
528 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
/// <reference path="channel.ts" />
2018-04-11 17:56:09 +02:00
/// <reference path="modal/ModalChangeVolume.ts" />
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
class ClientProperties {
client_version: string = "";
client_platform: string = "";
client_nickname: string = "unknown";
client_unique_identifier: string = "unknown";
client_description: string = "";
client_servergroups: string = "";
client_channel_group_id: number = 0;
client_lastconnected: number = 0;
client_flag_avatar: string = "";
client_output_muted: boolean = false;
client_away_message: string = "";
client_away: boolean = false;
client_input_hardware: boolean = false;
client_input_muted: boolean = false;
client_is_channel_commander: boolean = false;
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
class ClientEntry {
private _clientId: number;
private _channel: ChannelEntry;
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
private _tag: JQuery<HTMLElement>;
properties: ClientProperties = new ClientProperties();
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
private lastVariableUpdate: number = 0;
private _speaking: boolean = false;
channelTree: ChannelTree;
audioController: AudioController;
constructor(clientId, clientName) {
this._clientId = clientId;
this.properties.client_nickname = clientName;
this.channelTree = null;
this._channel = null;
this.audioController = new AudioController();
const _this = this;
this.audioController.onSpeaking = function () {
_this.speaking = true;
this.audioController.onSilence = function () {
_this.speaking = false;
2018-04-11 17:56:09 +02:00
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
currentChannel() { return this._channel; }
clientNickName(){ return this.properties.client_nickname; }
clientUid(){ return this.properties.client_unique_identifier; }
clientId(){ return this._clientId; }
getAudioController() : AudioController {
return this.audioController;
const _this = this;
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
this.tag.click(event => {
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
if(!settings.static(Settings.KEY_DISABLE_CONTEXT_MENU, false)) {
this.tag.on("contextmenu", function (event) {
_this.showContextMenu(event.pageX, event.pageY, () => {
return false;
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
showContextMenu(x: number, y: number, on_close: () => void = undefined) {
const _this = this;
spawnMenu(x, y,
type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon: "client-change_nickname",
name: "<b>Open text chat</b>",
callback: function () {
chat.activeChat = _this.chat(true);
}, {
type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon: "client-poke",
name: "Poke client",
callback: function () {
createInputModal("Poke client", "Poke message:<br>", text => true, result => {
if(result) {
console.log("Poking client " + _this.clientNickName() + " with message " + result);
_this.channelTree.client.serverConnection.sendCommand("clientpoke", {
clid: _this.clientId(),
msg: result
}, { width: 400, maxLength: 512 }).open();
}, {
type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon: "client-edit",
name: "Change description",
callback: function () {
createInputModal("Change client description", "New description:<br>", text => true, result => {
if(result) {
console.log("Changing " + _this.clientNickName() + "'s description to " + result);
_this.channelTree.client.serverConnection.sendCommand("clientedit", {
clid: _this.clientId(),
client_description: result
}, { width: 400, maxLength: 1024 }).open();
2018-04-11 17:56:09 +02:00
MenuEntry.HR(), {
type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon: "client-move_client_to_own_channel",
name: "Move client to your channel",
callback: () => {
this.channelTree.client.serverConnection.sendCommand("clientmove", {
clid: this.clientId(),
cid: this.channelTree.client.getClient().currentChannel().getChannelId()
}, {
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon: "client-kick_channel",
name: "Kick client from channel",
callback: function () {
createInputModal("Kick client from channel", "Kick reason:<br>", text => true, result => {
if(result) {
console.log("Kicking client " + _this.clientNickName() + " from channel with reason " + result);
_this.channelTree.client.serverConnection.sendCommand("clientkick", {
clid: _this.clientId(),
reasonid: ViewReasonId.VREASON_CHANNEL_KICK,
reasonmsg: result
}, { width: 400, maxLength: 255 }).open();
}, {
type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon: "client-kick_server",
name: "Kick client fom server",
callback: function () {
createInputModal("Kick client from server", "Kick reason:<br>", text => true, result => {
if(result) {
console.log("Kicking client " + _this.clientNickName() + " from server with reason " + result);
_this.channelTree.client.serverConnection.sendCommand("clientkick", {
clid: _this.clientId(),
reasonid: ViewReasonId.VREASON_SERVER_KICK,
reasonmsg: result
}, { width: 400, maxLength: 255 }).open();
2018-04-11 17:56:09 +02:00
}, {
type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon: "client-ban_client",
name: "Ban client",
disabled: true,
callback: () => {}
type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY,
icon: "client-volume",
name: "Change Volume",
callback: () => {
Modals.spawnChangeVolume(this.audioController.volume, volume => {
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
settings.changeServer("volume_client_" + this.clientUid(), volume);
2018-04-11 17:56:09 +02:00
this.audioController.volume = volume;
if(globalClient.selectInfo.currentSelected == this)
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
get tag() : JQuery<HTMLElement> {
if(this._tag) return this._tag;
