
50 lines
1.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
echo "Missing deploy channel"
exit 1
cd "$(dirname "$0")/../../" || { echo "Failed to enter base dir"; exit 1; }
source ./scripts/travis/properties.sh
if [[ -z "${SSH_KEY}" ]]; then
echo "Missing environment variable SSH_KEY. Please set it before using this script!"
exit 1
echo "${SSH_KEY}" | base64 --decode > /tmp/sftp_key
chmod 600 /tmp/sftp_key
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && {
echo "Failed to write SSH key"
exit 1
2020-04-09 18:18:39 +02:00
file=$(find "$PACKAGES_DIRECTORY" -maxdepth 1 -name "TeaWeb-release*.zip" -print)
[[ $(echo "$file" | wc -l) -ne 1 ]] && {
2020-04-09 18:13:18 +02:00
echo "Invalid release file count (Expected 1 but got $(echo "$file" | wc -l)): ${file[*]}"
exit 1
[[ ! -e "$file" ]] && {
2020-04-09 17:58:02 +02:00
echo "File ($file) does not exists"
exit 1
# ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no $h TeaSpeak-Travis-Web@dev.web.teaspeak.de
ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oIdentitiesOnly=yes -i /tmp/sftp_key TeaSpeak-Travis-Web@web.teaspeak.dev rm "tmp-upload/*.zip" # Cleanup the old files
[[ $_exit_code -ne 0 ]] && {
echo "Failed to delete the old .zip files ($_exit_code)"
filename="TeaWeb-Release-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD).zip"
sftp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oIdentitiesOnly=yes -i /tmp/sftp_key TeaSpeak-Travis-Web@web.teaspeak.dev << EOF
put $file tmp-upload/$filename
[[ $_exit_code -ne 0 ]] && {
echo "Failed to upload the .zip file ($_exit_code)"
exit 1
ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oIdentitiesOnly=yes -i /tmp/sftp_key TeaSpeak-Travis-Web@web.teaspeak.dev "./unpack.sh $1 tmp-upload/$filename"
exit $?