/// class FileEntry { name: string; datetime: number; type: number; size: number; } class FileListRequest { path: string; entries: FileEntry[]; callback: (entries: FileEntry[]) => void; } class DownloadFileTransfer { transferId: number; serverTransferId: number; transferKey: string; totalSize: number; currentSize: number = 0; remotePort: number; remoteHost: string; on_start: () => void = () => {}; on_complete: () => void = () => {}; on_fail: (reason: string) => void = (_) => {}; on_data: (data: Uint8Array) => void = (_) => {}; private _handle: FileManager; private _promiseCallback: (value: DownloadFileTransfer) => void; private _socket: WebSocket; private _active: boolean; private _succeed: boolean; private _parseActive: boolean; constructor(handle: FileManager, id: number) { this.transferId = id; this._handle = handle; } startTransfer() { if(!this.remoteHost || !this.remotePort || !this.transferKey || !this.totalSize) { this.on_fail("Missing data!"); return; } console.debug("Create new file download to " + this.remoteHost + ":" + this.remotePort + " (Key: " + this.transferKey + ", Expect " + this.totalSize + " bytes)"); this._active = true; this._socket = new WebSocket("wss://" + this.remoteHost + ":" + this.remotePort); this._socket.onopen = this.onOpen.bind(this); this._socket.onclose = this.onClose.bind(this); this._socket.onmessage = this.onMessage.bind(this); this._socket.onerror = this.onError.bind(this); } private onOpen() { if(!this._active) return; this._socket.send(this.transferKey); this.on_start(); } private onMessage(data: MessageEvent) { if(!this._active) { console.error("Got data, but socket closed?"); return; } this._parseActive = true; let fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = (event: any) => { this.onBinaryData(new Uint8Array(event.target.result)); //if(this._socket.readyState != WebSocket.OPEN && !this._succeed) this.on_fail("unexpected close"); this._parseActive = false; }; fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(data.data); } private onBinaryData(data: Uint8Array) { this.currentSize += data.length; this.on_data(data); if(this.currentSize == this.totalSize) { this._succeed = true; this.on_complete(); this.disconnect(); } } private onError() { if(!this._active) return; this.on_fail("an error occurent"); this.disconnect(); } private onClose() { if(!this._active) return; if(!this._parseActive) this.on_fail("unexpected close (remote closed)"); this.disconnect(); } private disconnect(){ this._active = false; //this._socket.close(); } } class FileManager { handle: TSClient; icons: IconManager; avatars: AvatarManager; private listRequests: FileListRequest[] = []; private pendingDownloadTransfers: DownloadFileTransfer[] = []; private downloadCounter : number = 0; constructor(client: TSClient) { this.handle = client; this.icons = new IconManager(this); this.avatars = new AvatarManager(this); this.handle.serverConnection.commandHandler["notifyfilelist"] = this.notifyFileList.bind(this); this.handle.serverConnection.commandHandler["notifyfilelistfinished"] = this.notifyFileListFinished.bind(this); this.handle.serverConnection.commandHandler["notifystartdownload"] = this.notifyStartDownload.bind(this); } /******************************** File list ********************************/ //TODO multiple requests (same path) requestFileList(path: string, channel?: ChannelEntry, password?: string) : Promise { const _this = this; return new Promise((accept, reject) => { let req = new FileListRequest(); req.path = path; req.entries = []; req.callback = accept; _this.listRequests.push(req); _this.handle.serverConnection.sendCommand("ftgetfilelist", {"path": path, "cid": (channel ? channel.channelId : "0"), "cpw": (password ? password : "")}).then(() => {}).catch(reason => { _this.listRequests.remove(req); if(reason instanceof CommandResult) { if(reason.id == 0x0501) { accept([]); //Empty result return; } } reject(reason); }); }); } private notifyFileList(json) { let entry : FileListRequest = undefined; for(let e of this.listRequests) { if(e.path == json[0]["path"]){ entry = e; break; } } if(!entry) { console.error("Invalid file list entry. Path: " + json[0]["path"]); return; } for(let e of (json as Array)) entry.entries.push(e); } private notifyFileListFinished(json) { let