2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
import { ServerConnection } from "tc-backend/web/connection/ServerConnection" ;
import { AbstractServerConnection , ServerCommand , ServerConnectionEvents } from "tc-shared/connection/ConnectionBase" ;
import { ConnectionState } from "tc-shared/ConnectionHandler" ;
import * as log from "tc-shared/log" ;
import { LogCategory , logDebug , logError , logTrace , logWarn } from "tc-shared/log" ;
import { AbstractCommandHandler } from "tc-shared/connection/AbstractCommandHandler" ;
import { CommandResult } from "tc-shared/connection/ServerConnectionDeclaration" ;
import { tr } from "tc-shared/i18n/localize" ;
import { Registry } from "tc-shared/events" ;
import {
RemoteRTPAudioTrack ,
RemoteRTPTrackState ,
RemoteRTPVideoTrack ,
} from "tc-backend/web/rtc/RemoteTrack" ;
import { SdpCompressor , SdpProcessor } from "tc-backend/web/rtc/SdpUtils" ;
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
import { context } from "tc-backend/web/audio/player" ;
2020-11-17 14:27:46 +01:00
import { ErrorCode } from "tc-shared/connection/ErrorCode" ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
const kSdpCompressionMode = 1 ;
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
declare global {
interface RTCIceCandidate {
/* Firefox has this */
address : string | undefined ;
interface HTMLCanvasElement {
captureStream ( framed : number ) : MediaStream ;
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
class RetryTimeCalculator {
private readonly minTime : number ;
private readonly maxTime : number ;
private readonly increment : number ;
private retryCount : number ;
private currentTime : number ;
constructor ( minTime : number , maxTime : number , increment : number ) {
this . minTime = minTime ;
this . maxTime = maxTime ;
this . increment = increment ;
this . reset ( ) ;
calculateRetryTime() {
if ( this . retryCount >= 5 ) {
/* no more retries */
return 0 ;
this . retryCount ++ ;
const time = this . currentTime ;
this . currentTime = Math . min ( this . currentTime + this . increment , this . maxTime ) ;
console . error ( time + " - " + this . retryCount ) ;
return time ;
reset() {
this . currentTime = this . minTime ;
this . retryCount = 0 ;
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
let dummyVideoTrack : MediaStreamTrack | undefined ;
let dummyAudioTrack : MediaStreamTrack | undefined ;
/ *
* For Firefox as soon we stop a sender we ' re never able to get the sender starting again . . .
* ( This only applies after the initial negotiation . Before values of null are allowed )
* So we ' ve to keep it alive with a dummy track .
* /
function getIdleTrack ( kind : "video" | "audio" ) : MediaStreamTrack | null {
2020-11-16 21:02:18 +01:00
if ( window . detectedBrowser ? . name === "firefox" ) {
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
if ( kind === "video" ) {
if ( ! dummyVideoTrack ) {
const canvas = document . createElement ( "canvas" ) ;
canvas . getContext ( "2d" ) ;
const stream = canvas . captureStream ( 1 ) ;
dummyVideoTrack = stream . getVideoTracks ( ) [ 0 ] ;
return dummyVideoTrack ;
} else if ( kind === "audio" ) {
if ( ! dummyAudioTrack ) {
const dest = context ( ) . createMediaStreamDestination ( ) ;
dummyAudioTrack = dest . stream . getAudioTracks ( ) [ 0 ] ;
return dummyAudioTrack ;
return null ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
class CommandHandler extends AbstractCommandHandler {
private readonly handle : RTCConnection ;
private readonly sdpProcessor : SdpProcessor ;
constructor ( connection : AbstractServerConnection , handle : RTCConnection , sdpProcessor : SdpProcessor ) {
super ( connection ) ;
this . handle = handle ;
this . sdpProcessor = sdpProcessor ;
this . ignore_consumed = true ;
handle_command ( command : ServerCommand ) : boolean {
if ( command . command === "notifyrtcsessiondescription" ) {
const data = command . arguments [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! this . handle [ "peer" ] ) {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received remote %s without an active peer" ) , data . mode ) ;
return ;
/* webrtc-sdp somehow places some empty lines into the sdp */
let sdp = data . sdp . replace ( /\r?\n\r?\n/g , "\n" ) ;
try {
sdp = SdpCompressor . decompressSdp ( sdp , 1 ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
logError ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Failed to decompress remote SDP: %o" ) , error ) ;
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
this . handle [ "handleFatalError" ] ( tr ( "Failed to decompress remote SDP" ) , true ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
return ;
if ( RTCConnection . kEnableSdpTrace ) {
logTrace ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received remote %s:\n%s" ) , data . mode , data . sdp ) ;
try {
