2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00
namespace log {
export namespace server {
export enum Type {
CONNECTION_BEGIN = "connection_begin" ,
CONNECTION_HOSTNAME_RESOLVE = "connection_hostname_resolve" ,
CONNECTION_HOSTNAME_RESOLVE_ERROR = "connection_hostname_resolve_error" ,
CONNECTION_HOSTNAME_RESOLVED = "connection_hostname_resolved" ,
CONNECTION_LOGIN = "connection_login" ,
CONNECTION_CONNECTED = "connection_connected" ,
CONNECTION_FAILED = "connection_failed" ,
CONNECTION_VOICE_SETUP_FAILED = "connection_voice_setup_failed" ,
2019-08-21 10:00:01 +02:00
CONNECTION_COMMAND_ERROR = "connection_command_error" ,
2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00
GLOBAL_MESSAGE = "global_message" ,
2019-08-21 10:00:01 +02:00
SERVER_WELCOME_MESSAGE = "server_welcome_message" ,
SERVER_HOST_MESSAGE = "server_host_message" ,
SERVER_HOST_MESSAGE_DISCONNECT = "server_host_message_disconnect" ,
SERVER_CLOSED = "server_closed" ,
SERVER_BANNED = "server_banned" ,
SERVER_REQUIRES_PASSWORD = "server_requires_password" ,
2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00
CLIENT_VIEW_ENTER = "client_view_enter" ,
CLIENT_VIEW_LEAVE = "client_view_leave" ,
CLIENT_VIEW_MOVE = "client_view_move" ,
CLIENT_NICKNAME_CHANGED = "client_nickname_changed" ,
CLIENT_NICKNAME_CHANGE_FAILED = "client_nickname_change_failed" ,
CLIENT_SERVER_GROUP_ADD = "client_server_group_add" ,
CLIENT_SERVER_GROUP_REMOVE = "client_server_group_remove" ,
CLIENT_CHANNEL_GROUP_CHANGE = "client_channel_group_change" ,
CHANNEL_CREATE = "channel_create" ,
CHANNEL_DELETE = "channel_delete" ,
ERROR_CUSTOM = "error_custom" ,
ERROR_PERMISSION = "error_permission" ,
RECONNECT_SCHEDULED = "reconnect_scheduled" ,
RECONNECT_EXECUTE = "reconnect_execute" ,
RECONNECT_CANCELED = "reconnect_canceled"
export namespace base {
export type Client = {
client_unique_id : string ;
client_name : string ;
client_id : number ;
export type Channel = {
channel_id : number ;
channel_name : string ;
export type Server = {
server_name : string ;
server_unique_id : string ;
export type ServerAddress = {
server_hostname : string ;
server_port : number ;
export namespace event {
export type GlobalMessage = {
sender : base.Client ;
message : string ;
export type ConnectBegin = {
address : base.ServerAddress ;
client_nickname : string ;
export type ErrorCustom = {
message : string ;
export type ReconnectScheduled = {
timeout : number ;
export type ReconnectCanceled = { }
export type ReconnectExecute = { }
export type ErrorPermission = {
permission : PermissionInfo ;
2019-08-21 10:00:01 +02:00
export type WelcomeMessage = {
message : string ;
export type HostMessageDisconnect = {
message : string ;
2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00
//tr("You was moved by {3} from channel {1} to {2}") : tr("{0} was moved from channel {1} to {2} by {3}")
//tr("You switched from channel {1} to {2}") : tr("{0} switched from channel {1} to {2}")
//tr("You got kicked out of the channel {1} to channel {2} by {3}{4}") : tr("{0} got kicked from channel {1} to {2} by {3}{4}")
export type ClientMove = {
channel_from? : base.Channel ;
channel_from_own : boolean ;
channel_to? : base.Channel ;
channel_to_own : boolean ;
client : base.Client ;
client_own : boolean ;
invoker? : base.Client ;
message? : string ;
reason : ViewReasonId ;
export type ClientEnter = {
channel_from? : base.Channel ;
channel_to? : base.Channel ;
client : base.Client ;
invoker? : base.Client ;
message? : string ;
own_channel : boolean ;
reason : ViewReasonId ;
ban_time? : number ;
export type ClientLeave = {
channel_from? : base.Channel ;
channel_to? : base.Channel ;
client : base.Client ;
invoker? : base.Client ;
message? : string ;
own_channel : boolean ;
reason : ViewReasonId ;
ban_time? : number ;
export type ChannelCreate = {
creator : base.Client ;
channel : base.Channel ;
own_action : boolean ;
export type ChannelDelete = {
deleter : base.Client ;
channel : base.Channel ;
own_action : boolean ;
export type ConnectionConnected = {
own_client : base.Client ;
export type ConnectionFailed = { } ;
export type ConnectionLogin = { }
export type ConnectionHostnameResolve = { } ;
