namespace Modals { export enum RequestInfoStatus { SUCCESS, UNKNOWN, NO_PERMISSION } export type ServerBandwidthInfoUpdateCallback = (status: RequestInfoStatus, info?: ServerConnectionInfo) => any; export function openServerInfoBandwidth(server: ServerEntry, update_callbacks?: ServerBandwidthInfoUpdateCallback[]) : Modal { let modal: Modal; let own_callbacks = !update_callbacks; update_callbacks = update_callbacks || []; modal = createModal({ header: tr("Server bandwidth data"), body: () => { const template = $("#tmpl_server_info_bandwidth").renderTag(); const children = template.children(); initialize_current_bandwidth(modal, children.find(".statistic-bandwidth"), update_callbacks); initialize_ft_bandwidth(modal, children.find(".statistic-ft-bandwidth"), update_callbacks); initialize_general(template.find(".top"), update_callbacks); tooltip(template); return template.children(); }, footer: null, min_width: "25em" }); if(own_callbacks) { const updater = setInterval(() => { server.request_connection_info().then(info => update_callbacks.forEach(e => e(RequestInfoStatus.SUCCESS, info))).catch(error => { if(error instanceof CommandResult && == ErrorID.PERMISSION_ERROR) { update_callbacks.forEach(e => e(RequestInfoStatus.NO_PERMISSION)); return; } update_callbacks.forEach(e => e(RequestInfoStatus.UNKNOWN)); }); }, 1000); modal.close_listener.push(() => clearInterval(updater)); } modal.htmlTag.find(".button-close").on('click', event => modal.close()); modal.htmlTag.find(".modal-body").addClass("modal-server-info-bandwidth");; return modal; } function initialize_graph(modal: Modal, tag: JQuery, callbacks: ServerBandwidthInfoUpdateCallback[], fields: {uplaod: string, download: string}) { const canvas = tag.find("canvas")[0] as HTMLCanvasElement; const label_upload = tag.find(".upload"); const label_download = tag.find(".download"); let last_info: { status: RequestInfoStatus, info: ServerConnectionInfo }; let custom_info = false; const show_info = (upload: number | undefined, download: number | undefined) => { let fallback_text = last_info && last_info.status === RequestInfoStatus.NO_PERMISSION ? tr("No permission") : tr("receiving..."); if(typeof upload !== "number") upload = last_info ? last_info[fields.uplaod] : undefined; if(typeof download !== "number") download = last_info ? last_info[] : undefined; if(typeof upload !== "number") label_upload.text(fallback_text); else label_upload.text(, {unit: "Bytes", time: "s", exact: false})); if(typeof download !== "number") label_download.text(fallback_text); else label_download.text(, {unit: "Bytes", time: "s", exact: false})); }; show_info(undefined, undefined); const graph = new net.graph.Graph(canvas); graph.insert_entry({ timestamp:, upload: undefined, download: undefined}); callbacks.push((status, values) => { last_info = {status: status, info: values}; if(!values) { graph.insert_entry({ timestamp:, upload: undefined, download: undefined}); } else { graph.insert_entry({ timestamp:, download: values[], //values.connection_bandwidth_received_last_second_total, upload: values[fields.uplaod], //values.connection_bandwidth_sent_last_second_total }); } /* set set that we want to show the entry within one second */ graph._time_span.origin = Object.assign(graph.calculate_time_span(), { time: }); = { begin: - 120 * 1000, end:, time: + 200 }; graph.cleanup(); if(!custom_info) { show_info(undefined, undefined); graph.resize(); /* just to ensure (we have to rethink this maybe; cause it causes a recalculates the style */ } }); graph.max_gap_size(0); graph.initialize(); graph.callback_detailed_hide = () => { custom_info = false; show_info(undefined, undefined); }; graph.callback_detailed_info = (upload, download, timestamp, event) => { custom_info = true; show_info(upload, download); }; modal.close_listener.push(() => graph.terminate()); modal.open_listener.push(() => graph.resize()); tag.addClass("window-resize-listener").on('resize', event => graph.resize()); } function initialize_current_bandwidth(modal: Modal, tag: JQuery, callbacks: ServerBandwidthInfoUpdateCallback[]) { initialize_graph(modal, tag, callbacks, { uplaod: "connection_bandwidth_sent_last_second_total", download: "connection_bandwidth_received_last_second_total" }); } function initialize_ft_bandwidth(modal: Modal, tag: JQuery, callbacks: ServerBandwidthInfoUpdateCallback[]) { initialize_graph(modal, tag, callbacks, { uplaod: "connection_filetransfer_bandwidth_sent", download: "connection_filetransfer_bandwidth_received" }); } function initialize_general(tag: JQuery, callbacks: ServerBandwidthInfoUpdateCallback[]) { const tag_packets_upload = tag.find(".statistic-packets .upload"); const tag_packets_download = tag.find(".statistic-packets .download"); const tag_bytes_upload = tag.find(".statistic-bytes .upload"); const tag_bytes_download = tag.find(".statistic-bytes .download"); const tag_ft_bytes_upload = tag.find(".statistic-ft-bytes .upload"); const tag_ft_bytes_download = tag.find(".statistic-ft-bytes .download"); const update = (tag, value: undefined | null | number) => { if(typeof value === "undefined") tag.text(tr("receiving...")); else if(value === null) tag.text(tr("no permissions")); else tag.text(, {unit: "Bytes", exact: false})); }; const props = [ {tag: tag_packets_download, property: "connection_packets_received_total"}, {tag: tag_packets_upload, property: "connection_packets_sent_total"}, {tag: tag_bytes_download, property: "connection_bytes_received_total"}, {tag: tag_bytes_upload, property: "connection_bytes_sent_total"}, {tag: tag_ft_bytes_upload, property: "connection_filetransfer_bytes_received_total"}, {tag: tag_ft_bytes_download, property: "connection_filetransfer_bytes_sent_total"}, ]; callbacks.push((status, info) => { if(status === RequestInfoStatus.SUCCESS) { for(const entry of props) update(entry.tag, info[]); } else if(status === RequestInfoStatus.NO_PERMISSION) { for(const entry of props) update(entry.tag, null); } else { for(const entry of props) update(entry.tag, undefined); } }); } }