Updated the translation builders

This commit is contained in:
WolverinDEV 2020-04-03 17:39:51 +02:00
parent a52584a4fa
commit 43c2070191
3 changed files with 147 additions and 154 deletions

View file

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
We want python 2.7 again...
import io
import re
import json
import sys
from googletrans import Translator # Use the free webhook
def run_translate(messages, source_language, target_language):
translator = Translator()
_translations = translator.translate(messages, src=source_language, dest=target_language)
result = []
for translation in _translations:
"source": translation.origin,
"translated": translation.text
return result
from google.cloud import translate # Use googles could solution
def run_translate(messages, source_language, target_language):
translate_client = translate.Client()
# The text to translate
text = u'Hello, world!'
# The target language
result = []
limit = 16
for chunk in [messages[i:i + limit] for i in xrange(0, len(messages), limit)]:
# Translates some text into Russian
print("Requesting {} translations".format(len(chunk)))
translations = translate_client.translate(chunk, target_language=target_language)
for translation in translations:
"source": translation["input"],
"translated": translation["translatedText"]
return result
def translate_messages(source, destination, target_language):
with open(source) as f:
data = json.load(f)
result = {
"translations": [],
"info": None
with open(destination) as f:
result = json.load(f)
print("loaded old result")
translations = result["translations"]
if translations is None:
print("Using new translation map")
translations = []
print("Loaded {} old translations".format(len(translations)))
messages = []
for message in data:
found = False
for entry in translations:
if entry["key"]["message"] == message["message"]:
found = True
if not found:
raise Exception('add message for translate')
print("Translating {} messages".format(len(messages)))
if len(messages) != 0:
_translations = run_translate(messages, 'en', target_language)
print("Messages translated, generating target file")
for translation in _translations:
"key": {
"message": translation["source"]
"translated": translation["translated"],
"flags": [
for translation in translations:
translation["translated"] = re.sub(r"% +([OoDdSs])", r" %\1", translation["translated"]) # Fix the broken "% o" or "% s" things
translation["translated"] = translation["translated"].replace("%O", "%o") # Replace all %O to %o
translation["translated"] = translation["translated"].replace("%S", "%s") # Replace all %S to %s
translation["translated"] = translation["translated"].replace("%D", "%d") # Replace all %D to %d
translation["translated"] = re.sub(r" +(%[ods])", r" \1", translation["translated"]) # Fix double spaces between a message and %s
translation["translated"] = re.sub(r"\( (%[ods])", r"(\1", translation["translated"]) # Fix the leading space after a brace: ( %s)
print("Writing target file")
result["translations"] = translations
if result["info"] is None:
result["info"] = {
"contributors": [
"name": "Google Translate, via script by Markus Hadenfeldt",
"email": "gtr.i18n.client@teaspeak.de"
"name": "Auto translated messages for language " + target_language
with io.open(destination, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(result, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))
def main(target_language):
target_file = "i18n/{}_google_translate.translation".format(target_language)
translate_messages("generated/messages_script.json", target_file, target_language)
translate_messages("generated/messages_template.json", target_file, target_language)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Invalid argument count!")
print("Usage: ./generate_i18n_gtranslate.py <language>")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
import * as path from "path";
import * as fs from "fs-extra";
import {TranslationServiceClient} from "@google-cloud/translate";
const translation_project_id = "luminous-shadow-92008";
const translation_location = "global";
const translation_client = new TranslationServiceClient();
async function run_translate(messages: string[], source_language: string, target_language: string) : Promise<(string | undefined)[]> {
let messages_left = messages.slice(0);
let result = [];
while (messages_left.length > 0) {
const chunk_size = Math.min(messages_left.length, 128);
const chunk = messages_left.slice(0, chunk_size);
try {
const [response] = await translation_client.translateText({
parent: `projects/${translation_project_id}/locations/${translation_location}`,
contents: chunk,
mimeType: "text/plain",
sourceLanguageCode: source_language,
targetLanguageCode: target_language
result.push(...response.translations.map(e => e.translatedText));
} catch (error) {
console.log("Failed to execute translation request: %o", 'details' in error ? error.details : error instanceof Error ? error.message : error);
throw "translated failed";
messages_left = messages.slice(chunk_size);
return result;
interface TranslationFile {
info: {
name: string,
contributors: {
name: string,
email: string
translations: {
translated: string,
flags: string[],
key: {
message: string
interface InputFile {
message: string;
line: number;
character: number;
filename: string;
async function translate_messages(input_file: string, output_file: string, source_language: string, target_language: string) {
let output_data: TranslationFile;
if(await fs.pathExists(output_file)) {
try {
output_data = await fs.readJSON(output_file);
} catch (error) {
console.log("Failed to parse output data: %o", error);
throw "failed to read output file";
} else {
output_data = {} as any;
if(!output_data.info) {
output_data.info = {
contributors: [
"name": "Google Translate, via script by Markus Hadenfeldt",
"email": "gtr.i18n.client@teaspeak.de"
name: "Auto translated messages for language " + target_language
output_data.translations = [];
let messages_to_translate: InputFile[] = [];
try {
messages_to_translate = await fs.readJSON(input_file);
} catch (error) {
console.log("Failed to parse input file %o", error);
throw "failed to read input file";
const original_messages = messages_to_translate.length;
messages_to_translate = messages_to_translate.filter(e => output_data.translations.findIndex(f => e.message === f.key.message) === -1);
console.log("Messages to translate: %d out of %d", messages_to_translate.length, original_messages);
const response = await run_translate(messages_to_translate.map(e => e.message), source_language, target_language);
if(messages_to_translate.length !== response.length)
throw "invalid response length";
for(let index = 0; index < response.length; index++) {
if(typeof response[index] !== "string") {
console.log("Failed to translate message %s", messages_to_translate[index]);
key: {
message: messages_to_translate[index].message
translated: response[index],
flags: [
await fs.writeJSON(output_file, output_data);
const process_args = process.argv.slice(2);
if(process_args.length !== 1) {
console.error("Invalid argument count");
console.error("Usage: ./generate_i18n_gtranslate.py <language>");
const input_files = ["../dist/translations.json", "generated/translations_html.json"].map(e => path.join(__dirname, e));
const output_file = path.join(__dirname, "i18n", process_args[0] + "_google_translate.translation");
(async () => {
for(const file of input_files)
await translate_messages(file, output_file, "en", process_args[0]);
})().catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to create translation files: %o", error);
}).then(() => {
console.log("Translation files have been updated.");

View file

@ -1,17 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash #!/usr/bin/env bash
BASEDIR=$(dirname "$0") cd "$(dirname "$0")" || { echo "Failed to enter base directory"; exit 1; }
#Generate the script translations npm run trgen -- -f "$(pwd)/html/templates.html" -f "$(pwd)/html/templates/modal/newcomer.html" -f "$(pwd)/html/templates/modal/musicmanage.html" -d "$(pwd)/generated/translations_html.json"; _exit_code=$?
npm run ttsc -- -p $(pwd)/tsconfig/tsconfig.json if [[ $_exit_code -ne 0 ]]; then
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to generate translation file for the script files"
exit 1
npm run trgen -- -f $(pwd)/html/templates.html -d $(pwd)/generated/messages_template.json
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to generate translations file for the template files" echo "Failed to generate translations file for the template files"
exit 1 exit 1
fi fi