sdp = this . sdpProcessor . processIncomingSdp ( sdp , data . mode ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
logError ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Failed to reprocess SDP %s: %o" ) , data . mode , error ) ;
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
this . handle [ "handleFatalError" ] ( tra ( "Failed to preprocess SDP {}" , data . mode as string ) , true ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
return ;
if ( RTCConnection . kEnableSdpTrace ) {
logTrace ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Patched remote %s:\n%s" ) , data . mode , data . sdp ) ;
if ( data . mode === "answer" ) {
this . handle [ "peer" ] . setRemoteDescription ( {
sdp : sdp ,
type : "answer"
} ) . catch ( error = > {
logError ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Failed to set the remote description: %o" ) , error ) ;
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
this . handle [ "handleFatalError" ] ( tr ( "Failed to set the remote description (answer)" ) , true ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
} )
} else if ( data . mode === "offer" ) {
this . handle [ "peer" ] . setRemoteDescription ( {
sdp : sdp ,
type : "offer"
} ) . then ( ( ) = > this . handle [ "peer" ] . createAnswer ( ) )
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
. then ( async answer = > {
if ( RTCConnection . kEnableSdpTrace ) {
2020-11-16 00:02:47 +01:00
logTrace ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Applying local description from remote %s:\n%s" ) , data . mode , answer . sdp ) ;
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
answer . sdp = this . sdpProcessor . processOutgoingSdp ( answer . sdp , "answer" ) ;
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
2020-11-16 00:02:47 +01:00
await this . handle [ "peer" ] . setLocalDescription ( answer ) ;
return answer ;
} )
. then ( answer = > {
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
answer . sdp = SdpCompressor . compressSdp ( answer . sdp , kSdpCompressionMode ) ;
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
if ( RTCConnection . kEnableSdpTrace ) {
logTrace ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Patched answer to remote %s:\n%s" ) , data . mode , answer . sdp ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
return this . connection . send_command ( "rtcsessiondescribe" , {
mode : "answer" ,
sdp : answer.sdp ,
compression : kSdpCompressionMode
} ) ;
} ) . catch ( error = > {
logError ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Failed to set the remote description and execute the renegotiation: %o" ) , error ) ;
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
this . handle [ "handleFatalError" ] ( tr ( "Failed to set the remote description (offer/renegotiation)" ) , true ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
} ) ;
} else {
logWarn ( LogCategory . NETWORKING , tr ( "Received invalid mode for rtc session description (%s)." ) , data . mode ) ;
return true ;
} else if ( command . command === "notifyrtcstreamassignment" ) {
const data = command . arguments [ 0 ] ;
const ssrc = parseInt ( data [ "streamid" ] ) >>> 0 ;
if ( parseInt ( data [ "sclid" ] ) ) {
this . handle [ "doMapStream" ] ( ssrc , {
client_id : parseInt ( data [ "sclid" ] ) ,
client_database_id : parseInt ( data [ "scldbid" ] ) ,
client_name : data [ "sclname" ] ,
client_unique_id : data [ "scluid" ]
} ) ;
} else {
this . handle [ "doMapStream" ] ( ssrc , undefined ) ;
} else if ( command . command === "notifyrtcstateaudio" ) {
const data = command . arguments [ 0 ] ;
const state = parseInt ( data [ "state" ] ) ;
const ssrc = parseInt ( data [ "streamid" ] ) >>> 0 ;
if ( state === 0 ) {
/* stream stopped */
this . handle [ "handleStreamState" ] ( ssrc , 0 , undefined ) ;
} else if ( state === 1 ) {
this . handle [ "handleStreamState" ] ( ssrc , 1 , {
client_id : parseInt ( data [ "sclid" ] ) ,
client_database_id : parseInt ( data [ "scldbid" ] ) ,
client_name : data [ "sclname" ] ,
client_unique_id : data [ "scluid" ]
} ) ;
} else {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received unknown/invalid rtc track state: %d" ) , state ) ;
return false ;
export enum RTPConnectionState {
2020-11-17 14:27:46 +01:00
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
class InternalRemoteRTPAudioTrack extends RemoteRTPAudioTrack {
private muteTimeout ;
constructor ( ssrc : number , transceiver : RTCRtpTransceiver ) {
super ( ssrc , transceiver ) ;
destroy() {
this . handleTrackEnded ( ) ;
super . destroy ( ) ;
handleAssignment ( info : TrackClientInfo | undefined ) {
if ( Object . isSimilar ( this . currentAssignment , info ) ) {
return ;
this . currentAssignment = info ;
if ( info ) {
logDebug ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Remote RTP audio track %d mounted to client %o" ) , this . getSsrc ( ) , info ) ;
