2020-03-30 13:44:18 +02:00
import {settings, Settings} from "tc-shared/settings";
import {createModal, Modal} from "tc-shared/ui/elements/Modal";
import {ConnectionHandler} from "tc-shared/ConnectionHandler";
import {ServerAddress} from "tc-shared/ui/server";
type URLGeneratorSettings = {
flag_direct: boolean,
flag_resolved: boolean
2019-10-13 21:33:07 +02:00
2020-03-30 13:44:18 +02:00
const DefaultGeneratorSettings: URLGeneratorSettings = {
flag_direct: true,
flag_resolved: false
type URLGenerator = {
generate: (properties: {
address: ServerAddress,
resolved_address: ServerAddress
} & URLGeneratorSettings) => string;
setting_available: (key: keyof URLGeneratorSettings) => boolean;
const build_url = (base, params) => {
if(Object.keys(params).length == 0)
return base;
return base + "?" + Object.keys(params)
.map(e => e + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[e]))
//TODO: Server password
const url_generators: {[key: string]:URLGenerator} = {
"tea-web": {
generate: properties => {
const address = properties.resolved_address ? properties.resolved_address : properties.address;
const address_str = address.host + (address.port === 9987 ? "" : address.port);
const parameter = "connect_default=" + (properties.flag_direct ? 1 : 0) + "&connect_address=" + encodeURIComponent(address_str);
let pathbase = "";
if(document.location.protocol !== 'https:') {
* Seems to be a test environment or the TeaClient for localhost where we dont have to use https.
pathbase = "https://web.teaspeak.de/";
} else if(document.location.hostname === "localhost" || document.location.host.startsWith("127.")) {
pathbase = "https://web.teaspeak.de/";
} else {
pathbase = document.location.origin + document.location.pathname;
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return pathbase + "?" + parameter;
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setting_available: setting => {
return {
flag_direct: true,
flag_resolved: true
}[setting] || false;
"tea-client": {
generate: properties => {
const address = properties.resolved_address ? properties.resolved_address : properties.address;
2019-10-13 21:33:07 +02:00
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let parameters = {
connect_default: properties.flag_direct ? 1 : 0
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if(address.port != 9987)
parameters["port"] = address.port;
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return build_url("teaclient://" + address.host + "/", parameters);
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setting_available: setting => {
return {
flag_direct: true,
flag_resolved: true
}[setting] || false;
2019-10-13 21:33:07 +02:00
2020-03-30 13:44:18 +02:00
"teamspeak": {
generate: properties => {
const address = properties.resolved_address ? properties.resolved_address : properties.address;
let parameters = {};
if(address.port != 9987)
parameters["port"] = address.port;
return build_url("ts3server://" + address.host + "/", parameters);
setting_available: setting => {
return {
flag_direct: false,
flag_resolved: true
}[setting] || false;
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export function spawnInviteEditor(connection: ConnectionHandler) {
let modal: Modal;
modal = createModal({
header: tr("Invite URL creator"),
body: () => {
let template = $("#tmpl_invite").renderTag();
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template.find(".button-close").on('click', event => modal.close());
return template;
footer: undefined,
min_width: "20em",
width: "50em"
const button_copy = modal.htmlTag.find(".button-copy");
const input_type = modal.htmlTag.find(".property-type select");
const label_output = modal.htmlTag.find(".text-output");
const invite_settings = [
key: "flag_direct",
node: modal.htmlTag.find(".flag-direct-connect input"),
value: node => node.prop('checked'),
set_value: (node, value) => node.prop('checked', value == "1"),
disable: (node, flag) => node.prop('disabled', flag)
.firstParent('.checkbox').toggleClass('disabled', flag)
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2020-03-30 13:44:18 +02:00
key: "flag_resolved",
node: modal.htmlTag.find(".flag-resolved-address input"),
value: node => node.prop('checked'),
set_value: (node, value) => node.prop('checked', value == "1"),
disable: (node, flag) => node.prop('disabled', flag)
.firstParent('.checkbox').toggleClass('disabled', flag)
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const update_buttons = () => {
const generator = url_generators[input_type.val() as string];
if(!generator) {
2019-10-13 21:33:07 +02:00
for(const s of invite_settings)
2020-03-30 13:44:18 +02:00
s.disable(s.node, true);
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2020-03-30 13:44:18 +02:00
for(const s of invite_settings)
s.disable(s.node, !generator.setting_available(s.key as any));
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const update_link = () => {
const generator = url_generators[input_type.val() as string];
if(!generator) {
button_copy.prop('disabled', true);
label_output.text(tr("Missing link generator"));
button_copy.prop('disabled', false);
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const properties = {
address: connection.channelTree.server.remote_address,
resolved_address: connection.channelTree.client.serverConnection.remote_address()
for(const s of invite_settings)
properties[s.key] = s.value(s.node);
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label_output.text(generator.generate(properties as any));
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for(const s of invite_settings) {
s.node.on('change keyup', () => {
settings.changeGlobal(Settings.FN_INVITE_LINK_SETTING(s.key), s.value(s.node));
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s.set_value(s.node, settings.global(Settings.FN_INVITE_LINK_SETTING(s.key), DefaultGeneratorSettings[s.key]));
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input_type.on('change', () => {
settings.changeGlobal(Settings.KEY_LAST_INVITE_LINK_TYPE, input_type.val());
button_copy.on('click', event => {
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<option value="tea-web">{{tr "TeaWeb" /}}</option>
<option value="tea-client">{{tr "TeaClient" /}}</option>
<option value="teamspeak">{{tr "TeamSpeak" /}}</option>