>0]|0; $conv87 = $73 << 24 >> 24; $add88 = (($conv87) + 4)|0; $74 = $psEncC$addr; $psNLSF_CB89 = ((($74)) + 4724|0); $75 = HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB89>>2]|0; $ec_iCDF90 = ((($75)) + 24|0); $76 = HEAP32[$ec_iCDF90>>2]|0; $77 = $i; $arrayidx91 = (($ec_ix) + ($77<<1)|0); $78 = HEAP16[$arrayidx91>>1]|0; $idxprom92 = $78 << 16 >> 16; $arrayidx93 = (($76) + ($idxprom92)|0); _ec_enc_icdf($61,$add88,$arrayidx93,8); break; } } } while(0); $79 = $i; $inc97 = (($79) + 1)|0; $i = $inc97; } $80 = $psEncC$addr; $nb_subfr99 = ((($80)) + 4604|0); $81 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr99>>2]|0; $cmp100 = ($81|0)==(4); if ($cmp100) { $82 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $83 = $psIndices; $NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = ((($83)) + 31|0); $84 = HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q2>>0]|0; $conv103 = $84 << 24 >> 24; _ec_enc_icdf($82,$conv103,27671,8); } $85 = $psIndices; $signalType105 = ((($85)) + 29|0); $86 = HEAP8[$signalType105>>0]|0; $conv106 = $86 << 24 >> 24; $cmp107 = ($conv106|0)==(2); if (!($cmp107)) { $141 = $psIndices; $signalType167 = ((($141)) + 29|0); $142 = HEAP8[$signalType167>>0]|0; $conv168 = $142 << 24 >> 24; $143 = $psEncC$addr; $ec_prevSignalType169 = ((($143)) + 5800|0); HEAP32[$ec_prevSignalType169>>2] = $conv168; $144 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $145 = $psIndices; $Seed = ((($145)) + 34|0); $146 = HEAP8[$Seed>>0]|0; $conv170 = $146 << 24 >> 24; _ec_enc_icdf($144,$conv170,27679,8); STACKTOP = sp;return; } $encode_absolute_lagIndex = 1; $87 = $condCoding$addr; $cmp110 = ($87|0)==(2); if ($cmp110) { $88 = $psEncC$addr; $ec_prevSignalType = ((($88)) + 5800|0); $89 = HEAP32[$ec_prevSignalType>>2]|0; $cmp112 = ($89|0)==(2); if ($cmp112) { $90 = $psIndices; $lagIndex = ((($90)) + 26|0); $91 = HEAP16[$lagIndex>>1]|0; $conv115 = $91 << 16 >> 16; $92 = $psEncC$addr; $ec_prevLagIndex = ((($92)) + 5804|0); $93 = HEAP16[$ec_prevLagIndex>>1]|0; $conv116 = $93 << 16 >> 16; $sub117 = (($conv115) - ($conv116))|0; $delta_lagIndex = $sub117; $94 = $delta_lagIndex; $cmp118 = ($94|0)<(-8); $95 = $delta_lagIndex; $cmp121 = ($95|0)>(11); $or$cond1 = $cmp118 | $cmp121; if ($or$cond1) { $delta_lagIndex = 0; } else { $96 = $delta_lagIndex; $add125 = (($96) + 9)|0; $delta_lagIndex = $add125; $encode_absolute_lagIndex = 0; } $97 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $98 = $delta_lagIndex; _ec_enc_icdf($97,$98,27741,8); } } $99 = $encode_absolute_lagIndex; $tobool128 = ($99|0)!=(0); if ($tobool128) { $100 = $psIndices; $lagIndex130 = ((($100)) + 26|0); $101 = HEAP16[$lagIndex130>>1]|0; $conv131 = $101 << 16 >> 16; $102 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz = ((($102)) + 4600|0); $103 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $shr132 = $103 >> 1; $div = (($conv131|0) / ($shr132|0))&-1; $pitch_high_bits = $div; $104 = $psIndices; $lagIndex133 = ((($104)) + 26|0); $105 = HEAP16[$lagIndex133>>1]|0; $conv134 = $105 << 16 >> 16; $106 = $pitch_high_bits; $conv135 = $106&65535; $conv136 = $conv135 << 16 >> 16; $107 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz137 = ((($107)) + 4600|0); $108 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz137>>2]|0; $shr138 = $108 >> 1; $conv139 = $shr138&65535; $conv140 = $conv139 << 16 >> 16; $mul141 = Math_imul($conv136, $conv140)|0; $sub142 = (($conv134) - ($mul141))|0; $pitch_low_bits = $sub142; $109 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $110 = $pitch_high_bits; _ec_enc_icdf($109,$110,27709,8); $111 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $112 = $pitch_low_bits; $113 = $psEncC$addr; $pitch_lag_low_bits_iCDF = ((($113)) + 4716|0); $114 = HEAP32[$pitch_lag_low_bits_iCDF>>2]|0; _ec_enc_icdf($111,$112,$114,8); } $115 = $psIndices; $lagIndex144 = ((($115)) + 26|0); $116 = HEAP16[$lagIndex144>>1]|0; $117 = $psEncC$addr; $ec_prevLagIndex145 = ((($117)) + 5804|0); HEAP16[$ec_prevLagIndex145>>1] = $116; $118 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $119 = $psIndices; $contourIndex = ((($119)) + 28|0); $120 = HEAP8[$contourIndex>>0]|0; $conv146 = $120 << 24 >> 24; $121 = $psEncC$addr; $pitch_contour_iCDF = ((($121)) + 4720|0); $122 = HEAP32[$pitch_contour_iCDF>>2]|0; _ec_enc_icdf($118,$conv146,$122,8); $123 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $124 = $psIndices; $PERIndex = ((($124)) + 32|0); $125 = HEAP8[$PERIndex>>0]|0; $conv147 = $125 << 24 >> 24; _ec_enc_icdf($123,$conv147,27169,8); $k = 0; while(1) { $126 = $k; $127 = $psEncC$addr; $nb_subfr149 = ((($127)) + 4604|0); $128 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr149>>2]|0; $cmp150 = ($126|0)<($128|0); if (!($cmp150)) { break; } $129 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $130 = $psIndices; $LTPIndex = ((($130)) + 4|0); $131 = $k; $arrayidx153 = (($LTPIndex) + ($131)|0); $132 = HEAP8[$arrayidx153>>0]|0; $conv154 = $132 << 24 >> 24; $133 = $psIndices; $PERIndex155 = ((($133)) + 32|0); $134 = HEAP8[$PERIndex155>>0]|0; $idxprom156 = $134 << 24 >> 24; $arrayidx157 = (16660 + ($idxprom156<<2)|0); $135 = HEAP32[$arrayidx157>>2]|0; _ec_enc_icdf($129,$conv154,$135,8); $136 = $k; $inc159 = (($136) + 1)|0; $k = $inc159; } $137 = $condCoding$addr; $cmp161 = ($137|0)==(0); if (!($cmp161)) { $141 = $psIndices; $signalType167 = ((($141)) + 29|0); $142 = HEAP8[$signalType167>>0]|0; $conv168 = $142 << 24 >> 24; $143 = $psEncC$addr; $ec_prevSignalType169 = ((($143)) + 5800|0); HEAP32[$ec_prevSignalType169>>2] = $conv168; $144 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $145 = $psIndices; $Seed = ((($145)) + 34|0); $146 = HEAP8[$Seed>>0]|0; $conv170 = $146 << 24 >> 24; _ec_enc_icdf($144,$conv170,27679,8); STACKTOP = sp;return; } $138 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $139 = $psIndices; $LTP_scaleIndex = ((($139)) + 33|0); $140 = HEAP8[$LTP_scaleIndex>>0]|0; $conv164 = $140 << 24 >> 24; _ec_enc_icdf($138,$conv164,27662,8); $141 = $psIndices; $signalType167 = ((($141)) + 29|0); $142 = HEAP8[$signalType167>>0]|0; $conv168 = $142 << 24 >> 24; $143 = $psEncC$addr; $ec_prevSignalType169 = ((($143)) + 5800|0); HEAP32[$ec_prevSignalType169>>2] = $conv168; $144 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $145 = $psIndices; $Seed = ((($145)) + 34|0); $146 = HEAP8[$Seed>>0]|0; $conv170 = $146 << 24 >> 24; _ec_enc_icdf($144,$conv170,27679,8); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_encode_pulses($psRangeEnc,$signalType,$quantOffsetType,$pulses,$frame_length) { $psRangeEnc = $psRangeEnc|0; $signalType = $signalType|0; $quantOffsetType = $quantOffsetType|0; $pulses = $pulses|0; $frame_length = $frame_length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0; var $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0; var $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0; var $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0; var $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0; var $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $RateLevelIndex = 0, $abs_pulses_ptr = 0, $abs_q = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add13 = 0, $add131 = 0, $add136 = 0, $add15 = 0, $add21 = 0, $add31 = 0, $add33 = 0, $add39 = 0; var $add49 = 0, $add51 = 0, $add57 = 0, $add67 = 0, $add69 = 0, $add7 = 0, $add83 = 0, $add88 = 0, $add93 = 0, $and = 0, $and229 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx101 = 0, $arrayidx103 = 0, $arrayidx115 = 0, $arrayidx118 = 0, $arrayidx119 = 0, $arrayidx125 = 0, $arrayidx129 = 0, $arrayidx133 = 0; var $arrayidx134 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx149 = 0, $arrayidx151 = 0, $arrayidx157 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx161 = 0, $arrayidx164 = 0, $arrayidx172 = 0, $arrayidx181 = 0, $arrayidx186 = 0, $arrayidx195 = 0, $arrayidx200 = 0, $arrayidx201 = 0, $arrayidx207 = 0, $arrayidx212 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0; var $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx68 = 0, $arrayidx76 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx89 = 0, $arrayidx95 = 0, $bit = 0, $call = 0, $call82 = 0, $call87 = 0, $call92 = 0, $cdf_ptr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp112 = 0, $cmp122 = 0, $cmp126 = 0, $cmp141 = 0; var $cmp154 = 0, $cmp158 = 0, $cmp166 = 0, $cmp178 = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp182 = 0, $cmp192 = 0, $cmp196 = 0, $cmp204 = 0, $cmp209 = 0, $cmp223 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp54 = 0, $cmp73 = 0, $cmp98 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond219 = 0, $cond30 = 0; var $cond48 = 0, $cond66 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv120 = 0, $conv130 = 0, $conv135 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv208 = 0, $conv213 = 0, $conv220 = 0, $conv221 = 0, $conv23 = 0, $conv35 = 0, $conv41 = 0, $conv53 = 0, $conv59 = 0, $conv78 = 0, $conv81 = 0, $conv86 = 0, $conv9 = 0; var $conv91 = 0, $dec = 0, $frame_length$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc105 = 0, $inc109 = 0, $inc139 = 0, $inc146 = 0, $inc170 = 0, $inc175 = 0, $inc189 = 0, $inc231 = 0, $inc235 = 0, $inc96 = 0, $iter = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $minSumBits_Q5 = 0, $mul = 0; var $mul1 = 0, $mul185 = 0, $mul199 = 0, $mul2 = 0, $nBits_ptr = 0, $nLS = 0, $psRangeEnc$addr = 0, $pulses$addr = 0, $pulses_comb = 0, $pulses_ptr = 0, $quantOffsetType$addr = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $scale_down = 0, $shr = 0, $shr102 = 0, $shr117 = 0, $shr148 = 0, $shr226 = 0, $signalType$addr = 0, $sub = 0; var $sub165 = 0, $sub202 = 0, $sub217 = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub46 = 0, $sub64 = 0, $sumBits_Q5 = 0, $tobool = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla70 = 0, $vla70$alloca_mul = 0, $vla71 = 0, $vla71$alloca_mul = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 128|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(128|0); $pulses_comb = sp + 24|0; $psRangeEnc$addr = $psRangeEnc; $signalType$addr = $signalType; $quantOffsetType$addr = $quantOffsetType; $pulses$addr = $pulses; $frame_length$addr = $frame_length; $RateLevelIndex = 0; ;HEAP32[$pulses_comb>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$pulses_comb+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$pulses_comb+8>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$pulses_comb+12>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$pulses_comb+16>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$pulses_comb+20>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$pulses_comb+24>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$pulses_comb+28>>2]=0|0; $0 = $frame_length$addr; $shr = $0 >> 4; $iter = $shr; $1 = $iter; $mul = $1<<4; $2 = $frame_length$addr; $cmp = ($mul|0)<($2|0); if ($cmp) { $3 = $iter; $inc = (($3) + 1)|0; $iter = $inc; $4 = $pulses$addr; $5 = $frame_length$addr; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($5)|0); dest=$arrayidx; stop=dest+16|0; do { HEAP8[dest>>0]=0|0; dest=dest+1|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); } $6 = $iter; $mul1 = $6<<4; $7 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $7; $vla$alloca_mul = $mul1<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $i = 0; while(1) { $8 = $i; $9 = $iter; $mul2 = $9<<4; $cmp3 = ($8|0)<($mul2|0); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $10 = $pulses$addr; $11 = $i; $add = (($11) + 0)|0; $arrayidx4 = (($10) + ($add)|0); $12 = HEAP8[$arrayidx4>>0]|0; $conv = $12 << 24 >> 24; $cmp5 = ($conv|0)>(0); $13 = $pulses$addr; $14 = $i; $add7 = (($14) + 0)|0; $arrayidx8 = (($13) + ($add7)|0); $15 = HEAP8[$arrayidx8>>0]|0; $conv9 = $15 << 24 >> 24; $sub = (0 - ($conv9))|0; $cond = $cmp5 ? $conv9 : $sub; $16 = $i; $add13 = (($16) + 0)|0; $arrayidx14 = (($vla) + ($add13<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx14>>2] = $cond; $17 = $pulses$addr; $18 = $i; $add15 = (($18) + 1)|0; $arrayidx16 = (($17) + ($add15)|0); $19 = HEAP8[$arrayidx16>>0]|0; $conv17 = $19 << 24 >> 24; $cmp18 = ($conv17|0)>(0); $20 = $pulses$addr; $21 = $i; $add21 = (($21) + 1)|0; $arrayidx22 = (($20) + ($add21)|0); $22 = HEAP8[$arrayidx22>>0]|0; $conv23 = $22 << 24 >> 24; $sub28 = (0 - ($conv23))|0; $cond30 = $cmp18 ? $conv23 : $sub28; $23 = $i; $add31 = (($23) + 1)|0; $arrayidx32 = (($vla) + ($add31<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx32>>2] = $cond30; $24 = $pulses$addr; $25 = $i; $add33 = (($25) + 2)|0; $arrayidx34 = (($24) + ($add33)|0); $26 = HEAP8[$arrayidx34>>0]|0; $conv35 = $26 << 24 >> 24; $cmp36 = ($conv35|0)>(0); $27 = $pulses$addr; $28 = $i; $add39 = (($28) + 2)|0; $arrayidx40 = (($27) + ($add39)|0); $29 = HEAP8[$arrayidx40>>0]|0; $conv41 = $29 << 24 >> 24; $sub46 = (0 - ($conv41))|0; $cond48 = $cmp36 ? $conv41 : $sub46; $30 = $i; $add49 = (($30) + 2)|0; $arrayidx50 = (($vla) + ($add49<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx50>>2] = $cond48; $31 = $pulses$addr; $32 = $i; $add51 = (($32) + 3)|0; $arrayidx52 = (($31) + ($add51)|0); $33 = HEAP8[$arrayidx52>>0]|0; $conv53 = $33 << 24 >> 24; $cmp54 = ($conv53|0)>(0); $34 = $pulses$addr; $35 = $i; $add57 = (($35) + 3)|0; $arrayidx58 = (($34) + ($add57)|0); $36 = HEAP8[$arrayidx58>>0]|0; $conv59 = $36 << 24 >> 24; $sub64 = (0 - ($conv59))|0; $cond66 = $cmp54 ? $conv59 : $sub64; $37 = $i; $add67 = (($37) + 3)|0; $arrayidx68 = (($vla) + ($add67<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx68>>2] = $cond66; $38 = $i; $add69 = (($38) + 4)|0; $i = $add69; } $39 = $iter; $vla70$alloca_mul = $39<<2; $vla70 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla70$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla70$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $40 = $iter; $vla71$alloca_mul = $40<<2; $vla71 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla71$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla71$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $abs_pulses_ptr = $vla; $i = 0; while(1) { $41 = $i; $42 = $iter; $cmp73 = ($41|0)<($42|0); if (!($cmp73)) { break; } $43 = $i; $arrayidx76 = (($vla71) + ($43<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx76>>2] = 0; L11: while(1) { $44 = $abs_pulses_ptr; $45 = HEAP8[27822]|0; $conv78 = $45&255; $call = (_combine_and_check($pulses_comb,$44,$conv78,8)|0); $scale_down = $call; $46 = HEAP8[(27823)>>0]|0; $conv81 = $46&255; $call82 = (_combine_and_check($pulses_comb,$pulses_comb,$conv81,4)|0); $47 = $scale_down; $add83 = (($47) + ($call82))|0; $scale_down = $add83; $48 = HEAP8[(27824)>>0]|0; $conv86 = $48&255; $call87 = (_combine_and_check($pulses_comb,$pulses_comb,$conv86,2)|0); $49 = $scale_down; $add88 = (($49) + ($call87))|0; $scale_down = $add88; $50 = $i; $arrayidx89 = (($vla70) + ($50<<2)|0); $51 = HEAP8[(27825)>>0]|0; $conv91 = $51&255; $call92 = (_combine_and_check($arrayidx89,$pulses_comb,$conv91,1)|0); $52 = $scale_down; $add93 = (($52) + ($call92))|0; $scale_down = $add93; $53 = $scale_down; $tobool = ($53|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { break; } $54 = $i; $arrayidx95 = (($vla71) + ($54<<2)|0); $55 = HEAP32[$arrayidx95>>2]|0; $inc96 = (($55) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx95>>2] = $inc96; $k = 0; while(1) { $56 = $k; $cmp98 = ($56|0)<(16); if (!($cmp98)) { continue L11; } $57 = $abs_pulses_ptr; $58 = $k; $arrayidx101 = (($57) + ($58<<2)|0); $59 = HEAP32[$arrayidx101>>2]|0; $shr102 = $59 >> 1; $60 = $abs_pulses_ptr; $61 = $k; $arrayidx103 = (($60) + ($61<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx103>>2] = $shr102; $62 = $k; $inc105 = (($62) + 1)|0; $k = $inc105; } } $63 = $abs_pulses_ptr; $add$ptr = ((($63)) + 64|0); $abs_pulses_ptr = $add$ptr; $64 = $i; $inc109 = (($64) + 1)|0; $i = $inc109; } $minSumBits_Q5 = 2147483647; $k = 0; while(1) { $65 = $k; $cmp112 = ($65|0)<(9); if (!($cmp112)) { break; } $66 = $k; $arrayidx115 = (28006 + (($66*18)|0)|0); $nBits_ptr = $arrayidx115; $67 = $signalType$addr; $shr117 = $67 >> 1; $arrayidx118 = (28186 + (($shr117*9)|0)|0); $68 = $k; $arrayidx119 = (($arrayidx118) + ($68)|0); $69 = HEAP8[$arrayidx119>>0]|0; $conv120 = $69&255; $sumBits_Q5 = $conv120; $i = 0; while(1) { $70 = $i; $71 = $iter; $cmp122 = ($70|0)<($71|0); if (!($cmp122)) { break; } $72 = $i; $arrayidx125 = (($vla71) + ($72<<2)|0); $73 = HEAP32[$arrayidx125>>2]|0; $cmp126 = ($73|0)>(0); $74 = $nBits_ptr; if ($cmp126) { $arrayidx129 = ((($74)) + 17|0); $75 = HEAP8[$arrayidx129>>0]|0; $conv130 = $75&255; $76 = $sumBits_Q5; $add131 = (($76) + ($conv130))|0; $sumBits_Q5 = $add131; } else { $77 = $i; $arrayidx133 = (($vla70) + ($77<<2)|0); $78 = HEAP32[$arrayidx133>>2]|0; $arrayidx134 = (($74) + ($78)|0); $79 = HEAP8[$arrayidx134>>0]|0; $conv135 = $79&255; $80 = $sumBits_Q5; $add136 = (($80) + ($conv135))|0; $sumBits_Q5 = $add136; } $81 = $i; $inc139 = (($81) + 1)|0; $i = $inc139; } $82 = $sumBits_Q5; $83 = $minSumBits_Q5; $cmp141 = ($82|0)<($83|0); if ($cmp141) { $84 = $sumBits_Q5; $minSumBits_Q5 = $84; $85 = $k; $RateLevelIndex = $85; } $86 = $k; $inc146 = (($86) + 1)|0; $k = $inc146; } $87 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $88 = $RateLevelIndex; $89 = $signalType$addr; $shr148 = $89 >> 1; $arrayidx149 = (28168 + (($shr148*9)|0)|0); _ec_enc_icdf($87,$88,$arrayidx149,8); $90 = $RateLevelIndex; $arrayidx151 = (27826 + (($90*18)|0)|0); $cdf_ptr = $arrayidx151; $i = 0; while(1) { $91 = $i; $92 = $iter; $cmp154 = ($91|0)<($92|0); if (!($cmp154)) { break; } $93 = $i; $arrayidx157 = (($vla71) + ($93<<2)|0); $94 = HEAP32[$arrayidx157>>2]|0; $cmp158 = ($94|0)==(0); $95 = $psRangeEnc$addr; if ($cmp158) { $96 = $i; $arrayidx161 = (($vla70) + ($96<<2)|0); $97 = HEAP32[$arrayidx161>>2]|0; $98 = $cdf_ptr; _ec_enc_icdf($95,$97,$98,8); } else { $99 = $cdf_ptr; _ec_enc_icdf($95,17,$99,8); $k = 0; while(1) { $100 = $k; $101 = $i; $arrayidx164 = (($vla71) + ($101<<2)|0); $102 = HEAP32[$arrayidx164>>2]|0; $sub165 = (($102) - 1)|0; $cmp166 = ($100|0)<($sub165|0); $103 = $psRangeEnc$addr; if (!($cmp166)) { break; } _ec_enc_icdf($103,17,(27988),8); $104 = $k; $inc170 = (($104) + 1)|0; $k = $inc170; } $105 = $i; $arrayidx172 = (($vla70) + ($105<<2)|0); $106 = HEAP32[$arrayidx172>>2]|0; _ec_enc_icdf($103,$106,(27988),8); } $107 = $i; $inc175 = (($107) + 1)|0; $i = $inc175; } $i = 0; while(1) { $108 = $i; $109 = $iter; $cmp178 = ($108|0)<($109|0); if (!($cmp178)) { break; } $110 = $i; $arrayidx181 = (($vla70) + ($110<<2)|0); $111 = HEAP32[$arrayidx181>>2]|0; $cmp182 = ($111|0)>(0); if ($cmp182) { $112 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $113 = $i; $mul185 = $113<<4; $arrayidx186 = (($vla) + ($mul185<<2)|0); _silk_shell_encoder($112,$arrayidx186); } $114 = $i; $inc189 = (($114) + 1)|0; $i = $inc189; } $i = 0; while(1) { $115 = $i; $116 = $iter; $cmp192 = ($115|0)<($116|0); if (!($cmp192)) { break; } $117 = $i; $arrayidx195 = (($vla71) + ($117<<2)|0); $118 = HEAP32[$arrayidx195>>2]|0; $cmp196 = ($118|0)>(0); L56: do { if ($cmp196) { $119 = $pulses$addr; $120 = $i; $mul199 = $120<<4; $arrayidx200 = (($119) + ($mul199)|0); $pulses_ptr = $arrayidx200; $121 = $i; $arrayidx201 = (($vla71) + ($121<<2)|0); $122 = HEAP32[$arrayidx201>>2]|0; $sub202 = (($122) - 1)|0; $nLS = $sub202; $k = 0; while(1) { $123 = $k; $cmp204 = ($123|0)<(16); if (!($cmp204)) { break L56; } $124 = $pulses_ptr; $125 = $k; $arrayidx207 = (($124) + ($125)|0); $126 = HEAP8[$arrayidx207>>0]|0; $conv208 = $126 << 24 >> 24; $cmp209 = ($conv208|0)>(0); $127 = $pulses_ptr; $128 = $k; $arrayidx212 = (($127) + ($128)|0); $129 = HEAP8[$arrayidx212>>0]|0; $conv213 = $129 << 24 >> 24; $sub217 = (0 - ($conv213))|0; $cond219 = $cmp209 ? $conv213 : $sub217; $conv220 = $cond219&255; $conv221 = $conv220 << 24 >> 24; $abs_q = $conv221; $130 = $nLS; $j = $130; while(1) { $131 = $j; $cmp223 = ($131|0)>(0); $132 = $abs_q; if (!($cmp223)) { break; } $133 = $j; $shr226 = $132 >> $133; $and = $shr226 & 1; $bit = $and; $134 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $135 = $bit; _ec_enc_icdf($134,$135,27660,8); $136 = $j; $dec = (($136) + -1)|0; $j = $dec; } $and229 = $132 & 1; $bit = $and229; $137 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $138 = $bit; _ec_enc_icdf($137,$138,27660,8); $139 = $k; $inc231 = (($139) + 1)|0; $k = $inc231; } } } while(0); $140 = $i; $inc235 = (($140) + 1)|0; $i = $inc235; } $141 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $142 = $pulses$addr; $143 = $frame_length$addr; $144 = $signalType$addr; $145 = $quantOffsetType$addr; _silk_encode_signs($141,$142,$143,$144,$145,$vla70); $146 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($146|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _combine_and_check($pulses_comb,$pulses_in,$max_pulses,$len) { $pulses_comb = $pulses_comb|0; $pulses_in = $pulses_in|0; $max_pulses = $max_pulses|0; $len = $len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add3 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $inc = 0, $k = 0, $len$addr = 0, $max_pulses$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul1 = 0, $pulses_comb$addr = 0, $pulses_in$addr = 0, $retval = 0, $sum = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $pulses_comb$addr = $pulses_comb; $pulses_in$addr = $pulses_in; $max_pulses$addr = $max_pulses; $len$addr = $len; $k = 0; while(1) { $0 = $k; $1 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { label = 6; break; } $2 = $pulses_in$addr; $3 = $k; $mul = $3<<1; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($mul<<2)|0); $4 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $5 = $pulses_in$addr; $6 = $k; $mul1 = $6<<1; $add = (($mul1) + 1)|0; $arrayidx2 = (($5) + ($add<<2)|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx2>>2]|0; $add3 = (($4) + ($7))|0; $sum = $add3; $8 = $sum; $9 = $max_pulses$addr; $cmp4 = ($8|0)>($9|0); if ($cmp4) { label = 4; break; } $10 = $sum; $11 = $pulses_comb$addr; $12 = $k; $arrayidx5 = (($11) + ($12<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2] = $10; $13 = $k; $inc = (($13) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } if ((label|0) == 4) { $retval = 1; $14 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($14|0); } else if ((label|0) == 6) { $retval = 0; $14 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($14|0); } return (0)|0; } function _silk_shell_encoder($psRangeEnc,$pulses0) { $psRangeEnc = $psRangeEnc|0; $pulses0 = $pulses0|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0; var $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $psRangeEnc$addr = 0, $pulses0$addr = 0, $pulses1 = 0, $pulses2 = 0; var $pulses3 = 0, $pulses4 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $pulses1 = sp + 32|0; $pulses2 = sp + 16|0; $pulses3 = sp + 8|0; $pulses4 = sp; $psRangeEnc$addr = $psRangeEnc; $pulses0$addr = $pulses0; $0 = $pulses0$addr; _combine_pulses($pulses1,$0,8); _combine_pulses($pulses2,$pulses1,4); _combine_pulses($pulses3,$pulses2,2); _combine_pulses($pulses4,$pulses3,1); $1 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $2 = HEAP32[$pulses3>>2]|0; $3 = HEAP32[$pulses4>>2]|0; _encode_split($1,$2,$3,28660); $4 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $5 = HEAP32[$pulses2>>2]|0; $6 = HEAP32[$pulses3>>2]|0; _encode_split($4,$5,$6,28508); $7 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $8 = HEAP32[$pulses1>>2]|0; $9 = HEAP32[$pulses2>>2]|0; _encode_split($7,$8,$9,28356); $10 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $11 = $pulses0$addr; $12 = HEAP32[$11>>2]|0; $13 = HEAP32[$pulses1>>2]|0; _encode_split($10,$12,$13,28204); $14 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $15 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx14 = ((($15)) + 8|0); $16 = HEAP32[$arrayidx14>>2]|0; $arrayidx15 = ((($pulses1)) + 4|0); $17 = HEAP32[$arrayidx15>>2]|0; _encode_split($14,$16,$17,28204); $18 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $arrayidx16 = ((($pulses1)) + 8|0); $19 = HEAP32[$arrayidx16>>2]|0; $arrayidx17 = ((($pulses2)) + 4|0); $20 = HEAP32[$arrayidx17>>2]|0; _encode_split($18,$19,$20,28356); $21 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $22 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx18 = ((($22)) + 16|0); $23 = HEAP32[$arrayidx18>>2]|0; $arrayidx19 = ((($pulses1)) + 8|0); $24 = HEAP32[$arrayidx19>>2]|0; _encode_split($21,$23,$24,28204); $25 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $26 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx20 = ((($26)) + 24|0); $27 = HEAP32[$arrayidx20>>2]|0; $arrayidx21 = ((($pulses1)) + 12|0); $28 = HEAP32[$arrayidx21>>2]|0; _encode_split($25,$27,$28,28204); $29 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $arrayidx22 = ((($pulses2)) + 8|0); $30 = HEAP32[$arrayidx22>>2]|0; $arrayidx23 = ((($pulses3)) + 4|0); $31 = HEAP32[$arrayidx23>>2]|0; _encode_split($29,$30,$31,28508); $32 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $arrayidx24 = ((($pulses1)) + 16|0); $33 = HEAP32[$arrayidx24>>2]|0; $arrayidx25 = ((($pulses2)) + 8|0); $34 = HEAP32[$arrayidx25>>2]|0; _encode_split($32,$33,$34,28356); $35 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $36 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx26 = ((($36)) + 32|0); $37 = HEAP32[$arrayidx26>>2]|0; $arrayidx27 = ((($pulses1)) + 16|0); $38 = HEAP32[$arrayidx27>>2]|0; _encode_split($35,$37,$38,28204); $39 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $40 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx28 = ((($40)) + 40|0); $41 = HEAP32[$arrayidx28>>2]|0; $arrayidx29 = ((($pulses1)) + 20|0); $42 = HEAP32[$arrayidx29>>2]|0; _encode_split($39,$41,$42,28204); $43 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $arrayidx30 = ((($pulses1)) + 24|0); $44 = HEAP32[$arrayidx30>>2]|0; $arrayidx31 = ((($pulses2)) + 12|0); $45 = HEAP32[$arrayidx31>>2]|0; _encode_split($43,$44,$45,28356); $46 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $47 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx32 = ((($47)) + 48|0); $48 = HEAP32[$arrayidx32>>2]|0; $arrayidx33 = ((($pulses1)) + 24|0); $49 = HEAP32[$arrayidx33>>2]|0; _encode_split($46,$48,$49,28204); $50 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $51 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx34 = ((($51)) + 56|0); $52 = HEAP32[$arrayidx34>>2]|0; $arrayidx35 = ((($pulses1)) + 28|0); $53 = HEAP32[$arrayidx35>>2]|0; _encode_split($50,$52,$53,28204); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _combine_pulses($out,$in,$len) { $out = $out|0; $in = $in|0; $len = $len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add3 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $cmp = 0, $in$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $k = 0; var $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul1 = 0, $out$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $out$addr = $out; $in$addr = $in; $len$addr = $len; $k = 0; while(1) { $0 = $k; $1 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $in$addr; $3 = $k; $mul = $3<<1; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($mul<<2)|0); $4 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $5 = $in$addr; $6 = $k; $mul1 = $6<<1; $add = (($mul1) + 1)|0; $arrayidx2 = (($5) + ($add<<2)|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx2>>2]|0; $add3 = (($4) + ($7))|0; $8 = $out$addr; $9 = $k; $arrayidx4 = (($8) + ($9<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx4>>2] = $add3; $10 = $k; $inc = (($10) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _encode_split($psRangeEnc,$p_child1,$p,$shell_table) { $psRangeEnc = $psRangeEnc|0; $p_child1 = $p_child1|0; $p = $p|0; $shell_table = $shell_table|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $cmp = 0, $idxprom = 0, $p$addr = 0, $p_child1$addr = 0, $psRangeEnc$addr = 0, $shell_table$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $psRangeEnc$addr = $psRangeEnc; $p_child1$addr = $p_child1; $p$addr = $p; $shell_table$addr = $shell_table; $0 = $p$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(0); if (!($cmp)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $1 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $2 = $p_child1$addr; $3 = $shell_table$addr; $4 = $p$addr; $arrayidx = (28812 + ($4)|0); $5 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $idxprom = $5&255; $arrayidx1 = (($3) + ($idxprom)|0); _ec_enc_icdf($1,$2,$arrayidx1,8); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_shell_decoder($pulses0,$psRangeDec,$pulses4) { $pulses0 = $pulses0|0; $psRangeDec = $psRangeDec|0; $pulses4 = $pulses4|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0; var $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx51 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0; var $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv20 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv28 = 0, $conv32 = 0, $conv36 = 0, $conv40 = 0, $conv44 = 0, $conv48 = 0, $conv52 = 0, $conv56 = 0, $conv8 = 0, $psRangeDec$addr = 0, $pulses0$addr = 0, $pulses1 = 0; var $pulses2 = 0, $pulses3 = 0, $pulses4$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $pulses3 = sp + 40|0; $pulses2 = sp + 32|0; $pulses1 = sp + 16|0; $pulses0$addr = $pulses0; $psRangeDec$addr = $psRangeDec; $pulses4$addr = $pulses4; $arrayidx1 = ((($pulses3)) + 2|0); $0 = $psRangeDec$addr; $1 = $pulses4$addr; _decode_split($pulses3,$arrayidx1,$0,$1,28660); $arrayidx3 = ((($pulses2)) + 2|0); $2 = $psRangeDec$addr; $3 = HEAP16[$pulses3>>1]|0; $conv = $3 << 16 >> 16; _decode_split($pulses2,$arrayidx3,$2,$conv,28508); $arrayidx6 = ((($pulses1)) + 2|0); $4 = $psRangeDec$addr; $5 = HEAP16[$pulses2>>1]|0; $conv8 = $5 << 16 >> 16; _decode_split($pulses1,$arrayidx6,$4,$conv8,28356); $6 = $pulses0$addr; $7 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx10 = ((($7)) + 2|0); $8 = $psRangeDec$addr; $9 = HEAP16[$pulses1>>1]|0; $conv12 = $9 << 16 >> 16; _decode_split($6,$arrayidx10,$8,$conv12,28204); $10 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx13 = ((($10)) + 4|0); $11 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx14 = ((($11)) + 6|0); $12 = $psRangeDec$addr; $arrayidx15 = ((($pulses1)) + 2|0); $13 = HEAP16[$arrayidx15>>1]|0; $conv16 = $13 << 16 >> 16; _decode_split($arrayidx13,$arrayidx14,$12,$conv16,28204); $arrayidx17 = ((($pulses1)) + 4|0); $arrayidx18 = ((($pulses1)) + 6|0); $14 = $psRangeDec$addr; $arrayidx19 = ((($pulses2)) + 2|0); $15 = HEAP16[$arrayidx19>>1]|0; $conv20 = $15 << 16 >> 16; _decode_split($arrayidx17,$arrayidx18,$14,$conv20,28356); $16 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx21 = ((($16)) + 8|0); $17 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx22 = ((($17)) + 10|0); $18 = $psRangeDec$addr; $arrayidx23 = ((($pulses1)) + 4|0); $19 = HEAP16[$arrayidx23>>1]|0; $conv24 = $19 << 16 >> 16; _decode_split($arrayidx21,$arrayidx22,$18,$conv24,28204); $20 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx25 = ((($20)) + 12|0); $21 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx26 = ((($21)) + 14|0); $22 = $psRangeDec$addr; $arrayidx27 = ((($pulses1)) + 6|0); $23 = HEAP16[$arrayidx27>>1]|0; $conv28 = $23 << 16 >> 16; _decode_split($arrayidx25,$arrayidx26,$22,$conv28,28204); $arrayidx29 = ((($pulses2)) + 4|0); $arrayidx30 = ((($pulses2)) + 6|0); $24 = $psRangeDec$addr; $arrayidx31 = ((($pulses3)) + 2|0); $25 = HEAP16[$arrayidx31>>1]|0; $conv32 = $25 << 16 >> 16; _decode_split($arrayidx29,$arrayidx30,$24,$conv32,28508); $arrayidx33 = ((($pulses1)) + 8|0); $arrayidx34 = ((($pulses1)) + 10|0); $26 = $psRangeDec$addr; $arrayidx35 = ((($pulses2)) + 4|0); $27 = HEAP16[$arrayidx35>>1]|0; $conv36 = $27 << 16 >> 16; _decode_split($arrayidx33,$arrayidx34,$26,$conv36,28356); $28 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx37 = ((($28)) + 16|0); $29 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx38 = ((($29)) + 18|0); $30 = $psRangeDec$addr; $arrayidx39 = ((($pulses1)) + 8|0); $31 = HEAP16[$arrayidx39>>1]|0; $conv40 = $31 << 16 >> 16; _decode_split($arrayidx37,$arrayidx38,$30,$conv40,28204); $32 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx41 = ((($32)) + 20|0); $33 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx42 = ((($33)) + 22|0); $34 = $psRangeDec$addr; $arrayidx43 = ((($pulses1)) + 10|0); $35 = HEAP16[$arrayidx43>>1]|0; $conv44 = $35 << 16 >> 16; _decode_split($arrayidx41,$arrayidx42,$34,$conv44,28204); $arrayidx45 = ((($pulses1)) + 12|0); $arrayidx46 = ((($pulses1)) + 14|0); $36 = $psRangeDec$addr; $arrayidx47 = ((($pulses2)) + 6|0); $37 = HEAP16[$arrayidx47>>1]|0; $conv48 = $37 << 16 >> 16; _decode_split($arrayidx45,$arrayidx46,$36,$conv48,28356); $38 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx49 = ((($38)) + 24|0); $39 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx50 = ((($39)) + 26|0); $40 = $psRangeDec$addr; $arrayidx51 = ((($pulses1)) + 12|0); $41 = HEAP16[$arrayidx51>>1]|0; $conv52 = $41 << 16 >> 16; _decode_split($arrayidx49,$arrayidx50,$40,$conv52,28204); $42 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx53 = ((($42)) + 28|0); $43 = $pulses0$addr; $arrayidx54 = ((($43)) + 30|0); $44 = $psRangeDec$addr; $arrayidx55 = ((($pulses1)) + 14|0); $45 = HEAP16[$arrayidx55>>1]|0; $conv56 = $45 << 16 >> 16; _decode_split($arrayidx53,$arrayidx54,$44,$conv56,28204); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _decode_split($p_child1,$p_child2,$psRangeDec,$p,$shell_table) { $p_child1 = $p_child1|0; $p_child2 = $p_child2|0; $psRangeDec = $psRangeDec|0; $p = $p|0; $shell_table = $shell_table|0; var $$sink = 0, $$sink1 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv4 = 0; var $conv5 = 0, $idxprom = 0, $p$addr = 0, $p_child1$addr = 0, $p_child2$addr = 0, $psRangeDec$addr = 0, $shell_table$addr = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $p_child1$addr = $p_child1; $p_child2$addr = $p_child2; $psRangeDec$addr = $psRangeDec; $p$addr = $p; $shell_table$addr = $shell_table; $0 = $p$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(0); if ($cmp) { $1 = $psRangeDec$addr; $2 = $shell_table$addr; $3 = $p$addr; $arrayidx = (28812 + ($3)|0); $4 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $idxprom = $4&255; $arrayidx1 = (($2) + ($idxprom)|0); $call = (_ec_dec_icdf($1,$arrayidx1,8)|0); $conv = $call&65535; $5 = $p_child1$addr; HEAP16[$5>>1] = $conv; $6 = $p$addr; $7 = $p_child1$addr; $8 = HEAP16[$7>>1]|0; $conv4 = $8 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($6) - ($conv4))|0; $conv5 = $sub&65535; $9 = $p_child2$addr; $$sink = $conv5;$$sink1 = $9; HEAP16[$$sink1>>1] = $$sink; STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { $10 = $p_child1$addr; HEAP16[$10>>1] = 0; $11 = $p_child2$addr; $$sink = 0;$$sink1 = $11; HEAP16[$$sink1>>1] = $$sink; STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _silk_HP_variable_cutoff($state_Fxx) { $state_Fxx = $state_Fxx|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add34 = 0, $add43 = 0, $add44 = 0, $add76 = 0, $add77 = 0, $and = 0, $and29 = 0, $and35 = 0, $and73 = 0, $call = 0; var $call101 = 0, $call111 = 0, $call116 = 0, $call120 = 0, $call125 = 0, $call15 = 0, $call36 = 0, $call79 = 0, $call81 = 0, $call87 = 0, $call92 = 0, $call96 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp113 = 0, $cmp122 = 0, $cmp47 = 0, $cmp51 = 0, $cmp53 = 0, $cmp83 = 0, $cmp89 = 0; var $cmp98 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond134 = 0, $cond58 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $conv31 = 0, $conv39 = 0, $conv40 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv60 = 0, $conv61 = 0, $conv62 = 0; var $conv63 = 0, $conv68 = 0, $conv69 = 0, $conv70 = 0, $conv71 = 0, $delta_freq_Q7 = 0, $div = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $input_quality_bands_Q15 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul20 = 0, $mul26 = 0, $mul32 = 0, $mul41 = 0, $mul50 = 0, $mul64 = 0, $mul66 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $mul72 = 0; var $mul74 = 0, $pitch_freq_Hz_Q16 = 0, $pitch_freq_log_Q7 = 0, $prevLag = 0, $prevSignalType = 0, $psEncC1 = 0, $quality_Q15 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl102 = 0, $shl112 = 0, $shl117 = 0, $shl121 = 0, $shl126 = 0, $shl22 = 0, $shl28 = 0, $shl4 = 0, $shl80 = 0, $shl82 = 0, $shl88 = 0, $shl9 = 0; var $shl93 = 0, $shl97 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr13 = 0, $shr14 = 0, $shr23 = 0, $shr33 = 0, $shr42 = 0, $shr45 = 0, $shr65 = 0, $shr75 = 0, $speech_activity_Q8 = 0, $speech_activity_Q867 = 0, $state_Fxx$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub16 = 0, $sub17 = 0, $sub21 = 0, $sub27 = 0, $sub3 = 0; var $sub37 = 0, $sub38 = 0, $sub46 = 0, $sub8 = 0, $variable_HP_smth1_Q15 = 0, $variable_HP_smth1_Q15104 = 0, $variable_HP_smth1_Q15119 = 0, $variable_HP_smth1_Q15128 = 0, $variable_HP_smth1_Q15135 = 0, $variable_HP_smth1_Q1559 = 0, $variable_HP_smth1_Q1578 = 0, $variable_HP_smth1_Q1586 = 0, $variable_HP_smth1_Q1595 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $state_Fxx$addr = $state_Fxx; $0 = $state_Fxx$addr; $psEncC1 = $0; $1 = $psEncC1; $prevSignalType = ((($1)) + 4565|0); $2 = HEAP8[$prevSignalType>>0]|0; $conv = $2 << 24 >> 24; $cmp = ($conv|0)==(2); if (!($cmp)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $3 = $psEncC1; $fs_kHz = ((($3)) + 4600|0); $4 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $mul = ($4*1000)|0; $shl = $mul << 16; $5 = $psEncC1; $prevLag = ((($5)) + 4568|0); $6 = HEAP32[$prevLag>>2]|0; $div = (($shl|0) / ($6|0))&-1; $pitch_freq_Hz_Q16 = $div; $7 = $pitch_freq_Hz_Q16; $call = (_silk_lin2log($7)|0); $sub = (($call) - 2048)|0; $pitch_freq_log_Q7 = $sub; $8 = $psEncC1; $input_quality_bands_Q15 = ((($8)) + 4728|0); $9 = HEAP32[$input_quality_bands_Q15>>2]|0; $quality_Q15 = $9; $10 = $pitch_freq_log_Q7; $11 = $quality_Q15; $sub3 = (0 - ($11))|0; $shl4 = $sub3 << 2; $shr = $shl4 >> 16; $12 = $quality_Q15; $conv5 = $12&65535; $conv6 = $conv5 << 16 >> 16; $mul7 = Math_imul($shr, $conv6)|0; $13 = $quality_Q15; $sub8 = (0 - ($13))|0; $shl9 = $sub8 << 2; $and = $shl9 & 65535; $14 = $quality_Q15; $conv10 = $14&65535; $conv11 = $conv10 << 16 >> 16; $mul12 = Math_imul($and, $conv11)|0; $shr13 = $mul12 >> 16; $add = (($mul7) + ($shr13))|0; $shr14 = $add >> 16; $15 = $pitch_freq_log_Q7; $call15 = (_silk_lin2log(3932160)|0); $sub16 = (($call15) - 2048)|0; $sub17 = (($15) - ($sub16))|0; $conv18 = $sub17&65535; $conv19 = $conv18 << 16 >> 16; $mul20 = Math_imul($shr14, $conv19)|0; $16 = $quality_Q15; $sub21 = (0 - ($16))|0; $shl22 = $sub21 << 2; $shr23 = $shl22 >> 16; $17 = $quality_Q15; $conv24 = $17&65535; $conv25 = $conv24 << 16 >> 16; $mul26 = Math_imul($shr23, $conv25)|0; $18 = $quality_Q15; $sub27 = (0 - ($18))|0; $shl28 = $sub27 << 2; $and29 = $shl28 & 65535; $19 = $quality_Q15; $conv30 = $19&65535; $conv31 = $conv30 << 16 >> 16; $mul32 = Math_imul($and29, $conv31)|0; $shr33 = $mul32 >> 16; $add34 = (($mul26) + ($shr33))|0; $and35 = $add34 & 65535; $20 = $pitch_freq_log_Q7; $call36 = (_silk_lin2log(3932160)|0); $sub37 = (($call36) - 2048)|0; $sub38 = (($20) - ($sub37))|0; $conv39 = $sub38&65535; $conv40 = $conv39 << 16 >> 16; $mul41 = Math_imul($and35, $conv40)|0; $shr42 = $mul41 >> 16; $add43 = (($mul20) + ($shr42))|0; $add44 = (($10) + ($add43))|0; $pitch_freq_log_Q7 = $add44; $21 = $pitch_freq_log_Q7; $22 = $psEncC1; $variable_HP_smth1_Q15 = ((($22)) + 8|0); $23 = HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth1_Q15>>2]|0; $shr45 = $23 >> 8; $sub46 = (($21) - ($shr45))|0; $delta_freq_Q7 = $sub46; $24 = $delta_freq_Q7; $cmp47 = ($24|0)<(0); if ($cmp47) { $25 = $delta_freq_Q7; $mul50 = ($25*3)|0; $delta_freq_Q7 = $mul50; } $26 = $delta_freq_Q7; $cmp51 = ($26|0)>(51); if ($cmp51) { $cond58 = 51; } else { $27 = $delta_freq_Q7; $cmp53 = ($27|0)<(-51); $28 = $delta_freq_Q7; $cond = $cmp53 ? -51 : $28; $cond58 = $cond; } $delta_freq_Q7 = $cond58; $29 = $psEncC1; $variable_HP_smth1_Q1559 = ((($29)) + 8|0); $30 = HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth1_Q1559>>2]|0; $31 = $psEncC1; $speech_activity_Q8 = ((($31)) + 4556|0); $32 = HEAP32[$speech_activity_Q8>>2]|0; $conv60 = $32&65535; $conv61 = $conv60 << 16 >> 16; $33 = $delta_freq_Q7; $conv62 = $33&65535; $conv63 = $conv62 << 16 >> 16; $mul64 = Math_imul($conv61, $conv63)|0; $shr65 = $mul64 >> 16; $mul66 = ($shr65*6554)|0; $34 = $psEncC1; $speech_activity_Q867 = ((($34)) + 4556|0); $35 = HEAP32[$speech_activity_Q867>>2]|0; $conv68 = $35&65535; $conv69 = $conv68 << 16 >> 16; $36 = $delta_freq_Q7; $conv70 = $36&65535; $conv71 = $conv70 << 16 >> 16; $mul72 = Math_imul($conv69, $conv71)|0; $and73 = $mul72 & 65535; $mul74 = ($and73*6554)|0; $shr75 = $mul74 >> 16; $add76 = (($mul66) + ($shr75))|0; $add77 = (($30) + ($add76))|0; $37 = $psEncC1; $variable_HP_smth1_Q1578 = ((($37)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth1_Q1578>>2] = $add77; $call79 = (_silk_lin2log(60)|0); $shl80 = $call79 << 8; $call81 = (_silk_lin2log(100)|0); $shl82 = $call81 << 8; $cmp83 = ($shl80|0)>($shl82|0); $38 = $psEncC1; $variable_HP_smth1_Q1586 = ((($38)) + 8|0); $39 = HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth1_Q1586>>2]|0; do { if ($cmp83) { $call87 = (_silk_lin2log(60)|0); $shl88 = $call87 << 8; $cmp89 = ($39|0)>($shl88|0); if ($cmp89) { $call92 = (_silk_lin2log(60)|0); $shl93 = $call92 << 8; $cond134 = $shl93; break; } $40 = $psEncC1; $variable_HP_smth1_Q1595 = ((($40)) + 8|0); $41 = HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth1_Q1595>>2]|0; $call96 = (_silk_lin2log(100)|0); $shl97 = $call96 << 8; $cmp98 = ($41|0)<($shl97|0); if ($cmp98) { $call101 = (_silk_lin2log(100)|0); $shl102 = $call101 << 8; $cond134 = $shl102; break; } else { $42 = $psEncC1; $variable_HP_smth1_Q15104 = ((($42)) + 8|0); $43 = HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth1_Q15104>>2]|0; $cond134 = $43; break; } } else { $call111 = (_silk_lin2log(100)|0); $shl112 = $call111 << 8; $cmp113 = ($39|0)>($shl112|0); if ($cmp113) { $call116 = (_silk_lin2log(100)|0); $shl117 = $call116 << 8; $cond134 = $shl117; break; } $44 = $psEncC1; $variable_HP_smth1_Q15119 = ((($44)) + 8|0); $45 = HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth1_Q15119>>2]|0; $call120 = (_silk_lin2log(60)|0); $shl121 = $call120 << 8; $cmp122 = ($45|0)<($shl121|0); if ($cmp122) { $call125 = (_silk_lin2log(60)|0); $shl126 = $call125 << 8; $cond134 = $shl126; break; } else { $46 = $psEncC1; $variable_HP_smth1_Q15128 = ((($46)) + 8|0); $47 = HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth1_Q15128>>2]|0; $cond134 = $47; break; } } } while(0); $48 = $psEncC1; $variable_HP_smth1_Q15135 = ((($48)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth1_Q15135>>2] = $cond134; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_NLSF_unpack($ec_ix,$pred_Q8,$psNLSF_CB,$CB1_index) { $ec_ix = $ec_ix|0; $pred_Q8 = $pred_Q8|0; $psNLSF_CB = $psNLSF_CB|0; $CB1_index = $CB1_index|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $CB1_index$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add26 = 0, $add36 = 0, $add37 = 0; var $add39 = 0, $add41 = 0, $and = 0, $and13 = 0, $and21 = 0, $and31 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv22 = 0, $conv23 = 0; var $conv25 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $conv33 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $conv9 = 0, $div = 0, $ec_ix$addr = 0, $ec_sel = 0, $ec_sel_ptr = 0, $entry1 = 0, $i = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul16 = 0, $mul24 = 0, $mul35 = 0, $mul8 = 0; var $order = 0, $order14 = 0, $order2 = 0, $order32 = 0, $pred_Q8$addr = 0, $pred_Q811 = 0, $pred_Q828 = 0, $psNLSF_CB$addr = 0, $shr = 0, $shr20 = 0, $shr30 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub34 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $ec_ix$addr = $ec_ix; $pred_Q8$addr = $pred_Q8; $psNLSF_CB$addr = $psNLSF_CB; $CB1_index$addr = $CB1_index; $0 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $ec_sel = ((($0)) + 20|0); $1 = HEAP32[$ec_sel>>2]|0; $2 = $CB1_index$addr; $3 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order = ((($3)) + 2|0); $4 = HEAP16[$order>>1]|0; $conv = $4 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($2, $conv)|0; $div = (($mul|0) / 2)&-1; $arrayidx = (($1) + ($div)|0); $ec_sel_ptr = $arrayidx; $i = 0; while(1) { $5 = $i; $6 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order2 = ((($6)) + 2|0); $7 = HEAP16[$order2>>1]|0; $conv3 = $7 << 16 >> 16; $cmp = ($5|0)<($conv3|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $8 = $ec_sel_ptr; $incdec$ptr = ((($8)) + 1|0); $ec_sel_ptr = $incdec$ptr; $9 = HEAP8[$8>>0]|0; $entry1 = $9; $10 = $entry1; $conv5 = $10&255; $shr = $conv5 >> 1; $and = $shr & 7; $conv6 = $and&65535; $conv7 = $conv6 << 16 >> 16; $mul8 = ($conv7*9)|0; $conv9 = $mul8&65535; $11 = $ec_ix$addr; $12 = $i; $arrayidx10 = (($11) + ($12<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx10>>1] = $conv9; $13 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $pred_Q811 = ((($13)) + 16|0); $14 = HEAP32[$pred_Q811>>2]|0; $15 = $i; $16 = $entry1; $conv12 = $16&255; $and13 = $conv12 & 1; $17 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order14 = ((($17)) + 2|0); $18 = HEAP16[$order14>>1]|0; $conv15 = $18 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($conv15) - 1)|0; $mul16 = Math_imul($and13, $sub)|0; $add = (($15) + ($mul16))|0; $arrayidx17 = (($14) + ($add)|0); $19 = HEAP8[$arrayidx17>>0]|0; $20 = $pred_Q8$addr; $21 = $i; $arrayidx18 = (($20) + ($21)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx18>>0] = $19; $22 = $entry1; $conv19 = $22&255; $shr20 = $conv19 >> 5; $and21 = $shr20 & 7; $conv22 = $and21&65535; $conv23 = $conv22 << 16 >> 16; $mul24 = ($conv23*9)|0; $conv25 = $mul24&65535; $23 = $ec_ix$addr; $24 = $i; $add26 = (($24) + 1)|0; $arrayidx27 = (($23) + ($add26<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx27>>1] = $conv25; $25 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $pred_Q828 = ((($25)) + 16|0); $26 = HEAP32[$pred_Q828>>2]|0; $27 = $i; $28 = $entry1; $conv29 = $28&255; $shr30 = $conv29 >> 4; $and31 = $shr30 & 1; $29 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order32 = ((($29)) + 2|0); $30 = HEAP16[$order32>>1]|0; $conv33 = $30 << 16 >> 16; $sub34 = (($conv33) - 1)|0; $mul35 = Math_imul($and31, $sub34)|0; $add36 = (($27) + ($mul35))|0; $add37 = (($add36) + 1)|0; $arrayidx38 = (($26) + ($add37)|0); $31 = HEAP8[$arrayidx38>>0]|0; $32 = $pred_Q8$addr; $33 = $i; $add39 = (($33) + 1)|0; $arrayidx40 = (($32) + ($add39)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx40>>0] = $31; $34 = $i; $add41 = (($34) + 2)|0; $i = $add41; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_stereo_LR_to_MS($state,$x1,$x2,$ix,$mid_only_flag,$mid_side_rates_bps,$total_rate_bps,$prev_speech_act_Q8,$toMono,$fs_kHz,$frame_length) { $state = $state|0; $x1 = $x1|0; $x2 = $x2|0; $ix = $ix|0; $mid_only_flag = $mid_only_flag|0; $mid_side_rates_bps = $mid_side_rates_bps|0; $total_rate_bps = $total_rate_bps|0; $prev_speech_act_Q8 = $prev_speech_act_Q8|0; $toMono = $toMono|0; $fs_kHz = $fs_kHz|0; $frame_length = $frame_length|0; var $$sub145 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0; var $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0; var $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0; var $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0; var $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0; var $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0; var $205 = 0, $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0; var $223 = 0, $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0; var $241 = 0, $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0; var $26 = 0, $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0; var $278 = 0, $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0, $294 = 0, $295 = 0; var $296 = 0, $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0, $304 = 0, $305 = 0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0, $31 = 0, $310 = 0, $311 = 0, $312 = 0; var $313 = 0, $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0; var $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0; var $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0; var $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0; var $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $HP_ratio_Q14 = 0, $LP_ratio_Q14 = 0, $add = 0, $add1 = 0, $add126 = 0, $add136 = 0, $add14 = 0, $add151 = 0, $add153 = 0, $add167 = 0, $add172 = 0, $add178 = 0, $add19 = 0, $add212 = 0, $add213 = 0, $add238 = 0, $add24 = 0; var $add283 = 0, $add31 = 0, $add344 = 0, $add394 = 0, $add408 = 0, $add426 = 0, $add433 = 0, $add434 = 0, $add435 = 0, $add438 = 0, $add441 = 0, $add442 = 0, $add446 = 0, $add449 = 0, $add454 = 0, $add459 = 0, $add469 = 0, $add470 = 0, $add471 = 0, $add479 = 0; var $add488 = 0, $add489 = 0, $add491 = 0, $add498 = 0, $add505 = 0, $add51 = 0, $add529 = 0, $add532 = 0, $add533 = 0, $add537 = 0, $add54 = 0, $add540 = 0, $add545 = 0, $add55 = 0, $add550 = 0, $add560 = 0, $add561 = 0, $add562 = 0, $add570 = 0, $add579 = 0; var $add58 = 0, $add580 = 0, $add582 = 0, $add589 = 0, $add596 = 0, $add6 = 0, $add60 = 0, $add64 = 0, $add81 = 0, $add84 = 0, $add85 = 0, $add89 = 0, $add91 = 0, $add95 = 0, $and = 0, $and121 = 0, $and173 = 0, $and18 = 0, $and207 = 0, $and23 = 0; var $and233 = 0, $and278 = 0, $and30 = 0, $and421 = 0, $and453 = 0, $and464 = 0, $and483 = 0, $and544 = 0, $and555 = 0, $and574 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx100 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx130 = 0, $arrayidx132 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx163 = 0, $arrayidx164 = 0, $arrayidx194 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0; var $arrayidx219 = 0, $arrayidx252 = 0, $arrayidx257 = 0, $arrayidx260 = 0, $arrayidx262 = 0, $arrayidx297 = 0, $arrayidx302 = 0, $arrayidx305 = 0, $arrayidx324 = 0, $arrayidx329 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx362 = 0, $arrayidx366 = 0, $arrayidx367 = 0, $arrayidx376 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx397 = 0, $arrayidx399 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0; var $arrayidx436 = 0, $arrayidx439 = 0, $arrayidx443 = 0, $arrayidx450 = 0, $arrayidx455 = 0, $arrayidx472 = 0, $arrayidx480 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx513 = 0, $arrayidx519 = 0, $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx527 = 0, $arrayidx530 = 0, $arrayidx534 = 0, $arrayidx541 = 0, $arrayidx546 = 0, $arrayidx56 = 0, $arrayidx563 = 0, $arrayidx571 = 0, $arrayidx604 = 0; var $arrayidx612 = 0, $arrayidx615 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx79 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx82 = 0, $arrayidx86 = 0, $arrayidx94 = 0, $arrayidx96 = 0, $call = 0, $call131 = 0, $call154 = 0, $call179 = 0, $call369 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp104 = 0, $cmp137 = 0, $cmp146 = 0; var $cmp157 = 0, $cmp180 = 0, $cmp184 = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp223 = 0, $cmp227 = 0, $cmp239 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp266 = 0, $cmp271 = 0, $cmp284 = 0, $cmp309 = 0, $cmp338 = 0, $cmp349 = 0, $cmp359 = 0, $cmp363 = 0, $cmp430 = 0, $cmp46 = 0, $cmp493 = 0, $cmp500 = 0; var $cmp524 = 0, $cmp584 = 0, $cmp591 = 0, $cmp76 = 0, $cond106 = 0, $cond142 = 0, $cond144 = 0, $cond189 = 0, $cond191 = 0, $cond33 = 0, $cond510 = 0, $cond601 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv105 = 0, $conv107 = 0, $conv108 = 0, $conv109 = 0, $conv110 = 0, $conv113 = 0, $conv114 = 0; var $conv116 = 0, $conv117 = 0, $conv118 = 0, $conv119 = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv122 = 0, $conv123 = 0, $conv133 = 0, $conv134 = 0, $conv148 = 0, $conv149 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv169 = 0, $conv170 = 0, $conv174 = 0, $conv175 = 0, $conv196 = 0, $conv198 = 0, $conv201 = 0, $conv202 = 0; var $conv205 = 0, $conv208 = 0, $conv209 = 0, $conv214 = 0, $conv222 = 0, $conv231 = 0, $conv235 = 0, $conv243 = 0, $conv245 = 0, $conv246 = 0, $conv251 = 0, $conv253 = 0, $conv254 = 0, $conv265 = 0, $conv276 = 0, $conv280 = 0, $conv288 = 0, $conv290 = 0, $conv291 = 0, $conv296 = 0; var $conv298 = 0, $conv299 = 0, $conv308 = 0, $conv315 = 0, $conv317 = 0, $conv318 = 0, $conv323 = 0, $conv325 = 0, $conv326 = 0, $conv332 = 0, $conv337 = 0, $conv34 = 0, $conv343 = 0, $conv345 = 0, $conv347 = 0, $conv358 = 0, $conv373 = 0, $conv377 = 0, $conv380 = 0, $conv386 = 0; var $conv388 = 0, $conv389 = 0, $conv390 = 0, $conv391 = 0, $conv400 = 0, $conv402 = 0, $conv403 = 0, $conv404 = 0, $conv405 = 0, $conv412 = 0, $conv415 = 0, $conv416 = 0, $conv419 = 0, $conv422 = 0, $conv423 = 0, $conv437 = 0, $conv440 = 0, $conv444 = 0, $conv451 = 0, $conv456 = 0; var $conv461 = 0, $conv462 = 0, $conv465 = 0, $conv466 = 0, $conv473 = 0, $conv476 = 0, $conv477 = 0, $conv481 = 0, $conv484 = 0, $conv485 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv50 = 0, $conv511 = 0, $conv528 = 0, $conv53 = 0, $conv531 = 0, $conv535 = 0, $conv542 = 0, $conv547 = 0, $conv552 = 0; var $conv553 = 0, $conv556 = 0, $conv557 = 0, $conv564 = 0, $conv567 = 0, $conv568 = 0, $conv57 = 0, $conv572 = 0, $conv575 = 0, $conv576 = 0, $conv602 = 0, $conv609 = 0, $conv613 = 0, $conv616 = 0, $conv62 = 0, $conv66 = 0, $conv68 = 0, $conv80 = 0, $conv83 = 0, $conv87 = 0; var $conv9 = 0, $conv93 = 0, $conv97 = 0, $conv99 = 0, $delta0_Q13 = 0, $delta1_Q13 = 0, $deltaw_Q24 = 0, $denom_Q16 = 0, $diff = 0, $div = 0, $frac_3_Q16 = 0, $frac_Q16 = 0, $frame_length$addr = 0, $fs_kHz$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc102 = 0, $inc515 = 0, $inc606 = 0, $inc71 = 0, $is10msFrame = 0; var $ix$addr = 0, $mid = 0, $mid_only_flag$addr = 0, $mid_side_amp_Q0 = 0, $mid_side_amp_Q0129 = 0, $mid_side_rates_bps$addr = 0, $min_mid_rate_bps = 0, $mul = 0, $mul111 = 0, $mul115 = 0, $mul120 = 0, $mul124 = 0, $mul135 = 0, $mul150 = 0, $mul152 = 0, $mul171 = 0, $mul176 = 0, $mul203 = 0, $mul210 = 0, $mul225 = 0; var $mul226 = 0, $mul232 = 0, $mul236 = 0, $mul247 = 0, $mul255 = 0, $mul269 = 0, $mul270 = 0, $mul277 = 0, $mul281 = 0, $mul292 = 0, $mul300 = 0, $mul319 = 0, $mul327 = 0, $mul341 = 0, $mul348 = 0, $mul382 = 0, $mul392 = 0, $mul406 = 0, $mul417 = 0, $mul424 = 0; var $mul429 = 0, $mul452 = 0, $mul457 = 0, $mul463 = 0, $mul467 = 0, $mul478 = 0, $mul486 = 0, $mul522 = 0, $mul543 = 0, $mul548 = 0, $mul554 = 0, $mul558 = 0, $mul569 = 0, $mul577 = 0, $n = 0, $pred0_Q13 = 0, $pred1_Q13 = 0, $pred_Q13 = 0, $prev_speech_act_Q8$addr = 0, $sMid = 0; var $sMid37 = 0, $sSide = 0, $sSide40 = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shl = 0, $shl165 = 0, $shl381 = 0, $shl427 = 0, $shl445 = 0, $shl447 = 0, $shl474 = 0, $shl482 = 0, $shl521 = 0, $shl536 = 0, $shl538 = 0, $shl565 = 0, $shl573 = 0, $shl88 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr112 = 0; var $shr125 = 0, $shr168 = 0, $shr17 = 0, $shr177 = 0, $shr200 = 0, $shr211 = 0, $shr22 = 0, $shr229 = 0, $shr237 = 0, $shr248 = 0, $shr256 = 0, $shr274 = 0, $shr282 = 0, $shr29 = 0, $shr293 = 0, $shr301 = 0, $shr320 = 0, $shr328 = 0, $shr393 = 0, $shr395 = 0; var $shr407 = 0, $shr409 = 0, $shr414 = 0, $shr425 = 0, $shr448 = 0, $shr458 = 0, $shr460 = 0, $shr468 = 0, $shr475 = 0, $shr487 = 0, $shr490 = 0, $shr492 = 0, $shr497 = 0, $shr499 = 0, $shr504 = 0, $shr506 = 0, $shr539 = 0, $shr549 = 0, $shr551 = 0, $shr559 = 0; var $shr566 = 0, $shr578 = 0, $shr581 = 0, $shr583 = 0, $shr588 = 0, $shr59 = 0, $shr590 = 0, $shr595 = 0, $shr597 = 0, $shr61 = 0, $shr90 = 0, $shr92 = 0, $silent_side_len = 0, $silent_side_len346 = 0, $silent_side_len353 = 0, $silent_side_len356 = 0, $smooth_coef_Q16 = 0, $smth_width_Q14 = 0, $smth_width_Q14197 = 0, $smth_width_Q14204 = 0; var $smth_width_Q14215 = 0, $smth_width_Q14230 = 0, $smth_width_Q14234 = 0, $smth_width_Q14242 = 0, $smth_width_Q14250 = 0, $smth_width_Q14275 = 0, $smth_width_Q14279 = 0, $smth_width_Q14287 = 0, $smth_width_Q14295 = 0, $smth_width_Q14307 = 0, $smth_width_Q14314 = 0, $smth_width_Q14322 = 0, $smth_width_Q14331 = 0, $state$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub10 = 0, $sub13 = 0, $sub145 = 0, $sub162 = 0, $sub166 = 0; var $sub193 = 0, $sub199 = 0, $sub206 = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub342 = 0, $sub368 = 0, $sub374 = 0, $sub378 = 0, $sub387 = 0, $sub396 = 0, $sub401 = 0, $sub410 = 0, $sub413 = 0, $sub420 = 0, $sub512 = 0, $sub518 = 0, $sub520 = 0, $sub603 = 0, $sub67 = 0, $sub7 = 0; var $sub98 = 0, $sum = 0, $toMono$addr = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool143 = 0, $tobool216 = 0, $total_rate_bps$addr = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla43 = 0, $vla43$alloca_mul = 0, $vla44 = 0, $vla44$alloca_mul = 0, $vla73 = 0, $vla73$alloca_mul = 0, $vla74 = 0, $vla74$alloca_mul = 0, $w_Q24 = 0, $width_Q14 = 0, $width_prev_Q14 = 0; var $width_prev_Q14264 = 0, $width_prev_Q14379 = 0, $width_prev_Q14411 = 0, $width_prev_Q14418 = 0, $width_prev_Q14617 = 0, $x1$addr = 0, $x2$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 144|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(144|0); $pred_Q13 = sp + 48|0; $LP_ratio_Q14 = sp + 36|0; $HP_ratio_Q14 = sp + 32|0; $state$addr = $state; $x1$addr = $x1; $x2$addr = $x2; $ix$addr = $ix; $mid_only_flag$addr = $mid_only_flag; $mid_side_rates_bps$addr = $mid_side_rates_bps; $total_rate_bps$addr = $total_rate_bps; $prev_speech_act_Q8$addr = $prev_speech_act_Q8; $toMono$addr = $toMono; $fs_kHz$addr = $fs_kHz; $frame_length$addr = $frame_length; $0 = $x1$addr; $arrayidx = ((($0)) + -4|0); $mid = $arrayidx; $1 = $frame_length$addr; $add = (($1) + 2)|0; $2 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $2; $vla$alloca_mul = $add<<1; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $n = 0; while(1) { $3 = $n; $4 = $frame_length$addr; $add1 = (($4) + 2)|0; $cmp = ($3|0)<($add1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $5 = $x1$addr; $6 = $n; $sub = (($6) - 2)|0; $arrayidx2 = (($5) + ($sub<<1)|0); $7 = HEAP16[$arrayidx2>>1]|0; $conv = $7 << 16 >> 16; $8 = $x2$addr; $9 = $n; $sub3 = (($9) - 2)|0; $arrayidx4 = (($8) + ($sub3<<1)|0); $10 = HEAP16[$arrayidx4>>1]|0; $conv5 = $10 << 16 >> 16; $add6 = (($conv) + ($conv5))|0; $sum = $add6; $11 = $x1$addr; $12 = $n; $sub7 = (($12) - 2)|0; $arrayidx8 = (($11) + ($sub7<<1)|0); $13 = HEAP16[$arrayidx8>>1]|0; $conv9 = $13 << 16 >> 16; $14 = $x2$addr; $15 = $n; $sub10 = (($15) - 2)|0; $arrayidx11 = (($14) + ($sub10<<1)|0); $16 = HEAP16[$arrayidx11>>1]|0; $conv12 = $16 << 16 >> 16; $sub13 = (($conv9) - ($conv12))|0; $diff = $sub13; $17 = $sum; $shr = $17 >> 1; $18 = $sum; $and = $18 & 1; $add14 = (($shr) + ($and))|0; $conv15 = $add14&65535; $19 = $mid; $20 = $n; $arrayidx16 = (($19) + ($20<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx16>>1] = $conv15; $21 = $diff; $shr17 = $21 >> 1; $22 = $diff; $and18 = $22 & 1; $add19 = (($shr17) + ($and18))|0; $cmp20 = ($add19|0)>(32767); if ($cmp20) { $cond33 = 32767; } else { $23 = $diff; $shr22 = $23 >> 1; $24 = $diff; $and23 = $24 & 1; $add24 = (($shr22) + ($and23))|0; $cmp25 = ($add24|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp25) { $cond33 = -32768; } else { $25 = $diff; $shr29 = $25 >> 1; $26 = $diff; $and30 = $26 & 1; $add31 = (($shr29) + ($and30))|0; $cond33 = $add31; } } $conv34 = $cond33&65535; $27 = $n; $arrayidx35 = (($vla) + ($27<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx35>>1] = $conv34; $28 = $n; $inc = (($28) + 1)|0; $n = $inc; } $29 = $mid; $30 = $state$addr; $sMid = ((($30)) + 4|0); ;HEAP16[$29>>1]=HEAP16[$sMid>>1]|0;HEAP16[$29+2>>1]=HEAP16[$sMid+2>>1]|0; $31 = $state$addr; $sSide = ((($31)) + 8|0); ;HEAP16[$vla>>1]=HEAP16[$sSide>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+2>>1]=HEAP16[$sSide+2>>1]|0; $32 = $state$addr; $sMid37 = ((($32)) + 4|0); $33 = $mid; $34 = $frame_length$addr; $arrayidx39 = (($33) + ($34<<1)|0); ;HEAP16[$sMid37>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx39>>1]|0;HEAP16[$sMid37+2>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx39+2>>1]|0; $35 = $state$addr; $sSide40 = ((($35)) + 8|0); $36 = $frame_length$addr; $arrayidx42 = (($vla) + ($36<<1)|0); ;HEAP16[$sSide40>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx42>>1]|0;HEAP16[$sSide40+2>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx42+2>>1]|0; $37 = $frame_length$addr; $vla43$alloca_mul = $37<<1; $vla43 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla43$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla43$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $38 = $frame_length$addr; $vla44$alloca_mul = $38<<1; $vla44 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla44$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla44$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $n = 0; while(1) { $39 = $n; $40 = $frame_length$addr; $cmp46 = ($39|0)<($40|0); if (!($cmp46)) { break; } $41 = $mid; $42 = $n; $arrayidx49 = (($41) + ($42<<1)|0); $43 = HEAP16[$arrayidx49>>1]|0; $conv50 = $43 << 16 >> 16; $44 = $mid; $45 = $n; $add51 = (($45) + 2)|0; $arrayidx52 = (($44) + ($add51<<1)|0); $46 = HEAP16[$arrayidx52>>1]|0; $conv53 = $46 << 16 >> 16; $add54 = (($conv50) + ($conv53))|0; $47 = $mid; $48 = $n; $add55 = (($48) + 1)|0; $arrayidx56 = (($47) + ($add55<<1)|0); $49 = HEAP16[$arrayidx56>>1]|0; $conv57 = $49 << 16 >> 16; $shl = $conv57 << 1; $add58 = (($add54) + ($shl))|0; $shr59 = $add58 >> 1; $add60 = (($shr59) + 1)|0; $shr61 = $add60 >> 1; $sum = $shr61; $50 = $sum; $conv62 = $50&65535; $51 = $n; $arrayidx63 = (($vla43) + ($51<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx63>>1] = $conv62; $52 = $mid; $53 = $n; $add64 = (($53) + 1)|0; $arrayidx65 = (($52) + ($add64<<1)|0); $54 = HEAP16[$arrayidx65>>1]|0; $conv66 = $54 << 16 >> 16; $55 = $sum; $sub67 = (($conv66) - ($55))|0; $conv68 = $sub67&65535; $56 = $n; $arrayidx69 = (($vla44) + ($56<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx69>>1] = $conv68; $57 = $n; $inc71 = (($57) + 1)|0; $n = $inc71; } $58 = $frame_length$addr; $vla73$alloca_mul = $58<<1; $vla73 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla73$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla73$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $59 = $frame_length$addr; $vla74$alloca_mul = $59<<1; $vla74 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla74$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla74$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $n = 0; while(1) { $60 = $n; $61 = $frame_length$addr; $cmp76 = ($60|0)<($61|0); if (!($cmp76)) { break; } $62 = $n; $arrayidx79 = (($vla) + ($62<<1)|0); $63 = HEAP16[$arrayidx79>>1]|0; $conv80 = $63 << 16 >> 16; $64 = $n; $add81 = (($64) + 2)|0; $arrayidx82 = (($vla) + ($add81<<1)|0); $65 = HEAP16[$arrayidx82>>1]|0; $conv83 = $65 << 16 >> 16; $add84 = (($conv80) + ($conv83))|0; $66 = $n; $add85 = (($66) + 1)|0; $arrayidx86 = (($vla) + ($add85<<1)|0); $67 = HEAP16[$arrayidx86>>1]|0; $conv87 = $67 << 16 >> 16; $shl88 = $conv87 << 1; $add89 = (($add84) + ($shl88))|0; $shr90 = $add89 >> 1; $add91 = (($shr90) + 1)|0; $shr92 = $add91 >> 1; $sum = $shr92; $68 = $sum; $conv93 = $68&65535; $69 = $n; $arrayidx94 = (($vla73) + ($69<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx94>>1] = $conv93; $70 = $n; $add95 = (($70) + 1)|0; $arrayidx96 = (($vla) + ($add95<<1)|0); $71 = HEAP16[$arrayidx96>>1]|0; $conv97 = $71 << 16 >> 16; $72 = $sum; $sub98 = (($conv97) - ($72))|0; $conv99 = $sub98&65535; $73 = $n; $arrayidx100 = (($vla74) + ($73<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx100>>1] = $conv99; $74 = $n; $inc102 = (($74) + 1)|0; $n = $inc102; } $75 = $frame_length$addr; $76 = $fs_kHz$addr; $mul = ($76*10)|0; $cmp104 = ($75|0)==($mul|0); $conv105 = $cmp104&1; $is10msFrame = $conv105; $77 = $is10msFrame; $tobool = ($77|0)!=(0); $cond106 = $tobool ? 328 : 655; $smooth_coef_Q16 = $cond106; $78 = $prev_speech_act_Q8$addr; $conv107 = $78&65535; $conv108 = $conv107 << 16 >> 16; $79 = $prev_speech_act_Q8$addr; $conv109 = $79&65535; $conv110 = $conv109 << 16 >> 16; $mul111 = Math_imul($conv108, $conv110)|0; $shr112 = $mul111 >> 16; $80 = $smooth_coef_Q16; $conv113 = $80&65535; $conv114 = $conv113 << 16 >> 16; $mul115 = Math_imul($shr112, $conv114)|0; $81 = $prev_speech_act_Q8$addr; $conv116 = $81&65535; $conv117 = $conv116 << 16 >> 16; $82 = $prev_speech_act_Q8$addr; $conv118 = $82&65535; $conv119 = $conv118 << 16 >> 16; $mul120 = Math_imul($conv117, $conv119)|0; $and121 = $mul120 & 65535; $83 = $smooth_coef_Q16; $conv122 = $83&65535; $conv123 = $conv122 << 16 >> 16; $mul124 = Math_imul($and121, $conv123)|0; $shr125 = $mul124 >> 16; $add126 = (($mul115) + ($shr125))|0; $smooth_coef_Q16 = $add126; $84 = $state$addr; $mid_side_amp_Q0 = ((($84)) + 12|0); $85 = $frame_length$addr; $86 = $smooth_coef_Q16; $call = (_silk_stereo_find_predictor($LP_ratio_Q14,$vla43,$vla73,$mid_side_amp_Q0,$85,$86)|0); HEAP32[$pred_Q13>>2] = $call; $87 = $state$addr; $mid_side_amp_Q0129 = ((($87)) + 12|0); $arrayidx130 = ((($mid_side_amp_Q0129)) + 8|0); $88 = $frame_length$addr; $89 = $smooth_coef_Q16; $call131 = (_silk_stereo_find_predictor($HP_ratio_Q14,$vla44,$vla74,$arrayidx130,$88,$89)|0); $arrayidx132 = ((($pred_Q13)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx132>>2] = $call131; $90 = HEAP32[$HP_ratio_Q14>>2]|0; $91 = HEAP32[$LP_ratio_Q14>>2]|0; $conv133 = $91&65535; $conv134 = $conv133 << 16 >> 16; $mul135 = ($conv134*3)|0; $add136 = (($90) + ($mul135))|0; $frac_Q16 = $add136; $92 = $frac_Q16; $cmp137 = ($92|0)<(65536); $93 = $frac_Q16; $cond142 = $cmp137 ? $93 : 65536; $frac_Q16 = $cond142; $94 = $is10msFrame; $tobool143 = ($94|0)!=(0); $cond144 = $tobool143 ? 1200 : 600; $95 = $total_rate_bps$addr; $sub145 = (($95) - ($cond144))|0; $total_rate_bps$addr = $sub145; $96 = $total_rate_bps$addr; $cmp146 = ($96|0)<(1); $$sub145 = $cmp146 ? 1 : $sub145; $total_rate_bps$addr = $$sub145; $97 = $fs_kHz$addr; $conv148 = $97&65535; $conv149 = $conv148 << 16 >> 16; $mul150 = ($conv149*900)|0; $add151 = (2000 + ($mul150))|0; $min_mid_rate_bps = $add151; $98 = $frac_Q16; $mul152 = ($98*3)|0; $frac_3_Q16 = $mul152; $99 = $total_rate_bps$addr; $100 = $frac_3_Q16; $add153 = (851968 + ($100))|0; $call154 = (_silk_DIV32_varQ($99,$add153,19)|0); $101 = $mid_side_rates_bps$addr; HEAP32[$101>>2] = $call154; $102 = $mid_side_rates_bps$addr; $103 = HEAP32[$102>>2]|0; $104 = $min_mid_rate_bps; $cmp157 = ($103|0)<($104|0); if ($cmp157) { $105 = $min_mid_rate_bps; $106 = $mid_side_rates_bps$addr; HEAP32[$106>>2] = $105; $107 = $total_rate_bps$addr; $108 = $mid_side_rates_bps$addr; $109 = HEAP32[$108>>2]|0; $sub162 = (($107) - ($109))|0; $110 = $mid_side_rates_bps$addr; $arrayidx163 = ((($110)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx163>>2] = $sub162; $111 = $mid_side_rates_bps$addr; $arrayidx164 = ((($111)) + 4|0); $112 = HEAP32[$arrayidx164>>2]|0; $shl165 = $112 << 1; $113 = $min_mid_rate_bps; $sub166 = (($shl165) - ($113))|0; $114 = $frac_3_Q16; $add167 = (65536 + ($114))|0; $shr168 = $add167 >> 16; $115 = $min_mid_rate_bps; $conv169 = $115&65535; $conv170 = $conv169 << 16 >> 16; $mul171 = Math_imul($shr168, $conv170)|0; $116 = $frac_3_Q16; $add172 = (65536 + ($116))|0; $and173 = $add172 & 65535; $117 = $min_mid_rate_bps; $conv174 = $117&65535; $conv175 = $conv174 << 16 >> 16; $mul176 = Math_imul($and173, $conv175)|0; $shr177 = $mul176 >> 16; $add178 = (($mul171) + ($shr177))|0; $call179 = (_silk_DIV32_varQ($sub166,$add178,16)|0); $width_Q14 = $call179; $118 = $width_Q14; $cmp180 = ($118|0)>(16384); if ($cmp180) { $cond191 = 16384; } else { $119 = $width_Q14; $cmp184 = ($119|0)<(0); $120 = $width_Q14; $cond189 = $cmp184 ? 0 : $120; $cond191 = $cond189; } $width_Q14 = $cond191; } else { $121 = $total_rate_bps$addr; $122 = $mid_side_rates_bps$addr; $123 = HEAP32[$122>>2]|0; $sub193 = (($121) - ($123))|0; $124 = $mid_side_rates_bps$addr; $arrayidx194 = ((($124)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx194>>2] = $sub193; $width_Q14 = 16384; } $125 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14 = ((($125)) + 28|0); $126 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14>>1]|0; $conv196 = $126 << 16 >> 16; $127 = $width_Q14; $128 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14197 = ((($128)) + 28|0); $129 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14197>>1]|0; $conv198 = $129 << 16 >> 16; $sub199 = (($127) - ($conv198))|0; $shr200 = $sub199 >> 16; $130 = $smooth_coef_Q16; $conv201 = $130&65535; $conv202 = $conv201 << 16 >> 16; $mul203 = Math_imul($shr200, $conv202)|0; $131 = $width_Q14; $132 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14204 = ((($132)) + 28|0); $133 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14204>>1]|0; $conv205 = $133 << 16 >> 16; $sub206 = (($131) - ($conv205))|0; $and207 = $sub206 & 65535; $134 = $smooth_coef_Q16; $conv208 = $134&65535; $conv209 = $conv208 << 16 >> 16; $mul210 = Math_imul($and207, $conv209)|0; $shr211 = $mul210 >> 16; $add212 = (($mul203) + ($shr211))|0; $add213 = (($conv196) + ($add212))|0; $conv214 = $add213&65535; $135 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14215 = ((($135)) + 28|0); HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14215>>1] = $conv214; $136 = $mid_only_flag$addr; HEAP8[$136>>0] = 0; $137 = $toMono$addr; $tobool216 = ($137|0)!=(0); L24: do { if ($tobool216) { $width_Q14 = 0; HEAP32[$pred_Q13>>2] = 0; $arrayidx219 = ((($pred_Q13)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx219>>2] = 0; $138 = $ix$addr; _silk_stereo_quant_pred($pred_Q13,$138); } else { $139 = $state$addr; $width_prev_Q14 = ((($139)) + 30|0); $140 = HEAP16[$width_prev_Q14>>1]|0; $conv222 = $140 << 16 >> 16; $cmp223 = ($conv222|0)==(0); do { if ($cmp223) { $141 = $total_rate_bps$addr; $mul225 = $141<<3; $142 = $min_mid_rate_bps; $mul226 = ($142*13)|0; $cmp227 = ($mul225|0)<($mul226|0); if (!($cmp227)) { $143 = $frac_Q16; $shr229 = $143 >> 16; $144 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14230 = ((($144)) + 28|0); $145 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14230>>1]|0; $conv231 = $145 << 16 >> 16; $mul232 = Math_imul($shr229, $conv231)|0; $146 = $frac_Q16; $and233 = $146 & 65535; $147 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14234 = ((($147)) + 28|0); $148 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14234>>1]|0; $conv235 = $148 << 16 >> 16; $mul236 = Math_imul($and233, $conv235)|0; $shr237 = $mul236 >> 16; $add238 = (($mul232) + ($shr237))|0; $cmp239 = ($add238|0)<(819); if (!($cmp239)) { break; } } $149 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14242 = ((($149)) + 28|0); $150 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14242>>1]|0; $conv243 = $150 << 16 >> 16; $151 = HEAP32[$pred_Q13>>2]|0; $conv245 = $151&65535; $conv246 = $conv245 << 16 >> 16; $mul247 = Math_imul($conv243, $conv246)|0; $shr248 = $mul247 >> 14; HEAP32[$pred_Q13>>2] = $shr248; $152 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14250 = ((($152)) + 28|0); $153 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14250>>1]|0; $conv251 = $153 << 16 >> 16; $arrayidx252 = ((($pred_Q13)) + 4|0); $154 = HEAP32[$arrayidx252>>2]|0; $conv253 = $154&65535; $conv254 = $conv253 << 16 >> 16; $mul255 = Math_imul($conv251, $conv254)|0; $shr256 = $mul255 >> 14; $arrayidx257 = ((($pred_Q13)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx257>>2] = $shr256; $155 = $ix$addr; _silk_stereo_quant_pred($pred_Q13,$155); $width_Q14 = 0; HEAP32[$pred_Q13>>2] = 0; $arrayidx260 = ((($pred_Q13)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx260>>2] = 0; $156 = $total_rate_bps$addr; $157 = $mid_side_rates_bps$addr; HEAP32[$157>>2] = $156; $158 = $mid_side_rates_bps$addr; $arrayidx262 = ((($158)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx262>>2] = 0; $159 = $mid_only_flag$addr; HEAP8[$159>>0] = 1; break L24; } } while(0); $160 = $state$addr; $width_prev_Q14264 = ((($160)) + 30|0); $161 = HEAP16[$width_prev_Q14264>>1]|0; $conv265 = $161 << 16 >> 16; $cmp266 = ($conv265|0)!=(0); do { if ($cmp266) { $162 = $total_rate_bps$addr; $mul269 = $162<<3; $163 = $min_mid_rate_bps; $mul270 = ($163*11)|0; $cmp271 = ($mul269|0)<($mul270|0); if (!($cmp271)) { $164 = $frac_Q16; $shr274 = $164 >> 16; $165 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14275 = ((($165)) + 28|0); $166 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14275>>1]|0; $conv276 = $166 << 16 >> 16; $mul277 = Math_imul($shr274, $conv276)|0; $167 = $frac_Q16; $and278 = $167 & 65535; $168 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14279 = ((($168)) + 28|0); $169 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14279>>1]|0; $conv280 = $169 << 16 >> 16; $mul281 = Math_imul($and278, $conv280)|0; $shr282 = $mul281 >> 16; $add283 = (($mul277) + ($shr282))|0; $cmp284 = ($add283|0)<(328); if (!($cmp284)) { break; } } $170 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14287 = ((($170)) + 28|0); $171 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14287>>1]|0; $conv288 = $171 << 16 >> 16; $172 = HEAP32[$pred_Q13>>2]|0; $conv290 = $172&65535; $conv291 = $conv290 << 16 >> 16; $mul292 = Math_imul($conv288, $conv291)|0; $shr293 = $mul292 >> 14; HEAP32[$pred_Q13>>2] = $shr293; $173 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14295 = ((($173)) + 28|0); $174 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14295>>1]|0; $conv296 = $174 << 16 >> 16; $arrayidx297 = ((($pred_Q13)) + 4|0); $175 = HEAP32[$arrayidx297>>2]|0; $conv298 = $175&65535; $conv299 = $conv298 << 16 >> 16; $mul300 = Math_imul($conv296, $conv299)|0; $shr301 = $mul300 >> 14; $arrayidx302 = ((($pred_Q13)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx302>>2] = $shr301; $176 = $ix$addr; _silk_stereo_quant_pred($pred_Q13,$176); $width_Q14 = 0; HEAP32[$pred_Q13>>2] = 0; $arrayidx305 = ((($pred_Q13)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx305>>2] = 0; break L24; } } while(0); $177 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14307 = ((($177)) + 28|0); $178 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14307>>1]|0; $conv308 = $178 << 16 >> 16; $cmp309 = ($conv308|0)>(15565); if ($cmp309) { $179 = $ix$addr; _silk_stereo_quant_pred($pred_Q13,$179); $width_Q14 = 16384; break; } else { $180 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14314 = ((($180)) + 28|0); $181 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14314>>1]|0; $conv315 = $181 << 16 >> 16; $182 = HEAP32[$pred_Q13>>2]|0; $conv317 = $182&65535; $conv318 = $conv317 << 16 >> 16; $mul319 = Math_imul($conv315, $conv318)|0; $shr320 = $mul319 >> 14; HEAP32[$pred_Q13>>2] = $shr320; $183 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14322 = ((($183)) + 28|0); $184 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14322>>1]|0; $conv323 = $184 << 16 >> 16; $arrayidx324 = ((($pred_Q13)) + 4|0); $185 = HEAP32[$arrayidx324>>2]|0; $conv325 = $185&65535; $conv326 = $conv325 << 16 >> 16; $mul327 = Math_imul($conv323, $conv326)|0; $shr328 = $mul327 >> 14; $arrayidx329 = ((($pred_Q13)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx329>>2] = $shr328; $186 = $ix$addr; _silk_stereo_quant_pred($pred_Q13,$186); $187 = $state$addr; $smth_width_Q14331 = ((($187)) + 28|0); $188 = HEAP16[$smth_width_Q14331>>1]|0; $conv332 = $188 << 16 >> 16; $width_Q14 = $conv332; break; } } } while(0); $189 = $mid_only_flag$addr; $190 = HEAP8[$189>>0]|0; $conv337 = $190 << 24 >> 24; $cmp338 = ($conv337|0)==(1); do { if ($cmp338) { $191 = $frame_length$addr; $192 = $fs_kHz$addr; $mul341 = $192<<3; $sub342 = (($191) - ($mul341))|0; $193 = $state$addr; $silent_side_len = ((($193)) + 32|0); $194 = HEAP16[$silent_side_len>>1]|0; $conv343 = $194 << 16 >> 16; $add344 = (($conv343) + ($sub342))|0; $conv345 = $add344&65535; HEAP16[$silent_side_len>>1] = $conv345; $195 = $state$addr; $silent_side_len346 = ((($195)) + 32|0); $196 = HEAP16[$silent_side_len346>>1]|0; $conv347 = $196 << 16 >> 16; $197 = $fs_kHz$addr; $mul348 = ($197*5)|0; $cmp349 = ($conv347|0)<($mul348|0); if ($cmp349) { $198 = $mid_only_flag$addr; HEAP8[$198>>0] = 0; break; } else { $199 = $state$addr; $silent_side_len353 = ((($199)) + 32|0); HEAP16[$silent_side_len353>>1] = 10000; break; } } else { $200 = $state$addr; $silent_side_len356 = ((($200)) + 32|0); HEAP16[$silent_side_len356>>1] = 0; } } while(0); $201 = $mid_only_flag$addr; $202 = HEAP8[$201>>0]|0; $conv358 = $202 << 24 >> 24; $cmp359 = ($conv358|0)==(0); if ($cmp359) { $203 = $mid_side_rates_bps$addr; $arrayidx362 = ((($203)) + 4|0); $204 = HEAP32[$arrayidx362>>2]|0; $cmp363 = ($204|0)<(1); if ($cmp363) { $205 = $mid_side_rates_bps$addr; $arrayidx366 = ((($205)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx366>>2] = 1; $206 = $total_rate_bps$addr; $207 = $mid_side_rates_bps$addr; $arrayidx367 = ((($207)) + 4|0); $208 = HEAP32[$arrayidx367>>2]|0; $sub368 = (($206) - ($208))|0; $call369 = (_silk_max_int(1,$sub368)|0); $209 = $mid_side_rates_bps$addr; HEAP32[$209>>2] = $call369; } } $210 = $state$addr; $211 = HEAP16[$210>>1]|0; $conv373 = $211 << 16 >> 16; $sub374 = (0 - ($conv373))|0; $pred0_Q13 = $sub374; $212 = $state$addr; $arrayidx376 = ((($212)) + 2|0); $213 = HEAP16[$arrayidx376>>1]|0; $conv377 = $213 << 16 >> 16; $sub378 = (0 - ($conv377))|0; $pred1_Q13 = $sub378; $214 = $state$addr; $width_prev_Q14379 = ((($214)) + 30|0); $215 = HEAP16[$width_prev_Q14379>>1]|0; $conv380 = $215 << 16 >> 16; $shl381 = $conv380 << 10; $w_Q24 = $shl381; $216 = $fs_kHz$addr; $mul382 = $216<<3; $div = (65536 / ($mul382|0))&-1; $denom_Q16 = $div; $217 = HEAP32[$pred_Q13>>2]|0; $218 = $state$addr; $219 = HEAP16[$218>>1]|0; $conv386 = $219 << 16 >> 16; $sub387 = (($217) - ($conv386))|0; $conv388 = $sub387&65535; $conv389 = $conv388 << 16 >> 16; $220 = $denom_Q16; $conv390 = $220&65535; $conv391 = $conv390 << 16 >> 16; $mul392 = Math_imul($conv389, $conv391)|0; $shr393 = $mul392 >> 15; $add394 = (($shr393) + 1)|0; $shr395 = $add394 >> 1; $sub396 = (0 - ($shr395))|0; $delta0_Q13 = $sub396; $arrayidx397 = ((($pred_Q13)) + 4|0); $221 = HEAP32[$arrayidx397>>2]|0; $222 = $state$addr; $arrayidx399 = ((($222)) + 2|0); $223 = HEAP16[$arrayidx399>>1]|0; $conv400 = $223 << 16 >> 16; $sub401 = (($221) - ($conv400))|0; $conv402 = $sub401&65535; $conv403 = $conv402 << 16 >> 16; $224 = $denom_Q16; $conv404 = $224&65535; $conv405 = $conv404 << 16 >> 16; $mul406 = Math_imul($conv403, $conv405)|0; $shr407 = $mul406 >> 15; $add408 = (($shr407) + 1)|0; $shr409 = $add408 >> 1; $sub410 = (0 - ($shr409))|0; $delta1_Q13 = $sub410; $225 = $width_Q14; $226 = $state$addr; $width_prev_Q14411 = ((($226)) + 30|0); $227 = HEAP16[$width_prev_Q14411>>1]|0; $conv412 = $227 << 16 >> 16; $sub413 = (($225) - ($conv412))|0; $shr414 = $sub413 >> 16; $228 = $denom_Q16; $conv415 = $228&65535; $conv416 = $conv415 << 16 >> 16; $mul417 = Math_imul($shr414, $conv416)|0; $229 = $width_Q14; $230 = $state$addr; $width_prev_Q14418 = ((($230)) + 30|0); $231 = HEAP16[$width_prev_Q14418>>1]|0; $conv419 = $231 << 16 >> 16; $sub420 = (($229) - ($conv419))|0; $and421 = $sub420 & 65535; $232 = $denom_Q16; $conv422 = $232&65535; $conv423 = $conv422 << 16 >> 16; $mul424 = Math_imul($and421, $conv423)|0; $shr425 = $mul424 >> 16; $add426 = (($mul417) + ($shr425))|0; $shl427 = $add426 << 10; $deltaw_Q24 = $shl427; $n = 0; while(1) { $233 = $n; $234 = $fs_kHz$addr; $mul429 = $234<<3; $cmp430 = ($233|0)<($mul429|0); if (!($cmp430)) { break; } $235 = $delta0_Q13; $236 = $pred0_Q13; $add433 = (($236) + ($235))|0; $pred0_Q13 = $add433; $237 = $delta1_Q13; $238 = $pred1_Q13; $add434 = (($238) + ($237))|0; $pred1_Q13 = $add434; $239 = $deltaw_Q24; $240 = $w_Q24; $add435 = (($240) + ($239))|0; $w_Q24 = $add435; $241 = $mid; $242 = $n; $arrayidx436 = (($241) + ($242<<1)|0); $243 = HEAP16[$arrayidx436>>1]|0; $conv437 = $243 << 16 >> 16; $244 = $mid; $245 = $n; $add438 = (($245) + 2)|0; $arrayidx439 = (($244) + ($add438<<1)|0); $246 = HEAP16[$arrayidx439>>1]|0; $conv440 = $246 << 16 >> 16; $add441 = (($conv437) + ($conv440))|0; $247 = $mid; $248 = $n; $add442 = (($248) + 1)|0; $arrayidx443 = (($247) + ($add442<<1)|0); $249 = HEAP16[$arrayidx443>>1]|0; $conv444 = $249 << 16 >> 16; $shl445 = $conv444 << 1; $add446 = (($add441) + ($shl445))|0; $shl447 = $add446 << 9; $sum = $shl447; $250 = $w_Q24; $shr448 = $250 >> 16; $251 = $n; $add449 = (($251) + 1)|0; $arrayidx450 = (($vla) + ($add449<<1)|0); $252 = HEAP16[$arrayidx450>>1]|0; $conv451 = $252 << 16 >> 16; $mul452 = Math_imul($shr448, $conv451)|0; $253 = $w_Q24; $and453 = $253 & 65535; $254 = $n; $add454 = (($254) + 1)|0; $arrayidx455 = (($vla) + ($add454<<1)|0); $255 = HEAP16[$arrayidx455>>1]|0; $conv456 = $255 << 16 >> 16; $mul457 = Math_imul($and453, $conv456)|0; $shr458 = $mul457 >> 16; $add459 = (($mul452) + ($shr458))|0; $256 = $sum; $shr460 = $256 >> 16; $257 = $pred0_Q13; $conv461 = $257&65535; $conv462 = $conv461 << 16 >> 16; $mul463 = Math_imul($shr460, $conv462)|0; $258 = $sum; $and464 = $258 & 65535; $259 = $pred0_Q13; $conv465 = $259&65535; $conv466 = $conv465 << 16 >> 16; $mul467 = Math_imul($and464, $conv466)|0; $shr468 = $mul467 >> 16; $add469 = (($mul463) + ($shr468))|0; $add470 = (($add459) + ($add469))|0; $sum = $add470; $260 = $sum; $261 = $mid; $262 = $n; $add471 = (($262) + 1)|0; $arrayidx472 = (($261) + ($add471<<1)|0); $263 = HEAP16[$arrayidx472>>1]|0; $conv473 = $263 << 16 >> 16; $shl474 = $conv473 << 11; $shr475 = $shl474 >> 16; $264 = $pred1_Q13; $conv476 = $264&65535; $conv477 = $conv476 << 16 >> 16; $mul478 = Math_imul($shr475, $conv477)|0; $265 = $mid; $266 = $n; $add479 = (($266) + 1)|0; $arrayidx480 = (($265) + ($add479<<1)|0); $267 = HEAP16[$arrayidx480>>1]|0; $conv481 = $267 << 16 >> 16; $shl482 = $conv481 << 11; $and483 = $shl482 & 65535; $268 = $pred1_Q13; $conv484 = $268&65535; $conv485 = $conv484 << 16 >> 16; $mul486 = Math_imul($and483, $conv485)|0; $shr487 = $mul486 >> 16; $add488 = (($mul478) + ($shr487))|0; $add489 = (($260) + ($add488))|0; $sum = $add489; $269 = $sum; $shr490 = $269 >> 7; $add491 = (($shr490) + 1)|0; $shr492 = $add491 >> 1; $cmp493 = ($shr492|0)>(32767); if ($cmp493) { $cond510 = 32767; } else { $270 = $sum; $shr497 = $270 >> 7; $add498 = (($shr497) + 1)|0; $shr499 = $add498 >> 1; $cmp500 = ($shr499|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp500) { $cond510 = -32768; } else { $271 = $sum; $shr504 = $271 >> 7; $add505 = (($shr504) + 1)|0; $shr506 = $add505 >> 1; $cond510 = $shr506; } } $conv511 = $cond510&65535; $272 = $x2$addr; $273 = $n; $sub512 = (($273) - 1)|0; $arrayidx513 = (($272) + ($sub512<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx513>>1] = $conv511; $274 = $n; $inc515 = (($274) + 1)|0; $n = $inc515; } $275 = HEAP32[$pred_Q13>>2]|0; $sub518 = (0 - ($275))|0; $pred0_Q13 = $sub518; $arrayidx519 = ((($pred_Q13)) + 4|0); $276 = HEAP32[$arrayidx519>>2]|0; $sub520 = (0 - ($276))|0; $pred1_Q13 = $sub520; $277 = $width_Q14; $shl521 = $277 << 10; $w_Q24 = $shl521; $278 = $fs_kHz$addr; $mul522 = $278<<3; $n = $mul522; while(1) { $279 = $n; $280 = $frame_length$addr; $cmp524 = ($279|0)<($280|0); if (!($cmp524)) { break; } $281 = $mid; $282 = $n; $arrayidx527 = (($281) + ($282<<1)|0); $283 = HEAP16[$arrayidx527>>1]|0; $conv528 = $283 << 16 >> 16; $284 = $mid; $285 = $n; $add529 = (($285) + 2)|0; $arrayidx530 = (($284) + ($add529<<1)|0); $286 = HEAP16[$arrayidx530>>1]|0; $conv531 = $286 << 16 >> 16; $add532 = (($conv528) + ($conv531))|0; $287 = $mid; $288 = $n; $add533 = (($288) + 1)|0; $arrayidx534 = (($287) + ($add533<<1)|0); $289 = HEAP16[$arrayidx534>>1]|0; $conv535 = $289 << 16 >> 16; $shl536 = $conv535 << 1; $add537 = (($add532) + ($shl536))|0; $shl538 = $add537 << 9; $sum = $shl538; $290 = $w_Q24; $shr539 = $290 >> 16; $291 = $n; $add540 = (($291) + 1)|0; $arrayidx541 = (($vla) + ($add540<<1)|0); $292 = HEAP16[$arrayidx541>>1]|0; $conv542 = $292 << 16 >> 16; $mul543 = Math_imul($shr539, $conv542)|0; $293 = $w_Q24; $and544 = $293 & 65535; $294 = $n; $add545 = (($294) + 1)|0; $arrayidx546 = (($vla) + ($add545<<1)|0); $295 = HEAP16[$arrayidx546>>1]|0; $conv547 = $295 << 16 >> 16; $mul548 = Math_imul($and544, $conv547)|0; $shr549 = $mul548 >> 16; $add550 = (($mul543) + ($shr549))|0; $296 = $sum; $shr551 = $296 >> 16; $297 = $pred0_Q13; $conv552 = $297&65535; $conv553 = $conv552 << 16 >> 16; $mul554 = Math_imul($shr551, $conv553)|0; $298 = $sum; $and555 = $298 & 65535; $299 = $pred0_Q13; $conv556 = $299&65535; $conv557 = $conv556 << 16 >> 16; $mul558 = Math_imul($and555, $conv557)|0; $shr559 = $mul558 >> 16; $add560 = (($mul554) + ($shr559))|0; $add561 = (($add550) + ($add560))|0; $sum = $add561; $300 = $sum; $301 = $mid; $302 = $n; $add562 = (($302) + 1)|0; $arrayidx563 = (($301) + ($add562<<1)|0); $303 = HEAP16[$arrayidx563>>1]|0; $conv564 = $303 << 16 >> 16; $shl565 = $conv564 << 11; $shr566 = $shl565 >> 16; $304 = $pred1_Q13; $conv567 = $304&65535; $conv568 = $conv567 << 16 >> 16; $mul569 = Math_imul($shr566, $conv568)|0; $305 = $mid; $306 = $n; $add570 = (($306) + 1)|0; $arrayidx571 = (($305) + ($add570<<1)|0); $307 = HEAP16[$arrayidx571>>1]|0; $conv572 = $307 << 16 >> 16; $shl573 = $conv572 << 11; $and574 = $shl573 & 65535; $308 = $pred1_Q13; $conv575 = $308&65535; $conv576 = $conv575 << 16 >> 16; $mul577 = Math_imul($and574, $conv576)|0; $shr578 = $mul577 >> 16; $add579 = (($mul569) + ($shr578))|0; $add580 = (($300) + ($add579))|0; $sum = $add580; $309 = $sum; $shr581 = $309 >> 7; $add582 = (($shr581) + 1)|0; $shr583 = $add582 >> 1; $cmp584 = ($shr583|0)>(32767); if ($cmp584) { $cond601 = 32767; } else { $310 = $sum; $shr588 = $310 >> 7; $add589 = (($shr588) + 1)|0; $shr590 = $add589 >> 1; $cmp591 = ($shr590|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp591) { $cond601 = -32768; } else { $311 = $sum; $shr595 = $311 >> 7; $add596 = (($shr595) + 1)|0; $shr597 = $add596 >> 1; $cond601 = $shr597; } } $conv602 = $cond601&65535; $312 = $x2$addr; $313 = $n; $sub603 = (($313) - 1)|0; $arrayidx604 = (($312) + ($sub603<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx604>>1] = $conv602; $314 = $n; $inc606 = (($314) + 1)|0; $n = $inc606; } $315 = HEAP32[$pred_Q13>>2]|0; $conv609 = $315&65535; $316 = $state$addr; HEAP16[$316>>1] = $conv609; $arrayidx612 = ((($pred_Q13)) + 4|0); $317 = HEAP32[$arrayidx612>>2]|0; $conv613 = $317&65535; $318 = $state$addr; $arrayidx615 = ((($318)) + 2|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx615>>1] = $conv613; $319 = $width_Q14; $conv616 = $319&65535; $320 = $state$addr; $width_prev_Q14617 = ((($320)) + 30|0); HEAP16[$width_prev_Q14617>>1] = $conv616; $321 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($321|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_DIV32_varQ($a32,$b32,$Qres) { $a32 = $a32|0; $b32 = $b32|0; $Qres = $Qres|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Qres$addr = 0, $a32$addr = 0, $a32_nrm = 0, $a_headrm = 0, $add = 0, $add33 = 0, $add34 = 0, $add35 = 0, $and = 0; var $and28 = 0, $b32$addr = 0, $b32_inv = 0, $b32_nrm = 0, $b_headrm = 0, $call = 0, $call8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp49 = 0, $cmp57 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp78 = 0, $cmp92 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond7 = 0, $cond89 = 0, $conv = 0; var $conv12 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $div = 0, $lshift = 0, $mul = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul27 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $result = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0, $shl10 = 0, $shl22 = 0, $shl91 = 0, $shr = 0; var $shr11 = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr24 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr41 = 0, $shr43 = 0, $shr48 = 0, $shr53 = 0, $shr56 = 0, $shr61 = 0, $shr69 = 0, $shr74 = 0, $shr77 = 0, $shr82 = 0, $shr95 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub23 = 0, $sub36 = 0, $sub37 = 0; var $sub40 = 0, $sub42 = 0, $sub47 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $sub52 = 0, $sub55 = 0, $sub60 = 0, $sub73 = 0, $sub76 = 0, $sub81 = 0, $sub9 = 0, $sub90 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $a32$addr = $a32; $b32$addr = $b32; $Qres$addr = $Qres; $0 = $a32$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(0); $1 = $a32$addr; $sub = (0 - ($1))|0; $cond = $cmp ? $1 : $sub; $call = (_silk_CLZ32($cond)|0); $sub1 = (($call) - 1)|0; $a_headrm = $sub1; $2 = $a32$addr; $3 = $a_headrm; $shl = $2 << $3; $a32_nrm = $shl; $4 = $b32$addr; $cmp2 = ($4|0)>(0); $5 = $b32$addr; $sub5 = (0 - ($5))|0; $cond7 = $cmp2 ? $5 : $sub5; $call8 = (_silk_CLZ32($cond7)|0); $sub9 = (($call8) - 1)|0; $b_headrm = $sub9; $6 = $b32$addr; $7 = $b_headrm; $shl10 = $6 << $7; $b32_nrm = $shl10; $8 = $b32_nrm; $shr = $8 >> 16; $div = (536870911 / ($shr|0))&-1; $b32_inv = $div; $9 = $a32_nrm; $shr11 = $9 >> 16; $10 = $b32_inv; $conv = $10&65535; $conv12 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr11, $conv12)|0; $11 = $a32_nrm; $and = $11 & 65535; $12 = $b32_inv; $conv13 = $12&65535; $conv14 = $conv13 << 16 >> 16; $mul15 = Math_imul($and, $conv14)|0; $shr16 = $mul15 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr16))|0; $result = $add; $13 = $a32_nrm; $14 = $b32_nrm; $15 = ($14|0)<(0); $16 = $15 << 31 >> 31; $17 = $result; $18 = ($17|0)<(0); $19 = $18 << 31 >> 31; $20 = (___muldi3(($14|0),($16|0),($17|0),($19|0))|0); $21 = tempRet0; $22 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($20|0),($21|0),32)|0); $23 = tempRet0; $shl22 = $22 << 3; $sub23 = (($13) - ($shl22))|0; $a32_nrm = $sub23; $24 = $result; $25 = $a32_nrm; $shr24 = $25 >> 16; $26 = $b32_inv; $conv25 = $26&65535; $conv26 = $conv25 << 16 >> 16; $mul27 = Math_imul($shr24, $conv26)|0; $27 = $a32_nrm; $and28 = $27 & 65535; $28 = $b32_inv; $conv29 = $28&65535; $conv30 = $conv29 << 16 >> 16; $mul31 = Math_imul($and28, $conv30)|0; $shr32 = $mul31 >> 16; $add33 = (($mul27) + ($shr32))|0; $add34 = (($24) + ($add33))|0; $result = $add34; $29 = $a_headrm; $add35 = (29 + ($29))|0; $30 = $b_headrm; $sub36 = (($add35) - ($30))|0; $31 = $Qres$addr; $sub37 = (($sub36) - ($31))|0; $lshift = $sub37; $32 = $lshift; $cmp38 = ($32|0)<(0); $33 = $lshift; if (!($cmp38)) { $cmp92 = ($33|0)<(32); if ($cmp92) { $48 = $result; $49 = $lshift; $shr95 = $48 >> $49; $retval = $shr95; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } else { $retval = 0; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } } $sub40 = (0 - ($33))|0; $shr41 = -2147483648 >> $sub40; $34 = $lshift; $sub42 = (0 - ($34))|0; $shr43 = 2147483647 >> $sub42; $cmp44 = ($shr41|0)>($shr43|0); $35 = $result; $36 = $lshift; $sub47 = (0 - ($36))|0; do { if ($cmp44) { $shr48 = -2147483648 >> $sub47; $cmp49 = ($35|0)>($shr48|0); if ($cmp49) { $37 = $lshift; $sub52 = (0 - ($37))|0; $shr53 = -2147483648 >> $sub52; $cond89 = $shr53; break; } $38 = $result; $39 = $lshift; $sub55 = (0 - ($39))|0; $shr56 = 2147483647 >> $sub55; $cmp57 = ($38|0)<($shr56|0); if ($cmp57) { $40 = $lshift; $sub60 = (0 - ($40))|0; $shr61 = 2147483647 >> $sub60; $cond89 = $shr61; break; } else { $41 = $result; $cond89 = $41; break; } } else { $shr69 = 2147483647 >> $sub47; $cmp70 = ($35|0)>($shr69|0); if ($cmp70) { $42 = $lshift; $sub73 = (0 - ($42))|0; $shr74 = 2147483647 >> $sub73; $cond89 = $shr74; break; } $43 = $result; $44 = $lshift; $sub76 = (0 - ($44))|0; $shr77 = -2147483648 >> $sub76; $cmp78 = ($43|0)<($shr77|0); if ($cmp78) { $45 = $lshift; $sub81 = (0 - ($45))|0; $shr82 = -2147483648 >> $sub81; $cond89 = $shr82; break; } else { $46 = $result; $cond89 = $46; break; } } } while(0); $47 = $lshift; $sub90 = (0 - ($47))|0; $shl91 = $cond89 << $sub90; $retval = $shl91; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } function _silk_max_int($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_CLZ32($in32) { $in32 = $in32|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $cond = 0, $in32$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in32$addr = $in32; $0 = $in32$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $cond = 32; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $1 = $in32$addr; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $sub1 = (32 - ($sub))|0; $cond = $sub1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_stereo_MS_to_LR($state,$x1,$x2,$pred_Q13,$fs_kHz,$frame_length) { $state = $state|0; $x1 = $x1|0; $x2 = $x2|0; $pred_Q13 = $pred_Q13|0; $fs_kHz = $fs_kHz|0; $frame_length = $frame_length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0; var $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0; var $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0; var $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0; var $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0; var $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $add = 0, $add100 = 0, $add111 = 0, $add114 = 0, $add115 = 0, $add119 = 0, $add121 = 0, $add134 = 0, $add135 = 0; var $add136 = 0, $add144 = 0, $add153 = 0, $add154 = 0, $add156 = 0, $add163 = 0, $add170 = 0, $add177 = 0, $add194 = 0, $add197 = 0, $add200 = 0, $add201 = 0, $add204 = 0, $add221 = 0, $add236 = 0, $add32 = 0, $add36 = 0, $add37 = 0, $add40 = 0, $add43 = 0; var $add44 = 0, $add47 = 0, $add49 = 0, $add61 = 0, $add62 = 0, $add63 = 0, $add71 = 0, $add80 = 0, $add81 = 0, $add83 = 0, $add88 = 0, $add95 = 0, $and = 0, $and129 = 0, $and148 = 0, $and75 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx101 = 0, $arrayidx103 = 0, $arrayidx109 = 0; var $arrayidx112 = 0, $arrayidx116 = 0, $arrayidx122 = 0, $arrayidx137 = 0, $arrayidx145 = 0, $arrayidx178 = 0, $arrayidx186 = 0, $arrayidx189 = 0, $arrayidx195 = 0, $arrayidx198 = 0, $arrayidx202 = 0, $arrayidx205 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx222 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx237 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0; var $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx64 = 0, $arrayidx72 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp106 = 0, $cmp158 = 0, $cmp165 = 0, $cmp191 = 0, $cmp208 = 0, $cmp212 = 0, $cmp223 = 0, $cmp227 = 0, $cmp85 = 0, $cmp90 = 0, $cond175 = 0, $cond217 = 0, $cond219 = 0, $cond232 = 0, $cond234 = 0; var $cond98 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv110 = 0, $conv113 = 0, $conv117 = 0, $conv123 = 0, $conv126 = 0, $conv127 = 0, $conv130 = 0, $conv131 = 0, $conv138 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv141 = 0, $conv142 = 0, $conv146 = 0, $conv149 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv150 = 0, $conv16 = 0; var $conv17 = 0, $conv176 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv183 = 0, $conv187 = 0, $conv196 = 0, $conv199 = 0, $conv203 = 0, $conv206 = 0, $conv220 = 0, $conv235 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv27 = 0, $conv28 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv39 = 0, $conv42 = 0, $conv46 = 0, $conv51 = 0; var $conv54 = 0, $conv55 = 0, $conv57 = 0, $conv58 = 0, $conv65 = 0, $conv68 = 0, $conv69 = 0, $conv73 = 0, $conv76 = 0, $conv77 = 0, $conv99 = 0, $delta0_Q13 = 0, $delta1_Q13 = 0, $denom_Q16 = 0, $diff = 0, $div = 0, $frame_length$addr = 0, $fs_kHz$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc180 = 0; var $inc239 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul104 = 0, $mul128 = 0, $mul132 = 0, $mul143 = 0, $mul151 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul30 = 0, $mul34 = 0, $mul56 = 0, $mul59 = 0, $mul70 = 0, $mul78 = 0, $n = 0, $pred0_Q13 = 0, $pred1_Q13 = 0, $pred_Q13$addr = 0, $sMid = 0, $sMid2 = 0; var $sSide = 0, $sSide4 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl118 = 0, $shl120 = 0, $shl124 = 0, $shl139 = 0, $shl147 = 0, $shl48 = 0, $shl52 = 0, $shl66 = 0, $shl74 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr125 = 0, $shr133 = 0, $shr140 = 0, $shr152 = 0, $shr155 = 0, $shr157 = 0, $shr162 = 0; var $shr164 = 0, $shr169 = 0, $shr171 = 0, $shr20 = 0, $shr31 = 0, $shr33 = 0, $shr53 = 0, $shr60 = 0, $shr67 = 0, $shr79 = 0, $shr82 = 0, $shr84 = 0, $shr87 = 0, $shr89 = 0, $shr94 = 0, $shr96 = 0, $state$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub207 = 0, $sub25 = 0; var $sum = 0, $x1$addr = 0, $x2$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $state$addr = $state; $x1$addr = $x1; $x2$addr = $x2; $pred_Q13$addr = $pred_Q13; $fs_kHz$addr = $fs_kHz; $frame_length$addr = $frame_length; $0 = $x1$addr; $1 = $state$addr; $sMid = ((($1)) + 4|0); ;HEAP16[$0>>1]=HEAP16[$sMid>>1]|0;HEAP16[$0+2>>1]=HEAP16[$sMid+2>>1]|0; $2 = $x2$addr; $3 = $state$addr; $sSide = ((($3)) + 8|0); ;HEAP16[$2>>1]=HEAP16[$sSide>>1]|0;HEAP16[$2+2>>1]=HEAP16[$sSide+2>>1]|0; $4 = $state$addr; $sMid2 = ((($4)) + 4|0); $5 = $x1$addr; $6 = $frame_length$addr; $arrayidx = (($5) + ($6<<1)|0); ;HEAP16[$sMid2>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0;HEAP16[$sMid2+2>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx+2>>1]|0; $7 = $state$addr; $sSide4 = ((($7)) + 8|0); $8 = $x2$addr; $9 = $frame_length$addr; $arrayidx6 = (($8) + ($9<<1)|0); ;HEAP16[$sSide4>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx6>>1]|0;HEAP16[$sSide4+2>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx6+2>>1]|0; $10 = $state$addr; $11 = HEAP16[$10>>1]|0; $conv = $11 << 16 >> 16; $pred0_Q13 = $conv; $12 = $state$addr; $arrayidx9 = ((($12)) + 2|0); $13 = HEAP16[$arrayidx9>>1]|0; $conv10 = $13 << 16 >> 16; $pred1_Q13 = $conv10; $14 = $fs_kHz$addr; $mul = $14<<3; $div = (65536 / ($mul|0))&-1; $denom_Q16 = $div; $15 = $pred_Q13$addr; $16 = HEAP32[$15>>2]|0; $17 = $state$addr; $18 = HEAP16[$17>>1]|0; $conv14 = $18 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($16) - ($conv14))|0; $conv15 = $sub&65535; $conv16 = $conv15 << 16 >> 16; $19 = $denom_Q16; $conv17 = $19&65535; $conv18 = $conv17 << 16 >> 16; $mul19 = Math_imul($conv16, $conv18)|0; $shr = $mul19 >> 15; $add = (($shr) + 1)|0; $shr20 = $add >> 1; $delta0_Q13 = $shr20; $20 = $pred_Q13$addr; $arrayidx21 = ((($20)) + 4|0); $21 = HEAP32[$arrayidx21>>2]|0; $22 = $state$addr; $arrayidx23 = ((($22)) + 2|0); $23 = HEAP16[$arrayidx23>>1]|0; $conv24 = $23 << 16 >> 16; $sub25 = (($21) - ($conv24))|0; $conv26 = $sub25&65535; $conv27 = $conv26 << 16 >> 16; $24 = $denom_Q16; $conv28 = $24&65535; $conv29 = $conv28 << 16 >> 16; $mul30 = Math_imul($conv27, $conv29)|0; $shr31 = $mul30 >> 15; $add32 = (($shr31) + 1)|0; $shr33 = $add32 >> 1; $delta1_Q13 = $shr33; $n = 0; while(1) { $25 = $n; $26 = $fs_kHz$addr; $mul34 = $26<<3; $cmp = ($25|0)<($mul34|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $27 = $delta0_Q13; $28 = $pred0_Q13; $add36 = (($28) + ($27))|0; $pred0_Q13 = $add36; $29 = $delta1_Q13; $30 = $pred1_Q13; $add37 = (($30) + ($29))|0; $pred1_Q13 = $add37; $31 = $x1$addr; $32 = $n; $arrayidx38 = (($31) + ($32<<1)|0); $33 = HEAP16[$arrayidx38>>1]|0; $conv39 = $33 << 16 >> 16; $34 = $x1$addr; $35 = $n; $add40 = (($35) + 2)|0; $arrayidx41 = (($34) + ($add40<<1)|0); $36 = HEAP16[$arrayidx41>>1]|0; $conv42 = $36 << 16 >> 16; $add43 = (($conv39) + ($conv42))|0; $37 = $x1$addr; $38 = $n; $add44 = (($38) + 1)|0; $arrayidx45 = (($37) + ($add44<<1)|0); $39 = HEAP16[$arrayidx45>>1]|0; $conv46 = $39 << 16 >> 16; $shl = $conv46 << 1; $add47 = (($add43) + ($shl))|0; $shl48 = $add47 << 9; $sum = $shl48; $40 = $x2$addr; $41 = $n; $add49 = (($41) + 1)|0; $arrayidx50 = (($40) + ($add49<<1)|0); $42 = HEAP16[$arrayidx50>>1]|0; $conv51 = $42 << 16 >> 16; $shl52 = $conv51 << 8; $43 = $sum; $shr53 = $43 >> 16; $44 = $pred0_Q13; $conv54 = $44&65535; $conv55 = $conv54 << 16 >> 16; $mul56 = Math_imul($shr53, $conv55)|0; $45 = $sum; $and = $45 & 65535; $46 = $pred0_Q13; $conv57 = $46&65535; $conv58 = $conv57 << 16 >> 16; $mul59 = Math_imul($and, $conv58)|0; $shr60 = $mul59 >> 16; $add61 = (($mul56) + ($shr60))|0; $add62 = (($shl52) + ($add61))|0; $sum = $add62; $47 = $sum; $48 = $x1$addr; $49 = $n; $add63 = (($49) + 1)|0; $arrayidx64 = (($48) + ($add63<<1)|0); $50 = HEAP16[$arrayidx64>>1]|0; $conv65 = $50 << 16 >> 16; $shl66 = $conv65 << 11; $shr67 = $shl66 >> 16; $51 = $pred1_Q13; $conv68 = $51&65535; $conv69 = $conv68 << 16 >> 16; $mul70 = Math_imul($shr67, $conv69)|0; $52 = $x1$addr; $53 = $n; $add71 = (($53) + 1)|0; $arrayidx72 = (($52) + ($add71<<1)|0); $54 = HEAP16[$arrayidx72>>1]|0; $conv73 = $54 << 16 >> 16; $shl74 = $conv73 << 11; $and75 = $shl74 & 65535; $55 = $pred1_Q13; $conv76 = $55&65535; $conv77 = $conv76 << 16 >> 16; $mul78 = Math_imul($and75, $conv77)|0; $shr79 = $mul78 >> 16; $add80 = (($mul70) + ($shr79))|0; $add81 = (($47) + ($add80))|0; $sum = $add81; $56 = $sum; $shr82 = $56 >> 7; $add83 = (($shr82) + 1)|0; $shr84 = $add83 >> 1; $cmp85 = ($shr84|0)>(32767); if ($cmp85) { $cond98 = 32767; } else { $57 = $sum; $shr87 = $57 >> 7; $add88 = (($shr87) + 1)|0; $shr89 = $add88 >> 1; $cmp90 = ($shr89|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp90) { $cond98 = -32768; } else { $58 = $sum; $shr94 = $58 >> 7; $add95 = (($shr94) + 1)|0; $shr96 = $add95 >> 1; $cond98 = $shr96; } } $conv99 = $cond98&65535; $59 = $x2$addr; $60 = $n; $add100 = (($60) + 1)|0; $arrayidx101 = (($59) + ($add100<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx101>>1] = $conv99; $61 = $n; $inc = (($61) + 1)|0; $n = $inc; } $62 = $pred_Q13$addr; $63 = HEAP32[$62>>2]|0; $pred0_Q13 = $63; $64 = $pred_Q13$addr; $arrayidx103 = ((($64)) + 4|0); $65 = HEAP32[$arrayidx103>>2]|0; $pred1_Q13 = $65; $66 = $fs_kHz$addr; $mul104 = $66<<3; $n = $mul104; while(1) { $67 = $n; $68 = $frame_length$addr; $cmp106 = ($67|0)<($68|0); if (!($cmp106)) { break; } $69 = $x1$addr; $70 = $n; $arrayidx109 = (($69) + ($70<<1)|0); $71 = HEAP16[$arrayidx109>>1]|0; $conv110 = $71 << 16 >> 16; $72 = $x1$addr; $73 = $n; $add111 = (($73) + 2)|0; $arrayidx112 = (($72) + ($add111<<1)|0); $74 = HEAP16[$arrayidx112>>1]|0; $conv113 = $74 << 16 >> 16; $add114 = (($conv110) + ($conv113))|0; $75 = $x1$addr; $76 = $n; $add115 = (($76) + 1)|0; $arrayidx116 = (($75) + ($add115<<1)|0); $77 = HEAP16[$arrayidx116>>1]|0; $conv117 = $77 << 16 >> 16; $shl118 = $conv117 << 1; $add119 = (($add114) + ($shl118))|0; $shl120 = $add119 << 9; $sum = $shl120; $78 = $x2$addr; $79 = $n; $add121 = (($79) + 1)|0; $arrayidx122 = (($78) + ($add121<<1)|0); $80 = HEAP16[$arrayidx122>>1]|0; $conv123 = $80 << 16 >> 16; $shl124 = $conv123 << 8; $81 = $sum; $shr125 = $81 >> 16; $82 = $pred0_Q13; $conv126 = $82&65535; $conv127 = $conv126 << 16 >> 16; $mul128 = Math_imul($shr125, $conv127)|0; $83 = $sum; $and129 = $83 & 65535; $84 = $pred0_Q13; $conv130 = $84&65535; $conv131 = $conv130 << 16 >> 16; $mul132 = Math_imul($and129, $conv131)|0; $shr133 = $mul132 >> 16; $add134 = (($mul128) + ($shr133))|0; $add135 = (($shl124) + ($add134))|0; $sum = $add135; $85 = $sum; $86 = $x1$addr; $87 = $n; $add136 = (($87) + 1)|0; $arrayidx137 = (($86) + ($add136<<1)|0); $88 = HEAP16[$arrayidx137>>1]|0; $conv138 = $88 << 16 >> 16; $shl139 = $conv138 << 11; $shr140 = $shl139 >> 16; $89 = $pred1_Q13; $conv141 = $89&65535; $conv142 = $conv141 << 16 >> 16; $mul143 = Math_imul($shr140, $conv142)|0; $90 = $x1$addr; $91 = $n; $add144 = (($91) + 1)|0; $arrayidx145 = (($90) + ($add144<<1)|0); $92 = HEAP16[$arrayidx145>>1]|0; $conv146 = $92 << 16 >> 16; $shl147 = $conv146 << 11; $and148 = $shl147 & 65535; $93 = $pred1_Q13; $conv149 = $93&65535; $conv150 = $conv149 << 16 >> 16; $mul151 = Math_imul($and148, $conv150)|0; $shr152 = $mul151 >> 16; $add153 = (($mul143) + ($shr152))|0; $add154 = (($85) + ($add153))|0; $sum = $add154; $94 = $sum; $shr155 = $94 >> 7; $add156 = (($shr155) + 1)|0; $shr157 = $add156 >> 1; $cmp158 = ($shr157|0)>(32767); if ($cmp158) { $cond175 = 32767; } else { $95 = $sum; $shr162 = $95 >> 7; $add163 = (($shr162) + 1)|0; $shr164 = $add163 >> 1; $cmp165 = ($shr164|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp165) { $cond175 = -32768; } else { $96 = $sum; $shr169 = $96 >> 7; $add170 = (($shr169) + 1)|0; $shr171 = $add170 >> 1; $cond175 = $shr171; } } $conv176 = $cond175&65535; $97 = $x2$addr; $98 = $n; $add177 = (($98) + 1)|0; $arrayidx178 = (($97) + ($add177<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx178>>1] = $conv176; $99 = $n; $inc180 = (($99) + 1)|0; $n = $inc180; } $100 = $pred_Q13$addr; $101 = HEAP32[$100>>2]|0; $conv183 = $101&65535; $102 = $state$addr; HEAP16[$102>>1] = $conv183; $103 = $pred_Q13$addr; $arrayidx186 = ((($103)) + 4|0); $104 = HEAP32[$arrayidx186>>2]|0; $conv187 = $104&65535; $105 = $state$addr; $arrayidx189 = ((($105)) + 2|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx189>>1] = $conv187; $n = 0; while(1) { $106 = $n; $107 = $frame_length$addr; $cmp191 = ($106|0)<($107|0); if (!($cmp191)) { break; } $108 = $x1$addr; $109 = $n; $add194 = (($109) + 1)|0; $arrayidx195 = (($108) + ($add194<<1)|0); $110 = HEAP16[$arrayidx195>>1]|0; $conv196 = $110 << 16 >> 16; $111 = $x2$addr; $112 = $n; $add197 = (($112) + 1)|0; $arrayidx198 = (($111) + ($add197<<1)|0); $113 = HEAP16[$arrayidx198>>1]|0; $conv199 = $113 << 16 >> 16; $add200 = (($conv196) + ($conv199))|0; $sum = $add200; $114 = $x1$addr; $115 = $n; $add201 = (($115) + 1)|0; $arrayidx202 = (($114) + ($add201<<1)|0); $116 = HEAP16[$arrayidx202>>1]|0; $conv203 = $116 << 16 >> 16; $117 = $x2$addr; $118 = $n; $add204 = (($118) + 1)|0; $arrayidx205 = (($117) + ($add204<<1)|0); $119 = HEAP16[$arrayidx205>>1]|0; $conv206 = $119 << 16 >> 16; $sub207 = (($conv203) - ($conv206))|0; $diff = $sub207; $120 = $sum; $cmp208 = ($120|0)>(32767); if ($cmp208) { $cond219 = 32767; } else { $121 = $sum; $cmp212 = ($121|0)<(-32768); $122 = $sum; $cond217 = $cmp212 ? -32768 : $122; $cond219 = $cond217; } $conv220 = $cond219&65535; $123 = $x1$addr; $124 = $n; $add221 = (($124) + 1)|0; $arrayidx222 = (($123) + ($add221<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx222>>1] = $conv220; $125 = $diff; $cmp223 = ($125|0)>(32767); if ($cmp223) { $cond234 = 32767; } else { $126 = $diff; $cmp227 = ($126|0)<(-32768); $127 = $diff; $cond232 = $cmp227 ? -32768 : $127; $cond234 = $cond232; } $conv235 = $cond234&65535; $128 = $x2$addr; $129 = $n; $add236 = (($129) + 1)|0; $arrayidx237 = (($128) + ($add236<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx237>>1] = $conv235; $130 = $n; $inc239 = (($130) + 1)|0; $n = $inc239; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _check_control_input($encControl) { $encControl = $encControl|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $9 = 0, $API_sampleRate = 0, $API_sampleRate1 = 0, $API_sampleRate10 = 0, $API_sampleRate13 = 0, $API_sampleRate16 = 0, $API_sampleRate4 = 0, $API_sampleRate7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp103 = 0, $cmp106 = 0, $cmp109 = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp18 = 0; var $cmp2 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp32 = 0, $cmp34 = 0, $cmp37 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp48 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp52 = 0, $cmp53 = 0, $cmp56 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp62 = 0, $cmp65 = 0, $cmp68 = 0, $cmp71 = 0; var $cmp74 = 0, $cmp77 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cmp80 = 0, $cmp83 = 0, $cmp86 = 0, $cmp89 = 0, $cmp92 = 0, $cmp95 = 0, $cmp98 = 0, $complexity = 0, $complexity108 = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate20 = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate23 = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate43 = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate47 = 0, $encControl$addr = 0, $maxInternalSampleRate = 0, $maxInternalSampleRate28 = 0; var $maxInternalSampleRate31 = 0, $maxInternalSampleRate46 = 0, $maxInternalSampleRate51 = 0, $minInternalSampleRate = 0, $minInternalSampleRate36 = 0, $minInternalSampleRate39 = 0, $minInternalSampleRate42 = 0, $minInternalSampleRate50 = 0, $nChannelsInternal = 0, $nChannelsInternal101 = 0, $nChannelsInternal97 = 0, $packetLossPercentage = 0, $packetLossPercentage67 = 0, $payloadSize_ms = 0, $payloadSize_ms55 = 0, $payloadSize_ms58 = 0, $payloadSize_ms61 = 0, $retval = 0, $useCBR = 0, $useCBR79 = 0; var $useDTX = 0, $useDTX73 = 0, $useInBandFEC = 0, $useInBandFEC85 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $encControl$addr = $encControl; $0 = $encControl$addr; $API_sampleRate = ((($0)) + 8|0); $1 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate>>2]|0; $cmp = ($1|0)!=(8000); if ($cmp) { $2 = $encControl$addr; $API_sampleRate1 = ((($2)) + 8|0); $3 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate1>>2]|0; $cmp2 = ($3|0)!=(12000); if ($cmp2) { $4 = $encControl$addr; $API_sampleRate4 = ((($4)) + 8|0); $5 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate4>>2]|0; $cmp5 = ($5|0)!=(16000); if ($cmp5) { $6 = $encControl$addr; $API_sampleRate7 = ((($6)) + 8|0); $7 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate7>>2]|0; $cmp8 = ($7|0)!=(24000); if ($cmp8) { $8 = $encControl$addr; $API_sampleRate10 = ((($8)) + 8|0); $9 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate10>>2]|0; $cmp11 = ($9|0)!=(32000); if ($cmp11) { $10 = $encControl$addr; $API_sampleRate13 = ((($10)) + 8|0); $11 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate13>>2]|0; $cmp14 = ($11|0)!=(44100); if ($cmp14) { $12 = $encControl$addr; $API_sampleRate16 = ((($12)) + 8|0); $13 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate16>>2]|0; $cmp17 = ($13|0)!=(48000); if (!($cmp17)) { label = 8; } } else { label = 8; } } else { label = 8; } } else { label = 8; } } else { label = 8; } } else { label = 8; } } else { label = 8; } do { if ((label|0) == 8) { $14 = $encControl$addr; $desiredInternalSampleRate = ((($14)) + 20|0); $15 = HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate>>2]|0; $cmp18 = ($15|0)!=(8000); if ($cmp18) { $16 = $encControl$addr; $desiredInternalSampleRate20 = ((($16)) + 20|0); $17 = HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate20>>2]|0; $cmp21 = ($17|0)!=(12000); if ($cmp21) { $18 = $encControl$addr; $desiredInternalSampleRate23 = ((($18)) + 20|0); $19 = HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate23>>2]|0; $cmp24 = ($19|0)!=(16000); if ($cmp24) { break; } } } $20 = $encControl$addr; $maxInternalSampleRate = ((($20)) + 12|0); $21 = HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate>>2]|0; $cmp26 = ($21|0)!=(8000); if ($cmp26) { $22 = $encControl$addr; $maxInternalSampleRate28 = ((($22)) + 12|0); $23 = HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate28>>2]|0; $cmp29 = ($23|0)!=(12000); if ($cmp29) { $24 = $encControl$addr; $maxInternalSampleRate31 = ((($24)) + 12|0); $25 = HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate31>>2]|0; $cmp32 = ($25|0)!=(16000); if ($cmp32) { break; } } } $26 = $encControl$addr; $minInternalSampleRate = ((($26)) + 16|0); $27 = HEAP32[$minInternalSampleRate>>2]|0; $cmp34 = ($27|0)!=(8000); if ($cmp34) { $28 = $encControl$addr; $minInternalSampleRate36 = ((($28)) + 16|0); $29 = HEAP32[$minInternalSampleRate36>>2]|0; $cmp37 = ($29|0)!=(12000); if ($cmp37) { $30 = $encControl$addr; $minInternalSampleRate39 = ((($30)) + 16|0); $31 = HEAP32[$minInternalSampleRate39>>2]|0; $cmp40 = ($31|0)!=(16000); if ($cmp40) { break; } } } $32 = $encControl$addr; $minInternalSampleRate42 = ((($32)) + 16|0); $33 = HEAP32[$minInternalSampleRate42>>2]|0; $34 = $encControl$addr; $desiredInternalSampleRate43 = ((($34)) + 20|0); $35 = HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate43>>2]|0; $cmp44 = ($33|0)>($35|0); if (!($cmp44)) { $36 = $encControl$addr; $maxInternalSampleRate46 = ((($36)) + 12|0); $37 = HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate46>>2]|0; $38 = $encControl$addr; $desiredInternalSampleRate47 = ((($38)) + 20|0); $39 = HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate47>>2]|0; $cmp48 = ($37|0)<($39|0); if (!($cmp48)) { $40 = $encControl$addr; $minInternalSampleRate50 = ((($40)) + 16|0); $41 = HEAP32[$minInternalSampleRate50>>2]|0; $42 = $encControl$addr; $maxInternalSampleRate51 = ((($42)) + 12|0); $43 = HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate51>>2]|0; $cmp52 = ($41|0)>($43|0); if (!($cmp52)) { $44 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms = ((($44)) + 24|0); $45 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms>>2]|0; $cmp53 = ($45|0)!=(10); if ($cmp53) { $46 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms55 = ((($46)) + 24|0); $47 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms55>>2]|0; $cmp56 = ($47|0)!=(20); if ($cmp56) { $48 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms58 = ((($48)) + 24|0); $49 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms58>>2]|0; $cmp59 = ($49|0)!=(40); if ($cmp59) { $50 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms61 = ((($50)) + 24|0); $51 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms61>>2]|0; $cmp62 = ($51|0)!=(60); if ($cmp62) { $retval = -103; $84 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($84|0); } } } } $52 = $encControl$addr; $packetLossPercentage = ((($52)) + 32|0); $53 = HEAP32[$packetLossPercentage>>2]|0; $cmp65 = ($53|0)<(0); if (!($cmp65)) { $54 = $encControl$addr; $packetLossPercentage67 = ((($54)) + 32|0); $55 = HEAP32[$packetLossPercentage67>>2]|0; $cmp68 = ($55|0)>(100); if (!($cmp68)) { $56 = $encControl$addr; $useDTX = ((($56)) + 44|0); $57 = HEAP32[$useDTX>>2]|0; $cmp71 = ($57|0)<(0); if (!($cmp71)) { $58 = $encControl$addr; $useDTX73 = ((($58)) + 44|0); $59 = HEAP32[$useDTX73>>2]|0; $cmp74 = ($59|0)>(1); if (!($cmp74)) { $60 = $encControl$addr; $useCBR = ((($60)) + 48|0); $61 = HEAP32[$useCBR>>2]|0; $cmp77 = ($61|0)<(0); if (!($cmp77)) { $62 = $encControl$addr; $useCBR79 = ((($62)) + 48|0); $63 = HEAP32[$useCBR79>>2]|0; $cmp80 = ($63|0)>(1); if (!($cmp80)) { $64 = $encControl$addr; $useInBandFEC = ((($64)) + 40|0); $65 = HEAP32[$useInBandFEC>>2]|0; $cmp83 = ($65|0)<(0); do { if (!($cmp83)) { $66 = $encControl$addr; $useInBandFEC85 = ((($66)) + 40|0); $67 = HEAP32[$useInBandFEC85>>2]|0; $cmp86 = ($67|0)>(1); if ($cmp86) { break; } $68 = $encControl$addr; $69 = HEAP32[$68>>2]|0; $cmp89 = ($69|0)<(1); do { if (!($cmp89)) { $70 = $encControl$addr; $71 = HEAP32[$70>>2]|0; $cmp92 = ($71|0)>(2); if ($cmp92) { break; } $72 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal = ((($72)) + 4|0); $73 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal>>2]|0; $cmp95 = ($73|0)<(1); do { if (!($cmp95)) { $74 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal97 = ((($74)) + 4|0); $75 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal97>>2]|0; $cmp98 = ($75|0)>(2); if ($cmp98) { break; } $76 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal101 = ((($76)) + 4|0); $77 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal101>>2]|0; $78 = $encControl$addr; $79 = HEAP32[$78>>2]|0; $cmp103 = ($77|0)>($79|0); if ($cmp103) { $retval = -111; $84 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($84|0); } $80 = $encControl$addr; $complexity = ((($80)) + 36|0); $81 = HEAP32[$complexity>>2]|0; $cmp106 = ($81|0)<(0); do { if (!($cmp106)) { $82 = $encControl$addr; $complexity108 = ((($82)) + 36|0); $83 = HEAP32[$complexity108>>2]|0; $cmp109 = ($83|0)>(10); if ($cmp109) { break; } $retval = 0; $84 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($84|0); } } while(0); $retval = -106; $84 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($84|0); } } while(0); $retval = -111; $84 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($84|0); } } while(0); $retval = -111; $84 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($84|0); } } while(0); $retval = -107; $84 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($84|0); } } $retval = -109; $84 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($84|0); } } $retval = -108; $84 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($84|0); } } $retval = -105; $84 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($84|0); } } } } } while(0); $retval = -102; $84 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($84|0); } function _silk_control_SNR($psEncC,$TargetRate_bps) { $psEncC = $psEncC|0; $TargetRate_bps = $TargetRate_bps|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0; var $SNR_dB_Q7 = 0, $TargetRate_bps$addr = 0, $TargetRate_bps6 = 0, $TargetRate_bps8 = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp9 = 0; var $cond = 0, $cond5 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv33 = 0, $conv36 = 0, $div = 0, $frac_Q6 = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $fs_kHz11 = 0, $inc = 0, $k = 0, $mul = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $psEncC$addr = 0, $rateTable = 0, $ret = 0, $shl = 0, $shl31 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub22 = 0; var $sub24 = 0, $sub26 = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub29 = 0, $sub34 = 0, $sub37 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $psEncC$addr = $psEncC; $TargetRate_bps$addr = $TargetRate_bps; $ret = 0; $0 = $TargetRate_bps$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(80000); if ($cmp) { $cond5 = 80000; } else { $1 = $TargetRate_bps$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)<(5000); $2 = $TargetRate_bps$addr; $cond = $cmp1 ? 5000 : $2; $cond5 = $cond; } $TargetRate_bps$addr = $cond5; $3 = $TargetRate_bps$addr; $4 = $psEncC$addr; $TargetRate_bps6 = ((($4)) + 4632|0); $5 = HEAP32[$TargetRate_bps6>>2]|0; $cmp7 = ($3|0)!=($5|0); if (!($cmp7)) { $39 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($39|0); } $6 = $TargetRate_bps$addr; $7 = $psEncC$addr; $TargetRate_bps8 = ((($7)) + 4632|0); HEAP32[$TargetRate_bps8>>2] = $6; $8 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz = ((($8)) + 4600|0); $9 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $cmp9 = ($9|0)==(8); do { if ($cmp9) { $rateTable = 16708; } else { $10 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz11 = ((($10)) + 4600|0); $11 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz11>>2]|0; $cmp12 = ($11|0)==(12); if ($cmp12) { $rateTable = 16740; break; } else { $rateTable = 16772; break; } } } while(0); $12 = $psEncC$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($12)) + 4604|0); $13 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $cmp16 = ($13|0)==(2); if ($cmp16) { $14 = $TargetRate_bps$addr; $sub = (($14) - 2200)|0; $TargetRate_bps$addr = $sub; } $k = 1; while(1) { $15 = $k; $cmp19 = ($15|0)<(8); if (!($cmp19)) { label = 16; break; } $16 = $TargetRate_bps$addr; $17 = $rateTable; $18 = $k; $arrayidx = (($17) + ($18<<2)|0); $19 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $cmp20 = ($16|0)<=($19|0); if ($cmp20) { break; } $38 = $k; $inc = (($38) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } if ((label|0) == 16) { $39 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($39|0); } $20 = $TargetRate_bps$addr; $21 = $rateTable; $22 = $k; $sub22 = (($22) - 1)|0; $arrayidx23 = (($21) + ($sub22<<2)|0); $23 = HEAP32[$arrayidx23>>2]|0; $sub24 = (($20) - ($23))|0; $shl = $sub24 << 6; $24 = $rateTable; $25 = $k; $arrayidx25 = (($24) + ($25<<2)|0); $26 = HEAP32[$arrayidx25>>2]|0; $27 = $rateTable; $28 = $k; $sub26 = (($28) - 1)|0; $arrayidx27 = (($27) + ($sub26<<2)|0); $29 = HEAP32[$arrayidx27>>2]|0; $sub28 = (($26) - ($29))|0; $div = (($shl|0) / ($sub28|0))&-1; $frac_Q6 = $div; $30 = $k; $sub29 = (($30) - 1)|0; $arrayidx30 = (24950 + ($sub29<<1)|0); $31 = HEAP16[$arrayidx30>>1]|0; $conv = $31 << 16 >> 16; $shl31 = $conv << 6; $32 = $frac_Q6; $33 = $k; $arrayidx32 = (24950 + ($33<<1)|0); $34 = HEAP16[$arrayidx32>>1]|0; $conv33 = $34 << 16 >> 16; $35 = $k; $sub34 = (($35) - 1)|0; $arrayidx35 = (24950 + ($sub34<<1)|0); $36 = HEAP16[$arrayidx35>>1]|0; $conv36 = $36 << 16 >> 16; $sub37 = (($conv33) - ($conv36))|0; $mul = Math_imul($32, $sub37)|0; $add = (($shl31) + ($mul))|0; $37 = $psEncC$addr; $SNR_dB_Q7 = ((($37)) + 4748|0); HEAP32[$SNR_dB_Q7>>2] = $add; $39 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($39|0); } function _silk_init_encoder($psEnc,$arch) { $psEnc = $psEnc|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arch1 = 0, $call = 0, $call8 = 0, $first_frame_after_reset = 0, $psEnc$addr = 0, $ret = 0, $sVAD = 0; var $shl = 0, $sub = 0, $variable_HP_smth1_Q15 = 0, $variable_HP_smth1_Q154 = 0, $variable_HP_smth2_Q15 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $psEnc$addr = $psEnc; $arch$addr = $arch; $ret = 0; $0 = $psEnc$addr; _memset(($0|0),0,12240)|0; $1 = $arch$addr; $2 = $psEnc$addr; $arch1 = ((($2)) + 5124|0); HEAP32[$arch1>>2] = $1; $call = (_silk_lin2log(3932160)|0); $sub = (($call) - 2048)|0; $shl = $sub << 8; $3 = $psEnc$addr; $variable_HP_smth1_Q15 = ((($3)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth1_Q15>>2] = $shl; $4 = $psEnc$addr; $variable_HP_smth1_Q154 = ((($4)) + 8|0); $5 = HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth1_Q154>>2]|0; $6 = $psEnc$addr; $variable_HP_smth2_Q15 = ((($6)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$variable_HP_smth2_Q15>>2] = $5; $7 = $psEnc$addr; $first_frame_after_reset = ((($7)) + 4696|0); HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset>>2] = 1; $8 = $psEnc$addr; $sVAD = ((($8)) + 32|0); $call8 = (_silk_VAD_Init($sVAD)|0); $9 = $ret; $add = (($9) + ($call8))|0; $ret = $add; $10 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($10|0); } function _silk_control_encoder($psEnc,$encControl,$TargetRate_bps,$allow_bw_switch,$channelNb,$force_fs_kHz) { $psEnc = $psEnc|0; $encControl = $encControl|0; $TargetRate_bps = $TargetRate_bps|0; $allow_bw_switch = $allow_bw_switch|0; $channelNb = $channelNb|0; $force_fs_kHz = $force_fs_kHz|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $API_fs_Hz = 0, $API_fs_Hz21 = 0, $API_sampleRate = 0, $PacketLoss_perc = 0, $TargetRate_bps$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add37 = 0, $add39 = 0, $add42 = 0; var $add46 = 0, $allow_bandwidth_switch = 0, $allow_bw_switch$addr = 0, $call = 0, $call33 = 0, $call36 = 0, $call38 = 0, $call41 = 0, $call45 = 0, $channelNb$addr = 0, $channelNb16 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp23 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $complexity = 0, $controlled_since_last_payload = 0, $controlled_since_last_payload48 = 0, $desiredInternalSampleRate = 0, $desiredInternal_fs_Hz = 0; var $encControl$addr = 0, $force_fs_kHz$addr = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $fs_kHz26 = 0, $fs_kHz30 = 0, $maxInternalSampleRate = 0, $maxInternal_fs_Hz = 0, $minInternalSampleRate = 0, $minInternal_fs_Hz = 0, $nChannelsAPI11 = 0, $nChannelsInternal = 0, $nChannelsInternal13 = 0, $packetLossPercentage = 0, $payloadSize_ms = 0, $prefillFlag = 0, $prev_API_fs_Hz = 0, $psEnc$addr = 0, $ret = 0, $retval = 0, $tobool = 0; var $useCBR = 0, $useCBR3 = 0, $useDTX = 0, $useDTX1 = 0, $useInBandFEC = 0, $useInBandFEC9 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $psEnc$addr = $psEnc; $encControl$addr = $encControl; $TargetRate_bps$addr = $TargetRate_bps; $allow_bw_switch$addr = $allow_bw_switch; $channelNb$addr = $channelNb; $force_fs_kHz$addr = $force_fs_kHz; $ret = 0; $0 = $encControl$addr; $useDTX = ((($0)) + 44|0); $1 = HEAP32[$useDTX>>2]|0; $2 = $psEnc$addr; $useDTX1 = ((($2)) + 6108|0); HEAP32[$useDTX1>>2] = $1; $3 = $encControl$addr; $useCBR = ((($3)) + 48|0); $4 = HEAP32[$useCBR>>2]|0; $5 = $psEnc$addr; $useCBR3 = ((($5)) + 4708|0); HEAP32[$useCBR3>>2] = $4; $6 = $encControl$addr; $API_sampleRate = ((($6)) + 8|0); $7 = HEAP32[$API_sampleRate>>2]|0; $8 = $psEnc$addr; $API_fs_Hz = ((($8)) + 4580|0); HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz>>2] = $7; $9 = $encControl$addr; $maxInternalSampleRate = ((($9)) + 12|0); $10 = HEAP32[$maxInternalSampleRate>>2]|0; $11 = $psEnc$addr; $maxInternal_fs_Hz = ((($11)) + 4588|0); HEAP32[$maxInternal_fs_Hz>>2] = $10; $12 = $encControl$addr; $minInternalSampleRate = ((($12)) + 16|0); $13 = HEAP32[$minInternalSampleRate>>2]|0; $14 = $psEnc$addr; $minInternal_fs_Hz = ((($14)) + 4592|0); HEAP32[$minInternal_fs_Hz>>2] = $13; $15 = $encControl$addr; $desiredInternalSampleRate = ((($15)) + 20|0); $16 = HEAP32[$desiredInternalSampleRate>>2]|0; $17 = $psEnc$addr; $desiredInternal_fs_Hz = ((($17)) + 4596|0); HEAP32[$desiredInternal_fs_Hz>>2] = $16; $18 = $encControl$addr; $useInBandFEC = ((($18)) + 40|0); $19 = HEAP32[$useInBandFEC>>2]|0; $20 = $psEnc$addr; $useInBandFEC9 = ((($20)) + 6120|0); HEAP32[$useInBandFEC9>>2] = $19; $21 = $encControl$addr; $22 = HEAP32[$21>>2]|0; $23 = $psEnc$addr; $nChannelsAPI11 = ((($23)) + 5784|0); HEAP32[$nChannelsAPI11>>2] = $22; $24 = $encControl$addr; $nChannelsInternal = ((($24)) + 4|0); $25 = HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal>>2]|0; $26 = $psEnc$addr; $nChannelsInternal13 = ((($26)) + 5788|0); HEAP32[$nChannelsInternal13>>2] = $25; $27 = $allow_bw_switch$addr; $28 = $psEnc$addr; $allow_bandwidth_switch = ((($28)) + 4560|0); HEAP32[$allow_bandwidth_switch>>2] = $27; $29 = $channelNb$addr; $30 = $psEnc$addr; $channelNb16 = ((($30)) + 5792|0); HEAP32[$channelNb16>>2] = $29; $31 = $psEnc$addr; $controlled_since_last_payload = ((($31)) + 4700|0); $32 = HEAP32[$controlled_since_last_payload>>2]|0; $cmp = ($32|0)!=(0); if ($cmp) { $33 = $psEnc$addr; $prefillFlag = ((($33)) + 4712|0); $34 = HEAP32[$prefillFlag>>2]|0; $cmp19 = ($34|0)==(0); if ($cmp19) { $35 = $psEnc$addr; $API_fs_Hz21 = ((($35)) + 4580|0); $36 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz21>>2]|0; $37 = $psEnc$addr; $prev_API_fs_Hz = ((($37)) + 4584|0); $38 = HEAP32[$prev_API_fs_Hz>>2]|0; $cmp23 = ($36|0)!=($38|0); if ($cmp23) { $39 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz26 = ((($39)) + 4600|0); $40 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz26>>2]|0; $cmp27 = ($40|0)>(0); if ($cmp27) { $41 = $psEnc$addr; $42 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz30 = ((($42)) + 4600|0); $43 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz30>>2]|0; $call = (_silk_setup_resamplers($41,$43)|0); $44 = $ret; $add = (($44) + ($call))|0; $ret = $add; } } $45 = $ret; $retval = $45; $70 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($70|0); } } $46 = $psEnc$addr; $47 = $encControl$addr; $call33 = (_silk_control_audio_bandwidth($46,$47)|0); $fs_kHz = $call33; $48 = $force_fs_kHz$addr; $tobool = ($48|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $49 = $force_fs_kHz$addr; $fs_kHz = $49; } $50 = $psEnc$addr; $51 = $fs_kHz; $call36 = (_silk_setup_resamplers($50,$51)|0); $52 = $ret; $add37 = (($52) + ($call36))|0; $ret = $add37; $53 = $psEnc$addr; $54 = $fs_kHz; $55 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms = ((($55)) + 24|0); $56 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms>>2]|0; $call38 = (_silk_setup_fs($53,$54,$56)|0); $57 = $ret; $add39 = (($57) + ($call38))|0; $ret = $add39; $58 = $psEnc$addr; $59 = $encControl$addr; $complexity = ((($59)) + 36|0); $60 = HEAP32[$complexity>>2]|0; $call41 = (_silk_setup_complexity($58,$60)|0); $61 = $ret; $add42 = (($61) + ($call41))|0; $ret = $add42; $62 = $encControl$addr; $packetLossPercentage = ((($62)) + 32|0); $63 = HEAP32[$packetLossPercentage>>2]|0; $64 = $psEnc$addr; $PacketLoss_perc = ((($64)) + 4640|0); HEAP32[$PacketLoss_perc>>2] = $63; $65 = $psEnc$addr; $66 = $TargetRate_bps$addr; $call45 = (_silk_setup_LBRR($65,$66)|0); $67 = $ret; $add46 = (($67) + ($call45))|0; $ret = $add46; $68 = $psEnc$addr; $controlled_since_last_payload48 = ((($68)) + 4700|0); HEAP32[$controlled_since_last_payload48>>2] = 1; $69 = $ret; $retval = $69; $70 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($70|0); } function _silk_setup_resamplers($psEnc,$fs_kHz) { $psEnc = $psEnc|0; $fs_kHz = $fs_kHz|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $API_fs_Hz = 0, $API_fs_Hz11 = 0, $API_fs_Hz26 = 0, $API_fs_Hz30 = 0, $API_fs_Hz39 = 0, $API_fs_Hz53 = 0, $add = 0; var $add14 = 0, $add28 = 0, $add35 = 0, $add44 = 0, $add48 = 0, $api_buf_samples = 0, $buf_length_ms = 0, $call = 0, $call27 = 0, $call34 = 0, $call43 = 0, $call47 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv23 = 0, $conv40 = 0; var $conv41 = 0, $div = 0, $fs_kHz$addr = 0, $fs_kHz1 = 0, $fs_kHz16 = 0, $fs_kHz22 = 0, $fs_kHz6 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul13 = 0, $mul17 = 0, $mul18 = 0, $mul24 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul42 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $new_buf_samples = 0, $old_buf_samples = 0, $prev_API_fs_Hz = 0, $prev_API_fs_Hz55 = 0, $psEnc$addr = 0; var $resampler_state = 0, $resampler_state37 = 0, $resampler_state46 = 0, $ret = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shl = 0, $temp_resampler_state = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla32 = 0, $vla32$alloca_mul = 0, $x_buf = 0, $x_buf49 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 336|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(336|0); $temp_resampler_state = sp; $psEnc$addr = $psEnc; $fs_kHz$addr = $fs_kHz; $ret = 0; $0 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz1 = ((($0)) + 4600|0); $1 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz1>>2]|0; $2 = $fs_kHz$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)!=($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { $3 = $psEnc$addr; $prev_API_fs_Hz = ((($3)) + 4584|0); $4 = HEAP32[$prev_API_fs_Hz>>2]|0; $5 = $psEnc$addr; $API_fs_Hz = ((($5)) + 4580|0); $6 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz>>2]|0; $cmp4 = ($4|0)!=($6|0); if (!($cmp4)) { $49 = $psEnc$addr; $API_fs_Hz53 = ((($49)) + 4580|0); $50 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz53>>2]|0; $51 = $psEnc$addr; $prev_API_fs_Hz55 = ((($51)) + 4584|0); HEAP32[$prev_API_fs_Hz55>>2] = $50; $52 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($52|0); } } $7 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz6 = ((($7)) + 4600|0); $8 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz6>>2]|0; $cmp7 = ($8|0)==(0); $9 = $psEnc$addr; if ($cmp7) { $resampler_state = ((($9)) + 5808|0); $10 = $psEnc$addr; $API_fs_Hz11 = ((($10)) + 4580|0); $11 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz11>>2]|0; $12 = $fs_kHz$addr; $mul = ($12*1000)|0; $call = (_silk_resampler_init($resampler_state,$11,$mul,1)|0); $13 = $ret; $add = (($13) + ($call))|0; $ret = $add; $49 = $psEnc$addr; $API_fs_Hz53 = ((($49)) + 4580|0); $50 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz53>>2]|0; $51 = $psEnc$addr; $prev_API_fs_Hz55 = ((($51)) + 4584|0); HEAP32[$prev_API_fs_Hz55>>2] = $50; $52 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($52|0); } else { $nb_subfr = ((($9)) + 4604|0); $14 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $mul13 = ($14*5)|0; $shl = $mul13 << 1; $add14 = (($shl) + 5)|0; $buf_length_ms = $add14; $15 = $buf_length_ms; $16 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz16 = ((($16)) + 4600|0); $17 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz16>>2]|0; $mul17 = Math_imul($15, $17)|0; $old_buf_samples = $mul17; $18 = $buf_length_ms; $19 = $fs_kHz$addr; $mul18 = Math_imul($18, $19)|0; $new_buf_samples = $mul18; $20 = $old_buf_samples; $21 = $new_buf_samples; $cmp19 = ($20|0)>($21|0); $22 = $old_buf_samples; $23 = $new_buf_samples; $cond = $cmp19 ? $22 : $23; $24 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $24; $vla$alloca_mul = $cond<<1; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $25 = $psEnc$addr; $x_buf = ((($25)) + 9356|0); $26 = $old_buf_samples; _silk_float2short_array($vla,$x_buf,$26); $27 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz22 = ((($27)) + 4600|0); $28 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz22>>2]|0; $conv = $28&65535; $conv23 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul24 = ($conv23*1000)|0; $29 = $psEnc$addr; $API_fs_Hz26 = ((($29)) + 4580|0); $30 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz26>>2]|0; $call27 = (_silk_resampler_init($temp_resampler_state,$mul24,$30,0)|0); $31 = $ret; $add28 = (($31) + ($call27))|0; $ret = $add28; $32 = $buf_length_ms; $33 = $psEnc$addr; $API_fs_Hz30 = ((($33)) + 4580|0); $34 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz30>>2]|0; $div = (($34|0) / 1000)&-1; $mul31 = Math_imul($32, $div)|0; $api_buf_samples = $mul31; $35 = $api_buf_samples; $vla32$alloca_mul = $35<<1; $vla32 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla32$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla32$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $36 = $old_buf_samples; $call34 = (_silk_resampler($temp_resampler_state,$vla32,$vla,$36)|0); $37 = $ret; $add35 = (($37) + ($call34))|0; $ret = $add35; $38 = $psEnc$addr; $resampler_state37 = ((($38)) + 5808|0); $39 = $psEnc$addr; $API_fs_Hz39 = ((($39)) + 4580|0); $40 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz39>>2]|0; $41 = $fs_kHz$addr; $conv40 = $41&65535; $conv41 = $conv40 << 16 >> 16; $mul42 = ($conv41*1000)|0; $call43 = (_silk_resampler_init($resampler_state37,$40,$mul42,1)|0); $42 = $ret; $add44 = (($42) + ($call43))|0; $ret = $add44; $43 = $psEnc$addr; $resampler_state46 = ((($43)) + 5808|0); $44 = $api_buf_samples; $call47 = (_silk_resampler($resampler_state46,$vla,$vla32,$44)|0); $45 = $ret; $add48 = (($45) + ($call47))|0; $ret = $add48; $46 = $psEnc$addr; $x_buf49 = ((($46)) + 9356|0); $47 = $new_buf_samples; _silk_short2float_array($x_buf49,$vla,$47); $48 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($48|0)); $49 = $psEnc$addr; $API_fs_Hz53 = ((($49)) + 4580|0); $50 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz53>>2]|0; $51 = $psEnc$addr; $prev_API_fs_Hz55 = ((($51)) + 4584|0); HEAP32[$prev_API_fs_Hz55>>2] = $50; $52 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($52|0); } return (0)|0; } function _silk_setup_fs($psEnc,$fs_kHz,$PacketSize_ms) { $psEnc = $psEnc|0; $fs_kHz = $fs_kHz|0; $PacketSize_ms = $PacketSize_ms|0; var $$sink = 0, $$sink3 = 0, $$sink3$sink = 0, $$sink4 = 0, $$sink5 = 0, $$sink5$sink = 0, $$sink6 = 0, $$sink7 = 0, $$sink8$sink = 0, $$sink9$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0; var $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0; var $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0; var $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0; var $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0; var $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $PacketSize_ms$addr = 0, $PacketSize_ms1 = 0, $PacketSize_ms59 = 0, $TargetRate_bps = 0, $TargetRate_bps73 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp117 = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp121 = 0, $cmp159 = 0, $cmp176 = 0, $cmp184 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp48 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp64 = 0; var $cmp7 = 0, $cmp88 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cmp93 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv136 = 0, $conv137 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv140 = 0, $conv141 = 0, $conv145 = 0, $conv146 = 0, $conv149 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv150 = 0, $conv153 = 0, $conv154 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv162 = 0; var $conv163 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv36 = 0, $conv37 = 0, $conv41 = 0, $conv42 = 0, $div = 0, $first_frame_after_reset = 0, $frame_length = 0, $frame_length144 = 0, $frame_length40 = 0, $fs_kHz$addr = 0, $fs_kHz116 = 0, $fs_kHz120 = 0, $fs_kHz175 = 0, $fs_kHz183 = 0, $fs_kHz23 = 0, $fs_kHz47 = 0, $fs_kHz63 = 0; var $fs_kHz85 = 0, $fs_kHz87 = 0, $inputBufIx = 0, $la_pitch = 0, $lagPrev = 0, $lagPrev80 = 0, $ltp_mem_length = 0, $max_pitch_lag = 0, $mu_LTP_Q9 = 0, $mu_LTP_Q9188 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul132 = 0, $mul142 = 0, $mul147 = 0, $mul151 = 0, $mul155 = 0, $mul164 = 0, $mul170 = 0, $mul170$sink = 0, $mul20 = 0; var $mul38 = 0, $mul43 = 0, $nFramesEncoded = 0, $nFramesPerPacket = 0, $nFramesPerPacket33 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr139 = 0, $nb_subfr158 = 0, $nb_subfr35 = 0, $nb_subfr92 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $pitch_LPC_win_length = 0, $pitch_LPC_win_length172 = 0, $pitch_LPC_win_length45 = 0, $pitch_contour_iCDF = 0, $pitch_contour_iCDF52 = 0, $pitch_contour_iCDF52$sink = 0, $pitch_contour_iCDF97 = 0; var $pitch_lag_low_bits_iCDF195 = 0, $predictLPCOrder = 0, $predictLPCOrder128 = 0, $prevLag = 0, $prevSignalType = 0, $prev_NLSFq_Q15 = 0, $prev_gain_Q16 = 0, $psEnc$addr = 0, $psNLSF_CB130 = 0, $ret = 0, $sLP = 0, $sNSQ = 0, $sNSQ79 = 0, $sNSQ82 = 0, $sPrefilt = 0, $sPrefilt76 = 0, $sShape = 0, $sShape77 = 0, $silk_NLSF_CB_WB$sink = 0, $subfr_length = 0; var $subfr_length135 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $psEnc$addr = $psEnc; $fs_kHz$addr = $fs_kHz; $PacketSize_ms$addr = $PacketSize_ms; $ret = 0; $0 = $PacketSize_ms$addr; $1 = $psEnc$addr; $PacketSize_ms1 = ((($1)) + 4636|0); $2 = HEAP32[$PacketSize_ms1>>2]|0; $cmp = ($0|0)!=($2|0); if ($cmp) { $3 = $PacketSize_ms$addr; $cmp2 = ($3|0)!=(10); $4 = $PacketSize_ms$addr; $cmp3 = ($4|0)!=(20); $or$cond = $cmp2 & $cmp3; $5 = $PacketSize_ms$addr; $cmp5 = ($5|0)!=(40); $or$cond1 = $or$cond & $cmp5; $6 = $PacketSize_ms$addr; $cmp7 = ($6|0)!=(60); $or$cond2 = $or$cond1 & $cmp7; if ($or$cond2) { $ret = -103; } $7 = $PacketSize_ms$addr; $cmp9 = ($7|0)<=(10); if ($cmp9) { $8 = $psEnc$addr; $nFramesPerPacket = ((($8)) + 5776|0); HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket>>2] = 1; $9 = $PacketSize_ms$addr; $cmp12 = ($9|0)==(10); $cond = $cmp12 ? 2 : 1; $10 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($10)) + 4604|0); HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2] = $cond; $11 = $PacketSize_ms$addr; $conv = $11&65535; $conv14 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $12 = $fs_kHz$addr; $conv15 = $12&65535; $conv16 = $conv15 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($conv14, $conv16)|0; $13 = $psEnc$addr; $frame_length = ((($13)) + 4608|0); HEAP32[$frame_length>>2] = $mul; $14 = $fs_kHz$addr; $conv18 = $14&65535; $conv19 = $conv18 << 16 >> 16; $mul20 = ($conv19*14)|0; $15 = $psEnc$addr; $pitch_LPC_win_length = ((($15)) + 4572|0); HEAP32[$pitch_LPC_win_length>>2] = $mul20; $16 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz23 = ((($16)) + 4600|0); $17 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz23>>2]|0; $cmp24 = ($17|0)==(8); $18 = $psEnc$addr; $pitch_contour_iCDF = ((($18)) + 4720|0); $$sink = $cmp24 ? 27819 : 27807; $$sink3$sink = $$sink;$pitch_contour_iCDF52$sink = $pitch_contour_iCDF; } else { $19 = $PacketSize_ms$addr; $div = (($19|0) / 20)&-1; $20 = $psEnc$addr; $nFramesPerPacket33 = ((($20)) + 5776|0); HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket33>>2] = $div; $21 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr35 = ((($21)) + 4604|0); HEAP32[$nb_subfr35>>2] = 4; $22 = $fs_kHz$addr; $conv36 = $22&65535; $conv37 = $conv36 << 16 >> 16; $mul38 = ($conv37*20)|0; $23 = $psEnc$addr; $frame_length40 = ((($23)) + 4608|0); HEAP32[$frame_length40>>2] = $mul38; $24 = $fs_kHz$addr; $conv41 = $24&65535; $conv42 = $conv41 << 16 >> 16; $mul43 = ($conv42*24)|0; $25 = $psEnc$addr; $pitch_LPC_win_length45 = ((($25)) + 4572|0); HEAP32[$pitch_LPC_win_length45>>2] = $mul43; $26 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz47 = ((($26)) + 4600|0); $27 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz47>>2]|0; $cmp48 = ($27|0)==(8); $28 = $psEnc$addr; $pitch_contour_iCDF52 = ((($28)) + 4720|0); $$sink3 = $cmp48 ? 27796 : 27762; $$sink3$sink = $$sink3;$pitch_contour_iCDF52$sink = $pitch_contour_iCDF52; } HEAP32[$pitch_contour_iCDF52$sink>>2] = $$sink3$sink; $29 = $PacketSize_ms$addr; $30 = $psEnc$addr; $PacketSize_ms59 = ((($30)) + 4636|0); HEAP32[$PacketSize_ms59>>2] = $29; $31 = $psEnc$addr; $TargetRate_bps = ((($31)) + 4632|0); HEAP32[$TargetRate_bps>>2] = 0; } $32 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz63 = ((($32)) + 4600|0); $33 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz63>>2]|0; $34 = $fs_kHz$addr; $cmp64 = ($33|0)!=($34|0); if (!($cmp64)) { $91 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($91|0); } $35 = $psEnc$addr; $sShape = ((($35)) + 7200|0); ;HEAP32[$sShape>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sShape+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sShape+8>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sShape+12>>2]=0|0; $36 = $psEnc$addr; $sPrefilt = ((($36)) + 7216|0); _memset(($sPrefilt|0),0,2140)|0; $37 = $psEnc$addr; $sNSQ = ((($37)) + 144|0); _memset(($sNSQ|0),0,4380)|0; $38 = $psEnc$addr; $prev_NLSFq_Q15 = ((($38)) + 4524|0); ;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15+8>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15+12>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15+16>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15+20>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15+24>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$prev_NLSFq_Q15+28>>2]=0|0; $39 = $psEnc$addr; $sLP = ((($39)) + 16|0); ;HEAP32[$sLP>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sLP+4>>2]=0|0; $40 = $psEnc$addr; $inputBufIx = ((($40)) + 5772|0); HEAP32[$inputBufIx>>2] = 0; $41 = $psEnc$addr; $nFramesEncoded = ((($41)) + 5780|0); HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded>>2] = 0; $42 = $psEnc$addr; $TargetRate_bps73 = ((($42)) + 4632|0); HEAP32[$TargetRate_bps73>>2] = 0; $43 = $psEnc$addr; $prevLag = ((($43)) + 4568|0); HEAP32[$prevLag>>2] = 100; $44 = $psEnc$addr; $first_frame_after_reset = ((($44)) + 4696|0); HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset>>2] = 1; $45 = $psEnc$addr; $sPrefilt76 = ((($45)) + 7216|0); $lagPrev = ((($sPrefilt76)) + 2136|0); HEAP32[$lagPrev>>2] = 100; $46 = $psEnc$addr; $sShape77 = ((($46)) + 7200|0); HEAP8[$sShape77>>0] = 10; $47 = $psEnc$addr; $sNSQ79 = ((($47)) + 144|0); $lagPrev80 = ((($sNSQ79)) + 4356|0); HEAP32[$lagPrev80>>2] = 100; $48 = $psEnc$addr; $sNSQ82 = ((($48)) + 144|0); $prev_gain_Q16 = ((($sNSQ82)) + 4372|0); HEAP32[$prev_gain_Q16>>2] = 65536; $49 = $psEnc$addr; $prevSignalType = ((($49)) + 4565|0); HEAP8[$prevSignalType>>0] = 0; $50 = $fs_kHz$addr; $51 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz85 = ((($51)) + 4600|0); HEAP32[$fs_kHz85>>2] = $50; $52 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz87 = ((($52)) + 4600|0); $53 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz87>>2]|0; $cmp88 = ($53|0)==(8); $54 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr92 = ((($54)) + 4604|0); $55 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr92>>2]|0; $cmp93 = ($55|0)==(4); $56 = $psEnc$addr; $pitch_contour_iCDF97 = ((($56)) + 4720|0); $$sink5 = $cmp93 ? 27762 : 27807; $$sink4 = $cmp93 ? 27796 : 27819; $$sink5$sink = $cmp88 ? $$sink4 : $$sink5; HEAP32[$pitch_contour_iCDF97>>2] = $$sink5$sink; $57 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz116 = ((($57)) + 4600|0); $58 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz116>>2]|0; $cmp117 = ($58|0)==(8); if ($cmp117) { label = 11; } else { $59 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz120 = ((($59)) + 4600|0); $60 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz120>>2]|0; $cmp121 = ($60|0)==(12); if ($cmp121) { label = 11; } else { $63 = $psEnc$addr; $predictLPCOrder128 = ((($63)) + 4664|0); HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder128>>2] = 16; $64 = $psEnc$addr; $$sink6 = $64;$silk_NLSF_CB_WB$sink = 22252; } } if ((label|0) == 11) { $61 = $psEnc$addr; $predictLPCOrder = ((($61)) + 4664|0); HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder>>2] = 10; $62 = $psEnc$addr; $$sink6 = $62;$silk_NLSF_CB_WB$sink = 22216; } $psNLSF_CB130 = ((($$sink6)) + 4724|0); HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB130>>2] = $silk_NLSF_CB_WB$sink; $65 = $fs_kHz$addr; $mul132 = ($65*5)|0; $66 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length = ((($66)) + 4612|0); HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2] = $mul132; $67 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length135 = ((($67)) + 4612|0); $68 = HEAP32[$subfr_length135>>2]|0; $conv136 = $68&65535; $conv137 = $conv136 << 16 >> 16; $69 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr139 = ((($69)) + 4604|0); $70 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr139>>2]|0; $conv140 = $70&65535; $conv141 = $conv140 << 16 >> 16; $mul142 = Math_imul($conv137, $conv141)|0; $71 = $psEnc$addr; $frame_length144 = ((($71)) + 4608|0); HEAP32[$frame_length144>>2] = $mul142; $72 = $fs_kHz$addr; $conv145 = $72&65535; $conv146 = $conv145 << 16 >> 16; $mul147 = ($conv146*20)|0; $73 = $psEnc$addr; $ltp_mem_length = ((($73)) + 4616|0); HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length>>2] = $mul147; $74 = $fs_kHz$addr; $conv149 = $74&65535; $conv150 = $conv149 << 16 >> 16; $mul151 = $conv150<<1; $75 = $psEnc$addr; $la_pitch = ((($75)) + 4620|0); HEAP32[$la_pitch>>2] = $mul151; $76 = $fs_kHz$addr; $conv153 = $76&65535; $conv154 = $conv153 << 16 >> 16; $mul155 = ($conv154*18)|0; $77 = $psEnc$addr; $max_pitch_lag = ((($77)) + 4576|0); HEAP32[$max_pitch_lag>>2] = $mul155; $78 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr158 = ((($78)) + 4604|0); $79 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr158>>2]|0; $cmp159 = ($79|0)==(4); $80 = $fs_kHz$addr; $conv162 = $80&65535; $conv163 = $conv162 << 16 >> 16; $mul170 = ($conv163*14)|0; $81 = $psEnc$addr; $mul164 = ($conv163*24)|0; $82 = $psEnc$addr; $$sink7 = $cmp159 ? $82 : $81; $mul170$sink = $cmp159 ? $mul164 : $mul170; $pitch_LPC_win_length172 = ((($$sink7)) + 4572|0); HEAP32[$pitch_LPC_win_length172>>2] = $mul170$sink; $83 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz175 = ((($83)) + 4600|0); $84 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz175>>2]|0; $cmp176 = ($84|0)==(16); $85 = $psEnc$addr; do { if ($cmp176) { $mu_LTP_Q9 = ((($85)) + 4684|0); HEAP32[$mu_LTP_Q9>>2] = 10; $86 = $psEnc$addr; $$sink8$sink = 27694;$$sink9$sink = $86; } else { $fs_kHz183 = ((($85)) + 4600|0); $87 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz183>>2]|0; $cmp184 = ($87|0)==(12); $88 = $psEnc$addr; $mu_LTP_Q9188 = ((($88)) + 4684|0); if ($cmp184) { HEAP32[$mu_LTP_Q9188>>2] = 13; $89 = $psEnc$addr; $$sink8$sink = 27688;$$sink9$sink = $89; break; } else { HEAP32[$mu_LTP_Q9188>>2] = 15; $90 = $psEnc$addr; $$sink8$sink = 27679;$$sink9$sink = $90; break; } } } while(0); $pitch_lag_low_bits_iCDF195 = ((($$sink9$sink)) + 4716|0); HEAP32[$pitch_lag_low_bits_iCDF195>>2] = $$sink8$sink; $91 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($91|0); } function _silk_setup_complexity($psEncC,$Complexity) { $psEncC = $psEncC|0; $Complexity = $Complexity|0; var $$sink$sink$sink$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0; var $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0; var $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0; var $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0; var $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $9 = 0, $Complexity$addr = 0, $Complexity73 = 0, $LTPQuantLowComplexity = 0, $LTPQuantLowComplexity12 = 0, $LTPQuantLowComplexity27 = 0, $LTPQuantLowComplexity44 = 0, $LTPQuantLowComplexity59 = 0, $NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors = 0, $NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors13 = 0, $NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors28 = 0, $NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors45 = 0, $NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors60 = 0, $add = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp16 = 0; var $cmp33 = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $fs_kHz22 = 0, $fs_kHz29 = 0, $fs_kHz39 = 0, $fs_kHz46 = 0, $fs_kHz54 = 0, $fs_kHz61 = 0, $fs_kHz69 = 0, $fs_kHz7 = 0, $la_shape = 0, $la_shape24 = 0, $la_shape41 = 0, $la_shape56 = 0, $la_shape71 = 0, $la_shape9 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul23 = 0, $mul30 = 0, $mul40 = 0; var $mul47 = 0, $mul55 = 0, $mul62 = 0, $mul62$sink$sink$sink$sink = 0, $mul70 = 0, $mul72 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $nStatesDelayedDecision = 0, $nStatesDelayedDecision10 = 0, $nStatesDelayedDecision25 = 0, $nStatesDelayedDecision42 = 0, $nStatesDelayedDecision57 = 0, $pitchEstimationComplexity = 0, $pitchEstimationComplexity18 = 0, $pitchEstimationComplexity3 = 0, $pitchEstimationComplexity35 = 0, $pitchEstimationLPCOrder = 0, $pitchEstimationLPCOrder20 = 0, $pitchEstimationLPCOrder37 = 0, $pitchEstimationLPCOrder5 = 0; var $pitchEstimationLPCOrder52 = 0, $pitchEstimationLPCOrder67 = 0, $pitchEstimationLPCOrder68 = 0, $pitchEstimationThreshold_Q16 = 0, $pitchEstimationThreshold_Q1619 = 0, $pitchEstimationThreshold_Q1636 = 0, $pitchEstimationThreshold_Q164 = 0, $pitchEstimationThreshold_Q1651 = 0, $predictLPCOrder = 0, $psEncC$addr = 0, $ret = 0, $shapeWinLength = 0, $shapingLPCOrder = 0, $shapingLPCOrder21 = 0, $shapingLPCOrder38 = 0, $shapingLPCOrder53 = 0, $shapingLPCOrder6 = 0, $useInterpolatedNLSFs = 0, $useInterpolatedNLSFs11 = 0, $useInterpolatedNLSFs26 = 0; var $useInterpolatedNLSFs43 = 0, $useInterpolatedNLSFs58 = 0, $warping_Q1663 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $psEncC$addr = $psEncC; $Complexity$addr = $Complexity; $ret = 0; $0 = $Complexity$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(2); do { if ($cmp) { $1 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationComplexity = ((($1)) + 4668|0); HEAP32[$pitchEstimationComplexity>>2] = 0; $2 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationThreshold_Q16 = ((($2)) + 4676|0); HEAP32[$pitchEstimationThreshold_Q16>>2] = 52429; $3 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationLPCOrder = ((($3)) + 4672|0); HEAP32[$pitchEstimationLPCOrder>>2] = 6; $4 = $psEncC$addr; $shapingLPCOrder = ((($4)) + 4660|0); HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder>>2] = 8; $5 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz = ((($5)) + 4600|0); $6 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $mul = ($6*3)|0; $7 = $psEncC$addr; $la_shape = ((($7)) + 4624|0); HEAP32[$la_shape>>2] = $mul; $8 = $psEncC$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision = ((($8)) + 4652|0); HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision>>2] = 1; $9 = $psEncC$addr; $useInterpolatedNLSFs = ((($9)) + 4656|0); HEAP32[$useInterpolatedNLSFs>>2] = 0; $10 = $psEncC$addr; $LTPQuantLowComplexity = ((($10)) + 4680|0); HEAP32[$LTPQuantLowComplexity>>2] = 1; $11 = $psEncC$addr; $NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors = ((($11)) + 4692|0); HEAP32[$NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors>>2] = 2; $12 = $psEncC$addr; $$sink$sink$sink$sink = $12;$mul62$sink$sink$sink$sink = 0; } else { $13 = $Complexity$addr; $cmp1 = ($13|0)<(4); if ($cmp1) { $14 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationComplexity3 = ((($14)) + 4668|0); HEAP32[$pitchEstimationComplexity3>>2] = 1; $15 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationThreshold_Q164 = ((($15)) + 4676|0); HEAP32[$pitchEstimationThreshold_Q164>>2] = 49807; $16 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationLPCOrder5 = ((($16)) + 4672|0); HEAP32[$pitchEstimationLPCOrder5>>2] = 8; $17 = $psEncC$addr; $shapingLPCOrder6 = ((($17)) + 4660|0); HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder6>>2] = 10; $18 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz7 = ((($18)) + 4600|0); $19 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz7>>2]|0; $mul8 = ($19*5)|0; $20 = $psEncC$addr; $la_shape9 = ((($20)) + 4624|0); HEAP32[$la_shape9>>2] = $mul8; $21 = $psEncC$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision10 = ((($21)) + 4652|0); HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision10>>2] = 1; $22 = $psEncC$addr; $useInterpolatedNLSFs11 = ((($22)) + 4656|0); HEAP32[$useInterpolatedNLSFs11>>2] = 0; $23 = $psEncC$addr; $LTPQuantLowComplexity12 = ((($23)) + 4680|0); HEAP32[$LTPQuantLowComplexity12>>2] = 0; $24 = $psEncC$addr; $NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors13 = ((($24)) + 4692|0); HEAP32[$NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors13>>2] = 4; $25 = $psEncC$addr; $$sink$sink$sink$sink = $25;$mul62$sink$sink$sink$sink = 0; break; } $26 = $Complexity$addr; $cmp16 = ($26|0)<(6); if ($cmp16) { $27 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationComplexity18 = ((($27)) + 4668|0); HEAP32[$pitchEstimationComplexity18>>2] = 1; $28 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationThreshold_Q1619 = ((($28)) + 4676|0); HEAP32[$pitchEstimationThreshold_Q1619>>2] = 48497; $29 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationLPCOrder20 = ((($29)) + 4672|0); HEAP32[$pitchEstimationLPCOrder20>>2] = 10; $30 = $psEncC$addr; $shapingLPCOrder21 = ((($30)) + 4660|0); HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder21>>2] = 12; $31 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz22 = ((($31)) + 4600|0); $32 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz22>>2]|0; $mul23 = ($32*5)|0; $33 = $psEncC$addr; $la_shape24 = ((($33)) + 4624|0); HEAP32[$la_shape24>>2] = $mul23; $34 = $psEncC$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision25 = ((($34)) + 4652|0); HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision25>>2] = 2; $35 = $psEncC$addr; $useInterpolatedNLSFs26 = ((($35)) + 4656|0); HEAP32[$useInterpolatedNLSFs26>>2] = 1; $36 = $psEncC$addr; $LTPQuantLowComplexity27 = ((($36)) + 4680|0); HEAP32[$LTPQuantLowComplexity27>>2] = 0; $37 = $psEncC$addr; $NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors28 = ((($37)) + 4692|0); HEAP32[$NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors28>>2] = 8; $38 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz29 = ((($38)) + 4600|0); $39 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz29>>2]|0; $mul30 = ($39*983)|0; $40 = $psEncC$addr; $$sink$sink$sink$sink = $40;$mul62$sink$sink$sink$sink = $mul30; break; } $41 = $Complexity$addr; $cmp33 = ($41|0)<(8); $42 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationComplexity35 = ((($42)) + 4668|0); if ($cmp33) { HEAP32[$pitchEstimationComplexity35>>2] = 1; $43 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationThreshold_Q1636 = ((($43)) + 4676|0); HEAP32[$pitchEstimationThreshold_Q1636>>2] = 47186; $44 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationLPCOrder37 = ((($44)) + 4672|0); HEAP32[$pitchEstimationLPCOrder37>>2] = 12; $45 = $psEncC$addr; $shapingLPCOrder38 = ((($45)) + 4660|0); HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder38>>2] = 14; $46 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz39 = ((($46)) + 4600|0); $47 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz39>>2]|0; $mul40 = ($47*5)|0; $48 = $psEncC$addr; $la_shape41 = ((($48)) + 4624|0); HEAP32[$la_shape41>>2] = $mul40; $49 = $psEncC$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision42 = ((($49)) + 4652|0); HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision42>>2] = 3; $50 = $psEncC$addr; $useInterpolatedNLSFs43 = ((($50)) + 4656|0); HEAP32[$useInterpolatedNLSFs43>>2] = 1; $51 = $psEncC$addr; $LTPQuantLowComplexity44 = ((($51)) + 4680|0); HEAP32[$LTPQuantLowComplexity44>>2] = 0; $52 = $psEncC$addr; $NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors45 = ((($52)) + 4692|0); HEAP32[$NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors45>>2] = 16; $53 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz46 = ((($53)) + 4600|0); $54 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz46>>2]|0; $mul47 = ($54*983)|0; $55 = $psEncC$addr; $$sink$sink$sink$sink = $55;$mul62$sink$sink$sink$sink = $mul47; break; } else { HEAP32[$pitchEstimationComplexity35>>2] = 2; $56 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationThreshold_Q1651 = ((($56)) + 4676|0); HEAP32[$pitchEstimationThreshold_Q1651>>2] = 45875; $57 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationLPCOrder52 = ((($57)) + 4672|0); HEAP32[$pitchEstimationLPCOrder52>>2] = 16; $58 = $psEncC$addr; $shapingLPCOrder53 = ((($58)) + 4660|0); HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder53>>2] = 16; $59 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz54 = ((($59)) + 4600|0); $60 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz54>>2]|0; $mul55 = ($60*5)|0; $61 = $psEncC$addr; $la_shape56 = ((($61)) + 4624|0); HEAP32[$la_shape56>>2] = $mul55; $62 = $psEncC$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision57 = ((($62)) + 4652|0); HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision57>>2] = 4; $63 = $psEncC$addr; $useInterpolatedNLSFs58 = ((($63)) + 4656|0); HEAP32[$useInterpolatedNLSFs58>>2] = 1; $64 = $psEncC$addr; $LTPQuantLowComplexity59 = ((($64)) + 4680|0); HEAP32[$LTPQuantLowComplexity59>>2] = 0; $65 = $psEncC$addr; $NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors60 = ((($65)) + 4692|0); HEAP32[$NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors60>>2] = 32; $66 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz61 = ((($66)) + 4600|0); $67 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz61>>2]|0; $mul62 = ($67*983)|0; $68 = $psEncC$addr; $$sink$sink$sink$sink = $68;$mul62$sink$sink$sink$sink = $mul62; break; } } } while(0); $warping_Q1663 = ((($$sink$sink$sink$sink)) + 4704|0); HEAP32[$warping_Q1663>>2] = $mul62$sink$sink$sink$sink; $69 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationLPCOrder67 = ((($69)) + 4672|0); $70 = HEAP32[$pitchEstimationLPCOrder67>>2]|0; $71 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder = ((($71)) + 4664|0); $72 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder>>2]|0; $call = (_silk_min_int($70,$72)|0); $73 = $psEncC$addr; $pitchEstimationLPCOrder68 = ((($73)) + 4672|0); HEAP32[$pitchEstimationLPCOrder68>>2] = $call; $74 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz69 = ((($74)) + 4600|0); $75 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz69>>2]|0; $mul70 = ($75*5)|0; $76 = $psEncC$addr; $la_shape71 = ((($76)) + 4624|0); $77 = HEAP32[$la_shape71>>2]|0; $mul72 = $77<<1; $add = (($mul70) + ($mul72))|0; $78 = $psEncC$addr; $shapeWinLength = ((($78)) + 4628|0); HEAP32[$shapeWinLength>>2] = $add; $79 = $Complexity$addr; $80 = $psEncC$addr; $Complexity73 = ((($80)) + 4648|0); HEAP32[$Complexity73>>2] = $79; $81 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($81|0); } function _silk_setup_LBRR($psEncC,$TargetRate_bps) { $psEncC = $psEncC|0; $TargetRate_bps = $TargetRate_bps|0; var $$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0; var $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $LBRR_GainIncreases38 = 0, $LBRR_enabled = 0, $LBRR_enabled1 = 0, $LBRR_enabled40 = 0, $LBRR_in_previous_packet = 0, $LBRR_rate_thres_bps = 0, $PacketLoss_perc = 0, $PacketLoss_perc11 = 0; var $PacketLoss_perc13 = 0, $PacketLoss_perc16 = 0, $PacketLoss_perc29 = 0, $PacketLoss_perc32 = 0, $PacketLoss_perc9 = 0, $TargetRate_bps$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add36 = 0, $and = 0, $and33 = 0, $call = 0, $call$sink = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cond = 0; var $cond19 = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $fs_kHz4 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul21 = 0, $mul22 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul34 = 0, $psEncC$addr = 0, $ret = 0, $shr = 0, $shr23 = 0, $shr30 = 0, $shr35 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub20 = 0, $sub37 = 0, $tobool = 0, $useInBandFEC = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $psEncC$addr = $psEncC; $TargetRate_bps$addr = $TargetRate_bps; $ret = 0; $0 = $psEncC$addr; $LBRR_enabled = ((($0)) + 6124|0); $1 = HEAP32[$LBRR_enabled>>2]|0; $LBRR_in_previous_packet = $1; $2 = $psEncC$addr; $LBRR_enabled1 = ((($2)) + 6124|0); HEAP32[$LBRR_enabled1>>2] = 0; $3 = $psEncC$addr; $useInBandFEC = ((($3)) + 6120|0); $4 = HEAP32[$useInBandFEC>>2]|0; $tobool = ($4|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $30 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($30|0); } $5 = $psEncC$addr; $PacketLoss_perc = ((($5)) + 4640|0); $6 = HEAP32[$PacketLoss_perc>>2]|0; $cmp = ($6|0)>(0); if (!($cmp)) { $30 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($30|0); } $7 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz = ((($7)) + 4600|0); $8 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $cmp2 = ($8|0)==(8); do { if ($cmp2) { $LBRR_rate_thres_bps = 12000; } else { $9 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz4 = ((($9)) + 4600|0); $10 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz4>>2]|0; $cmp5 = ($10|0)==(12); if ($cmp5) { $LBRR_rate_thres_bps = 14000; break; } else { $LBRR_rate_thres_bps = 16000; break; } } } while(0); $11 = $LBRR_rate_thres_bps; $12 = $psEncC$addr; $PacketLoss_perc9 = ((($12)) + 4640|0); $13 = HEAP32[$PacketLoss_perc9>>2]|0; $cmp10 = ($13|0)<(25); if ($cmp10) { $14 = $psEncC$addr; $PacketLoss_perc11 = ((($14)) + 4640|0); $15 = HEAP32[$PacketLoss_perc11>>2]|0; $cond = $15; } else { $cond = 25; } $sub = (125 - ($cond))|0; $mul = Math_imul($11, $sub)|0; $shr = $mul >> 16; $mul12 = ($shr*655)|0; $16 = $LBRR_rate_thres_bps; $17 = $psEncC$addr; $PacketLoss_perc13 = ((($17)) + 4640|0); $18 = HEAP32[$PacketLoss_perc13>>2]|0; $cmp14 = ($18|0)<(25); if ($cmp14) { $19 = $psEncC$addr; $PacketLoss_perc16 = ((($19)) + 4640|0); $20 = HEAP32[$PacketLoss_perc16>>2]|0; $cond19 = $20; } else { $cond19 = 25; } $sub20 = (125 - ($cond19))|0; $mul21 = Math_imul($16, $sub20)|0; $and = $mul21 & 65535; $mul22 = ($and*655)|0; $shr23 = $mul22 >> 16; $add = (($mul12) + ($shr23))|0; $LBRR_rate_thres_bps = $add; $21 = $TargetRate_bps$addr; $22 = $LBRR_rate_thres_bps; $cmp24 = ($21|0)>($22|0); if (!($cmp24)) { $30 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($30|0); } $23 = $LBRR_in_previous_packet; $cmp26 = ($23|0)==(0); $24 = $psEncC$addr; if ($cmp26) { $$sink = $24;$call$sink = 7; } else { $PacketLoss_perc29 = ((($24)) + 4640|0); $25 = HEAP32[$PacketLoss_perc29>>2]|0; $shr30 = $25 >> 16; $mul31 = ($shr30*26214)|0; $26 = $psEncC$addr; $PacketLoss_perc32 = ((($26)) + 4640|0); $27 = HEAP32[$PacketLoss_perc32>>2]|0; $and33 = $27 & 65535; $mul34 = ($and33*26214)|0; $shr35 = $mul34 >> 16; $add36 = (($mul31) + ($shr35))|0; $sub37 = (7 - ($add36))|0; $call = (_silk_max_int_227($sub37,2)|0); $28 = $psEncC$addr; $$sink = $28;$call$sink = $call; } $LBRR_GainIncreases38 = ((($$sink)) + 6128|0); HEAP32[$LBRR_GainIncreases38>>2] = $call$sink; $29 = $psEncC$addr; $LBRR_enabled40 = ((($29)) + 6124|0); HEAP32[$LBRR_enabled40>>2] = 1; $30 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($30|0); } function _silk_max_int_227($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_min_int($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_float2short_array($out,$in,$length) { $out = $out|0; $in = $in|0; $length = $length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $call = 0, $call3 = 0; var $call8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cond10 = 0, $conv = 0, $dec = 0, $in$addr = 0, $k = 0, $length$addr = 0, $out$addr = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $out$addr = $out; $in$addr = $in; $length$addr = $length; $0 = $length$addr; $sub = (($0) - 1)|0; $k = $sub; while(1) { $1 = $k; $cmp = ($1|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $in$addr; $3 = $k; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<2)|0); $4 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $call = (_lrintf($4)|0); $cmp1 = ($call|0)>(32767); if ($cmp1) { $cond10 = 32767; } else { $5 = $in$addr; $6 = $k; $arrayidx2 = (($5) + ($6<<2)|0); $7 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $call3 = (_lrintf($7)|0); $cmp4 = ($call3|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp4) { $cond10 = -32768; } else { $8 = $in$addr; $9 = $k; $arrayidx7 = (($8) + ($9<<2)|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $call8 = (_lrintf($10)|0); $cond10 = $call8; } } $conv = $cond10&65535; $11 = $out$addr; $12 = $k; $arrayidx11 = (($11) + ($12<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx11>>1] = $conv; $13 = $k; $dec = (($13) + -1)|0; $k = $dec; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_short2float_array($out,$in,$length) { $out = $out|0; $in = $in|0; $length = $length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0.0, $dec = 0, $in$addr = 0, $k = 0, $length$addr = 0, $out$addr = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $out$addr = $out; $in$addr = $in; $length$addr = $length; $0 = $length$addr; $sub = (($0) - 1)|0; $k = $sub; while(1) { $1 = $k; $cmp = ($1|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $in$addr; $3 = $k; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<1)|0); $4 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = (+($4<<16>>16)); $5 = $out$addr; $6 = $k; $arrayidx1 = (($5) + ($6<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2] = $conv; $7 = $k; $dec = (($7) + -1)|0; $k = $dec; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_lin2log($inLin) { $inLin = $inLin|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $add = 0, $add7 = 0, $add8 = 0, $and = 0, $frac_Q7 = 0, $inLin$addr = 0, $lz = 0, $mul = 0, $mul2 = 0, $mul4 = 0, $mul5 = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0; var $shr6 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub3 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $lz = sp + 4|0; $frac_Q7 = sp; $inLin$addr = $inLin; $0 = $inLin$addr; _silk_CLZ_FRAC($0,$lz,$frac_Q7); $1 = HEAP32[$lz>>2]|0; $sub = (31 - ($1))|0; $shl = $sub << 7; $2 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $3 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $4 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $sub1 = (128 - ($4))|0; $mul = Math_imul($3, $sub1)|0; $shr = $mul >> 16; $mul2 = ($shr*179)|0; $5 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $6 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $sub3 = (128 - ($6))|0; $mul4 = Math_imul($5, $sub3)|0; $and = $mul4 & 65535; $mul5 = ($and*179)|0; $shr6 = $mul5 >> 16; $add = (($mul2) + ($shr6))|0; $add7 = (($2) + ($add))|0; $add8 = (($shl) + ($add7))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($add8|0); } function _silk_CLZ_FRAC($in,$lz,$frac_Q7) { $in = $in|0; $lz = $lz|0; $frac_Q7 = $frac_Q7|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $and = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $frac_Q7$addr = 0, $in$addr = 0, $lz$addr = 0, $lzeros = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in$addr = $in; $lz$addr = $lz; $frac_Q7$addr = $frac_Q7; $0 = $in$addr; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_230($0)|0); $lzeros = $call; $1 = $lzeros; $2 = $lz$addr; HEAP32[$2>>2] = $1; $3 = $in$addr; $4 = $lzeros; $sub = (24 - ($4))|0; $call1 = (_silk_ROR32($3,$sub)|0); $and = $call1 & 127; $5 = $frac_Q7$addr; HEAP32[$5>>2] = $and; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_CLZ32_230($in32) { $in32 = $in32|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $cond = 0, $in32$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in32$addr = $in32; $0 = $in32$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $cond = 32; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $1 = $in32$addr; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $sub1 = (32 - ($sub))|0; $cond = $sub1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_ROR32($a32,$rot) { $a32 = $a32|0; $rot = $rot|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $a32$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $m = 0, $or = 0, $or8 = 0; var $r = 0, $retval = 0, $rot$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl6 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr7 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $x = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $a32$addr = $a32; $rot$addr = $rot; $0 = $a32$addr; $x = $0; $1 = $rot$addr; $r = $1; $2 = $rot$addr; $sub = (0 - ($2))|0; $m = $sub; $3 = $rot$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)==(0); if ($cmp) { $4 = $a32$addr; $retval = $4; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } $5 = $rot$addr; $cmp1 = ($5|0)<(0); $6 = $x; if ($cmp1) { $7 = $m; $shl = $6 << $7; $8 = $x; $9 = $m; $sub3 = (32 - ($9))|0; $shr = $8 >>> $sub3; $or = $shl | $shr; $retval = $or; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } else { $10 = $r; $sub5 = (32 - ($10))|0; $shl6 = $6 << $sub5; $11 = $x; $12 = $r; $shr7 = $11 >>> $12; $or8 = $shl6 | $shr7; $retval = $or8; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } return (0)|0; } function _silk_log2lin($inLog_Q7) { $inLog_Q7 = $inLog_Q7|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0; var $add20 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add43 = 0, $add44 = 0, $add46 = 0, $and = 0, $and17 = 0, $and40 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv27 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv30 = 0; var $conv34 = 0, $conv35 = 0, $conv37 = 0, $conv38 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $conv8 = 0, $frac_Q7 = 0, $inLog_Q7$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul10 = 0, $mul16 = 0, $mul18 = 0, $mul21 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul33 = 0, $mul39 = 0, $mul41 = 0, $mul45 = 0, $out = 0; var $retval = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr19 = 0, $shr22 = 0, $shr25 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr42 = 0, $shr9 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub13 = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub36 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $inLog_Q7$addr = $inLog_Q7; $0 = $inLog_Q7$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(0); if ($cmp) { $retval = 0; $18 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($18|0); } $1 = $inLog_Q7$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)>=(3967); if ($cmp1) { $retval = 2147483647; $18 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($18|0); } $2 = $inLog_Q7$addr; $shr = $2 >> 7; $shl = 1 << $shr; $out = $shl; $3 = $inLog_Q7$addr; $and = $3 & 127; $frac_Q7 = $and; $4 = $inLog_Q7$addr; $cmp4 = ($4|0)<(2048); $5 = $out; $6 = $out; if ($cmp4) { $7 = $frac_Q7; $8 = $frac_Q7; $conv = $8&65535; $conv6 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $9 = $frac_Q7; $sub = (128 - ($9))|0; $conv7 = $sub&65535; $conv8 = $conv7 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($conv6, $conv8)|0; $shr9 = $mul >> 16; $mul10 = Math_imul($shr9, -174)|0; $10 = $frac_Q7; $conv11 = $10&65535; $conv12 = $conv11 << 16 >> 16; $11 = $frac_Q7; $sub13 = (128 - ($11))|0; $conv14 = $sub13&65535; $conv15 = $conv14 << 16 >> 16; $mul16 = Math_imul($conv12, $conv15)|0; $and17 = $mul16 & 65535; $mul18 = Math_imul($and17, -174)|0; $shr19 = $mul18 >> 16; $add = (($mul10) + ($shr19))|0; $add20 = (($7) + ($add))|0; $mul21 = Math_imul($6, $add20)|0; $shr22 = $mul21 >> 7; $add23 = (($5) + ($shr22))|0; $out = $add23; } else { $shr25 = $6 >> 7; $12 = $frac_Q7; $13 = $frac_Q7; $conv26 = $13&65535; $conv27 = $conv26 << 16 >> 16; $14 = $frac_Q7; $sub28 = (128 - ($14))|0; $conv29 = $sub28&65535; $conv30 = $conv29 << 16 >> 16; $mul31 = Math_imul($conv27, $conv30)|0; $shr32 = $mul31 >> 16; $mul33 = Math_imul($shr32, -174)|0; $15 = $frac_Q7; $conv34 = $15&65535; $conv35 = $conv34 << 16 >> 16; $16 = $frac_Q7; $sub36 = (128 - ($16))|0; $conv37 = $sub36&65535; $conv38 = $conv37 << 16 >> 16; $mul39 = Math_imul($conv35, $conv38)|0; $and40 = $mul39 & 65535; $mul41 = Math_imul($and40, -174)|0; $shr42 = $mul41 >> 16; $add43 = (($mul33) + ($shr42))|0; $add44 = (($12) + ($add43))|0; $mul45 = Math_imul($shr25, $add44)|0; $add46 = (($5) + ($mul45))|0; $out = $add46; } $17 = $out; $retval = $17; $18 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($18|0); } function _silk_resampler_init($S,$Fs_Hz_in,$Fs_Hz_out,$forEnc) { $S = $S|0; $Fs_Hz_in = $Fs_Hz_in|0; $Fs_Hz_out = $Fs_Hz_out|0; $forEnc = $forEnc|0; var $$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0; var $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0; var $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0; var $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0; var $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $Coefs = 0, $Coefs105 = 0, $Coefs113 = 0, $Coefs121 = 0, $Coefs129 = 0, $Coefs137 = 0, $FIR_Fracs = 0; var $FIR_Fracs103 = 0, $FIR_Fracs111 = 0, $FIR_Fracs119 = 0, $FIR_Fracs127 = 0, $FIR_Fracs135 = 0, $FIR_Order = 0, $FIR_Order104 = 0, $FIR_Order112 = 0, $FIR_Order120 = 0, $FIR_Order128 = 0, $FIR_Order136 = 0, $Fs_Hz_in$addr = 0, $Fs_Hz_out$addr = 0, $Fs_in_kHz = 0, $Fs_in_kHz76 = 0, $Fs_out_kHz = 0, $S$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add161 = 0, $add164 = 0; var $add167 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx62 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $batchSize = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp100 = 0, $cmp108 = 0, $cmp116 = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp124 = 0, $cmp132 = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp169 = 0, $cmp20 = 0; var $cmp23 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cmp41 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp47 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp50 = 0, $cmp55 = 0, $cmp58 = 0, $cmp64 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp77 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cmp81 = 0, $cmp88 = 0, $cmp94 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv153 = 0; var $conv154 = 0, $conv157 = 0, $conv158 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv21 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv28 = 0, $conv56 = 0, $conv59 = 0, $conv65 = 0, $conv68 = 0, $conv72 = 0, $conv72$sink = 0, $div = 0, $div149 = 0, $div75 = 0, $forEnc$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inputDelay73 = 0, $invRatio_Q16 = 0; var $invRatio_Q16151 = 0, $invRatio_Q16156 = 0, $invRatio_Q16162 = 0, $invRatio_Q16171 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul107 = 0, $mul115 = 0, $mul123 = 0, $mul131 = 0, $mul155 = 0, $mul159 = 0, $mul166 = 0, $mul80 = 0, $mul92 = 0, $mul93 = 0, $mul98 = 0, $mul99 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond10 = 0; var $or$cond11 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond3 = 0, $or$cond4 = 0, $or$cond5 = 0, $or$cond8 = 0, $or$cond9 = 0, $resampler_function = 0, $resampler_function91 = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0, $shl150 = 0, $shl168 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr152 = 0, $shr160 = 0, $shr163 = 0, $shr165 = 0, $shr17 = 0, $shr19 = 0; var $shr25 = 0, $shr54 = 0, $shr60 = 0, $shr63 = 0, $shr69 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub18 = 0, $sub22 = 0, $sub26 = 0, $sub57 = 0, $sub61 = 0, $sub66 = 0, $sub70 = 0, $tobool = 0, $up2x = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $S$addr = $S; $Fs_Hz_in$addr = $Fs_Hz_in; $Fs_Hz_out$addr = $Fs_Hz_out; $forEnc$addr = $forEnc; $0 = $S$addr; _memset(($0|0),0,300)|0; $1 = $forEnc$addr; $tobool = ($1|0)!=(0); $2 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $cmp = ($2|0)!=(8000); $3 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $cmp1 = ($3|0)!=(12000); $or$cond = $cmp & $cmp1; $4 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $cmp3 = ($4|0)!=(16000); $or$cond1 = $or$cond & $cmp3; do { if ($tobool) { $5 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $cmp5 = ($5|0)!=(24000); $or$cond2 = $or$cond1 & $cmp5; $6 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $cmp7 = ($6|0)!=(48000); $or$cond3 = $or$cond2 & $cmp7; if (!($or$cond3)) { $7 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $cmp8 = ($7|0)!=(8000); $8 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $cmp10 = ($8|0)!=(12000); $or$cond4 = $cmp8 & $cmp10; $9 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $cmp12 = ($9|0)!=(16000); $or$cond5 = $or$cond4 & $cmp12; if (!($or$cond5)) { $10 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $shr = $10 >> 12; $11 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $cmp14 = ($11|0)>(16000); $conv = $cmp14&1; $sub = (($shr) - ($conv))|0; $12 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $cmp15 = ($12|0)>(24000); $conv16 = $cmp15&1; $shr17 = $sub >> $conv16; $sub18 = (($shr17) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (28871 + (($sub18*3)|0)|0); $13 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $shr19 = $13 >> 12; $14 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $cmp20 = ($14|0)>(16000); $conv21 = $cmp20&1; $sub22 = (($shr19) - ($conv21))|0; $15 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $cmp23 = ($15|0)>(24000); $conv24 = $cmp23&1; $shr25 = $sub22 >> $conv24; $sub26 = (($shr25) - 1)|0; $arrayidx27 = (($arrayidx) + ($sub26)|0); $16 = HEAP8[$arrayidx27>>0]|0; $conv28 = $16 << 24 >> 24; $17 = $S$addr; $$sink = $17;$conv72$sink = $conv28; break; } } $retval = -1; $91 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($91|0); } else { if (!($or$cond1)) { $18 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $cmp38 = ($18|0)!=(8000); $19 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $cmp41 = ($19|0)!=(12000); $or$cond8 = $cmp38 & $cmp41; $20 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $cmp44 = ($20|0)!=(16000); $or$cond9 = $or$cond8 & $cmp44; $21 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $cmp47 = ($21|0)!=(24000); $or$cond10 = $or$cond9 & $cmp47; $22 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $cmp50 = ($22|0)!=(48000); $or$cond11 = $or$cond10 & $cmp50; if (!($or$cond11)) { $23 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $shr54 = $23 >> 12; $24 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $cmp55 = ($24|0)>(16000); $conv56 = $cmp55&1; $sub57 = (($shr54) - ($conv56))|0; $25 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $cmp58 = ($25|0)>(24000); $conv59 = $cmp58&1; $shr60 = $sub57 >> $conv59; $sub61 = (($shr60) - 1)|0; $arrayidx62 = (28886 + (($sub61*5)|0)|0); $26 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $shr63 = $26 >> 12; $27 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $cmp64 = ($27|0)>(16000); $conv65 = $cmp64&1; $sub66 = (($shr63) - ($conv65))|0; $28 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $cmp67 = ($28|0)>(24000); $conv68 = $cmp67&1; $shr69 = $sub66 >> $conv68; $sub70 = (($shr69) - 1)|0; $arrayidx71 = (($arrayidx62) + ($sub70)|0); $29 = HEAP8[$arrayidx71>>0]|0; $conv72 = $29 << 24 >> 24; $30 = $S$addr; $$sink = $30;$conv72$sink = $conv72; break; } } $retval = -1; $91 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($91|0); } } while(0); $inputDelay73 = ((($$sink)) + 292|0); HEAP32[$inputDelay73>>2] = $conv72$sink; $31 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $div = (($31|0) / 1000)&-1; $32 = $S$addr; $Fs_in_kHz = ((($32)) + 284|0); HEAP32[$Fs_in_kHz>>2] = $div; $33 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $div75 = (($33|0) / 1000)&-1; $34 = $S$addr; $Fs_out_kHz = ((($34)) + 288|0); HEAP32[$Fs_out_kHz>>2] = $div75; $35 = $S$addr; $Fs_in_kHz76 = ((($35)) + 284|0); $36 = HEAP32[$Fs_in_kHz76>>2]|0; $mul = ($36*10)|0; $37 = $S$addr; $batchSize = ((($37)) + 268|0); HEAP32[$batchSize>>2] = $mul; $up2x = 0; $38 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $39 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $cmp77 = ($38|0)>($39|0); $40 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $41 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; do { if ($cmp77) { $mul80 = $41<<1; $cmp81 = ($40|0)==($mul80|0); $42 = $S$addr; $resampler_function = ((($42)) + 264|0); if ($cmp81) { HEAP32[$resampler_function>>2] = 1; break; } else { HEAP32[$resampler_function>>2] = 2; $up2x = 1; break; } } else { $cmp88 = ($40|0)<($41|0); $43 = $S$addr; $resampler_function91 = ((($43)) + 264|0); if (!($cmp88)) { HEAP32[$resampler_function91>>2] = 0; break; } HEAP32[$resampler_function91>>2] = 3; $44 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $mul92 = $44<<2; $45 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $mul93 = ($45*3)|0; $cmp94 = ($mul92|0)==($mul93|0); if ($cmp94) { $46 = $S$addr; $FIR_Fracs = ((($46)) + 280|0); HEAP32[$FIR_Fracs>>2] = 3; $47 = $S$addr; $FIR_Order = ((($47)) + 276|0); HEAP32[$FIR_Order>>2] = 18; $48 = $S$addr; $Coefs = ((($48)) + 296|0); HEAP32[$Coefs>>2] = 25024; break; } $49 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $mul98 = ($49*3)|0; $50 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $mul99 = $50<<1; $cmp100 = ($mul98|0)==($mul99|0); if ($cmp100) { $51 = $S$addr; $FIR_Fracs103 = ((($51)) + 280|0); HEAP32[$FIR_Fracs103>>2] = 2; $52 = $S$addr; $FIR_Order104 = ((($52)) + 276|0); HEAP32[$FIR_Order104>>2] = 18; $53 = $S$addr; $Coefs105 = ((($53)) + 296|0); HEAP32[$Coefs105>>2] = 25082; break; } $54 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $mul107 = $54<<1; $55 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $cmp108 = ($mul107|0)==($55|0); if ($cmp108) { $56 = $S$addr; $FIR_Fracs111 = ((($56)) + 280|0); HEAP32[$FIR_Fracs111>>2] = 1; $57 = $S$addr; $FIR_Order112 = ((($57)) + 276|0); HEAP32[$FIR_Order112>>2] = 24; $58 = $S$addr; $Coefs113 = ((($58)) + 296|0); HEAP32[$Coefs113>>2] = 25122; break; } $59 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $mul115 = ($59*3)|0; $60 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $cmp116 = ($mul115|0)==($60|0); if ($cmp116) { $61 = $S$addr; $FIR_Fracs119 = ((($61)) + 280|0); HEAP32[$FIR_Fracs119>>2] = 1; $62 = $S$addr; $FIR_Order120 = ((($62)) + 276|0); HEAP32[$FIR_Order120>>2] = 36; $63 = $S$addr; $Coefs121 = ((($63)) + 296|0); HEAP32[$Coefs121>>2] = 25150; break; } $64 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $mul123 = $64<<2; $65 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $cmp124 = ($mul123|0)==($65|0); if ($cmp124) { $66 = $S$addr; $FIR_Fracs127 = ((($66)) + 280|0); HEAP32[$FIR_Fracs127>>2] = 1; $67 = $S$addr; $FIR_Order128 = ((($67)) + 276|0); HEAP32[$FIR_Order128>>2] = 36; $68 = $S$addr; $Coefs129 = ((($68)) + 296|0); HEAP32[$Coefs129>>2] = 25190; break; } $69 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $mul131 = ($69*6)|0; $70 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $cmp132 = ($mul131|0)==($70|0); if ($cmp132) { $71 = $S$addr; $FIR_Fracs135 = ((($71)) + 280|0); HEAP32[$FIR_Fracs135>>2] = 1; $72 = $S$addr; $FIR_Order136 = ((($72)) + 276|0); HEAP32[$FIR_Order136>>2] = 36; $73 = $S$addr; $Coefs137 = ((($73)) + 296|0); HEAP32[$Coefs137>>2] = 25230; break; } $retval = -1; $91 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($91|0); } } while(0); $74 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $75 = $up2x; $add = (14 + ($75))|0; $shl = $74 << $add; $76 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $div149 = (($shl|0) / ($76|0))&-1; $shl150 = $div149 << 2; $77 = $S$addr; $invRatio_Q16 = ((($77)) + 272|0); HEAP32[$invRatio_Q16>>2] = $shl150; while(1) { $78 = $S$addr; $invRatio_Q16151 = ((($78)) + 272|0); $79 = HEAP32[$invRatio_Q16151>>2]|0; $shr152 = $79 >> 16; $80 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $conv153 = $80&65535; $conv154 = $conv153 << 16 >> 16; $mul155 = Math_imul($shr152, $conv154)|0; $81 = $S$addr; $invRatio_Q16156 = ((($81)) + 272|0); $82 = HEAP32[$invRatio_Q16156>>2]|0; $and = $82 & 65535; $83 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $conv157 = $83&65535; $conv158 = $conv157 << 16 >> 16; $mul159 = Math_imul($and, $conv158)|0; $shr160 = $mul159 >> 16; $add161 = (($mul155) + ($shr160))|0; $84 = $S$addr; $invRatio_Q16162 = ((($84)) + 272|0); $85 = HEAP32[$invRatio_Q16162>>2]|0; $86 = $Fs_Hz_out$addr; $shr163 = $86 >> 15; $add164 = (($shr163) + 1)|0; $shr165 = $add164 >> 1; $mul166 = Math_imul($85, $shr165)|0; $add167 = (($add161) + ($mul166))|0; $87 = $Fs_Hz_in$addr; $88 = $up2x; $shl168 = $87 << $88; $cmp169 = ($add167|0)<($shl168|0); if (!($cmp169)) { break; } $89 = $S$addr; $invRatio_Q16171 = ((($89)) + 272|0); $90 = HEAP32[$invRatio_Q16171>>2]|0; $inc = (($90) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$invRatio_Q16171>>2] = $inc; } $retval = 0; $91 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($91|0); } function _silk_resampler($S,$out,$in,$inLen) { $S = $S|0; $out = $out|0; $in = $in|0; $inLen = $inLen|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Fs_in_kHz = 0, $Fs_in_kHz11 = 0, $Fs_in_kHz15 = 0, $Fs_in_kHz20 = 0, $Fs_in_kHz24 = 0, $Fs_in_kHz28 = 0, $Fs_in_kHz3 = 0, $Fs_in_kHz33 = 0; var $Fs_in_kHz6 = 0, $Fs_out_kHz = 0, $Fs_out_kHz12 = 0, $Fs_out_kHz21 = 0, $Fs_out_kHz30 = 0, $S$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $delayBuf = 0, $delayBuf18 = 0, $delayBuf2 = 0, $delayBuf26 = 0; var $delayBuf36 = 0, $delayBuf9 = 0, $in$addr = 0, $inLen$addr = 0, $inputDelay = 0, $inputDelay1 = 0, $inputDelay38 = 0, $inputDelay41 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul29 = 0, $mul35 = 0, $mul42 = 0, $nSamples = 0, $out$addr = 0, $resampler_function = 0, $sub = 0, $sub16 = 0, $sub25 = 0, $sub34 = 0, $sub39 = 0; var $sub7 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $S$addr = $S; $out$addr = $out; $in$addr = $in; $inLen$addr = $inLen; $0 = $S$addr; $Fs_in_kHz = ((($0)) + 284|0); $1 = HEAP32[$Fs_in_kHz>>2]|0; $2 = $S$addr; $inputDelay = ((($2)) + 292|0); $3 = HEAP32[$inputDelay>>2]|0; $sub = (($1) - ($3))|0; $nSamples = $sub; $4 = $S$addr; $delayBuf = ((($4)) + 168|0); $5 = $S$addr; $inputDelay1 = ((($5)) + 292|0); $6 = HEAP32[$inputDelay1>>2]|0; $arrayidx = (($delayBuf) + ($6<<1)|0); $7 = $in$addr; $8 = $nSamples; $mul = $8<<1; _memcpy(($arrayidx|0),($7|0),($mul|0))|0; $9 = $S$addr; $resampler_function = ((($9)) + 264|0); $10 = HEAP32[$resampler_function>>2]|0; switch ($10|0) { case 1: { $11 = $S$addr; $12 = $out$addr; $13 = $S$addr; $delayBuf2 = ((($13)) + 168|0); $14 = $S$addr; $Fs_in_kHz3 = ((($14)) + 284|0); $15 = HEAP32[$Fs_in_kHz3>>2]|0; _silk_resampler_private_up2_HQ_wrapper($11,$12,$delayBuf2,$15); $16 = $S$addr; $17 = $out$addr; $18 = $S$addr; $Fs_out_kHz = ((($18)) + 288|0); $19 = HEAP32[$Fs_out_kHz>>2]|0; $arrayidx4 = (($17) + ($19<<1)|0); $20 = $in$addr; $21 = $nSamples; $arrayidx5 = (($20) + ($21<<1)|0); $22 = $inLen$addr; $23 = $S$addr; $Fs_in_kHz6 = ((($23)) + 284|0); $24 = HEAP32[$Fs_in_kHz6>>2]|0; $sub7 = (($22) - ($24))|0; _silk_resampler_private_up2_HQ_wrapper($16,$arrayidx4,$arrayidx5,$sub7); break; } case 2: { $25 = $S$addr; $26 = $out$addr; $27 = $S$addr; $delayBuf9 = ((($27)) + 168|0); $28 = $S$addr; $Fs_in_kHz11 = ((($28)) + 284|0); $29 = HEAP32[$Fs_in_kHz11>>2]|0; _silk_resampler_private_IIR_FIR($25,$26,$delayBuf9,$29); $30 = $S$addr; $31 = $out$addr; $32 = $S$addr; $Fs_out_kHz12 = ((($32)) + 288|0); $33 = HEAP32[$Fs_out_kHz12>>2]|0; $arrayidx13 = (($31) + ($33<<1)|0); $34 = $in$addr; $35 = $nSamples; $arrayidx14 = (($34) + ($35<<1)|0); $36 = $inLen$addr; $37 = $S$addr; $Fs_in_kHz15 = ((($37)) + 284|0); $38 = HEAP32[$Fs_in_kHz15>>2]|0; $sub16 = (($36) - ($38))|0; _silk_resampler_private_IIR_FIR($30,$arrayidx13,$arrayidx14,$sub16); break; } case 3: { $39 = $S$addr; $40 = $out$addr; $41 = $S$addr; $delayBuf18 = ((($41)) + 168|0); $42 = $S$addr; $Fs_in_kHz20 = ((($42)) + 284|0); $43 = HEAP32[$Fs_in_kHz20>>2]|0; _silk_resampler_private_down_FIR($39,$40,$delayBuf18,$43); $44 = $S$addr; $45 = $out$addr; $46 = $S$addr; $Fs_out_kHz21 = ((($46)) + 288|0); $47 = HEAP32[$Fs_out_kHz21>>2]|0; $arrayidx22 = (($45) + ($47<<1)|0); $48 = $in$addr; $49 = $nSamples; $arrayidx23 = (($48) + ($49<<1)|0); $50 = $inLen$addr; $51 = $S$addr; $Fs_in_kHz24 = ((($51)) + 284|0); $52 = HEAP32[$Fs_in_kHz24>>2]|0; $sub25 = (($50) - ($52))|0; _silk_resampler_private_down_FIR($44,$arrayidx22,$arrayidx23,$sub25); break; } default: { $53 = $out$addr; $54 = $S$addr; $delayBuf26 = ((($54)) + 168|0); $55 = $S$addr; $Fs_in_kHz28 = ((($55)) + 284|0); $56 = HEAP32[$Fs_in_kHz28>>2]|0; $mul29 = $56<<1; _memcpy(($53|0),($delayBuf26|0),($mul29|0))|0; $57 = $out$addr; $58 = $S$addr; $Fs_out_kHz30 = ((($58)) + 288|0); $59 = HEAP32[$Fs_out_kHz30>>2]|0; $arrayidx31 = (($57) + ($59<<1)|0); $60 = $in$addr; $61 = $nSamples; $arrayidx32 = (($60) + ($61<<1)|0); $62 = $inLen$addr; $63 = $S$addr; $Fs_in_kHz33 = ((($63)) + 284|0); $64 = HEAP32[$Fs_in_kHz33>>2]|0; $sub34 = (($62) - ($64))|0; $mul35 = $sub34<<1; _memcpy(($arrayidx31|0),($arrayidx32|0),($mul35|0))|0; } } $65 = $S$addr; $delayBuf36 = ((($65)) + 168|0); $66 = $in$addr; $67 = $inLen$addr; $68 = $S$addr; $inputDelay38 = ((($68)) + 292|0); $69 = HEAP32[$inputDelay38>>2]|0; $sub39 = (($67) - ($69))|0; $arrayidx40 = (($66) + ($sub39<<1)|0); $70 = $S$addr; $inputDelay41 = ((($70)) + 292|0); $71 = HEAP32[$inputDelay41>>2]|0; $mul42 = $71<<1; _memcpy(($delayBuf36|0),($arrayidx40|0),($mul42|0))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return 0; } function _silk_resampler_private_down_FIR($SS,$out,$in,$inLen) { $SS = $SS|0; $out = $out|0; $in = $in|0; $inLen = $inLen|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Coefs = 0, $Coefs7 = 0, $FIR_Coefs = 0, $FIR_Fracs = 0, $FIR_Order = 0, $FIR_Order1 = 0, $FIR_Order11 = 0, $FIR_Order17 = 0, $FIR_Order5 = 0, $FIR_Order8 = 0, $S = 0, $SS$addr = 0; var $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $batchSize = 0, $batchSize2 = 0, $batchSize3 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cond = 0, $in$addr = 0, $inLen$addr = 0, $index_increment_Q16 = 0, $invRatio_Q16 = 0, $max_index_Q16 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0; var $mul18 = 0, $nSamplesIn = 0, $out$addr = 0, $sFIR = 0, $sFIR13 = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shl = 0, $sub = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $SS$addr = $SS; $out$addr = $out; $in$addr = $in; $inLen$addr = $inLen; $0 = $SS$addr; $S = $0; $1 = $S; $batchSize = ((($1)) + 268|0); $2 = HEAP32[$batchSize>>2]|0; $3 = $S; $FIR_Order = ((($3)) + 276|0); $4 = HEAP32[$FIR_Order>>2]|0; $add = (($2) + ($4))|0; $5 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $5; $vla$alloca_mul = $add<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $6 = $S; $sFIR = ((($6)) + 24|0); $7 = $S; $FIR_Order1 = ((($7)) + 276|0); $8 = HEAP32[$FIR_Order1>>2]|0; $mul = $8<<2; _memcpy(($vla|0),($sFIR|0),($mul|0))|0; $9 = $S; $Coefs = ((($9)) + 296|0); $10 = HEAP32[$Coefs>>2]|0; $arrayidx = ((($10)) + 4|0); $FIR_Coefs = $arrayidx; $11 = $S; $invRatio_Q16 = ((($11)) + 272|0); $12 = HEAP32[$invRatio_Q16>>2]|0; $index_increment_Q16 = $12; while(1) { $13 = $inLen$addr; $14 = $S; $batchSize2 = ((($14)) + 268|0); $15 = HEAP32[$batchSize2>>2]|0; $cmp = ($13|0)<($15|0); if ($cmp) { $16 = $inLen$addr; $cond = $16; } else { $17 = $S; $batchSize3 = ((($17)) + 268|0); $18 = HEAP32[$batchSize3>>2]|0; $cond = $18; } $nSamplesIn = $cond; $19 = $S; $20 = $S; $FIR_Order5 = ((($20)) + 276|0); $21 = HEAP32[$FIR_Order5>>2]|0; $arrayidx6 = (($vla) + ($21<<2)|0); $22 = $in$addr; $23 = $S; $Coefs7 = ((($23)) + 296|0); $24 = HEAP32[$Coefs7>>2]|0; $25 = $nSamplesIn; _silk_resampler_private_AR2($19,$arrayidx6,$22,$24,$25); $26 = $nSamplesIn; $shl = $26 << 16; $max_index_Q16 = $shl; $27 = $out$addr; $28 = $FIR_Coefs; $29 = $S; $FIR_Order8 = ((($29)) + 276|0); $30 = HEAP32[$FIR_Order8>>2]|0; $31 = $S; $FIR_Fracs = ((($31)) + 280|0); $32 = HEAP32[$FIR_Fracs>>2]|0; $33 = $max_index_Q16; $34 = $index_increment_Q16; $call = (_silk_resampler_private_down_FIR_INTERPOL($27,$vla,$28,$30,$32,$33,$34)|0); $out$addr = $call; $35 = $nSamplesIn; $36 = $in$addr; $add$ptr = (($36) + ($35<<1)|0); $in$addr = $add$ptr; $37 = $nSamplesIn; $38 = $inLen$addr; $sub = (($38) - ($37))|0; $inLen$addr = $sub; $39 = $inLen$addr; $cmp9 = ($39|0)>(1); if (!($cmp9)) { break; } $40 = $nSamplesIn; $arrayidx10 = (($vla) + ($40<<2)|0); $41 = $S; $FIR_Order11 = ((($41)) + 276|0); $42 = HEAP32[$FIR_Order11>>2]|0; $mul12 = $42<<2; _memcpy(($vla|0),($arrayidx10|0),($mul12|0))|0; } $43 = $S; $sFIR13 = ((($43)) + 24|0); $44 = $nSamplesIn; $arrayidx16 = (($vla) + ($44<<2)|0); $45 = $S; $FIR_Order17 = ((($45)) + 276|0); $46 = HEAP32[$FIR_Order17>>2]|0; $mul18 = $46<<2; _memcpy(($sFIR13|0),($arrayidx16|0),($mul18|0))|0; $47 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($47|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_resampler_private_down_FIR_INTERPOL($out,$buf,$FIR_Coefs,$FIR_Order,$FIR_Fracs,$max_index_Q16,$index_increment_Q16) { $out = $out|0; $buf = $buf|0; $FIR_Coefs = $FIR_Coefs|0; $FIR_Order = $FIR_Order|0; $FIR_Fracs = $FIR_Fracs|0; $max_index_Q16 = $max_index_Q16|0; $index_increment_Q16 = $index_increment_Q16|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0; var $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0; var $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0, $26 = 0; var $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0, $278 = 0; var $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0, $294 = 0, $295 = 0, $296 = 0; var $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0, $304 = 0, $305 = 0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0, $31 = 0, $310 = 0, $311 = 0, $312 = 0, $313 = 0; var $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0, $322 = 0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0, $325 = 0, $326 = 0, $327 = 0, $328 = 0, $329 = 0, $33 = 0, $330 = 0, $331 = 0; var $332 = 0, $333 = 0, $334 = 0, $335 = 0, $336 = 0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0, $339 = 0, $34 = 0, $340 = 0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0, $346 = 0, $347 = 0, $348 = 0, $349 = 0, $35 = 0; var $350 = 0, $351 = 0, $352 = 0, $353 = 0, $354 = 0, $355 = 0, $356 = 0, $357 = 0, $358 = 0, $359 = 0, $36 = 0, $360 = 0, $361 = 0, $362 = 0, $363 = 0, $364 = 0, $365 = 0, $366 = 0, $367 = 0, $368 = 0; var $369 = 0, $37 = 0, $370 = 0, $371 = 0, $372 = 0, $373 = 0, $374 = 0, $375 = 0, $376 = 0, $377 = 0, $378 = 0, $379 = 0, $38 = 0, $380 = 0, $381 = 0, $382 = 0, $383 = 0, $384 = 0, $385 = 0, $386 = 0; var $387 = 0, $388 = 0, $389 = 0, $39 = 0, $390 = 0, $391 = 0, $392 = 0, $393 = 0, $394 = 0, $395 = 0, $396 = 0, $397 = 0, $398 = 0, $399 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $400 = 0, $401 = 0, $402 = 0, $403 = 0; var $404 = 0, $405 = 0, $406 = 0, $407 = 0, $408 = 0, $409 = 0, $41 = 0, $410 = 0, $411 = 0, $412 = 0, $413 = 0, $414 = 0, $415 = 0, $416 = 0, $417 = 0, $418 = 0, $419 = 0, $42 = 0, $420 = 0, $421 = 0; var $422 = 0, $423 = 0, $424 = 0, $425 = 0, $426 = 0, $427 = 0, $428 = 0, $429 = 0, $43 = 0, $430 = 0, $431 = 0, $432 = 0, $433 = 0, $434 = 0, $435 = 0, $436 = 0, $437 = 0, $438 = 0, $439 = 0, $44 = 0; var $440 = 0, $441 = 0, $442 = 0, $443 = 0, $444 = 0, $445 = 0, $446 = 0, $447 = 0, $448 = 0, $449 = 0, $45 = 0, $450 = 0, $451 = 0, $452 = 0, $453 = 0, $454 = 0, $455 = 0, $456 = 0, $457 = 0, $458 = 0; var $459 = 0, $46 = 0, $460 = 0, $461 = 0, $462 = 0, $463 = 0, $464 = 0, $465 = 0, $466 = 0, $467 = 0, $468 = 0, $469 = 0, $47 = 0, $470 = 0, $471 = 0, $472 = 0, $473 = 0, $474 = 0, $475 = 0, $476 = 0; var $477 = 0, $478 = 0, $479 = 0, $48 = 0, $480 = 0, $481 = 0, $482 = 0, $483 = 0, $484 = 0, $485 = 0, $486 = 0, $487 = 0, $488 = 0, $489 = 0, $49 = 0, $490 = 0, $491 = 0, $492 = 0, $493 = 0, $494 = 0; var $495 = 0, $496 = 0, $497 = 0, $498 = 0, $499 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $500 = 0, $501 = 0, $502 = 0, $503 = 0, $504 = 0, $505 = 0, $506 = 0, $507 = 0, $508 = 0, $509 = 0, $51 = 0, $510 = 0, $511 = 0; var $512 = 0, $513 = 0, $514 = 0, $515 = 0, $516 = 0, $517 = 0, $518 = 0, $519 = 0, $52 = 0, $520 = 0, $521 = 0, $522 = 0, $523 = 0, $524 = 0, $525 = 0, $526 = 0, $527 = 0, $528 = 0, $529 = 0, $53 = 0; var $530 = 0, $531 = 0, $532 = 0, $533 = 0, $534 = 0, $535 = 0, $536 = 0, $537 = 0, $538 = 0, $539 = 0, $54 = 0, $540 = 0, $541 = 0, $542 = 0, $543 = 0, $544 = 0, $545 = 0, $546 = 0, $547 = 0, $548 = 0; var $549 = 0, $55 = 0, $550 = 0, $551 = 0, $552 = 0, $553 = 0, $554 = 0, $555 = 0, $556 = 0, $557 = 0, $558 = 0, $559 = 0, $56 = 0, $560 = 0, $561 = 0, $562 = 0, $563 = 0, $564 = 0, $565 = 0, $566 = 0; var $567 = 0, $568 = 0, $569 = 0, $57 = 0, $570 = 0, $571 = 0, $572 = 0, $573 = 0, $574 = 0, $575 = 0, $576 = 0, $577 = 0, $578 = 0, $579 = 0, $58 = 0, $580 = 0, $581 = 0, $582 = 0, $583 = 0, $584 = 0; 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var $add34 = 0, $add341 = 0, $add348 = 0, $add354 = 0, $add355 = 0, $add358 = 0, $add365 = 0, $add371 = 0, $add372 = 0, $add375 = 0, $add382 = 0, $add388 = 0, $add389 = 0, $add392 = 0, $add399 = 0, $add405 = 0, $add406 = 0, $add409 = 0, $add416 = 0, $add422 = 0; var $add423 = 0, $add426 = 0, $add433 = 0, $add439 = 0, $add440 = 0, $add443 = 0, $add450 = 0, $add456 = 0, $add457 = 0, $add46 = 0, $add460 = 0, $add467 = 0, $add47 = 0, $add473 = 0, $add474 = 0, $add476 = 0, $add483 = 0, $add490 = 0, $add499 = 0, $add510 = 0; var $add517 = 0, $add523 = 0, $add526 = 0, $add533 = 0, $add539 = 0, $add540 = 0, $add543 = 0, $add550 = 0, $add556 = 0, $add557 = 0, $add560 = 0, $add567 = 0, $add573 = 0, $add574 = 0, $add577 = 0, $add584 = 0, $add59 = 0, $add590 = 0, $add591 = 0, $add594 = 0; var $add60 = 0, $add601 = 0, $add607 = 0, $add608 = 0, $add611 = 0, $add618 = 0, $add624 = 0, $add625 = 0, $add628 = 0, $add635 = 0, $add641 = 0, $add642 = 0, $add645 = 0, $add652 = 0, $add658 = 0, $add659 = 0, $add662 = 0, $add669 = 0, $add675 = 0, $add676 = 0; var $add679 = 0, $add686 = 0, $add692 = 0, $add693 = 0, $add696 = 0, $add703 = 0, $add709 = 0, $add710 = 0, $add713 = 0, $add72 = 0, $add720 = 0, $add726 = 0, $add727 = 0, $add73 = 0, $add730 = 0, $add737 = 0, $add743 = 0, $add744 = 0, $add747 = 0, $add754 = 0; var $add760 = 0, $add761 = 0, $add764 = 0, $add771 = 0, $add777 = 0, $add778 = 0, $add781 = 0, $add788 = 0, $add794 = 0, $add795 = 0, $add798 = 0, $add805 = 0, $add811 = 0, $add812 = 0, $add814 = 0, $add821 = 0, $add828 = 0, $add837 = 0, $add85 = 0, $add86 = 0; var $add98 = 0, $add99 = 0, $and = 0, $and106 = 0, $and119 = 0, $and135 = 0, $and148 = 0, $and16 = 0, $and161 = 0, $and174 = 0, $and187 = 0, $and200 = 0, $and213 = 0, $and226 = 0, $and239 = 0, $and28 = 0, $and282 = 0, $and298 = 0, $and3 = 0, $and315 = 0; var $and332 = 0, $and349 = 0, $and366 = 0, $and383 = 0, $and4 = 0, $and400 = 0, $and41 = 0, $and417 = 0, $and434 = 0, $and451 = 0, $and468 = 0, $and518 = 0, $and534 = 0, $and54 = 0, $and551 = 0, $and568 = 0, $and585 = 0, $and602 = 0, $and619 = 0, $and636 = 0; var $and653 = 0, $and67 = 0, $and670 = 0, $and687 = 0, $and704 = 0, $and721 = 0, $and738 = 0, $and755 = 0, $and772 = 0, $and789 = 0, $and80 = 0, $and806 = 0, $and93 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx100 = 0, $arrayidx102 = 0, $arrayidx105 = 0, $arrayidx107 = 0, $arrayidx113 = 0, $arrayidx115 = 0; var $arrayidx118 = 0, $arrayidx120 = 0, $arrayidx128 = 0, $arrayidx129 = 0, $arrayidx134 = 0, $arrayidx142 = 0, $arrayidx144 = 0, $arrayidx147 = 0, $arrayidx149 = 0, $arrayidx155 = 0, $arrayidx157 = 0, $arrayidx160 = 0, $arrayidx162 = 0, $arrayidx168 = 0, $arrayidx170 = 0, $arrayidx173 = 0, $arrayidx175 = 0, $arrayidx181 = 0, $arrayidx183 = 0, $arrayidx186 = 0; var $arrayidx188 = 0, $arrayidx194 = 0, $arrayidx196 = 0, $arrayidx199 = 0, $arrayidx201 = 0, $arrayidx207 = 0, $arrayidx209 = 0, $arrayidx212 = 0, $arrayidx214 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx220 = 0, $arrayidx222 = 0, $arrayidx225 = 0, $arrayidx227 = 0, $arrayidx233 = 0, $arrayidx235 = 0, $arrayidx238 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx240 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0; var $arrayidx273 = 0, $arrayidx280 = 0, $arrayidx288 = 0, $arrayidx289 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx292 = 0, $arrayidx295 = 0, $arrayidx296 = 0, $arrayidx299 = 0, $arrayidx305 = 0, $arrayidx306 = 0, $arrayidx309 = 0, $arrayidx312 = 0, $arrayidx313 = 0, $arrayidx316 = 0, $arrayidx322 = 0, $arrayidx323 = 0, $arrayidx326 = 0, $arrayidx329 = 0, $arrayidx330 = 0; var $arrayidx333 = 0, $arrayidx339 = 0, $arrayidx340 = 0, $arrayidx343 = 0, $arrayidx346 = 0, $arrayidx347 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx350 = 0, $arrayidx356 = 0, $arrayidx357 = 0, $arrayidx360 = 0, $arrayidx363 = 0, $arrayidx364 = 0, $arrayidx367 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx373 = 0, $arrayidx374 = 0, $arrayidx377 = 0, $arrayidx380 = 0, $arrayidx381 = 0; var $arrayidx384 = 0, $arrayidx390 = 0, $arrayidx391 = 0, $arrayidx394 = 0, $arrayidx397 = 0, $arrayidx398 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx401 = 0, $arrayidx407 = 0, $arrayidx408 = 0, $arrayidx411 = 0, $arrayidx414 = 0, $arrayidx415 = 0, $arrayidx418 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx424 = 0, $arrayidx425 = 0, $arrayidx428 = 0, $arrayidx431 = 0, $arrayidx432 = 0; 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var $arrayidx633 = 0, $arrayidx634 = 0, $arrayidx637 = 0, $arrayidx643 = 0, $arrayidx644 = 0, $arrayidx647 = 0, $arrayidx650 = 0, $arrayidx651 = 0, $arrayidx654 = 0, $arrayidx66 = 0, $arrayidx660 = 0, $arrayidx661 = 0, $arrayidx664 = 0, $arrayidx667 = 0, $arrayidx668 = 0, $arrayidx671 = 0, $arrayidx677 = 0, $arrayidx678 = 0, $arrayidx68 = 0, $arrayidx681 = 0; var $arrayidx684 = 0, $arrayidx685 = 0, $arrayidx688 = 0, $arrayidx694 = 0, $arrayidx695 = 0, $arrayidx698 = 0, $arrayidx701 = 0, $arrayidx702 = 0, $arrayidx705 = 0, $arrayidx711 = 0, $arrayidx712 = 0, $arrayidx715 = 0, $arrayidx718 = 0, $arrayidx719 = 0, $arrayidx722 = 0, $arrayidx728 = 0, $arrayidx729 = 0, $arrayidx732 = 0, $arrayidx735 = 0, $arrayidx736 = 0; var $arrayidx739 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx745 = 0, $arrayidx746 = 0, $arrayidx749 = 0, $arrayidx752 = 0, $arrayidx753 = 0, $arrayidx756 = 0, $arrayidx76 = 0, $arrayidx762 = 0, $arrayidx763 = 0, $arrayidx766 = 0, $arrayidx769 = 0, $arrayidx770 = 0, $arrayidx773 = 0, $arrayidx779 = 0, $arrayidx780 = 0, $arrayidx783 = 0, $arrayidx786 = 0, $arrayidx787 = 0; var $arrayidx79 = 0, $arrayidx790 = 0, $arrayidx796 = 0, $arrayidx797 = 0, $arrayidx800 = 0, $arrayidx803 = 0, $arrayidx804 = 0, $arrayidx807 = 0, $arrayidx81 = 0, $arrayidx87 = 0, $arrayidx89 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $arrayidx94 = 0, $buf$addr = 0, $buf_ptr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp249 = 0, $cmp254 = 0, $cmp267 = 0, $cmp478 = 0; var $cmp485 = 0, $cmp503 = 0, $cmp816 = 0, $cmp823 = 0, $cond262 = 0, $cond495 = 0, $cond833 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv103 = 0, $conv108 = 0, $conv116 = 0, $conv121 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv132 = 0, $conv137 = 0, $conv145 = 0, $conv150 = 0, $conv158 = 0, $conv163 = 0, $conv171 = 0; var $conv176 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv184 = 0, $conv189 = 0, $conv197 = 0, $conv2 = 0, $conv202 = 0, $conv210 = 0, $conv215 = 0, $conv223 = 0, $conv228 = 0, $conv236 = 0, $conv241 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv263 = 0, $conv277 = 0, $conv284 = 0, $conv293 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $conv300 = 0; var $conv310 = 0, $conv317 = 0, $conv327 = 0, $conv334 = 0, $conv344 = 0, $conv351 = 0, $conv361 = 0, $conv368 = 0, $conv378 = 0, $conv38 = 0, $conv385 = 0, $conv395 = 0, $conv402 = 0, $conv412 = 0, $conv419 = 0, $conv429 = 0, $conv43 = 0, $conv436 = 0, $conv446 = 0, $conv453 = 0; var $conv463 = 0, $conv470 = 0, $conv496 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv51 = 0, $conv513 = 0, $conv520 = 0, $conv529 = 0, $conv536 = 0, $conv546 = 0, $conv553 = 0, $conv56 = 0, $conv563 = 0, $conv570 = 0, $conv580 = 0, $conv587 = 0, $conv597 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv604 = 0, $conv614 = 0; var $conv621 = 0, $conv631 = 0, $conv638 = 0, $conv64 = 0, $conv648 = 0, $conv655 = 0, $conv665 = 0, $conv672 = 0, $conv682 = 0, $conv689 = 0, $conv69 = 0, $conv699 = 0, $conv706 = 0, $conv716 = 0, $conv723 = 0, $conv733 = 0, $conv740 = 0, $conv750 = 0, $conv757 = 0, $conv767 = 0; var $conv77 = 0, $conv774 = 0, $conv784 = 0, $conv791 = 0, $conv801 = 0, $conv808 = 0, $conv82 = 0, $conv834 = 0, $conv90 = 0, $conv95 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr497 = 0, $incdec$ptr835 = 0, $index_Q16 = 0, $index_increment_Q16$addr = 0, $interpol_ind = 0, $interpol_ptr = 0, $max_index_Q16$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul104 = 0; var $mul109 = 0, $mul117 = 0, $mul122 = 0, $mul127 = 0, $mul133 = 0, $mul138 = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul146 = 0, $mul151 = 0, $mul159 = 0, $mul164 = 0, $mul172 = 0, $mul177 = 0, $mul185 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul190 = 0, $mul198 = 0, $mul203 = 0, $mul211 = 0, $mul216 = 0; var $mul224 = 0, $mul229 = 0, $mul237 = 0, $mul242 = 0, $mul26 = 0, $mul278 = 0, $mul285 = 0, $mul294 = 0, $mul301 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul311 = 0, $mul318 = 0, $mul328 = 0, $mul335 = 0, $mul345 = 0, $mul352 = 0, $mul362 = 0, $mul369 = 0, $mul379 = 0, $mul386 = 0; var $mul39 = 0, $mul396 = 0, $mul403 = 0, $mul413 = 0, $mul420 = 0, $mul430 = 0, $mul437 = 0, $mul44 = 0, $mul447 = 0, $mul454 = 0, $mul464 = 0, $mul471 = 0, $mul514 = 0, $mul52 = 0, $mul521 = 0, $mul530 = 0, $mul537 = 0, $mul547 = 0, $mul554 = 0, $mul564 = 0; var $mul57 = 0, $mul571 = 0, $mul581 = 0, $mul588 = 0, $mul598 = 0, $mul605 = 0, $mul615 = 0, $mul622 = 0, $mul632 = 0, $mul639 = 0, $mul649 = 0, $mul65 = 0, $mul656 = 0, $mul666 = 0, $mul673 = 0, $mul683 = 0, $mul690 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $mul70 = 0, $mul700 = 0; var $mul707 = 0, $mul717 = 0, $mul724 = 0, $mul734 = 0, $mul741 = 0, $mul751 = 0, $mul758 = 0, $mul768 = 0, $mul775 = 0, $mul78 = 0, $mul785 = 0, $mul792 = 0, $mul802 = 0, $mul809 = 0, $mul83 = 0, $mul9 = 0, $mul91 = 0, $mul96 = 0, $out$addr = 0, $res_Q6 = 0; var $shr = 0, $shr1 = 0, $shr101 = 0, $shr11 = 0, $shr110 = 0, $shr114 = 0, $shr123 = 0, $shr130 = 0, $shr139 = 0, $shr143 = 0, $shr152 = 0, $shr156 = 0, $shr165 = 0, $shr169 = 0, $shr178 = 0, $shr182 = 0, $shr191 = 0, $shr195 = 0, $shr20 = 0, $shr204 = 0; var $shr208 = 0, $shr217 = 0, $shr221 = 0, $shr23 = 0, $shr230 = 0, $shr234 = 0, $shr243 = 0, $shr246 = 0, $shr248 = 0, $shr251 = 0, $shr253 = 0, $shr258 = 0, $shr260 = 0, $shr270 = 0, $shr275 = 0, $shr286 = 0, $shr291 = 0, $shr302 = 0, $shr308 = 0, $shr319 = 0; var $shr32 = 0, $shr325 = 0, $shr336 = 0, $shr342 = 0, $shr353 = 0, $shr359 = 0, $shr36 = 0, $shr370 = 0, $shr376 = 0, $shr387 = 0, $shr393 = 0, $shr404 = 0, $shr410 = 0, $shr421 = 0, $shr427 = 0, $shr438 = 0, $shr444 = 0, $shr45 = 0, $shr455 = 0, $shr461 = 0; var $shr472 = 0, $shr475 = 0, $shr477 = 0, $shr482 = 0, $shr484 = 0, $shr489 = 0, $shr49 = 0, $shr491 = 0, $shr506 = 0, $shr511 = 0, $shr522 = 0, $shr527 = 0, $shr538 = 0, $shr544 = 0, $shr555 = 0, $shr561 = 0, $shr572 = 0, $shr578 = 0, $shr58 = 0, $shr589 = 0; var $shr595 = 0, $shr606 = 0, $shr612 = 0, $shr62 = 0, $shr623 = 0, $shr629 = 0, $shr640 = 0, $shr646 = 0, $shr657 = 0, $shr663 = 0, $shr674 = 0, $shr680 = 0, $shr691 = 0, $shr697 = 0, $shr708 = 0, $shr71 = 0, $shr714 = 0, $shr725 = 0, $shr731 = 0, $shr742 = 0; var $shr748 = 0, $shr75 = 0, $shr759 = 0, $shr765 = 0, $shr776 = 0, $shr782 = 0, $shr793 = 0, $shr799 = 0, $shr8 = 0, $shr810 = 0, $shr813 = 0, $shr815 = 0, $shr820 = 0, $shr822 = 0, $shr827 = 0, $shr829 = 0, $shr84 = 0, $shr88 = 0, $shr97 = 0, $sub = 0; var $sub126 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $out$addr = $out; $buf$addr = $buf; $FIR_Coefs$addr = $FIR_Coefs; $FIR_Order$addr = $FIR_Order; $FIR_Fracs$addr = $FIR_Fracs; $max_index_Q16$addr = $max_index_Q16; $index_increment_Q16$addr = $index_increment_Q16; $0 = $FIR_Order$addr; switch ($0|0) { case 18: { $index_Q16 = 0; while(1) { $1 = $index_Q16; $2 = $max_index_Q16$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $buf$addr; $4 = $index_Q16; $shr = $4 >> 16; $add$ptr = (($3) + ($shr<<2)|0); $buf_ptr = $add$ptr; $5 = $index_Q16; $and = $5 & 65535; $shr1 = $and >> 16; $6 = $FIR_Fracs$addr; $conv = $6&65535; $conv2 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr1, $conv2)|0; $7 = $index_Q16; $and3 = $7 & 65535; $and4 = $and3 & 65535; $8 = $FIR_Fracs$addr; $conv5 = $8&65535; $conv6 = $conv5 << 16 >> 16; $mul7 = Math_imul($and4, $conv6)|0; $shr8 = $mul7 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr8))|0; $interpol_ind = $add; $9 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $10 = $interpol_ind; $mul9 = ($10*9)|0; $arrayidx = (($9) + ($mul9<<1)|0); $interpol_ptr = $arrayidx; $11 = $buf_ptr; $12 = HEAP32[$11>>2]|0; $shr11 = $12 >> 16; $13 = $interpol_ptr; $14 = HEAP16[$13>>1]|0; $conv13 = $14 << 16 >> 16; $mul14 = Math_imul($shr11, $conv13)|0; $15 = $buf_ptr; $16 = HEAP32[$15>>2]|0; $and16 = $16 & 65535; $17 = $interpol_ptr; $18 = HEAP16[$17>>1]|0; $conv18 = $18 << 16 >> 16; $mul19 = Math_imul($and16, $conv18)|0; $shr20 = $mul19 >> 16; $add21 = (($mul14) + ($shr20))|0; $res_Q6 = $add21; $19 = $res_Q6; $20 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx22 = ((($20)) + 4|0); $21 = HEAP32[$arrayidx22>>2]|0; $shr23 = $21 >> 16; $22 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx24 = ((($22)) + 2|0); $23 = HEAP16[$arrayidx24>>1]|0; $conv25 = $23 << 16 >> 16; $mul26 = Math_imul($shr23, $conv25)|0; $24 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx27 = ((($24)) + 4|0); $25 = HEAP32[$arrayidx27>>2]|0; $and28 = $25 & 65535; $26 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx29 = ((($26)) + 2|0); $27 = HEAP16[$arrayidx29>>1]|0; $conv30 = $27 << 16 >> 16; $mul31 = Math_imul($and28, $conv30)|0; $shr32 = $mul31 >> 16; $add33 = (($mul26) + ($shr32))|0; $add34 = (($19) + ($add33))|0; $res_Q6 = $add34; $28 = $res_Q6; $29 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx35 = ((($29)) + 8|0); $30 = HEAP32[$arrayidx35>>2]|0; $shr36 = $30 >> 16; $31 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx37 = ((($31)) + 4|0); $32 = HEAP16[$arrayidx37>>1]|0; $conv38 = $32 << 16 >> 16; $mul39 = Math_imul($shr36, $conv38)|0; $33 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx40 = ((($33)) + 8|0); $34 = HEAP32[$arrayidx40>>2]|0; $and41 = $34 & 65535; $35 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx42 = ((($35)) + 4|0); $36 = HEAP16[$arrayidx42>>1]|0; $conv43 = $36 << 16 >> 16; $mul44 = Math_imul($and41, $conv43)|0; $shr45 = $mul44 >> 16; $add46 = (($mul39) + ($shr45))|0; $add47 = (($28) + ($add46))|0; $res_Q6 = $add47; $37 = $res_Q6; $38 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx48 = ((($38)) + 12|0); $39 = HEAP32[$arrayidx48>>2]|0; $shr49 = $39 >> 16; $40 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx50 = ((($40)) + 6|0); $41 = HEAP16[$arrayidx50>>1]|0; $conv51 = $41 << 16 >> 16; $mul52 = Math_imul($shr49, $conv51)|0; $42 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx53 = ((($42)) + 12|0); $43 = HEAP32[$arrayidx53>>2]|0; $and54 = $43 & 65535; $44 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx55 = ((($44)) + 6|0); $45 = HEAP16[$arrayidx55>>1]|0; $conv56 = $45 << 16 >> 16; $mul57 = Math_imul($and54, $conv56)|0; $shr58 = $mul57 >> 16; $add59 = (($mul52) + ($shr58))|0; $add60 = (($37) + ($add59))|0; $res_Q6 = $add60; $46 = $res_Q6; $47 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx61 = ((($47)) + 16|0); $48 = HEAP32[$arrayidx61>>2]|0; $shr62 = $48 >> 16; $49 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx63 = ((($49)) + 8|0); $50 = HEAP16[$arrayidx63>>1]|0; $conv64 = $50 << 16 >> 16; $mul65 = Math_imul($shr62, $conv64)|0; $51 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx66 = ((($51)) + 16|0); $52 = HEAP32[$arrayidx66>>2]|0; $and67 = $52 & 65535; $53 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx68 = ((($53)) + 8|0); $54 = HEAP16[$arrayidx68>>1]|0; $conv69 = $54 << 16 >> 16; $mul70 = Math_imul($and67, $conv69)|0; $shr71 = $mul70 >> 16; $add72 = (($mul65) + ($shr71))|0; $add73 = (($46) + ($add72))|0; $res_Q6 = $add73; $55 = $res_Q6; $56 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx74 = ((($56)) + 20|0); $57 = HEAP32[$arrayidx74>>2]|0; $shr75 = $57 >> 16; $58 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx76 = ((($58)) + 10|0); $59 = HEAP16[$arrayidx76>>1]|0; $conv77 = $59 << 16 >> 16; $mul78 = Math_imul($shr75, $conv77)|0; $60 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx79 = ((($60)) + 20|0); $61 = HEAP32[$arrayidx79>>2]|0; $and80 = $61 & 65535; $62 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx81 = ((($62)) + 10|0); $63 = HEAP16[$arrayidx81>>1]|0; $conv82 = $63 << 16 >> 16; $mul83 = Math_imul($and80, $conv82)|0; $shr84 = $mul83 >> 16; $add85 = (($mul78) + ($shr84))|0; $add86 = (($55) + ($add85))|0; $res_Q6 = $add86; $64 = $res_Q6; $65 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx87 = ((($65)) + 24|0); $66 = HEAP32[$arrayidx87>>2]|0; $shr88 = $66 >> 16; $67 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx89 = ((($67)) + 12|0); $68 = HEAP16[$arrayidx89>>1]|0; $conv90 = $68 << 16 >> 16; $mul91 = Math_imul($shr88, $conv90)|0; $69 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx92 = ((($69)) + 24|0); $70 = HEAP32[$arrayidx92>>2]|0; $and93 = $70 & 65535; $71 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx94 = ((($71)) + 12|0); $72 = HEAP16[$arrayidx94>>1]|0; $conv95 = $72 << 16 >> 16; $mul96 = Math_imul($and93, $conv95)|0; $shr97 = $mul96 >> 16; $add98 = (($mul91) + ($shr97))|0; $add99 = (($64) + ($add98))|0; $res_Q6 = $add99; $73 = $res_Q6; $74 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx100 = ((($74)) + 28|0); $75 = HEAP32[$arrayidx100>>2]|0; $shr101 = $75 >> 16; $76 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx102 = ((($76)) + 14|0); $77 = HEAP16[$arrayidx102>>1]|0; $conv103 = $77 << 16 >> 16; $mul104 = Math_imul($shr101, $conv103)|0; $78 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx105 = ((($78)) + 28|0); $79 = HEAP32[$arrayidx105>>2]|0; $and106 = $79 & 65535; $80 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx107 = ((($80)) + 14|0); $81 = HEAP16[$arrayidx107>>1]|0; $conv108 = $81 << 16 >> 16; $mul109 = Math_imul($and106, $conv108)|0; $shr110 = $mul109 >> 16; $add111 = (($mul104) + ($shr110))|0; $add112 = (($73) + ($add111))|0; $res_Q6 = $add112; $82 = $res_Q6; $83 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx113 = ((($83)) + 32|0); $84 = HEAP32[$arrayidx113>>2]|0; $shr114 = $84 >> 16; $85 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx115 = ((($85)) + 16|0); $86 = HEAP16[$arrayidx115>>1]|0; $conv116 = $86 << 16 >> 16; $mul117 = Math_imul($shr114, $conv116)|0; $87 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx118 = ((($87)) + 32|0); $88 = HEAP32[$arrayidx118>>2]|0; $and119 = $88 & 65535; $89 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx120 = ((($89)) + 16|0); $90 = HEAP16[$arrayidx120>>1]|0; $conv121 = $90 << 16 >> 16; $mul122 = Math_imul($and119, $conv121)|0; $shr123 = $mul122 >> 16; $add124 = (($mul117) + ($shr123))|0; $add125 = (($82) + ($add124))|0; $res_Q6 = $add125; $91 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $92 = $FIR_Fracs$addr; $sub = (($92) - 1)|0; $93 = $interpol_ind; $sub126 = (($sub) - ($93))|0; $mul127 = ($sub126*9)|0; $arrayidx128 = (($91) + ($mul127<<1)|0); $interpol_ptr = $arrayidx128; $94 = $res_Q6; $95 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx129 = ((($95)) + 68|0); $96 = HEAP32[$arrayidx129>>2]|0; $shr130 = $96 >> 16; $97 = $interpol_ptr; $98 = HEAP16[$97>>1]|0; $conv132 = $98 << 16 >> 16; $mul133 = Math_imul($shr130, $conv132)|0; $99 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx134 = ((($99)) + 68|0); $100 = HEAP32[$arrayidx134>>2]|0; $and135 = $100 & 65535; $101 = $interpol_ptr; $102 = HEAP16[$101>>1]|0; $conv137 = $102 << 16 >> 16; $mul138 = Math_imul($and135, $conv137)|0; $shr139 = $mul138 >> 16; $add140 = (($mul133) + ($shr139))|0; $add141 = (($94) + ($add140))|0; $res_Q6 = $add141; $103 = $res_Q6; $104 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx142 = ((($104)) + 64|0); $105 = HEAP32[$arrayidx142>>2]|0; $shr143 = $105 >> 16; $106 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx144 = ((($106)) + 2|0); $107 = HEAP16[$arrayidx144>>1]|0; $conv145 = $107 << 16 >> 16; $mul146 = Math_imul($shr143, $conv145)|0; $108 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx147 = ((($108)) + 64|0); $109 = HEAP32[$arrayidx147>>2]|0; $and148 = $109 & 65535; $110 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx149 = ((($110)) + 2|0); $111 = HEAP16[$arrayidx149>>1]|0; $conv150 = $111 << 16 >> 16; $mul151 = Math_imul($and148, $conv150)|0; $shr152 = $mul151 >> 16; $add153 = (($mul146) + ($shr152))|0; $add154 = (($103) + ($add153))|0; $res_Q6 = $add154; $112 = $res_Q6; $113 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx155 = ((($113)) + 60|0); $114 = HEAP32[$arrayidx155>>2]|0; $shr156 = $114 >> 16; $115 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx157 = ((($115)) + 4|0); $116 = HEAP16[$arrayidx157>>1]|0; $conv158 = $116 << 16 >> 16; $mul159 = Math_imul($shr156, $conv158)|0; $117 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx160 = ((($117)) + 60|0); $118 = HEAP32[$arrayidx160>>2]|0; $and161 = $118 & 65535; $119 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx162 = ((($119)) + 4|0); $120 = HEAP16[$arrayidx162>>1]|0; $conv163 = $120 << 16 >> 16; $mul164 = Math_imul($and161, $conv163)|0; $shr165 = $mul164 >> 16; $add166 = (($mul159) + ($shr165))|0; $add167 = (($112) + ($add166))|0; $res_Q6 = $add167; $121 = $res_Q6; $122 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx168 = ((($122)) + 56|0); $123 = HEAP32[$arrayidx168>>2]|0; $shr169 = $123 >> 16; $124 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx170 = ((($124)) + 6|0); $125 = HEAP16[$arrayidx170>>1]|0; $conv171 = $125 << 16 >> 16; $mul172 = Math_imul($shr169, $conv171)|0; $126 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx173 = ((($126)) + 56|0); $127 = HEAP32[$arrayidx173>>2]|0; $and174 = $127 & 65535; $128 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx175 = ((($128)) + 6|0); $129 = HEAP16[$arrayidx175>>1]|0; $conv176 = $129 << 16 >> 16; $mul177 = Math_imul($and174, $conv176)|0; $shr178 = $mul177 >> 16; $add179 = (($mul172) + ($shr178))|0; $add180 = (($121) + ($add179))|0; $res_Q6 = $add180; $130 = $res_Q6; $131 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx181 = ((($131)) + 52|0); $132 = HEAP32[$arrayidx181>>2]|0; $shr182 = $132 >> 16; $133 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx183 = ((($133)) + 8|0); $134 = HEAP16[$arrayidx183>>1]|0; $conv184 = $134 << 16 >> 16; $mul185 = Math_imul($shr182, $conv184)|0; $135 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx186 = ((($135)) + 52|0); $136 = HEAP32[$arrayidx186>>2]|0; $and187 = $136 & 65535; $137 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx188 = ((($137)) + 8|0); $138 = HEAP16[$arrayidx188>>1]|0; $conv189 = $138 << 16 >> 16; $mul190 = Math_imul($and187, $conv189)|0; $shr191 = $mul190 >> 16; $add192 = (($mul185) + ($shr191))|0; $add193 = (($130) + ($add192))|0; $res_Q6 = $add193; $139 = $res_Q6; $140 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx194 = ((($140)) + 48|0); $141 = HEAP32[$arrayidx194>>2]|0; $shr195 = $141 >> 16; $142 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx196 = ((($142)) + 10|0); $143 = HEAP16[$arrayidx196>>1]|0; $conv197 = $143 << 16 >> 16; $mul198 = Math_imul($shr195, $conv197)|0; $144 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx199 = ((($144)) + 48|0); $145 = HEAP32[$arrayidx199>>2]|0; $and200 = $145 & 65535; $146 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx201 = ((($146)) + 10|0); $147 = HEAP16[$arrayidx201>>1]|0; $conv202 = $147 << 16 >> 16; $mul203 = Math_imul($and200, $conv202)|0; $shr204 = $mul203 >> 16; $add205 = (($mul198) + ($shr204))|0; $add206 = (($139) + ($add205))|0; $res_Q6 = $add206; $148 = $res_Q6; $149 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx207 = ((($149)) + 44|0); $150 = HEAP32[$arrayidx207>>2]|0; $shr208 = $150 >> 16; $151 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx209 = ((($151)) + 12|0); $152 = HEAP16[$arrayidx209>>1]|0; $conv210 = $152 << 16 >> 16; $mul211 = Math_imul($shr208, $conv210)|0; $153 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx212 = ((($153)) + 44|0); $154 = HEAP32[$arrayidx212>>2]|0; $and213 = $154 & 65535; $155 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx214 = ((($155)) + 12|0); $156 = HEAP16[$arrayidx214>>1]|0; $conv215 = $156 << 16 >> 16; $mul216 = Math_imul($and213, $conv215)|0; $shr217 = $mul216 >> 16; $add218 = (($mul211) + ($shr217))|0; $add219 = (($148) + ($add218))|0; $res_Q6 = $add219; $157 = $res_Q6; $158 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx220 = ((($158)) + 40|0); $159 = HEAP32[$arrayidx220>>2]|0; $shr221 = $159 >> 16; $160 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx222 = ((($160)) + 14|0); $161 = HEAP16[$arrayidx222>>1]|0; $conv223 = $161 << 16 >> 16; $mul224 = Math_imul($shr221, $conv223)|0; $162 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx225 = ((($162)) + 40|0); $163 = HEAP32[$arrayidx225>>2]|0; $and226 = $163 & 65535; $164 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx227 = ((($164)) + 14|0); $165 = HEAP16[$arrayidx227>>1]|0; $conv228 = $165 << 16 >> 16; $mul229 = Math_imul($and226, $conv228)|0; $shr230 = $mul229 >> 16; $add231 = (($mul224) + ($shr230))|0; $add232 = (($157) + ($add231))|0; $res_Q6 = $add232; $166 = $res_Q6; $167 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx233 = ((($167)) + 36|0); $168 = HEAP32[$arrayidx233>>2]|0; $shr234 = $168 >> 16; $169 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx235 = ((($169)) + 16|0); $170 = HEAP16[$arrayidx235>>1]|0; $conv236 = $170 << 16 >> 16; $mul237 = Math_imul($shr234, $conv236)|0; $171 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx238 = ((($171)) + 36|0); $172 = HEAP32[$arrayidx238>>2]|0; $and239 = $172 & 65535; $173 = $interpol_ptr; $arrayidx240 = ((($173)) + 16|0); $174 = HEAP16[$arrayidx240>>1]|0; $conv241 = $174 << 16 >> 16; $mul242 = Math_imul($and239, $conv241)|0; $shr243 = $mul242 >> 16; $add244 = (($mul237) + ($shr243))|0; $add245 = (($166) + ($add244))|0; $res_Q6 = $add245; $175 = $res_Q6; $shr246 = $175 >> 5; $add247 = (($shr246) + 1)|0; $shr248 = $add247 >> 1; $cmp249 = ($shr248|0)>(32767); if ($cmp249) { $cond262 = 32767; } else { $176 = $res_Q6; $shr251 = $176 >> 5; $add252 = (($shr251) + 1)|0; $shr253 = $add252 >> 1; $cmp254 = ($shr253|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp254) { $cond262 = -32768; } else { $177 = $res_Q6; $shr258 = $177 >> 5; $add259 = (($shr258) + 1)|0; $shr260 = $add259 >> 1; $cond262 = $shr260; } } $conv263 = $cond262&65535; $178 = $out$addr; $incdec$ptr = ((($178)) + 2|0); $out$addr = $incdec$ptr; HEAP16[$178>>1] = $conv263; $179 = $index_increment_Q16$addr; $180 = $index_Q16; $add264 = (($180) + ($179))|0; $index_Q16 = $add264; } $589 = $out$addr; STACKTOP = sp;return ($589|0); break; } case 24: { $index_Q16 = 0; while(1) { $181 = $index_Q16; $182 = $max_index_Q16$addr; $cmp267 = ($181|0)<($182|0); if (!($cmp267)) { break; } $183 = $buf$addr; $184 = $index_Q16; $shr270 = $184 >> 16; $add$ptr271 = (($183) + ($shr270<<2)|0); $buf_ptr = $add$ptr271; $185 = $buf_ptr; $186 = HEAP32[$185>>2]|0; $187 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx273 = ((($187)) + 92|0); $188 = HEAP32[$arrayidx273>>2]|0; $add274 = (($186) + ($188))|0; $shr275 = $add274 >> 16; $189 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $190 = HEAP16[$189>>1]|0; $conv277 = $190 << 16 >> 16; $mul278 = Math_imul($shr275, $conv277)|0; $191 = $buf_ptr; $192 = HEAP32[$191>>2]|0; $193 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx280 = ((($193)) + 92|0); $194 = HEAP32[$arrayidx280>>2]|0; $add281 = (($192) + ($194))|0; $and282 = $add281 & 65535; $195 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $196 = HEAP16[$195>>1]|0; $conv284 = $196 << 16 >> 16; $mul285 = Math_imul($and282, $conv284)|0; $shr286 = $mul285 >> 16; $add287 = (($mul278) + ($shr286))|0; $res_Q6 = $add287; $197 = $res_Q6; $198 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx288 = ((($198)) + 4|0); $199 = HEAP32[$arrayidx288>>2]|0; $200 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx289 = ((($200)) + 88|0); $201 = HEAP32[$arrayidx289>>2]|0; $add290 = (($199) + ($201))|0; $shr291 = $add290 >> 16; $202 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx292 = ((($202)) + 2|0); $203 = HEAP16[$arrayidx292>>1]|0; $conv293 = $203 << 16 >> 16; $mul294 = Math_imul($shr291, $conv293)|0; $204 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx295 = ((($204)) + 4|0); $205 = HEAP32[$arrayidx295>>2]|0; $206 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx296 = ((($206)) + 88|0); $207 = HEAP32[$arrayidx296>>2]|0; $add297 = (($205) + ($207))|0; $and298 = $add297 & 65535; $208 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx299 = ((($208)) + 2|0); $209 = HEAP16[$arrayidx299>>1]|0; $conv300 = $209 << 16 >> 16; $mul301 = Math_imul($and298, $conv300)|0; $shr302 = $mul301 >> 16; $add303 = (($mul294) + ($shr302))|0; $add304 = (($197) + ($add303))|0; $res_Q6 = $add304; $210 = $res_Q6; $211 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx305 = ((($211)) + 8|0); $212 = HEAP32[$arrayidx305>>2]|0; $213 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx306 = ((($213)) + 84|0); $214 = HEAP32[$arrayidx306>>2]|0; $add307 = (($212) + ($214))|0; $shr308 = $add307 >> 16; $215 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx309 = ((($215)) + 4|0); $216 = HEAP16[$arrayidx309>>1]|0; $conv310 = $216 << 16 >> 16; $mul311 = Math_imul($shr308, $conv310)|0; $217 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx312 = ((($217)) + 8|0); $218 = HEAP32[$arrayidx312>>2]|0; $219 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx313 = ((($219)) + 84|0); $220 = HEAP32[$arrayidx313>>2]|0; $add314 = (($218) + ($220))|0; $and315 = $add314 & 65535; $221 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx316 = ((($221)) + 4|0); $222 = HEAP16[$arrayidx316>>1]|0; $conv317 = $222 << 16 >> 16; $mul318 = Math_imul($and315, $conv317)|0; $shr319 = $mul318 >> 16; $add320 = (($mul311) + ($shr319))|0; $add321 = (($210) + ($add320))|0; $res_Q6 = $add321; $223 = $res_Q6; $224 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx322 = ((($224)) + 12|0); $225 = HEAP32[$arrayidx322>>2]|0; $226 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx323 = ((($226)) + 80|0); $227 = HEAP32[$arrayidx323>>2]|0; $add324 = (($225) + ($227))|0; $shr325 = $add324 >> 16; $228 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx326 = ((($228)) + 6|0); $229 = HEAP16[$arrayidx326>>1]|0; $conv327 = $229 << 16 >> 16; $mul328 = Math_imul($shr325, $conv327)|0; $230 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx329 = ((($230)) + 12|0); $231 = HEAP32[$arrayidx329>>2]|0; $232 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx330 = ((($232)) + 80|0); $233 = HEAP32[$arrayidx330>>2]|0; $add331 = (($231) + ($233))|0; $and332 = $add331 & 65535; $234 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx333 = ((($234)) + 6|0); $235 = HEAP16[$arrayidx333>>1]|0; $conv334 = $235 << 16 >> 16; $mul335 = Math_imul($and332, $conv334)|0; $shr336 = $mul335 >> 16; $add337 = (($mul328) + ($shr336))|0; $add338 = (($223) + ($add337))|0; $res_Q6 = $add338; $236 = $res_Q6; $237 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx339 = ((($237)) + 16|0); $238 = HEAP32[$arrayidx339>>2]|0; $239 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx340 = ((($239)) + 76|0); $240 = HEAP32[$arrayidx340>>2]|0; $add341 = (($238) + ($240))|0; $shr342 = $add341 >> 16; $241 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx343 = ((($241)) + 8|0); $242 = HEAP16[$arrayidx343>>1]|0; $conv344 = $242 << 16 >> 16; $mul345 = Math_imul($shr342, $conv344)|0; $243 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx346 = ((($243)) + 16|0); $244 = HEAP32[$arrayidx346>>2]|0; $245 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx347 = ((($245)) + 76|0); $246 = HEAP32[$arrayidx347>>2]|0; $add348 = (($244) + ($246))|0; $and349 = $add348 & 65535; $247 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx350 = ((($247)) + 8|0); $248 = HEAP16[$arrayidx350>>1]|0; $conv351 = $248 << 16 >> 16; $mul352 = Math_imul($and349, $conv351)|0; $shr353 = $mul352 >> 16; $add354 = (($mul345) + ($shr353))|0; $add355 = (($236) + ($add354))|0; $res_Q6 = $add355; $249 = $res_Q6; $250 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx356 = ((($250)) + 20|0); $251 = HEAP32[$arrayidx356>>2]|0; $252 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx357 = ((($252)) + 72|0); $253 = HEAP32[$arrayidx357>>2]|0; $add358 = (($251) + ($253))|0; $shr359 = $add358 >> 16; $254 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx360 = ((($254)) + 10|0); $255 = HEAP16[$arrayidx360>>1]|0; $conv361 = $255 << 16 >> 16; $mul362 = Math_imul($shr359, $conv361)|0; $256 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx363 = ((($256)) + 20|0); $257 = HEAP32[$arrayidx363>>2]|0; $258 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx364 = ((($258)) + 72|0); $259 = HEAP32[$arrayidx364>>2]|0; $add365 = (($257) + ($259))|0; $and366 = $add365 & 65535; $260 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx367 = ((($260)) + 10|0); $261 = HEAP16[$arrayidx367>>1]|0; $conv368 = $261 << 16 >> 16; $mul369 = Math_imul($and366, $conv368)|0; $shr370 = $mul369 >> 16; $add371 = (($mul362) + ($shr370))|0; $add372 = (($249) + ($add371))|0; $res_Q6 = $add372; $262 = $res_Q6; $263 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx373 = ((($263)) + 24|0); $264 = HEAP32[$arrayidx373>>2]|0; $265 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx374 = ((($265)) + 68|0); $266 = HEAP32[$arrayidx374>>2]|0; $add375 = (($264) + ($266))|0; $shr376 = $add375 >> 16; $267 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx377 = ((($267)) + 12|0); $268 = HEAP16[$arrayidx377>>1]|0; $conv378 = $268 << 16 >> 16; $mul379 = Math_imul($shr376, $conv378)|0; $269 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx380 = ((($269)) + 24|0); $270 = HEAP32[$arrayidx380>>2]|0; $271 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx381 = ((($271)) + 68|0); $272 = HEAP32[$arrayidx381>>2]|0; $add382 = (($270) + ($272))|0; $and383 = $add382 & 65535; $273 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx384 = ((($273)) + 12|0); $274 = HEAP16[$arrayidx384>>1]|0; $conv385 = $274 << 16 >> 16; $mul386 = Math_imul($and383, $conv385)|0; $shr387 = $mul386 >> 16; $add388 = (($mul379) + ($shr387))|0; $add389 = (($262) + ($add388))|0; $res_Q6 = $add389; $275 = $res_Q6; $276 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx390 = ((($276)) + 28|0); $277 = HEAP32[$arrayidx390>>2]|0; $278 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx391 = ((($278)) + 64|0); $279 = HEAP32[$arrayidx391>>2]|0; $add392 = (($277) + ($279))|0; $shr393 = $add392 >> 16; $280 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx394 = ((($280)) + 14|0); $281 = HEAP16[$arrayidx394>>1]|0; $conv395 = $281 << 16 >> 16; $mul396 = Math_imul($shr393, $conv395)|0; $282 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx397 = ((($282)) + 28|0); $283 = HEAP32[$arrayidx397>>2]|0; $284 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx398 = ((($284)) + 64|0); $285 = HEAP32[$arrayidx398>>2]|0; $add399 = (($283) + ($285))|0; $and400 = $add399 & 65535; $286 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx401 = ((($286)) + 14|0); $287 = HEAP16[$arrayidx401>>1]|0; $conv402 = $287 << 16 >> 16; $mul403 = Math_imul($and400, $conv402)|0; $shr404 = $mul403 >> 16; $add405 = (($mul396) + ($shr404))|0; $add406 = (($275) + ($add405))|0; $res_Q6 = $add406; $288 = $res_Q6; $289 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx407 = ((($289)) + 32|0); $290 = HEAP32[$arrayidx407>>2]|0; $291 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx408 = ((($291)) + 60|0); $292 = HEAP32[$arrayidx408>>2]|0; $add409 = (($290) + ($292))|0; $shr410 = $add409 >> 16; $293 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx411 = ((($293)) + 16|0); $294 = HEAP16[$arrayidx411>>1]|0; $conv412 = $294 << 16 >> 16; $mul413 = Math_imul($shr410, $conv412)|0; $295 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx414 = ((($295)) + 32|0); $296 = HEAP32[$arrayidx414>>2]|0; $297 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx415 = ((($297)) + 60|0); $298 = HEAP32[$arrayidx415>>2]|0; $add416 = (($296) + ($298))|0; $and417 = $add416 & 65535; $299 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx418 = ((($299)) + 16|0); $300 = HEAP16[$arrayidx418>>1]|0; $conv419 = $300 << 16 >> 16; $mul420 = Math_imul($and417, $conv419)|0; $shr421 = $mul420 >> 16; $add422 = (($mul413) + ($shr421))|0; $add423 = (($288) + ($add422))|0; $res_Q6 = $add423; $301 = $res_Q6; $302 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx424 = ((($302)) + 36|0); $303 = HEAP32[$arrayidx424>>2]|0; $304 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx425 = ((($304)) + 56|0); $305 = HEAP32[$arrayidx425>>2]|0; $add426 = (($303) + ($305))|0; $shr427 = $add426 >> 16; $306 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx428 = ((($306)) + 18|0); $307 = HEAP16[$arrayidx428>>1]|0; $conv429 = $307 << 16 >> 16; $mul430 = Math_imul($shr427, $conv429)|0; $308 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx431 = ((($308)) + 36|0); $309 = HEAP32[$arrayidx431>>2]|0; $310 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx432 = ((($310)) + 56|0); $311 = HEAP32[$arrayidx432>>2]|0; $add433 = (($309) + ($311))|0; $and434 = $add433 & 65535; $312 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx435 = ((($312)) + 18|0); $313 = HEAP16[$arrayidx435>>1]|0; $conv436 = $313 << 16 >> 16; $mul437 = Math_imul($and434, $conv436)|0; $shr438 = $mul437 >> 16; $add439 = (($mul430) + ($shr438))|0; $add440 = (($301) + ($add439))|0; $res_Q6 = $add440; $314 = $res_Q6; $315 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx441 = ((($315)) + 40|0); $316 = HEAP32[$arrayidx441>>2]|0; $317 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx442 = ((($317)) + 52|0); $318 = HEAP32[$arrayidx442>>2]|0; $add443 = (($316) + ($318))|0; $shr444 = $add443 >> 16; $319 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx445 = ((($319)) + 20|0); $320 = HEAP16[$arrayidx445>>1]|0; $conv446 = $320 << 16 >> 16; $mul447 = Math_imul($shr444, $conv446)|0; $321 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx448 = ((($321)) + 40|0); $322 = HEAP32[$arrayidx448>>2]|0; $323 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx449 = ((($323)) + 52|0); $324 = HEAP32[$arrayidx449>>2]|0; $add450 = (($322) + ($324))|0; $and451 = $add450 & 65535; $325 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx452 = ((($325)) + 20|0); $326 = HEAP16[$arrayidx452>>1]|0; $conv453 = $326 << 16 >> 16; $mul454 = Math_imul($and451, $conv453)|0; $shr455 = $mul454 >> 16; $add456 = (($mul447) + ($shr455))|0; $add457 = (($314) + ($add456))|0; $res_Q6 = $add457; $327 = $res_Q6; $328 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx458 = ((($328)) + 44|0); $329 = HEAP32[$arrayidx458>>2]|0; $330 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx459 = ((($330)) + 48|0); $331 = HEAP32[$arrayidx459>>2]|0; $add460 = (($329) + ($331))|0; $shr461 = $add460 >> 16; $332 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx462 = ((($332)) + 22|0); $333 = HEAP16[$arrayidx462>>1]|0; $conv463 = $333 << 16 >> 16; $mul464 = Math_imul($shr461, $conv463)|0; $334 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx465 = ((($334)) + 44|0); $335 = HEAP32[$arrayidx465>>2]|0; $336 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx466 = ((($336)) + 48|0); $337 = HEAP32[$arrayidx466>>2]|0; $add467 = (($335) + ($337))|0; $and468 = $add467 & 65535; $338 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx469 = ((($338)) + 22|0); $339 = HEAP16[$arrayidx469>>1]|0; $conv470 = $339 << 16 >> 16; $mul471 = Math_imul($and468, $conv470)|0; $shr472 = $mul471 >> 16; $add473 = (($mul464) + ($shr472))|0; $add474 = (($327) + ($add473))|0; $res_Q6 = $add474; $340 = $res_Q6; $shr475 = $340 >> 5; $add476 = (($shr475) + 1)|0; $shr477 = $add476 >> 1; $cmp478 = ($shr477|0)>(32767); if ($cmp478) { $cond495 = 32767; } else { $341 = $res_Q6; $shr482 = $341 >> 5; $add483 = (($shr482) + 1)|0; $shr484 = $add483 >> 1; $cmp485 = ($shr484|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp485) { $cond495 = -32768; } else { $342 = $res_Q6; $shr489 = $342 >> 5; $add490 = (($shr489) + 1)|0; $shr491 = $add490 >> 1; $cond495 = $shr491; } } $conv496 = $cond495&65535; $343 = $out$addr; $incdec$ptr497 = ((($343)) + 2|0); $out$addr = $incdec$ptr497; HEAP16[$343>>1] = $conv496; $344 = $index_increment_Q16$addr; $345 = $index_Q16; $add499 = (($345) + ($344))|0; $index_Q16 = $add499; } $589 = $out$addr; STACKTOP = sp;return ($589|0); break; } case 36: { $index_Q16 = 0; while(1) { $346 = $index_Q16; $347 = $max_index_Q16$addr; $cmp503 = ($346|0)<($347|0); if (!