this . setState ( RemoteRTPTrackState . Bound ) ;
} else {
logDebug ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Remote RTP audio track %d has been unmounted." ) , this . getSsrc ( ) ) ;
this . setState ( RemoteRTPTrackState . Unbound ) ;
handleStateNotify ( state : number , info : TrackClientInfo | undefined ) {
if ( ! this . currentAssignment ) {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received stream state update for %d with miss info. Updating info." ) , this . getSsrc ( ) ) ;
const validateInfo = ( ) = > {
if ( info . client_id !== this . currentAssignment . client_id ) {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received stream state update for %d with miss matching client info. Expected client %d but received %d. Updating stream assignment." ) ,
this . getSsrc ( ) , this . currentAssignment . client_id , info . client_id ) ;
this . currentAssignment = info ;
/* TODO: Update the assignment via doMapStream */
} else if ( info . client_unique_id !== this . currentAssignment . client_unique_id ) {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received stream state update for %d with miss matching client info. Expected client %s but received %s. Updating stream assignment." ) ,
this . getSsrc ( ) , this . currentAssignment . client_id , info . client_id ) ;
this . currentAssignment = info ;
/* TODO: Update the assignment via doMapStream */
} else if ( this . currentAssignment . client_name !== info . client_name ) {
this . currentAssignment . client_name = info . client_name ;
/* TODO: Notify name update */
} ;
clearTimeout ( this . muteTimeout ) ;
this . muteTimeout = undefined ;
if ( state === 1 ) {
validateInfo ( ) ;
this . shouldReplay = true ;
if ( this . gainNode ) {
this . gainNode . gain . value = this . gain ;
this . setState ( RemoteRTPTrackState . Started ) ;
} else {
/* There wil be no info present */
this . setState ( RemoteRTPTrackState . Bound ) ;
/* since we're might still having some jitter stuff */
this . muteTimeout = setTimeout ( ( ) = > {
this . shouldReplay = false ;
if ( this . gainNode ) {
this . gainNode . gain . value = 0 ;
} , 1000 ) ;
class InternalRemoteRTPVideoTrack extends RemoteRTPVideoTrack {
constructor ( ssrc : number , transceiver : RTCRtpTransceiver ) {
super ( ssrc , transceiver ) ;
destroy() {
this . handleTrackEnded ( ) ;
super . destroy ( ) ;
handleAssignment ( info : TrackClientInfo | undefined ) {
if ( Object . isSimilar ( this . currentAssignment , info ) ) {
return ;
this . currentAssignment = info ;
if ( info ) {
logDebug ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Remote RTP video track %d mounted to client %o" ) , this . getSsrc ( ) , info ) ;
this . setState ( RemoteRTPTrackState . Bound ) ;
} else {
logDebug ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Remote RTP video track %d has been unmounted." ) , this . getSsrc ( ) ) ;
this . setState ( RemoteRTPTrackState . Unbound ) ;
handleStateNotify ( state : number , info : TrackClientInfo | undefined ) {
if ( ! this . currentAssignment ) {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received stream state update for %d with miss info. Updating info." ) , this . getSsrc ( ) ) ;
const validateInfo = ( ) = > {
if ( info . client_id !== this . currentAssignment . client_id ) {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received stream state update for %d with miss matching client info. Expected client %d but received %d. Updating stream assignment." ) ,
this . getSsrc ( ) , this . currentAssignment . client_id , info . client_id ) ;
this . currentAssignment = info ;
/* TODO: Update the assignment via doMapStream */
} else if ( info . client_unique_id !== this . currentAssignment . client_unique_id ) {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received stream state update for %d with miss matching client info. Expected client %s but received %s. Updating stream assignment." ) ,
this . getSsrc ( ) , this . currentAssignment . client_id , info . client_id ) ;
this . currentAssignment = info ;
/* TODO: Update the assignment via doMapStream */
} else if ( this . currentAssignment . client_name !== info . client_name ) {
this . currentAssignment . client_name = info . client_name ;
/* TODO: Notify name update */
} ;
if ( state === 1 ) {
validateInfo ( ) ;
this . setState ( RemoteRTPTrackState . Started ) ;
} else {
/* There wil be no info present */
this . setState ( RemoteRTPTrackState . Bound ) ;
export type RTCSourceTrackType = "audio" | "audio-whisper" | "video" | "video-screen" ;
export type RTCBroadcastableTrackType = Exclude < RTCSourceTrackType , "audio-whisper" > ;
const kRtcSourceTrackTypes : RTCSourceTrackType [ ] = [ "audio" , "audio-whisper" , "video" , "video-screen" ] ;
function broadcastableTrackTypeToNumber ( type : RTCBroadcastableTrackType ) : number {
switch ( type ) {
case "video-screen" :
return 3 ;
