2020-03-29 12:54:15 +02:00
/// <reference path="../../ConnectionHandler.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../ui/elements/modal.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../i18n/localize.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../proto.ts" />
namespace Modals {
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
export function openBanList ( client : ConnectionHandler ) {
let modal : Modal ;
let _callback_bans ;
let _callback_triggers ;
const single_ban_handler : connection.SingleCommandHandler = {
command : "notifybanlist" ,
function : command = > {
const json = command . arguments ;
let bans : BanEntry [ ] = [ ] ;
for ( const entry of json ) {
bans . push ( {
server_id : parseInt ( entry [ "sid" ] ) ,
banid : parseInt ( entry [ "banid" ] ) ,
ip : entry [ "ip" ] ,
name : entry [ "name" ] ,
unique_id : entry [ "uid" ] ,
hardware_id : entry [ "hwid" ] ,
timestamp_created : ( parseInt ( entry [ "created" ] ) * 1000 ) ,
timestamp_expire : ( parseInt ( entry [ "duration" ] ) > 0 ? parseInt ( entry [ "created" ] ) * 1000 + parseInt ( entry [ "duration" ] ) * 1000 : 0 ) ,
invoker_name : entry [ "invokername" ] ,
invoker_database_id : parseInt ( entry [ "invokercldbid" ] ) ,
invoker_unique_id : entry [ "invokeruid" ] ,
reason : entry [ "reason" ] ,
enforcements : parseInt ( entry [ "enforcements" ] ) ,
flag_own : entry [ "invokeruid" ] == client . getClient ( ) . properties . client_unique_identifier
} ) ;
_callback_bans ( bans ) ;
return false ; /* do not remove me */
} ;
const single_trigger_handler : connection.SingleCommandHandler = {
command : "notifybantriggerlist" ,
function : command = > {
//TODO: Test the server id in the response?
const json = command . arguments ;
let triggers : TriggerEntry [ ] = [ ] ;
for ( const entry of json ) {
triggers . push ( {
unique_id : entry [ "client_unique_identifier" ] ,
client_nickname : entry [ "client_nickname" ] ,
hardware_id : entry [ "client_hardware_identifier" ] ,
connection_ip : entry [ "connection_client_ip" ] ,
timestamp : parseInt ( entry [ "timestamp" ] )
} ) ;
_callback_triggers ( triggers ) ;
return false ; /* do not remove me */
} ;
const controller : BanListController = {
request_list ( _callback ) : Promise < void > {
_callback_bans = _callback ;
return new Promise < void > ( ( resolve , reject ) = > {
const timeout = setTimeout ( ( ) = > {
cleanup ( ) ;
reject ( "timeout" ) ;
} , 2500 ) ;
const cleanup = ( ) = > {
clearTimeout ( timeout ) ;
_callback_bans = undefined ;
} ;
Promise . all ( [
client . serverConnection . send_command ( "banlist" , { sid : 0 } , { process_result : false } ) . catch ( error = > {
//TODO: May lookup for permissions
} ) ,
client . serverConnection . send_command ( "banlist" ) . catch ( async error = > {
if ( error instanceof CommandResult )
if ( error . id === ErrorID . EMPTY_RESULT )
return ;
throw error ;
} )
] ) . then ( ( ) = > {
if ( _callback_bans ) resolve ( ) ;
cleanup ( ) ;
} ) . catch ( error = > {
if ( _callback_bans ) reject ( error ) ;
cleanup ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
request_trigger_list ( ban , _callback ) : Promise < void > {
_callback_triggers = _callback ;
return new Promise < void > ( ( resolve , reject ) = > {
const timeout = setTimeout ( ( ) = > {
cleanup ( ) ;
reject ( "timeout" ) ;
} , 2500 ) ;
const cleanup = ( ) = > {
clearTimeout ( timeout ) ;
_callback_triggers = undefined ;
} ;
const data = { banid : ban.ban_id } ;
if ( typeof ban . server_id !== "undefined" )
data [ "sid" ] = ban . server_id ;
client . serverConnection . send_command ( "bantriggerlist" , data ) . catch ( async error = > {
if ( error instanceof CommandResult )
if ( error . id === ErrorID . EMPTY_RESULT )
return ;
throw error ;
} ) . then ( ( ) = > {
if ( _callback_triggers ) resolve ( ) ;
cleanup ( ) ;
} ) . catch ( error = > {
if ( _callback_triggers ) reject ( error ) ;
cleanup ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
async max_bantime ( ) : Promise < number > {
