Adding the VariadicTranslatable to the tr generator

This commit is contained in:
WolverinDEV 2020-08-01 15:04:33 +02:00
parent f9fa5bb2bf
commit 366389a287
4 changed files with 76 additions and 56 deletions

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export class Translatable extends React.Component<{ children: string, __cacheKey
export const VariadicTranslatable = (props: { text: string, children?: React.ReactElement[] | React.ReactElement }) => {
export const VariadicTranslatable = (props: { text: string, __cacheKey?: string, children?: React.ReactElement[] | React.ReactElement }) => {
const args = Array.isArray(props.children) ? props.children : [props.children];
const argsUseCount = [ Array(args.length)].map(() => 0);

View file

@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ export interface TranslationEntry {
message: string;
type: "call" | "jsx-translatable" | "js-template";
type: "call" | "jsx-translatable" | "jsx-variadic-translatable" | "js-template";

View file

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import {Translatable} from "../../../shared/js/ui/react-elements/i18n";
import {Translatable, VariadicTranslatable} from "../../../shared/js/ui/react-elements/i18n";
import * as React from "react";
function test() {
const element_0 = <Translatable>Hello World</Translatable>;
const element_1 = <Translatable>{"Hello World"}</Translatable>;
const element_2 = <VariadicTranslatable text={"XXX"}><>XXX</></VariadicTranslatable>;

View file

@ -69,28 +69,29 @@ function _generate(config: Configuration, node: ts.Node, result: TranslationEntr
if(tag.kind !== SyntaxKind.Identifier)
break call_analize;
if(tag.escapedText !== "Translatable")
break call_analize;
if(tag.escapedText === "Translatable") {
if(element.children.length !== 1) {
report(element, "Invalid child count: " + element.children.length);
break call_analize;
const text = element.children[0] as ts.JsxText;
if(text.kind != SyntaxKind.JsxText) {
report(element, "Invalid child type " + SyntaxKind[text.kind]);
break call_analize;
const { line, character } = node.getSourceFile().getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart());
filename: node.getSourceFile().fileName,
line: line,
character: character,
message: text.text,
type: "jsx-translatable"
} else if(tag.escapedText === "VariadicTranslatable") {
if(element.children.length !== 1) {
report(element, "Invalid child count: " + element.children.length);
break call_analize;
const text = element.children[0] as ts.JsxText;
if(text.kind != SyntaxKind.JsxText) {
report(element, "Invalid child type " + SyntaxKind[text.kind]);
break call_analize;
const { line, character } = node.getSourceFile().getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart());
filename: node.getSourceFile().fileName,
line: line,
character: character,
message: text.text,
type: "jsx-translatable"
node.forEachChild(n => _generate(config, n, result));
@ -276,6 +277,21 @@ export function transform(config: Configuration, context: ts.TransformationConte
return result;
const generate_jsx_cache_key = (cache: VolatileTransformConfig, config: Configuration, element: ts.JsxElement) => ts.updateJsxElement(
ts.updateJsxAttributes(element.openingElement.attributes, [,
ts.createJsxAttribute(ts.createIdentifier("__cacheKey"), ts.createStringLiteral(cache.tsx_name_generator(config)))
export function replace_processor(config: Configuration, cache: VolatileTransformConfig, node: ts.Node, source_file: ts.SourceFile) : ts.Node {
console.log("Process %s", SyntaxKind[node.kind]);
@ -331,20 +347,19 @@ export function replace_processor(config: Configuration, cache: VolatileTransfor
if(tag.kind !== SyntaxKind.Identifier)
return node;
/* TODO: VariadicTranslatable */
const properties = {} as any; ts.JsxAttribute) => {
if(e.kind !== SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute)
throw new Error(source_location(e) + ": Invalid jsx attribute kind " + SyntaxKind[e.kind]);
if( !== SyntaxKind.Identifier)
throw new Error(source_location(e) + ": Key isn't an identifier");
properties[ as string] = e.initializer;
if(tag.escapedText === "Translatable") {
const properties = {} as any; ts.JsxAttribute) => {
if(e.kind !== SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute)
throw new Error(source_location(e) + ": Invalid jsx attribute kind " + SyntaxKind[e.kind]);
if( !== SyntaxKind.Identifier)
throw new Error(source_location(e) + ": Key isn't an identifier");
properties[ as string] = e.initializer;
if('trIgnore' in properties && properties.trIgnore.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxExpression) {
const ignoreAttribute = properties.trIgnore as ts.JsxExpression;
if(ignoreAttribute.expression.kind === SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword)
@ -369,26 +384,30 @@ export function replace_processor(config: Configuration, cache: VolatileTransfor
type: "jsx-translatable"
console.error( ts.updateJsxAttributes(element.openingElement.attributes, [,
ts.createJsxAttribute(ts.createIdentifier("__cacheKey"), ts.createStringLiteral(cache.tsx_name_generator(config)))
return ts.updateJsxElement(
ts.updateJsxAttributes(element.openingElement.attributes, [,
ts.createJsxAttribute(ts.createIdentifier("__cacheKey"), ts.createStringLiteral(cache.tsx_name_generator(config)))
return generate_jsx_cache_key(cache, config, element);
} else if(tag.escapedText === "VariadicTranslatable") {
if(!('text' in properties))
throw new Error(source_location(element) + ": Missing text to translate");
const textAttribute = properties["text"] as ts.JsxExpression;
if(textAttribute.kind !== SyntaxKind.JsxExpression)
throw new Error(source_location(element) + ": Text attribute has an invalid type. Expected JsxExpression but received " + SyntaxKind[textAttribute.kind]);
if(textAttribute.expression.kind !== SyntaxKind.StringLiteral)
throw new Error(source_location(element) + ": Text attribute value isn't a string literal. Expected StringLiteral but received " + SyntaxKind[textAttribute.expression.kind]);
const literal = textAttribute.expression as ts.StringLiteral;
let { line, character } = source_file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart());
message: literal.text,
line: line,
character: character,
filename: (source_file || {fileName: "unknown"}).fileName,
type: "jsx-variadic-translatable"
return generate_jsx_cache_key(cache, config, element);