2019-08-30 23:06:39 +02:00
/// <reference path="loader.ts" />
interface Window {
$ : JQuery ;
namespace app {
export enum Type {
export let type : Type = Type . UNKNOWN ;
export function is_web() {
return type == Type . WEB_RELEASE || type == Type . WEB_DEBUG ;
let _ui_version ;
export function ui_version() {
if ( typeof ( _ui_version ) !== "string" ) {
const version_node = document . getElementById ( "app_version" ) ;
if ( ! version_node ) return undefined ;
const version = version_node . hasAttribute ( "value" ) ? version_node . getAttribute ( "value" ) : undefined ;
if ( ! version ) return undefined ;
return ( _ui_version = version ) ;
return _ui_version ;
/* all javascript loaders */
const loader_javascript = {
detect_type : async ( ) = > {
if ( window . require ) {
const request = new Request ( "js/proto.js" ) ;
let file_path = request . url ;
if ( ! file_path . startsWith ( "file://" ) )
throw "Invalid file path (" + file_path + ")" ;
file_path = file_path . substring ( process . platform === "win32" ? 8 : 7 ) ;
const fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
if ( fs . existsSync ( file_path ) ) {
app . type = app . Type . CLIENT_DEBUG ;
} else {
app . type = app . Type . CLIENT_RELEASE ;
} else {
/* test if js/proto.js is available. If so we're in debug mode */
const request = new XMLHttpRequest ( ) ;
2019-10-13 21:33:07 +02:00
request . open ( 'GET' , "js/proto.js?_ts=" + Date . now ( ) , true ) ;
2019-08-30 23:06:39 +02:00
await new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) = > {
request . onreadystatechange = ( ) = > {
if ( request . readyState === 4 ) {
if ( request . status === 404 ) {
app . type = app . Type . WEB_RELEASE ;
} else {
app . type = app . Type . WEB_DEBUG ;
resolve ( ) ;
} ;
request . onerror = ( ) = > {
reject ( "Failed to detect app type" ) ;
} ;
request . send ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
load_scripts : async ( ) = > {
if ( ! window . require ) {
await loader . load_script ( [ "vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js" ] ) ;
} else {
/ *
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING , {
name : "forum sync" ,
priority : 10 ,
function : async ( ) = > {
forum . sync_main ( ) ;
} ) ;
* /
await loader . load_script ( [ "vendor/DOMPurify/purify.min.js" ] ) ;
await loader . load_script ( "vendor/jsrender/jsrender.min.js" ) ;
await loader . load_scripts ( [
[ "vendor/xbbcode/src/parser.js" ] ,
[ "vendor/moment/moment.js" ] ,
[ "vendor/twemoji/twemoji.min.js" , "" ] , /* empty string means not required */
[ "vendor/highlight/highlight.pack.js" , "" ] , /* empty string means not required */
[ "vendor/remarkable/remarkable.min.js" , "" ] , /* empty string means not required */
[ "adapter/adapter-latest.js" , "https://webrtc.github.io/adapter/adapter-latest.js" ]
] ) ;
await loader . load_scripts ( [
[ "vendor/emoji-picker/src/jquery.lsxemojipicker.js" ]
] ) ;
if ( app . type == app . Type . WEB_RELEASE || app . type == app . Type . CLIENT_RELEASE ) {
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . JAVASCRIPT , {
name : "scripts release" ,
priority : 20 ,
function : loader_javascript . load_release
} ) ;
} else {
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . JAVASCRIPT , {
name : "scripts debug" ,
priority : 20 ,
function : loader_javascript . load_scripts_debug
} ) ;
} ,
load_scripts_debug : async ( ) = > {
/* test if we're loading as TeaClient or WebClient */
if ( ! window . require ) {
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . JAVASCRIPT , {
name : "javascript web" ,
priority : 10 ,
function : loader_javascript . load_scripts_debug_web