($cmp503)) { break; } $348 = $buf$addr; $349 = $index_Q16; $shr506 = $349 >> 16; $add$ptr507 = (($348) + ($shr506<<2)|0); $buf_ptr = $add$ptr507; $350 = $buf_ptr; $351 = HEAP32[$350>>2]|0; $352 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx509 = ((($352)) + 140|0); $353 = HEAP32[$arrayidx509>>2]|0; $add510 = (($351) + ($353))|0; $shr511 = $add510 >> 16; $354 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $355 = HEAP16[$354>>1]|0; $conv513 = $355 << 16 >> 16; $mul514 = Math_imul($shr511, $conv513)|0; $356 = $buf_ptr; $357 = HEAP32[$356>>2]|0; $358 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx516 = ((($358)) + 140|0); $359 = HEAP32[$arrayidx516>>2]|0; $add517 = (($357) + ($359))|0; $and518 = $add517 & 65535; $360 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $361 = HEAP16[$360>>1]|0; $conv520 = $361 << 16 >> 16; $mul521 = Math_imul($and518, $conv520)|0; $shr522 = $mul521 >> 16; $add523 = (($mul514) + ($shr522))|0; $res_Q6 = $add523; $362 = $res_Q6; $363 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx524 = ((($363)) + 4|0); $364 = HEAP32[$arrayidx524>>2]|0; $365 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx525 = ((($365)) + 136|0); $366 = HEAP32[$arrayidx525>>2]|0; $add526 = (($364) + ($366))|0; $shr527 = $add526 >> 16; $367 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx528 = ((($367)) + 2|0); $368 = HEAP16[$arrayidx528>>1]|0; $conv529 = $368 << 16 >> 16; $mul530 = Math_imul($shr527, $conv529)|0; $369 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx531 = ((($369)) + 4|0); $370 = HEAP32[$arrayidx531>>2]|0; $371 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx532 = ((($371)) + 136|0); $372 = HEAP32[$arrayidx532>>2]|0; $add533 = (($370) + ($372))|0; $and534 = $add533 & 65535; $373 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx535 = ((($373)) + 2|0); $374 = HEAP16[$arrayidx535>>1]|0; $conv536 = $374 << 16 >> 16; $mul537 = Math_imul($and534, $conv536)|0; $shr538 = $mul537 >> 16; $add539 = (($mul530) + ($shr538))|0; $add540 = (($362) + ($add539))|0; $res_Q6 = $add540; $375 = $res_Q6; $376 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx541 = ((($376)) + 8|0); $377 = HEAP32[$arrayidx541>>2]|0; $378 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx542 = ((($378)) + 132|0); $379 = HEAP32[$arrayidx542>>2]|0; $add543 = (($377) + ($379))|0; $shr544 = $add543 >> 16; $380 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx545 = ((($380)) + 4|0); $381 = HEAP16[$arrayidx545>>1]|0; $conv546 = $381 << 16 >> 16; $mul547 = Math_imul($shr544, $conv546)|0; $382 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx548 = ((($382)) + 8|0); $383 = HEAP32[$arrayidx548>>2]|0; $384 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx549 = ((($384)) + 132|0); $385 = HEAP32[$arrayidx549>>2]|0; $add550 = (($383) + ($385))|0; $and551 = $add550 & 65535; $386 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx552 = ((($386)) + 4|0); $387 = HEAP16[$arrayidx552>>1]|0; $conv553 = $387 << 16 >> 16; $mul554 = Math_imul($and551, $conv553)|0; $shr555 = $mul554 >> 16; $add556 = (($mul547) + ($shr555))|0; $add557 = (($375) + ($add556))|0; $res_Q6 = $add557; $388 = $res_Q6; $389 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx558 = ((($389)) + 12|0); $390 = HEAP32[$arrayidx558>>2]|0; $391 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx559 = ((($391)) + 128|0); $392 = HEAP32[$arrayidx559>>2]|0; $add560 = (($390) + ($392))|0; $shr561 = $add560 >> 16; $393 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx562 = ((($393)) + 6|0); $394 = HEAP16[$arrayidx562>>1]|0; $conv563 = $394 << 16 >> 16; $mul564 = Math_imul($shr561, $conv563)|0; $395 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx565 = ((($395)) + 12|0); $396 = HEAP32[$arrayidx565>>2]|0; $397 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx566 = ((($397)) + 128|0); $398 = HEAP32[$arrayidx566>>2]|0; $add567 = (($396) + ($398))|0; $and568 = $add567 & 65535; $399 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx569 = ((($399)) + 6|0); $400 = HEAP16[$arrayidx569>>1]|0; $conv570 = $400 << 16 >> 16; $mul571 = Math_imul($and568, $conv570)|0; $shr572 = $mul571 >> 16; $add573 = (($mul564) + ($shr572))|0; $add574 = (($388) + ($add573))|0; $res_Q6 = $add574; $401 = $res_Q6; $402 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx575 = ((($402)) + 16|0); $403 = HEAP32[$arrayidx575>>2]|0; $404 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx576 = ((($404)) + 124|0); $405 = HEAP32[$arrayidx576>>2]|0; $add577 = (($403) + ($405))|0; $shr578 = $add577 >> 16; $406 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx579 = ((($406)) + 8|0); $407 = HEAP16[$arrayidx579>>1]|0; $conv580 = $407 << 16 >> 16; $mul581 = Math_imul($shr578, $conv580)|0; $408 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx582 = ((($408)) + 16|0); $409 = HEAP32[$arrayidx582>>2]|0; $410 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx583 = ((($410)) + 124|0); $411 = HEAP32[$arrayidx583>>2]|0; $add584 = (($409) + ($411))|0; $and585 = $add584 & 65535; $412 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx586 = ((($412)) + 8|0); $413 = HEAP16[$arrayidx586>>1]|0; $conv587 = $413 << 16 >> 16; $mul588 = Math_imul($and585, $conv587)|0; $shr589 = $mul588 >> 16; $add590 = (($mul581) + ($shr589))|0; $add591 = (($401) + ($add590))|0; $res_Q6 = $add591; $414 = $res_Q6; $415 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx592 = ((($415)) + 20|0); $416 = HEAP32[$arrayidx592>>2]|0; $417 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx593 = ((($417)) + 120|0); $418 = HEAP32[$arrayidx593>>2]|0; $add594 = (($416) + ($418))|0; $shr595 = $add594 >> 16; $419 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx596 = ((($419)) + 10|0); $420 = HEAP16[$arrayidx596>>1]|0; $conv597 = $420 << 16 >> 16; $mul598 = Math_imul($shr595, $conv597)|0; $421 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx599 = ((($421)) + 20|0); $422 = HEAP32[$arrayidx599>>2]|0; $423 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx600 = ((($423)) + 120|0); $424 = HEAP32[$arrayidx600>>2]|0; $add601 = (($422) + ($424))|0; $and602 = $add601 & 65535; $425 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx603 = ((($425)) + 10|0); $426 = HEAP16[$arrayidx603>>1]|0; $conv604 = $426 << 16 >> 16; $mul605 = Math_imul($and602, $conv604)|0; $shr606 = $mul605 >> 16; $add607 = (($mul598) + ($shr606))|0; $add608 = (($414) + ($add607))|0; $res_Q6 = $add608; $427 = $res_Q6; $428 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx609 = ((($428)) + 24|0); $429 = HEAP32[$arrayidx609>>2]|0; $430 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx610 = ((($430)) + 116|0); $431 = HEAP32[$arrayidx610>>2]|0; $add611 = (($429) + ($431))|0; $shr612 = $add611 >> 16; $432 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx613 = ((($432)) + 12|0); $433 = HEAP16[$arrayidx613>>1]|0; $conv614 = $433 << 16 >> 16; $mul615 = Math_imul($shr612, $conv614)|0; $434 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx616 = ((($434)) + 24|0); $435 = HEAP32[$arrayidx616>>2]|0; $436 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx617 = ((($436)) + 116|0); $437 = HEAP32[$arrayidx617>>2]|0; $add618 = (($435) + ($437))|0; $and619 = $add618 & 65535; $438 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx620 = ((($438)) + 12|0); $439 = HEAP16[$arrayidx620>>1]|0; $conv621 = $439 << 16 >> 16; $mul622 = Math_imul($and619, $conv621)|0; $shr623 = $mul622 >> 16; $add624 = (($mul615) + ($shr623))|0; $add625 = (($427) + ($add624))|0; $res_Q6 = $add625; $440 = $res_Q6; $441 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx626 = ((($441)) + 28|0); $442 = HEAP32[$arrayidx626>>2]|0; $443 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx627 = ((($443)) + 112|0); $444 = HEAP32[$arrayidx627>>2]|0; $add628 = (($442) + ($444))|0; $shr629 = $add628 >> 16; $445 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx630 = ((($445)) + 14|0); $446 = HEAP16[$arrayidx630>>1]|0; $conv631 = $446 << 16 >> 16; $mul632 = Math_imul($shr629, $conv631)|0; $447 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx633 = ((($447)) + 28|0); $448 = HEAP32[$arrayidx633>>2]|0; $449 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx634 = ((($449)) + 112|0); $450 = HEAP32[$arrayidx634>>2]|0; $add635 = (($448) + ($450))|0; $and636 = $add635 & 65535; $451 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx637 = ((($451)) + 14|0); $452 = HEAP16[$arrayidx637>>1]|0; $conv638 = $452 << 16 >> 16; $mul639 = Math_imul($and636, $conv638)|0; $shr640 = $mul639 >> 16; $add641 = (($mul632) + ($shr640))|0; $add642 = (($440) + ($add641))|0; $res_Q6 = $add642; $453 = $res_Q6; $454 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx643 = ((($454)) + 32|0); $455 = HEAP32[$arrayidx643>>2]|0; $456 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx644 = ((($456)) + 108|0); $457 = HEAP32[$arrayidx644>>2]|0; $add645 = (($455) + ($457))|0; $shr646 = $add645 >> 16; $458 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx647 = ((($458)) + 16|0); $459 = HEAP16[$arrayidx647>>1]|0; $conv648 = $459 << 16 >> 16; $mul649 = Math_imul($shr646, $conv648)|0; $460 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx650 = ((($460)) + 32|0); $461 = HEAP32[$arrayidx650>>2]|0; $462 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx651 = ((($462)) + 108|0); $463 = HEAP32[$arrayidx651>>2]|0; $add652 = (($461) + ($463))|0; $and653 = $add652 & 65535; $464 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx654 = ((($464)) + 16|0); $465 = HEAP16[$arrayidx654>>1]|0; $conv655 = $465 << 16 >> 16; $mul656 = Math_imul($and653, $conv655)|0; $shr657 = $mul656 >> 16; $add658 = (($mul649) + ($shr657))|0; $add659 = (($453) + ($add658))|0; $res_Q6 = $add659; $466 = $res_Q6; $467 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx660 = ((($467)) + 36|0); $468 = HEAP32[$arrayidx660>>2]|0; $469 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx661 = ((($469)) + 104|0); $470 = HEAP32[$arrayidx661>>2]|0; $add662 = (($468) + ($470))|0; $shr663 = $add662 >> 16; $471 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx664 = ((($471)) + 18|0); $472 = HEAP16[$arrayidx664>>1]|0; $conv665 = $472 << 16 >> 16; $mul666 = Math_imul($shr663, $conv665)|0; $473 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx667 = ((($473)) + 36|0); $474 = HEAP32[$arrayidx667>>2]|0; $475 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx668 = ((($475)) + 104|0); $476 = HEAP32[$arrayidx668>>2]|0; $add669 = (($474) + ($476))|0; $and670 = $add669 & 65535; $477 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx671 = ((($477)) + 18|0); $478 = HEAP16[$arrayidx671>>1]|0; $conv672 = $478 << 16 >> 16; $mul673 = Math_imul($and670, $conv672)|0; $shr674 = $mul673 >> 16; $add675 = (($mul666) + ($shr674))|0; $add676 = (($466) + ($add675))|0; $res_Q6 = $add676; $479 = $res_Q6; $480 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx677 = ((($480)) + 40|0); $481 = HEAP32[$arrayidx677>>2]|0; $482 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx678 = ((($482)) + 100|0); $483 = HEAP32[$arrayidx678>>2]|0; $add679 = (($481) + ($483))|0; $shr680 = $add679 >> 16; $484 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx681 = ((($484)) + 20|0); $485 = HEAP16[$arrayidx681>>1]|0; $conv682 = $485 << 16 >> 16; $mul683 = Math_imul($shr680, $conv682)|0; $486 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx684 = ((($486)) + 40|0); $487 = HEAP32[$arrayidx684>>2]|0; $488 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx685 = ((($488)) + 100|0); $489 = HEAP32[$arrayidx685>>2]|0; $add686 = (($487) + ($489))|0; $and687 = $add686 & 65535; $490 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx688 = ((($490)) + 20|0); $491 = HEAP16[$arrayidx688>>1]|0; $conv689 = $491 << 16 >> 16; $mul690 = Math_imul($and687, $conv689)|0; $shr691 = $mul690 >> 16; $add692 = (($mul683) + ($shr691))|0; $add693 = (($479) + ($add692))|0; $res_Q6 = $add693; $492 = $res_Q6; $493 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx694 = ((($493)) + 44|0); $494 = HEAP32[$arrayidx694>>2]|0; $495 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx695 = ((($495)) + 96|0); $496 = HEAP32[$arrayidx695>>2]|0; $add696 = (($494) + ($496))|0; $shr697 = $add696 >> 16; $497 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx698 = ((($497)) + 22|0); $498 = HEAP16[$arrayidx698>>1]|0; $conv699 = $498 << 16 >> 16; $mul700 = Math_imul($shr697, $conv699)|0; $499 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx701 = ((($499)) + 44|0); $500 = HEAP32[$arrayidx701>>2]|0; $501 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx702 = ((($501)) + 96|0); $502 = HEAP32[$arrayidx702>>2]|0; $add703 = (($500) + ($502))|0; $and704 = $add703 & 65535; $503 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx705 = ((($503)) + 22|0); $504 = HEAP16[$arrayidx705>>1]|0; $conv706 = $504 << 16 >> 16; $mul707 = Math_imul($and704, $conv706)|0; $shr708 = $mul707 >> 16; $add709 = (($mul700) + ($shr708))|0; $add710 = (($492) + ($add709))|0; $res_Q6 = $add710; $505 = $res_Q6; $506 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx711 = ((($506)) + 48|0); $507 = HEAP32[$arrayidx711>>2]|0; $508 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx712 = ((($508)) + 92|0); $509 = HEAP32[$arrayidx712>>2]|0; $add713 = (($507) + ($509))|0; $shr714 = $add713 >> 16; $510 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx715 = ((($510)) + 24|0); $511 = HEAP16[$arrayidx715>>1]|0; $conv716 = $511 << 16 >> 16; $mul717 = Math_imul($shr714, $conv716)|0; $512 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx718 = ((($512)) + 48|0); $513 = HEAP32[$arrayidx718>>2]|0; $514 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx719 = ((($514)) + 92|0); $515 = HEAP32[$arrayidx719>>2]|0; $add720 = (($513) + ($515))|0; $and721 = $add720 & 65535; $516 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx722 = ((($516)) + 24|0); $517 = HEAP16[$arrayidx722>>1]|0; $conv723 = $517 << 16 >> 16; $mul724 = Math_imul($and721, $conv723)|0; $shr725 = $mul724 >> 16; $add726 = (($mul717) + ($shr725))|0; $add727 = (($505) + ($add726))|0; $res_Q6 = $add727; $518 = $res_Q6; $519 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx728 = ((($519)) + 52|0); $520 = HEAP32[$arrayidx728>>2]|0; $521 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx729 = ((($521)) + 88|0); $522 = HEAP32[$arrayidx729>>2]|0; $add730 = (($520) + ($522))|0; $shr731 = $add730 >> 16; $523 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx732 = ((($523)) + 26|0); $524 = HEAP16[$arrayidx732>>1]|0; $conv733 = $524 << 16 >> 16; $mul734 = Math_imul($shr731, $conv733)|0; $525 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx735 = ((($525)) + 52|0); $526 = HEAP32[$arrayidx735>>2]|0; $527 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx736 = ((($527)) + 88|0); $528 = HEAP32[$arrayidx736>>2]|0; $add737 = (($526) + ($528))|0; $and738 = $add737 & 65535; $529 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx739 = ((($529)) + 26|0); $530 = HEAP16[$arrayidx739>>1]|0; $conv740 = $530 << 16 >> 16; $mul741 = Math_imul($and738, $conv740)|0; $shr742 = $mul741 >> 16; $add743 = (($mul734) + ($shr742))|0; $add744 = (($518) + ($add743))|0; $res_Q6 = $add744; $531 = $res_Q6; $532 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx745 = ((($532)) + 56|0); $533 = HEAP32[$arrayidx745>>2]|0; $534 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx746 = ((($534)) + 84|0); $535 = HEAP32[$arrayidx746>>2]|0; $add747 = (($533) + ($535))|0; $shr748 = $add747 >> 16; $536 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx749 = ((($536)) + 28|0); $537 = HEAP16[$arrayidx749>>1]|0; $conv750 = $537 << 16 >> 16; $mul751 = Math_imul($shr748, $conv750)|0; $538 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx752 = ((($538)) + 56|0); $539 = HEAP32[$arrayidx752>>2]|0; $540 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx753 = ((($540)) + 84|0); $541 = HEAP32[$arrayidx753>>2]|0; $add754 = (($539) + ($541))|0; $and755 = $add754 & 65535; $542 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx756 = ((($542)) + 28|0); $543 = HEAP16[$arrayidx756>>1]|0; $conv757 = $543 << 16 >> 16; $mul758 = Math_imul($and755, $conv757)|0; $shr759 = $mul758 >> 16; $add760 = (($mul751) + ($shr759))|0; $add761 = (($531) + ($add760))|0; $res_Q6 = $add761; $544 = $res_Q6; $545 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx762 = ((($545)) + 60|0); $546 = HEAP32[$arrayidx762>>2]|0; $547 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx763 = ((($547)) + 80|0); $548 = HEAP32[$arrayidx763>>2]|0; $add764 = (($546) + ($548))|0; $shr765 = $add764 >> 16; $549 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx766 = ((($549)) + 30|0); $550 = HEAP16[$arrayidx766>>1]|0; $conv767 = $550 << 16 >> 16; $mul768 = Math_imul($shr765, $conv767)|0; $551 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx769 = ((($551)) + 60|0); $552 = HEAP32[$arrayidx769>>2]|0; $553 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx770 = ((($553)) + 80|0); $554 = HEAP32[$arrayidx770>>2]|0; $add771 = (($552) + ($554))|0; $and772 = $add771 & 65535; $555 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx773 = ((($555)) + 30|0); $556 = HEAP16[$arrayidx773>>1]|0; $conv774 = $556 << 16 >> 16; $mul775 = Math_imul($and772, $conv774)|0; $shr776 = $mul775 >> 16; $add777 = (($mul768) + ($shr776))|0; $add778 = (($544) + ($add777))|0; $res_Q6 = $add778; $557 = $res_Q6; $558 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx779 = ((($558)) + 64|0); $559 = HEAP32[$arrayidx779>>2]|0; $560 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx780 = ((($560)) + 76|0); $561 = HEAP32[$arrayidx780>>2]|0; $add781 = (($559) + ($561))|0; $shr782 = $add781 >> 16; $562 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx783 = ((($562)) + 32|0); $563 = HEAP16[$arrayidx783>>1]|0; $conv784 = $563 << 16 >> 16; $mul785 = Math_imul($shr782, $conv784)|0; $564 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx786 = ((($564)) + 64|0); $565 = HEAP32[$arrayidx786>>2]|0; $566 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx787 = ((($566)) + 76|0); $567 = HEAP32[$arrayidx787>>2]|0; $add788 = (($565) + ($567))|0; $and789 = $add788 & 65535; $568 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx790 = ((($568)) + 32|0); $569 = HEAP16[$arrayidx790>>1]|0; $conv791 = $569 << 16 >> 16; $mul792 = Math_imul($and789, $conv791)|0; $shr793 = $mul792 >> 16; $add794 = (($mul785) + ($shr793))|0; $add795 = (($557) + ($add794))|0; $res_Q6 = $add795; $570 = $res_Q6; $571 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx796 = ((($571)) + 68|0); $572 = HEAP32[$arrayidx796>>2]|0; $573 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx797 = ((($573)) + 72|0); $574 = HEAP32[$arrayidx797>>2]|0; $add798 = (($572) + ($574))|0; $shr799 = $add798 >> 16; $575 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx800 = ((($575)) + 34|0); $576 = HEAP16[$arrayidx800>>1]|0; $conv801 = $576 << 16 >> 16; $mul802 = Math_imul($shr799, $conv801)|0; $577 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx803 = ((($577)) + 68|0); $578 = HEAP32[$arrayidx803>>2]|0; $579 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx804 = ((($579)) + 72|0); $580 = HEAP32[$arrayidx804>>2]|0; $add805 = (($578) + ($580))|0; $and806 = $add805 & 65535; $581 = $FIR_Coefs$addr; $arrayidx807 = ((($581)) + 34|0); $582 = HEAP16[$arrayidx807>>1]|0; $conv808 = $582 << 16 >> 16; $mul809 = Math_imul($and806, $conv808)|0; $shr810 = $mul809 >> 16; $add811 = (($mul802) + ($shr810))|0; $add812 = (($570) + ($add811))|0; $res_Q6 = $add812; $583 = $res_Q6; $shr813 = $583 >> 5; $add814 = (($shr813) + 1)|0; $shr815 = $add814 >> 1; $cmp816 = ($shr815|0)>(32767); if ($cmp816) { $cond833 = 32767; } else { $584 = $res_Q6; $shr820 = $584 >> 5; $add821 = (($shr820) + 1)|0; $shr822 = $add821 >> 1; $cmp823 = ($shr822|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp823) { $cond833 = -32768; } else { $585 = $res_Q6; $shr827 = $585 >> 5; $add828 = (($shr827) + 1)|0; $shr829 = $add828 >> 1; $cond833 = $shr829; } } $conv834 = $cond833&65535; $586 = $out$addr; $incdec$ptr835 = ((($586)) + 2|0); $out$addr = $incdec$ptr835; HEAP16[$586>>1] = $conv834; $587 = $index_increment_Q16$addr; $588 = $index_Q16; $add837 = (($588) + ($587))|0; $index_Q16 = $add837; } $589 = $out$addr; STACKTOP = sp;return ($589|0); break; } default: { $589 = $out$addr; STACKTOP = sp;return ($589|0); } } return (0)|0; } function _silk_resampler_private_IIR_FIR($SS,$out,$in,$inLen) { $SS = $SS|0; $out = $out|0; $in = $in|0; $inLen = $inLen|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $S = 0, $SS$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $batchSize = 0, $batchSize1 = 0, $batchSize2 = 0, $call = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cond = 0, $in$addr = 0, $inLen$addr = 0, $index_increment_Q16 = 0, $invRatio_Q16 = 0, $max_index_Q16 = 0, $mul = 0, $nSamplesIn = 0, $out$addr = 0, $sFIR = 0, $sFIR7 = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shl = 0, $shl10 = 0, $shl5 = 0, $sub = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $SS$addr = $SS; $out$addr = $out; $in$addr = $in; $inLen$addr = $inLen; $0 = $SS$addr; $S = $0; $1 = $S; $batchSize = ((($1)) + 268|0); $2 = HEAP32[$batchSize>>2]|0; $mul = $2<<1; $add = (($mul) + 8)|0; $3 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $3; $vla$alloca_mul = $add<<1; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $4 = $S; $sFIR = ((($4)) + 24|0); ;HEAP16[$vla>>1]=HEAP16[$sFIR>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+2>>1]=HEAP16[$sFIR+2>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+4>>1]=HEAP16[$sFIR+4>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+6>>1]=HEAP16[$sFIR+6>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+8>>1]=HEAP16[$sFIR+8>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+10>>1]=HEAP16[$sFIR+10>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+12>>1]=HEAP16[$sFIR+12>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+14>>1]=HEAP16[$sFIR+14>>1]|0; $5 = $S; $invRatio_Q16 = ((($5)) + 272|0); $6 = HEAP32[$invRatio_Q16>>2]|0; $index_increment_Q16 = $6; while(1) { $7 = $inLen$addr; $8 = $S; $batchSize1 = ((($8)) + 268|0); $9 = HEAP32[$batchSize1>>2]|0; $cmp = ($7|0)<($9|0); if ($cmp) { $10 = $inLen$addr; $cond = $10; } else { $11 = $S; $batchSize2 = ((($11)) + 268|0); $12 = HEAP32[$batchSize2>>2]|0; $cond = $12; } $nSamplesIn = $cond; $13 = $S; $arrayidx = ((($vla)) + 16|0); $14 = $in$addr; $15 = $nSamplesIn; _silk_resampler_private_up2_HQ($13,$arrayidx,$14,$15); $16 = $nSamplesIn; $shl = $16 << 17; $max_index_Q16 = $shl; $17 = $out$addr; $18 = $max_index_Q16; $19 = $index_increment_Q16; $call = (_silk_resampler_private_IIR_FIR_INTERPOL($17,$vla,$18,$19)|0); $out$addr = $call; $20 = $nSamplesIn; $21 = $in$addr; $add$ptr = (($21) + ($20<<1)|0); $in$addr = $add$ptr; $22 = $nSamplesIn; $23 = $inLen$addr; $sub = (($23) - ($22))|0; $inLen$addr = $sub; $24 = $inLen$addr; $cmp4 = ($24|0)>(0); if (!($cmp4)) { break; } $25 = $nSamplesIn; $shl5 = $25 << 1; $arrayidx6 = (($vla) + ($shl5<<1)|0); ;HEAP16[$vla>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx6>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+2>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx6+2>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+4>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx6+4>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+6>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx6+6>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+8>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx6+8>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+10>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx6+10>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+12>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx6+12>>1]|0;HEAP16[$vla+14>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx6+14>>1]|0; } $26 = $S; $sFIR7 = ((($26)) + 24|0); $27 = $nSamplesIn; $shl10 = $27 << 1; $arrayidx11 = (($vla) + ($shl10<<1)|0); ;HEAP16[$sFIR7>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx11>>1]|0;HEAP16[$sFIR7+2>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx11+2>>1]|0;HEAP16[$sFIR7+4>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx11+4>>1]|0;HEAP16[$sFIR7+6>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx11+6>>1]|0;HEAP16[$sFIR7+8>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx11+8>>1]|0;HEAP16[$sFIR7+10>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx11+10>>1]|0;HEAP16[$sFIR7+12>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx11+12>>1]|0;HEAP16[$sFIR7+14>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx11+14>>1]|0; $28 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($28|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_resampler_private_IIR_FIR_INTERPOL($out,$buf,$max_index_Q16,$index_increment_Q16) { $out = $out|0; $buf = $buf|0; $max_index_Q16 = $max_index_Q16|0; $index_increment_Q16 = $index_increment_Q16|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add17 = 0, $add24 = 0, $add31 = 0, $add38 = 0, $add46 = 0, $add54 = 0, $add62 = 0; var $add64 = 0, $add69 = 0, $add76 = 0, $add81 = 0, $and = 0, $and1 = 0, $and2 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0; var $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx51 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $buf$addr = 0, $buf_ptr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp66 = 0, $cmp71 = 0, $cond79 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv22 = 0; var $conv26 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv33 = 0, $conv36 = 0, $conv40 = 0, $conv44 = 0, $conv48 = 0, $conv52 = 0, $conv56 = 0, $conv60 = 0, $conv80 = 0, $conv9 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $index_Q16 = 0, $index_increment_Q16$addr = 0, $max_index_Q16$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul10 = 0, $mul16 = 0, $mul23 = 0; var $mul3 = 0, $mul30 = 0, $mul37 = 0, $mul45 = 0, $mul53 = 0, $mul61 = 0, $out$addr = 0, $res_Q15 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr4 = 0, $shr5 = 0, $shr63 = 0, $shr65 = 0, $shr68 = 0, $shr70 = 0, $shr75 = 0, $shr77 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub41 = 0, $sub49 = 0; var $sub57 = 0, $table_index = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $out$addr = $out; $buf$addr = $buf; $max_index_Q16$addr = $max_index_Q16; $index_increment_Q16$addr = $index_increment_Q16; $index_Q16 = 0; while(1) { $0 = $index_Q16; $1 = $max_index_Q16$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $index_Q16; $and = $2 & 65535; $shr = $and >> 16; $mul = ($shr*12)|0; $3 = $index_Q16; $and1 = $3 & 65535; $and2 = $and1 & 65535; $mul3 = ($and2*12)|0; $shr4 = $mul3 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr4))|0; $table_index = $add; $4 = $buf$addr; $5 = $index_Q16; $shr5 = $5 >> 16; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($shr5<<1)|0); $buf_ptr = $arrayidx; $6 = $buf_ptr; $7 = HEAP16[$6>>1]|0; $conv = $7 << 16 >> 16; $8 = $table_index; $arrayidx7 = (25282 + ($8<<3)|0); $9 = HEAP16[$arrayidx7>>1]|0; $conv9 = $9 << 16 >> 16; $mul10 = Math_imul($conv, $conv9)|0; $res_Q15 = $mul10; $10 = $res_Q15; $11 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx11 = ((($11)) + 2|0); $12 = HEAP16[$arrayidx11>>1]|0; $conv12 = $12 << 16 >> 16; $13 = $table_index; $arrayidx13 = (25282 + ($13<<3)|0); $arrayidx14 = ((($arrayidx13)) + 2|0); $14 = HEAP16[$arrayidx14>>1]|0; $conv15 = $14 << 16 >> 16; $mul16 = Math_imul($conv12, $conv15)|0; $add17 = (($10) + ($mul16))|0; $res_Q15 = $add17; $15 = $res_Q15; $16 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx18 = ((($16)) + 4|0); $17 = HEAP16[$arrayidx18>>1]|0; $conv19 = $17 << 16 >> 16; $18 = $table_index; $arrayidx20 = (25282 + ($18<<3)|0); $arrayidx21 = ((($arrayidx20)) + 4|0); $19 = HEAP16[$arrayidx21>>1]|0; $conv22 = $19 << 16 >> 16; $mul23 = Math_imul($conv19, $conv22)|0; $add24 = (($15) + ($mul23))|0; $res_Q15 = $add24; $20 = $res_Q15; $21 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx25 = ((($21)) + 6|0); $22 = HEAP16[$arrayidx25>>1]|0; $conv26 = $22 << 16 >> 16; $23 = $table_index; $arrayidx27 = (25282 + ($23<<3)|0); $arrayidx28 = ((($arrayidx27)) + 6|0); $24 = HEAP16[$arrayidx28>>1]|0; $conv29 = $24 << 16 >> 16; $mul30 = Math_imul($conv26, $conv29)|0; $add31 = (($20) + ($mul30))|0; $res_Q15 = $add31; $25 = $res_Q15; $26 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx32 = ((($26)) + 8|0); $27 = HEAP16[$arrayidx32>>1]|0; $conv33 = $27 << 16 >> 16; $28 = $table_index; $sub = (11 - ($28))|0; $arrayidx34 = (25282 + ($sub<<3)|0); $arrayidx35 = ((($arrayidx34)) + 6|0); $29 = HEAP16[$arrayidx35>>1]|0; $conv36 = $29 << 16 >> 16; $mul37 = Math_imul($conv33, $conv36)|0; $add38 = (($25) + ($mul37))|0; $res_Q15 = $add38; $30 = $res_Q15; $31 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx39 = ((($31)) + 10|0); $32 = HEAP16[$arrayidx39>>1]|0; $conv40 = $32 << 16 >> 16; $33 = $table_index; $sub41 = (11 - ($33))|0; $arrayidx42 = (25282 + ($sub41<<3)|0); $arrayidx43 = ((($arrayidx42)) + 4|0); $34 = HEAP16[$arrayidx43>>1]|0; $conv44 = $34 << 16 >> 16; $mul45 = Math_imul($conv40, $conv44)|0; $add46 = (($30) + ($mul45))|0; $res_Q15 = $add46; $35 = $res_Q15; $36 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx47 = ((($36)) + 12|0); $37 = HEAP16[$arrayidx47>>1]|0; $conv48 = $37 << 16 >> 16; $38 = $table_index; $sub49 = (11 - ($38))|0; $arrayidx50 = (25282 + ($sub49<<3)|0); $arrayidx51 = ((($arrayidx50)) + 2|0); $39 = HEAP16[$arrayidx51>>1]|0; $conv52 = $39 << 16 >> 16; $mul53 = Math_imul($conv48, $conv52)|0; $add54 = (($35) + ($mul53))|0; $res_Q15 = $add54; $40 = $res_Q15; $41 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx55 = ((($41)) + 14|0); $42 = HEAP16[$arrayidx55>>1]|0; $conv56 = $42 << 16 >> 16; $43 = $table_index; $sub57 = (11 - ($43))|0; $arrayidx58 = (25282 + ($sub57<<3)|0); $44 = HEAP16[$arrayidx58>>1]|0; $conv60 = $44 << 16 >> 16; $mul61 = Math_imul($conv56, $conv60)|0; $add62 = (($40) + ($mul61))|0; $res_Q15 = $add62; $45 = $res_Q15; $shr63 = $45 >> 14; $add64 = (($shr63) + 1)|0; $shr65 = $add64 >> 1; $cmp66 = ($shr65|0)>(32767); if ($cmp66) { $cond79 = 32767; } else { $46 = $res_Q15; $shr68 = $46 >> 14; $add69 = (($shr68) + 1)|0; $shr70 = $add69 >> 1; $cmp71 = ($shr70|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp71) { $cond79 = -32768; } else { $47 = $res_Q15; $shr75 = $47 >> 14; $add76 = (($shr75) + 1)|0; $shr77 = $add76 >> 1; $cond79 = $shr77; } } $conv80 = $cond79&65535; $48 = $out$addr; $incdec$ptr = ((($48)) + 2|0); $out$addr = $incdec$ptr; HEAP16[$48>>1] = $conv80; $49 = $index_increment_Q16$addr; $50 = $index_Q16; $add81 = (($50) + ($49))|0; $index_Q16 = $add81; } $51 = $out$addr; STACKTOP = sp;return ($51|0); } function _silk_resampler_private_up2_HQ($S,$out,$in,$len) { $S = $S|0; $out = $out|0; $in = $in|0; $len = $len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $S$addr = 0, $X = 0, $Y = 0, $add = 0; var $add100 = 0, $add103 = 0, $add110 = 0, $add117 = 0, $add125 = 0, $add19 = 0, $add21 = 0, $add22 = 0, $add33 = 0, $add34 = 0, $add36 = 0, $add37 = 0, $add40 = 0, $add45 = 0, $add52 = 0, $add68 = 0, $add7 = 0, $add70 = 0, $add71 = 0, $add8 = 0; var $add82 = 0, $add84 = 0, $add85 = 0, $add96 = 0, $add97 = 0, $add99 = 0, $and = 0, $and15 = 0, $and29 = 0, $and64 = 0, $and78 = 0, $and92 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx101 = 0, $arrayidx126 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0; var $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx59 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx72 = 0, $arrayidx73 = 0, $arrayidx83 = 0, $arrayidx86 = 0, $arrayidx87 = 0, $arrayidx98 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp105 = 0, $cmp112 = 0, $cmp42 = 0, $cmp47 = 0, $cond122 = 0, $cond55 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv123 = 0, $conv13 = 0; var $conv16 = 0, $conv2 = 0, $conv27 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $conv56 = 0, $conv62 = 0, $conv65 = 0, $conv76 = 0, $conv79 = 0, $conv90 = 0, $conv93 = 0, $in$addr = 0, $in32 = 0, $inc = 0, $k = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul124 = 0, $mul14 = 0; var $mul17 = 0, $mul28 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul4 = 0, $mul57 = 0, $mul63 = 0, $mul66 = 0, $mul77 = 0, $mul80 = 0, $mul91 = 0, $mul94 = 0, $out$addr = 0, $out32_1 = 0, $out32_2 = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr102 = 0, $shr104 = 0, $shr109 = 0, $shr111 = 0; var $shr116 = 0, $shr118 = 0, $shr12 = 0, $shr18 = 0, $shr26 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr39 = 0, $shr41 = 0, $shr44 = 0, $shr46 = 0, $shr5 = 0, $shr51 = 0, $shr53 = 0, $shr61 = 0, $shr67 = 0, $shr75 = 0, $shr81 = 0, $shr89 = 0, $shr95 = 0, $sub = 0; var $sub11 = 0, $sub25 = 0, $sub60 = 0, $sub74 = 0, $sub88 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $S$addr = $S; $out$addr = $out; $in$addr = $in; $len$addr = $len; $k = 0; while(1) { $0 = $k; $1 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $in$addr; $3 = $k; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<1)|0); $4 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $4 << 16 >> 16; $shl = $conv << 10; $in32 = $shl; $5 = $in32; $6 = $S$addr; $7 = HEAP32[$6>>2]|0; $sub = (($5) - ($7))|0; $Y = $sub; $8 = $Y; $shr = $8 >> 16; $9 = HEAP16[12506]|0; $conv2 = $9 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr, $conv2)|0; $10 = $Y; $and = $10 & 65535; $11 = HEAP16[12506]|0; $conv3 = $11 << 16 >> 16; $mul4 = Math_imul($and, $conv3)|0; $shr5 = $mul4 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr5))|0; $X = $add; $12 = $S$addr; $13 = HEAP32[$12>>2]|0; $14 = $X; $add7 = (($13) + ($14))|0; $out32_1 = $add7; $15 = $in32; $16 = $X; $add8 = (($15) + ($16))|0; $17 = $S$addr; HEAP32[$17>>2] = $add8; $18 = $out32_1; $19 = $S$addr; $arrayidx10 = ((($19)) + 4|0); $20 = HEAP32[$arrayidx10>>2]|0; $sub11 = (($18) - ($20))|0; $Y = $sub11; $21 = $Y; $shr12 = $21 >> 16; $22 = HEAP16[(25014)>>1]|0; $conv13 = $22 << 16 >> 16; $mul14 = Math_imul($shr12, $conv13)|0; $23 = $Y; $and15 = $23 & 65535; $24 = HEAP16[(25014)>>1]|0; $conv16 = $24 << 16 >> 16; $mul17 = Math_imul($and15, $conv16)|0; $shr18 = $mul17 >> 16; $add19 = (($mul14) + ($shr18))|0; $X = $add19; $25 = $S$addr; $arrayidx20 = ((($25)) + 4|0); $26 = HEAP32[$arrayidx20>>2]|0; $27 = $X; $add21 = (($26) + ($27))|0; $out32_2 = $add21; $28 = $out32_1; $29 = $X; $add22 = (($28) + ($29))|0; $30 = $S$addr; $arrayidx23 = ((($30)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx23>>2] = $add22; $31 = $out32_2; $32 = $S$addr; $arrayidx24 = ((($32)) + 8|0); $33 = HEAP32[$arrayidx24>>2]|0; $sub25 = (($31) - ($33))|0; $Y = $sub25; $34 = $Y; $35 = $Y; $shr26 = $35 >> 16; $36 = HEAP16[(25016)>>1]|0; $conv27 = $36 << 16 >> 16; $mul28 = Math_imul($shr26, $conv27)|0; $37 = $Y; $and29 = $37 & 65535; $38 = HEAP16[(25016)>>1]|0; $conv30 = $38 << 16 >> 16; $mul31 = Math_imul($and29, $conv30)|0; $shr32 = $mul31 >> 16; $add33 = (($mul28) + ($shr32))|0; $add34 = (($34) + ($add33))|0; $X = $add34; $39 = $S$addr; $arrayidx35 = ((($39)) + 8|0); $40 = HEAP32[$arrayidx35>>2]|0; $41 = $X; $add36 = (($40) + ($41))|0; $out32_1 = $add36; $42 = $out32_2; $43 = $X; $add37 = (($42) + ($43))|0; $44 = $S$addr; $arrayidx38 = ((($44)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx38>>2] = $add37; $45 = $out32_1; $shr39 = $45 >> 9; $add40 = (($shr39) + 1)|0; $shr41 = $add40 >> 1; $cmp42 = ($shr41|0)>(32767); if ($cmp42) { $cond55 = 32767; } else { $46 = $out32_1; $shr44 = $46 >> 9; $add45 = (($shr44) + 1)|0; $shr46 = $add45 >> 1; $cmp47 = ($shr46|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp47) { $cond55 = -32768; } else { $47 = $out32_1; $shr51 = $47 >> 9; $add52 = (($shr51) + 1)|0; $shr53 = $add52 >> 1; $cond55 = $shr53; } } $conv56 = $cond55&65535; $48 = $out$addr; $49 = $k; $mul57 = $49<<1; $arrayidx58 = (($48) + ($mul57<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx58>>1] = $conv56; $50 = $in32; $51 = $S$addr; $arrayidx59 = ((($51)) + 12|0); $52 = HEAP32[$arrayidx59>>2]|0; $sub60 = (($50) - ($52))|0; $Y = $sub60; $53 = $Y; $shr61 = $53 >> 16; $54 = HEAP16[12509]|0; $conv62 = $54 << 16 >> 16; $mul63 = Math_imul($shr61, $conv62)|0; $55 = $Y; $and64 = $55 & 65535; $56 = HEAP16[12509]|0; $conv65 = $56 << 16 >> 16; $mul66 = Math_imul($and64, $conv65)|0; $shr67 = $mul66 >> 16; $add68 = (($mul63) + ($shr67))|0; $X = $add68; $57 = $S$addr; $arrayidx69 = ((($57)) + 12|0); $58 = HEAP32[$arrayidx69>>2]|0; $59 = $X; $add70 = (($58) + ($59))|0; $out32_1 = $add70; $60 = $in32; $61 = $X; $add71 = (($60) + ($61))|0; $62 = $S$addr; $arrayidx72 = ((($62)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx72>>2] = $add71; $63 = $out32_1; $64 = $S$addr; $arrayidx73 = ((($64)) + 16|0); $65 = HEAP32[$arrayidx73>>2]|0; $sub74 = (($63) - ($65))|0; $Y = $sub74; $66 = $Y; $shr75 = $66 >> 16; $67 = HEAP16[(25020)>>1]|0; $conv76 = $67 << 16 >> 16; $mul77 = Math_imul($shr75, $conv76)|0; $68 = $Y; $and78 = $68 & 65535; $69 = HEAP16[(25020)>>1]|0; $conv79 = $69 << 16 >> 16; $mul80 = Math_imul($and78, $conv79)|0; $shr81 = $mul80 >> 16; $add82 = (($mul77) + ($shr81))|0; $X = $add82; $70 = $S$addr; $arrayidx83 = ((($70)) + 16|0); $71 = HEAP32[$arrayidx83>>2]|0; $72 = $X; $add84 = (($71) + ($72))|0; $out32_2 = $add84; $73 = $out32_1; $74 = $X; $add85 = (($73) + ($74))|0; $75 = $S$addr; $arrayidx86 = ((($75)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx86>>2] = $add85; $76 = $out32_2; $77 = $S$addr; $arrayidx87 = ((($77)) + 20|0); $78 = HEAP32[$arrayidx87>>2]|0; $sub88 = (($76) - ($78))|0; $Y = $sub88; $79 = $Y; $80 = $Y; $shr89 = $80 >> 16; $81 = HEAP16[(25022)>>1]|0; $conv90 = $81 << 16 >> 16; $mul91 = Math_imul($shr89, $conv90)|0; $82 = $Y; $and92 = $82 & 65535; $83 = HEAP16[(25022)>>1]|0; $conv93 = $83 << 16 >> 16; $mul94 = Math_imul($and92, $conv93)|0; $shr95 = $mul94 >> 16; $add96 = (($mul91) + ($shr95))|0; $add97 = (($79) + ($add96))|0; $X = $add97; $84 = $S$addr; $arrayidx98 = ((($84)) + 20|0); $85 = HEAP32[$arrayidx98>>2]|0; $86 = $X; $add99 = (($85) + ($86))|0; $out32_1 = $add99; $87 = $out32_2; $88 = $X; $add100 = (($87) + ($88))|0; $89 = $S$addr; $arrayidx101 = ((($89)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx101>>2] = $add100; $90 = $out32_1; $shr102 = $90 >> 9; $add103 = (($shr102) + 1)|0; $shr104 = $add103 >> 1; $cmp105 = ($shr104|0)>(32767); if ($cmp105) { $cond122 = 32767; } else { $91 = $out32_1; $shr109 = $91 >> 9; $add110 = (($shr109) + 1)|0; $shr111 = $add110 >> 1; $cmp112 = ($shr111|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp112) { $cond122 = -32768; } else { $92 = $out32_1; $shr116 = $92 >> 9; $add117 = (($shr116) + 1)|0; $shr118 = $add117 >> 1; $cond122 = $shr118; } } $conv123 = $cond122&65535; $93 = $out$addr; $94 = $k; $mul124 = $94<<1; $add125 = (($mul124) + 1)|0; $arrayidx126 = (($93) + ($add125<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx126>>1] = $conv123; $95 = $k; $inc = (($95) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_resampler_private_up2_HQ_wrapper($SS,$out,$in,$len) { $SS = $SS|0; $out = $out|0; $in = $in|0; $len = $len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $S = 0, $SS$addr = 0, $in$addr = 0, $len$addr = 0, $out$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $SS$addr = $SS; $out$addr = $out; $in$addr = $in; $len$addr = $len; $0 = $SS$addr; $S = $0; $1 = $S; $2 = $out$addr; $3 = $in$addr; $4 = $len$addr; _silk_resampler_private_up2_HQ($1,$2,$3,$4); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_stereo_decode_pred($psRangeDec,$pred_Q13) { $psRangeDec = $psRangeDec|0; $pred_Q13 = $pred_Q13|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add25 = 0, $add32 = 0; var $add38 = 0, $add44 = 0, $add48 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0; var $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $call = 0, $call6 = 0, $call9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv27 = 0, $conv34 = 0, $conv39 = 0, $conv40 = 0, $conv45 = 0, $conv46 = 0, $div = 0, $inc = 0, $inc51 = 0, $ix = 0; var $low_Q13 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul17 = 0, $mul29 = 0, $mul36 = 0, $mul43 = 0, $mul47 = 0, $n = 0, $pred_Q13$addr = 0, $psRangeDec$addr = 0, $shr = 0, $shr37 = 0, $step_Q13 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub35 = 0, $sub55 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $ix = sp + 8|0; $psRangeDec$addr = $psRangeDec; $pred_Q13$addr = $pred_Q13; $0 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call = (_ec_dec_icdf($0,27623,8)|0); $n = $call; $1 = $n; $div = (($1|0) / 5)&-1; $arrayidx1 = ((($ix)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx1>>2] = $div; $2 = $n; $arrayidx3 = ((($ix)) + 8|0); $3 = HEAP32[$arrayidx3>>2]|0; $mul = ($3*5)|0; $sub = (($2) - ($mul))|0; $arrayidx4 = ((($ix)) + 12|0); $arrayidx5 = ((($arrayidx4)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2] = $sub; $n = 0; while(1) { $4 = $n; $cmp = ($4|0)<(2); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $5 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call6 = (_ec_dec_icdf($5,27676,8)|0); $6 = $n; $arrayidx7 = (($ix) + (($6*12)|0)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx7>>2] = $call6; $7 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call9 = (_ec_dec_icdf($7,27683,8)|0); $8 = $n; $arrayidx10 = (($ix) + (($8*12)|0)|0); $arrayidx11 = ((($arrayidx10)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx11>>2] = $call9; $9 = $n; $inc = (($9) + 1)|0; $n = $inc; } $n = 0; while(1) { $10 = $n; $cmp13 = ($10|0)<(2); if (!($cmp13)) { break; } $11 = $n; $arrayidx15 = (($ix) + (($11*12)|0)|0); $arrayidx16 = ((($arrayidx15)) + 8|0); $12 = HEAP32[$arrayidx16>>2]|0; $mul17 = ($12*3)|0; $13 = $n; $arrayidx18 = (($ix) + (($13*12)|0)|0); $14 = HEAP32[$arrayidx18>>2]|0; $add = (($14) + ($mul17))|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx18>>2] = $add; $15 = $n; $arrayidx20 = (($ix) + (($15*12)|0)|0); $16 = HEAP32[$arrayidx20>>2]|0; $arrayidx22 = (24966 + ($16<<1)|0); $17 = HEAP16[$arrayidx22>>1]|0; $conv = $17 << 16 >> 16; $low_Q13 = $conv; $18 = $n; $arrayidx23 = (($ix) + (($18*12)|0)|0); $19 = HEAP32[$arrayidx23>>2]|0; $add25 = (($19) + 1)|0; $arrayidx26 = (24966 + ($add25<<1)|0); $20 = HEAP16[$arrayidx26>>1]|0; $conv27 = $20 << 16 >> 16; $21 = $low_Q13; $sub28 = (($conv27) - ($21))|0; $shr = $sub28 >> 16; $mul29 = ($shr*6554)|0; $22 = $n; $arrayidx30 = (($ix) + (($22*12)|0)|0); $23 = HEAP32[$arrayidx30>>2]|0; $add32 = (($23) + 1)|0; $arrayidx33 = (24966 + ($add32<<1)|0); $24 = HEAP16[$arrayidx33>>1]|0; $conv34 = $24 << 16 >> 16; $25 = $low_Q13; $sub35 = (($conv34) - ($25))|0; $and = $sub35 & 65535; $mul36 = ($and*6554)|0; $shr37 = $mul36 >> 16; $add38 = (($mul29) + ($shr37))|0; $step_Q13 = $add38; $26 = $low_Q13; $27 = $step_Q13; $conv39 = $27&65535; $conv40 = $conv39 << 16 >> 16; $28 = $n; $arrayidx41 = (($ix) + (($28*12)|0)|0); $arrayidx42 = ((($arrayidx41)) + 4|0); $29 = HEAP32[$arrayidx42>>2]|0; $mul43 = $29<<1; $add44 = (($mul43) + 1)|0; $conv45 = $add44&65535; $conv46 = $conv45 << 16 >> 16; $mul47 = Math_imul($conv40, $conv46)|0; $add48 = (($26) + ($mul47))|0; $30 = $pred_Q13$addr; $31 = $n; $arrayidx49 = (($30) + ($31<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx49>>2] = $add48; $32 = $n; $inc51 = (($32) + 1)|0; $n = $inc51; } $33 = $pred_Q13$addr; $arrayidx53 = ((($33)) + 4|0); $34 = HEAP32[$arrayidx53>>2]|0; $35 = $pred_Q13$addr; $36 = HEAP32[$35>>2]|0; $sub55 = (($36) - ($34))|0; HEAP32[$35>>2] = $sub55; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_stereo_decode_mid_only($psRangeDec,$decode_only_mid) { $psRangeDec = $psRangeDec|0; $decode_only_mid = $decode_only_mid|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $call = 0, $decode_only_mid$addr = 0, $psRangeDec$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $psRangeDec$addr = $psRangeDec; $decode_only_mid$addr = $decode_only_mid; $0 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call = (_ec_dec_icdf($0,27648,8)|0); $1 = $decode_only_mid$addr; HEAP32[$1>>2] = $call; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_stereo_encode_pred($psRangeEnc,$ix) { $psRangeEnc = $psRangeEnc|0; $ix = $ix|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0; var $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv8 = 0, $inc = 0, $ix$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $n = 0, $psRangeEnc$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $psRangeEnc$addr = $psRangeEnc; $ix$addr = $ix; $0 = $ix$addr; $arrayidx1 = ((($0)) + 2|0); $1 = HEAP8[$arrayidx1>>0]|0; $conv = $1 << 24 >> 24; $mul = ($conv*5)|0; $2 = $ix$addr; $arrayidx2 = ((($2)) + 3|0); $arrayidx3 = ((($arrayidx2)) + 2|0); $3 = HEAP8[$arrayidx3>>0]|0; $conv4 = $3 << 24 >> 24; $add = (($mul) + ($conv4))|0; $n = $add; $4 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $5 = $n; _ec_enc_icdf($4,$5,27623,8); $n = 0; while(1) { $6 = $n; $cmp = ($6|0)<(2); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $7 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $8 = $ix$addr; $9 = $n; $arrayidx6 = (($8) + (($9*3)|0)|0); $10 = HEAP8[$arrayidx6>>0]|0; $conv8 = $10 << 24 >> 24; _ec_enc_icdf($7,$conv8,27676,8); $11 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $12 = $ix$addr; $13 = $n; $arrayidx9 = (($12) + (($13*3)|0)|0); $arrayidx10 = ((($arrayidx9)) + 1|0); $14 = HEAP8[$arrayidx10>>0]|0; $conv11 = $14 << 24 >> 24; _ec_enc_icdf($11,$conv11,27683,8); $15 = $n; $inc = (($15) + 1)|0; $n = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_stereo_encode_mid_only($psRangeEnc,$mid_only_flag) { $psRangeEnc = $psRangeEnc|0; $mid_only_flag = $mid_only_flag|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $conv = 0, $mid_only_flag$addr = 0, $psRangeEnc$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $psRangeEnc$addr = $psRangeEnc; $mid_only_flag$addr = $mid_only_flag; $0 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $1 = $mid_only_flag$addr; $conv = $1 << 24 >> 24; _ec_enc_icdf($0,$conv,27648,8); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_stereo_find_predictor($ratio_Q14,$x,$y,$mid_res_amp_Q0,$length,$smooth_coef_Q16) { $ratio_Q14 = $ratio_Q14|0; $x = $x|0; $y = $y|0; $mid_res_amp_Q0 = $mid_res_amp_Q0|0; $length = $length|0; $smooth_coef_Q16 = $smooth_coef_Q16|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add18 = 0, $add44 = 0, $add45 = 0, $add56 = 0, $add68 = 0, $add70 = 0, $add89 = 0, $add90 = 0, $and = 0, $and13 = 0, $and39 = 0, $and51 = 0, $and63 = 0, $and84 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0; var $arrayidx82 = 0, $arrayidx91 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $call = 0, $call101 = 0, $call26 = 0, $call28 = 0, $call3 = 0, $call35 = 0, $call4 = 0, $call5 = 0, $call72 = 0, $call80 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp102 = 0, $cmp106 = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cmp94 = 0, $cond = 0; var $cond10 = 0, $cond100 = 0, $cond113 = 0, $cond25 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv32 = 0, $conv33 = 0, $conv40 = 0, $conv41 = 0, $conv48 = 0, $conv49 = 0, $conv52 = 0, $conv53 = 0, $conv60 = 0, $conv61 = 0, $conv64 = 0, $conv65 = 0; var $conv77 = 0, $conv78 = 0, $conv85 = 0, $conv86 = 0, $corr = 0, $length$addr = 0, $mid_res_amp_Q0$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul16 = 0, $mul34 = 0, $mul42 = 0, $mul50 = 0, $mul54 = 0, $mul62 = 0, $mul66 = 0, $mul79 = 0, $mul87 = 0, $nrgx = 0, $nrgy = 0, $pred2_Q10 = 0; var $pred_Q13 = 0, $ratio_Q14$addr = 0, $scale = 0, $scale1 = 0, $scale2 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl36 = 0, $shl57 = 0, $shl69 = 0, $shl73 = 0, $shl81 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr11 = 0, $shr17 = 0, $shr2 = 0, $shr27 = 0, $shr31 = 0, $shr43 = 0, $shr47 = 0, $shr55 = 0; var $shr59 = 0, $shr67 = 0, $shr76 = 0, $shr88 = 0, $smooth_coef_Q16$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub23 = 0, $sub30 = 0, $sub38 = 0, $sub58 = 0, $sub75 = 0, $sub83 = 0, $x$addr = 0, $y$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $scale1 = sp + 24|0; $scale2 = sp + 20|0; $nrgx = sp + 16|0; $nrgy = sp + 12|0; $ratio_Q14$addr = $ratio_Q14; $x$addr = $x; $y$addr = $y; $mid_res_amp_Q0$addr = $mid_res_amp_Q0; $length$addr = $length; $smooth_coef_Q16$addr = $smooth_coef_Q16; $0 = $x$addr; $1 = $length$addr; _silk_sum_sqr_shift($nrgx,$scale1,$0,$1); $2 = $y$addr; $3 = $length$addr; _silk_sum_sqr_shift($nrgy,$scale2,$2,$3); $4 = HEAP32[$scale1>>2]|0; $5 = HEAP32[$scale2>>2]|0; $call = (_silk_max_int_269($4,$5)|0); $scale = $call; $6 = $scale; $7 = $scale; $and = $7 & 1; $add = (($6) + ($and))|0; $scale = $add; $8 = HEAP32[$nrgy>>2]|0; $9 = $scale; $10 = HEAP32[$scale2>>2]|0; $sub = (($9) - ($10))|0; $shr = $8 >> $sub; HEAP32[$nrgy>>2] = $shr; $11 = HEAP32[$nrgx>>2]|0; $12 = $scale; $13 = HEAP32[$scale1>>2]|0; $sub1 = (($12) - ($13))|0; $shr2 = $11 >> $sub1; HEAP32[$nrgx>>2] = $shr2; $14 = HEAP32[$nrgx>>2]|0; $call3 = (_silk_max_int_269($14,1)|0); HEAP32[$nrgx>>2] = $call3; $15 = $x$addr; $16 = $y$addr; $17 = $scale; $18 = $length$addr; $call4 = (_silk_inner_prod_aligned_scale($15,$16,$17,$18)|0); $corr = $call4; $19 = $corr; $20 = HEAP32[$nrgx>>2]|0; $call5 = (_silk_DIV32_varQ_270($19,$20,13)|0); $pred_Q13 = $call5; $21 = $pred_Q13; $cmp = ($21|0)>(16384); if ($cmp) { $cond10 = 16384; } else { $22 = $pred_Q13; $cmp6 = ($22|0)<(-16384); $23 = $pred_Q13; $cond = $cmp6 ? -16384 : $23; $cond10 = $cond; } $pred_Q13 = $cond10; $24 = $pred_Q13; $shr11 = $24 >> 16; $25 = $pred_Q13; $conv = $25&65535; $conv12 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr11, $conv12)|0; $26 = $pred_Q13; $and13 = $26 & 65535; $27 = $pred_Q13; $conv14 = $27&65535; $conv15 = $conv14 << 16 >> 16; $mul16 = Math_imul($and13, $conv15)|0; $shr17 = $mul16 >> 16; $add18 = (($mul) + ($shr17))|0; $pred2_Q10 = $add18; $28 = $smooth_coef_Q16$addr; $29 = $pred2_Q10; $cmp19 = ($29|0)>(0); $30 = $pred2_Q10; $sub23 = (0 - ($30))|0; $cond25 = $cmp19 ? $30 : $sub23; $call26 = (_silk_max_int_269($28,$cond25)|0); $smooth_coef_Q16$addr = $call26; $31 = $scale; $shr27 = $31 >> 1; $scale = $shr27; $32 = $mid_res_amp_Q0$addr; $33 = HEAP32[$32>>2]|0; $34 = HEAP32[$nrgx>>2]|0; $call28 = (_silk_SQRT_APPROX($34)|0); $35 = $scale; $shl = $call28 << $35; $36 = $mid_res_amp_Q0$addr; $37 = HEAP32[$36>>2]|0; $sub30 = (($shl) - ($37))|0; $shr31 = $sub30 >> 16; $38 = $smooth_coef_Q16$addr; $conv32 = $38&65535; $conv33 = $conv32 << 16 >> 16; $mul34 = Math_imul($shr31, $conv33)|0; $39 = HEAP32[$nrgx>>2]|0; $call35 = (_silk_SQRT_APPROX($39)|0); $40 = $scale; $shl36 = $call35 << $40; $41 = $mid_res_amp_Q0$addr; $42 = HEAP32[$41>>2]|0; $sub38 = (($shl36) - ($42))|0; $and39 = $sub38 & 65535; $43 = $smooth_coef_Q16$addr; $conv40 = $43&65535; $conv41 = $conv40 << 16 >> 16; $mul42 = Math_imul($and39, $conv41)|0; $shr43 = $mul42 >> 16; $add44 = (($mul34) + ($shr43))|0; $add45 = (($33) + ($add44))|0; $44 = $mid_res_amp_Q0$addr; HEAP32[$44>>2] = $add45; $45 = HEAP32[$nrgy>>2]|0; $46 = $corr; $shr47 = $46 >> 16; $47 = $pred_Q13; $conv48 = $47&65535; $conv49 = $conv48 << 16 >> 16; $mul50 = Math_imul($shr47, $conv49)|0; $48 = $corr; $and51 = $48 & 65535; $49 = $pred_Q13; $conv52 = $49&65535; $conv53 = $conv52 << 16 >> 16; $mul54 = Math_imul($and51, $conv53)|0; $shr55 = $mul54 >> 16; $add56 = (($mul50) + ($shr55))|0; $shl57 = $add56 << 4; $sub58 = (($45) - ($shl57))|0; HEAP32[$nrgy>>2] = $sub58; $50 = HEAP32[$nrgy>>2]|0; $51 = HEAP32[$nrgx>>2]|0; $shr59 = $51 >> 16; $52 = $pred2_Q10; $conv60 = $52&65535; $conv61 = $conv60 << 16 >> 16; $mul62 = Math_imul($shr59, $conv61)|0; $53 = HEAP32[$nrgx>>2]|0; $and63 = $53 & 65535; $54 = $pred2_Q10; $conv64 = $54&65535; $conv65 = $conv64 << 16 >> 16; $mul66 = Math_imul($and63, $conv65)|0; $shr67 = $mul66 >> 16; $add68 = (($mul62) + ($shr67))|0; $shl69 = $add68 << 6; $add70 = (($50) + ($shl69))|0; HEAP32[$nrgy>>2] = $add70; $55 = $mid_res_amp_Q0$addr; $arrayidx71 = ((($55)) + 4|0); $56 = HEAP32[$arrayidx71>>2]|0; $57 = HEAP32[$nrgy>>2]|0; $call72 = (_silk_SQRT_APPROX($57)|0); $58 = $scale; $shl73 = $call72 << $58; $59 = $mid_res_amp_Q0$addr; $arrayidx74 = ((($59)) + 4|0); $60 = HEAP32[$arrayidx74>>2]|0; $sub75 = (($shl73) - ($60))|0; $shr76 = $sub75 >> 16; $61 = $smooth_coef_Q16$addr; $conv77 = $61&65535; $conv78 = $conv77 << 16 >> 16; $mul79 = Math_imul($shr76, $conv78)|0; $62 = HEAP32[$nrgy>>2]|0; $call80 = (_silk_SQRT_APPROX($62)|0); $63 = $scale; $shl81 = $call80 << $63; $64 = $mid_res_amp_Q0$addr; $arrayidx82 = ((($64)) + 4|0); $65 = HEAP32[$arrayidx82>>2]|0; $sub83 = (($shl81) - ($65))|0; $and84 = $sub83 & 65535; $66 = $smooth_coef_Q16$addr; $conv85 = $66&65535; $conv86 = $conv85 << 16 >> 16; $mul87 = Math_imul($and84, $conv86)|0; $shr88 = $mul87 >> 16; $add89 = (($mul79) + ($shr88))|0; $add90 = (($56) + ($add89))|0; $67 = $mid_res_amp_Q0$addr; $arrayidx91 = ((($67)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx91>>2] = $add90; $68 = $mid_res_amp_Q0$addr; $arrayidx92 = ((($68)) + 4|0); $69 = HEAP32[$arrayidx92>>2]|0; $70 = $mid_res_amp_Q0$addr; $71 = HEAP32[$70>>2]|0; $cmp94 = ($71|0)>(1); if ($cmp94) { $72 = $mid_res_amp_Q0$addr; $73 = HEAP32[$72>>2]|0; $cond100 = $73; } else { $cond100 = 1; } $call101 = (_silk_DIV32_varQ_270($69,$cond100,14)|0); $74 = $ratio_Q14$addr; HEAP32[$74>>2] = $call101; $75 = $ratio_Q14$addr; $76 = HEAP32[$75>>2]|0; $cmp102 = ($76|0)>(32767); if ($cmp102) { $cond113 = 32767; $81 = $ratio_Q14$addr; HEAP32[$81>>2] = $cond113; $82 = $pred_Q13; STACKTOP = sp;return ($82|0); } $77 = $ratio_Q14$addr; $78 = HEAP32[$77>>2]|0; $cmp106 = ($78|0)<(0); if ($cmp106) { $cond113 = 0; $81 = $ratio_Q14$addr; HEAP32[$81>>2] = $cond113; $82 = $pred_Q13; STACKTOP = sp;return ($82|0); } $79 = $ratio_Q14$addr; $80 = HEAP32[$79>>2]|0; $cond113 = $80; $81 = $ratio_Q14$addr; HEAP32[$81>>2] = $cond113; $82 = $pred_Q13; STACKTOP = sp;return ($82|0); } function _silk_max_int_269($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_DIV32_varQ_270($a32,$b32,$Qres) { $a32 = $a32|0; $b32 = $b32|0; $Qres = $Qres|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Qres$addr = 0, $a32$addr = 0, $a32_nrm = 0, $a_headrm = 0, $add = 0, $add33 = 0, $add34 = 0, $add35 = 0, $and = 0; var $and28 = 0, $b32$addr = 0, $b32_inv = 0, $b32_nrm = 0, $b_headrm = 0, $call = 0, $call8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp49 = 0, $cmp57 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp78 = 0, $cmp92 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond7 = 0, $cond89 = 0, $conv = 0; var $conv12 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $div = 0, $lshift = 0, $mul = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul27 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $result = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0, $shl10 = 0, $shl22 = 0, $shl91 = 0, $shr = 0; var $shr11 = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr24 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr41 = 0, $shr43 = 0, $shr48 = 0, $shr53 = 0, $shr56 = 0, $shr61 = 0, $shr69 = 0, $shr74 = 0, $shr77 = 0, $shr82 = 0, $shr95 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub23 = 0, $sub36 = 0, $sub37 = 0; var $sub40 = 0, $sub42 = 0, $sub47 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $sub52 = 0, $sub55 = 0, $sub60 = 0, $sub73 = 0, $sub76 = 0, $sub81 = 0, $sub9 = 0, $sub90 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $a32$addr = $a32; $b32$addr = $b32; $Qres$addr = $Qres; $0 = $a32$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(0); $1 = $a32$addr; $sub = (0 - ($1))|0; $cond = $cmp ? $1 : $sub; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_272($cond)|0); $sub1 = (($call) - 1)|0; $a_headrm = $sub1; $2 = $a32$addr; $3 = $a_headrm; $shl = $2 << $3; $a32_nrm = $shl; $4 = $b32$addr; $cmp2 = ($4|0)>(0); $5 = $b32$addr; $sub5 = (0 - ($5))|0; $cond7 = $cmp2 ? $5 : $sub5; $call8 = (_silk_CLZ32_272($cond7)|0); $sub9 = (($call8) - 1)|0; $b_headrm = $sub9; $6 = $b32$addr; $7 = $b_headrm; $shl10 = $6 << $7; $b32_nrm = $shl10; $8 = $b32_nrm; $shr = $8 >> 16; $div = (536870911 / ($shr|0))&-1; $b32_inv = $div; $9 = $a32_nrm; $shr11 = $9 >> 16; $10 = $b32_inv; $conv = $10&65535; $conv12 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr11, $conv12)|0; $11 = $a32_nrm; $and = $11 & 65535; $12 = $b32_inv; $conv13 = $12&65535; $conv14 = $conv13 << 16 >> 16; $mul15 = Math_imul($and, $conv14)|0; $shr16 = $mul15 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr16))|0; $result = $add; $13 = $a32_nrm; $14 = $b32_nrm; $15 = ($14|0)<(0); $16 = $15 << 31 >> 31; $17 = $result; $18 = ($17|0)<(0); $19 = $18 << 31 >> 31; $20 = (___muldi3(($14|0),($16|0),($17|0),($19|0))|0); $21 = tempRet0; $22 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($20|0),($21|0),32)|0); $23 = tempRet0; $shl22 = $22 << 3; $sub23 = (($13) - ($shl22))|0; $a32_nrm = $sub23; $24 = $result; $25 = $a32_nrm; $shr24 = $25 >> 16; $26 = $b32_inv; $conv25 = $26&65535; $conv26 = $conv25 << 16 >> 16; $mul27 = Math_imul($shr24, $conv26)|0; $27 = $a32_nrm; $and28 = $27 & 65535; $28 = $b32_inv; $conv29 = $28&65535; $conv30 = $conv29 << 16 >> 16; $mul31 = Math_imul($and28, $conv30)|0; $shr32 = $mul31 >> 16; $add33 = (($mul27) + ($shr32))|0; $add34 = (($24) + ($add33))|0; $result = $add34; $29 = $a_headrm; $add35 = (29 + ($29))|0; $30 = $b_headrm; $sub36 = (($add35) - ($30))|0; $31 = $Qres$addr; $sub37 = (($sub36) - ($31))|0; $lshift = $sub37; $32 = $lshift; $cmp38 = ($32|0)<(0); $33 = $lshift; if (!($cmp38)) { $cmp92 = ($33|0)<(32); if ($cmp92) { $48 = $result; $49 = $lshift; $shr95 = $48 >> $49; $retval = $shr95; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } else { $retval = 0; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } } $sub40 = (0 - ($33))|0; $shr41 = -2147483648 >> $sub40; $34 = $lshift; $sub42 = (0 - ($34))|0; $shr43 = 2147483647 >> $sub42; $cmp44 = ($shr41|0)>($shr43|0); $35 = $result; $36 = $lshift; $sub47 = (0 - ($36))|0; do { if ($cmp44) { $shr48 = -2147483648 >> $sub47; $cmp49 = ($35|0)>($shr48|0); if ($cmp49) { $37 = $lshift; $sub52 = (0 - ($37))|0; $shr53 = -2147483648 >> $sub52; $cond89 = $shr53; break; } $38 = $result; $39 = $lshift; $sub55 = (0 - ($39))|0; $shr56 = 2147483647 >> $sub55; $cmp57 = ($38|0)<($shr56|0); if ($cmp57) { $40 = $lshift; $sub60 = (0 - ($40))|0; $shr61 = 2147483647 >> $sub60; $cond89 = $shr61; break; } else { $41 = $result; $cond89 = $41; break; } } else { $shr69 = 2147483647 >> $sub47; $cmp70 = ($35|0)>($shr69|0); if ($cmp70) { $42 = $lshift; $sub73 = (0 - ($42))|0; $shr74 = 2147483647 >> $sub73; $cond89 = $shr74; break; } $43 = $result; $44 = $lshift; $sub76 = (0 - ($44))|0; $shr77 = -2147483648 >> $sub76; $cmp78 = ($43|0)<($shr77|0); if ($cmp78) { $45 = $lshift; $sub81 = (0 - ($45))|0; $shr82 = -2147483648 >> $sub81; $cond89 = $shr82; break; } else { $46 = $result; $cond89 = $46; break; } } } while(0); $47 = $lshift; $sub90 = (0 - ($47))|0; $shl91 = $cond89 << $sub90; $retval = $shl91; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } function _silk_SQRT_APPROX($x) { $x = $x|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add17 = 0, $and = 0, $and9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv11 = 0; var $conv13 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $frac_Q7 = 0, $lz = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $retval = 0, $shr = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr4 = 0, $tobool = 0, $x$addr = 0, $y = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $lz = sp + 4|0; $frac_Q7 = sp; $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<=(0); if ($cmp) { $retval = 0; $11 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($11|0); } $1 = $x$addr; _silk_CLZ_FRAC_271($1,$lz,$frac_Q7); $2 = HEAP32[$lz>>2]|0; $and = $2 & 1; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $y = 32768; } else { $y = 46214; } $3 = HEAP32[$lz>>2]|0; $shr = $3 >> 1; $4 = $y; $shr3 = $4 >> $shr; $y = $shr3; $5 = $y; $6 = $y; $shr4 = $6 >> 16; $7 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $conv = $7&65535; $conv5 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = ($conv5*213)|0; $conv6 = $mul&65535; $conv7 = $conv6 << 16 >> 16; $mul8 = Math_imul($shr4, $conv7)|0; $8 = $y; $and9 = $8 & 65535; $9 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $conv10 = $9&65535; $conv11 = $conv10 << 16 >> 16; $mul12 = ($conv11*213)|0; $conv13 = $mul12&65535; $conv14 = $conv13 << 16 >> 16; $mul15 = Math_imul($and9, $conv14)|0; $shr16 = $mul15 >> 16; $add = (($mul8) + ($shr16))|0; $add17 = (($5) + ($add))|0; $y = $add17; $10 = $y; $retval = $10; $11 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($11|0); } function _silk_CLZ_FRAC_271($in,$lz,$frac_Q7) { $in = $in|0; $lz = $lz|0; $frac_Q7 = $frac_Q7|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $and = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $frac_Q7$addr = 0, $in$addr = 0, $lz$addr = 0, $lzeros = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in$addr = $in; $lz$addr = $lz; $frac_Q7$addr = $frac_Q7; $0 = $in$addr; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_272($0)|0); $lzeros = $call; $1 = $lzeros; $2 = $lz$addr; HEAP32[$2>>2] = $1; $3 = $in$addr; $4 = $lzeros; $sub = (24 - ($4))|0; $call1 = (_silk_ROR32_273($3,$sub)|0); $and = $call1 & 127; $5 = $frac_Q7$addr; HEAP32[$5>>2] = $and; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_CLZ32_272($in32) { $in32 = $in32|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $cond = 0, $in32$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in32$addr = $in32; $0 = $in32$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $cond = 32; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $1 = $in32$addr; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $sub1 = (32 - ($sub))|0; $cond = $sub1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_ROR32_273($a32,$rot) { $a32 = $a32|0; $rot = $rot|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $a32$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $m = 0, $or = 0, $or8 = 0; var $r = 0, $retval = 0, $rot$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl6 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr7 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $x = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $a32$addr = $a32; $rot$addr = $rot; $0 = $a32$addr; $x = $0; $1 = $rot$addr; $r = $1; $2 = $rot$addr; $sub = (0 - ($2))|0; $m = $sub; $3 = $rot$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)==(0); if ($cmp) { $4 = $a32$addr; $retval = $4; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } $5 = $rot$addr; $cmp1 = ($5|0)<(0); $6 = $x; if ($cmp1) { $7 = $m; $shl = $6 << $7; $8 = $x; $9 = $m; $sub3 = (32 - ($9))|0; $shr = $8 >>> $sub3; $or = $shl | $shr; $retval = $or; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } else { $10 = $r; $sub5 = (32 - ($10))|0; $shl6 = $6 << $sub5; $11 = $x; $12 = $r; $shr7 = $11 >>> $12; $or8 = $shl6 | $shr7; $retval = $or8; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } return (0)|0; } function _silk_stereo_quant_pred($pred_Q13,$ix) { $pred_Q13 = $pred_Q13|0; $ix = $ix|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add12 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add24 = 0, $add6 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0; var $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx51 = 0, $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx60 = 0, $arrayidx64 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp34 = 0; var $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv21 = 0, $conv22 = 0, $conv36 = 0, $conv39 = 0, $conv47 = 0, $conv48 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv53 = 0, $conv57 = 0, $conv59 = 0, $conv8 = 0, $div = 0, $err_Q13 = 0, $err_min_Q13 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0; var $inc43 = 0, $inc62 = 0, $ix$addr = 0, $j = 0, $low_Q13 = 0, $lvl_Q13 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul10 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul23 = 0, $mul54 = 0, $n = 0, $pred_Q13$addr = 0, $quant_pred_Q13 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr11 = 0, $step_Q13 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub26 = 0, $sub30 = 0; var $sub33 = 0, $sub58 = 0, $sub66 = 0, $sub9 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $pred_Q13$addr = $pred_Q13; $ix$addr = $ix; $quant_pred_Q13 = 0; $n = 0; while(1) { $0 = $n; $cmp = ($0|0)<(2); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $err_min_Q13 = 2147483647; $i = 0; L4: while(1) { $1 = $i; $cmp2 = ($1|0)<(15); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $2 = $i; $arrayidx = (24966 + ($2<<1)|0); $3 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $3 << 16 >> 16; $low_Q13 = $conv; $4 = $i; $add = (($4) + 1)|0; $arrayidx4 = (24966 + ($add<<1)|0); $5 = HEAP16[$arrayidx4>>1]|0; $conv5 = $5 << 16 >> 16; $6 = $low_Q13; $sub = (($conv5) - ($6))|0; $shr = $sub >> 16; $mul = ($shr*6554)|0; $7 = $i; $add6 = (($7) + 1)|0; $arrayidx7 = (24966 + ($add6<<1)|0); $8 = HEAP16[$arrayidx7>>1]|0; $conv8 = $8 << 16 >> 16; $9 = $low_Q13; $sub9 = (($conv8) - ($9))|0; $and = $sub9 & 65535; $mul10 = ($and*6554)|0; $shr11 = $mul10 >> 16; $add12 = (($mul) + ($shr11))|0; $step_Q13 = $add12; $j = 0; while(1) { $10 = $j; $cmp14 = ($10|0)<(5); if (!($cmp14)) { break; } $11 = $low_Q13; $12 = $step_Q13; $conv17 = $12&65535; $conv18 = $conv17 << 16 >> 16; $13 = $j; $mul19 = $13<<1; $add20 = (($mul19) + 1)|0; $conv21 = $add20&65535; $conv22 = $conv21 << 16 >> 16; $mul23 = Math_imul($conv18, $conv22)|0; $add24 = (($11) + ($mul23))|0; $lvl_Q13 = $add24; $14 = $pred_Q13$addr; $15 = $n; $arrayidx25 = (($14) + ($15<<2)|0); $16 = HEAP32[$arrayidx25>>2]|0; $17 = $lvl_Q13; $sub26 = (($16) - ($17))|0; $cmp27 = ($sub26|0)>(0); $18 = $pred_Q13$addr; $19 = $n; $arrayidx29 = (($18) + ($19<<2)|0); $20 = HEAP32[$arrayidx29>>2]|0; $21 = $lvl_Q13; $sub30 = (($20) - ($21))|0; $sub33 = (0 - ($sub30))|0; $cond = $cmp27 ? $sub30 : $sub33; $err_Q13 = $cond; $22 = $err_Q13; $23 = $err_min_Q13; $cmp34 = ($22|0)<($23|0); if (!($cmp34)) { break L4; } $24 = $err_Q13; $err_min_Q13 = $24; $25 = $lvl_Q13; $quant_pred_Q13 = $25; $26 = $i; $conv36 = $26&255; $27 = $ix$addr; $28 = $n; $arrayidx37 = (($27) + (($28*3)|0)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx37>>0] = $conv36; $29 = $j; $conv39 = $29&255; $30 = $ix$addr; $31 = $n; $arrayidx40 = (($30) + (($31*3)|0)|0); $arrayidx41 = ((($arrayidx40)) + 1|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx41>>0] = $conv39; $32 = $j; $inc = (($32) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $33 = $i; $inc43 = (($33) + 1)|0; $i = $inc43; } $34 = $ix$addr; $35 = $n; $arrayidx45 = (($34) + (($35*3)|0)|0); $36 = HEAP8[$arrayidx45>>0]|0; $conv47 = $36 << 24 >> 24; $div = (($conv47|0) / 3)&-1; $conv48 = $div&255; $37 = $ix$addr; $38 = $n; $arrayidx49 = (($37) + (($38*3)|0)|0); $arrayidx50 = ((($arrayidx49)) + 2|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx50>>0] = $conv48; $39 = $ix$addr; $40 = $n; $arrayidx51 = (($39) + (($40*3)|0)|0); $arrayidx52 = ((($arrayidx51)) + 2|0); $41 = HEAP8[$arrayidx52>>0]|0; $conv53 = $41 << 24 >> 24; $mul54 = ($conv53*3)|0; $42 = $ix$addr; $43 = $n; $arrayidx55 = (($42) + (($43*3)|0)|0); $44 = HEAP8[$arrayidx55>>0]|0; $conv57 = $44 << 24 >> 24; $sub58 = (($conv57) - ($mul54))|0; $conv59 = $sub58&255; HEAP8[$arrayidx55>>0] = $conv59; $45 = $quant_pred_Q13; $46 = $pred_Q13$addr; $47 = $n; $arrayidx60 = (($46) + ($47<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx60>>2] = $45; $48 = $n; $inc62 = (($48) + 1)|0; $n = $inc62; } $49 = $pred_Q13$addr; $arrayidx64 = ((($49)) + 4|0); $50 = HEAP32[$arrayidx64>>2]|0; $51 = $pred_Q13$addr; $52 = HEAP32[$51>>2]|0; $sub66 = (($52) - ($50))|0; HEAP32[$51>>2] = $sub66; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_encode_do_VAD_FLP($psEnc) { $psEnc = $psEnc|0; var $$sink = 0, $$sink2 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0; var $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $VAD_flags = 0, $VAD_flags31 = 0, $VAD_flags31$sink = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $inDTX18 = 0, $inDTX26 = 0, $inc = 0, $indices = 0, $indices28 = 0, $inputBuf = 0, $nFramesEncoded33 = 0, $noSpeechCounter = 0, $noSpeechCounter12 = 0, $noSpeechCounter16 = 0; var $noSpeechCounter24 = 0, $noSpeechCounter7 = 0, $psEnc$addr = 0, $sCmn17$sink = 0, $signalType = 0, $signalType29 = 0, $speech_activity_Q8 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $psEnc$addr = $psEnc; $0 = $psEnc$addr; $1 = $psEnc$addr; $inputBuf = ((($1)) + 5128|0); $add$ptr = ((($inputBuf)) + 2|0); (_silk_VAD_GetSA_Q8_c($0,$add$ptr)|0); $2 = $psEnc$addr; $speech_activity_Q8 = ((($2)) + 4556|0); $3 = HEAP32[$speech_activity_Q8>>2]|0; $cmp = ($3|0)<(13); $4 = $psEnc$addr; if (!($cmp)) { $noSpeechCounter24 = ((($4)) + 6116|0); HEAP32[$noSpeechCounter24>>2] = 0; $15 = $psEnc$addr; $inDTX26 = ((($15)) + 6112|0); HEAP32[$inDTX26>>2] = 0; $16 = $psEnc$addr; $indices28 = ((($16)) + 4768|0); $signalType29 = ((($indices28)) + 29|0); HEAP8[$signalType29>>0] = 1; $17 = $psEnc$addr; $VAD_flags31 = ((($17)) + 4752|0); $18 = $psEnc$addr; $$sink = 1;$$sink2 = $18;$VAD_flags31$sink = $VAD_flags31; $nFramesEncoded33 = ((($$sink2)) + 5780|0); $19 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded33>>2]|0; $arrayidx34 = (($VAD_flags31$sink) + ($19)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx34>>0] = $$sink; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $indices = ((($4)) + 4768|0); $signalType = ((($indices)) + 29|0); HEAP8[$signalType>>0] = 0; $5 = $psEnc$addr; $noSpeechCounter = ((($5)) + 6116|0); $6 = HEAP32[$noSpeechCounter>>2]|0; $inc = (($6) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$noSpeechCounter>>2] = $inc; $7 = $psEnc$addr; $noSpeechCounter7 = ((($7)) + 6116|0); $8 = HEAP32[$noSpeechCounter7>>2]|0; $cmp8 = ($8|0)<(10); $9 = $psEnc$addr; if ($cmp8) { $sCmn17$sink = $9; label = 5; } else { $noSpeechCounter12 = ((($9)) + 6116|0); $10 = HEAP32[$noSpeechCounter12>>2]|0; $cmp13 = ($10|0)>(30); if ($cmp13) { $11 = $psEnc$addr; $noSpeechCounter16 = ((($11)) + 6116|0); HEAP32[$noSpeechCounter16>>2] = 10; $12 = $psEnc$addr; $sCmn17$sink = $12; label = 5; } } if ((label|0) == 5) { $inDTX18 = ((($sCmn17$sink)) + 6112|0); HEAP32[$inDTX18>>2] = 0; } $13 = $psEnc$addr; $VAD_flags = ((($13)) + 4752|0); $14 = $psEnc$addr; $$sink = 0;$$sink2 = $14;$VAD_flags31$sink = $VAD_flags; $nFramesEncoded33 = ((($$sink2)) + 5780|0); $19 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded33>>2]|0; $arrayidx34 = (($VAD_flags31$sink) + ($19)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx34>>0] = $$sink; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_encode_frame_FLP($psEnc,$pnBytesOut,$psRangeEnc,$condCoding,$maxBits,$useCBR) { $psEnc = $psEnc|0; $pnBytesOut = $pnBytesOut|0; $psRangeEnc = $psRangeEnc|0; $condCoding = $condCoding|0; $maxBits = $maxBits|0; $useCBR = $useCBR|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0.0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0; var $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0; var $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0; var $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0; var $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0; var $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $GainsUnq_Q16 = 0, $GainsUnq_Q16218 = 0, $GainsUnq_Q16227 = 0, $GainsUnq_Q16232 = 0, $GainsUnq_Q16243 = 0, $GainsUnq_Q16248 = 0, $Lambda = 0, $LastGainIndex_copy2 = 0, $Seed = 0; var $Seed45 = 0, $Seed65 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr10 = 0, $add$ptr13 = 0, $add$ptr17 = 0, $add$ptr6 = 0, $add157 = 0, $add172 = 0, $add180 = 0, $add185 = 0, $add191 = 0, $add224 = 0, $add238 = 0, $add254 = 0, $add30 = 0.0, $add310 = 0, $add328 = 0, $and = 0; var $and150 = 0, $and168 = 0, $and21 = 0, $and220 = 0, $and234 = 0, $and250 = 0, $arch = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx214 = 0, $arrayidx219 = 0, $arrayidx228 = 0, $arrayidx233 = 0, $arrayidx244 = 0, $arrayidx249 = 0, $arrayidx258 = 0, $arrayidx288 = 0, $arrayidx291 = 0, $arrayidx304 = 0, $arrayidx320 = 0, $call = 0; var $call158 = 0, $call159 = 0, $call163 = 0, $call281 = 0, $call327 = 0, $call90 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp102 = 0, $cmp107 = 0, $cmp109 = 0, $cmp117 = 0, $cmp120 = 0, $cmp123 = 0, $cmp132 = 0, $cmp136 = 0, $cmp151 = 0, $cmp160 = 0, $cmp186 = 0, $cmp198 = 0, $cmp211 = 0; var $cmp225 = 0, $cmp239 = 0, $cmp271 = 0, $cmp285 = 0, $cmp50 = 0, $cmp53 = 0, $cmp57 = 0, $cmp91 = 0, $cmp93 = 0, $cmp96 = 0, $cond256 = 0, $condCoding$addr = 0, $conv = 0, $conv128 = 0, $conv135 = 0, $conv166 = 0, $conv169 = 0, $conv173 = 0, $conv181 = 0, $conv182 = 0; var $conv192 = 0, $conv194 = 0, $conv204 = 0, $conv216 = 0, $conv22 = 0.0, $conv221 = 0, $conv230 = 0, $conv235 = 0, $conv246 = 0, $conv251 = 0, $conv272 = 0, $conv289 = 0.0, $conv46 = 0, $conv62 = 0, $conv81 = 0, $conv84 = 0, $div = 0, $div179 = 0, $div290 = 0.0, $ec_buf_copy = 0; var $ec_prevLagIndex = 0, $ec_prevLagIndex67 = 0, $ec_prevLagIndex_copy = 0, $ec_prevSignalType = 0, $ec_prevSignalType69 = 0, $ec_prevSignalType_copy = 0, $first_frame_after_reset = 0, $found_lower = 0, $found_upper = 0, $frameCounter = 0, $frame_length = 0, $frame_length156 = 0, $frame_length19 = 0, $frame_length28 = 0, $frame_length303 = 0, $frame_length89 = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $fs_kHz25 = 0, $fs_kHz308 = 0, $gainMult_Q8 = 0; var $gainMult_lower = 0, $gainMult_upper = 0, $gain_factor_Q16 = 0, $gainsID = 0, $gainsID_lower = 0, $gainsID_upper = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc260 = 0, $inc293 = 0, $inc296 = 0, $inc31 = 0, $indices = 0, $indices265 = 0, $indices276 = 0, $indices323 = 0, $indices39 = 0, $indices44 = 0, $indices64 = 0, $indices71 = 0; var $indices80 = 0, $indices83 = 0, $inputBuf = 0, $inputBuf15 = 0, $iter = 0, $lastGainIndexPrev = 0, $ltp_mem_length = 0, $ltp_mem_length306 = 0, $ltp_mem_length5 = 0, $maxBits$addr = 0, $maxIter = 0, $mul = 0, $mul126 = 0.0, $mul167 = 0, $mul170 = 0, $mul177 = 0, $mul217 = 0, $mul222 = 0, $mul23 = 0.0, $mul231 = 0; var $mul236 = 0, $mul247 = 0, $mul252 = 0, $mul26 = 0, $mul29 = 0, $mul309 = 0, $mul311 = 0, $nBits = 0, $nBits_lower = 0, $nBits_upper = 0, $nFramesEncoded = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr210 = 0, $nb_subfr274 = 0, $nb_subfr280 = 0, $nb_subfr284 = 0, $nb_subfr318 = 0, $offs = 0, $offs141 = 0, $or$cond = 0; var $or$cond1 = 0, $pGains_Q16 = 0, $pitchL = 0, $pnBytesOut$addr = 0, $prefillFlag = 0, $prefillFlag313 = 0, $prevLag = 0, $prevSignalType = 0, $psEnc$addr = 0, $psRangeEnc$addr = 0, $pulses = 0, $pulses86 = 0, $quantOffsetType = 0, $res_pitch = 0, $res_pitch_frame = 0, $ret = 0, $retval = 0, $sEncCtrl = 0, $sLP = 0, $sNSQ = 0; var $sNSQ114 = 0, $sNSQ143 = 0, $sNSQ61 = 0, $sNSQ73 = 0, $sNSQ_copy = 0, $sNSQ_copy2 = 0, $sRangeEnc_copy = 0, $sRangeEnc_copy2 = 0, $sShape = 0, $sShape144 = 0, $sShape262 = 0, $sShape269 = 0, $seed_copy = 0, $shl = 0, $shl257 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr165 = 0, $shr171 = 0, $shr184 = 0, $shr190 = 0; var $shr196 = 0, $shr202 = 0, $shr215 = 0, $shr223 = 0, $shr229 = 0, $shr237 = 0, $shr245 = 0, $shr253 = 0, $shr329 = 0, $signalType = 0, $signalType324 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub131 = 0, $sub154 = 0, $sub175 = 0, $sub176 = 0, $sub178 = 0, $sub183 = 0, $sub189 = 0, $sub195 = 0; var $sub197 = 0, $sub201 = 0, $sub203 = 0, $sub319 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool105 = 0, $tobool314 = 0, $useCBR$addr = 0, $x_buf = 0, $x_buf299 = 0, $x_buf301 = 0, $x_frame = 0, $xfw = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, src = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 15152|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(15152|0); $sEncCtrl = sp + 12920|0; $xfw = sp + 11608|0; $res_pitch = sp + 8920|0; $sRangeEnc_copy = sp + 8872|0; $sRangeEnc_copy2 = sp + 8824|0; $sNSQ_copy = sp + 4444|0; $sNSQ_copy2 = sp + 64|0; $pGains_Q16 = sp + 8|0; $ec_buf_copy = sp + 13864|0; $psEnc$addr = $psEnc; $pnBytesOut$addr = $pnBytesOut; $psRangeEnc$addr = $psRangeEnc; $condCoding$addr = $condCoding; $maxBits$addr = $maxBits; $useCBR$addr = $useCBR; $ret = 0; $gainMult_upper = 0; $gainMult_lower = 0; $nBits_upper = 0; $nBits_lower = 0; $LastGainIndex_copy2 = 0; $0 = $psEnc$addr; $frameCounter = ((($0)) + 4644|0); $1 = HEAP32[$frameCounter>>2]|0; $inc = (($1) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$frameCounter>>2] = $inc; $and = $1 & 3; $conv = $and&255; $2 = $psEnc$addr; $indices = ((($2)) + 4768|0); $Seed = ((($indices)) + 34|0); HEAP8[$Seed>>0] = $conv; $3 = $psEnc$addr; $x_buf = ((($3)) + 9356|0); $4 = $psEnc$addr; $ltp_mem_length = ((($4)) + 4616|0); $5 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length>>2]|0; $add$ptr = (($x_buf) + ($5<<2)|0); $x_frame = $add$ptr; $6 = $psEnc$addr; $ltp_mem_length5 = ((($6)) + 4616|0); $7 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length5>>2]|0; $add$ptr6 = (($res_pitch) + ($7<<2)|0); $res_pitch_frame = $add$ptr6; $8 = $psEnc$addr; $sLP = ((($8)) + 16|0); $9 = $psEnc$addr; $inputBuf = ((($9)) + 5128|0); $add$ptr10 = ((($inputBuf)) + 2|0); $10 = $psEnc$addr; $frame_length = ((($10)) + 4608|0); $11 = HEAP32[$frame_length>>2]|0; _silk_LP_variable_cutoff($sLP,$add$ptr10,$11); $12 = $x_frame; $13 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz = ((($13)) + 4600|0); $14 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $mul = ($14*5)|0; $add$ptr13 = (($12) + ($mul<<2)|0); $15 = $psEnc$addr; $inputBuf15 = ((($15)) + 5128|0); $add$ptr17 = ((($inputBuf15)) + 2|0); $16 = $psEnc$addr; $frame_length19 = ((($16)) + 4608|0); $17 = HEAP32[$frame_length19>>2]|0; _silk_short2float_array_280($add$ptr13,$add$ptr17,$17); $i = 0; while(1) { $18 = $i; $cmp = ($18|0)<(8); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $19 = $i; $and21 = $19 & 2; $sub = (1 - ($and21))|0; $conv22 = (+($sub|0)); $mul23 = $conv22 * 9.9999999747524271E-7; $20 = $x_frame; $21 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz25 = ((($21)) + 4600|0); $22 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz25>>2]|0; $mul26 = ($22*5)|0; $23 = $i; $24 = $psEnc$addr; $frame_length28 = ((($24)) + 4608|0); $25 = HEAP32[$frame_length28>>2]|0; $shr = $25 >> 3; $mul29 = Math_imul($23, $shr)|0; $add = (($mul26) + ($mul29))|0; $arrayidx = (($20) + ($add<<2)|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $add30 = $26 + $mul23; HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2] = $add30; $27 = $i; $inc31 = (($27) + 1)|0; $i = $inc31; } $28 = $psEnc$addr; $prefillFlag = ((($28)) + 4712|0); $29 = HEAP32[$prefillFlag>>2]|0; $tobool = ($29|0)!=(0); L5: do { if (!($tobool)) { $30 = $psEnc$addr; $31 = $x_frame; $32 = $psEnc$addr; $arch = ((($32)) + 5124|0); $33 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; _silk_find_pitch_lags_FLP($30,$sEncCtrl,$res_pitch,$31,$33); $34 = $psEnc$addr; $35 = $res_pitch_frame; $36 = $x_frame; _silk_noise_shape_analysis_FLP($34,$sEncCtrl,$35,$36); $37 = $psEnc$addr; $38 = $x_frame; $39 = $condCoding$addr; _silk_find_pred_coefs_FLP($37,$sEncCtrl,$res_pitch,$38,$39); $40 = $psEnc$addr; $41 = $condCoding$addr; _silk_process_gains_FLP($40,$sEncCtrl,$41); $42 = $psEnc$addr; $43 = $x_frame; _silk_prefilter_FLP($42,$sEncCtrl,$xfw,$43); $44 = $psEnc$addr; $45 = $condCoding$addr; _silk_LBRR_encode_FLP($44,$sEncCtrl,$xfw,$45); $maxIter = 6; $gainMult_Q8 = 256; $found_lower = 0; $found_upper = 0; $46 = $psEnc$addr; $indices39 = ((($46)) + 4768|0); $47 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($47)) + 4604|0); $48 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $call = (_silk_gains_ID($indices39,$48)|0); $gainsID = $call; $gainsID_lower = -1; $gainsID_upper = -1; $49 = $psRangeEnc$addr; dest=$sRangeEnc_copy; src=$49; stop=dest+48|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $50 = $psEnc$addr; $sNSQ = ((($50)) + 144|0); _memcpy(($sNSQ_copy|0),($sNSQ|0),4380)|0; $51 = $psEnc$addr; $indices44 = ((($51)) + 4768|0); $Seed45 = ((($indices44)) + 34|0); $52 = HEAP8[$Seed45>>0]|0; $conv46 = $52 << 24 >> 24; $seed_copy = $conv46; $53 = $psEnc$addr; $ec_prevLagIndex = ((($53)) + 5804|0); $54 = HEAP16[$ec_prevLagIndex>>1]|0; $ec_prevLagIndex_copy = $54; $55 = $psEnc$addr; $ec_prevSignalType = ((($55)) + 5800|0); $56 = HEAP32[$ec_prevSignalType>>2]|0; $ec_prevSignalType_copy = $56; $iter = 0; while(1) { $57 = $gainsID; $58 = $gainsID_lower; $cmp50 = ($57|0)==($58|0); do { if ($cmp50) { $59 = $nBits_lower; $nBits = $59; } else { $60 = $gainsID; $61 = $gainsID_upper; $cmp53 = ($60|0)==($61|0); if ($cmp53) { $62 = $nBits_upper; $nBits = $62; break; } $63 = $iter; $cmp57 = ($63|0)>(0); if ($cmp57) { $64 = $psRangeEnc$addr; dest=$64; src=$sRangeEnc_copy; stop=dest+48|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $65 = $psEnc$addr; $sNSQ61 = ((($65)) + 144|0); _memcpy(($sNSQ61|0),($sNSQ_copy|0),4380)|0; $66 = $seed_copy; $conv62 = $66&255; $67 = $psEnc$addr; $indices64 = ((($67)) + 4768|0); $Seed65 = ((($indices64)) + 34|0); HEAP8[$Seed65>>0] = $conv62; $68 = $ec_prevLagIndex_copy; $69 = $psEnc$addr; $ec_prevLagIndex67 = ((($69)) + 5804|0); HEAP16[$ec_prevLagIndex67>>1] = $68; $70 = $ec_prevSignalType_copy; $71 = $psEnc$addr; $ec_prevSignalType69 = ((($71)) + 5800|0); HEAP32[$ec_prevSignalType69>>2] = $70; } $72 = $psEnc$addr; $73 = $psEnc$addr; $indices71 = ((($73)) + 4768|0); $74 = $psEnc$addr; $sNSQ73 = ((($74)) + 144|0); $75 = $psEnc$addr; $pulses = ((($75)) + 4804|0); _silk_NSQ_wrapper_FLP($72,$sEncCtrl,$indices71,$sNSQ73,$pulses,$xfw); $76 = $psEnc$addr; $77 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $78 = $psEnc$addr; $nFramesEncoded = ((($78)) + 5780|0); $79 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded>>2]|0; $80 = $condCoding$addr; _silk_encode_indices($76,$77,$79,0,$80); $81 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $82 = $psEnc$addr; $indices80 = ((($82)) + 4768|0); $signalType = ((($indices80)) + 29|0); $83 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv81 = $83 << 24 >> 24; $84 = $psEnc$addr; $indices83 = ((($84)) + 4768|0); $quantOffsetType = ((($indices83)) + 30|0); $85 = HEAP8[$quantOffsetType>>0]|0; $conv84 = $85 << 24 >> 24; $86 = $psEnc$addr; $pulses86 = ((($86)) + 4804|0); $87 = $psEnc$addr; $frame_length89 = ((($87)) + 4608|0); $88 = HEAP32[$frame_length89>>2]|0; _silk_encode_pulses($81,$conv81,$conv84,$pulses86,$88); $89 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $call90 = (_ec_tell_281($89)|0); $nBits = $call90; $90 = $useCBR$addr; $cmp91 = ($90|0)==(0); $91 = $iter; $cmp93 = ($91|0)==(0); $or$cond = $cmp91 & $cmp93; if ($or$cond) { $92 = $nBits; $93 = $maxBits$addr; $cmp96 = ($92|0)<=($93|0); if ($cmp96) { break L5; } } } } while(0); $94 = $iter; $95 = $maxIter; $cmp102 = ($94|0)==($95|0); if ($cmp102) { break; } $108 = $nBits; $109 = $maxBits$addr; $cmp117 = ($108|0)>($109|0); do { if ($cmp117) { $110 = $found_lower; $cmp120 = ($110|0)==(0); $111 = $iter; $cmp123 = ($111|0)>=(2); $or$cond1 = $cmp120 & $cmp123; if ($or$cond1) { $Lambda = ((($sEncCtrl)) + 852|0); $112 = +HEAPF32[$Lambda>>2]; $mul126 = $112 * 1.5; HEAPF32[$Lambda>>2] = $mul126; $found_upper = 0; $gainsID_upper = -1; break; } else { $found_upper = 1; $113 = $nBits; $nBits_upper = $113; $114 = $gainMult_Q8; $conv128 = $114 << 16 >> 16; $gainMult_upper = $conv128; $115 = $gainsID; $gainsID_upper = $115; break; } } else { $116 = $nBits; $117 = $maxBits$addr; $sub131 = (($117) - 5)|0; $cmp132 = ($116|0)<($sub131|0); if (!($cmp132)) { break L5; } $found_lower = 1; $118 = $nBits; $nBits_lower = $118; $119 = $gainMult_Q8; $conv135 = $119 << 16 >> 16; $gainMult_lower = $conv135; $120 = $gainsID; $121 = $gainsID_lower; $cmp136 = ($120|0)!=($121|0); if ($cmp136) { $122 = $gainsID; $gainsID_lower = $122; $123 = $psRangeEnc$addr; dest=$sRangeEnc_copy2; src=$123; stop=dest+48|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $124 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $125 = HEAP32[$124>>2]|0; $126 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $offs141 = ((($126)) + 24|0); $127 = HEAP32[$offs141>>2]|0; _memcpy(($ec_buf_copy|0),($125|0),($127|0))|0; $128 = $psEnc$addr; $sNSQ143 = ((($128)) + 144|0); _memcpy(($sNSQ_copy2|0),($sNSQ143|0),4380)|0; $129 = $psEnc$addr; $sShape144 = ((($129)) + 7200|0); $130 = HEAP8[$sShape144>>0]|0; $LastGainIndex_copy2 = $130; } } } while(0); $131 = $found_lower; $132 = $found_upper; $and150 = $131 & $132; $cmp151 = ($and150|0)==(0); do { if ($cmp151) { $133 = $nBits; $134 = $maxBits$addr; $sub154 = (($133) - ($134))|0; $shl = $sub154 << 7; $135 = $psEnc$addr; $frame_length156 = ((($135)) + 4608|0); $136 = HEAP32[$frame_length156>>2]|0; $div = (($shl|0) / ($136|0))&-1; $add157 = (($div) + 2048)|0; $call158 = (_silk_log2lin($add157)|0); $gain_factor_Q16 = $call158; $137 = $gain_factor_Q16; $call159 = (_silk_min_32($137,131072)|0); $gain_factor_Q16 = $call159; $138 = $nBits; $139 = $maxBits$addr; $cmp160 = ($138|0)>($139|0); if ($cmp160) { $140 = $gain_factor_Q16; $call163 = (_silk_max_32($140,85197)|0); $gain_factor_Q16 = $call163; } $141 = $gain_factor_Q16; $shr165 = $141 >> 16; $142 = $gainMult_Q8; $conv166 = $142 << 16 >> 16; $mul167 = Math_imul($shr165, $conv166)|0; $143 = $gain_factor_Q16; $and168 = $143 & 65535; $144 = $gainMult_Q8; $conv169 = $144 << 16 >> 16; $mul170 = Math_imul($and168, $conv169)|0; $shr171 = $mul170 >> 16; $add172 = (($mul167) + ($shr171))|0; $conv173 = $add172&65535; $gainMult_Q8 = $conv173; } else { $145 = $gainMult_lower; $146 = $gainMult_upper; $147 = $gainMult_lower; $sub175 = (($146) - ($147))|0; $148 = $maxBits$addr; $149 = $nBits_lower; $sub176 = (($148) - ($149))|0; $mul177 = Math_imul($sub175, $sub176)|0; $150 = $nBits_upper; $151 = $nBits_lower; $sub178 = (($150) - ($151))|0; $div179 = (($mul177|0) / ($sub178|0))&-1; $add180 = (($145) + ($div179))|0; $conv181 = $add180&65535; $gainMult_Q8 = $conv181; $152 = $gainMult_Q8; $conv182 = $152 << 16 >> 16; $153 = $gainMult_lower; $154 = $gainMult_upper; $155 = $gainMult_lower; $sub183 = (($154) - ($155))|0; $shr184 = $sub183 >> 2; $add185 = (($153) + ($shr184))|0; $cmp186 = ($conv182|0)>($add185|0); if ($cmp186) { $156 = $gainMult_lower; $157 = $gainMult_upper; $158 = $gainMult_lower; $sub189 = (($157) - ($158))|0; $shr190 = $sub189 >> 2; $add191 = (($156) + ($shr190))|0; $conv192 = $add191&65535; $gainMult_Q8 = $conv192; break; } $159 = $gainMult_Q8; $conv194 = $159 << 16 >> 16; $160 = $gainMult_upper; $161 = $gainMult_upper; $162 = $gainMult_lower; $sub195 = (($161) - ($162))|0; $shr196 = $sub195 >> 2; $sub197 = (($160) - ($shr196))|0; $cmp198 = ($conv194|0)<($sub197|0); if ($cmp198) { $163 = $gainMult_upper; $164 = $gainMult_upper; $165 = $gainMult_lower; $sub201 = (($164) - ($165))|0; $shr202 = $sub201 >> 2; $sub203 = (($163) - ($shr202))|0; $conv204 = $sub203&65535; $gainMult_Q8 = $conv204; } } } while(0); $i = 0; while(1) { $166 = $i; $167 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr210 = ((($167)) + 4604|0); $168 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr210>>2]|0; $cmp211 = ($166|0)<($168|0); if (!($cmp211)) { break; } $GainsUnq_Q16 = ((($sEncCtrl)) + 892|0); $169 = $i; $arrayidx214 = (($GainsUnq_Q16) + ($169<<2)|0); $170 = HEAP32[$arrayidx214>>2]|0; $shr215 = $170 >> 16; $171 = $gainMult_Q8; $conv216 = $171 << 16 >> 16; $mul217 = Math_imul($shr215, $conv216)|0; $GainsUnq_Q16218 = ((($sEncCtrl)) + 892|0); $172 = $i; $arrayidx219 = (($GainsUnq_Q16218) + ($172<<2)|0); $173 = HEAP32[$arrayidx219>>2]|0; $and220 = $173 & 65535; $174 = $gainMult_Q8; $conv221 = $174 << 16 >> 16; $mul222 = Math_imul($and220, $conv221)|0; $shr223 = $mul222 >> 16; $add224 = (($mul217) + ($shr223))|0; $cmp225 = ($add224|0)>(8388607); if ($cmp225) { $cond256 = 8388607; } else { $GainsUnq_Q16227 = ((($sEncCtrl)) + 892|0); $175 = $i; $arrayidx228 = (($GainsUnq_Q16227) + ($175<<2)|0); $176 = HEAP32[$arrayidx228>>2]|0; $shr229 = $176 >> 16; $177 = $gainMult_Q8; $conv230 = $177 << 16 >> 16; $mul231 = Math_imul($shr229, $conv230)|0; $GainsUnq_Q16232 = ((($sEncCtrl)) + 892|0); $178 = $i; $arrayidx233 = (($GainsUnq_Q16232) + ($178<<2)|0); $179 = HEAP32[$arrayidx233>>2]|0; $and234 = $179 & 65535; $180 = $gainMult_Q8; $conv235 = $180 << 16 >> 16; $mul236 = Math_imul($and234, $conv235)|0; $shr237 = $mul236 >> 16; $add238 = (($mul231) + ($shr237))|0; $cmp239 = ($add238|0)<(-8388608); if ($cmp239) { $cond256 = -8388608; } else { $GainsUnq_Q16243 = ((($sEncCtrl)) + 892|0); $181 = $i; $arrayidx244 = (($GainsUnq_Q16243) + ($181<<2)|0); $182 = HEAP32[$arrayidx244>>2]|0; $shr245 = $182 >> 16; $183 = $gainMult_Q8; $conv246 = $183 << 16 >> 16; $mul247 = Math_imul($shr245, $conv246)|0; $GainsUnq_Q16248 = ((($sEncCtrl)) + 892|0); $184 = $i; $arrayidx249 = (($GainsUnq_Q16248) + ($184<<2)|0); $185 = HEAP32[$arrayidx249>>2]|0; $and250 = $185 & 65535; $186 = $gainMult_Q8; $conv251 = $186 << 16 >> 16; $mul252 = Math_imul($and250, $conv251)|0; $shr253 = $mul252 >> 16; $add254 = (($mul247) + ($shr253))|0; $cond256 = $add254; } } $shl257 = $cond256 << 8; $187 = $i; $arrayidx258 = (($pGains_Q16) + ($187<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx258>>2] = $shl257; $188 = $i; $inc260 = (($188) + 1)|0; $i = $inc260; } $lastGainIndexPrev = ((($sEncCtrl)) + 908|0); $189 = HEAP8[$lastGainIndexPrev>>0]|0; $190 = $psEnc$addr; $sShape262 = ((($190)) + 7200|0); HEAP8[$sShape262>>0] = $189; $191 = $psEnc$addr; $indices265 = ((($191)) + 4768|0); $192 = $psEnc$addr; $sShape269 = ((($192)) + 7200|0); $193 = $condCoding$addr; $cmp271 = ($193|0)==(2); $conv272 = $cmp271&1; $194 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr274 = ((($194)) + 4604|0); $195 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr274>>2]|0; _silk_gains_quant($indices265,$pGains_Q16,$sShape269,$conv272,$195); $196 = $psEnc$addr; $indices276 = ((($196)) + 4768|0); $197 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr280 = ((($197)) + 4604|0); $198 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr280>>2]|0; $call281 = (_silk_gains_ID($indices276,$198)|0); $gainsID = $call281; $i = 0; while(1) { $199 = $i; $200 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr284 = ((($200)) + 4604|0); $201 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr284>>2]|0; $cmp285 = ($199|0)<($201|0); if (!($cmp285)) { break; } $202 = $i; $arrayidx288 = (($pGains_Q16) + ($202<<2)|0); $203 = HEAP32[$arrayidx288>>2]|0; $conv289 = (+($203|0)); $div290 = $conv289 / 65536.0; $204 = $i; $arrayidx291 = (($sEncCtrl) + ($204<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx291>>2] = $div290; $205 = $i; $inc293 = (($205) + 1)|0; $i = $inc293; } $206 = $iter; $inc296 = (($206) + 1)|0; $iter = $inc296; } $96 = $found_lower; $tobool105 = ($96|0)!=(0); if ($tobool105) { $97 = $gainsID; $98 = $gainsID_lower; $cmp107 = ($97|0)==($98|0); if (!($cmp107)) { $99 = $nBits; $100 = $maxBits$addr; $cmp109 = ($99|0)>($100|0); if (!($cmp109)) { break; } } $101 = $psRangeEnc$addr; dest=$101; src=$sRangeEnc_copy2; stop=dest+48|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $102 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $103 = HEAP32[$102>>2]|0; $offs = ((($sRangeEnc_copy2)) + 24|0); $104 = HEAP32[$offs>>2]|0; _memcpy(($103|0),($ec_buf_copy|0),($104|0))|0; $105 = $psEnc$addr; $sNSQ114 = ((($105)) + 144|0); _memcpy(($sNSQ114|0),($sNSQ_copy2|0),4380)|0; $106 = $LastGainIndex_copy2; $107 = $psEnc$addr; $sShape = ((($107)) + 7200|0); HEAP8[$sShape>>0] = $106; } } } while(0); $207 = $psEnc$addr; $x_buf299 = ((($207)) + 9356|0); $208 = $psEnc$addr; $x_buf301 = ((($208)) + 9356|0); $209 = $psEnc$addr; $frame_length303 = ((($209)) + 4608|0); $210 = HEAP32[$frame_length303>>2]|0; $arrayidx304 = (($x_buf301) + ($210<<2)|0); $211 = $psEnc$addr; $ltp_mem_length306 = ((($211)) + 4616|0); $212 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length306>>2]|0; $213 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz308 = ((($213)) + 4600|0); $214 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz308>>2]|0; $mul309 = ($214*5)|0; $add310 = (($212) + ($mul309))|0; $mul311 = $add310<<2; _memmove(($x_buf299|0),($arrayidx304|0),($mul311|0))|0; $215 = $psEnc$addr; $prefillFlag313 = ((($215)) + 4712|0); $216 = HEAP32[$prefillFlag313>>2]|0; $tobool314 = ($216|0)!=(0); if ($tobool314) { $217 = $pnBytesOut$addr; HEAP32[$217>>2] = 0; $218 = $ret; $retval = $218; $230 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($230|0); } else { $pitchL = ((($sEncCtrl)) + 228|0); $219 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr318 = ((($219)) + 4604|0); $220 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr318>>2]|0; $sub319 = (($220) - 1)|0; $arrayidx320 = (($pitchL) + ($sub319<<2)|0); $221 = HEAP32[$arrayidx320>>2]|0; $222 = $psEnc$addr; $prevLag = ((($222)) + 4568|0); HEAP32[$prevLag>>2] = $221; $223 = $psEnc$addr; $indices323 = ((($223)) + 4768|0); $signalType324 = ((($indices323)) + 29|0); $224 = HEAP8[$signalType324>>0]|0; $225 = $psEnc$addr; $prevSignalType = ((($225)) + 4565|0); HEAP8[$prevSignalType>>0] = $224; $226 = $psEnc$addr; $first_frame_after_reset = ((($226)) + 4696|0); HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset>>2] = 0; $227 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $call327 = (_ec_tell_281($227)|0); $add328 = (($call327) + 7)|0; $shr329 = $add328 >> 3; $228 = $pnBytesOut$addr; HEAP32[$228>>2] = $shr329; $229 = $ret; $retval = $229; $230 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($230|0); } return (0)|0; } function _silk_short2float_array_280($out,$in,$length) { $out = $out|0; $in = $in|0; $length = $length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0.0, $dec = 0, $in$addr = 0, $k = 0, $length$addr = 0, $out$addr = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $out$addr = $out; $in$addr = $in; $length$addr = $length; $0 = $length$addr; $sub = (($0) - 1)|0; $k = $sub; while(1) { $1 = $k; $cmp = ($1|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $in$addr; $3 = $k; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<1)|0); $4 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = (+($4<<16>>16)); $5 = $out$addr; $6 = $k; $arrayidx1 = (($5) + ($6<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2] = $conv; $7 = $k; $dec = (($7) + -1)|0; $k = $dec; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_LBRR_encode_FLP($psEnc,$psEncCtrl,$xfw,$condCoding) { $psEnc = $psEnc|0; $psEncCtrl = $psEncCtrl|0; $xfw = $xfw|0; $condCoding = $condCoding|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Gains_Q16 = 0, $LBRR_GainIncreases = 0, $LBRR_enabled = 0, $LBRR_flags = 0, $LBRR_flags16 = 0; var $LBRRprevLastGainIndex = 0, $LBRRprevLastGainIndex36 = 0, $TempGains = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp37 = 0, $cmp43 = 0, $condCoding$addr = 0, $conv = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv28 = 0; var $conv29 = 0, $conv38 = 0, $conv46 = 0.0, $inc = 0, $indices = 0, $indices_LBRR = 0, $k = 0, $mul = 0, $mul47 = 0.0, $mul60 = 0, $nFramesEncoded = 0, $nFramesEncoded13 = 0, $nFramesEncoded18 = 0, $nFramesEncoded52 = 0, $nFramesEncoded6 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr40 = 0, $nb_subfr42 = 0, $nb_subfr59 = 0, $psEnc$addr = 0; var $psEncCtrl$addr = 0, $psIndices_LBRR = 0, $pulses_LBRR = 0, $sNSQ = 0, $sNSQ_LBRR = 0, $sShape = 0, $speech_activity_Q8 = 0, $sub = 0, $tobool = 0, $xfw$addr = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, src = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 4448|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(4448|0); $Gains_Q16 = sp + 4400|0; $TempGains = sp + 4384|0; $sNSQ_LBRR = sp; $psEnc$addr = $psEnc; $psEncCtrl$addr = $psEncCtrl; $xfw$addr = $xfw; $condCoding$addr = $condCoding; $0 = $psEnc$addr; $indices_LBRR = ((($0)) + 6132|0); $1 = $psEnc$addr; $nFramesEncoded = ((($1)) + 5780|0); $2 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded>>2]|0; $arrayidx = (($indices_LBRR) + (($2*36)|0)|0); $psIndices_LBRR = $arrayidx; $3 = $psEnc$addr; $LBRR_enabled = ((($3)) + 6124|0); $4 = HEAP32[$LBRR_enabled>>2]|0; $tobool = ($4|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $5 = $psEnc$addr; $speech_activity_Q8 = ((($5)) + 4556|0); $6 = HEAP32[$speech_activity_Q8>>2]|0; $cmp = ($6|0)>(77); if (!($cmp)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $7 = $psEnc$addr; $LBRR_flags = ((($7)) + 4756|0); $8 = $psEnc$addr; $nFramesEncoded6 = ((($8)) + 5780|0); $9 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded6>>2]|0; $arrayidx7 = (($LBRR_flags) + ($9<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx7>>2] = 1; $10 = $psEnc$addr; $sNSQ = ((($10)) + 144|0); _memcpy(($sNSQ_LBRR|0),($sNSQ|0),4380)|0; $11 = $psIndices_LBRR; $12 = $psEnc$addr; $indices = ((($12)) + 4768|0); dest=$11; src=$indices; stop=dest+36|0; do { HEAP16[dest>>1]=HEAP16[src>>1]|0; dest=dest+2|0; src=src+2|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $13 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $14 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($14)) + 4604|0); $15 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $mul = $15<<2; _memcpy(($TempGains|0),($13|0),($mul|0))|0; $16 = $psEnc$addr; $nFramesEncoded13 = ((($16)) + 5780|0); $17 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded13>>2]|0; $cmp14 = ($17|0)==(0); if ($cmp14) { label = 5; } else { $18 = $psEnc$addr; $LBRR_flags16 = ((($18)) + 4756|0); $19 = $psEnc$addr; $nFramesEncoded18 = ((($19)) + 5780|0); $20 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded18>>2]|0; $sub = (($20) - 1)|0; $arrayidx19 = (($LBRR_flags16) + ($sub<<2)|0); $21 = HEAP32[$arrayidx19>>2]|0; $cmp20 = ($21|0)==(0); if ($cmp20) { label = 5; } } if ((label|0) == 5) { $22 = $psEnc$addr; $sShape = ((($22)) + 7200|0); $23 = HEAP8[$sShape>>0]|0; $24 = $psEnc$addr; $LBRRprevLastGainIndex = ((($24)) + 4564|0); HEAP8[$LBRRprevLastGainIndex>>0] = $23; $25 = $psEnc$addr; $LBRR_GainIncreases = ((($25)) + 6128|0); $26 = HEAP32[$LBRR_GainIncreases>>2]|0; $27 = $psIndices_LBRR; $28 = HEAP8[$27>>0]|0; $conv = $28 << 24 >> 24; $add = (($conv) + ($26))|0; $conv25 = $add&255; HEAP8[$27>>0] = $conv25; $29 = $psIndices_LBRR; $30 = HEAP8[$29>>0]|0; $conv28 = $30 << 24 >> 24; $call = (_silk_min_int_282($conv28,63)|0); $conv29 = $call&255; $31 = $psIndices_LBRR; HEAP8[$31>>0] = $conv29; } $32 = $psIndices_LBRR; $33 = $psEnc$addr; $LBRRprevLastGainIndex36 = ((($33)) + 4564|0); $34 = $condCoding$addr; $cmp37 = ($34|0)==(2); $conv38 = $cmp37&1; $35 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr40 = ((($35)) + 4604|0); $36 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr40>>2]|0; _silk_gains_dequant($Gains_Q16,$32,$LBRRprevLastGainIndex36,$conv38,$36); $k = 0; while(1) { $37 = $k; $38 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr42 = ((($38)) + 4604|0); $39 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr42>>2]|0; $cmp43 = ($37|0)<($39|0); if (!($cmp43)) { break; } $40 = $k; $arrayidx45 = (($Gains_Q16) + ($40<<2)|0); $41 = HEAP32[$arrayidx45>>2]|0; $conv46 = (+($41|0)); $mul47 = $conv46 * 1.52587890625E-5; $42 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $43 = $k; $arrayidx49 = (($42) + ($43<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2] = $mul47; $44 = $k; $inc = (($44) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $45 = $psEnc$addr; $46 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $47 = $psIndices_LBRR; $48 = $psEnc$addr; $pulses_LBRR = ((($48)) + 6240|0); $49 = $psEnc$addr; $nFramesEncoded52 = ((($49)) + 5780|0); $50 = HEAP32[$nFramesEncoded52>>2]|0; $arrayidx53 = (($pulses_LBRR) + (($50*320)|0)|0); $51 = $xfw$addr; _silk_NSQ_wrapper_FLP($45,$46,$47,$sNSQ_LBRR,$arrayidx53,$51); $52 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $53 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr59 = ((($53)) + 4604|0); $54 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr59>>2]|0; $mul60 = $54<<2; _memcpy(($52|0),($TempGains|0),($mul60|0))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _ec_tell_281($_this) { $_this = $_this|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $_this$addr = 0, $nbits_total = 0, $rng = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_this$addr = $_this; $0 = $_this$addr; $nbits_total = ((($0)) + 20|0); $1 = HEAP32[$nbits_total>>2]|0; $2 = $_this$addr; $rng = ((($2)) + 28|0); $3 = HEAP32[$rng>>2]|0; $4 = (Math_clz32(($3|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($4))|0; $sub1 = (($1) - ($sub))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($sub1|0); } function _silk_min_32($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_max_32($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_min_int_282($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_find_pitch_lags_FLP($psEnc,$psEncCtrl,$res,$x,$arch) { $psEnc = $psEnc|0; $psEncCtrl = $psEncCtrl|0; $res = $res|0; $x = $x|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0; var $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0; var $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0; var $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0; var $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0; var $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $A = 0, $LTPCorr = 0, $LTPCorr120 = 0, $Wsig = 0, $Wsig_ptr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr14 = 0, $add$ptr17 = 0, $add$ptr28 = 0, $add$ptr35 = 0, $add$ptr6 = 0, $add$ptr9 = 0, $add3 = 0, $add43 = 0, $add45 = 0.0, $add47 = 0.0; var $arch$addr = 0, $auto_corr = 0, $buf_len = 0, $call = 0.0, $call101 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp102 = 0, $cmp64 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $contourIndex = 0, $contourIndex119 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv71 = 0.0, $conv75 = 0.0, $conv80 = 0, $conv81 = 0.0, $conv85 = 0.0, $conv96 = 0.0, $div = 0.0; var $div97 = 0.0, $first_frame_after_reset = 0, $frame_length = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $idx$neg8 = 0, $indices = 0, $indices106 = 0, $indices115 = 0, $indices118 = 0, $indices91 = 0, $indices93 = 0, $input_tilt_Q15 = 0, $la_pitch = 0, $la_pitch11 = 0, $la_pitch13 = 0, $la_pitch16 = 0, $la_pitch21 = 0, $la_pitch25 = 0, $la_pitch32 = 0; var $la_pitch37 = 0, $lagIndex = 0, $lagIndex116 = 0, $ltp_mem_length = 0, $ltp_mem_length5 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul44 = 0.0, $mul72 = 0.0, $mul76 = 0.0, $mul77 = 0.0, $mul82 = 0.0, $mul86 = 0.0, $mul87 = 0.0, $nb_subfr = 0, $pitchEstimationComplexity = 0, $pitchEstimationLPCOrder = 0, $pitchEstimationLPCOrder51 = 0, $pitchEstimationLPCOrder56 = 0, $pitchEstimationLPCOrder59 = 0, $pitchEstimationLPCOrder62 = 0; var $pitchEstimationLPCOrder70 = 0, $pitchEstimationThreshold_Q16 = 0, $pitchL = 0, $pitchL112 = 0, $pitch_LPC_win_length = 0, $pitch_LPC_win_length19 = 0, $pitch_LPC_win_length23 = 0, $pitch_LPC_win_length30 = 0, $pitch_LPC_win_length41 = 0, $predGain = 0, $prevLag = 0, $prevSignalType = 0, $psEnc$addr = 0, $psEncCtrl$addr = 0, $refl_coef = 0, $res$addr = 0, $res_nrg = 0.0, $shl = 0, $shl26 = 0, $shl33 = 0; var $shr = 0, $signalType = 0, $signalType107 = 0, $speech_activity_Q8 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub27 = 0, $sub34 = 0, $sub73 = 0.0, $sub78 = 0.0, $sub83 = 0.0, $sub88 = 0.0, $thrhld = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, $x_buf = 0, $x_buf_ptr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 1792|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(1792|0); $auto_corr = sp + 1672|0; $A = sp + 1608|0; $refl_coef = sp + 1544|0; $Wsig = sp + 8|0; $psEnc$addr = $psEnc; $psEncCtrl$addr = $psEncCtrl; $res$addr = $res; $x$addr = $x; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $psEnc$addr; $la_pitch = ((($0)) + 4620|0); $1 = HEAP32[$la_pitch>>2]|0; $2 = $psEnc$addr; $frame_length = ((($2)) + 4608|0); $3 = HEAP32[$frame_length>>2]|0; $add = (($1) + ($3))|0; $4 = $psEnc$addr; $ltp_mem_length = ((($4)) + 4616|0); $5 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length>>2]|0; $add3 = (($add) + ($5))|0; $buf_len = $add3; $6 = $x$addr; $7 = $psEnc$addr; $ltp_mem_length5 = ((($7)) + 4616|0); $8 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length5>>2]|0; $idx$neg = (0 - ($8))|0; $add$ptr = (($6) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $x_buf = $add$ptr; $9 = $x_buf; $10 = $buf_len; $add$ptr6 = (($9) + ($10<<2)|0); $11 = $psEnc$addr; $pitch_LPC_win_length = ((($11)) + 4572|0); $12 = HEAP32[$pitch_LPC_win_length>>2]|0; $idx$neg8 = (0 - ($12))|0; $add$ptr9 = (($add$ptr6) + ($idx$neg8<<2)|0); $x_buf_ptr = $add$ptr9; $Wsig_ptr = $Wsig; $13 = $Wsig_ptr; $14 = $x_buf_ptr; $15 = $psEnc$addr; $la_pitch11 = ((($15)) + 4620|0); $16 = HEAP32[$la_pitch11>>2]|0; _silk_apply_sine_window_FLP($13,$14,1,$16); $17 = $psEnc$addr; $la_pitch13 = ((($17)) + 4620|0); $18 = HEAP32[$la_pitch13>>2]|0; $19 = $Wsig_ptr; $add$ptr14 = (($19) + ($18<<2)|0); $Wsig_ptr = $add$ptr14; $20 = $psEnc$addr; $la_pitch16 = ((($20)) + 4620|0); $21 = HEAP32[$la_pitch16>>2]|0; $22 = $x_buf_ptr; $add$ptr17 = (($22) + ($21<<2)|0); $x_buf_ptr = $add$ptr17; $23 = $Wsig_ptr; $24 = $x_buf_ptr; $25 = $psEnc$addr; $pitch_LPC_win_length19 = ((($25)) + 4572|0); $26 = HEAP32[$pitch_LPC_win_length19>>2]|0; $27 = $psEnc$addr; $la_pitch21 = ((($27)) + 4620|0); $28 = HEAP32[$la_pitch21>>2]|0; $shl = $28 << 1; $sub = (($26) - ($shl))|0; $mul = $sub<<2; _memcpy(($23|0),($24|0),($mul|0))|0; $29 = $psEnc$addr; $pitch_LPC_win_length23 = ((($29)) + 4572|0); $30 = HEAP32[$pitch_LPC_win_length23>>2]|0; $31 = $psEnc$addr; $la_pitch25 = ((($31)) + 4620|0); $32 = HEAP32[$la_pitch25>>2]|0; $shl26 = $32 << 1; $sub27 = (($30) - ($shl26))|0; $33 = $Wsig_ptr; $add$ptr28 = (($33) + ($sub27<<2)|0); $Wsig_ptr = $add$ptr28; $34 = $psEnc$addr; $pitch_LPC_win_length30 = ((($34)) + 4572|0); $35 = HEAP32[$pitch_LPC_win_length30>>2]|0; $36 = $psEnc$addr; $la_pitch32 = ((($36)) + 4620|0); $37 = HEAP32[$la_pitch32>>2]|0; $shl33 = $37 << 1; $sub34 = (($35) - ($shl33))|0; $38 = $x_buf_ptr; $add$ptr35 = (($38) + ($sub34<<2)|0); $x_buf_ptr = $add$ptr35; $39 = $Wsig_ptr; $40 = $x_buf_ptr; $41 = $psEnc$addr; $la_pitch37 = ((($41)) + 4620|0); $42 = HEAP32[$la_pitch37>>2]|0; _silk_apply_sine_window_FLP($39,$40,2,$42); $43 = $psEnc$addr; $pitch_LPC_win_length41 = ((($43)) + 4572|0); $44 = HEAP32[$pitch_LPC_win_length41>>2]|0; $45 = $psEnc$addr; $pitchEstimationLPCOrder = ((($45)) + 4672|0); $46 = HEAP32[$pitchEstimationLPCOrder>>2]|0; $add43 = (($46) + 1)|0; _silk_autocorrelation_FLP($auto_corr,$Wsig,$44,$add43); $47 = +HEAPF32[$auto_corr>>2]; $mul44 = $47 * 0.0010000000474974513; $add45 = $mul44 + 1.0; $48 = +HEAPF32[$auto_corr>>2]; $add47 = $48 + $add45; HEAPF32[$auto_corr>>2] = $add47; $49 = $psEnc$addr; $pitchEstimationLPCOrder51 = ((($49)) + 4672|0); $50 = HEAP32[$pitchEstimationLPCOrder51>>2]|0; $call = (+_silk_schur_FLP($refl_coef,$auto_corr,$50)); $res_nrg = $call; $51 = +HEAPF32[$auto_corr>>2]; $52 = $res_nrg; $cmp = $52 > 1.0; $53 = $res_nrg; $cond = $cmp ? $53 : 1.0; $div = $51 / $cond; $54 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $predGain = ((($54)) + 868|0); HEAPF32[$predGain>>2] = $div; $55 = $psEnc$addr; $pitchEstimationLPCOrder56 = ((($55)) + 4672|0); $56 = HEAP32[$pitchEstimationLPCOrder56>>2]|0; _silk_k2a_FLP($A,$refl_coef,$56); $57 = $psEnc$addr; $pitchEstimationLPCOrder59 = ((($57)) + 4672|0); $58 = HEAP32[$pitchEstimationLPCOrder59>>2]|0; _silk_bwexpander_FLP($A,$58,0.99000000953674316); $59 = $res$addr; $60 = $x_buf; $61 = $buf_len; $62 = $psEnc$addr; $pitchEstimationLPCOrder62 = ((($62)) + 4672|0); $63 = HEAP32[$pitchEstimationLPCOrder62>>2]|0; _silk_LPC_analysis_filter_FLP($59,$A,$60,$61,$63); $64 = $psEnc$addr; $indices = ((($64)) + 4768|0); $signalType = ((($indices)) + 29|0); $65 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv = $65 << 24 >> 24; $cmp64 = ($conv|0)!=(0); if ($cmp64) { $66 = $psEnc$addr; $first_frame_after_reset = ((($66)) + 4696|0); $67 = HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset>>2]|0; $cmp67 = ($67|0)==(0); if ($cmp67) { $thrhld = 0.60000002384185791; $68 = $psEnc$addr; $pitchEstimationLPCOrder70 = ((($68)) + 4672|0); $69 = HEAP32[$pitchEstimationLPCOrder70>>2]|0; $conv71 = (+($69|0)); $mul72 = 0.0040000001899898052 * $conv71; $70 = $thrhld; $sub73 = $70 - $mul72; $thrhld = $sub73; $71 = $psEnc$addr; $speech_activity_Q8 = ((($71)) + 4556|0); $72 = HEAP32[$speech_activity_Q8>>2]|0; $conv75 = (+($72|0)); $mul76 = 0.10000000149011612 * $conv75; $mul77 = $mul76 * 0.00390625; $73 = $thrhld; $sub78 = $73 - $mul77; $thrhld = $sub78; $74 = $psEnc$addr; $prevSignalType = ((($74)) + 4565|0); $75 = HEAP8[$prevSignalType>>0]|0; $conv80 = $75 << 24 >> 24; $shr = $conv80 >> 1; $conv81 = (+($shr|0)); $mul82 = 0.15000000596046448 * $conv81; $76 = $thrhld; $sub83 = $76 - $mul82; $thrhld = $sub83; $77 = $psEnc$addr; $input_tilt_Q15 = ((($77)) + 4744|0); $78 = HEAP32[$input_tilt_Q15>>2]|0; $conv85 = (+($78|0)); $mul86 = 0.10000000149011612 * $conv85; $mul87 = $mul86 * 3.0517578125E-5; $79 = $thrhld; $sub88 = $79 - $mul87; $thrhld = $sub88; $80 = $res$addr; $81 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $pitchL = ((($81)) + 228|0); $82 = $psEnc$addr; $indices91 = ((($82)) + 4768|0); $lagIndex = ((($indices91)) + 26|0); $83 = $psEnc$addr; $indices93 = ((($83)) + 4768|0); $contourIndex = ((($indices93)) + 28|0); $84 = $psEnc$addr; $LTPCorr = ((($84)) + 12236|0); $85 = $psEnc$addr; $prevLag = ((($85)) + 4568|0); $86 = HEAP32[$prevLag>>2]|0; $87 = $psEnc$addr; $pitchEstimationThreshold_Q16 = ((($87)) + 4676|0); $88 = HEAP32[$pitchEstimationThreshold_Q16>>2]|0; $conv96 = (+($88|0)); $div97 = $conv96 / 65536.0; $89 = $thrhld; $90 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz = ((($90)) + 4600|0); $91 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $92 = $psEnc$addr; $pitchEstimationComplexity = ((($92)) + 4668|0); $93 = HEAP32[$pitchEstimationComplexity>>2]|0; $94 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($94)) + 4604|0); $95 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $96 = $arch$addr; $call101 = (_silk_pitch_analysis_core_FLP($80,$pitchL,$lagIndex,$contourIndex,$LTPCorr,$86,$div97,$89,$91,$93,$95,$96)|0); $cmp102 = ($call101|0)==(0); $97 = $psEnc$addr; $indices106 = ((($97)) + 4768|0); $signalType107 = ((($indices106)) + 29|0); $$sink = $cmp102 ? 2 : 1; HEAP8[$signalType107>>0] = $$sink; STACKTOP = sp;return; } } $98 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $pitchL112 = ((($98)) + 228|0); ;HEAP32[$pitchL112>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$pitchL112+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$pitchL112+8>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$pitchL112+12>>2]=0|0; $99 = $psEnc$addr; $indices115 = ((($99)) + 4768|0); $lagIndex116 = ((($indices115)) + 26|0); HEAP16[$lagIndex116>>1] = 0; $100 = $psEnc$addr; $indices118 = ((($100)) + 4768|0); $contourIndex119 = ((($indices118)) + 28|0); HEAP8[$contourIndex119>>0] = 0; $101 = $psEnc$addr; $LTPCorr120 = ((($101)) + 12236|0); HEAPF32[$LTPCorr120>>2] = 0.0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_find_pred_coefs_FLP($psEnc,$psEncCtrl,$res_pitch,$x,$condCoding) { $psEnc = $psEnc|0; $psEncCtrl = $psEncCtrl|0; $res_pitch = $res_pitch|0; $x = $x|0; $condCoding = $condCoding|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0; var $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0; var $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0.0; var $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0; var $8 = 0.0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0.0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0.0, $86 = 0.0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0.0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0; var $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $LPC_in_pre = 0, $LTPCoef = 0, $LTPCoef15 = 0, $LTPCoef31 = 0, $LTPCoef70 = 0, $LTPIndex = 0, $LTPQuantLowComplexity = 0, $LTPredCodGain = 0, $LTPredCodGain76 = 0, $LTPredCodGain82 = 0, $NLSF_Q15 = 0, $PERIndex = 0, $PredCoef = 0, $PredCoef101 = 0, $ResNrg = 0, $WLTP = 0, $Wght = 0, $add = 0; var $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr45 = 0, $add$ptr63 = 0, $add$ptr66 = 0, $add62 = 0, $add88 = 0.0, $arch = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp50 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $coding_quality = 0, $condCoding$addr = 0, $conv = 0, $conv84 = 0.0; var $conv85 = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $div83 = 0.0, $div86 = 0.0, $div89 = 0.0, $first_frame_after_reset = 0, $i = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $idx$neg44 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc68 = 0, $indices = 0, $indices18 = 0, $indices21 = 0, $invGains = 0, $ltp_mem_length = 0, $minInvGain = 0.0, $mu_LTP_Q9 = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul74 = 0; var $mul75 = 0, $mul87 = 0.0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr108 = 0, $nb_subfr13 = 0, $nb_subfr27 = 0, $nb_subfr39 = 0, $nb_subfr49 = 0, $nb_subfr73 = 0, $pitchL = 0, $pitchL33 = 0, $predictLPCOrder = 0, $predictLPCOrder110 = 0, $predictLPCOrder41 = 0, $predictLPCOrder43 = 0, $predictLPCOrder57 = 0, $predictLPCOrder61 = 0, $prev_NLSFq_Q15 = 0, $prev_NLSFq_Q15112 = 0, $psEnc$addr = 0; var $psEncCtrl$addr = 0, $res_pitch$addr = 0, $signalType = 0, $subfr_length = 0, $subfr_length106 = 0, $subfr_length37 = 0, $subfr_length55 = 0, $subfr_length59 = 0, $subfr_length65 = 0, $sum_log_gain_Q7 = 0, $sum_log_gain_Q778 = 0, $tobool = 0, $x$addr = 0, $x_pre_ptr = 0, $x_ptr = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, src = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 2048|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(2048|0); $WLTP = sp + 1584|0; $invGains = sp + 1568|0; $Wght = sp + 1552|0; $NLSF_Q15 = sp + 2008|0; $LPC_in_pre = sp + 8|0; $psEnc$addr = $psEnc; $psEncCtrl$addr = $psEncCtrl; $res_pitch$addr = $res_pitch; $x$addr = $x; $condCoding$addr = $condCoding; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($1)) + 4604|0); $2 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $cmp = ($0|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $div = 1.0 / $5; $6 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($invGains) + ($6<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2] = $div; $7 = $i; $arrayidx2 = (($invGains) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $9 = $i; $arrayidx3 = (($invGains) + ($9<<2)|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $mul = $8 * $10; $11 = $i; $arrayidx4 = (($Wght) + ($11<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2] = $mul; $12 = $i; $inc = (($12) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $13 = $psEnc$addr; $indices = ((($13)) + 4768|0); $signalType = ((($indices)) + 29|0); $14 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv = $14 << 24 >> 24; $cmp6 = ($conv|0)==(2); if ($cmp6) { $15 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LTPCoef = ((($15)) + 144|0); $16 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LTPredCodGain = ((($16)) + 872|0); $17 = $res_pitch$addr; $18 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $pitchL = ((($18)) + 228|0); $19 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length = ((($19)) + 4612|0); $20 = HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2]|0; $21 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr13 = ((($21)) + 4604|0); $22 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr13>>2]|0; $23 = $psEnc$addr; $ltp_mem_length = ((($23)) + 4616|0); $24 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length>>2]|0; _silk_find_LTP_FLP($LTPCoef,$WLTP,$LTPredCodGain,$17,$pitchL,$Wght,$20,$22,$24); $25 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LTPCoef15 = ((($25)) + 144|0); $26 = $psEnc$addr; $indices18 = ((($26)) + 4768|0); $LTPIndex = ((($indices18)) + 4|0); $27 = $psEnc$addr; $indices21 = ((($27)) + 4768|0); $PERIndex = ((($indices21)) + 32|0); $28 = $psEnc$addr; $sum_log_gain_Q7 = ((($28)) + 4688|0); $29 = $psEnc$addr; $mu_LTP_Q9 = ((($29)) + 4684|0); $30 = HEAP32[$mu_LTP_Q9>>2]|0; $31 = $psEnc$addr; $LTPQuantLowComplexity = ((($31)) + 4680|0); $32 = HEAP32[$LTPQuantLowComplexity>>2]|0; $33 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr27 = ((($33)) + 4604|0); $34 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr27>>2]|0; $35 = $psEnc$addr; $arch = ((($35)) + 5124|0); $36 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; _silk_quant_LTP_gains_FLP($LTPCoef15,$LTPIndex,$PERIndex,$sum_log_gain_Q7,$WLTP,$30,$32,$34,$36); $37 = $psEnc$addr; $38 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $39 = $condCoding$addr; _silk_LTP_scale_ctrl_FLP($37,$38,$39); $40 = $x$addr; $41 = $psEnc$addr; $predictLPCOrder = ((($41)) + 4664|0); $42 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder>>2]|0; $idx$neg = (0 - ($42))|0; $add$ptr = (($40) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $43 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LTPCoef31 = ((($43)) + 144|0); $44 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $pitchL33 = ((($44)) + 228|0); $45 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length37 = ((($45)) + 4612|0); $46 = HEAP32[$subfr_length37>>2]|0; $47 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr39 = ((($47)) + 4604|0); $48 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr39>>2]|0; $49 = $psEnc$addr; $predictLPCOrder41 = ((($49)) + 4664|0); $50 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder41>>2]|0; _silk_LTP_analysis_filter_FLP($LPC_in_pre,$add$ptr,$LTPCoef31,$pitchL33,$invGains,$46,$48,$50); } else { $51 = $x$addr; $52 = $psEnc$addr; $predictLPCOrder43 = ((($52)) + 4664|0); $53 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder43>>2]|0; $idx$neg44 = (0 - ($53))|0; $add$ptr45 = (($51) + ($idx$neg44<<2)|0); $x_ptr = $add$ptr45; $x_pre_ptr = $LPC_in_pre; $i = 0; while(1) { $54 = $i; $55 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr49 = ((($55)) + 4604|0); $56 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr49>>2]|0; $cmp50 = ($54|0)<($56|0); if (!($cmp50)) { break; } $57 = $x_pre_ptr; $58 = $x_ptr; $59 = $i; $arrayidx53 = (($invGains) + ($59<<2)|0); $60 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx53>>2]; $61 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length55 = ((($61)) + 4612|0); $62 = HEAP32[$subfr_length55>>2]|0; $63 = $psEnc$addr; $predictLPCOrder57 = ((($63)) + 4664|0); $64 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder57>>2]|0; $add = (($62) + ($64))|0; _silk_scale_copy_vector_FLP($57,$58,$60,$add); $65 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length59 = ((($65)) + 4612|0); $66 = HEAP32[$subfr_length59>>2]|0; $67 = $psEnc$addr; $predictLPCOrder61 = ((($67)) + 4664|0); $68 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder61>>2]|0; $add62 = (($66) + ($68))|0; $69 = $x_pre_ptr; $add$ptr63 = (($69) + ($add62<<2)|0); $x_pre_ptr = $add$ptr63; $70 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length65 = ((($70)) + 4612|0); $71 = HEAP32[$subfr_length65>>2]|0; $72 = $x_ptr; $add$ptr66 = (($72) + ($71<<2)|0); $x_ptr = $add$ptr66; $73 = $i; $inc68 = (($73) + 1)|0; $i = $inc68; } $74 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LTPCoef70 = ((($74)) + 144|0); $75 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr73 = ((($75)) + 4604|0); $76 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr73>>2]|0; $mul74 = ($76*5)|0; $mul75 = $mul74<<2; _memset(($LTPCoef70|0),0,($mul75|0))|0; $77 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LTPredCodGain76 = ((($77)) + 872|0); HEAPF32[$LTPredCodGain76>>2] = 0.0; $78 = $psEnc$addr; $sum_log_gain_Q778 = ((($78)) + 4688|0); HEAP32[$sum_log_gain_Q778>>2] = 0; } $79 = $psEnc$addr; $first_frame_after_reset = ((($79)) + 4696|0); $80 = HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset>>2]|0; $tobool = ($80|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $minInvGain = 0.0099999997764825821; $87 = $psEnc$addr; $88 = $minInvGain; _silk_find_LPC_FLP($87,$NLSF_Q15,$LPC_in_pre,$88); $89 = $psEnc$addr; $90 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $PredCoef = ((($90)) + 16|0); $91 = $psEnc$addr; $prev_NLSFq_Q15 = ((($91)) + 4524|0); _silk_process_NLSFs_FLP($89,$PredCoef,$NLSF_Q15,$prev_NLSFq_Q15); $92 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $ResNrg = ((($92)) + 876|0); $93 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $PredCoef101 = ((($93)) + 16|0); $94 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $95 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length106 = ((($95)) + 4612|0); $96 = HEAP32[$subfr_length106>>2]|0; $97 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr108 = ((($97)) + 4604|0); $98 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr108>>2]|0; $99 = $psEnc$addr; $predictLPCOrder110 = ((($99)) + 4664|0); $100 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder110>>2]|0; _silk_residual_energy_FLP($ResNrg,$LPC_in_pre,$PredCoef101,$94,$96,$98,$100); $101 = $psEnc$addr; $prev_NLSFq_Q15112 = ((($101)) + 4524|0); dest=$prev_NLSFq_Q15112; src=$NLSF_Q15; stop=dest+32|0; do { HEAP16[dest>>1]=HEAP16[src>>1]|0; dest=dest+2|0; src=src+2|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { $81 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LTPredCodGain82 = ((($81)) + 872|0); $82 = +HEAPF32[$LTPredCodGain82>>2]; $div83 = $82 / 3.0; $conv84 = $div83; $83 = (+Math_pow(2.0,(+$conv84))); $conv85 = $83; $div86 = $conv85 / 1.0E+4; $minInvGain = $div86; $84 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $coding_quality = ((($84)) + 860|0); $85 = +HEAPF32[$coding_quality>>2]; $mul87 = 0.75 * $85; $add88 = 0.25 + $mul87; $86 = $minInvGain; $div89 = $86 / $add88; $minInvGain = $div89; $87 = $psEnc$addr; $88 = $minInvGain; _silk_find_LPC_FLP($87,$NLSF_Q15,$LPC_in_pre,$88); $89 = $psEnc$addr; $90 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $PredCoef = ((($90)) + 16|0); $91 = $psEnc$addr; $prev_NLSFq_Q15 = ((($91)) + 4524|0); _silk_process_NLSFs_FLP($89,$PredCoef,$NLSF_Q15,$prev_NLSFq_Q15); $92 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $ResNrg = ((($92)) + 876|0); $93 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $PredCoef101 = ((($93)) + 16|0); $94 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $95 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length106 = ((($95)) + 4612|0); $96 = HEAP32[$subfr_length106>>2]|0; $97 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr108 = ((($97)) + 4604|0); $98 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr108>>2]|0; $99 = $psEnc$addr; $predictLPCOrder110 = ((($99)) + 4664|0); $100 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder110>>2]|0; _silk_residual_energy_FLP($ResNrg,$LPC_in_pre,$PredCoef101,$94,$96,$98,$100); $101 = $psEnc$addr; $prev_NLSFq_Q15112 = ((($101)) + 4524|0); dest=$prev_NLSFq_Q15112; src=$NLSF_Q15; stop=dest+32|0; do { HEAP16[dest>>1]=HEAP16[src>>1]|0; dest=dest+2|0; src=src+2|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _silk_LPC_analysis_filter_FLP($r_LPC,$PredCoef,$s,$length,$Order) { $r_LPC = $r_LPC|0; $PredCoef = $PredCoef|0; $s = $s|0; $length = $length|0; $Order = $Order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0; var $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Order$addr = 0, $PredCoef$addr = 0, $length$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $r_LPC$addr = 0, $s$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $r_LPC$addr = $r_LPC; $PredCoef$addr = $PredCoef; $s$addr = $s; $length$addr = $length; $Order$addr = $Order; $0 = $Order$addr; switch ($0|0) { case 6: { $1 = $r_LPC$addr; $2 = $PredCoef$addr; $3 = $s$addr; $4 = $length$addr; _silk_LPC_analysis_filter6_FLP($1,$2,$3,$4); break; } case 8: { $5 = $r_LPC$addr; $6 = $PredCoef$addr; $7 = $s$addr; $8 = $length$addr; _silk_LPC_analysis_filter8_FLP($5,$6,$7,$8); break; } case 10: { $9 = $r_LPC$addr; $10 = $PredCoef$addr; $11 = $s$addr; $12 = $length$addr; _silk_LPC_analysis_filter10_FLP($9,$10,$11,$12); break; } case 12: { $13 = $r_LPC$addr; $14 = $PredCoef$addr; $15 = $s$addr; $16 = $length$addr; _silk_LPC_analysis_filter12_FLP($13,$14,$15,$16); break; } case 16: { $17 = $r_LPC$addr; $18 = $PredCoef$addr; $19 = $s$addr; $20 = $length$addr; _silk_LPC_analysis_filter16_FLP($17,$18,$19,$20); break; } default: { } } $21 = $r_LPC$addr; $22 = $Order$addr; $mul = $22<<2; _memset(($21|0),0,($mul|0))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_LPC_analysis_filter6_FLP($r_LPC,$PredCoef,$s,$length) { $r_LPC = $r_LPC|0; $PredCoef = $PredCoef|0; $s = $s|0; $length = $length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $LPC_pred = 0.0, $PredCoef$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add13 = 0.0, $add17 = 0.0, $add21 = 0.0; var $add9 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $inc = 0, $ix = 0, $length$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul12 = 0.0; var $mul16 = 0.0, $mul20 = 0.0, $mul5 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0.0, $r_LPC$addr = 0, $s$addr = 0, $s_ptr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub23 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $r_LPC$addr = $r_LPC; $PredCoef$addr = $PredCoef; $s$addr = $s; $length$addr = $length; $ix = 6; while(1) { $0 = $ix; $1 = $length$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $s$addr; $3 = $ix; $sub = (($3) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($sub<<2)|0); $s_ptr = $arrayidx; $4 = $s_ptr; $5 = +HEAPF32[$4>>2]; $6 = $PredCoef$addr; $7 = +HEAPF32[$6>>2]; $mul = $5 * $7; $8 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx3 = ((($8)) + -4|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $10 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx4 = ((($10)) + 4|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $mul5 = $9 * $11; $add = $mul + $mul5; $12 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx6 = ((($12)) + -8|0); $13 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $14 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx7 = ((($14)) + 8|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $mul8 = $13 * $15; $add9 = $add + $mul8; $16 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx10 = ((($16)) + -12|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $18 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx11 = ((($18)) + 12|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $mul12 = $17 * $19; $add13 = $add9 + $mul12; $20 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx14 = ((($20)) + -16|0); $21 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $22 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx15 = ((($22)) + 16|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2]; $mul16 = $21 * $23; $add17 = $add13 + $mul16; $24 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx18 = ((($24)) + -20|0); $25 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx18>>2]; $26 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx19 = ((($26)) + 20|0); $27 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2]; $mul20 = $25 * $27; $add21 = $add17 + $mul20; $LPC_pred = $add21; $28 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx22 = ((($28)) + 4|0); $29 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2]; $30 = $LPC_pred; $sub23 = $29 - $30; $31 = $r_LPC$addr; $32 = $ix; $arrayidx24 = (($31) + ($32<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2] = $sub23; $33 = $ix; $inc = (($33) + 1)|0; $ix = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_LPC_analysis_filter8_FLP($r_LPC,$PredCoef,$s,$length) { $r_LPC = $r_LPC|0; $PredCoef = $PredCoef|0; $s = $s|0; $length = $length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0; var $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $LPC_pred = 0.0, $PredCoef$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add13 = 0.0, $add17 = 0.0, $add21 = 0.0, $add25 = 0.0, $add29 = 0.0, $add9 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0; var $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $inc = 0, $ix = 0, $length$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul12 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul20 = 0.0, $mul24 = 0.0, $mul28 = 0.0, $mul5 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0.0; var $r_LPC$addr = 0, $s$addr = 0, $s_ptr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub31 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $r_LPC$addr = $r_LPC; $PredCoef$addr = $PredCoef; $s$addr = $s; $length$addr = $length; $ix = 8; while(1) { $0 = $ix; $1 = $length$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $s$addr; $3 = $ix; $sub = (($3) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($sub<<2)|0); $s_ptr = $arrayidx; $4 = $s_ptr; $5 = +HEAPF32[$4>>2]; $6 = $PredCoef$addr; $7 = +HEAPF32[$6>>2]; $mul = $5 * $7; $8 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx3 = ((($8)) + -4|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $10 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx4 = ((($10)) + 4|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $mul5 = $9 * $11; $add = $mul + $mul5; $12 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx6 = ((($12)) + -8|0); $13 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $14 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx7 = ((($14)) + 8|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $mul8 = $13 * $15; $add9 = $add + $mul8; $16 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx10 = ((($16)) + -12|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $18 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx11 = ((($18)) + 12|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $mul12 = $17 * $19; $add13 = $add9 + $mul12; $20 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx14 = ((($20)) + -16|0); $21 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $22 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx15 = ((($22)) + 16|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2]; $mul16 = $21 * $23; $add17 = $add13 + $mul16; $24 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx18 = ((($24)) + -20|0); $25 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx18>>2]; $26 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx19 = ((($26)) + 20|0); $27 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2]; $mul20 = $25 * $27; $add21 = $add17 + $mul20; $28 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx22 = ((($28)) + -24|0); $29 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2]; $30 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx23 = ((($30)) + 24|0); $31 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2]; $mul24 = $29 * $31; $add25 = $add21 + $mul24; $32 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx26 = ((($32)) + -28|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx26>>2]; $34 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx27 = ((($34)) + 28|0); $35 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $mul28 = $33 * $35; $add29 = $add25 + $mul28; $LPC_pred = $add29; $36 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx30 = ((($36)) + 4|0); $37 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2]; $38 = $LPC_pred; $sub31 = $37 - $38; $39 = $r_LPC$addr; $40 = $ix; $arrayidx32 = (($39) + ($40<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx32>>2] = $sub31; $41 = $ix; $inc = (($41) + 1)|0; $ix = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_LPC_analysis_filter10_FLP($r_LPC,$PredCoef,$s,$length) { $r_LPC = $r_LPC|0; $PredCoef = $PredCoef|0; $s = $s|0; $length = $length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $LPC_pred = 0.0, $PredCoef$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add13 = 0.0, $add17 = 0.0, $add21 = 0.0, $add25 = 0.0, $add29 = 0.0, $add33 = 0.0, $add37 = 0.0; var $add9 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0; var $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $inc = 0, $ix = 0, $length$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul12 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul20 = 0.0, $mul24 = 0.0, $mul28 = 0.0, $mul32 = 0.0, $mul36 = 0.0, $mul5 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0.0, $r_LPC$addr = 0, $s$addr = 0, $s_ptr = 0, $sub = 0; var $sub39 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $r_LPC$addr = $r_LPC; $PredCoef$addr = $PredCoef; $s$addr = $s; $length$addr = $length; $ix = 10; while(1) { $0 = $ix; $1 = $length$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $s$addr; $3 = $ix; $sub = (($3) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($sub<<2)|0); $s_ptr = $arrayidx; $4 = $s_ptr; $5 = +HEAPF32[$4>>2]; $6 = $PredCoef$addr; $7 = +HEAPF32[$6>>2]; $mul = $5 * $7; $8 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx3 = ((($8)) + -4|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $10 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx4 = ((($10)) + 4|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $mul5 = $9 * $11; $add = $mul + $mul5; $12 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx6 = ((($12)) + -8|0); $13 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $14 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx7 = ((($14)) + 8|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $mul8 = $13 * $15; $add9 = $add + $mul8; $16 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx10 = ((($16)) + -12|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $18 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx11 = ((($18)) + 12|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $mul12 = $17 * $19; $add13 = $add9 + $mul12; $20 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx14 = ((($20)) + -16|0); $21 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $22 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx15 = ((($22)) + 16|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2]; $mul16 = $21 * $23; $add17 = $add13 + $mul16; $24 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx18 = ((($24)) + -20|0); $25 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx18>>2]; $26 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx19 = ((($26)) + 20|0); $27 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2]; $mul20 = $25 * $27; $add21 = $add17 + $mul20; $28 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx22 = ((($28)) + -24|0); $29 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2]; $30 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx23 = ((($30)) + 24|0); $31 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2]; $mul24 = $29 * $31; $add25 = $add21 + $mul24; $32 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx26 = ((($32)) + -28|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx26>>2]; $34 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx27 = ((($34)) + 28|0); $35 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $mul28 = $33 * $35; $add29 = $add25 + $mul28; $36 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx30 = ((($36)) + -32|0); $37 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2]; $38 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx31 = ((($38)) + 32|0); $39 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx31>>2]; $mul32 = $37 * $39; $add33 = $add29 + $mul32; $40 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx34 = ((($40)) + -36|0); $41 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2]; $42 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx35 = ((($42)) + 36|0); $43 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2]; $mul36 = $41 * $43; $add37 = $add33 + $mul36; $LPC_pred = $add37; $44 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx38 = ((($44)) + 4|0); $45 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2]; $46 = $LPC_pred; $sub39 = $45 - $46; $47 = $r_LPC$addr; $48 = $ix; $arrayidx40 = (($47) + ($48<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx40>>2] = $sub39; $49 = $ix; $inc = (($49) + 1)|0; $ix = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_LPC_analysis_filter12_FLP($r_LPC,$PredCoef,$s,$length) { $r_LPC = $r_LPC|0; $PredCoef = $PredCoef|0; $s = $s|0; $length = $length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0.0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $LPC_pred = 0.0, $PredCoef$addr = 0; var $add = 0.0, $add13 = 0.0, $add17 = 0.0, $add21 = 0.0, $add25 = 0.0, $add29 = 0.0, $add33 = 0.0, $add37 = 0.0, $add41 = 0.0, $add45 = 0.0, $add9 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0; var $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $inc = 0, $ix = 0, $length$addr = 0; var $mul = 0.0, $mul12 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul20 = 0.0, $mul24 = 0.0, $mul28 = 0.0, $mul32 = 0.0, $mul36 = 0.0, $mul40 = 0.0, $mul44 = 0.0, $mul5 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0.0, $r_LPC$addr = 0, $s$addr = 0, $s_ptr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub47 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $r_LPC$addr = $r_LPC; $PredCoef$addr = $PredCoef; $s$addr = $s; $length$addr = $length; $ix = 12; while(1) { $0 = $ix; $1 = $length$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $s$addr; $3 = $ix; $sub = (($3) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($sub<<2)|0); $s_ptr = $arrayidx; $4 = $s_ptr; $5 = +HEAPF32[$4>>2]; $6 = $PredCoef$addr; $7 = +HEAPF32[$6>>2]; $mul = $5 * $7; $8 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx3 = ((($8)) + -4|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $10 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx4 = ((($10)) + 4|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $mul5 = $9 * $11; $add = $mul + $mul5; $12 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx6 = ((($12)) + -8|0); $13 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $14 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx7 = ((($14)) + 8|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $mul8 = $13 * $15; $add9 = $add + $mul8; $16 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx10 = ((($16)) + -12|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $18 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx11 = ((($18)) + 12|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $mul12 = $17 * $19; $add13 = $add9 + $mul12; $20 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx14 = ((($20)) + -16|0); $21 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $22 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx15 = ((($22)) + 16|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2]; $mul16 = $21 * $23; $add17 = $add13 + $mul16; $24 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx18 = ((($24)) + -20|0); $25 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx18>>2]; $26 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx19 = ((($26)) + 20|0); $27 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2]; $mul20 = $25 * $27; $add21 = $add17 + $mul20; $28 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx22 = ((($28)) + -24|0); $29 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2]; $30 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx23 = ((($30)) + 24|0); $31 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2]; $mul24 = $29 * $31; $add25 = $add21 + $mul24; $32 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx26 = ((($32)) + -28|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx26>>2]; $34 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx27 = ((($34)) + 28|0); $35 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $mul28 = $33 * $35; $add29 = $add25 + $mul28; $36 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx30 = ((($36)) + -32|0); $37 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2]; $38 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx31 = ((($38)) + 32|0); $39 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx31>>2]; $mul32 = $37 * $39; $add33 = $add29 + $mul32; $40 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx34 = ((($40)) + -36|0); $41 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2]; $42 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx35 = ((($42)) + 36|0); $43 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2]; $mul36 = $41 * $43; $add37 = $add33 + $mul36; $44 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx38 = ((($44)) + -40|0); $45 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2]; $46 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx39 = ((($46)) + 40|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx39>>2]; $mul40 = $45 * $47; $add41 = $add37 + $mul40; $48 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx42 = ((($48)) + -44|0); $49 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx42>>2]; $50 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx43 = ((($50)) + 44|0); $51 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2]; $mul44 = $49 * $51; $add45 = $add41 + $mul44; $LPC_pred = $add45; $52 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx46 = ((($52)) + 4|0); $53 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx46>>2]; $54 = $LPC_pred; $sub47 = $53 - $54; $55 = $r_LPC$addr; $56 = $ix; $arrayidx48 = (($55) + ($56<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx48>>2] = $sub47; $57 = $ix; $inc = (($57) + 1)|0; $ix = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_LPC_analysis_filter16_FLP($r_LPC,$PredCoef,$s,$length) { $r_LPC = $r_LPC|0; $PredCoef = $PredCoef|0; $s = $s|0; $length = $length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0.0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0.0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0.0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $LPC_pred = 0.0, $PredCoef$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add13 = 0.0, $add17 = 0.0, $add21 = 0.0; var $add25 = 0.0, $add29 = 0.0, $add33 = 0.0, $add37 = 0.0, $add41 = 0.0, $add45 = 0.0, $add49 = 0.0, $add53 = 0.0, $add57 = 0.0, $add61 = 0.0, $add9 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0; var $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx51 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx59 = 0; var $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx62 = 0, $arrayidx64 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $inc = 0, $ix = 0, $length$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul12 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul20 = 0.0, $mul24 = 0.0, $mul28 = 0.0, $mul32 = 0.0, $mul36 = 0.0, $mul40 = 0.0, $mul44 = 0.0, $mul48 = 0.0, $mul5 = 0.0; var $mul52 = 0.0, $mul56 = 0.0, $mul60 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0.0, $r_LPC$addr = 0, $s$addr = 0, $s_ptr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub63 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $r_LPC$addr = $r_LPC; $PredCoef$addr = $PredCoef; $s$addr = $s; $length$addr = $length; $ix = 16; while(1) { $0 = $ix; $1 = $length$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $s$addr; $3 = $ix; $sub = (($3) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($sub<<2)|0); $s_ptr = $arrayidx; $4 = $s_ptr; $5 = +HEAPF32[$4>>2]; $6 = $PredCoef$addr; $7 = +HEAPF32[$6>>2]; $mul = $5 * $7; $8 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx3 = ((($8)) + -4|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $10 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx4 = ((($10)) + 4|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $mul5 = $9 * $11; $add = $mul + $mul5; $12 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx6 = ((($12)) + -8|0); $13 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $14 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx7 = ((($14)) + 8|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $mul8 = $13 * $15; $add9 = $add + $mul8; $16 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx10 = ((($16)) + -12|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $18 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx11 = ((($18)) + 12|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $mul12 = $17 * $19; $add13 = $add9 + $mul12; $20 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx14 = ((($20)) + -16|0); $21 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $22 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx15 = ((($22)) + 16|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2]; $mul16 = $21 * $23; $add17 = $add13 + $mul16; $24 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx18 = ((($24)) + -20|0); $25 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx18>>2]; $26 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx19 = ((($26)) + 20|0); $27 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2]; $mul20 = $25 * $27; $add21 = $add17 + $mul20; $28 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx22 = ((($28)) + -24|0); $29 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2]; $30 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx23 = ((($30)) + 24|0); $31 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2]; $mul24 = $29 * $31; $add25 = $add21 + $mul24; $32 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx26 = ((($32)) + -28|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx26>>2]; $34 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx27 = ((($34)) + 28|0); $35 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $mul28 = $33 * $35; $add29 = $add25 + $mul28; $36 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx30 = ((($36)) + -32|0); $37 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2]; $38 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx31 = ((($38)) + 32|0); $39 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx31>>2]; $mul32 = $37 * $39; $add33 = $add29 + $mul32; $40 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx34 = ((($40)) + -36|0); $41 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2]; $42 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx35 = ((($42)) + 36|0); $43 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2]; $mul36 = $41 * $43; $add37 = $add33 + $mul36; $44 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx38 = ((($44)) + -40|0); $45 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2]; $46 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx39 = ((($46)) + 40|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx39>>2]; $mul40 = $45 * $47; $add41 = $add37 + $mul40; $48 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx42 = ((($48)) + -44|0); $49 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx42>>2]; $50 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx43 = ((($50)) + 44|0); $51 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2]; $mul44 = $49 * $51; $add45 = $add41 + $mul44; $52 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx46 = ((($52)) + -48|0); $53 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx46>>2]; $54 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx47 = ((($54)) + 48|0); $55 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx47>>2]; $mul48 = $53 * $55; $add49 = $add45 + $mul48; $56 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx50 = ((($56)) + -52|0); $57 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx50>>2]; $58 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx51 = ((($58)) + 52|0); $59 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx51>>2]; $mul52 = $57 * $59; $add53 = $add49 + $mul52; $60 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx54 = ((($60)) + -56|0); $61 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx54>>2]; $62 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx55 = ((($62)) + 56|0); $63 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx55>>2]; $mul56 = $61 * $63; $add57 = $add53 + $mul56; $64 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx58 = ((($64)) + -60|0); $65 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx58>>2]; $66 = $PredCoef$addr; $arrayidx59 = ((($66)) + 60|0); $67 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx59>>2]; $mul60 = $65 * $67; $add61 = $add57 + $mul60; $LPC_pred = $add61; $68 = $s_ptr; $arrayidx62 = ((($68)) + 4|0); $69 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx62>>2]; $70 = $LPC_pred; $sub63 = $69 - $70; $71 = $r_LPC$addr; $72 = $ix; $arrayidx64 = (($71) + ($72<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx64>>2] = $sub63; $73 = $ix; $inc = (($73) + 1)|0; $ix = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_LTP_analysis_filter_FLP($LTP_res,$x,$B,$pitchL,$invGains,$subfr_length,$nb_subfr,$pre_length) { $LTP_res = $LTP_res|0; $x = $x|0; $B = $B|0; $pitchL = $pitchL|0; $invGains = $invGains|0; $subfr_length = $subfr_length|0; $nb_subfr = $nb_subfr|0; $pre_length = $pre_length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $B$addr = 0, $Btmp = 0, $LTP_res$addr = 0, $LTP_res_ptr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr30 = 0, $add$ptr31 = 0, $add29 = 0, $add8 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0; var $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $i = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $inc = 0, $inc22 = 0, $inc27 = 0, $inc33 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $invGains$addr = 0; var $inv_gain = 0.0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $mul = 0, $mul18 = 0.0, $mul25 = 0.0, $nb_subfr$addr = 0, $pitchL$addr = 0, $pre_length$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub20 = 0.0, $subfr_length$addr = 0, $x$addr = 0, $x_lag_ptr = 0, $x_ptr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $Btmp = sp + 20|0; $LTP_res$addr = $LTP_res; $x$addr = $x; $B$addr = $B; $pitchL$addr = $pitchL; $invGains$addr = $invGains; $subfr_length$addr = $subfr_length; $nb_subfr$addr = $nb_subfr; $pre_length$addr = $pre_length; $0 = $x$addr; $x_ptr = $0; $1 = $LTP_res$addr; $LTP_res_ptr = $1; $k = 0; while(1) { $2 = $k; $3 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp = ($2|0)<($3|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $4 = $x_ptr; $5 = $pitchL$addr; $6 = $k; $arrayidx = (($5) + ($6<<2)|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $idx$neg = (0 - ($7))|0; $add$ptr = (($4) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $x_lag_ptr = $add$ptr; $8 = $invGains$addr; $9 = $k; $arrayidx1 = (($8) + ($9<<2)|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $inv_gain = $10; $i = 0; while(1) { $11 = $i; $cmp3 = ($11|0)<(5); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $12 = $B$addr; $13 = $k; $mul = ($13*5)|0; $14 = $i; $add = (($mul) + ($14))|0; $arrayidx5 = (($12) + ($add<<2)|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $16 = $i; $arrayidx6 = (($Btmp) + ($16<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2] = $15; $17 = $i; $inc = (($17) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $i = 0; while(1) { $18 = $i; $19 = $subfr_length$addr; $20 = $pre_length$addr; $add8 = (($19) + ($20))|0; $cmp9 = ($18|0)<($add8|0); if (!($cmp9)) { break; } $21 = $x_ptr; $22 = $i; $arrayidx11 = (($21) + ($22<<2)|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $24 = $LTP_res_ptr; $25 = $i; $arrayidx12 = (($24) + ($25<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2] = $23; $j = 0; while(1) { $26 = $j; $cmp14 = ($26|0)<(5); if (!($cmp14)) { break; } $27 = $j; $arrayidx16 = (($Btmp) + ($27<<2)|0); $28 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2]; $29 = $x_lag_ptr; $30 = $j; $sub = (2 - ($30))|0; $arrayidx17 = (($29) + ($sub<<2)|0); $31 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2]; $mul18 = $28 * $31; $32 = $LTP_res_ptr; $33 = $i; $arrayidx19 = (($32) + ($33<<2)|0); $34 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2]; $sub20 = $34 - $mul18; HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2] = $sub20; $35 = $j; $inc22 = (($35) + 1)|0; $j = $inc22; } $36 = $inv_gain; $37 = $LTP_res_ptr; $38 = $i; $arrayidx24 = (($37) + ($38<<2)|0); $39 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2]; $mul25 = $39 * $36; HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2] = $mul25; $40 = $x_lag_ptr; $incdec$ptr = ((($40)) + 4|0); $x_lag_ptr = $incdec$ptr; $41 = $i; $inc27 = (($41) + 1)|0; $i = $inc27; } $42 = $subfr_length$addr; $43 = $pre_length$addr; $add29 = (($42) + ($43))|0; $44 = $LTP_res_ptr; $add$ptr30 = (($44) + ($add29<<2)|0); $LTP_res_ptr = $add$ptr30; $45 = $subfr_length$addr; $46 = $x_ptr; $add$ptr31 = (($46) + ($45<<2)|0); $x_ptr = $add$ptr31; $47 = $k; $inc33 = (($47) + 1)|0; $k = $inc33; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_LTP_scale_ctrl_FLP($psEnc,$psEncCtrl,$condCoding) { $psEnc = $psEnc|0; $psEncCtrl = $psEncCtrl|0; $condCoding = $condCoding|0; var $$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0; var $LTP_scale = 0, $LTP_scaleIndex23 = 0, $LTP_scaleIndex26 = 0, $LTPredCodGain = 0, $LTPredCodGain14 = 0, $LTPredCodGain6 = 0, $PacketLoss_perc = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cond18 = 0.0, $condCoding$addr = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv13 = 0.0, $conv19 = 0, $conv27 = 0.0, $conv5 = 0.0, $div = 0.0; var $idxprom = 0, $indices22 = 0, $indices25 = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul2 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0.0, $nFramesPerPacket = 0, $psEnc$addr = 0, $psEncCtrl$addr = 0, $round_loss = 0, $sCmn$sink = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $psEnc$addr = $psEnc; $psEncCtrl$addr = $psEncCtrl; $condCoding$addr = $condCoding; $0 = $condCoding$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)==(0); $1 = $psEnc$addr; if ($cmp) { $PacketLoss_perc = ((($1)) + 4640|0); $2 = HEAP32[$PacketLoss_perc>>2]|0; $3 = $psEnc$addr; $nFramesPerPacket = ((($3)) + 5776|0); $4 = HEAP32[$nFramesPerPacket>>2]|0; $add = (($2) + ($4))|0; $round_loss = $add; $5 = $round_loss; $conv = (+($5|0)); $6 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LTPredCodGain = ((($6)) + 872|0); $7 = +HEAPF32[$LTPredCodGain>>2]; $mul = $conv * $7; $mul2 = $mul * 0.10000000149011612; $cmp3 = $mul2 > 2.0; if ($cmp3) { $cond18 = 2.0; } else { $8 = $round_loss; $conv5 = (+($8|0)); $9 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LTPredCodGain6 = ((($9)) + 872|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$LTPredCodGain6>>2]; $mul7 = $conv5 * $10; $mul8 = $mul7 * 0.10000000149011612; $cmp9 = $mul8 < 0.0; if ($cmp9) { $cond18 = 0.0; } else { $11 = $round_loss; $conv13 = (+($11|0)); $12 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LTPredCodGain14 = ((($12)) + 872|0); $13 = +HEAPF32[$LTPredCodGain14>>2]; $mul15 = $conv13 * $13; $mul16 = $mul15 * 0.10000000149011612; $cond18 = $mul16; } } $conv19 = (~~(($cond18))); $14 = $psEnc$addr; $$sink = $conv19;$sCmn$sink = $14; } else { $$sink = 0;$sCmn$sink = $1; } $indices22 = ((($sCmn$sink)) + 4768|0); $LTP_scaleIndex23 = ((($indices22)) + 33|0); HEAP8[$LTP_scaleIndex23>>0] = $$sink; $15 = $psEnc$addr; $indices25 = ((($15)) + 4768|0); $LTP_scaleIndex26 = ((($indices25)) + 33|0); $16 = HEAP8[$LTP_scaleIndex26>>0]|0; $idxprom = $16 << 24 >> 24; $arrayidx = (25006 + ($idxprom<<1)|0); $17 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv27 = (+($17<<16>>16)); $div = $conv27 / 16384.0; $18 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LTP_scale = ((($18)) + 224|0); HEAPF32[$LTP_scale>>2] = $div; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_noise_shape_analysis_FLP($psEnc,$psEncCtrl,$pitch_res,$x) { $psEnc = $psEnc|0; $psEncCtrl = $psEncCtrl|0; $pitch_res = $pitch_res|0; $x = $x|0; var $$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0.0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0; var $115 = 0.0, $116 = 0.0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0.0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0.0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0; var $133 = 0.0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0.0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0; var $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0.0, $159 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0.0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0; var $17 = 0, $170 = 0.0, $171 = 0.0, $172 = 0.0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0.0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $180 = 0.0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0.0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0.0, $187 = 0; var $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0.0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0.0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0; var $205 = 0, $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $210 = 0.0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0.0, $214 = 0.0, $215 = 0.0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0.0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0.0; var $223 = 0, $224 = 0.0, $225 = 0.0, $226 = 0.0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0.0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0.0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0; var $241 = 0.0, $242 = 0, $243 = 0.0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0.0, $246 = 0.0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0.0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0.0, $253 = 0.0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0.0, $256 = 0.0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0; var $26 = 0, $260 = 0.0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0.0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0.0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0.0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0.0, $27 = 0.0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0.0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0.0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0.0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0; var $278 = 0.0, $279 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $280 = 0.0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0.0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0.0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0; var $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0.0; var $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0.0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0.0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0.0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0.0; var $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0; var $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $AR1 = 0, $AR1205 = 0, $AR1216 = 0, $AR1230 = 0, $AR2 = 0, $AR2182 = 0, $AR2192 = 0, $AR2199 = 0, $AR2210 = 0, $AR2227 = 0, $BWExp1 = 0.0; var $BWExp2 = 0.0, $GainsPre = 0, $GainsPre266 = 0, $HarmBoost = 0.0, $HarmBoost395 = 0, $HarmBoost_smth = 0, $HarmBoost_smth392 = 0, $HarmBoost_smth394 = 0, $HarmShapeGain = 0.0, $HarmShapeGain402 = 0, $HarmShapeGain_smth = 0, $HarmShapeGain_smth399 = 0, $HarmShapeGain_smth401 = 0, $LF_AR_shp = 0, $LF_AR_shp334 = 0, $LF_AR_shp346 = 0, $LF_AR_shp348 = 0, $LF_MA_shp = 0, $LF_MA_shp328 = 0, $LF_MA_shp342 = 0; var $LF_MA_shp344 = 0, $LTPCorr = 0, $LTPCorr357 = 0, $LTPCorr377 = 0, $SNR_adj_dB = 0.0, $SNR_dB_Q7 = 0, $SNR_dB_Q733 = 0, $Tilt = 0.0, $Tilt409 = 0, $Tilt_smth = 0, $Tilt_smth406 = 0, $Tilt_smth408 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr135 = 0, $add$ptr136 = 0, $add$ptr140 = 0, $add$ptr141 = 0, $add$ptr143 = 0, $add$ptr76 = 0; var $add100 = 0.0, $add107 = 0.0, $add119 = 0.0, $add138 = 0, $add161 = 0, $add166 = 0.0, $add20 = 0.0, $add253 = 0.0, $add259 = 0.0, $add279 = 0.0, $add306 = 0.0, $add307 = 0.0, $add31 = 0.0, $add327 = 0.0, $add362 = 0.0, $add37 = 0.0, $add376 = 0.0, $add393 = 0.0, $add400 = 0.0, $add407 = 0.0; var $add41 = 0.0, $add64 = 0.0, $add74 = 0.0, $add96 = 0.0, $arrayidx168 = 0, $arrayidx176 = 0, $arrayidx184 = 0, $arrayidx189 = 0, $arrayidx194 = 0, $arrayidx198 = 0, $arrayidx201 = 0, $arrayidx207 = 0, $arrayidx212 = 0, $arrayidx218 = 0, $arrayidx226 = 0, $arrayidx229 = 0, $arrayidx232 = 0, $arrayidx249 = 0, $arrayidx252 = 0, $arrayidx267 = 0; var $arrayidx303 = 0, $arrayidx308 = 0, $arrayidx312 = 0, $arrayidx345 = 0, $arrayidx349 = 0, $arrayidx396 = 0, $arrayidx403 = 0, $arrayidx410 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $auto_corr = 0, $b = 0.0, $call = 0.0, $call172 = 0.0, $call174 = 0.0, $call187 = 0.0, $call215 = 0.0, $call221 = 0.0, $call379 = 0.0, $call62 = 0.0, $call66 = 0.0; var $call72 = 0.0, $call79 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp110 = 0, $cmp125 = 0, $cmp146 = 0, $cmp179 = 0, $cmp245 = 0, $cmp263 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp290 = 0, $cmp296 = 0, $cmp339 = 0, $cmp367 = 0, $cmp387 = 0, $cmp47 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp82 = 0, $coding_quality = 0; var $coding_quality102 = 0, $coding_quality117 = 0, $coding_quality16 = 0, $coding_quality257 = 0, $coding_quality354 = 0, $coding_quality370 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv115 = 0.0, $conv13 = 0.0, $conv173 = 0.0, $conv175 = 0.0, $conv239 = 0.0, $conv240 = 0.0, $conv241 = 0.0, $conv26 = 0, $conv275 = 0.0, $conv283 = 0.0, $conv289 = 0, $conv301 = 0.0, $conv304 = 0.0; var $conv318 = 0.0, $conv325 = 0.0, $conv34 = 0.0, $conv366 = 0, $conv378 = 0.0, $conv380 = 0.0, $conv46 = 0, $conv56 = 0, $conv57 = 0, $conv6 = 0.0, $conv61 = 0.0, $conv63 = 0.0, $conv65 = 0.0, $conv71 = 0.0, $conv73 = 0.0, $delta = 0.0, $div = 0, $div101 = 0.0, $div108 = 0.0, $div116 = 0.0; var $div133 = 0, $div222 = 0.0, $div302 = 0.0, $div305 = 0.0, $div326 = 0.0, $energy_variation = 0.0, $flat_part = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $fs_kHz129 = 0, $fs_kHz300 = 0, $fs_kHz324 = 0, $gain_add = 0.0, $gain_mult = 0.0, $idx$neg = 0, $inc = 0, $inc236 = 0, $inc255 = 0, $inc270 = 0, $inc314 = 0, $inc351 = 0; var $inc412 = 0, $indices = 0, $indices287 = 0, $indices364 = 0, $indices44 = 0, $indices51 = 0, $indices86 = 0, $input_quality = 0, $input_quality18 = 0, $input_quality359 = 0, $input_quality372 = 0, $input_quality38 = 0, $input_quality_bands_Q15 = 0, $input_quality_bands_Q15273 = 0, $input_quality_bands_Q154 = 0, $k = 0, $la_shape = 0, $log_energy = 0.0, $log_energy_prev = 0.0, $mul = 0.0; var $mul103 = 0.0, $mul105 = 0.0, $mul118 = 0.0, $mul130 = 0, $mul137 = 0, $mul14 = 0.0, $mul164 = 0.0, $mul167 = 0, $mul17 = 0.0, $mul183 = 0, $mul19 = 0.0, $mul190 = 0.0, $mul193 = 0, $mul197 = 0, $mul200 = 0, $mul204 = 0, $mul206 = 0, $mul21 = 0.0, $mul211 = 0, $mul217 = 0; var $mul22 = 0.0, $mul224 = 0.0, $mul228 = 0, $mul23 = 0.0, $mul231 = 0, $mul238 = 0.0, $mul250 = 0.0, $mul258 = 0.0, $mul268 = 0.0, $mul276 = 0.0, $mul278 = 0.0, $mul280 = 0.0, $mul284 = 0.0, $mul285 = 0.0, $mul30 = 0.0, $mul310 = 0.0, $mul319 = 0.0, $mul320 = 0.0, $mul331 = 0.0, $mul332 = 0.0; var $mul35 = 0.0, $mul356 = 0.0, $mul358 = 0.0, $mul36 = 0.0, $mul361 = 0.0, $mul373 = 0.0, $mul375 = 0.0, $mul381 = 0.0, $mul391 = 0.0, $mul398 = 0.0, $mul40 = 0.0, $mul405 = 0.0, $mul54 = 0, $mul58 = 0, $mul7 = 0.0, $mul78 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0.0, $mul9 = 0.0, $mul95 = 0.0, $mul98 = 0.0; var $mul99 = 0.0, $nSamples = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr124 = 0, $nb_subfr244 = 0, $nb_subfr262 = 0, $nb_subfr295 = 0, $nb_subfr338 = 0, $nb_subfr386 = 0, $nrg = 0.0, $pitchL = 0, $pitch_res$addr = 0, $pitch_res_ptr = 0, $pre_nrg = 0.0, $predGain = 0, $psEnc$addr = 0, $psEncCtrl$addr = 0, $psShapeSt = 0, $quantOffsetType = 0, $quantOffsetType87 = 0; var $sShape = 0, $shapeWinLength = 0, $shapeWinLength152 = 0, $shapeWinLength158 = 0, $shapingLPCOrder = 0, $shapingLPCOrder160 = 0, $shapingLPCOrder171 = 0, $shapingLPCOrder186 = 0, $shapingLPCOrder196 = 0, $shapingLPCOrder203 = 0, $shapingLPCOrder209 = 0, $shapingLPCOrder214 = 0, $shapingLPCOrder220 = 0, $shapingLPCOrder234 = 0, $shift = 0, $signalType = 0, $signalType288 = 0, $signalType365 = 0, $signalType45 = 0, $slope_part = 0; var $sparseness = 0, $sparseness80 = 0, $sparseness81 = 0, $sparseness93 = 0, $speech_activity_Q8 = 0, $speech_activity_Q8282 = 0, $speech_activity_Q8317 = 0, $strength = 0.0, $sub = 0.0, $sub104 = 0.0, $sub106 = 0.0, $sub132 = 0, $sub15 = 0.0, $sub223 = 0.0, $sub225 = 0.0, $sub24 = 0.0, $sub277 = 0.0, $sub309 = 0.0, $sub311 = 0.0, $sub321 = 0.0; var $sub330 = 0.0, $sub333 = 0.0, $sub355 = 0.0, $sub360 = 0.0, $sub371 = 0.0, $sub374 = 0.0, $sub39 = 0.0, $sub390 = 0.0, $sub397 = 0.0, $sub404 = 0.0, $sub70 = 0.0, $sub77 = 0.0, $sub94 = 0.0, $subfr_length = 0, $useCBR = 0, $warping = 0.0, $warping_Q16 = 0, $warping_Q16114 = 0, $warping_Q16145 = 0, $warping_Q16178 = 0; var $x$addr = 0, $x_ptr = 0, $x_windowed = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 1152|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(1152|0); $x_windowed = sp + 88|0; $auto_corr = sp + 20|0; $psEnc$addr = $psEnc; $psEncCtrl$addr = $psEncCtrl; $pitch_res$addr = $pitch_res; $x$addr = $x; $0 = $psEnc$addr; $sShape = ((($0)) + 7200|0); $psShapeSt = $sShape; $1 = $x$addr; $2 = $psEnc$addr; $la_shape = ((($2)) + 4624|0); $3 = HEAP32[$la_shape>>2]|0; $idx$neg = (0 - ($3))|0; $add$ptr = (($1) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $x_ptr = $add$ptr; $4 = $psEnc$addr; $SNR_dB_Q7 = ((($4)) + 4748|0); $5 = HEAP32[$SNR_dB_Q7>>2]|0; $conv = (+($5|0)); $mul = $conv * 0.0078125; $SNR_adj_dB = $mul; $6 = $psEnc$addr; $input_quality_bands_Q15 = ((($6)) + 4728|0); $7 = HEAP32[$input_quality_bands_Q15>>2]|0; $8 = $psEnc$addr; $input_quality_bands_Q154 = ((($8)) + 4728|0); $arrayidx5 = ((($input_quality_bands_Q154)) + 4|0); $9 = HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2]|0; $add = (($7) + ($9))|0; $conv6 = (+($add|0)); $mul7 = 0.5 * $conv6; $mul8 = $mul7 * 3.0517578125E-5; $10 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $input_quality = ((($10)) + 856|0); HEAPF32[$input_quality>>2] = $mul8; $11 = $SNR_adj_dB; $sub = $11 - 20.0; $mul9 = 0.25 * $sub; $call = (+_silk_sigmoid($mul9)); $12 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $coding_quality = ((($12)) + 860|0); HEAPF32[$coding_quality>>2] = $call; $13 = $psEnc$addr; $useCBR = ((($13)) + 4708|0); $14 = HEAP32[$useCBR>>2]|0; $cmp = ($14|0)==(0); if ($cmp) { $15 = $psEnc$addr; $speech_activity_Q8 = ((($15)) + 4556|0); $16 = HEAP32[$speech_activity_Q8>>2]|0; $conv13 = (+($16|0)); $mul14 = $conv13 * 0.00390625; $sub15 = 1.0 - $mul14; $b = $sub15; $17 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $coding_quality16 = ((($17)) + 860|0); $18 = +HEAPF32[$coding_quality16>>2]; $mul17 = 2.0 * $18; $19 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $input_quality18 = ((($19)) + 856|0); $20 = +HEAPF32[$input_quality18>>2]; $mul19 = 0.5 * $20; $add20 = 0.5 + $mul19; $mul21 = $mul17 * $add20; $21 = $b; $mul22 = $mul21 * $21; $22 = $b; $mul23 = $mul22 * $22; $23 = $SNR_adj_dB; $sub24 = $23 - $mul23; $SNR_adj_dB = $sub24; } $24 = $psEnc$addr; $indices = ((($24)) + 4768|0); $signalType = ((($indices)) + 29|0); $25 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv26 = $25 << 24 >> 24; $cmp27 = ($conv26|0)==(2); $26 = $psEnc$addr; if ($cmp27) { $LTPCorr = ((($26)) + 12236|0); $27 = +HEAPF32[$LTPCorr>>2]; $mul30 = 2.0 * $27; $28 = $SNR_adj_dB; $add31 = $28 + $mul30; $SNR_adj_dB = $add31; } else { $SNR_dB_Q733 = ((($26)) + 4748|0); $29 = HEAP32[$SNR_dB_Q733>>2]|0; $conv34 = (+($29|0)); $mul35 = -0.40000000596046448 * $conv34; $mul36 = $mul35 * 0.0078125; $add37 = $mul36 + 6.0; $30 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $input_quality38 = ((($30)) + 856|0); $31 = +HEAPF32[$input_quality38>>2]; $sub39 = 1.0 - $31; $mul40 = $add37 * $sub39; $32 = $SNR_adj_dB; $add41 = $32 + $mul40; $SNR_adj_dB = $add41; } $33 = $psEnc$addr; $indices44 = ((($33)) + 4768|0); $signalType45 = ((($indices44)) + 29|0); $34 = HEAP8[$signalType45>>0]|0; $conv46 = $34 << 24 >> 24; $cmp47 = ($conv46|0)==(2); $35 = $psEnc$addr; if ($cmp47) { $indices51 = ((($35)) + 4768|0); $quantOffsetType = ((($indices51)) + 30|0); HEAP8[$quantOffsetType>>0] = 0; $36 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $sparseness = ((($36)) + 864|0); HEAPF32[$sparseness>>2] = 0.0; } else { $fs_kHz = ((($35)) + 4600|0); $37 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $mul54 = $37<<1; $nSamples = $mul54; $energy_variation = 0.0; $log_energy_prev = 0.0; $38 = $pitch_res$addr; $pitch_res_ptr = $38; $k = 0; while(1) { $39 = $k; $40 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($40)) + 4604|0); $41 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $conv56 = $41&65535; $conv57 = $conv56 << 16 >> 16; $mul58 = ($conv57*5)|0; $div = (($mul58|0) / 2)&-1; $cmp59 = ($39|0)<($div|0); if (!($cmp59)) { break; } $42 = $nSamples; $conv61 = (+($42|0)); $43 = $pitch_res_ptr; $44 = $nSamples; $call62 = (+_silk_energy_FLP($43,$44)); $conv63 = $call62; $add64 = $conv61 + $conv63; $nrg = $add64; $45 = $nrg; $conv65 = $45; $call66 = (+_silk_log2($conv65)); $log_energy = $call66; $46 = $k; $cmp67 = ($46|0)>(0); if ($cmp67) { $47 = $log_energy; $48 = $log_energy_prev; $sub70 = $47 - $48; $conv71 = $sub70; $call72 = (+Math_abs((+$conv71))); $conv73 = $call72; $49 = $energy_variation; $add74 = $49 + $conv73; $energy_variation = $add74; } $50 = $log_energy; $log_energy_prev = $50; $51 = $nSamples; $52 = $pitch_res_ptr; $add$ptr76 = (($52) + ($51<<2)|0); $pitch_res_ptr = $add$ptr76; $53 = $k; $inc = (($53) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $54 = $energy_variation; $sub77 = $54 - 5.0; $mul78 = 0.40000000596046448 * $sub77; $call79 = (+_silk_sigmoid($mul78)); $55 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $sparseness80 = ((($55)) + 864|0); HEAPF32[$sparseness80>>2] = $call79; $56 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $sparseness81 = ((($56)) + 864|0); $57 = +HEAPF32[$sparseness81>>2]; $cmp82 = $57 > 0.75; $58 = $psEnc$addr; $indices86 = ((($58)) + 4768|0); $quantOffsetType87 = ((($indices86)) + 30|0); $$sink = $cmp82 ? 0 : 1; HEAP8[$quantOffsetType87>>0] = $$sink; $59 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $sparseness93 = ((($59)) + 864|0); $60 = +HEAPF32[$sparseness93>>2]; $sub94 = $60 - 0.5; $mul95 = 2.0 * $sub94; $61 = $SNR_adj_dB; $add96 = $61 + $mul95; $SNR_adj_dB = $add96; } $62 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $predGain = ((($62)) + 868|0); $63 = +HEAPF32[$predGain>>2]; $mul98 = 0.0010000000474974513 * $63; $strength = $mul98; $64 = $strength; $65 = $strength; $mul99 = $64 * $65; $add100 = 1.0 + $mul99; $div101 = 0.94999998807907104 / $add100; $BWExp2 = $div101; $BWExp1 = $div101; $66 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $coding_quality102 = ((($66)) + 860|0); $67 = +HEAPF32[$coding_quality102>>2]; $mul103 = 0.75 * $67; $sub104 = 1.0 - $mul103; $mul105 = 0.0099999997764825821 * $sub104; $delta = $mul105; $68 = $delta; $69 = $BWExp1; $sub106 = $69 - $68; $BWExp1 = $sub106; $70 = $delta; $71 = $BWExp2; $add107 = $71 + $70; $BWExp2 = $add107; $72 = $BWExp2; $73 = $BWExp1; $div108 = $73 / $72; $BWExp1 = $div108; $74 = $psEnc$addr; $warping_Q16 = ((($74)) + 4704|0); $75 = HEAP32[$warping_Q16>>2]|0; $cmp110 = ($75|0)>(0); if ($cmp110) { $76 = $psEnc$addr; $warping_Q16114 = ((($76)) + 4704|0); $77 = HEAP32[$warping_Q16114>>2]|0; $conv115 = (+($77|0)); $div116 = $conv115 / 65536.0; $78 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $coding_quality117 = ((($78)) + 860|0); $79 = +HEAPF32[$coding_quality117>>2]; $mul118 = 0.0099999997764825821 * $79; $add119 = $div116 + $mul118; $warping = $add119; } else { $warping = 0.0; } $k = 0; while(1) { $80 = $k; $81 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr124 = ((($81)) + 4604|0); $82 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr124>>2]|0; $cmp125 = ($80|0)<($82|0); if (!($cmp125)) { break; } $83 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz129 = ((($83)) + 4600|0); $84 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz129>>2]|0; $mul130 = ($84*3)|0; $flat_part = $mul130; $85 = $psEnc$addr; $shapeWinLength = ((($85)) + 4628|0); $86 = HEAP32[$shapeWinLength>>2]|0; $87 = $flat_part; $sub132 = (($86) - ($87))|0; $div133 = (($sub132|0) / 2)&-1; $slope_part = $div133; $88 = $x_ptr; $89 = $slope_part; _silk_apply_sine_window_FLP($x_windowed,$88,1,$89); $90 = $slope_part; $shift = $90; $91 = $shift; $add$ptr135 = (($x_windowed) + ($91<<2)|0); $92 = $x_ptr; $93 = $shift; $add$ptr136 = (($92) + ($93<<2)|0); $94 = $flat_part; $mul137 = $94<<2; _memcpy(($add$ptr135|0),($add$ptr136|0),($mul137|0))|0; $95 = $flat_part; $96 = $shift; $add138 = (($96) + ($95))|0; $shift = $add138; $97 = $shift; $add$ptr140 = (($x_windowed) + ($97<<2)|0); $98 = $x_ptr; $99 = $shift; $add$ptr141 = (($98) + ($99<<2)|0); $100 = $slope_part; _silk_apply_sine_window_FLP($add$ptr140,$add$ptr141,2,$100); $101 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length = ((($101)) + 4612|0); $102 = HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2]|0; $103 = $x_ptr; $add$ptr143 = (($103) + ($102<<2)|0); $x_ptr = $add$ptr143; $104 = $psEnc$addr; $warping_Q16145 = ((($104)) + 4704|0); $105 = HEAP32[$warping_Q16145>>2]|0; $cmp146 = ($105|0)>(0); if ($cmp146) { $106 = $warping; $107 = $psEnc$addr; $shapeWinLength152 = ((($107)) + 4628|0); $108 = HEAP32[$shapeWinLength152>>2]|0; $109 = $psEnc$addr; $shapingLPCOrder = ((($109)) + 4660|0); $110 = HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder>>2]|0; _silk_warped_autocorrelation_FLP($auto_corr,$x_windowed,$106,$108,$110); } else { $111 = $psEnc$addr; $shapeWinLength158 = ((($111)) + 4628|0); $112 = HEAP32[$shapeWinLength158>>2]|0; $113 = $psEnc$addr; $shapingLPCOrder160 = ((($113)) + 4660|0); $114 = HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder160>>2]|0; $add161 = (($114) + 1)|0; _silk_autocorrelation_FLP($auto_corr,$x_windowed,$112,$add161); } $115 = +HEAPF32[$auto_corr>>2]; $mul164 = $115 * 4.9999998736893758E-5; $116 = +HEAPF32[$auto_corr>>2]; $add166 = $116 + $mul164; HEAPF32[$auto_corr>>2] = $add166; $117 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $AR2 = ((($117)) + 500|0); $118 = $k; $mul167 = $118<<4; $arrayidx168 = (($AR2) + ($mul167<<2)|0); $119 = $psEnc$addr; $shapingLPCOrder171 = ((($119)) + 4660|0); $120 = HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder171>>2]|0; $call172 = (+_silk_levinsondurbin_FLP($arrayidx168,$auto_corr,$120)); $nrg = $call172; $121 = $nrg; $conv173 = $121; $call174 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv173))); $conv175 = $call174; $122 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $123 = $k; $arrayidx176 = (($122) + ($123<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx176>>2] = $conv175; $124 = $psEnc$addr; $warping_Q16178 = ((($124)) + 4704|0); $125 = HEAP32[$warping_Q16178>>2]|0; $cmp179 = ($125|0)>(0); if ($cmp179) { $126 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $AR2182 = ((($126)) + 500|0); $127 = $k; $mul183 = $127<<4; $arrayidx184 = (($AR2182) + ($mul183<<2)|0); $128 = $warping; $129 = $psEnc$addr; $shapingLPCOrder186 = ((($129)) + 4660|0); $130 = HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder186>>2]|0; $call187 = (+_warped_gain($arrayidx184,$128,$130)); $131 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $132 = $k; $arrayidx189 = (($131) + ($132<<2)|0); $133 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx189>>2]; $mul190 = $133 * $call187; HEAPF32[$arrayidx189>>2] = $mul190; } $134 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $AR2192 = ((($134)) + 500|0); $135 = $k; $mul193 = $135<<4; $arrayidx194 = (($AR2192) + ($mul193<<2)|0); $136 = $psEnc$addr; $shapingLPCOrder196 = ((($136)) + 4660|0); $137 = HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder196>>2]|0; $138 = $BWExp2; _silk_bwexpander_FLP($arrayidx194,$137,$138); $139 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $AR1 = ((($139)) + 244|0); $140 = $k; $mul197 = $140<<4; $arrayidx198 = (($AR1) + ($mul197<<2)|0); $141 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $AR2199 = ((($141)) + 500|0); $142 = $k; $mul200 = $142<<4; $arrayidx201 = (($AR2199) + ($mul200<<2)|0); $143 = $psEnc$addr; $shapingLPCOrder203 = ((($143)) + 4660|0); $144 = HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder203>>2]|0; $mul204 = $144<<2; _memcpy(($arrayidx198|0),($arrayidx201|0),($mul204|0))|0; $145 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $AR1205 = ((($145)) + 244|0); $146 = $k; $mul206 = $146<<4; $arrayidx207 = (($AR1205) + ($mul206<<2)|0); $147 = $psEnc$addr; $shapingLPCOrder209 = ((($147)) + 4660|0); $148 = HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder209>>2]|0; $149 = $BWExp1; _silk_bwexpander_FLP($arrayidx207,$148,$149); $150 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $AR2210 = ((($150)) + 500|0); $151 = $k; $mul211 = $151<<4; $arrayidx212 = (($AR2210) + ($mul211<<2)|0); $152 = $psEnc$addr; $shapingLPCOrder214 = ((($152)) + 4660|0); $153 = HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder214>>2]|0; $call215 = (+_silk_LPC_inverse_pred_gain_FLP($arrayidx212,$153)); $pre_nrg = $call215; $154 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $AR1216 = ((($154)) + 244|0); $155 = $k; $mul217 = $155<<4; $arrayidx218 = (($AR1216) + ($mul217<<2)|0); $156 = $psEnc$addr; $shapingLPCOrder220 = ((($156)) + 4660|0); $157 = HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder220>>2]|0; $call221 = (+_silk_LPC_inverse_pred_gain_FLP($arrayidx218,$157)); $nrg = $call221; $158 = $pre_nrg; $159 = $nrg; $div222 = $158 / $159; $sub223 = 1.0 - $div222; $mul224 = 0.69999998807907104 * $sub223; $sub225 = 1.0 - $mul224; $160 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $GainsPre = ((($160)) + 788|0); $161 = $k; $arrayidx226 = (($GainsPre) + ($161<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx226>>2] = $sub225; $162 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $AR2227 = ((($162)) + 500|0); $163 = $k; $mul228 = $163<<4; $arrayidx229 = (($AR2227) + ($mul228<<2)|0); $164 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $AR1230 = ((($164)) + 244|0); $165 = $k; $mul231 = $165<<4; $arrayidx232 = (($AR1230) + ($mul231<<2)|0); $166 = $warping; $167 = $psEnc$addr; $shapingLPCOrder234 = ((($167)) + 4660|0); $168 = HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder234>>2]|0; _warped_true2monic_coefs($arrayidx229,$arrayidx232,$166,3.999000072479248,$168); $169 = $k; $inc236 = (($169) + 1)|0; $k = $inc236; } $170 = $SNR_adj_dB; $mul238 = -0.15999999642372131 * $170; $conv239 = $mul238; $171 = (+Math_pow(2.0,(+$conv239))); $conv240 = $171; $gain_mult = $conv240; $172 = (+Math_pow(2.0,0.31999999284744263)); $conv241 = $172; $gain_add = $conv241; $k = 0; while(1) { $173 = $k; $174 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr244 = ((($174)) + 4604|0); $175 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr244>>2]|0; $cmp245 = ($173|0)<($175|0); if (!($cmp245)) { break; } $176 = $gain_mult; $177 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $178 = $k; $arrayidx249 = (($177) + ($178<<2)|0); $179 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx249>>2]; $mul250 = $179 * $176; HEAPF32[$arrayidx249>>2] = $mul250; $180 = $gain_add; $181 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $182 = $k; $arrayidx252 = (($181) + ($182<<2)|0); $183 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx252>>2]; $add253 = $183 + $180; HEAPF32[$arrayidx252>>2] = $add253; $184 = $k; $inc255 = (($184) + 1)|0; $k = $inc255; } $185 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $coding_quality257 = ((($185)) + 860|0); $186 = +HEAPF32[$coding_quality257>>2]; $mul258 = $186 * 0.10000000149011612; $add259 = 1.0499999523162842 + $mul258; $gain_mult = $add259; $k = 0; while(1) { $187 = $k; $188 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr262 = ((($188)) + 4604|0); $189 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr262>>2]|0; $cmp263 = ($187|0)<($189|0); if (!($cmp263)) { break; } $190 = $gain_mult; $191 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $GainsPre266 = ((($191)) + 788|0); $192 = $k; $arrayidx267 = (($GainsPre266) + ($192<<2)|0); $193 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx267>>2]; $mul268 = $193 * $190; HEAPF32[$arrayidx267>>2] = $mul268; $194 = $k; $inc270 = (($194) + 1)|0; $k = $inc270; } $195 = $psEnc$addr; $input_quality_bands_Q15273 = ((($195)) + 4728|0); $196 = HEAP32[$input_quality_bands_Q15273>>2]|0; $conv275 = (+($196|0)); $mul276 = $conv275 * 3.0517578125E-5; $sub277 = $mul276 - 1.0; $mul278 = 0.5 * $sub277; $add279 = 1.0 + $mul278; $mul280 = 4.0 * $add279; $strength = $mul280; $197 = $psEnc$addr; $speech_activity_Q8282 = ((($197)) + 4556|0); $198 = HEAP32[$speech_activity_Q8282>>2]|0; $conv283 = (+($198|0)); $mul284 = $conv283 * 0.00390625; $199 = $strength; $mul285 = $199 * $mul284; $strength = $mul285; $200 = $psEnc$addr; $indices287 = ((($200)) + 4768|0); $signalType288 = ((($indices287)) + 29|0); $201 = HEAP8[$signalType288>>0]|0; $conv289 = $201 << 24 >> 24; $cmp290 = ($conv289|0)==(2); if ($cmp290) { $k = 0; while(1) { $202 = $k; $203 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr295 = ((($203)) + 4604|0); $204 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr295>>2]|0; $cmp296 = ($202|0)<($204|0); $205 = $psEnc$addr; if (!($cmp296)) { break; } $fs_kHz300 = ((($205)) + 4600|0); $206 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz300>>2]|0; $conv301 = (+($206|0)); $div302 = 0.20000000298023224 / $conv301; $207 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $pitchL = ((($207)) + 228|0); $208 = $k; $arrayidx303 = (($pitchL) + ($208<<2)|0); $209 = HEAP32[$arrayidx303>>2]|0; $conv304 = (+($209|0)); $div305 = 3.0 / $conv304; $add306 = $div302 + $div305; $b = $add306; $210 = $b; $add307 = -1.0 + $210; $211 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LF_MA_shp = ((($211)) + 756|0); $212 = $k; $arrayidx308 = (($LF_MA_shp) + ($212<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx308>>2] = $add307; $213 = $b; $sub309 = 1.0 - $213; $214 = $b; $215 = $strength; $mul310 = $214 * $215; $sub311 = $sub309 - $mul310; $216 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LF_AR_shp = ((($216)) + 772|0); $217 = $k; $arrayidx312 = (($LF_AR_shp) + ($217<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx312>>2] = $sub311; $218 = $k; $inc314 = (($218) + 1)|0; $k = $inc314; } $speech_activity_Q8317 = ((($205)) + 4556|0); $219 = HEAP32[$speech_activity_Q8317>>2]|0; $conv318 = (+($219|0)); $mul319 = 0.26249998807907104 * $conv318; $mul320 = $mul319 * 0.00390625; $sub321 = -0.25 - $mul320; $Tilt = $sub321; } else { $220 = $psEnc$addr; $fs_kHz324 = ((($220)) + 4600|0); $221 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz324>>2]|0; $conv325 = (+($221|0)); $div326 = 1.2999999523162842 / $conv325; $b = $div326; $222 = $b; $add327 = -1.0 + $222; $223 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LF_MA_shp328 = ((($223)) + 756|0); HEAPF32[$LF_MA_shp328>>2] = $add327; $224 = $b; $sub330 = 1.0 - $224; $225 = $b; $226 = $strength; $mul331 = $225 * $226; $mul332 = $mul331 * 0.60000002384185791; $sub333 = $sub330 - $mul332; $227 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LF_AR_shp334 = ((($227)) + 772|0); HEAPF32[$LF_AR_shp334>>2] = $sub333; $k = 1; while(1) { $228 = $k; $229 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr338 = ((($229)) + 4604|0); $230 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr338>>2]|0; $cmp339 = ($228|0)<($230|0); if (!($cmp339)) { break; } $231 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LF_MA_shp342 = ((($231)) + 756|0); $232 = +HEAPF32[$LF_MA_shp342>>2]; $233 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LF_MA_shp344 = ((($233)) + 756|0); $234 = $k; $arrayidx345 = (($LF_MA_shp344) + ($234<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx345>>2] = $232; $235 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LF_AR_shp346 = ((($235)) + 772|0); $236 = +HEAPF32[$LF_AR_shp346>>2]; $237 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LF_AR_shp348 = ((($237)) + 772|0); $238 = $k; $arrayidx349 = (($LF_AR_shp348) + ($238<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx349>>2] = $236; $239 = $k; $inc351 = (($239) + 1)|0; $k = $inc351; } $Tilt = -0.25; } $240 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $coding_quality354 = ((($240)) + 860|0); $241 = +HEAPF32[$coding_quality354>>2]; $sub355 = 1.0 - $241; $mul356 = 0.10000000149011612 * $sub355; $242 = $psEnc$addr; $LTPCorr357 = ((($242)) + 12236|0); $243 = +HEAPF32[$LTPCorr357>>2]; $mul358 = $mul356 * $243; $HarmBoost = $mul358; $244 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $input_quality359 = ((($244)) + 856|0); $245 = +HEAPF32[$input_quality359>>2]; $sub360 = 1.0 - $245; $mul361 = 0.10000000149011612 * $sub360; $246 = $HarmBoost; $add362 = $246 + $mul361; $HarmBoost = $add362; $247 = $psEnc$addr; $indices364 = ((($247)) + 4768|0); $signalType365 = ((($indices364)) + 29|0); $248 = HEAP8[$signalType365>>0]|0; $conv366 = $248 << 24 >> 24; $cmp367 = ($conv366|0)==(2); if ($cmp367) { $HarmShapeGain = 0.30000001192092896; $249 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $coding_quality370 = ((($249)) + 860|0); $250 = +HEAPF32[$coding_quality370>>2]; $sub371 = 1.0 - $250; $251 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $input_quality372 = ((($251)) + 856|0); $252 = +HEAPF32[$input_quality372>>2]; $mul373 = $sub371 * $252; $sub374 = 1.0 - $mul373; $mul375 = 0.20000000298023224 * $sub374; $253 = $HarmShapeGain; $add376 = $253 + $mul375; $HarmShapeGain = $add376; $254 = $psEnc$addr; $LTPCorr377 = ((($254)) + 12236|0); $255 = +HEAPF32[$LTPCorr377>>2]; $conv378 = $255; $call379 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv378))); $conv380 = $call379; $256 = $HarmShapeGain; $mul381 = $256 * $conv380; $HarmShapeGain = $mul381; } else { $HarmShapeGain = 0.0; } $k = 0; while(1) { $257 = $k; $258 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr386 = ((($258)) + 4604|0); $259 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr386>>2]|0; $cmp387 = ($257|0)<($259|0); if (!($cmp387)) { break; } $260 = $HarmBoost; $261 = $psShapeSt; $HarmBoost_smth = ((($261)) + 4|0); $262 = +HEAPF32[$HarmBoost_smth>>2]; $sub390 = $260 - $262; $mul391 = 0.40000000596046448 * $sub390; $263 = $psShapeSt; $HarmBoost_smth392 = ((($263)) + 4|0); $264 = +HEAPF32[$HarmBoost_smth392>>2]; $add393 = $264 + $mul391; HEAPF32[$HarmBoost_smth392>>2] = $add393; $265 = $psShapeSt; $HarmBoost_smth394 = ((($265)) + 4|0); $266 = +HEAPF32[$HarmBoost_smth394>>2]; $267 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $HarmBoost395 = ((($267)) + 804|0); $268 = $k; $arrayidx396 = (($HarmBoost395) + ($268<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx396>>2] = $266; $269 = $HarmShapeGain; $270 = $psShapeSt; $HarmShapeGain_smth = ((($270)) + 8|0); $271 = +HEAPF32[$HarmShapeGain_smth>>2]; $sub397 = $269 - $271; $mul398 = 0.40000000596046448 * $sub397; $272 = $psShapeSt; $HarmShapeGain_smth399 = ((($272)) + 8|0); $273 = +HEAPF32[$HarmShapeGain_smth399>>2]; $add400 = $273 + $mul398; HEAPF32[$HarmShapeGain_smth399>>2] = $add400; $274 = $psShapeSt; $HarmShapeGain_smth401 = ((($274)) + 8|0); $275 = +HEAPF32[$HarmShapeGain_smth401>>2]; $276 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $HarmShapeGain402 = ((($276)) + 836|0); $277 = $k; $arrayidx403 = (($HarmShapeGain402) + ($277<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx403>>2] = $275; $278 = $Tilt; $279 = $psShapeSt; $Tilt_smth = ((($279)) + 12|0); $280 = +HEAPF32[$Tilt_smth>>2]; $sub404 = $278 - $280; $mul405 = 0.40000000596046448 * $sub404; $281 = $psShapeSt; $Tilt_smth406 = ((($281)) + 12|0); $282 = +HEAPF32[$Tilt_smth406>>2]; $add407 = $282 + $mul405; HEAPF32[$Tilt_smth406>>2] = $add407; $283 = $psShapeSt; $Tilt_smth408 = ((($283)) + 12|0); $284 = +HEAPF32[$Tilt_smth408>>2]; $285 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $Tilt409 = ((($285)) + 820|0); $286 = $k; $arrayidx410 = (($Tilt409) + ($286<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx410>>2] = $284; $287 = $k; $inc412 = (($287) + 1)|0; $k = $inc412; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_sigmoid($x) { $x = +$x; var $0 = 0.0, $add = 0.0, $call = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $conv1 = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $sub = 0.0, $x$addr = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $sub = - $0; $conv = $sub; $call = (+Math_exp((+$conv))); $add = 1.0 + $call; $div = 1.0 / $add; $conv1 = $div; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$conv1); } function _silk_log2($x) { $x = +$x; var $0 = 0.0, $call = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $x$addr = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $call = (+_log10($0)); $mul = 3.32192809488736 * $call; $conv = $mul; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$conv); } function _warped_gain($coefs,$lambda,$order) { $coefs = $coefs|0; $lambda = +$lambda; $order = $order|0; var $0 = 0.0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0.0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $cmp = 0, $coefs$addr = 0, $dec = 0, $div = 0.0, $gain = 0.0; var $i = 0, $lambda$addr = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $order$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub1 = 0, $sub2 = 0, $sub5 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $coefs$addr = $coefs; $lambda$addr = $lambda; $order$addr = $order; $0 = $lambda$addr; $sub = - $0; $lambda$addr = $sub; $1 = $coefs$addr; $2 = $order$addr; $sub1 = (($2) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($1) + ($sub1<<2)|0); $3 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $gain = $3; $4 = $order$addr; $sub2 = (($4) - 2)|0; $i = $sub2; while(1) { $5 = $i; $cmp = ($5|0)>=(0); $6 = $lambda$addr; $7 = $gain; $mul = $6 * $7; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $8 = $coefs$addr; $9 = $i; $arrayidx3 = (($8) + ($9<<2)|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $add = $mul + $10; $gain = $add; $11 = $i; $dec = (($11) + -1)|0; $i = $dec; } $sub5 = 1.0 - $mul; $div = 1.0 / $sub5; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$div); } function _warped_true2monic_coefs($coefs_syn,$coefs_ana,$lambda,$limit,$order) { $coefs_syn = $coefs_syn|0; $coefs_ana = $coefs_ana|0; $lambda = +$lambda; $limit = +$limit; $order = $order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0.0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0.0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0.0, $108 = 0.0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0.0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0.0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0.0, $117 = 0.0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0.0, $12 = 0.0, $120 = 0.0, $121 = 0.0, $122 = 0.0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0.0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0.0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0.0, $131 = 0.0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0.0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0.0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0; var $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0; var $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0.0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0; var $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0.0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0.0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0.0, $83 = 0.0; var $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0.0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0.0, $9 = 0.0, $90 = 0.0, $91 = 0.0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0.0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0.0, $99 = 0, $add = 0.0, $add121 = 0.0, $add127 = 0.0; var $add17 = 0.0, $add67 = 0.0, $add72 = 0.0, $add91 = 0.0, $add94 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx104 = 0, $arrayidx107 = 0, $arrayidx109 = 0, $arrayidx112 = 0, $arrayidx133 = 0, $arrayidx135 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0; var $arrayidx46$sink = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $arrayidx66 = 0, $arrayidx68 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx82 = 0, $arrayidx84 = 0, $call = 0.0, $call38 = 0.0, $call48 = 0.0, $chirp = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp101 = 0, $cmp130 = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp32 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp50 = 0; var $cmp55 = 0, $cmp60 = 0, $cmp79 = 0, $coefs_ana$addr = 0, $coefs_syn$addr = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv35 = 0.0, $conv37 = 0.0, $conv39 = 0.0, $conv47 = 0.0, $conv49 = 0.0, $conv89 = 0.0, $conv95 = 0.0, $dec = 0, $dec115 = 0, $div = 0.0, $div122 = 0.0, $div128 = 0.0, $div18 = 0.0, $div76 = 0.0; var $div77 = 0.0, $div97 = 0.0, $gain_ana = 0.0, $gain_syn = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc138 = 0, $inc141 = 0, $inc53 = 0, $inc74 = 0, $inc87 = 0, $ind = 0, $iter = 0, $lambda$addr = 0.0, $limit$addr = 0.0, $maxabs = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $mul105 = 0.0, $mul110 = 0.0, $mul117 = 0.0; var $mul12 = 0.0, $mul120 = 0.0, $mul123 = 0.0, $mul126 = 0.0, $mul13 = 0.0, $mul134 = 0.0, $mul136 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul23 = 0.0, $mul25 = 0.0, $mul5 = 0.0, $mul64 = 0.0, $mul69 = 0.0, $mul83 = 0.0, $mul85 = 0.0, $mul9 = 0.0, $mul90 = 0.0, $mul93 = 0.0, $mul96 = 0.0, $order$addr = 0; var $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub10 = 0.0, $sub106 = 0, $sub108 = 0.0, $sub111 = 0, $sub113 = 0.0, $sub118 = 0.0, $sub124 = 0.0, $sub14 = 0.0, $sub3 = 0.0, $sub6 = 0, $sub65 = 0, $sub70 = 0, $sub8 = 0.0, $sub92 = 0.0, $sub98 = 0.0, $sub99 = 0, $tmp = 0.0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $coefs_syn$addr = $coefs_syn; $coefs_ana$addr = $coefs_ana; $lambda$addr = $lambda; $limit$addr = $limit; $order$addr = $order; $ind = 0; $0 = $order$addr; $sub = (($0) - 1)|0; $i = $sub; while(1) { $1 = $i; $cmp = ($1|0)>(0); $2 = $lambda$addr; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $coefs_syn$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $mul = $2 * $5; $6 = $coefs_syn$addr; $7 = $i; $sub1 = (($7) - 1)|0; $arrayidx2 = (($6) + ($sub1<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $sub3 = $8 - $mul; HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2] = $sub3; $9 = $lambda$addr; $10 = $coefs_ana$addr; $11 = $i; $arrayidx4 = (($10) + ($11<<2)|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $mul5 = $9 * $12; $13 = $coefs_ana$addr; $14 = $i; $sub6 = (($14) - 1)|0; $arrayidx7 = (($13) + ($sub6<<2)|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $sub8 = $15 - $mul5; HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2] = $sub8; $16 = $i; $dec = (($16) + -1)|0; $i = $dec; } $17 = $lambda$addr; $mul9 = $2 * $17; $sub10 = 1.0 - $mul9; $18 = $lambda$addr; $19 = $coefs_syn$addr; $20 = +HEAPF32[$19>>2]; $mul12 = $18 * $20; $add = 1.0 + $mul12; $div = $sub10 / $add; $gain_syn = $div; $21 = $lambda$addr; $22 = $lambda$addr; $mul13 = $21 * $22; $sub14 = 1.0 - $mul13; $23 = $lambda$addr; $24 = $coefs_ana$addr; $25 = +HEAPF32[$24>>2]; $mul16 = $23 * $25; $add17 = 1.0 + $mul16; $div18 = $sub14 / $add17; $gain_ana = $div18; $i = 0; while(1) { $26 = $i; $27 = $order$addr; $cmp20 = ($26|0)<($27|0); if (!($cmp20)) { break; } $28 = $gain_syn; $29 = $coefs_syn$addr; $30 = $i; $arrayidx22 = (($29) + ($30<<2)|0); $31 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2]; $mul23 = $31 * $28; HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2] = $mul23; $32 = $gain_ana; $33 = $coefs_ana$addr; $34 = $i; $arrayidx24 = (($33) + ($34<<2)|0); $35 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2]; $mul25 = $35 * $32; HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2] = $mul25; $36 = $i; $inc = (($36) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $iter = 0; while(1) { $37 = $iter; $cmp29 = ($37|0)<(10); if (!($cmp29)) { label = 31; break; } $maxabs = -1.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $38 = $i; $39 = $order$addr; $cmp32 = ($38|0)<($39|0); if (!($cmp32)) { break; } $40 = $coefs_syn$addr; $41 = $i; $arrayidx34 = (($40) + ($41<<2)|0); $42 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2]; $conv = $42; $call = (+Math_abs((+$conv))); $conv35 = $call; $43 = $coefs_ana$addr; $44 = $i; $arrayidx36 = (($43) + ($44<<2)|0); $45 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx36>>2]; $conv37 = $45; $call38 = (+Math_abs((+$conv37))); $conv39 = $call38; $cmp40 = $conv35 > $conv39; if ($cmp40) { $46 = $coefs_syn$addr; $47 = $i; $arrayidx42 = (($46) + ($47<<2)|0); $arrayidx46$sink = $arrayidx42; } else { $48 = $coefs_ana$addr; $49 = $i; $arrayidx46 = (($48) + ($49<<2)|0); $arrayidx46$sink = $arrayidx46; } $50 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx46$sink>>2]; $conv47 = $50; $call48 = (+Math_abs((+$conv47))); $conv49 = $call48; $tmp = $conv49; $51 = $tmp; $52 = $maxabs; $cmp50 = $51 > $52; if ($cmp50) { $53 = $tmp; $maxabs = $53; $54 = $i; $ind = $54; } $55 = $i; $inc53 = (($55) + 1)|0; $i = $inc53; } $56 = $maxabs; $57 = $limit$addr; $cmp55 = $56 <= $57; if ($cmp55) { label = 31; break; } $i = 1; while(1) { $58 = $i; $59 = $order$addr; $cmp60 = ($58|0)<($59|0); if (!($cmp60)) { break; } $60 = $lambda$addr; $61 = $coefs_syn$addr; $62 = $i; $arrayidx63 = (($61) + ($62<<2)|0); $63 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx63>>2]; $mul64 = $60 * $63; $64 = $coefs_syn$addr; $65 = $i; $sub65 = (($65) - 1)|0; $arrayidx66 = (($64) + ($sub65<<2)|0); $66 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx66>>2]; $add67 = $66 + $mul64; HEAPF32[$arrayidx66>>2] = $add67; $67 = $lambda$addr; $68 = $coefs_ana$addr; $69 = $i; $arrayidx68 = (($68) + ($69<<2)|0); $70 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx68>>2]; $mul69 = $67 * $70; $71 = $coefs_ana$addr; $72 = $i; $sub70 = (($72) - 1)|0; $arrayidx71 = (($71) + ($sub70<<2)|0); $73 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx71>>2]; $add72 = $73 + $mul69; HEAPF32[$arrayidx71>>2] = $add72; $74 = $i; $inc74 = (($74) + 1)|0; $i = $inc74; } $75 = $gain_syn; $div76 = 1.0 / $75; $gain_syn = $div76; $76 = $gain_ana; $div77 = 1.0 / $76; $gain_ana = $div77; $i = 0; while(1) { $77 = $i; $78 = $order$addr; $cmp79 = ($77|0)<($78|0); if (!($cmp79)) { break; } $79 = $gain_syn; $80 = $coefs_syn$addr; $81 = $i; $arrayidx82 = (($80) + ($81<<2)|0); $82 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx82>>2]; $mul83 = $82 * $79; HEAPF32[$arrayidx82>>2] = $mul83; $83 = $gain_ana; $84 = $coefs_ana$addr; $85 = $i; $arrayidx84 = (($84) + ($85<<2)|0); $86 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx84>>2]; $mul85 = $86 * $83; HEAPF32[$arrayidx84>>2] = $mul85; $87 = $i; $inc87 = (($87) + 1)|0; $i = $inc87; } $88 = $iter; $conv89 = (+($88|0)); $mul90 = 0.10000000149011612 * $conv89; $add91 = 0.80000001192092896 + $mul90; $89 = $maxabs; $90 = $limit$addr; $sub92 = $89 - $90; $mul93 = $add91 * $sub92; $91 = $maxabs; $92 = $ind; $add94 = (($92) + 1)|0; $conv95 = (+($add94|0)); $mul96 = $91 * $conv95; $div97 = $mul93 / $mul96; $sub98 = 0.99000000953674316 - $div97; $chirp = $sub98; $93 = $coefs_syn$addr; $94 = $order$addr; $95 = $chirp; _silk_bwexpander_FLP($93,$94,$95); $96 = $coefs_ana$addr; $97 = $order$addr; $98 = $chirp; _silk_bwexpander_FLP($96,$97,$98); $99 = $order$addr; $sub99 = (($99) - 1)|0; $i = $sub99; while(1) { $100 = $i; $cmp101 = ($100|0)>(0); $101 = $lambda$addr; if (!($cmp101)) { break; } $102 = $coefs_syn$addr; $103 = $i; $arrayidx104 = (($102) + ($103<<2)|0); $104 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx104>>2]; $mul105 = $101 * $104; $105 = $coefs_syn$addr; $106 = $i; $sub106 = (($106) - 1)|0; $arrayidx107 = (($105) + ($sub106<<2)|0); $107 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx107>>2]; $sub108 = $107 - $mul105; HEAPF32[$arrayidx107>>2] = $sub108; $108 = $lambda$addr; $109 = $coefs_ana$addr; $110 = $i; $arrayidx109 = (($109) + ($110<<2)|0); $111 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx109>>2]; $mul110 = $108 * $111; $112 = $coefs_ana$addr; $113 = $i; $sub111 = (($113) - 1)|0; $arrayidx112 = (($112) + ($sub111<<2)|0); $114 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx112>>2]; $sub113 = $114 - $mul110; HEAPF32[$arrayidx112>>2] = $sub113; $115 = $i; $dec115 = (($115) + -1)|0; $i = $dec115; } $116 = $lambda$addr; $mul117 = $101 * $116; $sub118 = 1.0 - $mul117; $117 = $lambda$addr; $118 = $coefs_syn$addr; $119 = +HEAPF32[$118>>2]; $mul120 = $117 * $119; $add121 = 1.0 + $mul120; $div122 = $sub118 / $add121; $gain_syn = $div122; $120 = $lambda$addr; $121 = $lambda$addr; $mul123 = $120 * $121; $sub124 = 1.0 - $mul123; $122 = $lambda$addr; $123 = $coefs_ana$addr; $124 = +HEAPF32[$123>>2]; $mul126 = $122 * $124; $add127 = 1.0 + $mul126; $div128 = $sub124 / $add127; $gain_ana = $div128; $i = 0; while(1) { $125 = $i; $126 = $order$addr; $cmp130 = ($125|0)<($126|0); if (!($cmp130)) { break; } $127 = $gain_syn; $128 = $coefs_syn$addr; $129 = $i; $arrayidx133 = (($128) + ($129<<2)|0); $130 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx133>>2]; $mul134 = $130 * $127; HEAPF32[$arrayidx133>>2] = $mul134; $131 = $gain_ana; $132 = $coefs_ana$addr; $133 = $i; $arrayidx135 = (($132) + ($133<<2)|0); $134 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx135>>2]; $mul136 = $134 * $131; HEAPF32[$arrayidx135>>2] = $mul136; $135 = $i; $inc138 = (($135) + 1)|0; $i = $inc138; } $136 = $iter; $inc141 = (($136) + 1)|0; $iter = $inc141; } if ((label|0) == 31) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _silk_prefilter_FLP($psEnc,$psEncCtrl,$xw,$x) { $psEnc = $psEnc|0; $psEncCtrl = $psEncCtrl|0; $xw = $xw|0; $x = $x|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0.0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0.0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0.0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0.0; var $81 = 0.0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $AR1 = 0, $AR1_shp = 0, $B = 0; var $GainsPre = 0, $GainsPre28 = 0, $HarmBoost = 0, $HarmBoost31 = 0, $HarmShapeFIR = 0, $HarmShapeGain = 0.0, $HarmShapeGain4 = 0, $LF_AR_shp = 0.0, $LF_AR_shp17 = 0, $LF_MA_shp = 0.0, $LF_MA_shp15 = 0, $P = 0, $Tilt = 0.0, $Tilt13 = 0, $add = 0.0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr72 = 0, $add35 = 0.0, $add43 = 0.0, $add58 = 0.0; var $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx56 = 0, $arrayidx59 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $arrayidx80 = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp48 = 0, $coding_quality = 0, $conv = 0, $conv23 = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $inc = 0, $inc74 = 0, $indices = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $lag = 0, $lagPrev = 0, $lagPrev81 = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul11 = 0.0, $mul19 = 0, $mul33 = 0.0, $mul34 = 0.0; var $mul36 = 0.0, $mul40 = 0.0, $mul42 = 0.0, $mul53 = 0.0, $mul57 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0.0, $mul9 = 0.0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr78 = 0, $pitchL = 0, $pitchL76 = 0, $psEnc$addr = 0, $psEncCtrl$addr = 0, $px = 0, $pxw = 0, $sAR_shp = 0, $sHarmHP = 0, $sHarmHP64 = 0, $sPrefilt = 0, $shapingLPCOrder = 0; var $signalType = 0, $st_res = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub30 = 0.0, $sub55 = 0, $sub62 = 0, $sub79 = 0, $subfr_length = 0, $subfr_length47 = 0, $subfr_length61 = 0, $subfr_length67 = 0, $subfr_length69 = 0, $subfr_length71 = 0, $warping_Q16 = 0, $x$addr = 0, $xw$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 464|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(464|0); $B = sp + 408|0; $HarmShapeFIR = sp + 384|0; $st_res = sp; $psEnc$addr = $psEnc; $psEncCtrl$addr = $psEncCtrl; $xw$addr = $xw; $x$addr = $x; $0 = $psEnc$addr; $sPrefilt = ((($0)) + 7216|0); $P = $sPrefilt; $1 = $x$addr; $px = $1; $2 = $xw$addr; $pxw = $2; $3 = $P; $lagPrev = ((($3)) + 2136|0); $4 = HEAP32[$lagPrev>>2]|0; $lag = $4; $k = 0; while(1) { $5 = $k; $6 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($6)) + 4604|0); $7 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $cmp = ($5|0)<($7|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $8 = $psEnc$addr; $indices = ((($8)) + 4768|0); $signalType = ((($indices)) + 29|0); $9 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv = $9 << 24 >> 24; $cmp2 = ($conv|0)==(2); if ($cmp2) { $10 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $pitchL = ((($10)) + 228|0); $11 = $k; $arrayidx = (($pitchL) + ($11<<2)|0); $12 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $lag = $12; } $13 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $HarmShapeGain4 = ((($13)) + 836|0); $14 = $k; $arrayidx5 = (($HarmShapeGain4) + ($14<<2)|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $16 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $HarmBoost = ((($16)) + 804|0); $17 = $k; $arrayidx6 = (($HarmBoost) + ($17<<2)|0); $18 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $sub = 1.0 - $18; $mul = $15 * $sub; $HarmShapeGain = $mul; $19 = $HarmShapeGain; $mul7 = 0.25 * $19; HEAPF32[$HarmShapeFIR>>2] = $mul7; $20 = $HarmShapeGain; $mul9 = 0.4999847412109375 * $20; $arrayidx10 = ((($HarmShapeFIR)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2] = $mul9; $21 = $HarmShapeGain; $mul11 = 0.25 * $21; $arrayidx12 = ((($HarmShapeFIR)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2] = $mul11; $22 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $Tilt13 = ((($22)) + 820|0); $23 = $k; $arrayidx14 = (($Tilt13) + ($23<<2)|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $Tilt = $24; $25 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LF_MA_shp15 = ((($25)) + 756|0); $26 = $k; $arrayidx16 = (($LF_MA_shp15) + ($26<<2)|0); $27 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2]; $LF_MA_shp = $27; $28 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LF_AR_shp17 = ((($28)) + 772|0); $29 = $k; $arrayidx18 = (($LF_AR_shp17) + ($29<<2)|0); $30 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx18>>2]; $LF_AR_shp = $30; $31 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $AR1 = ((($31)) + 244|0); $32 = $k; $mul19 = $32<<4; $arrayidx20 = (($AR1) + ($mul19<<2)|0); $AR1_shp = $arrayidx20; $33 = $P; $sAR_shp = ((($33)) + 2048|0); $34 = $AR1_shp; $35 = $px; $36 = $psEnc$addr; $warping_Q16 = ((($36)) + 4704|0); $37 = HEAP32[$warping_Q16>>2]|0; $conv23 = (+($37|0)); $div = $conv23 / 65536.0; $38 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length = ((($38)) + 4612|0); $39 = HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2]|0; $40 = $psEnc$addr; $shapingLPCOrder = ((($40)) + 4660|0); $41 = HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder>>2]|0; _silk_warped_LPC_analysis_filter_FLP($sAR_shp,$st_res,$34,$35,$div,$39,$41); $42 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $GainsPre = ((($42)) + 788|0); $43 = $k; $arrayidx26 = (($GainsPre) + ($43<<2)|0); $44 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx26>>2]; HEAPF32[$B>>2] = $44; $45 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $GainsPre28 = ((($45)) + 788|0); $46 = $k; $arrayidx29 = (($GainsPre28) + ($46<<2)|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2]; $sub30 = - $47; $48 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $HarmBoost31 = ((($48)) + 804|0); $49 = $k; $arrayidx32 = (($HarmBoost31) + ($49<<2)|0); $50 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx32>>2]; $51 = $HarmShapeGain; $mul33 = $50 * $51; $add = $mul33 + 0.05000000074505806; $52 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $coding_quality = ((($52)) + 860|0); $53 = +HEAPF32[$coding_quality>>2]; $mul34 = $53 * 0.10000000149011612; $add35 = $add + $mul34; $mul36 = $sub30 * $add35; $arrayidx37 = ((($B)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx37>>2] = $mul36; $54 = +HEAPF32[$B>>2]; $55 = +HEAPF32[$st_res>>2]; $mul40 = $54 * $55; $arrayidx41 = ((($B)) + 4|0); $56 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx41>>2]; $57 = $P; $sHarmHP = ((($57)) + 2128|0); $58 = +HEAPF32[$sHarmHP>>2]; $mul42 = $56 * $58; $add43 = $mul40 + $mul42; $59 = $pxw; HEAPF32[$59>>2] = $add43; $j = 1; while(1) { $60 = $j; $61 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length47 = ((($61)) + 4612|0); $62 = HEAP32[$subfr_length47>>2]|0; $cmp48 = ($60|0)<($62|0); if (!($cmp48)) { break; } $63 = +HEAPF32[$B>>2]; $64 = $j; $arrayidx52 = (($st_res) + ($64<<2)|0); $65 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx52>>2]; $mul53 = $63 * $65; $arrayidx54 = ((($B)) + 4|0); $66 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx54>>2]; $67 = $j; $sub55 = (($67) - 1)|0; $arrayidx56 = (($st_res) + ($sub55<<2)|0); $68 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx56>>2]; $mul57 = $66 * $68; $add58 = $mul53 + $mul57; $69 = $pxw; $70 = $j; $arrayidx59 = (($69) + ($70<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx59>>2] = $add58; $71 = $j; $inc = (($71) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $72 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length61 = ((($72)) + 4612|0); $73 = HEAP32[$subfr_length61>>2]|0; $sub62 = (($73) - 1)|0; $arrayidx63 = (($st_res) + ($sub62<<2)|0); $74 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx63>>2]; $75 = $P; $sHarmHP64 = ((($75)) + 2128|0); HEAPF32[$sHarmHP64>>2] = $74; $76 = $P; $77 = $pxw; $78 = $pxw; $79 = $Tilt; $80 = $LF_MA_shp; $81 = $LF_AR_shp; $82 = $lag; $83 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length67 = ((($83)) + 4612|0); $84 = HEAP32[$subfr_length67>>2]|0; _silk_prefilt_FLP($76,$77,$78,$HarmShapeFIR,$79,$80,$81,$82,$84); $85 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length69 = ((($85)) + 4612|0); $86 = HEAP32[$subfr_length69>>2]|0; $87 = $px; $add$ptr = (($87) + ($86<<2)|0); $px = $add$ptr; $88 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length71 = ((($88)) + 4612|0); $89 = HEAP32[$subfr_length71>>2]|0; $90 = $pxw; $add$ptr72 = (($90) + ($89<<2)|0); $pxw = $add$ptr72; $91 = $k; $inc74 = (($91) + 1)|0; $k = $inc74; } $92 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $pitchL76 = ((($92)) + 228|0); $93 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr78 = ((($93)) + 4604|0); $94 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr78>>2]|0; $sub79 = (($94) - 1)|0; $arrayidx80 = (($pitchL76) + ($sub79<<2)|0); $95 = HEAP32[$arrayidx80>>2]|0; $96 = $P; $lagPrev81 = ((($96)) + 2136|0); HEAP32[$lagPrev81>>2] = $95; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_warped_LPC_analysis_filter_FLP($state,$res,$coef,$input,$lambda,$length,$order) { $state = $state|0; $res = $res|0; $coef = $coef|0; $input = $input|0; $lambda = +$lambda; $length = $length|0; $order = $order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0.0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0.0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0.0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0.0; var $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0.0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0.0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $acc = 0.0, $add = 0.0, $add15 = 0, $add19 = 0.0, $add24 = 0.0, $add25 = 0, $add27 = 0, $add31 = 0.0; var $add32 = 0, $add36 = 0.0, $add37 = 0, $add42 = 0.0, $add7 = 0.0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0; var $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $coef$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $input$addr = 0, $lambda$addr = 0.0, $length$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul10 = 0.0, $mul18 = 0.0, $mul23 = 0.0, $mul30 = 0.0, $mul35 = 0.0, $mul41 = 0.0, $mul6 = 0.0, $n = 0, $order$addr = 0; var $res$addr = 0, $state$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub17 = 0.0, $sub21 = 0, $sub29 = 0.0, $sub39 = 0, $sub44 = 0.0, $tmp1 = 0.0, $tmp2 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $state$addr = $state; $res$addr = $res; $coef$addr = $coef; $input$addr = $input; $lambda$addr = $lambda; $length$addr = $length; $order$addr = $order; $n = 0; while(1) { $0 = $n; $1 = $length$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $state$addr; $3 = +HEAPF32[$2>>2]; $4 = $lambda$addr; $5 = $state$addr; $arrayidx1 = ((($5)) + 4|0); $6 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $mul = $4 * $6; $add = $3 + $mul; $tmp2 = $add; $7 = $input$addr; $8 = $n; $arrayidx2 = (($7) + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $10 = $state$addr; HEAPF32[$10>>2] = $9; $11 = $state$addr; $arrayidx4 = ((($11)) + 4|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $13 = $lambda$addr; $14 = $state$addr; $arrayidx5 = ((($14)) + 8|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $16 = $tmp2; $sub = $15 - $16; $mul6 = $13 * $sub; $add7 = $12 + $mul6; $tmp1 = $add7; $17 = $tmp2; $18 = $state$addr; $arrayidx8 = ((($18)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2] = $17; $19 = $coef$addr; $20 = +HEAPF32[$19>>2]; $21 = $tmp2; $mul10 = $20 * $21; $acc = $mul10; $i = 2; while(1) { $22 = $i; $23 = $order$addr; $cmp12 = ($22|0)<($23|0); if (!($cmp12)) { break; } $24 = $state$addr; $25 = $i; $arrayidx14 = (($24) + ($25<<2)|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $27 = $lambda$addr; $28 = $state$addr; $29 = $i; $add15 = (($29) + 1)|0; $arrayidx16 = (($28) + ($add15<<2)|0); $30 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2]; $31 = $tmp1; $sub17 = $30 - $31; $mul18 = $27 * $sub17; $add19 = $26 + $mul18; $tmp2 = $add19; $32 = $tmp1; $33 = $state$addr; $34 = $i; $arrayidx20 = (($33) + ($34<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2] = $32; $35 = $coef$addr; $36 = $i; $sub21 = (($36) - 1)|0; $arrayidx22 = (($35) + ($sub21<<2)|0); $37 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2]; $38 = $tmp1; $mul23 = $37 * $38; $39 = $acc; $add24 = $39 + $mul23; $acc = $add24; $40 = $state$addr; $41 = $i; $add25 = (($41) + 1)|0; $arrayidx26 = (($40) + ($add25<<2)|0); $42 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx26>>2]; $43 = $lambda$addr; $44 = $state$addr; $45 = $i; $add27 = (($45) + 2)|0; $arrayidx28 = (($44) + ($add27<<2)|0); $46 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx28>>2]; $47 = $tmp2; $sub29 = $46 - $47; $mul30 = $43 * $sub29; $add31 = $42 + $mul30; $tmp1 = $add31; $48 = $tmp2; $49 = $state$addr; $50 = $i; $add32 = (($50) + 1)|0; $arrayidx33 = (($49) + ($add32<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx33>>2] = $48; $51 = $coef$addr; $52 = $i; $arrayidx34 = (($51) + ($52<<2)|0); $53 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2]; $54 = $tmp2; $mul35 = $53 * $54; $55 = $acc; $add36 = $55 + $mul35; $acc = $add36; $56 = $i; $add37 = (($56) + 2)|0; $i = $add37; } $57 = $tmp1; $58 = $state$addr; $59 = $order$addr; $arrayidx38 = (($58) + ($59<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2] = $57; $60 = $coef$addr; $61 = $order$addr; $sub39 = (($61) - 1)|0; $arrayidx40 = (($60) + ($sub39<<2)|0); $62 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx40>>2]; $63 = $tmp1; $mul41 = $62 * $63; $64 = $acc; $add42 = $64 + $mul41; $acc = $add42; $65 = $input$addr; $66 = $n; $arrayidx43 = (($65) + ($66<<2)|0); $67 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2]; $68 = $acc; $sub44 = $67 - $68; $69 = $res$addr; $70 = $n; $arrayidx45 = (($69) + ($70<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx45>>2] = $sub44; $71 = $n; $inc = (($71) + 1)|0; $n = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_prefilt_FLP($P,$st_res,$xw,$HarmShapeFIR,$Tilt,$LF_MA_shp,$LF_AR_shp,$lag,$length) { $P = $P|0; $st_res = $st_res|0; $xw = $xw|0; $HarmShapeFIR = $HarmShapeFIR|0; $Tilt = +$Tilt; $LF_MA_shp = +$LF_MA_shp; $LF_AR_shp = +$LF_AR_shp; $lag = $lag|0; $length = $length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0.0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $6 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $HarmShapeFIR$addr = 0, $LF_AR_shp$addr = 0.0, $LF_MA_shp$addr = 0.0, $LTP_shp_buf = 0; var $LTP_shp_buf_idx = 0, $P$addr = 0, $Tilt$addr = 0.0, $add = 0, $add11 = 0.0, $add13 = 0, $add18 = 0.0, $add22 = 0.0, $and = 0, $and14 = 0, $and27 = 0, $and7 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $i = 0, $idx = 0, $inc = 0, $lag$addr = 0, $length$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul10 = 0.0, $mul17 = 0.0, $mul19 = 0.0, $mul20 = 0.0, $mul21 = 0.0, $n_LF = 0.0, $n_LTP = 0.0, $n_Tilt = 0.0, $sLF_AR_shp = 0.0, $sLF_AR_shp1 = 0, $sLF_AR_shp31 = 0, $sLF_MA_shp = 0.0; var $sLF_MA_shp2 = 0, $sLF_MA_shp32 = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx33 = 0, $st_res$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub12 = 0, $sub24 = 0.0, $sub25 = 0.0, $sub26 = 0, $sub29 = 0.0, $sub4 = 0, $sub6 = 0, $xw$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $P$addr = $P; $st_res$addr = $st_res; $xw$addr = $xw; $HarmShapeFIR$addr = $HarmShapeFIR; $Tilt$addr = $Tilt; $LF_MA_shp$addr = $LF_MA_shp; $LF_AR_shp$addr = $LF_AR_shp; $lag$addr = $lag; $length$addr = $length; $0 = $P$addr; $LTP_shp_buf = $0; $1 = $P$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx = ((($1)) + 2116|0); $2 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx>>2]|0; $LTP_shp_buf_idx = $2; $3 = $P$addr; $sLF_AR_shp1 = ((($3)) + 2120|0); $4 = +HEAPF32[$sLF_AR_shp1>>2]; $sLF_AR_shp = $4; $5 = $P$addr; $sLF_MA_shp2 = ((($5)) + 2124|0); $6 = +HEAPF32[$sLF_MA_shp2>>2]; $sLF_MA_shp = $6; $i = 0; while(1) { $7 = $i; $8 = $length$addr; $cmp = ($7|0)<($8|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $9 = $lag$addr; $cmp3 = ($9|0)>(0); if ($cmp3) { $10 = $lag$addr; $11 = $LTP_shp_buf_idx; $add = (($10) + ($11))|0; $idx = $add; $12 = $LTP_shp_buf; $13 = $idx; $sub = (($13) - 1)|0; $sub4 = (($sub) - 1)|0; $and = $sub4 & 511; $arrayidx = (($12) + ($and<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $15 = $HarmShapeFIR$addr; $16 = +HEAPF32[$15>>2]; $mul = $14 * $16; $n_LTP = $mul; $17 = $LTP_shp_buf; $18 = $idx; $sub6 = (($18) - 1)|0; $and7 = $sub6 & 511; $arrayidx8 = (($17) + ($and7<<2)|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2]; $20 = $HarmShapeFIR$addr; $arrayidx9 = ((($20)) + 4|0); $21 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $mul10 = $19 * $21; $22 = $n_LTP; $add11 = $22 + $mul10; $n_LTP = $add11; $23 = $LTP_shp_buf; $24 = $idx; $sub12 = (($24) - 1)|0; $add13 = (($sub12) + 1)|0; $and14 = $add13 & 511; $arrayidx15 = (($23) + ($and14<<2)|0); $25 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2]; $26 = $HarmShapeFIR$addr; $arrayidx16 = ((($26)) + 8|0); $27 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2]; $mul17 = $25 * $27; $28 = $n_LTP; $add18 = $28 + $mul17; $n_LTP = $add18; } else { $n_LTP = 0.0; } $29 = $sLF_AR_shp; $30 = $Tilt$addr; $mul19 = $29 * $30; $n_Tilt = $mul19; $31 = $sLF_AR_shp; $32 = $LF_AR_shp$addr; $mul20 = $31 * $32; $33 = $sLF_MA_shp; $34 = $LF_MA_shp$addr; $mul21 = $33 * $34; $add22 = $mul20 + $mul21; $n_LF = $add22; $35 = $st_res$addr; $36 = $i; $arrayidx23 = (($35) + ($36<<2)|0); $37 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2]; $38 = $n_Tilt; $sub24 = $37 - $38; $sLF_AR_shp = $sub24; $39 = $sLF_AR_shp; $40 = $n_LF; $sub25 = $39 - $40; $sLF_MA_shp = $sub25; $41 = $LTP_shp_buf_idx; $sub26 = (($41) - 1)|0; $and27 = $sub26 & 511; $LTP_shp_buf_idx = $and27; $42 = $sLF_MA_shp; $43 = $LTP_shp_buf; $44 = $LTP_shp_buf_idx; $arrayidx28 = (($43) + ($44<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx28>>2] = $42; $45 = $sLF_MA_shp; $46 = $n_LTP; $sub29 = $45 - $46; $47 = $xw$addr; $48 = $i; $arrayidx30 = (($47) + ($48<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2] = $sub29; $49 = $i; $inc = (($49) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $50 = $sLF_AR_shp; $51 = $P$addr; $sLF_AR_shp31 = ((($51)) + 2120|0); HEAPF32[$sLF_AR_shp31>>2] = $50; $52 = $sLF_MA_shp; $53 = $P$addr; $sLF_MA_shp32 = ((($53)) + 2124|0); HEAPF32[$sLF_MA_shp32>>2] = $52; $54 = $LTP_shp_buf_idx; $55 = $P$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx33 = ((($55)) + 2116|0); HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx33>>2] = $54; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_process_gains_FLP($psEnc,$psEncCtrl,$condCoding) { $psEnc = $psEnc|0; $psEncCtrl = $psEncCtrl|0; $condCoding = $condCoding|0; var $$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0; var $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0; var $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0; var $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0.0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0.0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0.0; var $80 = 0.0, $81 = 0.0, $82 = 0, $9 = 0, $GainsUnq_Q16 = 0, $InvMaxSqrVal = 0.0, $LTPredCodGain = 0, $LTPredCodGain86 = 0, $Lambda = 0, $ResNrg = 0, $SNR_dB_Q7 = 0, $add = 0.0, $add116 = 0.0, $add121 = 0.0, $add123 = 0.0, $add125 = 0.0, $add127 = 0.0, $add90 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx105 = 0; var $arrayidx109 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx75 = 0, $call = 0.0, $call29 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp31 = 0, $cmp41 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cmp68 = 0, $cmp83 = 0, $cmp91 = 0, $coding_quality = 0; var $cond = 0.0, $condCoding$addr = 0, $conv = 0, $conv104 = 0, $conv110 = 0, $conv111 = 0.0, $conv114 = 0.0, $conv118 = 0.0, $conv13 = 0.0, $conv15 = 0.0, $conv16 = 0.0, $conv28 = 0.0, $conv30 = 0.0, $conv47 = 0, $conv62 = 0, $conv72 = 0.0, $conv82 = 0, $conv88 = 0.0, $conv9 = 0.0, $div = 0.0; var $div112 = 0.0, $div73 = 0.0, $gain = 0.0, $idxprom = 0, $inc = 0, $inc36 = 0, $inc50 = 0, $inc77 = 0, $indices = 0, $indices102 = 0, $indices107 = 0, $indices57 = 0, $indices80 = 0, $indices95 = 0, $input_quality = 0, $input_tilt_Q15 = 0, $k = 0, $lastGainIndexPrev = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul10 = 0.0; var $mul115 = 0.0, $mul119 = 0.0, $mul12 = 0.0, $mul120 = 0.0, $mul122 = 0.0, $mul124 = 0.0, $mul126 = 0.0, $mul2 = 0.0, $mul25 = 0.0, $mul27 = 0.0, $mul46 = 0.0, $mul55 = 0, $mul7 = 0.0, $mul89 = 0.0, $nStatesDelayedDecision = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr19 = 0, $nb_subfr40 = 0, $nb_subfr54 = 0, $nb_subfr64 = 0; var $nb_subfr67 = 0, $pGains_Q16 = 0, $psEnc$addr = 0, $psEncCtrl$addr = 0, $psShapeSt = 0, $quantOffsetType = 0, $quantOffsetType108 = 0, $quant_offset = 0.0, $s = 0.0, $sShape = 0, $shr = 0, $signalType = 0, $signalType103 = 0, $signalType81 = 0, $speech_activity_Q8 = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub11 = 0.0, $sub3 = 0.0, $subfr_length = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $pGains_Q16 = sp + 16|0; $psEnc$addr = $psEnc; $psEncCtrl$addr = $psEncCtrl; $condCoding$addr = $condCoding; $0 = $psEnc$addr; $sShape = ((($0)) + 7200|0); $psShapeSt = $sShape; $1 = $psEnc$addr; $indices = ((($1)) + 4768|0); $signalType = ((($indices)) + 29|0); $2 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv = $2 << 24 >> 24; $cmp = ($conv|0)==(2); L1: do { if ($cmp) { $3 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LTPredCodGain = ((($3)) + 872|0); $4 = +HEAPF32[$LTPredCodGain>>2]; $sub = $4 - 12.0; $mul = 0.25 * $sub; $call = (+_silk_sigmoid_299($mul)); $mul2 = 0.5 * $call; $sub3 = 1.0 - $mul2; $s = $sub3; $k = 0; while(1) { $5 = $k; $6 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($6)) + 4604|0); $7 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $cmp5 = ($5|0)<($7|0); if (!($cmp5)) { break L1; } $8 = $s; $9 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $10 = $k; $arrayidx = (($9) + ($10<<2)|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $mul7 = $11 * $8; HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2] = $mul7; $12 = $k; $inc = (($12) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } } } while(0); $13 = $psEnc$addr; $SNR_dB_Q7 = ((($13)) + 4748|0); $14 = HEAP32[$SNR_dB_Q7>>2]|0; $conv9 = (+($14|0)); $mul10 = $conv9 * 0.0078125; $sub11 = 21.0 - $mul10; $mul12 = 0.33000001311302185 * $sub11; $conv13 = $mul12; $15 = (+Math_pow(2.0,(+$conv13))); $16 = $psEnc$addr; $subfr_length = ((($16)) + 4612|0); $17 = HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2]|0; $conv15 = (+($17|0)); $div = $15 / $conv15; $conv16 = $div; $InvMaxSqrVal = $conv16; $k = 0; while(1) { $18 = $k; $19 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr19 = ((($19)) + 4604|0); $20 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr19>>2]|0; $cmp20 = ($18|0)<($20|0); if (!($cmp20)) { break; } $21 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $22 = $k; $arrayidx24 = (($21) + ($22<<2)|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2]; $gain = $23; $24 = $gain; $25 = $gain; $mul25 = $24 * $25; $26 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $ResNrg = ((($26)) + 876|0); $27 = $k; $arrayidx26 = (($ResNrg) + ($27<<2)|0); $28 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx26>>2]; $29 = $InvMaxSqrVal; $mul27 = $28 * $29; $add = $mul25 + $mul27; $conv28 = $add; $call29 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv28))); $conv30 = $call29; $gain = $conv30; $30 = $gain; $cmp31 = $30 < 32767.0; $31 = $gain; $cond = $cmp31 ? $31 : 32767.0; $32 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $33 = $k; $arrayidx34 = (($32) + ($33<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2] = $cond; $34 = $k; $inc36 = (($34) + 1)|0; $k = $inc36; } $k = 0; while(1) { $35 = $k; $36 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr40 = ((($36)) + 4604|0); $37 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr40>>2]|0; $cmp41 = ($35|0)<($37|0); $38 = $psEncCtrl$addr; if (!($cmp41)) { break; } $39 = $k; $arrayidx45 = (($38) + ($39<<2)|0); $40 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx45>>2]; $mul46 = $40 * 65536.0; $conv47 = (~~(($mul46))); $41 = $k; $arrayidx48 = (($pGains_Q16) + ($41<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx48>>2] = $conv47; $42 = $k; $inc50 = (($42) + 1)|0; $k = $inc50; } $GainsUnq_Q16 = ((($38)) + 892|0); $43 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr54 = ((($43)) + 4604|0); $44 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr54>>2]|0; $mul55 = $44<<2; _memcpy(($GainsUnq_Q16|0),($pGains_Q16|0),($mul55|0))|0; $45 = $psShapeSt; $46 = HEAP8[$45>>0]|0; $47 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $lastGainIndexPrev = ((($47)) + 908|0); HEAP8[$lastGainIndexPrev>>0] = $46; $48 = $psEnc$addr; $indices57 = ((($48)) + 4768|0); $49 = $psShapeSt; $50 = $condCoding$addr; $cmp61 = ($50|0)==(2); $conv62 = $cmp61&1; $51 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr64 = ((($51)) + 4604|0); $52 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr64>>2]|0; _silk_gains_quant($indices57,$pGains_Q16,$49,$conv62,$52); $k = 0; while(1) { $53 = $k; $54 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr67 = ((($54)) + 4604|0); $55 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr67>>2]|0; $cmp68 = ($53|0)<($55|0); if (!($cmp68)) { break; } $56 = $k; $arrayidx71 = (($pGains_Q16) + ($56<<2)|0); $57 = HEAP32[$arrayidx71>>2]|0; $conv72 = (+($57|0)); $div73 = $conv72 / 65536.0; $58 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $59 = $k; $arrayidx75 = (($58) + ($59<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx75>>2] = $div73; $60 = $k; $inc77 = (($60) + 1)|0; $k = $inc77; } $61 = $psEnc$addr; $indices80 = ((($61)) + 4768|0); $signalType81 = ((($indices80)) + 29|0); $62 = HEAP8[$signalType81>>0]|0; $conv82 = $62 << 24 >> 24; $cmp83 = ($conv82|0)==(2); if ($cmp83) { $63 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LTPredCodGain86 = ((($63)) + 872|0); $64 = +HEAPF32[$LTPredCodGain86>>2]; $65 = $psEnc$addr; $input_tilt_Q15 = ((($65)) + 4744|0); $66 = HEAP32[$input_tilt_Q15>>2]|0; $conv88 = (+($66|0)); $mul89 = $conv88 * 3.0517578125E-5; $add90 = $64 + $mul89; $cmp91 = $add90 > 1.0; $67 = $psEnc$addr; $indices95 = ((($67)) + 4768|0); $quantOffsetType = ((($indices95)) + 30|0); $$sink = $cmp91 ? 0 : 1; HEAP8[$quantOffsetType>>0] = $$sink; } $68 = $psEnc$addr; $indices102 = ((($68)) + 4768|0); $signalType103 = ((($indices102)) + 29|0); $69 = HEAP8[$signalType103>>0]|0; $conv104 = $69 << 24 >> 24; $shr = $conv104 >> 1; $arrayidx105 = (24998 + ($shr<<2)|0); $70 = $psEnc$addr; $indices107 = ((($70)) + 4768|0); $quantOffsetType108 = ((($indices107)) + 30|0); $71 = HEAP8[$quantOffsetType108>>0]|0; $idxprom = $71 << 24 >> 24; $arrayidx109 = (($arrayidx105) + ($idxprom<<1)|0); $72 = HEAP16[$arrayidx109>>1]|0; $conv110 = $72 << 16 >> 16; $conv111 = (+($conv110|0)); $div112 = $conv111 / 1024.0; $quant_offset = $div112; $73 = $psEnc$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision = ((($73)) + 4652|0); $74 = HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision>>2]|0; $conv114 = (+($74|0)); $mul115 = -0.05000000074505806 * $conv114; $add116 = 1.2000000476837158 + $mul115; $75 = $psEnc$addr; $speech_activity_Q8 = ((($75)) + 4556|0); $76 = HEAP32[$speech_activity_Q8>>2]|0; $conv118 = (+($76|0)); $mul119 = -0.20000000298023224 * $conv118; $mul120 = $mul119 * 0.00390625; $add121 = $add116 + $mul120; $77 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $input_quality = ((($77)) + 856|0); $78 = +HEAPF32[$input_quality>>2]; $mul122 = -0.10000000149011612 * $78; $add123 = $add121 + $mul122; $79 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $coding_quality = ((($79)) + 860|0); $80 = +HEAPF32[$coding_quality>>2]; $mul124 = -0.20000000298023224 * $80; $add125 = $add123 + $mul124; $81 = $quant_offset; $mul126 = 0.80000001192092896 * $81; $add127 = $add125 + $mul126; $82 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $Lambda = ((($82)) + 852|0); HEAPF32[$Lambda>>2] = $add127; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_sigmoid_299($x) { $x = +$x; var $0 = 0.0, $add = 0.0, $call = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $conv1 = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $sub = 0.0, $x$addr = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $sub = - $0; $conv = $sub; $call = (+Math_exp((+$conv))); $add = 1.0 + $call; $div = 1.0 / $add; $conv1 = $div; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$conv1); } function _silk_residual_energy_covar_FLP($c,$wXX,$wXx,$wxx,$D) { $c = $c|0; $wXX = $wXX|0; $wXx = $wXx|0; $wxx = +$wxx; $D = $D|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0.0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0.0, $7 = 0.0; var $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $D$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr31 = 0, $add$ptr46 = 0, $add15 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add23 = 0.0, $add30 = 0, $add34 = 0.0, $add36 = 0.0, $add45 = 0, $add47 = 0.0, $add9 = 0.0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0; var $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $c$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp42 = 0, $cmp55 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc25 = 0, $inc38 = 0, $inc49 = 0, $inc53 = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $mul = 0, $mul10 = 0.0; var $mul19 = 0, $mul2 = 0.0, $mul22 = 0.0, $mul28 = 0.0, $mul29 = 0, $mul33 = 0.0, $mul35 = 0.0, $mul44 = 0, $mul51 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0.0, $nrg = 0.0, $regularization = 0.0, $sub = 0, $sub11 = 0.0, $tmp = 0.0, $wXX$addr = 0, $wXx$addr = 0, $wxx$addr = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $c$addr = $c; $wXX$addr = $wXX; $wXx$addr = $wXx; $wxx$addr = $wxx; $D$addr = $D; $nrg = 0.0; $0 = $wXX$addr; $1 = +HEAPF32[$0>>2]; $2 = $wXX$addr; $3 = $D$addr; $4 = $D$addr; $mul = Math_imul($3, $4)|0; $sub = (($mul) - 1)|0; $arrayidx1 = (($2) + ($sub<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $add = $1 + $5; $mul2 = 9.9999999392252903E-9 * $add; $regularization = $mul2; $k = 0; while(1) { $6 = $k; $cmp = ($6|0)<(10); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $7 = $wxx$addr; $nrg = $7; $tmp = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $8 = $i; $9 = $D$addr; $cmp4 = ($8|0)<($9|0); if (!($cmp4)) { break; } $10 = $wXx$addr; $11 = $i; $arrayidx6 = (($10) + ($11<<2)|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $13 = $c$addr; $14 = $i; $arrayidx7 = (($13) + ($14<<2)|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $mul8 = $12 * $15; $16 = $tmp; $add9 = $16 + $mul8; $tmp = $add9; $17 = $i; $inc = (($17) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $18 = $tmp; $mul10 = 2.0 * $18; $19 = $nrg; $sub11 = $19 - $mul10; $nrg = $sub11; $i = 0; while(1) { $20 = $i; $21 = $D$addr; $cmp13 = ($20|0)<($21|0); if (!($cmp13)) { break; } $tmp = 0.0; $22 = $i; $add15 = (($22) + 1)|0; $j = $add15; while(1) { $23 = $j; $24 = $D$addr; $cmp17 = ($23|0)<($24|0); if (!($cmp17)) { break; } $25 = $wXX$addr; $26 = $i; $27 = $D$addr; $28 = $j; $mul19 = Math_imul($27, $28)|0; $add20 = (($26) + ($mul19))|0; $add$ptr = (($25) + ($add20<<2)|0); $29 = +HEAPF32[$add$ptr>>2]; $30 = $c$addr; $31 = $j; $arrayidx21 = (($30) + ($31<<2)|0); $32 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2]; $mul22 = $29 * $32; $33 = $tmp; $add23 = $33 + $mul22; $tmp = $add23; $34 = $j; $inc25 = (($34) + 1)|0; $j = $inc25; } $35 = $c$addr; $36 = $i; $arrayidx27 = (($35) + ($36<<2)|0); $37 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $38 = $tmp; $mul28 = 2.0 * $38; $39 = $wXX$addr; $40 = $i; $41 = $D$addr; $42 = $i; $mul29 = Math_imul($41, $42)|0; $add30 = (($40) + ($mul29))|0; $add$ptr31 = (($39) + ($add30<<2)|0); $43 = +HEAPF32[$add$ptr31>>2]; $44 = $c$addr; $45 = $i; $arrayidx32 = (($44) + ($45<<2)|0); $46 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx32>>2]; $mul33 = $43 * $46; $add34 = $mul28 + $mul33; $mul35 = $37 * $add34; $47 = $nrg; $add36 = $47 + $mul35; $nrg = $add36; $48 = $i; $inc38 = (($48) + 1)|0; $i = $inc38; } $49 = $nrg; $cmp40 = $49 > 0.0; if ($cmp40) { break; } $i = 0; while(1) { $50 = $i; $51 = $D$addr; $cmp42 = ($50|0)<($51|0); $52 = $regularization; if (!($cmp42)) { break; } $53 = $wXX$addr; $54 = $i; $55 = $D$addr; $56 = $i; $mul44 = Math_imul($55, $56)|0; $add45 = (($54) + ($mul44))|0; $add$ptr46 = (($53) + ($add45<<2)|0); $57 = +HEAPF32[$add$ptr46>>2]; $add47 = $57 + $52; HEAPF32[$add$ptr46>>2] = $add47; $58 = $i; $inc49 = (($58) + 1)|0; $i = $inc49; } $mul51 = $52 * 2.0; $regularization = $mul51; $59 = $k; $inc53 = (($59) + 1)|0; $k = $inc53; } $60 = $k; $cmp55 = ($60|0)==(10); if (!($cmp55)) { $61 = $nrg; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$61); } $nrg = 1.0; $61 = $nrg; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$61); } function _silk_residual_energy_FLP($nrgs,$x,$a,$gains,$subfr_length,$nb_subfr,$LPC_order) { $nrgs = $nrgs|0; $x = $x|0; $a = $a|0; $gains = $gains|0; $subfr_length = $subfr_length|0; $nb_subfr = $nb_subfr|0; $LPC_order = $LPC_order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $LPC_order$addr = 0, $LPC_res = 0, $LPC_res_ptr = 0, $a$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr18 = 0, $add$ptr28 = 0, $add$ptr3 = 0, $add$ptr35 = 0, $add$ptr45 = 0, $add$ptr9 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0; var $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $call = 0.0, $call19 = 0.0, $call36 = 0.0, $call46 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv11 = 0.0, $conv16 = 0.0, $conv21 = 0.0, $conv33 = 0.0, $conv38 = 0.0, $conv43 = 0.0; var $conv48 = 0.0, $gains$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul10 = 0.0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul17 = 0, $mul20 = 0.0, $mul27 = 0, $mul29 = 0, $mul32 = 0.0, $mul34 = 0, $mul37 = 0.0, $mul4 = 0, $mul42 = 0.0, $mul44 = 0, $mul47 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0, $nb_subfr$addr = 0, $nrgs$addr = 0; var $shift = 0, $subfr_length$addr = 0, $x$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 816|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(816|0); $LPC_res = sp; $nrgs$addr = $nrgs; $x$addr = $x; $a$addr = $a; $gains$addr = $gains; $subfr_length$addr = $subfr_length; $nb_subfr$addr = $nb_subfr; $LPC_order$addr = $LPC_order; $0 = $LPC_order$addr; $add$ptr = (($LPC_res) + ($0<<2)|0); $LPC_res_ptr = $add$ptr; $1 = $LPC_order$addr; $2 = $subfr_length$addr; $add = (($1) + ($2))|0; $shift = $add; $3 = $a$addr; $4 = $x$addr; $5 = $shift; $mul = 0; $add$ptr3 = (($4) + ($mul<<2)|0); $6 = $shift; $mul4 = $6<<1; $7 = $LPC_order$addr; _silk_LPC_analysis_filter_FLP($LPC_res,$3,$add$ptr3,$mul4,$7); $8 = $gains$addr; $9 = +HEAPF32[$8>>2]; $10 = $gains$addr; $11 = +HEAPF32[$10>>2]; $mul7 = $9 * $11; $conv = $mul7; $12 = $LPC_res_ptr; $13 = $shift; $mul8 = 0; $add$ptr9 = (($12) + ($mul8<<2)|0); $14 = $subfr_length$addr; $call = (+_silk_energy_FLP($add$ptr9,$14)); $mul10 = $conv * $call; $conv11 = $mul10; $15 = $nrgs$addr; HEAPF32[$15>>2] = $conv11; $16 = $gains$addr; $arrayidx13 = ((($16)) + 4|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2]; $18 = $gains$addr; $arrayidx14 = ((($18)) + 4|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $mul15 = $17 * $19; $conv16 = $mul15; $20 = $LPC_res_ptr; $21 = $shift; $mul17 = $21; $add$ptr18 = (($20) + ($mul17<<2)|0); $22 = $subfr_length$addr; $call19 = (+_silk_energy_FLP($add$ptr18,$22)); $mul20 = $conv16 * $call19; $conv21 = $mul20; $23 = $nrgs$addr; $arrayidx22 = ((($23)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2] = $conv21; $24 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp = ($24|0)==(4); if (!($cmp)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $25 = $a$addr; $arrayidx25 = ((($25)) + 64|0); $26 = $x$addr; $27 = $shift; $mul27 = $27<<1; $add$ptr28 = (($26) + ($mul27<<2)|0); $28 = $shift; $mul29 = $28<<1; $29 = $LPC_order$addr; _silk_LPC_analysis_filter_FLP($LPC_res,$arrayidx25,$add$ptr28,$mul29,$29); $30 = $gains$addr; $arrayidx30 = ((($30)) + 8|0); $31 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2]; $32 = $gains$addr; $arrayidx31 = ((($32)) + 8|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx31>>2]; $mul32 = $31 * $33; $conv33 = $mul32; $34 = $LPC_res_ptr; $35 = $shift; $mul34 = 0; $add$ptr35 = (($34) + ($mul34<<2)|0); $36 = $subfr_length$addr; $call36 = (+_silk_energy_FLP($add$ptr35,$36)); $mul37 = $conv33 * $call36; $conv38 = $mul37; $37 = $nrgs$addr; $arrayidx39 = ((($37)) + 8|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx39>>2] = $conv38; $38 = $gains$addr; $arrayidx40 = ((($38)) + 12|0); $39 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx40>>2]; $40 = $gains$addr; $arrayidx41 = ((($40)) + 12|0); $41 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx41>>2]; $mul42 = $39 * $41; $conv43 = $mul42; $42 = $LPC_res_ptr; $43 = $shift; $mul44 = $43; $add$ptr45 = (($42) + ($mul44<<2)|0); $44 = $subfr_length$addr; $call46 = (+_silk_energy_FLP($add$ptr45,$44)); $mul47 = $conv43 * $call46; $conv48 = $mul47; $45 = $nrgs$addr; $arrayidx49 = ((($45)) + 12|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2] = $conv48; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_warped_autocorrelation_FLP($corr,$input,$warping,$length,$order) { $corr = $corr|0; $input = $input|0; $warping = +$warping; $length = $length|0; $order = $order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0.0, $C = 0, $add = 0, $add13 = 0.0, $add14 = 0, $add17 = 0, $add21 = 0.0, $add22 = 0, $add26 = 0, $add28 = 0.0, $add29 = 0, $add34 = 0.0, $add38 = 0, $add8 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0; var $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp39 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv16 = 0.0, $conv43 = 0.0, $conv6 = 0.0, $corr$addr = 0; var $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc46 = 0, $input$addr = 0, $length$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul11 = 0.0, $mul20 = 0.0, $mul25 = 0.0, $mul32 = 0.0, $n = 0, $order$addr = 0, $state = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub19 = 0.0, $tmp1 = 0.0, $tmp2 = 0.0, $warping$addr = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 320|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(320|0); $state = sp + 136|0; $C = sp; $corr$addr = $corr; $input$addr = $input; $warping$addr = $warping; $length$addr = $length; $order$addr = $order; _memset(($state|0),0,136)|0; _memset(($C|0),0,136)|0; $n = 0; while(1) { $0 = $n; $1 = $length$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $input$addr; $3 = $n; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<2)|0); $4 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $conv = $4; $tmp1 = $conv; $i = 0; while(1) { $5 = $i; $6 = $order$addr; $cmp2 = ($5|0)<($6|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $7 = $i; $arrayidx5 = (($state) + ($7<<3)|0); $8 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx5>>3]; $9 = $warping$addr; $conv6 = $9; $10 = $i; $add = (($10) + 1)|0; $arrayidx7 = (($state) + ($add<<3)|0); $11 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx7>>3]; $12 = $tmp1; $sub = $11 - $12; $mul = $conv6 * $sub; $add8 = $8 + $mul; $tmp2 = $add8; $13 = $tmp1; $14 = $i; $arrayidx9 = (($state) + ($14<<3)|0); HEAPF64[$arrayidx9>>3] = $13; $15 = +HEAPF64[$state>>3]; $16 = $tmp1; $mul11 = $15 * $16; $17 = $i; $arrayidx12 = (($C) + ($17<<3)|0); $18 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx12>>3]; $add13 = $18 + $mul11; HEAPF64[$arrayidx12>>3] = $add13; $19 = $i; $add14 = (($19) + 1)|0; $arrayidx15 = (($state) + ($add14<<3)|0); $20 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx15>>3]; $21 = $warping$addr; $conv16 = $21; $22 = $i; $add17 = (($22) + 2)|0; $arrayidx18 = (($state) + ($add17<<3)|0); $23 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx18>>3]; $24 = $tmp2; $sub19 = $23 - $24; $mul20 = $conv16 * $sub19; $add21 = $20 + $mul20; $tmp1 = $add21; $25 = $tmp2; $26 = $i; $add22 = (($26) + 1)|0; $arrayidx23 = (($state) + ($add22<<3)|0); HEAPF64[$arrayidx23>>3] = $25; $27 = +HEAPF64[$state>>3]; $28 = $tmp2; $mul25 = $27 * $28; $29 = $i; $add26 = (($29) + 1)|0; $arrayidx27 = (($C) + ($add26<<3)|0); $30 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx27>>3]; $add28 = $30 + $mul25; HEAPF64[$arrayidx27>>3] = $add28; $31 = $i; $add29 = (($31) + 2)|0; $i = $add29; } $32 = $tmp1; $33 = $order$addr; $arrayidx30 = (($state) + ($33<<3)|0); HEAPF64[$arrayidx30>>3] = $32; $34 = +HEAPF64[$state>>3]; $35 = $tmp1; $mul32 = $34 * $35; $36 = $order$addr; $arrayidx33 = (($C) + ($36<<3)|0); $37 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx33>>3]; $add34 = $37 + $mul32; HEAPF64[$arrayidx33>>3] = $add34; $38 = $n; $inc = (($38) + 1)|0; $n = $inc; } $i = 0; while(1) { $39 = $i; $40 = $order$addr; $add38 = (($40) + 1)|0; $cmp39 = ($39|0)<($add38|0); if (!($cmp39)) { break; } $41 = $i; $arrayidx42 = (($C) + ($41<<3)|0); $42 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx42>>3]; $conv43 = $42; $43 = $corr$addr; $44 = $i; $arrayidx44 = (($43) + ($44<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx44>>2] = $conv43; $45 = $i; $inc46 = (($45) + 1)|0; $i = $inc46; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_A2NLSF_FLP($NLSF_Q15,$pAR,$LPC_order) { $NLSF_Q15 = $NLSF_Q15|0; $pAR = $pAR|0; $LPC_order = $LPC_order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $LPC_order$addr = 0, $NLSF_Q15$addr = 0, $a_fix_Q16 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $pAR$addr = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $a_fix_Q16 = sp; $NLSF_Q15$addr = $NLSF_Q15; $pAR$addr = $pAR; $LPC_order$addr = $LPC_order; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $LPC_order$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $pAR$addr; $3 = $i; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<2)|0); $4 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $mul = $4 * 65536.0; $call = (_silk_float2int($mul)|0); $5 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($a_fix_Q16) + ($5<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx1>>2] = $call; $6 = $i; $inc = (($6) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $7 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $8 = $LPC_order$addr; _silk_A2NLSF($7,$a_fix_Q16,$8); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_float2int($x) { $x = +$x; var $0 = 0.0, $call = 0, $x$addr = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $call = (_lrintf($0)|0); STACKTOP = sp;return ($call|0); } function _silk_NLSF2A_FLP($pAR,$NLSF_Q15,$LPC_order) { $pAR = $pAR|0; $NLSF_Q15 = $NLSF_Q15|0; $LPC_order = $LPC_order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $LPC_order$addr = 0, $NLSF_Q15$addr = 0, $a_fix_Q12 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $pAR$addr = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $a_fix_Q12 = sp + 16|0; $pAR$addr = $pAR; $NLSF_Q15$addr = $NLSF_Q15; $LPC_order$addr = $LPC_order; $0 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $1 = $LPC_order$addr; _silk_NLSF2A($a_fix_Q12,$0,$1); $i = 0; while(1) { $2 = $i; $3 = $LPC_order$addr; $cmp = ($2|0)<($3|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($a_fix_Q12) + ($4<<1)|0); $5 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = (+($5<<16>>16)); $mul = $conv * 2.44140625E-4; $6 = $pAR$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2] = $mul; $8 = $i; $inc = (($8) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_process_NLSFs_FLP($psEncC,$PredCoef,$NLSF_Q15,$prev_NLSF_Q15) { $psEncC = $psEncC|0; $PredCoef = $PredCoef|0; $NLSF_Q15 = $NLSF_Q15|0; $prev_NLSF_Q15 = $prev_NLSF_Q15|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $NLSF_Q15$addr = 0, $PredCoef$addr = 0, $PredCoef_Q12 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0; var $arrayidx6 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc8 = 0, $j = 0, $mul = 0.0, $predictLPCOrder = 0, $prev_NLSF_Q15$addr = 0, $psEncC$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 96|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(96|0); $PredCoef_Q12 = sp + 24|0; $psEncC$addr = $psEncC; $PredCoef$addr = $PredCoef; $NLSF_Q15$addr = $NLSF_Q15; $prev_NLSF_Q15$addr = $prev_NLSF_Q15; $0 = $psEncC$addr; $1 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $2 = $prev_NLSF_Q15$addr; _silk_process_NLSFs($0,$PredCoef_Q12,$1,$2); $j = 0; while(1) { $3 = $j; $cmp = ($3|0)<(2); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $i = 0; while(1) { $4 = $i; $5 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder = ((($5)) + 4664|0); $6 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder>>2]|0; $cmp2 = ($4|0)<($6|0); $7 = $j; if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $arrayidx = (($PredCoef_Q12) + ($7<<5)|0); $8 = $i; $arrayidx4 = (($arrayidx) + ($8<<1)|0); $9 = HEAP16[$arrayidx4>>1]|0; $conv = (+($9<<16>>16)); $mul = $conv * 2.44140625E-4; $10 = $PredCoef$addr; $11 = $j; $arrayidx5 = (($10) + ($11<<6)|0); $12 = $i; $arrayidx6 = (($arrayidx5) + ($12<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2] = $mul; $13 = $i; $inc = (($13) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $inc8 = (($7) + 1)|0; $j = $inc8; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_NSQ_wrapper_FLP($psEnc,$psEncCtrl,$psIndices,$psNSQ,$pulses,$x) { $psEnc = $psEnc|0; $psEncCtrl = $psEncCtrl|0; $psIndices = $psIndices|0; $psNSQ = $psNSQ|0; $pulses = $pulses|0; $x = $x|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0.0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $AR2 = 0, $AR2_Q13 = 0, $Gains_Q16 = 0, $HarmShapeGain = 0, $HarmShapeGain_Q14 = 0, $LF_AR_shp = 0, $LF_MA_shp = 0; var $LF_shp_Q14 = 0, $LTPCoef = 0, $LTPCoef_Q14 = 0, $LTP_scaleIndex = 0, $LTP_scale_Q14 = 0, $Lambda = 0, $Lambda_Q10 = 0, $PredCoef = 0, $PredCoef_Q12 = 0, $Tilt = 0, $Tilt_Q14 = 0, $add = 0, $add7 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx100 = 0, $arrayidx103 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0; var $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx51 = 0, $arrayidx64 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx70 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx83 = 0, $arrayidx86 = 0, $arrayidx93 = 0, $call = 0, $call102 = 0, $call20 = 0, $call23 = 0, $call29 = 0, $call33 = 0, $call39 = 0; var $call49 = 0, $call67 = 0, $call85 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp108 = 0, $cmp111 = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp56 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cmp80 = 0, $cmp91 = 0, $cmp97 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv50 = 0, $conv68 = 0, $conv90 = 0; var $conv94 = 0, $frame_length = 0, $i = 0, $idxprom = 0, $inc = 0, $inc10 = 0, $inc105 = 0, $inc36 = 0, $inc53 = 0, $inc72 = 0, $inc75 = 0, $inc88 = 0, $j = 0, $mul = 0, $mul101 = 0.0, $mul19 = 0.0, $mul22 = 0.0, $mul28 = 0.0, $mul32 = 0.0, $mul38 = 0.0; var $mul43 = 0, $mul48 = 0.0, $mul5 = 0.0, $mul6 = 0, $mul66 = 0.0, $mul84 = 0.0, $nStatesDelayedDecision = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr14 = 0, $nb_subfr42 = 0, $nb_subfr79 = 0, $or = 0, $pitchL = 0, $pitchL138 = 0, $predictLPCOrder = 0, $psEnc$addr = 0, $psEncCtrl$addr = 0, $psIndices$addr = 0, $psNSQ$addr = 0, $pulses$addr = 0; var $shapingLPCOrder = 0, $shl = 0, $signalType = 0, $warping_Q16 = 0, $x$addr = 0, $x_Q3 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 1632|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(1632|0); $x_Q3 = sp + 80|0; $Gains_Q16 = sp + 64|0; $PredCoef_Q12 = sp + 1560|0; $LTPCoef_Q14 = sp + 1520|0; $AR2_Q13 = sp + 1392|0; $LF_shp_Q14 = sp + 40|0; $Tilt_Q14 = sp + 16|0; $HarmShapeGain_Q14 = sp; $psEnc$addr = $psEnc; $psEncCtrl$addr = $psEncCtrl; $psIndices$addr = $psIndices; $psNSQ$addr = $psNSQ; $pulses$addr = $pulses; $x$addr = $x; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($1)) + 4604|0); $2 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $cmp = ($0|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $j = 0; while(1) { $3 = $j; $4 = $psEnc$addr; $shapingLPCOrder = ((($4)) + 4660|0); $5 = HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder>>2]|0; $cmp3 = ($3|0)<($5|0); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $6 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $AR2 = ((($6)) + 500|0); $7 = $i; $mul = $7<<4; $8 = $j; $add = (($mul) + ($8))|0; $arrayidx = (($AR2) + ($add<<2)|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $mul5 = $9 * 8192.0; $call = (_silk_float2int($mul5)|0); $conv = $call&65535; $10 = $i; $mul6 = $10<<4; $11 = $j; $add7 = (($mul6) + ($11))|0; $arrayidx8 = (($AR2_Q13) + ($add7<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx8>>1] = $conv; $12 = $j; $inc = (($12) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $13 = $i; $inc10 = (($13) + 1)|0; $i = $inc10; } $i = 0; while(1) { $14 = $i; $15 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr14 = ((($15)) + 4604|0); $16 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr14>>2]|0; $cmp15 = ($14|0)<($16|0); $17 = $psEncCtrl$addr; if (!($cmp15)) { break; } $LF_AR_shp = ((($17)) + 772|0); $18 = $i; $arrayidx18 = (($LF_AR_shp) + ($18<<2)|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx18>>2]; $mul19 = $19 * 16384.0; $call20 = (_silk_float2int($mul19)|0); $shl = $call20 << 16; $20 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LF_MA_shp = ((($20)) + 756|0); $21 = $i; $arrayidx21 = (($LF_MA_shp) + ($21<<2)|0); $22 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2]; $mul22 = $22 * 16384.0; $call23 = (_silk_float2int($mul22)|0); $conv24 = $call23&65535; $conv25 = $conv24&65535; $or = $shl | $conv25; $23 = $i; $arrayidx26 = (($LF_shp_Q14) + ($23<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx26>>2] = $or; $24 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $Tilt = ((($24)) + 820|0); $25 = $i; $arrayidx27 = (($Tilt) + ($25<<2)|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $mul28 = $26 * 16384.0; $call29 = (_silk_float2int($mul28)|0); $27 = $i; $arrayidx30 = (($Tilt_Q14) + ($27<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx30>>2] = $call29; $28 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $HarmShapeGain = ((($28)) + 836|0); $29 = $i; $arrayidx31 = (($HarmShapeGain) + ($29<<2)|0); $30 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx31>>2]; $mul32 = $30 * 16384.0; $call33 = (_silk_float2int($mul32)|0); $31 = $i; $arrayidx34 = (($HarmShapeGain_Q14) + ($31<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx34>>2] = $call33; $32 = $i; $inc36 = (($32) + 1)|0; $i = $inc36; } $Lambda = ((($17)) + 852|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$Lambda>>2]; $mul38 = $33 * 1024.0; $call39 = (_silk_float2int($mul38)|0); $Lambda_Q10 = $call39; $i = 0; while(1) { $34 = $i; $35 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr42 = ((($35)) + 4604|0); $36 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr42>>2]|0; $mul43 = ($36*5)|0; $cmp44 = ($34|0)<($mul43|0); if (!($cmp44)) { break; } $37 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $LTPCoef = ((($37)) + 144|0); $38 = $i; $arrayidx47 = (($LTPCoef) + ($38<<2)|0); $39 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx47>>2]; $mul48 = $39 * 16384.0; $call49 = (_silk_float2int($mul48)|0); $conv50 = $call49&65535; $40 = $i; $arrayidx51 = (($LTPCoef_Q14) + ($40<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx51>>1] = $conv50; $41 = $i; $inc53 = (($41) + 1)|0; $i = $inc53; } $j = 0; while(1) { $42 = $j; $cmp56 = ($42|0)<(2); $i = 0; if (!($cmp56)) { break; } while(1) { $43 = $i; $44 = $psEnc$addr; $predictLPCOrder = ((($44)) + 4664|0); $45 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder>>2]|0; $cmp61 = ($43|0)<($45|0); if (!($cmp61)) { break; } $46 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $PredCoef = ((($46)) + 16|0); $47 = $j; $arrayidx64 = (($PredCoef) + ($47<<6)|0); $48 = $i; $arrayidx65 = (($arrayidx64) + ($48<<2)|0); $49 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx65>>2]; $mul66 = $49 * 4096.0; $call67 = (_silk_float2int($mul66)|0); $conv68 = $call67&65535; $50 = $j; $arrayidx69 = (($PredCoef_Q12) + ($50<<5)|0); $51 = $i; $arrayidx70 = (($arrayidx69) + ($51<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx70>>1] = $conv68; $52 = $i; $inc72 = (($52) + 1)|0; $i = $inc72; } $53 = $j; $inc75 = (($53) + 1)|0; $j = $inc75; } while(1) { $54 = $i; $55 = $psEnc$addr; $nb_subfr79 = ((($55)) + 4604|0); $56 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr79>>2]|0; $cmp80 = ($54|0)<($56|0); if (!($cmp80)) { break; } $57 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $58 = $i; $arrayidx83 = (($57) + ($58<<2)|0); $59 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx83>>2]; $mul84 = $59 * 65536.0; $call85 = (_silk_float2int($mul84)|0); $60 = $i; $arrayidx86 = (($Gains_Q16) + ($60<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx86>>2] = $call85; $61 = $i; $inc88 = (($61) + 1)|0; $i = $inc88; } $62 = $psIndices$addr; $signalType = ((($62)) + 29|0); $63 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv90 = $63 << 24 >> 24; $cmp91 = ($conv90|0)==(2); if ($cmp91) { $64 = $psIndices$addr; $LTP_scaleIndex = ((($64)) + 33|0); $65 = HEAP8[$LTP_scaleIndex>>0]|0; $idxprom = $65 << 24 >> 24; $arrayidx93 = (25006 + ($idxprom<<1)|0); $66 = HEAP16[$arrayidx93>>1]|0; $conv94 = $66 << 16 >> 16; $LTP_scale_Q14 = $conv94; } else { $LTP_scale_Q14 = 0; } $i = 0; while(1) { $67 = $i; $68 = $psEnc$addr; $frame_length = ((($68)) + 4608|0); $69 = HEAP32[$frame_length>>2]|0; $cmp97 = ($67|0)<($69|0); if (!