2020-09-26 01:22:05 +02:00
import * as loader from "tc-loader" ;
import { Stage } from "tc-loader" ;
import { ImageCache , ImageType , imageType2MediaType , responseImageType } from "tc-shared/file/ImageCache" ;
2020-09-26 20:39:37 +02:00
import { AbstractIconManager , kIPCIconChannel , RemoteIcon , RemoteIconState , setIconManager } from "tc-shared/file/Icons" ;
2020-09-26 01:22:05 +02:00
import { LogCategory , logDebug , logError , logWarn } from "tc-shared/log" ;
import { server_connections } from "tc-shared/ConnectionManager" ;
2020-09-26 01:31:29 +02:00
import { ConnectionEvents , ConnectionHandler , ConnectionState } from "tc-shared/ConnectionHandler" ;
2020-09-26 01:22:05 +02:00
import { FileTransferState , ResponseTransferTarget , TransferProvider , TransferTargetType } from "tc-shared/file/Transfer" ;
import { tr } from "tc-shared/i18n/localize" ;
import { CommandResult } from "tc-shared/connection/ServerConnectionDeclaration" ;
import { ErrorCode } from "tc-shared/connection/ErrorCode" ;
2020-09-26 20:39:37 +02:00
import { ChannelMessage , IPCChannel } from "tc-shared/ipc/BrowserIPC" ;
import * as ipc from "tc-shared/ipc/BrowserIPC" ;
2020-09-26 01:22:05 +02:00
/* TODO: Retry icon download after some time */
/* TODO: Download icon when we're connected to the server were we want the icon from and update the icon */
async function responseToImageUrl ( response : Response ) : Promise < string > {
if ( ! response . headers . has ( 'X-media-bytes' ) ) {
throw "missing media bytes" ;
const type = responseImageType ( response . headers . get ( 'X-media-bytes' ) ) ;
if ( type === ImageType . UNKNOWN ) {
throw "unknown image type" ;
const media = imageType2MediaType ( type ) ;
const blob = await response . blob ( ) ;
if ( blob . type !== "image/" + media ) {
return URL . createObjectURL ( blob . slice ( 0 , blob . size , "image/" + media ) ) ;
} else {
return URL . createObjectURL ( blob )
class LocalRemoteIcon extends RemoteIcon {
constructor ( serverUniqueId : string , iconId : number ) {
super ( serverUniqueId , iconId ) ;
2020-09-26 20:39:37 +02:00
destroy() {
super . destroy ( ) ;
if ( this . imageUrl && "revokeObjectURL" in URL ) {
URL . revokeObjectURL ( this . imageUrl ) ;
2020-09-26 01:22:05 +02:00
public setImageUrl ( url : string ) {
super . setImageUrl ( url ) ;
public setErrorMessage ( message : string ) {
super . setErrorMessage ( message ) ;
public setState ( state : RemoteIconState ) {
super . setState ( state ) ;
export let localIconCache : ImageCache ;
class IconManager extends AbstractIconManager {
private cachedIcons : { [ key : string ] : LocalRemoteIcon } = { } ;
2020-09-26 01:31:29 +02:00
private connectionStateChangeListener : { [ key : string ] : ( handlerId : string , event : ConnectionEvents [ "notify_connection_state_changed" ] ) = > void } = { } ;
2020-09-26 20:39:37 +02:00
private ipcChannel : IPCChannel ;
2020-09-26 01:22:05 +02:00
2020-09-26 01:31:29 +02:00
constructor ( ) {
super ( ) ;
2021-02-20 17:46:17 +01:00
this . ipcChannel = ipc . getIpcInstance ( ) . createChannel ( kIPCIconChannel ) ;
2020-09-26 20:39:37 +02:00
this . ipcChannel . messageHandler = this . handleIpcMessage . bind ( this ) ;
2020-09-26 01:31:29 +02:00
server_connections . events ( ) . on ( "notify_handler_created" , event = > {
this . connectionStateChangeListener [ event . handlerId ] = this . handleHandlerStateChange . bind ( this , event . handlerId ) ;
event . handler . events ( ) . on ( "notify_connection_state_changed" , this . connectionStateChangeListener [ event . handlerId ] as any ) ;
} ) ;
server_connections . events ( ) . on ( "notify_handler_deleted" , event = > {
if ( this . connectionStateChangeListener [ event . handlerId ] ) {