case "video" :
return 2 ;
case "audio" :
return 1 ;
default :
throw tr ( "invalid target type" ) ;
type TemporaryRtpStream = {
createTimestamp : number ,
timeoutId : number ,
ssrc : number ,
status : number | undefined ,
info : TrackClientInfo | undefined
2020-11-16 21:02:18 +01:00
export type RTCConnectionStatistics = {
videoBytesReceived : number ,
videoBytesSent : number ,
voiceBytesReceived : number ,
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
export interface RTCConnectionEvents {
notify_state_changed : { oldState : RTPConnectionState , newState : RTPConnectionState } ,
notify_audio_assignment_changed : { track : RemoteRTPAudioTrack , info : TrackClientInfo | undefined } ,
notify_video_assignment_changed : { track : RemoteRTPVideoTrack , info : TrackClientInfo | undefined } ,
export class RTCConnection {
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
public static readonly kEnableSdpTrace = true ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
private readonly events : Registry < RTCConnectionEvents > ;
private readonly connection : ServerConnection ;
private readonly commandHandler : CommandHandler ;
private readonly sdpProcessor : SdpProcessor ;
private connectionState : RTPConnectionState ;
private failedReason : string ;
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
private retryCalculator : RetryTimeCalculator ;
private retryTimestamp : number ;
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
private retryTimeout : number ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
private peer : RTCPeerConnection ;
private localCandidateCount : number ;
private currentTracks : { [ T in RTCSourceTrackType ] : MediaStreamTrack | undefined } = {
"audio-whisper" : undefined ,
"video-screen" : undefined ,
audio : undefined ,
video : undefined
} ;
private currentTransceiver : { [ T in RTCSourceTrackType ] : RTCRtpTransceiver | undefined } = {
"audio-whisper" : undefined ,
"video-screen" : undefined ,
audio : undefined ,
video : undefined
} ;
private remoteAudioTracks : { [ key : number ] : InternalRemoteRTPAudioTrack } ;
private remoteVideoTracks : { [ key : number ] : InternalRemoteRTPVideoTrack } ;
private temporaryStreams : { [ key : number ] : TemporaryRtpStream } = { } ;
constructor ( connection : ServerConnection ) {
this . events = new Registry < RTCConnectionEvents > ( ) ;
this . connection = connection ;
this . sdpProcessor = new SdpProcessor ( ) ;
this . commandHandler = new CommandHandler ( connection , this , this . sdpProcessor ) ;
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
this . retryCalculator = new RetryTimeCalculator ( 5000 , 30000 , 10000 ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
this . connection . command_handler_boss ( ) . register_handler ( this . commandHandler ) ;
this . reset ( true ) ;
this . connection . events . on ( "notify_connection_state_changed" , event = > this . handleConnectionStateChanged ( event ) ) ;
destroy() {
this . connection . command_handler_boss ( ) . unregister_handler ( this . commandHandler ) ;
getConnection ( ) : ServerConnection {
return this . connection ;
getEvents() {
return this . events ;
getConnectionState ( ) : RTPConnectionState {
return this . connectionState ;
getFailReason ( ) : string {
return this . failedReason ;
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
getRetryTimestamp ( ) : number | 0 {
return this . retryTimestamp ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
reset ( updateConnectionState : boolean ) {
if ( this . peer ) {
if ( this . getConnection ( ) . connected ( ) ) {
this . getConnection ( ) . send_command ( "rtcsessionreset" ) . catch ( error = > {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Failed to signal RTC session reset to server: %o" ) , error ) ;
} ) ;
2020-11-12 20:53:56 +01:00
for ( let key in this . peer ) {
if ( ! key . startsWith ( "on" ) ) {
continue ;
delete this . peer [ key ] ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
this . peer . close ( ) ;
this . peer = undefined ;
Object . keys ( this . currentTransceiver ) . forEach ( key = > this . currentTransceiver [ key ] = undefined ) ;
this . sdpProcessor . reset ( ) ;
if ( this . remoteAudioTracks ) {
Object . values ( this . remoteAudioTracks ) . forEach ( track = > track . destroy ( ) ) ;
this . remoteAudioTracks = { } ;
if ( this . remoteVideoTracks ) {
Object . values ( this . remoteVideoTracks ) . forEach ( track = > track . destroy ( ) ) ;
this . remoteVideoTracks = { } ;
this . temporaryStreams = { } ;
this . localCandidateCount = 0 ;
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
clearTimeout ( this . retryTimeout ) ;
this . retryTimeout = 0 ;
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
this . retryTimestamp = 0 ;
/ *
* We do not reset the retry timer here since we might get called when a fatal error occurs .
