import * as log from "tc-shared/log"; import {LogCategory} from "tc-shared/log"; import * as hex from "tc-shared/crypto/hex"; import {ChannelEntry} from "tc-shared/ui/channel"; import {ConnectionHandler} from "tc-shared/ConnectionHandler"; import {ServerCommand} from "tc-shared/connection/ConnectionBase"; import {CommandResult, ErrorID} from "tc-shared/connection/ServerConnectionDeclaration"; import {ClientEntry} from "tc-shared/ui/client"; import {AbstractCommandHandler} from "tc-shared/connection/AbstractCommandHandler"; import {Registry} from "tc-shared/events"; import {format_time} from "tc-shared/ui/frames/chat"; export class FileEntry { name: string; datetime: number; type: number; size: number; } export class FileListRequest { path: string; entries: FileEntry[]; callback: (entries: FileEntry[]) => void; } export interface TransferKey { client_transfer_id: number; server_transfer_id: number; key: string; file_path: string; file_name: string; peer: { hosts: string[], port: number; }; total_size: number; } export interface UploadOptions { name: string; path: string; channel?: ChannelEntry; channel_password?: string; size: number; overwrite: boolean; } export interface DownloadTransfer { get_key() : DownloadKey; request_file() : Promise; } export interface UploadTransfer { get_key(): UploadKey; put_data(data: BlobPart | File) : Promise; } export type DownloadKey = TransferKey; export type UploadKey = TransferKey; export function spawn_download_transfer(key: DownloadKey) : DownloadTransfer { return new RequestFileDownload(key); } export function spawn_upload_transfer(key: UploadKey) : UploadTransfer { return new RequestFileUpload(key); } export class RequestFileDownload implements DownloadTransfer { readonly transfer_key: DownloadKey; constructor(key: DownloadKey) { this.transfer_key = key; } async request_file() : Promise { return await this.try_fetch("https://" + this.transfer_key.peer.hosts[0] + ":" + this.transfer_key.peer.port); } private async try_fetch(url: string) : Promise { const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'GET', cache: "no-cache", mode: 'cors', headers: { 'transfer-key': this.transfer_key.key, 'download-name': this.transfer_key.file_name, 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': '*', 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': '*' } }); if(!response.ok) { debugger; throw (response.type == 'opaque' || response.type == 'opaqueredirect' ? "invalid cross origin flag! May target isn't a TeaSpeak server?" : response.statusText || "response is not ok"); } return response; } get_key(): DownloadKey { return this.transfer_key; } } export class RequestFileUpload implements UploadTransfer { readonly transfer_key: UploadKey; constructor(key: DownloadKey) { this.transfer_key = key; } get_key(): UploadKey { return this.transfer_key; } async put_data(data: BlobPart | File) : Promise { const form_data = new FormData(); if(data instanceof File) { if(data.size != this.transfer_key.total_size) throw "invalid size"; form_data.append("file", data); } else if(typeof(data) === "string") { if(data.length != this.transfer_key.total_size) throw "invalid size"; form_data.append("file", new Blob([data], { type: "application/octet-stream" })); } else { const buffer = data as BufferSource; if(buffer.byteLength != this.transfer_key.total_size) throw "invalid size"; form_data.append("file", new Blob([buffer], { type: "application/octet-stream" })); } await this.try_put(form_data, "https://" + this.transfer_key.peer.hosts[0] + ":" + this.transfer_key.peer.port); } private async try_put(data: FormData, url: string) : Promise { const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', cache: "no-cache", mode: 'cors', body: data, headers: { 'transfer-key': this.transfer_key.key, 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': '*', 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': '*' } }); if(!response.ok) throw (response.type == 'opaque' || response.type == 'opaqueredirect' ? "invalid cross origin flag! May target isn't a TeaSpeak server?" : response.statusText || "response is not ok"); } } export class FileManager extends AbstractCommandHandler { handle: ConnectionHandler; icons: IconManager; avatars: AvatarManager; private listRequests: