2019-03-07 15:30:53 +01:00
declare function postMessage(message: any): void;
2019-01-26 17:10:15 +01:00
const prefix = "[POWWorker] ";
let initialized = false;
let memory: WebAssembly.Memory;
let memory_u8: Uint8Array;
2019-08-21 12:26:54 +02:00
let wasm_object: WebAssembly.WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource;
2019-01-26 17:10:15 +01:00
function post_status(code: string | undefined, result: boolean | string | any) {
let data: any = {};
data.code = code;
if(typeof(result) === "string") {
data.success = false;
data.message = result;
} else if(typeof(result) === "boolean") {
data.success = result;
} else {
data.success = true;
Object.assign(data, result);
{ /* initialize WASM handle */
memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 1 });
memory_u8 = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer);
2020-03-31 13:44:16 +02:00
WebAssembly.instantiate(require("./sha1.wat") as Uint8Array, {
2019-01-26 17:10:15 +01:00
env: {
memory: memory
}).then(object => {
wasm_object = object;
post_status("initialize", true);
}).catch(error => {
post_status("initialize", "failed to initialize WASM handle (" + error + ")");
let key_offset = 0;
let hash_offset = 0;
onmessage = function(e: MessageEvent) {
let data = e.data;
if(data.type == "set_data") {
const key = data.private_key;
key_offset = 0;
for(const char of key)
memory_u8[0x0A0 + key_offset++] = char.charCodeAt(0);
post_status(data.code, true);
} else if(data.type == "mine") {
let hash: string = data.hash;
const iterations: number = data.iterations;
const target: number = data.target;
hash_offset = 0;
for(const char of hash) {
memory_u8[0x0A0 + key_offset + hash_offset++] = char.charCodeAt(0);
2019-11-24 23:59:46 +01:00
let level = (<any>wasm_object).instance.exports.mine(key_offset, hash_offset, iterations, target > 1 ? target - 1 : target);
2019-01-26 17:10:15 +01:00
hash = "";
hash_offset = 0;
while(memory_u8[0x0A0 + key_offset + hash_offset] != 0)
hash = hash + String.fromCharCode(memory_u8[0x0A0 + key_offset + hash_offset++]);
// console.log(prefix + "New hash: %s, level %o", hash, level);
post_status(data.code, {
result: level >= target,
hash: hash,
level: level
} else if(data.type == "finalize") {
wasm_object = undefined;
memory = undefined;
memory_u8 = undefined;
post_status(data.code, true);
2020-03-31 13:44:16 +02:00
export = {};