* Instead we 're resetting it every time we' ve changed the server connection state .
* /
/* this.retryCalculator.reset(); */
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
if ( updateConnectionState ) {
this . updateConnectionState ( RTPConnectionState . DISCONNECTED ) ;
async setTrackSource ( type : RTCSourceTrackType , source : MediaStreamTrack | null ) {
switch ( type ) {
case "audio" :
case "audio-whisper" :
if ( source && source . kind !== "audio" ) { throw tr ( "invalid track type" ) ; }
break ;
case "video" :
case "video-screen" :
if ( source && source . kind !== "video" ) { throw tr ( "invalid track type" ) ; }
break ;
if ( this . currentTracks [ type ] === source ) {
return ;
this . currentTracks [ type ] = source ;
await this . updateTracks ( ) ;
/ * *
* @param type
* @throws a string on error
* /
public async startTrackBroadcast ( type : RTCBroadcastableTrackType ) : Promise < void > {
if ( typeof this . currentTransceiver [ type ] !== "object" ) {
throw tr ( "missing transceiver" ) ;
try {
await this . connection . send_command ( "rtcbroadcast" , {
type : broadcastableTrackTypeToNumber ( type ) ,
ssrc : this.sdpProcessor.getLocalSsrcFromFromMediaId ( this . currentTransceiver [ type ] . mid )
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
logError ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "failed to start %s broadcast: %o" ) , type , error ) ;
throw tr ( "failed to signal broadcast start" ) ;
public stopTrackBroadcast ( type : RTCBroadcastableTrackType ) {
this . connection . send_command ( "rtcbroadcast" , {
type : broadcastableTrackTypeToNumber ( type ) ,
ssrc : 0
} ) . catch ( error = > {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Failed to signal track broadcast stop: %o" ) , error ) ;
} ) ;
2020-11-17 14:27:46 +01:00
public setNotSupported() {
this . reset ( false ) ;
this . updateConnectionState ( RTPConnectionState . NOT_SUPPORTED ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
private updateConnectionState ( newState : RTPConnectionState ) {
if ( this . connectionState === newState ) { return ; }
const oldState = this . connectionState ;
this . connectionState = newState ;
this . events . fire ( "notify_state_changed" , { oldState : oldState , newState : newState } ) ;
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
private handleFatalError ( error : string , allowRetry : boolean ) {
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
this . reset ( false ) ;
this . failedReason = error ;
this . updateConnectionState ( RTPConnectionState . FAILED ) ;
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
const log = this . connection . client . log ;
if ( allowRetry ) {
const time = this . retryCalculator . calculateRetryTime ( ) ;
if ( time > 0 ) {
this . retryTimestamp = Date . now ( ) + time ;
this . retryTimeout = setTimeout ( ( ) = > {
this . doInitialSetup ( ) ;
} , time ) ;
log . log ( "webrtc.fatal.error" , {
message : error ,
retryTimeout : time
} ) ;
} else {
allowRetry = false ;
if ( ! allowRetry ) {
log . log ( "webrtc.fatal.error" , {
message : error ,
retryTimeout : 0
} ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
private static checkBrowserSupport() {
if ( ! window . RTCRtpSender || ! RTCRtpSender . prototype ) {
throw tr ( "Missing RTCRtpSender" ) ;
if ( ! RTCRtpSender . prototype . getParameters ) {
throw tr ( "RTCRtpSender.getParameters" ) ;
if ( ! RTCRtpSender . prototype . replaceTrack ) {
throw tr ( "RTCRtpSender.getParameters" ) ;
private enableDtx ( _sender : RTCRtpSender ) { }
2020-11-17 14:27:46 +01:00
public doInitialSetup() {
/* initialize rtc connection */
this . retryCalculator . reset ( ) ;
2020-11-12 20:53:56 +01:00
if ( ! ( 'RTCPeerConnection' in window ) ) {
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
this . handleFatalError ( tr ( "WebRTC has been disabled (RTCPeerConnection is not defined)" ) , false ) ;
2020-11-12 20:53:56 +01:00
return ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
this . peer = new RTCPeerConnection ( {
bundlePolicy : "max-bundle" ,
rtcpMuxPolicy : "require" ,
iceServers : [ { urls : [ "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302" , "stun:stun1.l.google.com:19302" ] } ]
} ) ;
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
this . currentTransceiver [ "audio" ] = this . peer . addTransceiver ( "audio" ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
this . enableDtx ( this . currentTransceiver [ "audio" ] . sender ) ;
this . currentTransceiver [ "audio-whisper" ] = this . peer . addTransceiver ( "audio" ) ;
this . enableDtx ( this . currentTransceiver [ "audio-whisper" ] . sender ) ;
this . currentTransceiver [ "video" ] = this . peer . addTransceiver ( "video" ) ;