FileListRequest[] = []; private pending_download_requests: DownloadKey[] = []; private pending_upload_requests: UploadKey[] = []; private transfer_counter : number = 1; constructor(client: ConnectionHandler) { super(client.serverConnection); this.handle = client; this.icons = new IconManager(this); this.avatars = new AvatarManager(this); this.connection.command_handler_boss().register_handler(this); } destroy() { if(this.connection) { const hboss = this.connection.command_handler_boss(); if(hboss) hboss.unregister_handler(this); } this.listRequests = undefined; this.pending_download_requests = undefined; this.pending_upload_requests = undefined; this.icons && this.icons.destroy(); this.icons = undefined; this.avatars && this.avatars.destroy(); this.avatars = undefined; } handle_command(command: ServerCommand): boolean { switch (command.command) { case "notifyfilelist": this.notifyFileList(command.arguments); return true; case "notifyfilelistfinished": this.notifyFileListFinished(command.arguments); return true; case "notifystartdownload": this.notifyStartDownload(command.arguments); return true; case "notifystartupload": this.notifyStartUpload(command.arguments); return true; } return false; } /******************************** File list ********************************/ //TODO multiple requests (same path) requestFileList(path: string, channel?: ChannelEntry, password?: string) : Promise { const _this = this; return new Promise((accept, reject) => { let req = new FileListRequest(); req.path = path; req.entries = []; req.callback = accept; _this.listRequests.push(req); _this.handle.serverConnection.send_command("ftgetfilelist", {"path": path, "cid": (channel ? channel.channelId : "0"), "cpw": (password ? password : "")}).then(() => {}).catch(reason => { _this.listRequests.remove(req); if(reason instanceof CommandResult) { if( == 0x0501) { accept([]); //Empty result return; } } reject(reason); }); }); } private notifyFileList(json) { let entry : FileListRequest = undefined; for(let e of this.listRequests) { if(e.path == json[0]["path"]){ entry = e; break; } } if(!entry) { log.error(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Invalid file list entry. Path: %s"), json[0]["path"]); return; } for(let e of (json as Array)) { e.datetime = parseInt(e.datetime + ""); e.size = parseInt(e.size + ""); e.type = parseInt(e.type + ""); entry.entries.push(e); } } private notifyFileListFinished(json) { let entry : FileListRequest = undefined; for(let e of this.listRequests) { if(e.path == json[0]["path"]){ entry = e; this.listRequests.remove(e); break; } } if(!entry) { log.error(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Invalid file list entry finish. Path: "), json[0]["path"]); return; } entry.callback(entry.entries); } /******************************** File download/upload ********************************/ download_file(path: string, file: string, channel?: ChannelEntry, password?: string) : Promise { const transfer_data: DownloadKey = { file_name: file, file_path: path, client_transfer_id: this.transfer_counter++ } as any; this.pending_download_requests.push(transfer_data); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { transfer_data["_callback"] = resolve; this.handle.serverConnection.send_command("ftinitdownload", { "path": path, "name": file, "cid": (channel ? channel.channelId : "0"), "cpw": (password ? password : ""), "clientftfid": transfer_data.client_transfer_id, "seekpos": 0, "proto": 1 }, {process_result: false}).catch(reason => { this.pending_download_requests.remove(transfer_data); reject(reason); }) }); } upload_file(options: UploadOptions) : Promise { const transfer_data: UploadKey = { file_path: options.path, file_name:, client_transfer_id: this.transfer_counter++, total_size: options.size } as any; this.pending_upload_requests.push(transfer_data); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { transfer_data["_callback"] = resolve; this.handle.serverConnection.send_command("ftinitupload", { "path": options.path, "name":, "cid": ( ? : "0"), "cpw": options.channel_password || "", "clientftfid": transfer_data.client_transfer_id, "size": options.size, "overwrite": options.overwrite, "resume": false, "proto": 1 }).catch(reason => { this.pending_upload_requests.remove(transfer_data); reject(reason); }) }); } private notifyStartDownload(json) { json = json[0]; let clientftfid = parseInt(json["clientftfid"]); let transfer: DownloadKey; for(let e of this.pending_download_requests) if(e.client_transfer_id == clientftfid) { transfer = e; break; } transfer.server_transfer_id = parseInt(json["serverftfid"]); transfer.key = json["ftkey"]; transfer.total_size = json["size"]; transfer.peer = { hosts: (json["ip"] || "").split(","), port: parseInt(json["port"]) }; if(transfer.peer.hosts.length == 0) transfer.peer.hosts.push(""); if(transfer.peer.hosts[0].length == 0 || transfer.peer.hosts[0] == '') transfer.peer.hosts[0] = this.handle.serverConnection.remote_address().host; (transfer["_callback"] as (val: DownloadKey) => void)(transfer); this.pending_download_requests.remove(transfer); } private notifyStartUpload(json) { json = json[0]; let transfer: UploadKey; let clientftfid = parseInt(json["clientftfid"]); for(let e of this.pending_upload_requests) if(e.client_transfer_id == clientftfid) { transfer = e; break; } transfer.server_transfer_id = parseInt(json["serverftfid"]); transfer.key = json["ftkey"]; transfer.peer = { hosts: (json["ip"] || "").split(","), port: parseInt(json["port"]) }; if(transfer.peer.hosts.length == 0) transfer.peer.hosts.push(""); if(transfer.peer.hosts[0].length == 0 || transfer.peer.hosts[0] == '') transfer.peer.hosts[0] = this.handle.serverConnection.remote_address().host; (transfer["_callback"] as (val: UploadKey) => void)(transfer); this.pending_upload_requests.remove(transfer); } /** File management **/ async delete_file(props: { name: string, path?: string; cid?: number; cpw?: string; }) : Promise { if(! throw "invalid name!"; try { await this.handle.serverConnection.send_command("ftdeletefile", { cid: props.cid || 0, cpw: props.cpw, path: props.path || "", name: }) } catch(error) { throw error; } } } export enum ImageType { UNKNOWN, BITMAP, PNG, GIF, SVG, JPEG } export function media_image_type(type: ImageType, file?: boolean) { switch (type) { case ImageType.BITMAP: return "bmp"; case ImageType.GIF: return "gif"; case ImageType.SVG: return file ? "svg" : "svg+xml"; case ImageType.JPEG: return "jpeg"; case ImageType.UNKNOWN: case ImageType.PNG: default: return "png"; } } export function image_type(encoded_data: string | ArrayBuffer, base64_encoded?: boolean) { const ab2str10 = () => { const buf = new Uint8Array(encoded_data as ArrayBuffer); if(buf.byteLength < 10) return ""; let result = ""; for(let index = 0; index < 10; index++) result += String.fromCharCode(buf[index]); return result; }; const bin = typeof(encoded_data) === "string" ? ((typeof(base64_encoded) === "undefined" || base64_encoded) ? atob(encoded_data) : encoded_data) : ab2str10(); if(bin.length < 10) return ImageType.UNKNOWN; if(bin[0] == String.fromCharCode(66) && bin[1] == String.fromCharCode(77)) { return ImageType.BITMAP; } else if(bin.substr(0, 8) == "\x89\x50\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a") { return ImageType.PNG; } else if(bin.substr(0, 4) == "\x47\x49\x46\x38" && (bin[4] == '\x37' || bin[4] == '\x39') && bin[5] == '\x61') { return ImageType.GIF; } else if(bin[0] == '\x3c') { return ImageType.SVG; } else if(bin[0] == '\xFF' && bin[1] == '\xd8') { return ImageType.JPEG; } return ImageType.UNKNOWN; } export class CacheManager { readonly cache_name: string; private _cache_category: Cache; constructor(name: string) { this.cache_name = name; } setupped() : boolean { return !!this._cache_category; } async reset() { if(!window.caches) return; try { await caches.delete(this.cache_name); } catch(error) { throw "Failed to delete cache: " + error; } try { await this.setup(); } catch(error) { throw "Failed to reinitialize cache!"; } } async setup() { if(!window.caches) throw "Missing caches!"; this._cache_category = await; } async cleanup(max_age: number) { /* FIXME: TODO */ } async resolve_cached(key: string, max_age?: number) : Promise { max_age = typeof(max_age) === "number" ? max_age : -1; const cached_response = await this._cache_category.match("https://_local_cache/cache_request_" + key); if(!cached_response) return undefined; /* FIXME: Max age */ return cached_response; } async put_cache(key: string, value: Response, type?: string, headers?: {[key: string]:string}) { const new_headers = new Headers(); for(const key of value.headers.keys()) new_headers.set(key, value.headers.get(key)); if(type) new_headers.set("Content-type", type); for(const key of Object.keys(headers || {})) new_headers.set(key, headers[key]); await this._cache_category.put("https://_local_cache/cache_request_" + key, new Response(value.body, { headers: new_headers })); } async delete(key: string) { const flag = await this._cache_category.delete("https://_local_cache/cache_request_" + key, { ignoreVary: true, ignoreMethod: true, ignoreSearch: true }); if(!flag) { console.warn(tr("Failed to delete key %s from cache!"), flag); } } } const icon_cache: CacheManager = new CacheManager("icons"); export interface IconManagerEvents { notify_icon_state_changed: { icon_id: number, server_unique_id: string, icon: LocalIcon }, } //TODO: Invalidate icon after certain time if loading has failed and try to redownload (only if an icon loader has been set!) type IconLoader = (icon?: LocalIcon) => Promise; export class LocalIcon { readonly icon_id: number; readonly server_unique_id: string; readonly status_change_callbacks: ((icon?: LocalIcon) => void)[] = []; status: "loading" | "loaded" | "empty" | "error" | "destroyed"; loaded_url?: string; error_message?: string; private callback_icon_loader: IconLoader; constructor(id: number, server: string, loader_or_response: Response | IconLoader | undefined) { this.icon_id = id; this.server_unique_id = server; if(id >= 0 && id <= 1000) { /* Internal TeaSpeak icons. These must be handled differently! */ this.status = "loaded"; } else { this.status = "loading"; if(loader_or_response instanceof Response) { this.set_image(loader_or_response).catch(error => { log.error(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Icon set image method threw an unexpected error: %o"), error); this.status = "error"; this.error_message = "unexpected parse error"; this.triggerStatusChange(); }); } else { this.callback_icon_loader = loader_or_response; this.load().catch(error => { log.error(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Icon load method threw an unexpected error: %o"), error); this.status = "error"; this.error_message = "unexpected load error"; this.triggerStatusChange(); }).then(() => { this.callback_icon_loader = undefined; /* release resources captured by possible closures */ }); } } } private triggerStatusChange() { for(const lister of this.status_change_callbacks.slice(0)) lister(this); } /* called within the CachedIconManager */ protected destroy() { if(typeof this.loaded_url === "string" && URL.revokeObjectURL) URL.revokeObjectURL(this.loaded_url); this.status = "destroyed"; this.loaded_url = undefined; this.error_message = undefined; this.triggerStatusChange(); this.status_change_callbacks.splice(0, this.status_change_callbacks.length); } private async load() { if(!icon_cache.setupped()) await icon_cache.setup(); let response = await icon_cache.resolve_cached("icon_" + this.server_unique_id + "_" + this.icon_id); //TODO age! if(!response) { if(typeof this.callback_icon_loader !== "function") { this.status = "empty"; this.triggerStatusChange(); return; } try { response = await this.callback_icon_loader(this); } catch (error) { log.warn(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to download icon %d: %o"), this.icon_id, error); await this.set_error(typeof error === "string" ? error : tr("Failed to load icon")); return; } try { await this.set_image(response); } catch (error) { log.error(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to update icon image for icon %d: %o"), this.icon_id, error); await this.set_error(typeof error === "string" ? error : tr("Failed to update icon from downloaded file")); return; } return; } this.loaded_url = await response_to_url(response); this.status = "loaded"; this.triggerStatusChange(); } async set_image(response: Response) { if(this.icon_id >= 0 && this.icon_id <= 1000) throw "Could not set image for internal icon"; const type = image_type(response.headers.get('X-media-bytes')); if(type === ImageType.UNKNOWN) throw "unknown image type"; const media = media_image_type(type); await icon_cache.put_cache("icon_" + this.server_unique_id + "_" + this.icon_id, response.clone(), "image/" + media); this.loaded_url = await response_to_url(response); this.status = "loaded"; this.triggerStatusChange(); } set_error(error: string) { if(this.status === "loaded" || this.status === "destroyed") return; if(this.status === "error" && this.error_message === error) return; this.status = "error"; this.error_message = error; this.triggerStatusChange(); } async await_loading() { await new Promise(resolve => { if(this.status !