event . handler . events ( ) . off ( "notify_connection_state_changed" , this . connectionStateChangeListener [ event . handlerId ] as any ) ;
delete this . connectionStateChangeListener [ event . handlerId ] ;
} ) ;
2020-09-26 20:39:37 +02:00
destroy() {
Object . values ( this . cachedIcons ) . forEach ( icon = > icon . destroy ( ) ) ;
this . cachedIcons = { } ;
/* TODO: Unregister server handler events */
2020-09-26 01:31:29 +02:00
private handleHandlerStateChange ( handlerId : string , event : ConnectionEvents [ "notify_connection_state_changed" ] ) {
const connection = server_connections . findConnection ( handlerId ) ;
if ( ! connection ) {
logWarn ( LogCategory . CLIENT , tr ( "Received handler state changed event for invalid handler id %s" ) , handlerId ) ;
return ;
2020-12-09 13:36:56 +01:00
if ( event . newState !== ConnectionState . CONNECTED ) {
2020-09-26 01:31:29 +02:00
return ;
/* update all empty icons */
Object . values ( this . cachedIcons ) . forEach ( ( icon : LocalRemoteIcon ) = > {
if ( icon . serverUniqueId !== connection . getCurrentServerUniqueId ( ) ) {
return ;
if ( icon . getState ( ) === "empty" ) {
this . wrapIconDownload ( icon , connection , IconManager . iconUniqueKey ( icon . iconId , icon . serverUniqueId ) ) . then ( ( ) = > { } ) ;
} ) ;
2020-09-26 20:39:37 +02:00
private handleIconStateChanged ( icon : RemoteIcon ) {
this . sendIconStateChange ( icon ) ;
private sendIconStateChange ( icon : RemoteIcon , remoteId? : string ) {
let data = { } as any ;
data . iconUniqueId = IconManager . iconUniqueKey ( icon . iconId , icon . serverUniqueId ) ;
data . status = icon . getState ( ) ;
switch ( icon . getState ( ) ) {
case "loaded" :
data . url = icon . hasImageUrl ( ) ? icon . getImageUrl ( ) : undefined ;
break ;
case "error" :
data . errorMessage = icon . getErrorMessage ( ) ;
break ;
this . ipcChannel . sendMessage ( "notify-icon-status" , data , remoteId ) ;
private handleIpcMessage ( remoteId : string , broadcast : boolean , message : ChannelMessage ) {
if ( broadcast ) { return ; }
if ( message . type === "initialize" ) {
this . ipcChannel . sendMessage ( "initialized" , { } , remoteId ) ;
return ;
} else if ( message . type === "icon-resolve" ) {
this . sendIconStateChange ( this . resolveIcon ( message . data . iconId , message . data . serverUniqueId , message . data . handlerId ) , remoteId ) ;
2020-09-26 01:22:05 +02:00
resolveIcon ( iconId : number , serverUniqueId : string , handlerIdHint : string ) : RemoteIcon {
2020-12-22 13:37:49 +01:00
serverUniqueId = serverUniqueId || "" ;
2020-12-22 13:32:56 +01:00
2020-09-26 01:22:05 +02:00
/* just to ensure */
iconId = iconId >>> 0 ;
const iconUniqueId = IconManager . iconUniqueKey ( iconId , serverUniqueId ) ;
if ( this . cachedIcons [ iconUniqueId ] ) {
return this . cachedIcons [ iconUniqueId ] ;
let icon = new LocalRemoteIcon ( serverUniqueId , iconId ) ;
this . cachedIcons [ iconUniqueId ] = icon ;
2020-09-26 20:39:37 +02:00
icon . events . on ( "notify_state_changed" , ( ) = > this . handleIconStateChanged ( icon ) ) ;
2020-09-26 01:22:05 +02:00
if ( iconId >= 0 && iconId <= 1000 ) {
icon . setState ( "loaded" ) ;
} else {
this . loadIcon ( icon , iconUniqueId , handlerIdHint ) . catch ( error = > {
if ( typeof error !== "string" ) {
logError ( LogCategory . FILE_TRANSFER , tr ( "Failed to load icon %d (%s): %o" ) , iconId , serverUniqueId , error ) ;
icon . setErrorMessage ( tr ( "load error, lookup the console" ) ) ;
} else {
icon . setErrorMessage ( error ) ;
icon . setState ( "error" ) ;
} ) ;
return icon ;
private async loadIcon ( icon : LocalRemoteIcon , iconUniqueId : string , handlerIdHint : string ) {
/* try to load the icon from the local cache */
const localCache = await localIconCache . resolveCached ( iconUniqueId ) ;
