import "core-js/stable"; import "./polifill"; import "./css"; import {ApplicationLoader} from "./loader/loader"; import {getUrlParameter} from "./loader/Utils"; /* let the loader register himself at the window first */ const target = getUrlParameter("loader-target") || "app";"Loading app with loader \"%s\"", target); let appLoader: ApplicationLoader; if(target === "empty") { appLoader = new (require("./targets/empty").default); } else if(target === "manifest") { appLoader = new (require("./targets/maifest-target").default); } else { appLoader = new (require("./targets/app").default); } setTimeout(() => appLoader.execute(), 0); export {}; if( === "client") { /* do this so we don't get a react dev tools warning within the client */ if(!('__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__' in window)) { window.__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ = {}; } window.__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.inject = function () {}; } /* Hello World message */ { const clog = console.log; const print_security = () => { { const css = [ "display: block", "text-align: center", "font-size: 42px", "font-weight: bold", "-webkit-text-stroke: 2px black", "color: red" ].join(";"); clog("%c ", "font-size: 100px;"); clog("%cSecurity warning:", css); } { const css = [ "display: block", "text-align: center", "font-size: 18px", "font-weight: bold" ].join(";"); clog("%cPasting anything in here could give attackers access to your data.", css); clog("%cUnless you understand exactly what you are doing, close this window and stay safe.", css); clog("%c ", "font-size: 100px;"); } }; /* print the hello world */ { const css = [ "display: block", "text-align: center", "font-size: 72px", "font-weight: bold", "-webkit-text-stroke: 2px black", "color: #18BC9C" ].join(";"); clog("%cHey, hold on!", css); } { const css = [ "display: block", "text-align: center", "font-size: 26px", "font-weight: bold" ].join(";"); const css_2 = [ "display: block", "text-align: center", "font-size: 26px", "font-weight: bold", "color: blue" ].join(";"); const display_detect = /./; display_detect.toString = function() { print_security(); return ""; }; clog("%cLovely to see you using and debugging the TeaSpeak-Web client.", css); clog("%cIf you have some good ideas or already done some incredible changes,", css); clog("%cyou'll be may interested to share them here: %c", css, css_2); clog("%c ", display_detect); } }