} ) ;
} else {
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . JAVASCRIPT , {
name : "javascript client" ,
priority : 10 ,
function : loader_javascript . load_scripts_debug_client
} ) ;
/* load some extends classes */
await loader . load_scripts ( [
[ "js/connection/ConnectionBase.js" ]
] ) ;
/* load the main app */
await loader . load_scripts ( [
//Load general API's
"js/proto.js" ,
"js/i18n/localize.js" ,
"js/i18n/country.js" ,
"js/log.js" ,
"js/sound/Sounds.js" ,
"js/utils/helpers.js" ,
"js/crypto/sha.js" ,
"js/crypto/hex.js" ,
"js/crypto/asn1.js" ,
"js/crypto/crc32.js" ,
//load the profiles
"js/profiles/ConnectionProfile.js" ,
"js/profiles/Identity.js" ,
"js/profiles/identities/teaspeak-forum.js" ,
//Basic UI elements
"js/ui/elements/context_divider.js" ,
"js/ui/elements/context_menu.js" ,
"js/ui/elements/modal.js" ,
"js/ui/elements/tab.js" ,
"js/ui/elements/slider.js" ,
"js/ui/elements/tooltip.js" ,
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
"js/ui/elements/net_graph.js" ,
2019-08-30 23:06:39 +02:00
//Load UI
"js/ui/modal/ModalAbout.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalAvatar.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalAvatarList.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalClientInfo.js" ,
2019-09-19 01:25:57 +02:00
"js/ui/modal/ModalChannelInfo.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalServerInfo.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalServerInfoBandwidth.js" ,
2019-08-30 23:06:39 +02:00
"js/ui/modal/ModalQuery.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalQueryManage.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalPlaylistList.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalPlaylistEdit.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalBookmarks.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalConnect.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalSettings.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalCreateChannel.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalServerEdit.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalChangeVolume.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalBanClient.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalIconSelect.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalInvite.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalIdentity.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalBanList.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalYesNo.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalPoke.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalKeySelect.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/ModalGroupAssignment.js" ,
"js/ui/modal/permission/ModalPermissionEdit.js" ,
{ url : "js/ui/modal/permission/CanvasPermissionEditor.js" , depends : [ "js/ui/modal/permission/ModalPermissionEdit.js" ] } ,
{ url : "js/ui/modal/permission/HTMLPermissionEditor.js" , depends : [ "js/ui/modal/permission/ModalPermissionEdit.js" ] } ,
"js/ui/channel.js" ,
"js/ui/client.js" ,
"js/ui/server.js" ,
"js/ui/view.js" ,
"js/ui/client_move.js" ,
"js/ui/htmltags.js" ,
"js/ui/frames/ControlBar.js" ,
"js/ui/frames/chat.js" ,
"js/ui/frames/chat_frame.js" ,
"js/ui/frames/connection_handlers.js" ,
"js/ui/frames/server_log.js" ,
"js/ui/frames/hostbanner.js" ,
"js/ui/frames/MenuBar.js" ,
//Load permissions
"js/permission/PermissionManager.js" ,
"js/permission/GroupManager.js" ,
//Load audio
"js/voice/RecorderBase.js" ,
"js/voice/RecorderProfile.js" ,
//Load general stuff
"js/settings.js" ,
"js/bookmarks.js" ,
"js/FileManager.js" ,
"js/ConnectionHandler.js" ,
