import {ClientConnectionInfo, ClientEntry} from "tc-shared/ui/client"; import PermissionType from "tc-shared/permission/PermissionType"; import {createInfoModal, createModal, Modal} from "tc-shared/ui/elements/Modal"; import {copy_to_clipboard} from "tc-shared/utils/helpers"; import * as i18nc from "tc-shared/i18n/country"; import * as tooltip from "tc-shared/ui/elements/Tooltip"; import * as moment from "moment"; import {format_number, network} from "tc-shared/ui/frames/chat"; type InfoUpdateCallback = (info: ClientConnectionInfo) => any; export function openClientInfo(client: ClientEntry) { let modal: Modal; let update_callbacks: InfoUpdateCallback[] = []; modal = createModal({ header: tr("Profile Information: ") + client.clientNickName(), body: () => { const template = $("#tmpl_client_info").renderTag(); /* the tab functionality */ { const container_tabs = template.find(".container-categories"); container_tabs.find(".categories .entry").on('click', event => { const entry = $(; container_tabs.find(".bodies > .body").addClass("hidden"); container_tabs.find(".categories > .selected").removeClass("selected"); entry.addClass("selected"); container_tabs.find(".bodies > .body." + entry.attr("container")).removeClass("hidden"); }); container_tabs.find(".entry").first().trigger('click'); } apply_static_info(client, template, modal, update_callbacks); apply_client_status(client, template, modal, update_callbacks); apply_basic_info(client, template.find(".container-basic"), modal, update_callbacks); apply_groups(client, template.find(".container-groups"), modal, update_callbacks); apply_packets(client, template.find(".container-packets"), modal, update_callbacks); tooltip.initialize(template); return template.children(); }, footer: null, width: '60em' }); const updater = setInterval(() => { client.request_connection_info().then(info => update_callbacks.forEach(e => e(info))); }, 1000); modal.htmlTag.find(".modal-body").addClass("modal-client-info");; modal.close_listener.push(() => clearInterval(updater)); } const TIME_SECOND = 1000; const TIME_MINUTE = 60 * TIME_SECOND; const TIME_HOUR = 60 * TIME_MINUTE; const TIME_DAY = 24 * TIME_HOUR; const TIME_WEEK = 7 * TIME_DAY; function format_time(time: number, default_value: string) { let result = ""; if(time > TIME_WEEK) { const amount = Math.floor(time / TIME_WEEK); result += " " + amount + " " + (amount > 1 ? tr("Weeks") : tr("Week")); time -= amount * TIME_WEEK; } if(time > TIME_DAY) { const amount = Math.floor(time / TIME_DAY); result += " " + amount + " " + (amount > 1 ? tr("Days") : tr("Day")); time -= amount * TIME_DAY; } if(time > TIME_HOUR) { const amount = Math.floor(time / TIME_HOUR); result += " " + amount + " " + (amount > 1 ? tr("Hours") : tr("Hour")); time -= amount * TIME_HOUR; } if(time > TIME_MINUTE) { const amount = Math.floor(time / TIME_MINUTE); result += " " + amount + " " + (amount > 1 ? tr("Minutes") : tr("Minute")); time -= amount * TIME_MINUTE; } if(time > TIME_SECOND) { const amount = Math.floor(time / TIME_SECOND); result += " " + amount + " " + (amount > 1 ? tr("Seconds") : tr("Second")); time -= amount * TIME_SECOND; } return result.length > 0 ? result.substring(1) : default_value; } function apply_static_info(client: ClientEntry, tag: JQuery, modal: Modal, callbacks: InfoUpdateCallback[]) { tag.find(".container-avatar").append( client.channelTree.client.fileManager.avatars.generate_chat_tag({database_id:, id: client.clientId()}, ); tag.find(".container-name").append( client.createChatTag() ); tag.find(".client-description").text( ); } function apply_client_status(client: ClientEntry, tag: JQuery, modal: Modal, callbacks: InfoUpdateCallback[]) { tag.find(".status-output-disabled").toggle(!; tag.find(".status-input-disabled").toggle(!; tag.find(".status-output-muted").toggle(; tag.find(".status-input-muted").toggle(; tag.find(".status-away").toggle(; if( { tag.find(".container-away-message").show().find("a").text(; } else { tag.find(".container-away-message").hide(); } } function apply_basic_info(client: ClientEntry, tag: JQuery, modal: Modal, callbacks: InfoUpdateCallback[]) { /* Unique ID */ { const container = tag.find(".property-unique-id"); container.find(".value a").text(client.clientUid()); container.find(".value-dbid").text(; container.find(".button-copy").on('click', event => { copy_to_clipboard(client.clientUid()); createInfoModal(tr("Unique ID copied"), tr("The unique id has been copied to your clipboard!")).open(); }); } /* TeaForo */ { const container = tag.find(".property-teaforo .value").empty(); if( { container.children().remove(); let text =; if(( & 0x01) > 0) text += " (" + tr("Banned") + ")"; if(( & 0x02) > 0) text += " (" + tr("Stuff") + ")"; if(( & 0x04) > 0) text += " (" + tr("Premium") + ")"; $.spawn("a") .attr("href", "" + .attr("target", "_blank") .text(text) .appendTo(container); } else { container.append($.spawn("a").text(tr("Not connected"))); } } /* Version */ { const container = tag.find(".property-version"); let version_full =; let version = version_full.substring(0, version_full.indexOf(" ")); container.find(".value").empty().append( $.spawn("a").attr("title", version_full).text(version), $.spawn("a").addClass("a-on").text("on"), $.spawn("a").text( ); const container_timestamp = container.find(".container-tooltip"); let timestamp = -1; version_full.replace(/\[build: ?([0-9]+)]/gmi, (group, ts) => { timestamp = parseInt(ts); return ""; }); if(timestamp > 0) { container_timestamp.find(".value-timestamp").text(moment(timestamp * 1000).format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a'));; } else { container_timestamp.hide(); } } /* Country */ { const container = tag.find(".property-country"); container.find(".value").empty().append( $.spawn("div").addClass("country flag-" +, $.spawn("a").text(i18nc.country_name(, tr("Unknown"))) ); } /* IP Address */ { const container = tag.find(".property-ip"); const value = container.find(".value a"); value.text(tr("loading...")); container.find(".button-copy").on('click', event => { copy_to_clipboard(value.text()); createInfoModal(tr("Client IP copied"), tr("The client IP has been copied to your clipboard!")).open(); }); callbacks.push(info => { value.text(info.connection_client_ip ? (info.connection_client_ip + ":" + info.connection_client_port) : tr("Hidden")); }); } /* first connected */ { const container = tag.find(".property-first-connected"); container.find(".value a").text(tr("loading...")); client.updateClientVariables().then(() => { container.find(".value a").text(moment( * 1000).format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a')); }).catch(error => { container.find(".value a").text(tr("error")); }); } /* connect count */ { const container = tag.find(".property-connect-count"); container.find(".value a").text(tr("loading...")); client.updateClientVariables().then(() => { container.find(".value a").text(; }).catch(error => { container.find(".value a").text(tr("error")); }); } /* Online since */ { const container = tag.find(".property-online-since"); const node = container.find(".value a")[0]; if(node) { const update = () => { node.innerText = format_time(client.calculateOnlineTime() * 1000, tr("0 Seconds")); }; callbacks.push(update); /* keep it in sync with all other updates. Else it looks wired */ update(); } } /* Idle time */ { const container = tag.find(".property-idle-time"); const node = container.find(".value a")[0]; if(node) { callbacks.push(info => { node.innerText = format_time(info.connection_idle_time, tr("Currently active")); }); node.innerText = tr("loading..."); } } /* ping */ { const container = tag.find(".property-ping"); const node = container.find(".value a")[0]; if(node) { callbacks.push(info => { if(info.connection_ping >= 0) node.innerText = info.connection_ping.toFixed(0) + "ms ± " + info.connection_ping_deviation.toFixed(2) + "ms"; else if(info.connection_ping == -1 && info.connection_ping_deviation == -1) node.innerText = tr("Not calculated"); else node.innerText = tr("loading..."); }); node.innerText = tr("loading..."); } } } function apply_groups(client: ClientEntry, tag: JQuery, modal: Modal, callbacks: InfoUpdateCallback[]) { /* server groups */ { const container_entries = tag.find(".entries"); const container_empty = tag.find(".container-default-groups"); const update_groups = () => { container_entries.empty();; for(const group_id of client.assignedServerGroupIds()) { if(group_id == continue; const group = client.channelTree.client.groups.serverGroup(group_id); if(!group) continue; //This shall never happen! container_empty.hide(); container_entries.append($.spawn("div").addClass("entry").append( client.channelTree.client.fileManager.icons.generateTag(, $.spawn("a").addClass("name").text( + " (" + + ")"), $.spawn("div").addClass("button-delete").append( $.spawn("div").addClass("icon_em