entry : FileListRequest = undefined; for(let e of this.listRequests) { if(e.path == json[0]["path"]){ entry = e; this.listRequests.remove(e); break; } } if(!entry) { console.error("Invalid file list entry finish. Path: " + json[0]["path"]); return; } entry.callback(entry.entries); } /******************************** File download ********************************/ requestFileDownload(path: string, file: string, channel?: ChannelEntry, password?: string) : Promise { const _this = this; let transfer = new DownloadFileTransfer(this, this.downloadCounter++); this.pendingDownloadTransfers.push(transfer); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { transfer["_promiseCallback"] = resolve; _this.handle.serverConnection.sendCommand("ftinitdownload", { "path": path, "name": file, "cid": (channel ? channel.channelId : "0"), "cpw": (password ? password : ""), "clientftfid": transfer.transferId }).catch(reason => { _this.pendingDownloadTransfers.remove(transfer); reject(reason); }) }); } private notifyStartDownload(json) { json = json[0]; let transfer: DownloadFileTransfer; for(let e of this.pendingDownloadTransfers) if(e.transferId == json["clientftfid"]) { transfer = e; break; } transfer.serverTransferId = json["serverftfid"]; transfer.transferKey = json["ftkey"]; transfer.totalSize = json["size"]; transfer.remotePort = json["port"]; transfer.remoteHost = (json["ip"] ? json["ip"] : "").replace(/,/g, ""); if(!transfer.remoteHost || transfer.remoteHost == '' || transfer.remoteHost == '') transfer.remoteHost = this.handle.serverConnection._remote_address.host; (transfer["_promiseCallback"] as (val: DownloadFileTransfer) => void)(transfer); this.pendingDownloadTransfers.remove(transfer); } } class Icon { id: number; name: string; base64: string; } class IconManager { handle: FileManager; private loading_icons: {promise: Promise, id: number}[] = []; constructor(handle: FileManager) { this.handle = handle; } iconList() : Promise { return this.handle.requestFileList("/icons"); } downloadIcon(id: number) : Promise { return this.handle.requestFileDownload("", "/icon_" + id); } resolveCached?(id: number) : Icon { let icon = localStorage.getItem("icon_" + id); if(icon) { let i = JSON.parse(icon) as Icon; if(i.base64.length > 0) { //TODO timestamp? return i; } } return undefined; } private load_finished(id: number) { for(let entry of this.loading_icons) if(entry.id == id) this.loading_icons.remove(entry); } loadIcon(id: number) : Promise { for(let entry of this.loading_icons) if(entry.id == id) return entry.promise; let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let icon = this.resolveCached(id); if(icon){ this.load_finished(id); resolve(icon); return; } this.downloadIcon(id).then(ft => { let array = new Uint8Array(0); ft.on_fail = reason => { this.load_finished(id); console.error("Could not download icon " + id + " -> " + reason); chat.serverChat().appendError("Fail to download icon {0}. ({1})", id, JSON.stringify(reason)); reject(reason); }; ft.on_start = () => {}; ft.on_data = (data: Uint8Array) => { array = concatenate(Uint8Array, array, data); }; ft.on_complete = () => { let base64 = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array)); let icon = new Icon(); icon.base64 = base64; icon.id = id; icon.name = "icon_" + id; localStorage.setItem("icon_" + id, JSON.stringify(icon)); this.load_finished(id); resolve(icon); }; ft.startTransfer(); }).catch(reason => { console.error("Error while downloading icon! (" + JSON.stringify(reason) + ")"); chat.serverChat().appendError("Failed to request download for icon {0}. ({1})", id, JSON.stringify(reason)); reject(reason); }); }); this.loading_icons.push({promise: promise, id: id}); return promise; } //$("\"tick\"") generateTag(id: number) : JQuery { if(id == 0) return $("
"); else if(id < 1000) return $("
