import * as webpack from "webpack"; import * as fs from "fs-extra"; import * as path from "path"; interface Options { file?: string; base: string; } class ManifestGenerator { private manifest_content; readonly options: Options; constructor(options: Options) { this.options = options || { base: __dirname }; } apply(compiler: webpack.Compiler) { compiler.hooks.afterCompile.tap(, compilation => { const chunks_data = {}; for(const chunkGroup of compilation.chunkGroups) { const fileJs = []; const filesCss = []; const modules = []; for(const chunk of chunkGroup.chunks) { if(!chunk.files.length) continue; if(chunk.files.length !== 1) { console.error("Expected only one file per chunk but got " + chunk.files.length); chunk.files.forEach(e => console.log(" - %s", e)); throw "expected only one file per chunk"; } for(const file of chunk.files) { const extension = path.extname(file); if(extension === ".js") { fileJs.push({ hash: chunk.hash, file: file }); } else if(extension === ".css") { filesCss.push({ hash: chunk.hash, file: file }); } else { throw "Unknown chunk file with extension " + extension; } } for(const module of chunk.getModules()) { if(!module.type.startsWith("javascript/")) continue; if(!module.context) continue; if(module.context.startsWith("svg-sprites/")) { /* custom svg sprite handler */ modules.push({ id:, context: "svg-sprites", resource: module.context.substring("svg-sprites/".length) }); continue; } if(!module.resource) continue; if(module.context !== path.dirname(module.resource)) throw "invalid context/resource relation"; modules.push({ id:, context: path.relative(this.options.base, module.context).replace(/\\/g, "/"), resource: path.basename(module.resource) }); } } chunks_data[] = { files: fileJs, css_files: filesCss, modules: modules }; } this.manifest_content = { version: 2, chunks: chunks_data }; }); compiler.hooks.done.tap(, () => { const file = this.options.file || "manifest.json"; fs.mkdirpSync(path.dirname(file)); fs.writeFileSync(this.options.file || "manifest.json", JSON.stringify(this.manifest_content)); }); } } export = ManifestGenerator;