"js/BrowserIPC.js" ,
"js/dns.js" ,
"js/connection/CommandHandler.js" ,
"js/connection/CommandHelper.js" ,
"js/connection/HandshakeHandler.js" ,
"js/connection/ServerConnectionDeclaration.js" ,
"js/stats.js" ,
"js/PPTListener.js" ,
"js/profiles/identities/NameIdentity.js" , //Depends on Identity
"js/profiles/identities/TeaForumIdentity.js" , //Depends on Identity
"js/profiles/identities/TeamSpeakIdentity.js" , //Depends on Identity
] ) ;
await loader . load_script ( "js/main.js" ) ;
} ,
load_scripts_debug_web : async ( ) = > {
await loader . load_scripts ( [
[ "js/audio/AudioPlayer.js" ] ,
[ "js/audio/WebCodec.js" ] ,
[ "js/WebPPTListener.js" ] ,
"js/voice/AudioResampler.js" ,
"js/voice/JavascriptRecorder.js" ,
"js/voice/VoiceHandler.js" ,
"js/voice/VoiceClient.js" ,
"js/connection/ServerConnection.js" ,
//Load codec
"js/codec/Codec.js" ,
"js/codec/BasicCodec.js" ,
{ url : "js/codec/CodecWrapperWorker.js" , depends : [ "js/codec/BasicCodec.js" ] } ,
] ) ;
} ,
load_scripts_debug_client : async ( ) = > {
await loader . load_scripts ( [
] ) ;
} ,
load_release : async ( ) = > {
console . log ( "Load for release!" ) ;
await loader . load_scripts ( [
//Load general API's
[ "js/client.min.js" , "js/client.js" ]
] ) ;
} ;
const loader_webassembly = {
test_webassembly : async ( ) = > {
/ * W e d o n t r e q u i r e d W e b A s s e m b l y a n y m o r e f o r f u n d a m e n t a l f u n c t i o n s , o n l y f o r a u t o d e c o d i n g
if ( typeof ( WebAssembly ) === "undefined" || typeof ( WebAssembly . compile ) === "undefined" ) {
console . log ( navigator . browserSpecs ) ;
if ( navigator . browserSpecs . name == 'Safari' ) {
if ( parseInt ( navigator . browserSpecs . version ) < 11 ) {
displayCriticalError ( "You require Safari 11 or higher to use the web client!<br>Safari " + navigator . browserSpecs . version + " does not support WebAssambly!" ) ;
return ;
else {
// Do something for all other browsers.
displayCriticalError ( "You require WebAssembly for TeaSpeak-Web!" ) ;
throw "Missing web assembly" ;
* /
} ;
const loader_style = {
load_style : async ( ) = > {
await loader . load_styles ( [
] ) ;
await loader . load_styles ( [
] ) ;
await loader . load_styles ( [
[ "vendor/highlight/styles/darcula.css" , "" ] , /* empty string means not required */
] ) ;
if ( app . type == app . Type . WEB_DEBUG || app . type == app . Type . CLIENT_DEBUG ) {
await loader_style . load_style_debug ( ) ;
} else {
await loader_style . load_style_release ( ) ;
} ,
load_style_debug : async ( ) = > {
await loader . load_styles ( [
"css/static/main.css" ,
"css/static/main-layout.css" ,
"css/static/helptag.css" ,
"css/static/scroll.css" ,
"css/static/channel-tree.css" ,
"css/static/ts/tab.css" ,
"css/static/ts/chat.css" ,
"css/static/ts/icons.css" ,
"css/static/ts/icons_em.css" ,
"css/static/ts/country.css" ,
"css/static/general.css" ,
"css/static/modal.css" ,
"css/static/modals.css" ,
"css/static/modal-about.css" ,
"css/static/modal-avatar.css" ,
"css/static/modal-icons.css" ,
"css/static/modal-bookmarks.css" ,
"css/static/modal-connect.css" ,
"css/static/modal-channel.css" ,
"css/static/modal-query.css" ,
2019-10-13 21:33:07 +02:00
"css/static/modal-volume.css" ,
2019-08-30 23:06:39 +02:00
"css/static/modal-invite.css" ,
"css/static/modal-playlist.css" ,
"css/static/modal-banlist.css" ,
2019-09-19 01:25:57 +02:00
"css/static/modal-banclient.css" ,
"css/static/modal-channelinfo.css" ,
2019-08-30 23:06:39 +02:00
"css/static/modal-clientinfo.css" ,
"css/static/modal-serverinfo.css" ,
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
"css/static/modal-serverinfobandwidth.css" ,