== "loading") { resolve(); return; } const callback = () => { if(this.status === "loading") return; this.status_change_callbacks.remove(callback); resolve(); }; this.status_change_callbacks.push(callback); }) } } async function response_to_url(response: Response) { if(!response.headers.has('X-media-bytes')) throw "missing media bytes"; const type = image_type(response.headers.get('X-media-bytes')); const media = media_image_type(type); const blob = await response.blob(); if(blob.type !== "image/" + media) return URL.createObjectURL(blob.slice(0, blob.size, "image/" + media)); else return URL.createObjectURL(blob) } class CachedIconManager { private loaded_icons: {[id: string]:LocalIcon} = {}; async clear_cache() { await icon_cache.reset(); this.clear_memory_cache(); } clear_memory_cache() { for(const icon_id of Object.keys(this.loaded_icons)) this.loaded_icons[icon_id]["destroy"](); this.loaded_icons = {}; } load_icon(id: number, server_unique_id: string, fallback_load?: IconLoader) : LocalIcon { const cache_id = server_unique_id + "_" + (id >>> 0); if(this.loaded_icons[cache_id]) return this.loaded_icons[cache_id]; return (this.loaded_icons[cache_id] = new LocalIcon(id >>> 0, server_unique_id, fallback_load)); } async put_icon(id: number, server_unique_id: string, icon: Response) { const cache_id = server_unique_id + "_" + (id >>> 0); if(this.loaded_icons[cache_id]) await this.loaded_icons[cache_id].set_image(icon); else { const licon = this.loaded_icons[cache_id] = new LocalIcon(id >>> 0, server_unique_id, icon); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const cb = () => { licon.status_change_callbacks.remove(cb); if(licon.status === "loaded") resolve(); else reject(licon.status === "error" ? licon.error_message || tr("Unknown error") : tr("Invalid status")); }; licon.status_change_callbacks.push(cb); }) } } } export const icon_cache_loader = new CachedIconManager(); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => { icon_cache_loader.clear_memory_cache(); }); type IconManagerLoadingData = { result: "success" | "error" | "unset"; next_retry?: number; error?: string; } export class IconManager { handle: FileManager; readonly events: Registry; private loading_timestamps: {[key: number]: IconManagerLoadingData} = {}; constructor(handle: FileManager) { this.handle = handle; = new Registry(); } destroy() { this.loading_timestamps = {}; } async delete_icon(id: number) : Promise { if(id <= 1000) throw "invalid id!"; await this.handle.delete_file({ name: '/icon_' + id }); } iconList() : Promise { return this.handle.requestFileList("/icons"); } create_icon_download(id: number) : Promise { return this.handle.download_file("", "/icon_" + id); } private async server_icon_loader(icon: LocalIcon) : Promise { const loading_data: IconManagerLoadingData = this.loading_timestamps[icon.icon_id] || (this.loading_timestamps[icon.icon_id] = { result: "unset" }); if(loading_data.result === "error") { if(!loading_data.next_retry || loading_data.next_retry > { log.debug(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Don't retry icon download from server. We'll try again in %s"), !loading_data.next_retry ? tr("never") : format_time(loading_data.next_retry -, tr("1 second"))); throw loading_data.error; } } try { let download_key: DownloadKey; try { download_key = await this.create_icon_download(icon.icon_id); } catch(error) { if(error instanceof CommandResult) { if( === ErrorID.FILE_NOT_FOUND) throw tr("Icon could not be found"); else if( === ErrorID.PERMISSION_ERROR) throw tr("No permissions to download icon"); else throw error.extra_message || error.message; } log.error(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Could not request download for icon %d: %o"), icon.icon_id, error); throw typeof error === "string" ? error : tr("Failed to initialize icon download"); } const downloader = spawn_download_transfer(download_key); let response: Response; try { response = await downloader.request_file(); } catch(error) { log.error(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Could not download icon %d: %o"), icon.icon_id, error); throw "failed to download icon"; } loading_data.result = "success"; return response; } catch (error) { loading_data.result = "error"; loading_data.error = error as string; loading_data.next_retry = + 300 * 1000; throw error; } } static generate_tag(icon: LocalIcon | undefined, options?: { animate?: boolean }) : JQuery { options = options || {}; let icon_container = $.spawn("div").addClass("icon-container icon_empty"); let icon_load_image = $.spawn("div").addClass("icon_loading"); const icon_image = $.spawn("img").attr("width", 16).attr("height", 16).attr("alt", ""); if (icon.icon_id == 0) { icon_load_image = undefined; } else if (icon.icon_id < 1000) { icon_load_image = undefined; icon_container.removeClass("icon_empty").addClass("icon_em client-group_" + icon.icon_id); } else { const loading_done = sync => {//TODO: Show error? if(icon.status === "empty") { icon_load_image.remove(); icon_load_image = undefined; } else if(icon.status === "error") { //TODO: Error icon? icon_load_image.remove(); icon_load_image = undefined; } else { icon_image.attr("src", icon.loaded_url); icon_container.append(icon_image).removeClass("icon_empty"); if (!sync && (typeof (options.animate) !== "boolean" || options.animate)) { icon_image.css("opacity", 0); icon_load_image.animate({opacity: 0}, 50, function () { icon_load_image.remove(); icon_image.animate({opacity: 1}, 150); }); } else { icon_load_image.remove(); icon_load_image = undefined; } } }; if(icon.status !== "loading") loading_done(true); else { const cb = () => { if(icon.status === "loading") return; icon.status_change_callbacks.remove(cb); loading_done(false); }; icon.status_change_callbacks.push(cb); } } if(icon_load_image) icon_load_image.appendTo(icon_container); return icon_container; } generateTag(id: number, options?: { animate?: boolean }) : JQuery { options = options || {}; return IconManager.generate_tag(this.load_icon(id), options); } load_icon(id: number) : LocalIcon { const server_uid =; let icon = icon_cache_loader.load_icon(id, server_uid, this.server_icon_loader.bind(this)); if(icon.status !== "loading" && icon.status !== "loaded") { this.server_icon_loader(icon).then(response => { return icon.set_image(response); }).catch(error => { console.warn("Failed to update broken cached icon from server: %o", error); }) } return icon; } } export class Avatar { client_avatar_id: string; /* the base64 uid thing from a-m */ avatar_id: string; /* client_flag_avatar */ url: string; type: ImageType; } export class AvatarManager { handle: FileManager; private static cache: CacheManager; private _cached_avatars: {[response_avatar_id:number]:Avatar} = {}; private _loading_promises: {[response_avatar_id:number]:Promise} = {}; constructor(handle: FileManager) { this.handle = handle; if(!AvatarManager.cache) AvatarManager.cache = new CacheManager("avatars"); } destroy() { this._cached_avatars = undefined; this._loading_promises = undefined; } private async _response_url(response: Response, type: ImageType) : Promise { if(!response.headers.has('X-media-bytes')) throw "missing media bytes"; const media = media_image_type(type); const blob = await response.blob(); if(blob.type !== "image/" + media) return URL.createObjectURL(blob.slice(0, blob.size, "image/" + media)); else return URL.createObjectURL(blob); } async resolved_cached?(client_avatar_id: string, avatar_version?: string) : Promise { let avatar: Avatar = this._cached_avatars[avatar_version]; if(avatar) { if(typeof(avatar_version) !