2020-03-27 23:36:57 +01:00
import { ClientEntry , LocalClientEntry } from "../../../channel-tree/client" ;
import { Modals } from "../../modal/ModalClientInfo" ;
import { htmltags } from "../../htmltags" ;
import { image_preview } from "../image_preview" ;
import { i18n } from "../../../i18n/country" ;
import { GroupManager } from "../../../permission/GroupManager" ;
export namespace chat {
2020-01-31 00:54:00 +01:00
declare function setInterval ( handler : TimerHandler , timeout? : number , . . . arguments : any [ ] ) : number ;
declare function setTimeout ( handler : TimerHandler , timeout? : number , . . . arguments : any [ ] ) : number ;
export class ClientInfo {
readonly handle : Frame ;
private _html_tag : JQuery ;
private _current_client : ClientEntry | undefined ;
private _online_time_updater : number ;
previous_frame_content : FrameContent ;
constructor ( handle : Frame ) {
this . handle = handle ;
this . _build_html_tag ( ) ;
html_tag ( ) : JQuery {
return this . _html_tag ;
destroy() {
clearInterval ( this . _online_time_updater ) ;
this . _html_tag && this . _html_tag . remove ( ) ;
this . _html_tag = undefined ;
this . _current_client = undefined ;
this . previous_frame_content = undefined ;
private _build_html_tag() {
this . _html_tag = $ ( "#tmpl_frame_chat_client_info" ) . renderTag ( ) ;
this . _html_tag . find ( ".button-close" ) . on ( 'click' , ( ) = > {
if ( this . previous_frame_content === FrameContent . CLIENT_INFO )
this . previous_frame_content = FrameContent . NONE ;
this . handle . set_content ( this . previous_frame_content ) ;
} ) ;
this . _html_tag . find ( ".button-more" ) . on ( 'click' , ( ) = > {
if ( ! this . _current_client )
return ;
Modals . openClientInfo ( this . _current_client ) ;
} ) ;
this . _html_tag . find ( '.container-avatar-edit' ) . on ( 'click' , ( ) = > this . handle . handle . update_avatar ( ) ) ;
current_client ( ) : ClientEntry {
return this . _current_client ;
set_current_client ( client : ClientEntry | undefined , enforce? : boolean ) {
if ( client ) client . updateClientVariables ( ) ; /* just to ensure */
if ( client === this . _current_client && ( typeof ( enforce ) === "undefined" || ! enforce ) )
return ;
this . _current_client = client ;
/* updating the header */
const client_name = this . _html_tag . find ( ".client-name" ) ;
client_name . children ( ) . remove ( ) ;
htmltags . generate_client_object ( {
add_braces : false ,
client_name : client ? client . clientNickName ( ) : "undefined" ,
client_unique_id : client ? client . clientUid ( ) : "" ,
client_id : client ? client . clientId ( ) : 0
} ) . appendTo ( client_name ) ;
const client_description = this . _html_tag . find ( ".client-description" ) ;
client_description . text ( client ? client . properties . client_description : "" ) . toggle ( ! ! client . properties . client_description ) ;
2020-03-19 14:31:45 +01:00
const is_local_entry = client instanceof LocalClientEntry ;
2020-01-31 00:54:00 +01:00
const container_avatar = this . _html_tag . find ( ".container-avatar" ) ;
container_avatar . find ( ".avatar" ) . remove ( ) ;
2020-03-19 14:31:45 +01:00
if ( client ) {
const avatar = this . handle . handle . fileManager . avatars . generate_chat_tag ( { id : client.clientId ( ) } , client . clientUid ( ) ) ;
if ( ! is_local_entry ) {
avatar . css ( "cursor" , "pointer" ) . on ( 'click' , event = > {
image_preview . preview_image_tag ( this . handle . handle . fileManager . avatars . generate_chat_tag ( { id : client.clientId ( ) } , client . clientUid ( ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
avatar . appendTo ( container_avatar ) ;
} else
2020-01-31 00:54:00 +01:00
this . handle . handle . fileManager . avatars . generate_chat_tag ( undefined , undefined ) . appendTo ( container_avatar ) ;
2020-03-19 14:31:45 +01:00
container_avatar . toggleClass ( "editable" , is_local_entry ) ;
2020-01-31 00:54:00 +01:00
/* updating the info fields */
const online_time = this . _html_tag . find ( ".client-online-time" ) ;
online_time . text ( format . time . format_online_time ( client ? client . calculateOnlineTime ( ) : 0 ) ) ;
if ( this . _online_time_updater ) {
clearInterval ( this . _online_time_updater ) ;
this . _online_time_updater = 0 ;
if ( client ) {
this . _online_time_updater = setInterval ( ( ) = > {
const client = this . _current_client ;
if ( ! client ) {
clearInterval ( this . _online_time_updater ) ;
this . _online_time_updater = undefined ;
return ;
if ( client . currentChannel ( ) ) /* If he has no channel then he might be disconnected */
online_time . text ( format . time . format_online_time ( client . calculateOnlineTime ( ) ) ) ;
else {
online_time . text ( online_time . text ( ) + tr ( " (left view)" ) ) ;
clearInterval ( this . _online_time_updater ) ;
} , 1000 ) ;
const country = this . _html_tag . find ( ".client-country" ) ;
country . children ( ) . detach ( ) ;
const country_code = ( client ? client.properties.client_country : undefined ) || "xx" ;
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "country flag-" + country_code . toLowerCase ( ) ) . appendTo ( country ) ;
$ . spawn ( "a" ) . text ( i18n . country_name ( country_code . toUpperCase ( ) ) ) . appendTo ( country ) ;
const version = this . _html_tag . find ( ".client-version" ) ;
version . children ( ) . detach ( ) ;
if ( client ) {
let platform = client . properties . client_platform ;
if ( platform . indexOf ( "Win32" ) != 0 && ( client . properties . client_version . indexOf ( "Win64" ) != - 1 || client . properties . client_version . indexOf ( "WOW64" ) != - 1 ) )
platform = platform . replace ( "Win32" , "Win64" ) ;