($cmp97)) { break; } $70 = $x$addr; $71 = $i; $arrayidx100 = (($70) + ($71<<2)|0); $72 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx100>>2]; $mul101 = 8.0 * $72; $call102 = (_silk_float2int($mul101)|0); $73 = $i; $arrayidx103 = (($x_Q3) + ($73<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx103>>2] = $call102; $74 = $i; $inc105 = (($74) + 1)|0; $i = $inc105; } $75 = $psEnc$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision = ((($75)) + 4652|0); $76 = HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision>>2]|0; $cmp108 = ($76|0)>(1); if (!($cmp108)) { $77 = $psEnc$addr; $warping_Q16 = ((($77)) + 4704|0); $78 = HEAP32[$warping_Q16>>2]|0; $cmp111 = ($78|0)>(0); if (!($cmp111)) { $86 = $psEnc$addr; $87 = $psNSQ$addr; $88 = $psIndices$addr; $89 = $pulses$addr; $90 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $pitchL138 = ((($90)) + 228|0); $91 = $Lambda_Q10; $92 = $LTP_scale_Q14; _silk_NSQ_c($86,$87,$88,$x_Q3,$89,$PredCoef_Q12,$LTPCoef_Q14,$AR2_Q13,$HarmShapeGain_Q14,$Tilt_Q14,$LF_shp_Q14,$Gains_Q16,$pitchL138,$91,$92); STACKTOP = sp;return; } } $79 = $psEnc$addr; $80 = $psNSQ$addr; $81 = $psIndices$addr; $82 = $pulses$addr; $83 = $psEncCtrl$addr; $pitchL = ((($83)) + 228|0); $84 = $Lambda_Q10; $85 = $LTP_scale_Q14; _silk_NSQ_del_dec_c($79,$80,$81,$x_Q3,$82,$PredCoef_Q12,$LTPCoef_Q14,$AR2_Q13,$HarmShapeGain_Q14,$Tilt_Q14,$LF_shp_Q14,$Gains_Q16,$pitchL,$84,$85); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_quant_LTP_gains_FLP($B,$cbk_index,$periodicity_index,$sum_log_gain_Q7,$W,$mu_Q10,$lowComplexity,$nb_subfr,$arch) { $B = $B|0; $cbk_index = $cbk_index|0; $periodicity_index = $periodicity_index|0; $sum_log_gain_Q7 = $sum_log_gain_Q7|0; $W = $W|0; $mu_Q10 = $mu_Q10|0; $lowComplexity = $lowComplexity|0; $nb_subfr = $nb_subfr|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $B$addr = 0, $B_Q14 = 0, $W$addr = 0, $W_Q18 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $call = 0; var $call11 = 0, $cbk_index$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv23 = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc14 = 0, $inc27 = 0, $lowComplexity$addr = 0, $mu_Q10$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul1 = 0.0, $mul10 = 0.0, $mul18 = 0, $mul24 = 0.0, $mul4 = 0, $mul5 = 0; var $nb_subfr$addr = 0, $periodicity_index$addr = 0, $sum_log_gain_Q7$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 480|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(480|0); $B_Q14 = sp + 440|0; $W_Q18 = sp; $B$addr = $B; $cbk_index$addr = $cbk_index; $periodicity_index$addr = $periodicity_index; $sum_log_gain_Q7$addr = $sum_log_gain_Q7; $W$addr = $W; $mu_Q10$addr = $mu_Q10; $lowComplexity$addr = $lowComplexity; $nb_subfr$addr = $nb_subfr; $arch$addr = $arch; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $nb_subfr$addr; $mul = ($1*5)|0; $cmp = ($0|0)<($mul|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $B$addr; $3 = $i; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<2)|0); $4 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $mul1 = $4 * 16384.0; $call = (_silk_float2int($mul1)|0); $conv = $call&65535; $5 = $i; $arrayidx2 = (($B_Q14) + ($5<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx2>>1] = $conv; $6 = $i; $inc = (($6) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $i = 0; while(1) { $7 = $i; $8 = $nb_subfr$addr; $mul4 = ($8*5)|0; $mul5 = ($mul4*5)|0; $cmp6 = ($7|0)<($mul5|0); if (!($cmp6)) { break; } $9 = $W$addr; $10 = $i; $arrayidx9 = (($9) + ($10<<2)|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $mul10 = $11 * 262144.0; $call11 = (_silk_float2int($mul10)|0); $12 = $i; $arrayidx12 = (($W_Q18) + ($12<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx12>>2] = $call11; $13 = $i; $inc14 = (($13) + 1)|0; $i = $inc14; } $14 = $cbk_index$addr; $15 = $periodicity_index$addr; $16 = $sum_log_gain_Q7$addr; $17 = $mu_Q10$addr; $18 = $lowComplexity$addr; $19 = $nb_subfr$addr; $20 = $arch$addr; _silk_quant_LTP_gains($B_Q14,$14,$15,$16,$W_Q18,$17,$18,$19,$20); $i = 0; while(1) { $21 = $i; $22 = $nb_subfr$addr; $mul18 = ($22*5)|0; $cmp19 = ($21|0)<($mul18|0); if (!($cmp19)) { break; } $23 = $i; $arrayidx22 = (($B_Q14) + ($23<<1)|0); $24 = HEAP16[$arrayidx22>>1]|0; $conv23 = (+($24<<16>>16)); $mul24 = $conv23 * 6.103515625E-5; $25 = $B$addr; $26 = $i; $arrayidx25 = (($25) + ($26<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx25>>2] = $mul24; $27 = $i; $inc27 = (($27) + 1)|0; $i = $inc27; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_autocorrelation_FLP($results,$inputData,$inputDataSize,$correlationCount) { $results = $results|0; $inputData = $inputData|0; $inputDataSize = $inputDataSize|0; $correlationCount = $correlationCount|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $call = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $correlationCount$addr = 0; var $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inputData$addr = 0, $inputDataSize$addr = 0, $results$addr = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $results$addr = $results; $inputData$addr = $inputData; $inputDataSize$addr = $inputDataSize; $correlationCount$addr = $correlationCount; $0 = $correlationCount$addr; $1 = $inputDataSize$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>($1|0); if ($cmp) { $2 = $inputDataSize$addr; $correlationCount$addr = $2; } $i = 0; while(1) { $3 = $i; $4 = $correlationCount$addr; $cmp1 = ($3|0)<($4|0); if (!($cmp1)) { break; } $5 = $inputData$addr; $6 = $inputData$addr; $7 = $i; $add$ptr = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = $inputDataSize$addr; $9 = $i; $sub = (($8) - ($9))|0; $call = (+_silk_inner_product_FLP($5,$add$ptr,$sub)); $conv = $call; $10 = $results$addr; $11 = $i; $arrayidx = (($10) + ($11<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2] = $conv; $12 = $i; $inc = (($12) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_bwexpander_FLP($ar,$d,$chirp) { $ar = $ar|0; $d = $d|0; $chirp = +$chirp; var $0 = 0.0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0.0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $ar$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $cfac = 0.0, $chirp$addr = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $d$addr = 0, $i = 0; var $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul1 = 0.0, $mul4 = 0.0, $sub = 0, $sub2 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $ar$addr = $ar; $d$addr = $d; $chirp$addr = $chirp; $0 = $chirp$addr; $cfac = $0; $i = 0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $d$addr; $sub = (($2) - 1)|0; $cmp = ($1|0)<($sub|0); $3 = $cfac; $4 = $ar$addr; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $5 = $i; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($5<<2)|0); $6 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $mul = $6 * $3; HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2] = $mul; $7 = $chirp$addr; $8 = $cfac; $mul1 = $8 * $7; $cfac = $mul1; $9 = $i; $inc = (($9) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $10 = $d$addr; $sub2 = (($10) - 1)|0; $arrayidx3 = (($4) + ($sub2<<2)|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $mul4 = $11 * $3; HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2] = $mul4; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_energy_FLP($data,$dataSize) { $data = $data|0; $dataSize = $dataSize|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0; var $add = 0, $add1 = 0, $add11 = 0.0, $add12 = 0, $add15 = 0, $add19 = 0.0, $add20 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add27 = 0.0, $add28 = 0.0, $add29 = 0, $add39 = 0.0, $add4 = 0, $add7 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0; var $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp31 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv14 = 0.0, $conv17 = 0.0, $conv22 = 0.0, $conv25 = 0.0, $conv3 = 0.0, $conv35 = 0.0, $conv37 = 0.0, $conv6 = 0.0, $conv9 = 0.0, $data$addr = 0, $dataSize$addr = 0, $dataSize4 = 0; var $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul10 = 0.0, $mul18 = 0.0, $mul26 = 0.0, $mul38 = 0.0, $result = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $data$addr = $data; $dataSize$addr = $dataSize; $result = 0.0; $0 = $dataSize$addr; $and = $0 & 65532; $dataSize4 = $and; $i = 0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $dataSize4; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $data$addr; $4 = $i; $add = (($4) + 0)|0; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($add<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $conv = $5; $6 = $data$addr; $7 = $i; $add1 = (($7) + 0)|0; $arrayidx2 = (($6) + ($add1<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $conv3 = $8; $mul = $conv * $conv3; $9 = $data$addr; $10 = $i; $add4 = (($10) + 1)|0; $arrayidx5 = (($9) + ($add4<<2)|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $conv6 = $11; $12 = $data$addr; $13 = $i; $add7 = (($13) + 1)|0; $arrayidx8 = (($12) + ($add7<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2]; $conv9 = $14; $mul10 = $conv6 * $conv9; $add11 = $mul + $mul10; $15 = $data$addr; $16 = $i; $add12 = (($16) + 2)|0; $arrayidx13 = (($15) + ($add12<<2)|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2]; $conv14 = $17; $18 = $data$addr; $19 = $i; $add15 = (($19) + 2)|0; $arrayidx16 = (($18) + ($add15<<2)|0); $20 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2]; $conv17 = $20; $mul18 = $conv14 * $conv17; $add19 = $add11 + $mul18; $21 = $data$addr; $22 = $i; $add20 = (($22) + 3)|0; $arrayidx21 = (($21) + ($add20<<2)|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2]; $conv22 = $23; $24 = $data$addr; $25 = $i; $add23 = (($25) + 3)|0; $arrayidx24 = (($24) + ($add23<<2)|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2]; $conv25 = $26; $mul26 = $conv22 * $conv25; $add27 = $add19 + $mul26; $27 = $result; $add28 = $27 + $add27; $result = $add28; $28 = $i; $add29 = (($28) + 4)|0; $i = $add29; } while(1) { $29 = $i; $30 = $dataSize$addr; $cmp31 = ($29|0)<($30|0); if (!($cmp31)) { break; } $31 = $data$addr; $32 = $i; $arrayidx34 = (($31) + ($32<<2)|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2]; $conv35 = $33; $34 = $data$addr; $35 = $i; $arrayidx36 = (($34) + ($35<<2)|0); $36 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx36>>2]; $conv37 = $36; $mul38 = $conv35 * $conv37; $37 = $result; $add39 = $37 + $mul38; $result = $add39; $38 = $i; $inc = (($38) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $39 = $result; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$39); } function _silk_inner_product_FLP($data1,$data2,$dataSize) { $data1 = $data1|0; $data2 = $data2|0; $dataSize = $dataSize|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0; var $add = 0, $add1 = 0, $add11 = 0.0, $add12 = 0, $add15 = 0, $add19 = 0.0, $add20 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add27 = 0.0, $add28 = 0.0, $add29 = 0, $add39 = 0.0, $add4 = 0, $add7 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0; var $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp31 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv14 = 0.0, $conv17 = 0.0, $conv22 = 0.0, $conv25 = 0.0, $conv3 = 0.0, $conv35 = 0.0, $conv37 = 0.0, $conv6 = 0.0, $conv9 = 0.0, $data1$addr = 0, $data2$addr = 0, $dataSize$addr = 0; var $dataSize4 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul10 = 0.0, $mul18 = 0.0, $mul26 = 0.0, $mul38 = 0.0, $result = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $data1$addr = $data1; $data2$addr = $data2; $dataSize$addr = $dataSize; $result = 0.0; $0 = $dataSize$addr; $and = $0 & 65532; $dataSize4 = $and; $i = 0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $dataSize4; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $data1$addr; $4 = $i; $add = (($4) + 0)|0; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($add<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $conv = $5; $6 = $data2$addr; $7 = $i; $add1 = (($7) + 0)|0; $arrayidx2 = (($6) + ($add1<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $conv3 = $8; $mul = $conv * $conv3; $9 = $data1$addr; $10 = $i; $add4 = (($10) + 1)|0; $arrayidx5 = (($9) + ($add4<<2)|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $conv6 = $11; $12 = $data2$addr; $13 = $i; $add7 = (($13) + 1)|0; $arrayidx8 = (($12) + ($add7<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2]; $conv9 = $14; $mul10 = $conv6 * $conv9; $add11 = $mul + $mul10; $15 = $data1$addr; $16 = $i; $add12 = (($16) + 2)|0; $arrayidx13 = (($15) + ($add12<<2)|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx13>>2]; $conv14 = $17; $18 = $data2$addr; $19 = $i; $add15 = (($19) + 2)|0; $arrayidx16 = (($18) + ($add15<<2)|0); $20 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2]; $conv17 = $20; $mul18 = $conv14 * $conv17; $add19 = $add11 + $mul18; $21 = $data1$addr; $22 = $i; $add20 = (($22) + 3)|0; $arrayidx21 = (($21) + ($add20<<2)|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2]; $conv22 = $23; $24 = $data2$addr; $25 = $i; $add23 = (($25) + 3)|0; $arrayidx24 = (($24) + ($add23<<2)|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2]; $conv25 = $26; $mul26 = $conv22 * $conv25; $add27 = $add19 + $mul26; $27 = $result; $add28 = $27 + $add27; $result = $add28; $28 = $i; $add29 = (($28) + 4)|0; $i = $add29; } while(1) { $29 = $i; $30 = $dataSize$addr; $cmp31 = ($29|0)<($30|0); if (!($cmp31)) { break; } $31 = $data1$addr; $32 = $i; $arrayidx34 = (($31) + ($32<<2)|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2]; $conv35 = $33; $34 = $data2$addr; $35 = $i; $arrayidx36 = (($34) + ($35<<2)|0); $36 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx36>>2]; $conv37 = $36; $mul38 = $conv35 * $conv37; $37 = $result; $add39 = $37 + $mul38; $result = $add39; $38 = $i; $inc = (($38) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $39 = $result; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$39); } function _silk_k2a_FLP($A,$rc,$order) { $A = $A|0; $rc = $rc|0; $order = $order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $A$addr = 0, $Atmp = 0, $add = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp6 = 0; var $inc = 0, $inc13 = 0, $inc19 = 0, $k = 0, $mul = 0.0, $n = 0, $order$addr = 0, $rc$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub16 = 0.0, $sub8 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 96|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(96|0); $Atmp = sp; $A$addr = $A; $rc$addr = $rc; $order$addr = $order; $k = 0; while(1) { $0 = $k; $1 = $order$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $n = 0; while(1) { $2 = $n; $3 = $k; $cmp2 = ($2|0)<($3|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $4 = $A$addr; $5 = $n; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($5<<2)|0); $6 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $7 = $n; $arrayidx4 = (($Atmp) + ($7<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2] = $6; $8 = $n; $inc = (($8) + 1)|0; $n = $inc; } $n = 0; while(1) { $9 = $n; $10 = $k; $cmp6 = ($9|0)<($10|0); if (!($cmp6)) { break; } $11 = $k; $12 = $n; $sub = (($11) - ($12))|0; $sub8 = (($sub) - 1)|0; $arrayidx9 = (($Atmp) + ($sub8<<2)|0); $13 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $14 = $rc$addr; $15 = $k; $arrayidx10 = (($14) + ($15<<2)|0); $16 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $mul = $13 * $16; $17 = $A$addr; $18 = $n; $arrayidx11 = (($17) + ($18<<2)|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $add = $19 + $mul; HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2] = $add; $20 = $n; $inc13 = (($20) + 1)|0; $n = $inc13; } $21 = $rc$addr; $22 = $k; $arrayidx15 = (($21) + ($22<<2)|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2]; $sub16 = - $23; $24 = $A$addr; $25 = $k; $arrayidx17 = (($24) + ($25<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2] = $sub16; $26 = $k; $inc19 = (($26) + 1)|0; $k = $inc19; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_levinsondurbin_FLP($A,$corr,$order) { $A = $A|0; $corr = $corr|0; $order = $order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0.0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0.0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0.0; var $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0.0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0.0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0.0; var $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0.0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0.0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0.0; var $9 = 0.0, $A$addr = 0, $Atmp1 = 0.0, $Atmp2 = 0.0, $add = 0.0, $add13 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx51 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $cmp = 0; var $cmp12 = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp32 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $cond11 = 0.0, $cond30 = 0.0, $corr$addr = 0, $div = 0.0, $div23 = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc47 = 0, $inc55 = 0, $km = 0.0, $m = 0, $mHalf = 0, $min_nrg = 0.0, $mul = 0.0; var $mul21 = 0.0, $mul24 = 0.0, $mul38 = 0.0, $mul43 = 0.0, $mul50 = 0.0, $mul6 = 0.0, $nrg = 0.0, $order$addr = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub19 = 0, $sub22 = 0.0, $sub25 = 0.0, $sub35 = 0, $sub36 = 0, $sub39 = 0, $sub40 = 0, $sub42 = 0.0, $sub45 = 0.0, $sub52 = 0.0; var $t = 0.0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $A$addr = $A; $corr$addr = $corr; $order$addr = $order; $0 = $corr$addr; $1 = +HEAPF32[$0>>2]; $mul = 9.999999960041972E-13 * $1; $add = $mul + 9.9999997171806853E-10; $min_nrg = $add; $2 = $corr$addr; $3 = +HEAPF32[$2>>2]; $nrg = $3; $4 = $min_nrg; $5 = $nrg; $cmp = $4 > $5; $6 = $min_nrg; $7 = $nrg; $cond = $cmp ? $6 : $7; $nrg = $cond; $8 = $corr$addr; $arrayidx2 = ((($8)) + 4|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $10 = $nrg; $div = $9 / $10; $11 = $A$addr; HEAPF32[$11>>2] = $div; $12 = $A$addr; $13 = +HEAPF32[$12>>2]; $14 = $corr$addr; $arrayidx5 = ((($14)) + 4|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $mul6 = $13 * $15; $16 = $nrg; $sub = $16 - $mul6; $nrg = $sub; $17 = $min_nrg; $18 = $nrg; $cmp7 = $17 > $18; $19 = $min_nrg; $20 = $nrg; $cond11 = $cmp7 ? $19 : $20; $nrg = $cond11; $m = 1; while(1) { $21 = $m; $22 = $order$addr; $cmp12 = ($21|0)<($22|0); if (!($cmp12)) { break; } $23 = $corr$addr; $24 = $m; $add13 = (($24) + 1)|0; $arrayidx14 = (($23) + ($add13<<2)|0); $25 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $t = $25; $i = 0; while(1) { $26 = $i; $27 = $m; $cmp16 = ($26|0)<($27|0); if (!($cmp16)) { break; } $28 = $A$addr; $29 = $i; $arrayidx18 = (($28) + ($29<<2)|0); $30 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx18>>2]; $31 = $corr$addr; $32 = $m; $33 = $i; $sub19 = (($32) - ($33))|0; $arrayidx20 = (($31) + ($sub19<<2)|0); $34 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2]; $mul21 = $30 * $34; $35 = $t; $sub22 = $35 - $mul21; $t = $sub22; $36 = $i; $inc = (($36) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $37 = $t; $38 = $nrg; $div23 = $37 / $38; $km = $div23; $39 = $km; $40 = $t; $mul24 = $39 * $40; $41 = $nrg; $sub25 = $41 - $mul24; $nrg = $sub25; $42 = $min_nrg; $43 = $nrg; $cmp26 = $42 > $43; $44 = $min_nrg; $45 = $nrg; $cond30 = $cmp26 ? $44 : $45; $nrg = $cond30; $46 = $m; $shr = $46 >> 1; $mHalf = $shr; $i = 0; while(1) { $47 = $i; $48 = $mHalf; $cmp32 = ($47|0)<($48|0); if (!($cmp32)) { break; } $49 = $A$addr; $50 = $i; $arrayidx34 = (($49) + ($50<<2)|0); $51 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2]; $Atmp1 = $51; $52 = $A$addr; $53 = $m; $54 = $i; $sub35 = (($53) - ($54))|0; $sub36 = (($sub35) - 1)|0; $arrayidx37 = (($52) + ($sub36<<2)|0); $55 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx37>>2]; $Atmp2 = $55; $56 = $km; $57 = $Atmp1; $mul38 = $56 * $57; $58 = $A$addr; $59 = $m; $60 = $i; $sub39 = (($59) - ($60))|0; $sub40 = (($sub39) - 1)|0; $arrayidx41 = (($58) + ($sub40<<2)|0); $61 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx41>>2]; $sub42 = $61 - $mul38; HEAPF32[$arrayidx41>>2] = $sub42; $62 = $km; $63 = $Atmp2; $mul43 = $62 * $63; $64 = $A$addr; $65 = $i; $arrayidx44 = (($64) + ($65<<2)|0); $66 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx44>>2]; $sub45 = $66 - $mul43; HEAPF32[$arrayidx44>>2] = $sub45; $67 = $i; $inc47 = (($67) + 1)|0; $i = $inc47; } $68 = $m; $and = $68 & 1; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $69 = $km; $70 = $A$addr; $71 = $mHalf; $arrayidx49 = (($70) + ($71<<2)|0); $72 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2]; $mul50 = $69 * $72; $73 = $A$addr; $74 = $mHalf; $arrayidx51 = (($73) + ($74<<2)|0); $75 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx51>>2]; $sub52 = $75 - $mul50; HEAPF32[$arrayidx51>>2] = $sub52; } $76 = $km; $77 = $A$addr; $78 = $m; $arrayidx53 = (($77) + ($78<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx53>>2] = $76; $79 = $m; $inc55 = (($79) + 1)|0; $m = $inc55; } $80 = $nrg; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$80); } function _silk_LPC_inverse_pred_gain_FLP($A,$order) { $A = $A|0; $order = $order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0; var $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0.0, $A$addr = 0, $Anew = 0, $Aold = 0, $Atmp = 0, $and = 0, $and10 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp5 = 0; var $conv = 0.0, $conv18 = 0.0, $conv22 = 0.0, $conv26 = 0.0, $conv32 = 0.0, $conv43 = 0.0, $dec = 0, $div = 0.0, $inc = 0, $invGain = 0.0, $k = 0, $mul = 0, $mul23 = 0.0, $mul25 = 0.0, $mul40 = 0.0, $mul42 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0.0, $mul9 = 0.0, $n = 0, $or$cond = 0; var $or$cond1 = 0, $order$addr = 0, $rc = 0.0, $rc_mult1 = 0.0, $rc_mult2 = 0.0, $retval = 0.0, $sub = 0, $sub19 = 0, $sub2 = 0.0, $sub20 = 0, $sub24 = 0.0, $sub31 = 0.0, $sub41 = 0.0, $sub8 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 192|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(192|0); $Atmp = sp + 40|0; $A$addr = $A; $order$addr = $order; $0 = $order$addr; $and = $0 & 1; $arrayidx = (($Atmp) + ($and<<6)|0); $Anew = $arrayidx; $1 = $Anew; $2 = $A$addr; $3 = $order$addr; $mul = $3<<2; _memcpy(($1|0),($2|0),($mul|0))|0; $invGain = 1.0; $4 = $order$addr; $sub = (($4) - 1)|0; $k = $sub; while(1) { $5 = $k; $cmp = ($5|0)>(0); $6 = $Anew; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $7 = $k; $arrayidx1 = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $sub2 = - $8; $conv = $sub2; $rc = $conv; $9 = $rc; $cmp3 = $9 > 0.99989998340606689; $10 = $rc; $cmp5 = $10 < -0.99989998340606689; $or$cond = $cmp3 | $cmp5; if ($or$cond) { label = 4; break; } $11 = $rc; $12 = $rc; $mul7 = $11 * $12; $sub8 = 1.0 - $mul7; $rc_mult1 = $sub8; $13 = $rc_mult1; $div = 1.0 / $13; $rc_mult2 = $div; $14 = $rc_mult1; $15 = $invGain; $mul9 = $15 * $14; $invGain = $mul9; $16 = $Anew; $Aold = $16; $17 = $k; $and10 = $17 & 1; $arrayidx11 = (($Atmp) + ($and10<<6)|0); $Anew = $arrayidx11; $n = 0; while(1) { $18 = $n; $19 = $k; $cmp14 = ($18|0)<($19|0); if (!($cmp14)) { break; } $20 = $Aold; $21 = $n; $arrayidx17 = (($20) + ($21<<2)|0); $22 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2]; $conv18 = $22; $23 = $Aold; $24 = $k; $25 = $n; $sub19 = (($24) - ($25))|0; $sub20 = (($sub19) - 1)|0; $arrayidx21 = (($23) + ($sub20<<2)|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2]; $conv22 = $26; $27 = $rc; $mul23 = $conv22 * $27; $sub24 = $conv18 - $mul23; $28 = $rc_mult2; $mul25 = $sub24 * $28; $conv26 = $mul25; $29 = $Anew; $30 = $n; $arrayidx27 = (($29) + ($30<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2] = $conv26; $31 = $n; $inc = (($31) + 1)|0; $n = $inc; } $32 = $k; $dec = (($32) + -1)|0; $k = $dec; } if ((label|0) == 4) { $retval = 0.0; $41 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$41); } $33 = +HEAPF32[$6>>2]; $sub31 = - $33; $conv32 = $sub31; $rc = $conv32; $34 = $rc; $cmp33 = $34 > 0.99989998340606689; $35 = $rc; $cmp36 = $35 < -0.99989998340606689; $or$cond1 = $cmp33 | $cmp36; if ($or$cond1) { $retval = 0.0; $41 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$41); } else { $36 = $rc; $37 = $rc; $mul40 = $36 * $37; $sub41 = 1.0 - $mul40; $rc_mult1 = $sub41; $38 = $rc_mult1; $39 = $invGain; $mul42 = $39 * $38; $invGain = $mul42; $40 = $invGain; $conv43 = $40; $retval = $conv43; $41 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$41); } return +(0.0); } function _silk_pitch_analysis_core_FLP($frame,$pitch_out,$lagIndex,$contourIndex,$LTPCorr,$prevLag,$search_thres1,$search_thres2,$Fs_kHz,$complexity,$nb_subfr,$arch) { $frame = $frame|0; $pitch_out = $pitch_out|0; $lagIndex = $lagIndex|0; $contourIndex = $contourIndex|0; $LTPCorr = $LTPCorr|0; $prevLag = $prevLag|0; $search_thres1 = +$search_thres1; $search_thres2 = +$search_thres2; $Fs_kHz = $Fs_kHz|0; $complexity = $complexity|0; $nb_subfr = $nb_subfr|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $$sink = 0.0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0.0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0.0, $108 = 0.0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0; var $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0; var $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0; var $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0; var $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0.0, $183 = 0.0, $184 = 0.0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0; var $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0; var $205 = 0, $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0.0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0.0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0; var $223 = 0, $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0.0, $227 = 0.0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0.0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0.0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0.0, $238 = 0.0, $239 = 0.0, $24 = 0.0, $240 = 0.0; var $241 = 0, $242 = 0, $243 = 0.0, $244 = 0.0, $245 = 0.0, $246 = 0.0, $247 = 0.0, $248 = 0.0, $249 = 0.0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0.0, $252 = 0.0, $253 = 0.0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0; var $26 = 0.0, $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0.0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0; var $278 = 0, $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0, $294 = 0, $295 = 0; var $296 = 0, $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0, $304 = 0, $305 = 0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0, $31 = 0, $310 = 0, $311 = 0, $312 = 0; var $313 = 0, $314 = 0.0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0.0, $321 = 0.0, $322 = 0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0, $325 = 0.0, $326 = 0.0, $327 = 0, $328 = 0.0, $329 = 0.0, $33 = 0, $330 = 0.0; var $331 = 0.0, $332 = 0, $333 = 0.0, $334 = 0.0, $335 = 0.0, $336 = 0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0, $339 = 0, $34 = 0, $340 = 0.0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0, $346 = 0, $347 = 0, $348 = 0, $349 = 0; var $35 = 0, $350 = 0, $351 = 0, $352 = 0, $353 = 0, $354 = 0, $355 = 0, $356 = 0, $357 = 0, $358 = 0, $359 = 0, $36 = 0, $360 = 0, $361 = 0, $362 = 0, $363 = 0, $364 = 0, $365 = 0, $366 = 0, $367 = 0; var $368 = 0, $369 = 0, $37 = 0, $370 = 0, $371 = 0, $372 = 0, $373 = 0, $374 = 0, $375 = 0, $376 = 0, $377 = 0, $378 = 0, $379 = 0, $38 = 0, $380 = 0, $381 = 0, $382 = 0, $383 = 0, $384 = 0, $385 = 0; var $386 = 0, $387 = 0, $388 = 0, $389 = 0, $39 = 0, $390 = 0, $391 = 0, $392 = 0, $393 = 0, $394 = 0, $395 = 0, $396 = 0, $397 = 0, $398 = 0, $399 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $400 = 0, $401 = 0, $402 = 0; var $403 = 0, $404 = 0, $405 = 0, $406 = 0, $407 = 0, $408 = 0, $409 = 0, $41 = 0, $410 = 0, $411 = 0, $412 = 0, $413 = 0, $414 = 0, $415 = 0, $416 = 0, $417 = 0, $418 = 0, $419 = 0, $42 = 0, $420 = 0; var $421 = 0, $422 = 0, $423 = 0, $424 = 0, $425 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0; var $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0.0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0.0; var $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0.0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0; var $93 = 0, $94 = 0.0, $95 = 0.0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $C = 0, $CBimax = 0, $CBimax_new = 0, $CC = 0, $CCmax = 0.0, $CCmax_b = 0.0, $CCmax_new = 0.0, $CCmax_new_b = 0.0, $Cmax = 0.0, $Fs_kHz$addr = 0, $LTPCorr$addr = 0, $Lag_CB_ptr = 0, $add = 0; var $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr263 = 0, $add$ptr282 = 0, $add$ptr335 = 0, $add$ptr48 = 0, $add$ptr521 = 0, $add$ptr580 = 0, $add$ptr93 = 0, $add113 = 0, $add118 = 0, $add132 = 0, $add138 = 0, $add148 = 0, $add165 = 0, $add176 = 0, $add179 = 0, $add185 = 0, $add189 = 0, $add201 = 0, $add212 = 0; var $add216 = 0, $add219 = 0, $add225 = 0, $add255 = 0.0, $add270 = 0.0, $add3 = 0, $add334 = 0, $add337 = 0, $add340 = 0.0, $add376 = 0.0, $add39 = 0.0, $add411 = 0, $add443 = 0, $add460 = 0.0, $add477 = 0.0, $add482 = 0.0, $add503 = 0, $add51 = 0, $add520 = 0, $add523 = 0; var $add55 = 0.0, $add579 = 0, $add582 = 0, $add59 = 0.0, $add6 = 0, $add64 = 0.0, $add65 = 0, $add84 = 0.0, $add90 = 0.0, $and = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx102 = 0, $arrayidx107 = 0, $arrayidx115 = 0, $arrayidx120 = 0, $arrayidx133 = 0, $arrayidx137 = 0, $arrayidx140 = 0, $arrayidx152 = 0; var $arrayidx160 = 0, $arrayidx161 = 0, $arrayidx171 = 0, $arrayidx174 = 0, $arrayidx177 = 0, $arrayidx190 = 0, $arrayidx195 = 0, $arrayidx207 = 0, $arrayidx210 = 0, $arrayidx214 = 0, $arrayidx217 = 0, $arrayidx229 = 0, $arrayidx236 = 0, $arrayidx246 = 0, $arrayidx248 = 0, $arrayidx260 = 0, $arrayidx273 = 0, $arrayidx274 = 0, $arrayidx276 = 0, $arrayidx277 = 0; var $arrayidx277$sink = 0, $arrayidx322 = 0, $arrayidx327 = 0, $arrayidx332 = 0, $arrayidx338 = 0, $arrayidx339 = 0, $arrayidx351 = 0, $arrayidx355 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx452 = 0, $arrayidx457 = 0, $arrayidx473 = 0, $arrayidx474 = 0, $arrayidx475 = 0, $arrayidx478 = 0, $arrayidx479 = 0, $arrayidx480 = 0, $arrayidx501 = 0, $arrayidx524 = 0; var $arrayidx529 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $arrayidx534 = 0, $arrayidx541 = 0, $arrayidx554 = 0, $arrayidx559 = 0, $arrayidx566 = 0, $arrayidx583 = 0, $arrayidx587 = 0, $arrayidx592 = 0, $arrayidx597 = 0, $arrayidx608 = 0, $arrayidx613 = 0, $arrayidx620 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx80 = 0, $arrayidx89 = 0, $basis_ptr = 0; var $call = 0.0, $call254 = 0.0, $call264 = 0.0, $call268 = 0.0, $call303 = 0.0, $call362 = 0.0, $call442 = 0, $call444 = 0, $call459 = 0.0, $call54 = 0.0, $cbk_size = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp121 = 0, $cmp128 = 0, $cmp134 = 0, $cmp149 = 0, $cmp157 = 0, $cmp167 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp186 = 0; var $cmp192 = 0, $cmp203 = 0, $cmp226 = 0, $cmp231 = 0, $cmp243 = 0, $cmp251 = 0, $cmp257 = 0, $cmp265 = 0, $cmp286 = 0, $cmp289 = 0, $cmp295 = 0, $cmp306 = 0, $cmp309 = 0, $cmp311 = 0, $cmp319 = 0, $cmp324 = 0, $cmp329 = 0, $cmp348 = 0, $cmp352 = 0, $cmp36 = 0; var $cmp367 = 0, $cmp380 = 0, $cmp385 = 0, $cmp392 = 0, $cmp398 = 0, $cmp401 = 0, $cmp415 = 0, $cmp417 = 0, $cmp420 = 0, $cmp427 = 0, $cmp431 = 0, $cmp449 = 0, $cmp45 = 0, $cmp462 = 0, $cmp466 = 0, $cmp470 = 0, $cmp486 = 0, $cmp498 = 0, $cmp504 = 0, $cmp516 = 0; var $cmp526 = 0, $cmp530 = 0, $cmp536 = 0, $cmp549 = 0, $cmp555 = 0, $cmp575 = 0, $cmp584 = 0, $cmp588 = 0, $cmp593 = 0, $cmp604 = 0, $cmp609 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp98 = 0, $complexity$addr = 0, $cond = 0, $cond436 = 0, $cond440 = 0, $cond565 = 0, $cond619 = 0, $contourIndex$addr = 0; var $contour_bias = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $conv103 = 0.0, $conv172 = 0, $conv175 = 0, $conv178 = 0, $conv180 = 0, $conv191 = 0, $conv208 = 0, $conv211 = 0, $conv215 = 0, $conv218 = 0, $conv220 = 0, $conv230 = 0, $conv235 = 0, $conv261 = 0, $conv272 = 0.0, $conv301 = 0.0, $conv302 = 0.0, $conv336 = 0; var $conv360 = 0.0, $conv361 = 0.0, $conv363 = 0.0, $conv372 = 0.0, $conv383 = 0.0, $conv396 = 0.0, $conv404 = 0, $conv405 = 0, $conv408 = 0, $conv409 = 0, $conv447 = 0.0, $conv453 = 0, $conv476 = 0.0, $conv481 = 0.0, $conv491 = 0.0, $conv492 = 0.0, $conv502 = 0, $conv522 = 0, $conv56 = 0.0, $conv571 = 0; var $conv572 = 0, $conv58 = 0.0, $conv581 = 0, $conv61 = 0.0, $conv625 = 0, $conv626 = 0, $conv72 = 0.0, $conv74 = 0.0, $conv76 = 0.0, $conv79 = 0.0, $conv81 = 0.0, $conv87 = 0.0, $cross_corr = 0.0, $cross_corr_st3 = 0, $d = 0, $d_comp = 0, $d_srch = 0, $dec = 0, $dec110 = 0, $dec182 = 0; var $dec222 = 0, $delta_lag_log2_sqr = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $div105 = 0.0, $div271 = 0.0, $div293 = 0, $div377 = 0.0, $div397 = 0.0, $div448 = 0.0, $div490 = 0.0, $div86 = 0.0, $end_lag = 0, $energies_st3 = 0, $energy = 0.0, $energy_tmp = 0.0, $filt_state = 0, $frame$addr = 0, $frame_12_FIX = 0, $frame_16_FIX = 0, $frame_4_FIX = 0; var $frame_4kHz = 0, $frame_8_FIX = 0, $frame_8kHz = 0, $frame_length = 0, $frame_length_4kHz = 0, $frame_length_8kHz = 0, $i = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $idx$neg262 = 0, $idx$neg47 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc144 = 0, $inc154 = 0, $inc163 = 0, $inc196 = 0, $inc199 = 0, $inc237 = 0, $inc240 = 0, $inc280 = 0, $inc284 = 0; var $inc342 = 0, $inc345 = 0, $inc358 = 0, $inc390 = 0, $inc484 = 0, $inc509 = 0, $inc511 = 0, $inc513 = 0, $inc568 = 0, $inc622 = 0, $inc95 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $lag = 0, $lagIndex$addr = 0, $lag_counter = 0, $lag_log2 = 0.0, $lag_new = 0, $length_d_comp = 0; var $length_d_srch = 0, $max_lag = 0, $max_lag_4kHz = 0, $max_lag_8kHz = 0, $min_lag = 0, $min_lag_4kHz = 0, $min_lag_8kHz = 0, $mul = 0, $mul1 = 0, $mul10 = 0, $mul104 = 0.0, $mul112 = 0, $mul124 = 0, $mul126 = 0.0, $mul2 = 0, $mul269 = 0.0, $mul333 = 0, $mul364 = 0.0, $mul365 = 0.0, $mul371 = 0.0; var $mul373 = 0.0, $mul374 = 0.0, $mul375 = 0.0, $mul384 = 0.0, $mul4 = 0, $mul406 = 0, $mul41 = 0, $mul410 = 0, $mul42 = 0, $mul456 = 0, $mul458 = 0, $mul489 = 0.0, $mul493 = 0.0, $mul495 = 0.0, $mul5 = 0, $mul519 = 0, $mul525 = 0, $mul535 = 0, $mul539 = 0, $mul548 = 0; var $mul552 = 0, $mul57 = 0.0, $mul578 = 0, $mul60 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0, $mul77 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0, $mul82 = 0.0, $mul85 = 0.0, $mul9 = 0, $nb_cbk_search = 0, $nb_subfr$addr = 0, $normalizer = 0.0, $or$cond = 0, $pitch_out$addr = 0, $prevLag$addr = 0, $prevLag_log2 = 0.0, $retval = 0, $search_thres1$addr = 0.0, $search_thres2$addr = 0.0; var $sf_length = 0, $sf_length_4kHz = 0, $sf_length_8kHz = 0, $shl = 0, $shl139 = 0, $shl292 = 0, $shl413 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr298 = 0, $shr407 = 0, $start_lag = 0, $sub = 0, $sub108 = 0.0, $sub117 = 0, $sub146 = 0, $sub170 = 0, $sub173 = 0, $sub206 = 0, $sub209 = 0, $sub213 = 0; var $sub234 = 0, $sub35 = 0, $sub366 = 0.0, $sub37 = 0, $sub370 = 0.0, $sub378 = 0.0, $sub441 = 0, $sub494 = 0.0, $sub50 = 0, $sub52 = 0, $sub570 = 0, $sub624 = 0, $sub70 = 0, $sub83 = 0.0, $target_ptr = 0, $threshold = 0.0, $xcorr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 13936|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(13936|0); $frame_8kHz = sp + 9072|0; $frame_4kHz = sp + 8432|0; $frame_8_FIX = sp + 13288|0; $frame_4_FIX = sp + 12968|0; $filt_state = sp + 8408|0; $C = sp + 6016|0; $xcorr = sp + 5756|0; $CC = sp + 5712|0; $d_srch = sp + 5608|0; $d_comp = sp + 12664|0; $energies_st3 = sp + 2816|0; $cross_corr_st3 = sp + 96|0; $frame_16_FIX = sp + 11384|0; $frame_12_FIX = sp + 10424|0; $frame$addr = $frame; $pitch_out$addr = $pitch_out; $lagIndex$addr = $lagIndex; $contourIndex$addr = $contourIndex; $LTPCorr$addr = $LTPCorr; $prevLag$addr = $prevLag; $search_thres1$addr = $search_thres1; $search_thres2$addr = $search_thres2; $Fs_kHz$addr = $Fs_kHz; $complexity$addr = $complexity; $nb_subfr$addr = $nb_subfr; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $nb_subfr$addr; $mul = ($0*5)|0; $add = (20 + ($mul))|0; $1 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $mul1 = Math_imul($add, $1)|0; $frame_length = $mul1; $2 = $nb_subfr$addr; $mul2 = ($2*5)|0; $add3 = (20 + ($mul2))|0; $mul4 = $add3<<2; $frame_length_4kHz = $mul4; $3 = $nb_subfr$addr; $mul5 = ($3*5)|0; $add6 = (20 + ($mul5))|0; $mul7 = $add6<<3; $frame_length_8kHz = $mul7; $4 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $mul8 = ($4*5)|0; $sf_length = $mul8; $sf_length_4kHz = 20; $sf_length_8kHz = 40; $5 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $mul9 = $5<<1; $min_lag = $mul9; $min_lag_4kHz = 8; $min_lag_8kHz = 16; $6 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $mul10 = ($6*18)|0; $sub = (($mul10) - 1)|0; $max_lag = $sub; $max_lag_4kHz = 72; $max_lag_8kHz = 143; $7 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $cmp = ($7|0)==(16); do { if ($cmp) { $8 = $frame$addr; $9 = $frame_length; _silk_float2short_array_326($frame_16_FIX,$8,$9); ;HEAP32[$filt_state>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$filt_state+4>>2]=0|0; $10 = $frame_length; _silk_resampler_down2($filt_state,$frame_8_FIX,$frame_16_FIX,$10); $11 = $frame_length_8kHz; _silk_short2float_array_327($frame_8kHz,$frame_8_FIX,$11); } else { $12 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $cmp17 = ($12|0)==(12); if ($cmp17) { $13 = $frame$addr; $14 = $frame_length; _silk_float2short_array_326($frame_12_FIX,$13,$14); ;HEAP32[$filt_state>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$filt_state+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$filt_state+8>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$filt_state+12>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$filt_state+16>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$filt_state+20>>2]=0|0; $15 = $frame_length; _silk_resampler_down2_3($filt_state,$frame_8_FIX,$frame_12_FIX,$15); $16 = $frame_length_8kHz; _silk_short2float_array_327($frame_8kHz,$frame_8_FIX,$16); break; } else { $17 = $frame$addr; $18 = $frame_length_8kHz; _silk_float2short_array_326($frame_8_FIX,$17,$18); break; } } } while(0); ;HEAP32[$filt_state>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$filt_state+4>>2]=0|0; $19 = $frame_length_8kHz; _silk_resampler_down2($filt_state,$frame_4_FIX,$frame_8_FIX,$19); $20 = $frame_length_4kHz; _silk_short2float_array_327($frame_4kHz,$frame_4_FIX,$20); $21 = $frame_length_4kHz; $sub35 = (($21) - 1)|0; $i = $sub35; while(1) { $22 = $i; $cmp36 = ($22|0)>(0); if (!($cmp36)) { break; } $23 = $i; $sub37 = (($23) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($frame_4kHz) + ($sub37<<2)|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $25 = $i; $arrayidx38 = (($frame_4kHz) + ($25<<2)|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2]; $add39 = $26 + $24; HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2] = $add39; $27 = $i; $dec = (($27) + -1)|0; $i = $dec; } $28 = $nb_subfr$addr; $mul41 = $28<<2; $mul42 = ($mul41*149)|0; _memset(($C|0),0,($mul42|0))|0; $29 = $sf_length_4kHz; $shl = $29 << 2; $arrayidx43 = (($frame_4kHz) + ($shl<<2)|0); $target_ptr = $arrayidx43; $k = 0; while(1) { $30 = $k; $31 = $nb_subfr$addr; $shr = $31 >> 1; $cmp45 = ($30|0)<($shr|0); if (!($cmp45)) { break; } $32 = $target_ptr; $33 = $min_lag_4kHz; $idx$neg = (0 - ($33))|0; $add$ptr = (($32) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $basis_ptr = $add$ptr; $34 = $target_ptr; $35 = $target_ptr; $36 = $max_lag_4kHz; $idx$neg47 = (0 - ($36))|0; $add$ptr48 = (($35) + ($idx$neg47<<2)|0); $37 = $sf_length_8kHz; $38 = $max_lag_4kHz; $39 = $min_lag_4kHz; $sub50 = (($38) - ($39))|0; $add51 = (($sub50) + 1)|0; $40 = $arch$addr; _celt_pitch_xcorr($34,$add$ptr48,$xcorr,$37,$add51,$40); $41 = $max_lag_4kHz; $42 = $min_lag_4kHz; $sub52 = (($41) - ($42))|0; $arrayidx53 = (($xcorr) + ($sub52<<2)|0); $43 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx53>>2]; $conv = $43; $cross_corr = $conv; $44 = $target_ptr; $45 = $sf_length_8kHz; $call = (+_silk_energy_FLP($44,$45)); $46 = $basis_ptr; $47 = $sf_length_8kHz; $call54 = (+_silk_energy_FLP($46,$47)); $add55 = $call + $call54; $48 = $sf_length_8kHz; $conv56 = (+($48|0)); $mul57 = $conv56 * 4000.0; $conv58 = $mul57; $add59 = $add55 + $conv58; $normalizer = $add59; $49 = $cross_corr; $mul60 = 2.0 * $49; $50 = $normalizer; $div = $mul60 / $50; $conv61 = $div; $51 = $min_lag_4kHz; $arrayidx63 = (($C) + ($51<<2)|0); $52 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx63>>2]; $add64 = $52 + $conv61; HEAPF32[$arrayidx63>>2] = $add64; $53 = $min_lag_4kHz; $add65 = (($53) + 1)|0; $d = $add65; while(1) { $54 = $d; $55 = $max_lag_4kHz; $cmp67 = ($54|0)<=($55|0); if (!($cmp67)) { break; } $56 = $basis_ptr; $incdec$ptr = ((($56)) + -4|0); $basis_ptr = $incdec$ptr; $57 = $max_lag_4kHz; $58 = $d; $sub70 = (($57) - ($58))|0; $arrayidx71 = (($xcorr) + ($sub70<<2)|0); $59 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx71>>2]; $conv72 = $59; $cross_corr = $conv72; $60 = $basis_ptr; $61 = +HEAPF32[$60>>2]; $conv74 = $61; $62 = $basis_ptr; $63 = +HEAPF32[$62>>2]; $conv76 = $63; $mul77 = $conv74 * $conv76; $64 = $basis_ptr; $65 = $sf_length_8kHz; $arrayidx78 = (($64) + ($65<<2)|0); $66 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx78>>2]; $conv79 = $66; $67 = $basis_ptr; $68 = $sf_length_8kHz; $arrayidx80 = (($67) + ($68<<2)|0); $69 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx80>>2]; $conv81 = $69; $mul82 = $conv79 * $conv81; $sub83 = $mul77 - $mul82; $70 = $normalizer; $add84 = $70 + $sub83; $normalizer = $add84; $71 = $cross_corr; $mul85 = 2.0 * $71; $72 = $normalizer; $div86 = $mul85 / $72; $conv87 = $div86; $73 = $d; $arrayidx89 = (($C) + ($73<<2)|0); $74 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx89>>2]; $add90 = $74 + $conv87; HEAPF32[$arrayidx89>>2] = $add90; $75 = $d; $inc = (($75) + 1)|0; $d = $inc; } $76 = $sf_length_8kHz; $77 = $target_ptr; $add$ptr93 = (($77) + ($76<<2)|0); $target_ptr = $add$ptr93; $78 = $k; $inc95 = (($78) + 1)|0; $k = $inc95; } $79 = $max_lag_4kHz; $i = $79; while(1) { $80 = $i; $81 = $min_lag_4kHz; $cmp98 = ($80|0)>=($81|0); if (!($cmp98)) { break; } $82 = $i; $arrayidx102 = (($C) + ($82<<2)|0); $83 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx102>>2]; $84 = $i; $conv103 = (+($84|0)); $mul104 = $83 * $conv103; $div105 = $mul104 / 4096.0; $85 = $i; $arrayidx107 = (($C) + ($85<<2)|0); $86 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx107>>2]; $sub108 = $86 - $div105; HEAPF32[$arrayidx107>>2] = $sub108; $87 = $i; $dec110 = (($87) + -1)|0; $i = $dec110; } $88 = $complexity$addr; $mul112 = $88<<1; $add113 = (4 + ($mul112))|0; $length_d_srch = $add113; $89 = $min_lag_4kHz; $arrayidx115 = (($C) + ($89<<2)|0); $90 = $max_lag_4kHz; $91 = $min_lag_4kHz; $sub117 = (($90) - ($91))|0; $add118 = (($sub117) + 1)|0; $92 = $length_d_srch; _silk_insertion_sort_decreasing_FLP($arrayidx115,$d_srch,$add118,$92); $93 = $min_lag_4kHz; $arrayidx120 = (($C) + ($93<<2)|0); $94 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx120>>2]; $Cmax = $94; $95 = $Cmax; $cmp121 = $95 < 0.20000000298023224; if ($cmp121) { $96 = $pitch_out$addr; $97 = $nb_subfr$addr; $mul124 = $97<<2; _memset(($96|0),0,($mul124|0))|0; $98 = $LTPCorr$addr; HEAPF32[$98>>2] = 0.0; $99 = $lagIndex$addr; HEAP16[$99>>1] = 0; $100 = $contourIndex$addr; HEAP8[$100>>0] = 0; $retval = 1; $425 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($425|0); } $101 = $search_thres1$addr; $102 = $Cmax; $mul126 = $101 * $102; $threshold = $mul126; $i = 0; while(1) { $103 = $i; $104 = $length_d_srch; $cmp128 = ($103|0)<($104|0); if (!($cmp128)) { break; } $105 = $min_lag_4kHz; $106 = $i; $add132 = (($105) + ($106))|0; $arrayidx133 = (($C) + ($add132<<2)|0); $107 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx133>>2]; $108 = $threshold; $cmp134 = $107 > $108; $109 = $i; if (!($cmp134)) { label = 24; break; } $arrayidx137 = (($d_srch) + ($109<<2)|0); $110 = HEAP32[$arrayidx137>>2]|0; $111 = $min_lag_4kHz; $add138 = (($110) + ($111))|0; $shl139 = $add138 << 1; $112 = $i; $arrayidx140 = (($d_srch) + ($112<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx140>>2] = $shl139; $113 = $i; $inc144 = (($113) + 1)|0; $i = $inc144; } if ((label|0) == 24) { $length_d_srch = $109; } $114 = $min_lag_8kHz; $sub146 = (($114) - 5)|0; $i = $sub146; while(1) { $115 = $i; $116 = $max_lag_8kHz; $add148 = (($116) + 5)|0; $cmp149 = ($115|0)<($add148|0); if (!($cmp149)) { break; } $117 = $i; $arrayidx152 = (($d_comp) + ($117<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx152>>1] = 0; $118 = $i; $inc154 = (($118) + 1)|0; $i = $inc154; } $i = 0; while(1) { $119 = $i; $120 = $length_d_srch; $cmp157 = ($119|0)<($120|0); if (!($cmp157)) { break; } $121 = $i; $arrayidx160 = (($d_srch) + ($121<<2)|0); $122 = HEAP32[$arrayidx160>>2]|0; $arrayidx161 = (($d_comp) + ($122<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx161>>1] = 1; $123 = $i; $inc163 = (($123) + 1)|0; $i = $inc163; } $124 = $max_lag_8kHz; $add165 = (($124) + 3)|0; $i = $add165; while(1) { $125 = $i; $126 = $min_lag_8kHz; $cmp167 = ($125|0)>=($126|0); if (!($cmp167)) { break; } $127 = $i; $sub170 = (($127) - 1)|0; $arrayidx171 = (($d_comp) + ($sub170<<1)|0); $128 = HEAP16[$arrayidx171>>1]|0; $conv172 = $128 << 16 >> 16; $129 = $i; $sub173 = (($129) - 2)|0; $arrayidx174 = (($d_comp) + ($sub173<<1)|0); $130 = HEAP16[$arrayidx174>>1]|0; $conv175 = $130 << 16 >> 16; $add176 = (($conv172) + ($conv175))|0; $131 = $i; $arrayidx177 = (($d_comp) + ($131<<1)|0); $132 = HEAP16[$arrayidx177>>1]|0; $conv178 = $132 << 16 >> 16; $add179 = (($conv178) + ($add176))|0; $conv180 = $add179&65535; HEAP16[$arrayidx177>>1] = $conv180; $133 = $i; $dec182 = (($133) + -1)|0; $i = $dec182; } $length_d_srch = 0; $134 = $min_lag_8kHz; $i = $134; while(1) { $135 = $i; $136 = $max_lag_8kHz; $add185 = (($136) + 1)|0; $cmp186 = ($135|0)<($add185|0); if (!($cmp186)) { break; } $137 = $i; $add189 = (($137) + 1)|0; $arrayidx190 = (($d_comp) + ($add189<<1)|0); $138 = HEAP16[$arrayidx190>>1]|0; $conv191 = $138 << 16 >> 16; $cmp192 = ($conv191|0)>(0); if ($cmp192) { $139 = $i; $140 = $length_d_srch; $arrayidx195 = (($d_srch) + ($140<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx195>>2] = $139; $141 = $length_d_srch; $inc196 = (($141) + 1)|0; $length_d_srch = $inc196; } $142 = $i; $inc199 = (($142) + 1)|0; $i = $inc199; } $143 = $max_lag_8kHz; $add201 = (($143) + 3)|0; $i = $add201; while(1) { $144 = $i; $145 = $min_lag_8kHz; $cmp203 = ($144|0)>=($145|0); if (!($cmp203)) { break; } $146 = $i; $sub206 = (($146) - 1)|0; $arrayidx207 = (($d_comp) + ($sub206<<1)|0); $147 = HEAP16[$arrayidx207>>1]|0; $conv208 = $147 << 16 >> 16; $148 = $i; $sub209 = (($148) - 2)|0; $arrayidx210 = (($d_comp) + ($sub209<<1)|0); $149 = HEAP16[$arrayidx210>>1]|0; $conv211 = $149 << 16 >> 16; $add212 = (($conv208) + ($conv211))|0; $150 = $i; $sub213 = (($150) - 3)|0; $arrayidx214 = (($d_comp) + ($sub213<<1)|0); $151 = HEAP16[$arrayidx214>>1]|0; $conv215 = $151 << 16 >> 16; $add216 = (($add212) + ($conv215))|0; $152 = $i; $arrayidx217 = (($d_comp) + ($152<<1)|0); $153 = HEAP16[$arrayidx217>>1]|0; $conv218 = $153 << 16 >> 16; $add219 = (($conv218) + ($add216))|0; $conv220 = $add219&65535; HEAP16[$arrayidx217>>1] = $conv220; $154 = $i; $dec222 = (($154) + -1)|0; $i = $dec222; } $length_d_comp = 0; $155 = $min_lag_8kHz; $i = $155; while(1) { $156 = $i; $157 = $max_lag_8kHz; $add225 = (($157) + 4)|0; $cmp226 = ($156|0)<($add225|0); if (!($cmp226)) { break; } $158 = $i; $arrayidx229 = (($d_comp) + ($158<<1)|0); $159 = HEAP16[$arrayidx229>>1]|0; $conv230 = $159 << 16 >> 16; $cmp231 = ($conv230|0)>(0); if ($cmp231) { $160 = $i; $sub234 = (($160) - 2)|0; $conv235 = $sub234&65535; $161 = $length_d_comp; $arrayidx236 = (($d_comp) + ($161<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx236>>1] = $conv235; $162 = $length_d_comp; $inc237 = (($162) + 1)|0; $length_d_comp = $inc237; } $163 = $i; $inc240 = (($163) + 1)|0; $i = $inc240; } _memset(($C|0),0,2384)|0; $164 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $cmp243 = ($164|0)==(8); if ($cmp243) { $165 = $frame$addr; $arrayidx246 = ((($165)) + 640|0); $target_ptr = $arrayidx246; } else { $arrayidx248 = ((($frame_8kHz)) + 640|0); $target_ptr = $arrayidx248; } $k = 0; while(1) { $166 = $k; $167 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp251 = ($166|0)<($167|0); if (!($cmp251)) { break; } $168 = $target_ptr; $169 = $sf_length_8kHz; $call254 = (+_silk_energy_FLP($168,$169)); $add255 = $call254 + 1.0; $energy_tmp = $add255; $j = 0; while(1) { $170 = $j; $171 = $length_d_comp; $cmp257 = ($170|0)<($171|0); if (!($cmp257)) { break; } $172 = $j; $arrayidx260 = (($d_comp) + ($172<<1)|0); $173 = HEAP16[$arrayidx260>>1]|0; $conv261 = $173 << 16 >> 16; $d = $conv261; $174 = $target_ptr; $175 = $d; $idx$neg262 = (0 - ($175))|0; $add$ptr263 = (($174) + ($idx$neg262<<2)|0); $basis_ptr = $add$ptr263; $176 = $basis_ptr; $177 = $target_ptr; $178 = $sf_length_8kHz; $call264 = (+_silk_inner_product_FLP($176,$177,$178)); $cross_corr = $call264; $179 = $cross_corr; $cmp265 = $179 > 0.0; if ($cmp265) { $180 = $basis_ptr; $181 = $sf_length_8kHz; $call268 = (+_silk_energy_FLP($180,$181)); $energy = $call268; $182 = $cross_corr; $mul269 = 2.0 * $182; $183 = $energy; $184 = $energy_tmp; $add270 = $183 + $184; $div271 = $mul269 / $add270; $conv272 = $div271; $185 = $k; $arrayidx273 = (($C) + (($185*596)|0)|0); $186 = $d; $arrayidx274 = (($arrayidx273) + ($186<<2)|0); $$sink = $conv272;$arrayidx277$sink = $arrayidx274; } else { $187 = $k; $arrayidx276 = (($C) + (($187*596)|0)|0); $188 = $d; $arrayidx277 = (($arrayidx276) + ($188<<2)|0); $$sink = 0.0;$arrayidx277$sink = $arrayidx277; } HEAPF32[$arrayidx277$sink>>2] = $$sink; $189 = $j; $inc280 = (($189) + 1)|0; $j = $inc280; } $190 = $sf_length_8kHz; $191 = $target_ptr; $add$ptr282 = (($191) + ($190<<2)|0); $target_ptr = $add$ptr282; $192 = $k; $inc284 = (($192) + 1)|0; $k = $inc284; } $CCmax = 0.0; $CCmax_b = -1000.0; $CBimax = 0; $lag = -1; $193 = $prevLag$addr; $cmp286 = ($193|0)>(0); if ($cmp286) { $194 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $cmp289 = ($194|0)==(12); if ($cmp289) { $195 = $prevLag$addr; $shl292 = $195 << 1; $div293 = (($shl292|0) / 3)&-1; $prevLag$addr = $div293; } else { $196 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $cmp295 = ($196|0)==(16); if ($cmp295) { $197 = $prevLag$addr; $shr298 = $197 >> 1; $prevLag$addr = $shr298; } } $198 = $prevLag$addr; $conv301 = (+($198|0)); $conv302 = $conv301; $call303 = (+_silk_log2_328($conv302)); $prevLag_log2 = $call303; } else { $prevLag_log2 = 0.0; } $199 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp306 = ($199|0)==(4); do { if ($cmp306) { $cbk_size = 11; $Lag_CB_ptr = 30737; $200 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $cmp309 = ($200|0)==(8); $201 = $complexity$addr; $cmp311 = ($201|0)>(0); $or$cond = $cmp309 & $cmp311; if ($or$cond) { $nb_cbk_search = 11; break; } else { $nb_cbk_search = 3; break; } } else { $cbk_size = 3; $Lag_CB_ptr = 30703; $nb_cbk_search = 3; } } while(0); $k = 0; while(1) { $202 = $k; $203 = $length_d_srch; $cmp319 = ($202|0)<($203|0); if (!($cmp319)) { break; } $204 = $k; $arrayidx322 = (($d_srch) + ($204<<2)|0); $205 = HEAP32[$arrayidx322>>2]|0; $d = $205; $j = 0; while(1) { $206 = $j; $207 = $nb_cbk_search; $cmp324 = ($206|0)<($207|0); if (!($cmp324)) { break; } $208 = $j; $arrayidx327 = (($CC) + ($208<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx327>>2] = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $209 = $i; $210 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp329 = ($209|0)<($210|0); if (!($cmp329)) { break; } $211 = $i; $arrayidx332 = (($C) + (($211*596)|0)|0); $212 = $d; $213 = $Lag_CB_ptr; $214 = $i; $215 = $cbk_size; $mul333 = Math_imul($214, $215)|0; $216 = $j; $add334 = (($mul333) + ($216))|0; $add$ptr335 = (($213) + ($add334)|0); $217 = HEAP8[$add$ptr335>>0]|0; $conv336 = $217 << 24 >> 24; $add337 = (($212) + ($conv336))|0; $arrayidx338 = (($arrayidx332) + ($add337<<2)|0); $218 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx338>>2]; $219 = $j; $arrayidx339 = (($CC) + ($219<<2)|0); $220 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx339>>2]; $add340 = $220 + $218; HEAPF32[$arrayidx339>>2] = $add340; $221 = $i; $inc342 = (($221) + 1)|0; $i = $inc342; } $222 = $j; $inc345 = (($222) + 1)|0; $j = $inc345; } $CCmax_new = -1000.0; $CBimax_new = 0; $i = 0; while(1) { $223 = $i; $224 = $nb_cbk_search; $cmp348 = ($223|0)<($224|0); if (!($cmp348)) { break; } $225 = $i; $arrayidx351 = (($CC) + ($225<<2)|0); $226 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx351>>2]; $227 = $CCmax_new; $cmp352 = $226 > $227; if ($cmp352) { $228 = $i; $arrayidx355 = (($CC) + ($228<<2)|0); $229 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx355>>2]; $CCmax_new = $229; $230 = $i; $CBimax_new = $230; } $231 = $i; $inc358 = (($231) + 1)|0; $i = $inc358; } $232 = $d; $conv360 = (+($232|0)); $conv361 = $conv360; $call362 = (+_silk_log2_328($conv361)); $lag_log2 = $call362; $233 = $CCmax_new; $234 = $nb_subfr$addr; $conv363 = (+($234|0)); $mul364 = 0.20000000298023224 * $conv363; $235 = $lag_log2; $mul365 = $mul364 * $235; $sub366 = $233 - $mul365; $CCmax_new_b = $sub366; $236 = $prevLag$addr; $cmp367 = ($236|0)>(0); if ($cmp367) { $237 = $lag_log2; $238 = $prevLag_log2; $sub370 = $237 - $238; $delta_lag_log2_sqr = $sub370; $239 = $delta_lag_log2_sqr; $240 = $delta_lag_log2_sqr; $mul371 = $240 * $239; $delta_lag_log2_sqr = $mul371; $241 = $nb_subfr$addr; $conv372 = (+($241|0)); $mul373 = 0.20000000298023224 * $conv372; $242 = $LTPCorr$addr; $243 = +HEAPF32[$242>>2]; $mul374 = $mul373 * $243; $244 = $delta_lag_log2_sqr; $mul375 = $mul374 * $244; $245 = $delta_lag_log2_sqr; $add376 = $245 + 0.5; $div377 = $mul375 / $add376; $246 = $CCmax_new_b; $sub378 = $246 - $div377; $CCmax_new_b = $sub378; } $247 = $CCmax_new_b; $248 = $CCmax_b; $cmp380 = $247 > $248; if ($cmp380) { $249 = $CCmax_new; $250 = $nb_subfr$addr; $conv383 = (+($250|0)); $251 = $search_thres2$addr; $mul384 = $conv383 * $251; $cmp385 = $249 > $mul384; if ($cmp385) { $252 = $CCmax_new_b; $CCmax_b = $252; $253 = $CCmax_new; $CCmax = $253; $254 = $d; $lag = $254; $255 = $CBimax_new; $CBimax = $255; } } $256 = $k; $inc390 = (($256) + 1)|0; $k = $inc390; } $257 = $lag; $cmp392 = ($257|0)==(-1); if ($cmp392) { $258 = $pitch_out$addr; ;HEAP32[$258>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$258+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$258+8>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$258+12>>2]=0|0; $259 = $LTPCorr$addr; HEAPF32[$259>>2] = 0.0; $260 = $lagIndex$addr; HEAP16[$260>>1] = 0; $261 = $contourIndex$addr; HEAP8[$261>>0] = 0; $retval = 1; $425 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($425|0); } $262 = $CCmax; $263 = $nb_subfr$addr; $conv396 = (+($263|0)); $div397 = $262 / $conv396; $264 = $LTPCorr$addr; HEAPF32[$264>>2] = $div397; $265 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $cmp398 = ($265|0)>(8); if ($cmp398) { $266 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $cmp401 = ($266|0)==(12); $267 = $lag; if ($cmp401) { $conv404 = $267&65535; $conv405 = $conv404 << 16 >> 16; $mul406 = ($conv405*3)|0; $shr407 = $mul406 >> 1; $268 = $lag; $conv408 = $268&65535; $conv409 = $conv408 << 16 >> 16; $mul410 = ($conv409*3)|0; $and = $mul410 & 1; $add411 = (($shr407) + ($and))|0; $lag = $add411; } else { $shl413 = $267 << 1; $lag = $shl413; } $269 = $min_lag; $270 = $max_lag; $cmp415 = ($269|0)>($270|0); $271 = $lag; do { if ($cmp415) { $272 = $min_lag; $cmp417 = ($271|0)>($272|0); if ($cmp417) { $273 = $min_lag; $cond440 = $273; break; } else { $274 = $lag; $275 = $max_lag; $cmp420 = ($274|0)<($275|0); $276 = $max_lag; $277 = $lag; $cond = $cmp420 ? $276 : $277; $cond440 = $cond; break; } } else { $278 = $max_lag; $cmp427 = ($271|0)>($278|0); if ($cmp427) { $279 = $max_lag; $cond440 = $279; break; } else { $280 = $lag; $281 = $min_lag; $cmp431 = ($280|0)<($281|0); $282 = $min_lag; $283 = $lag; $cond436 = $cmp431 ? $282 : $283; $cond440 = $cond436; break; } } } while(0); $lag = $cond440; $284 = $lag; $sub441 = (($284) - 2)|0; $285 = $min_lag; $call442 = (_silk_max_int_329($sub441,$285)|0); $start_lag = $call442; $286 = $lag; $add443 = (($286) + 2)|0; $287 = $max_lag; $call444 = (_silk_min_int_330($add443,$287)|0); $end_lag = $call444; $288 = $lag; $lag_new = $288; $CBimax = 0; $CCmax = -1000.0; $289 = $frame$addr; $290 = $start_lag; $291 = $sf_length; $292 = $nb_subfr$addr; $293 = $complexity$addr; $294 = $arch$addr; _silk_P_Ana_calc_corr_st3($cross_corr_st3,$289,$290,$291,$292,$293,$294); $295 = $frame$addr; $296 = $start_lag; $297 = $sf_length; $298 = $nb_subfr$addr; $299 = $complexity$addr; _silk_P_Ana_calc_energy_st3($energies_st3,$295,$296,$297,$298,$299); $lag_counter = 0; $300 = $lag; $conv447 = (+($300|0)); $div448 = 0.05000000074505806 / $conv447; $contour_bias = $div448; $301 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp449 = ($301|0)==(4); if ($cmp449) { $302 = $complexity$addr; $arrayidx452 = (30941 + ($302)|0); $303 = HEAP8[$arrayidx452>>0]|0; $conv453 = $303 << 24 >> 24; $nb_cbk_search = $conv453; $cbk_size = 34; $Lag_CB_ptr = 30781; } else { $nb_cbk_search = 12; $cbk_size = 12; $Lag_CB_ptr = 30709; } $304 = $frame$addr; $305 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $mul456 = ($305*20)|0; $arrayidx457 = (($304) + ($mul456<<2)|0); $target_ptr = $arrayidx457; $306 = $target_ptr; $307 = $nb_subfr$addr; $308 = $sf_length; $mul458 = Math_imul($307, $308)|0; $call459 = (+_silk_energy_FLP($306,$mul458)); $add460 = $call459 + 1.0; $energy_tmp = $add460; $309 = $start_lag; $d = $309; while(1) { $310 = $d; $311 = $end_lag; $cmp462 = ($310|0)<=($311|0); if (!($cmp462)) { break; } $j = 0; while(1) { $312 = $j; $313 = $nb_cbk_search; $cmp466 = ($312|0)<($313|0); if (!($cmp466)) { break; } $cross_corr = 0.0; $314 = $energy_tmp; $energy = $314; $k = 0; while(1) { $315 = $k; $316 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp470 = ($315|0)<($316|0); if (!($cmp470)) { break; } $317 = $k; $arrayidx473 = (($cross_corr_st3) + (($317*680)|0)|0); $318 = $j; $arrayidx474 = (($arrayidx473) + (($318*20)|0)|0); $319 = $lag_counter; $arrayidx475 = (($arrayidx474) + ($319<<2)|0); $320 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx475>>2]; $conv476 = $320; $321 = $cross_corr; $add477 = $321 + $conv476; $cross_corr = $add477; $322 = $k; $arrayidx478 = (($energies_st3) + (($322*680)|0)|0); $323 = $j; $arrayidx479 = (($arrayidx478) + (($323*20)|0)|0); $324 = $lag_counter; $arrayidx480 = (($arrayidx479) + ($324<<2)|0); $325 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx480>>2]; $conv481 = $325; $326 = $energy; $add482 = $326 + $conv481; $energy = $add482; $327 = $k; $inc484 = (($327) + 1)|0; $k = $inc484; } $328 = $cross_corr; $cmp486 = $328 > 0.0; if ($cmp486) { $329 = $cross_corr; $mul489 = 2.0 * $329; $330 = $energy; $div490 = $mul489 / $330; $conv491 = $div490; $CCmax_new = $conv491; $331 = $contour_bias; $332 = $j; $conv492 = (+($332|0)); $mul493 = $331 * $conv492; $sub494 = 1.0 - $mul493; $333 = $CCmax_new; $mul495 = $333 * $sub494; $CCmax_new = $mul495; } else { $CCmax_new = 0.0; } $334 = $CCmax_new; $335 = $CCmax; $cmp498 = $334 > $335; if ($cmp498) { $336 = $d; $337 = $j; $arrayidx501 = (30781 + ($337)|0); $338 = HEAP8[$arrayidx501>>0]|0; $conv502 = $338 << 24 >> 24; $add503 = (($336) + ($conv502))|0; $339 = $max_lag; $cmp504 = ($add503|0)<=($339|0); if ($cmp504) { $340 = $CCmax_new; $CCmax = $340; $341 = $d; $lag_new = $341; $342 = $j; $CBimax = $342; } } $343 = $j; $inc509 = (($343) + 1)|0; $j = $inc509; } $344 = $lag_counter; $inc511 = (($344) + 1)|0; $lag_counter = $inc511; $345 = $d; $inc513 = (($345) + 1)|0; $d = $inc513; } $k = 0; while(1) { $346 = $k; $347 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp516 = ($346|0)<($347|0); $348 = $lag_new; if (!($cmp516)) { break; } $349 = $Lag_CB_ptr; $350 = $k; $351 = $cbk_size; $mul519 = Math_imul($350, $351)|0; $352 = $CBimax; $add520 = (($mul519) + ($352))|0; $add$ptr521 = (($349) + ($add520)|0); $353 = HEAP8[$add$ptr521>>0]|0; $conv522 = $353 << 24 >> 24; $add523 = (($348) + ($conv522))|0; $354 = $pitch_out$addr; $355 = $k; $arrayidx524 = (($354) + ($355<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx524>>2] = $add523; $356 = $min_lag; $357 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $mul525 = ($357*18)|0; $cmp526 = ($356|0)>($mul525|0); $358 = $pitch_out$addr; $359 = $k; $arrayidx529 = (($358) + ($359<<2)|0); $360 = HEAP32[$arrayidx529>>2]|0; do { if ($cmp526) { $361 = $min_lag; $cmp530 = ($360|0)>($361|0); if ($cmp530) { $362 = $min_lag; $cond565 = $362; break; } $363 = $pitch_out$addr; $364 = $k; $arrayidx534 = (($363) + ($364<<2)|0); $365 = HEAP32[$arrayidx534>>2]|0; $366 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $mul535 = ($366*18)|0; $cmp536 = ($365|0)<($mul535|0); if ($cmp536) { $367 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $mul539 = ($367*18)|0; $cond565 = $mul539; break; } else { $368 = $pitch_out$addr; $369 = $k; $arrayidx541 = (($368) + ($369<<2)|0); $370 = HEAP32[$arrayidx541>>2]|0; $cond565 = $370; break; } } else { $371 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $mul548 = ($371*18)|0; $cmp549 = ($360|0)>($mul548|0); if ($cmp549) { $372 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $mul552 = ($372*18)|0; $cond565 = $mul552; break; } $373 = $pitch_out$addr; $374 = $k; $arrayidx554 = (($373) + ($374<<2)|0); $375 = HEAP32[$arrayidx554>>2]|0; $376 = $min_lag; $cmp555 = ($375|0)<($376|0); if ($cmp555) { $377 = $min_lag; $cond565 = $377; break; } else { $378 = $pitch_out$addr; $379 = $k; $arrayidx559 = (($378) + ($379<<2)|0); $380 = HEAP32[$arrayidx559>>2]|0; $cond565 = $380; break; } } } while(0); $381 = $pitch_out$addr; $382 = $k; $arrayidx566 = (($381) + ($382<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx566>>2] = $cond565; $383 = $k; $inc568 = (($383) + 1)|0; $k = $inc568; } $384 = $min_lag; $sub570 = (($348) - ($384))|0; $conv571 = $sub570&65535; $385 = $lagIndex$addr; HEAP16[$385>>1] = $conv571; $386 = $CBimax; $conv572 = $386&255; $387 = $contourIndex$addr; HEAP8[$387>>0] = $conv572; } else { $k = 0; while(1) { $388 = $k; $389 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp575 = ($388|0)<($389|0); $390 = $lag; if (!($cmp575)) { break; } $391 = $Lag_CB_ptr; $392 = $k; $393 = $cbk_size; $mul578 = Math_imul($392, $393)|0; $394 = $CBimax; $add579 = (($mul578) + ($394))|0; $add$ptr580 = (($391) + ($add579)|0); $395 = HEAP8[$add$ptr580>>0]|0; $conv581 = $395 << 24 >> 24; $add582 = (($390) + ($conv581))|0; $396 = $pitch_out$addr; $397 = $k; $arrayidx583 = (($396) + ($397<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx583>>2] = $add582; $398 = $min_lag_8kHz; $cmp584 = ($398|0)>(144); $399 = $pitch_out$addr; $400 = $k; $arrayidx587 = (($399) + ($400<<2)|0); $401 = HEAP32[$arrayidx587>>2]|0; do { if ($cmp584) { $402 = $min_lag_8kHz; $cmp588 = ($401|0)>($402|0); if ($cmp588) { $403 = $min_lag_8kHz; $cond619 = $403; break; } $404 = $pitch_out$addr; $405 = $k; $arrayidx592 = (($404) + ($405<<2)|0); $406 = HEAP32[$arrayidx592>>2]|0; $cmp593 = ($406|0)<(144); if ($cmp593) { $cond619 = 144; } else { $407 = $pitch_out$addr; $408 = $k; $arrayidx597 = (($407) + ($408<<2)|0); $409 = HEAP32[$arrayidx597>>2]|0; $cond619 = $409; } } else { $cmp604 = ($401|0)>(144); if ($cmp604) { $cond619 = 144; } else { $410 = $pitch_out$addr; $411 = $k; $arrayidx608 = (($410) + ($411<<2)|0); $412 = HEAP32[$arrayidx608>>2]|0; $413 = $min_lag_8kHz; $cmp609 = ($412|0)<($413|0); if ($cmp609) { $414 = $min_lag_8kHz; $cond619 = $414; break; } else { $415 = $pitch_out$addr; $416 = $k; $arrayidx613 = (($415) + ($416<<2)|0); $417 = HEAP32[$arrayidx613>>2]|0; $cond619 = $417; break; } } } } while(0); $418 = $pitch_out$addr; $419 = $k; $arrayidx620 = (($418) + ($419<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx620>>2] = $cond619; $420 = $k; $inc622 = (($420) + 1)|0; $k = $inc622; } $421 = $min_lag_8kHz; $sub624 = (($390) - ($421))|0; $conv625 = $sub624&65535; $422 = $lagIndex$addr; HEAP16[$422>>1] = $conv625; $423 = $CBimax; $conv626 = $423&255; $424 = $contourIndex$addr; HEAP8[$424>>0] = $conv626; } $retval = 0; $425 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($425|0); } function _silk_float2short_array_326($out,$in,$length) { $out = $out|0; $in = $in|0; $length = $length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $call = 0, $call3 = 0; var $call8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cond10 = 0, $conv = 0, $dec = 0, $in$addr = 0, $k = 0, $length$addr = 0, $out$addr = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $out$addr = $out; $in$addr = $in; $length$addr = $length; $0 = $length$addr; $sub = (($0) - 1)|0; $k = $sub; while(1) { $1 = $k; $cmp = ($1|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $in$addr; $3 = $k; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<2)|0); $4 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $call = (_lrintf($4)|0); $cmp1 = ($call|0)>(32767); if ($cmp1) { $cond10 = 32767; } else { $5 = $in$addr; $6 = $k; $arrayidx2 = (($5) + ($6<<2)|0); $7 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $call3 = (_lrintf($7)|0); $cmp4 = ($call3|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp4) { $cond10 = -32768; } else { $8 = $in$addr; $9 = $k; $arrayidx7 = (($8) + ($9<<2)|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $call8 = (_lrintf($10)|0); $cond10 = $call8; } } $conv = $cond10&65535; $11 = $out$addr; $12 = $k; $arrayidx11 = (($11) + ($12<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx11>>1] = $conv; $13 = $k; $dec = (($13) + -1)|0; $k = $dec; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_short2float_array_327($out,$in,$length) { $out = $out|0; $in = $in|0; $length = $length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0.0, $dec = 0, $in$addr = 0, $k = 0, $length$addr = 0, $out$addr = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $out$addr = $out; $in$addr = $in; $length$addr = $length; $0 = $length$addr; $sub = (($0) - 1)|0; $k = $sub; while(1) { $1 = $k; $cmp = ($1|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $in$addr; $3 = $k; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<1)|0); $4 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = (+($4<<16>>16)); $5 = $out$addr; $6 = $k; $arrayidx1 = (($5) + ($6<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2] = $conv; $7 = $k; $dec = (($7) + -1)|0; $k = $dec; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_log2_328($x) { $x = +$x; var $0 = 0.0, $call = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $x$addr = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $call = (+_log10($0)); $mul = 3.32192809488736 * $call; $conv = $mul; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$conv); } function _silk_max_int_329($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_min_int_330($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_P_Ana_calc_corr_st3($cross_corr_st3,$frame,$start_lag,$sf_length,$nb_subfr,$complexity,$arch) { $cross_corr_st3 = $cross_corr_st3|0; $frame = $frame|0; $start_lag = $start_lag|0; $sf_length = $sf_length|0; $nb_subfr = $nb_subfr|0; $complexity = $complexity|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Lag_CB_ptr = 0, $Lag_range_ptr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr10 = 0; var $add$ptr12 = 0, $add$ptr14 = 0, $add$ptr26 = 0, $add$ptr34 = 0, $add$ptr52 = 0, $add15 = 0, $add25 = 0, $add33 = 0, $add41 = 0, $add9 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0; var $cbk_size = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $complexity$addr = 0, $conv = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv27 = 0, $conv35 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $cross_corr_st3$addr = 0, $delta = 0, $frame$addr = 0, $i = 0, $idx = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $idx$neg13 = 0, $inc = 0; var $inc23 = 0, $inc47 = 0, $inc50 = 0, $inc54 = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $lag_counter = 0, $lag_high = 0, $lag_low = 0, $mul = 0, $mul24 = 0, $mul32 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $nb_cbk_search = 0, $nb_subfr$addr = 0, $scratch_mem = 0, $sf_length$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $start_lag$addr = 0, $sub = 0; var $sub20 = 0, $sub36 = 0, $target_ptr = 0, $xcorr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 256|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(256|0); $scratch_mem = sp + 96|0; $xcorr = sp + 8|0; $cross_corr_st3$addr = $cross_corr_st3; $frame$addr = $frame; $start_lag$addr = $start_lag; $sf_length$addr = $sf_length; $nb_subfr$addr = $nb_subfr; $complexity$addr = $complexity; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)==(4); if ($cmp) { $1 = $complexity$addr; $arrayidx = (30917 + ($1<<3)|0); $Lag_range_ptr = $arrayidx; $Lag_CB_ptr = 30781; $2 = $complexity$addr; $arrayidx3 = (30941 + ($2)|0); $3 = HEAP8[$arrayidx3>>0]|0; $conv = $3 << 24 >> 24; $nb_cbk_search = $conv; $cbk_size = 34; } else { $Lag_range_ptr = 30733; $Lag_CB_ptr = 30709; $nb_cbk_search = 12; $cbk_size = 12; } $4 = $frame$addr; $5 = $sf_length$addr; $shl = $5 << 2; $arrayidx4 = (($4) + ($shl<<2)|0); $target_ptr = $arrayidx4; $k = 0; while(1) { $6 = $k; $7 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp5 = ($6|0)<($7|0); if (!($cmp5)) { break; } $lag_counter = 0; $8 = $Lag_range_ptr; $9 = $k; $mul = $9<<1; $add = (($mul) + 0)|0; $add$ptr = (($8) + ($add)|0); $10 = HEAP8[$add$ptr>>0]|0; $conv7 = $10 << 24 >> 24; $lag_low = $conv7; $11 = $Lag_range_ptr; $12 = $k; $mul8 = $12<<1; $add9 = (($mul8) + 1)|0; $add$ptr10 = (($11) + ($add9)|0); $13 = HEAP8[$add$ptr10>>0]|0; $conv11 = $13 << 24 >> 24; $lag_high = $conv11; $14 = $target_ptr; $15 = $target_ptr; $16 = $start_lag$addr; $idx$neg = (0 - ($16))|0; $add$ptr12 = (($15) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $17 = $lag_high; $idx$neg13 = (0 - ($17))|0; $add$ptr14 = (($add$ptr12) + ($idx$neg13<<2)|0); $18 = $sf_length$addr; $19 = $lag_high; $20 = $lag_low; $sub = (($19) - ($20))|0; $add15 = (($sub) + 1)|0; $21 = $arch$addr; _celt_pitch_xcorr($14,$add$ptr14,$xcorr,$18,$add15,$21); $22 = $lag_low; $j = $22; while(1) { $23 = $j; $24 = $lag_high; $cmp17 = ($23|0)<=($24|0); if (!($cmp17)) { break; } $25 = $lag_high; $26 = $j; $sub20 = (($25) - ($26))|0; $arrayidx21 = (($xcorr) + ($sub20<<2)|0); $27 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2]; $28 = $lag_counter; $arrayidx22 = (($scratch_mem) + ($28<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2] = $27; $29 = $lag_counter; $inc = (($29) + 1)|0; $lag_counter = $inc; $30 = $j; $inc23 = (($30) + 1)|0; $j = $inc23; } $31 = $Lag_range_ptr; $32 = $k; $mul24 = $32<<1; $add25 = (($mul24) + 0)|0; $add$ptr26 = (($31) + ($add25)|0); $33 = HEAP8[$add$ptr26>>0]|0; $conv27 = $33 << 24 >> 24; $delta = $conv27; $i = 0; while(1) { $34 = $i; $35 = $nb_cbk_search; $cmp29 = ($34|0)<($35|0); if (!($cmp29)) { break; } $36 = $Lag_CB_ptr; $37 = $k; $38 = $cbk_size; $mul32 = Math_imul($37, $38)|0; $39 = $i; $add33 = (($mul32) + ($39))|0; $add$ptr34 = (($36) + ($add33)|0); $40 = HEAP8[$add$ptr34>>0]|0; $conv35 = $40 << 24 >> 24; $41 = $delta; $sub36 = (($conv35) - ($41))|0; $idx = $sub36; $j = 0; while(1) { $42 = $j; $cmp38 = ($42|0)<(5); if (!($cmp38)) { break; } $43 = $idx; $44 = $j; $add41 = (($43) + ($44))|0; $arrayidx42 = (($scratch_mem) + ($add41<<2)|0); $45 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx42>>2]; $46 = $cross_corr_st3$addr; $47 = $k; $arrayidx43 = (($46) + (($47*680)|0)|0); $48 = $i; $arrayidx44 = (($arrayidx43) + (($48*20)|0)|0); $49 = $j; $arrayidx45 = (($arrayidx44) + ($49<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx45>>2] = $45; $50 = $j; $inc47 = (($50) + 1)|0; $j = $inc47; } $51 = $i; $inc50 = (($51) + 1)|0; $i = $inc50; } $52 = $sf_length$addr; $53 = $target_ptr; $add$ptr52 = (($53) + ($52<<2)|0); $target_ptr = $add$ptr52; $54 = $k; $inc54 = (($54) + 1)|0; $k = $inc54; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_P_Ana_calc_energy_st3($energies_st3,$frame,$start_lag,$sf_length,$nb_subfr,$complexity) { $energies_st3 = $energies_st3|0; $frame = $frame|0; $start_lag = $start_lag|0; $sf_length = $sf_length|0; $nb_subfr = $nb_subfr|0; $complexity = $complexity|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0.0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Lag_CB_ptr = 0, $Lag_range_ptr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr15 = 0, $add$ptr19 = 0, $add$ptr48 = 0, $add$ptr56 = 0, $add$ptr74 = 0, $add$ptr9 = 0; var $add10 = 0.0, $add14 = 0, $add18 = 0, $add21 = 0, $add41 = 0.0, $add47 = 0, $add55 = 0, $add63 = 0, $add8 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx64 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0; var $arrayidx66 = 0, $arrayidx67 = 0, $basis_ptr = 0, $call = 0.0, $cbk_size = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp23 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp51 = 0, $cmp60 = 0, $complexity$addr = 0, $conv = 0, $conv11 = 0.0, $conv16 = 0, $conv20 = 0, $conv28 = 0.0, $conv31 = 0.0, $conv36 = 0.0, $conv39 = 0.0, $conv42 = 0.0; var $conv49 = 0, $conv57 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $delta = 0, $energies_st3$addr = 0, $energy = 0.0, $frame$addr = 0, $i = 0, $idx = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $inc = 0, $inc44 = 0, $inc45 = 0, $inc69 = 0, $inc72 = 0, $inc76 = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $lag_counter = 0, $lag_diff = 0; var $mul = 0, $mul13 = 0, $mul17 = 0, $mul32 = 0.0, $mul40 = 0.0, $mul46 = 0, $mul54 = 0, $nb_cbk_search = 0, $nb_subfr$addr = 0, $scratch_mem = 0, $sf_length$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $start_lag$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub26 = 0, $sub29 = 0, $sub33 = 0.0, $sub34 = 0, $sub37 = 0, $sub58 = 0; var $target_ptr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 176|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(176|0); $scratch_mem = sp + 16|0; $energies_st3$addr = $energies_st3; $frame$addr = $frame; $start_lag$addr = $start_lag; $sf_length$addr = $sf_length; $nb_subfr$addr = $nb_subfr; $complexity$addr = $complexity; $0 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)==(4); if ($cmp) { $1 = $complexity$addr; $arrayidx = (30917 + ($1<<3)|0); $Lag_range_ptr = $arrayidx; $Lag_CB_ptr = 30781; $2 = $complexity$addr; $arrayidx3 = (30941 + ($2)|0); $3 = HEAP8[$arrayidx3>>0]|0; $conv = $3 << 24 >> 24; $nb_cbk_search = $conv; $cbk_size = 34; } else { $Lag_range_ptr = 30733; $Lag_CB_ptr = 30709; $nb_cbk_search = 12; $cbk_size = 12; } $4 = $frame$addr; $5 = $sf_length$addr; $shl = $5 << 2; $arrayidx4 = (($4) + ($shl<<2)|0); $target_ptr = $arrayidx4; $k = 0; while(1) { $6 = $k; $7 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp5 = ($6|0)<($7|0); if (!($cmp5)) { break; } $lag_counter = 0; $8 = $target_ptr; $9 = $start_lag$addr; $10 = $Lag_range_ptr; $11 = $k; $mul = $11<<1; $add = (($mul) + 0)|0; $add$ptr = (($10) + ($add)|0); $12 = HEAP8[$add$ptr>>0]|0; $conv7 = $12 << 24 >> 24; $add8 = (($9) + ($conv7))|0; $idx$neg = (0 - ($add8))|0; $add$ptr9 = (($8) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $basis_ptr = $add$ptr9; $13 = $basis_ptr; $14 = $sf_length$addr; $call = (+_silk_energy_FLP($13,$14)); $add10 = $call + 0.001; $energy = $add10; $15 = $energy; $conv11 = $15; $16 = $lag_counter; $arrayidx12 = (($scratch_mem) + ($16<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2] = $conv11; $17 = $lag_counter; $inc = (($17) + 1)|0; $lag_counter = $inc; $18 = $Lag_range_ptr; $19 = $k; $mul13 = $19<<1; $add14 = (($mul13) + 1)|0; $add$ptr15 = (($18) + ($add14)|0); $20 = HEAP8[$add$ptr15>>0]|0; $conv16 = $20 << 24 >> 24; $21 = $Lag_range_ptr; $22 = $k; $mul17 = $22<<1; $add18 = (($mul17) + 0)|0; $add$ptr19 = (($21) + ($add18)|0); $23 = HEAP8[$add$ptr19>>0]|0; $conv20 = $23 << 24 >> 24; $sub = (($conv16) - ($conv20))|0; $add21 = (($sub) + 1)|0; $lag_diff = $add21; $i = 1; while(1) { $24 = $i; $25 = $lag_diff; $cmp23 = ($24|0)<($25|0); if (!($cmp23)) { break; } $26 = $basis_ptr; $27 = $sf_length$addr; $28 = $i; $sub26 = (($27) - ($28))|0; $arrayidx27 = (($26) + ($sub26<<2)|0); $29 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $conv28 = $29; $30 = $basis_ptr; $31 = $sf_length$addr; $32 = $i; $sub29 = (($31) - ($32))|0; $arrayidx30 = (($30) + ($sub29<<2)|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2]; $conv31 = $33; $mul32 = $conv28 * $conv31; $34 = $energy; $sub33 = $34 - $mul32; $energy = $sub33; $35 = $basis_ptr; $36 = $i; $sub34 = (0 - ($36))|0; $arrayidx35 = (($35) + ($sub34<<2)|0); $37 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2]; $conv36 = $37; $38 = $basis_ptr; $39 = $i; $sub37 = (0 - ($39))|0; $arrayidx38 = (($38) + ($sub37<<2)|0); $40 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2]; $conv39 = $40; $mul40 = $conv36 * $conv39; $41 = $energy; $add41 = $41 + $mul40; $energy = $add41; $42 = $energy; $conv42 = $42; $43 = $lag_counter; $arrayidx43 = (($scratch_mem) + ($43<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2] = $conv42; $44 = $lag_counter; $inc44 = (($44) + 1)|0; $lag_counter = $inc44; $45 = $i; $inc45 = (($45) + 1)|0; $i = $inc45; } $46 = $Lag_range_ptr; $47 = $k; $mul46 = $47<<1; $add47 = (($mul46) + 0)|0; $add$ptr48 = (($46) + ($add47)|0); $48 = HEAP8[$add$ptr48>>0]|0; $conv49 = $48 << 24 >> 24; $delta = $conv49; $i = 0; while(1) { $49 = $i; $50 = $nb_cbk_search; $cmp51 = ($49|0)<($50|0); if (!($cmp51)) { break; } $51 = $Lag_CB_ptr; $52 = $k; $53 = $cbk_size; $mul54 = Math_imul($52, $53)|0; $54 = $i; $add55 = (($mul54) + ($54))|0; $add$ptr56 = (($51) + ($add55)|0); $55 = HEAP8[$add$ptr56>>0]|0; $conv57 = $55 << 24 >> 24; $56 = $delta; $sub58 = (($conv57) - ($56))|0; $idx = $sub58; $j = 0; while(1) { $57 = $j; $cmp60 = ($57|0)<(5); if (!($cmp60)) { break; } $58 = $idx; $59 = $j; $add63 = (($58) + ($59))|0; $arrayidx64 = (($scratch_mem) + ($add63<<2)|0); $60 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx64>>2]; $61 = $energies_st3$addr; $62 = $k; $arrayidx65 = (($61) + (($62*680)|0)|0); $63 = $i; $arrayidx66 = (($arrayidx65) + (($63*20)|0)|0); $64 = $j; $arrayidx67 = (($arrayidx66) + ($64<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx67>>2] = $60; $65 = $j; $inc69 = (($65) + 1)|0; $j = $inc69; } $66 = $i; $inc72 = (($66) + 1)|0; $i = $inc72; } $67 = $sf_length$addr; $68 = $target_ptr; $add$ptr74 = (($68) + ($67<<2)|0); $target_ptr = $add$ptr74; $69 = $k; $inc76 = (($69) + 1)|0; $k = $inc76; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_scale_copy_vector_FLP($data_out,$data_in,$gain,$dataSize) { $data_out = $data_out|0; $data_in = $data_in|0; $gain = +$gain; $dataSize = $dataSize|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0.0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $add = 0, $add1 = 0, $add11 = 0; var $add13 = 0, $add16 = 0, $add18 = 0, $add3 = 0, $add6 = 0, $add8 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $dataSize$addr = 0; var $dataSize4 = 0, $data_in$addr = 0, $data_out$addr = 0, $gain$addr = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul10 = 0.0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul23 = 0.0, $mul5 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $data_out$addr = $data_out; $data_in$addr = $data_in; $gain$addr = $gain; $dataSize$addr = $dataSize; $0 = $dataSize$addr; $and = $0 & 65532; $dataSize4 = $and; $i = 0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $dataSize4; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $gain$addr; $4 = $data_in$addr; $5 = $i; $add = (($5) + 0)|0; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($add<<2)|0); $6 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $mul = $3 * $6; $7 = $data_out$addr; $8 = $i; $add1 = (($8) + 0)|0; $arrayidx2 = (($7) + ($add1<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2] = $mul; $9 = $gain$addr; $10 = $data_in$addr; $11 = $i; $add3 = (($11) + 1)|0; $arrayidx4 = (($10) + ($add3<<2)|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $mul5 = $9 * $12; $13 = $data_out$addr; $14 = $i; $add6 = (($14) + 1)|0; $arrayidx7 = (($13) + ($add6<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2] = $mul5; $15 = $gain$addr; $16 = $data_in$addr; $17 = $i; $add8 = (($17) + 2)|0; $arrayidx9 = (($16) + ($add8<<2)|0); $18 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $mul10 = $15 * $18; $19 = $data_out$addr; $20 = $i; $add11 = (($20) + 2)|0; $arrayidx12 = (($19) + ($add11<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2] = $mul10; $21 = $gain$addr; $22 = $data_in$addr; $23 = $i; $add13 = (($23) + 3)|0; $arrayidx14 = (($22) + ($add13<<2)|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $mul15 = $21 * $24; $25 = $data_out$addr; $26 = $i; $add16 = (($26) + 3)|0; $arrayidx17 = (($25) + ($add16<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2] = $mul15; $27 = $i; $add18 = (($27) + 4)|0; $i = $add18; } while(1) { $28 = $i; $29 = $dataSize$addr; $cmp20 = ($28|0)<($29|0); if (!($cmp20)) { break; } $30 = $gain$addr; $31 = $data_in$addr; $32 = $i; $arrayidx22 = (($31) + ($32<<2)|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2]; $mul23 = $30 * $33; $34 = $data_out$addr; $35 = $i; $arrayidx24 = (($34) + ($35<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2] = $mul23; $36 = $i; $inc = (($36) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_schur_FLP($refl_coef,$auto_corr,$order) { $refl_coef = $refl_coef|0; $auto_corr = $auto_corr|0; $order = $order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $4 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $C = 0, $Ctmp1 = 0.0, $Ctmp2 = 0.0; var $add = 0, $add21 = 0, $add22 = 0, $add27 = 0.0, $add28 = 0, $add29 = 0, $add33 = 0.0, $add8 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0; var $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $auto_corr$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $inc = 0, $inc37 = 0, $inc40 = 0, $k = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul32 = 0.0, $n = 0, $order$addr = 0, $rc_tmp = 0.0, $refl_coef$addr = 0; var $sub = 0.0, $sub18 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 176|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(176|0); $C = sp + 16|0; $refl_coef$addr = $refl_coef; $auto_corr$addr = $auto_corr; $order$addr = $order; $k = 0; while(1) { $0 = $k; $1 = $order$addr; $add = (($1) + 1)|0; $cmp = ($0|0)<($add|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $auto_corr$addr; $3 = $k; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<2)|0); $4 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $5 = $k; $arrayidx1 = (($C) + ($5<<3)|0); $arrayidx2 = ((($arrayidx1)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2] = $4; $6 = $k; $arrayidx3 = (($C) + ($6<<3)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2] = $4; $7 = $k; $inc = (($7) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $k = 0; while(1) { $8 = $k; $9 = $order$addr; $cmp6 = ($8|0)<($9|0); if (!($cmp6)) { break; } $10 = $k; $add8 = (($10) + 1)|0; $arrayidx9 = (($C) + ($add8<<3)|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $sub = - $11; $arrayidx12 = ((($C)) + 4|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2]; $cmp13 = $12 > 9.9999997171806853E-10; $arrayidx15 = ((($C)) + 4|0); $13 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2]; $cond = $cmp13 ? $13 : 9.9999997171806853E-10; $div = $sub / $cond; $rc_tmp = $div; $14 = $rc_tmp; $15 = $refl_coef$addr; $16 = $k; $arrayidx16 = (($15) + ($16<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2] = $14; $n = 0; while(1) { $17 = $n; $18 = $order$addr; $19 = $k; $sub18 = (($18) - ($19))|0; $cmp19 = ($17|0)<($sub18|0); if (!($cmp19)) { break; } $20 = $n; $21 = $k; $add21 = (($20) + ($21))|0; $add22 = (($add21) + 1)|0; $arrayidx23 = (($C) + ($add22<<3)|0); $22 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2]; $Ctmp1 = $22; $23 = $n; $arrayidx25 = (($C) + ($23<<3)|0); $arrayidx26 = ((($arrayidx25)) + 4|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx26>>2]; $Ctmp2 = $24; $25 = $Ctmp1; $26 = $Ctmp2; $27 = $rc_tmp; $mul = $26 * $27; $add27 = $25 + $mul; $28 = $n; $29 = $k; $add28 = (($28) + ($29))|0; $add29 = (($add28) + 1)|0; $arrayidx30 = (($C) + ($add29<<3)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2] = $add27; $30 = $Ctmp2; $31 = $Ctmp1; $32 = $rc_tmp; $mul32 = $31 * $32; $add33 = $30 + $mul32; $33 = $n; $arrayidx34 = (($C) + ($33<<3)|0); $arrayidx35 = ((($arrayidx34)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2] = $add33; $34 = $n; $inc37 = (($34) + 1)|0; $n = $inc37; } $35 = $k; $inc40 = (($35) + 1)|0; $k = $inc40; } $arrayidx43 = ((($C)) + 4|0); $36 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2]; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$36); } function _silk_insertion_sort_decreasing_FLP($a,$idx,$L,$K) { $a = $a|0; $idx = $idx|0; $L = $L|0; $K = $K|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0.0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0.0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $K$addr = 0, $L$addr = 0, $a$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add13 = 0, $add17 = 0, $add19 = 0, $add40 = 0, $add43 = 0, $add48 = 0, $add50 = 0; var $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx51 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0; var $cmp25 = 0, $cmp30 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $dec = 0, $dec46 = 0, $i = 0, $idx$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc22 = 0, $inc53 = 0, $j = 0, $sub = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub31 = 0, $value = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $a$addr = $a; $idx$addr = $idx; $L$addr = $L; $K$addr = $K; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $K$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $i; $3 = $idx$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2] = $2; $5 = $i; $inc = (($5) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $i = 1; while(1) { $6 = $i; $7 = $K$addr; $cmp2 = ($6|0)<($7|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $8 = $a$addr; $9 = $i; $arrayidx4 = (($8) + ($9<<2)|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $value = $10; $11 = $i; $sub = (($11) - 1)|0; $j = $sub; while(1) { $12 = $j; $cmp6 = ($12|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp6)) { break; } $13 = $value; $14 = $a$addr; $15 = $j; $arrayidx7 = (($14) + ($15<<2)|0); $16 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $cmp8 = $13 > $16; if (!($cmp8)) { break; } $17 = $a$addr; $18 = $j; $arrayidx10 = (($17) + ($18<<2)|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $20 = $a$addr; $21 = $j; $add = (($21) + 1)|0; $arrayidx11 = (($20) + ($add<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2] = $19; $22 = $idx$addr; $23 = $j; $arrayidx12 = (($22) + ($23<<2)|0); $24 = HEAP32[$arrayidx12>>2]|0; $25 = $idx$addr; $26 = $j; $add13 = (($26) + 1)|0; $arrayidx14 = (($25) + ($add13<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx14>>2] = $24; $27 = $j; $dec = (($27) + -1)|0; $j = $dec; } $28 = $value; $29 = $a$addr; $30 = $j; $add17 = (($30) + 1)|0; $arrayidx18 = (($29) + ($add17<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx18>>2] = $28; $31 = $i; $32 = $idx$addr; $33 = $j; $add19 = (($33) + 1)|0; $arrayidx20 = (($32) + ($add19<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx20>>2] = $31; $34 = $i; $inc22 = (($34) + 1)|0; $i = $inc22; } $35 = $K$addr; $i = $35; while(1) { $36 = $i; $37 = $L$addr; $cmp25 = ($36|0)<($37|0); if (!($cmp25)) { break; } $38 = $a$addr; $39 = $i; $arrayidx27 = (($38) + ($39<<2)|0); $40 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $value = $40; $41 = $value; $42 = $a$addr; $43 = $K$addr; $sub28 = (($43) - 1)|0; $arrayidx29 = (($42) + ($sub28<<2)|0); $44 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2]; $cmp30 = $41 > $44; if ($cmp30) { $45 = $K$addr; $sub31 = (($45) - 2)|0; $j = $sub31; while(1) { $46 = $j; $cmp33 = ($46|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp33)) { break; } $47 = $value; $48 = $a$addr; $49 = $j; $arrayidx35 = (($48) + ($49<<2)|0); $50 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2]; $cmp36 = $47 > $50; if (!($cmp36)) { break; } $51 = $a$addr; $52 = $j; $arrayidx39 = (($51) + ($52<<2)|0); $53 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx39>>2]; $54 = $a$addr; $55 = $j; $add40 = (($55) + 1)|0; $arrayidx41 = (($54) + ($add40<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx41>>2] = $53; $56 = $idx$addr; $57 = $j; $arrayidx42 = (($56) + ($57<<2)|0); $58 = HEAP32[$arrayidx42>>2]|0; $59 = $idx$addr; $60 = $j; $add43 = (($60) + 1)|0; $arrayidx44 = (($59) + ($add43<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx44>>2] = $58; $61 = $j; $dec46 = (($61) + -1)|0; $j = $dec46; } $62 = $value; $63 = $a$addr; $64 = $j; $add48 = (($64) + 1)|0; $arrayidx49 = (($63) + ($add48<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2] = $62; $65 = $i; $66 = $idx$addr; $67 = $j; $add50 = (($67) + 1)|0; $arrayidx51 = (($66) + ($add50<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx51>>2] = $65; } $68 = $i; $inc53 = (($68) + 1)|0; $i = $inc53; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _opus_pcm_soft_clip($_x,$N,$C,$declip_mem) { $_x = $_x|0; $N = $N|0; $C = $C|0; $declip_mem = $declip_mem|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0.0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0.0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0.0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0.0, $115 = 0.0; var $116 = 0.0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $120 = 0.0, $121 = 0.0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0.0, $129 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0.0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0.0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0.0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0.0, $147 = 0.0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0.0, $153 = 0.0, $154 = 0.0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0.0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0.0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0.0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0.0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0.0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0.0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0; var $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0; var $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0.0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0; var $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0.0, $75 = 0; var $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $90 = 0.0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0; var $94 = 0.0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0.0, $99 = 0.0, $C$addr = 0, $N$addr = 0, $_x$addr = 0, $a = 0.0, $add = 0.0, $add$ptr = 0, $add140 = 0.0, $add161 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx102 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx113 = 0, $arrayidx122 = 0, $arrayidx133 = 0; var $arrayidx135 = 0, $arrayidx138 = 0, $arrayidx142 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx160 = 0, $arrayidx163 = 0, $arrayidx169 = 0, $arrayidx177 = 0, $arrayidx183 = 0, $arrayidx189 = 0, $arrayidx199 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx56 = 0; var $arrayidx67 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx73 = 0, $arrayidx75 = 0, $arrayidx85 = 0, $arrayidx87 = 0, $arrayidx94 = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0.0, $call104 = 0.0, $call96 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp109 = 0, $cmp116 = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp123 = 0, $cmp129 = 0, $cmp147 = 0, $cmp155 = 0; var $cmp164 = 0, $cmp172 = 0, $cmp178 = 0, $cmp194 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp31 = 0, $cmp49 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp53 = 0, $cmp57 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cmp63 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp77 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cmp81 = 0, $cmp89 = 0, $cmp98 = 0, $cond = 0.0; var $cond171 = 0.0, $cond187 = 0.0, $cond19 = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $conv103 = 0.0, $conv105 = 0.0, $conv152 = 0.0, $conv68 = 0.0, $conv95 = 0.0, $conv97 = 0.0, $curr = 0, $dec = 0, $declip_mem$addr = 0, $delta = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $div153 = 0.0, $end = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc107 = 0; var $inc144 = 0, $inc191 = 0, $inc201 = 0, $inc45 = 0, $inc61 = 0, $land$ext = 0, $maxval = 0.0, $mul = 0, $mul101 = 0, $mul112 = 0, $mul115 = 0.0, $mul120 = 0.0, $mul121 = 0, $mul132 = 0, $mul134 = 0, $mul136 = 0.0, $mul137 = 0, $mul139 = 0.0, $mul141 = 0, $mul159 = 0; var $mul162 = 0, $mul168 = 0, $mul176 = 0, $mul182 = 0, $mul188 = 0, $mul28 = 0, $mul30 = 0.0, $mul34 = 0, $mul36 = 0, $mul38 = 0.0, $mul39 = 0, $mul41 = 0.0, $mul42 = 0, $mul51 = 0, $mul55 = 0, $mul66 = 0, $mul72 = 0, $mul74 = 0, $mul76 = 0.0, $mul84 = 0; var $mul86 = 0, $mul88 = 0.0, $mul93 = 0, $offset = 0.0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond$not = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond3 = 0, $peak_pos = 0, $special = 0, $start = 0, $sub = 0, $sub119 = 0.0, $sub126 = 0.0, $sub151 = 0.0, $sub158 = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $tobool146 = 0, $tobool4 = 0; var $x = 0, $x0 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $_x$addr = $_x; $N$addr = $N; $C$addr = $C; $declip_mem$addr = $declip_mem; $0 = $C$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(1); $1 = $N$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)<(1); $or$cond = $cmp | $cmp1; $or$cond$not = $or$cond ^ 1; $2 = $_x$addr; $tobool = ($2|0)!=(0|0); $or$cond1 = $or$cond$not & $tobool; $3 = $declip_mem$addr; $tobool4 = ($3|0)!=(0|0); $or$cond2 = $or$cond1 & $tobool4; if (!($or$cond2)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $i = 0; while(1) { $4 = $i; $5 = $N$addr; $6 = $C$addr; $mul = Math_imul($5, $6)|0; $cmp5 = ($4|0)<($mul|0); if (!($cmp5)) { break; } $7 = $_x$addr; $8 = $i; $arrayidx = (($7) + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $cmp6 = 2.0 < $9; if ($cmp6) { $cond = 2.0; } else { $10 = $_x$addr; $11 = $i; $arrayidx7 = (($10) + ($11<<2)|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $cond = $12; } $cmp8 = -2.0 > $cond; if ($cmp8) { $cond19 = -2.0; } else { $13 = $_x$addr; $14 = $i; $arrayidx11 = (($13) + ($14<<2)|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $cmp12 = 2.0 < $15; if ($cmp12) { $cond19 = 2.0; } else { $16 = $_x$addr; $17 = $i; $arrayidx15 = (($16) + ($17<<2)|0); $18 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2]; $cond19 = $18; } } $19 = $_x$addr; $20 = $i; $arrayidx20 = (($19) + ($20<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2] = $cond19; $21 = $i; $inc = (($21) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $c = 0; while(1) { $22 = $c; $23 = $C$addr; $cmp22 = ($22|0)<($23|0); if (!($cmp22)) { break; } $24 = $_x$addr; $25 = $c; $add$ptr = (($24) + ($25<<2)|0); $x = $add$ptr; $26 = $declip_mem$addr; $27 = $c; $arrayidx24 = (($26) + ($27<<2)|0); $28 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2]; $a = $28; $i = 0; while(1) { $29 = $i; $30 = $N$addr; $cmp26 = ($29|0)<($30|0); if (!($cmp26)) { break; } $31 = $x; $32 = $i; $33 = $C$addr; $mul28 = Math_imul($32, $33)|0; $arrayidx29 = (($31) + ($mul28<<2)|0); $34 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2]; $35 = $a; $mul30 = $34 * $35; $cmp31 = $mul30 >= 0.0; if ($cmp31) { break; } $36 = $x; $37 = $i; $38 = $C$addr; $mul34 = Math_imul($37, $38)|0; $arrayidx35 = (($36) + ($mul34<<2)|0); $39 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx35>>2]; $40 = $a; $41 = $x; $42 = $i; $43 = $C$addr; $mul36 = Math_imul($42, $43)|0; $arrayidx37 = (($41) + ($mul36<<2)|0); $44 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx37>>2]; $mul38 = $40 * $44; $45 = $x; $46 = $i; $47 = $C$addr; $mul39 = Math_imul($46, $47)|0; $arrayidx40 = (($45) + ($mul39<<2)|0); $48 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx40>>2]; $mul41 = $mul38 * $48; $add = $39 + $mul41; $49 = $x; $50 = $i; $51 = $C$addr; $mul42 = Math_imul($50, $51)|0; $arrayidx43 = (($49) + ($mul42<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2] = $add; $52 = $i; $inc45 = (($52) + 1)|0; $i = $inc45; } $curr = 0; $53 = $x; $54 = +HEAPF32[$53>>2]; $x0 = $54; while(1) { $special = 0; $55 = $curr; $i = $55; while(1) { $56 = $i; $57 = $N$addr; $cmp49 = ($56|0)<($57|0); if (!($cmp49)) { break; } $58 = $x; $59 = $i; $60 = $C$addr; $mul51 = Math_imul($59, $60)|0; $arrayidx52 = (($58) + ($mul51<<2)|0); $61 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx52>>2]; $cmp53 = $61 > 1.0; if ($cmp53) { break; } $62 = $x; $63 = $i; $64 = $C$addr; $mul55 = Math_imul($63, $64)|0; $arrayidx56 = (($62) + ($mul55<<2)|0); $65 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx56>>2]; $cmp57 = $65 < -1.0; if ($cmp57) { break; } $66 = $i; $inc61 = (($66) + 1)|0; $i = $inc61; } $67 = $i; $68 = $N$addr; $cmp63 = ($67|0)==($68|0); if ($cmp63) { label = 23; break; } $69 = $i; $peak_pos = $69; $70 = $i; $end = $70; $start = $70; $71 = $x; $72 = $i; $73 = $C$addr; $mul66 = Math_imul($72, $73)|0; $arrayidx67 = (($71) + ($mul66<<2)|0); $74 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx67>>2]; $conv = $74; $call = (+Math_abs((+$conv))); $conv68 = $call; $maxval = $conv68; while(1) { $75 = $start; $cmp70 = ($75|0)>(0); if (!($cmp70)) { break; } $76 = $x; $77 = $i; $78 = $C$addr; $mul72 = Math_imul($77, $78)|0; $arrayidx73 = (($76) + ($mul72<<2)|0); $79 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx73>>2]; $80 = $x; $81 = $start; $sub = (($81) - 1)|0; $82 = $C$addr; $mul74 = Math_imul($sub, $82)|0; $arrayidx75 = (($80) + ($mul74<<2)|0); $83 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx75>>2]; $mul76 = $79 * $83; $cmp77 = $mul76 >= 0.0; if (!($cmp77)) { break; } $84 = $start; $dec = (($84) + -1)|0; $start = $dec; } while(1) { $85 = $end; $86 = $N$addr; $cmp81 = ($85|0)<($86|0); if (!($cmp81)) { break; } $87 = $x; $88 = $i; $89 = $C$addr; $mul84 = Math_imul($88, $89)|0; $arrayidx85 = (($87) + ($mul84<<2)|0); $90 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx85>>2]; $91 = $x; $92 = $end; $93 = $C$addr; $mul86 = Math_imul($92, $93)|0; $arrayidx87 = (($91) + ($mul86<<2)|0); $94 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx87>>2]; $mul88 = $90 * $94; $cmp89 = $mul88 >= 0.0; if (!($cmp89)) { break; } $95 = $x; $96 = $end; $97 = $C$addr; $mul93 = Math_imul($96, $97)|0; $arrayidx94 = (($95) + ($mul93<<2)|0); $98 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx94>>2]; $conv95 = $98; $call96 = (+Math_abs((+$conv95))); $conv97 = $call96; $99 = $maxval; $cmp98 = $conv97 > $99; if ($cmp98) { $100 = $x; $101 = $end; $102 = $C$addr; $mul101 = Math_imul($101, $102)|0; $arrayidx102 = (($100) + ($mul101<<2)|0); $103 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx102>>2]; $conv103 = $103; $call104 = (+Math_abs((+$conv103))); $conv105 = $call104; $maxval = $conv105; $104 = $end; $peak_pos = $104; } $105 = $end; $inc107 = (($105) + 1)|0; $end = $inc107; } $106 = $start; $cmp109 = ($106|0)==(0); if ($cmp109) { $107 = $x; $108 = $i; $109 = $C$addr; $mul112 = Math_imul($108, $109)|0; $arrayidx113 = (($107) + ($mul112<<2)|0); $110 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx113>>2]; $111 = $x; $112 = +HEAPF32[$111>>2]; $mul115 = $110 * $112; $cmp116 = $mul115 >= 0.0; $113 = $cmp116; } else { $113 = 0; } $land$ext = $113&1; $special = $land$ext; $114 = $maxval; $sub119 = $114 - 1.0; $115 = $maxval; $116 = $maxval; $mul120 = $115 * $116; $div = $sub119 / $mul120; $a = $div; $117 = $x; $118 = $i; $119 = $C$addr; $mul121 = Math_imul($118, $119)|0; $arrayidx122 = (($117) + ($mul121<<2)|0); $120 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx122>>2]; $cmp123 = $120 > 0.0; if ($cmp123) { $121 = $a; $sub126 = - $121; $a = $sub126; } $122 = $start; $i = $122; while(1) { $123 = $i; $124 = $end; $cmp129 = ($123|0)<($124|0); if (!($cmp129)) { break; } $125 = $x; $126 = $i; $127 = $C$addr; $mul132 = Math_imul($126, $127)|0; $arrayidx133 = (($125) + ($mul132<<2)|0); $128 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx133>>2]; $129 = $a; $130 = $x; $131 = $i; $132 = $C$addr; $mul134 = Math_imul($131, $132)|0; $arrayidx135 = (($130) + ($mul134<<2)|0); $133 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx135>>2]; $mul136 = $129 * $133; $134 = $x; $135 = $i; $136 = $C$addr; $mul137 = Math_imul($135, $136)|0; $arrayidx138 = (($134) + ($mul137<<2)|0); $137 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx138>>2]; $mul139 = $mul136 * $137; $add140 = $128 + $mul139; $138 = $x; $139 = $i; $140 = $C$addr; $mul141 = Math_imul($139, $140)|0; $arrayidx142 = (($138) + ($mul141<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx142>>2] = $add140; $141 = $i; $inc144 = (($141) + 1)|0; $i = $inc144; } $142 = $special; $tobool146 = ($142|0)!=(0); $143 = $peak_pos; $cmp147 = ($143|0)>=(2); $or$cond3 = $tobool146 & $cmp147; L54: do { if ($or$cond3) { $144 = $x0; $145 = $x; $146 = +HEAPF32[$145>>2]; $sub151 = $144 - $146; $offset = $sub151; $147 = $offset; $148 = $peak_pos; $conv152 = (+($148|0)); $div153 = $147 / $conv152; $delta = $div153; $149 = $curr; $i = $149; while(1) { $150 = $i; $151 = $peak_pos; $cmp155 = ($150|0)<($151|0); if (!($cmp155)) { break L54; } $152 = $delta; $153 = $offset; $sub158 = $153 - $152; $offset = $sub158; $154 = $offset; $155 = $x; $156 = $i; $157 = $C$addr; $mul159 = Math_imul($156, $157)|0; $arrayidx160 = (($155) + ($mul159<<2)|0); $158 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx160>>2]; $add161 = $158 + $154; HEAPF32[$arrayidx160>>2] = $add161; $159 = $x; $160 = $i; $161 = $C$addr; $mul162 = Math_imul($160, $161)|0; $arrayidx163 = (($159) + ($mul162<<2)|0); $162 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx163>>2]; $cmp164 = 1.0 < $162; if ($cmp164) { $cond171 = 1.0; } else { $163 = $x; $164 = $i; $165 = $C$addr; $mul168 = Math_imul($164, $165)|0; $arrayidx169 = (($163) + ($mul168<<2)|0); $166 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx169>>2]; $cond171 = $166; } $cmp172 = -1.0 > $cond171; if ($cmp172) { $cond187 = -1.0; } else { $167 = $x; $168 = $i; $169 = $C$addr; $mul176 = Math_imul($168, $169)|0; $arrayidx177 = (($167) + ($mul176<<2)|0); $170 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx177>>2]; $cmp178 = 1.0 < $170; if ($cmp178) { $cond187 = 1.0; } else { $171 = $x; $172 = $i; $173 = $C$addr; $mul182 = Math_imul($172, $173)|0; $arrayidx183 = (($171) + ($mul182<<2)|0); $174 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx183>>2]; $cond187 = $174; } } $175 = $x; $176 = $i; $177 = $C$addr; $mul188 = Math_imul($176, $177)|0; $arrayidx189 = (($175) + ($mul188<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx189>>2] = $cond187; $178 = $i; $inc191 = (($178) + 1)|0; $i = $inc191; } } } while(0); $179 = $end; $curr = $179; $180 = $curr; $181 = $N$addr; $cmp194 = ($180|0)==($181|0); if ($cmp194) { break; } } if ((label|0) == 23) { label = 0; $a = 0.0; } $182 = $a; $183 = $declip_mem$addr; $184 = $c; $arrayidx199 = (($183) + ($184<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx199>>2] = $182; $185 = $c; $inc201 = (($185) + 1)|0; $c = $inc201; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _encode_size($size,$data) { $size = $size|0; $data = $data|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $add = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv1 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $data$addr = 0, $retval = 0, $shr = 0; var $size$addr = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $size$addr = $size; $data$addr = $data; $0 = $size$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(252); $1 = $size$addr; if ($cmp) { $conv = $1&255; $2 = $data$addr; HEAP8[$2>>0] = $conv; $retval = 1; $8 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($8|0); } else { $and = $1 & 3; $add = (252 + ($and))|0; $conv1 = $add&255; $3 = $data$addr; HEAP8[$3>>0] = $conv1; $4 = $size$addr; $5 = $data$addr; $6 = HEAP8[$5>>0]|0; $conv4 = $6&255; $sub = (($4) - ($conv4))|0; $shr = $sub >> 2; $conv5 = $shr&255; $7 = $data$addr; $arrayidx6 = ((($7)) + 1|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx6>>0] = $conv5; $retval = 2; $8 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($8|0); } return (0)|0; } function _opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame($data,$Fs) { $data = $data|0; $Fs = $Fs|0; var $$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Fs$addr = 0, $and = 0, $and11 = 0, $and19 = 0, $and3 = 0, $and6 = 0; var $audiosize = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv2 = 0, $data$addr = 0, $div = 0, $div14 = 0, $div23 = 0, $div26 = 0, $mul = 0, $shl = 0, $shl25 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr18 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool12 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $data$addr = $data; $Fs$addr = $Fs; $0 = $data$addr; $1 = HEAP8[$0>>0]|0; $conv = $1&255; $and = $conv & 128; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); $2 = $data$addr; $3 = HEAP8[$2>>0]|0; $conv2 = $3&255; if ($tobool) { $shr = $conv2 >> 3; $and3 = $shr & 3; $audiosize = $and3; $4 = $Fs$addr; $5 = $audiosize; $shl = $4 << $5; $div = (($shl|0) / 400)&-1; $audiosize = $div; $12 = $audiosize; STACKTOP = sp;return ($12|0); } $and6 = $conv2 & 96; $cmp = ($and6|0)==(96); $6 = $data$addr; $7 = HEAP8[$6>>0]|0; $conv10 = $7&255; if ($cmp) { $and11 = $conv10 & 8; $tobool12 = ($and11|0)!=(0); $8 = $Fs$addr; $$sink = $tobool12 ? 50 : 100; $div14 = (($8|0) / ($$sink|0))&-1; $audiosize = $div14; $12 = $audiosize; STACKTOP = sp;return ($12|0); } $shr18 = $conv10 >> 3; $and19 = $shr18 & 3; $audiosize = $and19; $9 = $audiosize; $cmp20 = ($9|0)==(3); $10 = $Fs$addr; if ($cmp20) { $mul = ($10*60)|0; $div23 = (($mul|0) / 1000)&-1; $audiosize = $div23; $12 = $audiosize; STACKTOP = sp;return ($12|0); } else { $11 = $audiosize; $shl25 = $10 << $11; $div26 = (($shl25|0) / 100)&-1; $audiosize = $div26; $12 = $audiosize; STACKTOP = sp;return ($12|0); } return (0)|0; } function _opus_packet_parse_impl($data,$len,$self_delimited,$out_toc,$frames,$size,$payload_offset,$packet_offset) { $data = $data|0; $len = $len|0; $self_delimited = $self_delimited|0; $out_toc = $out_toc|0; $frames = $frames|0; $size = $size|0; $payload_offset = $payload_offset|0; $packet_offset = $packet_offset|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0; var $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0; var $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0; var $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0; var $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr113 = 0, $add$ptr114 = 0, $add$ptr130 = 0, $add$ptr184 = 0, $add$ptr68 = 0, $add$ptr82 = 0; var $add156 = 0, $add193 = 0, $add85 = 0, $and = 0, $and3 = 0, $and30 = 0, $and40 = 0, $and61 = 0, $arrayidx105 = 0, $arrayidx118 = 0, $arrayidx124 = 0, $arrayidx134 = 0, $arrayidx147 = 0, $arrayidx148 = 0, $arrayidx154 = 0, $arrayidx169 = 0, $arrayidx180 = 0, $arrayidx182 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx76 = 0; var $arrayidx83 = 0, $bytes = 0, $call = 0, $call10 = 0, $call115 = 0, $call69 = 0, $cbr = 0, $ch = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp101 = 0, $cmp120 = 0, $cmp126 = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp137 = 0, $cmp143 = 0, $cmp157 = 0, $cmp163 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp175 = 0, $cmp24 = 0; var $cmp31 = 0, $cmp34 = 0, $cmp43 = 0, $cmp50 = 0, $cmp53 = 0, $cmp56 = 0, $cmp66 = 0, $cmp73 = 0, $cmp78 = 0, $cmp87 = 0, $cmp95 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv104 = 0, $conv119 = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv125 = 0, $conv135 = 0, $conv155 = 0, $conv16 = 0; var $conv167 = 0, $conv183 = 0, $conv22 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv39 = 0, $conv48 = 0, $conv60 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $conv72 = 0, $conv77 = 0, $conv84 = 0, $count = 0, $data$addr = 0, $data0 = 0, $dec = 0, $dec38 = 0, $dec49 = 0, $div = 0, $div93 = 0, $frames$addr = 0; var $framesize = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc107 = 0, $inc150 = 0, $inc186 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr28 = 0, $incdec$ptr47 = 0, $last_size = 0, $len$addr = 0, $lnot = 0, $lnot$ext = 0, $mul = 0, $mul136 = 0, $mul94 = 0, $out_toc$addr = 0, $p = 0, $packet_offset$addr = 0, $pad = 0; var $payload_offset$addr = 0, $retval = 0, $self_delimited$addr = 0, $size$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast190 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast191 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub192 = 0, $sub100 = 0, $sub116 = 0, $sub117 = 0, $sub123 = 0, $sub133 = 0, $sub142 = 0, $sub146 = 0, $sub153 = 0, $sub168 = 0; var $sub23 = 0, $sub52 = 0, $sub65 = 0, $sub70 = 0, $sub86 = 0, $tmp = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool111 = 0, $tobool131 = 0, $tobool171 = 0, $tobool178 = 0, $tobool188 = 0, $tobool195 = 0, $tobool4 = 0, $tobool41 = 0, $tobool62 = 0, $tobool63 = 0, $tobool91 = 0, $toc = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $data$addr = $data; $len$addr = $len; $self_delimited$addr = $self_delimited; $out_toc$addr = $out_toc; $frames$addr = $frames; $size$addr = $size; $payload_offset$addr = $payload_offset; $packet_offset$addr = $packet_offset; $pad = 0; $0 = $data$addr; $data0 = $0; $1 = $size$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp) { $retval = -1; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); } $2 = $data$addr; $call = (_opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame($2,48000)|0); $framesize = $call; $cbr = 0; $3 = $data$addr; $incdec$ptr = ((($3)) + 1|0); $data$addr = $incdec$ptr; $4 = HEAP8[$3>>0]|0; $toc = $4; $5 = $len$addr; $dec = (($5) + -1)|0; $len$addr = $dec; $6 = $len$addr; $last_size = $6; $7 = $toc; $conv = $7&255; $and = $conv & 3; L5: do { switch ($and|0) { case 0: { $count = 1; break; } case 1: { $count = 2; $cbr = 1; $8 = $self_delimited$addr; $tobool = ($8|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $9 = $len$addr; $and3 = $9 & 1; $tobool4 = ($and3|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool4)) { $10 = $len$addr; $div = (($10|0) / 2)&-1; $last_size = $div; $11 = $last_size; $conv7 = $11&65535; $12 = $size$addr; HEAP16[$12>>1] = $conv7; break L5; } $retval = -4; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); } break; } case 2: { $count = 2; $13 = $data$addr; $14 = $len$addr; $15 = $size$addr; $call10 = (_parse_size($13,$14,$15)|0); $bytes = $call10; $16 = $bytes; $17 = $len$addr; $sub = (($17) - ($16))|0; $len$addr = $sub; $18 = $size$addr; $19 = HEAP16[$18>>1]|0; $conv12 = $19 << 16 >> 16; $cmp13 = ($conv12|0)<(0); if (!($cmp13)) { $20 = $size$addr; $21 = HEAP16[$20>>1]|0; $conv16 = $21 << 16 >> 16; $22 = $len$addr; $cmp17 = ($conv16|0)>($22|0); if (!($cmp17)) { $23 = $bytes; $24 = $data$addr; $add$ptr = (($24) + ($23)|0); $data$addr = $add$ptr; $25 = $len$addr; $26 = $size$addr; $27 = HEAP16[$26>>1]|0; $conv22 = $27 << 16 >> 16; $sub23 = (($25) - ($conv22))|0; $last_size = $sub23; break L5; } } $retval = -4; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); break; } default: { $28 = $len$addr; $cmp24 = ($28|0)<(1); if ($cmp24) { $retval = -4; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); } $29 = $data$addr; $incdec$ptr28 = ((($29)) + 1|0); $data$addr = $incdec$ptr28; $30 = HEAP8[$29>>0]|0; $ch = $30; $31 = $ch; $conv29 = $31&255; $and30 = $conv29 & 63; $count = $and30; $32 = $count; $cmp31 = ($32|0)<=(0); if (!($cmp31)) { $33 = $framesize; $34 = $count; $mul = Math_imul($33, $34)|0; $cmp34 = ($mul|0)>(5760); if (!($cmp34)) { $35 = $len$addr; $dec38 = (($35) + -1)|0; $len$addr = $dec38; $36 = $ch; $conv39 = $36&255; $and40 = $conv39 & 64; $tobool41 = ($and40|0)!=(0); L14: do { if ($tobool41) { while(1) { $37 = $len$addr; $cmp43 = ($37|0)<=(0); if ($cmp43) { break; } $38 = $data$addr; $incdec$ptr47 = ((($38)) + 1|0); $data$addr = $incdec$ptr47; $39 = HEAP8[$38>>0]|0; $conv48 = $39&255; $p = $conv48; $40 = $len$addr; $dec49 = (($40) + -1)|0; $len$addr = $dec49; $41 = $p; $cmp50 = ($41|0)==(255); $42 = $p; $cond = $cmp50 ? 254 : $42; $tmp = $cond; $43 = $tmp; $44 = $len$addr; $sub52 = (($44) - ($43))|0; $len$addr = $sub52; $45 = $tmp; $46 = $pad; $add = (($46) + ($45))|0; $pad = $add; $47 = $p; $cmp53 = ($47|0)==(255); if (!($cmp53)) { break L14; } } $retval = -4; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); } } while(0); $48 = $len$addr; $cmp56 = ($48|0)<(0); if ($cmp56) { $retval = -4; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); } $49 = $ch; $conv60 = $49&255; $and61 = $conv60 & 128; $tobool62 = ($and61|0)!=(0); $lnot = $tobool62 ^ 1; $lnot$ext = $lnot&1; $cbr = $lnot$ext; $50 = $cbr; $tobool63 = ($50|0)!=(0); if ($tobool63) { $76 = $self_delimited$addr; $tobool91 = ($76|0)!=(0); if ($tobool91) { break L5; } $77 = $len$addr; $78 = $count; $div93 = (($77|0) / ($78|0))&-1; $last_size = $div93; $79 = $last_size; $80 = $count; $mul94 = Math_imul($79, $80)|0; $81 = $len$addr; $cmp95 = ($mul94|0)!=($81|0); if ($cmp95) { $retval = -4; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); } $i = 0; while(1) { $82 = $i; $83 = $count; $sub100 = (($83) - 1)|0; $cmp101 = ($82|0)<($sub100|0); if (!($cmp101)) { break L5; } $84 = $last_size; $conv104 = $84&65535; $85 = $size$addr; $86 = $i; $arrayidx105 = (($85) + ($86<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx105>>1] = $conv104; $87 = $i; $inc107 = (($87) + 1)|0; $i = $inc107; } } $51 = $len$addr; $last_size = $51; $i = 0; while(1) { $52 = $i; $53 = $count; $sub65 = (($53) - 1)|0; $cmp66 = ($52|0)<($sub65|0); if (!($cmp66)) { break; } $54 = $data$addr; $55 = $len$addr; $56 = $size$addr; $57 = $i; $add$ptr68 = (($56) + ($57<<1)|0); $call69 = (_parse_size($54,$55,$add$ptr68)|0); $bytes = $call69; $58 = $bytes; $59 = $len$addr; $sub70 = (($59) - ($58))|0; $len$addr = $sub70; $60 = $size$addr; $61 = $i; $arrayidx71 = (($60) + ($61<<1)|0); $62 = HEAP16[$arrayidx71>>1]|0; $conv72 = $62 << 16 >> 16; $cmp73 = ($conv72|0)<(0); if ($cmp73) { label = 29; break; } $63 = $size$addr; $64 = $i; $arrayidx76 = (($63) + ($64<<1)|0); $65 = HEAP16[$arrayidx76>>1]|0; $conv77 = $65 << 16 >> 16; $66 = $len$addr; $cmp78 = ($conv77|0)>($66|0); if ($cmp78) { label = 29; break; } $67 = $bytes; $68 = $data$addr; $add$ptr82 = (($68) + ($67)|0); $data$addr = $add$ptr82; $69 = $bytes; $70 = $size$addr; $71 = $i; $arrayidx83 = (($70) + ($71<<1)|0); $72 = HEAP16[$arrayidx83>>1]|0; $conv84 = $72 << 16 >> 16; $add85 = (($69) + ($conv84))|0; $73 = $last_size; $sub86 = (($73) - ($add85))|0; $last_size = $sub86; $74 = $i; $inc = (($74) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } if ((label|0) == 29) { $retval = -4; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); } $75 = $last_size; $cmp87 = ($75|0)<(0); if (!($cmp87)) { break L5; } $retval = -4; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); } } $retval = -4; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); } } } while(0); $88 = $self_delimited$addr; $tobool111 = ($88|0)!=(0); L63: do { if ($tobool111) { $89 = $data$addr; $90 = $len$addr; $91 = $size$addr; $92 = $count; $add$ptr113 = (($91) + ($92<<1)|0); $add$ptr114 = ((($add$ptr113)) + -2|0); $call115 = (_parse_size($89,$90,$add$ptr114)|0); $bytes = $call115; $93 = $bytes; $94 = $len$addr; $sub116 = (($94) - ($93))|0; $len$addr = $sub116; $95 = $size$addr; $96 = $count; $sub117 = (($96) - 1)|0; $arrayidx118 = (($95) + ($sub117<<1)|0); $97 = HEAP16[$arrayidx118>>1]|0; $conv119 = $97 << 16 >> 16; $cmp120 = ($conv119|0)<(0); if (!($cmp120)) { $98 = $size$addr; $99 = $count; $sub123 = (($99) - 1)|0; $arrayidx124 = (($98) + ($sub123<<1)|0); $100 = HEAP16[$arrayidx124>>1]|0; $conv125 = $100 << 16 >> 16; $101 = $len$addr; $cmp126 = ($conv125|0)>($101|0); if (!($cmp126)) { $102 = $bytes; $103 = $data$addr; $add$ptr130 = (($103) + ($102)|0); $data$addr = $add$ptr130; $104 = $cbr; $tobool131 = ($104|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool131)) { $118 = $bytes; $119 = $size$addr; $120 = $count; $sub153 = (($120) - 1)|0; $arrayidx154 = (($119) + ($sub153<<1)|0); $121 = HEAP16[$arrayidx154>>1]|0; $conv155 = $121 << 16 >> 16; $add156 = (($118) + ($conv155))|0; $122 = $last_size; $cmp157 = ($add156|0)>($122|0); if (!($cmp157)) { break; } $retval = -4; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); } $105 = $size$addr; $106 = $count; $sub133 = (($106) - 1)|0; $arrayidx134 = (($105) + ($sub133<<1)|0); $107 = HEAP16[$arrayidx134>>1]|0; $conv135 = $107 << 16 >> 16; $108 = $count; $mul136 = Math_imul($conv135, $108)|0; $109 = $len$addr; $cmp137 = ($mul136|0)>($109|0); if ($cmp137) { $retval = -4; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); } $i = 0; while(1) { $110 = $i; $111 = $count; $sub142 = (($111) - 1)|0; $cmp143 = ($110|0)<($sub142|0); if (!($cmp143)) { break L63; } $112 = $size$addr; $113 = $count; $sub146 = (($113) - 1)|0; $arrayidx147 = (($112) + ($sub146<<1)|0); $114 = HEAP16[$arrayidx147>>1]|0; $115 = $size$addr; $116 = $i; $arrayidx148 = (($115) + ($116<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx148>>1] = $114; $117 = $i; $inc150 = (($117) + 1)|0; $i = $inc150; } } } $retval = -4; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); } else { $123 = $last_size; $cmp163 = ($123|0)>(1275); if (!($cmp163)) { $124 = $last_size; $conv167 = $124&65535; $125 = $size$addr; $126 = $count; $sub168 = (($126) - 1)|0; $arrayidx169 = (($125) + ($sub168<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx169>>1] = $conv167; break; } $retval = -4; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); } } while(0); $127 = $payload_offset$addr; $tobool171 = ($127|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool171) { $128 = $data$addr; $129 = $data0; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $128; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $129; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $130 = $payload_offset$addr; HEAP32[$130>>2] = $sub$ptr$sub; } $i = 0; while(1) { $131 = $i; $132 = $count; $cmp175 = ($131|0)<($132|0); if (!($cmp175)) { break; } $133 = $frames$addr; $tobool178 = ($133|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool178) { $134 = $data$addr; $135 = $frames$addr; $136 = $i; $arrayidx180 = (($135) + ($136<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx180>>2] = $134; } $137 = $size$addr; $138 = $i; $arrayidx182 = (($137) + ($138<<1)|0); $139 = HEAP16[$arrayidx182>>1]|0; $conv183 = $139 << 16 >> 16; $140 = $data$addr; $add$ptr184 = (($140) + ($conv183)|0); $data$addr = $add$ptr184; $141 = $i; $inc186 = (($141) + 1)|0; $i = $inc186; } $142 = $packet_offset$addr; $tobool188 = ($142|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool188) { $143 = $pad; $144 = $data$addr; $145 = $data0; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast190 = $144; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast191 = $145; $sub$ptr$sub192 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast190) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast191))|0; $add193 = (($143) + ($sub$ptr$sub192))|0; $146 = $packet_offset$addr; HEAP32[$146>>2] = $add193; } $147 = $out_toc$addr; $tobool195 = ($147|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool195) { $148 = $toc; $149 = $out_toc$addr; HEAP8[$149>>0] = $148; } $150 = $count; $retval = $150; $151 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($151|0); } function _parse_size($data,$len,$size) { $data = $data|0; $len = $len|0; $size = $size|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp7 = 0; var $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $data$addr = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $retval = 0, $size$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $data$addr = $data; $len$addr = $len; $size$addr = $size; $0 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(1); if ($cmp) { $1 = $size$addr; HEAP16[$1>>1] = -1; $retval = -1; $14 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($14|0); } $2 = $data$addr; $3 = HEAP8[$2>>0]|0; $conv = $3&255; $cmp1 = ($conv|0)<(252); if ($cmp1) { $4 = $data$addr; $5 = HEAP8[$4>>0]|0; $conv5 = $5&255; $6 = $size$addr; HEAP16[$6>>1] = $conv5; $retval = 1; $14 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($14|0); } $7 = $len$addr; $cmp7 = ($7|0)<(2); if ($cmp7) { $8 = $size$addr; HEAP16[$8>>1] = -1; $retval = -1; $14 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($14|0); } else { $9 = $data$addr; $arrayidx11 = ((($9)) + 1|0); $10 = HEAP8[$arrayidx11>>0]|0; $conv12 = $10&255; $mul = $conv12<<2; $11 = $data$addr; $12 = HEAP8[$11>>0]|0; $conv14 = $12&255; $add = (($mul) + ($conv14))|0; $conv15 = $add&65535; $13 = $size$addr; HEAP16[$13>>1] = $conv15; $retval = 2; $14 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($14|0); } return (0)|0; } function _hysteresis_decision($val,$thresholds,$hysteresis,$N,$prev) { $val = +$val; $thresholds = $thresholds|0; $hysteresis = $hysteresis|0; $N = $N|0; $prev = $prev|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0.0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $N$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp5 = 0; var $cmp8 = 0, $hysteresis$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $prev$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub11 = 0, $sub13 = 0.0, $thresholds$addr = 0, $val$addr = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $val$addr = $val; $thresholds$addr = $thresholds; $hysteresis$addr = $hysteresis; $N$addr = $N; $prev$addr = $prev; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $val$addr; $3 = $thresholds$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $cmp1 = $2 < $5; if ($cmp1) { break; } $6 = $i; $inc = (($6) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $7 = $i; $8 = $prev$addr; $cmp2 = ($7|0)>($8|0); if ($cmp2) { $9 = $val$addr; $10 = $thresholds$addr; $11 = $prev$addr; $arrayidx3 = (($10) + ($11<<2)|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $13 = $hysteresis$addr; $14 = $prev$addr; $arrayidx4 = (($13) + ($14<<2)|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $add = $12 + $15; $cmp5 = $9 < $add; if ($cmp5) { $16 = $prev$addr; $i = $16; } } $17 = $i; $18 = $prev$addr; $cmp8 = ($17|0)<($18|0); if (!($cmp8)) { $27 = $i; STACKTOP = sp;return ($27|0); } $19 = $val$addr; $20 = $thresholds$addr; $21 = $prev$addr; $sub = (($21) - 1)|0; $arrayidx10 = (($20) + ($sub<<2)|0); $22 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $23 = $hysteresis$addr; $24 = $prev$addr; $sub11 = (($24) - 1)|0; $arrayidx12 = (($23) + ($sub11<<2)|0); $25 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2]; $sub13 = $22 - $25; $cmp14 = $19 > $sub13; if (!($cmp14)) { $27 = $i; STACKTOP = sp;return ($27|0); } $26 = $prev$addr; $i = $26; $27 = $i; STACKTOP = sp;return ($27|0); } function _celt_lcg_rand($seed) { $seed = $seed|0; var $0 = 0, $add = 0, $mul = 0, $seed$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $seed$addr = $seed; $0 = $seed$addr; $mul = Math_imul(1664525, $0)|0; $add = (($mul) + 1013904223)|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($add|0); } function _compute_band_energies($m,$X,$bandE,$end,$C,$LM) { $m = $m|0; $X = $X|0; $bandE = $bandE|0; $end = $end|0; $C = $C|0; $LM = $LM|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $N = 0; var $X$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $add16 = 0.0, $add21 = 0, $add8 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $bandE$addr = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0.0, $call18 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $conv = 0; var $conv12 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv17 = 0.0, $conv19 = 0.0, $conv6 = 0, $eBands = 0, $eBands1 = 0, $end$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc23 = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul20 = 0, $mul4 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $shl = 0, $shl15 = 0, $shl2 = 0, $shl7 = 0; var $shortMdctSize = 0, $sub = 0, $sum = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $m$addr = $m; $X$addr = $X; $bandE$addr = $bandE; $end$addr = $end; $C$addr = $C; $LM$addr = $LM; $0 = $m$addr; $eBands1 = ((($0)) + 32|0); $1 = HEAP32[$eBands1>>2]|0; $eBands = $1; $2 = $m$addr; $shortMdctSize = ((($2)) + 44|0); $3 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize>>2]|0; $4 = $LM$addr; $shl = $3 << $4; $N = $shl; $c = 0; while(1) { $i = 0; while(1) { $5 = $i; $6 = $end$addr; $cmp = ($5|0)<($6|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $7 = $X$addr; $8 = $c; $9 = $N; $mul = Math_imul($8, $9)|0; $10 = $eBands; $11 = $i; $arrayidx = (($10) + ($11<<1)|0); $12 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $12 << 16 >> 16; $13 = $LM$addr; $shl2 = $conv << $13; $add = (($mul) + ($shl2))|0; $arrayidx3 = (($7) + ($add<<2)|0); $14 = $X$addr; $15 = $c; $16 = $N; $mul4 = Math_imul($15, $16)|0; $17 = $eBands; $18 = $i; $arrayidx5 = (($17) + ($18<<1)|0); $19 = HEAP16[$arrayidx5>>1]|0; $conv6 = $19 << 16 >> 16; $20 = $LM$addr; $shl7 = $conv6 << $20; $add8 = (($mul4) + ($shl7))|0; $arrayidx9 = (($14) + ($add8<<2)|0); $21 = $eBands; $22 = $i; $add10 = (($22) + 1)|0; $arrayidx11 = (($21) + ($add10<<1)|0); $23 = HEAP16[$arrayidx11>>1]|0; $conv12 = $23 << 16 >> 16; $24 = $eBands; $25 = $i; $arrayidx13 = (($24) + ($25<<1)|0); $26 = HEAP16[$arrayidx13>>1]|0; $conv14 = $26 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($conv12) - ($conv14))|0; $27 = $LM$addr; $shl15 = $sub << $27; $call = (+_celt_inner_prod_c_351($arrayidx3,$arrayidx9,$shl15)); $add16 = 1.0000000272452012E-27 + $call; $sum = $add16; $28 = $sum; $conv17 = $28; $call18 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv17))); $conv19 = $call18; $29 = $bandE$addr; $30 = $i; $31 = $c; $32 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($32)) + 8|0); $33 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul20 = Math_imul($31, $33)|0; $add21 = (($30) + ($mul20))|0; $arrayidx22 = (($29) + ($add21<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2] = $conv19; $34 = $i; $inc = (($34) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $35 = $c; $inc23 = (($35) + 1)|0; $c = $inc23; $36 = $C$addr; $cmp24 = ($inc23|0)<($36|0); if (!($cmp24)) { break; } } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _celt_inner_prod_c_351($x,$y,$N) { $x = $x|0; $y = $y|0; $N = $N|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $N$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $cmp = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, $xy = 0.0; var $y$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $x$addr = $x; $y$addr = $y; $N$addr = $N; $xy = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $xy; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $x$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $6 = $y$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $mul = $5 * $8; $add = $2 + $mul; $xy = $add; $9 = $i; $inc = (($9) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return (+$2); } function _normalise_bands($m,$freq,$X,$bandE,$end,$C,$M) { $m = $m|0; $freq = $freq|0; $X = $X|0; $bandE = $bandE|0; $end = $end|0; $C = $C|0; $M = $M|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $M$addr = 0, $N = 0, $X$addr = 0; var $add = 0, $add15 = 0, $add19 = 0, $add3 = 0.0, $add7 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $bandE$addr = 0, $c = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv9 = 0, $div = 0.0, $eBands = 0, $eBands1 = 0; var $end$addr = 0, $freq$addr = 0, $g = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc22 = 0, $inc24 = 0, $j = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul10 = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul17 = 0.0, $mul18 = 0, $mul2 = 0, $mul5 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $shortMdctSize = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $m$addr = $m; $freq$addr = $freq; $X$addr = $X; $bandE$addr = $bandE; $end$addr = $end; $C$addr = $C; $M$addr = $M; $0 = $m$addr; $eBands1 = ((($0)) + 32|0); $1 = HEAP32[$eBands1>>2]|0; $eBands = $1; $2 = $M$addr; $3 = $m$addr; $shortMdctSize = ((($3)) + 44|0); $4 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($2, $4)|0; $N = $mul; $c = 0; while(1) { $i = 0; while(1) { $5 = $i; $6 = $end$addr; $cmp = ($5|0)<($6|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $7 = $bandE$addr; $8 = $i; $9 = $c; $10 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($10)) + 8|0); $11 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul2 = Math_imul($9, $11)|0; $add = (($8) + ($mul2))|0; $arrayidx = (($7) + ($add<<2)|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $add3 = 1.0000000272452012E-27 + $12; $div = 1.0 / $add3; $g = $div; $13 = $M$addr; $14 = $eBands; $15 = $i; $arrayidx4 = (($14) + ($15<<1)|0); $16 = HEAP16[$arrayidx4>>1]|0; $conv = $16 << 16 >> 16; $mul5 = Math_imul($13, $conv)|0; $j = $mul5; while(1) { $17 = $j; $18 = $M$addr; $19 = $eBands; $20 = $i; $add7 = (($20) + 1)|0; $arrayidx8 = (($19) + ($add7<<1)|0); $21 = HEAP16[$arrayidx8>>1]|0; $conv9 = $21 << 16 >> 16; $mul10 = Math_imul($18, $conv9)|0; $cmp11 = ($17|0)<($mul10|0); if (!($cmp11)) { break; } $22 = $freq$addr; $23 = $j; $24 = $c; $25 = $N; $mul14 = Math_imul($24, $25)|0; $add15 = (($23) + ($mul14))|0; $arrayidx16 = (($22) + ($add15<<2)|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2]; $27 = $g; $mul17 = $26 * $27; $28 = $X$addr; $29 = $j; $30 = $c; $31 = $N; $mul18 = Math_imul($30, $31)|0; $add19 = (($29) + ($mul18))|0; $arrayidx20 = (($28) + ($add19<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2] = $mul17; $32 = $j; $inc = (($32) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $33 = $i; $inc22 = (($33) + 1)|0; $i = $inc22; } $34 = $c; $inc24 = (($34) + 1)|0; $c = $inc24; $35 = $C$addr; $cmp25 = ($inc24|0)<($35|0); if (!($cmp25)) { break; } } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _denormalise_bands($m,$X,$freq,$bandLogE,$start,$end,$M,$downsample,$silence) { $m = $m|0; $X = $X|0; $freq = $freq|0; $bandLogE = $bandLogE|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $M = $M|0; $downsample = $downsample|0; $silence = $silence|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $M$addr = 0, $N = 0; var $X$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add29 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $bandLogE$addr = 0, $band_end = 0, $bound = 0, $call = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp37 = 0; var $cmp4 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv22 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv30 = 0.0, $conv32 = 0.0, $div = 0, $div6 = 0, $downsample$addr = 0, $eBands = 0, $eBands1 = 0, $end$addr = 0, $f = 0, $freq$addr = 0, $g = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0; var $inc36 = 0, $inc40 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr33 = 0, $incdec$ptr35 = 0, $j = 0, $lg = 0.0, $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul11 = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul2 = 0, $mul23 = 0, $mul26 = 0, $mul31 = 0.0, $mul34 = 0.0, $mul43 = 0, $shortMdctSize = 0, $silence$addr = 0, $start$addr = 0; var $sub = 0, $tobool = 0, $x = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $m$addr = $m; $X$addr = $X; $freq$addr = $freq; $bandLogE$addr = $bandLogE; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $M$addr = $M; $downsample$addr = $downsample; $silence$addr = $silence; $0 = $m$addr; $eBands1 = ((($0)) + 32|0); $1 = HEAP32[$eBands1>>2]|0; $eBands = $1; $2 = $M$addr; $3 = $m$addr; $shortMdctSize = ((($3)) + 44|0); $4 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($2, $4)|0; $N = $mul; $5 = $M$addr; $6 = $eBands; $7 = $end$addr; $arrayidx = (($6) + ($7<<1)|0); $8 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $8 << 16 >> 16; $mul2 = Math_imul($5, $conv)|0; $bound = $mul2; $9 = $downsample$addr; $cmp = ($9|0)!=(1); if ($cmp) { $10 = $bound; $11 = $N; $12 = $downsample$addr; $div = (($11|0) / ($12|0))&-1; $cmp4 = ($10|0)<($div|0); if ($cmp4) { $13 = $bound; $cond = $13; } else { $14 = $N; $15 = $downsample$addr; $div6 = (($14|0) / ($15|0))&-1; $cond = $div6; } $bound = $cond; } $16 = $silence$addr; $tobool = ($16|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $bound = 0; $end$addr = 0; $start$addr = 0; } $17 = $freq$addr; $f = $17; $18 = $X$addr; $19 = $M$addr; $20 = $eBands; $21 = $start$addr; $arrayidx9 = (($20) + ($21<<1)|0); $22 = HEAP16[$arrayidx9>>1]|0; $conv10 = $22 << 16 >> 16; $mul11 = Math_imul($19, $conv10)|0; $add$ptr = (($18) + ($mul11<<2)|0); $x = $add$ptr; $i = 0; while(1) { $23 = $i; $24 = $M$addr; $25 = $eBands; $26 = $start$addr; $arrayidx12 = (($25) + ($26<<1)|0); $27 = HEAP16[$arrayidx12>>1]|0; $conv13 = $27 << 16 >> 16; $mul14 = Math_imul($24, $conv13)|0; $cmp15 = ($23|0)<($mul14|0); if (!($cmp15)) { break; } $28 = $f; $incdec$ptr = ((($28)) + 4|0); $f = $incdec$ptr; HEAPF32[$28>>2] = 0.0; $29 = $i; $inc = (($29) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $30 = $start$addr; $i = $30; while(1) { $31 = $i; $32 = $end$addr; $cmp18 = ($31|0)<($32|0); if (!($cmp18)) { break; } $33 = $M$addr; $34 = $eBands; $35 = $i; $arrayidx21 = (($34) + ($35<<1)|0); $36 = HEAP16[$arrayidx21>>1]|0; $conv22 = $36 << 16 >> 16; $mul23 = Math_imul($33, $conv22)|0; $j = $mul23; $37 = $M$addr; $38 = $eBands; $39 = $i; $add = (($39) + 1)|0; $arrayidx24 = (($38) + ($add<<1)|0); $40 = HEAP16[$arrayidx24>>1]|0; $conv25 = $40 << 16 >> 16; $mul26 = Math_imul($37, $conv25)|0; $band_end = $mul26; $41 = $bandLogE$addr; $42 = $i; $arrayidx27 = (($41) + ($42<<2)|0); $43 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $44 = $i; $arrayidx28 = (16504 + ($44<<2)|0); $45 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx28>>2]; $add29 = $43 + $45; $lg = $add29; $46 = $lg; $conv30 = $46; $mul31 = 0.69314718055994529 * $conv30; $call = (+Math_exp((+$mul31))); $conv32 = $call; $g = $conv32; while(1) { $47 = $x; $incdec$ptr33 = ((($47)) + 4|0); $x = $incdec$ptr33; $48 = +HEAPF32[$47>>2]; $49 = $g; $mul34 = $48 * $49; $50 = $f; $incdec$ptr35 = ((($50)) + 4|0); $f = $incdec$ptr35; HEAPF32[$50>>2] = $mul34; $51 = $j; $inc36 = (($51) + 1)|0; $j = $inc36; $52 = $band_end; $cmp37 = ($inc36|0)<($52|0); if (!($cmp37)) { break; } } $53 = $i; $inc40 = (($53) + 1)|0; $i = $inc40; } $54 = $freq$addr; $55 = $bound; $arrayidx42 = (($54) + ($55<<2)|0); $56 = $N; $57 = $bound; $sub = (($56) - ($57))|0; $mul43 = $sub<<2; _memset(($arrayidx42|0),0,($mul43|0))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _anti_collapse($m,$X_,$collapse_masks,$LM,$C,$size,$start,$end,$logE,$prev1logE,$prev2logE,$pulses,$seed,$arch) { $m = $m|0; $X_ = $X_|0; $collapse_masks = $collapse_masks|0; $LM = $LM|0; $C = $C|0; $size = $size|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $logE = $logE|0; $prev1logE = $prev1logE|0; $prev2logE = $prev2logE|0; $pulses = $pulses|0; $seed = $seed|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0.0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0; var $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0.0, $45 = 0.0; var $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0.0, $63 = 0; var $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0.0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0.0, $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0.0, $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0.0, $81 = 0.0; var $82 = 0.0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $C$addr = 0; var $Ediff = 0.0, $LM$addr = 0, $N0 = 0, $X = 0, $X_$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr92 = 0, $add117 = 0, $add24 = 0, $add28 = 0, $add33 = 0, $add38 = 0, $add41 = 0, $add48 = 0, $add5 = 0, $add54 = 0, $add7 = 0, $add99 = 0, $and = 0; var $and109 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx100 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx118 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx89 = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0, $call108 = 0; var $call17 = 0.0, $call21 = 0.0, $call72 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp105 = 0, $cmp128 = 0, $cmp30 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp43 = 0, $cmp56 = 0, $cmp63 = 0, $cmp75 = 0, $cmp80 = 0, $cmp95 = 0, $collapse_masks$addr = 0, $cond = 0.0, $cond115 = 0.0, $cond51 = 0.0, $cond61 = 0.0, $cond68 = 0.0; var $cond85 = 0.0, $conv = 0, $conv101 = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv14 = 0.0, $conv15 = 0.0, $conv18 = 0.0, $conv20 = 0.0, $conv22 = 0.0, $conv3 = 0, $conv70 = 0.0, $conv73 = 0.0, $conv9 = 0, $conv90 = 0, $depth = 0, $div = 0.0, $eBands = 0, $eBands1 = 0, $eBands10 = 0, $eBands6 = 0; var $eBands88 = 0, $end$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc121 = 0, $inc127 = 0, $inc131 = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $logE$addr = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul19 = 0.0, $mul23 = 0, $mul27 = 0, $mul53 = 0, $mul71 = 0.0, $mul74 = 0.0, $mul78 = 0.0; var $mul86 = 0.0, $mul87 = 0, $mul98 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands26 = 0, $nbEBands32 = 0, $nbEBands37 = 0, $nbEBands40 = 0, $nbEBands47 = 0, $nbEBands52 = 0, $prev1 = 0.0, $prev1logE$addr = 0, $prev2 = 0.0, $prev2logE$addr = 0, $pulses$addr = 0, $r = 0.0, $renormalize = 0, $seed$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl102 = 0; var $shl116 = 0, $shl125 = 0, $shl91 = 0, $shl94 = 0, $shr = 0, $size$addr = 0, $sqrt_1 = 0.0, $start$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub113 = 0.0, $sub13 = 0, $sub62 = 0.0, $sub69 = 0.0, $thresh = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $tobool110 = 0, $tobool123 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 112|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(112|0); $m$addr = $m; $X_$addr = $X_; $collapse_masks$addr = $collapse_masks; $LM$addr = $LM; $C$addr = $C; $size$addr = $size; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $logE$addr = $logE; $prev1logE$addr = $prev1logE; $prev2logE$addr = $prev2logE; $pulses$addr = $pulses; $seed$addr = $seed; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $start$addr; $i = $0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $end$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $m$addr; $eBands = ((($3)) + 32|0); $4 = HEAP32[$eBands>>2]|0; $5 = $i; $add = (($5) + 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($add<<1)|0); $6 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $6 << 16 >> 16; $7 = $m$addr; $eBands1 = ((($7)) + 32|0); $8 = HEAP32[$eBands1>>2]|0; $9 = $i; $arrayidx2 = (($8) + ($9<<1)|0); $10 = HEAP16[$arrayidx2>>1]|0; $conv3 = $10 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($conv) - ($conv3))|0; $N0 = $sub; $11 = $pulses$addr; $12 = $i; $arrayidx4 = (($11) + ($12<<2)|0); $13 = HEAP32[$arrayidx4>>2]|0; $add5 = (1 + ($13))|0; $14 = $m$addr; $eBands6 = ((($14)) + 32|0); $15 = HEAP32[$eBands6>>2]|0; $16 = $i; $add7 = (($16) + 1)|0; $arrayidx8 = (($15) + ($add7<<1)|0); $17 = HEAP16[$arrayidx8>>1]|0; $conv9 = $17 << 16 >> 16; $18 = $m$addr; $eBands10 = ((($18)) + 32|0); $19 = HEAP32[$eBands10>>2]|0; $20 = $i; $arrayidx11 = (($19) + ($20<<1)|0); $21 = HEAP16[$arrayidx11>>1]|0; $conv12 = $21 << 16 >> 16; $sub13 = (($conv9) - ($conv12))|0; $call = (_celt_udiv_358($add5,$sub13)|0); $22 = $LM$addr; $shr = $call >>> $22; $depth = $shr; $23 = $depth; $conv14 = (+($23|0)); $mul = -0.125 * $conv14; $conv15 = $mul; $mul16 = 0.69314718055994529 * $conv15; $call17 = (+Math_exp((+$mul16))); $conv18 = $call17; $mul19 = 0.5 * $conv18; $thresh = $mul19; $24 = $N0; $25 = $LM$addr; $shl = $24 << $25; $conv20 = (+($shl|0)); $call21 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv20))); $conv22 = $call21; $div = 1.0 / $conv22; $sqrt_1 = $div; $c = 0; while(1) { $renormalize = 0; $26 = $prev1logE$addr; $27 = $c; $28 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($28)) + 8|0); $29 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul23 = Math_imul($27, $29)|0; $30 = $i; $add24 = (($mul23) + ($30))|0; $arrayidx25 = (($26) + ($add24<<2)|0); $31 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx25>>2]; $prev1 = $31; $32 = $prev2logE$addr; $33 = $c; $34 = $m$addr; $nbEBands26 = ((($34)) + 8|0); $35 = HEAP32[$nbEBands26>>2]|0; $mul27 = Math_imul($33, $35)|0; $36 = $i; $add28 = (($mul27) + ($36))|0; $arrayidx29 = (($32) + ($add28<<2)|0); $37 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2]; $prev2 = $37; $38 = $C$addr; $cmp30 = ($38|0)==(1); if ($cmp30) { $39 = $prev1; $40 = $prev1logE$addr; $41 = $m$addr; $nbEBands32 = ((($41)) + 8|0); $42 = HEAP32[$nbEBands32>>2]|0; $43 = $i; $add33 = (($42) + ($43))|0; $arrayidx34 = (($40) + ($add33<<2)|0); $44 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2]; $cmp35 = $39 > $44; if ($cmp35) { $45 = $prev1; $cond = $45; } else { $46 = $prev1logE$addr; $47 = $m$addr; $nbEBands37 = ((($47)) + 8|0); $48 = HEAP32[$nbEBands37>>2]|0; $49 = $i; $add38 = (($48) + ($49))|0; $arrayidx39 = (($46) + ($add38<<2)|0); $50 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx39>>2]; $cond = $50; } $prev1 = $cond; $51 = $prev2; $52 = $prev2logE$addr; $53 = $m$addr; $nbEBands40 = ((($53)) + 8|0); $54 = HEAP32[$nbEBands40>>2]|0; $55 = $i; $add41 = (($54) + ($55))|0; $arrayidx42 = (($52) + ($add41<<2)|0); $56 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx42>>2]; $cmp43 = $51 > $56; if ($cmp43) { $57 = $prev2; $cond51 = $57; } else { $58 = $prev2logE$addr; $59 = $m$addr; $nbEBands47 = ((($59)) + 8|0); $60 = HEAP32[$nbEBands47>>2]|0; $61 = $i; $add48 = (($60) + ($61))|0; $arrayidx49 = (($58) + ($add48<<2)|0); $62 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2]; $cond51 = $62; } $prev2 = $cond51; } $63 = $logE$addr; $64 = $c; $65 = $m$addr; $nbEBands52 = ((($65)) + 8|0); $66 = HEAP32[$nbEBands52>>2]|0; $mul53 = Math_imul($64, $66)|0; $67 = $i; $add54 = (($mul53) + ($67))|0; $arrayidx55 = (($63) + ($add54<<2)|0); $68 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx55>>2]; $69 = $prev1; $70 = $prev2; $cmp56 = $69 < $70; $71 = $prev1; $72 = $prev2; $cond61 = $cmp56 ? $71 : $72; $sub62 = $68 - $cond61; $Ediff = $sub62; $73 = $Ediff; $cmp63 = 0.0 > $73; $74 = $Ediff; $cond68 = $cmp63 ? 0.0 : $74; $Ediff = $cond68; $75 = $Ediff; $sub69 = - $75; $conv70 = $sub69; $mul71 = 0.69314718055994529 * $conv70; $call72 = (+Math_exp((+$mul71))); $conv73 = $call72; $mul74 = 2.0 * $conv73; $r = $mul74; $76 = $LM$addr; $cmp75 = ($76|0)==(3); if ($cmp75) { $77 = $r; $mul78 = $77 * 1.4142135381698608; $r = $mul78; } $78 = $thresh; $79 = $r; $cmp80 = $78 < $79; $80 = $thresh; $81 = $r; $cond85 = $cmp80 ? $80 : $81; $r = $cond85; $82 = $r; $83 = $sqrt_1; $mul86 = $82 * $83; $r = $mul86; $84 = $X_$addr; $85 = $c; $86 = $size$addr; $mul87 = Math_imul($85, $86)|0; $add$ptr = (($84) + ($mul87<<2)|0); $87 = $m$addr; $eBands88 = ((($87)) + 32|0); $88 = HEAP32[$eBands88>>2]|0; $89 = $i; $arrayidx89 = (($88) + ($89<<1)|0); $90 = HEAP16[$arrayidx89>>1]|0; $conv90 = $90 << 16 >> 16; $91 = $LM$addr; $shl91 = $conv90 << $91; $add$ptr92 = (($add$ptr) + ($shl91<<2)|0); $X = $add$ptr92; $k = 0; while(1) { $92 = $k; $93 = $LM$addr; $shl94 = 1 << $93; $cmp95 = ($92|0)<($shl94|0); if (!($cmp95)) { break; } $94 = $collapse_masks$addr; $95 = $i; $96 = $C$addr; $mul98 = Math_imul($95, $96)|0; $97 = $c; $add99 = (($mul98) + ($97))|0; $arrayidx100 = (($94) + ($add99)|0); $98 = HEAP8[$arrayidx100>>0]|0; $conv101 = $98&255; $99 = $k; $shl102 = 1 << $99; $and = $conv101 & $shl102; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $j = 0; while(1) { $100 = $j; $101 = $N0; $cmp105 = ($100|0)<($101|0); if (!($cmp105)) { break; } $102 = $seed$addr; $call108 = (_celt_lcg_rand($102)|0); $seed$addr = $call108; $103 = $seed$addr; $and109 = $103 & 32768; $tobool110 = ($and109|0)!=(0); $104 = $r; $sub113 = - $104; $cond115 = $tobool110 ? $104 : $sub113; $105 = $X; $106 = $j; $107 = $LM$addr; $shl116 = $106 << $107; $108 = $k; $add117 = (($shl116) + ($108))|0; $arrayidx118 = (($105) + ($add117<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx118>>2] = $cond115; $109 = $j; $inc = (($109) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $renormalize = 1; } $110 = $k; $inc121 = (($110) + 1)|0; $k = $inc121; } $111 = $renormalize; $tobool123 = ($111|0)!=(0); if ($tobool123) { $112 = $X; $113 = $N0; $114 = $LM$addr; $shl125 = $113 << $114; $115 = $arch$addr; _renormalise_vector($112,$shl125,1.0,$115); } $116 = $c; $inc127 = (($116) + 1)|0; $c = $inc127; $117 = $C$addr; $cmp128 = ($inc127|0)<($117|0); if (!($cmp128)) { break; } } $118 = $i; $inc131 = (($118) + 1)|0; $i = $inc131; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _celt_udiv_358($n,$d) { $n = $n|0; $d = $d|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $d$addr = 0, $div = 0, $n$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $n$addr = $n; $d$addr = $d; $0 = $n$addr; $1 = $d$addr; $div = (($0>>>0) / ($1>>>0))&-1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($div|0); } function _spreading_decision($m,$X,$average,$last_decision,$hf_average,$tapset_decision,$update_hf,$end,$C,$M) { $m = $m|0; $X = $X|0; $average = $average|0; $last_decision = $last_decision|0; $hf_average = $hf_average|0; $tapset_decision = $tapset_decision|0; $update_hf = $update_hf|0; $end = $end|0; $C = $C|0; $M = $M|0; var $$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0; var $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0.0; var $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0; var $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0; var $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0; var $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $M$addr = 0, $N = 0, $N0 = 0, $X$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr13 = 0, $add116 = 0, $add120 = 0, $add121 = 0, $add122 = 0, $add57 = 0, $add59 = 0, $add69 = 0, $add74 = 0, $add76 = 0, $add89 = 0; var $add93 = 0, $add97 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $average$addr = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0, $call115 = 0, $call91 = 0, $cmp = 0; var $cmp104 = 0, $cmp108 = 0, $cmp124 = 0, $cmp128 = 0, $cmp132 = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp52 = 0, $cmp63 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp72 = 0, $cmp82 = 0, $cmp94 = 0, $cmp98 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0; var $conv15 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $conv31 = 0.0, $conv64 = 0, $conv68 = 0, $conv73 = 0, $decision = 0, $eBands = 0, $eBands1 = 0, $end$addr = 0, $hf_average$addr = 0, $hf_sum = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc42 = 0, $inc48 = 0, $inc50 = 0, $inc77 = 0, $inc79 = 0; var $inc81 = 0, $j = 0, $last_decision$addr = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul11 = 0, $mul118 = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul30 = 0.0, $mul32 = 0.0, $mul5 = 0, $mul58 = 0, $mul62 = 0, $mul66 = 0, $mul71 = 0, $mul75 = 0, $mul90 = 0, $nbBands = 0, $nbEBands = 0; var $nbEBands87 = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0, $shortMdctSize = 0, $shr = 0, $shr117 = 0, $shr123 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub101 = 0, $sub119 = 0, $sub18 = 0, $sub4 = 0, $sub51 = 0, $sub88 = 0, $sum = 0, $tapset_decision$addr = 0, $tcount = 0, $tmp = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool85 = 0; var $update_hf$addr = 0, $x = 0, $x2N = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 112|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(112|0); $tcount = sp + 8|0; $m$addr = $m; $X$addr = $X; $average$addr = $average; $last_decision$addr = $last_decision; $hf_average$addr = $hf_average; $tapset_decision$addr = $tapset_decision; $update_hf$addr = $update_hf; $end$addr = $end; $C$addr = $C; $M$addr = $M; $sum = 0; $nbBands = 0; $0 = $m$addr; $eBands1 = ((($0)) + 32|0); $1 = HEAP32[$eBands1>>2]|0; $eBands = $1; $hf_sum = 0; $2 = $M$addr; $3 = $m$addr; $shortMdctSize = ((($3)) + 44|0); $4 = HEAP32[$shortMdctSize>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($2, $4)|0; $N0 = $mul; $5 = $M$addr; $6 = $eBands; $7 = $end$addr; $arrayidx = (($6) + ($7<<1)|0); $8 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $8 << 16 >> 16; $9 = $eBands; $10 = $end$addr; $sub = (($10) - 1)|0; $arrayidx2 = (($9) + ($sub<<1)|0); $11 = HEAP16[$arrayidx2>>1]|0; $conv3 = $11 << 16 >> 16; $sub4 = (($conv) - ($conv3))|0; $mul5 = Math_imul($5, $sub4)|0; $cmp = ($mul5|0)<=(8); if ($cmp) { $retval = 0; $100 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($100|0); } $c = 0; while(1) { $i = 0; while(1) { $12 = $i; $13 = $end$addr; $cmp7 = ($12|0)<($13|0); if (!($cmp7)) { break; } $tmp = 0; ;HEAP32[$tcount>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$tcount+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$tcount+8>>2]=0|0; $14 = $X$addr; $15 = $M$addr; $16 = $eBands; $17 = $i; $arrayidx9 = (($16) + ($17<<1)|0); $18 = HEAP16[$arrayidx9>>1]|0; $conv10 = $18 << 16 >> 16; $mul11 = Math_imul($15, $conv10)|0; $add$ptr = (($14) + ($mul11<<2)|0); $19 = $c; $20 = $N0; $mul12 = Math_imul($19, $20)|0; $add$ptr13 = (($add$ptr) + ($mul12<<2)|0); $x = $add$ptr13; $21 = $M$addr; $22 = $eBands; $23 = $i; $add = (($23) + 1)|0; $arrayidx14 = (($22) + ($add<<1)|0); $24 = HEAP16[$arrayidx14>>1]|0; $conv15 = $24 << 16 >> 16; $25 = $eBands; $26 = $i; $arrayidx16 = (($25) + ($26<<1)|0); $27 = HEAP16[$arrayidx16>>1]|0; $conv17 = $27 << 16 >> 16; $sub18 = (($conv15) - ($conv17))|0; $mul19 = Math_imul($21, $sub18)|0; $N = $mul19; $28 = $N; $cmp20 = ($28|0)<=(8); if (!($cmp20)) { $j = 0; while(1) { $29 = $j; $30 = $N; $cmp25 = ($29|0)<($30|0); if (!($cmp25)) { break; } $31 = $x; $32 = $j; $arrayidx28 = (($31) + ($32<<2)|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx28>>2]; $34 = $x; $35 = $j; $arrayidx29 = (($34) + ($35<<2)|0); $36 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2]; $mul30 = $33 * $36; $37 = $N; $conv31 = (+($37|0)); $mul32 = $mul30 * $conv31; $x2N = $mul32; $38 = $x2N; $cmp33 = $38 < 0.25; if ($cmp33) { $39 = HEAP32[$tcount>>2]|0; $inc = (($39) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$tcount>>2] = $inc; } $40 = $x2N; $cmp38 = $40 < 0.0625; if ($cmp38) { $arrayidx41 = ((($tcount)) + 4|0); $41 = HEAP32[$arrayidx41>>2]|0; $inc42 = (($41) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx41>>2] = $inc42; } $42 = $x2N; $cmp44 = $42 < 0.015625; if ($cmp44) { $arrayidx47 = ((($tcount)) + 8|0); $43 = HEAP32[$arrayidx47>>2]|0; $inc48 = (($43) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx47>>2] = $inc48; } $44 = $j; $inc50 = (($44) + 1)|0; $j = $inc50; } $45 = $i; $46 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($46)) + 8|0); $47 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $sub51 = (($47) - 4)|0; $cmp52 = ($45|0)>($sub51|0); if ($cmp52) { $arrayidx55 = ((($tcount)) + 4|0); $48 = HEAP32[$arrayidx55>>2]|0; $49 = HEAP32[$tcount>>2]|0; $add57 = (($48) + ($49))|0; $mul58 = $add57<<5; $50 = $N; $call = (_celt_udiv_358($mul58,$50)|0); $51 = $hf_sum; $add59 = (($51) + ($call))|0; $hf_sum = $add59; } $arrayidx61 = ((($tcount)) + 8|0); $52 = HEAP32[$arrayidx61>>2]|0; $mul62 = $52<<1; $53 = $N; $cmp63 = ($mul62|0)>=($53|0); $conv64 = $cmp63&1; $arrayidx65 = ((($tcount)) + 4|0); $54 = HEAP32[$arrayidx65>>2]|0; $mul66 = $54<<1; $55 = $N; $cmp67 = ($mul66|0)>=($55|0); $conv68 = $cmp67&1; $add69 = (($conv64) + ($conv68))|0; $56 = HEAP32[$tcount>>2]|0; $mul71 = $56<<1; $57 = $N; $cmp72 = ($mul71|0)>=($57|0); $conv73 = $cmp72&1; $add74 = (($add69) + ($conv73))|0; $tmp = $add74; $58 = $tmp; $mul75 = $58<<8; $59 = $sum; $add76 = (($59) + ($mul75))|0; $sum = $add76; $60 = $nbBands; $inc77 = (($60) + 1)|0; $nbBands = $inc77; } $61 = $i; $inc79 = (($61) + 1)|0; $i = $inc79; } $62 = $c; $inc81 = (($62) + 1)|0; $c = $inc81; $63 = $C$addr; $cmp82 = ($inc81|0)<($63|0); if (!($cmp82)) { break; } } $64 = $update_hf$addr; $tobool = ($64|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool) { $65 = $hf_sum; $tobool85 = ($65|0)!=(0); if ($tobool85) { $66 = $hf_sum; $67 = $C$addr; $68 = $m$addr; $nbEBands87 = ((($68)) + 8|0); $69 = HEAP32[$nbEBands87>>2]|0; $sub88 = (4 - ($69))|0; $70 = $end$addr; $add89 = (($sub88) + ($70))|0; $mul90 = Math_imul($67, $add89)|0; $call91 = (_celt_udiv_358($66,$mul90)|0); $hf_sum = $call91; } $71 = $hf_average$addr; $72 = HEAP32[$71>>2]|0; $73 = $hf_sum; $add93 = (($72) + ($73))|0; $shr = $add93 >> 1; $74 = $hf_average$addr; HEAP32[$74>>2] = $shr; $75 = $hf_average$addr; $76 = HEAP32[$75>>2]|0; $hf_sum = $76; $77 = $tapset_decision$addr; $78 = HEAP32[$77>>2]|0; $cmp94 = ($78|0)==(2); if ($cmp94) { $79 = $hf_sum; $add97 = (($79) + 4)|0; $hf_sum = $add97; } else { $80 = $tapset_decision$addr; $81 = HEAP32[$80>>2]|0; $cmp98 = ($81|0)==(0); if ($cmp98) { $82 = $hf_sum; $sub101 = (($82) - 4)|0; $hf_sum = $sub101; } } $83 = $hf_sum; $cmp104 = ($83|0)>(22); if ($cmp104) { $84 = $tapset_decision$addr; HEAP32[$84>>2] = 2; break; } else { $85 = $hf_sum; $cmp108 = ($85|0)>(18); $86 = $tapset_decision$addr; $$sink = $cmp108 ? 1 : 0; HEAP32[$86>>2] = $$sink; break; } } } while(0); $87 = $sum; $88 = $nbBands; $call115 = (_celt_udiv_358($87,$88)|0); $sum = $call115; $89 = $sum; $90 = $average$addr; $91 = HEAP32[$90>>2]|0; $add116 = (($89) + ($91))|0; $shr117 = $add116 >> 1; $sum = $shr117; $92 = $sum; $93 = $average$addr; HEAP32[$93>>2] = $92; $94 = $sum; $mul118 = ($94*3)|0; $95 = $last_decision$addr; $sub119 = (3 - ($95))|0; $shl = $sub119 << 7; $add120 = (($shl) + 64)|0; $add121 = (($mul118) + ($add120))|0; $add122 = (($add121) + 2)|0; $shr123 = $add122 >> 2; $sum = $shr123; $96 = $sum; $cmp124 = ($96|0)<(80); do { if ($cmp124) { $decision = 3; } else { $97 = $sum; $cmp128 = ($97|0)<(256); if ($cmp128) { $decision = 2; break; } $98 = $sum; $cmp132 = ($98|0)<(384); if ($cmp132) { $decision = 1; break; } else { $decision = 0; break; } } } while(0); $99 = $decision; $retval = $99; $100 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($100|0); } function _haar1($X,$N0,$stride) { $X = $X|0; $N0 = $N0|0; $stride = $stride|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $N0$addr = 0, $X$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add12 = 0.0, $add15 = 0, $add18 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add7 = 0, $add9 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0; var $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc23 = 0, $j = 0, $mul = 0, $mul11 = 0.0, $mul13 = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul17 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul4 = 0, $mul5 = 0.0, $mul6 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $shr = 0, $stride$addr = 0; var $sub = 0.0, $tmp1 = 0.0, $tmp2 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $X$addr = $X; $N0$addr = $N0; $stride$addr = $stride; $0 = $N0$addr; $shr = $0 >> 1; $N0$addr = $shr; $i = 0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $stride$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $j = 0; while(1) { $3 = $j; $4 = $N0$addr; $cmp2 = ($3|0)<($4|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $5 = $X$addr; $6 = $stride$addr; $mul = $6<<1; $7 = $j; $mul4 = Math_imul($mul, $7)|0; $8 = $i; $add = (($mul4) + ($8))|0; $arrayidx = (($5) + ($add<<2)|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $mul5 = 0.70710676908493042 * $9; $tmp1 = $mul5; $10 = $X$addr; $11 = $stride$addr; $12 = $j; $mul6 = $12<<1; $add7 = (($mul6) + 1)|0; $mul8 = Math_imul($11, $add7)|0; $13 = $i; $add9 = (($mul8) + ($13))|0; $arrayidx10 = (($10) + ($add9<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $mul11 = 0.70710676908493042 * $14; $tmp2 = $mul11; $15 = $tmp1; $16 = $tmp2; $add12 = $15 + $16; $17 = $X$addr; $18 = $stride$addr; $mul13 = $18<<1; $19 = $j; $mul14 = Math_imul($mul13, $19)|0; $20 = $i; $add15 = (($mul14) + ($20))|0; $arrayidx16 = (($17) + ($add15<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2] = $add12; $21 = $tmp1; $22 = $tmp2; $sub = $21 - $22; $23 = $X$addr; $24 = $stride$addr; $25 = $j; $mul17 = $25<<1; $add18 = (($mul17) + 1)|0; $mul19 = Math_imul($24, $add18)|0; $26 = $i; $add20 = (($mul19) + ($26))|0; $arrayidx21 = (($23) + ($add20<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2] = $sub; $27 = $j; $inc = (($27) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $28 = $i; $inc23 = (($28) + 1)|0; $i = $inc23; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _quant_all_bands($encode,$m,$start,$end,$X_,$Y_,$collapse_masks,$bandE,$pulses,$shortBlocks,$spread,$dual_stereo,$intensity,$tf_res,$total_bits,$balance,$ec,$LM,$codedBands,$seed,$arch) { $encode = $encode|0; $m = $m|0; $start = $start|0; $end = $end|0; $X_ = $X_|0; $Y_ = $Y_|0; $collapse_masks = $collapse_masks|0; $bandE = $bandE|0; $pulses = $pulses|0; $shortBlocks = $shortBlocks|0; $spread = $spread|0; $dual_stereo = $dual_stereo|0; $intensity = $intensity|0; $tf_res = $tf_res|0; $total_bits = $total_bits|0; $balance = $balance|0; $ec = $ec|0; $LM = $LM|0; $codedBands = $codedBands|0; $seed = $seed|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0.0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0.0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0; var $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0; var $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0, $26 = 0; var $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0, $278 = 0; var $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0, $294 = 0, $295 = 0, $296 = 0; var $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0; var $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0; var $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0; var $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0; var $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $B = 0, $C = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $M = 0, $N = 0, $X = 0, $X_$addr = 0, $Y = 0, $Y_$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr14 = 0, $add$ptr20 = 0, $add$ptr262 = 0, $add$ptr272 = 0, $add$ptr274 = 0; var $add$ptr282 = 0, $add$ptr292 = 0, $add$ptr294 = 0, $add$ptr305 = 0, $add$ptr315 = 0, $add$ptr317 = 0, $add$ptr326 = 0, $add$ptr336 = 0, $add$ptr338 = 0, $add$ptr38 = 0, $add$ptr44 = 0, $add107 = 0, $add109 = 0, $add113 = 0, $add116 = 0, $add123 = 0, $add125 = 0, $add129 = 0, $add132 = 0, $add203 = 0; var $add211 = 0, $add212 = 0, $add218 = 0, $add222 = 0, $add251 = 0.0, $add347 = 0, $add351 = 0, $add355 = 0, $add356 = 0, $add73 = 0, $add75 = 0, $add79 = 0, $add82 = 0, $add89 = 0, $add91 = 0, $add95 = 0, $add98 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arch28 = 0, $arrayidx = 0; var $arrayidx108 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx115 = 0, $arrayidx124 = 0, $arrayidx131 = 0, $arrayidx142 = 0, $arrayidx146 = 0, $arrayidx157 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx184 = 0, $arrayidx193 = 0, $arrayidx200 = 0, $arrayidx208 = 0, $arrayidx219 = 0, $arrayidx224 = 0, $arrayidx242 = 0, $arrayidx249 = 0, $arrayidx250 = 0, $arrayidx253 = 0, $arrayidx269 = 0; var $arrayidx289 = 0, $arrayidx312 = 0, $arrayidx333 = 0, $arrayidx348 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx353 = 0, $arrayidx354 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx81 = 0, $arrayidx90 = 0, $arrayidx97 = 0, $b = 0, $balance$addr = 0, $bandE$addr = 0, $bandE21 = 0, $call = 0; var $call277 = 0, $call297 = 0, $call321 = 0, $call342 = 0, $call72 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp103 = 0, $cmp110 = 0, $cmp119 = 0, $cmp126 = 0, $cmp149 = 0, $cmp153 = 0, $cmp159 = 0, $cmp162 = 0, $cmp168 = 0, $cmp172 = 0, $cmp175 = 0, $cmp178 = 0, $cmp181 = 0, $cmp189 = 0; var $cmp204 = 0, $cmp213 = 0, $cmp228 = 0, $cmp236 = 0, $cmp246 = 0, $cmp259 = 0, $cmp279 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp299 = 0, $cmp302 = 0, $cmp323 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp358 = 0, $cmp39 = 0, $cmp52 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cmp65 = 0, $cmp76 = 0, $cmp85 = 0, $cmp92 = 0; var $codedBands$addr = 0, $collapse_masks$addr = 0, $cond = 0, $cond102 = 0, $cond118 = 0, $cond138 = 0, $cond199 = 0, $cond265 = 0, $cond276 = 0, $cond285 = 0, $cond296 = 0, $cond3 = 0, $cond308 = 0, $cond319 = 0, $cond329 = 0, $cond340 = 0, $cond71 = 0, $cond84 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0; var $conv143 = 0, $conv147 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv185 = 0, $conv194 = 0, $conv201 = 0, $conv209 = 0, $conv220 = 0, $conv225 = 0, $conv243 = 0, $conv270 = 0, $conv290 = 0, $conv313 = 0, $conv334 = 0, $conv34 = 0, $conv345 = 0, $conv349 = 0, $conv359 = 0, $conv36 = 0, $conv42 = 0; var $conv46 = 0, $conv49 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $ctx = 0, $curr_balance = 0, $dec = 0, $div = 0, $div278 = 0, $dual_stereo$addr = 0, $eBands = 0, $eBands1 = 0, $ec$addr = 0, $ec22 = 0, $effEBands = 0, $effective_lowband = 0, $encode$addr = 0, $end$addr = 0, $fold_end = 0, $fold_i = 0, $fold_start = 0; var $i = 0, $i31 = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $idx$neg273 = 0, $idx$neg293 = 0, $idx$neg316 = 0, $idx$neg337 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc227 = 0, $inc254 = 0, $inc361 = 0, $intensity$addr = 0, $intensity24 = 0, $j = 0, $last = 0, $lnot = 0, $lnot$ext = 0, $lowband_offset = 0, $lowband_scratch = 0, $m$addr = 0; var $m25 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul13 = 0, $mul144 = 0, $mul148 = 0, $mul186 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul195 = 0, $mul202 = 0, $mul210 = 0, $mul217 = 0, $mul221 = 0, $mul244 = 0, $mul252 = 0.0, $mul271 = 0, $mul291 = 0, $mul314 = 0, $mul335 = 0, $mul346 = 0, $mul350 = 0; var $mul37 = 0, $mul43 = 0, $mul47 = 0, $mul50 = 0, $mul6 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands15 = 0, $nbEBands9 = 0, $norm = 0, $norm2 = 0, $norm_offset = 0, $or = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or226 = 0, $or320 = 0, $or341 = 0, $pulses$addr = 0; var $remaining_bits = 0, $remaining_bits59 = 0, $resynth = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $seed$addr = 0, $seed26 = 0, $seed363 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl231 = 0, $shl357 = 0, $shortBlocks$addr = 0, $spread$addr = 0, $spread27 = 0, $start$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub10 = 0, $sub145 = 0, $sub16 = 0, $sub167 = 0, $sub187 = 0; var $sub188 = 0, $sub196 = 0, $sub197 = 0, $sub206 = 0, $sub223 = 0, $sub232 = 0, $sub245 = 0, $sub32 = 0, $sub352 = 0, $sub51 = 0, $sub55 = 0, $sub57 = 0, $sub58 = 0, $sub60 = 0, $sub64 = 0, $sub69 = 0, $sub7 = 0, $tell = 0, $tf_change = 0, $tf_change158 = 0; var $tf_res$addr = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool141 = 0, $tobool152 = 0, $tobool2 = 0, $tobool234 = 0, $tobool239 = 0, $tobool257 = 0, $tobool266 = 0, $tobool286 = 0, $tobool309 = 0, $tobool330 = 0, $total_bits$addr = 0, $update_lowband = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $x_cm = 0, $y_cm = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 256|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(256|0); $ctx = sp + 64|0; $encode$addr = $encode; $m$addr = $m; $start$addr = $start; $end$addr = $end; $X_$addr = $X_; $Y_$addr = $Y_; $collapse_masks$addr = $collapse_masks; $bandE$addr = $bandE; $pulses$addr = $pulses; $shortBlocks$addr = $shortBlocks; $spread$addr = $spread; $dual_stereo$addr = $dual_stereo; $intensity$addr = $intensity; $tf_res$addr = $tf_res; $total_bits$addr = $total_bits; $balance$addr = $balance; $ec$addr = $ec; $LM$addr = $LM; $codedBands$addr = $codedBands; $seed$addr = $seed; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $m$addr; $eBands1 = ((($0)) + 32|0); $1 = HEAP32[$eBands1>>2]|0; $eBands = $1; $update_lowband = 1; $2 = $Y_$addr; $cmp = ($2|0)!=(0|0); $cond = $cmp ? 2 : 1; $C = $cond; $3 = $encode$addr; $tobool = ($3|0)!=(0); $lnot = $tobool ^ 1; $lnot$ext = $lnot&1; $resynth = $lnot$ext; $4 = $LM$addr; $shl = 1 << $4; $M = $shl; $5 = $shortBlocks$addr; $tobool2 = ($5|0)!=(0); $6 = $M; $cond3 = $tobool2 ? $6 : 1; $B = $cond3; $7 = $M; $8 = $eBands; $9 = $start$addr; $arrayidx = (($8) + ($9<<1)|0); $10 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $10 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($7, $conv)|0; $norm_offset = $mul; $11 = $C; $12 = $M; $13 = $eBands; $14 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($14)) + 8|0); $15 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $sub = (($15) - 1)|0; $arrayidx4 = (($13) + ($sub<<1)|0); $16 = HEAP16[$arrayidx4>>1]|0; $conv5 = $16 << 16 >> 16; $mul6 = Math_imul($12, $conv5)|0; $17 = $norm_offset; $sub7 = (($mul6) - ($17))|0; $mul8 = Math_imul($11, $sub7)|0; $18 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $18; $vla$alloca_mul = $mul8<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $norm = $vla; $19 = $norm; $20 = $M; $21 = $eBands; $22 = $m$addr; $nbEBands9 = ((($22)) + 8|0); $23 = HEAP32[$nbEBands9>>2]|0; $sub10 = (($23) - 1)|0; $arrayidx11 = (($21) + ($sub10<<1)|0); $24 = HEAP16[$arrayidx11>>1]|0; $conv12 = $24 << 16 >> 16; $mul13 = Math_imul($20, $conv12)|0; $add$ptr = (($19) + ($mul13<<2)|0); $25 = $norm_offset; $idx$neg = (0 - ($25))|0; $add$ptr14 = (($add$ptr) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $norm2 = $add$ptr14; $26 = $X_$addr; $27 = $M; $28 = $eBands; $29 = $m$addr; $nbEBands15 = ((($29)) + 8|0); $30 = HEAP32[$nbEBands15>>2]|0; $sub16 = (($30) - 1)|0; $arrayidx17 = (($28) + ($sub16<<1)|0); $31 = HEAP16[$arrayidx17>>1]|0; $conv18 = $31 << 16 >> 16; $mul19 = Math_imul($27, $conv18)|0; $add$ptr20 = (($26) + ($mul19<<2)|0); $lowband_scratch = $add$ptr20; $lowband_offset = 0; $32 = $bandE$addr; $bandE21 = ((($ctx)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$bandE21>>2] = $32; $33 = $ec$addr; $ec22 = ((($ctx)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$ec22>>2] = $33; $34 = $encode$addr; HEAP32[$ctx>>2] = $34; $35 = $intensity$addr; $intensity24 = ((($ctx)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$intensity24>>2] = $35; $36 = $m$addr; $m25 = ((($ctx)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$m25>>2] = $36; $37 = $seed$addr; $38 = HEAP32[$37>>2]|0; $seed26 = ((($ctx)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$seed26>>2] = $38; $39 = $spread$addr; $spread27 = ((($ctx)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$spread27>>2] = $39; $40 = $arch$addr; $arch28 = ((($ctx)) + 40|0); HEAP32[$arch28>>2] = $40; $41 = $start$addr; $i = $41; while(1) { $42 = $i; $43 = $end$addr; $cmp29 = ($42|0)<($43|0); if (!($cmp29)) { break; } $effective_lowband = -1; $tf_change = 0; $44 = $i; $i31 = ((($ctx)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$i31>>2] = $44; $45 = $i; $46 = $end$addr; $sub32 = (($46) - 1)|0; $cmp33 = ($45|0)==($sub32|0); $conv34 = $cmp33&1; $last = $conv34; $47 = $X_$addr; $48 = $M; $49 = $eBands; $50 = $i; $arrayidx35 = (($49) + ($50<<1)|0); $51 = HEAP16[$arrayidx35>>1]|0; $conv36 = $51 << 16 >> 16; $mul37 = Math_imul($48, $conv36)|0; $add$ptr38 = (($47) + ($mul37<<2)|0); $X = $add$ptr38; $52 = $Y_$addr; $cmp39 = ($52|0)!=(0|0); if ($cmp39) { $53 = $Y_$addr; $54 = $M; $55 = $eBands; $56 = $i; $arrayidx41 = (($55) + ($56<<1)|0); $57 = HEAP16[$arrayidx41>>1]|0; $conv42 = $57 << 16 >> 16; $mul43 = Math_imul($54, $conv42)|0; $add$ptr44 = (($53) + ($mul43<<2)|0); $Y = $add$ptr44; } else { $Y = 0; } $58 = $M; $59 = $eBands; $60 = $i; $add = (($60) + 1)|0; $arrayidx45 = (($59) + ($add<<1)|0); $61 = HEAP16[$arrayidx45>>1]|0; $conv46 = $61 << 16 >> 16; $mul47 = Math_imul($58, $conv46)|0; $62 = $M; $63 = $eBands; $64 = $i; $arrayidx48 = (($63) + ($64<<1)|0); $65 = HEAP16[$arrayidx48>>1]|0; $conv49 = $65 << 16 >> 16; $mul50 = Math_imul($62, $conv49)|0; $sub51 = (($mul47) - ($mul50))|0; $N = $sub51; $66 = $ec$addr; $call = (_ec_tell_frac($66)|0); $tell = $call; $67 = $i; $68 = $start$addr; $cmp52 = ($67|0)!=($68|0); if ($cmp52) { $69 = $tell; $70 = $balance$addr; $sub55 = (($70) - ($69))|0; $balance$addr = $sub55; } $71 = $total_bits$addr; $72 = $tell; $sub57 = (($71) - ($72))|0; $sub58 = (($sub57) - 1)|0; $remaining_bits = $sub58; $73 = $remaining_bits; $remaining_bits59 = ((($ctx)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$remaining_bits59>>2] = $73; $74 = $i; $75 = $codedBands$addr; $sub60 = (($75) - 1)|0; $cmp61 = ($74|0)<=($sub60|0); if ($cmp61) { $76 = $balance$addr; $77 = $codedBands$addr; $78 = $i; $sub64 = (($77) - ($78))|0; $cmp65 = (3)<($sub64|0); if ($cmp65) { $cond71 = 3; } else { $79 = $codedBands$addr; $80 = $i; $sub69 = (($79) - ($80))|0; $cond71 = $sub69; } $call72 = (_celt_sudiv($76,$cond71)|0); $curr_balance = $call72; $81 = $remaining_bits; $add73 = (($81) + 1)|0; $82 = $pulses$addr; $83 = $i; $arrayidx74 = (($82) + ($83<<2)|0); $84 = HEAP32[$arrayidx74>>2]|0; $85 = $curr_balance; $add75 = (($84) + ($85))|0; $cmp76 = ($add73|0)<($add75|0); if ($cmp76) { $86 = $remaining_bits; $add79 = (($86) + 1)|0; $cond84 = $add79; } else { $87 = $pulses$addr; $88 = $i; $arrayidx81 = (($87) + ($88<<2)|0); $89 = HEAP32[$arrayidx81>>2]|0; $90 = $curr_balance; $add82 = (($89) + ($90))|0; $cond84 = $add82; } $cmp85 = (16383)<($cond84|0); do { if ($cmp85) { $cond102 = 16383; } else { $91 = $remaining_bits; $add89 = (($91) + 1)|0; $92 = $pulses$addr; $93 = $i; $arrayidx90 = (($92) + ($93<<2)|0); $94 = HEAP32[$arrayidx90>>2]|0; $95 = $curr_balance; $add91 = (($94) + ($95))|0; $cmp92 = ($add89|0)<($add91|0); if ($cmp92) { $96 = $remaining_bits; $add95 = (($96) + 1)|0; $cond102 = $add95; break; } else { $97 = $pulses$addr; $98 = $i; $arrayidx97 = (($97) + ($98<<2)|0); $99 = HEAP32[$arrayidx97>>2]|0; $100 = $curr_balance; $add98 = (($99) + ($100))|0; $cond102 = $add98; break; } } } while(0); $cmp103 = (0)>($cond102|0); do { if ($cmp103) { $cond138 = 0; } else { $101 = $remaining_bits; $add107 = (($101) + 1)|0; $102 = $pulses$addr; $103 = $i; $arrayidx108 = (($102) + ($103<<2)|0); $104 = HEAP32[$arrayidx108>>2]|0; $105 = $curr_balance; $add109 = (($104) + ($105))|0; $cmp110 = ($add107|0)<($add109|0); if ($cmp110) { $106 = $remaining_bits; $add113 = (($106) + 1)|0; $cond118 = $add113; } else { $107 = $pulses$addr; $108 = $i; $arrayidx115 = (($107) + ($108<<2)|0); $109 = HEAP32[$arrayidx115>>2]|0; $110 = $curr_balance; $add116 = (($109) + ($110))|0; $cond118 = $add116; } $cmp119 = (16383)<($cond118|0); if ($cmp119) { $cond138 = 16383; } else { $111 = $remaining_bits; $add123 = (($111) + 1)|0; $112 = $pulses$addr; $113 = $i; $arrayidx124 = (($112) + ($113<<2)|0); $114 = HEAP32[$arrayidx124>>2]|0; $115 = $curr_balance; $add125 = (($114) + ($115))|0; $cmp126 = ($add123|0)<($add125|0); if ($cmp126) { $116 = $remaining_bits; $add129 = (($116) + 1)|0; $cond138 = $add129; break; } else { $117 = $pulses$addr; $118 = $i; $arrayidx131 = (($117) + ($118<<2)|0); $119 = HEAP32[$arrayidx131>>2]|0; $120 = $curr_balance; $add132 = (($119) + ($120))|0; $cond138 = $add132; break; } } } } while(0); $b = $cond138; } else { $b = 0; } $121 = $resynth; $tobool141 = ($121|0)!=(0); if ($tobool141) { $122 = $M; $123 = $eBands; $124 = $i; $arrayidx142 = (($123) + ($124<<1)|0); $125 = HEAP16[$arrayidx142>>1]|0; $conv143 = $125 << 16 >> 16; $mul144 = Math_imul($122, $conv143)|0; $126 = $N; $sub145 = (($mul144) - ($126))|0; $127 = $M; $128 = $eBands; $129 = $start$addr; $arrayidx146 = (($128) + ($129<<1)|0); $130 = HEAP16[$arrayidx146>>1]|0; $conv147 = $130 << 16 >> 16; $mul148 = Math_imul($127, $conv147)|0; $cmp149 = ($sub145|0)>=($mul148|0); if ($cmp149) { $131 = $update_lowband; $tobool152 = ($131|0)!=(0); $132 = $lowband_offset; $cmp153 = ($132|0)==(0); $or$cond = $tobool152 | $cmp153; if ($or$cond) { $133 = $i; $lowband_offset = $133; } } } $134 = $tf_res$addr; $135 = $i; $arrayidx157 = (($134) + ($135<<2)|0); $136 = HEAP32[$arrayidx157>>2]|0; $tf_change = $136; $137 = $tf_change; $tf_change158 = ((($ctx)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$tf_change158>>2] = $137; $138 = $i; $139 = $m$addr; $effEBands = ((($139)) + 12|0); $140 = HEAP32[$effEBands>>2]|0; $cmp159 = ($138|0)>=($140|0); if ($cmp159) { $141 = $norm; $X = $141; $142 = $Y_$addr; $cmp162 = ($142|0)!=(0|0); if ($cmp162) { $143 = $norm; $Y = $143; } $lowband_scratch = 0; } $144 = $i; $145 = $end$addr; $sub167 = (($145) - 1)|0; $cmp168 = ($144|0)==($sub167|0); if ($cmp168) { $lowband_scratch = 0; } $146 = $lowband_offset; $cmp172 = ($146|0)!=(0); if ($cmp172) { $147 = $spread$addr; $cmp175 = ($147|0)!=(3); $148 = $B; $cmp178 = ($148|0)>(1); $or$cond1 = $cmp175 | $cmp178; $149 = $tf_change; $cmp181 = ($149|0)<(0); $or$cond2 = $or$cond1 | $cmp181; if ($or$cond2) { $150 = $M; $151 = $eBands; $152 = $lowband_offset; $arrayidx184 = (($151) + ($152<<1)|0); $153 = HEAP16[$arrayidx184>>1]|0; $conv185 = $153 << 16 >> 16; $mul186 = Math_imul($150, $conv185)|0; $154 = $norm_offset; $sub187 = (($mul186) - ($154))|0; $155 = $N; $sub188 = (($sub187) - ($155))|0; $cmp189 = (0)>($sub188|0); if ($cmp189) { $cond199 = 0; } else { $156 = $M; $157 = $eBands; $158 = $lowband_offset; $arrayidx193 = (($157) + ($158<<1)|0); $159 = HEAP16[$arrayidx193>>1]|0; $conv194 = $159 << 16 >> 16; $mul195 = Math_imul($156, $conv194)|0; $160 = $norm_offset; $sub196 = (($mul195) - ($160))|0; $161 = $N; $sub197 = (($sub196) - ($161))|0; $cond199 = $sub197; } $effective_lowband = $cond199; $162 = $lowband_offset; $fold_start = $162; while(1) { $163 = $M; $164 = $eBands; $165 = $fold_start; $dec = (($165) + -1)|0; $fold_start = $dec; $arrayidx200 = (($164) + ($dec<<1)|0); $166 = HEAP16[$arrayidx200>>1]|0; $conv201 = $166 << 16 >> 16; $mul202 = Math_imul($163, $conv201)|0; $167 = $effective_lowband; $168 = $norm_offset; $add203 = (($167) + ($168))|0; $cmp204 = ($mul202|0)>($add203|0); if (!($cmp204)) { break; } } $169 = $lowband_offset; $sub206 = (($169) - 1)|0; $fold_end = $sub206; while(1) { $170 = $M; $171 = $eBands; $172 = $fold_end; $inc = (($172) + 1)|0; $fold_end = $inc; $arrayidx208 = (($171) + ($inc<<1)|0); $173 = HEAP16[$arrayidx208>>1]|0; $conv209 = $173 << 16 >> 16; $mul210 = Math_imul($170, $conv209)|0; $174 = $effective_lowband; $175 = $norm_offset; $add211 = (($174) + ($175))|0; $176 = $N; $add212 = (($add211) + ($176))|0; $cmp213 = ($mul210|0)<($add212|0); if (!($cmp213)) { break; } } $y_cm = 0; $x_cm = 0; $177 = $fold_start; $fold_i = $177; while(1) { $178 = $collapse_masks$addr; $179 = $fold_i; $180 = $C; $mul217 = Math_imul($179, $180)|0; $add218 = (($mul217) + 0)|0; $arrayidx219 = (($178) + ($add218)|0); $181 = HEAP8[$arrayidx219>>0]|0; $conv220 = $181&255; $182 = $x_cm; $or = $182 | $conv220; $x_cm = $or; $183 = $collapse_masks$addr; $184 = $fold_i; $185 = $C; $mul221 = Math_imul($184, $185)|0; $186 = $C; $add222 = (($mul221) + ($186))|0; $sub223 = (($add222) - 1)|0; $arrayidx224 = (($183) + ($sub223)|0); $187 = HEAP8[$arrayidx224>>0]|0; $conv225 = $187&255; $188 = $y_cm; $or226 = $188 | $conv225; $y_cm = $or226; $189 = $fold_i; $inc227 = (($189) + 1)|0; $fold_i = $inc227; $190 = $fold_end; $cmp228 = ($inc227|0)<($190|0); if (!($cmp228)) { break; } } } else { label = 48; } } else { label = 48; } if ((label|0) == 48) { label = 0; $191 = $B; $shl231 = 1 << $191; $sub232 = (($shl231) - 1)|0; $y_cm = $sub232; $x_cm = $sub232; } $192 = $dual_stereo$addr; $tobool234 = ($192|0)!=(0); L70: do { if ($tobool234) { $193 = $i; $194 = $intensity$addr; $cmp236 = ($193|0)==($194|0); if ($cmp236) { $dual_stereo$addr = 0; $195 = $resynth; $tobool239 = ($195|0)!=(0); if ($tobool239) { $j = 0; while(1) { $196 = $j; $197 = $M; $198 = $eBands; $199 = $i; $arrayidx242 = (($198) + ($199<<1)|0); $200 = HEAP16[$arrayidx242>>1]|0; $conv243 = $200 << 16 >> 16; $mul244 = Math_imul($197, $conv243)|0; $201 = $norm_offset; $sub245 = (($mul244) - ($201))|0; $cmp246 = ($196|0)<($sub245|0); if (!($cmp246)) { break L70; } $202 = $norm; $203 = $j; $arrayidx249 = (($202) + ($203<<2)|0); $204 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx249>>2]; $205 = $norm2; $206 = $j; $arrayidx250 = (($205) + ($206<<2)|0); $207 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx250>>2]; $add251 = $204 + $207; $mul252 = 0.5 * $add251; $208 = $norm; $209 = $j; $arrayidx253 = (($208) + ($209<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx253>>2] = $mul252; $210 = $j; $inc254 = (($210) + 1)|0; $j = $inc254; } } } } } while(0); $211 = $dual_stereo$addr; $tobool257 = ($211|0)!=(0); if ($tobool257) { $212 = $X; $213 = $N; $214 = $b; $div = (($214|0) / 2)&-1; $215 = $B; $216 = $effective_lowband; $cmp259 = ($216|0)!=(-1); if ($cmp259) { $217 = $norm; $218 = $effective_lowband; $add$ptr262 = (($217) + ($218<<2)|0); $cond265 = $add$ptr262; } else { $cond265 = 0; } $219 = $LM$addr; $220 = $last; $tobool266 = ($220|0)!=(0); if ($tobool266) { $cond276 = 0; } else { $221 = $norm; $222 = $M; $223 = $eBands; $224 = $i; $arrayidx269 = (($223) + ($224<<1)|0); $225 = HEAP16[$arrayidx269>>1]|0; $conv270 = $225 << 16 >> 16; $mul271 = Math_imul($222, $conv270)|0; $add$ptr272 = (($221) + ($mul271<<2)|0); $226 = $norm_offset; $idx$neg273 = (0 - ($226))|0; $add$ptr274 = (($add$ptr272) + ($idx$neg273<<2)|0); $cond276 = $add$ptr274; } $227 = $lowband_scratch; $228 = $x_cm; $call277 = (_quant_band($ctx,$212,$213,$div,$215,$cond265,$219,$cond276,1.0,$227,$228)|0); $x_cm = $call277; $229 = $Y; $230 = $N; $231 = $b; $div278 = (($231|0) / 2)&-1; $232 = $B; $233 = $effective_lowband; $cmp279 = ($233|0)!=(-1); if ($cmp279) { $234 = $norm2; $235 = $effective_lowband; $add$ptr282 = (($234) + ($235<<2)|0); $cond285 = $add$ptr282; } else { $cond285 = 0; } $236 = $LM$addr; $237 = $last; $tobool286 = ($237|0)!=(0); if ($tobool286) { $cond296 = 0; } else { $238 = $norm2; $239 = $M; $240 = $eBands; $241 = $i; $arrayidx289 = (($240) + ($241<<1)|0); $242 = HEAP16[$arrayidx289>>1]|0; $conv290 = $242 << 16 >> 16; $mul291 = Math_imul($239, $conv290)|0; $add$ptr292 = (($238) + ($mul291<<2)|0); $243 = $norm_offset; $idx$neg293 = (0 - ($243))|0; $add$ptr294 = (($add$ptr292) + ($idx$neg293<<2)|0); $cond296 = $add$ptr294; } $244 = $lowband_scratch; $245 = $y_cm; $call297 = (_quant_band($ctx,$229,$230,$div278,$232,$cond285,$236,$cond296,1.0,$244,$245)|0); $y_cm = $call297; } else { $246 = $Y; $cmp299 = ($246|0)!=(0|0); $247 = $X; if ($cmp299) { $248 = $Y; $249 = $N; $250 = $b; $251 = $B; $252 = $effective_lowband; $cmp302 = ($252|0)!=(-1); if ($cmp302) { $253 = $norm; $254 = $effective_lowband; $add$ptr305 = (($253) + ($254<<2)|0); $cond308 = $add$ptr305; } else { $cond308 = 0; } $255 = $LM$addr; $256 = $last; $tobool309 = ($256|0)!=(0); if ($tobool309) { $cond319 = 0; } else { $257 = $norm; $258 = $M; $259 = $eBands; $260 = $i; $arrayidx312 = (($259) + ($260<<1)|0); $261 = HEAP16[$arrayidx312>>1]|0; $conv313 = $261 << 16 >> 16; $mul314 = Math_imul($258, $conv313)|0; $add$ptr315 = (($257) + ($mul314<<2)|0); $262 = $norm_offset; $idx$neg316 = (0 - ($262))|0; $add$ptr317 = (($add$ptr315) + ($idx$neg316<<2)|0); $cond319 = $add$ptr317; } $263 = $lowband_scratch; $264 = $x_cm; $265 = $y_cm; $or320 = $264 | $265; $call321 = (_quant_band_stereo($ctx,$247,$248,$249,$250,$251,$cond308,$255,$cond319,$263,$or320)|0); $x_cm = $call321; } else { $266 = $N; $267 = $b; $268 = $B; $269 = $effective_lowband; $cmp323 = ($269|0)!=(-1); if ($cmp323) { $270 = $norm; $271 = $effective_lowband; $add$ptr326 = (($270) + ($271<<2)|0); $cond329 = $add$ptr326; } else { $cond329 = 0; } $272 = $LM$addr; $273 = $last; $tobool330 = ($273|0)!=(0); if ($tobool330) { $cond340 = 0; } else { $274 = $norm; $275 = $M; $276 = $eBands; $277 = $i; $arrayidx333 = (($276) + ($277<<1)|0); $278 = HEAP16[$arrayidx333>>1]|0; $conv334 = $278 << 16 >> 16; $mul335 = Math_imul($275, $conv334)|0; $add$ptr336 = (($274) + ($mul335<<2)|0); $279 = $norm_offset; $idx$neg337 = (0 - ($279))|0; $add$ptr338 = (($add$ptr336) + ($idx$neg337<<2)|0); $cond340 = $add$ptr338; } $280 = $lowband_scratch; $281 = $x_cm; $282 = $y_cm; $or341 = $281 | $282; $call342 = (_quant_band($ctx,$247,$266,$267,$268,$cond329,$272,$cond340,1.0,$280,$or341)|0); $x_cm = $call342; } $283 = $x_cm; $y_cm = $283; } $284 = $x_cm; $conv345 = $284&255; $285 = $collapse_masks$addr; $286 = $i; $287 = $C; $mul346 = Math_imul($286, $287)|0; $add347 = (($mul346) + 0)|0; $arrayidx348 = (($285) + ($add347)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx348>>0] = $conv345; $288 = $y_cm; $conv349 = $288&255; $289 = $collapse_masks$addr; $290 = $i; $291 = $C; $mul350 = Math_imul($290, $291)|0; $292 = $C; $add351 = (($mul350) + ($292))|0; $sub352 = (($add351) - 1)|0; $arrayidx353 = (($289) + ($sub352)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx353>>0] = $conv349; $293 = $pulses$addr; $294 = $i; $arrayidx354 = (($293) + ($294<<2)|0); $295 = HEAP32[$arrayidx354>>2]|0; $296 = $tell; $add355 = (($295) + ($296))|0; $297 = $balance$addr; $add356 = (($297) + ($add355))|0; $balance$addr = $add356; $298 = $b; $299 = $N; $shl357 = $299 << 3; $cmp358 = ($298|0)>($shl357|0); $conv359 = $cmp358&1; $update_lowband = $conv359; $300 = $i; $inc361 = (($300) + 1)|0; $i = $inc361; } $seed363 = ((($ctx)) + 36|0); $301 = HEAP32[$seed363>>2]|0; $302 = $seed$addr; HEAP32[$302>>2] = $301; $303 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($303|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _celt_sudiv($n,$d) { $n = $n|0; $d = $d|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $d$addr = 0, $div = 0, $n$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $n$addr = $n; $d$addr = $d; $0 = $n$addr; $1 = $d$addr; $div = (($0|0) / ($1|0))&-1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($div|0); } function _quant_band($ctx,$X,$N,$b,$B,$lowband,$LM,$lowband_out,$gain,$lowband_scratch,$fill) { $ctx = $ctx|0; $X = $X|0; $N = $N|0; $b = $b|0; $B = $B|0; $lowband = $lowband|0; $LM = $LM|0; $lowband_out = $lowband_out|0; $gain = +$gain; $lowband_scratch = $lowband_scratch|0; $fill = $fill|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0.0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0.0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0; var $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0; var $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0; var $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0; var $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0.0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0; var $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $B$addr = 0, $B0 = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $N$addr = 0, $N0 = 0, $N_B = 0, $N_B0 = 0, $X$addr = 0, $add = 0, $and = 0, $and124 = 0, $and36 = 0, $and44 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx116 = 0, $arrayidx118 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0; var $arrayidx99 = 0, $b$addr = 0, $call = 0, $call110 = 0.0, $call6 = 0, $call75 = 0, $cm = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp113 = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp45 = 0, $cmp47 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp78 = 0, $cmp85 = 0; var $cmp96 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv100 = 0, $conv109 = 0.0, $conv111 = 0.0, $conv37 = 0, $conv40 = 0, $ctx$addr = 0, $encode1 = 0, $fill$addr = 0, $gain$addr = 0.0, $inc = 0, $inc104 = 0, $inc120 = 0, $inc59 = 0, $inc60 = 0, $inc93 = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $lnot = 0; var $lnot$ext = 0, $longBlocks = 0, $lowband$addr = 0, $lowband_out$addr = 0, $lowband_scratch$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul117 = 0.0, $mul24 = 0, $n = 0.0, $or = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or56 = 0, $or91 = 0, $recombine = 0, $resynth = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0, $shl102 = 0; var $shl106 = 0, $shl123 = 0, $shl34 = 0, $shl41 = 0, $shl43 = 0, $shl55 = 0, $shl57 = 0, $shl67 = 0, $shl72 = 0, $shl82 = 0, $shl89 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr101 = 0, $shr33 = 0, $shr38 = 0, $shr42 = 0, $shr58 = 0, $shr66 = 0, $shr71 = 0, $shr81 = 0; var $shr88 = 0, $shr90 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $tf_change = 0, $tf_change3 = 0, $time_divide = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool107 = 0, $tobool11 = 0, $tobool12 = 0, $tobool14 = 0, $tobool28 = 0, $tobool31 = 0, $tobool49 = 0, $tobool52 = 0, $tobool64 = 0; var $tobool69 = 0, $tobool76 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 112|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(112|0); $ctx$addr = $ctx; $X$addr = $X; $N$addr = $N; $b$addr = $b; $B$addr = $B; $lowband$addr = $lowband; $LM$addr = $LM; $lowband_out$addr = $lowband_out; $gain$addr = $gain; $lowband_scratch$addr = $lowband_scratch; $fill$addr = $fill; $0 = $N$addr; $N0 = $0; $1 = $N$addr; $N_B = $1; $2 = $B$addr; $B0 = $2; $time_divide = 0; $recombine = 0; $cm = 0; $3 = $ctx$addr; $4 = HEAP32[$3>>2]|0; $tobool = ($4|0)!=(0); $lnot = $tobool ^ 1; $lnot$ext = $lnot&1; $resynth = $lnot$ext; $5 = $ctx$addr; $6 = HEAP32[$5>>2]|0; $encode1 = $6; $7 = $ctx$addr; $tf_change3 = ((($7)) + 20|0); $8 = HEAP32[$tf_change3>>2]|0; $tf_change = $8; $9 = $B0; $cmp = ($9|0)==(1); $conv = $cmp&1; $longBlocks = $conv; $10 = $N_B; $11 = $B$addr; $call = (_celt_udiv_358($10,$11)|0); $N_B = $call; $12 = $N$addr; $cmp4 = ($12|0)==(1); if ($cmp4) { $13 = $ctx$addr; $14 = $X$addr; $15 = $b$addr; $16 = $lowband_out$addr; $call6 = (_quant_band_n1($13,$14,0,$15,$16)|0); $retval = $call6; $142 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($142|0); } $17 = $tf_change; $cmp7 = ($17|0)>(0); if ($cmp7) { $18 = $tf_change; $recombine = $18; } $19 = $lowband_scratch$addr; $tobool11 = ($19|0)!=(0|0); $20 = $lowband$addr; $tobool12 = ($20|0)!=(0|0); $or$cond = $tobool11 & $tobool12; do { if ($or$cond) { $21 = $recombine; $tobool14 = ($21|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool14)) { $22 = $N_B; $and = $22 & 1; $cmp15 = ($and|0)==(0); $23 = $tf_change; $cmp18 = ($23|0)<(0); $or$cond1 = $cmp15 & $cmp18; $24 = $B0; $cmp21 = ($24|0)>(1); $or$cond2 = $or$cond1 | $cmp21; if (!($or$cond2)) { break; } } $25 = $lowband_scratch$addr; $26 = $lowband$addr; $27 = $N$addr; $mul = $27<<2; $28 = $lowband_scratch$addr; $29 = $lowband$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $28; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $29; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul24 = 0; $add = (($mul) + ($mul24))|0; _memcpy(($25|0),($26|0),($add|0))|0; $30 = $lowband_scratch$addr; $lowband$addr = $30; } } while(0); $k = 0; while(1) { $31 = $k; $32 = $recombine; $cmp26 = ($31|0)<($32|0); if (!($cmp26)) { break; } $33 = $encode1; $tobool28 = ($33|0)!=(0); if ($tobool28) { $34 = $X$addr; $35 = $N$addr; $36 = $k; $shr = $35 >> $36; $37 = $k; $shl = 1 << $37; _haar1($34,$shr,$shl); } $38 = $lowband$addr; $tobool31 = ($38|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool31) { $39 = $lowband$addr; $40 = $N$addr; $41 = $k; $shr33 = $40 >> $41; $42 = $k; $shl34 = 1 << $42; _haar1($39,$shr33,$shl34); } $43 = $fill$addr; $and36 = $43 & 15; $arrayidx = (28901 + ($and36)|0); $44 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $conv37 = $44&255; $45 = $fill$addr; $shr38 = $45 >> 4; $arrayidx39 = (28901 + ($shr38)|0); $46 = HEAP8[$arrayidx39>>0]|0; $conv40 = $46&255; $shl41 = $conv40 << 2; $or = $conv37 | $shl41; $fill$addr = $or; $47 = $k; $inc = (($47) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $48 = $recombine; $49 = $B$addr; $shr42 = $49 >> $48; $B$addr = $shr42; $50 = $recombine; $51 = $N_B; $shl43 = $51 << $50; $N_B = $shl43; while(1) { $52 = $N_B; $and44 = $52 & 1; $cmp45 = ($and44|0)==(0); $53 = $tf_change; $cmp47 = ($53|0)<(0); $54 = $cmp45 ? $cmp47 : 0; if (!($54)) { break; } $55 = $encode1; $tobool49 = ($55|0)!=(0); if ($tobool49) { $56 = $X$addr; $57 = $N_B; $58 = $B$addr; _haar1($56,$57,$58); } $59 = $lowband$addr; $tobool52 = ($59|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool52) { $60 = $lowband$addr; $61 = $N_B; $62 = $B$addr; _haar1($60,$61,$62); } $63 = $fill$addr; $64 = $B$addr; $shl55 = $63 << $64; $65 = $fill$addr; $or56 = $65 | $shl55; $fill$addr = $or56; $66 = $B$addr; $shl57 = $66 << 1; $B$addr = $shl57; $67 = $N_B; $shr58 = $67 >> 1; $N_B = $shr58; $68 = $time_divide; $inc59 = (($68) + 1)|0; $time_divide = $inc59; $69 = $tf_change; $inc60 = (($69) + 1)|0; $tf_change = $inc60; } $70 = $B$addr; $B0 = $70; $71 = $N_B; $N_B0 = $71; $72 = $B0; $cmp61 = ($72|0)>(1); if ($cmp61) { $73 = $encode1; $tobool64 = ($73|0)!=(0); if ($tobool64) { $74 = $X$addr; $75 = $N_B; $76 = $recombine; $shr66 = $75 >> $76; $77 = $B0; $78 = $recombine; $shl67 = $77 << $78; $79 = $longBlocks; _deinterleave_hadamard($74,$shr66,$shl67,$79); } $80 = $lowband$addr; $tobool69 = ($80|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool69) { $81 = $lowband$addr; $82 = $N_B; $83 = $recombine; $shr71 = $82 >> $83; $84 = $B0; $85 = $recombine; $shl72 = $84 << $85; $86 = $longBlocks; _deinterleave_hadamard($81,$shr71,$shl72,$86); } } $87 = $ctx$addr; $88 = $X$addr; $89 = $N$addr; $90 = $b$addr; $91 = $B$addr; $92 = $lowband$addr; $93 = $LM$addr; $94 = $gain$addr; $95 = $fill$addr; $call75 = (_quant_partition($87,$88,$89,$90,$91,$92,$93,$94,$95)|0); $cm = $call75; $96 = $resynth; $tobool76 = ($96|0)!=(0); if ($tobool76) { $97 = $B0; $cmp78 = ($97|0)>(1); if ($cmp78) { $98 = $X$addr; $99 = $N_B; $100 = $recombine; $shr81 = $99 >> $100; $101 = $B0; $102 = $recombine; $shl82 = $101 << $102; $103 = $longBlocks; _interleave_hadamard($98,$shr81,$shl82,$103); } $104 = $N_B0; $N_B = $104; $105 = $B0; $B$addr = $105; $k = 0; while(1) { $106 = $k; $107 = $time_divide; $cmp85 = ($106|0)<($107|0); if (!($cmp85)) { break; } $108 = $B$addr; $shr88 = $108 >> 1; $B$addr = $shr88; $109 = $N_B; $shl89 = $109 << 1; $N_B = $shl89; $110 = $cm; $111 = $B$addr; $shr90 = $110 >>> $111; $112 = $cm; $or91 = $112 | $shr90; $cm = $or91; $113 = $X$addr; $114 = $N_B; $115 = $B$addr; _haar1($113,$114,$115); $116 = $k; $inc93 = (($116) + 1)|0; $k = $inc93; } $k = 0; while(1) { $117 = $k; $118 = $recombine; $cmp96 = ($117|0)<($118|0); if (!($cmp96)) { break; } $119 = $cm; $arrayidx99 = (28917 + ($119)|0); $120 = HEAP8[$arrayidx99>>0]|0; $conv100 = $120&255; $cm = $conv100; $121 = $X$addr; $122 = $N0; $123 = $k; $shr101 = $122 >> $123; $124 = $k; $shl102 = 1 << $124; _haar1($121,$shr101,$shl102); $125 = $k; $inc104 = (($125) + 1)|0; $k = $inc104; } $126 = $recombine; $127 = $B$addr; $shl106 = $127 << $126; $B$addr = $shl106; $128 = $lowband_out$addr; $tobool107 = ($128|0)!=(0|0); L54: do { if ($tobool107) { $129 = $N0; $conv109 = (+($129|0)); $call110 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv109))); $conv111 = $call110; $n = $conv111; $j = 0; while(1) { $130 = $j; $131 = $N0; $cmp113 = ($130|0)<($131|0); if (!($cmp113)) { break L54; } $132 = $n; $133 = $X$addr; $134 = $j; $arrayidx116 = (($133) + ($134<<2)|0); $135 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx116>>2]; $mul117 = $132 * $135; $136 = $lowband_out$addr; $137 = $j; $arrayidx118 = (($136) + ($137<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx118>>2] = $mul117; $138 = $j; $inc120 = (($138) + 1)|0; $j = $inc120; } } } while(0); $139 = $B$addr; $shl123 = 1 << $139; $sub = (($shl123) - 1)|0; $140 = $cm; $and124 = $140 & $sub; $cm = $and124; } $141 = $cm; $retval = $141; $142 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($142|0); } function _quant_band_stereo($ctx,$X,$Y,$N,$b,$B,$lowband,$LM,$lowband_out,$lowband_scratch,$fill) { $ctx = $ctx|0; $X = $X|0; $Y = $Y|0; $N = $N|0; $b = $b|0; $B = $B|0; $lowband = $lowband|0; $LM = $LM|0; $lowband_out = $lowband_out|0; $lowband_scratch = $lowband_scratch|0; $fill = $fill|0; var $$ = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0.0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0.0, $106 = 0.0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0.0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0.0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0.0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0; var $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0; var $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0; var $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0.0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0.0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0; var $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0; var $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0.0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0.0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0; var $205 = 0, $206 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0; var $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0; var $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0; var $74 = 0, $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0.0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0.0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0.0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0.0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0.0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0.0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0.0, $91 = 0; var $92 = 0.0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0.0, $96 = 0.0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0.0, $99 = 0, $B$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $N$addr = 0, $X$addr = 0, $Y$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add130 = 0, $add146 = 0, $add76 = 0.0, $add83 = 0.0, $arch = 0, $arrayidx162 = 0; var $arrayidx164 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx56 = 0, $arrayidx62 = 0, $arrayidx64 = 0, $arrayidx68 = 0, $arrayidx70 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx79 = 0, $arrayidx81 = 0, $arrayidx82 = 0, $arrayidx84 = 0, $b$addr = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0, $call119 = 0, $call132 = 0, $call135 = 0; var $call148 = 0, $call42 = 0, $call47 = 0, $cm = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp102 = 0, $cmp116 = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp123 = 0, $cmp126 = 0, $cmp139 = 0, $cmp142 = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp154 = 0, $cmp160 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp88 = 0, $cmp96 = 0; var $cond = 0, $cond111 = 0, $cond29 = 0, $cond95 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv10 = 0.0, $conv22 = 0, $conv41 = 0, $conv49 = 0.0, $conv53 = 0.0, $ctx$addr = 0, $delta = 0, $delta7 = 0, $div = 0, $div101 = 0, $div107 = 0, $div93 = 0, $ec = 0, $ec3 = 0, $encode1 = 0; var $fill$addr = 0, $imid = 0, $imid5 = 0, $inc = 0, $inv = 0, $iside = 0, $iside6 = 0, $itheta = 0, $itheta8 = 0, $j = 0, $lnot = 0, $lnot$ext = 0, $lowband$addr = 0, $lowband_out$addr = 0, $lowband_scratch$addr = 0, $mbits = 0, $mid = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $mul11 = 0.0, $mul35 = 0.0; var $mul38 = 0.0, $mul45 = 0, $mul51 = 0.0, $mul55 = 0.0, $mul60 = 0.0, $mul63 = 0.0, $mul66 = 0.0, $mul69 = 0.0, $or = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or149 = 0, $orig_fill = 0, $qalloc = 0, $qalloc9 = 0, $rebalance = 0, $remaining_bits = 0, $remaining_bits113 = 0, $remaining_bits115 = 0; var $remaining_bits120 = 0, $remaining_bits136 = 0, $resynth = 0, $retval = 0, $sbits = 0, $sctx = 0, $shr = 0, $shr134 = 0, $side = 0.0, $sign = 0, $sub = 0, $sub100 = 0, $sub106 = 0, $sub112 = 0, $sub114 = 0, $sub121 = 0, $sub122 = 0, $sub129 = 0, $sub137 = 0, $sub138 = 0; var $sub145 = 0, $sub163 = 0.0, $sub23 = 0, $sub39 = 0.0, $sub46 = 0, $sub48 = 0, $sub73 = 0.0, $sub80 = 0.0, $sub87 = 0, $sub92 = 0, $tmp = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $tobool152 = 0, $tobool158 = 0, $tobool24 = 0, $tobool25 = 0, $tobool30 = 0, $tobool32 = 0, $tobool57 = 0, $x2 = 0; var $y2 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 160|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(160|0); $b$addr = sp + 136|0; $fill$addr = sp + 112|0; $sctx = sp + 40|0; $ctx$addr = $ctx; $X$addr = $X; $Y$addr = $Y; $N$addr = $N; HEAP32[$b$addr>>2] = $b; $B$addr = $B; $lowband$addr = $lowband; $LM$addr = $LM; $lowband_out$addr = $lowband_out; $lowband_scratch$addr = $lowband_scratch; HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2] = $fill; $imid = 0; $iside = 0; $inv = 0; $mid = 0.0; $side = 0.0; $cm = 0; $0 = $ctx$addr; $1 = HEAP32[$0>>2]|0; $tobool = ($1|0)!=(0); $lnot = $tobool ^ 1; $lnot$ext = $lnot&1; $resynth = $lnot$ext; $2 = $ctx$addr; $3 = HEAP32[$2>>2]|0; $encode1 = $3; $4 = $ctx$addr; $ec3 = ((($4)) + 24|0); $5 = HEAP32[$ec3>>2]|0; $ec = $5; $6 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($6|0)==(1); if ($cmp) { $7 = $ctx$addr; $8 = $X$addr; $9 = $Y$addr; $10 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; $11 = $lowband_out$addr; $call = (_quant_band_n1($7,$8,$9,$10,$11)|0); $retval = $call; $206 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($206|0); } $12 = HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2]|0; $orig_fill = $12; $13 = $ctx$addr; $14 = $X$addr; $15 = $Y$addr; $16 = $N$addr; $17 = $B$addr; $18 = $B$addr; $19 = $LM$addr; _compute_theta($13,$sctx,$14,$15,$16,$b$addr,$17,$18,$19,1,$fill$addr); $20 = HEAP32[$sctx>>2]|0; $inv = $20; $imid5 = ((($sctx)) + 4|0); $21 = HEAP32[$imid5>>2]|0; $imid = $21; $iside6 = ((($sctx)) + 8|0); $22 = HEAP32[$iside6>>2]|0; $iside = $22; $delta7 = ((($sctx)) + 12|0); $23 = HEAP32[$delta7>>2]|0; $delta = $23; $itheta8 = ((($sctx)) + 16|0); $24 = HEAP32[$itheta8>>2]|0; $itheta = $24; $qalloc9 = ((($sctx)) + 20|0); $25 = HEAP32[$qalloc9>>2]|0; $qalloc = $25; $26 = $imid; $conv = (+($26|0)); $mul = 3.0517578125E-5 * $conv; $mid = $mul; $27 = $iside; $conv10 = (+($27|0)); $mul11 = 3.0517578125E-5 * $conv10; $side = $mul11; $28 = $N$addr; $cmp12 = ($28|0)==(2); do { if ($cmp12) { $sign = 0; $29 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; $mbits = $29; $sbits = 0; $30 = $itheta; $cmp15 = ($30|0)!=(0); $31 = $itheta; $cmp17 = ($31|0)!=(16384); $or$cond = $cmp15 & $cmp17; $$ = $or$cond ? 8 : 0; $sbits = $$; $32 = $sbits; $33 = $mbits; $sub = (($33) - ($32))|0; $mbits = $sub; $34 = $itheta; $cmp21 = ($34|0)>(8192); $conv22 = $cmp21&1; $c = $conv22; $35 = $qalloc; $36 = $sbits; $add = (($35) + ($36))|0; $37 = $ctx$addr; $remaining_bits = ((($37)) + 28|0); $38 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits>>2]|0; $sub23 = (($38) - ($add))|0; HEAP32[$remaining_bits>>2] = $sub23; $39 = $c; $tobool24 = ($39|0)!=(0); $40 = $Y$addr; $41 = $X$addr; $cond = $tobool24 ? $40 : $41; $x2 = $cond; $42 = $c; $tobool25 = ($42|0)!=(0); $43 = $X$addr; $44 = $Y$addr; $cond29 = $tobool25 ? $43 : $44; $y2 = $cond29; $45 = $sbits; $tobool30 = ($45|0)!=(0); do { if ($tobool30) { $46 = $encode1; $tobool32 = ($46|0)!=(0); if ($tobool32) { $47 = $x2; $48 = +HEAPF32[$47>>2]; $49 = $y2; $arrayidx34 = ((($49)) + 4|0); $50 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2]; $mul35 = $48 * $50; $51 = $x2; $arrayidx36 = ((($51)) + 4|0); $52 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx36>>2]; $53 = $y2; $54 = +HEAPF32[$53>>2]; $mul38 = $52 * $54; $sub39 = $mul35 - $mul38; $cmp40 = $sub39 < 0.0; $conv41 = $cmp40&1; $sign = $conv41; $55 = $ec; $56 = $sign; _ec_enc_bits($55,$56,1); break; } else { $57 = $ec; $call42 = (_ec_dec_bits($57,1)|0); $sign = $call42; break; } } } while(0); $58 = $sign; $mul45 = $58<<1; $sub46 = (1 - ($mul45))|0; $sign = $sub46; $59 = $ctx$addr; $60 = $x2; $61 = $N$addr; $62 = $mbits; $63 = $B$addr; $64 = $lowband$addr; $65 = $LM$addr; $66 = $lowband_out$addr; $67 = $lowband_scratch$addr; $68 = $orig_fill; $call47 = (_quant_band($59,$60,$61,$62,$63,$64,$65,$66,1.0,$67,$68)|0); $cm = $call47; $69 = $sign; $sub48 = (0 - ($69))|0; $conv49 = (+($sub48|0)); $70 = $x2; $arrayidx50 = ((($70)) + 4|0); $71 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx50>>2]; $mul51 = $conv49 * $71; $72 = $y2; HEAPF32[$72>>2] = $mul51; $73 = $sign; $conv53 = (+($73|0)); $74 = $x2; $75 = +HEAPF32[$74>>2]; $mul55 = $conv53 * $75; $76 = $y2; $arrayidx56 = ((($76)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx56>>2] = $mul55; $77 = $resynth; $tobool57 = ($77|0)!=(0); if ($tobool57) { $78 = $mid; $79 = $X$addr; $80 = +HEAPF32[$79>>2]; $mul60 = $78 * $80; $81 = $X$addr; HEAPF32[$81>>2] = $mul60; $82 = $mid; $83 = $X$addr; $arrayidx62 = ((($83)) + 4|0); $84 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx62>>2]; $mul63 = $82 * $84; $85 = $X$addr; $arrayidx64 = ((($85)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx64>>2] = $mul63; $86 = $side; $87 = $Y$addr; $88 = +HEAPF32[$87>>2]; $mul66 = $86 * $88; $89 = $Y$addr; HEAPF32[$89>>2] = $mul66; $90 = $side; $91 = $Y$addr; $arrayidx68 = ((($91)) + 4|0); $92 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx68>>2]; $mul69 = $90 * $92; $93 = $Y$addr; $arrayidx70 = ((($93)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx70>>2] = $mul69; $94 = $X$addr; $95 = +HEAPF32[$94>>2]; $tmp = $95; $96 = $tmp; $97 = $Y$addr; $98 = +HEAPF32[$97>>2]; $sub73 = $96 - $98; $99 = $X$addr; HEAPF32[$99>>2] = $sub73; $100 = $tmp; $101 = $Y$addr; $102 = +HEAPF32[$101>>2]; $add76 = $100 + $102; $103 = $Y$addr; HEAPF32[$103>>2] = $add76; $104 = $X$addr; $arrayidx78 = ((($104)) + 4|0); $105 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx78>>2]; $tmp = $105; $106 = $tmp; $107 = $Y$addr; $arrayidx79 = ((($107)) + 4|0); $108 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx79>>2]; $sub80 = $106 - $108; $109 = $X$addr; $arrayidx81 = ((($109)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx81>>2] = $sub80; $110 = $tmp; $111 = $Y$addr; $arrayidx82 = ((($111)) + 4|0); $112 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx82>>2]; $add83 = $110 + $112; $113 = $Y$addr; $arrayidx84 = ((($113)) + 4|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx84>>2] = $add83; } } else { $114 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; $115 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; $116 = $delta; $sub87 = (($115) - ($116))|0; $div = (($sub87|0) / 2)&-1; $cmp88 = ($114|0)<($div|0); $117 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; if ($cmp88) { $cond95 = $117; } else { $118 = $delta; $sub92 = (($117) - ($118))|0; $div93 = (($sub92|0) / 2)&-1; $cond95 = $div93; } $cmp96 = (0)>($cond95|0); if ($cmp96) { $cond111 = 0; } else { $119 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; $120 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; $121 = $delta; $sub100 = (($120) - ($121))|0; $div101 = (($sub100|0) / 2)&-1; $cmp102 = ($119|0)<($div101|0); $122 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; if ($cmp102) { $cond111 = $122; } else { $123 = $delta; $sub106 = (($122) - ($123))|0; $div107 = (($sub106|0) / 2)&-1; $cond111 = $div107; } } $mbits = $cond111; $124 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; $125 = $mbits; $sub112 = (($124) - ($125))|0; $sbits = $sub112; $126 = $qalloc; $127 = $ctx$addr; $remaining_bits113 = ((($127)) + 28|0); $128 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits113>>2]|0; $sub114 = (($128) - ($126))|0; HEAP32[$remaining_bits113>>2] = $sub114; $129 = $ctx$addr; $remaining_bits115 = ((($129)) + 28|0); $130 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits115>>2]|0; $rebalance = $130; $131 = $mbits; $132 = $sbits; $cmp116 = ($131|0)>=($132|0); $133 = $ctx$addr; if ($cmp116) { $134 = $X$addr; $135 = $N$addr; $136 = $mbits; $137 = $B$addr; $138 = $lowband$addr; $139 = $LM$addr; $140 = $lowband_out$addr; $141 = $lowband_scratch$addr; $142 = HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2]|0; $call119 = (_quant_band($133,$134,$135,$136,$137,$138,$139,$140,1.0,$141,$142)|0); $cm = $call119; $143 = $mbits; $144 = $rebalance; $145 = $ctx$addr; $remaining_bits120 = ((($145)) + 28|0); $146 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits120>>2]|0; $sub121 = (($144) - ($146))|0; $sub122 = (($143) - ($sub121))|0; $rebalance = $sub122; $147 = $rebalance; $cmp123 = ($147|0)>(24); $148 = $itheta; $cmp126 = ($148|0)!=(0); $or$cond1 = $cmp123 & $cmp126; if ($or$cond1) { $149 = $rebalance; $sub129 = (($149) - 24)|0; $150 = $sbits; $add130 = (($150) + ($sub129))|0; $sbits = $add130; } $151 = $ctx$addr; $152 = $Y$addr; $153 = $N$addr; $154 = $sbits; $155 = $B$addr; $156 = $LM$addr; $157 = $side; $158 = HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2]|0; $159 = $B$addr; $shr = $158 >> $159; $call132 = (_quant_band($151,$152,$153,$154,$155,0,$156,0,$157,0,$shr)|0); $160 = $cm; $or = $160 | $call132; $cm = $or; break; } else { $161 = $Y$addr; $162 = $N$addr; $163 = $sbits; $164 = $B$addr; $165 = $LM$addr; $166 = $side; $167 = HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2]|0; $168 = $B$addr; $shr134 = $167 >> $168; $call135 = (_quant_band($133,$161,$162,$163,$164,0,$165,0,$166,0,$shr134)|0); $cm = $call135; $169 = $sbits; $170 = $rebalance; $171 = $ctx$addr; $remaining_bits136 = ((($171)) + 28|0); $172 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits136>>2]|0; $sub137 = (($170) - ($172))|0; $sub138 = (($169) - ($sub137))|0; $rebalance = $sub138; $173 = $rebalance; $cmp139 = ($173|0)>(24); $174 = $itheta; $cmp142 = ($174|0)!=(16384); $or$cond2 = $cmp139 & $cmp142; if ($or$cond2) { $175 = $rebalance; $sub145 = (($175) - 24)|0; $176 = $mbits; $add146 = (($176) + ($sub145))|0; $mbits = $add146; } $177 = $ctx$addr; $178 = $X$addr; $179 = $N$addr; $180 = $mbits; $181 = $B$addr; $182 = $lowband$addr; $183 = $LM$addr; $184 = $lowband_out$addr; $185 = $lowband_scratch$addr; $186 = HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2]|0; $call148 = (_quant_band($177,$178,$179,$180,$181,$182,$183,$184,1.0,$185,$186)|0); $187 = $cm; $or149 = $187 | $call148; $cm = $or149; break; } } } while(0); $188 = $resynth; $tobool152 = ($188|0)!=(0); L32: do { if ($tobool152) { $189 = $N$addr; $cmp154 = ($189|0)!=(2); if ($cmp154) { $190 = $X$addr; $191 = $Y$addr; $192 = $mid; $193 = $N$addr; $194 = $ctx$addr; $arch = ((($194)) + 40|0); $195 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; _stereo_merge($190,$191,$192,$193,$195); } $196 = $inv; $tobool158 = ($196|0)!=(0); if ($tobool158) { $j = 0; while(1) { $197 = $j; $198 = $N$addr; $cmp160 = ($197|0)<($198|0); if (!($cmp160)) { break L32; } $199 = $Y$addr; $200 = $j; $arrayidx162 = (($199) + ($200<<2)|0); $201 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx162>>2]; $sub163 = - $201; $202 = $Y$addr; $203 = $j; $arrayidx164 = (($202) + ($203<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx164>>2] = $sub163; $204 = $j; $inc = (($204) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } } } } while(0); $205 = $cm; $retval = $205; $206 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($206|0); } function _quant_band_n1($ctx,$X,$Y,$b,$lowband_out) { $ctx = $ctx|0; $X = $X|0; $Y = $Y|0; $b = $b|0; $lowband_out = $lowband_out|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $X$addr = 0, $Y$addr = 0, $add = 0, $b$addr = 0, $c = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cond = 0.0; var $conv = 0, $conv9 = 0, $ctx$addr = 0, $ec = 0, $ec3 = 0, $encode1 = 0, $inc = 0, $lnot = 0, $lnot$ext = 0, $lowband_out$addr = 0, $remaining_bits = 0, $remaining_bits10 = 0, $resynth = 0, $sign = 0, $stereo = 0, $sub = 0, $sub11 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool13 = 0, $tobool15 = 0; var $tobool20 = 0, $tobool6 = 0, $x = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $ctx$addr = $ctx; $X$addr = $X; $Y$addr = $Y; $b$addr = $b; $lowband_out$addr = $lowband_out; $0 = $ctx$addr; $1 = HEAP32[$0>>2]|0; $tobool = ($1|0)!=(0); $lnot = $tobool ^ 1; $lnot$ext = $lnot&1; $resynth = $lnot$ext; $2 = $X$addr; $x = $2; $3 = $ctx$addr; $4 = HEAP32[$3>>2]|0; $encode1 = $4; $5 = $ctx$addr; $ec3 = ((($5)) + 24|0); $6 = HEAP32[$ec3>>2]|0; $ec = $6; $7 = $Y$addr; $cmp = ($7|0)!=(0|0); $conv = $cmp&1; $stereo = $conv; $c = 0; while(1) { $sign = 0; $8 = $ctx$addr; $remaining_bits = ((($8)) + 28|0); $9 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits>>2]|0; $cmp4 = ($9|0)>=(8); if ($cmp4) { $10 = $encode1; $tobool6 = ($10|0)!=(0); if ($tobool6) { $11 = $x; $12 = +HEAPF32[$11>>2]; $cmp8 = $12 < 0.0; $conv9 = $cmp8&1; $sign = $conv9; $13 = $ec; $14 = $sign; _ec_enc_bits($13,$14,1); } else { $15 = $ec; $call = (_ec_dec_bits($15,1)|0); $sign = $call; } $16 = $ctx$addr; $remaining_bits10 = ((($16)) + 28|0); $17 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits10>>2]|0; $sub = (($17) - 8)|0; HEAP32[$remaining_bits10>>2] = $sub; $18 = $b$addr; $sub11 = (($18) - 8)|0; $b$addr = $sub11; } $19 = $resynth; $tobool13 = ($19|0)!=(0); if ($tobool13) { $20 = $sign; $tobool15 = ($20|0)!=(0); $cond = $tobool15 ? -1.0 : 1.0; $21 = $x; HEAPF32[$21>>2] = $cond; } $22 = $Y$addr; $x = $22; $23 = $c; $inc = (($23) + 1)|0; $c = $inc; $24 = $stereo; $add = (1 + ($24))|0; $cmp18 = ($inc|0)<($add|0); if (!($cmp18)) { break; } } $25 = $lowband_out$addr; $tobool20 = ($25|0)!=(0|0); if (!($tobool20)) { STACKTOP = sp;return 1; } $26 = $X$addr; $27 = +HEAPF32[$26>>2]; $28 = $lowband_out$addr; HEAPF32[$28>>2] = $27; STACKTOP = sp;return 1; } function _compute_theta($ctx,$sctx,$X,$Y,$N,$b,$B,$B0,$LM,$stereo,$fill) { $ctx = $ctx|0; $sctx = $sctx|0; $X = $X|0; $Y = $Y|0; $N = $N|0; $b = $b|0; $B = $B|0; $B0 = $B0|0; $LM = $LM|0; $stereo = $stereo|0; $fill = $fill|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0.0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0; var $B$addr = 0, $B0$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $N$addr = 0, $X$addr = 0, $Y$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add102 = 0, $add104 = 0, $add111 = 0, $add113 = 0, $add121 = 0, $add123 = 0, $add131 = 0, $add135 = 0, $add137 = 0, $add144 = 0, $add150 = 0, $add157 = 0, $add161 = 0; var $add162 = 0, $add166 = 0, $add171 = 0, $add175 = 0, $add177 = 0, $add179 = 0, $add185 = 0, $add22 = 0, $add263 = 0, $add30 = 0, $add32 = 0, $add40 = 0, $add42 = 0, $add47 = 0, $add51 = 0, $add53 = 0, $add57 = 0, $add64 = 0, $add65 = 0, $add68 = 0; var $add77 = 0, $add79 = 0, $add85 = 0, $add89 = 0, $add91 = 0, $and = 0, $and246 = 0, $arch = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx212 = 0, $arrayidx214 = 0, $b$addr = 0, $bandE = 0, $bandE6 = 0, $call = 0, $call105 = 0, $call13 = 0, $call147 = 0, $call15 = 0, $call158 = 0; var $call172 = 0, $call190 = 0, $call226 = 0, $call232 = 0, $call249 = 0, $call253 = 0, $call259 = 0, $call56 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp118 = 0, $cmp128 = 0, $cmp153 = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp195 = 0, $cmp206 = 0, $cmp210 = 0, $cmp217 = 0, $cmp220 = 0, $cmp235 = 0, $cmp240 = 0; var $cmp27 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp82 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cmp96 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond126 = 0, $cond143 = 0, $cond43 = 0, $cond55 = 0, $cond81 = 0, $cond93 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv207 = 0, $conv248 = 0, $conv250 = 0, $conv252 = 0; var $conv254 = 0, $conv257 = 0, $conv258 = 0, $conv260 = 0, $conv261 = 0, $ctx$addr = 0, $delta = 0, $delta270 = 0, $div = 0, $div62 = 0, $ec = 0, $ec5 = 0, $encode = 0, $fill$addr = 0, $fl = 0, $fl146 = 0, $fm = 0, $fs = 0, $fs108 = 0, $ft = 0; var $ft109 = 0, $i = 0, $i3 = 0, $imid = 0, $imid268 = 0, $inc = 0, $intensity = 0, $intensity4 = 0, $inv = 0, $iside = 0, $iside269 = 0, $itheta = 0, $itheta271 = 0, $j = 0, $logN = 0, $m = 0, $m2 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul114 = 0, $mul132 = 0; var $mul139 = 0, $mul151 = 0, $mul156 = 0, $mul163 = 0, $mul167 = 0, $mul170 = 0, $mul181 = 0, $mul189 = 0, $mul21 = 0, $mul262 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul37 = 0, $mul41 = 0, $mul48 = 0, $mul52 = 0, $mul58 = 0, $mul66 = 0, $mul73 = 0, $mul78 = 0, $mul86 = 0; var $mul90 = 0, $offset = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $p0 = 0, $pulse_cap = 0, $qalloc = 0, $qalloc272 = 0, $qn = 0, $remaining_bits = 0, $sctx$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl243 = 0, $shl245 = 0, $shl256 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr110 = 0, $shr112 = 0, $shr117 = 0; var $shr127 = 0, $shr133 = 0, $shr140 = 0, $shr148 = 0, $shr149 = 0, $shr152 = 0, $shr160 = 0, $shr164 = 0, $shr174 = 0, $shr182 = 0, $shr23 = 0, $shr264 = 0, $stereo$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub124 = 0, $sub136 = 0, $sub138 = 0, $sub141 = 0, $sub159 = 0, $sub168 = 0; var $sub169 = 0, $sub173 = 0, $sub176 = 0, $sub178 = 0, $sub180 = 0, $sub183 = 0, $sub213 = 0.0, $sub233 = 0, $sub234 = 0, $sub238 = 0, $sub244 = 0, $sub251 = 0, $sub255 = 0, $sub38 = 0, $sub39 = 0, $sub50 = 0, $sub67 = 0, $sub75 = 0, $sub76 = 0, $sub88 = 0; var $tell = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool100 = 0, $tobool11 = 0, $tobool115 = 0, $tobool19 = 0, $tobool191 = 0, $tobool193 = 0, $tobool202 = 0, $tobool204 = 0, $tobool208 = 0, $tobool223 = 0, $tobool25 = 0, $tobool33 = 0, $tobool8 = 0, $tobool98 = 0, $x = 0, $x0 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 160|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(160|0); $ctx$addr = $ctx; $sctx$addr = $sctx; $X$addr = $X; $Y$addr = $Y; $N$addr = $N; $b$addr = $b; $B$addr = $B; $B0$addr = $B0; $LM$addr = $LM; $stereo$addr = $stereo; $fill$addr = $fill; $itheta = 0; $inv = 0; $0 = $ctx$addr; $1 = HEAP32[$0>>2]|0; $encode = $1; $2 = $ctx$addr; $m2 = ((($2)) + 4|0); $3 = HEAP32[$m2>>2]|0; $m = $3; $4 = $ctx$addr; $i3 = ((($4)) + 8|0); $5 = HEAP32[$i3>>2]|0; $i = $5; $6 = $ctx$addr; $intensity4 = ((($6)) + 12|0); $7 = HEAP32[$intensity4>>2]|0; $intensity = $7; $8 = $ctx$addr; $ec5 = ((($8)) + 24|0); $9 = HEAP32[$ec5>>2]|0; $ec = $9; $10 = $ctx$addr; $bandE6 = ((($10)) + 32|0); $11 = HEAP32[$bandE6>>2]|0; $bandE = $11; $12 = $m; $logN = ((($12)) + 56|0); $13 = HEAP32[$logN>>2]|0; $14 = $i; $arrayidx = (($13) + ($14<<1)|0); $15 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $15 << 16 >> 16; $16 = $LM$addr; $mul = $16<<3; $add = (($conv) + ($mul))|0; $pulse_cap = $add; $17 = $pulse_cap; $shr = $17 >> 1; $18 = $stereo$addr; $tobool = ($18|0)!=(0); $19 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($19|0)==(2); $20 = $tobool ? $cmp : 0; $cond = $20 ? 16 : 4; $sub = (($shr) - ($cond))|0; $offset = $sub; $21 = $N$addr; $22 = $b$addr; $23 = HEAP32[$22>>2]|0; $24 = $offset; $25 = $pulse_cap; $26 = $stereo$addr; $call = (_compute_qn($21,$23,$24,$25,$26)|0); $qn = $call; $27 = $stereo$addr; $tobool8 = ($27|0)!=(0); if ($tobool8) { $28 = $i; $29 = $intensity; $cmp9 = ($28|0)>=($29|0); if ($cmp9) { $qn = 1; } } $30 = $encode; $tobool11 = ($30|0)!=(0); if ($tobool11) { $31 = $X$addr; $32 = $Y$addr; $33 = $stereo$addr; $34 = $N$addr; $35 = $ctx$addr; $arch = ((($35)) + 40|0); $36 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; $call13 = (_stereo_itheta($31,$32,$33,$34,$36)|0); $itheta = $call13; } $37 = $ec; $call15 = (_ec_tell_frac($37)|0); $tell = $call15; $38 = $qn; $cmp16 = ($38|0)!=(1); do { if ($cmp16) { $39 = $encode; $tobool19 = ($39|0)!=(0); if ($tobool19) { $40 = $itheta; $41 = $qn; $mul21 = Math_imul($40, $41)|0; $add22 = (($mul21) + 8192)|0; $shr23 = $add22 >> 14; $itheta = $shr23; } $42 = $stereo$addr; $tobool25 = ($42|0)!=(0); $43 = $N$addr; $cmp27 = ($43|0)>(2); $or$cond = $tobool25 & $cmp27; do { if ($or$cond) { $p0 = 3; $44 = $itheta; $x = $44; $45 = $qn; $div = (($45|0) / 2)&-1; $x0 = $div; $46 = $p0; $47 = $x0; $add30 = (($47) + 1)|0; $mul31 = Math_imul($46, $add30)|0; $48 = $x0; $add32 = (($mul31) + ($48))|0; $ft = $add32; $49 = $encode; $tobool33 = ($49|0)!=(0); $50 = $ec; if ($tobool33) { $51 = $x; $52 = $x0; $cmp35 = ($51|0)<=($52|0); if ($cmp35) { $53 = $p0; $54 = $x; $mul37 = Math_imul($53, $54)|0; $cond43 = $mul37; } else { $55 = $x; $sub38 = (($55) - 1)|0; $56 = $x0; $sub39 = (($sub38) - ($56))|0; $57 = $x0; $add40 = (($57) + 1)|0; $58 = $p0; $mul41 = Math_imul($add40, $58)|0; $add42 = (($sub39) + ($mul41))|0; $cond43 = $add42; } $59 = $x; $60 = $x0; $cmp44 = ($59|0)<=($60|0); if ($cmp44) { $61 = $p0; $62 = $x; $add47 = (($62) + 1)|0; $mul48 = Math_imul($61, $add47)|0; $cond55 = $mul48; } else { $63 = $x; $64 = $x0; $sub50 = (($63) - ($64))|0; $65 = $x0; $add51 = (($65) + 1)|0; $66 = $p0; $mul52 = Math_imul($add51, $66)|0; $add53 = (($sub50) + ($mul52))|0; $cond55 = $add53; } $67 = $ft; _ec_encode($50,$cond43,$cond55,$67); break; } $68 = $ft; $call56 = (_ec_decode($50,$68)|0); $fs = $call56; $69 = $fs; $70 = $x0; $add57 = (($70) + 1)|0; $71 = $p0; $mul58 = Math_imul($add57, $71)|0; $cmp59 = ($69|0)<($mul58|0); if ($cmp59) { $72 = $fs; $73 = $p0; $div62 = (($72|0) / ($73|0))&-1; $x = $div62; } else { $74 = $x0; $add64 = (($74) + 1)|0; $75 = $fs; $76 = $x0; $add65 = (($76) + 1)|0; $77 = $p0; $mul66 = Math_imul($add65, $77)|0; $sub67 = (($75) - ($mul66))|0; $add68 = (($add64) + ($sub67))|0; $x = $add68; } $78 = $ec; $79 = $x; $80 = $x0; $cmp70 = ($79|0)<=($80|0); if ($cmp70) { $81 = $p0; $82 = $x; $mul73 = Math_imul($81, $82)|0; $cond81 = $mul73; } else { $83 = $x; $sub75 = (($83) - 1)|0; $84 = $x0; $sub76 = (($sub75) - ($84))|0; $85 = $x0; $add77 = (($85) + 1)|0; $86 = $p0; $mul78 = Math_imul($add77, $86)|0; $add79 = (($sub76) + ($mul78))|0; $cond81 = $add79; } $87 = $x; $88 = $x0; $cmp82 = ($87|0)<=($88|0); if ($cmp82) { $89 = $p0; $90 = $x; $add85 = (($90) + 1)|0; $mul86 = Math_imul($89, $add85)|0; $cond93 = $mul86; } else { $91 = $x; $92 = $x0; $sub88 = (($91) - ($92))|0; $93 = $x0; $add89 = (($93) + 1)|0; $94 = $p0; $mul90 = Math_imul($add89, $94)|0; $add91 = (($sub88) + ($mul90))|0; $cond93 = $add91; } $95 = $ft; _ec_dec_update($78,$cond81,$cond93,$95); $96 = $x; $itheta = $96; } else { $97 = $B0$addr; $cmp96 = ($97|0)>(1); $98 = $stereo$addr; $tobool98 = ($98|0)!=(0); $or$cond1 = $cmp96 | $tobool98; if ($or$cond1) { $99 = $encode; $tobool100 = ($99|0)!=(0); $100 = $ec; if ($tobool100) { $101 = $itheta; $102 = $qn; $add102 = (($102) + 1)|0; _ec_enc_uint($100,$101,$add102); break; } else { $103 = $qn; $add104 = (($103) + 1)|0; $call105 = (_ec_dec_uint($100,$add104)|0); $itheta = $call105; break; } } $fs108 = 1; $104 = $qn; $shr110 = $104 >> 1; $add111 = (($shr110) + 1)|0; $105 = $qn; $shr112 = $105 >> 1; $add113 = (($shr112) + 1)|0; $mul114 = Math_imul($add111, $add113)|0; $ft109 = $mul114; $106 = $encode; $tobool115 = ($106|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool115)) { $fl146 = 0; $126 = $ec; $127 = $ft109; $call147 = (_ec_decode($126,$127)|0); $fm = $call147; $128 = $fm; $129 = $qn; $shr148 = $129 >> 1; $130 = $qn; $shr149 = $130 >> 1; $add150 = (($shr149) + 1)|0; $mul151 = Math_imul($shr148, $add150)|0; $shr152 = $mul151 >> 1; $cmp153 = ($128|0)<($shr152|0); if ($cmp153) { $131 = $fm; $mul156 = $131<<3; $add157 = (($mul156) + 1)|0; $call158 = (_isqrt32($add157)|0); $sub159 = (($call158) - 1)|0; $shr160 = $sub159 >>> 1; $itheta = $shr160; $132 = $itheta; $add161 = (($132) + 1)|0; $fs108 = $add161; $133 = $itheta; $134 = $itheta; $add162 = (($134) + 1)|0; $mul163 = Math_imul($133, $add162)|0; $shr164 = $mul163 >> 1; $fl146 = $shr164; } else { $135 = $qn; $add166 = (($135) + 1)|0; $mul167 = $add166<<1; $136 = $ft109; $137 = $fm; $sub168 = (($136) - ($137))|0; $sub169 = (($sub168) - 1)|0; $mul170 = $sub169<<3; $add171 = (($mul170) + 1)|0; $call172 = (_isqrt32($add171)|0); $sub173 = (($mul167) - ($call172))|0; $shr174 = $sub173 >>> 1; $itheta = $shr174; $138 = $qn; $add175 = (($138) + 1)|0; $139 = $itheta; $sub176 = (($add175) - ($139))|0; $fs108 = $sub176; $140 = $ft109; $141 = $qn; $add177 = (($141) + 1)|0; $142 = $itheta; $sub178 = (($add177) - ($142))|0; $143 = $qn; $add179 = (($143) + 2)|0; $144 = $itheta; $sub180 = (($add179) - ($144))|0; $mul181 = Math_imul($sub178, $sub180)|0; $shr182 = $mul181 >> 1; $sub183 = (($140) - ($shr182))|0; $fl146 = $sub183; } $145 = $ec; $146 = $fl146; $147 = $fl146; $148 = $fs108; $add185 = (($147) + ($148))|0; $149 = $ft109; _ec_dec_update($145,$146,$add185,$149); break; } $107 = $itheta; $108 = $qn; $shr117 = $108 >> 1; $cmp118 = ($107|0)<=($shr117|0); if ($cmp118) { $109 = $itheta; $add121 = (($109) + 1)|0; $cond126 = $add121; } else { $110 = $qn; $add123 = (($110) + 1)|0; $111 = $itheta; $sub124 = (($add123) - ($111))|0; $cond126 = $sub124; } $fs108 = $cond126; $112 = $itheta; $113 = $qn; $shr127 = $113 >> 1; $cmp128 = ($112|0)<=($shr127|0); if ($cmp128) { $114 = $itheta; $115 = $itheta; $add131 = (($115) + 1)|0; $mul132 = Math_imul($114, $add131)|0; $shr133 = $mul132 >> 1; $cond143 = $shr133; } else { $116 = $ft109; $117 = $qn; $add135 = (($117) + 1)|0; $118 = $itheta; $sub136 = (($add135) - ($118))|0; $119 = $qn; $add137 = (($119) + 2)|0; $120 = $itheta; $sub138 = (($add137) - ($120))|0; $mul139 = Math_imul($sub136, $sub138)|0; $shr140 = $mul139 >> 1; $sub141 = (($116) - ($shr140))|0; $cond143 = $sub141; } $fl = $cond143; $121 = $ec; $122 = $fl; $123 = $fl; $124 = $fs108; $add144 = (($123) + ($124))|0; $125 = $ft109; _ec_encode($121,$122,$add144,$125); } } while(0); $150 = $itheta; $mul189 = $150<<14; $151 = $qn; $call190 = (_celt_udiv_358($mul189,$151)|0); $itheta = $call190; $152 = $encode; $tobool191 = ($152|0)!=(0); $153 = $stereo$addr; $tobool193 = ($153|0)!=(0); $or$cond2 = $tobool191 & $tobool193; if ($or$cond2) { $154 = $itheta; $cmp195 = ($154|0)==(0); if ($cmp195) { $155 = $m; $156 = $X$addr; $157 = $Y$addr; $158 = $bandE; $159 = $i; $160 = $N$addr; _intensity_stereo($155,$156,$157,$158,$159,$160); break; } else { $161 = $X$addr; $162 = $Y$addr; $163 = $N$addr; _stereo_split($161,$162,$163); break; } } } else { $164 = $stereo$addr; $tobool202 = ($164|0)!=(0); if ($tobool202) { $165 = $encode; $tobool204 = ($165|0)!=(0); if ($tobool204) { $166 = $itheta; $cmp206 = ($166|0)>(8192); $conv207 = $cmp206&1; $inv = $conv207; $167 = $inv; $tobool208 = ($167|0)!=(0); L69: do { if ($tobool208) { $j = 0; while(1) { $168 = $j; $169 = $N$addr; $cmp210 = ($168|0)<($169|0); if (!($cmp210)) { break L69; } $170 = $Y$addr; $171 = $j; $arrayidx212 = (($170) + ($171<<2)|0); $172 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx212>>2]; $sub213 = - $172; $173 = $Y$addr; $174 = $j; $arrayidx214 = (($173) + ($174<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx214>>2] = $sub213; $175 = $j; $inc = (($175) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } } } while(0); $176 = $m; $177 = $X$addr; $178 = $Y$addr; $179 = $bandE; $180 = $i; $181 = $N$addr; _intensity_stereo($176,$177,$178,$179,$180,$181); } $182 = $b$addr; $183 = HEAP32[$182>>2]|0; $cmp217 = ($183|0)>(16); do { if ($cmp217) { $184 = $ctx$addr; $remaining_bits = ((($184)) + 28|0); $185 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits>>2]|0; $cmp220 = ($185|0)>(16); if ($cmp220) { $186 = $encode; $tobool223 = ($186|0)!=(0); $187 = $ec; if ($tobool223) { $188 = $inv; _ec_enc_bit_logp($187,$188,2); break; } else { $call226 = (_ec_dec_bit_logp($187,2)|0); $inv = $call226; break; } } else { label = 60; } } else { label = 60; } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 60) { $inv = 0; } $itheta = 0; } } } while(0); $189 = $ec; $call232 = (_ec_tell_frac($189)|0); $190 = $tell; $sub233 = (($call232) - ($190))|0; $qalloc = $sub233; $191 = $qalloc; $192 = $b$addr; $193 = HEAP32[$192>>2]|0; $sub234 = (($193) - ($191))|0; HEAP32[$192>>2] = $sub234; $194 = $itheta; $cmp235 = ($194|0)==(0); if ($cmp235) { $imid = 32767; $iside = 0; $195 = $B$addr; $shl = 1 << $195; $sub238 = (($shl) - 1)|0; $196 = $fill$addr; $197 = HEAP32[$196>>2]|0; $and = $197 & $sub238; HEAP32[$196>>2] = $and; $delta = -16384; $208 = $inv; $209 = $sctx$addr; HEAP32[$209>>2] = $208; $210 = $imid; $211 = $sctx$addr; $imid268 = ((($211)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$imid268>>2] = $210; $212 = $iside; $213 = $sctx$addr; $iside269 = ((($213)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$iside269>>2] = $212; $214 = $delta; $215 = $sctx$addr; $delta270 = ((($215)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$delta270>>2] = $214; $216 = $itheta; $217 = $sctx$addr; $itheta271 = ((($217)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$itheta271>>2] = $216; $218 = $qalloc; $219 = $sctx$addr; $qalloc272 = ((($219)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$qalloc272>>2] = $218; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $198 = $itheta; $cmp240 = ($198|0)==(16384); if ($cmp240) { $imid = 0; $iside = 32767; $199 = $B$addr; $shl243 = 1 << $199; $sub244 = (($shl243) - 1)|0; $200 = $B$addr; $shl245 = $sub244 << $200; $201 = $fill$addr; $202 = HEAP32[$201>>2]|0; $and246 = $202 & $shl245; HEAP32[$201>>2] = $and246; $delta = 16384; $208 = $inv; $209 = $sctx$addr; HEAP32[$209>>2] = $208; $210 = $imid; $211 = $sctx$addr; $imid268 = ((($211)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$imid268>>2] = $210; $212 = $iside; $213 = $sctx$addr; $iside269 = ((($213)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$iside269>>2] = $212; $214 = $delta; $215 = $sctx$addr; $delta270 = ((($215)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$delta270>>2] = $214; $216 = $itheta; $217 = $sctx$addr; $itheta271 = ((($217)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$itheta271>>2] = $216; $218 = $qalloc; $219 = $sctx$addr; $qalloc272 = ((($219)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$qalloc272>>2] = $218; STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { $203 = $itheta; $conv248 = $203&65535; $call249 = (_bitexact_cos($conv248)|0); $conv250 = $call249 << 16 >> 16; $imid = $conv250; $204 = $itheta; $sub251 = (16384 - ($204))|0; $conv252 = $sub251&65535; $call253 = (_bitexact_cos($conv252)|0); $conv254 = $call253 << 16 >> 16; $iside = $conv254; $205 = $N$addr; $sub255 = (($205) - 1)|0; $shl256 = $sub255 << 7; $conv257 = $shl256&65535; $conv258 = $conv257 << 16 >> 16; $206 = $iside; $207 = $imid; $call259 = (_bitexact_log2tan($206,$207)|0); $conv260 = $call259&65535; $conv261 = $conv260 << 16 >> 16; $mul262 = Math_imul($conv258, $conv261)|0; $add263 = (16384 + ($mul262))|0; $shr264 = $add263 >> 15; $delta = $shr264; $208 = $inv; $209 = $sctx$addr; HEAP32[$209>>2] = $208; $210 = $imid; $211 = $sctx$addr; $imid268 = ((($211)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$imid268>>2] = $210; $212 = $iside; $213 = $sctx$addr; $iside269 = ((($213)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$iside269>>2] = $212; $214 = $delta; $215 = $sctx$addr; $delta270 = ((($215)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$delta270>>2] = $214; $216 = $itheta; $217 = $sctx$addr; $itheta271 = ((($217)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$itheta271>>2] = $216; $218 = $qalloc; $219 = $sctx$addr; $qalloc272 = ((($219)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$qalloc272>>2] = $218; STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _stereo_merge($X,$Y,$mid,$N,$arch) { $X = $X|0; $Y = $Y|0; $mid = +$mid; $N = $N|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0.0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0.0, $El = 0.0, $Er = 0.0, $N$addr = 0, $X$addr = 0, $Y$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add10 = 0, $add23 = 0.0, $add4 = 0.0, $add6 = 0.0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0; var $arrayidx25 = 0, $call = 0.0, $call13 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv11 = 0.0, $conv12 = 0.0, $conv14 = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $div15 = 0.0, $inc = 0, $j = 0, $l = 0.0, $lgain = 0.0, $mid$addr = 0.0, $mid2 = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $mul1 = 0.0; var $mul18 = 0.0, $mul2 = 0.0, $mul21 = 0.0, $mul24 = 0.0, $mul3 = 0.0, $mul5 = 0.0, $mul8 = 0, $mul9 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $r = 0.0, $rgain = 0.0, $side = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub20 = 0.0, $t = 0.0, $xp = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $xp = sp + 36|0; $side = sp + 32|0; $X$addr = $X; $Y$addr = $Y; $mid$addr = $mid; $N$addr = $N; $arch$addr = $arch; HEAPF32[$xp>>2] = 0.0; HEAPF32[$side>>2] = 0.0; $0 = $Y$addr; $1 = $X$addr; $2 = $Y$addr; $3 = $N$addr; _dual_inner_prod_c_365($0,$1,$2,$3,$xp,$side); $4 = $mid$addr; $5 = +HEAPF32[$xp>>2]; $mul = $4 * $5; HEAPF32[$xp>>2] = $mul; $6 = $mid$addr; $mid2 = $6; $7 = $mid2; $8 = $mid2; $mul1 = $7 * $8; $9 = +HEAPF32[$side>>2]; $add = $mul1 + $9; $10 = +HEAPF32[$xp>>2]; $mul2 = 2.0 * $10; $sub = $add - $mul2; $El = $sub; $11 = $mid2; $12 = $mid2; $mul3 = $11 * $12; $13 = +HEAPF32[$side>>2]; $add4 = $mul3 + $13; $14 = +HEAPF32[$xp>>2]; $mul5 = 2.0 * $14; $add6 = $add4 + $mul5; $Er = $add6; $15 = $Er; $cmp = $15 < 6.0000002849847078E-4; $16 = $El; $cmp7 = $16 < 6.0000002849847078E-4; $or$cond = $cmp | $cmp7; if ($or$cond) { $17 = $Y$addr; $18 = $X$addr; $19 = $N$addr; $mul8 = $19<<2; $20 = $Y$addr; $21 = $X$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $20; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $21; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul9 = 0; $add10 = (($mul8) + ($mul9))|0; _memcpy(($17|0),($18|0),($add10|0))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $22 = $El; $t = $22; $23 = $t; $conv = $23; $call = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv))); $conv11 = $call; $div = 1.0 / $conv11; $lgain = $div; $24 = $Er; $t = $24; $25 = $t; $conv12 = $25; $call13 = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv12))); $conv14 = $call13; $div15 = 1.0 / $conv14; $rgain = $div15; $j = 0; while(1) { $26 = $j; $27 = $N$addr; $cmp16 = ($26|0)<($27|0); if (!($cmp16)) { break; } $28 = $mid$addr; $29 = $X$addr; $30 = $j; $arrayidx = (($29) + ($30<<2)|0); $31 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $mul18 = $28 * $31; $l = $mul18; $32 = $Y$addr; $33 = $j; $arrayidx19 = (($32) + ($33<<2)|0); $34 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2]; $r = $34; $35 = $lgain; $36 = $l; $37 = $r; $sub20 = $36 - $37; $mul21 = $35 * $sub20; $38 = $X$addr; $39 = $j; $arrayidx22 = (($38) + ($39<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx22>>2] = $mul21; $40 = $rgain; $41 = $l; $42 = $r; $add23 = $41 + $42; $mul24 = $40 * $add23; $43 = $Y$addr; $44 = $j; $arrayidx25 = (($43) + ($44<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx25>>2] = $mul24; $45 = $j; $inc = (($45) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _dual_inner_prod_c_365($x,$y01,$y02,$N,$xy1,$xy2) { $x = $x|0; $y01 = $y01|0; $y02 = $y02|0; $N = $N|0; $xy1 = $xy1|0; $xy2 = $xy2|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0.0; var $N$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add5 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $cmp = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul4 = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, $xy01 = 0.0, $xy02 = 0.0, $xy1$addr = 0, $xy2$addr = 0, $y01$addr = 0, $y02$addr = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $x$addr = $x; $y01$addr = $y01; $y02$addr = $y02; $N$addr = $N; $xy1$addr = $xy1; $xy2$addr = $xy2; $xy01 = 0.0; $xy02 = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $xy01; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $x$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $6 = $y01$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $mul = $5 * $8; $add = $2 + $mul; $xy01 = $add; $9 = $xy02; $10 = $x$addr; $11 = $i; $arrayidx2 = (($10) + ($11<<2)|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $13 = $y02$addr; $14 = $i; $arrayidx3 = (($13) + ($14<<2)|0); $15 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $mul4 = $12 * $15; $add5 = $9 + $mul4; $xy02 = $add5; $16 = $i; $inc = (($16) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $17 = $xy1$addr; HEAPF32[$17>>2] = $2; $18 = $xy02; $19 = $xy2$addr; HEAPF32[$19>>2] = $18; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _compute_qn($N,$b,$offset,$pulse_cap,$stereo) { $N = $N|0; $b = $b|0; $offset = $offset|0; $pulse_cap = $pulse_cap|0; $stereo = $stereo|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0; var $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $N$addr = 0, $N2 = 0, $add = 0, $add16 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $b$addr = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond11 = 0, $conv = 0, $dec = 0, $mul = 0, $mul1 = 0; var $offset$addr = 0, $or$cond = 0, $pulse_cap$addr = 0, $qb = 0, $qn = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr15 = 0, $shr17 = 0, $stereo$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub14 = 0, $sub2 = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $sub6 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $N$addr = $N; $b$addr = $b; $offset$addr = $offset; $pulse_cap$addr = $pulse_cap; $stereo$addr = $stereo; $0 = $N$addr; $mul = $0<<1; $sub = (($mul) - 1)|0; $N2 = $sub; $1 = $stereo$addr; $tobool = ($1|0)!=(0); $2 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($2|0)==(2); $or$cond = $tobool & $cmp; if ($or$cond) { $3 = $N2; $dec = (($3) + -1)|0; $N2 = $dec; } $4 = $b$addr; $5 = $N2; $6 = $offset$addr; $mul1 = Math_imul($5, $6)|0; $add = (($4) + ($mul1))|0; $7 = $N2; $call = (_celt_sudiv($add,$7)|0); $qb = $call; $8 = $b$addr; $9 = $pulse_cap$addr; $sub2 = (($8) - ($9))|0; $sub3 = (($sub2) - 32)|0; $10 = $qb; $cmp4 = ($sub3|0)<($10|0); if ($cmp4) { $11 = $b$addr; $12 = $pulse_cap$addr; $sub5 = (($11) - ($12))|0; $sub6 = (($sub5) - 32)|0; $cond = $sub6; } else { $13 = $qb; $cond = $13; } $qb = $cond; $14 = $qb; $cmp7 = (64)<($14|0); $15 = $qb; $cond11 = $cmp7 ? 64 : $15; $qb = $cond11; $16 = $qb; $cmp12 = ($16|0)<(4); if ($cmp12) { $qn = 1; $21 = $qn; STACKTOP = sp;return ($21|0); } else { $17 = $qb; $and = $17 & 7; $arrayidx = (25378 + ($and<<1)|0); $18 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $18 << 16 >> 16; $19 = $qb; $shr = $19 >> 3; $sub14 = (14 - ($shr))|0; $shr15 = $conv >> $sub14; $qn = $shr15; $20 = $qn; $add16 = (($20) + 1)|0; $shr17 = $add16 >> 1; $shl = $shr17 << 1; $qn = $shl; $21 = $qn; STACKTOP = sp;return ($21|0); } return (0)|0; } function _intensity_stereo($m,$X,$Y,$bandE,$bandID,$N) { $m = $m|0; $X = $X|0; $Y = $Y|0; $bandE = $bandE|0; $bandID = $bandID|0; $N = $N|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0.0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0.0, $N$addr = 0, $X$addr = 0, $Y$addr = 0, $a1 = 0.0, $a2 = 0.0, $add = 0, $add13 = 0.0, $add2 = 0.0; var $add4 = 0.0, $add6 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $bandE$addr = 0, $bandID$addr = 0, $call = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv5 = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $div7 = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $j = 0, $l = 0.0, $left = 0.0; var $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul11 = 0.0, $mul12 = 0.0, $mul3 = 0.0, $nbEBands = 0, $norm = 0.0, $r = 0.0, $right = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $m$addr = $m; $X$addr = $X; $Y$addr = $Y; $bandE$addr = $bandE; $bandID$addr = $bandID; $N$addr = $N; $0 = $bandID$addr; $i = $0; $1 = $bandE$addr; $2 = $i; $arrayidx = (($1) + ($2<<2)|0); $3 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $left = $3; $4 = $bandE$addr; $5 = $i; $6 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($6)) + 8|0); $7 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $add = (($5) + ($7))|0; $arrayidx1 = (($4) + ($add<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $right = $8; $9 = $left; $10 = $left; $mul = $9 * $10; $add2 = 1.0000000036274937E-15 + $mul; $11 = $right; $12 = $right; $mul3 = $11 * $12; $add4 = $add2 + $mul3; $conv = $add4; $call = (+Math_sqrt((+$conv))); $conv5 = $call; $add6 = 1.0000000036274937E-15 + $conv5; $norm = $add6; $13 = $left; $14 = $norm; $div = $13 / $14; $a1 = $div; $15 = $right; $16 = $norm; $div7 = $15 / $16; $a2 = $div7; $j = 0; while(1) { $17 = $j; $18 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($17|0)<($18|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $19 = $X$addr; $20 = $j; $arrayidx9 = (($19) + ($20<<2)|0); $21 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $l = $21; $22 = $Y$addr; $23 = $j; $arrayidx10 = (($22) + ($23<<2)|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $r = $24; $25 = $a1; $26 = $l; $mul11 = $25 * $26; $27 = $a2; $28 = $r; $mul12 = $27 * $28; $add13 = $mul11 + $mul12; $29 = $X$addr; $30 = $j; $arrayidx14 = (($29) + ($30<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2] = $add13; $31 = $j; $inc = (($31) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _stereo_split($X,$Y,$N) { $X = $X|0; $Y = $Y|0; $N = $N|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0.0, $N$addr = 0, $X$addr = 0, $Y$addr = 0; var $add = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $cmp = 0, $inc = 0, $j = 0, $l = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $mul2 = 0.0, $r = 0.0, $sub = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $X$addr = $X; $Y$addr = $Y; $N$addr = $N; $j = 0; while(1) { $0 = $j; $1 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $X$addr; $3 = $j; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<2)|0); $4 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $mul = 0.70710676908493042 * $4; $l = $mul; $5 = $Y$addr; $6 = $j; $arrayidx1 = (($5) + ($6<<2)|0); $7 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $mul2 = 0.70710676908493042 * $7; $r = $mul2; $8 = $l; $9 = $r; $add = $8 + $9; $10 = $X$addr; $11 = $j; $arrayidx3 = (($10) + ($11<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2] = $add; $12 = $r; $13 = $l; $sub = $12 - $13; $14 = $Y$addr; $15 = $j; $arrayidx4 = (($14) + ($15<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2] = $sub; $16 = $j; $inc = (($16) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _bitexact_cos($x) { $x = $x|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $add14 = 0, $add16 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add22 = 0, $add25 = 0, $add8 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv1 = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv12 = 0; var $conv17 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv2 = 0, $conv23 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul13 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr15 = 0, $shr21 = 0, $shr9 = 0, $sub = 0, $tmp = 0; var $x$addr = 0, $x2 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $conv = $0 << 16 >> 16; $1 = $x$addr; $conv1 = $1 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($conv, $conv1)|0; $add = (4096 + ($mul))|0; $shr = $add >> 13; $tmp = $shr; $2 = $tmp; $conv2 = $2&65535; $x2 = $conv2; $3 = $x2; $conv3 = $3 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (32767 - ($conv3))|0; $4 = $x2; $conv4 = $4 << 16 >> 16; $5 = $x2; $conv5 = $5 << 16 >> 16; $6 = $x2; $conv6 = $6 << 16 >> 16; $mul7 = Math_imul(-626, $conv6)|0; $add8 = (16384 + ($mul7))|0; $shr9 = $add8 >> 15; $add10 = (8277 + ($shr9))|0; $conv11 = $add10&65535; $conv12 = $conv11 << 16 >> 16; $mul13 = Math_imul($conv5, $conv12)|0; $add14 = (16384 + ($mul13))|0; $shr15 = $add14 >> 15; $add16 = (-7651 + ($shr15))|0; $conv17 = $add16&65535; $conv18 = $conv17 << 16 >> 16; $mul19 = Math_imul($conv4, $conv18)|0; $add20 = (16384 + ($mul19))|0; $shr21 = $add20 >> 15; $add22 = (($sub) + ($shr21))|0; $conv23 = $add22&65535; $x2 = $conv23; $7 = $x2; $conv24 = $7 << 16 >> 16; $add25 = (1 + ($conv24))|0; $conv26 = $add25&65535; STACKTOP = sp;return ($conv26|0); } function _bitexact_log2tan($isin,$icos) { $isin = $isin|0; $icos = $icos|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $add14 = 0, $add16 = 0, $add22 = 0, $add24 = 0; var $add28 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv20 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $conv8 = 0, $icos$addr = 0, $isin$addr = 0, $lc = 0, $ls = 0, $mul = 0, $mul13 = 0, $mul21 = 0; var $mul27 = 0, $mul9 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl4 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr15 = 0, $shr23 = 0, $shr29 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub2 = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub30 = 0, $sub5 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $isin$addr = $isin; $icos$addr = $icos; $0 = $icos$addr; $1 = (Math_clz32(($0|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($1))|0; $lc = $sub; $2 = $isin$addr; $3 = (Math_clz32(($2|0))|0); $sub1 = (32 - ($3))|0; $ls = $sub1; $4 = $lc; $sub2 = (15 - ($4))|0; $5 = $icos$addr; $shl = $5 << $sub2; $icos$addr = $shl; $6 = $ls; $sub3 = (15 - ($6))|0; $7 = $isin$addr; $shl4 = $7 << $sub3; $isin$addr = $shl4; $8 = $ls; $9 = $lc; $sub5 = (($8) - ($9))|0; $mul = $sub5<<11; $10 = $isin$addr; $conv = $10&65535; $conv6 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $11 = $isin$addr; $conv7 = $11&65535; $conv8 = $conv7 << 16 >> 16; $mul9 = Math_imul($conv8, -2597)|0; $add = (16384 + ($mul9))|0; $shr = $add >> 15; $add10 = (($shr) + 7932)|0; $conv11 = $add10&65535; $conv12 = $conv11 << 16 >> 16; $mul13 = Math_imul($conv6, $conv12)|0; $add14 = (16384 + ($mul13))|0; $shr15 = $add14 >> 15; $add16 = (($mul) + ($shr15))|0; $12 = $icos$addr; $conv17 = $12&65535; $conv18 = $conv17 << 16 >> 16; $13 = $icos$addr; $conv19 = $13&65535; $conv20 = $conv19 << 16 >> 16; $mul21 = Math_imul($conv20, -2597)|0; $add22 = (16384 + ($mul21))|0; $shr23 = $add22 >> 15; $add24 = (($shr23) + 7932)|0; $conv25 = $add24&65535; $conv26 = $conv25 << 16 >> 16; $mul27 = Math_imul($conv18, $conv26)|0; $add28 = (16384 + ($mul27))|0; $shr29 = $add28 >> 15; $sub30 = (($add16) - ($shr29))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($sub30|0); } function _deinterleave_hadamard($X,$N0,$stride,$hadamard) { $X = $X|0; $N0 = $N0|0; $stride = $stride|0; $hadamard = $hadamard|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0; var $N = 0, $N0$addr = 0, $X$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr1 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add33 = 0, $add8 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $hadamard$addr = 0; var $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc11 = 0, $inc26 = 0, $inc29 = 0, $j = 0, $mul = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul22 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul32 = 0, $mul5 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $ordery = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $stride$addr = 0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0; var $tobool = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $X$addr = $X; $N0$addr = $N0; $stride$addr = $stride; $hadamard$addr = $hadamard; $0 = $N0$addr; $1 = $stride$addr; $mul = Math_imul($0, $1)|0; $N = $mul; $2 = $N; $3 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $3; $vla$alloca_mul = $2<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $4 = $hadamard$addr; $tobool = ($4|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $5 = $stride$addr; $add$ptr = (16912 + ($5<<2)|0); $add$ptr1 = ((($add$ptr)) + -8|0); $ordery = $add$ptr1; $i = 0; while(1) { $6 = $i; $7 = $stride$addr; $cmp = ($6|0)<($7|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $j = 0; while(1) { $8 = $j; $9 = $N0$addr; $cmp3 = ($8|0)<($9|0); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $10 = $X$addr; $11 = $j; $12 = $stride$addr; $mul5 = Math_imul($11, $12)|0; $13 = $i; $add = (($mul5) + ($13))|0; $arrayidx = (($10) + ($add<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $15 = $ordery; $16 = $i; $arrayidx6 = (($15) + ($16<<2)|0); $17 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $18 = $N0$addr; $mul7 = Math_imul($17, $18)|0; $19 = $j; $add8 = (($mul7) + ($19))|0; $arrayidx9 = (($vla) + ($add8<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2] = $14; $20 = $j; $inc = (($20) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $21 = $i; $inc11 = (($21) + 1)|0; $i = $inc11; } $36 = $X$addr; $37 = $N; $mul31 = $37<<2; $38 = $X$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $38; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $vla; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul32 = 0; $add33 = (($mul31) + ($mul32))|0; _memcpy(($36|0),($vla|0),($add33|0))|0; $39 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($39|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { $i = 0; while(1) { $22 = $i; $23 = $stride$addr; $cmp14 = ($22|0)<($23|0); if (!($cmp14)) { break; } $j = 0; while(1) { $24 = $j; $25 = $N0$addr; $cmp17 = ($24|0)<($25|0); if (!