export type ConnectionHostnameResolved = {
address : base.ServerAddress ;
export type ConnectionHostnameResolveError = {
message : string ;
export type ConnectionVoiceSetupFailed = {
reason : string ;
reconnect_delay : number ; /* if less or equal to 0 reconnect is prohibited */
2019-08-21 10:00:01 +02:00
export type ConnectionCommandError = {
error : any ;
2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00
export type ClientNicknameChanged = {
2019-08-21 10:00:01 +02:00
own_client : boolean ;
2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00
client : base.Client ;
2019-08-21 10:00:01 +02:00
old_name : string ;
new_name : string ;
2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00
export type ClientNicknameChangeFailed = {
reason : string ;
2019-08-21 10:00:01 +02:00
export type ServerClosed = {
message : string ;
export type ServerRequiresPassword = { }
export type ServerBanned = {
message : string ;
time : number ;
invoker : base.Client ;
2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00
export type LogMessage = {
type : Type ;
timestamp : number ;
data : any ;
export interface TypeInfo {
"connection_begin" : event . ConnectBegin ;
"global_message" : event . GlobalMessage ;
"error_custom" : event . ErrorCustom ;
"error_permission" : event . ErrorPermission ;
"connection_hostname_resolved" : event . ConnectionHostnameResolved ;
"connection_hostname_resolve" : event . ConnectionHostnameResolve ;
"connection_hostname_resolve_error" : event . ConnectionHostnameResolveError ;
"connection_failed" : event . ConnectionFailed ;
"connection_login" : event . ConnectionLogin ;
"connection_connected" : event . ConnectionConnected ;
"connection_voice_setup_failed" : event . ConnectionVoiceSetupFailed ;
2019-08-21 10:00:01 +02:00
"connection_command_error" : event . ConnectionCommandError ;
2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00
"reconnect_scheduled" : event . ReconnectScheduled ;
"reconnect_canceled" : event . ReconnectCanceled ;
"reconnect_execute" : event . ReconnectExecute ;
2019-08-21 10:00:01 +02:00
"server_welcome_message" : event . WelcomeMessage ;
"server_host_message" : event . WelcomeMessage ;
"server_host_message_disconnect" : event . HostMessageDisconnect ;
"server_closed" : event . ServerClosed ;
"server_requires_password" : event . ServerRequiresPassword ;
"server_banned" : event . ServerBanned ;
2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00
"client_view_enter" : event . ClientEnter ;
"client_view_move" : event . ClientMove ;
"client_view_leave" : event . ClientLeave ;
"client_nickname_change_failed" : event . ClientNicknameChangeFailed ,
"client_nickname_changed" : event . ClientNicknameChanged ,
"channel_create" : event . ChannelCreate ;
"channel_delete" : event . ChannelDelete ;
type MessageBuilderOptions = { } ;
type MessageBuilder < T extends keyof server.TypeInfo > = ( data : TypeInfo [ T ] , options : MessageBuilderOptions ) = > JQuery [ ] | undefined ;
export const MessageBuilders : { [ key : string ] : MessageBuilder < any > } = {
"error_custom" : ( data : event.ErrorCustom , options ) = > {
return [ $ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "log-error" ) . text ( data . message ) ]
} ;
export class ServerLog {
private readonly handle : ConnectionHandler ;
private history_length : number = 100 ;
private _log : server.LogMessage [ ] = [ ] ;
private _html_tag : JQuery ;
private _log_container : JQuery ;
private auto_follow : boolean ; /* automatic scroll to bottom */
private _ignore_event : number ; /* after auto scroll we've triggered the scroll event. We want to prevent this so we capture the next event */
constructor ( handle : ConnectionHandler ) {
this . handle = handle ;
this . auto_follow = true ;
this . _html_tag = $ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "container-log" ) ;
this . _log_container = $ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "container-messages" ) ;
this . _log_container . appendTo ( this . _html_tag ) ;
this . _html_tag . on ( 'scroll' , event = > {
if ( Date . now ( ) - this . _ignore_event < 100 ) {
this . _ignore_event = 0 ;
return ;