$ . spawn ( "a" ) . attr ( "title" , client . properties . client_version ) . text (
client . properties . client_version . split ( " " ) [ 0 ] + " on " + platform
) . appendTo ( version ) ;
const volume = this . _html_tag . find ( ".client-local-volume" ) ;
volume . text ( ( client && client . get_audio_handle ( ) ? ( client . get_audio_handle ( ) . get_volume ( ) * 100 ) : - 1 ) . toFixed ( 0 ) + "%" ) ;
/* teaspeak forum */
const container_forum = this . _html_tag . find ( ".container-teaforo" ) ;
if ( client && client . properties . client_teaforo_id ) {
container_forum . show ( ) ;
const container_data = container_forum . find ( ".client-teaforo-account" ) ;
container_data . children ( ) . remove ( ) ;
let text = client . properties . client_teaforo_name ;
if ( ( client . properties . client_teaforo_flags & 0x01 ) > 0 )
text += " (" + tr ( "Banned" ) + ")" ;
if ( ( client . properties . client_teaforo_flags & 0x02 ) > 0 )
text += " (" + tr ( "Stuff" ) + ")" ;
if ( ( client . properties . client_teaforo_flags & 0x04 ) > 0 )
text += " (" + tr ( "Premium" ) + ")" ;
$ . spawn ( "a" )
. attr ( "href" , "https://forum.teaspeak.de/index.php?members/" + client . properties . client_teaforo_id )
. attr ( "target" , "_blank" )
. text ( text )
. appendTo ( container_data ) ;
} else {
container_forum . hide ( ) ;
/* update the client status */
//TODO Implement client status!
const container_status = this . _html_tag . find ( ".container-client-status" ) ;
const container_status_entries = container_status . find ( ".client-status" ) ;
container_status_entries . children ( ) . detach ( ) ;
if ( client ) {
if ( client . properties . client_away ) {
container_status_entries . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "status-entry" ) . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "icon_em client-away" ) ,
$ . spawn ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "Away" ) ) ,
client . properties . client_away_message ?
$ . spawn ( "a" ) . addClass ( "away-message" ) . text ( "(" + client . properties . client_away_message + ")" ) :
if ( client . is_muted ( ) ) {
container_status_entries . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "status-entry" ) . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "icon_em client-input_muted_local" ) ,
$ . spawn ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "Client local muted" ) )
if ( ! client . properties . client_output_hardware ) {
container_status_entries . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "status-entry" ) . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "icon_em client-hardware_output_muted" ) ,
$ . spawn ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "Speakers/Headphones disabled" ) )
if ( ! client . properties . client_input_hardware ) {
container_status_entries . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "status-entry" ) . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "icon_em client-hardware_input_muted" ) ,
$ . spawn ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "Microphone disabled" ) )
if ( client . properties . client_output_muted ) {
container_status_entries . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "status-entry" ) . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "icon_em client-output_muted" ) ,
$ . spawn ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "Speakers/Headphones Muted" ) )
if ( client . properties . client_input_muted ) {
container_status_entries . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "status-entry" ) . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "icon_em client-input_muted" ) ,
$ . spawn ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "Microphone Muted" ) )
container_status . toggle ( container_status_entries . children ( ) . length > 0 ) ;
/* update client server groups */
const container_groups = this . _html_tag . find ( ".client-group-server" ) ;
container_groups . children ( ) . detach ( ) ;
if ( client ) {
const invalid_groups = [ ] ;
const groups = client . assignedServerGroupIds ( ) . map ( group_id = > {
const result = this . handle . handle . groups . serverGroup ( group_id ) ;
if ( ! result )
invalid_groups . push ( group_id ) ;
return result ;
} ) . filter ( e = > ! ! e ) . sort ( GroupManager . sorter ( ) ) ;
for ( const invalid_id of invalid_groups ) {
container_groups . append ( $ . spawn ( "a" ) . text ( "{" + tr ( "server group " ) + invalid_groups + "}" ) . attr ( "title" , tr ( "Missing server group id!" ) + " (" + invalid_groups + ")" ) ) ;
for ( let group of groups ) {
container_groups . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "group-container" )
. append (
this . handle . handle . fileManager . icons . generateTag ( group . properties . iconid )
) . append (
$ . spawn ( "a" ) . text ( group . name ) . attr ( "title" , tr ( "Group id: " ) + group . id )
) ;
/* update client channel group */
const container_group = this . _html_tag . find ( ".client-group-channel" ) ;
container_group . children ( ) . detach ( ) ;
if ( client ) {
const group_id = client . assignedChannelGroup ( ) ;
let group = this . handle . handle . groups . channelGroup ( group_id ) ;
if ( group ) {
container_group . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "group-container" )
. append (
this . handle . handle . fileManager . icons . generateTag ( group . properties . iconid )
) . append (
$ . spawn ( "a" ) . text ( group . name ) . attr ( "title" , tr ( "Group id: " ) + group_id )
) ;
} else {
container_group . append ( $ . spawn ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "Invalid channel group!" ) ) . attr ( "title" , tr ( "Missing channel group id!" ) + " (" + group_id + ")" ) ) ;