($cmp17)) { break; } $26 = $X$addr; $27 = $j; $28 = $stride$addr; $mul19 = Math_imul($27, $28)|0; $29 = $i; $add20 = (($mul19) + ($29))|0; $arrayidx21 = (($26) + ($add20<<2)|0); $30 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2]; $31 = $i; $32 = $N0$addr; $mul22 = Math_imul($31, $32)|0; $33 = $j; $add23 = (($mul22) + ($33))|0; $arrayidx24 = (($vla) + ($add23<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2] = $30; $34 = $j; $inc26 = (($34) + 1)|0; $j = $inc26; } $35 = $i; $inc29 = (($35) + 1)|0; $i = $inc29; } $36 = $X$addr; $37 = $N; $mul31 = $37<<2; $38 = $X$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $38; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $vla; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul32 = 0; $add33 = (($mul31) + ($mul32))|0; _memcpy(($36|0),($vla|0),($add33|0))|0; $39 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($39|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _quant_partition($ctx,$X,$N,$b,$B,$lowband,$LM,$gain,$fill) { $ctx = $ctx|0; $X = $X|0; $N = $N|0; $b = $b|0; $B = $B|0; $lowband = $lowband|0; $LM = $LM|0; $gain = +$gain; $fill = $fill|0; var $$sink = 0, $$sink3 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0.0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0; var $114 = 0, $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0.0, $122 = 0.0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0; var $132 = 0, $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0.0, $142 = 0.0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0; var $150 = 0, $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0; var $169 = 0, $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0; var $187 = 0, $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0; var $204 = 0, $205 = 0, $206 = 0.0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0.0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0.0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $23 = 0; var $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0; var $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0; var $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0; var $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0.0, $92 = 0.0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0; var $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $B$addr = 0, $B0 = 0, $K = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $N$addr = 0, $X$addr = 0, $Y = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr20 = 0, $add$ptr88 = 0, $add105 = 0, $add129 = 0, $add14 = 0, $add146 = 0, $add198 = 0.0, $add24 = 0; var $add50 = 0, $add56 = 0, $add9 = 0, $and = 0, $and165 = 0, $and190 = 0, $and38 = 0, $arch = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx180 = 0, $arrayidx197 = 0, $arrayidx199 = 0, $b$addr = 0, $bits = 0, $cache = 0, $cache7 = 0, $cache8 = 0, $call = 0, $call109 = 0; var $call116 = 0, $call132 = 0, $call136 = 0, $call137 = 0, $call147 = 0, $call153 = 0, $call156 = 0, $call158 = 0, $call175 = 0, $call187 = 0, $cm = 0, $cm_mask = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp101 = 0, $cmp122 = 0, $cmp125 = 0, $cmp141 = 0, $cmp143 = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp150 = 0; var $cmp170 = 0, $cmp173 = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp183 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp41 = 0, $cmp51 = 0, $cmp60 = 0, $cmp68 = 0, $cmp74 = 0, $cmp91 = 0, $cmp98 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond196 = 0.0, $cond67 = 0, $cond83 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv179 = 0.0; var $conv31 = 0.0, $conv33 = 0.0, $ctx$addr = 0, $curr_bits = 0, $dec = 0, $delta = 0, $delta28 = 0, $div = 0, $div65 = 0, $div73 = 0, $div79 = 0, $ec = 0, $ec6 = 0, $encode1 = 0, $fill$addr = 0, $gain$addr = 0.0, $i = 0, $i4 = 0, $idxprom = 0, $imid = 0; var $imid26 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc201 = 0, $index = 0, $iside = 0, $iside27 = 0, $itheta = 0, $itheta29 = 0, $j = 0, $lnot = 0, $lnot$ext = 0, $lowband$addr = 0, $m = 0, $m3 = 0, $mbits = 0, $mid = 0.0, $mul = 0, $mul107 = 0.0, $mul114 = 0.0, $mul131 = 0.0; var $mul168 = 0, $mul32 = 0.0, $mul34 = 0.0, $mul94 = 0.0, $nbEBands = 0, $next_lowband2 = 0, $or = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or112 = 0, $or133 = 0, $q = 0, $qalloc = 0, $qalloc30 = 0, $rebalance = 0, $remaining_bits = 0, $remaining_bits119 = 0, $remaining_bits140 = 0, $remaining_bits145 = 0; var $remaining_bits148 = 0, $remaining_bits90 = 0, $remaining_bits95 = 0, $resynth = 0, $sbits = 0, $sctx = 0, $seed = 0, $seed176 = 0, $seed177 = 0, $seed186 = 0, $seed188 = 0, $seed189 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl111 = 0, $shl118 = 0, $shl163 = 0, $shl47 = 0, $shl53 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr108 = 0; var $shr110 = 0, $shr115 = 0, $shr117 = 0, $shr178 = 0, $shr25 = 0, $shr45 = 0, $shr49 = 0, $shr55 = 0, $side = 0.0, $spread = 0, $spread5 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub104 = 0, $sub120 = 0, $sub121 = 0, $sub128 = 0, $sub149 = 0, $sub164 = 0, $sub194 = 0.0, $sub44 = 0; var $sub46 = 0, $sub48 = 0, $sub54 = 0, $sub59 = 0, $sub64 = 0, $sub72 = 0, $sub78 = 0, $sub84 = 0, $sub85 = 0, $sub96 = 0, $sub97 = 0, $tmp = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $tobool154 = 0, $tobool161 = 0, $tobool166 = 0, $tobool191 = 0, $tobool39 = 0, $tobool86 = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 176|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(176|0); $b$addr = sp + 152|0; $fill$addr = sp + 132|0; $sctx = sp + 24|0; $ctx$addr = $ctx; $X$addr = $X; $N$addr = $N; HEAP32[$b$addr>>2] = $b; $B$addr = $B; $lowband$addr = $lowband; $LM$addr = $LM; $gain$addr = $gain; HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2] = $fill; $imid = 0; $iside = 0; $0 = $B$addr; $B0 = $0; $mid = 0.0; $side = 0.0; $cm = 0; $1 = $ctx$addr; $2 = HEAP32[$1>>2]|0; $tobool = ($2|0)!=(0); $lnot = $tobool ^ 1; $lnot$ext = $lnot&1; $resynth = $lnot$ext; $Y = 0; $3 = $ctx$addr; $4 = HEAP32[$3>>2]|0; $encode1 = $4; $5 = $ctx$addr; $m3 = ((($5)) + 4|0); $6 = HEAP32[$m3>>2]|0; $m = $6; $7 = $ctx$addr; $i4 = ((($7)) + 8|0); $8 = HEAP32[$i4>>2]|0; $i = $8; $9 = $ctx$addr; $spread5 = ((($9)) + 16|0); $10 = HEAP32[$spread5>>2]|0; $spread = $10; $11 = $ctx$addr; $ec6 = ((($11)) + 24|0); $12 = HEAP32[$ec6>>2]|0; $ec = $12; $13 = $m; $cache7 = ((($13)) + 92|0); $bits = ((($cache7)) + 8|0); $14 = HEAP32[$bits>>2]|0; $15 = $m; $cache8 = ((($15)) + 92|0); $index = ((($cache8)) + 4|0); $16 = HEAP32[$index>>2]|0; $17 = $LM$addr; $add = (($17) + 1)|0; $18 = $m; $nbEBands = ((($18)) + 8|0); $19 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($add, $19)|0; $20 = $i; $add9 = (($mul) + ($20))|0; $arrayidx = (($16) + ($add9<<1)|0); $21 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $21 << 16 >> 16; $add$ptr = (($14) + ($conv)|0); $cache = $add$ptr; $22 = $LM$addr; $cmp = ($22|0)!=(-1); if ($cmp) { $23 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; $24 = $cache; $25 = $cache; $26 = HEAP8[$25>>0]|0; $idxprom = $26&255; $arrayidx12 = (($24) + ($idxprom)|0); $27 = HEAP8[$arrayidx12>>0]|0; $conv13 = $27&255; $add14 = (($conv13) + 12)|0; $cmp15 = ($23|0)>($add14|0); $28 = $N$addr; $cmp18 = ($28|0)>(2); $or$cond = $cmp15 & $cmp18; if ($or$cond) { $next_lowband2 = 0; $29 = $N$addr; $shr = $29 >> 1; $N$addr = $shr; $30 = $X$addr; $31 = $N$addr; $add$ptr20 = (($30) + ($31<<2)|0); $Y = $add$ptr20; $32 = $LM$addr; $sub = (($32) - 1)|0; $LM$addr = $sub; $33 = $B$addr; $cmp21 = ($33|0)==(1); if ($cmp21) { $34 = HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2]|0; $and = $34 & 1; $35 = HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2]|0; $shl = $35 << 1; $or = $and | $shl; HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2] = $or; } $36 = $B$addr; $add24 = (($36) + 1)|0; $shr25 = $add24 >> 1; $B$addr = $shr25; $37 = $ctx$addr; $38 = $X$addr; $39 = $Y; $40 = $N$addr; $41 = $B$addr; $42 = $B0; $43 = $LM$addr; _compute_theta($37,$sctx,$38,$39,$40,$b$addr,$41,$42,$43,0,$fill$addr); $imid26 = ((($sctx)) + 4|0); $44 = HEAP32[$imid26>>2]|0; $imid = $44; $iside27 = ((($sctx)) + 8|0); $45 = HEAP32[$iside27>>2]|0; $iside = $45; $delta28 = ((($sctx)) + 12|0); $46 = HEAP32[$delta28>>2]|0; $delta = $46; $itheta29 = ((($sctx)) + 16|0); $47 = HEAP32[$itheta29>>2]|0; $itheta = $47; $qalloc30 = ((($sctx)) + 20|0); $48 = HEAP32[$qalloc30>>2]|0; $qalloc = $48; $49 = $imid; $conv31 = (+($49|0)); $mul32 = 3.0517578125E-5 * $conv31; $mid = $mul32; $50 = $iside; $conv33 = (+($50|0)); $mul34 = 3.0517578125E-5 * $conv33; $side = $mul34; $51 = $B0; $cmp35 = ($51|0)>(1); do { if ($cmp35) { $52 = $itheta; $and38 = $52 & 16383; $tobool39 = ($and38|0)!=(0); if ($tobool39) { $53 = $itheta; $cmp41 = ($53|0)>(8192); $54 = $delta; if ($cmp41) { $55 = $LM$addr; $sub44 = (4 - ($55))|0; $shr45 = $54 >> $sub44; $56 = $delta; $sub46 = (($56) - ($shr45))|0; $delta = $sub46; break; } $57 = $N$addr; $shl47 = $57 << 3; $58 = $LM$addr; $sub48 = (5 - ($58))|0; $shr49 = $shl47 >> $sub48; $add50 = (($54) + ($shr49))|0; $cmp51 = (0)<($add50|0); if ($cmp51) { $cond = 0; } else { $59 = $delta; $60 = $N$addr; $shl53 = $60 << 3; $61 = $LM$addr; $sub54 = (5 - ($61))|0; $shr55 = $shl53 >> $sub54; $add56 = (($59) + ($shr55))|0; $cond = $add56; } $delta = $cond; } } } while(0); $62 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; $63 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; $64 = $delta; $sub59 = (($63) - ($64))|0; $div = (($sub59|0) / 2)&-1; $cmp60 = ($62|0)<($div|0); $65 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; if ($cmp60) { $cond67 = $65; } else { $66 = $delta; $sub64 = (($65) - ($66))|0; $div65 = (($sub64|0) / 2)&-1; $cond67 = $div65; } $cmp68 = (0)>($cond67|0); if ($cmp68) { $cond83 = 0; } else { $67 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; $68 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; $69 = $delta; $sub72 = (($68) - ($69))|0; $div73 = (($sub72|0) / 2)&-1; $cmp74 = ($67|0)<($div73|0); $70 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; if ($cmp74) { $cond83 = $70; } else { $71 = $delta; $sub78 = (($70) - ($71))|0; $div79 = (($sub78|0) / 2)&-1; $cond83 = $div79; } } $mbits = $cond83; $72 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; $73 = $mbits; $sub84 = (($72) - ($73))|0; $sbits = $sub84; $74 = $qalloc; $75 = $ctx$addr; $remaining_bits = ((($75)) + 28|0); $76 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits>>2]|0; $sub85 = (($76) - ($74))|0; HEAP32[$remaining_bits>>2] = $sub85; $77 = $lowband$addr; $tobool86 = ($77|0)!=(0|0); if ($tobool86) { $78 = $lowband$addr; $79 = $N$addr; $add$ptr88 = (($78) + ($79<<2)|0); $next_lowband2 = $add$ptr88; } $80 = $ctx$addr; $remaining_bits90 = ((($80)) + 28|0); $81 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits90>>2]|0; $rebalance = $81; $82 = $mbits; $83 = $sbits; $cmp91 = ($82|0)>=($83|0); $84 = $ctx$addr; if ($cmp91) { $85 = $X$addr; $86 = $N$addr; $87 = $mbits; $88 = $B$addr; $89 = $lowband$addr; $90 = $LM$addr; $91 = $gain$addr; $92 = $mid; $mul94 = $91 * $92; $93 = HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2]|0; $call = (_quant_partition($84,$85,$86,$87,$88,$89,$90,$mul94,$93)|0); $cm = $call; $94 = $mbits; $95 = $rebalance; $96 = $ctx$addr; $remaining_bits95 = ((($96)) + 28|0); $97 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits95>>2]|0; $sub96 = (($95) - ($97))|0; $sub97 = (($94) - ($sub96))|0; $rebalance = $sub97; $98 = $rebalance; $cmp98 = ($98|0)>(24); $99 = $itheta; $cmp101 = ($99|0)!=(0); $or$cond1 = $cmp98 & $cmp101; if ($or$cond1) { $100 = $rebalance; $sub104 = (($100) - 24)|0; $101 = $sbits; $add105 = (($101) + ($sub104))|0; $sbits = $add105; } $102 = $ctx$addr; $103 = $Y; $104 = $N$addr; $105 = $sbits; $106 = $B$addr; $107 = $next_lowband2; $108 = $LM$addr; $109 = $gain$addr; $110 = $side; $mul107 = $109 * $110; $111 = HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2]|0; $112 = $B$addr; $shr108 = $111 >> $112; $call109 = (_quant_partition($102,$103,$104,$105,$106,$107,$108,$mul107,$shr108)|0); $113 = $B0; $shr110 = $113 >> 1; $shl111 = $call109 << $shr110; $114 = $cm; $or112 = $114 | $shl111; $cm = $or112; $220 = $cm; STACKTOP = sp;return ($220|0); } else { $115 = $Y; $116 = $N$addr; $117 = $sbits; $118 = $B$addr; $119 = $next_lowband2; $120 = $LM$addr; $121 = $gain$addr; $122 = $side; $mul114 = $121 * $122; $123 = HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2]|0; $124 = $B$addr; $shr115 = $123 >> $124; $call116 = (_quant_partition($84,$115,$116,$117,$118,$119,$120,$mul114,$shr115)|0); $125 = $B0; $shr117 = $125 >> 1; $shl118 = $call116 << $shr117; $cm = $shl118; $126 = $sbits; $127 = $rebalance; $128 = $ctx$addr; $remaining_bits119 = ((($128)) + 28|0); $129 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits119>>2]|0; $sub120 = (($127) - ($129))|0; $sub121 = (($126) - ($sub120))|0; $rebalance = $sub121; $130 = $rebalance; $cmp122 = ($130|0)>(24); $131 = $itheta; $cmp125 = ($131|0)!=(16384); $or$cond2 = $cmp122 & $cmp125; if ($or$cond2) { $132 = $rebalance; $sub128 = (($132) - 24)|0; $133 = $mbits; $add129 = (($133) + ($sub128))|0; $mbits = $add129; } $134 = $ctx$addr; $135 = $X$addr; $136 = $N$addr; $137 = $mbits; $138 = $B$addr; $139 = $lowband$addr; $140 = $LM$addr; $141 = $gain$addr; $142 = $mid; $mul131 = $141 * $142; $143 = HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2]|0; $call132 = (_quant_partition($134,$135,$136,$137,$138,$139,$140,$mul131,$143)|0); $144 = $cm; $or133 = $144 | $call132; $cm = $or133; $220 = $cm; STACKTOP = sp;return ($220|0); } } } $145 = $m; $146 = $i; $147 = $LM$addr; $148 = HEAP32[$b$addr>>2]|0; $call136 = (_bits2pulses($145,$146,$147,$148)|0); $q = $call136; $149 = $m; $150 = $i; $151 = $LM$addr; $152 = $q; $call137 = (_pulses2bits($149,$150,$151,$152)|0); $curr_bits = $call137; $153 = $curr_bits; $154 = $ctx$addr; $$sink = $154;$$sink3 = $153; while(1) { $remaining_bits148 = ((($$sink)) + 28|0); $155 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits148>>2]|0; $sub149 = (($155) - ($$sink3))|0; HEAP32[$remaining_bits148>>2] = $sub149; $156 = $ctx$addr; $remaining_bits140 = ((($156)) + 28|0); $157 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits140>>2]|0; $cmp141 = ($157|0)<(0); $158 = $q; $cmp143 = ($158|0)>(0); $159 = $cmp141 ? $cmp143 : 0; if (!($159)) { break; } $160 = $curr_bits; $161 = $ctx$addr; $remaining_bits145 = ((($161)) + 28|0); $162 = HEAP32[$remaining_bits145>>2]|0; $add146 = (($162) + ($160))|0; HEAP32[$remaining_bits145>>2] = $add146; $163 = $q; $dec = (($163) + -1)|0; $q = $dec; $164 = $m; $165 = $i; $166 = $LM$addr; $167 = $q; $call147 = (_pulses2bits($164,$165,$166,$167)|0); $curr_bits = $call147; $168 = $curr_bits; $169 = $ctx$addr; $$sink = $169;$$sink3 = $168; } $170 = $q; $cmp150 = ($170|0)!=(0); if ($cmp150) { $171 = $q; $call153 = (_get_pulses($171)|0); $K = $call153; $172 = $encode1; $tobool154 = ($172|0)!=(0); $173 = $X$addr; $174 = $N$addr; $175 = $K; $176 = $spread; $177 = $B$addr; $178 = $ec; if ($tobool154) { $call156 = (_alg_quant($173,$174,$175,$176,$177,$178)|0); $cm = $call156; $220 = $cm; STACKTOP = sp;return ($220|0); } else { $179 = $gain$addr; $call158 = (_alg_unquant($173,$174,$175,$176,$177,$178,$179)|0); $cm = $call158; $220 = $cm; STACKTOP = sp;return ($220|0); } } $180 = $resynth; $tobool161 = ($180|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool161)) { $220 = $cm; STACKTOP = sp;return ($220|0); } $181 = $B$addr; $shl163 = 1 << $181; $sub164 = (($shl163) - 1)|0; $cm_mask = $sub164; $182 = $cm_mask; $183 = HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2]|0; $and165 = $183 & $182; HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2] = $and165; $184 = HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2]|0; $tobool166 = ($184|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool166)) { $185 = $X$addr; $186 = $N$addr; $mul168 = $186<<2; _memset(($185|0),0,($mul168|0))|0; $220 = $cm; STACKTOP = sp;return ($220|0); } $187 = $lowband$addr; $cmp170 = ($187|0)==(0|0); $j = 0; if ($cmp170) { while(1) { $188 = $j; $189 = $N$addr; $cmp173 = ($188|0)<($189|0); if (!($cmp173)) { break; } $190 = $ctx$addr; $seed = ((($190)) + 36|0); $191 = HEAP32[$seed>>2]|0; $call175 = (_celt_lcg_rand($191)|0); $192 = $ctx$addr; $seed176 = ((($192)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$seed176>>2] = $call175; $193 = $ctx$addr; $seed177 = ((($193)) + 36|0); $194 = HEAP32[$seed177>>2]|0; $shr178 = $194 >> 20; $conv179 = (+($shr178|0)); $195 = $X$addr; $196 = $j; $arrayidx180 = (($195) + ($196<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx180>>2] = $conv179; $197 = $j; $inc = (($197) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $198 = $cm_mask; $cm = $198; } else { while(1) { $199 = $j; $200 = $N$addr; $cmp183 = ($199|0)<($200|0); if (!($cmp183)) { break; } $201 = $ctx$addr; $seed186 = ((($201)) + 36|0); $202 = HEAP32[$seed186>>2]|0; $call187 = (_celt_lcg_rand($202)|0); $203 = $ctx$addr; $seed188 = ((($203)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$seed188>>2] = $call187; $tmp = 0.00390625; $204 = $ctx$addr; $seed189 = ((($204)) + 36|0); $205 = HEAP32[$seed189>>2]|0; $and190 = $205 & 32768; $tobool191 = ($and190|0)!=(0); $206 = $tmp; $sub194 = - $206; $cond196 = $tobool191 ? $206 : $sub194; $tmp = $cond196; $207 = $lowband$addr; $208 = $j; $arrayidx197 = (($207) + ($208<<2)|0); $209 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx197>>2]; $210 = $tmp; $add198 = $209 + $210; $211 = $X$addr; $212 = $j; $arrayidx199 = (($211) + ($212<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx199>>2] = $add198; $213 = $j; $inc201 = (($213) + 1)|0; $j = $inc201; } $214 = HEAP32[$fill$addr>>2]|0; $cm = $214; } $215 = $X$addr; $216 = $N$addr; $217 = $gain$addr; $218 = $ctx$addr; $arch = ((($218)) + 40|0); $219 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; _renormalise_vector($215,$216,$217,$219); $220 = $cm; STACKTOP = sp;return ($220|0); } function _interleave_hadamard($X,$N0,$stride,$hadamard) { $X = $X|0; $N0 = $N0|0; $stride = $stride|0; $hadamard = $hadamard|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0; var $N = 0, $N0$addr = 0, $X$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr1 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add33 = 0, $add8 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $hadamard$addr = 0; var $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc11 = 0, $inc26 = 0, $inc29 = 0, $j = 0, $mul = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul22 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul32 = 0, $mul5 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $ordery = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $stride$addr = 0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0; var $tobool = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $X$addr = $X; $N0$addr = $N0; $stride$addr = $stride; $hadamard$addr = $hadamard; $0 = $N0$addr; $1 = $stride$addr; $mul = Math_imul($0, $1)|0; $N = $mul; $2 = $N; $3 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $3; $vla$alloca_mul = $2<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $4 = $hadamard$addr; $tobool = ($4|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $5 = $stride$addr; $add$ptr = (16912 + ($5<<2)|0); $add$ptr1 = ((($add$ptr)) + -8|0); $ordery = $add$ptr1; $i = 0; while(1) { $6 = $i; $7 = $stride$addr; $cmp = ($6|0)<($7|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $j = 0; while(1) { $8 = $j; $9 = $N0$addr; $cmp3 = ($8|0)<($9|0); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $10 = $X$addr; $11 = $ordery; $12 = $i; $arrayidx = (($11) + ($12<<2)|0); $13 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $14 = $N0$addr; $mul5 = Math_imul($13, $14)|0; $15 = $j; $add = (($mul5) + ($15))|0; $arrayidx6 = (($10) + ($add<<2)|0); $16 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $17 = $j; $18 = $stride$addr; $mul7 = Math_imul($17, $18)|0; $19 = $i; $add8 = (($mul7) + ($19))|0; $arrayidx9 = (($vla) + ($add8<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2] = $16; $20 = $j; $inc = (($20) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $21 = $i; $inc11 = (($21) + 1)|0; $i = $inc11; } $36 = $X$addr; $37 = $N; $mul31 = $37<<2; $38 = $X$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $38; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $vla; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul32 = 0; $add33 = (($mul31) + ($mul32))|0; _memcpy(($36|0),($vla|0),($add33|0))|0; $39 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($39|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { $i = 0; while(1) { $22 = $i; $23 = $stride$addr; $cmp14 = ($22|0)<($23|0); if (!($cmp14)) { break; } $j = 0; while(1) { $24 = $j; $25 = $N0$addr; $cmp17 = ($24|0)<($25|0); if (!($cmp17)) { break; } $26 = $X$addr; $27 = $i; $28 = $N0$addr; $mul19 = Math_imul($27, $28)|0; $29 = $j; $add20 = (($mul19) + ($29))|0; $arrayidx21 = (($26) + ($add20<<2)|0); $30 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2]; $31 = $j; $32 = $stride$addr; $mul22 = Math_imul($31, $32)|0; $33 = $i; $add23 = (($mul22) + ($33))|0; $arrayidx24 = (($vla) + ($add23<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2] = $30; $34 = $j; $inc26 = (($34) + 1)|0; $j = $inc26; } $35 = $i; $inc29 = (($35) + 1)|0; $i = $inc29; } $36 = $X$addr; $37 = $N; $mul31 = $37<<2; $38 = $X$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $38; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $vla; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul32 = 0; $add33 = (($mul31) + ($mul32))|0; _memcpy(($36|0),($vla|0),($add33|0))|0; $39 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($39|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _bits2pulses($m,$band,$LM,$bits) { $m = $m|0; $band = $band|0; $LM = $LM|0; $bits = $bits|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add7 = 0, $add8 = 0, $arrayidx = 0; var $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $band$addr = 0, $bits$addr = 0, $bits2 = 0, $cache = 0, $cache1 = 0, $cache3 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $dec = 0; var $hi = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc13 = 0, $index = 0, $lo = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mid = 0, $mul = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $retval = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub20 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $m$addr = $m; $band$addr = $band; $LM$addr = $LM; $bits$addr = $bits; $0 = $LM$addr; $inc = (($0) + 1)|0; $LM$addr = $inc; $1 = $m$addr; $cache1 = ((($1)) + 92|0); $bits2 = ((($cache1)) + 8|0); $2 = HEAP32[$bits2>>2]|0; $3 = $m$addr; $cache3 = ((($3)) + 92|0); $index = ((($cache3)) + 4|0); $4 = HEAP32[$index>>2]|0; $5 = $LM$addr; $6 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($6)) + 8|0); $7 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($5, $7)|0; $8 = $band$addr; $add = (($mul) + ($8))|0; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($add<<1)|0); $9 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $9 << 16 >> 16; $add$ptr = (($2) + ($conv)|0); $cache = $add$ptr; $lo = 0; $10 = $cache; $11 = HEAP8[$10>>0]|0; $conv5 = $11&255; $hi = $conv5; $12 = $bits$addr; $dec = (($12) + -1)|0; $bits$addr = $dec; $i = 0; while(1) { $13 = $i; $cmp = ($13|0)<(6); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $14 = $lo; $15 = $hi; $add7 = (($14) + ($15))|0; $add8 = (($add7) + 1)|0; $shr = $add8 >> 1; $mid = $shr; $16 = $cache; $17 = $mid; $arrayidx9 = (($16) + ($17)|0); $18 = HEAP8[$arrayidx9>>0]|0; $conv10 = $18&255; $19 = $bits$addr; $cmp11 = ($conv10|0)>=($19|0); $20 = $mid; if ($cmp11) { $hi = $20; } else { $lo = $20; } $21 = $i; $inc13 = (($21) + 1)|0; $i = $inc13; } $22 = $bits$addr; $23 = $lo; $cmp14 = ($23|0)==(0); if ($cmp14) { $cond = -1; } else { $24 = $cache; $25 = $lo; $arrayidx16 = (($24) + ($25)|0); $26 = HEAP8[$arrayidx16>>0]|0; $conv17 = $26&255; $cond = $conv17; } $sub = (($22) - ($cond))|0; $27 = $cache; $28 = $hi; $arrayidx18 = (($27) + ($28)|0); $29 = HEAP8[$arrayidx18>>0]|0; $conv19 = $29&255; $30 = $bits$addr; $sub20 = (($conv19) - ($30))|0; $cmp21 = ($sub|0)<=($sub20|0); if ($cmp21) { $31 = $lo; $retval = $31; $33 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($33|0); } else { $32 = $hi; $retval = $32; $33 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($33|0); } return (0)|0; } function _pulses2bits($m,$band,$LM,$pulses) { $m = $m|0; $band = $band|0; $LM = $LM|0; $pulses = $pulses|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add6 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0; var $band$addr = 0, $bits = 0, $cache = 0, $cache1 = 0, $cache2 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv5 = 0, $inc = 0, $index = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $pulses$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $m$addr = $m; $band$addr = $band; $LM$addr = $LM; $pulses$addr = $pulses; $0 = $LM$addr; $inc = (($0) + 1)|0; $LM$addr = $inc; $1 = $m$addr; $cache1 = ((($1)) + 92|0); $bits = ((($cache1)) + 8|0); $2 = HEAP32[$bits>>2]|0; $3 = $m$addr; $cache2 = ((($3)) + 92|0); $index = ((($cache2)) + 4|0); $4 = HEAP32[$index>>2]|0; $5 = $LM$addr; $6 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($6)) + 8|0); $7 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($5, $7)|0; $8 = $band$addr; $add = (($mul) + ($8))|0; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($add<<1)|0); $9 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $9 << 16 >> 16; $add$ptr = (($2) + ($conv)|0); $cache = $add$ptr; $10 = $pulses$addr; $cmp = ($10|0)==(0); if ($cmp) { $cond = 0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $11 = $cache; $12 = $pulses$addr; $arrayidx4 = (($11) + ($12)|0); $13 = HEAP8[$arrayidx4>>0]|0; $conv5 = $13&255; $add6 = (($conv5) + 1)|0; $cond = $add6; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _get_pulses($i) { $i = $i|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $add = 0, $and = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, $i$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $i$addr = $i; $0 = $i$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(8); $1 = $i$addr; if ($cmp) { $cond = $1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $and = $1 & 7; $add = (8 + ($and))|0; $2 = $i$addr; $shr = $2 >> 3; $sub = (($shr) - 1)|0; $shl = $add << $sub; $cond = $shl; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _resampling_factor($rate) { $rate = $rate|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $rate$addr = 0, $ret = 0, $switch$split12D = 0, $switch$split2D = 0, $switch$split42D = 0, $switch$split72D = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $rate$addr = $rate; $0 = $rate$addr; $switch$split2D = ($0|0)<(16000); L1: do { if ($switch$split2D) { $switch$split12D = ($0|0)<(12000); if ($switch$split12D) { switch ($0|0) { case 8000: { break; } default: { label = 7; break L1; } } $ret = 6; break; } else { switch ($0|0) { case 12000: { break; } default: { label = 7; break L1; } } $ret = 4; break; } } else { $switch$split42D = ($0|0)<(24000); if ($switch$split42D) { switch ($0|0) { case 16000: { break; } default: { label = 7; break L1; } } $ret = 3; break; } $switch$split72D = ($0|0)<(48000); if ($switch$split72D) { switch ($0|0) { case 24000: { break; } default: { label = 7; break L1; } } $ret = 2; break; } else { switch ($0|0) { case 48000: { break; } default: { label = 7; break L1; } } $ret = 1; break; } } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 7) { $ret = 0; } $1 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($1|0); } function _comb_filter($y,$x,$T0,$T1,$N,$g0,$g1,$tapset0,$tapset1,$window,$overlap,$arch) { $y = $y|0; $x = $x|0; $T0 = $T0|0; $T1 = $T1|0; $N = $N|0; $g0 = +$g0; $g1 = +$g1; $tapset0 = $tapset0|0; $tapset1 = $tapset1|0; $window = $window|0; $overlap = $overlap|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0.0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0.0, $101 = 0.0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0.0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0.0, $125 = 0.0, $126 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0; var $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0.0; var $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0.0; var $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0.0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0.0, $67 = 0.0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0; var $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0.0, $77 = 0.0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0.0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0.0, $86 = 0.0, $87 = 0.0, $88 = 0.0, $89 = 0.0, $9 = 0.0, $90 = 0.0, $91 = 0.0, $92 = 0.0; var $93 = 0.0, $94 = 0.0, $95 = 0.0, $96 = 0.0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0.0, $N$addr = 0, $T0$addr = 0, $T1$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr105 = 0, $add$ptr106 = 0, $add$ptr92 = 0, $add$ptr95 = 0, $add$ptr96 = 0, $add102 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add42 = 0; var $add53 = 0.0, $add57 = 0, $add62 = 0.0, $add64 = 0.0, $add68 = 0, $add73 = 0.0, $add75 = 0.0, $add78 = 0.0, $add80 = 0.0, $add82 = 0.0, $add84 = 0.0, $add86 = 0.0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0; var $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx51 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx72 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx87 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp2 = 0; var $cmp33 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp37 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp88 = 0, $cmp90 = 0, $f = 0.0, $g0$addr = 0.0, $g00 = 0.0, $g01 = 0.0, $g02 = 0.0, $g1$addr = 0.0, $g10 = 0.0, $g11 = 0.0, $g12 = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0, $mul10 = 0.0, $mul101 = 0; var $mul13 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul19 = 0.0, $mul22 = 0.0, $mul4 = 0, $mul46 = 0.0, $mul49 = 0.0, $mul52 = 0.0, $mul55 = 0.0, $mul63 = 0.0, $mul66 = 0.0, $mul7 = 0.0, $mul74 = 0.0, $mul76 = 0.0, $mul77 = 0.0, $mul79 = 0.0, $mul81 = 0.0, $mul83 = 0.0, $mul85 = 0.0, $mul94 = 0; var $or$cond = 0, $overlap$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$div100 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast97 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast98 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub99 = 0, $sub107 = 0, $sub25 = 0, $sub27 = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub30 = 0, $sub31 = 0, $sub41 = 0, $sub48 = 0.0, $sub50 = 0; var $sub54 = 0.0, $sub56 = 0, $sub59 = 0, $sub60 = 0, $sub65 = 0.0, $sub67 = 0, $sub70 = 0, $sub71 = 0, $sub93 = 0, $tapset0$addr = 0, $tapset1$addr = 0, $window$addr = 0, $x$addr = 0, $x0 = 0.0, $x1 = 0.0, $x2 = 0.0, $x3 = 0.0, $x4 = 0.0, $y$addr = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 112|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(112|0); $y$addr = $y; $x$addr = $x; $T0$addr = $T0; $T1$addr = $T1; $N$addr = $N; $g0$addr = $g0; $g1$addr = $g1; $tapset0$addr = $tapset0; $tapset1$addr = $tapset1; $window$addr = $window; $overlap$addr = $overlap; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $g0$addr; $cmp = $0 == 0.0; $1 = $g1$addr; $cmp1 = $1 == 0.0; $or$cond = $cmp & $cmp1; if ($or$cond) { $2 = $x$addr; $3 = $y$addr; $cmp2 = ($2|0)!=($3|0); if (!($cmp2)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $4 = $y$addr; $5 = $x$addr; $6 = $N$addr; $mul = $6<<2; $7 = $y$addr; $8 = $x$addr; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $7; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $8; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$div = (($sub$ptr$sub|0) / 4)&-1; $mul4 = 0; $add = (($mul) + ($mul4))|0; _memmove(($4|0),($5|0),($add|0))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $9 = $g0$addr; $10 = $tapset0$addr; $arrayidx = (17032 + (($10*12)|0)|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $mul7 = $9 * $11; $g00 = $mul7; $12 = $g0$addr; $13 = $tapset0$addr; $arrayidx8 = (17032 + (($13*12)|0)|0); $arrayidx9 = ((($arrayidx8)) + 4|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $mul10 = $12 * $14; $g01 = $mul10; $15 = $g0$addr; $16 = $tapset0$addr; $arrayidx11 = (17032 + (($16*12)|0)|0); $arrayidx12 = ((($arrayidx11)) + 8|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2]; $mul13 = $15 * $17; $g02 = $mul13; $18 = $g1$addr; $19 = $tapset1$addr; $arrayidx14 = (17032 + (($19*12)|0)|0); $20 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $mul16 = $18 * $20; $g10 = $mul16; $21 = $g1$addr; $22 = $tapset1$addr; $arrayidx17 = (17032 + (($22*12)|0)|0); $arrayidx18 = ((($arrayidx17)) + 4|0); $23 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx18>>2]; $mul19 = $21 * $23; $g11 = $mul19; $24 = $g1$addr; $25 = $tapset1$addr; $arrayidx20 = (17032 + (($25*12)|0)|0); $arrayidx21 = ((($arrayidx20)) + 8|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2]; $mul22 = $24 * $26; $g12 = $mul22; $27 = $x$addr; $28 = $T1$addr; $sub = (0 - ($28))|0; $add23 = (($sub) + 1)|0; $arrayidx24 = (($27) + ($add23<<2)|0); $29 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2]; $x1 = $29; $30 = $x$addr; $31 = $T1$addr; $sub25 = (0 - ($31))|0; $arrayidx26 = (($30) + ($sub25<<2)|0); $32 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx26>>2]; $x2 = $32; $33 = $x$addr; $34 = $T1$addr; $sub27 = (0 - ($34))|0; $sub28 = (($sub27) - 1)|0; $arrayidx29 = (($33) + ($sub28<<2)|0); $35 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2]; $x3 = $35; $36 = $x$addr; $37 = $T1$addr; $sub30 = (0 - ($37))|0; $sub31 = (($sub30) - 2)|0; $arrayidx32 = (($36) + ($sub31<<2)|0); $38 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx32>>2]; $x4 = $38; $39 = $g0$addr; $40 = $g1$addr; $cmp33 = $39 == $40; if ($cmp33) { $41 = $T0$addr; $42 = $T1$addr; $cmp35 = ($41|0)==($42|0); if ($cmp35) { $43 = $tapset0$addr; $44 = $tapset1$addr; $cmp37 = ($43|0)==($44|0); if ($cmp37) { $overlap$addr = 0; } } } $i = 0; while(1) { $45 = $i; $46 = $overlap$addr; $cmp40 = ($45|0)<($46|0); if (!($cmp40)) { break; } $47 = $x$addr; $48 = $i; $49 = $T1$addr; $sub41 = (($48) - ($49))|0; $add42 = (($sub41) + 2)|0; $arrayidx43 = (($47) + ($add42<<2)|0); $50 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx43>>2]; $x0 = $50; $51 = $window$addr; $52 = $i; $arrayidx44 = (($51) + ($52<<2)|0); $53 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx44>>2]; $54 = $window$addr; $55 = $i; $arrayidx45 = (($54) + ($55<<2)|0); $56 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx45>>2]; $mul46 = $53 * $56; $f = $mul46; $57 = $x$addr; $58 = $i; $arrayidx47 = (($57) + ($58<<2)|0); $59 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx47>>2]; $60 = $f; $sub48 = 1.0 - $60; $61 = $g00; $mul49 = $sub48 * $61; $62 = $x$addr; $63 = $i; $64 = $T0$addr; $sub50 = (($63) - ($64))|0; $arrayidx51 = (($62) + ($sub50<<2)|0); $65 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx51>>2]; $mul52 = $mul49 * $65; $add53 = $59 + $mul52; $66 = $f; $sub54 = 1.0 - $66; $67 = $g01; $mul55 = $sub54 * $67; $68 = $x$addr; $69 = $i; $70 = $T0$addr; $sub56 = (($69) - ($70))|0; $add57 = (($sub56) + 1)|0; $arrayidx58 = (($68) + ($add57<<2)|0); $71 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx58>>2]; $72 = $x$addr; $73 = $i; $74 = $T0$addr; $sub59 = (($73) - ($74))|0; $sub60 = (($sub59) - 1)|0; $arrayidx61 = (($72) + ($sub60<<2)|0); $75 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx61>>2]; $add62 = $71 + $75; $mul63 = $mul55 * $add62; $add64 = $add53 + $mul63; $76 = $f; $sub65 = 1.0 - $76; $77 = $g02; $mul66 = $sub65 * $77; $78 = $x$addr; $79 = $i; $80 = $T0$addr; $sub67 = (($79) - ($80))|0; $add68 = (($sub67) + 2)|0; $arrayidx69 = (($78) + ($add68<<2)|0); $81 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx69>>2]; $82 = $x$addr; $83 = $i; $84 = $T0$addr; $sub70 = (($83) - ($84))|0; $sub71 = (($sub70) - 2)|0; $arrayidx72 = (($82) + ($sub71<<2)|0); $85 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx72>>2]; $add73 = $81 + $85; $mul74 = $mul66 * $add73; $add75 = $add64 + $mul74; $86 = $f; $87 = $g10; $mul76 = $86 * $87; $88 = $x2; $mul77 = $mul76 * $88; $add78 = $add75 + $mul77; $89 = $f; $90 = $g11; $mul79 = $89 * $90; $91 = $x1; $92 = $x3; $add80 = $91 + $92; $mul81 = $mul79 * $add80; $add82 = $add78 + $mul81; $93 = $f; $94 = $g12; $mul83 = $93 * $94; $95 = $x0; $96 = $x4; $add84 = $95 + $96; $mul85 = $mul83 * $add84; $add86 = $add82 + $mul85; $97 = $y$addr; $98 = $i; $arrayidx87 = (($97) + ($98<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx87>>2] = $add86; $99 = $x3; $x4 = $99; $100 = $x2; $x3 = $100; $101 = $x1; $x2 = $101; $102 = $x0; $x1 = $102; $103 = $i; $inc = (($103) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $104 = $g1$addr; $cmp88 = $104 == 0.0; if (!($cmp88)) { $117 = $y$addr; $118 = $i; $add$ptr105 = (($117) + ($118<<2)|0); $119 = $x$addr; $120 = $i; $add$ptr106 = (($119) + ($120<<2)|0); $121 = $T1$addr; $122 = $N$addr; $123 = $i; $sub107 = (($122) - ($123))|0; $124 = $g10; $125 = $g11; $126 = $g12; _comb_filter_const_c($add$ptr105,$add$ptr106,$121,$sub107,$124,$125,$126); STACKTOP = sp;return; } $105 = $x$addr; $106 = $y$addr; $cmp90 = ($105|0)!=($106|0); if (!($cmp90)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $107 = $y$addr; $108 = $overlap$addr; $add$ptr = (($107) + ($108<<2)|0); $109 = $x$addr; $110 = $overlap$addr; $add$ptr92 = (($109) + ($110<<2)|0); $111 = $N$addr; $112 = $overlap$addr; $sub93 = (($111) - ($112))|0; $mul94 = $sub93<<2; $113 = $y$addr; $114 = $overlap$addr; $add$ptr95 = (($113) + ($114<<2)|0); $115 = $x$addr; $116 = $overlap$addr; $add$ptr96 = (($115) + ($116<<2)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast97 = $add$ptr95; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast98 = $add$ptr96; $sub$ptr$sub99 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast97) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast98))|0; $sub$ptr$div100 = (($sub$ptr$sub99|0) / 4)&-1; $mul101 = 0; $add102 = (($mul94) + ($mul101))|0; _memmove(($add$ptr|0),($add$ptr92|0),($add102|0))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _comb_filter_const_c($y,$x,$T,$N,$g10,$g11,$g12) { $y = $y|0; $x = $x|0; $T = $T|0; $N = $N|0; $g10 = +$g10; $g11 = +$g11; $g12 = +$g12; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0.0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0.0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $N$addr = 0, $T$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0; var $add13 = 0.0, $add14 = 0.0, $add16 = 0.0, $add17 = 0.0, $add19 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $g10$addr = 0.0, $g11$addr = 0.0, $g12$addr = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul15 = 0.0; var $mul18 = 0.0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub2 = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $sub7 = 0, $sub9 = 0, $x$addr = 0, $x0 = 0.0, $x1 = 0.0, $x2 = 0.0, $x3 = 0.0, $x4 = 0.0, $y$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $y$addr = $y; $x$addr = $x; $T$addr = $T; $N$addr = $N; $g10$addr = $g10; $g11$addr = $g11; $g12$addr = $g12; $0 = $x$addr; $1 = $T$addr; $sub = (0 - ($1))|0; $sub1 = (($sub) - 2)|0; $arrayidx = (($0) + ($sub1<<2)|0); $2 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $x4 = $2; $3 = $x$addr; $4 = $T$addr; $sub2 = (0 - ($4))|0; $sub3 = (($sub2) - 1)|0; $arrayidx4 = (($3) + ($sub3<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $x3 = $5; $6 = $x$addr; $7 = $T$addr; $sub5 = (0 - ($7))|0; $arrayidx6 = (($6) + ($sub5<<2)|0); $8 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $x2 = $8; $9 = $x$addr; $10 = $T$addr; $sub7 = (0 - ($10))|0; $add = (($sub7) + 1)|0; $arrayidx8 = (($9) + ($add<<2)|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2]; $x1 = $11; $i = 0; while(1) { $12 = $i; $13 = $N$addr; $cmp = ($12|0)<($13|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $14 = $x$addr; $15 = $i; $16 = $T$addr; $sub9 = (($15) - ($16))|0; $add10 = (($sub9) + 2)|0; $arrayidx11 = (($14) + ($add10<<2)|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2]; $x0 = $17; $18 = $x$addr; $19 = $i; $arrayidx12 = (($18) + ($19<<2)|0); $20 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2]; $21 = $g10$addr; $22 = $x2; $mul = $21 * $22; $add13 = $20 + $mul; $23 = $g11$addr; $24 = $x1; $25 = $x3; $add14 = $24 + $25; $mul15 = $23 * $add14; $add16 = $add13 + $mul15; $26 = $g12$addr; $27 = $x0; $28 = $x4; $add17 = $27 + $28; $mul18 = $26 * $add17; $add19 = $add16 + $mul18; $29 = $y$addr; $30 = $i; $arrayidx20 = (($29) + ($30<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2] = $add19; $31 = $x3; $x4 = $31; $32 = $x2; $x3 = $32; $33 = $x1; $x2 = $33; $34 = $x0; $x1 = $34; $35 = $i; $inc = (($35) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _init_caps($m,$cap,$LM,$C) { $m = $m|0; $cap = $cap|0; $LM = $LM|0; $C = $C|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0; var $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $C$addr = 0, $LM$addr = 0, $N = 0, $add = 0, $add11 = 0, $add5 = 0, $add8 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cache = 0, $cap$addr = 0, $caps = 0, $cmp = 0; var $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $eBands = 0, $eBands1 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $m$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul13 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $nbEBands = 0, $nbEBands4 = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub6 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $m$addr = $m; $cap$addr = $cap; $LM$addr = $LM; $C$addr = $C; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $m$addr; $nbEBands = ((($1)) + 8|0); $2 = HEAP32[$nbEBands>>2]|0; $cmp = ($0|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $m$addr; $eBands = ((($3)) + 32|0); $4 = HEAP32[$eBands>>2]|0; $5 = $i; $add = (($5) + 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($add<<1)|0); $6 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $6 << 16 >> 16; $7 = $m$addr; $eBands1 = ((($7)) + 32|0); $8 = HEAP32[$eBands1>>2]|0; $9 = $i; $arrayidx2 = (($8) + ($9<<1)|0); $10 = HEAP16[$arrayidx2>>1]|0; $conv3 = $10 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($conv) - ($conv3))|0; $11 = $LM$addr; $shl = $sub << $11; $N = $shl; $12 = $m$addr; $cache = ((($12)) + 92|0); $caps = ((($cache)) + 12|0); $13 = HEAP32[$caps>>2]|0; $14 = $m$addr; $nbEBands4 = ((($14)) + 8|0); $15 = HEAP32[$nbEBands4>>2]|0; $16 = $LM$addr; $mul = $16<<1; $17 = $C$addr; $add5 = (($mul) + ($17))|0; $sub6 = (($add5) - 1)|0; $mul7 = Math_imul($15, $sub6)|0; $18 = $i; $add8 = (($mul7) + ($18))|0; $arrayidx9 = (($13) + ($add8)|0); $19 = HEAP8[$arrayidx9>>0]|0; $conv10 = $19&255; $add11 = (($conv10) + 64)|0; $20 = $C$addr; $mul12 = Math_imul($add11, $20)|0; $21 = $N; $mul13 = Math_imul($mul12, $21)|0; $shr = $mul13 >> 2; $22 = $cap$addr; $23 = $i; $arrayidx14 = (($22) + ($23<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx14>>2] = $shr; $24 = $i; $inc = (($24) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _encode_pulses($_y,$_n,$_k,$_enc) { $_y = $_y|0; $_n = $_n|0; $_k = $_k|0; $_enc = $_enc|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0; var $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_enc$addr = 0, $_k$addr = 0, $_n$addr = 0, $_y$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $add14 = 0, $add18 = 0, $add22 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp15 = 0; var $cmp7 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond12 = 0, $cond20 = 0, $cond5 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_y$addr = $_y; $_n$addr = $_n; $_k$addr = $_k; $_enc$addr = $_enc; $0 = $_enc$addr; $1 = $_n$addr; $2 = $_y$addr; $call = (_icwrs($1,$2)|0); $3 = $_n$addr; $4 = $_k$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)<($4|0); $5 = $_n$addr; $6 = $_k$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $5 : $6; $arrayidx = (17068 + ($cond<<2)|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $8 = $_n$addr; $9 = $_k$addr; $cmp1 = ($8|0)>($9|0); $10 = $_n$addr; $11 = $_k$addr; $cond5 = $cmp1 ? $10 : $11; $arrayidx6 = (($7) + ($cond5<<2)|0); $12 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $13 = $_n$addr; $14 = $_k$addr; $add = (($14) + 1)|0; $cmp7 = ($13|0)<($add|0); $15 = $_n$addr; $16 = $_k$addr; $add10 = (($16) + 1)|0; $cond12 = $cmp7 ? $15 : $add10; $arrayidx13 = (17068 + ($cond12<<2)|0); $17 = HEAP32[$arrayidx13>>2]|0; $18 = $_n$addr; $19 = $_k$addr; $add14 = (($19) + 1)|0; $cmp15 = ($18|0)>($add14|0); $20 = $_n$addr; $21 = $_k$addr; $add18 = (($21) + 1)|0; $cond20 = $cmp15 ? $20 : $add18; $arrayidx21 = (($17) + ($cond20<<2)|0); $22 = HEAP32[$arrayidx21>>2]|0; $add22 = (($12) + ($22))|0; _ec_enc_uint($0,$call,$add22); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _icwrs($_n,$_y) { $_n = $_n|0; $_y = $_y|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_n$addr = 0, $_y$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add18 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add29 = 0, $add34 = 0, $add40 = 0, $add44 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0; var $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $call = 0, $call17 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp45 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond14 = 0, $cond31 = 0, $cond42 = 0, $conv = 0, $dec = 0, $i = 0; var $j = 0, $k = 0, $sub = 0, $sub11 = 0, $sub2 = 0, $sub22 = 0, $sub27 = 0, $sub33 = 0, $sub38 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $sub7 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_n$addr = $_n; $_y$addr = $_y; $0 = $_n$addr; $sub = (($0) - 1)|0; $j = $sub; $1 = $_y$addr; $2 = $j; $arrayidx = (($1) + ($2<<2)|0); $3 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $cmp = ($3|0)<(0); $conv = $cmp&1; $i = $conv; $4 = $_y$addr; $5 = $j; $arrayidx1 = (($4) + ($5<<2)|0); $6 = HEAP32[$arrayidx1>>2]|0; $call = (Math_abs(($6|0))|0); $k = $call; while(1) { $7 = $j; $dec = (($7) + -1)|0; $j = $dec; $8 = $_n$addr; $9 = $j; $sub2 = (($8) - ($9))|0; $10 = $k; $cmp3 = ($sub2|0)<($10|0); if ($cmp3) { $11 = $_n$addr; $12 = $j; $sub5 = (($11) - ($12))|0; $cond = $sub5; } else { $13 = $k; $cond = $13; } $arrayidx6 = (17068 + ($cond<<2)|0); $14 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $15 = $_n$addr; $16 = $j; $sub7 = (($15) - ($16))|0; $17 = $k; $cmp8 = ($sub7|0)>($17|0); if ($cmp8) { $18 = $_n$addr; $19 = $j; $sub11 = (($18) - ($19))|0; $cond14 = $sub11; } else { $20 = $k; $cond14 = $20; } $arrayidx15 = (($14) + ($cond14<<2)|0); $21 = HEAP32[$arrayidx15>>2]|0; $22 = $i; $add = (($22) + ($21))|0; $i = $add; $23 = $_y$addr; $24 = $j; $arrayidx16 = (($23) + ($24<<2)|0); $25 = HEAP32[$arrayidx16>>2]|0; $call17 = (Math_abs(($25|0))|0); $26 = $k; $add18 = (($26) + ($call17))|0; $k = $add18; $27 = $_y$addr; $28 = $j; $arrayidx19 = (($27) + ($28<<2)|0); $29 = HEAP32[$arrayidx19>>2]|0; $cmp20 = ($29|0)<(0); if ($cmp20) { $30 = $_n$addr; $31 = $j; $sub22 = (($30) - ($31))|0; $32 = $k; $add23 = (($32) + 1)|0; $cmp24 = ($sub22|0)<($add23|0); if ($cmp24) { $33 = $_n$addr; $34 = $j; $sub27 = (($33) - ($34))|0; $cond31 = $sub27; } else { $35 = $k; $add29 = (($35) + 1)|0; $cond31 = $add29; } $arrayidx32 = (17068 + ($cond31<<2)|0); $36 = HEAP32[$arrayidx32>>2]|0; $37 = $_n$addr; $38 = $j; $sub33 = (($37) - ($38))|0; $39 = $k; $add34 = (($39) + 1)|0; $cmp35 = ($sub33|0)>($add34|0); if ($cmp35) { $40 = $_n$addr; $41 = $j; $sub38 = (($40) - ($41))|0; $cond42 = $sub38; } else { $42 = $k; $add40 = (($42) + 1)|0; $cond42 = $add40; } $arrayidx43 = (($36) + ($cond42<<2)|0); $43 = HEAP32[$arrayidx43>>2]|0; $44 = $i; $add44 = (($44) + ($43))|0; $i = $add44; } $45 = $j; $cmp45 = ($45|0)>(0); if (!($cmp45)) { break; } } $46 = $i; STACKTOP = sp;return ($46|0); } function _decode_pulses($_y,$_n,$_k,$_dec) { $_y = $_y|0; $_n = $_n|0; $_k = $_k|0; $_dec = $_dec|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0; var $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_dec$addr = 0, $_k$addr = 0, $_n$addr = 0, $_y$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $add14 = 0, $add18 = 0, $add22 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $call = 0, $call23 = 0.0, $cmp = 0; var $cmp1 = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond12 = 0, $cond20 = 0, $cond5 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $_y$addr = $_y; $_n$addr = $_n; $_k$addr = $_k; $_dec$addr = $_dec; $0 = $_n$addr; $1 = $_k$addr; $2 = $_dec$addr; $3 = $_n$addr; $4 = $_k$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)<($4|0); $5 = $_n$addr; $6 = $_k$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $5 : $6; $arrayidx = (17068 + ($cond<<2)|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $8 = $_n$addr; $9 = $_k$addr; $cmp1 = ($8|0)>($9|0); $10 = $_n$addr; $11 = $_k$addr; $cond5 = $cmp1 ? $10 : $11; $arrayidx6 = (($7) + ($cond5<<2)|0); $12 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $13 = $_n$addr; $14 = $_k$addr; $add = (($14) + 1)|0; $cmp7 = ($13|0)<($add|0); $15 = $_n$addr; $16 = $_k$addr; $add10 = (($16) + 1)|0; $cond12 = $cmp7 ? $15 : $add10; $arrayidx13 = (17068 + ($cond12<<2)|0); $17 = HEAP32[$arrayidx13>>2]|0; $18 = $_n$addr; $19 = $_k$addr; $add14 = (($19) + 1)|0; $cmp15 = ($18|0)>($add14|0); $20 = $_n$addr; $21 = $_k$addr; $add18 = (($21) + 1)|0; $cond20 = $cmp15 ? $20 : $add18; $arrayidx21 = (($17) + ($cond20<<2)|0); $22 = HEAP32[$arrayidx21>>2]|0; $add22 = (($12) + ($22))|0; $call = (_ec_dec_uint($2,$add22)|0); $23 = $_y$addr; $call23 = (+_cwrsi($0,$1,$call,$23)); STACKTOP = sp;return (+$call23); } function _cwrsi($_n,$_k,$_i,$_y) { $_n = $_n|0; $_k = $_k|0; $_i = $_i|0; $_y = $_y|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0.0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0.0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0; var $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0; var $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0; var $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0; var $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0.0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0; var $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $_i$addr = 0, $_k$addr = 0, $_n$addr = 0, $_y$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add20 = 0; var $add25 = 0.0, $add29 = 0, $add55 = 0, $add63 = 0.0, $add68 = 0, $add74 = 0, $add81 = 0, $add89 = 0.0, $add91 = 0, $add98 = 0.0, $and = 0, $and43 = 0, $and72 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0; var $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp32 = 0, $cmp34 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp50 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cmp69 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv21 = 0, $conv22 = 0; var $conv23 = 0.0, $conv24 = 0.0, $conv41 = 0, $conv57 = 0, $conv58 = 0, $conv60 = 0.0, $conv61 = 0.0, $conv70 = 0, $conv83 = 0, $conv84 = 0, $conv86 = 0.0, $conv87 = 0.0, $conv93 = 0, $conv94 = 0, $conv95 = 0.0, $conv96 = 0.0, $dec = 0, $dec16 = 0, $dec46 = 0, $dec66 = 0; var $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr38 = 0, $incdec$ptr59 = 0, $incdec$ptr85 = 0, $k0 = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul62 = 0.0, $mul67 = 0, $mul76 = 0, $mul88 = 0.0, $mul97 = 0.0, $p = 0, $q = 0, $row = 0, $s = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub18 = 0, $sub19 = 0, $sub37 = 0; var $sub4 = 0, $sub42 = 0, $sub44 = 0, $sub53 = 0, $sub54 = 0, $sub71 = 0, $sub73 = 0, $sub77 = 0, $sub78 = 0, $sub80 = 0, $sub90 = 0, $tobool = 0, $val = 0, $xor = 0, $xor56 = 0, $xor82 = 0, $xor92 = 0, $yy = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $_n$addr = $_n; $_k$addr = $_k; $_i$addr = $_i; $_y$addr = $_y; $yy = 0.0; while(1) { $0 = $_n$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(2); $1 = $_k$addr; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $_n$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)>=($2|0); do { if ($cmp1) { $3 = $_n$addr; $arrayidx = (17068 + ($3<<2)|0); $4 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $row = $4; $5 = $row; $6 = $_k$addr; $add = (($6) + 1)|0; $arrayidx2 = (($5) + ($add<<2)|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx2>>2]|0; $p = $7; $8 = $_i$addr; $9 = $p; $cmp3 = ($8>>>0)>=($9>>>0); $conv = $cmp3&1; $sub = (0 - ($conv))|0; $s = $sub; $10 = $p; $11 = $s; $and = $10 & $11; $12 = $_i$addr; $sub4 = (($12) - ($and))|0; $_i$addr = $sub4; $13 = $_k$addr; $k0 = $13; $14 = $row; $15 = $_n$addr; $arrayidx5 = (($14) + ($15<<2)|0); $16 = HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2]|0; $q = $16; $17 = $q; $18 = $_i$addr; $cmp6 = ($17>>>0)>($18>>>0); L6: do { if ($cmp6) { $19 = $_n$addr; $_k$addr = $19; while(1) { $20 = $_k$addr; $dec = (($20) + -1)|0; $_k$addr = $dec; $arrayidx9 = (17068 + ($dec<<2)|0); $21 = HEAP32[$arrayidx9>>2]|0; $22 = $_n$addr; $arrayidx10 = (($21) + ($22<<2)|0); $23 = HEAP32[$arrayidx10>>2]|0; $p = $23; $24 = $p; $25 = $_i$addr; $cmp11 = ($24>>>0)>($25>>>0); if (!($cmp11)) { break; } } } else { $26 = $row; $27 = $_k$addr; $arrayidx13 = (($26) + ($27<<2)|0); $28 = HEAP32[$arrayidx13>>2]|0; $p = $28; while(1) { $29 = $p; $30 = $_i$addr; $cmp14 = ($29>>>0)>($30>>>0); if (!($cmp14)) { break L6; } $31 = $_k$addr; $dec16 = (($31) + -1)|0; $_k$addr = $dec16; $32 = $row; $33 = $_k$addr; $arrayidx17 = (($32) + ($33<<2)|0); $34 = HEAP32[$arrayidx17>>2]|0; $p = $34; } } } while(0); $35 = $p; $36 = $_i$addr; $sub18 = (($36) - ($35))|0; $_i$addr = $sub18; $37 = $k0; $38 = $_k$addr; $sub19 = (($37) - ($38))|0; $39 = $s; $add20 = (($sub19) + ($39))|0; $40 = $s; $xor = $add20 ^ $40; $conv21 = $xor&65535; $val = $conv21; $41 = $val; $conv22 = $41 << 16 >> 16; $42 = $_y$addr; $incdec$ptr = ((($42)) + 4|0); $_y$addr = $incdec$ptr; HEAP32[$42>>2] = $conv22; $43 = $yy; $44 = $val; $conv23 = (+($44<<16>>16)); $45 = $val; $conv24 = (+($45<<16>>16)); $mul = $conv23 * $conv24; $add25 = $43 + $mul; $yy = $add25; } else { $46 = $_k$addr; $arrayidx27 = (17068 + ($46<<2)|0); $47 = HEAP32[$arrayidx27>>2]|0; $48 = $_n$addr; $arrayidx28 = (($47) + ($48<<2)|0); $49 = HEAP32[$arrayidx28>>2]|0; $p = $49; $50 = $_k$addr; $add29 = (($50) + 1)|0; $arrayidx30 = (17068 + ($add29<<2)|0); $51 = HEAP32[$arrayidx30>>2]|0; $52 = $_n$addr; $arrayidx31 = (($51) + ($52<<2)|0); $53 = HEAP32[$arrayidx31>>2]|0; $q = $53; $54 = $p; $55 = $_i$addr; $cmp32 = ($54>>>0)<=($55>>>0); if ($cmp32) { $56 = $_i$addr; $57 = $q; $cmp34 = ($56>>>0)<($57>>>0); if ($cmp34) { $58 = $p; $59 = $_i$addr; $sub37 = (($59) - ($58))|0; $_i$addr = $sub37; $60 = $_y$addr; $incdec$ptr38 = ((($60)) + 4|0); $_y$addr = $incdec$ptr38; HEAP32[$60>>2] = 0; break; } } $61 = $_i$addr; $62 = $q; $cmp40 = ($61>>>0)>=($62>>>0); $conv41 = $cmp40&1; $sub42 = (0 - ($conv41))|0; $s = $sub42; $63 = $q; $64 = $s; $and43 = $63 & $64; $65 = $_i$addr; $sub44 = (($65) - ($and43))|0; $_i$addr = $sub44; $66 = $_k$addr; $k0 = $66; while(1) { $67 = $_k$addr; $dec46 = (($67) + -1)|0; $_k$addr = $dec46; $arrayidx47 = (17068 + ($dec46<<2)|0); $68 = HEAP32[$arrayidx47>>2]|0; $69 = $_n$addr; $arrayidx48 = (($68) + ($69<<2)|0); $70 = HEAP32[$arrayidx48>>2]|0; $p = $70; $71 = $p; $72 = $_i$addr; $cmp50 = ($71>>>0)>($72>>>0); if (!($cmp50)) { break; } } $73 = $p; $74 = $_i$addr; $sub53 = (($74) - ($73))|0; $_i$addr = $sub53; $75 = $k0; $76 = $_k$addr; $sub54 = (($75) - ($76))|0; $77 = $s; $add55 = (($sub54) + ($77))|0; $78 = $s; $xor56 = $add55 ^ $78; $conv57 = $xor56&65535; $val = $conv57; $79 = $val; $conv58 = $79 << 16 >> 16; $80 = $_y$addr; $incdec$ptr59 = ((($80)) + 4|0); $_y$addr = $incdec$ptr59; HEAP32[$80>>2] = $conv58; $81 = $yy; $82 = $val; $conv60 = (+($82<<16>>16)); $83 = $val; $conv61 = (+($83<<16>>16)); $mul62 = $conv60 * $conv61; $add63 = $81 + $mul62; $yy = $add63; } } while(0); $84 = $_n$addr; $dec66 = (($84) + -1)|0; $_n$addr = $dec66; } $mul67 = $1<<1; $add68 = (($mul67) + 1)|0; $p = $add68; $85 = $_i$addr; $86 = $p; $cmp69 = ($85>>>0)>=($86>>>0); $conv70 = $cmp69&1; $sub71 = (0 - ($conv70))|0; $s = $sub71; $87 = $p; $88 = $s; $and72 = $87 & $88; $89 = $_i$addr; $sub73 = (($89) - ($and72))|0; $_i$addr = $sub73; $90 = $_k$addr; $k0 = $90; $91 = $_i$addr; $add74 = (($91) + 1)|0; $shr = $add74 >>> 1; $_k$addr = $shr; $92 = $_k$addr; $tobool = ($92|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $95 = $k0; $96 = $_k$addr; $sub80 = (($95) - ($96))|0; $97 = $s; $add81 = (($sub80) + ($97))|0; $98 = $s; $xor82 = $add81 ^ $98; $conv83 = $xor82&65535; $val = $conv83; $99 = $val; $conv84 = $99 << 16 >> 16; $100 = $_y$addr; $incdec$ptr85 = ((($100)) + 4|0); $_y$addr = $incdec$ptr85; HEAP32[$100>>2] = $conv84; $101 = $yy; $102 = $val; $conv86 = (+($102<<16>>16)); $103 = $val; $conv87 = (+($103<<16>>16)); $mul88 = $conv86 * $conv87; $add89 = $101 + $mul88; $yy = $add89; $104 = $_i$addr; $sub90 = (0 - ($104))|0; $s = $sub90; $105 = $_k$addr; $106 = $s; $add91 = (($105) + ($106))|0; $107 = $s; $xor92 = $add91 ^ $107; $conv93 = $xor92&65535; $val = $conv93; $108 = $val; $conv94 = $108 << 16 >> 16; $109 = $_y$addr; HEAP32[$109>>2] = $conv94; $110 = $yy; $111 = $val; $conv95 = (+($111<<16>>16)); $112 = $val; $conv96 = (+($112<<16>>16)); $mul97 = $conv95 * $conv96; $add98 = $110 + $mul97; $yy = $add98; $113 = $yy; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$113); } $93 = $_k$addr; $mul76 = $93<<1; $sub77 = (($mul76) - 1)|0; $94 = $_i$addr; $sub78 = (($94) - ($sub77))|0; $_i$addr = $sub78; $95 = $k0; $96 = $_k$addr; $sub80 = (($95) - ($96))|0; $97 = $s; $add81 = (($sub80) + ($97))|0; $98 = $s; $xor82 = $add81 ^ $98; $conv83 = $xor82&65535; $val = $conv83; $99 = $val; $conv84 = $99 << 16 >> 16; $100 = $_y$addr; $incdec$ptr85 = ((($100)) + 4|0); $_y$addr = $incdec$ptr85; HEAP32[$100>>2] = $conv84; $101 = $yy; $102 = $val; $conv86 = (+($102<<16>>16)); $103 = $val; $conv87 = (+($103<<16>>16)); $mul88 = $conv86 * $conv87; $add89 = $101 + $mul88; $yy = $add89; $104 = $_i$addr; $sub90 = (0 - ($104))|0; $s = $sub90; $105 = $_k$addr; $106 = $s; $add91 = (($105) + ($106))|0; $107 = $s; $xor92 = $add91 ^ $107; $conv93 = $xor92&65535; $val = $conv93; $108 = $val; $conv94 = $108 << 16 >> 16; $109 = $_y$addr; HEAP32[$109>>2] = $conv94; $110 = $yy; $111 = $val; $conv95 = (+($111<<16>>16)); $112 = $val; $conv96 = (+($112<<16>>16)); $mul97 = $conv95 * $conv96; $add98 = $110 + $mul97; $yy = $add98; $113 = $yy; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$113); } function _ec_laplace_encode($enc,$value,$fs,$decay) { $enc = $enc|0; $value = $value|0; $fs = $fs|0; $decay = $decay|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add11 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add24 = 0, $add26 = 0, $add35 = 0, $add36 = 0, $add38 = 0, $add39 = 0, $add41 = 0, $add5 = 0, $add6 = 0, $and = 0; var $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp28 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond34 = 0, $conv = 0, $decay$addr = 0, $di = 0, $enc$addr = 0, $fl = 0, $fs$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0, $mul22 = 0, $mul25 = 0, $mul7 = 0; var $ndi_max = 0, $neg = 0, $s = 0, $shr = 0, $shr13 = 0, $shr15 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub10 = 0, $sub12 = 0, $sub14 = 0, $sub16 = 0, $sub17 = 0, $sub20 = 0, $sub21 = 0, $sub27 = 0, $sub32 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool8 = 0, $val = 0, $value$addr = 0; var $xor = 0, $xor37 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $enc$addr = $enc; $value$addr = $value; $fs$addr = $fs; $decay$addr = $decay; $0 = $value$addr; $1 = HEAP32[$0>>2]|0; $val = $1; $fl = 0; $2 = $val; $tobool = ($2|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $42 = $enc$addr; $43 = $fl; $44 = $fl; $45 = $fs$addr; $add41 = (($44) + ($45))|0; _ec_encode_bin($42,$43,$add41,15); STACKTOP = sp;return; } $3 = $val; $cmp = ($3|0)<(0); $conv = $cmp&1; $sub = (0 - ($conv))|0; $s = $sub; $4 = $val; $5 = $s; $add = (($4) + ($5))|0; $6 = $s; $xor = $add ^ $6; $val = $xor; $7 = $fs$addr; $fl = $7; $8 = $fs$addr; $9 = $decay$addr; $call = (_ec_laplace_get_freq1($8,$9)|0); $fs$addr = $call; $i = 1; while(1) { $10 = $fs$addr; $cmp1 = ($10>>>0)>(0); if ($cmp1) { $11 = $i; $12 = $val; $cmp3 = ($11|0)<($12|0); $46 = $cmp3; } else { $46 = 0; } $13 = $fs$addr; if (!($46)) { break; } $mul = $13<<1; $fs$addr = $mul; $14 = $fs$addr; $add5 = (($14) + 2)|0; $15 = $fl; $add6 = (($15) + ($add5))|0; $fl = $add6; $16 = $fs$addr; $17 = $decay$addr; $mul7 = Math_imul($16, $17)|0; $shr = $mul7 >>> 15; $fs$addr = $shr; $18 = $i; $inc = (($18) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $tobool8 = ($13|0)!=(0); if ($tobool8) { $38 = $fs$addr; $add38 = (($38) + 1)|0; $fs$addr = $add38; $39 = $fs$addr; $40 = $s; $neg = $40 ^ -1; $and = $39 & $neg; $41 = $fl; $add39 = (($41) + ($and))|0; $fl = $add39; $42 = $enc$addr; $43 = $fl; $44 = $fl; $45 = $fs$addr; $add41 = (($44) + ($45))|0; _ec_encode_bin($42,$43,$add41,15); STACKTOP = sp;return; } $19 = $fl; $sub10 = (32768 - ($19))|0; $add11 = (($sub10) + 1)|0; $sub12 = (($add11) - 1)|0; $shr13 = $sub12 >>> 0; $ndi_max = $shr13; $20 = $ndi_max; $21 = $s; $sub14 = (($20) - ($21))|0; $shr15 = $sub14 >> 1; $ndi_max = $shr15; $22 = $val; $23 = $i; $sub16 = (($22) - ($23))|0; $24 = $ndi_max; $sub17 = (($24) - 1)|0; $cmp18 = ($sub16|0)<($sub17|0); if ($cmp18) { $25 = $val; $26 = $i; $sub20 = (($25) - ($26))|0; $cond = $sub20; } else { $27 = $ndi_max; $sub21 = (($27) - 1)|0; $cond = $sub21; } $di = $cond; $28 = $di; $mul22 = $28<<1; $add23 = (($mul22) + 1)|0; $29 = $s; $add24 = (($add23) + ($29))|0; $mul25 = $add24; $30 = $fl; $add26 = (($30) + ($mul25))|0; $fl = $add26; $31 = $fl; $sub27 = (32768 - ($31))|0; $cmp28 = (1)<($sub27>>>0); $32 = $fl; $sub32 = (32768 - ($32))|0; $cond34 = $cmp28 ? 1 : $sub32; $fs$addr = $cond34; $33 = $i; $34 = $di; $add35 = (($33) + ($34))|0; $35 = $s; $add36 = (($add35) + ($35))|0; $36 = $s; $xor37 = $add36 ^ $36; $37 = $value$addr; HEAP32[$37>>2] = $xor37; $42 = $enc$addr; $43 = $fl; $44 = $fl; $45 = $fs$addr; $add41 = (($44) + ($45))|0; _ec_encode_bin($42,$43,$add41,15); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _ec_laplace_get_freq1($fs0,$decay) { $fs0 = $fs0|0; $decay = $decay|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $decay$addr = 0, $fs0$addr = 0, $ft = 0, $mul = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $fs0$addr = $fs0; $decay$addr = $decay; $0 = $fs0$addr; $sub = (32736 - ($0))|0; $ft = $sub; $1 = $ft; $2 = $decay$addr; $sub1 = (16384 - ($2))|0; $mul = Math_imul($1, $sub1)|0; $shr = $mul >>> 15; STACKTOP = sp;return ($shr|0); } function _ec_laplace_decode($dec,$fs,$decay) { $dec = $dec|0; $fs = $fs|0; $decay = $decay|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add14 = 0; var $add17 = 0, $add18 = 0, $add22 = 0, $add25 = 0, $add27 = 0, $add3 = 0, $add6 = 0, $add8 = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cond = 0, $dec$addr = 0, $decay$addr = 0, $di = 0; var $fl = 0, $fm = 0, $fs$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc9 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul16 = 0, $mul5 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr13 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub12 = 0, $sub21 = 0, $val = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $dec$addr = $dec; $fs$addr = $fs; $decay$addr = $decay; $val = 0; $0 = $dec$addr; $call = (_ec_decode_bin($0,15)|0); $fm = $call; $fl = 0; $1 = $fm; $2 = $fs$addr; $cmp = ($1>>>0)>=($2>>>0); do { if ($cmp) { $3 = $val; $inc = (($3) + 1)|0; $val = $inc; $4 = $fs$addr; $fl = $4; $5 = $fs$addr; $6 = $decay$addr; $call1 = (_ec_laplace_get_freq1($5,$6)|0); $add = (($call1) + 1)|0; $fs$addr = $add; while(1) { $7 = $fs$addr; $cmp2 = ($7>>>0)>(1); if ($cmp2) { $8 = $fm; $9 = $fl; $10 = $fs$addr; $mul = $10<<1; $add3 = (($9) + ($mul))|0; $cmp4 = ($8>>>0)>=($add3>>>0); $37 = $cmp4; } else { $37 = 0; } $11 = $fs$addr; if (!($37)) { break; } $mul5 = $11<<1; $fs$addr = $mul5; $12 = $fs$addr; $13 = $fl; $add6 = (($13) + ($12))|0; $fl = $add6; $14 = $fs$addr; $sub = (($14) - 2)|0; $15 = $decay$addr; $mul7 = Math_imul($sub, $15)|0; $shr = $mul7 >>> 15; $fs$addr = $shr; $16 = $fs$addr; $add8 = (($16) + 1)|0; $fs$addr = $add8; $17 = $val; $inc9 = (($17) + 1)|0; $val = $inc9; } $cmp10 = ($11>>>0)<=(1); if ($cmp10) { $18 = $fm; $19 = $fl; $sub12 = (($18) - ($19))|0; $shr13 = $sub12 >>> 1; $di = $shr13; $20 = $di; $21 = $val; $add14 = (($21) + ($20))|0; $val = $add14; $22 = $di; $mul15 = $22<<1; $mul16 = $mul15; $23 = $fl; $add17 = (($23) + ($mul16))|0; $fl = $add17; } $24 = $fm; $25 = $fl; $26 = $fs$addr; $add18 = (($25) + ($26))|0; $cmp19 = ($24>>>0)<($add18>>>0); if ($cmp19) { $27 = $val; $sub21 = (0 - ($27))|0; $val = $sub21; break; } else { $28 = $fs$addr; $29 = $fl; $add22 = (($29) + ($28))|0; $fl = $add22; break; } } } while(0); $30 = $dec$addr; $31 = $fl; $32 = $fl; $33 = $fs$addr; $add25 = (($32) + ($33))|0; $cmp26 = ($add25>>>0)<(32768); if (!($cmp26)) { $cond = 32768; _ec_dec_update($30,$31,$cond,32768); $36 = $val; STACKTOP = sp;return ($36|0); } $34 = $fl; $35 = $fs$addr; $add27 = (($34) + ($35))|0; $cond = $add27; _ec_dec_update($30,$31,$cond,32768); $36 = $val; STACKTOP = sp;return ($36|0); } function _isqrt32($_val) { $_val = $_val|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $_val$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add4 = 0, $b = 0; var $bshift = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $dec = 0, $g = 0, $shl = 0, $shl2 = 0, $shl3 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr6 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $t = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $_val$addr = $_val; $g = 0; $0 = $_val$addr; $1 = (Math_clz32(($0|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($1))|0; $sub1 = (($sub) - 1)|0; $shr = $sub1 >> 1; $bshift = $shr; $2 = $bshift; $shl = 1 << $2; $b = $shl; while(1) { $3 = $g; $shl2 = $3 << 1; $4 = $b; $add = (($shl2) + ($4))|0; $5 = $bshift; $shl3 = $add << $5; $t = $shl3; $6 = $t; $7 = $_val$addr; $cmp = ($6>>>0)<=($7>>>0); if ($cmp) { $8 = $b; $9 = $g; $add4 = (($9) + ($8))|0; $g = $add4; $10 = $t; $11 = $_val$addr; $sub5 = (($11) - ($10))|0; $_val$addr = $sub5; } $12 = $b; $shr6 = $12 >>> 1; $b = $shr6; $13 = $bshift; $dec = (($13) + -1)|0; $bshift = $dec; $14 = $bshift; $cmp7 = ($14|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp7)) { break; } } $15 = $g; STACKTOP = sp;return ($15|0); } function _silk_encode_signs($psRangeEnc,$pulses,$length,$signalType,$quantOffsetType,$sum_pulses) { $psRangeEnc = $psRangeEnc|0; $pulses = $pulses|0; $length = $length|0; $signalType = $signalType|0; $quantOffsetType = $quantOffsetType|0; $sum_pulses = $sum_pulses|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $3 = 0; var $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add25 = 0, $add3 = 0, $and = 0, $and10 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp14 = 0; var $cmp19 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv1 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv23 = 0, $i = 0, $icdf = 0, $icdf_ptr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc28 = 0, $j = 0, $length$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $p = 0, $psRangeEnc$addr = 0, $pulses$addr = 0, $q_ptr = 0; var $quantOffsetType$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr24 = 0, $signalType$addr = 0, $sum_pulses$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $icdf = sp + 44|0; $psRangeEnc$addr = $psRangeEnc; $pulses$addr = $pulses; $length$addr = $length; $signalType$addr = $signalType; $quantOffsetType$addr = $quantOffsetType; $sum_pulses$addr = $sum_pulses; $arrayidx = ((($icdf)) + 1|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0] = 0; $0 = $pulses$addr; $q_ptr = $0; $1 = $quantOffsetType$addr; $2 = $signalType$addr; $shl = $2 << 1; $add = (($1) + ($shl))|0; $conv = $add&65535; $conv1 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = ($conv1*7)|0; $i = $mul; $3 = $i; $arrayidx2 = (28829 + ($3)|0); $icdf_ptr = $arrayidx2; $4 = $length$addr; $add3 = (($4) + 8)|0; $shr = $add3 >> 4; $length$addr = $shr; $i = 0; while(1) { $5 = $i; $6 = $length$addr; $cmp = ($5|0)<($6|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $7 = $sum_pulses$addr; $8 = $i; $arrayidx5 = (($7) + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2]|0; $p = $9; $10 = $p; $cmp6 = ($10|0)>(0); L4: do { if ($cmp6) { $11 = $icdf_ptr; $12 = $p; $and = $12 & 31; $cmp8 = ($and|0)<(6); $13 = $p; $and10 = $13 & 31; $cond = $cmp8 ? $and10 : 6; $arrayidx11 = (($11) + ($cond)|0); $14 = HEAP8[$arrayidx11>>0]|0; HEAP8[$icdf>>0] = $14; $j = 0; while(1) { $15 = $j; $cmp14 = ($15|0)<(16); if (!($cmp14)) { break L4; } $16 = $q_ptr; $17 = $j; $arrayidx17 = (($16) + ($17)|0); $18 = HEAP8[$arrayidx17>>0]|0; $conv18 = $18 << 24 >> 24; $cmp19 = ($conv18|0)!=(0); if ($cmp19) { $19 = $psRangeEnc$addr; $20 = $q_ptr; $21 = $j; $arrayidx22 = (($20) + ($21)|0); $22 = HEAP8[$arrayidx22>>0]|0; $conv23 = $22 << 24 >> 24; $shr24 = $conv23 >> 15; $add25 = (($shr24) + 1)|0; _ec_enc_icdf($19,$add25,$icdf,8); } $23 = $j; $inc = (($23) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } } } while(0); $24 = $q_ptr; $add$ptr = ((($24)) + 16|0); $q_ptr = $add$ptr; $25 = $i; $inc28 = (($25) + 1)|0; $i = $inc28; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_decode_signs($psRangeDec,$pulses,$length,$signalType,$quantOffsetType,$sum_pulses) { $psRangeDec = $psRangeDec|0; $pulses = $pulses|0; $length = $length|0; $signalType = $signalType|0; $quantOffsetType = $quantOffsetType|0; $sum_pulses = $sum_pulses|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $3 = 0; var $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add3 = 0, $and = 0, $and10 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp14 = 0; var $cmp19 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv1 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $i = 0, $icdf = 0, $icdf_ptr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc29 = 0, $j = 0, $length$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul25 = 0, $p = 0, $psRangeDec$addr = 0; var $pulses$addr = 0, $q_ptr = 0, $quantOffsetType$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl22 = 0, $shr = 0, $signalType$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sum_pulses$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $icdf = sp + 44|0; $psRangeDec$addr = $psRangeDec; $pulses$addr = $pulses; $length$addr = $length; $signalType$addr = $signalType; $quantOffsetType$addr = $quantOffsetType; $sum_pulses$addr = $sum_pulses; $arrayidx = ((($icdf)) + 1|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0] = 0; $0 = $pulses$addr; $q_ptr = $0; $1 = $quantOffsetType$addr; $2 = $signalType$addr; $shl = $2 << 1; $add = (($1) + ($shl))|0; $conv = $add&65535; $conv1 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = ($conv1*7)|0; $i = $mul; $3 = $i; $arrayidx2 = (28829 + ($3)|0); $icdf_ptr = $arrayidx2; $4 = $length$addr; $add3 = (($4) + 8)|0; $shr = $add3 >> 4; $length$addr = $shr; $i = 0; while(1) { $5 = $i; $6 = $length$addr; $cmp = ($5|0)<($6|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $7 = $sum_pulses$addr; $8 = $i; $arrayidx5 = (($7) + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2]|0; $p = $9; $10 = $p; $cmp6 = ($10|0)>(0); L4: do { if ($cmp6) { $11 = $icdf_ptr; $12 = $p; $and = $12 & 31; $cmp8 = ($and|0)<(6); $13 = $p; $and10 = $13 & 31; $cond = $cmp8 ? $and10 : 6; $arrayidx11 = (($11) + ($cond)|0); $14 = HEAP8[$arrayidx11>>0]|0; HEAP8[$icdf>>0] = $14; $j = 0; while(1) { $15 = $j; $cmp14 = ($15|0)<(16); if (!($cmp14)) { break L4; } $16 = $q_ptr; $17 = $j; $arrayidx17 = (($16) + ($17<<1)|0); $18 = HEAP16[$arrayidx17>>1]|0; $conv18 = $18 << 16 >> 16; $cmp19 = ($conv18|0)>(0); if ($cmp19) { $19 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call = (_ec_dec_icdf($19,$icdf,8)|0); $shl22 = $call << 1; $sub = (($shl22) - 1)|0; $20 = $q_ptr; $21 = $j; $arrayidx23 = (($20) + ($21<<1)|0); $22 = HEAP16[$arrayidx23>>1]|0; $conv24 = $22 << 16 >> 16; $mul25 = Math_imul($conv24, $sub)|0; $conv26 = $mul25&65535; HEAP16[$arrayidx23>>1] = $conv26; } $23 = $j; $inc = (($23) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } } } while(0); $24 = $q_ptr; $add$ptr = ((($24)) + 32|0); $q_ptr = $add$ptr; $25 = $i; $inc29 = (($25) + 1)|0; $i = $inc29; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_init_decoder($psDec) { $psDec = $psDec|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $first_frame_after_reset = 0, $psDec$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $psDec$addr = $psDec; $0 = $psDec$addr; _memset(($0|0),0,4260)|0; $1 = $psDec$addr; $first_frame_after_reset = ((($1)) + 2376|0); HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset>>2] = 1; $2 = $psDec$addr; HEAP32[$2>>2] = 65536; $3 = $psDec$addr; _silk_CNG_Reset($3); $4 = $psDec$addr; _silk_PLC_Reset($4); STACKTOP = sp;return 0; } function _silk_decode_frame($psDec,$psRangeDec,$pOut,$pN,$lostFlag,$condCoding,$arch) { $psDec = $psDec|0; $psRangeDec = $psRangeDec|0; $pOut = $pOut|0; $pN = $pN|0; $lostFlag = $lostFlag|0; $condCoding = $condCoding|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $L = 0, $LBRR_flags = 0, $LTP_scale_Q14 = 0, $add = 0, $and = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp2 = 0; var $condCoding$addr = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $first_frame_after_reset = 0, $frame_length = 0, $frame_length14 = 0, $frame_length18 = 0, $frame_length22 = 0, $frame_length6 = 0, $indices = 0, $indices10 = 0, $indices4 = 0, $lagPrev = 0, $lossCnt = 0, $lostFlag$addr = 0, $ltp_mem_length = 0, $mul = 0, $mul23 = 0, $mv_len = 0; var $nFramesDecoded = 0, $nFramesDecoded3 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $outBuf = 0, $outBuf17 = 0, $outBuf20 = 0, $pN$addr = 0, $pOut$addr = 0, $prevSignalType = 0, $psDec$addr = 0, $psDecCtrl = 0, $psRangeDec$addr = 0, $quantOffsetType = 0, $ret = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $signalType = 0, $signalType11 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub15 = 0, $sub26 = 0; var $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 192|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(192|0); $psDecCtrl = sp + 4|0; $psDec$addr = $psDec; $psRangeDec$addr = $psRangeDec; $pOut$addr = $pOut; $pN$addr = $pN; $lostFlag$addr = $lostFlag; $condCoding$addr = $condCoding; $arch$addr = $arch; $ret = 0; $0 = $psDec$addr; $frame_length = ((($0)) + 2328|0); $1 = HEAP32[$frame_length>>2]|0; $L = $1; $LTP_scale_Q14 = ((($psDecCtrl)) + 136|0); HEAP32[$LTP_scale_Q14>>2] = 0; $2 = $lostFlag$addr; $cmp = ($2|0)==(0); do { if ($cmp) { label = 4; } else { $3 = $lostFlag$addr; $cmp1 = ($3|0)==(2); if ($cmp1) { $4 = $psDec$addr; $LBRR_flags = ((($4)) + 2420|0); $5 = $psDec$addr; $nFramesDecoded = ((($5)) + 2388|0); $6 = HEAP32[$nFramesDecoded>>2]|0; $arrayidx = (($LBRR_flags) + ($6<<2)|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $cmp2 = ($7|0)==(1); if ($cmp2) { label = 4; break; } } $37 = $psDec$addr; $38 = $pOut$addr; $39 = $arch$addr; _silk_PLC($37,$psDecCtrl,$38,1,$39); } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 4) { $8 = $L; $add = (($8) + 16)|0; $sub = (($add) - 1)|0; $and = $sub & -16; $9 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $9; $vla$alloca_mul = $and<<1; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $10 = $psDec$addr; $11 = $psRangeDec$addr; $12 = $psDec$addr; $nFramesDecoded3 = ((($12)) + 2388|0); $13 = HEAP32[$nFramesDecoded3>>2]|0; $14 = $lostFlag$addr; $15 = $condCoding$addr; _silk_decode_indices($10,$11,$13,$14,$15); $16 = $psRangeDec$addr; $17 = $psDec$addr; $indices = ((($17)) + 2736|0); $signalType = ((($indices)) + 29|0); $18 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv = $18 << 24 >> 24; $19 = $psDec$addr; $indices4 = ((($19)) + 2736|0); $quantOffsetType = ((($indices4)) + 30|0); $20 = HEAP8[$quantOffsetType>>0]|0; $conv5 = $20 << 24 >> 24; $21 = $psDec$addr; $frame_length6 = ((($21)) + 2328|0); $22 = HEAP32[$frame_length6>>2]|0; _silk_decode_pulses($16,$vla,$conv,$conv5,$22); $23 = $psDec$addr; $24 = $condCoding$addr; _silk_decode_parameters($23,$psDecCtrl,$24); $25 = $psDec$addr; $26 = $pOut$addr; $27 = $arch$addr; _silk_decode_core($25,$psDecCtrl,$26,$vla,$27); $28 = $psDec$addr; $29 = $pOut$addr; $30 = $arch$addr; _silk_PLC($28,$psDecCtrl,$29,0,$30); $31 = $psDec$addr; $lossCnt = ((($31)) + 4160|0); HEAP32[$lossCnt>>2] = 0; $32 = $psDec$addr; $indices10 = ((($32)) + 2736|0); $signalType11 = ((($indices10)) + 29|0); $33 = HEAP8[$signalType11>>0]|0; $conv12 = $33 << 24 >> 24; $34 = $psDec$addr; $prevSignalType = ((($34)) + 4164|0); HEAP32[$prevSignalType>>2] = $conv12; $35 = $psDec$addr; $first_frame_after_reset = ((($35)) + 2376|0); HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset>>2] = 0; $36 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($36|0)); } $40 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length = ((($40)) + 2336|0); $41 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length>>2]|0; $42 = $psDec$addr; $frame_length14 = ((($42)) + 2328|0); $43 = HEAP32[$frame_length14>>2]|0; $sub15 = (($41) - ($43))|0; $mv_len = $sub15; $44 = $psDec$addr; $outBuf = ((($44)) + 1348|0); $45 = $psDec$addr; $outBuf17 = ((($45)) + 1348|0); $46 = $psDec$addr; $frame_length18 = ((($46)) + 2328|0); $47 = HEAP32[$frame_length18>>2]|0; $arrayidx19 = (($outBuf17) + ($47<<1)|0); $48 = $mv_len; $mul = $48<<1; _memmove(($outBuf|0),($arrayidx19|0),($mul|0))|0; $49 = $psDec$addr; $outBuf20 = ((($49)) + 1348|0); $50 = $mv_len; $arrayidx21 = (($outBuf20) + ($50<<1)|0); $51 = $pOut$addr; $52 = $psDec$addr; $frame_length22 = ((($52)) + 2328|0); $53 = HEAP32[$frame_length22>>2]|0; $mul23 = $53<<1; _memcpy(($arrayidx21|0),($51|0),($mul23|0))|0; $54 = $psDec$addr; $55 = $pOut$addr; $56 = $L; _silk_CNG($54,$psDecCtrl,$55,$56); $57 = $psDec$addr; $58 = $pOut$addr; $59 = $L; _silk_PLC_glue_frames($57,$58,$59); $60 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($60)) + 2324|0); $61 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $sub26 = (($61) - 1)|0; $arrayidx27 = (($psDecCtrl) + ($sub26<<2)|0); $62 = HEAP32[$arrayidx27>>2]|0; $63 = $psDec$addr; $lagPrev = ((($63)) + 2308|0); HEAP32[$lagPrev>>2] = $62; $64 = $L; $65 = $pN$addr; HEAP32[$65>>2] = $64; $66 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($66|0); } function _silk_decode_parameters($psDec,$psDecCtrl,$condCoding) { $psDec = $psDec|0; $psDecCtrl = $psDecCtrl|0; $condCoding = $condCoding|0; var $$sink = 0, $$sink1 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0; var $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0; var $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0; var $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0; var $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $Gains_Q16 = 0, $Ix = 0, $LPC_order = 0, $LPC_order16 = 0, $LPC_order35 = 0, $LPC_order42 = 0; var $LPC_order48 = 0, $LPC_order54 = 0, $LPC_order58 = 0, $LTPCoef_Q14 = 0, $LTPCoef_Q14106 = 0, $LTPIndex = 0, $LTP_scaleIndex = 0, $LTP_scale_Q14113 = 0, $LastGainIndex = 0, $NLSFIndices = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q211 = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q222 = 0, $PERIndex = 0, $PERIndex112 = 0, $PredCoef_Q12 = 0, $PredCoef_Q1231 = 0, $PredCoef_Q1236 = 0, $PredCoef_Q1239 = 0, $PredCoef_Q1251 = 0; var $PredCoef_Q1255 = 0, $add = 0, $add84 = 0, $add89 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx56 = 0, $arrayidx70 = 0, $arrayidx77 = 0, $arrayidx85 = 0, $arrayidx90 = 0, $arrayidx99 = 0, $cbk_ptr_Q7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp17 = 0; var $cmp62 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp73 = 0, $cmp80 = 0, $condCoding$addr = 0, $contourIndex = 0, $conv = 0, $conv100 = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv20 = 0, $conv23 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv28 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv61 = 0, $conv78 = 0, $conv86 = 0, $conv87 = 0, $conv98 = 0, $first_frame_after_reset = 0; var $fs_kHz = 0, $i = 0, $idxprom = 0, $inc = 0, $inc92 = 0, $inc95 = 0, $indices = 0, $indices10 = 0, $indices111 = 0, $indices21 = 0, $indices3 = 0, $indices60 = 0, $indices65 = 0, $indices66 = 0, $indices69 = 0, $indices76 = 0, $indices9 = 0, $k = 0, $lagIndex = 0, $lossCnt = 0; var $mul = 0, $mul105 = 0, $mul109 = 0, $mul110 = 0, $mul43 = 0, $mul49 = 0, $mul83 = 0, $mul88 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr104 = 0, $nb_subfr108 = 0, $nb_subfr68 = 0, $nb_subfr72 = 0, $pNLSF0_Q15 = 0, $pNLSF_Q15 = 0, $prevNLSF_Q15 = 0, $prevNLSF_Q1526 = 0, $prevNLSF_Q1545 = 0, $psDec$addr = 0, $psDecCtrl$addr = 0; var $psNLSF_CB = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $signalType = 0, $sub = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 96|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(96|0); $pNLSF_Q15 = sp + 64|0; $pNLSF0_Q15 = sp + 32|0; $psDec$addr = $psDec; $psDecCtrl$addr = $psDecCtrl; $condCoding$addr = $condCoding; $0 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $Gains_Q16 = ((($0)) + 16|0); $1 = $psDec$addr; $indices = ((($1)) + 2736|0); $2 = $psDec$addr; $LastGainIndex = ((($2)) + 2312|0); $3 = $condCoding$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)==(2); $conv = $cmp&1; $4 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($4)) + 2324|0); $5 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; _silk_gains_dequant($Gains_Q16,$indices,$LastGainIndex,$conv,$5); $6 = $psDec$addr; $indices3 = ((($6)) + 2736|0); $NLSFIndices = ((($indices3)) + 8|0); $7 = $psDec$addr; $psNLSF_CB = ((($7)) + 2732|0); $8 = HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB>>2]|0; _silk_NLSF_decode($pNLSF_Q15,$NLSFIndices,$8); $9 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $PredCoef_Q12 = ((($9)) + 32|0); $arrayidx = ((($PredCoef_Q12)) + 32|0); $10 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order = ((($10)) + 2340|0); $11 = HEAP32[$LPC_order>>2]|0; _silk_NLSF2A($arrayidx,$pNLSF_Q15,$11); $12 = $psDec$addr; $first_frame_after_reset = ((($12)) + 2376|0); $13 = HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset>>2]|0; $cmp7 = ($13|0)==(1); if ($cmp7) { $14 = $psDec$addr; $indices9 = ((($14)) + 2736|0); $NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = ((($indices9)) + 31|0); HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q2>>0] = 4; } $15 = $psDec$addr; $indices10 = ((($15)) + 2736|0); $NLSFInterpCoef_Q211 = ((($indices10)) + 31|0); $16 = HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q211>>0]|0; $conv12 = $16 << 24 >> 24; $cmp13 = ($conv12|0)<(4); if ($cmp13) { $i = 0; while(1) { $17 = $i; $18 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order16 = ((($18)) + 2340|0); $19 = HEAP32[$LPC_order16>>2]|0; $cmp17 = ($17|0)<($19|0); if (!($cmp17)) { break; } $20 = $psDec$addr; $prevNLSF_Q15 = ((($20)) + 2344|0); $21 = $i; $arrayidx19 = (($prevNLSF_Q15) + ($21<<1)|0); $22 = HEAP16[$arrayidx19>>1]|0; $conv20 = $22 << 16 >> 16; $23 = $psDec$addr; $indices21 = ((($23)) + 2736|0); $NLSFInterpCoef_Q222 = ((($indices21)) + 31|0); $24 = HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q222>>0]|0; $conv23 = $24 << 24 >> 24; $25 = $i; $arrayidx24 = (($pNLSF_Q15) + ($25<<1)|0); $26 = HEAP16[$arrayidx24>>1]|0; $conv25 = $26 << 16 >> 16; $27 = $psDec$addr; $prevNLSF_Q1526 = ((($27)) + 2344|0); $28 = $i; $arrayidx27 = (($prevNLSF_Q1526) + ($28<<1)|0); $29 = HEAP16[$arrayidx27>>1]|0; $conv28 = $29 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($conv25) - ($conv28))|0; $mul = Math_imul($conv23, $sub)|0; $shr = $mul >> 2; $add = (($conv20) + ($shr))|0; $conv29 = $add&65535; $30 = $i; $arrayidx30 = (($pNLSF0_Q15) + ($30<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx30>>1] = $conv29; $31 = $i; $inc = (($31) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $32 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $PredCoef_Q1231 = ((($32)) + 32|0); $33 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order35 = ((($33)) + 2340|0); $34 = HEAP32[$LPC_order35>>2]|0; _silk_NLSF2A($PredCoef_Q1231,$pNLSF0_Q15,$34); } else { $35 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $PredCoef_Q1236 = ((($35)) + 32|0); $36 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $PredCoef_Q1239 = ((($36)) + 32|0); $arrayidx40 = ((($PredCoef_Q1239)) + 32|0); $37 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order42 = ((($37)) + 2340|0); $38 = HEAP32[$LPC_order42>>2]|0; $mul43 = $38<<1; _memcpy(($PredCoef_Q1236|0),($arrayidx40|0),($mul43|0))|0; } $39 = $psDec$addr; $prevNLSF_Q1545 = ((($39)) + 2344|0); $40 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order48 = ((($40)) + 2340|0); $41 = HEAP32[$LPC_order48>>2]|0; $mul49 = $41<<1; _memcpy(($prevNLSF_Q1545|0),($pNLSF_Q15|0),($mul49|0))|0; $42 = $psDec$addr; $lossCnt = ((($42)) + 4160|0); $43 = HEAP32[$lossCnt>>2]|0; $tobool = ($43|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $44 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $PredCoef_Q1251 = ((($44)) + 32|0); $45 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order54 = ((($45)) + 2340|0); $46 = HEAP32[$LPC_order54>>2]|0; _silk_bwexpander($PredCoef_Q1251,$46,63570); $47 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $PredCoef_Q1255 = ((($47)) + 32|0); $arrayidx56 = ((($PredCoef_Q1255)) + 32|0); $48 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order58 = ((($48)) + 2340|0); $49 = HEAP32[$LPC_order58>>2]|0; _silk_bwexpander($arrayidx56,$49,63570); } $50 = $psDec$addr; $indices60 = ((($50)) + 2736|0); $signalType = ((($indices60)) + 29|0); $51 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv61 = $51 << 24 >> 24; $cmp62 = ($conv61|0)==(2); if (!($cmp62)) { $84 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $85 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr104 = ((($85)) + 2324|0); $86 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr104>>2]|0; $mul105 = $86<<2; _memset(($84|0),0,($mul105|0))|0; $87 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $LTPCoef_Q14106 = ((($87)) + 96|0); $88 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr108 = ((($88)) + 2324|0); $89 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr108>>2]|0; $mul109 = ($89*5)|0; $mul110 = $mul109<<1; _memset(($LTPCoef_Q14106|0),0,($mul110|0))|0; $90 = $psDec$addr; $indices111 = ((($90)) + 2736|0); $PERIndex112 = ((($indices111)) + 32|0); HEAP8[$PERIndex112>>0] = 0; $91 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $$sink = 0;$$sink1 = $91; $LTP_scale_Q14113 = ((($$sink1)) + 136|0); HEAP32[$LTP_scale_Q14113>>2] = $$sink; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $52 = $psDec$addr; $indices65 = ((($52)) + 2736|0); $lagIndex = ((($indices65)) + 26|0); $53 = HEAP16[$lagIndex>>1]|0; $54 = $psDec$addr; $indices66 = ((($54)) + 2736|0); $contourIndex = ((($indices66)) + 28|0); $55 = HEAP8[$contourIndex>>0]|0; $56 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $57 = $psDec$addr; $fs_kHz = ((($57)) + 2316|0); $58 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $59 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr68 = ((($59)) + 2324|0); $60 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr68>>2]|0; _silk_decode_pitch($53,$55,$56,$58,$60); $61 = $psDec$addr; $indices69 = ((($61)) + 2736|0); $PERIndex = ((($indices69)) + 32|0); $62 = HEAP8[$PERIndex>>0]|0; $idxprom = $62 << 24 >> 24; $arrayidx70 = (16684 + ($idxprom<<2)|0); $63 = HEAP32[$arrayidx70>>2]|0; $cbk_ptr_Q7 = $63; $k = 0; while(1) { $64 = $k; $65 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr72 = ((($65)) + 2324|0); $66 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr72>>2]|0; $cmp73 = ($64|0)<($66|0); $67 = $psDec$addr; $indices76 = ((($67)) + 2736|0); if (!($cmp73)) { break; } $LTPIndex = ((($indices76)) + 4|0); $68 = $k; $arrayidx77 = (($LTPIndex) + ($68)|0); $69 = HEAP8[$arrayidx77>>0]|0; $conv78 = $69 << 24 >> 24; $Ix = $conv78; $i = 0; while(1) { $70 = $i; $cmp80 = ($70|0)<(5); if (!($cmp80)) { break; } $71 = $cbk_ptr_Q7; $72 = $Ix; $mul83 = ($72*5)|0; $73 = $i; $add84 = (($mul83) + ($73))|0; $arrayidx85 = (($71) + ($add84)|0); $74 = HEAP8[$arrayidx85>>0]|0; $conv86 = $74 << 24 >> 24; $shl = $conv86 << 7; $conv87 = $shl&65535; $75 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $LTPCoef_Q14 = ((($75)) + 96|0); $76 = $k; $mul88 = ($76*5)|0; $77 = $i; $add89 = (($mul88) + ($77))|0; $arrayidx90 = (($LTPCoef_Q14) + ($add89<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx90>>1] = $conv87; $78 = $i; $inc92 = (($78) + 1)|0; $i = $inc92; } $79 = $k; $inc95 = (($79) + 1)|0; $k = $inc95; } $LTP_scaleIndex = ((($indices76)) + 33|0); $80 = HEAP8[$LTP_scaleIndex>>0]|0; $conv98 = $80 << 24 >> 24; $Ix = $conv98; $81 = $Ix; $arrayidx99 = (25006 + ($81<<1)|0); $82 = HEAP16[$arrayidx99>>1]|0; $conv100 = $82 << 16 >> 16; $83 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $$sink = $conv100;$$sink1 = $83; $LTP_scale_Q14113 = ((($$sink1)) + 136|0); HEAP32[$LTP_scale_Q14113>>2] = $$sink; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_decode_indices($psDec,$psRangeDec,$FrameIndex,$decode_LBRR,$condCoding) { $psDec = $psDec|0; $psRangeDec = $psRangeDec|0; $FrameIndex = $FrameIndex|0; $decode_LBRR = $decode_LBRR|0; $condCoding = $condCoding|0; var $$sink = 0, $$sink1 = 0, $$sink2 = 0, $$sink3 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0; var $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0; var $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0; var $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0; var $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0; var $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $CB1_iCDF = 0, $FrameIndex$addr = 0; var $Ix = 0, $LTPIndex = 0, $LTP_scaleIndex174 = 0, $NLSFIndices = 0, $NLSFIndices52 = 0, $NLSFIndices81 = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q296 = 0, $PERIndex = 0, $PERIndex156 = 0, $Seed = 0, $VAD_flags = 0, $add = 0, $add117 = 0, $add138 = 0, $add27 = 0, $add75 = 0, $add82 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0; var $arrayidx158 = 0, $arrayidx162 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx62 = 0, $arrayidx64 = 0, $arrayidx83 = 0, $call = 0, $call109 = 0, $call124 = 0, $call132 = 0, $call144 = 0, $call147 = 0, $call15 = 0, $call159 = 0, $call169 = 0, $call181 = 0, $call2 = 0, $call20 = 0, $call32 = 0; var $call44 = 0, $call65 = 0, $call69 = 0, $call7 = 0, $call74 = 0, $call91 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp101 = 0, $cmp104 = 0, $cmp106 = 0, $cmp112 = 0, $cmp152 = 0, $cmp166 = 0, $cmp30 = 0, $cmp58 = 0, $cmp66 = 0, $cmp71 = 0, $cmp88 = 0, $condCoding$addr = 0, $contourIndex = 0; var $conv = 0, $conv100 = 0, $conv110 = 0, $conv111 = 0, $conv116 = 0, $conv118 = 0, $conv125 = 0, $conv126 = 0, $conv129 = 0, $conv133 = 0, $conv134 = 0, $conv137 = 0, $conv139 = 0, $conv145 = 0, $conv148 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv160 = 0, $conv170 = 0, $conv179 = 0, $conv182 = 0; var $conv21 = 0, $conv22 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv28 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $conv33 = 0, $conv39 = 0, $conv42 = 0, $conv45 = 0, $conv54 = 0, $conv57 = 0, $conv79 = 0, $conv8 = 0, $conv92 = 0, $decode_LBRR$addr = 0, $decode_absolute_lagIndex = 0, $delta_lagIndex = 0, $ec_iCDF = 0, $ec_ix = 0, $ec_prevLagIndex = 0; var $ec_prevLagIndex143 = 0, $ec_prevSignalType = 0, $ec_prevSignalType180 = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $i = 0, $idxprom = 0, $idxprom157 = 0, $idxprom63 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc164 = 0, $inc85 = 0, $indices = 0, $indices119 = 0, $indices12 = 0, $indices130 = 0, $indices135 = 0, $indices141 = 0, $indices146 = 0, $indices149 = 0, $indices155 = 0; var $indices161 = 0, $indices17 = 0, $indices173 = 0, $indices177 = 0, $indices183 = 0, $indices23 = 0, $indices34 = 0, $indices37 = 0, $indices4 = 0, $indices46 = 0, $indices51 = 0, $indices80 = 0, $indices9 = 0, $indices95 = 0, $indices98 = 0, $k = 0, $lagIndex = 0, $lagIndex131 = 0, $lagIndex136 = 0, $lagIndex142 = 0; var $mul = 0, $mul128 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr151 = 0, $nb_subfr87 = 0, $order = 0, $pitch_contour_iCDF = 0, $pitch_lag_low_bits_iCDF = 0, $pred_Q8 = 0, $psDec$addr = 0, $psNLSF_CB = 0, $psNLSF_CB41 = 0, $psNLSF_CB50 = 0, $psNLSF_CB56 = 0, $psNLSF_CB61 = 0, $psRangeDec$addr = 0, $quantOffsetType = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr127 = 0; var $shr40 = 0, $signalType = 0, $signalType13 = 0, $signalType178 = 0, $signalType38 = 0, $signalType99 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub115 = 0, $sub78 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool1 = 0, $tobool122 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 96|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(96|0); $ec_ix = sp + 40|0; $pred_Q8 = sp + 72|0; $psDec$addr = $psDec; $psRangeDec$addr = $psRangeDec; $FrameIndex$addr = $FrameIndex; $decode_LBRR$addr = $decode_LBRR; $condCoding$addr = $condCoding; $0 = $decode_LBRR$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { label = 3; } else { $1 = $psDec$addr; $VAD_flags = ((($1)) + 2404|0); $2 = $FrameIndex$addr; $arrayidx = (($VAD_flags) + ($2<<2)|0); $3 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $tobool1 = ($3|0)!=(0); if ($tobool1) { label = 3; } else { $5 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call2 = (_ec_dec_icdf($5,27669,8)|0); $Ix = $call2; } } if ((label|0) == 3) { $4 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call = (_ec_dec_icdf($4,27665,8)|0); $add = (($call) + 2)|0; $Ix = $add; } $6 = $Ix; $shr = $6 >> 1; $conv = $shr&255; $7 = $psDec$addr; $indices = ((($7)) + 2736|0); $signalType = ((($indices)) + 29|0); HEAP8[$signalType>>0] = $conv; $8 = $Ix; $and = $8 & 1; $conv3 = $and&255; $9 = $psDec$addr; $indices4 = ((($9)) + 2736|0); $quantOffsetType = ((($indices4)) + 30|0); HEAP8[$quantOffsetType>>0] = $conv3; $10 = $condCoding$addr; $cmp = ($10|0)==(2); $11 = $psRangeDec$addr; if ($cmp) { $call7 = (_ec_dec_icdf($11,27128,8)|0); $conv8 = $call7&255; $12 = $psDec$addr; $indices9 = ((($12)) + 2736|0); HEAP8[$indices9>>0] = $conv8; } else { $13 = $psDec$addr; $indices12 = ((($13)) + 2736|0); $signalType13 = ((($indices12)) + 29|0); $14 = HEAP8[$signalType13>>0]|0; $idxprom = $14 << 24 >> 24; $arrayidx14 = (27104 + ($idxprom<<3)|0); $call15 = (_ec_dec_icdf($11,$arrayidx14,8)|0); $shl = $call15 << 3; $conv16 = $shl&255; $15 = $psDec$addr; $indices17 = ((($15)) + 2736|0); HEAP8[$indices17>>0] = $conv16; $16 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call20 = (_ec_dec_icdf($16,27694,8)|0); $conv21 = $call20&255; $conv22 = $conv21 << 24 >> 24; $17 = $psDec$addr; $indices23 = ((($17)) + 2736|0); $18 = HEAP8[$indices23>>0]|0; $conv26 = $18 << 24 >> 24; $add27 = (($conv26) + ($conv22))|0; $conv28 = $add27&255; HEAP8[$indices23>>0] = $conv28; } $i = 1; while(1) { $19 = $i; $20 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($20)) + 2324|0); $21 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $cmp30 = ($19|0)<($21|0); $22 = $psRangeDec$addr; if (!($cmp30)) { break; } $call32 = (_ec_dec_icdf($22,27128,8)|0); $conv33 = $call32&255; $23 = $psDec$addr; $indices34 = ((($23)) + 2736|0); $24 = $i; $arrayidx36 = (($indices34) + ($24)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx36>>0] = $conv33; $25 = $i; $inc = (($25) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $26 = $psDec$addr; $psNLSF_CB = ((($26)) + 2732|0); $27 = HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB>>2]|0; $CB1_iCDF = ((($27)) + 12|0); $28 = HEAP32[$CB1_iCDF>>2]|0; $29 = $psDec$addr; $indices37 = ((($29)) + 2736|0); $signalType38 = ((($indices37)) + 29|0); $30 = HEAP8[$signalType38>>0]|0; $conv39 = $30 << 24 >> 24; $shr40 = $conv39 >> 1; $31 = $psDec$addr; $psNLSF_CB41 = ((($31)) + 2732|0); $32 = HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB41>>2]|0; $33 = HEAP16[$32>>1]|0; $conv42 = $33 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr40, $conv42)|0; $arrayidx43 = (($28) + ($mul)|0); $call44 = (_ec_dec_icdf($22,$arrayidx43,8)|0); $conv45 = $call44&255; $34 = $psDec$addr; $indices46 = ((($34)) + 2736|0); $NLSFIndices = ((($indices46)) + 8|0); HEAP8[$NLSFIndices>>0] = $conv45; $35 = $psDec$addr; $psNLSF_CB50 = ((($35)) + 2732|0); $36 = HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB50>>2]|0; $37 = $psDec$addr; $indices51 = ((($37)) + 2736|0); $NLSFIndices52 = ((($indices51)) + 8|0); $38 = HEAP8[$NLSFIndices52>>0]|0; $conv54 = $38 << 24 >> 24; _silk_NLSF_unpack($ec_ix,$pred_Q8,$36,$conv54); $i = 0; while(1) { $39 = $i; $40 = $psDec$addr; $psNLSF_CB56 = ((($40)) + 2732|0); $41 = HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB56>>2]|0; $order = ((($41)) + 2|0); $42 = HEAP16[$order>>1]|0; $conv57 = $42 << 16 >> 16; $cmp58 = ($39|0)<($conv57|0); if (!($cmp58)) { break; } $43 = $psRangeDec$addr; $44 = $psDec$addr; $psNLSF_CB61 = ((($44)) + 2732|0); $45 = HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB61>>2]|0; $ec_iCDF = ((($45)) + 24|0); $46 = HEAP32[$ec_iCDF>>2]|0; $47 = $i; $arrayidx62 = (($ec_ix) + ($47<<1)|0); $48 = HEAP16[$arrayidx62>>1]|0; $idxprom63 = $48 << 16 >> 16; $arrayidx64 = (($46) + ($idxprom63)|0); $call65 = (_ec_dec_icdf($43,$arrayidx64,8)|0); $Ix = $call65; $49 = $Ix; $cmp66 = ($49|0)==(0); if ($cmp66) { $50 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call69 = (_ec_dec_icdf($50,27702,8)|0); $51 = $Ix; $sub = (($51) - ($call69))|0; $Ix = $sub; } else { $52 = $Ix; $cmp71 = ($52|0)==(8); if ($cmp71) { $53 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call74 = (_ec_dec_icdf($53,27702,8)|0); $54 = $Ix; $add75 = (($54) + ($call74))|0; $Ix = $add75; } } $55 = $Ix; $sub78 = (($55) - 4)|0; $conv79 = $sub78&255; $56 = $psDec$addr; $indices80 = ((($56)) + 2736|0); $NLSFIndices81 = ((($indices80)) + 8|0); $57 = $i; $add82 = (($57) + 1)|0; $arrayidx83 = (($NLSFIndices81) + ($add82)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx83>>0] = $conv79; $58 = $i; $inc85 = (($58) + 1)|0; $i = $inc85; } $59 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr87 = ((($59)) + 2324|0); $60 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr87>>2]|0; $cmp88 = ($60|0)==(4); if ($cmp88) { $61 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call91 = (_ec_dec_icdf($61,27671,8)|0); $conv92 = $call91&255; $62 = $psDec$addr; $$sink = $conv92;$$sink1 = $62; } else { $63 = $psDec$addr; $$sink = 4;$$sink1 = $63; } $indices95 = ((($$sink1)) + 2736|0); $NLSFInterpCoef_Q296 = ((($indices95)) + 31|0); HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q296>>0] = $$sink; $64 = $psDec$addr; $indices98 = ((($64)) + 2736|0); $signalType99 = ((($indices98)) + 29|0); $65 = HEAP8[$signalType99>>0]|0; $conv100 = $65 << 24 >> 24; $cmp101 = ($conv100|0)==(2); if (!($cmp101)) { $109 = $psDec$addr; $indices177 = ((($109)) + 2736|0); $signalType178 = ((($indices177)) + 29|0); $110 = HEAP8[$signalType178>>0]|0; $conv179 = $110 << 24 >> 24; $111 = $psDec$addr; $ec_prevSignalType180 = ((($111)) + 2396|0); HEAP32[$ec_prevSignalType180>>2] = $conv179; $112 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call181 = (_ec_dec_icdf($112,27679,8)|0); $conv182 = $call181&255; $113 = $psDec$addr; $indices183 = ((($113)) + 2736|0); $Seed = ((($indices183)) + 34|0); HEAP8[$Seed>>0] = $conv182; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $decode_absolute_lagIndex = 1; $66 = $condCoding$addr; $cmp104 = ($66|0)==(2); if ($cmp104) { $67 = $psDec$addr; $ec_prevSignalType = ((($67)) + 2396|0); $68 = HEAP32[$ec_prevSignalType>>2]|0; $cmp106 = ($68|0)==(2); if ($cmp106) { $69 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call109 = (_ec_dec_icdf($69,27741,8)|0); $conv110 = $call109&65535; $conv111 = $conv110 << 16 >> 16; $delta_lagIndex = $conv111; $70 = $delta_lagIndex; $cmp112 = ($70|0)>(0); if ($cmp112) { $71 = $delta_lagIndex; $sub115 = (($71) - 9)|0; $delta_lagIndex = $sub115; $72 = $psDec$addr; $ec_prevLagIndex = ((($72)) + 2400|0); $73 = HEAP16[$ec_prevLagIndex>>1]|0; $conv116 = $73 << 16 >> 16; $74 = $delta_lagIndex; $add117 = (($conv116) + ($74))|0; $conv118 = $add117&65535; $75 = $psDec$addr; $indices119 = ((($75)) + 2736|0); $lagIndex = ((($indices119)) + 26|0); HEAP16[$lagIndex>>1] = $conv118; $decode_absolute_lagIndex = 0; } } } $76 = $decode_absolute_lagIndex; $tobool122 = ($76|0)!=(0); if ($tobool122) { $77 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call124 = (_ec_dec_icdf($77,27709,8)|0); $conv125 = $call124&65535; $conv126 = $conv125 << 16 >> 16; $78 = $psDec$addr; $fs_kHz = ((($78)) + 2316|0); $79 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $shr127 = $79 >> 1; $mul128 = Math_imul($conv126, $shr127)|0; $conv129 = $mul128&65535; $80 = $psDec$addr; $indices130 = ((($80)) + 2736|0); $lagIndex131 = ((($indices130)) + 26|0); HEAP16[$lagIndex131>>1] = $conv129; $81 = $psRangeDec$addr; $82 = $psDec$addr; $pitch_lag_low_bits_iCDF = ((($82)) + 2380|0); $83 = HEAP32[$pitch_lag_low_bits_iCDF>>2]|0; $call132 = (_ec_dec_icdf($81,$83,8)|0); $conv133 = $call132&65535; $conv134 = $conv133 << 16 >> 16; $84 = $psDec$addr; $indices135 = ((($84)) + 2736|0); $lagIndex136 = ((($indices135)) + 26|0); $85 = HEAP16[$lagIndex136>>1]|0; $conv137 = $85 << 16 >> 16; $add138 = (($conv137) + ($conv134))|0; $conv139 = $add138&65535; HEAP16[$lagIndex136>>1] = $conv139; } $86 = $psDec$addr; $indices141 = ((($86)) + 2736|0); $lagIndex142 = ((($indices141)) + 26|0); $87 = HEAP16[$lagIndex142>>1]|0; $88 = $psDec$addr; $ec_prevLagIndex143 = ((($88)) + 2400|0); HEAP16[$ec_prevLagIndex143>>1] = $87; $89 = $psRangeDec$addr; $90 = $psDec$addr; $pitch_contour_iCDF = ((($90)) + 2384|0); $91 = HEAP32[$pitch_contour_iCDF>>2]|0; $call144 = (_ec_dec_icdf($89,$91,8)|0); $conv145 = $call144&255; $92 = $psDec$addr; $indices146 = ((($92)) + 2736|0); $contourIndex = ((($indices146)) + 28|0); HEAP8[$contourIndex>>0] = $conv145; $93 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call147 = (_ec_dec_icdf($93,27169,8)|0); $conv148 = $call147&255; $94 = $psDec$addr; $indices149 = ((($94)) + 2736|0); $PERIndex = ((($indices149)) + 32|0); HEAP8[$PERIndex>>0] = $conv148; $k = 0; while(1) { $95 = $k; $96 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr151 = ((($96)) + 2324|0); $97 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr151>>2]|0; $cmp152 = ($95|0)<($97|0); if (!($cmp152)) { break; } $98 = $psRangeDec$addr; $99 = $psDec$addr; $indices155 = ((($99)) + 2736|0); $PERIndex156 = ((($indices155)) + 32|0); $100 = HEAP8[$PERIndex156>>0]|0; $idxprom157 = $100 << 24 >> 24; $arrayidx158 = (16660 + ($idxprom157<<2)|0); $101 = HEAP32[$arrayidx158>>2]|0; $call159 = (_ec_dec_icdf($98,$101,8)|0); $conv160 = $call159&255; $102 = $psDec$addr; $indices161 = ((($102)) + 2736|0); $LTPIndex = ((($indices161)) + 4|0); $103 = $k; $arrayidx162 = (($LTPIndex) + ($103)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx162>>0] = $conv160; $104 = $k; $inc164 = (($104) + 1)|0; $k = $inc164; } $105 = $condCoding$addr; $cmp166 = ($105|0)==(0); if ($cmp166) { $106 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call169 = (_ec_dec_icdf($106,27662,8)|0); $conv170 = $call169&255; $107 = $psDec$addr; $$sink2 = $conv170;$$sink3 = $107; } else { $108 = $psDec$addr; $$sink2 = 0;$$sink3 = $108; } $indices173 = ((($$sink3)) + 2736|0); $LTP_scaleIndex174 = ((($indices173)) + 33|0); HEAP8[$LTP_scaleIndex174>>0] = $$sink2; $109 = $psDec$addr; $indices177 = ((($109)) + 2736|0); $signalType178 = ((($indices177)) + 29|0); $110 = HEAP8[$signalType178>>0]|0; $conv179 = $110 << 24 >> 24; $111 = $psDec$addr; $ec_prevSignalType180 = ((($111)) + 2396|0); HEAP32[$ec_prevSignalType180>>2] = $conv179; $112 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call181 = (_ec_dec_icdf($112,27679,8)|0); $conv182 = $call181&255; $113 = $psDec$addr; $indices183 = ((($113)) + 2736|0); $Seed = ((($indices183)) + 34|0); HEAP8[$Seed>>0] = $conv182; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_decode_pulses($psRangeDec,$pulses,$signalType,$quantOffsetType,$frame_length) { $psRangeDec = $psRangeDec|0; $pulses = $pulses|0; $signalType = $signalType|0; $quantOffsetType = $quantOffsetType|0; $frame_length = $frame_length|0; var $$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0; var $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0; var $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $7 = 0; var $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $RateLevelIndex = 0, $abs_q = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx66 = 0; var $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $call = 0, $call14 = 0, $call14$sink = 0, $call6 = 0, $call61 = 0, $cdf_ptr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp39 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp43 = 0, $cmp52 = 0, $cmp58 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv25 = 0; var $conv26 = 0, $conv47 = 0, $conv48 = 0, $conv56 = 0, $conv65 = 0, $frame_length$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc11 = 0, $inc16 = 0, $inc36 = 0, $inc63 = 0, $inc68 = 0, $inc74 = 0, $iter = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $mul = 0, $mul27 = 0, $mul49 = 0; var $nLS = 0, $nLshifts = 0, $or = 0, $psRangeDec$addr = 0, $pulses$addr = 0, $pulses_ptr = 0, $quantOffsetType$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl70 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr1 = 0, $signalType$addr = 0, $sum_pulses = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 224|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(224|0); $sum_pulses = sp + 88|0; $nLshifts = sp + 8|0; $psRangeDec$addr = $psRangeDec; $pulses$addr = $pulses; $signalType$addr = $signalType; $quantOffsetType$addr = $quantOffsetType; $frame_length$addr = $frame_length; $0 = $psRangeDec$addr; $1 = $signalType$addr; $shr = $1 >> 1; $arrayidx = (28168 + (($shr*9)|0)|0); $call = (_ec_dec_icdf($0,$arrayidx,8)|0); $RateLevelIndex = $call; $2 = $frame_length$addr; $shr1 = $2 >> 4; $iter = $shr1; $3 = $iter; $mul = $3<<4; $4 = $frame_length$addr; $cmp = ($mul|0)<($4|0); if ($cmp) { $5 = $iter; $inc = (($5) + 1)|0; $iter = $inc; } $6 = $RateLevelIndex; $arrayidx2 = (27826 + (($6*18)|0)|0); $cdf_ptr = $arrayidx2; $i = 0; while(1) { $7 = $i; $8 = $iter; $cmp4 = ($7|0)<($8|0); if (!($cmp4)) { break; } $9 = $i; $arrayidx5 = (($nLshifts) + ($9<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2] = 0; $10 = $psRangeDec$addr; $11 = $cdf_ptr; $call6 = (_ec_dec_icdf($10,$11,8)|0); $12 = $i; $$sink = $12;$call14$sink = $call6; while(1) { $arrayidx15 = (($sum_pulses) + ($$sink<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx15>>2] = $call14$sink; $13 = $i; $arrayidx8 = (($sum_pulses) + ($13<<2)|0); $14 = HEAP32[$arrayidx8>>2]|0; $cmp9 = ($14|0)==(17); $15 = $i; if (!($cmp9)) { break; } $arrayidx10 = (($nLshifts) + ($15<<2)|0); $16 = HEAP32[$arrayidx10>>2]|0; $inc11 = (($16) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx10>>2] = $inc11; $17 = $psRangeDec$addr; $18 = $i; $arrayidx12 = (($nLshifts) + ($18<<2)|0); $19 = HEAP32[$arrayidx12>>2]|0; $cmp13 = ($19|0)==(10); $conv = $cmp13&1; $add$ptr = ((27988) + ($conv)|0); $call14 = (_ec_dec_icdf($17,$add$ptr,8)|0); $20 = $i; $$sink = $20;$call14$sink = $call14; } $inc16 = (($15) + 1)|0; $i = $inc16; } $i = 0; while(1) { $21 = $i; $22 = $iter; $cmp18 = ($21|0)<($22|0); if (!($cmp18)) { break; } $23 = $i; $arrayidx21 = (($sum_pulses) + ($23<<2)|0); $24 = HEAP32[$arrayidx21>>2]|0; $cmp22 = ($24|0)>(0); $25 = $pulses$addr; $26 = $i; $conv25 = $26&65535; $conv26 = $conv25 << 16 >> 16; $mul27 = $conv26<<4; $arrayidx28 = (($25) + ($mul27<<1)|0); if ($cmp22) { $27 = $psRangeDec$addr; $28 = $i; $arrayidx29 = (($sum_pulses) + ($28<<2)|0); $29 = HEAP32[$arrayidx29>>2]|0; _silk_shell_decoder($arrayidx28,$27,$29); } else { dest=$arrayidx28; stop=dest+32|0; do { HEAP16[dest>>1]=0|0; dest=dest+2|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); } $30 = $i; $inc36 = (($30) + 1)|0; $i = $inc36; } $i = 0; while(1) { $31 = $i; $32 = $iter; $cmp39 = ($31|0)<($32|0); if (!($cmp39)) { break; } $33 = $i; $arrayidx42 = (($nLshifts) + ($33<<2)|0); $34 = HEAP32[$arrayidx42>>2]|0; $cmp43 = ($34|0)>(0); if ($cmp43) { $35 = $i; $arrayidx46 = (($nLshifts) + ($35<<2)|0); $36 = HEAP32[$arrayidx46>>2]|0; $nLS = $36; $37 = $pulses$addr; $38 = $i; $conv47 = $38&65535; $conv48 = $conv47 << 16 >> 16; $mul49 = $conv48<<4; $arrayidx50 = (($37) + ($mul49<<1)|0); $pulses_ptr = $arrayidx50; $k = 0; while(1) { $39 = $k; $cmp52 = ($39|0)<(16); if (!($cmp52)) { break; } $40 = $pulses_ptr; $41 = $k; $arrayidx55 = (($40) + ($41<<1)|0); $42 = HEAP16[$arrayidx55>>1]|0; $conv56 = $42 << 16 >> 16; $abs_q = $conv56; $j = 0; while(1) { $43 = $j; $44 = $nLS; $cmp58 = ($43|0)<($44|0); $45 = $abs_q; if (!($cmp58)) { break; } $shl = $45 << 1; $abs_q = $shl; $46 = $psRangeDec$addr; $call61 = (_ec_dec_icdf($46,27660,8)|0); $47 = $abs_q; $add = (($47) + ($call61))|0; $abs_q = $add; $48 = $j; $inc63 = (($48) + 1)|0; $j = $inc63; } $conv65 = $45&65535; $49 = $pulses_ptr; $50 = $k; $arrayidx66 = (($49) + ($50<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx66>>1] = $conv65; $51 = $k; $inc68 = (($51) + 1)|0; $k = $inc68; } $52 = $nLS; $shl70 = $52 << 5; $53 = $i; $arrayidx71 = (($sum_pulses) + ($53<<2)|0); $54 = HEAP32[$arrayidx71>>2]|0; $or = $54 | $shl70; HEAP32[$arrayidx71>>2] = $or; } $55 = $i; $inc74 = (($55) + 1)|0; $i = $inc74; } $56 = $psRangeDec$addr; $57 = $pulses$addr; $58 = $frame_length$addr; $59 = $signalType$addr; $60 = $quantOffsetType$addr; _silk_decode_signs($56,$57,$58,$59,$60,$sum_pulses); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_decoder_set_fs($psDec,$fs_kHz,$fs_API_Hz) { $psDec = $psDec|0; $fs_kHz = $fs_kHz|0; $fs_API_Hz = $fs_API_Hz|0; var $$sink = 0, $$sink1 = 0, $$sink1$sink = 0, $$sink2 = 0, $$sink3 = 0, $$sink4 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0; var $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0; var $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; var $9 = 0, $LPC_order = 0, $LastGainIndex = 0, $add = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp28 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp50 = 0, $cmp53 = 0, $cmp60 = 0, $cmp64 = 0, $cmp69 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv1 = 0, $conv12 = 0; var $conv13 = 0, $conv2 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $conv47 = 0, $conv48 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $first_frame_after_reset = 0, $frame_length = 0, $frame_length20 = 0, $frame_length80 = 0, $fs_API_Hz$addr = 0, $fs_API_hz = 0, $fs_API_hz15 = 0, $fs_kHz$addr = 0, $fs_kHz16 = 0, $fs_kHz43 = 0, $fs_kHz79 = 0, $fs_kHz8 = 0, $lagPrev = 0; var $ltp_mem_length = 0, $mul = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul49 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr27 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $outBuf = 0, $pitch_contour_iCDF = 0, $pitch_lag_low_bits_iCDF67 = 0, $prevSignalType = 0, $psDec$addr = 0, $psNLSF_CB58 = 0, $resampler_state = 0, $ret = 0, $sLPC_Q14_buf = 0, $silk_NLSF_CB_WB$sink = 0, $subfr_length = 0, $subfr_length4 = 0; var dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $psDec$addr = $psDec; $fs_kHz$addr = $fs_kHz; $fs_API_Hz$addr = $fs_API_Hz; $ret = 0; $0 = $fs_kHz$addr; $conv = $0&65535; $conv1 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = ($conv1*5)|0; $1 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length = ((($1)) + 2332|0); HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2] = $mul; $2 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($2)) + 2324|0); $3 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $conv2 = $3&65535; $conv3 = $conv2 << 16 >> 16; $4 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length4 = ((($4)) + 2332|0); $5 = HEAP32[$subfr_length4>>2]|0; $conv5 = $5&65535; $conv6 = $conv5 << 16 >> 16; $mul7 = Math_imul($conv3, $conv6)|0; $frame_length = $mul7; $6 = $psDec$addr; $fs_kHz8 = ((($6)) + 2316|0); $7 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz8>>2]|0; $8 = $fs_kHz$addr; $cmp = ($7|0)!=($8|0); if ($cmp) { label = 3; } else { $9 = $psDec$addr; $fs_API_hz = ((($9)) + 2320|0); $10 = HEAP32[$fs_API_hz>>2]|0; $11 = $fs_API_Hz$addr; $cmp10 = ($10|0)!=($11|0); if ($cmp10) { label = 3; } } if ((label|0) == 3) { $12 = $psDec$addr; $resampler_state = ((($12)) + 2432|0); $13 = $fs_kHz$addr; $conv12 = $13&65535; $conv13 = $conv12 << 16 >> 16; $mul14 = ($conv13*1000)|0; $14 = $fs_API_Hz$addr; $call = (_silk_resampler_init($resampler_state,$mul14,$14,0)|0); $15 = $ret; $add = (($15) + ($call))|0; $ret = $add; $16 = $fs_API_Hz$addr; $17 = $psDec$addr; $fs_API_hz15 = ((($17)) + 2320|0); HEAP32[$fs_API_hz15>>2] = $16; } $18 = $psDec$addr; $fs_kHz16 = ((($18)) + 2316|0); $19 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz16>>2]|0; $20 = $fs_kHz$addr; $cmp17 = ($19|0)!=($20|0); if (!($cmp17)) { $21 = $frame_length; $22 = $psDec$addr; $frame_length20 = ((($22)) + 2328|0); $23 = HEAP32[$frame_length20>>2]|0; $cmp21 = ($21|0)!=($23|0); if (!($cmp21)) { $54 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($54|0); } } $24 = $fs_kHz$addr; $cmp24 = ($24|0)==(8); $25 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr27 = ((($25)) + 2324|0); $26 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr27>>2]|0; $cmp28 = ($26|0)==(4); $27 = $psDec$addr; $pitch_contour_iCDF = ((($27)) + 2384|0); $$sink1 = $cmp28 ? 27762 : 27807; $$sink = $cmp28 ? 27796 : 27819; $$sink1$sink = $cmp24 ? $$sink : $$sink1; HEAP32[$pitch_contour_iCDF>>2] = $$sink1$sink; $28 = $psDec$addr; $fs_kHz43 = ((($28)) + 2316|0); $29 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz43>>2]|0; $30 = $fs_kHz$addr; $cmp44 = ($29|0)!=($30|0); if ($cmp44) { $31 = $fs_kHz$addr; $conv47 = $31&65535; $conv48 = $conv47 << 16 >> 16; $mul49 = ($conv48*20)|0; $32 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length = ((($32)) + 2336|0); HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length>>2] = $mul49; $33 = $fs_kHz$addr; $cmp50 = ($33|0)==(8); $34 = $fs_kHz$addr; $cmp53 = ($34|0)==(12); $or$cond = $cmp50 | $cmp53; $35 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order = ((($35)) + 2340|0); if ($or$cond) { HEAP32[$LPC_order>>2] = 10; $36 = $psDec$addr; $$sink2 = $36;$silk_NLSF_CB_WB$sink = 22216; } else { HEAP32[$LPC_order>>2] = 16; $37 = $psDec$addr; $$sink2 = $37;$silk_NLSF_CB_WB$sink = 22252; } $psNLSF_CB58 = ((($$sink2)) + 2732|0); HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB58>>2] = $silk_NLSF_CB_WB$sink; $38 = $fs_kHz$addr; $cmp60 = ($38|0)==(16); do { if ($cmp60) { $39 = $psDec$addr; $$sink3 = 27694;$$sink4 = $39; label = 16; } else { $40 = $fs_kHz$addr; $cmp64 = ($40|0)==(12); if ($cmp64) { $41 = $psDec$addr; $$sink3 = 27688;$$sink4 = $41; label = 16; break; } $42 = $fs_kHz$addr; $cmp69 = ($42|0)==(8); if ($cmp69) { $43 = $psDec$addr; $$sink3 = 27679;$$sink4 = $43; label = 16; } } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 16) { $pitch_lag_low_bits_iCDF67 = ((($$sink4)) + 2380|0); HEAP32[$pitch_lag_low_bits_iCDF67>>2] = $$sink3; } $44 = $psDec$addr; $first_frame_after_reset = ((($44)) + 2376|0); HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset>>2] = 1; $45 = $psDec$addr; $lagPrev = ((($45)) + 2308|0); HEAP32[$lagPrev>>2] = 100; $46 = $psDec$addr; $LastGainIndex = ((($46)) + 2312|0); HEAP8[$LastGainIndex>>0] = 10; $47 = $psDec$addr; $prevSignalType = ((($47)) + 4164|0); HEAP32[$prevSignalType>>2] = 0; $48 = $psDec$addr; $outBuf = ((($48)) + 1348|0); _memset(($outBuf|0),0,960)|0; $49 = $psDec$addr; $sLPC_Q14_buf = ((($49)) + 1284|0); dest=$sLPC_Q14_buf; stop=dest+64|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=0|0; dest=dest+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); } $50 = $fs_kHz$addr; $51 = $psDec$addr; $fs_kHz79 = ((($51)) + 2316|0); HEAP32[$fs_kHz79>>2] = $50; $52 = $frame_length; $53 = $psDec$addr; $frame_length80 = ((($53)) + 2328|0); HEAP32[$frame_length80>>2] = $52; $54 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($54|0); } function _silk_gains_quant($ind,$gain_Q16,$prev_ind,$conditional,$nb_subfr) { $ind = $ind|0; $gain_Q16 = $gain_Q16|0; $prev_ind = $prev_ind|0; $conditional = $conditional|0; $nb_subfr = $nb_subfr|0; var $$sink2 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $12 = 0; var $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0; var $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0; var $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0; var $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0; var $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $add = 0, $add108 = 0, $add110 = 0, $add149 = 0, $add164 = 0; var $add165 = 0, $add38 = 0, $add45 = 0, $add50 = 0, $add74 = 0, $add79 = 0, $add99 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx100 = 0, $arrayidx105 = 0, $arrayidx112 = 0, $arrayidx114 = 0, $arrayidx120 = 0, $arrayidx126 = 0, $arrayidx133 = 0, $arrayidx134 = 0, $arrayidx139 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx152 = 0; var $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx168 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx81 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $arrayidx90 = 0, $arrayidx91 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $arrayidx97 = 0, $call = 0, $call166 = 0, $call167 = 0, $call3 = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cmp102 = 0, $cmp116 = 0, $cmp122 = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp136 = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp32 = 0, $cmp34 = 0, $cmp39 = 0, $cmp46 = 0, $cmp54 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp75 = 0, $cond131 = 0, $cond29 = 0, $cond88 = 0, $conditional$addr = 0, $conv = 0; var $conv1 = 0, $conv101 = 0, $conv106 = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv111 = 0, $conv115 = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv121 = 0, $conv127 = 0, $conv132 = 0, $conv135 = 0, $conv140 = 0, $conv140$sink = 0, $conv148 = 0, $conv150 = 0, $conv153 = 0, $conv155 = 0, $conv157 = 0, $conv158 = 0, $conv160 = 0; var $conv161 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv21 = 0, $conv27 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $conv37 = 0, $conv43 = 0, $conv44 = 0, $conv49 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv53 = 0, $conv59 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv72 = 0, $conv73 = 0, $conv78 = 0, $conv8 = 0, $conv82 = 0, $conv89 = 0, $conv93 = 0; var $conv94 = 0, $conv96 = 0, $conv98 = 0, $double_step_size_threshold = 0, $gain_Q16$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc169 = 0, $ind$addr = 0, $k = 0, $mul = 0, $mul159 = 0, $mul162 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $nb_subfr$addr = 0, $or$cond = 0, $prev_ind$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr109 = 0, $shr163 = 0; var $sub = 0, $sub107 = 0, $sub141 = 0, $sub154 = 0, $sub4 = 0, $sub95 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $ind$addr = $ind; $gain_Q16$addr = $gain_Q16; $prev_ind$addr = $prev_ind; $conditional$addr = $conditional; $nb_subfr$addr = $nb_subfr; $k = 0; while(1) { $0 = $k; $1 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $gain_Q16$addr; $3 = $k; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<2)|0); $4 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $call = (_silk_lin2log($4)|0); $sub = (($call) - 2090)|0; $conv = $sub&65535; $conv1 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = 0; $5 = $gain_Q16$addr; $6 = $k; $arrayidx2 = (($5) + ($6<<2)|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx2>>2]|0; $call3 = (_silk_lin2log($7)|0); $sub4 = (($call3) - 2090)|0; $conv5 = $sub4&65535; $conv6 = $conv5 << 16 >> 16; $mul7 = ($conv6*2251)|0; $shr = $mul7 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr))|0; $conv8 = $add&255; $8 = $ind$addr; $9 = $k; $arrayidx9 = (($8) + ($9)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx9>>0] = $conv8; $10 = $ind$addr; $11 = $k; $arrayidx10 = (($10) + ($11)|0); $12 = HEAP8[$arrayidx10>>0]|0; $conv11 = $12 << 24 >> 24; $13 = $prev_ind$addr; $14 = HEAP8[$13>>0]|0; $conv12 = $14 << 24 >> 24; $cmp13 = ($conv11|0)<($conv12|0); if ($cmp13) { $15 = $ind$addr; $16 = $k; $arrayidx15 = (($15) + ($16)|0); $17 = HEAP8[$arrayidx15>>0]|0; $inc = (($17) + 1)<<24>>24; HEAP8[$arrayidx15>>0] = $inc; } $18 = $ind$addr; $19 = $k; $arrayidx16 = (($18) + ($19)|0); $20 = HEAP8[$arrayidx16>>0]|0; $conv17 = $20 << 24 >> 24; $cmp18 = ($conv17|0)>(63); if ($cmp18) { $cond29 = 63; } else { $21 = $ind$addr; $22 = $k; $arrayidx20 = (($21) + ($22)|0); $23 = HEAP8[$arrayidx20>>0]|0; $conv21 = $23 << 24 >> 24; $cmp22 = ($conv21|0)<(0); if ($cmp22) { $cond29 = 0; } else { $24 = $ind$addr; $25 = $k; $arrayidx26 = (($24) + ($25)|0); $26 = HEAP8[$arrayidx26>>0]|0; $conv27 = $26 << 24 >> 24; $cond29 = $conv27; } } $conv30 = $cond29&255; $27 = $ind$addr; $28 = $k; $arrayidx31 = (($27) + ($28)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx31>>0] = $conv30; $29 = $k; $cmp32 = ($29|0)==(0); $30 = $conditional$addr; $cmp34 = ($30|0)==(0); $or$cond = $cmp32 & $cmp34; if ($or$cond) { $31 = $prev_ind$addr; $32 = HEAP8[$31>>0]|0; $conv37 = $32 << 24 >> 24; $add38 = (($conv37) + -4)|0; $cmp39 = ($add38|0)>(63); $33 = $ind$addr; $34 = $k; $arrayidx42 = (($33) + ($34)|0); $35 = HEAP8[$arrayidx42>>0]|0; $conv43 = $35 << 24 >> 24; do { if ($cmp39) { $36 = $prev_ind$addr; $37 = HEAP8[$36>>0]|0; $conv44 = $37 << 24 >> 24; $add45 = (($conv44) + -4)|0; $cmp46 = ($conv43|0)>($add45|0); if ($cmp46) { $38 = $prev_ind$addr; $39 = HEAP8[$38>>0]|0; $conv49 = $39 << 24 >> 24; $add50 = (($conv49) + -4)|0; $cond88 = $add50; break; } $40 = $ind$addr; $41 = $k; $arrayidx52 = (($40) + ($41)|0); $42 = HEAP8[$arrayidx52>>0]|0; $conv53 = $42 << 24 >> 24; $cmp54 = ($conv53|0)<(63); if ($cmp54) { $cond88 = 63; } else { $43 = $ind$addr; $44 = $k; $arrayidx58 = (($43) + ($44)|0); $45 = HEAP8[$arrayidx58>>0]|0; $conv59 = $45 << 24 >> 24; $cond88 = $conv59; } } else { $cmp67 = ($conv43|0)>(63); if ($cmp67) { $cond88 = 63; } else { $46 = $ind$addr; $47 = $k; $arrayidx71 = (($46) + ($47)|0); $48 = HEAP8[$arrayidx71>>0]|0; $conv72 = $48 << 24 >> 24; $49 = $prev_ind$addr; $50 = HEAP8[$49>>0]|0; $conv73 = $50 << 24 >> 24; $add74 = (($conv73) + -4)|0; $cmp75 = ($conv72|0)<($add74|0); if ($cmp75) { $51 = $prev_ind$addr; $52 = HEAP8[$51>>0]|0; $conv78 = $52 << 24 >> 24; $add79 = (($conv78) + -4)|0; $cond88 = $add79; break; } else { $53 = $ind$addr; $54 = $k; $arrayidx81 = (($53) + ($54)|0); $55 = HEAP8[$arrayidx81>>0]|0; $conv82 = $55 << 24 >> 24; $cond88 = $conv82; break; } } } } while(0); $conv89 = $cond88&255; $56 = $ind$addr; $57 = $k; $arrayidx90 = (($56) + ($57)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx90>>0] = $conv89; $58 = $ind$addr; $59 = $k; $arrayidx91 = (($58) + ($59)|0); $60 = HEAP8[$arrayidx91>>0]|0; $61 = $prev_ind$addr; HEAP8[$61>>0] = $60; } else { $62 = $ind$addr; $63 = $k; $arrayidx92 = (($62) + ($63)|0); $64 = HEAP8[$arrayidx92>>0]|0; $conv93 = $64 << 24 >> 24; $65 = $prev_ind$addr; $66 = HEAP8[$65>>0]|0; $conv94 = $66 << 24 >> 24; $sub95 = (($conv93) - ($conv94))|0; $conv96 = $sub95&255; $67 = $ind$addr; $68 = $k; $arrayidx97 = (($67) + ($68)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx97>>0] = $conv96; $69 = $prev_ind$addr; $70 = HEAP8[$69>>0]|0; $conv98 = $70 << 24 >> 24; $add99 = (8 + ($conv98))|0; $double_step_size_threshold = $add99; $71 = $ind$addr; $72 = $k; $arrayidx100 = (($71) + ($72)|0); $73 = HEAP8[$arrayidx100>>0]|0; $conv101 = $73 << 24 >> 24; $74 = $double_step_size_threshold; $cmp102 = ($conv101|0)>($74|0); if ($cmp102) { $75 = $double_step_size_threshold; $76 = $ind$addr; $77 = $k; $arrayidx105 = (($76) + ($77)|0); $78 = HEAP8[$arrayidx105>>0]|0; $conv106 = $78 << 24 >> 24; $79 = $double_step_size_threshold; $sub107 = (($conv106) - ($79))|0; $add108 = (($sub107) + 1)|0; $shr109 = $add108 >> 1; $add110 = (($75) + ($shr109))|0; $conv111 = $add110&255; $80 = $ind$addr; $81 = $k; $arrayidx112 = (($80) + ($81)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx112>>0] = $conv111; } $82 = $ind$addr; $83 = $k; $arrayidx114 = (($82) + ($83)|0); $84 = HEAP8[$arrayidx114>>0]|0; $conv115 = $84 << 24 >> 24; $cmp116 = ($conv115|0)>(36); if ($cmp116) { $cond131 = 36; } else { $85 = $ind$addr; $86 = $k; $arrayidx120 = (($85) + ($86)|0); $87 = HEAP8[$arrayidx120>>0]|0; $conv121 = $87 << 24 >> 24; $cmp122 = ($conv121|0)<(-4); if ($cmp122) { $cond131 = -4; } else { $88 = $ind$addr; $89 = $k; $arrayidx126 = (($88) + ($89)|0); $90 = HEAP8[$arrayidx126>>0]|0; $conv127 = $90 << 24 >> 24; $cond131 = $conv127; } } $conv132 = $cond131&255; $91 = $ind$addr; $92 = $k; $arrayidx133 = (($91) + ($92)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx133>>0] = $conv132; $93 = $ind$addr; $94 = $k; $arrayidx134 = (($93) + ($94)|0); $95 = HEAP8[$arrayidx134>>0]|0; $conv135 = $95 << 24 >> 24; $96 = $double_step_size_threshold; $cmp136 = ($conv135|0)>($96|0); $97 = $ind$addr; $98 = $k; $arrayidx139 = (($97) + ($98)|0); $99 = HEAP8[$arrayidx139>>0]|0; $conv140 = $99 << 24 >> 24; if ($cmp136) { $shl = $conv140 << 1; $100 = $double_step_size_threshold; $sub141 = (($shl) - ($100))|0; $101 = $prev_ind$addr; $$sink2 = $101;$conv140$sink = $sub141; } else { $102 = $prev_ind$addr; $$sink2 = $102;$conv140$sink = $conv140; } $103 = HEAP8[$$sink2>>0]|0; $conv148 = $103 << 24 >> 24; $add149 = (($conv148) + ($conv140$sink))|0; $conv150 = $add149&255; HEAP8[$$sink2>>0] = $conv150; $104 = $ind$addr; $105 = $k; $arrayidx152 = (($104) + ($105)|0); $106 = HEAP8[$arrayidx152>>0]|0; $conv153 = $106 << 24 >> 24; $sub154 = (($conv153) - -4)|0; $conv155 = $sub154&255; HEAP8[$arrayidx152>>0] = $conv155; } $107 = $prev_ind$addr; $108 = HEAP8[$107>>0]|0; $conv157 = $108 << 24 >> 24; $conv158 = $conv157 << 16 >> 16; $mul159 = ($conv158*29)|0; $109 = $prev_ind$addr; $110 = HEAP8[$109>>0]|0; $conv160 = $110 << 24 >> 24; $conv161 = $conv160 << 16 >> 16; $mul162 = ($conv161*7281)|0; $shr163 = $mul162 >> 16; $add164 = (($mul159) + ($shr163))|0; $add165 = (($add164) + 2090)|0; $call166 = (_silk_min_32_403($add165,3967)|0); $call167 = (_silk_log2lin($call166)|0); $111 = $gain_Q16$addr; $112 = $k; $arrayidx168 = (($111) + ($112<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx168>>2] = $call167; $113 = $k; $inc169 = (($113) + 1)|0; $k = $inc169; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_min_32_403($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_gains_dequant($gain_Q16,$ind,$prev_ind,$conditional,$nb_subfr) { $gain_Q16 = $gain_Q16|0; $ind = $ind|0; $prev_ind = $prev_ind|0; $conditional = $conditional|0; $nb_subfr = $nb_subfr|0; var $$sink1 = 0, $$sink3 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0; var $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add18 = 0, $add38 = 0, $add39 = 0, $add8 = 0; var $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $call = 0, $call40 = 0, $call41 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cond31 = 0, $conditional$addr = 0, $conv = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv21 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv3 = 0; var $conv32 = 0, $conv33 = 0, $conv34 = 0, $conv35 = 0, $conv36 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $double_step_size_threshold = 0, $gain_Q16$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $ind$addr = 0, $ind_tmp = 0, $k = 0, $mul = 0, $mul37 = 0, $nb_subfr$addr = 0, $or$cond = 0, $prev_ind$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0; var $sub = 0, $sub12 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $gain_Q16$addr = $gain_Q16; $ind$addr = $ind; $prev_ind$addr = $prev_ind; $conditional$addr = $conditional; $nb_subfr$addr = $nb_subfr; $k = 0; while(1) { $0 = $k; $1 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $k; $cmp1 = ($2|0)==(0); $3 = $conditional$addr; $cmp2 = ($3|0)==(0); $or$cond = $cmp1 & $cmp2; $4 = $ind$addr; $5 = $k; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($5)|0); $6 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $conv = $6 << 24 >> 24; if ($or$cond) { $7 = $prev_ind$addr; $8 = HEAP8[$7>>0]|0; $conv3 = $8 << 24 >> 24; $sub = (($conv3) - 16)|0; $call = (_silk_max_int_406($conv,$sub)|0); $conv4 = $call&255; $9 = $prev_ind$addr; HEAP8[$9>>0] = $conv4; } else { $add = (($conv) + -4)|0; $ind_tmp = $add; $10 = $prev_ind$addr; $11 = HEAP8[$10>>0]|0; $conv7 = $11 << 24 >> 24; $add8 = (8 + ($conv7))|0; $double_step_size_threshold = $add8; $12 = $ind_tmp; $13 = $double_step_size_threshold; $cmp9 = ($12|0)>($13|0); $14 = $ind_tmp; if ($cmp9) { $shl = $14 << 1; $15 = $double_step_size_threshold; $sub12 = (($shl) - ($15))|0; $16 = $prev_ind$addr; $$sink1 = $sub12;$$sink3 = $16; } else { $17 = $prev_ind$addr; $$sink1 = $14;$$sink3 = $17; } $18 = HEAP8[$$sink3>>0]|0; $conv17 = $18 << 24 >> 24; $add18 = (($conv17) + ($$sink1))|0; $conv19 = $add18&255; HEAP8[$$sink3>>0] = $conv19; } $19 = $prev_ind$addr; $20 = HEAP8[$19>>0]|0; $conv21 = $20 << 24 >> 24; $cmp22 = ($conv21|0)>(63); if ($cmp22) { $cond31 = 63; } else { $21 = $prev_ind$addr; $22 = HEAP8[$21>>0]|0; $conv24 = $22 << 24 >> 24; $cmp25 = ($conv24|0)<(0); if ($cmp25) { $cond31 = 0; } else { $23 = $prev_ind$addr; $24 = HEAP8[$23>>0]|0; $conv29 = $24 << 24 >> 24; $cond31 = $conv29; } } $conv32 = $cond31&255; $25 = $prev_ind$addr; HEAP8[$25>>0] = $conv32; $26 = $prev_ind$addr; $27 = HEAP8[$26>>0]|0; $conv33 = $27 << 24 >> 24; $conv34 = $conv33 << 16 >> 16; $mul = ($conv34*29)|0; $28 = $prev_ind$addr; $29 = HEAP8[$28>>0]|0; $conv35 = $29 << 24 >> 24; $conv36 = $conv35 << 16 >> 16; $mul37 = ($conv36*7281)|0; $shr = $mul37 >> 16; $add38 = (($mul) + ($shr))|0; $add39 = (($add38) + 2090)|0; $call40 = (_silk_min_32_403($add39,3967)|0); $call41 = (_silk_log2lin($call40)|0); $30 = $gain_Q16$addr; $31 = $k; $arrayidx42 = (($30) + ($31<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx42>>2] = $call41; $32 = $k; $inc = (($32) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_max_int_406($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_gains_ID($ind,$nb_subfr) { $ind = $ind|0; $nb_subfr = $nb_subfr|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $gainsID = 0, $inc = 0, $ind$addr = 0, $k = 0, $nb_subfr$addr = 0, $shl = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $ind$addr = $ind; $nb_subfr$addr = $nb_subfr; $gainsID = 0; $k = 0; while(1) { $0 = $k; $1 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $ind$addr; $3 = $k; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3)|0); $4 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $conv = $4 << 24 >> 24; $5 = $gainsID; $shl = $5 << 8; $add = (($conv) + ($shl))|0; $gainsID = $add; $6 = $k; $inc = (($6) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $7 = $gainsID; STACKTOP = sp;return ($7|0); } function _silk_LP_variable_cutoff($psLP,$frame,$frame_length) { $psLP = $psLP|0; $frame = $frame|0; $frame_length = $frame_length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $3 = 0; var $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $A_Q28 = 0, $B_Q28 = 0, $add = 0, $add15 = 0, $add9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cond17 = 0, $fac_Q16 = 0, $frame$addr = 0, $frame_length$addr = 0, $ind = 0, $mode = 0; var $mode14 = 0, $mode5 = 0, $mode8 = 0, $psLP$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl1 = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub2 = 0, $transition_frame_no = 0, $transition_frame_no13 = 0, $transition_frame_no18 = 0, $transition_frame_no4 = 0, $transition_frame_no7 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $B_Q28 = sp + 16|0; $A_Q28 = sp + 8|0; $psLP$addr = $psLP; $frame$addr = $frame; $frame_length$addr = $frame_length; $fac_Q16 = 0; $ind = 0; $0 = $psLP$addr; $mode = ((($0)) + 12|0); $1 = HEAP32[$mode>>2]|0; $cmp = ($1|0)!=(0); if (!($cmp)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $2 = $psLP$addr; $transition_frame_no = ((($2)) + 8|0); $3 = HEAP32[$transition_frame_no>>2]|0; $sub = (256 - ($3))|0; $shl = $sub << 10; $fac_Q16 = $shl; $4 = $fac_Q16; $shr = $4 >> 16; $ind = $shr; $5 = $ind; $shl1 = $5 << 16; $6 = $fac_Q16; $sub2 = (($6) - ($shl1))|0; $fac_Q16 = $sub2; $7 = $ind; $8 = $fac_Q16; _silk_LP_interpolate_filter_taps($B_Q28,$A_Q28,$7,$8); $9 = $psLP$addr; $transition_frame_no4 = ((($9)) + 8|0); $10 = HEAP32[$transition_frame_no4>>2]|0; $11 = $psLP$addr; $mode5 = ((($11)) + 12|0); $12 = HEAP32[$mode5>>2]|0; $add = (($10) + ($12))|0; $cmp6 = ($add|0)>(256); if ($cmp6) { $cond17 = 256; } else { $13 = $psLP$addr; $transition_frame_no7 = ((($13)) + 8|0); $14 = HEAP32[$transition_frame_no7>>2]|0; $15 = $psLP$addr; $mode8 = ((($15)) + 12|0); $16 = HEAP32[$mode8>>2]|0; $add9 = (($14) + ($16))|0; $cmp10 = ($add9|0)<(0); if ($cmp10) { $cond17 = 0; } else { $17 = $psLP$addr; $transition_frame_no13 = ((($17)) + 8|0); $18 = HEAP32[$transition_frame_no13>>2]|0; $19 = $psLP$addr; $mode14 = ((($19)) + 12|0); $20 = HEAP32[$mode14>>2]|0; $add15 = (($18) + ($20))|0; $cond17 = $add15; } } $21 = $psLP$addr; $transition_frame_no18 = ((($21)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$transition_frame_no18>>2] = $cond17; $22 = $frame$addr; $23 = $psLP$addr; $24 = $frame$addr; $25 = $frame_length$addr; _silk_biquad_alt($22,$B_Q28,$A_Q28,$23,$24,$25,1); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_LP_interpolate_filter_taps($B_Q28,$A_Q28,$ind,$fac_Q16) { $B_Q28 = $B_Q28|0; $A_Q28 = $A_Q28|0; $ind = $ind|0; $fac_Q16 = $fac_Q16|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $A_Q28$addr = 0, $B_Q28$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add101 = 0, $add112 = 0, $add12 = 0, $add124 = 0; var $add125 = 0, $add22 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add31 = 0, $add41 = 0, $add52 = 0, $add53 = 0, $add62 = 0, $add65 = 0, $add76 = 0, $add88 = 0, $add89 = 0, $add98 = 0, $and = 0, $and118 = 0, $and47 = 0, $and82 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx100 = 0; var $arrayidx102 = 0, $arrayidx103 = 0, $arrayidx104 = 0, $arrayidx105 = 0, $arrayidx113 = 0, $arrayidx114 = 0, $arrayidx115 = 0, $arrayidx116 = 0, $arrayidx126 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx131 = 0, $arrayidx132 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0; var $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $arrayidx64 = 0, $arrayidx66 = 0, $arrayidx67 = 0, $arrayidx68 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx77 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx79 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx80 = 0; var $arrayidx9 = 0, $arrayidx90 = 0, $arrayidx99 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp95 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv109 = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv110 = 0, $conv120 = 0, $conv121 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv38 = 0, $conv39 = 0; var $conv48 = 0, $conv49 = 0, $conv73 = 0, $conv74 = 0, $conv84 = 0, $conv85 = 0, $fac_Q16$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc128 = 0, $inc56 = 0, $inc92 = 0, $ind$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul111 = 0, $mul122 = 0, $mul20 = 0, $mul40 = 0, $mul50 = 0, $mul75 = 0, $mul86 = 0; var $na = 0, $nb = 0, $shr = 0, $shr107 = 0, $shr123 = 0, $shr21 = 0, $shr37 = 0, $shr51 = 0, $shr71 = 0, $shr87 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub106 = 0, $sub108 = 0, $sub117 = 0, $sub119 = 0, $sub17 = 0, $sub36 = 0, $sub46 = 0, $sub70 = 0, $sub72 = 0; var $sub81 = 0, $sub83 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $B_Q28$addr = $B_Q28; $A_Q28$addr = $A_Q28; $ind$addr = $ind; $fac_Q16$addr = $fac_Q16; $0 = $ind$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(4); if (!($cmp)) { $91 = $B_Q28$addr; ;HEAP32[$91>>2]=HEAP32[(16860)>>2]|0;HEAP32[$91+4>>2]=HEAP32[(16860)+4>>2]|0;HEAP32[$91+8>>2]=HEAP32[(16860)+8>>2]|0; $92 = $A_Q28$addr; ;HEAP32[$92>>2]=HEAP32[(16904)>>2]|0;HEAP32[$92+4>>2]=HEAP32[(16904)+4>>2]|0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $1 = $fac_Q16$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)>(0); if (!($cmp1)) { $87 = $B_Q28$addr; $88 = $ind$addr; $arrayidx131 = (16812 + (($88*12)|0)|0); ;HEAP32[$87>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx131>>2]|0;HEAP32[$87+4>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx131+4>>2]|0;HEAP32[$87+8>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx131+8>>2]|0; $89 = $A_Q28$addr; $90 = $ind$addr; $arrayidx132 = (16872 + ($90<<3)|0); ;HEAP32[$89>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx132>>2]|0;HEAP32[$89+4>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx132+4>>2]|0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $2 = $fac_Q16$addr; $cmp3 = ($2|0)<(32768); $nb = 0; if ($cmp3) { while(1) { $3 = $nb; $cmp5 = ($3|0)<(3); if (!($cmp5)) { break; } $4 = $ind$addr; $arrayidx = (16812 + (($4*12)|0)|0); $5 = $nb; $arrayidx6 = (($arrayidx) + ($5<<2)|0); $6 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $7 = $ind$addr; $add = (($7) + 1)|0; $arrayidx7 = (16812 + (($add*12)|0)|0); $8 = $nb; $arrayidx8 = (($arrayidx7) + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = HEAP32[$arrayidx8>>2]|0; $10 = $ind$addr; $arrayidx9 = (16812 + (($10*12)|0)|0); $11 = $nb; $arrayidx10 = (($arrayidx9) + ($11<<2)|0); $12 = HEAP32[$arrayidx10>>2]|0; $sub = (($9) - ($12))|0; $shr = $sub >> 16; $13 = $fac_Q16$addr; $conv = $13&65535; $conv11 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr, $conv11)|0; $14 = $ind$addr; $add12 = (($14) + 1)|0; $arrayidx13 = (16812 + (($add12*12)|0)|0); $15 = $nb; $arrayidx14 = (($arrayidx13) + ($15<<2)|0); $16 = HEAP32[$arrayidx14>>2]|0; $17 = $ind$addr; $arrayidx15 = (16812 + (($17*12)|0)|0); $18 = $nb; $arrayidx16 = (($arrayidx15) + ($18<<2)|0); $19 = HEAP32[$arrayidx16>>2]|0; $sub17 = (($16) - ($19))|0; $and = $sub17 & 65535; $20 = $fac_Q16$addr; $conv18 = $20&65535; $conv19 = $conv18 << 16 >> 16; $mul20 = Math_imul($and, $conv19)|0; $shr21 = $mul20 >> 16; $add22 = (($mul) + ($shr21))|0; $add23 = (($6) + ($add22))|0; $21 = $B_Q28$addr; $22 = $nb; $arrayidx24 = (($21) + ($22<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx24>>2] = $add23; $23 = $nb; $inc = (($23) + 1)|0; $nb = $inc; } $na = 0; while(1) { $24 = $na; $cmp26 = ($24|0)<(2); if (!($cmp26)) { break; } $25 = $ind$addr; $arrayidx29 = (16872 + ($25<<3)|0); $26 = $na; $arrayidx30 = (($arrayidx29) + ($26<<2)|0); $27 = HEAP32[$arrayidx30>>2]|0; $28 = $ind$addr; $add31 = (($28) + 1)|0; $arrayidx32 = (16872 + ($add31<<3)|0); $29 = $na; $arrayidx33 = (($arrayidx32) + ($29<<2)|0); $30 = HEAP32[$arrayidx33>>2]|0; $31 = $ind$addr; $arrayidx34 = (16872 + ($31<<3)|0); $32 = $na; $arrayidx35 = (($arrayidx34) + ($32<<2)|0); $33 = HEAP32[$arrayidx35>>2]|0; $sub36 = (($30) - ($33))|0; $shr37 = $sub36 >> 16; $34 = $fac_Q16$addr; $conv38 = $34&65535; $conv39 = $conv38 << 16 >> 16; $mul40 = Math_imul($shr37, $conv39)|0; $35 = $ind$addr; $add41 = (($35) + 1)|0; $arrayidx42 = (16872 + ($add41<<3)|0); $36 = $na; $arrayidx43 = (($arrayidx42) + ($36<<2)|0); $37 = HEAP32[$arrayidx43>>2]|0; $38 = $ind$addr; $arrayidx44 = (16872 + ($38<<3)|0); $39 = $na; $arrayidx45 = (($arrayidx44) + ($39<<2)|0); $40 = HEAP32[$arrayidx45>>2]|0; $sub46 = (($37) - ($40))|0; $and47 = $sub46 & 65535; $41 = $fac_Q16$addr; $conv48 = $41&65535; $conv49 = $conv48 << 16 >> 16; $mul50 = Math_imul($and47, $conv49)|0; $shr51 = $mul50 >> 16; $add52 = (($mul40) + ($shr51))|0; $add53 = (($27) + ($add52))|0; $42 = $A_Q28$addr; $43 = $na; $arrayidx54 = (($42) + ($43<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx54>>2] = $add53; $44 = $na; $inc56 = (($44) + 1)|0; $na = $inc56; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { while(1) { $45 = $nb; $cmp59 = ($45|0)<(3); if (!($cmp59)) { break; } $46 = $ind$addr; $add62 = (($46) + 1)|0; $arrayidx63 = (16812 + (($add62*12)|0)|0); $47 = $nb; $arrayidx64 = (($arrayidx63) + ($47<<2)|0); $48 = HEAP32[$arrayidx64>>2]|0; $49 = $ind$addr; $add65 = (($49) + 1)|0; $arrayidx66 = (16812 + (($add65*12)|0)|0); $50 = $nb; $arrayidx67 = (($arrayidx66) + ($50<<2)|0); $51 = HEAP32[$arrayidx67>>2]|0; $52 = $ind$addr; $arrayidx68 = (16812 + (($52*12)|0)|0); $53 = $nb; $arrayidx69 = (($arrayidx68) + ($53<<2)|0); $54 = HEAP32[$arrayidx69>>2]|0; $sub70 = (($51) - ($54))|0; $shr71 = $sub70 >> 16; $55 = $fac_Q16$addr; $sub72 = (($55) - 65536)|0; $conv73 = $sub72&65535; $conv74 = $conv73 << 16 >> 16; $mul75 = Math_imul($shr71, $conv74)|0; $56 = $ind$addr; $add76 = (($56) + 1)|0; $arrayidx77 = (16812 + (($add76*12)|0)|0); $57 = $nb; $arrayidx78 = (($arrayidx77) + ($57<<2)|0); $58 = HEAP32[$arrayidx78>>2]|0; $59 = $ind$addr; $arrayidx79 = (16812 + (($59*12)|0)|0); $60 = $nb; $arrayidx80 = (($arrayidx79) + ($60<<2)|0); $61 = HEAP32[$arrayidx80>>2]|0; $sub81 = (($58) - ($61))|0; $and82 = $sub81 & 65535; $62 = $fac_Q16$addr; $sub83 = (($62) - 65536)|0; $conv84 = $sub83&65535; $conv85 = $conv84 << 16 >> 16; $mul86 = Math_imul($and82, $conv85)|0; $shr87 = $mul86 >> 16; $add88 = (($mul75) + ($shr87))|0; $add89 = (($48) + ($add88))|0; $63 = $B_Q28$addr; $64 = $nb; $arrayidx90 = (($63) + ($64<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx90>>2] = $add89; $65 = $nb; $inc92 = (($65) + 1)|0; $nb = $inc92; } $na = 0; while(1) { $66 = $na; $cmp95 = ($66|0)<(2); if (!($cmp95)) { break; } $67 = $ind$addr; $add98 = (($67) + 1)|0; $arrayidx99 = (16872 + ($add98<<3)|0); $68 = $na; $arrayidx100 = (($arrayidx99) + ($68<<2)|0); $69 = HEAP32[$arrayidx100>>2]|0; $70 = $ind$addr; $add101 = (($70) + 1)|0; $arrayidx102 = (16872 + ($add101<<3)|0); $71 = $na; $arrayidx103 = (($arrayidx102) + ($71<<2)|0); $72 = HEAP32[$arrayidx103>>2]|0; $73 = $ind$addr; $arrayidx104 = (16872 + ($73<<3)|0); $74 = $na; $arrayidx105 = (($arrayidx104) + ($74<<2)|0); $75 = HEAP32[$arrayidx105>>2]|0; $sub106 = (($72) - ($75))|0; $shr107 = $sub106 >> 16; $76 = $fac_Q16$addr; $sub108 = (($76) - 65536)|0; $conv109 = $sub108&65535; $conv110 = $conv109 << 16 >> 16; $mul111 = Math_imul($shr107, $conv110)|0; $77 = $ind$addr; $add112 = (($77) + 1)|0; $arrayidx113 = (16872 + ($add112<<3)|0); $78 = $na; $arrayidx114 = (($arrayidx113) + ($78<<2)|0); $79 = HEAP32[$arrayidx114>>2]|0; $80 = $ind$addr; $arrayidx115 = (16872 + ($80<<3)|0); $81 = $na; $arrayidx116 = (($arrayidx115) + ($81<<2)|0); $82 = HEAP32[$arrayidx116>>2]|0; $sub117 = (($79) - ($82))|0; $and118 = $sub117 & 65535; $83 = $fac_Q16$addr; $sub119 = (($83) - 65536)|0; $conv120 = $sub119&65535; $conv121 = $conv120 << 16 >> 16; $mul122 = Math_imul($and118, $conv121)|0; $shr123 = $mul122 >> 16; $add124 = (($mul111) + ($shr123))|0; $add125 = (($69) + ($add124))|0; $84 = $A_Q28$addr; $85 = $na; $arrayidx126 = (($84) + ($85<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx126>>2] = $add125; $86 = $na; $inc128 = (($86) + 1)|0; $na = $inc128; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _silk_NLSF_decode($pNLSF_Q15,$NLSFIndices,$psNLSF_CB) { $pNLSF_Q15 = $pNLSF_Q15|0; $NLSFIndices = $NLSFIndices|0; $psNLSF_CB = $psNLSF_CB|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $CB1_NLSF_Q8 = 0, $NLSFIndices$addr = 0, $NLSF_Q15_tmp = 0, $W_tmp_Q9 = 0, $W_tmp_QW = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0; var $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond43 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv1 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv21 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv32 = 0, $conv34 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv44 = 0; var $conv50 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $conv8 = 0, $conv9 = 0, $deltaMin_Q15 = 0, $div = 0, $ec_ix = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc47 = 0, $mul = 0, $order = 0, $order18 = 0, $order20 = 0, $order23 = 0, $order3 = 0, $order49 = 0, $pCB_element = 0, $pNLSF_Q15$addr = 0, $pred_Q8 = 0; var $psNLSF_CB$addr = 0, $quantStepSize_Q16 = 0, $res_Q10 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl30 = 0, $shl35 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 144|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(144|0); $pred_Q8 = sp + 128|0; $ec_ix = sp + 96|0; $res_Q10 = sp + 64|0; $W_tmp_QW = sp + 32|0; $pNLSF_Q15$addr = $pNLSF_Q15; $NLSFIndices$addr = $NLSFIndices; $psNLSF_CB$addr = $psNLSF_CB; $0 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $CB1_NLSF_Q8 = ((($0)) + 8|0); $1 = HEAP32[$CB1_NLSF_Q8>>2]|0; $2 = $NLSFIndices$addr; $3 = HEAP8[$2>>0]|0; $conv = $3 << 24 >> 24; $4 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order = ((($4)) + 2|0); $5 = HEAP16[$order>>1]|0; $conv1 = $5 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($conv, $conv1)|0; $arrayidx2 = (($1) + ($mul)|0); $pCB_element = $arrayidx2; $i = 0; while(1) { $6 = $i; $7 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order3 = ((($7)) + 2|0); $8 = HEAP16[$order3>>1]|0; $conv4 = $8 << 16 >> 16; $cmp = ($6|0)<($conv4|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $9 = $pCB_element; $10 = $i; $arrayidx6 = (($9) + ($10)|0); $11 = HEAP8[$arrayidx6>>0]|0; $conv7 = $11&255; $conv8 = $conv7 << 16 >> 16; $shl = $conv8 << 7; $conv9 = $shl&65535; $12 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $13 = $i; $arrayidx10 = (($12) + ($13<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx10>>1] = $conv9; $14 = $i; $inc = (($14) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $15 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $16 = $NLSFIndices$addr; $17 = HEAP8[$16>>0]|0; $conv13 = $17 << 24 >> 24; _silk_NLSF_unpack($ec_ix,$pred_Q8,$15,$conv13); $18 = $NLSFIndices$addr; $arrayidx15 = ((($18)) + 1|0); $19 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $quantStepSize_Q16 = ((($19)) + 4|0); $20 = HEAP16[$quantStepSize_Q16>>1]|0; $conv17 = $20 << 16 >> 16; $21 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order18 = ((($21)) + 2|0); $22 = HEAP16[$order18>>1]|0; _silk_NLSF_residual_dequant($res_Q10,$arrayidx15,$pred_Q8,$conv17,$22); $23 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $24 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order20 = ((($24)) + 2|0); $25 = HEAP16[$order20>>1]|0; $conv21 = $25 << 16 >> 16; _silk_NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia($W_tmp_QW,$23,$conv21); $i = 0; while(1) { $26 = $i; $27 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order23 = ((($27)) + 2|0); $28 = HEAP16[$order23>>1]|0; $conv24 = $28 << 16 >> 16; $cmp25 = ($26|0)<($conv24|0); if (!($cmp25)) { break; } $29 = $i; $arrayidx28 = (($W_tmp_QW) + ($29<<1)|0); $30 = HEAP16[$arrayidx28>>1]|0; $conv29 = $30 << 16 >> 16; $shl30 = $conv29 << 16; $call = (_silk_SQRT_APPROX_413($shl30)|0); $W_tmp_Q9 = $call; $31 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $32 = $i; $arrayidx31 = (($31) + ($32<<1)|0); $33 = HEAP16[$arrayidx31>>1]|0; $conv32 = $33 << 16 >> 16; $34 = $i; $arrayidx33 = (($res_Q10) + ($34<<1)|0); $35 = HEAP16[$arrayidx33>>1]|0; $conv34 = $35 << 16 >> 16; $shl35 = $conv34 << 14; $36 = $W_tmp_Q9; $div = (($shl35|0) / ($36|0))&-1; $add = (($conv32) + ($div))|0; $NLSF_Q15_tmp = $add; $37 = $NLSF_Q15_tmp; $cmp36 = ($37|0)>(32767); if ($cmp36) { $cond43 = 32767; } else { $38 = $NLSF_Q15_tmp; $cmp38 = ($38|0)<(0); $39 = $NLSF_Q15_tmp; $cond = $cmp38 ? 0 : $39; $cond43 = $cond; } $conv44 = $cond43&65535; $40 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $41 = $i; $arrayidx45 = (($40) + ($41<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx45>>1] = $conv44; $42 = $i; $inc47 = (($42) + 1)|0; $i = $inc47; } $43 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $44 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $deltaMin_Q15 = ((($44)) + 32|0); $45 = HEAP32[$deltaMin_Q15>>2]|0; $46 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order49 = ((($46)) + 2|0); $47 = HEAP16[$order49>>1]|0; $conv50 = $47 << 16 >> 16; _silk_NLSF_stabilize($43,$45,$conv50); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_NLSF_residual_dequant($x_Q10,$indices,$pred_coef_Q8,$quant_step_size_Q16,$order) { $x_Q10 = $x_Q10|0; $indices = $indices|0; $pred_coef_Q8 = $pred_coef_Q8|0; $quant_step_size_Q16 = $quant_step_size_Q16|0; $order = $order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; var $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add23 = 0, $add24 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv2 = 0, $conv20 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $conv4 = 0; var $conv5 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $dec = 0, $i = 0, $indices$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul18 = 0, $mul21 = 0, $order$addr = 0, $out_Q10 = 0, $pred_Q10 = 0, $pred_coef_Q8$addr = 0, $quant_step_size_Q16$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr15 = 0, $shr22 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub10 = 0, $x_Q10$addr = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $x_Q10$addr = $x_Q10; $indices$addr = $indices; $pred_coef_Q8$addr = $pred_coef_Q8; $quant_step_size_Q16$addr = $quant_step_size_Q16; $order$addr = $order; $out_Q10 = 0; $0 = $order$addr; $conv = $0 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($conv) - 1)|0; $i = $sub; while(1) { $1 = $i; $cmp = ($1|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $out_Q10; $conv2 = $2&65535; $conv3 = $conv2 << 16 >> 16; $3 = $pred_coef_Q8$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4)|0); $5 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $conv4 = $5&255; $conv5 = $conv4 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($conv3, $conv5)|0; $shr = $mul >> 8; $pred_Q10 = $shr; $6 = $indices$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx6 = (($6) + ($7)|0); $8 = HEAP8[$arrayidx6>>0]|0; $conv7 = $8 << 24 >> 24; $shl = $conv7 << 10; $out_Q10 = $shl; $9 = $out_Q10; $cmp8 = ($9|0)>(0); $10 = $out_Q10; if ($cmp8) { $sub10 = (($10) - 102)|0; $out_Q10 = $sub10; } else { $cmp11 = ($10|0)<(0); if ($cmp11) { $11 = $out_Q10; $add = (($11) + 102)|0; $out_Q10 = $add; } } $12 = $pred_Q10; $13 = $out_Q10; $shr15 = $13 >> 16; $14 = $quant_step_size_Q16$addr; $conv16 = $14&65535; $conv17 = $conv16 << 16 >> 16; $mul18 = Math_imul($shr15, $conv17)|0; $15 = $out_Q10; $and = $15 & 65535; $16 = $quant_step_size_Q16$addr; $conv19 = $16&65535; $conv20 = $conv19 << 16 >> 16; $mul21 = Math_imul($and, $conv20)|0; $shr22 = $mul21 >> 16; $add23 = (($mul18) + ($shr22))|0; $add24 = (($12) + ($add23))|0; $out_Q10 = $add24; $17 = $out_Q10; $conv25 = $17&65535; $18 = $x_Q10$addr; $19 = $i; $arrayidx26 = (($18) + ($19<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx26>>1] = $conv25; $20 = $i; $dec = (($20) + -1)|0; $i = $dec; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_SQRT_APPROX_413($x) { $x = $x|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add17 = 0, $and = 0, $and9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv11 = 0; var $conv13 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $frac_Q7 = 0, $lz = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $retval = 0, $shr = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr4 = 0, $tobool = 0, $x$addr = 0, $y = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $lz = sp + 4|0; $frac_Q7 = sp; $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<=(0); if ($cmp) { $retval = 0; $11 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($11|0); } $1 = $x$addr; _silk_CLZ_FRAC_414($1,$lz,$frac_Q7); $2 = HEAP32[$lz>>2]|0; $and = $2 & 1; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $y = 32768; } else { $y = 46214; } $3 = HEAP32[$lz>>2]|0; $shr = $3 >> 1; $4 = $y; $shr3 = $4 >> $shr; $y = $shr3; $5 = $y; $6 = $y; $shr4 = $6 >> 16; $7 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $conv = $7&65535; $conv5 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = ($conv5*213)|0; $conv6 = $mul&65535; $conv7 = $conv6 << 16 >> 16; $mul8 = Math_imul($shr4, $conv7)|0; $8 = $y; $and9 = $8 & 65535; $9 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $conv10 = $9&65535; $conv11 = $conv10 << 16 >> 16; $mul12 = ($conv11*213)|0; $conv13 = $mul12&65535; $conv14 = $conv13 << 16 >> 16; $mul15 = Math_imul($and9, $conv14)|0; $shr16 = $mul15 >> 16; $add = (($mul8) + ($shr16))|0; $add17 = (($5) + ($add))|0; $y = $add17; $10 = $y; $retval = $10; $11 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($11|0); } function _silk_CLZ_FRAC_414($in,$lz,$frac_Q7) { $in = $in|0; $lz = $lz|0; $frac_Q7 = $frac_Q7|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $and = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $frac_Q7$addr = 0, $in$addr = 0, $lz$addr = 0, $lzeros = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in$addr = $in; $lz$addr = $lz; $frac_Q7$addr = $frac_Q7; $0 = $in$addr; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_415($0)|0); $lzeros = $call; $1 = $lzeros; $2 = $lz$addr; HEAP32[$2>>2] = $1; $3 = $in$addr; $4 = $lzeros; $sub = (24 - ($4))|0; $call1 = (_silk_ROR32_416($3,$sub)|0); $and = $call1 & 127; $5 = $frac_Q7$addr; HEAP32[$5>>2] = $and; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_CLZ32_415($in32) { $in32 = $in32|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $cond = 0, $in32$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in32$addr = $in32; $0 = $in32$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $cond = 32; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $1 = $in32$addr; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $sub1 = (32 - ($sub))|0; $cond = $sub1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_ROR32_416($a32,$rot) { $a32 = $a32|0; $rot = $rot|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $a32$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $m = 0, $or = 0, $or8 = 0; var $r = 0, $retval = 0, $rot$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl6 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr7 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $x = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $a32$addr = $a32; $rot$addr = $rot; $0 = $a32$addr; $x = $0; $1 = $rot$addr; $r = $1; $2 = $rot$addr; $sub = (0 - ($2))|0; $m = $sub; $3 = $rot$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)==(0); if ($cmp) { $4 = $a32$addr; $retval = $4; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } $5 = $rot$addr; $cmp1 = ($5|0)<(0); $6 = $x; if ($cmp1) { $7 = $m; $shl = $6 << $7; $8 = $x; $9 = $m; $sub3 = (32 - ($9))|0; $shr = $8 >>> $sub3; $or = $shl | $shr; $retval = $or; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } else { $10 = $r; $sub5 = (32 - ($10))|0; $shl6 = $6 << $sub5; $11 = $x; $12 = $r; $shr7 = $11 >>> $12; $or8 = $shl6 | $shr7; $retval = $or8; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } return (0)|0; } function _silk_NSQ_c($psEncC,$NSQ,$psIndices,$x_Q3,$pulses,$PredCoef_Q12,$LTPCoef_Q14,$AR2_Q13,$HarmShapeGain_Q14,$Tilt_Q14,$LF_shp_Q14,$Gains_Q16,$pitchL,$Lambda_Q10,$LTP_scale_Q14) { $psEncC = $psEncC|0; $NSQ = $NSQ|0; $psIndices = $psIndices|0; $x_Q3 = $x_Q3|0; $pulses = $pulses|0; $PredCoef_Q12 = $PredCoef_Q12|0; $LTPCoef_Q14 = $LTPCoef_Q14|0; $AR2_Q13 = $AR2_Q13|0; $HarmShapeGain_Q14 = $HarmShapeGain_Q14|0; $Tilt_Q14 = $Tilt_Q14|0; $LF_shp_Q14 = $LF_shp_Q14|0; $Gains_Q16 = $Gains_Q16|0; $pitchL = $pitchL|0; $Lambda_Q10 = $Lambda_Q10|0; $LTP_scale_Q14 = $LTP_scale_Q14|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0; var $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0; var $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0; var $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0; var $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0; var $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $AR2_Q13$addr = 0, $AR_shp_Q13 = 0, $A_Q12 = 0, $B_Q14 = 0, $Gains_Q16$addr = 0, $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14 = 0, $HarmShapeGain_Q14$addr = 0, $LF_shp_Q14$addr = 0, $LSF_interpolation_flag = 0, $LTPCoef_Q14$addr = 0, $LTP_scale_Q14$addr = 0, $Lambda_Q10$addr = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = 0, $NSQ$addr = 0, $PredCoef_Q12$addr = 0, $Seed = 0; var $Tilt_Q14$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr68 = 0, $add$ptr70 = 0, $add47 = 0, $add8 = 0, $and = 0, $arch = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0; var $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx62 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $arrayidx73 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx84 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp30 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv1 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv58 = 0, $conv60 = 0, $frame_length = 0, $frame_length7 = 0, $frame_length77 = 0; var $frame_length83 = 0, $idxprom = 0, $inc = 0, $k = 0, $lag = 0, $lagPrev = 0, $lagPrev74 = 0, $ltp_mem_length = 0, $ltp_mem_length11 = 0, $ltp_mem_length12 = 0, $ltp_mem_length13 = 0, $ltp_mem_length39 = 0, $ltp_mem_length49 = 0, $ltp_mem_length53 = 0, $ltp_mem_length6 = 0, $ltp_mem_length79 = 0, $ltp_mem_length85 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul21 = 0; var $mul46 = 0, $mul80 = 0, $mul86 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr71 = 0, $offset_Q10 = 0, $or = 0, $or27 = 0, $pitchL$addr = 0, $predictLPCOrder = 0, $predictLPCOrder51 = 0, $predictLPCOrder65 = 0, $psEncC$addr = 0, $psIndices$addr = 0, $pulses$addr = 0, $pxq = 0, $quantOffsetType = 0, $rand_seed = 0, $rewhite_flag = 0, $rewhite_flag52 = 0; var $sLTP_buf_idx = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx54 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q14 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q1482 = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shapingLPCOrder = 0, $shl = 0, $shl34 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr17 = 0, $shr24 = 0, $shr26 = 0, $signalType = 0, $signalType28 = 0, $signalType57 = 0, $signalType59 = 0, $start_idx = 0, $sub = 0, $sub35 = 0; var $sub40 = 0, $sub41 = 0, $sub42 = 0, $sub50 = 0, $sub72 = 0, $subfr_length = 0, $subfr_length45 = 0, $subfr_length64 = 0, $subfr_length66 = 0, $subfr_length67 = 0, $subfr_length69 = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla10 = 0, $vla10$alloca_mul = 0, $vla9 = 0, $vla9$alloca_mul = 0, $x_Q3$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 112|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(112|0); $psEncC$addr = $psEncC; $NSQ$addr = $NSQ; $psIndices$addr = $psIndices; $x_Q3$addr = $x_Q3; $pulses$addr = $pulses; $PredCoef_Q12$addr = $PredCoef_Q12; $LTPCoef_Q14$addr = $LTPCoef_Q14; $AR2_Q13$addr = $AR2_Q13; $HarmShapeGain_Q14$addr = $HarmShapeGain_Q14; $Tilt_Q14$addr = $Tilt_Q14; $LF_shp_Q14$addr = $LF_shp_Q14; $Gains_Q16$addr = $Gains_Q16; $pitchL$addr = $pitchL; $Lambda_Q10$addr = $Lambda_Q10; $LTP_scale_Q14$addr = $LTP_scale_Q14; $0 = $psIndices$addr; $Seed = ((($0)) + 34|0); $1 = HEAP8[$Seed>>0]|0; $conv = $1 << 24 >> 24; $2 = $NSQ$addr; $rand_seed = ((($2)) + 4368|0); HEAP32[$rand_seed>>2] = $conv; $3 = $NSQ$addr; $lagPrev = ((($3)) + 4356|0); $4 = HEAP32[$lagPrev>>2]|0; $lag = $4; $5 = $psIndices$addr; $signalType = ((($5)) + 29|0); $6 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv1 = $6 << 24 >> 24; $shr = $conv1 >> 1; $arrayidx = (24998 + ($shr<<2)|0); $7 = $psIndices$addr; $quantOffsetType = ((($7)) + 30|0); $8 = HEAP8[$quantOffsetType>>0]|0; $idxprom = $8 << 24 >> 24; $arrayidx2 = (($arrayidx) + ($idxprom<<1)|0); $9 = HEAP16[$arrayidx2>>1]|0; $conv3 = $9 << 16 >> 16; $offset_Q10 = $conv3; $10 = $psIndices$addr; $NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = ((($10)) + 31|0); $11 = HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q2>>0]|0; $conv4 = $11 << 24 >> 24; $cmp = ($conv4|0)==(4); if ($cmp) { $LSF_interpolation_flag = 0; } else { $LSF_interpolation_flag = 1; } $12 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length = ((($12)) + 4616|0); $13 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length>>2]|0; $14 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length = ((($14)) + 4608|0); $15 = HEAP32[$frame_length>>2]|0; $add = (($13) + ($15))|0; $16 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $16; $vla$alloca_mul = $add<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $17 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length6 = ((($17)) + 4616|0); $18 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length6>>2]|0; $19 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length7 = ((($19)) + 4608|0); $20 = HEAP32[$frame_length7>>2]|0; $add8 = (($18) + ($20))|0; $vla9$alloca_mul = $add8<<1; $vla9 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla9$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla9$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $21 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length = ((($21)) + 4612|0); $22 = HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2]|0; $vla10$alloca_mul = $22<<2; $vla10 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla10$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla10$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $23 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length11 = ((($23)) + 4616|0); $24 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length11>>2]|0; $25 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx = ((($25)) + 4364|0); HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx>>2] = $24; $26 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length12 = ((($26)) + 4616|0); $27 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length12>>2]|0; $28 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx = ((($28)) + 4360|0); HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx>>2] = $27; $29 = $NSQ$addr; $30 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length13 = ((($30)) + 4616|0); $31 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length13>>2]|0; $arrayidx14 = (($29) + ($31<<1)|0); $pxq = $arrayidx14; $k = 0; while(1) { $32 = $k; $33 = $psEncC$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($33)) + 4604|0); $34 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $cmp15 = ($32|0)<($34|0); if (!($cmp15)) { break; } $35 = $PredCoef_Q12$addr; $36 = $k; $shr17 = $36 >> 1; $37 = $LSF_interpolation_flag; $sub = (1 - ($37))|0; $or = $shr17 | $sub; $mul = $or<<4; $arrayidx18 = (($35) + ($mul<<1)|0); $A_Q12 = $arrayidx18; $38 = $LTPCoef_Q14$addr; $39 = $k; $mul19 = ($39*5)|0; $arrayidx20 = (($38) + ($mul19<<1)|0); $B_Q14 = $arrayidx20; $40 = $AR2_Q13$addr; $41 = $k; $mul21 = $41<<4; $arrayidx22 = (($40) + ($mul21<<1)|0); $AR_shp_Q13 = $arrayidx22; $42 = $HarmShapeGain_Q14$addr; $43 = $k; $arrayidx23 = (($42) + ($43<<2)|0); $44 = HEAP32[$arrayidx23>>2]|0; $shr24 = $44 >> 2; $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14 = $shr24; $45 = $HarmShapeGain_Q14$addr; $46 = $k; $arrayidx25 = (($45) + ($46<<2)|0); $47 = HEAP32[$arrayidx25>>2]|0; $shr26 = $47 >> 1; $shl = $shr26 << 16; $48 = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14; $or27 = $48 | $shl; $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14 = $or27; $49 = $NSQ$addr; $rewhite_flag = ((($49)) + 4376|0); HEAP32[$rewhite_flag>>2] = 0; $50 = $psIndices$addr; $signalType28 = ((($50)) + 29|0); $51 = HEAP8[$signalType28>>0]|0; $conv29 = $51 << 24 >> 24; $cmp30 = ($conv29|0)==(2); if ($cmp30) { $52 = $pitchL$addr; $53 = $k; $arrayidx33 = (($52) + ($53<<2)|0); $54 = HEAP32[$arrayidx33>>2]|0; $lag = $54; $55 = $k; $56 = $LSF_interpolation_flag; $shl34 = $56 << 1; $sub35 = (3 - ($shl34))|0; $and = $55 & $sub35; $cmp36 = ($and|0)==(0); if ($cmp36) { $57 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length39 = ((($57)) + 4616|0); $58 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length39>>2]|0; $59 = $lag; $sub40 = (($58) - ($59))|0; $60 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder = ((($60)) + 4664|0); $61 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder>>2]|0; $sub41 = (($sub40) - ($61))|0; $sub42 = (($sub41) - 2)|0; $start_idx = $sub42; $62 = $start_idx; $arrayidx43 = (($vla9) + ($62<<1)|0); $63 = $NSQ$addr; $64 = $start_idx; $65 = $k; $66 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length45 = ((($66)) + 4612|0); $67 = HEAP32[$subfr_length45>>2]|0; $mul46 = Math_imul($65, $67)|0; $add47 = (($64) + ($mul46))|0; $arrayidx48 = (($63) + ($add47<<1)|0); $68 = $A_Q12; $69 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length49 = ((($69)) + 4616|0); $70 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length49>>2]|0; $71 = $start_idx; $sub50 = (($70) - ($71))|0; $72 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder51 = ((($72)) + 4664|0); $73 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder51>>2]|0; $74 = $psEncC$addr; $arch = ((($74)) + 5124|0); $75 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; _silk_LPC_analysis_filter($arrayidx43,$arrayidx48,$68,$sub50,$73,$75); $76 = $NSQ$addr; $rewhite_flag52 = ((($76)) + 4376|0); HEAP32[$rewhite_flag52>>2] = 1; $77 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length53 = ((($77)) + 4616|0); $78 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length53>>2]|0; $79 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx54 = ((($79)) + 4360|0); HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx54>>2] = $78; } } $80 = $psEncC$addr; $81 = $NSQ$addr; $82 = $x_Q3$addr; $83 = $k; $84 = $LTP_scale_Q14$addr; $85 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $86 = $pitchL$addr; $87 = $psIndices$addr; $signalType57 = ((($87)) + 29|0); $88 = HEAP8[$signalType57>>0]|0; $conv58 = $88 << 24 >> 24; _silk_nsq_scale_states($80,$81,$82,$vla10,$vla9,$vla,$83,$84,$85,$86,$conv58); $89 = $NSQ$addr; $90 = $psIndices$addr; $signalType59 = ((($90)) + 29|0); $91 = HEAP8[$signalType59>>0]|0; $conv60 = $91 << 24 >> 24; $92 = $pulses$addr; $93 = $pxq; $94 = $A_Q12; $95 = $B_Q14; $96 = $AR_shp_Q13; $97 = $lag; $98 = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14; $99 = $Tilt_Q14$addr; $100 = $k; $arrayidx61 = (($99) + ($100<<2)|0); $101 = HEAP32[$arrayidx61>>2]|0; $102 = $LF_shp_Q14$addr; $103 = $k; $arrayidx62 = (($102) + ($103<<2)|0); $104 = HEAP32[$arrayidx62>>2]|0; $105 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $106 = $k; $arrayidx63 = (($105) + ($106<<2)|0); $107 = HEAP32[$arrayidx63>>2]|0; $108 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $109 = $offset_Q10; $110 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length64 = ((($110)) + 4612|0); $111 = HEAP32[$subfr_length64>>2]|0; $112 = $psEncC$addr; $shapingLPCOrder = ((($112)) + 4660|0); $113 = HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder>>2]|0; $114 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder65 = ((($114)) + 4664|0); $115 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder65>>2]|0; _silk_noise_shape_quantizer($89,$conv60,$vla10,$92,$93,$vla,$94,$95,$96,$97,$98,$101,$104,$107,$108,$109,$111,$113,$115); $116 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length66 = ((($116)) + 4612|0); $117 = HEAP32[$subfr_length66>>2]|0; $118 = $x_Q3$addr; $add$ptr = (($118) + ($117<<2)|0); $x_Q3$addr = $add$ptr; $119 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length67 = ((($119)) + 4612|0); $120 = HEAP32[$subfr_length67>>2]|0; $121 = $pulses$addr; $add$ptr68 = (($121) + ($120)|0); $pulses$addr = $add$ptr68; $122 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length69 = ((($122)) + 4612|0); $123 = HEAP32[$subfr_length69>>2]|0; $124 = $pxq; $add$ptr70 = (($124) + ($123<<1)|0); $pxq = $add$ptr70; $125 = $k; $inc = (($125) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $126 = $pitchL$addr; $127 = $psEncC$addr; $nb_subfr71 = ((($127)) + 4604|0); $128 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr71>>2]|0; $sub72 = (($128) - 1)|0; $arrayidx73 = (($126) + ($sub72<<2)|0); $129 = HEAP32[$arrayidx73>>2]|0; $130 = $NSQ$addr; $lagPrev74 = ((($130)) + 4356|0); HEAP32[$lagPrev74>>2] = $129; $131 = $NSQ$addr; $132 = $NSQ$addr; $133 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length77 = ((($133)) + 4608|0); $134 = HEAP32[$frame_length77>>2]|0; $arrayidx78 = (($132) + ($134<<1)|0); $135 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length79 = ((($135)) + 4616|0); $136 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length79>>2]|0; $mul80 = $136<<1; _memmove(($131|0),($arrayidx78|0),($mul80|0))|0; $137 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q14 = ((($137)) + 1280|0); $138 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q1482 = ((($138)) + 1280|0); $139 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length83 = ((($139)) + 4608|0); $140 = HEAP32[$frame_length83>>2]|0; $arrayidx84 = (($sLTP_shp_Q1482) + ($140<<2)|0); $141 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length85 = ((($141)) + 4616|0); $142 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length85>>2]|0; $mul86 = $142<<2; _memmove(($sLTP_shp_Q14|0),($arrayidx84|0),($mul86|0))|0; $143 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($143|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_nsq_scale_states($psEncC,$NSQ,$x_Q3,$x_sc_Q10,$sLTP,$sLTP_Q15,$subfr,$LTP_scale_Q14,$Gains_Q16,$pitchL,$signal_type) { $psEncC = $psEncC|0; $NSQ = $NSQ|0; $x_Q3 = $x_Q3|0; $x_sc_Q10 = $x_sc_Q10|0; $sLTP = $sLTP|0; $sLTP_Q15 = $sLTP_Q15|0; $subfr = $subfr|0; $LTP_scale_Q14 = $LTP_scale_Q14|0; $Gains_Q16 = $Gains_Q16|0; $pitchL = $pitchL|0; $signal_type = $signal_type|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0; var $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0; var $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0; var $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0; var $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $Gains_Q16$addr = 0, $LTP_scale_Q14$addr = 0, $NSQ$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add123 = 0; var $add126 = 0, $add129 = 0, $add145 = 0, $add148 = 0, $add151 = 0, $add169 = 0, $add173 = 0, $add176 = 0, $add18 = 0, $add198 = 0, $add202 = 0, $add205 = 0, $add21 = 0, $add24 = 0, $add41 = 0, $add58 = 0, $add85 = 0, $add89 = 0, $add92 = 0, $and = 0; var $and117 = 0, $and139 = 0, $and162 = 0, $and191 = 0, $and36 = 0, $and53 = 0, $and78 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx113 = 0, $arrayidx118 = 0, $arrayidx124 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx130 = 0, $arrayidx158 = 0, $arrayidx164 = 0, $arrayidx171 = 0, $arrayidx178 = 0, $arrayidx187 = 0; var $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx193 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx200 = 0, $arrayidx207 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx59 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx80 = 0, $arrayidx87 = 0, $arrayidx94 = 0, $call = 0, $call7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp101 = 0; var $cmp109 = 0, $cmp154 = 0, $cmp183 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp46 = 0, $cmp64 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cmp98 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv114 = 0, $conv115 = 0, $conv119 = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv120 = 0, $conv136 = 0, $conv137 = 0, $conv14 = 0; var $conv141 = 0, $conv142 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv159 = 0, $conv160 = 0, $conv165 = 0, $conv166 = 0, $conv188 = 0, $conv189 = 0, $conv194 = 0, $conv195 = 0, $conv33 = 0, $conv34 = 0, $conv37 = 0, $conv38 = 0, $conv51 = 0, $conv55 = 0, $conv75 = 0, $conv76 = 0, $conv81 = 0; var $conv82 = 0, $gain_adj_Q16 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc132 = 0, $inc180 = 0, $inc209 = 0, $inc61 = 0, $inc96 = 0, $inv_gain_Q23 = 0, $inv_gain_Q31 = 0, $lag = 0, $ltp_mem_length = 0, $mul = 0, $mul116 = 0, $mul121 = 0, $mul128 = 0, $mul138 = 0, $mul143 = 0, $mul150 = 0; var $mul16 = 0, $mul161 = 0, $mul167 = 0, $mul175 = 0, $mul190 = 0, $mul196 = 0, $mul204 = 0, $mul23 = 0, $mul35 = 0, $mul39 = 0, $mul52 = 0, $mul56 = 0, $mul77 = 0, $mul83 = 0, $mul91 = 0, $pitchL$addr = 0, $prev_gain_Q16 = 0, $prev_gain_Q1627 = 0, $prev_gain_Q165 = 0, $psEncC$addr = 0; var $rewhite_flag = 0, $rewhite_flag100 = 0, $sAR2_Q14 = 0, $sAR2_Q14192 = 0, $sAR2_Q14199 = 0, $sAR2_Q14206 = 0, $sLF_AR_shp_Q14 = 0, $sLF_AR_shp_Q14140 = 0, $sLF_AR_shp_Q14146 = 0, $sLF_AR_shp_Q14152 = 0, $sLPC_Q14 = 0, $sLPC_Q14163 = 0, $sLPC_Q14170 = 0, $sLPC_Q14177 = 0, $sLTP$addr = 0, $sLTP_Q15$addr = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx104 = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx108 = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx45 = 0; var $sLTP_shp_Q14 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q1479 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q1486 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q1493 = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx69 = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr11 = 0, $shr112 = 0, $shr122 = 0, $shr125 = 0, $shr127 = 0, $shr135 = 0, $shr144 = 0, $shr147 = 0, $shr149 = 0, $shr157 = 0, $shr168 = 0, $shr17 = 0; var $shr172 = 0, $shr174 = 0, $shr186 = 0, $shr197 = 0, $shr20 = 0, $shr201 = 0, $shr203 = 0, $shr22 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr40 = 0, $shr49 = 0, $shr57 = 0, $shr73 = 0, $shr8 = 0, $shr84 = 0, $shr88 = 0, $shr90 = 0, $signal_type$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub105 = 0; var $sub106 = 0, $sub43 = 0, $sub67 = 0, $subfr$addr = 0, $subfr_length = 0, $tobool = 0, $x_Q3$addr = 0, $x_sc_Q10$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $psEncC$addr = $psEncC; $NSQ$addr = $NSQ; $x_Q3$addr = $x_Q3; $x_sc_Q10$addr = $x_sc_Q10; $sLTP$addr = $sLTP; $sLTP_Q15$addr = $sLTP_Q15; $subfr$addr = $subfr; $LTP_scale_Q14$addr = $LTP_scale_Q14; $Gains_Q16$addr = $Gains_Q16; $pitchL$addr = $pitchL; $signal_type$addr = $signal_type; $0 = $pitchL$addr; $1 = $subfr$addr; $arrayidx = (($0) + ($1<<2)|0); $2 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $lag = $2; $3 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $4 = $subfr$addr; $arrayidx1 = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = HEAP32[$arrayidx1>>2]|0; $cmp = ($5|0)>(1); if ($cmp) { $6 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $7 = $subfr$addr; $arrayidx2 = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = HEAP32[$arrayidx2>>2]|0; $cond = $8; } else { $cond = 1; } $call = (_silk_INVERSE32_varQ($cond,47)|0); $inv_gain_Q31 = $call; $9 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $10 = $subfr$addr; $arrayidx3 = (($9) + ($10<<2)|0); $11 = HEAP32[$arrayidx3>>2]|0; $12 = $NSQ$addr; $prev_gain_Q16 = ((($12)) + 4372|0); $13 = HEAP32[$prev_gain_Q16>>2]|0; $cmp4 = ($11|0)!=($13|0); if ($cmp4) { $14 = $NSQ$addr; $prev_gain_Q165 = ((($14)) + 4372|0); $15 = HEAP32[$prev_gain_Q165>>2]|0; $16 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $17 = $subfr$addr; $arrayidx6 = (($16) + ($17<<2)|0); $18 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $call7 = (_silk_DIV32_varQ_419($15,$18,16)|0); $gain_adj_Q16 = $call7; } else { $gain_adj_Q16 = 65536; } $19 = $inv_gain_Q31; $shr = $19 >> 7; $add = (($shr) + 1)|0; $shr8 = $add >> 1; $inv_gain_Q23 = $shr8; $i = 0; while(1) { $20 = $i; $21 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length = ((($21)) + 4612|0); $22 = HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2]|0; $cmp9 = ($20|0)<($22|0); if (!($cmp9)) { break; } $23 = $x_Q3$addr; $24 = $i; $arrayidx10 = (($23) + ($24<<2)|0); $25 = HEAP32[$arrayidx10>>2]|0; $shr11 = $25 >> 16; $26 = $inv_gain_Q23; $conv = $26&65535; $conv12 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr11, $conv12)|0; $27 = $x_Q3$addr; $28 = $i; $arrayidx13 = (($27) + ($28<<2)|0); $29 = HEAP32[$arrayidx13>>2]|0; $and = $29 & 65535; $30 = $inv_gain_Q23; $conv14 = $30&65535; $conv15 = $conv14 << 16 >> 16; $mul16 = Math_imul($and, $conv15)|0; $shr17 = $mul16 >> 16; $add18 = (($mul) + ($shr17))|0; $31 = $x_Q3$addr; $32 = $i; $arrayidx19 = (($31) + ($32<<2)|0); $33 = HEAP32[$arrayidx19>>2]|0; $34 = $inv_gain_Q23; $shr20 = $34 >> 15; $add21 = (($shr20) + 1)|0; $shr22 = $add21 >> 1; $mul23 = Math_imul($33, $shr22)|0; $add24 = (($add18) + ($mul23))|0; $35 = $x_sc_Q10$addr; $36 = $i; $arrayidx25 = (($35) + ($36<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx25>>2] = $add24; $37 = $i; $inc = (($37) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $38 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $39 = $subfr$addr; $arrayidx26 = (($38) + ($39<<2)|0); $40 = HEAP32[$arrayidx26>>2]|0; $41 = $NSQ$addr; $prev_gain_Q1627 = ((($41)) + 4372|0); HEAP32[$prev_gain_Q1627>>2] = $40; $42 = $NSQ$addr; $rewhite_flag = ((($42)) + 4376|0); $43 = HEAP32[$rewhite_flag>>2]|0; $tobool = ($43|0)!=(0); L12: do { if ($tobool) { $44 = $subfr$addr; $cmp29 = ($44|0)==(0); if ($cmp29) { $45 = $inv_gain_Q31; $shr32 = $45 >> 16; $46 = $LTP_scale_Q14$addr; $conv33 = $46&65535; $conv34 = $conv33 << 16 >> 16; $mul35 = Math_imul($shr32, $conv34)|0; $47 = $inv_gain_Q31; $and36 = $47 & 65535; $48 = $LTP_scale_Q14$addr; $conv37 = $48&65535; $conv38 = $conv37 << 16 >> 16; $mul39 = Math_imul($and36, $conv38)|0; $shr40 = $mul39 >> 16; $add41 = (($mul35) + ($shr40))|0; $shl = $add41 << 2; $inv_gain_Q31 = $shl; } $49 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx = ((($49)) + 4360|0); $50 = HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx>>2]|0; $51 = $lag; $sub = (($50) - ($51))|0; $sub43 = (($sub) - 2)|0; $i = $sub43; while(1) { $52 = $i; $53 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx45 = ((($53)) + 4360|0); $54 = HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx45>>2]|0; $cmp46 = ($52|0)<($54|0); if (!($cmp46)) { break L12; } $55 = $inv_gain_Q31; $shr49 = $55 >> 16; $56 = $sLTP$addr; $57 = $i; $arrayidx50 = (($56) + ($57<<1)|0); $58 = HEAP16[$arrayidx50>>1]|0; $conv51 = $58 << 16 >> 16; $mul52 = Math_imul($shr49, $conv51)|0; $59 = $inv_gain_Q31; $and53 = $59 & 65535; $60 = $sLTP$addr; $61 = $i; $arrayidx54 = (($60) + ($61<<1)|0); $62 = HEAP16[$arrayidx54>>1]|0; $conv55 = $62 << 16 >> 16; $mul56 = Math_imul($and53, $conv55)|0; $shr57 = $mul56 >> 16; $add58 = (($mul52) + ($shr57))|0; $63 = $sLTP_Q15$addr; $64 = $i; $arrayidx59 = (($63) + ($64<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx59>>2] = $add58; $65 = $i; $inc61 = (($65) + 1)|0; $i = $inc61; } } } while(0); $66 = $gain_adj_Q16; $cmp64 = ($66|0)!=(65536); if (!($cmp64)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $67 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx = ((($67)) + 4364|0); $68 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx>>2]|0; $69 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length = ((($69)) + 4616|0); $70 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length>>2]|0; $sub67 = (($68) - ($70))|0; $i = $sub67; while(1) { $71 = $i; $72 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx69 = ((($72)) + 4364|0); $73 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx69>>2]|0; $cmp70 = ($71|0)<($73|0); if (!($cmp70)) { break; } $74 = $gain_adj_Q16; $shr73 = $74 >> 16; $75 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q14 = ((($75)) + 1280|0); $76 = $i; $arrayidx74 = (($sLTP_shp_Q14) + ($76<<2)|0); $77 = HEAP32[$arrayidx74>>2]|0; $conv75 = $77&65535; $conv76 = $conv75 << 16 >> 16; $mul77 = Math_imul($shr73, $conv76)|0; $78 = $gain_adj_Q16; $and78 = $78 & 65535; $79 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q1479 = ((($79)) + 1280|0); $80 = $i; $arrayidx80 = (($sLTP_shp_Q1479) + ($80<<2)|0); $81 = HEAP32[$arrayidx80>>2]|0; $conv81 = $81&65535; $conv82 = $conv81 << 16 >> 16; $mul83 = Math_imul($and78, $conv82)|0; $shr84 = $mul83 >> 16; $add85 = (($mul77) + ($shr84))|0; $82 = $gain_adj_Q16; $83 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q1486 = ((($83)) + 1280|0); $84 = $i; $arrayidx87 = (($sLTP_shp_Q1486) + ($84<<2)|0); $85 = HEAP32[$arrayidx87>>2]|0; $shr88 = $85 >> 15; $add89 = (($shr88) + 1)|0; $shr90 = $add89 >> 1; $mul91 = Math_imul($82, $shr90)|0; $add92 = (($add85) + ($mul91))|0; $86 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q1493 = ((($86)) + 1280|0); $87 = $i; $arrayidx94 = (($sLTP_shp_Q1493) + ($87<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx94>>2] = $add92; $88 = $i; $inc96 = (($88) + 1)|0; $i = $inc96; } $89 = $signal_type$addr; $cmp98 = ($89|0)==(2); L28: do { if ($cmp98) { $90 = $NSQ$addr; $rewhite_flag100 = ((($90)) + 4376|0); $91 = HEAP32[$rewhite_flag100>>2]|0; $cmp101 = ($91|0)==(0); if ($cmp101) { $92 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx104 = ((($92)) + 4360|0); $93 = HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx104>>2]|0; $94 = $lag; $sub105 = (($93) - ($94))|0; $sub106 = (($sub105) - 2)|0; $i = $sub106; while(1) { $95 = $i; $96 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx108 = ((($96)) + 4360|0); $97 = HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx108>>2]|0; $cmp109 = ($95|0)<($97|0); if (!($cmp109)) { break L28; } $98 = $gain_adj_Q16; $shr112 = $98 >> 16; $99 = $sLTP_Q15$addr; $100 = $i; $arrayidx113 = (($99) + ($100<<2)|0); $101 = HEAP32[$arrayidx113>>2]|0; $conv114 = $101&65535; $conv115 = $conv114 << 16 >> 16; $mul116 = Math_imul($shr112, $conv115)|0; $102 = $gain_adj_Q16; $and117 = $102 & 65535; $103 = $sLTP_Q15$addr; $104 = $i; $arrayidx118 = (($103) + ($104<<2)|0); $105 = HEAP32[$arrayidx118>>2]|0; $conv119 = $105&65535; $conv120 = $conv119 << 16 >> 16; $mul121 = Math_imul($and117, $conv120)|0; $shr122 = $mul121 >> 16; $add123 = (($mul116) + ($shr122))|0; $106 = $gain_adj_Q16; $107 = $sLTP_Q15$addr; $108 = $i; $arrayidx124 = (($107) + ($108<<2)|0); $109 = HEAP32[$arrayidx124>>2]|0; $shr125 = $109 >> 15; $add126 = (($shr125) + 1)|0; $shr127 = $add126 >> 1; $mul128 = Math_imul($106, $shr127)|0; $add129 = (($add123) + ($mul128))|0; $110 = $sLTP_Q15$addr; $111 = $i; $arrayidx130 = (($110) + ($111<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx130>>2] = $add129; $112 = $i; $inc132 = (($112) + 1)|0; $i = $inc132; } } } } while(0); $113 = $gain_adj_Q16; $shr135 = $113 >> 16; $114 = $NSQ$addr; $sLF_AR_shp_Q14 = ((($114)) + 4352|0); $115 = HEAP32[$sLF_AR_shp_Q14>>2]|0; $conv136 = $115&65535; $conv137 = $conv136 << 16 >> 16; $mul138 = Math_imul($shr135, $conv137)|0; $116 = $gain_adj_Q16; $and139 = $116 & 65535; $117 = $NSQ$addr; $sLF_AR_shp_Q14140 = ((($117)) + 4352|0); $118 = HEAP32[$sLF_AR_shp_Q14140>>2]|0; $conv141 = $118&65535; $conv142 = $conv141 << 16 >> 16; $mul143 = Math_imul($and139, $conv142)|0; $shr144 = $mul143 >> 16; $add145 = (($mul138) + ($shr144))|0; $119 = $gain_adj_Q16; $120 = $NSQ$addr; $sLF_AR_shp_Q14146 = ((($120)) + 4352|0); $121 = HEAP32[$sLF_AR_shp_Q14146>>2]|0; $shr147 = $121 >> 15; $add148 = (($shr147) + 1)|0; $shr149 = $add148 >> 1; $mul150 = Math_imul($119, $shr149)|0; $add151 = (($add145) + ($mul150))|0; $122 = $NSQ$addr; $sLF_AR_shp_Q14152 = ((($122)) + 4352|0); HEAP32[$sLF_AR_shp_Q14152>>2] = $add151; $i = 0; while(1) { $123 = $i; $cmp154 = ($123|0)<(32); if (!($cmp154)) { break; } $124 = $gain_adj_Q16; $shr157 = $124 >> 16; $125 = $NSQ$addr; $sLPC_Q14 = ((($125)) + 3840|0); $126 = $i; $arrayidx158 = (($sLPC_Q14) + ($126<<2)|0); $127 = HEAP32[$arrayidx158>>2]|0; $conv159 = $127&65535; $conv160 = $conv159 << 16 >> 16; $mul161 = Math_imul($shr157, $conv160)|0; $128 = $gain_adj_Q16; $and162 = $128 & 65535; $129 = $NSQ$addr; $sLPC_Q14163 = ((($129)) + 3840|0); $130 = $i; $arrayidx164 = (($sLPC_Q14163) + ($130<<2)|0); $131 = HEAP32[$arrayidx164>>2]|0; $conv165 = $131&65535; $conv166 = $conv165 << 16 >> 16; $mul167 = Math_imul($and162, $conv166)|0; $shr168 = $mul167 >> 16; $add169 = (($mul161) + ($shr168))|0; $132 = $gain_adj_Q16; $133 = $NSQ$addr; $sLPC_Q14170 = ((($133)) + 3840|0); $134 = $i; $arrayidx171 = (($sLPC_Q14170) + ($134<<2)|0); $135 = HEAP32[$arrayidx171>>2]|0; $shr172 = $135 >> 15; $add173 = (($shr172) + 1)|0; $shr174 = $add173 >> 1; $mul175 = Math_imul($132, $shr174)|0; $add176 = (($add169) + ($mul175))|0; $136 = $NSQ$addr; $sLPC_Q14177 = ((($136)) + 3840|0); $137 = $i; $arrayidx178 = (($sLPC_Q14177) + ($137<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx178>>2] = $add176; $138 = $i; $inc180 = (($138) + 1)|0; $i = $inc180; } $i = 0; while(1) { $139 = $i; $cmp183 = ($139|0)<(16); if (!($cmp183)) { break; } $140 = $gain_adj_Q16; $shr186 = $140 >> 16; $141 = $NSQ$addr; $sAR2_Q14 = ((($141)) + 4288|0); $142 = $i; $arrayidx187 = (($sAR2_Q14) + ($142<<2)|0); $143 = HEAP32[$arrayidx187>>2]|0; $conv188 = $143&65535; $conv189 = $conv188 << 16 >> 16; $mul190 = Math_imul($shr186, $conv189)|0; $144 = $gain_adj_Q16; $and191 = $144 & 65535; $145 = $NSQ$addr; $sAR2_Q14192 = ((($145)) + 4288|0); $146 = $i; $arrayidx193 = (($sAR2_Q14192) + ($146<<2)|0); $147 = HEAP32[$arrayidx193>>2]|0; $conv194 = $147&65535; $conv195 = $conv194 << 16 >> 16; $mul196 = Math_imul($and191, $conv195)|0; $shr197 = $mul196 >> 16; $add198 = (($mul190) + ($shr197))|0; $148 = $gain_adj_Q16; $149 = $NSQ$addr; $sAR2_Q14199 = ((($149)) + 4288|0); $150 = $i; $arrayidx200 = (($sAR2_Q14199) + ($150<<2)|0); $151 = HEAP32[$arrayidx200>>2]|0; $shr201 = $151 >> 15; $add202 = (($shr201) + 1)|0; $shr203 = $add202 >> 1; $mul204 = Math_imul($148, $shr203)|0; $add205 = (($add198) + ($mul204))|0; $152 = $NSQ$addr; $sAR2_Q14206 = ((($152)) + 4288|0); $153 = $i; $arrayidx207 = (($sAR2_Q14206) + ($153<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx207>>2] = $add205; $154 = $i; $inc209 = (($154) + 1)|0; $i = $inc209; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_noise_shape_quantizer($NSQ,$signalType,$x_sc_Q10,$pulses,$xq,$sLTP_Q15,$a_Q12,$b_Q14,$AR_shp_Q13,$lag,$HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14,$Tilt_Q14,$LF_shp_Q14,$Gain_Q16,$Lambda_Q10,$offset_Q10,$length,$shapingLPCOrder,$predictLPCOrder) { $NSQ = $NSQ|0; $signalType = $signalType|0; $x_sc_Q10 = $x_sc_Q10|0; $pulses = $pulses|0; $xq = $xq|0; $sLTP_Q15 = $sLTP_Q15|0; $a_Q12 = $a_Q12|0; $b_Q14 = $b_Q14|0; $AR_shp_Q13 = $AR_shp_Q13|0; $lag = $lag|0; $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14 = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14|0; $Tilt_Q14 = $Tilt_Q14|0; $LF_shp_Q14 = $LF_shp_Q14|0; $Gain_Q16 = $Gain_Q16|0; $Lambda_Q10 = $Lambda_Q10|0; $offset_Q10 = $offset_Q10|0; $length = $length|0; $shapingLPCOrder = $shapingLPCOrder|0; $predictLPCOrder = $predictLPCOrder|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0; var $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0; var $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0, $26 = 0; var $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0, $278 = 0; var $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0, $294 = 0, $295 = 0, $296 = 0; var $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0, $304 = 0, $305 = 0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0, $31 = 0, $310 = 0, $311 = 0, $312 = 0, $313 = 0; var $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0, $322 = 0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0, $325 = 0, $326 = 0, $327 = 0, $328 = 0, $329 = 0, $33 = 0, $330 = 0, $331 = 0; var $332 = 0, $333 = 0, $334 = 0, $335 = 0, $336 = 0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0, $339 = 0, $34 = 0, $340 = 0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0, $346 = 0, $347 = 0, $348 = 0, $349 = 0, $35 = 0; var $350 = 0, $351 = 0, $352 = 0, $353 = 0, $354 = 0, $355 = 0, $356 = 0, $357 = 0, $358 = 0, $359 = 0, $36 = 0, $360 = 0, $361 = 0, $362 = 0, $363 = 0, $364 = 0, $365 = 0, $366 = 0, $367 = 0, $368 = 0; var $369 = 0, $37 = 0, $370 = 0, $371 = 0, $372 = 0, $373 = 0, $374 = 0, $375 = 0, $376 = 0, $377 = 0, $378 = 0, $379 = 0, $38 = 0, $380 = 0, $381 = 0, $382 = 0, $383 = 0, $384 = 0, $385 = 0, $386 = 0; var $387 = 0, $388 = 0, $389 = 0, $39 = 0, $390 = 0, $391 = 0, $392 = 0, $393 = 0, $394 = 0, $395 = 0, $396 = 0, $397 = 0, $398 = 0, $399 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $400 = 0, $401 = 0, $402 = 0, $403 = 0; var $404 = 0, $405 = 0, $406 = 0, $407 = 0, $408 = 0, $409 = 0, $41 = 0, $410 = 0, $411 = 0, $412 = 0, $413 = 0, $414 = 0, $415 = 0, $416 = 0, $417 = 0, $418 = 0, $419 = 0, $42 = 0, $420 = 0, $421 = 0; var $422 = 0, $423 = 0, $424 = 0, $425 = 0, $426 = 0, $427 = 0, $428 = 0, $429 = 0, $43 = 0, $430 = 0, $431 = 0, $432 = 0, $433 = 0, $434 = 0, $435 = 0, $436 = 0, $437 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0; var $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0; var $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0; var $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $AR_shp_Q13$addr = 0, $Gain_Q10 = 0; var $Gain_Q16$addr = 0, $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14$addr = 0, $LF_shp_Q14$addr = 0, $LPC_exc_Q14 = 0, $LPC_pred_Q10 = 0, $LTP_pred_Q13 = 0, $Lambda_Q10$addr = 0, $NSQ$addr = 0, $Tilt_Q14$addr = 0, $a_Q12$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add108 = 0, $add109 = 0, $add121 = 0, $add122 = 0, $add134 = 0, $add135 = 0, $add149 = 0, $add150 = 0, $add162 = 0; var $add163 = 0, $add17 = 0, $add175 = 0, $add176 = 0, $add18 = 0, $add188 = 0, $add189 = 0, $add2 = 0, $add201 = 0, $add202 = 0, $add214 = 0, $add215 = 0, $add230 = 0, $add231 = 0, $add243 = 0, $add244 = 0, $add256 = 0, $add257 = 0, $add269 = 0, $add270 = 0; var $add282 = 0, $add283 = 0, $add299 = 0, $add30 = 0, $add300 = 0, $add31 = 0, $add322 = 0, $add323 = 0, $add325 = 0, $add328 = 0, $add339 = 0, $add340 = 0, $add341 = 0, $add356 = 0, $add357 = 0, $add369 = 0, $add370 = 0, $add388 = 0, $add393 = 0, $add399 = 0; var $add408 = 0, $add415 = 0, $add421 = 0, $add426 = 0, $add43 = 0, $add432 = 0, $add437 = 0, $add439 = 0, $add44 = 0, $add443 = 0, $add469 = 0, $add470 = 0, $add485 = 0, $add5 = 0, $add514 = 0, $add515 = 0, $add516 = 0, $add538 = 0, $add545 = 0, $add551 = 0; var $add56 = 0, $add563 = 0, $add565 = 0, $add57 = 0, $add575 = 0, $add577 = 0, $add580 = 0, $add582 = 0, $add597 = 0, $add599 = 0, $add602 = 0, $add604 = 0, $add619 = 0, $add621 = 0, $add624 = 0, $add626 = 0, $add652 = 0, $add69 = 0, $add70 = 0, $add82 = 0; var $add83 = 0, $add95 = 0, $add96 = 0, $and = 0, $and103 = 0, $and116 = 0, $and129 = 0, $and144 = 0, $and157 = 0, $and170 = 0, $and183 = 0, $and196 = 0, $and209 = 0, $and225 = 0, $and238 = 0, $and25 = 0, $and251 = 0, $and264 = 0, $and277 = 0, $and294 = 0; var $and316 = 0, $and334 = 0, $and350 = 0, $and364 = 0, $and38 = 0, $and383 = 0, $and395 = 0, $and416 = 0, $and428 = 0, $and51 = 0, $and570 = 0, $and592 = 0, $and614 = 0, $and64 = 0, $and77 = 0, $and90 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx102 = 0, $arrayidx104 = 0, $arrayidx110 = 0; var $arrayidx112 = 0, $arrayidx115 = 0, $arrayidx117 = 0, $arrayidx123 = 0, $arrayidx125 = 0, $arrayidx128 = 0, $arrayidx130 = 0, $arrayidx138 = 0, $arrayidx140 = 0, $arrayidx143 = 0, $arrayidx145 = 0, $arrayidx151 = 0, $arrayidx153 = 0, $arrayidx156 = 0, $arrayidx158 = 0, $arrayidx164 = 0, $arrayidx166 = 0, $arrayidx169 = 0, $arrayidx171 = 0, $arrayidx177 = 0; var $arrayidx179 = 0, $arrayidx182 = 0, $arrayidx184 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx190 = 0, $arrayidx192 = 0, $arrayidx195 = 0, $arrayidx197 = 0, $arrayidx203 = 0, $arrayidx205 = 0, $arrayidx208 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx210 = 0, $arrayidx232 = 0, $arrayidx234 = 0, $arrayidx237 = 0, $arrayidx239 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx245 = 0, $arrayidx247 = 0; var $arrayidx250 = 0, $arrayidx252 = 0, $arrayidx258 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx260 = 0, $arrayidx263 = 0, $arrayidx265 = 0, $arrayidx271 = 0, $arrayidx273 = 0, $arrayidx276 = 0, $arrayidx278 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx307 = 0, $arrayidx310 = 0, $arrayidx313 = 0, $arrayidx318 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx326 = 0, $arrayidx329 = 0, $arrayidx331 = 0; var $arrayidx335 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx344 = 0, $arrayidx347 = 0, $arrayidx352 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx374 = 0, $arrayidx382 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx407 = 0, $arrayidx414 = 0, $arrayidx422 = 0, $arrayidx427 = 0, $arrayidx446 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx554 = 0; var $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx60 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $arrayidx633 = 0, $arrayidx642 = 0, $arrayidx645 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0, $arrayidx650 = 0, $arrayidx659 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx73 = 0, $arrayidx76 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx84 = 0, $arrayidx86 = 0, $arrayidx89 = 0, $arrayidx91 = 0, $arrayidx97 = 0, $arrayidx99 = 0, $b_Q14$addr = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cmp136 = 0, $cmp216 = 0, $cmp302 = 0, $cmp403 = 0, $cmp449 = 0, $cmp454 = 0, $cmp456 = 0, $cmp464 = 0, $cmp482 = 0, $cmp497 = 0, $cmp546 = 0, $cmp557 = 0, $cmp584 = 0, $cmp606 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond461 = 0, $cond631 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv100 = 0; var $conv105 = 0, $conv113 = 0, $conv118 = 0, $conv126 = 0, $conv131 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv141 = 0, $conv146 = 0, $conv154 = 0, $conv159 = 0, $conv167 = 0, $conv172 = 0, $conv180 = 0, $conv185 = 0, $conv193 = 0, $conv198 = 0, $conv206 = 0, $conv211 = 0, $conv22 = 0, $conv222 = 0; var $conv227 = 0, $conv235 = 0, $conv240 = 0, $conv248 = 0, $conv253 = 0, $conv261 = 0, $conv266 = 0, $conv27 = 0, $conv274 = 0, $conv279 = 0, $conv292 = 0, $conv296 = 0, $conv314 = 0, $conv319 = 0, $conv332 = 0, $conv336 = 0, $conv348 = 0, $conv35 = 0, $conv353 = 0, $conv360 = 0; var $conv361 = 0, $conv365 = 0, $conv366 = 0, $conv376 = 0, $conv377 = 0, $conv384 = 0, $conv385 = 0, $conv40 = 0, $conv410 = 0, $conv411 = 0, $conv417 = 0, $conv418 = 0, $conv471 = 0, $conv472 = 0, $conv473 = 0, $conv474 = 0, $conv476 = 0, $conv477 = 0, $conv478 = 0, $conv479 = 0; var $conv48 = 0, $conv486 = 0, $conv487 = 0, $conv488 = 0, $conv489 = 0, $conv491 = 0, $conv492 = 0, $conv493 = 0, $conv494 = 0, $conv502 = 0, $conv503 = 0, $conv504 = 0, $conv505 = 0, $conv507 = 0, $conv508 = 0, $conv509 = 0, $conv510 = 0, $conv518 = 0, $conv519 = 0, $conv520 = 0; var $conv521 = 0, $conv524 = 0, $conv525 = 0, $conv526 = 0, $conv527 = 0, $conv53 = 0, $conv533 = 0, $conv534 = 0, $conv535 = 0, $conv536 = 0, $conv540 = 0, $conv541 = 0, $conv542 = 0, $conv543 = 0, $conv553 = 0, $conv567 = 0, $conv568 = 0, $conv571 = 0, $conv572 = 0, $conv589 = 0; var $conv590 = 0, $conv593 = 0, $conv594 = 0, $conv61 = 0, $conv611 = 0, $conv612 = 0, $conv615 = 0, $conv616 = 0, $conv632 = 0, $conv651 = 0, $conv66 = 0, $conv74 = 0, $conv79 = 0, $conv87 = 0, $conv92 = 0, $exc_Q14 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc648 = 0, $inc655 = 0; var $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr434 = 0, $incdec$ptr634 = 0, $j = 0, $lag$addr = 0, $length$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul101 = 0, $mul106 = 0, $mul11 = 0, $mul114 = 0, $mul119 = 0, $mul127 = 0, $mul132 = 0, $mul142 = 0, $mul147 = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul155 = 0, $mul160 = 0, $mul168 = 0; var $mul173 = 0, $mul181 = 0, $mul186 = 0, $mul194 = 0, $mul199 = 0, $mul207 = 0, $mul212 = 0, $mul223 = 0, $mul228 = 0, $mul23 = 0, $mul236 = 0, $mul241 = 0, $mul249 = 0, $mul254 = 0, $mul262 = 0, $mul267 = 0, $mul275 = 0, $mul28 = 0, $mul280 = 0, $mul293 = 0; var $mul297 = 0, $mul315 = 0, $mul320 = 0, $mul333 = 0, $mul337 = 0, $mul349 = 0, $mul354 = 0, $mul36 = 0, $mul362 = 0, $mul367 = 0, $mul378 = 0, $mul386 = 0, $mul392 = 0, $mul397 = 0, $mul41 = 0, $mul412 = 0, $mul419 = 0, $mul425 = 0, $mul430 = 0, $mul475 = 0; var $mul480 = 0, $mul49 = 0, $mul490 = 0, $mul495 = 0, $mul506 = 0, $mul511 = 0, $mul522 = 0, $mul528 = 0, $mul537 = 0, $mul54 = 0, $mul544 = 0, $mul569 = 0, $mul573 = 0, $mul579 = 0, $mul591 = 0, $mul595 = 0, $mul601 = 0, $mul613 = 0, $mul617 = 0, $mul62 = 0; var $mul623 = 0, $mul67 = 0, $mul75 = 0, $mul80 = 0, $mul88 = 0, $mul93 = 0, $n_AR_Q12 = 0, $n_LF_Q12 = 0, $n_LTP_Q13 = 0, $offset_Q10$addr = 0, $pred_lag_ptr = 0, $predictLPCOrder$addr = 0, $psLPC_Q14 = 0, $pulses$addr = 0, $q1_Q0 = 0, $q1_Q10 = 0, $q2_Q10 = 0, $r_Q10 = 0, $rand_seed = 0, $rand_seed448 = 0; var $rand_seed556 = 0, $rand_seed6 = 0, $rand_seed649 = 0, $rand_seed653 = 0, $rd1_Q20 = 0, $rd2_Q20 = 0, $rr_Q10 = 0, $sAR2_Q14 = 0, $sAR2_Q14287 = 0, $sAR2_Q14305 = 0, $sAR2_Q14308 = 0, $sAR2_Q14324 = 0, $sAR2_Q14327 = 0, $sAR2_Q14342 = 0, $sLF_AR_shp_Q14 = 0, $sLF_AR_shp_Q14358 = 0, $sLF_AR_shp_Q14363 = 0, $sLF_AR_shp_Q14389 = 0, $sLF_AR_shp_Q14394 = 0, $sLF_AR_shp_Q14637 = 0; var $sLPC_Q14 = 0, $sLPC_Q14657 = 0, $sLPC_Q14658 = 0, $sLTP_Q15$addr = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx644 = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx647 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q14 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q14371 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q14379 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q14640 = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx372 = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx380 = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx641 = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx646 = 0, $shapingLPCOrder$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl400 = 0, $shl433 = 0; var $shl436 = 0, $shl467 = 0, $shl513 = 0, $shl555 = 0, $shl562 = 0, $shl564 = 0, $shl635 = 0, $shl638 = 0, $shl643 = 0, $shp_lag_ptr = 0, $shr = 0, $shr107 = 0, $shr111 = 0, $shr120 = 0, $shr124 = 0, $shr133 = 0, $shr139 = 0, $shr148 = 0, $shr152 = 0, $shr16 = 0; var $shr161 = 0, $shr165 = 0, $shr174 = 0, $shr178 = 0, $shr187 = 0, $shr191 = 0, $shr20 = 0, $shr200 = 0, $shr204 = 0, $shr213 = 0, $shr220 = 0, $shr229 = 0, $shr233 = 0, $shr242 = 0, $shr246 = 0, $shr255 = 0, $shr259 = 0, $shr268 = 0, $shr272 = 0, $shr281 = 0; var $shr289 = 0, $shr29 = 0, $shr290 = 0, $shr298 = 0, $shr311 = 0, $shr321 = 0, $shr33 = 0, $shr330 = 0, $shr338 = 0, $shr345 = 0, $shr355 = 0, $shr359 = 0, $shr368 = 0, $shr375 = 0, $shr387 = 0, $shr390 = 0, $shr391 = 0, $shr396 = 0, $shr398 = 0, $shr409 = 0; var $shr42 = 0, $shr420 = 0, $shr423 = 0, $shr424 = 0, $shr429 = 0, $shr431 = 0, $shr438 = 0, $shr440 = 0, $shr442 = 0, $shr444 = 0, $shr46 = 0, $shr463 = 0, $shr55 = 0, $shr550 = 0, $shr552 = 0, $shr566 = 0, $shr574 = 0, $shr576 = 0, $shr578 = 0, $shr581 = 0; var $shr583 = 0, $shr588 = 0, $shr59 = 0, $shr596 = 0, $shr598 = 0, $shr600 = 0, $shr603 = 0, $shr605 = 0, $shr610 = 0, $shr618 = 0, $shr620 = 0, $shr622 = 0, $shr625 = 0, $shr627 = 0, $shr68 = 0, $shr7 = 0, $shr72 = 0, $shr81 = 0, $shr85 = 0, $shr9 = 0; var $shr94 = 0, $shr98 = 0, $signalType$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub306 = 0, $sub309 = 0, $sub312 = 0, $sub317 = 0, $sub343 = 0, $sub346 = 0, $sub351 = 0, $sub373 = 0, $sub381 = 0, $sub401 = 0, $sub402 = 0, $sub435 = 0, $sub447 = 0, $sub452 = 0, $sub462 = 0; var $sub468 = 0, $sub500 = 0, $sub501 = 0, $sub517 = 0, $sub523 = 0, $sub532 = 0, $sub539 = 0, $sub560 = 0, $sub636 = 0, $sub639 = 0, $tmp1 = 0, $tmp2 = 0, $x_sc_Q10$addr = 0, $xq$addr = 0, $xq_Q14 = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, src = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 176|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(176|0); $NSQ$addr = $NSQ; $signalType$addr = $signalType; $x_sc_Q10$addr = $x_sc_Q10; $pulses$addr = $pulses; $xq$addr = $xq; $sLTP_Q15$addr = $sLTP_Q15; $a_Q12$addr = $a_Q12; $b_Q14$addr = $b_Q14; $AR_shp_Q13$addr = $AR_shp_Q13; $lag$addr = $lag; $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14$addr = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14; $Tilt_Q14$addr = $Tilt_Q14; $LF_shp_Q14$addr = $LF_shp_Q14; $Gain_Q16$addr = $Gain_Q16; $Lambda_Q10$addr = $Lambda_Q10; $offset_Q10$addr = $offset_Q10; $length$addr = $length; $shapingLPCOrder$addr = $shapingLPCOrder; $predictLPCOrder$addr = $predictLPCOrder; $0 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q14 = ((($0)) + 1280|0); $1 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx = ((($1)) + 4364|0); $2 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx>>2]|0; $3 = $lag$addr; $sub = (($2) - ($3))|0; $add = (($sub) + 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($sLTP_shp_Q14) + ($add<<2)|0); $shp_lag_ptr = $arrayidx; $4 = $sLTP_Q15$addr; $5 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx = ((($5)) + 4360|0); $6 = HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx>>2]|0; $7 = $lag$addr; $sub1 = (($6) - ($7))|0; $add2 = (($sub1) + 2)|0; $arrayidx3 = (($4) + ($add2<<2)|0); $pred_lag_ptr = $arrayidx3; $8 = $Gain_Q16$addr; $shr = $8 >> 6; $Gain_Q10 = $shr; $9 = $NSQ$addr; $sLPC_Q14 = ((($9)) + 3840|0); $arrayidx4 = ((($sLPC_Q14)) + 124|0); $psLPC_Q14 = $arrayidx4; $i = 0; while(1) { $10 = $i; $11 = $length$addr; $cmp = ($10|0)<($11|0); $12 = $NSQ$addr; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $rand_seed = ((($12)) + 4368|0); $13 = HEAP32[$rand_seed>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($13, 196314165)|0; $add5 = (907633515 + ($mul))|0; $14 = $NSQ$addr; $rand_seed6 = ((($14)) + 4368|0); HEAP32[$rand_seed6>>2] = $add5; $15 = $predictLPCOrder$addr; $shr7 = $15 >> 1; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $shr7; $16 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $17 = $psLPC_Q14; $18 = HEAP32[$17>>2]|0; $shr9 = $18 >> 16; $19 = $a_Q12$addr; $20 = HEAP16[$19>>1]|0; $conv = $20 << 16 >> 16; $mul11 = Math_imul($shr9, $conv)|0; $21 = $psLPC_Q14; $22 = HEAP32[$21>>2]|0; $and = $22 & 65535; $23 = $a_Q12$addr; $24 = HEAP16[$23>>1]|0; $conv14 = $24 << 16 >> 16; $mul15 = Math_imul($and, $conv14)|0; $shr16 = $mul15 >> 16; $add17 = (($mul11) + ($shr16))|0; $add18 = (($16) + ($add17))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add18; $25 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $26 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx19 = ((($26)) + -4|0); $27 = HEAP32[$arrayidx19>>2]|0; $shr20 = $27 >> 16; $28 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx21 = ((($28)) + 2|0); $29 = HEAP16[$arrayidx21>>1]|0; $conv22 = $29 << 16 >> 16; $mul23 = Math_imul($shr20, $conv22)|0; $30 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx24 = ((($30)) + -4|0); $31 = HEAP32[$arrayidx24>>2]|0; $and25 = $31 & 65535; $32 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx26 = ((($32)) + 2|0); $33 = HEAP16[$arrayidx26>>1]|0; $conv27 = $33 << 16 >> 16; $mul28 = Math_imul($and25, $conv27)|0; $shr29 = $mul28 >> 16; $add30 = (($mul23) + ($shr29))|0; $add31 = (($25) + ($add30))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add31; $34 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $35 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx32 = ((($35)) + -8|0); $36 = HEAP32[$arrayidx32>>2]|0; $shr33 = $36 >> 16; $37 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx34 = ((($37)) + 4|0); $38 = HEAP16[$arrayidx34>>1]|0; $conv35 = $38 << 16 >> 16; $mul36 = Math_imul($shr33, $conv35)|0; $39 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx37 = ((($39)) + -8|0); $40 = HEAP32[$arrayidx37>>2]|0; $and38 = $40 & 65535; $41 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx39 = ((($41)) + 4|0); $42 = HEAP16[$arrayidx39>>1]|0; $conv40 = $42 << 16 >> 16; $mul41 = Math_imul($and38, $conv40)|0; $shr42 = $mul41 >> 16; $add43 = (($mul36) + ($shr42))|0; $add44 = (($34) + ($add43))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add44; $43 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $44 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx45 = ((($44)) + -12|0); $45 = HEAP32[$arrayidx45>>2]|0; $shr46 = $45 >> 16; $46 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx47 = ((($46)) + 6|0); $47 = HEAP16[$arrayidx47>>1]|0; $conv48 = $47 << 16 >> 16; $mul49 = Math_imul($shr46, $conv48)|0; $48 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx50 = ((($48)) + -12|0); $49 = HEAP32[$arrayidx50>>2]|0; $and51 = $49 & 65535; $50 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx52 = ((($50)) + 6|0); $51 = HEAP16[$arrayidx52>>1]|0; $conv53 = $51 << 16 >> 16; $mul54 = Math_imul($and51, $conv53)|0; $shr55 = $mul54 >> 16; $add56 = (($mul49) + ($shr55))|0; $add57 = (($43) + ($add56))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add57; $52 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $53 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx58 = ((($53)) + -16|0); $54 = HEAP32[$arrayidx58>>2]|0; $shr59 = $54 >> 16; $55 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx60 = ((($55)) + 8|0); $56 = HEAP16[$arrayidx60>>1]|0; $conv61 = $56 << 16 >> 16; $mul62 = Math_imul($shr59, $conv61)|0; $57 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx63 = ((($57)) + -16|0); $58 = HEAP32[$arrayidx63>>2]|0; $and64 = $58 & 65535; $59 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx65 = ((($59)) + 8|0); $60 = HEAP16[$arrayidx65>>1]|0; $conv66 = $60 << 16 >> 16; $mul67 = Math_imul($and64, $conv66)|0; $shr68 = $mul67 >> 16; $add69 = (($mul62) + ($shr68))|0; $add70 = (($52) + ($add69))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add70; $61 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $62 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx71 = ((($62)) + -20|0); $63 = HEAP32[$arrayidx71>>2]|0; $shr72 = $63 >> 16; $64 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx73 = ((($64)) + 10|0); $65 = HEAP16[$arrayidx73>>1]|0; $conv74 = $65 << 16 >> 16; $mul75 = Math_imul($shr72, $conv74)|0; $66 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx76 = ((($66)) + -20|0); $67 = HEAP32[$arrayidx76>>2]|0; $and77 = $67 & 65535; $68 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx78 = ((($68)) + 10|0); $69 = HEAP16[$arrayidx78>>1]|0; $conv79 = $69 << 16 >> 16; $mul80 = Math_imul($and77, $conv79)|0; $shr81 = $mul80 >> 16; $add82 = (($mul75) + ($shr81))|0; $add83 = (($61) + ($add82))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add83; $70 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $71 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx84 = ((($71)) + -24|0); $72 = HEAP32[$arrayidx84>>2]|0; $shr85 = $72 >> 16; $73 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx86 = ((($73)) + 12|0); $74 = HEAP16[$arrayidx86>>1]|0; $conv87 = $74 << 16 >> 16; $mul88 = Math_imul($shr85, $conv87)|0; $75 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx89 = ((($75)) + -24|0); $76 = HEAP32[$arrayidx89>>2]|0; $and90 = $76 & 65535; $77 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx91 = ((($77)) + 12|0); $78 = HEAP16[$arrayidx91>>1]|0; $conv92 = $78 << 16 >> 16; $mul93 = Math_imul($and90, $conv92)|0; $shr94 = $mul93 >> 16; $add95 = (($mul88) + ($shr94))|0; $add96 = (($70) + ($add95))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add96; $79 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $80 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx97 = ((($80)) + -28|0); $81 = HEAP32[$arrayidx97>>2]|0; $shr98 = $81 >> 16; $82 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx99 = ((($82)) + 14|0); $83 = HEAP16[$arrayidx99>>1]|0; $conv100 = $83 << 16 >> 16; $mul101 = Math_imul($shr98, $conv100)|0; $84 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx102 = ((($84)) + -28|0); $85 = HEAP32[$arrayidx102>>2]|0; $and103 = $85 & 65535; $86 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx104 = ((($86)) + 14|0); $87 = HEAP16[$arrayidx104>>1]|0; $conv105 = $87 << 16 >> 16; $mul106 = Math_imul($and103, $conv105)|0; $shr107 = $mul106 >> 16; $add108 = (($mul101) + ($shr107))|0; $add109 = (($79) + ($add108))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add109; $88 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $89 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx110 = ((($89)) + -32|0); $90 = HEAP32[$arrayidx110>>2]|0; $shr111 = $90 >> 16; $91 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx112 = ((($91)) + 16|0); $92 = HEAP16[$arrayidx112>>1]|0; $conv113 = $92 << 16 >> 16; $mul114 = Math_imul($shr111, $conv113)|0; $93 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx115 = ((($93)) + -32|0); $94 = HEAP32[$arrayidx115>>2]|0; $and116 = $94 & 65535; $95 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx117 = ((($95)) + 16|0); $96 = HEAP16[$arrayidx117>>1]|0; $conv118 = $96 << 16 >> 16; $mul119 = Math_imul($and116, $conv118)|0; $shr120 = $mul119 >> 16; $add121 = (($mul114) + ($shr120))|0; $add122 = (($88) + ($add121))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add122; $97 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $98 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx123 = ((($98)) + -36|0); $99 = HEAP32[$arrayidx123>>2]|0; $shr124 = $99 >> 16; $100 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx125 = ((($100)) + 18|0); $101 = HEAP16[$arrayidx125>>1]|0; $conv126 = $101 << 16 >> 16; $mul127 = Math_imul($shr124, $conv126)|0; $102 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx128 = ((($102)) + -36|0); $103 = HEAP32[$arrayidx128>>2]|0; $and129 = $103 & 65535; $104 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx130 = ((($104)) + 18|0); $105 = HEAP16[$arrayidx130>>1]|0; $conv131 = $105 << 16 >> 16; $mul132 = Math_imul($and129, $conv131)|0; $shr133 = $mul132 >> 16; $add134 = (($mul127) + ($shr133))|0; $add135 = (($97) + ($add134))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add135; $106 = $predictLPCOrder$addr; $cmp136 = ($106|0)==(16); if ($cmp136) { $107 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $108 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx138 = ((($108)) + -40|0); $109 = HEAP32[$arrayidx138>>2]|0; $shr139 = $109 >> 16; $110 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx140 = ((($110)) + 20|0); $111 = HEAP16[$arrayidx140>>1]|0; $conv141 = $111 << 16 >> 16; $mul142 = Math_imul($shr139, $conv141)|0; $112 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx143 = ((($112)) + -40|0); $113 = HEAP32[$arrayidx143>>2]|0; $and144 = $113 & 65535; $114 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx145 = ((($114)) + 20|0); $115 = HEAP16[$arrayidx145>>1]|0; $conv146 = $115 << 16 >> 16; $mul147 = Math_imul($and144, $conv146)|0; $shr148 = $mul147 >> 16; $add149 = (($mul142) + ($shr148))|0; $add150 = (($107) + ($add149))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add150; $116 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $117 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx151 = ((($117)) + -44|0); $118 = HEAP32[$arrayidx151>>2]|0; $shr152 = $118 >> 16; $119 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx153 = ((($119)) + 22|0); $120 = HEAP16[$arrayidx153>>1]|0; $conv154 = $120 << 16 >> 16; $mul155 = Math_imul($shr152, $conv154)|0; $121 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx156 = ((($121)) + -44|0); $122 = HEAP32[$arrayidx156>>2]|0; $and157 = $122 & 65535; $123 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx158 = ((($123)) + 22|0); $124 = HEAP16[$arrayidx158>>1]|0; $conv159 = $124 << 16 >> 16; $mul160 = Math_imul($and157, $conv159)|0; $shr161 = $mul160 >> 16; $add162 = (($mul155) + ($shr161))|0; $add163 = (($116) + ($add162))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add163; $125 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $126 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx164 = ((($126)) + -48|0); $127 = HEAP32[$arrayidx164>>2]|0; $shr165 = $127 >> 16; $128 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx166 = ((($128)) + 24|0); $129 = HEAP16[$arrayidx166>>1]|0; $conv167 = $129 << 16 >> 16; $mul168 = Math_imul($shr165, $conv167)|0; $130 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx169 = ((($130)) + -48|0); $131 = HEAP32[$arrayidx169>>2]|0; $and170 = $131 & 65535; $132 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx171 = ((($132)) + 24|0); $133 = HEAP16[$arrayidx171>>1]|0; $conv172 = $133 << 16 >> 16; $mul173 = Math_imul($and170, $conv172)|0; $shr174 = $mul173 >> 16; $add175 = (($mul168) + ($shr174))|0; $add176 = (($125) + ($add175))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add176; $134 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $135 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx177 = ((($135)) + -52|0); $136 = HEAP32[$arrayidx177>>2]|0; $shr178 = $136 >> 16; $137 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx179 = ((($137)) + 26|0); $138 = HEAP16[$arrayidx179>>1]|0; $conv180 = $138 << 16 >> 16; $mul181 = Math_imul($shr178, $conv180)|0; $139 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx182 = ((($139)) + -52|0); $140 = HEAP32[$arrayidx182>>2]|0; $and183 = $140 & 65535; $141 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx184 = ((($141)) + 26|0); $142 = HEAP16[$arrayidx184>>1]|0; $conv185 = $142 << 16 >> 16; $mul186 = Math_imul($and183, $conv185)|0; $shr187 = $mul186 >> 16; $add188 = (($mul181) + ($shr187))|0; $add189 = (($134) + ($add188))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add189; $143 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $144 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx190 = ((($144)) + -56|0); $145 = HEAP32[$arrayidx190>>2]|0; $shr191 = $145 >> 16; $146 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx192 = ((($146)) + 28|0); $147 = HEAP16[$arrayidx192>>1]|0; $conv193 = $147 << 16 >> 16; $mul194 = Math_imul($shr191, $conv193)|0; $148 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx195 = ((($148)) + -56|0); $149 = HEAP32[$arrayidx195>>2]|0; $and196 = $149 & 65535; $150 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx197 = ((($150)) + 28|0); $151 = HEAP16[$arrayidx197>>1]|0; $conv198 = $151 << 16 >> 16; $mul199 = Math_imul($and196, $conv198)|0; $shr200 = $mul199 >> 16; $add201 = (($mul194) + ($shr200))|0; $add202 = (($143) + ($add201))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add202; $152 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $153 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx203 = ((($153)) + -60|0); $154 = HEAP32[$arrayidx203>>2]|0; $shr204 = $154 >> 16; $155 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx205 = ((($155)) + 30|0); $156 = HEAP16[$arrayidx205>>1]|0; $conv206 = $156 << 16 >> 16; $mul207 = Math_imul($shr204, $conv206)|0; $157 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx208 = ((($157)) + -60|0); $158 = HEAP32[$arrayidx208>>2]|0; $and209 = $158 & 65535; $159 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx210 = ((($159)) + 30|0); $160 = HEAP16[$arrayidx210>>1]|0; $conv211 = $160 << 16 >> 16; $mul212 = Math_imul($and209, $conv211)|0; $shr213 = $mul212 >> 16; $add214 = (($mul207) + ($shr213))|0; $add215 = (($152) + ($add214))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add215; } $161 = $signalType$addr; $cmp216 = ($161|0)==(2); if ($cmp216) { $LTP_pred_Q13 = 2; $162 = $LTP_pred_Q13; $163 = $pred_lag_ptr; $164 = HEAP32[$163>>2]|0; $shr220 = $164 >> 16; $165 = $b_Q14$addr; $166 = HEAP16[$165>>1]|0; $conv222 = $166 << 16 >> 16; $mul223 = Math_imul($shr220, $conv222)|0; $167 = $pred_lag_ptr; $168 = HEAP32[$167>>2]|0; $and225 = $168 & 65535; $169 = $b_Q14$addr; $170 = HEAP16[$169>>1]|0; $conv227 = $170 << 16 >> 16; $mul228 = Math_imul($and225, $conv227)|0; $shr229 = $mul228 >> 16; $add230 = (($mul223) + ($shr229))|0; $add231 = (($162) + ($add230))|0; $LTP_pred_Q13 = $add231; $171 = $LTP_pred_Q13; $172 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx232 = ((($172)) + -4|0); $173 = HEAP32[$arrayidx232>>2]|0; $shr233 = $173 >> 16; $174 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx234 = ((($174)) + 2|0); $175 = HEAP16[$arrayidx234>>1]|0; $conv235 = $175 << 16 >> 16; $mul236 = Math_imul($shr233, $conv235)|0; $176 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx237 = ((($176)) + -4|0); $177 = HEAP32[$arrayidx237>>2]|0; $and238 = $177 & 65535; $178 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx239 = ((($178)) + 2|0); $179 = HEAP16[$arrayidx239>>1]|0; $conv240 = $179 << 16 >> 16; $mul241 = Math_imul($and238, $conv240)|0; $shr242 = $mul241 >> 16; $add243 = (($mul236) + ($shr242))|0; $add244 = (($171) + ($add243))|0; $LTP_pred_Q13 = $add244; $180 = $LTP_pred_Q13; $181 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx245 = ((($181)) + -8|0); $182 = HEAP32[$arrayidx245>>2]|0; $shr246 = $182 >> 16; $183 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx247 = ((($183)) + 4|0); $184 = HEAP16[$arrayidx247>>1]|0; $conv248 = $184 << 16 >> 16; $mul249 = Math_imul($shr246, $conv248)|0; $185 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx250 = ((($185)) + -8|0); $186 = HEAP32[$arrayidx250>>2]|0; $and251 = $186 & 65535; $187 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx252 = ((($187)) + 4|0); $188 = HEAP16[$arrayidx252>>1]|0; $conv253 = $188 << 16 >> 16; $mul254 = Math_imul($and251, $conv253)|0; $shr255 = $mul254 >> 16; $add256 = (($mul249) + ($shr255))|0; $add257 = (($180) + ($add256))|0; $LTP_pred_Q13 = $add257; $189 = $LTP_pred_Q13; $190 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx258 = ((($190)) + -12|0); $191 = HEAP32[$arrayidx258>>2]|0; $shr259 = $191 >> 16; $192 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx260 = ((($192)) + 6|0); $193 = HEAP16[$arrayidx260>>1]|0; $conv261 = $193 << 16 >> 16; $mul262 = Math_imul($shr259, $conv261)|0; $194 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx263 = ((($194)) + -12|0); $195 = HEAP32[$arrayidx263>>2]|0; $and264 = $195 & 65535; $196 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx265 = ((($196)) + 6|0); $197 = HEAP16[$arrayidx265>>1]|0; $conv266 = $197 << 16 >> 16; $mul267 = Math_imul($and264, $conv266)|0; $shr268 = $mul267 >> 16; $add269 = (($mul262) + ($shr268))|0; $add270 = (($189) + ($add269))|0; $LTP_pred_Q13 = $add270; $198 = $LTP_pred_Q13; $199 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx271 = ((($199)) + -16|0); $200 = HEAP32[$arrayidx271>>2]|0; $shr272 = $200 >> 16; $201 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx273 = ((($201)) + 8|0); $202 = HEAP16[$arrayidx273>>1]|0; $conv274 = $202 << 16 >> 16; $mul275 = Math_imul($shr272, $conv274)|0; $203 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx276 = ((($203)) + -16|0); $204 = HEAP32[$arrayidx276>>2]|0; $and277 = $204 & 65535; $205 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx278 = ((($205)) + 8|0); $206 = HEAP16[$arrayidx278>>1]|0; $conv279 = $206 << 16 >> 16; $mul280 = Math_imul($and277, $conv279)|0; $shr281 = $mul280 >> 16; $add282 = (($mul275) + ($shr281))|0; $add283 = (($198) + ($add282))|0; $LTP_pred_Q13 = $add283; $207 = $pred_lag_ptr; $incdec$ptr = ((($207)) + 4|0); $pred_lag_ptr = $incdec$ptr; } else { $LTP_pred_Q13 = 0; } $208 = $psLPC_Q14; $209 = HEAP32[$208>>2]|0; $tmp2 = $209; $210 = $NSQ$addr; $sAR2_Q14 = ((($210)) + 4288|0); $211 = HEAP32[$sAR2_Q14>>2]|0; $tmp1 = $211; $212 = $tmp2; $213 = $NSQ$addr; $sAR2_Q14287 = ((($213)) + 4288|0); HEAP32[$sAR2_Q14287>>2] = $212; $214 = $shapingLPCOrder$addr; $shr289 = $214 >> 1; $n_AR_Q12 = $shr289; $215 = $n_AR_Q12; $216 = $tmp2; $shr290 = $216 >> 16; $217 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $218 = HEAP16[$217>>1]|0; $conv292 = $218 << 16 >> 16; $mul293 = Math_imul($shr290, $conv292)|0; $219 = $tmp2; $and294 = $219 & 65535; $220 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $221 = HEAP16[$220>>1]|0; $conv296 = $221 << 16 >> 16; $mul297 = Math_imul($and294, $conv296)|0; $shr298 = $mul297 >> 16; $add299 = (($mul293) + ($shr298))|0; $add300 = (($215) + ($add299))|0; $n_AR_Q12 = $add300; $j = 2; while(1) { $222 = $j; $223 = $shapingLPCOrder$addr; $cmp302 = ($222|0)<($223|0); if (!($cmp302)) { break; } $224 = $NSQ$addr; $sAR2_Q14305 = ((($224)) + 4288|0); $225 = $j; $sub306 = (($225) - 1)|0; $arrayidx307 = (($sAR2_Q14305) + ($sub306<<2)|0); $226 = HEAP32[$arrayidx307>>2]|0; $tmp2 = $226; $227 = $tmp1; $228 = $NSQ$addr; $sAR2_Q14308 = ((($228)) + 4288|0); $229 = $j; $sub309 = (($229) - 1)|0; $arrayidx310 = (($sAR2_Q14308) + ($sub309<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx310>>2] = $227; $230 = $n_AR_Q12; $231 = $tmp1; $shr311 = $231 >> 16; $232 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $233 = $j; $sub312 = (($233) - 1)|0; $arrayidx313 = (($232) + ($sub312<<1)|0); $234 = HEAP16[$arrayidx313>>1]|0; $conv314 = $234 << 16 >> 16; $mul315 = Math_imul($shr311, $conv314)|0; $235 = $tmp1; $and316 = $235 & 65535; $236 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $237 = $j; $sub317 = (($237) - 1)|0; $arrayidx318 = (($236) + ($sub317<<1)|0); $238 = HEAP16[$arrayidx318>>1]|0; $conv319 = $238 << 16 >> 16; $mul320 = Math_imul($and316, $conv319)|0; $shr321 = $mul320 >> 16; $add322 = (($mul315) + ($shr321))|0; $add323 = (($230) + ($add322))|0; $n_AR_Q12 = $add323; $239 = $NSQ$addr; $sAR2_Q14324 = ((($239)) + 4288|0); $240 = $j; $add325 = (($240) + 0)|0; $arrayidx326 = (($sAR2_Q14324) + ($add325<<2)|0); $241 = HEAP32[$arrayidx326>>2]|0; $tmp1 = $241; $242 = $tmp2; $243 = $NSQ$addr; $sAR2_Q14327 = ((($243)) + 4288|0); $244 = $j; $add328 = (($244) + 0)|0; $arrayidx329 = (($sAR2_Q14327) + ($add328<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx329>>2] = $242; $245 = $n_AR_Q12; $246 = $tmp2; $shr330 = $246 >> 16; $247 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $248 = $j; $arrayidx331 = (($247) + ($248<<1)|0); $249 = HEAP16[$arrayidx331>>1]|0; $conv332 = $249 << 16 >> 16; $mul333 = Math_imul($shr330, $conv332)|0; $250 = $tmp2; $and334 = $250 & 65535; $251 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $252 = $j; $arrayidx335 = (($251) + ($252<<1)|0); $253 = HEAP16[$arrayidx335>>1]|0; $conv336 = $253 << 16 >> 16; $mul337 = Math_imul($and334, $conv336)|0; $shr338 = $mul337 >> 16; $add339 = (($mul333) + ($shr338))|0; $add340 = (($245) + ($add339))|0; $n_AR_Q12 = $add340; $254 = $j; $add341 = (($254) + 2)|0; $j = $add341; } $255 = $tmp1; $256 = $NSQ$addr; $sAR2_Q14342 = ((($256)) + 4288|0); $257 = $shapingLPCOrder$addr; $sub343 = (($257) - 1)|0; $arrayidx344 = (($sAR2_Q14342) + ($sub343<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx344>>2] = $255; $258 = $n_AR_Q12; $259 = $tmp1; $shr345 = $259 >> 16; $260 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $261 = $shapingLPCOrder$addr; $sub346 = (($261) - 1)|0; $arrayidx347 = (($260) + ($sub346<<1)|0); $262 = HEAP16[$arrayidx347>>1]|0; $conv348 = $262 << 16 >> 16; $mul349 = Math_imul($shr345, $conv348)|0; $263 = $tmp1; $and350 = $263 & 65535; $264 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $265 = $shapingLPCOrder$addr; $sub351 = (($265) - 1)|0; $arrayidx352 = (($264) + ($sub351<<1)|0); $266 = HEAP16[$arrayidx352>>1]|0; $conv353 = $266 << 16 >> 16; $mul354 = Math_imul($and350, $conv353)|0; $shr355 = $mul354 >> 16; $add356 = (($mul349) + ($shr355))|0; $add357 = (($258) + ($add356))|0; $n_AR_Q12 = $add357; $267 = $n_AR_Q12; $shl = $267 << 1; $n_AR_Q12 = $shl; $268 = $n_AR_Q12; $269 = $NSQ$addr; $sLF_AR_shp_Q14358 = ((($269)) + 4352|0); $270 = HEAP32[$sLF_AR_shp_Q14358>>2]|0; $shr359 = $270 >> 16; $271 = $Tilt_Q14$addr; $conv360 = $271&65535; $conv361 = $conv360 << 16 >> 16; $mul362 = Math_imul($shr359, $conv361)|0; $272 = $NSQ$addr; $sLF_AR_shp_Q14363 = ((($272)) + 4352|0); $273 = HEAP32[$sLF_AR_shp_Q14363>>2]|0; $and364 = $273 & 65535; $274 = $Tilt_Q14$addr; $conv365 = $274&65535; $conv366 = $conv365 << 16 >> 16; $mul367 = Math_imul($and364, $conv366)|0; $shr368 = $mul367 >> 16; $add369 = (($mul362) + ($shr368))|0; $add370 = (($268) + ($add369))|0; $n_AR_Q12 = $add370; $275 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q14371 = ((($275)) + 1280|0); $276 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx372 = ((($276)) + 4364|0); $277 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx372>>2]|0; $sub373 = (($277) - 1)|0; $arrayidx374 = (($sLTP_shp_Q14371) + ($sub373<<2)|0); $278 = HEAP32[$arrayidx374>>2]|0; $shr375 = $278 >> 16; $279 = $LF_shp_Q14$addr; $conv376 = $279&65535; $conv377 = $conv376 << 16 >> 16; $mul378 = Math_imul($shr375, $conv377)|0; $280 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q14379 = ((($280)) + 1280|0); $281 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx380 = ((($281)) + 4364|0); $282 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx380>>2]|0; $sub381 = (($282) - 1)|0; $arrayidx382 = (($sLTP_shp_Q14379) + ($sub381<<2)|0); $283 = HEAP32[$arrayidx382>>2]|0; $and383 = $283 & 65535; $284 = $LF_shp_Q14$addr; $conv384 = $284&65535; $conv385 = $conv384 << 16 >> 16; $mul386 = Math_imul($and383, $conv385)|0; $shr387 = $mul386 >> 16; $add388 = (($mul378) + ($shr387))|0; $n_LF_Q12 = $add388; $285 = $n_LF_Q12; $286 = $NSQ$addr; $sLF_AR_shp_Q14389 = ((($286)) + 4352|0); $287 = HEAP32[$sLF_AR_shp_Q14389>>2]|0; $shr390 = $287 >> 16; $288 = $LF_shp_Q14$addr; $shr391 = $288 >> 16; $mul392 = Math_imul($shr390, $shr391)|0; $add393 = (($285) + ($mul392))|0; $289 = $NSQ$addr; $sLF_AR_shp_Q14394 = ((($289)) + 4352|0); $290 = HEAP32[$sLF_AR_shp_Q14394>>2]|0; $and395 = $290 & 65535; $291 = $LF_shp_Q14$addr; $shr396 = $291 >> 16; $mul397 = Math_imul($and395, $shr396)|0; $shr398 = $mul397 >> 16; $add399 = (($add393) + ($shr398))|0; $n_LF_Q12 = $add399; $292 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $shl400 = $292 << 2; $293 = $n_AR_Q12; $sub401 = (($shl400) - ($293))|0; $tmp1 = $sub401; $294 = $tmp1; $295 = $n_LF_Q12; $sub402 = (($294) - ($295))|0; $tmp1 = $sub402; $296 = $lag$addr; $cmp403 = ($296|0)>(0); if ($cmp403) { $297 = $shp_lag_ptr; $298 = HEAP32[$297>>2]|0; $299 = $shp_lag_ptr; $arrayidx407 = ((($299)) + -8|0); $300 = HEAP32[$arrayidx407>>2]|0; $add408 = (($298) + ($300))|0; $shr409 = $add408 >> 16; $301 = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14$addr; $conv410 = $301&65535; $conv411 = $conv410 << 16 >> 16; $mul412 = Math_imul($shr409, $conv411)|0; $302 = $shp_lag_ptr; $303 = HEAP32[$302>>2]|0; $304 = $shp_lag_ptr; $arrayidx414 = ((($304)) + -8|0); $305 = HEAP32[$arrayidx414>>2]|0; $add415 = (($303) + ($305))|0; $and416 = $add415 & 65535; $306 = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14$addr; $conv417 = $306&65535; $conv418 = $conv417 << 16 >> 16; $mul419 = Math_imul($and416, $conv418)|0; $shr420 = $mul419 >> 16; $add421 = (($mul412) + ($shr420))|0; $n_LTP_Q13 = $add421; $307 = $n_LTP_Q13; $308 = $shp_lag_ptr; $arrayidx422 = ((($308)) + -4|0); $309 = HEAP32[$arrayidx422>>2]|0; $shr423 = $309 >> 16; $310 = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14$addr; $shr424 = $310 >> 16; $mul425 = Math_imul($shr423, $shr424)|0; $add426 = (($307) + ($mul425))|0; $311 = $shp_lag_ptr; $arrayidx427 = ((($311)) + -4|0); $312 = HEAP32[$arrayidx427>>2]|0; $and428 = $312 & 65535; $313 = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14$addr; $shr429 = $313 >> 16; $mul430 = Math_imul($and428, $shr429)|0; $shr431 = $mul430 >> 16; $add432 = (($add426) + ($shr431))|0; $n_LTP_Q13 = $add432; $314 = $n_LTP_Q13; $shl433 = $314 << 1; $n_LTP_Q13 = $shl433; $315 = $shp_lag_ptr; $incdec$ptr434 = ((($315)) + 4|0); $shp_lag_ptr = $incdec$ptr434; $316 = $LTP_pred_Q13; $317 = $n_LTP_Q13; $sub435 = (($316) - ($317))|0; $tmp2 = $sub435; $318 = $tmp2; $319 = $tmp1; $shl436 = $319 << 1; $add437 = (($318) + ($shl436))|0; $tmp1 = $add437; $320 = $tmp1; $shr438 = $320 >> 2; $add439 = (($shr438) + 1)|0; $shr440 = $add439 >> 1; $tmp1 = $shr440; } else { $321 = $tmp1; $shr442 = $321 >> 1; $add443 = (($shr442) + 1)|0; $shr444 = $add443 >> 1; $tmp1 = $shr444; } $322 = $x_sc_Q10$addr; $323 = $i; $arrayidx446 = (($322) + ($323<<2)|0); $324 = HEAP32[$arrayidx446>>2]|0; $325 = $tmp1; $sub447 = (($324) - ($325))|0; $r_Q10 = $sub447; $326 = $NSQ$addr; $rand_seed448 = ((($326)) + 4368|0); $327 = HEAP32[$rand_seed448>>2]|0; $cmp449 = ($327|0)<(0); if ($cmp449) { $328 = $r_Q10; $sub452 = (0 - ($328))|0; $r_Q10 = $sub452; } $329 = $r_Q10; $cmp454 = ($329|0)>(30720); if ($cmp454) { $cond461 = 30720; } else { $330 = $r_Q10; $cmp456 = ($330|0)<(-31744); $331 = $r_Q10; $cond = $cmp456 ? -31744 : $331; $cond461 = $cond; } $r_Q10 = $cond461; $332 = $r_Q10; $333 = $offset_Q10$addr; $sub462 = (($332) - ($333))|0; $q1_Q10 = $sub462; $334 = $q1_Q10; $shr463 = $334 >> 10; $q1_Q0 = $shr463; $335 = $q1_Q0; $cmp464 = ($335|0)>(0); $336 = $q1_Q0; do { if ($cmp464) { $shl467 = $336 << 10; $sub468 = (($shl467) - 80)|0; $q1_Q10 = $sub468; $337 = $q1_Q10; $338 = $offset_Q10$addr; $add469 = (($337) + ($338))|0; $q1_Q10 = $add469; $339 = $q1_Q10; $add470 = (($339) + 1024)|0; $q2_Q10 = $add470; $340 = $q1_Q10; $conv471 = $340&65535; $conv472 = $conv471 << 16 >> 16; $341 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv473 = $341&65535; $conv474 = $conv473 << 16 >> 16; $mul475 = Math_imul($conv472, $conv474)|0; $rd1_Q20 = $mul475; $342 = $q2_Q10; $conv476 = $342&65535; $conv477 = $conv476 << 16 >> 16; $343 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv478 = $343&65535; $conv479 = $conv478 << 16 >> 16; $mul480 = Math_imul($conv477, $conv479)|0; $rd2_Q20 = $mul480; } else { $cmp482 = ($336|0)==(0); if ($cmp482) { $344 = $offset_Q10$addr; $q1_Q10 = $344; $345 = $q1_Q10; $add485 = (($345) + 944)|0; $q2_Q10 = $add485; $346 = $q1_Q10; $conv486 = $346&65535; $conv487 = $conv486 << 16 >> 16; $347 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv488 = $347&65535; $conv489 = $conv488 << 16 >> 16; $mul490 = Math_imul($conv487, $conv489)|0; $rd1_Q20 = $mul490; $348 = $q2_Q10; $conv491 = $348&65535; $conv492 = $conv491 << 16 >> 16; $349 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv493 = $349&65535; $conv494 = $conv493 << 16 >> 16; $mul495 = Math_imul($conv492, $conv494)|0; $rd2_Q20 = $mul495; break; } $350 = $q1_Q0; $cmp497 = ($350|0)==(-1); if ($cmp497) { $351 = $offset_Q10$addr; $q2_Q10 = $351; $352 = $q2_Q10; $sub500 = (($352) - 944)|0; $q1_Q10 = $sub500; $353 = $q1_Q10; $sub501 = (0 - ($353))|0; $conv502 = $sub501&65535; $conv503 = $conv502 << 16 >> 16; $354 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv504 = $354&65535; $conv505 = $conv504 << 16 >> 16; $mul506 = Math_imul($conv503, $conv505)|0; $rd1_Q20 = $mul506; $355 = $q2_Q10; $conv507 = $355&65535; $conv508 = $conv507 << 16 >> 16; $356 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv509 = $356&65535; $conv510 = $conv509 << 16 >> 16; $mul511 = Math_imul($conv508, $conv510)|0; $rd2_Q20 = $mul511; break; } else { $357 = $q1_Q0; $shl513 = $357 << 10; $add514 = (($shl513) + 80)|0; $q1_Q10 = $add514; $358 = $q1_Q10; $359 = $offset_Q10$addr; $add515 = (($358) + ($359))|0; $q1_Q10 = $add515; $360 = $q1_Q10; $add516 = (($360) + 1024)|0; $q2_Q10 = $add516; $361 = $q1_Q10; $sub517 = (0 - ($361))|0; $conv518 = $sub517&65535; $conv519 = $conv518 << 16 >> 16; $362 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv520 = $362&65535; $conv521 = $conv520 << 16 >> 16; $mul522 = Math_imul($conv519, $conv521)|0; $rd1_Q20 = $mul522; $363 = $q2_Q10; $sub523 = (0 - ($363))|0; $conv524 = $sub523&65535; $conv525 = $conv524 << 16 >> 16; $364 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv526 = $364&65535; $conv527 = $conv526 << 16 >> 16; $mul528 = Math_imul($conv525, $conv527)|0; $rd2_Q20 = $mul528; break; } } } while(0); $365 = $r_Q10; $366 = $q1_Q10; $sub532 = (($365) - ($366))|0; $rr_Q10 = $sub532; $367 = $rd1_Q20; $368 = $rr_Q10; $conv533 = $368&65535; $conv534 = $conv533 << 16 >> 16; $369 = $rr_Q10; $conv535 = $369&65535; $conv536 = $conv535 << 16 >> 16; $mul537 = Math_imul($conv534, $conv536)|0; $add538 = (($367) + ($mul537))|0; $rd1_Q20 = $add538; $370 = $r_Q10; $371 = $q2_Q10; $sub539 = (($370) - ($371))|0; $rr_Q10 = $sub539; $372 = $rd2_Q20; $373 = $rr_Q10; $conv540 = $373&65535; $conv541 = $conv540 << 16 >> 16; $374 = $rr_Q10; $conv542 = $374&65535; $conv543 = $conv542 << 16 >> 16; $mul544 = Math_imul($conv541, $conv543)|0; $add545 = (($372) + ($mul544))|0; $rd2_Q20 = $add545; $375 = $rd2_Q20; $376 = $rd1_Q20; $cmp546 = ($375|0)<($376|0); if ($cmp546) { $377 = $q2_Q10; $q1_Q10 = $377; } $378 = $q1_Q10; $shr550 = $378 >> 9; $add551 = (($shr550) + 1)|0; $shr552 = $add551 >> 1; $conv553 = $shr552&255; $379 = $pulses$addr; $380 = $i; $arrayidx554 = (($379) + ($380)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx554>>0] = $conv553; $381 = $q1_Q10; $shl555 = $381 << 4; $exc_Q14 = $shl555; $382 = $NSQ$addr; $rand_seed556 = ((($382)) + 4368|0); $383 = HEAP32[$rand_seed556>>2]|0; $cmp557 = ($383|0)<(0); if ($cmp557) { $384 = $exc_Q14; $sub560 = (0 - ($384))|0; $exc_Q14 = $sub560; } $385 = $exc_Q14; $386 = $LTP_pred_Q13; $shl562 = $386 << 1; $add563 = (($385) + ($shl562))|0; $LPC_exc_Q14 = $add563; $387 = $LPC_exc_Q14; $388 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $shl564 = $388 << 4; $add565 = (($387) + ($shl564))|0; $xq_Q14 = $add565; $389 = $xq_Q14; $shr566 = $389 >> 16; $390 = $Gain_Q10; $conv567 = $390&65535; $conv568 = $conv567 << 16 >> 16; $mul569 = Math_imul($shr566, $conv568)|0; $391 = $xq_Q14; $and570 = $391 & 65535; $392 = $Gain_Q10; $conv571 = $392&65535; $conv572 = $conv571 << 16 >> 16; $mul573 = Math_imul($and570, $conv572)|0; $shr574 = $mul573 >> 16; $add575 = (($mul569) + ($shr574))|0; $393 = $xq_Q14; $394 = $Gain_Q10; $shr576 = $394 >> 15; $add577 = (($shr576) + 1)|0; $shr578 = $add577 >> 1; $mul579 = Math_imul($393, $shr578)|0; $add580 = (($add575) + ($mul579))|0; $shr581 = $add580 >> 7; $add582 = (($shr581) + 1)|0; $shr583 = $add582 >> 1; $cmp584 = ($shr583|0)>(32767); if ($cmp584) { $cond631 = 32767; } else { $395 = $xq_Q14; $shr588 = $395 >> 16; $396 = $Gain_Q10; $conv589 = $396&65535; $conv590 = $conv589 << 16 >> 16; $mul591 = Math_imul($shr588, $conv590)|0; $397 = $xq_Q14; $and592 = $397 & 65535; $398 = $Gain_Q10; $conv593 = $398&65535; $conv594 = $conv593 << 16 >> 16; $mul595 = Math_imul($and592, $conv594)|0; $shr596 = $mul595 >> 16; $add597 = (($mul591) + ($shr596))|0; $399 = $xq_Q14; $400 = $Gain_Q10; $shr598 = $400 >> 15; $add599 = (($shr598) + 1)|0; $shr600 = $add599 >> 1; $mul601 = Math_imul($399, $shr600)|0; $add602 = (($add597) + ($mul601))|0; $shr603 = $add602 >> 7; $add604 = (($shr603) + 1)|0; $shr605 = $add604 >> 1; $cmp606 = ($shr605|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp606) { $cond631 = -32768; } else { $401 = $xq_Q14; $shr610 = $401 >> 16; $402 = $Gain_Q10; $conv611 = $402&65535; $conv612 = $conv611 << 16 >> 16; $mul613 = Math_imul($shr610, $conv612)|0; $403 = $xq_Q14; $and614 = $403 & 65535; $404 = $Gain_Q10; $conv615 = $404&65535; $conv616 = $conv615 << 16 >> 16; $mul617 = Math_imul($and614, $conv616)|0; $shr618 = $mul617 >> 16; $add619 = (($mul613) + ($shr618))|0; $405 = $xq_Q14; $406 = $Gain_Q10; $shr620 = $406 >> 15; $add621 = (($shr620) + 1)|0; $shr622 = $add621 >> 1; $mul623 = Math_imul($405, $shr622)|0; $add624 = (($add619) + ($mul623))|0; $shr625 = $add624 >> 7; $add626 = (($shr625) + 1)|0; $shr627 = $add626 >> 1; $cond631 = $shr627; } } $conv632 = $cond631&65535; $407 = $xq$addr; $408 = $i; $arrayidx633 = (($407) + ($408<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx633>>1] = $conv632; $409 = $psLPC_Q14; $incdec$ptr634 = ((($409)) + 4|0); $psLPC_Q14 = $incdec$ptr634; $410 = $xq_Q14; $411 = $psLPC_Q14; HEAP32[$411>>2] = $410; $412 = $xq_Q14; $413 = $n_AR_Q12; $shl635 = $413 << 2; $sub636 = (($412) - ($shl635))|0; $sLF_AR_shp_Q14 = $sub636; $414 = $sLF_AR_shp_Q14; $415 = $NSQ$addr; $sLF_AR_shp_Q14637 = ((($415)) + 4352|0); HEAP32[$sLF_AR_shp_Q14637>>2] = $414; $416 = $sLF_AR_shp_Q14; $417 = $n_LF_Q12; $shl638 = $417 << 2; $sub639 = (($416) - ($shl638))|0; $418 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q14640 = ((($418)) + 1280|0); $419 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx641 = ((($419)) + 4364|0); $420 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx641>>2]|0; $arrayidx642 = (($sLTP_shp_Q14640) + ($420<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx642>>2] = $sub639; $421 = $LPC_exc_Q14; $shl643 = $421 << 1; $422 = $sLTP_Q15$addr; $423 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx644 = ((($423)) + 4360|0); $424 = HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx644>>2]|0; $arrayidx645 = (($422) + ($424<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx645>>2] = $shl643; $425 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx646 = ((($425)) + 4364|0); $426 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx646>>2]|0; $inc = (($426) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx646>>2] = $inc; $427 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx647 = ((($427)) + 4360|0); $428 = HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx647>>2]|0; $inc648 = (($428) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx647>>2] = $inc648; $429 = $NSQ$addr; $rand_seed649 = ((($429)) + 4368|0); $430 = HEAP32[$rand_seed649>>2]|0; $431 = $pulses$addr; $432 = $i; $arrayidx650 = (($431) + ($432)|0); $433 = HEAP8[$arrayidx650>>0]|0; $conv651 = $433 << 24 >> 24; $add652 = (($430) + ($conv651))|0; $434 = $NSQ$addr; $rand_seed653 = ((($434)) + 4368|0); HEAP32[$rand_seed653>>2] = $add652; $435 = $i; $inc655 = (($435) + 1)|0; $i = $inc655; } $sLPC_Q14657 = ((($12)) + 3840|0); $436 = $NSQ$addr; $sLPC_Q14658 = ((($436)) + 3840|0); $437 = $length$addr; $arrayidx659 = (($sLPC_Q14658) + ($437<<2)|0); dest=$sLPC_Q14657; src=$arrayidx659; stop=dest+128|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_INVERSE32_varQ($b32,$Qres) { $b32 = $b32|0; $Qres = $Qres|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Qres$addr = 0, $add = 0; var $add20 = 0, $add21 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add26 = 0, $and = 0, $and15 = 0, $b32$addr = 0, $b32_inv = 0, $b32_nrm = 0, $b_headrm = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp48 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cmp69 = 0, $cmp83 = 0, $cond = 0; var $cond80 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $div = 0, $err_Q32 = 0, $lshift = 0, $mul = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul18 = 0, $mul25 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $result = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0; var $shl10 = 0, $shl2 = 0, $shl82 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr11 = 0, $shr19 = 0, $shr22 = 0, $shr24 = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr34 = 0, $shr39 = 0, $shr44 = 0, $shr47 = 0, $shr52 = 0, $shr60 = 0, $shr65 = 0, $shr68 = 0, $shr73 = 0, $shr8 = 0; var $shr86 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub27 = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub31 = 0, $sub33 = 0, $sub38 = 0, $sub43 = 0, $sub46 = 0, $sub51 = 0, $sub64 = 0, $sub67 = 0, $sub72 = 0, $sub81 = 0, $sub9 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $b32$addr = $b32; $Qres$addr = $Qres; $0 = $b32$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(0); $1 = $b32$addr; $sub = (0 - ($1))|0; $cond = $cmp ? $1 : $sub; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_420($cond)|0); $sub1 = (($call) - 1)|0; $b_headrm = $sub1; $2 = $b32$addr; $3 = $b_headrm; $shl = $2 << $3; $b32_nrm = $shl; $4 = $b32_nrm; $shr = $4 >> 16; $div = (536870911 / ($shr|0))&-1; $b32_inv = $div; $5 = $b32_inv; $shl2 = $5 << 16; $result = $shl2; $6 = $b32_nrm; $shr3 = $6 >> 16; $7 = $b32_inv; $conv = $7&65535; $conv4 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr3, $conv4)|0; $8 = $b32_nrm; $and = $8 & 65535; $9 = $b32_inv; $conv5 = $9&65535; $conv6 = $conv5 << 16 >> 16; $mul7 = Math_imul($and, $conv6)|0; $shr8 = $mul7 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr8))|0; $sub9 = (536870912 - ($add))|0; $shl10 = $sub9 << 3; $err_Q32 = $shl10; $10 = $result; $11 = $err_Q32; $shr11 = $11 >> 16; $12 = $b32_inv; $conv12 = $12&65535; $conv13 = $conv12 << 16 >> 16; $mul14 = Math_imul($shr11, $conv13)|0; $13 = $err_Q32; $and15 = $13 & 65535; $14 = $b32_inv; $conv16 = $14&65535; $conv17 = $conv16 << 16 >> 16; $mul18 = Math_imul($and15, $conv17)|0; $shr19 = $mul18 >> 16; $add20 = (($mul14) + ($shr19))|0; $add21 = (($10) + ($add20))|0; $15 = $err_Q32; $16 = $b32_inv; $shr22 = $16 >> 15; $add23 = (($shr22) + 1)|0; $shr24 = $add23 >> 1; $mul25 = Math_imul($15, $shr24)|0; $add26 = (($add21) + ($mul25))|0; $result = $add26; $17 = $b_headrm; $sub27 = (61 - ($17))|0; $18 = $Qres$addr; $sub28 = (($sub27) - ($18))|0; $lshift = $sub28; $19 = $lshift; $cmp29 = ($19|0)<=(0); $20 = $lshift; if (!($cmp29)) { $cmp83 = ($20|0)<(32); if ($cmp83) { $35 = $result; $36 = $lshift; $shr86 = $35 >> $36; $retval = $shr86; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } else { $retval = 0; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } } $sub31 = (0 - ($20))|0; $shr32 = -2147483648 >> $sub31; $21 = $lshift; $sub33 = (0 - ($21))|0; $shr34 = 2147483647 >> $sub33; $cmp35 = ($shr32|0)>($shr34|0); $22 = $result; $23 = $lshift; $sub38 = (0 - ($23))|0; do { if ($cmp35) { $shr39 = -2147483648 >> $sub38; $cmp40 = ($22|0)>($shr39|0); if ($cmp40) { $24 = $lshift; $sub43 = (0 - ($24))|0; $shr44 = -2147483648 >> $sub43; $cond80 = $shr44; break; } $25 = $result; $26 = $lshift; $sub46 = (0 - ($26))|0; $shr47 = 2147483647 >> $sub46; $cmp48 = ($25|0)<($shr47|0); if ($cmp48) { $27 = $lshift; $sub51 = (0 - ($27))|0; $shr52 = 2147483647 >> $sub51; $cond80 = $shr52; break; } else { $28 = $result; $cond80 = $28; break; } } else { $shr60 = 2147483647 >> $sub38; $cmp61 = ($22|0)>($shr60|0); if ($cmp61) { $29 = $lshift; $sub64 = (0 - ($29))|0; $shr65 = 2147483647 >> $sub64; $cond80 = $shr65; break; } $30 = $result; $31 = $lshift; $sub67 = (0 - ($31))|0; $shr68 = -2147483648 >> $sub67; $cmp69 = ($30|0)<($shr68|0); if ($cmp69) { $32 = $lshift; $sub72 = (0 - ($32))|0; $shr73 = -2147483648 >> $sub72; $cond80 = $shr73; break; } else { $33 = $result; $cond80 = $33; break; } } } while(0); $34 = $lshift; $sub81 = (0 - ($34))|0; $shl82 = $cond80 << $sub81; $retval = $shl82; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } function _silk_DIV32_varQ_419($a32,$b32,$Qres) { $a32 = $a32|0; $b32 = $b32|0; $Qres = $Qres|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Qres$addr = 0, $a32$addr = 0, $a32_nrm = 0, $a_headrm = 0, $add = 0, $add33 = 0, $add34 = 0, $add35 = 0, $and = 0; var $and28 = 0, $b32$addr = 0, $b32_inv = 0, $b32_nrm = 0, $b_headrm = 0, $call = 0, $call8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp49 = 0, $cmp57 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp78 = 0, $cmp92 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond7 = 0, $cond89 = 0, $conv = 0; var $conv12 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $div = 0, $lshift = 0, $mul = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul27 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $result = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0, $shl10 = 0, $shl22 = 0, $shl91 = 0, $shr = 0; var $shr11 = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr24 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr41 = 0, $shr43 = 0, $shr48 = 0, $shr53 = 0, $shr56 = 0, $shr61 = 0, $shr69 = 0, $shr74 = 0, $shr77 = 0, $shr82 = 0, $shr95 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub23 = 0, $sub36 = 0, $sub37 = 0; var $sub40 = 0, $sub42 = 0, $sub47 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $sub52 = 0, $sub55 = 0, $sub60 = 0, $sub73 = 0, $sub76 = 0, $sub81 = 0, $sub9 = 0, $sub90 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $a32$addr = $a32; $b32$addr = $b32; $Qres$addr = $Qres; $0 = $a32$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(0); $1 = $a32$addr; $sub = (0 - ($1))|0; $cond = $cmp ? $1 : $sub; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_420($cond)|0); $sub1 = (($call) - 1)|0; $a_headrm = $sub1; $2 = $a32$addr; $3 = $a_headrm; $shl = $2 << $3; $a32_nrm = $shl; $4 = $b32$addr; $cmp2 = ($4|0)>(0); $5 = $b32$addr; $sub5 = (0 - ($5))|0; $cond7 = $cmp2 ? $5 : $sub5; $call8 = (_silk_CLZ32_420($cond7)|0); $sub9 = (($call8) - 1)|0; $b_headrm = $sub9; $6 = $b32$addr; $7 = $b_headrm; $shl10 = $6 << $7; $b32_nrm = $shl10; $8 = $b32_nrm; $shr = $8 >> 16; $div = (536870911 / ($shr|0))&-1; $b32_inv = $div; $9 = $a32_nrm; $shr11 = $9 >> 16; $10 = $b32_inv; $conv = $10&65535; $conv12 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr11, $conv12)|0; $11 = $a32_nrm; $and = $11 & 65535; $12 = $b32_inv; $conv13 = $12&65535; $conv14 = $conv13 << 16 >> 16; $mul15 = Math_imul($and, $conv14)|0; $shr16 = $mul15 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr16))|0; $result = $add; $13 = $a32_nrm; $14 = $b32_nrm; $15 = ($14|0)<(0); $16 = $15 << 31 >> 31; $17 = $result; $18 = ($17|0)<(0); $19 = $18 << 31 >> 31; $20 = (___muldi3(($14|0),($16|0),($17|0),($19|0))|0); $21 = tempRet0; $22 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($20|0),($21|0),32)|0); $23 = tempRet0; $shl22 = $22 << 3; $sub23 = (($13) - ($shl22))|0; $a32_nrm = $sub23; $24 = $result; $25 = $a32_nrm; $shr24 = $25 >> 16; $26 = $b32_inv; $conv25 = $26&65535; $conv26 = $conv25 << 16 >> 16; $mul27 = Math_imul($shr24, $conv26)|0; $27 = $a32_nrm; $and28 = $27 & 65535; $28 = $b32_inv; $conv29 = $28&65535; $conv30 = $conv29 << 16 >> 16; $mul31 = Math_imul($and28, $conv30)|0; $shr32 = $mul31 >> 16; $add33 = (($mul27) + ($shr32))|0; $add34 = (($24) + ($add33))|0; $result = $add34; $29 = $a_headrm; $add35 = (29 + ($29))|0; $30 = $b_headrm; $sub36 = (($add35) - ($30))|0; $31 = $Qres$addr; $sub37 = (($sub36) - ($31))|0; $lshift = $sub37; $32 = $lshift; $cmp38 = ($32|0)<(0); $33 = $lshift; if (!