import * as ipc from "../ipc/BrowserIPC"; import * as loader from "tc-loader"; import {Stage} from "tc-loader"; import { AbstractAvatarManager, AbstractAvatarManagerFactory, AvatarState, AvatarStateData, ClientAvatar, kIPCAvatarChannel, setGlobalAvatarManagerFactory, uniqueId2AvatarId } from "../file/Avatars"; import {getIpcInstance, IPCChannel} from "../ipc/BrowserIPC"; import {AppParameters} from "../settings"; import {ChannelMessage} from "../ipc/BrowserIPC"; import {guid} from "../crypto/uid"; import { tr } from "tc-shared/i18n/localize"; function isEquivalent(a, b) { // Create arrays of property names const aProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a); const bProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b); // If number of properties is different, // objects are not equivalent if (aProps.length != bProps.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < aProps.length; i++) { const propName = aProps[i]; // If values of same property are not equal, // objects are not equivalent if (a[propName] !== b[propName]) { return false; } } // If we made it this far, objects // are considered equivalent return true; } class RemoteAvatar extends ClientAvatar { readonly avatarId: string; readonly type: "avatar" | "client-avatar"; constructor(clientAvatarId: string, type: "avatar" | "client-avatar") { super(clientAvatarId); this.avatarId = guid(); this.type = type; } protected destroyStateData(state: AvatarState, data: AvatarStateData[AvatarState]) {} public updateStateFromRemote(state: AvatarState, data: AvatarStateData[AvatarState]) { if(this.getState() === state && isEquivalent(this.getStateData(), data)) return; this.setState(state, data, true); } } class RemoteAvatarManager extends AbstractAvatarManager { readonly handlerId: string; readonly ipcChannel: IPCChannel; private knownAvatars: RemoteAvatar[] = []; constructor(handlerId: string, ipcChannel: IPCChannel) { super(); this.ipcChannel = ipcChannel; this.handlerId = handlerId; } destroy() { this.knownAvatars.forEach(e => e.destroy()); } resolveAvatar(clientAvatarId: string, avatarHash?: string): ClientAvatar { const sendRequest = (avatar: RemoteAvatar) => this.ipcChannel.sendMessage("load-avatar", { avatarId: avatar.avatarId, handlerId: this.handlerId, keyType: "avatar", clientAvatarId: avatar.clientAvatarId, avatarVersion: avatarHash }); const cachedAvatar = this.knownAvatars.find(e => e.type === "avatar" && e.avatarId === clientAvatarId); if(cachedAvatar) { if(cachedAvatar.getAvatarHash() !== avatarHash) sendRequest(cachedAvatar); /* update */ return cachedAvatar; } let avatar = new RemoteAvatar(clientAvatarId, "avatar"); avatar.setLoading(); this.knownAvatars.push(avatar); sendRequest(avatar); return avatar; } resolveClientAvatar(client: { id?: number; database_id?: number; clientUniqueId: string }) { const sendRequest = (avatar: RemoteAvatar) => this.ipcChannel.sendMessage("load-avatar", { avatarId: avatar.avatarId, handlerId: this.handlerId, keyType: "client", clientId:, clientUniqueId: client.clientUniqueId, clientDatabaseId: client.database_id }); const clientAvatarId = uniqueId2AvatarId(client.clientUniqueId); const cachedAvatar = this.knownAvatars.find(e => e.type === "client-avatar" && e.clientAvatarId === clientAvatarId); if(cachedAvatar) { //sendRequest(cachedAvatar); /* just update in case */ return cachedAvatar; } let avatar = new RemoteAvatar(clientAvatarId, "client-avatar"); avatar.setLoading(); this.knownAvatars.push(avatar); sendRequest(avatar); return avatar; } handleAvatarLoadCallback(data: any) { const avatar = this.knownAvatars.find(e => e.avatarId === data.avatarId); if(!avatar) return; if(!(data.success === true)) { avatar.setErrored({ message: data.message }); return; } if(avatar.getAvatarHash() !== data.hash)"avatar_changed", { newAvatarHash: data.hash }); avatar.updateStateFromRemote(data.state, data.stateData); } handleAvatarEvent(type: string, payload: any) { const avatar = this.knownAvatars.find(e => e.avatarId === payload.avatarId); if(!avatar) return; as any, payload, true); } } class RemoteAvatarManagerFactory extends AbstractAvatarManagerFactory { private readonly ipcChannel: IPCChannel; private manager: {[key: string]: RemoteAvatarManager} = {}; private callbackHandlerQueried: () => void; constructor() { super(); this.ipcChannel = ipc.getIpcInstance().createCoreControlChannel(kIPCAvatarChannel); this.ipcChannel.messageHandler = this.handleIpcMessage.bind(this); } async initialize() { this.ipcChannel.sendMessage("query-handlers", {}); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.callbackHandlerQueried = undefined; reject(tr("handler query timeout")); }, 5000); this.callbackHandlerQueried = () => { clearTimeout(timeout); resolve(); } }); } getManager(handlerId: string): AbstractAvatarManager { return this.manager[handlerId]; } hasManager(handlerId: string): boolean { return typeof this.manager[handlerId] !== "undefined"; } private handleIpcMessage(_remoteId: string, broadcast: boolean, message: ChannelMessage) { if(broadcast) { if(message.type === "notify-handler-destroyed") { const manager = this.manager[]; delete this.manager[]; manager?.destroy(); } else if(message.type === "notify-handler-created") { this.manager[] = new RemoteAvatarManager(, this.ipcChannel); } } else { if(message.type === "notify-handlers") { Object.values(this.manager).forEach(e => e.destroy()); this.manager = {}; for(const handlerId of this.manager[handlerId] = new RemoteAvatarManager(handlerId, this.ipcChannel); if(this.callbackHandlerQueried) this.callbackHandlerQueried(); } else if(message.type === "load-avatar-result") { const manager = this.manager[]; manager?.handleAvatarLoadCallback(; } else if(message.type === "avatar-event") { const manager = this.manager[]; manager?.handleAvatarEvent(,; } } } } loader.register_task(Stage.JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING, { priority: 10, name: "IPC avatar init", function: async () => { let factory = new RemoteAvatarManagerFactory(); await factory.initialize(); setGlobalAvatarManagerFactory(factory); } });