== "string" || avatar.avatar_id == avatar_version) return avatar; avatar = undefined; } if(!AvatarManager.cache.setupped()) await AvatarManager.cache.setup(); const response = await AvatarManager.cache.resolve_cached('avatar_' + client_avatar_id); //TODO age! if(!response) return undefined; let response_avatar_version = response.headers.has("X-avatar-version") ? response.headers.get("X-avatar-version") : undefined; if(typeof(avatar_version) === "string" && response_avatar_version != avatar_version) return undefined; const type = image_type(response.headers.get('X-media-bytes')); return this._cached_avatars[client_avatar_id] = { client_avatar_id: client_avatar_id, avatar_id: avatar_version || response_avatar_version, url: await this._response_url(response, type), type: type }; } create_avatar_download(client_avatar_id: string) : Promise { log.debug(LogCategory.GENERAL, "Requesting download for avatar %s", client_avatar_id); return this.handle.download_file("", "/avatar_" + client_avatar_id); } private async _load_avatar(client_avatar_id: string, avatar_version: string) { try { let download_key: DownloadKey; try { download_key = await this.create_avatar_download(client_avatar_id); } catch(error) { log.error(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Could not request download for avatar %s: %o"), client_avatar_id, error); throw "failed to request avatar download"; } const downloader = spawn_download_transfer(download_key); let response: Response; try { response = await downloader.request_file(); } catch(error) { log.error(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Could not download avatar %s: %o"), client_avatar_id, error); throw "failed to download avatar"; } const type = image_type(response.headers.get('X-media-bytes')); const media = media_image_type(type); await AvatarManager.cache.put_cache('avatar_' + client_avatar_id, response.clone(), "image/" + media, { "X-avatar-version": avatar_version }); const url = await this._response_url(response.clone(), type); return this._cached_avatars[client_avatar_id] = { client_avatar_id: client_avatar_id, avatar_id: avatar_version, url: url, type: type }; } finally { this._loading_promises[client_avatar_id] = undefined; } } /* loads an avatar by the avatar id and optional with the avatar version */ load_avatar(client_avatar_id: string, avatar_version: string) : Promise { return this._loading_promises[client_avatar_id] || (this._loading_promises[client_avatar_id] = this._load_avatar(client_avatar_id, avatar_version)); } generate_client_tag(client: ClientEntry) : JQuery { return this.generate_tag(client.avatarId(),; } update_cache(client_avatar_id: string, avatar_id: string) { const _cached: Avatar = this._cached_avatars[client_avatar_id]; if(_cached) { if(_cached.avatar_id === avatar_id) return; /* cache is up2date */, tr("Deleting cached avatar for client %s. Cached version: %s; New version: %s"), client_avatar_id, _cached.avatar_id, avatar_id); delete this._cached_avatars[client_avatar_id]; AvatarManager.cache.delete("avatar_" + client_avatar_id).catch(error => { log.error(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to delete cached avatar for client %o: %o"), client_avatar_id, error); }); } else { this.resolved_cached(client_avatar_id).then(avatar => { if(avatar && avatar.avatar_id !== avatar_id) { /* this time we ensured that its cached */ this.update_cache(client_avatar_id, avatar_id); } }).catch(error => { log.error(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to delete cached avatar for client %o (cache lookup failed): %o"), client_avatar_id, error); }); } } generate_tag(client_avatar_id: string, avatar_id?: string, options?: { callback_image?: (tag: JQuery) => any, callback_avatar?: (avatar: Avatar) => any }) : JQuery { options = options || {}; let avatar_container = $.spawn("div"); let avatar_image = $.spawn("img").attr("alt", tr("Client avatar")); let cached_avatar: Avatar = this._cached_avatars[client_avatar_id]; if(avatar_id === "") { avatar_container.append(this.generate_default_image()); } else if(cached_avatar && cached_avatar.avatar_id == avatar_id) { avatar_image.attr("src", cached_avatar.url); avatar_container.append(avatar_image); if(options.callback_image) options.callback_image(avatar_image); if(options.callback_avatar) options.callback_avatar(cached_avatar); } else { let loader_image = $.spawn("img"); loader_image.attr("src", "img/loading_image.svg").css("width", "75%"); avatar_container.append(loader_image); (async () => { let avatar: Avatar; try { avatar = await this.resolved_cached(client_avatar_id, avatar_id); } catch(error) { log.error(LogCategory.CLIENT, error); } if(!avatar) avatar = await