/// /// class CommandResult { success: boolean; id: number; message: string; extra_message: string; json: any; constructor(json) { this.json = json; this.id = json["id"]; this.message = json["msg"]; this.extra_message = ""; if(json["extra_msg"]) this.extra_message = json["extra_msg"]; this.success = this.id == 0; } } class ReturnListener { resolve: (value?: T | PromiseLike) => void; reject: (reason?: any) => void; code: string; timeout: NodeJS.Timer; } class ServerConnection { _client: TSClient; _remote_address: ServerAddress; _socket: WebSocket; _connectionState: ConnectionState = ConnectionState.UNCONNECTED; _handshakeHandler: HandshakeHandler; commandHandler: ConnectionCommandHandler; private _connectTimeoutHandler: NodeJS.Timer = undefined; private _connected: boolean = false; private _retCodeIdx: number; private _retListener: ReturnListener[]; constructor(client : TSClient) { this._client = client; this._socket = null; this.commandHandler = new ConnectionCommandHandler(this); this._retCodeIdx = 0; this._retListener = []; } on_connect: () => void = () => { console.log("Socket connected"); chat.serverChat().appendMessage("Logging in..."); this._handshakeHandler.startHandshake(); }; private generateReturnCode() : string { return (this._retCodeIdx++).toString(); } startConnection(address : ServerAddress, handshake: HandshakeHandler, timeout: number = 1000) { if(this._connectTimeoutHandler) { clearTimeout(this._connectTimeoutHandler); this._connectTimeoutHandler = null; this.disconnect(); } this.updateConnectionState(ConnectionState.CONNECTING); this._remote_address = address; this._handshakeHandler = handshake; this._handshakeHandler.setConnection(this); this._connected = false; chat.serverChat().appendMessage("Connecting to " + address.host + ":" + address.port); const self = this; try { this._connectTimeoutHandler = setTimeout(() => { this.disconnect(); this._client.handleDisconnect(DisconnectReason.CONNECT_FAILURE); }, timeout); let sockCpy; this._socket = (sockCpy = new WebSocket('wss:' + address.host + ":" + address.port)); clearTimeout(this._connectTimeoutHandler); this._connectTimeoutHandler = null; if(this._socket != sockCpy) return; //Connect timeouted this._socket.onopen = () => { if(this._socket != sockCpy) return; this._connected = true; this.on_connect(); }; this._socket.onclose = event => { if(this._socket != sockCpy) return; this._client.handleDisconnect(this._connected ? DisconnectReason.CONNECTION_CLOSED : DisconnectReason.CONNECT_FAILURE, { code: event.code, reason: event.reason, event: event }); }; this._socket.onerror = e => { if(this._socket != sockCpy) return; console.log("Got error: (" + self._socket.readyState + ")"); console.log(e); }; this._socket.onmessage = msg => { if(this._socket != sockCpy) return; self.handleWebSocketMessage(msg.data); }; this.updateConnectionState(ConnectionState.INITIALISING); } catch (e) { this.disconnect(); this._client.handleDisconnect(DisconnectReason.CONNECT_FAILURE, e); } } updateConnectionState(state: ConnectionState) { this._connectionState = state; } disconnect() : boolean { if(this._connectionState == ConnectionState.UNCONNECTED) return false; this.updateConnectionState(ConnectionState.UNCONNECTED); if(this._socket) this._socket.close(3000 + 0xFF, "request disconnect"); this._socket = null; for(let future of this._retListener) future.reject("Connection closed"); this._retListener = []; this._retCodeIdx = 0; this._connected = false; return true; } private handleWebSocketMessage(data) { if(typeof(data) === "string") { let json; try { json = JSON.parse(data); } catch(e) { console.error("Could not parse message json!"); alert(e); // error in the above string (in this case, yes)! return; } if(json["type"] === undefined) { console.log("Missing data type!"); return; } if(json["type"] === "command") this.handleCommand(json); else if(json["type"] === "WebRTC") this._client.voiceConnection.handleControlPacket(json); else { console.log("Unknown command type " + json["type"]); } } } handleCommand(json) { let group = log.group(log.LogType.DEBUG, LogCategory.NETWORKING, "Handling command '%s'", json["command"]); group.log("Handling command '" + json["command"] + "'"); group.group(log.LogType.TRACE, "Json:").collapsed(true).log("%o", json).end(); try { let fn = this.commandHandler[json["command"]]; if(fn === undefined) { group.log("Missing command '" + json["command"] + "'"); return; } fn.call(this.commandHandler, json["data"]); } finally { group.end(); } } sendData(data: any) { //TODO check stuff? this._socket.send(data); } private commandiefy(input: any) : string { return JSON.stringify(input, (key, value) => { switch (typeof value) { case "boolean": return value == true ? "1" : "0"; case "function": return value(); default: return value; } }); } sendCommand(command: string, data: any = {}, logResult: boolean = true) : Promise { const _this = this; let result = new Promise((resolve, failed) => { let _data = $.isArray(data) ? data : [data]; let retCode = _data[0]["return_code"] !