this . auto_follow = ( this . _html_tag [ 0 ] . scrollTop + this . _html_tag [ 0 ] . clientHeight + this . _html_tag [ 0 ] . clientHeight * . 125 ) > this . _html_tag [ 0 ] . scrollHeight ;
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} ) ;
2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00
log < T extends keyof server.TypeInfo > ( type : T , data : server.TypeInfo [ T ] ) {
const event = {
data : data ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
type : type as any
} ;
this . _log . push ( event ) ;
while ( this . _log . length > this . history_length )
this . _log . pop_front ( ) ;
this . append_log ( event ) ;
html_tag ( ) : JQuery {
return this . _html_tag ;
2019-08-21 10:00:01 +02:00
destroy() {
this . _html_tag && this . _html_tag . remove ( ) ;
this . _html_tag = undefined ;
this . _log_container = undefined ;
this . _log = undefined ;
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private append_log ( message : server.LogMessage ) {
let container = $ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "log-message" ) ;
/* build timestamp */
const num = number = > ( '00' + number ) . substr ( - 2 ) ;
const date = new Date ( message . timestamp ) ;
$ . spawn ( "div" )
. addClass ( "timestamp" )
. text ( "<" + num ( date . getHours ( ) ) + ":" + num ( date . getMinutes ( ) ) + ":" + num ( date . getSeconds ( ) ) + ">" )
. appendTo ( container ) ;
/* build message data */
const builder = server . MessageBuilders [ message . type ] ;
if ( ! builder ) {
MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "missing log message builder {0}!" ) , message . type ) . forEach ( e = > e . addClass ( "log-error" ) . appendTo ( container ) ) ;
} else {
const elements = builder ( message . data , { } ) ;
2019-08-21 10:00:01 +02:00
if ( ! elements || elements . length == 0 )
2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00
return ; /* discard message */
container . append ( . . . elements ) ;
this . _ignore_event = Date . now ( ) ;
this . _log_container . append ( container ) ;
/* max history messages! */
const messages = this . _log_container . children ( ) ;
let index = 0 ;
while ( messages . length - index > this . history_length )
index ++ ;
const hide_elements = messages . filter ( idx = > idx < index ) ;
2019-08-21 10:00:01 +02:00
hide_elements . hide ( 250 , ( ) = > hide_elements . remove ( ) ) ;
2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00
if ( this . auto_follow )
this . _html_tag . scrollTop ( this . _html_tag [ 0 ] . scrollHeight ) ;
/* impl of the parsers */
namespace log {
export namespace server {
namespace impl {
const client_tag = ( client : base.Client , braces? : boolean ) = > htmltags . generate_client_object ( {
client_unique_id : client.client_unique_id ,
client_id : client.client_id ,
client_name : client.client_name ,
add_braces : braces
} ) ;
const channel_tag = ( channel : base.Channel , braces? : boolean ) = > htmltags . generate_channel_object ( {
channel_display_name : channel.channel_name ,
channel_name : channel.channel_name ,
channel_id : channel.channel_id ,
add_braces : braces
} ) ;
MessageBuilders [ "connection_begin" ] = ( data : event.ConnectBegin , options ) = > {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "Connecting to {0}{1}" ) , data . address . server_hostname , data . address . server_port == 9987 ? "" : ( ":" + data . address . server_port ) ) ;
} ;
MessageBuilders [ "connection_hostname_resolve" ] = ( data : event.ConnectionHostnameResolve , options ) = > MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "Resolving hostname" ) ) ;
MessageBuilders [ "connection_hostname_resolved" ] = ( data : event.ConnectionHostnameResolved , options ) = > MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "Hostname resolved successfully to {0}:{1}" ) , data . address . server_hostname , data . address . server_port ) ;
MessageBuilders [ "connection_hostname_resolve_error" ] = ( data : event.ConnectionHostnameResolveError , options ) = > MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "Failed to resolve hostname. Connecting to given hostname. Error: {0}" ) , data . message ) ;
