import {createInfoModal, createModal, Modal} from "../../ui/elements/Modal"; import {ChannelEntry} from "../../tree/Channel"; import {copyToClipboard} from "../../utils/helpers"; import * as tooltip from "../../ui/elements/Tooltip"; import {formatMessage} from "../../ui/frames/chat"; import {renderBBCodeAsJQuery} from "tc-shared/text/bbcode"; import {tr} from "tc-shared/i18n/localize"; export function openChannelInfo(channel: ChannelEntry) { let modal: Modal; modal = createModal({ header: tr("Channel information: ") + channel.channelName(), body: () => { const template = $("#tmpl_channel_info").renderTag(); const update_values = (container) => { apply_channel_description(container.find(".container-description"), channel); apply_general(container, channel); }; template.find(".button-copy").on('click', event => { copyToClipboard(; createInfoModal(tr("Description copied"), tr("The channel description has been copied to your clipboard!")).open(); }); const button_update = template.find(".button-update"); button_update.on('click', event => update_values(modal.htmlTag)); update_values(template); tooltip.initialize(template); return template.children(); }, footer: null, width: "65em" }); modal.htmlTag.find(".button-close").on('click', event => modal.close()); modal.htmlTag.find(".modal-body").addClass("modal-channel-info");; } function apply_channel_description(container: JQuery, channel: ChannelEntry) { const container_value = container.find(".value"); const container_no_value = container.find(".no-value"); channel.getChannelDescription().then(description => { container_value.empty(); if (description) { renderBBCodeAsJQuery(description, { convertSingleUrls: true }).forEach(element => container_value.append(element)); container_no_value.hide();; } else { container_no_value.text(tr("Channel has no description")); } }); container_value.hide(); container_no_value.text(tr("loading...")).show(); } const codec_names = [ tr("Speex Narrowband"), tr("Speex Wideband"), tr("Speex Ultra-Wideband"), tr("CELT Mono"), tr("Opus Voice"), tr("Opus Music") ]; function apply_general(container: JQuery, channel: ChannelEntry) { /* channel type */ { const tag = container.find(".channel-type .value").empty(); if ( tag.text(tr("Permanent")); else if ( tag.text(tr("Semi permanent")); else //TODO: Channel delete delay! tag.text(tr("Temporary")); } /* chat mode */ { const tag = container.find(".chat-mode .value").empty(); if( === 0 || { tag.text(tr("Private")); } else if( === 1) { if ( == -1) { tag.text(tr("Public; Semi permanent message saving")); } else if ( == 0) { tag.text(tr("Public; Permanent message saving")); } else { tag.append(formatMessage(tr("Public; Saving last {} messages"),; } } else { tag.text(tr("No chatting")); } } /* current clients */ { const tag = container.find(".current-clients .value").empty(); if (channel.isSubscribed()) { const current = channel.clients().length; let channel_limit = tr("Unlimited"); if (! channel_limit = "" +; else if (! { if ( >= 0) channel_limit = "" +; } tag.text(current + " / " + channel_limit); } else { tag.text(tr("Channel not subscribed")); } } /* audio codec */ { const tag = container.find(".audio-codec .value").empty(); tag.text((codec_names[] || tr("Unknown")) + " (" + + ")") } /* audio encrypted */ { const tag = container.find(".audio-encrypted .value").empty(); const mode =; let appendix; if (mode == 1) appendix = tr("Overridden by the server with Unencrypted!"); else if (mode == 2) appendix = tr("Overridden by the server with Encrypted!"); tag.html(( ? tr("Unencrypted") : tr("Encrypted")) + (appendix ? "
" + appendix : "")) } /* flag password */ { const tag = container.find(".flag-password .value").empty(); if ( tag.text(tr("Yes")); else tag.text(tr("No")); } /* topic */ { const container_tag = container.find(".topic"); const tag = container_tag.find(".value").empty(); if ( {; tag.text(; } else { container_tag.hide(); } } }