{ "translations": [ /* Array with all translation objects */ { /* translation object */ "key": { /* the key */ "message": "Show permission description", /* [required] identify the message */ "line": 374, /* [optional] only for specify the translation for a specific case (Not supported yet!) */ "character": 30, /* [optional] only for specify the translation for a specific case (Not supported yet!) */ "filename": "/home/wolverindev/TeaSpeak/TeaSpeak/Web-Client/shared/js/ui/modal/ModalPermissionEdit.ts" /* [optional] only for specify the translation for a specific case (Not supported yet!) */ }, "translated": "Berechtigungsbeschreibung anzeigen", /* [required] The actual translation */ "flags": [ /* [optional] some flags for this translation */ "google-translate", /* this translation has been made with google translator */ "verified" /* this translation has been verified by a native speaker */ "in-use-system" /* this translation is been used (detected by the system) */ "ui-visible" /* this translation will be visible for the user */ ] } ] }