const value = client . permissions . neededPermission ( PermissionType . I_CLIENT_BAN_MAX_BANTIME ) . value || 0 ;
return value == - 2 ? 0 : value ;
} ,
async permission_add ( ) : Promise < boolean [ ] > {
return [
client . permissions . neededPermission ( PermissionType . B_CLIENT_BAN_CREATE ) . granted ( 1 ) ,
client . permissions . neededPermission ( PermissionType . B_CLIENT_BAN_CREATE_GLOBAL ) . granted ( 1 )
] ;
} ,
async permission_edit ( ) : Promise < boolean [ ] > {
return [
client . permissions . neededPermission ( PermissionType . B_CLIENT_BAN_EDIT ) . granted ( 1 ) ,
client . permissions . neededPermission ( PermissionType . B_CLIENT_BAN_EDIT_GLOBAL ) . granted ( 1 ) && false
] ;
} ,
add_ban ( entry : BanEntry ) : Promise < void > {
const data = { } ;
if ( entry . ip ) data [ "ip" ] = entry . ip ;
if ( entry . name ) data [ "name" ] = entry . name ;
if ( entry . unique_id ) data [ "uid" ] = entry . unique_id ;
if ( entry . hardware_id ) data [ "hwid" ] = entry . hardware_id ;
if ( entry . reason ) data [ "banreason" ] = entry . reason ;
if ( entry . timestamp_expire ) data [ "time" ] = Math . floor ( ( entry . timestamp_expire - entry . timestamp_created ) / 1000 ) ;
if ( typeof ( entry . server_id ) === "number" ) data [ "sid" ] = entry . server_id ;
return client . serverConnection . send_command ( "banadd" , data ) . then ( e = > { if ( ! e . success ) throw e ; } ) ;
} ,
edit_ban ( data : any ) : Promise < void > {
return client . serverConnection . send_command ( "banedit" , data ) . then ( e = > { if ( ! e . success ) throw e ; } ) ;
} ,
delete_ban ( entry_id , server_id ) : Promise < void > {
const data = {
banid : entry_id
} ;
if ( typeof ( server_id ) === "number" )
data [ "sid" ] = server_id ;
return client . serverConnection . send_command ( "bandel" , data ) . then ( e = > { if ( ! e . success ) throw e ; } ) ;
} ;
modal = createModal ( {
header : tr ( "Server Banlist" ) ,
body : ( ) = > generate_dom ( controller ) ,
footer : null ,
width : '60em'
} ) ;
client . serverConnection . command_handler_boss ( ) . register_single_handler ( single_ban_handler ) ;
client . serverConnection . command_handler_boss ( ) . register_single_handler ( single_trigger_handler ) ;
modal . close_listener . push ( ( ) = > {
client . serverConnection . command_handler_boss ( ) . remove_single_handler ( single_ban_handler ) ;
client . serverConnection . command_handler_boss ( ) . remove_single_handler ( single_trigger_handler ) ;
} ) ;
//TODO: Test without dividerfy!
modal . htmlTag . dividerfy ( ) ;
modal . htmlTag . find ( ".modal-body" ) . addClass ( "modal-ban-list" ) ;
modal . open ( ) ;
interface BanEntry {
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
server_id : number ;
banid : number ;
name? : string ;
name_type? : number ;
unique_id? : string ;
ip? : string ;
hardware_id? : string ;
reason : string ;
invoker_name : string ;
invoker_unique_id? : string ;
invoker_database_id? : number ;
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
timestamp_created : number ;
timestamp_expire : number ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
enforcements : number ;
flag_own? : boolean ;
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
interface TriggerEntry {
unique_id? : string ;
client_nickname? : string ;
hardware_id? : string ;
connection_ip : string ;
timestamp : number ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
interface BanListController {
request_list ( callback_bans : ( entries : BanEntry [ ] ) = > any ) : Promise < void > ;
request_trigger_list ( ban : { ban_id : number , server_id : number | undefined } , callback_triggers : ( entries : TriggerEntry [ ] ) = > any ) : Promise < void > ;
max_bantime ( ) : Promise < number > ;
permission_edit ( ) : Promise < boolean [ ] > ;
permission_add ( ) : Promise < boolean [ ] > ;
add_ban ( entry : BanEntry ) : Promise < void > ;
edit_ban ( data : any ) : Promise < void > ;
delete_ban ( entry_id : number , server_id : number | undefined ) : Promise < void > ;
//Note: This object must be sorted (from shortest to longest)!
