/* Country icons from https://www.flaticon.com/packs/rectangular-country-simple-flags?word=country&k=1616497480370 */ /* Worldwide: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/worldwide_814513?term=earth%20flag&page=1&position=1&page=1&position=1&related_id=814513&origin=search */ import * as path from "path"; import * as fs from "fs-extra"; import {getKnownCountries} from "./js/i18n/country"; const kIconsPath = path.join(__dirname, "img", "country-flags"); async function fixupAdobeTags() { const icons = await fs.readdir(kIconsPath); for(const icon of icons) { const iconPath = path.join(kIconsPath, icon); console.error("Icon: %s", icon); let content = (await fs.readFile(iconPath)).toString(); content = content.replace(/\n<\/g>\n/g, ""); content = content.replace("\n", ""); content = content.replace("id=\"Capa_1\" ", ""); content = content.replace("encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"", "encoding=\"utf-8\""); await fs.writeFile(iconPath, content); } } async function fixupIconNames() { const icons = await fs.readdir(kIconsPath); for(const icon of icons) { if(!icon.match(/^[0-9]{3}-/)) { continue; } let newName = icon.substring(4).replace(/-/g, "_"); await fs.rename(path.join(kIconsPath, icon), path.join(kIconsPath, newName)); } } async function generateMapping() { const icons = await fs.readdir(kIconsPath); const knownCountries = getKnownCountries(); let countFound = 0, countUnknown = 0; for(const country of knownCountries) { let name = country.name; const splitIndex = name.indexOf(","); if(splitIndex !== -1) { name = name.substring(splitIndex + 2) + " " + name.substring(0, splitIndex); } let iconName = name.replace(/ /g, "_").toLocaleLowerCase() + ".svg"; console.log("array.push({"); console.log("name: \"%s\",", country.name); console.log("alpha_2: \"%s\",", country.alpha_2); console.log("alpha_3: \"%s\",", country.alpha_3); console.log("un_code: %d,", country.un_code); if(icons.indexOf(iconName) === -1) { iconName = undefined; console.log("icon: \"%s\", // FIXME: Resolve icons or remove", "worldwide"); countUnknown++; } else { console.log("icon: \"%s\",", iconName.replace(".svg", "").replace(/_/g, "-")); countFound++; } console.log("});"); } /* array.push({ name: "Netherlands", alpha_2: "NL", alpha_3: "NLD", un_code: 528 }); */ console.log("Icons resolved %d. Unresolved %d.", countFound, countUnknown); } async function main() { //await fixupAdobeTags(); //await fixupIconNames(); await generateMapping(); } main().then(undefined);