this . currentTransceiver [ "video-screen" ] = this . peer . addTransceiver ( "video" ) ;
/* add some other transceivers for later use */
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) {
this . peer . addTransceiver ( "audio" ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) {
this . peer . addTransceiver ( "video" ) ;
this . peer . onicecandidate = event = > this . handleIceCandidate ( event . candidate ) ;
this . peer . onicecandidateerror = event = > this . handleIceCandidateError ( event ) ;
this . peer . oniceconnectionstatechange = ( ) = > this . handleIceConnectionStateChanged ( ) ;
this . peer . onicegatheringstatechange = ( ) = > this . handleIceGatheringStateChanged ( ) ;
this . peer . onsignalingstatechange = ( ) = > this . handleSignallingStateChanged ( ) ;
this . peer . onconnectionstatechange = ( ) = > this . handlePeerConnectionStateChanged ( ) ;
this . peer . ondatachannel = event = > this . handleDataChannel ( event . channel ) ;
this . peer . ontrack = event = > this . handleTrack ( event ) ;
/* FIXME: Remove this debug! */
( window as any ) . rtp = this ;
this . updateConnectionState ( RTPConnectionState . CONNECTING ) ;
this . doInitialSetup0 ( ) . catch ( error = > {
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
this . handleFatalError ( tr ( "initial setup failed" ) , true ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
logError ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Connection setup failed: %o" ) , error ) ;
} ) ;
private async updateTracks() {
for ( const type of kRtcSourceTrackTypes ) {
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
let fallback ;
switch ( type ) {
case "audio" :
case "audio-whisper" :
fallback = getIdleTrack ( "audio" ) ;
break ;
case "video" :
case "video-screen" :
fallback = getIdleTrack ( "video" ) ;
break ;
await this . currentTransceiver [ type ] ? . sender . replaceTrack ( this . currentTracks [ type ] || fallback ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
private async doInitialSetup0() {
RTCConnection . checkBrowserSupport ( ) ;
const peer = this . peer ;
await this . updateTracks ( ) ;
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
const offer = await peer . createOffer ( { iceRestart : false , offerToReceiveAudio : true , offerToReceiveVideo : true } ) ;
if ( offer . type !== "offer" ) { throw tr ( "created ofer isn't of type offer" ) ; }
if ( this . peer !== peer ) { return ; }
if ( RTCConnection . kEnableSdpTrace ) {
logTrace ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Generated initial local offer:\n%s" ) , offer . sdp ) ;
try {
offer . sdp = this . sdpProcessor . processOutgoingSdp ( offer . sdp , "offer" ) ;
logTrace ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Patched initial local offer:\n%s" ) , offer . sdp ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
logError ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Failed to preprocess outgoing initial offer: %o" ) , error ) ;
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
this . handleFatalError ( tr ( "Failed to preprocess outgoing initial offer" ) , true ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
return ;
await peer . setLocalDescription ( offer ) ;
if ( this . peer !== peer ) { return ; }
try {
await this . connection . send_command ( "rtcsessiondescribe" , {
mode : "offer" ,
sdp : offer.sdp
} ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
if ( this . peer !== peer ) { return ; }
if ( error instanceof CommandResult ) {
2020-11-17 14:27:46 +01:00
if ( error . id === ErrorCode . COMMAND_NOT_FOUND ) {
this . setNotSupported ( ) ;
return ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
error = error . formattedMessage ( ) ;
logWarn ( LogCategory . VOICE , tr ( "Failed to initialize RTP connection: %o" ) , error ) ;
throw tr ( "server failed to accept our offer" ) ;
if ( this . peer !== peer ) { return ; }
this . peer . onnegotiationneeded = ( ) = > this . handleNegotiationNeeded ( ) ;
/* Nothing left to do. Server should send a notifyrtcsessiondescription with mode answer */
private handleConnectionStateChanged ( event : ServerConnectionEvents [ "notify_connection_state_changed" ] ) {
if ( event . newState === ConnectionState . CONNECTED ) {
2020-11-17 14:27:46 +01:00
/* will be called by the server connection handler */
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
} else {
this . reset ( true ) ;
private handleIceCandidate ( candidate : RTCIceCandidate | undefined ) {
if ( candidate ) {
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
if ( candidate . address ? . endsWith ( ".local" ) ) {