2019-09-19 01:25:57 +02:00
export const duration_data = {
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
"sec" : {
"text" : tr ( "Seconds" ) ,
"1-text" : tr ( "Second" ) ,
scale : 1
} ,
"min" : {
"text" : tr ( "Minutes" ) ,
"1-text" : tr ( "Minute" ) ,
scale : 60
} ,
"hours" : {
"text" : tr ( "Hours" ) ,
"1-text" : tr ( "Hour" ) ,
scale : 3600
} ,
"days" : {
"text" : tr ( "Days" ) ,
"1-text" : tr ( "Day" ) ,
scale : 86400
} ,
} ;
function generate_dom ( controller : BanListController ) : JQuery {
const template = $ ( "#tmpl_ban_list" ) . renderTag ( ) ;
let callback_ban_filter : ( ( text : string , flag_own : boolean , highlight_own : boolean ) = > boolean ) [ ] = [ ] ;
let callback_trigger_filter : ( ( text : string ) = > boolean ) [ ] = [ ] ;
let selected_ban : BanEntry | undefined ;
let update_edit_window : ( switch_to : boolean ) = > any ;
let update_ban_filter : ( ) = > any ;
let update_trigger_filter : ( ) = > any ;
const container_ban = template . find ( ".container-banlist" ) ;
const container_ban_entries = container_ban . find ( ".container-list .body" ) ;
const container_ban_entries_empty = container_ban . find ( ".container-list .container-empty" ) ;
const container_ban_entries_error = container_ban . find ( ".container-list .container-error" ) ;
const container_trigger = template . find ( ".container-triggerlist" ) . hide ( ) ;
const container_trigger_entries = container_trigger . find ( ".container-list .body" ) ;
const container_trigger_entries_empty = container_trigger . find ( ".container-list .container-empty" ) ;
const container_trigger_entries_error = container_trigger . find ( ".container-list .container-error" ) ;
const button_apply = template . find ( ".button-apply" ) ;
let button_apply_state = [ false , false ] ; /* first index is add; second index is edit */
let update_category_inputs : ( ( ) = > any ) [ ] = [ undefined , undefined ] ;
let button_apply_state_index = 1 ;
const category_add = template . find ( ".left .head .category-add" ) ;
const category_edit = template . find ( ".left .head .category-edit" ) ;
const container_add = template . find ( ".left .container-add" ) ;
const container_add_no_permissions = template . find ( ".left .container-add .container-no-permissions" ) ;
const container_edit = template . find ( ".left .container-edit" ) ;
const seperator_top = template . find ( ".container-seperator .top" ) ;
/* [local; global] */
let permission_edit : boolean [ ] = [ false , false ] , permission_add : boolean [ ] = [ false , false ] ;
container_add_no_permissions . hide ( ) ;
controller . permission_add ( ) . then ( result = > permission_add = result ) . catch ( error = > {
log . error ( LogCategory . CLIENT , tr ( "Failed to query ban add permissions: %o" ) , error ) ;
} ) . then ( ( ) = > {
if ( permission_add [ 0 ] !== permission_add [ 1 ] ) {
const input_global = container_add . find ( ".group-global input" ) ;
input_global . prop ( "checked" , permission_add [ 1 ] ) . prop ( "disabled" , true ) . firstParent ( ".checkbox" ) . addClass ( "disabled" ) ;
} else if ( ! permission_add [ 0 ] )
container_add_no_permissions . show ( ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
} ) ;
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
controller . permission_edit ( ) . then ( result = > permission_edit = result ) . catch ( error = > {
log . error ( LogCategory . CLIENT , tr ( "Failed to query ban edit permissions: %o" ) , error ) ;
} ) . then ( ( ) = > {
if ( selected_ban ) update_edit_window ( false ) ;
} ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
/* category switch */
category_add . on ( 'click' , event = > {
container_add . removeClass ( "hidden" ) ;
category_add . addClass ( "selected" ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
container_edit . addClass ( "hidden" ) ;
category_edit . removeClass ( "selected" ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
seperator_top . css ( { opacity : 1 } ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
button_apply_state_index = 0 ;
button_apply . prop ( "disabled" , ! button_apply_state [ 0 ] ) . text ( tr ( "Add ban" ) ) ;
update_category_inputs [ button_apply_state_index ] ( ) ;
} ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
category_edit . on ( 'click' , event = > {
if ( ! selected_ban ) return ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
container_add . addClass ( "hidden" ) ;
category_add . removeClass ( "selected" ) ;
container_edit . removeClass ( "hidden" ) ;
category_edit . addClass ( "selected" ) ;
seperator_top . css ( { opacity : 0 } ) ;
button_apply_state_index = 1 ;
button_apply . prop ( "disabled" , ! button_apply_state [ 1 ] ) . text ( tr ( "Save ban" ) ) ;
update_category_inputs [ button_apply_state_index ] ( ) ;
} ) ;
const build_ban_entry = ( entry : BanEntry , selected : boolean ) = > {
let button_delete ;
const tag = $ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "entry" + ( entry . server_id > 0 ? "" : " global" ) + ( selected ? " selected" : "" ) ) . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "column column-key" ) . append (
entry . name ? $ . spawn ( "div" ) . append ( entry . name ) : undefined ,
entry . ip ? $ . spawn ( "div" ) . append ( entry . ip ) : undefined ,
entry . unique_id ? $ . spawn ( "div" ) . append ( entry . unique_id ) : undefined ,
entry . hardware_id ? $ . spawn ( "div" ) . append ( entry . hardware_id ) : undefined
) ,