2019-08-30 23:06:39 +02:00
"css/static/modal-identity.css" ,
"css/static/modal-settings.css" ,
"css/static/modal-poke.css" ,
"css/static/modal-server.css" ,
"css/static/modal-keyselect.css" ,
"css/static/modal-permissions.css" ,
"css/static/modal-group-assignment.css" ,
"css/static/music/info_plate.css" ,
"css/static/frame/SelectInfo.css" ,
"css/static/control_bar.css" ,
"css/static/context_menu.css" ,
"css/static/frame-chat.css" ,
"css/static/connection_handlers.css" ,
"css/static/server-log.css" ,
"css/static/htmltags.css" ,
"css/static/hostbanner.css" ,
] ) ;
} ,
load_style_release : async ( ) = > {
await loader . load_styles ( [
"css/static/base.css" ,
"css/static/main.css" ,
] ) ;
} ;
async function load_templates() {
try {
const response = await $ . ajax ( "templates.html" + loader . get_cache_version ( ) ) ;
let node = document . createElement ( "html" ) ;
node . innerHTML = response ;
let tags : HTMLCollection ;
if ( node . getElementsByTagName ( "body" ) . length > 0 )
tags = node . getElementsByTagName ( "body" ) [ 0 ] . children ;
tags = node . children ;
let root = document . getElementById ( "templates" ) ;
if ( ! root ) {
loader . critical_error ( "Failed to find template tag!" ) ;
return ;
while ( tags . length > 0 ) {
let tag = tags . item ( 0 ) ;
root . appendChild ( tag ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
loader . critical_error ( "Failed to find template tag!" ) ;
throw "template error" ;
/* register tasks */
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . INITIALIZING , {
name : "safari fix" ,
function : async ( ) = > {
/* safari remove "fix" */
if ( Element . prototype . remove === undefined )
Object . defineProperty ( Element . prototype , "remove" , {
enumerable : false ,
configurable : false ,
writable : false ,
value : function ( ) {
this . parentElement . removeChild ( this ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
priority : 50
} ) ;
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . INITIALIZING , {
name : "Browser detection" ,
function : async ( ) = > {
navigator . browserSpecs = ( function ( ) {
let ua = navigator . userAgent , tem , M = ua . match ( /(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i ) || [ ] ;
if ( /trident/i . test ( M [ 1 ] ) ) {
tem = /\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g . exec ( ua ) || [ ] ;
return { name : 'IE' , version : ( tem [ 1 ] || '' ) } ;
if ( M [ 1 ] === 'Chrome' ) {
tem = ua . match ( /\b(OPR|Edge)\/(\d+)/ ) ;
if ( tem != null ) return { name :tem [ 1 ] . replace ( 'OPR' , 'Opera' ) , version :tem [ 2 ] } ;
M = M [ 2 ] ? [ M [ 1 ] , M [ 2 ] ] : [ navigator . appName , navigator . appVersion , '-?' ] ;
if ( ( tem = ua . match ( /version\/(\d+)/i ) ) != null )
M . splice ( 1 , 1 , tem [ 1 ] ) ;
return { name :M [ 0 ] , version :M [ 1 ] } ;
} ) ( ) ;
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
console . log ( "Resolved browser manufacturer to \"%s\" version \"%s\"" , navigator . browserSpecs . name , navigator . browserSpecs . version ) ;
2019-08-30 23:06:39 +02:00
} ,
priority : 30
} ) ;
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . INITIALIZING , {
name : "secure tester" ,
function : async ( ) = > {
/* we need https or localhost to use some things like the storage API */
if ( typeof isSecureContext === "undefined" )
( < any > window ) [ "isSecureContext" ] = location . protocol !== 'https:' && location . hostname !== 'localhost' ;
if ( ! isSecureContext ) {
loader . critical_error ( "TeaWeb cant run on unsecured sides." , "App requires to be loaded via HTTPS!" ) ;
throw "App requires a secure context!"