MessageBuilders [ "connection_login" ] = ( data : event.ConnectionLogin , options ) = > MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "Logging in..." ) ) ;
MessageBuilders [ "connection_failed" ] = ( data : event.ConnectionFailed , options ) = > MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "Connect failed." ) ) ;
MessageBuilders [ "connection_connected" ] = ( data : event.ConnectionConnected , options ) = > MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "Connected as {0}" ) , client_tag ( data . own_client , true ) ) ;
MessageBuilders [ "connection_voice_setup_failed" ] = ( data : event.ConnectionVoiceSetupFailed , options ) = > {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "Failed to setup voice bridge: {0}. Allow reconnect: {1}" ) , data . reason , data . reconnect_delay > 0 ? tr ( "yes" ) : tr ( "no" ) ) ;
} ;
MessageBuilders [ "error_permission" ] = ( data : event.ErrorPermission , options ) = > {
2019-08-21 10:00:01 +02:00
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "Insufficient client permissions. Failed on permission {0}" ) , data . permission ? data . permission . name : "unknown" ) . map ( e = > e . addClass ( "log-error" ) ) ;
2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00
} ;
MessageBuilders [ "client_view_enter" ] = ( data : event.ClientEnter , options ) = > {
if ( data . reason == ViewReasonId . VREASON_SYSTEM ) {
return undefined ;
} if ( data . reason == ViewReasonId . VREASON_USER_ACTION ) {
/* client appeared */
if ( data . channel_from ) {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( data . own_channel ? tr ( "{0} appeared from {1} to your {2}" ) : tr ( "{0} appeared from {1} to {2}" ) , client_tag ( data . client ) , channel_tag ( data . channel_from ) , channel_tag ( data . channel_to ) ) ;
} else {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( data . own_channel ? tr ( "{0} connected to your channel {1}" ) : tr ( "{0} connected to channel {1}" ) , client_tag ( data . client ) , channel_tag ( data . channel_to ) ) ;
} else if ( data . reason == ViewReasonId . VREASON_MOVED ) {
if ( data . channel_from ) {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( data . own_channel ? tr ( "{0} appeared from {1} to your channel {2}, moved by {3}" ) : tr ( "{0} appeared from {1} to {2}, moved by {3}" ) ,
client_tag ( data . client ) ,
channel_tag ( data . channel_from ) ,
channel_tag ( data . channel_to ) ,
client_tag ( data . invoker )
) ;
} else {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( data . own_channel ? tr ( "{0} appeared to your channel {1}, moved by {2}" ) : tr ( "{0} appeared to {1}, moved by {2}" ) ,
client_tag ( data . client ) ,
channel_tag ( data . channel_to ) ,
client_tag ( data . invoker )
) ;
} else if ( data . reason == ViewReasonId . VREASON_CHANNEL_KICK ) {
if ( data . channel_from ) {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( data . own_channel ? tr ( "{0} appeared from {1} to your channel {2}, kicked by {3}{4}" ) : tr ( "{0} appeared from {1} to {2}, kicked by {3}{4}" ) ,
client_tag ( data . client ) ,
channel_tag ( data . channel_from ) ,
channel_tag ( data . channel_to ) ,
client_tag ( data . invoker ) ,
data . message ? ( " (" + data . message + ")" ) : ""
) ;
} else {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( data . own_channel ? tr ( "{0} appeared to your channel {1}, kicked by {2}{3}" ) : tr ( "{0} appeared to {1}, kicked by {2}{3}" ) ,
client_tag ( data . client ) ,
channel_tag ( data . channel_to ) ,
client_tag ( data . invoker ) ,
data . message ? ( " (" + data . message + ")" ) : ""
) ;
return [ $ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "log-error" ) . text ( "Invalid view enter reason id (" + data . message + ")" ) ] ;
} ;
MessageBuilders [ "client_view_move" ] = ( data : event.ClientMove , options ) = > {
if ( data . reason == ViewReasonId . VREASON_MOVED ) {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( data . client_own ? tr ( "You was moved by {3} from channel {1} to {2}" ) : tr ( "{0} was moved from channel {1} to {2} by {3}" ) ,
client_tag ( data . client ) ,
channel_tag ( data . channel_from ) ,
