//TODO: Combine EventConvert and Event? import {MusicClientEntry, SongInfo} from "tc-shared/ui/client"; import {PlaylistSong} from "tc-shared/connection/ServerConnectionDeclaration"; import {guid} from "tc-shared/crypto/uid"; export interface EventConvert { as() : All[T]; } export interface Event { readonly type: T; } export class SingletonEvent implements Event<"singletone-instance"> { static readonly instance = new SingletonEvent(); readonly type = "singletone-instance"; private constructor() { } } export class Registry { private readonly registry_uuid; private handler: {[key: string]: ((event) => void)[]} = {}; private connections: {[key: string]:Registry[]} = {}; private debug_prefix = undefined; constructor() { this.registry_uuid = "evreg_data_" + guid(); } enable_debug(prefix: string) { this.debug_prefix = prefix || "---"; } disable_debug() { this.debug_prefix = undefined; } on(event: T, handler: (event?: Events[T] & Event & EventConvert) => void); on(events: (keyof Events)[], handler: (event?: Event & EventConvert) => void); on(events, handler) { if(!Array.isArray(events)) events = [events]; handler[this.registry_uuid] = { singleshot: false }; for(const event of events) { const handlers = this.handler[event] || (this.handler[event] = []); handlers.push(handler); } } /* one */ one(event: T, handler: (event?: Events[T] & Event & EventConvert) => void); one(events: (keyof Events)[], handler: (event?: Event & EventConvert) => void); one(events, handler) { if(!Array.isArray(events)) events = [events]; for(const event of events) { const handlers = this.handler[event] || (this.handler[event] = []); handler[this.registry_uuid] = { singleshot: true }; handlers.push(handler); } } off(handler: (event?: Event) => void); off(event: T, handler: (event?: Event & EventConvert) => void); off(event: (keyof Events)[], handler: (event?: Event & EventConvert) => void); off(handler_or_events, handler?) { if(typeof handler_or_events === "function") { for(const key of Object.keys(this.handler)) this.handler[key].remove(handler_or_events); } else { if(!Array.isArray(handler_or_events)) handler_or_events = [handler_or_events]; for(const event of handler_or_events) { const handlers = this.handler[event]; if(handlers) handlers.remove(handler); } } } connect(event: T, target: Registry) { (this.connections[event as string] || (this.connections[event as string] = [])).push(target as any); } disconnect(event: T, target: Registry) { (this.connections[event as string] || []).remove(target as any); } disconnect_all(target: Registry) { for(const event of Object.keys(this.connections)) this.connections[event].remove(target as any); } fire(event_type: T, data?: Events[T]) { if(this.debug_prefix) console.log("[%s] Trigger event: %s", this.debug_prefix, event_type); const event = Object.assign(typeof data === "undefined" ? SingletonEvent.instance : data, { type: event_type, as: function () { return this; } }); for(const handler of (this.handler[event_type as string] || [])) { handler(event); const reg_data = handler[this.registry_uuid]; if(typeof reg_data === "object" && reg_data.singleshot) this.handler[event_type as string].remove(handler); } for(const evhandler of (this.connections[event_type as string] || [])) evhandler.fire(event_type as any, event as any); } fire_async(event_type: T, data?: Events[T]) { setTimeout(() => this.fire(event_type, data)); } destory() { this.handler = {}; } } export namespace channel_tree { export interface client { "enter_view": {}, "left_view": {}, "property_update": { properties: string[] }, "music_status_update": { player_buffered_index: number, player_replay_index: number }, "music_song_change": { "song": SongInfo }, /* TODO: Move this out of the music bots interface? */ "playlist_song_add": { song: PlaylistSong }, "playlist_song_remove": { song_id: number }, "playlist_song_reorder": { song_id: number, previous_song_id: number }, "playlist_song_loaded": { song_id: number, success: boolean, error_msg?: string, metadata?: string }, } } export namespace sidebar { export interface music { "open": {}, /* triggers when frame should be shown */ "close": {}, /* triggers when frame will be closed */ "bot_change": { old: MusicClientEntry | undefined, new: MusicClientEntry | undefined }, "bot_property_update": { properties: string[] }, "action_play": {}, "action_pause": {}, "action_song_set": { song_id: number }, "action_forward": {}, "action_rewind": {}, "action_forward_ms": { units: number; }, "action_rewind_ms": { units: number; }, "action_song_add": {}, "action_song_delete": { song_id: number }, "action_playlist_reload": {}, "playtime_move_begin": {}, "playtime_move_end": { canceled: boolean, target_time?: number }, "reorder_begin": { song_id: number; entry: JQuery }, "reorder_end": { song_id: number; canceled: boolean; entry: JQuery; previous_entry?: number }, "player_time_update": channel_tree.client["music_status_update"], "player_song_change": channel_tree.client["music_song_change"], "playlist_song_add": channel_tree.client["playlist_song_add"] & { insert_effect?: boolean }, "playlist_song_remove": channel_tree.client["playlist_song_remove"], "playlist_song_reorder": channel_tree.client["playlist_song_reorder"], "playlist_song_loaded": channel_tree.client["playlist_song_loaded"] & { html_entry?: JQuery }, } } export namespace modal { export type BotStatusType = "name" | "description" | "volume" | "country_code" | "channel_commander" | "priority_speaker"; export type PlaylistStatusType = "replay_mode" | "finished" | "delete_played" | "max_size" | "notify_song_change"; export interface music_manage { show_container: { container: "settings" | "permissions"; }; /* setting relevant */ query_bot_status: {}, bot_status: { status: "success" | "error"; error_msg?: string; data?: { name: string, description: string, volume: number, country_code: string, default_country_code: string, channel_commander: boolean, priority_speaker: boolean, client_version: string, client_platform: string, uptime_mode: number, bot_type: number } }, set_bot_status: { key: BotStatusType, value: any }, set_bot_status_result: { key: BotStatusType, status: "success" | "error" | "timeout", error_msg?: string, value?: any } query_playlist_status: {}, playlist_status: { status: "success" | "error", error_msg?: string, data?: { replay_mode: number, finished: boolean, delete_played: boolean, max_size: number, notify_song_change: boolean } }, set_playlist_status: { key: PlaylistStatusType, value: any }, set_playlist_status_result: { key: PlaylistStatusType, status: "success" | "error" | "timeout", error_msg?: string, value?: any } /* permission relevant */ show_client_list: {}, hide_client_list: {}, filter_client_list: { filter: string | undefined }, "refresh_permissions": {}, query_special_clients: {}, special_client_list: { status: "success" | "error" | "error-permission", error_msg?: string, clients?: { name: string, unique_id: string, database_id: number }[] }, search_client: { text: string }, search_client_result: { status: "error" | "timeout" | "empty" | "success", error_msg?: string, client?: { name: string, unique_id: string, database_id: number } }, /* sets a client to set the permission for */ special_client_set: { client?: { name: string, unique_id: string, database_id: number } }, "query_general_permissions": {}, "general_permissions": { status: "error" | "timeout" | "success", error_msg?: string, permissions?: {[key: string]:number} }, "set_general_permission_result": { status: "error" | "success", key: string, value?: number, error_msg?: string }, "set_general_permission": { /* try to change a permission for the server */ key: string, value: number }, "query_client_permissions": { client_database_id: number }, "client_permissions": { status: "error" | "timeout" | "success", client_database_id: number, error_msg?: string, permissions?: {[key: string]:number} }, "set_client_permission_result": { status: "error" | "success", client_database_id: number, key: string, value?: number, error_msg?: string }, "set_client_permission": { /* try to change a permission for the server */ client_database_id: number, key: string, value: number }, "query_group_permissions": { permission_name: string }, "group_permissions": { permission_name: string; status: "error" | "timeout" | "success" groups?: { name: string, value: number, id: number }[], error_msg?: string } } export interface newcomer { "show_step": { "step": "welcome" | "microphone" | "identity" | "finish" }, "exit_guide": { ask_yesno: boolean }, "modal-shown": {}, "step-status": { next_button: boolean, previous_button: boolean } } export namespace settings { export type ProfileInfo = { id: string, name: string, nickname: string, identity_type: "teaforo" | "teamspeak" | "nickname", identity_forum?: { valid: boolean, fallback_name: string }, identity_nickname?: { name: string, fallback_name: string }, identity_teamspeak?: { unique_id: string, fallback_name: string } } export interface profiles { "reload-profile": { profile_id?: string }, "select-profile": { profile_id: string }, "query-profile-list": { }, "query-profile-list-result": { status: "error" | "success" | "timeout", error?: string; profiles?: ProfileInfo[] } "query-profile": { profile_id: string }, "query-profile-result": { status: "error" | "success" | "timeout", profile_id: string, error?: string; info?: ProfileInfo }, "select-identity-type": { profile_id: string, identity_type: "teamspeak" | "teaforo" | "nickname" | "unset" }, "query-profile-validity": { profile_id: string }, "query-profile-validity-result": { profile_id: string, status: "error" | "success" | "timeout", error?: string, valid?: boolean } "create-profile": { name: string }, "create-profile-result": { status: "error" | "success" | "timeout", name: string; profile_id?: string; error?: string; }, "delete-profile": { profile_id: string }, "delete-profile-result": { status: "error" | "success" | "timeout", profile_id: string, error?: string } "set-default-profile": { profile_id: string }, "set-default-profile-result": { status: "error" | "success" | "timeout", /* the profile which now has the id "default" */ old_profile_id: string, /* the "default" profile which now has a new id */ new_profile_id?: string error?: string; } /* profile name events */ "set-profile-name": { profile_id: string, name: string }, "set-profile-name-result": { status: "error" | "success" | "timeout", profile_id: string, name?: string }, /* profile nickname events */ "set-default-name": { profile_id: string, name: string | null }, "set-default-name-result": { status: "error" | "success" | "timeout", profile_id: string, name?: string | null }, "query-identity-teamspeak": { profile_id: string }, "query-identity-teamspeak-result": { status: "error" | "success" | "timeout", profile_id: string, error?: string, level?: number } "set-identity-name-name": { profile_id: string, name: string }, "set-identity-name-name-result": { status: "error" | "success" | "timeout", profile_id: string, error?: string, name?: string }, "generate-identity-teamspeak": { profile_id: string }, "generate-identity-teamspeak-result": { profile_id: string, status: "error" | "success" | "timeout", error?: string, level?: number unique_id?: string }, "improve-identity-teamspeak-level": { profile_id: string }, "improve-identity-teamspeak-level-update": { profile_id: string, new_level: number }, "import-identity-teamspeak": { profile_id: string }, "import-identity-teamspeak-result": { profile_id: string, level?: number unique_id?: string } "export-identity-teamspeak": { profile_id: string, filename: string }, "setup-forum-connection": {} } export type MicrophoneSettings = "volume" | "vad-type" | "ppt-key" | "ppt-release-delay" | "ppt-release-delay-active" | "threshold-threshold"; export interface microphone { "query-devices": { refresh_list: boolean }, "query-device-result": { status: "success" | "error" | "timeout", error?: string, devices?: { id: string, name: string, driver: string }[] active_device?: string; }, "query-settings": {}, "query-settings-result": { status: "success" | "error" | "timeout", error?: string, info?: { volume: number, vad_type: string, vad_ppt: { key: any, /* ppt.KeyDescriptor */ release_delay: number, release_delay_active: boolean }, vad_threshold: { threshold: number } } }, "set-device": { device_id: string }, "set-device-result": { device_id: string, status: "success" | "error" | "timeout", error?: string }, "set-setting": { setting: MicrophoneSettings; value: any; }, "set-setting-result": { setting: MicrophoneSettings, status: "success" | "error" | "timeout", error?: string, value?: any }, "update-device-level": { devices: { device_id: string, status: "success" | "error", level?: number, error?: string }[] }, "audio-initialized": {}, "deinitialize": {} } } } /* //Some test code const eclient = new events.Registry(); const emusic = new events.Registry(); eclient.connect("playlist_song_loaded", emusic); eclient.connect("playlist_song_loaded", emusic); */