} ,
priority : 20
} ) ;
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . INITIALIZING , {
name : "webassembly tester" ,
function : loader_webassembly . test_webassembly ,
priority : 20
} ) ;
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . INITIALIZING , {
name : "app type test" ,
function : loader_javascript . detect_type ,
priority : 20
} ) ;
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . JAVASCRIPT , {
name : "javascript" ,
function : loader_javascript . load_scripts ,
priority : 10
} ) ;
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . STYLE , {
name : "style" ,
function : loader_style . load_style ,
priority : 10
} ) ;
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . TEMPLATES , {
name : "templates" ,
function : load_templates ,
priority : 10
} ) ;
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . LOADED , {
name : "loaded handler" ,
function : async ( ) = > {
fadeoutLoader ( ) ;
} ,
2019-09-19 01:25:57 +02:00
priority : 5
2019-08-30 23:06:39 +02:00
} ) ;
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . LOADED , {
name : "error task" ,
function : async ( ) = > {
if ( Settings . instance . static ( Settings . KEY_LOAD_DUMMY_ERROR , false ) ) {
loader . critical_error ( "The tea is cold!" , "Argh, this is evil! Cold tea dosn't taste good." ) ;
throw "The tea is cold!" ;
} ,
priority : 20
} ) ;
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING , {
name : "lsx emoji picker setup" ,
function : async ( ) = > await ( window as any ) . setup_lsx_emoji_picker ( { twemoji : typeof ( window . twemoji ) !== "undefined" } ) ,
priority : 10
} ) ;
2019-08-31 18:31:01 +02:00
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . SETUP , {
name : "page setup" ,
function : async ( ) = > {
const body = document . body ;
/* top menu */
const container = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
container . setAttribute ( 'id' , "top-menu-bar" ) ;
body . append ( container ) ;
/* template containers */
const container = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
container . setAttribute ( 'id' , "templates" ) ;
body . append ( container ) ;
/* sounds container */
const container = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
container . setAttribute ( 'id' , "sounds" ) ;
body . append ( container ) ;
/* mouse move container */
const container = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
container . setAttribute ( 'id' , "mouse-move" ) ;
const inner_container = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
inner_container . classList . add ( "container" ) ;
container . append ( inner_container ) ;
body . append ( container ) ;
/* tooltip container */
const container = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
container . setAttribute ( 'id' , "global-tooltip" ) ;
container . append ( document . createElement ( "a" ) ) ;
body . append ( container ) ;
} ,
priority : 10
} ) ;
2019-09-19 01:25:57 +02:00
/* test if we're getting loaded within a TeaClient preview window */
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . SETUP , {
name : "TeaClient tester" ,
function : async ( ) = > {
if ( typeof __teaclient_preview_notice !== "undefined" && typeof __teaclient_preview_error !== "undefined" ) {
loader . critical_error ( "Why you're opening TeaWeb within the TeaSpeak client?!" ) ;
throw "we're already a TeaClient!" ;
} ,
priority : 100
} ) ;
2019-08-31 18:31:01 +02:00
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING , {
name : "log enabled initialisation" ,
2019-09-01 17:24:06 +02:00
function : async ( ) = > log . initialize ( app . type === app . Type . CLIENT_DEBUG || app . type === app . Type . WEB_DEBUG ? log.LogType.TRACE : log.LogType.INFO ) ,
2019-08-31 18:31:01 +02:00
priority : 150
} ) ;
2019-08-30 23:06:39 +02:00
window [ "Module" ] = ( window [ "Module" ] || { } ) as any ;
/* TeaClient */
if ( window . require ) {
const path = require ( "path" ) ;
const remote = require ( 'electron' ) . remote ;
module . paths . push ( path . join ( remote . app . getAppPath ( ) , "/modules" ) ) ;
module . paths . push ( path . join ( path . dirname ( remote . getGlobal ( "browser-root" ) ) , "js" ) ) ;
const connector = require ( "renderer" ) ;
console . log ( connector ) ;
loader . register_task ( loader . Stage . INITIALIZING , {
name : "teaclient initialize" ,
function : connector . initialize ,
priority : 40
} ) ;
if ( ! loader . running ( ) ) {
/* we know that we want to load the app */
loader . execute_managed ( ) ;