const escapeRegex = require('escape-string-regexp'); const path = require('path'); const slash = require('slash'); const sourceMapUrl = require('source-map-url'); function HtmlWebpackInlineSourcePlugin (htmlWebpackPlugin) { this.htmlWebpackPlugin = htmlWebpackPlugin; } HtmlWebpackInlineSourcePlugin.prototype.apply = function (compiler) { const self = this; // Hook into the html-webpack-plugin processing compiler.hooks.compilation.tap('html-webpack-inline-source-plugin', compilation => { self.htmlWebpackPlugin .getHooks(compilation) .alterAssetTagGroups.tapAsync('html-webpack-inline-source-plugin', (htmlPluginData, callback) => { if (!htmlPluginData.plugin.options.inlineSource) { return callback(null, htmlPluginData); } const regexStr = htmlPluginData.plugin.options.inlineSource; const result = self.processTags(compilation, regexStr, htmlPluginData); callback(null, result); }); }); }; HtmlWebpackInlineSourcePlugin.prototype.processTags = function (compilation, regexStr, pluginData) { const self = this; const bodyTags = []; const headTags = []; const regex = new RegExp(regexStr); const filename = pluginData.plugin.options.filename; pluginData.headTags.forEach(function (tag) { headTags.push(self.processTag(compilation, regex, tag, filename)); }); pluginData.bodyTags.forEach(function (tag) { bodyTags.push(self.processTag(compilation, regex, tag, filename)); }); return { headTags: headTags, bodyTags: bodyTags, plugin: pluginData.plugin, outputName: pluginData.outputName }; }; HtmlWebpackInlineSourcePlugin.prototype.resolveSourceMaps = function (compilation, assetName, asset) { let source = asset.source(); const out = compilation.outputOptions; // Get asset file absolute path const assetPath = path.join(out.path, assetName); // Extract original sourcemap URL from source string if (typeof source !== 'string') { source = source.toString(); } const mapUrlOriginal = sourceMapUrl.getFrom(source); // Return unmodified source if map is unspecified, URL-encoded, or already relative to site root if (!mapUrlOriginal || mapUrlOriginal.indexOf('data:') === 0 || mapUrlOriginal.indexOf('/') === 0) { return source; } // Figure out sourcemap file path *relative to the asset file path* const assetDir = path.dirname(assetPath); const mapPath = path.join(assetDir, mapUrlOriginal); const mapPathRelative = path.relative(out.path, mapPath); // Starting with Node 6, `path` module throws on `undefined` const publicPath = out.publicPath || ''; // Prepend Webpack public URL path to source map relative path // Calling `slash` converts Windows backslashes to forward slashes const mapUrlCorrected = slash(path.join(publicPath, mapPathRelative)); // Regex: exact original sourcemap URL, possibly '*/' (for CSS), then EOF, ignoring whitespace const regex = new RegExp(escapeRegex(mapUrlOriginal) + '(\\s*(?:\\*/)?\\s*$)'); // Replace sourcemap URL and (if necessary) preserve closing '*/' and whitespace return source.replace(regex, function (match, group) { return mapUrlCorrected + group; }); }; HtmlWebpackInlineSourcePlugin.prototype.processTag = function (compilation, regex, tag, filename) { let assetUrl; let preTag = tag; // inline js if (tag.tagName === 'script' && tag.attributes && regex.test(tag.attributes.src)) { assetUrl = tag.attributes.src; tag = { tagName: 'script', closeTag: true, attributes: { type: 'text/javascript' } }; // inline css } else if (tag.tagName === 'link' && regex.test(tag.attributes.href)) { assetUrl = tag.attributes.href; tag = { tagName: 'style', closeTag: true, attributes: { type: 'text/css' } }; } if (assetUrl) { // Strip public URL prefix from asset URL to get Webpack asset name const publicUrlPrefix = compilation.outputOptions.publicPath || ''; // if filename is in subfolder, assetUrl should be prepended folder path if (path.basename(filename) !== filename) { assetUrl = path.dirname(filename) + '/' + assetUrl; } const assetName = path.posix.relative(publicUrlPrefix, assetUrl); const asset = getAssetByName(compilation.assets, assetName); if (compilation.assets[assetName] !== undefined) { const updatedSource = this.resolveSourceMaps(compilation, assetName, asset); tag.innerHTML = (tag.tagName === 'script') ? updatedSource.replace(/(<)(\/script>)/g, '\\x3C$2') : updatedSource; }else{ return preTag; } } return tag; }; function getAssetByName (assests, assetName) { for (let key in assests) { if (assests.hasOwnProperty(key)) { let processedKey = path.posix.relative('', key); if (processedKey === assetName) { return assests[key]; } } } } module.exports = HtmlWebpackInlineSourcePlugin;