channel_tag ( data . channel_to ) ,
client_tag ( data . invoker )
) ;
} else if ( data . reason == ViewReasonId . VREASON_USER_ACTION ) {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( data . client_own ? tr ( "You switched from channel {1} to {2}" ) : tr ( "{0} switched from channel {1} to {2}" ) ,
client_tag ( data . client ) ,
channel_tag ( data . channel_from ) ,
channel_tag ( data . channel_to )
) ;
} else if ( data . reason == ViewReasonId . VREASON_CHANNEL_KICK ) {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( data . client_own ? tr ( "You got kicked out of the channel {1} to channel {2} by {3}{4}" ) : tr ( "{0} got kicked from channel {1} to {2} by {3}{4}" ) ,
client_tag ( data . client ) ,
channel_tag ( data . channel_from ) ,
channel_tag ( data . channel_to ) ,
client_tag ( data . invoker ) ,
data . message ? ( " (" + data . message + ")" ) : ""
) ;
return [ $ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "log-error" ) . text ( "Invalid view move reason id (" + data . reason + ")" ) ] ;
} ;
MessageBuilders [ "client_view_leave" ] = ( data : event.ClientLeave , options ) = > {
if ( data . reason == ViewReasonId . VREASON_USER_ACTION ) {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( data . own_channel ? tr ( "{0} disappeared from your channel {1} to {2}" ) : tr ( "{0} disappeared from {1} to {2}" ) , client_tag ( data . client ) , channel_tag ( data . channel_from ) , channel_tag ( data . channel_to ) ) ;
} else if ( data . reason == ViewReasonId . VREASON_SERVER_LEFT ) {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "{0} left the server{1}" ) , client_tag ( data . client ) , data . message ? ( " (" + data . message + ")" ) : "" ) ;
} else if ( data . reason == ViewReasonId . VREASON_SERVER_KICK ) {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "{0} was kicked from the server by {1}.{2}" ) , client_tag ( data . client ) , client_tag ( data . invoker ) , data . message ? ( " (" + data . message + ")" ) : "" ) ;
} else if ( data . reason == ViewReasonId . VREASON_CHANNEL_KICK ) {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( data . own_channel ? tr ( "{0} was kicked from your channel by {2}.{3}" ) : tr ( "{0} was kicked from channel {1} by {2}.{3}" ) ,
client_tag ( data . client ) ,
channel_tag ( data . channel_from ) ,
client_tag ( data . invoker ) ,
data . message ? ( " (" + data . message + ")" ) : ""
) ;
} else if ( data . reason == ViewReasonId . VREASON_BAN ) {
let duration = "permanently" ;
if ( data . ban_time )
duration = "for " + formatDate ( data . ban_time ) ;
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "{0} was banned {1} by {2}.{3}" ) ,
client_tag ( data . client ) ,
duration ,
client_tag ( data . invoker ) ,
data . message ? ( " (" + data . message + ")" ) : ""
) ;
} else if ( data . reason == ViewReasonId . VREASON_TIMEOUT ) {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "{0} timed out{1}" ) , client_tag ( data . client ) , data . message ? ( " (" + data . message + ")" ) : "" ) ;
return [ $ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "log-error" ) . text ( "Invalid view leave reason id (" + data . message + ")" ) ] ;
2019-08-21 10:00:01 +02:00
} ;
MessageBuilders [ "server_welcome_message" ] = ( data : event.WelcomeMessage , options ) = > {
return MessageHelper . bbcode_chat ( "[color=green]" + data . message + "[/color]" ) ;
} ;
MessageBuilders [ "server_host_message" ] = ( data : event.WelcomeMessage , options ) = > {
return MessageHelper . bbcode_chat ( "[color=green]" + data . message + "[/color]" ) ;
} ;
MessageBuilders [ "client_nickname_changed" ] = ( data : event.ClientNicknameChanged , options ) = > {
if ( data . own_client ) {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "Nickname successfully changed." ) ) ;
} else {
return MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "{0} changed his nickname from \"{1}\" to \"{2}\"" ) , client_tag ( data . client ) , data . old_name , data . new_name ) ;
} ;
MessageBuilders [ "global_message" ] = ( data : event.GlobalMessage , options ) = > {
return [ ] ; /* we do not show global messages within log */
2019-07-10 00:52:08 +02:00