import {ConnectionHandler} from "../../ConnectionHandler"; import PermissionType from "../../permission/PermissionType"; import {createErrorModal, createModal} from "../../ui/elements/Modal"; import {LogCategory, logError, logInfo, logWarn} from "../../log"; import {CommandResult} from "../../connection/ServerConnectionDeclaration"; import {tra, trJQuery} from "../../i18n/localize"; import {arrayBufferBase64} from "../../utils/buffers"; import * as crc32 from "../../crypto/crc32"; import {FileInfo} from "../../file/FileManager"; import {FileTransferState, TransferProvider} from "../../file/Transfer"; import {ErrorCode} from "../../connection/ErrorCode"; import {generateIconJQueryTag, getIconManager} from "tc-shared/file/Icons"; export function spawnIconSelect(client: ConnectionHandler, callback_icon?: (id: number) => any, selected_icon?: number) { selected_icon = selected_icon || 0; let allow_manage = client.permissions.neededPermission(PermissionType.B_ICON_MANAGE).granted(1); const modal = createModal({ header: tr("Icons"), footer: undefined, body: () => { return $("#tmpl_icon_select").renderTag({ enable_select: !!callback_icon, enable_upload: allow_manage, enable_delete: allow_manage }); }, min_width: "20em" }); modal.htmlTag.find(".modal-body").addClass("modal-icon-select"); const button_select = modal.htmlTag.find(".button-select"); const button_delete = modal.htmlTag.find(".button-delete").prop("disabled", true); const button_upload = modal.htmlTag.find(".button-upload").prop("disabled", !allow_manage); const container_loading = modal.htmlTag.find(".container-loading").hide(); const container_no_permissions = modal.htmlTag.find(".container-no-permissions").hide(); const container_error = modal.htmlTag.find(".container-error").hide(); const selected_container = modal.htmlTag.find(".selected-item-container"); const container_icons = modal.htmlTag.find(".container-icons"); const container_icons_remote = container_icons.find(".container-icons-remote"); const container_icons_local = container_icons.find(".container-icons-local"); const update_local_icons = (icons: number[]) => { container_icons_local.empty(); for (const iconId of icons) { const iconTag = generateIconJQueryTag(getIconManager().resolveIcon(iconId,, { animate: false }); const tag = iconTag.attr('title', "Icon " + iconId); if (callback_icon) { tag.on('click', event => { container_icons.find(".selected").removeClass("selected"); tag.addClass("selected"); selected_container.empty().append(tag.clone()); selected_icon = iconId; button_select.prop("disabled", false); }); tag.on('dblclick', event => { callback_icon(iconId); modal.close(); }); if (iconId == selected_icon) tag.trigger('click'); } tag.appendTo(container_icons_local); } }; const update_remote_icons = () => { container_no_permissions.hide(); container_error.hide();; const display_remote_error = (error?: string) => { if (typeof (error) === "string") { container_error.find(".error-message").text(error);; } else { container_error.hide(); } }; client.fileManager.requestFileList("/icons").then(icons => { const container_icons_remote_parent = container_icons_remote.parent(); container_icons_remote.detach().empty(); const chunk_size = 50; const icon_chunks: FileInfo[][] = []; let index = 0; while (icons.length > index) { icon_chunks.push(icons.slice(index, index + chunk_size)); index += chunk_size; } const process_next_chunk = () => { const chunk = icon_chunks.pop_front(); if (!chunk) return; for (const icon of chunk) { const iconId = parseInt(( || "").substr("icon_".length)); if (Number.isNaN(iconId)) { logWarn(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Received an unparsable icon within icon list (%o)"), icon); continue; } const iconTag = generateIconJQueryTag(getIconManager().resolveIcon(iconId,, { animate: false }); const tag = iconTag.attr('title', "Icon " + iconId); if (callback_icon || allow_manage) { tag.on('click', event => { container_icons.find(".selected").removeClass("selected"); tag.addClass("selected"); selected_container.empty().append(tag.clone()); selected_icon = iconId; button_select.prop("disabled", false); button_delete.prop("disabled", !allow_manage); }); tag.on('dblclick', event => { if (!callback_icon) return; callback_icon(iconId); modal.close(); }); if (iconId == selected_icon) tag.trigger('click'); } tag.appendTo(container_icons_remote); } setTimeout(process_next_chunk, 100); }; process_next_chunk(); container_icons_remote_parent.append(container_icons_remote); container_error.hide(); container_loading.hide(); container_no_permissions.hide(); }).catch(error => { if (error instanceof CommandResult && == ErrorCode.SERVER_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS) {; } else { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to fetch icon list. Error: %o"), error); display_remote_error(tr("Failed to fetch icon list")); } container_loading.hide(); }); }; button_delete.on('click', event => { if (!selected_icon) return; const selected = modal.htmlTag.find(".selected"); if (selected.length != 1) logWarn(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("UI selected icon length does not equal with 1! (%o)"), selected.length); if (selected_icon < 1000) return; /* we cant delete local icons */ client.fileManager.deleteIcon(selected_icon).then(() => { selected.detach(); }).catch(error => { if (error instanceof CommandResult && == ErrorCode.SERVER_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS) return; logWarn(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to delete icon %d: %o"), selected_icon, error); error = error instanceof CommandResult ? error.extra_message || error.message : error; createErrorModal(tr("Failed to delete icon"), tra("Failed to delete icon.