if ( localCache ) {
try {
const url = await responseToImageUrl ( localCache ) ;
icon . setImageUrl ( url ) ;
icon . setState ( "loaded" ) ;
logDebug ( LogCategory . FILE_TRANSFER , tr ( "Loaded icon %d (%s) from local cache." ) , icon . iconId , icon . serverUniqueId ) ;
return ;
} catch ( error ) {
logWarn ( LogCategory . FILE_TRANSFER , tr ( "Failed to decode locally cached icon %d (%s): %o. Invalidating cache." ) , icon . iconId , icon . serverUniqueId , error ) ;
try {
await localIconCache . delete ( iconUniqueId ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
logWarn ( LogCategory . FILE_TRANSFER , tr ( "Failed to delete invalid key from icon cache (%s): %o" ) , iconUniqueId , error ) ;
/* try to fetch the icon from the server, if we're connected */
let handler = server_connections . findConnection ( handlerIdHint ) ;
if ( handler ) {
if ( ! handler . connected ) {
logWarn ( LogCategory . FILE_TRANSFER , tr ( "Received handler id hint for icon download, but handler %s is not connected. Trying others." ) , handlerIdHint ) ;
handler = undefined ;
2021-05-05 16:28:10 +02:00
} else if ( icon . serverUniqueId && handler . channelTree . server . properties . virtualserver_unique_identifier !== icon . serverUniqueId ) {
2020-09-26 01:22:05 +02:00
logWarn ( LogCategory . FILE_TRANSFER ,
tr ( "Received handler id hint for icon download, but handler %s is not connected to the expected server (%s <=> %s). Trying others." ) ,
handlerIdHint , handler . channelTree . server . properties . virtualserver_unique_identifier , icon . serverUniqueId ) ;
handler = undefined ;
} else {
logDebug ( LogCategory . FILE_TRANSFER , tr ( "Icon %s (%s) not found locally but the suggested handler is connected to the server. Downloading icon." ) , icon . iconId , icon . serverUniqueId ) ;
/* we don't want any "handler not found" warning */
handlerIdHint = undefined ;
if ( ! handler ) {
if ( handlerIdHint ) {
logWarn ( LogCategory . FILE_TRANSFER , tr ( "Received handler id hint for icon download, but handler %s does not exists. Trying others." ) , handlerIdHint ) ;
2021-01-10 16:26:45 +01:00
const connections = server_connections . getAllConnectionHandlers ( )
2020-09-26 01:22:05 +02:00
. filter ( handler = > handler . connected )
. filter ( handler = > handler . channelTree . server . properties . virtualserver_unique_identifier === icon . serverUniqueId ) ;
if ( connections . length === 0 ) {
logDebug ( LogCategory . FILE_TRANSFER , tr ( "Icon %s (%s) not found locally and we're currently not connected to the target server. Returning an empty result." ) , icon . iconId , icon . serverUniqueId ) ;
icon . setState ( "empty" ) ;
return ;
logDebug ( LogCategory . FILE_TRANSFER , tr ( "Icon %s (%s) not found locally but we're connected to the server, using first available connection (%s). Downloading icon." ) , icon . iconId , icon . serverUniqueId , connections [ 0 ] . handlerId ) ;
handler = connections [ 0 ] ;
2020-09-26 01:31:29 +02:00
await this . wrapIconDownload ( icon , handler , iconUniqueId ) ;
private async wrapIconDownload ( icon : LocalRemoteIcon , handler : ConnectionHandler , iconUniqueId : string ) {
2020-09-26 01:22:05 +02:00
try {
await this . downloadIcon ( icon , handler , iconUniqueId ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
if ( typeof error !== "string" ) {
logError ( LogCategory . FILE_TRANSFER , tr ( "Failed to download icon %d (%s) from %s: %o" ) , icon . iconId , icon . serverUniqueId , handler . handlerId , error ) ;
error = tr ( "download failed, lookup the console" ) ;
icon . setErrorMessage ( error ) ;
icon . setState ( "error" ) ;
return ;
if ( icon . getState ( ) === "loading" ) {
icon . setErrorMessage ( tr ( "unexpected loading state" ) ) ;