== undefined ? _data[0].return_code : _this.generateReturnCode(); _data[0].return_code = retCode; let listener = new ReturnListener(); listener.resolve = resolve; listener.reject = failed; listener.code = retCode; listener.timeout = setTimeout(() => { _this._retListener.remove(listener); listener.reject("timeout"); }, 1500); this._retListener.push(listener); this._socket.send(this.commandiefy({ "type": "command", "command": command, "data": _data })); }); return new Promise((resolve, failed) => { result.then(resolve).catch(ex => { if(logResult) { if(ex instanceof CommandResult) { let res = ex; if(!res.success) { chat.serverChat().appendError(res.extra_message.length == 0 ? res.message : res.extra_message); } } else if(typeof(ex) == "string") { chat.serverChat().appendError("Command execution resuluts in " + ex); } else { console.error("Invalid promise result type: " + typeof (ex) + ". Result:"); console.error(ex); } } failed(ex); }) }); } get connected() : boolean { return this._socket && this._socket.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN; } /** * HELPER METHODS */ joinChannel(channel: ChannelEntry, password: string = "") : Promise { return this.sendCommand("clientmove", [{ "clid": this._client.getClientId(), "cid": channel.getChannelId(), "cpw": password }]) } sendMessage(message: string, type: ChatType, target?: ChannelEntry | ClientEntry) : Promise { if(type == ChatType.SERVER) return this.sendCommand("sendtextmessage", {"targetmode": 3, "target": 0, "msg": message}); else if(type == ChatType.CHANNEL) return this.sendCommand("sendtextmessage", {"targetmode": 2, "target": (target as ChannelEntry).getChannelId(), "msg": message}); else if(type == ChatType.CLIENT) return this.sendCommand("sendtextmessage", {"targetmode": 1, "target": (target as ClientEntry).clientId(), "msg": message}); } updateClient(key: string, value: string) : Promise { let data = {}; data[key] = value; return this.sendCommand("clientupdate", data); } } class HandshakeHandler { readonly identity: Identity; readonly name?: string; private connection: ServerConnection; constructor(identity: Identity, name?: string) { this.identity = identity; this.name = name; } setConnection(con: ServerConnection) { this.connection = con; this.connection.commandHandler["handshakeidentityproof"] = this.handleCommandHandshakeIdentityProof.bind(this); } startHandshake() { let data: any = { intention: 0, authentication_method: this.identity.type() }; if(this.identity.type() == IdentitifyType.TEAMSPEAK) { data.publicKey = (this.identity as TeamSpeakIdentity).publicKey(); } else if(this.identity.type() == IdentitifyType.TEAFORO) { data.data = (this.identity as TeaForumIdentity).identityDataJson; } this.connection.sendCommand("handshakebegin", data).catch(error => { console.log(error); //TODO here }); } private handleCommandHandshakeIdentityProof(json) { let proof: string; if(this.identity.type() == IdentitifyType.TEAMSPEAK) { proof = (this.identity as TeamSpeakIdentity).signMessage(json[0]["message"]); } else if(this.identity.type() == IdentitifyType.TEAFORO) { proof = (this.identity as TeaForumIdentity).identitySign; } this.connection.sendCommand("handshakeindentityproof", {proof: proof}).then(() => { this.connection.sendCommand("clientinit", { //TODO variables! client_nickname: this.name ? this.name : this.identity.name(), client_platform: navigator.platform, client_version: navigator.userAgent, //client_browser_engine: navigator.product }); }).catch(error => { console.error("Got login error"); console.log(error); }); //TODO handle error } } class ConnectionCommandHandler { readonly connection: ServerConnection; constructor(connection) { this.connection = connection; this["error"] = this.handleCommandResult; this["channellist"] = this.handleCommandChannelList; this["notifychannelcreated"] = this.handleCommandChannelCreate; this["notifychanneldeleted"] = this.handleCommandChannelDelete; this["notifycliententerview"] = this.handleCommandClientEnterView; this["notifyclientleftview"] = this.handleCommandClientLeftView; this["notifyclientmoved"] = this.handleNotifyClientMoved; this["initserver"] = this.handleCommandServerInit; this["notifychannelmoved"] = this.handleNotifyChannelMoved; this["notifychanneledited"] = this.handleNotifyChannelEdited; this["notifytextmessage"] = this.handleNotifyTextMessage; this["notifyclientupdated"] = this.handleNotifyClientUpdated; this["notifyserveredited"] = this.handleNotifyServerEdited; this["notifyserverupdated"] = this.handleNotifyServerUpdated; } handleCommandResult(json) { json = json[0]; //Only one bulk let code : string = json["return_code"]; if(code.length == 0) { console.log("Invalid return code! (" + json + ")"); return; } let retListeners = this.connection["_retListener"]; for(let e of retListeners) { if(e.code != code) continue; retListeners.remove(e); let result = new CommandResult(json); if(result.success) e.resolve(result); else e.reject(result); break; } } handleCommandServerInit(json){ //We could setup the voice channel console.log("Setting up voice "); this.connection._client.voiceConnection.createSession(); json = json[0]; //Only one bulk this.connection._client.clientId = parseInt(json["aclid"]); this.connection._client.getClient().updateVariables({key: "client_nickname", value: json["acn"]}); let updates: { key: string, value: string }[] = []; for(let key in json) { if(key === "aclid") continue; if(key === "acn") continue; updates.push({key: key, value: json[key]}); } this.connection._client.channelTree.server.updateVariables(...updates); chat.serverChat().name = this.connection._client.channelTree.server.properties["virtualserver_name"]; chat.serverChat().appendMessage("Connected as {0}", true, this.connection._client.getClient().createChatTag(true)); globalClient.onConnected(); } private createChannelFromJson(json, ignoreOrder: boolean = false) { let tree = this.connection._client.channelTree; let channel = new ChannelEntry(parseInt(json["cid"]), json["channel_name"], tree.findChannel(json["cpid"])); tree.insertChannel(channel); if(json["channel_order"] !== "0") { let prev = tree.findChannel(json["channel_order"]); if(!prev && json["channel_order"] != 0) { if(!ignoreOrder) { console.error("Invalid channel order id!"); return; } } let parent = tree.findChannel(json["cpid"]); if(!parent && json["cpid"] != 0) { console.error("Invalid channel parent"); return; } tree.moveChannel(channel, prev, parent); //TODO test if channel exists! } if(ignoreOrder) { for(let ch of tree.channels) { if(ch.properties.channel_order == channel.channelId) { tree.moveChannel(ch, channel, channel.parent); //Corrent the order :) } } } let updates: { key: string, value: string }[] = []; for(let key in json) { if(key === "cid") continue; if(key === "cpid") continue; if(key === "invokerid") continue; if(key === "invokername") continue; if(key === "invokeruid") continue; if(key === "reasonid") continue; updates.push({key: key, value: json[key]}); } channel.updateVariables(...updates); } handleCommandChannelList(json) { console.log("Got " + json.length + " new channels"); for(let index = 0; index < json.length; index++) this.createChannelFromJson(json[index], true); } handleCommandChannelCreate(json) { this.createChannelFromJson(json[0]); } handleCommandChannelDelete(json) { let tree = this.connection._client.channelTree; console.log("Got " + json.length + " channel deletions"); for(let index = 0; index < json.length; index++) { let channel = tree.findChannel(json[index]["cid"]); if(!channel) { console.error("Invalid channel onDelete (Unknown channel)"); continue; } tree.deleteChannel(channel); } } handleCommandClientEnterView(json) { json = json[0]; //Only one bulk let tree = this.connection._client.channelTree; let client: ClientEntry; let channel = tree.findChannel(json["ctid"]); let old_channel = tree.findChannel(json["cfid"]); client = tree.findClient(json["clid"]); if(!client) { if(parseInt(json["client_type_exact"]) == ClientType.CLIENT_MUSIC) { client = new MusicClientEntry(parseInt(json["clid"]), json["client_nickname"]); } else { client = new ClientEntry(parseInt(json["clid"]), json["client_nickname"]); } client = tree.insertClient(client, channel); } else { if(client == this.connection._client.getClient()) chat.channelChat().name = channel.channelName(); tree.moveClient(client, channel); } if(json["reasonid"] == ViewReasonId.VREASON_USER_ACTION) { if(old_channel) { chat.serverChat().appendMessage("{0} appeared from {1} to {2}", true, client.createChatTag(true), old_channel.createChatTag(true), channel.createChatTag(true)); } else { chat.serverChat().appendMessage("{0} connected to channel {1}", true, client.createChatTag(true), channel.createChatTag(true)); } } let updates: { key: string, value: string }[] = []; for(let key in json) { if(key == "cfid") continue; if(key == "ctid") continue; if(key === "invokerid") continue; if(key === "invokername") continue; if(key === "invokeruid") continue; if(key === "reasonid") continue; updates.push({key: key, value: json[key]}); } client.updateVariables(...updates); if(client instanceof LocalClientEntry) this.connection._client.controlBar.updateVoice(); } handleCommandClientLeftView(json) { json = json[0]; //Only one bulk let tree = this.connection._client.channelTree; let client = tree.findClient(json["clid"]); if(!client) { console.error("Unknown client left!"); return 0; } if(client == this.connection._client.getClient()) { if(json["reasonid"] == ViewReasonId.VREASON_BAN) this.connection._client.handleDisconnect(DisconnectReason.CLIENT_BANNED, json); else if(json["reasonid"] == ViewReasonId.VREASON_SERVER_KICK) this.connection._client.handleDisconnect(DisconnectReason.CLIENT_KICKED, json); else if(json["reasonid"] == ViewReasonId.VREASON_SERVER_SHUTDOWN) this.connection._client.handleDisconnect(DisconnectReason.SERVER_CLOSED, json); else if(json["reasonid"] == ViewReasonId.VREASON_SERVER_STOPPED) this.connection._client.handleDisconnect(DisconnectReason.SERVER_CLOSED, json); else this.connection._client.handleDisconnect(DisconnectReason.UNKNOWN, json); return; } let channel_from = tree.findChannel(json["cfid"]); let channel_to = tree.findChannel(json["ctid"]); if(json["reasonid"] == ViewReasonId.VREASON_USER_ACTION) { chat.serverChat().appendMessage("{0} disappeared from {1} to {2}", true, client.createChatTag(true), channel_from.createChatTag(true), channel_to.createChatTag(true)); } else if(json["reasonid"] == ViewReasonId.VREASON_SERVER_LEFT) { chat.serverChat().appendMessage("{0} left the server ({1})", true, client.createChatTag(true), json["reasonmsg"]); } else if(json["reasonid"] == ViewReasonId.VREASON_SERVER_KICK) { chat.serverChat().appendError("{0} was kicked from the server by {1}. ({2})", client.createChatTag(true), ClientEntry.chatTag(json["invokerid"], json["invokername"], json["invokeruid"]), json["reasonmsg"] ); } else if(json["reasonid"] == ViewReasonId.VREASON_BAN) { //"Mulus" was banned for 1 second from the server by "WolverinDEV" (Sry brauchte kurz ein opfer :P <3 (Nohomo)) let duration = "permanently"; if(json["bantime"]) duration = "for " + formatDate(Number.parseInt(json["bantime"])); chat.serverChat().appendError("{0} was banned {1} by {2}. ({3})", client.createChatTag(true), duration, ClientEntry.chatTag(json["invokerid"], json["invokername"], json["invokeruid"]), json["reasonmsg"] ); } else { console.error("Unknown client left reason!"); } tree.deleteClient(client); } handleNotifyClientMoved(json) { json = json[0]; //Only one bulk let tree = this.connection._client.channelTree; let client = tree.findClient(json["clid"]); let channel_to = tree.findChannel(json["ctid"]); let channel_from = tree.findChannel(json["cfid"]); if(!client) { console.error("Unknown client move (Client)!"); return 0; } if(!channel_to) { console.error("Unknown client move (Channel to)!"); return 0; } if(!channel_from) //Not critical console.error("Unknown client move (Channel from)!"); let self = client instanceof LocalClientEntry; if(self) { chat.channelChat().name = channel_to.channelName(); for(let entry of client.channelTree.clientsByChannel(client.currentChannel())) if(entry !