($cmp38)) { $cmp92 = ($33|0)<(32); if ($cmp92) { $48 = $result; $49 = $lshift; $shr95 = $48 >> $49; $retval = $shr95; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } else { $retval = 0; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } } $sub40 = (0 - ($33))|0; $shr41 = -2147483648 >> $sub40; $34 = $lshift; $sub42 = (0 - ($34))|0; $shr43 = 2147483647 >> $sub42; $cmp44 = ($shr41|0)>($shr43|0); $35 = $result; $36 = $lshift; $sub47 = (0 - ($36))|0; do { if ($cmp44) { $shr48 = -2147483648 >> $sub47; $cmp49 = ($35|0)>($shr48|0); if ($cmp49) { $37 = $lshift; $sub52 = (0 - ($37))|0; $shr53 = -2147483648 >> $sub52; $cond89 = $shr53; break; } $38 = $result; $39 = $lshift; $sub55 = (0 - ($39))|0; $shr56 = 2147483647 >> $sub55; $cmp57 = ($38|0)<($shr56|0); if ($cmp57) { $40 = $lshift; $sub60 = (0 - ($40))|0; $shr61 = 2147483647 >> $sub60; $cond89 = $shr61; break; } else { $41 = $result; $cond89 = $41; break; } } else { $shr69 = 2147483647 >> $sub47; $cmp70 = ($35|0)>($shr69|0); if ($cmp70) { $42 = $lshift; $sub73 = (0 - ($42))|0; $shr74 = 2147483647 >> $sub73; $cond89 = $shr74; break; } $43 = $result; $44 = $lshift; $sub76 = (0 - ($44))|0; $shr77 = -2147483648 >> $sub76; $cmp78 = ($43|0)<($shr77|0); if ($cmp78) { $45 = $lshift; $sub81 = (0 - ($45))|0; $shr82 = -2147483648 >> $sub81; $cond89 = $shr82; break; } else { $46 = $result; $cond89 = $46; break; } } } while(0); $47 = $lshift; $sub90 = (0 - ($47))|0; $shl91 = $cond89 << $sub90; $retval = $shl91; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } function _silk_CLZ32_420($in32) { $in32 = $in32|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $cond = 0, $in32$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in32$addr = $in32; $0 = $in32$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $cond = 32; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $1 = $in32$addr; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $sub1 = (32 - ($sub))|0; $cond = $sub1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_NSQ_del_dec_c($psEncC,$NSQ,$psIndices,$x_Q3,$pulses,$PredCoef_Q12,$LTPCoef_Q14,$AR2_Q13,$HarmShapeGain_Q14,$Tilt_Q14,$LF_shp_Q14,$Gains_Q16,$pitchL,$Lambda_Q10,$LTP_scale_Q14) { $psEncC = $psEncC|0; $NSQ = $NSQ|0; $psIndices = $psIndices|0; $x_Q3 = $x_Q3|0; $pulses = $pulses|0; $PredCoef_Q12 = $PredCoef_Q12|0; $LTPCoef_Q14 = $LTPCoef_Q14|0; $AR2_Q13 = $AR2_Q13|0; $HarmShapeGain_Q14 = $HarmShapeGain_Q14|0; $Tilt_Q14 = $Tilt_Q14|0; $LF_shp_Q14 = $LF_shp_Q14|0; $Gains_Q16 = $Gains_Q16|0; $pitchL = $pitchL|0; $Lambda_Q10 = $Lambda_Q10|0; $LTP_scale_Q14 = $LTP_scale_Q14|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0; var $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0; var $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0, $26 = 0; var $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0, $278 = 0; var $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0, $294 = 0, $295 = 0, $296 = 0; var $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0, $304 = 0, $305 = 0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0, $31 = 0, $310 = 0, $311 = 0, $312 = 0, $313 = 0; var $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0, $322 = 0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0, $325 = 0, $326 = 0, $327 = 0, $328 = 0, $329 = 0, $33 = 0, $330 = 0, $331 = 0; var $332 = 0, $333 = 0, $334 = 0, $335 = 0, $336 = 0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0, $339 = 0, $34 = 0, $340 = 0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0, $346 = 0, $347 = 0, $348 = 0, $349 = 0, $35 = 0; var $350 = 0, $351 = 0, $352 = 0, $353 = 0, $354 = 0, $355 = 0, $356 = 0, $357 = 0, $358 = 0, $359 = 0, $36 = 0, $360 = 0, $361 = 0, $362 = 0, $363 = 0, $364 = 0, $365 = 0, $366 = 0, $367 = 0, $368 = 0; var $369 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0; var $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0; var $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0; var $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $AR2_Q13$addr = 0, $AR_shp_Q13 = 0, $A_Q12 = 0, $B_Q14 = 0, $Gain_Q10 = 0, $Gains_Q16$addr = 0, $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14 = 0, $HarmShapeGain_Q14$addr = 0, $LF_AR_Q14 = 0, $LF_AR_Q14426 = 0; var $LF_shp_Q14$addr = 0, $LSF_interpolation_flag = 0, $LTPCoef_Q14$addr = 0, $LTP_scale_Q14$addr = 0, $Lambda_Q10$addr = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = 0, $NSQ$addr = 0, $PredCoef_Q12$addr = 0, $Q_Q10 = 0, $Q_Q10312 = 0, $RD_Q10 = 0, $RD_Q10103 = 0, $RD_Q10117 = 0, $RD_Q10280 = 0, $RD_Q10287 = 0, $RD_Q10292 = 0, $RD_Q1091 = 0, $RD_Q1098 = 0, $RDmin_Q10 = 0, $Seed = 0; var $Seed3 = 0, $Seed300 = 0, $Seed4 = 0, $SeedInit = 0, $SeedInit298 = 0, $Shape_Q14 = 0, $Shape_Q14229 = 0, $Shape_Q14407 = 0, $Tilt_Q14$addr = 0, $Winner_ind = 0, $Xq_Q14 = 0, $Xq_Q14144 = 0, $Xq_Q14153 = 0, $Xq_Q14166 = 0, $Xq_Q14173 = 0, $Xq_Q14182 = 0, $Xq_Q14197 = 0, $Xq_Q14204 = 0, $Xq_Q14213 = 0, $Xq_Q14320 = 0; var $Xq_Q14326 = 0, $Xq_Q14334 = 0, $Xq_Q14348 = 0, $Xq_Q14354 = 0, $Xq_Q14362 = 0, $Xq_Q14376 = 0, $Xq_Q14382 = 0, $Xq_Q14390 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr273 = 0, $add$ptr275 = 0, $add118 = 0, $add124 = 0, $add133 = 0, $add152 = 0, $add157 = 0, $add160 = 0, $add162 = 0, $add181 = 0; var $add186 = 0, $add189 = 0, $add191 = 0, $add212 = 0, $add217 = 0, $add220 = 0, $add222 = 0, $add234 = 0, $add248 = 0, $add301 = 0, $add315 = 0, $add333 = 0, $add337 = 0, $add340 = 0, $add342 = 0, $add361 = 0, $add365 = 0, $add368 = 0, $add370 = 0, $add389 = 0; var $add393 = 0, $add396 = 0, $add398 = 0, $add412 = 0, $add45 = 0, $add49 = 0, $and = 0, $and130 = 0, $and146 = 0, $and175 = 0, $and206 = 0, $and311 = 0, $and328 = 0, $and356 = 0, $and384 = 0, $and83 = 0, $arch = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx102 = 0, $arrayidx116 = 0; var $arrayidx123 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx131 = 0, $arrayidx137 = 0, $arrayidx138 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx140 = 0, $arrayidx145 = 0, $arrayidx147 = 0, $arrayidx154 = 0, $arrayidx155 = 0, $arrayidx167 = 0, $arrayidx169 = 0, $arrayidx174 = 0, $arrayidx176 = 0, $arrayidx183 = 0, $arrayidx184 = 0, $arrayidx198 = 0, $arrayidx200 = 0, $arrayidx205 = 0; var $arrayidx207 = 0, $arrayidx214 = 0, $arrayidx215 = 0, $arrayidx228 = 0, $arrayidx230 = 0, $arrayidx235 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx244 = 0, $arrayidx249 = 0, $arrayidx264 = 0, $arrayidx265 = 0, $arrayidx266 = 0, $arrayidx286 = 0, $arrayidx291 = 0, $arrayidx297 = 0, $arrayidx304 = 0, $arrayidx313 = 0, $arrayidx319 = 0, $arrayidx321 = 0, $arrayidx327 = 0; var $arrayidx335 = 0, $arrayidx349 = 0, $arrayidx355 = 0, $arrayidx363 = 0, $arrayidx377 = 0, $arrayidx383 = 0, $arrayidx391 = 0, $arrayidx406 = 0, $arrayidx408 = 0, $arrayidx413 = 0, $arrayidx421 = 0, $arrayidx430 = 0, $arrayidx436 = 0, $arrayidx443 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0, $arrayidx67 = 0, $arrayidx69 = 0, $arrayidx70 = 0; var $arrayidx72 = 0, $arrayidx80 = 0, $arrayidx97 = 0, $call = 0, $call27 = 0, $call36 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp110 = 0, $cmp113 = 0, $cmp126 = 0, $cmp164 = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp193 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp283 = 0, $cmp288 = 0, $cmp307 = 0, $cmp31 = 0, $cmp344 = 0, $cmp372 = 0; var $cmp39 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp77 = 0, $cmp84 = 0, $cmp87 = 0, $cmp94 = 0, $cmp99 = 0, $cond225 = 0, $cond403 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv135 = 0, $conv141 = 0, $conv142 = 0, $conv148 = 0, $conv149 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv170 = 0, $conv171 = 0; var $conv177 = 0, $conv178 = 0, $conv201 = 0, $conv202 = 0, $conv208 = 0, $conv209 = 0, $conv226 = 0, $conv260 = 0, $conv262 = 0, $conv299 = 0, $conv317 = 0, $conv323 = 0, $conv324 = 0, $conv329 = 0, $conv330 = 0, $conv351 = 0, $conv352 = 0, $conv357 = 0, $conv358 = 0, $conv379 = 0; var $conv38 = 0, $conv380 = 0, $conv385 = 0, $conv386 = 0, $conv404 = 0, $conv76 = 0, $decisionDelay = 0, $delayedGain_Q10 = 0, $frame_length = 0, $frame_length435 = 0, $frame_length442 = 0, $frame_length48 = 0, $i = 0, $idxprom = 0, $inc = 0, $inc106 = 0, $inc121 = 0, $inc237 = 0, $inc268 = 0, $inc277 = 0; var $inc29 = 0, $inc295 = 0, $inc415 = 0, $k = 0, $lag = 0, $lagPrev = 0, $lagPrev431 = 0, $last_smple_idx = 0, $ltp_mem_length = 0, $ltp_mem_length240 = 0, $ltp_mem_length250 = 0, $ltp_mem_length253 = 0, $ltp_mem_length437 = 0, $ltp_mem_length44 = 0, $ltp_mem_length444 = 0, $ltp_mem_length47 = 0, $ltp_mem_length53 = 0, $ltp_mem_length55 = 0, $ltp_mem_length56 = 0, $mul = 0; var $mul143 = 0, $mul150 = 0, $mul159 = 0, $mul172 = 0, $mul179 = 0, $mul188 = 0, $mul203 = 0, $mul210 = 0, $mul219 = 0, $mul247 = 0, $mul325 = 0, $mul331 = 0, $mul339 = 0, $mul353 = 0, $mul359 = 0, $mul367 = 0, $mul381 = 0, $mul387 = 0, $mul395 = 0, $mul438 = 0; var $mul445 = 0, $mul64 = 0, $mul66 = 0, $mul68 = 0, $nStatesDelayedDecision = 0, $nStatesDelayedDecision1 = 0, $nStatesDelayedDecision109 = 0, $nStatesDelayedDecision2 = 0, $nStatesDelayedDecision258 = 0, $nStatesDelayedDecision270 = 0, $nStatesDelayedDecision282 = 0, $nStatesDelayedDecision93 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr302 = 0, $nb_subfr428 = 0, $nb_subfr58 = 0, $offset_Q10 = 0, $or = 0, $or74 = 0, $pitchL$addr = 0; var $predictLPCOrder = 0, $predictLPCOrder252 = 0, $predictLPCOrder269 = 0, $psDD = 0, $psEncC$addr = 0, $psIndices$addr = 0, $pulses$addr = 0, $pxq = 0, $quantOffsetType = 0, $rewhite_flag = 0, $rewhite_flag255 = 0, $sAR2_Q14 = 0, $sAR2_Q1410 = 0, $sAR2_Q14422 = 0, $sAR2_Q14424 = 0, $sLF_AR_shp_Q14 = 0, $sLF_AR_shp_Q14427 = 0, $sLPC_Q14417 = 0, $sLPC_Q147 = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx = 0; var $sLTP_buf_idx254 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q14 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q14231 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q14409 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q14439 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q14441 = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx232 = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx410 = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shapingLPCOrder = 0, $shl = 0, $shl81 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr132 = 0, $shr134 = 0, $shr139 = 0, $shr151 = 0, $shr156 = 0, $shr158 = 0; var $shr161 = 0, $shr163 = 0, $shr168 = 0, $shr180 = 0, $shr185 = 0, $shr187 = 0, $shr190 = 0, $shr192 = 0, $shr199 = 0, $shr211 = 0, $shr216 = 0, $shr218 = 0, $shr221 = 0, $shr223 = 0, $shr305 = 0, $shr314 = 0, $shr316 = 0, $shr322 = 0, $shr332 = 0, $shr336 = 0; var $shr338 = 0, $shr341 = 0, $shr343 = 0, $shr350 = 0, $shr360 = 0, $shr364 = 0, $shr366 = 0, $shr369 = 0, $shr371 = 0, $shr378 = 0, $shr388 = 0, $shr392 = 0, $shr394 = 0, $shr397 = 0, $shr399 = 0, $shr62 = 0, $shr71 = 0, $shr73 = 0, $signalType = 0, $signalType16 = 0; var $signalType259 = 0, $signalType261 = 0, $signalType75 = 0, $smpl_buf_idx = 0, $start_idx = 0, $sub = 0, $sub129 = 0, $sub136 = 0, $sub227 = 0, $sub233 = 0, $sub241 = 0, $sub242 = 0, $sub243 = 0, $sub25 = 0, $sub251 = 0, $sub26 = 0, $sub303 = 0, $sub310 = 0, $sub318 = 0, $sub34 = 0; var $sub35 = 0, $sub405 = 0, $sub411 = 0, $sub429 = 0, $sub63 = 0, $sub82 = 0, $subfr = 0, $subfr_length = 0, $subfr_length246 = 0, $subfr_length267 = 0, $subfr_length271 = 0, $subfr_length272 = 0, $subfr_length274 = 0, $subfr_length420 = 0, $subfr_length51 = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla46 = 0, $vla46$alloca_mul = 0, $vla50 = 0; var $vla50$alloca_mul = 0, $vla52 = 0, $vla52$alloca_mul = 0, $warping_Q16 = 0, $x_Q3$addr = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, src = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 272|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(272|0); $smpl_buf_idx = sp + 172|0; $delayedGain_Q10 = sp; $psEncC$addr = $psEncC; $NSQ$addr = $NSQ; $psIndices$addr = $psIndices; $x_Q3$addr = $x_Q3; $pulses$addr = $pulses; $PredCoef_Q12$addr = $PredCoef_Q12; $LTPCoef_Q14$addr = $LTPCoef_Q14; $AR2_Q13$addr = $AR2_Q13; $HarmShapeGain_Q14$addr = $HarmShapeGain_Q14; $Tilt_Q14$addr = $Tilt_Q14; $LF_shp_Q14$addr = $LF_shp_Q14; $Gains_Q16$addr = $Gains_Q16; $pitchL$addr = $pitchL; $Lambda_Q10$addr = $Lambda_Q10; $LTP_scale_Q14$addr = $LTP_scale_Q14; $0 = $NSQ$addr; $lagPrev = ((($0)) + 4356|0); $1 = HEAP32[$lagPrev>>2]|0; $lag = $1; $2 = $psEncC$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision = ((($2)) + 4652|0); $3 = HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision>>2]|0; $4 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $4; $vla$alloca_mul = ($3*1168)|0; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $5 = $psEncC$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision1 = ((($5)) + 4652|0); $6 = HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision1>>2]|0; $mul = ($6*1168)|0; _memset(($vla|0),0,($mul|0))|0; $k = 0; while(1) { $7 = $k; $8 = $psEncC$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision2 = ((($8)) + 4652|0); $9 = HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision2>>2]|0; $cmp = ($7|0)<($9|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $10 = $k; $arrayidx = (($vla) + (($10*1168)|0)|0); $psDD = $arrayidx; $11 = $k; $12 = $psIndices$addr; $Seed = ((($12)) + 34|0); $13 = HEAP8[$Seed>>0]|0; $conv = $13 << 24 >> 24; $add = (($11) + ($conv))|0; $and = $add & 3; $14 = $psDD; $Seed3 = ((($14)) + 1156|0); HEAP32[$Seed3>>2] = $and; $15 = $psDD; $Seed4 = ((($15)) + 1156|0); $16 = HEAP32[$Seed4>>2]|0; $17 = $psDD; $SeedInit = ((($17)) + 1160|0); HEAP32[$SeedInit>>2] = $16; $18 = $psDD; $RD_Q10 = ((($18)) + 1164|0); HEAP32[$RD_Q10>>2] = 0; $19 = $NSQ$addr; $sLF_AR_shp_Q14 = ((($19)) + 4352|0); $20 = HEAP32[$sLF_AR_shp_Q14>>2]|0; $21 = $psDD; $LF_AR_Q14 = ((($21)) + 1152|0); HEAP32[$LF_AR_Q14>>2] = $20; $22 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q14 = ((($22)) + 1280|0); $23 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length = ((($23)) + 4616|0); $24 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length>>2]|0; $sub = (($24) - 1)|0; $arrayidx5 = (($sLTP_shp_Q14) + ($sub<<2)|0); $25 = HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2]|0; $26 = $psDD; $Shape_Q14 = ((($26)) + 960|0); HEAP32[$Shape_Q14>>2] = $25; $27 = $psDD; $28 = $NSQ$addr; $sLPC_Q147 = ((($28)) + 3840|0); dest=$27; src=$sLPC_Q147; stop=dest+128|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $29 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14 = ((($29)) + 1088|0); $30 = $NSQ$addr; $sAR2_Q1410 = ((($30)) + 4288|0); dest=$sAR2_Q14; src=$sAR2_Q1410; stop=dest+64|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $31 = $k; $inc = (($31) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $32 = $psIndices$addr; $signalType = ((($32)) + 29|0); $33 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv12 = $33 << 24 >> 24; $shr = $conv12 >> 1; $arrayidx13 = (24998 + ($shr<<2)|0); $34 = $psIndices$addr; $quantOffsetType = ((($34)) + 30|0); $35 = HEAP8[$quantOffsetType>>0]|0; $idxprom = $35 << 24 >> 24; $arrayidx14 = (($arrayidx13) + ($idxprom<<1)|0); $36 = HEAP16[$arrayidx14>>1]|0; $conv15 = $36 << 16 >> 16; $offset_Q10 = $conv15; HEAP32[$smpl_buf_idx>>2] = 0; $37 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length = ((($37)) + 4612|0); $38 = HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2]|0; $call = (_silk_min_int_423(32,$38)|0); $decisionDelay = $call; $39 = $psIndices$addr; $signalType16 = ((($39)) + 29|0); $40 = HEAP8[$signalType16>>0]|0; $conv17 = $40 << 24 >> 24; $cmp18 = ($conv17|0)==(2); L5: do { if ($cmp18) { $k = 0; while(1) { $41 = $k; $42 = $psEncC$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($42)) + 4604|0); $43 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $cmp21 = ($41|0)<($43|0); if (!($cmp21)) { break L5; } $44 = $decisionDelay; $45 = $pitchL$addr; $46 = $k; $arrayidx24 = (($45) + ($46<<2)|0); $47 = HEAP32[$arrayidx24>>2]|0; $sub25 = (($47) - 2)|0; $sub26 = (($sub25) - 1)|0; $call27 = (_silk_min_int_423($44,$sub26)|0); $decisionDelay = $call27; $48 = $k; $inc29 = (($48) + 1)|0; $k = $inc29; } } else { $49 = $lag; $cmp31 = ($49|0)>(0); if ($cmp31) { $50 = $decisionDelay; $51 = $lag; $sub34 = (($51) - 2)|0; $sub35 = (($sub34) - 1)|0; $call36 = (_silk_min_int_423($50,$sub35)|0); $decisionDelay = $call36; } } } while(0); $52 = $psIndices$addr; $NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = ((($52)) + 31|0); $53 = HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q2>>0]|0; $conv38 = $53 << 24 >> 24; $cmp39 = ($conv38|0)==(4); if ($cmp39) { $LSF_interpolation_flag = 0; } else { $LSF_interpolation_flag = 1; } $54 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length44 = ((($54)) + 4616|0); $55 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length44>>2]|0; $56 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length = ((($56)) + 4608|0); $57 = HEAP32[$frame_length>>2]|0; $add45 = (($55) + ($57))|0; $vla46$alloca_mul = $add45<<2; $vla46 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla46$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla46$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $58 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length47 = ((($58)) + 4616|0); $59 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length47>>2]|0; $60 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length48 = ((($60)) + 4608|0); $61 = HEAP32[$frame_length48>>2]|0; $add49 = (($59) + ($61))|0; $vla50$alloca_mul = $add49<<1; $vla50 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla50$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla50$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $62 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length51 = ((($62)) + 4612|0); $63 = HEAP32[$subfr_length51>>2]|0; $vla52$alloca_mul = $63<<2; $vla52 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla52$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla52$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $64 = $NSQ$addr; $65 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length53 = ((($65)) + 4616|0); $66 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length53>>2]|0; $arrayidx54 = (($64) + ($66<<1)|0); $pxq = $arrayidx54; $67 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length55 = ((($67)) + 4616|0); $68 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length55>>2]|0; $69 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx = ((($69)) + 4364|0); HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx>>2] = $68; $70 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length56 = ((($70)) + 4616|0); $71 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length56>>2]|0; $72 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx = ((($72)) + 4360|0); HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx>>2] = $71; $subfr = 0; $k = 0; while(1) { $73 = $k; $74 = $psEncC$addr; $nb_subfr58 = ((($74)) + 4604|0); $75 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr58>>2]|0; $cmp59 = ($73|0)<($75|0); if (!($cmp59)) { break; } $76 = $PredCoef_Q12$addr; $77 = $k; $shr62 = $77 >> 1; $78 = $LSF_interpolation_flag; $sub63 = (1 - ($78))|0; $or = $shr62 | $sub63; $mul64 = $or<<4; $arrayidx65 = (($76) + ($mul64<<1)|0); $A_Q12 = $arrayidx65; $79 = $LTPCoef_Q14$addr; $80 = $k; $mul66 = ($80*5)|0; $arrayidx67 = (($79) + ($mul66<<1)|0); $B_Q14 = $arrayidx67; $81 = $AR2_Q13$addr; $82 = $k; $mul68 = $82<<4; $arrayidx69 = (($81) + ($mul68<<1)|0); $AR_shp_Q13 = $arrayidx69; $83 = $HarmShapeGain_Q14$addr; $84 = $k; $arrayidx70 = (($83) + ($84<<2)|0); $85 = HEAP32[$arrayidx70>>2]|0; $shr71 = $85 >> 2; $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14 = $shr71; $86 = $HarmShapeGain_Q14$addr; $87 = $k; $arrayidx72 = (($86) + ($87<<2)|0); $88 = HEAP32[$arrayidx72>>2]|0; $shr73 = $88 >> 1; $shl = $shr73 << 16; $89 = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14; $or74 = $89 | $shl; $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14 = $or74; $90 = $NSQ$addr; $rewhite_flag = ((($90)) + 4376|0); HEAP32[$rewhite_flag>>2] = 0; $91 = $psIndices$addr; $signalType75 = ((($91)) + 29|0); $92 = HEAP8[$signalType75>>0]|0; $conv76 = $92 << 24 >> 24; $cmp77 = ($conv76|0)==(2); if ($cmp77) { $93 = $pitchL$addr; $94 = $k; $arrayidx80 = (($93) + ($94<<2)|0); $95 = HEAP32[$arrayidx80>>2]|0; $lag = $95; $96 = $k; $97 = $LSF_interpolation_flag; $shl81 = $97 << 1; $sub82 = (3 - ($shl81))|0; $and83 = $96 & $sub82; $cmp84 = ($and83|0)==(0); if ($cmp84) { $98 = $k; $cmp87 = ($98|0)==(2); if ($cmp87) { $RD_Q1091 = ((($vla)) + 1164|0); $99 = HEAP32[$RD_Q1091>>2]|0; $RDmin_Q10 = $99; $Winner_ind = 0; $i = 1; while(1) { $100 = $i; $101 = $psEncC$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision93 = ((($101)) + 4652|0); $102 = HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision93>>2]|0; $cmp94 = ($100|0)<($102|0); if (!($cmp94)) { break; } $103 = $i; $arrayidx97 = (($vla) + (($103*1168)|0)|0); $RD_Q1098 = ((($arrayidx97)) + 1164|0); $104 = HEAP32[$RD_Q1098>>2]|0; $105 = $RDmin_Q10; $cmp99 = ($104|0)<($105|0); if ($cmp99) { $106 = $i; $arrayidx102 = (($vla) + (($106*1168)|0)|0); $RD_Q10103 = ((($arrayidx102)) + 1164|0); $107 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10103>>2]|0; $RDmin_Q10 = $107; $108 = $i; $Winner_ind = $108; } $109 = $i; $inc106 = (($109) + 1)|0; $i = $inc106; } $i = 0; while(1) { $110 = $i; $111 = $psEncC$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision109 = ((($111)) + 4652|0); $112 = HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision109>>2]|0; $cmp110 = ($110|0)<($112|0); if (!($cmp110)) { break; } $113 = $i; $114 = $Winner_ind; $cmp113 = ($113|0)!=($114|0); if ($cmp113) { $115 = $i; $arrayidx116 = (($vla) + (($115*1168)|0)|0); $RD_Q10117 = ((($arrayidx116)) + 1164|0); $116 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10117>>2]|0; $add118 = (($116) + 134217727)|0; HEAP32[$RD_Q10117>>2] = $add118; } $117 = $i; $inc121 = (($117) + 1)|0; $i = $inc121; } $118 = $Winner_ind; $arrayidx123 = (($vla) + (($118*1168)|0)|0); $psDD = $arrayidx123; $119 = HEAP32[$smpl_buf_idx>>2]|0; $120 = $decisionDelay; $add124 = (($119) + ($120))|0; $last_smple_idx = $add124; $i = 0; while(1) { $121 = $i; $122 = $decisionDelay; $cmp126 = ($121|0)<($122|0); if (!($cmp126)) { break; } $123 = $last_smple_idx; $sub129 = (($123) - 1)|0; $and130 = $sub129 & 31; $last_smple_idx = $and130; $124 = $psDD; $Q_Q10 = ((($124)) + 576|0); $125 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx131 = (($Q_Q10) + ($125<<2)|0); $126 = HEAP32[$arrayidx131>>2]|0; $shr132 = $126 >> 9; $add133 = (($shr132) + 1)|0; $shr134 = $add133 >> 1; $conv135 = $shr134&255; $127 = $pulses$addr; $128 = $i; $129 = $decisionDelay; $sub136 = (($128) - ($129))|0; $arrayidx137 = (($127) + ($sub136)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx137>>0] = $conv135; $130 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14 = ((($130)) + 704|0); $131 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx138 = (($Xq_Q14) + ($131<<2)|0); $132 = HEAP32[$arrayidx138>>2]|0; $shr139 = $132 >> 16; $133 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $arrayidx140 = ((($133)) + 4|0); $134 = HEAP32[$arrayidx140>>2]|0; $conv141 = $134&65535; $conv142 = $conv141 << 16 >> 16; $mul143 = Math_imul($shr139, $conv142)|0; $135 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14144 = ((($135)) + 704|0); $136 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx145 = (($Xq_Q14144) + ($136<<2)|0); $137 = HEAP32[$arrayidx145>>2]|0; $and146 = $137 & 65535; $138 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $arrayidx147 = ((($138)) + 4|0); $139 = HEAP32[$arrayidx147>>2]|0; $conv148 = $139&65535; $conv149 = $conv148 << 16 >> 16; $mul150 = Math_imul($and146, $conv149)|0; $shr151 = $mul150 >> 16; $add152 = (($mul143) + ($shr151))|0; $140 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14153 = ((($140)) + 704|0); $141 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx154 = (($Xq_Q14153) + ($141<<2)|0); $142 = HEAP32[$arrayidx154>>2]|0; $143 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $arrayidx155 = ((($143)) + 4|0); $144 = HEAP32[$arrayidx155>>2]|0; $shr156 = $144 >> 15; $add157 = (($shr156) + 1)|0; $shr158 = $add157 >> 1; $mul159 = Math_imul($142, $shr158)|0; $add160 = (($add152) + ($mul159))|0; $shr161 = $add160 >> 13; $add162 = (($shr161) + 1)|0; $shr163 = $add162 >> 1; $cmp164 = ($shr163|0)>(32767); if ($cmp164) { $cond225 = 32767; } else { $145 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14166 = ((($145)) + 704|0); $146 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx167 = (($Xq_Q14166) + ($146<<2)|0); $147 = HEAP32[$arrayidx167>>2]|0; $shr168 = $147 >> 16; $148 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $arrayidx169 = ((($148)) + 4|0); $149 = HEAP32[$arrayidx169>>2]|0; $conv170 = $149&65535; $conv171 = $conv170 << 16 >> 16; $mul172 = Math_imul($shr168, $conv171)|0; $150 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14173 = ((($150)) + 704|0); $151 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx174 = (($Xq_Q14173) + ($151<<2)|0); $152 = HEAP32[$arrayidx174>>2]|0; $and175 = $152 & 65535; $153 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $arrayidx176 = ((($153)) + 4|0); $154 = HEAP32[$arrayidx176>>2]|0; $conv177 = $154&65535; $conv178 = $conv177 << 16 >> 16; $mul179 = Math_imul($and175, $conv178)|0; $shr180 = $mul179 >> 16; $add181 = (($mul172) + ($shr180))|0; $155 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14182 = ((($155)) + 704|0); $156 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx183 = (($Xq_Q14182) + ($156<<2)|0); $157 = HEAP32[$arrayidx183>>2]|0; $158 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $arrayidx184 = ((($158)) + 4|0); $159 = HEAP32[$arrayidx184>>2]|0; $shr185 = $159 >> 15; $add186 = (($shr185) + 1)|0; $shr187 = $add186 >> 1; $mul188 = Math_imul($157, $shr187)|0; $add189 = (($add181) + ($mul188))|0; $shr190 = $add189 >> 13; $add191 = (($shr190) + 1)|0; $shr192 = $add191 >> 1; $cmp193 = ($shr192|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp193) { $cond225 = -32768; } else { $160 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14197 = ((($160)) + 704|0); $161 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx198 = (($Xq_Q14197) + ($161<<2)|0); $162 = HEAP32[$arrayidx198>>2]|0; $shr199 = $162 >> 16; $163 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $arrayidx200 = ((($163)) + 4|0); $164 = HEAP32[$arrayidx200>>2]|0; $conv201 = $164&65535; $conv202 = $conv201 << 16 >> 16; $mul203 = Math_imul($shr199, $conv202)|0; $165 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14204 = ((($165)) + 704|0); $166 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx205 = (($Xq_Q14204) + ($166<<2)|0); $167 = HEAP32[$arrayidx205>>2]|0; $and206 = $167 & 65535; $168 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $arrayidx207 = ((($168)) + 4|0); $169 = HEAP32[$arrayidx207>>2]|0; $conv208 = $169&65535; $conv209 = $conv208 << 16 >> 16; $mul210 = Math_imul($and206, $conv209)|0; $shr211 = $mul210 >> 16; $add212 = (($mul203) + ($shr211))|0; $170 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14213 = ((($170)) + 704|0); $171 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx214 = (($Xq_Q14213) + ($171<<2)|0); $172 = HEAP32[$arrayidx214>>2]|0; $173 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $arrayidx215 = ((($173)) + 4|0); $174 = HEAP32[$arrayidx215>>2]|0; $shr216 = $174 >> 15; $add217 = (($shr216) + 1)|0; $shr218 = $add217 >> 1; $mul219 = Math_imul($172, $shr218)|0; $add220 = (($add212) + ($mul219))|0; $shr221 = $add220 >> 13; $add222 = (($shr221) + 1)|0; $shr223 = $add222 >> 1; $cond225 = $shr223; } } $conv226 = $cond225&65535; $175 = $pxq; $176 = $i; $177 = $decisionDelay; $sub227 = (($176) - ($177))|0; $arrayidx228 = (($175) + ($sub227<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx228>>1] = $conv226; $178 = $psDD; $Shape_Q14229 = ((($178)) + 960|0); $179 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx230 = (($Shape_Q14229) + ($179<<2)|0); $180 = HEAP32[$arrayidx230>>2]|0; $181 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q14231 = ((($181)) + 1280|0); $182 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx232 = ((($182)) + 4364|0); $183 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx232>>2]|0; $184 = $decisionDelay; $sub233 = (($183) - ($184))|0; $185 = $i; $add234 = (($sub233) + ($185))|0; $arrayidx235 = (($sLTP_shp_Q14231) + ($add234<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx235>>2] = $180; $186 = $i; $inc237 = (($186) + 1)|0; $i = $inc237; } $subfr = 0; } $187 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length240 = ((($187)) + 4616|0); $188 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length240>>2]|0; $189 = $lag; $sub241 = (($188) - ($189))|0; $190 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder = ((($190)) + 4664|0); $191 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder>>2]|0; $sub242 = (($sub241) - ($191))|0; $sub243 = (($sub242) - 2)|0; $start_idx = $sub243; $192 = $start_idx; $arrayidx244 = (($vla50) + ($192<<1)|0); $193 = $NSQ$addr; $194 = $start_idx; $195 = $k; $196 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length246 = ((($196)) + 4612|0); $197 = HEAP32[$subfr_length246>>2]|0; $mul247 = Math_imul($195, $197)|0; $add248 = (($194) + ($mul247))|0; $arrayidx249 = (($193) + ($add248<<1)|0); $198 = $A_Q12; $199 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length250 = ((($199)) + 4616|0); $200 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length250>>2]|0; $201 = $start_idx; $sub251 = (($200) - ($201))|0; $202 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder252 = ((($202)) + 4664|0); $203 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder252>>2]|0; $204 = $psEncC$addr; $arch = ((($204)) + 5124|0); $205 = HEAP32[$arch>>2]|0; _silk_LPC_analysis_filter($arrayidx244,$arrayidx249,$198,$sub251,$203,$205); $206 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length253 = ((($206)) + 4616|0); $207 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length253>>2]|0; $208 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx254 = ((($208)) + 4360|0); HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx254>>2] = $207; $209 = $NSQ$addr; $rewhite_flag255 = ((($209)) + 4376|0); HEAP32[$rewhite_flag255>>2] = 1; } } $210 = $psEncC$addr; $211 = $NSQ$addr; $212 = $x_Q3$addr; $213 = $k; $214 = $psEncC$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision258 = ((($214)) + 4652|0); $215 = HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision258>>2]|0; $216 = $LTP_scale_Q14$addr; $217 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $218 = $pitchL$addr; $219 = $psIndices$addr; $signalType259 = ((($219)) + 29|0); $220 = HEAP8[$signalType259>>0]|0; $conv260 = $220 << 24 >> 24; $221 = $decisionDelay; _silk_nsq_del_dec_scale_states($210,$211,$vla,$212,$vla52,$vla50,$vla46,$213,$215,$216,$217,$218,$conv260,$221); $222 = $NSQ$addr; $223 = $psIndices$addr; $signalType261 = ((($223)) + 29|0); $224 = HEAP8[$signalType261>>0]|0; $conv262 = $224 << 24 >> 24; $225 = $pulses$addr; $226 = $pxq; $227 = $A_Q12; $228 = $B_Q14; $229 = $AR_shp_Q13; $230 = $lag; $231 = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14; $232 = $Tilt_Q14$addr; $233 = $k; $arrayidx264 = (($232) + ($233<<2)|0); $234 = HEAP32[$arrayidx264>>2]|0; $235 = $LF_shp_Q14$addr; $236 = $k; $arrayidx265 = (($235) + ($236<<2)|0); $237 = HEAP32[$arrayidx265>>2]|0; $238 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $239 = $k; $arrayidx266 = (($238) + ($239<<2)|0); $240 = HEAP32[$arrayidx266>>2]|0; $241 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $242 = $offset_Q10; $243 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length267 = ((($243)) + 4612|0); $244 = HEAP32[$subfr_length267>>2]|0; $245 = $subfr; $inc268 = (($245) + 1)|0; $subfr = $inc268; $246 = $psEncC$addr; $shapingLPCOrder = ((($246)) + 4660|0); $247 = HEAP32[$shapingLPCOrder>>2]|0; $248 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder269 = ((($248)) + 4664|0); $249 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder269>>2]|0; $250 = $psEncC$addr; $warping_Q16 = ((($250)) + 4704|0); $251 = HEAP32[$warping_Q16>>2]|0; $252 = $psEncC$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision270 = ((($252)) + 4652|0); $253 = HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision270>>2]|0; $254 = $decisionDelay; _silk_noise_shape_quantizer_del_dec($222,$vla,$conv262,$vla52,$225,$226,$vla46,$delayedGain_Q10,$227,$228,$229,$230,$231,$234,$237,$240,$241,$242,$244,$245,$247,$249,$251,$253,$smpl_buf_idx,$254); $255 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length271 = ((($255)) + 4612|0); $256 = HEAP32[$subfr_length271>>2]|0; $257 = $x_Q3$addr; $add$ptr = (($257) + ($256<<2)|0); $x_Q3$addr = $add$ptr; $258 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length272 = ((($258)) + 4612|0); $259 = HEAP32[$subfr_length272>>2]|0; $260 = $pulses$addr; $add$ptr273 = (($260) + ($259)|0); $pulses$addr = $add$ptr273; $261 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length274 = ((($261)) + 4612|0); $262 = HEAP32[$subfr_length274>>2]|0; $263 = $pxq; $add$ptr275 = (($263) + ($262<<1)|0); $pxq = $add$ptr275; $264 = $k; $inc277 = (($264) + 1)|0; $k = $inc277; } $RD_Q10280 = ((($vla)) + 1164|0); $265 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10280>>2]|0; $RDmin_Q10 = $265; $Winner_ind = 0; $k = 1; while(1) { $266 = $k; $267 = $psEncC$addr; $nStatesDelayedDecision282 = ((($267)) + 4652|0); $268 = HEAP32[$nStatesDelayedDecision282>>2]|0; $cmp283 = ($266|0)<($268|0); if (!($cmp283)) { break; } $269 = $k; $arrayidx286 = (($vla) + (($269*1168)|0)|0); $RD_Q10287 = ((($arrayidx286)) + 1164|0); $270 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10287>>2]|0; $271 = $RDmin_Q10; $cmp288 = ($270|0)<($271|0); if ($cmp288) { $272 = $k; $arrayidx291 = (($vla) + (($272*1168)|0)|0); $RD_Q10292 = ((($arrayidx291)) + 1164|0); $273 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10292>>2]|0; $RDmin_Q10 = $273; $274 = $k; $Winner_ind = $274; } $275 = $k; $inc295 = (($275) + 1)|0; $k = $inc295; } $276 = $Winner_ind; $arrayidx297 = (($vla) + (($276*1168)|0)|0); $psDD = $arrayidx297; $277 = $psDD; $SeedInit298 = ((($277)) + 1160|0); $278 = HEAP32[$SeedInit298>>2]|0; $conv299 = $278&255; $279 = $psIndices$addr; $Seed300 = ((($279)) + 34|0); HEAP8[$Seed300>>0] = $conv299; $280 = HEAP32[$smpl_buf_idx>>2]|0; $281 = $decisionDelay; $add301 = (($280) + ($281))|0; $last_smple_idx = $add301; $282 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $283 = $psEncC$addr; $nb_subfr302 = ((($283)) + 4604|0); $284 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr302>>2]|0; $sub303 = (($284) - 1)|0; $arrayidx304 = (($282) + ($sub303<<2)|0); $285 = HEAP32[$arrayidx304>>2]|0; $shr305 = $285 >> 6; $Gain_Q10 = $shr305; $i = 0; while(1) { $286 = $i; $287 = $decisionDelay; $cmp307 = ($286|0)<($287|0); if (!($cmp307)) { break; } $288 = $last_smple_idx; $sub310 = (($288) - 1)|0; $and311 = $sub310 & 31; $last_smple_idx = $and311; $289 = $psDD; $Q_Q10312 = ((($289)) + 576|0); $290 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx313 = (($Q_Q10312) + ($290<<2)|0); $291 = HEAP32[$arrayidx313>>2]|0; $shr314 = $291 >> 9; $add315 = (($shr314) + 1)|0; $shr316 = $add315 >> 1; $conv317 = $shr316&255; $292 = $pulses$addr; $293 = $i; $294 = $decisionDelay; $sub318 = (($293) - ($294))|0; $arrayidx319 = (($292) + ($sub318)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx319>>0] = $conv317; $295 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14320 = ((($295)) + 704|0); $296 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx321 = (($Xq_Q14320) + ($296<<2)|0); $297 = HEAP32[$arrayidx321>>2]|0; $shr322 = $297 >> 16; $298 = $Gain_Q10; $conv323 = $298&65535; $conv324 = $conv323 << 16 >> 16; $mul325 = Math_imul($shr322, $conv324)|0; $299 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14326 = ((($299)) + 704|0); $300 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx327 = (($Xq_Q14326) + ($300<<2)|0); $301 = HEAP32[$arrayidx327>>2]|0; $and328 = $301 & 65535; $302 = $Gain_Q10; $conv329 = $302&65535; $conv330 = $conv329 << 16 >> 16; $mul331 = Math_imul($and328, $conv330)|0; $shr332 = $mul331 >> 16; $add333 = (($mul325) + ($shr332))|0; $303 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14334 = ((($303)) + 704|0); $304 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx335 = (($Xq_Q14334) + ($304<<2)|0); $305 = HEAP32[$arrayidx335>>2]|0; $306 = $Gain_Q10; $shr336 = $306 >> 15; $add337 = (($shr336) + 1)|0; $shr338 = $add337 >> 1; $mul339 = Math_imul($305, $shr338)|0; $add340 = (($add333) + ($mul339))|0; $shr341 = $add340 >> 7; $add342 = (($shr341) + 1)|0; $shr343 = $add342 >> 1; $cmp344 = ($shr343|0)>(32767); if ($cmp344) { $cond403 = 32767; } else { $307 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14348 = ((($307)) + 704|0); $308 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx349 = (($Xq_Q14348) + ($308<<2)|0); $309 = HEAP32[$arrayidx349>>2]|0; $shr350 = $309 >> 16; $310 = $Gain_Q10; $conv351 = $310&65535; $conv352 = $conv351 << 16 >> 16; $mul353 = Math_imul($shr350, $conv352)|0; $311 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14354 = ((($311)) + 704|0); $312 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx355 = (($Xq_Q14354) + ($312<<2)|0); $313 = HEAP32[$arrayidx355>>2]|0; $and356 = $313 & 65535; $314 = $Gain_Q10; $conv357 = $314&65535; $conv358 = $conv357 << 16 >> 16; $mul359 = Math_imul($and356, $conv358)|0; $shr360 = $mul359 >> 16; $add361 = (($mul353) + ($shr360))|0; $315 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14362 = ((($315)) + 704|0); $316 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx363 = (($Xq_Q14362) + ($316<<2)|0); $317 = HEAP32[$arrayidx363>>2]|0; $318 = $Gain_Q10; $shr364 = $318 >> 15; $add365 = (($shr364) + 1)|0; $shr366 = $add365 >> 1; $mul367 = Math_imul($317, $shr366)|0; $add368 = (($add361) + ($mul367))|0; $shr369 = $add368 >> 7; $add370 = (($shr369) + 1)|0; $shr371 = $add370 >> 1; $cmp372 = ($shr371|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp372) { $cond403 = -32768; } else { $319 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14376 = ((($319)) + 704|0); $320 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx377 = (($Xq_Q14376) + ($320<<2)|0); $321 = HEAP32[$arrayidx377>>2]|0; $shr378 = $321 >> 16; $322 = $Gain_Q10; $conv379 = $322&65535; $conv380 = $conv379 << 16 >> 16; $mul381 = Math_imul($shr378, $conv380)|0; $323 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14382 = ((($323)) + 704|0); $324 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx383 = (($Xq_Q14382) + ($324<<2)|0); $325 = HEAP32[$arrayidx383>>2]|0; $and384 = $325 & 65535; $326 = $Gain_Q10; $conv385 = $326&65535; $conv386 = $conv385 << 16 >> 16; $mul387 = Math_imul($and384, $conv386)|0; $shr388 = $mul387 >> 16; $add389 = (($mul381) + ($shr388))|0; $327 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14390 = ((($327)) + 704|0); $328 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx391 = (($Xq_Q14390) + ($328<<2)|0); $329 = HEAP32[$arrayidx391>>2]|0; $330 = $Gain_Q10; $shr392 = $330 >> 15; $add393 = (($shr392) + 1)|0; $shr394 = $add393 >> 1; $mul395 = Math_imul($329, $shr394)|0; $add396 = (($add389) + ($mul395))|0; $shr397 = $add396 >> 7; $add398 = (($shr397) + 1)|0; $shr399 = $add398 >> 1; $cond403 = $shr399; } } $conv404 = $cond403&65535; $331 = $pxq; $332 = $i; $333 = $decisionDelay; $sub405 = (($332) - ($333))|0; $arrayidx406 = (($331) + ($sub405<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx406>>1] = $conv404; $334 = $psDD; $Shape_Q14407 = ((($334)) + 960|0); $335 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx408 = (($Shape_Q14407) + ($335<<2)|0); $336 = HEAP32[$arrayidx408>>2]|0; $337 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q14409 = ((($337)) + 1280|0); $338 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx410 = ((($338)) + 4364|0); $339 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx410>>2]|0; $340 = $decisionDelay; $sub411 = (($339) - ($340))|0; $341 = $i; $add412 = (($sub411) + ($341))|0; $arrayidx413 = (($sLTP_shp_Q14409) + ($add412<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx413>>2] = $336; $342 = $i; $inc415 = (($342) + 1)|0; $i = $inc415; } $343 = $NSQ$addr; $sLPC_Q14417 = ((($343)) + 3840|0); $344 = $psDD; $345 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length420 = ((($345)) + 4612|0); $346 = HEAP32[$subfr_length420>>2]|0; $arrayidx421 = (($344) + ($346<<2)|0); dest=$sLPC_Q14417; src=$arrayidx421; stop=dest+128|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $347 = $NSQ$addr; $sAR2_Q14422 = ((($347)) + 4288|0); $348 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14424 = ((($348)) + 1088|0); dest=$sAR2_Q14422; src=$sAR2_Q14424; stop=dest+64|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $349 = $psDD; $LF_AR_Q14426 = ((($349)) + 1152|0); $350 = HEAP32[$LF_AR_Q14426>>2]|0; $351 = $NSQ$addr; $sLF_AR_shp_Q14427 = ((($351)) + 4352|0); HEAP32[$sLF_AR_shp_Q14427>>2] = $350; $352 = $pitchL$addr; $353 = $psEncC$addr; $nb_subfr428 = ((($353)) + 4604|0); $354 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr428>>2]|0; $sub429 = (($354) - 1)|0; $arrayidx430 = (($352) + ($sub429<<2)|0); $355 = HEAP32[$arrayidx430>>2]|0; $356 = $NSQ$addr; $lagPrev431 = ((($356)) + 4356|0); HEAP32[$lagPrev431>>2] = $355; $357 = $NSQ$addr; $358 = $NSQ$addr; $359 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length435 = ((($359)) + 4608|0); $360 = HEAP32[$frame_length435>>2]|0; $arrayidx436 = (($358) + ($360<<1)|0); $361 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length437 = ((($361)) + 4616|0); $362 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length437>>2]|0; $mul438 = $362<<1; _memmove(($357|0),($arrayidx436|0),($mul438|0))|0; $363 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q14439 = ((($363)) + 1280|0); $364 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q14441 = ((($364)) + 1280|0); $365 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length442 = ((($365)) + 4608|0); $366 = HEAP32[$frame_length442>>2]|0; $arrayidx443 = (($sLTP_shp_Q14441) + ($366<<2)|0); $367 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length444 = ((($367)) + 4616|0); $368 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length444>>2]|0; $mul445 = $368<<2; _memmove(($sLTP_shp_Q14439|0),($arrayidx443|0),($mul445|0))|0; $369 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($369|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_min_int_423($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_nsq_del_dec_scale_states($psEncC,$NSQ,$psDelDec,$x_Q3,$x_sc_Q10,$sLTP,$sLTP_Q15,$subfr,$nStatesDelayedDecision,$LTP_scale_Q14,$Gains_Q16,$pitchL,$signal_type,$decisionDelay) { $psEncC = $psEncC|0; $NSQ = $NSQ|0; $psDelDec = $psDelDec|0; $x_Q3 = $x_Q3|0; $x_sc_Q10 = $x_sc_Q10|0; $sLTP = $sLTP|0; $sLTP_Q15 = $sLTP_Q15|0; $subfr = $subfr|0; $nStatesDelayedDecision = $nStatesDelayedDecision|0; $LTP_scale_Q14 = $LTP_scale_Q14|0; $Gains_Q16 = $Gains_Q16|0; $pitchL = $pitchL|0; $signal_type = $signal_type|0; $decisionDelay = $decisionDelay|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0; var $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0; var $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0; var $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0; var $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $Gains_Q16$addr = 0, $LF_AR_Q14 = 0, $LF_AR_Q14146 = 0, $LF_AR_Q14152 = 0, $LF_AR_Q14158 = 0, $LTP_scale_Q14$addr = 0, $NSQ$addr = 0, $Pred_Q15 = 0, $Pred_Q15227 = 0; var $Pred_Q15234 = 0, $Pred_Q15241 = 0, $Shape_Q14 = 0, $Shape_Q14249 = 0, $Shape_Q14256 = 0, $Shape_Q14263 = 0, $add = 0, $add124 = 0, $add127 = 0, $add130 = 0, $add151 = 0, $add154 = 0, $add157 = 0, $add175 = 0, $add179 = 0, $add18 = 0, $add182 = 0, $add204 = 0, $add208 = 0, $add21 = 0; var $add211 = 0, $add233 = 0, $add237 = 0, $add24 = 0, $add240 = 0, $add255 = 0, $add259 = 0, $add262 = 0, $add41 = 0, $add58 = 0, $add85 = 0, $add89 = 0, $add92 = 0, $and = 0, $and118 = 0, $and145 = 0, $and168 = 0, $and197 = 0, $and226 = 0, $and248 = 0; var $and36 = 0, $and53 = 0, $and78 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx114 = 0, $arrayidx119 = 0, $arrayidx125 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx131 = 0, $arrayidx140 = 0, $arrayidx164 = 0, $arrayidx170 = 0, $arrayidx177 = 0, $arrayidx184 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx193 = 0, $arrayidx199 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0; var $arrayidx206 = 0, $arrayidx213 = 0, $arrayidx222 = 0, $arrayidx228 = 0, $arrayidx235 = 0, $arrayidx242 = 0, $arrayidx244 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx250 = 0, $arrayidx257 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx264 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx59 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx80 = 0, $arrayidx87 = 0; var $arrayidx94 = 0, $call = 0, $call7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp101 = 0, $cmp110 = 0, $cmp137 = 0, $cmp160 = 0, $cmp189 = 0, $cmp218 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp46 = 0, $cmp64 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cmp98 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv115 = 0; var $conv116 = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv120 = 0, $conv121 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv142 = 0, $conv143 = 0, $conv147 = 0, $conv148 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv165 = 0, $conv166 = 0, $conv171 = 0, $conv172 = 0, $conv194 = 0, $conv195 = 0, $conv200 = 0, $conv201 = 0, $conv223 = 0, $conv224 = 0; var $conv229 = 0, $conv230 = 0, $conv245 = 0, $conv246 = 0, $conv251 = 0, $conv252 = 0, $conv33 = 0, $conv34 = 0, $conv37 = 0, $conv38 = 0, $conv51 = 0, $conv55 = 0, $conv75 = 0, $conv76 = 0, $conv81 = 0, $conv82 = 0, $decisionDelay$addr = 0, $gain_adj_Q16 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0; var $inc133 = 0, $inc186 = 0, $inc215 = 0, $inc266 = 0, $inc269 = 0, $inc61 = 0, $inc96 = 0, $inv_gain_Q23 = 0, $inv_gain_Q31 = 0, $k = 0, $lag = 0, $ltp_mem_length = 0, $mul = 0, $mul117 = 0, $mul122 = 0, $mul129 = 0, $mul144 = 0, $mul149 = 0, $mul156 = 0, $mul16 = 0; var $mul167 = 0, $mul173 = 0, $mul181 = 0, $mul196 = 0, $mul202 = 0, $mul210 = 0, $mul225 = 0, $mul23 = 0, $mul231 = 0, $mul239 = 0, $mul247 = 0, $mul253 = 0, $mul261 = 0, $mul35 = 0, $mul39 = 0, $mul52 = 0, $mul56 = 0, $mul77 = 0, $mul83 = 0, $mul91 = 0; var $nStatesDelayedDecision$addr = 0, $pitchL$addr = 0, $prev_gain_Q16 = 0, $prev_gain_Q1627 = 0, $prev_gain_Q165 = 0, $psDD = 0, $psDelDec$addr = 0, $psEncC$addr = 0, $rewhite_flag = 0, $rewhite_flag100 = 0, $sAR2_Q14 = 0, $sAR2_Q14198 = 0, $sAR2_Q14205 = 0, $sAR2_Q14212 = 0, $sLTP$addr = 0, $sLTP_Q15$addr = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx104 = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx108 = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx45 = 0; var $sLTP_shp_Q14 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q1479 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q1486 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q1493 = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx69 = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr11 = 0, $shr113 = 0, $shr123 = 0, $shr126 = 0, $shr128 = 0, $shr141 = 0, $shr150 = 0, $shr153 = 0, $shr155 = 0, $shr163 = 0, $shr17 = 0, $shr174 = 0; var $shr178 = 0, $shr180 = 0, $shr192 = 0, $shr20 = 0, $shr203 = 0, $shr207 = 0, $shr209 = 0, $shr22 = 0, $shr221 = 0, $shr232 = 0, $shr236 = 0, $shr238 = 0, $shr243 = 0, $shr254 = 0, $shr258 = 0, $shr260 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr40 = 0, $shr49 = 0, $shr57 = 0; var $shr73 = 0, $shr8 = 0, $shr84 = 0, $shr88 = 0, $shr90 = 0, $signal_type$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub105 = 0, $sub106 = 0, $sub109 = 0, $sub43 = 0, $sub67 = 0, $subfr$addr = 0, $subfr_length = 0, $tobool = 0, $x_Q3$addr = 0, $x_sc_Q10$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 96|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(96|0); $psEncC$addr = $psEncC; $NSQ$addr = $NSQ; $psDelDec$addr = $psDelDec; $x_Q3$addr = $x_Q3; $x_sc_Q10$addr = $x_sc_Q10; $sLTP$addr = $sLTP; $sLTP_Q15$addr = $sLTP_Q15; $subfr$addr = $subfr; $nStatesDelayedDecision$addr = $nStatesDelayedDecision; $LTP_scale_Q14$addr = $LTP_scale_Q14; $Gains_Q16$addr = $Gains_Q16; $pitchL$addr = $pitchL; $signal_type$addr = $signal_type; $decisionDelay$addr = $decisionDelay; $0 = $pitchL$addr; $1 = $subfr$addr; $arrayidx = (($0) + ($1<<2)|0); $2 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $lag = $2; $3 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $4 = $subfr$addr; $arrayidx1 = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = HEAP32[$arrayidx1>>2]|0; $cmp = ($5|0)>(1); if ($cmp) { $6 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $7 = $subfr$addr; $arrayidx2 = (($6) + ($7<<2)|0); $8 = HEAP32[$arrayidx2>>2]|0; $cond = $8; } else { $cond = 1; } $call = (_silk_INVERSE32_varQ_424($cond,47)|0); $inv_gain_Q31 = $call; $9 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $10 = $subfr$addr; $arrayidx3 = (($9) + ($10<<2)|0); $11 = HEAP32[$arrayidx3>>2]|0; $12 = $NSQ$addr; $prev_gain_Q16 = ((($12)) + 4372|0); $13 = HEAP32[$prev_gain_Q16>>2]|0; $cmp4 = ($11|0)!=($13|0); if ($cmp4) { $14 = $NSQ$addr; $prev_gain_Q165 = ((($14)) + 4372|0); $15 = HEAP32[$prev_gain_Q165>>2]|0; $16 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $17 = $subfr$addr; $arrayidx6 = (($16) + ($17<<2)|0); $18 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $call7 = (_silk_DIV32_varQ_425($15,$18,16)|0); $gain_adj_Q16 = $call7; } else { $gain_adj_Q16 = 65536; } $19 = $inv_gain_Q31; $shr = $19 >> 7; $add = (($shr) + 1)|0; $shr8 = $add >> 1; $inv_gain_Q23 = $shr8; $i = 0; while(1) { $20 = $i; $21 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length = ((($21)) + 4612|0); $22 = HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2]|0; $cmp9 = ($20|0)<($22|0); if (!($cmp9)) { break; } $23 = $x_Q3$addr; $24 = $i; $arrayidx10 = (($23) + ($24<<2)|0); $25 = HEAP32[$arrayidx10>>2]|0; $shr11 = $25 >> 16; $26 = $inv_gain_Q23; $conv = $26&65535; $conv12 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr11, $conv12)|0; $27 = $x_Q3$addr; $28 = $i; $arrayidx13 = (($27) + ($28<<2)|0); $29 = HEAP32[$arrayidx13>>2]|0; $and = $29 & 65535; $30 = $inv_gain_Q23; $conv14 = $30&65535; $conv15 = $conv14 << 16 >> 16; $mul16 = Math_imul($and, $conv15)|0; $shr17 = $mul16 >> 16; $add18 = (($mul) + ($shr17))|0; $31 = $x_Q3$addr; $32 = $i; $arrayidx19 = (($31) + ($32<<2)|0); $33 = HEAP32[$arrayidx19>>2]|0; $34 = $inv_gain_Q23; $shr20 = $34 >> 15; $add21 = (($shr20) + 1)|0; $shr22 = $add21 >> 1; $mul23 = Math_imul($33, $shr22)|0; $add24 = (($add18) + ($mul23))|0; $35 = $x_sc_Q10$addr; $36 = $i; $arrayidx25 = (($35) + ($36<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx25>>2] = $add24; $37 = $i; $inc = (($37) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $38 = $Gains_Q16$addr; $39 = $subfr$addr; $arrayidx26 = (($38) + ($39<<2)|0); $40 = HEAP32[$arrayidx26>>2]|0; $41 = $NSQ$addr; $prev_gain_Q1627 = ((($41)) + 4372|0); HEAP32[$prev_gain_Q1627>>2] = $40; $42 = $NSQ$addr; $rewhite_flag = ((($42)) + 4376|0); $43 = HEAP32[$rewhite_flag>>2]|0; $tobool = ($43|0)!=(0); L12: do { if ($tobool) { $44 = $subfr$addr; $cmp29 = ($44|0)==(0); if ($cmp29) { $45 = $inv_gain_Q31; $shr32 = $45 >> 16; $46 = $LTP_scale_Q14$addr; $conv33 = $46&65535; $conv34 = $conv33 << 16 >> 16; $mul35 = Math_imul($shr32, $conv34)|0; $47 = $inv_gain_Q31; $and36 = $47 & 65535; $48 = $LTP_scale_Q14$addr; $conv37 = $48&65535; $conv38 = $conv37 << 16 >> 16; $mul39 = Math_imul($and36, $conv38)|0; $shr40 = $mul39 >> 16; $add41 = (($mul35) + ($shr40))|0; $shl = $add41 << 2; $inv_gain_Q31 = $shl; } $49 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx = ((($49)) + 4360|0); $50 = HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx>>2]|0; $51 = $lag; $sub = (($50) - ($51))|0; $sub43 = (($sub) - 2)|0; $i = $sub43; while(1) { $52 = $i; $53 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx45 = ((($53)) + 4360|0); $54 = HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx45>>2]|0; $cmp46 = ($52|0)<($54|0); if (!($cmp46)) { break L12; } $55 = $inv_gain_Q31; $shr49 = $55 >> 16; $56 = $sLTP$addr; $57 = $i; $arrayidx50 = (($56) + ($57<<1)|0); $58 = HEAP16[$arrayidx50>>1]|0; $conv51 = $58 << 16 >> 16; $mul52 = Math_imul($shr49, $conv51)|0; $59 = $inv_gain_Q31; $and53 = $59 & 65535; $60 = $sLTP$addr; $61 = $i; $arrayidx54 = (($60) + ($61<<1)|0); $62 = HEAP16[$arrayidx54>>1]|0; $conv55 = $62 << 16 >> 16; $mul56 = Math_imul($and53, $conv55)|0; $shr57 = $mul56 >> 16; $add58 = (($mul52) + ($shr57))|0; $63 = $sLTP_Q15$addr; $64 = $i; $arrayidx59 = (($63) + ($64<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx59>>2] = $add58; $65 = $i; $inc61 = (($65) + 1)|0; $i = $inc61; } } } while(0); $66 = $gain_adj_Q16; $cmp64 = ($66|0)!=(65536); if (!($cmp64)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $67 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx = ((($67)) + 4364|0); $68 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx>>2]|0; $69 = $psEncC$addr; $ltp_mem_length = ((($69)) + 4616|0); $70 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length>>2]|0; $sub67 = (($68) - ($70))|0; $i = $sub67; while(1) { $71 = $i; $72 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx69 = ((($72)) + 4364|0); $73 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx69>>2]|0; $cmp70 = ($71|0)<($73|0); if (!($cmp70)) { break; } $74 = $gain_adj_Q16; $shr73 = $74 >> 16; $75 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q14 = ((($75)) + 1280|0); $76 = $i; $arrayidx74 = (($sLTP_shp_Q14) + ($76<<2)|0); $77 = HEAP32[$arrayidx74>>2]|0; $conv75 = $77&65535; $conv76 = $conv75 << 16 >> 16; $mul77 = Math_imul($shr73, $conv76)|0; $78 = $gain_adj_Q16; $and78 = $78 & 65535; $79 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q1479 = ((($79)) + 1280|0); $80 = $i; $arrayidx80 = (($sLTP_shp_Q1479) + ($80<<2)|0); $81 = HEAP32[$arrayidx80>>2]|0; $conv81 = $81&65535; $conv82 = $conv81 << 16 >> 16; $mul83 = Math_imul($and78, $conv82)|0; $shr84 = $mul83 >> 16; $add85 = (($mul77) + ($shr84))|0; $82 = $gain_adj_Q16; $83 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q1486 = ((($83)) + 1280|0); $84 = $i; $arrayidx87 = (($sLTP_shp_Q1486) + ($84<<2)|0); $85 = HEAP32[$arrayidx87>>2]|0; $shr88 = $85 >> 15; $add89 = (($shr88) + 1)|0; $shr90 = $add89 >> 1; $mul91 = Math_imul($82, $shr90)|0; $add92 = (($add85) + ($mul91))|0; $86 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q1493 = ((($86)) + 1280|0); $87 = $i; $arrayidx94 = (($sLTP_shp_Q1493) + ($87<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx94>>2] = $add92; $88 = $i; $inc96 = (($88) + 1)|0; $i = $inc96; } $89 = $signal_type$addr; $cmp98 = ($89|0)==(2); L28: do { if ($cmp98) { $90 = $NSQ$addr; $rewhite_flag100 = ((($90)) + 4376|0); $91 = HEAP32[$rewhite_flag100>>2]|0; $cmp101 = ($91|0)==(0); if ($cmp101) { $92 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx104 = ((($92)) + 4360|0); $93 = HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx104>>2]|0; $94 = $lag; $sub105 = (($93) - ($94))|0; $sub106 = (($sub105) - 2)|0; $i = $sub106; while(1) { $95 = $i; $96 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx108 = ((($96)) + 4360|0); $97 = HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx108>>2]|0; $98 = $decisionDelay$addr; $sub109 = (($97) - ($98))|0; $cmp110 = ($95|0)<($sub109|0); if (!($cmp110)) { break L28; } $99 = $gain_adj_Q16; $shr113 = $99 >> 16; $100 = $sLTP_Q15$addr; $101 = $i; $arrayidx114 = (($100) + ($101<<2)|0); $102 = HEAP32[$arrayidx114>>2]|0; $conv115 = $102&65535; $conv116 = $conv115 << 16 >> 16; $mul117 = Math_imul($shr113, $conv116)|0; $103 = $gain_adj_Q16; $and118 = $103 & 65535; $104 = $sLTP_Q15$addr; $105 = $i; $arrayidx119 = (($104) + ($105<<2)|0); $106 = HEAP32[$arrayidx119>>2]|0; $conv120 = $106&65535; $conv121 = $conv120 << 16 >> 16; $mul122 = Math_imul($and118, $conv121)|0; $shr123 = $mul122 >> 16; $add124 = (($mul117) + ($shr123))|0; $107 = $gain_adj_Q16; $108 = $sLTP_Q15$addr; $109 = $i; $arrayidx125 = (($108) + ($109<<2)|0); $110 = HEAP32[$arrayidx125>>2]|0; $shr126 = $110 >> 15; $add127 = (($shr126) + 1)|0; $shr128 = $add127 >> 1; $mul129 = Math_imul($107, $shr128)|0; $add130 = (($add124) + ($mul129))|0; $111 = $sLTP_Q15$addr; $112 = $i; $arrayidx131 = (($111) + ($112<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx131>>2] = $add130; $113 = $i; $inc133 = (($113) + 1)|0; $i = $inc133; } } } } while(0); $k = 0; while(1) { $114 = $k; $115 = $nStatesDelayedDecision$addr; $cmp137 = ($114|0)<($115|0); if (!($cmp137)) { break; } $116 = $psDelDec$addr; $117 = $k; $arrayidx140 = (($116) + (($117*1168)|0)|0); $psDD = $arrayidx140; $118 = $gain_adj_Q16; $shr141 = $118 >> 16; $119 = $psDD; $LF_AR_Q14 = ((($119)) + 1152|0); $120 = HEAP32[$LF_AR_Q14>>2]|0; $conv142 = $120&65535; $conv143 = $conv142 << 16 >> 16; $mul144 = Math_imul($shr141, $conv143)|0; $121 = $gain_adj_Q16; $and145 = $121 & 65535; $122 = $psDD; $LF_AR_Q14146 = ((($122)) + 1152|0); $123 = HEAP32[$LF_AR_Q14146>>2]|0; $conv147 = $123&65535; $conv148 = $conv147 << 16 >> 16; $mul149 = Math_imul($and145, $conv148)|0; $shr150 = $mul149 >> 16; $add151 = (($mul144) + ($shr150))|0; $124 = $gain_adj_Q16; $125 = $psDD; $LF_AR_Q14152 = ((($125)) + 1152|0); $126 = HEAP32[$LF_AR_Q14152>>2]|0; $shr153 = $126 >> 15; $add154 = (($shr153) + 1)|0; $shr155 = $add154 >> 1; $mul156 = Math_imul($124, $shr155)|0; $add157 = (($add151) + ($mul156))|0; $127 = $psDD; $LF_AR_Q14158 = ((($127)) + 1152|0); HEAP32[$LF_AR_Q14158>>2] = $add157; $i = 0; while(1) { $128 = $i; $cmp160 = ($128|0)<(32); if (!($cmp160)) { break; } $129 = $gain_adj_Q16; $shr163 = $129 >> 16; $130 = $psDD; $131 = $i; $arrayidx164 = (($130) + ($131<<2)|0); $132 = HEAP32[$arrayidx164>>2]|0; $conv165 = $132&65535; $conv166 = $conv165 << 16 >> 16; $mul167 = Math_imul($shr163, $conv166)|0; $133 = $gain_adj_Q16; $and168 = $133 & 65535; $134 = $psDD; $135 = $i; $arrayidx170 = (($134) + ($135<<2)|0); $136 = HEAP32[$arrayidx170>>2]|0; $conv171 = $136&65535; $conv172 = $conv171 << 16 >> 16; $mul173 = Math_imul($and168, $conv172)|0; $shr174 = $mul173 >> 16; $add175 = (($mul167) + ($shr174))|0; $137 = $gain_adj_Q16; $138 = $psDD; $139 = $i; $arrayidx177 = (($138) + ($139<<2)|0); $140 = HEAP32[$arrayidx177>>2]|0; $shr178 = $140 >> 15; $add179 = (($shr178) + 1)|0; $shr180 = $add179 >> 1; $mul181 = Math_imul($137, $shr180)|0; $add182 = (($add175) + ($mul181))|0; $141 = $psDD; $142 = $i; $arrayidx184 = (($141) + ($142<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx184>>2] = $add182; $143 = $i; $inc186 = (($143) + 1)|0; $i = $inc186; } $i = 0; while(1) { $144 = $i; $cmp189 = ($144|0)<(16); if (!($cmp189)) { break; } $145 = $gain_adj_Q16; $shr192 = $145 >> 16; $146 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14 = ((($146)) + 1088|0); $147 = $i; $arrayidx193 = (($sAR2_Q14) + ($147<<2)|0); $148 = HEAP32[$arrayidx193>>2]|0; $conv194 = $148&65535; $conv195 = $conv194 << 16 >> 16; $mul196 = Math_imul($shr192, $conv195)|0; $149 = $gain_adj_Q16; $and197 = $149 & 65535; $150 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14198 = ((($150)) + 1088|0); $151 = $i; $arrayidx199 = (($sAR2_Q14198) + ($151<<2)|0); $152 = HEAP32[$arrayidx199>>2]|0; $conv200 = $152&65535; $conv201 = $conv200 << 16 >> 16; $mul202 = Math_imul($and197, $conv201)|0; $shr203 = $mul202 >> 16; $add204 = (($mul196) + ($shr203))|0; $153 = $gain_adj_Q16; $154 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14205 = ((($154)) + 1088|0); $155 = $i; $arrayidx206 = (($sAR2_Q14205) + ($155<<2)|0); $156 = HEAP32[$arrayidx206>>2]|0; $shr207 = $156 >> 15; $add208 = (($shr207) + 1)|0; $shr209 = $add208 >> 1; $mul210 = Math_imul($153, $shr209)|0; $add211 = (($add204) + ($mul210))|0; $157 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14212 = ((($157)) + 1088|0); $158 = $i; $arrayidx213 = (($sAR2_Q14212) + ($158<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx213>>2] = $add211; $159 = $i; $inc215 = (($159) + 1)|0; $i = $inc215; } $i = 0; while(1) { $160 = $i; $cmp218 = ($160|0)<(32); if (!($cmp218)) { break; } $161 = $gain_adj_Q16; $shr221 = $161 >> 16; $162 = $psDD; $Pred_Q15 = ((($162)) + 832|0); $163 = $i; $arrayidx222 = (($Pred_Q15) + ($163<<2)|0); $164 = HEAP32[$arrayidx222>>2]|0; $conv223 = $164&65535; $conv224 = $conv223 << 16 >> 16; $mul225 = Math_imul($shr221, $conv224)|0; $165 = $gain_adj_Q16; $and226 = $165 & 65535; $166 = $psDD; $Pred_Q15227 = ((($166)) + 832|0); $167 = $i; $arrayidx228 = (($Pred_Q15227) + ($167<<2)|0); $168 = HEAP32[$arrayidx228>>2]|0; $conv229 = $168&65535; $conv230 = $conv229 << 16 >> 16; $mul231 = Math_imul($and226, $conv230)|0; $shr232 = $mul231 >> 16; $add233 = (($mul225) + ($shr232))|0; $169 = $gain_adj_Q16; $170 = $psDD; $Pred_Q15234 = ((($170)) + 832|0); $171 = $i; $arrayidx235 = (($Pred_Q15234) + ($171<<2)|0); $172 = HEAP32[$arrayidx235>>2]|0; $shr236 = $172 >> 15; $add237 = (($shr236) + 1)|0; $shr238 = $add237 >> 1; $mul239 = Math_imul($169, $shr238)|0; $add240 = (($add233) + ($mul239))|0; $173 = $psDD; $Pred_Q15241 = ((($173)) + 832|0); $174 = $i; $arrayidx242 = (($Pred_Q15241) + ($174<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx242>>2] = $add240; $175 = $gain_adj_Q16; $shr243 = $175 >> 16; $176 = $psDD; $Shape_Q14 = ((($176)) + 960|0); $177 = $i; $arrayidx244 = (($Shape_Q14) + ($177<<2)|0); $178 = HEAP32[$arrayidx244>>2]|0; $conv245 = $178&65535; $conv246 = $conv245 << 16 >> 16; $mul247 = Math_imul($shr243, $conv246)|0; $179 = $gain_adj_Q16; $and248 = $179 & 65535; $180 = $psDD; $Shape_Q14249 = ((($180)) + 960|0); $181 = $i; $arrayidx250 = (($Shape_Q14249) + ($181<<2)|0); $182 = HEAP32[$arrayidx250>>2]|0; $conv251 = $182&65535; $conv252 = $conv251 << 16 >> 16; $mul253 = Math_imul($and248, $conv252)|0; $shr254 = $mul253 >> 16; $add255 = (($mul247) + ($shr254))|0; $183 = $gain_adj_Q16; $184 = $psDD; $Shape_Q14256 = ((($184)) + 960|0); $185 = $i; $arrayidx257 = (($Shape_Q14256) + ($185<<2)|0); $186 = HEAP32[$arrayidx257>>2]|0; $shr258 = $186 >> 15; $add259 = (($shr258) + 1)|0; $shr260 = $add259 >> 1; $mul261 = Math_imul($183, $shr260)|0; $add262 = (($add255) + ($mul261))|0; $187 = $psDD; $Shape_Q14263 = ((($187)) + 960|0); $188 = $i; $arrayidx264 = (($Shape_Q14263) + ($188<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx264>>2] = $add262; $189 = $i; $inc266 = (($189) + 1)|0; $i = $inc266; } $190 = $k; $inc269 = (($190) + 1)|0; $k = $inc269; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_noise_shape_quantizer_del_dec($NSQ,$psDelDec,$signalType,$x_Q10,$pulses,$xq,$sLTP_Q15,$delayedGain_Q10,$a_Q12,$b_Q14,$AR_shp_Q13,$lag,$HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14,$Tilt_Q14,$LF_shp_Q14,$Gain_Q16,$Lambda_Q10,$offset_Q10,$length,$subfr,$shapingLPCOrder,$predictLPCOrder,$warping_Q16,$nStatesDelayedDecision,$smpl_buf_idx,$decisionDelay) { $NSQ = $NSQ|0; $psDelDec = $psDelDec|0; $signalType = $signalType|0; $x_Q10 = $x_Q10|0; $pulses = $pulses|0; $xq = $xq|0; $sLTP_Q15 = $sLTP_Q15|0; $delayedGain_Q10 = $delayedGain_Q10|0; $a_Q12 = $a_Q12|0; $b_Q14 = $b_Q14|0; $AR_shp_Q13 = $AR_shp_Q13|0; $lag = $lag|0; $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14 = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14|0; $Tilt_Q14 = $Tilt_Q14|0; $LF_shp_Q14 = $LF_shp_Q14|0; $Gain_Q16 = $Gain_Q16|0; $Lambda_Q10 = $Lambda_Q10|0; $offset_Q10 = $offset_Q10|0; $length = $length|0; $subfr = $subfr|0; $shapingLPCOrder = $shapingLPCOrder|0; $predictLPCOrder = $predictLPCOrder|0; $warping_Q16 = $warping_Q16|0; $nStatesDelayedDecision = $nStatesDelayedDecision|0; $smpl_buf_idx = $smpl_buf_idx|0; $decisionDelay = $decisionDelay|0; var $$sink = 0, $$sink1 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0; var $114 = 0, $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0; var $132 = 0, $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0; var $150 = 0, $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0; var $169 = 0, $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0; var $187 = 0, $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0; var $204 = 0, $205 = 0, $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0; var $222 = 0, $223 = 0, $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0; var $240 = 0, $241 = 0, $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0; var $259 = 0, $26 = 0, $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0; var $277 = 0, $278 = 0, $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0, $294 = 0; var $295 = 0, $296 = 0, $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0, $304 = 0, $305 = 0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0, $31 = 0, $310 = 0, $311 = 0; var $312 = 0, $313 = 0, $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0, $322 = 0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0, $325 = 0, $326 = 0, $327 = 0, $328 = 0, $329 = 0, $33 = 0; var $330 = 0, $331 = 0, $332 = 0, $333 = 0, $334 = 0, $335 = 0, $336 = 0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0, $339 = 0, $34 = 0, $340 = 0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0, $346 = 0, $347 = 0, $348 = 0; var $349 = 0, $35 = 0, $350 = 0, $351 = 0, $352 = 0, $353 = 0, $354 = 0, $355 = 0, $356 = 0, $357 = 0, $358 = 0, $359 = 0, $36 = 0, $360 = 0, $361 = 0, $362 = 0, $363 = 0, $364 = 0, $365 = 0, $366 = 0; var $367 = 0, $368 = 0, $369 = 0, $37 = 0, $370 = 0, $371 = 0, $372 = 0, $373 = 0, $374 = 0, $375 = 0, $376 = 0, $377 = 0, $378 = 0, $379 = 0, $38 = 0, $380 = 0, $381 = 0, $382 = 0, $383 = 0, $384 = 0; var $385 = 0, $386 = 0, $387 = 0, $388 = 0, $389 = 0, $39 = 0, $390 = 0, $391 = 0, $392 = 0, $393 = 0, $394 = 0, $395 = 0, $396 = 0, $397 = 0, $398 = 0, $399 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $400 = 0, $401 = 0; var $402 = 0, $403 = 0, $404 = 0, $405 = 0, $406 = 0, $407 = 0, $408 = 0, $409 = 0, $41 = 0, $410 = 0, $411 = 0, $412 = 0, $413 = 0, $414 = 0, $415 = 0, $416 = 0, $417 = 0, $418 = 0, $419 = 0, $42 = 0; 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var $510 = 0, $511 = 0, $512 = 0, $513 = 0, $514 = 0, $515 = 0, $516 = 0, $517 = 0, $518 = 0, $519 = 0, $52 = 0, $520 = 0, $521 = 0, $522 = 0, $523 = 0, $524 = 0, $525 = 0, $526 = 0, $527 = 0, $528 = 0; var $529 = 0, $53 = 0, $530 = 0, $531 = 0, $532 = 0, $533 = 0, $534 = 0, $535 = 0, $536 = 0, $537 = 0, $538 = 0, $539 = 0, $54 = 0, $540 = 0, $541 = 0, $542 = 0, $543 = 0, $544 = 0, $545 = 0, $546 = 0; var $547 = 0, $548 = 0, $549 = 0, $55 = 0, $550 = 0, $551 = 0, $552 = 0, $553 = 0, $554 = 0, $555 = 0, $556 = 0, $557 = 0, $558 = 0, $559 = 0, $56 = 0, $560 = 0, $561 = 0, $562 = 0, $563 = 0, $564 = 0; var $565 = 0, $566 = 0, $567 = 0, $568 = 0, $569 = 0, $57 = 0, $570 = 0, $571 = 0, $572 = 0, $573 = 0, $574 = 0, $575 = 0, $576 = 0, $577 = 0, $578 = 0, $579 = 0, $58 = 0, $580 = 0, $581 = 0, $582 = 0; var $583 = 0, $584 = 0, $585 = 0, $586 = 0, $587 = 0, $588 = 0, $589 = 0, $59 = 0, $590 = 0, $591 = 0, $592 = 0, $593 = 0, $594 = 0, $595 = 0, $596 = 0, $597 = 0, $598 = 0, $599 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0; var $600 = 0, $601 = 0, $602 = 0, $603 = 0, $604 = 0, $605 = 0, $606 = 0, $607 = 0, $608 = 0, $609 = 0, $61 = 0, $610 = 0, $611 = 0, $612 = 0, $613 = 0, $614 = 0, $615 = 0, $616 = 0, $617 = 0, $618 = 0; var $619 = 0, $62 = 0, $620 = 0, $621 = 0, $622 = 0, $623 = 0, $624 = 0, $625 = 0, $626 = 0, $627 = 0, $628 = 0, $629 = 0, $63 = 0, $630 = 0, $631 = 0, $632 = 0, $633 = 0, $634 = 0, $635 = 0, $636 = 0; var $637 = 0, $638 = 0, $639 = 0, $64 = 0, $640 = 0, $641 = 0, $642 = 0, $643 = 0, $644 = 0, $645 = 0, $646 = 0, $647 = 0, $648 = 0, $649 = 0, $65 = 0, $650 = 0, $651 = 0, $652 = 0, $653 = 0, $654 = 0; var $655 = 0, $656 = 0, $657 = 0, $658 = 0, $659 = 0, $66 = 0, $660 = 0, $661 = 0, $662 = 0, $663 = 0, $664 = 0, $665 = 0, $666 = 0, $667 = 0, $668 = 0, $669 = 0, $67 = 0, $670 = 0, $671 = 0, $672 = 0; var $673 = 0, $674 = 0, $675 = 0, $676 = 0, $677 = 0, $678 = 0, $679 = 0, $68 = 0, $680 = 0, $681 = 0, $682 = 0, $683 = 0, $684 = 0, $685 = 0, $686 = 0, $687 = 0, $688 = 0, $689 = 0, $69 = 0, $690 = 0; var $691 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0; var $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $AR_shp_Q13$addr = 0, $Gain_Q10 = 0, $Gain_Q16$addr = 0, $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14$addr = 0, $LF_AR_Q14 = 0, $LF_AR_Q14475 = 0; var $LF_AR_Q14497 = 0, $LF_AR_Q14502 = 0, $LF_AR_Q14660 = 0, $LF_AR_Q14681 = 0, $LF_AR_Q14919 = 0, $LF_AR_Q14920 = 0, $LF_shp_Q14$addr = 0, $LPC_exc_Q14 = 0, $LPC_exc_Q14662 = 0, $LPC_exc_Q14683 = 0, $LPC_exc_Q14931 = 0, $LPC_pred_Q14 = 0, $LTP_pred_Q14 = 0, $Lambda_Q10$addr = 0, $NSQ$addr = 0, $Pred_Q15 = 0, $Pred_Q15933 = 0, $Q_Q10794 = 0, $Q_Q10929 = 0, $RD_Q10 = 0; var $RD_Q10622 = 0, $RD_Q10623 = 0, $RD_Q10626 = 0, $RD_Q10634 = 0, $RD_Q10635 = 0, $RD_Q10638 = 0, $RD_Q10694 = 0, $RD_Q10701 = 0, $RD_Q10707 = 0, $RD_Q10726 = 0, $RD_Q10730 = 0, $RD_Q10733 = 0, $RD_Q10737 = 0, $RD_Q10744 = 0, $RD_Q10747 = 0, $RD_Q10754 = 0, $RD_Q10760 = 0, $RD_Q10764 = 0, $RD_Q10770 = 0, $RD_Q10948 = 0; var $RD_Q10949 = 0, $RDmax_Q10 = 0, $RDmax_ind = 0, $RDmin_Q10 = 0, $RDmin_ind = 0, $RandState = 0, $RandState719 = 0, $RandState946 = 0, $Seed = 0, $Seed110 = 0, $Seed517 = 0, $Seed647 = 0, $Seed668 = 0, $Seed938 = 0, $Seed944 = 0, $Seed945 = 0, $Shape_Q14 = 0, $Shape_Q14489 = 0, $Shape_Q14897 = 0, $Shape_Q14936 = 0; var $Tilt_Q14$addr = 0, $Winner_ind = 0, $Winner_rand_state = 0, $Xq_Q14 = 0, $Xq_Q14808 = 0, $Xq_Q14817 = 0, $Xq_Q14832 = 0, $Xq_Q14839 = 0, $Xq_Q14848 = 0, $Xq_Q14863 = 0, $Xq_Q14870 = 0, $Xq_Q14879 = 0, $Xq_Q14926 = 0, $a_Q12$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr780 = 0, $add109 = 0, $add111 = 0, $add125 = 0; var $add126 = 0, $add13 = 0, $add138 = 0, $add139 = 0, $add14 = 0, $add151 = 0, $add152 = 0, $add164 = 0, $add165 = 0, $add177 = 0, $add178 = 0, $add190 = 0, $add191 = 0, $add2 = 0, $add203 = 0, $add204 = 0, $add216 = 0, $add217 = 0, $add229 = 0, $add230 = 0; var $add242 = 0, $add243 = 0, $add258 = 0, $add259 = 0, $add26 = 0, $add27 = 0, $add271 = 0, $add272 = 0, $add284 = 0, $add285 = 0, $add297 = 0, $add298 = 0, $add310 = 0, $add311 = 0, $add323 = 0, $add324 = 0, $add340 = 0, $add341 = 0, $add359 = 0, $add360 = 0; var $add373 = 0, $add374 = 0, $add383 = 0, $add39 = 0, $add391 = 0, $add399 = 0, $add40 = 0, $add400 = 0, $add415 = 0, $add416 = 0, $add418 = 0, $add421 = 0, $add429 = 0, $add437 = 0, $add438 = 0, $add440 = 0, $add451 = 0, $add452 = 0, $add453 = 0, $add468 = 0; var $add469 = 0, $add481 = 0, $add482 = 0, $add496 = 0, $add501 = 0, $add507 = 0, $add509 = 0, $add510 = 0, $add513 = 0, $add52 = 0, $add53 = 0, $add538 = 0, $add539 = 0, $add554 = 0, $add583 = 0, $add584 = 0, $add585 = 0, $add607 = 0, $add615 = 0, $add620 = 0; var $add624 = 0, $add632 = 0, $add636 = 0, $add65 = 0, $add653 = 0, $add654 = 0, $add66 = 0, $add674 = 0, $add675 = 0, $add690 = 0, $add72 = 0, $add727 = 0, $add734 = 0, $add79 = 0, $add797 = 0, $add816 = 0, $add821 = 0, $add824 = 0, $add826 = 0, $add847 = 0; var $add85 = 0, $add852 = 0, $add855 = 0, $add857 = 0, $add878 = 0, $add883 = 0, $add886 = 0, $add888 = 0, $add90 = 0, $add923 = 0, $add941 = 0, $add943 = 0, $add96 = 0, $and = 0, $and120 = 0, $and133 = 0, $and146 = 0, $and159 = 0, $and172 = 0, $and185 = 0; var $and198 = 0, $and21 = 0, $and211 = 0, $and224 = 0, $and237 = 0, $and253 = 0, $and266 = 0, $and279 = 0, $and292 = 0, $and305 = 0, $and318 = 0, $and335 = 0, $and34 = 0, $and354 = 0, $and368 = 0, $and394 = 0, $and409 = 0, $and432 = 0, $and446 = 0, $and462 = 0; var $and47 = 0, $and476 = 0, $and491 = 0, $and503 = 0, $and60 = 0, $and689 = 0, $and691 = 0, $and80 = 0, $and810 = 0, $and841 = 0, $and872 = 0, $and92 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx106 = 0, $arrayidx107 = 0, $arrayidx112 = 0, $arrayidx127 = 0, $arrayidx129 = 0, $arrayidx132 = 0, $arrayidx134 = 0; var $arrayidx140 = 0, $arrayidx142 = 0, $arrayidx145 = 0, $arrayidx147 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx153 = 0, $arrayidx155 = 0, $arrayidx158 = 0, $arrayidx160 = 0, $arrayidx166 = 0, $arrayidx168 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx171 = 0, $arrayidx173 = 0, $arrayidx179 = 0, $arrayidx181 = 0, $arrayidx184 = 0, $arrayidx186 = 0, $arrayidx192 = 0, $arrayidx194 = 0; var $arrayidx197 = 0, $arrayidx199 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx205 = 0, $arrayidx207 = 0, $arrayidx210 = 0, $arrayidx212 = 0, $arrayidx218 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx220 = 0, $arrayidx223 = 0, $arrayidx225 = 0, $arrayidx231 = 0, $arrayidx233 = 0, $arrayidx236 = 0, $arrayidx238 = 0, $arrayidx247 = 0, $arrayidx249 = 0, $arrayidx252 = 0, $arrayidx254 = 0; var $arrayidx260 = 0, $arrayidx262 = 0, $arrayidx265 = 0, $arrayidx267 = 0, $arrayidx273 = 0, $arrayidx275 = 0, $arrayidx278 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx280 = 0, $arrayidx286 = 0, $arrayidx288 = 0, $arrayidx291 = 0, $arrayidx293 = 0, $arrayidx299 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx301 = 0, $arrayidx304 = 0, $arrayidx306 = 0, $arrayidx312 = 0; var $arrayidx314 = 0, $arrayidx317 = 0, $arrayidx319 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx345 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx352 = 0, $arrayidx381 = 0, $arrayidx384 = 0, $arrayidx392 = 0, $arrayidx403 = 0, $arrayidx406 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx411 = 0, $arrayidx419 = 0, $arrayidx422 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx430 = 0, $arrayidx441 = 0, $arrayidx443 = 0; var $arrayidx447 = 0, $arrayidx456 = 0, $arrayidx459 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx464 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx484 = 0, $arrayidx490 = 0, $arrayidx515 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx56 = 0, $arrayidx59 = 0, $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx625 = 0, $arrayidx637 = 0, $arrayidx641 = 0, $arrayidx665 = 0, $arrayidx678 = 0, $arrayidx680 = 0, $arrayidx682 = 0; var $arrayidx684 = 0, $arrayidx699 = 0, $arrayidx705 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx712 = 0, $arrayidx713 = 0, $arrayidx718 = 0, $arrayidx720 = 0, $arrayidx724 = 0, $arrayidx728 = 0, $arrayidx731 = 0, $arrayidx732 = 0, $arrayidx735 = 0, $arrayidx736 = 0, $arrayidx746 = 0, $arrayidx752 = 0, $arrayidx758 = 0, $arrayidx762 = 0, $arrayidx763 = 0, $arrayidx768 = 0; var $arrayidx769 = 0, $arrayidx778 = 0, $arrayidx779 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx783 = 0, $arrayidx785 = 0, $arrayidx786 = 0, $arrayidx788 = 0, $arrayidx795 = 0, $arrayidx801 = 0, $arrayidx802 = 0, $arrayidx804 = 0, $arrayidx809 = 0, $arrayidx811 = 0, $arrayidx818 = 0, $arrayidx819 = 0, $arrayidx833 = 0, $arrayidx835 = 0, $arrayidx840 = 0, $arrayidx842 = 0; var $arrayidx849 = 0, $arrayidx850 = 0, $arrayidx86 = 0, $arrayidx864 = 0, $arrayidx866 = 0, $arrayidx871 = 0, $arrayidx873 = 0, $arrayidx880 = 0, $arrayidx881 = 0, $arrayidx896 = 0, $arrayidx898 = 0, $arrayidx902 = 0, $arrayidx903 = 0, $arrayidx906 = 0, $arrayidx91 = 0, $arrayidx916 = 0, $arrayidx917 = 0, $arrayidx924 = 0, $arrayidx927 = 0, $arrayidx930 = 0; var $arrayidx934 = 0, $arrayidx937 = 0, $arrayidx947 = 0, $arrayidx953 = 0, $arrayidx961 = 0, $arrayidx965 = 0, $b_Q14$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp103 = 0, $cmp244 = 0, $cmp376 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp518 = 0, $cmp523 = 0, $cmp525 = 0, $cmp533 = 0, $cmp551 = 0, $cmp566 = 0, $cmp617 = 0, $cmp648 = 0; var $cmp669 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp696 = 0, $cmp702 = 0, $cmp715 = 0, $cmp721 = 0, $cmp749 = 0, $cmp755 = 0, $cmp765 = 0, $cmp775 = 0, $cmp789 = 0, $cmp791 = 0, $cmp828 = 0, $cmp859 = 0, $cmp913 = 0, $cmp958 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond530 = 0, $cond893 = 0, $conv = 0; var $conv10 = 0, $conv117 = 0, $conv122 = 0, $conv130 = 0, $conv135 = 0, $conv143 = 0, $conv148 = 0, $conv156 = 0, $conv161 = 0, $conv169 = 0, $conv174 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv182 = 0, $conv187 = 0, $conv195 = 0, $conv200 = 0, $conv208 = 0, $conv213 = 0, $conv221 = 0, $conv226 = 0; var $conv23 = 0, $conv234 = 0, $conv239 = 0, $conv250 = 0, $conv255 = 0, $conv263 = 0, $conv268 = 0, $conv276 = 0, $conv281 = 0, $conv289 = 0, $conv294 = 0, $conv302 = 0, $conv307 = 0, $conv31 = 0, $conv315 = 0, $conv320 = 0, $conv330 = 0, $conv331 = 0, $conv336 = 0, $conv337 = 0; var $conv348 = 0, $conv349 = 0, $conv355 = 0, $conv356 = 0, $conv36 = 0, $conv366 = 0, $conv370 = 0, $conv387 = 0, $conv388 = 0, $conv395 = 0, $conv396 = 0, $conv407 = 0, $conv412 = 0, $conv425 = 0, $conv426 = 0, $conv433 = 0, $conv434 = 0, $conv44 = 0, $conv444 = 0, $conv448 = 0; var $conv460 = 0, $conv465 = 0, $conv472 = 0, $conv473 = 0, $conv477 = 0, $conv478 = 0, $conv486 = 0, $conv487 = 0, $conv49 = 0, $conv492 = 0, $conv493 = 0, $conv540 = 0, $conv541 = 0, $conv542 = 0, $conv543 = 0, $conv545 = 0, $conv546 = 0, $conv547 = 0, $conv548 = 0, $conv555 = 0; var $conv556 = 0, $conv557 = 0, $conv558 = 0, $conv560 = 0, $conv561 = 0, $conv562 = 0, $conv563 = 0, $conv57 = 0, $conv571 = 0, $conv572 = 0, $conv573 = 0, $conv574 = 0, $conv576 = 0, $conv577 = 0, $conv578 = 0, $conv579 = 0, $conv587 = 0, $conv588 = 0, $conv589 = 0, $conv590 = 0; var $conv593 = 0, $conv594 = 0, $conv595 = 0, $conv596 = 0, $conv602 = 0, $conv603 = 0, $conv604 = 0, $conv605 = 0, $conv610 = 0, $conv611 = 0, $conv612 = 0, $conv613 = 0, $conv62 = 0, $conv74 = 0, $conv75 = 0, $conv799 = 0, $conv805 = 0, $conv806 = 0, $conv81 = 0, $conv812 = 0; var $conv813 = 0, $conv82 = 0, $conv836 = 0, $conv837 = 0, $conv843 = 0, $conv844 = 0, $conv867 = 0, $conv868 = 0, $conv874 = 0, $conv875 = 0, $conv894 = 0, $decisionDelay$addr = 0, $delayedGain_Q10$addr = 0, $exc_Q14 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc710 = 0, $inc740 = 0, $inc773 = 0, $inc909 = 0; var $inc911 = 0, $inc951 = 0, $inc955 = 0, $inc967 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr99 = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $lag$addr = 0, $last_smple_idx = 0, $length$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul108 = 0, $mul11 = 0, $mul118 = 0, $mul123 = 0, $mul131 = 0, $mul136 = 0, $mul144 = 0, $mul149 = 0; var $mul157 = 0, $mul162 = 0, $mul170 = 0, $mul175 = 0, $mul183 = 0, $mul188 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul196 = 0, $mul201 = 0, $mul209 = 0, $mul214 = 0, $mul222 = 0, $mul227 = 0, $mul235 = 0, $mul24 = 0, $mul240 = 0, $mul251 = 0, $mul256 = 0, $mul264 = 0, $mul269 = 0; var $mul277 = 0, $mul282 = 0, $mul290 = 0, $mul295 = 0, $mul303 = 0, $mul308 = 0, $mul316 = 0, $mul32 = 0, $mul321 = 0, $mul332 = 0, $mul338 = 0, $mul350 = 0, $mul357 = 0, $mul367 = 0, $mul37 = 0, $mul371 = 0, $mul389 = 0, $mul397 = 0, $mul408 = 0, $mul413 = 0; var $mul427 = 0, $mul435 = 0, $mul445 = 0, $mul449 = 0, $mul45 = 0, $mul461 = 0, $mul466 = 0, $mul474 = 0, $mul479 = 0, $mul488 = 0, $mul494 = 0, $mul50 = 0, $mul500 = 0, $mul505 = 0, $mul544 = 0, $mul549 = 0, $mul559 = 0, $mul564 = 0, $mul575 = 0, $mul58 = 0; var $mul580 = 0, $mul591 = 0, $mul597 = 0, $mul606 = 0, $mul614 = 0, $mul63 = 0, $mul76 = 0, $mul781 = 0, $mul807 = 0, $mul814 = 0, $mul823 = 0, $mul83 = 0, $mul838 = 0, $mul845 = 0, $mul854 = 0, $mul869 = 0, $mul876 = 0, $mul885 = 0, $mul89 = 0, $mul94 = 0; var $nStatesDelayedDecision$addr = 0, $n_AR_Q14 = 0, $n_LF_Q14 = 0, $n_LTP_Q14 = 0, $offset_Q10$addr = 0, $pred_lag_ptr = 0, $predictLPCOrder$addr = 0, $psDD = 0, $psDelDec$addr = 0, $psLPC_Q14 = 0, $psSS = 0, $pulses$addr = 0, $q1_Q0 = 0, $q1_Q10 = 0, $q2_Q10 = 0, $r_Q10 = 0, $rd1_Q10 = 0, $rd2_Q10 = 0, $rr_Q10 = 0, $sAR2_Q14 = 0; var $sAR2_Q14333 = 0, $sAR2_Q14342 = 0, $sAR2_Q14344 = 0, $sAR2_Q14351 = 0, $sAR2_Q14361 = 0, $sAR2_Q14379 = 0, $sAR2_Q14382 = 0, $sAR2_Q14390 = 0, $sAR2_Q14401 = 0, $sAR2_Q14417 = 0, $sAR2_Q14420 = 0, $sAR2_Q14428 = 0, $sAR2_Q14439 = 0, $sAR2_Q14454 = 0, $sLF_AR_shp_Q14 = 0, $sLTP_Q15$addr = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx904 = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx910 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q14 = 0; var $sLTP_shp_Q14658 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q14679 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q14899 = 0, $sLTP_shp_Q14935 = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx900 = 0, $sLTP_shp_buf_idx908 = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shapingLPCOrder$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl326 = 0, $shl470 = 0, $shl483 = 0, $shl508 = 0, $shl536 = 0, $shl582 = 0, $shl646 = 0, $shl667 = 0, $shl932 = 0, $shl97 = 0; var $shp_lag_ptr = 0, $shr = 0, $shr113 = 0, $shr115 = 0, $shr12 = 0, $shr124 = 0, $shr128 = 0, $shr137 = 0, $shr141 = 0, $shr150 = 0, $shr154 = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr163 = 0, $shr167 = 0, $shr176 = 0, $shr180 = 0, $shr189 = 0, $shr193 = 0, $shr202 = 0, $shr206 = 0; var $shr215 = 0, $shr219 = 0, $shr228 = 0, $shr232 = 0, $shr241 = 0, $shr248 = 0, $shr25 = 0, $shr257 = 0, $shr261 = 0, $shr270 = 0, $shr274 = 0, $shr283 = 0, $shr287 = 0, $shr29 = 0, $shr296 = 0, $shr300 = 0, $shr309 = 0, $shr313 = 0, $shr322 = 0, $shr329 = 0; var $shr339 = 0, $shr347 = 0, $shr358 = 0, $shr363 = 0, $shr364 = 0, $shr372 = 0, $shr38 = 0, $shr386 = 0, $shr398 = 0, $shr404 = 0, $shr414 = 0, $shr42 = 0, $shr424 = 0, $shr436 = 0, $shr442 = 0, $shr450 = 0, $shr457 = 0, $shr467 = 0, $shr471 = 0, $shr480 = 0; var $shr485 = 0, $shr495 = 0, $shr498 = 0, $shr499 = 0, $shr504 = 0, $shr506 = 0, $shr51 = 0, $shr512 = 0, $shr514 = 0, $shr532 = 0, $shr55 = 0, $shr6 = 0, $shr608 = 0, $shr616 = 0, $shr64 = 0, $shr73 = 0, $shr796 = 0, $shr798 = 0, $shr803 = 0, $shr815 = 0; var $shr820 = 0, $shr822 = 0, $shr825 = 0, $shr827 = 0, $shr834 = 0, $shr84 = 0, $shr846 = 0, $shr851 = 0, $shr853 = 0, $shr856 = 0, $shr858 = 0, $shr865 = 0, $shr87 = 0, $shr877 = 0, $shr88 = 0, $shr882 = 0, $shr884 = 0, $shr887 = 0, $shr889 = 0, $shr93 = 0; var $shr940 = 0, $shr942 = 0, $shr95 = 0, $signalType$addr = 0, $smpl_buf_idx$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub346 = 0, $sub353 = 0, $sub380 = 0, $sub385 = 0, $sub393 = 0, $sub402 = 0, $sub405 = 0, $sub410 = 0, $sub423 = 0, $sub431 = 0, $sub455 = 0, $sub458 = 0, $sub463 = 0; var $sub511 = 0, $sub516 = 0, $sub521 = 0, $sub531 = 0, $sub537 = 0, $sub569 = 0, $sub570 = 0, $sub586 = 0, $sub592 = 0, $sub601 = 0, $sub609 = 0, $sub651 = 0, $sub655 = 0, $sub656 = 0, $sub672 = 0, $sub676 = 0, $sub677 = 0, $sub688 = 0, $sub782 = 0, $sub800 = 0; var $sub895 = 0, $sub901 = 0, $sub905 = 0, $sub98 = 0, $subfr$addr = 0, $tmp1 = 0, $tmp2 = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $warping_Q16$addr = 0, $x_Q10$addr = 0, $xq$addr = 0, $xq_Q14 = 0, $xq_Q14664 = 0, $xq_Q14685 = 0, $xq_Q14921 = 0, $xq_Q14925 = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; var src = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 256|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(256|0); $NSQ$addr = $NSQ; $psDelDec$addr = $psDelDec; $signalType$addr = $signalType; $x_Q10$addr = $x_Q10; $pulses$addr = $pulses; $xq$addr = $xq; $sLTP_Q15$addr = $sLTP_Q15; $delayedGain_Q10$addr = $delayedGain_Q10; $a_Q12$addr = $a_Q12; $b_Q14$addr = $b_Q14; $AR_shp_Q13$addr = $AR_shp_Q13; $lag$addr = $lag; $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14$addr = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14; $Tilt_Q14$addr = $Tilt_Q14; $LF_shp_Q14$addr = $LF_shp_Q14; $Gain_Q16$addr = $Gain_Q16; $Lambda_Q10$addr = $Lambda_Q10; $offset_Q10$addr = $offset_Q10; $length$addr = $length; $subfr$addr = $subfr; $shapingLPCOrder$addr = $shapingLPCOrder; $predictLPCOrder$addr = $predictLPCOrder; $warping_Q16$addr = $warping_Q16; $nStatesDelayedDecision$addr = $nStatesDelayedDecision; $smpl_buf_idx$addr = $smpl_buf_idx; $decisionDelay$addr = $decisionDelay; $0 = $nStatesDelayedDecision$addr; $1 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $1; $vla$alloca_mul = ($0*48)|0; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $2 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q14 = ((($2)) + 1280|0); $3 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx = ((($3)) + 4364|0); $4 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx>>2]|0; $5 = $lag$addr; $sub = (($4) - ($5))|0; $add = (($sub) + 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($sLTP_shp_Q14) + ($add<<2)|0); $shp_lag_ptr = $arrayidx; $6 = $sLTP_Q15$addr; $7 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx = ((($7)) + 4360|0); $8 = HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx>>2]|0; $9 = $lag$addr; $sub1 = (($8) - ($9))|0; $add2 = (($sub1) + 2)|0; $arrayidx3 = (($6) + ($add2<<2)|0); $pred_lag_ptr = $arrayidx3; $10 = $Gain_Q16$addr; $shr = $10 >> 6; $Gain_Q10 = $shr; $i = 0; while(1) { $11 = $i; $12 = $length$addr; $cmp = ($11|0)<($12|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $13 = $signalType$addr; $cmp4 = ($13|0)==(2); if ($cmp4) { $LTP_pred_Q14 = 2; $14 = $LTP_pred_Q14; $15 = $pred_lag_ptr; $16 = HEAP32[$15>>2]|0; $shr6 = $16 >> 16; $17 = $b_Q14$addr; $18 = HEAP16[$17>>1]|0; $conv = $18 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr6, $conv)|0; $19 = $pred_lag_ptr; $20 = HEAP32[$19>>2]|0; $and = $20 & 65535; $21 = $b_Q14$addr; $22 = HEAP16[$21>>1]|0; $conv10 = $22 << 16 >> 16; $mul11 = Math_imul($and, $conv10)|0; $shr12 = $mul11 >> 16; $add13 = (($mul) + ($shr12))|0; $add14 = (($14) + ($add13))|0; $LTP_pred_Q14 = $add14; $23 = $LTP_pred_Q14; $24 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx15 = ((($24)) + -4|0); $25 = HEAP32[$arrayidx15>>2]|0; $shr16 = $25 >> 16; $26 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx17 = ((($26)) + 2|0); $27 = HEAP16[$arrayidx17>>1]|0; $conv18 = $27 << 16 >> 16; $mul19 = Math_imul($shr16, $conv18)|0; $28 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx20 = ((($28)) + -4|0); $29 = HEAP32[$arrayidx20>>2]|0; $and21 = $29 & 65535; $30 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx22 = ((($30)) + 2|0); $31 = HEAP16[$arrayidx22>>1]|0; $conv23 = $31 << 16 >> 16; $mul24 = Math_imul($and21, $conv23)|0; $shr25 = $mul24 >> 16; $add26 = (($mul19) + ($shr25))|0; $add27 = (($23) + ($add26))|0; $LTP_pred_Q14 = $add27; $32 = $LTP_pred_Q14; $33 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx28 = ((($33)) + -8|0); $34 = HEAP32[$arrayidx28>>2]|0; $shr29 = $34 >> 16; $35 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx30 = ((($35)) + 4|0); $36 = HEAP16[$arrayidx30>>1]|0; $conv31 = $36 << 16 >> 16; $mul32 = Math_imul($shr29, $conv31)|0; $37 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx33 = ((($37)) + -8|0); $38 = HEAP32[$arrayidx33>>2]|0; $and34 = $38 & 65535; $39 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx35 = ((($39)) + 4|0); $40 = HEAP16[$arrayidx35>>1]|0; $conv36 = $40 << 16 >> 16; $mul37 = Math_imul($and34, $conv36)|0; $shr38 = $mul37 >> 16; $add39 = (($mul32) + ($shr38))|0; $add40 = (($32) + ($add39))|0; $LTP_pred_Q14 = $add40; $41 = $LTP_pred_Q14; $42 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx41 = ((($42)) + -12|0); $43 = HEAP32[$arrayidx41>>2]|0; $shr42 = $43 >> 16; $44 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx43 = ((($44)) + 6|0); $45 = HEAP16[$arrayidx43>>1]|0; $conv44 = $45 << 16 >> 16; $mul45 = Math_imul($shr42, $conv44)|0; $46 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx46 = ((($46)) + -12|0); $47 = HEAP32[$arrayidx46>>2]|0; $and47 = $47 & 65535; $48 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx48 = ((($48)) + 6|0); $49 = HEAP16[$arrayidx48>>1]|0; $conv49 = $49 << 16 >> 16; $mul50 = Math_imul($and47, $conv49)|0; $shr51 = $mul50 >> 16; $add52 = (($mul45) + ($shr51))|0; $add53 = (($41) + ($add52))|0; $LTP_pred_Q14 = $add53; $50 = $LTP_pred_Q14; $51 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx54 = ((($51)) + -16|0); $52 = HEAP32[$arrayidx54>>2]|0; $shr55 = $52 >> 16; $53 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx56 = ((($53)) + 8|0); $54 = HEAP16[$arrayidx56>>1]|0; $conv57 = $54 << 16 >> 16; $mul58 = Math_imul($shr55, $conv57)|0; $55 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx59 = ((($55)) + -16|0); $56 = HEAP32[$arrayidx59>>2]|0; $and60 = $56 & 65535; $57 = $b_Q14$addr; $arrayidx61 = ((($57)) + 8|0); $58 = HEAP16[$arrayidx61>>1]|0; $conv62 = $58 << 16 >> 16; $mul63 = Math_imul($and60, $conv62)|0; $shr64 = $mul63 >> 16; $add65 = (($mul58) + ($shr64))|0; $add66 = (($50) + ($add65))|0; $LTP_pred_Q14 = $add66; $59 = $LTP_pred_Q14; $shl = $59 << 1; $LTP_pred_Q14 = $shl; $60 = $pred_lag_ptr; $incdec$ptr = ((($60)) + 4|0); $pred_lag_ptr = $incdec$ptr; } else { $LTP_pred_Q14 = 0; } $61 = $lag$addr; $cmp67 = ($61|0)>(0); if ($cmp67) { $62 = $shp_lag_ptr; $63 = HEAP32[$62>>2]|0; $64 = $shp_lag_ptr; $arrayidx71 = ((($64)) + -8|0); $65 = HEAP32[$arrayidx71>>2]|0; $add72 = (($63) + ($65))|0; $shr73 = $add72 >> 16; $66 = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14$addr; $conv74 = $66&65535; $conv75 = $conv74 << 16 >> 16; $mul76 = Math_imul($shr73, $conv75)|0; $67 = $shp_lag_ptr; $68 = HEAP32[$67>>2]|0; $69 = $shp_lag_ptr; $arrayidx78 = ((($69)) + -8|0); $70 = HEAP32[$arrayidx78>>2]|0; $add79 = (($68) + ($70))|0; $and80 = $add79 & 65535; $71 = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14$addr; $conv81 = $71&65535; $conv82 = $conv81 << 16 >> 16; $mul83 = Math_imul($and80, $conv82)|0; $shr84 = $mul83 >> 16; $add85 = (($mul76) + ($shr84))|0; $n_LTP_Q14 = $add85; $72 = $n_LTP_Q14; $73 = $shp_lag_ptr; $arrayidx86 = ((($73)) + -4|0); $74 = HEAP32[$arrayidx86>>2]|0; $shr87 = $74 >> 16; $75 = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14$addr; $shr88 = $75 >> 16; $mul89 = Math_imul($shr87, $shr88)|0; $add90 = (($72) + ($mul89))|0; $76 = $shp_lag_ptr; $arrayidx91 = ((($76)) + -4|0); $77 = HEAP32[$arrayidx91>>2]|0; $and92 = $77 & 65535; $78 = $HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14$addr; $shr93 = $78 >> 16; $mul94 = Math_imul($and92, $shr93)|0; $shr95 = $mul94 >> 16; $add96 = (($add90) + ($shr95))|0; $n_LTP_Q14 = $add96; $79 = $LTP_pred_Q14; $80 = $n_LTP_Q14; $shl97 = $80 << 2; $sub98 = (($79) - ($shl97))|0; $n_LTP_Q14 = $sub98; $81 = $shp_lag_ptr; $incdec$ptr99 = ((($81)) + 4|0); $shp_lag_ptr = $incdec$ptr99; } else { $n_LTP_Q14 = 0; } $k = 0; while(1) { $82 = $k; $83 = $nStatesDelayedDecision$addr; $cmp103 = ($82|0)<($83|0); if (!($cmp103)) { break; } $84 = $psDelDec$addr; $85 = $k; $arrayidx106 = (($84) + (($85*1168)|0)|0); $psDD = $arrayidx106; $86 = $k; $arrayidx107 = (($vla) + (($86*48)|0)|0); $psSS = $arrayidx107; $87 = $psDD; $Seed = ((($87)) + 1156|0); $88 = HEAP32[$Seed>>2]|0; $mul108 = Math_imul($88, 196314165)|0; $add109 = (907633515 + ($mul108))|0; $89 = $psDD; $Seed110 = ((($89)) + 1156|0); HEAP32[$Seed110>>2] = $add109; $90 = $psDD; $91 = $i; $add111 = (31 + ($91))|0; $arrayidx112 = (($90) + ($add111<<2)|0); $psLPC_Q14 = $arrayidx112; $92 = $predictLPCOrder$addr; $shr113 = $92 >> 1; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $shr113; $93 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $94 = $psLPC_Q14; $95 = HEAP32[$94>>2]|0; $shr115 = $95 >> 16; $96 = $a_Q12$addr; $97 = HEAP16[$96>>1]|0; $conv117 = $97 << 16 >> 16; $mul118 = Math_imul($shr115, $conv117)|0; $98 = $psLPC_Q14; $99 = HEAP32[$98>>2]|0; $and120 = $99 & 65535; $100 = $a_Q12$addr; $101 = HEAP16[$100>>1]|0; $conv122 = $101 << 16 >> 16; $mul123 = Math_imul($and120, $conv122)|0; $shr124 = $mul123 >> 16; $add125 = (($mul118) + ($shr124))|0; $add126 = (($93) + ($add125))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add126; $102 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $103 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx127 = ((($103)) + -4|0); $104 = HEAP32[$arrayidx127>>2]|0; $shr128 = $104 >> 16; $105 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx129 = ((($105)) + 2|0); $106 = HEAP16[$arrayidx129>>1]|0; $conv130 = $106 << 16 >> 16; $mul131 = Math_imul($shr128, $conv130)|0; $107 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx132 = ((($107)) + -4|0); $108 = HEAP32[$arrayidx132>>2]|0; $and133 = $108 & 65535; $109 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx134 = ((($109)) + 2|0); $110 = HEAP16[$arrayidx134>>1]|0; $conv135 = $110 << 16 >> 16; $mul136 = Math_imul($and133, $conv135)|0; $shr137 = $mul136 >> 16; $add138 = (($mul131) + ($shr137))|0; $add139 = (($102) + ($add138))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add139; $111 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $112 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx140 = ((($112)) + -8|0); $113 = HEAP32[$arrayidx140>>2]|0; $shr141 = $113 >> 16; $114 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx142 = ((($114)) + 4|0); $115 = HEAP16[$arrayidx142>>1]|0; $conv143 = $115 << 16 >> 16; $mul144 = Math_imul($shr141, $conv143)|0; $116 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx145 = ((($116)) + -8|0); $117 = HEAP32[$arrayidx145>>2]|0; $and146 = $117 & 65535; $118 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx147 = ((($118)) + 4|0); $119 = HEAP16[$arrayidx147>>1]|0; $conv148 = $119 << 16 >> 16; $mul149 = Math_imul($and146, $conv148)|0; $shr150 = $mul149 >> 16; $add151 = (($mul144) + ($shr150))|0; $add152 = (($111) + ($add151))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add152; $120 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $121 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx153 = ((($121)) + -12|0); $122 = HEAP32[$arrayidx153>>2]|0; $shr154 = $122 >> 16; $123 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx155 = ((($123)) + 6|0); $124 = HEAP16[$arrayidx155>>1]|0; $conv156 = $124 << 16 >> 16; $mul157 = Math_imul($shr154, $conv156)|0; $125 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx158 = ((($125)) + -12|0); $126 = HEAP32[$arrayidx158>>2]|0; $and159 = $126 & 65535; $127 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx160 = ((($127)) + 6|0); $128 = HEAP16[$arrayidx160>>1]|0; $conv161 = $128 << 16 >> 16; $mul162 = Math_imul($and159, $conv161)|0; $shr163 = $mul162 >> 16; $add164 = (($mul157) + ($shr163))|0; $add165 = (($120) + ($add164))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add165; $129 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $130 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx166 = ((($130)) + -16|0); $131 = HEAP32[$arrayidx166>>2]|0; $shr167 = $131 >> 16; $132 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx168 = ((($132)) + 8|0); $133 = HEAP16[$arrayidx168>>1]|0; $conv169 = $133 << 16 >> 16; $mul170 = Math_imul($shr167, $conv169)|0; $134 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx171 = ((($134)) + -16|0); $135 = HEAP32[$arrayidx171>>2]|0; $and172 = $135 & 65535; $136 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx173 = ((($136)) + 8|0); $137 = HEAP16[$arrayidx173>>1]|0; $conv174 = $137 << 16 >> 16; $mul175 = Math_imul($and172, $conv174)|0; $shr176 = $mul175 >> 16; $add177 = (($mul170) + ($shr176))|0; $add178 = (($129) + ($add177))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add178; $138 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $139 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx179 = ((($139)) + -20|0); $140 = HEAP32[$arrayidx179>>2]|0; $shr180 = $140 >> 16; $141 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx181 = ((($141)) + 10|0); $142 = HEAP16[$arrayidx181>>1]|0; $conv182 = $142 << 16 >> 16; $mul183 = Math_imul($shr180, $conv182)|0; $143 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx184 = ((($143)) + -20|0); $144 = HEAP32[$arrayidx184>>2]|0; $and185 = $144 & 65535; $145 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx186 = ((($145)) + 10|0); $146 = HEAP16[$arrayidx186>>1]|0; $conv187 = $146 << 16 >> 16; $mul188 = Math_imul($and185, $conv187)|0; $shr189 = $mul188 >> 16; $add190 = (($mul183) + ($shr189))|0; $add191 = (($138) + ($add190))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add191; $147 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $148 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx192 = ((($148)) + -24|0); $149 = HEAP32[$arrayidx192>>2]|0; $shr193 = $149 >> 16; $150 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx194 = ((($150)) + 12|0); $151 = HEAP16[$arrayidx194>>1]|0; $conv195 = $151 << 16 >> 16; $mul196 = Math_imul($shr193, $conv195)|0; $152 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx197 = ((($152)) + -24|0); $153 = HEAP32[$arrayidx197>>2]|0; $and198 = $153 & 65535; $154 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx199 = ((($154)) + 12|0); $155 = HEAP16[$arrayidx199>>1]|0; $conv200 = $155 << 16 >> 16; $mul201 = Math_imul($and198, $conv200)|0; $shr202 = $mul201 >> 16; $add203 = (($mul196) + ($shr202))|0; $add204 = (($147) + ($add203))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add204; $156 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $157 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx205 = ((($157)) + -28|0); $158 = HEAP32[$arrayidx205>>2]|0; $shr206 = $158 >> 16; $159 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx207 = ((($159)) + 14|0); $160 = HEAP16[$arrayidx207>>1]|0; $conv208 = $160 << 16 >> 16; $mul209 = Math_imul($shr206, $conv208)|0; $161 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx210 = ((($161)) + -28|0); $162 = HEAP32[$arrayidx210>>2]|0; $and211 = $162 & 65535; $163 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx212 = ((($163)) + 14|0); $164 = HEAP16[$arrayidx212>>1]|0; $conv213 = $164 << 16 >> 16; $mul214 = Math_imul($and211, $conv213)|0; $shr215 = $mul214 >> 16; $add216 = (($mul209) + ($shr215))|0; $add217 = (($156) + ($add216))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add217; $165 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $166 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx218 = ((($166)) + -32|0); $167 = HEAP32[$arrayidx218>>2]|0; $shr219 = $167 >> 16; $168 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx220 = ((($168)) + 16|0); $169 = HEAP16[$arrayidx220>>1]|0; $conv221 = $169 << 16 >> 16; $mul222 = Math_imul($shr219, $conv221)|0; $170 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx223 = ((($170)) + -32|0); $171 = HEAP32[$arrayidx223>>2]|0; $and224 = $171 & 65535; $172 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx225 = ((($172)) + 16|0); $173 = HEAP16[$arrayidx225>>1]|0; $conv226 = $173 << 16 >> 16; $mul227 = Math_imul($and224, $conv226)|0; $shr228 = $mul227 >> 16; $add229 = (($mul222) + ($shr228))|0; $add230 = (($165) + ($add229))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add230; $174 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $175 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx231 = ((($175)) + -36|0); $176 = HEAP32[$arrayidx231>>2]|0; $shr232 = $176 >> 16; $177 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx233 = ((($177)) + 18|0); $178 = HEAP16[$arrayidx233>>1]|0; $conv234 = $178 << 16 >> 16; $mul235 = Math_imul($shr232, $conv234)|0; $179 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx236 = ((($179)) + -36|0); $180 = HEAP32[$arrayidx236>>2]|0; $and237 = $180 & 65535; $181 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx238 = ((($181)) + 18|0); $182 = HEAP16[$arrayidx238>>1]|0; $conv239 = $182 << 16 >> 16; $mul240 = Math_imul($and237, $conv239)|0; $shr241 = $mul240 >> 16; $add242 = (($mul235) + ($shr241))|0; $add243 = (($174) + ($add242))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add243; $183 = $predictLPCOrder$addr; $cmp244 = ($183|0)==(16); if ($cmp244) { $184 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $185 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx247 = ((($185)) + -40|0); $186 = HEAP32[$arrayidx247>>2]|0; $shr248 = $186 >> 16; $187 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx249 = ((($187)) + 20|0); $188 = HEAP16[$arrayidx249>>1]|0; $conv250 = $188 << 16 >> 16; $mul251 = Math_imul($shr248, $conv250)|0; $189 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx252 = ((($189)) + -40|0); $190 = HEAP32[$arrayidx252>>2]|0; $and253 = $190 & 65535; $191 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx254 = ((($191)) + 20|0); $192 = HEAP16[$arrayidx254>>1]|0; $conv255 = $192 << 16 >> 16; $mul256 = Math_imul($and253, $conv255)|0; $shr257 = $mul256 >> 16; $add258 = (($mul251) + ($shr257))|0; $add259 = (($184) + ($add258))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add259; $193 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $194 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx260 = ((($194)) + -44|0); $195 = HEAP32[$arrayidx260>>2]|0; $shr261 = $195 >> 16; $196 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx262 = ((($196)) + 22|0); $197 = HEAP16[$arrayidx262>>1]|0; $conv263 = $197 << 16 >> 16; $mul264 = Math_imul($shr261, $conv263)|0; $198 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx265 = ((($198)) + -44|0); $199 = HEAP32[$arrayidx265>>2]|0; $and266 = $199 & 65535; $200 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx267 = ((($200)) + 22|0); $201 = HEAP16[$arrayidx267>>1]|0; $conv268 = $201 << 16 >> 16; $mul269 = Math_imul($and266, $conv268)|0; $shr270 = $mul269 >> 16; $add271 = (($mul264) + ($shr270))|0; $add272 = (($193) + ($add271))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add272; $202 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $203 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx273 = ((($203)) + -48|0); $204 = HEAP32[$arrayidx273>>2]|0; $shr274 = $204 >> 16; $205 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx275 = ((($205)) + 24|0); $206 = HEAP16[$arrayidx275>>1]|0; $conv276 = $206 << 16 >> 16; $mul277 = Math_imul($shr274, $conv276)|0; $207 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx278 = ((($207)) + -48|0); $208 = HEAP32[$arrayidx278>>2]|0; $and279 = $208 & 65535; $209 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx280 = ((($209)) + 24|0); $210 = HEAP16[$arrayidx280>>1]|0; $conv281 = $210 << 16 >> 16; $mul282 = Math_imul($and279, $conv281)|0; $shr283 = $mul282 >> 16; $add284 = (($mul277) + ($shr283))|0; $add285 = (($202) + ($add284))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add285; $211 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $212 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx286 = ((($212)) + -52|0); $213 = HEAP32[$arrayidx286>>2]|0; $shr287 = $213 >> 16; $214 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx288 = ((($214)) + 26|0); $215 = HEAP16[$arrayidx288>>1]|0; $conv289 = $215 << 16 >> 16; $mul290 = Math_imul($shr287, $conv289)|0; $216 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx291 = ((($216)) + -52|0); $217 = HEAP32[$arrayidx291>>2]|0; $and292 = $217 & 65535; $218 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx293 = ((($218)) + 26|0); $219 = HEAP16[$arrayidx293>>1]|0; $conv294 = $219 << 16 >> 16; $mul295 = Math_imul($and292, $conv294)|0; $shr296 = $mul295 >> 16; $add297 = (($mul290) + ($shr296))|0; $add298 = (($211) + ($add297))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add298; $220 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $221 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx299 = ((($221)) + -56|0); $222 = HEAP32[$arrayidx299>>2]|0; $shr300 = $222 >> 16; $223 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx301 = ((($223)) + 28|0); $224 = HEAP16[$arrayidx301>>1]|0; $conv302 = $224 << 16 >> 16; $mul303 = Math_imul($shr300, $conv302)|0; $225 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx304 = ((($225)) + -56|0); $226 = HEAP32[$arrayidx304>>2]|0; $and305 = $226 & 65535; $227 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx306 = ((($227)) + 28|0); $228 = HEAP16[$arrayidx306>>1]|0; $conv307 = $228 << 16 >> 16; $mul308 = Math_imul($and305, $conv307)|0; $shr309 = $mul308 >> 16; $add310 = (($mul303) + ($shr309))|0; $add311 = (($220) + ($add310))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add311; $229 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $230 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx312 = ((($230)) + -60|0); $231 = HEAP32[$arrayidx312>>2]|0; $shr313 = $231 >> 16; $232 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx314 = ((($232)) + 30|0); $233 = HEAP16[$arrayidx314>>1]|0; $conv315 = $233 << 16 >> 16; $mul316 = Math_imul($shr313, $conv315)|0; $234 = $psLPC_Q14; $arrayidx317 = ((($234)) + -60|0); $235 = HEAP32[$arrayidx317>>2]|0; $and318 = $235 & 65535; $236 = $a_Q12$addr; $arrayidx319 = ((($236)) + 30|0); $237 = HEAP16[$arrayidx319>>1]|0; $conv320 = $237 << 16 >> 16; $mul321 = Math_imul($and318, $conv320)|0; $shr322 = $mul321 >> 16; $add323 = (($mul316) + ($shr322))|0; $add324 = (($229) + ($add323))|0; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $add324; } $238 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $shl326 = $238 << 4; $LPC_pred_Q14 = $shl326; $239 = $psLPC_Q14; $240 = HEAP32[$239>>2]|0; $241 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14 = ((($241)) + 1088|0); $242 = HEAP32[$sAR2_Q14>>2]|0; $shr329 = $242 >> 16; $243 = $warping_Q16$addr; $conv330 = $243&65535; $conv331 = $conv330 << 16 >> 16; $mul332 = Math_imul($shr329, $conv331)|0; $244 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14333 = ((($244)) + 1088|0); $245 = HEAP32[$sAR2_Q14333>>2]|0; $and335 = $245 & 65535; $246 = $warping_Q16$addr; $conv336 = $246&65535; $conv337 = $conv336 << 16 >> 16; $mul338 = Math_imul($and335, $conv337)|0; $shr339 = $mul338 >> 16; $add340 = (($mul332) + ($shr339))|0; $add341 = (($240) + ($add340))|0; $tmp2 = $add341; $247 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14342 = ((($247)) + 1088|0); $248 = HEAP32[$sAR2_Q14342>>2]|0; $249 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14344 = ((($249)) + 1088|0); $arrayidx345 = ((($sAR2_Q14344)) + 4|0); $250 = HEAP32[$arrayidx345>>2]|0; $251 = $tmp2; $sub346 = (($250) - ($251))|0; $shr347 = $sub346 >> 16; $252 = $warping_Q16$addr; $conv348 = $252&65535; $conv349 = $conv348 << 16 >> 16; $mul350 = Math_imul($shr347, $conv349)|0; $253 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14351 = ((($253)) + 1088|0); $arrayidx352 = ((($sAR2_Q14351)) + 4|0); $254 = HEAP32[$arrayidx352>>2]|0; $255 = $tmp2; $sub353 = (($254) - ($255))|0; $and354 = $sub353 & 65535; $256 = $warping_Q16$addr; $conv355 = $256&65535; $conv356 = $conv355 << 16 >> 16; $mul357 = Math_imul($and354, $conv356)|0; $shr358 = $mul357 >> 16; $add359 = (($mul350) + ($shr358))|0; $add360 = (($248) + ($add359))|0; $tmp1 = $add360; $257 = $tmp2; $258 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14361 = ((($258)) + 1088|0); HEAP32[$sAR2_Q14361>>2] = $257; $259 = $shapingLPCOrder$addr; $shr363 = $259 >> 1; $n_AR_Q14 = $shr363; $260 = $n_AR_Q14; $261 = $tmp2; $shr364 = $261 >> 16; $262 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $263 = HEAP16[$262>>1]|0; $conv366 = $263 << 16 >> 16; $mul367 = Math_imul($shr364, $conv366)|0; $264 = $tmp2; $and368 = $264 & 65535; $265 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $266 = HEAP16[$265>>1]|0; $conv370 = $266 << 16 >> 16; $mul371 = Math_imul($and368, $conv370)|0; $shr372 = $mul371 >> 16; $add373 = (($mul367) + ($shr372))|0; $add374 = (($260) + ($add373))|0; $n_AR_Q14 = $add374; $j = 2; while(1) { $267 = $j; $268 = $shapingLPCOrder$addr; $cmp376 = ($267|0)<($268|0); if (!($cmp376)) { break; } $269 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14379 = ((($269)) + 1088|0); $270 = $j; $sub380 = (($270) - 1)|0; $arrayidx381 = (($sAR2_Q14379) + ($sub380<<2)|0); $271 = HEAP32[$arrayidx381>>2]|0; $272 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14382 = ((($272)) + 1088|0); $273 = $j; $add383 = (($273) + 0)|0; $arrayidx384 = (($sAR2_Q14382) + ($add383<<2)|0); $274 = HEAP32[$arrayidx384>>2]|0; $275 = $tmp1; $sub385 = (($274) - ($275))|0; $shr386 = $sub385 >> 16; $276 = $warping_Q16$addr; $conv387 = $276&65535; $conv388 = $conv387 << 16 >> 16; $mul389 = Math_imul($shr386, $conv388)|0; $277 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14390 = ((($277)) + 1088|0); $278 = $j; $add391 = (($278) + 0)|0; $arrayidx392 = (($sAR2_Q14390) + ($add391<<2)|0); $279 = HEAP32[$arrayidx392>>2]|0; $280 = $tmp1; $sub393 = (($279) - ($280))|0; $and394 = $sub393 & 65535; $281 = $warping_Q16$addr; $conv395 = $281&65535; $conv396 = $conv395 << 16 >> 16; $mul397 = Math_imul($and394, $conv396)|0; $shr398 = $mul397 >> 16; $add399 = (($mul389) + ($shr398))|0; $add400 = (($271) + ($add399))|0; $tmp2 = $add400; $282 = $tmp1; $283 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14401 = ((($283)) + 1088|0); $284 = $j; $sub402 = (($284) - 1)|0; $arrayidx403 = (($sAR2_Q14401) + ($sub402<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx403>>2] = $282; $285 = $n_AR_Q14; $286 = $tmp1; $shr404 = $286 >> 16; $287 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $288 = $j; $sub405 = (($288) - 1)|0; $arrayidx406 = (($287) + ($sub405<<1)|0); $289 = HEAP16[$arrayidx406>>1]|0; $conv407 = $289 << 16 >> 16; $mul408 = Math_imul($shr404, $conv407)|0; $290 = $tmp1; $and409 = $290 & 65535; $291 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $292 = $j; $sub410 = (($292) - 1)|0; $arrayidx411 = (($291) + ($sub410<<1)|0); $293 = HEAP16[$arrayidx411>>1]|0; $conv412 = $293 << 16 >> 16; $mul413 = Math_imul($and409, $conv412)|0; $shr414 = $mul413 >> 16; $add415 = (($mul408) + ($shr414))|0; $add416 = (($285) + ($add415))|0; $n_AR_Q14 = $add416; $294 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14417 = ((($294)) + 1088|0); $295 = $j; $add418 = (($295) + 0)|0; $arrayidx419 = (($sAR2_Q14417) + ($add418<<2)|0); $296 = HEAP32[$arrayidx419>>2]|0; $297 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14420 = ((($297)) + 1088|0); $298 = $j; $add421 = (($298) + 1)|0; $arrayidx422 = (($sAR2_Q14420) + ($add421<<2)|0); $299 = HEAP32[$arrayidx422>>2]|0; $300 = $tmp2; $sub423 = (($299) - ($300))|0; $shr424 = $sub423 >> 16; $301 = $warping_Q16$addr; $conv425 = $301&65535; $conv426 = $conv425 << 16 >> 16; $mul427 = Math_imul($shr424, $conv426)|0; $302 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14428 = ((($302)) + 1088|0); $303 = $j; $add429 = (($303) + 1)|0; $arrayidx430 = (($sAR2_Q14428) + ($add429<<2)|0); $304 = HEAP32[$arrayidx430>>2]|0; $305 = $tmp2; $sub431 = (($304) - ($305))|0; $and432 = $sub431 & 65535; $306 = $warping_Q16$addr; $conv433 = $306&65535; $conv434 = $conv433 << 16 >> 16; $mul435 = Math_imul($and432, $conv434)|0; $shr436 = $mul435 >> 16; $add437 = (($mul427) + ($shr436))|0; $add438 = (($296) + ($add437))|0; $tmp1 = $add438; $307 = $tmp2; $308 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14439 = ((($308)) + 1088|0); $309 = $j; $add440 = (($309) + 0)|0; $arrayidx441 = (($sAR2_Q14439) + ($add440<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx441>>2] = $307; $310 = $n_AR_Q14; $311 = $tmp2; $shr442 = $311 >> 16; $312 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $313 = $j; $arrayidx443 = (($312) + ($313<<1)|0); $314 = HEAP16[$arrayidx443>>1]|0; $conv444 = $314 << 16 >> 16; $mul445 = Math_imul($shr442, $conv444)|0; $315 = $tmp2; $and446 = $315 & 65535; $316 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $317 = $j; $arrayidx447 = (($316) + ($317<<1)|0); $318 = HEAP16[$arrayidx447>>1]|0; $conv448 = $318 << 16 >> 16; $mul449 = Math_imul($and446, $conv448)|0; $shr450 = $mul449 >> 16; $add451 = (($mul445) + ($shr450))|0; $add452 = (($310) + ($add451))|0; $n_AR_Q14 = $add452; $319 = $j; $add453 = (($319) + 2)|0; $j = $add453; } $320 = $tmp1; $321 = $psDD; $sAR2_Q14454 = ((($321)) + 1088|0); $322 = $shapingLPCOrder$addr; $sub455 = (($322) - 1)|0; $arrayidx456 = (($sAR2_Q14454) + ($sub455<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx456>>2] = $320; $323 = $n_AR_Q14; $324 = $tmp1; $shr457 = $324 >> 16; $325 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $326 = $shapingLPCOrder$addr; $sub458 = (($326) - 1)|0; $arrayidx459 = (($325) + ($sub458<<1)|0); $327 = HEAP16[$arrayidx459>>1]|0; $conv460 = $327 << 16 >> 16; $mul461 = Math_imul($shr457, $conv460)|0; $328 = $tmp1; $and462 = $328 & 65535; $329 = $AR_shp_Q13$addr; $330 = $shapingLPCOrder$addr; $sub463 = (($330) - 1)|0; $arrayidx464 = (($329) + ($sub463<<1)|0); $331 = HEAP16[$arrayidx464>>1]|0; $conv465 = $331 << 16 >> 16; $mul466 = Math_imul($and462, $conv465)|0; $shr467 = $mul466 >> 16; $add468 = (($mul461) + ($shr467))|0; $add469 = (($323) + ($add468))|0; $n_AR_Q14 = $add469; $332 = $n_AR_Q14; $shl470 = $332 << 1; $n_AR_Q14 = $shl470; $333 = $n_AR_Q14; $334 = $psDD; $LF_AR_Q14 = ((($334)) + 1152|0); $335 = HEAP32[$LF_AR_Q14>>2]|0; $shr471 = $335 >> 16; $336 = $Tilt_Q14$addr; $conv472 = $336&65535; $conv473 = $conv472 << 16 >> 16; $mul474 = Math_imul($shr471, $conv473)|0; $337 = $psDD; $LF_AR_Q14475 = ((($337)) + 1152|0); $338 = HEAP32[$LF_AR_Q14475>>2]|0; $and476 = $338 & 65535; $339 = $Tilt_Q14$addr; $conv477 = $339&65535; $conv478 = $conv477 << 16 >> 16; $mul479 = Math_imul($and476, $conv478)|0; $shr480 = $mul479 >> 16; $add481 = (($mul474) + ($shr480))|0; $add482 = (($333) + ($add481))|0; $n_AR_Q14 = $add482; $340 = $n_AR_Q14; $shl483 = $340 << 2; $n_AR_Q14 = $shl483; $341 = $psDD; $Shape_Q14 = ((($341)) + 960|0); $342 = $smpl_buf_idx$addr; $343 = HEAP32[$342>>2]|0; $arrayidx484 = (($Shape_Q14) + ($343<<2)|0); $344 = HEAP32[$arrayidx484>>2]|0; $shr485 = $344 >> 16; $345 = $LF_shp_Q14$addr; $conv486 = $345&65535; $conv487 = $conv486 << 16 >> 16; $mul488 = Math_imul($shr485, $conv487)|0; $346 = $psDD; $Shape_Q14489 = ((($346)) + 960|0); $347 = $smpl_buf_idx$addr; $348 = HEAP32[$347>>2]|0; $arrayidx490 = (($Shape_Q14489) + ($348<<2)|0); $349 = HEAP32[$arrayidx490>>2]|0; $and491 = $349 & 65535; $350 = $LF_shp_Q14$addr; $conv492 = $350&65535; $conv493 = $conv492 << 16 >> 16; $mul494 = Math_imul($and491, $conv493)|0; $shr495 = $mul494 >> 16; $add496 = (($mul488) + ($shr495))|0; $n_LF_Q14 = $add496; $351 = $n_LF_Q14; $352 = $psDD; $LF_AR_Q14497 = ((($352)) + 1152|0); $353 = HEAP32[$LF_AR_Q14497>>2]|0; $shr498 = $353 >> 16; $354 = $LF_shp_Q14$addr; $shr499 = $354 >> 16; $mul500 = Math_imul($shr498, $shr499)|0; $add501 = (($351) + ($mul500))|0; $355 = $psDD; $LF_AR_Q14502 = ((($355)) + 1152|0); $356 = HEAP32[$LF_AR_Q14502>>2]|0; $and503 = $356 & 65535; $357 = $LF_shp_Q14$addr; $shr504 = $357 >> 16; $mul505 = Math_imul($and503, $shr504)|0; $shr506 = $mul505 >> 16; $add507 = (($add501) + ($shr506))|0; $n_LF_Q14 = $add507; $358 = $n_LF_Q14; $shl508 = $358 << 2; $n_LF_Q14 = $shl508; $359 = $n_AR_Q14; $360 = $n_LF_Q14; $add509 = (($359) + ($360))|0; $tmp1 = $add509; $361 = $n_LTP_Q14; $362 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $add510 = (($361) + ($362))|0; $tmp2 = $add510; $363 = $tmp2; $364 = $tmp1; $sub511 = (($363) - ($364))|0; $tmp1 = $sub511; $365 = $tmp1; $shr512 = $365 >> 3; $add513 = (($shr512) + 1)|0; $shr514 = $add513 >> 1; $tmp1 = $shr514; $366 = $x_Q10$addr; $367 = $i; $arrayidx515 = (($366) + ($367<<2)|0); $368 = HEAP32[$arrayidx515>>2]|0; $369 = $tmp1; $sub516 = (($368) - ($369))|0; $r_Q10 = $sub516; $370 = $psDD; $Seed517 = ((($370)) + 1156|0); $371 = HEAP32[$Seed517>>2]|0; $cmp518 = ($371|0)<(0); if ($cmp518) { $372 = $r_Q10; $sub521 = (0 - ($372))|0; $r_Q10 = $sub521; } $373 = $r_Q10; $cmp523 = ($373|0)>(30720); if ($cmp523) { $cond530 = 30720; } else { $374 = $r_Q10; $cmp525 = ($374|0)<(-31744); $375 = $r_Q10; $cond = $cmp525 ? -31744 : $375; $cond530 = $cond; } $r_Q10 = $cond530; $376 = $r_Q10; $377 = $offset_Q10$addr; $sub531 = (($376) - ($377))|0; $q1_Q10 = $sub531; $378 = $q1_Q10; $shr532 = $378 >> 10; $q1_Q0 = $shr532; $379 = $q1_Q0; $cmp533 = ($379|0)>(0); $380 = $q1_Q0; do { if ($cmp533) { $shl536 = $380 << 10; $sub537 = (($shl536) - 80)|0; $q1_Q10 = $sub537; $381 = $q1_Q10; $382 = $offset_Q10$addr; $add538 = (($381) + ($382))|0; $q1_Q10 = $add538; $383 = $q1_Q10; $add539 = (($383) + 1024)|0; $q2_Q10 = $add539; $384 = $q1_Q10; $conv540 = $384&65535; $conv541 = $conv540 << 16 >> 16; $385 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv542 = $385&65535; $conv543 = $conv542 << 16 >> 16; $mul544 = Math_imul($conv541, $conv543)|0; $rd1_Q10 = $mul544; $386 = $q2_Q10; $conv545 = $386&65535; $conv546 = $conv545 << 16 >> 16; $387 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv547 = $387&65535; $conv548 = $conv547 << 16 >> 16; $mul549 = Math_imul($conv546, $conv548)|0; $rd2_Q10 = $mul549; } else { $cmp551 = ($380|0)==(0); if ($cmp551) { $388 = $offset_Q10$addr; $q1_Q10 = $388; $389 = $q1_Q10; $add554 = (($389) + 944)|0; $q2_Q10 = $add554; $390 = $q1_Q10; $conv555 = $390&65535; $conv556 = $conv555 << 16 >> 16; $391 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv557 = $391&65535; $conv558 = $conv557 << 16 >> 16; $mul559 = Math_imul($conv556, $conv558)|0; $rd1_Q10 = $mul559; $392 = $q2_Q10; $conv560 = $392&65535; $conv561 = $conv560 << 16 >> 16; $393 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv562 = $393&65535; $conv563 = $conv562 << 16 >> 16; $mul564 = Math_imul($conv561, $conv563)|0; $rd2_Q10 = $mul564; break; } $394 = $q1_Q0; $cmp566 = ($394|0)==(-1); if ($cmp566) { $395 = $offset_Q10$addr; $q2_Q10 = $395; $396 = $q2_Q10; $sub569 = (($396) - 944)|0; $q1_Q10 = $sub569; $397 = $q1_Q10; $sub570 = (0 - ($397))|0; $conv571 = $sub570&65535; $conv572 = $conv571 << 16 >> 16; $398 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv573 = $398&65535; $conv574 = $conv573 << 16 >> 16; $mul575 = Math_imul($conv572, $conv574)|0; $rd1_Q10 = $mul575; $399 = $q2_Q10; $conv576 = $399&65535; $conv577 = $conv576 << 16 >> 16; $400 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv578 = $400&65535; $conv579 = $conv578 << 16 >> 16; $mul580 = Math_imul($conv577, $conv579)|0; $rd2_Q10 = $mul580; break; } else { $401 = $q1_Q0; $shl582 = $401 << 10; $add583 = (($shl582) + 80)|0; $q1_Q10 = $add583; $402 = $q1_Q10; $403 = $offset_Q10$addr; $add584 = (($402) + ($403))|0; $q1_Q10 = $add584; $404 = $q1_Q10; $add585 = (($404) + 1024)|0; $q2_Q10 = $add585; $405 = $q1_Q10; $sub586 = (0 - ($405))|0; $conv587 = $sub586&65535; $conv588 = $conv587 << 16 >> 16; $406 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv589 = $406&65535; $conv590 = $conv589 << 16 >> 16; $mul591 = Math_imul($conv588, $conv590)|0; $rd1_Q10 = $mul591; $407 = $q2_Q10; $sub592 = (0 - ($407))|0; $conv593 = $sub592&65535; $conv594 = $conv593 << 16 >> 16; $408 = $Lambda_Q10$addr; $conv595 = $408&65535; $conv596 = $conv595 << 16 >> 16; $mul597 = Math_imul($conv594, $conv596)|0; $rd2_Q10 = $mul597; break; } } } while(0); $409 = $r_Q10; $410 = $q1_Q10; $sub601 = (($409) - ($410))|0; $rr_Q10 = $sub601; $411 = $rd1_Q10; $412 = $rr_Q10; $conv602 = $412&65535; $conv603 = $conv602 << 16 >> 16; $413 = $rr_Q10; $conv604 = $413&65535; $conv605 = $conv604 << 16 >> 16; $mul606 = Math_imul($conv603, $conv605)|0; $add607 = (($411) + ($mul606))|0; $shr608 = $add607 >> 10; $rd1_Q10 = $shr608; $414 = $r_Q10; $415 = $q2_Q10; $sub609 = (($414) - ($415))|0; $rr_Q10 = $sub609; $416 = $rd2_Q10; $417 = $rr_Q10; $conv610 = $417&65535; $conv611 = $conv610 << 16 >> 16; $418 = $rr_Q10; $conv612 = $418&65535; $conv613 = $conv612 << 16 >> 16; $mul614 = Math_imul($conv611, $conv613)|0; $add615 = (($416) + ($mul614))|0; $shr616 = $add615 >> 10; $rd2_Q10 = $shr616; $419 = $rd1_Q10; $420 = $rd2_Q10; $cmp617 = ($419|0)<($420|0); $421 = $psDD; $RD_Q10 = ((($421)) + 1164|0); $422 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10>>2]|0; if ($cmp617) { $423 = $rd1_Q10; $add620 = (($422) + ($423))|0; $424 = $psSS; $RD_Q10622 = ((($424)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$RD_Q10622>>2] = $add620; $425 = $psDD; $RD_Q10623 = ((($425)) + 1164|0); $426 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10623>>2]|0; $427 = $rd2_Q10; $add624 = (($426) + ($427))|0; $428 = $psSS; $arrayidx625 = ((($428)) + 24|0); $RD_Q10626 = ((($arrayidx625)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$RD_Q10626>>2] = $add624; $429 = $q1_Q10; $430 = $psSS; HEAP32[$430>>2] = $429; $431 = $q2_Q10; $432 = $psSS; $$sink = $431;$$sink1 = $432; } else { $433 = $rd2_Q10; $add632 = (($422) + ($433))|0; $434 = $psSS; $RD_Q10634 = ((($434)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$RD_Q10634>>2] = $add632; $435 = $psDD; $RD_Q10635 = ((($435)) + 1164|0); $436 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10635>>2]|0; $437 = $rd1_Q10; $add636 = (($436) + ($437))|0; $438 = $psSS; $arrayidx637 = ((($438)) + 24|0); $RD_Q10638 = ((($arrayidx637)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$RD_Q10638>>2] = $add636; $439 = $q2_Q10; $440 = $psSS; HEAP32[$440>>2] = $439; $441 = $q1_Q10; $442 = $psSS; $$sink = $441;$$sink1 = $442; } $arrayidx641 = ((($$sink1)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx641>>2] = $$sink; $443 = $psSS; $444 = HEAP32[$443>>2]|0; $shl646 = $444 << 4; $exc_Q14 = $shl646; $445 = $psDD; $Seed647 = ((($445)) + 1156|0); $446 = HEAP32[$Seed647>>2]|0; $cmp648 = ($446|0)<(0); if ($cmp648) { $447 = $exc_Q14; $sub651 = (0 - ($447))|0; $exc_Q14 = $sub651; } $448 = $exc_Q14; $449 = $LTP_pred_Q14; $add653 = (($448) + ($449))|0; $LPC_exc_Q14 = $add653; $450 = $LPC_exc_Q14; $451 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $add654 = (($450) + ($451))|0; $xq_Q14 = $add654; $452 = $xq_Q14; $453 = $n_AR_Q14; $sub655 = (($452) - ($453))|0; $sLF_AR_shp_Q14 = $sub655; $454 = $sLF_AR_shp_Q14; $455 = $n_LF_Q14; $sub656 = (($454) - ($455))|0; $456 = $psSS; $sLTP_shp_Q14658 = ((($456)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_Q14658>>2] = $sub656; $457 = $sLF_AR_shp_Q14; $458 = $psSS; $LF_AR_Q14660 = ((($458)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$LF_AR_Q14660>>2] = $457; $459 = $LPC_exc_Q14; $460 = $psSS; $LPC_exc_Q14662 = ((($460)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$LPC_exc_Q14662>>2] = $459; $461 = $xq_Q14; $462 = $psSS; $xq_Q14664 = ((($462)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$xq_Q14664>>2] = $461; $463 = $psSS; $arrayidx665 = ((($463)) + 24|0); $464 = HEAP32[$arrayidx665>>2]|0; $shl667 = $464 << 4; $exc_Q14 = $shl667; $465 = $psDD; $Seed668 = ((($465)) + 1156|0); $466 = HEAP32[$Seed668>>2]|0; $cmp669 = ($466|0)<(0); if ($cmp669) { $467 = $exc_Q14; $sub672 = (0 - ($467))|0; $exc_Q14 = $sub672; } $468 = $exc_Q14; $469 = $LTP_pred_Q14; $add674 = (($468) + ($469))|0; $LPC_exc_Q14 = $add674; $470 = $LPC_exc_Q14; $471 = $LPC_pred_Q14; $add675 = (($470) + ($471))|0; $xq_Q14 = $add675; $472 = $xq_Q14; $473 = $n_AR_Q14; $sub676 = (($472) - ($473))|0; $sLF_AR_shp_Q14 = $sub676; $474 = $sLF_AR_shp_Q14; $475 = $n_LF_Q14; $sub677 = (($474) - ($475))|0; $476 = $psSS; $arrayidx678 = ((($476)) + 24|0); $sLTP_shp_Q14679 = ((($arrayidx678)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_Q14679>>2] = $sub677; $477 = $sLF_AR_shp_Q14; $478 = $psSS; $arrayidx680 = ((($478)) + 24|0); $LF_AR_Q14681 = ((($arrayidx680)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$LF_AR_Q14681>>2] = $477; $479 = $LPC_exc_Q14; $480 = $psSS; $arrayidx682 = ((($480)) + 24|0); $LPC_exc_Q14683 = ((($arrayidx682)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$LPC_exc_Q14683>>2] = $479; $481 = $xq_Q14; $482 = $psSS; $arrayidx684 = ((($482)) + 24|0); $xq_Q14685 = ((($arrayidx684)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$xq_Q14685>>2] = $481; $483 = $k; $inc = (($483) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $484 = $smpl_buf_idx$addr; $485 = HEAP32[$484>>2]|0; $sub688 = (($485) - 1)|0; $and689 = $sub688 & 31; $486 = $smpl_buf_idx$addr; HEAP32[$486>>2] = $and689; $487 = $smpl_buf_idx$addr; $488 = HEAP32[$487>>2]|0; $489 = $decisionDelay$addr; $add690 = (($488) + ($489))|0; $and691 = $add690 & 31; $last_smple_idx = $and691; $RD_Q10694 = ((($vla)) + 4|0); $490 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10694>>2]|0; $RDmin_Q10 = $490; $Winner_ind = 0; $k = 1; while(1) { $491 = $k; $492 = $nStatesDelayedDecision$addr; $cmp696 = ($491|0)<($492|0); if (!($cmp696)) { break; } $493 = $k; $arrayidx699 = (($vla) + (($493*48)|0)|0); $RD_Q10701 = ((($arrayidx699)) + 4|0); $494 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10701>>2]|0; $495 = $RDmin_Q10; $cmp702 = ($494|0)<($495|0); if ($cmp702) { $496 = $k; $arrayidx705 = (($vla) + (($496*48)|0)|0); $RD_Q10707 = ((($arrayidx705)) + 4|0); $497 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10707>>2]|0; $RDmin_Q10 = $497; $498 = $k; $Winner_ind = $498; } $499 = $k; $inc710 = (($499) + 1)|0; $k = $inc710; } $500 = $psDelDec$addr; $501 = $Winner_ind; $arrayidx712 = (($500) + (($501*1168)|0)|0); $RandState = ((($arrayidx712)) + 448|0); $502 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx713 = (($RandState) + ($502<<2)|0); $503 = HEAP32[$arrayidx713>>2]|0; $Winner_rand_state = $503; $k = 0; while(1) { $504 = $k; $505 = $nStatesDelayedDecision$addr; $cmp715 = ($504|0)<($505|0); if (!($cmp715)) { break; } $506 = $psDelDec$addr; $507 = $k; $arrayidx718 = (($506) + (($507*1168)|0)|0); $RandState719 = ((($arrayidx718)) + 448|0); $508 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx720 = (($RandState719) + ($508<<2)|0); $509 = HEAP32[$arrayidx720>>2]|0; $510 = $Winner_rand_state; $cmp721 = ($509|0)!=($510|0); if ($cmp721) { $511 = $k; $arrayidx724 = (($vla) + (($511*48)|0)|0); $RD_Q10726 = ((($arrayidx724)) + 4|0); $512 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10726>>2]|0; $add727 = (($512) + 134217727)|0; $513 = $k; $arrayidx728 = (($vla) + (($513*48)|0)|0); $RD_Q10730 = ((($arrayidx728)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$RD_Q10730>>2] = $add727; $514 = $k; $arrayidx731 = (($vla) + (($514*48)|0)|0); $arrayidx732 = ((($arrayidx731)) + 24|0); $RD_Q10733 = ((($arrayidx732)) + 4|0); $515 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10733>>2]|0; $add734 = (($515) + 134217727)|0; $516 = $k; $arrayidx735 = (($vla) + (($516*48)|0)|0); $arrayidx736 = ((($arrayidx735)) + 24|0); $RD_Q10737 = ((($arrayidx736)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$RD_Q10737>>2] = $add734; } $517 = $k; $inc740 = (($517) + 1)|0; $k = $inc740; } $RD_Q10744 = ((($vla)) + 4|0); $518 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10744>>2]|0; $RDmax_Q10 = $518; $arrayidx746 = ((($vla)) + 24|0); $RD_Q10747 = ((($arrayidx746)) + 4|0); $519 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10747>>2]|0; $RDmin_Q10 = $519; $RDmax_ind = 0; $RDmin_ind = 0; $k = 1; while(1) { $520 = $k; $521 = $nStatesDelayedDecision$addr; $cmp749 = ($520|0)<($521|0); if (!($cmp749)) { break; } $522 = $k; $arrayidx752 = (($vla) + (($522*48)|0)|0); $RD_Q10754 = ((($arrayidx752)) + 4|0); $523 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10754>>2]|0; $524 = $RDmax_Q10; $cmp755 = ($523|0)>($524|0); if ($cmp755) { $525 = $k; $arrayidx758 = (($vla) + (($525*48)|0)|0); $RD_Q10760 = ((($arrayidx758)) + 4|0); $526 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10760>>2]|0; $RDmax_Q10 = $526; $527 = $k; $RDmax_ind = $527; } $528 = $k; $arrayidx762 = (($vla) + (($528*48)|0)|0); $arrayidx763 = ((($arrayidx762)) + 24|0); $RD_Q10764 = ((($arrayidx763)) + 4|0); $529 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10764>>2]|0; $530 = $RDmin_Q10; $cmp765 = ($529|0)<($530|0); if ($cmp765) { $531 = $k; $arrayidx768 = (($vla) + (($531*48)|0)|0); $arrayidx769 = ((($arrayidx768)) + 24|0); $RD_Q10770 = ((($arrayidx769)) + 4|0); $532 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10770>>2]|0; $RDmin_Q10 = $532; $533 = $k; $RDmin_ind = $533; } $534 = $k; $inc773 = (($534) + 1)|0; $k = $inc773; } $535 = $RDmin_Q10; $536 = $RDmax_Q10; $cmp775 = ($535|0)<($536|0); if ($cmp775) { $537 = $psDelDec$addr; $538 = $RDmax_ind; $arrayidx778 = (($537) + (($538*1168)|0)|0); $539 = $i; $add$ptr = (($arrayidx778) + ($539<<2)|0); $540 = $psDelDec$addr; $541 = $RDmin_ind; $arrayidx779 = (($540) + (($541*1168)|0)|0); $542 = $i; $add$ptr780 = (($arrayidx779) + ($542<<2)|0); $543 = $i; $mul781 = $543<<2; $sub782 = (1168 - ($mul781))|0; _memcpy(($add$ptr|0),($add$ptr780|0),($sub782|0))|0; $544 = $RDmax_ind; $arrayidx783 = (($vla) + (($544*48)|0)|0); $545 = $RDmin_ind; $arrayidx785 = (($vla) + (($545*48)|0)|0); $arrayidx786 = ((($arrayidx785)) + 24|0); ;HEAP32[$arrayidx783>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx786>>2]|0;HEAP32[$arrayidx783+4>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx786+4>>2]|0;HEAP32[$arrayidx783+8>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx786+8>>2]|0;HEAP32[$arrayidx783+12>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx786+12>>2]|0;HEAP32[$arrayidx783+16>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx786+16>>2]|0;HEAP32[$arrayidx783+20>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx786+20>>2]|0; } $546 = $psDelDec$addr; $547 = $Winner_ind; $arrayidx788 = (($546) + (($547*1168)|0)|0); $psDD = $arrayidx788; $548 = $subfr$addr; $cmp789 = ($548|0)>(0); if ($cmp789) { label = 56; } else { $549 = $i; $550 = $decisionDelay$addr; $cmp791 = ($549|0)>=($550|0); if ($cmp791) { label = 56; } } if ((label|0) == 56) { label = 0; $551 = $psDD; $Q_Q10794 = ((($551)) + 576|0); $552 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx795 = (($Q_Q10794) + ($552<<2)|0); $553 = HEAP32[$arrayidx795>>2]|0; $shr796 = $553 >> 9; $add797 = (($shr796) + 1)|0; $shr798 = $add797 >> 1; $conv799 = $shr798&255; $554 = $pulses$addr; $555 = $i; $556 = $decisionDelay$addr; $sub800 = (($555) - ($556))|0; $arrayidx801 = (($554) + ($sub800)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx801>>0] = $conv799; $557 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14 = ((($557)) + 704|0); $558 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx802 = (($Xq_Q14) + ($558<<2)|0); $559 = HEAP32[$arrayidx802>>2]|0; $shr803 = $559 >> 16; $560 = $delayedGain_Q10$addr; $561 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx804 = (($560) + ($561<<2)|0); $562 = HEAP32[$arrayidx804>>2]|0; $conv805 = $562&65535; $conv806 = $conv805 << 16 >> 16; $mul807 = Math_imul($shr803, $conv806)|0; $563 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14808 = ((($563)) + 704|0); $564 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx809 = (($Xq_Q14808) + ($564<<2)|0); $565 = HEAP32[$arrayidx809>>2]|0; $and810 = $565 & 65535; $566 = $delayedGain_Q10$addr; $567 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx811 = (($566) + ($567<<2)|0); $568 = HEAP32[$arrayidx811>>2]|0; $conv812 = $568&65535; $conv813 = $conv812 << 16 >> 16; $mul814 = Math_imul($and810, $conv813)|0; $shr815 = $mul814 >> 16; $add816 = (($mul807) + ($shr815))|0; $569 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14817 = ((($569)) + 704|0); $570 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx818 = (($Xq_Q14817) + ($570<<2)|0); $571 = HEAP32[$arrayidx818>>2]|0; $572 = $delayedGain_Q10$addr; $573 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx819 = (($572) + ($573<<2)|0); $574 = HEAP32[$arrayidx819>>2]|0; $shr820 = $574 >> 15; $add821 = (($shr820) + 1)|0; $shr822 = $add821 >> 1; $mul823 = Math_imul($571, $shr822)|0; $add824 = (($add816) + ($mul823))|0; $shr825 = $add824 >> 7; $add826 = (($shr825) + 1)|0; $shr827 = $add826 >> 1; $cmp828 = ($shr827|0)>(32767); if ($cmp828) { $cond893 = 32767; } else { $575 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14832 = ((($575)) + 704|0); $576 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx833 = (($Xq_Q14832) + ($576<<2)|0); $577 = HEAP32[$arrayidx833>>2]|0; $shr834 = $577 >> 16; $578 = $delayedGain_Q10$addr; $579 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx835 = (($578) + ($579<<2)|0); $580 = HEAP32[$arrayidx835>>2]|0; $conv836 = $580&65535; $conv837 = $conv836 << 16 >> 16; $mul838 = Math_imul($shr834, $conv837)|0; $581 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14839 = ((($581)) + 704|0); $582 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx840 = (($Xq_Q14839) + ($582<<2)|0); $583 = HEAP32[$arrayidx840>>2]|0; $and841 = $583 & 65535; $584 = $delayedGain_Q10$addr; $585 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx842 = (($584) + ($585<<2)|0); $586 = HEAP32[$arrayidx842>>2]|0; $conv843 = $586&65535; $conv844 = $conv843 << 16 >> 16; $mul845 = Math_imul($and841, $conv844)|0; $shr846 = $mul845 >> 16; $add847 = (($mul838) + ($shr846))|0; $587 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14848 = ((($587)) + 704|0); $588 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx849 = (($Xq_Q14848) + ($588<<2)|0); $589 = HEAP32[$arrayidx849>>2]|0; $590 = $delayedGain_Q10$addr; $591 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx850 = (($590) + ($591<<2)|0); $592 = HEAP32[$arrayidx850>>2]|0; $shr851 = $592 >> 15; $add852 = (($shr851) + 1)|0; $shr853 = $add852 >> 1; $mul854 = Math_imul($589, $shr853)|0; $add855 = (($add847) + ($mul854))|0; $shr856 = $add855 >> 7; $add857 = (($shr856) + 1)|0; $shr858 = $add857 >> 1; $cmp859 = ($shr858|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp859) { $cond893 = -32768; } else { $593 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14863 = ((($593)) + 704|0); $594 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx864 = (($Xq_Q14863) + ($594<<2)|0); $595 = HEAP32[$arrayidx864>>2]|0; $shr865 = $595 >> 16; $596 = $delayedGain_Q10$addr; $597 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx866 = (($596) + ($597<<2)|0); $598 = HEAP32[$arrayidx866>>2]|0; $conv867 = $598&65535; $conv868 = $conv867 << 16 >> 16; $mul869 = Math_imul($shr865, $conv868)|0; $599 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14870 = ((($599)) + 704|0); $600 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx871 = (($Xq_Q14870) + ($600<<2)|0); $601 = HEAP32[$arrayidx871>>2]|0; $and872 = $601 & 65535; $602 = $delayedGain_Q10$addr; $603 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx873 = (($602) + ($603<<2)|0); $604 = HEAP32[$arrayidx873>>2]|0; $conv874 = $604&65535; $conv875 = $conv874 << 16 >> 16; $mul876 = Math_imul($and872, $conv875)|0; $shr877 = $mul876 >> 16; $add878 = (($mul869) + ($shr877))|0; $605 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14879 = ((($605)) + 704|0); $606 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx880 = (($Xq_Q14879) + ($606<<2)|0); $607 = HEAP32[$arrayidx880>>2]|0; $608 = $delayedGain_Q10$addr; $609 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx881 = (($608) + ($609<<2)|0); $610 = HEAP32[$arrayidx881>>2]|0; $shr882 = $610 >> 15; $add883 = (($shr882) + 1)|0; $shr884 = $add883 >> 1; $mul885 = Math_imul($607, $shr884)|0; $add886 = (($add878) + ($mul885))|0; $shr887 = $add886 >> 7; $add888 = (($shr887) + 1)|0; $shr889 = $add888 >> 1; $cond893 = $shr889; } } $conv894 = $cond893&65535; $611 = $xq$addr; $612 = $i; $613 = $decisionDelay$addr; $sub895 = (($612) - ($613))|0; $arrayidx896 = (($611) + ($sub895<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx896>>1] = $conv894; $614 = $psDD; $Shape_Q14897 = ((($614)) + 960|0); $615 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx898 = (($Shape_Q14897) + ($615<<2)|0); $616 = HEAP32[$arrayidx898>>2]|0; $617 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_Q14899 = ((($617)) + 1280|0); $618 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx900 = ((($618)) + 4364|0); $619 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx900>>2]|0; $620 = $decisionDelay$addr; $sub901 = (($619) - ($620))|0; $arrayidx902 = (($sLTP_shp_Q14899) + ($sub901<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx902>>2] = $616; $621 = $psDD; $Pred_Q15 = ((($621)) + 832|0); $622 = $last_smple_idx; $arrayidx903 = (($Pred_Q15) + ($622<<2)|0); $623 = HEAP32[$arrayidx903>>2]|0; $624 = $sLTP_Q15$addr; $625 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx904 = ((($625)) + 4360|0); $626 = HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx904>>2]|0; $627 = $decisionDelay$addr; $sub905 = (($626) - ($627))|0; $arrayidx906 = (($624) + ($sub905<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx906>>2] = $623; } $628 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_shp_buf_idx908 = ((($628)) + 4364|0); $629 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx908>>2]|0; $inc909 = (($629) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_buf_idx908>>2] = $inc909; $630 = $NSQ$addr; $sLTP_buf_idx910 = ((($630)) + 4360|0); $631 = HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx910>>2]|0; $inc911 = (($631) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$sLTP_buf_idx910>>2] = $inc911; $k = 0; while(1) { $632 = $k; $633 = $nStatesDelayedDecision$addr; $cmp913 = ($632|0)<($633|0); if (!($cmp913)) { break; } $634 = $psDelDec$addr; $635 = $k; $arrayidx916 = (($634) + (($635*1168)|0)|0); $psDD = $arrayidx916; $636 = $k; $arrayidx917 = (($vla) + (($636*48)|0)|0); $psSS = $arrayidx917; $637 = $psSS; $LF_AR_Q14919 = ((($637)) + 12|0); $638 = HEAP32[$LF_AR_Q14919>>2]|0; $639 = $psDD; $LF_AR_Q14920 = ((($639)) + 1152|0); HEAP32[$LF_AR_Q14920>>2] = $638; $640 = $psSS; $xq_Q14921 = ((($640)) + 8|0); $641 = HEAP32[$xq_Q14921>>2]|0; $642 = $psDD; $643 = $i; $add923 = (32 + ($643))|0; $arrayidx924 = (($642) + ($add923<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx924>>2] = $641; $644 = $psSS; $xq_Q14925 = ((($644)) + 8|0); $645 = HEAP32[$xq_Q14925>>2]|0; $646 = $psDD; $Xq_Q14926 = ((($646)) + 704|0); $647 = $smpl_buf_idx$addr; $648 = HEAP32[$647>>2]|0; $arrayidx927 = (($Xq_Q14926) + ($648<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx927>>2] = $645; $649 = $psSS; $650 = HEAP32[$649>>2]|0; $651 = $psDD; $Q_Q10929 = ((($651)) + 576|0); $652 = $smpl_buf_idx$addr; $653 = HEAP32[$652>>2]|0; $arrayidx930 = (($Q_Q10929) + ($653<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx930>>2] = $650; $654 = $psSS; $LPC_exc_Q14931 = ((($654)) + 20|0); $655 = HEAP32[$LPC_exc_Q14931>>2]|0; $shl932 = $655 << 1; $656 = $psDD; $Pred_Q15933 = ((($656)) + 832|0); $657 = $smpl_buf_idx$addr; $658 = HEAP32[$657>>2]|0; $arrayidx934 = (($Pred_Q15933) + ($658<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx934>>2] = $shl932; $659 = $psSS; $sLTP_shp_Q14935 = ((($659)) + 16|0); $660 = HEAP32[$sLTP_shp_Q14935>>2]|0; $661 = $psDD; $Shape_Q14936 = ((($661)) + 960|0); $662 = $smpl_buf_idx$addr; $663 = HEAP32[$662>>2]|0; $arrayidx937 = (($Shape_Q14936) + ($663<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx937>>2] = $660; $664 = $psDD; $Seed938 = ((($664)) + 1156|0); $665 = HEAP32[$Seed938>>2]|0; $666 = $psSS; $667 = HEAP32[$666>>2]|0; $shr940 = $667 >> 9; $add941 = (($shr940) + 1)|0; $shr942 = $add941 >> 1; $add943 = (($665) + ($shr942))|0; $668 = $psDD; $Seed944 = ((($668)) + 1156|0); HEAP32[$Seed944>>2] = $add943; $669 = $psDD; $Seed945 = ((($669)) + 1156|0); $670 = HEAP32[$Seed945>>2]|0; $671 = $psDD; $RandState946 = ((($671)) + 448|0); $672 = $smpl_buf_idx$addr; $673 = HEAP32[$672>>2]|0; $arrayidx947 = (($RandState946) + ($673<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx947>>2] = $670; $674 = $psSS; $RD_Q10948 = ((($674)) + 4|0); $675 = HEAP32[$RD_Q10948>>2]|0; $676 = $psDD; $RD_Q10949 = ((($676)) + 1164|0); HEAP32[$RD_Q10949>>2] = $675; $677 = $k; $inc951 = (($677) + 1)|0; $k = $inc951; } $678 = $Gain_Q10; $679 = $delayedGain_Q10$addr; $680 = $smpl_buf_idx$addr; $681 = HEAP32[$680>>2]|0; $arrayidx953 = (($679) + ($681<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx953>>2] = $678; $682 = $i; $inc955 = (($682) + 1)|0; $i = $inc955; } $k = 0; while(1) { $683 = $k; $684 = $nStatesDelayedDecision$addr; $cmp958 = ($683|0)<($684|0); if (!($cmp958)) { break; } $685 = $psDelDec$addr; $686 = $k; $arrayidx961 = (($685) + (($686*1168)|0)|0); $psDD = $arrayidx961; $687 = $psDD; $688 = $psDD; $689 = $length$addr; $arrayidx965 = (($688) + ($689<<2)|0); dest=$687; src=$arrayidx965; stop=dest+128|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $690 = $k; $inc967 = (($690) + 1)|0; $k = $inc967; } $691 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($691|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_INVERSE32_varQ_424($b32,$Qres) { $b32 = $b32|0; $Qres = $Qres|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Qres$addr = 0, $add = 0; var $add20 = 0, $add21 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add26 = 0, $and = 0, $and15 = 0, $b32$addr = 0, $b32_inv = 0, $b32_nrm = 0, $b_headrm = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp48 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cmp69 = 0, $cmp83 = 0, $cond = 0; var $cond80 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $div = 0, $err_Q32 = 0, $lshift = 0, $mul = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul18 = 0, $mul25 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $result = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0; var $shl10 = 0, $shl2 = 0, $shl82 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr11 = 0, $shr19 = 0, $shr22 = 0, $shr24 = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr34 = 0, $shr39 = 0, $shr44 = 0, $shr47 = 0, $shr52 = 0, $shr60 = 0, $shr65 = 0, $shr68 = 0, $shr73 = 0, $shr8 = 0; var $shr86 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub27 = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub31 = 0, $sub33 = 0, $sub38 = 0, $sub43 = 0, $sub46 = 0, $sub51 = 0, $sub64 = 0, $sub67 = 0, $sub72 = 0, $sub81 = 0, $sub9 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $b32$addr = $b32; $Qres$addr = $Qres; $0 = $b32$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(0); $1 = $b32$addr; $sub = (0 - ($1))|0; $cond = $cmp ? $1 : $sub; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_426($cond)|0); $sub1 = (($call) - 1)|0; $b_headrm = $sub1; $2 = $b32$addr; $3 = $b_headrm; $shl = $2 << $3; $b32_nrm = $shl; $4 = $b32_nrm; $shr = $4 >> 16; $div = (536870911 / ($shr|0))&-1; $b32_inv = $div; $5 = $b32_inv; $shl2 = $5 << 16; $result = $shl2; $6 = $b32_nrm; $shr3 = $6 >> 16; $7 = $b32_inv; $conv = $7&65535; $conv4 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr3, $conv4)|0; $8 = $b32_nrm; $and = $8 & 65535; $9 = $b32_inv; $conv5 = $9&65535; $conv6 = $conv5 << 16 >> 16; $mul7 = Math_imul($and, $conv6)|0; $shr8 = $mul7 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr8))|0; $sub9 = (536870912 - ($add))|0; $shl10 = $sub9 << 3; $err_Q32 = $shl10; $10 = $result; $11 = $err_Q32; $shr11 = $11 >> 16; $12 = $b32_inv; $conv12 = $12&65535; $conv13 = $conv12 << 16 >> 16; $mul14 = Math_imul($shr11, $conv13)|0; $13 = $err_Q32; $and15 = $13 & 65535; $14 = $b32_inv; $conv16 = $14&65535; $conv17 = $conv16 << 16 >> 16; $mul18 = Math_imul($and15, $conv17)|0; $shr19 = $mul18 >> 16; $add20 = (($mul14) + ($shr19))|0; $add21 = (($10) + ($add20))|0; $15 = $err_Q32; $16 = $b32_inv; $shr22 = $16 >> 15; $add23 = (($shr22) + 1)|0; $shr24 = $add23 >> 1; $mul25 = Math_imul($15, $shr24)|0; $add26 = (($add21) + ($mul25))|0; $result = $add26; $17 = $b_headrm; $sub27 = (61 - ($17))|0; $18 = $Qres$addr; $sub28 = (($sub27) - ($18))|0; $lshift = $sub28; $19 = $lshift; $cmp29 = ($19|0)<=(0); $20 = $lshift; if (!($cmp29)) { $cmp83 = ($20|0)<(32); if ($cmp83) { $35 = $result; $36 = $lshift; $shr86 = $35 >> $36; $retval = $shr86; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } else { $retval = 0; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } } $sub31 = (0 - ($20))|0; $shr32 = -2147483648 >> $sub31; $21 = $lshift; $sub33 = (0 - ($21))|0; $shr34 = 2147483647 >> $sub33; $cmp35 = ($shr32|0)>($shr34|0); $22 = $result; $23 = $lshift; $sub38 = (0 - ($23))|0; do { if ($cmp35) { $shr39 = -2147483648 >> $sub38; $cmp40 = ($22|0)>($shr39|0); if ($cmp40) { $24 = $lshift; $sub43 = (0 - ($24))|0; $shr44 = -2147483648 >> $sub43; $cond80 = $shr44; break; } $25 = $result; $26 = $lshift; $sub46 = (0 - ($26))|0; $shr47 = 2147483647 >> $sub46; $cmp48 = ($25|0)<($shr47|0); if ($cmp48) { $27 = $lshift; $sub51 = (0 - ($27))|0; $shr52 = 2147483647 >> $sub51; $cond80 = $shr52; break; } else { $28 = $result; $cond80 = $28; break; } } else { $shr60 = 2147483647 >> $sub38; $cmp61 = ($22|0)>($shr60|0); if ($cmp61) { $29 = $lshift; $sub64 = (0 - ($29))|0; $shr65 = 2147483647 >> $sub64; $cond80 = $shr65; break; } $30 = $result; $31 = $lshift; $sub67 = (0 - ($31))|0; $shr68 = -2147483648 >> $sub67; $cmp69 = ($30|0)<($shr68|0); if ($cmp69) { $32 = $lshift; $sub72 = (0 - ($32))|0; $shr73 = -2147483648 >> $sub72; $cond80 = $shr73; break; } else { $33 = $result; $cond80 = $33; break; } } } while(0); $34 = $lshift; $sub81 = (0 - ($34))|0; $shl82 = $cond80 << $sub81; $retval = $shl82; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } function _silk_DIV32_varQ_425($a32,$b32,$Qres) { $a32 = $a32|0; $b32 = $b32|0; $Qres = $Qres|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Qres$addr = 0, $a32$addr = 0, $a32_nrm = 0, $a_headrm = 0, $add = 0, $add33 = 0, $add34 = 0, $add35 = 0, $and = 0; var $and28 = 0, $b32$addr = 0, $b32_inv = 0, $b32_nrm = 0, $b_headrm = 0, $call = 0, $call8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp49 = 0, $cmp57 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp78 = 0, $cmp92 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond7 = 0, $cond89 = 0, $conv = 0; var $conv12 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $div = 0, $lshift = 0, $mul = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul27 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $result = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0, $shl10 = 0, $shl22 = 0, $shl91 = 0, $shr = 0; var $shr11 = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr24 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr41 = 0, $shr43 = 0, $shr48 = 0, $shr53 = 0, $shr56 = 0, $shr61 = 0, $shr69 = 0, $shr74 = 0, $shr77 = 0, $shr82 = 0, $shr95 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub23 = 0, $sub36 = 0, $sub37 = 0; var $sub40 = 0, $sub42 = 0, $sub47 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $sub52 = 0, $sub55 = 0, $sub60 = 0, $sub73 = 0, $sub76 = 0, $sub81 = 0, $sub9 = 0, $sub90 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $a32$addr = $a32; $b32$addr = $b32; $Qres$addr = $Qres; $0 = $a32$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(0); $1 = $a32$addr; $sub = (0 - ($1))|0; $cond = $cmp ? $1 : $sub; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_426($cond)|0); $sub1 = (($call) - 1)|0; $a_headrm = $sub1; $2 = $a32$addr; $3 = $a_headrm; $shl = $2 << $3; $a32_nrm = $shl; $4 = $b32$addr; $cmp2 = ($4|0)>(0); $5 = $b32$addr; $sub5 = (0 - ($5))|0; $cond7 = $cmp2 ? $5 : $sub5; $call8 = (_silk_CLZ32_426($cond7)|0); $sub9 = (($call8) - 1)|0; $b_headrm = $sub9; $6 = $b32$addr; $7 = $b_headrm; $shl10 = $6 << $7; $b32_nrm = $shl10; $8 = $b32_nrm; $shr = $8 >> 16; $div = (536870911 / ($shr|0))&-1; $b32_inv = $div; $9 = $a32_nrm; $shr11 = $9 >> 16; $10 = $b32_inv; $conv = $10&65535; $conv12 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr11, $conv12)|0; $11 = $a32_nrm; $and = $11 & 65535; $12 = $b32_inv; $conv13 = $12&65535; $conv14 = $conv13 << 16 >> 16; $mul15 = Math_imul($and, $conv14)|0; $shr16 = $mul15 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr16))|0; $result = $add; $13 = $a32_nrm; $14 = $b32_nrm; $15 = ($14|0)<(0); $16 = $15 << 31 >> 31; $17 = $result; $18 = ($17|0)<(0); $19 = $18 << 31 >> 31; $20 = (___muldi3(($14|0),($16|0),($17|0),($19|0))|0); $21 = tempRet0; $22 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($20|0),($21|0),32)|0); $23 = tempRet0; $shl22 = $22 << 3; $sub23 = (($13) - ($shl22))|0; $a32_nrm = $sub23; $24 = $result; $25 = $a32_nrm; $shr24 = $25 >> 16; $26 = $b32_inv; $conv25 = $26&65535; $conv26 = $conv25 << 16 >> 16; $mul27 = Math_imul($shr24, $conv26)|0; $27 = $a32_nrm; $and28 = $27 & 65535; $28 = $b32_inv; $conv29 = $28&65535; $conv30 = $conv29 << 16 >> 16; $mul31 = Math_imul($and28, $conv30)|0; $shr32 = $mul31 >> 16; $add33 = (($mul27) + ($shr32))|0; $add34 = (($24) + ($add33))|0; $result = $add34; $29 = $a_headrm; $add35 = (29 + ($29))|0; $30 = $b_headrm; $sub36 = (($add35) - ($30))|0; $31 = $Qres$addr; $sub37 = (($sub36) - ($31))|0; $lshift = $sub37; $32 = $lshift; $cmp38 = ($32|0)<(0); $33 = $lshift; if (!($cmp38)) { $cmp92 = ($33|0)<(32); if ($cmp92) { $48 = $result; $49 = $lshift; $shr95 = $48 >> $49; $retval = $shr95; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } else { $retval = 0; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } } $sub40 = (0 - ($33))|0; $shr41 = -2147483648 >> $sub40; $34 = $lshift; $sub42 = (0 - ($34))|0; $shr43 = 2147483647 >> $sub42; $cmp44 = ($shr41|0)>($shr43|0); $35 = $result; $36 = $lshift; $sub47 = (0 - ($36))|0; do { if ($cmp44) { $shr48 = -2147483648 >> $sub47; $cmp49 = ($35|0)>($shr48|0); if ($cmp49) { $37 = $lshift; $sub52 = (0 - ($37))|0; $shr53 = -2147483648 >> $sub52; $cond89 = $shr53; break; } $38 = $result; $39 = $lshift; $sub55 = (0 - ($39))|0; $shr56 = 2147483647 >> $sub55; $cmp57 = ($38|0)<($shr56|0); if ($cmp57) { $40 = $lshift; $sub60 = (0 - ($40))|0; $shr61 = 2147483647 >> $sub60; $cond89 = $shr61; break; } else { $41 = $result; $cond89 = $41; break; } } else { $shr69 = 2147483647 >> $sub47; $cmp70 = ($35|0)>($shr69|0); if ($cmp70) { $42 = $lshift; $sub73 = (0 - ($42))|0; $shr74 = 2147483647 >> $sub73; $cond89 = $shr74; break; } $43 = $result; $44 = $lshift; $sub76 = (0 - ($44))|0; $shr77 = -2147483648 >> $sub76; $cmp78 = ($43|0)<($shr77|0); if ($cmp78) { $45 = $lshift; $sub81 = (0 - ($45))|0; $shr82 = -2147483648 >> $sub81; $cond89 = $shr82; break; } else { $46 = $result; $cond89 = $46; break; } } } while(0); $47 = $lshift; $sub90 = (0 - ($47))|0; $shl91 = $cond89 << $sub90; $retval = $shl91; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } function _silk_CLZ32_426($in32) { $in32 = $in32|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $cond = 0, $in32$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in32$addr = $in32; $0 = $in32$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $cond = 32; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $1 = $in32$addr; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $sub1 = (32 - ($sub))|0; $cond = $sub1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_PLC_Reset($psDec) { $psDec = $psDec|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $frame_length = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $prevGain_Q16 = 0, $prevGain_Q163 = 0, $psDec$addr = 0, $sPLC = 0, $sPLC1 = 0, $sPLC2 = 0, $sPLC5 = 0, $sPLC6 = 0, $shl = 0, $subfr_length = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $psDec$addr = $psDec; $0 = $psDec$addr; $frame_length = ((($0)) + 2328|0); $1 = HEAP32[$frame_length>>2]|0; $shl = $1 << 7; $2 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC = ((($2)) + 4168|0); HEAP32[$sPLC>>2] = $shl; $3 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC1 = ((($3)) + 4168|0); $prevGain_Q16 = ((($sPLC1)) + 72|0); HEAP32[$prevGain_Q16>>2] = 65536; $4 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC2 = ((($4)) + 4168|0); $prevGain_Q163 = ((($sPLC2)) + 72|0); $arrayidx4 = ((($prevGain_Q163)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx4>>2] = 65536; $5 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC5 = ((($5)) + 4168|0); $subfr_length = ((($sPLC5)) + 88|0); HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2] = 20; $6 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC6 = ((($6)) + 4168|0); $nb_subfr = ((($sPLC6)) + 84|0); HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2] = 2; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_PLC($psDec,$psDecCtrl,$frame,$lost,$arch) { $psDec = $psDec|0; $psDecCtrl = $psDecCtrl|0; $frame = $frame|0; $lost = $lost|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $frame$addr = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $fs_kHz1 = 0; var $fs_kHz2 = 0, $fs_kHz4 = 0, $inc = 0, $lossCnt = 0, $lost$addr = 0, $psDec$addr = 0, $psDecCtrl$addr = 0, $sPLC = 0, $sPLC3 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $psDec$addr = $psDec; $psDecCtrl$addr = $psDecCtrl; $frame$addr = $frame; $lost$addr = $lost; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $psDec$addr; $fs_kHz = ((($0)) + 2316|0); $1 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $2 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC = ((($2)) + 4168|0); $fs_kHz1 = ((($sPLC)) + 80|0); $3 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz1>>2]|0; $cmp = ($1|0)!=($3|0); if ($cmp) { $4 = $psDec$addr; _silk_PLC_Reset($4); $5 = $psDec$addr; $fs_kHz2 = ((($5)) + 2316|0); $6 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz2>>2]|0; $7 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC3 = ((($7)) + 4168|0); $fs_kHz4 = ((($sPLC3)) + 80|0); HEAP32[$fs_kHz4>>2] = $6; } $8 = $lost$addr; $tobool = ($8|0)!=(0); $9 = $psDec$addr; $10 = $psDecCtrl$addr; if ($tobool) { $11 = $frame$addr; $12 = $arch$addr; _silk_PLC_conceal($9,$10,$11,$12); $13 = $psDec$addr; $lossCnt = ((($13)) + 4160|0); $14 = HEAP32[$lossCnt>>2]|0; $inc = (($14) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$lossCnt>>2] = $inc; STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { _silk_PLC_update($9,$10); STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _silk_PLC_conceal($psDec,$psDecCtrl,$frame,$arch) { $psDec = $psDec|0; $psDecCtrl = $psDecCtrl|0; $frame = $frame|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0; var $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0; var $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0, $26 = 0; var $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0, $278 = 0; var $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0, $294 = 0, $295 = 0, $296 = 0; var $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0, $304 = 0, $305 = 0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0, $31 = 0, $310 = 0, $311 = 0, $312 = 0, $313 = 0; var $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0, $322 = 0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0, $325 = 0, $326 = 0, $327 = 0, $328 = 0, $329 = 0, $33 = 0, $330 = 0, $331 = 0; var $332 = 0, $333 = 0, $334 = 0, $335 = 0, $336 = 0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0, $339 = 0, $34 = 0, $340 = 0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0, $346 = 0, $347 = 0, $348 = 0, $349 = 0, $35 = 0; var $350 = 0, $351 = 0, $352 = 0, $353 = 0, $354 = 0, $355 = 0, $356 = 0, $357 = 0, $358 = 0, $359 = 0, $36 = 0, $360 = 0, $361 = 0, $362 = 0, $363 = 0, $364 = 0, $365 = 0, $366 = 0, $367 = 0, $368 = 0; var $369 = 0, $37 = 0, $370 = 0, $371 = 0, $372 = 0, $373 = 0, $374 = 0, $375 = 0, $376 = 0, $377 = 0, $378 = 0, $379 = 0, $38 = 0, $380 = 0, $381 = 0, $382 = 0, $383 = 0, $384 = 0, $385 = 0, $386 = 0; var $387 = 0, $388 = 0, $389 = 0, $39 = 0, $390 = 0, $391 = 0, $392 = 0, $393 = 0, $394 = 0, $395 = 0, $396 = 0, $397 = 0, $398 = 0, $399 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $400 = 0, $401 = 0, $402 = 0, $403 = 0; var $404 = 0, $405 = 0, $406 = 0, $407 = 0, $408 = 0, $409 = 0, $41 = 0, $410 = 0, $411 = 0, $412 = 0, $413 = 0, $414 = 0, $415 = 0, $416 = 0, $417 = 0, $418 = 0, $419 = 0, $42 = 0, $420 = 0, $421 = 0; var $422 = 0, $423 = 0, $424 = 0, $425 = 0, $426 = 0, $427 = 0, $428 = 0, $429 = 0, $43 = 0, $430 = 0, $431 = 0, $432 = 0, $433 = 0, $434 = 0, $435 = 0, $436 = 0, $437 = 0, $438 = 0, $439 = 0, $44 = 0; var $440 = 0, $441 = 0, $442 = 0, $443 = 0, $444 = 0, $445 = 0, $446 = 0, $447 = 0, $448 = 0, $449 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0; var $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0; var $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0; var $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $A_Q12 = 0, $B_Q14 = 0, $LPC_order = 0, $LPC_order104 = 0, $LPC_order110 = 0, $LPC_order285 = 0, $LPC_order458 = 0, $LPC_order47 = 0, $LPC_order73 = 0, $LPC_order96 = 0; var $LPC_pred_Q10 = 0, $LTPCoef_Q14 = 0, $LTP_pred_Q12 = 0, $add = 0, $add111 = 0, $add126 = 0, $add137 = 0, $add155 = 0, $add156 = 0, $add168 = 0, $add169 = 0, $add181 = 0, $add182 = 0, $add194 = 0, $add195 = 0, $add207 = 0, $add208 = 0, $add210 = 0, $add222 = 0, $add223 = 0; var $add259 = 0, $add260 = 0, $add271 = 0, $add287 = 0, $add294 = 0, $add302 = 0, $add303 = 0, $add304 = 0, $add311 = 0, $add319 = 0, $add320 = 0, $add321 = 0, $add328 = 0, $add336 = 0, $add337 = 0, $add338 = 0, $add345 = 0, $add353 = 0, $add354 = 0, $add355 = 0; var $add362 = 0, $add370 = 0, $add371 = 0, $add372 = 0, $add379 = 0, $add387 = 0, $add388 = 0, $add389 = 0, $add396 = 0, $add404 = 0, $add405 = 0, $add406 = 0, $add413 = 0, $add421 = 0, $add422 = 0, $add423 = 0, $add430 = 0, $add438 = 0, $add439 = 0, $add440 = 0; var $add447 = 0, $add455 = 0, $add456 = 0, $add462 = 0, $add470 = 0, $add479 = 0, $add480 = 0, $add484 = 0, $add487 = 0, $add488 = 0, $add490 = 0, $add497 = 0, $add505 = 0, $add506 = 0, $add510 = 0, $add513 = 0, $add515 = 0, $add521 = 0, $add528 = 0, $add536 = 0; var $add537 = 0, $add541 = 0, $add544 = 0, $add546 = 0, $add552 = 0, $add559 = 0, $add567 = 0, $add568 = 0, $add572 = 0, $add575 = 0, $add577 = 0, $add587 = 0, $add594 = 0, $add602 = 0, $add603 = 0, $add607 = 0, $add610 = 0, $add612 = 0, $add618 = 0, $add625 = 0; var $add633 = 0, $add634 = 0, $add638 = 0, $add641 = 0, $add643 = 0, $add649 = 0, $add656 = 0, $add664 = 0, $add665 = 0, $add669 = 0, $add672 = 0, $add674 = 0, $add684 = 0, $add691 = 0, $add699 = 0, $add700 = 0, $add704 = 0, $add707 = 0, $add709 = 0, $add715 = 0; var $add722 = 0, $add730 = 0, $add731 = 0, $add735 = 0, $add738 = 0, $add740 = 0, $add746 = 0, $add753 = 0, $add761 = 0, $add762 = 0, $add766 = 0, $add769 = 0, $add771 = 0, $add85 = 0, $add91 = 0, $and = 0, $and121 = 0, $and150 = 0, $and163 = 0, $and176 = 0; var $and189 = 0, $and202 = 0, $and212 = 0, $and218 = 0, $and256 = 0, $and297 = 0, $and314 = 0, $and331 = 0, $and348 = 0, $and365 = 0, $and382 = 0, $and399 = 0, $and416 = 0, $and433 = 0, $and450 = 0, $and474 = 0, $and499 = 0, $and530 = 0, $and561 = 0, $and596 = 0; var $and627 = 0, $and658 = 0, $and693 = 0, $and724 = 0, $and755 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx100 = 0, $arrayidx106 = 0, $arrayidx118 = 0, $arrayidx122 = 0, $arrayidx127 = 0, $arrayidx138 = 0, $arrayidx157 = 0, $arrayidx159 = 0, $arrayidx162 = 0, $arrayidx164 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx170 = 0, $arrayidx172 = 0, $arrayidx175 = 0; var $arrayidx177 = 0, $arrayidx183 = 0, $arrayidx185 = 0, $arrayidx188 = 0, $arrayidx190 = 0, $arrayidx196 = 0, $arrayidx198 = 0, $arrayidx201 = 0, $arrayidx203 = 0, $arrayidx213 = 0, $arrayidx217 = 0, $arrayidx225 = 0, $arrayidx236 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx241 = 0, $arrayidx278 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx289 = 0, $arrayidx296 = 0, $arrayidx306 = 0; var $arrayidx308 = 0, $arrayidx313 = 0, $arrayidx315 = 0, $arrayidx323 = 0, $arrayidx325 = 0, $arrayidx330 = 0, $arrayidx332 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx340 = 0, $arrayidx342 = 0, $arrayidx347 = 0, $arrayidx349 = 0, $arrayidx357 = 0, $arrayidx359 = 0, $arrayidx364 = 0, $arrayidx366 = 0, $arrayidx374 = 0, $arrayidx376 = 0, $arrayidx381 = 0, $arrayidx383 = 0; var $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx391 = 0, $arrayidx393 = 0, $arrayidx398 = 0, $arrayidx400 = 0, $arrayidx408 = 0, $arrayidx410 = 0, $arrayidx415 = 0, $arrayidx417 = 0, $arrayidx425 = 0, $arrayidx427 = 0, $arrayidx432 = 0, $arrayidx434 = 0, $arrayidx442 = 0, $arrayidx444 = 0, $arrayidx449 = 0, $arrayidx451 = 0, $arrayidx465 = 0, $arrayidx467 = 0, $arrayidx473 = 0; var $arrayidx475 = 0, $arrayidx485 = 0, $arrayidx489 = 0, $arrayidx491 = 0, $arrayidx493 = 0, $arrayidx498 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx500 = 0, $arrayidx507 = 0, $arrayidx508 = 0, $arrayidx522 = 0, $arrayidx524 = 0, $arrayidx529 = 0, $arrayidx531 = 0, $arrayidx538 = 0, $arrayidx539 = 0, $arrayidx553 = 0, $arrayidx555 = 0, $arrayidx560 = 0, $arrayidx562 = 0; var $arrayidx569 = 0, $arrayidx570 = 0, $arrayidx588 = 0, $arrayidx59 = 0, $arrayidx590 = 0, $arrayidx595 = 0, $arrayidx597 = 0, $arrayidx604 = 0, $arrayidx605 = 0, $arrayidx619 = 0, $arrayidx621 = 0, $arrayidx626 = 0, $arrayidx628 = 0, $arrayidx635 = 0, $arrayidx636 = 0, $arrayidx650 = 0, $arrayidx652 = 0, $arrayidx657 = 0, $arrayidx659 = 0, $arrayidx666 = 0; var $arrayidx667 = 0, $arrayidx685 = 0, $arrayidx687 = 0, $arrayidx692 = 0, $arrayidx694 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx701 = 0, $arrayidx702 = 0, $arrayidx716 = 0, $arrayidx718 = 0, $arrayidx723 = 0, $arrayidx725 = 0, $arrayidx732 = 0, $arrayidx733 = 0, $arrayidx747 = 0, $arrayidx749 = 0, $arrayidx754 = 0, $arrayidx756 = 0, $arrayidx763 = 0, $arrayidx764 = 0; var $arrayidx782 = 0, $arrayidx789 = 0, $arrayidx796 = 0, $arrayidx99 = 0, $call = 0, $call107 = 0, $call23 = 0, $call267 = 0, $call27 = 0, $call33 = 0, $call64 = 0, $call74 = 0, $call75 = 0, $call76 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp108 = 0, $cmp114 = 0, $cmp133 = 0, $cmp141 = 0, $cmp231 = 0; var $cmp282 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp459 = 0, $cmp50 = 0, $cmp517 = 0, $cmp54 = 0, $cmp548 = 0, $cmp57 = 0, $cmp583 = 0, $cmp614 = 0, $cmp645 = 0, $cmp680 = 0, $cmp711 = 0, $cmp742 = 0, $cmp793 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond582 = 0, $cond679 = 0, $cond780 = 0, $conv = 0; var $conv119 = 0, $conv123 = 0, $conv147 = 0, $conv152 = 0, $conv160 = 0, $conv165 = 0, $conv173 = 0, $conv178 = 0, $conv186 = 0, $conv191 = 0, $conv199 = 0, $conv204 = 0, $conv215 = 0, $conv219 = 0, $conv234 = 0, $conv235 = 0, $conv237 = 0, $conv240 = 0, $conv245 = 0, $conv246 = 0; var $conv247 = 0, $conv250 = 0, $conv263 = 0, $conv264 = 0, $conv292 = 0, $conv299 = 0, $conv309 = 0, $conv316 = 0, $conv326 = 0, $conv333 = 0, $conv343 = 0, $conv35 = 0, $conv350 = 0, $conv360 = 0, $conv367 = 0, $conv377 = 0, $conv384 = 0, $conv394 = 0, $conv40 = 0, $conv401 = 0; var $conv411 = 0, $conv418 = 0, $conv428 = 0, $conv435 = 0, $conv445 = 0, $conv452 = 0, $conv468 = 0, $conv476 = 0, $conv494 = 0, $conv495 = 0, $conv501 = 0, $conv502 = 0, $conv525 = 0, $conv526 = 0, $conv532 = 0, $conv533 = 0, $conv556 = 0, $conv557 = 0, $conv563 = 0, $conv564 = 0; var $conv591 = 0, $conv592 = 0, $conv598 = 0, $conv599 = 0, $conv60 = 0, $conv61 = 0, $conv622 = 0, $conv623 = 0, $conv629 = 0, $conv63 = 0, $conv630 = 0, $conv65 = 0, $conv653 = 0, $conv654 = 0, $conv66 = 0, $conv660 = 0, $conv661 = 0, $conv688 = 0, $conv689 = 0, $conv69 = 0; var $conv695 = 0, $conv696 = 0, $conv719 = 0, $conv720 = 0, $conv726 = 0, $conv727 = 0, $conv750 = 0, $conv751 = 0, $conv757 = 0, $conv758 = 0, $conv78 = 0, $conv781 = 0, $conv79 = 0, $conv81 = 0, $conv82 = 0, $down_scale_Q30 = 0, $energy1 = 0, $energy2 = 0, $exc_Q14 = 0, $exc_Q1413 = 0; var $first_frame_after_reset = 0, $frame$addr = 0, $frame_length = 0, $frame_length281 = 0, $frame_length788 = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $harm_Gain_Q15 = 0, $i = 0, $idx = 0, $inc = 0, $inc129 = 0, $inc226 = 0, $inc228 = 0, $inc243 = 0, $inc274 = 0, $inc482 = 0, $inc784 = 0, $inc798 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $invGain_Q30 = 0; var $inv_gain_Q30 = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $lag = 0, $lossCnt = 0, $lossCnt32 = 0, $lossCnt49 = 0, $ltp_mem_length = 0, $ltp_mem_length1 = 0, $ltp_mem_length102 = 0, $ltp_mem_length113 = 0, $ltp_mem_length276 = 0, $ltp_mem_length93 = 0, $ltp_mem_length94 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul120 = 0, $mul124 = 0, $mul148 = 0, $mul153 = 0, $mul161 = 0; var $mul166 = 0, $mul174 = 0, $mul179 = 0, $mul187 = 0, $mul192 = 0, $mul200 = 0, $mul205 = 0, $mul209 = 0, $mul21 = 0, $mul216 = 0, $mul220 = 0, $mul238 = 0, $mul248 = 0, $mul254 = 0, $mul257 = 0, $mul265 = 0, $mul293 = 0, $mul300 = 0, $mul310 = 0, $mul317 = 0; var $mul327 = 0, $mul334 = 0, $mul344 = 0, $mul351 = 0, $mul361 = 0, $mul368 = 0, $mul378 = 0, $mul385 = 0, $mul395 = 0, $mul402 = 0, $mul412 = 0, $mul419 = 0, $mul429 = 0, $mul436 = 0, $mul446 = 0, $mul453 = 0, $mul469 = 0, $mul477 = 0, $mul48 = 0, $mul496 = 0; var $mul503 = 0, $mul512 = 0, $mul527 = 0, $mul534 = 0, $mul543 = 0, $mul558 = 0, $mul565 = 0, $mul574 = 0, $mul593 = 0, $mul600 = 0, $mul609 = 0, $mul624 = 0, $mul631 = 0, $mul640 = 0, $mul655 = 0, $mul662 = 0, $mul67 = 0, $mul671 = 0, $mul690 = 0, $mul697 = 0; var $mul706 = 0, $mul721 = 0, $mul728 = 0, $mul737 = 0, $mul752 = 0, $mul759 = 0, $mul768 = 0, $mul80 = 0, $mul83 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr132 = 0, $nb_subfr14 = 0, $outBuf = 0, $pred_lag_ptr = 0, $prevGain_Q10 = 0, $prevGain_Q16 = 0, $prevGain_Q16105 = 0, $prevGain_Q164 = 0, $prevLPC_Q12 = 0, $prevLPC_Q1242 = 0; var $prevLPC_Q1245 = 0, $prevLPC_Q1271 = 0, $prevLTP_scale_Q14 = 0, $prevSignalType = 0, $prevSignalType53 = 0, $psDec$addr = 0, $psDecCtrl$addr = 0, $psPLC = 0, $randScale_Q14 = 0, $randScale_Q14791 = 0, $rand_Gain_Q15 = 0, $rand_ptr = 0, $rand_scale_Q14 = 0, $rand_seed = 0, $rand_seed790 = 0, $rand_seed89 = 0, $sLPC_Q14_buf = 0, $sLPC_Q14_buf786 = 0, $sLPC_Q14_ptr = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx = 0; var $sPLC = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shift1 = 0, $shift2 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl224 = 0, $shl266 = 0, $shl486 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr10 = 0, $shr11 = 0, $shr117 = 0, $shr125 = 0, $shr145 = 0, $shr154 = 0, $shr158 = 0, $shr167 = 0, $shr171 = 0, $shr180 = 0, $shr184 = 0; var $shr193 = 0, $shr197 = 0, $shr206 = 0, $shr211 = 0, $shr214 = 0, $shr221 = 0, $shr239 = 0, $shr249 = 0, $shr253 = 0, $shr258 = 0, $shr270 = 0, $shr272 = 0, $shr286 = 0, $shr290 = 0, $shr301 = 0, $shr307 = 0, $shr318 = 0, $shr324 = 0, $shr335 = 0, $shr341 = 0; var $shr352 = 0, $shr358 = 0, $shr369 = 0, $shr375 = 0, $shr386 = 0, $shr392 = 0, $shr403 = 0, $shr409 = 0, $shr420 = 0, $shr426 = 0, $shr437 = 0, $shr443 = 0, $shr454 = 0, $shr466 = 0, $shr478 = 0, $shr492 = 0, $shr504 = 0, $shr509 = 0, $shr511 = 0, $shr514 = 0; var $shr516 = 0, $shr523 = 0, $shr535 = 0, $shr540 = 0, $shr542 = 0, $shr545 = 0, $shr547 = 0, $shr554 = 0, $shr566 = 0, $shr571 = 0, $shr573 = 0, $shr576 = 0, $shr578 = 0, $shr589 = 0, $shr6 = 0, $shr601 = 0, $shr606 = 0, $shr608 = 0, $shr611 = 0, $shr613 = 0; var $shr620 = 0, $shr632 = 0, $shr637 = 0, $shr639 = 0, $shr642 = 0, $shr644 = 0, $shr651 = 0, $shr663 = 0, $shr668 = 0, $shr670 = 0, $shr673 = 0, $shr675 = 0, $shr68 = 0, $shr686 = 0, $shr698 = 0, $shr703 = 0, $shr705 = 0, $shr708 = 0, $shr710 = 0, $shr717 = 0; var $shr729 = 0, $shr734 = 0, $shr736 = 0, $shr739 = 0, $shr741 = 0, $shr748 = 0, $shr760 = 0, $shr765 = 0, $shr767 = 0, $shr77 = 0, $shr770 = 0, $shr772 = 0, $shr84 = 0, $shr86 = 0, $shr90 = 0, $shr92 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub103 = 0, $sub136 = 0, $sub16 = 0; var $sub22 = 0, $sub277 = 0, $sub288 = 0, $sub295 = 0, $sub305 = 0, $sub312 = 0, $sub322 = 0, $sub329 = 0, $sub339 = 0, $sub346 = 0, $sub356 = 0, $sub363 = 0, $sub373 = 0, $sub380 = 0, $sub390 = 0, $sub397 = 0, $sub407 = 0, $sub414 = 0, $sub424 = 0, $sub431 = 0; var $sub441 = 0, $sub448 = 0, $sub463 = 0, $sub464 = 0, $sub471 = 0, $sub472 = 0, $sub62 = 0, $sub95 = 0, $sub97 = 0, $sub98 = 0, $subfr_length = 0, $subfr_length140 = 0, $subfr_length15 = 0, $subfr_length20 = 0, $tobool = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla2 = 0, $vla2$alloca_mul = 0, dest = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0, src = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 176|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(176|0); $shift1 = sp + 80|0; $shift2 = sp + 76|0; $energy1 = sp + 56|0; $energy2 = sp + 52|0; $A_Q12 = sp + 128|0; $prevGain_Q10 = sp + 16|0; $psDec$addr = $psDec; $psDecCtrl$addr = $psDecCtrl; $frame$addr = $frame; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC = ((($0)) + 4168|0); $psPLC = $sPLC; $1 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length = ((($1)) + 2336|0); $2 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length>>2]|0; $3 = $psDec$addr; $frame_length = ((($3)) + 2328|0); $4 = HEAP32[$frame_length>>2]|0; $add = (($2) + ($4))|0; $5 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $5; $vla$alloca_mul = $add<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $6 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length1 = ((($6)) + 2336|0); $7 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length1>>2]|0; $vla2$alloca_mul = $7<<1; $vla2 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla2$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla2$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $8 = $psPLC; $prevGain_Q16 = ((($8)) + 72|0); $9 = HEAP32[$prevGain_Q16>>2]|0; $shr = $9 >> 6; HEAP32[$prevGain_Q10>>2] = $shr; $10 = $psPLC; $prevGain_Q164 = ((($10)) + 72|0); $arrayidx5 = ((($prevGain_Q164)) + 4|0); $11 = HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2]|0; $shr6 = $11 >> 6; $arrayidx7 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx7>>2] = $shr6; $12 = $psDec$addr; $first_frame_after_reset = ((($12)) + 2376|0); $13 = HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset>>2]|0; $tobool = ($13|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $14 = $psPLC; $prevLPC_Q12 = ((($14)) + 14|0); dest=$prevLPC_Q12; stop=dest+32|0; do { HEAP16[dest>>1]=0|0; dest=dest+2|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); } $15 = $psDec$addr; $exc_Q14 = ((($15)) + 4|0); $16 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length = ((($16)) + 2332|0); $17 = HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2]|0; $18 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($18)) + 2324|0); $19 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; _silk_PLC_energy($energy1,$shift1,$energy2,$shift2,$exc_Q14,$prevGain_Q10,$17,$19); $20 = HEAP32[$energy1>>2]|0; $21 = HEAP32[$shift2>>2]|0; $shr10 = $20 >> $21; $22 = HEAP32[$energy2>>2]|0; $23 = HEAP32[$shift1>>2]|0; $shr11 = $22 >> $23; $cmp = ($shr10|0)<($shr11|0); $24 = $psDec$addr; $exc_Q1413 = ((($24)) + 4|0); $25 = $psPLC; $nb_subfr14 = ((($25)) + 84|0); $26 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr14>>2]|0; if ($cmp) { $sub = (($26) - 1)|0; $27 = $psPLC; $subfr_length15 = ((($27)) + 88|0); $28 = HEAP32[$subfr_length15>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($sub, $28)|0; $sub16 = (($mul) - 128)|0; $call = (_silk_max_int_431(0,$sub16)|0); $arrayidx17 = (($exc_Q1413) + ($call<<2)|0); $rand_ptr = $arrayidx17; } else { $29 = $psPLC; $subfr_length20 = ((($29)) + 88|0); $30 = HEAP32[$subfr_length20>>2]|0; $mul21 = Math_imul($26, $30)|0; $sub22 = (($mul21) - 128)|0; $call23 = (_silk_max_int_431(0,$sub22)|0); $arrayidx24 = (($exc_Q1413) + ($call23<<2)|0); $rand_ptr = $arrayidx24; } $31 = $psPLC; $LTPCoef_Q14 = ((($31)) + 4|0); $B_Q14 = $LTPCoef_Q14; $32 = $psPLC; $randScale_Q14 = ((($32)) + 56|0); $33 = HEAP16[$randScale_Q14>>1]|0; $rand_scale_Q14 = $33; $34 = $psDec$addr; $lossCnt = ((($34)) + 4160|0); $35 = HEAP32[$lossCnt>>2]|0; $call27 = (_silk_min_int_432(1,$35)|0); $arrayidx28 = (25394 + ($call27<<1)|0); $36 = HEAP16[$arrayidx28>>1]|0; $conv = $36 << 16 >> 16; $harm_Gain_Q15 = $conv; $37 = $psDec$addr; $prevSignalType = ((($37)) + 4164|0); $38 = HEAP32[$prevSignalType>>2]|0; $cmp29 = ($38|0)==(2); $39 = $psDec$addr; $lossCnt32 = ((($39)) + 4160|0); $40 = HEAP32[$lossCnt32>>2]|0; $call33 = (_silk_min_int_432(1,$40)|0); if ($cmp29) { $arrayidx34 = (25398 + ($call33<<1)|0); $41 = HEAP16[$arrayidx34>>1]|0; $conv35 = $41 << 16 >> 16; $rand_Gain_Q15 = $conv35; } else { $arrayidx39 = (25402 + ($call33<<1)|0); $42 = HEAP16[$arrayidx39>>1]|0; $conv40 = $42 << 16 >> 16; $rand_Gain_Q15 = $conv40; } $43 = $psPLC; $prevLPC_Q1242 = ((($43)) + 14|0); $44 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order = ((($44)) + 2340|0); $45 = HEAP32[$LPC_order>>2]|0; _silk_bwexpander($prevLPC_Q1242,$45,64881); $46 = $psPLC; $prevLPC_Q1245 = ((($46)) + 14|0); $47 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order47 = ((($47)) + 2340|0); $48 = HEAP32[$LPC_order47>>2]|0; $mul48 = $48<<1; _memcpy(($A_Q12|0),($prevLPC_Q1245|0),($mul48|0))|0; $49 = $psDec$addr; $lossCnt49 = ((($49)) + 4160|0); $50 = HEAP32[$lossCnt49>>2]|0; $cmp50 = ($50|0)==(0); do { if ($cmp50) { $rand_scale_Q14 = 16384; $51 = $psDec$addr; $prevSignalType53 = ((($51)) + 4164|0); $52 = HEAP32[$prevSignalType53>>2]|0; $cmp54 = ($52|0)==(2); if (!($cmp54)) { $63 = $psPLC; $prevLPC_Q1271 = ((($63)) + 14|0); $64 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order73 = ((($64)) + 2340|0); $65 = HEAP32[$LPC_order73>>2]|0; $call74 = (_silk_LPC_inverse_pred_gain($prevLPC_Q1271,$65)|0); $invGain_Q30 = $call74; $66 = $invGain_Q30; $call75 = (_silk_min_32_433(134217728,$66)|0); $down_scale_Q30 = $call75; $67 = $down_scale_Q30; $call76 = (_silk_max_32_434(4194304,$67)|0); $down_scale_Q30 = $call76; $68 = $down_scale_Q30; $shl = $68 << 3; $down_scale_Q30 = $shl; $69 = $down_scale_Q30; $shr77 = $69 >> 16; $70 = $rand_Gain_Q15; $conv78 = $70&65535; $conv79 = $conv78 << 16 >> 16; $mul80 = Math_imul($shr77, $conv79)|0; $71 = $down_scale_Q30; $and = $71 & 65535; $72 = $rand_Gain_Q15; $conv81 = $72&65535; $conv82 = $conv81 << 16 >> 16; $mul83 = Math_imul($and, $conv82)|0; $shr84 = $mul83 >> 16; $add85 = (($mul80) + ($shr84))|0; $shr86 = $add85 >> 14; $rand_Gain_Q15 = $shr86; break; } $i = 0; while(1) { $53 = $i; $cmp57 = ($53|0)<(5); if (!($cmp57)) { break; } $54 = $B_Q14; $55 = $i; $arrayidx59 = (($54) + ($55<<1)|0); $56 = HEAP16[$arrayidx59>>1]|0; $conv60 = $56 << 16 >> 16; $57 = $rand_scale_Q14; $conv61 = $57 << 16 >> 16; $sub62 = (($conv61) - ($conv60))|0; $conv63 = $sub62&65535; $rand_scale_Q14 = $conv63; $58 = $i; $inc = (($58) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $59 = $rand_scale_Q14; $call64 = (_silk_max_16(3277,$59)|0); $rand_scale_Q14 = $call64; $60 = $rand_scale_Q14; $conv65 = $60 << 16 >> 16; $61 = $psPLC; $prevLTP_scale_Q14 = ((($61)) + 68|0); $62 = HEAP16[$prevLTP_scale_Q14>>1]|0; $conv66 = $62 << 16 >> 16; $mul67 = Math_imul($conv65, $conv66)|0; $shr68 = $mul67 >> 14; $conv69 = $shr68&65535; $rand_scale_Q14 = $conv69; } } while(0); $73 = $psPLC; $rand_seed89 = ((($73)) + 52|0); $74 = HEAP32[$rand_seed89>>2]|0; $rand_seed = $74; $75 = $psPLC; $76 = HEAP32[$75>>2]|0; $shr90 = $76 >> 7; $add91 = (($shr90) + 1)|0; $shr92 = $add91 >> 1; $lag = $shr92; $77 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length93 = ((($77)) + 2336|0); $78 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length93>>2]|0; $sLTP_buf_idx = $78; $79 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length94 = ((($79)) + 2336|0); $80 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length94>>2]|0; $81 = $lag; $sub95 = (($80) - ($81))|0; $82 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order96 = ((($82)) + 2340|0); $83 = HEAP32[$LPC_order96>>2]|0; $sub97 = (($sub95) - ($83))|0; $sub98 = (($sub97) - 2)|0; $idx = $sub98; $84 = $idx; $arrayidx99 = (($vla2) + ($84<<1)|0); $85 = $psDec$addr; $outBuf = ((($85)) + 1348|0); $86 = $idx; $arrayidx100 = (($outBuf) + ($86<<1)|0); $87 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length102 = ((($87)) + 2336|0); $88 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length102>>2]|0; $89 = $idx; $sub103 = (($88) - ($89))|0; $90 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order104 = ((($90)) + 2340|0); $91 = HEAP32[$LPC_order104>>2]|0; $92 = $arch$addr; _silk_LPC_analysis_filter($arrayidx99,$arrayidx100,$A_Q12,$sub103,$91,$92); $93 = $psPLC; $prevGain_Q16105 = ((($93)) + 72|0); $arrayidx106 = ((($prevGain_Q16105)) + 4|0); $94 = HEAP32[$arrayidx106>>2]|0; $call107 = (_silk_INVERSE32_varQ_435($94,46)|0); $inv_gain_Q30 = $call107; $95 = $inv_gain_Q30; $cmp108 = ($95|0)<(1073741823); $96 = $inv_gain_Q30; $cond = $cmp108 ? $96 : 1073741823; $inv_gain_Q30 = $cond; $97 = $idx; $98 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order110 = ((($98)) + 2340|0); $99 = HEAP32[$LPC_order110>>2]|0; $add111 = (($97) + ($99))|0; $i = $add111; while(1) { $100 = $i; $101 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length113 = ((($101)) + 2336|0); $102 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length113>>2]|0; $cmp114 = ($100|0)<($102|0); if (!($cmp114)) { break; } $103 = $inv_gain_Q30; $shr117 = $103 >> 16; $104 = $i; $arrayidx118 = (($vla2) + ($104<<1)|0); $105 = HEAP16[$arrayidx118>>1]|0; $conv119 = $105 << 16 >> 16; $mul120 = Math_imul($shr117, $conv119)|0; $106 = $inv_gain_Q30; $and121 = $106 & 65535; $107 = $i; $arrayidx122 = (($vla2) + ($107<<1)|0); $108 = HEAP16[$arrayidx122>>1]|0; $conv123 = $108 << 16 >> 16; $mul124 = Math_imul($and121, $conv123)|0; $shr125 = $mul124 >> 16; $add126 = (($mul120) + ($shr125))|0; $109 = $i; $arrayidx127 = (($vla) + ($109<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx127>>2] = $add126; $110 = $i; $inc129 = (($110) + 1)|0; $i = $inc129; } $k = 0; while(1) { $111 = $k; $112 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr132 = ((($112)) + 2324|0); $113 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr132>>2]|0; $cmp133 = ($111|0)<($113|0); if (!($cmp133)) { break; } $114 = $sLTP_buf_idx; $115 = $lag; $sub136 = (($114) - ($115))|0; $add137 = (($sub136) + 2)|0; $arrayidx138 = (($vla) + ($add137<<2)|0); $pred_lag_ptr = $arrayidx138; $i = 0; while(1) { $116 = $i; $117 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length140 = ((($117)) + 2332|0); $118 = HEAP32[$subfr_length140>>2]|0; $cmp141 = ($116|0)<($118|0); if (!($cmp141)) { break; } $LTP_pred_Q12 = 2; $119 = $LTP_pred_Q12; $120 = $pred_lag_ptr; $121 = HEAP32[$120>>2]|0; $shr145 = $121 >> 16; $122 = $B_Q14; $123 = HEAP16[$122>>1]|0; $conv147 = $123 << 16 >> 16; $mul148 = Math_imul($shr145, $conv147)|0; $124 = $pred_lag_ptr; $125 = HEAP32[$124>>2]|0; $and150 = $125 & 65535; $126 = $B_Q14; $127 = HEAP16[$126>>1]|0; $conv152 = $127 << 16 >> 16; $mul153 = Math_imul($and150, $conv152)|0; $shr154 = $mul153 >> 16; $add155 = (($mul148) + ($shr154))|0; $add156 = (($119) + ($add155))|0; $LTP_pred_Q12 = $add156; $128 = $LTP_pred_Q12; $129 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx157 = ((($129)) + -4|0); $130 = HEAP32[$arrayidx157>>2]|0; $shr158 = $130 >> 16; $131 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx159 = ((($131)) + 2|0); $132 = HEAP16[$arrayidx159>>1]|0; $conv160 = $132 << 16 >> 16; $mul161 = Math_imul($shr158, $conv160)|0; $133 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx162 = ((($133)) + -4|0); $134 = HEAP32[$arrayidx162>>2]|0; $and163 = $134 & 65535; $135 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx164 = ((($135)) + 2|0); $136 = HEAP16[$arrayidx164>>1]|0; $conv165 = $136 << 16 >> 16; $mul166 = Math_imul($and163, $conv165)|0; $shr167 = $mul166 >> 16; $add168 = (($mul161) + ($shr167))|0; $add169 = (($128) + ($add168))|0; $LTP_pred_Q12 = $add169; $137 = $LTP_pred_Q12; $138 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx170 = ((($138)) + -8|0); $139 = HEAP32[$arrayidx170>>2]|0; $shr171 = $139 >> 16; $140 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx172 = ((($140)) + 4|0); $141 = HEAP16[$arrayidx172>>1]|0; $conv173 = $141 << 16 >> 16; $mul174 = Math_imul($shr171, $conv173)|0; $142 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx175 = ((($142)) + -8|0); $143 = HEAP32[$arrayidx175>>2]|0; $and176 = $143 & 65535; $144 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx177 = ((($144)) + 4|0); $145 = HEAP16[$arrayidx177>>1]|0; $conv178 = $145 << 16 >> 16; $mul179 = Math_imul($and176, $conv178)|0; $shr180 = $mul179 >> 16; $add181 = (($mul174) + ($shr180))|0; $add182 = (($137) + ($add181))|0; $LTP_pred_Q12 = $add182; $146 = $LTP_pred_Q12; $147 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx183 = ((($147)) + -12|0); $148 = HEAP32[$arrayidx183>>2]|0; $shr184 = $148 >> 16; $149 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx185 = ((($149)) + 6|0); $150 = HEAP16[$arrayidx185>>1]|0; $conv186 = $150 << 16 >> 16; $mul187 = Math_imul($shr184, $conv186)|0; $151 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx188 = ((($151)) + -12|0); $152 = HEAP32[$arrayidx188>>2]|0; $and189 = $152 & 65535; $153 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx190 = ((($153)) + 6|0); $154 = HEAP16[$arrayidx190>>1]|0; $conv191 = $154 << 16 >> 16; $mul192 = Math_imul($and189, $conv191)|0; $shr193 = $mul192 >> 16; $add194 = (($mul187) + ($shr193))|0; $add195 = (($146) + ($add194))|0; $LTP_pred_Q12 = $add195; $155 = $LTP_pred_Q12; $156 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx196 = ((($156)) + -16|0); $157 = HEAP32[$arrayidx196>>2]|0; $shr197 = $157 >> 16; $158 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx198 = ((($158)) + 8|0); $159 = HEAP16[$arrayidx198>>1]|0; $conv199 = $159 << 16 >> 16; $mul200 = Math_imul($shr197, $conv199)|0; $160 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx201 = ((($160)) + -16|0); $161 = HEAP32[$arrayidx201>>2]|0; $and202 = $161 & 65535; $162 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx203 = ((($162)) + 8|0); $163 = HEAP16[$arrayidx203>>1]|0; $conv204 = $163 << 16 >> 16; $mul205 = Math_imul($and202, $conv204)|0; $shr206 = $mul205 >> 16; $add207 = (($mul200) + ($shr206))|0; $add208 = (($155) + ($add207))|0; $LTP_pred_Q12 = $add208; $164 = $pred_lag_ptr; $incdec$ptr = ((($164)) + 4|0); $pred_lag_ptr = $incdec$ptr; $165 = $rand_seed; $mul209 = Math_imul($165, 196314165)|0; $add210 = (907633515 + ($mul209))|0; $rand_seed = $add210; $166 = $rand_seed; $shr211 = $166 >> 25; $and212 = $shr211 & 127; $idx = $and212; $167 = $LTP_pred_Q12; $168 = $rand_ptr; $169 = $idx; $arrayidx213 = (($168) + ($169<<2)|0); $170 = HEAP32[$arrayidx213>>2]|0; $shr214 = $170 >> 16; $171 = $rand_scale_Q14; $conv215 = $171 << 16 >> 16; $mul216 = Math_imul($shr214, $conv215)|0; $172 = $rand_ptr; $173 = $idx; $arrayidx217 = (($172) + ($173<<2)|0); $174 = HEAP32[$arrayidx217>>2]|0; $and218 = $174 & 65535; $175 = $rand_scale_Q14; $conv219 = $175 << 16 >> 16; $mul220 = Math_imul($and218, $conv219)|0; $shr221 = $mul220 >> 16; $add222 = (($mul216) + ($shr221))|0; $add223 = (($167) + ($add222))|0; $shl224 = $add223 << 2; $176 = $sLTP_buf_idx; $arrayidx225 = (($vla) + ($176<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx225>>2] = $shl224; $177 = $sLTP_buf_idx; $inc226 = (($177) + 1)|0; $sLTP_buf_idx = $inc226; $178 = $i; $inc228 = (($178) + 1)|0; $i = $inc228; } $j = 0; while(1) { $179 = $j; $cmp231 = ($179|0)<(5); if (!($cmp231)) { break; } $180 = $harm_Gain_Q15; $conv234 = $180&65535; $conv235 = $conv234 << 16 >> 16; $181 = $B_Q14; $182 = $j; $arrayidx236 = (($181) + ($182<<1)|0); $183 = HEAP16[$arrayidx236>>1]|0; $conv237 = $183 << 16 >> 16; $mul238 = Math_imul($conv235, $conv237)|0; $shr239 = $mul238 >> 15; $conv240 = $shr239&65535; $184 = $B_Q14; $185 = $j; $arrayidx241 = (($184) + ($185<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx241>>1] = $conv240; $186 = $j; $inc243 = (($186) + 1)|0; $j = $inc243; } $187 = $rand_scale_Q14; $conv245 = $187 << 16 >> 16; $188 = $rand_Gain_Q15; $conv246 = $188&65535; $conv247 = $conv246 << 16 >> 16; $mul248 = Math_imul($conv245, $conv247)|0; $shr249 = $mul248 >> 15; $conv250 = $shr249&65535; $rand_scale_Q14 = $conv250; $189 = $psPLC; $190 = HEAP32[$189>>2]|0; $191 = $psPLC; $192 = HEAP32[$191>>2]|0; $shr253 = $192 >> 16; $mul254 = ($shr253*655)|0; $193 = $psPLC; $194 = HEAP32[$193>>2]|0; $and256 = $194 & 65535; $mul257 = ($and256*655)|0; $shr258 = $mul257 >> 16; $add259 = (($mul254) + ($shr258))|0; $add260 = (($190) + ($add259))|0; $195 = $psPLC; HEAP32[$195>>2] = $add260; $196 = $psPLC; $197 = HEAP32[$196>>2]|0; $198 = $psDec$addr; $fs_kHz = ((($198)) + 2316|0); $199 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $conv263 = $199&65535; $conv264 = $conv263 << 16 >> 16; $mul265 = ($conv264*18)|0; $shl266 = $mul265 << 8; $call267 = (_silk_min_32_433($197,$shl266)|0); $200 = $psPLC; HEAP32[$200>>2] = $call267; $201 = $psPLC; $202 = HEAP32[$201>>2]|0; $shr270 = $202 >> 7; $add271 = (($shr270) + 1)|0; $shr272 = $add271 >> 1; $lag = $shr272; $203 = $k; $inc274 = (($203) + 1)|0; $k = $inc274; } $204 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length276 = ((($204)) + 2336|0); $205 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length276>>2]|0; $sub277 = (($205) - 16)|0; $arrayidx278 = (($vla) + ($sub277<<2)|0); $sLPC_Q14_ptr = $arrayidx278; $206 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $207 = $psDec$addr; $sLPC_Q14_buf = ((($207)) + 1284|0); dest=$206; src=$sLPC_Q14_buf; stop=dest+64|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $i = 0; while(1) { $208 = $i; $209 = $psDec$addr; $frame_length281 = ((($209)) + 2328|0); $210 = HEAP32[$frame_length281>>2]|0; $cmp282 = ($208|0)<($210|0); $211 = $psDec$addr; if (!($cmp282)) { break; } $LPC_order285 = ((($211)) + 2340|0); $212 = HEAP32[$LPC_order285>>2]|0; $shr286 = $212 >> 1; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $shr286; $213 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $214 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $215 = $i; $add287 = (16 + ($215))|0; $sub288 = (($add287) - 1)|0; $arrayidx289 = (($214) + ($sub288<<2)|0); $216 = HEAP32[$arrayidx289>>2]|0; $shr290 = $216 >> 16; $217 = HEAP16[$A_Q12>>1]|0; $conv292 = $217 << 16 >> 16; $mul293 = Math_imul($shr290, $conv292)|0; $218 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $219 = $i; $add294 = (16 + ($219))|0; $sub295 = (($add294) - 1)|0; $arrayidx296 = (($218) + ($sub295<<2)|0); $220 = HEAP32[$arrayidx296>>2]|0; $and297 = $220 & 65535; $221 = HEAP16[$A_Q12>>1]|0; $conv299 = $221 << 16 >> 16; $mul300 = Math_imul($and297, $conv299)|0; $shr301 = $mul300 >> 16; $add302 = (($mul293) + ($shr301))|0; $add303 = (($213) + ($add302))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add303; $222 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $223 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $224 = $i; $add304 = (16 + ($224))|0; $sub305 = (($add304) - 2)|0; $arrayidx306 = (($223) + ($sub305<<2)|0); $225 = HEAP32[$arrayidx306>>2]|0; $shr307 = $225 >> 16; $arrayidx308 = ((($A_Q12)) + 2|0); $226 = HEAP16[$arrayidx308>>1]|0; $conv309 = $226 << 16 >> 16; $mul310 = Math_imul($shr307, $conv309)|0; $227 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $228 = $i; $add311 = (16 + ($228))|0; $sub312 = (($add311) - 2)|0; $arrayidx313 = (($227) + ($sub312<<2)|0); $229 = HEAP32[$arrayidx313>>2]|0; $and314 = $229 & 65535; $arrayidx315 = ((($A_Q12)) + 2|0); $230 = HEAP16[$arrayidx315>>1]|0; $conv316 = $230 << 16 >> 16; $mul317 = Math_imul($and314, $conv316)|0; $shr318 = $mul317 >> 16; $add319 = (($mul310) + ($shr318))|0; $add320 = (($222) + ($add319))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add320; $231 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $232 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $233 = $i; $add321 = (16 + ($233))|0; $sub322 = (($add321) - 3)|0; $arrayidx323 = (($232) + ($sub322<<2)|0); $234 = HEAP32[$arrayidx323>>2]|0; $shr324 = $234 >> 16; $arrayidx325 = ((($A_Q12)) + 4|0); $235 = HEAP16[$arrayidx325>>1]|0; $conv326 = $235 << 16 >> 16; $mul327 = Math_imul($shr324, $conv326)|0; $236 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $237 = $i; $add328 = (16 + ($237))|0; $sub329 = (($add328) - 3)|0; $arrayidx330 = (($236) + ($sub329<<2)|0); $238 = HEAP32[$arrayidx330>>2]|0; $and331 = $238 & 65535; $arrayidx332 = ((($A_Q12)) + 4|0); $239 = HEAP16[$arrayidx332>>1]|0; $conv333 = $239 << 16 >> 16; $mul334 = Math_imul($and331, $conv333)|0; $shr335 = $mul334 >> 16; $add336 = (($mul327) + ($shr335))|0; $add337 = (($231) + ($add336))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add337; $240 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $241 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $242 = $i; $add338 = (16 + ($242))|0; $sub339 = (($add338) - 4)|0; $arrayidx340 = (($241) + ($sub339<<2)|0); $243 = HEAP32[$arrayidx340>>2]|0; $shr341 = $243 >> 16; $arrayidx342 = ((($A_Q12)) + 6|0); $244 = HEAP16[$arrayidx342>>1]|0; $conv343 = $244 << 16 >> 16; $mul344 = Math_imul($shr341, $conv343)|0; $245 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $246 = $i; $add345 = (16 + ($246))|0; $sub346 = (($add345) - 4)|0; $arrayidx347 = (($245) + ($sub346<<2)|0); $247 = HEAP32[$arrayidx347>>2]|0; $and348 = $247 & 65535; $arrayidx349 = ((($A_Q12)) + 6|0); $248 = HEAP16[$arrayidx349>>1]|0; $conv350 = $248 << 16 >> 16; $mul351 = Math_imul($and348, $conv350)|0; $shr352 = $mul351 >> 16; $add353 = (($mul344) + ($shr352))|0; $add354 = (($240) + ($add353))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add354; $249 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $250 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $251 = $i; $add355 = (16 + ($251))|0; $sub356 = (($add355) - 5)|0; $arrayidx357 = (($250) + ($sub356<<2)|0); $252 = HEAP32[$arrayidx357>>2]|0; $shr358 = $252 >> 16; $arrayidx359 = ((($A_Q12)) + 8|0); $253 = HEAP16[$arrayidx359>>1]|0; $conv360 = $253 << 16 >> 16; $mul361 = Math_imul($shr358, $conv360)|0; $254 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $255 = $i; $add362 = (16 + ($255))|0; $sub363 = (($add362) - 5)|0; $arrayidx364 = (($254) + ($sub363<<2)|0); $256 = HEAP32[$arrayidx364>>2]|0; $and365 = $256 & 65535; $arrayidx366 = ((($A_Q12)) + 8|0); $257 = HEAP16[$arrayidx366>>1]|0; $conv367 = $257 << 16 >> 16; $mul368 = Math_imul($and365, $conv367)|0; $shr369 = $mul368 >> 16; $add370 = (($mul361) + ($shr369))|0; $add371 = (($249) + ($add370))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add371; $258 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $259 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $260 = $i; $add372 = (16 + ($260))|0; $sub373 = (($add372) - 6)|0; $arrayidx374 = (($259) + ($sub373<<2)|0); $261 = HEAP32[$arrayidx374>>2]|0; $shr375 = $261 >> 16; $arrayidx376 = ((($A_Q12)) + 10|0); $262 = HEAP16[$arrayidx376>>1]|0; $conv377 = $262 << 16 >> 16; $mul378 = Math_imul($shr375, $conv377)|0; $263 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $264 = $i; $add379 = (16 + ($264))|0; $sub380 = (($add379) - 6)|0; $arrayidx381 = (($263) + ($sub380<<2)|0); $265 = HEAP32[$arrayidx381>>2]|0; $and382 = $265 & 65535; $arrayidx383 = ((($A_Q12)) + 10|0); $266 = HEAP16[$arrayidx383>>1]|0; $conv384 = $266 << 16 >> 16; $mul385 = Math_imul($and382, $conv384)|0; $shr386 = $mul385 >> 16; $add387 = (($mul378) + ($shr386))|0; $add388 = (($258) + ($add387))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add388; $267 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $268 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $269 = $i; $add389 = (16 + ($269))|0; $sub390 = (($add389) - 7)|0; $arrayidx391 = (($268) + ($sub390<<2)|0); $270 = HEAP32[$arrayidx391>>2]|0; $shr392 = $270 >> 16; $arrayidx393 = ((($A_Q12)) + 12|0); $271 = HEAP16[$arrayidx393>>1]|0; $conv394 = $271 << 16 >> 16; $mul395 = Math_imul($shr392, $conv394)|0; $272 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $273 = $i; $add396 = (16 + ($273))|0; $sub397 = (($add396) - 7)|0; $arrayidx398 = (($272) + ($sub397<<2)|0); $274 = HEAP32[$arrayidx398>>2]|0; $and399 = $274 & 65535; $arrayidx400 = ((($A_Q12)) + 12|0); $275 = HEAP16[$arrayidx400>>1]|0; $conv401 = $275 << 16 >> 16; $mul402 = Math_imul($and399, $conv401)|0; $shr403 = $mul402 >> 16; $add404 = (($mul395) + ($shr403))|0; $add405 = (($267) + ($add404))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add405; $276 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $277 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $278 = $i; $add406 = (16 + ($278))|0; $sub407 = (($add406) - 8)|0; $arrayidx408 = (($277) + ($sub407<<2)|0); $279 = HEAP32[$arrayidx408>>2]|0; $shr409 = $279 >> 16; $arrayidx410 = ((($A_Q12)) + 14|0); $280 = HEAP16[$arrayidx410>>1]|0; $conv411 = $280 << 16 >> 16; $mul412 = Math_imul($shr409, $conv411)|0; $281 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $282 = $i; $add413 = (16 + ($282))|0; $sub414 = (($add413) - 8)|0; $arrayidx415 = (($281) + ($sub414<<2)|0); $283 = HEAP32[$arrayidx415>>2]|0; $and416 = $283 & 65535; $arrayidx417 = ((($A_Q12)) + 14|0); $284 = HEAP16[$arrayidx417>>1]|0; $conv418 = $284 << 16 >> 16; $mul419 = Math_imul($and416, $conv418)|0; $shr420 = $mul419 >> 16; $add421 = (($mul412) + ($shr420))|0; $add422 = (($276) + ($add421))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add422; $285 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $286 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $287 = $i; $add423 = (16 + ($287))|0; $sub424 = (($add423) - 9)|0; $arrayidx425 = (($286) + ($sub424<<2)|0); $288 = HEAP32[$arrayidx425>>2]|0; $shr426 = $288 >> 16; $arrayidx427 = ((($A_Q12)) + 16|0); $289 = HEAP16[$arrayidx427>>1]|0; $conv428 = $289 << 16 >> 16; $mul429 = Math_imul($shr426, $conv428)|0; $290 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $291 = $i; $add430 = (16 + ($291))|0; $sub431 = (($add430) - 9)|0; $arrayidx432 = (($290) + ($sub431<<2)|0); $292 = HEAP32[$arrayidx432>>2]|0; $and433 = $292 & 65535; $arrayidx434 = ((($A_Q12)) + 16|0); $293 = HEAP16[$arrayidx434>>1]|0; $conv435 = $293 << 16 >> 16; $mul436 = Math_imul($and433, $conv435)|0; $shr437 = $mul436 >> 16; $add438 = (($mul429) + ($shr437))|0; $add439 = (($285) + ($add438))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add439; $294 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $295 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $296 = $i; $add440 = (16 + ($296))|0; $sub441 = (($add440) - 10)|0; $arrayidx442 = (($295) + ($sub441<<2)|0); $297 = HEAP32[$arrayidx442>>2]|0; $shr443 = $297 >> 16; $arrayidx444 = ((($A_Q12)) + 18|0); $298 = HEAP16[$arrayidx444>>1]|0; $conv445 = $298 << 16 >> 16; $mul446 = Math_imul($shr443, $conv445)|0; $299 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $300 = $i; $add447 = (16 + ($300))|0; $sub448 = (($add447) - 10)|0; $arrayidx449 = (($299) + ($sub448<<2)|0); $301 = HEAP32[$arrayidx449>>2]|0; $and450 = $301 & 65535; $arrayidx451 = ((($A_Q12)) + 18|0); $302 = HEAP16[$arrayidx451>>1]|0; $conv452 = $302 << 16 >> 16; $mul453 = Math_imul($and450, $conv452)|0; $shr454 = $mul453 >> 16; $add455 = (($mul446) + ($shr454))|0; $add456 = (($294) + ($add455))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add456; $j = 10; while(1) { $303 = $j; $304 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order458 = ((($304)) + 2340|0); $305 = HEAP32[$LPC_order458>>2]|0; $cmp459 = ($303|0)<($305|0); if (!($cmp459)) { break; } $306 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $307 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $308 = $i; $add462 = (16 + ($308))|0; $309 = $j; $sub463 = (($add462) - ($309))|0; $sub464 = (($sub463) - 1)|0; $arrayidx465 = (($307) + ($sub464<<2)|0); $310 = HEAP32[$arrayidx465>>2]|0; $shr466 = $310 >> 16; $311 = $j; $arrayidx467 = (($A_Q12) + ($311<<1)|0); $312 = HEAP16[$arrayidx467>>1]|0; $conv468 = $312 << 16 >> 16; $mul469 = Math_imul($shr466, $conv468)|0; $313 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $314 = $i; $add470 = (16 + ($314))|0; $315 = $j; $sub471 = (($add470) - ($315))|0; $sub472 = (($sub471) - 1)|0; $arrayidx473 = (($313) + ($sub472<<2)|0); $316 = HEAP32[$arrayidx473>>2]|0; $and474 = $316 & 65535; $317 = $j; $arrayidx475 = (($A_Q12) + ($317<<1)|0); $318 = HEAP16[$arrayidx475>>1]|0; $conv476 = $318 << 16 >> 16; $mul477 = Math_imul($and474, $conv476)|0; $shr478 = $mul477 >> 16; $add479 = (($mul469) + ($shr478))|0; $add480 = (($306) + ($add479))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add480; $319 = $j; $inc482 = (($319) + 1)|0; $j = $inc482; } $320 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $321 = $i; $add484 = (16 + ($321))|0; $arrayidx485 = (($320) + ($add484<<2)|0); $322 = HEAP32[$arrayidx485>>2]|0; $323 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $shl486 = $323 << 4; $add487 = (($322) + ($shl486))|0; $324 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $325 = $i; $add488 = (16 + ($325))|0; $arrayidx489 = (($324) + ($add488<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx489>>2] = $add487; $326 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $327 = $i; $add490 = (16 + ($327))|0; $arrayidx491 = (($326) + ($add490<<2)|0); $328 = HEAP32[$arrayidx491>>2]|0; $shr492 = $328 >> 16; $arrayidx493 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $329 = HEAP32[$arrayidx493>>2]|0; $conv494 = $329&65535; $conv495 = $conv494 << 16 >> 16; $mul496 = Math_imul($shr492, $conv495)|0; $330 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $331 = $i; $add497 = (16 + ($331))|0; $arrayidx498 = (($330) + ($add497<<2)|0); $332 = HEAP32[$arrayidx498>>2]|0; $and499 = $332 & 65535; $arrayidx500 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $333 = HEAP32[$arrayidx500>>2]|0; $conv501 = $333&65535; $conv502 = $conv501 << 16 >> 16; $mul503 = Math_imul($and499, $conv502)|0; $shr504 = $mul503 >> 16; $add505 = (($mul496) + ($shr504))|0; $334 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $335 = $i; $add506 = (16 + ($335))|0; $arrayidx507 = (($334) + ($add506<<2)|0); $336 = HEAP32[$arrayidx507>>2]|0; $arrayidx508 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $337 = HEAP32[$arrayidx508>>2]|0; $shr509 = $337 >> 15; $add510 = (($shr509) + 1)|0; $shr511 = $add510 >> 1; $mul512 = Math_imul($336, $shr511)|0; $add513 = (($add505) + ($mul512))|0; $shr514 = $add513 >> 7; $add515 = (($shr514) + 1)|0; $shr516 = $add515 >> 1; $cmp517 = ($shr516|0)>(32767); if ($cmp517) { $cond582 = 32767; } else { $338 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $339 = $i; $add521 = (16 + ($339))|0; $arrayidx522 = (($338) + ($add521<<2)|0); $340 = HEAP32[$arrayidx522>>2]|0; $shr523 = $340 >> 16; $arrayidx524 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $341 = HEAP32[$arrayidx524>>2]|0; $conv525 = $341&65535; $conv526 = $conv525 << 16 >> 16; $mul527 = Math_imul($shr523, $conv526)|0; $342 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $343 = $i; $add528 = (16 + ($343))|0; $arrayidx529 = (($342) + ($add528<<2)|0); $344 = HEAP32[$arrayidx529>>2]|0; $and530 = $344 & 65535; $arrayidx531 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $345 = HEAP32[$arrayidx531>>2]|0; $conv532 = $345&65535; $conv533 = $conv532 << 16 >> 16; $mul534 = Math_imul($and530, $conv533)|0; $shr535 = $mul534 >> 16; $add536 = (($mul527) + ($shr535))|0; $346 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $347 = $i; $add537 = (16 + ($347))|0; $arrayidx538 = (($346) + ($add537<<2)|0); $348 = HEAP32[$arrayidx538>>2]|0; $arrayidx539 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $349 = HEAP32[$arrayidx539>>2]|0; $shr540 = $349 >> 15; $add541 = (($shr540) + 1)|0; $shr542 = $add541 >> 1; $mul543 = Math_imul($348, $shr542)|0; $add544 = (($add536) + ($mul543))|0; $shr545 = $add544 >> 7; $add546 = (($shr545) + 1)|0; $shr547 = $add546 >> 1; $cmp548 = ($shr547|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp548) { $cond582 = -32768; } else { $350 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $351 = $i; $add552 = (16 + ($351))|0; $arrayidx553 = (($350) + ($add552<<2)|0); $352 = HEAP32[$arrayidx553>>2]|0; $shr554 = $352 >> 16; $arrayidx555 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $353 = HEAP32[$arrayidx555>>2]|0; $conv556 = $353&65535; $conv557 = $conv556 << 16 >> 16; $mul558 = Math_imul($shr554, $conv557)|0; $354 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $355 = $i; $add559 = (16 + ($355))|0; $arrayidx560 = (($354) + ($add559<<2)|0); $356 = HEAP32[$arrayidx560>>2]|0; $and561 = $356 & 65535; $arrayidx562 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $357 = HEAP32[$arrayidx562>>2]|0; $conv563 = $357&65535; $conv564 = $conv563 << 16 >> 16; $mul565 = Math_imul($and561, $conv564)|0; $shr566 = $mul565 >> 16; $add567 = (($mul558) + ($shr566))|0; $358 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $359 = $i; $add568 = (16 + ($359))|0; $arrayidx569 = (($358) + ($add568<<2)|0); $360 = HEAP32[$arrayidx569>>2]|0; $arrayidx570 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $361 = HEAP32[$arrayidx570>>2]|0; $shr571 = $361 >> 15; $add572 = (($shr571) + 1)|0; $shr573 = $add572 >> 1; $mul574 = Math_imul($360, $shr573)|0; $add575 = (($add567) + ($mul574))|0; $shr576 = $add575 >> 7; $add577 = (($shr576) + 1)|0; $shr578 = $add577 >> 1; $cond582 = $shr578; } } $cmp583 = ($cond582|0)>(32767); if ($cmp583) { $cond780 = 32767; } else { $362 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $363 = $i; $add587 = (16 + ($363))|0; $arrayidx588 = (($362) + ($add587<<2)|0); $364 = HEAP32[$arrayidx588>>2]|0; $shr589 = $364 >> 16; $arrayidx590 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $365 = HEAP32[$arrayidx590>>2]|0; $conv591 = $365&65535; $conv592 = $conv591 << 16 >> 16; $mul593 = Math_imul($shr589, $conv592)|0; $366 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $367 = $i; $add594 = (16 + ($367))|0; $arrayidx595 = (($366) + ($add594<<2)|0); $368 = HEAP32[$arrayidx595>>2]|0; $and596 = $368 & 65535; $arrayidx597 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $369 = HEAP32[$arrayidx597>>2]|0; $conv598 = $369&65535; $conv599 = $conv598 << 16 >> 16; $mul600 = Math_imul($and596, $conv599)|0; $shr601 = $mul600 >> 16; $add602 = (($mul593) + ($shr601))|0; $370 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $371 = $i; $add603 = (16 + ($371))|0; $arrayidx604 = (($370) + ($add603<<2)|0); $372 = HEAP32[$arrayidx604>>2]|0; $arrayidx605 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $373 = HEAP32[$arrayidx605>>2]|0; $shr606 = $373 >> 15; $add607 = (($shr606) + 1)|0; $shr608 = $add607 >> 1; $mul609 = Math_imul($372, $shr608)|0; $add610 = (($add602) + ($mul609))|0; $shr611 = $add610 >> 7; $add612 = (($shr611) + 1)|0; $shr613 = $add612 >> 1; $cmp614 = ($shr613|0)>(32767); if ($cmp614) { $cond679 = 32767; } else { $374 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $375 = $i; $add618 = (16 + ($375))|0; $arrayidx619 = (($374) + ($add618<<2)|0); $376 = HEAP32[$arrayidx619>>2]|0; $shr620 = $376 >> 16; $arrayidx621 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $377 = HEAP32[$arrayidx621>>2]|0; $conv622 = $377&65535; $conv623 = $conv622 << 16 >> 16; $mul624 = Math_imul($shr620, $conv623)|0; $378 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $379 = $i; $add625 = (16 + ($379))|0; $arrayidx626 = (($378) + ($add625<<2)|0); $380 = HEAP32[$arrayidx626>>2]|0; $and627 = $380 & 65535; $arrayidx628 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $381 = HEAP32[$arrayidx628>>2]|0; $conv629 = $381&65535; $conv630 = $conv629 << 16 >> 16; $mul631 = Math_imul($and627, $conv630)|0; $shr632 = $mul631 >> 16; $add633 = (($mul624) + ($shr632))|0; $382 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $383 = $i; $add634 = (16 + ($383))|0; $arrayidx635 = (($382) + ($add634<<2)|0); $384 = HEAP32[$arrayidx635>>2]|0; $arrayidx636 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $385 = HEAP32[$arrayidx636>>2]|0; $shr637 = $385 >> 15; $add638 = (($shr637) + 1)|0; $shr639 = $add638 >> 1; $mul640 = Math_imul($384, $shr639)|0; $add641 = (($add633) + ($mul640))|0; $shr642 = $add641 >> 7; $add643 = (($shr642) + 1)|0; $shr644 = $add643 >> 1; $cmp645 = ($shr644|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp645) { $cond679 = -32768; } else { $386 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $387 = $i; $add649 = (16 + ($387))|0; $arrayidx650 = (($386) + ($add649<<2)|0); $388 = HEAP32[$arrayidx650>>2]|0; $shr651 = $388 >> 16; $arrayidx652 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $389 = HEAP32[$arrayidx652>>2]|0; $conv653 = $389&65535; $conv654 = $conv653 << 16 >> 16; $mul655 = Math_imul($shr651, $conv654)|0; $390 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $391 = $i; $add656 = (16 + ($391))|0; $arrayidx657 = (($390) + ($add656<<2)|0); $392 = HEAP32[$arrayidx657>>2]|0; $and658 = $392 & 65535; $arrayidx659 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $393 = HEAP32[$arrayidx659>>2]|0; $conv660 = $393&65535; $conv661 = $conv660 << 16 >> 16; $mul662 = Math_imul($and658, $conv661)|0; $shr663 = $mul662 >> 16; $add664 = (($mul655) + ($shr663))|0; $394 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $395 = $i; $add665 = (16 + ($395))|0; $arrayidx666 = (($394) + ($add665<<2)|0); $396 = HEAP32[$arrayidx666>>2]|0; $arrayidx667 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $397 = HEAP32[$arrayidx667>>2]|0; $shr668 = $397 >> 15; $add669 = (($shr668) + 1)|0; $shr670 = $add669 >> 1; $mul671 = Math_imul($396, $shr670)|0; $add672 = (($add664) + ($mul671))|0; $shr673 = $add672 >> 7; $add674 = (($shr673) + 1)|0; $shr675 = $add674 >> 1; $cond679 = $shr675; } } $cmp680 = ($cond679|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp680) { $cond780 = -32768; } else { $398 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $399 = $i; $add684 = (16 + ($399))|0; $arrayidx685 = (($398) + ($add684<<2)|0); $400 = HEAP32[$arrayidx685>>2]|0; $shr686 = $400 >> 16; $arrayidx687 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $401 = HEAP32[$arrayidx687>>2]|0; $conv688 = $401&65535; $conv689 = $conv688 << 16 >> 16; $mul690 = Math_imul($shr686, $conv689)|0; $402 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $403 = $i; $add691 = (16 + ($403))|0; $arrayidx692 = (($402) + ($add691<<2)|0); $404 = HEAP32[$arrayidx692>>2]|0; $and693 = $404 & 65535; $arrayidx694 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $405 = HEAP32[$arrayidx694>>2]|0; $conv695 = $405&65535; $conv696 = $conv695 << 16 >> 16; $mul697 = Math_imul($and693, $conv696)|0; $shr698 = $mul697 >> 16; $add699 = (($mul690) + ($shr698))|0; $406 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $407 = $i; $add700 = (16 + ($407))|0; $arrayidx701 = (($406) + ($add700<<2)|0); $408 = HEAP32[$arrayidx701>>2]|0; $arrayidx702 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $409 = HEAP32[$arrayidx702>>2]|0; $shr703 = $409 >> 15; $add704 = (($shr703) + 1)|0; $shr705 = $add704 >> 1; $mul706 = Math_imul($408, $shr705)|0; $add707 = (($add699) + ($mul706))|0; $shr708 = $add707 >> 7; $add709 = (($shr708) + 1)|0; $shr710 = $add709 >> 1; $cmp711 = ($shr710|0)>(32767); if ($cmp711) { $cond780 = 32767; } else { $410 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $411 = $i; $add715 = (16 + ($411))|0; $arrayidx716 = (($410) + ($add715<<2)|0); $412 = HEAP32[$arrayidx716>>2]|0; $shr717 = $412 >> 16; $arrayidx718 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $413 = HEAP32[$arrayidx718>>2]|0; $conv719 = $413&65535; $conv720 = $conv719 << 16 >> 16; $mul721 = Math_imul($shr717, $conv720)|0; $414 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $415 = $i; $add722 = (16 + ($415))|0; $arrayidx723 = (($414) + ($add722<<2)|0); $416 = HEAP32[$arrayidx723>>2]|0; $and724 = $416 & 65535; $arrayidx725 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $417 = HEAP32[$arrayidx725>>2]|0; $conv726 = $417&65535; $conv727 = $conv726 << 16 >> 16; $mul728 = Math_imul($and724, $conv727)|0; $shr729 = $mul728 >> 16; $add730 = (($mul721) + ($shr729))|0; $418 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $419 = $i; $add731 = (16 + ($419))|0; $arrayidx732 = (($418) + ($add731<<2)|0); $420 = HEAP32[$arrayidx732>>2]|0; $arrayidx733 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $421 = HEAP32[$arrayidx733>>2]|0; $shr734 = $421 >> 15; $add735 = (($shr734) + 1)|0; $shr736 = $add735 >> 1; $mul737 = Math_imul($420, $shr736)|0; $add738 = (($add730) + ($mul737))|0; $shr739 = $add738 >> 7; $add740 = (($shr739) + 1)|0; $shr741 = $add740 >> 1; $cmp742 = ($shr741|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp742) { $cond780 = -32768; } else { $422 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $423 = $i; $add746 = (16 + ($423))|0; $arrayidx747 = (($422) + ($add746<<2)|0); $424 = HEAP32[$arrayidx747>>2]|0; $shr748 = $424 >> 16; $arrayidx749 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $425 = HEAP32[$arrayidx749>>2]|0; $conv750 = $425&65535; $conv751 = $conv750 << 16 >> 16; $mul752 = Math_imul($shr748, $conv751)|0; $426 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $427 = $i; $add753 = (16 + ($427))|0; $arrayidx754 = (($426) + ($add753<<2)|0); $428 = HEAP32[$arrayidx754>>2]|0; $and755 = $428 & 65535; $arrayidx756 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $429 = HEAP32[$arrayidx756>>2]|0; $conv757 = $429&65535; $conv758 = $conv757 << 16 >> 16; $mul759 = Math_imul($and755, $conv758)|0; $shr760 = $mul759 >> 16; $add761 = (($mul752) + ($shr760))|0; $430 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $431 = $i; $add762 = (16 + ($431))|0; $arrayidx763 = (($430) + ($add762<<2)|0); $432 = HEAP32[$arrayidx763>>2]|0; $arrayidx764 = ((($prevGain_Q10)) + 4|0); $433 = HEAP32[$arrayidx764>>2]|0; $shr765 = $433 >> 15; $add766 = (($shr765) + 1)|0; $shr767 = $add766 >> 1; $mul768 = Math_imul($432, $shr767)|0; $add769 = (($add761) + ($mul768))|0; $shr770 = $add769 >> 7; $add771 = (($shr770) + 1)|0; $shr772 = $add771 >> 1; $cond780 = $shr772; } } } } $conv781 = $cond780&65535; $434 = $frame$addr; $435 = $i; $arrayidx782 = (($434) + ($435<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx782>>1] = $conv781; $436 = $i; $inc784 = (($436) + 1)|0; $i = $inc784; } $sLPC_Q14_buf786 = ((($211)) + 1284|0); $437 = $sLPC_Q14_ptr; $438 = $psDec$addr; $frame_length788 = ((($438)) + 2328|0); $439 = HEAP32[$frame_length788>>2]|0; $arrayidx789 = (($437) + ($439<<2)|0); dest=$sLPC_Q14_buf786; src=$arrayidx789; stop=dest+64|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $440 = $rand_seed; $441 = $psPLC; $rand_seed790 = ((($441)) + 52|0); HEAP32[$rand_seed790>>2] = $440; $442 = $rand_scale_Q14; $443 = $psPLC; $randScale_Q14791 = ((($443)) + 56|0); HEAP16[$randScale_Q14791>>1] = $442; $i = 0; while(1) { $444 = $i; $cmp793 = ($444|0)<(4); if (!($cmp793)) { break; } $445 = $lag; $446 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $447 = $i; $arrayidx796 = (($446) + ($447<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx796>>2] = $445; $448 = $i; $inc798 = (($448) + 1)|0; $i = $inc798; } $449 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($449|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_PLC_update($psDec,$psDecCtrl) { $psDec = $psDec|0; $psDecCtrl = $psDecCtrl|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $9 = 0, $Gains_Q16 = 0, $LPC_order = 0, $LTPCoef_Q14 = 0, $LTPCoef_Q14105 = 0, $LTPCoef_Q1425 = 0, $LTPCoef_Q1426 = 0, $LTPCoef_Q1443 = 0, $LTPCoef_Q1446 = 0, $LTPCoef_Q1457 = 0, $LTPCoef_Q1464 = 0, $LTPCoef_Q1484 = 0, $LTPCoef_Q1492 = 0; var $LTP_Gain_Q14 = 0, $LTP_scale_Q14 = 0, $PredCoef_Q12 = 0, $add = 0, $add21 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx109 = 0, $arrayidx116 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0, $arrayidx85 = 0, $arrayidx93 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp48 = 0; var $cmp5 = 0, $cmp51 = 0, $cmp54 = 0, $cmp69 = 0, $cmp73 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cmp81 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond78 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv100 = 0, $conv101 = 0, $conv112 = 0, $conv20 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $conv31 = 0, $conv45 = 0, $conv59 = 0, $conv60 = 0; var $conv61 = 0, $conv63 = 0, $conv86 = 0, $conv87 = 0, $conv88 = 0, $conv91 = 0, $div = 0, $div79 = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc41 = 0, $inc67 = 0, $inc95 = 0, $indices = 0, $indices1 = 0, $j = 0, $mul = 0, $mul102 = 0, $mul111 = 0; var $mul18 = 0, $mul32 = 0, $mul62 = 0, $mul89 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr114 = 0, $nb_subfr119 = 0, $nb_subfr120 = 0, $nb_subfr15 = 0, $nb_subfr27 = 0, $nb_subfr35 = 0, $nb_subfr7 = 0, $prevGain_Q16 = 0, $prevLPC_Q12 = 0, $prevLTP_scale_Q14 = 0, $prevSignalType = 0, $psDec$addr = 0, $psDecCtrl$addr = 0, $psPLC = 0, $sPLC = 0; var $scale_Q10 = 0, $scale_Q14 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl103 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr90 = 0, $signalType = 0, $signalType2 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub115 = 0, $sub16 = 0, $sub17 = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub29 = 0, $sub36 = 0, $sub37 = 0, $subfr_length = 0, $subfr_length117 = 0, $subfr_length118 = 0, $temp_LTP_Gain_Q14 = 0; var $tmp = 0, $tmp72 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $psDec$addr = $psDec; $psDecCtrl$addr = $psDecCtrl; $0 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC = ((($0)) + 4168|0); $psPLC = $sPLC; $1 = $psDec$addr; $indices = ((($1)) + 2736|0); $signalType = ((($indices)) + 29|0); $2 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv = $2 << 24 >> 24; $3 = $psDec$addr; $prevSignalType = ((($3)) + 4164|0); HEAP32[$prevSignalType>>2] = $conv; $LTP_Gain_Q14 = 0; $4 = $psDec$addr; $indices1 = ((($4)) + 2736|0); $signalType2 = ((($indices1)) + 29|0); $5 = HEAP8[$signalType2>>0]|0; $conv3 = $5 << 24 >> 24; $cmp = ($conv3|0)==(2); L1: do { if ($cmp) { $j = 0; while(1) { $6 = $j; $7 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length = ((($7)) + 2332|0); $8 = HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2]|0; $mul = Math_imul($6, $8)|0; $9 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $10 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($10)) + 2324|0); $11 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $sub = (($11) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($9) + ($sub<<2)|0); $12 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $cmp5 = ($mul|0)<($12|0); if (!($cmp5)) { break; } $13 = $j; $14 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr7 = ((($14)) + 2324|0); $15 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr7>>2]|0; $cmp8 = ($13|0)==($15|0); if ($cmp8) { break; } $temp_LTP_Gain_Q14 = 0; $i = 0; while(1) { $16 = $i; $cmp12 = ($16|0)<(5); if (!($cmp12)) { break; } $17 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $LTPCoef_Q14 = ((($17)) + 96|0); $18 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr15 = ((($18)) + 2324|0); $19 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr15>>2]|0; $sub16 = (($19) - 1)|0; $20 = $j; $sub17 = (($sub16) - ($20))|0; $mul18 = ($sub17*5)|0; $21 = $i; $add = (($mul18) + ($21))|0; $arrayidx19 = (($LTPCoef_Q14) + ($add<<1)|0); $22 = HEAP16[$arrayidx19>>1]|0; $conv20 = $22 << 16 >> 16; $23 = $temp_LTP_Gain_Q14; $add21 = (($23) + ($conv20))|0; $temp_LTP_Gain_Q14 = $add21; $24 = $i; $inc = (($24) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $25 = $temp_LTP_Gain_Q14; $26 = $LTP_Gain_Q14; $cmp22 = ($25|0)>($26|0); if ($cmp22) { $27 = $temp_LTP_Gain_Q14; $LTP_Gain_Q14 = $27; $28 = $psPLC; $LTPCoef_Q1425 = ((($28)) + 4|0); $29 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $LTPCoef_Q1426 = ((($29)) + 96|0); $30 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr27 = ((($30)) + 2324|0); $31 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr27>>2]|0; $sub28 = (($31) - 1)|0; $32 = $j; $sub29 = (($sub28) - ($32))|0; $conv30 = $sub29&65535; $conv31 = $conv30 << 16 >> 16; $mul32 = ($conv31*5)|0; $arrayidx33 = (($LTPCoef_Q1426) + ($mul32<<1)|0); ;HEAP16[$LTPCoef_Q1425>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx33>>1]|0;HEAP16[$LTPCoef_Q1425+2>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx33+2>>1]|0;HEAP16[$LTPCoef_Q1425+4>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx33+4>>1]|0;HEAP16[$LTPCoef_Q1425+6>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx33+6>>1]|0;HEAP16[$LTPCoef_Q1425+8>>1]=HEAP16[$arrayidx33+8>>1]|0; $33 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $34 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr35 = ((($34)) + 2324|0); $35 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr35>>2]|0; $sub36 = (($35) - 1)|0; $36 = $j; $sub37 = (($sub36) - ($36))|0; $arrayidx38 = (($33) + ($sub37<<2)|0); $37 = HEAP32[$arrayidx38>>2]|0; $shl = $37 << 8; $38 = $psPLC; HEAP32[$38>>2] = $shl; } $39 = $j; $inc41 = (($39) + 1)|0; $j = $inc41; } $40 = $psPLC; $LTPCoef_Q1443 = ((($40)) + 4|0); ;HEAP32[$LTPCoef_Q1443>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$LTPCoef_Q1443+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP16[$LTPCoef_Q1443+8>>1]=0|0; $41 = $LTP_Gain_Q14; $conv45 = $41&65535; $42 = $psPLC; $LTPCoef_Q1446 = ((($42)) + 4|0); $arrayidx47 = ((($LTPCoef_Q1446)) + 4|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx47>>1] = $conv45; $43 = $LTP_Gain_Q14; $cmp48 = ($43|0)<(11469); if ($cmp48) { $tmp = 11744256; $44 = $tmp; $45 = $LTP_Gain_Q14; $cmp51 = ($45|0)>(1); $46 = $LTP_Gain_Q14; $cond = $cmp51 ? $46 : 1; $div = (($44|0) / ($cond|0))&-1; $scale_Q10 = $div; $i = 0; while(1) { $47 = $i; $cmp54 = ($47|0)<(5); if (!($cmp54)) { break L1; } $48 = $psPLC; $LTPCoef_Q1457 = ((($48)) + 4|0); $49 = $i; $arrayidx58 = (($LTPCoef_Q1457) + ($49<<1)|0); $50 = HEAP16[$arrayidx58>>1]|0; $conv59 = $50 << 16 >> 16; $51 = $scale_Q10; $conv60 = $51&65535; $conv61 = $conv60 << 16 >> 16; $mul62 = Math_imul($conv59, $conv61)|0; $shr = $mul62 >> 10; $conv63 = $shr&65535; $52 = $psPLC; $LTPCoef_Q1464 = ((($52)) + 4|0); $53 = $i; $arrayidx65 = (($LTPCoef_Q1464) + ($53<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx65>>1] = $conv63; $54 = $i; $inc67 = (($54) + 1)|0; $i = $inc67; } } $55 = $LTP_Gain_Q14; $cmp69 = ($55|0)>(15565); if ($cmp69) { $tmp72 = 255016960; $56 = $tmp72; $57 = $LTP_Gain_Q14; $cmp73 = ($57|0)>(1); $58 = $LTP_Gain_Q14; $cond78 = $cmp73 ? $58 : 1; $div79 = (($56|0) / ($cond78|0))&-1; $scale_Q14 = $div79; $i = 0; while(1) { $59 = $i; $cmp81 = ($59|0)<(5); if (!($cmp81)) { break L1; } $60 = $psPLC; $LTPCoef_Q1484 = ((($60)) + 4|0); $61 = $i; $arrayidx85 = (($LTPCoef_Q1484) + ($61<<1)|0); $62 = HEAP16[$arrayidx85>>1]|0; $conv86 = $62 << 16 >> 16; $63 = $scale_Q14; $conv87 = $63&65535; $conv88 = $conv87 << 16 >> 16; $mul89 = Math_imul($conv86, $conv88)|0; $shr90 = $mul89 >> 14; $conv91 = $shr90&65535; $64 = $psPLC; $LTPCoef_Q1492 = ((($64)) + 4|0); $65 = $i; $arrayidx93 = (($LTPCoef_Q1492) + ($65<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx93>>1] = $conv91; $66 = $i; $inc95 = (($66) + 1)|0; $i = $inc95; } } } else { $67 = $psDec$addr; $fs_kHz = ((($67)) + 2316|0); $68 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $conv100 = $68&65535; $conv101 = $conv100 << 16 >> 16; $mul102 = ($conv101*18)|0; $shl103 = $mul102 << 8; $69 = $psPLC; HEAP32[$69>>2] = $shl103; $70 = $psPLC; $LTPCoef_Q14105 = ((($70)) + 4|0); ;HEAP32[$LTPCoef_Q14105>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$LTPCoef_Q14105+4>>2]=0|0;HEAP16[$LTPCoef_Q14105+8>>1]=0|0; } } while(0); $71 = $psPLC; $prevLPC_Q12 = ((($71)) + 14|0); $72 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $PredCoef_Q12 = ((($72)) + 32|0); $arrayidx109 = ((($PredCoef_Q12)) + 32|0); $73 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order = ((($73)) + 2340|0); $74 = HEAP32[$LPC_order>>2]|0; $mul111 = $74<<1; _memcpy(($prevLPC_Q12|0),($arrayidx109|0),($mul111|0))|0; $75 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $LTP_scale_Q14 = ((($75)) + 136|0); $76 = HEAP32[$LTP_scale_Q14>>2]|0; $conv112 = $76&65535; $77 = $psPLC; $prevLTP_scale_Q14 = ((($77)) + 68|0); HEAP16[$prevLTP_scale_Q14>>1] = $conv112; $78 = $psPLC; $prevGain_Q16 = ((($78)) + 72|0); $79 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $Gains_Q16 = ((($79)) + 16|0); $80 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr114 = ((($80)) + 2324|0); $81 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr114>>2]|0; $sub115 = (($81) - 2)|0; $arrayidx116 = (($Gains_Q16) + ($sub115<<2)|0); ;HEAP32[$prevGain_Q16>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx116>>2]|0;HEAP32[$prevGain_Q16+4>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx116+4>>2]|0; $82 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length117 = ((($82)) + 2332|0); $83 = HEAP32[$subfr_length117>>2]|0; $84 = $psPLC; $subfr_length118 = ((($84)) + 88|0); HEAP32[$subfr_length118>>2] = $83; $85 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr119 = ((($85)) + 2324|0); $86 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr119>>2]|0; $87 = $psPLC; $nb_subfr120 = ((($87)) + 84|0); HEAP32[$nb_subfr120>>2] = $86; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_PLC_energy($energy1,$shift1,$energy2,$shift2,$exc_Q14,$prevGain_Q10,$subfr_length,$nb_subfr) { $energy1 = $energy1|0; $shift1 = $shift1|0; $energy2 = $energy2|0; $shift2 = $shift2|0; $exc_Q14 = $exc_Q14|0; $prevGain_Q10 = $prevGain_Q10|0; $subfr_length = $subfr_length|0; $nb_subfr = $nb_subfr|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0; var $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add101 = 0, $add104 = 0, $add12 = 0, $add19 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add27 = 0, $add30 = 0, $add34 = 0, $add37 = 0, $add44 = 0, $add47 = 0, $add5 = 0, $add55 = 0, $add56 = 0, $add59 = 0, $add63 = 0, $add66 = 0; var $add72 = 0, $add75 = 0, $add82 = 0, $add85 = 0, $add9 = 0, $add93 = 0, $add94 = 0, $add97 = 0, $and = 0, $and49 = 0, $and87 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx109 = 0, $arrayidx113 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0; var $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx60 = 0, $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx76 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx86 = 0, $arrayidx88 = 0, $arrayidx98 = 0, $arrayidx99 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp32 = 0, $cmp68 = 0, $cond107 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv108 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv16 = 0; var $conv41 = 0, $conv42 = 0, $conv51 = 0, $conv52 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $conv79 = 0, $conv80 = 0, $conv89 = 0, $conv90 = 0, $energy1$addr = 0, $energy2$addr = 0, $exc_Q14$addr = 0, $exc_buf_ptr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc111 = 0, $k = 0, $mul = 0, $mul103 = 0, $mul11 = 0; var $mul17 = 0, $mul22 = 0, $mul29 = 0, $mul36 = 0, $mul4 = 0, $mul43 = 0, $mul46 = 0, $mul53 = 0, $mul58 = 0, $mul65 = 0, $mul74 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $mul81 = 0, $mul84 = 0, $mul91 = 0, $mul96 = 0, $nb_subfr$addr = 0, $prevGain_Q10$addr = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shift1$addr = 0; var $shift2$addr = 0, $shr = 0, $shr100 = 0, $shr102 = 0, $shr105 = 0, $shr18 = 0, $shr26 = 0, $shr28 = 0, $shr31 = 0, $shr39 = 0, $shr54 = 0, $shr62 = 0, $shr64 = 0, $shr67 = 0, $shr77 = 0, $shr92 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub10 = 0, $sub21 = 0, $sub35 = 0; var $sub45 = 0, $sub57 = 0, $sub73 = 0, $sub83 = 0, $sub95 = 0, $subfr_length$addr = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $energy1$addr = $energy1; $shift1$addr = $shift1; $energy2$addr = $energy2; $shift2$addr = $shift2; $exc_Q14$addr = $exc_Q14; $prevGain_Q10$addr = $prevGain_Q10; $subfr_length$addr = $subfr_length; $nb_subfr$addr = $nb_subfr; $0 = $subfr_length$addr; $mul = $0<<1; $1 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $1; $vla$alloca_mul = $mul<<1; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $exc_buf_ptr = $vla; $k = 0; while(1) { $2 = $k; $cmp = ($2|0)<(2); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $i = 0; while(1) { $3 = $i; $4 = $subfr_length$addr; $cmp2 = ($3|0)<($4|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $5 = $exc_Q14$addr; $6 = $i; $7 = $k; $8 = $nb_subfr$addr; $add = (($7) + ($8))|0; $sub = (($add) - 2)|0; $9 = $subfr_length$addr; $mul4 = Math_imul($sub, $9)|0; $add5 = (($6) + ($mul4))|0; $arrayidx = (($5) + ($add5<<2)|0); $10 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $shr = $10 >> 16; $11 = $prevGain_Q10$addr; $12 = $k; $arrayidx6 = (($11) + ($12<<2)|0); $13 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $conv = $13&65535; $conv7 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul8 = Math_imul($shr, $conv7)|0; $14 = $exc_Q14$addr; $15 = $i; $16 = $k; $17 = $nb_subfr$addr; $add9 = (($16) + ($17))|0; $sub10 = (($add9) - 2)|0; $18 = $subfr_length$addr; $mul11 = Math_imul($sub10, $18)|0; $add12 = (($15) + ($mul11))|0; $arrayidx13 = (($14) + ($add12<<2)|0); $19 = HEAP32[$arrayidx13>>2]|0; $and = $19 & 65535; $20 = $prevGain_Q10$addr; $21 = $k; $arrayidx14 = (($20) + ($21<<2)|0); $22 = HEAP32[$arrayidx14>>2]|0; $conv15 = $22&65535; $conv16 = $conv15 << 16 >> 16; $mul17 = Math_imul($and, $conv16)|0; $shr18 = $mul17 >> 16; $add19 = (($mul8) + ($shr18))|0; $23 = $exc_Q14$addr; $24 = $i; $25 = $k; $26 = $nb_subfr$addr; $add20 = (($25) + ($26))|0; $sub21 = (($add20) - 2)|0; $27 = $subfr_length$addr; $mul22 = Math_imul($sub21, $27)|0; $add23 = (($24) + ($mul22))|0; $arrayidx24 = (($23) + ($add23<<2)|0); $28 = HEAP32[$arrayidx24>>2]|0; $29 = $prevGain_Q10$addr; $30 = $k; $arrayidx25 = (($29) + ($30<<2)|0); $31 = HEAP32[$arrayidx25>>2]|0; $shr26 = $31 >> 15; $add27 = (($shr26) + 1)|0; $shr28 = $add27 >> 1; $mul29 = Math_imul($28, $shr28)|0; $add30 = (($add19) + ($mul29))|0; $shr31 = $add30 >> 8; $cmp32 = ($shr31|0)>(32767); if ($cmp32) { $cond107 = 32767; } else { $32 = $exc_Q14$addr; $33 = $i; $34 = $k; $35 = $nb_subfr$addr; $add34 = (($34) + ($35))|0; $sub35 = (($add34) - 2)|0; $36 = $subfr_length$addr; $mul36 = Math_imul($sub35, $36)|0; $add37 = (($33) + ($mul36))|0; $arrayidx38 = (($32) + ($add37<<2)|0); $37 = HEAP32[$arrayidx38>>2]|0; $shr39 = $37 >> 16; $38 = $prevGain_Q10$addr; $39 = $k; $arrayidx40 = (($38) + ($39<<2)|0); $40 = HEAP32[$arrayidx40>>2]|0; $conv41 = $40&65535; $conv42 = $conv41 << 16 >> 16; $mul43 = Math_imul($shr39, $conv42)|0; $41 = $exc_Q14$addr; $42 = $i; $43 = $k; $44 = $nb_subfr$addr; $add44 = (($43) + ($44))|0; $sub45 = (($add44) - 2)|0; $45 = $subfr_length$addr; $mul46 = Math_imul($sub45, $45)|0; $add47 = (($42) + ($mul46))|0; $arrayidx48 = (($41) + ($add47<<2)|0); $46 = HEAP32[$arrayidx48>>2]|0; $and49 = $46 & 65535; $47 = $prevGain_Q10$addr; $48 = $k; $arrayidx50 = (($47) + ($48<<2)|0); $49 = HEAP32[$arrayidx50>>2]|0; $conv51 = $49&65535; $conv52 = $conv51 << 16 >> 16; $mul53 = Math_imul($and49, $conv52)|0; $shr54 = $mul53 >> 16; $add55 = (($mul43) + ($shr54))|0; $50 = $exc_Q14$addr; $51 = $i; $52 = $k; $53 = $nb_subfr$addr; $add56 = (($52) + ($53))|0; $sub57 = (($add56) - 2)|0; $54 = $subfr_length$addr; $mul58 = Math_imul($sub57, $54)|0; $add59 = (($51) + ($mul58))|0; $arrayidx60 = (($50) + ($add59<<2)|0); $55 = HEAP32[$arrayidx60>>2]|0; $56 = $prevGain_Q10$addr; $57 = $k; $arrayidx61 = (($56) + ($57<<2)|0); $58 = HEAP32[$arrayidx61>>2]|0; $shr62 = $58 >> 15; $add63 = (($shr62) + 1)|0; $shr64 = $add63 >> 1; $mul65 = Math_imul($55, $shr64)|0; $add66 = (($add55) + ($mul65))|0; $shr67 = $add66 >> 8; $cmp68 = ($shr67|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp68) { $cond107 = -32768; } else { $59 = $exc_Q14$addr; $60 = $i; $61 = $k; $62 = $nb_subfr$addr; $add72 = (($61) + ($62))|0; $sub73 = (($add72) - 2)|0; $63 = $subfr_length$addr; $mul74 = Math_imul($sub73, $63)|0; $add75 = (($60) + ($mul74))|0; $arrayidx76 = (($59) + ($add75<<2)|0); $64 = HEAP32[$arrayidx76>>2]|0; $shr77 = $64 >> 16; $65 = $prevGain_Q10$addr; $66 = $k; $arrayidx78 = (($65) + ($66<<2)|0); $67 = HEAP32[$arrayidx78>>2]|0; $conv79 = $67&65535; $conv80 = $conv79 << 16 >> 16; $mul81 = Math_imul($shr77, $conv80)|0; $68 = $exc_Q14$addr; $69 = $i; $70 = $k; $71 = $nb_subfr$addr; $add82 = (($70) + ($71))|0; $sub83 = (($add82) - 2)|0; $72 = $subfr_length$addr; $mul84 = Math_imul($sub83, $72)|0; $add85 = (($69) + ($mul84))|0; $arrayidx86 = (($68) + ($add85<<2)|0); $73 = HEAP32[$arrayidx86>>2]|0; $and87 = $73 & 65535; $74 = $prevGain_Q10$addr; $75 = $k; $arrayidx88 = (($74) + ($75<<2)|0); $76 = HEAP32[$arrayidx88>>2]|0; $conv89 = $76&65535; $conv90 = $conv89 << 16 >> 16; $mul91 = Math_imul($and87, $conv90)|0; $shr92 = $mul91 >> 16; $add93 = (($mul81) + ($shr92))|0; $77 = $exc_Q14$addr; $78 = $i; $79 = $k; $80 = $nb_subfr$addr; $add94 = (($79) + ($80))|0; $sub95 = (($add94) - 2)|0; $81 = $subfr_length$addr; $mul96 = Math_imul($sub95, $81)|0; $add97 = (($78) + ($mul96))|0; $arrayidx98 = (($77) + ($add97<<2)|0); $82 = HEAP32[$arrayidx98>>2]|0; $83 = $prevGain_Q10$addr; $84 = $k; $arrayidx99 = (($83) + ($84<<2)|0); $85 = HEAP32[$arrayidx99>>2]|0; $shr100 = $85 >> 15; $add101 = (($shr100) + 1)|0; $shr102 = $add101 >> 1; $mul103 = Math_imul($82, $shr102)|0; $add104 = (($add93) + ($mul103))|0; $shr105 = $add104 >> 8; $cond107 = $shr105; } } $conv108 = $cond107&65535; $86 = $exc_buf_ptr; $87 = $i; $arrayidx109 = (($86) + ($87<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx109>>1] = $conv108; $88 = $i; $inc = (($88) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $89 = $subfr_length$addr; $90 = $exc_buf_ptr; $add$ptr = (($90) + ($89<<1)|0); $exc_buf_ptr = $add$ptr; $91 = $k; $inc111 = (($91) + 1)|0; $k = $inc111; } $92 = $energy1$addr; $93 = $shift1$addr; $94 = $subfr_length$addr; _silk_sum_sqr_shift($92,$93,$vla,$94); $95 = $energy2$addr; $96 = $shift2$addr; $97 = $subfr_length$addr; $arrayidx113 = (($vla) + ($97<<1)|0); $98 = $subfr_length$addr; _silk_sum_sqr_shift($95,$96,$arrayidx113,$98); $99 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($99|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_max_int_431($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_min_int_432($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_max_16($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $$sink = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv1 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv5 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $conv = $0 << 16 >> 16; $1 = $b$addr; $conv1 = $1 << 16 >> 16; $cmp = ($conv|0)>($conv1|0); $2 = $b$addr; $3 = $a$addr; $$sink = $cmp ? $3 : $2; $conv4 = $$sink << 16 >> 16; $conv5 = $conv4&65535; STACKTOP = sp;return ($conv5|0); } function _silk_min_32_433($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_max_32_434($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_INVERSE32_varQ_435($b32,$Qres) { $b32 = $b32|0; $Qres = $Qres|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Qres$addr = 0, $add = 0; var $add20 = 0, $add21 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add26 = 0, $and = 0, $and15 = 0, $b32$addr = 0, $b32_inv = 0, $b32_nrm = 0, $b_headrm = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp48 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cmp69 = 0, $cmp83 = 0, $cond = 0; var $cond80 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $div = 0, $err_Q32 = 0, $lshift = 0, $mul = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul18 = 0, $mul25 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $result = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0; var $shl10 = 0, $shl2 = 0, $shl82 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr11 = 0, $shr19 = 0, $shr22 = 0, $shr24 = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr34 = 0, $shr39 = 0, $shr44 = 0, $shr47 = 0, $shr52 = 0, $shr60 = 0, $shr65 = 0, $shr68 = 0, $shr73 = 0, $shr8 = 0; var $shr86 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub27 = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub31 = 0, $sub33 = 0, $sub38 = 0, $sub43 = 0, $sub46 = 0, $sub51 = 0, $sub64 = 0, $sub67 = 0, $sub72 = 0, $sub81 = 0, $sub9 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $b32$addr = $b32; $Qres$addr = $Qres; $0 = $b32$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(0); $1 = $b32$addr; $sub = (0 - ($1))|0; $cond = $cmp ? $1 : $sub; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_436($cond)|0); $sub1 = (($call) - 1)|0; $b_headrm = $sub1; $2 = $b32$addr; $3 = $b_headrm; $shl = $2 << $3; $b32_nrm = $shl; $4 = $b32_nrm; $shr = $4 >> 16; $div = (536870911 / ($shr|0))&-1; $b32_inv = $div; $5 = $b32_inv; $shl2 = $5 << 16; $result = $shl2; $6 = $b32_nrm; $shr3 = $6 >> 16; $7 = $b32_inv; $conv = $7&65535; $conv4 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr3, $conv4)|0; $8 = $b32_nrm; $and = $8 & 65535; $9 = $b32_inv; $conv5 = $9&65535; $conv6 = $conv5 << 16 >> 16; $mul7 = Math_imul($and, $conv6)|0; $shr8 = $mul7 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr8))|0; $sub9 = (536870912 - ($add))|0; $shl10 = $sub9 << 3; $err_Q32 = $shl10; $10 = $result; $11 = $err_Q32; $shr11 = $11 >> 16; $12 = $b32_inv; $conv12 = $12&65535; $conv13 = $conv12 << 16 >> 16; $mul14 = Math_imul($shr11, $conv13)|0; $13 = $err_Q32; $and15 = $13 & 65535; $14 = $b32_inv; $conv16 = $14&65535; $conv17 = $conv16 << 16 >> 16; $mul18 = Math_imul($and15, $conv17)|0; $shr19 = $mul18 >> 16; $add20 = (($mul14) + ($shr19))|0; $add21 = (($10) + ($add20))|0; $15 = $err_Q32; $16 = $b32_inv; $shr22 = $16 >> 15; $add23 = (($shr22) + 1)|0; $shr24 = $add23 >> 1; $mul25 = Math_imul($15, $shr24)|0; $add26 = (($add21) + ($mul25))|0; $result = $add26; $17 = $b_headrm; $sub27 = (61 - ($17))|0; $18 = $Qres$addr; $sub28 = (($sub27) - ($18))|0; $lshift = $sub28; $19 = $lshift; $cmp29 = ($19|0)<=(0); $20 = $lshift; if (!($cmp29)) { $cmp83 = ($20|0)<(32); if ($cmp83) { $35 = $result; $36 = $lshift; $shr86 = $35 >> $36; $retval = $shr86; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } else { $retval = 0; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } } $sub31 = (0 - ($20))|0; $shr32 = -2147483648 >> $sub31; $21 = $lshift; $sub33 = (0 - ($21))|0; $shr34 = 2147483647 >> $sub33; $cmp35 = ($shr32|0)>($shr34|0); $22 = $result; $23 = $lshift; $sub38 = (0 - ($23))|0; do { if ($cmp35) { $shr39 = -2147483648 >> $sub38; $cmp40 = ($22|0)>($shr39|0); if ($cmp40) { $24 = $lshift; $sub43 = (0 - ($24))|0; $shr44 = -2147483648 >> $sub43; $cond80 = $shr44; break; } $25 = $result; $26 = $lshift; $sub46 = (0 - ($26))|0; $shr47 = 2147483647 >> $sub46; $cmp48 = ($25|0)<($shr47|0); if ($cmp48) { $27 = $lshift; $sub51 = (0 - ($27))|0; $shr52 = 2147483647 >> $sub51; $cond80 = $shr52; break; } else { $28 = $result; $cond80 = $28; break; } } else { $shr60 = 2147483647 >> $sub38; $cmp61 = ($22|0)>($shr60|0); if ($cmp61) { $29 = $lshift; $sub64 = (0 - ($29))|0; $shr65 = 2147483647 >> $sub64; $cond80 = $shr65; break; } $30 = $result; $31 = $lshift; $sub67 = (0 - ($31))|0; $shr68 = -2147483648 >> $sub67; $cmp69 = ($30|0)<($shr68|0); if ($cmp69) { $32 = $lshift; $sub72 = (0 - ($32))|0; $shr73 = -2147483648 >> $sub72; $cond80 = $shr73; break; } else { $33 = $result; $cond80 = $33; break; } } } while(0); $34 = $lshift; $sub81 = (0 - ($34))|0; $shl82 = $cond80 << $sub81; $retval = $shl82; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } function _silk_CLZ32_436($in32) { $in32 = $in32|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $cond = 0, $in32$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in32$addr = $in32; $0 = $in32$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $cond = 32; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $1 = $in32$addr; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $sub1 = (32 - ($sub))|0; $cond = $sub1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_PLC_glue_frames($psDec,$frame,$length) { $psDec = $psDec|0; $frame = $frame|0; $length = $length|0; var $$sink = 0, $$sink1 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0; var $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0; var $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0; var $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $LZ = 0, $add = 0, $add43 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $call = 0, $call26 = 0, $call30 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp19 = 0; var $cmp29 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $conc_energy = 0, $conc_energy18 = 0, $conc_energy21 = 0, $conc_energy23 = 0, $conc_energy24 = 0, $conc_energy28 = 0, $conc_energy7 = 0, $conc_energy9 = 0, $conc_energy_shift = 0, $conc_energy_shift11 = 0, $conc_energy_shift14 = 0, $conc_energy_shift5 = 0, $conc_energy_shift8 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv38 = 0, $conv41 = 0; var $div = 0, $div33 = 0, $energy = 0, $energy_shift = 0, $frac_Q24 = 0, $frame$addr = 0, $gain_Q16 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $last_frame_lost2 = 0, $last_frame_lost50 = 0, $length$addr = 0, $lossCnt = 0, $mul = 0, $mul39 = 0, $psDec$addr = 0, $psPLC = 0, $sPLC = 0, $sPLC1 = 0, $shl = 0; var $shl31 = 0, $shl34 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr27 = 0, $shr36 = 0, $shr40 = 0, $slope_Q16 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub15 = 0, $sub22 = 0, $sub25 = 0, $sub32 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool3 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $energy_shift = sp + 24|0; $energy = sp + 20|0; $psDec$addr = $psDec; $frame$addr = $frame; $length$addr = $length; $0 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC = ((($0)) + 4168|0); $psPLC = $sPLC; $1 = $psDec$addr; $lossCnt = ((($1)) + 4160|0); $2 = HEAP32[$lossCnt>>2]|0; $tobool = ($2|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $3 = $psPLC; $conc_energy = ((($3)) + 60|0); $4 = $psPLC; $conc_energy_shift = ((($4)) + 64|0); $5 = $frame$addr; $6 = $length$addr; _silk_sum_sqr_shift($conc_energy,$conc_energy_shift,$5,$6); $7 = $psPLC; $$sink = 1;$$sink1 = $7; $last_frame_lost50 = ((($$sink1)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$last_frame_lost50>>2] = $$sink; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $8 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC1 = ((($8)) + 4168|0); $last_frame_lost2 = ((($sPLC1)) + 48|0); $9 = HEAP32[$last_frame_lost2>>2]|0; $tobool3 = ($9|0)!=(0); L5: do { if ($tobool3) { $10 = $frame$addr; $11 = $length$addr; _silk_sum_sqr_shift($energy,$energy_shift,$10,$11); $12 = HEAP32[$energy_shift>>2]|0; $13 = $psPLC; $conc_energy_shift5 = ((($13)) + 64|0); $14 = HEAP32[$conc_energy_shift5>>2]|0; $cmp = ($12|0)>($14|0); if ($cmp) { $15 = $psPLC; $conc_energy7 = ((($15)) + 60|0); $16 = HEAP32[$conc_energy7>>2]|0; $17 = HEAP32[$energy_shift>>2]|0; $18 = $psPLC; $conc_energy_shift8 = ((($18)) + 64|0); $19 = HEAP32[$conc_energy_shift8>>2]|0; $sub = (($17) - ($19))|0; $shr = $16 >> $sub; $20 = $psPLC; $conc_energy9 = ((($20)) + 60|0); HEAP32[$conc_energy9>>2] = $shr; } else { $21 = HEAP32[$energy_shift>>2]|0; $22 = $psPLC; $conc_energy_shift11 = ((($22)) + 64|0); $23 = HEAP32[$conc_energy_shift11>>2]|0; $cmp12 = ($21|0)<($23|0); if ($cmp12) { $24 = HEAP32[$energy>>2]|0; $25 = $psPLC; $conc_energy_shift14 = ((($25)) + 64|0); $26 = HEAP32[$conc_energy_shift14>>2]|0; $27 = HEAP32[$energy_shift>>2]|0; $sub15 = (($26) - ($27))|0; $shr16 = $24 >> $sub15; HEAP32[$energy>>2] = $shr16; } } $28 = HEAP32[$energy>>2]|0; $29 = $psPLC; $conc_energy18 = ((($29)) + 60|0); $30 = HEAP32[$conc_energy18>>2]|0; $cmp19 = ($28|0)>($30|0); if ($cmp19) { $31 = $psPLC; $conc_energy21 = ((($31)) + 60|0); $32 = HEAP32[$conc_energy21>>2]|0; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_436($32)|0); $LZ = $call; $33 = $LZ; $sub22 = (($33) - 1)|0; $LZ = $sub22; $34 = $psPLC; $conc_energy23 = ((($34)) + 60|0); $35 = HEAP32[$conc_energy23>>2]|0; $36 = $LZ; $shl = $35 << $36; $37 = $psPLC; $conc_energy24 = ((($37)) + 60|0); HEAP32[$conc_energy24>>2] = $shl; $38 = HEAP32[$energy>>2]|0; $39 = $LZ; $sub25 = (24 - ($39))|0; $call26 = (_silk_max_32_434($sub25,0)|0); $shr27 = $38 >> $call26; HEAP32[$energy>>2] = $shr27; $40 = $psPLC; $conc_energy28 = ((($40)) + 60|0); $41 = HEAP32[$conc_energy28>>2]|0; $42 = HEAP32[$energy>>2]|0; $cmp29 = ($42|0)>(1); $43 = HEAP32[$energy>>2]|0; $cond = $cmp29 ? $43 : 1; $div = (($41|0) / ($cond|0))&-1; $frac_Q24 = $div; $44 = $frac_Q24; $call30 = (_silk_SQRT_APPROX_439($44)|0); $shl31 = $call30 << 4; $gain_Q16 = $shl31; $45 = $gain_Q16; $sub32 = (65536 - ($45))|0; $46 = $length$addr; $div33 = (($sub32|0) / ($46|0))&-1; $slope_Q16 = $div33; $47 = $slope_Q16; $shl34 = $47 << 2; $slope_Q16 = $shl34; $i = 0; while(1) { $48 = $i; $49 = $length$addr; $cmp35 = ($48|0)<($49|0); if (!($cmp35)) { break L5; } $50 = $gain_Q16; $shr36 = $50 >> 16; $51 = $frame$addr; $52 = $i; $arrayidx = (($51) + ($52<<1)|0); $53 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $53 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr36, $conv)|0; $54 = $gain_Q16; $and = $54 & 65535; $55 = $frame$addr; $56 = $i; $arrayidx37 = (($55) + ($56<<1)|0); $57 = HEAP16[$arrayidx37>>1]|0; $conv38 = $57 << 16 >> 16; $mul39 = Math_imul($and, $conv38)|0; $shr40 = $mul39 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr40))|0; $conv41 = $add&65535; $58 = $frame$addr; $59 = $i; $arrayidx42 = (($58) + ($59<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx42>>1] = $conv41; $60 = $slope_Q16; $61 = $gain_Q16; $add43 = (($61) + ($60))|0; $gain_Q16 = $add43; $62 = $gain_Q16; $cmp44 = ($62|0)>(65536); if ($cmp44) { break L5; } $63 = $i; $inc = (($63) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } } } } while(0); $64 = $psPLC; $$sink = 0;$$sink1 = $64; $last_frame_lost50 = ((($$sink1)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$last_frame_lost50>>2] = $$sink; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_SQRT_APPROX_439($x) { $x = $x|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add17 = 0, $and = 0, $and9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv11 = 0; var $conv13 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $frac_Q7 = 0, $lz = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $retval = 0, $shr = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr4 = 0, $tobool = 0, $x$addr = 0, $y = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $lz = sp + 4|0; $frac_Q7 = sp; $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<=(0); if ($cmp) { $retval = 0; $11 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($11|0); } $1 = $x$addr; _silk_CLZ_FRAC_440($1,$lz,$frac_Q7); $2 = HEAP32[$lz>>2]|0; $and = $2 & 1; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $y = 32768; } else { $y = 46214; } $3 = HEAP32[$lz>>2]|0; $shr = $3 >> 1; $4 = $y; $shr3 = $4 >> $shr; $y = $shr3; $5 = $y; $6 = $y; $shr4 = $6 >> 16; $7 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $conv = $7&65535; $conv5 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = ($conv5*213)|0; $conv6 = $mul&65535; $conv7 = $conv6 << 16 >> 16; $mul8 = Math_imul($shr4, $conv7)|0; $8 = $y; $and9 = $8 & 65535; $9 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $conv10 = $9&65535; $conv11 = $conv10 << 16 >> 16; $mul12 = ($conv11*213)|0; $conv13 = $mul12&65535; $conv14 = $conv13 << 16 >> 16; $mul15 = Math_imul($and9, $conv14)|0; $shr16 = $mul15 >> 16; $add = (($mul8) + ($shr16))|0; $add17 = (($5) + ($add))|0; $y = $add17; $10 = $y; $retval = $10; $11 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($11|0); } function _silk_CLZ_FRAC_440($in,$lz,$frac_Q7) { $in = $in|0; $lz = $lz|0; $frac_Q7 = $frac_Q7|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $and = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $frac_Q7$addr = 0, $in$addr = 0, $lz$addr = 0, $lzeros = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in$addr = $in; $lz$addr = $lz; $frac_Q7$addr = $frac_Q7; $0 = $in$addr; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_436($0)|0); $lzeros = $call; $1 = $lzeros; $2 = $lz$addr; HEAP32[$2>>2] = $1; $3 = $in$addr; $4 = $lzeros; $sub = (24 - ($4))|0; $call1 = (_silk_ROR32_441($3,$sub)|0); $and = $call1 & 127; $5 = $frac_Q7$addr; HEAP32[$5>>2] = $and; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_ROR32_441($a32,$rot) { $a32 = $a32|0; $rot = $rot|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $a32$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $m = 0, $or = 0, $or8 = 0; var $r = 0, $retval = 0, $rot$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl6 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr7 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $x = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $a32$addr = $a32; $rot$addr = $rot; $0 = $a32$addr; $x = $0; $1 = $rot$addr; $r = $1; $2 = $rot$addr; $sub = (0 - ($2))|0; $m = $sub; $3 = $rot$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)==(0); if ($cmp) { $4 = $a32$addr; $retval = $4; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } $5 = $rot$addr; $cmp1 = ($5|0)<(0); $6 = $x; if ($cmp1) { $7 = $m; $shl = $6 << $7; $8 = $x; $9 = $m; $sub3 = (32 - ($9))|0; $shr = $8 >>> $sub3; $or = $shl | $shr; $retval = $or; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } else { $10 = $r; $sub5 = (32 - ($10))|0; $shl6 = $6 << $sub5; $11 = $x; $12 = $r; $shr7 = $11 >>> $12; $or8 = $shl6 | $shr7; $retval = $or8; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } return (0)|0; } function _silk_VAD_Init($psSilk_VAD) { $psSilk_VAD = $psSilk_VAD|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0; var $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $NL = 0, $NL7 = 0, $NoiseLevelBias = 0, $NoiseLevelBias4 = 0, $NrgRatioSmth_Q8 = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $b = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp2 = 0; var $counter = 0, $div = 0, $div9 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc12 = 0, $inc19 = 0, $inv_NL = 0, $mul = 0, $psSilk_VAD$addr = 0, $ret = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $psSilk_VAD$addr = $psSilk_VAD; $ret = 0; $0 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; dest=$0; stop=dest+112|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=0|0; dest=dest+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $b = 0; while(1) { $1 = $b; $cmp = ($1|0)<(4); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $b; $add = (($2) + 1)|0; $div = (50 / ($add|0))&-1; $call = (_silk_max_32_448($div,1)|0); $3 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $NoiseLevelBias = ((($3)) + 92|0); $4 = $b; $arrayidx = (($NoiseLevelBias) + ($4<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2] = $call; $5 = $b; $inc = (($5) + 1)|0; $b = $inc; } $b = 0; while(1) { $6 = $b; $cmp2 = ($6|0)<(4); $7 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $NoiseLevelBias4 = ((($7)) + 92|0); $8 = $b; $arrayidx5 = (($NoiseLevelBias4) + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2]|0; $mul = ($9*100)|0; $10 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $NL = ((($10)) + 60|0); $11 = $b; $arrayidx6 = (($NL) + ($11<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2] = $mul; $12 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $NL7 = ((($12)) + 60|0); $13 = $b; $arrayidx8 = (($NL7) + ($13<<2)|0); $14 = HEAP32[$arrayidx8>>2]|0; $div9 = (2147483647 / ($14|0))&-1; $15 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $inv_NL = ((($15)) + 76|0); $16 = $b; $arrayidx10 = (($inv_NL) + ($16<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx10>>2] = $div9; $17 = $b; $inc12 = (($17) + 1)|0; $b = $inc12; } $counter = ((($7)) + 108|0); HEAP32[$counter>>2] = 15; $b = 0; while(1) { $18 = $b; $cmp15 = ($18|0)<(4); if (!