logTrace ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Skipping local fqdn ICE candidate %s" ) , candidate . toJSON ( ) . candidate ) ;
return ;
2020-11-17 13:29:36 +01:00
this . localCandidateCount ++ ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
const json = candidate . toJSON ( ) ;
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
logTrace ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received local ICE candidate %s" ) , json . candidate ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
this . connection . send_command ( "rtcicecandidate" , {
media_line : json.sdpMLineIndex ,
candidate : json.candidate
} ) . catch ( error = > {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Failed to transmit local ICE candidate to server: %o" ) , error ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
if ( this . localCandidateCount === 0 ) {
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
logError ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received local ICE candidate finish, without having any candidates" ) ) ;
this . handleFatalError ( tr ( "Failed to gather any local ICE candidates." ) , false ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
return ;
} else {
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
logTrace ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received local ICE candidate finish" ) ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
this . connection . send_command ( "rtcicecandidate" , { } ) . catch ( error = > {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Failed to transmit local ICE candidate finish to server: %o" ) , error ) ;
} ) ;
private handleIceCandidateError ( event : RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent ) {
if ( this . peer . iceGatheringState === "gathering" ) {
log . warn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received error while gathering the ice candidates: %d/%s for %s (url: %s)" ) ,
event . errorCode , event . errorText , event . hostCandidate , event . url ) ;
} else {
log . trace ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Ice candidate %s (%s) errored: %d/%s" ) ,
event . url , event . hostCandidate , event . errorCode , event . errorText ) ;
private handleIceConnectionStateChanged() {
log . trace ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "ICE connection state changed to %s" ) , this . peer . iceConnectionState ) ;
private handleIceGatheringStateChanged() {
log . trace ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "ICE gathering state changed to %s" ) , this . peer . iceGatheringState ) ;
private handleSignallingStateChanged() {
logTrace ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Peer signalling state changed to %s" ) , this . peer . signalingState ) ;
private handleNegotiationNeeded() {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Local peer needs negotiation, but we don't support client sideded negotiation." ) ) ;
private handlePeerConnectionStateChanged() {
logTrace ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Peer connection state changed to %s" ) , this . peer . connectionState ) ;
switch ( this . peer . connectionState ) {
case "connecting" :
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
this . updateConnectionState ( RTPConnectionState . CONNECTING ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
break ;
case "connected" :
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
this . retryCalculator . reset ( ) ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
this . updateConnectionState ( RTPConnectionState . CONNECTED ) ;
break ;
case "failed" :
2020-11-16 21:02:18 +01:00
if ( this . connectionState !== RTPConnectionState . FAILED ) {
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
this . handleFatalError ( tr ( "peer connection failed" ) , true ) ;
2020-11-16 21:02:18 +01:00
break ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
case "closed" :
case "disconnected" :
case "new" :
if ( this . connectionState !== RTPConnectionState . FAILED ) {
this . updateConnectionState ( RTPConnectionState . DISCONNECTED ) ;
break ;
private handleDataChannel ( _channel : RTCDataChannel ) {
/* We're not doing anything with data channels */
private releaseTemporaryStream ( ssrc : number ) : TemporaryRtpStream | undefined {
if ( this . temporaryStreams [ ssrc ] ) {
const stream = this . temporaryStreams [ ssrc ] ;
clearTimeout ( stream . timeoutId ) ;
stream . timeoutId = 0 ;
delete this . temporaryStreams [ ssrc ] ;
return stream ;
return undefined ;
private handleTrack ( event : RTCTrackEvent ) {
const ssrc = this . sdpProcessor . getRemoteSsrcFromFromMediaId ( event . transceiver . mid ) ;
if ( typeof ssrc !== "number" ) {