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "column column-reason" ) . text ( entry . reason ) ,
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "column column-expires" ) . text ( entry . timestamp_expire ? moment ( entry . timestamp_expire ) . format ( 'DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm' ) : tr ( "Never" ) ) ,
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "column column-delete" ) . append (
button_delete = $ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "button-delete" ) . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "icon_em client-delete" )
) ;
tag . on ( 'click' , event = > {
if ( selected_ban === entry || event . isDefaultPrevented ( ) ) return ;
selected_ban = entry ;
container_ban_entries . find ( ".entry.selected" ) . removeClass ( "selected" ) ;
tag . addClass ( "selected" ) ;
update_edit_window ( true ) ;
} ) ;
button_delete . on ( 'click' , event = > {
event . preventDefault ( ) ;
controller . delete_ban ( entry . banid , entry . server_id ) . then ( ( ) = > {
tag . css ( { opacity : 1 } ) . animate ( { opacity : 0 } , 250 , ( ) = > tag . animate ( { "max-height" : 0 } , 250 , ( ) = > tag . remove ( ) ) ) ;
if ( entry === selected_ban ) {
selected_ban = undefined ;
update_edit_window ( false ) ;
} ) . catch ( error = > {
log . error ( LogCategory . CLIENT , tr ( "Failed to delete ban: %o" ) , error ) ;
if ( error instanceof CommandResult )
error = error . id === ErrorID . PERMISSION_ERROR ? "no permissions" : error . extra_message || error . message ;
createErrorModal ( tr ( "Failed to delete ban" ) , MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "Failed to delete ban. {:br:}Error: {}" ) , error ) ) . open ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
if ( selected ) {
selected_ban = entry ;
update_edit_window ( false ) ;
2019-02-23 14:27:58 +01:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
const lower_mesh =
( entry . reason || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) + " " +
( entry . unique_id || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) + " " +
( entry . name || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) + " " +
( entry . ip || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) + " " +
( entry . hardware_id || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
callback_ban_filter . push ( ( text , flag_own , highlight_own ) = > {
if ( text && lower_mesh . indexOf ( text ) == - 1 ) {
tag . hide ( ) ;
return false ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
if ( flag_own && ! entry . flag_own ) {
tag . hide ( ) ;
return false ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
2019-10-13 21:33:07 +02:00
tag . show ( ) . toggleClass (
"highlight" ,
highlight_own &&
entry . flag_own
) ;
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
return true ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
} ) ;
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
return tag ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
} ;
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
const update_banlist = ( selected_ban? : number ) = > {
callback_ban_filter = [ ] ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
container_ban_entries . find ( ".entry" ) . remove ( ) ;
container_ban_entries_error . hide ( ) ;
container_ban_entries_empty . show ( ) . find ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "Loading..." ) ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
let bans = [ ] ;
controller . request_list ( _bans = > bans . push ( . . . _bans ) ) . then ( ( ) = > {
if ( bans . length ) {
container_ban_entries . append ( . . . bans . map ( e = > build_ban_entry ( e , e . banid === selected_ban ) ) ) ;
container_ban_entries_empty . hide ( ) ;
} else {
container_ban_entries_empty . find ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "No bans registered" ) ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
update_ban_filter ( ) ;
} ) . catch ( error = > {
log . info ( LogCategory . CLIENT , tr ( "Failed to update ban list: %o" ) , error ) ;
if ( error instanceof CommandResult )
error = error . id === ErrorID . PERMISSION_ERROR ? tr ( "no permissions" ) : error . extra_message || error . message ;
container_ban_entries_error . show ( ) . find ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "Failed to receive banlist: " ) + error ) ;
container_ban_entries_empty . hide ( ) ;
} ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
} ;
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
const build_trigger_entry = ( entry : TriggerEntry ) = > {
const spawn_key_value = ( key , value , reason ) = > {
return $ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "property" ) . toggleClass ( "highlighted" , reason ) . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "key" ) . text ( key + ": " ) ,
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "value" ) . text ( value )
) ;
} ;
let cause_name = ! ! selected_ban . name && ! ! entry . client_nickname . match ( selected_ban . name ) ;
let cause_uid = ! cause_name && ! ! selected_ban . unique_id && selected_ban . unique_id . toLowerCase ( ) === ( entry . unique_id || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
let cause_ip = ! cause_uid && ! ! selected_ban . ip && selected_ban . ip . toLowerCase ( ) === ( entry . connection_ip || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