($cmp15)) { break; } $19 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $NrgRatioSmth_Q8 = ((($19)) + 40|0); $20 = $b; $arrayidx17 = (($NrgRatioSmth_Q8) + ($20<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx17>>2] = 25600; $21 = $b; $inc19 = (($21) + 1)|0; $b = $inc19; } $22 = $ret; STACKTOP = sp;return ($22|0); } function _silk_max_32_448($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_VAD_GetSA_Q8_c($psEncC,$pIn) { $psEncC = $psEncC|0; $pIn = $pIn|0; var $$sink = 0, $$sink1 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0; var $114 = 0, $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0; var $132 = 0, $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0; var $150 = 0, $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0; var $169 = 0, $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0; var $187 = 0, $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0; var $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0; var $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0; var $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0; var $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0; var $99 = 0, $AnaState1 = 0, $AnaState2 = 0, $HPstate = 0, $HPstate52 = 0, $HPstateTmp = 0, $NL = 0, $NL130 = 0, $NL136 = 0, $NL213 = 0, $NrgRatioSmth_Q8 = 0, $NrgRatioSmth_Q8322 = 0, $NrgRatioSmth_Q8330 = 0, $NrgRatioSmth_Q8340 = 0, $NrgRatioSmth_Q8342 = 0, $NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8 = 0, $SA_Q15 = 0, $SNR_Q7 = 0, $X_offset = 0, $Xnrg = 0; var $XnrgSubfr = 0, $XnrgSubfr108 = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $add100 = 0, $add104 = 0, $add13 = 0, $add132 = 0, $add139 = 0, $add151 = 0, $add168 = 0, $add181 = 0, $add182 = 0, $add201 = 0, $add211 = 0, $add218 = 0, $add264 = 0, $add269 = 0, $add275 = 0, $add289 = 0; var $add302 = 0, $add307 = 0, $add338 = 0, $add339 = 0, $add7 = 0, $add72 = 0, $add73 = 0, $add81 = 0, $add87 = 0, $add89 = 0, $add93 = 0, $and = 0, $and125 = 0, $and163 = 0, $and176 = 0, $and270 = 0, $and284 = 0, $and297 = 0, $and333 = 0, $and94 = 0; var $arrayidx103 = 0, $arrayidx109 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx118 = 0, $arrayidx119 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx124 = 0, $arrayidx129 = 0, $arrayidx131 = 0, $arrayidx137 = 0, $arrayidx141 = 0, $arrayidx143 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx170 = 0, $arrayidx175 = 0, $arrayidx184 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx212 = 0; var $arrayidx214 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx320 = 0, $arrayidx321 = 0, $arrayidx323 = 0, $arrayidx329 = 0, $arrayidx331 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx341 = 0, $arrayidx343 = 0, $arrayidx350 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0; var $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx62 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx86 = 0, $arrayidx88 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $arrayidx98 = 0, $b = 0, $call = 0, $call144 = 0, $call155 = 0, $call161 = 0, $call190 = 0, $call203 = 0, $call204 = 0, $call263 = 0, $call279 = 0, $call344 = 0; var $call349 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp115 = 0, $cmp121 = 0, $cmp126 = 0, $cmp152 = 0, $cmp208 = 0, $cmp222 = 0, $cmp227 = 0, $cmp232 = 0, $cmp235 = 0, $cmp239 = 0, $cmp249 = 0, $cmp253 = 0, $cmp311 = 0, $cmp317 = 0, $cmp54 = 0, $cmp64 = 0, $cmp68 = 0, $cmp84 = 0; var $cond = 0, $cond102 = 0, $cond102$sink = 0, $cond244 = 0, $cond246 = 0, $cond258 = 0, $cond260 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv146 = 0, $conv147 = 0, $conv148 = 0, $conv149 = 0, $conv158 = 0, $conv159 = 0, $conv164 = 0, $conv165 = 0, $conv172 = 0, $conv173 = 0, $conv177 = 0, $conv178 = 0; var $conv192 = 0, $conv193 = 0, $conv194 = 0, $conv195 = 0, $conv197 = 0, $conv198 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv266 = 0, $conv267 = 0, $conv271 = 0, $conv272 = 0, $conv281 = 0, $conv282 = 0, $conv285 = 0, $conv286 = 0, $conv290 = 0, $conv291 = 0, $conv294 = 0, $conv295 = 0, $conv298 = 0; var $conv299 = 0, $conv303 = 0, $conv304 = 0, $conv326 = 0, $conv327 = 0, $conv334 = 0, $conv335 = 0, $conv35 = 0, $conv37 = 0, $conv42 = 0, $conv44 = 0, $conv46 = 0, $conv47 = 0, $conv49 = 0, $conv51 = 0, $conv75 = 0, $conv77 = 0, $conv78 = 0, $conv79 = 0, $conv80 = 0; var $dec = 0, $dec_subframe_length = 0, $dec_subframe_offset = 0, $decimated_framelength = 0, $decimated_framelength1 = 0, $decimated_framelength2 = 0, $div = 0, $div140 = 0, $div140$sink = 0, $div189 = 0, $frame_length = 0, $frame_length1 = 0, $frame_length17 = 0, $frame_length230 = 0, $frame_length3 = 0, $frame_length308 = 0, $frame_length57 = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $fs_kHz309 = 0, $i = 0; var $inc = 0, $inc106 = 0, $inc111 = 0, $inc187 = 0, $inc220 = 0, $inc352 = 0, $input_quality_bands_Q15 = 0, $input_tilt = 0, $input_tilt_Q15 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul150 = 0, $mul160 = 0, $mul166 = 0, $mul174 = 0, $mul179 = 0, $mul191 = 0, $mul196 = 0, $mul199 = 0, $mul217 = 0, $mul231 = 0; var $mul268 = 0, $mul273 = 0, $mul283 = 0, $mul287 = 0, $mul292 = 0, $mul296 = 0, $mul300 = 0, $mul305 = 0, $mul310 = 0, $mul328 = 0, $mul336 = 0, $mul346 = 0, $pIn$addr = 0, $pSNR_dB_Q7 = 0, $psEncC$addr = 0, $psSilk_VAD = 0, $ret = 0, $s = 0, $sVAD = 0, $saved_stack = 0; var $shl = 0, $shl156 = 0, $shl162 = 0, $shl206 = 0, $shl247 = 0, $shl261 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr138 = 0, $shr157 = 0, $shr167 = 0, $shr171 = 0, $shr180 = 0, $shr2 = 0, $shr200 = 0, $shr216 = 0, $shr225 = 0, $shr25 = 0, $shr265 = 0, $shr274 = 0, $shr278 = 0; var $shr280 = 0, $shr288 = 0, $shr293 = 0, $shr301 = 0, $shr306 = 0, $shr314 = 0, $shr325 = 0, $shr337 = 0, $shr348 = 0, $shr36 = 0, $shr4 = 0, $shr59 = 0, $shr60 = 0, $shr76 = 0, $shr92 = 0, $shr99 = 0, $smooth_coef_Q16 = 0, $speech_activity_Q8 = 0, $speech_nrg = 0, $sub = 0; var $sub120 = 0, $sub145 = 0, $sub202 = 0, $sub205 = 0, $sub215 = 0, $sub27 = 0, $sub29 = 0, $sub31 = 0, $sub324 = 0, $sub33 = 0, $sub332 = 0, $sub345 = 0, $sub347 = 0, $sub38 = 0, $sub40 = 0, $sub45 = 0, $sub50 = 0, $sub58 = 0, $sumSquared = 0, $tobool = 0; var $tobool95 = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $x_tmp = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 144|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(144|0); $Xnrg = sp + 56|0; $NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8 = sp + 40|0; $X_offset = sp + 16|0; $psEncC$addr = $psEncC; $pIn$addr = $pIn; $ret = 0; $0 = $psEncC$addr; $sVAD = ((($0)) + 32|0); $psSilk_VAD = $sVAD; $1 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length = ((($1)) + 4608|0); $2 = HEAP32[$frame_length>>2]|0; $shr = $2 >> 1; $decimated_framelength1 = $shr; $3 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length1 = ((($3)) + 4608|0); $4 = HEAP32[$frame_length1>>2]|0; $shr2 = $4 >> 2; $decimated_framelength2 = $shr2; $5 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length3 = ((($5)) + 4608|0); $6 = HEAP32[$frame_length3>>2]|0; $shr4 = $6 >> 3; $decimated_framelength = $shr4; HEAP32[$X_offset>>2] = 0; $7 = $decimated_framelength; $8 = $decimated_framelength2; $add = (($7) + ($8))|0; $arrayidx5 = ((($X_offset)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2] = $add; $arrayidx6 = ((($X_offset)) + 4|0); $9 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $10 = $decimated_framelength; $add7 = (($9) + ($10))|0; $arrayidx8 = ((($X_offset)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx8>>2] = $add7; $arrayidx9 = ((($X_offset)) + 8|0); $11 = HEAP32[$arrayidx9>>2]|0; $12 = $decimated_framelength2; $add10 = (($11) + ($12))|0; $arrayidx11 = ((($X_offset)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx11>>2] = $add10; $arrayidx12 = ((($X_offset)) + 12|0); $13 = HEAP32[$arrayidx12>>2]|0; $14 = $decimated_framelength1; $add13 = (($13) + ($14))|0; $15 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $15; $vla$alloca_mul = $add13<<1; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $16 = $pIn$addr; $17 = $psSilk_VAD; $arrayidx15 = ((($X_offset)) + 12|0); $18 = HEAP32[$arrayidx15>>2]|0; $arrayidx16 = (($vla) + ($18<<1)|0); $19 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length17 = ((($19)) + 4608|0); $20 = HEAP32[$frame_length17>>2]|0; _silk_ana_filt_bank_1($16,$17,$vla,$arrayidx16,$20); $21 = $psSilk_VAD; $AnaState1 = ((($21)) + 8|0); $arrayidx19 = ((($X_offset)) + 8|0); $22 = HEAP32[$arrayidx19>>2]|0; $arrayidx20 = (($vla) + ($22<<1)|0); $23 = $decimated_framelength1; _silk_ana_filt_bank_1($vla,$AnaState1,$vla,$arrayidx20,$23); $24 = $psSilk_VAD; $AnaState2 = ((($24)) + 16|0); $arrayidx22 = ((($X_offset)) + 4|0); $25 = HEAP32[$arrayidx22>>2]|0; $arrayidx23 = (($vla) + ($25<<1)|0); $26 = $decimated_framelength2; _silk_ana_filt_bank_1($vla,$AnaState2,$vla,$arrayidx23,$26); $27 = $decimated_framelength; $sub = (($27) - 1)|0; $arrayidx24 = (($vla) + ($sub<<1)|0); $28 = HEAP16[$arrayidx24>>1]|0; $conv = $28 << 16 >> 16; $shr25 = $conv >> 1; $conv26 = $shr25&65535; $29 = $decimated_framelength; $sub27 = (($29) - 1)|0; $arrayidx28 = (($vla) + ($sub27<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx28>>1] = $conv26; $30 = $decimated_framelength; $sub29 = (($30) - 1)|0; $arrayidx30 = (($vla) + ($sub29<<1)|0); $31 = HEAP16[$arrayidx30>>1]|0; $HPstateTmp = $31; $32 = $decimated_framelength; $sub31 = (($32) - 1)|0; $i = $sub31; while(1) { $33 = $i; $cmp = ($33|0)>(0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $34 = $i; $sub33 = (($34) - 1)|0; $arrayidx34 = (($vla) + ($sub33<<1)|0); $35 = HEAP16[$arrayidx34>>1]|0; $conv35 = $35 << 16 >> 16; $shr36 = $conv35 >> 1; $conv37 = $shr36&65535; $36 = $i; $sub38 = (($36) - 1)|0; $arrayidx39 = (($vla) + ($sub38<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx39>>1] = $conv37; $37 = $i; $sub40 = (($37) - 1)|0; $arrayidx41 = (($vla) + ($sub40<<1)|0); $38 = HEAP16[$arrayidx41>>1]|0; $conv42 = $38 << 16 >> 16; $39 = $i; $arrayidx43 = (($vla) + ($39<<1)|0); $40 = HEAP16[$arrayidx43>>1]|0; $conv44 = $40 << 16 >> 16; $sub45 = (($conv44) - ($conv42))|0; $conv46 = $sub45&65535; HEAP16[$arrayidx43>>1] = $conv46; $41 = $i; $dec = (($41) + -1)|0; $i = $dec; } $42 = $psSilk_VAD; $HPstate = ((($42)) + 56|0); $43 = HEAP16[$HPstate>>1]|0; $conv47 = $43 << 16 >> 16; $44 = HEAP16[$vla>>1]|0; $conv49 = $44 << 16 >> 16; $sub50 = (($conv49) - ($conv47))|0; $conv51 = $sub50&65535; HEAP16[$vla>>1] = $conv51; $45 = $HPstateTmp; $46 = $psSilk_VAD; $HPstate52 = ((($46)) + 56|0); HEAP16[$HPstate52>>1] = $45; $b = 0; while(1) { $47 = $b; $cmp54 = ($47|0)<(4); if (!($cmp54)) { break; } $48 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length57 = ((($48)) + 4608|0); $49 = HEAP32[$frame_length57>>2]|0; $50 = $b; $sub58 = (4 - ($50))|0; $call = (_silk_min_int_451($sub58,3)|0); $shr59 = $49 >> $call; $decimated_framelength = $shr59; $51 = $decimated_framelength; $shr60 = $51 >> 2; $dec_subframe_length = $shr60; $dec_subframe_offset = 0; $52 = $psSilk_VAD; $XnrgSubfr = ((($52)) + 24|0); $53 = $b; $arrayidx61 = (($XnrgSubfr) + ($53<<2)|0); $54 = HEAP32[$arrayidx61>>2]|0; $55 = $b; $arrayidx62 = (($Xnrg) + ($55<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx62>>2] = $54; $s = 0; while(1) { $56 = $s; $cmp64 = ($56|0)<(4); if (!($cmp64)) { break; } $sumSquared = 0; $i = 0; while(1) { $57 = $i; $58 = $dec_subframe_length; $cmp68 = ($57|0)<($58|0); if (!($cmp68)) { break; } $59 = $b; $arrayidx71 = (($X_offset) + ($59<<2)|0); $60 = HEAP32[$arrayidx71>>2]|0; $61 = $i; $add72 = (($60) + ($61))|0; $62 = $dec_subframe_offset; $add73 = (($add72) + ($62))|0; $arrayidx74 = (($vla) + ($add73<<1)|0); $63 = HEAP16[$arrayidx74>>1]|0; $conv75 = $63 << 16 >> 16; $shr76 = $conv75 >> 3; $x_tmp = $shr76; $64 = $sumSquared; $65 = $x_tmp; $conv77 = $65&65535; $conv78 = $conv77 << 16 >> 16; $66 = $x_tmp; $conv79 = $66&65535; $conv80 = $conv79 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($conv78, $conv80)|0; $add81 = (($64) + ($mul))|0; $sumSquared = $add81; $67 = $i; $inc = (($67) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $68 = $s; $cmp84 = ($68|0)<(3); $69 = $b; $arrayidx86 = (($Xnrg) + ($69<<2)|0); $70 = HEAP32[$arrayidx86>>2]|0; $71 = $sumSquared; if ($cmp84) { $add87 = (($70) + ($71))|0; $and = $add87 & -2147483648; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $cond = 2147483647; } else { $72 = $b; $arrayidx88 = (($Xnrg) + ($72<<2)|0); $73 = HEAP32[$arrayidx88>>2]|0; $74 = $sumSquared; $add89 = (($73) + ($74))|0; $cond = $add89; } $75 = $b; $$sink = $75;$cond102$sink = $cond; } else { $shr92 = $71 >> 1; $add93 = (($70) + ($shr92))|0; $and94 = $add93 & -2147483648; $tobool95 = ($and94|0)!=(0); if ($tobool95) { $cond102 = 2147483647; } else { $76 = $b; $arrayidx98 = (($Xnrg) + ($76<<2)|0); $77 = HEAP32[$arrayidx98>>2]|0; $78 = $sumSquared; $shr99 = $78 >> 1; $add100 = (($77) + ($shr99))|0; $cond102 = $add100; } $79 = $b; $$sink = $79;$cond102$sink = $cond102; } $arrayidx103 = (($Xnrg) + ($$sink<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx103>>2] = $cond102$sink; $80 = $dec_subframe_length; $81 = $dec_subframe_offset; $add104 = (($81) + ($80))|0; $dec_subframe_offset = $add104; $82 = $s; $inc106 = (($82) + 1)|0; $s = $inc106; } $83 = $sumSquared; $84 = $psSilk_VAD; $XnrgSubfr108 = ((($84)) + 24|0); $85 = $b; $arrayidx109 = (($XnrgSubfr108) + ($85<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx109>>2] = $83; $86 = $b; $inc111 = (($86) + 1)|0; $b = $inc111; } $87 = $psSilk_VAD; _silk_VAD_GetNoiseLevels($Xnrg,$87); $sumSquared = 0; $input_tilt = 0; $b = 0; while(1) { $88 = $b; $cmp115 = ($88|0)<(4); if (!($cmp115)) { break; } $89 = $b; $arrayidx118 = (($Xnrg) + ($89<<2)|0); $90 = HEAP32[$arrayidx118>>2]|0; $91 = $psSilk_VAD; $NL = ((($91)) + 60|0); $92 = $b; $arrayidx119 = (($NL) + ($92<<2)|0); $93 = HEAP32[$arrayidx119>>2]|0; $sub120 = (($90) - ($93))|0; $speech_nrg = $sub120; $94 = $speech_nrg; $cmp121 = ($94|0)>(0); $95 = $b; if ($cmp121) { $arrayidx124 = (($Xnrg) + ($95<<2)|0); $96 = HEAP32[$arrayidx124>>2]|0; $and125 = $96 & -8388608; $cmp126 = ($and125|0)==(0); $97 = $b; $arrayidx129 = (($Xnrg) + ($97<<2)|0); $98 = HEAP32[$arrayidx129>>2]|0; if ($cmp126) { $shl = $98 << 8; $99 = $psSilk_VAD; $NL130 = ((($99)) + 60|0); $100 = $b; $arrayidx131 = (($NL130) + ($100<<2)|0); $101 = HEAP32[$arrayidx131>>2]|0; $add132 = (($101) + 1)|0; $div = (($shl|0) / ($add132|0))&-1; $102 = $b; $$sink1 = $102;$div140$sink = $div; } else { $103 = $psSilk_VAD; $NL136 = ((($103)) + 60|0); $104 = $b; $arrayidx137 = (($NL136) + ($104<<2)|0); $105 = HEAP32[$arrayidx137>>2]|0; $shr138 = $105 >> 8; $add139 = (($shr138) + 1)|0; $div140 = (($98|0) / ($add139|0))&-1; $106 = $b; $$sink1 = $106;$div140$sink = $div140; } $arrayidx141 = (($NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8) + ($$sink1<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx141>>2] = $div140$sink; $107 = $b; $arrayidx143 = (($NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8) + ($107<<2)|0); $108 = HEAP32[$arrayidx143>>2]|0; $call144 = (_silk_lin2log($108)|0); $sub145 = (($call144) - 1024)|0; $SNR_Q7 = $sub145; $109 = $sumSquared; $110 = $SNR_Q7; $conv146 = $110&65535; $conv147 = $conv146 << 16 >> 16; $111 = $SNR_Q7; $conv148 = $111&65535; $conv149 = $conv148 << 16 >> 16; $mul150 = Math_imul($conv147, $conv149)|0; $add151 = (($109) + ($mul150))|0; $sumSquared = $add151; $112 = $speech_nrg; $cmp152 = ($112|0)<(1048576); if ($cmp152) { $113 = $speech_nrg; $call155 = (_silk_SQRT_APPROX_452($113)|0); $shl156 = $call155 << 6; $shr157 = $shl156 >> 16; $114 = $SNR_Q7; $conv158 = $114&65535; $conv159 = $conv158 << 16 >> 16; $mul160 = Math_imul($shr157, $conv159)|0; $115 = $speech_nrg; $call161 = (_silk_SQRT_APPROX_452($115)|0); $shl162 = $call161 << 6; $and163 = $shl162 & 65535; $116 = $SNR_Q7; $conv164 = $116&65535; $conv165 = $conv164 << 16 >> 16; $mul166 = Math_imul($and163, $conv165)|0; $shr167 = $mul166 >> 16; $add168 = (($mul160) + ($shr167))|0; $SNR_Q7 = $add168; } $117 = $input_tilt; $118 = $b; $arrayidx170 = (22288 + ($118<<2)|0); $119 = HEAP32[$arrayidx170>>2]|0; $shr171 = $119 >> 16; $120 = $SNR_Q7; $conv172 = $120&65535; $conv173 = $conv172 << 16 >> 16; $mul174 = Math_imul($shr171, $conv173)|0; $121 = $b; $arrayidx175 = (22288 + ($121<<2)|0); $122 = HEAP32[$arrayidx175>>2]|0; $and176 = $122 & 65535; $123 = $SNR_Q7; $conv177 = $123&65535; $conv178 = $conv177 << 16 >> 16; $mul179 = Math_imul($and176, $conv178)|0; $shr180 = $mul179 >> 16; $add181 = (($mul174) + ($shr180))|0; $add182 = (($117) + ($add181))|0; $input_tilt = $add182; } else { $arrayidx184 = (($NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8) + ($95<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx184>>2] = 256; } $124 = $b; $inc187 = (($124) + 1)|0; $b = $inc187; } $125 = $sumSquared; $div189 = (($125|0) / 4)&-1; $sumSquared = $div189; $126 = $sumSquared; $call190 = (_silk_SQRT_APPROX_452($126)|0); $mul191 = ($call190*3)|0; $conv192 = $mul191&65535; $conv193 = $conv192 << 16 >> 16; $pSNR_dB_Q7 = $conv193; $127 = $pSNR_dB_Q7; $conv194 = $127&65535; $conv195 = $conv194 << 16 >> 16; $mul196 = 0; $128 = $pSNR_dB_Q7; $conv197 = $128&65535; $conv198 = $conv197 << 16 >> 16; $mul199 = ($conv198*45000)|0; $shr200 = $mul199 >> 16; $add201 = (($mul196) + ($shr200))|0; $sub202 = (($add201) - 128)|0; $call203 = (_silk_sigm_Q15($sub202)|0); $SA_Q15 = $call203; $129 = $input_tilt; $call204 = (_silk_sigm_Q15($129)|0); $sub205 = (($call204) - 16384)|0; $shl206 = $sub205 << 1; $130 = $psEncC$addr; $input_tilt_Q15 = ((($130)) + 4744|0); HEAP32[$input_tilt_Q15>>2] = $shl206; $speech_nrg = 0; $b = 0; while(1) { $131 = $b; $cmp208 = ($131|0)<(4); if (!($cmp208)) { break; } $132 = $b; $add211 = (($132) + 1)|0; $133 = $b; $arrayidx212 = (($Xnrg) + ($133<<2)|0); $134 = HEAP32[$arrayidx212>>2]|0; $135 = $psSilk_VAD; $NL213 = ((($135)) + 60|0); $136 = $b; $arrayidx214 = (($NL213) + ($136<<2)|0); $137 = HEAP32[$arrayidx214>>2]|0; $sub215 = (($134) - ($137))|0; $shr216 = $sub215 >> 4; $mul217 = Math_imul($add211, $shr216)|0; $138 = $speech_nrg; $add218 = (($138) + ($mul217))|0; $speech_nrg = $add218; $139 = $b; $inc220 = (($139) + 1)|0; $b = $inc220; } $140 = $speech_nrg; $cmp222 = ($140|0)<=(0); if ($cmp222) { $141 = $SA_Q15; $shr225 = $141 >> 1; $SA_Q15 = $shr225; } else { $142 = $speech_nrg; $cmp227 = ($142|0)<(32768); if ($cmp227) { $143 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length230 = ((($143)) + 4608|0); $144 = HEAP32[$frame_length230>>2]|0; $145 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz = ((($145)) + 4600|0); $146 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $mul231 = ($146*10)|0; $cmp232 = ($144|0)==($mul231|0); $147 = $speech_nrg; if ($cmp232) { $cmp235 = ($147|0)>(32767); if ($cmp235) { $cond246 = 32767; } else { $148 = $speech_nrg; $cmp239 = ($148|0)<(-32768); $149 = $speech_nrg; $cond244 = $cmp239 ? -32768 : $149; $cond246 = $cond244; } $shl247 = $cond246 << 16; $speech_nrg = $shl247; } else { $cmp249 = ($147|0)>(65535); if ($cmp249) { $cond260 = 65535; } else { $150 = $speech_nrg; $cmp253 = ($150|0)<(-65536); $151 = $speech_nrg; $cond258 = $cmp253 ? -65536 : $151; $cond260 = $cond258; } $shl261 = $cond260 << 15; $speech_nrg = $shl261; } $152 = $speech_nrg; $call263 = (_silk_SQRT_APPROX_452($152)|0); $speech_nrg = $call263; $153 = $speech_nrg; $add264 = (32768 + ($153))|0; $shr265 = $add264 >> 16; $154 = $SA_Q15; $conv266 = $154&65535; $conv267 = $conv266 << 16 >> 16; $mul268 = Math_imul($shr265, $conv267)|0; $155 = $speech_nrg; $add269 = (32768 + ($155))|0; $and270 = $add269 & 65535; $156 = $SA_Q15; $conv271 = $156&65535; $conv272 = $conv271 << 16 >> 16; $mul273 = Math_imul($and270, $conv272)|0; $shr274 = $mul273 >> 16; $add275 = (($mul268) + ($shr274))|0; $SA_Q15 = $add275; } } $157 = $SA_Q15; $shr278 = $157 >> 7; $call279 = (_silk_min_int_451($shr278,255)|0); $158 = $psEncC$addr; $speech_activity_Q8 = ((($158)) + 4556|0); HEAP32[$speech_activity_Q8>>2] = $call279; $159 = $SA_Q15; $shr280 = $159 >> 16; $160 = $SA_Q15; $conv281 = $160&65535; $conv282 = $conv281 << 16 >> 16; $mul283 = Math_imul($shr280, $conv282)|0; $161 = $SA_Q15; $and284 = $161 & 65535; $162 = $SA_Q15; $conv285 = $162&65535; $conv286 = $conv285 << 16 >> 16; $mul287 = Math_imul($and284, $conv286)|0; $shr288 = $mul287 >> 16; $add289 = (($mul283) + ($shr288))|0; $conv290 = $add289&65535; $conv291 = $conv290 << 16 >> 16; $mul292 = 0; $163 = $SA_Q15; $shr293 = $163 >> 16; $164 = $SA_Q15; $conv294 = $164&65535; $conv295 = $conv294 << 16 >> 16; $mul296 = Math_imul($shr293, $conv295)|0; $165 = $SA_Q15; $and297 = $165 & 65535; $166 = $SA_Q15; $conv298 = $166&65535; $conv299 = $conv298 << 16 >> 16; $mul300 = Math_imul($and297, $conv299)|0; $shr301 = $mul300 >> 16; $add302 = (($mul296) + ($shr301))|0; $conv303 = $add302&65535; $conv304 = $conv303 << 16 >> 16; $mul305 = $conv304<<12; $shr306 = $mul305 >> 16; $add307 = (($mul292) + ($shr306))|0; $smooth_coef_Q16 = $add307; $167 = $psEncC$addr; $frame_length308 = ((($167)) + 4608|0); $168 = HEAP32[$frame_length308>>2]|0; $169 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz309 = ((($169)) + 4600|0); $170 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz309>>2]|0; $mul310 = ($170*10)|0; $cmp311 = ($168|0)==($mul310|0); if ($cmp311) { $171 = $smooth_coef_Q16; $shr314 = $171 >> 1; $smooth_coef_Q16 = $shr314; } $b = 0; while(1) { $172 = $b; $cmp317 = ($172|0)<(4); if (!($cmp317)) { break; } $173 = $psSilk_VAD; $NrgRatioSmth_Q8 = ((($173)) + 40|0); $174 = $b; $arrayidx320 = (($NrgRatioSmth_Q8) + ($174<<2)|0); $175 = HEAP32[$arrayidx320>>2]|0; $176 = $b; $arrayidx321 = (($NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8) + ($176<<2)|0); $177 = HEAP32[$arrayidx321>>2]|0; $178 = $psSilk_VAD; $NrgRatioSmth_Q8322 = ((($178)) + 40|0); $179 = $b; $arrayidx323 = (($NrgRatioSmth_Q8322) + ($179<<2)|0); $180 = HEAP32[$arrayidx323>>2]|0; $sub324 = (($177) - ($180))|0; $shr325 = $sub324 >> 16; $181 = $smooth_coef_Q16; $conv326 = $181&65535; $conv327 = $conv326 << 16 >> 16; $mul328 = Math_imul($shr325, $conv327)|0; $182 = $b; $arrayidx329 = (($NrgToNoiseRatio_Q8) + ($182<<2)|0); $183 = HEAP32[$arrayidx329>>2]|0; $184 = $psSilk_VAD; $NrgRatioSmth_Q8330 = ((($184)) + 40|0); $185 = $b; $arrayidx331 = (($NrgRatioSmth_Q8330) + ($185<<2)|0); $186 = HEAP32[$arrayidx331>>2]|0; $sub332 = (($183) - ($186))|0; $and333 = $sub332 & 65535; $187 = $smooth_coef_Q16; $conv334 = $187&65535; $conv335 = $conv334 << 16 >> 16; $mul336 = Math_imul($and333, $conv335)|0; $shr337 = $mul336 >> 16; $add338 = (($mul328) + ($shr337))|0; $add339 = (($175) + ($add338))|0; $188 = $psSilk_VAD; $NrgRatioSmth_Q8340 = ((($188)) + 40|0); $189 = $b; $arrayidx341 = (($NrgRatioSmth_Q8340) + ($189<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx341>>2] = $add339; $190 = $psSilk_VAD; $NrgRatioSmth_Q8342 = ((($190)) + 40|0); $191 = $b; $arrayidx343 = (($NrgRatioSmth_Q8342) + ($191<<2)|0); $192 = HEAP32[$arrayidx343>>2]|0; $call344 = (_silk_lin2log($192)|0); $sub345 = (($call344) - 1024)|0; $mul346 = ($sub345*3)|0; $SNR_Q7 = $mul346; $193 = $SNR_Q7; $sub347 = (($193) - 2048)|0; $shr348 = $sub347 >> 4; $call349 = (_silk_sigm_Q15($shr348)|0); $194 = $psEncC$addr; $input_quality_bands_Q15 = ((($194)) + 4728|0); $195 = $b; $arrayidx350 = (($input_quality_bands_Q15) + ($195<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx350>>2] = $call349; $196 = $b; $inc352 = (($196) + 1)|0; $b = $inc352; } $197 = $ret; $198 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($198|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return ($197|0); } function _silk_min_int_451($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_VAD_GetNoiseLevels($pX,$psSilk_VAD) { $pX = $pX|0; $psSilk_VAD = $psSilk_VAD|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $NL = 0, $NL81 = 0, $NoiseLevelBias = 0, $NoiseLevelBias7 = 0, $add = 0, $add24 = 0, $add26 = 0, $add29 = 0, $add41 = 0, $add43 = 0, $add46 = 0, $add5 = 0, $add50 = 0, $add68 = 0, $add69 = 0, $add9 = 0; var $and = 0, $and19 = 0, $and36 = 0, $and47 = 0, $and63 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx73 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx82 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp14 = 0; var $cmp2 = 0, $cmp75 = 0, $coef = 0, $cond = 0, $cond80 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv20 = 0, $conv21 = 0, $conv33 = 0, $conv34 = 0, $conv37 = 0, $conv38 = 0, $conv57 = 0, $conv58 = 0, $conv64 = 0, $conv65 = 0, $counter = 0, $counter1 = 0, $counter83 = 0; var $div = 0, $div10 = 0, $div74 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc84 = 0, $inv_NL = 0, $inv_NL54 = 0, $inv_NL60 = 0, $inv_NL70 = 0, $inv_NL72 = 0, $inv_nrg = 0, $k = 0, $min_coef = 0, $mul = 0, $mul22 = 0, $mul28 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul35 = 0, $mul39 = 0, $mul45 = 0; var $mul48 = 0, $mul59 = 0, $mul66 = 0, $nl = 0, $nrg = 0, $pX$addr = 0, $psSilk_VAD$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr17 = 0, $shr23 = 0, $shr25 = 0, $shr27 = 0, $shr30 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr40 = 0, $shr42 = 0, $shr44 = 0, $shr49 = 0, $shr56 = 0; var $shr67 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub62 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $pX$addr = $pX; $psSilk_VAD$addr = $psSilk_VAD; $0 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $counter = ((($0)) + 108|0); $1 = HEAP32[$counter>>2]|0; $cmp = ($1|0)<(1000); if ($cmp) { $2 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $counter1 = ((($2)) + 108|0); $3 = HEAP32[$counter1>>2]|0; $shr = $3 >> 4; $add = (($shr) + 1)|0; $div = (32767 / ($add|0))&-1; $min_coef = $div; } else { $min_coef = 0; } $k = 0; while(1) { $4 = $k; $cmp2 = ($4|0)<(4); $5 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $NL = ((($5)) + 60|0); $6 = $k; $arrayidx = (($NL) + ($6<<2)|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $nl = $7; $8 = $pX$addr; $9 = $k; $arrayidx3 = (($8) + ($9<<2)|0); $10 = HEAP32[$arrayidx3>>2]|0; $11 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $NoiseLevelBias = ((($11)) + 92|0); $12 = $k; $arrayidx4 = (($NoiseLevelBias) + ($12<<2)|0); $13 = HEAP32[$arrayidx4>>2]|0; $add5 = (($10) + ($13))|0; $and = $add5 & -2147483648; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $cond = 2147483647; } else { $14 = $pX$addr; $15 = $k; $arrayidx6 = (($14) + ($15<<2)|0); $16 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $17 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $NoiseLevelBias7 = ((($17)) + 92|0); $18 = $k; $arrayidx8 = (($NoiseLevelBias7) + ($18<<2)|0); $19 = HEAP32[$arrayidx8>>2]|0; $add9 = (($16) + ($19))|0; $cond = $add9; } $nrg = $cond; $20 = $nrg; $div10 = (2147483647 / ($20|0))&-1; $inv_nrg = $div10; $21 = $nrg; $22 = $nl; $shl = $22 << 3; $cmp11 = ($21|0)>($shl|0); do { if ($cmp11) { $coef = 128; } else { $23 = $nrg; $24 = $nl; $cmp14 = ($23|0)<($24|0); if ($cmp14) { $coef = 1024; break; } else { $25 = $inv_nrg; $shr17 = $25 >> 16; $26 = $nl; $conv = $26&65535; $conv18 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr17, $conv18)|0; $27 = $inv_nrg; $and19 = $27 & 65535; $28 = $nl; $conv20 = $28&65535; $conv21 = $conv20 << 16 >> 16; $mul22 = Math_imul($and19, $conv21)|0; $shr23 = $mul22 >> 16; $add24 = (($mul) + ($shr23))|0; $29 = $inv_nrg; $30 = $nl; $shr25 = $30 >> 15; $add26 = (($shr25) + 1)|0; $shr27 = $add26 >> 1; $mul28 = Math_imul($29, $shr27)|0; $add29 = (($add24) + ($mul28))|0; $shr30 = $add29 >> 16; $mul31 = $shr30<<11; $31 = $inv_nrg; $shr32 = $31 >> 16; $32 = $nl; $conv33 = $32&65535; $conv34 = $conv33 << 16 >> 16; $mul35 = Math_imul($shr32, $conv34)|0; $33 = $inv_nrg; $and36 = $33 & 65535; $34 = $nl; $conv37 = $34&65535; $conv38 = $conv37 << 16 >> 16; $mul39 = Math_imul($and36, $conv38)|0; $shr40 = $mul39 >> 16; $add41 = (($mul35) + ($shr40))|0; $35 = $inv_nrg; $36 = $nl; $shr42 = $36 >> 15; $add43 = (($shr42) + 1)|0; $shr44 = $add43 >> 1; $mul45 = Math_imul($35, $shr44)|0; $add46 = (($add41) + ($mul45))|0; $and47 = $add46 & 65535; $mul48 = $and47<<11; $shr49 = $mul48 >> 16; $add50 = (($mul31) + ($shr49))|0; $coef = $add50; break; } } } while(0); $37 = $coef; $38 = $min_coef; $call = (_silk_max_int_456($37,$38)|0); $coef = $call; $39 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $inv_NL = ((($39)) + 76|0); $40 = $k; $arrayidx53 = (($inv_NL) + ($40<<2)|0); $41 = HEAP32[$arrayidx53>>2]|0; $42 = $inv_nrg; $43 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $inv_NL54 = ((($43)) + 76|0); $44 = $k; $arrayidx55 = (($inv_NL54) + ($44<<2)|0); $45 = HEAP32[$arrayidx55>>2]|0; $sub = (($42) - ($45))|0; $shr56 = $sub >> 16; $46 = $coef; $conv57 = $46&65535; $conv58 = $conv57 << 16 >> 16; $mul59 = Math_imul($shr56, $conv58)|0; $47 = $inv_nrg; $48 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $inv_NL60 = ((($48)) + 76|0); $49 = $k; $arrayidx61 = (($inv_NL60) + ($49<<2)|0); $50 = HEAP32[$arrayidx61>>2]|0; $sub62 = (($47) - ($50))|0; $and63 = $sub62 & 65535; $51 = $coef; $conv64 = $51&65535; $conv65 = $conv64 << 16 >> 16; $mul66 = Math_imul($and63, $conv65)|0; $shr67 = $mul66 >> 16; $add68 = (($mul59) + ($shr67))|0; $add69 = (($41) + ($add68))|0; $52 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $inv_NL70 = ((($52)) + 76|0); $53 = $k; $arrayidx71 = (($inv_NL70) + ($53<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx71>>2] = $add69; $54 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $inv_NL72 = ((($54)) + 76|0); $55 = $k; $arrayidx73 = (($inv_NL72) + ($55<<2)|0); $56 = HEAP32[$arrayidx73>>2]|0; $div74 = (2147483647 / ($56|0))&-1; $nl = $div74; $57 = $nl; $cmp75 = ($57|0)<(16777215); $58 = $nl; $cond80 = $cmp75 ? $58 : 16777215; $nl = $cond80; $59 = $nl; $60 = $psSilk_VAD$addr; $NL81 = ((($60)) + 60|0); $61 = $k; $arrayidx82 = (($NL81) + ($61<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx82>>2] = $59; $62 = $k; $inc = (($62) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $counter83 = ((($5)) + 108|0); $63 = HEAP32[$counter83>>2]|0; $inc84 = (($63) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$counter83>>2] = $inc84; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_SQRT_APPROX_452($x) { $x = $x|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add17 = 0, $and = 0, $and9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv11 = 0; var $conv13 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $frac_Q7 = 0, $lz = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $retval = 0, $shr = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr4 = 0, $tobool = 0, $x$addr = 0, $y = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $lz = sp + 4|0; $frac_Q7 = sp; $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<=(0); if ($cmp) { $retval = 0; $11 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($11|0); } $1 = $x$addr; _silk_CLZ_FRAC_453($1,$lz,$frac_Q7); $2 = HEAP32[$lz>>2]|0; $and = $2 & 1; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $y = 32768; } else { $y = 46214; } $3 = HEAP32[$lz>>2]|0; $shr = $3 >> 1; $4 = $y; $shr3 = $4 >> $shr; $y = $shr3; $5 = $y; $6 = $y; $shr4 = $6 >> 16; $7 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $conv = $7&65535; $conv5 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = ($conv5*213)|0; $conv6 = $mul&65535; $conv7 = $conv6 << 16 >> 16; $mul8 = Math_imul($shr4, $conv7)|0; $8 = $y; $and9 = $8 & 65535; $9 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $conv10 = $9&65535; $conv11 = $conv10 << 16 >> 16; $mul12 = ($conv11*213)|0; $conv13 = $mul12&65535; $conv14 = $conv13 << 16 >> 16; $mul15 = Math_imul($and9, $conv14)|0; $shr16 = $mul15 >> 16; $add = (($mul8) + ($shr16))|0; $add17 = (($5) + ($add))|0; $y = $add17; $10 = $y; $retval = $10; $11 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($11|0); } function _silk_CLZ_FRAC_453($in,$lz,$frac_Q7) { $in = $in|0; $lz = $lz|0; $frac_Q7 = $frac_Q7|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $and = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $frac_Q7$addr = 0, $in$addr = 0, $lz$addr = 0, $lzeros = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in$addr = $in; $lz$addr = $lz; $frac_Q7$addr = $frac_Q7; $0 = $in$addr; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_454($0)|0); $lzeros = $call; $1 = $lzeros; $2 = $lz$addr; HEAP32[$2>>2] = $1; $3 = $in$addr; $4 = $lzeros; $sub = (24 - ($4))|0; $call1 = (_silk_ROR32_455($3,$sub)|0); $and = $call1 & 127; $5 = $frac_Q7$addr; HEAP32[$5>>2] = $and; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_CLZ32_454($in32) { $in32 = $in32|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $cond = 0, $in32$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in32$addr = $in32; $0 = $in32$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $cond = 32; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $1 = $in32$addr; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $sub1 = (32 - ($sub))|0; $cond = $sub1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_ROR32_455($a32,$rot) { $a32 = $a32|0; $rot = $rot|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $a32$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $m = 0, $or = 0, $or8 = 0; var $r = 0, $retval = 0, $rot$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl6 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr7 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $x = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $a32$addr = $a32; $rot$addr = $rot; $0 = $a32$addr; $x = $0; $1 = $rot$addr; $r = $1; $2 = $rot$addr; $sub = (0 - ($2))|0; $m = $sub; $3 = $rot$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)==(0); if ($cmp) { $4 = $a32$addr; $retval = $4; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } $5 = $rot$addr; $cmp1 = ($5|0)<(0); $6 = $x; if ($cmp1) { $7 = $m; $shl = $6 << $7; $8 = $x; $9 = $m; $sub3 = (32 - ($9))|0; $shr = $8 >>> $sub3; $or = $shl | $shr; $retval = $or; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } else { $10 = $r; $sub5 = (32 - ($10))|0; $shl6 = $6 << $sub5; $11 = $x; $12 = $r; $shr7 = $11 >>> $12; $or8 = $shl6 | $shr7; $retval = $or8; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } return (0)|0; } function _silk_max_int_456($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_control_audio_bandwidth($psEncC,$encControl) { $psEncC = $psEncC|0; $encControl = $encControl|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $9 = 0, $API_fs_Hz = 0, $API_fs_Hz17 = 0, $API_fs_Hz7 = 0, $API_fs_Hz7$sink = 0, $API_fs_Hz8 = 0, $add = 0, $add116 = 0, $allow_bandwidth_switch = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp109 = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp128 = 0, $cmp14 = 0; var $cmp19 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp48 = 0, $cmp53 = 0, $cmp66 = 0, $cmp72 = 0, $cmp89 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $cmp96 = 0, $cond25 = 0, $cond33 = 0, $cond68 = 0, $cond98 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv2 = 0, $conv44 = 0, $conv45 = 0, $conv85 = 0; var $conv86 = 0, $desiredInternal_fs_Hz = 0, $desiredInternal_fs_Hz47 = 0, $desiredInternal_fs_Hz6 = 0, $desiredInternal_fs_Hz88 = 0, $div = 0, $div117 = 0, $div34 = 0, $div76 = 0, $encControl$addr = 0, $fs_Hz = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $fs_kHz1 = 0, $fs_kHz43 = 0, $fs_kHz65 = 0, $fs_kHz84 = 0, $fs_kHz95 = 0, $maxBits = 0, $maxBits113 = 0, $maxBits118 = 0; var $maxBits77 = 0, $maxInternal_fs_Hz = 0, $maxInternal_fs_Hz18 = 0, $maxInternal_fs_Hz23 = 0, $minInternal_fs_Hz = 0, $minInternal_fs_Hz26 = 0, $minInternal_fs_Hz31 = 0, $mode = 0, $mode105 = 0, $mode108 = 0, $mode122 = 0, $mode127 = 0, $mode132 = 0, $mode52 = 0, $mode64 = 0, $mode80 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul114 = 0, $mul46 = 0, $mul75 = 0; var $mul87 = 0, $opusCanSwitch = 0, $opusCanSwitch60 = 0, $opusCanSwitch92 = 0, $payloadSize_ms = 0, $payloadSize_ms115 = 0, $psEncC$addr = 0, $sLP = 0, $sLP101 = 0, $sLP104 = 0, $sLP107 = 0, $sLP121 = 0, $sLP126 = 0, $sLP131 = 0, $sLP39 = 0, $sLP51 = 0, $sLP56 = 0, $sLP58 = 0, $sLP63 = 0, $sLP79 = 0; var $sLP99 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub119 = 0, $switchReady = 0, $switchReady112 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool41 = 0, $tobool61 = 0, $tobool93 = 0, $transition_frame_no = 0, $transition_frame_no100 = 0, $transition_frame_no57 = 0, $transition_frame_no71 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $psEncC$addr = $psEncC; $encControl$addr = $encControl; $0 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz1 = ((($0)) + 4600|0); $1 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz1>>2]|0; $fs_kHz = $1; $2 = $fs_kHz; $conv = $2&65535; $conv2 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = ($conv2*1000)|0; $fs_Hz = $mul; $3 = $fs_Hz; $cmp = ($3|0)==(0); if ($cmp) { $4 = $psEncC$addr; $desiredInternal_fs_Hz = ((($4)) + 4596|0); $5 = HEAP32[$desiredInternal_fs_Hz>>2]|0; $6 = $psEncC$addr; $API_fs_Hz = ((($6)) + 4580|0); $7 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz>>2]|0; $cmp4 = ($5|0)<($7|0); $8 = $psEncC$addr; $API_fs_Hz7 = ((($8)) + 4580|0); $desiredInternal_fs_Hz6 = ((($8)) + 4596|0); $API_fs_Hz7$sink = $cmp4 ? $desiredInternal_fs_Hz6 : $API_fs_Hz7; $9 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz7$sink>>2]|0; $fs_Hz = $9; $10 = $fs_Hz; $div = (($10|0) / 1000)&-1; $fs_kHz = $div; $86 = $fs_kHz; STACKTOP = sp;return ($86|0); } $11 = $fs_Hz; $12 = $psEncC$addr; $API_fs_Hz8 = ((($12)) + 4580|0); $13 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz8>>2]|0; $cmp9 = ($11|0)>($13|0); if (!($cmp9)) { $14 = $fs_Hz; $15 = $psEncC$addr; $maxInternal_fs_Hz = ((($15)) + 4588|0); $16 = HEAP32[$maxInternal_fs_Hz>>2]|0; $cmp11 = ($14|0)>($16|0); if (!($cmp11)) { $17 = $fs_Hz; $18 = $psEncC$addr; $minInternal_fs_Hz = ((($18)) + 4592|0); $19 = HEAP32[$minInternal_fs_Hz>>2]|0; $cmp14 = ($17|0)<($19|0); if (!($cmp14)) { $35 = $psEncC$addr; $sLP = ((($35)) + 16|0); $transition_frame_no = ((($sLP)) + 8|0); $36 = HEAP32[$transition_frame_no>>2]|0; $cmp36 = ($36|0)>=(256); if ($cmp36) { $37 = $psEncC$addr; $sLP39 = ((($37)) + 16|0); $mode = ((($sLP39)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$mode>>2] = 0; } $38 = $psEncC$addr; $allow_bandwidth_switch = ((($38)) + 4560|0); $39 = HEAP32[$allow_bandwidth_switch>>2]|0; $tobool = ($39|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $40 = $encControl$addr; $opusCanSwitch = ((($40)) + 60|0); $41 = HEAP32[$opusCanSwitch>>2]|0; $tobool41 = ($41|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool41)) { $86 = $fs_kHz; STACKTOP = sp;return ($86|0); } } $42 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz43 = ((($42)) + 4600|0); $43 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz43>>2]|0; $conv44 = $43&65535; $conv45 = $conv44 << 16 >> 16; $mul46 = ($conv45*1000)|0; $44 = $psEncC$addr; $desiredInternal_fs_Hz47 = ((($44)) + 4596|0); $45 = HEAP32[$desiredInternal_fs_Hz47>>2]|0; $cmp48 = ($mul46|0)>($45|0); $46 = $psEncC$addr; if ($cmp48) { $sLP51 = ((($46)) + 16|0); $mode52 = ((($sLP51)) + 12|0); $47 = HEAP32[$mode52>>2]|0; $cmp53 = ($47|0)==(0); if ($cmp53) { $48 = $psEncC$addr; $sLP56 = ((($48)) + 16|0); $transition_frame_no57 = ((($sLP56)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$transition_frame_no57>>2] = 256; $49 = $psEncC$addr; $sLP58 = ((($49)) + 16|0); ;HEAP32[$sLP58>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sLP58+4>>2]=0|0; } $50 = $encControl$addr; $opusCanSwitch60 = ((($50)) + 60|0); $51 = HEAP32[$opusCanSwitch60>>2]|0; $tobool61 = ($51|0)!=(0); $52 = $psEncC$addr; $sLP63 = ((($52)) + 16|0); if ($tobool61) { $mode64 = ((($sLP63)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$mode64>>2] = 0; $53 = $psEncC$addr; $fs_kHz65 = ((($53)) + 4600|0); $54 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz65>>2]|0; $cmp66 = ($54|0)==(16); $cond68 = $cmp66 ? 12 : 8; $fs_kHz = $cond68; $86 = $fs_kHz; STACKTOP = sp;return ($86|0); } $transition_frame_no71 = ((($sLP63)) + 8|0); $55 = HEAP32[$transition_frame_no71>>2]|0; $cmp72 = ($55|0)<=(0); if ($cmp72) { $56 = $encControl$addr; $switchReady = ((($56)) + 84|0); HEAP32[$switchReady>>2] = 1; $57 = $encControl$addr; $maxBits = ((($57)) + 52|0); $58 = HEAP32[$maxBits>>2]|0; $mul75 = ($58*5)|0; $59 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms = ((($59)) + 24|0); $60 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms>>2]|0; $add = (($60) + 5)|0; $div76 = (($mul75|0) / ($add|0))&-1; $61 = $encControl$addr; $maxBits77 = ((($61)) + 52|0); $62 = HEAP32[$maxBits77>>2]|0; $sub = (($62) - ($div76))|0; HEAP32[$maxBits77>>2] = $sub; $86 = $fs_kHz; STACKTOP = sp;return ($86|0); } else { $63 = $psEncC$addr; $sLP79 = ((($63)) + 16|0); $mode80 = ((($sLP79)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$mode80>>2] = -2; $86 = $fs_kHz; STACKTOP = sp;return ($86|0); } } $fs_kHz84 = ((($46)) + 4600|0); $64 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz84>>2]|0; $conv85 = $64&65535; $conv86 = $conv85 << 16 >> 16; $mul87 = ($conv86*1000)|0; $65 = $psEncC$addr; $desiredInternal_fs_Hz88 = ((($65)) + 4596|0); $66 = HEAP32[$desiredInternal_fs_Hz88>>2]|0; $cmp89 = ($mul87|0)<($66|0); if (!($cmp89)) { $83 = $psEncC$addr; $sLP126 = ((($83)) + 16|0); $mode127 = ((($sLP126)) + 12|0); $84 = HEAP32[$mode127>>2]|0; $cmp128 = ($84|0)<(0); if (!($cmp128)) { $86 = $fs_kHz; STACKTOP = sp;return ($86|0); } $85 = $psEncC$addr; $sLP131 = ((($85)) + 16|0); $mode132 = ((($sLP131)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$mode132>>2] = 1; $86 = $fs_kHz; STACKTOP = sp;return ($86|0); } $67 = $encControl$addr; $opusCanSwitch92 = ((($67)) + 60|0); $68 = HEAP32[$opusCanSwitch92>>2]|0; $tobool93 = ($68|0)!=(0); $69 = $psEncC$addr; if ($tobool93) { $fs_kHz95 = ((($69)) + 4600|0); $70 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz95>>2]|0; $cmp96 = ($70|0)==(8); $cond98 = $cmp96 ? 12 : 16; $fs_kHz = $cond98; $71 = $psEncC$addr; $sLP99 = ((($71)) + 16|0); $transition_frame_no100 = ((($sLP99)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$transition_frame_no100>>2] = 0; $72 = $psEncC$addr; $sLP101 = ((($72)) + 16|0); ;HEAP32[$sLP101>>2]=0|0;HEAP32[$sLP101+4>>2]=0|0; $73 = $psEncC$addr; $sLP104 = ((($73)) + 16|0); $mode105 = ((($sLP104)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$mode105>>2] = 1; $86 = $fs_kHz; STACKTOP = sp;return ($86|0); } $sLP107 = ((($69)) + 16|0); $mode108 = ((($sLP107)) + 12|0); $74 = HEAP32[$mode108>>2]|0; $cmp109 = ($74|0)==(0); if ($cmp109) { $75 = $encControl$addr; $switchReady112 = ((($75)) + 84|0); HEAP32[$switchReady112>>2] = 1; $76 = $encControl$addr; $maxBits113 = ((($76)) + 52|0); $77 = HEAP32[$maxBits113>>2]|0; $mul114 = ($77*5)|0; $78 = $encControl$addr; $payloadSize_ms115 = ((($78)) + 24|0); $79 = HEAP32[$payloadSize_ms115>>2]|0; $add116 = (($79) + 5)|0; $div117 = (($mul114|0) / ($add116|0))&-1; $80 = $encControl$addr; $maxBits118 = ((($80)) + 52|0); $81 = HEAP32[$maxBits118>>2]|0; $sub119 = (($81) - ($div117))|0; HEAP32[$maxBits118>>2] = $sub119; $86 = $fs_kHz; STACKTOP = sp;return ($86|0); } else { $82 = $psEncC$addr; $sLP121 = ((($82)) + 16|0); $mode122 = ((($sLP121)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$mode122>>2] = 1; $86 = $fs_kHz; STACKTOP = sp;return ($86|0); } } } } $20 = $psEncC$addr; $API_fs_Hz17 = ((($20)) + 4580|0); $21 = HEAP32[$API_fs_Hz17>>2]|0; $fs_Hz = $21; $22 = $fs_Hz; $23 = $psEncC$addr; $maxInternal_fs_Hz18 = ((($23)) + 4588|0); $24 = HEAP32[$maxInternal_fs_Hz18>>2]|0; $cmp19 = ($22|0)<($24|0); if ($cmp19) { $25 = $fs_Hz; $cond25 = $25; } else { $26 = $psEncC$addr; $maxInternal_fs_Hz23 = ((($26)) + 4588|0); $27 = HEAP32[$maxInternal_fs_Hz23>>2]|0; $cond25 = $27; } $fs_Hz = $cond25; $28 = $fs_Hz; $29 = $psEncC$addr; $minInternal_fs_Hz26 = ((($29)) + 4592|0); $30 = HEAP32[$minInternal_fs_Hz26>>2]|0; $cmp27 = ($28|0)>($30|0); if ($cmp27) { $31 = $fs_Hz; $cond33 = $31; } else { $32 = $psEncC$addr; $minInternal_fs_Hz31 = ((($32)) + 4592|0); $33 = HEAP32[$minInternal_fs_Hz31>>2]|0; $cond33 = $33; } $fs_Hz = $cond33; $34 = $fs_Hz; $div34 = (($34|0) / 1000)&-1; $fs_kHz = $div34; $86 = $fs_kHz; STACKTOP = sp;return ($86|0); } function _silk_quant_LTP_gains($B_Q14,$cbk_index,$periodicity_index,$sum_log_gain_Q7,$W_Q18,$mu_Q9,$lowComplexity,$nb_subfr,$arch) { $B_Q14 = $B_Q14|0; $cbk_index = $cbk_index|0; $periodicity_index = $periodicity_index|0; $sum_log_gain_Q7 = $sum_log_gain_Q7|0; $W_Q18 = $W_Q18|0; $mu_Q9 = $mu_Q9|0; $lowComplexity = $lowComplexity|0; $nb_subfr = $nb_subfr|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $B_Q14$addr = 0, $W_Q18$addr = 0, $W_Q18_ptr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr26 = 0, $add10 = 0, $add11 = 0; var $add12 = 0, $add14 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add22 = 0, $add57 = 0, $add62 = 0, $and = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $b_Q14_ptr = 0, $best_sum_log_gain_Q7 = 0, $call = 0; var $call13 = 0, $call21 = 0, $cbk_gain_ptr_Q7 = 0, $cbk_index$addr = 0, $cbk_ptr_Q7 = 0, $cbk_size = 0, $cl_ptr_Q5 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cmp47 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp51 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond25 = 0, $cond32 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv35 = 0; var $conv37 = 0, $conv55 = 0, $conv59 = 0, $conv60 = 0, $gain_Q7 = 0, $gain_safety = 0, $idxprom = 0, $inc = 0, $inc43 = 0, $inc65 = 0, $inc68 = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $lowComplexity$addr = 0, $max_gain_Q7 = 0, $min_rate_dist_Q14 = 0, $mu_Q9$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul56 = 0, $mul61 = 0; var $nb_subfr$addr = 0, $periodicity_index$addr = 0, $rate_dist_Q14 = 0, $rate_dist_Q14_subfr = 0, $shl = 0, $sub = 0, $sub15 = 0, $sub23 = 0, $sub8 = 0, $sum_log_gain_Q7$addr = 0, $sum_log_gain_tmp_Q7 = 0, $temp_idx = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool36 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 112|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(112|0); $temp_idx = sp + 100|0; $rate_dist_Q14_subfr = sp + 28|0; $gain_Q7 = sp + 4|0; $B_Q14$addr = $B_Q14; $cbk_index$addr = $cbk_index; $periodicity_index$addr = $periodicity_index; $sum_log_gain_Q7$addr = $sum_log_gain_Q7; $W_Q18$addr = $W_Q18; $mu_Q9$addr = $mu_Q9; $lowComplexity$addr = $lowComplexity; $nb_subfr$addr = $nb_subfr; $arch$addr = $arch; $min_rate_dist_Q14 = 2147483647; $best_sum_log_gain_Q7 = 0; $k = 0; while(1) { $0 = $k; $cmp = ($0|0)<(3); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $gain_safety = 51; $1 = $k; $arrayidx = (16672 + ($1<<2)|0); $2 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $cl_ptr_Q5 = $2; $3 = $k; $arrayidx1 = (16684 + ($3<<2)|0); $4 = HEAP32[$arrayidx1>>2]|0; $cbk_ptr_Q7 = $4; $5 = $k; $arrayidx2 = (16696 + ($5<<2)|0); $6 = HEAP32[$arrayidx2>>2]|0; $cbk_gain_ptr_Q7 = $6; $7 = $k; $arrayidx3 = (27620 + ($7)|0); $8 = HEAP8[$arrayidx3>>0]|0; $conv = $8 << 24 >> 24; $cbk_size = $conv; $9 = $W_Q18$addr; $W_Q18_ptr = $9; $10 = $B_Q14$addr; $b_Q14_ptr = $10; $rate_dist_Q14 = 0; $11 = $sum_log_gain_Q7$addr; $12 = HEAP32[$11>>2]|0; $sum_log_gain_tmp_Q7 = $12; $j = 0; while(1) { $13 = $j; $14 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp5 = ($13|0)<($14|0); if (!($cmp5)) { break; } $15 = $sum_log_gain_tmp_Q7; $sub = (5333 - ($15))|0; $add = (($sub) + 896)|0; $call = (_silk_log2lin($add)|0); $16 = $gain_safety; $sub8 = (($call) - ($16))|0; $max_gain_Q7 = $sub8; $17 = $j; $arrayidx9 = (($temp_idx) + ($17)|0); $18 = $b_Q14_ptr; $19 = $W_Q18_ptr; $20 = $cbk_ptr_Q7; $21 = $cbk_gain_ptr_Q7; $22 = $cl_ptr_Q5; $23 = $mu_Q9$addr; $24 = $max_gain_Q7; $25 = $cbk_size; _silk_VQ_WMat_EC_c($arrayidx9,$rate_dist_Q14_subfr,$gain_Q7,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25); $26 = $rate_dist_Q14; $27 = HEAP32[$rate_dist_Q14_subfr>>2]|0; $add10 = (($26) + ($27))|0; $and = $add10 & -2147483648; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $cond = 2147483647; } else { $28 = $rate_dist_Q14; $29 = HEAP32[$rate_dist_Q14_subfr>>2]|0; $add11 = (($28) + ($29))|0; $cond = $add11; } $rate_dist_Q14 = $cond; $30 = $sum_log_gain_tmp_Q7; $31 = $gain_safety; $32 = HEAP32[$gain_Q7>>2]|0; $add12 = (($31) + ($32))|0; $call13 = (_silk_lin2log($add12)|0); $add14 = (($30) + ($call13))|0; $sub15 = (($add14) - 896)|0; $cmp16 = (0)>($sub15|0); if ($cmp16) { $cond25 = 0; } else { $33 = $sum_log_gain_tmp_Q7; $34 = $gain_safety; $35 = HEAP32[$gain_Q7>>2]|0; $add20 = (($34) + ($35))|0; $call21 = (_silk_lin2log($add20)|0); $add22 = (($33) + ($call21))|0; $sub23 = (($add22) - 896)|0; $cond25 = $sub23; } $sum_log_gain_tmp_Q7 = $cond25; $36 = $b_Q14_ptr; $add$ptr = ((($36)) + 10|0); $b_Q14_ptr = $add$ptr; $37 = $W_Q18_ptr; $add$ptr26 = ((($37)) + 100|0); $W_Q18_ptr = $add$ptr26; $38 = $j; $inc = (($38) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $39 = $rate_dist_Q14; $cmp27 = (2147483646)<($39|0); $40 = $rate_dist_Q14; $cond32 = $cmp27 ? 2147483646 : $40; $rate_dist_Q14 = $cond32; $41 = $rate_dist_Q14; $42 = $min_rate_dist_Q14; $cmp33 = ($41|0)<($42|0); if ($cmp33) { $43 = $rate_dist_Q14; $min_rate_dist_Q14 = $43; $44 = $k; $conv35 = $44&255; $45 = $periodicity_index$addr; HEAP8[$45>>0] = $conv35; $46 = $cbk_index$addr; $47 = $nb_subfr$addr; $mul = $47; _memcpy(($46|0),($temp_idx|0),($mul|0))|0; $48 = $sum_log_gain_tmp_Q7; $best_sum_log_gain_Q7 = $48; } $49 = $lowComplexity$addr; $tobool36 = ($49|0)!=(0); if ($tobool36) { $50 = $rate_dist_Q14; $51 = HEAP16[12474]|0; $conv37 = $51 << 16 >> 16; $cmp38 = ($50|0)<($conv37|0); if ($cmp38) { break; } } $52 = $k; $inc43 = (($52) + 1)|0; $k = $inc43; } $53 = $periodicity_index$addr; $54 = HEAP8[$53>>0]|0; $idxprom = $54 << 24 >> 24; $arrayidx45 = (16684 + ($idxprom<<2)|0); $55 = HEAP32[$arrayidx45>>2]|0; $cbk_ptr_Q7 = $55; $j = 0; while(1) { $56 = $j; $57 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp47 = ($56|0)<($57|0); if (!($cmp47)) { break; } $k = 0; while(1) { $58 = $k; $cmp51 = ($58|0)<(5); if (!($cmp51)) { break; } $59 = $cbk_ptr_Q7; $60 = $cbk_index$addr; $61 = $j; $arrayidx54 = (($60) + ($61)|0); $62 = HEAP8[$arrayidx54>>0]|0; $conv55 = $62 << 24 >> 24; $mul56 = ($conv55*5)|0; $63 = $k; $add57 = (($mul56) + ($63))|0; $arrayidx58 = (($59) + ($add57)|0); $64 = HEAP8[$arrayidx58>>0]|0; $conv59 = $64 << 24 >> 24; $shl = $conv59 << 7; $conv60 = $shl&65535; $65 = $B_Q14$addr; $66 = $j; $mul61 = ($66*5)|0; $67 = $k; $add62 = (($mul61) + ($67))|0; $arrayidx63 = (($65) + ($add62<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx63>>1] = $conv60; $68 = $k; $inc65 = (($68) + 1)|0; $k = $inc65; } $69 = $j; $inc68 = (($69) + 1)|0; $j = $inc68; } $70 = $best_sum_log_gain_Q7; $71 = $sum_log_gain_Q7$addr; HEAP32[$71>>2] = $70; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_VQ_WMat_EC_c($ind,$rate_dist_Q14,$gain_Q7,$in_Q14,$W_Q18,$cb_Q7,$cb_gain_Q7,$cl_Q5,$mu_Q9,$max_gain_Q7,$L) { $ind = $ind|0; $rate_dist_Q14 = $rate_dist_Q14|0; $gain_Q7 = $gain_Q7|0; $in_Q14 = $in_Q14|0; $W_Q18 = $W_Q18|0; $cb_Q7 = $cb_Q7|0; $cb_gain_Q7 = $cb_gain_Q7|0; $cl_Q5 = $cl_Q5|0; $mu_Q9 = $mu_Q9|0; $max_gain_Q7 = $max_gain_Q7|0; $L = $L|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0; var $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0; var $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0; var $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0; var $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $L$addr = 0, $W_Q18$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0; var $add110 = 0, $add111 = 0, $add121 = 0, $add122 = 0, $add134 = 0, $add146 = 0, $add147 = 0, $add159 = 0, $add160 = 0, $add173 = 0, $add174 = 0, $add184 = 0, $add185 = 0, $add197 = 0, $add209 = 0, $add210 = 0, $add223 = 0, $add224 = 0, $add234 = 0, $add235 = 0; var $add247 = 0, $add260 = 0, $add261 = 0, $add271 = 0, $add272 = 0, $add284 = 0, $add294 = 0, $add295 = 0, $add58 = 0, $add70 = 0, $add71 = 0, $add83 = 0, $add84 = 0, $add96 = 0, $add97 = 0, $and = 0, $and105 = 0, $and116 = 0, $and129 = 0, $and141 = 0; var $and154 = 0, $and168 = 0, $and179 = 0, $and192 = 0, $and204 = 0, $and218 = 0, $and229 = 0, $and242 = 0, $and255 = 0, $and266 = 0, $and279 = 0, $and289 = 0, $and65 = 0, $and78 = 0, $and91 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx123 = 0, $arrayidx125 = 0, $arrayidx128 = 0, $arrayidx130 = 0; var $arrayidx135 = 0, $arrayidx137 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx140 = 0, $arrayidx142 = 0, $arrayidx148 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx150 = 0, $arrayidx153 = 0, $arrayidx155 = 0, $arrayidx162 = 0, $arrayidx164 = 0, $arrayidx167 = 0, $arrayidx169 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx176 = 0, $arrayidx180 = 0, $arrayidx186 = 0, $arrayidx188 = 0, $arrayidx191 = 0; var $arrayidx193 = 0, $arrayidx198 = 0, $arrayidx200 = 0, $arrayidx203 = 0, $arrayidx205 = 0, $arrayidx212 = 0, $arrayidx214 = 0, $arrayidx217 = 0, $arrayidx219 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx226 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx230 = 0, $arrayidx236 = 0, $arrayidx238 = 0, $arrayidx241 = 0, $arrayidx243 = 0, $arrayidx249 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx251 = 0; var $arrayidx254 = 0, $arrayidx256 = 0, $arrayidx263 = 0, $arrayidx267 = 0, $arrayidx273 = 0, $arrayidx275 = 0, $arrayidx278 = 0, $arrayidx280 = 0, $arrayidx286 = 0, $arrayidx290 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx59 = 0; var $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx64 = 0, $arrayidx66 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx72 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx77 = 0, $arrayidx79 = 0, $arrayidx85 = 0, $arrayidx87 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $arrayidx90 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $cb_Q7$addr = 0, $cb_gain_Q7$addr = 0, $cb_row_Q7 = 0, $cl_Q5$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp296 = 0, $cmp45 = 0; var $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv102 = 0, $conv107 = 0, $conv114 = 0, $conv118 = 0, $conv126 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv131 = 0, $conv138 = 0, $conv143 = 0, $conv151 = 0, $conv156 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv165 = 0, $conv170 = 0, $conv177 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv181 = 0; var $conv189 = 0, $conv194 = 0, $conv2 = 0, $conv201 = 0, $conv206 = 0, $conv21 = 0, $conv215 = 0, $conv220 = 0, $conv227 = 0, $conv231 = 0, $conv239 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv244 = 0, $conv252 = 0, $conv257 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv264 = 0, $conv268 = 0, $conv276 = 0, $conv281 = 0; var $conv287 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv291 = 0, $conv298 = 0, $conv32 = 0, $conv34 = 0, $conv37 = 0, $conv39 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv40 = 0, $conv42 = 0, $conv43 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv51 = 0, $conv55 = 0, $conv62 = 0, $conv67 = 0, $conv75 = 0, $conv8 = 0, $conv80 = 0; var $conv88 = 0, $conv93 = 0, $diff_Q14 = 0, $gain_Q7$addr = 0, $gain_tmp_Q7 = 0, $in_Q14$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $ind$addr = 0, $k = 0, $max_gain_Q7$addr = 0, $mu_Q9$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul103 = 0, $mul108 = 0, $mul115 = 0, $mul119 = 0, $mul127 = 0, $mul132 = 0, $mul139 = 0, $mul144 = 0; var $mul152 = 0, $mul157 = 0, $mul166 = 0, $mul171 = 0, $mul178 = 0, $mul182 = 0, $mul190 = 0, $mul195 = 0, $mul202 = 0, $mul207 = 0, $mul216 = 0, $mul221 = 0, $mul228 = 0, $mul232 = 0, $mul240 = 0, $mul245 = 0, $mul253 = 0, $mul258 = 0, $mul265 = 0, $mul269 = 0; var $mul277 = 0, $mul282 = 0, $mul288 = 0, $mul292 = 0, $mul52 = 0, $mul56 = 0, $mul63 = 0, $mul68 = 0, $mul76 = 0, $mul81 = 0, $mul89 = 0, $mul94 = 0, $rate_dist_Q14$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl11 = 0, $shl161 = 0, $shl19 = 0, $shl211 = 0, $shl248 = 0, $shl27 = 0; var $shl35 = 0, $shl48 = 0, $shl98 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr100 = 0, $shr109 = 0, $shr112 = 0, $shr120 = 0, $shr124 = 0, $shr133 = 0, $shr136 = 0, $shr145 = 0, $shr149 = 0, $shr158 = 0, $shr163 = 0, $shr172 = 0, $shr175 = 0, $shr183 = 0, $shr187 = 0, $shr196 = 0; var $shr199 = 0, $shr208 = 0, $shr213 = 0, $shr222 = 0, $shr225 = 0, $shr233 = 0, $shr237 = 0, $shr246 = 0, $shr250 = 0, $shr259 = 0, $shr262 = 0, $shr270 = 0, $shr274 = 0, $shr283 = 0, $shr285 = 0, $shr293 = 0, $shr57 = 0, $shr60 = 0, $shr69 = 0, $shr73 = 0; var $shr82 = 0, $shr86 = 0, $shr95 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub12 = 0, $sub20 = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub36 = 0, $sub44 = 0, $sub47 = 0, $sum1_Q14 = 0, $sum2_Q16 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $diff_Q14 = sp + 64|0; $ind$addr = $ind; $rate_dist_Q14$addr = $rate_dist_Q14; $gain_Q7$addr = $gain_Q7; $in_Q14$addr = $in_Q14; $W_Q18$addr = $W_Q18; $cb_Q7$addr = $cb_Q7; $cb_gain_Q7$addr = $cb_gain_Q7; $cl_Q5$addr = $cl_Q5; $mu_Q9$addr = $mu_Q9; $max_gain_Q7$addr = $max_gain_Q7; $L$addr = $L; $0 = $rate_dist_Q14$addr; HEAP32[$0>>2] = 2147483647; $1 = $cb_Q7$addr; $cb_row_Q7 = $1; $k = 0; while(1) { $2 = $k; $3 = $L$addr; $cmp = ($2|0)<($3|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $4 = $cb_gain_Q7$addr; $5 = $k; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($5)|0); $6 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $conv = $6&255; $gain_tmp_Q7 = $conv; $7 = $in_Q14$addr; $8 = HEAP16[$7>>1]|0; $conv2 = $8 << 16 >> 16; $9 = $cb_row_Q7; $10 = HEAP8[$9>>0]|0; $conv4 = $10 << 24 >> 24; $shl = $conv4 << 7; $sub = (($conv2) - ($shl))|0; $conv5 = $sub&65535; HEAP16[$diff_Q14>>1] = $conv5; $11 = $in_Q14$addr; $arrayidx7 = ((($11)) + 2|0); $12 = HEAP16[$arrayidx7>>1]|0; $conv8 = $12 << 16 >> 16; $13 = $cb_row_Q7; $arrayidx9 = ((($13)) + 1|0); $14 = HEAP8[$arrayidx9>>0]|0; $conv10 = $14 << 24 >> 24; $shl11 = $conv10 << 7; $sub12 = (($conv8) - ($shl11))|0; $conv13 = $sub12&65535; $arrayidx14 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 2|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx14>>1] = $conv13; $15 = $in_Q14$addr; $arrayidx15 = ((($15)) + 4|0); $16 = HEAP16[$arrayidx15>>1]|0; $conv16 = $16 << 16 >> 16; $17 = $cb_row_Q7; $arrayidx17 = ((($17)) + 2|0); $18 = HEAP8[$arrayidx17>>0]|0; $conv18 = $18 << 24 >> 24; $shl19 = $conv18 << 7; $sub20 = (($conv16) - ($shl19))|0; $conv21 = $sub20&65535; $arrayidx22 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 4|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx22>>1] = $conv21; $19 = $in_Q14$addr; $arrayidx23 = ((($19)) + 6|0); $20 = HEAP16[$arrayidx23>>1]|0; $conv24 = $20 << 16 >> 16; $21 = $cb_row_Q7; $arrayidx25 = ((($21)) + 3|0); $22 = HEAP8[$arrayidx25>>0]|0; $conv26 = $22 << 24 >> 24; $shl27 = $conv26 << 7; $sub28 = (($conv24) - ($shl27))|0; $conv29 = $sub28&65535; $arrayidx30 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 6|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx30>>1] = $conv29; $23 = $in_Q14$addr; $arrayidx31 = ((($23)) + 8|0); $24 = HEAP16[$arrayidx31>>1]|0; $conv32 = $24 << 16 >> 16; $25 = $cb_row_Q7; $arrayidx33 = ((($25)) + 4|0); $26 = HEAP8[$arrayidx33>>0]|0; $conv34 = $26 << 24 >> 24; $shl35 = $conv34 << 7; $sub36 = (($conv32) - ($shl35))|0; $conv37 = $sub36&65535; $arrayidx38 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 8|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx38>>1] = $conv37; $27 = $mu_Q9$addr; $conv39 = $27&65535; $conv40 = $conv39 << 16 >> 16; $28 = $cl_Q5$addr; $29 = $k; $arrayidx41 = (($28) + ($29)|0); $30 = HEAP8[$arrayidx41>>0]|0; $conv42 = $30&255; $conv43 = $conv42 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($conv40, $conv43)|0; $sum1_Q14 = $mul; $31 = $sum1_Q14; $32 = $gain_tmp_Q7; $33 = $max_gain_Q7$addr; $sub44 = (($32) - ($33))|0; $cmp45 = ($sub44|0)>(0); if ($cmp45) { $34 = $gain_tmp_Q7; $35 = $max_gain_Q7$addr; $sub47 = (($34) - ($35))|0; $cond = $sub47; } else { $cond = 0; } $shl48 = $cond << 10; $add = (($31) + ($shl48))|0; $sum1_Q14 = $add; $36 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx49 = ((($36)) + 4|0); $37 = HEAP32[$arrayidx49>>2]|0; $shr = $37 >> 16; $arrayidx50 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 2|0); $38 = HEAP16[$arrayidx50>>1]|0; $conv51 = $38 << 16 >> 16; $mul52 = Math_imul($shr, $conv51)|0; $39 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx53 = ((($39)) + 4|0); $40 = HEAP32[$arrayidx53>>2]|0; $and = $40 & 65535; $arrayidx54 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 2|0); $41 = HEAP16[$arrayidx54>>1]|0; $conv55 = $41 << 16 >> 16; $mul56 = Math_imul($and, $conv55)|0; $shr57 = $mul56 >> 16; $add58 = (($mul52) + ($shr57))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add58; $42 = $sum2_Q16; $43 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx59 = ((($43)) + 8|0); $44 = HEAP32[$arrayidx59>>2]|0; $shr60 = $44 >> 16; $arrayidx61 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 4|0); $45 = HEAP16[$arrayidx61>>1]|0; $conv62 = $45 << 16 >> 16; $mul63 = Math_imul($shr60, $conv62)|0; $46 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx64 = ((($46)) + 8|0); $47 = HEAP32[$arrayidx64>>2]|0; $and65 = $47 & 65535; $arrayidx66 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 4|0); $48 = HEAP16[$arrayidx66>>1]|0; $conv67 = $48 << 16 >> 16; $mul68 = Math_imul($and65, $conv67)|0; $shr69 = $mul68 >> 16; $add70 = (($mul63) + ($shr69))|0; $add71 = (($42) + ($add70))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add71; $49 = $sum2_Q16; $50 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx72 = ((($50)) + 12|0); $51 = HEAP32[$arrayidx72>>2]|0; $shr73 = $51 >> 16; $arrayidx74 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 6|0); $52 = HEAP16[$arrayidx74>>1]|0; $conv75 = $52 << 16 >> 16; $mul76 = Math_imul($shr73, $conv75)|0; $53 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx77 = ((($53)) + 12|0); $54 = HEAP32[$arrayidx77>>2]|0; $and78 = $54 & 65535; $arrayidx79 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 6|0); $55 = HEAP16[$arrayidx79>>1]|0; $conv80 = $55 << 16 >> 16; $mul81 = Math_imul($and78, $conv80)|0; $shr82 = $mul81 >> 16; $add83 = (($mul76) + ($shr82))|0; $add84 = (($49) + ($add83))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add84; $56 = $sum2_Q16; $57 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx85 = ((($57)) + 16|0); $58 = HEAP32[$arrayidx85>>2]|0; $shr86 = $58 >> 16; $arrayidx87 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 8|0); $59 = HEAP16[$arrayidx87>>1]|0; $conv88 = $59 << 16 >> 16; $mul89 = Math_imul($shr86, $conv88)|0; $60 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx90 = ((($60)) + 16|0); $61 = HEAP32[$arrayidx90>>2]|0; $and91 = $61 & 65535; $arrayidx92 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 8|0); $62 = HEAP16[$arrayidx92>>1]|0; $conv93 = $62 << 16 >> 16; $mul94 = Math_imul($and91, $conv93)|0; $shr95 = $mul94 >> 16; $add96 = (($mul89) + ($shr95))|0; $add97 = (($56) + ($add96))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add97; $63 = $sum2_Q16; $shl98 = $63 << 1; $sum2_Q16 = $shl98; $64 = $sum2_Q16; $65 = $W_Q18$addr; $66 = HEAP32[$65>>2]|0; $shr100 = $66 >> 16; $67 = HEAP16[$diff_Q14>>1]|0; $conv102 = $67 << 16 >> 16; $mul103 = Math_imul($shr100, $conv102)|0; $68 = $W_Q18$addr; $69 = HEAP32[$68>>2]|0; $and105 = $69 & 65535; $70 = HEAP16[$diff_Q14>>1]|0; $conv107 = $70 << 16 >> 16; $mul108 = Math_imul($and105, $conv107)|0; $shr109 = $mul108 >> 16; $add110 = (($mul103) + ($shr109))|0; $add111 = (($64) + ($add110))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add111; $71 = $sum1_Q14; $72 = $sum2_Q16; $shr112 = $72 >> 16; $73 = HEAP16[$diff_Q14>>1]|0; $conv114 = $73 << 16 >> 16; $mul115 = Math_imul($shr112, $conv114)|0; $74 = $sum2_Q16; $and116 = $74 & 65535; $75 = HEAP16[$diff_Q14>>1]|0; $conv118 = $75 << 16 >> 16; $mul119 = Math_imul($and116, $conv118)|0; $shr120 = $mul119 >> 16; $add121 = (($mul115) + ($shr120))|0; $add122 = (($71) + ($add121))|0; $sum1_Q14 = $add122; $76 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx123 = ((($76)) + 28|0); $77 = HEAP32[$arrayidx123>>2]|0; $shr124 = $77 >> 16; $arrayidx125 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 4|0); $78 = HEAP16[$arrayidx125>>1]|0; $conv126 = $78 << 16 >> 16; $mul127 = Math_imul($shr124, $conv126)|0; $79 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx128 = ((($79)) + 28|0); $80 = HEAP32[$arrayidx128>>2]|0; $and129 = $80 & 65535; $arrayidx130 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 4|0); $81 = HEAP16[$arrayidx130>>1]|0; $conv131 = $81 << 16 >> 16; $mul132 = Math_imul($and129, $conv131)|0; $shr133 = $mul132 >> 16; $add134 = (($mul127) + ($shr133))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add134; $82 = $sum2_Q16; $83 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx135 = ((($83)) + 32|0); $84 = HEAP32[$arrayidx135>>2]|0; $shr136 = $84 >> 16; $arrayidx137 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 6|0); $85 = HEAP16[$arrayidx137>>1]|0; $conv138 = $85 << 16 >> 16; $mul139 = Math_imul($shr136, $conv138)|0; $86 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx140 = ((($86)) + 32|0); $87 = HEAP32[$arrayidx140>>2]|0; $and141 = $87 & 65535; $arrayidx142 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 6|0); $88 = HEAP16[$arrayidx142>>1]|0; $conv143 = $88 << 16 >> 16; $mul144 = Math_imul($and141, $conv143)|0; $shr145 = $mul144 >> 16; $add146 = (($mul139) + ($shr145))|0; $add147 = (($82) + ($add146))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add147; $89 = $sum2_Q16; $90 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx148 = ((($90)) + 36|0); $91 = HEAP32[$arrayidx148>>2]|0; $shr149 = $91 >> 16; $arrayidx150 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 8|0); $92 = HEAP16[$arrayidx150>>1]|0; $conv151 = $92 << 16 >> 16; $mul152 = Math_imul($shr149, $conv151)|0; $93 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx153 = ((($93)) + 36|0); $94 = HEAP32[$arrayidx153>>2]|0; $and154 = $94 & 65535; $arrayidx155 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 8|0); $95 = HEAP16[$arrayidx155>>1]|0; $conv156 = $95 << 16 >> 16; $mul157 = Math_imul($and154, $conv156)|0; $shr158 = $mul157 >> 16; $add159 = (($mul152) + ($shr158))|0; $add160 = (($89) + ($add159))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add160; $96 = $sum2_Q16; $shl161 = $96 << 1; $sum2_Q16 = $shl161; $97 = $sum2_Q16; $98 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx162 = ((($98)) + 24|0); $99 = HEAP32[$arrayidx162>>2]|0; $shr163 = $99 >> 16; $arrayidx164 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 2|0); $100 = HEAP16[$arrayidx164>>1]|0; $conv165 = $100 << 16 >> 16; $mul166 = Math_imul($shr163, $conv165)|0; $101 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx167 = ((($101)) + 24|0); $102 = HEAP32[$arrayidx167>>2]|0; $and168 = $102 & 65535; $arrayidx169 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 2|0); $103 = HEAP16[$arrayidx169>>1]|0; $conv170 = $103 << 16 >> 16; $mul171 = Math_imul($and168, $conv170)|0; $shr172 = $mul171 >> 16; $add173 = (($mul166) + ($shr172))|0; $add174 = (($97) + ($add173))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add174; $104 = $sum1_Q14; $105 = $sum2_Q16; $shr175 = $105 >> 16; $arrayidx176 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 2|0); $106 = HEAP16[$arrayidx176>>1]|0; $conv177 = $106 << 16 >> 16; $mul178 = Math_imul($shr175, $conv177)|0; $107 = $sum2_Q16; $and179 = $107 & 65535; $arrayidx180 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 2|0); $108 = HEAP16[$arrayidx180>>1]|0; $conv181 = $108 << 16 >> 16; $mul182 = Math_imul($and179, $conv181)|0; $shr183 = $mul182 >> 16; $add184 = (($mul178) + ($shr183))|0; $add185 = (($104) + ($add184))|0; $sum1_Q14 = $add185; $109 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx186 = ((($109)) + 52|0); $110 = HEAP32[$arrayidx186>>2]|0; $shr187 = $110 >> 16; $arrayidx188 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 6|0); $111 = HEAP16[$arrayidx188>>1]|0; $conv189 = $111 << 16 >> 16; $mul190 = Math_imul($shr187, $conv189)|0; $112 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx191 = ((($112)) + 52|0); $113 = HEAP32[$arrayidx191>>2]|0; $and192 = $113 & 65535; $arrayidx193 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 6|0); $114 = HEAP16[$arrayidx193>>1]|0; $conv194 = $114 << 16 >> 16; $mul195 = Math_imul($and192, $conv194)|0; $shr196 = $mul195 >> 16; $add197 = (($mul190) + ($shr196))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add197; $115 = $sum2_Q16; $116 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx198 = ((($116)) + 56|0); $117 = HEAP32[$arrayidx198>>2]|0; $shr199 = $117 >> 16; $arrayidx200 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 8|0); $118 = HEAP16[$arrayidx200>>1]|0; $conv201 = $118 << 16 >> 16; $mul202 = Math_imul($shr199, $conv201)|0; $119 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx203 = ((($119)) + 56|0); $120 = HEAP32[$arrayidx203>>2]|0; $and204 = $120 & 65535; $arrayidx205 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 8|0); $121 = HEAP16[$arrayidx205>>1]|0; $conv206 = $121 << 16 >> 16; $mul207 = Math_imul($and204, $conv206)|0; $shr208 = $mul207 >> 16; $add209 = (($mul202) + ($shr208))|0; $add210 = (($115) + ($add209))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add210; $122 = $sum2_Q16; $shl211 = $122 << 1; $sum2_Q16 = $shl211; $123 = $sum2_Q16; $124 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx212 = ((($124)) + 48|0); $125 = HEAP32[$arrayidx212>>2]|0; $shr213 = $125 >> 16; $arrayidx214 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 4|0); $126 = HEAP16[$arrayidx214>>1]|0; $conv215 = $126 << 16 >> 16; $mul216 = Math_imul($shr213, $conv215)|0; $127 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx217 = ((($127)) + 48|0); $128 = HEAP32[$arrayidx217>>2]|0; $and218 = $128 & 65535; $arrayidx219 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 4|0); $129 = HEAP16[$arrayidx219>>1]|0; $conv220 = $129 << 16 >> 16; $mul221 = Math_imul($and218, $conv220)|0; $shr222 = $mul221 >> 16; $add223 = (($mul216) + ($shr222))|0; $add224 = (($123) + ($add223))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add224; $130 = $sum1_Q14; $131 = $sum2_Q16; $shr225 = $131 >> 16; $arrayidx226 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 4|0); $132 = HEAP16[$arrayidx226>>1]|0; $conv227 = $132 << 16 >> 16; $mul228 = Math_imul($shr225, $conv227)|0; $133 = $sum2_Q16; $and229 = $133 & 65535; $arrayidx230 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 4|0); $134 = HEAP16[$arrayidx230>>1]|0; $conv231 = $134 << 16 >> 16; $mul232 = Math_imul($and229, $conv231)|0; $shr233 = $mul232 >> 16; $add234 = (($mul228) + ($shr233))|0; $add235 = (($130) + ($add234))|0; $sum1_Q14 = $add235; $135 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx236 = ((($135)) + 76|0); $136 = HEAP32[$arrayidx236>>2]|0; $shr237 = $136 >> 16; $arrayidx238 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 8|0); $137 = HEAP16[$arrayidx238>>1]|0; $conv239 = $137 << 16 >> 16; $mul240 = Math_imul($shr237, $conv239)|0; $138 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx241 = ((($138)) + 76|0); $139 = HEAP32[$arrayidx241>>2]|0; $and242 = $139 & 65535; $arrayidx243 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 8|0); $140 = HEAP16[$arrayidx243>>1]|0; $conv244 = $140 << 16 >> 16; $mul245 = Math_imul($and242, $conv244)|0; $shr246 = $mul245 >> 16; $add247 = (($mul240) + ($shr246))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add247; $141 = $sum2_Q16; $shl248 = $141 << 1; $sum2_Q16 = $shl248; $142 = $sum2_Q16; $143 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx249 = ((($143)) + 72|0); $144 = HEAP32[$arrayidx249>>2]|0; $shr250 = $144 >> 16; $arrayidx251 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 6|0); $145 = HEAP16[$arrayidx251>>1]|0; $conv252 = $145 << 16 >> 16; $mul253 = Math_imul($shr250, $conv252)|0; $146 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx254 = ((($146)) + 72|0); $147 = HEAP32[$arrayidx254>>2]|0; $and255 = $147 & 65535; $arrayidx256 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 6|0); $148 = HEAP16[$arrayidx256>>1]|0; $conv257 = $148 << 16 >> 16; $mul258 = Math_imul($and255, $conv257)|0; $shr259 = $mul258 >> 16; $add260 = (($mul253) + ($shr259))|0; $add261 = (($142) + ($add260))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add261; $149 = $sum1_Q14; $150 = $sum2_Q16; $shr262 = $150 >> 16; $arrayidx263 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 6|0); $151 = HEAP16[$arrayidx263>>1]|0; $conv264 = $151 << 16 >> 16; $mul265 = Math_imul($shr262, $conv264)|0; $152 = $sum2_Q16; $and266 = $152 & 65535; $arrayidx267 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 6|0); $153 = HEAP16[$arrayidx267>>1]|0; $conv268 = $153 << 16 >> 16; $mul269 = Math_imul($and266, $conv268)|0; $shr270 = $mul269 >> 16; $add271 = (($mul265) + ($shr270))|0; $add272 = (($149) + ($add271))|0; $sum1_Q14 = $add272; $154 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx273 = ((($154)) + 96|0); $155 = HEAP32[$arrayidx273>>2]|0; $shr274 = $155 >> 16; $arrayidx275 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 8|0); $156 = HEAP16[$arrayidx275>>1]|0; $conv276 = $156 << 16 >> 16; $mul277 = Math_imul($shr274, $conv276)|0; $157 = $W_Q18$addr; $arrayidx278 = ((($157)) + 96|0); $158 = HEAP32[$arrayidx278>>2]|0; $and279 = $158 & 65535; $arrayidx280 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 8|0); $159 = HEAP16[$arrayidx280>>1]|0; $conv281 = $159 << 16 >> 16; $mul282 = Math_imul($and279, $conv281)|0; $shr283 = $mul282 >> 16; $add284 = (($mul277) + ($shr283))|0; $sum2_Q16 = $add284; $160 = $sum1_Q14; $161 = $sum2_Q16; $shr285 = $161 >> 16; $arrayidx286 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 8|0); $162 = HEAP16[$arrayidx286>>1]|0; $conv287 = $162 << 16 >> 16; $mul288 = Math_imul($shr285, $conv287)|0; $163 = $sum2_Q16; $and289 = $163 & 65535; $arrayidx290 = ((($diff_Q14)) + 8|0); $164 = HEAP16[$arrayidx290>>1]|0; $conv291 = $164 << 16 >> 16; $mul292 = Math_imul($and289, $conv291)|0; $shr293 = $mul292 >> 16; $add294 = (($mul288) + ($shr293))|0; $add295 = (($160) + ($add294))|0; $sum1_Q14 = $add295; $165 = $sum1_Q14; $166 = $rate_dist_Q14$addr; $167 = HEAP32[$166>>2]|0; $cmp296 = ($165|0)<($167|0); if ($cmp296) { $168 = $sum1_Q14; $169 = $rate_dist_Q14$addr; HEAP32[$169>>2] = $168; $170 = $k; $conv298 = $170&255; $171 = $ind$addr; HEAP8[$171>>0] = $conv298; $172 = $gain_tmp_Q7; $173 = $gain_Q7$addr; HEAP32[$173>>2] = $172; } $174 = $cb_row_Q7; $add$ptr = ((($174)) + 5|0); $cb_row_Q7 = $add$ptr; $175 = $k; $inc = (($175) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_process_NLSFs($psEncC,$PredCoef_Q12,$pNLSF_Q15,$prev_NLSFq_Q15) { $psEncC = $psEncC|0; $PredCoef_Q12 = $PredCoef_Q12|0; $pNLSF_Q15 = $pNLSF_Q15|0; $prev_NLSFq_Q15 = $prev_NLSFq_Q15|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $NLSFIndices = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q218 = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q225 = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q229 = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q267 = 0, $NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors = 0, $NLSF_mu_Q20 = 0, $PredCoef_Q12$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add50 = 0; var $add51 = 0, $add6 = 0, $add9 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $arrayidx60 = 0, $arrayidx76 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp34 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv1 = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv27 = 0; var $conv3 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $conv31 = 0, $conv36 = 0, $conv39 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv41 = 0, $conv42 = 0, $conv45 = 0, $conv46 = 0, $conv47 = 0, $conv52 = 0, $conv59 = 0, $conv68 = 0, $doInterpolate = 0, $i = 0, $i_sqr_Q15 = 0, $inc = 0, $indices = 0, $indices17 = 0; var $indices24 = 0, $indices28 = 0, $indices55 = 0, $indices58 = 0, $indices66 = 0, $land$ext = 0, $mul = 0, $mul32 = 0, $mul43 = 0, $mul48 = 0, $mul5 = 0, $mul79 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $pNLSF0_temp_Q15 = 0, $pNLSFW0_temp_QW = 0, $pNLSFW_QW = 0, $pNLSF_Q15$addr = 0, $predictLPCOrder = 0, $predictLPCOrder20 = 0, $predictLPCOrder23 = 0; var $predictLPCOrder33 = 0, $predictLPCOrder62 = 0, $predictLPCOrder69 = 0, $predictLPCOrder73 = 0, $predictLPCOrder78 = 0, $prev_NLSFq_Q15$addr = 0, $psEncC$addr = 0, $psNLSF_CB = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr37 = 0, $shr40 = 0, $shr49 = 0, $shr8 = 0, $signalType = 0, $speech_activity_Q8 = 0, $speech_activity_Q82 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool63 = 0, $useInterpolatedNLSFs = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 128|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(128|0); $pNLSF0_temp_Q15 = sp + 96|0; $pNLSFW_QW = sp + 64|0; $pNLSFW0_temp_QW = sp + 32|0; $psEncC$addr = $psEncC; $PredCoef_Q12$addr = $PredCoef_Q12; $pNLSF_Q15$addr = $pNLSF_Q15; $prev_NLSFq_Q15$addr = $prev_NLSFq_Q15; $0 = $psEncC$addr; $speech_activity_Q8 = ((($0)) + 4556|0); $1 = HEAP32[$speech_activity_Q8>>2]|0; $conv = $1&65535; $conv1 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul(-5, $conv1)|0; $2 = $psEncC$addr; $speech_activity_Q82 = ((($2)) + 4556|0); $3 = HEAP32[$speech_activity_Q82>>2]|0; $conv3 = $3&65535; $conv4 = $conv3 << 16 >> 16; $mul5 = ($conv4*59246)|0; $shr = $mul5 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr))|0; $add6 = (3146 + ($add))|0; $NLSF_mu_Q20 = $add6; $4 = $psEncC$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($4)) + 4604|0); $5 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $cmp = ($5|0)==(2); if ($cmp) { $6 = $NLSF_mu_Q20; $7 = $NLSF_mu_Q20; $shr8 = $7 >> 1; $add9 = (($6) + ($shr8))|0; $NLSF_mu_Q20 = $add9; } $8 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $9 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder = ((($9)) + 4664|0); $10 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder>>2]|0; _silk_NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia($pNLSFW_QW,$8,$10); $11 = $psEncC$addr; $useInterpolatedNLSFs = ((($11)) + 4656|0); $12 = HEAP32[$useInterpolatedNLSFs>>2]|0; $cmp10 = ($12|0)==(1); if ($cmp10) { $13 = $psEncC$addr; $indices = ((($13)) + 4768|0); $NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = ((($indices)) + 31|0); $14 = HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q2>>0]|0; $conv12 = $14 << 24 >> 24; $cmp13 = ($conv12|0)<(4); $15 = $cmp13; } else { $15 = 0; } $land$ext = $15&1; $doInterpolate = $land$ext; $16 = $doInterpolate; $tobool = ($16|0)!=(0); L7: do { if ($tobool) { $17 = $prev_NLSFq_Q15$addr; $18 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $19 = $psEncC$addr; $indices17 = ((($19)) + 4768|0); $NLSFInterpCoef_Q218 = ((($indices17)) + 31|0); $20 = HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q218>>0]|0; $conv19 = $20 << 24 >> 24; $21 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder20 = ((($21)) + 4664|0); $22 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder20>>2]|0; _silk_interpolate($pNLSF0_temp_Q15,$17,$18,$conv19,$22); $23 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder23 = ((($23)) + 4664|0); $24 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder23>>2]|0; _silk_NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia($pNLSFW0_temp_QW,$pNLSF0_temp_Q15,$24); $25 = $psEncC$addr; $indices24 = ((($25)) + 4768|0); $NLSFInterpCoef_Q225 = ((($indices24)) + 31|0); $26 = HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q225>>0]|0; $conv26 = $26 << 24 >> 24; $conv27 = $conv26 << 16 >> 16; $27 = $psEncC$addr; $indices28 = ((($27)) + 4768|0); $NLSFInterpCoef_Q229 = ((($indices28)) + 31|0); $28 = HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q229>>0]|0; $conv30 = $28 << 24 >> 24; $conv31 = $conv30 << 16 >> 16; $mul32 = Math_imul($conv27, $conv31)|0; $shl = $mul32 << 11; $i_sqr_Q15 = $shl; $i = 0; while(1) { $29 = $i; $30 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder33 = ((($30)) + 4664|0); $31 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder33>>2]|0; $cmp34 = ($29|0)<($31|0); if (!($cmp34)) { break L7; } $32 = $i; $arrayidx = (($pNLSFW_QW) + ($32<<1)|0); $33 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv36 = $33 << 16 >> 16; $shr37 = $conv36 >> 1; $34 = $i; $arrayidx38 = (($pNLSFW0_temp_QW) + ($34<<1)|0); $35 = HEAP16[$arrayidx38>>1]|0; $conv39 = $35 << 16 >> 16; $shr40 = $conv39 >> 16; $36 = $i_sqr_Q15; $conv41 = $36&65535; $conv42 = $conv41 << 16 >> 16; $mul43 = Math_imul($shr40, $conv42)|0; $37 = $i; $arrayidx44 = (($pNLSFW0_temp_QW) + ($37<<1)|0); $38 = HEAP16[$arrayidx44>>1]|0; $conv45 = $38 << 16 >> 16; $and = $conv45 & 65535; $39 = $i_sqr_Q15; $conv46 = $39&65535; $conv47 = $conv46 << 16 >> 16; $mul48 = Math_imul($and, $conv47)|0; $shr49 = $mul48 >> 16; $add50 = (($mul43) + ($shr49))|0; $add51 = (($shr37) + ($add50))|0; $conv52 = $add51&65535; $40 = $i; $arrayidx53 = (($pNLSFW_QW) + ($40<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx53>>1] = $conv52; $41 = $i; $inc = (($41) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } } } while(0); $42 = $psEncC$addr; $indices55 = ((($42)) + 4768|0); $NLSFIndices = ((($indices55)) + 8|0); $43 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $44 = $psEncC$addr; $psNLSF_CB = ((($44)) + 4724|0); $45 = HEAP32[$psNLSF_CB>>2]|0; $46 = $NLSF_mu_Q20; $47 = $psEncC$addr; $NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors = ((($47)) + 4692|0); $48 = HEAP32[$NLSF_MSVQ_Survivors>>2]|0; $49 = $psEncC$addr; $indices58 = ((($49)) + 4768|0); $signalType = ((($indices58)) + 29|0); $50 = HEAP8[$signalType>>0]|0; $conv59 = $50 << 24 >> 24; (_silk_NLSF_encode($NLSFIndices,$43,$45,$pNLSFW_QW,$46,$48,$conv59)|0); $51 = $PredCoef_Q12$addr; $arrayidx60 = ((($51)) + 32|0); $52 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $53 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder62 = ((($53)) + 4664|0); $54 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder62>>2]|0; _silk_NLSF2A($arrayidx60,$52,$54); $55 = $doInterpolate; $tobool63 = ($55|0)!=(0); if ($tobool63) { $56 = $prev_NLSFq_Q15$addr; $57 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $58 = $psEncC$addr; $indices66 = ((($58)) + 4768|0); $NLSFInterpCoef_Q267 = ((($indices66)) + 31|0); $59 = HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q267>>0]|0; $conv68 = $59 << 24 >> 24; $60 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder69 = ((($60)) + 4664|0); $61 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder69>>2]|0; _silk_interpolate($pNLSF0_temp_Q15,$56,$57,$conv68,$61); $62 = $PredCoef_Q12$addr; $63 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder73 = ((($63)) + 4664|0); $64 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder73>>2]|0; _silk_NLSF2A($62,$pNLSF0_temp_Q15,$64); STACKTOP = sp;return; } else { $65 = $PredCoef_Q12$addr; $66 = $PredCoef_Q12$addr; $arrayidx76 = ((($66)) + 32|0); $67 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder78 = ((($67)) + 4664|0); $68 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder78>>2]|0; $mul79 = $68<<1; _memcpy(($65|0),($arrayidx76|0),($mul79|0))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _silk_A2NLSF($NLSF,$a_Q16,$d) { $NLSF = $NLSF|0; $a_Q16 = $a_Q16|0; $d = $d|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $NLSF$addr = 0; var $P = 0, $PQ = 0, $Q = 0, $a_Q16$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add105 = 0, $add116 = 0, $add31 = 0, $add32 = 0, $add48 = 0, $add58 = 0, $add62 = 0, $add68 = 0, $add71 = 0, $add97 = 0, $and = 0, $and80 = 0, $and85 = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx111 = 0; var $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx81 = 0, $arrayidx83 = 0, $call = 0, $call12 = 0, $call127 = 0, $call133 = 0, $call33 = 0, $call72 = 0, $call9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp102 = 0, $cmp128 = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp23 = 0, $cmp28 = 0; var $cmp34 = 0, $cmp37 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp43 = 0, $cmp50 = 0, $cmp53 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp76 = 0, $cmp90 = 0, $cmp94 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv = 0, $conv106 = 0, $conv107 = 0, $conv109 = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv110 = 0, $conv117 = 0, $conv118 = 0, $conv119 = 0; var $conv120 = 0, $conv126 = 0, $conv73 = 0, $conv84 = 0, $conv99 = 0, $d$addr = 0, $dd = 0, $den = 0, $div = 0, $div67 = 0, $div98 = 0, $ffrac = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc113 = 0, $inc75 = 0, $inc89 = 0, $inc93 = 0, $k = 0, $m = 0; var $mul = 0, $mul121 = 0, $nom = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $p = 0, $root_ix = 0, $shl = 0, $shl70 = 0, $shl87 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr30 = 0, $shr47 = 0, $shr57 = 0, $shr66 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub122 = 0, $sub52 = 0, $sub56 = 0, $sub65 = 0; var $sub82 = 0, $sub86 = 0, $thr = 0, $xhi = 0, $xlo = 0, $xmid = 0, $yhi = 0, $ylo = 0, $ymid = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 160|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(160|0); $P = sp + 52|0; $Q = sp + 16|0; $PQ = sp + 8|0; $NLSF$addr = $NLSF; $a_Q16$addr = $a_Q16; $d$addr = $d; HEAP32[$PQ>>2] = $P; $arrayidx2 = ((($PQ)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx2>>2] = $Q; $0 = $d$addr; $shr = $0 >> 1; $dd = $shr; $1 = $a_Q16$addr; $2 = $dd; _silk_A2NLSF_init($1,$P,$Q,$2); $p = $P; $3 = HEAP16[12731]|0; $conv = $3 << 16 >> 16; $xlo = $conv; $4 = $p; $5 = $xlo; $6 = $dd; $call = (_silk_A2NLSF_eval_poly($4,$5,$6)|0); $ylo = $call; $7 = $ylo; $cmp = ($7|0)<(0); if ($cmp) { $8 = $NLSF$addr; HEAP16[$8>>1] = 0; $p = $Q; $9 = $p; $10 = $xlo; $11 = $dd; $call9 = (_silk_A2NLSF_eval_poly($9,$10,$11)|0); $ylo = $call9; $root_ix = 1; } else { $root_ix = 0; } $k = 1; $i = 0; $thr = 0; L5: while(1) { $12 = $k; $arrayidx10 = (25462 + ($12<<1)|0); $13 = HEAP16[$arrayidx10>>1]|0; $conv11 = $13 << 16 >> 16; $xhi = $conv11; $14 = $p; $15 = $xhi; $16 = $dd; $call12 = (_silk_A2NLSF_eval_poly($14,$15,$16)|0); $yhi = $call12; $17 = $ylo; $cmp13 = ($17|0)<=(0); if ($cmp13) { $18 = $yhi; $19 = $thr; $cmp15 = ($18|0)>=($19|0); if (!($cmp15)) { label = 7; } } else { label = 7; } do { if ((label|0) == 7) { label = 0; $20 = $ylo; $cmp17 = ($20|0)>=(0); if ($cmp17) { $21 = $yhi; $22 = $thr; $sub = (0 - ($22))|0; $cmp20 = ($21|0)<=($sub|0); if ($cmp20) { break; } } $68 = $k; $inc89 = (($68) + 1)|0; $k = $inc89; $69 = $xhi; $xlo = $69; $70 = $yhi; $ylo = $70; $thr = 0; $71 = $k; $cmp90 = ($71|0)>(128); if (!($cmp90)) { continue L5; } $72 = $i; $inc93 = (($72) + 1)|0; $i = $inc93; $73 = $i; $cmp94 = ($73|0)>(30); if ($cmp94) { break L5; } $84 = $a_Q16$addr; $85 = $d$addr; $86 = $i; $add116 = (10 + ($86))|0; $conv117 = $add116&65535; $conv118 = $conv117 << 16 >> 16; $87 = $i; $conv119 = $87&65535; $conv120 = $conv119 << 16 >> 16; $mul121 = Math_imul($conv118, $conv120)|0; $sub122 = (65536 - ($mul121))|0; _silk_bwexpander_32($84,$85,$sub122); $88 = $a_Q16$addr; $89 = $dd; _silk_A2NLSF_init($88,$P,$Q,$89); $p = $P; $90 = HEAP16[12731]|0; $conv126 = $90 << 16 >> 16; $xlo = $conv126; $91 = $p; $92 = $xlo; $93 = $dd; $call127 = (_silk_A2NLSF_eval_poly($91,$92,$93)|0); $ylo = $call127; $94 = $ylo; $cmp128 = ($94|0)<(0); if ($cmp128) { $95 = $NLSF$addr; HEAP16[$95>>1] = 0; $p = $Q; $96 = $p; $97 = $xlo; $98 = $dd; $call133 = (_silk_A2NLSF_eval_poly($96,$97,$98)|0); $ylo = $call133; $root_ix = 1; } else { $root_ix = 0; } $k = 1; continue L5; } } while(0); $23 = $yhi; $cmp23 = ($23|0)==(0); if ($cmp23) { $thr = 1; } else { $thr = 0; } $ffrac = -256; $m = 0; while(1) { $24 = $m; $cmp28 = ($24|0)<(3); if (!($cmp28)) { break; } $25 = $xlo; $26 = $xhi; $add = (($25) + ($26))|0; $shr30 = $add >> 1; $27 = $xlo; $28 = $xhi; $add31 = (($27) + ($28))|0; $and = $add31 & 1; $add32 = (($shr30) + ($and))|0; $xmid = $add32; $29 = $p; $30 = $xmid; $31 = $dd; $call33 = (_silk_A2NLSF_eval_poly($29,$30,$31)|0); $ymid = $call33; $32 = $ylo; $cmp34 = ($32|0)<=(0); $33 = $ymid; $cmp37 = ($33|0)>=(0); $or$cond = $cmp34 & $cmp37; if ($or$cond) { label = 16; } else { $34 = $ylo; $cmp40 = ($34|0)>=(0); $35 = $ymid; $cmp43 = ($35|0)<=(0); $or$cond1 = $cmp40 & $cmp43; if ($or$cond1) { label = 16; } else { $38 = $xmid; $xlo = $38; $39 = $ymid; $ylo = $39; $40 = $ffrac; $41 = $m; $shr47 = 128 >> $41; $add48 = (($40) + ($shr47))|0; $ffrac = $add48; } } if ((label|0) == 16) { label = 0; $36 = $xmid; $xhi = $36; $37 = $ymid; $yhi = $37; } $42 = $m; $inc = (($42) + 1)|0; $m = $inc; } $43 = $ylo; $cmp50 = ($43|0)>(0); $44 = $ylo; $sub52 = (0 - ($44))|0; $cond = $cmp50 ? $44 : $sub52; $cmp53 = ($cond|0)<(65536); $45 = $ylo; if ($cmp53) { $46 = $yhi; $sub56 = (($45) - ($46))|0; $den = $sub56; $47 = $ylo; $shl = $47 << 5; $48 = $den; $shr57 = $48 >> 1; $add58 = (($shl) + ($shr57))|0; $nom = $add58; $49 = $den; $cmp59 = ($49|0)!=(0); if ($cmp59) { $50 = $nom; $51 = $den; $div = (($50|0) / ($51|0))&-1; $52 = $ffrac; $add62 = (($52) + ($div))|0; $ffrac = $add62; } } else { $53 = $ylo; $54 = $yhi; $sub65 = (($53) - ($54))|0; $shr66 = $sub65 >> 5; $div67 = (($45|0) / ($shr66|0))&-1; $55 = $ffrac; $add68 = (($55) + ($div67))|0; $ffrac = $add68; } $56 = $k; $shl70 = $56 << 8; $57 = $ffrac; $add71 = (($shl70) + ($57))|0; $call72 = (_silk_min_32_467($add71,32767)|0); $conv73 = $call72&65535; $58 = $NLSF$addr; $59 = $root_ix; $arrayidx74 = (($58) + ($59<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx74>>1] = $conv73; $60 = $root_ix; $inc75 = (($60) + 1)|0; $root_ix = $inc75; $61 = $root_ix; $62 = $d$addr; $cmp76 = ($61|0)>=($62|0); if ($cmp76) { label = 34; break; } $63 = $root_ix; $and80 = $63 & 1; $arrayidx81 = (($PQ) + ($and80<<2)|0); $64 = HEAP32[$arrayidx81>>2]|0; $p = $64; $65 = $k; $sub82 = (($65) - 1)|0; $arrayidx83 = (25462 + ($sub82<<1)|0); $66 = HEAP16[$arrayidx83>>1]|0; $conv84 = $66 << 16 >> 16; $xlo = $conv84; $67 = $root_ix; $and85 = $67 & 2; $sub86 = (1 - ($and85))|0; $shl87 = $sub86 << 12; $ylo = $shl87; } if ((label|0) == 34) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $74 = $d$addr; $add97 = (($74) + 1)|0; $div98 = (32768 / ($add97|0))&-1; $conv99 = $div98&65535; $75 = $NLSF$addr; HEAP16[$75>>1] = $conv99; $k = 1; while(1) { $76 = $k; $77 = $d$addr; $cmp102 = ($76|0)<($77|0); if (!($cmp102)) { break; } $78 = $k; $add105 = (($78) + 1)|0; $conv106 = $add105&65535; $conv107 = $conv106 << 16 >> 16; $79 = $NLSF$addr; $80 = HEAP16[$79>>1]|0; $conv109 = $80 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($conv107, $conv109)|0; $conv110 = $mul&65535; $81 = $NLSF$addr; $82 = $k; $arrayidx111 = (($81) + ($82<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx111>>1] = $conv110; $83 = $k; $inc113 = (($83) + 1)|0; $k = $inc113; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_A2NLSF_init($a_Q16,$P,$Q,$dd) { $a_Q16 = $a_Q16|0; $P = $P|0; $Q = $Q|0; $dd = $dd|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $P$addr = 0, $Q$addr = 0, $a_Q16$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add12 = 0, $add14 = 0, $add26 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0; var $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $dd$addr = 0, $dec = 0, $inc = 0, $k = 0, $sub = 0, $sub11 = 0, $sub2 = 0, $sub20 = 0, $sub22 = 0, $sub24 = 0, $sub4 = 0, $sub6 = 0, $sub8 = 0, $sub9 = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $a_Q16$addr = $a_Q16; $P$addr = $P; $Q$addr = $Q; $dd$addr = $dd; $0 = $P$addr; $1 = $dd$addr; $arrayidx = (($0) + ($1<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2] = 65536; $2 = $Q$addr; $3 = $dd$addr; $arrayidx1 = (($2) + ($3<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx1>>2] = 65536; $k = 0; while(1) { $4 = $k; $5 = $dd$addr; $cmp = ($4|0)<($5|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $6 = $a_Q16$addr; $7 = $dd$addr; $8 = $k; $sub = (($7) - ($8))|0; $sub2 = (($sub) - 1)|0; $arrayidx3 = (($6) + ($sub2<<2)|0); $9 = HEAP32[$arrayidx3>>2]|0; $sub4 = (0 - ($9))|0; $10 = $a_Q16$addr; $11 = $dd$addr; $12 = $k; $add = (($11) + ($12))|0; $arrayidx5 = (($10) + ($add<<2)|0); $13 = HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2]|0; $sub6 = (($sub4) - ($13))|0; $14 = $P$addr; $15 = $k; $arrayidx7 = (($14) + ($15<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx7>>2] = $sub6; $16 = $a_Q16$addr; $17 = $dd$addr; $18 = $k; $sub8 = (($17) - ($18))|0; $sub9 = (($sub8) - 1)|0; $arrayidx10 = (($16) + ($sub9<<2)|0); $19 = HEAP32[$arrayidx10>>2]|0; $sub11 = (0 - ($19))|0; $20 = $a_Q16$addr; $21 = $dd$addr; $22 = $k; $add12 = (($21) + ($22))|0; $arrayidx13 = (($20) + ($add12<<2)|0); $23 = HEAP32[$arrayidx13>>2]|0; $add14 = (($sub11) + ($23))|0; $24 = $Q$addr; $25 = $k; $arrayidx15 = (($24) + ($25<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx15>>2] = $add14; $26 = $k; $inc = (($26) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $27 = $dd$addr; $k = $27; while(1) { $28 = $k; $cmp17 = ($28|0)>(0); $29 = $P$addr; if (!($cmp17)) { break; } $30 = $k; $arrayidx19 = (($29) + ($30<<2)|0); $31 = HEAP32[$arrayidx19>>2]|0; $32 = $P$addr; $33 = $k; $sub20 = (($33) - 1)|0; $arrayidx21 = (($32) + ($sub20<<2)|0); $34 = HEAP32[$arrayidx21>>2]|0; $sub22 = (($34) - ($31))|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx21>>2] = $sub22; $35 = $Q$addr; $36 = $k; $arrayidx23 = (($35) + ($36<<2)|0); $37 = HEAP32[$arrayidx23>>2]|0; $38 = $Q$addr; $39 = $k; $sub24 = (($39) - 1)|0; $arrayidx25 = (($38) + ($sub24<<2)|0); $40 = HEAP32[$arrayidx25>>2]|0; $add26 = (($40) + ($37))|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx25>>2] = $add26; $41 = $k; $dec = (($41) + -1)|0; $k = $dec; } $42 = $dd$addr; _silk_A2NLSF_trans_poly($29,$42); $43 = $Q$addr; $44 = $dd$addr; _silk_A2NLSF_trans_poly($43,$44); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_A2NLSF_eval_poly($p,$x,$dd) { $p = $p|0; $x = $x|0; $dd = $dd|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $add109 = 0, $add110 = 0, $add112 = 0, $add115 = 0, $add126 = 0, $add127 = 0, $add129 = 0, $add13 = 0, $add132 = 0, $add145 = 0, $add146 = 0, $add148 = 0, $add151 = 0, $add24 = 0, $add25 = 0, $add27 = 0; var $add30 = 0, $add41 = 0, $add42 = 0, $add44 = 0, $add47 = 0, $add58 = 0, $add59 = 0, $add61 = 0, $add64 = 0, $add75 = 0, $add76 = 0, $add78 = 0, $add8 = 0, $add81 = 0, $add92 = 0, $add93 = 0, $add95 = 0, $add98 = 0, $and = 0, $and104 = 0; var $and121 = 0, $and140 = 0, $and19 = 0, $and36 = 0, $and53 = 0, $and70 = 0, $and87 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx135 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0, $arrayidx82 = 0, $arrayidx99 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp133 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv101 = 0; var $conv102 = 0, $conv105 = 0, $conv106 = 0, $conv118 = 0, $conv119 = 0, $conv122 = 0, $conv123 = 0, $conv137 = 0, $conv138 = 0, $conv141 = 0, $conv142 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv20 = 0, $conv21 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $conv33 = 0, $conv34 = 0, $conv37 = 0, $conv38 = 0; var $conv4 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv50 = 0, $conv51 = 0, $conv54 = 0, $conv55 = 0, $conv67 = 0, $conv68 = 0, $conv71 = 0, $conv72 = 0, $conv84 = 0, $conv85 = 0, $conv88 = 0, $conv89 = 0, $dd$addr = 0, $dec = 0, $lnot = 0, $lnot1 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul103 = 0; var $mul107 = 0, $mul114 = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul120 = 0, $mul124 = 0, $mul131 = 0, $mul139 = 0, $mul143 = 0, $mul150 = 0, $mul18 = 0, $mul22 = 0, $mul29 = 0, $mul35 = 0, $mul39 = 0, $mul46 = 0, $mul52 = 0, $mul56 = 0, $mul6 = 0, $mul63 = 0, $mul69 = 0; var $mul73 = 0, $mul80 = 0, $mul86 = 0, $mul90 = 0, $mul97 = 0, $n = 0, $p$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr100 = 0, $shr108 = 0, $shr11 = 0, $shr111 = 0, $shr113 = 0, $shr117 = 0, $shr125 = 0, $shr128 = 0, $shr130 = 0, $shr136 = 0, $shr144 = 0; var $shr147 = 0, $shr149 = 0, $shr15 = 0, $shr23 = 0, $shr26 = 0, $shr28 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr40 = 0, $shr43 = 0, $shr45 = 0, $shr49 = 0, $shr57 = 0, $shr60 = 0, $shr62 = 0, $shr66 = 0, $shr7 = 0, $shr74 = 0, $shr77 = 0, $shr79 = 0, $shr83 = 0; var $shr9 = 0, $shr91 = 0, $shr94 = 0, $shr96 = 0, $sub = 0, $x$addr = 0, $x_Q16 = 0, $y32 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $p$addr = $p; $x$addr = $x; $dd$addr = $dd; $0 = $p$addr; $1 = $dd$addr; $arrayidx = (($0) + ($1<<2)|0); $2 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $y32 = $2; $3 = $x$addr; $shl = $3 << 4; $x_Q16 = $shl; $4 = $dd$addr; $cmp = (8)==($4|0); $lnot = $cmp ^ 1; $lnot1 = $lnot ^ 1; if ($lnot1) { $5 = $p$addr; $arrayidx2 = ((($5)) + 28|0); $6 = HEAP32[$arrayidx2>>2]|0; $7 = $y32; $shr = $7 >> 16; $8 = $x_Q16; $conv = $8&65535; $conv3 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr, $conv3)|0; $9 = $y32; $and = $9 & 65535; $10 = $x_Q16; $conv4 = $10&65535; $conv5 = $conv4 << 16 >> 16; $mul6 = Math_imul($and, $conv5)|0; $shr7 = $mul6 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr7))|0; $add8 = (($6) + ($add))|0; $11 = $y32; $12 = $x_Q16; $shr9 = $12 >> 15; $add10 = (($shr9) + 1)|0; $shr11 = $add10 >> 1; $mul12 = Math_imul($11, $shr11)|0; $add13 = (($add8) + ($mul12))|0; $y32 = $add13; $13 = $p$addr; $arrayidx14 = ((($13)) + 24|0); $14 = HEAP32[$arrayidx14>>2]|0; $15 = $y32; $shr15 = $15 >> 16; $16 = $x_Q16; $conv16 = $16&65535; $conv17 = $conv16 << 16 >> 16; $mul18 = Math_imul($shr15, $conv17)|0; $17 = $y32; $and19 = $17 & 65535; $18 = $x_Q16; $conv20 = $18&65535; $conv21 = $conv20 << 16 >> 16; $mul22 = Math_imul($and19, $conv21)|0; $shr23 = $mul22 >> 16; $add24 = (($mul18) + ($shr23))|0; $add25 = (($14) + ($add24))|0; $19 = $y32; $20 = $x_Q16; $shr26 = $20 >> 15; $add27 = (($shr26) + 1)|0; $shr28 = $add27 >> 1; $mul29 = Math_imul($19, $shr28)|0; $add30 = (($add25) + ($mul29))|0; $y32 = $add30; $21 = $p$addr; $arrayidx31 = ((($21)) + 20|0); $22 = HEAP32[$arrayidx31>>2]|0; $23 = $y32; $shr32 = $23 >> 16; $24 = $x_Q16; $conv33 = $24&65535; $conv34 = $conv33 << 16 >> 16; $mul35 = Math_imul($shr32, $conv34)|0; $25 = $y32; $and36 = $25 & 65535; $26 = $x_Q16; $conv37 = $26&65535; $conv38 = $conv37 << 16 >> 16; $mul39 = Math_imul($and36, $conv38)|0; $shr40 = $mul39 >> 16; $add41 = (($mul35) + ($shr40))|0; $add42 = (($22) + ($add41))|0; $27 = $y32; $28 = $x_Q16; $shr43 = $28 >> 15; $add44 = (($shr43) + 1)|0; $shr45 = $add44 >> 1; $mul46 = Math_imul($27, $shr45)|0; $add47 = (($add42) + ($mul46))|0; $y32 = $add47; $29 = $p$addr; $arrayidx48 = ((($29)) + 16|0); $30 = HEAP32[$arrayidx48>>2]|0; $31 = $y32; $shr49 = $31 >> 16; $32 = $x_Q16; $conv50 = $32&65535; $conv51 = $conv50 << 16 >> 16; $mul52 = Math_imul($shr49, $conv51)|0; $33 = $y32; $and53 = $33 & 65535; $34 = $x_Q16; $conv54 = $34&65535; $conv55 = $conv54 << 16 >> 16; $mul56 = Math_imul($and53, $conv55)|0; $shr57 = $mul56 >> 16; $add58 = (($mul52) + ($shr57))|0; $add59 = (($30) + ($add58))|0; $35 = $y32; $36 = $x_Q16; $shr60 = $36 >> 15; $add61 = (($shr60) + 1)|0; $shr62 = $add61 >> 1; $mul63 = Math_imul($35, $shr62)|0; $add64 = (($add59) + ($mul63))|0; $y32 = $add64; $37 = $p$addr; $arrayidx65 = ((($37)) + 12|0); $38 = HEAP32[$arrayidx65>>2]|0; $39 = $y32; $shr66 = $39 >> 16; $40 = $x_Q16; $conv67 = $40&65535; $conv68 = $conv67 << 16 >> 16; $mul69 = Math_imul($shr66, $conv68)|0; $41 = $y32; $and70 = $41 & 65535; $42 = $x_Q16; $conv71 = $42&65535; $conv72 = $conv71 << 16 >> 16; $mul73 = Math_imul($and70, $conv72)|0; $shr74 = $mul73 >> 16; $add75 = (($mul69) + ($shr74))|0; $add76 = (($38) + ($add75))|0; $43 = $y32; $44 = $x_Q16; $shr77 = $44 >> 15; $add78 = (($shr77) + 1)|0; $shr79 = $add78 >> 1; $mul80 = Math_imul($43, $shr79)|0; $add81 = (($add76) + ($mul80))|0; $y32 = $add81; $45 = $p$addr; $arrayidx82 = ((($45)) + 8|0); $46 = HEAP32[$arrayidx82>>2]|0; $47 = $y32; $shr83 = $47 >> 16; $48 = $x_Q16; $conv84 = $48&65535; $conv85 = $conv84 << 16 >> 16; $mul86 = Math_imul($shr83, $conv85)|0; $49 = $y32; $and87 = $49 & 65535; $50 = $x_Q16; $conv88 = $50&65535; $conv89 = $conv88 << 16 >> 16; $mul90 = Math_imul($and87, $conv89)|0; $shr91 = $mul90 >> 16; $add92 = (($mul86) + ($shr91))|0; $add93 = (($46) + ($add92))|0; $51 = $y32; $52 = $x_Q16; $shr94 = $52 >> 15; $add95 = (($shr94) + 1)|0; $shr96 = $add95 >> 1; $mul97 = Math_imul($51, $shr96)|0; $add98 = (($add93) + ($mul97))|0; $y32 = $add98; $53 = $p$addr; $arrayidx99 = ((($53)) + 4|0); $54 = HEAP32[$arrayidx99>>2]|0; $55 = $y32; $shr100 = $55 >> 16; $56 = $x_Q16; $conv101 = $56&65535; $conv102 = $conv101 << 16 >> 16; $mul103 = Math_imul($shr100, $conv102)|0; $57 = $y32; $and104 = $57 & 65535; $58 = $x_Q16; $conv105 = $58&65535; $conv106 = $conv105 << 16 >> 16; $mul107 = Math_imul($and104, $conv106)|0; $shr108 = $mul107 >> 16; $add109 = (($mul103) + ($shr108))|0; $add110 = (($54) + ($add109))|0; $59 = $y32; $60 = $x_Q16; $shr111 = $60 >> 15; $add112 = (($shr111) + 1)|0; $shr113 = $add112 >> 1; $mul114 = Math_imul($59, $shr113)|0; $add115 = (($add110) + ($mul114))|0; $y32 = $add115; $61 = $p$addr; $62 = HEAP32[$61>>2]|0; $63 = $y32; $shr117 = $63 >> 16; $64 = $x_Q16; $conv118 = $64&65535; $conv119 = $conv118 << 16 >> 16; $mul120 = Math_imul($shr117, $conv119)|0; $65 = $y32; $and121 = $65 & 65535; $66 = $x_Q16; $conv122 = $66&65535; $conv123 = $conv122 << 16 >> 16; $mul124 = Math_imul($and121, $conv123)|0; $shr125 = $mul124 >> 16; $add126 = (($mul120) + ($shr125))|0; $add127 = (($62) + ($add126))|0; $67 = $y32; $68 = $x_Q16; $shr128 = $68 >> 15; $add129 = (($shr128) + 1)|0; $shr130 = $add129 >> 1; $mul131 = Math_imul($67, $shr130)|0; $add132 = (($add127) + ($mul131))|0; $y32 = $add132; $81 = $y32; STACKTOP = sp;return ($81|0); } $69 = $dd$addr; $sub = (($69) - 1)|0; $n = $sub; while(1) { $70 = $n; $cmp133 = ($70|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp133)) { break; } $71 = $p$addr; $72 = $n; $arrayidx135 = (($71) + ($72<<2)|0); $73 = HEAP32[$arrayidx135>>2]|0; $74 = $y32; $shr136 = $74 >> 16; $75 = $x_Q16; $conv137 = $75&65535; $conv138 = $conv137 << 16 >> 16; $mul139 = Math_imul($shr136, $conv138)|0; $76 = $y32; $and140 = $76 & 65535; $77 = $x_Q16; $conv141 = $77&65535; $conv142 = $conv141 << 16 >> 16; $mul143 = Math_imul($and140, $conv142)|0; $shr144 = $mul143 >> 16; $add145 = (($mul139) + ($shr144))|0; $add146 = (($73) + ($add145))|0; $78 = $y32; $79 = $x_Q16; $shr147 = $79 >> 15; $add148 = (($shr147) + 1)|0; $shr149 = $add148 >> 1; $mul150 = Math_imul($78, $shr149)|0; $add151 = (($add146) + ($mul150))|0; $y32 = $add151; $80 = $n; $dec = (($80) + -1)|0; $n = $dec; } $81 = $y32; STACKTOP = sp;return ($81|0); } function _silk_min_32_467($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_A2NLSF_trans_poly($p,$dd) { $p = $p|0; $dd = $dd|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0; var $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $dd$addr = 0, $dec = 0, $inc = 0, $k = 0, $n = 0, $p$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $sub = 0, $sub5 = 0, $sub7 = 0, $sub9 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $p$addr = $p; $dd$addr = $dd; $k = 2; while(1) { $0 = $k; $1 = $dd$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<=($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $dd$addr; $n = $2; while(1) { $3 = $n; $4 = $k; $cmp2 = ($3|0)>($4|0); $5 = $p$addr; if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $6 = $n; $arrayidx = (($5) + ($6<<2)|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $8 = $p$addr; $9 = $n; $sub = (($9) - 2)|0; $arrayidx4 = (($8) + ($sub<<2)|0); $10 = HEAP32[$arrayidx4>>2]|0; $sub5 = (($10) - ($7))|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx4>>2] = $sub5; $11 = $n; $dec = (($11) + -1)|0; $n = $dec; } $12 = $k; $arrayidx6 = (($5) + ($12<<2)|0); $13 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $shl = $13 << 1; $14 = $p$addr; $15 = $k; $sub7 = (($15) - 2)|0; $arrayidx8 = (($14) + ($sub7<<2)|0); $16 = HEAP32[$arrayidx8>>2]|0; $sub9 = (($16) - ($shl))|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx8>>2] = $sub9; $17 = $k; $inc = (($17) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_ana_filt_bank_1($in,$S,$outL,$outH,$N) { $in = $in|0; $S = $S|0; $outL = $outL|0; $outH = $outH|0; $N = $N|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $N$addr = 0, $N2 = 0, $S$addr = 0, $X = 0, $Y = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $add11 = 0, $add14 = 0, $add27 = 0, $add29 = 0; var $add30 = 0, $add32 = 0, $add34 = 0, $add38 = 0, $add40 = 0, $add46 = 0, $add48 = 0, $add56 = 0, $add64 = 0, $add72 = 0, $add8 = 0, $and = 0, $and23 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $arrayidx79 = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp42 = 0, $cmp58 = 0, $cmp66 = 0, $cond51 = 0, $cond77 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv21 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv52 = 0, $conv78 = 0, $in$addr = 0, $in32 = 0, $inc = 0, $k = 0, $mul = 0; var $mul13 = 0, $mul22 = 0, $mul25 = 0, $mul4 = 0, $mul6 = 0, $outH$addr = 0, $outL$addr = 0, $out_1 = 0, $out_2 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl17 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr2 = 0, $shr20 = 0, $shr26 = 0, $shr33 = 0, $shr35 = 0, $shr39 = 0, $shr41 = 0, $shr47 = 0; var $shr49 = 0, $shr55 = 0, $shr57 = 0, $shr63 = 0, $shr65 = 0, $shr7 = 0, $shr71 = 0, $shr73 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub19 = 0, $sub54 = 0, $sub62 = 0, $sub70 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $in$addr = $in; $S$addr = $S; $outL$addr = $outL; $outH$addr = $outH; $N$addr = $N; $0 = $N$addr; $shr = $0 >> 1; $N2 = $shr; $k = 0; while(1) { $1 = $k; $2 = $N2; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $in$addr; $4 = $k; $mul = $4<<1; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($mul<<1)|0); $5 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $5 << 16 >> 16; $shl = $conv << 10; $in32 = $shl; $6 = $in32; $7 = $S$addr; $8 = HEAP32[$7>>2]|0; $sub = (($6) - ($8))|0; $Y = $sub; $9 = $Y; $10 = $Y; $shr2 = $10 >> 16; $conv3 = -24290 << 16 >> 16; $mul4 = Math_imul($shr2, $conv3)|0; $11 = $Y; $and = $11 & 65535; $conv5 = -24290 << 16 >> 16; $mul6 = Math_imul($and, $conv5)|0; $shr7 = $mul6 >> 16; $add = (($mul4) + ($shr7))|0; $add8 = (($9) + ($add))|0; $X = $add8; $12 = $S$addr; $13 = HEAP32[$12>>2]|0; $14 = $X; $add10 = (($13) + ($14))|0; $out_1 = $add10; $15 = $in32; $16 = $X; $add11 = (($15) + ($16))|0; $17 = $S$addr; HEAP32[$17>>2] = $add11; $18 = $in$addr; $19 = $k; $mul13 = $19<<1; $add14 = (($mul13) + 1)|0; $arrayidx15 = (($18) + ($add14<<1)|0); $20 = HEAP16[$arrayidx15>>1]|0; $conv16 = $20 << 16 >> 16; $shl17 = $conv16 << 10; $in32 = $shl17; $21 = $in32; $22 = $S$addr; $arrayidx18 = ((($22)) + 4|0); $23 = HEAP32[$arrayidx18>>2]|0; $sub19 = (($21) - ($23))|0; $Y = $sub19; $24 = $Y; $shr20 = $24 >> 16; $conv21 = 10788 << 16 >> 16; $mul22 = Math_imul($shr20, $conv21)|0; $25 = $Y; $and23 = $25 & 65535; $conv24 = 10788 << 16 >> 16; $mul25 = Math_imul($and23, $conv24)|0; $shr26 = $mul25 >> 16; $add27 = (($mul22) + ($shr26))|0; $X = $add27; $26 = $S$addr; $arrayidx28 = ((($26)) + 4|0); $27 = HEAP32[$arrayidx28>>2]|0; $28 = $X; $add29 = (($27) + ($28))|0; $out_2 = $add29; $29 = $in32; $30 = $X; $add30 = (($29) + ($30))|0; $31 = $S$addr; $arrayidx31 = ((($31)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx31>>2] = $add30; $32 = $out_2; $33 = $out_1; $add32 = (($32) + ($33))|0; $shr33 = $add32 >> 10; $add34 = (($shr33) + 1)|0; $shr35 = $add34 >> 1; $cmp36 = ($shr35|0)>(32767); if ($cmp36) { $cond51 = 32767; } else { $34 = $out_2; $35 = $out_1; $add38 = (($34) + ($35))|0; $shr39 = $add38 >> 10; $add40 = (($shr39) + 1)|0; $shr41 = $add40 >> 1; $cmp42 = ($shr41|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp42) { $cond51 = -32768; } else { $36 = $out_2; $37 = $out_1; $add46 = (($36) + ($37))|0; $shr47 = $add46 >> 10; $add48 = (($shr47) + 1)|0; $shr49 = $add48 >> 1; $cond51 = $shr49; } } $conv52 = $cond51&65535; $38 = $outL$addr; $39 = $k; $arrayidx53 = (($38) + ($39<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx53>>1] = $conv52; $40 = $out_2; $41 = $out_1; $sub54 = (($40) - ($41))|0; $shr55 = $sub54 >> 10; $add56 = (($shr55) + 1)|0; $shr57 = $add56 >> 1; $cmp58 = ($shr57|0)>(32767); if ($cmp58) { $cond77 = 32767; } else { $42 = $out_2; $43 = $out_1; $sub62 = (($42) - ($43))|0; $shr63 = $sub62 >> 10; $add64 = (($shr63) + 1)|0; $shr65 = $add64 >> 1; $cmp66 = ($shr65|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp66) { $cond77 = -32768; } else { $44 = $out_2; $45 = $out_1; $sub70 = (($44) - ($45))|0; $shr71 = $sub70 >> 10; $add72 = (($shr71) + 1)|0; $shr73 = $add72 >> 1; $cond77 = $shr73; } } $conv78 = $cond77&65535; $46 = $outH$addr; $47 = $k; $arrayidx79 = (($46) + ($47<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx79>>1] = $conv78; $48 = $k; $inc = (($48) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_biquad_alt($in,$B_Q28,$A_Q28,$S,$out,$len,$stride) { $in = $in|0; $B_Q28 = $B_Q28|0; $A_Q28 = $A_Q28|0; $S = $S|0; $out = $out|0; $len = $len|0; $stride = $stride|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $A0_L_Q28 = 0, $A0_U_Q28 = 0, $A1_L_Q28 = 0, $A1_U_Q28 = 0, $A_Q28$addr = 0, $B_Q28$addr = 0, $S$addr = 0; var $add = 0, $add106 = 0, $add107 = 0, $add109 = 0, $add114 = 0, $add121 = 0, $add22 = 0, $add33 = 0, $add35 = 0, $add37 = 0, $add49 = 0, $add50 = 0, $add64 = 0, $add65 = 0, $add76 = 0, $add78 = 0, $add91 = 0, $add92 = 0, $and = 0, $and101 = 0; var $and17 = 0, $and28 = 0, $and44 = 0, $and5 = 0, $and59 = 0, $and71 = 0, $and86 = 0, $arrayidx100 = 0, $arrayidx108 = 0, $arrayidx128 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx80 = 0, $arrayidx81 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $arrayidx93 = 0, $arrayidx94 = 0; var $arrayidx95 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp112 = 0, $cmp117 = 0, $cond125 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv102 = 0, $conv103 = 0, $conv126 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $conv41 = 0, $conv42 = 0, $conv45 = 0; var $conv46 = 0, $conv55 = 0, $conv56 = 0, $conv60 = 0, $conv61 = 0, $conv68 = 0, $conv69 = 0, $conv72 = 0, $conv73 = 0, $conv83 = 0, $conv84 = 0, $conv87 = 0, $conv88 = 0, $conv97 = 0, $conv98 = 0, $in$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inval = 0, $k = 0, $len$addr = 0; var $mul = 0, $mul104 = 0, $mul127 = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul20 = 0, $mul27 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul43 = 0, $mul47 = 0, $mul57 = 0, $mul62 = 0, $mul70 = 0, $mul74 = 0, $mul85 = 0, $mul89 = 0, $mul99 = 0, $out$addr = 0, $out32_Q14 = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0; var $shr105 = 0, $shr111 = 0, $shr116 = 0, $shr12 = 0, $shr123 = 0, $shr21 = 0, $shr24 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr34 = 0, $shr36 = 0, $shr40 = 0, $shr48 = 0, $shr54 = 0, $shr63 = 0, $shr67 = 0, $shr75 = 0, $shr77 = 0, $shr79 = 0, $shr8 = 0, $shr82 = 0; var $shr90 = 0, $shr96 = 0, $stride$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub110 = 0, $sub115 = 0, $sub122 = 0, $sub2 = 0, $sub4 = 0, $sub7 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $in$addr = $in; $B_Q28$addr = $B_Q28; $A_Q28$addr = $A_Q28; $S$addr = $S; $out$addr = $out; $len$addr = $len; $stride$addr = $stride; $0 = $A_Q28$addr; $1 = HEAP32[$0>>2]|0; $sub = (0 - ($1))|0; $and = $sub & 16383; $A0_L_Q28 = $and; $2 = $A_Q28$addr; $3 = HEAP32[$2>>2]|0; $sub2 = (0 - ($3))|0; $shr = $sub2 >> 14; $A0_U_Q28 = $shr; $4 = $A_Q28$addr; $arrayidx3 = ((($4)) + 4|0); $5 = HEAP32[$arrayidx3>>2]|0; $sub4 = (0 - ($5))|0; $and5 = $sub4 & 16383; $A1_L_Q28 = $and5; $6 = $A_Q28$addr; $arrayidx6 = ((($6)) + 4|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $sub7 = (0 - ($7))|0; $shr8 = $sub7 >> 14; $A1_U_Q28 = $shr8; $k = 0; while(1) { $8 = $k; $9 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($8|0)<($9|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $10 = $in$addr; $11 = $k; $12 = $stride$addr; $mul = Math_imul($11, $12)|0; $arrayidx9 = (($10) + ($mul<<1)|0); $13 = HEAP16[$arrayidx9>>1]|0; $conv = $13 << 16 >> 16; $inval = $conv; $14 = $S$addr; $15 = HEAP32[$14>>2]|0; $16 = $B_Q28$addr; $17 = HEAP32[$16>>2]|0; $shr12 = $17 >> 16; $18 = $inval; $conv13 = $18&65535; $conv14 = $conv13 << 16 >> 16; $mul15 = Math_imul($shr12, $conv14)|0; $19 = $B_Q28$addr; $20 = HEAP32[$19>>2]|0; $and17 = $20 & 65535; $21 = $inval; $conv18 = $21&65535; $conv19 = $conv18 << 16 >> 16; $mul20 = Math_imul($and17, $conv19)|0; $shr21 = $mul20 >> 16; $add = (($mul15) + ($shr21))|0; $add22 = (($15) + ($add))|0; $shl = $add22 << 2; $out32_Q14 = $shl; $22 = $S$addr; $arrayidx23 = ((($22)) + 4|0); $23 = HEAP32[$arrayidx23>>2]|0; $24 = $out32_Q14; $shr24 = $24 >> 16; $25 = $A0_L_Q28; $conv25 = $25&65535; $conv26 = $conv25 << 16 >> 16; $mul27 = Math_imul($shr24, $conv26)|0; $26 = $out32_Q14; $and28 = $26 & 65535; $27 = $A0_L_Q28; $conv29 = $27&65535; $conv30 = $conv29 << 16 >> 16; $mul31 = Math_imul($and28, $conv30)|0; $shr32 = $mul31 >> 16; $add33 = (($mul27) + ($shr32))|0; $shr34 = $add33 >> 13; $add35 = (($shr34) + 1)|0; $shr36 = $add35 >> 1; $add37 = (($23) + ($shr36))|0; $28 = $S$addr; HEAP32[$28>>2] = $add37; $29 = $S$addr; $30 = HEAP32[$29>>2]|0; $31 = $out32_Q14; $shr40 = $31 >> 16; $32 = $A0_U_Q28; $conv41 = $32&65535; $conv42 = $conv41 << 16 >> 16; $mul43 = Math_imul($shr40, $conv42)|0; $33 = $out32_Q14; $and44 = $33 & 65535; $34 = $A0_U_Q28; $conv45 = $34&65535; $conv46 = $conv45 << 16 >> 16; $mul47 = Math_imul($and44, $conv46)|0; $shr48 = $mul47 >> 16; $add49 = (($mul43) + ($shr48))|0; $add50 = (($30) + ($add49))|0; $35 = $S$addr; HEAP32[$35>>2] = $add50; $36 = $S$addr; $37 = HEAP32[$36>>2]|0; $38 = $B_Q28$addr; $arrayidx53 = ((($38)) + 4|0); $39 = HEAP32[$arrayidx53>>2]|0; $shr54 = $39 >> 16; $40 = $inval; $conv55 = $40&65535; $conv56 = $conv55 << 16 >> 16; $mul57 = Math_imul($shr54, $conv56)|0; $41 = $B_Q28$addr; $arrayidx58 = ((($41)) + 4|0); $42 = HEAP32[$arrayidx58>>2]|0; $and59 = $42 & 65535; $43 = $inval; $conv60 = $43&65535; $conv61 = $conv60 << 16 >> 16; $mul62 = Math_imul($and59, $conv61)|0; $shr63 = $mul62 >> 16; $add64 = (($mul57) + ($shr63))|0; $add65 = (($37) + ($add64))|0; $44 = $S$addr; HEAP32[$44>>2] = $add65; $45 = $out32_Q14; $shr67 = $45 >> 16; $46 = $A1_L_Q28; $conv68 = $46&65535; $conv69 = $conv68 << 16 >> 16; $mul70 = Math_imul($shr67, $conv69)|0; $47 = $out32_Q14; $and71 = $47 & 65535; $48 = $A1_L_Q28; $conv72 = $48&65535; $conv73 = $conv72 << 16 >> 16; $mul74 = Math_imul($and71, $conv73)|0; $shr75 = $mul74 >> 16; $add76 = (($mul70) + ($shr75))|0; $shr77 = $add76 >> 13; $add78 = (($shr77) + 1)|0; $shr79 = $add78 >> 1; $49 = $S$addr; $arrayidx80 = ((($49)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx80>>2] = $shr79; $50 = $S$addr; $arrayidx81 = ((($50)) + 4|0); $51 = HEAP32[$arrayidx81>>2]|0; $52 = $out32_Q14; $shr82 = $52 >> 16; $53 = $A1_U_Q28; $conv83 = $53&65535; $conv84 = $conv83 << 16 >> 16; $mul85 = Math_imul($shr82, $conv84)|0; $54 = $out32_Q14; $and86 = $54 & 65535; $55 = $A1_U_Q28; $conv87 = $55&65535; $conv88 = $conv87 << 16 >> 16; $mul89 = Math_imul($and86, $conv88)|0; $shr90 = $mul89 >> 16; $add91 = (($mul85) + ($shr90))|0; $add92 = (($51) + ($add91))|0; $56 = $S$addr; $arrayidx93 = ((($56)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx93>>2] = $add92; $57 = $S$addr; $arrayidx94 = ((($57)) + 4|0); $58 = HEAP32[$arrayidx94>>2]|0; $59 = $B_Q28$addr; $arrayidx95 = ((($59)) + 8|0); $60 = HEAP32[$arrayidx95>>2]|0; $shr96 = $60 >> 16; $61 = $inval; $conv97 = $61&65535; $conv98 = $conv97 << 16 >> 16; $mul99 = Math_imul($shr96, $conv98)|0; $62 = $B_Q28$addr; $arrayidx100 = ((($62)) + 8|0); $63 = HEAP32[$arrayidx100>>2]|0; $and101 = $63 & 65535; $64 = $inval; $conv102 = $64&65535; $conv103 = $conv102 << 16 >> 16; $mul104 = Math_imul($and101, $conv103)|0; $shr105 = $mul104 >> 16; $add106 = (($mul99) + ($shr105))|0; $add107 = (($58) + ($add106))|0; $65 = $S$addr; $arrayidx108 = ((($65)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx108>>2] = $add107; $66 = $out32_Q14; $add109 = (($66) + 16384)|0; $sub110 = (($add109) - 1)|0; $shr111 = $sub110 >> 14; $cmp112 = ($shr111|0)>(32767); if ($cmp112) { $cond125 = 32767; } else { $67 = $out32_Q14; $add114 = (($67) + 16384)|0; $sub115 = (($add114) - 1)|0; $shr116 = $sub115 >> 14; $cmp117 = ($shr116|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp117) { $cond125 = -32768; } else { $68 = $out32_Q14; $add121 = (($68) + 16384)|0; $sub122 = (($add121) - 1)|0; $shr123 = $sub122 >> 14; $cond125 = $shr123; } } $conv126 = $cond125&65535; $69 = $out$addr; $70 = $k; $71 = $stride$addr; $mul127 = Math_imul($70, $71)|0; $arrayidx128 = (($69) + ($mul127<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx128>>1] = $conv126; $72 = $k; $inc = (($72) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_bwexpander_32($ar,$d,$chirp_Q16) { $ar = $ar|0; $d = $d|0; $chirp_Q16 = $chirp_Q16|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $add13 = 0, $add17 = 0, $add19 = 0, $add33 = 0, $add37 = 0; var $add40 = 0, $and = 0, $and26 = 0, $ar$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $chirp_Q16$addr = 0, $chirp_minus_one_Q16 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv2 = 0, $conv23 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv29 = 0; var $conv30 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $d$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul25 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul39 = 0, $mul6 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr11 = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr18 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr36 = 0, $shr38 = 0; var $shr7 = 0, $shr9 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub21 = 0, $sub27 = 0, $sub34 = 0, $sub41 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $ar$addr = $ar; $d$addr = $d; $chirp_Q16$addr = $chirp_Q16; $0 = $chirp_Q16$addr; $sub = (($0) - 65536)|0; $chirp_minus_one_Q16 = $sub; $i = 0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $d$addr; $sub1 = (($2) - 1)|0; $cmp = ($1|0)<($sub1|0); $3 = $chirp_Q16$addr; $shr = $3 >> 16; $4 = $ar$addr; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $5 = $i; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($5<<2)|0); $6 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $conv = $6&65535; $conv2 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr, $conv2)|0; $7 = $chirp_Q16$addr; $and = $7 & 65535; $8 = $ar$addr; $9 = $i; $arrayidx3 = (($8) + ($9<<2)|0); $10 = HEAP32[$arrayidx3>>2]|0; $conv4 = $10&65535; $conv5 = $conv4 << 16 >> 16; $mul6 = Math_imul($and, $conv5)|0; $shr7 = $mul6 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr7))|0; $11 = $chirp_Q16$addr; $12 = $ar$addr; $13 = $i; $arrayidx8 = (($12) + ($13<<2)|0); $14 = HEAP32[$arrayidx8>>2]|0; $shr9 = $14 >> 15; $add10 = (($shr9) + 1)|0; $shr11 = $add10 >> 1; $mul12 = Math_imul($11, $shr11)|0; $add13 = (($add) + ($mul12))|0; $15 = $ar$addr; $16 = $i; $arrayidx14 = (($15) + ($16<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx14>>2] = $add13; $17 = $chirp_Q16$addr; $18 = $chirp_minus_one_Q16; $mul15 = Math_imul($17, $18)|0; $shr16 = $mul15 >> 15; $add17 = (($shr16) + 1)|0; $shr18 = $add17 >> 1; $19 = $chirp_Q16$addr; $add19 = (($19) + ($shr18))|0; $chirp_Q16$addr = $add19; $20 = $i; $inc = (($20) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $21 = $d$addr; $sub21 = (($21) - 1)|0; $arrayidx22 = (($4) + ($sub21<<2)|0); $22 = HEAP32[$arrayidx22>>2]|0; $conv23 = $22&65535; $conv24 = $conv23 << 16 >> 16; $mul25 = Math_imul($shr, $conv24)|0; $23 = $chirp_Q16$addr; $and26 = $23 & 65535; $24 = $ar$addr; $25 = $d$addr; $sub27 = (($25) - 1)|0; $arrayidx28 = (($24) + ($sub27<<2)|0); $26 = HEAP32[$arrayidx28>>2]|0; $conv29 = $26&65535; $conv30 = $conv29 << 16 >> 16; $mul31 = Math_imul($and26, $conv30)|0; $shr32 = $mul31 >> 16; $add33 = (($mul25) + ($shr32))|0; $27 = $chirp_Q16$addr; $28 = $ar$addr; $29 = $d$addr; $sub34 = (($29) - 1)|0; $arrayidx35 = (($28) + ($sub34<<2)|0); $30 = HEAP32[$arrayidx35>>2]|0; $shr36 = $30 >> 15; $add37 = (($shr36) + 1)|0; $shr38 = $add37 >> 1; $mul39 = Math_imul($27, $shr38)|0; $add40 = (($add33) + ($mul39))|0; $31 = $ar$addr; $32 = $d$addr; $sub41 = (($32) - 1)|0; $arrayidx42 = (($31) + ($sub41<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx42>>2] = $add40; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_bwexpander($ar,$d,$chirp_Q16) { $ar = $ar|0; $d = $d|0; $chirp_Q16 = $chirp_Q16|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add15 = 0, $add7 = 0; var $add9 = 0, $ar$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $chirp_Q16$addr = 0, $chirp_minus_one_Q16 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $d$addr = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0, $mul13 = 0, $mul5 = 0, $shr = 0; var $shr14 = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr2 = 0, $shr6 = 0, $shr8 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub10 = 0, $sub18 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $ar$addr = $ar; $d$addr = $d; $chirp_Q16$addr = $chirp_Q16; $0 = $chirp_Q16$addr; $sub = (($0) - 65536)|0; $chirp_minus_one_Q16 = $sub; $i = 0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $d$addr; $sub1 = (($2) - 1)|0; $cmp = ($1|0)<($sub1|0); $3 = $chirp_Q16$addr; $4 = $ar$addr; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $5 = $i; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($5<<1)|0); $6 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $6 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($3, $conv)|0; $shr = $mul >> 15; $add = (($shr) + 1)|0; $shr2 = $add >> 1; $conv3 = $shr2&65535; $7 = $ar$addr; $8 = $i; $arrayidx4 = (($7) + ($8<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx4>>1] = $conv3; $9 = $chirp_Q16$addr; $10 = $chirp_minus_one_Q16; $mul5 = Math_imul($9, $10)|0; $shr6 = $mul5 >> 15; $add7 = (($shr6) + 1)|0; $shr8 = $add7 >> 1; $11 = $chirp_Q16$addr; $add9 = (($11) + ($shr8))|0; $chirp_Q16$addr = $add9; $12 = $i; $inc = (($12) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $13 = $d$addr; $sub10 = (($13) - 1)|0; $arrayidx11 = (($4) + ($sub10<<1)|0); $14 = HEAP16[$arrayidx11>>1]|0; $conv12 = $14 << 16 >> 16; $mul13 = Math_imul($3, $conv12)|0; $shr14 = $mul13 >> 15; $add15 = (($shr14) + 1)|0; $shr16 = $add15 >> 1; $conv17 = $shr16&65535; $15 = $ar$addr; $16 = $d$addr; $sub18 = (($16) - 1)|0; $arrayidx19 = (($15) + ($sub18<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx19>>1] = $conv17; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_decode_pitch($lagIndex,$contourIndex,$pitch_lags,$Fs_kHz,$nb_subfr) { $lagIndex = $lagIndex|0; $contourIndex = $contourIndex|0; $pitch_lags = $pitch_lags|0; $Fs_kHz = $Fs_kHz|0; $nb_subfr = $nb_subfr|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $5 = 0; var $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Fs_kHz$addr = 0, $Lag_CB_ptr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add18 = 0, $add20 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $cbk_size = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0; var $cmp14 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp28 = 0, $cmp37 = 0, $cmp42 = 0, $cond52 = 0, $contourIndex$addr = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv9 = 0, $inc = 0, $k = 0, $lag = 0, $lagIndex$addr = 0, $max_lag = 0; var $min_lag = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul16 = 0, $nb_subfr$addr = 0, $pitch_lags$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $lagIndex$addr = $lagIndex; $contourIndex$addr = $contourIndex; $pitch_lags$addr = $pitch_lags; $Fs_kHz$addr = $Fs_kHz; $nb_subfr$addr = $nb_subfr; $0 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)==(8); $1 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)==(4); do { if ($cmp) { if ($cmp1) { $Lag_CB_ptr = 30737; $cbk_size = 11; break; } else { $Lag_CB_ptr = 30703; $cbk_size = 3; break; } } else { if ($cmp1) { $Lag_CB_ptr = 30781; $cbk_size = 34; break; } else { $Lag_CB_ptr = 30709; $cbk_size = 12; break; } } } while(0); $2 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $conv = $2&65535; $conv9 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = $conv9<<1; $min_lag = $mul; $3 = $Fs_kHz$addr; $conv10 = $3&65535; $conv11 = $conv10 << 16 >> 16; $mul12 = ($conv11*18)|0; $max_lag = $mul12; $4 = $min_lag; $5 = $lagIndex$addr; $conv13 = $5 << 16 >> 16; $add = (($4) + ($conv13))|0; $lag = $add; $k = 0; while(1) { $6 = $k; $7 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp14 = ($6|0)<($7|0); if (!($cmp14)) { break; } $8 = $lag; $9 = $Lag_CB_ptr; $10 = $k; $11 = $cbk_size; $mul16 = Math_imul($10, $11)|0; $12 = $contourIndex$addr; $conv17 = $12 << 24 >> 24; $add18 = (($mul16) + ($conv17))|0; $add$ptr = (($9) + ($add18)|0); $13 = HEAP8[$add$ptr>>0]|0; $conv19 = $13 << 24 >> 24; $add20 = (($8) + ($conv19))|0; $14 = $pitch_lags$addr; $15 = $k; $arrayidx = (($14) + ($15<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2] = $add20; $16 = $min_lag; $17 = $max_lag; $cmp21 = ($16|0)>($17|0); $18 = $pitch_lags$addr; $19 = $k; $arrayidx23 = (($18) + ($19<<2)|0); $20 = HEAP32[$arrayidx23>>2]|0; do { if ($cmp21) { $21 = $min_lag; $cmp24 = ($20|0)>($21|0); if ($cmp24) { $22 = $min_lag; $cond52 = $22; break; } $23 = $pitch_lags$addr; $24 = $k; $arrayidx27 = (($23) + ($24<<2)|0); $25 = HEAP32[$arrayidx27>>2]|0; $26 = $max_lag; $cmp28 = ($25|0)<($26|0); if ($cmp28) { $27 = $max_lag; $cond52 = $27; break; } else { $28 = $pitch_lags$addr; $29 = $k; $arrayidx32 = (($28) + ($29<<2)|0); $30 = HEAP32[$arrayidx32>>2]|0; $cond52 = $30; break; } } else { $31 = $max_lag; $cmp37 = ($20|0)>($31|0); if ($cmp37) { $32 = $max_lag; $cond52 = $32; break; } $33 = $pitch_lags$addr; $34 = $k; $arrayidx41 = (($33) + ($34<<2)|0); $35 = HEAP32[$arrayidx41>>2]|0; $36 = $min_lag; $cmp42 = ($35|0)<($36|0); if ($cmp42) { $37 = $min_lag; $cond52 = $37; break; } else { $38 = $pitch_lags$addr; $39 = $k; $arrayidx46 = (($38) + ($39<<2)|0); $40 = HEAP32[$arrayidx46>>2]|0; $cond52 = $40; break; } } } while(0); $41 = $pitch_lags$addr; $42 = $k; $arrayidx53 = (($41) + ($42<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx53>>2] = $cond52; $43 = $k; $inc = (($43) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_inner_prod_aligned_scale($inVec1,$inVec2,$scale,$len) { $inVec1 = $inVec1|0; $inVec2 = $inVec2|0; $scale = $scale|0; $len = $len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv2 = 0, $i = 0, $inVec1$addr = 0, $inVec2$addr = 0; var $inc = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $scale$addr = 0, $shr = 0, $sum = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $inVec1$addr = $inVec1; $inVec2$addr = $inVec2; $scale$addr = $scale; $len$addr = $len; $sum = 0; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $sum; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $inVec1$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<1)|0); $5 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $5 << 16 >> 16; $6 = $inVec2$addr; $7 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($6) + ($7<<1)|0); $8 = HEAP16[$arrayidx1>>1]|0; $conv2 = $8 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($conv, $conv2)|0; $9 = $scale$addr; $shr = $mul >> $9; $add = (($2) + ($shr))|0; $sum = $add; $10 = $i; $inc = (($10) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return ($2|0); } function _silk_LPC_analysis_filter($out,$in,$B,$len,$d,$arch) { $out = $out|0; $in = $in|0; $B = $B|0; $len = $len|0; $d = $d|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $B$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add14 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add26 = 0, $add32 = 0, $add43 = 0, $add48 = 0, $add52 = 0, $add53 = 0, $add57 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0; var $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx68 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp34 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond66 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0; var $conv12 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv22 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv28 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $conv39 = 0, $conv41 = 0, $conv47 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv50 = 0, $conv55 = 0, $conv67 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $d$addr = 0, $in$addr = 0, $in_ptr = 0, $inc = 0; var $ix = 0, $j = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul13 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul25 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul42 = 0, $mul51 = 0, $mul71 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $out$addr = 0, $out32 = 0, $out32_Q12 = 0, $shl = 0, $shr = 0, $shr58 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub37 = 0; var $sub44 = 0, $sub45 = 0, $sub56 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $out$addr = $out; $in$addr = $in; $B$addr = $B; $len$addr = $len; $d$addr = $d; $arch$addr = $arch; $0 = $d$addr; $ix = $0; while(1) { $1 = $ix; $2 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $in$addr; $4 = $ix; $sub = (($4) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($sub<<1)|0); $in_ptr = $arrayidx; $5 = $in_ptr; $6 = HEAP16[$5>>1]|0; $conv = $6 << 16 >> 16; $7 = $B$addr; $8 = HEAP16[$7>>1]|0; $conv3 = $8 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($conv, $conv3)|0; $out32_Q12 = $mul; $9 = $out32_Q12; $10 = $in_ptr; $arrayidx4 = ((($10)) + -2|0); $11 = HEAP16[$arrayidx4>>1]|0; $conv5 = $11 << 16 >> 16; $12 = $B$addr; $arrayidx6 = ((($12)) + 2|0); $13 = HEAP16[$arrayidx6>>1]|0; $conv7 = $13 << 16 >> 16; $mul8 = Math_imul($conv5, $conv7)|0; $add = (($9) + ($mul8))|0; $out32_Q12 = $add; $14 = $out32_Q12; $15 = $in_ptr; $arrayidx9 = ((($15)) + -4|0); $16 = HEAP16[$arrayidx9>>1]|0; $conv10 = $16 << 16 >> 16; $17 = $B$addr; $arrayidx11 = ((($17)) + 4|0); $18 = HEAP16[$arrayidx11>>1]|0; $conv12 = $18 << 16 >> 16; $mul13 = Math_imul($conv10, $conv12)|0; $add14 = (($14) + ($mul13))|0; $out32_Q12 = $add14; $19 = $out32_Q12; $20 = $in_ptr; $arrayidx15 = ((($20)) + -6|0); $21 = HEAP16[$arrayidx15>>1]|0; $conv16 = $21 << 16 >> 16; $22 = $B$addr; $arrayidx17 = ((($22)) + 6|0); $23 = HEAP16[$arrayidx17>>1]|0; $conv18 = $23 << 16 >> 16; $mul19 = Math_imul($conv16, $conv18)|0; $add20 = (($19) + ($mul19))|0; $out32_Q12 = $add20; $24 = $out32_Q12; $25 = $in_ptr; $arrayidx21 = ((($25)) + -8|0); $26 = HEAP16[$arrayidx21>>1]|0; $conv22 = $26 << 16 >> 16; $27 = $B$addr; $arrayidx23 = ((($27)) + 8|0); $28 = HEAP16[$arrayidx23>>1]|0; $conv24 = $28 << 16 >> 16; $mul25 = Math_imul($conv22, $conv24)|0; $add26 = (($24) + ($mul25))|0; $out32_Q12 = $add26; $29 = $out32_Q12; $30 = $in_ptr; $arrayidx27 = ((($30)) + -10|0); $31 = HEAP16[$arrayidx27>>1]|0; $conv28 = $31 << 16 >> 16; $32 = $B$addr; $arrayidx29 = ((($32)) + 10|0); $33 = HEAP16[$arrayidx29>>1]|0; $conv30 = $33 << 16 >> 16; $mul31 = Math_imul($conv28, $conv30)|0; $add32 = (($29) + ($mul31))|0; $out32_Q12 = $add32; $j = 6; while(1) { $34 = $j; $35 = $d$addr; $cmp34 = ($34|0)<($35|0); if (!($cmp34)) { break; } $36 = $out32_Q12; $37 = $in_ptr; $38 = $j; $sub37 = (0 - ($38))|0; $arrayidx38 = (($37) + ($sub37<<1)|0); $39 = HEAP16[$arrayidx38>>1]|0; $conv39 = $39 << 16 >> 16; $40 = $B$addr; $41 = $j; $arrayidx40 = (($40) + ($41<<1)|0); $42 = HEAP16[$arrayidx40>>1]|0; $conv41 = $42 << 16 >> 16; $mul42 = Math_imul($conv39, $conv41)|0; $add43 = (($36) + ($mul42))|0; $out32_Q12 = $add43; $43 = $out32_Q12; $44 = $in_ptr; $45 = $j; $sub44 = (0 - ($45))|0; $sub45 = (($sub44) - 1)|0; $arrayidx46 = (($44) + ($sub45<<1)|0); $46 = HEAP16[$arrayidx46>>1]|0; $conv47 = $46 << 16 >> 16; $47 = $B$addr; $48 = $j; $add48 = (($48) + 1)|0; $arrayidx49 = (($47) + ($add48<<1)|0); $49 = HEAP16[$arrayidx49>>1]|0; $conv50 = $49 << 16 >> 16; $mul51 = Math_imul($conv47, $conv50)|0; $add52 = (($43) + ($mul51))|0; $out32_Q12 = $add52; $50 = $j; $add53 = (($50) + 2)|0; $j = $add53; } $51 = $in_ptr; $arrayidx54 = ((($51)) + 2|0); $52 = HEAP16[$arrayidx54>>1]|0; $conv55 = $52 << 16 >> 16; $shl = $conv55 << 12; $53 = $out32_Q12; $sub56 = (($shl) - ($53))|0; $out32_Q12 = $sub56; $54 = $out32_Q12; $shr = $54 >> 11; $add57 = (($shr) + 1)|0; $shr58 = $add57 >> 1; $out32 = $shr58; $55 = $out32; $cmp59 = ($55|0)>(32767); if ($cmp59) { $cond66 = 32767; } else { $56 = $out32; $cmp61 = ($56|0)<(-32768); $57 = $out32; $cond = $cmp61 ? -32768 : $57; $cond66 = $cond; } $conv67 = $cond66&65535; $58 = $out$addr; $59 = $ix; $arrayidx68 = (($58) + ($59<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx68>>1] = $conv67; $60 = $ix; $inc = (($60) + 1)|0; $ix = $inc; } $61 = $out$addr; $62 = $d$addr; $mul71 = $62<<1; _memset(($61|0),0,($mul71|0))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_LPC_inverse_pred_gain($A_Q12,$order) { $A_Q12 = $A_Q12|0; $order = $order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $A_Q12$addr = 0, $Anew_QA = 0, $Atmp_QA = 0, $DC_resp = 0; var $add = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv3 = 0, $inc = 0, $k = 0, $order$addr = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 160|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(160|0); $Atmp_QA = sp + 8|0; $A_Q12$addr = $A_Q12; $order$addr = $order; $DC_resp = 0; $0 = $order$addr; $and = $0 & 1; $arrayidx = (($Atmp_QA) + ($and<<6)|0); $Anew_QA = $arrayidx; $k = 0; while(1) { $1 = $k; $2 = $order$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $A_Q12$addr; $4 = $k; $arrayidx1 = (($3) + ($4<<1)|0); $5 = HEAP16[$arrayidx1>>1]|0; $conv = $5 << 16 >> 16; $6 = $DC_resp; $add = (($6) + ($conv))|0; $DC_resp = $add; $7 = $A_Q12$addr; $8 = $k; $arrayidx2 = (($7) + ($8<<1)|0); $9 = HEAP16[$arrayidx2>>1]|0; $conv3 = $9 << 16 >> 16; $shl = $conv3 << 12; $10 = $Anew_QA; $11 = $k; $arrayidx4 = (($10) + ($11<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx4>>2] = $shl; $12 = $k; $inc = (($12) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $13 = $DC_resp; $cmp5 = ($13|0)>=(4096); if ($cmp5) { $retval = 0; $15 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($15|0); } else { $14 = $order$addr; $call = (_LPC_inverse_pred_gain_QA($Atmp_QA,$14)|0); $retval = $call; $15 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($15|0); } return (0)|0; } function _LPC_inverse_pred_gain_QA($A_QA,$order) { $A_QA = $A_QA|0; $order = $order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0; var $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0; var $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0; var $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0; var $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0; var $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $A_QA$addr = 0, $Anew_QA = 0, $Aold_QA = 0, $add = 0, $and = 0, $and21 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $call = 0, $call14 = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp71 = 0, $cond = 0, $dec = 0, $inc = 0, $invGain_Q30 = 0, $k = 0, $mult2Q = 0, $n = 0, $order$addr = 0, $rc_Q31 = 0, $rc_mult1_Q30 = 0, $rc_mult2 = 0, $retval = 0; var $shl = 0, $shl20 = 0, $shl76 = 0, $shl89 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub12 = 0, $sub13 = 0, $sub29 = 0, $sub30 = 0, $sub39 = 0, $sub56 = 0, $sub6 = 0, $sub77 = 0, $sub83 = 0, $sub9 = 0, $tmp_QA = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $A_QA$addr = $A_QA; $order$addr = $order; $0 = $A_QA$addr; $1 = $order$addr; $and = $1 & 1; $arrayidx = (($0) + ($and<<6)|0); $Anew_QA = $arrayidx; $invGain_Q30 = 1073741824; $2 = $order$addr; $sub = (($2) - 1)|0; $k = $sub; while(1) { $3 = $k; $cmp = ($3|0)>(0); $4 = $Anew_QA; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $5 = $k; $arrayidx1 = (($4) + ($5<<2)|0); $6 = HEAP32[$arrayidx1>>2]|0; $cmp2 = ($6|0)>(16773022); if ($cmp2) { label = 5; break; } $7 = $Anew_QA; $8 = $k; $arrayidx3 = (($7) + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = HEAP32[$arrayidx3>>2]|0; $cmp4 = ($9|0)<(-16773022); if ($cmp4) { label = 5; break; } $10 = $Anew_QA; $11 = $k; $arrayidx5 = (($10) + ($11<<2)|0); $12 = HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2]|0; $shl = $12 << 7; $sub6 = (0 - ($shl))|0; $rc_Q31 = $sub6; $13 = $rc_Q31; $14 = ($13|0)<(0); $15 = $14 << 31 >> 31; $16 = $rc_Q31; $17 = ($16|0)<(0); $18 = $17 << 31 >> 31; $19 = (___muldi3(($13|0),($15|0),($16|0),($18|0))|0); $20 = tempRet0; $21 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($19|0),($20|0),32)|0); $22 = tempRet0; $sub9 = (1073741824 - ($21))|0; $rc_mult1_Q30 = $sub9; $23 = $rc_mult1_Q30; $cmp10 = ($23|0)>(0); $24 = $rc_mult1_Q30; $sub12 = (0 - ($24))|0; $cond = $cmp10 ? $24 : $sub12; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_484($cond)|0); $sub13 = (32 - ($call))|0; $mult2Q = $sub13; $25 = $rc_mult1_Q30; $26 = $mult2Q; $add = (($26) + 30)|0; $call14 = (_silk_INVERSE32_varQ_485($25,$add)|0); $rc_mult2 = $call14; $27 = $invGain_Q30; $28 = ($27|0)<(0); $29 = $28 << 31 >> 31; $30 = $rc_mult1_Q30; $31 = ($30|0)<(0); $32 = $31 << 31 >> 31; $33 = (___muldi3(($27|0),($29|0),($30|0),($32|0))|0); $34 = tempRet0; $35 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($33|0),($34|0),32)|0); $36 = tempRet0; $shl20 = $35 << 2; $invGain_Q30 = $shl20; $37 = $Anew_QA; $Aold_QA = $37; $38 = $A_QA$addr; $39 = $k; $and21 = $39 & 1; $arrayidx22 = (($38) + ($and21<<6)|0); $Anew_QA = $arrayidx22; $n = 0; while(1) { $40 = $n; $41 = $k; $cmp25 = ($40|0)<($41|0); if (!($cmp25)) { break; } $42 = $Aold_QA; $43 = $n; $arrayidx28 = (($42) + ($43<<2)|0); $44 = HEAP32[$arrayidx28>>2]|0; $45 = $Aold_QA; $46 = $k; $47 = $n; $sub29 = (($46) - ($47))|0; $sub30 = (($sub29) - 1)|0; $arrayidx31 = (($45) + ($sub30<<2)|0); $48 = HEAP32[$arrayidx31>>2]|0; $49 = ($48|0)<(0); $50 = $49 << 31 >> 31; $51 = $rc_Q31; $52 = ($51|0)<(0); $53 = $52 << 31 >> 31; $54 = (___muldi3(($48|0),($50|0),($51|0),($53|0))|0); $55 = tempRet0; $56 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($54|0),($55|0),30)|0); $57 = tempRet0; $58 = (_i64Add(($56|0),($57|0),1,0)|0); $59 = tempRet0; $60 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($58|0),($59|0),1)|0); $61 = tempRet0; $sub39 = (($44) - ($60))|0; $tmp_QA = $sub39; $62 = $mult2Q; $cmp40 = ($62|0)==(1); $63 = $tmp_QA; $64 = ($63|0)<(0); $65 = $64 << 31 >> 31; $66 = $rc_mult2; $67 = ($66|0)<(0); $68 = $67 << 31 >> 31; $69 = (___muldi3(($63|0),($65|0),($66|0),($68|0))|0); $70 = tempRet0; if ($cmp40) { $71 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($69|0),($70|0),1)|0); $72 = tempRet0; $73 = $tmp_QA; $74 = ($73|0)<(0); $75 = $74 << 31 >> 31; $76 = $rc_mult2; $77 = ($76|0)<(0); $78 = $77 << 31 >> 31; $79 = (___muldi3(($73|0),($75|0),($76|0),($78|0))|0); $80 = tempRet0; $81 = $79 & 1; $82 = (_i64Add(($71|0),($72|0),($81|0),0)|0); $83 = tempRet0; $123 = $83;$93 = $82; } else { $84 = $mult2Q; $sub56 = (($84) - 1)|0; $85 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($69|0),($70|0),($sub56|0))|0); $86 = tempRet0; $87 = (_i64Add(($85|0),($86|0),1,0)|0); $88 = tempRet0; $89 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($87|0),($88|0),1)|0); $90 = tempRet0; $123 = $90;$93 = $89; } $91 = $Anew_QA; $92 = $n; $arrayidx63 = (($91) + ($92<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx63>>2] = $93; $94 = $n; $inc = (($94) + 1)|0; $n = $inc; } $95 = $k; $dec = (($95) + -1)|0; $k = $dec; } if ((label|0) == 5) { $retval = 0; $122 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($122|0); } $96 = HEAP32[$4>>2]|0; $cmp67 = ($96|0)>(16773022); if (!($cmp67)) { $97 = $Anew_QA; $98 = HEAP32[$97>>2]|0; $cmp71 = ($98|0)<(-16773022); if (!($cmp71)) { $99 = $Anew_QA; $100 = HEAP32[$99>>2]|0; $shl76 = $100 << 7; $sub77 = (0 - ($shl76))|0; $rc_Q31 = $sub77; $101 = $rc_Q31; $102 = ($101|0)<(0); $103 = $102 << 31 >> 31; $104 = $rc_Q31; $105 = ($104|0)<(0); $106 = $105 << 31 >> 31; $107 = (___muldi3(($101|0),($103|0),($104|0),($106|0))|0); $108 = tempRet0; $109 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($107|0),($108|0),32)|0); $110 = tempRet0; $sub83 = (1073741824 - ($109))|0; $rc_mult1_Q30 = $sub83; $111 = $invGain_Q30; $112 = ($111|0)<(0); $113 = $112 << 31 >> 31; $114 = $rc_mult1_Q30; $115 = ($114|0)<(0); $116 = $115 << 31 >> 31; $117 = (___muldi3(($111|0),($113|0),($114|0),($116|0))|0); $118 = tempRet0; $119 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($117|0),($118|0),32)|0); $120 = tempRet0; $shl89 = $119 << 2; $invGain_Q30 = $shl89; $121 = $invGain_Q30; $retval = $121; $122 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($122|0); } } $retval = 0; $122 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($122|0); } function _silk_CLZ32_484($in32) { $in32 = $in32|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $cond = 0, $in32$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in32$addr = $in32; $0 = $in32$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $cond = 32; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $1 = $in32$addr; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $sub1 = (32 - ($sub))|0; $cond = $sub1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_INVERSE32_varQ_485($b32,$Qres) { $b32 = $b32|0; $Qres = $Qres|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Qres$addr = 0, $add = 0; var $add20 = 0, $add21 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add26 = 0, $and = 0, $and15 = 0, $b32$addr = 0, $b32_inv = 0, $b32_nrm = 0, $b_headrm = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp48 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cmp69 = 0, $cmp83 = 0, $cond = 0; var $cond80 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $div = 0, $err_Q32 = 0, $lshift = 0, $mul = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul18 = 0, $mul25 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $result = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0; var $shl10 = 0, $shl2 = 0, $shl82 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr11 = 0, $shr19 = 0, $shr22 = 0, $shr24 = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr34 = 0, $shr39 = 0, $shr44 = 0, $shr47 = 0, $shr52 = 0, $shr60 = 0, $shr65 = 0, $shr68 = 0, $shr73 = 0, $shr8 = 0; var $shr86 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub27 = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub31 = 0, $sub33 = 0, $sub38 = 0, $sub43 = 0, $sub46 = 0, $sub51 = 0, $sub64 = 0, $sub67 = 0, $sub72 = 0, $sub81 = 0, $sub9 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $b32$addr = $b32; $Qres$addr = $Qres; $0 = $b32$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(0); $1 = $b32$addr; $sub = (0 - ($1))|0; $cond = $cmp ? $1 : $sub; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_484($cond)|0); $sub1 = (($call) - 1)|0; $b_headrm = $sub1; $2 = $b32$addr; $3 = $b_headrm; $shl = $2 << $3; $b32_nrm = $shl; $4 = $b32_nrm; $shr = $4 >> 16; $div = (536870911 / ($shr|0))&-1; $b32_inv = $div; $5 = $b32_inv; $shl2 = $5 << 16; $result = $shl2; $6 = $b32_nrm; $shr3 = $6 >> 16; $7 = $b32_inv; $conv = $7&65535; $conv4 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr3, $conv4)|0; $8 = $b32_nrm; $and = $8 & 65535; $9 = $b32_inv; $conv5 = $9&65535; $conv6 = $conv5 << 16 >> 16; $mul7 = Math_imul($and, $conv6)|0; $shr8 = $mul7 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr8))|0; $sub9 = (536870912 - ($add))|0; $shl10 = $sub9 << 3; $err_Q32 = $shl10; $10 = $result; $11 = $err_Q32; $shr11 = $11 >> 16; $12 = $b32_inv; $conv12 = $12&65535; $conv13 = $conv12 << 16 >> 16; $mul14 = Math_imul($shr11, $conv13)|0; $13 = $err_Q32; $and15 = $13 & 65535; $14 = $b32_inv; $conv16 = $14&65535; $conv17 = $conv16 << 16 >> 16; $mul18 = Math_imul($and15, $conv17)|0; $shr19 = $mul18 >> 16; $add20 = (($mul14) + ($shr19))|0; $add21 = (($10) + ($add20))|0; $15 = $err_Q32; $16 = $b32_inv; $shr22 = $16 >> 15; $add23 = (($shr22) + 1)|0; $shr24 = $add23 >> 1; $mul25 = Math_imul($15, $shr24)|0; $add26 = (($add21) + ($mul25))|0; $result = $add26; $17 = $b_headrm; $sub27 = (61 - ($17))|0; $18 = $Qres$addr; $sub28 = (($sub27) - ($18))|0; $lshift = $sub28; $19 = $lshift; $cmp29 = ($19|0)<=(0); $20 = $lshift; if (!($cmp29)) { $cmp83 = ($20|0)<(32); if ($cmp83) { $35 = $result; $36 = $lshift; $shr86 = $35 >> $36; $retval = $shr86; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } else { $retval = 0; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } } $sub31 = (0 - ($20))|0; $shr32 = -2147483648 >> $sub31; $21 = $lshift; $sub33 = (0 - ($21))|0; $shr34 = 2147483647 >> $sub33; $cmp35 = ($shr32|0)>($shr34|0); $22 = $result; $23 = $lshift; $sub38 = (0 - ($23))|0; do { if ($cmp35) { $shr39 = -2147483648 >> $sub38; $cmp40 = ($22|0)>($shr39|0); if ($cmp40) { $24 = $lshift; $sub43 = (0 - ($24))|0; $shr44 = -2147483648 >> $sub43; $cond80 = $shr44; break; } $25 = $result; $26 = $lshift; $sub46 = (0 - ($26))|0; $shr47 = 2147483647 >> $sub46; $cmp48 = ($25|0)<($shr47|0); if ($cmp48) { $27 = $lshift; $sub51 = (0 - ($27))|0; $shr52 = 2147483647 >> $sub51; $cond80 = $shr52; break; } else { $28 = $result; $cond80 = $28; break; } } else { $shr60 = 2147483647 >> $sub38; $cmp61 = ($22|0)>($shr60|0); if ($cmp61) { $29 = $lshift; $sub64 = (0 - ($29))|0; $shr65 = 2147483647 >> $sub64; $cond80 = $shr65; break; } $30 = $result; $31 = $lshift; $sub67 = (0 - ($31))|0; $shr68 = -2147483648 >> $sub67; $cmp69 = ($30|0)<($shr68|0); if ($cmp69) { $32 = $lshift; $sub72 = (0 - ($32))|0; $shr73 = -2147483648 >> $sub72; $cond80 = $shr73; break; } else { $33 = $result; $cond80 = $33; break; } } } while(0); $34 = $lshift; $sub81 = (0 - ($34))|0; $shl82 = $cond80 << $sub81; $retval = $shl82; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } function _silk_NLSF2A($a_Q12,$NLSF,$d) { $a_Q12 = $a_Q12|0; $NLSF = $NLSF|0; $d = $d|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0; var $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0; var $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0; var $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0; var $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0; var $99 = 0, $NLSF$addr = 0, $P = 0, $Ptmp = 0, $Q = 0, $Qtmp = 0, $a32_QA1 = 0, $a_Q12$addr = 0, $absval = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $add102 = 0, $add110 = 0, $add12 = 0, $add132 = 0, $add156 = 0, $add24 = 0, $add27 = 0, $add28 = 0, $add63 = 0; var $add76 = 0, $add94 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx100 = 0, $arrayidx108 = 0, $arrayidx117 = 0, $arrayidx118 = 0, $arrayidx121 = 0, $arrayidx130 = 0, $arrayidx135 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx154 = 0, $arrayidx159 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0; var $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx53 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp104 = 0, $cmp127 = 0, $cmp141 = 0, $cmp144 = 0, $cmp151 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp43 = 0, $cmp47 = 0, $cmp51 = 0, $cmp57 = 0; var $cmp65 = 0, $cmp68 = 0, $cmp85 = 0, $cmp89 = 0, $cmp96 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond115 = 0, $cond56 = 0, $cond73 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv116 = 0, $conv119 = 0, $conv134 = 0, $conv158 = 0, $conv3 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $cos_LSF_QA = 0, $cos_val = 0, $d$addr = 0; var $dd = 0, $delta = 0, $div = 0, $f_frac = 0, $f_int = 0, $i = 0, $idx = 0, $idxprom = 0, $inc = 0, $inc123 = 0, $inc137 = 0, $inc161 = 0, $inc166 = 0, $inc40 = 0, $inc60 = 0, $inc83 = 0, $k = 0, $maxabs = 0, $mul = 0, $mul77 = 0; var $ordering = 0, $sc_Q16 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl120 = 0, $shl148 = 0, $shl75 = 0, $shl9 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr101 = 0, $shr103 = 0, $shr109 = 0, $shr11 = 0, $shr111 = 0, $shr13 = 0, $shr131 = 0, $shr133 = 0, $shr155 = 0, $shr157 = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr62 = 0; var $shr64 = 0, $shr78 = 0, $shr93 = 0, $shr95 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub149 = 0, $sub31 = 0, $sub32 = 0, $sub33 = 0, $sub35 = 0, $sub36 = 0, $sub37 = 0, $sub55 = 0, $sub74 = 0, $sub79 = 0, $sub8 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 272|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(272|0); $cos_LSF_QA = sp + 176|0; $P = sp + 140|0; $Q = sp + 104|0; $a32_QA1 = sp + 16|0; $a_Q12$addr = $a_Q12; $NLSF$addr = $NLSF; $d$addr = $d; $idx = 0; $0 = $d$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)==(16); $cond = $cmp ? 30677 : 30693; $ordering = $cond; $k = 0; while(1) { $1 = $k; $2 = $d$addr; $cmp1 = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp1)) { break; } $3 = $NLSF$addr; $4 = $k; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<1)|0); $5 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $5 << 16 >> 16; $shr = $conv >> 8; $f_int = $shr; $6 = $NLSF$addr; $7 = $k; $arrayidx2 = (($6) + ($7<<1)|0); $8 = HEAP16[$arrayidx2>>1]|0; $conv3 = $8 << 16 >> 16; $9 = $f_int; $shl = $9 << 8; $sub = (($conv3) - ($shl))|0; $f_frac = $sub; $10 = $f_int; $arrayidx4 = (25462 + ($10<<1)|0); $11 = HEAP16[$arrayidx4>>1]|0; $conv5 = $11 << 16 >> 16; $cos_val = $conv5; $12 = $f_int; $add = (($12) + 1)|0; $arrayidx6 = (25462 + ($add<<1)|0); $13 = HEAP16[$arrayidx6>>1]|0; $conv7 = $13 << 16 >> 16; $14 = $cos_val; $sub8 = (($conv7) - ($14))|0; $delta = $sub8; $15 = $cos_val; $shl9 = $15 << 8; $16 = $delta; $17 = $f_frac; $mul = Math_imul($16, $17)|0; $add10 = (($shl9) + ($mul))|0; $shr11 = $add10 >> 3; $add12 = (($shr11) + 1)|0; $shr13 = $add12 >> 1; $18 = $ordering; $19 = $k; $arrayidx14 = (($18) + ($19)|0); $20 = HEAP8[$arrayidx14>>0]|0; $idxprom = $20&255; $arrayidx15 = (($cos_LSF_QA) + ($idxprom<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx15>>2] = $shr13; $21 = $k; $inc = (($21) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $22 = $d$addr; $shr16 = $22 >> 1; $dd = $shr16; $23 = $dd; _silk_NLSF2A_find_poly($P,$cos_LSF_QA,$23); $arrayidx19 = ((($cos_LSF_QA)) + 4|0); $24 = $dd; _silk_NLSF2A_find_poly($Q,$arrayidx19,$24); $k = 0; while(1) { $25 = $k; $26 = $dd; $cmp21 = ($25|0)<($26|0); if (!($cmp21)) { break; } $27 = $k; $add24 = (($27) + 1)|0; $arrayidx25 = (($P) + ($add24<<2)|0); $28 = HEAP32[$arrayidx25>>2]|0; $29 = $k; $arrayidx26 = (($P) + ($29<<2)|0); $30 = HEAP32[$arrayidx26>>2]|0; $add27 = (($28) + ($30))|0; $Ptmp = $add27; $31 = $k; $add28 = (($31) + 1)|0; $arrayidx29 = (($Q) + ($add28<<2)|0); $32 = HEAP32[$arrayidx29>>2]|0; $33 = $k; $arrayidx30 = (($Q) + ($33<<2)|0); $34 = HEAP32[$arrayidx30>>2]|0; $sub31 = (($32) - ($34))|0; $Qtmp = $sub31; $35 = $Qtmp; $sub32 = (0 - ($35))|0; $36 = $Ptmp; $sub33 = (($sub32) - ($36))|0; $37 = $k; $arrayidx34 = (($a32_QA1) + ($37<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx34>>2] = $sub33; $38 = $Qtmp; $39 = $Ptmp; $sub35 = (($38) - ($39))|0; $40 = $d$addr; $41 = $k; $sub36 = (($40) - ($41))|0; $sub37 = (($sub36) - 1)|0; $arrayidx38 = (($a32_QA1) + ($sub37<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx38>>2] = $sub35; $42 = $k; $inc40 = (($42) + 1)|0; $k = $inc40; } $i = 0; while(1) { $43 = $i; $cmp43 = ($43|0)<(10); if (!($cmp43)) { break; } $maxabs = 0; $k = 0; while(1) { $44 = $k; $45 = $d$addr; $cmp47 = ($44|0)<($45|0); if (!($cmp47)) { break; } $46 = $k; $arrayidx50 = (($a32_QA1) + ($46<<2)|0); $47 = HEAP32[$arrayidx50>>2]|0; $cmp51 = ($47|0)>(0); $48 = $k; $arrayidx53 = (($a32_QA1) + ($48<<2)|0); $49 = HEAP32[$arrayidx53>>2]|0; $sub55 = (0 - ($49))|0; $cond56 = $cmp51 ? $49 : $sub55; $absval = $cond56; $50 = $absval; $51 = $maxabs; $cmp57 = ($50|0)>($51|0); if ($cmp57) { $52 = $absval; $maxabs = $52; $53 = $k; $idx = $53; } $54 = $k; $inc60 = (($54) + 1)|0; $k = $inc60; } $55 = $maxabs; $shr62 = $55 >> 4; $add63 = (($shr62) + 1)|0; $shr64 = $add63 >> 1; $maxabs = $shr64; $56 = $maxabs; $cmp65 = ($56|0)>(32767); if (!($cmp65)) { break; } $57 = $maxabs; $cmp68 = ($57|0)<(163838); $58 = $maxabs; $cond73 = $cmp68 ? $58 : 163838; $maxabs = $cond73; $59 = $maxabs; $sub74 = (($59) - 32767)|0; $shl75 = $sub74 << 14; $60 = $maxabs; $61 = $idx; $add76 = (($61) + 1)|0; $mul77 = Math_imul($60, $add76)|0; $shr78 = $mul77 >> 2; $div = (($shl75|0) / ($shr78|0))&-1; $sub79 = (65470 - ($div))|0; $sc_Q16 = $sub79; $62 = $d$addr; $63 = $sc_Q16; _silk_bwexpander_32($a32_QA1,$62,$63); $64 = $i; $inc83 = (($64) + 1)|0; $i = $inc83; } $65 = $i; $cmp85 = ($65|0)==(10); $k = 0; L21: do { if ($cmp85) { while(1) { $66 = $k; $67 = $d$addr; $cmp89 = ($66|0)<($67|0); if (!($cmp89)) { break L21; } $68 = $k; $arrayidx92 = (($a32_QA1) + ($68<<2)|0); $69 = HEAP32[$arrayidx92>>2]|0; $shr93 = $69 >> 4; $add94 = (($shr93) + 1)|0; $shr95 = $add94 >> 1; $cmp96 = ($shr95|0)>(32767); if ($cmp96) { $cond115 = 32767; } else { $70 = $k; $arrayidx100 = (($a32_QA1) + ($70<<2)|0); $71 = HEAP32[$arrayidx100>>2]|0; $shr101 = $71 >> 4; $add102 = (($shr101) + 1)|0; $shr103 = $add102 >> 1; $cmp104 = ($shr103|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp104) { $cond115 = -32768; } else { $72 = $k; $arrayidx108 = (($a32_QA1) + ($72<<2)|0); $73 = HEAP32[$arrayidx108>>2]|0; $shr109 = $73 >> 4; $add110 = (($shr109) + 1)|0; $shr111 = $add110 >> 1; $cond115 = $shr111; } } $conv116 = $cond115&65535; $74 = $a_Q12$addr; $75 = $k; $arrayidx117 = (($74) + ($75<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx117>>1] = $conv116; $76 = $a_Q12$addr; $77 = $k; $arrayidx118 = (($76) + ($77<<1)|0); $78 = HEAP16[$arrayidx118>>1]|0; $conv119 = $78 << 16 >> 16; $shl120 = $conv119 << 5; $79 = $k; $arrayidx121 = (($a32_QA1) + ($79<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx121>>2] = $shl120; $80 = $k; $inc123 = (($80) + 1)|0; $k = $inc123; } } else { while(1) { $81 = $k; $82 = $d$addr; $cmp127 = ($81|0)<($82|0); if (!($cmp127)) { break L21; } $83 = $k; $arrayidx130 = (($a32_QA1) + ($83<<2)|0); $84 = HEAP32[$arrayidx130>>2]|0; $shr131 = $84 >> 4; $add132 = (($shr131) + 1)|0; $shr133 = $add132 >> 1; $conv134 = $shr133&65535; $85 = $a_Q12$addr; $86 = $k; $arrayidx135 = (($85) + ($86<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx135>>1] = $conv134; $87 = $k; $inc137 = (($87) + 1)|0; $k = $inc137; } } } while(0); $i = 0; while(1) { $88 = $i; $cmp141 = ($88|0)<(16); if (!($cmp141)) { label = 31; break; } $89 = $a_Q12$addr; $90 = $d$addr; $call = (_silk_LPC_inverse_pred_gain($89,$90)|0); $cmp144 = ($call|0)<(107374); if (!($cmp144)) { label = 31; break; } $91 = $d$addr; $92 = $i; $shl148 = 2 << $92; $sub149 = (65536 - ($shl148))|0; _silk_bwexpander_32($a32_QA1,$91,$sub149); $k = 0; while(1) { $93 = $k; $94 = $d$addr; $cmp151 = ($93|0)<($94|0); if (!($cmp151)) { break; } $95 = $k; $arrayidx154 = (($a32_QA1) + ($95<<2)|0); $96 = HEAP32[$arrayidx154>>2]|0; $shr155 = $96 >> 4; $add156 = (($shr155) + 1)|0; $shr157 = $add156 >> 1; $conv158 = $shr157&65535; $97 = $a_Q12$addr; $98 = $k; $arrayidx159 = (($97) + ($98<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx159>>1] = $conv158; $99 = $k; $inc161 = (($99) + 1)|0; $k = $inc161; } $100 = $i; $inc166 = (($100) + 1)|0; $i = $inc166; } if ((label|0) == 31) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } } function _silk_NLSF2A_find_poly($out,$cLSF,$dd) { $out = $out|0; $cLSF = $cLSF|0; $dd = $dd|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add12 = 0; var $add31 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $cLSF$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $dd$addr = 0, $dec = 0, $ftmp = 0, $inc = 0, $k = 0, $mul = 0, $n = 0; var $out$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $sub = 0, $sub11 = 0, $sub18 = 0, $sub21 = 0, $sub29 = 0, $sub33 = 0, $sub4 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $out$addr = $out; $cLSF$addr = $cLSF; $dd$addr = $dd; $0 = $out$addr; HEAP32[$0>>2] = 65536; $1 = $cLSF$addr; $2 = HEAP32[$1>>2]|0; $sub = (0 - ($2))|0; $3 = $out$addr; $arrayidx2 = ((($3)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx2>>2] = $sub; $k = 1; while(1) { $4 = $k; $5 = $dd$addr; $cmp = ($4|0)<($5|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $6 = $cLSF$addr; $7 = $k; $mul = $7<<1; $arrayidx3 = (($6) + ($mul<<2)|0); $8 = HEAP32[$arrayidx3>>2]|0; $ftmp = $8; $9 = $out$addr; $10 = $k; $sub4 = (($10) - 1)|0; $arrayidx5 = (($9) + ($sub4<<2)|0); $11 = HEAP32[$arrayidx5>>2]|0; $shl = $11 << 1; $12 = $ftmp; $13 = ($12|0)<(0); $14 = $13 << 31 >> 31; $15 = $out$addr; $16 = $k; $arrayidx6 = (($15) + ($16<<2)|0); $17 = HEAP32[$arrayidx6>>2]|0; $18 = ($17|0)<(0); $19 = $18 << 31 >> 31; $20 = (___muldi3(($12|0),($14|0),($17|0),($19|0))|0); $21 = tempRet0; $22 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($20|0),($21|0),15)|0); $23 = tempRet0; $24 = (_i64Add(($22|0),($23|0),1,0)|0); $25 = tempRet0; $26 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($24|0),($25|0),1)|0); $27 = tempRet0; $sub11 = (($shl) - ($26))|0; $28 = $out$addr; $29 = $k; $add12 = (($29) + 1)|0; $arrayidx13 = (($28) + ($add12<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx13>>2] = $sub11; $30 = $k; $n = $30; while(1) { $31 = $n; $cmp15 = ($31|0)>(1); if (!($cmp15)) { break; } $32 = $out$addr; $33 = $n; $sub18 = (($33) - 2)|0; $arrayidx19 = (($32) + ($sub18<<2)|0); $34 = HEAP32[$arrayidx19>>2]|0; $35 = $ftmp; $36 = ($35|0)<(0); $37 = $36 << 31 >> 31; $38 = $out$addr; $39 = $n; $sub21 = (($39) - 1)|0; $arrayidx22 = (($38) + ($sub21<<2)|0); $40 = HEAP32[$arrayidx22>>2]|0; $41 = ($40|0)<(0); $42 = $41 << 31 >> 31; $43 = (___muldi3(($35|0),($37|0),($40|0),($42|0))|0); $44 = tempRet0; $45 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($43|0),($44|0),15)|0); $46 = tempRet0; $47 = (_i64Add(($45|0),($46|0),1,0)|0); $48 = tempRet0; $49 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($47|0),($48|0),1)|0); $50 = tempRet0; $sub29 = (($34) - ($49))|0; $51 = $out$addr; $52 = $n; $arrayidx30 = (($51) + ($52<<2)|0); $53 = HEAP32[$arrayidx30>>2]|0; $add31 = (($53) + ($sub29))|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx30>>2] = $add31; $54 = $n; $dec = (($54) + -1)|0; $n = $dec; } $55 = $ftmp; $56 = $out$addr; $arrayidx32 = ((($56)) + 4|0); $57 = HEAP32[$arrayidx32>>2]|0; $sub33 = (($57) - ($55))|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx32>>2] = $sub33; $58 = $k; $inc = (($58) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_NLSF_stabilize($NLSF_Q15,$NDeltaMin_Q15,$L) { $NLSF_Q15 = $NLSF_Q15|0; $NDeltaMin_Q15 = $NDeltaMin_Q15|0; $L = $L|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0; var $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0; var $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0; var $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0; var $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $I = 0, $L$addr = 0, $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr = 0, $NLSF_Q15$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add105 = 0, $add107 = 0, $add117 = 0, $add124 = 0; var $add126 = 0, $add154 = 0, $add161 = 0, $add163 = 0, $add173 = 0, $add180 = 0, $add182 = 0, $add203 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add232 = 0, $add256 = 0, $add259 = 0, $add54 = 0, $add60 = 0, $add81 = 0, $add88 = 0, $add89 = 0, $add98 = 0, $and = 0, $and106 = 0; var $and125 = 0, $and162 = 0, $and181 = 0, $arrayidx101 = 0, $arrayidx103 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx113 = 0, $arrayidx115 = 0, $arrayidx120 = 0, $arrayidx122 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx150 = 0, $arrayidx152 = 0, $arrayidx157 = 0, $arrayidx159 = 0, $arrayidx169 = 0, $arrayidx171 = 0, $arrayidx176 = 0, $arrayidx178 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0; var $arrayidx191 = 0, $arrayidx197 = 0, $arrayidx199 = 0, $arrayidx201 = 0, $arrayidx205 = 0, $arrayidx205$sink = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx225 = 0, $arrayidx228 = 0, $arrayidx230 = 0, $arrayidx235 = 0, $arrayidx240 = 0, $arrayidx242 = 0, $arrayidx248 = 0, $arrayidx254 = 0, $arrayidx257 = 0, $arrayidx260 = 0, $arrayidx265 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0; var $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0, $arrayidx70 = 0, $arrayidx77 = 0, $arrayidx79 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx84 = 0, $arrayidx86 = 0, $arrayidx94 = 0, $arrayidx96 = 0, $call = 0, $call233 = 0, $call245 = 0, $call263 = 0, $center_freq_Q15 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp108 = 0, $cmp145 = 0, $cmp16 = 0; var $cmp164 = 0, $cmp211 = 0, $cmp222 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp251 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cmp49 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp62 = 0, $cmp74 = 0, $cmp90 = 0, $cond188 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv102 = 0, $conv104 = 0, $conv114 = 0, $conv116 = 0, $conv12 = 0; var $conv121 = 0, $conv123 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv151 = 0, $conv153 = 0, $conv158 = 0, $conv160 = 0, $conv170 = 0, $conv172 = 0, $conv177 = 0, $conv179 = 0, $conv189 = 0, $conv190 = 0, $conv192 = 0, $conv195 = 0, $conv2 = 0, $conv20 = 0, $conv200 = 0, $conv202 = 0, $conv204 = 0; var $conv204$sink = 0, $conv216 = 0, $conv218 = 0, $conv219 = 0, $conv22 = 0, $conv226 = 0, $conv229 = 0, $conv231 = 0, $conv234 = 0, $conv241 = 0, $conv243 = 0, $conv246 = 0, $conv255 = 0, $conv258 = 0, $conv261 = 0, $conv264 = 0, $conv42 = 0, $conv44 = 0, $conv53 = 0, $conv59 = 0; var $conv66 = 0, $conv71 = 0, $conv78 = 0, $conv80 = 0, $conv85 = 0, $conv87 = 0, $conv9 = 0, $conv95 = 0, $conv97 = 0, $dec = 0, $dec267 = 0, $diff_Q15 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc209 = 0, $inc237 = 0, $inc56 = 0, $k = 0, $loops = 0, $max_center_Q15 = 0; var $min_center_Q15 = 0, $min_diff_Q15 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr118 = 0, $shr155 = 0, $shr174 = 0, $shr193 = 0, $shr72 = 0, $shr82 = 0, $shr99 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub10 = 0, $sub100 = 0, $sub112 = 0, $sub119 = 0, $sub149 = 0, $sub15 = 0, $sub156 = 0, $sub168 = 0, $sub175 = 0; var $sub18 = 0, $sub194 = 0, $sub196 = 0, $sub198 = 0, $sub227 = 0, $sub239 = 0, $sub24 = 0, $sub244 = 0, $sub247 = 0, $sub249 = 0, $sub262 = 0, $sub4 = 0, $sub43 = 0, $sub45 = 0, $sub67 = 0, $sub73 = 0, $sub76 = 0, $sub83 = 0, $sub93 = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $NLSF_Q15$addr = $NLSF_Q15; $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr = $NDeltaMin_Q15; $L$addr = $L; $I = 0; $loops = 0; while(1) { $0 = $loops; $cmp = ($0|0)<(20); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $1 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $2 = HEAP16[$1>>1]|0; $conv = $2 << 16 >> 16; $3 = $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr; $4 = HEAP16[$3>>1]|0; $conv2 = $4 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($conv) - ($conv2))|0; $min_diff_Q15 = $sub; $I = 0; $i = 1; while(1) { $5 = $i; $6 = $L$addr; $sub4 = (($6) - 1)|0; $cmp5 = ($5|0)<=($sub4|0); $7 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; if (!($cmp5)) { break; } $8 = $i; $arrayidx8 = (($7) + ($8<<1)|0); $9 = HEAP16[$arrayidx8>>1]|0; $conv9 = $9 << 16 >> 16; $10 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $11 = $i; $sub10 = (($11) - 1)|0; $arrayidx11 = (($10) + ($sub10<<1)|0); $12 = HEAP16[$arrayidx11>>1]|0; $conv12 = $12 << 16 >> 16; $13 = $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr; $14 = $i; $arrayidx13 = (($13) + ($14<<1)|0); $15 = HEAP16[$arrayidx13>>1]|0; $conv14 = $15 << 16 >> 16; $add = (($conv12) + ($conv14))|0; $sub15 = (($conv9) - ($add))|0; $diff_Q15 = $sub15; $16 = $diff_Q15; $17 = $min_diff_Q15; $cmp16 = ($16|0)<($17|0); if ($cmp16) { $18 = $diff_Q15; $min_diff_Q15 = $18; $19 = $i; $I = $19; } $20 = $i; $inc = (($20) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $21 = $L$addr; $sub18 = (($21) - 1)|0; $arrayidx19 = (($7) + ($sub18<<1)|0); $22 = HEAP16[$arrayidx19>>1]|0; $conv20 = $22 << 16 >> 16; $23 = $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr; $24 = $L$addr; $arrayidx21 = (($23) + ($24<<1)|0); $25 = HEAP16[$arrayidx21>>1]|0; $conv22 = $25 << 16 >> 16; $add23 = (($conv20) + ($conv22))|0; $sub24 = (32768 - ($add23))|0; $diff_Q15 = $sub24; $26 = $diff_Q15; $27 = $min_diff_Q15; $cmp25 = ($26|0)<($27|0); if ($cmp25) { $28 = $diff_Q15; $min_diff_Q15 = $28; $29 = $L$addr; $I = $29; } $30 = $min_diff_Q15; $cmp29 = ($30|0)>=(0); if ($cmp29) { label = 42; break; } $31 = $I; $cmp33 = ($31|0)==(0); if ($cmp33) { $32 = $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr; $33 = HEAP16[$32>>1]|0; $34 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; HEAP16[$34>>1] = $33; } else { $35 = $I; $36 = $L$addr; $cmp38 = ($35|0)==($36|0); if ($cmp38) { $37 = $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr; $38 = $L$addr; $arrayidx41 = (($37) + ($38<<1)|0); $39 = HEAP16[$arrayidx41>>1]|0; $conv42 = $39 << 16 >> 16; $sub43 = (32768 - ($conv42))|0; $conv44 = $sub43&65535; $40 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $41 = $L$addr; $sub45 = (($41) - 1)|0; $arrayidx46 = (($40) + ($sub45<<1)|0); $arrayidx205$sink = $arrayidx46;$conv204$sink = $conv44; } else { $min_center_Q15 = 0; $k = 0; while(1) { $42 = $k; $43 = $I; $cmp49 = ($42|0)<($43|0); $44 = $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr; if (!($cmp49)) { break; } $45 = $k; $arrayidx52 = (($44) + ($45<<1)|0); $46 = HEAP16[$arrayidx52>>1]|0; $conv53 = $46 << 16 >> 16; $47 = $min_center_Q15; $add54 = (($47) + ($conv53))|0; $min_center_Q15 = $add54; $48 = $k; $inc56 = (($48) + 1)|0; $k = $inc56; } $49 = $I; $arrayidx58 = (($44) + ($49<<1)|0); $50 = HEAP16[$arrayidx58>>1]|0; $conv59 = $50 << 16 >> 16; $shr = $conv59 >> 1; $51 = $min_center_Q15; $add60 = (($51) + ($shr))|0; $min_center_Q15 = $add60; $max_center_Q15 = 32768; $52 = $L$addr; $k = $52; while(1) { $53 = $k; $54 = $I; $cmp62 = ($53|0)>($54|0); $55 = $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr; if (!($cmp62)) { break; } $56 = $k; $arrayidx65 = (($55) + ($56<<1)|0); $57 = HEAP16[$arrayidx65>>1]|0; $conv66 = $57 << 16 >> 16; $58 = $max_center_Q15; $sub67 = (($58) - ($conv66))|0; $max_center_Q15 = $sub67; $59 = $k; $dec = (($59) + -1)|0; $k = $dec; } $60 = $I; $arrayidx70 = (($55) + ($60<<1)|0); $61 = HEAP16[$arrayidx70>>1]|0; $conv71 = $61 << 16 >> 16; $shr72 = $conv71 >> 1; $62 = $max_center_Q15; $sub73 = (($62) - ($shr72))|0; $max_center_Q15 = $sub73; $63 = $min_center_Q15; $64 = $max_center_Q15; $cmp74 = ($63|0)>($64|0); $65 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $66 = $I; $sub76 = (($66) - 1)|0; $arrayidx77 = (($65) + ($sub76<<1)|0); $67 = HEAP16[$arrayidx77>>1]|0; $conv78 = $67 << 16 >> 16; $68 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $69 = $I; $arrayidx79 = (($68) + ($69<<1)|0); $70 = HEAP16[$arrayidx79>>1]|0; $conv80 = $70 << 16 >> 16; $add81 = (($conv78) + ($conv80))|0; $shr82 = $add81 >> 1; $71 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $72 = $I; $sub83 = (($72) - 1)|0; $arrayidx84 = (($71) + ($sub83<<1)|0); $73 = HEAP16[$arrayidx84>>1]|0; $conv85 = $73 << 16 >> 16; $74 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $75 = $I; $arrayidx86 = (($74) + ($75<<1)|0); $76 = HEAP16[$arrayidx86>>1]|0; $conv87 = $76 << 16 >> 16; $add88 = (($conv85) + ($conv87))|0; $and = $add88 & 1; $add89 = (($shr82) + ($and))|0; do { if ($cmp74) { $77 = $min_center_Q15; $cmp90 = ($add89|0)>($77|0); if ($cmp90) { $78 = $min_center_Q15; $cond188 = $78; break; } $79 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $80 = $I; $sub93 = (($80) - 1)|0; $arrayidx94 = (($79) + ($sub93<<1)|0); $81 = HEAP16[$arrayidx94>>1]|0; $conv95 = $81 << 16 >> 16; $82 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $83 = $I; $arrayidx96 = (($82) + ($83<<1)|0); $84 = HEAP16[$arrayidx96>>1]|0; $conv97 = $84 << 16 >> 16; $add98 = (($conv95) + ($conv97))|0; $shr99 = $add98 >> 1; $85 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $86 = $I; $sub100 = (($86) - 1)|0; $arrayidx101 = (($85) + ($sub100<<1)|0); $87 = HEAP16[$arrayidx101>>1]|0; $conv102 = $87 << 16 >> 16; $88 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $89 = $I; $arrayidx103 = (($88) + ($89<<1)|0); $90 = HEAP16[$arrayidx103>>1]|0; $conv104 = $90 << 16 >> 16; $add105 = (($conv102) + ($conv104))|0; $and106 = $add105 & 1; $add107 = (($shr99) + ($and106))|0; $91 = $max_center_Q15; $cmp108 = ($add107|0)<($91|0); if ($cmp108) { $92 = $max_center_Q15; $cond188 = $92; break; } else { $93 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $94 = $I; $sub112 = (($94) - 1)|0; $arrayidx113 = (($93) + ($sub112<<1)|0); $95 = HEAP16[$arrayidx113>>1]|0; $conv114 = $95 << 16 >> 16; $96 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $97 = $I; $arrayidx115 = (($96) + ($97<<1)|0); $98 = HEAP16[$arrayidx115>>1]|0; $conv116 = $98 << 16 >> 16; $add117 = (($conv114) + ($conv116))|0; $shr118 = $add117 >> 1; $99 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $100 = $I; $sub119 = (($100) - 1)|0; $arrayidx120 = (($99) + ($sub119<<1)|0); $101 = HEAP16[$arrayidx120>>1]|0; $conv121 = $101 << 16 >> 16; $102 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $103 = $I; $arrayidx122 = (($102) + ($103<<1)|0); $104 = HEAP16[$arrayidx122>>1]|0; $conv123 = $104 << 16 >> 16; $add124 = (($conv121) + ($conv123))|0; $and125 = $add124 & 1; $add126 = (($shr118) + ($and125))|0; $cond188 = $add126; break; } } else { $105 = $max_center_Q15; $cmp145 = ($add89|0)>($105|0); if ($cmp145) { $106 = $max_center_Q15; $cond188 = $106; break; } $107 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $108 = $I; $sub149 = (($108) - 1)|0; $arrayidx150 = (($107) + ($sub149<<1)|0); $109 = HEAP16[$arrayidx150>>1]|0; $conv151 = $109 << 16 >> 16; $110 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $111 = $I; $arrayidx152 = (($110) + ($111<<1)|0); $112 = HEAP16[$arrayidx152>>1]|0; $conv153 = $112 << 16 >> 16; $add154 = (($conv151) + ($conv153))|0; $shr155 = $add154 >> 1; $113 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $114 = $I; $sub156 = (($114) - 1)|0; $arrayidx157 = (($113) + ($sub156<<1)|0); $115 = HEAP16[$arrayidx157>>1]|0; $conv158 = $115 << 16 >> 16; $116 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $117 = $I; $arrayidx159 = (($116) + ($117<<1)|0); $118 = HEAP16[$arrayidx159>>1]|0; $conv160 = $118 << 16 >> 16; $add161 = (($conv158) + ($conv160))|0; $and162 = $add161 & 1; $add163 = (($shr155) + ($and162))|0; $119 = $min_center_Q15; $cmp164 = ($add163|0)<($119|0); if ($cmp164) { $120 = $min_center_Q15; $cond188 = $120; break; } else { $121 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $122 = $I; $sub168 = (($122) - 1)|0; $arrayidx169 = (($121) + ($sub168<<1)|0); $123 = HEAP16[$arrayidx169>>1]|0; $conv170 = $123 << 16 >> 16; $124 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $125 = $I; $arrayidx171 = (($124) + ($125<<1)|0); $126 = HEAP16[$arrayidx171>>1]|0; $conv172 = $126 << 16 >> 16; $add173 = (($conv170) + ($conv172))|0; $shr174 = $add173 >> 1; $127 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $128 = $I; $sub175 = (($128) - 1)|0; $arrayidx176 = (($127) + ($sub175<<1)|0); $129 = HEAP16[$arrayidx176>>1]|0; $conv177 = $129 << 16 >> 16; $130 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $131 = $I; $arrayidx178 = (($130) + ($131<<1)|0); $132 = HEAP16[$arrayidx178>>1]|0; $conv179 = $132 << 16 >> 16; $add180 = (($conv177) + ($conv179))|0; $and181 = $add180 & 1; $add182 = (($shr174) + ($and181))|0; $cond188 = $add182; break; } } } while(0); $conv189 = $cond188&65535; $center_freq_Q15 = $conv189; $133 = $center_freq_Q15; $conv190 = $133 << 16 >> 16; $134 = $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr; $135 = $I; $arrayidx191 = (($134) + ($135<<1)|0); $136 = HEAP16[$arrayidx191>>1]|0; $conv192 = $136 << 16 >> 16; $shr193 = $conv192 >> 1; $sub194 = (($conv190) - ($shr193))|0; $conv195 = $sub194&65535; $137 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $138 = $I; $sub196 = (($138) - 1)|0; $arrayidx197 = (($137) + ($sub196<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx197>>1] = $conv195; $139 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $140 = $I; $sub198 = (($140) - 1)|0; $arrayidx199 = (($139) + ($sub198<<1)|0); $141 = HEAP16[$arrayidx199>>1]|0; $conv200 = $141 << 16 >> 16; $142 = $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr; $143 = $I; $arrayidx201 = (($142) + ($143<<1)|0); $144 = HEAP16[$arrayidx201>>1]|0; $conv202 = $144 << 16 >> 16; $add203 = (($conv200) + ($conv202))|0; $conv204 = $add203&65535; $145 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $146 = $I; $arrayidx205 = (($145) + ($146<<1)|0); $arrayidx205$sink = $arrayidx205;$conv204$sink = $conv204; } HEAP16[$arrayidx205$sink>>1] = $conv204$sink; } $147 = $loops; $inc209 = (($147) + 1)|0; $loops = $inc209; } if ((label|0) == 42) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $148 = $loops; $cmp211 = ($148|0)==(20); if (!($cmp211)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $149 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $150 = $L$addr; _silk_insertion_sort_increasing_all_values_int16($149,$150); $151 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $152 = HEAP16[$151>>1]|0; $conv216 = $152 << 16 >> 16; $153 = $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr; $154 = HEAP16[$153>>1]|0; $conv218 = $154 << 16 >> 16; $call = (_silk_max_int_492($conv216,$conv218)|0); $conv219 = $call&65535; $155 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; HEAP16[$155>>1] = $conv219; $i = 1; while(1) { $156 = $i; $157 = $L$addr; $cmp222 = ($156|0)<($157|0); $158 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; if (!($cmp222)) { break; } $159 = $i; $arrayidx225 = (($158) + ($159<<1)|0); $160 = HEAP16[$arrayidx225>>1]|0; $conv226 = $160 << 16 >> 16; $161 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $162 = $i; $sub227 = (($162) - 1)|0; $arrayidx228 = (($161) + ($sub227<<1)|0); $163 = HEAP16[$arrayidx228>>1]|0; $conv229 = $163 << 16 >> 16; $164 = $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr; $165 = $i; $arrayidx230 = (($164) + ($165<<1)|0); $166 = HEAP16[$arrayidx230>>1]|0; $conv231 = $166 << 16 >> 16; $add232 = (($conv229) + ($conv231))|0; $call233 = (_silk_max_int_492($conv226,$add232)|0); $conv234 = $call233&65535; $167 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $168 = $i; $arrayidx235 = (($167) + ($168<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx235>>1] = $conv234; $169 = $i; $inc237 = (($169) + 1)|0; $i = $inc237; } $170 = $L$addr; $sub239 = (($170) - 1)|0; $arrayidx240 = (($158) + ($sub239<<1)|0); $171 = HEAP16[$arrayidx240>>1]|0; $conv241 = $171 << 16 >> 16; $172 = $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr; $173 = $L$addr; $arrayidx242 = (($172) + ($173<<1)|0); $174 = HEAP16[$arrayidx242>>1]|0; $conv243 = $174 << 16 >> 16; $sub244 = (32768 - ($conv243))|0; $call245 = (_silk_min_int_493($conv241,$sub244)|0); $conv246 = $call245&65535; $175 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $176 = $L$addr; $sub247 = (($176) - 1)|0; $arrayidx248 = (($175) + ($sub247<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx248>>1] = $conv246; $177 = $L$addr; $sub249 = (($177) - 2)|0; $i = $sub249; while(1) { $178 = $i; $cmp251 = ($178|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp251)) { break; } $179 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $180 = $i; $arrayidx254 = (($179) + ($180<<1)|0); $181 = HEAP16[$arrayidx254>>1]|0; $conv255 = $181 << 16 >> 16; $182 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $183 = $i; $add256 = (($183) + 1)|0; $arrayidx257 = (($182) + ($add256<<1)|0); $184 = HEAP16[$arrayidx257>>1]|0; $conv258 = $184 << 16 >> 16; $185 = $NDeltaMin_Q15$addr; $186 = $i; $add259 = (($186) + 1)|0; $arrayidx260 = (($185) + ($add259<<1)|0); $187 = HEAP16[$arrayidx260>>1]|0; $conv261 = $187 << 16 >> 16; $sub262 = (($conv258) - ($conv261))|0; $call263 = (_silk_min_int_493($conv255,$sub262)|0); $conv264 = $call263&65535; $188 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $189 = $i; $arrayidx265 = (($188) + ($189<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx265>>1] = $conv264; $190 = $i; $dec267 = (($190) + -1)|0; $i = $dec267; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_max_int_492($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_min_int_493($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia($pNLSFW_Q_OUT,$pNLSF_Q15,$D) { $pNLSFW_Q_OUT = $pNLSFW_Q_OUT|0; $pNLSF_Q15 = $pNLSF_Q15|0; $D = $D|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0; var $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $D$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add12 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add24 = 0, $add27 = 0, $add33 = 0, $add36 = 0, $add38 = 0, $add45 = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0; var $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $call = 0, $call18 = 0, $call21 = 0, $call31 = 0, $call34 = 0, $call43 = 0, $call46 = 0, $call5 = 0, $call7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv2 = 0, $conv22 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv35 = 0; var $conv4 = 0, $conv41 = 0, $conv47 = 0, $conv8 = 0, $div = 0, $div19 = 0, $div32 = 0, $div44 = 0, $div6 = 0, $k = 0, $pNLSFW_Q_OUT$addr = 0, $pNLSF_Q15$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub10 = 0, $sub17 = 0, $sub30 = 0, $sub39 = 0, $sub42 = 0, $sub48 = 0, $tmp1_int = 0; var $tmp2_int = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $pNLSFW_Q_OUT$addr = $pNLSFW_Q_OUT; $pNLSF_Q15$addr = $pNLSF_Q15; $D$addr = $D; $0 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $1 = HEAP16[$0>>1]|0; $conv = $1 << 16 >> 16; $call = (_silk_max_int_496($conv,1)|0); $tmp1_int = $call; $2 = $tmp1_int; $div = (131072 / ($2|0))&-1; $tmp1_int = $div; $3 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $arrayidx1 = ((($3)) + 2|0); $4 = HEAP16[$arrayidx1>>1]|0; $conv2 = $4 << 16 >> 16; $5 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $6 = HEAP16[$5>>1]|0; $conv4 = $6 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($conv2) - ($conv4))|0; $call5 = (_silk_max_int_496($sub,1)|0); $tmp2_int = $call5; $7 = $tmp2_int; $div6 = (131072 / ($7|0))&-1; $tmp2_int = $div6; $8 = $tmp1_int; $9 = $tmp2_int; $add = (($8) + ($9))|0; $call7 = (_silk_min_int_497($add,32767)|0); $conv8 = $call7&65535; $10 = $pNLSFW_Q_OUT$addr; HEAP16[$10>>1] = $conv8; $k = 1; while(1) { $11 = $k; $12 = $D$addr; $sub10 = (($12) - 1)|0; $cmp = ($11|0)<($sub10|0); $13 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $14 = $k; $add12 = (($14) + 1)|0; $arrayidx13 = (($13) + ($add12<<1)|0); $15 = HEAP16[$arrayidx13>>1]|0; $conv14 = $15 << 16 >> 16; $16 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $17 = $k; $arrayidx15 = (($16) + ($17<<1)|0); $18 = HEAP16[$arrayidx15>>1]|0; $conv16 = $18 << 16 >> 16; $sub17 = (($conv14) - ($conv16))|0; $call18 = (_silk_max_int_496($sub17,1)|0); $tmp1_int = $call18; $19 = $tmp1_int; $div19 = (131072 / ($19|0))&-1; $tmp1_int = $div19; $20 = $tmp1_int; $21 = $tmp2_int; $add20 = (($20) + ($21))|0; $call21 = (_silk_min_int_497($add20,32767)|0); $conv22 = $call21&65535; $22 = $pNLSFW_Q_OUT$addr; $23 = $k; $arrayidx23 = (($22) + ($23<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx23>>1] = $conv22; $24 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $25 = $k; $add24 = (($25) + 2)|0; $arrayidx25 = (($24) + ($add24<<1)|0); $26 = HEAP16[$arrayidx25>>1]|0; $conv26 = $26 << 16 >> 16; $27 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $28 = $k; $add27 = (($28) + 1)|0; $arrayidx28 = (($27) + ($add27<<1)|0); $29 = HEAP16[$arrayidx28>>1]|0; $conv29 = $29 << 16 >> 16; $sub30 = (($conv26) - ($conv29))|0; $call31 = (_silk_max_int_496($sub30,1)|0); $tmp2_int = $call31; $30 = $tmp2_int; $div32 = (131072 / ($30|0))&-1; $tmp2_int = $div32; $31 = $tmp1_int; $32 = $tmp2_int; $add33 = (($31) + ($32))|0; $call34 = (_silk_min_int_497($add33,32767)|0); $conv35 = $call34&65535; $33 = $pNLSFW_Q_OUT$addr; $34 = $k; $add36 = (($34) + 1)|0; $arrayidx37 = (($33) + ($add36<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx37>>1] = $conv35; $35 = $k; $add38 = (($35) + 2)|0; $k = $add38; } $36 = $D$addr; $sub39 = (($36) - 1)|0; $arrayidx40 = (($13) + ($sub39<<1)|0); $37 = HEAP16[$arrayidx40>>1]|0; $conv41 = $37 << 16 >> 16; $sub42 = (32768 - ($conv41))|0; $call43 = (_silk_max_int_496($sub42,1)|0); $tmp1_int = $call43; $38 = $tmp1_int; $div44 = (131072 / ($38|0))&-1; $tmp1_int = $div44; $39 = $tmp1_int; $40 = $tmp2_int; $add45 = (($39) + ($40))|0; $call46 = (_silk_min_int_497($add45,32767)|0); $conv47 = $call46&65535; $41 = $pNLSFW_Q_OUT$addr; $42 = $D$addr; $sub48 = (($42) - 1)|0; $arrayidx49 = (($41) + ($sub48<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx49>>1] = $conv47; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_max_int_496($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_min_int_497($a,$b) { $a = $a|0; $b = $b|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $a$addr = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cond = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $a$addr = $a; $b$addr = $b; $0 = $a$addr; $1 = $b$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $b$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : $3; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_resampler_down2_3($S,$out,$in,$inLen) { $S = $S|0; $out = $out|0; $in = $in|0; $inLen = $inLen|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0; var $S$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr132 = 0, $add107 = 0, $add108 = 0, $add110 = 0, $add117 = 0, $add124 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add21 = 0, $add31 = 0, $add32 = 0, $add42 = 0, $add43 = 0, $add45 = 0, $add52 = 0, $add59 = 0, $add75 = 0, $add85 = 0; var $add86 = 0, $add96 = 0, $add97 = 0, $and = 0, $and103 = 0, $and16 = 0, $and27 = 0, $and38 = 0, $and71 = 0, $and81 = 0, $and92 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx102 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx137 = 0, $arrayidx139 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0; var $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx66 = 0, $arrayidx70 = 0, $arrayidx76 = 0, $arrayidx80 = 0, $arrayidx87 = 0, $arrayidx91 = 0, $arrayidx98 = 0, $buf = 0, $buf_ptr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp112 = 0, $cmp119 = 0, $cmp134 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp47 = 0, $cmp54 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond129 = 0; var $cond64 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv100 = 0, $conv104 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv130 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv28 = 0, $conv35 = 0, $conv39 = 0, $conv65 = 0, $conv68 = 0, $conv72 = 0, $conv78 = 0, $conv8 = 0, $conv82 = 0, $conv89 = 0, $conv93 = 0, $counter = 0; var $in$addr = 0, $inLen$addr = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr131 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul101 = 0, $mul105 = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul18 = 0, $mul25 = 0, $mul29 = 0, $mul36 = 0, $mul40 = 0, $mul69 = 0, $mul73 = 0, $mul79 = 0, $mul83 = 0, $mul9 = 0, $mul90 = 0, $mul94 = 0; var $nSamplesIn = 0, $out$addr = 0, $res_Q6 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr10 = 0, $shr106 = 0, $shr109 = 0, $shr111 = 0, $shr116 = 0, $shr118 = 0, $shr12 = 0, $shr123 = 0, $shr125 = 0, $shr19 = 0, $shr23 = 0, $shr30 = 0, $shr34 = 0, $shr41 = 0, $shr44 = 0, $shr46 = 0; var $shr51 = 0, $shr53 = 0, $shr58 = 0, $shr60 = 0, $shr67 = 0, $shr74 = 0, $shr77 = 0, $shr84 = 0, $shr88 = 0, $shr95 = 0, $shr99 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub133 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 1968|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(1968|0); $buf = sp; $S$addr = $S; $out$addr = $out; $in$addr = $in; $inLen$addr = $inLen; $0 = $S$addr; ;HEAP32[$buf>>2]=HEAP32[$0>>2]|0;HEAP32[$buf+4>>2]=HEAP32[$0+4>>2]|0;HEAP32[$buf+8>>2]=HEAP32[$0+8>>2]|0;HEAP32[$buf+12>>2]=HEAP32[$0+12>>2]|0; while(1) { $1 = $inLen$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)<(480); $2 = $inLen$addr; $cond = $cmp ? $2 : 480; $nSamplesIn = $cond; $3 = $S$addr; $arrayidx = ((($3)) + 16|0); $arrayidx1 = ((($buf)) + 16|0); $4 = $in$addr; $5 = $nSamplesIn; _silk_resampler_private_AR2($arrayidx,$arrayidx1,$4,25270,$5); $buf_ptr = $buf; $6 = $nSamplesIn; $counter = $6; while(1) { $7 = $counter; $cmp4 = ($7|0)>(2); if (!($cmp4)) { break; } $8 = $buf_ptr; $9 = HEAP32[$8>>2]|0; $shr = $9 >> 16; $10 = HEAP16[(25274)>>1]|0; $conv = $10 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr, $conv)|0; $11 = $buf_ptr; $12 = HEAP32[$11>>2]|0; $and = $12 & 65535; $13 = HEAP16[(25274)>>1]|0; $conv8 = $13 << 16 >> 16; $mul9 = Math_imul($and, $conv8)|0; $shr10 = $mul9 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr10))|0; $res_Q6 = $add; $14 = $res_Q6; $15 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx11 = ((($15)) + 4|0); $16 = HEAP32[$arrayidx11>>2]|0; $shr12 = $16 >> 16; $17 = HEAP16[(25276)>>1]|0; $conv13 = $17 << 16 >> 16; $mul14 = Math_imul($shr12, $conv13)|0; $18 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx15 = ((($18)) + 4|0); $19 = HEAP32[$arrayidx15>>2]|0; $and16 = $19 & 65535; $20 = HEAP16[(25276)>>1]|0; $conv17 = $20 << 16 >> 16; $mul18 = Math_imul($and16, $conv17)|0; $shr19 = $mul18 >> 16; $add20 = (($mul14) + ($shr19))|0; $add21 = (($14) + ($add20))|0; $res_Q6 = $add21; $21 = $res_Q6; $22 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx22 = ((($22)) + 8|0); $23 = HEAP32[$arrayidx22>>2]|0; $shr23 = $23 >> 16; $24 = HEAP16[(25280)>>1]|0; $conv24 = $24 << 16 >> 16; $mul25 = Math_imul($shr23, $conv24)|0; $25 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx26 = ((($25)) + 8|0); $26 = HEAP32[$arrayidx26>>2]|0; $and27 = $26 & 65535; $27 = HEAP16[(25280)>>1]|0; $conv28 = $27 << 16 >> 16; $mul29 = Math_imul($and27, $conv28)|0; $shr30 = $mul29 >> 16; $add31 = (($mul25) + ($shr30))|0; $add32 = (($21) + ($add31))|0; $res_Q6 = $add32; $28 = $res_Q6; $29 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx33 = ((($29)) + 12|0); $30 = HEAP32[$arrayidx33>>2]|0; $shr34 = $30 >> 16; $31 = HEAP16[(25278)>>1]|0; $conv35 = $31 << 16 >> 16; $mul36 = Math_imul($shr34, $conv35)|0; $32 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx37 = ((($32)) + 12|0); $33 = HEAP32[$arrayidx37>>2]|0; $and38 = $33 & 65535; $34 = HEAP16[(25278)>>1]|0; $conv39 = $34 << 16 >> 16; $mul40 = Math_imul($and38, $conv39)|0; $shr41 = $mul40 >> 16; $add42 = (($mul36) + ($shr41))|0; $add43 = (($28) + ($add42))|0; $res_Q6 = $add43; $35 = $res_Q6; $shr44 = $35 >> 5; $add45 = (($shr44) + 1)|0; $shr46 = $add45 >> 1; $cmp47 = ($shr46|0)>(32767); if ($cmp47) { $cond64 = 32767; } else { $36 = $res_Q6; $shr51 = $36 >> 5; $add52 = (($shr51) + 1)|0; $shr53 = $add52 >> 1; $cmp54 = ($shr53|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp54) { $cond64 = -32768; } else { $37 = $res_Q6; $shr58 = $37 >> 5; $add59 = (($shr58) + 1)|0; $shr60 = $add59 >> 1; $cond64 = $shr60; } } $conv65 = $cond64&65535; $38 = $out$addr; $incdec$ptr = ((($38)) + 2|0); $out$addr = $incdec$ptr; HEAP16[$38>>1] = $conv65; $39 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx66 = ((($39)) + 4|0); $40 = HEAP32[$arrayidx66>>2]|0; $shr67 = $40 >> 16; $41 = HEAP16[(25278)>>1]|0; $conv68 = $41 << 16 >> 16; $mul69 = Math_imul($shr67, $conv68)|0; $42 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx70 = ((($42)) + 4|0); $43 = HEAP32[$arrayidx70>>2]|0; $and71 = $43 & 65535; $44 = HEAP16[(25278)>>1]|0; $conv72 = $44 << 16 >> 16; $mul73 = Math_imul($and71, $conv72)|0; $shr74 = $mul73 >> 16; $add75 = (($mul69) + ($shr74))|0; $res_Q6 = $add75; $45 = $res_Q6; $46 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx76 = ((($46)) + 8|0); $47 = HEAP32[$arrayidx76>>2]|0; $shr77 = $47 >> 16; $48 = HEAP16[(25280)>>1]|0; $conv78 = $48 << 16 >> 16; $mul79 = Math_imul($shr77, $conv78)|0; $49 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx80 = ((($49)) + 8|0); $50 = HEAP32[$arrayidx80>>2]|0; $and81 = $50 & 65535; $51 = HEAP16[(25280)>>1]|0; $conv82 = $51 << 16 >> 16; $mul83 = Math_imul($and81, $conv82)|0; $shr84 = $mul83 >> 16; $add85 = (($mul79) + ($shr84))|0; $add86 = (($45) + ($add85))|0; $res_Q6 = $add86; $52 = $res_Q6; $53 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx87 = ((($53)) + 12|0); $54 = HEAP32[$arrayidx87>>2]|0; $shr88 = $54 >> 16; $55 = HEAP16[(25276)>>1]|0; $conv89 = $55 << 16 >> 16; $mul90 = Math_imul($shr88, $conv89)|0; $56 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx91 = ((($56)) + 12|0); $57 = HEAP32[$arrayidx91>>2]|0; $and92 = $57 & 65535; $58 = HEAP16[(25276)>>1]|0; $conv93 = $58 << 16 >> 16; $mul94 = Math_imul($and92, $conv93)|0; $shr95 = $mul94 >> 16; $add96 = (($mul90) + ($shr95))|0; $add97 = (($52) + ($add96))|0; $res_Q6 = $add97; $59 = $res_Q6; $60 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx98 = ((($60)) + 16|0); $61 = HEAP32[$arrayidx98>>2]|0; $shr99 = $61 >> 16; $62 = HEAP16[(25274)>>1]|0; $conv100 = $62 << 16 >> 16; $mul101 = Math_imul($shr99, $conv100)|0; $63 = $buf_ptr; $arrayidx102 = ((($63)) + 16|0); $64 = HEAP32[$arrayidx102>>2]|0; $and103 = $64 & 65535; $65 = HEAP16[(25274)>>1]|0; $conv104 = $65 << 16 >> 16; $mul105 = Math_imul($and103, $conv104)|0; $shr106 = $mul105 >> 16; $add107 = (($mul101) + ($shr106))|0; $add108 = (($59) + ($add107))|0; $res_Q6 = $add108; $66 = $res_Q6; $shr109 = $66 >> 5; $add110 = (($shr109) + 1)|0; $shr111 = $add110 >> 1; $cmp112 = ($shr111|0)>(32767); if ($cmp112) { $cond129 = 32767; } else { $67 = $res_Q6; $shr116 = $67 >> 5; $add117 = (($shr116) + 1)|0; $shr118 = $add117 >> 1; $cmp119 = ($shr118|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp119) { $cond129 = -32768; } else { $68 = $res_Q6; $shr123 = $68 >> 5; $add124 = (($shr123) + 1)|0; $shr125 = $add124 >> 1; $cond129 = $shr125; } } $conv130 = $cond129&65535; $69 = $out$addr; $incdec$ptr131 = ((($69)) + 2|0); $out$addr = $incdec$ptr131; HEAP16[$69>>1] = $conv130; $70 = $buf_ptr; $add$ptr = ((($70)) + 12|0); $buf_ptr = $add$ptr; $71 = $counter; $sub = (($71) - 3)|0; $counter = $sub; } $72 = $nSamplesIn; $73 = $in$addr; $add$ptr132 = (($73) + ($72<<1)|0); $in$addr = $add$ptr132; $74 = $nSamplesIn; $75 = $inLen$addr; $sub133 = (($75) - ($74))|0; $inLen$addr = $sub133; $76 = $inLen$addr; $cmp134 = ($76|0)>(0); if (!($cmp134)) { break; } $77 = $nSamplesIn; $arrayidx137 = (($buf) + ($77<<2)|0); ;HEAP32[$buf>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx137>>2]|0;HEAP32[$buf+4>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx137+4>>2]|0;HEAP32[$buf+8>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx137+8>>2]|0;HEAP32[$buf+12>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx137+12>>2]|0; } $78 = $S$addr; $79 = $nSamplesIn; $arrayidx139 = (($buf) + ($79<<2)|0); ;HEAP32[$78>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx139>>2]|0;HEAP32[$78+4>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx139+4>>2]|0;HEAP32[$78+8>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx139+8>>2]|0;HEAP32[$78+12>>2]=HEAP32[$arrayidx139+12>>2]|0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_resampler_down2($S,$out,$in,$inLen) { $S = $S|0; $out = $out|0; $in = $in|0; $inLen = $inLen|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0; var $S$addr = 0, $X = 0, $Y = 0, $add = 0, $add12 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add25 = 0, $add26 = 0, $add27 = 0, $add30 = 0, $add35 = 0, $add42 = 0, $add6 = 0, $add8 = 0, $add9 = 0, $and = 0, $and20 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0; var $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp32 = 0, $cmp37 = 0, $cond45 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv46 = 0, $in$addr = 0, $in32 = 0, $inLen$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $k = 0, $len2 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul11 = 0, $mul19 = 0, $mul21 = 0; var $mul3 = 0, $mul4 = 0, $out$addr = 0, $out32 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl15 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr18 = 0, $shr2 = 0, $shr22 = 0, $shr29 = 0, $shr31 = 0, $shr34 = 0, $shr36 = 0, $shr41 = 0, $shr43 = 0, $shr5 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub17 = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $S$addr = $S; $out$addr = $out; $in$addr = $in; $inLen$addr = $inLen; $0 = $inLen$addr; $shr = $0 >> 1; $len2 = $shr; $k = 0; while(1) { $1 = $k; $2 = $len2; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $in$addr; $4 = $k; $mul = $4<<1; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($mul<<1)|0); $5 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $5 << 16 >> 16; $shl = $conv << 10; $in32 = $shl; $6 = $in32; $7 = $S$addr; $8 = HEAP32[$7>>2]|0; $sub = (($6) - ($8))|0; $Y = $sub; $9 = $Y; $10 = $Y; $shr2 = $10 >> 16; $mul3 = Math_imul($shr2, -25727)|0; $11 = $Y; $and = $11 & 65535; $mul4 = Math_imul($and, -25727)|0; $shr5 = $mul4 >> 16; $add = (($mul3) + ($shr5))|0; $add6 = (($9) + ($add))|0; $X = $add6; $12 = $S$addr; $13 = HEAP32[$12>>2]|0; $14 = $X; $add8 = (($13) + ($14))|0; $out32 = $add8; $15 = $in32; $16 = $X; $add9 = (($15) + ($16))|0; $17 = $S$addr; HEAP32[$17>>2] = $add9; $18 = $in$addr; $19 = $k; $mul11 = $19<<1; $add12 = (($mul11) + 1)|0; $arrayidx13 = (($18) + ($add12<<1)|0); $20 = HEAP16[$arrayidx13>>1]|0; $conv14 = $20 << 16 >> 16; $shl15 = $conv14 << 10; $in32 = $shl15; $21 = $in32; $22 = $S$addr; $arrayidx16 = ((($22)) + 4|0); $23 = HEAP32[$arrayidx16>>2]|0; $sub17 = (($21) - ($23))|0; $Y = $sub17; $24 = $Y; $shr18 = $24 >> 16; $mul19 = ($shr18*9872)|0; $25 = $Y; $and20 = $25 & 65535; $mul21 = ($and20*9872)|0; $shr22 = $mul21 >> 16; $add23 = (($mul19) + ($shr22))|0; $X = $add23; $26 = $out32; $27 = $S$addr; $arrayidx24 = ((($27)) + 4|0); $28 = HEAP32[$arrayidx24>>2]|0; $add25 = (($26) + ($28))|0; $out32 = $add25; $29 = $out32; $30 = $X; $add26 = (($29) + ($30))|0; $out32 = $add26; $31 = $in32; $32 = $X; $add27 = (($31) + ($32))|0; $33 = $S$addr; $arrayidx28 = ((($33)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx28>>2] = $add27; $34 = $out32; $shr29 = $34 >> 10; $add30 = (($shr29) + 1)|0; $shr31 = $add30 >> 1; $cmp32 = ($shr31|0)>(32767); if ($cmp32) { $cond45 = 32767; } else { $35 = $out32; $shr34 = $35 >> 10; $add35 = (($shr34) + 1)|0; $shr36 = $add35 >> 1; $cmp37 = ($shr36|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp37) { $cond45 = -32768; } else { $36 = $out32; $shr41 = $36 >> 10; $add42 = (($shr41) + 1)|0; $shr43 = $add42 >> 1; $cond45 = $shr43; } } $conv46 = $cond45&65535; $37 = $out$addr; $38 = $k; $arrayidx47 = (($37) + ($38<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx47>>1] = $conv46; $39 = $k; $inc = (($39) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_resampler_private_AR2($S,$out_Q8,$in,$A_Q14,$len) { $S = $S|0; $out_Q8 = $out_Q8|0; $in = $in|0; $A_Q14 = $A_Q14|0; $len = $len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $A_Q14$addr = 0, $S$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add11 = 0, $add12 = 0, $add23 = 0, $and = 0, $and18 = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0; var $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv20 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv8 = 0, $in$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $k = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul17 = 0, $mul21 = 0, $mul9 = 0, $out32 = 0, $out_Q8$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl3 = 0; var $shr = 0, $shr10 = 0, $shr14 = 0, $shr22 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $S$addr = $S; $out_Q8$addr = $out_Q8; $in$addr = $in; $A_Q14$addr = $A_Q14; $len$addr = $len; $k = 0; while(1) { $0 = $k; $1 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $S$addr; $3 = HEAP32[$2>>2]|0; $4 = $in$addr; $5 = $k; $arrayidx1 = (($4) + ($5<<1)|0); $6 = HEAP16[$arrayidx1>>1]|0; $conv = $6 << 16 >> 16; $shl = $conv << 8; $add = (($3) + ($shl))|0; $out32 = $add; $7 = $out32; $8 = $out_Q8$addr; $9 = $k; $arrayidx2 = (($8) + ($9<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx2>>2] = $7; $10 = $out32; $shl3 = $10 << 2; $out32 = $shl3; $11 = $S$addr; $arrayidx4 = ((($11)) + 4|0); $12 = HEAP32[$arrayidx4>>2]|0; $13 = $out32; $shr = $13 >> 16; $14 = $A_Q14$addr; $15 = HEAP16[$14>>1]|0; $conv6 = $15 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr, $conv6)|0; $16 = $out32; $and = $16 & 65535; $17 = $A_Q14$addr; $18 = HEAP16[$17>>1]|0; $conv8 = $18 << 16 >> 16; $mul9 = Math_imul($and, $conv8)|0; $shr10 = $mul9 >> 16; $add11 = (($mul) + ($shr10))|0; $add12 = (($12) + ($add11))|0; $19 = $S$addr; HEAP32[$19>>2] = $add12; $20 = $out32; $shr14 = $20 >> 16; $21 = $A_Q14$addr; $arrayidx15 = ((($21)) + 2|0); $22 = HEAP16[$arrayidx15>>1]|0; $conv16 = $22 << 16 >> 16; $mul17 = Math_imul($shr14, $conv16)|0; $23 = $out32; $and18 = $23 & 65535; $24 = $A_Q14$addr; $arrayidx19 = ((($24)) + 2|0); $25 = HEAP16[$arrayidx19>>1]|0; $conv20 = $25 << 16 >> 16; $mul21 = Math_imul($and18, $conv20)|0; $shr22 = $mul21 >> 16; $add23 = (($mul17) + ($shr22))|0; $26 = $S$addr; $arrayidx24 = ((($26)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx24>>2] = $add23; $27 = $k; $inc = (($27) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_sigm_Q15($in_Q5) { $in_Q5 = $in_Q5|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $and = 0, $and18 = 0, $arrayidx = 0; var $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp9 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv20 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $in_Q5$addr = 0, $ind = 0, $mul = 0, $mul21 = 0, $retval = 0, $shr = 0; var $shr13 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub7 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in_Q5$addr = $in_Q5; $0 = $in_Q5$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<(0); $1 = $in_Q5$addr; if ($cmp) { $sub = (0 - ($1))|0; $in_Q5$addr = $sub; $2 = $in_Q5$addr; $cmp1 = ($2|0)>=(192); if ($cmp1) { $retval = 0; $15 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($15|0); } else { $3 = $in_Q5$addr; $shr = $3 >> 5; $ind = $shr; $4 = $ind; $arrayidx = (22304 + ($4<<2)|0); $5 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $6 = $ind; $arrayidx3 = (22328 + ($6<<2)|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx3>>2]|0; $conv = $7&65535; $conv4 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $8 = $in_Q5$addr; $and = $8 & 31; $conv5 = $and&65535; $conv6 = $conv5 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($conv4, $conv6)|0; $sub7 = (($5) - ($mul))|0; $retval = $sub7; $15 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($15|0); } } else { $cmp9 = ($1|0)>=(192); if ($cmp9) { $retval = 32767; $15 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($15|0); } else { $9 = $in_Q5$addr; $shr13 = $9 >> 5; $ind = $shr13; $10 = $ind; $arrayidx14 = (22352 + ($10<<2)|0); $11 = HEAP32[$arrayidx14>>2]|0; $12 = $ind; $arrayidx15 = (22328 + ($12<<2)|0); $13 = HEAP32[$arrayidx15>>2]|0; $conv16 = $13&65535; $conv17 = $conv16 << 16 >> 16; $14 = $in_Q5$addr; $and18 = $14 & 31; $conv19 = $and18&65535; $conv20 = $conv19 << 16 >> 16; $mul21 = Math_imul($conv17, $conv20)|0; $add = (($11) + ($mul21))|0; $retval = $add; $15 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($15|0); } } return (0)|0; } function _silk_insertion_sort_increasing($a,$idx,$L,$K) { $a = $a|0; $idx = $idx|0; $L = $L|0; $K = $K|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $K$addr = 0, $L$addr = 0, $a$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add13 = 0, $add17 = 0, $add19 = 0, $add40 = 0, $add43 = 0, $add48 = 0, $add50 = 0; var $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx18 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx51 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0; var $cmp25 = 0, $cmp30 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $dec = 0, $dec46 = 0, $i = 0, $idx$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc22 = 0, $inc53 = 0, $j = 0, $sub = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub31 = 0, $value = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $a$addr = $a; $idx$addr = $idx; $L$addr = $L; $K$addr = $K; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $K$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $i; $3 = $idx$addr; $4 = $i; $arrayidx = (($3) + ($4<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2] = $2; $5 = $i; $inc = (($5) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $i = 1; while(1) { $6 = $i; $7 = $K$addr; $cmp2 = ($6|0)<($7|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $8 = $a$addr; $9 = $i; $arrayidx4 = (($8) + ($9<<2)|0); $10 = HEAP32[$arrayidx4>>2]|0; $value = $10; $11 = $i; $sub = (($11) - 1)|0; $j = $sub; while(1) { $12 = $j; $cmp6 = ($12|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp6)) { break; } $13 = $value; $14 = $a$addr; $15 = $j; $arrayidx7 = (($14) + ($15<<2)|0); $16 = HEAP32[$arrayidx7>>2]|0; $cmp8 = ($13|0)<($16|0); if (!($cmp8)) { break; } $17 = $a$addr; $18 = $j; $arrayidx10 = (($17) + ($18<<2)|0); $19 = HEAP32[$arrayidx10>>2]|0; $20 = $a$addr; $21 = $j; $add = (($21) + 1)|0; $arrayidx11 = (($20) + ($add<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx11>>2] = $19; $22 = $idx$addr; $23 = $j; $arrayidx12 = (($22) + ($23<<2)|0); $24 = HEAP32[$arrayidx12>>2]|0; $25 = $idx$addr; $26 = $j; $add13 = (($26) + 1)|0; $arrayidx14 = (($25) + ($add13<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx14>>2] = $24; $27 = $j; $dec = (($27) + -1)|0; $j = $dec; } $28 = $value; $29 = $a$addr; $30 = $j; $add17 = (($30) + 1)|0; $arrayidx18 = (($29) + ($add17<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx18>>2] = $28; $31 = $i; $32 = $idx$addr; $33 = $j; $add19 = (($33) + 1)|0; $arrayidx20 = (($32) + ($add19<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx20>>2] = $31; $34 = $i; $inc22 = (($34) + 1)|0; $i = $inc22; } $35 = $K$addr; $i = $35; while(1) { $36 = $i; $37 = $L$addr; $cmp25 = ($36|0)<($37|0); if (!($cmp25)) { break; } $38 = $a$addr; $39 = $i; $arrayidx27 = (($38) + ($39<<2)|0); $40 = HEAP32[$arrayidx27>>2]|0; $value = $40; $41 = $value; $42 = $a$addr; $43 = $K$addr; $sub28 = (($43) - 1)|0; $arrayidx29 = (($42) + ($sub28<<2)|0); $44 = HEAP32[$arrayidx29>>2]|0; $cmp30 = ($41|0)<($44|0); if ($cmp30) { $45 = $K$addr; $sub31 = (($45) - 2)|0; $j = $sub31; while(1) { $46 = $j; $cmp33 = ($46|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp33)) { break; } $47 = $value; $48 = $a$addr; $49 = $j; $arrayidx35 = (($48) + ($49<<2)|0); $50 = HEAP32[$arrayidx35>>2]|0; $cmp36 = ($47|0)<($50|0); if (!($cmp36)) { break; } $51 = $a$addr; $52 = $j; $arrayidx39 = (($51) + ($52<<2)|0); $53 = HEAP32[$arrayidx39>>2]|0; $54 = $a$addr; $55 = $j; $add40 = (($55) + 1)|0; $arrayidx41 = (($54) + ($add40<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx41>>2] = $53; $56 = $idx$addr; $57 = $j; $arrayidx42 = (($56) + ($57<<2)|0); $58 = HEAP32[$arrayidx42>>2]|0; $59 = $idx$addr; $60 = $j; $add43 = (($60) + 1)|0; $arrayidx44 = (($59) + ($add43<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx44>>2] = $58; $61 = $j; $dec46 = (($61) + -1)|0; $j = $dec46; } $62 = $value; $63 = $a$addr; $64 = $j; $add48 = (($64) + 1)|0; $arrayidx49 = (($63) + ($add48<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx49>>2] = $62; $65 = $i; $66 = $idx$addr; $67 = $j; $add50 = (($67) + 1)|0; $arrayidx51 = (($66) + ($add50<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx51>>2] = $65; } $68 = $i; $inc53 = (($68) + 1)|0; $i = $inc53; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_insertion_sort_increasing_all_values_int16($a,$L) { $a = $a|0; $L = $L|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; var $9 = 0, $L$addr = 0, $a$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add12 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx13 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $dec = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $j = 0; var $sub = 0, $value = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $a$addr = $a; $L$addr = $L; $i = 1; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $L$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $a$addr; $3 = $i; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<1)|0); $4 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $4 << 16 >> 16; $value = $conv; $5 = $i; $sub = (($5) - 1)|0; $j = $sub; while(1) { $6 = $j; $cmp2 = ($6|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $7 = $value; $8 = $a$addr; $9 = $j; $arrayidx4 = (($8) + ($9<<1)|0); $10 = HEAP16[$arrayidx4>>1]|0; $conv5 = $10 << 16 >> 16; $cmp6 = ($7|0)<($conv5|0); if (!($cmp6)) { break; } $11 = $a$addr; $12 = $j; $arrayidx9 = (($11) + ($12<<1)|0); $13 = HEAP16[$arrayidx9>>1]|0; $14 = $a$addr; $15 = $j; $add = (($15) + 1)|0; $arrayidx10 = (($14) + ($add<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx10>>1] = $13; $16 = $j; $dec = (($16) + -1)|0; $j = $dec; } $17 = $value; $conv11 = $17&65535; $18 = $a$addr; $19 = $j; $add12 = (($19) + 1)|0; $arrayidx13 = (($18) + ($add12<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx13>>1] = $conv11; $20 = $i; $inc = (($20) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_sum_sqr_shift($energy,$shift,$x,$len) { $energy = $energy|0; $shift = $shift|0; $x = $x|0; $len = $len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; var $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add10 = 0, $add13 = 0, $add14 = 0, $add24 = 0, $add27 = 0, $add3 = 0, $add31 = 0, $add33 = 0, $add38 = 0, $add41 = 0, $add52 = 0, $add56 = 0, $add6 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0, $arrayidx21 = 0; var $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp34 = 0, $cmp43 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv2 = 0, $conv20 = 0, $conv22 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv47 = 0, $conv49 = 0, $conv5 = 0; var $conv8 = 0, $dec = 0, $energy$addr = 0, $i = 0, $len$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul23 = 0, $mul30 = 0, $mul50 = 0, $mul9 = 0, $nrg = 0, $nrg_tmp = 0, $shft = 0, $shift$addr = 0, $shr = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr37 = 0, $shr51 = 0, $shr55 = 0, $tobool = 0; var $x$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $energy$addr = $energy; $shift$addr = $shift; $x$addr = $x; $len$addr = $len; $nrg = 0; $shft = 0; $0 = $len$addr; $dec = (($0) + -1)|0; $len$addr = $dec; $i = 0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $len$addr; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $nrg; $4 = $x$addr; $5 = $i; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($5<<1)|0); $6 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $6 << 16 >> 16; $7 = $x$addr; $8 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($7) + ($8<<1)|0); $9 = HEAP16[$arrayidx1>>1]|0; $conv2 = $9 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($conv, $conv2)|0; $add = (($3) + ($mul))|0; $nrg = $add; $10 = $nrg; $11 = $x$addr; $12 = $i; $add3 = (($12) + 1)|0; $arrayidx4 = (($11) + ($add3<<1)|0); $13 = HEAP16[$arrayidx4>>1]|0; $conv5 = $13 << 16 >> 16; $14 = $x$addr; $15 = $i; $add6 = (($15) + 1)|0; $arrayidx7 = (($14) + ($add6<<1)|0); $16 = HEAP16[$arrayidx7>>1]|0; $conv8 = $16 << 16 >> 16; $mul9 = Math_imul($conv5, $conv8)|0; $add10 = (($10) + ($mul9))|0; $nrg = $add10; $17 = $nrg; $cmp11 = ($17|0)<(0); if ($cmp11) { label = 4; break; } $20 = $i; $add14 = (($20) + 2)|0; $i = $add14; } if ((label|0) == 4) { $18 = $nrg; $shr = $18 >>> 2; $nrg = $shr; $shft = 2; $19 = $i; $add13 = (($19) + 2)|0; $i = $add13; } while(1) { $21 = $i; $22 = $len$addr; $cmp16 = ($21|0)<($22|0); if (!($cmp16)) { break; } $23 = $x$addr; $24 = $i; $arrayidx19 = (($23) + ($24<<1)|0); $25 = HEAP16[$arrayidx19>>1]|0; $conv20 = $25 << 16 >> 16; $26 = $x$addr; $27 = $i; $arrayidx21 = (($26) + ($27<<1)|0); $28 = HEAP16[$arrayidx21>>1]|0; $conv22 = $28 << 16 >> 16; $mul23 = Math_imul($conv20, $conv22)|0; $nrg_tmp = $mul23; $29 = $nrg_tmp; $30 = $x$addr; $31 = $i; $add24 = (($31) + 1)|0; $arrayidx25 = (($30) + ($add24<<1)|0); $32 = HEAP16[$arrayidx25>>1]|0; $conv26 = $32 << 16 >> 16; $33 = $x$addr; $34 = $i; $add27 = (($34) + 1)|0; $arrayidx28 = (($33) + ($add27<<1)|0); $35 = HEAP16[$arrayidx28>>1]|0; $conv29 = $35 << 16 >> 16; $mul30 = Math_imul($conv26, $conv29)|0; $add31 = (($29) + ($mul30))|0; $nrg_tmp = $add31; $36 = $nrg; $37 = $nrg_tmp; $38 = $shft; $shr32 = $37 >>> $38; $add33 = (($36) + ($shr32))|0; $nrg = $add33; $39 = $nrg; $cmp34 = ($39|0)<(0); if ($cmp34) { $40 = $nrg; $shr37 = $40 >>> 2; $nrg = $shr37; $41 = $shft; $add38 = (($41) + 2)|0; $shft = $add38; } $42 = $i; $add41 = (($42) + 2)|0; $i = $add41; } $43 = $i; $44 = $len$addr; $cmp43 = ($43|0)==($44|0); if ($cmp43) { $45 = $x$addr; $46 = $i; $arrayidx46 = (($45) + ($46<<1)|0); $47 = HEAP16[$arrayidx46>>1]|0; $conv47 = $47 << 16 >> 16; $48 = $x$addr; $49 = $i; $arrayidx48 = (($48) + ($49<<1)|0); $50 = HEAP16[$arrayidx48>>1]|0; $conv49 = $50 << 16 >> 16; $mul50 = Math_imul($conv47, $conv49)|0; $nrg_tmp = $mul50; $51 = $nrg; $52 = $nrg_tmp; $53 = $shft; $shr51 = $52 >> $53; $add52 = (($51) + ($shr51))|0; $nrg = $add52; } $54 = $nrg; $and = $54 & -1073741824; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $57 = $shft; $58 = $shift$addr; HEAP32[$58>>2] = $57; $59 = $nrg; $60 = $energy$addr; HEAP32[$60>>2] = $59; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $55 = $nrg; $shr55 = $55 >>> 2; $nrg = $shr55; $56 = $shft; $add56 = (($56) + 2)|0; $shft = $add56; $57 = $shft; $58 = $shift$addr; HEAP32[$58>>2] = $57; $59 = $nrg; $60 = $energy$addr; HEAP32[$60>>2] = $59; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_apply_sine_window_FLP($px_win,$px,$win_type,$length) { $px_win = $px_win|0; $px = $px|0; $win_type = $win_type|0; $length = $length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0.0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0.0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0.0, $40 = 0, $5 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; var $9 = 0, $S0 = 0.0, $S1 = 0.0, $add = 0, $add11 = 0, $add14 = 0, $add18 = 0, $add21 = 0.0, $add23 = 0, $add25 = 0, $add28 = 0, $add32 = 0, $add5 = 0, $add7 = 0.0, $add9 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx19 = 0; var $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $c = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $freq = 0.0, $k = 0, $length$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul13 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0.0, $mul2 = 0.0, $mul20 = 0.0, $mul22 = 0.0, $mul27 = 0.0, $mul30 = 0.0, $mul6 = 0.0; var $mul8 = 0.0, $px$addr = 0, $px_win$addr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub17 = 0.0, $sub31 = 0.0, $win_type$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $px_win$addr = $px_win; $px$addr = $px; $win_type$addr = $win_type; $length$addr = $length; $0 = $length$addr; $add = (($0) + 1)|0; $conv = (+($add|0)); $div = 3.1415927410125732 / $conv; $freq = $div; $1 = $freq; $2 = $freq; $mul = $1 * $2; $sub = 2.0 - $mul; $c = $sub; $3 = $win_type$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)<(2); if ($cmp) { $S0 = 0.0; $4 = $freq; $S1 = $4; } else { $S0 = 1.0; $5 = $c; $mul2 = 0.5 * $5; $S1 = $mul2; } $k = 0; while(1) { $6 = $k; $7 = $length$addr; $cmp3 = ($6|0)<($7|0); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $8 = $px$addr; $9 = $k; $add5 = (($9) + 0)|0; $arrayidx = (($8) + ($add5<<2)|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $mul6 = $10 * 0.5; $11 = $S0; $12 = $S1; $add7 = $11 + $12; $mul8 = $mul6 * $add7; $13 = $px_win$addr; $14 = $k; $add9 = (($14) + 0)|0; $arrayidx10 = (($13) + ($add9<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2] = $mul8; $15 = $px$addr; $16 = $k; $add11 = (($16) + 1)|0; $arrayidx12 = (($15) + ($add11<<2)|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2]; $18 = $S1; $mul13 = $17 * $18; $19 = $px_win$addr; $20 = $k; $add14 = (($20) + 1)|0; $arrayidx15 = (($19) + ($add14<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2] = $mul13; $21 = $c; $22 = $S1; $mul16 = $21 * $22; $23 = $S0; $sub17 = $mul16 - $23; $S0 = $sub17; $24 = $px$addr; $25 = $k; $add18 = (($25) + 2)|0; $arrayidx19 = (($24) + ($add18<<2)|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx19>>2]; $mul20 = $26 * 0.5; $27 = $S1; $28 = $S0; $add21 = $27 + $28; $mul22 = $mul20 * $add21; $29 = $px_win$addr; $30 = $k; $add23 = (($30) + 2)|0; $arrayidx24 = (($29) + ($add23<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2] = $mul22; $31 = $px$addr; $32 = $k; $add25 = (($32) + 3)|0; $arrayidx26 = (($31) + ($add25<<2)|0); $33 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx26>>2]; $34 = $S0; $mul27 = $33 * $34; $35 = $px_win$addr; $36 = $k; $add28 = (($36) + 3)|0; $arrayidx29 = (($35) + ($add28<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx29>>2] = $mul27; $37 = $c; $38 = $S0; $mul30 = $37 * $38; $39 = $S1; $sub31 = $mul30 - $39; $S1 = $sub31; $40 = $k; $add32 = (($40) + 4)|0; $k = $add32; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_find_LPC_FLP($psEncC,$NLSF_Q15,$x,$minInvGain) { $psEncC = $psEncC|0; $NLSF_Q15 = $NLSF_Q15|0; $x = $x|0; $minInvGain = +$minInvGain; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0.0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0.0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $LPC_res = 0, $NLSF0_Q15 = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q241 = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q248 = 0, $NLSF_Q15$addr = 0, $a = 0, $a_tmp = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr24 = 0, $add$ptr30 = 0, $add$ptr31 = 0, $add35 = 0.0, $call = 0.0, $call27 = 0.0; var $call34 = 0.0, $call8 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp42 = 0, $cmp50 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv39 = 0, $conv49 = 0, $dec = 0, $first_frame_after_reset = 0, $indices = 0, $indices40 = 0, $indices47 = 0, $k = 0, $minInvGain$addr = 0.0, $mul = 0, $mul20 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0; var $nb_subfr5 = 0, $predictLPCOrder = 0, $predictLPCOrder10 = 0, $predictLPCOrder14 = 0, $predictLPCOrder17 = 0, $predictLPCOrder2 = 0, $predictLPCOrder21 = 0, $predictLPCOrder23 = 0, $predictLPCOrder25 = 0, $predictLPCOrder29 = 0, $predictLPCOrder32 = 0, $predictLPCOrder54 = 0, $predictLPCOrder7 = 0, $prev_NLSFq_Q15 = 0, $psEncC$addr = 0, $res_nrg = 0.0, $res_nrg_2nd = 0.0, $res_nrg_interp = 0.0, $sub = 0.0, $sub26 = 0; var $sub33 = 0, $subfr_length = 0, $subfr_length1 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool3 = 0, $useInterpolatedNLSFs = 0, $x$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 1744|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(1744|0); $a = sp + 1616|0; $NLSF0_Q15 = sp + 1704|0; $a_tmp = sp + 1536|0; $LPC_res = sp; $psEncC$addr = $psEncC; $NLSF_Q15$addr = $NLSF_Q15; $x$addr = $x; $minInvGain$addr = $minInvGain; $0 = $psEncC$addr; $subfr_length1 = ((($0)) + 4612|0); $1 = HEAP32[$subfr_length1>>2]|0; $2 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder = ((($2)) + 4664|0); $3 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder>>2]|0; $add = (($1) + ($3))|0; $subfr_length = $add; $4 = $psEncC$addr; $indices = ((($4)) + 4768|0); $NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = ((($indices)) + 31|0); HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q2>>0] = 4; $5 = $x$addr; $6 = $minInvGain$addr; $7 = $subfr_length; $8 = $psEncC$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($8)) + 4604|0); $9 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $10 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder2 = ((($10)) + 4664|0); $11 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder2>>2]|0; $call = (+_silk_burg_modified_FLP($a,$5,$6,$7,$9,$11)); $res_nrg = $call; $12 = $psEncC$addr; $useInterpolatedNLSFs = ((($12)) + 4656|0); $13 = HEAP32[$useInterpolatedNLSFs>>2]|0; $tobool = ($13|0)!=(0); L1: do { if ($tobool) { $14 = $psEncC$addr; $first_frame_after_reset = ((($14)) + 4696|0); $15 = HEAP32[$first_frame_after_reset>>2]|0; $tobool3 = ($15|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool3)) { $16 = $psEncC$addr; $nb_subfr5 = ((($16)) + 4604|0); $17 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr5>>2]|0; $cmp = ($17|0)==(4); if ($cmp) { $18 = $x$addr; $19 = $subfr_length; $mul = $19<<1; $add$ptr = (($18) + ($mul<<2)|0); $20 = $minInvGain$addr; $21 = $subfr_length; $22 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder7 = ((($22)) + 4664|0); $23 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder7>>2]|0; $call8 = (+_silk_burg_modified_FLP($a_tmp,$add$ptr,$20,$21,2,$23)); $24 = $res_nrg; $sub = $24 - $call8; $res_nrg = $sub; $25 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $26 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder10 = ((($26)) + 4664|0); $27 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder10>>2]|0; _silk_A2NLSF_FLP($25,$a_tmp,$27); $res_nrg_2nd = 3.4028234663852886E+38; $k = 3; while(1) { $28 = $k; $cmp11 = ($28|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp11)) { break L1; } $29 = $psEncC$addr; $prev_NLSFq_Q15 = ((($29)) + 4524|0); $30 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $31 = $k; $32 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder14 = ((($32)) + 4664|0); $33 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder14>>2]|0; _silk_interpolate($NLSF0_Q15,$prev_NLSFq_Q15,$30,$31,$33); $34 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder17 = ((($34)) + 4664|0); $35 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder17>>2]|0; _silk_NLSF2A_FLP($a_tmp,$NLSF0_Q15,$35); $36 = $x$addr; $37 = $subfr_length; $mul20 = $37<<1; $38 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder21 = ((($38)) + 4664|0); $39 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder21>>2]|0; _silk_LPC_analysis_filter_FLP($LPC_res,$a_tmp,$36,$mul20,$39); $40 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder23 = ((($40)) + 4664|0); $41 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder23>>2]|0; $add$ptr24 = (($LPC_res) + ($41<<2)|0); $42 = $subfr_length; $43 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder25 = ((($43)) + 4664|0); $44 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder25>>2]|0; $sub26 = (($42) - ($44))|0; $call27 = (+_silk_energy_FLP($add$ptr24,$sub26)); $45 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder29 = ((($45)) + 4664|0); $46 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder29>>2]|0; $add$ptr30 = (($LPC_res) + ($46<<2)|0); $47 = $subfr_length; $add$ptr31 = (($add$ptr30) + ($47<<2)|0); $48 = $subfr_length; $49 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder32 = ((($49)) + 4664|0); $50 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder32>>2]|0; $sub33 = (($48) - ($50))|0; $call34 = (+_silk_energy_FLP($add$ptr31,$sub33)); $add35 = $call27 + $call34; $conv = $add35; $res_nrg_interp = $conv; $51 = $res_nrg_interp; $52 = $res_nrg; $cmp36 = $51 < $52; $53 = $res_nrg_interp; if ($cmp36) { $res_nrg = $53; $54 = $k; $conv39 = $54&255; $55 = $psEncC$addr; $indices40 = ((($55)) + 4768|0); $NLSFInterpCoef_Q241 = ((($indices40)) + 31|0); HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q241>>0] = $conv39; } else { $56 = $res_nrg_2nd; $cmp42 = $53 > $56; if ($cmp42) { break L1; } } $57 = $res_nrg_interp; $res_nrg_2nd = $57; $58 = $k; $dec = (($58) + -1)|0; $k = $dec; } } } } } while(0); $59 = $psEncC$addr; $indices47 = ((($59)) + 4768|0); $NLSFInterpCoef_Q248 = ((($indices47)) + 31|0); $60 = HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q248>>0]|0; $conv49 = $60 << 24 >> 24; $cmp50 = ($conv49|0)==(4); if (!($cmp50)) { STACKTOP = sp;return; } $61 = $NLSF_Q15$addr; $62 = $psEncC$addr; $predictLPCOrder54 = ((($62)) + 4664|0); $63 = HEAP32[$predictLPCOrder54>>2]|0; _silk_A2NLSF_FLP($61,$a,$63); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_find_LTP_FLP($b,$WLTP,$LTPredCodGain,$r_lpc,$lag,$Wght,$subfr_length,$nb_subfr,$mem_offset) { $b = $b|0; $WLTP = $WLTP|0; $LTPredCodGain = $LTPredCodGain|0; $r_lpc = $r_lpc|0; $lag = $lag|0; $Wght = $Wght|0; $subfr_length = $subfr_length|0; $nb_subfr = $nb_subfr|0; $mem_offset = $mem_offset|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0.0, $101 = 0.0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0.0, $107 = 0.0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0.0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0.0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0.0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0.0, $123 = 0.0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0.0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0.0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0.0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0; var $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0.0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0.0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0.0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0.0, $49 = 0; var $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0.0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0.0, $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0.0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0; var $68 = 0.0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0.0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0.0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0.0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0; var $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0.0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0.0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0.0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0.0, $98 = 0.0, $99 = 0, $LPC_LTP_res_nrg = 0.0, $LPC_res_nrg = 0.0, $LTPredCodGain$addr = 0, $Rr = 0, $WLTP$addr = 0; var $WLTP_ptr = 0, $Wght$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr124 = 0, $add$ptr22 = 0, $add$ptr24 = 0, $add$ptr25 = 0, $add$ptr26 = 0, $add$ptr63 = 0, $add$ptr7 = 0, $add107 = 0.0, $add119 = 0.0, $add21 = 0.0, $add36 = 0.0, $add4 = 0.0, $add40 = 0.0, $add59 = 0.0, $add6 = 0.0, $add72 = 0.0; var $add8 = 0.0, $add83 = 0.0, $add93 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx101 = 0, $arrayidx104 = 0, $arrayidx105 = 0, $arrayidx106 = 0, $arrayidx116 = 0, $arrayidx117 = 0, $arrayidx12 = 0, $arrayidx120 = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0; var $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx34 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx57 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx80 = 0, $arrayidx81 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $arrayidx95 = 0, $b$addr = 0, $b_ptr = 0, $call = 0.0, $call13 = 0.0, $call46 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp102 = 0; var $cmp113 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp30 = 0, $cmp49 = 0, $cmp54 = 0, $cmp68 = 0, $cmp77 = 0, $cmp89 = 0, $cmp98 = 0, $cond = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $conv19 = 0.0, $conv45 = 0.0, $d = 0, $delta_b = 0, $div = 0.0, $div111 = 0.0, $div44 = 0.0, $div87 = 0.0, $div94 = 0.0; var $g = 0.0, $i = 0, $idx$neg = 0, $inc = 0, $inc109 = 0, $inc122 = 0, $inc126 = 0, $inc42 = 0, $inc61 = 0, $inc65 = 0, $inc74 = 0, $inc85 = 0, $k = 0, $lag$addr = 0, $lag_ptr = 0, $m = 0.0, $mem_offset$addr = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul118 = 0.0, $mul18 = 0.0; var $mul20 = 0.0, $mul35 = 0.0, $mul39 = 0.0, $mul47 = 0.0, $mul82 = 0.0, $mul96 = 0.0, $nb_subfr$addr = 0, $nrg = 0, $r_lpc$addr = 0, $r_ptr = 0, $regu = 0.0, $rr = 0, $sub = 0.0, $subfr_length$addr = 0, $temp = 0.0, $w = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 192|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(192|0); $d = sp + 112|0; $delta_b = sp + 80|0; $w = sp + 64|0; $nrg = sp + 48|0; $Rr = sp + 24|0; $rr = sp + 8|0; $b$addr = $b; $WLTP$addr = $WLTP; $LTPredCodGain$addr = $LTPredCodGain; $r_lpc$addr = $r_lpc; $lag$addr = $lag; $Wght$addr = $Wght; $subfr_length$addr = $subfr_length; $nb_subfr$addr = $nb_subfr; $mem_offset$addr = $mem_offset; $0 = $b$addr; $b_ptr = $0; $1 = $WLTP$addr; $WLTP_ptr = $1; $2 = $r_lpc$addr; $3 = $mem_offset$addr; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<2)|0); $r_ptr = $arrayidx; $k = 0; while(1) { $4 = $k; $5 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp = ($4|0)<($5|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $6 = $r_ptr; $7 = $lag$addr; $8 = $k; $arrayidx1 = (($7) + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = HEAP32[$arrayidx1>>2]|0; $add = (($9) + 2)|0; $idx$neg = (0 - ($add))|0; $add$ptr = (($6) + ($idx$neg<<2)|0); $lag_ptr = $add$ptr; $10 = $lag_ptr; $11 = $subfr_length$addr; $12 = $WLTP_ptr; _silk_corrMatrix_FLP($10,$11,5,$12); $13 = $lag_ptr; $14 = $r_ptr; $15 = $subfr_length$addr; _silk_corrVector_FLP($13,$14,$15,5,$Rr); $16 = $r_ptr; $17 = $subfr_length$addr; $call = (+_silk_energy_FLP($16,$17)); $conv = $call; $18 = $k; $arrayidx2 = (($rr) + ($18<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2] = $conv; $19 = $k; $arrayidx3 = (($rr) + ($19<<2)|0); $20 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $add4 = 1.0 + $20; $21 = $WLTP_ptr; $22 = +HEAPF32[$21>>2]; $add6 = $add4 + $22; $23 = $WLTP_ptr; $add$ptr7 = ((($23)) + 96|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$add$ptr7>>2]; $add8 = $add6 + $24; $regu = $add8; $25 = $regu; $mul = $25 * 0.01666666753590107; $regu = $mul; $26 = $WLTP_ptr; $27 = $k; $arrayidx9 = (($rr) + ($27<<2)|0); $28 = $regu; _silk_regularize_correlations_FLP($26,$arrayidx9,$28,5); $29 = $WLTP_ptr; $30 = $b_ptr; _silk_solve_LDL_FLP($29,5,$Rr,$30); $31 = $b_ptr; $32 = $WLTP_ptr; $33 = $k; $arrayidx12 = (($rr) + ($33<<2)|0); $34 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx12>>2]; $call13 = (+_silk_residual_energy_covar_FLP($31,$32,$Rr,$34,5)); $35 = $k; $arrayidx14 = (($nrg) + ($35<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2] = $call13; $36 = $Wght$addr; $37 = $k; $arrayidx15 = (($36) + ($37<<2)|0); $38 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx15>>2]; $39 = $k; $arrayidx16 = (($nrg) + ($39<<2)|0); $40 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx16>>2]; $41 = $Wght$addr; $42 = $k; $arrayidx17 = (($41) + ($42<<2)|0); $43 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx17>>2]; $mul18 = $40 * $43; $44 = $subfr_length$addr; $conv19 = (+($44|0)); $mul20 = 0.0099999997764825821 * $conv19; $add21 = $mul18 + $mul20; $div = $38 / $add21; $temp = $div; $45 = $WLTP_ptr; $46 = $temp; _silk_scale_vector_FLP($45,$46,25); $47 = $WLTP_ptr; $add$ptr22 = ((($47)) + 48|0); $48 = +HEAPF32[$add$ptr22>>2]; $49 = $k; $arrayidx23 = (($w) + ($49<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2] = $48; $50 = $subfr_length$addr; $51 = $r_ptr; $add$ptr24 = (($51) + ($50<<2)|0); $r_ptr = $add$ptr24; $52 = $b_ptr; $add$ptr25 = ((($52)) + 20|0); $b_ptr = $add$ptr25; $53 = $WLTP_ptr; $add$ptr26 = ((($53)) + 100|0); $WLTP_ptr = $add$ptr26; $54 = $k; $inc = (($54) + 1)|0; $k = $inc; } $55 = $LTPredCodGain$addr; $cmp27 = ($55|0)!=(0|0); if ($cmp27) { $LPC_LTP_res_nrg = 9.9999999747524271E-7; $LPC_res_nrg = 0.0; $k = 0; while(1) { $56 = $k; $57 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp30 = ($56|0)<($57|0); if (!($cmp30)) { break; } $58 = $k; $arrayidx33 = (($rr) + ($58<<2)|0); $59 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx33>>2]; $60 = $Wght$addr; $61 = $k; $arrayidx34 = (($60) + ($61<<2)|0); $62 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx34>>2]; $mul35 = $59 * $62; $63 = $LPC_res_nrg; $add36 = $63 + $mul35; $LPC_res_nrg = $add36; $64 = $k; $arrayidx37 = (($nrg) + ($64<<2)|0); $65 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx37>>2]; $66 = $Wght$addr; $67 = $k; $arrayidx38 = (($66) + ($67<<2)|0); $68 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx38>>2]; $mul39 = $65 * $68; $69 = $LPC_LTP_res_nrg; $add40 = $69 + $mul39; $LPC_LTP_res_nrg = $add40; $70 = $k; $inc42 = (($70) + 1)|0; $k = $inc42; } $71 = $LPC_res_nrg; $72 = $LPC_LTP_res_nrg; $div44 = $71 / $72; $conv45 = $div44; $call46 = (+_silk_log2_530($conv45)); $mul47 = 3.0 * $call46; $73 = $LTPredCodGain$addr; HEAPF32[$73>>2] = $mul47; } $74 = $b$addr; $b_ptr = $74; $k = 0; while(1) { $75 = $k; $76 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp49 = ($75|0)<($76|0); if (!($cmp49)) { break; } $77 = $k; $arrayidx52 = (($d) + ($77<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx52>>2] = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $78 = $i; $cmp54 = ($78|0)<(5); $79 = $b_ptr; if (!($cmp54)) { break; } $80 = $i; $arrayidx57 = (($79) + ($80<<2)|0); $81 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx57>>2]; $82 = $k; $arrayidx58 = (($d) + ($82<<2)|0); $83 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx58>>2]; $add59 = $83 + $81; HEAPF32[$arrayidx58>>2] = $add59; $84 = $i; $inc61 = (($84) + 1)|0; $i = $inc61; } $add$ptr63 = ((($79)) + 20|0); $b_ptr = $add$ptr63; $85 = $k; $inc65 = (($85) + 1)|0; $k = $inc65; } $temp = 0.0010000000474974513; $k = 0; while(1) { $86 = $k; $87 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp68 = ($86|0)<($87|0); if (!($cmp68)) { break; } $88 = $k; $arrayidx71 = (($w) + ($88<<2)|0); $89 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx71>>2]; $90 = $temp; $add72 = $90 + $89; $temp = $add72; $91 = $k; $inc74 = (($91) + 1)|0; $k = $inc74; } $m = 0.0; $k = 0; while(1) { $92 = $k; $93 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp77 = ($92|0)<($93|0); if (!($cmp77)) { break; } $94 = $k; $arrayidx80 = (($d) + ($94<<2)|0); $95 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx80>>2]; $96 = $k; $arrayidx81 = (($w) + ($96<<2)|0); $97 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx81>>2]; $mul82 = $95 * $97; $98 = $m; $add83 = $98 + $mul82; $m = $add83; $99 = $k; $inc85 = (($99) + 1)|0; $k = $inc85; } $100 = $m; $101 = $temp; $div87 = $100 / $101; $m = $div87; $102 = $b$addr; $b_ptr = $102; $k = 0; while(1) { $103 = $k; $104 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp89 = ($103|0)<($104|0); if (!($cmp89)) { break; } $105 = $k; $arrayidx92 = (($w) + ($105<<2)|0); $106 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx92>>2]; $add93 = 0.10000000149011612 + $106; $div94 = 0.10000000149011612 / $add93; $107 = $m; $108 = $k; $arrayidx95 = (($d) + ($108<<2)|0); $109 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx95>>2]; $sub = $107 - $109; $mul96 = $div94 * $sub; $g = $mul96; $temp = 0.0; $i = 0; while(1) { $110 = $i; $cmp98 = ($110|0)<(5); if (!($cmp98)) { break; } $111 = $b_ptr; $112 = $i; $arrayidx101 = (($111) + ($112<<2)|0); $113 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx101>>2]; $cmp102 = $113 > 0.10000000149011612; if ($cmp102) { $114 = $b_ptr; $115 = $i; $arrayidx104 = (($114) + ($115<<2)|0); $116 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx104>>2]; $cond = $116; } else { $cond = 0.10000000149011612; } $117 = $i; $arrayidx105 = (($delta_b) + ($117<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx105>>2] = $cond; $118 = $i; $arrayidx106 = (($delta_b) + ($118<<2)|0); $119 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx106>>2]; $120 = $temp; $add107 = $120 + $119; $temp = $add107; $121 = $i; $inc109 = (($121) + 1)|0; $i = $inc109; } $122 = $g; $123 = $temp; $div111 = $122 / $123; $temp = $div111; $i = 0; while(1) { $124 = $i; $cmp113 = ($124|0)<(5); $125 = $b_ptr; if (!($cmp113)) { break; } $126 = $i; $arrayidx116 = (($125) + ($126<<2)|0); $127 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx116>>2]; $128 = $i; $arrayidx117 = (($delta_b) + ($128<<2)|0); $129 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx117>>2]; $130 = $temp; $mul118 = $129 * $130; $add119 = $127 + $mul118; $131 = $b_ptr; $132 = $i; $arrayidx120 = (($131) + ($132<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx120>>2] = $add119; $133 = $i; $inc122 = (($133) + 1)|0; $i = $inc122; } $add$ptr124 = ((($125)) + 20|0); $b_ptr = $add$ptr124; $134 = $k; $inc126 = (($134) + 1)|0; $k = $inc126; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_log2_530($x) { $x = +$x; var $0 = 0.0, $call = 0.0, $conv = 0.0, $mul = 0.0, $x$addr = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $call = (+_log10($0)); $mul = 3.32192809488736 * $call; $conv = $mul; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$conv); } function _silk_regularize_correlations_FLP($XX,$xx,$noise,$D) { $XX = $XX|0; $xx = $xx|0; $noise = +$noise; $D = $D|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $2 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $D$addr = 0, $XX$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add1 = 0.0, $add3 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0; var $mul = 0, $noise$addr = 0.0, $xx$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $XX$addr = $XX; $xx$addr = $xx; $noise$addr = $noise; $D$addr = $D; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $D$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); $2 = $noise$addr; if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $XX$addr; $4 = $i; $5 = $D$addr; $mul = Math_imul($4, $5)|0; $6 = $i; $add = (($mul) + ($6))|0; $add$ptr = (($3) + ($add<<2)|0); $7 = +HEAPF32[$add$ptr>>2]; $add1 = $7 + $2; HEAPF32[$add$ptr>>2] = $add1; $8 = $i; $inc = (($8) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $9 = $xx$addr; $10 = +HEAPF32[$9>>2]; $add3 = $10 + $2; HEAPF32[$9>>2] = $add3; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_solve_LDL_FLP($A,$M,$b,$x) { $A = $A|0; $M = $M|0; $b = $b|0; $x = $x|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $A$addr = 0, $Dinv = 0, $L = 0, $M$addr = 0, $T = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0; var $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 1184|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(1184|0); $L = sp + 128|0; $T = sp + 64|0; $Dinv = sp; $A$addr = $A; $M$addr = $M; $b$addr = $b; $x$addr = $x; $0 = $A$addr; $1 = $M$addr; _silk_LDL_FLP($0,$1,$L,$Dinv); $2 = $M$addr; $3 = $b$addr; _silk_SolveWithLowerTriangularWdiagOnes_FLP($L,$2,$3,$T); $i = 0; while(1) { $4 = $i; $5 = $M$addr; $cmp = ($4|0)<($5|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $6 = $i; $arrayidx5 = (($T) + ($6<<2)|0); $7 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $8 = $i; $arrayidx6 = (($Dinv) + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $mul = $7 * $9; $10 = $i; $arrayidx7 = (($T) + ($10<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2] = $mul; $11 = $i; $inc = (($11) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $12 = $M$addr; $13 = $x$addr; _silk_SolveWithUpperTriangularFromLowerWdiagOnes_FLP($L,$12,$T,$13); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_LDL_FLP($A,$M,$L,$Dinv) { $A = $A|0; $M = $M|0; $L = $L|0; $Dinv = $Dinv|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0.0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0.0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0.0, $33 = 0.0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0.0, $36 = 0.0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0.0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0.0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0.0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0.0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0.0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0; var $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0.0, $74 = 0.0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0.0, $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0; var $81 = 0, $82 = 0.0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $A$addr = 0, $D = 0, $Dinv$addr = 0, $L$addr = 0, $M$addr = 0, $add = 0.0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr14 = 0; var $add$ptr42 = 0, $add$ptr53 = 0, $add$ptr56 = 0, $add$ptr60 = 0, $add$ptr87 = 0, $add$ptr88 = 0, $add11 = 0, $add13 = 0, $add31 = 0, $add41 = 0, $add43 = 0.0, $add52 = 0, $add55 = 0, $add57 = 0, $add59 = 0, $add61 = 0, $add74 = 0.0, $add86 = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0; var $arrayidx21 = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx25 = 0, $arrayidx48 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx70 = 0, $arrayidx71 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx81 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp63 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv15 = 0.0; var $conv27 = 0.0, $conv32 = 0.0, $conv39 = 0.0, $conv47 = 0.0, $conv49 = 0.0, $conv73 = 0.0, $conv79 = 0.0, $conv82 = 0.0, $conv84 = 0.0, $diag_min_value = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $err = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc45 = 0, $inc76 = 0, $inc90 = 0, $inc93 = 0, $inc96 = 0, $j = 0; var $k = 0, $loop_count = 0, $mul = 0, $mul10 = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul2 = 0.0, $mul22 = 0.0, $mul26 = 0.0, $mul33 = 0.0, $mul40 = 0, $mul51 = 0, $mul54 = 0, $mul58 = 0, $mul72 = 0.0, $mul83 = 0.0, $mul85 = 0, $ptr1 = 0, $ptr2 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub28 = 0.0; var $sub34 = 0.0, $sub80 = 0.0, $temp = 0.0, $v = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 192|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(192|0); $v = sp + 80|0; $D = sp + 16|0; $A$addr = $A; $M$addr = $M; $L$addr = $L; $Dinv$addr = $Dinv; $err = 1; $0 = $A$addr; $1 = +HEAPF32[$0>>2]; $2 = $A$addr; $3 = $M$addr; $4 = $M$addr; $mul = Math_imul($3, $4)|0; $sub = (($mul) - 1)|0; $arrayidx1 = (($2) + ($sub<<2)|0); $5 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2]; $add = $1 + $5; $mul2 = 4.9999998736893758E-6 * $add; $conv = $mul2; $diag_min_value = $conv; $loop_count = 0; while(1) { $6 = $loop_count; $7 = $M$addr; $cmp = ($6|0)<($7|0); $8 = $err; $cmp4 = ($8|0)==(1); $9 = $cmp ? $cmp4 : 0; if (!($9)) { break; } $err = 0; $j = 0; while(1) { $10 = $j; $11 = $M$addr; $cmp7 = ($10|0)<($11|0); if (!($cmp7)) { break; } $12 = $L$addr; $13 = $j; $14 = $M$addr; $mul10 = Math_imul($13, $14)|0; $add11 = (($mul10) + 0)|0; $add$ptr = (($12) + ($add11<<2)|0); $ptr1 = $add$ptr; $15 = $A$addr; $16 = $j; $17 = $M$addr; $mul12 = Math_imul($16, $17)|0; $18 = $j; $add13 = (($mul12) + ($18))|0; $add$ptr14 = (($15) + ($add13<<2)|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$add$ptr14>>2]; $conv15 = $19; $temp = $conv15; $i = 0; while(1) { $20 = $i; $21 = $j; $cmp17 = ($20|0)<($21|0); if (!($cmp17)) { break; } $22 = $ptr1; $23 = $i; $arrayidx20 = (($22) + ($23<<2)|0); $24 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx20>>2]; $25 = $i; $arrayidx21 = (($D) + ($25<<2)|0); $26 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx21>>2]; $mul22 = $24 * $26; $27 = $i; $arrayidx23 = (($v) + ($27<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx23>>2] = $mul22; $28 = $ptr1; $29 = $i; $arrayidx24 = (($28) + ($29<<2)|0); $30 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx24>>2]; $31 = $i; $arrayidx25 = (($v) + ($31<<2)|0); $32 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx25>>2]; $mul26 = $30 * $32; $conv27 = $mul26; $33 = $temp; $sub28 = $33 - $conv27; $temp = $sub28; $34 = $i; $inc = (($34) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $35 = $temp; $36 = $diag_min_value; $cmp29 = $35 < $36; if ($cmp29) { label = 9; break; } $49 = $temp; $conv47 = $49; $50 = $j; $arrayidx48 = (($D) + ($50<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx48>>2] = $conv47; $51 = $temp; $div = 1.0 / $51; $conv49 = $div; $52 = $Dinv$addr; $53 = $j; $arrayidx50 = (($52) + ($53<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx50>>2] = $conv49; $54 = $L$addr; $55 = $j; $56 = $M$addr; $mul51 = Math_imul($55, $56)|0; $57 = $j; $add52 = (($mul51) + ($57))|0; $add$ptr53 = (($54) + ($add52<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$add$ptr53>>2] = 1.0; $58 = $A$addr; $59 = $j; $60 = $M$addr; $mul54 = Math_imul($59, $60)|0; $add55 = (($mul54) + 0)|0; $add$ptr56 = (($58) + ($add55<<2)|0); $ptr1 = $add$ptr56; $61 = $L$addr; $62 = $j; $add57 = (($62) + 1)|0; $63 = $M$addr; $mul58 = Math_imul($add57, $63)|0; $add59 = (($mul58) + 0)|0; $add$ptr60 = (($61) + ($add59<<2)|0); $ptr2 = $add$ptr60; $64 = $j; $add61 = (($64) + 1)|0; $i = $add61; while(1) { $65 = $i; $66 = $M$addr; $cmp63 = ($65|0)<($66|0); if (!($cmp63)) { break; } $temp = 0.0; $k = 0; while(1) { $67 = $k; $68 = $j; $cmp67 = ($67|0)<($68|0); if (!($cmp67)) { break; } $69 = $ptr2; $70 = $k; $arrayidx70 = (($69) + ($70<<2)|0); $71 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx70>>2]; $72 = $k; $arrayidx71 = (($v) + ($72<<2)|0); $73 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx71>>2]; $mul72 = $71 * $73; $conv73 = $mul72; $74 = $temp; $add74 = $74 + $conv73; $temp = $add74; $75 = $k; $inc76 = (($75) + 1)|0; $k = $inc76; } $76 = $ptr1; $77 = $i; $arrayidx78 = (($76) + ($77<<2)|0); $78 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx78>>2]; $conv79 = $78; $79 = $temp; $sub80 = $conv79 - $79; $80 = $Dinv$addr; $81 = $j; $arrayidx81 = (($80) + ($81<<2)|0); $82 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx81>>2]; $conv82 = $82; $mul83 = $sub80 * $conv82; $conv84 = $mul83; $83 = $L$addr; $84 = $i; $85 = $M$addr; $mul85 = Math_imul($84, $85)|0; $86 = $j; $add86 = (($mul85) + ($86))|0; $add$ptr87 = (($83) + ($add86<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$add$ptr87>>2] = $conv84; $87 = $M$addr; $88 = $ptr2; $add$ptr88 = (($88) + ($87<<2)|0); $ptr2 = $add$ptr88; $89 = $i; $inc90 = (($89) + 1)|0; $i = $inc90; } $90 = $j; $inc93 = (($90) + 1)|0; $j = $inc93; } if ((label|0) == 9) { label = 0; $37 = $loop_count; $add31 = (($37) + 1)|0; $conv32 = (+($add31|0)); $38 = $diag_min_value; $mul33 = $conv32 * $38; $39 = $temp; $sub34 = $mul33 - $39; $temp = $sub34; $i = 0; while(1) { $40 = $i; $41 = $M$addr; $cmp36 = ($40|0)<($41|0); if (!