2021-02-20 16:57:52 +01:00
import * as loader from "tc-loader";
import {ChannelMessage, getIpcInstance, IPCChannel} from "tc-shared/ipc/BrowserIPC";
2021-02-20 17:46:17 +01:00
import {UrlParameterParser} from "tc-shared/settings";
2021-02-20 16:57:52 +01:00
import {IpcInviteInfo} from "tc-shared/text/bbcode/InviteDefinitions";
import {LogCategory, logError} from "tc-shared/log";
import {clientServiceInvite, clientServices} from "tc-shared/clientservice";
import {handleConnectRequest} from "tc-shared/main";
2021-03-18 12:27:22 +01:00
import {assertMainApplication} from "tc-shared/ui/utils";
2021-02-20 16:57:52 +01:00
let ipcChannel: IPCChannel;
loader.register_task(loader.Stage.JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING, {
name: "Invite controller init",
function: async () => {
2021-02-20 17:46:17 +01:00
ipcChannel = getIpcInstance().createChannel("invite-info");
2021-02-20 16:57:52 +01:00
ipcChannel.messageHandler = handleIpcMessage;
priority: 10
type QueryCacheEntry = { result, finished: boolean, timeout: number };
let queryCache: {[key: string]: QueryCacheEntry} = {};
let executingPendingInvites = false;
const pendingInviteQueries: (() => Promise<void>)[] = [];
function handleIpcMessage(remoteId: string, broadcast: boolean, message: ChannelMessage) {
if(message.type === "query") {
const linkId = message.data["linkId"];
if(queryCache[linkId]) {
if(queryCache[linkId].finished) {
ipcChannel?.sendMessage("query-result", { linkId, result: queryCache[linkId].result }, remoteId);
/* Query already enqueued. */
const entry = queryCache[linkId] = {
finished: false,
result: undefined,
timeout: 0
} as QueryCacheEntry;
entry.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
if(queryCache[linkId] === entry) {
delete queryCache[linkId];
}, 30 * 60 * 1000);
pendingInviteQueries.push(() => queryInviteLink(linkId));
} else if(message.type === "connect") {
const connectParameterString = message.data.connectParameters;
const serverAddress = message.data.serverAddress;
const serverUniqueId = message.data.serverUniqueId;
handleConnectRequest(serverAddress, serverUniqueId, new UrlParameterParser(new URL(`https://localhost/?${connectParameterString}`))).then(undefined);
function invokeLinkQueries() {
if(executingPendingInvites) {
executingPendingInvites = true;
executePendingInvites().catch(error => {
logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to execute pending invite queries: %o"), error);
executingPendingInvites = false;
if(pendingInviteQueries.length > 0) {
async function executePendingInvites() {
while(pendingInviteQueries.length > 0) {
const invite = pendingInviteQueries.pop_front();
await invite();
2021-02-20 18:34:42 +01:00
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
2021-02-20 16:57:52 +01:00
executingPendingInvites = false;
async function queryInviteLink(linkId: string) {
let result: IpcInviteInfo;
try {
result = await doQueryInviteLink(linkId);
} catch (error) {
logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to query invite link info: %o"), error);
result = {
status: "error",
message: tr("lookup the console for details")
if(queryCache[linkId]) {
queryCache[linkId].finished = true;
queryCache[linkId].result = result;
} else {
const entry = queryCache[linkId] = {
finished: true,
result: result,
timeout: 0
entry.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
if(queryCache[linkId] === entry) {
delete queryCache[linkId];
}, 30 * 60 * 1000);
ipcChannel?.sendMessage("query-result", { linkId, result });
async function doQueryInviteLink(linkId: string) : Promise<IpcInviteInfo> {
if(!clientServices.isSessionInitialized()) {
const connectAwait = new Promise(resolve => {
clientServices.awaitSession().then(() => resolve(true));
setTimeout(() => resolve(false), 5000);
if(!await connectAwait) {
return { status: "error", message: tr("Client service not connected") };
/* TODO: Cache if the client has ever seen the view! */
const result = await clientServiceInvite.queryInviteLink(linkId, true);
if(result.status === "error") {
switch (result.result.type) {
case "InviteKeyExpired":
return { status: "expired" };
case "InviteKeyNotFound":
return { status: "not-found" };
logError(LogCategory.GENERAL, tr("Failed to query invite link info for %s: %o"), linkId, result.result);
return { status: "error", message: tra("Server query error ({})", result.result.type) };
const inviteInfo = result.unwrap();
const serverName = inviteInfo.propertiesInfo["server-name"];
if(typeof serverName !== "string") {
return { status: "error", message: tr("Missing server name") };
const serverUniqueId = inviteInfo.propertiesInfo["server-unique-id"];
if(typeof serverUniqueId !== "string") {
return { status: "error", message: tr("Missing server unique id") };
const serverAddress = inviteInfo.propertiesConnect["server-address"];
if(typeof serverAddress !== "string") {
return { status: "error", message: tr("Missing server address") };
const urlParameters = {};
urlParameters["cir"] = linkId;
urlParameters["cn"] = inviteInfo.propertiesConnect["nickname"];
urlParameters["ctk"] = inviteInfo.propertiesConnect["token"];
urlParameters["cc"] = inviteInfo.propertiesConnect["channel"];
urlParameters["cph"] = inviteInfo.propertiesConnect["passwords-hashed"];
urlParameters["csp"] = inviteInfo.propertiesConnect["server-password"];
urlParameters["ccp"] = inviteInfo.propertiesConnect["channel-password"];
const urlParameterString = Object.keys(urlParameters)
.filter(key => typeof urlParameters[key] === "string" && urlParameters[key].length > 0)
.map(key => `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(urlParameters[key])}`)
return {
linkId: linkId,
status: "success",
expireTimestamp: inviteInfo.timestampExpired,
serverUniqueId: serverUniqueId,
serverName: serverName,
serverAddress: serverAddress,
channelName: inviteInfo.propertiesInfo["channel-name"],
connectParameters: urlParameterString,