import {ConnectionHandler} from "tc-shared/ConnectionHandler"; import {LogCategory, logError, logWarn} from "tc-shared/log"; import {CommandResult} from "tc-shared/connection/ServerConnectionDeclaration"; import {ErrorCode} from "tc-shared/connection/ErrorCode"; export type ClientInfoResult = { status: "success", clientName: string, clientUniqueId: string, clientDatabaseId: number, } | { status: "not-found" } | { status: "error", error: string }; type PendingInfoRequest = { promise: Promise, resolve: (result: ClientInfoResult) => void, fullFilled: boolean, }; type ClientInfo = { clientName: string, clientUniqueId: string, clientDatabaseId: number, }; export class ClientInfoResolver { private readonly handler: ConnectionHandler; private readonly requestDatabaseIds: { [key: number]: PendingInfoRequest }; private readonly requestUniqueIds: { [key: string]: PendingInfoRequest }; private executed: boolean; constructor(handler: ConnectionHandler) { this.handler = handler; this.executed = false; this.requestDatabaseIds = {}; this.requestUniqueIds = {}; } private registerRequest(type: "database-id", key: number) : Promise; private registerRequest(type: "unique-id", key: string) : Promise; private registerRequest(type, key) : Promise { let targetObject; switch (type) { case "database-id": targetObject = this.requestDatabaseIds; break; case "unique-id": targetObject = this.requestUniqueIds; break; default: return; } if(this.executed) { throw tr("request already executed"); } if(typeof targetObject[key] === "undefined") { const handle: PendingInfoRequest = { fullFilled: false, resolve: undefined, promise: undefined, }; handle.promise = new Promise(resolve => handle.resolve = resolve); targetObject[key] = handle; } return targetObject[key].promise; } private fullFullAllRequests(type: "database-id" | "unique-id", result: ClientInfoResult) { let targetObject; switch (type) { case "database-id": targetObject = this.requestDatabaseIds; break; case "unique-id": targetObject = this.requestUniqueIds; break; default: return; } Object.keys(targetObject).forEach(key => { if(targetObject[key].fullFilled) { return; } targetObject[key].fullFilled = true; targetObject[key].resolve(result); }); } private static parseClientInfo(json: any[]) : ClientInfo[] { const result: ClientInfo[] = []; let index = 0; for(const entry of json) { index++; if(typeof entry["cluid"] === "undefined") { logWarn(LogCategory.NETWORKING, tr("Missing client unique id in client info result bulk %d."), index); continue; } if(typeof entry["clname"] === "undefined") { logWarn(LogCategory.NETWORKING, tr("Missing client name in client info result bulk %d."), index); continue; } if(typeof entry["cldbid"] === "undefined") { logWarn(LogCategory.NETWORKING, tr("Missing client database id in client info result bulk %d."), index); continue; } const databaseId = parseInt(entry["cldbid"]); if(isNaN(databaseId)) { logWarn(LogCategory.NETWORKING, tr("Client database id (%s) in client info isn't parse able as integer in bulk %d."), entry["cldbid"], index); continue; } result.push({ clientName: entry["clname"], clientUniqueId: entry["cluid"], clientDatabaseId: databaseId }); } return result; } getInfoByDatabaseId(databaseId: number) : Promise { return this.registerRequest("database-id", databaseId); } getInfoByUniqueId(uniqueId: string) : Promise { return this.registerRequest("unique-id", uniqueId); } async executeQueries() { this.executed = true; let promises = []; let handlers = []; try { const requestDatabaseIds = Object.keys(this.requestDatabaseIds); if(requestDatabaseIds.length > 0) { handlers.push(this.handler.serverConnection.getCommandHandler().registerCommandHandler("notifyclientgetnamefromdbid", command => { ClientInfoResolver.parseClientInfo(command.arguments).forEach(info => { if(this.requestDatabaseIds[info.clientDatabaseId].fullFilled) { return; } this.requestDatabaseIds[info.clientDatabaseId].fullFilled = true; this.requestDatabaseIds[info.clientDatabaseId].resolve({ status: "success", clientName: info.clientName, clientDatabaseId: info.clientDatabaseId, clientUniqueId: info.clientUniqueId }); }); })); promises.push(this.handler.serverConnection.send_command("clientgetnamefromdbid", => ({ cldbid: entry })), { process_result: false, } ).catch(error => { if(error instanceof CommandResult) { if( === ErrorCode.DATABASE_EMPTY_RESULT) { return; } error = error.formattedMessage(); } else if(typeof error !== "string") { logError(LogCategory.NETWORKING, tr("Failed to resolve client info from database id: %o"), error); error = tr("lookup the console"); } this.fullFullAllRequests("database-id", { status: "error", error: error }); })); } const requestUniqueIds = Object.keys(this.requestUniqueIds); if(requestUniqueIds.length > 0) { handlers.push(this.handler.serverConnection.getCommandHandler().registerCommandHandler("notifyclientnamefromuid", command => { ClientInfoResolver.parseClientInfo(command.arguments).forEach(info => { if(this.requestUniqueIds[info.clientUniqueId].fullFilled) { return; } this.requestUniqueIds[info.clientUniqueId].fullFilled = true; this.requestUniqueIds[info.clientUniqueId].resolve({ status: "success", clientName: info.clientName, clientDatabaseId: info.clientDatabaseId, clientUniqueId: info.clientUniqueId }); }); })); promises.push(this.handler.serverConnection.send_command("clientgetnamefromuid", => ({ cluid: entry })), { process_result: false, } ).catch(error => { if(error instanceof CommandResult) { if( === ErrorCode.DATABASE_EMPTY_RESULT) { return; } error = error.formattedMessage(); } else if(typeof error !== "string") { logError(LogCategory.NETWORKING, tr("Failed to resolve client info from unique id: %o"), error); error = tr("lookup the console"); } this.fullFullAllRequests("unique-id", { status: "error", error: error }); })); } await Promise.all(promises); this.fullFullAllRequests("unique-id", { status: "not-found" }); this.fullFullAllRequests("database-id", { status: "not-found" }); } finally { handlers.forEach(callback => callback()); this.fullFullAllRequests("unique-id", { status: "error", error: tr("request failed") }); this.fullFullAllRequests("database-id", { status: "error", error: tr("request failed") }); } } }