2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
/// <reference path="client.ts" />
class InfoBar {
readonly handle : TSClient ;
private _currentSelected? : ServerEntry | ChannelEntry | ClientEntry ;
private _htmlTag : JQuery < HTMLElement > ;
private timers : NodeJS.Timer [ ] = [ ] ;
private intervals : number [ ] = [ ] ;
constructor ( client : TSClient , htmlTag : JQuery < HTMLElement > ) {
this . handle = client ;
this . _htmlTag = htmlTag ;
private createInfoTable ( infos : any ) : JQuery < HTMLElement > {
2018-04-30 23:57:21 +02:00
let table = $ . spawn ( "table" ) ;
for ( let key in infos ) {
console . log ( "Display info " + key ) ;
let entry = $ . spawn ( "tr" ) ;
entry . append ( $ . spawn ( "td" ) . addClass ( "info_key" ) . html ( key + ":" ) ) ;
let value = $ . spawn ( "td" ) ;
console . log ( infos [ key ] ) ;
console . log ( MessageHelper . formatElement ( infos [ key ] ) ) ;
MessageHelper . formatElement ( infos [ key ] ) . forEach ( e = > e . appendTo ( value ) ) ;
entry . append ( value ) ;
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
table . append ( entry ) ;
return table ;
set currentSelected ( entry : ServerEntry | ChannelEntry | ClientEntry ) {
if ( this . _currentSelected == entry ) return ;
this . _currentSelected = entry ;
this . buildBar ( ) ;
get currentSelected ( ) : ServerEntry | ChannelEntry | ClientEntry | undefined {
return this . _currentSelected ;
update ( ) {
this . buildBar ( ) ;
private updateServerTimings() {
this . _htmlTag . find ( ".uptime" ) . text ( formatDate ( ( this . _currentSelected as ServerEntry ) . calculateUptime ( ) ) ) ;
private updateClientTimings() {
this . _htmlTag . find ( ".online" ) . text ( formatDate ( ( this . _currentSelected as ClientEntry ) . calculateOnlineTime ( ) ) ) ;
private buildBar() {
2018-03-07 19:06:52 +01:00
this . _htmlTag . empty ( ) ;
if ( ! this . _currentSelected ) return ;
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
for ( let timer of this . timers )
clearTimeout ( timer ) ;
for ( let timer of this . intervals )
clearInterval ( timer ) ;
if ( this . _currentSelected instanceof ServerEntry ) {
if ( this . _currentSelected . shouldUpdateProperties ( ) ) this . _currentSelected . updateProperties ( ) ;
let version = this . _currentSelected . properties . virtualserver_version ;
if ( version . startsWith ( "TeaSpeak " ) ) version = version . substr ( "TeaSpeak " . length ) ;
this . _htmlTag . append ( this . createInfoTable ( {
"Name" : this . _currentSelected . properties . virtualserver_name ,
"Address" : "unknown" ,
"Type" : "TeaSpeak" ,
"Version" : version + " on " + this . _currentSelected . properties . virtualserver_platform ,
"Uptime" : "<a class='uptime'>" + formatDate ( this . _currentSelected . calculateUptime ( ) ) + "</a>" ,
"Current Channels" : this . _currentSelected . properties . virtualserver_channelsonline ,
"Current Clients" : this . _currentSelected . properties . virtualserver_clientsonline ,
"Current Queries" : this . _currentSelected . properties . virtualserver_queryclientsonline
} ) ) ;
this . _htmlTag . append ( $ . spawn ( "div" ) . css ( "height" , "100%" ) ) ;
let requestUpdate = $ . spawn ( "button" ) ;
2018-03-07 20:53:03 +01:00
requestUpdate . css ( "min-height" , "16px" ) ;
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
requestUpdate . css ( "bottom" , 0 ) ;
requestUpdate . text ( "update info" ) ;
if ( this . _currentSelected . shouldUpdateProperties ( ) )
requestUpdate . css ( "color" , "green" ) ;
else {
requestUpdate . attr ( "disabled" , "true" ) ;
requestUpdate . css ( "color" , "red" ) ;
this . _htmlTag . append ( requestUpdate ) ;