"); let tag = $.spawn("div"); tag.addClass("icon_empty"); let img = $.spawn("img"); img.attr("width", 16).attr("height", 16).attr("alt", ""); let icon = this.resolveCached(id); if(icon) { img.attr("src", "data:image/png;base64," + icon.base64); tag.append(img); } else { img.attr("src", "file://null"); let loader = $.spawn("div"); loader.addClass("icon_loading"); tag.append(loader); this.loadIcon(id).then(icon => { img.attr("src", "data:image/png;base64," + icon.base64); console.debug("Icon " + id + " loaded :)"); img.css("opacity", 0); tag.append(img); loader.animate({opacity: 0}, 50, function () { $(this).detach(); img.animate({opacity: 1}, 150); }); }).catch(reason => { console.error("Could not load icon " + id + ". Reason: " + reason); loader.removeClass("icon_loading").addClass("icon client-warning").attr("tag", "Could not load icon " + id); }); } return tag; } } class Avatar { clientUid: string; avatarId: string; base64?: string; url?: string; blob?: Blob; } class AvatarManager { handle: FileManager; private loading_avatars: {promise: Promise, name: string}[] = []; private loaded_urls: string[] = []; constructor(handle: FileManager) { this.handle = handle; } downloadAvatar(client: ClientEntry) : Promise { console.log("Downloading avatar %s", client.avatarId()); return this.handle.requestFileDownload("", "/avatar_" + client.avatarId()); } resolveCached?(client: ClientEntry) : Avatar { let avatar = localStorage.getItem("avatar_" + client.properties.client_unique_identifier); if(avatar) { let i = JSON.parse(avatar) as Avatar; //TODO timestamp? if(i.avatarId != client.properties.client_flag_avatar) return undefined; if(i.base64) { if(i.base64.length > 0) return i; else i.base64 = undefined; } if(i.url) { for(let url of this.loaded_urls) if(url == i.url) return i; } } return undefined; } private load_finished(name: string) { for(let entry of this.loading_avatars) if(entry.name == name) this.loading_avatars.remove(entry); } loadAvatar(client: ClientEntry) : Promise { let name = client.avatarId(); for(let promise of this.loading_avatars) if(promise.name == name) return promise.promise; let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let avatar = this.resolveCached(client); if(avatar){ this.load_finished(name); resolve(avatar); return; } this.downloadAvatar(client).then(ft => { let array = new Uint8Array(0); ft.on_fail = reason => { this.load_finished(name); console.error("Could not download avatar " + client.properties.client_flag_avatar + " -> " + reason); chat.serverChat().appendError("Fail to download avatar for {0}. ({1})", client.clientNickName(), JSON.stringify(reason)); reject(reason); }; ft.on_start = () => {}; ft.on_data = (data: Uint8Array) => { array = concatenate(Uint8Array, array, data); }; ft.on_complete = () => { let avatar = new Avatar(); if(array.length >= 1 * 1024 * 1024) { let blob_image = new Blob([array]); avatar.url = URL.createObjectURL(blob_image); avatar.blob = blob_image; this.loaded_urls.push(avatar.url); } else { avatar.base64 = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array)); } avatar.clientUid = client.clientUid(); avatar.avatarId = client.properties.client_flag_avatar; localStorage.setItem("avatar_" + client.properties.client_unique_identifier, JSON.stringify(avatar)); this.load_finished(name); resolve(avatar); }; ft.startTransfer(); }).catch(reason => { this.load_finished(name); console.error("Error while downloading avatar! (" + JSON.stringify(reason) + ")"); chat.serverChat().appendError("Failed to request avatar download for {0}. ({1})", client.clientNickName(), JSON.stringify(reason)); reject(reason); }); }); this.loading_avatars.push({promise: promise, name: name}); return promise; } generateTag(client: ClientEntry) { let tag = $.spawn("div"); let img = $.spawn("img"); img.attr("alt", ""); let avatar = this.resolveCached(client); if(avatar) { if(avatar.url) img.attr("src", avatar.url); else img.attr("src", "data:image/png;base64," + avatar.base64); tag.append(img); } else { let loader = $.spawn("img"); loader.attr("src", "img/loading_image.svg").css("width", "75%"); tag.append(loader); this.loadAvatar(client).then(avatar => { if(avatar.url) img.attr("src", avatar.url); else img.attr("src", "data:image/png;base64," + avatar.base64); console.debug("Avatar " + client.clientNickName() + " loaded :)"); img.css("opacity", 0); tag.append(img); loader.animate({opacity: 0}, 50, function () { $(this).detach(); img.animate({opacity: 1}, 150); }); }).catch(reason => { console.error("Could not load avatar for " + client.clientNickName() + ". Reason: " + reason); //TODO Broken image loader.addClass("icon client-warning").attr("tag", "Could not load avatar " + client.clientNickName()); }); } return tag; } }