2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
import {Registry} from "tc-shared/events";
2021-01-10 17:36:57 +01:00
import {LogCategory, logTrace, logWarn} from "tc-shared/log";
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
import {tr} from "tc-shared/i18n/localize";
2020-11-29 14:42:02 +01:00
import {globalAudioContext, on_ready} from "tc-backend/audio/player";
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
export interface TrackClientInfo {
2020-11-22 19:08:19 +01:00
media?: number,
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
client_id: number,
client_database_id: number,
client_unique_id: string,
client_name: string
export enum RemoteRTPTrackState {
/** The track isn't bound to any client */
/** The track is bound to a client, but isn't replaying anything */
/** The track is currently replaying something (inherits the Bound characteristics) */
/** The track has been destroyed */
export interface RemoteRTPTrackEvents {
notify_state_changed: { oldState: RemoteRTPTrackState, newState: RemoteRTPTrackState }
declare global {
interface RTCRtpReceiver {
/* Works currently only for Chrome */
playoutDelayHint: number;
export class RemoteRTPTrack {
protected readonly events: Registry<RemoteRTPTrackEvents>;
private readonly ssrc: number;
private readonly transceiver: RTCRtpTransceiver;
private currentState: RemoteRTPTrackState;
protected currentAssignment: TrackClientInfo;
constructor(ssrc: number, transceiver: RTCRtpTransceiver) {
this.events = new Registry<RemoteRTPTrackEvents>();
this.ssrc = ssrc;
this.transceiver = transceiver;
this.currentState = RemoteRTPTrackState.Unbound;
transceiver.receiver.playoutDelayHint = 0.06;
protected destroy() {
getEvents() : Registry<RemoteRTPTrackEvents> {
return this.events;
getState() : RemoteRTPTrackState {
return this.currentState;
getSsrc() : number {
2021-02-15 15:53:01 +01:00
return this.ssrc >>> 0;
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
getTrack() : MediaStreamTrack {
return this.transceiver.receiver.track;
getTransceiver() : RTCRtpTransceiver {
return this.transceiver;
getCurrentAssignment() : TrackClientInfo | undefined {
return this.currentAssignment;
protected setState(state: RemoteRTPTrackState) {
if(this.currentState === state) {
} else if(this.currentState === RemoteRTPTrackState.Destroyed) {
logWarn(LogCategory.WEBRTC, tr("Tried to change the track state for track %d from destroyed to %s."), this.getSsrc(), RemoteRTPTrackState[state]);
const oldState = this.currentState;
this.currentState = state;
this.events.fire("notify_state_changed", { oldState: oldState, newState: state });
export class RemoteRTPVideoTrack extends RemoteRTPTrack {
protected mediaStream: MediaStream;
constructor(ssrc: number, transceiver: RTCRtpTransceiver) {
super(ssrc, transceiver);
this.mediaStream = new MediaStream();
2020-11-15 23:28:00 +01:00
const track = transceiver.receiver.track;
2021-01-10 17:36:57 +01:00
track.onended = () => logTrace(LogCategory.VIDEO, "Track %d ended", ssrc);
track.onmute = () => logTrace(LogCategory.VIDEO, "Track %d muted", ssrc);
track.onunmute = () => logTrace(LogCategory.VIDEO, "Track %d unmuted", ssrc);
track.onisolationchange = () => logTrace(LogCategory.VIDEO, "Track %d isolation changed", ssrc);
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
getMediaStream() : MediaStream {
return this.mediaStream;
protected handleTrackEnded() {
export class RemoteRTPAudioTrack extends RemoteRTPTrack {
protected htmlAudioNode: HTMLAudioElement;
protected mediaStream: MediaStream;
protected audioNode: MediaStreamAudioSourceNode;
protected gainNode: GainNode;
protected shouldReplay: boolean;
protected gain: number;
constructor(ssrc: number, transceiver: RTCRtpTransceiver) {
super(ssrc, transceiver);
this.gain = 0;
this.shouldReplay = false;
this.mediaStream = new MediaStream();
this.htmlAudioNode = document.createElement("audio");
this.htmlAudioNode.srcObject = this.mediaStream;
this.htmlAudioNode.autoplay = true;
this.htmlAudioNode.muted = true;
this.htmlAudioNode.msRealTime = true;
2021-02-15 15:53:01 +01:00
const track = transceiver.receiver.track;
for(let key in track) {
if(!key.startsWith("on")) {
track[key] = () => console.log("Track %d: %s", this.getSsrc(), key);
//TODO: ontimeupdate may gives us a hint whatever we're still replaying audio or not
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
for(let key in this.htmlAudioNode) {
if(!key.startsWith("on")) {
this.htmlAudioNode[key] = () => console.log("AudioElement %d: %s", this.getSsrc(), key);
this.htmlAudioNode.ontimeupdate = () => {
console.log("AudioElement %d: Time update. Current time: %d", this.getSsrc(), this.htmlAudioNode.currentTime, this.htmlAudioNode.buffered)
2021-02-15 15:53:01 +01:00
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
2020-11-29 14:42:02 +01:00
on_ready(() => {
2020-11-17 13:10:24 +01:00
if(!this.mediaStream) {
/* we've already been destroyed */
2020-11-29 14:42:02 +01:00
const audioContext = globalAudioContext();
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
this.audioNode = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(this.mediaStream);
this.gainNode = audioContext.createGain();
2021-02-15 15:53:01 +01:00
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
const track = transceiver.receiver.track;
track.onended = () => this.handleTrackEnded();
/* Audio tracks do not fire muted/unmuted events */
protected handleTrackEnded() {
const track = this.getTransceiver().receiver.track;
track.onended = undefined;
this.htmlAudioNode = undefined;
this.mediaStream = undefined;
getGain() : GainNode | undefined {
return this.gainNode;
setGain(value: number) {
this.gain = value;
2021-02-15 15:53:01 +01:00
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00
* Mutes this track until the next setGain(..) call or a new sequence begins (state update)
abortCurrentReplay() {
if(this.gainNode) {
this.gainNode.gain.value = 0;
2021-02-15 15:53:01 +01:00
protected updateGainNode() {
if(!this.gainNode) {
this.gainNode.gain.value = this.shouldReplay ? this.gain : 0;
//console.error("Change gain for %d to %f (%o)", this.getSsrc(), this.gainNode.gain.value, this.shouldReplay);
2020-11-07 13:16:07 +01:00