Error: ", error)).open(); }); }); button_upload.on('click', event => spawnIconUpload(client)); update_local_icons([100, 200, 300, 500, 600]); update_remote_icons(); modal.htmlTag.find('.button-reload').on('click', () => update_remote_icons()); button_select.prop("disabled", true).on('click', () => { if (callback_icon) callback_icon(selected_icon); modal.close(); }); modal.htmlTag.find(".button-select-no-icon").on('click', () => { if (callback_icon) callback_icon(0); modal.close(); });; } interface UploadingIcon { file: File; state: "loading" | "valid" | "error"; upload_state: "unset" | "uploading" | "uploaded" | "error"; html_tag?: JQuery; image_element?: () => HTMLImageElement; loader: Promise; upload_icon: () => () => Promise; upload_html_tag?: JQuery; icon_id: string; } function handle_icon_upload(file: File, client: ConnectionHandler): UploadingIcon { const icon = {} as UploadingIcon; icon.file = file; icon.upload_state = "unset"; const file_too_big = () => { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to load file %s: File is too big!"),; createErrorModal(tr("Icon upload failed"), tra("Failed to upload icon {}.
The given file is too big!",; icon.state = "error"; }; if (file.size > 1024 * 1024 * 512) { file_too_big(); } else if ((file.size | 0) <= 0) { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to load file %s: Your browser does not support file sizes!"),; createErrorModal(tr("Icon upload failed"), tra("Failed to upload icon {}.
Your browser does not support file sizes!",; icon.state = "error"; return; } else { icon.state = "loading"; icon.loader = (async () => { const reader = new FileReader(); try { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reader.onload = resolve; reader.onerror = reject; reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); } catch (error) { logError(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Failed to load file %s: Image failed to load: %o"),, error); createErrorModal(tr("Icon upload failed"), tra("Failed to upload icon {}.
Failed to load image",; icon.state = "error"; return; } const result = reader.result as string; if (typeof (result) !== "string") { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to load file %s: Result is not an media string (%o)"),, result); createErrorModal(tr("Icon upload failed"), tra("Failed to upload icon {}.
Result is not an media string",; icon.state = "error"; return; } /* get the CRC32 sum */ { if (!result.startsWith("data:image/")) { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to load file %s: Invalid data media type (%o)"),, result); createErrorModal(tr("Icon upload failed"), tra("Failed to upload icon {}.
File is not an image",; icon.state = "error"; return; } const semi = result.indexOf(';'); const type = result.substring(11, semi); logInfo(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Given image has type %s"), type); if (!result.substr(semi + 1).startsWith("base64,")) { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to load file %s: Mimetype isn't base64 encoded (%o)"),, result.substr(semi + 1)); createErrorModal(tr("Icon upload failed"), tra("Failed to upload icon {}.