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
let tag = $.spawn("div");
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
tag.attr("id", "client_" + this.clientId());
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
tag.append($.spawn("div").addClass("icon_client_state").attr("title", "Client state"));
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
let clientIcons = $.spawn("span");
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
return this._tag = tag;
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
2018-04-11 17:56:09 +02:00
static chatTag(id: number, name: string, uid: string, braces: boolean = false) : JQuery {
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
let tag = $.spawn("div");
tag.css("cursor", "pointer");
tag.css("font-weight", "bold");
tag.css("color", "darkblue");
2018-03-07 19:06:52 +01:00
tag.css("display", "table");
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
tag.text("\"" + name + "\"");
tag.attr("oncontextmenu", "chat_client_contextmenu(this, ...arguments);");
tag.attr("clientId", id);
tag.attr("clientUid", uid);
tag.attr("clientName", name);
2018-04-11 17:56:09 +02:00
return tag.wrap("<p/>").parent();
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
2018-04-11 17:56:09 +02:00
createChatTag(braces: boolean = false) : JQuery {
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
return ClientEntry.chatTag(this.clientId(), this.clientNickName(), this.clientUid(), braces);
set speaking(flag) {
if(flag == this._speaking) return;
this._speaking = flag;
updateClientIcon() {
let icon: string = "";
let clicon: string = "";
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
if(this.properties.client_away) {
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
icon = "client-away";
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
} else if(this.properties.client_output_muted) {
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
icon = "client-hardware_output_muted";
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
} else if(!this.properties.client_input_hardware) {
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
icon = "client-hardware_input_muted";
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
} else if(this.properties.client_input_muted) {
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
icon = "client-input_muted";
} else {
if(this._speaking) {
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
clicon = "client_cc_talk";
clicon = "client_talk";
} else {
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
clicon = "client_cc_idle";
clicon = "client_idle";
if(clicon.length > 0)
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
this.tag.find(".icon_client_state").attr('class', 'icon_client_state clicon ' + clicon);
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
else if(icon.length > 0)
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
this.tag.find(".icon_client_state").attr('class', 'icon_client_state icon ' + icon);
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
this.tag.find(".icon_client_state").attr('class', 'icon_client_state icon_empty');
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
updateAwayMessage() {
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
let tag = this.tag.find(".away");
if(this.properties.client_away == true && this.properties.client_away_message){
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
tag.text("[" + this.properties.client_away_message + "]");
} else {
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
updateVariables(...variables: {key: string, value: string}[]) {
let group = log.group(log.LogType.DEBUG, LogCategory.CLIENT, "Update properties (%i) of %s (%i)", variables.length, this.clientNickName(), this.clientId());
for(let variable of variables) {
if(typeof(this.properties[variable.key]) === "boolean")
this.properties[variable.key] = variable.value == "true" || variable.value == "1";
else if(typeof (this.properties[variable.key]) === "number")
this.properties[variable.key] = parseInt(variable.value);
this.properties[variable.key] = variable.value;
group.log("Updating client " + this.clientId() + ". Key " + variable.key + " Value: '" + variable.value + "' (" + typeof (this.properties[variable.key]) + ")");
if(variable.key == "client_nickname") {
let chat = this.chat(false);
if(chat) chat.name = variable.value;
if(variable.key == "client_away" || variable.key == "client_output_muted" || variable.key == "client_input_hardware" || variable.key == "client_input_muted" || variable.key == "client_is_channel_commander"){
if(variable.key == "client_away_message" || variable.key == "client_away") {
if(variable.key == "client_unique_identifier") {
this.audioController.volume = parseFloat(settings.server("volume_client_" + this.clientUid(), "1"));
console.error("Updated volume from config " + this.audioController.volume + " - " + "volume_client_" + this.clientUid() + " - " + settings.server("volume_client_" + this.clientUid(), "1"));
2018-04-11 17:56:09 +02:00
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
if(this.lastVariableUpdate == 0 || new Date().getTime() - 10 * 60 * 1000 > this.lastVariableUpdate){ //Cache these only 10 min
this.lastVariableUpdate = new Date().getTime();
this.channelTree.client.serverConnection.sendCommand("clientgetvariables", {clid: this.clientId()});
chat(create: boolean = false) : ChatEntry {
let chatName = "client_" + this.clientUid() + ":" + this.clientId();
let c = chat.findChat(chatName);
if((!c) && create) {
c = chat.createChat(chatName);
c.closeable = true;
c.name = this.clientNickName();
const _this = this;
c.onMessageSend = function (text: string) {
_this.channelTree.client.serverConnection.sendMessage(text, ChatType.CLIENT, _this);
c.onClose = function () : boolean {
//TODO check online?