const _server : ServerEntry = this . _currentSelected ;
const _this = this ;
requestUpdate . click ( function ( ) {
_server . updateProperties ( ) ;
_this . buildBar ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . timers . push ( setTimeout ( function ( ) {
requestUpdate . css ( "color" , "green" ) ;
requestUpdate . removeAttr ( "disabled" ) ;
} , _server . nextInfoRequest - new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ) ) ;
this . intervals . push ( setInterval ( this . updateServerTimings . bind ( this ) , 1000 ) ) ;
} else if ( this . _currentSelected instanceof ChannelEntry ) {
let props = this . _currentSelected . properties ;
this . _htmlTag . append ( this . createInfoTable ( {
2018-04-30 23:57:21 +02:00
"Name" : this . _currentSelected . createChatTag ( ) ,
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
"Topic" : this . _currentSelected . properties . channel_topic ,
"Codec" : this . _currentSelected . properties . channel_codec ,
"Codec Quality" : this . _currentSelected . properties . channel_codec_quality ,
"Type" : ChannelType . normalize ( this . _currentSelected . channelType ( ) ) ,
"Current clients" : this . _currentSelected . channelTree . clientsByChannel ( this . _currentSelected ) . length + " / " + ( props . channel_maxclients == - 1 ? "Unlimited" : props . channel_maxclients ) ,
"Subscription Status" : "unknown" ,
"Voice Data Encryption" : "unknown"
} ) ) ;
2018-04-30 23:57:21 +02:00
} else if ( this . _currentSelected instanceof MusicClientEntry ) {
this . _htmlTag . append ( "Im a music bot!" ) ;
let frame = $ ( "#tmpl_music_frame" + ( this . _currentSelected . properties . music_track_id == 0 ? "_empty" : "" ) ) . tmpl ( {
thumbnail : "img/loading_image.svg"
} ) . css ( "align-self" , "center" ) ;
if ( this . _currentSelected . properties . music_track_id == 0 ) {
} else {
2018-04-11 17:56:09 +02:00
2018-04-30 23:57:21 +02:00
this . _htmlTag . append ( frame ) ;
} else if ( this . _currentSelected instanceof ClientEntry ) { this . _currentSelected . updateClientVariables ( ) ;
2018-04-11 17:56:09 +02:00
let version : string = this . _currentSelected . properties . client_version ;
if ( ! version ) version = "" ;
let infos = {
2018-04-30 23:57:21 +02:00
"Name" : this . _currentSelected . createChatTag ( ) ,
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
"Description" : this . _currentSelected . properties . client_description ,
2018-04-30 23:57:21 +02:00
"Version" : MessageHelper . formatMessage ( "{0} on {1}" , $ . spawn ( "a" ) . attr ( "title" , version ) . text ( version . split ( " " ) [ 0 ] ) , this . _currentSelected . properties . client_platform ) ,
"Online since" : $ . spawn ( "a" ) . addClass ( "online" ) . text ( formatDate ( this . _currentSelected . calculateOnlineTime ( ) ) ) ,
2018-04-11 17:56:09 +02:00
"Volume" : this . _currentSelected . audioController . volume * 100 + " %"
} ;
2018-04-30 23:57:21 +02:00
if ( this . _currentSelected . properties . client_teaforum_id > 0 ) {
infos [ "TeaSpeak Account" ] = $ . spawn ( "a" )
. attr ( "href" , "//forum.teaspeak.de/index.php?members/" + this . _currentSelected . properties . client_teaforum_id )
. attr ( "target" , "_blank" )
. text ( this . _currentSelected . properties . client_teaforum_id ) ;
2018-04-11 17:56:09 +02:00
this . _htmlTag . append ( this . createInfoTable ( infos ) ) ;
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
let serverGroups = $ . spawn ( "div" ) ;
. css ( "display" , "flex" )
. css ( "flex-direction" , "column" ) ;
let header = $ . spawn ( "div" ) ;
. css ( "display" , "flex" )
. css ( "margin-top" , "5px" )
. css ( "align-items" , "center" ) ;