client-delete").attr("title", tr("Delete group")).on('click', event => { client.channelTree.client.serverConnection.send_command("servergroupdelclient", { sgid:, cldbid: }).then(result => update_groups()); }) ).toggleClass("visible", client.channelTree.client.permissions.neededPermission(PermissionType.I_SERVER_GROUP_MEMBER_REMOVE_POWER).granted(group.requiredMemberRemovePower) || client.clientId() == client.channelTree.client.getClientId() && client.channelTree.client.permissions.neededPermission(PermissionType.I_SERVER_GROUP_SELF_REMOVE_POWER).granted(group.requiredMemberRemovePower) ) )) } }; tag.find(".button-group-add").on('click', () => client.open_assignment_modal()); update_groups(); } } function apply_packets(client: ClientEntry, tag: JQuery, modal: Modal, callbacks: InfoUpdateCallback[]) { /* Packet Loss */ { const container = tag.find(".statistic-packet-loss"); const node_downstream = container.find(".downstream .value")[0]; const node_upstream = container.find(".upstream .value")[0]; if(node_downstream) { callbacks.push(info => { node_downstream.innerText = info.connection_server2client_packetloss_control < 0 ? tr("Not calculated") : (info.connection_server2client_packetloss_control || 0).toFixed(); }); node_downstream.innerText = tr("loading..."); } if(node_upstream) { callbacks.push(info => { node_upstream.innerText = info.connection_client2server_packetloss_total < 0 ? tr("Not calculated") : (info.connection_client2server_packetloss_total || 0).toFixed(); }); node_upstream.innerText = tr("loading..."); } } /* Packets transmitted */ { const container = tag.find(".statistic-transmitted-packets"); const node_downstream = container.find(".downstream .value")[0]; const node_upstream = container.find(".upstream .value")[0]; if(node_downstream) { callbacks.push(info => { let packets = 0; packets += info.connection_packets_received_speech > 0 ? info.connection_packets_received_speech : 0; packets += info.connection_packets_received_control > 0 ? info.connection_packets_received_control : 0; packets += info.connection_packets_received_keepalive > 0 ? info.connection_packets_received_keepalive : 0; if(packets == 0 && info.connection_packets_received_keepalive == -1) node_downstream.innerText = tr("Not calculated"); else node_downstream.innerText = format_number(packets, {unit: "Packets"}); }); node_downstream.innerText = tr("loading..."); } if(node_upstream) { callbacks.push(info => { let packets = 0; packets += info.connection_packets_sent_speech > 0 ? info.connection_packets_sent_speech : 0; packets += info.connection_packets_sent_control > 0 ? info.connection_packets_sent_control : 0; packets += info.connection_packets_sent_keepalive > 0 ? info.connection_packets_sent_keepalive : 0; if(packets == 0 && info.connection_packets_sent_keepalive == -1) node_upstream.innerText = tr("Not calculated"); else node_upstream.innerText = format_number(packets, {unit: "Packets"}); }); node_upstream.innerText = tr("loading..."); } } /* Bytes transmitted */ { const container = tag.find(".statistic-transmitted-bytes"); const node_downstream = container.find(".downstream .value")[0]; const node_upstream = container.find(".upstream .value")[0]; if(node_downstream) { callbacks.push(info => { let bytes = 0; bytes += info.connection_bytes_received_speech > 0 ? info.connection_bytes_received_speech : 0; bytes += info.connection_bytes_received_control > 0 ? info.connection_bytes_received_control : 0; bytes += info.connection_bytes_received_keepalive > 0 ? info.connection_bytes_received_keepalive : 0; if(bytes == 0 && info.connection_bytes_received_keepalive == -1) node_downstream.innerText = tr("Not calculated"); else node_downstream.innerText = network.format_bytes(bytes); }); node_downstream.innerText = tr("loading..."); } if(node_upstream) { callbacks.push(info => { let bytes = 0; bytes += info.connection_bytes_sent_speech > 0 ? info.connection_bytes_sent_speech : 0; bytes += info.connection_bytes_sent_control > 0 ? info.connection_bytes_sent_control : 0; bytes += info.connection_bytes_sent_keepalive > 0 ? info.connection_bytes_sent_keepalive : 0; if(bytes == 0 && info.connection_bytes_sent_keepalive == -1) node_upstream.innerText = tr("Not calculated"); else