this.load_avatar(client_avatar_id, avatar_id); if(!avatar) throw "failed to load avatar"; if(options.callback_avatar) options.callback_avatar(avatar); avatar_image.attr("src", avatar.url); avatar_image.css("opacity", 0); avatar_container.append(avatar_image); loader_image.animate({opacity: 0}, 50, () => { loader_image.remove(); avatar_image.animate({opacity: 1}, 150, () => { if(options.callback_image) options.callback_image(avatar_image); }); }); })().catch(reason => { log.error(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Could not load avatar for id %s. Reason: %s"), client_avatar_id, reason); //TODO Broken image loader_image.addClass("icon client-warning").attr("tag", tr("Could not load avatar ") + client_avatar_id); }) } return avatar_container; } unique_id_2_avatar_id(unique_id: string) { function str2ab(str) { let buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length); // 2 bytes for each char let bufView = new Uint8Array(buf); for (let i=0, strLen = str.length; i= '0' && c <= '9') offset = c.charCodeAt(0) - '0'.charCodeAt(0); else if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') offset = c.charCodeAt(0) - 'A'.charCodeAt(0) + 0x0A; else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') offset = c.charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0) + 0x0A; result += String.fromCharCode('a'.charCodeAt(0) + offset); } return result; } catch (e) { //invalid base 64 (like music bot etc) return undefined; } } private generate_default_image() : JQuery { return $.spawn("img").attr("src", "img/style/avatar.png").css({width: '100%', height: '100%'}); } generate_chat_tag(client: { id?: number; database_id?: number; }, client_unique_id: string, callback_loaded?: (successfully: boolean, error?: any) => any) : JQuery { let client_handle; if(typeof( == "number") client_handle = this.handle.handle.channelTree.findClient(; if(!client_handle && typeof( == "number") { client_handle = this.handle.handle.channelTree.find_client_by_dbid(client.database_id); } if(client_handle && client_handle.clientUid() !== client_unique_id) client_handle = undefined; const container = $.spawn("div").addClass("avatar"); if(client_handle && ! return container.append(this.generate_default_image()); const avatar_id = client_handle ? client_handle.avatarId() : this.unique_id_2_avatar_id(client_unique_id); if(avatar_id) { if(this._cached_avatars[avatar_id]) { /* Test if we're may able to load the client avatar sync without a loading screen */ const cache: Avatar = this._cached_avatars[avatar_id]; log.debug(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Using cached avatar. ID: %o | Version: %o (Cached: %o)"), avatar_id, client_handle ? : undefined, cache.avatar_id); if(!client_handle || == cache.avatar_id) { const image = $.spawn("img").attr("src", cache.url).css({width: '100%', height: '100%'}); return container.append(image); } } const image_loading = $.spawn("img").attr("src", "img/loading_image.svg").css({width: '100%', height: '100%'}); /* lets actually load the avatar */ (async () => { let avatar: Avatar; let loaded_image = this.generate_default_image(); log.debug(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Resolving avatar. ID: %o | Version: %o"), avatar_id, client_handle ? : undefined); try { //TODO: Cache if avatar load failed and try again in some minutes/may just even consider using the default avatar 'till restart try { avatar = await this.resolved_cached(avatar_id, client_handle ? : undefined); } catch(error) { log.error(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to use cached avatar: %o"), error); } if(!avatar) avatar = await this.load_avatar(avatar_id, client_handle ? : undefined); if(!avatar) throw "no avatar present!"; loaded_image = $.spawn("img").attr("src", avatar.url).css({width: '100%', height: '100%'}); } catch(error) { throw error; } finally { container.children().remove(); container.append(loaded_image); } })().then(() => callback_loaded && callback_loaded(true)).catch(error => { log.warn(LogCategory.CLIENT, tr("Failed to load chat avatar for client %s. Error: %o"), client_unique_id, error); callback_loaded && callback_loaded(false, error); }); image_loading.appendTo(container); } else { this.generate_default_image().appendTo(container); } return container; } }