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "icon client-permission_server_groups" ) . appendTo ( header ) ;
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . text ( "Server groups:" ) . css ( "margin-left" , "3px" ) . css ( "font-weight" , "bold" ) . appendTo ( header ) ;
header . appendTo ( serverGroups ) ;
for ( let groupId of this . _currentSelected . assignedServerGroupIds ( ) ) {
let group = this . handle . groups . serverGroup ( groupId ) ;
if ( ! group ) continue ;
let groupTag = $ . spawn ( "div" ) ;
. css ( "display" , "flex" )
. css ( "margin-top" , "1px" )
. css ( "margin-left" , "10px" )
. css ( "align-items" , "center" ) ;
this . handle . fileManager . icons . generateTag ( group . properties . iconid ) . appendTo ( groupTag ) ;
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . text ( group . name ) . css ( "margin-left" , "3px" ) . appendTo ( groupTag ) ;
groupTag . appendTo ( serverGroups ) ;
this . _htmlTag . append ( serverGroups ) ;
let channelGroup = $ . spawn ( "div" ) ;
. css ( "display" , "flex" )
2018-04-30 23:57:21 +02:00
. css ( "flex-direction" , "column" )
. css ( "margin-bottom" , "20px" ) ;
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
let header = $ . spawn ( "div" ) ;
. css ( "display" , "flex" )
. css ( "margin-top" , "10px" )
. css ( "align-items" , "center" ) ;
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "icon client-permission_channel" ) . appendTo ( header ) ;
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . text ( "Channel group:" ) . css ( "margin-left" , "3px" ) . css ( "font-weight" , "bold" ) . appendTo ( header ) ;
header . appendTo ( channelGroup ) ;
let group = this . handle . groups . channelGroup ( this . _currentSelected . assignedChannelGroup ( ) ) ;
if ( group ) {
let groupTag = $ . spawn ( "div" ) ;
. css ( "display" , "flex" )
. css ( "margin-top" , "1px" )
. css ( "margin-left" , "10px" )
. css ( "align-items" , "center" ) ;
this . handle . fileManager . icons . generateTag ( group . properties . iconid ) . appendTo ( groupTag ) ;
2018-04-30 23:57:21 +02:00
$ . spawn ( "div" ) . text ( group . name )
. css ( "margin-left" , "3px" ) . appendTo ( groupTag ) ;
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
groupTag . appendTo ( channelGroup ) ;
this . _htmlTag . append ( channelGroup ) ;
2018-04-30 23:57:21 +02:00
if ( this . _currentSelected . properties . client_flag_avatar . length > 0 )
this . handle . fileManager . avatars . generateTag ( this . _currentSelected )
. css ( "max-height" , "90%" )
. css ( "max-width" , "100%" ) . appendTo ( this . _htmlTag ) ;
let spawnTag = ( type : string , description : string ) : JQuery = > {
return $ . spawn ( "div" ) . css ( "display" , "inline-flex" )
. append ( $ . spawn ( "div" ) . addClass ( "icon_x32 client-" + type ) . css ( "margin-right" , "5px" ) )
. append ( $ . spawn ( "a" ) . text ( description ) . css ( "align-self" , "center" ) ) ;
} ;
if ( ! this . _currentSelected . properties . client_output_hardware )
spawnTag ( "hardware_output_muted" , "Speakers/Headphones disabled" ) . appendTo ( this . _htmlTag ) ;
if ( ! this . _currentSelected . properties . client_input_hardware )
spawnTag ( "hardware_input_muted" , "Microphone disabled" ) . appendTo ( this . _htmlTag ) ;
if ( this . _currentSelected . properties . client_output_muted )
spawnTag ( "output_muted" , "Speakers/Headphones Muted" ) . appendTo ( this . _htmlTag ) ;
if ( this . _currentSelected . properties . client_input_muted )
spawnTag ( "input_muted" , "Microphone Muted" ) . appendTo ( this . _htmlTag ) ;
2018-02-27 17:20:49 +01:00
this . intervals . push ( setInterval ( this . updateClientTimings . bind ( this ) , 1000 ) ) ;