node_upstream.innerText = network.format_bytes(bytes); }); node_upstream.innerText = tr("loading..."); } } /* Bandwidth second */ { const container = tag.find(".statistic-bandwidth-second"); const node_downstream = container.find(".downstream .value")[0]; const node_upstream = container.find(".upstream .value")[0]; if(node_downstream) { callbacks.push(info => { let bytes = 0; bytes += info.connection_bandwidth_received_last_second_speech > 0 ? info.connection_bandwidth_received_last_second_speech : 0; bytes += info.connection_bandwidth_received_last_second_control > 0 ? info.connection_bandwidth_received_last_second_control : 0; bytes += info.connection_bandwidth_received_last_second_keepalive > 0 ? info.connection_bandwidth_received_last_second_keepalive : 0; if(bytes == 0 && info.connection_bandwidth_received_last_second_keepalive == -1) node_downstream.innerText = tr("Not calculated"); else node_downstream.innerText = network.format_bytes(bytes, {time: "s"}); }); node_downstream.innerText = tr("loading..."); } if(node_upstream) { callbacks.push(info => { let bytes = 0; bytes += info.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_second_speech > 0 ? info.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_second_speech : 0; bytes += info.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_second_control > 0 ? info.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_second_control : 0; bytes += info.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_second_keepalive > 0 ? info.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_second_keepalive : 0; if(bytes == 0 && info.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_second_keepalive == -1) node_upstream.innerText = tr("Not calculated"); else node_upstream.innerText = network.format_bytes(bytes, {time: "s"}); }); node_upstream.innerText = tr("loading..."); } } /* Bandwidth minute */ { const container = tag.find(".statistic-bandwidth-minute"); const node_downstream = container.find(".downstream .value")[0]; const node_upstream = container.find(".upstream .value")[0]; if(node_downstream) { callbacks.push(info => { let bytes = 0; bytes += info.connection_bandwidth_received_last_minute_speech > 0 ? info.connection_bandwidth_received_last_minute_speech : 0; bytes += info.connection_bandwidth_received_last_minute_control > 0 ? info.connection_bandwidth_received_last_minute_control : 0; bytes += info.connection_bandwidth_received_last_minute_keepalive > 0 ? info.connection_bandwidth_received_last_minute_keepalive : 0; if(bytes == 0 && info.connection_bandwidth_received_last_minute_keepalive == -1) node_downstream.innerText = tr("Not calculated"); else node_downstream.innerText = network.format_bytes(bytes, {time: "s"}); }); node_downstream.innerText = tr("loading..."); } if(node_upstream) { callbacks.push(info => { let bytes = 0; bytes += info.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_minute_speech > 0 ? info.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_minute_speech : 0; bytes += info.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_minute_control > 0 ? info.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_minute_control : 0; bytes += info.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_minute_keepalive > 0 ? info.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_minute_keepalive : 0; if(bytes == 0 && info.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_minute_keepalive == -1) node_upstream.innerText = tr("Not calculated"); else node_upstream.innerText = network.format_bytes(bytes, {time: "s"}); }); node_upstream.innerText = tr("loading..."); } } /* quota */ { const container = tag.find(".statistic-quota"); const node_downstream = container.find(".downstream .value")[0]; const node_upstream = container.find(".upstream .value")[0]; if(node_downstream) { client.updateClientVariables().then(info => { //TODO: Test for own client info and if so then show the max quota (needed permission) node_downstream.innerText = network.format_bytes(, {exact: false}); }); node_downstream.innerText = tr("loading..."); } if(node_upstream) { client.updateClientVariables().then(info => { //TODO: Test for own client info and if so then show the max quota (needed permission) node_upstream.innerText = network.format_bytes(, {exact: false}); }); node_upstream.innerText = tr("loading..."); } } }