($cmp36)) { break; } $42 = $temp; $conv39 = $42; $43 = $A$addr; $44 = $i; $45 = $M$addr; $mul40 = Math_imul($44, $45)|0; $46 = $i; $add41 = (($mul40) + ($46))|0; $add$ptr42 = (($43) + ($add41<<2)|0); $47 = +HEAPF32[$add$ptr42>>2]; $add43 = $47 + $conv39; HEAPF32[$add$ptr42>>2] = $add43; $48 = $i; $inc45 = (($48) + 1)|0; $i = $inc45; } $err = 1; } $91 = $loop_count; $inc96 = (($91) + 1)|0; $loop_count = $inc96; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_SolveWithLowerTriangularWdiagOnes_FLP($L,$M,$b,$x) { $L = $L|0; $M = $M|0; $b = $b|0; $x = $x|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0.0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0; var $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0.0, $L$addr = 0, $M$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add6 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx4 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc10 = 0, $j = 0, $mul = 0; var $mul5 = 0.0, $ptr1 = 0, $sub = 0.0, $temp = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $L$addr = $L; $M$addr = $M; $b$addr = $b; $x$addr = $x; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $M$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $L$addr; $3 = $i; $4 = $M$addr; $mul = Math_imul($3, $4)|0; $add = (($mul) + 0)|0; $add$ptr = (($2) + ($add<<2)|0); $ptr1 = $add$ptr; $temp = 0.0; $j = 0; while(1) { $5 = $j; $6 = $i; $cmp2 = ($5|0)<($6|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $7 = $ptr1; $8 = $j; $arrayidx = (($7) + ($8<<2)|0); $9 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $10 = $x$addr; $11 = $j; $arrayidx4 = (($10) + ($11<<2)|0); $12 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx4>>2]; $mul5 = $9 * $12; $13 = $temp; $add6 = $13 + $mul5; $temp = $add6; $14 = $j; $inc = (($14) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $15 = $b$addr; $16 = $i; $arrayidx7 = (($15) + ($16<<2)|0); $17 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx7>>2]; $18 = $temp; $sub = $17 - $18; $temp = $sub; $19 = $temp; $20 = $x$addr; $21 = $i; $arrayidx8 = (($20) + ($21<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2] = $19; $22 = $i; $inc10 = (($22) + 1)|0; $i = $inc10; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_SolveWithUpperTriangularFromLowerWdiagOnes_FLP($L,$M,$b,$x) { $L = $L|0; $M = $M|0; $b = $b|0; $x = $x|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0; var $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $L$addr = 0, $M$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add8 = 0.0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0, $arrayidx6 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $b$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $dec = 0, $dec13 = 0, $i = 0; var $j = 0, $mul = 0, $mul5 = 0, $mul7 = 0.0, $ptr1 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub10 = 0.0, $temp = 0.0, $x$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $L$addr = $L; $M$addr = $M; $b$addr = $b; $x$addr = $x; $0 = $M$addr; $sub = (($0) - 1)|0; $i = $sub; while(1) { $1 = $i; $cmp = ($1|0)>=(0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $L$addr; $3 = $M$addr; $mul = 0; $4 = $i; $add = (($mul) + ($4))|0; $add$ptr = (($2) + ($add<<2)|0); $ptr1 = $add$ptr; $temp = 0.0; $5 = $M$addr; $sub1 = (($5) - 1)|0; $j = $sub1; while(1) { $6 = $j; $7 = $i; $cmp3 = ($6|0)>($7|0); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $8 = $ptr1; $9 = $j; $10 = $M$addr; $mul5 = Math_imul($9, $10)|0; $arrayidx = (($8) + ($mul5<<2)|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $12 = $x$addr; $13 = $j; $arrayidx6 = (($12) + ($13<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx6>>2]; $mul7 = $11 * $14; $15 = $temp; $add8 = $15 + $mul7; $temp = $add8; $16 = $j; $dec = (($16) + -1)|0; $j = $dec; } $17 = $b$addr; $18 = $i; $arrayidx9 = (($17) + ($18<<2)|0); $19 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx9>>2]; $20 = $temp; $sub10 = $19 - $20; $temp = $sub10; $21 = $temp; $22 = $x$addr; $23 = $i; $arrayidx11 = (($22) + ($23<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx11>>2] = $21; $24 = $i; $dec13 = (($24) + -1)|0; $i = $dec13; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_burg_modified_FLP($A,$x,$minInvGain,$subfr_length,$nb_subfr,$D) { $A = $A|0; $x = $x|0; $minInvGain = +$minInvGain; $subfr_length = $subfr_length|0; $nb_subfr = $nb_subfr|0; $D = $D|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0.0, $103 = 0.0, $104 = 0.0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0.0, $108 = 0.0, $109 = 0.0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0.0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0.0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0.0, $117 = 0.0, $118 = 0.0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0.0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0.0, $126 = 0.0, $127 = 0.0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0.0, $131 = 0.0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0.0; var $134 = 0.0, $135 = 0.0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0.0, $138 = 0.0, $139 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0.0, $141 = 0.0, $142 = 0.0, $143 = 0.0, $144 = 0.0, $145 = 0.0, $146 = 0.0, $147 = 0.0, $148 = 0.0, $149 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0.0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0.0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0.0, $158 = 0.0, $159 = 0.0, $16 = 0.0, $160 = 0.0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0.0, $163 = 0.0, $164 = 0.0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0.0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0.0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0.0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0.0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0.0, $186 = 0.0, $187 = 0.0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0.0, $190 = 0.0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0.0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0.0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0.0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0.0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0.0, $211 = 0.0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0.0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0.0, $218 = 0.0, $219 = 0.0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0.0, $221 = 0.0, $222 = 0.0, $223 = 0.0; var $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0.0, $228 = 0.0, $229 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0.0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0.0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0.0; var $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0.0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0.0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0.0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0; var $53 = 0, $54 = 0.0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0.0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0.0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0.0, $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0.0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0.0; var $71 = 0.0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0.0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0.0, $82 = 0.0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0.0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0.0; var $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0.0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0.0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0.0, $A$addr = 0, $Af = 0, $Atmp = 0.0, $C0 = 0.0, $CAb = 0, $CAf = 0, $C_first_row = 0, $C_last_row = 0, $D$addr = 0; var $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr233 = 0, $add$ptr26 = 0, $add$ptr5 = 0, $add105 = 0.0, $add110 = 0.0, $add114 = 0, $add116 = 0, $add118 = 0, $add130 = 0.0, $add131 = 0, $add134 = 0.0, $add135 = 0, $add138 = 0.0, $add143 = 0.0, $add15 = 0.0, $add16 = 0.0, $add161 = 0, $add170 = 0.0; var $add173 = 0.0, $add182 = 0, $add193 = 0, $add199 = 0, $add203 = 0.0, $add206 = 0, $add208 = 0.0, $add247 = 0, $add250 = 0.0, $add252 = 0.0, $add48 = 0, $add60 = 0.0, $add62 = 0, $add66 = 0.0, $add8 = 0.0, $add81 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx100 = 0, $arrayidx103 = 0, $arrayidx108 = 0; var $arrayidx115 = 0, $arrayidx117 = 0, $arrayidx119 = 0, $arrayidx126 = 0, $arrayidx128 = 0, $arrayidx132 = 0, $arrayidx136 = 0, $arrayidx165 = 0, $arrayidx168 = 0, $arrayidx171 = 0, $arrayidx176 = 0, $arrayidx180 = 0, $arrayidx187 = 0, $arrayidx197 = 0, $arrayidx200 = 0, $arrayidx202 = 0, $arrayidx207 = 0, $arrayidx221 = 0, $arrayidx224 = 0, $arrayidx246 = 0; var $arrayidx248 = 0, $arrayidx255 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx36 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx46 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx57 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $arrayidx75 = 0, $arrayidx78 = 0, $arrayidx83 = 0, $arrayidx86 = 0, $arrayidx94 = 0, $arrayidx95 = 0, $call = 0.0; var $call153 = 0.0, $call234 = 0.0, $call6 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp123 = 0, $cmp148 = 0, $cmp154 = 0, $cmp162 = 0, $cmp184 = 0, $cmp194 = 0, $cmp20 = 0, $cmp218 = 0, $cmp229 = 0, $cmp23 = 0, $cmp243 = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp71 = 0, $cmp97 = 0, $conv = 0.0; var $conv147 = 0.0, $conv150 = 0.0, $conv158 = 0.0, $conv223 = 0.0, $conv254 = 0.0, $conv263 = 0.0, $conv31 = 0.0, $conv41 = 0.0, $conv51 = 0.0, $conv58 = 0.0, $conv64 = 0.0, $conv76 = 0.0, $conv84 = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $div151 = 0.0, $inc = 0, $inc10 = 0, $inc112 = 0, $inc140 = 0, $inc178 = 0; var $inc189 = 0, $inc210 = 0, $inc213 = 0, $inc226 = 0, $inc237 = 0, $inc257 = 0, $inc68 = 0, $inc89 = 0, $inc92 = 0, $invGain = 0.0, $k = 0, $minInvGain$addr = 0.0, $mul = 0, $mul1 = 0, $mul104 = 0.0, $mul109 = 0.0, $mul129 = 0.0, $mul133 = 0.0, $mul137 = 0.0, $mul14 = 0.0; var $mul142 = 0.0, $mul144 = 0.0, $mul146 = 0.0, $mul169 = 0.0, $mul172 = 0.0, $mul201 = 0.0, $mul204 = 0.0, $mul232 = 0, $mul239 = 0.0, $mul249 = 0.0, $mul25 = 0, $mul251 = 0.0, $mul259 = 0.0, $mul260 = 0.0, $mul40 = 0.0, $mul50 = 0.0, $mul59 = 0.0, $mul65 = 0.0, $mul77 = 0.0, $mul85 = 0.0; var $n = 0, $nb_subfr$addr = 0, $nrg_b = 0.0, $nrg_f = 0.0, $num = 0.0, $rc = 0.0, $reached_max_gain = 0, $s = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub101 = 0, $sub102 = 0, $sub106 = 0, $sub107 = 0, $sub127 = 0, $sub145 = 0.0, $sub152 = 0.0, $sub157 = 0.0, $sub166 = 0, $sub167 = 0; var $sub174 = 0, $sub175 = 0, $sub198 = 0, $sub205 = 0, $sub222 = 0.0, $sub235 = 0.0, $sub253 = 0.0, $sub261 = 0.0, $sub28 = 0, $sub29 = 0, $sub37 = 0, $sub38 = 0, $sub43 = 0.0, $sub44 = 0, $sub45 = 0, $sub47 = 0, $sub53 = 0.0, $sub55 = 0, $sub56 = 0, $sub61 = 0; var $sub7 = 0, $sub74 = 0, $sub79 = 0.0, $sub80 = 0, $sub82 = 0, $sub87 = 0.0, $subfr_length$addr = 0, $tmp1 = 0.0, $tmp2 = 0.0, $tobool = 0, $tobool215 = 0, $x$addr = 0, $x_ptr = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, src = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 784|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(784|0); $C_first_row = sp + 528|0; $C_last_row = sp + 400|0; $CAf = sp + 264|0; $CAb = sp + 128|0; $Af = sp; $A$addr = $A; $x$addr = $x; $minInvGain$addr = $minInvGain; $subfr_length$addr = $subfr_length; $nb_subfr$addr = $nb_subfr; $D$addr = $D; $0 = $x$addr; $1 = $nb_subfr$addr; $2 = $subfr_length$addr; $mul = Math_imul($1, $2)|0; $call = (+_silk_energy_FLP($0,$mul)); $C0 = $call; dest=$C_first_row; stop=dest+128|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=0|0; dest=dest+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $s = 0; while(1) { $3 = $s; $4 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)<($4|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $5 = $x$addr; $6 = $s; $7 = $subfr_length$addr; $mul1 = Math_imul($6, $7)|0; $add$ptr = (($5) + ($mul1<<2)|0); $x_ptr = $add$ptr; $n = 1; while(1) { $8 = $n; $9 = $D$addr; $add = (($9) + 1)|0; $cmp3 = ($8|0)<($add|0); if (!($cmp3)) { break; } $10 = $x_ptr; $11 = $x_ptr; $12 = $n; $add$ptr5 = (($11) + ($12<<2)|0); $13 = $subfr_length$addr; $14 = $n; $sub = (($13) - ($14))|0; $call6 = (+_silk_inner_product_FLP($10,$add$ptr5,$sub)); $15 = $n; $sub7 = (($15) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($C_first_row) + ($sub7<<3)|0); $16 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx>>3]; $add8 = $16 + $call6; HEAPF64[$arrayidx>>3] = $add8; $17 = $n; $inc = (($17) + 1)|0; $n = $inc; } $18 = $s; $inc10 = (($18) + 1)|0; $s = $inc10; } dest=$C_last_row; src=$C_first_row; stop=dest+128|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $19 = $C0; $20 = $C0; $mul14 = 9.9999997473787516E-6 * $20; $add15 = $19 + $mul14; $add16 = $add15 + 9.9999997171806853E-10; HEAPF64[$CAf>>3] = $add16; HEAPF64[$CAb>>3] = $add16; $invGain = 1.0; $reached_max_gain = 0; $n = 0; while(1) { $21 = $n; $22 = $D$addr; $cmp20 = ($21|0)<($22|0); if (!($cmp20)) { break; } $s = 0; while(1) { $23 = $s; $24 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp23 = ($23|0)<($24|0); if (!($cmp23)) { break; } $25 = $x$addr; $26 = $s; $27 = $subfr_length$addr; $mul25 = Math_imul($26, $27)|0; $add$ptr26 = (($25) + ($mul25<<2)|0); $x_ptr = $add$ptr26; $28 = $x_ptr; $29 = $n; $arrayidx27 = (($28) + ($29<<2)|0); $30 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx27>>2]; $conv = $30; $tmp1 = $conv; $31 = $x_ptr; $32 = $subfr_length$addr; $33 = $n; $sub28 = (($32) - ($33))|0; $sub29 = (($sub28) - 1)|0; $arrayidx30 = (($31) + ($sub29<<2)|0); $34 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx30>>2]; $conv31 = $34; $tmp2 = $conv31; $k = 0; while(1) { $35 = $k; $36 = $n; $cmp33 = ($35|0)<($36|0); if (!($cmp33)) { break; } $37 = $x_ptr; $38 = $n; $arrayidx36 = (($37) + ($38<<2)|0); $39 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx36>>2]; $40 = $x_ptr; $41 = $n; $42 = $k; $sub37 = (($41) - ($42))|0; $sub38 = (($sub37) - 1)|0; $arrayidx39 = (($40) + ($sub38<<2)|0); $43 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx39>>2]; $mul40 = $39 * $43; $conv41 = $mul40; $44 = $k; $arrayidx42 = (($C_first_row) + ($44<<3)|0); $45 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx42>>3]; $sub43 = $45 - $conv41; HEAPF64[$arrayidx42>>3] = $sub43; $46 = $x_ptr; $47 = $subfr_length$addr; $48 = $n; $sub44 = (($47) - ($48))|0; $sub45 = (($sub44) - 1)|0; $arrayidx46 = (($46) + ($sub45<<2)|0); $49 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx46>>2]; $50 = $x_ptr; $51 = $subfr_length$addr; $52 = $n; $sub47 = (($51) - ($52))|0; $53 = $k; $add48 = (($sub47) + ($53))|0; $arrayidx49 = (($50) + ($add48<<2)|0); $54 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx49>>2]; $mul50 = $49 * $54; $conv51 = $mul50; $55 = $k; $arrayidx52 = (($C_last_row) + ($55<<3)|0); $56 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx52>>3]; $sub53 = $56 - $conv51; HEAPF64[$arrayidx52>>3] = $sub53; $57 = $k; $arrayidx54 = (($Af) + ($57<<3)|0); $58 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx54>>3]; $Atmp = $58; $59 = $x_ptr; $60 = $n; $61 = $k; $sub55 = (($60) - ($61))|0; $sub56 = (($sub55) - 1)|0; $arrayidx57 = (($59) + ($sub56<<2)|0); $62 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx57>>2]; $conv58 = $62; $63 = $Atmp; $mul59 = $conv58 * $63; $64 = $tmp1; $add60 = $64 + $mul59; $tmp1 = $add60; $65 = $x_ptr; $66 = $subfr_length$addr; $67 = $n; $sub61 = (($66) - ($67))|0; $68 = $k; $add62 = (($sub61) + ($68))|0; $arrayidx63 = (($65) + ($add62<<2)|0); $69 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx63>>2]; $conv64 = $69; $70 = $Atmp; $mul65 = $conv64 * $70; $71 = $tmp2; $add66 = $71 + $mul65; $tmp2 = $add66; $72 = $k; $inc68 = (($72) + 1)|0; $k = $inc68; } $k = 0; while(1) { $73 = $k; $74 = $n; $cmp71 = ($73|0)<=($74|0); if (!($cmp71)) { break; } $75 = $tmp1; $76 = $x_ptr; $77 = $n; $78 = $k; $sub74 = (($77) - ($78))|0; $arrayidx75 = (($76) + ($sub74<<2)|0); $79 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx75>>2]; $conv76 = $79; $mul77 = $75 * $conv76; $80 = $k; $arrayidx78 = (($CAf) + ($80<<3)|0); $81 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx78>>3]; $sub79 = $81 - $mul77; HEAPF64[$arrayidx78>>3] = $sub79; $82 = $tmp2; $83 = $x_ptr; $84 = $subfr_length$addr; $85 = $n; $sub80 = (($84) - ($85))|0; $86 = $k; $add81 = (($sub80) + ($86))|0; $sub82 = (($add81) - 1)|0; $arrayidx83 = (($83) + ($sub82<<2)|0); $87 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx83>>2]; $conv84 = $87; $mul85 = $82 * $conv84; $88 = $k; $arrayidx86 = (($CAb) + ($88<<3)|0); $89 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx86>>3]; $sub87 = $89 - $mul85; HEAPF64[$arrayidx86>>3] = $sub87; $90 = $k; $inc89 = (($90) + 1)|0; $k = $inc89; } $91 = $s; $inc92 = (($91) + 1)|0; $s = $inc92; } $92 = $n; $arrayidx94 = (($C_first_row) + ($92<<3)|0); $93 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx94>>3]; $tmp1 = $93; $94 = $n; $arrayidx95 = (($C_last_row) + ($94<<3)|0); $95 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx95>>3]; $tmp2 = $95; $k = 0; while(1) { $96 = $k; $97 = $n; $cmp97 = ($96|0)<($97|0); if (!($cmp97)) { break; } $98 = $k; $arrayidx100 = (($Af) + ($98<<3)|0); $99 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx100>>3]; $Atmp = $99; $100 = $n; $101 = $k; $sub101 = (($100) - ($101))|0; $sub102 = (($sub101) - 1)|0; $arrayidx103 = (($C_last_row) + ($sub102<<3)|0); $102 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx103>>3]; $103 = $Atmp; $mul104 = $102 * $103; $104 = $tmp1; $add105 = $104 + $mul104; $tmp1 = $add105; $105 = $n; $106 = $k; $sub106 = (($105) - ($106))|0; $sub107 = (($sub106) - 1)|0; $arrayidx108 = (($C_first_row) + ($sub107<<3)|0); $107 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx108>>3]; $108 = $Atmp; $mul109 = $107 * $108; $109 = $tmp2; $add110 = $109 + $mul109; $tmp2 = $add110; $110 = $k; $inc112 = (($110) + 1)|0; $k = $inc112; } $111 = $tmp1; $112 = $n; $add114 = (($112) + 1)|0; $arrayidx115 = (($CAf) + ($add114<<3)|0); HEAPF64[$arrayidx115>>3] = $111; $113 = $tmp2; $114 = $n; $add116 = (($114) + 1)|0; $arrayidx117 = (($CAb) + ($add116<<3)|0); HEAPF64[$arrayidx117>>3] = $113; $115 = $n; $add118 = (($115) + 1)|0; $arrayidx119 = (($CAb) + ($add118<<3)|0); $116 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx119>>3]; $num = $116; $117 = +HEAPF64[$CAb>>3]; $nrg_b = $117; $118 = +HEAPF64[$CAf>>3]; $nrg_f = $118; $k = 0; while(1) { $119 = $k; $120 = $n; $cmp123 = ($119|0)<($120|0); if (!($cmp123)) { break; } $121 = $k; $arrayidx126 = (($Af) + ($121<<3)|0); $122 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx126>>3]; $Atmp = $122; $123 = $n; $124 = $k; $sub127 = (($123) - ($124))|0; $arrayidx128 = (($CAb) + ($sub127<<3)|0); $125 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx128>>3]; $126 = $Atmp; $mul129 = $125 * $126; $127 = $num; $add130 = $127 + $mul129; $num = $add130; $128 = $k; $add131 = (($128) + 1)|0; $arrayidx132 = (($CAb) + ($add131<<3)|0); $129 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx132>>3]; $130 = $Atmp; $mul133 = $129 * $130; $131 = $nrg_b; $add134 = $131 + $mul133; $nrg_b = $add134; $132 = $k; $add135 = (($132) + 1)|0; $arrayidx136 = (($CAf) + ($add135<<3)|0); $133 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx136>>3]; $134 = $Atmp; $mul137 = $133 * $134; $135 = $nrg_f; $add138 = $135 + $mul137; $nrg_f = $add138; $136 = $k; $inc140 = (($136) + 1)|0; $k = $inc140; } $137 = $num; $mul142 = -2.0 * $137; $138 = $nrg_f; $139 = $nrg_b; $add143 = $138 + $139; $div = $mul142 / $add143; $rc = $div; $140 = $invGain; $141 = $rc; $142 = $rc; $mul144 = $141 * $142; $sub145 = 1.0 - $mul144; $mul146 = $140 * $sub145; $tmp1 = $mul146; $143 = $tmp1; $144 = $minInvGain$addr; $conv147 = $144; $cmp148 = $143 <= $conv147; if ($cmp148) { $145 = $minInvGain$addr; $conv150 = $145; $146 = $invGain; $div151 = $conv150 / $146; $sub152 = 1.0 - $div151; $call153 = (+Math_sqrt((+$sub152))); $rc = $call153; $147 = $num; $cmp154 = $147 > 0.0; if ($cmp154) { $148 = $rc; $sub157 = - $148; $rc = $sub157; } $149 = $minInvGain$addr; $conv158 = $149; $invGain = $conv158; $reached_max_gain = 1; } else { $150 = $tmp1; $invGain = $150; } $k = 0; while(1) { $151 = $k; $152 = $n; $add161 = (($152) + 1)|0; $shr = $add161 >> 1; $cmp162 = ($151|0)<($shr|0); if (!($cmp162)) { break; } $153 = $k; $arrayidx165 = (($Af) + ($153<<3)|0); $154 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx165>>3]; $tmp1 = $154; $155 = $n; $156 = $k; $sub166 = (($155) - ($156))|0; $sub167 = (($sub166) - 1)|0; $arrayidx168 = (($Af) + ($sub167<<3)|0); $157 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx168>>3]; $tmp2 = $157; $158 = $tmp1; $159 = $rc; $160 = $tmp2; $mul169 = $159 * $160; $add170 = $158 + $mul169; $161 = $k; $arrayidx171 = (($Af) + ($161<<3)|0); HEAPF64[$arrayidx171>>3] = $add170; $162 = $tmp2; $163 = $rc; $164 = $tmp1; $mul172 = $163 * $164; $add173 = $162 + $mul172; $165 = $n; $166 = $k; $sub174 = (($165) - ($166))|0; $sub175 = (($sub174) - 1)|0; $arrayidx176 = (($Af) + ($sub175<<3)|0); HEAPF64[$arrayidx176>>3] = $add173; $167 = $k; $inc178 = (($167) + 1)|0; $k = $inc178; } $168 = $rc; $169 = $n; $arrayidx180 = (($Af) + ($169<<3)|0); HEAPF64[$arrayidx180>>3] = $168; $170 = $reached_max_gain; $tobool = ($170|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { label = 33; break; } $k = 0; while(1) { $176 = $k; $177 = $n; $add193 = (($177) + 1)|0; $cmp194 = ($176|0)<=($add193|0); if (!($cmp194)) { break; } $178 = $k; $arrayidx197 = (($CAf) + ($178<<3)|0); $179 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx197>>3]; $tmp1 = $179; $180 = $rc; $181 = $n; $182 = $k; $sub198 = (($181) - ($182))|0; $add199 = (($sub198) + 1)|0; $arrayidx200 = (($CAb) + ($add199<<3)|0); $183 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx200>>3]; $mul201 = $180 * $183; $184 = $k; $arrayidx202 = (($CAf) + ($184<<3)|0); $185 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx202>>3]; $add203 = $185 + $mul201; HEAPF64[$arrayidx202>>3] = $add203; $186 = $rc; $187 = $tmp1; $mul204 = $186 * $187; $188 = $n; $189 = $k; $sub205 = (($188) - ($189))|0; $add206 = (($sub205) + 1)|0; $arrayidx207 = (($CAb) + ($add206<<3)|0); $190 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx207>>3]; $add208 = $190 + $mul204; HEAPF64[$arrayidx207>>3] = $add208; $191 = $k; $inc210 = (($191) + 1)|0; $k = $inc210; } $192 = $n; $inc213 = (($192) + 1)|0; $n = $inc213; } L48: do { if ((label|0) == 33) { $171 = $n; $add182 = (($171) + 1)|0; $k = $add182; while(1) { $172 = $k; $173 = $D$addr; $cmp184 = ($172|0)<($173|0); if (!($cmp184)) { break L48; } $174 = $k; $arrayidx187 = (($Af) + ($174<<3)|0); HEAPF64[$arrayidx187>>3] = 0.0; $175 = $k; $inc189 = (($175) + 1)|0; $k = $inc189; } } } while(0); $193 = $reached_max_gain; $tobool215 = ($193|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool215)) { $211 = +HEAPF64[$CAf>>3]; $nrg_f = $211; $tmp1 = 1.0; $k = 0; while(1) { $212 = $k; $213 = $D$addr; $cmp243 = ($212|0)<($213|0); if (!($cmp243)) { break; } $214 = $k; $arrayidx246 = (($Af) + ($214<<3)|0); $215 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx246>>3]; $Atmp = $215; $216 = $k; $add247 = (($216) + 1)|0; $arrayidx248 = (($CAf) + ($add247<<3)|0); $217 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx248>>3]; $218 = $Atmp; $mul249 = $217 * $218; $219 = $nrg_f; $add250 = $219 + $mul249; $nrg_f = $add250; $220 = $Atmp; $221 = $Atmp; $mul251 = $220 * $221; $222 = $tmp1; $add252 = $222 + $mul251; $tmp1 = $add252; $223 = $Atmp; $sub253 = - $223; $conv254 = $sub253; $224 = $A$addr; $225 = $k; $arrayidx255 = (($224) + ($225<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx255>>2] = $conv254; $226 = $k; $inc257 = (($226) + 1)|0; $k = $inc257; } $227 = $C0; $mul259 = 9.9999997473787516E-6 * $227; $228 = $tmp1; $mul260 = $mul259 * $228; $229 = $nrg_f; $sub261 = $229 - $mul260; $nrg_f = $sub261; $230 = $nrg_f; $conv263 = $230; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$conv263); } $k = 0; while(1) { $194 = $k; $195 = $D$addr; $cmp218 = ($194|0)<($195|0); if (!($cmp218)) { break; } $196 = $k; $arrayidx221 = (($Af) + ($196<<3)|0); $197 = +HEAPF64[$arrayidx221>>3]; $sub222 = - $197; $conv223 = $sub222; $198 = $A$addr; $199 = $k; $arrayidx224 = (($198) + ($199<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx224>>2] = $conv223; $200 = $k; $inc226 = (($200) + 1)|0; $k = $inc226; } $s = 0; while(1) { $201 = $s; $202 = $nb_subfr$addr; $cmp229 = ($201|0)<($202|0); if (!($cmp229)) { break; } $203 = $x$addr; $204 = $s; $205 = $subfr_length$addr; $mul232 = Math_imul($204, $205)|0; $add$ptr233 = (($203) + ($mul232<<2)|0); $206 = $D$addr; $call234 = (+_silk_energy_FLP($add$ptr233,$206)); $207 = $C0; $sub235 = $207 - $call234; $C0 = $sub235; $208 = $s; $inc237 = (($208) + 1)|0; $s = $inc237; } $209 = $C0; $210 = $invGain; $mul239 = $209 * $210; $nrg_f = $mul239; $230 = $nrg_f; $conv263 = $230; STACKTOP = sp;return (+$conv263); } function _silk_scale_vector_FLP($data1,$gain,$dataSize) { $data1 = $data1|0; $gain = +$gain; $dataSize = $dataSize|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0.0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0.0, $26 = 0; var $3 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0.0, $7 = 0.0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add1 = 0, $add10 = 0, $add4 = 0, $add7 = 0, $and = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx2 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp12 = 0; var $data1$addr = 0, $dataSize$addr = 0, $dataSize4 = 0, $gain$addr = 0.0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul15 = 0.0, $mul3 = 0.0, $mul6 = 0.0, $mul9 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $data1$addr = $data1; $gain$addr = $gain; $dataSize$addr = $dataSize; $0 = $dataSize$addr; $and = $0 & 65532; $dataSize4 = $and; $i = 0; while(1) { $1 = $i; $2 = $dataSize4; $cmp = ($1|0)<($2|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $3 = $gain$addr; $4 = $data1$addr; $5 = $i; $add = (($5) + 0)|0; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($add<<2)|0); $6 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2]; $mul = $6 * $3; HEAPF32[$arrayidx>>2] = $mul; $7 = $gain$addr; $8 = $data1$addr; $9 = $i; $add1 = (($9) + 1)|0; $arrayidx2 = (($8) + ($add1<<2)|0); $10 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2]; $mul3 = $10 * $7; HEAPF32[$arrayidx2>>2] = $mul3; $11 = $gain$addr; $12 = $data1$addr; $13 = $i; $add4 = (($13) + 2)|0; $arrayidx5 = (($12) + ($add4<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $mul6 = $14 * $11; HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2] = $mul6; $15 = $gain$addr; $16 = $data1$addr; $17 = $i; $add7 = (($17) + 3)|0; $arrayidx8 = (($16) + ($add7<<2)|0); $18 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2]; $mul9 = $18 * $15; HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2] = $mul9; $19 = $i; $add10 = (($19) + 4)|0; $i = $add10; } while(1) { $20 = $i; $21 = $dataSize$addr; $cmp12 = ($20|0)<($21|0); if (!($cmp12)) { break; } $22 = $gain$addr; $23 = $data1$addr; $24 = $i; $arrayidx14 = (($23) + ($24<<2)|0); $25 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2]; $mul15 = $25 * $22; HEAPF32[$arrayidx14>>2] = $mul15; $26 = $i; $inc = (($26) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_CNG_Reset($psDec) { $psDec = $psDec|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16 = 0, $CNG_smth_NLSF_Q15 = 0, $LPC_order = 0, $LPC_order1 = 0, $NLSF_acc_Q15 = 0, $NLSF_step_Q15 = 0, $add = 0; var $add2 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $div = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $psDec$addr = 0, $rand_seed = 0, $sCNG = 0, $sCNG3 = 0, $sCNG4 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $psDec$addr = $psDec; $0 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order = ((($0)) + 2340|0); $1 = HEAP32[$LPC_order>>2]|0; $add = (($1) + 1)|0; $div = (32767 / ($add|0))&-1; $NLSF_step_Q15 = $div; $NLSF_acc_Q15 = 0; $i = 0; while(1) { $2 = $i; $3 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order1 = ((($3)) + 2340|0); $4 = HEAP32[$LPC_order1>>2]|0; $cmp = ($2|0)<($4|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $5 = $NLSF_step_Q15; $6 = $NLSF_acc_Q15; $add2 = (($6) + ($5))|0; $NLSF_acc_Q15 = $add2; $7 = $NLSF_acc_Q15; $conv = $7&65535; $8 = $psDec$addr; $sCNG = ((($8)) + 2772|0); $CNG_smth_NLSF_Q15 = ((($sCNG)) + 1280|0); $9 = $i; $arrayidx = (($CNG_smth_NLSF_Q15) + ($9<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1] = $conv; $10 = $i; $inc = (($10) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $11 = $psDec$addr; $sCNG3 = ((($11)) + 2772|0); $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16 = ((($sCNG3)) + 1376|0); HEAP32[$CNG_smth_Gain_Q16>>2] = 0; $12 = $psDec$addr; $sCNG4 = ((($12)) + 2772|0); $rand_seed = ((($sCNG4)) + 1380|0); HEAP32[$rand_seed>>2] = 3176576; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_CNG($psDec,$psDecCtrl,$frame,$length) { $psDec = $psDec|0; $psDecCtrl = $psDecCtrl|0; $frame = $frame|0; $length = $length|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0; var $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0; var $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0, $26 = 0; var $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0; var $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0; var $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0; var $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0; var $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $A_Q12 = 0, $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16 = 0, $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16111 = 0, $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16118 = 0; var $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16120 = 0, $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16140 = 0, $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16142 = 0, $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16146 = 0, $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16148 = 0, $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16154 = 0, $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16155 = 0, $CNG_smth_Gain_Q1664 = 0, $CNG_smth_Gain_Q1670 = 0, $CNG_smth_NLSF_Q15 = 0, $CNG_smth_NLSF_Q1513 = 0, $CNG_smth_NLSF_Q15169 = 0, $CNG_smth_NLSF_Q1519 = 0, $CNG_synth_state = 0, $CNG_synth_state499 = 0, $CNG_synth_state503 = 0, $Gains_Q16 = 0, $Gains_Q1632 = 0, $Gains_Q1657 = 0, $Gains_Q1662 = 0; var $LPC_order = 0, $LPC_order171 = 0, $LPC_order177 = 0, $LPC_order349 = 0, $LPC_order505 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add105 = 0, $add108 = 0, $add134 = 0, $add136 = 0, $add139 = 0, $add153 = 0, $add157 = 0, $add160 = 0, $add179 = 0, $add186 = 0, $add194 = 0, $add195 = 0, $add196 = 0; var $add203 = 0, $add211 = 0, $add212 = 0, $add213 = 0, $add22 = 0, $add220 = 0, $add228 = 0, $add229 = 0, $add230 = 0, $add237 = 0, $add245 = 0, $add246 = 0, $add247 = 0, $add254 = 0, $add262 = 0, $add263 = 0, $add264 = 0, $add271 = 0, $add279 = 0, $add280 = 0; var $add281 = 0, $add288 = 0, $add296 = 0, $add297 = 0, $add298 = 0, $add305 = 0, $add313 = 0, $add314 = 0, $add315 = 0, $add322 = 0, $add330 = 0, $add331 = 0, $add332 = 0, $add339 = 0, $add347 = 0, $add348 = 0, $add353 = 0, $add360 = 0, $add368 = 0, $add369 = 0; var $add370 = 0, $add377 = 0, $add385 = 0, $add386 = 0, $add387 = 0, $add394 = 0, $add402 = 0, $add403 = 0, $add404 = 0, $add411 = 0, $add419 = 0, $add420 = 0, $add421 = 0, $add428 = 0, $add436 = 0, $add437 = 0, $add438 = 0, $add445 = 0, $add453 = 0, $add454 = 0; var $add456 = 0, $add459 = 0, $add460 = 0, $add464 = 0, $add467 = 0, $add469 = 0, $add474 = 0, $add477 = 0, $add479 = 0, $add486 = 0, $add489 = 0, $add491 = 0, $add69 = 0, $add71 = 0, $add78 = 0, $add97 = 0, $and = 0, $and129 = 0, $and147 = 0, $and189 = 0; var $and206 = 0, $and223 = 0, $and240 = 0, $and257 = 0, $and274 = 0, $and291 = 0, $and308 = 0, $and325 = 0, $and342 = 0, $and363 = 0, $and380 = 0, $and397 = 0, $and414 = 0, $and431 = 0, $and448 = 0, $and66 = 0, $and89 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx103 = 0, $arrayidx11 = 0; var $arrayidx14 = 0, $arrayidx181 = 0, $arrayidx188 = 0, $arrayidx198 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0, $arrayidx200 = 0, $arrayidx205 = 0, $arrayidx207 = 0, $arrayidx215 = 0, $arrayidx217 = 0, $arrayidx222 = 0, $arrayidx224 = 0, $arrayidx232 = 0, $arrayidx234 = 0, $arrayidx239 = 0, $arrayidx241 = 0, $arrayidx249 = 0, $arrayidx251 = 0, $arrayidx256 = 0, $arrayidx258 = 0; var $arrayidx266 = 0, $arrayidx268 = 0, $arrayidx273 = 0, $arrayidx275 = 0, $arrayidx28 = 0, $arrayidx283 = 0, $arrayidx285 = 0, $arrayidx290 = 0, $arrayidx292 = 0, $arrayidx300 = 0, $arrayidx302 = 0, $arrayidx307 = 0, $arrayidx309 = 0, $arrayidx317 = 0, $arrayidx319 = 0, $arrayidx324 = 0, $arrayidx326 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx334 = 0, $arrayidx336 = 0; var $arrayidx341 = 0, $arrayidx343 = 0, $arrayidx355 = 0, $arrayidx357 = 0, $arrayidx362 = 0, $arrayidx364 = 0, $arrayidx372 = 0, $arrayidx374 = 0, $arrayidx379 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx381 = 0, $arrayidx389 = 0, $arrayidx391 = 0, $arrayidx396 = 0, $arrayidx398 = 0, $arrayidx406 = 0, $arrayidx408 = 0, $arrayidx413 = 0, $arrayidx415 = 0, $arrayidx423 = 0; var $arrayidx425 = 0, $arrayidx430 = 0, $arrayidx432 = 0, $arrayidx440 = 0, $arrayidx442 = 0, $arrayidx447 = 0, $arrayidx449 = 0, $arrayidx457 = 0, $arrayidx461 = 0, $arrayidx462 = 0, $arrayidx465 = 0, $arrayidx472 = 0, $arrayidx475 = 0, $arrayidx484 = 0, $arrayidx487 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx495 = 0, $arrayidx501 = 0, $arrayidx58 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0; var $arrayidx8 = 0, $arrayidx82 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $call = 0, $call163 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp109 = 0, $cmp112 = 0, $cmp174 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp350 = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp470 = 0, $cmp480 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp54 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cond493 = 0, $conv = 0; var $conv100 = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv126 = 0, $conv127 = 0, $conv130 = 0, $conv131 = 0, $conv143 = 0, $conv144 = 0, $conv149 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv150 = 0, $conv184 = 0, $conv191 = 0, $conv201 = 0, $conv208 = 0, $conv21 = 0, $conv218 = 0, $conv225 = 0, $conv23 = 0, $conv235 = 0; var $conv242 = 0, $conv252 = 0, $conv259 = 0, $conv269 = 0, $conv276 = 0, $conv286 = 0, $conv293 = 0, $conv303 = 0, $conv310 = 0, $conv320 = 0, $conv327 = 0, $conv337 = 0, $conv344 = 0, $conv358 = 0, $conv365 = 0, $conv375 = 0, $conv382 = 0, $conv392 = 0, $conv399 = 0, $conv409 = 0; var $conv416 = 0, $conv426 = 0, $conv433 = 0, $conv443 = 0, $conv450 = 0, $conv463 = 0, $conv473 = 0, $conv485 = 0, $conv494 = 0, $conv79 = 0, $conv83 = 0, $conv84 = 0, $conv88 = 0, $conv9 = 0, $conv93 = 0, $conv94 = 0, $exc_Q14 = 0, $frame$addr = 0, $fs_kHz = 0, $fs_kHz1 = 0; var $fs_kHz2 = 0, $fs_kHz3 = 0, $gain_Q16 = 0, $i = 0, $inc = 0, $inc36 = 0, $inc497 = 0, $inc73 = 0, $length$addr = 0, $lossCnt = 0, $lossCnt76 = 0, $max_Gain_Q16 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul107 = 0, $mul117 = 0, $mul122 = 0, $mul128 = 0, $mul132 = 0, $mul138 = 0, $mul145 = 0; var $mul151 = 0, $mul159 = 0, $mul17 = 0, $mul185 = 0, $mul192 = 0, $mul202 = 0, $mul209 = 0, $mul219 = 0, $mul226 = 0, $mul236 = 0, $mul243 = 0, $mul253 = 0, $mul260 = 0, $mul270 = 0, $mul277 = 0, $mul287 = 0, $mul294 = 0, $mul304 = 0, $mul311 = 0, $mul321 = 0; var $mul328 = 0, $mul338 = 0, $mul345 = 0, $mul359 = 0, $mul366 = 0, $mul376 = 0, $mul383 = 0, $mul393 = 0, $mul400 = 0, $mul410 = 0, $mul417 = 0, $mul427 = 0, $mul43 = 0, $mul434 = 0, $mul44 = 0, $mul444 = 0, $mul451 = 0, $mul48 = 0, $mul506 = 0, $mul51 = 0; var $mul61 = 0, $mul67 = 0, $mul85 = 0, $mul95 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $nb_subfr40 = 0, $nb_subfr53 = 0, $prevGain_Q16 = 0, $prevGain_Q16102 = 0, $prevGain_Q1691 = 0, $prevNLSF_Q15 = 0, $prevNLSF_Q1510 = 0, $prevSignalType = 0, $psCNG = 0, $psDec$addr = 0, $psDecCtrl$addr = 0, $randScale_Q14 = 0, $randScale_Q1487 = 0, $randScale_Q1499 = 0, $rand_seed = 0; var $sCNG = 0, $sPLC = 0, $sPLC101 = 0, $sPLC81 = 0, $sPLC86 = 0, $sPLC90 = 0, $sPLC98 = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shl = 0, $shl124 = 0, $shl161 = 0, $shl164 = 0, $shl458 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr104 = 0, $shr106 = 0, $shr115 = 0, $shr116 = 0, $shr119 = 0, $shr121 = 0; var $shr125 = 0, $shr133 = 0, $shr135 = 0, $shr137 = 0, $shr141 = 0, $shr152 = 0, $shr156 = 0, $shr158 = 0, $shr178 = 0, $shr18 = 0, $shr182 = 0, $shr193 = 0, $shr199 = 0, $shr210 = 0, $shr216 = 0, $shr227 = 0, $shr233 = 0, $shr244 = 0, $shr250 = 0, $shr261 = 0; var $shr267 = 0, $shr278 = 0, $shr284 = 0, $shr295 = 0, $shr301 = 0, $shr312 = 0, $shr318 = 0, $shr329 = 0, $shr335 = 0, $shr346 = 0, $shr356 = 0, $shr367 = 0, $shr373 = 0, $shr384 = 0, $shr390 = 0, $shr401 = 0, $shr407 = 0, $shr418 = 0, $shr424 = 0, $shr435 = 0; var $shr441 = 0, $shr452 = 0, $shr466 = 0, $shr468 = 0, $shr476 = 0, $shr478 = 0, $shr488 = 0, $shr490 = 0, $shr60 = 0, $shr68 = 0, $shr80 = 0, $shr96 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub123 = 0, $sub16 = 0, $sub162 = 0, $sub180 = 0, $sub187 = 0, $sub197 = 0, $sub204 = 0; var $sub214 = 0, $sub221 = 0, $sub231 = 0, $sub238 = 0, $sub248 = 0, $sub255 = 0, $sub265 = 0, $sub272 = 0, $sub282 = 0, $sub289 = 0, $sub299 = 0, $sub306 = 0, $sub316 = 0, $sub323 = 0, $sub333 = 0, $sub340 = 0, $sub354 = 0, $sub361 = 0, $sub371 = 0, $sub378 = 0; var $sub388 = 0, $sub395 = 0, $sub405 = 0, $sub41 = 0, $sub412 = 0, $sub422 = 0, $sub429 = 0, $sub439 = 0, $sub446 = 0, $sub59 = 0, $sub65 = 0, $subfr = 0, $subfr_length = 0, $subfr_length42 = 0, $subfr_length47 = 0, $subfr_length50 = 0, $sum_Q6 = 0, $tobool = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0; var dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, src = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 80|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(80|0); $A_Q12 = sp + 48|0; $psDec$addr = $psDec; $psDecCtrl$addr = $psDecCtrl; $frame$addr = $frame; $length$addr = $length; $0 = $psDec$addr; $sCNG = ((($0)) + 2772|0); $psCNG = $sCNG; $1 = $psDec$addr; $fs_kHz = ((($1)) + 2316|0); $2 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz>>2]|0; $3 = $psCNG; $fs_kHz1 = ((($3)) + 1384|0); $4 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz1>>2]|0; $cmp = ($2|0)!=($4|0); if ($cmp) { $5 = $psDec$addr; _silk_CNG_Reset($5); $6 = $psDec$addr; $fs_kHz2 = ((($6)) + 2316|0); $7 = HEAP32[$fs_kHz2>>2]|0; $8 = $psCNG; $fs_kHz3 = ((($8)) + 1384|0); HEAP32[$fs_kHz3>>2] = $7; } $9 = $psDec$addr; $lossCnt = ((($9)) + 4160|0); $10 = HEAP32[$lossCnt>>2]|0; $cmp4 = ($10|0)==(0); L4: do { if ($cmp4) { $11 = $psDec$addr; $prevSignalType = ((($11)) + 4164|0); $12 = HEAP32[$prevSignalType>>2]|0; $cmp5 = ($12|0)==(0); if ($cmp5) { $i = 0; while(1) { $13 = $i; $14 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order = ((($14)) + 2340|0); $15 = HEAP32[$LPC_order>>2]|0; $cmp7 = ($13|0)<($15|0); if (!($cmp7)) { break; } $16 = $psDec$addr; $prevNLSF_Q15 = ((($16)) + 2344|0); $17 = $i; $arrayidx = (($prevNLSF_Q15) + ($17<<1)|0); $18 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $18 << 16 >> 16; $19 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_NLSF_Q15 = ((($19)) + 1280|0); $20 = $i; $arrayidx8 = (($CNG_smth_NLSF_Q15) + ($20<<1)|0); $21 = HEAP16[$arrayidx8>>1]|0; $conv9 = $21 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($conv) - ($conv9))|0; $shr = $sub >> 16; $mul = ($shr*16348)|0; $22 = $psDec$addr; $prevNLSF_Q1510 = ((($22)) + 2344|0); $23 = $i; $arrayidx11 = (($prevNLSF_Q1510) + ($23<<1)|0); $24 = HEAP16[$arrayidx11>>1]|0; $conv12 = $24 << 16 >> 16; $25 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_NLSF_Q1513 = ((($25)) + 1280|0); $26 = $i; $arrayidx14 = (($CNG_smth_NLSF_Q1513) + ($26<<1)|0); $27 = HEAP16[$arrayidx14>>1]|0; $conv15 = $27 << 16 >> 16; $sub16 = (($conv12) - ($conv15))|0; $and = $sub16 & 65535; $mul17 = ($and*16348)|0; $shr18 = $mul17 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr18))|0; $28 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_NLSF_Q1519 = ((($28)) + 1280|0); $29 = $i; $arrayidx20 = (($CNG_smth_NLSF_Q1519) + ($29<<1)|0); $30 = HEAP16[$arrayidx20>>1]|0; $conv21 = $30 << 16 >> 16; $add22 = (($conv21) + ($add))|0; $conv23 = $add22&65535; HEAP16[$arrayidx20>>1] = $conv23; $31 = $i; $inc = (($31) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $max_Gain_Q16 = 0; $subfr = 0; $i = 0; while(1) { $32 = $i; $33 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($33)) + 2324|0); $34 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $cmp25 = ($32|0)<($34|0); if (!($cmp25)) { break; } $35 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $Gains_Q16 = ((($35)) + 16|0); $36 = $i; $arrayidx28 = (($Gains_Q16) + ($36<<2)|0); $37 = HEAP32[$arrayidx28>>2]|0; $38 = $max_Gain_Q16; $cmp29 = ($37|0)>($38|0); if ($cmp29) { $39 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $Gains_Q1632 = ((($39)) + 16|0); $40 = $i; $arrayidx33 = (($Gains_Q1632) + ($40<<2)|0); $41 = HEAP32[$arrayidx33>>2]|0; $max_Gain_Q16 = $41; $42 = $i; $subfr = $42; } $43 = $i; $inc36 = (($43) + 1)|0; $i = $inc36; } $44 = $psCNG; $45 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length = ((($45)) + 2332|0); $46 = HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2]|0; $arrayidx38 = (($44) + ($46<<2)|0); $47 = $psCNG; $48 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr40 = ((($48)) + 2324|0); $49 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr40>>2]|0; $sub41 = (($49) - 1)|0; $50 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length42 = ((($50)) + 2332|0); $51 = HEAP32[$subfr_length42>>2]|0; $mul43 = Math_imul($sub41, $51)|0; $mul44 = $mul43<<2; _memmove(($arrayidx38|0),($47|0),($mul44|0))|0; $52 = $psCNG; $53 = $psDec$addr; $exc_Q14 = ((($53)) + 4|0); $54 = $subfr; $55 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length47 = ((($55)) + 2332|0); $56 = HEAP32[$subfr_length47>>2]|0; $mul48 = Math_imul($54, $56)|0; $arrayidx49 = (($exc_Q14) + ($mul48<<2)|0); $57 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length50 = ((($57)) + 2332|0); $58 = HEAP32[$subfr_length50>>2]|0; $mul51 = $58<<2; _memcpy(($52|0),($arrayidx49|0),($mul51|0))|0; $i = 0; while(1) { $59 = $i; $60 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr53 = ((($60)) + 2324|0); $61 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr53>>2]|0; $cmp54 = ($59|0)<($61|0); if (!($cmp54)) { break L4; } $62 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $Gains_Q1657 = ((($62)) + 16|0); $63 = $i; $arrayidx58 = (($Gains_Q1657) + ($63<<2)|0); $64 = HEAP32[$arrayidx58>>2]|0; $65 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16 = ((($65)) + 1376|0); $66 = HEAP32[$CNG_smth_Gain_Q16>>2]|0; $sub59 = (($64) - ($66))|0; $shr60 = $sub59 >> 16; $mul61 = ($shr60*4634)|0; $67 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $Gains_Q1662 = ((($67)) + 16|0); $68 = $i; $arrayidx63 = (($Gains_Q1662) + ($68<<2)|0); $69 = HEAP32[$arrayidx63>>2]|0; $70 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_Gain_Q1664 = ((($70)) + 1376|0); $71 = HEAP32[$CNG_smth_Gain_Q1664>>2]|0; $sub65 = (($69) - ($71))|0; $and66 = $sub65 & 65535; $mul67 = ($and66*4634)|0; $shr68 = $mul67 >> 16; $add69 = (($mul61) + ($shr68))|0; $72 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_Gain_Q1670 = ((($72)) + 1376|0); $73 = HEAP32[$CNG_smth_Gain_Q1670>>2]|0; $add71 = (($73) + ($add69))|0; HEAP32[$CNG_smth_Gain_Q1670>>2] = $add71; $74 = $i; $inc73 = (($74) + 1)|0; $i = $inc73; } } } } while(0); $75 = $psDec$addr; $lossCnt76 = ((($75)) + 4160|0); $76 = HEAP32[$lossCnt76>>2]|0; $tobool = ($76|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $273 = $psCNG; $CNG_synth_state503 = ((($273)) + 1312|0); $274 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order505 = ((($274)) + 2340|0); $275 = HEAP32[$LPC_order505>>2]|0; $mul506 = $275<<2; _memset(($CNG_synth_state503|0),0,($mul506|0))|0; STACKTOP = sp;return; } $77 = $length$addr; $add78 = (($77) + 16)|0; $78 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $78; $vla$alloca_mul = $add78<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $79 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC = ((($79)) + 4168|0); $randScale_Q14 = ((($sPLC)) + 56|0); $80 = HEAP16[$randScale_Q14>>1]|0; $conv79 = $80 << 16 >> 16; $shr80 = $conv79 >> 16; $81 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC81 = ((($81)) + 4168|0); $prevGain_Q16 = ((($sPLC81)) + 72|0); $arrayidx82 = ((($prevGain_Q16)) + 4|0); $82 = HEAP32[$arrayidx82>>2]|0; $conv83 = $82&65535; $conv84 = $conv83 << 16 >> 16; $mul85 = Math_imul($shr80, $conv84)|0; $83 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC86 = ((($83)) + 4168|0); $randScale_Q1487 = ((($sPLC86)) + 56|0); $84 = HEAP16[$randScale_Q1487>>1]|0; $conv88 = $84 << 16 >> 16; $and89 = $conv88 & 65535; $85 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC90 = ((($85)) + 4168|0); $prevGain_Q1691 = ((($sPLC90)) + 72|0); $arrayidx92 = ((($prevGain_Q1691)) + 4|0); $86 = HEAP32[$arrayidx92>>2]|0; $conv93 = $86&65535; $conv94 = $conv93 << 16 >> 16; $mul95 = Math_imul($and89, $conv94)|0; $shr96 = $mul95 >> 16; $add97 = (($mul85) + ($shr96))|0; $87 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC98 = ((($87)) + 4168|0); $randScale_Q1499 = ((($sPLC98)) + 56|0); $88 = HEAP16[$randScale_Q1499>>1]|0; $conv100 = $88 << 16 >> 16; $89 = $psDec$addr; $sPLC101 = ((($89)) + 4168|0); $prevGain_Q16102 = ((($sPLC101)) + 72|0); $arrayidx103 = ((($prevGain_Q16102)) + 4|0); $90 = HEAP32[$arrayidx103>>2]|0; $shr104 = $90 >> 15; $add105 = (($shr104) + 1)|0; $shr106 = $add105 >> 1; $mul107 = Math_imul($conv100, $shr106)|0; $add108 = (($add97) + ($mul107))|0; $gain_Q16 = $add108; $91 = $gain_Q16; $cmp109 = ($91|0)>=(2097152); if ($cmp109) { label = 19; } else { $92 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16111 = ((($92)) + 1376|0); $93 = HEAP32[$CNG_smth_Gain_Q16111>>2]|0; $cmp112 = ($93|0)>(8388608); if ($cmp112) { label = 19; } else { $102 = $gain_Q16; $shr125 = $102 >> 16; $103 = $gain_Q16; $conv126 = $103&65535; $conv127 = $conv126 << 16 >> 16; $mul128 = Math_imul($shr125, $conv127)|0; $104 = $gain_Q16; $and129 = $104 & 65535; $105 = $gain_Q16; $conv130 = $105&65535; $conv131 = $conv130 << 16 >> 16; $mul132 = Math_imul($and129, $conv131)|0; $shr133 = $mul132 >> 16; $add134 = (($mul128) + ($shr133))|0; $106 = $gain_Q16; $107 = $gain_Q16; $shr135 = $107 >> 15; $add136 = (($shr135) + 1)|0; $shr137 = $add136 >> 1; $mul138 = Math_imul($106, $shr137)|0; $add139 = (($add134) + ($mul138))|0; $gain_Q16 = $add139; $108 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16140 = ((($108)) + 1376|0); $109 = HEAP32[$CNG_smth_Gain_Q16140>>2]|0; $shr141 = $109 >> 16; $110 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16142 = ((($110)) + 1376|0); $111 = HEAP32[$CNG_smth_Gain_Q16142>>2]|0; $conv143 = $111&65535; $conv144 = $conv143 << 16 >> 16; $mul145 = Math_imul($shr141, $conv144)|0; $112 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16146 = ((($112)) + 1376|0); $113 = HEAP32[$CNG_smth_Gain_Q16146>>2]|0; $and147 = $113 & 65535; $114 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16148 = ((($114)) + 1376|0); $115 = HEAP32[$CNG_smth_Gain_Q16148>>2]|0; $conv149 = $115&65535; $conv150 = $conv149 << 16 >> 16; $mul151 = Math_imul($and147, $conv150)|0; $shr152 = $mul151 >> 16; $add153 = (($mul145) + ($shr152))|0; $116 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16154 = ((($116)) + 1376|0); $117 = HEAP32[$CNG_smth_Gain_Q16154>>2]|0; $118 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16155 = ((($118)) + 1376|0); $119 = HEAP32[$CNG_smth_Gain_Q16155>>2]|0; $shr156 = $119 >> 15; $add157 = (($shr156) + 1)|0; $shr158 = $add157 >> 1; $mul159 = Math_imul($117, $shr158)|0; $add160 = (($add153) + ($mul159))|0; $120 = $gain_Q16; $shl161 = $120 << 5; $sub162 = (($add160) - ($shl161))|0; $gain_Q16 = $sub162; $121 = $gain_Q16; $call163 = (_silk_SQRT_APPROX_543($121)|0); $shl164 = $call163 << 8; $gain_Q16 = $shl164; } } if ((label|0) == 19) { $94 = $gain_Q16; $shr115 = $94 >> 16; $95 = $gain_Q16; $shr116 = $95 >> 16; $mul117 = Math_imul($shr115, $shr116)|0; $gain_Q16 = $mul117; $96 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16118 = ((($96)) + 1376|0); $97 = HEAP32[$CNG_smth_Gain_Q16118>>2]|0; $shr119 = $97 >> 16; $98 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_Gain_Q16120 = ((($98)) + 1376|0); $99 = HEAP32[$CNG_smth_Gain_Q16120>>2]|0; $shr121 = $99 >> 16; $mul122 = Math_imul($shr119, $shr121)|0; $100 = $gain_Q16; $shl = $100 << 5; $sub123 = (($mul122) - ($shl))|0; $gain_Q16 = $sub123; $101 = $gain_Q16; $call = (_silk_SQRT_APPROX_543($101)|0); $shl124 = $call << 16; $gain_Q16 = $shl124; } $add$ptr = ((($vla)) + 64|0); $122 = $psCNG; $123 = $gain_Q16; $124 = $length$addr; $125 = $psCNG; $rand_seed = ((($125)) + 1380|0); _silk_CNG_exc($add$ptr,$122,$123,$124,$rand_seed); $126 = $psCNG; $CNG_smth_NLSF_Q15169 = ((($126)) + 1280|0); $127 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order171 = ((($127)) + 2340|0); $128 = HEAP32[$LPC_order171>>2]|0; _silk_NLSF2A($A_Q12,$CNG_smth_NLSF_Q15169,$128); $129 = $psCNG; $CNG_synth_state = ((($129)) + 1312|0); dest=$vla; src=$CNG_synth_state; stop=dest+64|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $i = 0; while(1) { $130 = $i; $131 = $length$addr; $cmp174 = ($130|0)<($131|0); if (!($cmp174)) { break; } $132 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order177 = ((($132)) + 2340|0); $133 = HEAP32[$LPC_order177>>2]|0; $shr178 = $133 >> 1; $sum_Q6 = $shr178; $134 = $sum_Q6; $135 = $i; $add179 = (16 + ($135))|0; $sub180 = (($add179) - 1)|0; $arrayidx181 = (($vla) + ($sub180<<2)|0); $136 = HEAP32[$arrayidx181>>2]|0; $shr182 = $136 >> 16; $137 = HEAP16[$A_Q12>>1]|0; $conv184 = $137 << 16 >> 16; $mul185 = Math_imul($shr182, $conv184)|0; $138 = $i; $add186 = (16 + ($138))|0; $sub187 = (($add186) - 1)|0; $arrayidx188 = (($vla) + ($sub187<<2)|0); $139 = HEAP32[$arrayidx188>>2]|0; $and189 = $139 & 65535; $140 = HEAP16[$A_Q12>>1]|0; $conv191 = $140 << 16 >> 16; $mul192 = Math_imul($and189, $conv191)|0; $shr193 = $mul192 >> 16; $add194 = (($mul185) + ($shr193))|0; $add195 = (($134) + ($add194))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add195; $141 = $sum_Q6; $142 = $i; $add196 = (16 + ($142))|0; $sub197 = (($add196) - 2)|0; $arrayidx198 = (($vla) + ($sub197<<2)|0); $143 = HEAP32[$arrayidx198>>2]|0; $shr199 = $143 >> 16; $arrayidx200 = ((($A_Q12)) + 2|0); $144 = HEAP16[$arrayidx200>>1]|0; $conv201 = $144 << 16 >> 16; $mul202 = Math_imul($shr199, $conv201)|0; $145 = $i; $add203 = (16 + ($145))|0; $sub204 = (($add203) - 2)|0; $arrayidx205 = (($vla) + ($sub204<<2)|0); $146 = HEAP32[$arrayidx205>>2]|0; $and206 = $146 & 65535; $arrayidx207 = ((($A_Q12)) + 2|0); $147 = HEAP16[$arrayidx207>>1]|0; $conv208 = $147 << 16 >> 16; $mul209 = Math_imul($and206, $conv208)|0; $shr210 = $mul209 >> 16; $add211 = (($mul202) + ($shr210))|0; $add212 = (($141) + ($add211))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add212; $148 = $sum_Q6; $149 = $i; $add213 = (16 + ($149))|0; $sub214 = (($add213) - 3)|0; $arrayidx215 = (($vla) + ($sub214<<2)|0); $150 = HEAP32[$arrayidx215>>2]|0; $shr216 = $150 >> 16; $arrayidx217 = ((($A_Q12)) + 4|0); $151 = HEAP16[$arrayidx217>>1]|0; $conv218 = $151 << 16 >> 16; $mul219 = Math_imul($shr216, $conv218)|0; $152 = $i; $add220 = (16 + ($152))|0; $sub221 = (($add220) - 3)|0; $arrayidx222 = (($vla) + ($sub221<<2)|0); $153 = HEAP32[$arrayidx222>>2]|0; $and223 = $153 & 65535; $arrayidx224 = ((($A_Q12)) + 4|0); $154 = HEAP16[$arrayidx224>>1]|0; $conv225 = $154 << 16 >> 16; $mul226 = Math_imul($and223, $conv225)|0; $shr227 = $mul226 >> 16; $add228 = (($mul219) + ($shr227))|0; $add229 = (($148) + ($add228))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add229; $155 = $sum_Q6; $156 = $i; $add230 = (16 + ($156))|0; $sub231 = (($add230) - 4)|0; $arrayidx232 = (($vla) + ($sub231<<2)|0); $157 = HEAP32[$arrayidx232>>2]|0; $shr233 = $157 >> 16; $arrayidx234 = ((($A_Q12)) + 6|0); $158 = HEAP16[$arrayidx234>>1]|0; $conv235 = $158 << 16 >> 16; $mul236 = Math_imul($shr233, $conv235)|0; $159 = $i; $add237 = (16 + ($159))|0; $sub238 = (($add237) - 4)|0; $arrayidx239 = (($vla) + ($sub238<<2)|0); $160 = HEAP32[$arrayidx239>>2]|0; $and240 = $160 & 65535; $arrayidx241 = ((($A_Q12)) + 6|0); $161 = HEAP16[$arrayidx241>>1]|0; $conv242 = $161 << 16 >> 16; $mul243 = Math_imul($and240, $conv242)|0; $shr244 = $mul243 >> 16; $add245 = (($mul236) + ($shr244))|0; $add246 = (($155) + ($add245))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add246; $162 = $sum_Q6; $163 = $i; $add247 = (16 + ($163))|0; $sub248 = (($add247) - 5)|0; $arrayidx249 = (($vla) + ($sub248<<2)|0); $164 = HEAP32[$arrayidx249>>2]|0; $shr250 = $164 >> 16; $arrayidx251 = ((($A_Q12)) + 8|0); $165 = HEAP16[$arrayidx251>>1]|0; $conv252 = $165 << 16 >> 16; $mul253 = Math_imul($shr250, $conv252)|0; $166 = $i; $add254 = (16 + ($166))|0; $sub255 = (($add254) - 5)|0; $arrayidx256 = (($vla) + ($sub255<<2)|0); $167 = HEAP32[$arrayidx256>>2]|0; $and257 = $167 & 65535; $arrayidx258 = ((($A_Q12)) + 8|0); $168 = HEAP16[$arrayidx258>>1]|0; $conv259 = $168 << 16 >> 16; $mul260 = Math_imul($and257, $conv259)|0; $shr261 = $mul260 >> 16; $add262 = (($mul253) + ($shr261))|0; $add263 = (($162) + ($add262))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add263; $169 = $sum_Q6; $170 = $i; $add264 = (16 + ($170))|0; $sub265 = (($add264) - 6)|0; $arrayidx266 = (($vla) + ($sub265<<2)|0); $171 = HEAP32[$arrayidx266>>2]|0; $shr267 = $171 >> 16; $arrayidx268 = ((($A_Q12)) + 10|0); $172 = HEAP16[$arrayidx268>>1]|0; $conv269 = $172 << 16 >> 16; $mul270 = Math_imul($shr267, $conv269)|0; $173 = $i; $add271 = (16 + ($173))|0; $sub272 = (($add271) - 6)|0; $arrayidx273 = (($vla) + ($sub272<<2)|0); $174 = HEAP32[$arrayidx273>>2]|0; $and274 = $174 & 65535; $arrayidx275 = ((($A_Q12)) + 10|0); $175 = HEAP16[$arrayidx275>>1]|0; $conv276 = $175 << 16 >> 16; $mul277 = Math_imul($and274, $conv276)|0; $shr278 = $mul277 >> 16; $add279 = (($mul270) + ($shr278))|0; $add280 = (($169) + ($add279))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add280; $176 = $sum_Q6; $177 = $i; $add281 = (16 + ($177))|0; $sub282 = (($add281) - 7)|0; $arrayidx283 = (($vla) + ($sub282<<2)|0); $178 = HEAP32[$arrayidx283>>2]|0; $shr284 = $178 >> 16; $arrayidx285 = ((($A_Q12)) + 12|0); $179 = HEAP16[$arrayidx285>>1]|0; $conv286 = $179 << 16 >> 16; $mul287 = Math_imul($shr284, $conv286)|0; $180 = $i; $add288 = (16 + ($180))|0; $sub289 = (($add288) - 7)|0; $arrayidx290 = (($vla) + ($sub289<<2)|0); $181 = HEAP32[$arrayidx290>>2]|0; $and291 = $181 & 65535; $arrayidx292 = ((($A_Q12)) + 12|0); $182 = HEAP16[$arrayidx292>>1]|0; $conv293 = $182 << 16 >> 16; $mul294 = Math_imul($and291, $conv293)|0; $shr295 = $mul294 >> 16; $add296 = (($mul287) + ($shr295))|0; $add297 = (($176) + ($add296))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add297; $183 = $sum_Q6; $184 = $i; $add298 = (16 + ($184))|0; $sub299 = (($add298) - 8)|0; $arrayidx300 = (($vla) + ($sub299<<2)|0); $185 = HEAP32[$arrayidx300>>2]|0; $shr301 = $185 >> 16; $arrayidx302 = ((($A_Q12)) + 14|0); $186 = HEAP16[$arrayidx302>>1]|0; $conv303 = $186 << 16 >> 16; $mul304 = Math_imul($shr301, $conv303)|0; $187 = $i; $add305 = (16 + ($187))|0; $sub306 = (($add305) - 8)|0; $arrayidx307 = (($vla) + ($sub306<<2)|0); $188 = HEAP32[$arrayidx307>>2]|0; $and308 = $188 & 65535; $arrayidx309 = ((($A_Q12)) + 14|0); $189 = HEAP16[$arrayidx309>>1]|0; $conv310 = $189 << 16 >> 16; $mul311 = Math_imul($and308, $conv310)|0; $shr312 = $mul311 >> 16; $add313 = (($mul304) + ($shr312))|0; $add314 = (($183) + ($add313))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add314; $190 = $sum_Q6; $191 = $i; $add315 = (16 + ($191))|0; $sub316 = (($add315) - 9)|0; $arrayidx317 = (($vla) + ($sub316<<2)|0); $192 = HEAP32[$arrayidx317>>2]|0; $shr318 = $192 >> 16; $arrayidx319 = ((($A_Q12)) + 16|0); $193 = HEAP16[$arrayidx319>>1]|0; $conv320 = $193 << 16 >> 16; $mul321 = Math_imul($shr318, $conv320)|0; $194 = $i; $add322 = (16 + ($194))|0; $sub323 = (($add322) - 9)|0; $arrayidx324 = (($vla) + ($sub323<<2)|0); $195 = HEAP32[$arrayidx324>>2]|0; $and325 = $195 & 65535; $arrayidx326 = ((($A_Q12)) + 16|0); $196 = HEAP16[$arrayidx326>>1]|0; $conv327 = $196 << 16 >> 16; $mul328 = Math_imul($and325, $conv327)|0; $shr329 = $mul328 >> 16; $add330 = (($mul321) + ($shr329))|0; $add331 = (($190) + ($add330))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add331; $197 = $sum_Q6; $198 = $i; $add332 = (16 + ($198))|0; $sub333 = (($add332) - 10)|0; $arrayidx334 = (($vla) + ($sub333<<2)|0); $199 = HEAP32[$arrayidx334>>2]|0; $shr335 = $199 >> 16; $arrayidx336 = ((($A_Q12)) + 18|0); $200 = HEAP16[$arrayidx336>>1]|0; $conv337 = $200 << 16 >> 16; $mul338 = Math_imul($shr335, $conv337)|0; $201 = $i; $add339 = (16 + ($201))|0; $sub340 = (($add339) - 10)|0; $arrayidx341 = (($vla) + ($sub340<<2)|0); $202 = HEAP32[$arrayidx341>>2]|0; $and342 = $202 & 65535; $arrayidx343 = ((($A_Q12)) + 18|0); $203 = HEAP16[$arrayidx343>>1]|0; $conv344 = $203 << 16 >> 16; $mul345 = Math_imul($and342, $conv344)|0; $shr346 = $mul345 >> 16; $add347 = (($mul338) + ($shr346))|0; $add348 = (($197) + ($add347))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add348; $204 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order349 = ((($204)) + 2340|0); $205 = HEAP32[$LPC_order349>>2]|0; $cmp350 = ($205|0)==(16); if ($cmp350) { $206 = $sum_Q6; $207 = $i; $add353 = (16 + ($207))|0; $sub354 = (($add353) - 11)|0; $arrayidx355 = (($vla) + ($sub354<<2)|0); $208 = HEAP32[$arrayidx355>>2]|0; $shr356 = $208 >> 16; $arrayidx357 = ((($A_Q12)) + 20|0); $209 = HEAP16[$arrayidx357>>1]|0; $conv358 = $209 << 16 >> 16; $mul359 = Math_imul($shr356, $conv358)|0; $210 = $i; $add360 = (16 + ($210))|0; $sub361 = (($add360) - 11)|0; $arrayidx362 = (($vla) + ($sub361<<2)|0); $211 = HEAP32[$arrayidx362>>2]|0; $and363 = $211 & 65535; $arrayidx364 = ((($A_Q12)) + 20|0); $212 = HEAP16[$arrayidx364>>1]|0; $conv365 = $212 << 16 >> 16; $mul366 = Math_imul($and363, $conv365)|0; $shr367 = $mul366 >> 16; $add368 = (($mul359) + ($shr367))|0; $add369 = (($206) + ($add368))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add369; $213 = $sum_Q6; $214 = $i; $add370 = (16 + ($214))|0; $sub371 = (($add370) - 12)|0; $arrayidx372 = (($vla) + ($sub371<<2)|0); $215 = HEAP32[$arrayidx372>>2]|0; $shr373 = $215 >> 16; $arrayidx374 = ((($A_Q12)) + 22|0); $216 = HEAP16[$arrayidx374>>1]|0; $conv375 = $216 << 16 >> 16; $mul376 = Math_imul($shr373, $conv375)|0; $217 = $i; $add377 = (16 + ($217))|0; $sub378 = (($add377) - 12)|0; $arrayidx379 = (($vla) + ($sub378<<2)|0); $218 = HEAP32[$arrayidx379>>2]|0; $and380 = $218 & 65535; $arrayidx381 = ((($A_Q12)) + 22|0); $219 = HEAP16[$arrayidx381>>1]|0; $conv382 = $219 << 16 >> 16; $mul383 = Math_imul($and380, $conv382)|0; $shr384 = $mul383 >> 16; $add385 = (($mul376) + ($shr384))|0; $add386 = (($213) + ($add385))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add386; $220 = $sum_Q6; $221 = $i; $add387 = (16 + ($221))|0; $sub388 = (($add387) - 13)|0; $arrayidx389 = (($vla) + ($sub388<<2)|0); $222 = HEAP32[$arrayidx389>>2]|0; $shr390 = $222 >> 16; $arrayidx391 = ((($A_Q12)) + 24|0); $223 = HEAP16[$arrayidx391>>1]|0; $conv392 = $223 << 16 >> 16; $mul393 = Math_imul($shr390, $conv392)|0; $224 = $i; $add394 = (16 + ($224))|0; $sub395 = (($add394) - 13)|0; $arrayidx396 = (($vla) + ($sub395<<2)|0); $225 = HEAP32[$arrayidx396>>2]|0; $and397 = $225 & 65535; $arrayidx398 = ((($A_Q12)) + 24|0); $226 = HEAP16[$arrayidx398>>1]|0; $conv399 = $226 << 16 >> 16; $mul400 = Math_imul($and397, $conv399)|0; $shr401 = $mul400 >> 16; $add402 = (($mul393) + ($shr401))|0; $add403 = (($220) + ($add402))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add403; $227 = $sum_Q6; $228 = $i; $add404 = (16 + ($228))|0; $sub405 = (($add404) - 14)|0; $arrayidx406 = (($vla) + ($sub405<<2)|0); $229 = HEAP32[$arrayidx406>>2]|0; $shr407 = $229 >> 16; $arrayidx408 = ((($A_Q12)) + 26|0); $230 = HEAP16[$arrayidx408>>1]|0; $conv409 = $230 << 16 >> 16; $mul410 = Math_imul($shr407, $conv409)|0; $231 = $i; $add411 = (16 + ($231))|0; $sub412 = (($add411) - 14)|0; $arrayidx413 = (($vla) + ($sub412<<2)|0); $232 = HEAP32[$arrayidx413>>2]|0; $and414 = $232 & 65535; $arrayidx415 = ((($A_Q12)) + 26|0); $233 = HEAP16[$arrayidx415>>1]|0; $conv416 = $233 << 16 >> 16; $mul417 = Math_imul($and414, $conv416)|0; $shr418 = $mul417 >> 16; $add419 = (($mul410) + ($shr418))|0; $add420 = (($227) + ($add419))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add420; $234 = $sum_Q6; $235 = $i; $add421 = (16 + ($235))|0; $sub422 = (($add421) - 15)|0; $arrayidx423 = (($vla) + ($sub422<<2)|0); $236 = HEAP32[$arrayidx423>>2]|0; $shr424 = $236 >> 16; $arrayidx425 = ((($A_Q12)) + 28|0); $237 = HEAP16[$arrayidx425>>1]|0; $conv426 = $237 << 16 >> 16; $mul427 = Math_imul($shr424, $conv426)|0; $238 = $i; $add428 = (16 + ($238))|0; $sub429 = (($add428) - 15)|0; $arrayidx430 = (($vla) + ($sub429<<2)|0); $239 = HEAP32[$arrayidx430>>2]|0; $and431 = $239 & 65535; $arrayidx432 = ((($A_Q12)) + 28|0); $240 = HEAP16[$arrayidx432>>1]|0; $conv433 = $240 << 16 >> 16; $mul434 = Math_imul($and431, $conv433)|0; $shr435 = $mul434 >> 16; $add436 = (($mul427) + ($shr435))|0; $add437 = (($234) + ($add436))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add437; $241 = $sum_Q6; $242 = $i; $add438 = (16 + ($242))|0; $sub439 = (($add438) - 16)|0; $arrayidx440 = (($vla) + ($sub439<<2)|0); $243 = HEAP32[$arrayidx440>>2]|0; $shr441 = $243 >> 16; $arrayidx442 = ((($A_Q12)) + 30|0); $244 = HEAP16[$arrayidx442>>1]|0; $conv443 = $244 << 16 >> 16; $mul444 = Math_imul($shr441, $conv443)|0; $245 = $i; $add445 = (16 + ($245))|0; $sub446 = (($add445) - 16)|0; $arrayidx447 = (($vla) + ($sub446<<2)|0); $246 = HEAP32[$arrayidx447>>2]|0; $and448 = $246 & 65535; $arrayidx449 = ((($A_Q12)) + 30|0); $247 = HEAP16[$arrayidx449>>1]|0; $conv450 = $247 << 16 >> 16; $mul451 = Math_imul($and448, $conv450)|0; $shr452 = $mul451 >> 16; $add453 = (($mul444) + ($shr452))|0; $add454 = (($241) + ($add453))|0; $sum_Q6 = $add454; } $248 = $i; $add456 = (16 + ($248))|0; $arrayidx457 = (($vla) + ($add456<<2)|0); $249 = HEAP32[$arrayidx457>>2]|0; $250 = $sum_Q6; $shl458 = $250 << 4; $add459 = (($249) + ($shl458))|0; $251 = $i; $add460 = (16 + ($251))|0; $arrayidx461 = (($vla) + ($add460<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx461>>2] = $add459; $252 = $frame$addr; $253 = $i; $arrayidx462 = (($252) + ($253<<1)|0); $254 = HEAP16[$arrayidx462>>1]|0; $conv463 = $254 << 16 >> 16; $255 = $i; $add464 = (16 + ($255))|0; $arrayidx465 = (($vla) + ($add464<<2)|0); $256 = HEAP32[$arrayidx465>>2]|0; $shr466 = $256 >> 9; $add467 = (($shr466) + 1)|0; $shr468 = $add467 >> 1; $add469 = (($conv463) + ($shr468))|0; $cmp470 = ($add469|0)>(32767); if ($cmp470) { $cond493 = 32767; } else { $257 = $frame$addr; $258 = $i; $arrayidx472 = (($257) + ($258<<1)|0); $259 = HEAP16[$arrayidx472>>1]|0; $conv473 = $259 << 16 >> 16; $260 = $i; $add474 = (16 + ($260))|0; $arrayidx475 = (($vla) + ($add474<<2)|0); $261 = HEAP32[$arrayidx475>>2]|0; $shr476 = $261 >> 9; $add477 = (($shr476) + 1)|0; $shr478 = $add477 >> 1; $add479 = (($conv473) + ($shr478))|0; $cmp480 = ($add479|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp480) { $cond493 = -32768; } else { $262 = $frame$addr; $263 = $i; $arrayidx484 = (($262) + ($263<<1)|0); $264 = HEAP16[$arrayidx484>>1]|0; $conv485 = $264 << 16 >> 16; $265 = $i; $add486 = (16 + ($265))|0; $arrayidx487 = (($vla) + ($add486<<2)|0); $266 = HEAP32[$arrayidx487>>2]|0; $shr488 = $266 >> 9; $add489 = (($shr488) + 1)|0; $shr490 = $add489 >> 1; $add491 = (($conv485) + ($shr490))|0; $cond493 = $add491; } } $conv494 = $cond493&65535; $267 = $frame$addr; $268 = $i; $arrayidx495 = (($267) + ($268<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx495>>1] = $conv494; $269 = $i; $inc497 = (($269) + 1)|0; $i = $inc497; } $270 = $psCNG; $CNG_synth_state499 = ((($270)) + 1312|0); $271 = $length$addr; $arrayidx501 = (($vla) + ($271<<2)|0); dest=$CNG_synth_state499; src=$arrayidx501; stop=dest+64|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $272 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($272|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_SQRT_APPROX_543($x) { $x = $x|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add17 = 0, $and = 0, $and9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv11 = 0; var $conv13 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $frac_Q7 = 0, $lz = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $retval = 0, $shr = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr4 = 0, $tobool = 0, $x$addr = 0, $y = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $lz = sp + 4|0; $frac_Q7 = sp; $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<=(0); if ($cmp) { $retval = 0; $11 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($11|0); } $1 = $x$addr; _silk_CLZ_FRAC_544($1,$lz,$frac_Q7); $2 = HEAP32[$lz>>2]|0; $and = $2 & 1; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $y = 32768; } else { $y = 46214; } $3 = HEAP32[$lz>>2]|0; $shr = $3 >> 1; $4 = $y; $shr3 = $4 >> $shr; $y = $shr3; $5 = $y; $6 = $y; $shr4 = $6 >> 16; $7 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $conv = $7&65535; $conv5 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = ($conv5*213)|0; $conv6 = $mul&65535; $conv7 = $conv6 << 16 >> 16; $mul8 = Math_imul($shr4, $conv7)|0; $8 = $y; $and9 = $8 & 65535; $9 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $conv10 = $9&65535; $conv11 = $conv10 << 16 >> 16; $mul12 = ($conv11*213)|0; $conv13 = $mul12&65535; $conv14 = $conv13 << 16 >> 16; $mul15 = Math_imul($and9, $conv14)|0; $shr16 = $mul15 >> 16; $add = (($mul8) + ($shr16))|0; $add17 = (($5) + ($add))|0; $y = $add17; $10 = $y; $retval = $10; $11 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($11|0); } function _silk_CNG_exc($exc_Q10,$exc_buf_Q14,$Gain_Q16,$length,$rand_seed) { $exc_Q10 = $exc_Q10|0; $exc_buf_Q14 = $exc_buf_Q14|0; $Gain_Q16 = $Gain_Q16|0; $length = $length|0; $rand_seed = $rand_seed|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Gain_Q16$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add14 = 0, $add18 = 0, $add21 = 0, $add37 = 0, $add41 = 0, $add44 = 0, $add62 = 0, $add66 = 0; var $add69 = 0, $and = 0, $and31 = 0, $and56 = 0, $and8 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx30 = 0, $arrayidx38 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx63 = 0, $arrayidx7 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp45 = 0, $cond71 = 0; var $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv11 = 0, $conv27 = 0, $conv28 = 0, $conv33 = 0, $conv34 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv52 = 0, $conv53 = 0, $conv58 = 0, $conv59 = 0, $conv72 = 0, $conv73 = 0, $exc_Q10$addr = 0, $exc_buf_Q14$addr = 0, $exc_mask = 0, $i = 0, $idx = 0, $inc = 0; var $length$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul20 = 0, $mul29 = 0, $mul35 = 0, $mul43 = 0, $mul54 = 0, $mul6 = 0, $mul60 = 0, $mul68 = 0, $rand_seed$addr = 0, $seed = 0, $shr = 0, $shr13 = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr17 = 0, $shr19 = 0, $shr2 = 0, $shr25 = 0; var $shr26 = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr36 = 0, $shr39 = 0, $shr4 = 0, $shr40 = 0, $shr42 = 0, $shr50 = 0, $shr51 = 0, $shr57 = 0, $shr61 = 0, $shr64 = 0, $shr65 = 0, $shr67 = 0, $shr9 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $exc_Q10$addr = $exc_Q10; $exc_buf_Q14$addr = $exc_buf_Q14; $Gain_Q16$addr = $Gain_Q16; $length$addr = $length; $rand_seed$addr = $rand_seed; $exc_mask = 255; while(1) { $0 = $exc_mask; $1 = $length$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $exc_mask; $shr = $2 >> 1; $exc_mask = $shr; } $3 = $rand_seed$addr; $4 = HEAP32[$3>>2]|0; $seed = $4; $i = 0; while(1) { $5 = $i; $6 = $length$addr; $cmp1 = ($5|0)<($6|0); $7 = $seed; if (!($cmp1)) { break; } $mul = Math_imul($7, 196314165)|0; $add = (907633515 + ($mul))|0; $seed = $add; $8 = $seed; $shr2 = $8 >> 24; $9 = $exc_mask; $and = $shr2 & $9; $idx = $and; $10 = $exc_buf_Q14$addr; $11 = $idx; $arrayidx = (($10) + ($11<<2)|0); $12 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $shr3 = $12 >> 16; $13 = $Gain_Q16$addr; $shr4 = $13 >> 4; $conv = $shr4&65535; $conv5 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul6 = Math_imul($shr3, $conv5)|0; $14 = $exc_buf_Q14$addr; $15 = $idx; $arrayidx7 = (($14) + ($15<<2)|0); $16 = HEAP32[$arrayidx7>>2]|0; $and8 = $16 & 65535; $17 = $Gain_Q16$addr; $shr9 = $17 >> 4; $conv10 = $shr9&65535; $conv11 = $conv10 << 16 >> 16; $mul12 = Math_imul($and8, $conv11)|0; $shr13 = $mul12 >> 16; $add14 = (($mul6) + ($shr13))|0; $18 = $exc_buf_Q14$addr; $19 = $idx; $arrayidx15 = (($18) + ($19<<2)|0); $20 = HEAP32[$arrayidx15>>2]|0; $21 = $Gain_Q16$addr; $shr16 = $21 >> 4; $shr17 = $shr16 >> 15; $add18 = (($shr17) + 1)|0; $shr19 = $add18 >> 1; $mul20 = Math_imul($20, $shr19)|0; $add21 = (($add14) + ($mul20))|0; $cmp22 = ($add21|0)>(32767); if ($cmp22) { $cond71 = 32767; } else { $22 = $exc_buf_Q14$addr; $23 = $idx; $arrayidx24 = (($22) + ($23<<2)|0); $24 = HEAP32[$arrayidx24>>2]|0; $shr25 = $24 >> 16; $25 = $Gain_Q16$addr; $shr26 = $25 >> 4; $conv27 = $shr26&65535; $conv28 = $conv27 << 16 >> 16; $mul29 = Math_imul($shr25, $conv28)|0; $26 = $exc_buf_Q14$addr; $27 = $idx; $arrayidx30 = (($26) + ($27<<2)|0); $28 = HEAP32[$arrayidx30>>2]|0; $and31 = $28 & 65535; $29 = $Gain_Q16$addr; $shr32 = $29 >> 4; $conv33 = $shr32&65535; $conv34 = $conv33 << 16 >> 16; $mul35 = Math_imul($and31, $conv34)|0; $shr36 = $mul35 >> 16; $add37 = (($mul29) + ($shr36))|0; $30 = $exc_buf_Q14$addr; $31 = $idx; $arrayidx38 = (($30) + ($31<<2)|0); $32 = HEAP32[$arrayidx38>>2]|0; $33 = $Gain_Q16$addr; $shr39 = $33 >> 4; $shr40 = $shr39 >> 15; $add41 = (($shr40) + 1)|0; $shr42 = $add41 >> 1; $mul43 = Math_imul($32, $shr42)|0; $add44 = (($add37) + ($mul43))|0; $cmp45 = ($add44|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp45) { $cond71 = -32768; } else { $34 = $exc_buf_Q14$addr; $35 = $idx; $arrayidx49 = (($34) + ($35<<2)|0); $36 = HEAP32[$arrayidx49>>2]|0; $shr50 = $36 >> 16; $37 = $Gain_Q16$addr; $shr51 = $37 >> 4; $conv52 = $shr51&65535; $conv53 = $conv52 << 16 >> 16; $mul54 = Math_imul($shr50, $conv53)|0; $38 = $exc_buf_Q14$addr; $39 = $idx; $arrayidx55 = (($38) + ($39<<2)|0); $40 = HEAP32[$arrayidx55>>2]|0; $and56 = $40 & 65535; $41 = $Gain_Q16$addr; $shr57 = $41 >> 4; $conv58 = $shr57&65535; $conv59 = $conv58 << 16 >> 16; $mul60 = Math_imul($and56, $conv59)|0; $shr61 = $mul60 >> 16; $add62 = (($mul54) + ($shr61))|0; $42 = $exc_buf_Q14$addr; $43 = $idx; $arrayidx63 = (($42) + ($43<<2)|0); $44 = HEAP32[$arrayidx63>>2]|0; $45 = $Gain_Q16$addr; $shr64 = $45 >> 4; $shr65 = $shr64 >> 15; $add66 = (($shr65) + 1)|0; $shr67 = $add66 >> 1; $mul68 = Math_imul($44, $shr67)|0; $add69 = (($add62) + ($mul68))|0; $cond71 = $add69; } } $conv72 = $cond71&65535; $conv73 = $conv72 << 16 >> 16; $46 = $exc_Q10$addr; $47 = $i; $arrayidx74 = (($46) + ($47<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx74>>2] = $conv73; $48 = $i; $inc = (($48) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $49 = $rand_seed$addr; HEAP32[$49>>2] = $7; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_CLZ_FRAC_544($in,$lz,$frac_Q7) { $in = $in|0; $lz = $lz|0; $frac_Q7 = $frac_Q7|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $and = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $frac_Q7$addr = 0, $in$addr = 0, $lz$addr = 0, $lzeros = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in$addr = $in; $lz$addr = $lz; $frac_Q7$addr = $frac_Q7; $0 = $in$addr; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_545($0)|0); $lzeros = $call; $1 = $lzeros; $2 = $lz$addr; HEAP32[$2>>2] = $1; $3 = $in$addr; $4 = $lzeros; $sub = (24 - ($4))|0; $call1 = (_silk_ROR32_546($3,$sub)|0); $and = $call1 & 127; $5 = $frac_Q7$addr; HEAP32[$5>>2] = $and; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_CLZ32_545($in32) { $in32 = $in32|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $cond = 0, $in32$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in32$addr = $in32; $0 = $in32$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $cond = 32; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $1 = $in32$addr; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $sub1 = (32 - ($sub))|0; $cond = $sub1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_ROR32_546($a32,$rot) { $a32 = $a32|0; $rot = $rot|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $a32$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $m = 0, $or = 0, $or8 = 0; var $r = 0, $retval = 0, $rot$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl6 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr7 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $x = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $a32$addr = $a32; $rot$addr = $rot; $0 = $a32$addr; $x = $0; $1 = $rot$addr; $r = $1; $2 = $rot$addr; $sub = (0 - ($2))|0; $m = $sub; $3 = $rot$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)==(0); if ($cmp) { $4 = $a32$addr; $retval = $4; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } $5 = $rot$addr; $cmp1 = ($5|0)<(0); $6 = $x; if ($cmp1) { $7 = $m; $shl = $6 << $7; $8 = $x; $9 = $m; $sub3 = (32 - ($9))|0; $shr = $8 >>> $sub3; $or = $shl | $shr; $retval = $or; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } else { $10 = $r; $sub5 = (32 - ($10))|0; $shl6 = $6 << $sub5; $11 = $x; $12 = $r; $shr7 = $11 >>> $12; $or8 = $shl6 | $shr7; $retval = $or8; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } return (0)|0; } function _silk_decode_core($psDec,$psDecCtrl,$xq,$pulses,$arch) { $psDec = $psDec|0; $psDecCtrl = $psDecCtrl|0; $xq = $xq|0; $pulses = $pulses|0; $arch = $arch|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0; var $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0; var $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0; var $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0; var $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0; var $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0, $204 = 0, $205 = 0; var $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $219 = 0, $22 = 0, $220 = 0, $221 = 0, $222 = 0, $223 = 0; var $224 = 0, $225 = 0, $226 = 0, $227 = 0, $228 = 0, $229 = 0, $23 = 0, $230 = 0, $231 = 0, $232 = 0, $233 = 0, $234 = 0, $235 = 0, $236 = 0, $237 = 0, $238 = 0, $239 = 0, $24 = 0, $240 = 0, $241 = 0; var $242 = 0, $243 = 0, $244 = 0, $245 = 0, $246 = 0, $247 = 0, $248 = 0, $249 = 0, $25 = 0, $250 = 0, $251 = 0, $252 = 0, $253 = 0, $254 = 0, $255 = 0, $256 = 0, $257 = 0, $258 = 0, $259 = 0, $26 = 0; var $260 = 0, $261 = 0, $262 = 0, $263 = 0, $264 = 0, $265 = 0, $266 = 0, $267 = 0, $268 = 0, $269 = 0, $27 = 0, $270 = 0, $271 = 0, $272 = 0, $273 = 0, $274 = 0, $275 = 0, $276 = 0, $277 = 0, $278 = 0; var $279 = 0, $28 = 0, $280 = 0, $281 = 0, $282 = 0, $283 = 0, $284 = 0, $285 = 0, $286 = 0, $287 = 0, $288 = 0, $289 = 0, $29 = 0, $290 = 0, $291 = 0, $292 = 0, $293 = 0, $294 = 0, $295 = 0, $296 = 0; var $297 = 0, $298 = 0, $299 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $300 = 0, $301 = 0, $302 = 0, $303 = 0, $304 = 0, $305 = 0, $306 = 0, $307 = 0, $308 = 0, $309 = 0, $31 = 0, $310 = 0, $311 = 0, $312 = 0, $313 = 0; var $314 = 0, $315 = 0, $316 = 0, $317 = 0, $318 = 0, $319 = 0, $32 = 0, $320 = 0, $321 = 0, $322 = 0, $323 = 0, $324 = 0, $325 = 0, $326 = 0, $327 = 0, $328 = 0, $329 = 0, $33 = 0, $330 = 0, $331 = 0; var $332 = 0, $333 = 0, $334 = 0, $335 = 0, $336 = 0, $337 = 0, $338 = 0, $339 = 0, $34 = 0, $340 = 0, $341 = 0, $342 = 0, $343 = 0, $344 = 0, $345 = 0, $346 = 0, $347 = 0, $348 = 0, $349 = 0, $35 = 0; var $350 = 0, $351 = 0, $352 = 0, $353 = 0, $354 = 0, $355 = 0, $356 = 0, $357 = 0, $358 = 0, $359 = 0, $36 = 0, $360 = 0, $361 = 0, $362 = 0, $363 = 0, $364 = 0, $365 = 0, $366 = 0, $367 = 0, $368 = 0; var $369 = 0, $37 = 0, $370 = 0, $371 = 0, $372 = 0, $373 = 0, $374 = 0, $375 = 0, $376 = 0, $377 = 0, $378 = 0, $379 = 0, $38 = 0, $380 = 0, $381 = 0, $382 = 0, $383 = 0, $384 = 0, $385 = 0, $386 = 0; var $387 = 0, $388 = 0, $389 = 0, $39 = 0, $390 = 0, $391 = 0, $392 = 0, $393 = 0, $394 = 0, $395 = 0, $396 = 0, $397 = 0, $398 = 0, $399 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $400 = 0, $401 = 0, $402 = 0, $403 = 0; var $404 = 0, $405 = 0, $406 = 0, $407 = 0, $408 = 0, $409 = 0, $41 = 0, $410 = 0, $411 = 0, $412 = 0, $413 = 0, $414 = 0, $415 = 0, $416 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0; var $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0; var $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0; var $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $A_Q12 = 0, $A_Q12_tmp = 0, $B_Q14 = 0; var $Gain_Q10 = 0, $Gains_Q16 = 0, $Gains_Q16114 = 0, $Gains_Q1676 = 0, $Gains_Q1678 = 0, $Gains_Q1684 = 0, $LPC_order = 0, $LPC_order146 = 0, $LPC_order166 = 0, $LPC_order346 = 0, $LPC_order518 = 0, $LPC_pred_Q10 = 0, $LTPCoef_Q14 = 0, $LTP_pred_Q13 = 0, $LTP_scale_Q14 = 0, $LTP_scale_Q14175 = 0, $NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = 0, $NLSF_interpolation_flag = 0, $PredCoef_Q12 = 0, $Seed = 0; var $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr719 = 0, $add101 = 0, $add104 = 0, $add107 = 0, $add162 = 0, $add180 = 0, $add184 = 0, $add19 = 0, $add203 = 0, $add215 = 0, $add234 = 0, $add239 = 0, $add242 = 0, $add256 = 0, $add274 = 0, $add275 = 0, $add287 = 0, $add288 = 0; var $add300 = 0, $add301 = 0, $add313 = 0, $add314 = 0, $add326 = 0, $add327 = 0, $add330 = 0, $add348 = 0, $add355 = 0, $add363 = 0, $add364 = 0, $add365 = 0, $add372 = 0, $add38 = 0, $add380 = 0, $add381 = 0, $add382 = 0, $add389 = 0, $add397 = 0, $add398 = 0; var $add399 = 0, $add406 = 0, $add414 = 0, $add415 = 0, $add416 = 0, $add423 = 0, $add431 = 0, $add432 = 0, $add433 = 0, $add44 = 0, $add440 = 0, $add448 = 0, $add449 = 0, $add450 = 0, $add457 = 0, $add465 = 0, $add466 = 0, $add467 = 0, $add474 = 0, $add482 = 0; var $add483 = 0, $add484 = 0, $add491 = 0, $add499 = 0, $add5 = 0, $add500 = 0, $add501 = 0, $add508 = 0, $add516 = 0, $add517 = 0, $add522 = 0, $add529 = 0, $add537 = 0, $add538 = 0, $add539 = 0, $add546 = 0, $add554 = 0, $add555 = 0, $add556 = 0, $add56 = 0; var $add563 = 0, $add571 = 0, $add572 = 0, $add573 = 0, $add580 = 0, $add588 = 0, $add589 = 0, $add590 = 0, $add597 = 0, $add605 = 0, $add606 = 0, $add607 = 0, $add614 = 0, $add622 = 0, $add623 = 0, $add627 = 0, $add628 = 0, $add630 = 0, $add636 = 0, $add643 = 0; var $add644 = 0, $add647 = 0, $add650 = 0, $add652 = 0, $add656 = 0, $add662 = 0, $add669 = 0, $add670 = 0, $add673 = 0, $add676 = 0, $add678 = 0, $add684 = 0, $add690 = 0, $add697 = 0, $add698 = 0, $add701 = 0, $add704 = 0, $add706 = 0, $and = 0, $and174 = 0; var $and195 = 0, $and226 = 0, $and269 = 0, $and282 = 0, $and295 = 0, $and308 = 0, $and321 = 0, $and358 = 0, $and375 = 0, $and392 = 0, $and409 = 0, $and426 = 0, $and443 = 0, $and460 = 0, $and477 = 0, $and494 = 0, $and511 = 0, $and532 = 0, $and549 = 0, $and566 = 0; var $and583 = 0, $and600 = 0, $and617 = 0, $and638 = 0, $and664 = 0, $and692 = 0, $arch$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx102 = 0, $arrayidx108 = 0, $arrayidx115 = 0, $arrayidx129 = 0, $arrayidx130 = 0, $arrayidx136 = 0, $arrayidx153 = 0, $arrayidx158 = 0, $arrayidx163 = 0, $arrayidx192 = 0, $arrayidx199 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0; var $arrayidx206 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx222 = 0, $arrayidx229 = 0, $arrayidx237 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx245 = 0, $arrayidx257 = 0, $arrayidx276 = 0, $arrayidx278 = 0, $arrayidx281 = 0, $arrayidx283 = 0, $arrayidx289 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx291 = 0, $arrayidx294 = 0, $arrayidx296 = 0, $arrayidx302 = 0, $arrayidx304 = 0, $arrayidx307 = 0; var $arrayidx309 = 0, $arrayidx315 = 0, $arrayidx317 = 0, $arrayidx320 = 0, $arrayidx322 = 0, $arrayidx328 = 0, $arrayidx331 = 0, $arrayidx332 = 0, $arrayidx334 = 0, $arrayidx350 = 0, $arrayidx357 = 0, $arrayidx367 = 0, $arrayidx369 = 0, $arrayidx37 = 0, $arrayidx374 = 0, $arrayidx376 = 0, $arrayidx384 = 0, $arrayidx386 = 0, $arrayidx391 = 0, $arrayidx393 = 0; var $arrayidx401 = 0, $arrayidx403 = 0, $arrayidx408 = 0, $arrayidx410 = 0, $arrayidx418 = 0, $arrayidx420 = 0, $arrayidx425 = 0, $arrayidx427 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx435 = 0, $arrayidx437 = 0, $arrayidx442 = 0, $arrayidx444 = 0, $arrayidx452 = 0, $arrayidx454 = 0, $arrayidx459 = 0, $arrayidx461 = 0, $arrayidx469 = 0, $arrayidx471 = 0, $arrayidx476 = 0; var $arrayidx478 = 0, $arrayidx486 = 0, $arrayidx488 = 0, $arrayidx49 = 0, $arrayidx493 = 0, $arrayidx495 = 0, $arrayidx503 = 0, $arrayidx505 = 0, $arrayidx510 = 0, $arrayidx512 = 0, $arrayidx52 = 0, $arrayidx524 = 0, $arrayidx526 = 0, $arrayidx531 = 0, $arrayidx533 = 0, $arrayidx54 = 0, $arrayidx541 = 0, $arrayidx543 = 0, $arrayidx548 = 0, $arrayidx550 = 0; var $arrayidx558 = 0, $arrayidx560 = 0, $arrayidx565 = 0, $arrayidx567 = 0, $arrayidx575 = 0, $arrayidx577 = 0, $arrayidx582 = 0, $arrayidx584 = 0, $arrayidx592 = 0, $arrayidx594 = 0, $arrayidx599 = 0, $arrayidx601 = 0, $arrayidx609 = 0, $arrayidx611 = 0, $arrayidx616 = 0, $arrayidx618 = 0, $arrayidx625 = 0, $arrayidx629 = 0, $arrayidx631 = 0, $arrayidx637 = 0; var $arrayidx645 = 0, $arrayidx65 = 0, $arrayidx657 = 0, $arrayidx663 = 0, $arrayidx671 = 0, $arrayidx685 = 0, $arrayidx691 = 0, $arrayidx699 = 0, $arrayidx70 = 0, $arrayidx711 = 0, $arrayidx716 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx77 = 0, $arrayidx79 = 0, $arrayidx85 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $arrayidx92 = 0, $arrayidx96 = 0, $call = 0, $call86 = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cmp117 = 0, $cmp123 = 0, $cmp126 = 0, $cmp132 = 0, $cmp137 = 0, $cmp139 = 0, $cmp149 = 0, $cmp167 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp185 = 0, $cmp211 = 0, $cmp216 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp252 = 0, $cmp260 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $cmp343 = 0, $cmp45 = 0, $cmp519 = 0; var $cmp61 = 0, $cmp654 = 0, $cmp680 = 0, $cmp80 = 0, $cmp88 = 0, $cond709 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv122 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv171 = 0, $conv172 = 0, $conv176 = 0, $conv177 = 0, $conv193 = 0, $conv200 = 0, $conv21 = 0, $conv223 = 0, $conv224 = 0; var $conv230 = 0, $conv231 = 0, $conv266 = 0, $conv271 = 0, $conv279 = 0, $conv284 = 0, $conv292 = 0, $conv297 = 0, $conv305 = 0, $conv310 = 0, $conv318 = 0, $conv323 = 0, $conv353 = 0, $conv360 = 0, $conv370 = 0, $conv377 = 0, $conv387 = 0, $conv394 = 0, $conv404 = 0, $conv411 = 0; var $conv421 = 0, $conv428 = 0, $conv438 = 0, $conv445 = 0, $conv455 = 0, $conv462 = 0, $conv472 = 0, $conv479 = 0, $conv489 = 0, $conv496 = 0, $conv506 = 0, $conv513 = 0, $conv527 = 0, $conv534 = 0, $conv544 = 0, $conv55 = 0, $conv551 = 0, $conv561 = 0, $conv568 = 0, $conv578 = 0; var $conv585 = 0, $conv595 = 0, $conv602 = 0, $conv612 = 0, $conv619 = 0, $conv633 = 0, $conv634 = 0, $conv639 = 0, $conv640 = 0, $conv659 = 0, $conv660 = 0, $conv665 = 0, $conv666 = 0, $conv687 = 0, $conv688 = 0, $conv693 = 0, $conv694 = 0, $conv710 = 0, $conv73 = 0, $conv93 = 0; var $conv94 = 0, $conv97 = 0, $conv98 = 0, $exc_Q14 = 0, $exc_Q1423 = 0, $exc_Q1428 = 0, $exc_Q1436 = 0, $exc_Q1442 = 0, $exc_Q1448 = 0, $exc_Q1451 = 0, $exc_Q1457 = 0, $frame_length = 0, $frame_length16 = 0, $gain_adj_Q16 = 0, $i = 0, $idxprom = 0, $inc = 0, $inc110 = 0, $inc208 = 0, $inc247 = 0; var $inc335 = 0, $inc337 = 0, $inc713 = 0, $inc721 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $indices = 0, $indices11 = 0, $indices120 = 0, $indices14 = 0, $indices71 = 0, $indices8 = 0, $inv_gain_Q31 = 0, $k = 0, $lag = 0, $lagPrev = 0, $lossCnt = 0, $ltp_mem_length = 0, $ltp_mem_length1 = 0, $ltp_mem_length144 = 0, $ltp_mem_length152 = 0; var $ltp_mem_length164 = 0, $ltp_mem_length189 = 0, $ltp_mem_length196 = 0, $ltp_mem_length59 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul106 = 0, $mul155 = 0, $mul156 = 0, $mul161 = 0, $mul173 = 0, $mul178 = 0, $mul194 = 0, $mul201 = 0, $mul225 = 0, $mul232 = 0, $mul241 = 0, $mul267 = 0, $mul272 = 0, $mul280 = 0, $mul285 = 0; var $mul293 = 0, $mul298 = 0, $mul306 = 0, $mul311 = 0, $mul319 = 0, $mul324 = 0, $mul354 = 0, $mul361 = 0, $mul371 = 0, $mul378 = 0, $mul388 = 0, $mul395 = 0, $mul405 = 0, $mul412 = 0, $mul422 = 0, $mul429 = 0, $mul439 = 0, $mul446 = 0, $mul456 = 0, $mul463 = 0; var $mul473 = 0, $mul480 = 0, $mul490 = 0, $mul497 = 0, $mul507 = 0, $mul514 = 0, $mul528 = 0, $mul535 = 0, $mul545 = 0, $mul552 = 0, $mul562 = 0, $mul569 = 0, $mul579 = 0, $mul586 = 0, $mul596 = 0, $mul603 = 0, $mul613 = 0, $mul620 = 0, $mul635 = 0, $mul641 = 0; var $mul649 = 0, $mul661 = 0, $mul667 = 0, $mul675 = 0, $mul68 = 0, $mul689 = 0, $mul69 = 0, $mul695 = 0, $mul703 = 0, $mul95 = 0, $mul99 = 0, $nb_subfr = 0, $offset_Q10 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1 = 0, $outBuf = 0, $outBuf159 = 0, $pexc_Q14 = 0, $pred_lag_ptr = 0, $pres_Q14 = 0; var $prevSignalType = 0, $psDec$addr = 0, $psDecCtrl$addr = 0, $pulses$addr = 0, $pxq = 0, $quantOffsetType = 0, $rand_seed = 0, $sLPC_Q14_buf = 0, $sLPC_Q14_buf723 = 0, $sLTP_buf_idx = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shl = 0, $shl181 = 0, $shl329 = 0, $shl333 = 0, $shl41 = 0, $shl626 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr100 = 0, $shr103 = 0; var $shr105 = 0, $shr170 = 0, $shr179 = 0, $shr188 = 0, $shr202 = 0, $shr219 = 0, $shr233 = 0, $shr238 = 0, $shr240 = 0, $shr264 = 0, $shr273 = 0, $shr277 = 0, $shr286 = 0, $shr290 = 0, $shr299 = 0, $shr303 = 0, $shr312 = 0, $shr316 = 0, $shr325 = 0, $shr347 = 0; var $shr351 = 0, $shr362 = 0, $shr368 = 0, $shr379 = 0, $shr385 = 0, $shr396 = 0, $shr402 = 0, $shr413 = 0, $shr419 = 0, $shr430 = 0, $shr436 = 0, $shr447 = 0, $shr453 = 0, $shr464 = 0, $shr470 = 0, $shr481 = 0, $shr487 = 0, $shr498 = 0, $shr504 = 0, $shr515 = 0; var $shr525 = 0, $shr536 = 0, $shr542 = 0, $shr553 = 0, $shr559 = 0, $shr570 = 0, $shr576 = 0, $shr587 = 0, $shr593 = 0, $shr604 = 0, $shr610 = 0, $shr621 = 0, $shr632 = 0, $shr64 = 0, $shr642 = 0, $shr646 = 0, $shr648 = 0, $shr651 = 0, $shr653 = 0, $shr658 = 0; var $shr668 = 0, $shr672 = 0, $shr674 = 0, $shr677 = 0, $shr679 = 0, $shr686 = 0, $shr696 = 0, $shr700 = 0, $shr702 = 0, $shr705 = 0, $shr707 = 0, $shr75 = 0, $shr91 = 0, $signalType = 0, $signalType121 = 0, $signalType7 = 0, $signalType72 = 0, $start_idx = 0, $sub = 0, $sub145 = 0; var $sub147 = 0, $sub148 = 0, $sub165 = 0, $sub190 = 0, $sub191 = 0, $sub197 = 0, $sub198 = 0, $sub204 = 0, $sub205 = 0, $sub220 = 0, $sub221 = 0, $sub227 = 0, $sub228 = 0, $sub235 = 0, $sub236 = 0, $sub243 = 0, $sub244 = 0, $sub255 = 0, $sub349 = 0, $sub356 = 0; var $sub366 = 0, $sub373 = 0, $sub383 = 0, $sub390 = 0, $sub400 = 0, $sub407 = 0, $sub417 = 0, $sub424 = 0, $sub434 = 0, $sub441 = 0, $sub451 = 0, $sub458 = 0, $sub468 = 0, $sub475 = 0, $sub485 = 0, $sub492 = 0, $sub50 = 0, $sub502 = 0, $sub509 = 0, $sub523 = 0; var $sub530 = 0, $sub540 = 0, $sub547 = 0, $sub557 = 0, $sub564 = 0, $sub574 = 0, $sub581 = 0, $sub591 = 0, $sub598 = 0, $sub608 = 0, $sub615 = 0, $subfr_length = 0, $subfr_length154 = 0, $subfr_length160 = 0, $subfr_length259 = 0, $subfr_length342 = 0, $subfr_length4 = 0, $subfr_length715 = 0, $subfr_length717 = 0, $subfr_length718 = 0; var $tobool = 0, $tobool142 = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla2 = 0, $vla2$alloca_mul = 0, $vla3 = 0, $vla3$alloca_mul = 0, $vla6 = 0, $vla6$alloca_mul = 0, $xq$addr = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, src = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 144|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(144|0); $A_Q12_tmp = sp + 104|0; $psDec$addr = $psDec; $psDecCtrl$addr = $psDecCtrl; $xq$addr = $xq; $pulses$addr = $pulses; $arch$addr = $arch; $lag = 0; $0 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length = ((($0)) + 2336|0); $1 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length>>2]|0; $2 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $2; $vla$alloca_mul = $1<<1; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $3 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length1 = ((($3)) + 2336|0); $4 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length1>>2]|0; $5 = $psDec$addr; $frame_length = ((($5)) + 2328|0); $6 = HEAP32[$frame_length>>2]|0; $add = (($4) + ($6))|0; $vla2$alloca_mul = $add<<2; $vla2 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla2$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla2$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $7 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length = ((($7)) + 2332|0); $8 = HEAP32[$subfr_length>>2]|0; $vla3$alloca_mul = $8<<2; $vla3 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla3$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla3$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $9 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length4 = ((($9)) + 2332|0); $10 = HEAP32[$subfr_length4>>2]|0; $add5 = (($10) + 16)|0; $vla6$alloca_mul = $add5<<2; $vla6 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla6$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla6$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $11 = $psDec$addr; $indices = ((($11)) + 2736|0); $signalType7 = ((($indices)) + 29|0); $12 = HEAP8[$signalType7>>0]|0; $conv = $12 << 24 >> 24; $shr = $conv >> 1; $arrayidx = (24998 + ($shr<<2)|0); $13 = $psDec$addr; $indices8 = ((($13)) + 2736|0); $quantOffsetType = ((($indices8)) + 30|0); $14 = HEAP8[$quantOffsetType>>0]|0; $idxprom = $14 << 24 >> 24; $arrayidx9 = (($arrayidx) + ($idxprom<<1)|0); $15 = HEAP16[$arrayidx9>>1]|0; $conv10 = $15 << 16 >> 16; $offset_Q10 = $conv10; $16 = $psDec$addr; $indices11 = ((($16)) + 2736|0); $NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = ((($indices11)) + 31|0); $17 = HEAP8[$NLSFInterpCoef_Q2>>0]|0; $conv12 = $17 << 24 >> 24; $cmp = ($conv12|0)<(4); if ($cmp) { $NLSF_interpolation_flag = 1; } else { $NLSF_interpolation_flag = 0; } $18 = $psDec$addr; $indices14 = ((($18)) + 2736|0); $Seed = ((($indices14)) + 34|0); $19 = HEAP8[$Seed>>0]|0; $conv15 = $19 << 24 >> 24; $rand_seed = $conv15; $i = 0; while(1) { $20 = $i; $21 = $psDec$addr; $frame_length16 = ((($21)) + 2328|0); $22 = HEAP32[$frame_length16>>2]|0; $cmp17 = ($20|0)<($22|0); if (!($cmp17)) { break; } $23 = $rand_seed; $mul = Math_imul($23, 196314165)|0; $add19 = (907633515 + ($mul))|0; $rand_seed = $add19; $24 = $pulses$addr; $25 = $i; $arrayidx20 = (($24) + ($25<<1)|0); $26 = HEAP16[$arrayidx20>>1]|0; $conv21 = $26 << 16 >> 16; $shl = $conv21 << 14; $27 = $psDec$addr; $exc_Q14 = ((($27)) + 4|0); $28 = $i; $arrayidx22 = (($exc_Q14) + ($28<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx22>>2] = $shl; $29 = $psDec$addr; $exc_Q1423 = ((($29)) + 4|0); $30 = $i; $arrayidx24 = (($exc_Q1423) + ($30<<2)|0); $31 = HEAP32[$arrayidx24>>2]|0; $cmp25 = ($31|0)>(0); $32 = $psDec$addr; $exc_Q1428 = ((($32)) + 4|0); $33 = $i; $arrayidx29 = (($exc_Q1428) + ($33<<2)|0); $34 = HEAP32[$arrayidx29>>2]|0; if ($cmp25) { $sub = (($34) - 1280)|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx29>>2] = $sub; } else { $cmp33 = ($34|0)<(0); if ($cmp33) { $35 = $psDec$addr; $exc_Q1436 = ((($35)) + 4|0); $36 = $i; $arrayidx37 = (($exc_Q1436) + ($36<<2)|0); $37 = HEAP32[$arrayidx37>>2]|0; $add38 = (($37) + 1280)|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx37>>2] = $add38; } } $38 = $offset_Q10; $shl41 = $38 << 4; $39 = $psDec$addr; $exc_Q1442 = ((($39)) + 4|0); $40 = $i; $arrayidx43 = (($exc_Q1442) + ($40<<2)|0); $41 = HEAP32[$arrayidx43>>2]|0; $add44 = (($41) + ($shl41))|0; HEAP32[$arrayidx43>>2] = $add44; $42 = $rand_seed; $cmp45 = ($42|0)<(0); if ($cmp45) { $43 = $psDec$addr; $exc_Q1448 = ((($43)) + 4|0); $44 = $i; $arrayidx49 = (($exc_Q1448) + ($44<<2)|0); $45 = HEAP32[$arrayidx49>>2]|0; $sub50 = (0 - ($45))|0; $46 = $psDec$addr; $exc_Q1451 = ((($46)) + 4|0); $47 = $i; $arrayidx52 = (($exc_Q1451) + ($47<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx52>>2] = $sub50; } $48 = $rand_seed; $49 = $pulses$addr; $50 = $i; $arrayidx54 = (($49) + ($50<<1)|0); $51 = HEAP16[$arrayidx54>>1]|0; $conv55 = $51 << 16 >> 16; $add56 = (($48) + ($conv55))|0; $rand_seed = $add56; $52 = $i; $inc = (($52) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $53 = $psDec$addr; $sLPC_Q14_buf = ((($53)) + 1284|0); dest=$vla6; src=$sLPC_Q14_buf; stop=dest+64|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $54 = $psDec$addr; $exc_Q1457 = ((($54)) + 4|0); $pexc_Q14 = $exc_Q1457; $55 = $xq$addr; $pxq = $55; $56 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length59 = ((($56)) + 2336|0); $57 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length59>>2]|0; $sLTP_buf_idx = $57; $k = 0; while(1) { $58 = $k; $59 = $psDec$addr; $nb_subfr = ((($59)) + 2324|0); $60 = HEAP32[$nb_subfr>>2]|0; $cmp61 = ($58|0)<($60|0); if (!($cmp61)) { break; } $pres_Q14 = $vla3; $61 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $PredCoef_Q12 = ((($61)) + 32|0); $62 = $k; $shr64 = $62 >> 1; $arrayidx65 = (($PredCoef_Q12) + ($shr64<<5)|0); $A_Q12 = $arrayidx65; $63 = $A_Q12; $64 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order = ((($64)) + 2340|0); $65 = HEAP32[$LPC_order>>2]|0; $mul68 = $65<<1; _memcpy(($A_Q12_tmp|0),($63|0),($mul68|0))|0; $66 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $LTPCoef_Q14 = ((($66)) + 96|0); $67 = $k; $mul69 = ($67*5)|0; $arrayidx70 = (($LTPCoef_Q14) + ($mul69<<1)|0); $B_Q14 = $arrayidx70; $68 = $psDec$addr; $indices71 = ((($68)) + 2736|0); $signalType72 = ((($indices71)) + 29|0); $69 = HEAP8[$signalType72>>0]|0; $conv73 = $69 << 24 >> 24; $signalType = $conv73; $70 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $Gains_Q16 = ((($70)) + 16|0); $71 = $k; $arrayidx74 = (($Gains_Q16) + ($71<<2)|0); $72 = HEAP32[$arrayidx74>>2]|0; $shr75 = $72 >> 6; $Gain_Q10 = $shr75; $73 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $Gains_Q1676 = ((($73)) + 16|0); $74 = $k; $arrayidx77 = (($Gains_Q1676) + ($74<<2)|0); $75 = HEAP32[$arrayidx77>>2]|0; $call = (_silk_INVERSE32_varQ_549($75,47)|0); $inv_gain_Q31 = $call; $76 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $Gains_Q1678 = ((($76)) + 16|0); $77 = $k; $arrayidx79 = (($Gains_Q1678) + ($77<<2)|0); $78 = HEAP32[$arrayidx79>>2]|0; $79 = $psDec$addr; $80 = HEAP32[$79>>2]|0; $cmp80 = ($78|0)!=($80|0); L20: do { if ($cmp80) { $81 = $psDec$addr; $82 = HEAP32[$81>>2]|0; $83 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $Gains_Q1684 = ((($83)) + 16|0); $84 = $k; $arrayidx85 = (($Gains_Q1684) + ($84<<2)|0); $85 = HEAP32[$arrayidx85>>2]|0; $call86 = (_silk_DIV32_varQ_550($82,$85,16)|0); $gain_adj_Q16 = $call86; $i = 0; while(1) { $86 = $i; $cmp88 = ($86|0)<(16); if (!($cmp88)) { break L20; } $87 = $gain_adj_Q16; $shr91 = $87 >> 16; $88 = $i; $arrayidx92 = (($vla6) + ($88<<2)|0); $89 = HEAP32[$arrayidx92>>2]|0; $conv93 = $89&65535; $conv94 = $conv93 << 16 >> 16; $mul95 = Math_imul($shr91, $conv94)|0; $90 = $gain_adj_Q16; $and = $90 & 65535; $91 = $i; $arrayidx96 = (($vla6) + ($91<<2)|0); $92 = HEAP32[$arrayidx96>>2]|0; $conv97 = $92&65535; $conv98 = $conv97 << 16 >> 16; $mul99 = Math_imul($and, $conv98)|0; $shr100 = $mul99 >> 16; $add101 = (($mul95) + ($shr100))|0; $93 = $gain_adj_Q16; $94 = $i; $arrayidx102 = (($vla6) + ($94<<2)|0); $95 = HEAP32[$arrayidx102>>2]|0; $shr103 = $95 >> 15; $add104 = (($shr103) + 1)|0; $shr105 = $add104 >> 1; $mul106 = Math_imul($93, $shr105)|0; $add107 = (($add101) + ($mul106))|0; $96 = $i; $arrayidx108 = (($vla6) + ($96<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx108>>2] = $add107; $97 = $i; $inc110 = (($97) + 1)|0; $i = $inc110; } } else { $gain_adj_Q16 = 65536; } } while(0); $98 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $Gains_Q16114 = ((($98)) + 16|0); $99 = $k; $arrayidx115 = (($Gains_Q16114) + ($99<<2)|0); $100 = HEAP32[$arrayidx115>>2]|0; $101 = $psDec$addr; HEAP32[$101>>2] = $100; $102 = $psDec$addr; $lossCnt = ((($102)) + 4160|0); $103 = HEAP32[$lossCnt>>2]|0; $tobool = ($103|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $104 = $psDec$addr; $prevSignalType = ((($104)) + 4164|0); $105 = HEAP32[$prevSignalType>>2]|0; $cmp117 = ($105|0)==(2); if ($cmp117) { $106 = $psDec$addr; $indices120 = ((($106)) + 2736|0); $signalType121 = ((($indices120)) + 29|0); $107 = HEAP8[$signalType121>>0]|0; $conv122 = $107 << 24 >> 24; $cmp123 = ($conv122|0)!=(2); $108 = $k; $cmp126 = ($108|0)<(2); $or$cond = $cmp123 & $cmp126; if ($or$cond) { $109 = $B_Q14; ;HEAP16[$109>>1]=0|0;HEAP16[$109+2>>1]=0|0;HEAP16[$109+4>>1]=0|0;HEAP16[$109+6>>1]=0|0;HEAP16[$109+8>>1]=0|0; $110 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx129 = ((($110)) + 4|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx129>>1] = 4096; $signalType = 2; $111 = $psDec$addr; $lagPrev = ((($111)) + 2308|0); $112 = HEAP32[$lagPrev>>2]|0; $113 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $114 = $k; $arrayidx130 = (($113) + ($114<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx130>>2] = $112; } } } $115 = $signalType; $cmp132 = ($115|0)==(2); L32: do { if ($cmp132) { $116 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $117 = $k; $arrayidx136 = (($116) + ($117<<2)|0); $118 = HEAP32[$arrayidx136>>2]|0; $lag = $118; $119 = $k; $cmp137 = ($119|0)==(0); if (!($cmp137)) { $120 = $k; $cmp139 = ($120|0)==(2); $121 = $NLSF_interpolation_flag; $tobool142 = ($121|0)!=(0); $or$cond1 = $cmp139 & $tobool142; if (!($or$cond1)) { $169 = $gain_adj_Q16; $cmp211 = ($169|0)!=(65536); if (!($cmp211)) { break; } $i = 0; while(1) { $170 = $i; $171 = $lag; $add215 = (($171) + 2)|0; $cmp216 = ($170|0)<($add215|0); if (!($cmp216)) { break L32; } $172 = $gain_adj_Q16; $shr219 = $172 >> 16; $173 = $sLTP_buf_idx; $174 = $i; $sub220 = (($173) - ($174))|0; $sub221 = (($sub220) - 1)|0; $arrayidx222 = (($vla2) + ($sub221<<2)|0); $175 = HEAP32[$arrayidx222>>2]|0; $conv223 = $175&65535; $conv224 = $conv223 << 16 >> 16; $mul225 = Math_imul($shr219, $conv224)|0; $176 = $gain_adj_Q16; $and226 = $176 & 65535; $177 = $sLTP_buf_idx; $178 = $i; $sub227 = (($177) - ($178))|0; $sub228 = (($sub227) - 1)|0; $arrayidx229 = (($vla2) + ($sub228<<2)|0); $179 = HEAP32[$arrayidx229>>2]|0; $conv230 = $179&65535; $conv231 = $conv230 << 16 >> 16; $mul232 = Math_imul($and226, $conv231)|0; $shr233 = $mul232 >> 16; $add234 = (($mul225) + ($shr233))|0; $180 = $gain_adj_Q16; $181 = $sLTP_buf_idx; $182 = $i; $sub235 = (($181) - ($182))|0; $sub236 = (($sub235) - 1)|0; $arrayidx237 = (($vla2) + ($sub236<<2)|0); $183 = HEAP32[$arrayidx237>>2]|0; $shr238 = $183 >> 15; $add239 = (($shr238) + 1)|0; $shr240 = $add239 >> 1; $mul241 = Math_imul($180, $shr240)|0; $add242 = (($add234) + ($mul241))|0; $184 = $sLTP_buf_idx; $185 = $i; $sub243 = (($184) - ($185))|0; $sub244 = (($sub243) - 1)|0; $arrayidx245 = (($vla2) + ($sub244<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx245>>2] = $add242; $186 = $i; $inc247 = (($186) + 1)|0; $i = $inc247; } } } $122 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length144 = ((($122)) + 2336|0); $123 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length144>>2]|0; $124 = $lag; $sub145 = (($123) - ($124))|0; $125 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order146 = ((($125)) + 2340|0); $126 = HEAP32[$LPC_order146>>2]|0; $sub147 = (($sub145) - ($126))|0; $sub148 = (($sub147) - 2)|0; $start_idx = $sub148; $127 = $k; $cmp149 = ($127|0)==(2); if ($cmp149) { $128 = $psDec$addr; $outBuf = ((($128)) + 1348|0); $129 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length152 = ((($129)) + 2336|0); $130 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length152>>2]|0; $arrayidx153 = (($outBuf) + ($130<<1)|0); $131 = $xq$addr; $132 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length154 = ((($132)) + 2332|0); $133 = HEAP32[$subfr_length154>>2]|0; $mul155 = $133<<1; $mul156 = $mul155<<1; _memcpy(($arrayidx153|0),($131|0),($mul156|0))|0; } $134 = $start_idx; $arrayidx158 = (($vla) + ($134<<1)|0); $135 = $psDec$addr; $outBuf159 = ((($135)) + 1348|0); $136 = $start_idx; $137 = $k; $138 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length160 = ((($138)) + 2332|0); $139 = HEAP32[$subfr_length160>>2]|0; $mul161 = Math_imul($137, $139)|0; $add162 = (($136) + ($mul161))|0; $arrayidx163 = (($outBuf159) + ($add162<<1)|0); $140 = $A_Q12; $141 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length164 = ((($141)) + 2336|0); $142 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length164>>2]|0; $143 = $start_idx; $sub165 = (($142) - ($143))|0; $144 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order166 = ((($144)) + 2340|0); $145 = HEAP32[$LPC_order166>>2]|0; $146 = $arch$addr; _silk_LPC_analysis_filter($arrayidx158,$arrayidx163,$140,$sub165,$145,$146); $147 = $k; $cmp167 = ($147|0)==(0); if ($cmp167) { $148 = $inv_gain_Q31; $shr170 = $148 >> 16; $149 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $LTP_scale_Q14 = ((($149)) + 136|0); $150 = HEAP32[$LTP_scale_Q14>>2]|0; $conv171 = $150&65535; $conv172 = $conv171 << 16 >> 16; $mul173 = Math_imul($shr170, $conv172)|0; $151 = $inv_gain_Q31; $and174 = $151 & 65535; $152 = $psDecCtrl$addr; $LTP_scale_Q14175 = ((($152)) + 136|0); $153 = HEAP32[$LTP_scale_Q14175>>2]|0; $conv176 = $153&65535; $conv177 = $conv176 << 16 >> 16; $mul178 = Math_imul($and174, $conv177)|0; $shr179 = $mul178 >> 16; $add180 = (($mul173) + ($shr179))|0; $shl181 = $add180 << 2; $inv_gain_Q31 = $shl181; } $i = 0; while(1) { $154 = $i; $155 = $lag; $add184 = (($155) + 2)|0; $cmp185 = ($154|0)<($add184|0); if (!($cmp185)) { break L32; } $156 = $inv_gain_Q31; $shr188 = $156 >> 16; $157 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length189 = ((($157)) + 2336|0); $158 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length189>>2]|0; $159 = $i; $sub190 = (($158) - ($159))|0; $sub191 = (($sub190) - 1)|0; $arrayidx192 = (($vla) + ($sub191<<1)|0); $160 = HEAP16[$arrayidx192>>1]|0; $conv193 = $160 << 16 >> 16; $mul194 = Math_imul($shr188, $conv193)|0; $161 = $inv_gain_Q31; $and195 = $161 & 65535; $162 = $psDec$addr; $ltp_mem_length196 = ((($162)) + 2336|0); $163 = HEAP32[$ltp_mem_length196>>2]|0; $164 = $i; $sub197 = (($163) - ($164))|0; $sub198 = (($sub197) - 1)|0; $arrayidx199 = (($vla) + ($sub198<<1)|0); $165 = HEAP16[$arrayidx199>>1]|0; $conv200 = $165 << 16 >> 16; $mul201 = Math_imul($and195, $conv200)|0; $shr202 = $mul201 >> 16; $add203 = (($mul194) + ($shr202))|0; $166 = $sLTP_buf_idx; $167 = $i; $sub204 = (($166) - ($167))|0; $sub205 = (($sub204) - 1)|0; $arrayidx206 = (($vla2) + ($sub205<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx206>>2] = $add203; $168 = $i; $inc208 = (($168) + 1)|0; $i = $inc208; } } } while(0); $187 = $signalType; $cmp252 = ($187|0)==(2); L52: do { if ($cmp252) { $188 = $sLTP_buf_idx; $189 = $lag; $sub255 = (($188) - ($189))|0; $add256 = (($sub255) + 2)|0; $arrayidx257 = (($vla2) + ($add256<<2)|0); $pred_lag_ptr = $arrayidx257; $i = 0; while(1) { $190 = $i; $191 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length259 = ((($191)) + 2332|0); $192 = HEAP32[$subfr_length259>>2]|0; $cmp260 = ($190|0)<($192|0); if (!($cmp260)) { break L52; } $LTP_pred_Q13 = 2; $193 = $LTP_pred_Q13; $194 = $pred_lag_ptr; $195 = HEAP32[$194>>2]|0; $shr264 = $195 >> 16; $196 = $B_Q14; $197 = HEAP16[$196>>1]|0; $conv266 = $197 << 16 >> 16; $mul267 = Math_imul($shr264, $conv266)|0; $198 = $pred_lag_ptr; $199 = HEAP32[$198>>2]|0; $and269 = $199 & 65535; $200 = $B_Q14; $201 = HEAP16[$200>>1]|0; $conv271 = $201 << 16 >> 16; $mul272 = Math_imul($and269, $conv271)|0; $shr273 = $mul272 >> 16; $add274 = (($mul267) + ($shr273))|0; $add275 = (($193) + ($add274))|0; $LTP_pred_Q13 = $add275; $202 = $LTP_pred_Q13; $203 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx276 = ((($203)) + -4|0); $204 = HEAP32[$arrayidx276>>2]|0; $shr277 = $204 >> 16; $205 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx278 = ((($205)) + 2|0); $206 = HEAP16[$arrayidx278>>1]|0; $conv279 = $206 << 16 >> 16; $mul280 = Math_imul($shr277, $conv279)|0; $207 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx281 = ((($207)) + -4|0); $208 = HEAP32[$arrayidx281>>2]|0; $and282 = $208 & 65535; $209 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx283 = ((($209)) + 2|0); $210 = HEAP16[$arrayidx283>>1]|0; $conv284 = $210 << 16 >> 16; $mul285 = Math_imul($and282, $conv284)|0; $shr286 = $mul285 >> 16; $add287 = (($mul280) + ($shr286))|0; $add288 = (($202) + ($add287))|0; $LTP_pred_Q13 = $add288; $211 = $LTP_pred_Q13; $212 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx289 = ((($212)) + -8|0); $213 = HEAP32[$arrayidx289>>2]|0; $shr290 = $213 >> 16; $214 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx291 = ((($214)) + 4|0); $215 = HEAP16[$arrayidx291>>1]|0; $conv292 = $215 << 16 >> 16; $mul293 = Math_imul($shr290, $conv292)|0; $216 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx294 = ((($216)) + -8|0); $217 = HEAP32[$arrayidx294>>2]|0; $and295 = $217 & 65535; $218 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx296 = ((($218)) + 4|0); $219 = HEAP16[$arrayidx296>>1]|0; $conv297 = $219 << 16 >> 16; $mul298 = Math_imul($and295, $conv297)|0; $shr299 = $mul298 >> 16; $add300 = (($mul293) + ($shr299))|0; $add301 = (($211) + ($add300))|0; $LTP_pred_Q13 = $add301; $220 = $LTP_pred_Q13; $221 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx302 = ((($221)) + -12|0); $222 = HEAP32[$arrayidx302>>2]|0; $shr303 = $222 >> 16; $223 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx304 = ((($223)) + 6|0); $224 = HEAP16[$arrayidx304>>1]|0; $conv305 = $224 << 16 >> 16; $mul306 = Math_imul($shr303, $conv305)|0; $225 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx307 = ((($225)) + -12|0); $226 = HEAP32[$arrayidx307>>2]|0; $and308 = $226 & 65535; $227 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx309 = ((($227)) + 6|0); $228 = HEAP16[$arrayidx309>>1]|0; $conv310 = $228 << 16 >> 16; $mul311 = Math_imul($and308, $conv310)|0; $shr312 = $mul311 >> 16; $add313 = (($mul306) + ($shr312))|0; $add314 = (($220) + ($add313))|0; $LTP_pred_Q13 = $add314; $229 = $LTP_pred_Q13; $230 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx315 = ((($230)) + -16|0); $231 = HEAP32[$arrayidx315>>2]|0; $shr316 = $231 >> 16; $232 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx317 = ((($232)) + 8|0); $233 = HEAP16[$arrayidx317>>1]|0; $conv318 = $233 << 16 >> 16; $mul319 = Math_imul($shr316, $conv318)|0; $234 = $pred_lag_ptr; $arrayidx320 = ((($234)) + -16|0); $235 = HEAP32[$arrayidx320>>2]|0; $and321 = $235 & 65535; $236 = $B_Q14; $arrayidx322 = ((($236)) + 8|0); $237 = HEAP16[$arrayidx322>>1]|0; $conv323 = $237 << 16 >> 16; $mul324 = Math_imul($and321, $conv323)|0; $shr325 = $mul324 >> 16; $add326 = (($mul319) + ($shr325))|0; $add327 = (($229) + ($add326))|0; $LTP_pred_Q13 = $add327; $238 = $pred_lag_ptr; $incdec$ptr = ((($238)) + 4|0); $pred_lag_ptr = $incdec$ptr; $239 = $pexc_Q14; $240 = $i; $arrayidx328 = (($239) + ($240<<2)|0); $241 = HEAP32[$arrayidx328>>2]|0; $242 = $LTP_pred_Q13; $shl329 = $242 << 1; $add330 = (($241) + ($shl329))|0; $243 = $pres_Q14; $244 = $i; $arrayidx331 = (($243) + ($244<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx331>>2] = $add330; $245 = $pres_Q14; $246 = $i; $arrayidx332 = (($245) + ($246<<2)|0); $247 = HEAP32[$arrayidx332>>2]|0; $shl333 = $247 << 1; $248 = $sLTP_buf_idx; $arrayidx334 = (($vla2) + ($248<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx334>>2] = $shl333; $249 = $sLTP_buf_idx; $inc335 = (($249) + 1)|0; $sLTP_buf_idx = $inc335; $250 = $i; $inc337 = (($250) + 1)|0; $i = $inc337; } } else { $251 = $pexc_Q14; $pres_Q14 = $251; } } while(0); $i = 0; while(1) { $252 = $i; $253 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length342 = ((($253)) + 2332|0); $254 = HEAP32[$subfr_length342>>2]|0; $cmp343 = ($252|0)<($254|0); if (!($cmp343)) { break; } $255 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order346 = ((($255)) + 2340|0); $256 = HEAP32[$LPC_order346>>2]|0; $shr347 = $256 >> 1; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $shr347; $257 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $258 = $i; $add348 = (16 + ($258))|0; $sub349 = (($add348) - 1)|0; $arrayidx350 = (($vla6) + ($sub349<<2)|0); $259 = HEAP32[$arrayidx350>>2]|0; $shr351 = $259 >> 16; $260 = HEAP16[$A_Q12_tmp>>1]|0; $conv353 = $260 << 16 >> 16; $mul354 = Math_imul($shr351, $conv353)|0; $261 = $i; $add355 = (16 + ($261))|0; $sub356 = (($add355) - 1)|0; $arrayidx357 = (($vla6) + ($sub356<<2)|0); $262 = HEAP32[$arrayidx357>>2]|0; $and358 = $262 & 65535; $263 = HEAP16[$A_Q12_tmp>>1]|0; $conv360 = $263 << 16 >> 16; $mul361 = Math_imul($and358, $conv360)|0; $shr362 = $mul361 >> 16; $add363 = (($mul354) + ($shr362))|0; $add364 = (($257) + ($add363))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add364; $264 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $265 = $i; $add365 = (16 + ($265))|0; $sub366 = (($add365) - 2)|0; $arrayidx367 = (($vla6) + ($sub366<<2)|0); $266 = HEAP32[$arrayidx367>>2]|0; $shr368 = $266 >> 16; $arrayidx369 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 2|0); $267 = HEAP16[$arrayidx369>>1]|0; $conv370 = $267 << 16 >> 16; $mul371 = Math_imul($shr368, $conv370)|0; $268 = $i; $add372 = (16 + ($268))|0; $sub373 = (($add372) - 2)|0; $arrayidx374 = (($vla6) + ($sub373<<2)|0); $269 = HEAP32[$arrayidx374>>2]|0; $and375 = $269 & 65535; $arrayidx376 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 2|0); $270 = HEAP16[$arrayidx376>>1]|0; $conv377 = $270 << 16 >> 16; $mul378 = Math_imul($and375, $conv377)|0; $shr379 = $mul378 >> 16; $add380 = (($mul371) + ($shr379))|0; $add381 = (($264) + ($add380))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add381; $271 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $272 = $i; $add382 = (16 + ($272))|0; $sub383 = (($add382) - 3)|0; $arrayidx384 = (($vla6) + ($sub383<<2)|0); $273 = HEAP32[$arrayidx384>>2]|0; $shr385 = $273 >> 16; $arrayidx386 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 4|0); $274 = HEAP16[$arrayidx386>>1]|0; $conv387 = $274 << 16 >> 16; $mul388 = Math_imul($shr385, $conv387)|0; $275 = $i; $add389 = (16 + ($275))|0; $sub390 = (($add389) - 3)|0; $arrayidx391 = (($vla6) + ($sub390<<2)|0); $276 = HEAP32[$arrayidx391>>2]|0; $and392 = $276 & 65535; $arrayidx393 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 4|0); $277 = HEAP16[$arrayidx393>>1]|0; $conv394 = $277 << 16 >> 16; $mul395 = Math_imul($and392, $conv394)|0; $shr396 = $mul395 >> 16; $add397 = (($mul388) + ($shr396))|0; $add398 = (($271) + ($add397))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add398; $278 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $279 = $i; $add399 = (16 + ($279))|0; $sub400 = (($add399) - 4)|0; $arrayidx401 = (($vla6) + ($sub400<<2)|0); $280 = HEAP32[$arrayidx401>>2]|0; $shr402 = $280 >> 16; $arrayidx403 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 6|0); $281 = HEAP16[$arrayidx403>>1]|0; $conv404 = $281 << 16 >> 16; $mul405 = Math_imul($shr402, $conv404)|0; $282 = $i; $add406 = (16 + ($282))|0; $sub407 = (($add406) - 4)|0; $arrayidx408 = (($vla6) + ($sub407<<2)|0); $283 = HEAP32[$arrayidx408>>2]|0; $and409 = $283 & 65535; $arrayidx410 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 6|0); $284 = HEAP16[$arrayidx410>>1]|0; $conv411 = $284 << 16 >> 16; $mul412 = Math_imul($and409, $conv411)|0; $shr413 = $mul412 >> 16; $add414 = (($mul405) + ($shr413))|0; $add415 = (($278) + ($add414))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add415; $285 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $286 = $i; $add416 = (16 + ($286))|0; $sub417 = (($add416) - 5)|0; $arrayidx418 = (($vla6) + ($sub417<<2)|0); $287 = HEAP32[$arrayidx418>>2]|0; $shr419 = $287 >> 16; $arrayidx420 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 8|0); $288 = HEAP16[$arrayidx420>>1]|0; $conv421 = $288 << 16 >> 16; $mul422 = Math_imul($shr419, $conv421)|0; $289 = $i; $add423 = (16 + ($289))|0; $sub424 = (($add423) - 5)|0; $arrayidx425 = (($vla6) + ($sub424<<2)|0); $290 = HEAP32[$arrayidx425>>2]|0; $and426 = $290 & 65535; $arrayidx427 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 8|0); $291 = HEAP16[$arrayidx427>>1]|0; $conv428 = $291 << 16 >> 16; $mul429 = Math_imul($and426, $conv428)|0; $shr430 = $mul429 >> 16; $add431 = (($mul422) + ($shr430))|0; $add432 = (($285) + ($add431))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add432; $292 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $293 = $i; $add433 = (16 + ($293))|0; $sub434 = (($add433) - 6)|0; $arrayidx435 = (($vla6) + ($sub434<<2)|0); $294 = HEAP32[$arrayidx435>>2]|0; $shr436 = $294 >> 16; $arrayidx437 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 10|0); $295 = HEAP16[$arrayidx437>>1]|0; $conv438 = $295 << 16 >> 16; $mul439 = Math_imul($shr436, $conv438)|0; $296 = $i; $add440 = (16 + ($296))|0; $sub441 = (($add440) - 6)|0; $arrayidx442 = (($vla6) + ($sub441<<2)|0); $297 = HEAP32[$arrayidx442>>2]|0; $and443 = $297 & 65535; $arrayidx444 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 10|0); $298 = HEAP16[$arrayidx444>>1]|0; $conv445 = $298 << 16 >> 16; $mul446 = Math_imul($and443, $conv445)|0; $shr447 = $mul446 >> 16; $add448 = (($mul439) + ($shr447))|0; $add449 = (($292) + ($add448))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add449; $299 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $300 = $i; $add450 = (16 + ($300))|0; $sub451 = (($add450) - 7)|0; $arrayidx452 = (($vla6) + ($sub451<<2)|0); $301 = HEAP32[$arrayidx452>>2]|0; $shr453 = $301 >> 16; $arrayidx454 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 12|0); $302 = HEAP16[$arrayidx454>>1]|0; $conv455 = $302 << 16 >> 16; $mul456 = Math_imul($shr453, $conv455)|0; $303 = $i; $add457 = (16 + ($303))|0; $sub458 = (($add457) - 7)|0; $arrayidx459 = (($vla6) + ($sub458<<2)|0); $304 = HEAP32[$arrayidx459>>2]|0; $and460 = $304 & 65535; $arrayidx461 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 12|0); $305 = HEAP16[$arrayidx461>>1]|0; $conv462 = $305 << 16 >> 16; $mul463 = Math_imul($and460, $conv462)|0; $shr464 = $mul463 >> 16; $add465 = (($mul456) + ($shr464))|0; $add466 = (($299) + ($add465))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add466; $306 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $307 = $i; $add467 = (16 + ($307))|0; $sub468 = (($add467) - 8)|0; $arrayidx469 = (($vla6) + ($sub468<<2)|0); $308 = HEAP32[$arrayidx469>>2]|0; $shr470 = $308 >> 16; $arrayidx471 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 14|0); $309 = HEAP16[$arrayidx471>>1]|0; $conv472 = $309 << 16 >> 16; $mul473 = Math_imul($shr470, $conv472)|0; $310 = $i; $add474 = (16 + ($310))|0; $sub475 = (($add474) - 8)|0; $arrayidx476 = (($vla6) + ($sub475<<2)|0); $311 = HEAP32[$arrayidx476>>2]|0; $and477 = $311 & 65535; $arrayidx478 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 14|0); $312 = HEAP16[$arrayidx478>>1]|0; $conv479 = $312 << 16 >> 16; $mul480 = Math_imul($and477, $conv479)|0; $shr481 = $mul480 >> 16; $add482 = (($mul473) + ($shr481))|0; $add483 = (($306) + ($add482))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add483; $313 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $314 = $i; $add484 = (16 + ($314))|0; $sub485 = (($add484) - 9)|0; $arrayidx486 = (($vla6) + ($sub485<<2)|0); $315 = HEAP32[$arrayidx486>>2]|0; $shr487 = $315 >> 16; $arrayidx488 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 16|0); $316 = HEAP16[$arrayidx488>>1]|0; $conv489 = $316 << 16 >> 16; $mul490 = Math_imul($shr487, $conv489)|0; $317 = $i; $add491 = (16 + ($317))|0; $sub492 = (($add491) - 9)|0; $arrayidx493 = (($vla6) + ($sub492<<2)|0); $318 = HEAP32[$arrayidx493>>2]|0; $and494 = $318 & 65535; $arrayidx495 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 16|0); $319 = HEAP16[$arrayidx495>>1]|0; $conv496 = $319 << 16 >> 16; $mul497 = Math_imul($and494, $conv496)|0; $shr498 = $mul497 >> 16; $add499 = (($mul490) + ($shr498))|0; $add500 = (($313) + ($add499))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add500; $320 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $321 = $i; $add501 = (16 + ($321))|0; $sub502 = (($add501) - 10)|0; $arrayidx503 = (($vla6) + ($sub502<<2)|0); $322 = HEAP32[$arrayidx503>>2]|0; $shr504 = $322 >> 16; $arrayidx505 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 18|0); $323 = HEAP16[$arrayidx505>>1]|0; $conv506 = $323 << 16 >> 16; $mul507 = Math_imul($shr504, $conv506)|0; $324 = $i; $add508 = (16 + ($324))|0; $sub509 = (($add508) - 10)|0; $arrayidx510 = (($vla6) + ($sub509<<2)|0); $325 = HEAP32[$arrayidx510>>2]|0; $and511 = $325 & 65535; $arrayidx512 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 18|0); $326 = HEAP16[$arrayidx512>>1]|0; $conv513 = $326 << 16 >> 16; $mul514 = Math_imul($and511, $conv513)|0; $shr515 = $mul514 >> 16; $add516 = (($mul507) + ($shr515))|0; $add517 = (($320) + ($add516))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add517; $327 = $psDec$addr; $LPC_order518 = ((($327)) + 2340|0); $328 = HEAP32[$LPC_order518>>2]|0; $cmp519 = ($328|0)==(16); if ($cmp519) { $329 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $330 = $i; $add522 = (16 + ($330))|0; $sub523 = (($add522) - 11)|0; $arrayidx524 = (($vla6) + ($sub523<<2)|0); $331 = HEAP32[$arrayidx524>>2]|0; $shr525 = $331 >> 16; $arrayidx526 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 20|0); $332 = HEAP16[$arrayidx526>>1]|0; $conv527 = $332 << 16 >> 16; $mul528 = Math_imul($shr525, $conv527)|0; $333 = $i; $add529 = (16 + ($333))|0; $sub530 = (($add529) - 11)|0; $arrayidx531 = (($vla6) + ($sub530<<2)|0); $334 = HEAP32[$arrayidx531>>2]|0; $and532 = $334 & 65535; $arrayidx533 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 20|0); $335 = HEAP16[$arrayidx533>>1]|0; $conv534 = $335 << 16 >> 16; $mul535 = Math_imul($and532, $conv534)|0; $shr536 = $mul535 >> 16; $add537 = (($mul528) + ($shr536))|0; $add538 = (($329) + ($add537))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add538; $336 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $337 = $i; $add539 = (16 + ($337))|0; $sub540 = (($add539) - 12)|0; $arrayidx541 = (($vla6) + ($sub540<<2)|0); $338 = HEAP32[$arrayidx541>>2]|0; $shr542 = $338 >> 16; $arrayidx543 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 22|0); $339 = HEAP16[$arrayidx543>>1]|0; $conv544 = $339 << 16 >> 16; $mul545 = Math_imul($shr542, $conv544)|0; $340 = $i; $add546 = (16 + ($340))|0; $sub547 = (($add546) - 12)|0; $arrayidx548 = (($vla6) + ($sub547<<2)|0); $341 = HEAP32[$arrayidx548>>2]|0; $and549 = $341 & 65535; $arrayidx550 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 22|0); $342 = HEAP16[$arrayidx550>>1]|0; $conv551 = $342 << 16 >> 16; $mul552 = Math_imul($and549, $conv551)|0; $shr553 = $mul552 >> 16; $add554 = (($mul545) + ($shr553))|0; $add555 = (($336) + ($add554))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add555; $343 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $344 = $i; $add556 = (16 + ($344))|0; $sub557 = (($add556) - 13)|0; $arrayidx558 = (($vla6) + ($sub557<<2)|0); $345 = HEAP32[$arrayidx558>>2]|0; $shr559 = $345 >> 16; $arrayidx560 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 24|0); $346 = HEAP16[$arrayidx560>>1]|0; $conv561 = $346 << 16 >> 16; $mul562 = Math_imul($shr559, $conv561)|0; $347 = $i; $add563 = (16 + ($347))|0; $sub564 = (($add563) - 13)|0; $arrayidx565 = (($vla6) + ($sub564<<2)|0); $348 = HEAP32[$arrayidx565>>2]|0; $and566 = $348 & 65535; $arrayidx567 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 24|0); $349 = HEAP16[$arrayidx567>>1]|0; $conv568 = $349 << 16 >> 16; $mul569 = Math_imul($and566, $conv568)|0; $shr570 = $mul569 >> 16; $add571 = (($mul562) + ($shr570))|0; $add572 = (($343) + ($add571))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add572; $350 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $351 = $i; $add573 = (16 + ($351))|0; $sub574 = (($add573) - 14)|0; $arrayidx575 = (($vla6) + ($sub574<<2)|0); $352 = HEAP32[$arrayidx575>>2]|0; $shr576 = $352 >> 16; $arrayidx577 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 26|0); $353 = HEAP16[$arrayidx577>>1]|0; $conv578 = $353 << 16 >> 16; $mul579 = Math_imul($shr576, $conv578)|0; $354 = $i; $add580 = (16 + ($354))|0; $sub581 = (($add580) - 14)|0; $arrayidx582 = (($vla6) + ($sub581<<2)|0); $355 = HEAP32[$arrayidx582>>2]|0; $and583 = $355 & 65535; $arrayidx584 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 26|0); $356 = HEAP16[$arrayidx584>>1]|0; $conv585 = $356 << 16 >> 16; $mul586 = Math_imul($and583, $conv585)|0; $shr587 = $mul586 >> 16; $add588 = (($mul579) + ($shr587))|0; $add589 = (($350) + ($add588))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add589; $357 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $358 = $i; $add590 = (16 + ($358))|0; $sub591 = (($add590) - 15)|0; $arrayidx592 = (($vla6) + ($sub591<<2)|0); $359 = HEAP32[$arrayidx592>>2]|0; $shr593 = $359 >> 16; $arrayidx594 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 28|0); $360 = HEAP16[$arrayidx594>>1]|0; $conv595 = $360 << 16 >> 16; $mul596 = Math_imul($shr593, $conv595)|0; $361 = $i; $add597 = (16 + ($361))|0; $sub598 = (($add597) - 15)|0; $arrayidx599 = (($vla6) + ($sub598<<2)|0); $362 = HEAP32[$arrayidx599>>2]|0; $and600 = $362 & 65535; $arrayidx601 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 28|0); $363 = HEAP16[$arrayidx601>>1]|0; $conv602 = $363 << 16 >> 16; $mul603 = Math_imul($and600, $conv602)|0; $shr604 = $mul603 >> 16; $add605 = (($mul596) + ($shr604))|0; $add606 = (($357) + ($add605))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add606; $364 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $365 = $i; $add607 = (16 + ($365))|0; $sub608 = (($add607) - 16)|0; $arrayidx609 = (($vla6) + ($sub608<<2)|0); $366 = HEAP32[$arrayidx609>>2]|0; $shr610 = $366 >> 16; $arrayidx611 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 30|0); $367 = HEAP16[$arrayidx611>>1]|0; $conv612 = $367 << 16 >> 16; $mul613 = Math_imul($shr610, $conv612)|0; $368 = $i; $add614 = (16 + ($368))|0; $sub615 = (($add614) - 16)|0; $arrayidx616 = (($vla6) + ($sub615<<2)|0); $369 = HEAP32[$arrayidx616>>2]|0; $and617 = $369 & 65535; $arrayidx618 = ((($A_Q12_tmp)) + 30|0); $370 = HEAP16[$arrayidx618>>1]|0; $conv619 = $370 << 16 >> 16; $mul620 = Math_imul($and617, $conv619)|0; $shr621 = $mul620 >> 16; $add622 = (($mul613) + ($shr621))|0; $add623 = (($364) + ($add622))|0; $LPC_pred_Q10 = $add623; } $371 = $pres_Q14; $372 = $i; $arrayidx625 = (($371) + ($372<<2)|0); $373 = HEAP32[$arrayidx625>>2]|0; $374 = $LPC_pred_Q10; $shl626 = $374 << 4; $add627 = (($373) + ($shl626))|0; $375 = $i; $add628 = (16 + ($375))|0; $arrayidx629 = (($vla6) + ($add628<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx629>>2] = $add627; $376 = $i; $add630 = (16 + ($376))|0; $arrayidx631 = (($vla6) + ($add630<<2)|0); $377 = HEAP32[$arrayidx631>>2]|0; $shr632 = $377 >> 16; $378 = $Gain_Q10; $conv633 = $378&65535; $conv634 = $conv633 << 16 >> 16; $mul635 = Math_imul($shr632, $conv634)|0; $379 = $i; $add636 = (16 + ($379))|0; $arrayidx637 = (($vla6) + ($add636<<2)|0); $380 = HEAP32[$arrayidx637>>2]|0; $and638 = $380 & 65535; $381 = $Gain_Q10; $conv639 = $381&65535; $conv640 = $conv639 << 16 >> 16; $mul641 = Math_imul($and638, $conv640)|0; $shr642 = $mul641 >> 16; $add643 = (($mul635) + ($shr642))|0; $382 = $i; $add644 = (16 + ($382))|0; $arrayidx645 = (($vla6) + ($add644<<2)|0); $383 = HEAP32[$arrayidx645>>2]|0; $384 = $Gain_Q10; $shr646 = $384 >> 15; $add647 = (($shr646) + 1)|0; $shr648 = $add647 >> 1; $mul649 = Math_imul($383, $shr648)|0; $add650 = (($add643) + ($mul649))|0; $shr651 = $add650 >> 7; $add652 = (($shr651) + 1)|0; $shr653 = $add652 >> 1; $cmp654 = ($shr653|0)>(32767); if ($cmp654) { $cond709 = 32767; } else { $385 = $i; $add656 = (16 + ($385))|0; $arrayidx657 = (($vla6) + ($add656<<2)|0); $386 = HEAP32[$arrayidx657>>2]|0; $shr658 = $386 >> 16; $387 = $Gain_Q10; $conv659 = $387&65535; $conv660 = $conv659 << 16 >> 16; $mul661 = Math_imul($shr658, $conv660)|0; $388 = $i; $add662 = (16 + ($388))|0; $arrayidx663 = (($vla6) + ($add662<<2)|0); $389 = HEAP32[$arrayidx663>>2]|0; $and664 = $389 & 65535; $390 = $Gain_Q10; $conv665 = $390&65535; $conv666 = $conv665 << 16 >> 16; $mul667 = Math_imul($and664, $conv666)|0; $shr668 = $mul667 >> 16; $add669 = (($mul661) + ($shr668))|0; $391 = $i; $add670 = (16 + ($391))|0; $arrayidx671 = (($vla6) + ($add670<<2)|0); $392 = HEAP32[$arrayidx671>>2]|0; $393 = $Gain_Q10; $shr672 = $393 >> 15; $add673 = (($shr672) + 1)|0; $shr674 = $add673 >> 1; $mul675 = Math_imul($392, $shr674)|0; $add676 = (($add669) + ($mul675))|0; $shr677 = $add676 >> 7; $add678 = (($shr677) + 1)|0; $shr679 = $add678 >> 1; $cmp680 = ($shr679|0)<(-32768); if ($cmp680) { $cond709 = -32768; } else { $394 = $i; $add684 = (16 + ($394))|0; $arrayidx685 = (($vla6) + ($add684<<2)|0); $395 = HEAP32[$arrayidx685>>2]|0; $shr686 = $395 >> 16; $396 = $Gain_Q10; $conv687 = $396&65535; $conv688 = $conv687 << 16 >> 16; $mul689 = Math_imul($shr686, $conv688)|0; $397 = $i; $add690 = (16 + ($397))|0; $arrayidx691 = (($vla6) + ($add690<<2)|0); $398 = HEAP32[$arrayidx691>>2]|0; $and692 = $398 & 65535; $399 = $Gain_Q10; $conv693 = $399&65535; $conv694 = $conv693 << 16 >> 16; $mul695 = Math_imul($and692, $conv694)|0; $shr696 = $mul695 >> 16; $add697 = (($mul689) + ($shr696))|0; $400 = $i; $add698 = (16 + ($400))|0; $arrayidx699 = (($vla6) + ($add698<<2)|0); $401 = HEAP32[$arrayidx699>>2]|0; $402 = $Gain_Q10; $shr700 = $402 >> 15; $add701 = (($shr700) + 1)|0; $shr702 = $add701 >> 1; $mul703 = Math_imul($401, $shr702)|0; $add704 = (($add697) + ($mul703))|0; $shr705 = $add704 >> 7; $add706 = (($shr705) + 1)|0; $shr707 = $add706 >> 1; $cond709 = $shr707; } } $conv710 = $cond709&65535; $403 = $pxq; $404 = $i; $arrayidx711 = (($403) + ($404<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx711>>1] = $conv710; $405 = $i; $inc713 = (($405) + 1)|0; $i = $inc713; } $406 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length715 = ((($406)) + 2332|0); $407 = HEAP32[$subfr_length715>>2]|0; $arrayidx716 = (($vla6) + ($407<<2)|0); dest=$vla6; src=$arrayidx716; stop=dest+64|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $408 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length717 = ((($408)) + 2332|0); $409 = HEAP32[$subfr_length717>>2]|0; $410 = $pexc_Q14; $add$ptr = (($410) + ($409<<2)|0); $pexc_Q14 = $add$ptr; $411 = $psDec$addr; $subfr_length718 = ((($411)) + 2332|0); $412 = HEAP32[$subfr_length718>>2]|0; $413 = $pxq; $add$ptr719 = (($413) + ($412<<1)|0); $pxq = $add$ptr719; $414 = $k; $inc721 = (($414) + 1)|0; $k = $inc721; } $415 = $psDec$addr; $sLPC_Q14_buf723 = ((($415)) + 1284|0); dest=$sLPC_Q14_buf723; src=$vla6; stop=dest+64|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=HEAP32[src>>2]|0; dest=dest+4|0; src=src+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $416 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($416|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_INVERSE32_varQ_549($b32,$Qres) { $b32 = $b32|0; $Qres = $Qres|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Qres$addr = 0, $add = 0; var $add20 = 0, $add21 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add26 = 0, $and = 0, $and15 = 0, $b32$addr = 0, $b32_inv = 0, $b32_nrm = 0, $b_headrm = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp40 = 0, $cmp48 = 0, $cmp61 = 0, $cmp69 = 0, $cmp83 = 0, $cond = 0; var $cond80 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $div = 0, $err_Q32 = 0, $lshift = 0, $mul = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul18 = 0, $mul25 = 0, $mul7 = 0, $result = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0; var $shl10 = 0, $shl2 = 0, $shl82 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr11 = 0, $shr19 = 0, $shr22 = 0, $shr24 = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr34 = 0, $shr39 = 0, $shr44 = 0, $shr47 = 0, $shr52 = 0, $shr60 = 0, $shr65 = 0, $shr68 = 0, $shr73 = 0, $shr8 = 0; var $shr86 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub27 = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub31 = 0, $sub33 = 0, $sub38 = 0, $sub43 = 0, $sub46 = 0, $sub51 = 0, $sub64 = 0, $sub67 = 0, $sub72 = 0, $sub81 = 0, $sub9 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $b32$addr = $b32; $Qres$addr = $Qres; $0 = $b32$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(0); $1 = $b32$addr; $sub = (0 - ($1))|0; $cond = $cmp ? $1 : $sub; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_551($cond)|0); $sub1 = (($call) - 1)|0; $b_headrm = $sub1; $2 = $b32$addr; $3 = $b_headrm; $shl = $2 << $3; $b32_nrm = $shl; $4 = $b32_nrm; $shr = $4 >> 16; $div = (536870911 / ($shr|0))&-1; $b32_inv = $div; $5 = $b32_inv; $shl2 = $5 << 16; $result = $shl2; $6 = $b32_nrm; $shr3 = $6 >> 16; $7 = $b32_inv; $conv = $7&65535; $conv4 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr3, $conv4)|0; $8 = $b32_nrm; $and = $8 & 65535; $9 = $b32_inv; $conv5 = $9&65535; $conv6 = $conv5 << 16 >> 16; $mul7 = Math_imul($and, $conv6)|0; $shr8 = $mul7 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr8))|0; $sub9 = (536870912 - ($add))|0; $shl10 = $sub9 << 3; $err_Q32 = $shl10; $10 = $result; $11 = $err_Q32; $shr11 = $11 >> 16; $12 = $b32_inv; $conv12 = $12&65535; $conv13 = $conv12 << 16 >> 16; $mul14 = Math_imul($shr11, $conv13)|0; $13 = $err_Q32; $and15 = $13 & 65535; $14 = $b32_inv; $conv16 = $14&65535; $conv17 = $conv16 << 16 >> 16; $mul18 = Math_imul($and15, $conv17)|0; $shr19 = $mul18 >> 16; $add20 = (($mul14) + ($shr19))|0; $add21 = (($10) + ($add20))|0; $15 = $err_Q32; $16 = $b32_inv; $shr22 = $16 >> 15; $add23 = (($shr22) + 1)|0; $shr24 = $add23 >> 1; $mul25 = Math_imul($15, $shr24)|0; $add26 = (($add21) + ($mul25))|0; $result = $add26; $17 = $b_headrm; $sub27 = (61 - ($17))|0; $18 = $Qres$addr; $sub28 = (($sub27) - ($18))|0; $lshift = $sub28; $19 = $lshift; $cmp29 = ($19|0)<=(0); $20 = $lshift; if (!($cmp29)) { $cmp83 = ($20|0)<(32); if ($cmp83) { $35 = $result; $36 = $lshift; $shr86 = $35 >> $36; $retval = $shr86; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } else { $retval = 0; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } } $sub31 = (0 - ($20))|0; $shr32 = -2147483648 >> $sub31; $21 = $lshift; $sub33 = (0 - ($21))|0; $shr34 = 2147483647 >> $sub33; $cmp35 = ($shr32|0)>($shr34|0); $22 = $result; $23 = $lshift; $sub38 = (0 - ($23))|0; do { if ($cmp35) { $shr39 = -2147483648 >> $sub38; $cmp40 = ($22|0)>($shr39|0); if ($cmp40) { $24 = $lshift; $sub43 = (0 - ($24))|0; $shr44 = -2147483648 >> $sub43; $cond80 = $shr44; break; } $25 = $result; $26 = $lshift; $sub46 = (0 - ($26))|0; $shr47 = 2147483647 >> $sub46; $cmp48 = ($25|0)<($shr47|0); if ($cmp48) { $27 = $lshift; $sub51 = (0 - ($27))|0; $shr52 = 2147483647 >> $sub51; $cond80 = $shr52; break; } else { $28 = $result; $cond80 = $28; break; } } else { $shr60 = 2147483647 >> $sub38; $cmp61 = ($22|0)>($shr60|0); if ($cmp61) { $29 = $lshift; $sub64 = (0 - ($29))|0; $shr65 = 2147483647 >> $sub64; $cond80 = $shr65; break; } $30 = $result; $31 = $lshift; $sub67 = (0 - ($31))|0; $shr68 = -2147483648 >> $sub67; $cmp69 = ($30|0)<($shr68|0); if ($cmp69) { $32 = $lshift; $sub72 = (0 - ($32))|0; $shr73 = -2147483648 >> $sub72; $cond80 = $shr73; break; } else { $33 = $result; $cond80 = $33; break; } } } while(0); $34 = $lshift; $sub81 = (0 - ($34))|0; $shl82 = $cond80 << $sub81; $retval = $shl82; $37 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($37|0); } function _silk_DIV32_varQ_550($a32,$b32,$Qres) { $a32 = $a32|0; $b32 = $b32|0; $Qres = $Qres|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $Qres$addr = 0, $a32$addr = 0, $a32_nrm = 0, $a_headrm = 0, $add = 0, $add33 = 0, $add34 = 0, $add35 = 0, $and = 0; var $and28 = 0, $b32$addr = 0, $b32_inv = 0, $b32_nrm = 0, $b_headrm = 0, $call = 0, $call8 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cmp44 = 0, $cmp49 = 0, $cmp57 = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp78 = 0, $cmp92 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond7 = 0, $cond89 = 0, $conv = 0; var $conv12 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv26 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $div = 0, $lshift = 0, $mul = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul27 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $result = 0, $retval = 0, $shl = 0, $shl10 = 0, $shl22 = 0, $shl91 = 0, $shr = 0; var $shr11 = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr24 = 0, $shr32 = 0, $shr41 = 0, $shr43 = 0, $shr48 = 0, $shr53 = 0, $shr56 = 0, $shr61 = 0, $shr69 = 0, $shr74 = 0, $shr77 = 0, $shr82 = 0, $shr95 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $sub23 = 0, $sub36 = 0, $sub37 = 0; var $sub40 = 0, $sub42 = 0, $sub47 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $sub52 = 0, $sub55 = 0, $sub60 = 0, $sub73 = 0, $sub76 = 0, $sub81 = 0, $sub9 = 0, $sub90 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $a32$addr = $a32; $b32$addr = $b32; $Qres$addr = $Qres; $0 = $a32$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)>(0); $1 = $a32$addr; $sub = (0 - ($1))|0; $cond = $cmp ? $1 : $sub; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_551($cond)|0); $sub1 = (($call) - 1)|0; $a_headrm = $sub1; $2 = $a32$addr; $3 = $a_headrm; $shl = $2 << $3; $a32_nrm = $shl; $4 = $b32$addr; $cmp2 = ($4|0)>(0); $5 = $b32$addr; $sub5 = (0 - ($5))|0; $cond7 = $cmp2 ? $5 : $sub5; $call8 = (_silk_CLZ32_551($cond7)|0); $sub9 = (($call8) - 1)|0; $b_headrm = $sub9; $6 = $b32$addr; $7 = $b_headrm; $shl10 = $6 << $7; $b32_nrm = $shl10; $8 = $b32_nrm; $shr = $8 >> 16; $div = (536870911 / ($shr|0))&-1; $b32_inv = $div; $9 = $a32_nrm; $shr11 = $9 >> 16; $10 = $b32_inv; $conv = $10&65535; $conv12 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr11, $conv12)|0; $11 = $a32_nrm; $and = $11 & 65535; $12 = $b32_inv; $conv13 = $12&65535; $conv14 = $conv13 << 16 >> 16; $mul15 = Math_imul($and, $conv14)|0; $shr16 = $mul15 >> 16; $add = (($mul) + ($shr16))|0; $result = $add; $13 = $a32_nrm; $14 = $b32_nrm; $15 = ($14|0)<(0); $16 = $15 << 31 >> 31; $17 = $result; $18 = ($17|0)<(0); $19 = $18 << 31 >> 31; $20 = (___muldi3(($14|0),($16|0),($17|0),($19|0))|0); $21 = tempRet0; $22 = (_bitshift64Ashr(($20|0),($21|0),32)|0); $23 = tempRet0; $shl22 = $22 << 3; $sub23 = (($13) - ($shl22))|0; $a32_nrm = $sub23; $24 = $result; $25 = $a32_nrm; $shr24 = $25 >> 16; $26 = $b32_inv; $conv25 = $26&65535; $conv26 = $conv25 << 16 >> 16; $mul27 = Math_imul($shr24, $conv26)|0; $27 = $a32_nrm; $and28 = $27 & 65535; $28 = $b32_inv; $conv29 = $28&65535; $conv30 = $conv29 << 16 >> 16; $mul31 = Math_imul($and28, $conv30)|0; $shr32 = $mul31 >> 16; $add33 = (($mul27) + ($shr32))|0; $add34 = (($24) + ($add33))|0; $result = $add34; $29 = $a_headrm; $add35 = (29 + ($29))|0; $30 = $b_headrm; $sub36 = (($add35) - ($30))|0; $31 = $Qres$addr; $sub37 = (($sub36) - ($31))|0; $lshift = $sub37; $32 = $lshift; $cmp38 = ($32|0)<(0); $33 = $lshift; if (!($cmp38)) { $cmp92 = ($33|0)<(32); if ($cmp92) { $48 = $result; $49 = $lshift; $shr95 = $48 >> $49; $retval = $shr95; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } else { $retval = 0; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } } $sub40 = (0 - ($33))|0; $shr41 = -2147483648 >> $sub40; $34 = $lshift; $sub42 = (0 - ($34))|0; $shr43 = 2147483647 >> $sub42; $cmp44 = ($shr41|0)>($shr43|0); $35 = $result; $36 = $lshift; $sub47 = (0 - ($36))|0; do { if ($cmp44) { $shr48 = -2147483648 >> $sub47; $cmp49 = ($35|0)>($shr48|0); if ($cmp49) { $37 = $lshift; $sub52 = (0 - ($37))|0; $shr53 = -2147483648 >> $sub52; $cond89 = $shr53; break; } $38 = $result; $39 = $lshift; $sub55 = (0 - ($39))|0; $shr56 = 2147483647 >> $sub55; $cmp57 = ($38|0)<($shr56|0); if ($cmp57) { $40 = $lshift; $sub60 = (0 - ($40))|0; $shr61 = 2147483647 >> $sub60; $cond89 = $shr61; break; } else { $41 = $result; $cond89 = $41; break; } } else { $shr69 = 2147483647 >> $sub47; $cmp70 = ($35|0)>($shr69|0); if ($cmp70) { $42 = $lshift; $sub73 = (0 - ($42))|0; $shr74 = 2147483647 >> $sub73; $cond89 = $shr74; break; } $43 = $result; $44 = $lshift; $sub76 = (0 - ($44))|0; $shr77 = -2147483648 >> $sub76; $cmp78 = ($43|0)<($shr77|0); if ($cmp78) { $45 = $lshift; $sub81 = (0 - ($45))|0; $shr82 = -2147483648 >> $sub81; $cond89 = $shr82; break; } else { $46 = $result; $cond89 = $46; break; } } } while(0); $47 = $lshift; $sub90 = (0 - ($47))|0; $shl91 = $cond89 << $sub90; $retval = $shl91; $50 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($50|0); } function _silk_CLZ32_551($in32) { $in32 = $in32|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $cond = 0, $in32$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in32$addr = $in32; $0 = $in32$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $cond = 32; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $1 = $in32$addr; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $sub1 = (32 - ($sub))|0; $cond = $sub1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_interpolate($xi,$x0,$x1,$ifact_Q2,$d) { $xi = $xi|0; $x0 = $x0|0; $x1 = $x1|0; $ifact_Q2 = $ifact_Q2|0; $d = $d|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0; var $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv2 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $conv8 = 0, $conv9 = 0, $d$addr = 0, $i = 0, $ifact_Q2$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $mul = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $x0$addr = 0, $x1$addr = 0, $xi$addr = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $xi$addr = $xi; $x0$addr = $x0; $x1$addr = $x1; $ifact_Q2$addr = $ifact_Q2; $d$addr = $d; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $d$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $2 = $x0$addr; $3 = $i; $arrayidx = (($2) + ($3<<1)|0); $4 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $4 << 16 >> 16; $5 = $x1$addr; $6 = $i; $arrayidx1 = (($5) + ($6<<1)|0); $7 = HEAP16[$arrayidx1>>1]|0; $conv2 = $7 << 16 >> 16; $8 = $x0$addr; $9 = $i; $arrayidx3 = (($8) + ($9<<1)|0); $10 = HEAP16[$arrayidx3>>1]|0; $conv4 = $10 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($conv2) - ($conv4))|0; $conv5 = $sub&65535; $conv6 = $conv5 << 16 >> 16; $11 = $ifact_Q2$addr; $conv7 = $11&65535; $conv8 = $conv7 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($conv6, $conv8)|0; $shr = $mul >> 2; $add = (($conv) + ($shr))|0; $conv9 = $add&65535; $12 = $xi$addr; $13 = $i; $arrayidx10 = (($12) + ($13<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx10>>1] = $conv9; $14 = $i; $inc = (($14) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_NLSF_encode($NLSFIndices,$pNLSF_Q15,$psNLSF_CB,$pW_QW,$NLSF_mu_Q20,$nSurvivors,$signalType) { $NLSFIndices = $NLSFIndices|0; $pNLSF_Q15 = $pNLSF_Q15|0; $psNLSF_CB = $psNLSF_CB|0; $pW_QW = $pW_QW|0; $NLSF_mu_Q20 = $NLSF_mu_Q20|0; $nSurvivors = $nSurvivors|0; $signalType = $signalType|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0; var $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0; var $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0; var $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0; var $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0; var $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $CB1_NLSF_Q8 = 0, $CB1_NLSF_Q811 = 0, $CB1_iCDF = 0, $NLSFIndices$addr = 0, $NLSF_mu_Q20$addr = 0, $NLSF_tmp_Q15 = 0, $W_adj_Q5 = 0; var $W_tmp_Q9 = 0, $W_tmp_QW = 0, $add = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx101 = 0, $arrayidx108 = 0, $arrayidx112 = 0, $arrayidx115 = 0, $arrayidx117 = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $arrayidx22 = 0, $arrayidx26 = 0, $arrayidx27 = 0, $arrayidx29 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx51 = 0, $arrayidx61 = 0, $arrayidx64 = 0; var $arrayidx67 = 0, $arrayidx74 = 0, $arrayidx82 = 0, $arrayidx87 = 0, $arrayidx90 = 0, $arrayidx94 = 0, $arrayidx96 = 0, $bestIndex = 0, $bits_q7 = 0, $call = 0, $call81 = 0, $call99 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp39 = 0, $cmp58 = 0, $cmp88 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv102 = 0, $conv103 = 0; var $conv105 = 0, $conv106 = 0, $conv113 = 0, $conv119 = 0, $conv13 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv2 = 0, $conv23 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv25 = 0, $conv28 = 0, $conv30 = 0, $conv31 = 0, $conv35 = 0, $conv38 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv43 = 0, $conv46 = 0, $conv47 = 0, $conv48 = 0; var $conv50 = 0, $conv57 = 0, $conv62 = 0, $conv65 = 0, $conv66 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $conv79 = 0, $conv85 = 0, $conv91 = 0, $conv95 = 0, $conv97 = 0, $deltaMin_Q15 = 0, $div = 0, $ec_Rates_Q5 = 0, $ec_ix = 0, $i = 0, $iCDF_ptr = 0, $inc = 0, $inc110 = 0, $inc53 = 0; var $inc69 = 0, $ind1 = 0, $invQuantStepSize_Q6 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul107 = 0, $mul116 = 0, $mul120 = 0, $mul14 = 0, $mul49 = 0, $mul73 = 0, $mul86 = 0, $nSurvivors$addr = 0, $order = 0, $order118 = 0, $order12 = 0, $order17 = 0, $order3 = 0, $order34 = 0, $order37 = 0, $order56 = 0; var $order80 = 0, $pCB_element = 0, $pNLSF_Q15$addr = 0, $pW_QW$addr = 0, $pred_Q8 = 0, $prob_Q8 = 0, $psNLSF_CB$addr = 0, $quantStepSize_Q16 = 0, $res_Q10 = 0, $res_Q15 = 0, $s = 0, $saved_stack = 0, $shl = 0, $shl44 = 0, $shl63 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr104 = 0, $shr83 = 0, $signalType$addr = 0, $sub = 0; var $sub100 = 0, $sub92 = 0, $sub93 = 0, $sub98 = 0, $vla = 0, $vla$alloca_mul = 0, $vla5 = 0, $vla5$alloca_mul = 0, $vla8 = 0, $vla8$alloca_mul = 0, $vla9 = 0, $vla9$alloca_mul = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 288|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(288|0); $bestIndex = sp + 24|0; $res_Q15 = sp + 232|0; $res_Q10 = sp + 200|0; $NLSF_tmp_Q15 = sp + 168|0; $W_tmp_QW = sp + 136|0; $W_adj_Q5 = sp + 104|0; $pred_Q8 = sp + 264|0; $ec_ix = sp + 72|0; $NLSFIndices$addr = $NLSFIndices; $pNLSF_Q15$addr = $pNLSF_Q15; $psNLSF_CB$addr = $psNLSF_CB; $pW_QW$addr = $pW_QW; $NLSF_mu_Q20$addr = $NLSF_mu_Q20; $nSurvivors$addr = $nSurvivors; $signalType$addr = $signalType; $0 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $1 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $deltaMin_Q15 = ((($1)) + 32|0); $2 = HEAP32[$deltaMin_Q15>>2]|0; $3 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order = ((($3)) + 2|0); $4 = HEAP16[$order>>1]|0; $conv = $4 << 16 >> 16; _silk_NLSF_stabilize($0,$2,$conv); $5 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $6 = HEAP16[$5>>1]|0; $7 = $6&65535; $8 = (_llvm_stacksave()|0); $saved_stack = $8; $vla$alloca_mul = $7<<2; $vla = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $9 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $10 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $CB1_NLSF_Q8 = ((($10)) + 8|0); $11 = HEAP32[$CB1_NLSF_Q8>>2]|0; $12 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $13 = HEAP16[$12>>1]|0; $conv2 = $13 << 16 >> 16; $14 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order3 = ((($14)) + 2|0); $15 = HEAP16[$order3>>1]|0; $conv4 = $15 << 16 >> 16; _silk_NLSF_VQ($vla,$9,$11,$conv2,$conv4); $16 = $nSurvivors$addr; $vla5$alloca_mul = $16<<2; $vla5 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla5$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla5$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $17 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $18 = HEAP16[$17>>1]|0; $conv7 = $18 << 16 >> 16; $19 = $nSurvivors$addr; _silk_insertion_sort_increasing($vla,$vla5,$conv7,$19); $20 = $nSurvivors$addr; $vla8$alloca_mul = $20<<2; $vla8 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla8$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla8$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $21 = $nSurvivors$addr; $mul = $21<<4; $vla9$alloca_mul = $mul; $vla9 = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + ((((1*$vla9$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(((((1*$vla9$alloca_mul)|0)+15)&-16)|0);; $s = 0; while(1) { $22 = $s; $23 = $nSurvivors$addr; $cmp = ($22|0)<($23|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $24 = $s; $arrayidx = (($vla5) + ($24<<2)|0); $25 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $ind1 = $25; $26 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $CB1_NLSF_Q811 = ((($26)) + 8|0); $27 = HEAP32[$CB1_NLSF_Q811>>2]|0; $28 = $ind1; $29 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order12 = ((($29)) + 2|0); $30 = HEAP16[$order12>>1]|0; $conv13 = $30 << 16 >> 16; $mul14 = Math_imul($28, $conv13)|0; $arrayidx15 = (($27) + ($mul14)|0); $pCB_element = $arrayidx15; $i = 0; while(1) { $31 = $i; $32 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order17 = ((($32)) + 2|0); $33 = HEAP16[$order17>>1]|0; $conv18 = $33 << 16 >> 16; $cmp19 = ($31|0)<($conv18|0); if (!($cmp19)) { break; } $34 = $pCB_element; $35 = $i; $arrayidx22 = (($34) + ($35)|0); $36 = HEAP8[$arrayidx22>>0]|0; $conv23 = $36&255; $conv24 = $conv23&65535; $shl = $conv24 << 7; $conv25 = $shl&65535; $37 = $i; $arrayidx26 = (($NLSF_tmp_Q15) + ($37<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx26>>1] = $conv25; $38 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $39 = $i; $arrayidx27 = (($38) + ($39<<1)|0); $40 = HEAP16[$arrayidx27>>1]|0; $conv28 = $40 << 16 >> 16; $41 = $i; $arrayidx29 = (($NLSF_tmp_Q15) + ($41<<1)|0); $42 = HEAP16[$arrayidx29>>1]|0; $conv30 = $42 << 16 >> 16; $sub = (($conv28) - ($conv30))|0; $conv31 = $sub&65535; $43 = $i; $arrayidx32 = (($res_Q15) + ($43<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx32>>1] = $conv31; $44 = $i; $inc = (($44) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $45 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order34 = ((($45)) + 2|0); $46 = HEAP16[$order34>>1]|0; $conv35 = $46 << 16 >> 16; _silk_NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia($W_tmp_QW,$NLSF_tmp_Q15,$conv35); $i = 0; while(1) { $47 = $i; $48 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order37 = ((($48)) + 2|0); $49 = HEAP16[$order37>>1]|0; $conv38 = $49 << 16 >> 16; $cmp39 = ($47|0)<($conv38|0); if (!($cmp39)) { break; } $50 = $i; $arrayidx42 = (($W_tmp_QW) + ($50<<1)|0); $51 = HEAP16[$arrayidx42>>1]|0; $conv43 = $51 << 16 >> 16; $shl44 = $conv43 << 16; $call = (_silk_SQRT_APPROX_556($shl44)|0); $W_tmp_Q9 = $call; $52 = $i; $arrayidx45 = (($res_Q15) + ($52<<1)|0); $53 = HEAP16[$arrayidx45>>1]|0; $conv46 = $53 << 16 >> 16; $54 = $W_tmp_Q9; $conv47 = $54&65535; $conv48 = $conv47 << 16 >> 16; $mul49 = Math_imul($conv46, $conv48)|0; $shr = $mul49 >> 14; $conv50 = $shr&65535; $55 = $i; $arrayidx51 = (($res_Q10) + ($55<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx51>>1] = $conv50; $56 = $i; $inc53 = (($56) + 1)|0; $i = $inc53; } $i = 0; while(1) { $57 = $i; $58 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order56 = ((($58)) + 2|0); $59 = HEAP16[$order56>>1]|0; $conv57 = $59 << 16 >> 16; $cmp58 = ($57|0)<($conv57|0); if (!($cmp58)) { break; } $60 = $pW_QW$addr; $61 = $i; $arrayidx61 = (($60) + ($61<<1)|0); $62 = HEAP16[$arrayidx61>>1]|0; $conv62 = $62 << 16 >> 16; $shl63 = $conv62 << 5; $63 = $i; $arrayidx64 = (($W_tmp_QW) + ($63<<1)|0); $64 = HEAP16[$arrayidx64>>1]|0; $conv65 = $64 << 16 >> 16; $div = (($shl63|0) / ($conv65|0))&-1; $conv66 = $div&65535; $65 = $i; $arrayidx67 = (($W_adj_Q5) + ($65<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx67>>1] = $conv66; $66 = $i; $inc69 = (($66) + 1)|0; $i = $inc69; } $67 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $68 = $ind1; _silk_NLSF_unpack($ec_ix,$pred_Q8,$67,$68); $69 = $s; $mul73 = $69<<4; $arrayidx74 = (($vla9) + ($mul73)|0); $70 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $ec_Rates_Q5 = ((($70)) + 28|0); $71 = HEAP32[$ec_Rates_Q5>>2]|0; $72 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $quantStepSize_Q16 = ((($72)) + 4|0); $73 = HEAP16[$quantStepSize_Q16>>1]|0; $conv79 = $73 << 16 >> 16; $74 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $invQuantStepSize_Q6 = ((($74)) + 6|0); $75 = HEAP16[$invQuantStepSize_Q6>>1]|0; $76 = $NLSF_mu_Q20$addr; $77 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order80 = ((($77)) + 2|0); $78 = HEAP16[$order80>>1]|0; $call81 = (_silk_NLSF_del_dec_quant($arrayidx74,$res_Q10,$W_adj_Q5,$pred_Q8,$ec_ix,$71,$conv79,$75,$76,$78)|0); $79 = $s; $arrayidx82 = (($vla8) + ($79<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx82>>2] = $call81; $80 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $CB1_iCDF = ((($80)) + 12|0); $81 = HEAP32[$CB1_iCDF>>2]|0; $82 = $signalType$addr; $shr83 = $82 >> 1; $83 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $84 = HEAP16[$83>>1]|0; $conv85 = $84 << 16 >> 16; $mul86 = Math_imul($shr83, $conv85)|0; $arrayidx87 = (($81) + ($mul86)|0); $iCDF_ptr = $arrayidx87; $85 = $ind1; $cmp88 = ($85|0)==(0); $86 = $iCDF_ptr; $87 = $ind1; if ($cmp88) { $arrayidx90 = (($86) + ($87)|0); $88 = HEAP8[$arrayidx90>>0]|0; $conv91 = $88&255; $sub92 = (256 - ($conv91))|0; $prob_Q8 = $sub92; } else { $sub93 = (($87) - 1)|0; $arrayidx94 = (($86) + ($sub93)|0); $89 = HEAP8[$arrayidx94>>0]|0; $conv95 = $89&255; $90 = $iCDF_ptr; $91 = $ind1; $arrayidx96 = (($90) + ($91)|0); $92 = HEAP8[$arrayidx96>>0]|0; $conv97 = $92&255; $sub98 = (($conv95) - ($conv97))|0; $prob_Q8 = $sub98; } $93 = $prob_Q8; $call99 = (_silk_lin2log($93)|0); $sub100 = (1024 - ($call99))|0; $bits_q7 = $sub100; $94 = $s; $arrayidx101 = (($vla8) + ($94<<2)|0); $95 = HEAP32[$arrayidx101>>2]|0; $96 = $bits_q7; $conv102 = $96&65535; $conv103 = $conv102 << 16 >> 16; $97 = $NLSF_mu_Q20$addr; $shr104 = $97 >> 2; $conv105 = $shr104&65535; $conv106 = $conv105 << 16 >> 16; $mul107 = Math_imul($conv103, $conv106)|0; $add = (($95) + ($mul107))|0; $98 = $s; $arrayidx108 = (($vla8) + ($98<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx108>>2] = $add; $99 = $s; $inc110 = (($99) + 1)|0; $s = $inc110; } $100 = $nSurvivors$addr; _silk_insertion_sort_increasing($vla8,$bestIndex,$100,1); $101 = HEAP32[$bestIndex>>2]|0; $arrayidx112 = (($vla5) + ($101<<2)|0); $102 = HEAP32[$arrayidx112>>2]|0; $conv113 = $102&255; $103 = $NLSFIndices$addr; HEAP8[$103>>0] = $conv113; $104 = $NLSFIndices$addr; $arrayidx115 = ((($104)) + 1|0); $105 = HEAP32[$bestIndex>>2]|0; $mul116 = $105<<4; $arrayidx117 = (($vla9) + ($mul116)|0); $106 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; $order118 = ((($106)) + 2|0); $107 = HEAP16[$order118>>1]|0; $conv119 = $107 << 16 >> 16; $mul120 = $conv119; _memcpy(($arrayidx115|0),($arrayidx117|0),($mul120|0))|0; $108 = $pNLSF_Q15$addr; $109 = $NLSFIndices$addr; $110 = $psNLSF_CB$addr; _silk_NLSF_decode($108,$109,$110); $111 = HEAP32[$vla8>>2]|0; $112 = $saved_stack; _llvm_stackrestore(($112|0)); STACKTOP = sp;return ($111|0); } function _silk_SQRT_APPROX_556($x) { $x = $x|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add17 = 0, $and = 0, $and9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv11 = 0; var $conv13 = 0, $conv14 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $frac_Q7 = 0, $lz = 0, $mul = 0, $mul12 = 0, $mul15 = 0, $mul8 = 0, $retval = 0, $shr = 0, $shr16 = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr4 = 0, $tobool = 0, $x$addr = 0, $y = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $lz = sp + 4|0; $frac_Q7 = sp; $x$addr = $x; $0 = $x$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<=(0); if ($cmp) { $retval = 0; $11 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($11|0); } $1 = $x$addr; _silk_CLZ_FRAC_557($1,$lz,$frac_Q7); $2 = HEAP32[$lz>>2]|0; $and = $2 & 1; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); if ($tobool) { $y = 32768; } else { $y = 46214; } $3 = HEAP32[$lz>>2]|0; $shr = $3 >> 1; $4 = $y; $shr3 = $4 >> $shr; $y = $shr3; $5 = $y; $6 = $y; $shr4 = $6 >> 16; $7 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $conv = $7&65535; $conv5 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = ($conv5*213)|0; $conv6 = $mul&65535; $conv7 = $conv6 << 16 >> 16; $mul8 = Math_imul($shr4, $conv7)|0; $8 = $y; $and9 = $8 & 65535; $9 = HEAP32[$frac_Q7>>2]|0; $conv10 = $9&65535; $conv11 = $conv10 << 16 >> 16; $mul12 = ($conv11*213)|0; $conv13 = $mul12&65535; $conv14 = $conv13 << 16 >> 16; $mul15 = Math_imul($and9, $conv14)|0; $shr16 = $mul15 >> 16; $add = (($mul8) + ($shr16))|0; $add17 = (($5) + ($add))|0; $y = $add17; $10 = $y; $retval = $10; $11 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($11|0); } function _silk_CLZ_FRAC_557($in,$lz,$frac_Q7) { $in = $in|0; $lz = $lz|0; $frac_Q7 = $frac_Q7|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $and = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $frac_Q7$addr = 0, $in$addr = 0, $lz$addr = 0, $lzeros = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in$addr = $in; $lz$addr = $lz; $frac_Q7$addr = $frac_Q7; $0 = $in$addr; $call = (_silk_CLZ32_558($0)|0); $lzeros = $call; $1 = $lzeros; $2 = $lz$addr; HEAP32[$2>>2] = $1; $3 = $in$addr; $4 = $lzeros; $sub = (24 - ($4))|0; $call1 = (_silk_ROR32_559($3,$sub)|0); $and = $call1 & 127; $5 = $frac_Q7$addr; HEAP32[$5>>2] = $and; STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_CLZ32_558($in32) { $in32 = $in32|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $cond = 0, $in32$addr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub1 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $in32$addr = $in32; $0 = $in32$addr; $tobool = ($0|0)!=(0); if (!($tobool)) { $cond = 32; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } $1 = $in32$addr; $2 = (Math_clz32(($1|0))|0); $sub = (32 - ($2))|0; $sub1 = (32 - ($sub))|0; $cond = $sub1; STACKTOP = sp;return ($cond|0); } function _silk_ROR32_559($a32,$rot) { $a32 = $a32|0; $rot = $rot|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $a32$addr = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $m = 0, $or = 0, $or8 = 0; var $r = 0, $retval = 0, $rot$addr = 0, $shl = 0, $shl6 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr7 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub3 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $x = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $a32$addr = $a32; $rot$addr = $rot; $0 = $a32$addr; $x = $0; $1 = $rot$addr; $r = $1; $2 = $rot$addr; $sub = (0 - ($2))|0; $m = $sub; $3 = $rot$addr; $cmp = ($3|0)==(0); if ($cmp) { $4 = $a32$addr; $retval = $4; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } $5 = $rot$addr; $cmp1 = ($5|0)<(0); $6 = $x; if ($cmp1) { $7 = $m; $shl = $6 << $7; $8 = $x; $9 = $m; $sub3 = (32 - ($9))|0; $shr = $8 >>> $sub3; $or = $shl | $shr; $retval = $or; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } else { $10 = $r; $sub5 = (32 - ($10))|0; $shl6 = $6 << $sub5; $11 = $x; $12 = $r; $shr7 = $11 >>> $12; $or8 = $shl6 | $shr7; $retval = $or8; $13 = $retval; STACKTOP = sp;return ($13|0); } return (0)|0; } function _silk_NLSF_VQ($err_Q26,$in_Q15,$pCB_Q8,$K,$LPC_order) { $err_Q26 = $err_Q26|0; $in_Q15 = $in_Q15|0; $pCB_Q8 = $pCB_Q8|0; $K = $K|0; $LPC_order = $LPC_order|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $3 = 0; var $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $K$addr = 0, $LPC_order$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add20 = 0, $add21 = 0, $add22 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx23 = 0, $arrayidx9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv10 = 0, $conv12 = 0; var $conv15 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv18 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $conv7 = 0, $conv8 = 0, $diff_Q15 = 0, $err_Q26$addr = 0, $i = 0, $in_Q15$addr = 0, $inc = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr11 = 0, $m = 0, $mul = 0, $mul19 = 0, $pCB_Q8$addr = 0; var $shl = 0, $shl13 = 0, $shr = 0, $sub = 0, $sub14 = 0, $sum_error_Q26 = 0, $sum_error_Q30 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $err_Q26$addr = $err_Q26; $in_Q15$addr = $in_Q15; $pCB_Q8$addr = $pCB_Q8; $K$addr = $K; $LPC_order$addr = $LPC_order; $i = 0; while(1) { $0 = $i; $1 = $K$addr; $cmp = ($0|0)<($1|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $sum_error_Q26 = 0; $m = 0; while(1) { $2 = $m; $3 = $LPC_order$addr; $cmp2 = ($2|0)<($3|0); if (!($cmp2)) { break; } $4 = $in_Q15$addr; $5 = $m; $arrayidx = (($4) + ($5<<1)|0); $6 = HEAP16[$arrayidx>>1]|0; $conv = $6 << 16 >> 16; $7 = $pCB_Q8$addr; $incdec$ptr = ((($7)) + 1|0); $pCB_Q8$addr = $incdec$ptr; $8 = HEAP8[$7>>0]|0; $conv4 = $8&255; $shl = $conv4 << 7; $sub = (($conv) - ($shl))|0; $diff_Q15 = $sub; $9 = $diff_Q15; $conv5 = $9&65535; $conv6 = $conv5 << 16 >> 16; $10 = $diff_Q15; $conv7 = $10&65535; $conv8 = $conv7 << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($conv6, $conv8)|0; $sum_error_Q30 = $mul; $11 = $in_Q15$addr; $12 = $m; $add = (($12) + 1)|0; $arrayidx9 = (($11) + ($add<<1)|0); $13 = HEAP16[$arrayidx9>>1]|0; $conv10 = $13 << 16 >> 16; $14 = $pCB_Q8$addr; $incdec$ptr11 = ((($14)) + 1|0); $pCB_Q8$addr = $incdec$ptr11; $15 = HEAP8[$14>>0]|0; $conv12 = $15&255; $shl13 = $conv12 << 7; $sub14 = (($conv10) - ($shl13))|0; $diff_Q15 = $sub14; $16 = $sum_error_Q30; $17 = $diff_Q15; $conv15 = $17&65535; $conv16 = $conv15 << 16 >> 16; $18 = $diff_Q15; $conv17 = $18&65535; $conv18 = $conv17 << 16 >> 16; $mul19 = Math_imul($conv16, $conv18)|0; $add20 = (($16) + ($mul19))|0; $sum_error_Q30 = $add20; $19 = $sum_error_Q26; $20 = $sum_error_Q30; $shr = $20 >> 4; $add21 = (($19) + ($shr))|0; $sum_error_Q26 = $add21; $21 = $m; $add22 = (($21) + 2)|0; $m = $add22; } $22 = $sum_error_Q26; $23 = $err_Q26$addr; $24 = $i; $arrayidx23 = (($23) + ($24<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx23>>2] = $22; $25 = $i; $inc = (($25) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_NLSF_del_dec_quant($indices,$x_Q10,$w_Q5,$pred_coef_Q8,$ec_ix,$ec_rates_Q5,$quant_step_size_Q16,$inv_quant_step_size_Q6,$mu_Q20,$order) { $indices = $indices|0; $x_Q10 = $x_Q10|0; $w_Q5 = $w_Q5|0; $pred_coef_Q8 = $pred_coef_Q8|0; $ec_ix = $ec_ix|0; $ec_rates_Q5 = $ec_rates_Q5|0; $quant_step_size_Q16 = $quant_step_size_Q16|0; $inv_quant_step_size_Q6 = $inv_quant_step_size_Q6|0; $mu_Q20 = $mu_Q20|0; $order = $order|0; var $$sink = 0, $$sink1 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0; var $114 = 0, $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0; var $132 = 0, $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0; var $150 = 0, $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0; var $169 = 0, $17 = 0, $170 = 0, $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0; var $187 = 0, $188 = 0, $189 = 0, $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $198 = 0, $199 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $200 = 0, $201 = 0, $202 = 0, $203 = 0; var $204 = 0, $205 = 0, $206 = 0, $207 = 0, $208 = 0, $209 = 0, $21 = 0, $210 = 0, $211 = 0, $212 = 0, $213 = 0, $214 = 0, $215 = 0, $216 = 0, $217 = 0, $218 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0; var $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0; var $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0; var $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0; var $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0; var $99 = 0, $RD_Q25 = 0, $RD_max_Q25 = 0, $RD_min_Q25 = 0, $RD_tmp_Q25 = 0, $add = 0, $add103 = 0, $add110 = 0, $add111 = 0, $add12 = 0, $add120 = 0, $add121 = 0, $add128 = 0, $add132 = 0, $add135 = 0, $add136 = 0, $add151 = 0, $add157 = 0, $add168 = 0, $add174 = 0; var $add175 = 0, $add190 = 0, $add192 = 0, $add20 = 0, $add21 = 0, $add220 = 0, $add227 = 0, $add233 = 0, $add237 = 0, $add241 = 0, $add243 = 0, $add248 = 0, $add281 = 0, $add284 = 0, $add301 = 0, $add31 = 0, $add32 = 0, $add339 = 0, $add59 = 0, $add72 = 0; var $add84 = 0, $add86 = 0, $add88 = 0, $add89 = 0, $add9 = 0, $add93 = 0, $add95 = 0, $add99 = 0, $and = 0, $and26 = 0, $and329 = 0, $and54 = 0, $and67 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx104 = 0, $arrayidx122 = 0, $arrayidx133 = 0, $arrayidx137 = 0, $arrayidx141 = 0, $arrayidx148 = 0; var $arrayidx158 = 0, $arrayidx165 = 0, $arrayidx176 = 0, $arrayidx187 = 0, $arrayidx188 = 0, $arrayidx193 = 0, $arrayidx194 = 0, $arrayidx204 = 0, $arrayidx205 = 0, $arrayidx206 = 0, $arrayidx207 = 0, $arrayidx219 = 0, $arrayidx221 = 0, $arrayidx225 = 0, $arrayidx226 = 0, $arrayidx228 = 0, $arrayidx229 = 0, $arrayidx230 = 0, $arrayidx231 = 0, $arrayidx232 = 0; var $arrayidx234 = 0, $arrayidx235 = 0, $arrayidx238 = 0, $arrayidx239 = 0, $arrayidx242 = 0, $arrayidx247 = 0, $arrayidx249 = 0, $arrayidx250 = 0, $arrayidx251 = 0, $arrayidx260 = 0, $arrayidx264 = 0, $arrayidx266 = 0, $arrayidx270 = 0, $arrayidx279 = 0, $arrayidx280 = 0, $arrayidx282 = 0, $arrayidx283 = 0, $arrayidx285 = 0, $arrayidx286 = 0, $arrayidx287 = 0; var $arrayidx288 = 0, $arrayidx289 = 0, $arrayidx290 = 0, $arrayidx296 = 0, $arrayidx298 = 0, $arrayidx299 = 0, $arrayidx315 = 0, $arrayidx319 = 0, $arrayidx33 = 0, $arrayidx330 = 0, $arrayidx331 = 0, $arrayidx332 = 0, $arrayidx39 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx41 = 0, $arrayidx44 = 0, $arrayidx51 = 0, $arrayidx55 = 0, $arrayidx82 = 0, $arrayidx83 = 0; var $arrayidx85 = 0, $arrayidx87 = 0, $arrayidx91 = 0, $arrayidx94 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp100 = 0, $cmp114 = 0, $cmp117 = 0, $cmp180 = 0, $cmp184 = 0, $cmp200 = 0, $cmp212 = 0, $cmp216 = 0, $cmp222 = 0, $cmp257 = 0, $cmp261 = 0, $cmp267 = 0, $cmp275 = 0, $cmp293 = 0; var $cmp3 = 0, $cmp312 = 0, $cmp316 = 0, $cmp326 = 0, $cmp47 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cmp73 = 0, $cmp75 = 0, $cmp96 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond80 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv105 = 0, $conv107 = 0, $conv108 = 0, $conv123 = 0, $conv125 = 0, $conv126 = 0, $conv134 = 0, $conv138 = 0; var $conv143 = 0, $conv144 = 0, $conv145 = 0, $conv146 = 0, $conv149 = 0, $conv15 = 0, $conv152 = 0, $conv153 = 0, $conv154 = 0, $conv155 = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv160 = 0, $conv161 = 0, $conv162 = 0, $conv163 = 0, $conv166 = 0, $conv169 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv170 = 0, $conv171 = 0; var $conv172 = 0, $conv189 = 0, $conv191 = 0, $conv23 = 0, $conv236 = 0, $conv24 = 0, $conv240 = 0, $conv27 = 0, $conv28 = 0, $conv300 = 0, $conv302 = 0, $conv325 = 0, $conv338 = 0, $conv340 = 0, $conv36 = 0, $conv42 = 0, $conv45 = 0, $conv52 = 0, $conv56 = 0, $conv61 = 0; var $conv63 = 0, $conv64 = 0, $conv66 = 0, $conv68 = 0, $conv69 = 0, $conv81 = 0, $conv90 = 0, $conv92 = 0, $dec = 0, $diff_Q10 = 0, $ec_ix$addr = 0, $ec_rates_Q5$addr = 0, $i = 0, $idxprom = 0, $in_Q10 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc178 = 0, $inc196 = 0, $inc209 = 0, $inc254 = 0; var $inc273 = 0, $inc304 = 0, $inc322 = 0, $inc334 = 0, $ind = 0, $ind_max_min = 0, $ind_min_max = 0, $ind_sort = 0, $ind_tmp = 0, $indices$addr = 0, $inv_quant_step_size_Q6$addr = 0, $j = 0, $max_min_Q25 = 0, $min_Q25 = 0, $min_max_Q25 = 0, $mu_Q20$addr = 0, $mul = 0, $mul109 = 0, $mul127 = 0, $mul147 = 0; var $mul150 = 0, $mul156 = 0, $mul164 = 0, $mul167 = 0, $mul173 = 0, $mul18 = 0, $mul25 = 0, $mul29 = 0, $mul53 = 0, $mul57 = 0, $mul65 = 0, $mul70 = 0, $nStates = 0, $order$addr = 0, $out0_Q10 = 0, $out0_Q10_table = 0, $out1_Q10 = 0, $out1_Q10_table = 0, $pred_Q10 = 0, $pred_coef_Q16 = 0; var $pred_coef_Q8$addr = 0, $prev_out_Q10 = 0, $quant_step_size_Q16$addr = 0, $rate0_Q5 = 0, $rate1_Q5 = 0, $rates_Q5 = 0, $res_Q10 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl198 = 0, $shl43 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr19 = 0, $shr22 = 0, $shr297 = 0, $shr30 = 0, $shr336 = 0, $shr50 = 0, $shr58 = 0, $shr62 = 0, $shr71 = 0; var $sub = 0, $sub129 = 0, $sub142 = 0, $sub159 = 0, $sub2 = 0, $sub203 = 0, $sub37 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $sub60 = 0, $w_Q5$addr = 0, $x_Q10$addr = 0, $xor = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, src = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 448|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(448|0); $ind_sort = sp + 232|0; $ind = sp + 384|0; $prev_out_Q10 = sp + 360|0; $RD_Q25 = sp + 200|0; $RD_min_Q25 = sp + 184|0; $RD_max_Q25 = sp + 168|0; $out0_Q10_table = sp + 80|0; $out1_Q10_table = sp; $indices$addr = $indices; $x_Q10$addr = $x_Q10; $w_Q5$addr = $w_Q5; $pred_coef_Q8$addr = $pred_coef_Q8; $ec_ix$addr = $ec_ix; $ec_rates_Q5$addr = $ec_rates_Q5; $quant_step_size_Q16$addr = $quant_step_size_Q16; $inv_quant_step_size_Q6$addr = $inv_quant_step_size_Q6; $mu_Q20$addr = $mu_Q20; $order$addr = $order; $i = -10; while(1) { $0 = $i; $cmp = ($0|0)<=(9); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $1 = $i; $shl = $1 << 10; $out0_Q10 = $shl; $2 = $out0_Q10; $add = (($2) + 1024)|0; $out1_Q10 = $add; $3 = $i; $cmp1 = ($3|0)>(0); do { if ($cmp1) { $4 = $out0_Q10; $sub = (($4) - 102)|0; $out0_Q10 = $sub; $5 = $out1_Q10; $sub2 = (($5) - 102)|0; $out1_Q10 = $sub2; } else { $6 = $i; $cmp3 = ($6|0)==(0); if ($cmp3) { $7 = $out1_Q10; $sub5 = (($7) - 102)|0; $out1_Q10 = $sub5; break; } $8 = $i; $cmp7 = ($8|0)==(-1); $9 = $out0_Q10; $add9 = (($9) + 102)|0; $out0_Q10 = $add9; if (!($cmp7)) { $10 = $out1_Q10; $add12 = (($10) + 102)|0; $out1_Q10 = $add12; } } } while(0); $11 = $out0_Q10; $shr = $11 >> 16; $12 = $quant_step_size_Q16$addr; $conv = $12&65535; $conv15 = $conv << 16 >> 16; $mul = Math_imul($shr, $conv15)|0; $13 = $out0_Q10; $and = $13 & 65535; $14 = $quant_step_size_Q16$addr; $conv16 = $14&65535; $conv17 = $conv16 << 16 >> 16; $mul18 = Math_imul($and, $conv17)|0; $shr19 = $mul18 >> 16; $add20 = (($mul) + ($shr19))|0; $15 = $i; $add21 = (($15) + 10)|0; $arrayidx = (($out0_Q10_table) + ($add21<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2] = $add20; $16 = $out1_Q10; $shr22 = $16 >> 16; $17 = $quant_step_size_Q16$addr; $conv23 = $17&65535; $conv24 = $conv23 << 16 >> 16; $mul25 = Math_imul($shr22, $conv24)|0; $18 = $out1_Q10; $and26 = $18 & 65535; $19 = $quant_step_size_Q16$addr; $conv27 = $19&65535; $conv28 = $conv27 << 16 >> 16; $mul29 = Math_imul($and26, $conv28)|0; $shr30 = $mul29 >> 16; $add31 = (($mul25) + ($shr30))|0; $20 = $i; $add32 = (($20) + 10)|0; $arrayidx33 = (($out1_Q10_table) + ($add32<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx33>>2] = $add31; $21 = $i; $inc = (($21) + 1)|0; $i = $inc; } $nStates = 1; HEAP32[$RD_Q25>>2] = 0; HEAP16[$prev_out_Q10>>1] = 0; $22 = $order$addr; $conv36 = $22 << 16 >> 16; $sub37 = (($conv36) - 1)|0; $i = $sub37; L13: while(1) { $23 = $ec_rates_Q5$addr; $24 = $ec_ix$addr; $25 = $i; $arrayidx39 = (($24) + ($25<<1)|0); $26 = HEAP16[$arrayidx39>>1]|0; $idxprom = $26 << 16 >> 16; $arrayidx40 = (($23) + ($idxprom)|0); $rates_Q5 = $arrayidx40; $27 = $pred_coef_Q8$addr; $28 = $i; $arrayidx41 = (($27) + ($28)|0); $29 = HEAP8[$arrayidx41>>0]|0; $conv42 = $29&255; $shl43 = $conv42 << 8; $pred_coef_Q16 = $shl43; $30 = $x_Q10$addr; $31 = $i; $arrayidx44 = (($30) + ($31<<1)|0); $32 = HEAP16[$arrayidx44>>1]|0; $conv45 = $32 << 16 >> 16; $in_Q10 = $conv45; $j = 0; while(1) { $33 = $j; $34 = $nStates; $cmp47 = ($33|0)<($34|0); if (!($cmp47)) { break; } $35 = $pred_coef_Q16; $shr50 = $35 >> 16; $36 = $j; $arrayidx51 = (($prev_out_Q10) + ($36<<1)|0); $37 = HEAP16[$arrayidx51>>1]|0; $conv52 = $37 << 16 >> 16; $mul53 = Math_imul($shr50, $conv52)|0; $38 = $pred_coef_Q16; $and54 = $38 & 65535; $39 = $j; $arrayidx55 = (($prev_out_Q10) + ($39<<1)|0); $40 = HEAP16[$arrayidx55>>1]|0; $conv56 = $40 << 16 >> 16; $mul57 = Math_imul($and54, $conv56)|0; $shr58 = $mul57 >> 16; $add59 = (($mul53) + ($shr58))|0; $pred_Q10 = $add59; $41 = $in_Q10; $42 = $pred_Q10; $sub60 = (($41) - ($42))|0; $res_Q10 = $sub60; $43 = $inv_quant_step_size_Q6$addr; $conv61 = $43 << 16 >> 16; $shr62 = $conv61 >> 16; $44 = $res_Q10; $conv63 = $44&65535; $conv64 = $conv63 << 16 >> 16; $mul65 = Math_imul($shr62, $conv64)|0; $45 = $inv_quant_step_size_Q6$addr; $conv66 = $45 << 16 >> 16; $and67 = $conv66 & 65535; $46 = $res_Q10; $conv68 = $46&65535; $conv69 = $conv68 << 16 >> 16; $mul70 = Math_imul($and67, $conv69)|0; $shr71 = $mul70 >> 16; $add72 = (($mul65) + ($shr71))|0; $ind_tmp = $add72; $47 = $ind_tmp; $cmp73 = ($47|0)>(9); if ($cmp73) { $cond80 = 9; } else { $48 = $ind_tmp; $cmp75 = ($48|0)<(-10); $49 = $ind_tmp; $cond = $cmp75 ? -10 : $49; $cond80 = $cond; } $ind_tmp = $cond80; $50 = $ind_tmp; $conv81 = $50&255; $51 = $j; $arrayidx82 = (($ind) + ($51<<4)|0); $52 = $i; $arrayidx83 = (($arrayidx82) + ($52)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx83>>0] = $conv81; $53 = $ind_tmp; $add84 = (($53) + 10)|0; $arrayidx85 = (($out0_Q10_table) + ($add84<<2)|0); $54 = HEAP32[$arrayidx85>>2]|0; $out0_Q10 = $54; $55 = $ind_tmp; $add86 = (($55) + 10)|0; $arrayidx87 = (($out1_Q10_table) + ($add86<<2)|0); $56 = HEAP32[$arrayidx87>>2]|0; $out1_Q10 = $56; $57 = $out0_Q10; $58 = $pred_Q10; $add88 = (($57) + ($58))|0; $out0_Q10 = $add88; $59 = $out1_Q10; $60 = $pred_Q10; $add89 = (($59) + ($60))|0; $out1_Q10 = $add89; $61 = $out0_Q10; $conv90 = $61&65535; $62 = $j; $arrayidx91 = (($prev_out_Q10) + ($62<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx91>>1] = $conv90; $63 = $out1_Q10; $conv92 = $63&65535; $64 = $j; $65 = $nStates; $add93 = (($64) + ($65))|0; $arrayidx94 = (($prev_out_Q10) + ($add93<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx94>>1] = $conv92; $66 = $ind_tmp; $add95 = (($66) + 1)|0; $cmp96 = ($add95|0)>=(4); $67 = $ind_tmp; do { if ($cmp96) { $add99 = (($67) + 1)|0; $cmp100 = ($add99|0)==(4); if ($cmp100) { $68 = $rates_Q5; $69 = $ind_tmp; $add103 = (($69) + 4)|0; $arrayidx104 = (($68) + ($add103)|0); $70 = HEAP8[$arrayidx104>>0]|0; $conv105 = $70&255; $rate0_Q5 = $conv105; $rate1_Q5 = 280; break; } else { $71 = $ind_tmp; $conv107 = $71&65535; $conv108 = $conv107 << 16 >> 16; $mul109 = ($conv108*43)|0; $add110 = (108 + ($mul109))|0; $rate0_Q5 = $add110; $72 = $rate0_Q5; $add111 = (($72) + 43)|0; $rate1_Q5 = $add111; break; } } else { $cmp114 = ($67|0)<=(-4); if (!($cmp114)) { $79 = $rates_Q5; $80 = $ind_tmp; $add132 = (($80) + 4)|0; $arrayidx133 = (($79) + ($add132)|0); $81 = HEAP8[$arrayidx133>>0]|0; $conv134 = $81&255; $rate0_Q5 = $conv134; $82 = $rates_Q5; $83 = $ind_tmp; $add135 = (($83) + 1)|0; $add136 = (($add135) + 4)|0; $arrayidx137 = (($82) + ($add136)|0); $84 = HEAP8[$arrayidx137>>0]|0; $conv138 = $84&255; $rate1_Q5 = $conv138; break; } $73 = $ind_tmp; $cmp117 = ($73|0)==(-4); if ($cmp117) { $rate0_Q5 = 280; $74 = $rates_Q5; $75 = $ind_tmp; $add120 = (($75) + 1)|0; $add121 = (($add120) + 4)|0; $arrayidx122 = (($74) + ($add121)|0); $76 = HEAP8[$arrayidx122>>0]|0; $conv123 = $76&255; $rate1_Q5 = $conv123; break; } else { $77 = $ind_tmp; $conv125 = $77&65535; $conv126 = $conv125 << 16 >> 16; $mul127 = Math_imul(-43, $conv126)|0; $add128 = (108 + ($mul127))|0; $rate0_Q5 = $add128; $78 = $rate0_Q5; $sub129 = (($78) - 43)|0; $rate1_Q5 = $sub129; break; } } } while(0); $85 = $j; $arrayidx141 = (($RD_Q25) + ($85<<2)|0); $86 = HEAP32[$arrayidx141>>2]|0; $RD_tmp_Q25 = $86; $87 = $in_Q10; $88 = $out0_Q10; $sub142 = (($87) - ($88))|0; $diff_Q10 = $sub142; $89 = $RD_tmp_Q25; $90 = $diff_Q10; $conv143 = $90&65535; $conv144 = $conv143 << 16 >> 16; $91 = $diff_Q10; $conv145 = $91&65535; $conv146 = $conv145 << 16 >> 16; $mul147 = Math_imul($conv144, $conv146)|0; $92 = $w_Q5$addr; $93 = $i; $arrayidx148 = (($92) + ($93<<1)|0); $94 = HEAP16[$arrayidx148>>1]|0; $conv149 = $94 << 16 >> 16; $mul150 = Math_imul($mul147, $conv149)|0; $add151 = (($89) + ($mul150))|0; $95 = $mu_Q20$addr; $conv152 = $95&65535; $conv153 = $conv152 << 16 >> 16; $96 = $rate0_Q5; $conv154 = $96&65535; $conv155 = $conv154 << 16 >> 16; $mul156 = Math_imul($conv153, $conv155)|0; $add157 = (($add151) + ($mul156))|0; $97 = $j; $arrayidx158 = (($RD_Q25) + ($97<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx158>>2] = $add157; $98 = $in_Q10; $99 = $out1_Q10; $sub159 = (($98) - ($99))|0; $diff_Q10 = $sub159; $100 = $RD_tmp_Q25; $101 = $diff_Q10; $conv160 = $101&65535; $conv161 = $conv160 << 16 >> 16; $102 = $diff_Q10; $conv162 = $102&65535; $conv163 = $conv162 << 16 >> 16; $mul164 = Math_imul($conv161, $conv163)|0; $103 = $w_Q5$addr; $104 = $i; $arrayidx165 = (($103) + ($104<<1)|0); $105 = HEAP16[$arrayidx165>>1]|0; $conv166 = $105 << 16 >> 16; $mul167 = Math_imul($mul164, $conv166)|0; $add168 = (($100) + ($mul167))|0; $106 = $mu_Q20$addr; $conv169 = $106&65535; $conv170 = $conv169 << 16 >> 16; $107 = $rate1_Q5; $conv171 = $107&65535; $conv172 = $conv171 << 16 >> 16; $mul173 = Math_imul($conv170, $conv172)|0; $add174 = (($add168) + ($mul173))|0; $108 = $j; $109 = $nStates; $add175 = (($108) + ($109))|0; $arrayidx176 = (($RD_Q25) + ($add175<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx176>>2] = $add174; $110 = $j; $inc178 = (($110) + 1)|0; $j = $inc178; } $111 = $nStates; $cmp180 = ($111|0)<=(2); L35: do { if ($cmp180) { $j = 0; while(1) { $112 = $j; $113 = $nStates; $cmp184 = ($112|0)<($113|0); if (!($cmp184)) { break; } $114 = $j; $arrayidx187 = (($ind) + ($114<<4)|0); $115 = $i; $arrayidx188 = (($arrayidx187) + ($115)|0); $116 = HEAP8[$arrayidx188>>0]|0; $conv189 = $116 << 24 >> 24; $add190 = (($conv189) + 1)|0; $conv191 = $add190&255; $117 = $j; $118 = $nStates; $add192 = (($117) + ($118))|0; $arrayidx193 = (($ind) + ($add192<<4)|0); $119 = $i; $arrayidx194 = (($arrayidx193) + ($119)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx194>>0] = $conv191; $120 = $j; $inc196 = (($120) + 1)|0; $j = $inc196; } $121 = $nStates; $shl198 = $121 << 1; $nStates = $shl198; $122 = $nStates; $j = $122; while(1) { $123 = $j; $cmp200 = ($123|0)<(4); if (!($cmp200)) { break L35; } $124 = $j; $125 = $nStates; $sub203 = (($124) - ($125))|0; $arrayidx204 = (($ind) + ($sub203<<4)|0); $126 = $i; $arrayidx205 = (($arrayidx204) + ($126)|0); $127 = HEAP8[$arrayidx205>>0]|0; $128 = $j; $arrayidx206 = (($ind) + ($128<<4)|0); $129 = $i; $arrayidx207 = (($arrayidx206) + ($129)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx207>>0] = $127; $130 = $j; $inc209 = (($130) + 1)|0; $j = $inc209; } } else { $131 = $i; $cmp212 = ($131|0)>(0); if (!($cmp212)) { break L13; } $j = 0; while(1) { $132 = $j; $cmp216 = ($132|0)<(4); if (!($cmp216)) { break; } $133 = $j; $arrayidx219 = (($RD_Q25) + ($133<<2)|0); $134 = HEAP32[$arrayidx219>>2]|0; $135 = $j; $add220 = (($135) + 4)|0; $arrayidx221 = (($RD_Q25) + ($add220<<2)|0); $136 = HEAP32[$arrayidx221>>2]|0; $cmp222 = ($134|0)>($136|0); $137 = $j; $arrayidx225 = (($RD_Q25) + ($137<<2)|0); $138 = HEAP32[$arrayidx225>>2]|0; $139 = $j; if ($cmp222) { $arrayidx226 = (($RD_max_Q25) + ($139<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx226>>2] = $138; $140 = $j; $add227 = (($140) + 4)|0; $arrayidx228 = (($RD_Q25) + ($add227<<2)|0); $141 = HEAP32[$arrayidx228>>2]|0; $142 = $j; $arrayidx229 = (($RD_min_Q25) + ($142<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx229>>2] = $141; $143 = $j; $arrayidx230 = (($RD_min_Q25) + ($143<<2)|0); $144 = HEAP32[$arrayidx230>>2]|0; $145 = $j; $arrayidx231 = (($RD_Q25) + ($145<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx231>>2] = $144; $146 = $j; $arrayidx232 = (($RD_max_Q25) + ($146<<2)|0); $147 = HEAP32[$arrayidx232>>2]|0; $148 = $j; $add233 = (($148) + 4)|0; $arrayidx234 = (($RD_Q25) + ($add233<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx234>>2] = $147; $149 = $j; $arrayidx235 = (($prev_out_Q10) + ($149<<1)|0); $150 = HEAP16[$arrayidx235>>1]|0; $conv236 = $150 << 16 >> 16; $out0_Q10 = $conv236; $151 = $j; $add237 = (($151) + 4)|0; $arrayidx238 = (($prev_out_Q10) + ($add237<<1)|0); $152 = HEAP16[$arrayidx238>>1]|0; $153 = $j; $arrayidx239 = (($prev_out_Q10) + ($153<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx239>>1] = $152; $154 = $out0_Q10; $conv240 = $154&65535; $155 = $j; $add241 = (($155) + 4)|0; $arrayidx242 = (($prev_out_Q10) + ($add241<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx242>>1] = $conv240; $156 = $j; $add243 = (($156) + 4)|0; $157 = $j; $$sink = $add243;$$sink1 = $157; } else { $arrayidx247 = (($RD_min_Q25) + ($139<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx247>>2] = $138; $158 = $j; $add248 = (($158) + 4)|0; $arrayidx249 = (($RD_Q25) + ($add248<<2)|0); $159 = HEAP32[$arrayidx249>>2]|0; $160 = $j; $arrayidx250 = (($RD_max_Q25) + ($160<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx250>>2] = $159; $161 = $j; $162 = $j; $$sink = $161;$$sink1 = $162; } $arrayidx251 = (($ind_sort) + ($$sink1<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx251>>2] = $$sink; $163 = $j; $inc254 = (($163) + 1)|0; $j = $inc254; } while(1) { $min_max_Q25 = 2147483647; $max_min_Q25 = 0; $ind_min_max = 0; $ind_max_min = 0; $j = 0; while(1) { $164 = $j; $cmp257 = ($164|0)<(4); $165 = $min_max_Q25; if (!($cmp257)) { break; } $166 = $j; $arrayidx260 = (($RD_max_Q25) + ($166<<2)|0); $167 = HEAP32[$arrayidx260>>2]|0; $cmp261 = ($165|0)>($167|0); if ($cmp261) { $168 = $j; $arrayidx264 = (($RD_max_Q25) + ($168<<2)|0); $169 = HEAP32[$arrayidx264>>2]|0; $min_max_Q25 = $169; $170 = $j; $ind_min_max = $170; } $171 = $max_min_Q25; $172 = $j; $arrayidx266 = (($RD_min_Q25) + ($172<<2)|0); $173 = HEAP32[$arrayidx266>>2]|0; $cmp267 = ($171|0)<($173|0); if ($cmp267) { $174 = $j; $arrayidx270 = (($RD_min_Q25) + ($174<<2)|0); $175 = HEAP32[$arrayidx270>>2]|0; $max_min_Q25 = $175; $176 = $j; $ind_max_min = $176; } $177 = $j; $inc273 = (($177) + 1)|0; $j = $inc273; } $178 = $max_min_Q25; $cmp275 = ($165|0)>=($178|0); if ($cmp275) { break; } $179 = $ind_min_max; $arrayidx279 = (($ind_sort) + ($179<<2)|0); $180 = HEAP32[$arrayidx279>>2]|0; $xor = $180 ^ 4; $181 = $ind_max_min; $arrayidx280 = (($ind_sort) + ($181<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx280>>2] = $xor; $182 = $ind_min_max; $add281 = (($182) + 4)|0; $arrayidx282 = (($RD_Q25) + ($add281<<2)|0); $183 = HEAP32[$arrayidx282>>2]|0; $184 = $ind_max_min; $arrayidx283 = (($RD_Q25) + ($184<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx283>>2] = $183; $185 = $ind_min_max; $add284 = (($185) + 4)|0; $arrayidx285 = (($prev_out_Q10) + ($add284<<1)|0); $186 = HEAP16[$arrayidx285>>1]|0; $187 = $ind_max_min; $arrayidx286 = (($prev_out_Q10) + ($187<<1)|0); HEAP16[$arrayidx286>>1] = $186; $188 = $ind_max_min; $arrayidx287 = (($RD_min_Q25) + ($188<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx287>>2] = 0; $189 = $ind_min_max; $arrayidx288 = (($RD_max_Q25) + ($189<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx288>>2] = 2147483647; $190 = $ind_max_min; $arrayidx289 = (($ind) + ($190<<4)|0); $191 = $ind_min_max; $arrayidx290 = (($ind) + ($191<<4)|0); dest=$arrayidx289; src=$arrayidx290; stop=dest+16|0; do { HEAP8[dest>>0]=HEAP8[src>>0]|0; dest=dest+1|0; src=src+1|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); } $j = 0; while(1) { $192 = $j; $cmp293 = ($192|0)<(4); if (!($cmp293)) { break L35; } $193 = $j; $arrayidx296 = (($ind_sort) + ($193<<2)|0); $194 = HEAP32[$arrayidx296>>2]|0; $shr297 = $194 >> 2; $195 = $j; $arrayidx298 = (($ind) + ($195<<4)|0); $196 = $i; $arrayidx299 = (($arrayidx298) + ($196)|0); $197 = HEAP8[$arrayidx299>>0]|0; $conv300 = $197 << 24 >> 24; $add301 = (($conv300) + ($shr297))|0; $conv302 = $add301&255; HEAP8[$arrayidx299>>0] = $conv302; $198 = $j; $inc304 = (($198) + 1)|0; $j = $inc304; } } } while(0); $199 = $i; $dec = (($199) + -1)|0; $i = $dec; } $ind_tmp = 0; $min_Q25 = 2147483647; $j = 0; while(1) { $200 = $j; $cmp312 = ($200|0)<(8); if (!($cmp312)) { break; } $201 = $min_Q25; $202 = $j; $arrayidx315 = (($RD_Q25) + ($202<<2)|0); $203 = HEAP32[$arrayidx315>>2]|0; $cmp316 = ($201|0)>($203|0); if ($cmp316) { $204 = $j; $arrayidx319 = (($RD_Q25) + ($204<<2)|0); $205 = HEAP32[$arrayidx319>>2]|0; $min_Q25 = $205; $206 = $j; $ind_tmp = $206; } $207 = $j; $inc322 = (($207) + 1)|0; $j = $inc322; } $j = 0; while(1) { $208 = $j; $209 = $order$addr; $conv325 = $209 << 16 >> 16; $cmp326 = ($208|0)<($conv325|0); $210 = $ind_tmp; if (!($cmp326)) { break; } $and329 = $210 & 3; $arrayidx330 = (($ind) + ($and329<<4)|0); $211 = $j; $arrayidx331 = (($arrayidx330) + ($211)|0); $212 = HEAP8[$arrayidx331>>0]|0; $213 = $indices$addr; $214 = $j; $arrayidx332 = (($213) + ($214)|0); HEAP8[$arrayidx332>>0] = $212; $215 = $j; $inc334 = (($215) + 1)|0; $j = $inc334; } $shr336 = $210 >> 2; $216 = $indices$addr; $217 = HEAP8[$216>>0]|0; $conv338 = $217 << 24 >> 24; $add339 = (($conv338) + ($shr336))|0; $conv340 = $add339&255; HEAP8[$216>>0] = $conv340; $218 = $min_Q25; STACKTOP = sp;return ($218|0); } function _silk_corrVector_FLP($x,$t,$L,$Order,$Xt) { $x = $x|0; $t = $t|0; $L = $L|0; $Order = $Order|0; $Xt = $Xt|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $L$addr = 0, $Order$addr = 0, $Xt$addr = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $call = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0.0, $inc = 0; var $incdec$ptr = 0, $lag = 0, $ptr1 = 0, $sub = 0, $t$addr = 0, $x$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $x$addr = $x; $t$addr = $t; $L$addr = $L; $Order$addr = $Order; $Xt$addr = $Xt; $0 = $x$addr; $1 = $Order$addr; $sub = (($1) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($0) + ($sub<<2)|0); $ptr1 = $arrayidx; $lag = 0; while(1) { $2 = $lag; $3 = $Order$addr; $cmp = ($2|0)<($3|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $4 = $ptr1; $5 = $t$addr; $6 = $L$addr; $call = (+_silk_inner_product_FLP($4,$5,$6)); $conv = $call; $7 = $Xt$addr; $8 = $lag; $arrayidx1 = (($7) + ($8<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$arrayidx1>>2] = $conv; $9 = $ptr1; $incdec$ptr = ((($9)) + -4|0); $ptr1 = $incdec$ptr; $10 = $lag; $inc = (($10) + 1)|0; $lag = $inc; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _silk_corrMatrix_FLP($x,$L,$Order,$XX) { $x = $x|0; $L = $L|0; $Order = $Order|0; $XX = $XX|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0.0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0.0, $23 = 0.0, $24 = 0.0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0; var $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0.0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0.0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0.0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0; var $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0.0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0.0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0.0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0.0, $62 = 0.0; var $63 = 0.0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0.0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $L$addr = 0, $Order$addr = 0; var $XX$addr = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr18 = 0, $add$ptr29 = 0, $add$ptr33 = 0, $add$ptr56 = 0, $add$ptr61 = 0, $add14 = 0.0, $add17 = 0, $add28 = 0, $add32 = 0, $add51 = 0.0, $add53 = 0, $add55 = 0, $add59 = 0, $add60 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx10 = 0, $arrayidx20 = 0; var $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx40 = 0, $arrayidx42 = 0, $arrayidx45 = 0, $arrayidx47 = 0, $arrayidx5 = 0, $arrayidx8 = 0, $call = 0.0, $call25 = 0.0, $cmp = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp36 = 0, $conv = 0.0, $conv13 = 0.0, $conv15 = 0.0, $conv26 = 0.0, $conv30 = 0.0, $conv50 = 0.0, $conv52 = 0.0, $conv57 = 0.0; var $energy = 0.0, $inc = 0, $inc63 = 0, $inc66 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $j = 0, $lag = 0, $mul = 0, $mul11 = 0.0, $mul16 = 0, $mul27 = 0, $mul31 = 0, $mul43 = 0.0, $mul48 = 0.0, $mul54 = 0, $mul58 = 0, $mul6 = 0.0, $ptr1 = 0, $ptr2 = 0, $sub = 0; var $sub12 = 0.0, $sub19 = 0, $sub2 = 0, $sub35 = 0, $sub39 = 0, $sub4 = 0, $sub41 = 0, $sub44 = 0, $sub46 = 0, $sub49 = 0.0, $sub7 = 0, $sub9 = 0, $x$addr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $x$addr = $x; $L$addr = $L; $Order$addr = $Order; $XX$addr = $XX; $0 = $x$addr; $1 = $Order$addr; $sub = (($1) - 1)|0; $arrayidx = (($0) + ($sub<<2)|0); $ptr1 = $arrayidx; $2 = $ptr1; $3 = $L$addr; $call = (+_silk_energy_FLP($2,$3)); $energy = $call; $4 = $energy; $conv = $4; $5 = $XX$addr; $6 = $Order$addr; $mul = 0; $add = (($mul) + 0)|0; $add$ptr = (($5) + ($add<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$add$ptr>>2] = $conv; $j = 1; while(1) { $7 = $j; $8 = $Order$addr; $cmp = ($7|0)<($8|0); if (!($cmp)) { break; } $9 = $ptr1; $10 = $j; $sub2 = (0 - ($10))|0; $arrayidx3 = (($9) + ($sub2<<2)|0); $11 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx3>>2]; $12 = $ptr1; $13 = $j; $sub4 = (0 - ($13))|0; $arrayidx5 = (($12) + ($sub4<<2)|0); $14 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx5>>2]; $mul6 = $11 * $14; $15 = $ptr1; $16 = $L$addr; $17 = $j; $sub7 = (($16) - ($17))|0; $arrayidx8 = (($15) + ($sub7<<2)|0); $18 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx8>>2]; $19 = $ptr1; $20 = $L$addr; $21 = $j; $sub9 = (($20) - ($21))|0; $arrayidx10 = (($19) + ($sub9<<2)|0); $22 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx10>>2]; $mul11 = $18 * $22; $sub12 = $mul6 - $mul11; $conv13 = $sub12; $23 = $energy; $add14 = $23 + $conv13; $energy = $add14; $24 = $energy; $conv15 = $24; $25 = $XX$addr; $26 = $j; $27 = $Order$addr; $mul16 = Math_imul($26, $27)|0; $28 = $j; $add17 = (($mul16) + ($28))|0; $add$ptr18 = (($25) + ($add17<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$add$ptr18>>2] = $conv15; $29 = $j; $inc = (($29) + 1)|0; $j = $inc; } $30 = $x$addr; $31 = $Order$addr; $sub19 = (($31) - 2)|0; $arrayidx20 = (($30) + ($sub19<<2)|0); $ptr2 = $arrayidx20; $lag = 1; while(1) { $32 = $lag; $33 = $Order$addr; $cmp22 = ($32|0)<($33|0); if (!($cmp22)) { break; } $34 = $ptr1; $35 = $ptr2; $36 = $L$addr; $call25 = (+_silk_inner_product_FLP($34,$35,$36)); $energy = $call25; $37 = $energy; $conv26 = $37; $38 = $XX$addr; $39 = $lag; $40 = $Order$addr; $mul27 = Math_imul($39, $40)|0; $add28 = (($mul27) + 0)|0; $add$ptr29 = (($38) + ($add28<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$add$ptr29>>2] = $conv26; $41 = $energy; $conv30 = $41; $42 = $XX$addr; $43 = $Order$addr; $mul31 = 0; $44 = $lag; $add32 = (($mul31) + ($44))|0; $add$ptr33 = (($42) + ($add32<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$add$ptr33>>2] = $conv30; $j = 1; while(1) { $45 = $j; $46 = $Order$addr; $47 = $lag; $sub35 = (($46) - ($47))|0; $cmp36 = ($45|0)<($sub35|0); if (!($cmp36)) { break; } $48 = $ptr1; $49 = $j; $sub39 = (0 - ($49))|0; $arrayidx40 = (($48) + ($sub39<<2)|0); $50 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx40>>2]; $51 = $ptr2; $52 = $j; $sub41 = (0 - ($52))|0; $arrayidx42 = (($51) + ($sub41<<2)|0); $53 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx42>>2]; $mul43 = $50 * $53; $54 = $ptr1; $55 = $L$addr; $56 = $j; $sub44 = (($55) - ($56))|0; $arrayidx45 = (($54) + ($sub44<<2)|0); $57 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx45>>2]; $58 = $ptr2; $59 = $L$addr; $60 = $j; $sub46 = (($59) - ($60))|0; $arrayidx47 = (($58) + ($sub46<<2)|0); $61 = +HEAPF32[$arrayidx47>>2]; $mul48 = $57 * $61; $sub49 = $mul43 - $mul48; $conv50 = $sub49; $62 = $energy; $add51 = $62 + $conv50; $energy = $add51; $63 = $energy; $conv52 = $63; $64 = $XX$addr; $65 = $lag; $66 = $j; $add53 = (($65) + ($66))|0; $67 = $Order$addr; $mul54 = Math_imul($add53, $67)|0; $68 = $j; $add55 = (($mul54) + ($68))|0; $add$ptr56 = (($64) + ($add55<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$add$ptr56>>2] = $conv52; $69 = $energy; $conv57 = $69; $70 = $XX$addr; $71 = $j; $72 = $Order$addr; $mul58 = Math_imul($71, $72)|0; $73 = $lag; $74 = $j; $add59 = (($73) + ($74))|0; $add60 = (($mul58) + ($add59))|0; $add$ptr61 = (($70) + ($add60<<2)|0); HEAPF32[$add$ptr61>>2] = $conv57; $75 = $j; $inc63 = (($75) + 1)|0; $j = $inc63; } $76 = $ptr2; $incdec$ptr = ((($76)) + -4|0); $ptr2 = $incdec$ptr; $77 = $lag; $inc66 = (($77) + 1)|0; $lag = $inc66; } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _malloc($bytes) { $bytes = $bytes|0; var $$pre = 0, $$pre$i = 0, $$pre$i$i = 0, $$pre$i179 = 0, $$pre$i182 = 0, $$pre$i44$i = 0, $$pre$phi$i$iZ2D = 0, $$pre$phi$i180Z2D = 0, $$pre$phi$i45$iZ2D = 0, $$pre$phi$iZ2D = 0, $$pre$phiZ2D = 0, $$pre6$i$i = 0, $$sink$i = 0, $$sink$i$i = 0, $$sink$i158 = 0, $$sink2$i = 0, $$sink2$i176 = 0, $$sink5$i = 0, $$v$0$i = 0, $0 = 0; var $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0, $116 = 0; var $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0, $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0, $134 = 0; var $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0, $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0, $152 = 0; var $153 = 0, $154 = 0, $155 = 0, $156 = 0, $157 = 0, $158 = 0, $159 = 0, $16 = 0, $160 = 0, $161 = 0, $162 = 0, $163 = 0, $164 = 0, $165 = 0, $166 = 0, $167 = 0, $168 = 0, $169 = 0, $17 = 0, $170 = 0; var $171 = 0, $172 = 0, $173 = 0, $174 = 0, $175 = 0, $176 = 0, $177 = 0, $178 = 0, $179 = 0, $18 = 0, $180 = 0, $181 = 0, $182 = 0, $183 = 0, $184 = 0, $185 = 0, $186 = 0, $187 = 0, $188 = 0, $189 = 0; var $19 = 0, $190 = 0, $191 = 0, $192 = 0, $193 = 0, $194 = 0, $195 = 0, $196 = 0, $197 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0; var $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0; var $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0; var $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0; var $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $F$0$i$i = 0, $F104$0 = 0, $F197$0$i = 0; var $F224$0$i$i = 0, $F290$0$i = 0, $I252$0$i$i = 0, $I316$0$i = 0, $I57$0$i$i = 0, $K105$0$i$i = 0, $K305$0$i$i = 0, $K373$0$i = 0, $R$1$i = 0, $R$1$i$i = 0, $R$1$i169 = 0, $R$3$i = 0, $R$3$i$i = 0, $R$3$i172 = 0, $RP$1$i = 0, $RP$1$i$i = 0, $RP$1$i168 = 0, $T$0$i = 0, $T$0$i$i = 0, $T$0$i46$i = 0; var $add$i = 0, $add$i$i = 0, $add$i148 = 0, $add$i183 = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr$i = 0, $add$ptr$i$i = 0, $add$ptr$i$i$i = 0, $add$ptr$i13$i = 0, $add$ptr$i162 = 0, $add$ptr$i19$i = 0, $add$ptr$i196 = 0, $add$ptr$i3$i$i = 0, $add$ptr$i48$i = 0, $add$ptr14$i$i = 0, $add$ptr15$i$i = 0, $add$ptr16$i$i = 0, $add$ptr166 = 0, $add$ptr169 = 0, $add$ptr17$i$i = 0; var $add$ptr178 = 0, $add$ptr181$i = 0, $add$ptr182 = 0, $add$ptr189$i = 0, $add$ptr190$i = 0, $add$ptr193 = 0, $add$ptr199 = 0, $add$ptr2$i$i = 0, $add$ptr205$i$i = 0, $add$ptr212$i$i = 0, $add$ptr225$i = 0, $add$ptr227$i = 0, $add$ptr24$i$i = 0, $add$ptr262$i = 0, $add$ptr269$i = 0, $add$ptr273$i = 0, $add$ptr282$i = 0, $add$ptr3$i$i = 0, $add$ptr30$i$i = 0, $add$ptr369$i$i = 0; var $add$ptr4$i$i = 0, $add$ptr4$i$i$i = 0, $add$ptr4$i25$i = 0, $add$ptr4$i54$i = 0, $add$ptr441$i = 0, $add$ptr5$i$i = 0, $add$ptr6$i$i = 0, $add$ptr6$i$i$i = 0, $add$ptr6$i58$i = 0, $add$ptr7$i$i = 0, $add$ptr81$i$i = 0, $add$ptr95 = 0, $add$ptr98 = 0, $add10$i = 0, $add101$i = 0, $add110$i = 0, $add13$i = 0, $add14$i = 0, $add140$i = 0, $add144 = 0; var $add150$i = 0, $add17$i = 0, $add17$i186 = 0, $add177$i = 0, $add18$i = 0, $add19$i = 0, $add2 = 0, $add20$i = 0, $add206$i$i = 0, $add212$i = 0, $add215$i = 0, $add22$i = 0, $add246$i = 0, $add26$i$i = 0, $add268$i = 0, $add269$i$i = 0, $add274$i$i = 0, $add278$i$i = 0, $add280$i$i = 0, $add283$i$i = 0; var $add337$i = 0, $add342$i = 0, $add346$i = 0, $add348$i = 0, $add351$i = 0, $add46$i = 0, $add50 = 0, $add51$i = 0, $add54 = 0, $add54$i = 0, $add58 = 0, $add62 = 0, $add64 = 0, $add74$i$i = 0, $add77$i = 0, $add78$i = 0, $add79$i$i = 0, $add8 = 0, $add82$i = 0, $add83$i$i = 0; var $add85$i$i = 0, $add86$i = 0, $add88$i$i = 0, $add9$i = 0, $add90$i = 0, $add92$i = 0, $and = 0, $and$i = 0, $and$i$i = 0, $and$i$i$i = 0, $and$i14$i = 0, $and$i145 = 0, $and$i20$i = 0, $and$i49$i = 0, $and100$i = 0, $and103$i = 0, $and104$i = 0, $and106 = 0, $and11$add51$i = 0, $and11$i = 0; var $and119$i$i = 0, $and12$i = 0, $and13$i = 0, $and13$i$i = 0, $and133$i$i = 0, $and14 = 0, $and145 = 0, $and17$i = 0, $and194$i = 0, $and194$i207 = 0, $and199$i = 0, $and209$i$i = 0, $and21$i = 0, $and21$i151 = 0, $and227$i$i = 0, $and236$i = 0, $and264$i$i = 0, $and268$i$i = 0, $and273$i$i = 0, $and282$i$i = 0; var $and29$i = 0, $and292$i = 0, $and295$i$i = 0, $and3$i = 0, $and3$i$i = 0, $and3$i$i$i = 0, $and3$i23$i = 0, $and3$i52$i = 0, $and30$i = 0, $and318$i$i = 0, $and32$i = 0, $and32$i$i = 0, $and33$i$i = 0, $and331$i = 0, $and336$i = 0, $and341$i = 0, $and350$i = 0, $and363$i = 0, $and37$i$i = 0, $and387$i = 0; var $and4 = 0, $and40$i$i = 0, $and41 = 0, $and42$i = 0, $and43 = 0, $and46 = 0, $and49 = 0, $and49$i = 0, $and49$i$i = 0, $and53 = 0, $and57 = 0, $and6$i = 0, $and6$i$i = 0, $and6$i10$i = 0, $and6$i26$i = 0, $and61 = 0, $and64$i = 0, $and68$i = 0, $and69$i$i = 0, $and7 = 0; var $and73$i = 0, $and73$i$i = 0, $and74 = 0, $and77$i = 0, $and78$i$i = 0, $and8$i = 0, $and80$i = 0, $and81$i = 0, $and85$i = 0, $and87$i$i = 0, $and89$i = 0, $and9$i = 0, $and96$i$i = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx$i = 0, $arrayidx$i$i = 0, $arrayidx$i152 = 0, $arrayidx$i36$i = 0, $arrayidx103 = 0, $arrayidx103$i$i = 0; var $arrayidx106$i = 0, $arrayidx107$i$i = 0, $arrayidx113$i = 0, $arrayidx113$i159 = 0, $arrayidx121$i = 0, $arrayidx123$i$i = 0, $arrayidx126$i$i = 0, $arrayidx137$i = 0, $arrayidx143$i$i = 0, $arrayidx148$i = 0, $arrayidx151$i = 0, $arrayidx151$i$i = 0, $arrayidx154$i = 0, $arrayidx155$i = 0, $arrayidx161$i = 0, $arrayidx165$i = 0, $arrayidx165$i170 = 0, $arrayidx178$i$i = 0, $arrayidx184$i = 0, $arrayidx184$i$i = 0; var $arrayidx195$i$i = 0, $arrayidx196$i = 0, $arrayidx204$i = 0, $arrayidx212$i = 0, $arrayidx223$i$i = 0, $arrayidx228$i = 0, $arrayidx23$i = 0, $arrayidx233$i = 0, $arrayidx239$i = 0, $arrayidx245$i = 0, $arrayidx256$i = 0, $arrayidx27$i = 0, $arrayidx276$i = 0, $arrayidx287$i$i = 0, $arrayidx289$i = 0, $arrayidx290$i$i = 0, $arrayidx325$i$i = 0, $arrayidx355$i = 0, $arrayidx358$i = 0, $arrayidx394$i = 0; var $arrayidx40$i = 0, $arrayidx44$i = 0, $arrayidx61$i = 0, $arrayidx65$i = 0, $arrayidx66 = 0, $arrayidx71$i = 0, $arrayidx75$i = 0, $arrayidx91$i$i = 0, $arrayidx92$i$i = 0, $arrayidx94$i = 0, $arrayidx94$i156 = 0, $arrayidx96$i$i = 0, $bk = 0, $bk$i = 0, $bk$i$i = 0, $bk$i164 = 0, $bk$i34$i = 0, $bk102$i$i = 0, $bk122 = 0, $bk124 = 0; var $bk136$i = 0, $bk139$i$i = 0, $bk158$i$i = 0, $bk161$i$i = 0, $bk218$i = 0, $bk220$i = 0, $bk246$i$i = 0, $bk248$i$i = 0, $bk302$i$i = 0, $bk311$i = 0, $bk313$i = 0, $bk338$i$i = 0, $bk357$i$i = 0, $bk360$i$i = 0, $bk370$i = 0, $bk407$i = 0, $bk429$i = 0, $bk43$i$i = 0, $bk432$i = 0, $bk47$i = 0; var $bk55$i$i = 0, $bk67$i$i = 0, $bk74$i$i = 0, $bk78 = 0, $bk82$i$i = 0, $br$2$ph$i = 0, $call107$i = 0, $call131$i = 0, $call132$i = 0, $call275$i = 0, $call37$i = 0, $call68$i = 0, $call83$i = 0, $child$i$i = 0, $child166$i$i = 0, $child289$i$i = 0, $child357$i = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp$i = 0, $cmp$i$i$i = 0; var $cmp$i11$i = 0, $cmp$i142 = 0, $cmp$i15$i = 0, $cmp$i181 = 0, $cmp$i21$i = 0, $cmp$i4$i$i = 0, $cmp$i50$i = 0, $cmp$i9$i = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp1$i = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp100$i$i = 0, $cmp102$i = 0, $cmp104$i$i = 0, $cmp105$i = 0, $cmp106$i$i = 0, $cmp107$i = 0, $cmp107$i157 = 0, $cmp108$i = 0, $cmp108$i$i = 0; var $cmp112$i$i = 0, $cmp113 = 0, $cmp114$i = 0, $cmp116$i = 0, $cmp118$i = 0, $cmp119$i = 0, $cmp12$i = 0, $cmp120$i$i = 0, $cmp120$i41$i = 0, $cmp121$i = 0, $cmp123$i = 0, $cmp124$i$i = 0, $cmp126$i = 0, $cmp127$i = 0, $cmp128 = 0, $cmp128$i = 0, $cmp128$i$i = 0, $cmp130$i = 0, $cmp133$i = 0, $cmp133$i$i = 0; var $cmp133$i199 = 0, $cmp135$i = 0, $cmp137$i = 0, $cmp137$i$i = 0, $cmp137$i200 = 0, $cmp138$i = 0, $cmp139 = 0, $cmp140$i = 0, $cmp141$i = 0, $cmp142$i = 0, $cmp144$i$i = 0, $cmp146 = 0, $cmp147$i = 0, $cmp14799$i = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp15$i = 0, $cmp150$i$i = 0, $cmp151$i = 0, $cmp152$i = 0, $cmp153$i$i = 0; var $cmp155$i = 0, $cmp156 = 0, $cmp156$i = 0, $cmp156$i$i = 0, $cmp157$i = 0, $cmp159$i = 0, $cmp159$i202 = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp160$i$i = 0, $cmp162 = 0, $cmp162$i = 0, $cmp162$i203 = 0, $cmp166$i = 0, $cmp168$i$i = 0, $cmp171$i = 0, $cmp172$i$i = 0, $cmp174$i = 0, $cmp180$i = 0, $cmp185$i = 0, $cmp185$i$i = 0; var $cmp186 = 0, $cmp186$i = 0, $cmp189$i$i = 0, $cmp19$i = 0, $cmp190$i = 0, $cmp191$i = 0, $cmp198$i = 0, $cmp2$i$i = 0, $cmp2$i$i$i = 0, $cmp20$i$i = 0, $cmp203$i = 0, $cmp205$i = 0, $cmp208$i = 0, $cmp209$i = 0, $cmp21$i = 0, $cmp215$i$i = 0, $cmp217$i = 0, $cmp218$i = 0, $cmp221$i = 0, $cmp224$i = 0; var $cmp228$i = 0, $cmp229$i = 0, $cmp233$i = 0, $cmp236$i$i = 0, $cmp24$i = 0, $cmp24$i$i = 0, $cmp246$i = 0, $cmp250$i = 0, $cmp254$i$i = 0, $cmp257$i = 0, $cmp258$i$i = 0, $cmp26$i = 0, $cmp265$i = 0, $cmp27$i$i = 0, $cmp28$i = 0, $cmp28$i$i = 0, $cmp284$i = 0, $cmp287$i = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp3$i$i = 0; var $cmp301$i = 0, $cmp306$i$i = 0, $cmp31 = 0, $cmp319$i = 0, $cmp319$i$i = 0, $cmp32$i = 0, $cmp32$i187 = 0, $cmp323$i = 0, $cmp327$i$i = 0, $cmp33$i = 0, $cmp332$i$i = 0, $cmp34$i = 0, $cmp34$i$i = 0, $cmp346$i$i = 0, $cmp35$i = 0, $cmp350$i$i = 0, $cmp36$i = 0, $cmp36$i$i = 0, $cmp374$i = 0, $cmp38$i = 0; var $cmp38$i$i = 0, $cmp388$i = 0, $cmp396$i = 0, $cmp4$i = 0, $cmp40$i = 0, $cmp401$i = 0, $cmp41$i$i = 0, $cmp418$i = 0, $cmp42$i$i = 0, $cmp422$i = 0, $cmp43$i = 0, $cmp44$i$i = 0, $cmp45$i = 0, $cmp45$i155 = 0, $cmp46$i = 0, $cmp46$i$i = 0, $cmp46$i37$i = 0, $cmp48$i = 0, $cmp49$i = 0, $cmp5 = 0; var $cmp51$i = 0, $cmp54$i$i = 0, $cmp55$i = 0, $cmp55$i188 = 0, $cmp57$i = 0, $cmp57$i$i = 0, $cmp57$i189 = 0, $cmp59$i$i = 0, $cmp60$i = 0, $cmp60$i$i = 0, $cmp62$i = 0, $cmp63$i = 0, $cmp63$i$i = 0, $cmp65$i = 0, $cmp66$i = 0, $cmp66$i192 = 0, $cmp69$i = 0, $cmp7$i$i = 0, $cmp70 = 0, $cmp72$i = 0; var $cmp75$i$i = 0, $cmp76 = 0, $cmp76$i = 0, $cmp79 = 0, $cmp81$i = 0, $cmp81$i$i = 0, $cmp81$i194 = 0, $cmp83$i$i = 0, $cmp85$i = 0, $cmp86$i$i = 0, $cmp89$i = 0, $cmp9$i$i = 0, $cmp90$i = 0, $cmp91$i = 0, $cmp93$i = 0, $cmp95$i = 0, $cmp96$i = 0, $cmp97$i = 0, $cmp97$i$i = 0, $cmp978$i = 0; var $cmp99 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond$i = 0, $cond$i$i = 0, $cond$i$i$i = 0, $cond$i153 = 0, $cond$i17$i = 0, $cond$i24$i = 0, $cond$i53$i = 0, $cond115$i$i = 0, $cond13$i$i = 0, $cond15$i$i = 0, $cond3$i$i = 0, $cond315$i$i = 0, $cond383$i = 0, $cond4$i = 0, $fd$i = 0, $fd$i$i = 0, $fd$i165 = 0, $fd103$i$i = 0; var $fd123 = 0, $fd139$i = 0, $fd140$i$i = 0, $fd148$i$i = 0, $fd160$i$i = 0, $fd219$i = 0, $fd247$i$i = 0, $fd303$i$i = 0, $fd312$i = 0, $fd339$i$i = 0, $fd344$i$i = 0, $fd359$i$i = 0, $fd371$i = 0, $fd408$i = 0, $fd416$i = 0, $fd431$i = 0, $fd50$i = 0, $fd54$i$i = 0, $fd59$i$i = 0, $fd68$pre$phi$i$iZ2D = 0; var $fd69 = 0, $fd78$i$i = 0, $fd85$i$i = 0, $fd9 = 0, $head = 0, $head$i = 0, $head$i$i = 0, $head$i$i$i = 0, $head$i154 = 0, $head$i18$i = 0, $head$i30$i = 0, $head$i57$i = 0, $head118$i$i = 0, $head168 = 0, $head173 = 0, $head177 = 0, $head179 = 0, $head179$i = 0, $head182$i = 0, $head187$i = 0; var $head189$i = 0, $head195 = 0, $head198 = 0, $head208$i$i = 0, $head211$i$i = 0, $head23$i$i = 0, $head25 = 0, $head26$i$i = 0, $head265$i = 0, $head268$i = 0, $head271$i = 0, $head274$i = 0, $head279$i = 0, $head281$i = 0, $head29$i = 0, $head29$i$i = 0, $head317$i$i = 0, $head32$i$i = 0, $head34$i$i = 0, $head386$i = 0; var $head7$i$i = 0, $head7$i$i$i = 0, $head7$i59$i = 0, $head94 = 0, $head97 = 0, $head99$i = 0, $idx$0$i = 0, $index$i = 0, $index$i$i = 0, $index$i173 = 0, $index$i42$i = 0, $index288$i$i = 0, $index356$i = 0, $magic$i$i = 0, $nb$0 = 0, $neg = 0, $neg$i = 0, $neg$i$i = 0, $neg$i174 = 0, $neg$i185 = 0; var $neg103$i = 0, $neg13 = 0, $neg132$i$i = 0, $neg48$i = 0, $neg73 = 0, $next$i = 0, $next$i$i = 0, $next$i$i$i = 0, $next231$i = 0, $not$cmp141$i = 0, $not$cmp495$i = 0, $oldfirst$0$i$i = 0, $or$cond$i = 0, $or$cond$i190 = 0, $or$cond1$i = 0, $or$cond2$i = 0, $or$cond2$i193 = 0, $or$cond3$i = 0, $or$cond4$i = 0, $or$cond5$i = 0; var $or$cond7$i = 0, $or$cond7$not$i = 0, $or$cond8$i = 0, $or$cond97$i = 0, $or$cond98$i = 0, $or$i = 0, $or$i$i = 0, $or$i$i$i = 0, $or$i198 = 0, $or$i56$i = 0, $or101$i$i = 0, $or110 = 0, $or167 = 0, $or172 = 0, $or176 = 0, $or178$i = 0, $or180 = 0, $or183$i = 0, $or186$i = 0, $or188$i = 0; var $or19$i$i = 0, $or194 = 0, $or197 = 0, $or204$i = 0, $or210$i$i = 0, $or22$i$i = 0, $or23 = 0, $or232$i$i = 0, $or26 = 0, $or264$i = 0, $or267$i = 0, $or270$i = 0, $or275$i = 0, $or278$i = 0, $or28$i$i = 0, $or280$i = 0, $or297$i = 0, $or300$i$i = 0, $or33$i$i = 0, $or368$i = 0; var $or40 = 0, $or44$i$i = 0, $or93 = 0, $or96 = 0, $parent$i = 0, $parent$i$i = 0, $parent$i163 = 0, $parent$i39$i = 0, $parent135$i = 0, $parent138$i$i = 0, $parent149$i = 0, $parent162$i$i = 0, $parent165$i$i = 0, $parent166$i = 0, $parent179$i$i = 0, $parent196$i$i = 0, $parent226$i = 0, $parent240$i = 0, $parent257$i = 0, $parent301$i$i = 0; var $parent337$i$i = 0, $parent361$i$i = 0, $parent369$i = 0, $parent406$i = 0, $parent433$i = 0, $qsize$0$i$i = 0, $retval$0 = 0, $rsize$0$i = 0, $rsize$0$lcssa$i = 0, $rsize$08$i = 0, $rsize$1$i = 0, $rsize$3$i = 0, $rsize$4$lcssa$i = 0, $rsize$410$i = 0, $rst$0$i = 0, $rst$1$i = 0, $sflags193$i = 0, $sflags235$i = 0, $shl = 0, $shl$i = 0; var $shl$i$i = 0, $shl$i146 = 0, $shl$i35$i = 0, $shl102 = 0, $shl105 = 0, $shl116$i$i = 0, $shl12 = 0, $shl127$i$i = 0, $shl131$i$i = 0, $shl15$i = 0, $shl18$i = 0, $shl192$i = 0, $shl195$i = 0, $shl198$i = 0, $shl22 = 0, $shl222$i$i = 0, $shl226$i$i = 0, $shl265$i$i = 0, $shl270$i$i = 0, $shl276$i$i = 0; var $shl279$i$i = 0, $shl288$i = 0, $shl291$i = 0, $shl294$i$i = 0, $shl31$i = 0, $shl316$i$i = 0, $shl326$i$i = 0, $shl333$i = 0, $shl338$i = 0, $shl344$i = 0, $shl347$i = 0, $shl35 = 0, $shl362$i = 0, $shl37 = 0, $shl384$i = 0, $shl39$i$i = 0, $shl395$i = 0, $shl48$i$i = 0, $shl52$i = 0, $shl60$i = 0; var $shl65 = 0, $shl70$i$i = 0, $shl72 = 0, $shl75$i$i = 0, $shl81$i$i = 0, $shl84$i$i = 0, $shl9$i = 0, $shl90 = 0, $shl95$i$i = 0, $shr = 0, $shr$i = 0, $shr$i$i = 0, $shr$i141 = 0, $shr$i33$i = 0, $shr101 = 0, $shr11$i = 0, $shr11$i149 = 0, $shr110$i$i = 0, $shr12$i = 0, $shr124$i$i = 0; var $shr15$i = 0, $shr16$i = 0, $shr16$i150 = 0, $shr19$i = 0, $shr194$i = 0, $shr20$i = 0, $shr214$i$i = 0, $shr253$i$i = 0, $shr263$i$i = 0, $shr267$i$i = 0, $shr27$i = 0, $shr272$i$i = 0, $shr277$i$i = 0, $shr281$i$i = 0, $shr283$i = 0, $shr3 = 0, $shr310$i$i = 0, $shr318$i = 0, $shr323$i$i = 0, $shr330$i = 0; var $shr335$i = 0, $shr340$i = 0, $shr345$i = 0, $shr349$i = 0, $shr378$i = 0, $shr392$i = 0, $shr4$i = 0, $shr42$i = 0, $shr45 = 0, $shr47 = 0, $shr48 = 0, $shr5$i = 0, $shr5$i144 = 0, $shr51 = 0, $shr52 = 0, $shr55 = 0, $shr56 = 0, $shr58$i$i = 0, $shr59 = 0, $shr60 = 0; var $shr63 = 0, $shr68$i$i = 0, $shr7$i = 0, $shr7$i147 = 0, $shr72$i = 0, $shr72$i$i = 0, $shr75$i = 0, $shr76$i = 0, $shr77$i$i = 0, $shr79$i = 0, $shr8$i = 0, $shr80$i = 0, $shr82$i$i = 0, $shr83$i = 0, $shr84$i = 0, $shr86$i$i = 0, $shr87$i = 0, $shr88$i = 0, $shr91$i = 0, $size$i$i = 0; var $size$i$i$i = 0, $size188$i = 0, $size245$i = 0, $sizebits$0$i = 0, $sizebits$0$shl52$i = 0, $sp$0$i$i = 0, $sp$0$i$i$i = 0, $sp$0108$i = 0, $sp$1107$i = 0, $ssize$2$ph$i = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$i = 0, $sub$i$i = 0, $sub$i$i$i = 0, $sub$i140 = 0, $sub$i16$i = 0, $sub$i184 = 0, $sub$i22$i = 0, $sub$i51$i = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast$i = 0; var $sub$ptr$lhs$cast$i$i = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast$i27$i = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast$i = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast$i$i = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast$i28$i = 0, $sub$ptr$sub$i = 0, $sub$ptr$sub$i$i = 0, $sub$ptr$sub$i29$i = 0, $sub$ptr$sub$tsize$4$i = 0, $sub10$i = 0, $sub101$i = 0, $sub101$rsize$4$i = 0, $sub112$i = 0, $sub113$i$i = 0, $sub118$i = 0, $sub12$i$i = 0, $sub14$i = 0, $sub16$i$i = 0, $sub160 = 0, $sub172$i = 0; var $sub18$i$i = 0, $sub190 = 0, $sub2$i = 0, $sub22$i = 0, $sub260$i = 0, $sub262$i$i = 0, $sub266$i$i = 0, $sub271$i$i = 0, $sub275$i$i = 0, $sub30$i = 0, $sub31$i = 0, $sub31$rsize$0$i = 0, $sub313$i$i = 0, $sub329$i = 0, $sub33$i = 0, $sub334$i = 0, $sub339$i = 0, $sub343$i = 0, $sub381$i = 0, $sub4$i = 0; var $sub41$i = 0, $sub42 = 0, $sub44 = 0, $sub5$i$i = 0, $sub5$i$i$i = 0, $sub5$i55$i = 0, $sub50$i = 0, $sub6$i = 0, $sub63$i = 0, $sub67$i = 0, $sub67$i$i = 0, $sub70$i = 0, $sub71$i$i = 0, $sub76$i$i = 0, $sub80$i$i = 0, $sub91 = 0, $sub99$i = 0, $t$0$i = 0, $t$2$i = 0, $t$4$ph$i = 0; var $t$4$v$4$i = 0, $t$49$i = 0, $tbase$796$i = 0, $tobool$i$i = 0, $tobool107 = 0, $tobool195$i = 0, $tobool200$i = 0, $tobool228$i$i = 0, $tobool237$i = 0, $tobool293$i = 0, $tobool296$i$i = 0, $tobool30$i = 0, $tobool364$i = 0, $tobool97$i$i = 0, $tsize$2657583$i = 0, $tsize$4$i = 0, $tsize$795$i = 0, $v$0$i = 0, $v$0$lcssa$i = 0, $v$09$i = 0; var $v$1$i = 0, $v$3$i = 0, $v$4$lcssa$i = 0, $v$4$ph$i = 0, $v$411$i = 0, $xor$i$i = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $magic$i$i = sp; $cmp = ($bytes>>>0)<(245); do { if ($cmp) { $cmp1 = ($bytes>>>0)<(11); $add2 = (($bytes) + 11)|0; $and = $add2 & -8; $cond = $cmp1 ? 16 : $and; $shr = $cond >>> 3; $0 = HEAP32[8382]|0; $shr3 = $0 >>> $shr; $and4 = $shr3 & 3; $cmp5 = ($and4|0)==(0); if (!($cmp5)) { $neg = $shr3 & 1; $and7 = $neg ^ 1; $add8 = (($and7) + ($shr))|0; $shl = $add8 << 1; $arrayidx = (33568 + ($shl<<2)|0); $1 = ((($arrayidx)) + 8|0); $2 = HEAP32[$1>>2]|0; $fd9 = ((($2)) + 8|0); $3 = HEAP32[$fd9>>2]|0; $cmp10 = ($3|0)==($arrayidx|0); do { if ($cmp10) { $shl12 = 1 << $add8; $neg13 = $shl12 ^ -1; $and14 = $0 & $neg13; HEAP32[8382] = $and14; } else { $4 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp15 = ($4>>>0)>($3>>>0); if ($cmp15) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $bk = ((($3)) + 12|0); $5 = HEAP32[$bk>>2]|0; $cmp16 = ($5|0)==($2|0); if ($cmp16) { HEAP32[$bk>>2] = $arrayidx; HEAP32[$1>>2] = $3; break; } else { _abort(); // unreachable; } } } while(0); $shl22 = $add8 << 3; $or23 = $shl22 | 3; $head = ((($2)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head>>2] = $or23; $add$ptr = (($2) + ($shl22)|0); $head25 = ((($add$ptr)) + 4|0); $6 = HEAP32[$head25>>2]|0; $or26 = $6 | 1; HEAP32[$head25>>2] = $or26; $retval$0 = $fd9; STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$0|0); } $7 = HEAP32[(33536)>>2]|0; $cmp29 = ($cond>>>0)>($7>>>0); if ($cmp29) { $cmp31 = ($shr3|0)==(0); if (!($cmp31)) { $shl35 = $shr3 << $shr; $shl37 = 2 << $shr; $sub = (0 - ($shl37))|0; $or40 = $shl37 | $sub; $and41 = $shl35 & $or40; $sub42 = (0 - ($and41))|0; $and43 = $and41 & $sub42; $sub44 = (($and43) + -1)|0; $shr45 = $sub44 >>> 12; $and46 = $shr45 & 16; $shr47 = $sub44 >>> $and46; $shr48 = $shr47 >>> 5; $and49 = $shr48 & 8; $add50 = $and49 | $and46; $shr51 = $shr47 >>> $and49; $shr52 = $shr51 >>> 2; $and53 = $shr52 & 4; $add54 = $add50 | $and53; $shr55 = $shr51 >>> $and53; $shr56 = $shr55 >>> 1; $and57 = $shr56 & 2; $add58 = $add54 | $and57; $shr59 = $shr55 >>> $and57; $shr60 = $shr59 >>> 1; $and61 = $shr60 & 1; $add62 = $add58 | $and61; $shr63 = $shr59 >>> $and61; $add64 = (($add62) + ($shr63))|0; $shl65 = $add64 << 1; $arrayidx66 = (33568 + ($shl65<<2)|0); $8 = ((($arrayidx66)) + 8|0); $9 = HEAP32[$8>>2]|0; $fd69 = ((($9)) + 8|0); $10 = HEAP32[$fd69>>2]|0; $cmp70 = ($10|0)==($arrayidx66|0); do { if ($cmp70) { $shl72 = 1 << $add64; $neg73 = $shl72 ^ -1; $and74 = $0 & $neg73; HEAP32[8382] = $and74; $14 = $and74; } else { $11 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp76 = ($11>>>0)>($10>>>0); if ($cmp76) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $bk78 = ((($10)) + 12|0); $12 = HEAP32[$bk78>>2]|0; $cmp79 = ($12|0)==($9|0); if ($cmp79) { HEAP32[$bk78>>2] = $arrayidx66; HEAP32[$8>>2] = $10; $14 = $0; break; } else { _abort(); // unreachable; } } } while(0); $shl90 = $add64 << 3; $sub91 = (($shl90) - ($cond))|0; $or93 = $cond | 3; $head94 = ((($9)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head94>>2] = $or93; $add$ptr95 = (($9) + ($cond)|0); $or96 = $sub91 | 1; $head97 = ((($add$ptr95)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head97>>2] = $or96; $add$ptr98 = (($9) + ($shl90)|0); HEAP32[$add$ptr98>>2] = $sub91; $cmp99 = ($7|0)==(0); if (!($cmp99)) { $13 = HEAP32[(33548)>>2]|0; $shr101 = $7 >>> 3; $shl102 = $shr101 << 1; $arrayidx103 = (33568 + ($shl102<<2)|0); $shl105 = 1 << $shr101; $and106 = $14 & $shl105; $tobool107 = ($and106|0)==(0); if ($tobool107) { $or110 = $14 | $shl105; HEAP32[8382] = $or110; $$pre = ((($arrayidx103)) + 8|0); $$pre$phiZ2D = $$pre;$F104$0 = $arrayidx103; } else { $15 = ((($arrayidx103)) + 8|0); $16 = HEAP32[$15>>2]|0; $17 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp113 = ($17>>>0)>($16>>>0); if ($cmp113) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $$pre$phiZ2D = $15;$F104$0 = $16; } } HEAP32[$$pre$phiZ2D>>2] = $13; $bk122 = ((($F104$0)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk122>>2] = $13; $fd123 = ((($13)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd123>>2] = $F104$0; $bk124 = ((($13)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk124>>2] = $arrayidx103; } HEAP32[(33536)>>2] = $sub91; HEAP32[(33548)>>2] = $add$ptr95; $retval$0 = $fd69; STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$0|0); } $18 = HEAP32[(33532)>>2]|0; $cmp128 = ($18|0)==(0); if ($cmp128) { $nb$0 = $cond; } else { $sub$i = (0 - ($18))|0; $and$i = $18 & $sub$i; $sub2$i = (($and$i) + -1)|0; $shr$i = $sub2$i >>> 12; $and3$i = $shr$i & 16; $shr4$i = $sub2$i >>> $and3$i; $shr5$i = $shr4$i >>> 5; $and6$i = $shr5$i & 8; $add$i = $and6$i | $and3$i; $shr7$i = $shr4$i >>> $and6$i; $shr8$i = $shr7$i >>> 2; $and9$i = $shr8$i & 4; $add10$i = $add$i | $and9$i; $shr11$i = $shr7$i >>> $and9$i; $shr12$i = $shr11$i >>> 1; $and13$i = $shr12$i & 2; $add14$i = $add10$i | $and13$i; $shr15$i = $shr11$i >>> $and13$i; $shr16$i = $shr15$i >>> 1; $and17$i = $shr16$i & 1; $add18$i = $add14$i | $and17$i; $shr19$i = $shr15$i >>> $and17$i; $add20$i = (($add18$i) + ($shr19$i))|0; $arrayidx$i = (33832 + ($add20$i<<2)|0); $19 = HEAP32[$arrayidx$i>>2]|0; $head$i = ((($19)) + 4|0); $20 = HEAP32[$head$i>>2]|0; $and21$i = $20 & -8; $sub22$i = (($and21$i) - ($cond))|0; $arrayidx233$i = ((($19)) + 16|0); $21 = HEAP32[$arrayidx233$i>>2]|0; $cmp4$i = ($21|0)==(0|0); $$sink5$i = $cmp4$i&1; $arrayidx276$i = (((($19)) + 16|0) + ($$sink5$i<<2)|0); $22 = HEAP32[$arrayidx276$i>>2]|0; $cmp287$i = ($22|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp287$i) { $rsize$0$lcssa$i = $sub22$i;$v$0$lcssa$i = $19; } else { $23 = $22;$rsize$08$i = $sub22$i;$v$09$i = $19; while(1) { $head29$i = ((($23)) + 4|0); $24 = HEAP32[$head29$i>>2]|0; $and30$i = $24 & -8; $sub31$i = (($and30$i) - ($cond))|0; $cmp32$i = ($sub31$i>>>0)<($rsize$08$i>>>0); $sub31$rsize$0$i = $cmp32$i ? $sub31$i : $rsize$08$i; $$v$0$i = $cmp32$i ? $23 : $v$09$i; $arrayidx23$i = ((($23)) + 16|0); $25 = HEAP32[$arrayidx23$i>>2]|0; $cmp$i = ($25|0)==(0|0); $$sink$i = $cmp$i&1; $arrayidx27$i = (((($23)) + 16|0) + ($$sink$i<<2)|0); $26 = HEAP32[$arrayidx27$i>>2]|0; $cmp28$i = ($26|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp28$i) { $rsize$0$lcssa$i = $sub31$rsize$0$i;$v$0$lcssa$i = $$v$0$i; break; } else { $23 = $26;$rsize$08$i = $sub31$rsize$0$i;$v$09$i = $$v$0$i; } } } $27 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp33$i = ($27>>>0)>($v$0$lcssa$i>>>0); if ($cmp33$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $add$ptr$i = (($v$0$lcssa$i) + ($cond)|0); $cmp35$i = ($add$ptr$i>>>0)>($v$0$lcssa$i>>>0); if (!($cmp35$i)) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $parent$i = ((($v$0$lcssa$i)) + 24|0); $28 = HEAP32[$parent$i>>2]|0; $bk$i = ((($v$0$lcssa$i)) + 12|0); $29 = HEAP32[$bk$i>>2]|0; $cmp40$i = ($29|0)==($v$0$lcssa$i|0); do { if ($cmp40$i) { $arrayidx61$i = ((($v$0$lcssa$i)) + 20|0); $33 = HEAP32[$arrayidx61$i>>2]|0; $cmp62$i = ($33|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp62$i) { $arrayidx65$i = ((($v$0$lcssa$i)) + 16|0); $34 = HEAP32[$arrayidx65$i>>2]|0; $cmp66$i = ($34|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp66$i) { $R$3$i = 0; break; } else { $R$1$i = $34;$RP$1$i = $arrayidx65$i; } } else { $R$1$i = $33;$RP$1$i = $arrayidx61$i; } while(1) { $arrayidx71$i = ((($R$1$i)) + 20|0); $35 = HEAP32[$arrayidx71$i>>2]|0; $cmp72$i = ($35|0)==(0|0); if (!($cmp72$i)) { $R$1$i = $35;$RP$1$i = $arrayidx71$i; continue; } $arrayidx75$i = ((($R$1$i)) + 16|0); $36 = HEAP32[$arrayidx75$i>>2]|0; $cmp76$i = ($36|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp76$i) { break; } else { $R$1$i = $36;$RP$1$i = $arrayidx75$i; } } $cmp81$i = ($27>>>0)>($RP$1$i>>>0); if ($cmp81$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { HEAP32[$RP$1$i>>2] = 0; $R$3$i = $R$1$i; break; } } else { $fd$i = ((($v$0$lcssa$i)) + 8|0); $30 = HEAP32[$fd$i>>2]|0; $cmp45$i = ($27>>>0)>($30>>>0); if ($cmp45$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $bk47$i = ((($30)) + 12|0); $31 = HEAP32[$bk47$i>>2]|0; $cmp48$i = ($31|0)==($v$0$lcssa$i|0); if (!($cmp48$i)) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $fd50$i = ((($29)) + 8|0); $32 = HEAP32[$fd50$i>>2]|0; $cmp51$i = ($32|0)==($v$0$lcssa$i|0); if ($cmp51$i) { HEAP32[$bk47$i>>2] = $29; HEAP32[$fd50$i>>2] = $30; $R$3$i = $29; break; } else { _abort(); // unreachable; } } } while(0); $cmp90$i = ($28|0)==(0|0); L73: do { if (!($cmp90$i)) { $index$i = ((($v$0$lcssa$i)) + 28|0); $37 = HEAP32[$index$i>>2]|0; $arrayidx94$i = (33832 + ($37<<2)|0); $38 = HEAP32[$arrayidx94$i>>2]|0; $cmp95$i = ($v$0$lcssa$i|0)==($38|0); do { if ($cmp95$i) { HEAP32[$arrayidx94$i>>2] = $R$3$i; $cond$i = ($R$3$i|0)==(0|0); if ($cond$i) { $shl$i = 1 << $37; $neg$i = $shl$i ^ -1; $and103$i = $18 & $neg$i; HEAP32[(33532)>>2] = $and103$i; break L73; } } else { $39 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp107$i = ($39>>>0)>($28>>>0); if ($cmp107$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx113$i = ((($28)) + 16|0); $40 = HEAP32[$arrayidx113$i>>2]|0; $cmp114$i = ($40|0)!=($v$0$lcssa$i|0); $$sink2$i = $cmp114$i&1; $arrayidx121$i = (((($28)) + 16|0) + ($$sink2$i<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx121$i>>2] = $R$3$i; $cmp126$i = ($R$3$i|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp126$i) { break L73; } else { break; } } } } while(0); $41 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp130$i = ($41>>>0)>($R$3$i>>>0); if ($cmp130$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $parent135$i = ((($R$3$i)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent135$i>>2] = $28; $arrayidx137$i = ((($v$0$lcssa$i)) + 16|0); $42 = HEAP32[$arrayidx137$i>>2]|0; $cmp138$i = ($42|0)==(0|0); do { if (!($cmp138$i)) { $cmp142$i = ($41>>>0)>($42>>>0); if ($cmp142$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx148$i = ((($R$3$i)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx148$i>>2] = $42; $parent149$i = ((($42)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent149$i>>2] = $R$3$i; break; } } } while(0); $arrayidx154$i = ((($v$0$lcssa$i)) + 20|0); $43 = HEAP32[$arrayidx154$i>>2]|0; $cmp155$i = ($43|0)==(0|0); if (!($cmp155$i)) { $44 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp159$i = ($44>>>0)>($43>>>0); if ($cmp159$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx165$i = ((($R$3$i)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx165$i>>2] = $43; $parent166$i = ((($43)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent166$i>>2] = $R$3$i; break; } } } } while(0); $cmp174$i = ($rsize$0$lcssa$i>>>0)<(16); if ($cmp174$i) { $add177$i = (($rsize$0$lcssa$i) + ($cond))|0; $or178$i = $add177$i | 3; $head179$i = ((($v$0$lcssa$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head179$i>>2] = $or178$i; $add$ptr181$i = (($v$0$lcssa$i) + ($add177$i)|0); $head182$i = ((($add$ptr181$i)) + 4|0); $45 = HEAP32[$head182$i>>2]|0; $or183$i = $45 | 1; HEAP32[$head182$i>>2] = $or183$i; } else { $or186$i = $cond | 3; $head187$i = ((($v$0$lcssa$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head187$i>>2] = $or186$i; $or188$i = $rsize$0$lcssa$i | 1; $head189$i = ((($add$ptr$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head189$i>>2] = $or188$i; $add$ptr190$i = (($add$ptr$i) + ($rsize$0$lcssa$i)|0); HEAP32[$add$ptr190$i>>2] = $rsize$0$lcssa$i; $cmp191$i = ($7|0)==(0); if (!($cmp191$i)) { $46 = HEAP32[(33548)>>2]|0; $shr194$i = $7 >>> 3; $shl195$i = $shr194$i << 1; $arrayidx196$i = (33568 + ($shl195$i<<2)|0); $shl198$i = 1 << $shr194$i; $and199$i = $0 & $shl198$i; $tobool200$i = ($and199$i|0)==(0); if ($tobool200$i) { $or204$i = $0 | $shl198$i; HEAP32[8382] = $or204$i; $$pre$i = ((($arrayidx196$i)) + 8|0); $$pre$phi$iZ2D = $$pre$i;$F197$0$i = $arrayidx196$i; } else { $47 = ((($arrayidx196$i)) + 8|0); $48 = HEAP32[$47>>2]|0; $49 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp208$i = ($49>>>0)>($48>>>0); if ($cmp208$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $$pre$phi$iZ2D = $47;$F197$0$i = $48; } } HEAP32[$$pre$phi$iZ2D>>2] = $46; $bk218$i = ((($F197$0$i)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk218$i>>2] = $46; $fd219$i = ((($46)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd219$i>>2] = $F197$0$i; $bk220$i = ((($46)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk220$i>>2] = $arrayidx196$i; } HEAP32[(33536)>>2] = $rsize$0$lcssa$i; HEAP32[(33548)>>2] = $add$ptr$i; } $add$ptr225$i = ((($v$0$lcssa$i)) + 8|0); $retval$0 = $add$ptr225$i; STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$0|0); } } else { $nb$0 = $cond; } } else { $cmp139 = ($bytes>>>0)>(4294967231); if ($cmp139) { $nb$0 = -1; } else { $add144 = (($bytes) + 11)|0; $and145 = $add144 & -8; $50 = HEAP32[(33532)>>2]|0; $cmp146 = ($50|0)==(0); if ($cmp146) { $nb$0 = $and145; } else { $sub$i140 = (0 - ($and145))|0; $shr$i141 = $add144 >>> 8; $cmp$i142 = ($shr$i141|0)==(0); if ($cmp$i142) { $idx$0$i = 0; } else { $cmp1$i = ($and145>>>0)>(16777215); if ($cmp1$i) { $idx$0$i = 31; } else { $sub4$i = (($shr$i141) + 1048320)|0; $shr5$i144 = $sub4$i >>> 16; $and$i145 = $shr5$i144 & 8; $shl$i146 = $shr$i141 << $and$i145; $sub6$i = (($shl$i146) + 520192)|0; $shr7$i147 = $sub6$i >>> 16; $and8$i = $shr7$i147 & 4; $add$i148 = $and8$i | $and$i145; $shl9$i = $shl$i146 << $and8$i; $sub10$i = (($shl9$i) + 245760)|0; $shr11$i149 = $sub10$i >>> 16; $and12$i = $shr11$i149 & 2; $add13$i = $add$i148 | $and12$i; $sub14$i = (14 - ($add13$i))|0; $shl15$i = $shl9$i << $and12$i; $shr16$i150 = $shl15$i >>> 15; $add17$i = (($sub14$i) + ($shr16$i150))|0; $shl18$i = $add17$i << 1; $add19$i = (($add17$i) + 7)|0; $shr20$i = $and145 >>> $add19$i; $and21$i151 = $shr20$i & 1; $add22$i = $and21$i151 | $shl18$i; $idx$0$i = $add22$i; } } $arrayidx$i152 = (33832 + ($idx$0$i<<2)|0); $51 = HEAP32[$arrayidx$i152>>2]|0; $cmp24$i = ($51|0)==(0|0); L117: do { if ($cmp24$i) { $rsize$3$i = $sub$i140;$t$2$i = 0;$v$3$i = 0; label = 81; } else { $cmp26$i = ($idx$0$i|0)==(31); $shr27$i = $idx$0$i >>> 1; $sub30$i = (25 - ($shr27$i))|0; $cond$i153 = $cmp26$i ? 0 : $sub30$i; $shl31$i = $and145 << $cond$i153; $rsize$0$i = $sub$i140;$rst$0$i = 0;$sizebits$0$i = $shl31$i;$t$0$i = $51;$v$0$i = 0; while(1) { $head$i154 = ((($t$0$i)) + 4|0); $52 = HEAP32[$head$i154>>2]|0; $and32$i = $52 & -8; $sub33$i = (($and32$i) - ($and145))|0; $cmp34$i = ($sub33$i>>>0)<($rsize$0$i>>>0); if ($cmp34$i) { $cmp36$i = ($sub33$i|0)==(0); if ($cmp36$i) { $rsize$410$i = 0;$t$49$i = $t$0$i;$v$411$i = $t$0$i; label = 85; break L117; } else { $rsize$1$i = $sub33$i;$v$1$i = $t$0$i; } } else { $rsize$1$i = $rsize$0$i;$v$1$i = $v$0$i; } $arrayidx40$i = ((($t$0$i)) + 20|0); $53 = HEAP32[$arrayidx40$i>>2]|0; $shr42$i = $sizebits$0$i >>> 31; $arrayidx44$i = (((($t$0$i)) + 16|0) + ($shr42$i<<2)|0); $54 = HEAP32[$arrayidx44$i>>2]|0; $cmp45$i155 = ($53|0)==(0|0); $cmp46$i = ($53|0)==($54|0); $or$cond2$i = $cmp45$i155 | $cmp46$i; $rst$1$i = $or$cond2$i ? $rst$0$i : $53; $cmp49$i = ($54|0)==(0|0); $not$cmp495$i = $cmp49$i ^ 1; $shl52$i = $not$cmp495$i&1; $sizebits$0$shl52$i = $sizebits$0$i << $shl52$i; if ($cmp49$i) { $rsize$3$i = $rsize$1$i;$t$2$i = $rst$1$i;$v$3$i = $v$1$i; label = 81; break; } else { $rsize$0$i = $rsize$1$i;$rst$0$i = $rst$1$i;$sizebits$0$i = $sizebits$0$shl52$i;$t$0$i = $54;$v$0$i = $v$1$i; } } } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 81) { $cmp55$i = ($t$2$i|0)==(0|0); $cmp57$i = ($v$3$i|0)==(0|0); $or$cond$i = $cmp55$i & $cmp57$i; if ($or$cond$i) { $shl60$i = 2 << $idx$0$i; $sub63$i = (0 - ($shl60$i))|0; $or$i = $shl60$i | $sub63$i; $and64$i = $50 & $or$i; $cmp65$i = ($and64$i|0)==(0); if ($cmp65$i) { $nb$0 = $and145; break; } $sub67$i = (0 - ($and64$i))|0; $and68$i = $and64$i & $sub67$i; $sub70$i = (($and68$i) + -1)|0; $shr72$i = $sub70$i >>> 12; $and73$i = $shr72$i & 16; $shr75$i = $sub70$i >>> $and73$i; $shr76$i = $shr75$i >>> 5; $and77$i = $shr76$i & 8; $add78$i = $and77$i | $and73$i; $shr79$i = $shr75$i >>> $and77$i; $shr80$i = $shr79$i >>> 2; $and81$i = $shr80$i & 4; $add82$i = $add78$i | $and81$i; $shr83$i = $shr79$i >>> $and81$i; $shr84$i = $shr83$i >>> 1; $and85$i = $shr84$i & 2; $add86$i = $add82$i | $and85$i; $shr87$i = $shr83$i >>> $and85$i; $shr88$i = $shr87$i >>> 1; $and89$i = $shr88$i & 1; $add90$i = $add86$i | $and89$i; $shr91$i = $shr87$i >>> $and89$i; $add92$i = (($add90$i) + ($shr91$i))|0; $arrayidx94$i156 = (33832 + ($add92$i<<2)|0); $55 = HEAP32[$arrayidx94$i156>>2]|0; $t$4$ph$i = $55;$v$4$ph$i = 0; } else { $t$4$ph$i = $t$2$i;$v$4$ph$i = $v$3$i; } $cmp978$i = ($t$4$ph$i|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp978$i) { $rsize$4$lcssa$i = $rsize$3$i;$v$4$lcssa$i = $v$4$ph$i; } else { $rsize$410$i = $rsize$3$i;$t$49$i = $t$4$ph$i;$v$411$i = $v$4$ph$i; label = 85; } } if ((label|0) == 85) { while(1) { label = 0; $head99$i = ((($t$49$i)) + 4|0); $56 = HEAP32[$head99$i>>2]|0; $and100$i = $56 & -8; $sub101$i = (($and100$i) - ($and145))|0; $cmp102$i = ($sub101$i>>>0)<($rsize$410$i>>>0); $sub101$rsize$4$i = $cmp102$i ? $sub101$i : $rsize$410$i; $t$4$v$4$i = $cmp102$i ? $t$49$i : $v$411$i; $arrayidx106$i = ((($t$49$i)) + 16|0); $57 = HEAP32[$arrayidx106$i>>2]|0; $cmp107$i157 = ($57|0)==(0|0); $$sink$i158 = $cmp107$i157&1; $arrayidx113$i159 = (((($t$49$i)) + 16|0) + ($$sink$i158<<2)|0); $58 = HEAP32[$arrayidx113$i159>>2]|0; $cmp97$i = ($58|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp97$i) { $rsize$4$lcssa$i = $sub101$rsize$4$i;$v$4$lcssa$i = $t$4$v$4$i; break; } else { $rsize$410$i = $sub101$rsize$4$i;$t$49$i = $58;$v$411$i = $t$4$v$4$i; label = 85; } } } $cmp116$i = ($v$4$lcssa$i|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp116$i) { $nb$0 = $and145; } else { $59 = HEAP32[(33536)>>2]|0; $sub118$i = (($59) - ($and145))|0; $cmp119$i = ($rsize$4$lcssa$i>>>0)<($sub118$i>>>0); if ($cmp119$i) { $60 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp121$i = ($60>>>0)>($v$4$lcssa$i>>>0); if ($cmp121$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $add$ptr$i162 = (($v$4$lcssa$i) + ($and145)|0); $cmp123$i = ($add$ptr$i162>>>0)>($v$4$lcssa$i>>>0); if (!($cmp123$i)) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $parent$i163 = ((($v$4$lcssa$i)) + 24|0); $61 = HEAP32[$parent$i163>>2]|0; $bk$i164 = ((($v$4$lcssa$i)) + 12|0); $62 = HEAP32[$bk$i164>>2]|0; $cmp128$i = ($62|0)==($v$4$lcssa$i|0); do { if ($cmp128$i) { $arrayidx151$i = ((($v$4$lcssa$i)) + 20|0); $66 = HEAP32[$arrayidx151$i>>2]|0; $cmp152$i = ($66|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp152$i) { $arrayidx155$i = ((($v$4$lcssa$i)) + 16|0); $67 = HEAP32[$arrayidx155$i>>2]|0; $cmp156$i = ($67|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp156$i) { $R$3$i172 = 0; break; } else { $R$1$i169 = $67;$RP$1$i168 = $arrayidx155$i; } } else { $R$1$i169 = $66;$RP$1$i168 = $arrayidx151$i; } while(1) { $arrayidx161$i = ((($R$1$i169)) + 20|0); $68 = HEAP32[$arrayidx161$i>>2]|0; $cmp162$i = ($68|0)==(0|0); if (!($cmp162$i)) { $R$1$i169 = $68;$RP$1$i168 = $arrayidx161$i; continue; } $arrayidx165$i170 = ((($R$1$i169)) + 16|0); $69 = HEAP32[$arrayidx165$i170>>2]|0; $cmp166$i = ($69|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp166$i) { break; } else { $R$1$i169 = $69;$RP$1$i168 = $arrayidx165$i170; } } $cmp171$i = ($60>>>0)>($RP$1$i168>>>0); if ($cmp171$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { HEAP32[$RP$1$i168>>2] = 0; $R$3$i172 = $R$1$i169; break; } } else { $fd$i165 = ((($v$4$lcssa$i)) + 8|0); $63 = HEAP32[$fd$i165>>2]|0; $cmp133$i = ($60>>>0)>($63>>>0); if ($cmp133$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $bk136$i = ((($63)) + 12|0); $64 = HEAP32[$bk136$i>>2]|0; $cmp137$i = ($64|0)==($v$4$lcssa$i|0); if (!($cmp137$i)) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $fd139$i = ((($62)) + 8|0); $65 = HEAP32[$fd139$i>>2]|0; $cmp140$i = ($65|0)==($v$4$lcssa$i|0); if ($cmp140$i) { HEAP32[$bk136$i>>2] = $62; HEAP32[$fd139$i>>2] = $63; $R$3$i172 = $62; break; } else { _abort(); // unreachable; } } } while(0); $cmp180$i = ($61|0)==(0|0); L164: do { if ($cmp180$i) { $83 = $50; } else { $index$i173 = ((($v$4$lcssa$i)) + 28|0); $70 = HEAP32[$index$i173>>2]|0; $arrayidx184$i = (33832 + ($70<<2)|0); $71 = HEAP32[$arrayidx184$i>>2]|0; $cmp185$i = ($v$4$lcssa$i|0)==($71|0); do { if ($cmp185$i) { HEAP32[$arrayidx184$i>>2] = $R$3$i172; $cond4$i = ($R$3$i172|0)==(0|0); if ($cond4$i) { $shl192$i = 1 << $70; $neg$i174 = $shl192$i ^ -1; $and194$i = $50 & $neg$i174; HEAP32[(33532)>>2] = $and194$i; $83 = $and194$i; break L164; } } else { $72 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp198$i = ($72>>>0)>($61>>>0); if ($cmp198$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx204$i = ((($61)) + 16|0); $73 = HEAP32[$arrayidx204$i>>2]|0; $cmp205$i = ($73|0)!=($v$4$lcssa$i|0); $$sink2$i176 = $cmp205$i&1; $arrayidx212$i = (((($61)) + 16|0) + ($$sink2$i176<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx212$i>>2] = $R$3$i172; $cmp217$i = ($R$3$i172|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp217$i) { $83 = $50; break L164; } else { break; } } } } while(0); $74 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp221$i = ($74>>>0)>($R$3$i172>>>0); if ($cmp221$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $parent226$i = ((($R$3$i172)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent226$i>>2] = $61; $arrayidx228$i = ((($v$4$lcssa$i)) + 16|0); $75 = HEAP32[$arrayidx228$i>>2]|0; $cmp229$i = ($75|0)==(0|0); do { if (!($cmp229$i)) { $cmp233$i = ($74>>>0)>($75>>>0); if ($cmp233$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx239$i = ((($R$3$i172)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx239$i>>2] = $75; $parent240$i = ((($75)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent240$i>>2] = $R$3$i172; break; } } } while(0); $arrayidx245$i = ((($v$4$lcssa$i)) + 20|0); $76 = HEAP32[$arrayidx245$i>>2]|0; $cmp246$i = ($76|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp246$i) { $83 = $50; } else { $77 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp250$i = ($77>>>0)>($76>>>0); if ($cmp250$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx256$i = ((($R$3$i172)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx256$i>>2] = $76; $parent257$i = ((($76)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent257$i>>2] = $R$3$i172; $83 = $50; break; } } } } while(0); $cmp265$i = ($rsize$4$lcssa$i>>>0)<(16); do { if ($cmp265$i) { $add268$i = (($rsize$4$lcssa$i) + ($and145))|0; $or270$i = $add268$i | 3; $head271$i = ((($v$4$lcssa$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head271$i>>2] = $or270$i; $add$ptr273$i = (($v$4$lcssa$i) + ($add268$i)|0); $head274$i = ((($add$ptr273$i)) + 4|0); $78 = HEAP32[$head274$i>>2]|0; $or275$i = $78 | 1; HEAP32[$head274$i>>2] = $or275$i; } else { $or278$i = $and145 | 3; $head279$i = ((($v$4$lcssa$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head279$i>>2] = $or278$i; $or280$i = $rsize$4$lcssa$i | 1; $head281$i = ((($add$ptr$i162)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head281$i>>2] = $or280$i; $add$ptr282$i = (($add$ptr$i162) + ($rsize$4$lcssa$i)|0); HEAP32[$add$ptr282$i>>2] = $rsize$4$lcssa$i; $shr283$i = $rsize$4$lcssa$i >>> 3; $cmp284$i = ($rsize$4$lcssa$i>>>0)<(256); if ($cmp284$i) { $shl288$i = $shr283$i << 1; $arrayidx289$i = (33568 + ($shl288$i<<2)|0); $79 = HEAP32[8382]|0; $shl291$i = 1 << $shr283$i; $and292$i = $79 & $shl291$i; $tobool293$i = ($and292$i|0)==(0); if ($tobool293$i) { $or297$i = $79 | $shl291$i; HEAP32[8382] = $or297$i; $$pre$i179 = ((($arrayidx289$i)) + 8|0); $$pre$phi$i180Z2D = $$pre$i179;$F290$0$i = $arrayidx289$i; } else { $80 = ((($arrayidx289$i)) + 8|0); $81 = HEAP32[$80>>2]|0; $82 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp301$i = ($82>>>0)>($81>>>0); if ($cmp301$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $$pre$phi$i180Z2D = $80;$F290$0$i = $81; } } HEAP32[$$pre$phi$i180Z2D>>2] = $add$ptr$i162; $bk311$i = ((($F290$0$i)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk311$i>>2] = $add$ptr$i162; $fd312$i = ((($add$ptr$i162)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd312$i>>2] = $F290$0$i; $bk313$i = ((($add$ptr$i162)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk313$i>>2] = $arrayidx289$i; break; } $shr318$i = $rsize$4$lcssa$i >>> 8; $cmp319$i = ($shr318$i|0)==(0); if ($cmp319$i) { $I316$0$i = 0; } else { $cmp323$i = ($rsize$4$lcssa$i>>>0)>(16777215); if ($cmp323$i) { $I316$0$i = 31; } else { $sub329$i = (($shr318$i) + 1048320)|0; $shr330$i = $sub329$i >>> 16; $and331$i = $shr330$i & 8; $shl333$i = $shr318$i << $and331$i; $sub334$i = (($shl333$i) + 520192)|0; $shr335$i = $sub334$i >>> 16; $and336$i = $shr335$i & 4; $add337$i = $and336$i | $and331$i; $shl338$i = $shl333$i << $and336$i; $sub339$i = (($shl338$i) + 245760)|0; $shr340$i = $sub339$i >>> 16; $and341$i = $shr340$i & 2; $add342$i = $add337$i | $and341$i; $sub343$i = (14 - ($add342$i))|0; $shl344$i = $shl338$i << $and341$i; $shr345$i = $shl344$i >>> 15; $add346$i = (($sub343$i) + ($shr345$i))|0; $shl347$i = $add346$i << 1; $add348$i = (($add346$i) + 7)|0; $shr349$i = $rsize$4$lcssa$i >>> $add348$i; $and350$i = $shr349$i & 1; $add351$i = $and350$i | $shl347$i; $I316$0$i = $add351$i; } } $arrayidx355$i = (33832 + ($I316$0$i<<2)|0); $index356$i = ((($add$ptr$i162)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$index356$i>>2] = $I316$0$i; $child357$i = ((($add$ptr$i162)) + 16|0); $arrayidx358$i = ((($child357$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx358$i>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$child357$i>>2] = 0; $shl362$i = 1 << $I316$0$i; $and363$i = $83 & $shl362$i; $tobool364$i = ($and363$i|0)==(0); if ($tobool364$i) { $or368$i = $83 | $shl362$i; HEAP32[(33532)>>2] = $or368$i; HEAP32[$arrayidx355$i>>2] = $add$ptr$i162; $parent369$i = ((($add$ptr$i162)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent369$i>>2] = $arrayidx355$i; $bk370$i = ((($add$ptr$i162)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk370$i>>2] = $add$ptr$i162; $fd371$i = ((($add$ptr$i162)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd371$i>>2] = $add$ptr$i162; break; } $84 = HEAP32[$arrayidx355$i>>2]|0; $cmp374$i = ($I316$0$i|0)==(31); $shr378$i = $I316$0$i >>> 1; $sub381$i = (25 - ($shr378$i))|0; $cond383$i = $cmp374$i ? 0 : $sub381$i; $shl384$i = $rsize$4$lcssa$i << $cond383$i; $K373$0$i = $shl384$i;$T$0$i = $84; while(1) { $head386$i = ((($T$0$i)) + 4|0); $85 = HEAP32[$head386$i>>2]|0; $and387$i = $85 & -8; $cmp388$i = ($and387$i|0)==($rsize$4$lcssa$i|0); if ($cmp388$i) { label = 139; break; } $shr392$i = $K373$0$i >>> 31; $arrayidx394$i = (((($T$0$i)) + 16|0) + ($shr392$i<<2)|0); $shl395$i = $K373$0$i << 1; $86 = HEAP32[$arrayidx394$i>>2]|0; $cmp396$i = ($86|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp396$i) { label = 136; break; } else { $K373$0$i = $shl395$i;$T$0$i = $86; } } if ((label|0) == 136) { $87 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp401$i = ($87>>>0)>($arrayidx394$i>>>0); if ($cmp401$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { HEAP32[$arrayidx394$i>>2] = $add$ptr$i162; $parent406$i = ((($add$ptr$i162)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent406$i>>2] = $T$0$i; $bk407$i = ((($add$ptr$i162)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk407$i>>2] = $add$ptr$i162; $fd408$i = ((($add$ptr$i162)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd408$i>>2] = $add$ptr$i162; break; } } else if ((label|0) == 139) { $fd416$i = ((($T$0$i)) + 8|0); $88 = HEAP32[$fd416$i>>2]|0; $89 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp418$i = ($89>>>0)<=($T$0$i>>>0); $cmp422$i = ($89>>>0)<=($88>>>0); $90 = $cmp422$i & $cmp418$i; if ($90) { $bk429$i = ((($88)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk429$i>>2] = $add$ptr$i162; HEAP32[$fd416$i>>2] = $add$ptr$i162; $fd431$i = ((($add$ptr$i162)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd431$i>>2] = $88; $bk432$i = ((($add$ptr$i162)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk432$i>>2] = $T$0$i; $parent433$i = ((($add$ptr$i162)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent433$i>>2] = 0; break; } else { _abort(); // unreachable; } } } } while(0); $add$ptr441$i = ((($v$4$lcssa$i)) + 8|0); $retval$0 = $add$ptr441$i; STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$0|0); } else { $nb$0 = $and145; } } } } } } while(0); $91 = HEAP32[(33536)>>2]|0; $cmp156 = ($91>>>0)<($nb$0>>>0); if (!($cmp156)) { $sub160 = (($91) - ($nb$0))|0; $92 = HEAP32[(33548)>>2]|0; $cmp162 = ($sub160>>>0)>(15); if ($cmp162) { $add$ptr166 = (($92) + ($nb$0)|0); HEAP32[(33548)>>2] = $add$ptr166; HEAP32[(33536)>>2] = $sub160; $or167 = $sub160 | 1; $head168 = ((($add$ptr166)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head168>>2] = $or167; $add$ptr169 = (($92) + ($91)|0); HEAP32[$add$ptr169>>2] = $sub160; $or172 = $nb$0 | 3; $head173 = ((($92)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head173>>2] = $or172; } else { HEAP32[(33536)>>2] = 0; HEAP32[(33548)>>2] = 0; $or176 = $91 | 3; $head177 = ((($92)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head177>>2] = $or176; $add$ptr178 = (($92) + ($91)|0); $head179 = ((($add$ptr178)) + 4|0); $93 = HEAP32[$head179>>2]|0; $or180 = $93 | 1; HEAP32[$head179>>2] = $or180; } $add$ptr182 = ((($92)) + 8|0); $retval$0 = $add$ptr182; STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$0|0); } $94 = HEAP32[(33540)>>2]|0; $cmp186 = ($94>>>0)>($nb$0>>>0); if ($cmp186) { $sub190 = (($94) - ($nb$0))|0; HEAP32[(33540)>>2] = $sub190; $95 = HEAP32[(33552)>>2]|0; $add$ptr193 = (($95) + ($nb$0)|0); HEAP32[(33552)>>2] = $add$ptr193; $or194 = $sub190 | 1; $head195 = ((($add$ptr193)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head195>>2] = $or194; $or197 = $nb$0 | 3; $head198 = ((($95)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head198>>2] = $or197; $add$ptr199 = ((($95)) + 8|0); $retval$0 = $add$ptr199; STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$0|0); } $96 = HEAP32[8500]|0; $cmp$i181 = ($96|0)==(0); if ($cmp$i181) { HEAP32[(34008)>>2] = 4096; HEAP32[(34004)>>2] = 4096; HEAP32[(34012)>>2] = -1; HEAP32[(34016)>>2] = -1; HEAP32[(34020)>>2] = 0; HEAP32[(33972)>>2] = 0; $97 = $magic$i$i; $xor$i$i = $97 & -16; $and6$i$i = $xor$i$i ^ 1431655768; HEAP32[8500] = $and6$i$i; $98 = 4096; } else { $$pre$i182 = HEAP32[(34008)>>2]|0; $98 = $$pre$i182; } $add$i183 = (($nb$0) + 48)|0; $sub$i184 = (($nb$0) + 47)|0; $add9$i = (($98) + ($sub$i184))|0; $neg$i185 = (0 - ($98))|0; $and11$i = $add9$i & $neg$i185; $cmp12$i = ($and11$i>>>0)>($nb$0>>>0); if (!($cmp12$i)) { $retval$0 = 0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$0|0); } $99 = HEAP32[(33968)>>2]|0; $cmp15$i = ($99|0)==(0); if (!($cmp15$i)) { $100 = HEAP32[(33960)>>2]|0; $add17$i186 = (($100) + ($and11$i))|0; $cmp19$i = ($add17$i186>>>0)<=($100>>>0); $cmp21$i = ($add17$i186>>>0)>($99>>>0); $or$cond1$i = $cmp19$i | $cmp21$i; if ($or$cond1$i) { $retval$0 = 0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$0|0); } } $101 = HEAP32[(33972)>>2]|0; $and29$i = $101 & 4; $tobool30$i = ($and29$i|0)==(0); L244: do { if ($tobool30$i) { $102 = HEAP32[(33552)>>2]|0; $cmp32$i187 = ($102|0)==(0|0); L246: do { if ($cmp32$i187) { label = 163; } else { $sp$0$i$i = (33976); while(1) { $103 = HEAP32[$sp$0$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp$i11$i = ($103>>>0)>($102>>>0); if (!($cmp$i11$i)) { $size$i$i = ((($sp$0$i$i)) + 4|0); $104 = HEAP32[$size$i$i>>2]|0; $add$ptr$i$i = (($103) + ($104)|0); $cmp2$i$i = ($add$ptr$i$i>>>0)>($102>>>0); if ($cmp2$i$i) { break; } } $next$i$i = ((($sp$0$i$i)) + 8|0); $105 = HEAP32[$next$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp3$i$i = ($105|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp3$i$i) { label = 163; break L246; } else { $sp$0$i$i = $105; } } $add77$i = (($add9$i) - ($94))|0; $and80$i = $add77$i & $neg$i185; $cmp81$i194 = ($and80$i>>>0)<(2147483647); if ($cmp81$i194) { $call83$i = (_sbrk(($and80$i|0))|0); $110 = HEAP32[$sp$0$i$i>>2]|0; $111 = HEAP32[$size$i$i>>2]|0; $add$ptr$i196 = (($110) + ($111)|0); $cmp85$i = ($call83$i|0)==($add$ptr$i196|0); if ($cmp85$i) { $cmp89$i = ($call83$i|0)==((-1)|0); if ($cmp89$i) { $tsize$2657583$i = $and80$i; } else { $tbase$796$i = $call83$i;$tsize$795$i = $and80$i; label = 180; break L244; } } else { $br$2$ph$i = $call83$i;$ssize$2$ph$i = $and80$i; label = 171; } } else { $tsize$2657583$i = 0; } } } while(0); do { if ((label|0) == 163) { $call37$i = (_sbrk(0)|0); $cmp38$i = ($call37$i|0)==((-1)|0); if ($cmp38$i) { $tsize$2657583$i = 0; } else { $106 = $call37$i; $107 = HEAP32[(34004)>>2]|0; $sub41$i = (($107) + -1)|0; $and42$i = $sub41$i & $106; $cmp43$i = ($and42$i|0)==(0); $add46$i = (($sub41$i) + ($106))|0; $neg48$i = (0 - ($107))|0; $and49$i = $add46$i & $neg48$i; $sub50$i = (($and49$i) - ($106))|0; $add51$i = $cmp43$i ? 0 : $sub50$i; $and11$add51$i = (($add51$i) + ($and11$i))|0; $108 = HEAP32[(33960)>>2]|0; $add54$i = (($and11$add51$i) + ($108))|0; $cmp55$i188 = ($and11$add51$i>>>0)>($nb$0>>>0); $cmp57$i189 = ($and11$add51$i>>>0)<(2147483647); $or$cond$i190 = $cmp55$i188 & $cmp57$i189; if ($or$cond$i190) { $109 = HEAP32[(33968)>>2]|0; $cmp60$i = ($109|0)==(0); if (!($cmp60$i)) { $cmp63$i = ($add54$i>>>0)<=($108>>>0); $cmp66$i192 = ($add54$i>>>0)>($109>>>0); $or$cond2$i193 = $cmp63$i | $cmp66$i192; if ($or$cond2$i193) { $tsize$2657583$i = 0; break; } } $call68$i = (_sbrk(($and11$add51$i|0))|0); $cmp69$i = ($call68$i|0)==($call37$i|0); if ($cmp69$i) { $tbase$796$i = $call37$i;$tsize$795$i = $and11$add51$i; label = 180; break L244; } else { $br$2$ph$i = $call68$i;$ssize$2$ph$i = $and11$add51$i; label = 171; } } else { $tsize$2657583$i = 0; } } } } while(0); do { if ((label|0) == 171) { $sub112$i = (0 - ($ssize$2$ph$i))|0; $cmp91$i = ($br$2$ph$i|0)!=((-1)|0); $cmp93$i = ($ssize$2$ph$i>>>0)<(2147483647); $or$cond5$i = $cmp93$i & $cmp91$i; $cmp96$i = ($add$i183>>>0)>($ssize$2$ph$i>>>0); $or$cond3$i = $cmp96$i & $or$cond5$i; if (!($or$cond3$i)) { $cmp118$i = ($br$2$ph$i|0)==((-1)|0); if ($cmp118$i) { $tsize$2657583$i = 0; break; } else { $tbase$796$i = $br$2$ph$i;$tsize$795$i = $ssize$2$ph$i; label = 180; break L244; } } $112 = HEAP32[(34008)>>2]|0; $sub99$i = (($sub$i184) - ($ssize$2$ph$i))|0; $add101$i = (($sub99$i) + ($112))|0; $neg103$i = (0 - ($112))|0; $and104$i = $add101$i & $neg103$i; $cmp105$i = ($and104$i>>>0)<(2147483647); if (!($cmp105$i)) { $tbase$796$i = $br$2$ph$i;$tsize$795$i = $ssize$2$ph$i; label = 180; break L244; } $call107$i = (_sbrk(($and104$i|0))|0); $cmp108$i = ($call107$i|0)==((-1)|0); if ($cmp108$i) { (_sbrk(($sub112$i|0))|0); $tsize$2657583$i = 0; break; } else { $add110$i = (($and104$i) + ($ssize$2$ph$i))|0; $tbase$796$i = $br$2$ph$i;$tsize$795$i = $add110$i; label = 180; break L244; } } } while(0); $113 = HEAP32[(33972)>>2]|0; $or$i198 = $113 | 4; HEAP32[(33972)>>2] = $or$i198; $tsize$4$i = $tsize$2657583$i; label = 178; } else { $tsize$4$i = 0; label = 178; } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 178) { $cmp127$i = ($and11$i>>>0)<(2147483647); if ($cmp127$i) { $call131$i = (_sbrk(($and11$i|0))|0); $call132$i = (_sbrk(0)|0); $cmp133$i199 = ($call131$i|0)!=((-1)|0); $cmp135$i = ($call132$i|0)!=((-1)|0); $or$cond4$i = $cmp133$i199 & $cmp135$i; $cmp137$i200 = ($call131$i>>>0)<($call132$i>>>0); $or$cond7$i = $cmp137$i200 & $or$cond4$i; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast$i = $call132$i; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast$i = $call131$i; $sub$ptr$sub$i = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast$i) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast$i))|0; $add140$i = (($nb$0) + 40)|0; $cmp141$i = ($sub$ptr$sub$i>>>0)>($add140$i>>>0); $sub$ptr$sub$tsize$4$i = $cmp141$i ? $sub$ptr$sub$i : $tsize$4$i; $or$cond7$not$i = $or$cond7$i ^ 1; $cmp14799$i = ($call131$i|0)==((-1)|0); $not$cmp141$i = $cmp141$i ^ 1; $cmp147$i = $cmp14799$i | $not$cmp141$i; $or$cond97$i = $cmp147$i | $or$cond7$not$i; if (!($or$cond97$i)) { $tbase$796$i = $call131$i;$tsize$795$i = $sub$ptr$sub$tsize$4$i; label = 180; } } } if ((label|0) == 180) { $114 = HEAP32[(33960)>>2]|0; $add150$i = (($114) + ($tsize$795$i))|0; HEAP32[(33960)>>2] = $add150$i; $115 = HEAP32[(33964)>>2]|0; $cmp151$i = ($add150$i>>>0)>($115>>>0); if ($cmp151$i) { HEAP32[(33964)>>2] = $add150$i; } $116 = HEAP32[(33552)>>2]|0; $cmp157$i = ($116|0)==(0|0); do { if ($cmp157$i) { $117 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp159$i202 = ($117|0)==(0|0); $cmp162$i203 = ($tbase$796$i>>>0)<($117>>>0); $or$cond8$i = $cmp159$i202 | $cmp162$i203; if ($or$cond8$i) { HEAP32[(33544)>>2] = $tbase$796$i; } HEAP32[(33976)>>2] = $tbase$796$i; HEAP32[(33980)>>2] = $tsize$795$i; HEAP32[(33988)>>2] = 0; $118 = HEAP32[8500]|0; HEAP32[(33564)>>2] = $118; HEAP32[(33560)>>2] = -1; HEAP32[(33580)>>2] = (33568); HEAP32[(33576)>>2] = (33568); HEAP32[(33588)>>2] = (33576); HEAP32[(33584)>>2] = (33576); HEAP32[(33596)>>2] = (33584); HEAP32[(33592)>>2] = (33584); HEAP32[(33604)>>2] = (33592); HEAP32[(33600)>>2] = (33592); HEAP32[(33612)>>2] = (33600); HEAP32[(33608)>>2] = (33600); HEAP32[(33620)>>2] = (33608); HEAP32[(33616)>>2] = (33608); HEAP32[(33628)>>2] = (33616); HEAP32[(33624)>>2] = (33616); HEAP32[(33636)>>2] = (33624); HEAP32[(33632)>>2] = (33624); HEAP32[(33644)>>2] = (33632); HEAP32[(33640)>>2] = (33632); HEAP32[(33652)>>2] = (33640); HEAP32[(33648)>>2] = (33640); HEAP32[(33660)>>2] = (33648); HEAP32[(33656)>>2] = (33648); HEAP32[(33668)>>2] = (33656); HEAP32[(33664)>>2] = (33656); HEAP32[(33676)>>2] = (33664); HEAP32[(33672)>>2] = (33664); HEAP32[(33684)>>2] = (33672); HEAP32[(33680)>>2] = (33672); HEAP32[(33692)>>2] = (33680); HEAP32[(33688)>>2] = (33680); HEAP32[(33700)>>2] = (33688); HEAP32[(33696)>>2] = (33688); HEAP32[(33708)>>2] = (33696); HEAP32[(33704)>>2] = (33696); HEAP32[(33716)>>2] = (33704); HEAP32[(33712)>>2] = (33704); HEAP32[(33724)>>2] = (33712); HEAP32[(33720)>>2] = (33712); HEAP32[(33732)>>2] = (33720); HEAP32[(33728)>>2] = (33720); HEAP32[(33740)>>2] = (33728); HEAP32[(33736)>>2] = (33728); HEAP32[(33748)>>2] = (33736); HEAP32[(33744)>>2] = (33736); HEAP32[(33756)>>2] = (33744); HEAP32[(33752)>>2] = (33744); HEAP32[(33764)>>2] = (33752); HEAP32[(33760)>>2] = (33752); HEAP32[(33772)>>2] = (33760); HEAP32[(33768)>>2] = (33760); HEAP32[(33780)>>2] = (33768); HEAP32[(33776)>>2] = (33768); HEAP32[(33788)>>2] = (33776); HEAP32[(33784)>>2] = (33776); HEAP32[(33796)>>2] = (33784); HEAP32[(33792)>>2] = (33784); HEAP32[(33804)>>2] = (33792); HEAP32[(33800)>>2] = (33792); HEAP32[(33812)>>2] = (33800); HEAP32[(33808)>>2] = (33800); HEAP32[(33820)>>2] = (33808); HEAP32[(33816)>>2] = (33808); HEAP32[(33828)>>2] = (33816); HEAP32[(33824)>>2] = (33816); $sub172$i = (($tsize$795$i) + -40)|0; $add$ptr$i13$i = ((($tbase$796$i)) + 8|0); $119 = $add$ptr$i13$i; $and$i14$i = $119 & 7; $cmp$i15$i = ($and$i14$i|0)==(0); $sub$i16$i = (0 - ($119))|0; $and3$i$i = $sub$i16$i & 7; $cond$i17$i = $cmp$i15$i ? 0 : $and3$i$i; $add$ptr4$i$i = (($tbase$796$i) + ($cond$i17$i)|0); $sub5$i$i = (($sub172$i) - ($cond$i17$i))|0; HEAP32[(33552)>>2] = $add$ptr4$i$i; HEAP32[(33540)>>2] = $sub5$i$i; $or$i$i = $sub5$i$i | 1; $head$i18$i = ((($add$ptr4$i$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head$i18$i>>2] = $or$i$i; $add$ptr6$i$i = (($tbase$796$i) + ($sub172$i)|0); $head7$i$i = ((($add$ptr6$i$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head7$i$i>>2] = 40; $120 = HEAP32[(34016)>>2]|0; HEAP32[(33556)>>2] = $120; } else { $sp$0108$i = (33976); while(1) { $121 = HEAP32[$sp$0108$i>>2]|0; $size188$i = ((($sp$0108$i)) + 4|0); $122 = HEAP32[$size188$i>>2]|0; $add$ptr189$i = (($121) + ($122)|0); $cmp190$i = ($tbase$796$i|0)==($add$ptr189$i|0); if ($cmp190$i) { label = 188; break; } $next$i = ((($sp$0108$i)) + 8|0); $123 = HEAP32[$next$i>>2]|0; $cmp186$i = ($123|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp186$i) { break; } else { $sp$0108$i = $123; } } if ((label|0) == 188) { $sflags193$i = ((($sp$0108$i)) + 12|0); $124 = HEAP32[$sflags193$i>>2]|0; $and194$i207 = $124 & 8; $tobool195$i = ($and194$i207|0)==(0); if ($tobool195$i) { $cmp203$i = ($121>>>0)<=($116>>>0); $cmp209$i = ($tbase$796$i>>>0)>($116>>>0); $or$cond98$i = $cmp209$i & $cmp203$i; if ($or$cond98$i) { $add212$i = (($122) + ($tsize$795$i))|0; HEAP32[$size188$i>>2] = $add212$i; $125 = HEAP32[(33540)>>2]|0; $add215$i = (($125) + ($tsize$795$i))|0; $add$ptr$i48$i = ((($116)) + 8|0); $126 = $add$ptr$i48$i; $and$i49$i = $126 & 7; $cmp$i50$i = ($and$i49$i|0)==(0); $sub$i51$i = (0 - ($126))|0; $and3$i52$i = $sub$i51$i & 7; $cond$i53$i = $cmp$i50$i ? 0 : $and3$i52$i; $add$ptr4$i54$i = (($116) + ($cond$i53$i)|0); $sub5$i55$i = (($add215$i) - ($cond$i53$i))|0; HEAP32[(33552)>>2] = $add$ptr4$i54$i; HEAP32[(33540)>>2] = $sub5$i55$i; $or$i56$i = $sub5$i55$i | 1; $head$i57$i = ((($add$ptr4$i54$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head$i57$i>>2] = $or$i56$i; $add$ptr6$i58$i = (($116) + ($add215$i)|0); $head7$i59$i = ((($add$ptr6$i58$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head7$i59$i>>2] = 40; $127 = HEAP32[(34016)>>2]|0; HEAP32[(33556)>>2] = $127; break; } } } $128 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp218$i = ($tbase$796$i>>>0)<($128>>>0); if ($cmp218$i) { HEAP32[(33544)>>2] = $tbase$796$i; $141 = $tbase$796$i; } else { $141 = $128; } $add$ptr227$i = (($tbase$796$i) + ($tsize$795$i)|0); $sp$1107$i = (33976); while(1) { $129 = HEAP32[$sp$1107$i>>2]|0; $cmp228$i = ($129|0)==($add$ptr227$i|0); if ($cmp228$i) { label = 196; break; } $next231$i = ((($sp$1107$i)) + 8|0); $130 = HEAP32[$next231$i>>2]|0; $cmp224$i = ($130|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp224$i) { $sp$0$i$i$i = (33976); break; } else { $sp$1107$i = $130; } } if ((label|0) == 196) { $sflags235$i = ((($sp$1107$i)) + 12|0); $131 = HEAP32[$sflags235$i>>2]|0; $and236$i = $131 & 8; $tobool237$i = ($and236$i|0)==(0); if ($tobool237$i) { HEAP32[$sp$1107$i>>2] = $tbase$796$i; $size245$i = ((($sp$1107$i)) + 4|0); $132 = HEAP32[$size245$i>>2]|0; $add246$i = (($132) + ($tsize$795$i))|0; HEAP32[$size245$i>>2] = $add246$i; $add$ptr$i19$i = ((($tbase$796$i)) + 8|0); $133 = $add$ptr$i19$i; $and$i20$i = $133 & 7; $cmp$i21$i = ($and$i20$i|0)==(0); $sub$i22$i = (0 - ($133))|0; $and3$i23$i = $sub$i22$i & 7; $cond$i24$i = $cmp$i21$i ? 0 : $and3$i23$i; $add$ptr4$i25$i = (($tbase$796$i) + ($cond$i24$i)|0); $add$ptr5$i$i = ((($add$ptr227$i)) + 8|0); $134 = $add$ptr5$i$i; $and6$i26$i = $134 & 7; $cmp7$i$i = ($and6$i26$i|0)==(0); $sub12$i$i = (0 - ($134))|0; $and13$i$i = $sub12$i$i & 7; $cond15$i$i = $cmp7$i$i ? 0 : $and13$i$i; $add$ptr16$i$i = (($add$ptr227$i) + ($cond15$i$i)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast$i27$i = $add$ptr16$i$i; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast$i28$i = $add$ptr4$i25$i; $sub$ptr$sub$i29$i = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast$i27$i) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast$i28$i))|0; $add$ptr17$i$i = (($add$ptr4$i25$i) + ($nb$0)|0); $sub18$i$i = (($sub$ptr$sub$i29$i) - ($nb$0))|0; $or19$i$i = $nb$0 | 3; $head$i30$i = ((($add$ptr4$i25$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head$i30$i>>2] = $or19$i$i; $cmp20$i$i = ($116|0)==($add$ptr16$i$i|0); do { if ($cmp20$i$i) { $135 = HEAP32[(33540)>>2]|0; $add$i$i = (($135) + ($sub18$i$i))|0; HEAP32[(33540)>>2] = $add$i$i; HEAP32[(33552)>>2] = $add$ptr17$i$i; $or22$i$i = $add$i$i | 1; $head23$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head23$i$i>>2] = $or22$i$i; } else { $136 = HEAP32[(33548)>>2]|0; $cmp24$i$i = ($136|0)==($add$ptr16$i$i|0); if ($cmp24$i$i) { $137 = HEAP32[(33536)>>2]|0; $add26$i$i = (($137) + ($sub18$i$i))|0; HEAP32[(33536)>>2] = $add26$i$i; HEAP32[(33548)>>2] = $add$ptr17$i$i; $or28$i$i = $add26$i$i | 1; $head29$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head29$i$i>>2] = $or28$i$i; $add$ptr30$i$i = (($add$ptr17$i$i) + ($add26$i$i)|0); HEAP32[$add$ptr30$i$i>>2] = $add26$i$i; break; } $head32$i$i = ((($add$ptr16$i$i)) + 4|0); $138 = HEAP32[$head32$i$i>>2]|0; $and33$i$i = $138 & 3; $cmp34$i$i = ($and33$i$i|0)==(1); if ($cmp34$i$i) { $and37$i$i = $138 & -8; $shr$i33$i = $138 >>> 3; $cmp38$i$i = ($138>>>0)<(256); L311: do { if ($cmp38$i$i) { $fd$i$i = ((($add$ptr16$i$i)) + 8|0); $139 = HEAP32[$fd$i$i>>2]|0; $bk$i34$i = ((($add$ptr16$i$i)) + 12|0); $140 = HEAP32[$bk$i34$i>>2]|0; $shl$i35$i = $shr$i33$i << 1; $arrayidx$i36$i = (33568 + ($shl$i35$i<<2)|0); $cmp41$i$i = ($139|0)==($arrayidx$i36$i|0); do { if (!($cmp41$i$i)) { $cmp42$i$i = ($141>>>0)>($139>>>0); if ($cmp42$i$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $bk43$i$i = ((($139)) + 12|0); $142 = HEAP32[$bk43$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp44$i$i = ($142|0)==($add$ptr16$i$i|0); if ($cmp44$i$i) { break; } _abort(); // unreachable; } } while(0); $cmp46$i37$i = ($140|0)==($139|0); if ($cmp46$i37$i) { $shl48$i$i = 1 << $shr$i33$i; $neg$i$i = $shl48$i$i ^ -1; $143 = HEAP32[8382]|0; $and49$i$i = $143 & $neg$i$i; HEAP32[8382] = $and49$i$i; break; } $cmp54$i$i = ($140|0)==($arrayidx$i36$i|0); do { if ($cmp54$i$i) { $$pre6$i$i = ((($140)) + 8|0); $fd68$pre$phi$i$iZ2D = $$pre6$i$i; } else { $cmp57$i$i = ($141>>>0)>($140>>>0); if ($cmp57$i$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $fd59$i$i = ((($140)) + 8|0); $144 = HEAP32[$fd59$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp60$i$i = ($144|0)==($add$ptr16$i$i|0); if ($cmp60$i$i) { $fd68$pre$phi$i$iZ2D = $fd59$i$i; break; } _abort(); // unreachable; } } while(0); $bk67$i$i = ((($139)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk67$i$i>>2] = $140; HEAP32[$fd68$pre$phi$i$iZ2D>>2] = $139; } else { $parent$i39$i = ((($add$ptr16$i$i)) + 24|0); $145 = HEAP32[$parent$i39$i>>2]|0; $bk74$i$i = ((($add$ptr16$i$i)) + 12|0); $146 = HEAP32[$bk74$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp75$i$i = ($146|0)==($add$ptr16$i$i|0); do { if ($cmp75$i$i) { $child$i$i = ((($add$ptr16$i$i)) + 16|0); $arrayidx96$i$i = ((($child$i$i)) + 4|0); $150 = HEAP32[$arrayidx96$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp97$i$i = ($150|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp97$i$i) { $151 = HEAP32[$child$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp100$i$i = ($151|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp100$i$i) { $R$3$i$i = 0; break; } else { $R$1$i$i = $151;$RP$1$i$i = $child$i$i; } } else { $R$1$i$i = $150;$RP$1$i$i = $arrayidx96$i$i; } while(1) { $arrayidx103$i$i = ((($R$1$i$i)) + 20|0); $152 = HEAP32[$arrayidx103$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp104$i$i = ($152|0)==(0|0); if (!