import * as loader from "tc-loader"; import * as aplayer from "tc-backend/web/audio/player"; import * as log from "tc-shared/log"; import {LogCategory} from "tc-shared/log"; import {tr} from "tc-shared/i18n/localize"; import {CodecType} from "tc-backend/web/codec/Codec"; import {VoiceConnection} from "tc-backend/web/voice/VoiceHandler"; import {BasicCodec} from "tc-backend/web/codec/BasicCodec"; import {createErrorModal} from "tc-shared/ui/elements/Modal"; import {CodecWrapperWorker} from "tc-backend/web/codec/CodecWrapperWorker"; class CacheEntry { instance: BasicCodec; owner: number; last_access: number; } export function codec_supported(type: CodecType) { return type == CodecType.OPUS_MUSIC || type == CodecType.OPUS_VOICE; } export class CodecPool { codecIndex: number; name: string; type: CodecType; entries: CacheEntry[] = []; maxInstances: number = 2; private _supported: boolean = true; initialize(cached: number) { /* test if we're able to use this codec */ const dummy_client_id = 0xFFEF; this.ownCodec(dummy_client_id, _ => {}).then(codec => { log.trace(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Releasing codec instance (%o)"), codec); this.releaseCodec(dummy_client_id); }).catch(error => { if(this._supported) { log.warn(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Disabling codec support for "),; createErrorModal(tr("Could not load codec driver"), tr("Could not load or initialize codec ") + + "
" + "Error: " + JSON.stringify(error) + "").open(); log.error(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Failed to initialize the opus codec. Error: %o"), error); } else { log.debug(LogCategory.VOICE, tr("Failed to initialize already disabled codec. Error: %o"), error); } this._supported = false; }); } supported() { return this._supported; } ownCodec?(clientId: number, callback_encoded: (buffer: Uint8Array) => any, create: boolean = true) : Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if(!this._supported) { reject(tr("unsupported codec!")); return; } let free_slot = 0; for(let index = 0; index < this.entries.length; index++) { if(this.entries[index].owner == clientId) { this.entries[index].last_access =; if(this.entries[index].instance.initialized()) resolve(this.entries[index].instance); else { this.entries[index].instance.initialise().then((flag) => { //TODO test success flag this.ownCodec(clientId, callback_encoded, false).then(resolve).catch(reject); }).catch(reject); } return; } else if(this.entries[index].owner == 0) { free_slot = index; } } if(!create) { resolve(undefined); return; } if(free_slot == 0){ free_slot = this.entries.length; let entry = new CacheEntry(); entry.instance = new CodecWrapperWorker(this.type); this.entries.push(entry); } this.entries[free_slot].owner = clientId; this.entries[free_slot].last_access = new Date().getTime(); this.entries[free_slot].instance.on_encoded_data = callback_encoded; if(this.entries[free_slot].instance.initialized()) this.entries[free_slot].instance.reset(); else { this.ownCodec(clientId, callback_encoded, false).then(resolve).catch(reject); return; } resolve(this.entries[free_slot].instance); }); } releaseCodec(clientId: number) { for(let index = 0; index < this.entries.length; index++) if(this.entries[index].owner == clientId) this.entries[index].owner = 0; } constructor(index: number, name: string, type: CodecType){ this.codecIndex = index; = name; this.type = type; this._supported = this.type !== undefined && codec_supported(this.type); } } export let codecPool: CodecPool[]; loader.register_task(loader.Stage.JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING, { priority: 10, function: async () => { aplayer.on_ready(() => {, tr("Initializing voice handler after AudioController has been initialized!")); codecPool = [ new CodecPool(0, tr("Speex Narrowband"), CodecType.SPEEX_NARROWBAND), new CodecPool(1, tr("Speex Wideband"), CodecType.SPEEX_WIDEBAND), new CodecPool(2, tr("Speex Ultra Wideband"), CodecType.SPEEX_ULTRA_WIDEBAND), new CodecPool(3, tr("CELT Mono"), CodecType.CELT_MONO), new CodecPool(4, tr("Opus Voice"), CodecType.OPUS_VOICE), new CodecPool(5, tr("Opus Music"), CodecType.OPUS_MUSIC) ]; codecPool[4].initialize(2); codecPool[5].initialize(2); }); }, name: "registering codec initialisation" });