let cause_hwid = ! cause_ip && ! ! selected_ban . hardware_id && selected_ban . hardware_id . toLowerCase ( ) === ( entry . hardware_id || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
/* we guess that IP is the cause because we dont see the IP and there is no other reason */
if ( ! cause_name && ! cause_uid && ! cause_ip && ! cause_hwid && entry . connection_ip === "hidden" )
cause_ip = true ;
const time_str = moment ( entry . timestamp ) . format ( 'DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm' ) ;
const tag = $ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "entry" ) . append (
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "column column-properties" ) . append (
entry . client_nickname ? spawn_key_value ( tr ( "Nickname" ) , entry . client_nickname , cause_name ) : undefined ,
entry . connection_ip ? spawn_key_value ( tr ( "IP" ) , entry . connection_ip , cause_ip ) : undefined ,
entry . unique_id ? spawn_key_value ( tr ( "Unique ID" ) , entry . unique_id , cause_uid ) : undefined ,
entry . hardware_id ? spawn_key_value ( tr ( "Hardware ID" ) , entry . hardware_id , cause_hwid ) : undefined
) ,
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "column column-timestamp" ) . text ( time_str )
) ;
const lower_mesh =
( entry . unique_id || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) + " " +
( entry . client_nickname || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) + " " +
( entry . connection_ip || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) + " " +
( entry . hardware_id || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) + " " +
time_str + " " +
entry . timestamp ;
callback_trigger_filter . push ( text = > {
if ( text && lower_mesh . indexOf ( text ) == - 1 ) {
tag . hide ( ) ;
return false ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
tag . show ( ) ;
return true ;
} ) ;
return tag ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
} ;
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
const update_triggerlist = ( ) = > {
callback_trigger_filter = [ ] ;
container_trigger_entries . find ( ".entry" ) . remove ( ) ;
container_trigger_entries_error . hide ( ) ;
container_trigger_entries_empty . show ( ) . find ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "Loading..." ) ) ;
let triggers = [ ] ;
controller . request_trigger_list ( {
ban_id : selected_ban.banid ,
server_id : selected_ban.server_id
} , _triggers = > triggers . push ( . . . _triggers ) ) . then ( ( ) = > {
if ( triggers . length ) {
container_trigger_entries . append ( . . . triggers . sort ( ( a , b ) = > b . timestamp - a . timestamp ) . map ( e = > build_trigger_entry ( e ) ) ) ;
container_trigger_entries_empty . hide ( ) ;
} else {
container_trigger_entries_empty . find ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "No triggers logged" ) ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
update_trigger_filter ( ) ;
} ) . catch ( error = > {
log . info ( LogCategory . CLIENT , tr ( "Failed to update trigger list: %o" ) , error ) ;
if ( error instanceof CommandResult )
error = error . id === ErrorID . PERMISSION_ERROR ? tr ( "no permissions" ) : error . extra_message || error . message ;
container_trigger_entries_error . show ( ) . find ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "Failed to receive trigger list: " ) + error ) ;
container_trigger_entries_empty . hide ( ) ;
} ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
} ;
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
const show_triggerlist = ( ) = > {
container_trigger . show ( ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
} ;
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
/* general input field rules */
const initialize_fields = ( tag : JQuery , index : number ) = > {
const input_name = tag . find ( ".group-name input" ) . on ( 'change keyup' , ( ) = > update_category_inputs [ index ] ( ) ) ;
const input_ip = tag . find ( ".group-ip input" ) . on ( 'change keyup' , ( ) = > update_category_inputs [ index ] ( ) ) ;
const input_uid = tag . find ( ".group-unique-id input" ) . on ( 'change keyup' , ( ) = > update_category_inputs [ index ] ( ) ) ;
const input_hwid = tag . find ( ".group-hwid input" ) . on ( 'change keyup' , ( ) = > update_category_inputs [ index ] ( ) ) ;
const input_reason = tag . find ( ".group-reason textarea" ) . on ( 'change keyup' , ( ) = > update_category_inputs [ index ] ( ) ) ;
//const input_global = tag.find(".group-global input");
const input_duration_value = tag . find ( ".group-duration input" ) . on ( 'change keyup' , ( ) = > update_category_inputs [ index ] ( ) ) ;
const input_duration_type = tag . find ( ".group-duration select" ) . on ( 'change keyup' , ( ) = > update_category_inputs [ index ] ( ) ) ;
const tooltip_duration_max = tag . find ( ".tooltip-max-time a.max" ) ;
update_category_inputs [ index ] = ( ) = > {
let _criteria_set = false ;
let _input_invalid = false ;
//TODO: Check if in regex mode or not
const value = input_name . val ( ) as string || "" ;
if ( value . length > 255 ) {
_input_invalid = true ;
input_name . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . addClass ( "is-invalid" ) ;
} else {
_criteria_set = _criteria_set || ! ! value ;
input_name . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . removeClass ( "is-invalid" ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
//TODO: Check if in regex mode or not
const value = input_ip . val ( ) as string || "" ;
if ( value . length > 255 ) {
_input_invalid = true ;