Decoder returned unknown result",; icon.state = "error"; return; } const crc = new crc32.Crc32(); crc.update(arrayBufferBase64(result.substr(semi + 8))); icon.icon_id = crc.digest(10); } const image = document.createElement("img"); try { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { image.onload = resolve; image.onerror = reject; image.src = result; }); } catch (error) { logInfo(LogCategory.GENERAL, "Image failed to load (%o)", error); logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to load file %s: Image failed to load"),; createErrorModal(tr("Icon upload failed"), tra("Failed to upload icon {}.\nFailed to load image",; icon.state = "error"; } const width_error = message => { logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to load file %s: Invalid bounds: %s"),, message); createErrorModal(tr("Icon upload failed"), tra("Failed to upload icon {}.\nImage is too large ({})",, message)).open(); icon.state = "error"; }; if (!result.startsWith("data:image/svg+xml")) { if (image.naturalWidth > 128 && image.naturalHeight > 128) { width_error("width and height (max 32px). Given: " + image.naturalWidth + "x" + image.naturalHeight); return; } if (image.naturalWidth > 128) { width_error("width (max 32px)"); return; } if (image.naturalHeight > 128) { width_error("height (max 32px)"); return; } } logInfo(LogCategory.GENERAL, "Image loaded (%dx%d) %s (%s)", image.naturalWidth, image.naturalHeight,, icon.icon_id); icon.image_element = () => { const image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = result; return image; }; icon.state = "valid"; })(); icon.upload_icon = () => { const create_progress_bar = () => { const html = $.spawn("div").addClass("progress"); const indicator = $.spawn("div").addClass("progress-bar bg-success progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated"); const message = $.spawn("div").addClass("progress-message"); const set_value = value => { indicator.stop(true, false).animate({width: value + "%"}, 250); if (value === 100) setTimeout(() => indicator.removeClass("progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated"), 900) }; return { html_tag: html.append(indicator).append(message), set_value: set_value, set_message: msg => message.text(msg), set_error: (msg: string) => { let index = msg.lastIndexOf(':'); message.text(index == -1 ? msg : msg.substring(index + 1)); message.attr('title', msg); set_value(100); indicator.removeClass("bg-success").addClass("bg-danger"); } } }; const container_image = $.spawn("div").addClass("container-icon"); const bar = create_progress_bar(); const set_error = message => { bar.set_value(100); bar.set_message(tr("error: ") + message); }; const html_tag = $.spawn("div") .addClass("upload-entry") .append(container_image) .append(bar.html_tag); icon.upload_html_tag = html_tag; let icon_added = false; if (icon.image_element) { container_image.append(icon.image_element()); icon_added = true; } bar.set_value(0); bar.set_value(tr("waiting")); return async () => { const time_begin =; if (icon.state === "loading") { bar.set_message(tr("Awaiting local processing")); await icon.loader; // @ts-ignore Could happen because the loader function updates the state if (icon.state !== "valid") { set_error(tr("local processing failed")); icon.upload_state = "error"; return; } } else if (icon.state === "error") { set_error(tr("local processing error")); icon.upload_state = "error"; return; } if (!icon_added) container_image.append(icon.image_element()); bar.set_value(25); bar.set_message(tr("initializing")); const transfer = client.fileManager.initializeFileUpload({ channel: 0, channelPassword: undefined, path: "", name: "/icon_" + icon.icon_id, source: async () => await TransferProvider.provider().createBrowserFileSource(icon.file) });"notify_state_updated", event => { switch (event.newState) { case FileTransferState.PENDING: bar.set_value(10); bar.set_message(tr("pending")); break; case FileTransferState.INITIALIZING: case FileTransferState.CONNECTING: bar.set_value(30); bar.set_message(tr("connecting")); break; case FileTransferState.RUNNING: bar.set_value(50); bar.set_message(tr("uploading")); break; case FileTransferState.FINISHED: bar.set_value(100); bar.set_message(tr("upload completed")); icon.upload_state = "uploaded"; break; case FileTransferState.ERRORED: logWarn(LogCategory.FILE_TRANSFER, tr("Failed to upload icon %s: %o"),, transfer.currentError()); bar.set_value(100); bar.set_error(tr("upload failed: ") + transfer.currentErrorMessage()); icon.upload_state = "error"; break; case FileTransferState.CANCELED: bar.set_value(100); bar.set_error(tr("upload canceled")); icon.upload_state = "error"; break; } }); await transfer.awaitFinished(); }; }; } return icon; } export function spawnIconUpload(client: ConnectionHandler) { const modal = createModal({ header: tr("Upload Icons"), footer: undefined, body: () => $("#tmpl_icon_upload").renderTag(), closeable: false, min_width: "20em" }); modal.htmlTag.find(".modal-body").addClass("modal-icon-upload"); const button_upload = modal.htmlTag.find(".button-upload"); const