import { openServerInfoBandwidth, RequestInfoStatus, ServerBandwidthInfoUpdateCallback } from "../../ui/modal/ModalServerInfoBandwidth"; import {ServerEntry} from "../../tree/Server"; import {CommandResult} from "../../connection/ServerConnectionDeclaration"; import {createErrorModal, createModal, Modal} from "../../ui/elements/Modal"; import * as log from "../../log"; import {LogCategory} from "../../log"; import * as tooltip from "../../ui/elements/Tooltip"; import * as i18nc from "../../i18n/country"; import {format_time, formatMessage} from "../../ui/frames/chat"; import {Hostbanner} from "../../ui/frames/hostbanner"; import * as moment from "moment"; import {ErrorCode} from "../../connection/ErrorCode"; export function openServerInfo(server: ServerEntry) { let modal: Modal; let update_callbacks: ServerBandwidthInfoUpdateCallback[] = []; modal = createModal({ header: tr("Server Information: ") +, body: () => { const template = $("#tmpl_server_info").renderTag(); const children = template.children(); const top = template.find(".container-top"); const update_values = () => { apply_hostbanner(server, top); apply_category_1(server, children, update_callbacks); apply_category_2(server, children, update_callbacks); apply_category_3(server, children, update_callbacks); }; const button_update = template.find(".button-update"); button_update.on('click', event => { button_update.prop("disabled", true); server.updateProperties().then(() => { update_callbacks = []; update_values(); }).catch(error => { log.warn(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Failed to refresh server properties: %o"), error); if (error instanceof CommandResult) error = error.extra_message || error.message; createErrorModal(tr("Refresh failed"), formatMessage(tr("Failed to refresh server properties.{:br:}Error: {}"), error)).open(); }).then(() => { button_update.prop("disabled", false); }); }).trigger('click'); update_values(); tooltip.initialize(template); return template.children(); }, footer: null, min_width: "25em" }); const updater = setInterval(() => { server.request_connection_info().then(info => update_callbacks.forEach(e => e(RequestInfoStatus.SUCCESS, info))).catch(error => { if (error instanceof CommandResult && == ErrorCode.SERVER_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS) { update_callbacks.forEach(e => e(RequestInfoStatus.NO_PERMISSION)); return; } update_callbacks.forEach(e => e(RequestInfoStatus.UNKNOWN)); }); }, 1000); modal.htmlTag.find(".button-close").on('click', event => modal.close()); modal.htmlTag.find(".button-show-bandwidth").on('click', event => { const custom_callbacks = []; const custom_callback_caller = (status, info) => { custom_callbacks.forEach(e => e(status, info)); }; update_callbacks.push(custom_callback_caller); openServerInfoBandwidth(server, custom_callbacks).close_listener.push(() => { update_callbacks.remove(custom_callback_caller); }); }); modal.htmlTag.find(".modal-body").addClass("modal-server-info");; modal.close_listener.push(() => clearInterval(updater)); } function apply_hostbanner(server: ServerEntry, tag: JQuery) { let container: JQuery; tag.empty().append( container = $.spawn("div").addClass("container-hostbanner") ).addClass("hidden"); const htag = Hostbanner.generate_tag(,,; htag.then(t => { if (!t) return; tag.removeClass("hidden"); container.append(t); }); } function apply_category_1(server: ServerEntry, tag: JQuery, update_callbacks: ServerBandwidthInfoUpdateCallback[]) { /* server name */ { const container = tag.find(".server-name"); container.text(; } /* server region */ { const container = tag.find(".server-region").empty(); container.append( $.spawn("div").addClass("country flag-" +, $.spawn("a").text(i18nc.country_name(, tr("Global"))) ); } /* slots */ { const container = tag.find(".server-slots"); let text = + "/" +; if ( text += " +" + ( > 1 ? + " " + tr("Queries") : + " " + tr("Query")); if ( text += " (" + + " " + tr("Reserved") + ")"; container.text(text); } /* first run */ { const container = tag.find(".server-first-run"); container.text( > 0 ? moment( * 1000).format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a') : tr("Unknown") ); } /* uptime */ { const container = tag.find(".server-uptime"); const update = () => container.text(format_time(server.calculateUptime() * 1000, tr("just started"))); update_callbacks.push(update); update(); } } function apply_category_2(server: ServerEntry, tag: JQuery, update_callbacks: ServerBandwidthInfoUpdateCallback[]) { /* ip */ { const container = tag.find(".server-ip"); container.text( + (server.remote_address.port == 9987 ? "" : (":" + server.remote_address.port))) } /* version */ { const container = tag.find(".server-version"); let timestamp = -1; const version = ( || "unknwon").replace(/ ?\[build: ?([0-9]+)]/gmi, (group, ts) => { timestamp = parseInt(ts); return ""; }); container.find("a").text(version); container.find(".container-tooltip").toggle(timestamp > 0).find(".tooltip a").text( moment(timestamp * 1000).format('[Build timestamp:] YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z') ); } /* platform */ { const container = tag.find(".server-platform"); container.text(; } /* ping */ { const container = tag.find(".server-ping"); container.text(tr("calculating...")); update_callbacks.push((status, data) => { if (status === RequestInfoStatus.SUCCESS) container.text(data.connection_ping.toFixed(0) + " " + "ms"); else if (status === RequestInfoStatus.NO_PERMISSION) container.text(tr("No Permissions")); else container.text(tr("receiving...")); }); } /* packet loss */ { const container = tag.find(".server-packet-loss"); container.text(tr("receiving...")); update_callbacks.push((status, data) => { if (status === RequestInfoStatus.SUCCESS) container.text(data.connection_packetloss_total.toFixed(2) + "%"); else if (status === RequestInfoStatus.NO_PERMISSION) container.text(tr("No Permissions")); else container.text(tr("receiving...")); }); } } function apply_category_3(server: ServerEntry, tag: JQuery, update_callbacks: ServerBandwidthInfoUpdateCallback[]) { /* unique id */ { const container = tag.find(".server-unique-id"); container.text( || tr("Unknown")); } /* voice encryption */ { const container = tag.find(".server-voice-encryption"); if ( == 0) container.text(tr("Globally off")); else if ( == 1) container.text(tr("Individually configured per channel")); else container.text(tr("Globally on")); } /* channel count */ { const container = tag.find(".server-channel-count"); container.text(; } /* minimal security level */ { const container = tag.find(".server-min-security-level"); container.text(; } /* complains */ { const container = tag.find(".server-complains"); container.text(; } }