logError ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received track without knowing its ssrc. Ignoring track..." ) ) ;
return ;
const tempInfo = this . releaseTemporaryStream ( ssrc ) ;
if ( event . track . kind === "audio" ) {
const track = new InternalRemoteRTPAudioTrack ( ssrc , event . transceiver ) ;
logDebug ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received remote audio track on ssrc %d" ) , ssrc ) ;
if ( tempInfo ? . info !== undefined ) {
track . handleAssignment ( tempInfo . info ) ;
this . events . fire ( "notify_audio_assignment_changed" , {
info : tempInfo.info ,
track : track
} ) ;
if ( tempInfo ? . status !== undefined ) {
track . handleStateNotify ( tempInfo . status , tempInfo . info ) ;
this . remoteAudioTracks [ ssrc ] = track ;
} else if ( event . track . kind === "video" ) {
const track = new InternalRemoteRTPVideoTrack ( ssrc , event . transceiver ) ;
logDebug ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received remote video track on ssrc %d" ) , ssrc ) ;
if ( tempInfo ? . info !== undefined ) {
track . handleAssignment ( tempInfo . info ) ;
this . events . fire ( "notify_video_assignment_changed" , {
info : tempInfo.info ,
track : track
} ) ;
if ( tempInfo ? . status !== undefined ) {
track . handleStateNotify ( tempInfo . status , tempInfo . info ) ;
this . remoteVideoTracks [ ssrc ] = track ;
} else {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received track with unknown kind '%s'." ) , event . track . kind ) ;
private getOrCreateTempStream ( ssrc : number ) : TemporaryRtpStream {
if ( this . temporaryStreams [ ssrc ] ) {
return this . temporaryStreams [ ssrc ] ;
const tempStream = this . temporaryStreams [ ssrc ] = {
ssrc : ssrc ,
timeoutId : 0 ,
createTimestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
info : undefined ,
status : undefined
} ;
tempStream . timeoutId = setTimeout ( ( ) = > {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Received stream mapping for invalid stream which hasn't been signalled after 5 seconds (ssrc: %o)." ) , ssrc ) ;
delete this . temporaryStreams [ ssrc ] ;
} , 5000 ) ;
return tempStream ;
private doMapStream ( ssrc : number , target : TrackClientInfo | undefined ) {
if ( this . remoteAudioTracks [ ssrc ] ) {
const track = this . remoteAudioTracks [ ssrc ] ;
track . handleAssignment ( target ) ;
this . events . fire ( "notify_audio_assignment_changed" , {
info : target ,
track : track
} ) ;
} else if ( this . remoteVideoTracks [ ssrc ] ) {
const track = this . remoteVideoTracks [ ssrc ] ;
track . handleAssignment ( target ) ;
this . events . fire ( "notify_video_assignment_changed" , {
info : target ,
track : track
} ) ;
} else {
let tempStream = this . getOrCreateTempStream ( ssrc ) ;
tempStream . info = target ;
private handleStreamState ( ssrc : number , state : number , info : TrackClientInfo | undefined ) {
if ( this . remoteAudioTracks [ ssrc ] ) {
const track = this . remoteAudioTracks [ ssrc ] ;
track . handleStateNotify ( state , info ) ;
} else if ( this . remoteVideoTracks [ ssrc ] ) {
const track = this . remoteVideoTracks [ ssrc ] ;
track . handleStateNotify ( state , info ) ;
} else {
let tempStream = this . getOrCreateTempStream ( ssrc ) ;
tempStream . info = info ;
tempStream . status = state ;
2020-11-16 21:02:18 +01:00
async getConnectionStatistics ( ) : Promise < RTCConnectionStatistics > {
try {
if ( ! this . peer ) {
throw "missing peer" ;
const statisticsInfo = await this . peer . getStats ( ) ;
const statistics = [ . . . statisticsInfo . entries ( ) ] . map ( e = > e [ 1 ] ) as RTCStats [ ] ;
const inboundStreams = statistics . filter ( e = > e . type . replace ( /-/ , "" ) === "inboundrtp" && 'bytesReceived' in e ) as any [ ] ;
const outboundStreams = statistics . filter ( e = > e . type . replace ( /-/ , "" ) === "outboundrtp" && 'bytesSent' in e ) as any [ ] ;
return {
voiceBytesSent : outboundStreams.filter ( e = > e . mediaType === "audio" ) . reduce ( ( a , b ) = > a + b . bytesSent , 0 ) ,
voiceBytesReceived : inboundStreams.filter ( e = > e . mediaType === "audio" ) . reduce ( ( a , b ) = > a + b . bytesReceived , 0 ) ,
videoBytesSent : outboundStreams.filter ( e = > e . mediaType === "video" ) . reduce ( ( a , b ) = > a + b . bytesSent , 0 ) ,
videoBytesReceived : inboundStreams.filter ( e = > e . mediaType === "video" ) . reduce ( ( a , b ) = > a + b . bytesReceived , 0 )
} catch ( error ) {
logWarn ( LogCategory . WEBRTC , tr ( "Failed to calculate connection statistics: %o" ) , error ) ;
return {
videoBytesReceived : 0 ,
videoBytesSent : 0 ,
voiceBytesReceived : 0 ,
voiceBytesSent : 0
} ;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00