input_ip . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . addClass ( "is-invalid" ) ;
} else {
_criteria_set = _criteria_set || ! ! value ;
input_ip . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . removeClass ( "is-invalid" ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
const value = input_uid . val ( ) as string || "" ;
try {
if ( value && atob ( value ) . length != 20 ) throw "" ;
_criteria_set = _criteria_set || ! ! value ;
input_uid . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . removeClass ( "is-invalid" ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
_input_invalid = true ;
input_uid . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . addClass ( "is-invalid" ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
const value = input_hwid . val ( ) as string || "" ;
if ( value . length > 255 ) {
_input_invalid = true ;
input_hwid . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . addClass ( "is-invalid" ) ;
} else {
_criteria_set = _criteria_set || ! ! value ;
input_hwid . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . removeClass ( "is-invalid" ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
const value = input_reason . val ( ) as string || "" ;
if ( value . length > 512 ) {
_input_invalid = true ;
input_reason . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . addClass ( "is-invalid" ) ;
} else {
input_reason . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . removeClass ( "is-invalid" ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
const type = input_duration_type . val ( ) as string ;
const value = parseInt ( input_duration_value . val ( ) as string ) ;
const disabled = input_duration_type . prop ( "disabled" ) ;
input_duration_value . prop ( "disabled" , type === "perm" || disabled ) . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . toggleClass ( "disabled" , type === "perm" || disabled ) ;
if ( type !== "perm" ) {
if ( input_duration_value . attr ( "x-saved-value" ) ) {
input_duration_value . val ( parseInt ( input_duration_value . attr ( "x-saved-value" ) ) ) ;
input_duration_value . attr ( "x-saved-value" , null ) ;
const selected_option = input_duration_type . find ( "option[value='" + type + "']" ) ;
const max = parseInt ( selected_option . attr ( "duration-max" ) ) ;
input_duration_value . attr ( "max" , max ) ;
if ( ( value > max && max != - 1 ) || value < 1 ) {
_input_invalid = true ;
input_duration_value . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . addClass ( "is-invalid" ) ;
} else {
input_duration_value . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . removeClass ( "is-invalid" ) ;
if ( max != - 1 )
tooltip_duration_max . html ( tr ( "You're allowed to ban a maximum of " ) + "<b>" + max + " " + duration_data [ type ] [ max == 1 ? "1-text" : "text" ] + "</b>" ) ;
tooltip_duration_max . html ( tr ( "You're allowed to ban <b>permanent</b>." ) ) ;
} else {
if ( value && ! Number . isNaN ( value ) )
input_duration_value . attr ( "x-saved-value" , value ) ;
input_duration_value . attr ( "placeholder" , tr ( "for ever" ) ) . val ( null ) ;
tooltip_duration_max . html ( tr ( "You're allowed to ban <b>permanent</b>." ) ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
button_apply . prop ( "disabled" , ! ( button_apply_state [ button_apply_state_index ] = _criteria_set && ! _input_invalid ) ) ;
} ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
/* initialize ban time */
controller . max_bantime ( ) . catch ( error = > { /* TODO: Error handling? */ return 0 ; } ) . then ( max_time = > {
let unlimited = max_time == 0 || max_time == - 1 ;
if ( unlimited ) max_time = 0 ;
for ( const value of Object . keys ( duration_data ) ) {
input_duration_type . find ( "option[value='" + value + "']" )
. prop ( "disabled" , ! unlimited && max_time >= duration_data [ value ] . scale )
. attr ( "duration-scale" , duration_data [ value ] . scale )
. attr ( "duration-max" , unlimited ? - 1 : Math.floor ( max_time / duration_data [ value ] . scale ) ) ;
input_duration_type . find ( "option[value='perm']" )
. prop ( "disabled" , ! unlimited )
. attr ( "duration-scale" , 0 )
. attr ( "duration-max" , - 1 ) ;
} ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
} ;
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
initialize_fields ( container_add , 0 ) ;
initialize_fields ( container_edit , 1 ) ;
/* the edit "handler" */
const tag = container_edit ;
const input_name = tag . find ( ".group-name input" ) ;
const input_ip = tag . find ( ".group-ip input" ) ;
const input_interpret = tag . find ( ".group-interpret select" ) ;
const input_uid = tag . find ( ".group-unique-id input" ) ;
const input_hwid = tag . find ( ".group-hwid input" ) ;
const input_reason = tag . find ( ".group-reason textarea" ) ;
const input_global = tag . find ( ".group-global input" ) ;
const input_duration_value = tag . find ( ".group-duration input" ) ;
const input_duration_type = tag . find ( ".group-duration select" ) ;
const tooltip_duration_detailed = tag . find ( ".tooltip-max-time a.detailed" ) ;
const label_enforcement_count = tag . find ( ".group-enforcements .value a" ) ;
const button_enforcement_list = tag . find ( ".button-enforcement-list" ) ;
const container_creator = tag . find ( ".group-creator .value" ) ;
update_edit_window = ( switch_to : boolean ) = > {
category_edit . toggleClass ( "disabled" , ! selected_ban ) ;