icon . setState ( "error" ) ;
private async downloadIcon ( icon : LocalRemoteIcon , handler : ConnectionHandler , iconUniqueId : string ) {
const transfer = handler . fileManager . initializeFileDownload ( {
path : "" ,
name : "/icon_" + icon . iconId ,
targetSupplier : async ( ) = > await TransferProvider . provider ( ) . createResponseTarget ( )
} ) ;
try {
await transfer . awaitFinished ( ) ;
if ( transfer . transferState ( ) === FileTransferState . CANCELED ) {
throw tr ( "download canceled" ) ;
} else if ( transfer . transferState ( ) === FileTransferState . ERRORED ) {
throw transfer . currentError ( ) ;
} else if ( transfer . transferState ( ) === FileTransferState . FINISHED ) {
} else {
throw tr ( "Unknown transfer finished state" ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
if ( error instanceof CommandResult ) {
if ( error . id === ErrorCode . FILE_NOT_FOUND ) {
throw tr ( "Icon could not be found" ) ;
} else if ( error . id === ErrorCode . SERVER_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS ) {
throw tr ( "No permissions to download icon" ) ;
} else {
throw error . extra_message || error . message ;
2021-01-10 17:36:57 +01:00
logError ( LogCategory . FILE_TRANSFER , tr ( "Could not request download for icon %d: %o" ) , icon . iconId , error ) ;
2020-09-26 01:22:05 +02:00
if ( error === transfer . currentError ( ) ) {
throw transfer . currentErrorMessage ( ) ;
throw typeof error === "string" ? error : tr ( "Failed to initialize icon download" ) ;
/* could only be tested here, because before we don't know which target we have */
if ( transfer . target . type !== TransferTargetType . RESPONSE ) {
throw "unsupported transfer target" ;
const response = transfer . target as ResponseTransferTarget ;
if ( ! response . hasResponse ( ) ) {
throw tr ( "Transfer has no response" ) ;
try {
const url = await responseToImageUrl ( response . getResponse ( ) . clone ( ) ) ;
icon . setImageUrl ( url ) ;
icon . setState ( "loaded" ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
if ( typeof error !== "string" ) {
logError ( LogCategory . FILE_TRANSFER , tr ( "Failed to convert downloaded icon %d (%s) into an url: %o" ) , icon . iconId , icon . serverUniqueId , error ) ;
error = tr ( "download failed, lookup the console" ) ;
icon . setErrorMessage ( error ) ;
icon . setState ( "error" ) ;
return ;
try {
const resp = response . getResponse ( ) ;
if ( ! resp . headers . has ( 'X-media-bytes' ) ) {
throw "missing media bytes" ;
const type = responseImageType ( resp . headers . get ( 'X-media-bytes' ) ) ;
if ( type === ImageType . UNKNOWN ) {
throw "unknown image type" ;
const media = imageType2MediaType ( type ) ;
await localIconCache . putCache ( iconUniqueId , response . getResponse ( ) , "image/" + media ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
logWarn ( LogCategory . FILE_TRANSFER , tr ( "Failed to save icon %s (%s) into local icon cache: %o" ) , icon . iconId , icon . serverUniqueId , error ) ;
loader . register_task ( Stage . JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING , {
name : "icon init" ,
priority : 60 ,
function : async ( ) = > {
2020-12-05 16:19:37 +01:00
localIconCache = await ImageCache . load ( "icons" ) ;
2020-09-26 01:22:05 +02:00
setIconManager ( new IconManager ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
/ *
window . addEventListener ( "beforeunload" , ( ) = > {
icon_cache_loader . clear_memory_cache ( ) ;
} ) ;
( window as any ) . flush_icon_cache = async ( ) = > {
icon_cache_loader . clear_memory_cache ( ) ;
await icon_cache_loader . clear_cache ( ) ;
server_connections . all_connections ( ) . forEach ( e = > {
e . fileManager . icons . flush_cache ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
* /