import * as cworker from "./CodecWorker"; import {CodecType} from "tc-backend/web/codec/Codec"; import {CodecWorker} from "./CodecWorker"; import {type} from "os"; declare global { interface Window { __init_em_module: ((Module: any) => void)[]; } } self.__init_em_module = self.__init_em_module || []; const WASM_ERROR_MESSAGES = [ 'no native wasm support detected' ]; let Module; self.__init_em_module.push(m => Module = m); const runtime_initialize_promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { self.__init_em_module.push(Module => { const cleanup = () => { Module['onRuntimeInitialized'] = undefined; Module['onAbort'] = undefined; }; Module['onRuntimeInitialized'] = () => { cleanup(); resolve(); }; Module['onAbort'] = error => { cleanup(); let message; if(error instanceof DOMException) message = "DOMException (" + + "): " + error.code + " => " + error.message; else if(error instanceof Error) { message = error.message; } else { message = error; } reject(message); } }); }); self.__init_em_module.push(Module => { Module['print'] = function() { const message = arguments[0] as string; if(message.startsWith("CompileError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): ")) { /* Compile errors also get printed to error stream so no need to log them here */ return; } console.log(...arguments); }; Module['printErr'] = function() { const message = arguments[0] as string; if(message.startsWith("wasm streaming compile failed: ")) { const error_message = message.substr(31); if(error_message.startsWith("TypeError: Failed to execute 'compile' on 'WebAssembly': ")) { console.warn("Failed to compile opus native code: %s", error_message.substr(57)); } else { console.warn("Failed to prepare opus native code asynchronously: %s", error_message); } return; } else if(message === "falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation") { /* We suppress this message, because it comes directly after "wasm streaming compile failed:". So if we want to print multiple lines we just have to edit the lines above. */ return; } else if(message.startsWith("failed to asynchronously prepare wasm:")) { /* Will be handled via abort */ return; } else if(message.startsWith("CompileError: WebAssembly.instantiate():")) { /* Will be handled via abort already */ return; } for(const suppress of WASM_ERROR_MESSAGES) if((arguments[0] as string).indexOf(suppress) != -1) return; console.error(...arguments); }; Module['locateFile'] = file => "../../wasm/" + file; }); self.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", event => { if(event.reason instanceof Error) { if( === "RuntimeError" && event.reason.message.startsWith("abort(CompileError: WebAssembly.instantiate():")) { /* We already handled that error via the Module['printErr'] callback. */ event.preventDefault(); return; } } }); enum OpusType { VOIP = 2048, AUDIO = 2049, RESTRICTED_LOWDELAY = 2051 } const OPUS_ERROR_CODES = [ "One or more invalid/out of range arguments", //-1 (OPUS_BAD_ARG) "Not enough bytes allocated in the buffer", //-2 (OPUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) "An internal error was detected", //-3 (OPUS_INTERNAL_ERROR) "The compressed data passed is corrupted", //-4 (OPUS_INVALID_PACKET) "Invalid/unsupported request number", //-5 (OPUS_UNIMPLEMENTED) "An encoder or decoder structure is invalid or already freed", //-6 (OPUS_INVALID_STATE) "Memory allocation has failed" //-7 (OPUS_ALLOC_FAIL) ]; class OpusWorker implements CodecWorker { private readonly channelCount: number; private readonly type: OpusType; private nativeHandle: any; private fn_newHandle: any; private fn_decode: any; private fn_encode: any; private fn_reset: any; private buffer_size = 4096 * 2; private buffer: any; private encode_buffer: Float32Array; private decode_buffer: Uint8Array; constructor(channelCount: number, type: OpusType) { this.channelCount = channelCount; this.type = type; } name(): string { return "Opus (Type: " + OpusWorker[this.type] + " Channels: " + this.channelCount + ")"; } initialise?() : string { this.fn_newHandle = Module.cwrap("codec_opus_createNativeHandle", "number", ["number", "number"]); this.fn_decode = Module.cwrap("codec_opus_decode", "number", ["number", "number", "number", "number"]); this.fn_encode = Module.cwrap("codec_opus_encode", "number", ["number", "number", "number", "number"]); this.fn_reset = Module.cwrap("codec_opus_reset", "number", ["number"]); this.nativeHandle = this.fn_newHandle(this.channelCount, this.type); this.buffer = Module._malloc(this.buffer_size); this.encode_buffer = new Float32Array(Module.HEAPF32.buffer, this.buffer, Math.floor(this.buffer_size / 4)); this.decode_buffer = new Uint8Array(Module.HEAPU8.buffer, this.buffer, this.buffer_size); return undefined; } deinitialise() { } //TODO decode(data: Uint8Array): Float32Array | string { if (data.byteLength > this.decode_buffer.byteLength) return "supplied data exceeds internal buffer"; this.decode_buffer.set(data); let result = this.fn_decode(this.nativeHandle, this.decode_buffer.byteOffset, data.byteLength, this.decode_buffer.byteLength); if (result < 0) return OPUS_ERROR_CODES[-result] || "unknown decode error " + result; return Module.HEAPF32.slice(this.decode_buffer.byteOffset / 4, (this.decode_buffer.byteOffset / 4) + (result * this.channelCount)); } encode(data: Float32Array): Uint8Array | string { this.encode_buffer.set(data); let result = this.fn_encode(this.nativeHandle, this.encode_buffer.byteOffset, data.length, this.encode_buffer.byteLength); if (result < 0) return OPUS_ERROR_CODES[-result] || "unknown encode error " + result; return Module.HEAP8.slice(this.encode_buffer.byteOffset, this.encode_buffer.byteOffset + result); } reset() { this.fn_reset(this.nativeHandle); } } cworker.register_codec(CodecType.OPUS_MUSIC, async () => new OpusWorker(2, OpusType.AUDIO)); cworker.register_codec(CodecType.OPUS_VOICE, async () => new OpusWorker(1, OpusType.VOIP)); cworker.set_initialize_callback(async () => { try { require("tc-generated/codec/opus"); } catch (e) { if(Module) { if(typeof(Module['onAbort']) === "function") { Module['onAbort']("Failed to load native scripts"); } /* else the error had been already handled because its a WASM error */ } else { throw e; } } if(!Module) throw "Missing module handle"; await runtime_initialize_promise; return true; });