const editable = selected_ban && selected_ban . server_id === 0 ? permission_edit [ 1 ] : permission_edit [ 0 ] ;
input_name . val ( selected_ban ? selected_ban.name : null ) . prop ( "disabled" , ! editable ) . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . toggleClass ( "disabled" , ! editable ) ;
input_ip . val ( selected_ban ? selected_ban.ip : null ) . prop ( "disabled" , ! editable ) . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . toggleClass ( "disabled" , ! editable ) ;
input_uid . val ( selected_ban ? selected_ban.unique_id : null ) . prop ( "disabled" , ! editable ) . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . toggleClass ( "disabled" , ! editable ) ;
input_hwid . val ( selected_ban ? selected_ban.hardware_id : null ) . prop ( "disabled" , ! editable ) . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . toggleClass ( "disabled" , ! editable ) ;
input_reason . val ( selected_ban ? selected_ban.reason : null ) . prop ( "disabled" , ! editable ) . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . toggleClass ( "disabled" , ! editable ) ;
input_interpret . find ( "option" ) . eq ( selected_ban && typeof ( selected_ban . name_type ) === "number" ? selected_ban.name_type : 2 ) . prop ( "selected" , true ) . prop ( "disabled" , ! editable ) . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . toggleClass ( "disabled" , ! editable ) ;
label_enforcement_count . text ( ( selected_ban ? selected_ban.enforcements : 0 ) || 0 ) ;
button_enforcement_list . prop ( "disabled" , ! selected_ban || selected_ban . enforcements == 0 ) ;
input_global . prop ( "checked" , selected_ban && selected_ban . server_id == 0 ) ;
input_duration_type . prop ( "disabled" , ! editable ) . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . toggleClass ( "disabled" , ! editable ) ;
input_duration_value . prop ( "disabled" , ! editable ) . firstParent ( ".input-boxed" ) . toggleClass ( "disabled" , ! editable ) ;
if ( selected_ban ) {
if ( selected_ban . timestamp_expire > selected_ban . timestamp_created ) {
const duration = Math . ceil ( ( selected_ban . timestamp_expire - selected_ban . timestamp_created ) / 1000 ) ;
const periods = Object . keys ( duration_data ) ;
let index ;
for ( index = 0 ; index < periods . length ; index ++ ) {
if ( duration_data [ periods [ index ] ] . scale > duration + 1 || ( ( duration + 1 ) % duration_data [ periods [ index ] ] . scale ) > 1.9 )
break ;
if ( index > 0 ) index -- ;
input_duration_type . find ( "option[value='" + periods [ index ] + "']" ) . prop ( "selected" , true ) ;
input_duration_value . val ( Math . ceil ( duration / duration_data [ periods [ index ] ] . scale ) ) ;
tooltip_duration_detailed . text ( $ . spawn ( "div" ) . append ( . . . MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "The ban lasts for exact {}." ) , MessageHelper . format_time ( duration * 1000 , "never" ) ) ) . text ( ) ) ;
} else {
tooltip_duration_detailed . text ( tr ( "The ban is forever." ) ) ;
input_duration_value . attr ( "placeholder" , tr ( "for ever" ) ) . val ( null ) . prop ( 'disabled' , true ) ;
input_duration_type . find ( "option[value='perm']" ) . prop ( "selected" , true ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
container_creator . empty ( ) ;
if ( selected_ban ) {
container_creator . append (
htmltags . generate_client_object ( {
client_id : 0 ,
client_unique_id : selected_ban.invoker_unique_id ,
client_name : selected_ban.invoker_name ,
add_braces : false
} )
) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
if ( switch_to )
category_edit . trigger ( 'click' ) ;
} ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
button_apply . on ( 'click' , event = > {
if ( ! button_apply_state [ 1 ] || button_apply_state_index != 1 ) return ;
const data = { banid : selected_ban.banid } ;
if ( input_ip . val ( ) != selected_ban . ip )
data [ "ip" ] = input_ip . val ( ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
if ( input_name . val ( ) != selected_ban . name )
data [ "name" ] = input_name . val ( ) ;
if ( input_uid . val ( ) != selected_ban . unique_id )
data [ "uid" ] = input_uid . val ( ) ;
if ( input_hwid . val ( ) != selected_ban . hardware_id )
data [ "hwid" ] = input_hwid . val ( ) ;
if ( input_reason . val ( ) != selected_ban . reason )
data [ "banreason" ] = input_reason . val ( ) ;
if ( input_reason . val ( ) != selected_ban . reason )
data [ "reason" ] = input_reason . val ( ) ;
const duration = input_duration_type . val ( ) === "perm" ? 0 : ( 1000 * parseInt ( input_duration_type . find ( "option[value='" + input_duration_type . val ( ) + "']" ) . attr ( "duration-scale" ) ) * parseInt ( input_duration_value . val ( ) as string ) ) ;
if ( selected_ban . timestamp_expire > 0 ? ( selected_ban . timestamp_expire - selected_ban . timestamp_created != duration ) : duration != 0 )
data [ "time" ] = Math . floor ( duration / 1000 ) ;
controller . edit_ban ( data ) . then ( ( ) = > {
update_banlist ( selected_ban ? selected_ban.banid : undefined ) ;
selected_ban = undefined ;
update_edit_window ( false ) ;
createInfoModal ( tr ( "Ban successfully edited" ) , tr ( "Your ban has been successfully edited." ) ) . open ( ) ;
} ) . catch ( error = > {
log . error ( LogCategory . CLIENT , tr ( "Failed to edited ban: %o" ) , error ) ;
if ( error instanceof CommandResult )
error = error . id === ErrorID . PERMISSION_ERROR ? "no permissions" : error . extra_message || error . message ;