_this.channelTree.client.serverConnection.sendCommand("clientchatclosed", {"clid": _this.clientId()});
return true;
return c;
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
updateGroupIcon(group: Group) {
//TODO group icon order
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
this.tag.find(".icon_group_" + group.id).detach();
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
if(group.properties.iconid > 0)
this.tag.find("span").append(this.channelTree.client.fileManager.icons.generateTag(group.properties.iconid).addClass("icon_group_" + group.id));
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
assignedServerGroupIds() : number[] {
let result = [];
for(let id of this.properties.client_servergroups.split(",")){
if(id.length == 0) continue;
return result;
assignedChannelGroup() : number {
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
return this.properties.client_channel_group_id;
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
groupAssigned(group: Group) : boolean {
if(group.target == GroupTarget.SERVER) {
for(let id of this.assignedServerGroupIds())
if(id == group.id) return true;
return false;
} else return group.id == this.assignedChannelGroup();
onDelete() {
this.audioController = undefined;
calculateOnlineTime() : number {
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
return new Date().getTime() / 1000 - this.properties.client_lastconnected;
avatarId?() : string {
function str2ab(str) {
let buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length); // 2 bytes for each char
let bufView = new Uint8Array(buf);
for (let i=0, strLen=str.length; i<strLen; i++) {
bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return buf;
try {
let raw = atob(this.properties.client_unique_identifier);
let input = hex.encode(str2ab(raw));
let result: string = "";
for(let index = 0; index < input.length; index++) {
let c = input.charAt(index);
let offset: number = 0;
if(c >= '0' && c <= '9')
offset = c.charCodeAt(0) - '0'.charCodeAt(0);
else if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
offset = c.charCodeAt(0) - 'A'.charCodeAt(0) + 0x0A;
else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
offset = c.charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0) + 0x0A;
result += String.fromCharCode('a'.charCodeAt(0) + offset);
return result;
} catch (e) { //invalid base 64 (like music bot etc)
return undefined;
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
class LocalClientEntry extends ClientEntry {
handle: TSClient;
private renaming: boolean;
constructor(handle: TSClient) {
super(0, "local client");
this.handle = handle;
showContextMenu(x: number, y: number, on_close: () => void = undefined): void {
const _self = this;
spawnMenu(x, y,
name: "<b>Change name</b>",
icon: "client-change_nickname",
callback: () =>_self.openRename(),
type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY
}, {
name: "Change description",
icon: "client-edit",
callback: () => {
createInputModal("Change own description", "New description:<br>", text => true, result => {
if(result) {
console.log("Changing own description to " + result);
_self.channelTree.client.serverConnection.sendCommand("clientedit", {
clid: _self.clientId(),
client_description: result
}, { width: 400, maxLength: 1024 }).open();
type: MenuEntryType.ENTRY
initializeListener(): void {
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
const _self = this;
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
this.tag.dblclick(function () {
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
openRename() : void {
const _self = this;
2018-04-16 20:38:35 +02:00
const elm = this.tag.find(".name");
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
elm.attr("contenteditable", "true");
elm.css("background-color", "white");
_self.renaming = true;
elm.keypress(function (e) {
if(e.keyCode == Key.Enter) {
return false;
elm.focusout(function (e) {
if(!_self.renaming) return;
_self.renaming = false;
elm.css("background-color", "");
let text = elm.text().toString();
if(_self.clientNickName() == text) return;
_self.handle.serverConnection.updateClient("client_nickname", text).then((e) => {
chat.serverChat().appendMessage("Nickname successfully changed");
}).catch((e: CommandResult) => {
chat.serverChat().appendError("Could not change nickname (" + e.extra_message + ")");
//Global functions
function chat_client_contextmenu(_element: any, event: any) {
let element = $(_element);
console.log("Context menue for " + element.attr("clientName"));
let clid : number = Number.parseInt(element.attr("clientId"));
let client = globalClient.channelTree.findClient(clid);
if(!client) {
if(client.clientUid() != element.attr("clientUid")) {
client.showContextMenu(event.pageX, event.pageY);