button_delete = modal.htmlTag.find(".button-remove").prop("disabled", true); const button_add = modal.htmlTag.find(".button-add"); const button_upload_abort = modal.htmlTag.find(".button-upload-abort"); const input_file = modal.htmlTag.find(".input-file-upload") as JQuery; const container_icons = modal.htmlTag.find(".container-icons"); let selected_icon: UploadingIcon; let icons: UploadingIcon[] = []; const update_upload_button = () => { const icon_count = icons.filter(e => e.state === "valid").length; button_upload.empty(); trJQuery("Upload icons ({})", icon_count).forEach(e => e.appendTo(button_upload)); button_upload.prop("disabled", icon_count == 0); }; update_upload_button(); const add_icon = (icon: UploadingIcon) => { icons.push(icon); icon.loader.then(e => { if (icon.state === "valid") { const image = icon.image_element(); const element = $.spawn("div") .addClass("icon-container") .append(image); container_icons.append(icon.html_tag = element); element.on('click', event => { container_icons.find(".selected").removeClass("selected"); element.addClass("selected"); selected_icon = icon; button_delete.prop("disabled", false); }); update_upload_button(); } }); }; button_delete.on('click', event => { if (!selected_icon) return; icons = icons.filter(e => e !== selected_icon); if (selected_icon.html_tag) selected_icon.html_tag.detach(); button_delete.prop("disabled", true); update_upload_button(); }); button_add.on('click', event =>; input_file.on('change', event => { if (input_file[0].files.length > 0) { for (let index = 0; index < input_file[0].files.length; index++) { const file = input_file[0].files.item(index); { let duplicate = false; for (const icon of icons) if ( === && icon.file.lastModified === file.lastModified && icon.state !== "error") { duplicate = true; break; } if (duplicate) continue; } add_icon(handle_icon_upload(file, client)); } } }); container_icons.on('dragover', ((event: DragEvent) => { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; }) as any); container_icons.on('drop', ((event: DragEvent) => { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); for (let index = 0; index < event.dataTransfer.files.length; index++) { const file = event.dataTransfer.files.item(index); { let duplicate = false; for (const icon of icons) if (icon.file === file && icon.state !== "error") { duplicate = true; break; } if (duplicate) continue; } add_icon(handle_icon_upload(file, client)); } }) as any); /* upload process */ { const container_upload = modal.htmlTag.find(".container-upload"); const container_error = container_upload.find(".container-error"); const container_success = container_upload.find(".container-success"); const container_process = container_upload.find(".container-process"); const container_info = container_upload.find(".container-info"); const container_statistics = container_upload.find(".uploaded-statistics"); const show_critical_error = message => { container_error.find(".error-message").text(message); container_error.removeClass("hidden"); }; const finish_upload = () => { icons = icons.filter(e => { if (e.upload_state === "uploaded") { e.html_tag.detach(); return false; } return true; }); update_upload_button(); button_upload.prop("disabled", false); button_upload.prop("disabled", false); container_upload.hide(); container_error.addClass("hidden"); container_error.addClass("hidden"); modal.set_closeable(true); }; const execute_upload = async () => { if (!client || !client.fileManager) { show_critical_error(tr("Invalid client handle")); return; } if (!client.connected) { show_critical_error(tr("Not connected")); return; } let invoke_count = 0; let succeed_count = 0; let failed_count = 0; const uploads = icons.filter(e => e.state !== "error"); const executes: { icon: UploadingIcon, task: () => Promise }[] = []; for (const icon of uploads) { executes.push({ icon: icon, task: icon.upload_icon() }); if (!icon.upload_html_tag) continue; /* TODO: error? */ icon.upload_html_tag.appendTo(container_process); } const update_state = () => container_statistics.text(invoke_count + " | " + succeed_count + " | " + failed_count); for (const execute of executes) { invoke_count++; update_state(); try { await execute.task(); if (execute.icon.upload_state !== "uploaded") throw "failed"; succeed_count++; } catch (error) { failed_count++; } update_state(); } container_info.css({opacity: 1}).animate({opacity: 0}, 250, () => container_info.css({opacity: undefined}).hide()); container_success.find(".message").html( "Total icons: " + invoke_count + "
" + "Succeeded icons: " + succeed_count + "
" + "Failed icons: " + failed_count ); container_success.removeClass("hidden"); }; button_upload.on('click', event => { modal.set_closeable(false); button_upload.prop("disabled", true); button_delete.prop("disabled", true); button_add.prop("disabled", true); container_process.empty();; execute_upload(); }); button_upload_abort.on('click', event => finish_upload()); container_error.addClass("hidden"); container_success.addClass("hidden"); container_upload.hide(); }; modal.set_closeable(true); }