createErrorModal ( tr ( "Failed to edited ban" ) , MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "Failed to edited ban. {:br:}Error: {}" ) , error ) ) . open ( ) ;
} ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
} ) ;
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
button_enforcement_list . on ( 'click' , ( ) = > {
update_triggerlist ( ) ;
show_triggerlist ( ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
} ) ;
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00
/* the create "handler" */
const tag = container_add ;
const input_name = tag . find ( ".group-name input" ) ;
const input_ip = tag . find ( ".group-ip input" ) ;
const input_interpret = tag . find ( ".group-interpret select" ) ;
const input_uid = tag . find ( ".group-unique-id input" ) ;
const input_hwid = tag . find ( ".group-hwid input" ) ;
const input_reason = tag . find ( ".group-reason textarea" ) ;
const input_global = tag . find ( ".group-global input" ) ;
const input_duration_value = tag . find ( ".group-duration input" ) ;
const input_duration_type = tag . find ( ".group-duration select" ) ;
button_apply . on ( 'click' , event = > {
if ( ! button_apply_state [ 0 ] || button_apply_state_index != 0 ) return ;
const data : BanEntry = {
banid : 0 ,
enforcements : 0 ,
} as any ;
if ( input_global . prop ( 'checked' ) )
data . server_id = 0 ;
if ( input_ip . val ( ) )
data . ip = input_ip . val ( ) as any ;
if ( input_name . val ( ) )
data . name = input_name . val ( ) as any ;
if ( input_uid . val ( ) )
data . unique_id = input_uid . val ( ) as any ;
if ( input_hwid . val ( ) )
data . hardware_id = input_hwid . val ( ) as any ;
if ( input_reason . val ( ) )
data . reason = input_reason . val ( ) as any ;
data . timestamp_created = Date . now ( ) ;
data . timestamp_expire = input_duration_type . val ( ) === "perm" ? 0 : ( data . timestamp_created + 1000 * parseInt ( input_duration_type . find ( "option[value='" + input_duration_type . val ( ) + "']" ) . attr ( "duration-scale" ) ) * parseInt ( input_duration_value . val ( ) as string ) ) ;
//TODO: input_interpret (Currently not supported by TeaSpeak)
controller . add_ban ( data ) . then ( ( ) = > {
input_name . val ( null ) ;
input_ip . val ( null ) ;
input_uid . val ( null ) ;
input_hwid . val ( null ) ;
input_reason . val ( null ) ;
input_duration_value . val ( 1 ) ;
update_banlist ( ) ;
createInfoModal ( tr ( "Ban successfully added" ) , tr ( "Your ban has been successfully added." ) ) . open ( ) ;
} ) . catch ( error = > {
log . error ( LogCategory . CLIENT , tr ( "Failed to add ban: %o" ) , error ) ;
if ( error instanceof CommandResult )
error = error . id === ErrorID . PERMISSION_ERROR ? "no permissions" : error . extra_message || error . message ;
createErrorModal ( tr ( "Failed to add ban" ) , MessageHelper . formatMessage ( tr ( "Failed to add ban. {:br:}Error: {}" ) , error ) ) . open ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/* the banlist filter */
const input_filter = container_ban . find ( ".container-filter input" ) . on ( 'change keyup' , ( ) = > update_ban_filter ( ) ) ;
const option_show_own = container_ban . find ( ".option-show-own" ) . on ( 'change keyup' , ( ) = > update_ban_filter ( ) ) ;
const option_hightlight_own = container_ban . find ( ".option-highlight-own" ) . on ( 'change keyup' , ( ) = > update_ban_filter ( ) ) ;
update_ban_filter = ( ) = > {
const text = ( input_filter . val ( ) as string || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
const flag_show_own = option_show_own . prop ( 'checked' ) ;
const flag_hightlight_own = option_hightlight_own . prop ( 'checked' ) ;
let count = 0 ;
for ( const entry of callback_ban_filter )
if ( entry ( text , flag_show_own , flag_hightlight_own ) )
count ++ ;
if ( callback_ban_filter . length != 0 ) {
if ( count > 0 )
container_ban_entries_empty . hide ( ) ;
container_ban_entries_empty . show ( ) . find ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "No bans found" ) ) ;
} ;
/* the trigger list filter */
const input_filter = container_trigger . find ( ".container-filter input" ) . on ( 'change keyup' , ( ) = > update_trigger_filter ( ) ) ;
const option_hightlight_cause = container_trigger . find ( ".option-highlight-cause" ) . on ( 'change keyup' , ( ) = > update_trigger_filter ( ) ) ;
const button_close = container_trigger . find ( ".container-close" ) ;
update_trigger_filter = ( ) = > {
const text = ( input_filter . val ( ) as string || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
let count = 0 ;
for ( const entry of callback_trigger_filter )
if ( entry ( text ) )
count ++ ;
if ( callback_trigger_filter . length != 0 ) {
if ( count > 0 )
container_trigger_entries_empty . hide ( ) ;
container_trigger_entries_empty . show ( ) . find ( "a" ) . text ( tr ( "No trigger events found" ) ) ;
container_trigger . find ( ".container-list" ) . toggleClass ( 'highlight' , option_hightlight_cause . prop ( 'checked' ) ) ;
} ;
button_close . on ( 'click' , ( ) = > container_trigger . hide ( ) ) ;
template . find ( ".button-refresh-banlist" ) . on ( 'click' , event = > update_banlist ( selected_ban ? selected_ban.banid : undefined ) ) ;
template . find ( ".button-refresh-triggerlist" ) . on ( 'click' , event = > update_triggerlist ( ) ) ;
/* initialize */
category_add . trigger ( 'click' ) ;
update_edit_window ( false ) ;
update_banlist ( ) ;
tooltip ( template ) ;
return template . children ( ) ;
2018-10-20 19:58:06 +02:00
2019-09-12 23:59:35 +02:00