import * as path from "path"; import * as fs from "fs-extra"; import {TranslationServiceClient} from "@google-cloud/translate"; const translation_project_id = "luminous-shadow-92008"; const translation_location = "global"; const translation_client = new TranslationServiceClient(); const kExposedToUIFlag = "ui-visible"; const UserUITags = [ "jsx-translatable", "jsx-variadic-translatable", "js-template" ] async function run_translate(messages: string[], source_language: string, target_language: string) : Promise<(string | undefined)[]> { let messages_left = messages.slice(0); let result = []; while (messages_left.length > 0) { const chunk_size = Math.min(messages_left.length, 128); const chunk = messages_left.slice(0, chunk_size); console.log("Translated %d/%d. Messages left: %d. Chunk size: %d", messages.length - messages_left.length, messages.length, messages_left.length, chunk_size); try { const [response] = await translation_client.translateText({ parent: `projects/${translation_project_id}/locations/${translation_location}`, contents: chunk, mimeType: "text/plain", sourceLanguageCode: source_language, targetLanguageCode: target_language }); result.push( => e.translatedText)); } catch (error) { console.log(error); console.log("Failed to execute translation request: %o", 'details' in error ? error.details : error instanceof Error ? error.message : error); throw "translated failed"; } messages_left = messages_left.slice(chunk_size); } return result; } interface TranslationEntry { translated: string, flags: string[], key: { message: string } } interface TranslationFile { info: { name: string, contributors: { name: string, email: string }[] }, translations: TranslationEntry[] } interface InputFile { message: string; line: number; character: number; filename: string; type: string; } function updateUIFlag(entry: TranslationEntry, type: string) { const uiVisible = UserUITags.indexOf(type) !== -1; if(uiVisible) { if(entry.flags.indexOf(kExposedToUIFlag) === -1) { entry.flags.push(kExposedToUIFlag); } } else { const index = entry.flags.indexOf(kExposedToUIFlag); if(index !== -1) { entry.flags.splice(index, 1); } } } async function translate_messages(input_file: string, output_file: string, source_language: string, target_language: string) { let output_data: TranslationFile; if(await fs.pathExists(output_file)) { try { output_data = await fs.readJSON(output_file); } catch (error) { console.log("Failed to parse output data: %o", error); throw "failed to read output file"; } } else { output_data = {} as any; } if(! { = { contributors: [ { "name": "Google Translate, via script by Markus Hadenfeldt", "email": "" } ], name: "Auto translated messages for language " + target_language } } if(!Array.isArray(output_data.translations)) output_data.translations = []; let messages_to_translate: InputFile[] = []; try { messages_to_translate = await fs.readJSON(input_file); } catch (error) { console.log("Failed to parse input file %o", error); throw "failed to read input file"; } const original_messages = messages_to_translate.length; messages_to_translate = messages_to_translate.filter(e => { const entry = output_data.translations.find(f => e.message === f.key.message); if(!entry) { /* needs translation */ return true; } /* update ui status */ updateUIFlag(entry, e.type); }); console.log("Messages to translate: %d out of %d", messages_to_translate.length, original_messages); const response = await run_translate( => e.message), source_language, target_language); if(messages_to_translate.length !== response.length) throw "invalid response length"; for(let index = 0; index < response.length; index++) { if(typeof response[index] !== "string") { console.log("Failed to translate message %s", messages_to_translate[index]); continue; } let translated = { key: { message: messages_to_translate[index].message }, translated: response[index], flags: [ "google-translated" ] } as TranslationEntry; updateUIFlag(translated, messages_to_translate[index].type); output_data.translations.push(translated); } await fs.writeJSON(output_file, output_data, { spaces: " " }); } const process_args = process.argv.slice(2); if(process_args.length < 1) { console.error("Invalid argument count"); console.error("Usage: ./ []"); process.exit(1); } const input_files = ["../dist/translations.json", "generated/translations_html.json"].map(e => path.join(__dirname, e)); const output_file = process_args[1] || path.join(__dirname, "i18n", process_args[0] + "_google_translate.translation"); (async () => { for(const file of input_files) await translate_messages(file, output_file, "en", process_args[0]); })().catch(error => { console.error("Failed to create translation files: %o", error); process.exit(1); }).then(() => { console.log("Translation files have been updated."); process.exit(0); });