== client) entry.getAudioController().stopAudio(true); this.connection._client.controlBar.updateVoice(channel_to); } tree.moveClient(client, channel_to); if(json["reasonid"] == ViewReasonId.VREASON_MOVED) { chat.serverChat().appendMessage(self ? "You was moved by {3} from channel {1} to {2}" : "{0} was moved from channel {1} to {2} by {3}", true, client.createChatTag(true), channel_from ? channel_from.createChatTag(true) : undefined, channel_to.createChatTag(true), ClientEntry.chatTag(json["invokerid"], json["invokername"], json["invokeruid"]) ); } else if(json["reasonid"] == ViewReasonId.VREASON_USER_ACTION) { chat.serverChat().appendMessage(self ? "You switched from channel {1} to {2}" : "{0} switched from channel {1} to {2}", true, client.createChatTag(true), channel_from ? channel_from.createChatTag(true) : undefined, channel_to.createChatTag(true) ); } } handleNotifyChannelMoved(json) { json = json[0]; //Only one bulk for(let key in json) console.log("Key: " + key + " Value: " + json[key]); let tree = this.connection._client.channelTree; let channel = tree.findChannel(json["cid"]); if(!channel) { console.error("Unknown channel move (Channel)!"); return 0; } let prev = tree.findChannel(json["order"]); if(!prev && json["order"] != 0) { console.error("Unknown channel move (prev)!"); return 0; } let parent = tree.findChannel(json["cpid"]); if(!parent && json["cpid"] != 0) { console.error("Unknown channel move (parent)!"); return 0; } tree.moveChannel(channel, prev, parent); } handleNotifyChannelEdited(json) { json = json[0]; //Only one bulk let tree = this.connection._client.channelTree; let channel = tree.findChannel(json["cid"]); if(!channel) { console.error("Unknown channel edit (Channel)!"); return 0; } let updates: { key: string, value: string }[] = []; for(let key in json) { if(key === "cid") continue; if(key === "invokerid") continue; if(key === "invokername") continue; if(key === "invokeruid") continue; if(key === "reasonid") continue; updates.push({key: key, value: json[key]}); } channel.updateVariables(...updates); } handleNotifyTextMessage(json) { json = json[0]; //Only one bulk //TODO chat format? let mode = json["targetmode"]; if(mode == 1){ let invoker = this.connection._client.channelTree.findClient(json["invokerid"]); let target = this.connection._client.channelTree.findClient(json["target"]); if(!invoker) { //TODO spawn chat (Client is may invisible) console.error("Got private message from invalid client!"); return; } if(!target) { //TODO spawn chat (Client is may invisible) console.error("Got private message from invalid client!"); return; } if(invoker == this.connection._client.getClient()) { target.chat(true).appendMessage("<< " + json["msg"]); } else { invoker.chat(true).appendMessage(">> " + json["msg"]); } } else if(mode == 2) { chat.channelChat().appendMessage("{0} >> {1}", true, ClientEntry.chatTag(json["invokerid"], json["invokername"], json["invokeruid"], true), json["msg"]) } else if(mode == 3) { chat.serverChat().appendMessage("{0} >> {1}", true, ClientEntry.chatTag(json["invokerid"], json["invokername"], json["invokeruid"], true), json["msg"]); } } handleNotifyClientUpdated(json) { json = json[0]; //Only one bulk let client = this.connection._client.channelTree.findClient(json["clid"]); if(!client) { console.error("Tried to update an non existing client"); return; } let updates: { key: string, value: string }[] = []; for(let key in json) { if(key == "clid") continue; updates.push({key: key, value: json[key]}); } client.updateVariables(...updates); if(this.connection._client.selectInfo.currentSelected == client) this.connection._client.selectInfo.update(); } handleNotifyServerEdited(json) { json = json[0]; let updates: { key: string, value: string }[] = []; for(let key in json) { if(key === "invokerid") continue; if(key === "invokername") continue; if(key === "invokeruid") continue; if(key === "reasonid") continue; updates.push({key: key, value: json[key]}); } this.connection._client.channelTree.server.updateVariables(...updates); if(this.connection._client.selectInfo.currentSelected == this.connection._client.channelTree.server) this.connection._client.selectInfo.update(); } handleNotifyServerUpdated(json) { json = json[0]; let updates: { key: string, value: string }[] = []; for(let key in json) { if(key === "invokerid") continue; if(key === "invokername") continue; if(key === "invokeruid") continue; if(key === "reasonid") continue; updates.push({key: key, value: json[key]}); } this.connection._client.channelTree.server.updateVariables(...updates); let info = this.connection._client.selectInfo; if(info.currentSelected instanceof ServerEntry) info.update(); } }