($cmp104$i$i)) { $R$1$i$i = $152;$RP$1$i$i = $arrayidx103$i$i; continue; } $arrayidx107$i$i = ((($R$1$i$i)) + 16|0); $153 = HEAP32[$arrayidx107$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp108$i$i = ($153|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp108$i$i) { break; } else { $R$1$i$i = $153;$RP$1$i$i = $arrayidx107$i$i; } } $cmp112$i$i = ($141>>>0)>($RP$1$i$i>>>0); if ($cmp112$i$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { HEAP32[$RP$1$i$i>>2] = 0; $R$3$i$i = $R$1$i$i; break; } } else { $fd78$i$i = ((($add$ptr16$i$i)) + 8|0); $147 = HEAP32[$fd78$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp81$i$i = ($141>>>0)>($147>>>0); if ($cmp81$i$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $bk82$i$i = ((($147)) + 12|0); $148 = HEAP32[$bk82$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp83$i$i = ($148|0)==($add$ptr16$i$i|0); if (!($cmp83$i$i)) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $fd85$i$i = ((($146)) + 8|0); $149 = HEAP32[$fd85$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp86$i$i = ($149|0)==($add$ptr16$i$i|0); if ($cmp86$i$i) { HEAP32[$bk82$i$i>>2] = $146; HEAP32[$fd85$i$i>>2] = $147; $R$3$i$i = $146; break; } else { _abort(); // unreachable; } } } while(0); $cmp120$i41$i = ($145|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp120$i41$i) { break; } $index$i42$i = ((($add$ptr16$i$i)) + 28|0); $154 = HEAP32[$index$i42$i>>2]|0; $arrayidx123$i$i = (33832 + ($154<<2)|0); $155 = HEAP32[$arrayidx123$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp124$i$i = ($155|0)==($add$ptr16$i$i|0); do { if ($cmp124$i$i) { HEAP32[$arrayidx123$i$i>>2] = $R$3$i$i; $cond3$i$i = ($R$3$i$i|0)==(0|0); if (!($cond3$i$i)) { break; } $shl131$i$i = 1 << $154; $neg132$i$i = $shl131$i$i ^ -1; $156 = HEAP32[(33532)>>2]|0; $and133$i$i = $156 & $neg132$i$i; HEAP32[(33532)>>2] = $and133$i$i; break L311; } else { $157 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp137$i$i = ($157>>>0)>($145>>>0); if ($cmp137$i$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx143$i$i = ((($145)) + 16|0); $158 = HEAP32[$arrayidx143$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp144$i$i = ($158|0)!=($add$ptr16$i$i|0); $$sink$i$i = $cmp144$i$i&1; $arrayidx151$i$i = (((($145)) + 16|0) + ($$sink$i$i<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx151$i$i>>2] = $R$3$i$i; $cmp156$i$i = ($R$3$i$i|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp156$i$i) { break L311; } else { break; } } } } while(0); $159 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp160$i$i = ($159>>>0)>($R$3$i$i>>>0); if ($cmp160$i$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $parent165$i$i = ((($R$3$i$i)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent165$i$i>>2] = $145; $child166$i$i = ((($add$ptr16$i$i)) + 16|0); $160 = HEAP32[$child166$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp168$i$i = ($160|0)==(0|0); do { if (!($cmp168$i$i)) { $cmp172$i$i = ($159>>>0)>($160>>>0); if ($cmp172$i$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx178$i$i = ((($R$3$i$i)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx178$i$i>>2] = $160; $parent179$i$i = ((($160)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent179$i$i>>2] = $R$3$i$i; break; } } } while(0); $arrayidx184$i$i = ((($child166$i$i)) + 4|0); $161 = HEAP32[$arrayidx184$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp185$i$i = ($161|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp185$i$i) { break; } $162 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp189$i$i = ($162>>>0)>($161>>>0); if ($cmp189$i$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx195$i$i = ((($R$3$i$i)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx195$i$i>>2] = $161; $parent196$i$i = ((($161)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent196$i$i>>2] = $R$3$i$i; break; } } } while(0); $add$ptr205$i$i = (($add$ptr16$i$i) + ($and37$i$i)|0); $add206$i$i = (($and37$i$i) + ($sub18$i$i))|0; $oldfirst$0$i$i = $add$ptr205$i$i;$qsize$0$i$i = $add206$i$i; } else { $oldfirst$0$i$i = $add$ptr16$i$i;$qsize$0$i$i = $sub18$i$i; } $head208$i$i = ((($oldfirst$0$i$i)) + 4|0); $163 = HEAP32[$head208$i$i>>2]|0; $and209$i$i = $163 & -2; HEAP32[$head208$i$i>>2] = $and209$i$i; $or210$i$i = $qsize$0$i$i | 1; $head211$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head211$i$i>>2] = $or210$i$i; $add$ptr212$i$i = (($add$ptr17$i$i) + ($qsize$0$i$i)|0); HEAP32[$add$ptr212$i$i>>2] = $qsize$0$i$i; $shr214$i$i = $qsize$0$i$i >>> 3; $cmp215$i$i = ($qsize$0$i$i>>>0)<(256); if ($cmp215$i$i) { $shl222$i$i = $shr214$i$i << 1; $arrayidx223$i$i = (33568 + ($shl222$i$i<<2)|0); $164 = HEAP32[8382]|0; $shl226$i$i = 1 << $shr214$i$i; $and227$i$i = $164 & $shl226$i$i; $tobool228$i$i = ($and227$i$i|0)==(0); do { if ($tobool228$i$i) { $or232$i$i = $164 | $shl226$i$i; HEAP32[8382] = $or232$i$i; $$pre$i44$i = ((($arrayidx223$i$i)) + 8|0); $$pre$phi$i45$iZ2D = $$pre$i44$i;$F224$0$i$i = $arrayidx223$i$i; } else { $165 = ((($arrayidx223$i$i)) + 8|0); $166 = HEAP32[$165>>2]|0; $167 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp236$i$i = ($167>>>0)>($166>>>0); if (!($cmp236$i$i)) { $$pre$phi$i45$iZ2D = $165;$F224$0$i$i = $166; break; } _abort(); // unreachable; } } while(0); HEAP32[$$pre$phi$i45$iZ2D>>2] = $add$ptr17$i$i; $bk246$i$i = ((($F224$0$i$i)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk246$i$i>>2] = $add$ptr17$i$i; $fd247$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd247$i$i>>2] = $F224$0$i$i; $bk248$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk248$i$i>>2] = $arrayidx223$i$i; break; } $shr253$i$i = $qsize$0$i$i >>> 8; $cmp254$i$i = ($shr253$i$i|0)==(0); do { if ($cmp254$i$i) { $I252$0$i$i = 0; } else { $cmp258$i$i = ($qsize$0$i$i>>>0)>(16777215); if ($cmp258$i$i) { $I252$0$i$i = 31; break; } $sub262$i$i = (($shr253$i$i) + 1048320)|0; $shr263$i$i = $sub262$i$i >>> 16; $and264$i$i = $shr263$i$i & 8; $shl265$i$i = $shr253$i$i << $and264$i$i; $sub266$i$i = (($shl265$i$i) + 520192)|0; $shr267$i$i = $sub266$i$i >>> 16; $and268$i$i = $shr267$i$i & 4; $add269$i$i = $and268$i$i | $and264$i$i; $shl270$i$i = $shl265$i$i << $and268$i$i; $sub271$i$i = (($shl270$i$i) + 245760)|0; $shr272$i$i = $sub271$i$i >>> 16; $and273$i$i = $shr272$i$i & 2; $add274$i$i = $add269$i$i | $and273$i$i; $sub275$i$i = (14 - ($add274$i$i))|0; $shl276$i$i = $shl270$i$i << $and273$i$i; $shr277$i$i = $shl276$i$i >>> 15; $add278$i$i = (($sub275$i$i) + ($shr277$i$i))|0; $shl279$i$i = $add278$i$i << 1; $add280$i$i = (($add278$i$i) + 7)|0; $shr281$i$i = $qsize$0$i$i >>> $add280$i$i; $and282$i$i = $shr281$i$i & 1; $add283$i$i = $and282$i$i | $shl279$i$i; $I252$0$i$i = $add283$i$i; } } while(0); $arrayidx287$i$i = (33832 + ($I252$0$i$i<<2)|0); $index288$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$index288$i$i>>2] = $I252$0$i$i; $child289$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 16|0); $arrayidx290$i$i = ((($child289$i$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx290$i$i>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$child289$i$i>>2] = 0; $168 = HEAP32[(33532)>>2]|0; $shl294$i$i = 1 << $I252$0$i$i; $and295$i$i = $168 & $shl294$i$i; $tobool296$i$i = ($and295$i$i|0)==(0); if ($tobool296$i$i) { $or300$i$i = $168 | $shl294$i$i; HEAP32[(33532)>>2] = $or300$i$i; HEAP32[$arrayidx287$i$i>>2] = $add$ptr17$i$i; $parent301$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent301$i$i>>2] = $arrayidx287$i$i; $bk302$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk302$i$i>>2] = $add$ptr17$i$i; $fd303$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd303$i$i>>2] = $add$ptr17$i$i; break; } $169 = HEAP32[$arrayidx287$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp306$i$i = ($I252$0$i$i|0)==(31); $shr310$i$i = $I252$0$i$i >>> 1; $sub313$i$i = (25 - ($shr310$i$i))|0; $cond315$i$i = $cmp306$i$i ? 0 : $sub313$i$i; $shl316$i$i = $qsize$0$i$i << $cond315$i$i; $K305$0$i$i = $shl316$i$i;$T$0$i46$i = $169; while(1) { $head317$i$i = ((($T$0$i46$i)) + 4|0); $170 = HEAP32[$head317$i$i>>2]|0; $and318$i$i = $170 & -8; $cmp319$i$i = ($and318$i$i|0)==($qsize$0$i$i|0); if ($cmp319$i$i) { label = 263; break; } $shr323$i$i = $K305$0$i$i >>> 31; $arrayidx325$i$i = (((($T$0$i46$i)) + 16|0) + ($shr323$i$i<<2)|0); $shl326$i$i = $K305$0$i$i << 1; $171 = HEAP32[$arrayidx325$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp327$i$i = ($171|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp327$i$i) { label = 260; break; } else { $K305$0$i$i = $shl326$i$i;$T$0$i46$i = $171; } } if ((label|0) == 260) { $172 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp332$i$i = ($172>>>0)>($arrayidx325$i$i>>>0); if ($cmp332$i$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { HEAP32[$arrayidx325$i$i>>2] = $add$ptr17$i$i; $parent337$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent337$i$i>>2] = $T$0$i46$i; $bk338$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk338$i$i>>2] = $add$ptr17$i$i; $fd339$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd339$i$i>>2] = $add$ptr17$i$i; break; } } else if ((label|0) == 263) { $fd344$i$i = ((($T$0$i46$i)) + 8|0); $173 = HEAP32[$fd344$i$i>>2]|0; $174 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp346$i$i = ($174>>>0)<=($T$0$i46$i>>>0); $cmp350$i$i = ($174>>>0)<=($173>>>0); $175 = $cmp350$i$i & $cmp346$i$i; if ($175) { $bk357$i$i = ((($173)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk357$i$i>>2] = $add$ptr17$i$i; HEAP32[$fd344$i$i>>2] = $add$ptr17$i$i; $fd359$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd359$i$i>>2] = $173; $bk360$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk360$i$i>>2] = $T$0$i46$i; $parent361$i$i = ((($add$ptr17$i$i)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent361$i$i>>2] = 0; break; } else { _abort(); // unreachable; } } } } while(0); $add$ptr369$i$i = ((($add$ptr4$i25$i)) + 8|0); $retval$0 = $add$ptr369$i$i; STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$0|0); } else { $sp$0$i$i$i = (33976); } } while(1) { $176 = HEAP32[$sp$0$i$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp$i$i$i = ($176>>>0)>($116>>>0); if (!($cmp$i$i$i)) { $size$i$i$i = ((($sp$0$i$i$i)) + 4|0); $177 = HEAP32[$size$i$i$i>>2]|0; $add$ptr$i$i$i = (($176) + ($177)|0); $cmp2$i$i$i = ($add$ptr$i$i$i>>>0)>($116>>>0); if ($cmp2$i$i$i) { break; } } $next$i$i$i = ((($sp$0$i$i$i)) + 8|0); $178 = HEAP32[$next$i$i$i>>2]|0; $sp$0$i$i$i = $178; } $add$ptr2$i$i = ((($add$ptr$i$i$i)) + -47|0); $add$ptr3$i$i = ((($add$ptr2$i$i)) + 8|0); $179 = $add$ptr3$i$i; $and$i$i = $179 & 7; $cmp$i9$i = ($and$i$i|0)==(0); $sub$i$i = (0 - ($179))|0; $and6$i10$i = $sub$i$i & 7; $cond$i$i = $cmp$i9$i ? 0 : $and6$i10$i; $add$ptr7$i$i = (($add$ptr2$i$i) + ($cond$i$i)|0); $add$ptr81$i$i = ((($116)) + 16|0); $cmp9$i$i = ($add$ptr7$i$i>>>0)<($add$ptr81$i$i>>>0); $cond13$i$i = $cmp9$i$i ? $116 : $add$ptr7$i$i; $add$ptr14$i$i = ((($cond13$i$i)) + 8|0); $add$ptr15$i$i = ((($cond13$i$i)) + 24|0); $sub16$i$i = (($tsize$795$i) + -40)|0; $add$ptr$i3$i$i = ((($tbase$796$i)) + 8|0); $180 = $add$ptr$i3$i$i; $and$i$i$i = $180 & 7; $cmp$i4$i$i = ($and$i$i$i|0)==(0); $sub$i$i$i = (0 - ($180))|0; $and3$i$i$i = $sub$i$i$i & 7; $cond$i$i$i = $cmp$i4$i$i ? 0 : $and3$i$i$i; $add$ptr4$i$i$i = (($tbase$796$i) + ($cond$i$i$i)|0); $sub5$i$i$i = (($sub16$i$i) - ($cond$i$i$i))|0; HEAP32[(33552)>>2] = $add$ptr4$i$i$i; HEAP32[(33540)>>2] = $sub5$i$i$i; $or$i$i$i = $sub5$i$i$i | 1; $head$i$i$i = ((($add$ptr4$i$i$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head$i$i$i>>2] = $or$i$i$i; $add$ptr6$i$i$i = (($tbase$796$i) + ($sub16$i$i)|0); $head7$i$i$i = ((($add$ptr6$i$i$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head7$i$i$i>>2] = 40; $181 = HEAP32[(34016)>>2]|0; HEAP32[(33556)>>2] = $181; $head$i$i = ((($cond13$i$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head$i$i>>2] = 27; ;HEAP32[$add$ptr14$i$i>>2]=HEAP32[(33976)>>2]|0;HEAP32[$add$ptr14$i$i+4>>2]=HEAP32[(33976)+4>>2]|0;HEAP32[$add$ptr14$i$i+8>>2]=HEAP32[(33976)+8>>2]|0;HEAP32[$add$ptr14$i$i+12>>2]=HEAP32[(33976)+12>>2]|0; HEAP32[(33976)>>2] = $tbase$796$i; HEAP32[(33980)>>2] = $tsize$795$i; HEAP32[(33988)>>2] = 0; HEAP32[(33984)>>2] = $add$ptr14$i$i; $182 = $add$ptr15$i$i; while(1) { $add$ptr24$i$i = ((($182)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$add$ptr24$i$i>>2] = 7; $head26$i$i = ((($182)) + 8|0); $cmp27$i$i = ($head26$i$i>>>0)<($add$ptr$i$i$i>>>0); if ($cmp27$i$i) { $182 = $add$ptr24$i$i; } else { break; } } $cmp28$i$i = ($cond13$i$i|0)==($116|0); if (!($cmp28$i$i)) { $sub$ptr$lhs$cast$i$i = $cond13$i$i; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast$i$i = $116; $sub$ptr$sub$i$i = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast$i$i) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast$i$i))|0; $183 = HEAP32[$head$i$i>>2]|0; $and32$i$i = $183 & -2; HEAP32[$head$i$i>>2] = $and32$i$i; $or33$i$i = $sub$ptr$sub$i$i | 1; $head34$i$i = ((($116)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head34$i$i>>2] = $or33$i$i; HEAP32[$cond13$i$i>>2] = $sub$ptr$sub$i$i; $shr$i$i = $sub$ptr$sub$i$i >>> 3; $cmp36$i$i = ($sub$ptr$sub$i$i>>>0)<(256); if ($cmp36$i$i) { $shl$i$i = $shr$i$i << 1; $arrayidx$i$i = (33568 + ($shl$i$i<<2)|0); $184 = HEAP32[8382]|0; $shl39$i$i = 1 << $shr$i$i; $and40$i$i = $184 & $shl39$i$i; $tobool$i$i = ($and40$i$i|0)==(0); if ($tobool$i$i) { $or44$i$i = $184 | $shl39$i$i; HEAP32[8382] = $or44$i$i; $$pre$i$i = ((($arrayidx$i$i)) + 8|0); $$pre$phi$i$iZ2D = $$pre$i$i;$F$0$i$i = $arrayidx$i$i; } else { $185 = ((($arrayidx$i$i)) + 8|0); $186 = HEAP32[$185>>2]|0; $187 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp46$i$i = ($187>>>0)>($186>>>0); if ($cmp46$i$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $$pre$phi$i$iZ2D = $185;$F$0$i$i = $186; } } HEAP32[$$pre$phi$i$iZ2D>>2] = $116; $bk$i$i = ((($F$0$i$i)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk$i$i>>2] = $116; $fd54$i$i = ((($116)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd54$i$i>>2] = $F$0$i$i; $bk55$i$i = ((($116)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk55$i$i>>2] = $arrayidx$i$i; break; } $shr58$i$i = $sub$ptr$sub$i$i >>> 8; $cmp59$i$i = ($shr58$i$i|0)==(0); if ($cmp59$i$i) { $I57$0$i$i = 0; } else { $cmp63$i$i = ($sub$ptr$sub$i$i>>>0)>(16777215); if ($cmp63$i$i) { $I57$0$i$i = 31; } else { $sub67$i$i = (($shr58$i$i) + 1048320)|0; $shr68$i$i = $sub67$i$i >>> 16; $and69$i$i = $shr68$i$i & 8; $shl70$i$i = $shr58$i$i << $and69$i$i; $sub71$i$i = (($shl70$i$i) + 520192)|0; $shr72$i$i = $sub71$i$i >>> 16; $and73$i$i = $shr72$i$i & 4; $add74$i$i = $and73$i$i | $and69$i$i; $shl75$i$i = $shl70$i$i << $and73$i$i; $sub76$i$i = (($shl75$i$i) + 245760)|0; $shr77$i$i = $sub76$i$i >>> 16; $and78$i$i = $shr77$i$i & 2; $add79$i$i = $add74$i$i | $and78$i$i; $sub80$i$i = (14 - ($add79$i$i))|0; $shl81$i$i = $shl75$i$i << $and78$i$i; $shr82$i$i = $shl81$i$i >>> 15; $add83$i$i = (($sub80$i$i) + ($shr82$i$i))|0; $shl84$i$i = $add83$i$i << 1; $add85$i$i = (($add83$i$i) + 7)|0; $shr86$i$i = $sub$ptr$sub$i$i >>> $add85$i$i; $and87$i$i = $shr86$i$i & 1; $add88$i$i = $and87$i$i | $shl84$i$i; $I57$0$i$i = $add88$i$i; } } $arrayidx91$i$i = (33832 + ($I57$0$i$i<<2)|0); $index$i$i = ((($116)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$index$i$i>>2] = $I57$0$i$i; $arrayidx92$i$i = ((($116)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx92$i$i>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$add$ptr81$i$i>>2] = 0; $188 = HEAP32[(33532)>>2]|0; $shl95$i$i = 1 << $I57$0$i$i; $and96$i$i = $188 & $shl95$i$i; $tobool97$i$i = ($and96$i$i|0)==(0); if ($tobool97$i$i) { $or101$i$i = $188 | $shl95$i$i; HEAP32[(33532)>>2] = $or101$i$i; HEAP32[$arrayidx91$i$i>>2] = $116; $parent$i$i = ((($116)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent$i$i>>2] = $arrayidx91$i$i; $bk102$i$i = ((($116)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk102$i$i>>2] = $116; $fd103$i$i = ((($116)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd103$i$i>>2] = $116; break; } $189 = HEAP32[$arrayidx91$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp106$i$i = ($I57$0$i$i|0)==(31); $shr110$i$i = $I57$0$i$i >>> 1; $sub113$i$i = (25 - ($shr110$i$i))|0; $cond115$i$i = $cmp106$i$i ? 0 : $sub113$i$i; $shl116$i$i = $sub$ptr$sub$i$i << $cond115$i$i; $K105$0$i$i = $shl116$i$i;$T$0$i$i = $189; while(1) { $head118$i$i = ((($T$0$i$i)) + 4|0); $190 = HEAP32[$head118$i$i>>2]|0; $and119$i$i = $190 & -8; $cmp120$i$i = ($and119$i$i|0)==($sub$ptr$sub$i$i|0); if ($cmp120$i$i) { label = 289; break; } $shr124$i$i = $K105$0$i$i >>> 31; $arrayidx126$i$i = (((($T$0$i$i)) + 16|0) + ($shr124$i$i<<2)|0); $shl127$i$i = $K105$0$i$i << 1; $191 = HEAP32[$arrayidx126$i$i>>2]|0; $cmp128$i$i = ($191|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp128$i$i) { label = 286; break; } else { $K105$0$i$i = $shl127$i$i;$T$0$i$i = $191; } } if ((label|0) == 286) { $192 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp133$i$i = ($192>>>0)>($arrayidx126$i$i>>>0); if ($cmp133$i$i) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { HEAP32[$arrayidx126$i$i>>2] = $116; $parent138$i$i = ((($116)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent138$i$i>>2] = $T$0$i$i; $bk139$i$i = ((($116)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk139$i$i>>2] = $116; $fd140$i$i = ((($116)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd140$i$i>>2] = $116; break; } } else if ((label|0) == 289) { $fd148$i$i = ((($T$0$i$i)) + 8|0); $193 = HEAP32[$fd148$i$i>>2]|0; $194 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp150$i$i = ($194>>>0)<=($T$0$i$i>>>0); $cmp153$i$i = ($194>>>0)<=($193>>>0); $195 = $cmp153$i$i & $cmp150$i$i; if ($195) { $bk158$i$i = ((($193)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk158$i$i>>2] = $116; HEAP32[$fd148$i$i>>2] = $116; $fd160$i$i = ((($116)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd160$i$i>>2] = $193; $bk161$i$i = ((($116)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk161$i$i>>2] = $T$0$i$i; $parent162$i$i = ((($116)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent162$i$i>>2] = 0; break; } else { _abort(); // unreachable; } } } } } while(0); $196 = HEAP32[(33540)>>2]|0; $cmp257$i = ($196>>>0)>($nb$0>>>0); if ($cmp257$i) { $sub260$i = (($196) - ($nb$0))|0; HEAP32[(33540)>>2] = $sub260$i; $197 = HEAP32[(33552)>>2]|0; $add$ptr262$i = (($197) + ($nb$0)|0); HEAP32[(33552)>>2] = $add$ptr262$i; $or264$i = $sub260$i | 1; $head265$i = ((($add$ptr262$i)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head265$i>>2] = $or264$i; $or267$i = $nb$0 | 3; $head268$i = ((($197)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head268$i>>2] = $or267$i; $add$ptr269$i = ((($197)) + 8|0); $retval$0 = $add$ptr269$i; STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$0|0); } } $call275$i = (___errno_location()|0); HEAP32[$call275$i>>2] = 12; $retval$0 = 0; STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$0|0); } function _free($mem) { $mem = $mem|0; var $$pre = 0, $$pre$phiZ2D = 0, $$pre309 = 0, $$pre310 = 0, $$sink = 0, $$sink4 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0; var $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0; var $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0; var $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0; var $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $F510$0 = 0, $I534$0 = 0, $K583$0 = 0, $R$1 = 0, $R$3 = 0, $R332$1 = 0, $R332$3 = 0, $RP$1 = 0, $RP360$1 = 0, $T$0 = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr16 = 0, $add$ptr217 = 0, $add$ptr261 = 0, $add$ptr482 = 0, $add$ptr498 = 0, $add$ptr6 = 0, $add17 = 0; var $add246 = 0, $add258 = 0, $add267 = 0, $add550 = 0, $add555 = 0, $add559 = 0, $add561 = 0, $add564 = 0, $and = 0, $and140 = 0, $and210 = 0, $and215 = 0, $and232 = 0, $and240 = 0, $and266 = 0, $and301 = 0, $and410 = 0, $and46 = 0, $and495 = 0, $and5 = 0; var $and512 = 0, $and545 = 0, $and549 = 0, $and554 = 0, $and563 = 0, $and574 = 0, $and592 = 0, $and8 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx108 = 0, $arrayidx113 = 0, $arrayidx130 = 0, $arrayidx149 = 0, $arrayidx157 = 0, $arrayidx182 = 0, $arrayidx188 = 0, $arrayidx198 = 0, $arrayidx279 = 0, $arrayidx362 = 0, $arrayidx374 = 0; var $arrayidx379 = 0, $arrayidx400 = 0, $arrayidx419 = 0, $arrayidx427 = 0, $arrayidx454 = 0, $arrayidx460 = 0, $arrayidx470 = 0, $arrayidx509 = 0, $arrayidx567 = 0, $arrayidx570 = 0, $arrayidx599 = 0, $arrayidx99 = 0, $bk = 0, $bk275 = 0, $bk286 = 0, $bk321 = 0, $bk333 = 0, $bk34 = 0, $bk343 = 0, $bk529 = 0; var $bk531 = 0, $bk580 = 0, $bk611 = 0, $bk631 = 0, $bk634 = 0, $bk66 = 0, $bk73 = 0, $bk82 = 0, $child = 0, $child171 = 0, $child361 = 0, $child443 = 0, $child569 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp$i = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp100 = 0, $cmp104 = 0, $cmp109 = 0, $cmp114 = 0; var $cmp118 = 0, $cmp127 = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp131 = 0, $cmp143 = 0, $cmp150 = 0, $cmp162 = 0, $cmp165 = 0, $cmp173 = 0, $cmp176 = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp189 = 0, $cmp192 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp211 = 0, $cmp22 = 0, $cmp228 = 0, $cmp243 = 0, $cmp249 = 0, $cmp25 = 0; var $cmp255 = 0, $cmp269 = 0, $cmp280 = 0, $cmp283 = 0, $cmp287 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp296 = 0, $cmp305 = 0, $cmp308 = 0, $cmp31 = 0, $cmp312 = 0, $cmp334 = 0, $cmp340 = 0, $cmp344 = 0, $cmp348 = 0, $cmp35 = 0, $cmp363 = 0, $cmp368 = 0, $cmp375 = 0, $cmp380 = 0; var $cmp386 = 0, $cmp395 = 0, $cmp401 = 0, $cmp413 = 0, $cmp42 = 0, $cmp420 = 0, $cmp432 = 0, $cmp435 = 0, $cmp445 = 0, $cmp448 = 0, $cmp461 = 0, $cmp464 = 0, $cmp484 = 0, $cmp50 = 0, $cmp502 = 0, $cmp519 = 0, $cmp53 = 0, $cmp536 = 0, $cmp540 = 0, $cmp57 = 0; var $cmp584 = 0, $cmp593 = 0, $cmp601 = 0, $cmp605 = 0, $cmp621 = 0, $cmp624 = 0, $cmp640 = 0, $cmp74 = 0, $cmp80 = 0, $cmp83 = 0, $cmp87 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond293 = 0, $cond294 = 0, $dec = 0, $fd = 0, $fd273 = 0, $fd311 = 0, $fd322$pre$phiZ2D = 0, $fd338 = 0; var $fd347 = 0, $fd530 = 0, $fd56 = 0, $fd581 = 0, $fd612 = 0, $fd620 = 0, $fd633 = 0, $fd67$pre$phiZ2D = 0, $fd78 = 0, $fd86 = 0, $head = 0, $head209 = 0, $head216 = 0, $head231 = 0, $head248 = 0, $head260 = 0, $head481 = 0, $head497 = 0, $head591 = 0, $idx$neg = 0; var $index = 0, $index399 = 0, $index568 = 0, $neg = 0, $neg139 = 0, $neg300 = 0, $neg409 = 0, $next4$i = 0, $or = 0, $or247 = 0, $or259 = 0, $or480 = 0, $or496 = 0, $or516 = 0, $or578 = 0, $p$1 = 0, $parent = 0, $parent170 = 0, $parent183 = 0, $parent199 = 0; var $parent331 = 0, $parent442 = 0, $parent455 = 0, $parent471 = 0, $parent579 = 0, $parent610 = 0, $parent635 = 0, $psize$1 = 0, $psize$2 = 0, $shl = 0, $shl138 = 0, $shl278 = 0, $shl299 = 0, $shl408 = 0, $shl45 = 0, $shl508 = 0, $shl511 = 0, $shl546 = 0, $shl551 = 0, $shl557 = 0; var $shl560 = 0, $shl573 = 0, $shl590 = 0, $shl600 = 0, $shr = 0, $shr268 = 0, $shr501 = 0, $shr535 = 0, $shr544 = 0, $shr548 = 0, $shr553 = 0, $shr558 = 0, $shr562 = 0, $shr586 = 0, $shr597 = 0, $sp$0$i = 0, $sp$0$in$i = 0, $sub = 0, $sub547 = 0, $sub552 = 0; var $sub556 = 0, $sub589 = 0, $tobool233 = 0, $tobool241 = 0, $tobool513 = 0, $tobool575 = 0, $tobool9 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $cmp = ($mem|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp) { return; } $add$ptr = ((($mem)) + -8|0); $0 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp1 = ($add$ptr>>>0)<($0>>>0); if ($cmp1) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $head = ((($mem)) + -4|0); $1 = HEAP32[$head>>2]|0; $and = $1 & 3; $cmp2 = ($and|0)==(1); if ($cmp2) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $and5 = $1 & -8; $add$ptr6 = (($add$ptr) + ($and5)|0); $and8 = $1 & 1; $tobool9 = ($and8|0)==(0); L10: do { if ($tobool9) { $2 = HEAP32[$add$ptr>>2]|0; $cmp13 = ($and|0)==(0); if ($cmp13) { return; } $idx$neg = (0 - ($2))|0; $add$ptr16 = (($add$ptr) + ($idx$neg)|0); $add17 = (($2) + ($and5))|0; $cmp18 = ($add$ptr16>>>0)<($0>>>0); if ($cmp18) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $3 = HEAP32[(33548)>>2]|0; $cmp22 = ($3|0)==($add$ptr16|0); if ($cmp22) { $head209 = ((($add$ptr6)) + 4|0); $27 = HEAP32[$head209>>2]|0; $and210 = $27 & 3; $cmp211 = ($and210|0)==(3); if (!($cmp211)) { $28 = $add$ptr16;$p$1 = $add$ptr16;$psize$1 = $add17; break; } HEAP32[(33536)>>2] = $add17; $and215 = $27 & -2; HEAP32[$head209>>2] = $and215; $or = $add17 | 1; $head216 = ((($add$ptr16)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head216>>2] = $or; $add$ptr217 = (($add$ptr16) + ($add17)|0); HEAP32[$add$ptr217>>2] = $add17; return; } $shr = $2 >>> 3; $cmp25 = ($2>>>0)<(256); if ($cmp25) { $fd = ((($add$ptr16)) + 8|0); $4 = HEAP32[$fd>>2]|0; $bk = ((($add$ptr16)) + 12|0); $5 = HEAP32[$bk>>2]|0; $shl = $shr << 1; $arrayidx = (33568 + ($shl<<2)|0); $cmp29 = ($4|0)==($arrayidx|0); if (!($cmp29)) { $cmp31 = ($0>>>0)>($4>>>0); if ($cmp31) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $bk34 = ((($4)) + 12|0); $6 = HEAP32[$bk34>>2]|0; $cmp35 = ($6|0)==($add$ptr16|0); if (!($cmp35)) { _abort(); // unreachable; } } $cmp42 = ($5|0)==($4|0); if ($cmp42) { $shl45 = 1 << $shr; $neg = $shl45 ^ -1; $7 = HEAP32[8382]|0; $and46 = $7 & $neg; HEAP32[8382] = $and46; $28 = $add$ptr16;$p$1 = $add$ptr16;$psize$1 = $add17; break; } $cmp50 = ($5|0)==($arrayidx|0); if ($cmp50) { $$pre310 = ((($5)) + 8|0); $fd67$pre$phiZ2D = $$pre310; } else { $cmp53 = ($0>>>0)>($5>>>0); if ($cmp53) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $fd56 = ((($5)) + 8|0); $8 = HEAP32[$fd56>>2]|0; $cmp57 = ($8|0)==($add$ptr16|0); if ($cmp57) { $fd67$pre$phiZ2D = $fd56; } else { _abort(); // unreachable; } } $bk66 = ((($4)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk66>>2] = $5; HEAP32[$fd67$pre$phiZ2D>>2] = $4; $28 = $add$ptr16;$p$1 = $add$ptr16;$psize$1 = $add17; break; } $parent = ((($add$ptr16)) + 24|0); $9 = HEAP32[$parent>>2]|0; $bk73 = ((($add$ptr16)) + 12|0); $10 = HEAP32[$bk73>>2]|0; $cmp74 = ($10|0)==($add$ptr16|0); do { if ($cmp74) { $child = ((($add$ptr16)) + 16|0); $arrayidx99 = ((($child)) + 4|0); $14 = HEAP32[$arrayidx99>>2]|0; $cmp100 = ($14|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp100) { $15 = HEAP32[$child>>2]|0; $cmp104 = ($15|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp104) { $R$3 = 0; break; } else { $R$1 = $15;$RP$1 = $child; } } else { $R$1 = $14;$RP$1 = $arrayidx99; } while(1) { $arrayidx108 = ((($R$1)) + 20|0); $16 = HEAP32[$arrayidx108>>2]|0; $cmp109 = ($16|0)==(0|0); if (!($cmp109)) { $R$1 = $16;$RP$1 = $arrayidx108; continue; } $arrayidx113 = ((($R$1)) + 16|0); $17 = HEAP32[$arrayidx113>>2]|0; $cmp114 = ($17|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp114) { break; } else { $R$1 = $17;$RP$1 = $arrayidx113; } } $cmp118 = ($0>>>0)>($RP$1>>>0); if ($cmp118) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { HEAP32[$RP$1>>2] = 0; $R$3 = $R$1; break; } } else { $fd78 = ((($add$ptr16)) + 8|0); $11 = HEAP32[$fd78>>2]|0; $cmp80 = ($0>>>0)>($11>>>0); if ($cmp80) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $bk82 = ((($11)) + 12|0); $12 = HEAP32[$bk82>>2]|0; $cmp83 = ($12|0)==($add$ptr16|0); if (!($cmp83)) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $fd86 = ((($10)) + 8|0); $13 = HEAP32[$fd86>>2]|0; $cmp87 = ($13|0)==($add$ptr16|0); if ($cmp87) { HEAP32[$bk82>>2] = $10; HEAP32[$fd86>>2] = $11; $R$3 = $10; break; } else { _abort(); // unreachable; } } } while(0); $cmp127 = ($9|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp127) { $28 = $add$ptr16;$p$1 = $add$ptr16;$psize$1 = $add17; } else { $index = ((($add$ptr16)) + 28|0); $18 = HEAP32[$index>>2]|0; $arrayidx130 = (33832 + ($18<<2)|0); $19 = HEAP32[$arrayidx130>>2]|0; $cmp131 = ($19|0)==($add$ptr16|0); do { if ($cmp131) { HEAP32[$arrayidx130>>2] = $R$3; $cond293 = ($R$3|0)==(0|0); if ($cond293) { $shl138 = 1 << $18; $neg139 = $shl138 ^ -1; $20 = HEAP32[(33532)>>2]|0; $and140 = $20 & $neg139; HEAP32[(33532)>>2] = $and140; $28 = $add$ptr16;$p$1 = $add$ptr16;$psize$1 = $add17; break L10; } } else { $21 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp143 = ($21>>>0)>($9>>>0); if ($cmp143) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx149 = ((($9)) + 16|0); $22 = HEAP32[$arrayidx149>>2]|0; $cmp150 = ($22|0)!=($add$ptr16|0); $$sink = $cmp150&1; $arrayidx157 = (((($9)) + 16|0) + ($$sink<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx157>>2] = $R$3; $cmp162 = ($R$3|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp162) { $28 = $add$ptr16;$p$1 = $add$ptr16;$psize$1 = $add17; break L10; } else { break; } } } } while(0); $23 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp165 = ($23>>>0)>($R$3>>>0); if ($cmp165) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $parent170 = ((($R$3)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent170>>2] = $9; $child171 = ((($add$ptr16)) + 16|0); $24 = HEAP32[$child171>>2]|0; $cmp173 = ($24|0)==(0|0); do { if (!($cmp173)) { $cmp176 = ($23>>>0)>($24>>>0); if ($cmp176) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx182 = ((($R$3)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx182>>2] = $24; $parent183 = ((($24)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent183>>2] = $R$3; break; } } } while(0); $arrayidx188 = ((($child171)) + 4|0); $25 = HEAP32[$arrayidx188>>2]|0; $cmp189 = ($25|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp189) { $28 = $add$ptr16;$p$1 = $add$ptr16;$psize$1 = $add17; } else { $26 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp192 = ($26>>>0)>($25>>>0); if ($cmp192) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx198 = ((($R$3)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx198>>2] = $25; $parent199 = ((($25)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent199>>2] = $R$3; $28 = $add$ptr16;$p$1 = $add$ptr16;$psize$1 = $add17; break; } } } } else { $28 = $add$ptr;$p$1 = $add$ptr;$psize$1 = $and5; } } while(0); $cmp228 = ($28>>>0)<($add$ptr6>>>0); if (!($cmp228)) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $head231 = ((($add$ptr6)) + 4|0); $29 = HEAP32[$head231>>2]|0; $and232 = $29 & 1; $tobool233 = ($and232|0)==(0); if ($tobool233) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $and240 = $29 & 2; $tobool241 = ($and240|0)==(0); if ($tobool241) { $30 = HEAP32[(33552)>>2]|0; $cmp243 = ($30|0)==($add$ptr6|0); if ($cmp243) { $31 = HEAP32[(33540)>>2]|0; $add246 = (($31) + ($psize$1))|0; HEAP32[(33540)>>2] = $add246; HEAP32[(33552)>>2] = $p$1; $or247 = $add246 | 1; $head248 = ((($p$1)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head248>>2] = $or247; $32 = HEAP32[(33548)>>2]|0; $cmp249 = ($p$1|0)==($32|0); if (!($cmp249)) { return; } HEAP32[(33548)>>2] = 0; HEAP32[(33536)>>2] = 0; return; } $33 = HEAP32[(33548)>>2]|0; $cmp255 = ($33|0)==($add$ptr6|0); if ($cmp255) { $34 = HEAP32[(33536)>>2]|0; $add258 = (($34) + ($psize$1))|0; HEAP32[(33536)>>2] = $add258; HEAP32[(33548)>>2] = $28; $or259 = $add258 | 1; $head260 = ((($p$1)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head260>>2] = $or259; $add$ptr261 = (($28) + ($add258)|0); HEAP32[$add$ptr261>>2] = $add258; return; } $and266 = $29 & -8; $add267 = (($and266) + ($psize$1))|0; $shr268 = $29 >>> 3; $cmp269 = ($29>>>0)<(256); L108: do { if ($cmp269) { $fd273 = ((($add$ptr6)) + 8|0); $35 = HEAP32[$fd273>>2]|0; $bk275 = ((($add$ptr6)) + 12|0); $36 = HEAP32[$bk275>>2]|0; $shl278 = $shr268 << 1; $arrayidx279 = (33568 + ($shl278<<2)|0); $cmp280 = ($35|0)==($arrayidx279|0); if (!($cmp280)) { $37 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp283 = ($37>>>0)>($35>>>0); if ($cmp283) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $bk286 = ((($35)) + 12|0); $38 = HEAP32[$bk286>>2]|0; $cmp287 = ($38|0)==($add$ptr6|0); if (!($cmp287)) { _abort(); // unreachable; } } $cmp296 = ($36|0)==($35|0); if ($cmp296) { $shl299 = 1 << $shr268; $neg300 = $shl299 ^ -1; $39 = HEAP32[8382]|0; $and301 = $39 & $neg300; HEAP32[8382] = $and301; break; } $cmp305 = ($36|0)==($arrayidx279|0); if ($cmp305) { $$pre309 = ((($36)) + 8|0); $fd322$pre$phiZ2D = $$pre309; } else { $40 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp308 = ($40>>>0)>($36>>>0); if ($cmp308) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $fd311 = ((($36)) + 8|0); $41 = HEAP32[$fd311>>2]|0; $cmp312 = ($41|0)==($add$ptr6|0); if ($cmp312) { $fd322$pre$phiZ2D = $fd311; } else { _abort(); // unreachable; } } $bk321 = ((($35)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk321>>2] = $36; HEAP32[$fd322$pre$phiZ2D>>2] = $35; } else { $parent331 = ((($add$ptr6)) + 24|0); $42 = HEAP32[$parent331>>2]|0; $bk333 = ((($add$ptr6)) + 12|0); $43 = HEAP32[$bk333>>2]|0; $cmp334 = ($43|0)==($add$ptr6|0); do { if ($cmp334) { $child361 = ((($add$ptr6)) + 16|0); $arrayidx362 = ((($child361)) + 4|0); $48 = HEAP32[$arrayidx362>>2]|0; $cmp363 = ($48|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp363) { $49 = HEAP32[$child361>>2]|0; $cmp368 = ($49|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp368) { $R332$3 = 0; break; } else { $R332$1 = $49;$RP360$1 = $child361; } } else { $R332$1 = $48;$RP360$1 = $arrayidx362; } while(1) { $arrayidx374 = ((($R332$1)) + 20|0); $50 = HEAP32[$arrayidx374>>2]|0; $cmp375 = ($50|0)==(0|0); if (!($cmp375)) { $R332$1 = $50;$RP360$1 = $arrayidx374; continue; } $arrayidx379 = ((($R332$1)) + 16|0); $51 = HEAP32[$arrayidx379>>2]|0; $cmp380 = ($51|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp380) { break; } else { $R332$1 = $51;$RP360$1 = $arrayidx379; } } $52 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp386 = ($52>>>0)>($RP360$1>>>0); if ($cmp386) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { HEAP32[$RP360$1>>2] = 0; $R332$3 = $R332$1; break; } } else { $fd338 = ((($add$ptr6)) + 8|0); $44 = HEAP32[$fd338>>2]|0; $45 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp340 = ($45>>>0)>($44>>>0); if ($cmp340) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $bk343 = ((($44)) + 12|0); $46 = HEAP32[$bk343>>2]|0; $cmp344 = ($46|0)==($add$ptr6|0); if (!($cmp344)) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $fd347 = ((($43)) + 8|0); $47 = HEAP32[$fd347>>2]|0; $cmp348 = ($47|0)==($add$ptr6|0); if ($cmp348) { HEAP32[$bk343>>2] = $43; HEAP32[$fd347>>2] = $44; $R332$3 = $43; break; } else { _abort(); // unreachable; } } } while(0); $cmp395 = ($42|0)==(0|0); if (!($cmp395)) { $index399 = ((($add$ptr6)) + 28|0); $53 = HEAP32[$index399>>2]|0; $arrayidx400 = (33832 + ($53<<2)|0); $54 = HEAP32[$arrayidx400>>2]|0; $cmp401 = ($54|0)==($add$ptr6|0); do { if ($cmp401) { HEAP32[$arrayidx400>>2] = $R332$3; $cond294 = ($R332$3|0)==(0|0); if ($cond294) { $shl408 = 1 << $53; $neg409 = $shl408 ^ -1; $55 = HEAP32[(33532)>>2]|0; $and410 = $55 & $neg409; HEAP32[(33532)>>2] = $and410; break L108; } } else { $56 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp413 = ($56>>>0)>($42>>>0); if ($cmp413) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx419 = ((($42)) + 16|0); $57 = HEAP32[$arrayidx419>>2]|0; $cmp420 = ($57|0)!=($add$ptr6|0); $$sink4 = $cmp420&1; $arrayidx427 = (((($42)) + 16|0) + ($$sink4<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx427>>2] = $R332$3; $cmp432 = ($R332$3|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp432) { break L108; } else { break; } } } } while(0); $58 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp435 = ($58>>>0)>($R332$3>>>0); if ($cmp435) { _abort(); // unreachable; } $parent442 = ((($R332$3)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent442>>2] = $42; $child443 = ((($add$ptr6)) + 16|0); $59 = HEAP32[$child443>>2]|0; $cmp445 = ($59|0)==(0|0); do { if (!($cmp445)) { $cmp448 = ($58>>>0)>($59>>>0); if ($cmp448) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx454 = ((($R332$3)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx454>>2] = $59; $parent455 = ((($59)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent455>>2] = $R332$3; break; } } } while(0); $arrayidx460 = ((($child443)) + 4|0); $60 = HEAP32[$arrayidx460>>2]|0; $cmp461 = ($60|0)==(0|0); if (!($cmp461)) { $61 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp464 = ($61>>>0)>($60>>>0); if ($cmp464) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $arrayidx470 = ((($R332$3)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx470>>2] = $60; $parent471 = ((($60)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent471>>2] = $R332$3; break; } } } } } while(0); $or480 = $add267 | 1; $head481 = ((($p$1)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head481>>2] = $or480; $add$ptr482 = (($28) + ($add267)|0); HEAP32[$add$ptr482>>2] = $add267; $62 = HEAP32[(33548)>>2]|0; $cmp484 = ($p$1|0)==($62|0); if ($cmp484) { HEAP32[(33536)>>2] = $add267; return; } else { $psize$2 = $add267; } } else { $and495 = $29 & -2; HEAP32[$head231>>2] = $and495; $or496 = $psize$1 | 1; $head497 = ((($p$1)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$head497>>2] = $or496; $add$ptr498 = (($28) + ($psize$1)|0); HEAP32[$add$ptr498>>2] = $psize$1; $psize$2 = $psize$1; } $shr501 = $psize$2 >>> 3; $cmp502 = ($psize$2>>>0)<(256); if ($cmp502) { $shl508 = $shr501 << 1; $arrayidx509 = (33568 + ($shl508<<2)|0); $63 = HEAP32[8382]|0; $shl511 = 1 << $shr501; $and512 = $63 & $shl511; $tobool513 = ($and512|0)==(0); if ($tobool513) { $or516 = $63 | $shl511; HEAP32[8382] = $or516; $$pre = ((($arrayidx509)) + 8|0); $$pre$phiZ2D = $$pre;$F510$0 = $arrayidx509; } else { $64 = ((($arrayidx509)) + 8|0); $65 = HEAP32[$64>>2]|0; $66 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp519 = ($66>>>0)>($65>>>0); if ($cmp519) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { $$pre$phiZ2D = $64;$F510$0 = $65; } } HEAP32[$$pre$phiZ2D>>2] = $p$1; $bk529 = ((($F510$0)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk529>>2] = $p$1; $fd530 = ((($p$1)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd530>>2] = $F510$0; $bk531 = ((($p$1)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk531>>2] = $arrayidx509; return; } $shr535 = $psize$2 >>> 8; $cmp536 = ($shr535|0)==(0); if ($cmp536) { $I534$0 = 0; } else { $cmp540 = ($psize$2>>>0)>(16777215); if ($cmp540) { $I534$0 = 31; } else { $sub = (($shr535) + 1048320)|0; $shr544 = $sub >>> 16; $and545 = $shr544 & 8; $shl546 = $shr535 << $and545; $sub547 = (($shl546) + 520192)|0; $shr548 = $sub547 >>> 16; $and549 = $shr548 & 4; $add550 = $and549 | $and545; $shl551 = $shl546 << $and549; $sub552 = (($shl551) + 245760)|0; $shr553 = $sub552 >>> 16; $and554 = $shr553 & 2; $add555 = $add550 | $and554; $sub556 = (14 - ($add555))|0; $shl557 = $shl551 << $and554; $shr558 = $shl557 >>> 15; $add559 = (($sub556) + ($shr558))|0; $shl560 = $add559 << 1; $add561 = (($add559) + 7)|0; $shr562 = $psize$2 >>> $add561; $and563 = $shr562 & 1; $add564 = $and563 | $shl560; $I534$0 = $add564; } } $arrayidx567 = (33832 + ($I534$0<<2)|0); $index568 = ((($p$1)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$index568>>2] = $I534$0; $child569 = ((($p$1)) + 16|0); $arrayidx570 = ((($p$1)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx570>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$child569>>2] = 0; $67 = HEAP32[(33532)>>2]|0; $shl573 = 1 << $I534$0; $and574 = $67 & $shl573; $tobool575 = ($and574|0)==(0); do { if ($tobool575) { $or578 = $67 | $shl573; HEAP32[(33532)>>2] = $or578; HEAP32[$arrayidx567>>2] = $p$1; $parent579 = ((($p$1)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent579>>2] = $arrayidx567; $bk580 = ((($p$1)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk580>>2] = $p$1; $fd581 = ((($p$1)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd581>>2] = $p$1; } else { $68 = HEAP32[$arrayidx567>>2]|0; $cmp584 = ($I534$0|0)==(31); $shr586 = $I534$0 >>> 1; $sub589 = (25 - ($shr586))|0; $cond = $cmp584 ? 0 : $sub589; $shl590 = $psize$2 << $cond; $K583$0 = $shl590;$T$0 = $68; while(1) { $head591 = ((($T$0)) + 4|0); $69 = HEAP32[$head591>>2]|0; $and592 = $69 & -8; $cmp593 = ($and592|0)==($psize$2|0); if ($cmp593) { label = 124; break; } $shr597 = $K583$0 >>> 31; $arrayidx599 = (((($T$0)) + 16|0) + ($shr597<<2)|0); $shl600 = $K583$0 << 1; $70 = HEAP32[$arrayidx599>>2]|0; $cmp601 = ($70|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp601) { label = 121; break; } else { $K583$0 = $shl600;$T$0 = $70; } } if ((label|0) == 121) { $71 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp605 = ($71>>>0)>($arrayidx599>>>0); if ($cmp605) { _abort(); // unreachable; } else { HEAP32[$arrayidx599>>2] = $p$1; $parent610 = ((($p$1)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent610>>2] = $T$0; $bk611 = ((($p$1)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk611>>2] = $p$1; $fd612 = ((($p$1)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd612>>2] = $p$1; break; } } else if ((label|0) == 124) { $fd620 = ((($T$0)) + 8|0); $72 = HEAP32[$fd620>>2]|0; $73 = HEAP32[(33544)>>2]|0; $cmp621 = ($73>>>0)<=($T$0>>>0); $cmp624 = ($73>>>0)<=($72>>>0); $74 = $cmp624 & $cmp621; if ($74) { $bk631 = ((($72)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk631>>2] = $p$1; HEAP32[$fd620>>2] = $p$1; $fd633 = ((($p$1)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$fd633>>2] = $72; $bk634 = ((($p$1)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$bk634>>2] = $T$0; $parent635 = ((($p$1)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$parent635>>2] = 0; break; } else { _abort(); // unreachable; } } } } while(0); $75 = HEAP32[(33560)>>2]|0; $dec = (($75) + -1)|0; HEAP32[(33560)>>2] = $dec; $cmp640 = ($dec|0)==(0); if ($cmp640) { $sp$0$in$i = (33984); } else { return; } while(1) { $sp$0$i = HEAP32[$sp$0$in$i>>2]|0; $cmp$i = ($sp$0$i|0)==(0|0); $next4$i = ((($sp$0$i)) + 8|0); if ($cmp$i) { break; } else { $sp$0$in$i = $next4$i; } } HEAP32[(33560)>>2] = -1; return; } function ___stdio_close($f) { $f = $f|0; var $0 = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $call2 = 0, $fd = 0, $vararg_buffer = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $vararg_buffer = sp; $fd = ((($f)) + 60|0); $0 = HEAP32[$fd>>2]|0; $call = (_dummy($0)|0); HEAP32[$vararg_buffer>>2] = $call; $call1 = (___syscall6(6,($vararg_buffer|0))|0); $call2 = (___syscall_ret($call1)|0); STACKTOP = sp;return ($call2|0); } function ___stdio_seek($f,$off,$whence) { $f = $f|0; $off = $off|0; $whence = $whence|0; var $$pre = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $cmp = 0, $fd = 0, $ret = 0, $vararg_buffer = 0, $vararg_ptr1 = 0, $vararg_ptr2 = 0, $vararg_ptr3 = 0, $vararg_ptr4 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $vararg_buffer = sp; $ret = sp + 20|0; $fd = ((($f)) + 60|0); $0 = HEAP32[$fd>>2]|0; $1 = $ret; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer>>2] = $0; $vararg_ptr1 = ((($vararg_buffer)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$vararg_ptr1>>2] = 0; $vararg_ptr2 = ((($vararg_buffer)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$vararg_ptr2>>2] = $off; $vararg_ptr3 = ((($vararg_buffer)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$vararg_ptr3>>2] = $1; $vararg_ptr4 = ((($vararg_buffer)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$vararg_ptr4>>2] = $whence; $call = (___syscall140(140,($vararg_buffer|0))|0); $call1 = (___syscall_ret($call)|0); $cmp = ($call1|0)<(0); if ($cmp) { HEAP32[$ret>>2] = -1; $2 = -1; } else { $$pre = HEAP32[$ret>>2]|0; $2 = $$pre; } STACKTOP = sp;return ($2|0); } function ___syscall_ret($r) { $r = $r|0; var $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $retval$0 = 0, $sub = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $cmp = ($r>>>0)>(4294963200); if ($cmp) { $sub = (0 - ($r))|0; $call = (___errno_location()|0); HEAP32[$call>>2] = $sub; $retval$0 = -1; } else { $retval$0 = $r; } return ($retval$0|0); } function ___errno_location() { var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return (34088|0); } function _dummy($fd) { $fd = $fd|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return ($fd|0); } function ___stdout_write($f,$buf,$len) { $f = $f|0; $buf = $buf|0; $len = $len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $and = 0, $call = 0, $call3 = 0, $fd = 0, $lbf = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool2 = 0, $vararg_buffer = 0, $vararg_ptr1 = 0, $vararg_ptr2 = 0, $write = 0, $wsz = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 32|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(32|0); $vararg_buffer = sp; $wsz = sp + 16|0; $write = ((($f)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$write>>2] = 20; $0 = HEAP32[$f>>2]|0; $and = $0 & 64; $tobool = ($and|0)==(0); if ($tobool) { $fd = ((($f)) + 60|0); $1 = HEAP32[$fd>>2]|0; $2 = $wsz; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer>>2] = $1; $vararg_ptr1 = ((($vararg_buffer)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$vararg_ptr1>>2] = 21523; $vararg_ptr2 = ((($vararg_buffer)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$vararg_ptr2>>2] = $2; $call = (___syscall54(54,($vararg_buffer|0))|0); $tobool2 = ($call|0)==(0); if (!($tobool2)) { $lbf = ((($f)) + 75|0); HEAP8[$lbf>>0] = -1; } } $call3 = (___stdio_write($f,$buf,$len)|0); STACKTOP = sp;return ($call3|0); } function ___stdio_write($f,$buf,$len) { $f = $f|0; $buf = $buf|0; $len = $len|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr32 = 0, $buf8 = 0, $buf_size = 0, $call = 0; var $call40 = 0, $call7 = 0, $call741 = 0, $call746 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp42 = 0, $cnt$0 = 0, $dec = 0, $fd = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $iov$043 = 0, $iov$1 = 0, $iov_base2 = 0, $iov_len = 0, $iov_len19 = 0, $iov_len23 = 0, $iov_len3 = 0; var $iov_len36 = 0, $iovcnt$045 = 0, $iovcnt$1 = 0, $iovs = 0, $or = 0, $rem$044 = 0, $retval$0 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub21 = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub37 = 0, $vararg_buffer = 0, $vararg_buffer3 = 0, $vararg_ptr1 = 0, $vararg_ptr2 = 0, $vararg_ptr6 = 0, $vararg_ptr7 = 0, $wbase = 0, $wend = 0; var $wend14 = 0, $wpos = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 48|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(48|0); $vararg_buffer3 = sp + 16|0; $vararg_buffer = sp; $iovs = sp + 32|0; $wbase = ((($f)) + 28|0); $0 = HEAP32[$wbase>>2]|0; HEAP32[$iovs>>2] = $0; $iov_len = ((($iovs)) + 4|0); $wpos = ((($f)) + 20|0); $1 = HEAP32[$wpos>>2]|0; $sub$ptr$sub = (($1) - ($0))|0; HEAP32[$iov_len>>2] = $sub$ptr$sub; $iov_base2 = ((($iovs)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$iov_base2>>2] = $buf; $iov_len3 = ((($iovs)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$iov_len3>>2] = $len; $add = (($sub$ptr$sub) + ($len))|0; $fd = ((($f)) + 60|0); $2 = HEAP32[$fd>>2]|0; $3 = $iovs; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer>>2] = $2; $vararg_ptr1 = ((($vararg_buffer)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$vararg_ptr1>>2] = $3; $vararg_ptr2 = ((($vararg_buffer)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$vararg_ptr2>>2] = 2; $call40 = (___syscall146(146,($vararg_buffer|0))|0); $call741 = (___syscall_ret($call40)|0); $cmp42 = ($add|0)==($call741|0); L1: do { if ($cmp42) { label = 3; } else { $call746 = $call741;$iov$043 = $iovs;$iovcnt$045 = 2;$rem$044 = $add; while(1) { $cmp12 = ($call746|0)<(0); if ($cmp12) { break; } $sub21 = (($rem$044) - ($call746))|0; $iov_len23 = ((($iov$043)) + 4|0); $9 = HEAP32[$iov_len23>>2]|0; $cmp24 = ($call746>>>0)>($9>>>0); $incdec$ptr = ((($iov$043)) + 8|0); $iov$1 = $cmp24 ? $incdec$ptr : $iov$043; $dec = $cmp24 << 31 >> 31; $iovcnt$1 = (($iovcnt$045) + ($dec))|0; $sub28 = $cmp24 ? $9 : 0; $cnt$0 = (($call746) - ($sub28))|0; $10 = HEAP32[$iov$1>>2]|0; $add$ptr32 = (($10) + ($cnt$0)|0); HEAP32[$iov$1>>2] = $add$ptr32; $iov_len36 = ((($iov$1)) + 4|0); $11 = HEAP32[$iov_len36>>2]|0; $sub37 = (($11) - ($cnt$0))|0; HEAP32[$iov_len36>>2] = $sub37; $12 = HEAP32[$fd>>2]|0; $13 = $iov$1; HEAP32[$vararg_buffer3>>2] = $12; $vararg_ptr6 = ((($vararg_buffer3)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$vararg_ptr6>>2] = $13; $vararg_ptr7 = ((($vararg_buffer3)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$vararg_ptr7>>2] = $iovcnt$1; $call = (___syscall146(146,($vararg_buffer3|0))|0); $call7 = (___syscall_ret($call)|0); $cmp = ($sub21|0)==($call7|0); if ($cmp) { label = 3; break L1; } else { $call746 = $call7;$iov$043 = $iov$1;$iovcnt$045 = $iovcnt$1;$rem$044 = $sub21; } } $wend14 = ((($f)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$wend14>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$wbase>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$wpos>>2] = 0; $7 = HEAP32[$f>>2]|0; $or = $7 | 32; HEAP32[$f>>2] = $or; $cmp17 = ($iovcnt$045|0)==(2); if ($cmp17) { $retval$0 = 0; } else { $iov_len19 = ((($iov$043)) + 4|0); $8 = HEAP32[$iov_len19>>2]|0; $sub = (($len) - ($8))|0; $retval$0 = $sub; } } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 3) { $buf8 = ((($f)) + 44|0); $4 = HEAP32[$buf8>>2]|0; $buf_size = ((($f)) + 48|0); $5 = HEAP32[$buf_size>>2]|0; $add$ptr = (($4) + ($5)|0); $wend = ((($f)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$wend>>2] = $add$ptr; $6 = $4; HEAP32[$wbase>>2] = $6; HEAP32[$wpos>>2] = $6; $retval$0 = $len; } STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$0|0); } function _strcmp($l,$r) { $l = $l|0; $r = $r|0; var $$lcssa = 0, $$lcssa6 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $conv5 = 0, $conv6 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr4 = 0, $l$addr$010 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond9 = 0, $r$addr$011 = 0, $sub = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool8 = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $0 = HEAP8[$l>>0]|0; $1 = HEAP8[$r>>0]|0; $cmp7 = ($0<<24>>24)!=($1<<24>>24); $tobool8 = ($0<<24>>24)==(0); $or$cond9 = $tobool8 | $cmp7; if ($or$cond9) { $$lcssa = $1;$$lcssa6 = $0; } else { $l$addr$010 = $l;$r$addr$011 = $r; while(1) { $incdec$ptr = ((($l$addr$010)) + 1|0); $incdec$ptr4 = ((($r$addr$011)) + 1|0); $2 = HEAP8[$incdec$ptr>>0]|0; $3 = HEAP8[$incdec$ptr4>>0]|0; $cmp = ($2<<24>>24)!=($3<<24>>24); $tobool = ($2<<24>>24)==(0); $or$cond = $tobool | $cmp; if ($or$cond) { $$lcssa = $3;$$lcssa6 = $2; break; } else { $l$addr$010 = $incdec$ptr;$r$addr$011 = $incdec$ptr4; } } } $conv5 = $$lcssa6&255; $conv6 = $$lcssa&255; $sub = (($conv5) - ($conv6))|0; return ($sub|0); } function _vfprintf($f,$fmt,$ap) { $f = $f|0; $fmt = $fmt|0; $ap = $ap|0; var $$call21 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $and = 0, $and11 = 0, $and36 = 0, $ap2 = 0, $buf = 0, $buf_size = 0, $call = 0, $call21 = 0, $call2130 = 0, $call6 = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $cond = 0, $internal_buf = 0, $lock = 0, $mode = 0, $nl_arg = 0, $nl_type = 0, $or = 0, $ret$1 = 0, $ret$1$ = 0, $retval$0 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool22 = 0, $tobool26 = 0, $tobool37 = 0, $tobool41 = 0, $vacopy_currentptr = 0, $wbase = 0; var $wend = 0, $wpos = 0, $write = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 224|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(224|0); $ap2 = sp + 120|0; $nl_type = sp + 80|0; $nl_arg = sp; $internal_buf = sp + 136|0; dest=$nl_type; stop=dest+40|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=0|0; dest=dest+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); $vacopy_currentptr = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; HEAP32[$ap2>>2] = $vacopy_currentptr; $call = (_printf_core(0,$fmt,$ap2,$nl_arg,$nl_type)|0); $cmp = ($call|0)<(0); if ($cmp) { $retval$0 = -1; } else { $lock = ((($f)) + 76|0); $0 = HEAP32[$lock>>2]|0; $cmp5 = ($0|0)>(-1); if ($cmp5) { $call6 = (___lockfile($f)|0); $cond = $call6; } else { $cond = 0; } $1 = HEAP32[$f>>2]|0; $and = $1 & 32; $mode = ((($f)) + 74|0); $2 = HEAP8[$mode>>0]|0; $cmp7 = ($2<<24>>24)<(1); if ($cmp7) { $and11 = $1 & -33; HEAP32[$f>>2] = $and11; } $buf_size = ((($f)) + 48|0); $3 = HEAP32[$buf_size>>2]|0; $tobool = ($3|0)==(0); if ($tobool) { $buf = ((($f)) + 44|0); $4 = HEAP32[$buf>>2]|0; HEAP32[$buf>>2] = $internal_buf; $wbase = ((($f)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$wbase>>2] = $internal_buf; $wpos = ((($f)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$wpos>>2] = $internal_buf; HEAP32[$buf_size>>2] = 80; $add$ptr = ((($internal_buf)) + 80|0); $wend = ((($f)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$wend>>2] = $add$ptr; $call21 = (_printf_core($f,$fmt,$ap2,$nl_arg,$nl_type)|0); $tobool22 = ($4|0)==(0|0); if ($tobool22) { $ret$1 = $call21; } else { $write = ((($f)) + 36|0); $5 = HEAP32[$write>>2]|0; (FUNCTION_TABLE_iiii[$5 & 31]($f,0,0)|0); $6 = HEAP32[$wpos>>2]|0; $tobool26 = ($6|0)==(0|0); $$call21 = $tobool26 ? -1 : $call21; HEAP32[$buf>>2] = $4; HEAP32[$buf_size>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$wend>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$wbase>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$wpos>>2] = 0; $ret$1 = $$call21; } } else { $call2130 = (_printf_core($f,$fmt,$ap2,$nl_arg,$nl_type)|0); $ret$1 = $call2130; } $7 = HEAP32[$f>>2]|0; $and36 = $7 & 32; $tobool37 = ($and36|0)==(0); $ret$1$ = $tobool37 ? $ret$1 : -1; $or = $7 | $and; HEAP32[$f>>2] = $or; $tobool41 = ($cond|0)==(0); if (!($tobool41)) { ___unlockfile($f); } $retval$0 = $ret$1$; } STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$0|0); } function _printf_core($f,$fmt,$ap,$nl_arg,$nl_type) { $f = $f|0; $fmt = $fmt|0; $ap = $ap|0; $nl_arg = $nl_arg|0; $nl_type = $nl_type|0; var $$ = 0, $$$ = 0, $$194$ = 0, $$197 = 0, $$add$ptr258 = 0, $$l10n$0 = 0, $$lcssa = 0, $$pre = 0, $$pre248 = 0, $$pre249 = 0, $$pre249$pre = 0, $$pre250 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0, $104 = 0; var $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0, $111 = 0, $112 = 0, $113 = 0, $114 = 0, $115 = 0, $116 = 0, $117 = 0, $118 = 0, $119 = 0, $12 = 0, $120 = 0, $121 = 0, $122 = 0; var $123 = 0, $124 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $127 = 0, $128 = 0, $129 = 0, $13 = 0, $130 = 0, $131 = 0, $132 = 0, $133 = 0, $134 = 0, $135 = 0, $136 = 0, $137 = 0, $138 = 0, $139 = 0, $14 = 0, $140 = 0; var $141 = 0, $142 = 0, $143 = 0, $144 = 0, $145 = 0, $146 = 0, $147 = 0, $148 = 0, $149 = 0.0, $15 = 0, $150 = 0, $151 = 0, $152 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0; var $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0; var $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0; var $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0; var $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0; var $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $a$0 = 0, $a$0$add$ptr206 = 0, $a$1 = 0, $a$2 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr139 = 0, $add$ptr206 = 0, $add$ptr258 = 0, $add$ptr341 = 0, $add$ptr360 = 0, $add$ptr43 = 0, $add$ptr43$arrayidx31 = 0, $add$ptr474 = 0, $add$ptr88 = 0; var $add270 = 0, $add323 = 0, $add396 = 0, $add413 = 0, $add442 = 0, $and = 0, $and211 = 0, $and215 = 0, $and217 = 0, $and219 = 0, $and220 = 0, $and250 = 0, $and255 = 0, $and264 = 0, $and290 = 0, $and295 = 0, $and310 = 0, $and310$fl$4 = 0, $arg = 0, $arglist_current = 0; var $arglist_current2 = 0, $arglist_next = 0, $arglist_next3 = 0, $argpos$0 = 0, $arrayidx114 = 0, $arrayidx119 = 0, $arrayidx124 = 0, $arrayidx132 = 0, $arrayidx16 = 0, $arrayidx174 = 0, $arrayidx193 = 0, $arrayidx31 = 0, $arrayidx35 = 0, $arrayidx371 = 0, $arrayidx470 = 0, $arrayidx482 = 0, $arrayidx68 = 0, $arrayidx73 = 0, $arrayidx81 = 0, $brmerge = 0; var $brmerge221 = 0, $buf = 0, $call = 0, $call104 = 0, $call160 = 0, $call345 = 0, $call346 = 0, $call357 = 0, $call385 = 0, $call412 = 0, $call430 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $cmp105 = 0, $cmp111 = 0, $cmp116 = 0, $cmp126 = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp166 = 0, $cmp177 = 0; var $cmp18 = 0, $cmp182 = 0, $cmp185 = 0, $cmp212 = 0, $cmp241 = 0, $cmp271 = 0, $cmp307 = 0, $cmp324 = 0, $cmp37 = 0, $cmp378 = 0, $cmp378226 = 0, $cmp386 = 0, $cmp391 = 0, $cmp398 = 0, $cmp405 = 0, $cmp405236 = 0, $cmp414 = 0, $cmp422 = 0, $cmp435 = 0, $cmp443 = 0; var $cmp467 = 0, $cmp479 = 0, $cmp479206 = 0, $cmp50 = 0, $cmp50217 = 0, $cmp65 = 0, $cmp75 = 0, $cmp97 = 0, $cnt$0 = 0, $cnt$1 = 0, $cond149 = 0, $cond246 = 0, $cond355 = 0, $cond427 = 0, $conv120 = 0, $conv134 = 0, $conv164 = 0, $conv172 = 0, $conv175 = 0, $conv208 = 0; var $conv230 = 0, $conv233 = 0, $conv32 = 0, $conv48 = 0, $conv48215 = 0, $conv58 = 0, $conv69 = 0, $conv83 = 0, $expanded = 0, $expanded10 = 0, $expanded11 = 0, $expanded13 = 0, $expanded14 = 0, $expanded15 = 0, $expanded4 = 0, $expanded6 = 0, $expanded7 = 0, $expanded8 = 0, $fl$0$lcssa = 0, $fl$0222 = 0; var $fl$1 = 0, $fl$1$and220 = 0, $fl$3 = 0, $fl$4 = 0, $fl$6 = 0, $i$0$lcssa = 0, $i$0$lcssa257 = 0, $i$0228 = 0, $i$1237 = 0, $i$2$lcssa = 0, $i$2210 = 0, $i$3207 = 0, $i137 = 0, $i86 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc489 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr159 = 0, $incdec$ptr171 = 0, $incdec$ptr23 = 0; var $incdec$ptr384 = 0, $incdec$ptr411 = 0, $incdec$ptr62 = 0, $isdigit = 0, $isdigit188 = 0, $isdigit190 = 0, $isdigittmp = 0, $isdigittmp$ = 0, $isdigittmp187 = 0, $isdigittmp189 = 0, $l$0 = 0, $l$1227 = 0, $l$2 = 0, $l10n$0 = 0, $l10n$0$phi = 0, $l10n$1 = 0, $l10n$2 = 0, $l10n$3 = 0, $lnot = 0, $lnot$ext = 0; var $mb = 0, $or = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond192 = 0, $or$cond193 = 0, $or$cond195 = 0, $or100 = 0, $or100$fl$0 = 0, $or247 = 0, $p$0 = 0, $p$0$p$0$add270 = 0, $p$1 = 0, $p$2 = 0, $p$2$add323 = 0, $p$2$add323$p$2 = 0, $p$3 = 0, $p$4254 = 0, $p$5 = 0, $pl$0 = 0, $pl$1 = 0; var $pl$2 = 0, $prefix$0 = 0, $prefix$1 = 0, $prefix$2 = 0, $retval$0 = 0, $s = 0, $shl = 0, $shl218 = 0, $shl60 = 0, $shr = 0, $st$0 = 0, $storemerge = 0, $storemerge191 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast318 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast362 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast432 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast268 = 0; var $sub$ptr$rhs$cast319 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast363 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast433 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub269 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub320 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub364 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub434 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub434$p$5 = 0, $sub101 = 0, $sub101$w$0 = 0, $sub135 = 0, $sub165 = 0, $sub173 = 0, $sub176 = 0, $sub390 = 0, $sub49 = 0, $sub49216 = 0, $sub59 = 0, $sub84 = 0; var $t$0 = 0, $t$1 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool141 = 0, $tobool179 = 0, $tobool209 = 0, $tobool218 = 0, $tobool25 = 0, $tobool256 = 0, $tobool265 = 0, $tobool28 = 0, $tobool291 = 0, $tobool296 = 0, $tobool315 = 0, $tobool350 = 0, $tobool358 = 0, $tobool381 = 0, $tobool408 = 0, $tobool460 = 0, $tobool463 = 0; var $tobool471 = 0, $tobool483 = 0, $tobool55 = 0, $tobool55220 = 0, $tobool90 = 0, $trunc = 0, $w$0 = 0, $w$1 = 0, $w$2 = 0, $wc = 0, $ws$0229 = 0, $ws$1238 = 0, $xor = 0, $xor450 = 0, $xor458 = 0, $z$0$lcssa = 0, $z$0212 = 0, $z$1 = 0, $z$2 = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $s = sp + 16|0; $arg = sp; $buf = sp + 24|0; $wc = sp + 8|0; $mb = sp + 20|0; HEAP32[$s>>2] = $fmt; $tobool25 = ($f|0)!=(0|0); $add$ptr206 = ((($buf)) + 40|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast318 = $add$ptr206; $add$ptr341 = ((($buf)) + 39|0); $arrayidx371 = ((($wc)) + 4|0); $1 = $fmt;$cnt$0 = 0;$l$0 = 0;$l10n$0 = 0; L1: while(1) { $cmp = ($cnt$0|0)>(-1); do { if ($cmp) { $sub = (2147483647 - ($cnt$0))|0; $cmp1 = ($l$0|0)>($sub|0); if ($cmp1) { $call = (___errno_location()|0); HEAP32[$call>>2] = 75; $cnt$1 = -1; break; } else { $add = (($l$0) + ($cnt$0))|0; $cnt$1 = $add; break; } } else { $cnt$1 = $cnt$0; } } while(0); $0 = HEAP8[$1>>0]|0; $tobool = ($0<<24>>24)==(0); if ($tobool) { label = 86; break; } else { $2 = $0;$3 = $1; } L9: while(1) { switch ($2<<24>>24) { case 37: { $4 = $3;$z$0212 = $3; label = 9; break L9; break; } case 0: { $7 = $3;$z$0$lcssa = $3; break L9; break; } default: { } } $incdec$ptr = ((($3)) + 1|0); HEAP32[$s>>2] = $incdec$ptr; $$pre = HEAP8[$incdec$ptr>>0]|0; $2 = $$pre;$3 = $incdec$ptr; } L12: do { if ((label|0) == 9) { while(1) { label = 0; $arrayidx16 = ((($4)) + 1|0); $5 = HEAP8[$arrayidx16>>0]|0; $cmp18 = ($5<<24>>24)==(37); if (!($cmp18)) { $7 = $4;$z$0$lcssa = $z$0212; break L12; } $incdec$ptr23 = ((($z$0212)) + 1|0); $add$ptr = ((($4)) + 2|0); HEAP32[$s>>2] = $add$ptr; $6 = HEAP8[$add$ptr>>0]|0; $cmp13 = ($6<<24>>24)==(37); if ($cmp13) { $4 = $add$ptr;$z$0212 = $incdec$ptr23; label = 9; } else { $7 = $add$ptr;$z$0$lcssa = $incdec$ptr23; break; } } } } while(0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $z$0$lcssa; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $1; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; if ($tobool25) { _out_102($f,$1,$sub$ptr$sub); } $tobool28 = ($sub$ptr$sub|0)==(0); if (!($tobool28)) { $l10n$0$phi = $l10n$0;$1 = $7;$cnt$0 = $cnt$1;$l$0 = $sub$ptr$sub;$l10n$0 = $l10n$0$phi; continue; } $arrayidx31 = ((($7)) + 1|0); $8 = HEAP8[$arrayidx31>>0]|0; $conv32 = $8 << 24 >> 24; $isdigittmp = (($conv32) + -48)|0; $isdigit = ($isdigittmp>>>0)<(10); if ($isdigit) { $arrayidx35 = ((($7)) + 2|0); $9 = HEAP8[$arrayidx35>>0]|0; $cmp37 = ($9<<24>>24)==(36); $add$ptr43 = ((($7)) + 3|0); $add$ptr43$arrayidx31 = $cmp37 ? $add$ptr43 : $arrayidx31; $$l10n$0 = $cmp37 ? 1 : $l10n$0; $isdigittmp$ = $cmp37 ? $isdigittmp : -1; $argpos$0 = $isdigittmp$;$l10n$1 = $$l10n$0;$storemerge = $add$ptr43$arrayidx31; } else { $argpos$0 = -1;$l10n$1 = $l10n$0;$storemerge = $arrayidx31; } HEAP32[$s>>2] = $storemerge; $10 = HEAP8[$storemerge>>0]|0; $conv48215 = $10 << 24 >> 24; $sub49216 = (($conv48215) + -32)|0; $cmp50217 = ($sub49216>>>0)>(31); $shl218 = 1 << $sub49216; $and219 = $shl218 & 75913; $tobool55220 = ($and219|0)==(0); $brmerge221 = $cmp50217 | $tobool55220; if ($brmerge221) { $$lcssa = $10;$14 = $storemerge;$fl$0$lcssa = 0; } else { $11 = $10;$12 = $storemerge;$fl$0222 = 0; while(1) { $conv58 = $11 << 24 >> 24; $sub59 = (($conv58) + -32)|0; $shl60 = 1 << $sub59; $or = $shl60 | $fl$0222; $incdec$ptr62 = ((($12)) + 1|0); HEAP32[$s>>2] = $incdec$ptr62; $13 = HEAP8[$incdec$ptr62>>0]|0; $conv48 = $13 << 24 >> 24; $sub49 = (($conv48) + -32)|0; $cmp50 = ($sub49>>>0)>(31); $shl = 1 << $sub49; $and = $shl & 75913; $tobool55 = ($and|0)==(0); $brmerge = $cmp50 | $tobool55; if ($brmerge) { $$lcssa = $13;$14 = $incdec$ptr62;$fl$0$lcssa = $or; break; } else { $11 = $13;$12 = $incdec$ptr62;$fl$0222 = $or; } } } $cmp65 = ($$lcssa<<24>>24)==(42); if ($cmp65) { $arrayidx68 = ((($14)) + 1|0); $15 = HEAP8[$arrayidx68>>0]|0; $conv69 = $15 << 24 >> 24; $isdigittmp189 = (($conv69) + -48)|0; $isdigit190 = ($isdigittmp189>>>0)<(10); if ($isdigit190) { $arrayidx73 = ((($14)) + 2|0); $16 = HEAP8[$arrayidx73>>0]|0; $cmp75 = ($16<<24>>24)==(36); if ($cmp75) { $arrayidx81 = (($nl_type) + ($isdigittmp189<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx81>>2] = 10; $17 = HEAP8[$arrayidx68>>0]|0; $conv83 = $17 << 24 >> 24; $sub84 = (($conv83) + -48)|0; $i86 = (($nl_arg) + ($sub84<<3)|0); $18 = $i86; $19 = $18; $20 = HEAP32[$19>>2]|0; $21 = (($18) + 4)|0; $22 = $21; $23 = HEAP32[$22>>2]|0; $add$ptr88 = ((($14)) + 3|0); $l10n$2 = 1;$storemerge191 = $add$ptr88;$w$0 = $20; } else { label = 22; } } else { label = 22; } if ((label|0) == 22) { label = 0; $tobool90 = ($l10n$1|0)==(0); if (!($tobool90)) { $retval$0 = -1; break; } if ($tobool25) { $arglist_current = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $24 = $arglist_current; $25 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded4 = $25; $expanded = (($expanded4) - 1)|0; $26 = (($24) + ($expanded))|0; $27 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded8 = $27; $expanded7 = (($expanded8) - 1)|0; $expanded6 = $expanded7 ^ -1; $28 = $26 & $expanded6; $29 = $28; $30 = HEAP32[$29>>2]|0; $arglist_next = ((($29)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next; $l10n$2 = 0;$storemerge191 = $arrayidx68;$w$0 = $30; } else { $l10n$2 = 0;$storemerge191 = $arrayidx68;$w$0 = 0; } } HEAP32[$s>>2] = $storemerge191; $cmp97 = ($w$0|0)<(0); $or100 = $fl$0$lcssa | 8192; $sub101 = (0 - ($w$0))|0; $or100$fl$0 = $cmp97 ? $or100 : $fl$0$lcssa; $sub101$w$0 = $cmp97 ? $sub101 : $w$0; $32 = $storemerge191;$fl$1 = $or100$fl$0;$l10n$3 = $l10n$2;$w$1 = $sub101$w$0; } else { $call104 = (_getint_103($s)|0); $cmp105 = ($call104|0)<(0); if ($cmp105) { $retval$0 = -1; break; } $$pre248 = HEAP32[$s>>2]|0; $32 = $$pre248;$fl$1 = $fl$0$lcssa;$l10n$3 = $l10n$1;$w$1 = $call104; } $31 = HEAP8[$32>>0]|0; $cmp111 = ($31<<24>>24)==(46); do { if ($cmp111) { $arrayidx114 = ((($32)) + 1|0); $33 = HEAP8[$arrayidx114>>0]|0; $cmp116 = ($33<<24>>24)==(42); if (!($cmp116)) { $incdec$ptr159 = ((($32)) + 1|0); HEAP32[$s>>2] = $incdec$ptr159; $call160 = (_getint_103($s)|0); $$pre249$pre = HEAP32[$s>>2]|0; $$pre249 = $$pre249$pre;$p$0 = $call160; break; } $arrayidx119 = ((($32)) + 2|0); $34 = HEAP8[$arrayidx119>>0]|0; $conv120 = $34 << 24 >> 24; $isdigittmp187 = (($conv120) + -48)|0; $isdigit188 = ($isdigittmp187>>>0)<(10); if ($isdigit188) { $arrayidx124 = ((($32)) + 3|0); $35 = HEAP8[$arrayidx124>>0]|0; $cmp126 = ($35<<24>>24)==(36); if ($cmp126) { $arrayidx132 = (($nl_type) + ($isdigittmp187<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx132>>2] = 10; $36 = HEAP8[$arrayidx119>>0]|0; $conv134 = $36 << 24 >> 24; $sub135 = (($conv134) + -48)|0; $i137 = (($nl_arg) + ($sub135<<3)|0); $37 = $i137; $38 = $37; $39 = HEAP32[$38>>2]|0; $40 = (($37) + 4)|0; $41 = $40; $42 = HEAP32[$41>>2]|0; $add$ptr139 = ((($32)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$s>>2] = $add$ptr139; $$pre249 = $add$ptr139;$p$0 = $39; break; } } $tobool141 = ($l10n$3|0)==(0); if (!($tobool141)) { $retval$0 = -1; break L1; } if ($tobool25) { $arglist_current2 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $43 = $arglist_current2; $44 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded11 = $44; $expanded10 = (($expanded11) - 1)|0; $45 = (($43) + ($expanded10))|0; $46 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded15 = $46; $expanded14 = (($expanded15) - 1)|0; $expanded13 = $expanded14 ^ -1; $47 = $45 & $expanded13; $48 = $47; $49 = HEAP32[$48>>2]|0; $arglist_next3 = ((($48)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next3; $cond149 = $49; } else { $cond149 = 0; } HEAP32[$s>>2] = $arrayidx119; $$pre249 = $arrayidx119;$p$0 = $cond149; } else { $$pre249 = $32;$p$0 = -1; } } while(0); $51 = $$pre249;$st$0 = 0; while(1) { $50 = HEAP8[$51>>0]|0; $conv164 = $50 << 24 >> 24; $sub165 = (($conv164) + -65)|0; $cmp166 = ($sub165>>>0)>(57); if ($cmp166) { $retval$0 = -1; break L1; } $incdec$ptr171 = ((($51)) + 1|0); HEAP32[$s>>2] = $incdec$ptr171; $52 = HEAP8[$51>>0]|0; $conv172 = $52 << 24 >> 24; $sub173 = (($conv172) + -65)|0; $arrayidx174 = ((30944 + (($st$0*58)|0)|0) + ($sub173)|0); $53 = HEAP8[$arrayidx174>>0]|0; $conv175 = $53&255; $sub176 = (($conv175) + -1)|0; $cmp177 = ($sub176>>>0)<(8); if ($cmp177) { $51 = $incdec$ptr171;$st$0 = $conv175; } else { break; } } $tobool179 = ($53<<24>>24)==(0); if ($tobool179) { $retval$0 = -1; break; } $cmp182 = ($53<<24>>24)==(19); $cmp185 = ($argpos$0|0)>(-1); do { if ($cmp182) { if ($cmp185) { $retval$0 = -1; break L1; } else { label = 48; } } else { if ($cmp185) { $arrayidx193 = (($nl_type) + ($argpos$0<<2)|0); HEAP32[$arrayidx193>>2] = $conv175; $54 = (($nl_arg) + ($argpos$0<<3)|0); $55 = $54; $56 = $55; $57 = HEAP32[$56>>2]|0; $58 = (($55) + 4)|0; $59 = $58; $60 = HEAP32[$59>>2]|0; $61 = $arg; $62 = $61; HEAP32[$62>>2] = $57; $63 = (($61) + 4)|0; $64 = $63; HEAP32[$64>>2] = $60; label = 48; break; } if (!($tobool25)) { $retval$0 = 0; break L1; } _pop_arg_105($arg,$conv175,$ap); } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 48) { label = 0; if (!($tobool25)) { $1 = $incdec$ptr171;$cnt$0 = $cnt$1;$l$0 = 0;$l10n$0 = $l10n$3; continue; } } $65 = HEAP8[$51>>0]|0; $conv208 = $65 << 24 >> 24; $tobool209 = ($st$0|0)!=(0); $and211 = $conv208 & 15; $cmp212 = ($and211|0)==(3); $or$cond192 = $tobool209 & $cmp212; $and215 = $conv208 & -33; $t$0 = $or$cond192 ? $and215 : $conv208; $and217 = $fl$1 & 8192; $tobool218 = ($and217|0)==(0); $and220 = $fl$1 & -65537; $fl$1$and220 = $tobool218 ? $fl$1 : $and220; L70: do { switch ($t$0|0) { case 110: { $trunc = $st$0&255; switch ($trunc<<24>>24) { case 0: { $72 = HEAP32[$arg>>2]|0; HEAP32[$72>>2] = $cnt$1; $1 = $incdec$ptr171;$cnt$0 = $cnt$1;$l$0 = 0;$l10n$0 = $l10n$3; continue L1; break; } case 1: { $73 = HEAP32[$arg>>2]|0; HEAP32[$73>>2] = $cnt$1; $1 = $incdec$ptr171;$cnt$0 = $cnt$1;$l$0 = 0;$l10n$0 = $l10n$3; continue L1; break; } case 2: { $74 = ($cnt$1|0)<(0); $75 = $74 << 31 >> 31; $76 = HEAP32[$arg>>2]|0; $77 = $76; $78 = $77; HEAP32[$78>>2] = $cnt$1; $79 = (($77) + 4)|0; $80 = $79; HEAP32[$80>>2] = $75; $1 = $incdec$ptr171;$cnt$0 = $cnt$1;$l$0 = 0;$l10n$0 = $l10n$3; continue L1; break; } case 3: { $conv230 = $cnt$1&65535; $81 = HEAP32[$arg>>2]|0; HEAP16[$81>>1] = $conv230; $1 = $incdec$ptr171;$cnt$0 = $cnt$1;$l$0 = 0;$l10n$0 = $l10n$3; continue L1; break; } case 4: { $conv233 = $cnt$1&255; $82 = HEAP32[$arg>>2]|0; HEAP8[$82>>0] = $conv233; $1 = $incdec$ptr171;$cnt$0 = $cnt$1;$l$0 = 0;$l10n$0 = $l10n$3; continue L1; break; } case 6: { $83 = HEAP32[$arg>>2]|0; HEAP32[$83>>2] = $cnt$1; $1 = $incdec$ptr171;$cnt$0 = $cnt$1;$l$0 = 0;$l10n$0 = $l10n$3; continue L1; break; } case 7: { $84 = ($cnt$1|0)<(0); $85 = $84 << 31 >> 31; $86 = HEAP32[$arg>>2]|0; $87 = $86; $88 = $87; HEAP32[$88>>2] = $cnt$1; $89 = (($87) + 4)|0; $90 = $89; HEAP32[$90>>2] = $85; $1 = $incdec$ptr171;$cnt$0 = $cnt$1;$l$0 = 0;$l10n$0 = $l10n$3; continue L1; break; } default: { $1 = $incdec$ptr171;$cnt$0 = $cnt$1;$l$0 = 0;$l10n$0 = $l10n$3; continue L1; } } break; } case 112: { $cmp241 = ($p$0>>>0)>(8); $cond246 = $cmp241 ? $p$0 : 8; $or247 = $fl$1$and220 | 8; $fl$3 = $or247;$p$1 = $cond246;$t$1 = 120; label = 60; break; } case 88: case 120: { $fl$3 = $fl$1$and220;$p$1 = $p$0;$t$1 = $t$0; label = 60; break; } case 111: { $101 = $arg; $102 = $101; $103 = HEAP32[$102>>2]|0; $104 = (($101) + 4)|0; $105 = $104; $106 = HEAP32[$105>>2]|0; $107 = (_fmt_o($103,$106,$add$ptr206)|0); $and264 = $fl$1$and220 & 8; $tobool265 = ($and264|0)==(0); $sub$ptr$rhs$cast268 = $107; $sub$ptr$sub269 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast318) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast268))|0; $cmp271 = ($p$0|0)>($sub$ptr$sub269|0); $add270 = (($sub$ptr$sub269) + 1)|0; $108 = $tobool265 | $cmp271; $p$0$p$0$add270 = $108 ? $p$0 : $add270; $127 = $103;$129 = $106;$a$0 = $107;$fl$4 = $fl$1$and220;$p$2 = $p$0$p$0$add270;$pl$1 = 0;$prefix$1 = 31408; label = 66; break; } case 105: case 100: { $109 = $arg; $110 = $109; $111 = HEAP32[$110>>2]|0; $112 = (($109) + 4)|0; $113 = $112; $114 = HEAP32[$113>>2]|0; $115 = ($114|0)<(0); if ($115) { $116 = (_i64Subtract(0,0,($111|0),($114|0))|0); $117 = tempRet0; $118 = $arg; $119 = $118; HEAP32[$119>>2] = $116; $120 = (($118) + 4)|0; $121 = $120; HEAP32[$121>>2] = $117; $124 = $116;$125 = $117;$pl$0 = 1;$prefix$0 = 31408; label = 65; break L70; } else { $and290 = $fl$1$and220 & 2048; $tobool291 = ($and290|0)==(0); $and295 = $fl$1$and220 & 1; $tobool296 = ($and295|0)==(0); $$ = $tobool296 ? 31408 : (31410); $$$ = $tobool291 ? $$ : (31409); $122 = $fl$1$and220 & 2049; $123 = ($122|0)!=(0); $$194$ = $123&1; $124 = $111;$125 = $114;$pl$0 = $$194$;$prefix$0 = $$$; label = 65; break L70; } break; } case 117: { $66 = $arg; $67 = $66; $68 = HEAP32[$67>>2]|0; $69 = (($66) + 4)|0; $70 = $69; $71 = HEAP32[$70>>2]|0; $124 = $68;$125 = $71;$pl$0 = 0;$prefix$0 = 31408; label = 65; break; } case 99: { $132 = $arg; $133 = $132; $134 = HEAP32[$133>>2]|0; $135 = (($132) + 4)|0; $136 = $135; $137 = HEAP32[$136>>2]|0; $138 = $134&255; HEAP8[$add$ptr341>>0] = $138; $a$2 = $add$ptr341;$fl$6 = $and220;$p$5 = 1;$pl$2 = 0;$prefix$2 = 31408;$z$2 = $add$ptr206; break; } case 109: { $call345 = (___errno_location()|0); $139 = HEAP32[$call345>>2]|0; $call346 = (_strerror($139)|0); $a$1 = $call346; label = 70; break; } case 115: { $140 = HEAP32[$arg>>2]|0; $tobool350 = ($140|0)!=(0|0); $cond355 = $tobool350 ? $140 : 31418; $a$1 = $cond355; label = 70; break; } case 67: { $141 = $arg; $142 = $141; $143 = HEAP32[$142>>2]|0; $144 = (($141) + 4)|0; $145 = $144; $146 = HEAP32[$145>>2]|0; HEAP32[$wc>>2] = $143; HEAP32[$arrayidx371>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$arg>>2] = $wc; $152 = $wc;$p$4254 = -1; label = 74; break; } case 83: { $$pre250 = HEAP32[$arg>>2]|0; $cmp378226 = ($p$0|0)==(0); if ($cmp378226) { _pad_108($f,32,$w$1,0,$fl$1$and220); $i$0$lcssa257 = 0; label = 83; } else { $152 = $$pre250;$p$4254 = $p$0; label = 74; } break; } case 65: case 71: case 70: case 69: case 97: case 103: case 102: case 101: { $149 = +HEAPF64[$arg>>3]; $call430 = (_fmt_fp($f,$149,$w$1,$p$0,$fl$1$and220,$t$0)|0); $1 = $incdec$ptr171;$cnt$0 = $cnt$1;$l$0 = $call430;$l10n$0 = $l10n$3; continue L1; break; } default: { $a$2 = $1;$fl$6 = $fl$1$and220;$p$5 = $p$0;$pl$2 = 0;$prefix$2 = 31408;$z$2 = $add$ptr206; } } } while(0); L94: do { if ((label|0) == 60) { label = 0; $91 = $arg; $92 = $91; $93 = HEAP32[$92>>2]|0; $94 = (($91) + 4)|0; $95 = $94; $96 = HEAP32[$95>>2]|0; $and250 = $t$1 & 32; $97 = (_fmt_x($93,$96,$add$ptr206,$and250)|0); $98 = ($93|0)==(0); $99 = ($96|0)==(0); $100 = $98 & $99; $and255 = $fl$3 & 8; $tobool256 = ($and255|0)==(0); $or$cond193 = $tobool256 | $100; $shr = $t$1 >> 4; $add$ptr258 = (31408 + ($shr)|0); $$add$ptr258 = $or$cond193 ? 31408 : $add$ptr258; $$197 = $or$cond193 ? 0 : 2; $127 = $93;$129 = $96;$a$0 = $97;$fl$4 = $fl$3;$p$2 = $p$1;$pl$1 = $$197;$prefix$1 = $$add$ptr258; label = 66; } else if ((label|0) == 65) { label = 0; $126 = (_fmt_u($124,$125,$add$ptr206)|0); $127 = $124;$129 = $125;$a$0 = $126;$fl$4 = $fl$1$and220;$p$2 = $p$0;$pl$1 = $pl$0;$prefix$1 = $prefix$0; label = 66; } else if ((label|0) == 70) { label = 0; $call357 = (_memchr($a$1,0,$p$0)|0); $tobool358 = ($call357|0)==(0|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast362 = $call357; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast363 = $a$1; $sub$ptr$sub364 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast362) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast363))|0; $add$ptr360 = (($a$1) + ($p$0)|0); $p$3 = $tobool358 ? $p$0 : $sub$ptr$sub364; $z$1 = $tobool358 ? $add$ptr360 : $call357; $a$2 = $a$1;$fl$6 = $and220;$p$5 = $p$3;$pl$2 = 0;$prefix$2 = 31408;$z$2 = $z$1; } else if ((label|0) == 74) { label = 0; $i$0228 = 0;$l$1227 = 0;$ws$0229 = $152; while(1) { $147 = HEAP32[$ws$0229>>2]|0; $tobool381 = ($147|0)==(0); if ($tobool381) { $i$0$lcssa = $i$0228;$l$2 = $l$1227; break; } $call385 = (_wctomb($mb,$147)|0); $cmp386 = ($call385|0)<(0); $sub390 = (($p$4254) - ($i$0228))|0; $cmp391 = ($call385>>>0)>($sub390>>>0); $or$cond195 = $cmp386 | $cmp391; if ($or$cond195) { $i$0$lcssa = $i$0228;$l$2 = $call385; break; } $incdec$ptr384 = ((($ws$0229)) + 4|0); $add396 = (($call385) + ($i$0228))|0; $cmp378 = ($p$4254>>>0)>($add396>>>0); if ($cmp378) { $i$0228 = $add396;$l$1227 = $call385;$ws$0229 = $incdec$ptr384; } else { $i$0$lcssa = $add396;$l$2 = $call385; break; } } $cmp398 = ($l$2|0)<(0); if ($cmp398) { $retval$0 = -1; break L1; } _pad_108($f,32,$w$1,$i$0$lcssa,$fl$1$and220); $cmp405236 = ($i$0$lcssa|0)==(0); if ($cmp405236) { $i$0$lcssa257 = 0; label = 83; } else { $i$1237 = 0;$ws$1238 = $152; while(1) { $148 = HEAP32[$ws$1238>>2]|0; $tobool408 = ($148|0)==(0); if ($tobool408) { $i$0$lcssa257 = $i$0$lcssa; label = 83; break L94; } $call412 = (_wctomb($mb,$148)|0); $add413 = (($call412) + ($i$1237))|0; $cmp414 = ($add413|0)>($i$0$lcssa|0); if ($cmp414) { $i$0$lcssa257 = $i$0$lcssa; label = 83; break L94; } $incdec$ptr411 = ((($ws$1238)) + 4|0); _out_102($f,$mb,$call412); $cmp405 = ($add413>>>0)<($i$0$lcssa>>>0); if ($cmp405) { $i$1237 = $add413;$ws$1238 = $incdec$ptr411; } else { $i$0$lcssa257 = $i$0$lcssa; label = 83; break; } } } } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 66) { label = 0; $cmp307 = ($p$2|0)>(-1); $and310 = $fl$4 & -65537; $and310$fl$4 = $cmp307 ? $and310 : $fl$4; $128 = ($127|0)!=(0); $130 = ($129|0)!=(0); $131 = $128 | $130; $tobool315 = ($p$2|0)!=(0); $or$cond = $tobool315 | $131; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast319 = $a$0; $sub$ptr$sub320 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast318) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast319))|0; $lnot = $131 ^ 1; $lnot$ext = $lnot&1; $add323 = (($sub$ptr$sub320) + ($lnot$ext))|0; $cmp324 = ($p$2|0)>($add323|0); $p$2$add323 = $cmp324 ? $p$2 : $add323; $p$2$add323$p$2 = $or$cond ? $p$2$add323 : $p$2; $a$0$add$ptr206 = $or$cond ? $a$0 : $add$ptr206; $a$2 = $a$0$add$ptr206;$fl$6 = $and310$fl$4;$p$5 = $p$2$add323$p$2;$pl$2 = $pl$1;$prefix$2 = $prefix$1;$z$2 = $add$ptr206; } else if ((label|0) == 83) { label = 0; $xor = $fl$1$and220 ^ 8192; _pad_108($f,32,$w$1,$i$0$lcssa257,$xor); $cmp422 = ($w$1|0)>($i$0$lcssa257|0); $cond427 = $cmp422 ? $w$1 : $i$0$lcssa257; $1 = $incdec$ptr171;$cnt$0 = $cnt$1;$l$0 = $cond427;$l10n$0 = $l10n$3; continue; } $sub$ptr$lhs$cast432 = $z$2; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast433 = $a$2; $sub$ptr$sub434 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast432) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast433))|0; $cmp435 = ($p$5|0)<($sub$ptr$sub434|0); $sub$ptr$sub434$p$5 = $cmp435 ? $sub$ptr$sub434 : $p$5; $add442 = (($sub$ptr$sub434$p$5) + ($pl$2))|0; $cmp443 = ($w$1|0)<($add442|0); $w$2 = $cmp443 ? $add442 : $w$1; _pad_108($f,32,$w$2,$add442,$fl$6); _out_102($f,$prefix$2,$pl$2); $xor450 = $fl$6 ^ 65536; _pad_108($f,48,$w$2,$add442,$xor450); _pad_108($f,48,$sub$ptr$sub434$p$5,$sub$ptr$sub434,0); _out_102($f,$a$2,$sub$ptr$sub434); $xor458 = $fl$6 ^ 8192; _pad_108($f,32,$w$2,$add442,$xor458); $1 = $incdec$ptr171;$cnt$0 = $cnt$1;$l$0 = $w$2;$l10n$0 = $l10n$3; } L113: do { if ((label|0) == 86) { $tobool460 = ($f|0)==(0|0); if ($tobool460) { $tobool463 = ($l10n$0|0)==(0); if ($tobool463) { $retval$0 = 0; } else { $i$2210 = 1; while(1) { $arrayidx470 = (($nl_type) + ($i$2210<<2)|0); $150 = HEAP32[$arrayidx470>>2]|0; $tobool471 = ($150|0)==(0); if ($tobool471) { $i$2$lcssa = $i$2210; break; } $add$ptr474 = (($nl_arg) + ($i$2210<<3)|0); _pop_arg_105($add$ptr474,$150,$ap); $inc = (($i$2210) + 1)|0; $cmp467 = ($i$2210|0)<(9); if ($cmp467) { $i$2210 = $inc; } else { $i$2$lcssa = $inc; break; } } $cmp479206 = ($i$2$lcssa|0)<(10); if ($cmp479206) { $i$3207 = $i$2$lcssa; while(1) { $arrayidx482 = (($nl_type) + ($i$3207<<2)|0); $151 = HEAP32[$arrayidx482>>2]|0; $tobool483 = ($151|0)==(0); if (!($tobool483)) { $retval$0 = -1; break L113; } $inc489 = (($i$3207) + 1)|0; $cmp479 = ($i$3207|0)<(9); if ($cmp479) { $i$3207 = $inc489; } else { $retval$0 = 1; break; } } } else { $retval$0 = 1; } } } else { $retval$0 = $cnt$1; } } } while(0); STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$0|0); } function ___lockfile($f) { $f = $f|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return 0; } function ___unlockfile($f) { $f = $f|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return; } function _out_102($f,$s,$l) { $f = $f|0; $s = $s|0; $l = $l|0; var $0 = 0, $and = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $0 = HEAP32[$f>>2]|0; $and = $0 & 32; $tobool = ($and|0)==(0); if ($tobool) { (___fwritex($s,$l,$f)|0); } return; } function _getint_103($s) { $s = $s|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $add = 0, $conv = 0, $conv4 = 0, $i$0$lcssa = 0, $i$07 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $isdigit = 0, $isdigit6 = 0, $isdigittmp = 0, $isdigittmp5 = 0, $isdigittmp8 = 0, $mul = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $0 = HEAP32[$s>>2]|0; $1 = HEAP8[$0>>0]|0; $conv4 = $1 << 24 >> 24; $isdigittmp5 = (($conv4) + -48)|0; $isdigit6 = ($isdigittmp5>>>0)<(10); if ($isdigit6) { $2 = $0;$i$07 = 0;$isdigittmp8 = $isdigittmp5; while(1) { $mul = ($i$07*10)|0; $add = (($isdigittmp8) + ($mul))|0; $incdec$ptr = ((($2)) + 1|0); HEAP32[$s>>2] = $incdec$ptr; $3 = HEAP8[$incdec$ptr>>0]|0; $conv = $3 << 24 >> 24; $isdigittmp = (($conv) + -48)|0; $isdigit = ($isdigittmp>>>0)<(10); if ($isdigit) { $2 = $incdec$ptr;$i$07 = $add;$isdigittmp8 = $isdigittmp; } else { $i$0$lcssa = $add; break; } } } else { $i$0$lcssa = 0; } return ($i$0$lcssa|0); } function _pop_arg_105($arg,$type,$ap) { $arg = $arg|0; $type = $type|0; $ap = $ap|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $100 = 0, $101 = 0, $102 = 0, $103 = 0.0, $104 = 0, $105 = 0, $106 = 0, $107 = 0, $108 = 0, $109 = 0, $11 = 0, $110 = 0.0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0; var $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0, $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0; var $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0; var $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0, $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0; var $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $76 = 0, $77 = 0, $78 = 0, $79 = 0, $8 = 0, $80 = 0, $81 = 0, $82 = 0, $83 = 0, $84 = 0, $85 = 0, $86 = 0, $87 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0; var $9 = 0, $90 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $93 = 0, $94 = 0, $95 = 0, $96 = 0, $97 = 0, $98 = 0, $99 = 0, $arglist_current = 0, $arglist_current11 = 0, $arglist_current14 = 0, $arglist_current17 = 0, $arglist_current2 = 0, $arglist_current20 = 0, $arglist_current23 = 0, $arglist_current26 = 0, $arglist_current5 = 0; var $arglist_current8 = 0, $arglist_next = 0, $arglist_next12 = 0, $arglist_next15 = 0, $arglist_next18 = 0, $arglist_next21 = 0, $arglist_next24 = 0, $arglist_next27 = 0, $arglist_next3 = 0, $arglist_next6 = 0, $arglist_next9 = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv16 = 0, $conv22$mask = 0, $conv28 = 0, $conv34$mask = 0, $expanded = 0, $expanded28 = 0, $expanded30 = 0, $expanded31 = 0; var $expanded32 = 0, $expanded34 = 0, $expanded35 = 0, $expanded37 = 0, $expanded38 = 0, $expanded39 = 0, $expanded41 = 0, $expanded42 = 0, $expanded44 = 0, $expanded45 = 0, $expanded46 = 0, $expanded48 = 0, $expanded49 = 0, $expanded51 = 0, $expanded52 = 0, $expanded53 = 0, $expanded55 = 0, $expanded56 = 0, $expanded58 = 0, $expanded59 = 0; var $expanded60 = 0, $expanded62 = 0, $expanded63 = 0, $expanded65 = 0, $expanded66 = 0, $expanded67 = 0, $expanded69 = 0, $expanded70 = 0, $expanded72 = 0, $expanded73 = 0, $expanded74 = 0, $expanded76 = 0, $expanded77 = 0, $expanded79 = 0, $expanded80 = 0, $expanded81 = 0, $expanded83 = 0, $expanded84 = 0, $expanded86 = 0, $expanded87 = 0; var $expanded88 = 0, $expanded90 = 0, $expanded91 = 0, $expanded93 = 0, $expanded94 = 0, $expanded95 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $cmp = ($type>>>0)>(20); L1: do { if (!($cmp)) { do { switch ($type|0) { case 9: { $arglist_current = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $0 = $arglist_current; $1 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded28 = $1; $expanded = (($expanded28) - 1)|0; $2 = (($0) + ($expanded))|0; $3 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded32 = $3; $expanded31 = (($expanded32) - 1)|0; $expanded30 = $expanded31 ^ -1; $4 = $2 & $expanded30; $5 = $4; $6 = HEAP32[$5>>2]|0; $arglist_next = ((($5)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next; HEAP32[$arg>>2] = $6; break L1; break; } case 10: { $arglist_current2 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $7 = $arglist_current2; $8 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded35 = $8; $expanded34 = (($expanded35) - 1)|0; $9 = (($7) + ($expanded34))|0; $10 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded39 = $10; $expanded38 = (($expanded39) - 1)|0; $expanded37 = $expanded38 ^ -1; $11 = $9 & $expanded37; $12 = $11; $13 = HEAP32[$12>>2]|0; $arglist_next3 = ((($12)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next3; $14 = ($13|0)<(0); $15 = $14 << 31 >> 31; $16 = $arg; $17 = $16; HEAP32[$17>>2] = $13; $18 = (($16) + 4)|0; $19 = $18; HEAP32[$19>>2] = $15; break L1; break; } case 11: { $arglist_current5 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $20 = $arglist_current5; $21 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded42 = $21; $expanded41 = (($expanded42) - 1)|0; $22 = (($20) + ($expanded41))|0; $23 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded46 = $23; $expanded45 = (($expanded46) - 1)|0; $expanded44 = $expanded45 ^ -1; $24 = $22 & $expanded44; $25 = $24; $26 = HEAP32[$25>>2]|0; $arglist_next6 = ((($25)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next6; $27 = $arg; $28 = $27; HEAP32[$28>>2] = $26; $29 = (($27) + 4)|0; $30 = $29; HEAP32[$30>>2] = 0; break L1; break; } case 12: { $arglist_current8 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $31 = $arglist_current8; $32 = ((0) + 8|0); $expanded49 = $32; $expanded48 = (($expanded49) - 1)|0; $33 = (($31) + ($expanded48))|0; $34 = ((0) + 8|0); $expanded53 = $34; $expanded52 = (($expanded53) - 1)|0; $expanded51 = $expanded52 ^ -1; $35 = $33 & $expanded51; $36 = $35; $37 = $36; $38 = $37; $39 = HEAP32[$38>>2]|0; $40 = (($37) + 4)|0; $41 = $40; $42 = HEAP32[$41>>2]|0; $arglist_next9 = ((($36)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next9; $43 = $arg; $44 = $43; HEAP32[$44>>2] = $39; $45 = (($43) + 4)|0; $46 = $45; HEAP32[$46>>2] = $42; break L1; break; } case 13: { $arglist_current11 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $47 = $arglist_current11; $48 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded56 = $48; $expanded55 = (($expanded56) - 1)|0; $49 = (($47) + ($expanded55))|0; $50 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded60 = $50; $expanded59 = (($expanded60) - 1)|0; $expanded58 = $expanded59 ^ -1; $51 = $49 & $expanded58; $52 = $51; $53 = HEAP32[$52>>2]|0; $arglist_next12 = ((($52)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next12; $conv16 = $53&65535; $54 = $conv16 << 16 >> 16; $55 = ($54|0)<(0); $56 = $55 << 31 >> 31; $57 = $arg; $58 = $57; HEAP32[$58>>2] = $54; $59 = (($57) + 4)|0; $60 = $59; HEAP32[$60>>2] = $56; break L1; break; } case 14: { $arglist_current14 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $61 = $arglist_current14; $62 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded63 = $62; $expanded62 = (($expanded63) - 1)|0; $63 = (($61) + ($expanded62))|0; $64 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded67 = $64; $expanded66 = (($expanded67) - 1)|0; $expanded65 = $expanded66 ^ -1; $65 = $63 & $expanded65; $66 = $65; $67 = HEAP32[$66>>2]|0; $arglist_next15 = ((($66)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next15; $conv22$mask = $67 & 65535; $68 = $arg; $69 = $68; HEAP32[$69>>2] = $conv22$mask; $70 = (($68) + 4)|0; $71 = $70; HEAP32[$71>>2] = 0; break L1; break; } case 15: { $arglist_current17 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $72 = $arglist_current17; $73 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded70 = $73; $expanded69 = (($expanded70) - 1)|0; $74 = (($72) + ($expanded69))|0; $75 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded74 = $75; $expanded73 = (($expanded74) - 1)|0; $expanded72 = $expanded73 ^ -1; $76 = $74 & $expanded72; $77 = $76; $78 = HEAP32[$77>>2]|0; $arglist_next18 = ((($77)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next18; $conv28 = $78&255; $79 = $conv28 << 24 >> 24; $80 = ($79|0)<(0); $81 = $80 << 31 >> 31; $82 = $arg; $83 = $82; HEAP32[$83>>2] = $79; $84 = (($82) + 4)|0; $85 = $84; HEAP32[$85>>2] = $81; break L1; break; } case 16: { $arglist_current20 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $86 = $arglist_current20; $87 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded77 = $87; $expanded76 = (($expanded77) - 1)|0; $88 = (($86) + ($expanded76))|0; $89 = ((0) + 4|0); $expanded81 = $89; $expanded80 = (($expanded81) - 1)|0; $expanded79 = $expanded80 ^ -1; $90 = $88 & $expanded79; $91 = $90; $92 = HEAP32[$91>>2]|0; $arglist_next21 = ((($91)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next21; $conv34$mask = $92 & 255; $93 = $arg; $94 = $93; HEAP32[$94>>2] = $conv34$mask; $95 = (($93) + 4)|0; $96 = $95; HEAP32[$96>>2] = 0; break L1; break; } case 17: { $arglist_current23 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $97 = $arglist_current23; $98 = ((0) + 8|0); $expanded84 = $98; $expanded83 = (($expanded84) - 1)|0; $99 = (($97) + ($expanded83))|0; $100 = ((0) + 8|0); $expanded88 = $100; $expanded87 = (($expanded88) - 1)|0; $expanded86 = $expanded87 ^ -1; $101 = $99 & $expanded86; $102 = $101; $103 = +HEAPF64[$102>>3]; $arglist_next24 = ((($102)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next24; HEAPF64[$arg>>3] = $103; break L1; break; } case 18: { $arglist_current26 = HEAP32[$ap>>2]|0; $104 = $arglist_current26; $105 = ((0) + 8|0); $expanded91 = $105; $expanded90 = (($expanded91) - 1)|0; $106 = (($104) + ($expanded90))|0; $107 = ((0) + 8|0); $expanded95 = $107; $expanded94 = (($expanded95) - 1)|0; $expanded93 = $expanded94 ^ -1; $108 = $106 & $expanded93; $109 = $108; $110 = +HEAPF64[$109>>3]; $arglist_next27 = ((($109)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $arglist_next27; HEAPF64[$arg>>3] = $110; break L1; break; } default: { break L1; } } } while(0); } } while(0); return; } function _fmt_x($0,$1,$s,$lower) { $0 = $0|0; $1 = $1|0; $s = $s|0; $lower = $lower|0; var $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $conv1 = 0, $conv4 = 0, $idxprom = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $or = 0, $s$addr$0$lcssa = 0, $s$addr$06 = 0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $2 = ($0|0)==(0); $3 = ($1|0)==(0); $4 = $2 & $3; if ($4) { $s$addr$0$lcssa = $s; } else { $5 = $0;$7 = $1;$s$addr$06 = $s; while(1) { $idxprom = $5 & 15; $arrayidx = (31460 + ($idxprom)|0); $6 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $conv4 = $6&255; $or = $conv4 | $lower; $conv1 = $or&255; $incdec$ptr = ((($s$addr$06)) + -1|0); HEAP8[$incdec$ptr>>0] = $conv1; $8 = (_bitshift64Lshr(($5|0),($7|0),4)|0); $9 = tempRet0; $10 = ($8|0)==(0); $11 = ($9|0)==(0); $12 = $10 & $11; if ($12) { $s$addr$0$lcssa = $incdec$ptr; break; } else { $5 = $8;$7 = $9;$s$addr$06 = $incdec$ptr; } } } return ($s$addr$0$lcssa|0); } function _fmt_o($0,$1,$s) { $0 = $0|0; $1 = $1|0; $s = $s|0; var $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $conv = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $s$addr$0$lcssa = 0, $s$addr$06 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $2 = ($0|0)==(0); $3 = ($1|0)==(0); $4 = $2 & $3; if ($4) { $s$addr$0$lcssa = $s; } else { $6 = $0;$8 = $1;$s$addr$06 = $s; while(1) { $5 = $6&255; $7 = $5 & 7; $conv = $7 | 48; $incdec$ptr = ((($s$addr$06)) + -1|0); HEAP8[$incdec$ptr>>0] = $conv; $9 = (_bitshift64Lshr(($6|0),($8|0),3)|0); $10 = tempRet0; $11 = ($9|0)==(0); $12 = ($10|0)==(0); $13 = $11 & $12; if ($13) { $s$addr$0$lcssa = $incdec$ptr; break; } else { $6 = $9;$8 = $10;$s$addr$06 = $incdec$ptr; } } } return ($s$addr$0$lcssa|0); } function _fmt_u($0,$1,$s) { $0 = $0|0; $1 = $1|0; $s = $s|0; var $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add5 = 0, $conv = 0; var $conv6 = 0, $div9 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr7 = 0, $rem4 = 0, $s$addr$0$lcssa = 0, $s$addr$013 = 0, $s$addr$1$lcssa = 0, $s$addr$19 = 0, $tobool8 = 0, $x$addr$0$lcssa$off0 = 0, $y$010 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $2 = ($1>>>0)>(0); $3 = ($0>>>0)>(4294967295); $4 = ($1|0)==(0); $5 = $4 & $3; $6 = $2 | $5; if ($6) { $7 = $0;$8 = $1;$s$addr$013 = $s; while(1) { $9 = (___uremdi3(($7|0),($8|0),10,0)|0); $10 = tempRet0; $11 = $9&255; $conv = $11 | 48; $incdec$ptr = ((($s$addr$013)) + -1|0); HEAP8[$incdec$ptr>>0] = $conv; $12 = (___udivdi3(($7|0),($8|0),10,0)|0); $13 = tempRet0; $14 = ($8>>>0)>(9); $15 = ($7>>>0)>(4294967295); $16 = ($8|0)==(9); $17 = $16 & $15; $18 = $14 | $17; if ($18) { $7 = $12;$8 = $13;$s$addr$013 = $incdec$ptr; } else { break; } } $s$addr$0$lcssa = $incdec$ptr;$x$addr$0$lcssa$off0 = $12; } else { $s$addr$0$lcssa = $s;$x$addr$0$lcssa$off0 = $0; } $tobool8 = ($x$addr$0$lcssa$off0|0)==(0); if ($tobool8) { $s$addr$1$lcssa = $s$addr$0$lcssa; } else { $s$addr$19 = $s$addr$0$lcssa;$y$010 = $x$addr$0$lcssa$off0; while(1) { $rem4 = (($y$010>>>0) % 10)&-1; $add5 = $rem4 | 48; $conv6 = $add5&255; $incdec$ptr7 = ((($s$addr$19)) + -1|0); HEAP8[$incdec$ptr7>>0] = $conv6; $div9 = (($y$010>>>0) / 10)&-1; $19 = ($y$010>>>0)<(10); if ($19) { $s$addr$1$lcssa = $incdec$ptr7; break; } else { $s$addr$19 = $incdec$ptr7;$y$010 = $div9; } } } return ($s$addr$1$lcssa|0); } function _strerror($e) { $e = $e|0; var $0 = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $locale = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $call = (___pthread_self_822()|0); $locale = ((($call)) + 188|0); $0 = HEAP32[$locale>>2]|0; $call1 = (___strerror_l($e,$0)|0); return ($call1|0); } function _memchr($src,$c,$n) { $src = $src|0; $c = $c|0; $n = $n|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $and = 0, $and15 = 0, $and16 = 0, $and39 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp1132 = 0, $cmp28 = 0, $cmp8 = 0, $cond = 0, $conv1 = 0, $dec = 0; var $dec34 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr21 = 0, $incdec$ptr33 = 0, $mul = 0, $n$addr$0$lcssa = 0, $n$addr$0$lcssa52 = 0, $n$addr$043 = 0, $n$addr$1$lcssa = 0, $n$addr$133 = 0, $n$addr$227 = 0, $n$addr$3 = 0, $neg = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond42 = 0, $s$0$lcssa = 0, $s$0$lcssa53 = 0, $s$044 = 0, $s$128 = 0, $s$2 = 0; var $sub = 0, $sub22 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool17 = 0, $tobool2 = 0, $tobool2$lcssa = 0, $tobool241 = 0, $tobool25 = 0, $tobool2526 = 0, $tobool36 = 0, $tobool40 = 0, $w$0$lcssa = 0, $w$034 = 0, $xor = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $conv1 = $c & 255; $0 = $src; $and39 = $0 & 3; $tobool40 = ($and39|0)!=(0); $tobool241 = ($n|0)!=(0); $or$cond42 = $tobool241 & $tobool40; L1: do { if ($or$cond42) { $1 = $c&255; $n$addr$043 = $n;$s$044 = $src; while(1) { $2 = HEAP8[$s$044>>0]|0; $cmp = ($2<<24>>24)==($1<<24>>24); if ($cmp) { $n$addr$0$lcssa52 = $n$addr$043;$s$0$lcssa53 = $s$044; label = 6; break L1; } $incdec$ptr = ((($s$044)) + 1|0); $dec = (($n$addr$043) + -1)|0; $3 = $incdec$ptr; $and = $3 & 3; $tobool = ($and|0)!=(0); $tobool2 = ($dec|0)!=(0); $or$cond = $tobool2 & $tobool; if ($or$cond) { $n$addr$043 = $dec;$s$044 = $incdec$ptr; } else { $n$addr$0$lcssa = $dec;$s$0$lcssa = $incdec$ptr;$tobool2$lcssa = $tobool2; label = 5; break; } } } else { $n$addr$0$lcssa = $n;$s$0$lcssa = $src;$tobool2$lcssa = $tobool241; label = 5; } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 5) { if ($tobool2$lcssa) { $n$addr$0$lcssa52 = $n$addr$0$lcssa;$s$0$lcssa53 = $s$0$lcssa; label = 6; } else { $n$addr$3 = 0;$s$2 = $s$0$lcssa; } } L8: do { if ((label|0) == 6) { $4 = HEAP8[$s$0$lcssa53>>0]|0; $5 = $c&255; $cmp8 = ($4<<24>>24)==($5<<24>>24); if ($cmp8) { $n$addr$3 = $n$addr$0$lcssa52;$s$2 = $s$0$lcssa53; } else { $mul = Math_imul($conv1, 16843009)|0; $cmp1132 = ($n$addr$0$lcssa52>>>0)>(3); L11: do { if ($cmp1132) { $n$addr$133 = $n$addr$0$lcssa52;$w$034 = $s$0$lcssa53; while(1) { $6 = HEAP32[$w$034>>2]|0; $xor = $6 ^ $mul; $sub = (($xor) + -16843009)|0; $neg = $xor & -2139062144; $and15 = $neg ^ -2139062144; $and16 = $and15 & $sub; $tobool17 = ($and16|0)==(0); if (!($tobool17)) { break; } $incdec$ptr21 = ((($w$034)) + 4|0); $sub22 = (($n$addr$133) + -4)|0; $cmp11 = ($sub22>>>0)>(3); if ($cmp11) { $n$addr$133 = $sub22;$w$034 = $incdec$ptr21; } else { $n$addr$1$lcssa = $sub22;$w$0$lcssa = $incdec$ptr21; label = 11; break L11; } } $n$addr$227 = $n$addr$133;$s$128 = $w$034; } else { $n$addr$1$lcssa = $n$addr$0$lcssa52;$w$0$lcssa = $s$0$lcssa53; label = 11; } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 11) { $tobool2526 = ($n$addr$1$lcssa|0)==(0); if ($tobool2526) { $n$addr$3 = 0;$s$2 = $w$0$lcssa; break; } else { $n$addr$227 = $n$addr$1$lcssa;$s$128 = $w$0$lcssa; } } while(1) { $7 = HEAP8[$s$128>>0]|0; $cmp28 = ($7<<24>>24)==($5<<24>>24); if ($cmp28) { $n$addr$3 = $n$addr$227;$s$2 = $s$128; break L8; } $incdec$ptr33 = ((($s$128)) + 1|0); $dec34 = (($n$addr$227) + -1)|0; $tobool25 = ($dec34|0)==(0); if ($tobool25) { $n$addr$3 = 0;$s$2 = $incdec$ptr33; break; } else { $n$addr$227 = $dec34;$s$128 = $incdec$ptr33; } } } } } while(0); $tobool36 = ($n$addr$3|0)!=(0); $cond = $tobool36 ? $s$2 : 0; return ($cond|0); } function _pad_108($f,$c,$w,$l,$fl) { $f = $f|0; $c = $c|0; $w = $w|0; $l = $l|0; $fl = $fl|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $and = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp3 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cond = 0, $l$addr$0$lcssa = 0, $l$addr$09 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $pad = 0, $sub = 0, $sub6 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 256|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(256|0); $pad = sp; $and = $fl & 73728; $tobool = ($and|0)==(0); $cmp = ($w|0)>($l|0); $or$cond = $cmp & $tobool; if ($or$cond) { $sub = (($w) - ($l))|0; $0 = ($sub>>>0)<(256); $cond = $0 ? $sub : 256; _memset(($pad|0),($c|0),($cond|0))|0; $cmp38 = ($sub>>>0)>(255); if ($cmp38) { $1 = (($w) - ($l))|0; $l$addr$09 = $sub; while(1) { _out_102($f,$pad,256); $sub6 = (($l$addr$09) + -256)|0; $cmp3 = ($sub6>>>0)>(255); if ($cmp3) { $l$addr$09 = $sub6; } else { break; } } $2 = $1 & 255; $l$addr$0$lcssa = $2; } else { $l$addr$0$lcssa = $sub; } _out_102($f,$pad,$l$addr$0$lcssa); } STACKTOP = sp;return; } function _wctomb($s,$wc) { $s = $s|0; $wc = $wc|0; var $call = 0, $retval$0 = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $tobool = ($s|0)==(0|0); if ($tobool) { $retval$0 = 0; } else { $call = (_wcrtomb($s,$wc,0)|0); $retval$0 = $call; } return ($retval$0|0); } function _fmt_fp($f,$y,$w,$p,$fl,$t) { $f = $f|0; $y = +$y; $w = $w|0; $p = $p|0; $fl = $fl|0; $t = $t|0; var $$ = 0, $$$ = 0, $$$405 = 0.0, $$394$ = 0, $$396 = 0.0, $$405 = 0.0, $$p = 0, $$p$inc468 = 0, $$pr = 0, $$pr406 = 0, $$pre = 0, $$pre486 = 0, $$pre487 = 0, $$pre489 = 0, $$sub514 = 0, $$sub562 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0; var $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $19 = 0, $2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $24 = 0, $25 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $29 = 0, $3 = 0; var $30 = 0, $31 = 0, $32 = 0, $33 = 0, $34 = 0, $35 = 0, $36 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $4 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0; var $49 = 0, $5 = 0, $50 = 0, $51 = 0, $52 = 0, $53 = 0, $54 = 0, $55 = 0, $56 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $59 = 0, $6 = 0, $60 = 0, $61 = 0, $62 = 0, $63 = 0, $64 = 0, $65 = 0, $66 = 0; var $67 = 0, $68 = 0, $69 = 0, $7 = 0, $70 = 0, $71 = 0, $72 = 0, $73 = 0, $74 = 0, $75 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $a$1$lcssa = 0, $a$1476 = 0, $a$2$ph = 0, $a$3$lcssa = 0, $a$3466 = 0, $a$5$lcssa = 0, $a$5449 = 0, $a$6 = 0; var $a$8 = 0, $a$9$ph = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr213 = 0, $add$ptr311 = 0, $add$ptr311$z$4 = 0, $add$ptr354 = 0, $add$ptr358 = 0, $add$ptr373 = 0, $add$ptr442 = 0, $add$ptr442$z$3 = 0, $add$ptr65 = 0, $add$ptr671 = 0, $add$ptr742 = 0, $add$ptr756 = 0, $add113 = 0, $add150 = 0, $add163 = 0, $add165 = 0, $add273 = 0; var $add275 = 0, $add284 = 0, $add313 = 0, $add355 = 0, $add410 = 0.0, $add414 = 0, $add477$neg = 0, $add561 = 0, $add608 = 0, $add612 = 0, $add620 = 0, $add653 = 0, $add653$sink402 = 0, $add67 = 0, $add737 = 0, $add810 = 0, $add87 = 0.0, $add90 = 0.0, $and = 0, $and12 = 0; var $and134 = 0, $and282 = 0, $and36 = 0, $and379 = 0, $and45 = 0, $and483 = 0, $and610$pre$phiZ2D = 0, $and62 = 0, $arraydecay208$add$ptr213 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx117 = 0, $arrayidx251 = 0, $arrayidx453 = 0, $arrayidx489 = 0, $big = 0, $buf = 0, $call55 = 0.0, $carry$0471 = 0, $carry262$0462 = 0, $cmp103 = 0; var $cmp127 = 0, $cmp131 = 0, $cmp147 = 0, $cmp196 = 0, $cmp205 = 0, $cmp225 = 0, $cmp225474 = 0, $cmp235 = 0, $cmp235470 = 0, $cmp249 = 0, $cmp259 = 0, $cmp259464 = 0, $cmp277 = 0, $cmp277460 = 0, $cmp299 = 0, $cmp308 = 0, $cmp315 = 0, $cmp324 = 0, $cmp324456 = 0, $cmp333 = 0; var $cmp338 = 0, $cmp350 = 0, $cmp363 = 0, $cmp363452 = 0, $cmp374 = 0, $cmp38 = 0, $cmp385 = 0, $cmp390 = 0, $cmp403 = 0, $cmp411 = 0, $cmp416 = 0, $cmp416447 = 0, $cmp420 = 0, $cmp433 = 0, $cmp433443 = 0, $cmp443 = 0, $cmp450 = 0, $cmp450$lcssa = 0, $cmp470 = 0, $cmp473 = 0; var $cmp495 = 0, $cmp495439 = 0, $cmp505 = 0, $cmp528 = 0, $cmp577 = 0, $cmp59 = 0, $cmp614 = 0, $cmp617 = 0, $cmp623 = 0, $cmp636 = 0, $cmp636434 = 0, $cmp660 = 0, $cmp665 = 0, $cmp673 = 0, $cmp678 = 0, $cmp678420 = 0, $cmp686 = 0, $cmp707 = 0, $cmp707415 = 0, $cmp710 = 0; var $cmp710416 = 0, $cmp722 = 0, $cmp722412 = 0, $cmp745 = 0, $cmp748 = 0, $cmp748428 = 0, $cmp760 = 0, $cmp765 = 0, $cmp770 = 0, $cmp770424 = 0, $cmp777 = 0, $cmp790 = 0, $cmp818 = 0, $cmp82 = 0, $cmp94 = 0, $cond = 0, $cond100 = 0, $cond233 = 0, $cond271 = 0, $cond304 = 0; var $cond43 = 0, $cond629 = 0, $cond732 = 0, $cond800 = 0, $conv111 = 0, $conv114 = 0, $conv116 = 0, $conv118393 = 0, $conv121 = 0, $conv123 = 0.0, $conv216 = 0, $conv218 = 0.0, $conv644 = 0, $conv646 = 0, $d$0 = 0, $d$0469 = 0, $d$0472 = 0, $d$1461 = 0, $d$4 = 0, $d$5423 = 0; var $d$6417 = 0, $d$7429 = 0, $dec = 0, $dec476 = 0, $dec481 = 0, $dec78 = 0, $div274 = 0, $div356 = 0, $div378 = 0, $div384 = 0, $e$0458 = 0, $e$1 = 0, $e$2445 = 0, $e$4 = 0, $e$5$ph = 0, $e2 = 0, $ebuf0 = 0, $estr$0 = 0, $estr$1$lcssa = 0, $estr$1435 = 0; var $estr$2 = 0, $i$0457 = 0, $i$1$lcssa = 0, $i$1453 = 0, $i$2444 = 0, $i$3440 = 0, $inc = 0, $inc425 = 0, $inc438 = 0, $inc468 = 0, $inc500 = 0, $incdec$ptr106 = 0, $incdec$ptr112 = 0, $incdec$ptr115 = 0, $incdec$ptr122 = 0, $incdec$ptr137 = 0, $incdec$ptr217 = 0, $incdec$ptr246 = 0, $incdec$ptr288 = 0, $incdec$ptr292 = 0; var $incdec$ptr292$a$3 = 0, $incdec$ptr292$a$3494 = 0, $incdec$ptr292$a$3496 = 0, $incdec$ptr292493 = 0, $incdec$ptr296 = 0, $incdec$ptr419 = 0, $incdec$ptr419$sink$lcssa = 0, $incdec$ptr419$sink448 = 0, $incdec$ptr423 = 0, $incdec$ptr639 = 0, $incdec$ptr645 = 0, $incdec$ptr647 = 0, $incdec$ptr681 = 0, $incdec$ptr689 = 0, $incdec$ptr698 = 0, $incdec$ptr725 = 0, $incdec$ptr734 = 0, $incdec$ptr763 = 0, $incdec$ptr773 = 0, $incdec$ptr776 = 0; var $incdec$ptr808 = 0, $j$0 = 0, $j$0$in454 = 0, $j$1441 = 0, $j$2 = 0, $l$1 = 0, $land$ext$neg = 0, $lor$ext = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul125 = 0.0, $mul202 = 0.0, $mul220 = 0.0, $mul286 = 0, $mul322 = 0, $mul328 = 0, $mul335 = 0, $mul349 = 0, $mul367 = 0, $mul406 = 0.0, $mul406$$396 = 0.0; var $mul407 = 0.0, $mul407$$$405 = 0.0, $mul431 = 0, $mul437 = 0, $mul499 = 0, $mul513 = 0, $mul80 = 0.0, $not$tobool341 = 0, $or = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond1$not = 0, $or$cond2 = 0, $or$cond395 = 0, $or$cond397 = 0, $or$cond401 = 0, $or120 = 0, $or504 = 0, $or613 = 0, $p$addr$2 = 0, $p$addr$2$$sub514398 = 0; var $p$addr$2$$sub562399 = 0, $p$addr$3 = 0, $p$addr$4$lcssa = 0, $p$addr$4418 = 0, $p$addr$5$lcssa = 0, $p$addr$5430 = 0, $pl$0 = 0, $prefix$0 = 0, $prefix$0$add$ptr65 = 0, $r$0$a$9 = 0, $re$1411 = 0, $rem360 = 0, $rem370 = 0, $rem494 = 0, $rem494438 = 0, $round$0410 = 0.0, $round377$1 = 0.0, $s$0 = 0, $s$1 = 0, $s35$0 = 0; var $s668$0421 = 0, $s668$1 = 0, $s715$0$lcssa = 0, $s715$0413 = 0, $s753$0 = 0, $s753$1425 = 0, $s753$2 = 0, $scevgep483 = 0, $scevgep483484 = 0, $shl280 = 0, $shr283 = 0, $shr285 = 0, $small$1 = 0.0, $sub = 0.0, $sub$ptr$div = 0, $sub$ptr$div321 = 0, $sub$ptr$div347 = 0, $sub$ptr$div430 = 0, $sub$ptr$div511 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0; var $sub$ptr$lhs$cast160 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast305 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast318 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast344 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast508 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast633 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast694 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast787 = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast811 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast161 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast306 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast319 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast428 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast634 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast634432 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast649 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast695 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast788 = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast812 = 0; var $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub145 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub159 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub159$sink = 0, $sub$ptr$sub162 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub172$pre$phiZZZ2D = 0, $sub$ptr$sub307 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub320 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub346 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub429 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub510 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub635 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub635433 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub650 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub650$pn = 0, $sub$ptr$sub696 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub789 = 0, $sub$ptr$sub813 = 0, $sub124 = 0.0, $sub146 = 0; var $sub181 = 0, $sub203 = 0, $sub219 = 0.0, $sub256 = 0, $sub264 = 0, $sub281 = 0, $sub336 = 0, $sub343 = 0, $sub357 = 0, $sub409 = 0, $sub478 = 0, $sub480 = 0, $sub514 = 0, $sub562 = 0, $sub626$le = 0, $sub735 = 0, $sub74 = 0, $sub806 = 0, $sub85 = 0.0, $sub86 = 0.0; var $sub88 = 0.0, $sub91 = 0.0, $sub97 = 0, $t$addr$0 = 0, $t$addr$1 = 0, $tobool129 = 0, $tobool13 = 0, $tobool135 = 0, $tobool139 = 0, $tobool140 = 0, $tobool222 = 0, $tobool244 = 0, $tobool252 = 0, $tobool290 = 0, $tobool290492 = 0, $tobool294 = 0, $tobool341 = 0, $tobool37 = 0, $tobool371 = 0, $tobool380 = 0; var $tobool400 = 0, $tobool454 = 0, $tobool484 = 0, $tobool490 = 0, $tobool56 = 0, $tobool63 = 0, $tobool76 = 0, $tobool76490 = 0, $tobool781 = 0, $tobool79 = 0, $tobool9 = 0, $w$add653 = 0, $xor = 0, $xor167 = 0, $xor186 = 0, $xor655 = 0, $xor816 = 0, $y$addr$0 = 0.0, $y$addr$1 = 0.0, $y$addr$2 = 0.0; var $y$addr$3 = 0.0, $y$addr$4 = 0.0, $z$0 = 0, $z$1$lcssa = 0, $z$1475 = 0, $z$2 = 0, $z$3$lcssa = 0, $z$3465 = 0, $z$4 = 0, $z$7 = 0, $z$7$add$ptr742 = 0, $z$7$ph = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 560|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(560|0); $big = sp + 8|0; $e2 = sp; $buf = sp + 524|0; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $buf; $ebuf0 = sp + 512|0; HEAP32[$e2>>2] = 0; $arrayidx = ((($ebuf0)) + 12|0); (___DOUBLE_BITS($y)|0); $0 = tempRet0; $1 = ($0|0)<(0); if ($1) { $sub = - $y; $pl$0 = 1;$prefix$0 = 31425;$y$addr$0 = $sub; } else { $and = $fl & 2048; $tobool9 = ($and|0)==(0); $and12 = $fl & 1; $tobool13 = ($and12|0)==(0); $$ = $tobool13 ? (31426) : (31431); $$$ = $tobool9 ? $$ : (31428); $2 = $fl & 2049; $3 = ($2|0)!=(0); $$394$ = $3&1; $pl$0 = $$394$;$prefix$0 = $$$;$y$addr$0 = $y; } (___DOUBLE_BITS($y$addr$0)|0); $4 = tempRet0; $5 = $4 & 2146435072; $6 = (0)==(0); $7 = ($5|0)==(2146435072); $8 = $6 & $7; do { if ($8) { $and36 = $t & 32; $tobool37 = ($and36|0)!=(0); $cond = $tobool37 ? 31444 : 31448; $cmp38 = ($y$addr$0 != $y$addr$0) | (0.0 != 0.0); $cond43 = $tobool37 ? 31452 : 31456; $s35$0 = $cmp38 ? $cond43 : $cond; $add = (($pl$0) + 3)|0; $and45 = $fl & -65537; _pad_108($f,32,$w,$add,$and45); _out_102($f,$prefix$0,$pl$0); _out_102($f,$s35$0,3); $xor = $fl ^ 8192; _pad_108($f,32,$w,$add,$xor); $add653$sink402 = $add; } else { $call55 = (+_frexpl($y$addr$0,$e2)); $mul = $call55 * 2.0; $tobool56 = $mul != 0.0; if ($tobool56) { $9 = HEAP32[$e2>>2]|0; $dec = (($9) + -1)|0; HEAP32[$e2>>2] = $dec; } $or = $t | 32; $cmp59 = ($or|0)==(97); if ($cmp59) { $and62 = $t & 32; $tobool63 = ($and62|0)==(0); $add$ptr65 = ((($prefix$0)) + 9|0); $prefix$0$add$ptr65 = $tobool63 ? $prefix$0 : $add$ptr65; $add67 = $pl$0 | 2; $10 = ($p>>>0)>(11); $sub74 = (12 - ($p))|0; $tobool76490 = ($sub74|0)==(0); $tobool76 = $10 | $tobool76490; do { if ($tobool76) { $y$addr$1 = $mul; } else { $re$1411 = $sub74;$round$0410 = 8.0; while(1) { $dec78 = (($re$1411) + -1)|0; $mul80 = $round$0410 * 16.0; $tobool79 = ($dec78|0)==(0); if ($tobool79) { break; } else { $re$1411 = $dec78;$round$0410 = $mul80; } } $11 = HEAP8[$prefix$0$add$ptr65>>0]|0; $cmp82 = ($11<<24>>24)==(45); if ($cmp82) { $sub85 = - $mul; $sub86 = $sub85 - $mul80; $add87 = $mul80 + $sub86; $sub88 = - $add87; $y$addr$1 = $sub88; break; } else { $add90 = $mul + $mul80; $sub91 = $add90 - $mul80; $y$addr$1 = $sub91; break; } } } while(0); $12 = HEAP32[$e2>>2]|0; $cmp94 = ($12|0)<(0); $sub97 = (0 - ($12))|0; $cond100 = $cmp94 ? $sub97 : $12; $13 = ($cond100|0)<(0); $14 = $13 << 31 >> 31; $15 = (_fmt_u($cond100,$14,$arrayidx)|0); $cmp103 = ($15|0)==($arrayidx|0); if ($cmp103) { $incdec$ptr106 = ((($ebuf0)) + 11|0); HEAP8[$incdec$ptr106>>0] = 48; $estr$0 = $incdec$ptr106; } else { $estr$0 = $15; } $16 = $12 >> 31; $17 = $16 & 2; $18 = (($17) + 43)|0; $conv111 = $18&255; $incdec$ptr112 = ((($estr$0)) + -1|0); HEAP8[$incdec$ptr112>>0] = $conv111; $add113 = (($t) + 15)|0; $conv114 = $add113&255; $incdec$ptr115 = ((($estr$0)) + -2|0); HEAP8[$incdec$ptr115>>0] = $conv114; $cmp131 = ($p|0)<(1); $and134 = $fl & 8; $tobool135 = ($and134|0)==(0); $s$0 = $buf;$y$addr$2 = $y$addr$1; while(1) { $conv116 = (~~(($y$addr$2))); $arrayidx117 = (31460 + ($conv116)|0); $19 = HEAP8[$arrayidx117>>0]|0; $conv118393 = $19&255; $or120 = $and62 | $conv118393; $conv121 = $or120&255; $incdec$ptr122 = ((($s$0)) + 1|0); HEAP8[$s$0>>0] = $conv121; $conv123 = (+($conv116|0)); $sub124 = $y$addr$2 - $conv123; $mul125 = $sub124 * 16.0; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $incdec$ptr122; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $cmp127 = ($sub$ptr$sub|0)==(1); if ($cmp127) { $tobool129 = $mul125 == 0.0; $or$cond1$not = $cmp131 & $tobool129; $or$cond = $tobool135 & $or$cond1$not; if ($or$cond) { $s$1 = $incdec$ptr122; } else { $incdec$ptr137 = ((($s$0)) + 2|0); HEAP8[$incdec$ptr122>>0] = 46; $s$1 = $incdec$ptr137; } } else { $s$1 = $incdec$ptr122; } $tobool139 = $mul125 != 0.0; if ($tobool139) { $s$0 = $s$1;$y$addr$2 = $mul125; } else { break; } } $tobool140 = ($p|0)==(0); $$pre487 = $s$1; if ($tobool140) { label = 24; } else { $sub$ptr$sub145 = (-2 - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub146 = (($sub$ptr$sub145) + ($$pre487))|0; $cmp147 = ($sub146|0)<($p|0); if ($cmp147) { $add150 = (($p) + 2)|0; $$pre486 = (($$pre487) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$sub159$sink = $add150;$sub$ptr$sub172$pre$phiZZZ2D = $$pre486; } else { label = 24; } } if ((label|0) == 24) { $sub$ptr$sub159 = (($$pre487) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $sub$ptr$sub159$sink = $sub$ptr$sub159;$sub$ptr$sub172$pre$phiZZZ2D = $sub$ptr$sub159; } $sub$ptr$lhs$cast160 = $arrayidx; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast161 = $incdec$ptr115; $sub$ptr$sub162 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast160) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast161))|0; $add163 = (($sub$ptr$sub162) + ($add67))|0; $add165 = (($add163) + ($sub$ptr$sub159$sink))|0; _pad_108($f,32,$w,$add165,$fl); _out_102($f,$prefix$0$add$ptr65,$add67); $xor167 = $fl ^ 65536; _pad_108($f,48,$w,$add165,$xor167); _out_102($f,$buf,$sub$ptr$sub172$pre$phiZZZ2D); $sub181 = (($sub$ptr$sub159$sink) - ($sub$ptr$sub172$pre$phiZZZ2D))|0; _pad_108($f,48,$sub181,0,0); _out_102($f,$incdec$ptr115,$sub$ptr$sub162); $xor186 = $fl ^ 8192; _pad_108($f,32,$w,$add165,$xor186); $add653$sink402 = $add165; break; } $cmp196 = ($p|0)<(0); $$p = $cmp196 ? 6 : $p; if ($tobool56) { $mul202 = $mul * 268435456.0; $20 = HEAP32[$e2>>2]|0; $sub203 = (($20) + -28)|0; HEAP32[$e2>>2] = $sub203; $$pr = $sub203;$y$addr$3 = $mul202; } else { $$pre = HEAP32[$e2>>2]|0; $$pr = $$pre;$y$addr$3 = $mul; } $cmp205 = ($$pr|0)<(0); $add$ptr213 = ((($big)) + 288|0); $arraydecay208$add$ptr213 = $cmp205 ? $big : $add$ptr213; $y$addr$4 = $y$addr$3;$z$0 = $arraydecay208$add$ptr213; while(1) { $conv216 = (~~(($y$addr$4))>>>0); HEAP32[$z$0>>2] = $conv216; $incdec$ptr217 = ((($z$0)) + 4|0); $conv218 = (+($conv216>>>0)); $sub219 = $y$addr$4 - $conv218; $mul220 = $sub219 * 1.0E+9; $tobool222 = $mul220 != 0.0; if ($tobool222) { $y$addr$4 = $mul220;$z$0 = $incdec$ptr217; } else { break; } } $cmp225474 = ($$pr|0)>(0); if ($cmp225474) { $21 = $$pr;$a$1476 = $arraydecay208$add$ptr213;$z$1475 = $incdec$ptr217; while(1) { $22 = ($21|0)<(29); $cond233 = $22 ? $21 : 29; $d$0469 = ((($z$1475)) + -4|0); $cmp235470 = ($d$0469>>>0)<($a$1476>>>0); if ($cmp235470) { $a$2$ph = $a$1476; } else { $carry$0471 = 0;$d$0472 = $d$0469; while(1) { $23 = HEAP32[$d$0472>>2]|0; $24 = (_bitshift64Shl(($23|0),0,($cond233|0))|0); $25 = tempRet0; $26 = (_i64Add(($24|0),($25|0),($carry$0471|0),0)|0); $27 = tempRet0; $28 = (___uremdi3(($26|0),($27|0),1000000000,0)|0); $29 = tempRet0; HEAP32[$d$0472>>2] = $28; $30 = (___udivdi3(($26|0),($27|0),1000000000,0)|0); $31 = tempRet0; $d$0 = ((($d$0472)) + -4|0); $cmp235 = ($d$0>>>0)<($a$1476>>>0); if ($cmp235) { break; } else { $carry$0471 = $30;$d$0472 = $d$0; } } $tobool244 = ($30|0)==(0); if ($tobool244) { $a$2$ph = $a$1476; } else { $incdec$ptr246 = ((($a$1476)) + -4|0); HEAP32[$incdec$ptr246>>2] = $30; $a$2$ph = $incdec$ptr246; } } $z$2 = $z$1475; while(1) { $cmp249 = ($z$2>>>0)>($a$2$ph>>>0); if (!($cmp249)) { break; } $arrayidx251 = ((($z$2)) + -4|0); $32 = HEAP32[$arrayidx251>>2]|0; $tobool252 = ($32|0)==(0); if ($tobool252) { $z$2 = $arrayidx251; } else { break; } } $33 = HEAP32[$e2>>2]|0; $sub256 = (($33) - ($cond233))|0; HEAP32[$e2>>2] = $sub256; $cmp225 = ($sub256|0)>(0); if ($cmp225) { $21 = $sub256;$a$1476 = $a$2$ph;$z$1475 = $z$2; } else { $$pr406 = $sub256;$a$1$lcssa = $a$2$ph;$z$1$lcssa = $z$2; break; } } } else { $$pr406 = $$pr;$a$1$lcssa = $arraydecay208$add$ptr213;$z$1$lcssa = $incdec$ptr217; } $cmp259464 = ($$pr406|0)<(0); if ($cmp259464) { $add273 = (($$p) + 25)|0; $div274 = (($add273|0) / 9)&-1; $add275 = (($div274) + 1)|0; $cmp299 = ($or|0)==(102); $34 = $$pr406;$a$3466 = $a$1$lcssa;$z$3465 = $z$1$lcssa; while(1) { $sub264 = (0 - ($34))|0; $35 = ($sub264|0)<(9); $cond271 = $35 ? $sub264 : 9; $cmp277460 = ($a$3466>>>0)<($z$3465>>>0); if ($cmp277460) { $shl280 = 1 << $cond271; $sub281 = (($shl280) + -1)|0; $shr285 = 1000000000 >>> $cond271; $carry262$0462 = 0;$d$1461 = $a$3466; while(1) { $37 = HEAP32[$d$1461>>2]|0; $and282 = $37 & $sub281; $shr283 = $37 >>> $cond271; $add284 = (($shr283) + ($carry262$0462))|0; HEAP32[$d$1461>>2] = $add284; $mul286 = Math_imul($and282, $shr285)|0; $incdec$ptr288 = ((($d$1461)) + 4|0); $cmp277 = ($incdec$ptr288>>>0)<($z$3465>>>0); if ($cmp277) { $carry262$0462 = $mul286;$d$1461 = $incdec$ptr288; } else { break; } } $38 = HEAP32[$a$3466>>2]|0; $tobool290 = ($38|0)==(0); $incdec$ptr292 = ((($a$3466)) + 4|0); $incdec$ptr292$a$3 = $tobool290 ? $incdec$ptr292 : $a$3466; $tobool294 = ($mul286|0)==(0); if ($tobool294) { $incdec$ptr292$a$3496 = $incdec$ptr292$a$3;$z$4 = $z$3465; } else { $incdec$ptr296 = ((($z$3465)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$z$3465>>2] = $mul286; $incdec$ptr292$a$3496 = $incdec$ptr292$a$3;$z$4 = $incdec$ptr296; } } else { $36 = HEAP32[$a$3466>>2]|0; $tobool290492 = ($36|0)==(0); $incdec$ptr292493 = ((($a$3466)) + 4|0); $incdec$ptr292$a$3494 = $tobool290492 ? $incdec$ptr292493 : $a$3466; $incdec$ptr292$a$3496 = $incdec$ptr292$a$3494;$z$4 = $z$3465; } $cond304 = $cmp299 ? $arraydecay208$add$ptr213 : $incdec$ptr292$a$3496; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast305 = $z$4; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast306 = $cond304; $sub$ptr$sub307 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast305) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast306))|0; $sub$ptr$div = $sub$ptr$sub307 >> 2; $cmp308 = ($sub$ptr$div|0)>($add275|0); $add$ptr311 = (($cond304) + ($add275<<2)|0); $add$ptr311$z$4 = $cmp308 ? $add$ptr311 : $z$4; $39 = HEAP32[$e2>>2]|0; $add313 = (($39) + ($cond271))|0; HEAP32[$e2>>2] = $add313; $cmp259 = ($add313|0)<(0); if ($cmp259) { $34 = $add313;$a$3466 = $incdec$ptr292$a$3496;$z$3465 = $add$ptr311$z$4; } else { $a$3$lcssa = $incdec$ptr292$a$3496;$z$3$lcssa = $add$ptr311$z$4; break; } } } else { $a$3$lcssa = $a$1$lcssa;$z$3$lcssa = $z$1$lcssa; } $cmp315 = ($a$3$lcssa>>>0)<($z$3$lcssa>>>0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast318 = $arraydecay208$add$ptr213; if ($cmp315) { $sub$ptr$rhs$cast319 = $a$3$lcssa; $sub$ptr$sub320 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast318) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast319))|0; $sub$ptr$div321 = $sub$ptr$sub320 >> 2; $mul322 = ($sub$ptr$div321*9)|0; $40 = HEAP32[$a$3$lcssa>>2]|0; $cmp324456 = ($40>>>0)<(10); if ($cmp324456) { $e$1 = $mul322; } else { $e$0458 = $mul322;$i$0457 = 10; while(1) { $mul328 = ($i$0457*10)|0; $inc = (($e$0458) + 1)|0; $cmp324 = ($40>>>0)<($mul328>>>0); if ($cmp324) { $e$1 = $inc; break; } else { $e$0458 = $inc;$i$0457 = $mul328; } } } } else { $e$1 = 0; } $cmp333 = ($or|0)!=(102); $mul335 = $cmp333 ? $e$1 : 0; $sub336 = (($$p) - ($mul335))|0; $cmp338 = ($or|0)==(103); $tobool341 = ($$p|0)!=(0); $41 = $tobool341 & $cmp338; $land$ext$neg = $41 << 31 >> 31; $sub343 = (($sub336) + ($land$ext$neg))|0; $sub$ptr$lhs$cast344 = $z$3$lcssa; $sub$ptr$sub346 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast344) - ($sub$ptr$lhs$cast318))|0; $sub$ptr$div347 = $sub$ptr$sub346 >> 2; $42 = ($sub$ptr$div347*9)|0; $mul349 = (($42) + -9)|0; $cmp350 = ($sub343|0)<($mul349|0); if ($cmp350) { $add$ptr354 = ((($arraydecay208$add$ptr213)) + 4|0); $add355 = (($sub343) + 9216)|0; $div356 = (($add355|0) / 9)&-1; $sub357 = (($div356) + -1024)|0; $add$ptr358 = (($add$ptr354) + ($sub357<<2)|0); $rem360 = (($add355|0) % 9)&-1; $cmp363452 = ($rem360|0)<(8); if ($cmp363452) { $i$1453 = 10;$j$0$in454 = $rem360; while(1) { $j$0 = (($j$0$in454) + 1)|0; $mul367 = ($i$1453*10)|0; $cmp363 = ($j$0$in454|0)<(7); if ($cmp363) { $i$1453 = $mul367;$j$0$in454 = $j$0; } else { $i$1$lcssa = $mul367; break; } } } else { $i$1$lcssa = 10; } $43 = HEAP32[$add$ptr358>>2]|0; $rem370 = (($43>>>0) % ($i$1$lcssa>>>0))&-1; $tobool371 = ($rem370|0)==(0); $add$ptr373 = ((($add$ptr358)) + 4|0); $cmp374 = ($add$ptr373|0)==($z$3$lcssa|0); $or$cond395 = $cmp374 & $tobool371; if ($or$cond395) { $a$8 = $a$3$lcssa;$d$4 = $add$ptr358;$e$4 = $e$1; } else { $div378 = (($43>>>0) / ($i$1$lcssa>>>0))&-1; $and379 = $div378 & 1; $tobool380 = ($and379|0)==(0); $$396 = $tobool380 ? 9007199254740992.0 : 9007199254740994.0; $div384 = (($i$1$lcssa|0) / 2)&-1; $cmp385 = ($rem370>>>0)<($div384>>>0); $cmp390 = ($rem370|0)==($div384|0); $or$cond397 = $cmp374 & $cmp390; $$405 = $or$cond397 ? 1.0 : 1.5; $$$405 = $cmp385 ? 0.5 : $$405; $tobool400 = ($pl$0|0)==(0); if ($tobool400) { $round377$1 = $$396;$small$1 = $$$405; } else { $44 = HEAP8[$prefix$0>>0]|0; $cmp403 = ($44<<24>>24)==(45); $mul406 = - $$396; $mul407 = - $$$405; $mul406$$396 = $cmp403 ? $mul406 : $$396; $mul407$$$405 = $cmp403 ? $mul407 : $$$405; $round377$1 = $mul406$$396;$small$1 = $mul407$$$405; } $sub409 = (($43) - ($rem370))|0; HEAP32[$add$ptr358>>2] = $sub409; $add410 = $round377$1 + $small$1; $cmp411 = $add410 != $round377$1; if ($cmp411) { $add414 = (($sub409) + ($i$1$lcssa))|0; HEAP32[$add$ptr358>>2] = $add414; $cmp416447 = ($add414>>>0)>(999999999); if ($cmp416447) { $a$5449 = $a$3$lcssa;$incdec$ptr419$sink448 = $add$ptr358; while(1) { $incdec$ptr419 = ((($incdec$ptr419$sink448)) + -4|0); HEAP32[$incdec$ptr419$sink448>>2] = 0; $cmp420 = ($incdec$ptr419>>>0)<($a$5449>>>0); if ($cmp420) { $incdec$ptr423 = ((($a$5449)) + -4|0); HEAP32[$incdec$ptr423>>2] = 0; $a$6 = $incdec$ptr423; } else { $a$6 = $a$5449; } $45 = HEAP32[$incdec$ptr419>>2]|0; $inc425 = (($45) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$incdec$ptr419>>2] = $inc425; $cmp416 = ($inc425>>>0)>(999999999); if ($cmp416) { $a$5449 = $a$6;$incdec$ptr419$sink448 = $incdec$ptr419; } else { $a$5$lcssa = $a$6;$incdec$ptr419$sink$lcssa = $incdec$ptr419; break; } } } else { $a$5$lcssa = $a$3$lcssa;$incdec$ptr419$sink$lcssa = $add$ptr358; } $sub$ptr$rhs$cast428 = $a$5$lcssa; $sub$ptr$sub429 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast318) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast428))|0; $sub$ptr$div430 = $sub$ptr$sub429 >> 2; $mul431 = ($sub$ptr$div430*9)|0; $46 = HEAP32[$a$5$lcssa>>2]|0; $cmp433443 = ($46>>>0)<(10); if ($cmp433443) { $a$8 = $a$5$lcssa;$d$4 = $incdec$ptr419$sink$lcssa;$e$4 = $mul431; } else { $e$2445 = $mul431;$i$2444 = 10; while(1) { $mul437 = ($i$2444*10)|0; $inc438 = (($e$2445) + 1)|0; $cmp433 = ($46>>>0)<($mul437>>>0); if ($cmp433) { $a$8 = $a$5$lcssa;$d$4 = $incdec$ptr419$sink$lcssa;$e$4 = $inc438; break; } else { $e$2445 = $inc438;$i$2444 = $mul437; } } } } else { $a$8 = $a$3$lcssa;$d$4 = $add$ptr358;$e$4 = $e$1; } } $add$ptr442 = ((($d$4)) + 4|0); $cmp443 = ($z$3$lcssa>>>0)>($add$ptr442>>>0); $add$ptr442$z$3 = $cmp443 ? $add$ptr442 : $z$3$lcssa; $a$9$ph = $a$8;$e$5$ph = $e$4;$z$7$ph = $add$ptr442$z$3; } else { $a$9$ph = $a$3$lcssa;$e$5$ph = $e$1;$z$7$ph = $z$3$lcssa; } $z$7 = $z$7$ph; while(1) { $cmp450 = ($z$7>>>0)>($a$9$ph>>>0); if (!($cmp450)) { $cmp450$lcssa = 0; break; } $arrayidx453 = ((($z$7)) + -4|0); $47 = HEAP32[$arrayidx453>>2]|0; $tobool454 = ($47|0)==(0); if ($tobool454) { $z$7 = $arrayidx453; } else { $cmp450$lcssa = 1; break; } } $sub626$le = (0 - ($e$5$ph))|0; do { if ($cmp338) { $not$tobool341 = $tobool341 ^ 1; $inc468 = $not$tobool341&1; $$p$inc468 = (($$p) + ($inc468))|0; $cmp470 = ($$p$inc468|0)>($e$5$ph|0); $cmp473 = ($e$5$ph|0)>(-5); $or$cond2 = $cmp470 & $cmp473; if ($or$cond2) { $dec476 = (($t) + -1)|0; $add477$neg = (($$p$inc468) + -1)|0; $sub478 = (($add477$neg) - ($e$5$ph))|0; $p$addr$2 = $sub478;$t$addr$0 = $dec476; } else { $sub480 = (($t) + -2)|0; $dec481 = (($$p$inc468) + -1)|0; $p$addr$2 = $dec481;$t$addr$0 = $sub480; } $and483 = $fl & 8; $tobool484 = ($and483|0)==(0); if ($tobool484) { if ($cmp450$lcssa) { $arrayidx489 = ((($z$7)) + -4|0); $48 = HEAP32[$arrayidx489>>2]|0; $tobool490 = ($48|0)==(0); if ($tobool490) { $j$2 = 9; } else { $rem494438 = (($48>>>0) % 10)&-1; $cmp495439 = ($rem494438|0)==(0); if ($cmp495439) { $i$3440 = 10;$j$1441 = 0; while(1) { $mul499 = ($i$3440*10)|0; $inc500 = (($j$1441) + 1)|0; $rem494 = (($48>>>0) % ($mul499>>>0))&-1; $cmp495 = ($rem494|0)==(0); if ($cmp495) { $i$3440 = $mul499;$j$1441 = $inc500; } else { $j$2 = $inc500; break; } } } else { $j$2 = 0; } } } else { $j$2 = 9; } $or504 = $t$addr$0 | 32; $cmp505 = ($or504|0)==(102); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast508 = $z$7; $sub$ptr$sub510 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast508) - ($sub$ptr$lhs$cast318))|0; $sub$ptr$div511 = $sub$ptr$sub510 >> 2; $49 = ($sub$ptr$div511*9)|0; $mul513 = (($49) + -9)|0; if ($cmp505) { $sub514 = (($mul513) - ($j$2))|0; $50 = ($sub514|0)>(0); $$sub514 = $50 ? $sub514 : 0; $cmp528 = ($p$addr$2|0)<($$sub514|0); $p$addr$2$$sub514398 = $cmp528 ? $p$addr$2 : $$sub514; $and610$pre$phiZ2D = 0;$p$addr$3 = $p$addr$2$$sub514398;$t$addr$1 = $t$addr$0; break; } else { $add561 = (($mul513) + ($e$5$ph))|0; $sub562 = (($add561) - ($j$2))|0; $51 = ($sub562|0)>(0); $$sub562 = $51 ? $sub562 : 0; $cmp577 = ($p$addr$2|0)<($$sub562|0); $p$addr$2$$sub562399 = $cmp577 ? $p$addr$2 : $$sub562; $and610$pre$phiZ2D = 0;$p$addr$3 = $p$addr$2$$sub562399;$t$addr$1 = $t$addr$0; break; } } else { $and610$pre$phiZ2D = $and483;$p$addr$3 = $p$addr$2;$t$addr$1 = $t$addr$0; } } else { $$pre489 = $fl & 8; $and610$pre$phiZ2D = $$pre489;$p$addr$3 = $$p;$t$addr$1 = $t; } } while(0); $52 = $p$addr$3 | $and610$pre$phiZ2D; $53 = ($52|0)!=(0); $lor$ext = $53&1; $or613 = $t$addr$1 | 32; $cmp614 = ($or613|0)==(102); if ($cmp614) { $cmp617 = ($e$5$ph|0)>(0); $add620 = $cmp617 ? $e$5$ph : 0; $estr$2 = 0;$sub$ptr$sub650$pn = $add620; } else { $cmp623 = ($e$5$ph|0)<(0); $cond629 = $cmp623 ? $sub626$le : $e$5$ph; $54 = ($cond629|0)<(0); $55 = $54 << 31 >> 31; $56 = (_fmt_u($cond629,$55,$arrayidx)|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast633 = $arrayidx; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast634432 = $56; $sub$ptr$sub635433 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast633) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast634432))|0; $cmp636434 = ($sub$ptr$sub635433|0)<(2); if ($cmp636434) { $estr$1435 = $56; while(1) { $incdec$ptr639 = ((($estr$1435)) + -1|0); HEAP8[$incdec$ptr639>>0] = 48; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast634 = $incdec$ptr639; $sub$ptr$sub635 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast633) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast634))|0; $cmp636 = ($sub$ptr$sub635|0)<(2); if ($cmp636) { $estr$1435 = $incdec$ptr639; } else { $estr$1$lcssa = $incdec$ptr639; break; } } } else { $estr$1$lcssa = $56; } $57 = $e$5$ph >> 31; $58 = $57 & 2; $59 = (($58) + 43)|0; $conv644 = $59&255; $incdec$ptr645 = ((($estr$1$lcssa)) + -1|0); HEAP8[$incdec$ptr645>>0] = $conv644; $conv646 = $t$addr$1&255; $incdec$ptr647 = ((($estr$1$lcssa)) + -2|0); HEAP8[$incdec$ptr647>>0] = $conv646; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast649 = $incdec$ptr647; $sub$ptr$sub650 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast633) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast649))|0; $estr$2 = $incdec$ptr647;$sub$ptr$sub650$pn = $sub$ptr$sub650; } $add608 = (($pl$0) + 1)|0; $add612 = (($add608) + ($p$addr$3))|0; $l$1 = (($add612) + ($lor$ext))|0; $add653 = (($l$1) + ($sub$ptr$sub650$pn))|0; _pad_108($f,32,$w,$add653,$fl); _out_102($f,$prefix$0,$pl$0); $xor655 = $fl ^ 65536; _pad_108($f,48,$w,$add653,$xor655); if ($cmp614) { $cmp660 = ($a$9$ph>>>0)>($arraydecay208$add$ptr213>>>0); $r$0$a$9 = $cmp660 ? $arraydecay208$add$ptr213 : $a$9$ph; $add$ptr671 = ((($buf)) + 9|0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast694 = $add$ptr671; $incdec$ptr689 = ((($buf)) + 8|0); $d$5423 = $r$0$a$9; while(1) { $60 = HEAP32[$d$5423>>2]|0; $61 = (_fmt_u($60,0,$add$ptr671)|0); $cmp673 = ($d$5423|0)==($r$0$a$9|0); if ($cmp673) { $cmp686 = ($61|0)==($add$ptr671|0); if ($cmp686) { HEAP8[$incdec$ptr689>>0] = 48; $s668$1 = $incdec$ptr689; } else { $s668$1 = $61; } } else { $cmp678420 = ($61>>>0)>($buf>>>0); if ($cmp678420) { $62 = $61; $63 = (($62) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; _memset(($buf|0),48,($63|0))|0; $s668$0421 = $61; while(1) { $incdec$ptr681 = ((($s668$0421)) + -1|0); $cmp678 = ($incdec$ptr681>>>0)>($buf>>>0); if ($cmp678) { $s668$0421 = $incdec$ptr681; } else { $s668$1 = $incdec$ptr681; break; } } } else { $s668$1 = $61; } } $sub$ptr$rhs$cast695 = $s668$1; $sub$ptr$sub696 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast694) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast695))|0; _out_102($f,$s668$1,$sub$ptr$sub696); $incdec$ptr698 = ((($d$5423)) + 4|0); $cmp665 = ($incdec$ptr698>>>0)>($arraydecay208$add$ptr213>>>0); if ($cmp665) { break; } else { $d$5423 = $incdec$ptr698; } } $64 = ($52|0)==(0); if (!($64)) { _out_102($f,31476,1); } $cmp707415 = ($incdec$ptr698>>>0)<($z$7>>>0); $cmp710416 = ($p$addr$3|0)>(0); $65 = $cmp707415 & $cmp710416; if ($65) { $d$6417 = $incdec$ptr698;$p$addr$4418 = $p$addr$3; while(1) { $66 = HEAP32[$d$6417>>2]|0; $67 = (_fmt_u($66,0,$add$ptr671)|0); $cmp722412 = ($67>>>0)>($buf>>>0); if ($cmp722412) { $68 = $67; $69 = (($68) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; _memset(($buf|0),48,($69|0))|0; $s715$0413 = $67; while(1) { $incdec$ptr725 = ((($s715$0413)) + -1|0); $cmp722 = ($incdec$ptr725>>>0)>($buf>>>0); if ($cmp722) { $s715$0413 = $incdec$ptr725; } else { $s715$0$lcssa = $incdec$ptr725; break; } } } else { $s715$0$lcssa = $67; } $70 = ($p$addr$4418|0)<(9); $cond732 = $70 ? $p$addr$4418 : 9; _out_102($f,$s715$0$lcssa,$cond732); $incdec$ptr734 = ((($d$6417)) + 4|0); $sub735 = (($p$addr$4418) + -9)|0; $cmp707 = ($incdec$ptr734>>>0)<($z$7>>>0); $cmp710 = ($p$addr$4418|0)>(9); $71 = $cmp707 & $cmp710; if ($71) { $d$6417 = $incdec$ptr734;$p$addr$4418 = $sub735; } else { $p$addr$4$lcssa = $sub735; break; } } } else { $p$addr$4$lcssa = $p$addr$3; } $add737 = (($p$addr$4$lcssa) + 9)|0; _pad_108($f,48,$add737,9,0); } else { $add$ptr742 = ((($a$9$ph)) + 4|0); $z$7$add$ptr742 = $cmp450$lcssa ? $z$7 : $add$ptr742; $cmp748428 = ($p$addr$3|0)>(-1); if ($cmp748428) { $add$ptr756 = ((($buf)) + 9|0); $tobool781 = ($and610$pre$phiZ2D|0)==(0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast787 = $add$ptr756; $72 = (0 - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $incdec$ptr763 = ((($buf)) + 8|0); $d$7429 = $a$9$ph;$p$addr$5430 = $p$addr$3; while(1) { $73 = HEAP32[$d$7429>>2]|0; $74 = (_fmt_u($73,0,$add$ptr756)|0); $cmp760 = ($74|0)==($add$ptr756|0); if ($cmp760) { HEAP8[$incdec$ptr763>>0] = 48; $s753$0 = $incdec$ptr763; } else { $s753$0 = $74; } $cmp765 = ($d$7429|0)==($a$9$ph|0); do { if ($cmp765) { $incdec$ptr776 = ((($s753$0)) + 1|0); _out_102($f,$s753$0,1); $cmp777 = ($p$addr$5430|0)<(1); $or$cond401 = $tobool781 & $cmp777; if ($or$cond401) { $s753$2 = $incdec$ptr776; break; } _out_102($f,31476,1); $s753$2 = $incdec$ptr776; } else { $cmp770424 = ($s753$0>>>0)>($buf>>>0); if (!($cmp770424)) { $s753$2 = $s753$0; break; } $scevgep483 = (($s753$0) + ($72)|0); $scevgep483484 = $scevgep483; _memset(($buf|0),48,($scevgep483484|0))|0; $s753$1425 = $s753$0; while(1) { $incdec$ptr773 = ((($s753$1425)) + -1|0); $cmp770 = ($incdec$ptr773>>>0)>($buf>>>0); if ($cmp770) { $s753$1425 = $incdec$ptr773; } else { $s753$2 = $incdec$ptr773; break; } } } } while(0); $sub$ptr$rhs$cast788 = $s753$2; $sub$ptr$sub789 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast787) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast788))|0; $cmp790 = ($p$addr$5430|0)>($sub$ptr$sub789|0); $cond800 = $cmp790 ? $sub$ptr$sub789 : $p$addr$5430; _out_102($f,$s753$2,$cond800); $sub806 = (($p$addr$5430) - ($sub$ptr$sub789))|0; $incdec$ptr808 = ((($d$7429)) + 4|0); $cmp745 = ($incdec$ptr808>>>0)<($z$7$add$ptr742>>>0); $cmp748 = ($sub806|0)>(-1); $75 = $cmp745 & $cmp748; if ($75) { $d$7429 = $incdec$ptr808;$p$addr$5430 = $sub806; } else { $p$addr$5$lcssa = $sub806; break; } } } else { $p$addr$5$lcssa = $p$addr$3; } $add810 = (($p$addr$5$lcssa) + 18)|0; _pad_108($f,48,$add810,18,0); $sub$ptr$lhs$cast811 = $arrayidx; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast812 = $estr$2; $sub$ptr$sub813 = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast811) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast812))|0; _out_102($f,$estr$2,$sub$ptr$sub813); } $xor816 = $fl ^ 8192; _pad_108($f,32,$w,$add653,$xor816); $add653$sink402 = $add653; } } while(0); $cmp818 = ($add653$sink402|0)<($w|0); $w$add653 = $cmp818 ? $w : $add653$sink402; STACKTOP = sp;return ($w$add653|0); } function ___DOUBLE_BITS($__f) { $__f = +$__f; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; HEAPF64[tempDoublePtr>>3] = $__f;$0 = HEAP32[tempDoublePtr>>2]|0; $1 = HEAP32[tempDoublePtr+4>>2]|0; tempRet0 = ($1); return ($0|0); } function _frexpl($x,$e) { $x = +$x; $e = $e|0; var $call = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $call = (+_frexp($x,$e)); return (+$call); } function _frexp($x,$e) { $x = +$x; $e = $e|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $call = 0.0, $conv = 0, $mul = 0.0, $retval$0 = 0.0, $storemerge = 0, $sub = 0, $sub8 = 0, $tobool1 = 0, $trunc$clear = 0, $x$addr$0 = 0.0, label = 0; var sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; HEAPF64[tempDoublePtr>>3] = $x;$0 = HEAP32[tempDoublePtr>>2]|0; $1 = HEAP32[tempDoublePtr+4>>2]|0; $2 = (_bitshift64Lshr(($0|0),($1|0),52)|0); $3 = tempRet0; $4 = $2&65535; $trunc$clear = $4 & 2047; switch ($trunc$clear<<16>>16) { case 0: { $tobool1 = $x != 0.0; if ($tobool1) { $mul = $x * 1.8446744073709552E+19; $call = (+_frexp($mul,$e)); $5 = HEAP32[$e>>2]|0; $sub = (($5) + -64)|0; $storemerge = $sub;$x$addr$0 = $call; } else { $storemerge = 0;$x$addr$0 = $x; } HEAP32[$e>>2] = $storemerge; $retval$0 = $x$addr$0; break; } case 2047: { $retval$0 = $x; break; } default: { $conv = $2 & 2047; $sub8 = (($conv) + -1022)|0; HEAP32[$e>>2] = $sub8; $6 = $1 & -2146435073; $7 = $6 | 1071644672; HEAP32[tempDoublePtr>>2] = $0;HEAP32[tempDoublePtr+4>>2] = $7;$8 = +HEAPF64[tempDoublePtr>>3]; $retval$0 = $8; } } return (+$retval$0); } function _wcrtomb($s,$wc,$st) { $s = $s|0; $wc = $wc|0; $st = $st|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $and = 0, $and32 = 0, $and36 = 0, $and49 = 0, $and54 = 0, $and58 = 0, $call = 0, $call10 = 0, $call66 = 0, $cmp = 0; var $cmp14 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp24 = 0, $cmp41 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $conv = 0, $conv12 = 0, $conv17 = 0, $conv19 = 0, $conv29 = 0, $conv34 = 0, $conv38 = 0, $conv46 = 0, $conv51 = 0, $conv56 = 0, $conv60 = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $incdec$ptr30 = 0, $incdec$ptr35 = 0, $incdec$ptr47 = 0; var $incdec$ptr52 = 0, $incdec$ptr57 = 0, $locale = 0, $or = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or18 = 0, $or28 = 0, $or33 = 0, $or37 = 0, $or45 = 0, $or50 = 0, $or55 = 0, $or59 = 0, $retval$0 = 0, $sub40 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool2 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $tobool = ($s|0)==(0|0); do { if ($tobool) { $retval$0 = 1; } else { $cmp = ($wc>>>0)<(128); if ($cmp) { $conv = $wc&255; HEAP8[$s>>0] = $conv; $retval$0 = 1; break; } $call = (___pthread_self_581()|0); $locale = ((($call)) + 188|0); $0 = HEAP32[$locale>>2]|0; $1 = HEAP32[$0>>2]|0; $tobool2 = ($1|0)==(0|0); if ($tobool2) { $2 = $wc & -128; $cmp7 = ($2|0)==(57216); if ($cmp7) { $conv12 = $wc&255; HEAP8[$s>>0] = $conv12; $retval$0 = 1; break; } else { $call10 = (___errno_location()|0); HEAP32[$call10>>2] = 84; $retval$0 = -1; break; } } $cmp14 = ($wc>>>0)<(2048); if ($cmp14) { $3 = $wc >>> 6; $or = $3 | 192; $conv17 = $or&255; $incdec$ptr = ((($s)) + 1|0); HEAP8[$s>>0] = $conv17; $and = $wc & 63; $or18 = $and | 128; $conv19 = $or18&255; HEAP8[$incdec$ptr>>0] = $conv19; $retval$0 = 2; break; } $cmp21 = ($wc>>>0)<(55296); $4 = $wc & -8192; $cmp24 = ($4|0)==(57344); $or$cond = $cmp21 | $cmp24; if ($or$cond) { $5 = $wc >>> 12; $or28 = $5 | 224; $conv29 = $or28&255; $incdec$ptr30 = ((($s)) + 1|0); HEAP8[$s>>0] = $conv29; $6 = $wc >>> 6; $and32 = $6 & 63; $or33 = $and32 | 128; $conv34 = $or33&255; $incdec$ptr35 = ((($s)) + 2|0); HEAP8[$incdec$ptr30>>0] = $conv34; $and36 = $wc & 63; $or37 = $and36 | 128; $conv38 = $or37&255; HEAP8[$incdec$ptr35>>0] = $conv38; $retval$0 = 3; break; } $sub40 = (($wc) + -65536)|0; $cmp41 = ($sub40>>>0)<(1048576); if ($cmp41) { $7 = $wc >>> 18; $or45 = $7 | 240; $conv46 = $or45&255; $incdec$ptr47 = ((($s)) + 1|0); HEAP8[$s>>0] = $conv46; $8 = $wc >>> 12; $and49 = $8 & 63; $or50 = $and49 | 128; $conv51 = $or50&255; $incdec$ptr52 = ((($s)) + 2|0); HEAP8[$incdec$ptr47>>0] = $conv51; $9 = $wc >>> 6; $and54 = $9 & 63; $or55 = $and54 | 128; $conv56 = $or55&255; $incdec$ptr57 = ((($s)) + 3|0); HEAP8[$incdec$ptr52>>0] = $conv56; $and58 = $wc & 63; $or59 = $and58 | 128; $conv60 = $or59&255; HEAP8[$incdec$ptr57>>0] = $conv60; $retval$0 = 4; break; } else { $call66 = (___errno_location()|0); HEAP32[$call66>>2] = 84; $retval$0 = -1; break; } } } while(0); return ($retval$0|0); } function ___pthread_self_581() { var $call = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $call = (_pthread_self()|0); return ($call|0); } function _pthread_self() { var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return (22508|0); } function ___pthread_self_822() { var $call = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $call = (_pthread_self()|0); return ($call|0); } function ___strerror_l($e,$loc) { $e = $e|0; $loc = $loc|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx15 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $conv = 0, $dec = 0, $i$012 = 0, $i$111 = 0, $inc = 0, $incdec$ptr = 0, $s$0$lcssa = 0, $s$010 = 0, $s$1 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool5 = 0, $tobool59 = 0, $tobool8 = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $i$012 = 0; while(1) { $arrayidx = (31478 + ($i$012)|0); $0 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $conv = $0&255; $cmp = ($conv|0)==($e|0); if ($cmp) { label = 2; break; } $inc = (($i$012) + 1)|0; $tobool = ($inc|0)==(87); if ($tobool) { $i$111 = 87;$s$010 = 31566; label = 5; break; } else { $i$012 = $inc; } } if ((label|0) == 2) { $tobool59 = ($i$012|0)==(0); if ($tobool59) { $s$0$lcssa = 31566; } else { $i$111 = $i$012;$s$010 = 31566; label = 5; } } if ((label|0) == 5) { while(1) { label = 0; $s$1 = $s$010; while(1) { $1 = HEAP8[$s$1>>0]|0; $tobool8 = ($1<<24>>24)==(0); $incdec$ptr = ((($s$1)) + 1|0); if ($tobool8) { break; } else { $s$1 = $incdec$ptr; } } $dec = (($i$111) + -1)|0; $tobool5 = ($dec|0)==(0); if ($tobool5) { $s$0$lcssa = $incdec$ptr; break; } else { $i$111 = $dec;$s$010 = $incdec$ptr; label = 5; } } } $arrayidx15 = ((($loc)) + 20|0); $2 = HEAP32[$arrayidx15>>2]|0; $call = (___lctrans($s$0$lcssa,$2)|0); return ($call|0); } function ___lctrans($msg,$lm) { $msg = $msg|0; $lm = $lm|0; var $call = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $call = (___lctrans_impl($msg,$lm)|0); return ($call|0); } function ___lctrans_impl($msg,$lm) { $msg = $msg|0; $lm = $lm|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $call = 0, $cond = 0, $map_size = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool1 = 0, $trans$0 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $tobool = ($lm|0)==(0|0); if ($tobool) { $trans$0 = 0; } else { $0 = HEAP32[$lm>>2]|0; $map_size = ((($lm)) + 4|0); $1 = HEAP32[$map_size>>2]|0; $call = (___mo_lookup($0,$1,$msg)|0); $trans$0 = $call; } $tobool1 = ($trans$0|0)!=(0|0); $cond = $tobool1 ? $trans$0 : $msg; return ($cond|0); } function ___mo_lookup($p,$size,$s) { $p = $p|0; $size = $size|0; $s = $s|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr65 = 0, $add$ptr65$ = 0, $add16 = 0, $add23 = 0, $add31 = 0, $add42 = 0, $add49 = 0, $add59 = 0; var $arrayidx = 0, $arrayidx1 = 0, $arrayidx17 = 0, $arrayidx24 = 0, $arrayidx3 = 0, $arrayidx32 = 0, $arrayidx43 = 0, $arrayidx50 = 0, $arrayidx60 = 0, $b$0 = 0, $b$1 = 0, $call = 0, $call18 = 0, $call2 = 0, $call25 = 0, $call36 = 0, $call4 = 0, $call44 = 0, $call51 = 0, $cmp = 0; var $cmp10 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp29 = 0, $cmp52 = 0, $cmp56 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $cmp67 = 0, $cmp71 = 0, $div = 0, $div12 = 0, $div13 = 0, $div14 = 0, $mul = 0, $mul15 = 0, $n$0 = 0, $n$1 = 0, $or = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond66 = 0, $or$cond67 = 0; var $rem = 0, $retval$4 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub28 = 0, $sub5 = 0, $sub55 = 0, $sub79 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool33 = 0, $tobool37 = 0, $tobool62 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $0 = HEAP32[$p>>2]|0; $sub = (($0) + 1794895138)|0; $arrayidx = ((($p)) + 8|0); $1 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $call = (_swapc($1,$sub)|0); $arrayidx1 = ((($p)) + 12|0); $2 = HEAP32[$arrayidx1>>2]|0; $call2 = (_swapc($2,$sub)|0); $arrayidx3 = ((($p)) + 16|0); $3 = HEAP32[$arrayidx3>>2]|0; $call4 = (_swapc($3,$sub)|0); $div = $size >>> 2; $cmp = ($call>>>0)<($div>>>0); L1: do { if ($cmp) { $mul = $call << 2; $sub5 = (($size) - ($mul))|0; $cmp6 = ($call2>>>0)<($sub5>>>0); $cmp10 = ($call4>>>0)<($sub5>>>0); $or$cond = $cmp6 & $cmp10; if ($or$cond) { $or = $call4 | $call2; $rem = $or & 3; $tobool = ($rem|0)==(0); if ($tobool) { $div12 = $call2 >>> 2; $div13 = $call4 >>> 2; $b$0 = 0;$n$0 = $call; while(1) { $div14 = $n$0 >>> 1; $add = (($b$0) + ($div14))|0; $mul15 = $add << 1; $add16 = (($mul15) + ($div12))|0; $arrayidx17 = (($p) + ($add16<<2)|0); $4 = HEAP32[$arrayidx17>>2]|0; $call18 = (_swapc($4,$sub)|0); $add23 = (($add16) + 1)|0; $arrayidx24 = (($p) + ($add23<<2)|0); $5 = HEAP32[$arrayidx24>>2]|0; $call25 = (_swapc($5,$sub)|0); $cmp26 = ($call25>>>0)<($size>>>0); $sub28 = (($size) - ($call25))|0; $cmp29 = ($call18>>>0)<($sub28>>>0); $or$cond66 = $cmp26 & $cmp29; if (!($or$cond66)) { $retval$4 = 0; break L1; } $add31 = (($call25) + ($call18))|0; $arrayidx32 = (($p) + ($add31)|0); $6 = HEAP8[$arrayidx32>>0]|0; $tobool33 = ($6<<24>>24)==(0); if (!($tobool33)) { $retval$4 = 0; break L1; } $add$ptr = (($p) + ($call25)|0); $call36 = (_strcmp($s,$add$ptr)|0); $tobool37 = ($call36|0)==(0); if ($tobool37) { break; } $cmp67 = ($n$0|0)==(1); $cmp71 = ($call36|0)<(0); $sub79 = (($n$0) - ($div14))|0; $n$1 = $cmp71 ? $div14 : $sub79; $b$1 = $cmp71 ? $b$0 : $add; if ($cmp67) { $retval$4 = 0; break L1; } else { $b$0 = $b$1;$n$0 = $n$1; } } $add42 = (($mul15) + ($div13))|0; $arrayidx43 = (($p) + ($add42<<2)|0); $7 = HEAP32[$arrayidx43>>2]|0; $call44 = (_swapc($7,$sub)|0); $add49 = (($add42) + 1)|0; $arrayidx50 = (($p) + ($add49<<2)|0); $8 = HEAP32[$arrayidx50>>2]|0; $call51 = (_swapc($8,$sub)|0); $cmp52 = ($call51>>>0)<($size>>>0); $sub55 = (($size) - ($call51))|0; $cmp56 = ($call44>>>0)<($sub55>>>0); $or$cond67 = $cmp52 & $cmp56; if ($or$cond67) { $add$ptr65 = (($p) + ($call51)|0); $add59 = (($call51) + ($call44))|0; $arrayidx60 = (($p) + ($add59)|0); $9 = HEAP8[$arrayidx60>>0]|0; $tobool62 = ($9<<24>>24)==(0); $add$ptr65$ = $tobool62 ? $add$ptr65 : 0; $retval$4 = $add$ptr65$; } else { $retval$4 = 0; } } else { $retval$4 = 0; } } else { $retval$4 = 0; } } else { $retval$4 = 0; } } while(0); return ($retval$4|0); } function _swapc($x,$c) { $x = $x|0; $c = $c|0; var $or5 = 0, $tobool = 0, $x$or5 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $tobool = ($c|0)==(0); $or5 = (_llvm_bswap_i32(($x|0))|0); $x$or5 = $tobool ? $x : $or5; return ($x$or5|0); } function ___fwritex($s,$l,$f) { $s = $s|0; $l = $l|0; $f = $f|0; var $$pre = 0, $$pre33 = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr26 = 0, $arrayidx = 0, $call = 0, $call16 = 0, $call4 = 0; var $cmp = 0, $cmp11 = 0, $cmp17 = 0, $cmp6 = 0, $i$0 = 0, $i$1 = 0, $l$addr$0 = 0, $l$addr$1 = 0, $lbf = 0, $retval$1 = 0, $s$addr$1 = 0, $sub = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool1 = 0, $tobool9 = 0, $wend = 0, $wpos = 0, $write = 0, $write15 = 0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $wend = ((($f)) + 16|0); $0 = HEAP32[$wend>>2]|0; $tobool = ($0|0)==(0|0); if ($tobool) { $call = (___towrite($f)|0); $tobool1 = ($call|0)==(0); if ($tobool1) { $$pre = HEAP32[$wend>>2]|0; $3 = $$pre; label = 5; } else { $retval$1 = 0; } } else { $1 = $0; $3 = $1; label = 5; } L5: do { if ((label|0) == 5) { $wpos = ((($f)) + 20|0); $2 = HEAP32[$wpos>>2]|0; $sub$ptr$sub = (($3) - ($2))|0; $cmp = ($sub$ptr$sub>>>0)<($l>>>0); $4 = $2; if ($cmp) { $write = ((($f)) + 36|0); $5 = HEAP32[$write>>2]|0; $call4 = (FUNCTION_TABLE_iiii[$5 & 31]($f,$s,$l)|0); $retval$1 = $call4; break; } $lbf = ((($f)) + 75|0); $6 = HEAP8[$lbf>>0]|0; $cmp6 = ($6<<24>>24)>(-1); L10: do { if ($cmp6) { $i$0 = $l; while(1) { $tobool9 = ($i$0|0)==(0); if ($tobool9) { $9 = $4;$i$1 = 0;$l$addr$1 = $l;$s$addr$1 = $s; break L10; } $sub = (($i$0) + -1)|0; $arrayidx = (($s) + ($sub)|0); $7 = HEAP8[$arrayidx>>0]|0; $cmp11 = ($7<<24>>24)==(10); if ($cmp11) { break; } else { $i$0 = $sub; } } $write15 = ((($f)) + 36|0); $8 = HEAP32[$write15>>2]|0; $call16 = (FUNCTION_TABLE_iiii[$8 & 31]($f,$s,$i$0)|0); $cmp17 = ($call16>>>0)<($i$0>>>0); if ($cmp17) { $retval$1 = $call16; break L5; } $add$ptr = (($s) + ($i$0)|0); $l$addr$0 = (($l) - ($i$0))|0; $$pre33 = HEAP32[$wpos>>2]|0; $9 = $$pre33;$i$1 = $i$0;$l$addr$1 = $l$addr$0;$s$addr$1 = $add$ptr; } else { $9 = $4;$i$1 = 0;$l$addr$1 = $l;$s$addr$1 = $s; } } while(0); _memcpy(($9|0),($s$addr$1|0),($l$addr$1|0))|0; $10 = HEAP32[$wpos>>2]|0; $add$ptr26 = (($10) + ($l$addr$1)|0); HEAP32[$wpos>>2] = $add$ptr26; $add = (($i$1) + ($l$addr$1))|0; $retval$1 = $add; } } while(0); return ($retval$1|0); } function ___towrite($f) { $f = $f|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $and = 0, $buf = 0, $buf_size = 0, $conv = 0, $conv3 = 0, $mode = 0, $or = 0, $or5 = 0, $rend = 0, $retval$0 = 0, $rpos = 0, $sub = 0, $tobool = 0, $wbase = 0; var $wend = 0, $wpos = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $mode = ((($f)) + 74|0); $0 = HEAP8[$mode>>0]|0; $conv = $0 << 24 >> 24; $sub = (($conv) + 255)|0; $or = $sub | $conv; $conv3 = $or&255; HEAP8[$mode>>0] = $conv3; $1 = HEAP32[$f>>2]|0; $and = $1 & 8; $tobool = ($and|0)==(0); if ($tobool) { $rend = ((($f)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$rend>>2] = 0; $rpos = ((($f)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$rpos>>2] = 0; $buf = ((($f)) + 44|0); $2 = HEAP32[$buf>>2]|0; $wbase = ((($f)) + 28|0); HEAP32[$wbase>>2] = $2; $wpos = ((($f)) + 20|0); HEAP32[$wpos>>2] = $2; $3 = $2; $buf_size = ((($f)) + 48|0); $4 = HEAP32[$buf_size>>2]|0; $add$ptr = (($3) + ($4)|0); $wend = ((($f)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$wend>>2] = $add$ptr; $retval$0 = 0; } else { $or5 = $1 | 32; HEAP32[$f>>2] = $or5; $retval$0 = -1; } return ($retval$0|0); } function ___ofl_lock() { var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; ___lock((34092|0)); return (34100|0); } function ___ofl_unlock() { var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; ___unlock((34092|0)); return; } function _fflush($f) { $f = $f|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $call = 0, $call1 = 0, $call11 = 0, $call118 = 0, $call17 = 0, $call23 = 0, $call7 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp15 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cond10 = 0, $cond20 = 0, $f$addr$0 = 0, $f$addr$019 = 0; var $f$addr$022 = 0, $lock = 0, $lock14 = 0, $next = 0, $or = 0, $phitmp = 0, $r$0$lcssa = 0, $r$021 = 0, $r$1 = 0, $retval$0 = 0, $tobool = 0, $tobool12 = 0, $tobool1220 = 0, $tobool25 = 0, $tobool5 = 0, $wbase = 0, $wpos = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $tobool = ($f|0)==(0|0); do { if ($tobool) { $1 = HEAP32[5626]|0; $tobool5 = ($1|0)==(0|0); if ($tobool5) { $cond10 = 0; } else { $2 = HEAP32[5626]|0; $call7 = (_fflush($2)|0); $cond10 = $call7; } $call11 = (___ofl_lock()|0); $f$addr$019 = HEAP32[$call11>>2]|0; $tobool1220 = ($f$addr$019|0)==(0|0); if ($tobool1220) { $r$0$lcssa = $cond10; } else { $f$addr$022 = $f$addr$019;$r$021 = $cond10; while(1) { $lock14 = ((($f$addr$022)) + 76|0); $3 = HEAP32[$lock14>>2]|0; $cmp15 = ($3|0)>(-1); if ($cmp15) { $call17 = (___lockfile($f$addr$022)|0); $cond20 = $call17; } else { $cond20 = 0; } $wpos = ((($f$addr$022)) + 20|0); $4 = HEAP32[$wpos>>2]|0; $wbase = ((($f$addr$022)) + 28|0); $5 = HEAP32[$wbase>>2]|0; $cmp21 = ($4>>>0)>($5>>>0); if ($cmp21) { $call23 = (___fflush_unlocked($f$addr$022)|0); $or = $call23 | $r$021; $r$1 = $or; } else { $r$1 = $r$021; } $tobool25 = ($cond20|0)==(0); if (!($tobool25)) { ___unlockfile($f$addr$022); } $next = ((($f$addr$022)) + 56|0); $f$addr$0 = HEAP32[$next>>2]|0; $tobool12 = ($f$addr$0|0)==(0|0); if ($tobool12) { $r$0$lcssa = $r$1; break; } else { $f$addr$022 = $f$addr$0;$r$021 = $r$1; } } } ___ofl_unlock(); $retval$0 = $r$0$lcssa; } else { $lock = ((($f)) + 76|0); $0 = HEAP32[$lock>>2]|0; $cmp = ($0|0)>(-1); if (!($cmp)) { $call118 = (___fflush_unlocked($f)|0); $retval$0 = $call118; break; } $call = (___lockfile($f)|0); $phitmp = ($call|0)==(0); $call1 = (___fflush_unlocked($f)|0); if ($phitmp) { $retval$0 = $call1; } else { ___unlockfile($f); $retval$0 = $call1; } } } while(0); return ($retval$0|0); } function ___fflush_unlocked($f) { $f = $f|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $rend = 0, $retval$0 = 0, $rpos = 0, $seek = 0, $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = 0, $sub$ptr$sub = 0, $tobool = 0, $wbase = 0, $wend = 0, $wpos = 0; var $write = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $wpos = ((($f)) + 20|0); $0 = HEAP32[$wpos>>2]|0; $wbase = ((($f)) + 28|0); $1 = HEAP32[$wbase>>2]|0; $cmp = ($0>>>0)>($1>>>0); if ($cmp) { $write = ((($f)) + 36|0); $2 = HEAP32[$write>>2]|0; (FUNCTION_TABLE_iiii[$2 & 31]($f,0,0)|0); $3 = HEAP32[$wpos>>2]|0; $tobool = ($3|0)==(0|0); if ($tobool) { $retval$0 = -1; } else { label = 3; } } else { label = 3; } if ((label|0) == 3) { $rpos = ((($f)) + 4|0); $4 = HEAP32[$rpos>>2]|0; $rend = ((($f)) + 8|0); $5 = HEAP32[$rend>>2]|0; $cmp4 = ($4>>>0)<($5>>>0); if ($cmp4) { $sub$ptr$lhs$cast = $4; $sub$ptr$rhs$cast = $5; $sub$ptr$sub = (($sub$ptr$lhs$cast) - ($sub$ptr$rhs$cast))|0; $seek = ((($f)) + 40|0); $6 = HEAP32[$seek>>2]|0; (FUNCTION_TABLE_iiii[$6 & 31]($f,$sub$ptr$sub,1)|0); } $wend = ((($f)) + 16|0); HEAP32[$wend>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$wbase>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$wpos>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$rend>>2] = 0; HEAP32[$rpos>>2] = 0; $retval$0 = 0; } return ($retval$0|0); } function _printf($fmt,$varargs) { $fmt = $fmt|0; $varargs = $varargs|0; var $0 = 0, $ap = 0, $call = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(16|0); $ap = sp; HEAP32[$ap>>2] = $varargs; $0 = HEAP32[5594]|0; $call = (_vfprintf($0,$fmt,$ap)|0); STACKTOP = sp;return ($call|0); } function _log10($x) { $x = +$x; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0.0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $16 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add = 0, $add35 = 0; var $add36 = 0, $add46 = 0.0, $add51 = 0.0, $add53 = 0.0, $add56 = 0.0, $add58 = 0.0, $add60 = 0.0, $add62 = 0.0, $add70 = 0.0, $add72 = 0.0, $add77 = 0.0, $add79 = 0.0, $add81 = 0.0, $add82 = 0.0, $add84 = 0.0, $add85 = 0.0, $add86 = 0.0, $and = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp19 = 0; var $cmp23 = 0, $conv74 = 0.0, $div = 0.0, $div11 = 0.0, $div47 = 0.0, $hx$0 = 0, $k$0 = 0, $mul = 0.0, $mul14 = 0.0, $mul44 = 0.0, $mul45 = 0.0, $mul48 = 0.0, $mul49 = 0.0, $mul50 = 0.0, $mul52 = 0.0, $mul54 = 0.0, $mul55 = 0.0, $mul57 = 0.0, $mul59 = 0.0, $mul61 = 0.0; var $mul71 = 0.0, $mul73 = 0.0, $mul75 = 0.0, $mul76 = 0.0, $mul78 = 0.0, $mul80 = 0.0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond73 = 0, $retval$0 = 0.0, $shr33 = 0, $sub = 0.0, $sub43 = 0.0, $sub63 = 0.0, $sub68 = 0.0, $sub69 = 0.0, $sub83 = 0.0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; HEAPF64[tempDoublePtr>>3] = $x;$0 = HEAP32[tempDoublePtr>>2]|0; $1 = HEAP32[tempDoublePtr+4>>2]|0; $cmp = ($1>>>0)<(1048576); $2 = ($1|0)<(0); $or$cond = $2 | $cmp; do { if ($or$cond) { $3 = $1 & 2147483647; $4 = ($0|0)==(0); $5 = ($3|0)==(0); $6 = $4 & $5; if ($6) { $mul = $x * $x; $div = -1.0 / $mul; $retval$0 = $div; break; } if ($2) { $sub = $x - $x; $div11 = $sub / 0.0; $retval$0 = $div11; break; } else { $mul14 = $x * 18014398509481984.0; HEAPF64[tempDoublePtr>>3] = $mul14;$7 = HEAP32[tempDoublePtr>>2]|0; $8 = HEAP32[tempDoublePtr+4>>2]|0; $13 = $7;$17 = $8;$hx$0 = $8;$k$0 = -1077; label = 9; break; } } else { $cmp19 = ($1>>>0)>(2146435071); if ($cmp19) { $retval$0 = $x; } else { $cmp23 = ($1|0)==(1072693248); $9 = ($0|0)==(0); $10 = (0)==(0); $11 = $9 & $10; $or$cond73 = $11 & $cmp23; if ($or$cond73) { $retval$0 = 0.0; } else { $13 = $0;$17 = $1;$hx$0 = $1;$k$0 = -1023; label = 9; } } } } while(0); if ((label|0) == 9) { $add = (($hx$0) + 614242)|0; $shr33 = $add >>> 20; $add35 = (($k$0) + ($shr33))|0; $and = $add & 1048575; $add36 = (($and) + 1072079006)|0; HEAP32[tempDoublePtr>>2] = $13;HEAP32[tempDoublePtr+4>>2] = $add36;$12 = +HEAPF64[tempDoublePtr>>3]; $sub43 = $12 + -1.0; $mul44 = $sub43 * 0.5; $mul45 = $sub43 * $mul44; $add46 = $sub43 + 2.0; $div47 = $sub43 / $add46; $mul48 = $div47 * $div47; $mul49 = $mul48 * $mul48; $mul50 = $mul49 * 0.15313837699209373; $add51 = $mul50 + 0.22222198432149784; $mul52 = $mul49 * $add51; $add53 = $mul52 + 0.39999999999409419; $mul54 = $mul49 * $add53; $mul55 = $mul49 * 0.14798198605116586; $add56 = $mul55 + 0.1818357216161805; $mul57 = $mul49 * $add56; $add58 = $mul57 + 0.28571428743662391; $mul59 = $mul49 * $add58; $add60 = $mul59 + 0.66666666666667351; $mul61 = $mul48 * $add60; $add62 = $mul54 + $mul61; $sub63 = $sub43 - $mul45; HEAPF64[tempDoublePtr>>3] = $sub63;$14 = HEAP32[tempDoublePtr>>2]|0; $15 = HEAP32[tempDoublePtr+4>>2]|0; HEAP32[tempDoublePtr>>2] = 0;HEAP32[tempDoublePtr+4>>2] = $15;$16 = +HEAPF64[tempDoublePtr>>3]; $sub68 = $sub43 - $16; $sub69 = $sub68 - $mul45; $add70 = $mul45 + $add62; $mul71 = $div47 * $add70; $add72 = $sub69 + $mul71; $mul73 = $16 * 0.43429448187816888; $conv74 = (+($add35|0)); $mul75 = $conv74 * 0.30102999566361177; $mul76 = $conv74 * 3.6942390771589308E-13; $add77 = $add72 + $16; $mul78 = $add77 * 2.5082946711645275E-11; $add79 = $mul76 + $mul78; $mul80 = $add72 * 0.43429448187816888; $add81 = $mul80 + $add79; $add82 = $mul75 + $mul73; $sub83 = $mul75 - $add82; $add84 = $mul73 + $sub83; $add85 = $add84 + $add81; $add86 = $add82 + $add85; $retval$0 = $add86; } return (+$retval$0); } function _lrintf($x) { $x = +$x; var $call = 0.0, $conv = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $call = (+_rintf((+$x))); $conv = (~~(($call))); return ($conv|0); } function __Znwj($size) { $size = $size|0; var $$size = 0, $call = 0, $call2 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp1 = 0, $exception = 0, $tobool = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $cmp = ($size|0)==(0); $$size = $cmp ? 1 : $size; while(1) { $call = (_malloc($$size)|0); $cmp1 = ($call|0)==(0|0); if (!($cmp1)) { label = 6; break; } $call2 = (__ZSt15get_new_handlerv()|0); $tobool = ($call2|0)==(0|0); if ($tobool) { label = 5; break; } FUNCTION_TABLE_v[$call2 & 0](); } if ((label|0) == 5) { $exception = (___cxa_allocate_exception(4)|0); __ZNSt9bad_allocC2Ev($exception); ___cxa_throw(($exception|0),(72|0),(16|0)); // unreachable; } else if ((label|0) == 6) { return ($call|0); } return (0)|0; } function __ZdlPv($ptr) { $ptr = $ptr|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; _free($ptr); return; } function __ZN10__cxxabiv116__shim_type_infoD2Ev($this) { $this = $this|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return; } function __ZN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoD0Ev($this) { $this = $this|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; __ZN10__cxxabiv116__shim_type_infoD2Ev($this); __ZdlPv($this); return; } function __ZNK10__cxxabiv116__shim_type_info5noop1Ev($this) { $this = $this|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return; } function __ZNK10__cxxabiv116__shim_type_info5noop2Ev($this) { $this = $this|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return; } function __ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info9can_catchEPKNS_16__shim_type_infoERPv($this,$thrown_type,$adjustedPtr) { $this = $this|0; $thrown_type = $thrown_type|0; $adjustedPtr = $adjustedPtr|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr = 0, $info = 0, $number_of_dst_type = 0, $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr = 0, $retval$0 = 0, $retval$2 = 0, $src2dst_offset = 0, $static_type = 0, $vfn = 0, $vtable = 0; var dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $info = sp; $call = (__ZN10__cxxabiv18is_equalEPKSt9type_infoS2_b($this,$thrown_type,0)|0); if ($call) { $retval$2 = 1; } else { $0 = ($thrown_type|0)==(0|0); if ($0) { $retval$2 = 0; } else { $1 = (___dynamic_cast($thrown_type,32,16,0)|0); $cmp = ($1|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp) { $retval$2 = 0; } else { $2 = ((($info)) + 4|0); dest=$2; stop=dest+52|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=0|0; dest=dest+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0)); HEAP32[$info>>2] = $1; $static_type = ((($info)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$static_type>>2] = $this; $src2dst_offset = ((($info)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$src2dst_offset>>2] = -1; $number_of_dst_type = ((($info)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$number_of_dst_type>>2] = 1; $vtable = HEAP32[$1>>2]|0; $vfn = ((($vtable)) + 28|0); $3 = HEAP32[$vfn>>2]|0; $4 = HEAP32[$adjustedPtr>>2]|0; FUNCTION_TABLE_viiii[$3 & 15]($1,$info,$4,1); $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 24|0); $5 = HEAP32[$path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp4 = ($5|0)==(1); if ($cmp4) { $dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 16|0); $6 = HEAP32[$dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; HEAP32[$adjustedPtr>>2] = $6; $retval$0 = 1; } else { $retval$0 = 0; } $retval$2 = $retval$0; } } } STACKTOP = sp;return ($retval$2|0); } function __ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info16search_above_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvS4_ib($this,$info,$dst_ptr,$current_ptr,$path_below,$use_strcmp) { $this = $this|0; $info = $info|0; $dst_ptr = $dst_ptr|0; $current_ptr = $current_ptr|0; $path_below = $path_below|0; $use_strcmp = $use_strcmp|0; var $0 = 0, $call = 0, $static_type = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $static_type = ((($info)) + 8|0); $0 = HEAP32[$static_type>>2]|0; $call = (__ZN10__cxxabiv18is_equalEPKSt9type_infoS2_b($this,$0,$use_strcmp)|0); if ($call) { __ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info29process_static_type_above_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvS4_i(0,$info,$dst_ptr,$current_ptr,$path_below); } return; } function __ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info16search_below_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvib($this,$info,$current_ptr,$path_below,$use_strcmp) { $this = $this|0; $info = $info|0; $current_ptr = $current_ptr|0; $path_below = $path_below|0; $use_strcmp = $use_strcmp|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $add = 0, $call = 0, $call3 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp12 = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr = 0, $dst_ptr_not_leading_to_static_ptr = 0, $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type = 0, $number_to_dst_ptr = 0, $number_to_static_ptr = 0; var $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr = 0, $path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr = 0, $path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr10 = 0, $search_done = 0, $static_type = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $static_type = ((($info)) + 8|0); $0 = HEAP32[$static_type>>2]|0; $call = (__ZN10__cxxabiv18is_equalEPKSt9type_infoS2_b($this,$0,$use_strcmp)|0); do { if ($call) { __ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info29process_static_type_below_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvi(0,$info,$current_ptr,$path_below); } else { $1 = HEAP32[$info>>2]|0; $call3 = (__ZN10__cxxabiv18is_equalEPKSt9type_infoS2_b($this,$1,$use_strcmp)|0); if ($call3) { $dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 16|0); $2 = HEAP32[$dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp = ($2|0)==($current_ptr|0); if (!($cmp)) { $dst_ptr_not_leading_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 20|0); $3 = HEAP32[$dst_ptr_not_leading_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp5 = ($3|0)==($current_ptr|0); if (!($cmp5)) { $path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr10 = ((($info)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr10>>2] = $path_below; HEAP32[$dst_ptr_not_leading_to_static_ptr>>2] = $current_ptr; $number_to_dst_ptr = ((($info)) + 40|0); $4 = HEAP32[$number_to_dst_ptr>>2]|0; $add = (($4) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$number_to_dst_ptr>>2] = $add; $number_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 36|0); $5 = HEAP32[$number_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp12 = ($5|0)==(1); if ($cmp12) { $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 24|0); $6 = HEAP32[$path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp13 = ($6|0)==(2); if ($cmp13) { $search_done = ((($info)) + 54|0); HEAP8[$search_done>>0] = 1; } } $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type = ((($info)) + 44|0); HEAP32[$is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type>>2] = 4; break; } } $cmp7 = ($path_below|0)==(1); if ($cmp7) { $path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr = ((($info)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr>>2] = 1; } } } } while(0); return; } function __ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info27has_unambiguous_public_baseEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPvi($this,$info,$adjustedPtr,$path_below) { $this = $this|0; $info = $info|0; $adjustedPtr = $adjustedPtr|0; $path_below = $path_below|0; var $0 = 0, $call = 0, $static_type = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $static_type = ((($info)) + 8|0); $0 = HEAP32[$static_type>>2]|0; $call = (__ZN10__cxxabiv18is_equalEPKSt9type_infoS2_b($this,$0,0)|0); if ($call) { __ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info24process_found_base_classEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPvi(0,$info,$adjustedPtr,$path_below); } return; } function __ZN10__cxxabiv18is_equalEPKSt9type_infoS2_b($x,$y,$0) { $x = $x|0; $y = $y|0; $0 = $0|0; var $cmp = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $cmp = ($x|0)==($y|0); return ($cmp|0); } function __ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info24process_found_base_classEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPvi($this,$info,$adjustedPtr,$path_below) { $this = $this|0; $info = $info|0; $adjustedPtr = $adjustedPtr|0; $path_below = $path_below|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $add = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp4 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr = 0, $number_to_static_ptr = 0, $number_to_static_ptr11 = 0, $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr = 0, $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr12 = 0, $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr6 = 0, $search_done = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 16|0); $0 = HEAP32[$dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp = ($0|0)==(0|0); do { if ($cmp) { HEAP32[$dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr>>2] = $adjustedPtr; $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr>>2] = $path_below; $number_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$number_to_static_ptr>>2] = 1; } else { $cmp4 = ($0|0)==($adjustedPtr|0); if (!($cmp4)) { $number_to_static_ptr11 = ((($info)) + 36|0); $2 = HEAP32[$number_to_static_ptr11>>2]|0; $add = (($2) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$number_to_static_ptr11>>2] = $add; $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr12 = ((($info)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr12>>2] = 2; $search_done = ((($info)) + 54|0); HEAP8[$search_done>>0] = 1; break; } $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr6 = ((($info)) + 24|0); $1 = HEAP32[$path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr6>>2]|0; $cmp7 = ($1|0)==(2); if ($cmp7) { HEAP32[$path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr6>>2] = $path_below; } } } while(0); return; } function __ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info29process_static_type_below_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvi($this,$info,$current_ptr,$path_below) { $this = $this|0; $info = $info|0; $current_ptr = $current_ptr|0; $path_below = $path_below|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $path_dynamic_ptr_to_static_ptr = 0, $static_ptr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $static_ptr = ((($info)) + 4|0); $0 = HEAP32[$static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp = ($0|0)==($current_ptr|0); if ($cmp) { $path_dynamic_ptr_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 28|0); $1 = HEAP32[$path_dynamic_ptr_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp2 = ($1|0)==(1); if (!($cmp2)) { HEAP32[$path_dynamic_ptr_to_static_ptr>>2] = $path_below; } } return; } function __ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info29process_static_type_above_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvS4_i($this,$info,$dst_ptr,$current_ptr,$path_below) { $this = $this|0; $info = $info|0; $dst_ptr = $dst_ptr|0; $current_ptr = $current_ptr|0; $path_below = $path_below|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $add = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp10 = 0, $cmp13 = 0, $cmp18 = 0, $cmp2 = 0, $cmp21 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr = 0, $found_any_static_type = 0, $found_our_static_ptr = 0, $number_of_dst_type = 0; var $number_of_dst_type17 = 0, $number_to_static_ptr = 0, $number_to_static_ptr26 = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond19 = 0, $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr = 0, $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr12 = 0, $search_done = 0, $search_done23 = 0, $search_done27 = 0, $static_ptr = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $found_any_static_type = ((($info)) + 53|0); HEAP8[$found_any_static_type>>0] = 1; $static_ptr = ((($info)) + 4|0); $0 = HEAP32[$static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp = ($0|0)==($current_ptr|0); do { if ($cmp) { $found_our_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 52|0); HEAP8[$found_our_static_ptr>>0] = 1; $dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 16|0); $1 = HEAP32[$dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp2 = ($1|0)==(0|0); if ($cmp2) { HEAP32[$dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr>>2] = $dst_ptr; $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 24|0); HEAP32[$path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr>>2] = $path_below; $number_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 36|0); HEAP32[$number_to_static_ptr>>2] = 1; $number_of_dst_type = ((($info)) + 48|0); $2 = HEAP32[$number_of_dst_type>>2]|0; $cmp5 = ($2|0)==(1); $cmp7 = ($path_below|0)==(1); $or$cond = $cmp5 & $cmp7; if (!($or$cond)) { break; } $search_done = ((($info)) + 54|0); HEAP8[$search_done>>0] = 1; break; } $cmp10 = ($1|0)==($dst_ptr|0); if (!($cmp10)) { $number_to_static_ptr26 = ((($info)) + 36|0); $6 = HEAP32[$number_to_static_ptr26>>2]|0; $add = (($6) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$number_to_static_ptr26>>2] = $add; $search_done27 = ((($info)) + 54|0); HEAP8[$search_done27>>0] = 1; break; } $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr12 = ((($info)) + 24|0); $3 = HEAP32[$path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr12>>2]|0; $cmp13 = ($3|0)==(2); if ($cmp13) { HEAP32[$path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr12>>2] = $path_below; $5 = $path_below; } else { $5 = $3; } $number_of_dst_type17 = ((($info)) + 48|0); $4 = HEAP32[$number_of_dst_type17>>2]|0; $cmp18 = ($4|0)==(1); $cmp21 = ($5|0)==(1); $or$cond19 = $cmp18 & $cmp21; if ($or$cond19) { $search_done23 = ((($info)) + 54|0); HEAP8[$search_done23>>0] = 1; } } } while(0); return; } function ___dynamic_cast($static_ptr,$static_type,$dst_type,$src2dst_offset) { $static_ptr = $static_ptr|0; $static_type = $static_type|0; $dst_type = $dst_type|0; $src2dst_offset = $src2dst_offset|0; var $$ = 0, $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $add$ptr = 0, $add$ptr$ = 0, $arrayidx = 0; var $arrayidx1 = 0, $call = 0, $cmp = 0, $cmp14 = 0, $cmp16 = 0, $cmp19 = 0, $cmp25 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp30 = 0, $cmp33 = 0, $dst_ptr$0 = 0, $dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr = 0, $dst_ptr_not_leading_to_static_ptr = 0, $info = 0, $number_of_dst_type = 0, $number_to_dst_ptr = 0, $number_to_static_ptr = 0, $or$cond = 0, $or$cond15 = 0, $or$cond16 = 0; var $or$cond17 = 0, $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr = 0, $path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr = 0, $path_dynamic_ptr_to_static_ptr = 0, $src2dst_offset5 = 0, $static_ptr3 = 0, $static_type4 = 0, $vfn = 0, $vfn11 = 0, $vtable10 = 0, $vtable7 = 0, dest = 0, label = 0, sp = 0, stop = 0; sp = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 64|0; if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(64|0); $info = sp; $0 = HEAP32[$static_ptr>>2]|0; $arrayidx = ((($0)) + -8|0); $1 = HEAP32[$arrayidx>>2]|0; $add$ptr = (($static_ptr) + ($1)|0); $arrayidx1 = ((($0)) + -4|0); $2 = HEAP32[$arrayidx1>>2]|0; HEAP32[$info>>2] = $dst_type; $static_ptr3 = ((($info)) + 4|0); HEAP32[$static_ptr3>>2] = $static_ptr; $static_type4 = ((($info)) + 8|0); HEAP32[$static_type4>>2] = $static_type; $src2dst_offset5 = ((($info)) + 12|0); HEAP32[$src2dst_offset5>>2] = $src2dst_offset; $dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 16|0); $dst_ptr_not_leading_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 20|0); $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 24|0); $path_dynamic_ptr_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 28|0); $path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr = ((($info)) + 32|0); $number_to_dst_ptr = ((($info)) + 40|0); dest=$dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr; stop=dest+36|0; do { HEAP32[dest>>2]=0|0; dest=dest+4|0; } while ((dest|0) < (stop|0));HEAP16[$dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr+36>>1]=0|0;HEAP8[$dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr+38>>0]=0|0; $call = (__ZN10__cxxabiv18is_equalEPKSt9type_infoS2_b($2,$dst_type,0)|0); L1: do { if ($call) { $number_of_dst_type = ((($info)) + 48|0); HEAP32[$number_of_dst_type>>2] = 1; $vtable7 = HEAP32[$2>>2]|0; $vfn = ((($vtable7)) + 20|0); $3 = HEAP32[$vfn>>2]|0; FUNCTION_TABLE_viiiiii[$3 & 15]($2,$info,$add$ptr,$add$ptr,1,0); $4 = HEAP32[$path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp = ($4|0)==(1); $add$ptr$ = $cmp ? $add$ptr : 0; $dst_ptr$0 = $add$ptr$; } else { $number_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 36|0); $vtable10 = HEAP32[$2>>2]|0; $vfn11 = ((($vtable10)) + 24|0); $5 = HEAP32[$vfn11>>2]|0; FUNCTION_TABLE_viiiii[$5 & 15]($2,$info,$add$ptr,1,0); $6 = HEAP32[$number_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; switch ($6|0) { case 0: { $7 = HEAP32[$number_to_dst_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp14 = ($7|0)==(1); $8 = HEAP32[$path_dynamic_ptr_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp16 = ($8|0)==(1); $or$cond = $cmp14 & $cmp16; $9 = HEAP32[$path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp19 = ($9|0)==(1); $or$cond15 = $or$cond & $cmp19; $10 = HEAP32[$dst_ptr_not_leading_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $$ = $or$cond15 ? $10 : 0; $dst_ptr$0 = $$; break L1; break; } case 1: { break; } default: { $dst_ptr$0 = 0; break L1; } } $11 = HEAP32[$path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp25 = ($11|0)==(1); if (!($cmp25)) { $12 = HEAP32[$number_to_dst_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp27 = ($12|0)==(0); $13 = HEAP32[$path_dynamic_ptr_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp30 = ($13|0)==(1); $or$cond16 = $cmp27 & $cmp30; $14 = HEAP32[$path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp33 = ($14|0)==(1); $or$cond17 = $or$cond16 & $cmp33; if (!($or$cond17)) { $dst_ptr$0 = 0; break; } } $15 = HEAP32[$dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $dst_ptr$0 = $15; } } while(0); STACKTOP = sp;return ($dst_ptr$0|0); } function __ZN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoD0Ev($this) { $this = $this|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; __ZN10__cxxabiv116__shim_type_infoD2Ev($this); __ZdlPv($this); return; } function __ZNK10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_info16search_above_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvS4_ib($this,$info,$dst_ptr,$current_ptr,$path_below,$use_strcmp) { $this = $this|0; $info = $info|0; $dst_ptr = $dst_ptr|0; $current_ptr = $current_ptr|0; $path_below = $path_below|0; $use_strcmp = $use_strcmp|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $__base_type = 0, $call = 0, $static_type = 0, $vfn = 0, $vtable = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $static_type = ((($info)) + 8|0); $0 = HEAP32[$static_type>>2]|0; $call = (__ZN10__cxxabiv18is_equalEPKSt9type_infoS2_b($this,$0,$use_strcmp)|0); if ($call) { __ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info29process_static_type_above_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvS4_i(0,$info,$dst_ptr,$current_ptr,$path_below); } else { $__base_type = ((($this)) + 8|0); $1 = HEAP32[$__base_type>>2]|0; $vtable = HEAP32[$1>>2]|0; $vfn = ((($vtable)) + 20|0); $2 = HEAP32[$vfn>>2]|0; FUNCTION_TABLE_viiiiii[$2 & 15]($1,$info,$dst_ptr,$current_ptr,$path_below,$use_strcmp); } return; } function __ZNK10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_info16search_below_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvib($this,$info,$current_ptr,$path_below,$use_strcmp) { $this = $this|0; $info = $info|0; $current_ptr = $current_ptr|0; $path_below = $path_below|0; $use_strcmp = $use_strcmp|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $__base_type = 0, $__base_type40 = 0, $add = 0, $call = 0, $call3 = 0, $cmp = 0; var $cmp11 = 0, $cmp26 = 0, $cmp27 = 0, $cmp5 = 0, $cmp7 = 0, $dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr = 0, $dst_ptr_not_leading_to_static_ptr = 0, $found_any_static_type = 0, $found_our_static_ptr = 0, $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type = 0, $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type13$0$off032 = 0, $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type13$0$off033 = 0, $number_to_dst_ptr = 0, $number_to_static_ptr = 0, $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr = 0, $path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr = 0, $path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr10 = 0, $search_done = 0, $static_type = 0, $tobool16 = 0; var $tobool19 = 0, $vfn = 0, $vfn42 = 0, $vtable = 0, $vtable41 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $static_type = ((($info)) + 8|0); $0 = HEAP32[$static_type>>2]|0; $call = (__ZN10__cxxabiv18is_equalEPKSt9type_infoS2_b($this,$0,$use_strcmp)|0); do { if ($call) { __ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info29process_static_type_below_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvi(0,$info,$current_ptr,$path_below); } else { $1 = HEAP32[$info>>2]|0; $call3 = (__ZN10__cxxabiv18is_equalEPKSt9type_infoS2_b($this,$1,$use_strcmp)|0); if (!($call3)) { $__base_type40 = ((($this)) + 8|0); $12 = HEAP32[$__base_type40>>2]|0; $vtable41 = HEAP32[$12>>2]|0; $vfn42 = ((($vtable41)) + 24|0); $13 = HEAP32[$vfn42>>2]|0; FUNCTION_TABLE_viiiii[$13 & 15]($12,$info,$current_ptr,$path_below,$use_strcmp); break; } $dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 16|0); $2 = HEAP32[$dst_ptr_leading_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp = ($2|0)==($current_ptr|0); if (!($cmp)) { $dst_ptr_not_leading_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 20|0); $3 = HEAP32[$dst_ptr_not_leading_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp5 = ($3|0)==($current_ptr|0); if (!($cmp5)) { $path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr10 = ((($info)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr10>>2] = $path_below; $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type = ((($info)) + 44|0); $4 = HEAP32[$is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type>>2]|0; $cmp11 = ($4|0)==(4); if ($cmp11) { break; } $found_our_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 52|0); HEAP8[$found_our_static_ptr>>0] = 0; $found_any_static_type = ((($info)) + 53|0); HEAP8[$found_any_static_type>>0] = 0; $__base_type = ((($this)) + 8|0); $5 = HEAP32[$__base_type>>2]|0; $vtable = HEAP32[$5>>2]|0; $vfn = ((($vtable)) + 20|0); $6 = HEAP32[$vfn>>2]|0; FUNCTION_TABLE_viiiiii[$6 & 15]($5,$info,$current_ptr,$current_ptr,1,$use_strcmp); $7 = HEAP8[$found_any_static_type>>0]|0; $tobool16 = ($7<<24>>24)==(0); if ($tobool16) { $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type13$0$off032 = 4; label = 11; } else { $8 = HEAP8[$found_our_static_ptr>>0]|0; $tobool19 = ($8<<24>>24)==(0); if ($tobool19) { $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type13$0$off032 = 3; label = 11; } else { $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type13$0$off033 = 3; } } if ((label|0) == 11) { HEAP32[$dst_ptr_not_leading_to_static_ptr>>2] = $current_ptr; $number_to_dst_ptr = ((($info)) + 40|0); $9 = HEAP32[$number_to_dst_ptr>>2]|0; $add = (($9) + 1)|0; HEAP32[$number_to_dst_ptr>>2] = $add; $number_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 36|0); $10 = HEAP32[$number_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp26 = ($10|0)==(1); if ($cmp26) { $path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr = ((($info)) + 24|0); $11 = HEAP32[$path_dst_ptr_to_static_ptr>>2]|0; $cmp27 = ($11|0)==(2); if ($cmp27) { $search_done = ((($info)) + 54|0); HEAP8[$search_done>>0] = 1; $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type13$0$off033 = $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type13$0$off032; } else { $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type13$0$off033 = $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type13$0$off032; } } else { $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type13$0$off033 = $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type13$0$off032; } } HEAP32[$is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type>>2] = $is_dst_type_derived_from_static_type13$0$off033; break; } } $cmp7 = ($path_below|0)==(1); if ($cmp7) { $path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr = ((($info)) + 32|0); HEAP32[$path_dynamic_ptr_to_dst_ptr>>2] = 1; } } } while(0); return; } function __ZNK10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_info27has_unambiguous_public_baseEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPvi($this,$info,$adjustedPtr,$path_below) { $this = $this|0; $info = $info|0; $adjustedPtr = $adjustedPtr|0; $path_below = $path_below|0; var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $__base_type = 0, $call = 0, $static_type = 0, $vfn = 0, $vtable = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $static_type = ((($info)) + 8|0); $0 = HEAP32[$static_type>>2]|0; $call = (__ZN10__cxxabiv18is_equalEPKSt9type_infoS2_b($this,$0,0)|0); if ($call) { __ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info24process_found_base_classEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPvi(0,$info,$adjustedPtr,$path_below); } else { $__base_type = ((($this)) + 8|0); $1 = HEAP32[$__base_type>>2]|0; $vtable = HEAP32[$1>>2]|0; $vfn = ((($vtable)) + 28|0); $2 = HEAP32[$vfn>>2]|0; FUNCTION_TABLE_viiii[$2 & 15]($1,$info,$adjustedPtr,$path_below); } return; } function __ZNSt9type_infoD2Ev($this) { $this = $this|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return; } function __ZNSt9bad_allocD2Ev($this) { $this = $this|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return; } function __ZNSt9bad_allocD0Ev($this) { $this = $this|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; __ZNSt9bad_allocD2Ev($this); __ZdlPv($this); return; } function __ZNKSt9bad_alloc4whatEv($this) { $this = $this|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return (33500|0); } function __ZNSt9exceptionD2Ev($this) { $this = $this|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; return; } function __ZNSt9bad_allocC2Ev($this) { $this = $this|0; var label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; HEAP32[$this>>2] = (22840); return; } function __ZSt15get_new_handlerv() { var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0, label = 0, sp = 0; sp = STACKTOP; $0 = HEAP32[8526]|0; $1 = (($0) + 0)|0; HEAP32[8526] = $1; $2 = $0; return ($2|0); } function runPostSets() { } function ___muldsi3($a, $b) { $a = $a | 0; $b = $b | 0; var $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $6 = 0, $8 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0; $1 = $a & 65535; $2 = $b & 65535; $3 = Math_imul($2, $1) | 0; $6 = $a >>> 16; $8 = ($3 >>> 16) + (Math_imul($2, $6) | 0) | 0; $11 = $b >>> 16; $12 = Math_imul($11, $1) | 0; return (tempRet0 = (($8 >>> 16) + (Math_imul($11, $6) | 0) | 0) + ((($8 & 65535) + $12 | 0) >>> 16) | 0, 0 | ($8 + $12 << 16 | $3 & 65535)) | 0; } function ___muldi3($a$0, $a$1, $b$0, $b$1) { $a$0 = $a$0 | 0; $a$1 = $a$1 | 0; $b$0 = $b$0 | 0; $b$1 = $b$1 | 0; var $x_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = 0, $y_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = 0, $1$0 = 0, $1$1 = 0, $2 = 0; $x_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = $a$0; $y_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = $b$0; $1$0 = ___muldsi3($x_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc, $y_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc) | 0; $1$1 = tempRet0; $2 = Math_imul($a$1, $y_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc) | 0; return (tempRet0 = ((Math_imul($b$1, $x_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc) | 0) + $2 | 0) + $1$1 | $1$1 & 0, 0 | $1$0 & -1) | 0; } function _i64Add(a, b, c, d) { /* x = a + b*2^32 y = c + d*2^32 result = l + h*2^32 */ a = a|0; b = b|0; c = c|0; d = d|0; var l = 0, h = 0; l = (a + c)>>>0; h = (b + d + (((l>>>0) < (a>>>0))|0))>>>0; // Add carry from low word to high word on overflow. return ((tempRet0 = h,l|0)|0); } function _i64Subtract(a, b, c, d) { a = a|0; b = b|0; c = c|0; d = d|0; var l = 0, h = 0; l = (a - c)>>>0; h = (b - d)>>>0; h = (b - d - (((c>>>0) > (a>>>0))|0))>>>0; // Borrow one from high word to low word on underflow. return ((tempRet0 = h,l|0)|0); } function _llvm_cttz_i32(x) { x = x|0; var ret = 0; ret = ((HEAP8[(((cttz_i8)+(x & 0xff))>>0)])|0); if ((ret|0) < 8) return ret|0; ret = ((HEAP8[(((cttz_i8)+((x >> 8)&0xff))>>0)])|0); if ((ret|0) < 8) return (ret + 8)|0; ret = ((HEAP8[(((cttz_i8)+((x >> 16)&0xff))>>0)])|0); if ((ret|0) < 8) return (ret + 16)|0; return (((HEAP8[(((cttz_i8)+(x >>> 24))>>0)])|0) + 24)|0; } function ___udivmoddi4($a$0, $a$1, $b$0, $b$1, $rem) { $a$0 = $a$0 | 0; $a$1 = $a$1 | 0; $b$0 = $b$0 | 0; $b$1 = $b$1 | 0; $rem = $rem | 0; var $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = 0, $n_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 = 0, $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc = 0, $d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = 0, $d_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 = 0, $d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc = 0, $4 = 0, $17 = 0, $37 = 0, $49 = 0, $51 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $66 = 0, $78 = 0, $86 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $95 = 0, $105 = 0, $117 = 0, $119 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $130 = 0, $q_sroa_1_1_ph = 0, $q_sroa_0_1_ph = 0, $r_sroa_1_1_ph = 0, $r_sroa_0_1_ph = 0, $sr_1_ph = 0, $d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$0 = 0, $d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$1 = 0, $137$0 = 0, $137$1 = 0, $carry_0203 = 0, $sr_1202 = 0, $r_sroa_0_1201 = 0, $r_sroa_1_1200 = 0, $q_sroa_0_1199 = 0, $q_sroa_1_1198 = 0, $147 = 0, $149 = 0, $r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$0 = 0, $r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$1 = 0, $150$1 = 0, $151$0 = 0, $152 = 0, $154$0 = 0, $r_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = 0, $r_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc = 0, $155 = 0, $carry_0_lcssa$0 = 0, $carry_0_lcssa$1 = 0, $r_sroa_0_1_lcssa = 0, $r_sroa_1_1_lcssa = 0, $q_sroa_0_1_lcssa = 0, $q_sroa_1_1_lcssa = 0, $q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$0 = 0, $q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$1 = 0, $q_sroa_0_0_insert_insert77$1 = 0, $_0$0 = 0, $_0$1 = 0; $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = $a$0; $n_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 = $a$1; $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0; $d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = $b$0; $d_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 = $b$1; $d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc = $d_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0; if (($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) == 0) { $4 = ($rem | 0) != 0; if (($d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) == 0) { if ($4) { HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = ($n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> 0) % ($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> 0); HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = 0; } $_0$1 = 0; $_0$0 = ($n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> 0) / ($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> 0) >>> 0; return (tempRet0 = $_0$1, $_0$0) | 0; } else { if (!$4) { $_0$1 = 0; $_0$0 = 0; return (tempRet0 = $_0$1, $_0$0) | 0; } HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = $a$0 & -1; HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = $a$1 & 0; $_0$1 = 0; $_0$0 = 0; return (tempRet0 = $_0$1, $_0$0) | 0; } } $17 = ($d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) == 0; do { if (($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc | 0) == 0) { if ($17) { if (($rem | 0) != 0) { HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = ($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> 0) % ($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> 0); HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = 0; } $_0$1 = 0; $_0$0 = ($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> 0) / ($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> 0) >>> 0; return (tempRet0 = $_0$1, $_0$0) | 0; } if (($n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc | 0) == 0) { if (($rem | 0) != 0) { HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = 0; HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = ($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> 0) % ($d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> 0); } $_0$1 = 0; $_0$0 = ($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> 0) / ($d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> 0) >>> 0; return (tempRet0 = $_0$1, $_0$0) | 0; } $37 = $d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc - 1 | 0; if (($37 & $d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) == 0) { if (($rem | 0) != 0) { HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = 0 | $a$0 & -1; HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = $37 & $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | $a$1 & 0; } $_0$1 = 0; $_0$0 = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> ((_llvm_cttz_i32($d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) | 0) >>> 0); return (tempRet0 = $_0$1, $_0$0) | 0; } $49 = Math_clz32($d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) | 0; $51 = $49 - (Math_clz32($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) | 0) | 0; if ($51 >>> 0 <= 30) { $57 = $51 + 1 | 0; $58 = 31 - $51 | 0; $sr_1_ph = $57; $r_sroa_0_1_ph = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc << $58 | $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> ($57 >>> 0); $r_sroa_1_1_ph = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> ($57 >>> 0); $q_sroa_0_1_ph = 0; $q_sroa_1_1_ph = $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc << $58; break; } if (($rem | 0) == 0) { $_0$1 = 0; $_0$0 = 0; return (tempRet0 = $_0$1, $_0$0) | 0; } HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = 0 | $a$0 & -1; HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 | $a$1 & 0; $_0$1 = 0; $_0$0 = 0; return (tempRet0 = $_0$1, $_0$0) | 0; } else { if (!$17) { $117 = Math_clz32($d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) | 0; $119 = $117 - (Math_clz32($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) | 0) | 0; if ($119 >>> 0 <= 31) { $125 = $119 + 1 | 0; $126 = 31 - $119 | 0; $130 = $119 - 31 >> 31; $sr_1_ph = $125; $r_sroa_0_1_ph = $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> ($125 >>> 0) & $130 | $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc << $126; $r_sroa_1_1_ph = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> ($125 >>> 0) & $130; $q_sroa_0_1_ph = 0; $q_sroa_1_1_ph = $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc << $126; break; } if (($rem | 0) == 0) { $_0$1 = 0; $_0$0 = 0; return (tempRet0 = $_0$1, $_0$0) | 0; } HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = 0 | $a$0 & -1; HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 | $a$1 & 0; $_0$1 = 0; $_0$0 = 0; return (tempRet0 = $_0$1, $_0$0) | 0; } $66 = $d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc - 1 | 0; if (($66 & $d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc | 0) != 0) { $86 = (Math_clz32($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc | 0) | 0) + 33 | 0; $88 = $86 - (Math_clz32($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) | 0) | 0; $89 = 64 - $88 | 0; $91 = 32 - $88 | 0; $92 = $91 >> 31; $95 = $88 - 32 | 0; $105 = $95 >> 31; $sr_1_ph = $88; $r_sroa_0_1_ph = $91 - 1 >> 31 & $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> ($95 >>> 0) | ($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc << $91 | $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> ($88 >>> 0)) & $105; $r_sroa_1_1_ph = $105 & $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> ($88 >>> 0); $q_sroa_0_1_ph = $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc << $89 & $92; $q_sroa_1_1_ph = ($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc << $89 | $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> ($95 >>> 0)) & $92 | $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc << $91 & $88 - 33 >> 31; break; } if (($rem | 0) != 0) { HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = $66 & $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc; HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = 0; } if (($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc | 0) == 1) { $_0$1 = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 | $a$1 & 0; $_0$0 = 0 | $a$0 & -1; return (tempRet0 = $_0$1, $_0$0) | 0; } else { $78 = _llvm_cttz_i32($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc | 0) | 0; $_0$1 = 0 | $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> ($78 >>> 0); $_0$0 = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc << 32 - $78 | $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> ($78 >>> 0) | 0; return (tempRet0 = $_0$1, $_0$0) | 0; } } } while (0); if (($sr_1_ph | 0) == 0) { $q_sroa_1_1_lcssa = $q_sroa_1_1_ph; $q_sroa_0_1_lcssa = $q_sroa_0_1_ph; $r_sroa_1_1_lcssa = $r_sroa_1_1_ph; $r_sroa_0_1_lcssa = $r_sroa_0_1_ph; $carry_0_lcssa$1 = 0; $carry_0_lcssa$0 = 0; } else { $d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$0 = 0 | $b$0 & -1; $d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$1 = $d_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 | $b$1 & 0; $137$0 = _i64Add($d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$0 | 0, $d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$1 | 0, -1, -1) | 0; $137$1 = tempRet0; $q_sroa_1_1198 = $q_sroa_1_1_ph; $q_sroa_0_1199 = $q_sroa_0_1_ph; $r_sroa_1_1200 = $r_sroa_1_1_ph; $r_sroa_0_1201 = $r_sroa_0_1_ph; $sr_1202 = $sr_1_ph; $carry_0203 = 0; while (1) { $147 = $q_sroa_0_1199 >>> 31 | $q_sroa_1_1198 << 1; $149 = $carry_0203 | $q_sroa_0_1199 << 1; $r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$0 = 0 | ($r_sroa_0_1201 << 1 | $q_sroa_1_1198 >>> 31); $r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$1 = $r_sroa_0_1201 >>> 31 | $r_sroa_1_1200 << 1 | 0; _i64Subtract($137$0 | 0, $137$1 | 0, $r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$0 | 0, $r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$1 | 0) | 0; $150$1 = tempRet0; $151$0 = $150$1 >> 31 | (($150$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1; $152 = $151$0 & 1; $154$0 = _i64Subtract($r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$0 | 0, $r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$1 | 0, $151$0 & $d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$0 | 0, ((($150$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) >> 31 | (($150$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1) & $d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$1 | 0) | 0; $r_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = $154$0; $r_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc = tempRet0; $155 = $sr_1202 - 1 | 0; if (($155 | 0) == 0) { break; } else { $q_sroa_1_1198 = $147; $q_sroa_0_1199 = $149; $r_sroa_1_1200 = $r_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc; $r_sroa_0_1201 = $r_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc; $sr_1202 = $155; $carry_0203 = $152; } } $q_sroa_1_1_lcssa = $147; $q_sroa_0_1_lcssa = $149; $r_sroa_1_1_lcssa = $r_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc; $r_sroa_0_1_lcssa = $r_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc; $carry_0_lcssa$1 = 0; $carry_0_lcssa$0 = $152; } $q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$0 = $q_sroa_0_1_lcssa; $q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$1 = 0; $q_sroa_0_0_insert_insert77$1 = $q_sroa_1_1_lcssa | $q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$1; if (($rem | 0) != 0) { HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = 0 | $r_sroa_0_1_lcssa; HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = $r_sroa_1_1_lcssa | 0; } $_0$1 = (0 | $q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$0) >>> 31 | $q_sroa_0_0_insert_insert77$1 << 1 | ($q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$1 << 1 | $q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$0 >>> 31) & 0 | $carry_0_lcssa$1; $_0$0 = ($q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$0 << 1 | 0 >>> 31) & -2 | $carry_0_lcssa$0; return (tempRet0 = $_0$1, $_0$0) | 0; } function ___udivdi3($a$0, $a$1, $b$0, $b$1) { $a$0 = $a$0 | 0; $a$1 = $a$1 | 0; $b$0 = $b$0 | 0; $b$1 = $b$1 | 0; var $1$0 = 0; $1$0 = ___udivmoddi4($a$0, $a$1, $b$0, $b$1, 0) | 0; return $1$0 | 0; } function ___uremdi3($a$0, $a$1, $b$0, $b$1) { $a$0 = $a$0 | 0; $a$1 = $a$1 | 0; $b$0 = $b$0 | 0; $b$1 = $b$1 | 0; var $rem = 0, __stackBase__ = 0; __stackBase__ = STACKTOP; STACKTOP = STACKTOP + 16 | 0; $rem = __stackBase__ | 0; ___udivmoddi4($a$0, $a$1, $b$0, $b$1, $rem) | 0; STACKTOP = __stackBase__; return (tempRet0 = HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] | 0, HEAP32[$rem >> 2] | 0) | 0; } function _bitshift64Ashr(low, high, bits) { low = low|0; high = high|0; bits = bits|0; var ander = 0; if ((bits|0) < 32) { ander = ((1 << bits) - 1)|0; tempRet0 = high >> bits; return (low >>> bits) | ((high&ander) << (32 - bits)); } tempRet0 = (high|0) < 0 ? -1 : 0; return (high >> (bits - 32))|0; } function _bitshift64Lshr(low, high, bits) { low = low|0; high = high|0; bits = bits|0; var ander = 0; if ((bits|0) < 32) { ander = ((1 << bits) - 1)|0; tempRet0 = high >>> bits; return (low >>> bits) | ((high&ander) << (32 - bits)); } tempRet0 = 0; return (high >>> (bits - 32))|0; } function _bitshift64Shl(low, high, bits) { low = low|0; high = high|0; bits = bits|0; var ander = 0; if ((bits|0) < 32) { ander = ((1 << bits) - 1)|0; tempRet0 = (high << bits) | ((low&(ander << (32 - bits))) >>> (32 - bits)); return low << bits; } tempRet0 = low << (bits - 32); return 0; } function _llvm_bswap_i32(x) { x = x|0; return (((x&0xff)<<24) | (((x>>8)&0xff)<<16) | (((x>>16)&0xff)<<8) | (x>>>24))|0; } function _memcpy(dest, src, num) { dest = dest|0; src = src|0; num = num|0; var ret = 0; var aligned_dest_end = 0; var block_aligned_dest_end = 0; var dest_end = 0; // Test against a benchmarked cutoff limit for when HEAPU8.set() becomes faster to use. if ((num|0) >= 8192 ) { return _emscripten_memcpy_big(dest|0, src|0, num|0)|0; } ret = dest|0; dest_end = (dest + num)|0; if ((dest&3) == (src&3)) { // The initial unaligned < 4-byte front. while (dest & 3) { if ((num|0) == 0) return ret|0; HEAP8[((dest)>>0)]=((HEAP8[((src)>>0)])|0); dest = (dest+1)|0; src = (src+1)|0; num = (num-1)|0; } aligned_dest_end = (dest_end & -4)|0; block_aligned_dest_end = (aligned_dest_end - 64)|0; while ((dest|0) <= (block_aligned_dest_end|0) ) { HEAP32[((dest)>>2)]=((HEAP32[((src)>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(4))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(4))>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(8))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(8))>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(12))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(12))>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(16))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(16))>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(20))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(20))>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(24))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(24))>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(28))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(28))>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(32))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(32))>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(36))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(36))>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(40))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(40))>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(44))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(44))>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(48))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(48))>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(52))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(52))>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(56))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(56))>>2)])|0); HEAP32[(((dest)+(60))>>2)]=((HEAP32[(((src)+(60))>>2)])|0); dest = (dest+64)|0; src = (src+64)|0; } while ((dest|0) < (aligned_dest_end|0) ) { HEAP32[((dest)>>2)]=((HEAP32[((src)>>2)])|0); dest = (dest+4)|0; src = (src+4)|0; } } else { // In the unaligned copy case, unroll a bit as well. aligned_dest_end = (dest_end - 4)|0; while ((dest|0) < (aligned_dest_end|0) ) { HEAP8[((dest)>>0)]=((HEAP8[((src)>>0)])|0); HEAP8[(((dest)+(1))>>0)]=((HEAP8[(((src)+(1))>>0)])|0); HEAP8[(((dest)+(2))>>0)]=((HEAP8[(((src)+(2))>>0)])|0); HEAP8[(((dest)+(3))>>0)]=((HEAP8[(((src)+(3))>>0)])|0); dest = (dest+4)|0; src = (src+4)|0; } } // The remaining unaligned < 4 byte tail. while ((dest|0) < (dest_end|0)) { HEAP8[((dest)>>0)]=((HEAP8[((src)>>0)])|0); dest = (dest+1)|0; src = (src+1)|0; } return ret|0; } function _memmove(dest, src, num) { dest = dest|0; src = src|0; num = num|0; var ret = 0; if (((src|0) < (dest|0)) & ((dest|0) < ((src + num)|0))) { // Unlikely case: Copy backwards in a safe manner ret = dest; src = (src + num)|0; dest = (dest + num)|0; while ((num|0) > 0) { dest = (dest - 1)|0; src = (src - 1)|0; num = (num - 1)|0; HEAP8[((dest)>>0)]=((HEAP8[((src)>>0)])|0); } dest = ret; } else { _memcpy(dest, src, num) | 0; } return dest | 0; } function _memset(ptr, value, num) { ptr = ptr|0; value = value|0; num = num|0; var end = 0, aligned_end = 0, block_aligned_end = 0, value4 = 0; end = (ptr + num)|0; value = value & 0xff; if ((num|0) >= 67 /* 64 bytes for an unrolled loop + 3 bytes for unaligned head*/) { while ((ptr&3) != 0) { HEAP8[((ptr)>>0)]=value; ptr = (ptr+1)|0; } aligned_end = (end & -4)|0; block_aligned_end = (aligned_end - 64)|0; value4 = value | (value << 8) | (value << 16) | (value << 24); while((ptr|0) <= (block_aligned_end|0)) { HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(4))>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(8))>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(12))>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(16))>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(20))>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(24))>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(28))>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(32))>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(36))>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(40))>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(44))>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(48))>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(52))>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(56))>>2)]=value4; HEAP32[(((ptr)+(60))>>2)]=value4; ptr = (ptr + 64)|0; } while ((ptr|0) < (aligned_end|0) ) { HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)]=value4; ptr = (ptr+4)|0; } } // The remaining bytes. while ((ptr|0) < (end|0)) { HEAP8[((ptr)>>0)]=value; ptr = (ptr+1)|0; } return (end-num)|0; } function _round(d) { d = +d; return d >= +0 ? +Math_floor(d + +0.5) : +Math_ceil(d - +0.5); } function _rintf(f) { f = +f; return (f - +Math_floor(f) != .5) ? +_round(f) : +_round(f / +2) * +2; } function _sbrk(increment) { increment = increment|0; var oldDynamicTop = 0; var oldDynamicTopOnChange = 0; var newDynamicTop = 0; var totalMemory = 0; increment = ((increment + 15) & -16)|0; oldDynamicTop = HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2]|0; newDynamicTop = oldDynamicTop + increment | 0; if (((increment|0) > 0 & (newDynamicTop|0) < (oldDynamicTop|0)) // Detect and fail if we would wrap around signed 32-bit int. | (newDynamicTop|0) < 0) { // Also underflow, sbrk() should be able to be used to subtract. abortOnCannotGrowMemory()|0; ___setErrNo(12); return -1; } HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2] = newDynamicTop; totalMemory = getTotalMemory()|0; if ((newDynamicTop|0) > (totalMemory|0)) { if ((enlargeMemory()|0) == 0) { HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2] = oldDynamicTop; ___setErrNo(12); return -1; } } return oldDynamicTop|0; } function dynCall_ii(index,a1) { index = index|0; a1=a1|0; return FUNCTION_TABLE_ii[index&31](a1|0)|0; } function dynCall_iiii(index,a1,a2,a3) { index = index|0; a1=a1|0; a2=a2|0; a3=a3|0; return FUNCTION_TABLE_iiii[index&31](a1|0,a2|0,a3|0)|0; } function dynCall_v(index) { index = index|0; FUNCTION_TABLE_v[index&0](); } function dynCall_vi(index,a1) { index = index|0; a1=a1|0; FUNCTION_TABLE_vi[index&31](a1|0); } function dynCall_viiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4) { index = index|0; a1=a1|0; a2=a2|0; a3=a3|0; a4=a4|0; FUNCTION_TABLE_viiii[index&15](a1|0,a2|0,a3|0,a4|0); } function dynCall_viiiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) { index = index|0; a1=a1|0; a2=a2|0; a3=a3|0; a4=a4|0; a5=a5|0; FUNCTION_TABLE_viiiii[index&15](a1|0,a2|0,a3|0,a4|0,a5|0); } function dynCall_viiiiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) { index = index|0; a1=a1|0; a2=a2|0; a3=a3|0; a4=a4|0; a5=a5|0; a6=a6|0; FUNCTION_TABLE_viiiiii[index&15](a1|0,a2|0,a3|0,a4|0,a5|0,a6|0); } function dynCall_viiiiiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7) { index = index|0; a1=a1|0; a2=a2|0; a3=a3|0; a4=a4|0; a5=a5|0; a6=a6|0; a7=a7|0; FUNCTION_TABLE_viiiiiii[index&31](a1|0,a2|0,a3|0,a4|0,a5|0,a6|0,a7|0); } function b1(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(0);return 0; } function b2(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(2);return 0; } function b3(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(3);return 0; } function b4(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(4);return 0; } function b5(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(5);return 0; } function b6(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(6);return 0; } function b7(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(7);return 0; } function b8(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(8);return 0; } function b9(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(9);return 0; } function b10(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(10);return 0; } function b11(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(11);return 0; } function b12(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(12);return 0; } function b13(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(13);return 0; } function b14(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(14);return 0; } function b15(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(15);return 0; } function b16(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(16);return 0; } function b17(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(17);return 0; } function b18(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(19);return 0; } function b19(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(20);return 0; } function b20(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(21);return 0; } function b21(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(22);return 0; } function b22(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(23);return 0; } function b23(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(24);return 0; } function b24(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(25);return 0; } function b25(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(26);return 0; } function b26(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(27);return 0; } function b27(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(28);return 0; } function b28(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(29);return 0; } function b29(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(30);return 0; } function b30(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_ii(31);return 0; } function b32(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(0);return 0; } function b33(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(1);return 0; } function b34(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(4);return 0; } function b35(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(5);return 0; } function b36(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(6);return 0; } function b37(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(7);return 0; } function b38(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(9);return 0; } function b39(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(10);return 0; } function b40(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(11);return 0; } function b41(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(12);return 0; } function b42(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(13);return 0; } function b43(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(14);return 0; } function b44(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(15);return 0; } function b45(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(16);return 0; } function b46(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(17);return 0; } function b47(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(18);return 0; } function b48(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(19);return 0; } function b49(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(21);return 0; } function b50(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(22);return 0; } function b51(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(23);return 0; } function b52(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(24);return 0; } function b53(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(25);return 0; } function b54(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(26);return 0; } function b55(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(27);return 0; } function b56(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(28);return 0; } function b57(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(29);return 0; } function b58(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(30);return 0; } function b59(p0,p1,p2) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0; nullFunc_iiii(31);return 0; } function b61() { ; nullFunc_v(0); } function b63(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(0); } function b64(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(1); } function b65(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(2); } function b66(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(3); } function b67(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(8); } function b68(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(9); } function b69(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(10); } function b70(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(11); } function b71(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(13); } function b72(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(14); } function b73(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(15); } function b74(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(18); } function b75(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(19); } function b76(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(20); } function b77(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(21); } function b78(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(22); } function b79(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(23); } function b80(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(24); } function b81(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(25); } function b82(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(26); } function b83(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(27); } function b84(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(28); } function b85(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(29); } function b86(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(30); } function b87(p0) { p0 = p0|0; nullFunc_vi(31); } function b89(p0,p1,p2,p3) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0; nullFunc_viiii(0); } function b90(p0,p1,p2,p3) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0; nullFunc_viiii(1); } function b91(p0,p1,p2,p3) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0; nullFunc_viiii(2); } function b92(p0,p1,p2,p3) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0; nullFunc_viiii(3); } function b93(p0,p1,p2,p3) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0; nullFunc_viiii(4); } function b94(p0,p1,p2,p3) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0; nullFunc_viiii(5); } function b95(p0,p1,p2,p3) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0; nullFunc_viiii(6); } function b96(p0,p1,p2,p3) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0; nullFunc_viiii(7); } function b97(p0,p1,p2,p3) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0; nullFunc_viiii(8); } function b98(p0,p1,p2,p3) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0; nullFunc_viiii(9); } function b99(p0,p1,p2,p3) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0; nullFunc_viiii(10); } function b100(p0,p1,p2,p3) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0; nullFunc_viiii(12); } function b101(p0,p1,p2,p3) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0; nullFunc_viiii(13); } function b102(p0,p1,p2,p3) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0; nullFunc_viiii(14); } function b104(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0; nullFunc_viiiii(0); } function b105(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0; nullFunc_viiiii(1); } function b106(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0; nullFunc_viiiii(2); } function b107(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0; nullFunc_viiiii(3); } function b108(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0; nullFunc_viiiii(4); } function b109(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0; nullFunc_viiiii(5); } function b110(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0; nullFunc_viiiii(6); } function b111(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0; nullFunc_viiiii(7); } function b112(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0; nullFunc_viiiii(8); } function b113(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0; nullFunc_viiiii(9); } function b114(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0; nullFunc_viiiii(11); } function b115(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0; nullFunc_viiiii(12); } function b116(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0; nullFunc_viiiii(13); } function b117(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0; nullFunc_viiiii(15); } function b119(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0; nullFunc_viiiiii(0); } function b120(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0; nullFunc_viiiiii(1); } function b121(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0; nullFunc_viiiiii(2); } function b122(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0; nullFunc_viiiiii(3); } function b123(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0; nullFunc_viiiiii(4); } function b124(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0; nullFunc_viiiiii(5); } function b125(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0; nullFunc_viiiiii(6); } function b126(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0; nullFunc_viiiiii(7); } function b127(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0; nullFunc_viiiiii(8); } function b128(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0; nullFunc_viiiiii(10); } function b129(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0; nullFunc_viiiiii(11); } function b130(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0; nullFunc_viiiiii(12); } function b131(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0; nullFunc_viiiiii(14); } function b132(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0; nullFunc_viiiiii(15); } function b134(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(0); } function b135(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(1); } function b136(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(2); } function b137(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(3); } function b138(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(4); } function b139(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(5); } function b140(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(6); } function b141(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(7); } function b142(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(8); } function b143(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(9); } function b144(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(10); } function b145(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(11); } function b146(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(12); } function b147(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(13); } function b148(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(14); } function b149(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(15); } function b150(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(16); } function b151(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(17); } function b152(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(18); } function b153(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(20); } function b154(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(21); } function b155(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(22); } function b156(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(23); } function b157(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(24); } function b158(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(25); } function b159(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(26); } function b160(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(27); } function b161(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(28); } function b162(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(29); } function b163(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(30); } function b164(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) { p0 = p0|0;p1 = p1|0;p2 = p2|0;p3 = p3|0;p4 = p4|0;p5 = p5|0;p6 = p6|0; nullFunc_viiiiiii(31); } // EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS var FUNCTION_TABLE_ii = [b1,___stdio_close,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13,b14,b15,b16,b17,__ZNKSt9bad_alloc4whatEv,b18,b19,b20,b21,b22,b23,b24,b25,b26,b27 ,b28,b29,b30]; var FUNCTION_TABLE_iiii = [b32,b33,___stdout_write,___stdio_seek,b34,b35,b36,b37,__ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info9can_catchEPKNS_16__shim_type_infoERPv,b38,b39,b40,b41,b42,b43,b44,b45,b46,b47,b48,___stdio_write,b49,b50,b51,b52,b53,b54,b55,b56 ,b57,b58,b59]; var FUNCTION_TABLE_v = [b61]; var FUNCTION_TABLE_vi = [b63,b64,b65,b66,__ZN10__cxxabiv116__shim_type_infoD2Ev,__ZN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoD0Ev,__ZNK10__cxxabiv116__shim_type_info5noop1Ev,__ZNK10__cxxabiv116__shim_type_info5noop2Ev,b67,b68,b69,b70,__ZN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoD0Ev,b71,b72,b73,__ZNSt9bad_allocD2Ev,__ZNSt9bad_allocD0Ev,b74,b75,b76,b77,b78,b79,b80,b81,b82,b83,b84 ,b85,b86,b87]; var FUNCTION_TABLE_viiii = [b89,b90,b91,b92,b93,b94,b95,b96,b97,b98,b99,__ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info27has_unambiguous_public_baseEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPvi,b100,b101,b102,__ZNK10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_info27has_unambiguous_public_baseEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPvi]; var FUNCTION_TABLE_viiiii = [b104,b105,b106,b107,b108,b109,b110,b111,b112,b113,__ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info16search_below_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvib,b114,b115,b116,__ZNK10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_info16search_below_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvib,b117]; var FUNCTION_TABLE_viiiiii = [b119,b120,b121,b122,b123,b124,b125,b126,b127,__ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info16search_above_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvS4_ib,b128,b129,b130,__ZNK10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_info16search_above_dstEPNS_19__dynamic_cast_infoEPKvS4_ib,b131,b132]; var FUNCTION_TABLE_viiiiiii = [b134,b135,b136,b137,b138,b139,b140,b141,b142,b143,b144,b145,b146,b147,b148,b149,b150,b151,b152,_downmix_float,b153,b154,b155,b156,b157,b158,b159,b160,b161 ,b162,b163,b164]; return { ___errno_location: ___errno_location, ___muldi3: ___muldi3, ___udivdi3: ___udivdi3, ___uremdi3: ___uremdi3, _bitshift64Ashr: _bitshift64Ashr, _bitshift64Lshr: _bitshift64Lshr, _bitshift64Shl: _bitshift64Shl, _codec_opus_changeApplication: _codec_opus_changeApplication, _codec_opus_createNativeHandle: _codec_opus_createNativeHandle, _codec_opus_decode: _codec_opus_decode, _codec_opus_deleteNativeHandle: _codec_opus_deleteNativeHandle, _codec_opus_encode: _codec_opus_encode, _fflush: _fflush, _free: _free, _i64Add: _i64Add, _i64Subtract: _i64Subtract, _llvm_bswap_i32: _llvm_bswap_i32, _malloc: _malloc, _memcpy: _memcpy, _memmove: _memmove, _memset: _memset, _rintf: _rintf, _sbrk: _sbrk, dynCall_ii: dynCall_ii, dynCall_iiii: dynCall_iiii, dynCall_v: dynCall_v, dynCall_vi: dynCall_vi, dynCall_viiii: dynCall_viiii, dynCall_viiiii: dynCall_viiiii, dynCall_viiiiii: dynCall_viiiiii, dynCall_viiiiiii: dynCall_viiiiiii, establishStackSpace: establishStackSpace, getTempRet0: getTempRet0, runPostSets: runPostSets, setTempRet0: setTempRet0, setThrew: setThrew, stackAlloc: stackAlloc, stackRestore: stackRestore, stackSave: stackSave }; }) // EMSCRIPTEN_END_ASM (Module.asmGlobalArg, Module.asmLibraryArg, buffer); var real____errno_location = asm["___errno_location"]; asm["___errno_location"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real____errno_location.apply(null, arguments); }; var real____muldi3 = asm["___muldi3"]; asm["___muldi3"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real____muldi3.apply(null, arguments); }; var real____udivdi3 = asm["___udivdi3"]; asm["___udivdi3"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real____udivdi3.apply(null, arguments); }; var real____uremdi3 = asm["___uremdi3"]; asm["___uremdi3"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real____uremdi3.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__bitshift64Ashr = asm["_bitshift64Ashr"]; asm["_bitshift64Ashr"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__bitshift64Ashr.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__bitshift64Lshr = asm["_bitshift64Lshr"]; asm["_bitshift64Lshr"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__bitshift64Lshr.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__bitshift64Shl = asm["_bitshift64Shl"]; asm["_bitshift64Shl"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__bitshift64Shl.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__codec_opus_changeApplication = asm["_codec_opus_changeApplication"]; asm["_codec_opus_changeApplication"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__codec_opus_changeApplication.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__codec_opus_createNativeHandle = asm["_codec_opus_createNativeHandle"]; asm["_codec_opus_createNativeHandle"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__codec_opus_createNativeHandle.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__codec_opus_decode = asm["_codec_opus_decode"]; asm["_codec_opus_decode"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__codec_opus_decode.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__codec_opus_deleteNativeHandle = asm["_codec_opus_deleteNativeHandle"]; asm["_codec_opus_deleteNativeHandle"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__codec_opus_deleteNativeHandle.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__codec_opus_encode = asm["_codec_opus_encode"]; asm["_codec_opus_encode"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__codec_opus_encode.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__fflush = asm["_fflush"]; asm["_fflush"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__fflush.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__free = asm["_free"]; asm["_free"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__free.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__i64Add = asm["_i64Add"]; asm["_i64Add"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__i64Add.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__i64Subtract = asm["_i64Subtract"]; asm["_i64Subtract"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__i64Subtract.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__llvm_bswap_i32 = asm["_llvm_bswap_i32"]; asm["_llvm_bswap_i32"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__llvm_bswap_i32.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__malloc = asm["_malloc"]; asm["_malloc"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__malloc.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__memmove = asm["_memmove"]; asm["_memmove"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__memmove.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__rintf = asm["_rintf"]; asm["_rintf"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__rintf.apply(null, arguments); }; var real__sbrk = asm["_sbrk"]; asm["_sbrk"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real__sbrk.apply(null, arguments); }; var real_establishStackSpace = asm["establishStackSpace"]; asm["establishStackSpace"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real_establishStackSpace.apply(null, arguments); }; var real_getTempRet0 = asm["getTempRet0"]; asm["getTempRet0"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real_getTempRet0.apply(null, arguments); }; var real_setTempRet0 = asm["setTempRet0"]; asm["setTempRet0"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real_setTempRet0.apply(null, arguments); }; var real_setThrew = asm["setThrew"]; asm["setThrew"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real_setThrew.apply(null, arguments); }; var real_stackAlloc = asm["stackAlloc"]; asm["stackAlloc"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real_stackAlloc.apply(null, arguments); }; var real_stackRestore = asm["stackRestore"]; asm["stackRestore"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real_stackRestore.apply(null, arguments); }; var real_stackSave = asm["stackSave"]; asm["stackSave"] = function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)'); assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)'); return real_stackSave.apply(null, arguments); }; var ___errno_location = Module["___errno_location"] = asm["___errno_location"]; var ___muldi3 = Module["___muldi3"] = asm["___muldi3"]; var ___udivdi3 = Module["___udivdi3"] = asm["___udivdi3"]; var ___uremdi3 = Module["___uremdi3"] = asm["___uremdi3"]; var _bitshift64Ashr = Module["_bitshift64Ashr"] = asm["_bitshift64Ashr"]; var _bitshift64Lshr = Module["_bitshift64Lshr"] = asm["_bitshift64Lshr"]; var _bitshift64Shl = Module["_bitshift64Shl"] = asm["_bitshift64Shl"]; var _codec_opus_changeApplication = Module["_codec_opus_changeApplication"] = asm["_codec_opus_changeApplication"]; var _codec_opus_createNativeHandle = Module["_codec_opus_createNativeHandle"] = asm["_codec_opus_createNativeHandle"]; var _codec_opus_decode = Module["_codec_opus_decode"] = asm["_codec_opus_decode"]; var _codec_opus_deleteNativeHandle = Module["_codec_opus_deleteNativeHandle"] = asm["_codec_opus_deleteNativeHandle"]; var _codec_opus_encode = Module["_codec_opus_encode"] = asm["_codec_opus_encode"]; var _fflush = Module["_fflush"] = asm["_fflush"]; var _free = Module["_free"] = asm["_free"]; var _i64Add = Module["_i64Add"] = asm["_i64Add"]; var _i64Subtract = Module["_i64Subtract"] = asm["_i64Subtract"]; var _llvm_bswap_i32 = Module["_llvm_bswap_i32"] = asm["_llvm_bswap_i32"]; var _malloc = Module["_malloc"] = asm["_malloc"]; var _memcpy = Module["_memcpy"] = asm["_memcpy"]; var _memmove = Module["_memmove"] = asm["_memmove"]; var _memset = Module["_memset"] = asm["_memset"]; var _rintf = Module["_rintf"] = asm["_rintf"]; var _sbrk = Module["_sbrk"] = asm["_sbrk"]; var establishStackSpace = Module["establishStackSpace"] = asm["establishStackSpace"]; var getTempRet0 = Module["getTempRet0"] = asm["getTempRet0"]; var runPostSets = Module["runPostSets"] = asm["runPostSets"]; var setTempRet0 = Module["setTempRet0"] = asm["setTempRet0"]; var setThrew = Module["setThrew"] = asm["setThrew"]; var stackAlloc = Module["stackAlloc"] = asm["stackAlloc"]; var stackRestore = Module["stackRestore"] = asm["stackRestore"]; var stackSave = Module["stackSave"] = asm["stackSave"]; var dynCall_ii = Module["dynCall_ii"] = asm["dynCall_ii"]; var dynCall_iiii = Module["dynCall_iiii"] = asm["dynCall_iiii"]; var dynCall_v = Module["dynCall_v"] = asm["dynCall_v"]; var dynCall_vi = Module["dynCall_vi"] = asm["dynCall_vi"]; var dynCall_viiii = Module["dynCall_viiii"] = asm["dynCall_viiii"]; var dynCall_viiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiii"] = asm["dynCall_viiiii"]; var dynCall_viiiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiiii"] = asm["dynCall_viiiiii"]; var dynCall_viiiiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiiiii"] = asm["dynCall_viiiiiii"]; ; // === Auto-generated postamble setup entry stuff === Module['asm'] = asm; if (!Module["intArrayFromString"]) Module["intArrayFromString"] = function() { abort("'intArrayFromString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["intArrayToString"]) Module["intArrayToString"] = function() { abort("'intArrayToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; Module["ccall"] = ccall; Module["cwrap"] = cwrap; if (!Module["setValue"]) Module["setValue"] = function() { abort("'setValue' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["getValue"]) Module["getValue"] = function() { abort("'getValue' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["allocate"]) Module["allocate"] = function() { abort("'allocate' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["getMemory"]) Module["getMemory"] = function() { abort("'getMemory' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") }; if (!Module["Pointer_stringify"]) Module["Pointer_stringify"] = function() { abort("'Pointer_stringify' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["AsciiToString"]) Module["AsciiToString"] = function() { abort("'AsciiToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["stringToAscii"]) Module["stringToAscii"] = function() { abort("'stringToAscii' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["UTF8ArrayToString"]) Module["UTF8ArrayToString"] = function() { abort("'UTF8ArrayToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["UTF8ToString"]) Module["UTF8ToString"] = function() { abort("'UTF8ToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["stringToUTF8Array"]) Module["stringToUTF8Array"] = function() { abort("'stringToUTF8Array' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["stringToUTF8"]) Module["stringToUTF8"] = function() { abort("'stringToUTF8' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["lengthBytesUTF8"]) Module["lengthBytesUTF8"] = function() { abort("'lengthBytesUTF8' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["UTF16ToString"]) Module["UTF16ToString"] = function() { abort("'UTF16ToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["stringToUTF16"]) Module["stringToUTF16"] = function() { abort("'stringToUTF16' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["lengthBytesUTF16"]) Module["lengthBytesUTF16"] = function() { abort("'lengthBytesUTF16' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["UTF32ToString"]) Module["UTF32ToString"] = function() { abort("'UTF32ToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["stringToUTF32"]) Module["stringToUTF32"] = function() { abort("'stringToUTF32' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["lengthBytesUTF32"]) Module["lengthBytesUTF32"] = function() { abort("'lengthBytesUTF32' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["allocateUTF8"]) Module["allocateUTF8"] = function() { abort("'allocateUTF8' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["stackTrace"]) Module["stackTrace"] = function() { abort("'stackTrace' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["addOnPreRun"]) Module["addOnPreRun"] = function() { abort("'addOnPreRun' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["addOnInit"]) Module["addOnInit"] = function() { abort("'addOnInit' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["addOnPreMain"]) Module["addOnPreMain"] = function() { abort("'addOnPreMain' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["addOnExit"]) Module["addOnExit"] = function() { abort("'addOnExit' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["addOnPostRun"]) Module["addOnPostRun"] = function() { abort("'addOnPostRun' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["writeStringToMemory"]) Module["writeStringToMemory"] = function() { abort("'writeStringToMemory' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["writeArrayToMemory"]) Module["writeArrayToMemory"] = function() { abort("'writeArrayToMemory' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["writeAsciiToMemory"]) Module["writeAsciiToMemory"] = function() { abort("'writeAsciiToMemory' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["addRunDependency"]) Module["addRunDependency"] = function() { abort("'addRunDependency' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") }; if (!Module["removeRunDependency"]) Module["removeRunDependency"] = function() { abort("'removeRunDependency' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") }; if (!Module["FS"]) Module["FS"] = function() { abort("'FS' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["FS_createFolder"]) Module["FS_createFolder"] = function() { abort("'FS_createFolder' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") }; if (!Module["FS_createPath"]) Module["FS_createPath"] = function() { abort("'FS_createPath' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") }; if (!Module["FS_createDataFile"]) Module["FS_createDataFile"] = function() { abort("'FS_createDataFile' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") }; if (!Module["FS_createPreloadedFile"]) Module["FS_createPreloadedFile"] = function() { abort("'FS_createPreloadedFile' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") }; if (!Module["FS_createLazyFile"]) Module["FS_createLazyFile"] = function() { abort("'FS_createLazyFile' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") }; if (!Module["FS_createLink"]) Module["FS_createLink"] = function() { abort("'FS_createLink' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") }; if (!Module["FS_createDevice"]) Module["FS_createDevice"] = function() { abort("'FS_createDevice' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") }; if (!Module["FS_unlink"]) Module["FS_unlink"] = function() { abort("'FS_unlink' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") }; if (!Module["GL"]) Module["GL"] = function() { abort("'GL' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["staticAlloc"]) Module["staticAlloc"] = function() { abort("'staticAlloc' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["dynamicAlloc"]) Module["dynamicAlloc"] = function() { abort("'dynamicAlloc' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["warnOnce"]) Module["warnOnce"] = function() { abort("'warnOnce' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["loadDynamicLibrary"]) Module["loadDynamicLibrary"] = function() { abort("'loadDynamicLibrary' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["loadWebAssemblyModule"]) Module["loadWebAssemblyModule"] = function() { abort("'loadWebAssemblyModule' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["getLEB"]) Module["getLEB"] = function() { abort("'getLEB' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["getFunctionTables"]) Module["getFunctionTables"] = function() { abort("'getFunctionTables' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["alignFunctionTables"]) Module["alignFunctionTables"] = function() { abort("'alignFunctionTables' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["registerFunctions"]) Module["registerFunctions"] = function() { abort("'registerFunctions' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["addFunction"]) Module["addFunction"] = function() { abort("'addFunction' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["removeFunction"]) Module["removeFunction"] = function() { abort("'removeFunction' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["getFuncWrapper"]) Module["getFuncWrapper"] = function() { abort("'getFuncWrapper' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["prettyPrint"]) Module["prettyPrint"] = function() { abort("'prettyPrint' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["makeBigInt"]) Module["makeBigInt"] = function() { abort("'makeBigInt' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["dynCall"]) Module["dynCall"] = function() { abort("'dynCall' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["getCompilerSetting"]) Module["getCompilerSetting"] = function() { abort("'getCompilerSetting' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["intArrayFromBase64"]) Module["intArrayFromBase64"] = function() { abort("'intArrayFromBase64' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") }; if (!Module["tryParseAsDataURI"]) Module["tryParseAsDataURI"] = function() { abort("'tryParseAsDataURI' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };if (!Module["ALLOC_NORMAL"]) Object.defineProperty(Module, "ALLOC_NORMAL", { get: function() { abort("'ALLOC_NORMAL' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") } }); if (!Module["ALLOC_STACK"]) Object.defineProperty(Module, "ALLOC_STACK", { get: function() { abort("'ALLOC_STACK' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") } }); if (!Module["ALLOC_STATIC"]) Object.defineProperty(Module, "ALLOC_STATIC", { get: function() { abort("'ALLOC_STATIC' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") } }); if (!Module["ALLOC_DYNAMIC"]) Object.defineProperty(Module, "ALLOC_DYNAMIC", { get: function() { abort("'ALLOC_DYNAMIC' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") } }); if (!Module["ALLOC_NONE"]) Object.defineProperty(Module, "ALLOC_NONE", { get: function() { abort("'ALLOC_NONE' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") } }); if (memoryInitializer) { if (!isDataURI(memoryInitializer)) { if (typeof Module['locateFile'] === 'function') { memoryInitializer = Module['locateFile'](memoryInitializer); } else if (Module['memoryInitializerPrefixURL']) { memoryInitializer = Module['memoryInitializerPrefixURL'] + memoryInitializer; } } if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE || ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL) { var data = Module['readBinary'](memoryInitializer); HEAPU8.set(data, GLOBAL_BASE); } else { addRunDependency('memory initializer'); var applyMemoryInitializer = function(data) { if (data.byteLength) data = new Uint8Array(data); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { assert(HEAPU8[GLOBAL_BASE + i] === 0, "area for memory initializer should not have been touched before it's loaded"); } HEAPU8.set(data, GLOBAL_BASE); // Delete the typed array that contains the large blob of the memory initializer request response so that // we won't keep unnecessary memory lying around. However, keep the XHR object itself alive so that e.g. // its .status field can still be accessed later. if (Module['memoryInitializerRequest']) delete Module['memoryInitializerRequest'].response; removeRunDependency('memory initializer'); } function doBrowserLoad() { Module['readAsync'](memoryInitializer, applyMemoryInitializer, function() { throw 'could not load memory initializer ' + memoryInitializer; }); } var memoryInitializerBytes = tryParseAsDataURI(memoryInitializer); if (memoryInitializerBytes) { applyMemoryInitializer(memoryInitializerBytes.buffer); } else if (Module['memoryInitializerRequest']) { // a network request has already been created, just use that function useRequest() { var request = Module['memoryInitializerRequest']; var response = request.response; if (request.status !== 200 && request.status !== 0) { var data = tryParseAsDataURI(Module['memoryInitializerRequestURL']); if (data) { response = data.buffer; } else { // If you see this warning, the issue may be that you are using locateFile or memoryInitializerPrefixURL, and defining them in JS. That // means that the HTML file doesn't know about them, and when it tries to create the mem init request early, does it to the wrong place. // Look in your browser's devtools network console to see what's going on. console.warn('a problem seems to have happened with Module.memoryInitializerRequest, status: ' + request.status + ', retrying ' + memoryInitializer); doBrowserLoad(); return; } } applyMemoryInitializer(response); } if (Module['memoryInitializerRequest'].response) { setTimeout(useRequest, 0); // it's already here; but, apply it asynchronously } else { Module['memoryInitializerRequest'].addEventListener('load', useRequest); // wait for it } } else { // fetch it from the network ourselves doBrowserLoad(); } } } /** * @constructor * @extends {Error} * @this {ExitStatus} */ function ExitStatus(status) { this.name = "ExitStatus"; this.message = "Program terminated with exit(" + status + ")"; this.status = status; }; ExitStatus.prototype = new Error(); ExitStatus.prototype.constructor = ExitStatus; var initialStackTop; var calledMain = false; dependenciesFulfilled = function runCaller() { // If run has never been called, and we should call run (INVOKE_RUN is true, and Module.noInitialRun is not false) if (!Module['calledRun']) run(); if (!Module['calledRun']) dependenciesFulfilled = runCaller; // try this again later, after new deps are fulfilled } /** @type {function(Array=)} */ function run(args) { args = args || Module['arguments']; if (runDependencies > 0) { return; } writeStackCookie(); preRun(); if (runDependencies > 0) return; // a preRun added a dependency, run will be called later if (Module['calledRun']) return; // run may have just been called through dependencies being fulfilled just in this very frame function doRun() { if (Module['calledRun']) return; // run may have just been called while the async setStatus time below was happening Module['calledRun'] = true; if (ABORT) return; ensureInitRuntime(); preMain(); if (Module['onRuntimeInitialized']) Module['onRuntimeInitialized'](); assert(!Module['_main'], 'compiled without a main, but one is present. if you added it from JS, use Module["onRuntimeInitialized"]'); postRun(); } if (Module['setStatus']) { Module['setStatus']('Running...'); setTimeout(function() { setTimeout(function() { Module['setStatus'](''); }, 1); doRun(); }, 1); } else { doRun(); } checkStackCookie(); } Module['run'] = run; function checkUnflushedContent() { // Compiler settings do not allow exiting the runtime, so flushing // the streams is not possible. but in ASSERTIONS mode we check // if there was something to flush, and if so tell the user they // should request that the runtime be exitable. // Normally we would not even include flush() at all, but in ASSERTIONS // builds we do so just for this check, and here we see if there is any // content to flush, that is, we check if there would have been // something a non-ASSERTIONS build would have not seen. // How we flush the streams depends on whether we are in NO_FILESYSTEM // mode (which has its own special function for this; otherwise, all // the code is inside libc) var print = Module['print']; var printErr = Module['printErr']; var has = false; Module['print'] = Module['printErr'] = function(x) { has = true; } try { // it doesn't matter if it fails var flush = flush_NO_FILESYSTEM; if (flush) flush(0); } catch(e) {} Module['print'] = print; Module['printErr'] = printErr; if (has) { warnOnce('stdio streams had content in them that was not flushed. you should set NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to 0 (see the FAQ), or make sure to emit a newline when you printf etc.'); } } function exit(status, implicit) { checkUnflushedContent(); // if this is just main exit-ing implicitly, and the status is 0, then we // don't need to do anything here and can just leave. if the status is // non-zero, though, then we need to report it. // (we may have warned about this earlier, if a situation justifies doing so) if (implicit && Module['noExitRuntime'] && status === 0) { return; } if (Module['noExitRuntime']) { // if exit() was called, we may warn the user if the runtime isn't actually being shut down if (!implicit) { Module.printErr('exit(' + status + ') called, but NO_EXIT_RUNTIME is set, so halting execution but not exiting the runtime or preventing further async execution (build with NO_EXIT_RUNTIME=0, if you want a true shutdown)'); } } else { ABORT = true; EXITSTATUS = status; STACKTOP = initialStackTop; exitRuntime(); if (Module['onExit']) Module['onExit'](status); } if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) { process['exit'](status); } Module['quit'](status, new ExitStatus(status)); } Module['exit'] = exit; var abortDecorators = []; function abort(what) { if (Module['onAbort']) { Module['onAbort'](what); } if (what !== undefined) { Module.print(what); Module.printErr(what); what = JSON.stringify(what) } else { what = ''; } ABORT = true; EXITSTATUS = 1; var extra = ''; var output = 'abort(' + what + ') at ' + stackTrace() + extra; if (abortDecorators) { abortDecorators.forEach(function(decorator) { output = decorator(output, what); }); } throw output; } Module['abort'] = abort; // {{PRE_RUN_ADDITIONS}} if (Module['preInit']) { if (typeof Module['preInit'] == 'function') Module['preInit'] = [Module['preInit']]; while (Module['preInit'].length > 0) { Module['preInit'].pop()(); } } Module["noExitRuntime"] = true; run(); // {{POST_RUN_ADDITIONS}} // {{MODULE_ADDITIONS}}